View Full Version : Q & A For New Babies N Lazy Cheonger
07-07-2003, 09:35 AM
Let me make it clear 1st... I start this thread for 2 reasons :
1 - For newcomers to ask, so call silly n stupid, questions (not what i's most of the old bird feels).
2 - For some good & caring blooders to answer those question, but please dun flame others... u can choose not to answer..just dun flame others....
Just 1 2 help those poor fellows always ask n ask n ask n kana boom 1... if there's reply 2 ur questions...good 4 u.. if there's no answer... u should know y liao....
Hopefully this will help all of us.... got questions ask here..... dun need to start a new thread n ask..... & to all cheongers blooders... let carry on with the FIELD REPORT..... not attacking 1 n other as we come here to shall our experiences n exchange ideas....right? correct me if we r here for another reasons... 10Q.
Happy cheonging.....
07-07-2003, 09:43 AM
How thoughtful of u... but sometimes they dont seem to appreciate.... Anyway, nice effort..... Cheers!!!!
07-07-2003, 09:58 AM
What i am about to post might mivite flamed from all directions but these are how i feel
Some lao jiao wu tai chi bo tai chia also flamed those newbies , please lah , you were newbie once too so if u dun like what they ask dun reply lor
Sometimes those stupid newbies ask some damn kiam gan questions but nevertheless there is a lot of genuine newbies who ask cos they really cannot find the answer they want and keeps kena flame . So this thread might be a relieve for them
I remember when i first started in the forum so scared i kena flamed thoroughly search thru the whole forum for any threads before i post any stupid qns but heng so far no flamed come my way
Just a note to new samsters , search thru before u ask , cos bros here post a lot of frs on their experiences and they put in effort and time into the frs and if they post again and again the whole forum can be one big messy place and makes it even harder for new samsters to find what they want
just my 2 cents worth
07-07-2003, 10:05 AM
Strongly agreed with the blooders.....that's y i start this thread...:D & tks for the support.
07-07-2003, 01:26 PM
ok, me noted liao...u hav my support:D
07-07-2003, 01:59 PM
I support the idea, but to make it work, this post needs to be 'sticky', like what most other forums do and like what they did to some of the posts at 'The Geylang Scene'.
This way, there is no excuse for not being able to 'find' or 'see' this thread. Maybe the Moderator can help here.
07-07-2003, 05:52 PM
Good effort Bro Anyrider. So this will be a peaceful thread redardless of wat question asked! cos sometimes i also feel like asking kiam gan question! haha
But if anyone start a new thread and ask kiam gan question then i think he deserved to be flame! :D
07-07-2003, 08:35 PM
Nice to see you guys had addressed this issue...
yeah worse thing is that alot of newbies like to post new topic and ask kiam gan qns.... thus when u tryin to follow some threads.. they will sometimes kena buried by these.... threads*
07-07-2003, 09:17 PM
Thanks Anyrider for starting this thread.
My silly question of the day is:
1. Are the towels in HC clean? I mean its used by thousands & dunno where they send for washing or just dump in washing machine. What if kena infectious disease from using towel someone use before?
2. What is the time where there are least people? So chances of bumping into boss/collegue/friend is least?
08-07-2003, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by ho_ed
Thanks Anyrider for starting this thread.
My silly question of the day is:
1. Are the towels in HC clean? I mean its used by thousands & dunno where they send for washing or just dump in washing machine. What if kena infectious disease from using towel someone use before?
2. What is the time where there are least people? So chances of bumping into boss/collegue/friend is least?
1: u heard anyone kena infection from use towel??
those towel are quite dirty lah... but who care?? or ring your one there meh???
2: when the HC is just open tat the least ppl... but not many gal have start work...after work, weekend and every night time is the peck period...
08-07-2003, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by ah_yan
1: u heard anyone kena infection from use towel??
those towel are quite dirty lah... but who care?? or ring your one there meh???
2: when the HC is just open tat the least ppl... but not many gal have start work...after work, weekend and every night time is the peck period...
so far those HC i went...saw the cleaning lady wash the towel with their own huge washing machine...guess should be clean....
Ah yan... die liao u pejar lobang time when the HC just open.....lots of ppl liao... more fresh abalone to eat liao....hahahahahahahahaha....
Happy cheonging....:D
08-07-2003, 11:38 PM
can any1 tell me wat is mean by LT N OKT ? THKS
08-07-2003, 11:52 PM
thanks all for your reply.
What if I dun want HJ, BJ but just play wif her boobs? How much would this special costs? Got such thing? Thks.
09-07-2003, 12:51 AM
Anyone with good recommendations of pubs that can raba with the gals (Preferbly Sg gals) Or any good hunt jus for a drink and with some pretty waitress that would entertain u(hoprfully , that are horny)....
09-07-2003, 01:48 AM
ho_ed, the towels in HCs do not seem to b 100% clean. Imagine, there r so many men, in out in out of HC everyday ... sometimes after a HJ, the gals will juz use e towels to wipe off the sperm ... n imagine all these towels r all rojak together n thrown into washing m/c .. n to thk those sticky stuff r not easy to get rid of.
if this worries u, u shd worry even more abt the HC gal which u french kiss or suck the nipples. Do u thk she will sterilise or clean herself after every session? ... where got so much time ... juz imagine the nipples u sucked contain saliva of anthr ah peh :D
As for yr other qn, most PRCs r obliging with raba raba once u know them well after a few visits. U need to gain their trust 1st, after which u may even get free HJs after subseq visits. Of cos yrslf need to be automatic lah .. tip them reasonably how much u thk their svcs r worth. So far, my experience is tt d older (n less attractive) PRCs r more obliging while d younger n prettier ones r dam dao n wont let u go too far with yr roaming.
09-07-2003, 02:49 AM
Originally posted by ho_ed
Thanks Anyrider for starting this thread.
My silly question of the day is:
1. Are the towels in HC clean? I mean its used by thousands & dunno where they send for washing or just dump in washing machine. What if kena infectious disease from using towel someone use before?
2. What is the time where there are least people? So chances of bumping into boss/collegue/friend is least? 1. go hawker center makan also using utensils used by thousands so how?maybe bring own towel?:D
2.go when your boss or colleague is working! provided you on leave or off.:D
09-07-2003, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by axeman
can any1 tell me wat is mean by LT N OKT ? THKS
09-07-2003, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by ho_ed
thanks all for your reply.
What if I dun want HJ, BJ but just play wif her boobs? How much would this special costs? Got such thing? Thks.
Dun 1 HJ n BJ... then FJ lor.....hahahahaha... another cheapo idea..
while she asking u for special....u talk cock with then..delay time n play with the boob 1st...hehehehehe.... after that u dun 1 any service lor...however... i never try b4...later u cannot get out of the room not my fault hor...u might 1 2 tips her lor...
anyway.... in the world....THERE'S NO FREE LUNCH....
maybe can have free smell only....hehehehehe...
Happy cheoging....
09-07-2003, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by Fantasy
Anyone with good recommendations of pubs that can raba with the gals (Preferbly Sg gals) Or any good hunt jus for a drink and with some pretty waitress that would entertain u(hoprfully , that are horny)....
blooder.... got such good deal u introduce come ar...
maybe got... but not easy to get... unless u damn yan dao...or can light up a cigar with $100 notes....or drove a porsche etc..
good things seldom wait there for u...
that's what i feel...n maybe other blooders ever come across such experiences....any comments????
09-07-2003, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Fantasy
Anyone with good recommendations of pubs that can raba with the gals (Preferbly Sg gals) Or any good hunt jus for a drink and with some pretty waitress that would entertain u(hoprfully , that are horny)....
Go to club street (rows of pubs) where they offer waitresses to talk cock with u.....
09-07-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by axeman
can any1 tell me wat is mean by LT N OKT ? THKS LT-long time?
09-07-2003, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by anyrider
blooder.... got such good deal u introduce come ar...
maybe got... but not easy to get... unless u damn yan dao...or can light up a cigar with $100 notes....or drove a porsche etc..
good things seldom wait there for u...
that's what i feel...n maybe other blooders ever come across such experiences....any comments????
Once u light up ur cigar with the 100 bill, u will be surrounded by the police.... :D
09-07-2003, 07:46 PM
JB got any good massage parlour?
how to get there?
Ah Wang
10-07-2003, 11:07 AM
Hmm you can check out the section on Malaysia Commercial Sex Scene. I believe you can find your ans there..
14-07-2003, 12:46 PM
Have some questions regarding tipping .. inorder not to sia suay myself or spoilt the market .. how much to give if
1) just sit with you
2) sit and play play rubba rubba little
3) HJ/BJ
4) FJ
and, if got mummy and asst mummy must tip both ? how much ?
do you tip the waiter that serves in the room and how much ?
14-07-2003, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Wahbiang
Have some questions regarding tipping .. inorder not to sia suay myself or spoilt the market .. how much to give if
1) just sit with you ------ 20 for whole night
2) sit and play play rubba rubba little ------ 30
3) HJ/BJ ----- 40/80
4) FJ ------ ask the gal
and, if got mummy and asst mummy must tip both ? ---- min20-30 for each (depending on service)
do you tip the waiter that serves in the room and how much ?
----- why not u tip me since i provide u with the info??
15-07-2003, 02:24 AM
Hello Samsters,
Newbie here... Thanks for opening this Thread...
Some time back when I'm online, I came across a posting on the "procedure" when you visit a HC.
However, I lost the thread page.... any1 came across the similiar thread?
Pls share.
15-07-2003, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by 7Horizon
Hello Samsters,
Newbie here... Thanks for opening this Thread...
Some time back when I'm online, I came across a posting on the "procedure" when you visit a HC.
However, I lost the thread page.... any1 came across the similiar thread?
Pls share.
yeah i saw the thread but that was a LONG time ago. probably too old to keep...
my newbie question for the day is...
is it ok to go nightclubs alone? coz not really comfortable cheonging with many people
15-07-2003, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Junkboy
is it ok to go nightclubs alone? coz not really comfortable cheonging with many people
Haha...... :D
16-07-2003, 03:50 PM
Sometimes cannot blame the 'lao jiao' for flaming the newbies for asking repetitively irritating questions because if the newbies had really spent an effort to read the FAQ AND do a search, the answers are all there!
Haiz, on MC today, so being a nice guy that I am, I did a search, simply type 'procedures' and walah, I've got the info I need!
Here are some of them, if you want to know more, do your own search. . . The old threads are still there, just that they don't show up at the 'Last Page', seek and you shall find...
I've helped, so it's up to you newbies to spent an effort to READ.
Have fun!
17-07-2003, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by Hitman
Sometimes cannot blame the 'lao jiao' for flaming the newbies for asking repetitively irritating questions because if the newbies had really spent an effort to read the FAQ AND do a search, the answers are all there!
Haiz, on MC today, so being a nice guy that I am, I did a search, simply type 'procedures' and walah, I've got the info I need!
Here are some of them, if you want to know more, do your own search. . . The old threads are still there, just that they don't show up at the 'Last Page', seek and you shall find...
I've helped, so it's up to you newbies to spent an effort to READ.
Have fun!
Tks for the info....
17-07-2003, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by lifeduo
JB got any good massage parlour?
how to get there?
jb got hell lots of HC,
Eden Roman Spa ( near the DFS)
New York Spa ( New york hotel)
Sounthern Spa ( above Ocean)
these are the few i know
17-07-2003, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by lifeduo
JB got any good massage parlour?
how to get there?
i think u try Eden in JB and u won't think of going of any HC in SG liao..
18-07-2003, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by ah_yan
i think u try Eden in JB and u won't think of going of any HC in SG liao..
Can share your FR on Eden at JB? The pricing also? Any recommendation of chiobu there? Thanks! :)
20-07-2003, 05:04 PM
heard abt "sakura" in JB..... any1 can share on it?
20-07-2003, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by 7Horizon
heard abt "sakura" in JB..... any1 can share on it?
Use the search function for the keyword Sakura if not then go to the Malaysian Scene thread..... ;)
20-07-2003, 07:13 PM
Bros, there are FRs on Sakura and Roman Spa @ Eden over at the Malaysian section. Please check it out.
20-07-2003, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by ho_ed
thanks all for your reply.
What if I dun want HJ, BJ but just play wif her boobs? How much would this special costs? Got such thing? Thks.
U can just tell her that U want to have a foreplay session. Normally girls who allow fingering cost at least 50. Any bro can get cheaper?
11-08-2003, 06:10 PM
My Newbie Qn of the day:
What is the acceptance of Foreigners in GL? Do the Girls speak English?
I'm asking because I'll be in SG in September, and am very interested in checking out the scene.
11-08-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by altered1
My Newbie Qn of the day:
What is the acceptance of Foreigners in GL? Do the Girls speak English?
I'm asking because I'll be in SG in September, and am very interested in checking out the scene.
Bro, you are asking questions about GL in the wrong thread. Please go to the GL thread. There is a thread for help for newbies. Please read them.
BTW, most gals in GL (for the legal ones) are only Mandarin/Catonese/Malay speaking. Those Malay gals can speak ok English. Some Chinese ones can speak ok English. Ask the okt there to recommend those that can speak English. Some gals may also not accept caucasians or any other non-Chinese.
11-08-2003, 07:46 PM
sorry for my ignorance. If i am 20+ not yet 21, am i able to go in? Some kind bro pls advice mi?
12-08-2003, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by altered1
My Newbie Qn of the day:
What is the acceptance of Foreigners in GL? Do the Girls speak English?
I'm asking because I'll be in SG in September, and am very interested in checking out the scene.
One more thing to add, if you are white, the price automatically double
12-08-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by hello
sorry for my ignorance. If i am 20+ not yet 21, am i able to go in? Some kind bro pls advice mi?
Have money, will travel.
Don't act like a kid and don't announce your age. But in the end, its your money that will open doors and clothes and legs. Have fun!
12-08-2003, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by hello
sorry for my ignorance. If i am 20+ not yet 21, am i able to go in? Some kind bro pls advice mi?
No age limit lah.... even if there's age check then bluff lah... There's no discount for being honest ok... :o
12-08-2003, 10:40 AM
Thanks for your advise.
I read the faq and was told that best put your real name and IC no. in case of AV raid.That why i ask your any age limit dont wanna chase out by them. very paiseh
12-08-2003, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by hello
Thanks for your advise.
I read the faq and was told that best put your real name and IC no. in case of AV raid.That why i ask your any age limit dont wanna chase out by them. very paiseh
Definitely it's best that u put ur real age and name... if not kanna raid then they might just questioned u here and there.... and just invite u for a coffee..... :D
13-08-2003, 03:17 PM
Thanks for the replies.
I realised I posted in wrong thread after posting - my apologies.
Yep I'm a white guy. Oh well!
Keep it up!
25-08-2003, 07:42 PM
Just helped a young bro with the step by step of visiting a HC thru PM, then thought why not just share it with everyone else... since it's just a simple cut and paste job...
Here goes...
Okay, first thing is to read the forum and decide which girl you would like to be serviced by. Call the HC to confirm the time you would like your massage.
If you want to use the facilities, arrive there perhaps half an hour earlier to shower and use the pool (if there is one), sauna or steam bath. Pay upfront for the massage and use of facilities. They will issue you with a locker key, proceed to the locker area and strip bare, leave everything in the locker, and put on the shorts provided. Go for your shower, sauna or whatever, they will call you when your booking time is approaching. Go for a final shower, don't worry, you can just use the towels freely and change to another dry pair of shorts if you want to or just wrap a towel around your waist.
Once it's time, they'll tell you to go to a certain room no. Take your wallet and whatever valuables from the locker and proceed to the room. Don't blur blur go to the wrong room ya! Wait for a while and the girl will appear, short introduction, blah blah blah and you can lie face down first on the mattress. Don't be shy to show your manhood, the girls have seen more. Anyway, let the girls do their work, you can make small talk if you want to.
After some 20 minutes, they'll ask you whether you want 'service'. From here, it's up to you, whether you want HJ, BJ or FJ. Just let the girls do the work, and enjoy.
Once finished, the gal will shower, then you shower, settle with the gal in cash, say bye bye, see you again and out of room, back to the locker area, you can continue to use the facilities or you can just dress up and go.
The above is just what happens in general, some HC will differ slightly but more or less it's like that.
Happy bonking...
25-08-2003, 10:24 PM
Silly question of the day:
How different is tui na from HC ? if i go tui na - is it totally naked go in or must wear shorts?
26-08-2003, 05:17 PM
I still can't figure out where are these places:-
1) MY
2) MJM
Any kind bros can help??????
Many thanks!
27-08-2003, 12:02 AM
Yo ! gd to hear got such forum available to help newbie like me.
hope someone can provide more info on first timer going HC like wat Hitman gave.
27-08-2003, 06:05 PM
I checked in the faq didn't find. LSB is not long enough for a Search. Thanks in advance.
27-08-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by mongerx
I checked in the faq didn't find. LSB is not long enough for a Search. Thanks in advance.
LSB - 'La Sab Bar' (Hokkien pronounciation)
09-10-2003, 01:04 PM
No posting, just bumping this thread up to the top for lazy newbies...
Have requested that the moderator to make this thread 'sticky' but seems like they are not interested to do so...
10-10-2003, 02:05 PM
Finally, this thread has become a sticky..... :D
10-10-2003, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by ivanahump
Silly question of the day:
How different is tui na from HC ? if i go tui na - is it totally naked go in or must wear shorts?
Tui Na - weraing shorts or not... depends on the shop...some provide some not.
Different is.. normally HC come with pool, steam... etc... but not tai nu...
HC gals normally better looking...
Tui na - mainlu PRC...
cheers.. happy cheoing...
10-10-2003, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by mervynwm
Yo ! gd to hear got such forum available to help newbie like me.
hope someone can provide more info on first timer going HC like wat Hitman gave.
blooder... what blooder hitman gave is more than enough liao... that's the normal routine when we go HC.. the only extra info maybe is.. check the service price b4 having any... just in case kana chop vetagable head....hmmmm...that's abt all...
10-10-2003, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by waypastprime
Finally, this thread has become a sticky..... :D
Thanks to blooder hitman.....for bumping up the thread....
10-10-2003, 09:28 PM
Bro Fantasy,
For you to have that it will depend on a few things :
1. Wat sort of drinks u r drinking, if beer most of them don really come near u.
2. How long have u frequent that place.
3. Can you click with her or the waitress there.
Now a days the girls are quiet smart, they will know who are the regular customers and who are first timer. The more time you frequent the place the chances are higher.
Club Street is a a place you can try, but the clubs there keep changing owner till I blur liao.
And a word of caution, if there is an offer that doesn't mean its good. True that it may be cheap but that also means that the waitress will butterfly around ;)
11-10-2003, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Hitman
Just helped a young bro with the step by step of visiting a HC thru PM, then thought why not just share it with everyone else... since it's just a simple cut and paste job...
Here goes...
Okay, first thing is to read the forum and decide which girl you would like to be serviced by. Call the HC to confirm the time you would like your massage.
If you want to use the facilities, arrive there perhaps half an hour earlier to shower and use the pool (if there is one), sauna or steam bath. Pay upfront for the massage and use of facilities. They will issue you with a locker key, proceed to the locker area and strip bare, leave everything in the locker, and put on the shorts provided. Go for your shower, sauna or whatever, they will call you when your booking time is approaching. Go for a final shower, don't worry, you can just use the towels freely and change to another dry pair of shorts if you want to or just wrap a towel around your waist.
Once it's time, they'll tell you to go to a certain room no. Take your wallet and whatever valuables from the locker and proceed to the room. Don't blur blur go to the wrong room ya! Wait for a while and the girl will appear, short introduction, blah blah blah and you can lie face down first on the mattress. Don't be shy to show your manhood, the girls have seen more. Anyway, let the girls do their work, you can make small talk if you want to.
After some 20 minutes, they'll ask you whether you want 'service'. From here, it's up to you, whether you want HJ, BJ or FJ. Just let the girls do the work, and enjoy.
Once finished, the gal will shower, then you shower, settle with the gal in cash, say bye bye, see you again and out of room, back to the locker area, you can continue to use the facilities or you can just dress up and go.
The above is just what happens in general, some HC will differ slightly but more or less it's like that.
Happy bonking...
yah...this is how the game is played in HC. well done , hitman,
but for my case, when ever i visit HC, me will inform the reception counter wat kind of gal i want for tat trip... some time, i just want a good massage, not FJ or HJ. so normally, a old experience lady will come to my room. or u can tell the recept, i want the most ANG-PAI here (prepare to wait ) or, if u dun mind look and want those wild playful type, can tell lor. provided they have.
^_^ but, dun give too many fussy request.
11-10-2003, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by Hitman
LSB - 'La Sab Bar' (Hokkien pronounciation)
It would be very helpful to us (newbies) if you could list a few LSB available in Singapore. So that we could try and expereicne it.
12-10-2003, 02:35 PM
Be prepare to go there and c a lot of old aunties :D there might be a few PRC there :D
15-10-2003, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by Hitman
Just helped a young bro with the step by step of visiting a HC thru PM, then thought why not just share it with everyone else... since it's just a simple cut and paste job...
Here goes...
Okay, first thing is to read the forum and decide which girl you would like to be serviced by. Call the HC to confirm the time you would like your massage.
If you want to use the facilities, arrive there perhaps half an hour earlier to shower and use the pool (if there is one), sauna or steam bath. Pay upfront for the massage and use of facilities. They will issue you with a locker key, proceed to the locker area and strip bare, leave everything in the locker, and put on the shorts provided. Go for your shower, sauna or whatever, they will call you when your booking time is approaching. Go for a final shower, don't worry, you can just use the towels freely and change to another dry pair of shorts if you want to or just wrap a towel around your waist.
Once it's time, they'll tell you to go to a certain room no. Take your wallet and whatever valuables from the locker and proceed to the room. Don't blur blur go to the wrong room ya! Wait for a while and the girl will appear, short introduction, blah blah blah and you can lie face down first on the mattress. Don't be shy to show your manhood, the girls have seen more. Anyway, let the girls do their work, you can make small talk if you want to.
After some 20 minutes, they'll ask you whether you want 'service'. From here, it's up to you, whether you want HJ, BJ or FJ. Just let the girls do the work, and enjoy.
Once finished, the gal will shower, then you shower, settle with the gal in cash, say bye bye, see you again and out of room, back to the locker area, you can continue to use the facilities or you can just dress up and go.
The above is just what happens in general, some HC will differ slightly but more or less it's like that.
Happy bonking...
:confused: Something left out, juz to be more careful. Remember 1)Not to bring ur own condom and lubricant the gal will provide and already include, 2)Not to waer the condom by ur own the service gal will fix for you by their hand or month, 3)don't strip for the gal coz they r self service.
15-10-2003, 04:25 AM
Hi,..... I'm new to this posting,.... in fact,.... new to Singapore....
Can anyone tell me where Leisure HC is?
Thanks a million dude!
15-10-2003, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by missing
Hi,..... I'm new to this posting,.... in fact,.... new to Singapore....
Can anyone tell me where Leisure HC is?
Thanks a million dude!
Go to this website: and u are able to get the contacts for most of the HCs and Ktvs....
P.S: If u wanna know which gal to get, go check out the threads by using the search function.... Keyword Leisure HC or vice versa :)
21-10-2003, 04:34 PM
Just out of curiousity.
Anyone interested to go HC together then maybe after that can go either KTV or clubbing.
Think these would be interesting.
22-10-2003, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by JazzCat
Just out of curiousity.
Anyone interested to go HC together then maybe after that can go either KTV or clubbing.
Think these would be interesting.
Can. =)
But after HC go KTV for what?
22-10-2003, 02:47 AM
HC = warm up
KTV = Extra Training.
22-10-2003, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by JazzCat
HC = warm up
KTV = Extra Training.
You treat ah? No so much money for so many happenings at one go. ^_^
23-10-2003, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by JazzCat
Just out of curiousity.
Anyone interested to go HC together then maybe after that can go either KTV or clubbing.
Think these would be interesting.
U will get better response if u post it at the respective threads... :)
23-10-2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by waypastprime
U will get better response if u post it at the respective threads... :)
Lao Jiao advise better heed......:D
23-10-2003, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by OceanEleven
Lao Jiao advise better heed......:D
Hey, wat lau jiao???? Mi still green horn ok.... unlike u..... know so much about international scene.... :o
23-10-2003, 09:32 PM
Actually I shy to go out with those Liao Jiao.
Green horn like me what kana laught by them very pai say.
If all 1st / 2nd timer no scared of 'luck say'
28-10-2003, 01:30 AM
Hi to all esp jazzcat...
Are you sure you green horn meh?? you also look more like a old horn too on what i read on this thread.
After go HC then KTV...wowww unless you never unload it at HC then may be you still got the desired to chong KTV la, right??
Who likes to chong KTV after just inload at HC and drag along our shaken little didi over there...haha
All of us are MAN.. there is nothing to pai say la... all of us also got our green horn time also wat,, right??
28-10-2003, 04:27 PM
Green Horn, no green horn. Who cares. :D
Just as long as can split the cost of the drink can liao. hehehehe
The bottonline is the more the merrier. Disturb lai, disturb keak. Fun what like that
06-11-2003, 03:28 PM
Hi i am a newbie.
Browsing thru the posts seems like every ktv has negative FRs and positive supporters. Boss, XTD, Egos...I havent cheong ktv since the cognac days and now would like to cheong again. If i like young sg gers and wild wild fun in room any recommendations? KTV?/mummy? Gers? Any bro wanna cheong together? Anytime end week or early next week is fine with me. Lau jiaos pls bear with me...thanks!
Oh yes i go JC Jazzi too!
06-11-2003, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by c00ls0ul
Hi i am a newbie.
Browsing thru the posts seems like every ktv has negative FRs and positive supporters. Boss, XTD, Egos...I havent cheong ktv since the cognac days and now would like to cheong again. If i like young sg gers and wild wild fun in room any recommendations? KTV?/mummy? Gers? Any bro wanna cheong together? Anytime end week or early next week is fine with me. Lau jiaos pls bear with me...thanks!
Oh yes i go JC Jazzi too!
K2 and Boss... coz u asked for sg girls... :o
06-11-2003, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by waypastprime
K2 and Boss... coz u asked for sg girls... :o
What about XTD? Really no good meh? Used to frequent that joint when it was Oriental Forum, feels like coming home if good, further more some brothers here say got NUS/NTU girls, drool leh, which mummy huh?
06-11-2003, 09:27 PM
where's K2 and Boss? good strip shows like paseo that closed down?
07-11-2003, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by c00ls0ul
What about XTD? Really no good meh? Used to frequent that joint when it was Oriental Forum, feels like coming home if good, further more some brothers here say got NUS/NTU girls, drool leh, which mummy huh?
XTD used to be good.... But the 'fun' has deteriorate since then.... Another notable place is Egos, but the downside is the early closure.... 12am... :)
07-11-2003, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by Mekong
where's K2 and Boss? good strip shows like paseo that closed down?
K2 is located at Parklane whereas Boss lies at Orchard Plaza..
07-11-2003, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by waypastprime
XTD used to be good.... But the 'fun' has deteriorate since then.... Another notable place is Egos, but the downside is the early closure.... 12am... :)
me banned Egos...personal reasons. Can pm me if u wanna know.
Any other positive joints???
Next week, who wanna cheong together???Can share damage, Anyone?
07-11-2003, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by c00ls0ul
me banned Egos...personal reasons. Can pm me if u wanna know.
Any other positive joints???
Next week, who wanna cheong together???Can share damage, Anyone?
The places I mentioned above are the places with quite a number of playable sg gals...
Unless u are into Vietnamese then Tuberose will be my pick... ;)
P.S: These are all my personal views..... Dont curse and swear mi if otherwise
07-11-2003, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by waypastprime
K2 is located at Parklane whereas Boss lies at Orchard Plaza..
cool, thnx bro. may check out next week...
08-11-2003, 10:25 AM
Bro anyrider,
It seems business is very good for your new thread.
Cheers!!! for being such a thoughtful forumer.
10-11-2003, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by facial
Bro anyrider,
It seems business is very good for your new thread.
Cheers!!! for being such a thoughtful forumer.
Don't mention... though i start this thread, but i oso must tks others blooders that give a lot's of reply, directions,etc for the new cheongers.. blooder like waypastprime.... he's always there to help other blooders out there..... tks to him...
so long... cheers!
10-11-2003, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by anyrider
Don't mention... though i start this thread, but i oso must tks others blooders that give a lot's of reply, directions,etc for the new cheongers.. blooder like waypastprime.... he's always there to help other blooders out there..... tks to him...
so long... cheers!
Thanks bro.... So long as they are willing to post at this thread rather than starting a new thread, I'll be gladly to reply if it's within my 'fields' of knowledge... U too, deserve my million thanks... :)
10-11-2003, 11:23 AM
I'm also new here.....looking for buddies to cheong KTVs.
10-11-2003, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by goateeguy
I'm also new here.....looking for buddies to cheong KTVs.
We blooders here all willing to cheong.... u pay izzit???:D
if u pay...i think u have to book the whole KTV leh.....;)
...... we scare later like last time like that..... kana an idiot that cheong with blooders n end up never pay n run away 1... just trying to be caution......
11-11-2003, 03:35 PM up front la. I would go alone but just that it will be boring. All my friends not interested.
11-11-2003, 05:12 PM
Include me in your next cheong, ok?
12-11-2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by seekfun
Include me in your next cheong, ok?
me planning to cheong ktv tomorrow night-Thursday. Whoever interested pm me. if no 1 interested i will go alone :P me keepin to small group, 3-4 pax, no more. money up front.
pm me name/mobile, time available & ktv preference, budget. if fit-fit ok i will call.
tks & cheers...
14-11-2003, 05:00 PM
Bros, I'm also a newbie. Next time got cheong in small groups, maybe can consider me please? I can abide by the money up front rule :)
22-11-2003, 03:21 PM
Regardless of old or new timers, the most important thing is to have a great time 2gether. Look forward to chiong with you guys soon.
P.S: Bro waypastprime, looks like you r' more into KTVs than in clubbing liao.... :rolleyes:
24-11-2003, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by Rof|maoxz
P.S: Bro waypastprime, looks like you r' more into KTVs than in clubbing liao.... :rolleyes:
Oh come on, one must diversify into different fields.... I enjoyed hopping from one type to another..... But nevertheless, I should be joining u guys for another round yet again... :p
29-11-2003, 02:52 PM
I'm back to chionging ways, but no khakis liao... and i've lost touch with the chionging scenes... my last visit was MG many mths back... any bros wanna chiong together? looking for a happening ktv still...... split the cost... i drink anything from beer to liquor...
05-12-2003, 12:28 PM
Since this is a thread for newbie, what is the different between BJ and BBBJ?
05-12-2003, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by ozoze74
Since this is a thread for newbie, what is the different between BJ and BBBJ?
Go to here....
Go to the centre page and u will be able to find tons of explanations for abbreviations used here... :o
19-12-2003, 06:34 PM
Bro SEEKFUN, you gotto clear yr mailbox b4 my pm can go through..... drop me a pm when u r ready
30-12-2003, 10:00 PM
Hi there, I am very new here. I have some questions that may sound "silly or stupid" to some of you out there.
1) What is the age group that you guys always hanged out with. I am 34. Am I too "old" to join you. Why I ask? I ever went out with these group of "boys". I think they are about in their mid 20+. And they said I am a "bit" too old in their group.
2) I never "cheong" such places before (Mine mainly those normal KTVs), and I would like to try. So roughtly how much we must spend per "cheong"? I have budget constrain. I don't drink liquor, only beer.
3) Can I join in on your next "cheong" (If time permit)?
31-12-2003, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by Lifeguard70
Hi there, I am very new here. I have some questions that may sound "silly or stupid" to some of you out there.
1) What is the age group that you guys always hanged out with. I am 34. Am I too "old" to join you. Why I ask? I ever went out with these group of "boys". I think they are about in their mid 20+. And they said I am a "bit" too old in their group.
2) I never "cheong" such places before (Mine mainly those normal KTVs), and I would like to try. So roughtly how much we must spend per "cheong"? I have budget constrain. I don't drink liquor, only beer.
3) Can I join in on your next "cheong" (If time permit)?
Oh come on, Fun has no boundaries.... If u wishes to drink beer then u should go to budget ktvs like katong, TH and MG.... U can try to pm the guys that are more actively organising and they will be glad to invite u to any upcoming cheongs... How to 'spot' them??? Look at the specific threads and u will know further... :)
03-01-2004, 09:51 AM
Brudders, I not so new to the forum. Has written in other threads but dun understand some of the terms used. Thus, difficult to appreciate what brudders are talking about when using such words. Trust me I have been through the entire thread & the FAQ but cld not find the explanations. Hope some brudder wld help me understand the terms so that I can appreciate the discussions better!
1. What is SYT?
2. What is PCC?
3. I know HC. Is a massage shop different from a HC?
4. What is a tui nia shop?
03-01-2004, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Padawan
Brudders, I not so new to the forum. Has written in other threads but dun understand some of the terms used. Thus, difficult to appreciate what brudders are talking about when using such words. Trust me I have been through the entire thread & the FAQ but cld not find the explanations. Hope some brudder wld help me understand the terms so that I can appreciate the discussions better!
1. What is SYT?
2. What is PCC?
3. I know HC. Is a massage shop different from a HC?
4. What is a tui nia shop?
Bro Padawan
1. SYT - Sweet Young Thing (this one I guess lah)
2. PCC - Pah Chew Cheng (spoken hokkien) refering to masterbation.
3. Massage shop - I suppose also referring to tui na (Chinese word for massage) shop which is normally very much smaller than a HC; without proper or with limited showering facilities.
09-01-2004, 04:07 PM
Hi all,
I'm a newbie and would like to join in the fun. Being to KTV once before but that was a long time. Therefore, I would consider myself a novice. Of cos, money upfront though need to know the kind of expense. Must plan budget rite....:)
15-01-2004, 03:03 PM
I sense a KEFOS trilogy coming up...... :D
18-01-2004, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by wahpiang
I sense a KEFOS trilogy coming up......
And what pray tell is a KEFOS trilogy? :)
Maybe it is...
Book 1 - Fellowship of the Cheong (
A group of horny men decides to form a fellowship called KEFOS, which aims to provide a safe environment for both newbies and veterans alike to cheong KTVs.
Book 2 - The Two KTVs (
The blood of men is not weak but raging HOT! The growing number of KEFOS members made it impossible to accomodate all interested parties in a night mission. So for the first time ever, 2 concurrent missions were done at 2 different locations. Century and F11!
Book 3 - Return of The CO
To be written :D
19-01-2004, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by etnic
And what pray tell is a KEFOS trilogy? :)
Maybe it is...
Book 1 - Fellowship of the Cheong (
A group of horny men decides to form a fellowship called KEFOS, which aims to provide a safe environment for both newbies and veterans alike to cheong KTVs.
Book 2 - The Two KTVs (
The blood of men is not weak but raging HOT! The growing number of KEFOS members made it impossible to accomodate all interested parties in a night mission. So for the first time ever, 2 concurrent missions were done at 2 different locations. Century and F11!
Book 3 - Return of The CO
To be written :D
Book 3 - Return of the CO....
After a long battle with the demons within, Aretnic has forged together the different factions of KEFOS for a long anticipated battle on the plains of the KTVs. No longer shall we be divided! Onward!!!
19-01-2004, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by wahpiang
Book 3 - Return of the CO....
After a long battle with the demons within, Aretnic has forged together the different factions of KEFOS for a long anticipated battle on the plains of the KTVs. No longer shall we be divided! Onward!!!
The different factions of KEFOS being:
* Fuckers of GLEFOS (GL for Geylang)
* Clubbers of CLEFOS (CL for Clubbing)
* Punters of GEFOS (G for Gambling)
* Bonkers of BEFOS (B for Batam)
19-01-2004, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by etnic
The different factions of KEFOS being:
* Fuckers of GLEFOS (GL for Geylang)
* Clubbers of CLEFOS (CL for Clubbing)
* Punters of GEFOS (G for Gambling)
* Bonkers of BEFOS (B for Batam)
Then do we own a ring for each factions???? :D
19-01-2004, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by waypastprime
Then do we own a ring for each factions???? :D
er...... think juz one ring to unite all of us. :D
19-01-2004, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by wahpiang
er...... think juz one ring to unite all of us. :D
The One Rim lor...Anal Rim....muahahahahaha!!!
19-01-2004, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by etnic
The One Rim lor...Anal Rim....muahahahahaha!!!
Originally posted by waypastprime
Then do we own a ring for each factions???? :D
or else you wan tattoo meh? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by wahpiang
u mean dat "One and Only"? :p
19-01-2004, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by DNAT
or else you wan tattoo meh? :rolleyes:
U want tattoo??? I dont mind helping u.... :D
Originally posted by waypastprime
U want tattoo??? I dont mind helping u.... :D
better not .... later you poke my back with
19-01-2004, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by DNAT
better not .... later you poke my back with
more like WEI YI YI GE!
19-01-2004, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by DNAT
better not .... later you poke my back with
I prefer Jing Zhong Pao Guo.... Hehe.... I guess I'm as patriotic as him.... Haha... :D Always contributing to country's economy....
And u are Chi Li Pa Wai...
Originally posted by waypastprime
I prefer Jing Zhong Pao Guo....
you old lady meh? :rolleyes:
maybe your hand shivers ... become "Jing Chong Pao Guo" = I become sperm donor.
oso, scare you sabo me ..... poke:
'KWAY ONG' ... then I no need to go swimming liao :(
19-01-2004, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by DNAT
you old lady meh?
maybe your hand shivers ... become "Jing Chong Pao Guo" = I become sperm donor.
oso, scare you sabo me ..... poke:
'KWAY ONG' ... then I no need to go swimming liao :(
No worries, the most I tattoo 'Batam siao' on your back.... :p
01-03-2004, 02:14 AM
good morning? 2.15am now :D
newbie in "this" area so i got a few questions to ask
1) whats rubba or raba?
2) how much do i have to pay for the above question?
3) how long will the girl stay with me?
thank you
03-03-2004, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by slack
good morning? 2.15am now :D
newbie in "this" area so i got a few questions to ask
1) whats rubba or raba?
2) how much do i have to pay for the above question?
3) how long will the girl stay with me?
thank you
1) rubba and raba means the same, that is to say touch here and there
2) The range will be around 20-30. But differ from place to place.
3) Two systems in ktv: one butterfly and the other is by booking
Booking will be based on number of hours u pay for, but if by butterfly system, then u dont expect her to accompany u the whole night for that miserable 20-30? Each timing will be based on the 'tables' she has for the night. So avoid on weekends.
03-03-2004, 04:26 PM
wow thanks, got some new questions
1) then if i ask for a HJ or BJ, will it be done in the room or other places?
2) when performing the above 2, will she be wearing any clothes?
3) if HJ cost $50, will i have to pay the $20-30 + $50 or just $50 for everything?
4) how does tipping of mamasan works? ask my friends in the room share and give an amount? how much will it be?
03-03-2004, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by slack
wow thanks, got some new questions
1) then if i ask for a HJ or BJ, will it be done in the room or other places?
2) when performing the above 2, will she be wearing any clothes?
3) if HJ cost $50, will i have to pay the $20-30 + $50 or just $50 for everything?
4) how does tipping of mamasan works? ask my friends in the room share and give an amount? how much will it be?
For questions 1,2 and 3, it is pre-determined by the gal and u of course!
Tipping for mamasan will be on your own basis, from 20-50 (max). One time payment for the whole room so u can ask ur friends to split the cost.
03-03-2004, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by waypastprime
For questions 1,2 and 3, it is pre-determined by the gal and u of course!
Tipping for mamasan will be on your own basis, from 20-50 (max). One time payment for the whole room so u can ask ur friends to split the cost.
if you are in the above situation, what will you do? give $50 for the whole night?
04-03-2004, 02:07 PM
Eh... So what's the conclusion? Are there any kind senior (aka lao jiao) brudders will be so kind to initiate a KTV visit for us newbies?
All this talk about KEFOs making me gian to try...:D
04-03-2004, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by slack
if you are in the above situation, what will you do? give $50 for the whole night?
If u are talking about gals, then I will pay as accordingly to how she 'serve' mi. But sometimes chemistry do affects the end result as well..
Mummy wise, I suggest u giving tips firstly, based on the number of kakis with u for e.g 30 (altogether) for 3, so on and so forth.. This should explain for most ktvs in Sing.. apart from TAM, Lido Palace and other posh ones..
04-03-2004, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by simplyhorny
Eh... So what's the conclusion? Are there any kind senior (aka lao jiao) brudders will be so kind to initiate a KTV visit for us newbies?
All this talk about KEFOs making me gian to try...:D
Perhaps u would like to pm your contacts to CanYouF, _jaDeD_ and cheongkid (currently abroad)? They are more active in this forum. Whereas, most of them are in semi-retirement. ;)
04-03-2004, 09:00 PM
Thanks brudder... Will pm to them... Thanks for your input to this forum... Really useful for newbie like us who is trying to get a piece of the action. :)
05-03-2004, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by simplyhorny
Thanks brudder... Will pm to them... Thanks for your input to this forum... Really useful for newbie like us who is trying to get a piece of the action. :)
No worries bro.. I'm just doing my part, helping samsters with genuine questions from my limited knowledge... :o
06-03-2004, 06:30 PM
Yo ! I went to IQ KTV at Lorong 20....not so gd then the owner recommend another at Lorong 31 which gals ok but no room....
Friend recommend China City KTV at Park Mall....went there at 11pm but no gals in yet...
Any bros got gd n reasonable KTV to recommend ? How abt Jets at Jurong ?
PM me also can.
07-03-2004, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by mervynwm
Yo ! I went to IQ KTV at Lorong 20....not so gd then the owner recommend another at Lorong 31 which gals ok but no room....
Friend recommend China City KTV at Park Mall....went there at 11pm but no gals in yet...
Any bros got gd n reasonable KTV to recommend ? How abt Jets at Jurong ?
PM me also can.
China City has been moved to Park Mall meh? Or do u meant Paradiz Centre (Selegie Rd)? :confused:
18-03-2004, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by waypastprime
1) rubba and raba means the same, that is to say touch here and there
2) The range will be around 20-30. But differ from place to place.
3) Two systems in ktv: one butterfly and the other is by booking
Booking will be based on number of hours u pay for, but if by butterfly system, then u dont expect her to accompany u the whole night for that miserable 20-30? Each timing will be based on the 'tables' she has for the night. So avoid on weekends.
BTW how much to pay for booking say 2hr? I've only been to KTV for 3x :D
22-03-2004, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by 2003_newbie
BTW how much to pay for booking say 2hr? I've only been to KTV for 3x :D
I never heard of people booking gals for only two hours... Normally they will go for the whole night package but not including 'supper'... Dont ask mi how much will it cost to take the gal out for 'supper'.
Bookings can go from 4-6 hrs. Price per hour differs from place to place and gal to gal so I cant provide you with the numbers. Ask the respective mummy and she would gladly reply u. :o
eh, usually how do you guys start rubba-ing the girls? i went once but too shy to touch :(
01-04-2004, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by frog
eh, usually how do you guys start rubba-ing the girls? i went once but too shy to touch :(
ok. u try not to masturbate for 1 month. then you go to the KTV, it will be automatic......
06-04-2004, 01:23 PM
Hi... can anyone tell me how to PM a bludder? :) Trying to find a bro or two to go to HC together.
06-04-2004, 05:32 PM
Hi... can anyone tell me how to PM a bludder? :) Trying to find a bro or two to go to HC together.
Click on any user's nick at any of his postings and at the middle page u will find 'send xxx a private message' sentence.
xxx = user's nick
06-04-2004, 05:45 PM
Thanks bro! Got it.
07-04-2004, 12:15 PM
Eh... So what's the conclusion? Are there any kind senior (aka lao jiao) brudders will be so kind to initiate a KTV visit for us newbies?
All this talk about KEFOs making me gian to try...:D
Hey Bros,... maybe you guys should try out SuperStar KTV which is located at 2nd Flr of Hotel Royal (use the spiral staircase in front of the coffee house). The place is rocking with local and m'sian girls who will do just about anything and i do MEAN ANYTHING.
On menu:
- to strip in front of you and play with your didi
- to give you a BJ at the snap of your finger
- will let you put it in (only in bigger rooms)
Drinks (few jugs of beer) abt $100
Room Charge (3 hours) abt $120
Strip show $30
BJ abt $50
FJ abt $100
Have fun, keep it moist and hanging ppl... :cool:
07-04-2004, 02:14 PM
Count me in for the next trip to KTV. Been to TH at Geylang Lor 31 last nite. Quite interesting.
11-04-2004, 11:16 AM
there will always be sm 1 outta there trying to be a clown for a dy so just accept them and all will be happy.
13-04-2004, 11:00 PM
sorri... i am new here.. can i noe where n how much i need to pay for ballbusting services... (kicking of groin) tks for your help
20-04-2004, 08:56 PM
Just want to ask if any bros here every cheong KTV alone ?
Just want to ask if any bros here every cheong KTV alone ?
Yeh, why not. I've done it many times though many years back.
Of course with friends around, you will have different type of fun and other supports.
22-04-2004, 10:47 PM
Just want to ask if any bros here every cheong KTV alone ?
yes, me... my khakis either overseas, retired or no $$.... may be forced into retirement soon....
hi to all bros, can anyone tell mi where's the exact location of dynasty and mg ktv? mi really greenhorn and needs some enlightement, thanks.....
03-05-2004, 06:29 PM
hi to all bros, can anyone tell mi where's the exact location of dynasty and mg ktv? mi really greenhorn and needs some enlightement, thanks.....
Dynasty Theatre Nite Club KTV & Lounge Pte Ltd
Tel No 6348 3211
Address 5 Stadium Walk, Leisure Park #02-15 S 397693
M G Music Lounge
Tel No 6345 5983
Address 309 / 0311 Tanjong Katong Road S 437092
04-05-2004, 11:38 AM
hi to all bros, can anyone tell mi where's the exact location of dynasty and mg ktv? mi really greenhorn and needs some enlightement, thanks.....
MG very hard to book room........... so better try Dynasty.... :D
04-05-2004, 11:39 AM
Dynasty Theatre Nite Club KTV & Lounge Pte Ltd
Tel No 6348 3211
Address 5 Stadium Walk, Leisure Park #02-15 S 397693
M G Music Lounge
Tel No 6345 5983
Address 309 / 0311 Tanjong Katong Road S 437092
Heard from monster that u are free tonite? where u like to go? :D
04-05-2004, 12:27 PM
Heard from monster that u are free tonite? where u like to go? :D
Any 'fun' place but not JC coz my fav gal went back liao. A good break (1 month) came just in time. Call me for any arrangements. :p
04-05-2004, 12:29 PM
Heehee...uncle waypastprime help alot. *clap clap* :)
Any 'fun' place but not JC coz my fav gal went back liao. A good break (1 month) came just in time. Call me for any arrangements. :p
04-05-2004, 01:27 PM
Heehee...uncle waypastprime help alot. *clap clap* :)
Hehe.. Thanks.. It always feels good when ur efforts are being recognised. :) U make my day.
Have added points to you for the 'Helplines' thread.
04-05-2004, 01:33 PM
aiyo...uncle so ke chi. 'Zi ji ren' mah. Heehee....pai seh, I just now added reputation for meatlover who down my reputation so currently not able to add u and many others. :p
Wanted add u but cannot so I post instead. Check in 24hrs time.
Hehe.. Thanks.. It always feels good when ur efforts are being recognised. :) U make my day.
Have added points to you for the 'Helplines' thread.
04-05-2004, 01:34 PM
Heehee...uncle waypastprime help alot. *clap clap* :)
clap clap.......
04-05-2004, 01:37 PM
Thank u. I always repect seniors and all those who deserve my respect. :)
clap clap.......
04-05-2004, 01:38 PM
Thank u. I always repect seniors. :)
got chance.... come out, go for kopi. i treat u. ok?
04-05-2004, 01:39 PM
Heehee....can book in dec bo? I busy till dec. Thks for the invitation. Feel very honoured. :)
got chance.... come out, go for kopi. i treat u. ok?
04-05-2004, 01:40 PM
aiyo...uncle so ke chi. 'Zi ji ren' mah. Heehee....pai seh, I just now added reputation for meatlover who down my reputation so currently not able to add u and many others.
Wanted add u but cannot so I post instead. Check in 24hrs time.
'Zi ji ren'??? :confused:
Dont mislead others leh... I'm not cheating for points leh. ;)
04-05-2004, 01:42 PM
Heehee....can book in dec bo? I busy till dec. Thks for the invitation. Feel very honoured. :)
04-05-2004, 01:42 PM lah. Guys, don't misunderstood. Waypastprime has been helping alot since long time ago. I still remember the time I got into trouble the people who gave advices to me. :)
'Zi ji ren'???
Dont mislead others leh... I'm not cheating for points leh. ;)
04-05-2004, 01:50 PM lah. Guys, don't misunderstood. Waypastprime has been helping alot since long time ago. I still remember the time I got into trouble the people who gave advices to me.
It's a good thing that u managed to pick yourself up since the last incident. Also, constantly reminding myself not to make any wrong steps when talk about relationships. :)
Let's not digress too much. Hehe... in case, kanna curse and swear. :p
04-05-2004, 02:05 PM
It's a good thing that u managed to pick yourself up since the last incident. Also, constantly reminding myself not to make any wrong steps when talk about relationships.
Let's not digress too much. Hehe... in case, kanna curse and swear. :p
Uncle WPP, any advise for me? :p
04-05-2004, 02:13 PM
Uncle WPP, any advise for me? :p
Yes. Transfer all your money to me coz money is the roots to all evil. :p
04-05-2004, 03:04 PM
Yes. Transfer all your money to me coz money is the roots to all evil. :p
Cannot leh..... me money not enough........... can borrow me some? :o
05-05-2004, 01:00 PM
sorry...would like 2 noe some info frm the x-perience bros here...went 2 k-star @ peace centre...then saw a ktv beside quite a no. of chio bus there...but forgetten the name of it...can bros here help me with the name of the ktv...if possible can provide me their contact no. n charges...thanx a lot :)
06-05-2004, 10:27 AM
sorry...would like 2 noe some info frm the x-perience bros here...went 2 k-star @ peace centre...then saw a ktv beside quite a no. of chio bus there...but forgetten the name of it...can bros here help me with the name of the ktv...if possible can provide me their contact no. n charges...thanx a lot :)
K-star @ Peace Centre?
Do u mean Dynasty Classic or the ktvs located at Paradiz Centre? :confused:
06-05-2004, 12:39 PM
K-star @ Peace Centre?
Do u mean Dynasty Classic or the ktvs located at Paradiz Centre? :confused:
oh no...think should b Dynasty Classic...there r 2 ktvs @ Peace Centre @ the 2nd flr...1 is the K-Star n the other think like wat u said is Dynasty u have any info abt them like how much they charges...if not can juz provide me their contact no. n i'll check it out myself...thanx 2 u bro... :)
06-05-2004, 01:19 PM
oh no...think should b Dynasty Classic...there r 2 ktvs @ Peace Centre @ the 2nd flr...1 is the K-Star n the other think like wat u said is Dynasty u have any info abt them like how much they charges...if not can juz provide me their contact no. n i'll check it out myself...thanx 2 u bro... :)
Think its $368 per bottle................
06-05-2004, 01:28 PM
oh no...think should b Dynasty Classic...there r 2 ktvs @ Peace Centre @ the 2nd flr...1 is the K-Star n the other think like wat u said is Dynasty u have any info abt them like how much they charges...if not can juz provide me their contact no. n i'll check it out myself...thanx 2 u bro... :)
Bro dun call, go down yourself n check the recept, damn chio.... or I dun mind going down to check for u. Just buy me a kopi for my efford...... long time no c her.... hope she still remember me.......
92 Sophia Rd
Tel : 6337 2112
11-05-2004, 12:38 AM
so i guess i should treat u 2 a kopi liao frm the way u said...i guess u can hanky panky there is it :confused:
11-05-2004, 09:27 AM
so i guess i should treat u 2 a kopi liao frm the way u said...i guess u can hanky panky there is it :confused:
It is practising the same concept as Dynasty. 'Takeaway' only. Not much fun in the room if u are seeking hanky panky. :o
11-05-2004, 09:56 AM
It is practising the same concept as Dynasty. 'Takeaway' only. Not much fun in the room if u are seeking hanky panky. :o
Can hanky panky a bit .... ask monster he knows wat we did last summer.
11-05-2004, 04:01 PM
Bro dun act like a GPS, as you & me are both road idiots!!
K-star @ Peace Centre?
Do u mean Dynasty Classic or the ktvs located at Paradiz Centre? :confused:
12-05-2004, 10:12 AM
To Bro Ho Ed,
Here are the answer to your question
1. Towel in HC are relatively clean. Most HC use professional laundry companies to clean their towel and bedsheet. These companies also do it for hotels. I remember smelling the frangrance of Bleach on a HC towel in Take 5.
2. The time with the least people in HC( as well as GL) are Saturday and Sunday afternoon (becos of horse racing), weekday eveing with night races and soccer match. When horse racing and soccer is on, HC and GL are like ghost town. This is according to serveral HC and GL gals who told me.
cheers :D
16-06-2004, 02:32 PM
Eh how to access and view the picutres in the forum har? thanks!
16-06-2004, 02:48 PM
Eh how to access and view the picutres in the forum har? thanks!
Refer to the terms and conditions in the link provided in the private picture forum preamble.
20-06-2004, 03:00 AM
can any 1 tell me wat is PDMM ?? thk.
can any 1 tell me wat is PDMM ?? thk.
Pls say them in han yu pin yin, Pei Du Ma Ma
20-06-2004, 02:47 PM
Pls say them in han yu pin yin, Pei Du Ma Ma
thk bro. but wat is pei du ??
20-06-2004, 10:58 PM
thk bro. but wat is pei du ??
Company kid to study.... kid studys mummy at home sleeping
22-06-2004, 10:38 AM
sorry just wanna ask if samster with - reputation can post message new thread here?
dunno y i posted a thread on Superstar KTV but it didn't came out. please advise.
22-06-2004, 10:57 AM
sorry just wanna ask if samster with - reputation can post message new thread here?
dunno y i posted a thread on Superstar KTV but it didn't came out. please advise.
Your posting is out. It takes longer time cos the boss needs to read your posting first.
22-06-2004, 10:58 AM
sorry just wanna ask if samster with - reputation can post message new thread here?
dunno y i posted a thread on Superstar KTV but it didn't came out. please advise.
From your reputation, it seems like all ur posts are under moderation. Patience pays. ;)
22-06-2004, 07:27 PM
sorry just wanna ask if samster with - reputation can post message new thread here?
dunno y i posted a thread on Superstar KTV but it didn't came out. please advise.
may be u r along de border line case and are monitor closely by SAM...
22-06-2004, 11:18 PM
will be careful know my wrong le..
23-06-2004, 03:59 PM
will be careful know my wrong le..
Good boy, will help u to restore your reputation.....
29-06-2004, 12:55 AM
thk bro. but wat is pei du ??
Follow Study read in mandarin :p
10-07-2004, 03:20 PM
need some advice coz new in here and first time posting some more. when going to HC, do u really need to sign in actual name and ic no? read in the intro in SAM that if got police raid and i never write correct name and ic no will kena big time. is it true? appreciate any advice. thanks.
11-07-2004, 01:33 AM
need some advice coz new in here and first time posting some more. when going to HC, do u really need to sign in actual name and ic no? read in the intro in SAM that if got police raid and i never write correct name and ic no will kena big time. is it true? appreciate any advice. thanks.
Wats wrong with signing ur actual name and IC? So jus do it loh.
As for which HC to go, read up some of the threads and u should get some idea.
11-07-2004, 12:02 PM
would like to know if i pay for the massauge session only(choose not to have special), do i allow to fondle with the HC gal?
11-07-2004, 01:52 PM
would like to know if i pay for the massauge session only(choose not to have special), do i allow to fondle with the HC gal?
Most likely NO, unless the gal really like u tat she gv u free lunch. :)
12-07-2004, 11:31 AM
so meaning that i have to choose at least one special rite?
12-07-2004, 01:53 PM
would like to know if i pay for the massauge session only(choose not to have special), do i allow to fondle with the HC gal?
Very unlikely as paying for massage and 'specials' are two different things. The massage you pay goes to the health centre / boss, the masseuse gets a small fee only, ranging from $10 - $12 per session. And for that amount of money, do you think she will let you? Put yourself in her position, if you only get say $10 - $12, will you allow customers to fondle you??
12-07-2004, 01:59 PM
need some advice coz new in here and first time posting some more. when going to HC, do u really need to sign in actual name and ic no? read in the intro in SAM that if got police raid and i never write correct name and ic no will kena big time. is it true? appreciate any advice. thanks.
Yes, it's true! No big deal writing your name and ic no right? If shy or scared others will see your name, then best advice is don't sign in, don't go health centre. These places don't provide sign-in book for fun, they have to as it's part of the regulations.
13-07-2004, 01:11 AM
new bird here ah..juz wanna ask ah.. u noe thats a tui na shop..any signs..and all those like foot massage etc mssage shop all are tui na meh..can we juz go in ask for massage anyhow c the gal den u noe erm..scarely kanna molestaion
2.wats the procedures for goin to both Tn AND HC shops ah
13-07-2004, 09:43 PM
one noobie question.
what will happen should you be in a KTV and kena raid? will the customers be arrested together?
I was at ali baba once ( my first trip ever to lap sup bar) and kena raided. luckily it was just for 'show' and my friends and I were left untouched.
15-07-2004, 10:29 PM
hey guys...i am new here!so would like someone to enlighten me some of the short-form used here...ex like fr ar...thanks
16-07-2004, 08:48 AM
hey guys...i am new here!so would like someone to enlighten me some of the short-form used here...ex like fr ar...thanks
FR means Field Report.
Others u may like to click on the below link.
16-07-2004, 12:27 PM
so which special do i have to choose in order to fondle with the ger?
btw.. do i have the right to undress them? or they wont allow?
18-07-2004, 04:01 AM
newbie's question:
1: what's the MY and JM that has been warmly discussed in the following thread
great thanks
2: which are the best KTVs in Singapore? and locations please
thanks again
20-07-2004, 10:04 AM
new bird here ah..juz wanna ask ah.. u noe thats a tui na shop..any signs..and all those like foot massage etc mssage shop all are tui na meh..can we juz go in ask for massage anyhow c the gal den u noe erm..scarely kanna molestaion
2.wats the procedures for goin to both Tn AND HC shops ah
I nothing to do so help to answer your question.
1. There is sign indicating, tuina or foot massage. Those Tui na n foot massage u can boldly walk in n the recept knows wat u want n will assign u a lady if u have no regular there.
2. Tn, a ger will assign to u n u go to a partition. HC u need to write down your particular in the front desk, u can either use the facities or go straight to the room n wait for the ger.
20-07-2004, 10:06 AM
so which special do i have to choose in order to fondle with the ger?
btw.. do i have the right to undress them? or they wont allow?
Errrr wat a question to ask. HJ to BJ to FJ. Normally they will undress themselves....
20-07-2004, 10:09 AM
newbie's question:
1: what's the MY and JM that has been warmly discussed in the following thread
great thanks
2: which are the best KTVs in Singapore? and locations please
thanks again
question 1 me myseld also dunno. :P
question 2 , super chim... each individual prefer their favor KTV. There is no best KTVs. If u want to consider expensive as best then TAM is one of the best.... Location is at Appollo Hotel...... u won't miss it.
22-07-2004, 12:43 AM
ask the gal politely.
most allow fondle.
undress also ask politely. most do themselves.
some undress partly only
so which special do i have to choose in order to fondle with the ger?
btw.. do i have the right to undress them? or they wont allow?
23-07-2004, 04:13 PM
let say i opt for BJ or HJ...
would i still entitle fondling or do i still have to ask?
26-07-2004, 06:59 AM
let say i opt for BJ or HJ...
would i still entitle fondling or do i still have to ask?
Another stupid question n another stupid answe from me.... :)
U entitle to anything when there is no objection.... just like if u go for BJ, then u
start to touch here n there, if there is no resistance then it's approve....
26-07-2004, 09:30 AM
newbie's question:
1: what's the MY and JM that has been warmly discussed in the following thread
great thanks
MY refers to Mayer (or Meiya, its Chinese name). It's a hairdressing salon on the third level of Golden Landmark Shopping Centre, joined with Golden Landmark Hotel (GLH).
JM is Joo Mong, a competitor just a few doors away.
26-07-2004, 03:49 PM
JuaGeng and PRC stands for wat ar?
26-07-2004, 03:58 PM
JuaGeng and PRC stands for wat ar?
PRC = People's Republic of China
Jua Geng = Read word by word. Done on the dick. Seems to have the capability of enhancing one's duration of cumming. Not scientific proven, just a belief. :o
26-07-2004, 05:13 PM
one noobie question.
what will happen should you be in a KTV and kena raid? will the customers be arrested together?
I was at ali baba once ( my first trip ever to lap sup bar) and kena raided. luckily it was just for 'show' and my friends and I were left untouched.
Most of the time you would be left alone unless you look suspicious of something, e.g., you look high on drugs, looks like a gang leader etc.
Alternatively, if you act tough and shout here shout there, disturbing their work, you can be brought up the lorry too.
Never act gungho by admitting you are the boyfriend of any particular gal, unless you are willing to join her (if suay suay she on drugs or a foreign overstayer) at the lock up.
In short, behave yourself and you would be ok.
Have fun! :D
26-07-2004, 05:16 PM
would like to know if i pay for the massauge session only(choose not to have special), do i allow to fondle with the HC gal?
If she allows you to, why not?? :confused:
Dun force if she doesnt.. else we will see your story in the papers...
ok, i may get flamed as i expect it but,
im a newbie, may i know is there anyway that I as a newbie is able to get FL contacts? cos i got none to share!
what do i need to do to get some contacts?
i didn't post this question in the FL section cos i don't seee one there, so i figured it's better to post here in newbies' place
27-07-2004, 09:12 AM
ok, i may get flamed as i expect it but,
im a newbie, may i know is there anyway that I as a newbie is able to get FL contacts? cos i got none to share!
what do i need to do to get some contacts?
i didn't post this question in the FL section cos i don't seee one there, so i figured it's better to post here in newbies' place
U can try to pm some regular posters on the FL thread. They are willing to give a few contacts to you as a start. The most 'prominent' samster I can think of is the one with a car model's nick. It should be clear enough for you. :o
27-07-2004, 10:47 AM
ok, i may get flamed as i expect it but,
im a newbie, may i know is there anyway that I as a newbie is able to get FL contacts? cos i got none to share!
what do i need to do to get some contacts?
i didn't post this question in the FL section cos i don't seee one there, so i figured it's better to post here in newbies' place
Just an humble advice, try to join them for any outing... go for kopi tok cok session. Sooner or later they will give u some contacts to try. The bros here definitely not selfish to share cos to them these gers r W L not wife or gf.
27-07-2004, 10:47 AM
U can try to pm some regular posters on the FL thread. They are willing to give a few contacts to you as a start. The most 'prominent' samster I can think of is the one with a car model's nick. It should be clear enough for you. :o
Is it make it Japan by the famous Toyota???
27-07-2004, 10:52 AM
Is it make it Japan by the famous Toyota???
Hmmm.... That sounds too much of a hint. :rolleyes:
U can try to pm some regular posters on the FL thread. They are willing to give a few contacts to you as a start. The most 'prominent' samster I can think of is the one with a car model's nick. It should be clear enough for you.
Is it make it Japan by the famous Toyota???
Hmmm.... That sounds too much of a hint. :rolleyes:
Er . . . I still dun noe leh ? Any more clues ? :D
27-07-2004, 12:04 PM
Hmmm.... That sounds too much of a hint. :rolleyes:
Si meh?? I thought Toyota manu civic n sunny......
27-07-2004, 12:05 PM
Er . . . I still dun noe leh ? Any more clues ? :D
Errr it is either Sunny or Civic, make a guess....
27-07-2004, 12:20 PM
Si meh?? I thought Toyota manu civic n sunny......
Ya right... Toyota also manufacture SLK, ES300 as well.. :rolleyes:
27-07-2004, 12:29 PM
Ya right... Toyota also manufacture SLK, ES300 as well.. :rolleyes:
Errrr wat's SLK?? Is it the SUV type???
thank you Waypastprime and naemlo i'll try to do that! :)
oh btw i can't stop after i see the above post
question! if you have the money, would you buy SLK or CLK?
ill definitely buy SLK cos........
CLK = Cam Lan Kia
SLK = Sia Lan Kia
kekeke :D
02-08-2004, 08:17 PM
Does anyone knows of any other sites that also talks about all this health center and massuer things? Would like to have more reference... thks..
22-08-2004, 11:35 PM
thank you anyrider....for starting this thread....
25-08-2004, 12:03 PM
Any bros can advise on the system in KIZZ KTV @UOL building?
Seems very quiet from the outside and quite dark.
26-08-2004, 06:51 AM
How much they Charge for Jua Geng,never try B4 (isit GOOD) ???
Thks in advance
03-09-2004, 03:48 PM
Any bros can advise on the system in KIZZ KTV @UOL building?
Seems very quiet from the outside and quite dark.
No one reply to your post, so sad... y not u try the place n post FR here.
03-09-2004, 03:49 PM
How much they Charge for Jua Geng,never try B4 (isit GOOD) ???
Thks in advance
Good good very shiok, abt $XX. Go n try and post your FR.
03-09-2004, 04:06 PM
No one reply to your post, so sad... y not u try the place n post FR here.
walao, bro u very free today? come and disturb newbies :p
03-09-2004, 04:08 PM
walao, bro u very free today? come and disturb newbies :p
Not disturbing but just an advice.
My advice is ask him go n try n post FR.
So sad I advice also kena laugh by u...
03-09-2004, 04:23 PM
Not disturbing but just an advice.
My advice is ask him go n try n post FR.
So sad I advice also kena laugh by u...
not laugh lah, but the way u reply him.... very funny lah....
05-09-2004, 01:33 AM
walked outside to see Kizz. can only venture a guess. Saw an ang moh gal outside and unlike places I went elsewhere, saw young ang moh men going in. Maybe this place more for foreigners? :)From what i know that ang mo pussy is the mamasan.
That's all i know.....anyone else who visited can shed some light?
Really appreciate your inputs. :o
05-09-2004, 03:11 AM
walked outside to see Kizz. can only venture a guess. Saw an ang moh gal outside and unlike places I went elsewhere, saw young ang moh men going in. Maybe this place more for foreigners? :)
Errr maybe this is... n maybe not. Any Lao Jiao can help this guy??
14-09-2004, 01:45 PM
Question from Newies
If we opt for FJ, but during BJ, we already ejaculate, is it consider game over? Or cam we continue if we can make our johnny hard again?
14-09-2004, 02:01 PM
Question from Newies
If we opt for FJ, but during BJ, we already ejaculate, is it consider game over? Or cam we continue if we can make our johnny hard again?
Generally No coz it will be consider as second shot. But it differs from one gal to another. Depends on how u negotiate. No SOP for such things.
20-09-2004, 12:09 AM
Generally No coz it will be consider as second shot. But it differs from one gal to another. Depends on how u negotiate. No SOP for such things.
ermmm depends budder. one shot not nesscary say she maz for you, you shoot consider one shot. I think b4 you ask for her service, check properly as words can twist and turn around
26-09-2004, 12:22 AM
Question from Newies
If we opt for FJ, but during BJ, we already ejaculate, is it consider game over? Or cam we continue if we can make our johnny hard again?
yes, its over, pay for fj price. continue? can, extend time lor.
28-09-2004, 08:28 AM
I have questions which I cannot find in the Sammy Leong website regarding the pricing of special service in HC.
To tell you I never been inside HC despite a regular to Pearl Centre .(only go there to see movies at Yangtze Cineplex and/or makan )
Some gals in HC/ Massage Parlours are quite pretty and saying "Ai Mo Mo mai" ..I think of going inside after reading this forum for past few weeks..
Here is two questions which I cant find in Sammy Leong Website about special services..
1. If I request that she take off her all outer clothings, and keep her lingeries (bra and panties) on her body, and gave me a 30 min massages.. How much is her price for that ? I know that normal 30 mins massage cost me $30 .
2. Are all special services price same throughout the HCs in Singapore ? Is there any cartel which decide on price ?
28-09-2004, 09:20 AM
2. Are all special services price same throughout the HCs in Singapore ? Is there any cartel which decide on price ?
Same throughout HC? Haha... Do you want them to come up with a list and paste on the wall? :rolleyes: Basically, their prices will not be too far off. FJ can lies between the range of 80-120.
For your query 1 is an exceptional case, please check with the gal instead.
29-09-2004, 12:05 AM
Here is two questions which I cant find in Sammy Leong Website about special services..
1. If I request that she take off her all outer clothings, and keep her lingeries (bra and panties) on her body, and gave me a 30 min massages.. How much is her price for that ? I know that normal 30 mins massage cost me $30 .
2. Are all special services price same throughout the HCs in Singapore ? Is there any cartel which decide on price ?
1) Errrr never heard of this b4, u can try n post your FR.
2) There is no standard, but the gers r clever enough to know market rates. An old auntie won't ask for 200 for FJ n a pretty SYT won't ask 50 for FJ....
Cartel?? As in an organisation?? Health Club Asst? The 'pricelist' will be updated regularly??
29-09-2004, 08:04 AM
Ok, thanks for your answers , bro waypastprime and naemlo.
I will try out one of HC gal and see whether she is willing to be strip down to her lingeries and massage me.
03-10-2004, 03:57 PM
Ok, thanks for your answers , bro waypastprime and naemlo.
I will try out one of HC gal and see whether she is willing to be strip down to her lingeries and massage me.
Tips her on taking off her clothing will do..i believes its works sometime. :D
03-10-2004, 06:26 PM
Ok, thanks for your answers , bro waypastprime and naemlo.
I will try out one of HC gal and see whether she is willing to be strip down to her lingeries and massage me.
Sometimes, the HC gal may be unwilling because scared of raid. Most of them will strip to do the special and then quickly get dressed again, or the shortest time possible. Because if there is a raid, they will be caught and licence revoked, meaning cannot work this line for a couple of years. For non-Singaporeans, it means cannot stay/ work here. In short, this is their rice bowl, so some have to play safe just in case.
But who knows? Just try lah, maybe your lucky day.
04-10-2004, 08:19 AM
Thks Gstringgal and Killbill2..
If Singapore/Chinese pretty gal massage me in her blouse and skirt, and when she says " want extra ?'' I will say " pls take of ur blouse ,and massage my cock, I will give you 70 bucks...( 50 buck for usual HJ plus 20 tips for letting me see her bra and peek thru the bra cups.)
Since I get to choose the gal in TN shops, ( that's what some bros say).. I will surely pick the gal who wear dress.. ( she has to reveal her bra and panties after her dress is removed). When AV come,other TN shops will know..
and she will quickly put on her dress..
04-10-2004, 01:28 PM
Err. Wat happens if AV raids the TN shops and HC, and caught a guy fucking the lady inside the cubicle, will the guy be arrested?
I knew that gal will be arrested and jailed , what about guy ?
06-10-2004, 12:22 AM
?? never heard of TN gers doing FJ in the cubicle......
.. only.
..if want FJ.... i at hotel only....... ;)
08-10-2004, 12:01 PM
Is the bosses of TuiNa and Health Centre aware that their employees are fucking their customers ?
I read the New Paper ad" Need Masseues . Good pay and good commission ".
Is the claim true? No, that is why the masseues turn FL.
09-10-2004, 03:54 PM
Is the bosses of TuiNa and Health Centre aware that their employees are fucking their customers ?
I read the New Paper ad" Need Masseues . Good pay and good commission ".
Is the claim true? No, that is why the masseues turn FL.
U asking a lot questions that if u use a brain to think, u will get an answer...
12-10-2004, 05:12 PM
U asking a lot questions that if u use a brain to think, u will get an answer...
u actually bother to answer a no-brainer questions ........ the sperm getting to your head liao .....
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