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Old 06-06-2010, 01:56 PM
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Re: Danshui (DS) Recommendations

Recently, a bro sent me a PM, asking:

May I know which are the Saunas worth visiting?
Are the 150RMB - 300RMB price inclusive of room charges? If they are not, then its only slightly cheaper then CP ma? I know some room charges quite ex.
Are those 150RMB ones dinghy places? if not where to find them?
Thanks. 1st time visiting Danshui so want to get more info. Not much info available over the net.

I thought I should just post my reply (edited with extra info) to share with other bros who may be planning to visit DS for the first time.

Visiting saunas in DS is very easy because every, and I mean literally every hotel in town has a SN. There are so many of them that they are very competitive – and that is good news for even newbies, because it means they do not screw the customers by demanding higher price even if they know you are visiting the first time – because they want your repeat business. Moreover, first time at that specific SN does not mean first time in DS and they know you have lots of choices within walking distance (if you are in town center).

Nevertheless, it is always good practice to ask for the price first and the manager will tell you without obligations. You can then see the parade of MMs, and if you don’t see any you like, just tell them you will come back another time. I’ve never been abused when I did that – on the contrary, they usually said sorry that there is no gal I like but ask me to come back again – and I usually do. Remember, meeting a gem is usually a matter of timing and luck – there is no fixed rule. Afterall, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. I have been quoted prices ranging from 130 (short abbreviated or no service of 70mins) to 800 (for supposedly Russian and Latin American – although I’ve my doubts since they could be look-alikes from Xinjiang, but I have never checked since I have no interest in white meat.) IMHO, the 300/400 all-in price will give you a very decent one in term of look and service.

The price quoted is usually ALL in price – that is, including the room charge – unlike places such as ZH & CP, where room charges are usually applicable on top of the charges for MM. But, ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK AND DO NOT ASSUME – there are some SNs that do not include the room charges, but only tell you if you ask. You can then compare price by noting the ALL-in price, as well as your judgment of the hardwares and of course your small head’s opinion of the softwares on parade.

The cheaper ones in the 130/150/180 grade that I’ve seen are usually because the hotels are older and therefore facilities not so nice, although functional - but not necessary so, since I’ve seen some nicely renovated SNs offering such prices. But I noted that the lower price usually mean for 70mins only, compared to 100~130mins for the higher price - it is basically a quick bonk without all the trims & frills called “services” – not too bad since I’ve met many gems in such places. Moreover, I am one of those who do not crave for the 1001 steps of so called “services”! And many of the MMs I had for 70mins did try their best to be nice and hoping that I’ll come back for the full blown longer session of repeat visit – and I usually do that just to “reward” the good ones for good service attitude.

There is no hard rule about which SN is a good one, since like old Mentor Minister once said, it is not the hardware that matters – it is all about the softwares – and that also depends on your luck too since both the MMs and Managers move around. Just like KTVs – you can see some real butt ugly MMs on one visit and yet see some real gems on the next one. Moreover, your dream gal may have just been picked before your arrival. I know because it has happened to me many times. Afterall, I’ve been visiting DS for a decade and speaking from my own experience.

My suggestion for a newbie who is visiting DS for the first time is to stay at the town centre that is also the most bustling part of town, due to convenience and accessibility. One good and popular choice is the New Regent Hotel (新丽晶/RMB248/nite, and at one time offer special weekend rate of RMB188/nite but I am not sure if that is still applicable – very different practice from CP where the weekend rate is higher because of expected influx of tourists from HongKong) since it is within walking distance to many eateries and shopping malls (including the new Wal-Mart), not that far from the Bus Terminal to Guangzhou & Huizhou, within walking distance to the SZ-DS Express Bus Stop at HuaJie (花街“Flower St” – so called because of the flower shops, but actually called South Gate East St南门东街; actual bus location at corner with BaiYunSiLu白云四路next to XinDu Hotel星都酒店), but above all, there are so many SNs within walking distance!

And for newbie, you can start with the SN in New Regent itself (on the 7th floor; all inclusive 300 for GongZhu公主 & 400 for BuZhang部长; during my visit last week, my MM estimated there are about 50+GZs & 20+BZs working there and I noticed most of the GZs are of the petite SYT type – many with uniforms that look like school gals – I wonder if this is intentional, because the taller BZs are all dressed up like high-power OLs!) The hotel is located on KaiCheng Street (开城大道113号) and you can start your own exploration of DS by walking down KaiCheng and I guarantee you will have a hard time trying out all the SNs in the hotels on KaiCheng itself since there are so many of them, and it is a long long road – remember, this is the road that takes you all the way to Daya Bay, where you find the beach and good seafood – but that’s another story. Just remember to post your findings of the SNs on this thread.

Have fun exploring and do share share since I am still making new discoveries every time I visit DS! Believe me, you do not need a guide even on your first visit – you have to be blind if you cannot find a SN to get a bonk in DS – whether or not you get a good bonk is of course another story! But even if you get a bad bonk, you can still make up by checking out the SNs next door!

On a side note, as other bros have commented in the HZ thread, DS seems to be unaffected by the YanDa (YD) that has been affecting CA and to a lesser extend CP recently. However, one of the managers at one of the SNs told me last week that there is an ongoing “省级” (Provincial level) YD and so they must show respect and keeping somewhat “lower profile” although I’m not sure what he meant by “lower profile” since I still see large flashing neon lights of all the SNs all over town. Maybe he means they do not put on those special shows like parading all the MMs in flimsy uniform and even in their birthday suits.
Old 06-06-2010, 04:54 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
Anyway, I got to break the bad news here... to bro WKK and SBX. My senior boys wants to go to Lu Shan for the R&R and then go down to Nanchang for biz... Sianz. I will try to persuade them next week during our monthly management meeting to go down to HZ instead...
As disappointed as I may be when I received your SMS in my SGP Number, it was expected. Anyway, no worries, there is always another such meetings. Perhaps, we could arrange a good time, for you, I always wanted to visit 庐山 and 南昌市. Hopefully, you will be around and free to bring me around the place.

Originally Posted by Mekatulia View Post
I have been perturbed that a lot of the gals are so badly informed. I am sure some of you might have experienced this, when did some of these gals get the idea of using toothpaste for washing the genitals???
Yes, what is that about? Using toothpaste on the DickHead? Seems strange at first, perhaps they want you to have the tingling sensation.

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
totally agreed .... it's the garment that can help to change the mindset by educating the citizens .... campaigns, newspaper, tv media etc etc ...
they can sent the message across the whole country through these resources but unfortunately no one is doing it ...
too much corruption in these country ...
and everyone is for themselves only ...
Although China has improved immensely for the past 31 years. Many people are still living in or under the poverty level. The gap between and the poor and rich is getting greater. A suitable description will be 国富民穷.

Originally Posted by ISO 9002 View Post
Time to get some kang tao from you. So this type got lobang?
It was 3 months ago, during/after the CNY period. "Ivy" told me that she know a WG who is 5 months pregnant. I think by now, she has given birth. SHe needs money and ask me if anyone was interested in 'Helping' her. If I knew you had such fetish, I would have informed you and you can taste fresh MILK.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend

Last edited by waikeekee; 06-06-2010 at 05:19 PM.
Old 06-06-2010, 11:33 PM
Pink_Flyod Pink_Flyod is offline
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Bro WKK, the following is the tentative itinerary from my senior boys... If you do come to Nanchang, now you know the date and know how to contact me hor...

6月 7日(星期一):下午开车前往合肥,晚上进行“斗地主比赛”;
6月 8日(星期二):上午9:30开董事会,如果晚上不与中方高层聚餐,则回南京,否则9日早9点回 南京;
6月 9日(星期三):上午9:30点在南京公司开月会,晚上与南京公司员工一同举办烧烤活动;
6月10日(星期四):早9点出发开车去庐山,估计下午3点左右到庐山并入住(ME安排订房),开始斗地主 ;
6月12日(星期六):12点前退房,开车去南昌,住南昌宾馆(请阿伟安排订房);晚上去环球嘉年华HAP PY!有特殊需求的兄弟可向阿伟申请,请其安排,愉快后可拿“发票”到我这报销!
6月13日(星期日):上午9-12点考察“红虎滩”和“南昌水族馆”;下午继续进行“斗地主比赛”;晚上去“国会”或“嘉年华”进行最后 的HAPPY;
6月14日(星期一):上午开车回南京,不愿意做车的可做飞机回上海或南京,结束愉快的行程,回家种粮,等 待下次收成。


So you know that we are arranging 2 night of cheonging in Nanchang for the moment. Our senior boys are crazy of playing the card games, inclusive of my 4 expats !!!
Old 07-06-2010, 02:11 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by waikeekee View Post
It was 3 months ago, during/after the CNY period. "Ivy" told me that she know a WG who is 5 months pregnant. I think by now, she has given birth. SHe needs money and ask me if anyone was interested in 'Helping' her. If I knew you had such fetish, I would have informed you and you can taste fresh MILK.
Hahaha steady lah! Fresh milk is healthy mah!
Old 07-06-2010, 04:18 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
Bro WKK, the following is the tentative itinerary from my senior boys... If you do come to Nanchang, now you know the date and know how to contact me hor...

So you know that we are arranging 2 night of cheonging in Nanchang for the moment. Our senior boys are crazy of playing the card games, inclusive of my 4 expats !!!
WAH! You are a real professional. Even have cheong itinerary all set up. What I meant by going to Jiangxi is not that week. I meam in the near future, maybe in August or September. June/July is too tight for my schedule to be there. May the best Man win in the 斗地主 competition.

Originally Posted by ISO 9002 View Post
Hahaha steady lah! Fresh milk is healthy mah!
Ok, noted! If have such lobang again, you will be the first person I inform. I heard from a doctor friend, that pregnant woman has a 'funny' and 'musky' scent emitting from their vigina, I hope you will like such odour.
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Old 09-06-2010, 05:56 AM
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Re: Invitation to HZ on 11/06/10

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
bro ... u r back in SG liao ??
never call me when u r in CP ....
yes i m also back in sg liao.... u also come over to HZ thread?

sorry lah, i didnt call u in cp bcos i was too busy with alsahaf n hsdk half the time and the other half i was too busy in PZL hearing many wonderful stories abt CK 阿迪达斯, 宝足林亲王.

I already defected here already, going to camp here... hey next trip we go HZ lah how? u go hz b4?

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
matter of fact ... i realize the PRC gals r more worried abt pregnancy than disease when come to doing RAW ...
this is true... they usually more worried abt pregnancy.. but then u no need to worry, i can recommend u some morning-after contraceptive pills which can be bought over the counter in china...

but some of the veteran ktv girls (which is equivalent to seasoned cp veteran like u) are worried abt hiv, but they clever enough to reject customers by saying they afraid of pregnant, otherwise they r implying the customer got hiv or STDs, haha so they also smart lah...
Old 09-06-2010, 06:28 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by shibaxian View Post
These guys will break the gals' virgin and ask them to sell their body to feed them. So these young gals not knowing how evil the outside world and not willing to lose their 'boyfriend', they will obey the guy instruction.
Is it that must break the girls virgin, then they will be under the gongtao of the guy? Virgin in china bros usually also tio cp gongtao very jialat at 1st haha... Next time share these cases with us, wonder what goes on in the mentality of these girls, quite sad to see them being taken advantage of in this way..

I see some of these similar cases b4 in Zhuhai LHL streetwalkers, sometimes the girls there seem to be in love with the guy who is the chicken head, from the way they talk they willingly earn rmb for the guy like under his spelll.... felt a little strange...

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
I have quiet a few actress friends in Beijing who actually request me to introduce them to Singapore boyfriend !!!! She is quiet a good looker and she is presently is a TV 电视主持人.

Anyway, I got to break the bad news here... to bro WKK and SBX. I will try to persuade them next week during our monthly management meeting to go down to HZ instead...
Uncle Pink_Flyod, me same as ISO can intro to your TV 电视主持人? Got as pretty as the 马诺 or not? This Ma Nuo recently cause a furore n famous famous in china now, also beijing girl...

But me also poor man nothing much to offer but I offer my most valuable n difficult to achieve - I quit cheonging, quit cp, dongguan n whole of guangdong for her... ok?

Btw if this trip u cannot make it to HZ, when u going again? Must wait for me liao ok....
Old 09-06-2010, 09:02 AM
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Re: Invitation to HZ on 11/06/10

Originally Posted by Van Basten View Post
yes i m also back in sg liao.... u also come over to HZ thread?
aiyah ... as long as it's abt china thread .. i'll "dropped" by ...
sometime see see look look ...
sometime talk talk song song ...

Originally Posted by Van Basten View Post
sorry lah, i didnt call u in cp bcos i was too busy with alsahaf n hsdk half the time and the other half i was too busy in PZL hearing many wonderful stories abt CK 阿迪达斯, 宝足林亲王.
KNN .. u r in PZL also neber call me ...
Originally Posted by Van Basten View Post
I already defected here already, going to camp here... hey next trip we go HZ lah how? u go hz b4?
okie ... what abt next mth (jul) ?? i'll be SHG in the early july then detour to DG ...
Old 09-06-2010, 01:17 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by waikeekee View Post
Ok, noted! If have such lobang again, you will be the first person I inform. I heard from a doctor friend, that pregnant woman has a 'funny' and 'musky' scent emitting from their vigina, I hope you will like such odour.
Walau eh so kinky!
Old 09-06-2010, 06:54 PM
Tan Bad Min Tan Bad Min is offline
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

To Bros who helped out for my trip to HZ, I would like to extend my gratitude to you folks. It was an enjoyable trip. Arrived at HZ on the night of June 3 and stayed at LuHui, a decent hotel. The next morning went to DS by bus, which took an hour. From the outside of the DS bus station took municipal bus to Daya Wan, which took another 40 minutes. Went to buy some seafood from the market and took them to a restaurant for cooking. Cooking charges were based on katies, 10 rmb each kati. It was really nice as I was dining right by the beach, enjoying the beautiful scenery. Seafood were as fresh as they could be as they were all alive when I bought them. Damage for the lunch with beer was around 200 rmb for two of us.

Came back to DS and took a cab to TaoYuan in Baiyun Keng for SN. Price offered was 438, 538, and 638 inclusive of room charges. Asked to see all categories but didn't see much of what I like, so the manager asked a 18 YO trainee that is about to graduate to come. Look was mediocre but her body was young and solid, so took her for the ride. Her service was below par as she had no experience at all. Nevertheless, her youth and freshness compensated for the inexperience and I managed to unload twice in an hour and a half. Not bad for an old man, if you know what I mean.

Took a bus back to HZ and went to Cookie bar, spent 22 rmb for a small bottle of Tsingtao. Didn't feel like staying too long there, so went back to rest as I was heading to GZO the next morning.

Not related to cheonging but may be of interest to bros who would like to see the brighter side of China is a place I came across just about 5 minutes walk from China Hotel (Marriot Hotel) in GZO, called 南越文王墓 (NanYue)。 In retrospect, it was of particular interest to me probably because it explains the ancestry of us the Malaysia/Singaporean Chinese who mostly came from Guangdong province. Nanyue dynasty started around Qin (秦)dynasty after 秦始皇 had passed away. During that period, the people living in that area (south of Yantze river) were mostly aborigines of many different tribes. Han dynasty took over China and had the same notion of unifying China and so overturned NanYue by setting up the its royal families to fight amongst themselves. After that Han empress (呂后和高后)sent many troops and women to the south to encourage inter-marriage between the aborigines and the Han tribe (漢族), primarily to 同化南蠻 or 漢化南蠻. All these happened about 2000 years ago. And now, after about 50 to 60 generations, there aren't many pure aborigines or Han left anymore. According to the historian whom I spoke to, most of the Guangdong people (including those would emigrated to SEA) are the descendents of the mix of Han tribe and the many aboriginal tribes collectively called 南蠻 in the older days. In short, I'm happy to have learned more about this history as I have never heard it this way. And I thought I share the story with some bros here who might be interested. Sorry if it bored some other bros.

Anyway, thank you, cheers, and happy cheonging!


Last edited by Tan Bad Min; 09-06-2010 at 07:17 PM.
Old 11-06-2010, 06:12 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
aiyah ... as long as it's abt china thread ..

okie ... what abt next mth (jul)?? i'll be SHG in the early july then detour to DG ...
hey PZL kaki... it has been suggested that July may not be a gd time to visit anywhere in guangdong province for the usual SN n ktv activities including DG because the 省运会 is going to be held leh....

Originally Posted by Tan Bad Min View Post
To Bros who helped out for my trip to HZ, I would like to extend my gratitude to you folks. It was an enjoyable trip. Arrived at HZ on the night of June 3 and stayed at LuHui, a decent hotel. The next morning went to DS by bus, which took an hour.

Not related to cheonging but may be of interest to bros who would like to see the brighter side of China is a place I came across just about 5 minutes walk from China Hotel (Marriot Hotel) in GZO, called 南越文王墓 (NanYue). After that Han empress (呂后和高后)sent many troops and women to the south to encourage inter-marriage between the aborigines and the Han tribe (漢族), primarily to 同化南蠻 or 漢化南蠻.
dea bro TBM, nice piece of culture and history here... if you read romance of the 3 kingdoms, in the later part of the book zhuge liang was always fighting the 南蠻 in the southern part of Shu kingdom, which is roughly the place near to the western part of guangdong province so it probably ties in...

i always enjoyed the cultural and historical part of china besides our favourite activities which I and ISO may consider to give up soon...

btw how come yr FR only consist of 1 SN activity? curious abt danshui also.... hope u can tell us more!
Old 11-06-2010, 08:31 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Tan Bad Min View Post

Not related to cheonging but may be of interest to bros who would like to see the brighter side of China is a place I came across just about 5 minutes walk from China Hotel (Marriot Hotel) in GZO, called 南越文王墓 (NanYue)。 In retrospect, it was of particular interest to me probably because it explains the ancestry of us the Malaysia/Singaporean Chinese who mostly came from Guangdong province. Nanyue dynasty started around Qin (秦)dynasty after 秦始皇 had passed away. During that period, the people living in that area (south of Yantze river) were mostly aborigines of many different tribes. Han dynasty took over China and had the same notion of unifying China and so overturned NanYue by setting up the its royal families to fight amongst themselves. After that Han empress (呂后和高后)sent many troops and women to the south to encourage inter-marriage between the aborigines and the Han tribe (漢族), primarily to 同化南蠻 or 漢化南蠻. All these happened about 2000 years ago. And now, after about 50 to 60 generations, there aren't many pure aborigines or Han left anymore. According to the historian whom I spoke to, most of the Guangdong people (including those would emigrated to SEA) are the descendents of the mix of Han tribe and the many aboriginal tribes collectively called 南蠻 in the older days. In short, I'm happy to have learned more about this history as I have never heard it this way. And I thought I share the story with some bros here who might be interested. Sorry if it bored some other bros.

It's nice for u to share this historical stuff.

I have seen this place and passed it many times, Next time when i m in GZ i ll make an effort to visit this "museum".

Yr report on the “seafood” on Daya Wan is interesting too. I shld be around there next month for some official biz. Will give it a try.....

Thanks again for sharing....

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Old 11-06-2010, 08:53 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Van Basten View Post
hey PZL kaki... it has been suggested that July may not be a gd time to visit anywhere in guangdong province for the usual SN n ktv activities including DG because the 省运会 is going to be held leh....
i read that the event will be held in Oct ...
第十四届省运动会将于今年10月在嘉兴市拉开帷幕,运动会将举行20多个大项的比赛。而赛前,担任这20多 个大项的裁判和教练将全部实行岗前培训。据介绍,除7个大项的培训在全省有关市(县)开设外,其余均在嘉兴 市举行。在开设的培训项目中,嘉善县占了两个,分别为皮划艇和赛艇。

Originally Posted by Van Basten View Post
i always enjoyed the cultural and historical part of china besides our favourite activities which I and ISO may consider to give up soon...
bro .. u sure or not ?? considering to give up ur favourite activities soon ?? ...
once a cheongster, always a cheongster ...
only different is full time or part time ...

Originally Posted by Sinoview
I have seen this place and passed it many times, Next time when i m in GZ i ll make an effort to visit this "museum".
where is this "museum" in GZ ??? sounds interesting ...
Old 11-06-2010, 03:47 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post

where is this "museum" in GZ ??? sounds interesting ...
It's at 西汉南越王墓位于解放北路的象岗山上.

交通信息 :
乘座广州市公共汽车5、7、24、29、58、101、103、180、185、543路,都 可直接到达。

·开放时间: 0900--1730(1645起停止售票) 全年开放;
·门票:12元/人 5月18日国际博物馆日免票
·电话:020-86660885 020-86664920
·地址:广州市解放北路867号 邮编:510040

For more details : U may like check this out.



U can go yrself.....if u bring yr KC they ll "yawn" for sure...haha....

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Old 11-06-2010, 04:51 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Sinoview View Post
It's at 西汉南越王墓位于解放北路的象岗山上.
thank u sifu for the information ...
sifu very active today in the forum ...
Originally Posted by Sinoview View Post
U can go yrself.....if u bring yr KC they ll "yawn" for sure...haha....
hahahaha .. so true ... the last trip in GZ, we went to visit a few tourist place and i can see my gal getting boring especially at the Sun Yat Sen memorial hall...
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