View Full Version : Pinoy - Abby

09-04-2009, 01:39 AM
This Pinoy was long overdue in my list. Starting the post on behalf of ctc originator (Spitbreak) as I can't seem to find any posts on this jewel.

Had a arranged a session with Abby yesterday at 7 pm. Since no photo/stats, took my chances and it was worth the risk. Waited for 5 min and door bell rang. Looked thru peephole but can't see the girl as she was hiding at the blindside. Anyway opened the door and was surpised to be greeted by a pretty young thing in pink.

TCSS for a few minute before action starts. Need not go into details but sextisfaction level was very high as she was very responsive. Interlude between action was good with high GFE feeling.

Name : Abby
Age : 25
Look : 8.5/10
Body : 8.2/10
Boobs : Maybe B. Dunno abt size but within good grasp.
Frenching / Fingering : Yes
FJ : 8.1/10
GFE : 8.5/10
RTF : Definitely

To take note she will be leaving around 3rd week April. Also anyone interested, do not PM me. Just indicate your interest on thread and will get the contact originator to get back to you.

09-04-2009, 01:44 AM
what's her damage? Any bbbj?
Interested if her damage within the wall of my wallet..

09-04-2009, 02:52 AM
Wah seh bro. I now dont know whether to try Jewel and Abby. Lol. Maybe even wana try both! :eek: Lol. You've got PM bro!

09-04-2009, 03:39 PM
Hi Bro..interest indicated..Cheers!

09-04-2009, 10:54 PM
hi bro. im interested to book this girl. could you pm me the contact no?

10-04-2009, 01:31 AM
steady bro.....u also start helping out too huh....hehehehe....way to go bro zack..

10-04-2009, 10:57 AM
hey bro pls message me abby's number...will wait for your message

10-04-2009, 01:42 PM
Bro.. i am interested. what is the damange? pls pm me her contact.

12-04-2009, 03:04 AM
hi bro. may i have her contact pls? :)

12-04-2009, 01:21 PM
hey bro.. can i have abby's number?

12-04-2009, 01:31 PM
Can I have her ctc bro? Thanks!

12-04-2009, 07:48 PM
Hi bro=D..

Can PM me her contact Bro?:D..

Thank you so much bro:)..

Good Day Bro;)..

12-04-2009, 08:48 PM
hi bro! i would like to join the queue. Appreciate if u can share her contacts!!! thanks...

12-04-2009, 09:33 PM
hi bro.

pm me her contact also. me luv pinoy.


12-04-2009, 11:40 PM
bro please pm me the contact, thanks

13-04-2009, 01:27 AM
Hi bro,

Please pm me her contact number.


13-04-2009, 02:45 AM
Hope is a good one, pse let me have the contact.
Thanks bro !

13-04-2009, 10:34 AM
Hi Bros,

Have given contact to some bros. Due to these "hot" times, I have to be very selective on giving out the numbers. Hope you all understand as I do not want to send the contact out to the wrong people.

Emphatize with newbies but must have at least 3 FRs before I can consider.


13-04-2009, 10:43 AM
bro mind to shared... wat her damage... any pic to show???