View Full Version : No reputation icon
30-11-2024, 05:36 AM
Hey there! I would like to reward FR that are adding great content and clarity to the site but I do not ever see the reputation icon as indicated in the guide "How to add or deduct reputation points"...
The option does not appear for me? Does anyone know why? Has my account not met some threshold where I can add reputation to other users?
Thank you!
Big Sexy
30-11-2024, 07:45 AM
Select the post that you want to add to or deduct points from.
There is a 2 days grace period, Points cannot be awarded or deducted after that.
Please also note that points cannot be awarded/deducted in the newbie and soccer talk forum.
When a reputation score of 100 is reached, reputation power becomes 1.
Number of posts have NO EFFECT on reputation power. However a min of 10 post is required to gain your 1st rep power
Hey there! I would like to reward FR that are adding great content and clarity to the site but I do not ever see the reputation icon as indicated in the guide "How to add or deduct reputation points"...
The option does not appear for me? Does anyone know why? Has my account not met some threshold where I can add reputation to other users?
Thank you!
02-12-2024, 08:19 PM
Select the post that you want to add to or deduct points from.
There is a 2 days grace period, Points cannot be awarded or deducted after that.
Please also note that points cannot be awarded/deducted in the newbie and soccer talk forum.
When a reputation score of 100 is reached, reputation power becomes 1.
Number of posts have NO EFFECT on reputation power. However a min of 10 post is required to gain your 1st rep power
Hi have viewed the guide but there's no additionall DNAT button beside the Report button
02-12-2024, 09:36 PM
what mrs bigsexy means is rep icon only appear during grace period and in certain section only.
Hi have viewed the guide but there's no additionall DNAT button beside the Report button
03-12-2024, 07:23 AM
The way I interpreted the guide is that you need Power, then you can award Reputation. As a user with Zero Power, I have zero reputation to give out. Once I have 1 power, I can assign 2 reputation points per day.
Someone correct me if I got that mistaken.
Big Sexy
03-12-2024, 01:19 PM
that is about right... to be more precise, once u have rep power, you can use it max twice a day(whether add/neg) and wait 24hours before u can use it again.
The way I interpreted the guide is that you need Power, then you can award Reputation. As a user with Zero Power, I have zero reputation to give out. Once I have 1 power, I can assign 2 reputation points per day.
Someone correct me if I got that mistaken.
03-12-2024, 04:08 PM
Reputation system update - 3 July 2024 =
1. When a reputation score of 100 is reached, reputation power becomes 1 (100 rep + min 10 post) (zero power up zero point , 1 power up 1 point , 20 power up 20 point)
3. However a min of 10 post is required to gain your 1st rep power (100 rep + min 10 post)
5. TWO Reputation click allowed every 24 hours so award those clicks only when necessary.
12. Reputation points can no longer be awarded/deducted in the following forum.
a) Newbie Issues/Say "Hi"/Testing section and
b) Soccer Talk Section
13. The Adult Discussions about Sex forum is now a [zap free forum]. Zapping in the adult discussions section will result in addition to points instead .
14. Posts more than 2 days old cannot be awarded or deducted. There used to be no such limit.
16. Premium and new (grey nicks) members cannot receive negative reputation
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