View Full Version : jap
22-03-2009, 09:57 PM
where can i pick up jap gals and jap milf in singapore? wat are the common places in singapore where u can see plenty of japs?
22-03-2009, 10:05 PM
where can i pick up jap gals and jap milf in singapore? wat are the common places in singapore where u can see plenty of japs?
There's a japanese international school somewhere in West Coast, should be able to see tons. Their mums will usually pick them up after school, there you have it, jap gals and jap milf!
22-03-2009, 10:20 PM
You may wish to try Liang Court
22-03-2009, 10:20 PM
What about the Japanese School?
22-03-2009, 10:24 PM
go japan bro, seriously, most of the female japs working/studying/housewife here CMI.(cannot make it, not cum in mouth)
22-03-2009, 10:37 PM
where can i pick up jap gals and jap milf in singapore? wat are the common places in singapore where u can see plenty of japs?
Bro,driving can pick up them:p
22-03-2009, 11:31 PM
kinokuniya Japanese magazine section?
23-03-2009, 01:21 AM
You can try Tanglin shopping centre. Quite a number staying around there and taking english lesson at British council too. Once I was there looking at this young jap mother and she kept showing her down blouse and can almost see her button, but too bad she was with another mother with a baby too.
23-03-2009, 03:36 AM
Japanese Garden maybe also can find.... :rolleyes:
Tsubaki An
23-03-2009, 03:48 AM
U can shop at Tanglin Shopping Centre.
23-03-2009, 09:25 AM
Tourist spots like chinatown is a good place to hunt.
23-03-2009, 09:29 AM
I know japanese tourists like to go this raffles hotel cafe for high tea. can try there.
23-03-2009, 10:20 AM
You can try Gloria Jeans Coffee place outside Cineleisure, weekdays from 1-5pm if you are lucky. :)
But frankly, do not expect too much if you are looking for quality ones. Most of them are non-lookers.:)
23-03-2009, 10:50 AM
Before u approach them,make sure u able to speak some simple japanese language. Or else they r not interested in you.
23-03-2009, 12:00 PM
Liang Court is a good place. Go in the afternoon aout 3pm to 5pm. You find some boring jap ladies around the supermarket.
Not so sure about chinatown, except on some mornings i notice jap school gals on class excursion. Got very good potential ones, but underaged lah.
23-03-2009, 04:26 PM
I will swear by Tanglin Mall if you love milfs. Lotsa of them over there. Was there last weekend for an appointment and within the 30mins there, i saw like some 50 Jap milfs walking in and out of the mall while i sat at the starbucks.
23-03-2009, 07:08 PM
Another place is also good. Great World City. :D:D
23-03-2009, 11:01 PM
Liang Court is a good place. Go in the afternoon aout 3pm to 5pm. You find some boring jap ladies around the supermarket.
Liang Court is indeed a good place but one would need to hunt during the working hours. Good way to spend your leave huh. ;)
So far the best bet would be Liang Court. Think most Japanese would shop for their groceries there (Meiji supermarket if I'm not wrong).
Alternatively you may want to consider taking up Jap language courses, befriend your teachers. It doesn't really matter whether your Jap Teachers are chio or slim. What matters is her network of friends. Who knows there may be one Jap Porn AV look a like lurking somewhere waiting to be discovered.
23-03-2009, 11:08 PM
Just not too sure why miami hunting for Jap... in Sinagpore...
Is oni good if u going for slow bonk... no thrill.
08-04-2009, 06:36 PM
with the bad economy, pre-school/early childhood work is hard to come by, especially the better paying ones. i took the opportunity to relax and just hang around singapore. so much has changed and i have always been too busy when the economy is good when just about every other above average income family wants to send their kids to Montessori and other early childhood programs. it also helps that there are few males in this field as some parents felt that a male, authoritative figure is better for their kids, especially sons.
so there i was hanging around liang court on a lazy weekday afternoon. had a leisurely drink at McDonalds', read the papers and then went down to the japanese supermarket in the basement to explore. the layout is very neat and clean, with wide aisles. i hate browsing supermarkets with narrow aisles. i stopped by the sushi take-away section to pick up some fresh and cheap sushi.
suddenly this little tyke behind me started throwing a tantrum and bawling. good thing the supermarket was not crowded otherwise so embarrassing for his mum. his mum bent over and spoke in hushed tones to the kid, in the process giving me a good down blouse. I guessed she had B-cuppers. the kid wasn't satisfied and starting talking back to his mum, in japanese! ah, so des neh!!
i could see the japanese mum was losing control of the situation. i don't know what the kid is upset with but he's getting annoying. so i walked over to them and asked the boy gently: "little boy, why are u crying?"
immediately the boy stopped bawling and looked stunned at me. well can't blame him, i guess few strangers will stand up to pesky kids. his mum started apologising profusely, "ah, so sorry to have disturbed you. my boy is naughty, so sorry" in good but halting english.
i gave a big smile and said "no problem. sometimes children need other adults to control them." i am not sure if she understood but she said "oh thank you very much". the boy has stopped his bawling by now and suddenly become very obedient. ah kids, they can turn into angels in a blink of an eye.
the boy looked abt 3-4 years old, so i tried to carry on the conversation "buying groceries after school?" i pointed to the kid.
"oh no, my boy not go school. i bring him here to buy food." the mum said.
"i see. well he should go to pre-school. young children like him are at the best age for learning. i am a pre-school teacher by the way". I said to the mum.
"Ah so!" the mum's eyes lit up a bit, "you're a sensei! which school you teach?"
"now, not teaching much because of bad economy, fewer teaching assignments because many foreigners go home. My name is Stealth by the way." I told her.
" oh, yes yes, Stealth, my name is Nami, and here my son is Jiro. I am looking for suitable pre-school for my son but can't find any yet".
Wow, this is going quite well. "really? well, besides teaching in school, i can also give personal lessons. i have 4-5 such students when economy was good" I quickly followed up.
"oh this is wonderful!" said nami. then the little tyke tugged his mum and said something in japanese to her.
"oh sorry, stealth, my son wants to buy his favourite snacks" said nami.
"oh it's okay. here i give u my number, u can call me when convenient and i can tell you more about the pre-school materials i use. i also have a website." i took out a piece of old receipt and wrote my contact details on the back and passed it to nami.
"arigato! thank you thank you! and so sorry again." said nami.
with that, we parted ways to do our own shopping........
(to be cont)
please up my points if u like my post. more points encourage more writing.
08-04-2009, 06:37 PM
where can i pick up jap gals and jap milf in singapore? wat are the common places in singapore where u can see plenty of japs?
LOL! this is a very interesting topic... you will definitely get shoot down!
08-04-2009, 06:42 PM
another option is to dine at Jap resturant
you might get lucky to bump into a lonely one
08-04-2009, 08:01 PM
as nami and i headed off in different directions to continue shopping, i speculated whether i would get a call from her for a teaching assignment. well, she obviously an expat wife and if her family's still here, it must mean her husband is still holding on to his job. i made a mental note to quote lower fees to her so that i have high chance of being engaged to teach Jiro. More income never hurts.
Soon i headed towards the checkout counters and i saw nami again with her son jiro. wow, she's got her trolley loaded full of groceries and i really meant FULL. how's she gonna carry them all back home? her hubby around??
we were at different counters and by the time i paid for my box of sushi, nami's groceries had already been expertly sorted and packed by the count staff into the trolley.
she saw me again and smiled and i smiled back. i walked over to her and asked "can you manage all these on your own?" and pointed at the trolley.
"yes, yes, it's okay," nami replied. then her little tyke started acting up again and throwing tantrums. dunno what he said in japanese. now she's bending over to carry her kid, another downblouse window for me. now standing nearer, i can see her wearing a baby blue bra with slight lace trim. my little head gave a slight shove against my pants.
nami mumbled some japanese to her son, some kind of negotiation. then i heard her saying "uncle", so i stood around instead of walking off as originally intentioned.
"sorry, u Stealth, can you help me push my trolley? sorry, my son wants me to carry him. he's just got well yesterday and his mood not good." asked nami.
"sure, no problem! u drive?" I asked.
She shook her head and said she stayed just nearby and she is such a regular here that the supermarket allowed her to push her trolley home and bring it back another day.
fast forward, i pushed nami's grocery laden trolley back to her place. wow, her husband must be a very senior manager for company to provide a private apartment near liang court. pretty large too, 3 bedrooms.
oppsss.... need to go off..... continue later with the juicy parts..........
08-04-2009, 09:20 PM
go Geylang, get some PRC to dress up in Jap's kimono. No diff. Pussy still a pussy.. :D
08-04-2009, 09:59 PM
cont from last post..........
after i put down the groceries for nami in the dining, i had a chance to take a quick look at the living room, dining room and kitchen. it's very tastefully furnished with muted colours. all came with the apartment as i learnt from nami except for some loose pieces of furniture.
the kid scooted off to his room and nami started bringing the groceries into the kitchen. i helped her carry the heavy ones, all the while treated to many good down blouse views of her breasts as she carried her groceries and arranged them on the shelves and in the fridge. while in the kitchen, i saw the laundry drying area and spied her underwear and lingerie: wow! mostly sexy types; see thru, thongs, high cut panties, patterned bras and all with lace!
i got an even stiffer hardon immediately. her husband is one lucky fellow!!!
i couldn't stand the bulging sensation in my pants anymore and asked to use the toilet nearest the kitchen. i quickly went in and closed the door behind me and took a deep breath. "okay okay" i told myself, "no need to go all crazy." i unzipped my pants and started to piss first. i then saw a laundry basket nearby, wah bonus!!
i went over to take a look. rummaging through the basket, it seems like these are newly collected fresh laundry waiting to be sorted out and kept. i found a sexy white thong with slight lace and took a deep breath....hmm..... the detergent doesn't smell like those available locally, perhaps they bring over some detergent from japan? in any case i quickly lowered the toilet seat, purposely let it free fall down with a "bang" so nami (if she is still outside in the kitchen) will know i am doing 'big' business.
my little bro is going crazy by now...... i wrapped the thong around my little head and started pumping, all the while fantasising about nami outside; her slim OL figure, her hair tied back in a ponytail, her down blouse, her above average looking japanese face............. wasn't long before i exploded in spurts. i took care not to leave too much semen on the thongs, don't want any stains and nami to suspect i did something with her thongs. i used the toilet roll to clean up and then put back the thongs, stuffing it into the middle of the basket. i spotted a bra and saw the size: 34A, smaller than my estimate but looks bigger on her petite frame.
i flushed the toilet and and went out and quickly made my exit back home. nami thanked me profusely at the door and i again made my "sales pitch" about my pre-school teaching. nami promised she will get back to me on it.
this would be the start of many adventures................
08-04-2009, 10:00 PM
thanks to all readers who upped my points..... if someone can PM me how to up points for others will be most grateful.
08-04-2009, 11:26 PM
good story, bro
09-04-2009, 01:18 AM
a few days later, i got a call from nami. she has discussed the home pre-school assignment with her husband and her husband has given thr green light to proceed and left her to make final decision. i quickly made an appointment with nami, offering one free class session for her son Jiro so she can see how i teach.
at the appointed time, i was there at her door, holding my bag of pre-school ed barang barang and originals as well as photocopies of my certs and testimonials. this is very important to build trust with clients. i rang the doorbell and nami opened the door, dressed in a yellow themed floral dress this time with a rather deep v-cut which revealed good cleavage. the dress ended about 2 inches above her knees. she looked like an OL on day-off.
regaining my composure, i strode into her apartment and started the usual into, showing her the materials, credentials etc. needless to say, she was impressed and eager to engage my services for her son, Jiro. Jiro knows conversational english as he practically grew up in sg.
"is it convenient to have the first trial session today?" i asked, trying hard to avert my gaze away from the neckline of her dress and her cleavage.
"yes, today is good. Jiro! come here!", nami called out.
soon enough, jiro came out of his room. he looked much more amiable today. i think he has fully recovered from whatever was ailing him before. a quick intro (he remembered me) and then off we went to the adjoining living room to begin the trial session lasting 45mins.
nami brought over a cold drink for me and as customary in her culture, bowed over to give it to me. down blouse! saw a red bra and nearly forgot to say "thank you" to her.
then nami went back to the dining area and sat down at the dining table, facing Jiro and me in the living room abt 2.5 metres away. i then started with jiro, beginning with the standard simple stuff and such. the session went well. after abt 15 minutes, i left jiro on his own doing a small assignment while i glanced at nami. she's now engrossed in a magazine and not paying much attention to the living room. her legs were open (how careless!) and i saw her pink panties. omg!!
i felt pressure building up in my pants. i gotta focus and play my cards right. first thing to clarify, i don't develop sexual relationships with married women, this is my number one rule. it's just tend to lead to messy and complicated developments. however, i do like to "stalk" in other ways.
i made a movement to go to the toilet. nami looked up at me and i smiled "jiro doing assignment, i am going to use the toilet". nami nodded.
this time i did not use the kitchen toilet but the guest toilet in the hallway leading to the bedrooms just around the corner. before i could use it, nami stopped me, "oh stealth-san, that toilet does not work well, please use the toilet in the bedroom."
"thank you!" i replied. i then headed further into the hallway and found the toilet in the master bedroom. the toilet is kept very clean and tidy, as can be expected from fastidious japanese. closing the toilet door, i was surprised to find a sexy translucent nightie hanging behind the door. i quickly took it down and smelled it....hmmmm..... nice shower foam fragrance!! wasting no time, and aware that Jiro could be finishing his assignment soon, i quickly peed and clean my little bro before masturbating with the nightie. ooohh....... hmmmmmmmmm.............. shiok! i had to control my moanings in case it echos out. my little bro was at full arousal and i came quickly. same thing, leave enough semen on the nightie but not too much and then hung back the nightie on the door hook.
i went out & finished the trial pre-school session with jiro. nami was very pleased with the session and jiro enjoyed it too. nami decided to engage me to teach her son at home and we settled on the price quickly. the lessons will be twice weekly on tue and thu for 6 months. since today is already fri, the next session will be on the following tue.
i can't wait.
09-04-2009, 01:38 AM
maybe diff ppl hav diff experience.I often see MIHF (Mum I'll Hate to Fuck) at Tanglin.Plenty of MILF at Great World City,very easy to start a conversation.Very friendly especially those chio mum.Maybe it,s their habits but they don't really make an attempt to cover up when bending down...
09-04-2009, 11:12 AM
Isetan at orchard has a lot. esp the supermart below.
09-04-2009, 03:15 PM
thanks to all readers who upped my points..... if someone can PM me how to up points for others will be most grateful.
Look to your top right hand corner, there is a scale, click on it and it will open a mini ticking agree means add, disagree means minus...but currently you will not be able to up or down anyone cos your power is still 0..
09-04-2009, 04:27 PM
Used to have a jap married woman who wud call me for phone sex ... now disappeared already.. but this story is good. camping here wif my SBO and helmet:)
11-04-2009, 01:11 AM
soon it time for the next lesson. i went to nami's apartment with great anticipation of what surprises lies ahead for.
when i entered the apartment, nami had a neighbour with her, another pretty japanese lady, looks like late teens. with nami's introduction, i found out that her name's Kasumi and she's the daughter of another japanese expat couple in singapore. kasumi face is average but had a shapely body. like fumika suzuki.
nami is wearing a white flowing dress today and under strong light, can make out what she is wearing underneath..... all white underwear.....
kasumi seemed like she is either going to, or just returned from a workout. she's togged out in sexy high-cut FBT-like running shorts and a tight exercise top which shows the contours on her upper body. yummy!
jiro was off somewhere else and would be coming home soon, so the lesson will be slightly delayed. i sat down with the ladies at the dining table and started small talk with them. halfway through the conversation, my file slid off the chair next to mine onto the floor and spilled its contents on the floor beneath the table. excusing myself while they both continue talking, i bend over to retrieve my file. i had a good opportunity for good upskirts of the ladies, so i retrieve my file slightly slower than usual so as to get better look. kasumi's long legs are really smooth and slender. the legs went all the way up and met at her hips. with her legs slightly ajar and the loose shorts she was wearing, i am able to make out pink panties and some slight pubic hair. what a turn on!
looking at nami's upskirt, i make out a lacy white/yellow panties, perhaps the same pair i masturbate with before. my hardon got even harder.
i picked up the file at about the same time as jiro's return. time to start lessons. the 2 ladies continued conversing in hushed tones while i started lessons with jiro. it's hard to concentrate on the lesson after what i had just seen but i force myself to. afterall if i deliver a poor lesson, this might mean no further assignments for me. so the lesson went on.
halfway through the lesson, nami went off to kasumi's place and said she'll be back in 15 minutes. i nodded and smiled, so did jiro.
as soon as they are out of the door, i set a task for jiro to complete on his own and then told him i need to go toilet and that he should work on the task. the boy was very obedient and nodded.
i then make my way to the master bedroom toilet again, closed the door and start looking around. no luck today, nothing sexy around for me to use as a jerk off tool. i then re-entered the bedroom and open the wardrobe quietly. i was surprised at what i found: lots and lots of sexy lingerie of all kinds!! i never would have guessed nami is into such lingerie based on her appearance but there before my eyes, lies the treasure. remembering that i have limited time, i quickly went into the toilet and start masturbating while imagining nami's lingerie and kasumi's up-shorts.
my eyes then spotted the two shower foams; one is adidas shower gel for men while the other is a white one with japanese written all over it. this must be nami's shower foam. i pushed the bottle "tap" a little to squeeze out some foam. it's white colour and has a fruity smell. then a naughty thought came into my mind. i unscrewed the top of the bottle and aimed my little head at the bottle's opening. i began pumping faster and faster and then i cummed into the bottle!! i took care to eject almost my full load into the shower foam. satisfied, i then cover the opening with the bottle top and shook the bottle around a bit to mix my semen with the foam. i then opened the top again and looked inside. good! the semen is now indistinguishable from the foam! I screwed back the bottle top and went back to the lesson.
jiro is almost completing the task and i guided him a little. nami came back soon afterwards and the lesson then ended twenties later; the lesson took 1hr exactly.
i packed up and then it's time to go. on the way out, nami gave a bow to thank me and i caught a glimpse of her downblouse, getting an eyeful of her fair breasts......
my teaching assignments are getting more fun...............
fcuk N forget
11-04-2009, 02:16 AM
no no no i think airport got more japanese girls?!!! right?? :D
11-04-2009, 11:18 PM
not much support for this thread. is it cos my posts need more spice?
12-04-2009, 12:30 AM
not much support for this thread. is it cos my posts need more spice?
i am here camping, :D so do carry on plz, cheers ;)
12-04-2009, 02:39 AM
nice adventure u had,lucky u...carry on pls...:)
12-04-2009, 03:12 AM
Woah... nice encounter you have had, brudder stealth. do keep up with your recollections of your great times with Nami.
12-04-2009, 05:10 PM
aiya, since the TS had this thread on japs, i tot to use the same thread rather than starting another thread.
12-04-2009, 06:02 PM
for my supporters!
next lesson time!!! extra happy this time because before lesson i got a good discount on a digital video cam. the salesman was very obliging, take out a few models for me to test and even charge up(not full charge but enough to test test a bit) the battery for model i bought in the end. only in bad times is customer service this good in singapore, haha.
skip the usual stuff.
this day, nami was wearing a spaghetti strap top and a low slung denim mini-skirt; this kind of skirt seemed very fashionable these days, almost every other female is wearing it. underwear has got to be lacy because that's the only type of underwear i saw in her wardrobe.
this time nami was busy in the kitchen fixing food so i was left alone with her son during lesson time. 20mins into lesson time i went to toilet; nami directed me to the master bedroom one again. disappointed that this time found nothing. as i was peeing, i saw a spot, which i thought would make for a great voyeur angle plus it was hidden or easily hidden from view some more. suddenly, my vid cam came to mind. i thought i must be crazy to even think of this idea but it stuck. perhaps i can position my cam here for some voyeur??
i finished my toilet biz and went back to the lesson. boy, difficult to concentrate man!! but i decided on a course of action.
"oh, u're doing very well so far and today too, i think i can have longer lesson with u to stretch your abilities," i said to the Jiro. "would u like to have a longer lesson today?"
Jiro nodded; of course such pre-school lessons are always engaging for the kids. i then went over to Nami and told her abt Jiro's progress and asked if it's okay for the lesson, and subsequent ones, to be extended by half hour at no extra charge. nami was more than happy at my proposal.
"arigato stealth-san! would u like to stay back for dinner tonight?" nami asked.
"oh no, i don't want to disturb your family dinner bonding time", i replied shyly.
"ah, it's ok, join us." nami almost pleaded. again i refused citing her family time.
"then how about after next lesson? my husband going back japan for meeting for a few days, he won't be back for dinner. u can join us dinner, yes?"
how can i refuse such a sincere invitation? i said yes. more adventures!!
i went back to the lesson at hand. at the end of 1 hour, i set a longer task for jiro to complete and i went for toilet break again, this time with my camera. nami was busy in the kitchen so she did not notice anything. i went to the toilet, turn the cam and hid it in the "blind spot". nami is too busy to notice me but i have definitely noticed her. all that busying in the kitchen has made her perspire and she has almost finished her cooking.
with some luck, nami could be headed to the master bedroom bathroom for a refreshing bath anytime soon.
a few minutes after i rejoin jiro, nami walked towards the bedroom. "Stealth-san, I be bathing. please feel free to help yourself to drinks in the kitchen," said nami. "thank you," i replied with a big grin. BINGO!! heh heh.
i stretched the lesson slightly beyond the 30 mins just so i can retrieve my cam after nami's bath. i have no idea how the footage will turn out.
nami re-emerged from the bedroom, wearing t-shirt and jeans and drying her hair. i finished up the lesson and got up preparing to leave.
"lesson finished?" asked nami, casting a glance at the clock.
"yes. jiro is doing very well. he's very smart!" i complimented nami. nami gave off a radiant smile. which mother won't be proud when her child is praised?
"thank you very much for your teaching, sensei Stealth," nami said modestly.
"not at all, not all, i am merely developing your son's potential," i replied. i can see nami is even happier at my last comment.
as nami headed back to the kitchen to check on things, i went for toilet break again (3 toilet breaks in 90+ minutes reasonable right?). of course a higher priority then urinating is to retrieve the cam!!
in the toilet, i saw nami's clothes in the laundry basket. i can't resist and went over to check out her underwear. beige, lacy panties with matching bra. oohhh la la!! i smelled her bra but not panty (worn panties a bit off-putting for me). i then masturbate with her bra and cummed on it.heh heh. time to get the cam.
when i came out with the cam, nami was busy with jiro in the kitchen, getting some snacks for him. i quickly put the cam into the carrier bag i had positioned right where the hallway meets the living room. i then quickly pick up my other stuff and left.
next...........................the video!!! what did my cam capture??
(to be cont)
13-04-2009, 01:18 AM
Just a quick story on real time.
Before I moved into the place I am currently living in, I viewed the unit 2 levels below me and was told it is rented by a Japanese lady though I have never met her. Fast forward 6 months later, which is now, I have seen the Japanese lady driving back home a few occasions but not knowing it was her and I can't see clearly through the window panels in her car. So just now as I went home, I saw the lights of her unit were on and decided to pluck up my balls to drop her a visit at 12 midnight. Rushed home, put down my stuff and went down to her unit, pressed her doorbell twice which turned out to be spoilt, so had to knock on her door thrice before it was answered.
The door opened and I am not disappointed. Big round eyes, wearing a nice fitting cotton camisole, speaking fluent english which makes me doubt she is a Japanese though I can hear some slightly different accent and very sweet face. Made some introduction based on some lame excuse and throughout our conversations, my eyes were transfixed on her protuding nipples of her definitely C cup breasts. Finally said goodnight and asked her to drop by my unit for tea when she is in the mood :)
16-04-2009, 01:38 AM
Good one...camping here:)
16-04-2009, 03:50 PM
bro stealthraider's story very steamy!
haha.. I've to agree with the rest of the bros that Liang Court is a great place to bump into japanese people.
a little advise would be to pick up a little japanese, might be able to interest them more, and is a great opener to pick up those polite but elusive japanese ladies :)
19-04-2009, 07:53 PM
the video is very sensual. shows her taking off her clothes, bra and panties revealing a neat bush before she stepped into the shower. lathering herself with shower foam, can see she enjoys her shower. it's like those shower gel commercials u see on tv but only like everything is revealed here. her breasts, her bush, her slender legs.............. and how she cleans her body so thoroughly............. wah see already no choice but to pcc man...........
20-04-2009, 01:31 AM
Bet you must be viewing the wonderful shower scene every now and then, Brudder stealth.
20-04-2009, 04:33 PM
go to jap association....lots of jap hw...:D
20-04-2009, 04:42 PM
go to jap association....lots of jap hw...:D
But many of them can't speak english......not easy to pick them up.
21-04-2009, 12:10 AM
But many of them can't speak english......not easy to pick them up.
Learn simple japanese. They will find you cuter that way lol. :p
03-05-2009, 10:32 PM
(all pics ytaken from powerGlide's posts, thanks for providing such wonderful examples)
Nami looks like this, what I call "classic" look:
what I have seen over the weeks:
rear view similar to Nami: (
close examples of what I saw: ( ( ( (
03-05-2009, 10:38 PM
fast froward to the dinner with nami mentioned earlier.
nami has sent her son away with a friend to play with her kids. it's me and nami sitting down to dinner only.
Nami was wearing this kind of dress, only longer. Again i saw her VPL, lacy white panties underneath and also matching bra.
03-05-2009, 11:34 PM
how can i concentrate on dinner itself? i kept looking at nami while she prepared dinner. i was reminded of what I saw in the video. a raging hardon came and i am almost driven crazy by lust. what should i do??
throughout the dinner, i tried to concentrate on eating and keeping a polite conversation. I had no idea what i ate, my mind was engrossed on other matters. specifically, engrossed with nami.
the conversation somehow took a turn towards discussing her husband's job and how he is busy with work blah blah.... then it suddenly awkward silence mid-conversation where we both look into each other's eyes. i struggled to smile and surprisingly succeeded. "it must be challenging for you," i comforted nami.
"yes," said nami, "it's a good thing i have a son to look after so it's not so boring."
right at the instant she ended her sentence, my clumsy (nervous?) hands somehow cut the chicken (some kind of meat, can't remember) too hard and some gravy splashed onto her white floral dress (it's not like the picture but the same type). I apologised profusely and grabbed some serviettes to help nami clean off the gravy. nami kept saying it's ok and stuff. during the cleaning up i touched her breasts a little and i got like an "electric" shock, and my little bro started bulging up again...... very hard......
nami excused herself to go into the bedroom to change. i think i lost my mind because i followed her shortly after she left the dining table(when she is mid way down the corridor to her bedroom), without her noticing....maybe she thought i am going to the toilet but i am not.....
just as nami's bedroom door was coming to a close, i reached out and put my hand on the door frame and pushed the door open suddenly, giving nami a shock. "oh, i am okay, stealth san, i just need to change," said nami.
but my eyes must have a different look..... a lusty look because she soon realised i am not in her bedroom out of concern for her dress......
i ignored nami and continued walking towards her, mesmerised by her..... nami kept backing away until she reached the edge of her bed where upon she made a motion of toppling over. i rushed over and pushed her onto her bed and started frenching over. my lust has over-ride my logic and i am like a savage beast. nami resisted and let out a shriek. i hushed her and pin her down with my body. she managed to slap me and i was dazed for a split second, wondering what the heck i was doing.
nami tried to crawl away from me on the bed, letting me see her upskirt. my beastly senses took over again att he sight of her panties and i stretched across to grab her heels, nami fruitless trying to kicking me away. i grab her left heel and started pulling her towards me, like i was fishing. her dress rided up her legs some more and exposed her long silky legs........ i am so totally gone by now...... i grabbed her right heel to prevent her from escaping. i didn't say a word at all throughout this while. nami put up a good struggle but she being the housewife that she is, started to tire out after a while and i took the opportunity to hold both her slim ankles together with my left hand while my right hand reached out for her panties and pulled it down. there can be no mistaking what i want from nami now.
i released my left hand momentarily to pull out her panties completely, took a sniff of it and threw it on the floor. i loosened my drawstring pants and let it dropped to my feet and kicked it away. nami saw my hardon, bulging through my underwear. what manner of beast lies behind my underwear?
i took nami's legs in both hands and spread her between my knees, nami made a feeble attempt to resist but it is pointless. i have absolute control over the situation now. with my knees between her legs, i took her body by her arms and slammed her slightly on her bed to disorientate her. it seemed to work. i pulled down my underwear and kicked it away.... my little bro throbbing in all its purplish glory.... nami looked a shell shocked.
pinning her body with my own body, i started kissing her again and lick her earlobes. i lift up her dress above her breasts and swiftly loosened the lacy bra's clasp. i sucked on her nipples hungrily, tasting her soft breasts in my mouth and flicking my tongue around her nipples. i felt her nipples erected and nami's struggles become totally zero. her breathing become faster and hard.
my right hand reached down and started fingering her trim shaven pussy. nami arched her back my this unexpected 'attack'. i started dipping my forefinger insider and moving it around. i observed her eyes tightly shut as she continues to writhe in slight pleasure. soon, my finger was wet from her own lubrication. i knew it's time to move into the next phase. though this started in an unwilling fashion, i wanted nami to want me inside her. i worked harder at licking her nipples and breasts and alternating with kissing her. i don't need her to say anything. from the way her mouth "agrees" with my kissing i knew i had her.
it's time to rock and roll.
spreading her legs a little further apart with my knees, i moved my right hand down to guide my little bro to nami's pussy. i am going to do her raw. in one swift stroke, i was inside her, feeling her warmth and tightness. i wanted to go in slow but she's too wet.
she must have gone without sex for a long time as she now dug her nails into the mattress. yes, she wants me but she also wants to maintain some "dignity" in not hugging my body and urging me to push harder.
i started pumping her, slow, fast, slow, fast, slow, fast; alternating between long and slow strokes. oh, nami loves it. she tilted her body slightly higher with her spread eagled legs to get more of me inside her. she's loving it alright.
nami's trying hard not to moan but now and then she lets out a pleasurable whimper whenever i hit on the right spot inside her. my bro is like a well-oiled piston, working its way steadily in-and-out. i want her badly too.
with her hands clutching the mattress tightly, i no longer have to hold her hands down. i move to a squatting position and lifted her hips higher up and then pumped her some more. i can see a little tear from her eyes and her body uncontrollably shudder....... i got her right where i want her now....
i felt a huge load coming and i quickly return to missionary position, the position i like to be in when cumming. just a few more strokes and i am going to be done. i am going to cum inside her. yes. i saw nami's husband's work permit before and noticed that i have the same blood type as him. if nami had sex with her husband after this and gets pregnant, as far as blood type is concerned, there's nothing to suspect. this is how crazed i am over nami.
i felt the load building up and threatening to erupt. i timed my entry carefully to coincide with the ejaculation and as soon as i got it right, it's fire away. spurt after spurt came; i was totally spent and collapse on top of nami.
both of us spent the next ten minutes in this position, catching our breath. i suppose nami, at the back of her mind, was wondering what had happened and what to do. i gave her a good time too and she knew it; and she knew that i knew she enjoyed it. i kissed nami on her cheeks, with no resistance from her.
after ten minutes, nami sat up in bed and calmly said "no one must know what happened tonight." i sat up too and looked into her eyes and nodded my eye. then i planted a small kiss on her face again.
it feels weird now that it's over. we both cleaned up without saying a further word. i soon left the apartment after that.
subsequently, the lessons went on as usual but there's like an unspoken understanding between nami and myself that what happened should be treated like a one-night stand with no commitments.
will nami and i develop into FBs??
04-05-2009, 09:57 PM
either Nami becomes a FB or you must "conquer" more jap ladies, haha. Keep this up!!
04-05-2009, 11:11 PM
where can i pick up jap gals and jap milf in singapore? wat are the common places in singapore where u can see plenty of japs?
Be a taxi driver and go to the east or west of singapore, there are Jap school there ..many are ladies and of all most don't own car taxi driver can pick them up....
Used to have a jap married woman who wud call me for phone sex ... now disappeared already.. but this story is good. camping here wif my SBO and helmet:)
Oh I had the same experience. Jap with Malay blood. Amazing.
05-05-2009, 12:18 AM
Be a taxi driver and go to the east or west of singapore, there are Jap school there ..many are ladies and of all most don't own car taxi driver can pick them up....
Great idea..Any clubs that jap ladies normally frequent? :)
06-05-2009, 01:00 AM
06-05-2009, 03:48 AM
Nice bro Stealth!
Thanks for sharing :)
07-05-2009, 10:03 PM
a few weeks later, i learnt that nami's husband is going to be out-station again. i carried on lessons as usual and still have some chances to spot nami's downblouse or upskirts sometimes. her husband looked to be much older than her, probably because his work is so heavy. perhaps too busy with work to satisfy nami in bed.
during one of those nights when her husband is out station, i sms nami at about 10pm plus on the pretext of changing the timing for the next lesson. i knew her son sleeps early, about 9pm. i was actually somewhere around liang court area when i sms her. i waited for a reply while i sipped my drink at MacDonalds. in 5 minutes' time, i got a reply from nami, saying she had other plans already and changing the lesson time will be disruptive. So i agreed to stick to the original time. with this, i confirmed that nami is still awake.
i quickly finished my drink and went to nami's apartment. this is going to be a surprise "attack". i knocked on the door instead of pressing the doorbell so as not to awake Jiro, who I guess most probably would be sleeping. probably because a visitor at this hour is unexpected for nami, i patiently knocked and waited for nami to come to the door. soon i saw a shadow over the peephole and the door opened. there standing meekly behind the door was nami in her camisole underwear and a satin robe over her body, hair still slightly damp. i couldn't hold back myself and just rudely pushed my way through the door and then closed it behind me.
there was a slight look of shock on nami's face but i didn't care. i proceeded to put my hands around her waist and kissed her gently on her lips. no resistance. i proceeded to french kiss her, my tongue zapping into her mouth like a snake.
i stopped for a breath and looked deeply into nami's eye, while my peripheral vision picked up her heaving bosom. in a smooth sweep i carried her off her feet; nami instinctively wrapped her hands around me to avoid falling off. both of us said not a word. with her in my arms, i proceeded to stride confidently towards the bedroom. passing by Jiro's bedroom, i cast a glance and was surprised to see the door was open and the room was empty, bed neatly made. wherever jiro is, i don't think he's coming back tonight.
seeing this, i didn't even bother to go to nami's bedroom but went instead to the guest room opposite jiro's room. i laid nami onto the moonlit bed and slowly disrobed her, at the same time caressing her erogenous zones. soon all that stood between me and nami were my own clothes. i quickly took them off and laid on top of nami. the sweet smell of her afterbath filled my nostrils........ i move my hand downwards to finger her and was surprised to find that she was already slightly wet. i am going to take it a bit rough this time. i placed my throbbing erection between her legs and started to enter her, cm by cm, moving inwards slowly. nami let out a heave..... obviously she wasn't fully prepared yet but is trying to accommodate my intrusion into her vagina.
i started a slow pumping action, entering her slightly deeper on each inward push. nami had her hands on my shoulders and she clenched my shoulder blades, enjoying the moment. soon i was fully inside her, feeling her deep within with my hard rod. after pumping for a while and feeling nami getting wetter, i decided to make it more enjoyable for nami. i lifted her body up towards me while i took a semi standing position. i placed my hands on her tight bums and with a heave, i brought her upwards and stood up at the same time. gravity is now helping me to penetrate her deeply. again as when i carried her into the room, nami naturally gripped my waist with her legs while her hands held onto my shoulders.
i begin to pile driver nami's vagina with my hard erection, bumping her up and down. nami was pleasantly surprised with the new sensation from this standing position and let out a moan..."urgghhhhh.....hmmpppmmhhh..." it was music to my ears and i bump her even harder, keeping a tight grip on her bum.
up and down, up and down............ perhaps due to deeper penetration given by the standing position, i came much faster than expected and exploded inside nami. some sperm came flowing down my legs........ i put nami down on the bed, her body glistening with perspiration in the moonlight. it's not over yet.
i moved over nami and started tickling her nipples, driving nami into ecstacy. seeing her naked in the moonlight, her soft japanese body under my kneading, it did not take me long to recover and become hard again. i flipped nami over and lifted up her butt towards me. i put my hard cock to her vagina and engaged her in doggy position. this time, nami made no effort to hide her enjoyment any more. she begin to moan freely, like a freed bird singing melodiously after an escape from a cage. fortunately, nami's moans were not loud. just loud enough to keep me going.
i pumped her in doggy position for the next 15 minutes, building up into a crescendo. in the final moments before i ejaculate in her, i held her hips tightly and gave a few forceful thrusts to end the session. i was so tired that i had to sit on the bed to rest and catch my breathe. in the stillness of the room, only the hard breathing of nami and myself could be heard.
when i rested enough, i then proceeded to pick nami's clothings and started to dress her, giving her a kiss after i put on her camisole.
i then dressed and let my self out of the apartment, leaving nami still in the guestroom to relish the session.
08-05-2009, 06:26 PM
what a night snack! <clap clap clap>
Hi, bro,
you are bloody lucky. :confused: if story is real...
you are raping her??? no ploice report...
pls teach me how to get close to jap:)
08-05-2009, 08:59 PM
Hi, bro,
you are bloody lucky. :confused: if story is real...
you are raping her??? no ploice report...
pls teach me how to get close to jap:)
haiz...... Sg where got so many happenings one? whatever u read in this forum take it with a bottle of salt.............
09-05-2009, 07:09 AM
my clumsy (nervous?) hands somehow cut the chicken (some kind of meat, can't remember) too hard and some gravy splashed onto her white floral dress (it's not like the picture but the same type). I apologised profusely and grabbed some serviettes to help nami clean off the gravy. nami kept saying it's ok and stuff. during the cleaning up i touched her breasts a little and i got like an "electric" shock, and my little bro started bulging up again...... very hard......
nami excused herself to go into the bedroom to change. i think i lost my mind because i followed her shortly after she left the dining table(when she is mid way down the corridor to her bedroom), without her noticing....maybe she thought i am going to the toilet but i am not.....
just as nami's bedroom door was coming to a close, i reached out and put my hand on the door frame and pushed the door open suddenly, giving nami a shock. "oh, i am okay, stealth san, i just need to change," said nami.
but my eyes must have a different look..... a lusty look because she soon realised i am not in her bedroom out of concern for her dress......
i ignored nami and continued walking towards her, mesmerised by her..... nami kept backing away until she reached the edge of her bed where upon she made a motion of toppling over. i rushed over and pushed her onto her bed and started frenching over. my lust has over-ride my logic and i am like a savage beast. nami resisted and let out a shriek. i hushed her and pin her down with my body. she managed to slap me and i was dazed for a split second, wondering what the heck i was doing.
nami tried to crawl away from me on the bed, letting me see her upskirt. my beastly senses took over again att he sight of her panties and i stretched across to grab her heels, nami fruitless trying to kicking me away. i grab her left heel and started pulling her towards me, like i was fishing. her dress rided up her legs some more and exposed her long silky legs........ i am so totally gone by now...... i grabbed her right heel to prevent her from escaping. i didn't say a word at all throughout this while. nami put up a good struggle but she being the housewife that she is, started to tire out after a while and i took the opportunity to hold both her slim ankles together with my left hand while my right hand reached out for her panties and pulled it down. there can be no mistaking what i want from nami now.
i released my left hand momentarily to pull out her panties completely, took a sniff of it and threw it on the floor. i loosened my drawstring pants and let it dropped to my feet and kicked it away. nami saw my hardon, bulging through my underwear. what manner of beast lies behind my underwear?
i took nami's legs in both hands and spread her between my knees, nami made a feeble attempt to resist but it is pointless. i have absolute control over the situation now. with my knees between her legs, i took her body by her arms and slammed her slightly on her bed to disorientate her. it seemed to work. i pulled down my underwear and kicked it away.... my little bro throbbing in all its purplish glory.... nami looked a shell shocked.
pinning her body with my own body, i started kissing her again and lick her earlobes. i lift up her dress above her breasts and swiftly loosened the lacy bra's clasp. i sucked on her nipples hungrily, tasting her soft breasts in my mouth and flicking my tongue around her nipples. i felt her nipples erected and nami's struggles become totally zero. her breathing become faster and hard.
my right hand reached down and started fingering her trim shaven pussy. nami arched her back my this unexpected 'attack'. i started dipping my forefinger insider and moving it around. i observed her eyes tightly shut as she continues to writhe in slight pleasure. soon, my finger was wet from her own lubrication. i knew it's time to move into the next phase. though this started in an unwilling fashion, i wanted nami to want me inside her. i worked harder at licking her nipples and breasts and alternating with kissing her. i don't need her to say anything. from the way her mouth "agrees" with my kissing i knew i had her.
it's time to rock and roll.
spreading her legs a little further apart with my knees, i moved my right hand down to guide my little bro to nami's pussy. i am going to do her raw. in one swift stroke, i was inside her, feeling her warmth and tightness. i wanted to go in slow but she's too wet.
she must have gone without sex for a long time as she now dug her nails into the mattress. yes, she wants me but she also wants to maintain some "dignity" in not hugging my body and urging me to push harder.
i started pumping her, slow, fast, slow, fast, slow, fast; alternating between long and slow strokes. oh, nami loves it. she tilted her body slightly higher with her spread eagled legs to get more of me inside her. she's loving it alright.
nami's trying hard not to moan but now and then she lets out a pleasurable whimper whenever i hit on the right spot inside her. my bro is like a well-oiled piston, working its way steadily in-and-out. i want her badly too.
with her hands clutching the mattress tightly, i no longer have to hold her hands down. i move to a squatting position and lifted her hips higher up and then pumped her some more. i can see a little tear from her eyes and her body uncontrollably shudder....... i got her right where i want her now....
i felt a huge load coming and i quickly return to missionary position, the position i like to be in when cumming. just a few more strokes and i am going to be done. i am going to cum inside her. yes. i saw nami's husband's work permit before and noticed that i have the same blood type as him. if nami had sex with her husband after this and gets pregnant, as far as blood type is concerned, there's nothing to suspect. this is how crazed i am over nami.
i felt the load building up and threatening to erupt. i timed my entry carefully to coincide with the ejaculation and as soon as i got it right, it's fire away. spurt after spurt came; i was totally spent and collapse on top of nami.
both of us spent the next ten minutes in this position, catching our breath. i suppose nami, at the back of her mind, was wondering what had happened and what to do. i gave her a good time too and she knew it; and she knew that i knew she enjoyed it. i kissed nami on her cheeks, with no resistance from her.
after ten minutes, nami sat up in bed and calmly said "no one must know what happened tonight." i sat up too and looked into her eyes and nodded my eye. then i planted a small kiss on her face again.
will nami and i develop into FBs??
did namis sreamed when yuo pulled out her panties? did she scold you in 4 letter words....?
how nami reacted when she saw you siffing her panties?
did you ick he sure would be lovely licking her pussy. Tell us, if u licked her pussy, how she felt?
share with us if you had with her these events..thanks
13-06-2009, 10:12 PM
What is happening now? ... mata caught ts?
13-06-2009, 10:36 PM
lolz from TS last post isn't it obvious that its a more fiction than fact so good lobang i think GL no more business aledi...:o
14-06-2009, 08:32 AM
What is happening now? ... mata caught ts?
no lah having an affair with a jappo is not an offence leh..unless hubbie return to town and found out about the affair and ts head got chopped off by samurai sword...:p:p
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