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Old 28-09-2009, 08:53 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Tony Stark View Post
Regarding the Tony you mentioned. Are you refering to me?
If yes I know someone that fits your description. Hahaha.
err.. no lahz.. you not lurker mahz.. at least you post...he just reads.. hehehe

maybe u guys have common friends? or this has become a trend?
Old 29-09-2009, 01:14 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

This ulu place north of LRD is not only boring but internet access also intermittent – I’m in the wrong corner of the world at the moment.

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
Bro Huzige, the different between an old fart like me and you is that you have and had travel to different places in China while I got to stuck in a few places as my company operates...
Bro PF, the only difference is that I happen to be a traveling salesman and so have the flexibility to explore more places. When I first went to China in the early 80s, the authorities discouraged unnecessary interaction between the locals and foreigners (and that include “HuaQiao” like me), but many daring local MMs will do what they can to get to know foreigners since marrying one (with great hassles, I might add) was their easy way out (that reminded me of Taiwan in the mid-70s when I was working there, but that’s another story – now you know I’m a really old fart!) It was easy to get to know local MMs when I was living in BJ in the mid-80s, and yet I was too “scared” to get too intimate since I was based there. But I was able to indulge in “guerilla” tactics of hit & run after I was based in Singapore, and I consider mid-90s the “golden years” of cheonging in China since that was when you began to see increasing numbers of MMs taking on the “XiaoJie” career and they were a lot more guai and less mercenary; I could even put up with the armpit hair – in fact, shaved armpits were exceptions then. And Hainan was then heaven on earth.

These days, the hardwares are usually great but the MMs are doing much better job in maximizing their incomes – and to many MMs, XJ is just another job and I’ve my share of increasing deadwoods in tourist areas like CP. Indeed, even my Taiwanese friends in the travel industry are amazed by the number of Malaysian tourists arriving in CP by bus loads over the past 12months – and from what I heard, many tour guides, mummies and not forgetting the MMs are making quite a windfall. But I am waiting for some negative incidents similar to that happened to the Japs & Taiwanese in the past to happen for the simple fact that many Malaysian&Singapore tourists have not been reminded that they are in a communist country (or whatever label China wants to put on) despite the bright lights and flashing neon that rival Bangkok. Worst, I have also heard that many of the recent tourists like to come to indulge in the easy availability of cheap drugs. So bros, just need to watch out who is in your group too – I am sure you do not want a situation where the GAs throw their books at you.

There have also been speculation as to what the Communist Party will do to a place like CP, especially with such influx of tourists and Chinese notoriously worry about “face” – not withstanding the obvious economic benefits places like CP can bring to those with vested interests – some more higher up in the CCP ranks. But we all know the communists often make decisions without consideration for economic factors and places like CP/CA could easily be history with a simple decree from someone high enough. In fact, it is slowly happening already – with my favourite BBSs disappearing from many of the traditional areas. So, I would say enjoy them when they last, so that you have more stories to tell your grandsons one of these days!

Many of us just like to check out some of the more “ulu” areas to avoid the tourists, especially during the weekends. The pickings may not be as good, hardwares may not be as solid, but at least MMs will help us to reminisce about the good old days of the now established tourist places like CP, CA, HM, ZH, SZ, and not forgetting GZ! Yep, I can still put up with the armpit hair – although it is an interesting challenge to convince the MM to accept my offer to provide the virgin shave for their armpits! And as EZ so correctly put it, HZ is different and one should never go there with CP or even CA as benchmark. Just go with open mind, stay longer if one like it, or just take it as a side-trip. But I can see HZ going the same direction as the other cities, especially when the light rail to DG is completed and accessibility improved. That’s the price we pay for development!

BTW, bro PF, IMHO the best Russian gals are still in Macau; even those in Beijing are not too shabby – at least they do not seem to be under the influence of the Russian criminal elements. Then again, old fart like me prefers to have oral sex after the main event – not the bbbj type, but you know, just tcss with the MMs since I am not young any more to go all night long – thus I still prefer places where I can speak the language.

However, I believe whether we get a “good” MM or not really depend on luck or fate or whatever you call it. Afterall, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. I am not a SN fan, but I do like to check out the SNs whenever I’m in DS since it is still the best deal in town. And I had two very memorable MMs in DS, one is an ex-dancer who came from Yunnan via Shanghai but now bao. Another is actually a Hakka-moi from Meizhou but I had to call it quit when she became too sticky. Nevertheless, I find my strike-rate in DS, CJ & HZ still quite consistent, while CP’s strike-rate has deteriorated sharply over the recent years.

Originally Posted by Mekatulia View Post
Was this the night that you went ballastic with that bad attitude driver who was said to be the relative of the boss?
Wah, EZ also here to reminisce about the good old days. No, it was actually more like three years ago when we were actually staying in CJ but decided to live it up by going to HZ city’s Jin Huang KTV to find Santarinas. BTW, for me, another highlight of our NKS trip is the “Little House on the Prairie” – remember we decided to check out a “chicken house” in the middle of no where at the foothill of NKS when we were staying over at YongHan town? We drove through the gate of a single walled house in the middle of a vast field, with rooms supposedly with water from the hot springs. We could have been kidnapped and even disappeared without a trace. Then again, I remember the MM I had was not too shabby. Yep, the fun of exploration.

Originally Posted by shibaxian View Post
Wah, Bro Huzige, you really can write very well. Based on your report, it is a good summary of HZ, sharp and clear to everyone. I always want to write like you but cannot express clearly (due to my poor English).
Bro SBX, 过奖了paiseh lah, and you are too 谦虚 and humble. I think all bros here will agree with me that you are doing just fine and great. You are providing info that Lonely Planet doesn’t even have. Just continue writing and HZ’s mayor should give you an award for promoting HZ tourism.

Thanks for the update on NKS. Sounds like it has never quite recovered from the last major YD, and better BYO if I do decide to revisit the place.

BTW, I forgot to mention that on the cable car up to Luofusan, my MM was actually scared shit – so much that she actually cried and I had to hug her tight of course. And she “rewarded” me by showing even more care when we got back to the hotel that evening - that was one with very strong KC signals.

And you are absolutely right about looking for the right MM to bring on such trips to the nearby spring resorts or places of interests by visiting the KTVs the previous night(s). Most of these MMs seldom have opportunity to visit these places and they are usually more than happy to join us – and it is another day of sure income. Not sure how you tip them, but my experience is such that they do not expect more than the o/n charge that I would need to pay her for staying over, and a bit of tip if she deserves it. I like to treat the MMs right, but definitely not to “spoil the market” – and it is still a commercial deal at the end of the day. Despite the gf feelings, I like to remember what my wise sifu once told me: “Business is business, love is all bullshit” to make sure I stay out of trouble. My Taiwanese friends always said, 可以晕船,不可沉船! Afterall, in a place like China, there are just too many MMs and not enough time. That’s why, a year ago I was quite surprised to find one young Taiwanese cheongster on his first visit to China brought along a MM all the way from ZH to HZ via CP – it’s like WTF? Somebody ought to give him an orientation lesson before he came! And I sure hope bros in sbf do not make the same mistake.

I have also heard that flights may be taking off again from Huizhou’s Pintang Airport by the end of the year. Do you have the latest status? The airport has been shut down for almost 7 years and there was a Malaysian group that tried to take over the management of the airport about three years ago – but nothing seems to come out of that, other than a MOU. With the possibility of direct international arrivals, HZ will inevitably see more tourists – so, better enjoy it when you still can. Meanwhile, I am taking bet on which budget airline will fly to HZ first.

As for me, I will continue to explore further inland. I had two recent unsuccessful attempts to visit HeYuan area since I’ve heard it is getting popular with local cheongsters. Have you been there? Maybe I need to jio-jio you to go check it out together one of these days!

Enough of ramblings from an old fart in an ulu corner of the world. Have fun – we only live once!
Old 29-09-2009, 01:43 AM
Pink_Flyod Pink_Flyod is offline
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Fantastic writing Bro Huzige.. I guess all those years in writing proposal for sales pitch comes handy... I remember those russian door bell gals in Beijing in mid 90's.. But pretty gals in BJ in mid 90's like in 天上人间 has been actively bao by Taiwan, Malaysian, Indonesian, and Singaporean tycoon... So i resorted to hunt waitress in 5 star hotel disco such as Penisula Hotel...hehehe..

I totally agreed with you that those mid 90's are the best of the crops... not too much commercial... as a matter of fact, I still have communicate with a few of my previous KC in those years eventhough they are married with kids now.. Glad that you can put up with armpits.

When I was cheonging in Nanhai and Sanshui, it has always been arrange by the party boss there and we stay in 市委招待所 for safety reasons.. The interesting part is that the huge villa in there have their own KTV room and the party boss would bring in 20 gals... Those were the days in the south and now, this sort of things is impossible...

It's very rare for us to find a comparable quality now... The gals born after mid 80's and specially 90's are just too materialistic and 非常有心计, even more so that those MMs in taiwan.

I will PM you my communication channel.. let's meet if there is a chance.. compare old notes has always been fun...

Take Care brother.
Old 29-09-2009, 01:50 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Sorry Bro SBX for off topic here.

Bro Huzige,
now the in thing in Beijing ( well actually 2-3 years ago) is try to up North Korean gals working in North Korean restaurants.. very exciting, very hard, and dangerous (just like beijing gals in early 90's.) Those North Korean are the choosen one.. very kawaii... but control by the state like hell... the north korean restaurant in beijing like 海棠花 in 东直门斜路 in one place they work.

Sorry again Bro SBX for the off topic.
Old 29-09-2009, 02:25 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Bro Huzige,
I think most likely HZ mayor is going to ban me as they are trying to get civilization city this year and I am bringing more cheongsters – hahaha
I also didn’t hear anything about the airport issue; maybe I will check it out next month. Please continue to post more about HZ. There are still a lot of places I have not explored. Maybe I learn new places in HZ from you, 师父
Old 29-09-2009, 02:27 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
Sorry Bro SBX for off topic here.

Bro Huzige,
now the in thing in Beijing ( well actually 2-3 years ago) is try to up North Korean gals working in North Korean restaurants.. very exciting, very hard, and dangerous (just like beijing gals in early 90's.) Those North Korean are the choosen one.. very kawaii... but control by the state like hell... the north korean restaurant in beijing like 海棠花 in 东直门斜路 in one place they work.

Sorry again Bro SBX for the off topic.
No problem, Bro PF,
i don't own this thread. I am only a kay po here.
Old 29-09-2009, 02:32 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Me also off topic a bit. In HZ city, there are a few japanese drinking lounge that only allows Jap and no chinese allows. I never know this type of place is still available in China (i thought china hates jap a lot???)
Old 29-09-2009, 03:05 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Sorry, just finish watching 'nanjing nanjing', feeling a bit affected
Old 29-09-2009, 03:11 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by shibaxian View Post
Me also off topic a bit. In HZ city, there are a few japanese drinking lounge that only allows Jap and no chinese allows. I never know this type of place is still available in China (i thought china hates jap a lot???)
You not happy. Make one big big 打倒日本帝国主义 banner and protest outside the lounge.

ZH also have a lot of such lounges catering to Japs.

In Tokyo even worse lah. Haha.
Old 29-09-2009, 03:19 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by shibaxian View Post
Me also off topic a bit. In HZ city, there are a few japanese drinking lounge that only allows Jap and no chinese allows. I never know this type of place is still available in China (i thought china hates jap a lot???)
I were to visit HZ, please bring me there Bro SBX. I will show them who owned the middle kingdom.. it is us 皇炎子孙.

But hey, this is harly a off-topic. It is still about HZ...
Old 29-09-2009, 03:21 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Tony Stark View Post
You not happy. Make one big big 打倒日本帝国主义 banner and protest outside the lounge.

ZH also have a lot of such lounges catering to Japs.

In Tokyo even worse lah. Haha.
Ok. You go and protest first since you are going there earlier than me. Then I will take over when you shift to CP.
Old 29-09-2009, 03:25 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
I were to visit HZ, please bring me there Bro SBX. I will show them who owned the middle kingdom.. it is us 皇炎子孙.

But hey, this is harly a off-topic. It is still about HZ...

I don't think you can go in. Seriously, I did try to go in once, stop by the mamasan and bodyguard. I told them that i have money and just to have a drink inside. The mamasan (wearing kimono) said only jap is allowed (don't even allow me to see-see inside).
Old 29-09-2009, 03:26 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
I were to visit HZ, please bring me there Bro SBX. I will show them who owned the middle kingdom.. it is us 皇炎子孙.
I think if you were to patronise those places.
They'll bow down to your Chairman Mao bills.

Originally Posted by shibaxian View Post
Ok. You go and protest first since you are going there earlier than me. Then I will take over when you shift to CP.
What if I developed some KC with Huizhou MMs then I'll have no mood to protest?

Originally Posted by shibaxian View Post
I don't think you can go in. Seriously, I did try to go in once, stop by the mamasan and bodyguard. I told them that i have money and just to have a drink inside. The mamasan (wearing kimono) said only jap is allowed (don't even allow me to see-see inside).
Haizzz the usual JAP ONLY MEMBERS CLUB found all over the world.
Old 29-09-2009, 03:38 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by shibaxian View Post
I don't think you can go in. Seriously, I did try to go in once, stop by the mamasan and bodyguard. I told them that i have money and just to have a drink inside. The mamasan (wearing kimono) said only jap is allowed (don't even allow me to see-see inside).
If they don't let me in, I will shut them down.. it's easy. The last thing I remember, China is still rule by communist..

Old 29-09-2009, 01:25 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
I were to visit HZ, please bring me there Bro SBX. I will show them who owned the middle kingdom.. it is us 皇炎子孙.

But hey, this is harly a off-topic. It is still about HZ...
Bro, just my 0.5cents, i think is 炎黄子孙
炎 = 炎帝
黄 = 黄帝
supposedly the 2 founding "tribe" leaders
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