View Full Version : Ex. Colleague

17-04-2009, 05:35 PM
Hi Bros,

It has been a while since I last post.
Sorry for missing in action but business alway come first before anything else.
Recently due to the economy downturn, even though have been travelling
and visit customers and potential customers but still have plenty of time during
office so one day, playing with my contacts on my phone - found an old ex.
colleague name (girl) and decide to call her and see if we can have lunch together.
Let say her name is Jane.
I remember long time ago, I alway like her and there was one instance (after
she just break up with her bf) and I can clearing staff in the warehouse alone.
She came in to help me and she was sitting infront of me in those short stool
and she was wearing a normal skirt and she was sitting with her legs wide open.
I could still remember seeing her panties very clearly and was having a hard on
throughout the whole process, we was probably in the warehouses for hours.
I curse myself for not taking the opportunity to take my chances at that time.
One of the reason maybe - anyone can come into the warehouse, 2nd, if she reject
my advances - I might get myself into trouble and lose my job.
I alway dream of what could have happen, if I will to make my move that time.

Audi : Hello, Jane, Audi here.. It has been years since we last meet, how are you?
Jane : Fine
Audi: Still working in the same company? How is your company doing?
Jane : yes, business is down.
Audi : Any paycut or force leave?
Jane : luckily no, but wage freeze this year.
Audi : I will be somewhere near your office, maybe we can get together for lunch?
Jane: Oh, I am having my lunch now... May be next time
Audi : Then may it tomorrow.. What time your lunch time?
Jane: 11:30am.
Audi: Call you tomorrow.
Jane : okay, bye.
For the next couple days, I was busy with work so did not find time to have lunch
with Jane. Then on friday, I was meeting customer in the west side, so I give her a
call and she was free for lunch.
I told her 11.30am will be a bit tight for me but I should be there by 11.45am.
Jane said it okay, she can take the 12:30pm lunch break slot instead of 11:30am.
So after my customer visit, I drove to Jane office and give her a call when I was reaching
I parked my car at the multi-storey car park and walk to the office lobby.
Jane was there waiting for me. She still look as good as I last seen her, seems that
She has put on a little weight which is good because she used to be so thin,
now her boob look slightly bigger.
I ask her where she want to eat as I do not know what is available at her office building.
We decide to eat at one of the restaurant upstair and took the escalator up.

As we are walking to the escalator, I was chatting with her, my hand accidentally
touched her hand as we are walking so close. She has no response, so I decide to
purposely touches her and this time, her buttock to see if there was any displeasure.
She was still acting as if nothing has happen - maybe she think it is accidental.

We reached the lunch place and I want to sit on the table that two of us can sit side by
side (bench type) but it was reserved so we have no choice but to sit facing each other.

So we finished our lunch and I told her I would like to find a place to smoke.
We proceed to the car park at the restaurant level and walk toward the deck and as
I stand there smoking and leaning on the edge and looking out at road.
Jane was standing beside me and we were chatting about some common friend
we know and catching up about the past.
I hold my cigarette on my left hand and with my free hand, I slowly brushed against her
buttock. I looked as I chat with her and did not see any adverse reaction from her.
So I become more daring and rest my hand on her buttock.

17-04-2009, 08:39 PM
anymore ? camp here.

17-04-2009, 09:32 PM
camping here

17-04-2009, 10:20 PM
Welcome back Bro Audi,

Look like a great story coming up
Update quickly...

18-04-2009, 12:22 AM
As I rested my hand on her bum, I can feel her fleshy bum tranmitting
current to my body and wake up my didi...
I was having a hard on and in my mind, I was thinking what should be
my next step.
My next step should be to slowly move myself behind her and lean toward
her, have my dick rest on her buttock and put my hand on her waist.
If she did not stop me, then I can slowly move my hand up to her boobs and
caress them. If still no resistance from her, then I can move one hand down to
her and feel her groin on top skirt.

18-04-2009, 12:36 AM
hmm.... nice story.. Time to change my car to Audi..:D

18-04-2009, 01:09 AM
Wow thatz very daring..not afraid of a bad response from your ex-colleague? curious to see what happens next :)

18-04-2009, 10:31 AM
Thanks for your effort in "transmitting current"...

18-04-2009, 10:35 AM
Another good story from TS. Camping here too.

18-04-2009, 11:13 AM
Another good story from TS. Camping here too.

yes bro same here will lay ground sheet and wait...up u bro....

18-04-2009, 11:24 AM
TS, good story! putting up my tent & bedsheet. will bring along with my 3 weeks rations too or mayb more..

18-04-2009, 12:12 PM
Nice Start Audi, Hope To See More Soon :p

18-04-2009, 12:14 PM
Then my next step will be to lift her skirt when my hand rub against her groin
and slowly until my hand can feel her panties then start to rub her pussy
outside her panties. If there is no resistance from her and by this time, she should
be breathing slightly heavily by then and maybe even start to moan.
Taking the opportunity, I should slid one finger underneath her panties and start to
caress her pussy with that fingers on the inside and the rest of the hand on the outside.
She will probably think that I am caressing her on the outside until it is too late.
The other hand must continue to caress her breast and even try to slid into the blouses
and beneath the bras as well.
By this time, your finger beneath the panties will probably feel her wetness from her pussy
and then you can start to finger her slowly using that finger to give her more enjoyment.
The other hand will be pinching her nipple at the same time.
With the two prong attack, she will not be able to defend herself and when her defend
is down - meaning she is enjoying it too much that she cannot stop it.
Then it time to launch full attack - the whole hand beneath the panties and start to finger
her pussy - this will be more easy as you will be fingering her with your middle finger instead
of last finger and slowly as she get wetter you will use two finger.

18-04-2009, 02:30 PM
thanks for the great story , please continue :)

18-04-2009, 02:53 PM
More please....

18-04-2009, 04:22 PM
It time to turn her around and kiss her and frenched her.
Using one hand, I unzip my pants and pull my dick out of
my pant. I move my hand from fingering infront to fingering
from behind the buttock, so that my dick can rub her groin area
getting both of us horny as hell.
I move my lip from her mouth downward to her left boob, using
my left hand I pull her blouses and bra down and I suck her nipple.
At the same time, using my remaining fingers on my right hand
(those that is not fucking her pussy), I slowly pull her panties
that is covering her pussy to one side.
Now it the time for the cannon to come into play. Slowly guide
the cannon and actually bonk your own hand while you finger her
then with a shift motion pull out your finger and engage the cannon.
She will not have any idea what you are doing until it is too late.
One you are in, she will be shock for a second but the estasy and
shiokness will make her yield to your conquest.
You can bonk her as long as you want until she cum and you cum.

With all this well planned sequence, I start to make my move.
I move my right hand from the edge of the balcony to her right waist
(from behind), then I glide my groin along her bum.
It feel like "a spring" beam gliding along until you hit the crack.
Errrrr..Ding. My dick was behaving like a springy beam gliding along
her bum until iit reached her ass crack and I put my right arm
on her waist as well and start to dry bonk her ass slowly.

Then..."Shriek...shriek...." a car was coming up to the carpark.
The sound wake us up and I froze..

18-04-2009, 04:35 PM
Oh my god what will happen next.

18-04-2009, 09:51 PM
Hi Bros audi,

Nice story, try to up you but unable
Need to spread reputation around.
Maybe other bros can up you for your effort.

19-04-2009, 01:18 PM
I quickly stop what I was doing and move back to beside her.
Trying to do all those thing in the carpark is dangerous.
After chating for a while, I send her to the lift lobby and we bid good bye and
I told her next time, I around this area, will call her for lunch.
Walking back to my car, I think of where to go next time where there is no people
and I can explore further.

19-04-2009, 01:21 PM
Bro... you are very good

20-04-2009, 01:50 AM
Risky but nice try, brudder audi. Hope you will have better luck next time round.

20-04-2009, 07:37 AM
good stuff there

20-04-2009, 07:44 AM
Was busy for few weeks, so no time to have lunch with her.
I still thinking of how I can bonk her during the 1 hour lunch break.
Sometime I pcc thinking of it, In my fantasy, it was like this:-

I called her one morning at about 10:30am

audi : Hi Jane, audi, I will be around your office area before lunch.
Do you want to have lunch together?

Jane : Sure! What time you want, 11:30am or 12:30pm?

Audi : 12:30 pm is better - I will pick you up and we go somewhere for lunch, okay.

Jane : Okay, where?

Audi : not sure... Later decide.. (Thinking : near where I can bonk you lor!)

On the way to her office, I stop by a petro station and top up and at the same time
bought a "protection", took one out slid into my back pocket, the rest keep it a secret
compartment in the car for ermergency use.

I called Jane and told her that I will be there shortly, she can wait for me at the office
Taxi stand.

20-04-2009, 07:46 AM
Nice story to read, thanks.

20-04-2009, 08:52 AM
nice story , please continue , thanks :)

20-04-2009, 09:17 AM
I reached her office taxi stand, Jane was there waiting for me.
She open the car door and sit at the pessenger seat beside me.

Jane : Nice car, when you bought this?

Audi : Thanks, not long ago... Alway want to have a TT.

Jane : Must be expensive.

Audi : Not really, I bought it second hand, to to get my fantasy fullfilled.
After 2 years, may change to A4 or A6. Pickup is very good, but cannot sit
many people.

Audi : yeah, I need to go to a friend's place first to look at some furniture he
don't want, then we will eat around there.

Jane : Why your friend don't want his furniture?

Audi: His Condo en-bloc, he move into another Condo and he has some old furniture
left behind which if I don't want he either give to Salvation army or have to pay someone
to get rid of it. He pass me the keys and they are not staying there anymore.
(What a good chance to try his old bed).

20-04-2009, 06:35 PM
Nice story Audi. Keep it up. I be waiting more.

21-04-2009, 09:29 AM
Real juicy story. I wonder what will hapen during lunch time.

21-04-2009, 05:00 PM
How come no bros up TS?

21-04-2009, 05:00 PM
nice story, keep it flowing :)

21-04-2009, 07:36 PM
i also wan park here n listen. :p

22-04-2009, 09:39 AM
So far no encouragement from any bros yet, a little encourage
alway motivate me a lot.

Back to story :-

As I was driving to my friend's place, I place my hand on the arm rest and occasionally
brush it against her waist or body, to see if there was any reaction.
If there was adverse reaction, at least, I can change my plan accordingly.
If she did not want it, I will not force it - as it may result in getting into a lot
of hot soup. If she has no reaction, usually means, she enjoying it but prefer
to keep low profile.
Since there was no reaction and we still chat like old friend, I slowly move my
finger to "tip touch" her chest to "test water".

22-04-2009, 01:05 PM
You really should lengthen your updates each time, otherwise it's like reading a kid's story book :cool:

22-04-2009, 02:52 PM
Nice, thanks for sharing.

22-04-2009, 11:31 PM
camping here.... good story....

23-04-2009, 09:16 AM
nice story and thanks.

23-04-2009, 09:48 AM
So far no encouragement from any bros yet, a little encourage

What kind of encouragement do you need? Perhaps if you articulate your needs clearly, I'm sure your "prayers" would be answered.

Thanks for sharing your sexual experience with us! :)

23-04-2009, 01:26 PM
I slowly tip touch her and no reaction from her. I move slowly to scratch
her bras from outside her shirt using my finger tips.
It is dangerous to drive and do all the naughty stuff but it is really exciting
and stimulating.
I am really curious what she is thinking in her mind. Is she enjoying it or
she is shock by my action.
I reached my friend place and we parked the car and took the lift up to his
Condo. Inside the lift, again I try to "test water" by accidently caress her buttock.
We reached his house, I used my key to open the door and we go in.
The house is very messy, with boxes lying around.
I close the door behind me and bring her around the house. I ask her if she want
any of the furniture, she still look in good condition.
I continue to caress her buttock as we move from room to room.
We move into the master bedroom, I opened the window and asked her over.

Audi : They have a very nice view into the forest
Jane : Yes
I started to caress her buttock and move myself behind her and pointing to
something. My groin was in contact with her buttock, I started to press her against
the wall and "rubbed" her buttock with my dick. I move my hand to her waist and
start to hug her. As I rubbed against her, I move my arm upward until I touch
her bottom of her breast, I move the arm around her breast, it was not really
obvious as it was my arm touching her breast not my hand. I release my hand
from holding on to my arm to beneath it, now both my hand is cupping her breast.
Jane eyes was close and can tell she is feeling very nervous.

Jane: audi, please

I ignore her pleading and continue to dry bonk her and caress her breast.

Jane : We can't do this.

Audi : It's okay, I just hugging you and touching on the outside.

Taking the opportunity, I turn her around and hugged her from the front. Using my leg,
I parted her legs and continue to rub against her groin area.
She start to breath a little heavier.
I planted my lips on her lips and move my hand to cup her boobs.
Taking the opportunity, I pry open her neckline and slid my hand underneath her bra,
and caress her nipple. She just to breath much heavier now.

Jane : Ple..a..s..e....st...op...

I pry open her shirt and her left bra and her whole boob with nipple was exposed.
I quickly shift my lip from her lip to her left nipple and suck at it. At the same time,
I move my hand to her buttock and lift up her skirt and slid it beneath her panties,
all the way to her groin and U-turn to her front groin and I can feel her wetness
I was caress her pussy and before she can react or her hand touches my hand,
My finger already inserted into her very wet pussy and she start to jerk and moan

23-04-2009, 04:01 PM
Good to know that you are back to contribute another story.

27-04-2009, 02:49 PM
My right hand continue to finger fucked her while my left hand unzipped my
pant and take out my didi. Now I switched to finger her using my left hand and
from her back (buttock), so that it does not obstruct my dick entering her pussy.
My left hand was fingering her at the same time, it act as a bearing for my dick to
find where her pussy hole is. I used my right hand and guide my dick to where my
left finger is and bonk my fingers.
Jane : AHAHAHArrrr.....OHHHhhhhhhh...
I pulled our my finger slowly and use it to part her pussy lips and at the same time,
I pushed my dick into her pussy.
I can sensed she was surprised, she jerked quite violently as I entered her.
Jane : Ple..se... audi... What you..re....doi..ng....AHHHHH...Yesssssss
Audi : I am FUCKING you...you like it ? You want me to go harder, faster, deeper..
Jane : Plea...SE...STTTTooooooP.....Yes...Yes.....Yes....
I take both her hand and put them on my back and holding on to be bum..
I continue to bonk her violently...
I lift her legs up and they were wrapped tightly around my waist and I bonked her
by lifting her up and down.
I lift her and walked toward the bed and put her down on the bed, I took the cd from my back
pocket (which I prepare before hand), unbuckle my trouser and it drop to the floor,
took out my underwear, put on my CD and continue to bonk her missionary.

AHHHHHHHH...hmmmm...we ....caaaaaannnnn'''tttt. Doooooo thiiiiiiiisssss.
I closed her legs and move my legs outside her legs and continue to pump her.
This way, I can increase my speed......

She has lost her battle.... She just closed her eyes and moan as she enjoy,
the whole scenerio....

Audi : You feeling good...
Jane : Hmmmm
I stopped...
Audi : if you don't feel good, then we stopped.

27-04-2009, 06:22 PM
Don't stop. do continue. :D

27-04-2009, 06:42 PM
Bro... The whole episode of yours sound like my days with my ex-classmate... Keep saying 'No, No...!' but once I entered, wah lan... Both of us in heaven man... She's wet & tight and my thickness satisfied her...

Best of all, she was on IUD, so I fire all my ammo into her everytime when we do it without worries man... My FB for about 2 years before her hubby takes over...

Now my di di hard man after thinking of our good old times.... Sigh...

27-04-2009, 09:14 PM
keep it cumming :D

05-05-2009, 09:13 AM
So far, no one up my point yet.
I just want my point to go up to 30 points so that I can up other as well.
Kindly up my point if you like the story.


I stopped and Jane did not speak at all, I expect her to tell me to continue but
she did not.
She start to move her bum and she was bonking me, then she rolled sideway
and suddenly she was on top of me and was bonking me sitting up.
There was a million volts current passing through my body and I cum...
I lied down totally shagged... and closed my eyes to rest a while..

I opened my eyes and Jane was not around, the room was dark...
I finally realised I was dreaming and masterbating myself and I was holding
my cock wrapped in tissue paper...

Everything is ready for action, time is 10:45 am, time to get ready to pick her
up for the lunch. Time to get ready and pick her up.

With all my imagination replaying whatever scenerio jane will reacted to my
advance for the next couple of days, I finally call her again to meet for lunch.
I have missed a few time because either I called too late, she is already at lunch
or she has another lunch appointment.

So I will react as per my plan depend on what is her reaction. First thing I do is
bought some condom, put one in my wallet, the rest kept in the car secret compartment
and also bought some wet tissue and some new towel/new bedsheet set and I proceed
to go to my place place to set up the scene of the coming "crime".
I on the air-con to cool down the place, put up the bedsheet and pillow case as
there was none (just bare). I put the towel in the drawer.
I clean up the place to the best I can, bought some cold drink as well and put them
in the fridge.
Everything is ready for action, time is 10:45 am, time to get ready to pick her
up for the lunch. Time to get ready and pick her up.

06-05-2009, 01:13 AM
Nice story. Keep up the good work.

06-05-2009, 08:43 PM
Thanks bros for upping my point. Will continue shortly.
Now busy with work.

06-05-2009, 10:20 PM
Nice encounter, pls write more soon ;)

09-05-2009, 01:57 PM
Thanks Bros for Upping my points.

I drove to Jane's workplace in full excitment, my bottom was slowly hardening
as I think of what is going to happen (hope it goes as plan).
The excitment also lie in the facts that you do not know if it is going to happen,
or you ended up in serious problem. That itself add fuel to the already
burning fire.

09-05-2009, 08:36 PM
The feeling of committing a "crime" make the whole situation more exciting.
I saw Jane standing outside the Lobby, she was wearing sleeveless shirt and flair skirt.
I drove my car into the lobby driveway and stop the car, Jane came in.

Audi : Hi, How are you today?
Jane : Fine, a little busy but okay.

We drove off toward my friend's place (near) for lunch.
I rest my left hand on the arm rest as we drive toward the makan place.
I start to "accidently" touch her side of her body with my finger.
I start to touch her side of her body, until I begin to feel the side of her bras.
Even though I was just "touching" her side, it still get me all excited.

09-05-2009, 10:10 PM
I start to slowly move my finger toward her bottom of her bra to feel
her bras cup.
Jane has a very small cup size but it still feel good to tickle her.
She seems to notice it but did not stop me, just keep her arm closer
to her side of her body and give me no chance to continue caress her
breast bottom.
Man don't give up, especially after the bottom head feel like they are
bigger than the head on the shoulder.
So I start to touch her boobs slowly to see if she will allow me.

10-05-2009, 03:40 AM
Man don't give up, especially after the bottom head feel like they are
bigger than the head on the shoulder.
So I start to touch her boobs slowly to see if she will allow me.

Great story, Audi. Up you a little. Now you have power to up others leow. :D

Keep it up!

10-05-2009, 06:17 AM
great story , please continue , thanks :)

10-05-2009, 04:19 PM
Have any bros ever try touching a girl boob with your left hand and driving at the same time?
It damn exciting, like a cat and mouse situation because when you come to a
traffic light and another car come beside you, you retract your arms so fast, then
after the coast is clear, the hand spring back to action.
Touching the bras on the outside and using your finger or nail and try to feel
the nipple, that is very shiok feeling.
Finally, I met with a obstacle - Jane finally decide to stop me as I was feeling that
her nipple was erect through her bras.
Jane using her hand move my hand away and say : you getting naughty.

10-05-2009, 07:24 PM
good story. more please

11-05-2009, 12:14 AM
thks for your updates i hope there more coming up

11-05-2009, 03:13 AM
Have any bros ever try touching a girl boob with your left hand and driving at the same time?

That must be in esctay. :D

11-05-2009, 07:17 AM
nice story. camping here

16-05-2009, 05:04 PM
Thanks Bros for upping my points and sorry for delay.

We finally reached the destination. I parked the car at the carpark and
went up the place with Jane.

Jane : What you taking from your friend's place
Audi : Not sure, he ask me to come and look and see what I want
Jane : so it won't be long.
Audi : Depend on you.
Jane : Why depend on me?
Audi (Thinking ). Depend on how long you want me to bonk you
Audi : I means depend on how fast you walk.
Jane : oh..
While we are in the lift alone, I already start to make my move to ensure
everything will go as plan. I start to caress her buttock with my right hand.
Jane did not says anything or stop me which indicate either she has no feeling
or she is not objecting. If she has reacted like " Hey Hey, what are you doing"
I would probably have stopped and nothing will happen.
So in other words, she is partially responsible for what that going to happen.