View Full Version : Why use term OC???

27-04-2009, 10:54 AM
Dear all

I have been reading the phrase OC so many times to describe the wife/g??!!! WTF!!! She is NOT Officer-in-Charge. The MEN are. He is the head of house.

It is not right to use the term OC. The way it is being use; is like men has been surrender to the female. The term makes it sound like we have lost our freedom, pride and sense of dignity to the female. To be crude, it soundlike we have surrender our balls.

That not the way it should be. Men should have some self respect. Otherwise who will respect us. Please stand up and stop using the term OC for god sake.

27-04-2009, 05:40 PM
Dear all

I have been reading the phrase OC so many times to describe the wife/g??!!! WTF!!! She is NOT Officer-in-Charge. The MEN are. He is the head of house.

I said EXACTLY the same thing more than a year ago. ;)


27-04-2009, 05:55 PM
Dear all

I have been reading the phrase OC so many times to describe the wife/g??!!! WTF!!! She is NOT Officer-in-Charge. The MEN are. He is the head of house.

It is not right to use the term OC. The way it is being use; is like men has been surrender to the female. The term makes it sound like we have lost our freedom, pride and sense of dignity to the female. To be crude, it soundlike we have surrender our balls.

That not the way it should be. Men should have some self respect. Otherwise who will respect us. Please stand up and stop using the term OC for god sake.

Obviously, you are single. Or have married into an 'open marriage'.

I think a lot of brudders who call their wives OC do alot of 'standing up'!

What do you suggest? :D

27-04-2009, 05:57 PM
I said EXACTLY the same thing more than a year ago. ;)


Haha... thats a good one...:D

27-04-2009, 06:13 PM
It just a code for wife or girlfriend. What does it matter TS ? Has any bro surrendered to their OC ??? No big deal and starting a thread for nothing ! :confused:

27-04-2009, 07:28 PM
Wasted bandwidth :confused::rolleyes:

27-04-2009, 08:13 PM
Since boss replied not really wasted!

OC - terrm for Officer Commanding, normally term for army company commander.
CO - Commanding Officer, army term for battalion commander

Guess most of us Singaporean and do our NS and mostly now NSmen or in reserve list. We dealed with these people during or NS days or ICTs and our wives shared same characteristics as OC or CO, they command and you obey!!! Most of us were in company level, thus the boss in NS usually OC.

Thus the term OC or CO we used for wives :D

27-04-2009, 08:28 PM
bro..its just a term and a short form though, but its true we are the commanding officer of our life, easier said than done..

we still have to report strength every now and then to our gf/wife..if we dont?
things start flying around..

27-04-2009, 08:44 PM
Dear all

I have been reading the phrase OC so many times to describe the wife/g??!!! WTF!!! She is NOT Officer-in-Charge. The MEN are. He is the head of house......

its only a phrase to describe them mah.
if u wan to call ur wife or gf 'idiot' or 'stupid' oso nobody will stop u wat...

27-04-2009, 10:05 PM
husband is the CO, so higher than OC ma.. kekeke.. i thought of using rank at home, imagine calling her captain, come and suck major now!

27-04-2009, 10:12 PM
Aiyo, just a title lah

In the past, generals also called Emperors "Emperor" but how many really care a shit ? They just took over the throne whenever they liked

Dear all

I have been reading the phrase OC so many times to describe the wife/g??!!! WTF!!! She is NOT Officer-in-Charge. The MEN are. He is the head of house.

It is not right to use the term OC. The way it is being use; is like men has been surrender to the female. The term makes it sound like we have lost our freedom, pride and sense of dignity to the female. To be crude, it soundlike we have surrender our balls.

That not the way it should be. Men should have some self respect. Otherwise who will respect us. Please stand up and stop using the term OC for god sake.

27-04-2009, 10:27 PM
Its just a term... Why have such an ego problem? :D

27-04-2009, 10:36 PM
I have been reading the phrase OC so many times to describe the wife/g??!!! WTF!!! She is NOT Officer-in-Charge. The MEN are. He is the head of house.

It is not right to use the term OC. The way it is being use; is like men has been surrender to the female. The term makes it sound like we have lost our freedom, pride and sense of dignity to the female. To be crude, it soundlike we have surrender our balls.

That not the way it should be. Men should have some self respect. Otherwise who will respect us. Please stand up and stop using the term OC for god sake.

Huh which era are you in bro ? :confused:Are you a male chauvenist ??? Just kidding.

27-04-2009, 10:53 PM
TS, when the term OC is being used here, it does not literally mean the wife / gf is wearing the pants over men's head.

From another point of view, do you 100% obey your CO during NS? (or are you still schooling?) Isn't it always (Yes Sir) x 2, 3 bad fool? :p

27-04-2009, 11:27 PM
Maybe TS is used to flowerpod's way of referring to their partners? SO = Significant Other? LOL....

27-04-2009, 11:32 PM
Maybe TS is used to flowerpod's way of referring to their partners? SO = Significant Other? LOL....

When things turn sour, SO becomes SOB (Son Of a Bitch). ;)

27-04-2009, 11:52 PM
So what if we use OC for wife and CO for MIL...

We served in the army but we also know how to bend the rules to suit our purposes. OC and CO may lead the army but if there are no soldiers they are nothing.

TS, we never surrender our balls or ourselves to OC. We just make them think that we are only.

Chill and stay cool TS....

27-04-2009, 11:56 PM
one can refer to wifey as sergeant, first sergeant, master sergeant too! :p

28-04-2009, 12:24 AM
It is just that I feel the term OC as a representative of our wife is so humiliating. To me it is more than just a term. It is more of representation of mentality. It is wrong to continue and perpetuate this thinking. It upset me that even in this forum, we have to think like that.

It is no surprising most Singaporean women don't look highly upon us. I am very sure any respectable pick up artist would agree with me that women will only follow men who have confidence. In fact, girls will follow and listen to men who lead.

So with my deepest sincerity, I would like appeal to everyone to use another term. It could be SO -significant other or HM -home maker... anything but CO. Please....?

28-04-2009, 01:43 AM
Bro zadina20002000, fear not! the phrase OC used to describe the wife is not Officer-in-Charge.

It simply means:

1) Officer commanding the Children - OC

2) Officer of the House Chores - OC

We are still Man of the House or Commander of the Officer - CO

But in bed, they are our CO - Cock Officer.

So, it doesn't mean anything, actually..Hahahahaha :D:p

28-04-2009, 02:56 AM
My OC = Orgasm Captain

It's just a term TS, don't read too much into it. We're just used to typing OC, doesn't mean anyone surrender or anything...;)

28-04-2009, 08:48 AM
TS... Its just an EGO issue here... Just like AWARE now...

Just dun mind the term OC and you would be happier with your life...

Samsters here will still continue to use "OC" for a very very long time...

28-04-2009, 09:30 AM

Its just a term..Like the wifey calling husband Darling and and the Hubby calling Wifey Sweetheart..

Nothing wrong with that... I use the term OC on my other half but it does not mean that she is commanding my life...

I still bonk around (without her knowledge), I still play my golf, I still go drinking and I still have lots of freedom that I deserve...

Its just nick name.

Live and let live...

28-04-2009, 04:44 PM
maybe its because our wives are the "official cunt"

28-04-2009, 05:09 PM
called mine bitch..super good for sex talk.

"yeah, sux it bitch sux it"
"yeah,sux it oc sux it"

28-04-2009, 07:10 PM
Why do we use the term oc or co? It's because fucking around outside is like being in the army. As the army saying goes, 'you can do anything but just don't get caught'. I guess that's the main reason cos if we get caught, we'll kena 'court martial'.

28-04-2009, 07:48 PM
hahaha, Thanks Panamera. That was classic.

Stomach cramp from all those laughing. :p

Bro zadina20002000, fear not! the phrase OC used to describe the wife is not Officer-in-Charge.

It simply means:

1) Officer commanding the Children - OC

2) Officer of the House Chores - OC

We are still Man of the House or Commander of the Officer - CO

But in bed, they are our CO - Cock Officer.

So, it doesn't mean anything, actually..Hahahahaha :D:p

28-04-2009, 10:51 PM
husband is the CO, so higher than OC ma.. kekeke.. i thought of using rank at home, imagine calling her captain, come and suck major now!

No lar...man only is Encik..Warrant Officer. Do all the work, look fierce. BUT really Mo LAN Eng...

Maybe the TS is a real OC that why he dread the term OC.:D

28-04-2009, 11:39 PM
husband is the CO, so higher than OC ma.. kekeke.. i thought of using rank at home, imagine calling her captain, come and suck major now!

This one good.....

Why OC? O is 'Hole' and we get to C 'See' or Chee......and why CO? We men 'Chee' the 'Hole'. Understand?

Bend down OC, CO wants to F88K you now! :p

29-04-2009, 02:23 PM
OC....... "Orh-bin Char bor"
black face Gal

29-04-2009, 02:26 PM
TS, the term OC started as long as english was started.it simply means (O)f (C)os to the gf,wife.etc.

01-05-2009, 03:32 PM
It is just that I feel the term OC as a representative of our wife is so humiliating. To me it is more than just a term. It is more of representation of mentality. It is wrong to continue and perpetuate this thinking. It upset me that even in this forum, we have to think like that.

It is no surprising most Singaporean women don't look highly upon us. I am very sure any respectable pick up artist would agree with me that women will only follow men who have confidence. In fact, girls will follow and listen to men who lead.

So with my deepest sincerity, I would like appeal to everyone to use another term. It could be SO -significant other or HM -home maker... anything but CO. Please....?

bro, i really don get you. what is so humiliating by using OC. We are not using the term like slut, registered whore/fl. i think its yr thinking that is wrong.

we guys have the confidence of using the term OC, thats why we have other gals outside. can you please don be such "AWARE" person in this forum. you really getting on my nerves in asking us to change just for you to feel better. just stop coming into this forum and join the AWARE forum.


02-05-2009, 11:45 AM
cool bro cool. no harm in using the words OC.:confused:

03-05-2009, 02:53 PM
I highly agree with the threadstarter.

Despite what most men say, I think the majority lack the balls to actually say 'No',stand up to their significant other and remain firm in their stand, and are in fact too domesticated. TV programmes do not help, especially with local Channel 8 drama serials that portray the man as a henpecked weakling.

Most men would rather deny a hard truth than to face it, that they've allowed themselves to become soft.