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21-11-2011, 08:30 AM
Good morning samsters,

A good, fast way of arranging an erotic bj is via HP.
As much as I fully appreciate your reasons for not divulging your HP, it does pose some challenges in arranging an erotic bj.
Hence, my slutty tongue strongly advises against seeking my free erotic bj due to such technical constraints.
Thanks for your understanding of my slutty tongue. Cheers.
hi cqueen,my loaded cock is waiting for yr honry wet tougue.r u free on this wed morning?

21-11-2011, 07:30 PM
Good morning Samsters,

1. I have moved to a comfortable place just next to FARERR PARK MRT. I am all alone so yr hard cock can come to enjoy my free erotic bj anytime, subject to mutual matching of sexual interests and good prior notice.

2. Intro your name, age and race with a brief description of your likes and dislikes. Of course, an easier and more effective way for my slutty tongue to contact your hard juicy cock is via your HP.

Time flies and you had moved... more room for exploration... haa

22-11-2011, 05:29 PM
Time flies and you had moved... more room for exploration... haa

Regardless where my slutty tongue moved to, one thing never change - my warm mouth will always be as hungry and explorative as it can be.

22-11-2011, 05:37 PM
Cqueen!!! i've message you but no reply...so sad...

22-11-2011, 11:15 PM
well i understand but who are u actually?

23-11-2011, 09:33 AM
well i understand but who are u actually?

Why not u thrust your hard horny cock deep down my throat, tease and warm my hungry throat with your wet delicious precum before unloading all your manly hot cum down my hungry mouth. Only then your cock wil discover the real me - a 'slut' who is ever ready to please and serve your horny juicy cock unconditionally.

23-11-2011, 12:26 PM
Why not u thrust your hard horny cock deep down my throat, tease and warm my hungry throat with your wet delicious precum before unloading all your manly hot cum down my hungry mouth. Only then your cock wil discover the real me - a 'slut' who is ever ready to please and serve your horny juicy cock unconditionally.

Hey are you free tonight? haa.. i'll pm u my hp number.

23-11-2011, 01:02 PM
Hi Slutty!!! I pm u but u dont reply!!! Im 30 ch 175 70. U interested??? Like to fill ur mouth wif my SSSSSperm. Tomorrow u free???

23-11-2011, 03:20 PM
Hi Slutty!!! I pm u but u dont reply!!! Im 30 ch 175 70. U interested??? Like to fill ur mouth wif my SSSSSperm. Tomorrow u free???

she never reply coz u got negative point? no offence though

23-11-2011, 04:25 PM
I got pm from the lovely cqueen

23-11-2011, 10:08 PM
Why not u thrust your hard horny cock deep down my throat, tease and warm my hungry throat with your wet delicious precum before unloading all your manly hot cum down my hungry mouth. Only then your cock wil discover the real me - a 'slut' who is ever ready to please and serve your horny juicy cock unconditionally.

Dear Sis,

Would like have tat, but without your contact....:-(

24-11-2011, 08:28 AM
she never reply coz u got negative point? no offence though

Good morning D2pre,

1. Reputation points are merely indicative points of one's positive contribution or otherwise towards this forum. The moderator use such a point system to help them better monitor the samsters for operational reasons. It is an internalised regulated system between the samsters and the operator.

2. Hence, it will never be used by my slutty tongue to discriminate any samsters in any way.

3. On the same token, there are some strong compelling reasons why my slutty tongue do not respond to some requests for my erotic bj. It is not appropriate for my slutty tongue to reveal such reasons here on confidentiality grounds.

4. I wish to apologise to those samsters if their requests are not acceded to or replied to.

5. Cheers.

24-11-2011, 09:47 AM
Im BORED n my bro r hangin high up. Can u pls help me???

24-11-2011, 10:13 AM
Good morning Tokidoki1986,

1. I want to send you a private message to thank you for giving me good reputation points but my search for your username is unsuccessful.

2. Nevertheless, I appreciate your positive feedback for my replies/clairifications to samster's queries.

3. Thank you once again. Have a nice day ahead.

24-11-2011, 12:01 PM
Dear ccqueen

Have sent you an email today. truly hoping to hear from you soon!

25-11-2011, 11:47 AM
Dear ccqueen

Have sent you an email today. truly hoping to hear from you soon!

I did repy to u. Nevertheless, thanks for your support and interest.

25-11-2011, 06:27 PM
Good evening samsters,

My slutty tongue was invited over and over again to chat on Badoo, MSN Live and a host of other website live chat by samsters who want to understand my erotic tongue better.

My slutty tongue do not subscribe to such a communication facilities as it is both time consuming and non effective.

A simple email of your intro with a brief note of your sexual preferences would be suffice to engage my free erotic bj.

By not responding to Badoo and its likes may explain why some of your erotic bj applications are not looked into.

25-11-2011, 06:48 PM
hi cuqeen,
im free tonight

26-11-2011, 09:47 AM
hi cuqeen,
im free tonight

U mean your firm balls are overloaded with enough hot cum to feed my hungry mouth? Then intro your name, age and race and send it with a brief note of your sexual pleasures likes and dislikes to [email protected] to help my slutty tongue understand your horny needs better. My warm mouth will then know how to serve your juicy cock better.

27-11-2011, 11:35 AM
Good morning samsters,

My slutty tongue free for fun from Mon to Wed this week anytime subject to good prior arrangement. Email my slutty tongue at [email protected] with a brief intro of your name, age and race and a short description of what your hard cock likes and dislikes.

28-11-2011, 03:13 PM
Good afternoon samsters,

1. Just to reinforce certain guidelines to help your horny cock make a well informed choice about my free goodwill erotic bj:

a. Please take ownership for your own lustful choice to want to try my erotic bj. Do not impose upon my slutty tongue to help you arrive at your lustful choice by asking me to "first arouse your horny imagination via my nude pictures or dirty sex chats. Also take note that I am not here to "counsel" your hard cock to try to come to terms with your own confusion about trying this "alternate erotic fun".

b. As much as my warm mouth understand your strong defensive reasons for not wanting to use your HP to arrange for a hassle free erotic bj, it could be quite a daunting task for my slutty tongue to inform you of the time and venue. In view of your compelling privacy reasons, may I suggest your hard cock do not seek my erotic bj at all.

2. These timely reminders serve to help each other not to waste time and resources.

3. Thanks.

29-11-2011, 09:42 AM
Good morning samsters,

My slutty tongue free for fun from today and tomorrow anytime subject to good prior arrangement. Email my slutty tongue at [email protected] with a brief intro of your name, age and race and a short description of what your hard cock likes and dislikes.

29-11-2011, 10:10 AM
Rizal 30 1.66 thick n long

29-11-2011, 12:15 PM
Rizal 30 1.66 thick n long

Thick and long is good but having an overloaded of hot cum completes the whole hard horny cock package.

29-11-2011, 04:22 PM
cqueen wat time u free today and tml?

29-11-2011, 08:05 PM
cqueen wat time u free today and tml?

Or rather, how much delicious hot cum your cock has stored in your balls? Then my slutty tongue will let you know the time..Fair enough?

30-11-2011, 08:42 AM
R u online at msn nw

30-11-2011, 09:07 AM
Cqueen : up for your thread ! Love ya posts hahaha

30-11-2011, 10:54 AM
Although I haven't had the distinct pleasure of being honored by CQ's slutty tongue, I have had a very good dialogue with her over the year -- when we can get our schedules in line, I am waiting in anticipation for the event.

Please treat her kindly gentlemen, she is a very kind and generous person who is offering her services for free -- what else do you want?

30-11-2011, 03:02 PM
R u online at msn nw

I am glad that my postings in the thread can bring some level of relaxing relief and pleasurable reading to you.

That is exactly what I hope my thread can achieve - Beside helping the horny samsters to relieve the bulging tightness and horniness in their pants with my strong hungry erotic tongue, it also wants to bring some light relaxing, hilarious moments to their heart when reading the posts.

I want the samsters to be merry since Christmas is round the corner.

30-11-2011, 03:05 PM
Cqueen : up for your thread ! Love ya posts hahaha

Sorry I quote wrongly. The above posting is meant as a response to sen5ses.

30-11-2011, 04:55 PM
Although I haven't had the distinct pleasure of being honored by CQ's slutty tongue, I have had a very good dialogue with her over the year -- when we can get our schedules in line, I am waiting in anticipation for the event.

Please treat her kindly gentlemen, she is a very kind and generous person who is offering her services for free -- what else do you want?

Good afternoon agoodfellahk,

I must thank you for being an interesting, intelligent and sensitive conversationalist which make exchanging dialogue with you one good enlightening experience.

I also want to thank you to urge the samsters here to exercise care and respect towards my slutty tongue.

Indeed, I am grateful for your kindness. Thank you.

01-12-2011, 02:26 AM
She just a fake.. Don't even dare to meet up

01-12-2011, 04:07 AM
She just a fake.. Don't even dare to meet up

Good morning lg_lim21,

In your opinion, one is said to be a "fake" when one do not "even dare to meet you". Are you saying that when one turns down an offer to meet, one is said to be a "fake"??

As much as I like to respect and believe that you are a responsible and mature adult, you will not be a malicious liar as not to furnish us with strong valid grounds or reasons for making the serious allegation that I am a fake.

Or perhaps there is more than meet the eye?

Allow me to relate the truth pertaining to his feeble claim that I did not "dare to meet him" and hence, I am a "fake".

He committed himself to come to my place at 10pm. Such an arrangement was made at 830pm via texting. Remember, he had close to one and half hours to make his way to my place.

When close to 920pm, he informed me via text that he was preparing to leave his place and will be on his way.

Come 1015pm, he lied to me that he was reaching my place soon via cab when I texted him to enquire why he was not here yet.

Out of kindness, I told him that he should not have wasted his hard earned money on expensive cab fare. He should have used the economical mrt transport as my place is just next to it. He did thank me for my kind concern.

At 1028pm, he had the audacity to tell me he needed another 15 mins to reach my place when I again enquired about his undue delay. In short, he will be late for a good 45 minutes. No apologies from him for his inconsiderate and immature manners, not forgetting his earlier lies of reaching my place soon.

I terminated the meeting immediately and informed him to go back. Then he remembered to apologise for his lateness and asked for more time as he was on his way. I explained to him that my decision was final as he had taken my kindness for granted.

One minute he said he respected my decision, the very next minute he started to harress me with numerous nonsensical messages. I had no choice but tell him blatantly to 'fuck off". I needed to tell him to "fuck off" not once but twice as he still continued to harress me with such childish messages.

Instead of feeling apologetic and remorseful for his irresponsibe behaviour, he went on to make this unfair, untrue allegation here that I am a "fake" on the premise that I did not "dare to meet him"???

From the above unfortunate incident, one clear distinct trait of lg_lim21 can easily be identified:


I now challenge lg_lim21 to relate his side of the story in order to support his allegation.

01-12-2011, 11:14 AM
Cqueen.. Why so work up.. I didn't even mention your name..

01-12-2011, 12:07 PM
I can atest to the fact that cqueen is as true as she can be... pls respect her decision as she is giving her service free and the least she can get is a little respect from bros in here... do not treat her like those at CV pls... if you can't wait or can't respect her, then go to places where your money speaks louder than yourself...

01-12-2011, 01:04 PM
Cqueen.. Why so work up.. I didn't even mention your name..

Good morning lg_lim21,

The issue here is not about mentioning my name or not.

The issue here is:
1) You only relate and tell others what you want them to hear with the intent to hide and distort the whole truth.
2) You made untrue baseless allegations without any strong supporting case to substantiate your claim.

Rest assured, I am definitely well above this frivolous antics of yours to even get work up. Your insincere concern is both not appreciated and unneccessary.

The fact remains - You are a calculated liar. Nothing you do or try to cook up more lies to divert attention away from your childish and immature ways will change this fact.

02-12-2011, 11:12 AM
Hi just email u like to say u rock girl hope our path cross till then keeping my fingers cross

02-12-2011, 06:04 PM
Hi just email u like to say u rock girl hope our path cross till then keeping my fingers cross

Wait till your juicy cock is being teased by my warm mouth, then u can really know the meaning of "rock".

My mouth will definitely cross path with your horny hard cock since your nick is "fullload" (means my hungry mouth will never be starved and deprived of your overloaded, delicious hot cum).

My warm mouth had replied to your email. My warm mouth is free this sat afternoon, sun to wed anytime, subject to early confirmation of arrangement to fuck my mouth.

02-12-2011, 06:25 PM
Hi cqueen i have email u aleeady

03-12-2011, 12:32 AM
cqueen, u survived 70 pages already...
No accusation can bring you down... I trust you...

upz you.

03-12-2011, 01:12 AM
Met cqueen before and i she is nt a fake :)

03-12-2011, 11:12 AM
Met cqueen before and i she is nt a fake :)

cqueen, u survived 70 pages already...
No accusation can bring you down... I trust you...

upz you.

Good morning Tomyamramee and Undead80,

1. As a token of my appreciation for your kind words of support, the least my warm mouth could do for both of you is to up your reputation points.

2. Perhaps a more sincere way is to pay in kind with my hungry mouth engulfing both of your hard juicy cocks one at a time on the same occasion or different occasion?

Hmm.. "hot cum for thought".. ooops I mean "food for thought".

04-12-2011, 04:46 AM
Cqueen is as good as it takes. Nice person to have a chat with and definitely nicer with that mouth. England damn powderful. I like to read. Make my England more chim. So don't believe all those bangla out to flame cqueen. Knn those boh tak chey.

04-12-2011, 05:21 AM
hello there cqueen i am intrested to have discreet fun with you i am 22 chinese pls send me a mail or msn me at [email protected] btw i stay at boonkeng mrt looking forward to getting in touch with u soon. cheers

04-12-2011, 08:28 AM
Cqueen is as good as it takes. Nice person to have a chat with and definitely nicer with that mouth. England damn powderful. I like to read. Make my England more chim. So don't believe all those bangla out to flame cqueen. Knn those boh tak chey.

Good morning Hokkien Peng,


04-12-2011, 10:13 AM
hello there cqueen i am intrested to have discreet fun with you i am 22 chinese pls send me a mail or msn me at [email protected] btw i stay at boonkeng mrt looking forward to getting in touch with u soon. cheers

My warm mouth not only replied to your hard cock needs request but also SMS yr lustful cock to reply back ASAP.

04-12-2011, 10:04 PM
Wow...Its was Good, Me enjoy the session with cqueen... Thanks...You should try the session

05-12-2011, 01:03 AM
Hi Cqueen, when can i date u?

05-12-2011, 12:12 PM
Wow...Its was Good, Me enjoy the session with cqueen... Thanks...You should try the session

Thanks for your compliments.

Its only right of my warm mouth to strive to work hard to serve any hard juicy cock to to the best of my erotic ability as a form of expressing my hungry mouth's appreciation for their trustful and lustful effort to come and enjoy my wet deepthroating of their hard cock.

05-12-2011, 05:27 PM
Hi Cqueen, when can i date u?

As your nick implies, u like gangbang ha?
Then organise a date to gangbang my mouth and ass loh...

05-12-2011, 06:10 PM

would you take my dark, purple head cock?

05-12-2011, 06:38 PM

would you take my dark, purple head cock?

Lol penis lacking oxygen???

06-12-2011, 10:36 AM

would you take my dark, purple head cock?

Be it dark with purple colour cockhead or pink with wet throbbing cockhead, what is more important here:





06-12-2011, 10:53 AM

So where do we begin?

If u love a good hard fuck, I'm game. Coz I love shoving my cock into girls mouth & their wet pussies.

06-12-2011, 11:57 AM
Coz I love shoving my cock into girls mouth & their wet pussies.

Check what thread you are in, bro. :D

06-12-2011, 12:27 PM
Thnx bro talisman!

Juz realised dat! Pulling out my dick out of this thread now!

07-12-2011, 10:43 AM
[QUOTE=tamtom;6645116]Thnx bro talisman!

Juz realised dat! Pulling out my dick out of this thread now![/QUOTE

When one's blood rushes to one' cock, certain sensory motor skills may be impaired. In the above incident, one such impairment is the visionary sensory skills.

May my warm mouth strongly advises all horny samsters to read thoroughly, digest and have a good understanding of your lustful choice of my goodwill free erotic bj to avoid any unnecessary misunderstanding.

By going your diligent reading of my thread, my slutty tongue do not have to waste time and energy replying to all your basic questions. These time and energy can be better spent in serving more horny deserving wet throbbing cocks.

07-12-2011, 11:17 AM
hi cqeen love to try ur bj too when are you free

09-12-2011, 05:05 PM
Hi Cqueen,

I have sent you PM. Love you meet up with you and want to have wild session :D

10-12-2011, 11:11 AM
Hi Cqueen,

I have sent you PM. Love you meet up with you and want to have wild session :D

Good morning MikeThi82,

Thank you very much for your earnest support of my :Goodwill Free Erotic Bj".

I appreciate your trust to send me your pic without being asked to do so.

I had replied to you and I believe you will understand where I am coming from.

Have a nice weekend.

10-12-2011, 12:27 PM
Dear Sista Cock Queen,

Please keep up your charity work by providing FREE erotic BBBJ to very stressful SillyPoreans

Meanwhile, I am looking forward to another hot steamy BBBJ session :p with you in your new apartment ---- SMS to me whenever you feel horny .... I am on 24-hours standby waiting for your call !

11-12-2011, 06:30 PM
Hi Cqueen changed new place bo update me ah?? Hope to hear from u soon:D

11-12-2011, 09:09 PM
Hi Cqueen changed new place bo update me ah??

Ya loh, cos my new place further delays for another 6 months, so i decided to move out of the hostel for another bigger, cozy flat all to myself next to MRT station. This convenient location is in town which will enable any horny hard cock to use the economical mrt transport system.

Hope to hear from u soon:D

Paiseh ha, who are you ha?? Your hard cock must have not fed my mouth with your delicious hot cum for quite a while, so my brain neurones lost all memories of your juicy hard cock lah...

12-12-2011, 12:40 PM
hi my dear cqueen, i would like to try your delicious erotic mouth on my hard cock. :)

14-12-2011, 12:30 PM
Cqueen, pls check ur email...

21-12-2011, 09:50 AM
Good morning Samsters,

Christmas is a season of joy, sharing and spreading love all round.

May I wish all the Samsters here a "Great Merry Christmas"!!

21-12-2011, 10:33 AM
Good morning Samsters,

Christmas is a season of joy, sharing and spreading love all round.

May I wish all the Samsters here a "Great Merry Christmas"!!

Dearest Cock Queen,

Good morning, my dear !

I agree with you 100% that X'mas is a "season of joy, sharing and spreading love all round"

Hence, I would like to spread your long sexy legs and give you great joy by sharing my "little soldiers" with you into your lustful mouth:p

Please call/SMS me for an extended 3-days of X'mas orgy at your new apartment

21-12-2011, 12:30 PM
Hihere , care to meet up today evenin ? I will bring in some wine for u . Lets have fun . . . Pls pm me ur address

22-12-2011, 10:58 AM
Hihere , care to meet up today evenin ? I will bring in some wine for u . Lets have fun . . . Pls pm me ur address

Thanks for your kindness and generosity. But it may be a bit premature to open a bottle of wine to spice up this erotic bj fun when my slutty tongue do not even have a clue of who you are?

May my warm mouth gently remind samsters that your emails of requesting for my goodwill free erotic bj will receive the least, if not none at all, attention or priority if you do not even bother to intro yourself at all, leave alone giving a brief description of your sexual likes/dislikes and contact no for easy, quick arrangements.

I am sure you will understand that my slutty tongue wants to know whose cock I am deepthroating, with a good grasp of your hard cock's horny needs so that my warm mouth can serve your juicy cock better.

Once again, may my slutty tongue wish all the samster's hard juicy cock Merry Erotic Christmas!!

22-12-2011, 12:59 PM
can pm me ur contacts? i would love to try it out? Thanks. Im 21 by the way. not too young for you?

22-12-2011, 02:18 PM
I am sure you will understand that my slutty tongue wants to know whose cock I am deepthroating, with a good grasp of your hard cock's horny needs so that my warm mouth can serve your juicy cock better.

Dearest Cock Queen,

I don't think I need to introduce my cock to your slutty tongue after so many, many erotic BBBJ encounters :p over the past few years .... just remember that guy with the 8" cock and a PINK HEAD ..... yummy, yummy, yummy !!!

25-12-2011, 02:53 AM
Hi CQueen,

Just a Quick Question How Many Cocks Have You Sucked Total? Just Wondering..

25-12-2011, 05:56 PM
Hi CQueen,

Just a Quick Question How Many Cocks Have You Sucked Total? Just Wondering..

My brain neurones need to be nourished with enough hot juicy cum before my slutty tongue can remember the number of manly horny cocks that had deepthroated and fucked my mouth...

25-12-2011, 08:01 PM
U got Mail~~~:D

26-12-2011, 11:48 AM
U got Mail~~~:D

My slutty hungry mouth rather receive loads of hot cum than mail.. HAPPY BOXING DAY!!

28-12-2011, 12:54 PM
can pm me ur contacts? i would love to try it out? Thanks. Im 21 by the way. not too young for you?

Good morning Samsters,

Throughout my many eventful days in this forum, my slutty tongue had its fair share of interesting perculiar encounters, be it via email or meet up arrangements. Thankfully, such perculiarities are far and few. It trains my slutty tongue to be more adept and quick in identifying any immature samsters who are out there for some "hidden motive/agenda" when they responded to my "Goodwill Free Erotic Bj Package".

One such example is the above samster (Hikey, HP No 92280305) who identified himself as "Daniel" and claimed to stay at Hougang. He tried to manupulate me to give him my address by fabricating a lie that he was at flat's lift lobby when he was clearly not there at all ( I gave a different block no). I was at the said premise to verify and check on his presence. When I played along his scam and pressed further for clear confirmation of his whereabouts, he came up with more blatant lies when being cornered. He was at a different address and at a different road.

I was quick and resourceful enough to see through this scam via his sms text which was highly contradictory and inconsistent in its content. I decided to play along his scam to ascertain if my hunches about his ill hidden agenda was correct.

Hikey, your 21 year cock is definitely not too young. In fact, it is at its prime and I am sure your cock can cum at least more than 2 times with my powerful erotic bj. But your immaturity and questionable character are the ones that pose as serious risky problem for good faith people like me in this forum.

If there is any robbery at my place, you will be the first person I report to the Police for their investigation.[/SIZE][/B]

28-12-2011, 01:58 PM
I need a quickie. u can do? :-)

28-12-2011, 05:59 PM
I need a quickie. u can do? :-)

Is my slutty tongue correct that Quickie equals to the below steps??

a) While you are standing and leaning against the wall, loosen your belt and unzip your pants.

b) Pull down your pants and underwear to your knee area.

c) Hungrily engulf your horny hard throbbing cock deeply and swiftly.

d) Lick, tease and arouse the balls area while using my fingers to rub your cockhead gently.

e) Deepthroat your juicy cock hard, deep and long with strong suction motion both upwards and downwards till the veins in the hard cock start to stiffen with so much hardness that my mouth is being filled full with your hard throbbing cock.

f) When your shaft start to harden even more with the cockhead about to explode, increase the suction motion deeper and harder till every single drop of your hot cum explode violently to fill my hungry mouth warmly and sextisfactorily.

g) Now pull up your underwear and pants, tighten your belt and you just leave immediately with a word, just like you came in earlier.

h) The whole erotic process is over in less than 5 mins.

If my description of the above steps is what quickie is all about, then that is what my erotic tongue has been practising all this while since the beginning of Kingdom.

Now my slutty tongue is more than confident to say it can surpass way above the erotic quickie service scope.

28-12-2011, 06:05 PM
I am not interested in 5-minutes quickie ..... I look forward to another 3-hours orgy :D with you on the bed, on the sofa, in the kitchen and in the toilet

30-12-2011, 12:08 AM
Hi Cqueen. Can I know your contact? would u mind if cum fast?

30-12-2011, 03:54 AM
Is my slutty tongue correct that Quickie equals to the below steps??

[COLOR="Red"]a) While you are standing and leaning against the wall, loosen your belt and unzip your pants.

Time to pay advertising fee idiot, no free meal :mad:

30-12-2011, 08:49 AM
Make use of forum to advertise your services yet still don't want to pay to forum owner :mad:

No free meal in this world, FUCK YOU low class stingy cqueen !:mad:

Time to pay advertising fee idiot, no free meal :mad:

Good morning Mr AC_Milan,

How have you been all this while??

After a break of almost a year or more, there is quite a marked improvement in you from being a violent, aggressively rude and uncouth rascal (the below post is one of his many uncouth posts) to quite a mellow down guy now, judging from the absence of vulgarities in your latest post to me. Keep it up!!

However, there is no room for complacency. You may want to refrain from using negative terms like "idiot" in your feedback as the concerned party, whom you want to reach out to, may not be effectively receptive to your feedback after all. Thus, you are now an even bigger IDIOT to begin with.

Re: (+╹◡╹+) mY LavisHinG WILD CaT W CIM (+╹◡╹+)


kan ni na boo chao chee bye okt, ask your mother come and suck my cock then i will ram hard on your wife chao chee bye & sister chao backside !

As explained explicitly in my earlier reply to you, I am not offering any form of transactional sex services. I am not a sex worker. My warm mouth is just expressing and make known to all the horny samster's cock here about my strong goodwill desire to enjoy deepthroating a hard throbbing cock for free mutual pleasures and benefits based on trust, comfort and maturity.

May I urge you to direct this unnfounded concern of yours to the operator of this forum for their necessary actions. Seeking the right answer from the proper channel may save you the embarressment of being an IDIOT OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

As 2011 is coming to an end, my warm mouth would lilke this matter to have a good closure too. On this note, may I wish you a "Good Happy New Year".

30-12-2011, 10:56 AM
As 2011 is coming to an end, my warm mouth would lilke this matter to have a good closure too. On this note, may I wish you a "Good Happy New Year".

Cock Queen,

May you remain healthy & fit in 2012 to give more FREE erotic BBBJ and may you be able to drink tons of cum juice ! :D ( including mime )

30-12-2011, 12:24 PM
Hi cqueen...does ur hungry mouth takes in malay cock???

30-12-2011, 12:29 PM
Hi cqueen...does ur hungry mouth takes in malay cock???

Aiyah ! No need to ask lah !

Cock Queen's hungry mouth drinks cum from cocks of all races ..... Chinese, Malay, Indian, Thai, Indonesian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Burmese, Black Cocks, Brown Cocks, Yellow Cocks,Grey Cocks, Red Cocks, Purple Cocks, Green Cocks, ...........

So long as your cock can eject tons of cum you're welcome to feed Cock Queen's forever hungry mouth ! :D

30-12-2011, 12:47 PM
Bro Katoeylover69:

thanks for the info...so now i wait for cqueen availability...cheers bro

30-12-2011, 02:54 PM
Bro Katoeylover69:

thanks for the info...so now i wait for cqueen availability...cheers bro

Abang, don't be too happy yet !

It is not so easy to get an appointment with Cock Queen to give you FREE erotic BBBJ and to eject thousands of your "little soldiers" into "her" hungry mouth ..... "She" will ask all sorts of questions to you, your photo and details of your cock before "she" agree on any appointment

30-12-2011, 05:39 PM
Aiyah ! No need to ask lah !

Aiyo KatoeyLover, my warm mouth may be loose but does not mean that it is so "ching chai" lah.. Still must act a bit class mah, so must at least go through some formality of asking lah...

Cock Queen's hungry mouth drinks cum from cocks of all races ..... Chinese, Malay, Indian, Thai, Indonesian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Burmese, Black Cocks, Brown Cocks, Yellow Cocks,Grey Cocks, Red Cocks, Purple Cocks, Green Cocks, ...........

You are absolutely right about my warm mouth hungry for any wet throbbing cock and of Asian origin. But how come my warm mouth did not know that it sucks cock of all asian races?? I am the one sucking so I should know better of my preferences for any particular race. Or Katoeylover, you got cuntfused ha. You are actually the one whose mouth sucks cocks of all Asian races from all over Asia and even of different multi colour!!!!

So long as your cock can eject tons of cum you're welcome to feed Cock Queen's forever hungry mouth ! :D

Now, for the very first time, you got the last part factually correct about my slutty tongue.

31-12-2011, 09:35 AM
Abang, don't be too happy yet !

It is not so easy to get an appointment with Cock Queen to give you FREE erotic BBBJ and to eject thousands of your "little soldiers" into "her" hungry mouth ..... "She" will ask all sorts of questions to you, your photo and details of your cock before "she" agree on any appointment

KatoeyLover69, one minute you are trying hard to promote my "Goodwill Free Erotic Bj", next minute you work equally hard to drive my potential hard cock samster's cock away from my warm mouth by giving this misconception that my warm mouth is highly selective and diffcult.

Not true indeed. Just a few simple questions to help my warm mouth understand your juicy cock's needs better. A brief intro of yourself with some description of your sexual likes/dislikes and a HP no for easy, quick arrangement are all it takes to get your hard horny cock being thrust deep and long into my warm mouth.

May I wish all the samsters here "HAPPY NEW YEAR".

31-12-2011, 06:57 PM
Is my slutty tongue correct that Quickie equals to the below steps??

a) While you are standing and leaning against the wall, loosen your belt and unzip your pants.

b) Pull down your pants and underwear to your knee area.

c) Hungrily engulf your horny hard throbbing cock deeply and swiftly.

d) Lick, tease and arouse the balls area while using my fingers to rub your cockhead gently.

e) Deepthroat your juicy cock hard, deep and long with strong suction motion both upwards and downwards till the veins in the hard cock start to stiffen with so much hardness that my mouth is being filled full with your hard throbbing cock.

f) When your shaft start to harden even more with the cockhead about to explode, increase the suction motion deeper and harder till every single drop of your hot cum explode violently to fill my hungry mouth warmly and sextisfactorily.

g) Now pull up your underwear and pants, tighten your belt and you just leave immediately with a word, just like you came in earlier.

h) The whole erotic process is over in less than 5 mins.

If my description of the above steps is what quickie is all about, then that is what my erotic tongue has been practising all this while since the beginning of Kingdom.

Now my slutty tongue is more than confident to say it can surpass way above the erotic quickie service scope.

Damn...reading that gave me a hard on! :) But I think I want more than just a "quickie" with you if thats ok. :p

01-01-2012, 09:27 AM
Damn...reading that gave me a hard on! :)

Then my warm mouth better warn your hard cock:

My deepthroat mouth is so hungrily slutty that it will give your juicy cock an even 'HARDER TIME".

But I think I want more than just a "quickie" with you if thats ok. :p

My hungry mouth is so powerfully strong at sucking that it goes without saying that any horny cock would lustfully want more than just one round of "short quickie erotic bj".

01-01-2012, 10:43 AM
HAPPY NEW YEAR, Cock Queen !

May you remain healthy & fit to give more FREE erotic BBBJ and you drink tons of cum in 2012 !

How about filling your longbath with cum and taking a cum bath with me ???

02-01-2012, 07:12 AM
HAPPY NEW YEAR, Cock Queen !

May you remain healthy & fit to give more FREE erotic BBBJ and you drink tons of cum in 2012 !

How about filling your longbath with cum and taking a cum bath with me ???

Good morning KatoeyLover69,

Thanks for your well wishes and support.

If you can fill my longbath with enough of your juicy, manly delicious hot cum, the erotic pleasure is mine to enjoy a soothing, good relaxing cum bath with our body interlocked with each other and my warm ass sitting deep on top of your horny hard strong cock.

02-01-2012, 10:50 AM
Good morning, sista !

How's your New Year getting along ?

How many litres of cum have you managed to drink over the long weekend ?

02-01-2012, 04:07 PM
sounds good! next time i must go n try!

02-01-2012, 05:52 PM
Season's Greetings sis CQ, :D, ;) cheers ..............

02-01-2012, 06:13 PM
sounds good! next time i must go n try!

Queue up, please !

02-01-2012, 08:34 PM
Season's Greetings sis CQ, :D, ;) cheers ..............

Good evening eeemen,

Happy New Year!!

Its always warm and gratifying to know that there are samsters like you who remember and treat me more than just another cyber slutty chat friend in this forum.

Hope to get to know your hard cock better.

03-01-2012, 09:55 AM
Good morning KatoeyLover69,

Thanks for your well wishes and support.

If you can fill my longbath with enough of your juicy, manly delicious hot cum, the erotic pleasure is mine to enjoy a soothing, good relaxing cum bath with our body interlocked with each other and my warm ass sitting deep on top of your horny hard strong cock.

Sorry, I don't have enough cum to fill up one longbath ... will take me ages to do that ! .... What I suggest is for ALL your fans to masturbate and eject their cum into the longbath ... when it's full you can sit in there for hours and masturbate yourself !

What do you think of my GREAT IDEA ???

06-01-2012, 07:24 PM
CQ i wan i wan !

06-01-2012, 07:25 PM
i hope i can have the honour of doing that =D

07-01-2012, 01:05 PM
i hope i can have the honour of doing that =D

Of course!! As long as your cock is horny and hard enough to want to fuck my mouth deep, hard and long till my dry warm lips are moistened with your wet hot precum before all your juicy manly love juices fill up my whole hungry mouth.

07-01-2012, 02:17 PM
i also want. can i want in to have fun? thanks

07-01-2012, 03:14 PM
i also want CQueen..... pm me

07-01-2012, 11:46 PM
CQ. What's my queue number. I like to release everyday.

08-01-2012, 09:01 AM
i also want. can i want in to have fun? thanks

i also want CQueen..... pm me

CQ. What's my queue number. I like to release everyday.

My hungry mouth just loves hard horny cock that must explode its hot cum everyday. Or rather, my hungry warm mouth is so obsessed with throbbing hard cock that just cannot wait to explode everyday!

As such, priority is given to hard horny wet cock with lots of overload hot cum that can fill my warm hungry mouth. This priority system is likened to a high networth bank customer who is accorded "Priority Banking Status" by any bank.

This priority will further be enhanced if the horny wet cock makes an effort to give a proper intro of himself with a good brief description of his sexual likes and dislikes followed by his HP no for easy arrangment with my warm mouth.

I know this priority system of according special instant attention may not be fair but alas, who say the world is fair anyway??

08-01-2012, 05:30 PM
My warm mouth is free for fun from now till tues.

Email to [email protected] with a brief intro of your name, age, race with a short description of your likes/dislikes to help my warm mouth understands your horny cock's needs better.

It is useful to spend some time to browse through my thread before your horny cock decides to come and enjoy my free erotic bj. This is to avoid wastage of time and resources to answer all your basic queries when all the answers can be found in this thread.


19-01-2012, 05:46 PM
Cock Queen,

What happened to you ? Are you okay ? No posting for 11 days !

Anyway,I do hope that you get tons of cum to drink and to satisfy your lusty throat during the long CNY weekend

If you ever run out of cum to drink, just send a SMS to me and I'll come running with my hot cum ready to eject into your deep throat :D

21-01-2012, 04:55 AM
Wishing All Bros & Sistas
a Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year !!!
Huat arh:D

23-01-2012, 02:34 AM

May this Dragon Year bring:


23-01-2012, 05:05 PM
nice to meet u Cqueen :o

25-01-2012, 12:27 PM
nice to meet u Cqueen :o

Happy Lunar Dragon Year to you, Clio69.

25-01-2012, 02:33 PM

Cock queen,

Did you get your wish to drink tons of cum during the long CNY weekend ?:D

Want some more ???

25-01-2012, 04:20 PM
Cock queen,

Did you get your wish to drink tons of cum during the long CNY weekend ?:D

Want some more ???

Happy Dragon Lunar New Year Katoey Lover69,

Thanks for your concern for my hungry mouth.

May your "horny Dragon" bring Good Health, Good Fortune, Abundant Happiness to you and all your loved ones!

It's not the quantity of hot cum that matters, it's the quality that my slutty hungry mouth seeks.

25-01-2012, 04:40 PM
My warm mouth is free for fun from now till tues.

Email to [email protected] with a brief intro of your name, age, race with a short description of your likes/dislikes to help my warm mouth understands your horny cock's needs better.

It is useful to spend some time to browse through my thread before your horny cock decides to come and enjoy my free erotic bj. This is to avoid wastage of time and resources to answer all your basic queries when all the answers can be found in this thread.


Hi sista, you got mail....please check...hope to have your reply soon....

26-01-2012, 01:25 PM
Hi, any CD here or Shemale here, i'm sincerely interested in being friends and having fun.. u can contact me via [email protected] =)

26-01-2012, 01:46 PM
Hi sista, you got mail....please check...hope to have your reply soon....

I had already replied today.

27-01-2012, 10:59 PM
Hi CQ, belated lunar new year wishes to u! Cheers . . . . .

28-01-2012, 01:56 PM
Hi CQ, belated lunar new year wishes to u! Cheers . . . . .

Happy Lunar Dragon New Year To You and All Your Loved Ones Too!!!

30-01-2012, 11:46 AM
Happy Lunar Dragon New Year To You and All Your Loved Ones Too!!!

You have a email!:D

02-02-2012, 09:39 PM
cqueen . check ya inbox @ hotmail!

03-02-2012, 10:52 AM
cqueen . check ya inbox @ hotmail!

Don't your horny cock it's better for my warm mouth to check the bulging hardness hidden inside your underwear instead?

03-02-2012, 01:10 PM
mail sent :p

03-02-2012, 02:43 PM
I am for it gave a try

03-02-2012, 03:40 PM
cqueen. check ya hotmail inbox :)

04-02-2012, 03:06 PM
happy new year too cqueen :)

Chat with you my lit bro also with get hard ... lol:eek:

04-02-2012, 03:22 PM
how to meet you CQUEEN :D

05-02-2012, 01:26 PM
how to meet you CQUEEN :D

Beside having a hard juicy horny cock to fuck my mouth as one of the pre-requisites for meeting my warm slutty tongue, having some common sense is another. If my warm mouth has to spoon feed your small brain, if there is ever one in the first place, on how to go about making contact, then my warm mouth may even have to guide you on how to unfasten your belt, unzip your pants and take your cock out to insert into my mouth. By then, all my erotic energy would be zapped dry that my hungry mouth will have no more suction power.

For my own interest, my warm mouth is better off without engaging your cock.

05-02-2012, 04:28 PM
Beside having a hard juicy horny cock to fuck my mouth as one of the pre-requisites for meeting my warm slutty tongue, having some common sense is another. If my warm mouth has to spoon feed your small brain, if there is ever one in the first place, on how to go about making contact, then my warm mouth may even have to guide you on how to unfasten your belt, unzip your pants and take your cock out to insert into my mouth. By then, all my erotic energy would be zapped dry that my hungry mouth will have no more suction power.

For my own interest, my warm mouth is better off without engaging your cock.

hmm ...... of course i hv a hard juicy horny cock

05-02-2012, 05:32 PM
hmm ...... of course i hv a hard juicy horny cock

My warm mouth does give you that benefit of doubt. Perhaps you want to use your hard strong cock to knock some common sense into that little brain of yours, if any??

05-02-2012, 05:50 PM
My warm mouth does give you that benefit of doubt. Perhaps you want to use your hard strong cock to knock some common sense into that little brain of yours, if any??

i dunno wat to say cos 1st time do like that ........ :p

17-02-2012, 11:44 AM
Good morning samsters,

My warm mouth is kind of busy with personal commitments. Hence, please bear with my hungry mouth for late or no reply to your email request of my free erotic bj.
Nevertheless, my hungry mouth will endeavour to find time to serve only selected horny hard cock due to my tight time constraints. Such selection will be based on how concise a brief intro of one's hard cock likes and dislikes together with one's Hp no for faster and easier arrangement to come n deepthroat my hungry mouth.
Have a nice weekend.

17-02-2012, 01:15 PM
Good morning samsters,

My warm mouth is kind of busy with personal commitments. Hence, please bear with my hungry mouth for late or no reply to your email request of my free erotic bj.
Nevertheless, my hungry mouth will endeavour to find time to serve only selected horny hard cock due to my tight time constraints. Such selection will be based on how concise a brief intro of one's hard cock likes and dislikes together with one's Hp no for faster and easier arrangement to come n deepthroat my hungry mouth.
Have a nice weekend.

i would like to sample. :) but usually free only day time weekdays. :D

30-03-2012, 08:24 AM
Good morning samsters,

Trust all of you are well and good. I have been so busy with my own personal errands that my warm mouth just does not have not much energy to want to lick and tease and enjoy a hard juicy cock for quite a while.

That does not necessary mean that my slutty tongue stop deepthroating any hard horny cock that comes along. Again, a brief intro of yourself and your contact no for easy arrangment to fuck my mouth is more than suffice for your hard horny cock to enjoy my free goodwill erotic bj.

Have a great weekend ahead.

31-03-2012, 02:27 AM
Hi cqueen, may I have your contact too:)

31-03-2012, 12:26 PM
Hi cqueen, may I have your contact too:)

My slutty tongue can be contacted at [email protected]
Give a brief intro of yourself with your contact no. Your cock size stats with its thickness and horniness is optional.

06-04-2012, 10:54 AM
Good morning everyone,

Happy Good Friday.

06-04-2012, 11:29 AM
hye..happy good friday too:)

06-04-2012, 11:40 AM
morning cqueen :) :D

06-04-2012, 04:10 PM
Good morning everyone,

Happy Good Friday.

Good Afternoon Cqueen...!!
Are u behaving good ??:D

06-04-2012, 11:55 PM
Good Afternoon Cqueen...!!
Are u behaving good ??:D

How can my slutty tongue behave well with so many horny wet juicy cocks around?

07-04-2012, 02:58 PM
How can my slutty tongue behave well with so many horny wet juicy cocks around?

Must be busy daooooo no time to stop drinking cums from the bros here...:D

07-04-2012, 07:14 PM
Must be busy daooooo no time to stop drinking cums from the bros here...:D

I am not known as CUMQUEEN for nothing.

12-04-2012, 02:14 PM
To have so many bros having TS cqueen provide them the best most fellatio ever possible, perhaps cqueen has the quality below that I wish to share with most fellow bros here. But this is just pure speculation only, pls do not quote it to be real as I've never seen cqueen personally before.



Enjoy! :D

cqueen, sorry if any of these 2 videos offend / humiliate u, I'll remove them if it does, let me know ya?

12-04-2012, 04:34 PM


13-04-2012, 11:36 AM
Thanks CQueen for your hospitality yesterday.

For those who had the opportunity to be hosted, I believe you will agree that it was one helluva experience.

I must really admit that CQueen's bj beats each and every girl who has done the same.

Thanks and cheers!

Good morning spydro,

Indeed, thanks for your compliments and grace.

This is the least my warm tongue can do to show my appreciation for your hard thick huge juicy cock's kindness and trust.


14-04-2012, 09:25 AM
Still remember my first session with CQueen last year.

I remembered how I lay helpless on the bed as waves of sensation flowed over my body from her slutty tongue and lips going all over my cock.

Afterwards I entered her, but the feeling of her fleshy round ass smacking against my hips in doggy was just too good. I was too excited, went too fast and came after 10 strokes, hugging her body tight as she let out soft girly moans.

Thanks CQueen, hope you are doing well.

14-04-2012, 01:32 PM
Still remember my first session with CQueen last year.

I remembered how I lay helpless on the bed as waves of sensation flowed over my body from her slutty tongue and lips going all over my cock.

Afterwards I entered her, but the feeling of her fleshy round ass smacking against my hips in doggy was just too good. I was too excited, went too fast and came after 10 strokes, hugging her body tight as she let out soft girly moans.

Thanks CQueen, hope you are doing well.

Indeed, my warm mouth and ass is getting on well and good.
Thanks, Ryan, for being such a fine gentleman.
Of course, my warm mouth and ass look forward to your horny juicy wet cock.

15-04-2012, 10:57 AM
To have so many bros having TS cqueen provide them the best most fellatio ever possible, perhaps cqueen has the quality below that I wish to share with most fellow bros here. But this is just pure speculation only, pls do not quote it to be real as I've never seen cqueen personally before.



Enjoy! :D

cqueen, sorry if any of these 2 videos offend / humiliate u, I'll remove them if it does, let me know ya?

Not at all. After all, it just add some spice and color to my thread to make it more interesting.


15-04-2012, 01:33 PM
Its a raining sunday.... How would it be nice if can have Cqueen doing her "work" on my tool :D

19-04-2012, 09:45 AM
Sister CQ, thanks ! It was great !! ;) Cheers, ..................

19-04-2012, 06:24 PM
Sister CQ, thanks ! It was great !! ;) Cheers, ..................

I am glad my warm mouth can make your short stay here in sin memorably erotically pleasurable. Cheers.

19-04-2012, 10:44 PM
Well. First time I read this post. It's so juicy and getting me hard.

19-04-2012, 11:42 PM
mail sent!

21-04-2012, 08:42 AM
Well. First time I read this post. It's so juicy and getting me hard.

Oops.. My warm mouth forgot to warn your lustful cock that my thread is designed to give you a HARD HORNY Time.

22-04-2012, 12:15 AM
Oops.. My warm mouth forgot to warn your lustful cock that my thread is designed to give you a HARD HORNY Time.

Omg.. How I wish that warm mouth can really sextified me. Haha. But guess it's out of the question. Can only d.I.y. Haha..

22-04-2012, 11:02 AM
Omg.. How I wish that warm mouth can really sextified me. Haha. But guess it's out of the question. Can only d.I.y. Haha..
Your hard cock will never have a chance to enjoy my goodwill free erotic bj only when you choose to deny your horny cock of one. Like the saying goes - your hard cock never try, you will never know.

Having said that, my warm mouth will only serve your hard cock needs after sufficient information about yourself, your sexual likes and dislikes are provided for my hungry tongue to make a well informed choice.

Have a cheerful weekend ahead.

22-04-2012, 03:45 PM
hi cqueen, can we be friends? can you pm me??

24-04-2012, 01:34 PM

24-04-2012, 08:44 PM

Surely your horny cock can do better than just a friendly, shy gesture of saying "Hi"..

26-04-2012, 03:49 PM
Surely your horny cock can do better than just a friendly, shy gesture of saying "Hi"..


27-04-2012, 11:09 AM

Is that your smile of complete sextisfaction? But my warm mouth has not even deepthroated your hard cock yet.. my hungry mouth cannot imagine what your smiles of ecstasy would be when you explode all your hot cum deep down my throat?

27-04-2012, 02:42 PM
Is that your smile of complete sextisfaction? But my warm mouth has not even deepthroated your hard cock yet.. my hungry mouth cannot imagine what your smiles of ecstasy would be when you explode all your hot cum deep down my throat?

Today is a hot n sunny day

01-05-2012, 05:48 AM
Good morning Samsters,

Happy Labour Day!

As a token of gratitude to everyone who laboured one way or another to make our economy grow, my warm hungry cock will labour hard too to deepthroat and suck your juicy, wet, horny cock dry today.

01-05-2012, 06:22 AM
Good morning Samsters,

Happy Labour Day!

As a token of gratitude to everyone who laboured one way or another to make our economy grow, my warm hungry cock will labour hard too to deepthroat and suck your juicy, wet, horny cock dry today.

My warm mouth forget to add: email to [email protected] with a brief intro of yourself and a short description of your sexual likes and dislikes so that my warm mouth can serve your horny cock's needs better.

02-05-2012, 09:54 PM
Hi Cqueen have sent you a email - please check..thks.

My warm mouth forget to add: email to [email protected] with a brief intro of yourself and a short description of your sexual likes and dislikes so that my warm mouth can serve your horny cock's needs better.

03-05-2012, 12:19 PM
Hi Cqueen have sent you a email - please check..thks.

Good afternoon mochaman,

Interesting nick. Wonder what it means?
I am sorry that my warm mouth did not receive your hard cock'application.. oops i mean your email.
Nevertheless, perhaps u may want to try sending to to my inbox instead?

05-05-2012, 08:13 AM
Good morning samsters,

Happy Vesak Day!

May the world be blessed with love, peace and harmony by the grace of the Buddha.

05-05-2012, 12:02 PM

I have send you email.


06-05-2012, 10:30 AM

I have send you email.


Perhaps you may want to send your juicy cock pics over too? keke..

06-05-2012, 09:55 PM
CQueen - pls check you inbox



07-05-2012, 03:12 PM
Good morning samsters,

Happy Vesak Day!

May the world be blessed with love, peace and harmony by the grace of the Buddha.

Same to you too sister CQ, sorry for the late wishes ;)

07-05-2012, 05:03 PM
Hi Cqueen hope you enjoyed the pics but no reply from you yet...hope all is OK

13-05-2012, 01:42 AM

Power .........

15-05-2012, 02:37 PM

Power .........

Thanks for the compliment. But I am sure the samsters here want to know concisely how powerfully erotically my hungry tongue can be to make your hairy, hard wet juicy cock moan and groan and beg my mouth to stop deepthroating your hard shaft cos u are going to explode all your hot cum deep down my throat - something your hard cock yearns for and yet do not want it to explode cos your hard cock wants to enjoy more of my erotic bj longer and deeper.

Such is the irony of your hard cock. Keke..

15-05-2012, 10:28 PM

Nice bbbj by cd

19-05-2012, 10:08 AM

Nice bbbj by cd

Thanks for making my thread more interesting with this visual treats.

19-05-2012, 03:18 PM
Is My Condom expired liao???:D

19-05-2012, 05:38 PM
Is My Condom expired liao???:D

If your box of left over condoms at my place expired, it means your cock had not come to fuck my mouth for a very long time..

19-05-2012, 05:49 PM
hmmm sms u no reply?

19-05-2012, 07:03 PM
Thanks for making my thread more interesting with this visual treats.

thx but too bad u don't want suck me :(

20-05-2012, 12:39 AM
If your box of left over condoms at my place expired, it means your cock had not come to fuck my mouth for a very long time..

2 weeks ago wor.....:D

21-05-2012, 11:17 AM
Thanks for the compliment. But I am sure the samsters here want to know concisely how powerfully erotically my hungry tongue can be to make your hairy, hard wet juicy cock moan and groan and beg my mouth to stop deepthroating your hard shaft cos u are going to explode all your hot cum deep down my throat - something your hard cock yearns for and yet do not want it to explode cos your hard cock wants to enjoy more of my erotic bj longer and deeper.

Such is the irony of your hard cock. Keke..

I k still rem that day hehe

22-05-2012, 07:59 AM
Hi all, is cqueen a CD or a LB? I know it sounds silly, but I can't find the answer in this thread :_)

23-05-2012, 01:08 AM
Hi all, is cqueen a CD or a LB? I know it sounds silly, but I can't find the answer in this thread :_)

I wanna know too :-) PM her but nvr got back any reply

23-05-2012, 09:23 PM
to all those asking, cqueen is a CD. (:

26-05-2012, 08:43 AM
I now like boys so ready to fuck you all can accommodate [email protected]

26-05-2012, 02:02 PM
http://www.thisav.com/video/22321/ae%8Aae%96%26sup3%3B%9C%8B%8F%8B.html Enjoy:D

09-06-2012, 11:31 AM
Good morning samsters,

Due to my home renovation woes coupled with some strong legal issues with my builder and its likes, I am sorry that my warm mouth cannot find the time and energy to reply to most of my erotic bj applicants' emails.

My warm mouth wants to thank everyone for their ardent support of my "Goodwill Free Erotic Bj". Rest assured, my hungry mouth will try to the best of my slutty effort to respond to your horny needs. Having said that, my warm mouth wants to apologise too for any erotic applications not met or being replied to, due to some strong compelling reasons.

Have a nice horny weekend.

09-06-2012, 11:53 PM
Now can do a slot???:D

10-06-2012, 01:27 AM
Good morning samsters,

Due to my home renovation woes coupled with some strong legal issues with my builder and its likes, I am sorry that my warm mouth cannot find the time and energy to reply to most of my erotic bj applicants' emails.

My warm mouth wants to thank everyone for their ardent support of my "Goodwill Free Erotic Bj". Rest assured, my hungry mouth will try to the best of my slutty effort to respond to your horny needs. Having said that, my warm mouth wants to apologise too for any erotic applications not met or being replied to, due to some strong compelling reasons.

Have a nice horny weekend.

Pl cancel request sent wrongly.ty

10-06-2012, 10:01 AM
Pl cancel request sent wrongly.ty

I did not receive your email at all. Hence, rest assured I will not reply to you at all. Anyway, I am too busy too to reply to each and every email..cheers.

29-06-2012, 12:08 PM
Good morning Samsters,

For my own personal safety, my warm mouth will only reply to those horny cocks requesting for my free erotic bj who, besides giving a brief intro of themselves, leave their contact no for easier and effective arrangements.

My warm mouth will not answer any unsolicited calls from complete strangers.

Have a nice weekend.

29-06-2012, 07:49 PM
Yr house renov done Liao???

01-07-2012, 08:35 AM
My place is still in the process of being renovating but I moved in. It's in the east. Place still comfortable enough for any juicy horny cock to come and fuck my mouth in spite of renovation in the progress..

01-07-2012, 09:53 AM
Can I cum in???

01-07-2012, 04:43 PM
Can I cum in???

Of course, your juicy cock can only cum in if your balls got enough hot cum to quench my thirst

01-07-2012, 04:56 PM
SMS yr location...

01-07-2012, 05:32 PM
SMS yr location...

Aiyo, your hard cock already deleted my no, rite? So now ask my hungry tongue to SMS your horny cock instead... Really 'bo xin' lah..

01-07-2012, 05:35 PM
Aiyo, your hard cock already deleted my no, rite? So now ask my hungry tongue to SMS your horny cock instead... Really 'bo xin' lah..

Hehehhe misplace it Liao.. Can pm me again??

01-07-2012, 05:44 PM
Hehehhe misplace it Liao.. Can pm me again??

Since your hard cock got so many points, upz my points lah as part of your service recovery. The other part of your service recovery will be made known to you once your juicy cock is deep inside my mouth.

01-07-2012, 05:50 PM
Since your hard cock got so many points, upz my points lah as part of your service recovery. The other part of your service recovery will be made known to you once your juicy cock is deep inside my mouth.

Just upped someone.. Recovery in 24 hrs times

02-07-2012, 11:08 AM
Good morning Samsters,

Many a times, there were cases of horny cock Samsters who so badly wanted to be sucked dry by my warm slutty tongue and yet shared with my warm mouth their high level of anxiety and nervousness.

As much as my warm mouth try to accommodate their anxiety, it's best that you should manage your own anxiety first and not impose your apprehensiveness on my warm mouth. This will definitely affect and reduce the high level of erotic pleasures that my warm mouth can deliver.

As such, may my warm mouth strongly reminds those Samsters with such anxiety pangs not to seek my Goodwill Free Erotic Bj. If my warm mouth may put it bluntly and in a matter of factly, my warm mouth is not designed to counsel and manage your 'emotional turmoil'. It is designed to deliver only erotic pleasures.


02-07-2012, 03:42 PM
Ha ha. LOL sis CQ, well said. Will pop over n enjoy ur warm slutty mouth the next time I'm over again, ya? U like the early morning surprises? :D . Cheers sis ......................

02-07-2012, 06:03 PM
Ha ha. LOL sis CQ, well said. Will pop over n enjoy ur warm slutty mouth the next time I'm over again, ya? U like the early morning surprises? :D . Cheers sis ......................

My hungry mouth loves any surprises as long as they are from your hard juicy throbbing cockhead.

02-07-2012, 07:52 PM
Cannot up yr points... Cos i had upped u b4.... the only thing i can up is yr Tight Ass.... Can i do that instead???:D

02-07-2012, 09:13 PM
Cannot up yr points... Cos i had upped u b4.... the only thing i can up is yr Tight Ass.... Can i do that instead???:D

Aiyo, if your hard strong cock yearns so badly to want to ram deep and hard into my tight ass till I beg you not to stop, 你放馬过来吧,非话少说. 不必用points来做理由。你还不赶快來!!! Waiting for Christmas!!

04-07-2012, 08:41 AM
Good morning Samsters,

Many a times, there were cases of horny cock Samsters who so badly wanted to be sucked dry by my warm slutty tongue and yet shared with my warm mouth their high level of anxiety and nervousness.

As much as my warm mouth try to accommodate their anxiety, it's best that you should manage your own anxiety first and not impose your apprehensiveness on my warm mouth. This will definitely affect and reduce the high level of erotic pleasures that my warm mouth can deliver.

As such, may my warm mouth strongly reminds those Samsters with such anxiety pangs not to seek my Goodwill Free Erotic Bj. If my warm mouth may put it bluntly and in a matter of factly, my warm mouth is not designed to counsel and manage your 'emotional turmoil'. It is designed to deliver only erotic pleasures.


Good morning Samsters,

Following the above, there were numerous private messages that thanked my warm mouth for helping them understand better how their juicy hard cock should work closely with my slutty tongue in order to exploit and harvest the full potential of my erotic tongue.

It's good to know that open communication does go a long way in bridging the gap between my hungry mouth and the samster's juicy wet cock.

05-07-2012, 09:41 AM
Rainy day, nice to have a juicy hard warm cock to fill my mouth with its warmth and hot cum..

05-07-2012, 11:27 AM
Rainy day, nice to have a juicy hard warm cock to fill my mouth with its warmth and hot cum..

Rain getting heavier, my mouth getting more and more hungry for some delicious manly hot cum..at least two loads of such hot cum to feed my hungry mouth..

Wonder if any of the samster's cock getting hornier, harder and wetter with the heavy rain coming down like cats and dogs?

06-07-2012, 09:23 AM
Rain getting heavier, my mouth getting more and more hungry for some delicious manly hot cum..at least two loads of such hot cum to feed my hungry mouth..

Wonder if any of the samster's cock getting hornier, harder and wetter with the heavy rain coming down like cats and dogs?

Good morning Horny Samsters,

The sun is bright and cheerful today. May your day be as bright and cheerful too.

I want to apologise to those Samsters' hard horny cocks for not able to deepthroat their hard wet juicy cock yesterday. My hungry mouth could not reply back to your emailed requests to suck your cock yesterday as my hungry mouth was busy serving one such hard juicy cock for quite a few hours.

Nevertheless, my warm mouth will make an effort to get back to you ASAP.
Thanks for your overwhelming support yesterday.

08-07-2012, 05:48 PM
Good morning Horny Samsters,

The sun is bright and cheerful today. May your day be as bright and cheerful too.

I want to apologise to those Samsters' hard horny cocks for not able to deepthroat their hard wet juicy cock yesterday. My hungry mouth could not reply back to your emailed requests to suck your cock yesterday as my hungry mouth was busy serving one such hard juicy cock for quite a few hours.

Nevertheless, my warm mouth will make an effort to get back to you ASAP.
Thanks for your overwhelming support yesterday.

drop u a mail

08-07-2012, 05:58 PM
drop u a mail

Only drop me a mail? What about drop your rich manly hard cock onto my wet tongue before my whole mouth engulf your whole hard shaft deep and hard till your first precum touches my throat..

09-07-2012, 12:58 AM
Only drop me a mail? What about drop your rich manly hard cock onto my wet tongue before my whole mouth engulf your whole hard shaft deep and hard till your first precum touches my throat..

R u for real? I am familiar with the LBs in Changi but I dun recall anyone by the name you gave me in your PM

09-07-2012, 10:28 AM
R u for real? I am familiar with the LBs in Changi but I dun recall anyone by the name you gave me in your PM

Good morning 713CDO,

My warm mouth gets as real as any hard horny wet cock enjoys my free goodwill free erotic bj. My warm mouth never sucks cock for monetary gains for the simple reason that my hungry mouth just enjoys the sheer taste of a wet manly precum dripping hard cockhead wetting my dry thirsty lips before flooding my deep throat with its gushing of delicious hot cum. I am not a sex worker, leave alone stepping into Changi Village. With due respect to those working CV trans, I am sure you are providing a good source of alternative fun avenue for the horny samsters here.

Having said that, quite a few samsters wanted to know the reason for my "Goodwill Free Erotic Bj". The reason is as simple as ABC. My slutty tongue just enjoys deepthroating a hard juicy cock because it makes me feel good as a slutty "woman". Period.

However, this free erotic bj is based on mutual trust, comfort and maturity. Any slightest apprehension or skepticism on your part makes you an unsuitable candidate for my goodwill free erotic bj package.

Have a great week ahead.

10-07-2012, 01:44 PM
Hi cqueen, it's been a long time since you lasted tasted mine:p how are you recently, still staying at the old place. Do drop me a mail of you see this:) [email protected]

10-07-2012, 05:05 PM
Hi cqueen, it's been a long time since you lasted tasted mine:p how are you recently, still staying at the old place. Do drop me a mail of you see this:) [email protected]

How long ha? It is rather subjective because one day is considered long, one week is said to be depriving dry and any longer than 2 weeks means my hungry mouth is suffering from your hot cum drought.

14-07-2012, 10:48 AM
Good morning Samsters,

May I wish every Samsters here an erotically eventful weekend. Of course, my warm mouth is ever ready and happy to help your hard juicy throbbing cock enjoy a deepthroating sensual experience over this weekend.

14-07-2012, 10:53 AM
Good morning Samsters,

May I wish every Samsters here an erotically eventful weekend. Of course, my warm mouth is ever ready and happy to help your hard juicy throbbing cock enjoy a deepthroating sensual experience over this weekend.

Raining Day wor.... :D

14-07-2012, 01:26 PM
:) i need sex

14-07-2012, 04:25 PM
Raining Day wor.... :D

So the heavier the rain, the hornier, the harder and more hot cum to explode from your thick red throbbing cockhead?

14-07-2012, 05:52 PM
:) i need sex

So your juicy cock need my warm slutty tongue to "sex" your horny hard cock till u forget your surname?

15-07-2012, 01:00 PM
Good afternoon Samsters,

1. My warm mouth is grateful for the good number of requests for my "Goodwill Free Erotic Bj".

2. Your hard cock can assist my slutty tongue further in replying to your requests faster by introducing your name, age and race. A brief description of how you like your hard juicy cock to be served can help my hungry mouth understands and meets your horny cock's needs better.

3. More often than not, the emails goes like this:

"Hi, want to suck my cock"?

( How to suck and taste your precum when my slutty tongue does not even know your name, age and race? My warm tongue does not want to get rotan for deepthroating an underage cock!)

"Sent me your slutty pic for me to mast and then let u suck"

(You should "walk the talk" and let my warm mouth make a well informed choice first! My slutty tongue has the same right to pick and choose as you. In fact, you should pay for your choice of sex workers at Geylang because you can then pick and choose to your horny cock's content.)

" I am nervous and hope u understand because it's my first time.."

( If your juicy cock is nervous because this is the first time your horny cock is encountering such a powerful, hungry slutty tongue, my warm mouth does understand and can help by adjusting my erotic bj skills. But if your apprehension is due to your own emotional dilemma and struggles, then you should not seek my erotic bj at all because my warm mouth is designed to suck for free pleasures and not trained to be your counsellor in your emotional well being.)

4. The above issues are not new. There were many who wanted to know why my warm mouth did not reply to their erotic bj queries. It is important that your hard cock now understands the reasons for my non reply.

5. My erotic tongue is here for the free sexual pleasures and benefits of the hard horny cocks here. More importantly, I want to play my part to maintain harmony and good relationships with all the Samsters here.

6. Cheers.

16-07-2012, 05:41 PM
Good afternoon Samsters,

1. My warm mouth is grateful for the good number of requests for my "Goodwill Free Erotic Bj".

2. Your hard cock can assist my slutty tongue further in replying to your requests faster by introducing your name, age and race. A brief description of how you like your hard juicy cock to be served can help my hungry mouth understands and meets your horny cock's needs better.

3. More often than not, the emails goes like this:

"Hi, want to suck my cock"?

( How to suck and taste your precum when my slutty tongue does not even know your name, age and race? My warm tongue does not want to get rotan for deepthroating an underage cock!)

"Sent me your slutty pic for me to mast and then let u suck"

(You should "walk the talk" and let my warm mouth make a well informed choice first! My slutty tongue has the same right to pick and choose as you. In fact, you should pay for your choice of sex workers at Geylang because you can then pick and choose to your horny cock's content.)

" I am nervous and hope u understand because it's my first time.."

( If your juicy cock is nervous because this is the first time your horny cock is encountering such a powerful, hungry slutty tongue, my warm mouth does understand and can help by adjusting my erotic bj skills. But if your apprehension is due to your own emotional dilemma and struggles, then you should not seek my erotic bj at all because my warm mouth is designed to suck for free pleasures and not trained to be your counsellor in your emotional well being.)

4. The above issues are not new. There were many who wanted to know why my warm mouth did not reply to their erotic bj queries. It is important that your hard cock now understands the reasons for my non reply.

5. My erotic tongue is here for the free sexual pleasures and benefits of the hard horny cocks here. More importantly, I want to play my part to maintain harmony and good relationships with all the Samsters here.

6. Cheers.

Just want to express my heartfelt appreciation for some of the positive strokes and compliments pertaining to the above.

My warm mouth, besides striving hard to serve and please the samster's cock here, it would also work towards building a friendly and harmonious environment to foster good understanding of each other.

Thanks once again..

19-07-2012, 08:52 AM
Good morning Sansters,

Weekend round the corner, so whenever your red hot throbbing cock is hard and horny and happen to be round the corner in east, just pm my slutty tongue for a nice relaxing erotic free bj to while away your horniness...

20-07-2012, 03:19 PM
Good afternoon Samsters,

To those Samsters who emailed me with the lusty intentions to try my erotic bj again, my slutty replies to your horny cock could not reach your hard cock due to mailing delivery failure on your part.

I just want to explain myself least you may misunderstood that my warm mouth refuses to deepthroat your juicy cock again after the first round of erotic bj meeting.

Weekend is round the corner, so is my hungry mouth..Keke...

20-07-2012, 04:47 PM
Good afternoon Samsters,

To those Samsters who emailed me with the lusty intentions to try my erotic bj again, my slutty replies to your horny cock could not reach your hard cock due to mailing delivery failure on your part.

I just want to explain myself least you may misunderstood that my warm mouth refuses to deepthroat your juicy cock again after the first round of erotic bj meeting.

Weekend is round the corner, so is my hungry mouth..Keke...

Hungry too...

21-07-2012, 08:04 AM
Hungry too...

Your cock is always as hungry as my mouth, if not more...

21-07-2012, 08:45 AM
Your cock is always as hungry as my mouth, if not more...

Wow such a early post! Haha hunting how is the renovation? Saw u mention before.

21-07-2012, 09:35 AM
Wow such a early post! Haha hunting

Hunting? Or rather, my warm hungry mouth is being hunted for my powerful, sensual erotic bj skills.

how is the renovation?

Why not u bring your juicy throbbing cock to find out if my newly renovated place is relaxing and inviting enough for u to moan and groan with great erotic pleasures while my warm tongue is teasing, licking and tasting your heavily laded hot cum balls before deepthroating your whole hard shaft till every drop of your hot cum explodes deep down my throat...

Saw u mention before.

Did your red hot cock also see that my slutty tongue mentioned it is perpetually hungry for more delicious manly hot cum at all times?

21-07-2012, 09:53 AM
Did your red hot cock also see that my slutty tongue mentioned it is perpetually hungry for more delicious manly hot cum at all times?

Ya read that part hahaha hmm if I can find time to drop by the east to unlock the chain to the valve of the piping line. Haha

21-07-2012, 10:45 AM
Ya read that part hahaha hmm if I can find time to drop by the east to unlock the chain to the valve of the piping line. Haha

The key to unlock my erotic pleasurable chain is to tease and moisten my dry lips first with your dripping wet precum from your thick, juicy throbbing cockhead before inserting slowly and deeply down my throat... Sssh.. this pleasurable secret is only for you and your horny cock to know...

21-07-2012, 11:23 AM
The key to unlock my erotic pleasurable chain is to tease and moisten my dry lips first with your dripping wet precum from your thick, juicy throbbing cockhead before inserting slowly and deeply down my throat... Sssh.. this pleasurable secret is only for you and your horny cock to know...

I am sure your mouth and tongue will the cock feel tremendous shiokness. The warmth must than great.. Hahaha

21-07-2012, 02:40 PM
I am sure your mouth and tongue will the cock feel tremendous shiokness. The warmth must than great.. Hahaha

Paiseh ha, your ang moh too power-der-ful, my slutty tongue, for once, catch no balls leh.. You "siow chiong now" (brain overflooded with hot cum) till your cock blur ha..Keke..

21-07-2012, 07:02 PM
Paiseh ha, your ang moh too power-der-ful, my slutty tongue, for once, catch no balls leh.. You "siow chiong now" (brain overflooded with hot cum) till your cock blur ha..Keke..

Anyway I just saying any guys cock land in your slutty warm mouth and tongue must sure be saying sibey song omg kang si Lang song.

22-07-2012, 10:16 AM
Anyway I just saying any guys cock land in your slutty warm mouth and tongue must sure be saying sibey song omg kang si Lang song.

Then my nick better change from CUMQUEEN (CQUEEN) to SIBEY SONG QUEEN (SSQ) or KANG SI LANG SONG QUEEN (KSLSQ)...

22-07-2012, 04:02 PM
Then my nick better change from CUMQUEEN (CQUEEN) to SIBEY SONG QUEEN (SSQ) or KANG SI LANG SONG QUEEN (KSLSQ)...

Must change till so many pattern??

23-07-2012, 12:26 AM
Then my nick better change from CUMQUEEN (CQUEEN) to SIBEY SONG QUEEN (SSQ) or KANG SI LANG SONG QUEEN (KSLSQ)...

No need what hahaha as long as your mouth and tongue make the person song can Liao la. U don't enjoy meh hearing the guy moan and kbkp when u are draining him?? Hehehe

23-07-2012, 08:16 AM
Must change till so many pattern??

My warm mouth uses many patterns when giving free erotic bj. If your horny juicy cock wants to find out and experience for yourself the various patterns of my deepthroating erotic bj skills, then just make sure your balls are overloaded with enough hot cum to flush all your delicious hot cum deep down my throat.. That is the basic requisite for my warm slutty tongue.

Then you think my nick should change to PCQUEEN? (PATTERN CUMQUEEN)

23-07-2012, 09:36 AM
My warm mouth uses many patterns when giving free erotic bj. If your horny juicy cock wants to find out and experience for yourself the various patterns of my deepthroating erotic bj skills, then just make sure your balls are overloaded with enough hot cum to flush all your delicious hot cum deep down my throat.. That is the basic requisite for my warm slutty tongue.

Then you think my nick should change to PCQUEEN? (PATTERN CUMQUEEN)

That's a good one!!! Free to show me yr pattern?? My prepaid card no more Liao.. Lose somewhere at work.. Pm me instead

23-07-2012, 10:17 AM
I recently tried a xdresser here from SBF...she did good but I din managed to cum....still lookin for that elusive feel from cqueen who can satisfy my hunger and lust....please

24-07-2012, 08:25 AM
No need what hahaha as long as your mouth and tongue make the person song can Liao la. U don't enjoy meh hearing the guy moan and kbkp when u are draining him?? Hehehe

You bring your juicy hard cock to fill my warm hungry mouth to find out lah..

24-07-2012, 09:21 AM
That's a good one!!! Free to show me yr pattern?? My prepaid card no more Liao.. Lose somewhere at work.. Pm me instead

My warm mouth will only "chu pattern" to make your juicy cock "chu siow" when your balls are overloaded with at least one week of stored fresh hot cum to feed my hungry appetite..

24-07-2012, 08:19 PM
My warm mouth will only "chu pattern" to make your juicy cock "chu siow" when your balls are overloaded with at least one week of stored fresh hot cum to feed my hungry appetite..

Got sofa at the penhouse??? i want to "Chu Pattern" wif the sofa :D

24-07-2012, 10:00 PM
Got sofa at the penhouse??? i want to "Chu Pattern" wif the sofa :D

I got hear sarla (wrongly) or not? U want to fuck with my sofa ha?? U mean my warm slutty tongue cannot lure and seduce your horny hard cock unlike my dead cold hard lifeless sofa???

Don't tell me your juicy cock has a fetish for fucking dead corpses??

24-07-2012, 10:23 PM
I got hear sarla (wrongly) or not? U want to fuck with my sofa ha?? U mean my warm slutty tongue cannot lure and seduce your horny hard cock unlike my dead cold hard lifeless sofa???

Don't tell me your juicy cock has a fetish for fucking dead corpses??

Sorry my bad... My Ang mo no good in saying ... I mean I want to use the sofa together wif u... More pattern mah...

25-07-2012, 09:53 AM
Sorry my bad... My Ang mo no good in saying ... I mean I want to use the sofa together wif u... More pattern mah...

More pattern means your horny hard cock needs to work harder, longer and provide at least 2 rounds of hot cum wor....

25-07-2012, 01:48 PM
More pattern means your horny hard cock needs to work harder, longer and provide at least 2 rounds of hot cum wor....

Wah pattern interesting can chu simi pattern on sofa hehehe

25-07-2012, 03:54 PM
Wah pattern interesting can chu simi pattern on sofa hehehe

Then bring your juicy hard cock to join in the fun loh.. 3some can chu even more patterns because two cockheads can think better and come up with more creative ideas and patterns. Tio boh??