- Hiv transmission on high
- Cost effective ways of checking STD/HIV
- Painted a Legal WL 2 months ago.. had protected sex with another WL today
- Super gonorrhoea: last line of defence left
- Viagra or Vigred?
- Buying cialis or viagra in KL
- Syphilis forever
- Worry man
- Abortion clinics in JB
- Is this normal?
- Performance anxiety and generic sildenafil
- Advice needed
- Chances of HIV after unprotected with Thai?
- Magic Tissue? Tongkat Ali Coffee? Kamagra Jelly? Maca Berry?
- Sex Drive / Psychological
- VDRL RPR 1:4 and Herpes Type 1 Positive
- Penis Size. And Vaginismus.
- Is blood and urine test accurate?
- Gram positive cocci, treated with doxycycline
- itchy due to std?
- Testing HIV and PEP
- STDs
- Mucus on penis?
- Urine test for gonorrhea/chlamydia
- Do you guys normally french a WL?
- sore throat after massage
- 纽弗力喷剂 <- anyone try this?
- Delaying of cumming
- Anyone tried putting on 2 condoms?
- Scrotum skin get a bit itchy
- What is this?
- Any anonymous place to test std?
- Assesment of HIV/STD risk from this encounter.
- How Safe is Geylang with STD/HIV?
- The risk of HIV is real
- low semen volume
- Feeling a little feverish a few days after sex
- How to do penis enlargement exercise?
- PrEP
- HELP - is this Herpes?
- How long does it take for gonorrhea / chlamydia to show symptoms?
- Chlamydia vaccination trials!
- Breast discharge fron FL
- Viagra in Thailand
- Affordable STD and HIV check up
- Help! What is this??
- Urgent - post exposure prophylaxis for Herpes
- How to really chiong safe?
- Premature ejaculation
- Eczema
- Need help
- Am i being paranoid?
- Cranberry Juice benefits
- Sores help..
- Reducing refractory period
- Advice on where to go
- Sleeping Pills
- Advice on anonymous hiv & std test
- cumming fast
- Dry Skin on Penis
- Crystal clear discharge
- Okamoto condoms safe for bj?
- Condom slippage
- Flu symptoms
- HPV via oral sex
- Butt itchy after massage
- Azithromycin 250mg vs 500mg
- HIV Concern
- Tested positive for chlamydia
- Anyone tried PrEP?
- is it normal that the pee is foamy?
- Itchy and red
- Is this herpes? Advice pls
- To be advise
- Cuts on P**** Skin
- Man Sexual Function Issues
- Is this herpes or STD?
- What happen if.
- Broken frenulum
- Doxycycline Side Effect
- W L pour some listerine in my mouth any concern?
- What is this ?
- Clear Discharge
- Anyone can recommend?
- Menstruation
- Anyone can share their experience on Juagen?
- HIV test
- Some advice needed
- Shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction
- Anyone can help me what is this? Herpes?
- What is this bump at my pubic area
- Unknown condom
- Any cure for death grip syndrome? Unable to ejaculate.
- Geylang girl kana
- Petai. Looks very dirty and cheap, what are the chances of std and hiv there ?
- Dry ejaculation
- Risk of HIV?
- Any bro here failed NGU Treatment?
- If go receive hj from females but unable to ejaculate, but hj by male can
- Any tips for a newbie to prevent STDs?
- Question on Ureaplasma
- Possible Risk or Overthinking?
- anal sex via strap-on
- Condom brand n usage n reliability
- STD risk from saliva
- Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?
- Is it a must to see doctor if got open wound on foreskin?
- will i get hiv?
- is it a must to undergoes surgery and circumcision if have phimosis?
- Question
- Are these herpes, warts or jock itch?
- Fallen ill
- What is this?
- Is this a pimple?
- my risk of getting STD and HIV from unprotected oral sex
- Seriously seeking advice on STD/NGU problem
- tsrj and other china fl sites in Singapore
- Syphilis ?
- Isit my Didi got problem?
- Risk of visiting Geylang Legal houses
- Frenulectomy
- Yellow Stain at Underwear
- Advice Needed
- STD advice
- Chance of getting syphilis
- Urgent Help me pls: Is this STD/STI/HIV/PENILE CANCER ? It’s been 9 days
- Burning sensation when pee.
- Need advice about fingering with a fried scalp on knuckle
- breastmilk HIV
- What's this on my penis glands?
- Vaccines for HPV and hepatitis B
- My Check Up and Result
- Persistent Sore Throat and fever
- should i be worried
- Condom Broke
- WUHAN virus safe for FL
- What is this? Genital warts?
- An advice or help?
- Need Help to identify wart or scar .. Please
- Will I get HIV?
- What this thing help me...
- Anyone know what is this
- weird symptoms
- Balanitis or something more serious?
- Wa I scared liao
- Worry about HIV transmission. Need advice.
- Genital Herpes (HSV2) - partner tested positive
- HIV paranoia
- STD?
- Educational thread: Know your chances
- HPV Testing
- Viagra doesnt work for me anymore
- JB Clinic for HIV Testing
- Anyone try internal sperm shot into vaginal straight after menstruation ended.
- 🌸 Experience of Sharing 🌸 Authentic Spanish Fly Natural w/ my wife MAX AROUSAL!!
- Premature.
- Protected anal sex
- DSC visit
- curved penis
- Paid sex with maid now fever
- Bump under foreskin
- use of Viagra for cat 150 stable girl
- Possible to treat death grip syndrome with the help of really pretty girls??
- If go DSC now and say had sex recently, will kenna police report?
- Extremely worried, what are the risks?
- Why do my gf feels weak in her body after I cums in her?
- Cheap Sildenafil Citrate in SG?
- No more revival for Men
- A little Help Here
- Period late for 11 days
- why sg dont this type of treatment
- Any advice?
- unknown redness
- STD gonorrhea
- need help with medicine.
- Unusual growth near penis area
- Cannot eject while receiving handjob.
- HIV Risk and PEP
- Is this ppp or hpv warts?
- What are my chances of getting any STDs and/or HIV?
- so now AFA requires visitors to scan QR code when entering the DSC clinic?
- 5mg Cialis - Low dose for body Building? Prostate health?
- Morning wood harder than usual erection
- Sharing Prep procedure.
- Anyone tried vinix?
- Bumps near glans
- Advice on whether to go for a check-up
- Testing exp
- Side effects of Priligy experienced by bros
- Receive a free anonymous HIV test from Action for AIDS (AfA) by doing this survey!
- Herpes/HSV from kissing
- Pregnant or not?
- Where to test for hiv
- Help Needed.
- Penis Warts Disclosure
- ED??
- Tongue problems
- Will like to know is there any thing wrong with my penis head? I have a lot of scars
- levitra
- Poxet
- Psychology factor or just performance issue
- New Self STD HIV Testing Clinic (DTAP Express)
- How many times per week do yall chiong?
- Simply cannot feel much of anything through a condom. Anyone else?
- Vasectomy Cost & Experience Question
- Feeling sick after gardisil 9 injection
- Noah Digital Health
- How to last longer?
- Dry Skin
- DSC or Private clinic
- What are these
- ED?
- Recent trend: Plastic Wrap instead of condom
- Penis Ring / Durex Toys
- Unprotected Oral
- How to last long?
- Any risk?
- Cialis from polyclinic
- When to do STD test?
- Hip soreness after sex
- Sucking and licking Girl Nipple with small ulcer
- HIV Test after 28 Days after Exposure
- Losing erection during foreplay
- what is this
- Should I go for STD check?
- Penis head rashes
- Sharing of DSC experience vs Private GP
- wxb 韦小宝糖
- Getting STD test during covid?
- Tingling Feel on Testicles & Prostate
- Condom broke with FL
- Unable to erect unless the girl is very pretty??
- STD from local FL?
- Risk for HIV without high risk Sex intercourses
- STD from active FL
- antibiotics?
- New..... PreP to prevent HIV
- constant urge to pee.. not uti and not anxiety, its oab!
- Giving oral sex to ML/FL, Now I’m worried.
- Dry humping?
- Vigred
- Is HIV test really anonymous?
- STD Test at SATA
- Chinese tcm supplements
- Why you should STOP washing down there!
- High or low risk
- Jock Itch
- Erection cream