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22-07-2009, 11:21 AM
More house keeping time:

In the interest of readers who want to come up with a Brainstorming idea, I shall share a business technique that the “Mistress Brotherhood” uses periodically. In this thread, I shall structure the technique under the guise of “thread house cleaning” and “fun” and will not elaborate on the mechanics/ techniques of it. Know however it is really a very powerful business and thinking tool. For readers that are able to intuit or understand its underlying premise, I betcha that it is really worth its weight in gold!

There are now around four pages of this thread. I had assumed that readers would have got most of the concepts and general purport of what I am trying to communicate therein. Based on the facts presented, I also assumed that everyone would be on the same page when certain inferences is called for. My assumption could be wrong. Some readers might not get it – even clearly obvious ones (e.g. Jus is one of the protagonist of the story as well as the Tread Starter of this “Mistress” thread).

I shall therefore call the following pointers “Its bladdy obvious that….. “

Hua and Terrence use the terminology differently. They call it: (insert expletive) obvious! :rolleyes:

1) It is bladdy obvious that Hua, Terrence and Mike are not your ‘everyman’ and that they are relatively successful in terms of their career, business and wealth. They may not be Li Ka Shing (or even Ong Beng Send rich), but they would largely constitute “upper strata” in terms of income and position.

2) Its is bladdy obvious that Jus thinks the techniques employed by the Mistress Brotherhood can shared, learned and applied not only to “Upper Strata” but that the concepts can be distilled and translated across to many people with different financial and social standing.

3) It is bladdy obvious that the “Mistress Brotherhood” lives does not revolve around the KTV.

4) It is also bladdy obvious that the WL discussed is largely from China and that they are working at a KTV establishment in Singapore.

5) It is bladdy obvious that Hua, Terrence, Mike and Jus are not well blessed in the “looks” department. It is also bladdy obvious that they have the self confidence that their other attributes more than compensates for the lack of personal aesthetics.

6) It bladdy obvious that the protagonist know how to and have applied the MasterStrokes for their personal satisfaction.

7) It is bladdy obvious that the protagonist can forward plan and knows how to influence outcomes.

(As an aside: Even in the simple writing of this thread Jus knows the intended ending he wants. After imparting his masterstrokes and concepts, Jus will invite/recruit a volunteer on a field trip whereby he will personally mentor him to be a Patron in the fine art of keeping a mistress. His mentee will then blog the learning experiences and/or continue with the thread (if he desires), thereby leaving Jus to exit the scene.

8) It is bladdy obvious that there is an element of Power Play in the male-female interactions. This all the more apparent in the Patron based mistress relationship.

9) It is bladdy obvious that the Patron must the dominant one in the above relationship.

Followers of the thread, I would hereby like to invite you to join in the “bladdy obvious" game ……..

you may also start on ..."Its however not so obvious"

Bro JS, how do we sign up as mentee?

22-07-2009, 01:33 PM
Hi LD, I feel like taking a short break from Havelock area joints and go to a place where the playability factor is higher. Just for a change of scene.

I am thinking of paying BS a long overdue re-visit (preferably during HH where the girls are more plentiful!)

I do find it harder to get friends to accompany me to the cheaper joints vis-a-vis the expensive ones.

(As I write this, I smiled at the recollection of Terrence's reaction - after overcoming his initial shock at the "mauling" he received from the aggressive BS babes in trying to sit table).

Only potential setback with this plan: from what I read in the BS thread, it appears that the 'action' now is very much reduced. Nonetheless, I am game for a BS session this week!

(Alternatively as a compromise, we can visit the newly renovated Kabuki. Haven't been there for ages - ever since my singer mistress 'broke up with me'). :cool:

Hi bro Justime,

I am having a go at Dynasty this Thursday (tomorrow, 23 July 2009), first session a.k.a Morning Session at 6:30pm. If you have interest to join me, PM me. :D

23-07-2009, 03:54 PM
Extract from Net:Economics n Psychology of Commercial Sex.
A pros is like renting a car.
A mistress is like buying a car.

Diff is in the expenses involved and the way you treat the car.
We can afford to own a cherry or hyundai but not Mercedes 500 limo ; we can only rent it a day or week.

With a mistress, u can have natural sex with her, as natural as the birds and bees.
With a pros, she normally won't wet kiss u, insist u bathe n put on condom before u make love. Meanwhile u r restraint from doing cunnilingus on her becos of hygiene factors. U must bathe,payup and leave the room after hour is up. Most of the time, you can't sleep overnite with her after sex.

Not many men can afford a mistress.

When I talk of pros and mistress, I refer to woman who r much younger and beautiful than the wife tat one can confidently court.
It's no point renting a KIA compact when u urself own a BMW700.
In this case, u will get ur kicks when u rent a Rolls Royce or a Lincoln stretched limo.

Just a quote of the day...

23-07-2009, 11:23 PM
Extract from Net:Economics n Psychology of Commercial Sex.
A pros is like renting a car.
A mistress is like buying a car.


With a mistress, u can have natural sex with her, as natural as the birds and bees.
With a pros, she normally won't wet kiss u, insist u bathe n put on condom before u make love. Meanwhile u r restraint from doing cunnilingus on her becos of hygiene factors. U must bathe,payup and leave the room after hour is up. Most of the time, you can't sleep overnite with her after sex.

Not many men can afford a mistress.

When I talk of pros and mistress, I refer to woman who r much younger and beautiful than the wife tat one can confidently court.
It's no point renting a KIA compact when u urself own a BMW700.
In this case, u will get ur kicks when u rent a Rolls Royce or a Lincoln stretched limo.


Hi Bro Formidable, this is an excellent extract. Thank you for sharing this with us all!

There are key differences between Mistress, Girlfriend and pros! The essence of a Mistress is a hybraid between the Girl-friend and Pros. If you apply the right strategies, you will get the best of both these worlds (while minimizing the 'bad').

Also I do apologise for not posting and updating this thread for a couple of days. Mentally fatiqued.

In addition, besides work, I have also been busy in the KTV trenches: in the last three days, I have visited 4 KTV: Mirage (less than an hour - I finally met with bro Warbird and Do You BJ!), Macau, New Shanghai, Jade and Sandborn.

Best of the lot; according to my perception is Macau.

Have to be fair to Mirage though - my time there was too short for any substantial findings. And some girls look quite appealing on a quick scan basis.

BTW Bro Do You BJ is quite in his element at the KTV. (DYBJ: Thanks for the intro of mms (esp the assistant, A)- I really like her style. I also like your style!) :)

That being said, there are plentiful of events happening on the Reality Blog front. I will try to overcome my inertia and post soon! (And this post is written between shots with XH who will be leaving for China for about two months from this weekend.)

24-07-2009, 12:12 AM
BTW Bro Do You BJ is quite in his element at the KTV. (DYBJ: Thanks for the intro of mms (esp the assistant, A)- I really like her style. I also like your style!) :)

Hi Bro Jus, aint everyday that I'm honoured to meet a MISTRESS Guru like yourself.
For you to appear for just 1 hour already give me alot of face liao
Like you said, your 1st wife expenses already kill my 3wives hands down...this I really salute you......my wives make money for me, whereas you make money for your wife....you're really my idol.....
Can I be your disciple pls pls pls hehehehehehe

24-07-2009, 12:37 AM
Hi Bro Jus, aint everyday that I'm honoured to meet a MISTRESS Guru like yourself.
For you to appear for just 1 hour already give me alot of face liao
Like you said, your 1st wife expenses already kill my 3wives hands down...this I really salute you......my wives make money for me, whereas you make money for your wife....you're really my idol.....
Can I be your disciple pls pls pls hehehehehehe

Hi DYBJ, do I detect a hint of sarcasm here? :rolleyes:

Anyway, I think that on grand scheme of things, you are on a higher plane than me. Your 3 wives make money for you? Literally or figuratively? (Wanted to hear an elaboration but have to leave for my conf call!). DYBJ, you are like a lion, the king of the plains where a pride of lioness do the hunting for you. (You must have given them some 'psychic' reward such as multiple sexual orgasms!). An enviable position indeed.

For me, I have to generate income in order to feed them ladies. Unlike you, I am not sure how many of them will stay with me once I don't possess the wherewithal and ability to materially support them! I am sure one will but until that happens, it is only guesswork - and I will make sure that such a situation will not happen.

So for that alone, you are indeed the master on the higher plane. And I have to learn from you!

(By the way, the first wife is now my "ex". We are divorced. Although not Paul Macartney 'terok' - it still cost me hell of a lot. Including one house. I now live with my parents (in addition to my "alternative accomodation" at my Love Nest - from where I am typing this post).

Cheers bro!

24-07-2009, 12:43 AM
I hate forums...
Sigh, what you meant may not always be perceived as what you meant....nope, no sarcasm here...not my style...if you've read my posts.......
I'm a very direct person by virtue and dun wear masks to show others something I'm not, I'm just plain simple me.
I was only quoting from what you said.
FYI, my wives run my business, all have their portfolios....thus the reason why they make money for me...and thus, for themselves.......
I'm not on any plane bro, I'm just a legally unemployed noob who does nottin but wastes his life, what's left of it, away at KTVs that's all.

24-07-2009, 11:11 AM
.................................................. .
In addition, besides work, I have also been busy in the KTV trenches: in the last three days, I have visited 4 KTV: Mirage (less than an hour - I finally met with bro Warbird and Do You BJ!), Macau, New Shanghai, Jade and Sandborn.

Best of the lot; according to my perception is Macau.

Have to be fair to Mirage though - my time there was too short for any substantial findings. And some girls look quite appealing on a quick scan basis.

BTW Bro Do You BJ is quite in his element at the KTV. (DYBJ: Thanks for the intro of mms (esp the assistant, A)- I really like her style. I also like your style!) :)

Hi bro justime,

It was indeed my pleasure to hv a chance to meet u in the flesh.

I was so thrilled n honoured to be sitting btw a MISTRESS GURU n A BAO KING!!! I believe I must hv done some benevolent n altruistic deeds in my past lives!!

Unfortunately, ur one-hr appearance was too brief. I would love to meet u soon in the near future.


Hi Bro Jus, aint everyday that I'm honoured to meet a MISTRESS Guru like yourself.
For you to appear for just 1 hour already give me alot of face liao
Like you said, your 1st wife expenses already kill my 3wives hands down...this I really salute you......my wives make money for me, whereas you make money for your wife....you're really my idol.....
Can I be your disciple pls pls pls hehehehehehe

Hi bro DYBJ,

Amazing! You're the one n only...a true lion among men. You r also munificient...I'm speechless. Even if I had more money, I could never be as generous.:(


Hi DYBJ, do I detect a hint of sarcasm here? :rolleyes:

Anyway, I think that on grand scheme of things, you are on a higher plane than me. Your 3 wives make money for you? Literally or figuratively? (Wanted to hear an elaboration but have to leave for my conf call!). DYBJ, you are like a lion, the king of the plains where a pride of lioness do the hunting for you. (You must have given them some 'psychic' reward such as multiple sexual orgasms!). An enviable position indeed.

For me, I have to generate income in order to feed them ladies. Unlike you, I am not sure how many of them will stay with me once I don't possess the wherewithal and ability to materially support them! I am sure one will but until that happens, it is only guesswork - and I will make sure that such a situation will not happen.

So for that alone, you are indeed the master on the higher plane. And I have to learn from you!

(By the way, the first wife is now my "ex". We are divorced. Although not Paul Macartney 'terok' - it still cost me hell of a lot. Including one house. I now live with my parents (in addition to my "alternative accomodation" at my Love Nest - from where I am typing this post).

Cheers bro!

Bro justime,

I guess we just hv to accept the fact that our dear bro DYBJ has no peers in this arena. Fortunately, there r plenty of chio gals for everyone, hahaha.

BTW, he literally just lifted a little finger n got me a chio 18 yo singer to BY!! And she is my type of meat...D

Good day!!

24-07-2009, 12:01 PM
I hate forums...
Sigh, what you meant may not always be perceived as what you meant....nope, no sarcasm here...not my style...if you've read my posts.......
I'm a very direct person by virtue and dun wear masks to show others something I'm not, I'm just plain simple me.
I was only quoting from what you said.
FYI, my wives run my business, all have their portfolios....thus the reason why they make money for me...and thus, for themselves.......
I'm not on any plane bro, I'm just a legally unemployed noob who does nottin but wastes his life, what's left of it, away at KTVs that's all.

Hi bro DYBJ,

I admire ur candor. But I know how productive u are, n in so many fields...:cool:

Sadly, I hv also been legally unemployed for quite long time...but I love the new life as I'm not chained to a treadmill n now I can take time to smell the roses...;)

Good day!!

24-07-2009, 02:17 PM
Bro WarBird, pls dun say that.
I'm just a simple nobody.............
I shall leave this thread and not disturb anymore......

24-07-2009, 05:36 PM
Bro Justime, Warbird and DYBJ,

So humble the three of you, make me so paiseh... :D
Thanks for sharing your experiences around KTV BY scene.

24-07-2009, 07:58 PM
Just want to use this opp to say a big thank you to bro justime. He and I a two hour sharing session today whereby he help me sort out my life.

I had begged him to meet me becos my life very shucky. Career wise not going too well. Scared anytime retrenched becos company not doing too well. My lady 'crush' at IP building after showing some interest go back to shell, and now bo chap me again. Family got stress becos my bros & sis quarrel over how much each must contribute to mom hospitalisation. I feel lonely all the time as i got few friend.

No need to talk about mistress, date also bo. My only companion is drink and cigs.

I feel like depression & complete loser with no $, no gal, and maybe no job. :(

(tings got so 'cham' that even when i post in sammyboy and put up nice videos & pics kena zap for nothing.) super loser man!

anyway, Bro Jus and me sat down & literally come up with my Life Plan. Bro Jus suggest I am to start a blog so tat i can see how far i have come after i applied his principles. he promised tat he will coach me periodically as he may not have the time.

anyway i am writing all these down to tell bros here that bro jus is very sincere guy. in all my 33 yrs of life i have never met anyone like him. complete strangers & he help me a lot.

after our session, i feel super motivated inside. i now know wat to do work wise & relationship (including relationship with myself).

I also want to tell bro jus thank you for lending me $480. he say he give me, but I promise to myself to pay him all back (plus interest plus blanjar him a session at pub).

i also make a commitment will not drink so much and use this drinking $ to pay him back asap when my personal situ better. (Bro Jus, Hoong ki cannot quit just like that leh - one packet a day tops okay?)

and to make this relevant here, i want to just tell everybody here tat the relationship w self most important. & tat when things are in the most 倒楣 stage, i cannot retreat in shell & 'wallow in self pity'. bro jus will intro someone soon to meet me just to build my gal interaction skill and bring up my self confident.

非常,非常感謝 to you bro justime ........

24-07-2009, 11:21 PM
FYI, my wives run my business, all have their portfolios....thus the reason why they make money for me...and thus, for themselves.......
I'm not on any plane bro, I'm just a legally unemployed noob who does nottin but wastes his life, what's left of it, away at KTVs that's all.

Very modest of you DYBJ! You cannot be a noob if you enriched someones life positively!

The fact that you set up your wives to run your businesses (and making money for themselves in the process) is very noble. It is a perfect expression of symbiotic relationship. I know exactly what you are talking about, I set up shop for my Thai mistress, Paeng. From an employee, she is now a business owner. (She is supposed to share the proceeds of the profit to me but I didn't insist!)

BTW, I sent you a special PM and I sincerely hope that you will do me the honours by accepting the proposal there! ;) (No ... nothing risque at all. I assure all that I am still a 100% commited heterosexual!)

Unfortunately, ur one-hr appearance was too brief. I would love to meet u soon in the near future.

........I guess we just hv to accept the fact that our dear bro DYBJ has no peers in this arena. Fortunately, there r plenty of chio gals for everyone, hahaha.

BTW, he literally just lifted a little finger n got me a chio 18 yo singer to BY!! And she is my type of meat...D

Good day!!

Yes, certainly gotta give props to DYBJ .... he is great! in person and with a good network to boot!

BTW, what is the present status of the 18 yr old singer? accepted your offer? or should I say has she consumated the offer? ;)

24-07-2009, 11:28 PM
(tings got so 'cham' that even when i post in sammyboy and put up nice videos & pics kena zap for nothing.) super loser man!

Bro Anson

Upz you lah! Hope things become much better from now on.:)

Always believe that there is always some benefit behind each scene in the drama of our life. Up to you to understand and learn from it and carry on.

Good luck with your renewed determination and effort!:p

24-07-2009, 11:34 PM
I also want to tell bro jus thank you for lending me $480. he say he give me, but I promise to myself to pay him all back (plus interest plus blanjar him a session at pub).

i also make a commitment will not drink so much and use this drinking $ to pay him back asap when my personal situ better. (Bro Jus, Hoong ki cannot quit just like that leh - one packet a day tops okay?)

and to make this relevant here, i want to just tell everybody here tat the relationship w self most important. & tat when things are in the most 倒楣 stage, i cannot retreat in shell & 'wallow in self pity'. bro jus will intro someone soon to meet me just to build my gal interaction skill and bring up my self confident.

非常,非常感謝 to you bro justime ........

You are most welcome Anson!

I am a non smoker, so perhaps I can not understand the physical craving and provide a proper cessation strategies. Maybe bro who managed to successfully quit the habit can advise bro anson.

Only thing I know is that a packet of cigs costs about $11.60. And if you quit cold turkey, its $340 per month 'savings' which might come in handy for you.

Don't worry too much about the money I passed you. Treat it like I open one bottle in TAM and invite you to party. (Rest assure, I shall not be apply the rough strong arm tactic of spraying "O$P$" on your doorstep!) :)

Most important of all is for you to take care of your situation first. And I have the utmost confidence in you that you can and will do so.


25-07-2009, 12:04 AM
(tings got so 'cham' that even when i post in sammyboy and put up nice videos & pics kena zap for nothing.) super loser man!

Bro Anson

Upz you lah! Hope things become much better from now on.:)

Always believe that there is always some benefit behind each scene in the drama of our life. Up to you to understand and learn from it and carry on.

Good luck with your renewed determination and effort!:p

Thank u bro juzz. very kum siah for wishing me well. feeling much better today after bro jus psychological boost!

tk u also for yur points. just checking only lah, but points no yet 'jib' in rep bank leh.... :D thot tat counts anyway bro.

You are most welcome Anson!

I am a non smoker, so perhaps I can not understand the physical craving and provide a proper cessation strategies. Maybe bro who managed to successfully quit the habit can advise bro anson.

Only thing I know is that a packet of cigs costs about $11.60. And if you quit cold turkey, its $340 per month 'savings' which might come in handy for you.

Don't worry too much about the money I passed you. Treat it like I open one bottle in TAM and invite you to party. (Rest assure, I shall not be apply the rough strong arm tactic of spraying "O$P$" on your doorstep!) :)

Most important of all is for you to take care of your situation first. And I have the utmost confidence in you that you can and will do so.


bro justime, got put pig head along with O$P$ sign or not? if got i boil pork soup with kiam chye & invite bros here to makan feast.

i touch by your kindness .... good nite!

25-07-2009, 02:02 AM
Y I always get singers instead of KTV, HC, TN, StreetWalkers or even outright hookers????

This is a game.
Pure mental and physical domination.
Though my methods do require $$$, its the best safe bet.

As most bros have already alerted me to this thread in the very beginning, I have chosen to be silent and not comment, cos I have been following this thread in the very beginning and I must say, its for myself only, that I will not practise what is preached here, not that its not applicable, but the risks, i guess is too high.
Why do i say that????
I will elaborate below as I've had too much Chinese Tea wif Bro WarBird earlier at a HFJ wif his new BY toy and so, looks like another long nite for me.

Remember, this is bot meat! Not love.........
If you have a crush or sense that you're getting too emotionally attached to someone, RUN!
Remember the number of pussies coming through our Int'l Airport every other day.
As mentioned by TS, be in control, be the Alpha in the game.
You dictate, she submits...no compromise watsoever!!!!!!!
The minute you want her more than she wants you, you're as good as FUCKED!
She just became the Alpha!
So if you approached the topic wif her once, and she says no or outright dilly dally tactic, just say bye and walk off.
All these must be done in the face, never on the phone or sms....her expressions speaks more than her words....always look for little movements or changes in facial expression......

Dangers of getting Non Singers
When you have someone who has to run tables, suck man's dicks for a living, you can never control her activities.
She's got one million and one golden opportunities to give excuses for her disappearance etc etc, thus, did you really BAO her?
To me NO!
If you Bao someone, she's your back and call....nottin more nottin less
You just rented a hole that you preferred, that's all.
Most importantly, its a personal hole.
Want anything more, you're in for the ride of your life.

Why Singers??????
They have to report to work 7days a week and only 1 day off the entire month.
So, during working hours, she's literally in prison cos she cant disappear.
Next, be smart, know some of the staff there & always tip them generously, cos money in such places will go a long way.
Also, hang flowers for those that you notice that have weak flower ratings, dun seek sex from them, seek their EYES and EARS!
Do the above, and which ever customer comes, hangs how much, what your singer is doin etc etc, you'll always be informed.
For the staff, tell them outright that you'll take care of them and in return, they'll be your spies....this is also very important.
Know where the singer stays, cos if there's another singer staying in close proximity, she'll be your best friend.
Never support their room mate, cos they'll most definitely be in cahoots together as proven to Bro WarBird tonight hehehehe

Also, support someone who your singer hates on stage, cos this person will have no reservation watsoever to betray the singer you BAO...very political but very water tight.

Yes, remember, they're here for the SGD not lovy dovy.
A non singer has so much space to maneuver, thus its very diff to have outright domination on here, unless you BAO her a very generous amount and she just stays and home and spreads her legs for you everyday.......but what happen when you're working, or sleeping???? That's the blind spot!

For a singer, if you BAO her, you will hang generously, thus, news will spread soon and the big players will usually be informed who's BAOed and Who's not.
Only new or small palyers will not know such privileged intel.
It wont take long before the singer herself knows that she's being watched, thus this will cos her to have very little space to maneuver...this is when she'll decide to submit or RUN!

If you Bao someone for say, 2k a month, cmon, be practical, even for a local, how to survive?
What you got is not a steal, but a shared toilet. So in this light, is it really worth the little money spent let alone, sharing it wif someone else??????

Having a mistress, excuse me, is not a cheap thing, the entire game requires $$$$ and also, a thief to catch a thief mentality.
Always know, what you hear isnt real, to outwit them, you have to think like them. What would you do, say think to help you make more money????? This goes through their mind all the time.

In this game, there is always a looser.
If the man spends more than he wishes to get the meat, he lost.
If the gal submits to all your demands and has no bargaining power to squeeze you of more juice, she lost!

Remember, NO EMOTIONS!
Just treat them as whores and you'll be fine.
Once you allow their sweetness and charm to smitten you or have a crush on them, man, you're already dead............

Never tell them your location, movements, or when you're goin to be visiting her at her joint.
Just appear, and try to be as mysterious as possible, cos the minute she reads you like a book, she'll be able to play you without you even knowing it....
Actions like these will keep her on her toes, cos remember, when the cat is gone, the rats come out to play.....imagine the anxiety of the cat suddenly appearing.......u know what i mean...imagine living like this everyday n nite.......this would be the kind of pressure you want to instill in her mind
Common texts are:
Them: 老公, 你在干吗呢?
You :我需要报道给你吗?

Them: 老公,今晚回来看我吗?
You: 我想去就会去, 不用问

Them: 老公, 今晚我放工了我们去宵夜好吗?
You: 我还不饵, 看吧!
Appear 5 mins before they knock off work and say you're here waiting for her for supper.....hahahaha
Can you imagine how you'd feel if you were her?
There you go

The entire charade is to not allow them to pose anything to you, thus will always be placed in the backseat. You drive, they sit, so in very crude term, JUST SHUT UP AND FOLLOW!

$$$$$ is the root and most important fundamental of this game.
If you want a mistress, in my book, it's called personal toilet, be prepared to spend $$$$$$$
If you cant, suggest you save your money and get STs when avail rather than spending money on a shared toilet, just dun make sense............

These gals are very realistic, so shud we.......

25-07-2009, 03:57 AM
Brilliant brilliant exposition Bro DYBJ! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Thank you so very much for the hard hitting style of Reality Check! Simply loved it!

(I read it twice - second time very carefully. And there are indeed many lessons here!)

25-07-2009, 05:50 AM
excellent articles you contributed bro. salute! :)

25-07-2009, 07:04 AM
Thanks for your compliments Bro Justime, that's my style of writing, and speaking as posted by Bro Colins in another thread hahahahaha
Straight to the point......like i told ya, me not so patient...even to BY a gal, as Bro WarBird can attest to, straight to the point, no need to drama zebra or paiseh.......like that, more relaxing...
if everytime paiseh, scared say wrong things, then machiam feeling of constipation hahahahaha

Anyway, kudos on this thread, guess bros here in this forum can learn a thing or 2.
Like they say, there's no rite or wrong way, just the way you prefer......
Result, get wat you want at the least investment, time, financially & emotionally, only this will determine who's the winner & who not!

But fear not, once they kenna KC or burnt cos they didnt read your rules of engagement carefully, there's a Matter of the Heart section for them to pour everything to......
wif many KC doctors there to help dress their wounds or maybe, just plainly, a bullet through their head lol
So, there's still lite at the end of the tunnel(for some) hehehehehe


25-07-2009, 10:27 AM
Very modest of you DYBJ! You cannot be a noob if you enriched someones life positively!
.................................................. .....

Yes, certainly gotta give props to DYBJ .... he is great! in person and with a good network to boot!

BTW, what is the present status of the 18 yr old singer? accepted your offer? or should I say has she consumated the offer? ;)

Hi bro justime,

Yes, the BY has been consummated. She calls me lao gong in front of the other gals...

Y I always get singers instead of KTV, HC, TN, StreetWalkers or even outright hookers????

This is a game.
Pure mental and physical domination.
Though my methods do require $$$, its the best safe bet.

.................................................. ...............................

The entire charade is to not allow them to pose anything to you, thus will always be placed in the backseat. You drive, they sit, so in very crude term, JUST SHUT UP AND FOLLOW!

$$$$$ is the root and most important fundamental of this game.
If you want a mistress, in my book, it's called personal toilet, be prepared to spend $$$$$$$
If you cant, suggest you save your money and get STs when avail rather than spending money on a shared toilet, just dun make sense............

These gals are very realistic, so shud we.......

Hi bro DYBJ,

I hv read this post twice carefully.


Thanks for your compliments Bro Justime, that's my style of writing, and speaking as posted by Bro Colins in another thread hahahahaha
Straight to the point......like i told ya, me not so patient...even to BY a gal, as Bro WarBird can attest to, straight to the point, no need to drama zebra or paiseh.......like that, more relaxing...
if everytime paiseh, scared say wrong things, then machiam feeling of constipation hahahahaha

Anyway, kudos on this thread, guess bros here in this forum can learn a thing or 2.
Like they say, there's no rite or wrong way, just the way you prefer......
Result, get wat you want at the least investment, time, financially & emotionally, only this will determine who's the winner & who not!

But fear not, once they kenna KC or burnt cos they didnt read your rules of engagement carefully, there's a Matter of the Heart section for them to pour everything to......
wif many KC doctors there to help dress their wounds or maybe, just plainly, a bullet through their head lol
So, there's still lite at the end of the tunnel(for some) hehehehehe


Bro DYBJ, if u dun mind, I'm going to steal that. It will be my motto for the game of BY, hahaha.

Good day!

25-07-2009, 11:50 AM
Wow, bro DYBJ, you finally appeared, and about time too! :D

Your post had knocked back a lot of senses in me (I was on a path of getting KC-ed) and thank you for that straight off the talk post!

Certain points made in this thread is crucial:

[1] Budget control - Determine how much you are willing to forego.
[2] Be prepared to walk away if something is wrong.
[3] Need to show who the boss is, and it's not THEM!
[4] Maximize your returns with the minimum investment.
[5] Be a confident bastard!

Bro justime, warbird, DYBJ and the rest, I have learned much from this thread. Please do continue to contribute.

P/S: For those who are into the chocolatey thingie game, I use honey as a substitute as honey is a healthier choice and taste as sweet too! :D

25-07-2009, 04:13 PM
Bro C&W, no worries man.
You can occassionally still post about your happenings in the other section & I'm sure, the many KC detectors there will alert you before you even smell anything hehehehe
Worry not, we got your back, just dun bend hehehehehe

26-07-2009, 11:45 AM
I simply love the folks here and above all, its the spirit of sharing and Snr brudders experience and insight about the "Mistress".

Nothg is Free, and 1 might just wanna think thrice before rolling the dice with that singer/ktv MMs. As most of them come over here - is to EARN $$$$ and for many reasons, also they paid a high cost coming over here, which needed to pay back within the short period of 6 months, not forgetting about their accomodation, daily expenses here.
(Hence a BF, part-time Husband is needed)
These gal are more crafty than us got once I chatted with these singer and she replied as below ;

(she is only 22 nia)

And if they are singers/they are on contract's with the company and thus they will need to generate the revenue for them.
I shall say this game is for ppl - who make it in life (of coz monetary means)
Otherwise, these singer/KTV FLs are no dif from the majority as I define it.

So you see, for them is the "Survival" skills and they need to equip with it to KCed and dig as musch $$$$ as possible while over here.

cheers. :D

26-07-2009, 04:15 PM
Straight to the point......like i told ya, me not so patient...if everytime paiseh, scared say wrong things, then machiam feeling of constipation hahahahaha

Anyway, kudos on this thread, guess bros here in this forum can learn a thing or 2.
Like they say, there's no rite or wrong way, just the way you prefer......

Result, get wat you want at the least investment, time, financially & emotionally, only this will determine who's the winner & who not!

But fear not, once they kenna KC or burnt cos they didnt read your rules of engagement carefully, there's a Matter of the Heart section for them to pour everything to......
wif many KC doctors there to help dress their wounds or maybe, just plainly, a bullet through their head lol

Thank u Bro DO_YOU_BJ for coming into this thread. It make the best thread in the forum (in my personal opinion niah!) even better!

yur advice is very solid. In addition to bro Justime and Bro Warbird, i will also take u as my role model and learn how to handle KC matters. Can u accept another 徒弟? i promise i won't bother u at all except for internet where i post my question here in this thread.

I also promise I work hard and not be stupid so that u will not 'put a bullet to my head". :)

I simply love the folks here and above all, its the spirit of sharing and Snr brudders experience and insight about the "Mistress".

These gal are more crafty than us got once I chatted with these singer and she replied as below ;

(she is only 22 nia)

So you see, for them is the "Survival" skills and they need to equip with it to KCed and dig as musch $$$$ as possible while over here.

cheers. :D

bro oceanlee, can share a little more abt yur experience?

altho i don't have the capability to BY gal, i still learn a lot frm bro's experience & advice from here.

i now realise that the BY principle can be applied in gf situation. I also understand what a key principle of empowerment is: to treat yurself with respect first!

ever since that 'talk' by bro justime, i inside feel so much better and i can feel my internal confidence which is very very small begin to light up a little. i now look forward to life and won't be so sian with work & personal life.

i even confident tat i will mean someone real soon to love after learning to love myself (like that song "greatest love of all"). i will learn all abt the rules of engagement from season bro in order to shorten my learning curve.

beside feeling better abt myself, also for first time after 10 yrs, i smoke less than one packet of cig last nite. even my sammyboy point go up ... from abt 9 when i last talk to bro justime to now got some power point.

u hynotise me or wat bro justime? :D still cannot believe that i smoke so less.

maybe me still a little bit of loser ... but i am getting better.

26-07-2009, 05:34 PM
Having a mistress, excuse me, is not a cheap thing, the entire game requires $$$$ and also, a thief to catch a thief mentality.

In this game, there is always a looser.
If the man spends more than he wishes to get the meat, he lost.
If the gal submits to all your demands and has no bargaining power to squeeze you of more juice, she lost!

Remember, NO EMOTIONS!
Just treat them as whores and you'll be fine.
Once you allow their sweetness and charm to smitten you or have a crush on them, man, you're already dead............

I guess I the looser , ha?

Know her as waitress/FT student previously. After which she quit as waitress, and joined her roommate to TAM.
Help her shift house/do her school assignment/shopp furniture/errand for her,

Pay for her hometown ticket and she is touched. Cos Mr M???(knew in TAM) sent her to airport and so I fetched her when she return at 2am. We checkin hotel overnight.(one time raw and never again cos now i understand y xbf want natural sex, or maybe my didi too small,take time to cum),

Give her few grands(at her request) to help her pay expense,without asking anything in return ,not even bedtime (once bitten twice shy?)although she wants to give /repay me anything.( is she acting?)

I dun have time for her and she demand i spend time with her(run errand/tutoring),
I find her and my expectation different,that's why we call it quits in march this year.

I love her and I want her to go the right path as she is not young soon(including her xbf-senior executive/high post in china)

She come here cos his wife found out their 4year affair, so broke off, but still pay for her/family study/expense monthly.
She like married man as they have kinda of feeling she like
She dun like singles,that y most of her xbfs are married man

Now she is back with married rich? man, Mr M??? (knew in TAM,she mention he drive lexus/forex trader/have kids/wife as career/businesswoman). They broke off previously cos "notime for her issue" maybe. She broke down when he change hp num. Want a bonk with me which I did not as I believe she just want to destress/look for surrogate. Can see she love him like her xbf as they are in the same category(mature/stable). Understand from her recently he looked for her to reunit.

Feel happy/sad for her
Wish her all the best
Told her cherish the moment with the man for it may not be long term(unless miracle happen)
She say her life/destiny is in this way

She took part in Ch U audition U R the ONE below url:

26-07-2009, 07:31 PM
Thank u Bro DO_YOU_BJ for coming into this thread. It make the best thread in the forum (in my personal opinion niah!) even better!

yur advice is very solid. In addition to bro Justime and Bro Warbird, i will also take u as my role model and learn how to handle KC matters. Can u accept another 徒弟? i promise i won't bother u at all except for internet where i post my question here in this thread.

I also promise I work hard and not be stupid so that u will not 'put a bullet to my head". :)

AnsonDeSauna, there's really no need for you to be anyone's disciple.
As I've read your initial post to your situation, I only can tell you one thing that's really bothering you and making you wat you are.
Your biggest barrier to your own life, is nottin but you.
Like I always say, 什么都是死的,人是活的
If you apply this in life, you'll find that there is nothing that you cannot understand and foresee
Also, if you're also empty, do not look externally to fill your internal emptiness, find out yourself what's making you so empty....cos if you dun, and always seek external to fill your internal emptiness, you'll never run out of KC probs.....never!!!!
The way you post you probs and then getting self KCed shows how much you 逃避 you own probs and thus, once you feel any external 感觉, you will grab it & not let go, thus your downfall.

As for the bullet in the head, to be honest, many times more often than not, the person also carry out self execution before anyone has had a chance to pull the trigger.

Learn to love yourself, know yourself & tune your abilities to make yourself a formidable foe, and you'll be the only 1 taking and everyone will be more than willing to give anything you want to you!

I guess I the looser , ha?

Know her as waitress/FT student previously. After which she quit as waitress, and joined her roommate to TAM.
Help her shift house/do her school assignment/shopp furniture/errand for her,

Pay for her hometown ticket and she is touched. Cos Mr M???(knew in TAM) sent her to airport and so I fetched her when she return at 2am. We checkin hotel overnight.(one time raw and never again cos now i understand y xbf want natural sex, or maybe my didi too small,take time to cum),

Give her few grands(at her request) to help her pay expense,without asking anything in return ,not even bedtime (once bitten twice shy?)although she wants to give /repay me anything.( is she acting?)

I dun have time for her and she demand i spend time with her(run errand/tutoring),
I find her and my expectation different,that's why we call it quits in march this year.

I love her and I want her to go the right path as she is not young soon(including her xbf-senior executive/high post in china)

She come here cos his wife found out their 4year affair, so broke off, but still pay for her/family study/expense monthly.
She like married man as they have kinda of feeling she like
She dun like singles,that y most of her xbfs are married man

Now she is back with married rich? man, Mr M??? (knew in TAM,she mention he drive lexus/forex trader/have kids/wife as career/businesswoman). They broke off previously cos "notime for her issue" maybe. She broke down when he change hp num. Want a bonk with me which I did not as I believe she just want to destress/look for surrogate. Can see she love him like her xbf as they are in the same category(mature/stable). Understand from her recently he looked for her to reunit.

Feel happy/sad for her
Wish her all the best
Told her cherish the moment with the man for it may not be long term(unless miracle happen)
She say her life/destiny is in this way

formidable, Yes, you lost.
You fail to see that very basic of the entire pic.
You had feelings for her liao & what she requests, you submitted.
Now you even question this & that, thus your mind is no more in one piece.
This effect shud have been planted into her mind, but like i mentioned, there'll always be a looser & winner in this game, so, yeah, you lost BIG
If you can appreciate the whole pic, you should take this opportunity to learn a thing or 2 about what you went through, instead of dwelling in self pity etc etc
Learn from her, how she controlled your emotions, how she MIND FUCKED you, how she literally DRAGGED U BY UR NOSE, how she ended up in the driver seat & you in the backseat.
From your post, its clear you still cant figure her out but she read you like a book, thus played you bigtime.
If you really read you own post, the key fundamentals of this gal is already spelled out by yourself, just that you were tooo smittened to see it!!
She's here for the quick money, wants married men not becos they know how to treat her better, but becos they cant demand sooooo much of her time due family commitments, thus allowing her to have more men in her grasp, thus equates to more $$$$$$$$$$$$$

Exactly like I said, if you take the bystander approach, and tot like her,you would have seen this long ago, but because you were too eager to play lead role, you lost the initiative to win this game!
Thus, now, you pay the price.

26-07-2009, 10:04 PM
HI bros,

this is an excellent thread but may I ask if you all can also put the english translation next to any chinese words you used so that bananas like me can understand better. thank you very much.:)

26-07-2009, 11:09 PM
She's here for the quick money, wants married men not becos they know how to treat her better, but becos they cant demand sooooo much of her time due family commitments, thus allowing her to have more men in her grasp, thus equates to more $$$$$$$$$$$$$

Exactly like I said, if you take the bystander approach, and tot like her,you would have seen this long ago, but because you were too eager to play lead role, you lost the initiative to win this game!
Thus, now, you pay the price.

Bro DYBJ, you are really sharp, I like your approach, go straight to the point :D I believe bro formidable just lost some $$$ here, not the sprite. Just treat it as game, and I believe he will do much better next time after reading the thread

Thanks for Bro Justime, I have followed the thread quite long, and this is really the best 5 star thread in SBF :D

26-07-2009, 11:28 PM
HI bros,

this is an excellent thread but may I ask if you all can also put the english translation next to any chinese words you used so that bananas like me can understand better. thank you very much.:)

Yahoo! Babel Fish - Text Translation and Web Page Translation (http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_txt)

26-07-2009, 11:31 PM
Tks Bro Justime, OceanLee & Apollo for your ups and compliments.
I will return in kind one by one.

27-07-2009, 01:41 AM
Great Posting from Bro justime,DYBJ and warbird.

Though i do not have the $$ for BY i think many of the things mention here can be used in alot of other situations.

Thank !

27-07-2009, 12:52 PM
I like to express my sincerest thanks to both bros justime n DYBJ for expounding, in details, their philosophies, strategies n psychological underpinnings in finding n keeping mistresses!!

I hv the good fortune of meeting both of them in the flesh! I must hv done some altruistic deeds in my past lives!!

I hv also benefited directly from their intro of 2 gals for BY.

First, I had JJ whose ctc was given to me by bro justime who also assisted me in the negotiation process. She is 24, 173 tall, classy n pretty, very fair n has proportionate figure.:D Quite a gem. Thx u, bro justime. She is back in China.

Second, I got an 18 yo singer thru the help of bro DYBJ who literally only lifted a little finger in securing her for me. Now I know the meaning of influence n power. ;)

She is my kind of USDA premium steak...very chio, cute, looks more Korean/Jap than PRC, 166 tall, slim w/ firm n proportionate figure.:D I know if I had approached her directly w/o the help of bro DYBJ, I would be spurned. Dun forget, I'm an old chi ko pek n this gal had a very strong supporter, a young Jap man who drives a Mercedes sports car n who is mesmerized by her. I guess he lost, hahaha. Thx u, bro DYBJ.

In addition, bro DYBJ also has literally held my hand n guided me step-by-step in the complicated process of BY. He has given me many pointers n trade secrets, hahaha.

Both bros justime n DYBJ are grand masters in the game. However, their methods r very different.

Bro justime, as he has so eloquently stated, prefers the budget approach. Whereas bro DYBJ employs the deluxe approach.

For me, I think I'll combine the essence of both n come up w/ my own "moderately priced" approach, hahaha.

Thx for reading n hv a great day.

27-07-2009, 06:46 PM
AnsonDeSauna, there's really no need for you to be anyone's disciple....

Your biggest barrier to your own life, is nottin but you.
Like I always say, 什么都是死的,人是活的...

If you apply this in life, you'll find that there is nothing that you cannot understand and foresee...

Also, if you're also empty, do not look externally to fill your internal emptiness, find out yourself what's making you so empty....cos if you dun, and always seek external to fill your internal emptiness, you'll never run out of KC probs.....never!!!!
The way you post you probs and then getting self KCed shows how much you 逃避 you own probs and thus, once you feel any external 感觉, you will grab it & not let go, thus your downfall.

Tk u bro DO_YOU_BJ for yur good advice. guess i got quite a kiasi attitude & avoid risk in order to avoid heart pain. Over time, i retreat more deep into my shell. i let my past hurt make me scared to try again. I also my past experience make me no confident with life in general.

anyway, you are right. wat have i got to lose. not much money for gals to con :p

also as wat bro justime say, i think i shud just 鼓起勇气 & go on to collect 'rejection' in order to thicken my skin ..... :eek:

wish me luck bros!

27-07-2009, 07:55 PM
Tk u bro DO_YOU_BJ for yur good advice. guess i got quite a kiasi attitude & avoid risk in order to avoid heart pain. Over time, i retreat more deep into my shell. i let my past hurt make me scared to try again. I also my past experience make me no confident with life in general.

anyway, you are right. wat have i got to lose. not much money for gals to con :p

also as wat bro justime say, i think i shud just 鼓起勇气 & go on to collect 'rejection' in order to thicken my skin ..... :eek:

wish me luck bros!

Kudos to you.
Your honesty to open up yourself is a very good beginning to the new you.
Remember, all humans, regardless of gender, are either attracted or totally afraid of people with a flair of confidence.

It also serves as a natural filter element to naturally shun away undesirables.
Remember, every incident in life, is a burden, you face it, the next time you face something similar, it isnt even considered a prob anymore.

A very good illustration would be:
Every obstacle you meet in life, is a sandbag.
You break the sand bag, you move forward.
You run from it, you just collected a sandbag on your back.
If one decides to keep running from everything, one day, there'll be so many sandbags that fella can never even stand straight again cos he's so bogged down by the heavy burden he's carrying on his back.

Last, remember this, every decision process we encounter everyday has 2 choices.
The choice you make there n then, will result in the outcome....thus this is linked to the sandbags as well.......

Keep it up good on ya

27-07-2009, 10:01 PM
This is a game.
Pure mental and physical domination.
Though my methods do require $$$, its the best safe bet.

So many SBF bro quoting your famous article.... everyway I surf i get pointed towards this thread.

Very interesting cheong/BY principles you have elaborated here.

From my cheonging experience..... I will have to disagree with almost everything you mentioned for reason which are very personal to me. I don't think I want to explain myself..... it will be rude.

Like you say... there's no right or wrong... just different style of cheonging.

To every readers.... read but digest with loads of discretion. The best way to learn is always by your own experience.

warbird, DY...... still have not open the macallan. I will be travelling next friday..... any chance to catch up??:D

27-07-2009, 10:06 PM
Duuno leh, that post like attract too much attention liao, me must go into hiding liao....
Diff strokes for diff strokes this i gotta agree bro.
Works for me but I am sure not for all
Diff playing budgets will require diff tactics
As for the bottle, its ok, no one chasing you for it, feels better knowing one day when I go bankrupt, I know who to look for for a free bottle hehehehe

27-07-2009, 10:14 PM
As for the bottle, its ok, no one chasing you for it, feels better knowing one day when I go bankrupt, I know who to look for for a free bottle hehehehe

ehhh.... actually i chasing the 2 of you leh...... not much time left leow.

28-07-2009, 01:25 AM
Wah lots of happenings, principles, theories and experience sharing here.

I guess those principles which Bro DYBJ mentioned applies to all WL la. To me, every girl working in this industry is WL, what matters is price only.

Bro Smeagol, last I heard was you couldn't attend leh. We already had 4 bottles that night. To go into Bro DYBJ's room, we usually go in with 3 bottles min. We can take turns to foot the bill but if you are new we can always split the one-five. Find it quite funny that you're still talking about the macallan. ;)

28-07-2009, 02:36 AM
Got to apologize to everyone that I have been quite remiss in posting these couple of days. I am also not very diligent in updating the “reality blog”.

First off, got to mention the fact that XH has left for China (Shenyang) on Sunday. Permanently or not, I don’t know presently.

However, prior to her leaving, I spent the entire Friday, Saturday and Part of Sunday on a mini honeymoon jaunt with her. As such, I do not really have the time or inclination to post any message, except occasionally logging in to have a quick read. (Details about XH to follow ……)

Just a couple of thoughts:

1) Different Viewpoints

What I am very encouraged to note is the sheer multiplicity of opinions and counterviews being expressed here. It shows independence of opinion and thought. It demonstrates the rich tapestry of different experiences of each Cheonging encounter(s).

I have maintained throughout in this thread that I do not possess all the answers. I am also pretty confident that there does NOT exists a unified singular BY – Cheong – GF – relationship theory that can be applicable for ALL brothers.

In this regard, I thereby actively encourage every reader here to formulate their own personal relationship principle(s) in the context of your unique life’s journey.

A flashback on some of my earlier posts if you will:


1) Yes, I do recognize that love and sex can be expressed in a myriad of ways. Some prefer being the dominant party, others the submissive. One side of the scale is sheer hedonistic debauchery while the other side is celibacy. Having a Patron based Mistress relationship is certainly not for everyone. Numerous people are happy and contented to operate only within the matrix of a monogamous relationship. All are valid choices with no one superior over the other.

(Remember to always judge the success of a strategy against actual experience and results and not what you think should be correct. Take my statement at face value and validate it yourself against the actual result of your interaction if you should take my advise.).

** It should be bladdy obvious that you should question why something is bladdy obvious in the first place !!!!


Despite the heavy theorizing in this thread, I am pretty sure that most of you would have deduced by now that I am a firm advocate of “praxis”. Don’t believe what I write no matter how eloquent I sound. Theory must be validated against experience in order to make it meaningful and of use to you. Ultimately, there is NO substitute for direct experience.

Whether you are hesitant on BY or simply want to just empower yourself a little within the context of your present relationship - Just dive into it experientially.

Go for the ride and bear in mind the principles I mentioned. Apply the concepts and masterstrokes and you will see that your journey is so much more enjoyable. Test it – “rubber hits road” against your own experience. If you had a bad experience previously, all the better. You will plainly see the stark difference between what you have done wrong previously and the new improved approach you take in courting girls or BY.

To be continued …

28-07-2009, 03:20 AM
2) Relevance

(A lot this material below extracted from a Private Conversation)

One of the key objectives of the mistress thread is meant to address unfair exchange between a WL & her bf/Robert.

Yes, the first part of the mistress thread is admittedly and intentionally done to generate interest in this thread. I extracted an interesting and not oft used concept as a novel way in order to invite readership.

1) It should be however obvious that this is a “Rich Men’s Strategy” and not wholly suitable for most people – hence the unrealistic perception that it can sometimes generate.

That being said, although they are not rich per se, many Bros have got the money to indulge in a WL (whether BY or simply keep them as a high maintenance GF).

And the sad thing is that instead of letting money put him in a “power” position, the monetary advantage gets lost in his interactions with a WL.

I have seen too many brothers here ‘bankrupted’ by the manipulations of WL – simply because they don’t know how to handle their own emotions with regards to interacting with WL. (Sad but true, you hardly see a ‘rich’ Chinaman being manipulated like our locals by WL. They know that who holds the money is king. Hence sometimes the negative perception by the Chinese mei mei that Singapore men are naive).

To this end, my constant harping about empowerment and bringing fair value (especially monetary) into the relationship has already helped certain brothers. They are more circumspect in how they spend money – especially with regards to WL.

2) If you continue reading the thread, you will notice that I am slowly gravitating towards another very important defense mechanism. That is to “Create choices and Options for yourself”. I aim to go further, not only do cast your net in terms of choice for different ladies, you cast your net in terms of the range of personal life choices you can make. This important tool of empowerment is equally relevant to the everyday man as it is to the tycoon.

3) If you patiently go through the threads, you would also see that the “everyday man” focus slowly coming into the fore. From Mistress-seduction tactics, the focus is now toward self-empowerment. And that means taking control of your life choices and financial destiny. It something a lot of people can relate to and they did according to the feedback I receive.

I am not sure how many brothers detect the evolution that I talked about. But I am glad to report that in my private correspondence with some bros, many brothers here actually GOT the point about empowerment I am trying to make. They are not interested so much on “Masterstroke” per se – and see it only as a metaphor.

I also got several encouraging and heartening feedback on this. Some brothers have told me that since learning about empowerment, they are now more circumspect on the wiles of the WL – and refused to take any crap from them! They saved money and know when to disengage a disempowering and unproductive relationship. For that alone, I have achieved my modest objective when I first embark on this thread.

(When I first started this little project, I told myself that as long as two or three person can be ‘figuratively saved’ from emotional & financial devastation I will be exceedingly happy as I had achieve my goal. Now it appears that a little more than three persons have benefited from the concept of empowerment….)

28-07-2009, 07:36 AM
Bro Smeagol, last I heard was you couldn't attend leh. We already had 4 bottles that night. To go into Bro DYBJ's room, we usually go in with 3 bottles min. We can take turns to foot the bill but if you are new we can always split the one-five. Find it quite funny that you're still talking about the macallan. ;)

yeah... couldn't make it that nite..... fever until 38++ degrees. Don't think you want me to show up sneezing, coughing, spreading germs, bacterias and viruses rite? Wanna to enjoy enjoy comfortably.... so sick how to enjoy leh.

Nothing funny about the mention of the Macallan..... I say I open means I open. Last thing u need to worry is about me being a freeloader. U got a point to make.....eh......just put it plainly hor.......:)

Big B
28-07-2009, 11:07 AM
I am amazed at the amount of wisdom & insights the TS and others have included. This should be required reading for anyone who wants to play with or is attempting to get a mistress. The information provided here, IMHO, covers not only the art of "mistressing" but also governs the principles of having paid company.

By sharing their collective experience with the rest of us mere mortals, we can save ourselves some time, money and unnecessary heartache. This forum does well indeed to attact contributors of such calibre.

Based on all that I've read and absorbed, it seems to me that there are 2fundamental keys to becoming a successful chiongster:

1) Be confident (by understanding how our enemy thinks & rules of the game)
2) Be prepared to walk away (by not putting all your eggs in 1 basket)

There are of course, many other valuable skills and masterstrokes which the contributors have expounded upon which alleviate them to the category of best-of-the-best.

However, just like in real life, some guys will be better at this than others. For blokes like me who aren't trail blazers, we will just need to fight tooth and claw amongst ourselves for the leftovers. ;)

Would love to meet up with gurus such as bro justime (a reference to Just in Time strategies? If so, it is very appropriate!) and bro DO_YOU_BJ in the near future if only to put a face to the lessons I have learnt here. Xiao Di dun earn much but 1st round is definitely on me. :)

28-07-2009, 02:14 PM
I wish to first express my gratitude to bro Jus for having started this thread and for dispensing his wisdom. You are certainly a very generous person, and command my utmost respect. Looks like you treat BY like a chess game hobby, and like to share and discuss strategies. So, this posting is meant to stimulate such strategy discussion by presenting a different variation! (By the way, this is my very first posting—initially I came to SBF to merely browse through, but bro Jus has inspired me to write-up!)

My Background
Early 50s, financial industry professional. Average looks, well groomed.
Can comfortably afford say 100K per year for “recreational” activities.
Have been with OC for 20+ years, 3 kids 22, 20, 18. Don’t want to break their hearts, so don’t ever want to be found out.
Moderate libido, don’t need to do it every day (sometimes can even go for a week or two without doing it).
Never done any BY before, so complete noob, but don’t want to die not having tried it.

Ideal Target
20-24 yo MM (PRC?)
Very chio face
Average height, B-cup, slim

Initial Thoughts on Target
My opinion is that getting more “ordinary” PRC MM like waitress, salesgirl, hairdresser better than KTV/HFJ/HC/FL/WL
They are more likely NOT to have been over-bonked (feels better to ride a relatively new car), and more likely to be disease-free
If we try to think about the psychology of these “working in ordinary jobs” MM, I have to guess that their primary objective to be here is still to earn money, but are unwilling to work in KTV/HC/FL/WL. As a result, their monthly take home is probably around 1-2K. So, although they may be more difficult to land, I’m guessing that they might still be open to the idea of BY if the price is right.

Initial Thoughts on the BY Deal
I thought about the advantages of a medium-term BY (eg: 6-12 months), or even a long-term BY (more than 12 months). You get to use her more regularly, and enjoy over a longer period of time, maybe lower per bonk price, etc.
But then, the disadvantages will also start to stack up:
(1) Like bro Warbird and many others, pretty much the novelty factor of bonking a new girl wears off after a couple of times. So, while you’re still paying the same amount, the pleasure is probably less, and will keep diminishing;
(2) She has a higher chance of knowing exactly who you are, as in your real name, where you live and work, who your OC is etc. This could potentially be a big problem if she later decides to squeeze you by threatening to go to your OC, or kick up a fuss at your office: not a problem for some, but certainly a problem for me;
(3) You have to worry about what she does behind your back. It seems like many of bro Jus’ and bro DYBJ’s strategies deal with how to keep a tab on the MM. This takes energy, and you can’t be 100% sure anyway unless you really have the time to be with her all the time, which I don’t have.

So, I’m thinking, instead of short-term BY, but over-pay by a lot. For instance, a weekly deal of say 6K per week, plus potential bonus at the end. For instance:
(a) 2.5 K upfront upon initial bonk
(b) 2.5 K at the end of the week
(c) I decide by the end of the week whether to extend another week. If yes, then I’ll give you another 2.5K upfront, and 2.5 K at the end of that week. Absolutely no request for any gifts, etc during the period of BY.
(d) When I decide to call it off, I’ll give you a parting bonus depending on how happy you make me feel. So, can range from zero to whatever I feel like, maybe averaging about 2.5K.

Some comments on this strategy
(1) This becomes a simple 1 or 2-week rendezvous, so the fresh, initial GFE would be there throughout the BY
(2) The MM doesn’t feel short-changed because it’ll just feel like a short fling with loads of money for compensation (I can go even higher if necessary depending on the quality of the girl)
(3) From day 1, it’s a take it or leave it deal. Plus I get full discretion to dispense the bonus. So, in Jus’ words, it’ll be a patron, domineering relationship and not a DFR relationship.
(4) Little chance of the girl knowing who I actually am, and probably little incentive to pursue me later on as she probably has some measure of “self shame” from having accepted an “indecent proposal”: remember, she works in a regular job, not one where she is expected to do these kinds of things.
(5) Don’t have to worry about what she does behind your back. This is because you get to choose when you want to start the BY, so obviously you choose a period where you are free. So, for those 1-2 weeks, you can spend a lot of time with her and bonk her to your heart’s content, very much like a vacation. And after it’s over, who cares?
(6) It may seem expensive to pursue this strategy at first glance (about 7.5K for 1 week or 12.5K for 2 weeks of enjoyment). Yes, it is expensive, so it rules out those who can’t afford it. But, for moderate libido people, I can probably live with engaging in 1 “project” every 1-2 months. Total annual cost comes up to say 100K, which is probably what a regular BY costs anyway (but I get to bonk 6-8 different ones!)

I am prepared to be humbled by more experienced bros who think that this is a load of crap.

28-07-2009, 03:18 PM
Yahoo! Babel Fish - Text Translation and Web Page Translation (http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_txt)

Thanks a lot. :)

28-07-2009, 06:51 PM
yeah... couldn't make it that nite..... fever until 38++ degrees. Don't think you want me to show up sneezing, coughing, spreading germs, bacterias and viruses rite? Wanna to enjoy enjoy comfortably.... so sick how to enjoy leh.

Nothing funny about the mention of the Macallan..... I say I open means I open. Last thing u need to worry is about me being a freeloader. U got a point to make.....eh......just put it plainly hor.......:)

Ah...valid reasons la. We missed your 中国腔 dearly that night but I reckon you might not pass the temp check at the counter anyways, so I think I've wronged you.

I know you say you can open, sorry not my intention to check you on one bottle. My point is, I want to chase you for 3 bottles liao. Hahaha...;)

28-07-2009, 07:10 PM
it USUALLY boils down to MONEY when it comes to the art of keeping a mistress.


Though there are RARE cases like that of my fren who has a mistress (degree holder who does her own business in china. But having had breakup with her bf, came over to singapore to whore herself only to fall in love with my friend) who doesn't require any maintainence! My friend only spend about
SGD$3k screwing her a month and building enough kc when she was in SG.

After building the kc, he convinced her to go back to china and even made it clear that he was married and asked if she could accept that. She's very independent. Has various apartments and a nice car in China. Made her money through trading hospital equipment. Speaks fluent English. All she wanted is my friend to give up his wife n children and be with her. My friend's wife was an ex ktv hostress. His mistress cannot accept the fact that although she wins his wife in many categories: looks, brains and charm. She cannot get my fren to get a divorce and was forced to compromise and be a mistress.

Amazing thing is that my friend having paid for the whoring he did for a month. He did not pay anything more after that. Instead he earned himself a nice mistress who plays a good host to his friends who ever visit china.

He even had her bring my friends and I to many places of our interest in China .

KUDOS to bro DYBJ(Direct Approach strategy) and Justime(Return On Investment strategy)! This thread deserves a sticky!

It's Really like a "How to keep mistresses guide for dummies"!

29-07-2009, 10:40 AM
P/S: For those who are into the chocolatey thingie game, I use honey as a substitute as honey is a healthier choice and taste as sweet too! :D

For a moment there, I thought you were talking about buying your girl honey instead of Marks and Spencer chocolates. Pheeew... Panic siah.

29-07-2009, 10:47 AM
I wish to first express my gratitude to bro Jus for having started this thread and for dispensing his wisdom. You are certainly a very generous person, and command my utmost respect. Looks like you treat BY like a chess game hobby.....................

My Background
Early 50s, financial industry professional. Average looks, well groomed.
Can comfortably afford say 100K per year for “recreational” activities.
Have been with OC for 20+ years..........................
Never done any BY before, so complete noob, but don’t want to die not having tried it.

Hi bro sing, we share a number of similarities...but I dun mind spending much more if the meat is very enticing, fresh n juicy, hahaha.:D Yes, u must try BY before u pass on.

Ideal Target
20-24 yo MM (PRC?)
Very chio face
Average height, B-cup, slim

My ideal quarries r:

18-23 yo PRC MMs
165-175, slim w/ proportionate figure, natural B/C boobs
Of course face must be chio. Very subjective here bcos one man's meat is...

Initial Thoughts on Target
My opinion is that getting more “ordinary” PRC MM like waitress, salesgirl, hairdresser better than KTV/HFJ/HC/FL/WL
They are more likely NOT to have been over-bonked (feels better to ride a relatively new car), and more likely to be disease-free
If we try to think about the psychology of these “working in ordinary jobs” MM, I have to guess that their primary objective to be here is still to earn money, but are unwilling to work in KTV/HC/FL/WL. As a result, their monthly take home is probably around 1-2K. So, although they may be more difficult to land, I’m guessing that they might still be open to the idea of BY if the price is right.

I'm always searching to BY PRC MMs who work in ordinary jobs. But most of them r homely. There r rare exceptions...

Right now I'm negotiating w a 19 yo Fujian MM, born Jan 1990, a hairstylist working in a salon in Chinatown. Face quite chio n cute, 160-161, 46kg, nice boobs n butt. Demands 5k a month n upfront payment for her debt of 16K. She is a bit short for my liking. Upfront payment is also an obstacle. Her recent HIV n RPR, taken 1 wk ago, were negative (requested n paid by me). She also wants long-term arrangement. I'm very hesitant to consummate the deal as I live in Gotham City . PM me if u r interested.

Initial Thoughts on the BY Deal
I thought about the advantages of a medium-term BY (eg: 6-12 months), or even a long-term BY (more than 12 months). You get to use her more regularly, and enjoy over a longer period of time, maybe lower per bonk price, etc.
But then, the disadvantages will also start to stack up:
(1) Like bro Warbird and many others, pretty much the novelty factor of bonking a new girl wears off after a couple of times. So, while you’re still paying the same amount, the pleasure is probably less, and will keep diminishing;
(3) You have to worry about what she does behind your back. It seems like many of bro Jus’ and bro DYBJ’s strategies deal with how to keep a tab on the MM. This takes energy, and you can’t be 100% sure anyway unless you really have the time to be with her all the time, which I don’t have.

So, I’m thinking, instead of short-term BY, but over-pay by a lot. For instance, a weekly deal of say 6K per week, plus potential bonus at the end. For instance:
(a) 2.5 K upfront upon initial bonk
(b) 2.5 K at the end of the week
(c) I decide by the end of the week whether to extend another week. If yes, then I’ll give you another 2.5K upfront, and 2.5 K at the end of that week. Absolutely no request for any gifts, etc during the period of BY.
(d) When I decide to call it off, I’ll give you a parting bonus depending on how happy you make me feel. So, can range from zero to whatever I feel like, maybe averaging about 2.5K.

Some comments on this strategy
(1) This becomes a simple 1 or 2-week rendezvous, so the fresh, initial GFE would be there throughout the BY
(2) The MM doesn’t feel short-changed because it’ll just feel like a short fling with loads of money for compensation (I can go even higher if necessary depending on the quality of the girl)
(3) From day 1, it’s a take it or leave it deal. Plus I get full discretion to dispense the bonus. So, in Jus’ words, it’ll be a patron, domineering relationship and not a DFR relationship.
(4) Little chance of the girl knowing who I actually am, and probably little incentive to pursue me later on as she probably has some measure of “self shame” from having accepted an “indecent proposal”: remember, she works in a regular job, not one where she is expected to do these kinds of things.
(5) Don’t have to worry about what she does behind your back. This is because you get to choose when you want to start the BY, so obviously you choose a period where you are free. So, for those 1-2 weeks, you can spend a lot of time with her and bonk her to your heart’s content, very much like a vacation. And after it’s over, who cares?
(6) It may seem expensive to pursue this strategy at first glance (about 7.5K for 1 week or 12.5K for 2 weeks of enjoyment). Yes, it is expensive, so it rules out those who can’t afford it. But, for moderate libido people, I can probably live with engaging in 1 “project” every 1-2 months. Total annual cost comes up to say 100K, which is probably what a regular BY costs anyway (but I get to bonk 6-8 different ones!)

I am prepared to be humbled by more experienced bros who think that this is a load of crap.

Yo bro,

Good strategy! Especially applicable for my unique situation. After a couple of wks of unlimited access to the choice meat, the prettiest gal may not look so attractive anymore, hahaha.

Your offer is quite generous n u should be able to get some gems for the money.


29-07-2009, 06:41 PM
I'm always searching to BY PRC MMs who work in ordinary jobs. But most of them r homely. There r rare exceptions...

You're right. But, then, homely also means less-bonked and purer! So, if you are successful, the feeling is better too. If she is one who says yes to every proposition that comes along, then the fun and challenge is not there anymore.

I guess, this is where bro Jus' masterstroke comes in: accidentally spill coffee on her (if she is a waitress) when she serves your table! Than offer to buy her new clothes the next day.

Right now I'm negotiating w a 19 yo Fujian MM, born Jan 1990, a hairstylist working in a salon in Chinatown. Face quite chio n cute, 160-161, 46kg, nice boobs n butt. Demands 5k a month n upfront payment for her debt of 16K. She is a bit short for my liking. Upfront payment is also an obstacle. Her recent HIV n RPR, taken 1 wk ago, were negative (requested n paid by me). She also wants long-term arrangement. I'm very hesitant to consummate the deal as I live in Gotham City . PM me if u r interested.

Bro warbird, you are very generous. But, I am really not into the messiness of long-term arrangements. Also, I think it's better to hunt by myself rather than to have one handed on a platter.

A quick question on tests: where can I bring a prospect for quick, discreet test for all the common diseases? I'm assuming it's a nice private clinic? And are HIV and RPR (this is for syphillis right?) the only thing you test for? I'm a little pananoid when it comes to diseases, as you can probably guess by now.

Good strategy! Especially applicable for my unique situation. After a couple of wks of unlimited access to the choice meat, the prettiest gal may not look so attractive anymore, hahaha.

Your offer is quite generous n u should be able to get some gems for the money.

Maybe you should look into such short-term BY as well!

30-07-2009, 06:55 PM
You're right. But, then, homely also means less-bonked and purer! So, if you are successful, the feeling is better too. If she is one who says yes to every proposition that comes along, then the fun and challenge is not there anymore.

Hi bro sing,

Not necessarily true. A gal who is homely to u may be very desirable to some other men...one man's meat is another man's poison, hahaha. Then there is the mysterious Rashomon effect...:confused:

The gal must be my type, especially the body type that will awake my didi.

I guess, this is where bro Jus' masterstroke comes in: accidentally spill coffee on her (if she is a waitress) when she serves your table! Than offer to buy her new clothes the next day.

Good strategy. By doing so, u hv created a moderately intense emotional experience for her, which is directly connected w/ u. It will leave an imprint in her subconscious mind. Could be powerful stuff, man.

Gals crave emotional experiences as much as men crave sexual experiences, hahaha.

Another even better idea which we often see in movies n novels is abt a hero appearing from nowhere to rescue a damsel in distress, from robbery, rape, kidnapping or whatever. Supposing the gal is extremely pretty n desirable, would it be worthwhile for u to stage the whole thing? You will be a great hero of course. Unfortunately (or fortunately), u probably should not carry it out in SGP where the rule of law is strictly n rigidly enforced. IMHO, this kind of fake rescue to win a gal's heart is certainly doable in Thailand n PRC n many other countries, hehehe.

Bro warbird, you are very generous. But, I am really not into the messiness of long-term arrangements. Also, I think it's better to hunt by myself rather than to have one handed on a platter.

Yes, a large part of the fun in bedding a gal is the process of finding n wooing her. I'm also very reluctant to commit to any long-term BY.

The 19 yo Fujian hairstylist is actually the chaser now n wants to go out w/ me again in a few days. I hv already hugged her n lightly kissed her...n I hv not paid her a penny nor made any promises yet. BTW, I'm most attracted to a gal's butt n she happens to hv a nice, perky n broad one, unlike many PRC MMs...should be great for doggie. I'll escalate the sexual tension n french her next time. I may just whack her n then buy her a small gift. Minimal investment...maximum return...hahaha.

A quick question on tests: where can I bring a prospect for quick, discreet test for all the common diseases? I'm assuming it's a nice private clinic? And are HIV and RPR (this is for syphillis right?) the only thing you test for? I'm a little pananoid when it comes to diseases, as you can probably guess by now.

Yes, RPR is for syphilis. She went to a private clinic in Chinatown. I would hv sent her to DSC for a complete female sexual exam n blood tests.

Maybe you should look into such short-term BY as well!

Actually all my BYs to date hv been short-term. I hv revamped the "BY package" of the 18 yo singer in such a way that it's very favorable to me.


30-07-2009, 09:23 PM
Bro Sing & Bro Warbird,

Good luck in yur BY advantures .... altho, I cannot afford to BY right now, I hope to do so one day. then maybe we can 'swap' mistress like bro justime. :D

Looking forward to yur stories right here.

also like to 'boast a little' ..... how often have I got chance to hao lian .. :):

since bro jus 'talk' (see my above post):

* my smoking cut down a lot. one packet can last me 1 and 1/2 day.

* i collected 4 rejection from girl i meet at MRT. and i manage to go on 2 dates ;) one with stranger some more. ok, she quite plain lah ... but me no look like singer Rain either. at least i finally go on date after many many mths.

* 老板 also give me compliment & say my attitude got improve. actually i stay back to post pics at sammyboy, but he don't know. :p

* wah lao, even my sammyboy point got go up. now got power pts .... when i talk to bro jus tat time, power zero and rep pt 11 niah.

* i never drink beer & alcohol since tat day (now like my other sifu bro warbird).

* i got 'save' some money. after next mth payday .... can pay back bro jus his money he gave & blanjar him kopi too!

bro jus, u macham singapore version anthony robbin. why don't u open clinic here like some bro suggest in one of their post here. i first one to line up & attend.

tk u for reading and listening to my 自吹自擂 (self boast) ...... kum siah!

30-07-2009, 11:50 PM
...In this game, there is always a looser.
If the man spends more than he wishes to get the meat, he lost.
If the gal submits to all your demands and has no bargaining power to squeeze you of more juice, she lost!

Remember, NO EMOTIONS!
Them: 老公, 你在干吗呢?
You :我需要报道给你吗?
The entire charade is to not allow them to pose anything to you, thus will always be placed in the backseat. You drive, they sit, so in very crude term, JUST SHUT UP AND FOLLOW!

$$$$$ is the root and most important fundamental of this game.
If you want a mistress, in my book, it's called personal toilet, be prepared to spend $$$$$$$
If you cant, suggest you save your money and get STs when avail rather than spending money on a shared toilet, just dun make sense............

These gals are very realistic, so shud we.......

Very useful advice. Thank you.

31-07-2009, 10:29 AM
Bro ansonsohna,

Keep it up. The changes you made are for yourself, and I am glad that your paradigm shift has moved for the better. :)

31-07-2009, 10:48 AM
Bro warbird, Bro Justime and Bro DYB,

after reading this thread and learning from the masters. I must say that i have learnt alot and I believe in my case i will be using Bro Justime methods. Although different strokes for different pple, currently I am putting it into action while I might have reinvented some of the strokes and put into my use.

For the information
I am in my early 30s and running a small business.
Thus i might have the time but I have not had the money.

Thus, I must salute the gurus and thank you Bros for all the advices and methods that you have employed.

Thank you

31-07-2009, 01:56 PM
Something I need to get off my chest....... hopefully the BAO Masters here can help.

What would you do in this scenario? -

Bros Alex & Ben were buddies and colleagues.
Alex married their mutual friend Carol and later left the company to set up his own business. As his business grew he employed Diana whom he later bao as his mistress.

Ben came to know Diana a few years later and they both fell in love (Diana was still Alex's mistress). One day Ben came to know about Alex & Diana's relationship from another party. Carol calls Ben regularly to get feedback on Alex.

Ben is confused how he should deal with Alex, Carol & Diana under these circumstances? What would you do if you were in Ben's position? :confused:

01-08-2009, 06:08 AM
Dump Diana & find another toilet to keep.
Its already clear that Diana is "IN LUV" with Ben but being fed by Alex!
So why feed a cow to be milked by someone else?
Cases like these, dun use heart, use logic!

01-08-2009, 09:33 PM
Hello everyone, glad to be at this thread again after quite a while. Glad to see that the thread is very lively during my absence. Thank you one and all for your kind participation. Keep the discussion going, we can mutually learn from one another so that we will always remember to empower ourselves when engaging and interacting with a PRC mei mei.

As I have just completed a major project, I am feeling a little enervated hence my reply will be brief for now. (Hey, to tell you how busy I have been, I did not have sex for more than five days already … and rest now appears a more compelling proposition than sizzling sex presently!!!)

Starting from the latest few posts:

You're right. But, then, homely also means less-bonked and purer! So, if you are successful, the feeling is better too. If she is one who says yes to every proposition that comes along, then the fun and challenge is not there anymore.

…. But, I am really not into the messiness of long-term arrangements. Also, I think it's better to hunt by myself rather than to have one handed on a platter.

Hi Sing, it would be very disingenuous and hypocritical of me to dissuade you from your BY forays. But let me tell you that Mistressing can be very addictive indeed. To me personally, it is better than having a gf or engaging in Short Time. Again always be mindful of the costs (not only monetary) in your pursuance of her.

This being said, I have looked into your posts, and you came across as a person who knows exactly what you want. This ran the gamut from the type of girl you like to pursue to the cost and context by which you will frame the proposition. This is very good indeed. You have defined the parameters clearly and you know the “stop” or “cut loss” points (a carry over from your career in the financial sector?).

As to the discussion regarding a KTV WL or a ‘homely’ one, the answer (which is also a non-answer) is obvious. It is really dependant on the personality and character of the girl herself.

A homely girl can be as susceptible to sexual disease as a KTV WL. We cannot know for sure how promiscuous she is (and a ‘normal’ PRC girl can be usually quite complacent in the use of protection -this I can confirm).

The truism should be therefore be noted: women usually lie about how many men she slept with by discounting the number in order to appear virtuous - which is generally coveted by most men. (Men also lie, but they exaggerate the quantity on a higher side :rolleyes:).

Also note that a KTV WL can just be as noble and many a times present a more interesting “chase” prospect (if it is the challenge and thrill of purchase you seek!). Here you are competing against many other men in addition to winning your quarry's heart.

So Bro Sing, do “reality blog” your pursuits here, and we can collectively dispense our viewpoints so that you can make the most informed decisions based on the context of your own personal agenda and situation.

By the way, if you have been following this thread, you will know that I currently have both “types” of mistress under my patronage. So I can just provide some anecdotes and personal sharing in order to help you shape you decisions as you go along your little adventure.

Good luck!

...after reading this thread and learning from the masters. I must say that i have learnt alot and I believe in my case i will be using Bro Justime methods. Although different strokes for different pple, currently I am putting it into action while I might have reinvented some of the strokes and put into my use.

For the information
I am in my early 30s and running a small business.
Thus i might have the time but I have not had the money.

Thus, I must salute the gurus and thank you Bros for all the advices and methods that you have employed.

Thank you

Hello bro wolf, if it is alright, could you document “the chase” if it is not too personal?

Every plan needs to be adapted to suit context, and you may just hit upon a powerful masterstroke that can benefit a lot of bros.

Something I need to get off my chest....... hopefully the BAO Masters here can help.

What would you do in this scenario? -

Bros Alex & Ben were buddies and colleagues.
Alex married their mutual friend Carol and later left the company to set up his own business. As his business grew he employed Diana whom he later bao as his mistress.

Ben came to know Diana a few years later and they both fell in love (Diana was still Alex's mistress). One day Ben came to know about Alex & Diana's relationship from another party. Carol calls Ben regularly to get feedback on Alex.

Ben is confused how he should deal with Alex, Carol & Diana under these circumstances? What would you do if you were in Ben's position? :confused:

DYBJ is correct. Alex must right away cut off his relationship with Diana. Never allow a mistress to have her cake and eat it too. You are not the Uninformed Robert that condones such nonsense. (I have not talked specifically about “control” mechanism iof the patron so that the situation described above will not even arise in the first place - obviously Alex does not have what it takes to compel "loyalty" despite paying good money.)

Let me tell you unequivocably that even the most naïve and/or seasoned veteran WL all know about this “boundary”. (You don't see other men when you are under a Patron!). Without a doubt, Diana breached the boundary knowingly and must be unceremoniously dumped. If as you say, Alex is a business person and an employer, would he then tolerate such disloyalty from his staff?

Ben may be the innocent party in that he did not have prior knowledge of the relationship between Alex & Diana until he is immersed in it. (By the way, Ben should never ever betray Alex’s trust by providing Carol feedback). Now that he discovers his position, he should right away know of Diana’s propensity for deceit. He too should therefore dump her outright – as there will be betrayal of sorts in continuing the relationship.

Now in order to draw a useful stratgic tool in this scenario: I am presuming here that Diana is one hell of a beautiful lass (who knows how to sensuously pleasure her lover). Yes, there is always a powerful attraction to such women and many men cannot disengaged themselves from the pull (or lure) of this dangerous liaison. A lot of men (probably Ben and Alex?) may find it difficult to let go of such magnetic personality. There will be longing, tears and pain in the story if the guy protagonist do not know to put himself in an empowered state.

Lesson here: To inure yourself against such powerful and pervasive fatal attraction, an empowered person must always strive to have several viable choice(s). He would therefore not be needy and getting psychological / psychic / physical satisfaction from a single source as this makes him vulnerable.

Litmus Test: Always ask yourself what are my options and choices in any given scenario. And if you cannot think of any other viable and equally compelling choice, you have inadvertantly put yourself in a disempowered position! :cool:

02-08-2009, 10:37 AM
Lesson here: To inure yourself against such powerful and pervasive fatal attraction, an empowered person must always strive to have several viable choice(s). He would therefore not be needy and getting psychological / psychic / physical satisfaction from a single source as this makes him vulnerable.
Litmus Test: Always ask yourself what are my options and choices in any given scenario. And if you cannot think of any other viable and equally compelling choice, you have inadvertantly put yourself in a disempowered position! :cool:

bro justime, so glad to hear from you again. hope u had a nice rest.
this i think is one of the best advice ever, to always create options & choice for yourself so tat we will be empowered.

i took yur 'wise counsel' & 'just do it' (like Nike ad says) & focus on collecting rejections. now tat i not so "outcome" focus*, i relax a lot in my approach ...

from the time we last talk, i as of last nite, collected ten rejections, got three nbrs & one date. :D ..... all from total strangers.

i go out with her now for two times already ... & even kiss her. light peck on lip niah ... but at least something. last time i go FL, she don't even allow me to kiss! :rolleyes:

sifu, u are correct as usual - it does get easier & i find tat i got more control in my life. now i can be "proactive and not reactive"*.

my unlucky situ with the IP girl tat made me so chia lat i see now as "逢凶化吉" (misfortune turn to blessing). i now learn the value of "Wrest Control of my life by actively seeking choice and options"*. I don't have to wait for lu lian drop, i can go find durian tree & pluck ....

* Bro Justime's words, where my ang mo got so cheem one! :D

02-08-2009, 03:34 PM
Bro Justime,

I just want to tell you that your contribution to this thread is really appreciated by the quiet majority here.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to contribute to this forum with your engaging style of writing.

I chanced upon this thread early this morning (Sunday), and I have been reading it the past 2 hours. A lot of the information and techniques that have been described by you is freaking awesome!

Even though i am not doing any "mistressing" (already enough headache with Wife & Gf), the guide that you have provided will come in handy in other situations.

Up you Bro

cheers from


02-08-2009, 08:42 PM
Hello everyone, glad to be at this thread again after quite a while. Glad to see that the thread is very lively during my absence.................................

Also note that a KTV WL can just be as noble and many a times present a more interesting “chase” prospect (if it is the challenge and thrill of purchase you seek!). Here you are competing against many other men in addition to winning your quarry's heart.

Hi bro justime,

I believe there r some KTV gals/students who hv been here for almost a yr n hv never had sex w/ any men.:confused: So bedding them would be a big challenge.

Lesson here: To inure yourself against such powerful and pervasive fatal attraction, an empowered person must always strive to have several viable choice(s). He would therefore not be needy and getting psychological / psychic / physical satisfaction from a single source as this makes him vulnerable.

Great advice! It's imperative that a man should hv several pussies available to him at any one time. That way he is unlikely to become dependent on or addicted to just one pussy.;)


04-08-2009, 10:11 PM
Bro Justime,

I just want to tell you that your contribution to this thread is really appreciated by the quiet majority here.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to contribute to this forum with your engaging style of writing.

I chanced upon this thread early this morning (Sunday), and I have been reading it the past 2 hours. A lot of the information and techniques that have been described by you is freaking awesome!

Even though i am not doing any "mistressing" (already enough headache with Wife & Gf), the guide that you have provided will come in handy in other situations........

hi biker man, thanks your lovely gesture and your encouraging post. It is very heart warming indeed. And it certainly gives validation that my clarion call for bros to be empowered is heard in numbers that is above my original expectations when I first embark on this project.

Hope that I can live up to your expectations! :cool:

04-08-2009, 10:32 PM
Hello everyone, this (and the one above) post is written in the LOS (Bangkok, Thailand). I am currently at Paeng's (my Thai mistress) home, waiting for her to close shop before coming over here for "supper" (innuendo here ... but of course!)

Anyway, XH have left Singapore about two weeks ago. Recollect if you will, XH is my "hybraid" mistress-GF that I picked up at Amani. She is 'featured' in my Reality Blog and used several times as an illustration of certain Masterstrokes.

Well, we did not break up or anything like that. She simply taking a hiatus to go back to China as she misses home.

Since she is physically not present (out of sight out of mind), I thought I just use a little hindsight analytical perspective to see how I fared in terms of practicing what I preached.

As the experience is still fresh in my mind, I am able to better recollect the nuances of XH behavioural patterns.

To kick off, we shall be of course talk about the issue of MONEY in order to see how the theories dovetail to the real world scenario with regards to XH.

(By way of a refresher, I shall use some quotations - by myself & contributors here - as a starting point)

(Part 1 - to be con't)

04-08-2009, 10:35 PM

.......will not be enough if your 'mistress' is an Ang Pai (or even a semi Ang Pai) or if she has high consumption / consumerism habits. As such, there is a need for her to develop alternative 'income' channels to feed the habit. This is a practical and logical thing to do - and one which I myself will do if the roles are reversed.

Think of money in a mistressing context like this: It is not the sum of money that is important here. It is the use of money (regardless of amount) in enforcing and consolidating your power status in your relationship with her.

The corollary of the poor use/execution of "money as leverage" is that the 'mistress' will always stretch the limits of your tolerance. The more they can get away with it the better.

.... Never meekly submit nor play the 'hurt' man.

In getting your mistress to execute your desires, you do NOT ever seek her understanding (in the vain hope that she will be sympathize with you, feel kinda bad and then be somehow emotionally blackmailed into compromising with you). It never ever works this way!

b) Also Never get worked up and all riled up - to use anger as way to enforce the mistress desired behaviour.

The "My way or the highway" threats are very dispowering - especially if not backed up by deed!

Calm, factual and rational tone that underlies the seriousness of your intention is best. Follow up on the relevant "punitive measures" - there must be one. But never of the "throw the baby along with the bathwater" variety such as immediately ending the mistress patronage! (Or you will be missing a hellva good opportunity to take your relationship at the next level.)

Certain points made in this thread is crucial:

[1] Budget control - Determine how much you are willing to forego.
[2] Be prepared to walk away if something is wrong.
[3] Need to show who the boss is, and it's not THEM!
[4] Maximize your returns with the minimum investment.
[5] Be a confident bastard!

If you Bao someone for say, 2k a month, cmon, be practical, even for a local, how to survive?
What you got is not a steal, but a shared toilet. So in this light, is it really worth the little money spent let alone, sharing it wif someone else??????

Having a mistress, excuse me, is not a cheap thing, the entire game requires $$$$ and also, a thief to catch a thief mentality.
Always know, what you hear isnt real, to outwit them, you have to think like them. What would you do, say think to help you make more money????? This goes through their mind all the time.

In this game, there is always a looser.
If the man spends more than he wishes to get the meat, he lost.
If the gal submits to all your demands and has no bargaining power to squeeze you of more juice, she lost!

Remember, NO EMOTIONS!
Just treat them as whores and you'll be fine.
Once you allow their sweetness and charm to smitten you or have a crush on them, man, you're already dead............

The entire charade is to not allow them to pose anything to you, thus will always be placed in the backseat. You drive, they sit, so in very crude term, JUST SHUT UP AND FOLLOW!

$$$$$ is the root and most important fundamental of this game.
If you want a mistress, in my book, it's called personal toilet, be prepared to spend $$$$$$$
If you cant, suggest you save your money and get STs when avail rather than spending money on a shared toilet, just dun make sense............

These gals are very realistic, so shud we.......

04-08-2009, 10:40 PM
Extract from Net:Economics n Psychology of Commercial Sex.
A pros is like renting a car.
A mistress is like buying a car.

Not many men can afford a mistress.


...laying out the cards on the services you expect. ...Many people use the courtship / girlfriend route and mistakenly assume that they are Baoying a girl (mistress). This is NOT correct. What you are doing is simply giving the girlfriend an allowance or as the mei mei like to put it – help them with their living expenses. Expectations are not communicated and your allowance to her is taken for granted

You therefore need to make a distinction that you purchase her time and service. (No need to be so commercially crass about it if it is not your style – you can romanticize the relationship saying that I take care of you in return for love, loyalty and devotion).

(One important Test whether your prospect is girl-friend or Mistress is your ability to assert and articulate the service you expect or want. If you cannot do this step – you pursuit is in a girl friend mode! And expect a “girlfriend” type of service!) :rolleyes:

.......will not be enough if your 'mistress' is an Ang Pai (or even a semi Ang Pai) or if she has high consumption / consumerism habits. As such, there is a need for her to develop alternative 'income' channels to feed the habit. This is a practical and logical thing to do - and one which I myself will do if the roles are reversed.

Think of money in a mistressing context like this: It is not the sum of money that is important here. It is the use of money (regardless of amount) in enforcing and consolidating your power status in your relationship with her.

The corollary of the poor use/execution of "money as leverage" is that the 'mistress' will always stretch the limits of your tolerance. The more they can get away with it the better.

.... Never meekly submit nor play the 'hurt' man.

In getting your mistress to execute your desires, you do NOT ever seek her understanding (in the vain hope that she will be sympathize with you, feel kinda bad and then be somehow emotionally blackmailed into compromising with you). It never ever works this way!

b) Also Never get worked up and all riled up - to use anger as way to enforce the mistress desired behaviour.

The "My way or the highway" threats are very dispowering - especially if not backed up by deed!

Calm, factual and rational tone that underlies the seriousness of your intention is best. Follow up on the relevant "punitive measures" - there must be one. But never of the "throw the baby along with the bathwater" variety such as immediately ending the mistress patronage! (Or you will be missing a hellva good opportunity to take your relationship at the next level.)

Now that I have extracted - almost randomly from throughout this thread, let me provide a little analysis on whether I lived up to the precepts of empowerment that I talked about ....

(To be con't .....)

08-08-2009, 08:48 PM
Now that I have extracted - almost randomly from throughout this thread, let me provide a little analysis on whether I lived up to the precepts of empowerment that I talked about ....

(To be con't .....)

Hi bro justime,

Are u back from Thailand?

Your posts r certainly worth reading again n again...

I want to ask u n other experienced bros here re the many problems associated w/ long-term BY of 1 yr or longer. It's almost like keeping an er nai or getting married! Some gals want long-term commitment of at least a yr.:eek:

Thx n goodnight!!

09-08-2009, 12:28 AM
I want to ask u n other experienced bros here re the many problems associated w/ long-term BY of 1 yr or longer. It's almost like keeping an er nai or getting married! Some gals want long-term commitment of at least a yr.:eek:

Actually, in my book, a 二奶 is a mistress.
All others are lovers, toys, meat , toilets or FBs
Let's start on the wants of long term commitments.

From a gal's POV
1) I have a fixed regular income to look forward to on a weekly, bi-monthly or monthly period.
Like any wage earner looking forward to pay day
2) No need to stoop so low as to GIVE themselves to so many men for some pocket money (very tiring and mind draining), let alone, making themselves feel really dirty
3) They can start planning on how to manage their steady in-flow of funds
4) The longer I drag with the man who BY me on a long term basis, the more time i have to KC him jialat jailat
After all, its a fact that the longer time 2 spends together, affections & emotions will develop
5) Most importantly, I only face 1 man!
6) The man who BY me is my main course, but what's stopping me from getting appetizers and desserts to get more income????
Since when is enough $$$$ enough???????

From a guy's POV:
1) Unless you wanna stop cheonging, this is a good way to maintain a new LOVE LIFE in your life
2) Can be headache, if you still cheong, everytime you see new blood, headache, cos need to part more $$$$ just to get new meat, some can't just outright dump the mistress, cos of the amount of time sacrifices she made for him, thus emotional attachments will lead you to pity her & thus still keep her around
3) A big danger is to actually fall in love wif them, for your initial aim was just the GFE and of cos, the meat
4) As time progresses, and feelings will develop in time for sure, she who entertained & fulfilled your WILDEST needs may want more than just $$$$, that's when a beautiful dream becomes a nightmare for you
5) These WLs can become extremely possessive when they decided to stick with you for watever reasons, then, you will have to not only sneak out from your wife, but also this new BY.....thus, you actually trap yourself from freedom of movement
What happens when i'm traveling or out stationed for a while?
I still have to put $$$$ into her account but is she gonna be faithful or have secret rendezvous behind my back?

Well, that's my humble from a WLs and a guy's point of view.
Bros wif more or feels mine are not accurate enuff, do share!

09-08-2009, 01:16 AM
good story please come some more thanks

09-08-2009, 02:05 AM
I still have to put $$$$ into her account but is she gonna be faithful or have secret rendezvous behind my back?

So troublesome for wat? I have forgone many offers to BY some really chio and young ones....... coz my mantra now is f*ck n forget :D

09-08-2009, 02:32 AM
So troublesome for wat? I have forgone many offers to BY some really chio and young ones....... coz my mantra now is f*ck n forget :D

Ah well said, so troublesome for wat?????'Well, I totally agree wif wat u said, but i was just replying to bro WarBird's question

09-08-2009, 10:15 AM
Actually, in my book, a 二奶 is a mistress.
All others are lovers, toys, meat , toilets or FBs
Let's start on the wants of long term commitments.

From a gal's POV
1) I have a fixed regular income to look forward to on a weekly, bi-monthly or monthly period.
Like any wage earner looking forward to pay day
2) No need to stoop so low as to GIVE themselves to so many men for some pocket money (very tiring and mind draining), let alone, making themselves feel really dirty
3) They can start planning on how to manage their steady in-flow of funds
4) The longer I drag with the man who BY me on a long term basis, the more time i have to KC him jialat jailat
After all, its a fact that the longer time 2 spends together, affections & emotions will develop
5) Most importantly, I only face 1 man!
6) The man who BY me is my main course, but what's stopping me from getting appetizers and desserts to get more income????
Since when is enough $$$$ enough???????

From a guy's POV:
1) Unless you wanna stop cheonging, this is a good way to maintain a new LOVE LIFE in your life
2) Can be headache, if you still cheong, everytime you see new blood, headache, cos need to part more $$$$ just to get new meat, some can't just outright dump the mistress, cos of the amount of time sacrifices she made for him, thus emotional attachments will lead you to pity her & thus still keep her around
3) A big danger is to actually fall in love wif them, for your initial aim was just the GFE and of cos, the meat
4) As time progresses, and feelings will develop in time for sure, she who entertained & fulfilled your WILDEST needs may want more than just $$$$, that's when a beautiful dream becomes a nightmare for you
5) These WLs can become extremely possessive when they decided to stick with you for watever reasons, then, you will have to not only sneak out from your wife, but also this new BY.....thus, you actually trap yourself from freedom of movement
What happens when i'm traveling or out stationed for a while?
I still have to put $$$$ into her account but is she gonna be faithful or have secret rendezvous behind my back?

Well, that's my humble from a WLs and a guy's point of view.
Bros wif more or feels mine are not accurate enuff, do share!

Hi bro DYBJ,

Ths for taking time to give a detailed n insightful analysis on the subject of long-term BY, from both POVs.

As u hv pointed out, in a long-term RS, even though the gal is a paid woman she may become very possessive n sticky. If she knows her man is not faithful to her, she may hv no qualms in fxxking around...especially when he is not in town.:eek:

Of course the biggest danger is for the man to fall in love w/ his BAO-ee...then he is ruined.:( Since falling in love is not a conscious choice, no man is immune...

Ths n have a great holiday!!!:)

09-08-2009, 12:49 PM

Are u back from Thailand?

I want to ask u n other experienced bros here re the many problems associated w/ long-term BY of 1 yr or longer. It's almost like keeping an er nai or getting married! Some gals want long-term commitment of at least a yr.:eek:

Hi Bro Warbird, I am still in BKK, Paeng is treating my exceedingly well. In fact so good that I have not visited my usual hangout at Poseidon (Ratchada) this time round ..... yet! ;)

With regards to Long Term Commitment, it is heartening to note that your Time Perspective classifies a “One Year Period” as LONG term. When you enter into a BY arrangement, we always note the transitory and transient nature of the relationship.

I have mentioned here that Hua have a mistress in Shanghai for four years and that Paeng herself is with me for longer than a year. XH, on the other hand, (if there should be no follow up, lasts for about two months thereabout). Notwithstanding the duration, we always know that (and may I add our mistress too) the relationship will inevitably run its course. No such “Tian chang di jiu” (general translation: live-time, forever) nonsense!

Note that the key feature here we call the shots with regards to the duration of the patronage/tenure. If boredom sets in, we will extricate ourselves – quickly and without guilt or any remorse whatsoever. Being experienced, we are inured against tears, emotional blackmail etc …. (it is part of the “bastard” attribute that I will talk about later).

You also need to recognize that the above cuts both ways, your mistress too can cut you off if a better prospect comes along or that she want to take her life into a new direction. You too need to itinerant mentality. When the need to move on surfaces, you move on. No lingering. That is why it is of paramount importance to create multiple options for yourself.

I am presuming here that your questions stems from the “negotiation” stage. Of course, most prospective mistress would “prefer” or present a viewpoint that they want a “Long Term” arrangement. Firstly, it will massage her would be patron’s ego i.e. that she want a relationship and not only money per se. (DO NOT have this thought whatsoever, its $ sign and only $ that fuels this relationship). Secondly, not only does this arrangement secure their immediate financial needs, they can also have the option of finding their other prospects during this time.

As such, never, never pay anything upfront beyond the first month advance*. Also be vague about the period of Patronage. Theoretically a one year period is no problem – so you can (and should) mentioned the following provisos : that the one year period is no problem, provided you, my mistress, treat me good and ensure that I am not bored with you. (The latter is almost invariably used by a prospective mistress during the negotiation process to secure a long term commitment – and the proviso I alluded earlier is your counter argument).

Now you make the onus on your prospective mistress to ensure that you are not bored with her and that she has to work hard to make it work for the year. :cool:

* (It should be obvious that the payment system works on a monthly/fortnightly/weekly/daily/houly basis. Never even bi-monthly advance payment!)

09-08-2009, 01:44 PM
Actually, in my book, a 二奶 is a mistress.
All others are lovers, toys, meat , toilets or FBs
Let's start on the wants of long term commitments.

From a guy's POV:
1) Unless you wanna stop cheonging, this is a good way to maintain a new LOVE LIFE in your life
2) Can be headache, if you still cheong, everytime you see new blood, headache, cos need to part more $$$$ just to get new meat, some can't just outright dump the mistress, cos of the amount of time sacrifices she made for him, thus emotional attachments will lead you to pity her & thus still keep her around
3) A big danger is to actually fall in love wif them, for your initial aim was just the GFE and of cos, the meat
4) As time progresses, and feelings will develop in time for sure, she who entertained & fulfilled your WILDEST needs may want more than just $$$$, that's when a beautiful dream becomes a nightmare for you
5) These WLs can become extremely possessive when they decided to stick with you for watever reasons, then, you will have to not only sneak out from your wife, but also this new BY.....thus, you actually trap yourself from freedom of movement
What happens when i'm traveling or out stationed for a while?
I still have to put $$$$ into her account but is she gonna be faithful or have secret rendezvous behind my back?

Thanks DYBJ for once again brilliantly highlighting the pitfalls of having a Long Term commitment with a BY. If should be obvious by now that, in addition to having some financial wherewithal to support a mistress, you must also be emotionally steady to engage a Mistress or else run the risk of being manipulated by them.

So troublesome for wat? I have forgone many offers to BY some really chio and young ones....... coz my mantra now is f*ck n forget :D

..... in a long-term RS, even though the gal is a paid woman she may become very possessive n sticky. If she knows her man is not faithful to her, she may hv no qualms in fxxking around...especially when he is not in town.:eek:

Of course the biggest danger is for the man to fall in love w/ his BAO-ee...then he is ruined.:( Since falling in love is not a conscious choice, no man is immune...

Having a mistress or a BY is not for the everyman. You must recognize that in addition to the money, there is also temperament, personal idiosyncrasy and character element to consider. If you are emotionally vulnerable, do NOT go this route.

This being said, there are differences between “F**k & Forget” based relationship vis-à-vis a mistress besides the time element. In a mistress based relationship, the emotional texture and content is much more intense and multi faceted. (Please note that this not necessarily a positive attribute – it can do you harm on your psyche if you cannot handle it).

I have mentioned earlier, that human relationships can be expressed in variety and a myriad of ways. For some, the sex element is NOT central. I can therefore appreciate and empathize why the “F**k & Forget” model is not a viable option for some brothers.

Know however, the potential price to pay when emotional content is involved in the equation. Yes, you have very sweet wayangs (when I see how Paeng diligently & conscientiously manicures me, I feel bit touched!), but you also have to encounter the more negative emotional content like: tantrums, jealousy fits etc…..

It is therefore safe to say, that the F**k & Forget model is best bet against unnecessary vexations – as bro Soul_Reaper so elegantly puts it: So troublesome for wat?

I would in fact highly recommend that you endeavor this “F&F” model first even before you BY. (If you have the ‘skillset’, you can even create nice sweet wayangs in the context of ST relationship). Only after you have developed a certain degree of callousness with regards to your interactions with women do you attempt BY. This is what I call getting emotionally prepared. (Re-read Bro DYBJ posting on the pitfalls of BY).

If after you have tried and done all that, and still think that BY is the route you want to go. The decision (and the consequence) is yours alone. But do always always pay heed to this key precept: You must always think whether you are empowered in the relationship - before & during and even efter the relationship!.

If you are not empowered, quickly cut it out. Also think in terms of your own selfish gratification rather than winning over the heart of your mistress. You money already won her heart – no other niceties are needed!

Cheers and Happy Singapore National Day to all Singaporeans!

09-08-2009, 10:04 PM
good story

10-08-2009, 08:21 PM
Hi Bro Warbird, I am still in BKK, Paeng is treating my exceedingly well....

With regards to Long Term Commitment, it is heartening to note that your Time Perspective classifies a “One Year Period” as LONG term. When you enter into a BY arrangement, we always note the transitory and transient nature of the relationship.

I have mentioned here that Hua have a mistress in Shanghai for four years and that Paeng herself is with me for longer than a year.............

Note that the key feature here we call the shots with regards to the duration of the patronage/tenure. If boredom sets in, we will extricate ourselves – quickly and without guilt or any remorse whatsoever. Being experienced, we are inured against tears, emotional blackmail etc …. (it is part of the “bastard” attribute that I will talk about later).

You also need to recognize that the above cuts both ways, your mistress too can cut you off if a better prospect comes along or that she want to take her life into a new direction.........you move on. No lingering. That is why it is of paramount importance to create multiple options for yourself.

I am presuming here that your questions stems from the “negotiation” stage. Of course, most prospective mistress would “prefer” or present a viewpoint that they want a “Long Term” arrangement. Firstly, it will massage her would be patron’s ego i.e. that she want a relationship and not only money per se. (DO NOT have this thought whatsoever, its $ sign and only $ that fuels this relationship).........................

As such, never, never pay anything upfront beyond the first month advance*. Also be vague about the period of Patronage. Theoretically a one year period is no problem – so you can (and should) mentioned the following provisos : that the one year period is no problem, provided you, my mistress, treat me good and ensure that I am not bored with you. (The latter is almost invariably used by a prospective mistress during the negotiation process to secure a long term commitment – and the proviso I alluded earlier is your counter argument).

Now you make the onus on your prospective mistress to ensure that you are not bored with her and that she has to work hard to make it work for the year...............

Hello bro justime,

You must be having a great time in BKK!!

Thx for ur wise n expert counseling. I'm still in the negotiating stage w/ a couple of gals who want a "long-term" RS. Your advice is very useful!

I'll never ever give any upfront payment to them.

Having a mistress or a BY is not for the everyman......If you are emotionally vulnerable, do NOT go this route.

This being said, there are differences between “F**k & Forget” based relationship vis-à-vis a mistress besides the time element. In a mistress based relationship, the emotional texture and content is much more intense and multi faceted. [I](Please note that this not necessarily a positive attribute – it can do you harm on your psyche if you cannot handle it).

I have mentioned earlier, that human relationships can be expressed in variety and a myriad of ways. For some, the sex element is NOT central. I can therefore appreciate and empathize why the “F**k & Forget” model is not a viable option for some brothers.

Know however, the potential price to pay when emotional content is involved in the equation.......................................... .....................

I would in fact highly recommend that you endeavor this “F&F” model first even before you BY. (If you have the ‘skillset’, you can even create nice sweet wayangs in the context of ST relationship). Only after you have developed a certain degree of callousness with regards to your interactions with women do you attempt BY. This is what I call getting emotionally prepared. (Re-read Bro DYBJ posting on the pitfalls of BY).

If after you have tried and done all that, and still think that BY is the route you want to go. The decision (and the consequence) is yours alone. But do always always pay heed to this key precept: You must always think whether you are empowered in the relationship - before & during and even efter the relationship!.

If you are not empowered, quickly cut it out. Also think in terms of your own selfish gratification rather than winning over the heart of your mistress. You money already won her heart – no other niceties are needed!

Cheers and Happy Singapore National Day to all Singaporeans!

Dear bro justime,

I hv already tried BY n I like it. I hope to get more hands on experience, hahaha.;)

I do hv a question. It's a given that the gals u BY will not fxxk other men. Do u simply trust them or trust them but verify? If u verify, how far would u go? Would u get them accommodation w/ surveillance cameras very close to where u reside? Would u hv spies around the promises n at places where they work? Would u hire PI to follow them?

Thx n have a great day!

11-08-2009, 10:38 AM
Hi 师傅 Warbird, I have been following your adventures in tis thread & the "Picking up Outside KTV" thread. U seem to have so much energy & money to follow up on your pursuits. I 佩服 u solid solid ...... anyway I very the confused, you got so many targets:

Soli for being so kay-poh, hope u don’t mind me asking.

1) how many gals have u got BY right now? Got singer, hairdresser, student etc ……
2) U got go Short Time or every gal is only in the BY context?
3) what is your cheong budget per month?

For me of course I cannot afford to BY right now… only PCC niah! My cheong budget is effectively 零 till I can clear up my debt which should be around two months later.

Also thanks to my new ‘heong’ attitude, I met a new fren recently. We only light kiss for the moment. Unfortunately, I sibei cham. Beggar also want to be choosy. I don’t find her attractive at all. I also don’t want to hurt her by going further as I know how jialat it can be if kena playout. So I go S….L……O…….W with her! :D

12-08-2009, 11:37 AM
Hi 师傅 Warbird, I have been following your adventures in tis thread & the "Picking up Outside KTV" thread. U seem to have so much energy & money to follow up on your pursuits. I 佩服 u solid solid ...... anyway I very the confused, you got so many targets:

Soli for being so kay-poh, hope u don’t mind me asking.

1) how many gals have u got BY right now? Got singer, hairdresser, student etc ……
2) U got go Short Time or every gal is only in the BY context?
3) what is your cheong budget per month?

For me of course I cannot afford to BY right now… only PCC niah! My cheong budget is effectively 零 till I can clear up my debt which should be around two months later.

Also thanks to my new ‘heong’ attitude, I met a new fren recently. We only light kiss for the moment. Unfortunately, I sibei cham. Beggar also want to be choosy. I don’t find her attractive at all. I also don’t want to hurt her by going further as I know how jialat it can be if kena playout. So I go S….L……O…….W with her! :D

Hi bro,

There r some personal details I can't divulge...suffice to say that I hv swallowed a bit more than I can digest at this time.

My strategy w/ KTV gals n others is to get ST if the gal is my type, always. If rejected repeatedly, I'll then offer to BY. Tell her long-term, but I'll try to make it brief bcos I get bored quickly. Strategy w/ singers is different and the little experience I hv had to date I got from the International Man of Mystery aka Mr. Austin.

I really dun hv a set cheong budget. As I said before, I hv had a very lucky streak...when my luck ends, my cheonging will end too. Then I will hv to drive a taxi n PCC until I get lucky again...:D

Never get involved w/ a gal U dun find attractive. It's better to PCC.


12-08-2009, 02:23 PM
There r some personal details I can't divulge...suffice to say that I hv swallowed a bit more than I can digest at this time.

My strategy w/ KTV gals n others is to get ST if the gal is my type, always. If rejected repeatedly, I'll then offer to BY. Tell her long-term, but I'll try to make it brief bcos I get bored quickly. Strategy w/ singers is different and the little experience I hv had to date I got from the International Man of Mystery aka Mr. Austin.

I really dun hv a set cheong budget. As I said before, I hv had a very lucky streak...when my luck ends, my cheonging will end too. Then I will hv to drive a taxi n PCC until I get lucky again...:D

Never get involved w/ a gal U dun find attractive. It's better to PCC.

Thank you for being so generous with yur sharing. Wat happen when u swallow more than u can digest? U pass on to bros? :D .... if so i really wish tat I can be tat little scavanger ... however presently bo $ & not worthy of tis privilege frm 师傅 yet!

u are so kind & nice to bros here, organise nice outings, dispensing valuable advice, sure to be bless solid one. May u be filled with lotsa lotsa $$$. beta u than some kiam siap guy who keep money & never contribute to economy!

I have thinking abt the issue of being w a gal i dun find attractive. wat is yur opinion? u tink love & lust can be 培养 one or not? can u 'do it' with gal u don't find attractive? can lust develop frm initially don't find sexy?

(BTW, I am 又丑又陋 - ugly & low station. So unless I make more $ for mistress, its 'settling' for what I can get. Don't know abt other bros but for me; sometimes even during ST/FL, I many times I got no 'Love Wayang' only the fucking).

Bro Justime: I read tis thread to motivate me to make more $$. Aspiration & inspiration. I know tat my now salary not enuff, so tinking hard of sideline biz (legal ones lah!) to supplement my 'laoyah' pay. i want to have the experience of BY one day. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

13-08-2009, 04:45 PM
Hello bro wolf, if it is alright, could you document “the chase” if it is not too personal?

Every plan needs to be adapted to suit context, and you may just hit upon a powerful masterstroke that can benefit a lot of bros.

Bro Justime,

To document my chase has not been my forte, i will try my best to remember the chase and the methods i used along the way.

To getting to know the gal, i do employ your methods of getting to know the mummy/her best friend and limiting her income (although i have a budget, i have great friends that are willingly to help out :) )

Whenever she is with me, I will KC her, a gentleman that is different from others and definiatly treat her nice. Of cos up to the stage that i have not came up with any money except when she is ST with me. Time for the chase, 3 wks to 5 wks. I will make sure that everytime i am there i will make her ST with me (I only do that 2 wks once to visit her - to make her miss me) and of cos during that time, my freinds do help to limit her income as they are always there almost everynight. :)

After 3 wks, i ask her, using your methods that whether she could accept my terms. :)

Without this thread, i think i could not have done it.

And without the 3 gurus here, i think i am still sitting down and just thinking about it.

FYI, my gal has went back to China, and she cant wait to come back :)

14-08-2009, 02:11 PM
Thank you for being so generous with yur sharing. Wat happen when u swallow more than u can digest? U pass on to bros? :D ....
I have thinking abt the issue of being w a gal i dun find attractive. wat is yur opinion? u tink love & lust can be 培养 one or not? can u 'do it' with gal u don't find attractive? can lust develop frm initially don't find sexy?

(BTW, I am 又丑又陋 - ugly & low station. So unless I make more $ for mistress, its 'settling' for what I can get. Don't know abt other bros but for me; sometimes even during ST/FL, I many times I got no 'Love Wayang' only the fucking)........................................

Hi bro,

I'll get indigestion...all I need is a 20mg tablet of Prilosec, hahaha.

Spending time w/ a gal whose face n body type r not attractive to u is a risky encounter. You should dump her ASAP. Why? She may, by sheer luck or karma, trigger neuro mechanisms in the primitive areas of ur brain (or the subconscious mind) n you may fall in love w/ her!!:( Attraction n falling in love, contrary to what many believe, is NOT a choice n you can't help it!!;)

A real MAN should never worry abt being ugly or having some physical imperfections; however, u must develop the attitude n body language of a high status male bcos:


Good Day!!

15-08-2009, 06:11 AM
Having a mistress or a BY is not for the everyman. You must recognize that in addition to the money, there is also temperament, personal idiosyncrasy and character element to consider. If you are emotionally vulnerable, do NOT go this route.

I have mentioned earlier, that human relationships can be expressed in variety and a myriad of ways. For some, the sex element is NOT central. I can therefore appreciate and empathize why the “F**k & Forget” model is not a viable option for some brothers.

Thanks bro justime for this thread. I only happened upon it when I saw Warbird had posted as we've traded postings many places and also happen to like the same physical attributes. Ended up reading much of this thread because quite timely--just started a BY. And this time I know it's more dangerous because it's with a KTV woman who's only 164 (shorter than my preference) and, while she's always quite popular, is probably 2nd quintile in terms of my pure physical attraction. She herself believes that those customers who call her regularly like her for her conversation and style as there are so many younger and more beautiful woman there. So I know that my emotional attraction to her is actually higher than my prior BYs and bonks, hence need to be very careful. Reading this thread to remind myself of the warnings and issues, much as Bro DYBJ has previously warned me

Of course the biggest danger is for the man to fall in love w/ his BAO-ee...then he is ruined.:( Since falling in love is not a conscious choice, no man is immune...

I am only very slightly worried about this, but the fact that I am now BYing someone much more for her personality means I recognise some danger!

Last nite, or was it this morning, was wif 2 singers who claim to be my friends hahahaha
We were having supper and they were relating to me on another singer who doesnt want to be BAO YANG by a SG guy
They were saying, so stoopid and all that, come here to make money, like the guy or not is totally not important, just cling on to him and make as much as possible then when go home

A very important thing to note, is that, they said, when we board the plane to come here, we leave our hearts and emotions in the motherland, so, we're nothing more than zombies......else how we make money as humans......

While this posting from another thread, always appreciate the insights of Bro DYBJ. My last BY was a singer so I am familiar with some of their thinking, but never developed the strong spy network of DYBJ, he really knows their ways well!

Thanks all Bros for the lessons and guidance! Bro Warbird has been very kind to post his philosophies and more importantly his tactics in other threads, and I have compared those to mine (which are not frankly very systematic) and hopefully improved some

15-08-2009, 11:57 AM
I do hv a question. It's a given that the gals u BY will not fxxk other men. Do u simply trust them or trust them but verify? If u verify, how far would u go? Would u get them accommodation w/ surveillance cameras very close to where u reside? Would u hv spies around the promises n at places where they work? Would u hire PI to follow them?

Hi Bro Warbird, just got back last nite. After BKK, went directly to Down Under for a fair bit of negotiation. Not much shagging there save some snogging session with an old ex gal friend there. “Old” is the operative word, she was a classmate of mine! See I can go beyond SYT if necessary!

(My personal credo – which is probably different from yours: As long as you look good, age is no issue …. Hsu Qi is in her thirties for example! )

Frankly, I can appreciate why there is the perception of “Trust but verify”. This “Reaganesque” view is due in part because:

1) We know that at the back of our mind our hold on our BY is tenuous at best. Another rich prospect come along and with a better financial offer, she flits away. There is perception (correctly I might add) that for a PRC mei, loyalty to a patron is foolish. They see you only as means to an end.

2) We are not confident that our ‘emotional hold’ on her is strong enough to withstand assault from competing Johns. Like it or not, if our prospect are aesthetically pleasing (which they invariably have to be in order to be BY by us), there will be other bees competing to pollinate her flower. We don’t want to see our efforts & money thrown in ‘courting’ her go to waste, especially if we are not done with her yet!

Okay, let me put it thus: the problem of verifying and surveillance occurs only when we are not "done" with our mistress for the present moment. We still want our sexual dalliances with her to go on for a while yet.

(If we are verge of letting her go, we can hardly be bothered. In fact, we encourage duplicitous behaviour because this can be our pretext of dumping her.)

Now I can empathize why such thoughts of verification emanate. I used to hold such notions too. For me however, no surveillance camera etc .. but I did engage PIs to trail my BYs. This is however during my earlier, nascent days of mistressing.

I hardly do so anymore. I can, by now, read very easily the verbal and non verbal cues when my BY lies. Be in this game for a while, it becomes so very easy to tell.

Now the prevailing atttidue is: Even if she does lie, I am not bothered. Since I want her to be at my beck & call, she simply has to be there whenever I need her. In other words, as long she meets my time / scheduling demands, I am alright with it.

As a check, if she happens to go out with her friends which coincides with the time I want her company; I simply say I want to join her & see the company she keeps. Do it randomly, without advance warning. Any excuse by her to say it private/personal matter etc does not cut it.

(If you are in the game long enough, you will also hear the following line a lot of times: “No need to pick me. Don’t inconvenient or trouble you, why don’t you rest, you must be tired. – sometimes a little sexual tease accompanies this display of 'care and concern' such as resting to conserve energy in order for wild sex session later).

Remember an earlier advice on not throwing a hissy fit should you discover her little ‘unfaithful’ dalliances. Remain calm at all times and use this to your advantage: such as when she heretofore does not want to swallow cum, use this pretext and moment to make her do your whims. This is turning an unpleasant situation to your advantage.

And to assuage some curiosity, let me tell you that out of the several times I engaged a PI to investigate my mistresses’ activities, there are no hotel visits or secret tryst of the sexual kind. They are mostly normal “dates” & sometimes a little light snogging and hand holding session. (Note: as far as a BY is concern, they know that they have crossed the line even with that).

I used to get extremely emotional when that happens. But now, I simply calmly assess what whether I want to continue with her.

a) If I do not want to continue the transaction – yes it is a transaction! - I will dump her outright. I will throw out all her things from the Love Nest (if need be) without a word being spoken.

b) If I decide that there is still some value – some women can be so aesthetically pleasing with the requisite skilful love wayangs that is so not easily replaceable at short notice (much like C. Ronaldo), I will use it to my advantage – mostly carnal. Whatever the case, the writing is on the wall on this one as her value in my eyes will plummet. (Now you know why having options & choice is a good thing!)

And finally, the most important thing is do NOT obsess over the ‘being faithful’ aspect of the relationship. This can be an Achilles heel to you. If you cannot let go of this, your obsession with your BY not keeping her end of the bargain can get to you.

Remember that when you put in emotions & constantly thinking her (even in the context of something unpleasant such as her being unfaithful), it empowers her vis-a-vis yourself. You will find it harder to let go without some ‘emotional damage’ unto yourself.

A detached nonchalance attitude is the best bet! And since I adopt this detached nonchalance attitude several years back, there hasn’t been a single instance of my BY (or even a gf) calling it quits on me because of a better prospect …. It has always been me to call on the shots on whether I want to continue on the transaction/relationship. :cool:

15-08-2009, 03:56 PM
... To getting to know the gal, i do employ your methods of getting to know the mummy/her best friend and limiting her income (although i have a budget, i have great friends that are willingly to help out .....

….. After 3 wks, i ask her, using your methods that whether she could accept my terms.

Without this thread, i think i could not have done it.

And without the 3 gurus here, i think i am still sitting down and just thinking about it.

FYI, my gal has went back to China, and she cant wait to come back :)

Hi Bro Wolf, let me first extend you my heartiest congratulations that you have taken action in order to bring your desires into fruition. This is the most essential step of manifesting success in whatever you do - including mistressing.

I remember a Chinese idiomatic expression: “shou zhu dai tu” (rough translation is “waiting beside a tree stump waiting for rabbits”). This essentially means that to be passive recipients and wait for chance rather than to show initiative in getting what you want. I am therefore glad that, you did NOT “shou zhu dai tu”. You went out to “sharpen your saw” (to borrow a Stephen Covey) in the fields rather than simply sit down with theoretical abstractions!

Also very good is that you are very methodical in your approach. It is the best way and most efficient way to learn & make the necessary adjustments so that you will be more efficient in the approach (landing your prospect) as well as handling the interpersonal dynamics of the Mistress-Patron relationship over the course of time. You sure that it will a one time off experience? … :)

Although the approach looks complicated on theory, I am sure you find the execution of it is very easy. You will find that on the fields, sometimes to get a mistress is as simple as an exchange of niceties and then you make the offer; while at other times “masterstrokes” are needed for the more challenging cases – you want that particular gal and enjoy the process of the pursuit.

Once again, kudos for taking action. And enjoy the fruits (papaya?) of your labour!

15-08-2009, 04:25 PM
Got a few bros here asking me about my personal views on keeping mistress (when they are married).

It would be disingenous and hypocritical of me if I pontificated otherwise. Also note that I personally do not face this "ethical dilemma" as I am not married presently.

Anyway, my two cents on

Mistressing within a Marriage

In all, I personally find that Patron based mistressing is the best and most efficient compromise to preserve marital monogamy while satisfying a man’s primal urge for polygamous relationships. (ST is the best option if only sex is involved as it provides variety without endangering the marriage too much. Extra Marital Affairs and other GF based relationships are the most destructive of the lot!).

Patron based mistressing means that you must be in control of yourself (especially of your own emotions) and the BY relationship itself at all times.

In fact Patron based mistressing is a method adopted by essentially polygamous creatures like Hua, Terrence & Mike in the context of being happily ensconce in a monogamous ‘marital bliss’. If you see them in public, you would not know that these avuncular men who are apparently so close and intimate with his family can have many gals on the side!

One caveat though, they each all have literally hundreds of gals by way of "practical experience" so emotional control over themselves & their mistress is very easy for them - which may not be necessarily true in the case of other bros.

(As an aside, Hua & Mike and even Jus father’s have more than one wife. I am sure many younger readers may also have granddads with more then one wife as well. It is only with ascension of the “western conceptual lens” and the advent of the Women’s Charter that made monogamy seem 'the natural order' of things here.)

Just as there are a large number of man that thrive in a monogamous relationships; there are an equal number of men who lead lives of ‘quiet desperation’ and then sublimate their philandering instinct in order to preserve their marriage. (I, for one know how destructive a broken marriage can be, and this coming from a person without children!).

Also some men just want the experience of a BY relationship – a one off – to assuage this quiet desperation, while others want the 'polygamous experience' on a regular basis.

Whatever the motivations however, when you want to ‘steal eat’, best make sure that you are in control at all times. Be empowered in all your dealings with the other party/parties.

But first and most importantly remember to take care of your own self first. Be certain that you can handle KC trap, the copious tears & emotional blackmail threats, mistress machinations etc ... in short be empowered. :cool:

PS: I will deal with many of the mistress' machination(s) here. I have seen & experience a lot. And unless some new tricks are presented, I can probably see through the intriugues and present a probable effective solution.

kurosaki ichigo
15-08-2009, 04:53 PM
Very interesting read there and very informative as well.

The term emotional blackmail stands out to me first and foremost as that is something I have experienced very recently which I will recount briefly below.

I met this girl and was dating her with her "dating" her "ex" on a regular basis by way of dinners, weekends and also sending to and fro from office to home.

I was literally "blackmailed" emotionally with the prospect of her running back to the rich but old and balding "ex" who incidentally bought her a 3 pointed-star roadster to get her to bite the marriage vow.

Men are creatures with ego. Her pulling such a stunt on me was clear cut as I wasn't stupid but bad thing is I was slowly falling for her! Cardinal sin number 1!

Would have been nice to really fall for her if she didn't have such tricks up her sleeves but more often than not, such women are simply bad rotten apples in the core. Nice, virtuous girl-next-door types simply won't resort to such underhand methods.

To cut the long story short, I dumped her after a few months of pleasure. It was nice while it lasted. Could have been better if it went on longer.

Justime's motto is true and stands the test ---> Be nonchalantly detached... I've used it before and the girl just comes crawling back to you even though she has her own tricks trying to ensnare you :)

15-08-2009, 05:12 PM
...... I have thinking abt the issue of being w a gal i dun find attractive. wat is yur opinion? u tink love & lust can be 培养 one or not? can u 'do it' with gal u don't find attractive? can lust develop frm initially don't find sexy?

(BTW, I am 又丑又陋 - ugly & low station. So unless I make more $ for mistress, its 'settling' for what I can get. Don't know abt other bros but for me; sometimes even during ST/FL, I many times I got no 'Love Wayang' only the fucking).

Bro Justime: I read tis thread to motivate me to make more $$. Aspiration & inspiration. I know tat my now salary not enuff, so tinking hard of sideline biz (legal ones lah!) to supplement my 'laoyah' pay. i want to have the experience of BY one day. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Hi Bro anson, I have tracked your postings in this forum and have noted the progress you made. Well done!

Now that you have made some critical breakthoughs, there is a tendency to "settle". You are NOT to settle at this point. Have you not seen how far you can go?

Continue with little exercises I gave you and remember my little talk about understanding the "Rules of Engagement".

Well you can and did succeed. Some reference points -

1) Remember you being so upset about the gal ignoring you and you fretting about the prospect of not getting anyone besides in a WL context? Well, you have "gotten" a new gal and she is a 'normal' Office Lady - may not be your dream girl, but nevertheless it is a start. Let's see where you can go from here okay?

2) You were also upset about the rep points you have in this forum. Now look ... you have almost overtaken me.

3) You thought that you can never overcome your cravings for ciggies and alcohol. Now you have gone days (or is it weeks?) without alcohol and managed to cut down rather drastically on yur cigerette consumption.

4) You are also more in control with your spending decisions and are now in a postion to offer me partial re-payment. This coming from a desperate situation?

How's that for quick progress? Do you still think you need to settle after seeing how far you have come barely over one month ago?

As "homework" for you, do you still have the ST/FL contact which treated you coldly? Apply some of my steps I taught you on engaging a WL and see if the same still holds true.

As a social experiment: In order to demonstrate that money can fuel or faciliate "love wayangs", pay the "cold fish" an additional $50 over the present quoted rate. Add these words for extra potency: say to Cold Fish that she has made such a deep impression in your heart and mind that you want to know her better & that the extra $50 tip is simply a token gesture of what your appreciation of her services. Your Chinese is so much better than mine so I leave it to you to craft the actual words!

Now after applying these two steps, see if you still get the cold fish treatment in your next visit. Session on me if it is! ;) In fact, you can use the money that you insist on paying me back on this experiment. (Please note that you must take care of your own personal situation first before spending this money!).

So Bro Anson, well done on yur first tentative steps towards empowerment. What I like about you is your humilty, your desire and the fact that you are willing to take action to alleviate your situation despite your discomfort.... And the initial results are encouraging is it not? :cool:

15-08-2009, 06:07 PM
Thanks bro justime for this thread. I only happened upon it when I saw Warbird had posted as we've traded postings many places and also happen to like the same physical attributes. Ended up reading much of this thread because quite timely--just started a BY. And this time I know it's more dangerous because it's with a KTV woman who's only 164 (shorter than my preference) and, while she's always quite popular, is probably 2nd quintile in terms of my pure physical attraction.......... Reading this thread to remind myself of the warnings and issues, much as Bro DYBJ has previously warned me
.................................................. .................................................. .......

Thanks all Bros for the lessons and guidance! Bro Warbird has been very kind to post his philosophies and more importantly his tactics in other threads, and I have compared those to mine (which are not frankly very systematic) and hopefully improved some

Yo bro roamersg,

Good to hear from u!! Yeah, we both like chio tall gals (165-175) w/ proportionate figure.

I'm just like an armchair general who has virtually no battle experience, hahaha. Therefore, I'm busy trying to get my feet wet wet. I hv been bruised a bit but I'll charge ahead...

Hi Bro Warbird, just got back last nite. After BKK, went directly to Down Under for a fair bit of negotiation..................

Frankly, I can appreciate why there is the perception of “Trust but verify”. This “Reaganesque” view is due in part because:

1) We know that at the back of our mind our hold on our BY is tenuous at best............

2) We are not confident that our ‘emotional hold’ on her is strong enough to withstand assault from competing Johns. Like it or not, if our prospect are aesthetically pleasing (which they invariably have to be in order to be BY by us), there will be other bees competing to pollinate her flower. We don’t want to see our efforts & money thrown in ‘courting’ her go to waste, especially if we are not done with her yet!

Okay, let me put it thus: the problem of verifying and surveillance occurs only when we are not "done" with our mistress for the present moment. We still want our sexual dalliances with her to go on for a while yet.

(If we are verge of letting her go, we can hardly be bothered. In fact, we encourage duplicitous behaviour because this can be our pretext of dumping her.)

Now I can empathize why such thoughts of verification emanate. I used to hold such notions too. For me however, no surveillance camera etc .. but I did engage PIs to trail my BYs. This is however during my earlier, nascent days of mistressing.

I hardly do so anymore. I can, by now, read very easily the verbal and non verbal cues when my BY lies. Be in this game for a while, it becomes so very easy to tell.

Now the prevailing atttidue is: Even if she does lie, I am not bothered. Since I want her to be at my beck & call, she simply has to be there whenever I need her. In other words, as long she meets my time / scheduling demands, I am alright with it.

As a check, if she happens to go out with her friends which coincides with the time I want her company; I simply say I want to join her & see the company she keeps. Do it randomly, without advance warning. Any excuse by her to say it private/personal matter etc does not cut it.
Remember an earlier advice on not throwing a hissy fit should you discover her little ‘unfaithful’ dalliances. Remain calm at all times and use this to your advantage.................
And to assuage some curiosity, let me tell you that out of the several times I engaged a PI to investigate my mistresses’ activities, there are no hotel visits or secret tryst of the sexual kind. They are mostly normal “dates” & sometimes a little light snogging and hand holding session. (Note: as far as a BY is concern, they know that they have crossed the line even with that).

I used to get extremely emotional when that happens. But now, I simply calmly assess what whether I want to continue with her....................

And finally, the most important thing is do NOT obsess over the ‘being faithful’ aspect of the relationship. This can be an Achilles heel to you. If you cannot let go of this, your obsession with your BY not keeping her end of the bargain can get to you.

Remember that when you put in emotions & constantly thinking her (even in the context of something unpleasant such as her being unfaithful), it empowers her vis-a-vis yourself. You will find it harder to let go without some ‘emotional damage’ unto yourself.

A detached nonchalance attitude is the best bet! And since I adopt this detached nonchalance attitude several years back, there hasn’t been a single instance of my BY (or even a gf) calling it quits on me because of a better prospect …. It has always been me to call on the shots on whether I want to continue on the transaction/relationship.

Yo bro justime,

You're cool man. I admire ur detached nonchalant attitude.

Your approach to the issue of unfaithfulness is very level-headed n pragmatic.

I agree that it's not difficult to tell if a gal is lying by carefully observing her nonverbal cues n body language, hahaha.

OK, if I know my BAO-ee 偷吃 n If I'm already bored w/ her, I'll just dump her by breaking off all ctc. No explanations necessary. If I still enjoy her pussy, I'll alter the terms in my favor, fxxk her until I'm bored, then dump her.

BTW, thx to u n bro DYBJ, I hv improved my negotiating skill. When a gal wants a long-term commitment, I'll now say YES, IF certain conditions r met...such as if she gives me complete satisfaction, if she is always available, if she doesn't eat outside, if...hehehe. There is a big IF I wont tell her: If I dun get bored w/ her. I'm gradually becoming an overconfident n unflappable bastard.;)


15-08-2009, 09:15 PM
Hi Bro anson, I have tracked your postings in this forum and have noted the progress you made. Well done! ....

Now that you have made some critical breakthoughs, there is a tendency to "settle". You are NOT to settle at this point. Have you not seen how far you can go?.....

So Bro Anson, well done on yur first tentative steps towards empowerment. What I like about you is your humilty, your desire and the fact that you are willing to take action to alleviate your situation despite your discomfort.... And the initial results are encouraging is it not? :cool:

Hi Bro Justime, reading yur post make me feel like tearing. i feel like i owe u so much. my gratitude to u 一辈子 (lifetime).

u are right, i got many new success since yur amazing counseling session. don't wori, i will def not 'settle'....

for thirty plus yrs, i only go out with 2 gals before. never even 偷吃 when with them. my cheong session at anson, fl & geylang is when i not have gf that time & feeling lonely.

now with yur 着数 i already go out w three diff gal in less than two mths. & one of them actually proposing to me to go steady w her some more. to me tis is so incredible. i can see how yur technic properly apply can hv amazing result.

aso frm sammyboy pts to hoongki, to $ prob. everythings aso improve. i tink tat w yur masterstrokes, even 冷若冰霜 cold fish WL can give me more warmth. :D wl try tis out wen next pay check coming & i still got extra cash to burn as i still got her number.

kum siah .........

16-08-2009, 09:57 AM
So troublesome for wat? .. coz my mantra now is f*ck n forget

Issue here is not F&Forget, Juz be beri cautions. Many atimes we know it and play it, but as I seen it, you(we) have yet to meet our fallen-maiden. Nobody can rules this out. Otherwise why people like 谢四哥 also can be trapped or let's not talk too far away, Our local male Best Actors also fallen into the trap and mind you both had family and the lady is well-established too. :eek:

for thirty plus yrs, i only go out with 2 gals before. never even 偷吃 when with them. my cheong session at anson, fl & geylang is when i not have gf that time & feeling lonely.

now with yur 着数 i already go out w three diff gal in less than two mths. & one of them actually proposing to me to go steady w her some more. to me tis is so incredible. i can see how yur technic properly apply can hv amazing result.

Just to note, although what was share are applicable and you feel cloud 9 with some art skill of cheonging, but dun let it go Gaga. One will never know the bottomless pit, unless one went throught and not every Foundation spring is strong to bring you back from the pit. Just my sharing. ;)

Spending time w/ a gal whose face n body type r not attractive to u is a risky encounter. You should dump her ASAP. Why? She may, by sheer luck or karma, trigger neuro mechanisms in the primitive areas of ur brain (or the subconscious mind) n you may fall in love w/ her!! Attraction n falling in love, contrary to what many believe, is NOT a choice n you can't help it.

Bro warbird, I have definte see lot of changes in you, from your this post and the rope of learning curve from you. Cheers. :D
Too bad can't join you at TAM, was with 马克 Marc one of the fri night though of also joining you for TCSS and some peanuts, coz smallfly like me prefer small (Medium) joint with less big player like you and DYBJ. :p


16-08-2009, 11:03 AM
Bro warbird, I have definte see lot of changes in you, from your this post and the rope of learning curve from you. Cheers. :D
Too bad can't join you at TAM, was with 马克 Marc one of the fri night though of also joining you for TCSS and some peanuts, coz smallfly like me prefer small (Medium) joint with less big player like you and DYBJ. :p


Hi bro Oceanlee,

I'm trying to catch up w/ lost time bcos I dun want to remain an armchair general forever, hehehe.

Any fren of Marc is also my fren. Bro loving dickhead n I will be exploring DC HH this coming Tues n Marc has been invited. Will u be there??

BTW, I'm now trying to learn the strategies n management methods of an ancient sage 卫鞅,a legalist, whose radical 变法 transformed a poor n weak 秦国 facing imminent annihilation into the most powerful among the 7 waring states. He had absolute integrity n formidable emotional control. Several of the most beautiful gals in that era pursued him n fell in love w/ him, including the princess of Qin. We should emulate his fearless, unflappable attitude n shrewd strategies so that we may become successful in every area of our lives, including getting the prettiest pussies, hahaha.:(


16-08-2009, 12:33 PM
Just to note, although what was share are applicable and you feel cloud 9 with some art skill of cheonging, but dun let it go Gaga. One will never know the bottomless pit, unless one went throught and not every Foundation spring is strong to bring you back from the pit. Just my sharing. ;)


Bro Oceanlee, kum siah for the timely reminder. Don't wori lah, won't let my small success go into my head. i know got dam far more to go leh.

Anyway, this very chim: "One will never know the bottomless pit, unless one went throught and not every Foundation spring is strong to bring you back from the pit" .... don't quite understand what u mean. Sori, me just sotong sometimes. :)

.....BTW, I'm now trying to learn the strategies n management methods of an ancient sage 卫鞅,a legalist, whose radical 变法 transformed a poor n weak 秦国 facing imminent annihilation into the most powerful among the 7 waring states. He had absolute integrity n formidable emotional control. Several of the most beautiful gals in that era pursued him n fell in love w/ him, including the princess of Qin. We should emulate his fearless, unflappable attitude n shrewd strategies so that we may become successful in every area of our lives, including getting the prettiest pussies, hahaha

bro warbird, me qte uneducated one, do you mean 商鞅变法? 卫鞅 = 商鞅? or u refering to another character?

if 商鞅变法, me search & look up & find that his life not very tokong leh... I tink your life better.... & I rather learn from u/bro jus/bro dybj life experience rather than some ancient knowledge. me attitude dam siah suay, sure kena call "lesser mortal" from elite one! :D

If below info is "chun", Shang Yang is one staffy bastard (I think he will classify FL/KTV as a 'non-essential activity') & also who finally kena karmaic retribution!

Shang Yang (ca. 390-338 B.C.) was a Chinese statesman and political philosopher. He was one of the founders of Chinese Legalism and organized the rise to power of the Ch'in dynasty.

The real name of Shang Yang was Kung-sun Yang; he was also known as Wei Yang. He was born in Wei, a state in north-central China. His mother was a concubine of a member of the Wei royal family. In his youth he specialized in criminal law and served as tutor to the Wei princes. He was a favorite of the Wei prime minister, who recommended to the Wei ruler that Shang Yang succeed to the ministry upon his death. This request was denied, and Shang Yang, feeling that he was not appreciated in Wei, journeyed to the western state of Ch'in, which had been seeking men who could offer practical advice on state affairs.

Becoming the confidant of Duke Hsiao, who was just then embarking on a program of military expansion and revitalization of the state, Shang Yang presented him with a comprehensive plan for the accomplishment of these ends. He proposed a complete reform of the political, social, and economic structure of the state. He advocated strengthening the judicial system and the imposition of severe punishments for crimes of all kinds.

There was to be a group sharing of guilt and punishment, and people were required to inform on lawbreakers. Those who failed to denounce a criminal were cut in two. Rank and position would be given only to those who distinguished themselves in military affairs. Membership in the Ch'in royal clan was denied to nobles who achieved no military success.

Central to Shang Yang's economic theory was an overwhelming emphasis on agriculture and a rejection of "nonessential" activities such as commerce and manufacturing. He proposed that anyone engaging in secondary professions be sold as slaves. His most famous economic reform was the abolition of the idealized system of land-holding known as the "well-field system," in which a section of land was divided into nine portions, tilled by eight families in common, with the produce from the ninth portion reserved for the overlord.

Shang Yang reportedly substituted for this system individual ownership of property and had new land brought under cultivation. He also introduced a poll tax and a produce tax. Actually, the well-field system may well have been abolished already, and Shang Yang may not have had anything to do with originating this reform.

Given a high military post, Shang Yang led an expedition against his home state of Wei, which he conquered in 350 B.C. He supervised the building of a new capital at Hsien-Yang. He applied his laws so strictly and impartially that even the crown prince was punished on several occasions, even having his nose sliced off. In 341 Shang Yang led another expedition against Wei and forced it to cede to Ch'in all of the land west of the Yellow River. For his services, Shang Yang was rewarded with a fief of 15 cities in Shang (modern Shensi), from which his names Lord Shang and Shang Yang are derived.

Duke Hsiao died in 338, and his successor was the crown prince whom Shang Yang had punished earlier. Shang Yang was then charged with plotting rebellion and forced to flee. One account states that he tried to take refuge in an inn but was refused entrance because the law of Lord Shang prohibited the lodging of fugitives! He tried to return to Wei, but he was sent back to Ch'in. Shang Yang was finally killed making a stand at his fief in Shang. His body was pulled apart by chariots and his whole family executed.

Shang Yang is credited with the authorship of the Book of Lord Shang (Shang-Chün shu ), a collection of economic, legal, and political treatises, many of which are elaborations of the program he developed in Ch'in. It is doubtful that this book actually comes from his hand, nor is it the work of a single author. Because of its emphasis on law, this work is considered one of the major ancient Chinese works on Legalist philosophy.

Further Reading
The best work on Shang Yang is J.J.L. Duyvendak, The Book of Lord Shang (1928). Some information on Shang Yang appears in Cho-yun Hsu, Ancient China in Transition: An Analysis of Social Mobility, 722-222 B.C. (1965), and Joseph R. Levenson and Franz Schurman, China: An Interpretative History—From the Beginnings to the Fall of Han (1969). For general background see Edwin O. Reischauer and John K. Fairbank, A History of East Asian Civilization, vol. 1: East Asia: The Great Tradition (1958). □

16-08-2009, 01:40 PM
Bro Oceanlee, kum siah for the timely reminder.

Anyway, this very chim: "One will never know the bottomless pit, unless one went throught and not every Foundation spring is strong to bring you back from the pit" .... don't quite understand what u mean. Sori, me just sotong sometimes.

Its simply means, Some fallen are able to make a comeback or at least pullback might not to the glorious day but able to survive. worst is fallen and unable to stand tall like a man again.
Not everyone is fortunate enuff to have 2nd, 3rd chance to pick up from where they fallen or meet 贵人 master / good samaritian to help them.

therefore one foundation must be build n know its strength n weak points.
din know you are well learnt on chinese history too.
I would rather 2nd that and relate it to the classic of "唐伯虎" which is more relevant than 商鞅 ;)

Hi bro Oceanlee,

I will be exploring DC HH this coming Tues n Marc has been invited. Will u be there??

BTW, I'm now trying to learn the strategies n management methods of an ancient sage 卫鞅,a legalist, whose radical 变法 transformed a poor n weak 秦国 facing imminent annihilation into the most powerful among the 7 waring states. He had absolute integrity n formidable emotional control. Several of the most beautiful gals in that era pursued him n fell in love w/ him, including the princess of Qin. We should emulate his fearless, unflappable attitude n shrewd strategies so that we may become successful in every area of our lives, including getting the prettiest pussies, hahaha.


Thanks for your invite warbird, I can only make it on SH for weekdayz.
if HH will be avail on sat, look forward with u and Bro Marc any of the SH.
maybe see Smeagol back in town oredi or not.

Or meet me at small joint outlet near Jln Besar for SH. :p
Din know you read history too, you might like to know more about

�� 黃帝軒轅氏 Huangdi-Xuanyuan (bc2697?-bc2599?,計99年)
�� 少昊金天氏 Shaohan-Jintian (bc2598?-bc2515?,計84年)
�� 顓頊高陽氏 Zhuanxu-Gaoyang (bc2514?-bc2437?,計78年)
�� 帝嚳高辛氏 Diku-Gaoxin (bc2436?-bc2367?,計70年)
�� 帝摯高辛氏 Dizhi-Gaoxin (bc2366?-bc2358?,計9年)
�� 唐堯 Tangyao (bc2357?-bc2258?,計100年)
�� 虞舜 Yushun (bc2257?-bc2208?,計50年)

:D .... wahaha. I am know little become rep. 识少少,办代表. :eek:

16-08-2009, 02:34 PM
Bro OL, I still owe you a bottle ;). Will definitely arrange a session with you soon. We should invite bro warbird to discuss his latest strategy in "mistressing" :D


PS. Sorry TS, I don't BY and don't intend to have a mistress yet. I'm happy with the current buffet-selection approach of bonking PRC gals. So can't contribute but TCSS here...

16-08-2009, 10:39 PM
For Chinese history, hope bro warbird and oceanlee will like the following:

ÍõÁ¢Èº¶Á¡¶Ê·¼Ç¡·ÇØʼ»Ê£¨ËÄ£©ÉÌ÷±±ä·¨ (http://news.xinhuanet.com/video/2008-06/23/content_8422138.htm)

There are a series of lecturers from Prof 王立群 on 秦始皇, you can search for Lecture 1 and then continue. They tell you about power play and strategies during this period.

16-08-2009, 11:34 PM
Its simply means, Some fallen are able to make a comeback or at least pullback might not to the glorious day but able to survive. worst is fallen and unable to stand tall like a man again.
Not everyone is fortunate enuff to have 2nd, 3rd chance to pick up from where they fallen or meet 贵人 master / good samaritian to help them.

therefore one foundation must be build n know its strength n weak points.
din know you are well learnt on chinese history too.
I would rather 2nd that and relate it to the classic of "唐伯虎" which is more relevant than 商鞅 ;)

Tk u for yur explanation. got wat u mean now!

alamak bro oceanlee, me no 'glorious day' before lah, just only 'quiet desperation' so far ... Glorious day? ........ it is yet to cum! :D

& if i 刻苦钻研 & apply wat '贵人' bro justime taught, i believe tat day wl surely cum .. as i already see sum result wen i apply his priniciples.

17-08-2009, 10:20 AM
bro warbird, me qte uneducated one, do you mean 商鞅变法? 卫鞅 = 商鞅? or u refering to another character?

if 商鞅变法, me search & look up & find that his life not very tokong leh... I tink your life better.... & I rather learn from u/bro jus/bro dybj life experience rather than some ancient knowledge. me attitude dam siah suay, sure kena call "lesser mortal" from elite one! :D

If below info is "chun", Shang Yang is one staffy bastard (I think he will classify FL/KTV as a 'non-essential activity') & also who finally kena karmaic retribution!...................................... ................................................

Hi bro,

Yes, 卫鞅 = 商鞅. I hv much to learn from his strategies n fearless attitude, despite his tragic death. He accomplished his goal of transforming Qin into the most powerful state n laying the foundation for 秦始皇 to unify all of China a century later.

He was a top alpha male.

Thanks for your invite warbird, I can only make it on SH for weekdayz.
if HH will be avail on sat, look forward with u and Bro Marc any of the SH.
maybe see Smeagol back in town oredi or not.

Or meet me at small joint outlet near Jln Besar for SH. :p

Hi bro Oceanlee,

OK. Is the small joint near Jln Besar called New World KTV?

For Chinese history, hope bro warbird and oceanlee will like the following:

ÍõÁ¢Èº¶Á¡¶Ê·¼Ç¡·ÇØʼ»Ê£¨ËÄ£©ÉÌ÷±±ä·¨ (http://news.xinhuanet.com/video/2008-06/23/content_8422138.htm)

There are a series of lecturers from Prof 王立群 on 秦始皇, you can search for Lecture 1 and then continue. They tell you about power play and strategies during this period.

Hi bro nabei,

Excellent link! Thank u!


18-08-2009, 03:35 AM
……. I admire ur detached nonchalant attitude.

Your approach to the issue of unfaithfulness is very level-headed n pragmatic.

I agree that it's not difficult to tell if a gal is lying by carefully observing her nonverbal cues n body language, hahaha.

OK, if I know my BAO-ee 偷吃 n If I'm already bored w/ her, I'll just dump her by breaking off all ctc. No explanations necessary. If I still enjoy her pussy, I'll alter the terms in my favor, fxxk her until I'm bored, then dump her.

BTW, thx to u n bro DYBJ, I hv improved my negotiating skill. When a gal wants a long-term commitment, I'll now say YES, IF certain conditions r met...such as if she gives me complete satisfaction, if she is always available, if she doesn't eat outside, if...hehehe. There is a big IF I wont tell her: If I dun get bored w/ her. I'm gradually becoming an overconfident n unflappable bastard.;) !

This is great. Absolutely great! What took me literally years to learn, you condensed it within months. So happy for you bro!

18-08-2009, 04:02 AM
……. I admire ur detached nonchalant attitude.

Your approach to the issue of unfaithfulness is very level-headed n pragmatic.

…… To cut the long story short, I dumped her after a few months of pleasure. It was nice while it lasted. Could have been better if it went on longer.

Justime's motto is true and stands the test ---> Be nonchalantly detached... I've used it before and the girl just comes crawling back to you even though she has her own tricks trying to ensnare you :)

I find that being detached to outcome serve you best. You just focus on the process itself and let corollary/consequence/result follow its own course. You will be surprised that the results will mostly align itself to your desires if you simply take care of the process, the “here & the now” so to speak.

Speaking of “the now”, let me borrow a quote from Bro Warbird’s post on his 'Picking Up gals outside KTV' thread (- good complementary material to this thread may I add) which I find very erudite.


Why am I trying so many gals at the same time? I enjoy the game NOW.

As a student of Zen Buddhism, I try to live in the perpetual present moment, which is the ONLY reality. I dun agonise over my past, which doesn't exist AND I dun worry abt the future, which is also nonexistent, hahaha. I do learn from my past n plan for the future, but spending less than 1% of my time doing that though, unlike the majority of people who r preoccupied w/ their past n future which dun even exist...

Live every present moment well ur life will turn out fine.

Just my humble 2 cents. If some bros hv dissenting views, pls share w/ us here. And give ur reasons though.

Show me where ur past is. To me, there r ur current memories of the past, which r nothing more than biochemical reactions occurring in ur brain at the present moment.!

Let me share /recommend an amazing piece of work by one of my fave authors:

'Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience', by Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihaly_Csikszentmihalyi)

(Click on the link, it will take you 'wikipedia' which summarizes very well the main purport of his work.)

And by the way, if you adhere to the prinicples of "Flow" with regards to sex ... copious juices will flow, and you will be seen as a stud. :cool:

Good nite. Enjoy your read and be illuminated!

18-08-2009, 04:28 AM
always thrilling to have another 'lover' :D:D:D

18-08-2009, 10:08 AM
This is great. Absolutely great! What took me literally years to learn, you condensed it within months. So happy for you bro!

Hi bro justime,

I'm making progress...thx largely to YOU n Mr. Austin, hahaha.

I find that being detached to outcome serve you best. You just focus on the process itself and let corollary/consequence/result follow its own course. You will be surprised that the results will mostly align itself to your desires if you simply take care of the process, the “here & the now” so to speak.

Speaking of “the now”, let me borrow a quote from Bro Warbird’s post on his 'Picking Up gals outside KTV' thread (- good complementary material to this thread may I add) which I find very erudite.

Let me share /recommend an amazing piece of work by one of my fave authors:

'Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience', by Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihaly_Csikszentmihalyi)

(Click on the link, it will take you 'wikipedia' which summarizes very well the main purport of his work.)

And by the way, if you adhere to the prinicples of "Flow" with regards to sex ... copious juices will flow, and you will be seen as a stud. :cool:

Good nite. Enjoy your read and be illuminated!

Hi bro justime,

Good advice!

We should all practice "FLOW" in our daily life, including sexual encounters.

BTW, supposing u hv 2 BAO-ees who dun know each other, would u try to bring them together to do 双飞?:D If the answer is yes, would u change CD when going from one pussy to the other?

Thx n good day!

18-08-2009, 07:50 PM
.....BTW, supposing u hv 2 BAO-ees who dun know each other, would u try to bring them together to do 双飞?:D If the answer is yes, would u change CD when going from one pussy to the other?

hi bro warbird, I have indeed done so. Twice - with different sets of gals. "Shuangfei" session between my mistresses is probably about six seven times in total.

Its probably quite fun if you can pull it off well. I must admit here that I did not do so well with regards to the execution bit.

These are some negatives that you need to take note off.

In general before you embark on such any ménage à trois activities, you must know the characters of your mistresses. One obvious corollary is that Jealousy (I guess it a natural phenomenon as it concerns their ricebowl) will rear its ugly head.

QQ (a singer in a recently renovated KTV) & ZE were both under my patronage about three years ago. I brought them together for some "shuangfei" fun. What happens on the ground is really quite different from my expectations. My 'porno' based perspective were literally thrown quite asunder when both girls do not react well in terms of lesbianic interactions. Yes, there are several pleasurable elements such as one licking the shaft while the other covers the testes (or gives you a nice ass rim), the different array of new positions that avail to you - missionary while administering cunninglingus is nice ..:p

It is the aftermath that concerns me. QQ & ZE will invariably ask about each other. They would try to dig out information on how much I pay the other party (I gave ZE more). Every little gift or tokens was met with comments such as whether the other gets similar gifts. The simmering jealousy is palpable & it somehow detracts a little from each respective individual Love Wayangs.

To be fair, both frankly they tried to conceal this aspect, but I was quite sensitive to the nuance. There seem to be an 'invisible presence' of the other party. Gradually, because of that, a feeling of ennui (or "sian") with both of them crept in, the writing is on the wall with the relationship.

This being said, I know that 'shuangfei' can successfully executed. Mike & Hua have many orgy sessions with their mistress. In fact I partook in several of the debauchery sessions, including a particularly memorable one whereby we simulated a Roman orgy with the use of white bed sheets. Its eight gals and three guys with sex toys!

What sets my 'brothers' and me apart is that, they are able to ignore & dislodge the 'simmering' vestige of jealousy & rivalry between their mistress. They are able to set aside this behavioural quirks. For me, I just cannot ignore the underlying nuances of the inevitable unhappiness & jealousy of my mistress.

The reason why Mike & Hua is able to successfully handle this is probably them being more focused on the sexual dimension whereas I sometimes do place importance on the 'relationship & interaction' element (the 'sweet wayangs'). In this regard, I got to give props to them, they can allow their mistress to be 'shared'. I, on the other hand, still cannot do so until today.

And in response to your questions, yes, its a "common condom". Initially, its a change & replacement with every new position & gal, but later the same one is used for both girls. :cool:

19-08-2009, 09:02 AM
QQ (a singer in a recently renovated KTV) & ZE were both under my patronage about three years ago.

Wow boss Justime, didn't know you also got singers
When you go HFJ, can jio me?
Me wanna eye open open to c u in action

19-08-2009, 06:44 PM
Wow boss Justime, didn't know you also got singers
When you go HFJ, can jio me?
Me wanna eye open open to c u in action

I don't have many singers under my patronage. Only three (one dancer amongst them but I classify her under the singer category as they got their work permit for only six months at a time) in my entire life.

Anyway for singers, I have to 100% defer to you as I am quite a greenhorn here. Don't know how to extract maximum value for money in their context!

Why I tend to shy away from singers is because their situation does not lend easily to what I want from my BY in terms of flexibilty of time (to accomodate mine).

You are absolutely right that in singers, you can easily control her movement(s) and whom she is seeing. It is the best possible BY prospect for those whose time is relatively flexible and/or whose timing dovetails nicely with a singers work schedule.

The opposite side of the coin is that a singer is also governed by the same constraint when it comes to seeing/entertaining me. I hate the notion of buying time for singers to accompany me as I don't want the entertainment establishment to earn this additional income from me. Afterall, I am already paying her equal to what she is drawing (monthly target of $6, 000 to $8, 000if I remember correctly).

Another reason why singers is not suitable in my personal context is that they must 'work' everyday of the week. For me I like my BY's schedule to fit into mine which can be rather erratic. And finally because they are on work permit, they cannot accompany me on my overseas travel if I so desire. (Bladdy company safekeep their passport!).

As an anecdote, I remembered that with QQ, I have to pay $1600 for two days to the joint* in order to take her off work. And on the second day was the onset of QQ's menses (da-yi-ma / yue-jing). $800 blow job! :rolleyes:

(For those who want to save money, the MC trick does not really work as in entails massive inconvenience. In a fit of 'cheapo-ness', I ever tried the MC trick to get my mistress off work on the cheap. Learnt that most HFjoints accept only hospital MC (not even government polyclinic ones). In this case, despite not succeeding with the MC ruse, I do agree with the establishment rules on this. If so easy allow MC, sure open to abuse!)

Finally bro DYBJ, if you have sort of a hybraid mistress-gf going with a singer, you will sometimes need to accompany her to buy 'xiu' dresses. Bet you probably went shopping at CP for 'stage dresses' at some point! ;) Can tell you which shops are good if you need to bring your singer BY/gf for stage dress shopping ....

Will jio you go Kabuki soon. Haven't been there since they renovated!

19-08-2009, 06:57 PM
All information at the above post is based on the 'old' Kabuki under the old management. Except for a veteran still very hot ang-pai (who continues to ply her trade at the newly renovated premise) & an occasional mummy that I utilise, the new Kabuki scene may be an unfamiliar terrain to me as far as comprehensive understanding in the Rules of Engagement is concerned!

Good reason for a revisit soon! :cool:

19-08-2009, 07:58 PM
hi bro warbird, I have indeed done so. Twice - with different sets of gals. "Shuangfei" session between my mistresses is probably about six seven times in total.

Its probably quite fun if you can pull it off well. I must admit here that I did not do so well with regards to the execution bit.

These are some negatives that you need to take note off.

In general before you embark on such any ménage à trois activities, you must know the characters of your mistresses. One obvious corollary is that Jealousy (I guess it a natural phenomenon as it concerns their ricebowl) will rear its ugly head.

QQ (a singer in a recently renovated KTV) & ZE were both under my patronage about three years ago. I brought them together for some "shuangfei" fun. What happens on the ground is really quite different from my expectations. My 'porno' based perspective were literally thrown quite asunder when both girls do not react well in terms of lesbianic interactions. Yes, there are several pleasurable elements such as one licking the shaft while the other covers the testes (or gives you a nice ass rim), the different array of new positions that avail to you - missionary while administering cunninglingus is nice ..:p

It is the aftermath that concerns me. QQ & ZE will invariably ask about each other. They would try to dig out information on how much I pay the other party (I gave ZE more). Every little gift or tokens was met with comments such as whether the other gets similar gifts. The simmering jealousy is palpable & it somehow detracts a little from each respective individual Love Wayangs.

To be fair, both frankly they tried to conceal this aspect, but I was quite sensitive to the nuance. There seem to be an 'invisible presence' of the other party. Gradually, because of that, a feeling of ennui (or "sian") with both of them crept in, the writing is on the wall with the relationship.

This being said, I know that 'shuangfei' can successfully executed. Mike & Hua have many orgy sessions with their mistress. In fact I partook in several of the debauchery sessions, including a particularly memorable one whereby we simulated a Roman orgy with the use of white bed sheets. Its eight gals and three guys with sex toys!

What sets my 'brothers' and me apart is that, they are able to ignore & dislodge the 'simmering' vestige of jealousy & rivalry between their mistress. They are able to set aside this behavioural quirks. For me, I just cannot ignore the underlying nuances of the inevitable unhappiness & jealousy of my mistress.

The reason why Mike & Hua is able to successfully handle this is probably them being more focused on the sexual dimension whereas I sometimes do place importance on the 'relationship & interaction' element (the 'sweet wayangs'). In this regard, I got to give props to them, they can allow their mistress to be 'shared'. I, on the other hand, still cannot do so until today.

And in response to your questions, yes, its a "common condom". Initially, its a change & replacement with every new position & gal, but later the same one is used for both girls. :cool:

Hi bro justime,

Ths for sharing ur experience.

I hv not done 双飞 in my entire life. I see that there r unique problems associated w/ this sexciting activity if both gals r being BAO-ed by the same patron.

Many gals may object to using a common CD for obvious reason.


19-08-2009, 08:07 PM
I don't have many singers under my patronage. Only three (one dancer amongst them but I classify her under the singer category as they got their work permit for only six months at a time) in my entire life.
Ah i c

Anyway for singers, I have to 100% defer to you as I am quite a greenhorn here. Don't know how to extract maximum value for money in their context!
This one you can ask our very own Bro WarBird liao...

Why I tend to shy away from singers is because their situation does not lend easily to what I want from my BY in terms of flexibilty of time (to accomodate mine).
Yeah, if timing clash, really no point liao, but then again, aren't all these bitches operating at the same timezone?????

You are absolutely right that in singers, you can easily control her movement(s) and whom she is seeing. It is the best possible BY prospect for those whose time is relatively flexible and/or whose timing dovetails nicely with a singers work schedule.

The opposite side of the coin is that a singer is also governed by the same constraint when it comes to seeing/entertaining me. I hate the notion of buying time for singers to accompany me as I don't want the entertainment establishment to earn this additional income from me. Afterall, I am already paying her equal to what she is drawing (monthly target of $6, 000 to $8, 000if I remember correctly).
Ah bro, this is where ur terms flaw....doesnt mean you BY xxx amount, that does not include 买场, nego from the start so such unfavourable times could be avoided

Another reason why singers is not suitable in my personal context is that they must 'work' everyday of the week. For me I like my BY's schedule to fit into mine which can be rather erratic. And finally because they are on work permit, they cannot accompany me on my overseas travel if I so desire. (Bladdy company safekeep their passport!).
Wrong bro, you can tell the company that you're bringing her wif you to where ever for a fuck trip for how long, its actually very common. Guess you are pretty green in this area where singers r concerned

As an anecdote, I remembered that with QQ, I have to pay $1600 for two days to the joint* in order to take her off work. And on the second day was the onset of QQ's menses (da-yi-ma / yue-jing). $800 blow job! :rolleyes:
Lol this is what i call 人算不如天算
Just happened to a bro of mine 2 days back, after checking in, dig dig, bloody river bank overflowed, sian man lol

(For those who want to save money, the MC trick does not really work as in entails massive inconvenience. In a fit of 'cheapo-ness', I ever tried the MC trick to get my mistress off work on the cheap. Learnt that most HFjoints accept only hospital MC (not even government polyclinic ones). In this case, despite not succeeding with the MC ruse, I do agree with the establishment rules on this. If so easy allow MC, sure open to abuse!)
Sorry, this kinda things i dun do one, other people know damn sia suay man

Finally bro DYBJ, if you have sort of a hybraid mistress-gf going with a singer, you will sometimes need to accompany her to buy 'xiu' dresses. Bet you probably went shopping at CP for 'stage dresses' at some point! ;) Can tell you which shops are good if you need to bring your singer BY/gf for stage dress shopping ....
Tks bro but believe it or not, i dun accompany them for anything, we only meet when i say so.
Totally back and call

Will jio you go Kabuki soon. Haven't been there since they renovated!
Will do

20-08-2009, 02:10 AM
Excellent comments bro! (Particularly like the email style of point by point reply).

Like to state at the outset that I respect your preference to BY singers vis-a-vis normal KTV. It offers so many advantages as you so eloquantly pointed out in your earlier post. In fact, I would even venture to say that BY a singer is overall a better proposition.

Why I tend to shy away from singers is because their situation does not lend easily to what I want from my BY in terms of flexibilty of time (to accomodate mine).

Yeah, if timing clash, really no point liao, but then again, aren't all these bitches operating at the same timezone?????

For me there is one significant difference: a KTV gal can follow me home immediately half way during work or simply choosing not go to work at all without the need to incur hefty 买场 fees ($150 booking fee vs $800 买场). Do note that in the Havelock Road KTV, there is some penalty for KTV if they absent from work however.

All in all, a normal KTV gal generally has got more control of her time vis-a-vis a singer. This however may not be advantageous to you, but for my particular context & preference, it is an important consideration

......The opposite side of the coin is that a singer is also governed by the same constraint when it comes to seeing/entertaining me. I hate the notion of buying time for singers to accompany me as I don't want the entertainment establishment to earn this additional income from me. Afterall, I am already paying her equal to what she is drawing (monthly target of $6, 000 to $8, 000if I remember correctly).

Ah bro, this is where ur terms flaw....doesnt mean you BY xxx amount, that does not include 买场, nego from the start so such unfavourable times could be avoided

Guess I should have been clearer & more thorough in my elaboration. We all know that a singer's target is to achieve $6,000 in 'flower' sales in order for her to earn her basic salary that the company pays her - anything below this target, the company deducts from this target. We also know that to 买场 cost about $800 per nite.

When I proposed to QQ, my "allowance" to her is $6,000 per month. This includes the time when I take her for the nite, i.e. she doesn't work. 买场 money is to come out from this $6,000. To be fair to her, I set a maximum of four times per month (or about once weekly). Anything above that I 'top up'. I can actually squeeze more from her, but I did not want to do so.

Anyway, during the early throes of the relationship, when the novelty factor and desire is strongest, I called out at least three times a week. Hence the 'top up' is needed.

BTW, I only sparodically hang flowers, just a token $100 occasionally in QQ case!

.........I like my BY's schedule to fit into mine which can be rather erratic. And finally because they are on work permit, they cannot accompany me on my overseas travel if I so desire. (Bladdy company safekeep their passport!).

Wrong bro, you can tell the company that you're bringing her wif you to where ever for a fuck trip for how long, its actually very common. Guess you are pretty green in this area where singers r concerned

In my case, I already arranged for QQ to stay at my love nest rather than company's accomodation. The company gave me face by allowing QQ this arrangement. This subseuqently created a mini controversy as after QQ's precedent, several other singers also decide to strike out on her own. (Company provided accomodation is actually a friend of the boss, the establishment do earn/charge accomodation fees for the singers).

In addition, I also manage to take her out many times for 'quickies' without any fines due to my regular patronage at the establishment.

I don't know that I can bring a singer out for days on end without incurring a 买场 fee for everyday that she is absent from work. You are right, there are indeed several things that I still gotta learn from you here with regards to BY a singer! Any tips to share with this regard?

........ Learnt that most HFjoints accept only hospital MC (not even government polyclinic ones). In this case, despite not succeeding with the MC ruse, I do agree with the establishment rules on this. If so easy allow MC, sure open to abuse!)

Sorry, this kinda things i dun do one, other people know damn sia suay man

What to do... sometimes the scrooge / parsimonious feeling surfaces involuntarily! :rolleyes: but mitigating factor is that this idea is mooted by QQ herself here. She feels that saving my money is as if saving her money. "As If" is the operative word here.

..... Bet you probably went shopping at CP for 'stage dresses' at some point! ;)

Tks bro but believe it or not, i dun accompany them for anything, we only meet when i say so.
Totally back and call

I do indulge them. However, its always part of reward or as inducement for something I want. There is always strings attached. "My string!" (inuendo)

For the first time I bought QQ her two stage dress (which is cheaper than you think), I insisted & get bj in car as I drive all the way after her work to East Coast Park - with the requisite swallow. And then order her to bathe me Thai style when we get back at my Love Nest. Zhong Guo mei, despite my best training efforts, still lag behind the Thais (genetic?) in body massage baths I feel.

Also, sex act once done is taken for granted. Everytime I feel like public sex, I now expect & get it from QQ subsequently. More than the worth for the price of the stage dress & my time accompanying her in my persoal reckoning.

Will jio you go Kabuki soon. Haven't been there since they renovated!

Will do[/QUOTE]

Yup, must be done before Bro Warbird's departure. Sometime in Sep I believe?

20-08-2009, 05:49 PM
Dear Bro DYBJ, Bro Jus, Bro Warbird,

The last couple of months have been busy like crazy in terms of the financial markets (i.e. good thing in terms of making money! hehe), but it does mean that I haven't had the time to execute my (debut) BY plan.

You may have read my previous posts in this thread about my thoughts on BY-ing non-KTV/FL/WL/etc MMs, because mentally I can't get excited about bonking a well-bonked MM. But, in reading the recent couple of posts, it occured to me that perhaps many singers in HFJ are also not very well-bonked?-- correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm a total newbie to the KTV/HFJ scene, but from my reading of the posts, it seems like the singers have to (a) work everyday; (b) are very expensive to take out; and (c) are much more "tao" than the regular KTV girls, and therefore would almost all say no to ST? So, is it the case that many of them (with the exception of those that are under BY) do not have regular clients who bonk them?

I understand that most (all?) would probably like to be under a BY. But, for one that is currently not under BY, would my offer of say a one-time arrangement of 6-8K for 1 week, or 10-12K for 2 weeks be an interesting proposition for them? (Bro DYBJ's expert opinion, please). I'm perfectly fine with them working throughout those week(s), and only bonking them during off hours. Or, paying $800 a few times during the arrangement shouldn't be a problem either.

23-08-2009, 11:26 AM
Bro OL, I still owe you a bottle ;). Will definitely arrange a session with you soon. We should invite bro warbird to discuss his latest strategy in "mistressing" :D


Bro Marc5, Its alright with me. As long as we make friends and reciprocate or I dun mind dutch. Otherwise treat it as on me. Do update me are we going to support your New Found 做秀 these coming week bah :D

Thumbs Up for U, as for me ..... my pics tell abit dun they :p
Cheers n Merry.

23-08-2009, 12:03 PM
Dear Bro DYBJ, Bro Jus, Bro Warbird,

The last couple of months have been busy like crazy in terms of the financial markets (i.e. good thing in terms of making money! hehe), but it does mean that I haven't had the time to execute my (debut) BY plan.
.................................................. ....
I'm a total newbie to the KTV/HFJ scene, but from my reading of the posts, it seems like the singers have to (a) work everyday; (b) are very expensive to take out; and (c) are much more "tao" than the regular KTV girls, and therefore would almost all say no to ST? So, is it the case that many of them (with the exception of those that are under BY) do not have regular clients who bonk them?

I understand that most (all?) would probably like to be under a BY. But, for one that is currently not under BY, would my offer of say a one-time arrangement of 6-8K for 1 week, or 10-12K for 2 weeks be an interesting proposition for them? (Bro DYBJ's expert opinion, please). I'm perfectly fine with them working throughout those week(s), and only bonking them during off hours. Or, paying $800 a few times during the arrangement shouldn't be a problem either.

Hi bro sing,

Only bro DYBJ aka Mr Austin can answer all ur questions.

IMHO, ur offer for short-term "BY" seems quite generous.

I'm also more interested in long-term BAO-ing of non-KTV/HFJ gals, but it may be more time consuming n hence impractical for me as I live in Gotham City. Unless I can get frens to intro them to me...


Bro Marc5, Its alright with me. As long as we make friends and reciprocate or I dun mind dutch. Otherwise treat it as on me. Do update me are we going to support your New Found 做秀 these coming week bah :D

Thumbs Up for U, as for me ..... my pics tell abit dun they :p
Cheers n Merry.

Hi bro Oceanlee,

Too bad that I couldn't join u n Marc5 for the outing on Fri. Did u pick up some chio chicks?

We could go to DC n TAM this coming wk. I want to deepen my rapport w/ some gals there.;)


23-08-2009, 12:14 PM
Bro OL, thanks for the night indeed. It exceeded my expectation. I enjoyed it very much. I'll have to reciprocate three bottles now...:D

She's one chio singer among the large team, especially after she changed to an all white blouse + jeans outfit after the show. Under pressure now to support her 做秀 as she made a personal request for support. I've been to this situation before and need to be cautious unless there is a clear goal for me. But will let you know ;)

The pic looks familiar...do I know her? :D

23-08-2009, 12:21 PM
Hi bro sing,

Too bad that I couldn't join u n Marc5 for the outing on Fri. Did u pick up some chio chicks?

We could go to DC n TAM this coming wk. I want to deepen my rapport w/ some gals there.;)


Bro warbird, too bad you couldn't make it. We had a good time. Let's arrange one with bro OL.

Have fun to your dinner date today :)

23-08-2009, 02:36 PM

have being read your threads here. it is very interested and informative. thank you!

23-08-2009, 03:47 PM
As 'advised' by bro Jus & bro warbird here, decide to be fair to my new 'conquest' & not see her anymore. don't want to lead her on as i don't think she is my type. don't want later con't on even more jia lat.

b4 i 'dump' her however, i very the nervous & kan cheong & scared of her reaction .... (this is aso the first time in my life i dump a gal instead of vice versa). heng she never wayand or even cry, just say okay like tat ....

tks for all contribution & discussing implement mistress strategy. To me singer, ktv or normal gal not important. the 钱 $$$ part is. & will therefore follow bro jus strategy of budget.

since my 'new' attitude, i suddenly more smooth when interaction w WL. definitely more better in my cheong career.

& so just for fun try to made 'an offer to BY' to see how it goes. my experiment is to see how a normal looking (in fact a lil on the 丑 side) 30 plus guy with limited income can do BY or not. since i not in the cheong scene for qte some time, sms a bro for sum reco. ask him to reco 'simple' gal as practice run.

my bro intro me EE who sumtime work in bs ktv. according to my bro, EE aso last time got singapore bf but break up liao. she is milf but bod dam hot. in case i buaya oreidy but later cannot tahan, i was told tat EE can do ST.

anyway i call EE & arrange for a meet up at GL. we makan at one of the kopi tiam there. i start by arran for ST & then from ST i hope to make my indecent proposal.

i offer her only $400 per mth for going w me four times a month after work. can have sex during this outing session. actually it is just like paying in advance for bonk but the 'go out'/ Pat-Tor part is complimentary.

anyway, EE told me tat sum customer pay her just to go out without any sex at all. this story by EE is true. my bro confirm tat a 猪脑 fren of his actually do tat. :D (anyway, i cannot luff at him, last time aso like tat, i pay a WL from massage parlour to go out w me restuarant & i later have to give tip to her sum more .... tks to bro jus, no more tis kind of exploitation of me anymore!)

EE at first say not interested as $$ too little. so i psycho her to accept my offer. i sell koyok not bad: i say tat in case her biz slow at least got my offer as regular supplementary income. i aso say since my time very flexible, sure got at least four times in a month we can meet one (esp on days when she have not many 台 & no ST). guess wat, EE finally accepted my offer.

okay, tis may not look like much when u compare bro DYBJ, Warbird, Bro Sing, bro marc 5 or bro jus situation, but as like wat bro jus say, in my context, it is the best.

more importantly, it is my first time tat i offer sumting like tat. sort of like my practice negotiation session for the future when i can afford to keep a proper mistress. i know the Term & Condition nothing to rave about...... but i at least now hv got a lil bit experience to negotiate liao instead of simply pay $, shoot & leave like i always do last time ..... one small step for bro anson :D

EE is qte superior in sex aso. her on top of me & when she swing & rotate her hips, dam steam, less than 5 mins i liao & after my offer, got additional complimentary one more shot + BJ some more..... er, bro jus, got sex masterstroke or not?

23-08-2009, 07:12 PM
I understand that most (all?) would probably like to be under a BY. But, for one that is currently not under BY, would my offer of say a one-time arrangement of 6-8K for 1 week, or 10-12K for 2 weeks be an interesting proposition for them? (Bro DYBJ's expert opinion, please). I'm perfectly fine with them working throughout those week(s), and only bonking them during off hours. Or, paying $800 a few times during the arrangement shouldn't be a problem either.

Never be too generous to throw money especially at a HFJ or any nite spot, though in our context, we may want to portray that we're well off, but to them and those working wif them, you only show that you're a BIG CARROT HEAD and nothing more.
This is a double edged sword approach, if you wanna do this, then spread your wealth on the stage but focusing more on the one u aim.
In this way, soon, instead of most budgeted players, who can only afford to aim at 1, you would have cast a net instead of putting a fishing line into the sea, MY STYLE!

Why give 6-12k a week when you can buy over the entire meat for a whole month for that price? That would be my stance, spending money, even if its not a prob for you, shouldnt be like throwing $$$$ into the sea, dun u agree????

If an agreeable amount has been closed, then go to that HFJ & start bombing her with the said amount not nightly but about twice a week.
That way, you closed all doors for competition also leaving her no other choice but to look towards you for survival!

Remember, the trick is to offer monthly amount, then hang weekly with the last batch of $$$ for the week to be hung on the last day of the week. Anytime the deal turns sour or is off, you can use the $$$$ still in your pocket to buy new meat.
The idea is not how much you can spend, its how much you spent to get your mean & once you get it, how much ROI did u get from your investment!!!!!

Have fun dude

23-08-2009, 08:32 PM
Never be too generous to throw money especially at a HFJ or any nite spot.

If an agreeable amount has been closed, then go to that HFJ & start bombing her with the said amount not nightly but about twice a week.
That way, you closed all doors for competition also leaving her no other choice but to look towards you for survival!

Remember, the trick is to offer monthly amount, then hang weekly with the last batch of $$$ for the week to be hung on the last day of the week. Anytime the deal turns sour or is off, you can use the $$$$ still in your pocket to buy new meat.
The idea is not how much you can spend, its how much you spent to get your mean & once you get it, how much ROI did u get from your investment!!!!!

Have fun dude

The Guru have once again enlighten us. :D

Another way is to Bao-Wei 包位. Thus you can also enjoy for Honey-Moon. :p
Rather than run here and there, also save the drinks $$$ to have candle-light meals and go sight-seeing. Two person 花前月下。 :eek:

This way I am sure the ROI will be fully rewarded with CD some more. ;)

23-08-2009, 09:45 PM
The Guru have once again enlighten us. :D

Bro OceanLee, tks for your compliments but pls, what guru? Me newbie noob only la

23-08-2009, 10:11 PM
Bro OceanLee, tks for your compliments but pls, what guru? Me newbie noob only la

alright, goot sharing from "NEWBIE", so our bro justime and warbird is the Guru and I am just a novice. :)

Bro OL, thanks for the night indeed. It exceeded my expectation. I enjoyed it very much. I'll have to reciprocate three bottles now...

The pic looks familiar...do I know her?

She is the singer sit with me that night with your NEW Found ..... :D

bro Oceanlee,

Too bad that I couldn't join u n Marc5 for the outing on Fri. Did u pick up some chio chicks?

We could go to DC n TAM this coming wk. I want to deepen my rapport w/ some gals there.

Once again, thx for the invite. If SH is alright then we try to fix 1 to your playground. As for coming week, await bro Marc5 decision .... to visit his NEW FOUND MMs :confused:

She's one chio singer among the large team, especially after she changed to an all white blouse + jeans outfit after the show. Under pressure now to support her 做秀 as she made a personal request for support. I've been to this situation before and need to be cautious unless there is a clear goal for me. But will let you know

If you raise your eyebrowns ..... let me know, dun need a report cards. :D
IMHO, she is at least 7.3/10 in terms of looks, nice figure and 1 that really can sings well.

Be happy n Merry

24-08-2009, 01:27 AM
As 'advised' by bro Jus & bro warbird here, decide to be fair to my new 'conquest' & not see her anymore. don't want to lead her on as i don't think she is my type. don't want later con't on even more jia lat.

b4 i 'dump' her however, i very the nervous & kan cheong & scared of her reaction .... (this is aso the first time in my life i dump a gal instead of vice versa). heng she never wayand or even cry, just say okay like tat ....

tks for all contribution & discussing implement mistress strategy. To me singer, ktv or normal gal not important. the 钱 $$$ part is. & will therefore follow bro jus strategy of budget.

since my 'new' attitude, i suddenly more smooth when interaction w WL. definitely more better in my cheong career.

& so just for fun try to made 'an offer to BY' to see how it goes. my experiment is to see how a normal looking (in fact a lil on the 丑 side) 30 plus guy with limited income can do BY or not. since i not in the cheong scene for qte some time, sms a bro for sum reco. ask him to reco 'simple' gal as practice run.

my bro intro me EE who sumtime work in bs ktv. according to my bro, EE aso last time got singapore bf but break up liao. she is milf but bod dam hot. in case i buaya oreidy but later cannot tahan, i was told tat EE can do ST.

anyway i call EE & arrange for a meet up at GL. we makan at one of the kopi tiam there. i start by arran for ST & then from ST i hope to make my indecent proposal.

i offer her only $400 per mth for going w me four times a month after work. can have sex during this outing session. actually it is just like paying in advance for bonk but the 'go out'/ Pat-Tor part is complimentary.

anyway, EE told me tat sum customer pay her just to go out without any sex at all. this story by EE is true. my bro confirm tat a 猪脑 fren of his actually do tat. :D (anyway, i cannot luff at him, last time aso like tat, i pay a WL from massage parlour to go out w me restuarant & i later have to give tip to her sum more .... tks to bro jus, no more tis kind of exploitation of me anymore!)

EE at first say not interested as $$ too little. so i psycho her to accept my offer. i sell koyok not bad: i say tat in case her biz slow at least got my offer as regular supplementary income. i aso say since my time very flexible, sure got at least four times in a month we can meet one (esp on days when she have not many 台 & no ST). guess wat, EE finally accepted my offer.

okay, tis may not look like much when u compare bro DYBJ, Warbird, Bro Sing, bro marc 5 or bro jus situation, but as like wat bro jus say, in my context, it is the best.

more importantly, it is my first time tat i offer sumting like tat. sort of like my practice negotiation session for the future when i can afford to keep a proper mistress. i know the Term & Condition nothing to rave about...... but i at least now hv got a lil bit experience to negotiate liao instead of simply pay $, shoot & leave like i always do last time ..... one small step for bro anson :D

EE is qte superior in sex aso. her on top of me & when she swing & rotate her hips, dam steam, less than 5 mins i liao & after my offer, got additional complimentary one more shot + BJ some more..... er, bro jus, got sex masterstroke or not?
Bro Justime, Bro Warbird, Bro DYBJ n Bro Anson
I was reading this read the whole of today and so captivated i couldnt stop! I have read Mystery Method (Mystery is the teacher of Neil Straus who wrote The Game) and IMHO this thread can give these international best-sellers a run for their money. Was so motivated that I register an account to pay kudos to you.

Bro Anson is an inspiring story. Im in similar boat as Bro Anson. I am trying to go on dates to find gf. 1 fantastic takeaway is to welcome rejections! n learn from them.


24-08-2009, 10:41 AM
Never be too generous to throw money especially at a HFJ or any nite spot, though in our context, we may want to portray that we're well off, but to them and those working wif them, you only show that you're a BIG CARROT HEAD and nothing more.
This is a double edged sword approach, if you wanna do this, then spread your wealth on the stage but focusing more on the one u aim.
In this way, soon, instead of most budgeted players, who can only afford to aim at 1, you would have cast a net instead of putting a fishing line into the sea, MY STYLE!

Why give 6-12k a week when you can buy over the entire meat for a whole month for that price? That would be my stance, spending money, even if its not a prob for you, shouldnt be like throwing $$$$ into the sea, dun u agree????

If an agreeable amount has been closed, then go to that HFJ & start bombing her with the said amount not nightly but about twice a week.
That way, you closed all doors for competition also leaving her no other choice but to look towards you for survival!

Remember, the trick is to offer monthly amount, then hang weekly with the last batch of $$$ for the week to be hung on the last day of the week. Anytime the deal turns sour or is off, you can use the $$$$ still in your pocket to buy new meat.
The idea is not how much you can spend, its how much you spent to get your mean & once you get it, how much ROI did u get from your investment!!!!!

First, many thanks to bro DYBJ for taking time to reply to my queries. I am very honoured and grateful.

If I'm not reading you wrongly, you're recommending that I do the following: Day 1: Go to the HFJ, and spread a couple of thousand around, but giving a little more to the intended target. Then when she talks to you, go straight to the take-it-or-leave-it offer?
Week 2/3/4: If the offer is accepted, payment is done through regular HJ, as opposed to direct cash changing hands??

I do have a couple of constraints/preferences/quirks, and perhaps my approach would need some tailoring.
(a) I don't really have time to go to ktv regularly. A couple of times per week is out. In fact a couple of times per month is pretty much the max that I can commit to (if it can all be done without visitation, even better!). So, it'll be a little difficult for me to drop in 10 times a month to feed her slowly. Besides, don't the house take a big cut of the flower price??
(b) I really am looking for just a 1 or 2 week transaction, and no more. Anything more than 2 weeks would be oh-so-less-exciting and you start worrying about how to check on her, etc, which would be far more trouble than I'm willing to put up with.

Hence, I'd really much prefer a commando-style raid: Go in, negotiate, close the deal, enjoy, dump. And, I was wondering if this can be executed in HFJ on the singers. My thought is to have a mummy on commission (say 1k per successful deal), and they will look out for singers that fit my specifications, in terms of looks and playability (whole range from normal coupling to kinky stuff). As and when there is one, they intro the singer to me for direct negotiation. I'll place my take it or leave it 1 or 2 week offer, and if it's a go, then we do it and bonk like rabbits for the 1 or 2 weeks. If not, then NEXT. This still sound like crap to you??

24-08-2009, 11:16 AM
Bro warbird, too bad you couldn't make it. We had a good time. Let's arrange one with bro OL.

Have fun to your dinner date today.

Hi bro marc5,

I had a very good time but may hv lessened my rapport w/ her.:( I hv detailed my bungled encounter in my thread.

Good day!!

As 'advised' by bro Jus & bro warbird here, decide to be fair to my new 'conquest' & not see her anymore. don't want to lead her on as i don't think she is my type. don't want later con't on even more jia lat.

b4 i 'dump' her however, i very the nervous & kan cheong & scared of her reaction .... (this is aso the first time in my life i dump a gal instead of vice versa). heng she never wayand or even cry, just say okay like tat ....
since my 'new' attitude, i suddenly more smooth when interaction w WL. definitely more better in my cheong career.
.................................................. .......................
okay, tis may not look like much when u compare bro DYBJ, Warbird, Bro Sing, bro marc 5 or bro jus situation, but as like wat bro jus say, in my context, it is the best.

Hi bro,

Congrats to ur new found confidence!!

Never be too generous to throw money especially at a HFJ or any nite spot, though in our context, we may want to portray that we're well off, but to them and those working wif them, you only show that you're a BIG CARROT HEAD and nothing more.
Why give 6-12k a week when you can buy over the entire meat for a whole month for that price? That would be my stance, spending money, even if its not a prob for you, shouldnt be like throwing $$$$ into the sea, dun u agree????

If an agreeable amount has been closed, then go to that HFJ & start bombing her with the said amount not nightly but about twice a week.
That way, you closed all doors for competition also leaving her no other choice but to look towards you for survival!

Remember, the trick is to offer monthly amount, then hang weekly with the last batch of $$$ for the week to be hung on the last day of the week. Anytime the deal turns sour or is off, you can use the $$$$ still in your pocket to buy new meat.
The idea is not how much you can spend, its how much you spent to get your mean & once you get it, how much ROI did u get from your investment!!!!!

Hi bro DYBJ,

Your advice is always worth reading again n again...

The Guru have once again enlighten us.

Another way is to Bao-Wei 包位. Thus you can also enjoy for Honey-Moon.
Rather than run here and there, also save the drinks $$$ to have candle-light meals and go sight-seeing. Two person 花前月下。

This way I am sure the ROI will be fully rewarded with CD some more. ;)

Hi bro OL,

I like to thank u for the correct term 包位. Previously, I always use the term 买场。


alright, goot sharing from "NEWBIE", so our bro justime and warbird is the Guru and I am just a novice.

If you raise your eyebrowns ..... let me know, dun need a report cards. :D
IMHO, she is at least 7.3/10 in terms of looks, nice figure and 1 that really can sings well.

Be happy n Merry

Hi bro OL,

I'm just a newbie as my "botched" dinner w/ the 2 SH gals last nite has revealed. I actually never set foot in a KTV until Sep last yr.

Bro Justime, Bro Warbird, Bro DYBJ n Bro Anson
I was reading this read the whole of today and so captivated i couldnt stop! I have read Mystery Method (Mystery is the teacher of Neil Straus who wrote The Game) and IMHO this thread can give these international best-sellers a run for their money. Was so motivated that I register an account to pay kudos to you.

Bro Anson is an inspiring story. Im in similar boat as Bro Anson. I am trying to go on dates to find gf. 1 fantastic takeaway is to welcome rejections! n learn from them.

Hi bro Rolec,

Although I'm a newbie, I hv read many books n e-books on man-woman RS, seduction, sexual techniques, etc. IMHO, David Dieda n Carlos Xuma r among the best.


24-08-2009, 12:36 PM
Hi bro OL,

I like to thank u for the correct term 包位. Previously, I always use the term 买场。


Let me put it as below ;

买场 = You actually paid her for that night. (or that few hrs) aka 买钟
which is about $200p/hr exlucde "misc fees".

包位 = You actually paid for her the whole month no need to go works. Its like you settle with the MGMT and 买位 as such, she actually do her duty to the company and she will spend the Honey-Moon with you.

Therefore you can get your ROI with CD and XD all in 1 :D (24hrs/7day) :p
Just my 02 cents understand.

24-08-2009, 01:38 PM
Let me put it as below ;

买场 = You actually paid her for that night. (or that few hrs) aka 买钟
which is about $200p/hr exlucde "misc fees".

包位 = You actually paid for her the whole month no need to go works. Its like you settle with the MGMT and 买位 as such, she actually do her duty to the company and she will spend the Honey-Moon with you.

Therefore you can get your ROI with CD and XD all in 1 :D (24hrs/7day) :p
Just my 02 cents understand.

Hi bro OL,

Thx so much for ur clarification. You do hv a lot more experience than I.

I guess 包位 will apply only to singers n others w/ work contract? How much would that be for smaller HFJs n how much for high end joints such as DC?

Good day!!

24-08-2009, 02:10 PM
Bro sing11235813, please see my reply to u in red.
First, many thanks to bro DYBJ for taking time to reply to my queries. I am very honoured and grateful.
I'm flattered but its not necessary, just sharing, that's what this forum is all about.

If I'm not reading you wrongly, you're recommending that I do the following: Day 1: Go to the HFJ, and spread a couple of thousand around, but giving a little more to the intended target. Then when she talks to you, go straight to the take-it-or-leave-it offer?
Week 2/3/4: If the offer is accepted, payment is done through regular HJ, as opposed to direct cash changing hands??
Yes but after reading your this post, it's not applicable for you anymore.

I do have a couple of constraints/preferences/quirks, and perhaps my approach would need some tailoring.
(a) I don't really have time to go to ktv regularly. A couple of times per week is out. In fact a couple of times per month is pretty much the max that I can commit to (if it can all be done without visitation, even better!). So, it'll be a little difficult for me to drop in 10 times a month to feed her slowly. Besides, don't the house take a big cut of the flower price??
(b) I really am looking for just a 1 or 2 week transaction, and no more. Anything more than 2 weeks would be oh-so-less-exciting and you start worrying about how to check on her, etc, which would be far more trouble than I'm willing to put up with.

Hence, I'd really much prefer a commando-style raid: Go in, negotiate, close the deal, enjoy, dump. And, I was wondering if this can be executed in HFJ on the singers. My thought is to have a mummy on commission (say 1k per successful deal), and they will look out for singers that fit my specifications, in terms of looks and playability (whole range from normal coupling to kinky stuff). As and when there is one, they intro the singer to me for direct negotiation. I'll place my take it or leave it 1 or 2 week offer, and if it's a go, then we do it and bonk like rabbits for the 1 or 2 weeks. If not, then NEXT. This still sound like crap to you??

Again, before i cont, i'll start from the end of your post.
As far as the amount you're willing to spend is concerned, you might as well use it for a month.
During which u already knew the transaction will not even surpass a months period.
So, y not keep a standby pussy incase your new toy bleeds for that period???? Maximise your investments bro......

Ok, for the rest of your prob, since time is a very tight factor for you, then my suggestion to you is, go to that joint, nego wif her, then once price to BY is confirmed, get to meet someone from the mgt.
Explain wif a friend of yours and the singer concerned as witness, then pass upfront 50% of the BY amount to that fella and also, ask for a direct ctc from that HFJ, cos, since you've upfront the $$$$, you should be able to hang without even being there. Hence, give a generous tip to that person involved cos he/she doesnt earn anything from this transaction...so steady a bit la.

Why 50%?????
If you only plan to shack the singer for 2weeks before you get sick of her meat, then you already got what you paid for.
Be cautious if they ask you for 1month upfront, prepay short term i.e 2 weeks is still fair, pay 1 month dangerous very prone to many hiccups and unforeseen probs...AKA BS!
Also, make sure your start date is just after her period, else you may just waste 1 week of your investment! hahaha

As for the house taking the flower cut, you shud not bother about that, the whole idea is to eliminate all competition and leave a trail that allow others to know that she's been BY by someone so as to prevent unwanted competition and total reliance on your financial support, this is key to total control of a singer.
During this period, sms your contact to hang flowers on your behalf about every 2 days between 500 to 1k, so as to show that she has got a supporter that others will have to reckon due to size of flowers.
Remember, many folks who go to HFJs hang small 100s to 500s and once a major contender comes into play, they'll think twice before hanging anything, thus the reason for this plot.

So, wif this plan, u can shack her as and when time permits u to, and also, allow u a back door at the end of 2 weeks.
As to why i dun advise anyone to be to generous is this:
If there're 2 shops that sells BMWs opposite each other along a road, one sells model A for 100k but the one across the street sells 150K for the same model, why pay 150K for the same model when you can save 50k and get the same thing?????? Makes sense?

If my post confuse u somewat, pls do ask for clarification for i apologise that i've not had a minute of sleep since yesterday cos i was tied up wif my latest BY, which only costs me only 6k a month

24-08-2009, 02:19 PM
Let me put it as below ;

买场 = You actually paid her for that night. (or that few hrs) aka 买钟
which is about $200p/hr exlucde "misc fees".

包位 = You actually paid for her the whole month no need to go works. Its like you settle with the MGMT and 买位 as such, she actually do her duty to the company and she will spend the Honey-Moon with you.

Therefore you can get your ROI with CD and XD all in 1 :D (24hrs/7day) :p
Just my 02 cents understand.

Bro OL, yes, i've personally encountered this arrangment before but no offense, i personally will not do it.
If i do this to a singer at DC, which to buy 1 whole day is 1k, it'll cost me 31k the month, plus this arrangement does not enter flower tally but will be 50/50 split wif company, so not really worth it. Not only that, how many can actually spend 24/7 an entire month on this honeymoon?????

24-08-2009, 09:15 PM
Bro Warbird
I have also read ur success stories on getting ktv gals outside ktv! But all Bros here very humble like shall i say Grand Master Jedi. Me younglings....... not even Padawan.. Haha! Noted n will look for the books u recommend.

For me, when i go ktv, i hav kind of direct approach. Just maximise playability. Never have I imagine so much going on in playing KTV! Seduction, empowering... This is COOL.. For now, i will use these learning points for my search of a gf.

Bro Anson
perhaps we can cheong tgr! :)

25-08-2009, 11:12 AM
Bro Warbird
I have also read ur success stories on getting ktv gals outside ktv! But all Bros here very humble like shall i say Grand Master Jedi. Me younglings....... not even Padawan.. Haha! Noted n will look for the books u recommend.

For me, when i go ktv, i hav kind of direct approach. Just maximise playability. Never have I imagine so much going on in playing KTV! Seduction, empowering... This is COOL.. For now, i will use these learning points for my search of a gf.

Bro Anson
perhaps we can cheong tgr! :)

Hi bro Rolec,

No, I wont say I'm "successful" bcos it's a hit-n-miss game. But It's always very exciting n thrilling attempting to pick up chio SYTs, hehehe. Best of all, it's absolutely FREE. At the very least, my skin is getting thicker n thicker n I'm closer n closer to becoming a fearless, overconfident n unflappable gentleman.:p

Many bros talk abt playability in KTVs. I'm not interested in just that. I want their pussies, either ST or BY.

Good day!!

25-08-2009, 03:55 PM
cos i was tied up wif my latest BY, which only costs me only 6k a month.

Bro - how cum you can always sniff out a good deal? :D
I also want ... kekeke.

Joining us tonight?

25-08-2009, 03:57 PM
Hi bro Rolec,

No, I wont say I'm "successful" bcos it's a hit-n-miss game. But It's always very exciting n thrilling attempting to pick up chio SYTs, hehehe. Best of all, it's absolutely FREE. At the very least, my skin is getting thicker n thicker n I'm closer n closer to becoming a fearless, overconfident n unflappable gentleman.:p

Many bros talk abt playability in KTVs. I'm not interested in just that. I want their pussies, either ST or BY.

Good day!!

Wau laoz... bro, you too humble leh. Your hit rate like machiam almost 100%. :D

I also find it hard to keep up with you, be it in standings, pole or doggie. :cool:

See you tonight.

26-08-2009, 10:06 AM
Wau laoz... bro, you too humble leh. Your hit rate like machiam almost 100%. :D

I also find it hard to keep up with you, be it in standings, pole or doggie. :cool:

See you tonight.

Hi bro LDH,

C'mon, you're fast becoming one of the masters!

My hit rate is actually closer to a pathetic 50% whereas yours appear to be 100%!! If only I had ur looks n charm, hehehe.


26-08-2009, 01:29 PM
For me, when i go ktv, i hav kind of direct approach. Just maximise playability. Never have I imagine so much going on in playing KTV! Seduction, empowering... This is COOL.. For now, i will use these learning points for my search of a gf.

Bro Anson
perhaps we can cheong tgr! :)

Bro Justime, Bro Warbird, Bro DYBJ n Bro Anson
I was reading this read the whole of today and so captivated i couldnt stop! I have read Mystery Method (Mystery is the teacher of Neil Straus who wrote The Game) and IMHO this thread can give these international best-sellers a run for their money. Was so motivated that I register an account to pay kudos to you.

Bro Anson is an inspiring story. Im in similar boat as Bro Anson. I am trying to go on dates to find gf. 1 fantastic takeaway is to welcome rejections! n learn from them.


Bro Rolec, for me the most important masterstroke of them all is guru Justime's advice of collecting rejection. Last time everytime before i approach a gal, dam stress & kan cheong. and when kena rejected will feel devasted the whole day (& sumtime longer). tks to guru Justime, i now know tat it is a self esteem issue & will take the necessary action to correct it.

not to say, now like casanova, any gal can approach. still got kan cheong. but now can 鼓起勇气 (take courage) by focusing collecting rejection. tis way, either she say yes or no, i win. very empowering perspective to carry according to bro justime by "setting yurself up for success".

just to share w u, since we are same same bro novice when cum to hving gals: guru justime actually 'force' me to drop him a little note everyday for one week on my rejection collection. need to email him wat time, where & general appearance of the gal tat rejected me. at first dam scared, but bcos he spent his valuable time coaching me & lend me money, i feel sorta obligated. so i force myself to act on it. by the time one week pass, notice tat it get easier, i now very less stress when talking to strangers.

i oso use wat guru justime taught me & apply it in my real life. wat he says work leh. from almost zero, i now got go out on date with at least six new gals. not beauty queen i must say but among them got one w some chemistry, wh i will def follow up. .... now can talk abt not 'forsake forest for one tree'. (last time wl prob worship her feet if gal got some chemistry w me).

as for my mini 'mistress' venture with EE, had another rd of ST @ $100. sex shiokalala!

wat i like is EE never kpkb wen take bus/mrt w me (instead of taxi). EE got initially ask me to booking her 4 her time (she don't feel like working tat day), i refuse & say only $100 plus must got sex.... she 接受 n wat's more she never show attitude thruout our time tog!

sure, like to cheong w u soon. wait for sep pay day first okay bro? ;)

26-08-2009, 03:03 PM
Bro - how cum you can always sniff out a good deal? :D
I also want ... kekeke.

Joining us tonight?

Apologies for the late reply bro, lately, dunno Y so many angmo come to our stupid island, so got only enuff time to entertain & be entertained, that's y couldnt meet up wif u good bros as our Master WarBird has been pre-informed by me.....
FYI, my BY already dumped 2 days ago wahahahaha
Next in line coming real soon...hehehe

27-08-2009, 04:49 PM
Apologies for the late reply bro, lately, dunno Y so many angmo come to our stupid island, so got only enuff time to entertain & be entertained, that's y couldnt meet up wif u good bros as our Master WarBird has been pre-informed by me.....
FYI, my BY already dumped 2 days ago wahahahaha
Next in line coming real soon...hehehe

All these angmos; flee at the first sight of trouble, reap at the first sight of gain. Their motives on arrival are quite obvious as with the height of times in 2007. Go, suck them dry dry... not their below but straight into their wallets.

You are fast worker... just got a new BY and dump liaoz. Who's the name target? kekeke. Any chance of catching her this coming Wed at TAM? :p

27-08-2009, 05:58 PM
Again, before i cont, i'll start from the end of your post.
As far as the amount you're willing to spend is concerned, you might as well use it for a month.
During which u already knew the transaction will not even surpass a months period.
So, y not keep a standby pussy incase your new toy bleeds for that period???? Maximise your investments bro......

Dear Bro DYBJ,

Perhaps, you could help me out a little here with the math-- I want to more comprehensively appreciate the financial terms and constraints that the singers are facing so that I can get the upperhand in all negotiations with them.

I'm guessing that (please correct me every place you see a "??"):
- The singers are paid a fixed salary every month-- about $2K??
- In return, they work every night (from 9pm to 1am??); and have to get flowers totaling $6K??
- They personally get 60%?? of the value of flowers hung on them
- If they fall short of the $6K total, 60%?? of the shortfall gets deducted from their salary

So, assuming my numbers above:
- If they exactly meet the target of $6K, then their total takings is $2K + 0.6*$6K = $5.6K??
- If they fall short and say only got $4K, then their total takings is $2K + 0.6*$4K - 0.6*$2K = $3.2K??
- If they exceed and got $10K, then their total takings is $2K + 0.6*$10K = $8K??

Next set of questions are:
- What percentage of the singers already have BY patrons?
- Among those that don't have BY patrons, what percentage can always successfully far exceed their target every month (say average >$10K flowers per month)?
- Among those that don't have BY patrons, what percentage always struggle month to month and get their pay docked regularly (say average <$5K flowers per month)?

Ok, for the rest of your prob, since time is a very tight factor for you, then my suggestion to you is, go to that joint, nego wif her, then once price to BY is confirmed, get to meet someone from the mgt.
Explain wif a friend of yours and the singer concerned as witness, then pass upfront 50% of the BY amount to that fella and also, ask for a direct ctc from that HFJ, cos, since you've upfront the $$$$, you should be able to hang without even being there. Hence, give a generous tip to that person involved cos he/she doesnt earn anything from this transaction...so steady a bit la.

Why 50%?????
If you only plan to shack the singer for 2weeks before you get sick of her meat, then you already got what you paid for.
Be cautious if they ask you for 1month upfront, prepay short term i.e 2 weeks is still fair, pay 1 month dangerous very prone to many hiccups and unforeseen probs...AKA BS!
Also, make sure your start date is just after her period, else you may just waste 1 week of your investment! hahaha

As for the house taking the flower cut, you shud not bother about that, the whole idea is to eliminate all competition and leave a trail that allow others to know that she's been BY by someone so as to prevent unwanted competition and total reliance on your financial support, this is key to total control of a singer.
During this period, sms your contact to hang flowers on your behalf about every 2 days between 500 to 1k, so as to show that she has got a supporter that others will have to reckon due to size of flowers.
Remember, many folks who go to HFJs hang small 100s to 500s and once a major contender comes into play, they'll think twice before hanging anything, thus the reason for this plot.

So, wif this plan, u can shack her as and when time permits u to, and also, allow u a back door at the end of 2 weeks.
As to why i dun advise anyone to be to generous is this:
If there're 2 shops that sells BMWs opposite each other along a road, one sells model A for 100k but the one across the street sells 150K for the same model, why pay 150K for the same model when you can save 50k and get the same thing?????? Makes sense?

Bro DYBJ, the wisdom in your plan is much much appreciated. As for the price, of course you are right that we shouldn't overpay for the exact same thing. I'm new to the game, and my initial thoughts were that the numbers that I quoted were reasonable, especially to singers who are used to seeing numbers like this being thrown around (admittedly, I'm using money from my perspective-- i.e. how much would I be willing to pay for a nice piece of meat). My above questions seek to give me some additional information on money from their perspective (i.e. how much would be sufficient to entice them). If the same objective can be achieved with say half the money then all the better-- I can do it twice as frequently!!

27-08-2009, 06:03 PM
You are fast worker... just got a new BY and dump liaoz. Who's the name target? kekeke. Any chance of catching her this coming Wed at TAM? :p

I never keep more than 2 weeks.....though its said to be a month
The new one, not yet bro, me patient la, somemore singer, different way of reeling in

28-08-2009, 05:04 PM
I never keep more than 2 weeks.....though its said to be a month
The new one, not yet bro, me patient la, somemore singer, different way of reeling in

My records ain't too good as well... once tasted, I will move on. The most 3 to 4 weeks but in reality 2 weeks timeframe is good enough for me. :D

My new target LL will prove to be a significant challenge, but I hope to have the same patience as you do. ;)

29-08-2009, 08:34 AM
Bro Rolec, for me the most important masterstroke of them all is guru Justime's advice of collecting rejection. Last time everytime before i approach a gal, dam stress & kan cheong. and when kena rejected will feel devasted the whole day (& sumtime longer). tks to guru Justime, i now know tat it is a self esteem issue & will take the necessary action to correct it.

not to say, now like casanova, any gal can approach. still got kan cheong. but now can 鼓起勇气 (take courage) by focusing collecting rejection. tis way, either she say yes or no, i win. very empowering perspective to carry according to bro justime by "setting yurself up for success".

just to share w u, since we are same same bro novice when cum to hving gals: guru justime actually 'force' me to drop him a little note everyday for one week on my rejection collection. need to email him wat time, where & general appearance of the gal tat rejected me. at first dam scared, but bcos he spent his valuable time coaching me & lend me money, i feel sorta obligated. so i force myself to act on it. by the time one week pass, notice tat it get easier, i now very less stress when talking to strangers.

i oso use wat guru justime taught me & apply it in my real life. wat he says work leh. from almost zero, i now got go out on date with at least six new gals. not beauty queen i must say but among them got one w some chemistry, wh i will def follow up. .... now can talk abt not 'forsake forest for one tree'. (last time wl prob worship her feet if gal got some chemistry w me).

as for my mini 'mistress' venture with EE, had another rd of ST @ $100. sex shiokalala!

wat i like is EE never kpkb wen take bus/mrt w me (instead of taxi). EE got initially ask me to booking her 4 her time (she don't feel like working tat day), i refuse & say only $100 plus must got sex.... she 接受 n wat's more she never show attitude thruout our time tog!

sure, like to cheong w u soon. wait for sep pay day first okay bro? ;)

i felt sad on rejection last time too. makes me feel like im so desperate n lousy about myself. but after reading this thread, i am MOTIVATED! especially ur real life example! :)

any time also can cheong! Got mountain no worry about lack of wood to burn! mandarin not too good. hope some Master bro can translate better... haha!

29-08-2009, 01:58 PM
Bro Rolec, for me the most important masterstroke of them all is guru Justime's advice of collecting rejection. Last time everytime before i approach a gal, dam stress & kan cheong. and when kena rejected will feel devasted the whole day (& sumtime longer). tks to guru Justime, i now know tat it is a self esteem issue & will take the necessary action to correct it.

not to say, now like casanova, any gal can approach. still got kan cheong. but now can 鼓起勇气 (take courage) by focusing collecting rejection. tis way, either she say yes or no, i win. very empowering perspective to carry according to bro justime by "setting yurself up for success".

just to share w u, since we are same same bro novice when cum to hving gals: guru justime actually 'force' me to drop him a little note everyday for one week on my rejection collection. need to email him wat time, where & general appearance of the gal tat rejected me. at first dam scared, but bcos he spent his valuable time coaching me & lend me money, i feel sorta obligated. so i force myself to act on it. by the time one week pass, notice tat it get easier, i now very less stress when talking to strangers.

i oso use wat guru justime taught me & apply it in my real life. wat he says work leh. from almost zero, i now got go out on date with at least six new gals. not beauty queen i must say but among them got one w some chemistry, wh i will def follow up. .... now can talk abt not 'forsake forest for one tree'. (last time wl prob worship her feet if gal got some chemistry w me).

as for my mini 'mistress' venture with EE, had another rd of ST @ $100. sex shiokalala!

wat i like is EE never kpkb wen take bus/mrt w me (instead of taxi). EE got initially ask me to booking her 4 her time (she don't feel like working tat day), i refuse & say only $100 plus must got sex.... she 接受 n wat's more she never show attitude thruout our time tog!

sure, like to cheong w u soon. wait for sep pay day first okay bro? ;)

yes, rejection not easy to handle. feel lousy abt myself when that happens many times. been telling myself to stop feeling negative. after reading this thread, feel MOTIVATED!

Wah! u seem to learn well, got good deal for EE. Maybe next time if i also got mini "mistress", we can go double mistressing? :D

On lah! cheong when $$ is replenished!

29-08-2009, 03:01 PM
Bro sing11235813, apologies, i seemed to have missed your post.
Ok here i go.

I'm guessing that (please correct me every place you see a "??"):
- The singers are paid a fixed salary every month-- about $2K??
- In return, they work every night (from 9pm to 1am??); and have to get flowers totaling $6K??
- They personally get 60%?? of the value of flowers hung on them
- If they fall short of the $6K total, 60%?? of the shortfall gets deducted from their salary

So, assuming my numbers above:
- If they exactly meet the target of $6K, then their total takings is $2K + 0.6*$6K = $5.6K??
- If they fall short and say only got $4K, then their total takings is $2K + 0.6*$4K - 0.6*$2K = $3.2K??
- If they exceed and got $10K, then their total takings is $2K + 0.6*$10K = $8K??

1st, singers are here totally as an monetary asset to any HFJ joint.
Meaning, they dun get any salary, what they earn, they split wif the company
If they dun earn good, the company will not hesitate to send them back.

Now, Different places have different targets to hit
Also, depending on joints, the % split may also differ.
Let me give you an example:
Joint has a minimum target of 6K per month per singer.
If singer can't hit 6k, she has to top up the difference from her own pocket.
As the earnings increase, the split % will also change.

6K and below: 50/50 split
8k & below: 70/30 split Where 70% is singer and 30 is joint
10k and above: 80/20 split
Bear in mind, the minimum split amount of 50/50 based on 6k is mandatory, meaning, any amount above 6k will be split based on new % but the 50/50 split based on 6k still applies
Did i loose you here???
Note, this isnt all, there are many deductions that will go on in their earnings, like tips for the masses aka mummy and waiters which will take up a very small % of what their split is, the one who does their employment and permit papers etc etc usually 500bucks a month, again, different joints, diff deductions.
Most importantly, is 买场
Although diff HFJs have diff prices for 买场, it is very important to find out if this is added into their flower tally.
Some places 买场 whole nite like DC, is 1k
Armani is 800
Mirage is 600 and so on
If 买场 is not added to flower tally for the singer, then a bit headache liao.
So, even if you 买场, company 50/50 split outright but her flower tally no change, this is also a move to IN-PRISON the singer at the joint

So its very important to find out about this.
Hope this answers your question 1 & 2

Next set of questions are:
- What percentage of the singers already have BY patrons?
- Among those that don't have BY patrons, what percentage can always successfully far exceed their target every month (say average >$10K flowers per month)?
- Among those that don't have BY patrons, what percentage always struggle month to month and get their pay docked regularly (say average <$5K flowers per month)?

There are signs and intel that i mentioned to you that you'll need.
The most common signs are 买场 and also, missing in action on weekends.
Most successful singers will 买场 on weekends so like working on a 5 day week roster.
Depending on the BY patron, some may actually have more than 1 without the other even knowing, that's why, intel is crucial!
Some, u dun even have to mention the BY word. Just hang a thousand or 2 on them, ask them to go overnight wif you, no probs and no violent objection.
But if you met her for the 1st time and ask her for ST, she'll outright tell u she aint no whore.....same shit but act more class la lol
Also, there are those that outright will do ST, so again, different singer, diff style

As for those who cant hit min per month, in 2 months if they still cant improve, they'll be sent home!

Remember the HFJ you go to, diff joints will require you to use diff tactics and approach.
In high end places like DC, LP, they will go all out to seek BY else they'll sure die, cos patrons there hang monster flowers, and small flower hangers will shy away from even hanging the 100-500 flowers
But if you go places like Armani, Macau or other lower end joints, where flowers can start from as low as 20 bucks, then there'll be more room for a tug of war.
Many small flowers daily can really add up in a month, so apply your approach very carefully!

Bro DYBJ, the wisdom in your plan is much much appreciated. As for the price, of course you are right that we shouldn't overpay for the exact same thing. I'm new to the game, and my initial thoughts were that the numbers that I quoted were reasonable, especially to singers who are used to seeing numbers like this being thrown around (admittedly, I'm using money from my perspective-- i.e. how much would I be willing to pay for a nice piece of meat). My above questions seek to give me some additional information on money from their perspective (i.e. how much would be sufficient to entice them). If the same objective can be achieved with say half the money then all the better-- I can do it twice as frequently!!

Remember, what u say is right, but...if a singer doesnt have a sugar daddy, she can choose to eat shit or still get BY though not at her desired amount.
Never be too generous is the name of the game but also, dun show that you're a cheapskate!
My personal advise to you is, to go after those that are 1st time here, not even on social pass but 1st time here
Screw her history in the motherland but once they're here for the 1st time, quick hand quick leg go & get 1st blood.
Like i always say, they are SG Virgins.
Most lao jiaos would find out about this when new singers arrive that why again, intel is crucial.
That's Y, at those joints that i frequent, everytime a new singer has landed and has not even started work yet, the people there will already inform me of this new blood.
Those that come here to sing more that once liao, mark my words, kenna makan breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper like no bodies business already before and dun be surprised, still have old flame flings that will never appear at her working place!

29-08-2009, 04:27 PM
Screw her history in the motherland but once they're here for the 1st time, quick hand quick leg go & get 1st blood.
Like i always say, they are SG Virgins.
Most lao jiaos would find out about this when new singers arrive that why again, intel is crucial.
That's Y, at those joints that i frequent, everytime a new singer has landed and has not even started work yet, the people there will already inform me of this new blood.
Those that come here to sing more that once liao, mark my words, kenna makan breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper like no bodies business already before and dun be surprised, still have old flame flings that will never appear at her working place!

still have old flame flings that will never appear at her working place
Is these a typo error, very misleading. :D

I notice your points like SSE also have minor correction huh. :eek:

29-08-2009, 04:33 PM
still have old flame flings that will never appear at her working place
Is these a typo error, very misleading. :D

I notice your points like SSE also have minor correction huh. :eek:

Old flings means old supporters / carrot heads that never appear but is always at their back and call. They meet them for their rendezvous but won't necessarily go to their working place to support them.

Ah ya, the points, yeah, zapped like 40 odd points in another thread hahahaha but well worth every point hehehe

29-08-2009, 04:43 PM
Hi bro Rolec,

No, I wont say I'm "successful" bcos it's a hit-n-miss game. But It's always very exciting n thrilling attempting to pick up chio SYTs, hehehe. Best of all, it's absolutely FREE. At the very least, my skin is getting thicker n thicker n I'm closer n closer to becoming a fearless, overconfident n unflappable gentleman.:p

Many bros talk abt playability in KTVs. I'm not interested in just that. I want their pussies, either ST or BY.

Good day!!

Yes, i can feel the excitement picking up SYT n the ultimate satisfaction of getting them n their pussies by reading this thread! :D

Fearless, overconfident n flappable gentleman. will focus on these qualities in my mind in the pursuit of sextisfaction... :)

29-08-2009, 05:00 PM
Ah ya, the points, yeah, zapped like 40 odd points in another thread hahahaha but well worth every point hehehe

Why worry about the points? They never make you a real person, they are never real wealth or health. We are here to make friends and share experiences, at least for me.

Some make it like a CV point of reference, I would rather have a good whiskey and some good pussies than the points. :D Other than that, I am just an insignificant noob. kekeke.

29-08-2009, 05:01 PM
Why worry about the points? They never make you a real person, they are never real wealth or health. We are here to make friends and share experiences, at least for me.

I would rather have a good whiskey and some good pussies than the points. :D

Exactly LDH, just replying to someone who asked me about my point only nia hehe

31-08-2009, 11:46 AM
Yes, i can feel the excitement picking up SYT n the ultimate satisfaction of getting them n their pussies by reading this thread! :D

Fearless, overconfident n flappable gentleman. will focus on these qualities in my mind in the pursuit of sextisfaction... :)

Hi bro Rolec,

Yes, it's exciting n satisfying.

We hv not heard from TS bro justime for some time. I'm beginning to miss his wise words n insights.

I hv recently come to realize that to attract a bevy of chio SYTs, first n foremost, I must improve my perceived rating on the Male Dominance Scale.

Once I hv attracted a chio SYT, I must quickly establish rapport w/ her n, subsequently, take every oppty to strenghten my emotional bond w/ her...make it stronger n stronger. She will become so emotionally dependent on me that she may fall for me, hahaha. But how to do it? Evoke and/or share strong emotional experiences w/ her.

There r several proven methods. One way is to be a hero n rescue her from life-n-death situations, from gang rape, drowning, etc...these rescues could be staged of course.

A much easier n equally effective method, although it will take much longer, is to use words n language to induce strong emotional responses. Telling her creative n funny jokes is a good start. Then follow up w/ some BS stories using descriptive n vivid terms, repeat n expand...get her neuro hormonal transmitters flowing freely...use ur voice as a DRUG n you will arouse her sexually w/o her realizing what is happening. ;) Carpet bomb her w/ these WORDS n STORIES. Repeat w/ some variations, again n again. Evoke "Meta-feelings," or emotions abt emotions, and emotions abt
emotions abt emotions. You will become the hero in a romance novel...HER romance novel.:D

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

31-08-2009, 01:19 PM
Hi bro Rolec,

Yes, it's exciting n satisfying.

We hv not heard from TS bro justime for some time. I'm beginning to miss his wise words n insights.

I hv recently come to realize that to attract a bevy of chio SYTs, first n foremost, I must improve my perceived rating on the Male Dominance Scale.


emotions abt emotions. You will become the hero in a romance novel...HER romance novel.:D

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

U r really moving up the ladder very very fast....:p

31-08-2009, 05:18 PM
take every oppty to strenghten my emotional bond w/ her...make it stronger n stronger. She will become so emotionally dependent on me that she may fall for me, hahaha.

Then follow up w/ some BS stories using descriptive n vivid terms, repeat n expand...get her neuro hormonal transmitters flowing freely...use ur voice as a DRUG n you will arouse her sexually w/o her realizing what is happening. ;) Carpet bomb her w/ these WORDS n STORIES. Repeat w/ some variations, again n again. Evoke "Meta-feelings," or emotions abt emotions, :D

These are some techniques I sometime used to "sian" PRC babes beside cold hard cash....hehehe:D But bro Master warbird is much skillful la...:;)

01-09-2009, 01:29 AM
Just like to drop by to say a quick hello to all readers. Sorry for not contributing recently but I am rather busy lately with acquisitions: mostly in the business sense! But I do have some exciting news to share with regards to my non business acquisition which is germane to this thread. This I will share very soon.

I have followed the discussions in this thread and "Picking up Outside KTV” thread despite not showing up by way of postings. Thoroughly enjoyed the discussions and sharing of stories and strategies. In particular, the reality dimension in the application of various mistressing stratagems. Will add my ‘two cents’ to these in a bit.

U r really moving up the ladder very very fast..../QUOTE]

[QUOTE=marc5;4062324]……some techniques I sometime used to "sian" PRC babes beside cold hard cash....But bro Master warbird is much skillful la...

Agree with you there bro Fisher and bro marc, Bro Warbird has indeed, with great alacrity, climbed up the mistress evolutionary ladder. He is now perched at least two rungs above me!


We hv not heard from TS bro justime for some time. I'm beginning to miss his wise words n insights.

I hv recently come to realize that to attract a bevy of chio SYTs, first n foremost, I must improve my perceived rating on the Male Dominance Scale………

A much easier n equally effective method, although it will take much longer, is to use words n language to induce strong emotional responses. Telling her creative n funny jokes is a good start. Then follow up w/ some BS stories using descriptive n vivid terms, repeat n expand...get her neuro hormonal transmitters flowing freely...use ur voice as a DRUG n you will arouse her sexually w/o her realizing what is happening... Carpet bomb her w/ these WORDS n STORIES. Repeat w/ some variations, again n again. Evoke "Meta-feelings," or emotions abt emotions, and emotions abt
emotions abt emotions. You will become the hero in a romance novel...HER romance novel.

Miss you too Bro! :)

The strategies you described are Neuro-linguistic Programing based strategies. It is generally effective and forms the bulwark of most Success coaching paradigm today (such as Anthony Robbins and even Adam Khoo / Barny Wee locally).

Do know that aspects of NLP has been modified to “speed seduction” techniques and have spawned a sub genre in the fine art of “buaya-ing”.

Although, many seduction technique authors do mention cultural variables, it is often cursory and not substantive. There is also a slightly ‘western’ slant (which still useful given that humans beings are mostly the same everywhere). Also do know however, that seduction techniques espoused by these authors need fine tuning – more so if applied in the KTV scene.

BTW, some local wannabe publish the art of seduction in the Singapore context, but it is so steeped in political correctness that I laughed outright. One of the funniest piece of “fiction” (too divorced from real life to classify as self help or non fiction) that I have read in ages! I am only concerned with what works – not sounds good and 'looks like it might work' theoretical abstractions!

A quick advice – like my strategies outlined in this thread, always determine its efficacy against your personal context. If NLP does not resonate or work for you, use other strategies that do. There is no one universal success tool. You can and should borrow techniques from the giants of success technologies (none bigger than the NLP in my personal opinion); experiment (and adapt if need be) to see what works for you in the context of your real life. Also be aware that everything is in a state of flux. What you read here may work now, but may not be so effective two years down the road. Remember: Litmus test precepts against the success as it pertains to your personal life.

Little anecdote about NLP and me: I have met Milton Erikson, an instrumental member of the NLP movement as well as a successful psychiatrist known for his ability to help the most difficult patients change their destructive behaviour. Many adherent/followers there revered him (much like Steve Jobs) and conferred him such God-like status that I am slightly taken aback when I attended one such gathering. (Such is the power of hype). To me, his lectures and works while very good, is not exactly mind blowing! And Milton is not exactly a very compelling speaker as well.

Gotta end here for now … (sorry for keeping you a little more in a suspense mode before I divulge my little non business acquisition).

Cheers everyone & keep em discussion going! :cool:

01-09-2009, 03:11 AM
Tried to sleep but unable to do so as my mind is still quite active. Thought is best to post a little something while awaiting Morpheus’ (Greek God of Dreams – not the Matrix Trilogy character) visit.

So many developments in the BY – Mistress front that I don’t know where to start, so I shall take the most expedient route and begin with a summary of the 'old' story before narrating the later development.

An update on the “old”:

1) I have relieved CG (ex PRC waitress) of my patronage. I find that I am beginning to get irritated with her constant demands to see/meet me despite knowing my hectic business schedule. I am also bored with her. This boredom is exacerbated by the fact that I am engaged with several new prospecgt that I want to bring into my patronage (initial novelty always seems more compelling).

CG is not taking the news very well. And I have to expand considerable effort to help her see through this. As a generalization, the problem with taking in non KTV WL is that they are more emotionally vulnerable / fragile. Monetary inducement(s) consideration constitutes a lesser percentage of their overall schema in accepting you as a Patron.

2) Paeng, my Thai Mistress, will no longer be classified as a Mistress in the context of this thread as I do not support her monetarily anymore. (Our spa business is doing rather well). She is now my business partner cum FB. Or given the rather intimate times we share recently, could even be said to be my girl friend. (Note that despite this change of status, I will not accept any nonsense and curtail my freedom in order to indulge her. Indulgence on my part has to be wholly voluntary on my part i.e. I want to indulge her and NOT because of any emotional blackmails or amorphous ‘sense’ of obligation on what constitutes a boyfriend role should be).

3) I am still in contact with XH (my hybrid gf-mistress). As to be expected, she is badgering me to send her money so that she can come to SIN again. (Note that she couched it in terms that she misses you so much and other sweet wayangs. She made it seem like the fairy tale beast longing/pining for beauty when she is absent.

Bros, you must learn to inure yourself against these Sweet Wayang trappings and not concern yourself whether it is borne out of genuineness of not. If not, you will be vulnarable to exploitation!)

4) With the blessings of Mistress Brotherhood, I sampled Xin2. (Got more to share on their latest projects).

Terrence basically moved on and decided not take Xin2 as his mistress anymore. (Ladies wanting to land a Patron take note: while playing hard to get can flame an interest in a man, playing too hard to get may backfire especially if the man has multiple options and hates the bother of a sustained chase).

Yes, Xin2 skin is everything I imagined it to be. Fair and nicely textured like fine silk. What’s more exciting is that Xin2 is willing to play the submissive in any S&M role you suggest (Mike’s training?). We bought a gag ball (from a sex shop in SIN), gagged her like a horse’s bit and rode her doggy fashion as I slapped her ass. Red palm marks against white skin of her butt is highly erotic. To make it all very incongruous (and ultimately sexy) is Xin2 looked so demure (like classic fragile porcelain Chinese beauty), yet allows or even suggest to be saddled and straddled this way.

Don’t want to give an elaborate narration of the sexploits at this point of time as it may ruin my prospect of sleep. I still get a hard on thinking about it!

Anyway, bottom line is that she is now proposing to be my mistress at $4, 000 a month but she is allowed to work. She will skip work anytime I choose in order to indulge me. Xin2 is also currently in China to visit her family. I am supposed to give her an answer in two weeks when my schedule is a little less daunting!. In my context, very few PRC takes initiative or can be sexually adventurous to the extent that she is. I am sorely tempted to say yes at this point in time!

5) M, my FB went back to Vietnam. I think she has passed her “beautician” exam and will be looking for slightly longer stay in Singapore with an “S” pass. I have met M’s sister (whom I was supposed to introduce to Bro Warbird). She is pretty although on a short side. My hunch of her bearing her sister’s genetics in the mammary department is correct. She is well endowed despite being in a small package. Only drawback with her is that her command of Chinese and English is very poor. Verbal communication is a challenge.

Now come the exciting part. M will be talking to her friends to see if anyone of them is interested in becoming mistress. They are mainly beauticians (and even one virgin I am told). My criteria to them is that they have to be below 22 years old and must not work in entertainment joints heretofore. At the time of writing, there is already one interested party.

Sorry guys got to end here … sleepy already. Stay tuned…….

01-09-2009, 10:49 AM
U r really moving up the ladder very very fast....:p

Hi bro Fischer,

Not really, it's more like climbing up 2 feet, then sliding down 1 3/4 feet on a very slippery totem pole!!

But I'm going to hang tough...these PRC MMs r worthy n formidable opponents n conquering them is not for the faint of heart...

Thx to the counseling of Mr. Austin n bro justime, I hope to emerge from the many battles a bit bruised but relatively unscathed. ;)

These are some techniques I sometime used to "sian" PRC babes beside cold hard cash....hehehe But bro Master warbird is much skillful la...

Hi bro marc5,

You're the "old hand" at this game n I hv observed ur masterful actions, hahaha.

See u tonite. BTW, Master DYBJ may drop by for 10 min n then go to the 4th fl to QC the singers, hehehe.

Why dun we invite the other Master bro justime to join us at DC HH? I do miss him too.


Just like to drop by to say a quick hello to all readers. Sorry for not contributing recently but I am rather busy lately with acquisitions: mostly in the business sense! But I do have some exciting news to share with regards to my non business acquisition which is germane to this thread. This I will share very soon.

Miss you too Bro!

The strategies you described are Neuro-linguistic Programing based strategies. It is generally effective and forms the bulwark of most Success coaching paradigm today (such as Anthony Robbins and even Adam Khoo / Barny Wee locally).

Do know that aspects of NLP has been modified to “speed seduction” techniques and have spawned a sub genre in the fine art of “buaya-ing”.

Although, many seduction technique authors do mention cultural variables, it is often cursory and not substantive. There is also a slightly ‘western’ slant (which still useful given that humans beings are mostly the same everywhere). Also do know however, that seduction techniques espoused by these authors need fine tuning – more so if applied in the KTV scene.

A quick advice – like my strategies outlined in this thread, always determine its efficacy against your personal context. If NLP does not resonate or work for you, use other strategies that do. There is no one universal success tool. You can and should borrow techniques from the giants of success technologies (none bigger than the NLP in my personal opinion); experiment (and adapt if need be) to see what works for you in the context of your real life. Also be aware that everything is in a state of flux. What you read here may work now, but may not be so effective two years down the road. Remember: Litmus test precepts against the success as it pertains to your personal life.

Little anecdote about NLP and me: I have met Milton Erikson, an instrumental member of the NLP movement as well as a successful psychiatrist .................................................. ....
Gotta end here for now … (sorry for keeping you a little more in a suspense mode before I divulge my little non business acquisition......

Dear bro justime,

Welcome back!!! I did miss u a lot!!!

If I hv made any tiny progress up that slippery totem pole, I owe most of it to YOU n Master DYBJ aka Mr. Austin, hehehe.

The depth n width of ur knowledge n strategies on the many aspects of "mistress" or "Bao Yang" r simply AWESOME. Unlike me, u also hv vast n diverse real-life experiences in this game n discipline. Furthermore, u r well versed in NLP n other seduction methods...

May I invite u to join bro marc5 n me n other bros tonite at DC HH? Master DYBJ may drop by to say hello, before proceeding to the 4th fl to sample the singers!

I also like to intro u to a fast rising lion in the scene of BY. His name is bro LDH, who is young, handsome, charming n rich n a serial BAO-er!! I go there tonite just to learn his new strategies re his latest quarry who is posing quite a challenge.

Tried to sleep but unable to do so as my mind is still quite active. Thought is best to post a little something while awaiting Morpheus’ (Greek God of Dreams – not the Matrix Trilogy character) visit.

So many developments in the BY – Mistress front that I don’t know where to start, so I shall take the most expedient route and begin with a summary of the 'old' story before narrating the later development.

An update on the “old”:

1) I have relieved CG (ex PRC waitress) of my patronage. I find that I am beginning to get irritated with her constant demands to see/meet me despite knowing my hectic business schedule. ....
2) Paeng, my Thai Mistress, will no longer be classified as a Mistress in the context of this thread as I do not support her monetarily anymore. (Our spa business is doing rather well). She is now my business partner cum FB....

3) I am still in contact with XH (my hybrid gf-mistress). As to be expected, she is badgering me to send her money so that she can come to SIN again....

Bros, you must learn to inure yourself against these Sweet Wayang trappings and not concern yourself whether it is borne out of genuineness of not. If not, you will be vulnarable to exploitation!)

4) With the blessings of Mistress Brotherhood, I sampled Xin2. (Got more to share on their latest projects).

Yes, Xin2 skin is everything I imagined it to be. Fair and nicely textured like fine silk. What’s more exciting is that Xin2 is willing to play the submissive in any S&M role you suggest (Mike’s training?). We bought a gag ball (from a sex shop in SIN), gagged her like a horse’s bit and rode her doggy fashion as I slapped her ass......

Anyway, bottom line is that she is now proposing to be my mistress at $4, 000 a month but she is allowed to work.....

5) M, my FB went back to Vietnam. I think she has passed her “beautician” exam and will be looking for slightly longer stay in Singapore with an “S” pass. I have met M’s sister (whom I was supposed to introduce to Bro Warbird). She is pretty although on a short side. My hunch of her bearing her sister’s genetics in the mammary department is correct. She is well endowed despite being in a small package. Only drawback with her is that her command of Chinese and English is very poor. Verbal communication is a challenge.

Now come the exciting part. M will be talking to her friends to see if anyone of them is interested in becoming mistress. They are mainly beauticians (and even one virgin I am told). My criteria to them is that they have to be below 22 years old and must not work in entertainment joints heretofore. At the time of writing, there is already one interested party.

Sorry guys got to end here … sleepy already. Stay tuned…….

My dear bro justime,

Ths for detailing ur many "sexploits." They r just amazing!!

I'm truly humbled as I hv much to learn n a very long way to climb up that proverbial totem pole.:(:(

BTW, I hv NEVER tasted a VN pussy n would be delighted if u could intro a chio one to me for BY on my next trip here.

BTW, JJ was displeased that recently I canceled my trip to HK. She was looking forward to meeting me there for 4 days.

Ths n hv a great day!!

01-09-2009, 11:07 AM
Hi bro marc5,

You're the "old hand" at this game n I hv observed ur masterful actions, hahaha.

See u tonite. BTW, Master DYBJ may drop by for 10 min n then go to the 4th fl to QC the singers, hehehe.

Why dun we invite the other Master bro justime to join us at DC HH? I do miss him too.

Hi bro warbird, I'm a play-play-only player with no long term strategic goal. As you know I'm into short term deals. Build the emotion and desire, have a passionate bonk and move on;)

Yes, it would be our pleasure to invite bro DYBJ and bro justime to join us. To have grand masters bro DYBJ and bro justime in person to provide a hands-on crash course would be priceless...:D

01-09-2009, 12:02 PM
..while awaiting Morpheus’ (Greek God of Dreams – not the Matrix Trilogy character) visit.
2) Paeng, my Thai Mistress, will no longer be classified as a Mistress in the context of this thread ...now my business partner cum FB. Or given the rather intimate times we share recently, could even be said to be my girl friend. …….
Mind boggles, how do you juggle so many balls? Your outlook planner must be chock-a-block with events:p Not in you guys super league, but this thread makes more than a interesting read. So many life giving experiences (or lessons?):D
always determine its efficacy against your personal context. Remember: Litmus test precepts against the success as it pertains to your personal life.
Nothing further from truth. Acid test is contingent on one's situation (or predicament!). Just like my (hybrid?) side dish case;)

01-09-2009, 01:13 PM
Hi bro marc5,

You're the "old hand" at this game n I hv observed ur masterful actions, hahaha.

See u tonite. BTW, Master DYBJ may drop by for 10 min n then go to the 4th fl to QC the singers, hehehe.

Why dun we invite the other Master bro justime to join us at DC HH? I do miss him too.


Indeed bro Marc5 is really an old hand at this game, but he is always so humble about his conquests. I have observed him, his dialogues and physcial (non-sexual nor sensual type... hee hee) exchanges and the cues he would gave to his gals were subtle yet powerful. Silent killer is the definition I would award to bro Marc5.

May I invite u to join bro marc5 n me n other bros tonite at DC HH? Master DYBJ may drop by to say hello, before proceeding to the 4th fl to sample the singers!

I also like to intro u to a fast rising lion in the scene of BY. His name is bro LDH, who is young, handsome, charming n rich n a serial BAO-er!! I go there tonite just to learn his new strategies re his latest quarry who is posing quite a challenge.

If bro DYBJ drops by tonight, I will follow him to 4th floor as promised yesterday. You'll shed blood but must never shed a promise to a good bro. :D

Me a lion? Noooo.... :eek: Handsome? Forget it lah. Charming? I would rather use this in my business dealings - more funds for my meat business in DC, TAM and LV. Hahaha. I am more like a monkey trying to find his juicy banana. In alls honesty, I really love hairy oysters. :D

LL has proven to be really a major major conquest - this is something I really like. The more difficult the task, the more it intrigues me. I am game for this after coming out with 3-0 victories over 2 months. Ride on the high manz... but lets hope I am not flatenned to the ground after this... I would rather to dead-beaten in bed. Whahahaha.

Bro Warbird, you are doing very well with your gals. Your emotional influencing game is very strong and you played your monetary-stoke to almost a pitch perfect sync. Yes, I have been observing you as well.

The take away from the KTV parties we had over the last 1+ month made us (at least for me) to share and learn different strategies in overcoming the PRC human machines - good to use, yet cold and emotionless all the times. We need to stir them up good in my opinion.


01-09-2009, 01:37 PM
yet cold and emotionless all the times. We need to stir them up good in my opinion

You all so heartless, make so many MeiMeis sob sob:mad:
Evil men you all are:D
Lucky i'm not like you all:o
I have a heart......but i just cant remember where i left it at that's all

01-09-2009, 02:10 PM
So glad tat bro justime is back! I too miss his insights & wonderful writing tat help me improve my ang mo (learnt tat "Morpheus" = Greek God of Dream today) :D

I aso enjoy being a silent member of the mistress brotherhood at this forum. fun to live through all the master eyes and learn from all their experience.

I remember one advice by bro justime tat if u want success, whether gals or other dreams, you must "go out to the field if not it will remain in the realm of wishful thinking" ...... "get yur feet wet if u want a wet pussy". i hv taken tis lesson to heart & applied it in my life. gotta say tat tis is correct, my love life got improve. but then hor, when start from near zero makes it easy to improve.

i too got hybrid 'mistress' in EE, but a lao yah one when compare to u guys! never the less at least i got the taste of negotiation for pussy rights. quite fun & i can see how it can be addictive.

Bro justime: got to share one dam lao qui thing. In tis forum & stomp & otr media, we see a man kena whack in the balls by his gf & he meekly submit. at 1st i laugh jialat jilat & call him eunach, no balls, lao kui, sorry excuse for man etc .... but later take an honest look at myself. althou i never kena such punishment, if put in same situ maybe l may react like him ("psychological castration" as one bro say). i remember letting my ex scold me & i tiam tiam simply bcos i scared to lose her. Not anymore tis ting can happen to me ......... tks to u & all bros here.

i realise now know how important it is to hv empower in relationship. & wl operate frm tat aspect frm now on. :D

01-09-2009, 05:02 PM
Hi bro Rolec,

Yes, it's exciting n satisfying.

We hv not heard from TS bro justime for some time. I'm beginning to miss his wise words n insights.

I hv recently come to realize that to attract a bevy of chio SYTs, first n foremost, I must improve my perceived rating on the Male Dominance Scale.

Once I hv attracted a chio SYT, I must quickly establish rapport w/ her n, subsequently, take every oppty to strenghten my emotional bond w/ her...make it stronger n stronger. She will become so emotionally dependent on me that she may fall for me, hahaha. But how to do it? Evoke and/or share strong emotional experiences w/ her.

There r several proven methods. One way is to be a hero n rescue her from life-n-death situations, from gang rape, drowning, etc...these rescues could be staged of course.

A much easier n equally effective method, although it will take much longer, is to use words n language to induce strong emotional responses. Telling her creative n funny jokes is a good start. Then follow up w/ some BS stories using descriptive n vivid terms, repeat n expand...get her neuro hormonal transmitters flowing freely...use ur voice as a DRUG n you will arouse her sexually w/o her realizing what is happening. ;) Carpet bomb her w/ these WORDS n STORIES. Repeat w/ some variations, again n again. Evoke "Meta-feelings," or emotions abt emotions, and emotions abt
emotions abt emotions. You will become the hero in a romance novel...HER romance novel.:D

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro Warbird
Thanks for ur wise sharing! I did use a little of what u mentioned about sharing emotional discussions. Also read that in mystery method. but in my earlier experience, i lost out to another competition. both becoz i was very tied up at work n also greenhorn in following up n did not do you said on "expanding". but i did find that it worked a little. Not to be daunted, i will cont to improve on this area. Also read Bro Justime abt NLP. Cool man!

Camping here to read more inspiration!


02-09-2009, 08:09 AM
Great nite guys.
It was really great to finally meet bro Fishcer, Davo, Marc5 and of course, WarBird and Loving Dickhead again......
1stly, finally i lost my virginity as it was my HH outing, thanks to WarBird & Loving Dickhead hahahahaha
The whole lot of you are awesome man, and not forgetting, all so steady, from 2nd floor proceed to 4th floor for SH and for those bros who left early, you guys missed the grand appearance of our very own Latex Dolly hehehehe
She came all the way from Kabuki to say hello to us...wat an honour

As for future HH sessions, I think i'll skip future ones bros, the timing like kinda weird, dun even have time to have a proper dinner, relak abit, smoke a cigarette and watch a bit of TV etc etc, and also, old liao, if cheong from 6pm all the way to 2 plus, can die bolls, plus this message was typed when i just came home and have not slept yet reason which I'll post a little shortly.
Now i need to go take a nice shower, a bit of breakfast and then will come back and continue why this post came out so late, which our dear sis Latex Dolly bears bears witness to hehehehe

02-09-2009, 08:20 AM
Great nite guys.
I was really great to finally meet bro Fishcer, Davo, Marc5 and of course, WarBird and Loving Dickhead again......
1stly, finally i lost my virginity as it was my HH outing, thanks to WarBird & Loving Dickhead hahahahaha
The whole lot of you are awesome man, and not forgetting, all so steady, from 2nd floor proceed to 4th floor for SH and for those bros who left early, you guys missed the grand appearance of our very own Latex Dolly hehehehe
She came all the way from Kabuki to say hello to us...wat an honour

As for future HH sessions, I think i'll skip future ones bros, the timing like kinda weird, dun even have time to have a proper dinner, relak abit, smoke a cigarette and watch a bit of TV etc etc, and also, old liao, if cheong from 6pm all the way to 2 plus, can die bolls, plus this message was typed when i just came home and have not slept yet reason which I'll post a little shortly.
Now i need to go take a nice shower, a bit of breakfast and then will come back and continue why this post came out so late, which our dear sis Latex Dolly bears bears witness to hehehehe

02-09-2009, 09:00 AM
Post Deleted dunno Y come out so many times

02-09-2009, 09:59 AM
Now for the confession!!!!!!
Last nite, bro fishcer was with 珍珍 but other than just himself, 3 other buaya was eyeing on her.
Namely, bro Marc5, LKY and me.
After we proceeded to 4th floor, bro LKY went down to 2nd level to bring her up this time to sit wif him, of cos wif the blessing from bro fishcer, which was again obvious that bro Marc5 & me were still salivating on this creature lol

Not too long before bro LKY left, he went to the gents, that's when i flashed my mobile at her to get her number which she keyed in without me even saying or asking, guess she knew the drill already. I've noticed that she's been eyeing me since 2nd floor and even my wife told me then.........
Shortly before bro LKY came back in, she asked for mine which i told her.
Bro LKY and her left shortly after in less than 5 mins.
All these happened when bro LKY was not around.
My most deepest apologies to bro LKY

About half an hour later, i received an sms from her that she's home already????
Wif this act, the game begins!!!!
Home already? So fast? LKY didnt bring you supper??
She replied no, he just sent her back that's all and she's now eating froggy porridge a friend brought back.
I said, like that win liao lor, wanna jio u supper to meet you also cannot, you one sms shut all doors from me liao, sms me for wat?
She then replied, she didnt know i wud ask her out for supper even and now makan liao, go out and eat will grow fat blah blah
I told her, if got the heart to meet me, dun give me this kinda BS, got sincerity, keep me company while i eat also good, drink a cup of tea or coffee also can.
Then her reply was drink tea or coffee cant sleep, then i said, stuff it, you're wasting my time.
We were about to leave soon and my phone rang. She called.
She was saying Y i so arrogant to women, i said not women, just you, cos you're wasting my time and this kinda pattern i dun swallow one, meet or dun meet? Won't be another time.
She then said, ok come pick me up and gave me her address.
As I've promised sis Latex Dolly that I'll be sending her back, had to detour to around the vicinity of TAM where she stays to pick her up.
That's Y i said, Latex Dolly bears witness to this hehehehe

Fast Forward...............
After sending Latex Dolly back, we proceeded to a place for makan, and guess wat, she ordered too, this tells me the froggy porridge BS she told me earlier was indeed a scam to prevent u from meeting her but keeping the links open! Smart gal
During this time, it was thief catch thief talk all the way, trapping her, playing mind games, caught her so many times & even told her where she picha lobang so as to ridicule her, and could see she was getting more edgy liao and thus, voice also getting louder.
I decided to change venue cos i noticed the guys on the next table eavesdropping on our conversation.
We proceeded to Labrador Park.
From here on, I had transforms to a nice & sensitive guy which she commented was a very drastic change from what she saw the whole nite.
I replied this face is only shown to people who show's that they're real wif no ill intentions.........this was an attempt to win over her trust!
Seems like it worked, she started to say:

1) There're 3 guys who are chasing her very closely currently
2) She has had sex wif 2 of them already
3) 1 of them, every sunday will meet her & buy all her groceries to feed her

From the above, it is clear to me that she's already financially covered wif the 3 guys combined $$$$$ support
She then said, she's here on tourist visa and 1st time her & will come back again, this time on work permit

So, its clear to me, she either has no boyfriends or has 3 boyfriends
I asked her wat is her targeted $$$$ monthly and she replied straight 7k
Wif that, i said, I BY you for 7K a month, how?
She was shocked & asked, wow so fast.
I said, oh pls, you goin back in about a month or so where got time to drama zebra??????
Moreover, those guys wanna try to KC you but i dun wanna waste time. You know the number of PRCs coming out from our airport daily???? You dun accept, someone else will be more that eager to take this place.
She said, can i think about it & i answer you when i wake up.
I didnt say a word then i started to remember, whilst in the room, LKY tried to kiss her & she turned her face and even if he managed to kiss her on the lips, she'd never open her mouth.
I tried and true enuff, she turned her face.
This time, i held her head and tried again.
She just kissed me on the lips and mouth tightly shut.
I moved a step back & said, if you're gonna be like that, act like some virgin, let call it quits and go home.
I then tried again and this time, zero resistance and a tongue fight ensued!
Hand went up to feel her boobs wif no resistance at all....amazing, nice boobies....hehehehehe

Well, by the time we left, the sun was already rising, so in the car, she showed her LKY's sms's to her, obviously to win my trust and said LKY will surely chase her, then i smiled and told her, i think you know what to do.
Sent her back, and came home.

Now, based on the 3 reasons above, i have also decided not to BY this gal, come her tourist visa already kenna shack twice, worst, a potential STD carrier, thus i already know she'll answer me yes in her return sms but i will tell her that i have also decided to terminate the BY invitation hehehehehe
Though she's appealing, this is one smart woman whom i can feel, has many layers of masks thus lots of lies coming out of her mouth.

End of story hehehehe

02-09-2009, 10:02 AM
I was really great to finally meet bro Fishcer, Davo, Marc5 and of course, WarBird and Loving Dickhead again......

for those bros who left early, you guys missed the grand appearance of our very own Latex Dolly hehehehe
She came all the way from Kabuki to say hello to us...wat an honour

As for future HH sessions, I think i'll skip future ones bros, the timing like kinda weird, dun even have time to have a proper dinner, relak abit, smoke a cigarette and watch a bit of TV etc etc, and also, old liao, if cheong from 6pm all the way to 2 plus, can die bolls,

Morning bro, just cleared my work emails since 8.45AM and found you had already posted three to four posts in SBF. What an energetic grand master (don't you ever sleep?).:D

Indeed, its was a pleasure meeting you last night. Your presence added additional fun dimension to the outing. Two other bros were with us: Max and Andy lau. We played hard from 2nd to 4th and lost a couple of bros along the way ;). I had fun, really, drinking, singing, playing (dice la) and flirting (gals la) the night away - not to mention a good company.

Yeah, finally met the renown Latex Dolly. Too bad, we had too little time left for us to spend time drinking as all of had to call it a day. Hope to have a chance to sit down and had a few good drinks with you again.

Don't say skip HH la. Perhaps skip one time and join us another :)

Thanks guys! Let's do it again.

02-09-2009, 10:10 AM
Now for the confession!!!!!!
Last nite, bro fishcer was with 珍珍 but other than just himself, 3 other buaya was eyeing on her.


Now, based on the 3 reasons above, i have also decided not to BY this gal, come her tourist visa already kenna shack twice, worst, a potential STD carrier, thus i already know she'll answer me yes in her return sms but i will tell her that i have also decided to terminate the BY invitation hehehehehe
Though she's appealing, this is one smart woman whom i can feel, has many layers of masks thus lots of lies coming out of her mouth.

End of story hehehehe

Lol...so it is like dat ah...i did c u eyeing her, Bro LKY earlier had told me abt noticing her b4 i reached, didn't know Bro Marc5 also got eye her. Anyway, u r right abt her being smart, from conversation with her, she may b here a short time, but she still knows her way ard the game. But then, i find no pt to BY her, since she'll only b here for a short period, albeit she will b back, but she can b an outlet for ST. Surprised though dat LKY didn't makan her last nite though...tot he say he wanted...:)

02-09-2009, 10:13 AM
Morning bro, just cleared my work emails since 8.45AM and found you had already posted three to four posts in SBF. What an energetic grand master (don't you ever sleep?).:D

Indeed, its was a pleasure meeting you last night. Your presence added additional fun dimension to the outing. Two other bros were with us: Max and Andy lau. We played hard from 2nd to 4th and lost a couple of bros along the way ;). I had fun, really, drinking, singing, playing (dice la) and flirting (gals la) the night away - not to mention a good company.

Yeah, finally met the renown Latex Dolly. Too bad, we had too little time left for us to spend time drinking as all of had to call it a day. Hope to have a chance to sit down and had a few good drinks with you again.

Don't say skip HH la. Perhaps skip one time and join us another

Thanks guys! Let's do it again.

Great to see u again last nite bro...anyway, really find ur 4th floor lady not too bad...cute in her own way...hope will c u guys again :)

Sigh...missed Latex Dolly...perhaps nxt time :o

02-09-2009, 10:46 AM
Bro Warbird
Thanks for ur wise sharing! I did use a little of what u mentioned about sharing emotional discussions. Also read that in mystery method. but in my earlier experience, i lost out to another competition. both becoz i was very tied up at work n also greenhorn in following up n did not do you said on "expanding". but i did find that it worked a little. Not to be daunted, i will cont to improve on this area. Also read Bro Justime abt NLP. Cool man!

Hi bro Rolec,

We should all become students of NLP n hypnosis...

Lost out to another competition? We should learn to love competition! It is the rocket fuel that will propel us to great heights. It also gives meaning to success. So bring it on!!


Great nite guys.
I was really great to finally meet bro Fishcer, Davo, Marc5 and of course, WarBird and Loving Dickhead again......
1stly, finally i lost my virginity as it was my HH outing, thanks to WarBird & Loving Dickhead hahahahaha
The whole lot of you are awesome man, and not forgetting, all so steady, from 2nd floor proceed to 4th floor for SH and for those bros who left early, you guys missed the grand appearance of our very own Latex Dolly hehehehe
She came all the way from Kabuki to say hello to us...wat an honour
Now i need to go take a nice shower, a bit of breakfast and then will come back and continue why this post came out so late, which our dear sis Latex Dolly bears bears witness to hehehehe

My Dear Mr. Austin,

Ths for coming...you were the life of the party as usual, hehehe.

Too bad I missed my chance to meet the famed LatexDolly...:(


Now for the confession!!!!!!
Last nite, bro fishcer was with 珍珍 but other than just himself, 3 other buaya was eyeing on her.
Namely, bro Marc5, LKY and me.
After we proceeded to 4th floor, bro LKY went down to 2nd level to bring her up this time to sit wif him, of cos wif the blessing from bro fishcer, which was again obvious that bro Marc5 & me were still salivating on this creature lol
.................................................. .....
Now, based on the 3 reasons above, i have also decided not to BY this gal, come her tourist visa already kenna shack twice, worst, a potential STD carrier, thus i already know she'll answer me yes in her return sms but i will tell her that i have also decided to terminate the BY invitation hehehehehe
Though she's appealing, this is one smart woman whom i can feel, has many layers of masks thus lots of lies coming out of her mouth.

End of story hehehehe

Hi Mr. Austin,

Amazing action n drama after I left!

Your detailed FR is very instructive...

Ths n hv a great day!!

02-09-2009, 11:21 AM
End of story hehehehe

Certainly a very fun nite at DC for HH and 4th floor for SH with bros DYBJ, Warbird, Andy_Dave_Lau (aka LKY), Marc5, Fishcer, Max and DavO.

In DC alone, we finished 3 bottles in 2 hours - all thanks to mummy's FA CAI JIU. kekeke.

Some bros may already realised last night that my latest conquest, LL, was surprisingly warm and cosy to me last night. On top of that, she was doing that in front of my bros :D. Marc5 and LKY have seen her in our previous outings where she remained distant and as professional as a still schooling KTV SYT. Apparently, the more senior guy was told by LL that she was taken, but he persisted in calling LL throughout the SH session which I believe some bros have noticed.

Apologies if my bros would have thought I have farked her last night, no I did not - I sent her home and leaving in suspense what I would do next. I just simply told her that I will call her when I needed her. Sex is one thing but I do not need it everytime, so I dun just throw my money for pussies.

During both sessions, I can see the expert works of bro Marc5 and DYBJ. They do live up to my expectations as Grand Master of the game and ones I would termed as Silent Killer and Serial Killer respectively.

It was a pleasure to have met up with LatexDolly, who popped by for a guest VIP appearance.

All the gals and singers taken up by the bros last night were all quality! Bros Marc5 and DYBJ each fired a cannon for their singers. Even the male singer wasn't let off - he was hanged.... hahaha.


02-09-2009, 11:24 AM
Great to see u again last nite bro...anyway, really find ur 4th floor lady not too bad...cute in her own way...hope will c u guys again :)

Sigh...missed Latex Dolly...perhaps nxt time :o

Great to see you bro!

The next session will be coming up soon... can I kindly volunteer our Man of the Nite Mr. Marc5 to or-KAN-nise the next outing? SH is fine for me too. :D

02-09-2009, 11:28 AM
Morning bro, just cleared my work emails since 8.45AM and found you had already posted three to four posts in SBF. What an energetic grand master (don't you ever sleep?).:D

... ...

Don't say skip HH la. Perhaps skip one time and join us another :)

Thanks guys! Let's do it again.

Bro bro, time to get another outing going. :D Me now damn shag, just got back home from an early morning analysts meeting - didnt really go well for me, said wrong things and gotta do some damage control later to the board. Must be the drinks... must be the drinks and NO sex last night. kekeke.

You also another early bird. :p I cannot match up liaoz.

See you soon!


02-09-2009, 02:28 PM
Guess i was close but not close enough to meet the Grandmasters.. was on 6th floor for SH yday..

hope to join the experts in the next outing.. pls keep me informed... =)

02-09-2009, 06:58 PM
Mind boggles, how do you juggle so many balls? Your outlook planner must be chock-a-block with events ....Not in you guys super league, but this thread makes more than a interesting read. So many life giving experiences (or lessons?)........

Nothing further from truth. Acid test is contingent on one's situation (or predicament!). Just like my (hybrid?) side dish case

Love to hear the story about your side dish bro Yinyang.

Okay with regards to the "juggle many balls comment, I'll take the little innuendo bait and reply as per expected: .... "but its basically only two balls I juggle -mine!" :)

Anyway, I have to correct this perpection that my schedule is chock-a-block with sexual dalliances. On the contary, its actually rather quite underwhelming with regards to libidinous activities presently - especially if I narrow it down to Singapore only,

To wit:

1) CG in the throes of breakup. From now till the complete break, it a chore to ensure that she is alright. Certainly no sex or any sentimentality here as it would be counter productive to her 'grieving' and letting go process.

2) Xin2 nd XH are both in China. This rules out any corpulatory enjoyment with any of these fine lasses. Nothing is decided with regards to whether I want to extend my patronage to XH or to start with Xin2 presently. (I prefer Xin2 over XH at the time of writing.)

3) M will be back in Singapore only next month (or I might do a quick trip to HCM City if not too busy). Hopefully she will come with several interested damsels willing to be mistresses in tow.

In the spirit of generousity, I may open up the offer here (espcially if I take up with Xin2). Of course only those with quality are considered as viable options (in accordance to my sense of aesthetics and criteria - which may differ from yours).

Thus in the here and now, M is literally "out of touch".

4) As for Paeng, I will mostly likely go to BKK next week to visit her.

This leaves me effectively only with my Singapore GF, who the workaholic that she is, probably can only spen nights with me. :rolleyes:

But as can be guessed, I will not just passively wait out this 'lull' period(unless I consciously decide to chill out and take a respite - by choice). Ipso facto, I will endeavour to create options and choice for myself. It is precisely during this lull period that I 'replenish' my stocks (or indulge in the occasional FL)!

In my personal opinion, at any one time there should be three to four gal on standby for your booty call. My personal Optimal number of gals is three to four at any one time - already landed, not in pursuit. Any less does not have sufficient variety and is vulnerable to schedule conflicts. Any thing more than three or four, I will be too stretched.

What this means is that I too will be on the hunt/pwowl during the present period? :cool: If I find anyone better than XH or Xin2, I will 'cast' them aside for the newer flavour(s).

(As so wonderfully narrated by Bro DYBJ earlier, please note that this attitude of constantly on the hunt for better deals/options is widely practiced by most WL; if they find a better patron or bf, they will dump you unceremoniously).

02-09-2009, 07:28 PM
Bro DYBJ (or should I say Mr. Austin ... how on earth does this moniker come about?), Sir LD, Bro Warbird, Lady Latex Dolly (I am sure she will be reading this thread), bro Fishcer, bro marc 5, Your Excellency MM LKY,

I read with great delight your little romps and adventures. Sorry that I was unable to join in the fun the last evening/night. Woke up so dam late - must have practically slept at least 14 hours - and subsequently feel so lethargic to go out cheonging.

Anyway reading DYBJ's narrative about 珍珍 certainly piqued my interest in her. Feel like I just gotta meet her in person. (Will not be joining in the queue of 'suitors' so no threat from me whatsoever!)

What is it about hotly demanded gal that is so attractive and compelling? Is it the challenge factor that so engages us? (There is a psychological reasoning behind this phenomenon) :cool:

For the moment, I prefer HH timings as I want to indulge my Singapore GF who has been exceedingly patient with me. Pity that after his 'virgin' HH session I might get to see Mr. Austin, I would dearly love to meet him again - even in a non KTV context!.

If there is any outtings in the pipeline, could you please extend an invitation to me. I especially really wanna meet up Bro Warbird before he goes back to Gothom City!

Thanks ya all!

03-09-2009, 10:29 AM
.................................................. .................
But as can be guessed, I will not just passively wait out this 'lull' period(unless I consciously decide to chill out and take a respite - by choice). Ipso facto, I will endeavour to create options and choice for myself. It is precisely during this lull period that I 'replenish' my stocks (or indulge in the occasional FL)!

In my personal opinion, at any one time there should be three to four gal on standby for your booty call. My personal Optimal number of gals is three to four at any one time - already landed, not in pursuit. Any less does not have sufficient variety and is vulnerable to schedule conflicts. Any thing more than three or four, I will be too stretched.

What this means is that I too will be on the hunt/pwowl during the present period? :cool: If I find anyone better than XH or Xin2, I will 'cast' them aside for the newer flavour(s).

(As so wonderfully narrated by Bro DYBJ earlier, please note that this attitude of constantly on the hunt for better deals/options is widely practiced by most WL; if they find a better patron or bf, they will dump you unceremoniously).

Hi bro justime,

Ths for sharing ur personal strategies. Having 3-4 gals on call 24/7, ready for ur carnal desire, is a wonderful idea. But r all these gals being BAO-ed by u at the same time? It might be more than I need as I'm not young n virile like u. Currently, I hv two relatively young BAO-ees (aged 21 n 22) n I'm completely satiated. My didi is already struggling even w/ the help of Cialis, hehehe.

Bro DYBJ (or should I say Mr. Austin ... how on earth does this moniker come about?), Sir LD, Bro Warbird, Lady Latex Dolly (I am sure she will be reading this thread), bro Fishcer, bro marc 5, Your Excellency MM LKY,

I read with great delight your little romps and adventures. Sorry that I was unable to join in the fun the last evening/night. Woke up so dam late - must have practically slept at least 14 hours - and subsequently feel so lethargic to go out cheonging.

Anyway reading DYBJ's narrative about 珍珍 certainly piqued my interest in her. Feel like I just gotta meet her in person. (Will not be joining in the queue of 'suitors' so no threat from me whatsoever!)

What is it about hotly demanded gal that is so attractive and compelling? Is it the challenge factor that so engages us? (There is a psychological reasoning behind this phenomenon) :cool:

For the moment, I prefer HH timings as I want to indulge my Singapore GF who has been exceedingly patient with me. Pity that after his 'virgin' HH session I might get to see Mr. Austin, I would dearly love to meet him again - even in a non KTV context!.

If there is any outtings in the pipeline, could you please extend an invitation to me. I especially really wanna meet up Bro Warbird before he goes back to Gothom City!

Thanks ya all!

Hi bro justime,

We had quite a colourful grp the other nite.

I dubbed my dear bro DYBJ the moniker to his initial protestation. Why the nick? He is unique, playful, mysterious n unpredictable, global in that he is always on the move, from Asia to Europe, the Americas...hehehe. Above all, he has the big MOJO. He is the International Man of Mystery aka Austin Powers!!:D He has also been very generous in giving me his honest n frank advice.

I must add that I hv also benefited greatly from ur posts n personal advice. I thank my lucky star to be able to call YOU n Mr. Austin my frens.:p

BTW, I dun hv much time left n would like to meet up w/ u soon.

Ths n hv a great day!!

03-09-2009, 11:35 AM

03-09-2009, 01:06 PM
Hi bro justime,

Ths for sharing ur personal strategies. Having 3-4 gals on call 24/7, ready for ur carnal desire, is a wonderful idea. But r all these gals being BAO-ed by u at the same time? It might be more than I need as I'm not young n virile like u. Currently, I hv two relatively young BAO-ees (aged 21 n 22) n I'm completely satiated. My didi is already struggling even w/ the help of Cialis, hehehe.

To outright BY all 3-4 girls simultaneously is way beyond my budget. If you read my post, at any one point of time, it is two girls under patronage at any one time if outright BY.

Sometimes it’s the solitary BY – when it is premium 10K and above category. To stretch my dollar, I usually have to the hybrid arrangement (GF-Mistress) to make up the numbers and/or have FB and GF to supplement in order to make up the three to four numbers.

Admittedly I do have quite a high libido. To preserve virility, I do take supplements as per my earlier post. And there are occasions too that I enlist Cialis’ help.

Like you, age too is also catching up on me. Obviously I do not entertain all 3-4 every night. Therefore times I just indulge in TLC without doing the ‘jiggy’ in attendant. On average, I think I do cover at least twice in a week with every of my gals ~ give or take.

….. We had quite a colourful grp the other nite.

I dubbed my dear bro DYBJ the moniker to his initial protestation. Why the nick? He is unique, playful, mysterious n unpredictable, global in that he is always on the move, from Asia to Europe, the Americas...hehehe. Above all, he has the big MOJO. He is the International Man of Mystery aka Austin Powers!!:D He has also been very generous in giving me his honest n frank advice.

I must add that I hv also benefited greatly from ur posts n personal advice. I thank my lucky star to be able to call YOU n Mr. Austin my frens.:p

BTW, I dun hv much time left n would like to meet up w/ u soon.

Wished I was there the other nite. Loved a spot of drama.

So our dear bro DYBJ is also hirsute like Mr. Austin? (Physiognomy cues for libidinous persons: Hairy forearms for gals and hairy backs for males?) : )

Know from your posts you will be back in Nov (hope to introduce you to M and Viet prospects then) but when will you be leaving this month?

03-09-2009, 01:46 PM
To outright BY all 3-4 girls simultaneously is way beyond my budget. If you read my post, at any one point of time, it is two girls under patronage at any one time if outright BY.

Sometimes it’s the solitary BY – when it is premium 10K and above category. To stretch my dollar, I usually have to the hybrid arrangement (GF-Mistress) to make up the numbers and/or have FB and GF to supplement in order to make up the three to four numbers.

Admittedly I do have quite a high libido. To preserve virility, I do take supplements as per my earlier post. And there are occasions too that I enlist Cialis’ help.

Like you, age too is also catching up on me. Obviously I do not entertain all 3-4 every night. Therefore times I just indulge in TLC without doing the ‘jiggy’ in attendant. On average, I think I do cover at least twice in a week with every of my gals ~ give or take.

Wished I was there the other nite. Loved a spot of drama.

So our dear bro DYBJ is also hirsute like Mr. Austin? (Physiognomy cues for libidinous persons: Hairy forearms for gals and hairy backs for males?) : )

Know from your posts you will be back in Nov (hope to introduce you to M and Viet prospects then) but when will you be leaving this month?

Hi bro justime,

Having two BAO-ees at the same time may be necessary as one of them may hv 大姨妈 for 4-5 days.

I prefer to hv a longer-term RS w/ one n the 2nd one for shorter periods of 1-4 wks. The problem w/ longer-term RS is that the gal may want at least half the monthly allowance even when I'm in Gotham City. Tell her NO?

I hv not had the good fortune of seeing Mr. Austin's bare chest. But one thing is certain: He has long lost his British accent!!

Gals w/ hairy forearms hv strong libido? One Fujian gal I know well has hirsute forearms but although she enjoys sex she doesn't seem to need it at all.:confused: Perhaps the fault is w/ me.:(

I may delay my departure a bit n will return, hopefully, in early in Dec.

Pls PM or SMS me when u can meet.


04-09-2009, 01:22 AM
Hi bobochan, .... (again taking the innuendo bait), that's one hellava cute pussy picture that you post here!

Anyway, thank for your support. Please do feel free to post your views / perspective / stories here (especially if you are of the gender that your nick alludes to). Looking forward to your contributions bobo!

.....Having two BAO-ees at the same time may be necessary as one of them may hv 大姨妈 for 4-5 days.

I prefer to hv a longer-term RS w/ one n the 2nd one for shorter periods of 1-4 wks. The problem w/ longer-term RS is that the gal may want at least half the monthly allowance even when I'm in Gotham City. Tell her NO?

I hv not had the good fortune of seeing Mr. Austin's bare chest. But one thing is certain: He has long lost his British accent!!

Gals w/ hairy forearms hv strong libido? One Fujian gal I know well has hirsute forearms but although she enjoys sex she doesn't seem to need it at all.:confused: Perhaps the fault is w/ me.:(

I may delay my departure a bit n will return, hopefully, in early in Dec.

Pls PM or SMS me when u can meet.

Hi Bro Warbird, was looking forward for a nice respite in SEP when I just got word of a monumental (pardon my French) F**K up that requires me to go overseas for a spot of troubleshooting. Not sure when I can be back. :rolleyes:

If I miss you this time round, Dec will defintely be good. BTW, M has just gotten her beautician diploma and will be trying for S-pass to work here. (Here's wishing her all the best!)

Loved your 'Mr. Austin' comment. Conjuring Bro DYBJ image in my mind's eye against your comment I can't help but smile.

Never viewed from the 大姨妈 angle. Now that you mentioned it, valid and good point (although there can be other non bleeding orifices that can be considered). ;)

Guess the idea of paying retainer when you are away is contingent on whether you want to continue with her and the the sum involved vis-a-vis your personal budget.

It should be obvious that regardless whether you indulge her financially during your absence or not, you still run the risk of your BY being unfaithful.

In essence, can you stomach the idea of subsidising her while she is having her own fun and/or looking at better prospect in your absence?

Let's face it, having some kind of hold/control on her by using the financial nexus is certainly stronger than none at all when it comes to continuing where you left off upon your return. Your 'generousity' will have some currency when you continue with her after the period of your absence. You can even leverage on this spirit of generousity by getting her to indulge your whims.

However, you alone must determine the value and worth of this hold (which may be quite tenuous). If you don't mind paying for an ASSet that you will not be using and the associated risk of her playing behind your back in your absence (almost an inevitable, ineluctable certainty), you can do so.

For me personally, only those rarest of gems do I extend financial support in my absence. I cannot speak for your BY as I have not interacted with them.

As an example, I do not give XH any financial support when she is in China. Although she is pretty sweet (and tender too), she is not irreplaceably unique. Yes, airfare etc to get her here is way within my budget, but in spite of this, I still intentionally delay giving her this money.

I want to play the field and audition (casting couch?) new talents this month. I see No point in paying for her to come here and then not do anything and/or leaving her alone with her own devices.

Yes, only when I cannot find an XH equivilant (better yet, a superior specimen) while playing the field, will I then give the airfare for her to come here.

(XH 'lazy' ways during her stinct in Singapore and general dependancy on my financial support during the last trip means that she does not have the wherewithal to come here just like that.)

Yes, admittedly I run the risk of losing her - a likely proposition. My hold on her currently is KC (which is very tenuous at best). Given the materialistic orientation, any generous patron or Robert wannabe who indulges XH at this point of time can easily ursurp her from me. However, because I have set myself up with nice options, I don't feel the pressure or need indulge her. That's why its always good to have options and choice. Choice not only in the form of gal prospect but also in the range of action that you want to take.

Having choices available precludes the scarcity mentality and frees you from being needy. And it is one of the surest way to empower yourself!

04-09-2009, 02:29 AM
..... However, because I have set myself up with nice options, I don't feel the pressure or need indulge her. That's why its always good to have options and choice. Choice not only in the form of gal prospect but also in the range of action that you want to take.

Having choices available precludes the scarcity mentality and frees you from being needy. And it is one of the surest way to empower yourself!

Bro Justime, I agree with this one million %.

Remember last time when we spoke about my cursh at IP? Feel devastating everytime she never respond to me. Now tat i got options and 选择, totally no hue her anymore. very the empower siah!

i now wl always remember to create choice for myself not only in gal but also career & other things.

just curious bro, what are yur thots abt the fierce singapore gal hitting her bf lampar? :D

04-09-2009, 10:13 AM
Hi Bro Warbird, was looking forward for a nice respite in SEP when I just got word of a monumental (pardon my French) F**K up that requires me to go overseas for a spot of troubleshooting. Not sure when I can be back. :rolleyes:

If I miss you this time round, Dec will defintely be good. BTW, M has just gotten her beautician diploma and will be trying for S-pass to work here. (Here's wishing her all the best!)

Loved your 'Mr. Austin' comment. Conjuring Bro DYBJ image in my mind's eye against your comment I can't help but smile.

Never viewed from the 大姨妈 angle. Now that you mentioned it, valid and good point (although there can be other non bleeding orifices that can be considered).

Guess the idea of paying retainer when you are away is contingent on whether you want to continue with her and the the sum involved vis-a-vis your personal budget.

It should be obvious that regardless whether you indulge her financially during your absence or not, you still run the risk of your BY being unfaithful.

In essence, can you stomach the idea of subsidising her while she is having her own fun and/or looking at better prospect in your absence?

Let's face it, having some kind of hold/control on her by using the financial nexus is certainly stronger than none at all when it comes to continuing where you left off upon your return. Your 'generousity' will have some currency when you continue with her after the period of your absence. You can even leverage on this spirit of generousity by getting her to indulge your whims.

However, you alone must determine the value and worth of this hold (which may be quite tenuous). If you don't mind paying for an ASSet that you will not be using and the associated risk of her playing behind your back in your absence (almost an inevitable, ineluctable certainty), you can do so.

For me personally, only those rarest of gems do I extend financial support in my absence. I cannot speak for your BY as I have not interacted with them.

As an example, I do not give XH any financial support when she is in China.
Yes, only when I cannot find an XH equivilant (better yet, a superior specimen) while playing the field, will I then give the airfare for her to come here.
.................................................. ............
Yes, admittedly I run the risk of losing her - a likely proposition. My hold on her currently is KC (which is very tenuous at best). Given the materialistic orientation, any generous patron or Robert wannabe who indulges XH at this point of time can easily ursurp her from me. However, because I have set myself up with nice options, I don't feel the pressure or need indulge her. That's why its always good to have options and choice. Choice not only in the form of gal prospect but also in the range of action that you want to take.

Having choices available precludes the scarcity mentality and frees you from being needy. And it is one of the surest way to empower yourself!

Hi bro justime,

Ths for ur prompt, detailed n thoughtful reply. Quite sad that u hv to go overseas again to fix a big problem. I'm confident that ur business n operational acumen will save the day! But I'm going to miss u!!

As for paying an allowance to my first BAO-ee while I'm absent for 2-3 months, I hv not decided yet. We hv had a long, complicated n checkered RS. Even if I dun pay her a retainer, she will still come back if she is in a financial bind, as she has done in the past.

She has seen me w/ other chio gals n she knows that I dun really need her pussy anymore. That is the reason she voluntarily lowers her demands n we r back together.

Ths n hv a great trip!

04-09-2009, 11:04 AM
Even if I dun pay her a retainer, she will still come back if she is in a financial bind, as she has done in the past.

She has seen me w/ other chio gals n she knows that I dun really need her pussy anymore. That is the reason she voluntarily lowers her demands n we r back together.

Ths n hv a great trip!

Guess you had drilled into her, which she of all shore chose to embrace you.
Well done, you are such an aspiring patron .... :D

At times also inspire me .... :p

04-09-2009, 12:34 PM
....just curious bro, what are yur thots abt the fierce singapore gal hitting her bf lampar? :D

Hi Bro Anson, I think I know which incident you are referring to.
(Can you post a link so that all readers would be on the same page? Thanks Bro)

I actually have got lots of things that I want to expatiate on with regards to this.

1) Right off the bat, I wonder if most readers here made the connection that this incident is germane to the very concepts that we talk about in this “Mistress” thread. If the newspapers are to be believed, the victim is director in an International Property firm and that the shrew in question is ex-staff whom he financially supports for close to a year.

It should be bladdy obvious that the guy is not empowered in the relationship whatsoever despite him providing financial support.

Like you, I will not pass judgment or cast aspersions on his masculinity without knowing the full context of the case. Sometimes it takes inordinate courage to ‘turn the other cheek’ especially in public! The prima facie understanding however suggests a man literally succumbing to a very fierce woman that he emasculates himself (a very unattractive proposition to most women and so dam disempowering that I cringe!).

2) Just to let you in the know, I had planned to do a Masterstroke on “Taming of the Shrew”. Sometimes we find ourselves very attracted to the feisty lasses who are given to ‘physical violence’. The control aspect of this shrew is obviously different vis-à-vis a more submissive one (e.g. Xin2). You certainly need to apply different strokes to shrews in order to control her.

Just a little foretaste of what of what the strategy involves:

a) As a person who also desires to be high up in the dominance / alpha scale (to paraphrase Bro Warbird’s terminology), it will be difficult to share the same position in the totem pole with a shrew over time, despite how much control you have over her at the outset. You must be prepared to let the shrew go if she becomes increasingly domineering or given to physical abuse.

b) Tease out her deepest insecurities and use it to manipulate her.

c) Manipulate her inner circle…and have a hold over them.

d) Now this is extremely controversial - How to apply the right type of verbal & physical violence if need arises without it becoming assault and battery.

(People who familiar with me will know that I hardly lose my cool even in the most heated circumstances. I am very even tempered and my assertiveness is understated. It is a quality that Hua, Mike and Terrence admire about me.)

So it is very uncomfortable for me to elaborate the violence aspect. But like it or not, women with fiery tempers and a penchant for violence exists. Not all are sugar and spice. That’s reality! What is also reality is that some of us may also be very attracted to such feisty lass (Hua has a penchant for fiery babes – must be the challenge of taming of shrews that attracts him).

What I will only say now is:

Do NOT be manipulated on the amorphous notion of what constitutes a gentleman. Refer Sean Connery’s bond on how he treats woman. A ‘caveman’ approach to shrews when selectively used can be the most effective modus operandi. A man’s morphological advantage should not be just to tolerate/endure the physical abuse a feisty woman metes out; it must also be used to subdue her and to gain the physical upper hand.

So back to the case of the shrew with the shoe: while walking away is certainly a good option, it is not the only course of action. It is perhaps the right approach when you want to diffuse the attention from public eyes.

For this shoe wielding warrior, you must wrestle and dislodge the shoe from her, throwing it far away from her and then pushing her off and simply drive away - leaving her stranded. Alternatively, you carry her shoes with you (after wrestling it from her) as you drive off, leaving her barefoot and stranded.

For those with extreme sangfroid, after driving off, make a deliberate halt, reverse the car to be beside her and then throw a ten /twenty note (with the instruction to "take a cab". Drive away calmly despite the inevitable protestations and profanities!

3) I will only pass a cursory remark here at this point in time (maybe readers like take this up and generate some discussion on this if interested) to say that prominent and successful Chinese business personalities are derisive over the Singaporean male over how they treat their women. They claimed that the Singaporean male is practically emasculated (actually eunuchs – among the more polite terminology). My protestations that we simply like to pamper our women and are imbued with the western notions of chivalry are met with derisive laughter.

I have to sadly agree to a large extent on their observations. I have yet to see a WL manipulate or display such conniving attitude when serving a successful Chinese Businessman patron. They simply will not tolerate any nonsense – it is always the “my way or the highway” (plus the occasional serving of violence as interest).

Hua and his Chinese associates are really “old” school. If any women dare to even slap him, they will retaliate – and hard! Sometimes even a display of an attitude of petulance earns a WL tight slap. I have witnessed this first hand on at least two occasions when with Hua’s associates, much to my disquiet!

I have a lot of anecdotes on the feisty women / shrew but I shall wait till later to share when it comes to the “Taming of the Shrew” masterstroke.

04-09-2009, 12:58 PM
As for paying an allowance to my first BAO-ee while I'm absent for 2-3 months, I hv not decided yet. We hv had a long, complicated n checkered RS. Even if I dun pay her a retainer, she will still come back if she is in a financial bind, as she has done in the past.

She has seen me w/ other chio gals n she knows that I dun really need her pussy anymore. That is the reason she voluntarily lowers her demands n we r back together.

hmmm... a very quick question if I may, have you 'analysed' the reasons why she have such a hold on you?

Devil's Advocate time: Why not move on to newer pastures - especially given that there are baggages ("long, complicated n checkered RS") involved and that you have many new prospects in line?

Your response to the above may give you a cue/clue to your Achilles' heel in your emotional make up when it comes to dealing with women.

Not sure if you have read /applied NLP techniques when it comes to seducing women. If you are familiar with the concepts, do you know what modality that she is operating on when interacting with you?

04-09-2009, 02:41 PM
Nah i'm a fake cheesepie, true blue kkj hehe. I'm enticed and hooked by the sexplosion of machiavellian intelligences here. It's akin to watching Sun Tzu, Kong Ming and Lu Xun discussing stratagems, Priceless.

I'm lowly in the casanova scale to offer any views, perspective or stories, i would say i'm more like a Lega Pro player observing and comprehending the workings of the Serie A. Given that this thread is simply incredible, had to jump in here with my virginal post to show my utmost reverence for the grand masters here, "in the act of prostrating" . :)

05-09-2009, 11:16 AM
Guess you had drilled into her, which she of all shore chose to embrace you.
Well done, you are such an aspiring patron .... :D

At times also inspire me .... :p

Hi bro OL,

No, this gal still thinks she is a "Goddess" n all men must worship her.

hmmm... a very quick question if I may, have you 'analysed' the reasons why she have such a hold on you?

Devil's Advocate time: Why not move on to newer pastures - especially given that there are baggages ("long, complicated n checkered RS") involved and that you have many new prospects in line?

Your response to the above may give you a cue/clue to your Achilles' heel in your emotional make up when it comes to dealing with women.

Not sure if you have read /applied NLP techniques when it comes to seducing women. If you are familiar with the concepts, do you know what modality that she is operating on when interacting with you?

Hi bro justime,

She is one of the very few gals in my lifetime I hv had any KC.

After much introspection, I believe the main reason is that she is very similar to my OC (when she was young) in looks n figure. In addition, they r both kinesthetic, very cold, often moody, aloof, arrogant n always play hard to get!! Just like my OC, this Fujian gal XX also refuses sex when she is not in the right mood!!

XX was stunningly beautiful when I first saw her a yr ago. Although her looks hv deteriorated a bit, she is still aesthetically pleasing to me. She is still 168, 49kg, perfectly proportionate n got meat in all the right places. She still doesn't hv onc oz of fat. And her cunt is still as tight n as wet. She still gives very little service which makes me wanting MORE. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.

BTW, I just realised XX's sensory modality a few days ago. Wat a
revelation!! I'll use this knowledge to control her, hehehe.;)

Luckily, her hold on me is very feeble n I can walk away anytime, hehehe.


05-09-2009, 07:02 PM
The strategies you described are Neuro-linguistic Programing based strategies. It is generally effective and forms the bulwark of most Success coaching paradigm today (such as Anthony Robbins and even Adam Khoo / Barny Wee locally).

Do know that aspects of NLP has been modified to “speed seduction” techniques and have spawned a sub genre in the fine art of “buaya-ing”.

Although, many seduction technique authors do mention cultural variables, it is often cursory and not substantive. There is also a slightly ‘western’ slant (which still useful given that humans beings are mostly the same everywhere). Also do know however, that seduction techniques espoused by these authors need fine tuning – more so if applied in the KTV scene.

I found some NLP based "speed seduction" type videos on the net that some bros may be interested in (just skip the first few and start with vids 5 onwards).

Ross Jeffries Speed Seduction®: Beyond Dating Tips - NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Training - Experts forum (http://nlp-experts.org/seduction-videos/252-ross-jeffries-speed-seduction-beyond-dating-tips.html)

Also, wanted to say thanks for the extremely entertaining and informative thread :D

06-09-2009, 12:48 PM
Hi Bro Anson, I think I know which incident you are referring to.
(Can you post a link so that all readers would be on the same page? Thanks Bro)

Like you, I will not pass judgment or cast aspersions on his masculinity without knowing the full context of the case. Sometimes it takes inordinate courage to ‘turn the other cheek’ especially in public! The prima facie understanding however suggests a man literally succumbing to a very fierce woman that he emasculates himself (a very unattractive proposition to most women and so dam disempowering that I cringe!).

Do NOT be manipulated on the amorphous notion of what constitutes a gentleman. Refer Sean Connery’s bond on how he treats woman. A ‘caveman’ approach to shrews when selectively used can be the most effective modus operandi. A man’s morphological advantage should not be just to tolerate/endure the physical abuse a feisty woman metes out; it must also be used to subdue her and to gain the physical upper hand.

......For those with extreme sangfroid, after driving off, make a deliberate halt, reverse the car to be beside her and then throw a ten /twenty note (with the instruction to "take a cab". Drive away calmly despite the inevitable protestations and profanities!

.....“Taming of the Shrew” masterstroke.

As per bro justime's request, the link:


don't know why, but i have been following this discussion with great interest. of the many discussions & different forum i read, yur one single post oredi got more value than all combine.

for me, got discussion on strategy on handling fierce violent woman, culture difference, tock abt wat to do in the situ itself ...... no wonder everytime i read tis thread i got intellectual orgasm! :D

tks bro for taking the time & trouble to anwer a noob padawan request

06-09-2009, 12:53 PM
I found some NLP based "speed seduction" type videos on the net that some bros may be interested in (just skip the first few and start with vids 5 onwards).

Ross Jeffries Speed Seduction®: Beyond Dating Tips - NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Training - Experts forum (http://nlp-experts.org/seduction-videos/252-ross-jeffries-speed-seduction-beyond-dating-tips.html)

Also, wanted to say thanks for the extremely entertaining and informative thread :D

tks for the links bro werewolves. quick click looks interesting. 看起来my afternoon got some personal development training time. up you (wait abt 24 hrs cos I just up someone) in sincere kum siah.

07-09-2009, 11:50 PM
Hi Bro Warbird, pardon me for usurping material from the “Picking Up Gals Outside KTV” thread. I thought it expedient to string together how NLP principles can be applicable in the KTV context. It is like a ‘model answer’ in praxis and is anchored in real life.

May I point out that Bro Warbird approach to his prospect is one of playfulness and discovery. He is NOT overly stressed on overcome per se (although he obviously wishes it to be favourable to himself).

I would also like to underscore that an important aspect of his apparent progression in the art of mistressing and interaction with gals in general rise not only from diligence in imbibing psychological principles but also rooted in praxis – hardcore (definitely an innuendo here) practical experience in the trenches so to speak.

For people who are not familiar with NLP whatsoever, let me give an encapsulated treatise on it. Essentially people respond to three ways:

a) visual (sight/vision/seeing)
b) auditory (aural)
c) kinesthetic (touch/action/movement).

Basically if you communicate to them in their preferred way (also called modality), the chances of you establishing rapport is very strong. And good rapport engenders an intensification of feelings for you. It will also make your prospect more susceptible to suggestion. (I actually got my first anal sex using the NLP principles!)

Here, I present to you Bro Warbird’s real life application of NLP in the art of mistressing:

Met a song bird (not a singer) last nite at DC HH. She is a 20 yo (born 1989) student of hotel management at a major school. I picked her from many gals outside the rooms primarily bcos she is 170 cm w/o shoes n quite chio. She has rather big boobs n nice ass for a tall gal. Wt abt 52 kg. She was born in Suzhou but grew up in SH.

………. She has been in the nite scene for only 1 month.

I was pleasantly surprised that she could speak American-accented English!! And her singing of both Chinese n English songs was fantastic!! She is very articulate n has a very charming voice. She sang most of my favourite songs well.

Her dominant sensory representation is clearly AUDITORY n so I tried to build rapport using primarily auditory words. And I did my best to speak slower n w/ deeper voice n try to vary my tone....

I'm looking forward to meeting her soon. My mission is to deepen my rapport w/ her...and try to use words to evoke her emotional responses n arouse her...it will be a fun journey for me, regardless of the outcome

Booked her (let's called her SS) to sit w/ me last nite. I salivated over her proportionate figure n long beautiful legs. She got meat in all the right places. BTW, she is 53, not 52 kg. We conversed in English 90% of the time. I deepened my rapport w/ her by using auditory words, listening to her n her singing...praising her sweet voice, etc. She was unhappy that I dun sing ....So I recited some famous Chinese poems to her. Wow! She was most impressed w/ my command of English n Mandarin Chinese. I also told her my former n current profession/business n that I hv doctorate degrees from top US universities, hehehe.

When the time was right, I popped the question.

Warbird: Is any man taking care of u?
SS: What do u mean?
Warbird: Do u hv a BF or some man who is BY-ing u?
SS: No, not now.
Warbird: U had one before?
SS: Yeah, I had a SGP BF for 2 months, not an exchange n I didn't ask for any money. But he paid my rental ($800 monthly) n some living expenses.
Warbird: What happened to him?
SS: The first month was good. He treated me very well (I guess she means that he made love to her many times a wk) for one month, then he was seeing me less n less often. Then he avoided my calls. He got bored w/ me.
Warbird: Wat a fool. Unlike him, I believe in long-term RS (a little harmless lie). BTW, How old is he n is he married?
SS: He is 35 n single. Since our breakup, I came to work here 1 month ago.
Warbird: I like u n want to BY u.
SS (looked a bit shy n embarrassed): I never thought of being BAO-ed by a man.
Warbird: U r financially secure?
SS: My parents pay for my tuition n living expenses. I'm here to earn some extra pocket money.
Warbird: OK, I'll treat u very well (I hope I dun need to fxxk her everyday to qualify) n u sing my favorite songs everyday. I'll give u 6K a month...
SS: No no, that is way too much!! (first time a PRC MM says I'm paying too much!!).:p
Warbird: Yeah, too much. Sounds too much like an exchange. All right then, I'll pay u only 4K a month.
SS (nodding her head): Hmmmm...

I then embraced her n kissed her. Later I squeezed her boobs, which were soft n quite a handful. When she stood up, I held her very tight w/ my body n my two hands were checking out her butt which was very fleshy n very firm (at least 35 plus).

I could hv her cunt last nite w/o paying. It would be a feat for an old chi pek. Unfortunately, my battery was so low n needed recharge for at least 2 days.:( I told SS we would start our new RS when my Fujian GF (whom she met the day before) returns to China in less than a wk.

We agreed to meet again very soon.

Many gals may say they want a young, tall n handsome man. But a man's perceived rating on the Dominance Male Scale is the sole determinant of his attractiveness to women, at the subconscious level (where it really counts). They can't help it, hehehe.

The other factor is how one uses words n body language to establish rapport n trust n seduce her...knowing her dominant sensory representation system is a vital 1st step.

Not all KTV gals will do ST, though most of them will like to be BAO-ed by the right man at the right price.

I like to thank all esteemed bros n experts here for contributing ur strategies n sharing ur pickup n BY stories w/ all of us. These case studies need not be limited to KTV gals n may include any gal as long as she has a real pussy. FRs on ladyboys n transvestites/transexuals r not welcome.

I'll update my onging saga w/ SS who is providing a good case study on some of the strategies I hv expounded.

Even though I met her less than 4 days ago n I hv not consummated the RS, we r fast becoming soul mates.

She initiated the many SMSes to me beginning yesterday AM. She gave her QQ no n password to me. She then emailed her pics n then we spoke on the phone for a long time. I was the one who terminated the call.

Perhaps my strategies hv been too successful on her. Since I recognized within the first hr of meeting her last Thu, while she was still sitting w/ my young fren, that she is extremely auditory, I hv become MR. AUDITORY. I also slow down everything including my movements, speech, eating, etc. I hv used my voice as an hypnotic DRUG.

I also know that a gal like SS will judge my attractiveness as a man based SOLELY on my voice n how auditory my words r. Even my perceived rating on the Male Dominance Scale is of secondary importance……

Her father is very musical n auditory as well. Her given Chinese name is rhythm/waves!! Like her dad, she is obsessed w/ voice, sounds n spoken words.

To date, she has not said a single no to anything I want or ask of her. And she has fulfilled promptly everything she has promised. As u recall, I offered her 6k a month to be my GF. She declined saying I was paying way too much!! So reluctantly, I offered her 4k a month n she gladly accepted it. She will NOT work at all. She wants to be w/ me as much as possible outside her school hrs.

I must confess that I hv never had such perfect rapport, such intimacy, such harmony in sharing n free flowing n exchange of my words, thoughts, feelings, emotions, aspirations, etc w/ another human being as I hv w/ SS. I even told her that she looks n sounds very dear n familiar as if I hv met her before, perhaps in past lives, dreams or fantasies or during meditations!!

Frankly, I'm having such a wonderful time w/ her that I want the current journey to continue as it is, indefinitely. I'm worried that this current state of perfect bliss n euphoria may end, at least for me, when I taste her pussy in 3-4 days.

My other mission is of course to field test the validity of the assumptions, beliefs n strategies expounded by some ANG Mo gurus on RS n love. Whether by executing some of these operations, an old chi ko pek can make a chio SYT FALL in love w/ him, as these gurus hv reiterated n reassured. Just like scientists designing n building a nuclear weapon, they will never know if it will actually work unless n until they conduct a real test (the big explosion!)

08-09-2009, 10:33 AM
Hi Bro Warbird, pardon me for usurping material from the “Picking Up Gals Outside KTV” thread. I thought it expedient to string together how NLP principles can be applicable in the KTV context. It is like a ‘model answer’ in praxis and is anchored in real life.

May I point out that Bro Warbird approach to his prospect is one of playfulness and discovery. He is NOT overly stressed on overcome per se (although he obviously wishes it to be favourable to himself).

I would also like to underscore that an important aspect of his apparent progression in the art of mistressing and interaction with gals in general rise not only from diligence in imbibing psychological principles but also rooted in praxis – hardcore (definitely an innuendo here) practical experience in the trenches so to speak.

For people who are not familiar with NLP whatsoever, let me give an encapsulated treatise on it. Essentially people respond to three ways:

a) visual (sight/vision/seeing)
b) auditory (aural)
c) kinesthetic (touch/action/movement).

Basically if you communicate to them in their preferred way (also called modality), the chances of you establishing rapport is very strong. And good rapport engenders an intensification of feelings for you. It will also make your prospect more susceptible to suggestion. (I actually got my first anal sex using the NLP principles!)

Here, I present to you Bro Warbird’s real life application of NLP in the art of mistressing:

Hi bro justime:

I'm sure by now you're actively engaged in fixing the monumental business screw-up. I wish u the very best! I hv postponed my return to Gotham City for a few wks n hope that we could meet again.

I'm quite flattered that u hv actually taken some material from my thread as a case study, hehehe. You make my day!! Your profound understanding n expertise in NLP is most impressive.

As u know, I'm a newbie in BY game despite my theoretical knowledge. I'm long in theory but short on practice (or shall I say praxis?). I hv made some small progress in the last few wks.

Yes, my approach to all areas of life, including my quarries, is one of playfulness n discovery. And I try to stay emotionally detached. I believe it's the right mindset. Life is ephemeral n I'm not going to take things too seriously.


12-09-2009, 11:24 AM
Dear Bros,

Its been qte a while since there are any new postings in my fave thread. Waiting to learn new tricks ....

Bro Justime, hope everything is well with you & tat u quickly settle yur situ. Hope to hear from you real soon.

anyway i am posting here to share a lil milestone in my life. last nite is the first time i do ONS (One Nite Stand). With a beer aunty somewhere in the north of Singapore.

anyway, the story is like tis: my fren and i no money to cheong KTV, so decide to lim kopi at kopitiam. got one beer aunty abt late thirty to forty there. she is frm malaysia and divorcee with two kids still in m'sia.

my fren and me got finish off 12 bottles. Everytime got new order of beer, i flirt w beer aunty. ask her wat she wl do for me if i order one more bottle.

i still not sure how the nlp thing works but basically use something like bro warbird - use 阿谀奉承 (sweet talk words), & do something like the video posted by werewolves say.

anyway kopi shop abt to close liao, i ask her i go back wanna to share cab. she say okay. along the way, ask her whether she want supper. i say she work so hard at kopi shop but never eat maybe hungry. (she reply tat the kopi shop food lao yah). i say tat food may be 食之无味 but customer like me good. she smile.

anyway, we go newton for supper where i continue buaya & aso add on 打情骂俏 (flirt by teasing/showing displeasure). disturb her wear skirt so short give ah pek heart attack, i aso say that by right i prefer carlsberg but bcos of her drink tiger.

finally makan 完, say tat so full go home aso cannot sleep. why not go someplace to 聊天 and watch tv first.

i suggest go balestier nearby. she say okay. :D

basket, singapore friday nite so horny one. balestier got so many love shack but all occupied. kena wait for nearly half hr before finally got one.

in the meantime, i order 02 cans of beer, plus condom at 7-11 at balestier and then sit just outside the bus stop wile waiting for room to be ready.

finally went to room. she shower while i channel surfing to find good tv program. me quickly shower next & then proceed to the action.

for forty yr old. body not bad. the neh neh qte big with dark twenty cent size brown nipple. dam shoik to suck. anyway kiss kiss a bit then put on condom and screw away missionary position.

after i come which is abt three minutes (any masters to teach my how to tahan longer?....) :D, i still feel a bit horny so pleaded her to bj me.

now bro pls don't laugh, but when she bj me half way, she like choking like tat. i know my kukujio not big so ask why. knn, her say she dentures out of position. she then took out her denture & continue to blow me. qte shoik i must say altho qte disgusting.

when i look around as she was bj me, i suddenly see her denture by the drawer on the bed. then my lan cheow go a bit soft liao, so i tank her, give her a peck on her lip (cannot french, so disgusting, i picture that bo gay sure got a lot of drool come out one).

we then shower & then took a cab to send her back home.

all in all very memorable & interesting experience. i finally know wat is it to experience ONS first hand.

again, i look back. i see tat frm total beginer i move a lil toward intermediate level. i not sure wen or how or wat, but i tink tat i large reason is tat i am a little more confident now & so can use a little bit of 舌灿莲花 to get a gal open her flower to me.

got far far more to go (virgin experience of ONS got denture somemore ... wah lao!) but for tis lil bit of 进展, this lil bit of progress, i have to thk bro jus, bro warbird, bro dybj & all otr masters here.

kum siah. kum siah. kum kum siah!

have a good day bros!

12-09-2009, 12:15 PM
again, i look back. i see tat frm total beginer i move a lil toward intermediate level. i not sure wen or how or wat, but i tink tat i large reason is tat i am a little more confident now & so can use a little bit of 舌灿莲花 to get a gal open her flower to me.

got far far more to go (virgin experience of ONS got denture somemore ... wah lao!) but for tis lil bit of 进展, this lil bit of progress, i have to thk bro jus, bro warbird, bro dybj & all otr masters here.

kum siah. kum siah. kum kum siah!

have a good day bros!

Bro ansonsohna, well done, another milestone achieved. It's important that you are enjoying along the way of discovering yourself a little more.

Keep up the good work, bro! :)

12-09-2009, 03:52 PM
Bro Anson
Congrats n Jia You!!!

12-09-2009, 05:31 PM
Bro ansonsohna, well done, another milestone achieved. It's important that you are enjoying along the way of discovering yourself a little more.

Keep up the good work, bro! :)

Bro Anson
Congrats n Jia You!!!

Thks bro cables & bro Rolec for yur encourage. me take baby steps to improve my life. as long as 自强不息 constantly make improvement, will be better & some day got success like masters here in terms of $ and gals.

i now realize tat there are qte a few lonely gal out there who wud make gd fb - if we go beyond looks.

ah yah, who don't want 沉鱼落雁 beauty or syt iso of forty yr old gal? but looking at positive, mature gal is lil less inhibited and easy. i can practice KC skill too in the meanwhile ... ;)

here's to all of us making steady improvements in love, life & money making ability.

cheers bros!

... hey guys as i writing above post, i realise here tat actually my ONS is cougar. more mature gal makan younger man! :D

16-09-2009, 02:58 PM
here's to all of us making steady improvements in love, life & money making ability.

Hi bro anson, I have been reading thru some of your posts and come away impressed. You are indeed making amazing progress (hey even in this forum your rep points have improved significantly. I distinctly remembered that your points were a measly ten when we last met up and that you were so upset when you got zapped from this low base. Well, even in this forum (as in real life), understanding of “Rules of Engagement” certainly helped didn’t it?.

Now let's enumerate your progress since we last met up:

1) You have tasted what it is like to negotiate with WL in your experience with EE. The most important thing here is that you are able to state what you want in the transaction (instead of passively hoping or assuming that the other party will take your interest into consideration). This is important in many negotiation scenarios.

2) You have actively sought out and dated instead of merely passively waiting for chance encounters. Like any skill, meeting and asking a gal out requires an element of practice and some basic strategizing.

Don’t know whether you have found the gal of your dreams or not, but the most important thing is that you have been creating choices and opportunity for yourself. (For some people, you may later realize that the elusive gal of your dreams is someone you already know/knew- it just takes a situation and context whereby you have that epiphany (“aha moment”) that the gal you know is actually the dream gal that you have been coveting.

3) The practice sessions on collecting rejections did you a world of good I reckon. It thickens you skin (“ego protection”) and inures you against a non favorable reaction over time.

I think you are now more emotionally equipped to handle 'rejections' vis-a-vis the last time we met.

If you think back, I am sure that you will feel nonplussed on the fact that you actually feel so affected with the gal who played ‘hot and cold’ in retrospect. You were needy then – and seriously short of options. That is why every positive and negative act of hers gets an amplified response in you.

“Options and choice gives you freedom and will empower you. At the very least you can decide on a course of action (rather than being a passive reactant of circumstance).”

4) I noticed that you have cheonged in New Beijing and that you have offered to repay me my “Loan” (it’s a gift btw). This suggests to me that your financial situation is improving.

Timely Reminder just in case you forget my adage: do NOT ever get into debt to indulge in vices. Debts incurred must always have a “positive return” when you clear it.

5) You didn’t post much about your work situation. I hope you have imbibed my little treatise on ‘gentle’ assertiveness (powerful paradox used by the most powerful people of all time including founders of major religions) when handling difficult / bullying colleagues.

6) Your ONS adventure is good (and hilarious). I think you are beginning to appreciate that there are certain dynamics in every interactive situations. From your narrative, you seem to be able to generally apply certain NLP principles. Continue doing what you have done.

(NLP talk for those interested):

Note that by being conscious of communication patterns that are favoured by a person, you are already one step ahead. Your Beer Aunty is an aural person, she likes to “hear” when communicating. Match her speed of talking, repeat some of the phrases she uses, and subtly mirror her gesticulations - it will get you some rapport with her.

Not sure if you deliberately apply this technique or just stumble upon it. Whatever it is, well done and congrats on achieving this milestone!

I would also like to call to reader’s attention here is that (again extrapolating from anson’s narrative) bro ansonsohna confident demeanor when dealing with her. This is a very attractive trait in a male.

Forget NLP and whatever Masterstrokes - just remember to be appear confident (not cocky) when dealing with people. Act out "confidence" if need be (even if inside you is quivering).

Anyway, do continue with your field trips (and get experience engaging people). You now have an awareness of communication patterns (however vague or subtle). Just continue to be aware of it and try to occasionally ‘identify’ what these patterns are. Whether this person is a visual person, a aurel person or kinesthetic person.

Sorry for the abrupt ending to this post as I got to attend to some matters.

Meanwhile bro ansonsohna, you have my congratulations on your stellar progress in the personal development front.

18-09-2009, 01:37 PM
Hi bro anson, I have been reading thru some of your posts and come away impressed. You are indeed making amazing progress .......Now let's enumerate your progress since we last met up:
2) You have actively sought out and dated instead of merely passively waiting for chance encounters. Like any skill, meeting and asking a gal out requires an element of practice and some basic strategizing.
3) The practice sessions on collecting rejections did you a world of good I reckon. It thickens you skin (“ego protection”) and inures you against a non favorable reaction over time.

I think you are now more emotionally equipped to handle 'rejections' vis-a-vis the last time we met.

If you think back, I am sure that you will feel nonplussed on the fact that you actually feel so affected with the gal who played ‘hot and cold’ in retrospect. You were needy then – and seriously short of options. That is why every positive and negative act of hers gets an amplified response in you.

“Options and choice gives you freedom and will empower you. At the very least you can decide on a course of action (rather than being a passive reactant of circumstance).”

Bro Jus, compliment coming from you mean so much to me. Thank U (Blush! Blush!)

1) U are correct, the more I practice, the less fearful & stress I get when interacting with strangers (esp gals). Now instead of heart palpitating, sweaty palms, I can take a deep breathe and cheong/charge ….. still nervous though (but like you told me, even seasoned show veterans like Michael Jackson (bless his soul) also nervous but go out & perform “in spite of his nervous”.

2) Bro, yur collect rejection stroke very powderful. Some bros here aso got try this out.

Yah lah, now I see her so got no feeling & think how on earth I so goondu and let her affect me like that. We all move on – hopefully to something beta …

Having options is like having “kotex” .... (don’t know if younger bros can associate or remember, but Kotex is a woman sanitary napkin whose advertisement say “NEW FREEDOM”.) alamak …. Me macho man - must talk abt “Kotek” (dick in Malay) instead of “Kotex”. Soli for lau yah joke, but me feeling a little siao today. I tink kena haze ... feels like hoong ki smoke :D

4) I noticed that you have cheonged in New Beijing and that you have offered to repay me my “Loan” (it’s a gift btw). This suggests to me that your financial situation is improving.

Timely Reminder just in case you forget my adage: do NOT ever get into debt to indulge in vices. Debts incurred must always have a “positive return” when you clear it.

Yah, like u suggest, I pay myself 20% whenever I got pay/salary. Then take care of family expense, then budget for cheong (twice a week max for now – including date, the rest of the days play internet & watch TV …)

BTW, I also manage save up quite a bit by quit cold turkey my quiting my hoon ki habit. A week already … personal best record since I pick up the habit. Still ‘shiver’ like vibrator especially after meals, when drinking or during pang-sai and sex in longing for a puff!

5) You didn’t post much about your work situation. I hope you have imbibed my little treatise on ‘gentle’ assertiveness (powerful paradox used by the most powerful people of all time including founders of major religions) when handling difficult / bullying colleagues.

6) Your ONS adventure is good (and hilarious). I think you are beginning to appreciate that there are certain dynamics in every interactive situations. From your narrative, you seem to be able to generally apply certain NLP principles. Continue doing what you have done.

….. Not sure if you deliberately apply this technique or just stumble upon it. Whatever it is, well done and congrats on achieving this milestone!

...- just remember to be appear confident (not cocky) when dealing with people. Act out "confidence" if need be (even if inside you is quivering).

Anyway, do continue with your field trips (and get experience engaging people).
Meanwhile bro ansonsohna, you have my congratulations on your stellar progress in the personal development front.

Work wise not so good. Up and down. Sometimes okay & then suddenly jialat. Wat to do when company aso struggle …… I now able to sometimes empathise with boss a lil’ instead of always seeing him as a CB Kia all the time. But overall still find him very irritating & hao-lian.

I tink it is really ONE nite stand. Cannot get round the dentures thing. Hope I not permanently psychologically scar and cannot perform. Sekali next time see kawaii syt with Japanese crooked teeth (yum! yum!) think abt dentures.

Promise u tat I will go out into the fields – not only for cheong but aso for job/career/potential biz …….

And for all my “stellar progress”, bro jus you are the one person who deserves the most credit. Kum siah, kum siah, kum kum siah!

19-09-2009, 11:58 AM
5) You didn’t post much about your work situation. I hope you have imbibed my little treatise on ‘gentle’ assertiveness (powerful paradox used by the most powerful people of all time including founders of major religions) when handling difficult / bullying colleagues.

bro can elaborate on this?

23-09-2009, 02:03 PM
bro can elaborate on this?

hi bro rejuvenation, just got back from a particularly challenging situation business wise. As such, will later elaborate this principle (maybe bro ansonsohna would like to try his hand?) as I do not want to delve into the profound at this moment.

“Levity-wise” my gals on hand are only my Singapore & Thai (Paeng) gf. One is perpetually busy and the other is ‘faraway’ in the LOS. No any other mistress or BY presently. Still receiving the occasional SMS from CG (ex PRC waitress) but looks like she is getting along fine without me (and my patronage) ….

So with this little down time mistressing wise and generally starting with a “clean slate” (although I may BY Xin2 later depending on whether I can find someone suitable), esteemed bros like warbird, dybj, ldh etc … have all superseded me and left me trailing in their wake.

And to bring a little romantic dalliance and Joie de vivre in my life (romance does really sweeten the quality of your life – best fountain of youth available), I will be in a ‘hunting-courting’ mode during this period of relative lull.

BTW, I do enjoy the chase/pursuit aspects of courtship/mistressing in itself. Ipso facto, you can expect me to trawl the Nite-club and KTV scene these couple of days in search of interesting prospects. I will also be looking into regular gals (including Singaporeans into the mix) for my next would be mistress.

Remember, whatever the outcome, whether I am able to find some interesting prospect or not – I will NOT obsess over the outcome. I will just treat the chase as an intrinsically enjoyable and fun activity in itself.

And since I don’t have to maintain any BY currently, I can do an outright BY and not the budget version i.e. the mistress need not work save her being a ‘sex-cretary’ to me!

Cheers … hope to have some nice story to share. Also will continue expatiating on some of the concepts talked here soon!

25-09-2009, 07:55 PM
wat a great post. pls keep it coming

25-09-2009, 09:37 PM
good 1, thanks for sharing

28-09-2009, 01:16 PM
good 1, thanks for sharing

wat a great post. pls keep it coming

hi Portgas & Morio, thanks for kind words. Appreciate it.

Sorry for the sub-plot in this thread for now, but I shall enumerate the litany of activities since I got back home and then generate two salient points of discussions. It will relate this to overarching principle of being empowered and creating choice for your self I promise.

Since I got back, I have covered the following in the span of five days:

1) DC (met up with several bros here, among them Bro Warbird, Bro DYBJ, Bro Loving Dickhead, Bro LKY etc ……. Enjoyed myself immensely. Thanks for your company guys!)

2) Club Jade (Nice short outing with Bro Warbird again. Always enjoyed his company. Anyway the place and talent here is a write-off - although what is nice about this outing is that I get to meet another batch of samsters.)

3) Amani (some gems but in general WL mostly MILFY and not in line with my sense of aesthetics)

4) Club Infinitude (don't go too late on a Fri, not many choice as most of the A list gals will be booked by then.)

5) Las Vegas (overall standard not too hot vis-a-vis my last visit although I did meet an 'old' friend from Kabuki (PRC English speaking lass - now S'pore PR)

6) BS (Girls are very competitive and aggressive - but I do like it - feels like a rock star being mobbed. Sat with 10 girls, or more appropriately, I tipped 10 gals. Gave a little $10 note as a ‘red’ card to this particularly determined MIFY WL who clung on to me for the longest of time despite my refusal. It is a place that I intend to re-visit soon)

7) LG (an obscure Hanging Flower Joint. I met that elusive gal H that I was mentioning to Bro Warbird. H is one girl that had thus far refused to accept SGD 18, 000 to be BY. Now that I have interacted with her, unlikely that H is a “closet lesbian” or suffers from dyspareunia as suggested by Bro Warbird as reasons for her refusal. Will share with you an interesting story about H.

Also at LG, I met a singer who is probably one of best singers ever at a HFJ. And she is NEW – third day working there and apparently has formal training).

8) Attended two F1 rocks concerts on Friday & Saturday with Sin gf on both nites. Caught a little ZZ Top (we came late), No doubt & Beyonce (dam - missed Black Eye Pea as I came late again). Anyway, seeing Gwen Stephanie's nicely sculptured bod make me covet the ‘well tone’ body type. I shall seek it out at the next KTV joint I visit.

9) Easy 50, a joint at TP which is celebrating an anniversay there last week. Good music and operates on a "push/buy drinks system with low gal playability. BTW, I got a dancer here as my "gf" less than a year ago. Still in communication with her although she is back in China. (Generally difficult to administer BY here as many ah pek here do throw money to indulge the girls).

10) Serviced SIN gf & an old flame cum FB.

For my SIN GF, there is a heavy dose of Love wayangs with my SIN gf. Got to say that she is as good as Paeng, my Thai gf in her little own way. I sense a potential ‘emotional conflict’ percolating if I indeed have to choose one at the end of the day.

Oh dear, looking back at the past five days, I see the hedonistic lifestyle, the profligate and prodigal pursuit of women, the sheer wantonness of it all ….. but I LOVE IT! :)

28-09-2009, 01:57 PM
hi Portgas & Morio, thanks for kind words. Appreciate it.

Sorry for the sub-plot in this thread for now, but I shall enumerate the litany of activities since I got back home and then generate two salient points of discussions. It will relate this to overarching principle of being empowered and creating choice for your self I promise.

Since I got back, I have covered the following in the span of five days:
.................................................. .................................................. .........Oh dear, looking back at the past five days, I see the hedonistic lifestyle, the profligate and prodigal pursuit of women, the sheer wantonness of it all ….. but I LOVE IT! :)

Yo esteemed bro justime,

I hv enjoyed ur company immensely. It's fortuitous that our preferred type of gals is quite similar. I was pleased w/ ur intro of JJ, the 173cm gal, remember? Fortunately, there r many of them around, otherwise w/ ur youthful good looks, height, mojo n money, I wont stand any chance.

You hv been more productive in the last 5 days than most men hv achieved in a month!

I'm impressed, bro. Dyspareunia is a word usually known only to members of a certain profession, hehehe.

BTW, I hv been indisposed w/ flu for the last 2 days but I'm much better now. I should be ready to up my gals on Wed.

Pls keep in touch.


28-09-2009, 03:11 PM
1) DC (met up with several bros here, among them Bro Warbird, Bro DYBJ, Bro Loving Dickhead, Bro LKY etc ……. Enjoyed myself immensely. Thanks for your company guys!)

Hi bro Justine,

Words cannot describe the fun, BY-ingness and the camaraderie that this group of esteemed cheongsters have been in!

Thank you for the new additional presence to the group, adding to the fun, strength and experience of this cohort. kekeke.

As usual, I am the rookie rook and look forward to the almighty SIFUs of the scene to guide me.


29-09-2009, 11:58 AM
It's fortuitous that our preferred type of gals is quite similar. I was pleased w/ ur intro of JJ, the 173cm gal, remember?
You hv been more productive in the last 5 days than most men hv achieved in a month!
I'm impressed, bro. Dyspareunia is a word usually known only to members of a certain profession, hehehe.

BTW, I hv been indisposed w/ flu for the last 2 days but I'm much better now. I should be ready to up my gals on Wed.

hi bro warbird ....

1) yah, how is JJ? Any chance that she will ply our shores again?

2) Yesterday an old friend from "Obamaland" (to use Bro DYBJ's parlance) popped by for an unexpected visited. Took him to Macau KTV but he did not seem to enjoy it much. (All the more aesthetically pleasing ladies all cannot communicate well in English). Hate to work on stereotypes, but the next thing I did was to adjourn Macau to the "four floors of whores" i.e. Orchard Towers

There are however several "our type" gals that I espied there aesthetics wise as I was leaving the joint. Macau, like BS, is due for a re-visit from me soon. (I like it that we share similar perspective aesthetics wise in the Rashomon kaleidoscope. It makes it convenient in that you can "reserve" a gal on my behalf and me not finding her totally unappealing later and vice versa.

Just a small 'academic' digression: my understanding of your pet subject, the "Rashomon Effect" is that its definition usually lies within the domain of "subjective recollection" i.e. subjectivity of perception during recall. I like it that you extend the "Rashomon Effect" concept to mean the very construction of the perception itself (and not only during recall stage).

3) Now not being at OT for quite some while, I find that the "change in scene" is rather refreshing.

Nice Russian dance act in the old Top 10 (cover charge $30). Also Ipanema plays excellent music. Ipanema is like a veritable melting pot of of Asian WL talent with the Viets now constituting the majority of gals there (several Viet gems after 1130 pm). Some of the WL FL there are actually quite good. Voluptuous with nice fair complexion.

(For those interested, the rates quoted is $200 for a shot and $400 for an overnighter.)

4) Knew of the term Dyspareunia because my ex gf suffers from it. Thought originally its because of the rough sex we engaged but finally doctor diagnosed it as "endometriosis" (problem with the lining of the uterus).

Since doctor prescribed Birth Control pills to control it, I had her tested for STD and once a clean bill of health is presented, I delivered creampies after creampies to her. Usually I use prophylactics (condom) during sex, even for an apparently "proper" girl - if not to prevent STD then its unwanted pregnancy.

In this case:

Since Endometriosis (makes it harder to conceive) + BC pills + STD test + gf who is inexperienced in sex makes it an ideal scenario for sex in the raw ...... and yes, the BC pills remedy prescribed by doctor works - although it did produce a very minor side effect by her putting on some weight :)

5) Hope you are recover from your flu very soon. Want to put in a couple more sessions before you go back to Gothom City.

Take care bro.

29-09-2009, 12:10 PM
Hi bro Justine,

Words cannot describe the fun, BY-ingness and the camaraderie that this group of esteemed cheongsters have been in!

Thank you for the new additional presence to the group, adding to the fun, strength and experience of this cohort. kekeke.

As usual, I am the rookie rook and look forward to the almighty SIFUs of the scene to guide me.


These are indeed the words of a humble person!

As alluded earlier in this thread, I can not take on the mantle of a 'sifu' as I do not have a mistress under my patronage presently. "In the process of" or "searching" does not cut it. Therefore I am now at a lower rung of the mistressing/BY ladder than you and most everyone there at DC.

Whatever the 'packing order', what's most germane is that I simply had a wonderful wonderful time and I want more ..... and this ultimately is largely due to the "camaraderie (within the) group of esteemed cheongsters".

Tks bro. Hope to see you soon!

29-09-2009, 08:47 PM
Whatever the 'packing order',

Meant to write "pEcking order" instead of "pAcking order".

"Pecking Order" as in "a hierarchy of financing sources in a firms capital structure" (usually internal financing). It is a very nuaced and oblique reference to the "financial gurus" that are present during the DC session (present company excluded).

Hey, besides being women connoisseurs, I realised that the members of the group are actually steeped in knowledge in the world of finance (again present company excluded).

Also "pecking" has connotation of a bird's beak. And Chicken being a bird....as well as metaphor for FL.... ah what the heck ! having one of those "wild and rambling thoughts" kind of day :rolleyes:

Cheers everyone reading!

29-09-2009, 09:15 PM
Since I got back, I have covered the following in the span of five days:

Bro Justime
Ur 5-days ROCKS!:eek: The litany of activities can be an Itinery for Cheonging here! Especially for visitors here for F1 Rocks? HAHAHA!

As they say, keep it Cumin.... :D


30-09-2009, 10:37 AM
Take care bro.

Yo bro justime,


I last spoke w/ JJ 1 month ago. Dun think she will be back. Gals who r 172 n taller dun do well in SGP as 95% of local men prefer shorter ones. My heartthrob Bingbing, a 172cm GL Cat150 PRC for whom I wrote my best FRs ever, had to return to ZH after only 3 1/2 months.

I hv an unexplained predestined affinity for pretty Chn gals who r 172 n taller n hv my body type. Although I hv met a number of them but I hv upped just 3 in the last 12 months: JJ n BB, both PRC, n Aries, a local FL.

JJ is 173 n prettiest of the 3, has natural c boobs, but her ass is not perky enough for me. 172cm BB is the next prettiest, has beautiful A boobs w/ pink tits, n perky ass n very proportionate body n slim extremities. I might add that her pussy is a perfect fit for my didi! The local Chn Aries is listed as 171, but she is closer to 172. She is the least pretty of the 3 n though the youngest, she looks older than her stated age. Has natural B boobs, but her ass is not perky enough n bony frame is medium. Her body is not quite proportionate.

There r a no of other tall gals I hv met. The dancer/singer at DC whom we met last wk is 172, but she is older n not that pretty. Her body is proportionate n slim though. I also met a 172 pole dancer at Armani. Unfortunately, she is not pretty at all n has muscular arms n legs! Very disproportionate body!

Facial beauty is very subjective, so I can't argue when a gal is said to be the prettiest. But I'm a perfectionist when it concerns a gal's body type n it's quantifiable n measurable. I used to carry a tape w/ me in my younger yrs, hehehe. I hv yet to meet a Chn gal who has a perfect body type (at least to me). A few Ang Mo gals, yes, when they were 18-20.;)


Yes, I hv expanded the domain of the Rashomon Effect to well beyond subjective recollection of an event bcos it's germane to complex interrelated phenomena n all areas of human activities.

What we think n feel abt an event, a person, a stock, a book, a painting, a country n of course a pussy n just abt everything else in this Universe is subject to the same Effect n is influenced by our preconceived beliefs, bias, previous experiences, personal interests, social-economic status, physical health, emotional state, nationality, religion, cultural construct, dominant representation systems, our visual acuity, hearing, etc.

We only see n hear what we believe or find interesting. Reality is in the mind of the beholder!


An old fren took me to OT a couple of yrs ago but I was unimpressed. The going rate for a young VN gal was $150 for 2-3 hrs.


Luckily, ur GF's dyspareunia was easily treatable, whereas there r some really intractable cases out there.


I'm recovering nicely. I look forward to joining ur outings. Pls call me.

Best regards,


30-09-2009, 01:22 PM
I last spoke w/ JJ 1 month ago. Dun think she will be back. Gals who r 172 n taller dun do well in SGP as 95% of local men prefer shorter ones.
I hv an unexplained predestined affinity for pretty Chn gals who r 172 n taller n hv my body type.
Facial beauty is very subjective, so I can't argue when a gal is said to be the prettiest. But I'm a perfectionist when it concerns a gal's body type n it's quantifiable n measurable. I used to carry a tape w/ me in my younger yrs, hehehe. I hv yet to meet a Chn gal who has a perfect body type (at least to me). A few Ang Mo gals, yes, when they were 18-20.;)

Pity about JJ … anyway it is good that you get to sample this pretty lass.

If local men here prefer the “shorter ones”, better for me. Under appreciated means less competition/demand and therefore more value proposition for me!

On the aesthetics front, my taste (and preference) in women is governed by flux and change. But my taste in the tall ones has been with me for quite some time already!

Absolutely agree with you on the body type and the concept of proportion (although that too has a degree of subjectivity in its construct – as to what constitute proportionate). As for facial beauty, there is a purportedly an ‘objective’ measurement too – the ‘science’ of physiognomy.

I too used carry a metaphorical measuring tape. Using my fingers I would “measure” brow distance, lucky symmetrical distances of facial features, I would delicately touch a women features, do a spot of “mole”/blemish/birthmark hunting etc……that was during my younger days.

I still do the physiognomy thing occasionally. The key difference is that I used to that in earnest because I want to make love with lucky women (in the hope that her luck will rub off in me).

Nowadays it solely for “flirtation” (hell I totally forgotten physiognomy principles already …. shhhh :rolleyes:). Delicately and lightly touching a women’s features and “explaining” to her its interpretation/implication is a very sexy.. especially when coupled with an authoritative soft yet deeply resonating voice. Also the face has many peripheral nerve endings which can sometimes cause shivers if you literally press, stroke, caress the right spots! (It is certainly more effective and sensual then doing the “palm reading” thing that I so often encounter!)

(NLP proponents take note: You are using two modalities here. Aural and Kinesthetic. Most people operate with sub-modalities. This little flirtation exercise gives you the perfect opportunity to apply sub-modality in communication. Will not be bringing too much NLP here at this thread henceforth – interested brothers who are conversant with the basics and want feedback on its application, kindly PM me.)

For blantant - in your face "flirting" - I sometimes would on the pretext of finding and interpretation "moles" go for her nipples. Then act sheepishly .... "opps thought that it is a mole" :rolleyes: (Note that this 'stroke' should not be used as an ice-breaker but rather at a later stage of flirtation.)

30-09-2009, 01:42 PM
Yes, I hv expanded the domain of the Rashomon Effect to well beyond subjective recollection of an event bcos it's germane to complex interrelated phenomena n all areas of human activities.

What we think n feel abt an event, a person, a stock, a book, a painting, a country n of course a pussy n just abt everything else in this Universe is subject to the same Effect n is influenced by our preconceived beliefs, bias, previous experiences, personal interests, social-economic status, physical health, emotional state, nationality, religion, cultural construct, dominant representation systems, our visual acuity, hearing, etc.

We only see n hear what we believe or find interesting. Reality is in the mind of the beholder!

"Reality is in the mind of the beholder". Absolutely spot on my bro!

That is why "knowing oneself" is one important aspect of EI (Emotional Intelligence).

Btw people like to interchange the term EI with EQ (Emotional Quotion - which actually "measures" Emotional Intelligence). This is similar in concept to IQ which measures Intelligence based on WAIS. Not being didactic here, but you can say that a person "has a high EQ" but NOT "the person has EQ" (everyone has an EQ score - its how well you do on this quotion / measurement that matters!).

Dam ...if Ris Low is my gf she would strangle me by now :rolleyes:)

Knowing yourself and how you see things ("conceptual lens" / "worldview") is important because it gives you he best chance of structuring your own personal happiness.

01-10-2009, 10:49 AM
Pity about JJ … anyway it is good that you get to sample this pretty lass.

Yo bro justime,

It's indeed great news that most men here prefer shorter gals. That was the reason an old chi ko pek like me could get gals like JJ, hahaha.

As for the preferred body type, research has shown that gals w/ higher leg to body (torso) ratio r considered more attractive to males: Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness (http://www.femininebeauty.info/leg-body-ratio)

But I hv found a few very short gals extremely attractive. There was a gal known as the "pocket Venus." She was an 18yo Malaysian Chn, only 155, weight 42kg?, very beautiful face, very cute, flawless fair skin, perfectly balanced n proportionate body, slim w/ very small bony frame n even small head n delicate neck. I would give her a 9.5! Her cunt must be very small n tight!! My frens n I were all chasing her. I threw in the towels after a few months of futile pursuit. That was many, many yrs ago, hehehe.

I like ur "physiognomy" approach for establishing rapport n fortune telling. It's more classy than palm reading. But I'll use both methods w/ my next quarry. I'll also ask for the exact time n date of birth, hehehe. I'm learning something new everyday.

Ths n hv a good day!!

01-10-2009, 01:05 PM
Hi Bro Warbird, tried to call you several times after my meeting at Suntec but your lines is forever engaged. Guess you must be doing a number on whoever is on the other line around 5-6 pm ;)

Anyway since I know that you are meeting GO, I made 'alternative arrangement' to while my time before catching up with you.

This lass (from Amani) is LX. She is a MILF - totally against my type. I just activated her just for the sake of some variety and a change in scene from the tall, fair SYT type.

LX BTW has a nice proportional body and she is TANNED. A result of regular swimming sessions.

Anyway, I booked her to out with me - including an overnighter if I desire. We ended up at Macau with some of my friends - yes confirm that there are few gems there at Macau - followed by dinner and a ST. (Perhaps ST is a misnomer we spent nearly five hours at hotel 81 and I expanded four loads on her). A very satisfying sexual encounter indeed!

Lembek already now - maybe I need to imbibe some of your special Herbal Concoction! :)

The whole point I want to make about the LX scenario is that sometimes straying from your 'cookie cutter' template of girls can be satisfying.

Never unders estimate the power of the novelty factor when it comes to sexual dalliances.

01-10-2009, 01:30 PM
As for the preferred body type, research has shown that gals w/ higher leg to body (torso) ratio r considered more attractive to males: Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness (http://www.femininebeauty.info/leg-body-ratio)
But I hv found a few very short gals extremely attractive. There was a gal known as the "pocket Venus."

I like ur "physiognomy" approach for establishing rapport n fortune telling. It's more classy than palm reading. But I'll use both methods w/ my next quarry. I'll also ask for the exact time n date of birth, hehehe. I'm learning something new everyday.

Hi Bro Warbird,

Totally agree with you on the preference of an "exaggerated sexual dimorphism" when it comes to legs vis-a-vis torso/body in terms of aesthetics.

Note that in the classical Indian "physiognomy" approach however, a portionate - toso length equal legs is preferred. (Who cares about 'lucky' attributes? We want only that which satisfy our aesthetic criteria.) :rolleyes:

"Pocket venus" = "Chilli Padi". Pocket venus offer certain advantages vis-a-vis when it comes to sexual positions. :) .... My (or our) tall ones may be too heavy to 'lift'.

The use of fortune telling as a pretext is one oldest trick in the book of flirting/seduction. Sweeping back a lady's hair in order to examine the ear etc ... certainly presents a more romantic picture vis-a-vis merely hand holding that palmistry entails. (Psychologically, we are invading at a more intimate space. When a women 'allows' you to touch her face you breech more 'social-intimacy' distance. Flirting/seduction in essence afterall involves you breeching every more 'barriers' as you seek to plant your flag into her love hole!)

Imagine if we both were to do the physiognomy, hand reading and fortune reading thingy at the same time. People wandering into the room will think its a gathering of fortune tellers talking shop instead of lascivious old men wanting to fornicate with SYT! :cool:

01-10-2009, 02:06 PM
Never unders estimate the power of the novelty factor when it comes to sexual dalliances.

Yo bro justime,

Yesterday GO decided to meet earlier n I took her to a safe place. I had the phone off for abt 2 hrs.

Variety is indeed the spice of life. Just recently I had a MIFL, a 29 yo Fujian woman. She was very, very wet n horny!! She wants to return as a student!!

I'm also looking for a pocket Venus like that M'sian Chn who chose to fxk a good fren of mine.:( I lost out despite having a nice car. I used to drive them n her not-so-attractive gf on a double date. Life is never fair as he got to fxk her everyday, whereas I had to resort to PCC while thinking of her. Well, that was over 30 yrs ago!! Dun know wat has happened to her all these yrs, hehehe.

Bro, you got SMS.


17-10-2009, 12:08 PM
Sorry for not updating this thread in quite a while (I do post at Bro Warbird's thread "Picking Up Gals Outside KTV")

Anyway just a very quick update:

1) Two nights ago concluded a patronage with an Indon lass (its my first time BYing an Indon). She is a cosmetic gal at a shopping complex. I will be arranging her to visit SIN soon for two weeks (an 'audition' of sorts).* Probably overpay a little but ....

anyway I did not "impale" her heretofore as she got mens. But her ancillary foreplay skills quite good.

For Sarah, I will be paying her SGD2000 for her two weeks here excluding airfare and accommodation.

I did not "pay" her monetarily for this little dalliance - I did however buy her presents to the tune of nearly SGD 300.

She is 1.7m,
Age: 20 yrs
body type: slim - a little thin category
complexion fair
okay command of English (my bahasa indon sucks!).

2) I am now a mini ASEAN:

i) M (my FB from Vietnam. Sister whom you have met is only okay, but she does photograph very well as evinced by the studio pics I saw)
ii) Paeng (my Thai GF)
iii) Sarah (my new Indon BY)
iv) J (My SIN gf - who is previously Msian)

Might as well go to the pubs at TP and find me a pinoy to "complete" the ASEAN "collection". :rolleyes:

As my offer was done at a 'spur of the moment', I am not sure of the inherent value proposition for the patronage. Will ruminate the transaction against my previous experience and come up with my own personal assessment on the value.

(Note that this is my first time BY an Indon, bros who had done so kindly advise please)

Cheers bro! Will elaborate a little on the above soon.

18-10-2009, 01:59 AM
Cheers bro! Will elaborate a little on the above soon.

My esteemed bro Justime,

You must be having a ball in Jarkata.

Congrats on ur new Indon "conquest"! Tall, slim n quite fair n only 20...I'm sure she is my type too. May I tag alone w/ u to Jarkata next time?

I really like ur "ASEAN collection." You're indeed a reponsible n civic-minded SGP citizen as you r helping to promote goodwill n spread ur spunk in all ASEAN

Pls share ur BY experience w/ this tall Indon gal. Where will u keep her for 2 wks?

Take care bro.


25-10-2009, 10:01 PM
Pls share ur BY experience w/ this tall Indon gal. Where will u keep her for 2 wks?

Hi Bro Warbird, I am currently nursing a minor flu (and "chillaxing" at home waiting for the Manchester United vs Liverpool game to start) as I write this.

Anyway, just a quick FR on my Indon 'friend', Sarah. I did consummate my relationship with her. However, there are a couple of things that does not sit well with me:

One, there is a faintest of lip hair – to be fair, it is really infinitesimal – but you know the Rashomon Effect ….

Two, I suspect that she is a virgin. Not implying that I am Peter North (well known porn star who is famous for discharging copious amount of cum) or anything, but when I impaled her, she seemed to be in pain despite being lubricated during foreplay.

I had fondled her and rub her clit but had heretofore not inserted my finger into her love hole. Remember she had just finished menstruating whilst I was in the process of 'upping' her.

Anyway the act of consummation involves bleeding (which I thought initially was due to her mens not being completely cleared up). Frankly I had not seen or felt a hymen for decades so I am not sure if it’s a normal virginal skin fold or hymen even if I were to see it!). :rolleyes:

I had inspected her genitalia afterward and my untrained eye tell me that it is hymen rapture. This is collaborated by her behavior later during and after sex that is very incongruous with the foreplay and sexual prelude prior that make me suspect that I had deflowered her.

* I had asked Sarah whether she had any boyfriends. She had replied in the affirmative. I also asked her whether she had sex prior. She claimed that she had – but somehow her assertions now seem less than convincing especially in light with above 'evidence'.

Now I am sure to receive some flak on this, but I really do not dig virgins at all (subtle innuendo here). :rolleyes:

Most women I know remember their first time doing it – and I really don’t want to be in Sarah’s consciousness or memory. I know that I am being silly (and a little mystical) but when I move on with regards to a woman, I hope she does so as well (and forget me completely). No such thoughts of me being the best she ever had etc ....

I feel therefore that by taking her virginity (if indeed so) makes me a keeper of her essence. And that essence stays with me forever. A disquieting prospect indeed as I am more in lust rather than in love with her!

Yes, I am constantly working on eradicating myself of such mystical non rational thinking but apparantly there are vestiges of such thinking in me still as evinced by this incident.

Anyway, I did not harp on the issue with the tissue and let matters be. Our arrangement for me to sponsor/offer her my patronage still stands. No date set as to when I will take her to SIN (or even whether I will come back to JKT).

I did Sarah one more time just before I left. What is 'strange' is the interactions with me after the first time we had sex, the Love Wayang Sarah displayed to me suggested as if a newly wed or honeymooning couple. For example, every time I sit alone, she would come over and nestle her head on my arm while looking lovingly at me (and Sarah has big bright Japanese Anime type of eyes!). Its an intense lovelorn type of gaze. Sarah would also give me little kisses and smell my bawu as she sits beside me!

I now begin to wonder whether my lack of communication and understanding of cultural parameters in Indon has something to do with it. Ipso facto, whether my communication of patronage (mistressing) was apprehended wrongly and taken to mean something else. :eek:

Anyway when it is time for me to leave Indon, Sarah shed so much tears and seem to be so much in pain that I too feel a little like tearing – dam where is that “bastard” attribute when I need it!

What's more, upon my return to Singapore she calls me almost five times a day (and I really don't have any substantial conversation / communication with her)

Altogether a very surreal experience …….

26-10-2009, 01:07 AM
Altogether a very surreal experience …….

Yo esteemed bro Justime,

Ths for sharing ur surreal experience w/ Indo virgin Sarah. Faint lip hair is quite common among gals aged 18-22. It may be a sign of good health n high hormonal levels...

While I dun dig virgins, I hv no qualms or hesitation in deflowering them.:D

This impressionable young Indon gal has fallen for u dear bro. Get her to come to Sin for short periods whenever u need her, hahaha.

BTW, do u communicate w/ Sarah in English or Bahasa Indonesia?

Do take care of ur flu. Plenty of water n rest pls.

Best regards,

Bro Warbird

26-10-2009, 09:20 AM
Hi Bro Warbird, I am currently nursing a minor flu (and "chillaxing" at home waiting for the Manchester United vs Liverpool game to start) as I write this....
What's more, upon my return to Singapore she calls me almost five times a day (and I really don't have any substantial conversation / communication with her)

Altogether a very surreal experience …….

hahaha u are afraid to break her heart and naivety:D:p

26-10-2009, 01:24 PM
…………….. Faint lip hair is quite common among gals aged 18-22. It may be a sign of good health n high hormonal levels...

While I dun dig virgins, I hv no qualms or hesitation in deflowering them.:D

This impressionable young Indon gal has fallen for u dear bro. Get her to come to Sin for short periods whenever u need her, hahaha.

BTW, do u communicate w/ Sarah in English or Bahasa Indonesia?

Do take care of ur flu. Plenty of water n rest pls.

Hi Bro warbird, hope that it is more estrogen than testosterone! Serious though, your comment open a new vista of perspective (especially given your background) – that faint lip hair is a sign of GOOD HEALTH. Good health is always a desirable trait! I may just overlook this “manly trait flaw” afterall and see it as indicative of robust health!

I am now assessing our 'relationship'. If I should decide to continue - in all probability I will just go to JKT instead.

I communicated with Sarah in a mixture of English and Bahasa Indonesia. Sarah’s command of the English language is not too bad. Basic interaction seems competent enough, although concepts pertaining to patronage – mistressing may just be beyond her (just a guess though!) given her relative inexperience in life.

Anyway, since my command of Bahasa Indonesia is only rudimentary at best – I therefore give it a possibility of miscommunication.

This impressionable young Indon gal has fallen for u dear bro. Get her to come to Sin for short periods whenever u need her, hahaha.

hahaha u are afraid to break her heart and naivety:D:p

Hi Bro lightning, I guess I have dealt with so much with “hardened - pragmatic” gals and for so long that a naïve gal in the throes of infatuation is now like a new experience for me.

Yes, I have got to admit that I don’t want to really hurt her – after all she is just a regular salaried girl and not a WL (in sammyboy’s context) per se.

Sarah personality seemed to undergo some transformation post coital vis-à-vis when I was flirting with her. She now seems a little demure with a tint of vulnerability.

I also know that our relationship will be transient:

Firstly, I am more than TWICE her age! Our relationship cannot be nothing more than a short lived affair. I had intended it to be just a direct commercial transaction – I simply pay for her time to be my temporary girlfriend. But apparently Sarah takes it to be more than that – (my only hope is that she views mistressing as being a temporary wife and is simply acting out the part)

Secondly, I do have a GF in Thailand and Singapore (both of whom I am very fond of).

Thirdly, my plate of partners is slowly filling up and I don’t have the luxury of time to indulge her. As it is, in addition to my gfs, I have to indulge my FB, M (whom Bro warbird met) who is currently in Singapore. Also Peang, my Thai gf has already been ‘complaining’ that I have not been seeing her nearly enough.

As for Sarah, I now feel, does not go out much or even has much experience in handling matters of the heart. She suddenly became way too sticky post coital (innuendo here!). I had misread her attitude during our flirting stage as one of ‘independence’ (when actually it is nothing more than youthful bravado - attitude). And I don't have the time or energy to play the Pygmalion role to help transform/mature her. (Although in another time and context this could be real fun to be a Svengali like character to a young impressionable nubile lass!)

However, I also know that if I drop her now, she will be quite devastated and would require some painful period of coping. Not sure if my experience in letting a girl down easy is equally applicable to a person of Sarah’s psychological profile.

Still thinking of whether to be ruthless and cut the relationship now before it gets even more complicated. (BTW, it not in my nature to do what a lot of guys do: i.e. be the bastard in the hope that the girl will break up with you).

Again, this unexpected development presents another learning point for me in life’s lesson.

Views and comments please – I may just pick up some valuable tips from readers here.

Big Sexy
26-10-2009, 01:36 PM

Please don;t quote the whole post unncessarily. thanks.;)



27-10-2009, 12:57 AM
Thanks for the edits Big Sexy!

Anyway, just a quick update. XH, my hybrid gf – Mistress called me a while back.

(To save readers the trouble of re-reading through this thread, XH is a WL from Armani whom I had semi Bao-ed for SGD1, 500 about three months back. By ‘hybrid’ I mean that XH is ‘allowed’ to continue working while drawing a GF allowance (patronage fee) from me. This fee means that I can anytime get her to skip work and indulge/entertain me. It also means she is exclusively mine – not even dinner dates with customers without expressed permission from me.

But as mentioned in this thread, XH is one hellva lazy lass. Instead of capitalizing on this additional income – she use this gf allowance to often skip work.

Yes, she extends me extraordinary level of girlfriend “feel’ to me. She is always at my love nest awaiting my company. Yes, XH is also not too money minded and any presents demanded are very reasonable. Very positive attributes indeed given other circumstances.

However, I knew that monetary pressures would soon assert itself (after all she has to pay for her trip here). The allowance of SGD 1, 500 simply cannot sustain her in terms of recouping the cost of going to Singapore. True enough, come the end of the month, XH asked me for more money.

As I am heavily financially committed then (mistressing budge also blown), I maintained that I cannot support her at a comfortable level. (I dispensed the no other men date rule entirely in order for her to build a customer base of regulars!).

Anyway I gave her only a token money to partially off-set this shortfall (and left for a business trip subsequently). XH seeing the tightening money situation decide to leave Singapore soon after. We did not ‘break up’ or terminate our arrangement per se when I return to Singapore. I simply told her that she should take a break and come back when she is re-charged to see if working in Singapore really suits her.

For first couple of weeks there were the usual telephone calls and SMS. In time however, the correspondences receded. This soon trickled down merely to forwarded SMS (such as mid Autumn festival and other bo liao type of SMS that talks about friendship and/or love).

XH also tried to get me to sponsor her to Singapore once before prior to today. She promised to work harder and not rely on me so much for sustenance.

Back to today:

You know that when a PRC mei gives you a call out of the blue, money will somehow figure into the equation. After scolding – chiding me for forgetting her, XH says she truly misses me very much and that she wants to go back to Singapore to see me. :rolleyes: She also says she needs the money urgently as her mother is in hospital ( ….once again goes this Raison d'être as mentioned in earlier here in this thread). Throw in some emotional blackmail such as how she gave me her heart (implying that she didn’t make money the last time she is here is because she puts everything onto me), she asked me to “lend” her about three thousand to defray her mom’s hospital cost as well as subsidize her trip here. (In the PRC WL parlance, the word “Lend” is always euphemism for “give”).

Now comes the insane part. I don’t know whether it is her “mei” and “tare” tone, the choice of words etc but I suddenly somehow feel a little horny towards her. My mind went back to the many wonderful sex sessions we had.

To conclude, I told XH that I will check my bank account whether I have the money to give it to her. I am supposed to give her an answer tomorrow.

Three thousand is actually within my ‘mistressing’ budget. I would in many other circumstances give her the money just like that. But given the increasing complexity of my relationship with my gals presently, I could do with a little respite by XH not coming to Singapore presently and complicate matters.

Yet a part of me – the lusty part – wants her. Actually even as I am typing this, I am so horny for XH that I would actually pay / give her 1K to her for a session if she is right in front of me!

I think I “blogged” this here earlier: I vividly remember how XH gave me a half hour BJ while I was at my desk doing a report ….. very Clintonesque! More importantly XH is also very obedient yet adventurous (perfect mistress attributes) when taking instruction on what I want to do carnally – e.g. I get XH to catbath /lick me literally from top to toe)

Now if I were to use a “Pecker based thinking (ratiocinating by giving pecker / lust due consideration in the decision making process), the money will be remitted tomorrow.

However, using cold non emotive logical process (remember ‘lust’ resides in the realm of emotion) – it is obvious that I should not invite XH here.

…….to be continued

27-10-2009, 12:27 PM

OK, bro.

Hi Bro warbird, hope that it is more estrogen than testosterone!..................................... that faint lip hair is a sign of GOOD HEALTH............................................ ...........................

Firstly, I am more than TWICE her age! Our relationship cannot be nothing more than a short lived affair. I had intended it to be just a direct commercial transaction....................................... .....................

Again, this unexpected development presents another learning point for me in life’s lesson.

Anyway, just a quick update. XH, my hybrid gf – Mistress called me a while back.............................................. ..............................................

Now if I were to use a “Pecker based thinking (ratiocinating by giving pecker / lust due consideration in the decision making process), the money will be remitted tomorrow.

However, using cold non emotive logical process (remember ‘lust’ resides in the realm of emotion) – it is obvious that I should not invite XH here.

…….to be continued

Yo esteemed bro Justime,

All females need some testosterone to stay healthy...

Haha, you're still a young man compared w/ me. If u enjoy Sarah's pussy, why give it up?

Pls give us an update on XH n whether u hv remitted the money to her.

Good day!

27-10-2009, 01:36 PM
Good day Bro justime

I stumbled upon this thread few days back and have read thru the pages upon pages of methodical tatics and analysis of the typical PRC behaviour.

This article has redefined my ROE with PRC and my view of the patronage system. By which, the Masterstrokes are indeed derived from experiences tried & tested.

I am currently applying some of the techniques & know-how.
Hope that my theorical understanding are sufficiently competent to enable proper application.

My absolute kudos to you & all.

28-10-2009, 01:24 PM
….read thru the pages upon pages of methodical tatics and analysis of the typical PRC behaviour.

This article has redefined my ROE with PRC and my view of the patronage system. By which, the Masterstrokes are indeed derived from experiences tried & tested.

I am currently applying some of the techniques & know-how.
Hope that my theorical understanding are sufficiently competent to enable proper application.

My absolute kudos to you & all.

Thanks for your positive feedback!

Would you mind sharing you experiences? Every interaction and circumstance(s) that surrounds a Mistress Patronage is unique. The more we share and learn from each other the better. This is so that we can empower ourselves and derive the most value proposition from our “investment”.

Looking forward to hearing from you Bro Delta One!

All females need some testosterone to stay healthy...

Haha, you're still a young man compared w/ me. If u enjoy Sarah's pussy, why give it up?

Pls give us an update on XH n whether u hv remitted the money to her.

Hi Bro Warbird,

…. as long as the testosterone is not at the elevated levels of the South African Athlete (Semanya?) at the recent Berlin games and the Chinese lass who was banned for life recently. ;)

Young? That’s flattery indeed. My ‘vintage’ is only slightly less matured vis-à-vis yours. In wine vintage terms, you command better premium over me!


I am certainly not giving up Sarah’s pussy at this juncture. What I am doing is simply getting ready for the inevitable – that my Patronage with her will end in a matter of time. Weeks? Months? Years? No idea.

Sarah is fine specimen in terms of aesthetics, however personality wise (largely passive and non ambitious) makes it improbable that she will end up like Paeng (my Thai mistress who now becomes my gf). Then again … one can never know. Metamorphosis may just occur as Sarah chalks up more life experience.

In terms of GF personality traits (unlike a Mistress where aesthetics is the overarching consideration), I like my GF to have some ambitions career/business wise. I derive a kick of seeing my GF prosper in terms of career and business (especially if it is me who gives her that big break – my hero complex)

I am currently trying to schedule some business appointment for Indonesia - a Business cum pleasure trip.


Talking hero complex …I will give XH the money that she requested for. I have however told her NOT to come to Singapore first but to take care of her mother until she is well. (Whether XH reasons are true or outright lies does not matter i.e. non material in the calculation)

The ratiocinations that go into making this decision are as follows:

1) The Affordability Test: Since Sarah is a relatively cheap patronage – only SGD 2, 000, taking on XH is still therefore within my monthly “Mistress Budget”.

I set this budget as SGD 8, 000 to SGD 10, 000 max currently*. For a straight up BY scenario, I classify SGD 6, 000 to SGD 8, 000 as Mean/Average and anything above SGD 8, 000 as premium.

This being said, I will try to go the budget route as far as possible. The budget serves as a ceiling to sexual indulgence – to ensure that you don’t go excessive. You certainly need not spend all within the allocated budget! Everyone should have his own budget – relative to your own financial circumstances of course.

* This is down from SGD 12, 000 to 14, 000 only three months ago – largely due to my business not performing as well previously. For me, the amount represents the Total Indulgence budget. For SGD 10, 000 I can have one spectacular ang-pai or five Sarahs. In other words, I have to manage derive largest possible value arising from this budget.

2) Countervailing the Negative:

a) The Second Time Round Scenario usually does not meet expectations. There is a tendency for one to filter out negative experiences and accentuate the positive. Now, I am sure that my relationship with XH will likely diminish vis-à-vis the first time round.

(In Ball-park Terms: SGD 3, 000 means that I have to have at least 12 sessions in a month to break even – assuming SGD 250 per session. Despite the recession, the mean cost for a typical girl at TAM and CI is still SGD 250 per session.)

In other words, I ask myself whether I am willing to pay more for a likely lower grade of service. The answer is obvious - of course I think there is still value in XH to be explored!

(I have not actually counted, but I don’t think I did XH more than twelve times a month after second month of “patronage” – patronage in “” because XH is not outright BY as mentioned in this thread)

The “CALCULATION” on why I decide to give XH the money:

What then am I “buying” with regards to XH?

For brothers who have traded in Options (or Warrants as more commonly known in Singapore) – it gives me the right but not the obligation to take up patronage with XH should I so desire.

XH (in line with the financial nomenclature: past performance is no indication of future performance) had discharged her mistressing responsibilities very well previously. The fact that I get her “on the cheap” and did not fully utilize her value should not obscure the inherent value (“Intrinsic Value”) should she go into the market.

In other words, should I go and try to find another girl of XH aesthetic appeal/value at Singapore KTV, in all probability I cannot get it at this price. Although SGD 3, 000 represents the doubling of “Patronage Fee” for me, XH is still below "fair value" in the market place. I am very sure that more financially well heeled brothers will gladly pay her at least 6K - likely more.

“Pecker Based thinking”

Just like Bro Warbird who like to talk about the “Rashmon Effect”, I too like to have my own thinking strategies. I call it Packer based thinking. (Pecker based thinking = thinking with your cock) in the decision making process.

Yes, I recognize that there are some “Pecker based elements” on why I pay XH the money. But those who know about this type of “Crooked Thinking” (to borrow Robert H. Thouless terminology) will see that I have taken the necessary countervailing measures such as”

A) Creating a CHOICE scenario. I don’t need to take XH to get my sexual kicks, I have other quite pleasurable options. For example, my FB M (who is "free" - just occasional token presents)

B) I also assign a value (preferably monetarized value) when I ratiocinate on XH worth to me. See above "calculations"

Cheers all! :cool:

29-10-2009, 02:09 AM
Thanks for your positive feedback!

Hi Bro Warbird,

…. as long as the testosterone is not at the elevated levels....................

Young? That’s flattery indeed. My ‘vintage’ is only slightly less matured vis-à-vis yours. In wine vintage terms, you command better premium over me!


I am certainly not giving up Sarah’s pussy at this juncture. What I am doing is simply getting ready for the inevitable ........................
Sarah is fine specimen in terms of aesthetics, however personality wise (largely passive and non ambitious) makes it improbable that she will end up like Paeng.......................


Talking hero complex …I will give XH the money that she requested for................

The “CALCULATION” on why I decide to give XH the money:

What then am I “buying” with regards to XH?

For brothers who have traded in Options (or Warrants as more commonly known in Singapore) – it gives me the right but not the obligation to take up patronage with XH should I so desire.......................................

“Pecker Based thinking”

Just like Bro Warbird who like to talk about the “Rashmon Effect”, I too like to have my own thinking strategies. I call it Packer based thinking. (Pecker based thinking = thinking with your cock) in the decision making process.
.................................................. .............................................

Hi esteemed bro Justime,

Ths for detailing ur thought processes n rationale for ur actions...

In my limited experience, 2nd rounds (not 2nd session but 2nd BY-ing) may be more sextisfying for both my BAO-ee n me. I'm constantly trying to learn new psych n physical approaches, positions, etc. There is always room for improvement...

Pls up date ur RS w/ ur various BAO-ees.

BTW, that Manzhou gal JY wants to return on a student visa n be my long-term BAO-ee. She makes it explicit that her pussy will be exclusively mine n she will be hurt if I dump her after only 2-3 months. To her credit, she has not asked me to sponsor her. We hv agreed on the amt I'll pay her per month when she becomes my mistress. She will never request a penny more n anything extra or gifts will be entirely up to me. Of course I still hv a free hand to hunt for n keep additional BAO-ees, hehehe.;)

It's also my experience that SH n Fujian Ningde gals r the most materialistic, mercenary n cunning. On the other hand, the Northern gals r the least mercenary. I hv had only 2 such gals: JY n a Dongbei student from TAM. Ironically, they r among my shortest BAO-ees as JY is 165 n the Dongbei gal is only 164 (but closer to 163).



29-10-2009, 12:33 PM
.........In my limited experience, 2nd rounds (not 2nd session but 2nd BY-ing) may be more sextisfying for both my BAO-ee n me.....

BTW, that Manzhou gal JY wants to return on a student visa n be my long-term BAO-ee....

It's also my experience that SH n Fujian Ningde gals r the most materialistic, mercenary n cunning. On the other hand, the Northern gals r the least mercenary......

I hv had only 2 such gals: JY n a Dongbei student from TAM. Ironically, they r among my shortest BAO-ees as JY is 165 n the Dongbei gal is only 164 (but closer to 163).

Hi Bro Warbird, actually come to think of it, I do not really experience the situation whereby after a BY "patronage" is terminated/concluded, (passage of time) and then I offer up a new round of contract to the ex-Bao-ee.

As far as I can recollect, once the patronage is over - it is over. Hardly have any renewal or repeat patronage that I can think of presently.

So I guess when I say that the second time is not as good, I am using the reference point of a GF. (Second Time round: Getting back together after a Break Up). Then again, this perception is taken from the context of my personal experience. I am quite sure for many others, the second time round is a better experience.

Whatever the case, I am mentally prepared that the second time round will suffer a degradation of service from XH. If I am wrong, and the service goes up - it is truly a bonus!

Don't think I have ever BY a Shanghainese woman before. No 缘分. Not that I eschew them intentionally. To me, regardless of where you come from, as long as I find you beautiful and your character suits me, I don’t care where you come from.

Besides being the apotheosis of materialistic and 现实, other stereotypes abound for the Shanghainese women – such as the husband has to do the household chores (after bringing home at Bacon at the office), while the Shanghainese lass indulge in mahjong with her friends. Guess there is no smoke without fire in the context of your experience.

Actually your comments and observations about northern girls are echoed by several of my friends too. Although a generalization, if a situation presents itself whereby if you had to choose either a gal from the North or SH/Ningde, all things being equal (ceteris paribas), better go for the north.

Didn’t realize that JY is so short. She appears taller. She must have physical “stature”. Can see why you are enamored with her. Good on ya mate! I am sure you will tutor her well when she comes in as a student!

Anyway, yesterday is a strange day of sorts for me. I got three propositions:

1) M (my Viet lass) hinted that she wants to be more than simply my FB.

2) Remember our last trip to GL? Anyway I was there for one hour. The so called ang-pai gal (short gal with nice tits - who sat with me the last time you were there) suddenly asked me to be her “patron”. She says she is tired of the KTV scene. She says that she knows I “照顾” ladies and wants me to do the same to her. And she proceeded to do a sales pitch – self extolling her virtues.

3) Sarah called as usual. She somehow had this notion that I am married. Guess what? She told me that she is willing to be my other bini (wife). Told her that Singapore does not allow for bigamy and then reiterated to her that she is my lover-girl (my exact word: “part time lover – like what Stevie Wonder song say” - followed by humming the song tune).

Cheers bro!

29-10-2009, 03:22 PM
Yes, been busy wif my long lost soulmate, trying to get everything in place, redecorating the place, new furniture blah blah.....
Also, have officially stopped cheonging if it was to be my call but will still be there if the good bros requests my presence.........
Yes, other than that, I'm a very happy man:)

30-10-2009, 01:53 AM
Yes, been busy wif my long lost soulmate,... ..
Also, have officially stopped cheonging if it was to be my call but will still be there if the good bros requests my presence.........
Yes, other than that, I'm a very happy man:)

My heartiest congrats to you bro DYBJ.

Retired but still be there for friends ...now that's indeed a noble "brotherhood" gesture.

Your soulmate is indeed a swell lady and easy to get along with. I can empathise with you on why you don't see the 'need' for cheong.

I also like the fact that she is open to your "cheonging" and not awkward in a KTV environ. In fact, the wonderful thing is that she accompanies you for the session - a lot of local gals I know will try to circumscribe a guys KTV activities once they land him). Truly to be treasured bro!

30-10-2009, 07:54 AM
Tks bro justime for your well wishes n nice words.
I made a pact that if i go, she'll be my companion thus is also my committment & guarantee that i wont stray.
It's not like i have a very good report card on womanising you know lol

01-11-2009, 03:19 AM
Hi Bro Warbird........................................... ....
As far as I can recollect, once the patronage is over - it is over. Hardly have any renewal or repeat patronage that I can think of presently.
.................................................. ........................Whatever the case, I am mentally prepared that the second time round will suffer a degradation of service from XH. If I am wrong, and the service goes up - it is truly a bonus!
.................................................. .................................................. .....
Actually your comments and observations about northern girls are echoed by several of my friends too............................................... ...................Didn’t realize that JY is so short. She appears taller............................................ ......................!

Anyway, yesterday is a strange day of sorts for me. I got three propositions:..................................... .................................................

Hi bro Justime,

I must be eccentric as I hv BAO-ed my "first" BAO-ee 3 times. I'm still in ctc w/ her.

JY was sitting on the back of a long sofa in the main hall at DC when I first met her n told me she was 165 w/o shoes, perhaps cus I wasn't tall. She is likely a tad taller at 166.

Try to keep all the gals as long as u like them...


16-11-2009, 10:51 AM
hi bro justime,

thread has been quiet for some time. how are you? any new tips and stories?

anyway, 15 nov The New Paper publish front page tat man's mistress pour hot oil on his wife, and yet the man's heart still with her ..... dam serious case of KC man ..... what are your thots? shud be interesting insight coming in frm the master.

btw, never post for so long because computer kaput - now buy a new one. pock liao - this month cannot cheong. :(

my life a lil more interesting - got gf now! :)
will post a lil later to share story

23-11-2009, 09:52 PM
bros & sifus on the art of empowerment,

had a major fight with my gf (less than one mth already fight). tis concerns the carrying of her handbag by me.

last time, i always submit and be the wuss tat bro justime talk abt. everytime aso give in. wat my gf want i do. i admit tat i totally no empowerment.

nowadays i more heong. know got options & confident tat if she donch me - her loss.

i refuse to give in to her. not sure if tis is the empowerment tat bro jus talk abt or me simply being petty on the issue of me carrying her handbag? does it mean tat i am not a man when i do so? if i give in & carry her bag, will it say i got lose power & kena take for granted? is carrying bag symbolic for me being 乾纲不振 (henpecking) or being a 太监?

i mentally prepare to habis tis relationship ... altho inside i feel 可惜 tat only man ego & over 'small thing' like hand bag must end relationship.

kum siah for yur views & advice.

23-11-2009, 10:03 PM
i mentally prepare to habis tis relationship ... altho inside i feel 可惜 tat only man ego & over 'small thing' like hand bag must end relationship.

kum siah for yur views & advice.

I firmly believed in give and take. 2 ppl together must learn to give and take.
You gave in to her, she must also learn to give in to you. Mutual respect for each other is the secret to long term relationship.

24-11-2009, 05:18 AM
really enjoying reading this story... :)

24-11-2009, 01:58 PM
…. thread has been quiet for some time. how are you? any new tips and stories?

anyway, 15 nov The New Paper publish front page tat man's mistress pour hot oil on his wife, and yet the man's heart still with her ..... dam serious case of KC man ..... what are your thots

my life a lil more interesting - got gf now...

Hi Bro Anson, first off let me congratulate you on having a gf!

I do not have the full context of how you court her but I intuitive sense that you must have taken action for this to happen (like maybe capitalize on chance encounters) instead of passively waiting for romance to happen like your previous relationships.

Apologies for this leave of absence, I am trying to work out some business deals so as to improve the level of my “cheonging” budget.

Updates wise, not much developments by way of my love protagonists: Same two gfs (Singapore and Thailand) and my BY in Indonesia (Sarah whom I mentioned above).

I am still feeling a little lethargic because of my work and all that travel. As such, I will elaborate a little later on the case of the vengeful mistress for now.

Suffice to say, the man in question handled the matter poorly. He did not manage his emotions well. He also leads his mistress on in terms of expectations.

For now, note the situations that can compel extreme violence in a woman:

1) She is being scorned.
2) Her future and security is compromised.
3) Her loved ones (especially off-spring) is being threatened.

had a major fight with my gf (less than one mth already fight). tis concerns the carrying of her handbag by me.
…….i refuse to give in to her. not sure if tis is the empowerment tat bro jus talk abt or me simply being petty on the issue of me carrying her handbag? does it mean tat i am not a man when i do so? if i give in & carry her bag, will it say i got lose power & kena take for granted? is carrying bag symbolic for me being 乾纲不振 (henpecking) or being a 太监?

i mentally prepare to habis tis relationship ... altho inside i feel 可惜 tat only man ego & over 'small thing' like hand bag must end relationship. …..

I will give my take on this after my “break”.

Let me however at the outset state here that I am not very successful in maintaining a long term relationship vis-à-vis some of bros here. Perhaps their inputs will be more valuable to you.

I know how to start a relationship and even exit well. But to build and nurture a long term one with a single girl is obviously not my forte. I therefore cannot speak with “authority” here as I lack the necessary experiential knowledge / credential to do so. Nonetheless, I shall give you my 'two cents' for your consideration.

I like to state here that carrying of your gf seem to be a manifestation of an overt power struggle between you and your gal. That it happened during the 'honeymoon period' is interesting. Again I am not sure of the your respective motivations on why you take the position you do.

The questions I have for you now:

1) Whether you have explicitly communicated to her that you do not like to carry her handbag and despite this assertion, she insisted that you do so.

2) I would like to ask you on what grounds and reasons (at the prima facie level) does she provide you to carry her bags.

3) What are your personal views on men carrying their partners’ hand bags? Are you scared of other people’s reaction or you find it intrinsically distasteful? (Litmus test: How do you feel if you carry her bag if alone? when only with her? when there are other third party ‘witness’ around?

Got to go now bro, I will come back with more inputs soon.

25-11-2009, 10:54 AM
Hi esteemed bro Justime,

Pls continue to share ur wisdom, insights, experiences n masterstrokes on this complex subject called "Mistress" w/ us.

Ths n hv a great day!!

Bro WB

25-11-2009, 01:28 PM
Be a man with principles.

It is nothing wrong to carry GF's hand bag depending on situations (e.g when she is attending some errands with no free hand). Do not make it a habit to carry for her, only do it when necessary.

My ex once told me (When I was young) when I was trying to carry her hand bag " Do not carry my hand bag, it is weird for a MAN to do such things". Well.....You do not need to show off your love to your loved one by carrying her hand bag. There are many other ways to show......such like buying her a branded hand bag and I am sure she will love to carry it around (To show off mah, hehe).

Just my 2 cents worth.


26-11-2009, 04:22 PM
should or shouldn't a guy carry his partner's bag? it all depends on a number of different factors. does his partner, for example, expect him to do it all the time, or only under certain circumstances? and is she still insistent, despite his vocal opposition? the list of variables goes on and on. personally, i have no qualms about carrying my partner's bag (as long as it looks decent enough, hahaha!) and dun see it as an issue of manhood or masculinity at all. it all boils down to the fundamental balance in the relationship between your partner and yourself. no two people (and no two relationships) are completely alike so it's kinda hard to generalise as well. interpersonal dynamics...it can be a tricky minefield... and of course the nature of the shared relationship is doubtlessly also important. while i'm okay with being a porter for the CO or a GF, i probably wouldn't carry the bag of an ordinary FB, just to give an indication. well, it just wouldn't be 'right', eh? hmph, perhaps even more galling (to some) is not ferrying the counterpart's handbag per se, but being tasked with the inglorious duty of lugging all the (probably gratuitous) shopping accumulated on a leisurely weekend excursion to the mall. it's all a matter of being taken for granted sometimes. a long-term relationship is a partnership of sorts and there has to be give-and-take on both ends. while it is perhaps impossible to achieve a completely equal and level playing field between the two halves of a couple, i dun think it's very healthy either for one party to be doing all the compromising, caving in and slaving away all the time either. put simply, i find it pretty offensive that some women consider their significant others to be mere mobile ATMs and mules-on-order. it really reveals the severe character flaws of both sides. nobody, man or woman, can gain the respect of anyone else if he or she does not first respect himself or herself. it isn't about machismo or pride, but just some plain vanilla self-respect. so whatever it is, make sure you dun ever lose that last bastion of your 'self'. anyhow, the straightforward way to get a woman to carry her own bag is just to make sure that the relevant item is simply gorgeous enough. no self-respecting owner of a birkin will ever countenance the idea of someone else carrying her pride and joy and the centrepiece of her bag collection. even if that person happens to be her stud of a hubby, her gay BFF or whatever. think it works the same even if you're talking about 'lesser' bags like the chanel 2.55 or even something as 'pedestrian' as a baguette from fendi. would you want (and be able) to get your tease a birkin though? heheh, as an aside, i suppose if i had a mistress, i probably would never hold her bag on her behalf. i wouldn't...just for the heck of it if nothing else. i suppose with that sort of relationship, the balance of power is rather different. something so ephemeral and transient doesn't deserve that extra oomph of involvement and commitment. but then again, i doubt i can afford to have one even if i ever desire to have one (which i dun, currently) so the point is kinda moot. enjoy the bag shopping this long weekend, everyone (mistress or GF or missus in tow, or not); cheers.

26-11-2009, 05:13 PM
Handbag powerplay? :)

IMHO, unless her hands are already preoccupied with carrying other things or if she is busy or needs to do something important without her bag bothering her, I wouldn't mind holding her bag for her for a short time that is needed. I would not carry her bag while walking around the mall while she wandering around for the shopping items. :p NO offend to any bros, although I think it's not a big deal for guys helping to carry their ladies bags “sometimes”, but it's really awkward for me to see guys carrying their girlfriend's bag walking all over the place like I have seen in here and in certain China cities. It does not implies that men not carrying their ladies bags are inconsiderate, unloving or uncaring as we will definitely not let any ladies carrying heavy or dirty stuffs. Not all girls would want their boyfriends to carry their bags.

To be fair, I would never let them carry my wallet at all. :D:)

26-11-2009, 10:41 PM
Hi Bro Anson
1st n foremost, congrats on ur gf! juz 2 share. to help gf carry handbags is ok if needed when her hands are full etc. but most gals would not want their bf to carry handbags around.

If a gal insist that u carry her handbags when it is not necessary, then my personal view is her loss if things dun work out.


27-11-2009, 06:17 PM
i thanks all bros here for yur nice and helpful words. very gratitude.

I firmly believed in give and take. 2 ppl together must learn to give and take.
You gave in to her, she must also learn to give in to you. Mutual respect for each other is the secret to long term relationship.

i tink bro cerberus u correct in saying issue is abt respect. i feel tat she did not give me respect.

actually last time when i had my ex gf, i more than chin chye. everyting my ex gf want, i do. 忍 all her nonsense becos i scare she break up. after being so wussy, still kena dumped.

handbag not so heavy i can carry, but when she ask me to carry it while we go shopping, i say i don't want. actually i don't mind to carry one - but don't know why on tis day, i say i don't want. suddenly she 翻脸 & ask me what wrong with it. this then becum quarrel.

bro justime taught me to be more empowerment & assertive. aso tks to his coaching & my hiong, i slightly more confident with myself. i learn that actually even break up no problemo as i can find new one frm my own hand and effort.

i feel tat if got no respect so early in our relationship, next time chia lat (end up like with me wussy like last time with my ex) - so now kick fuss & pursposely 无理取闹on bag issue lah.

Hi Bro Anson, first off let me congratulate you on having a gf!

The questions I have for you now:

1) Whether you have explicitly communicated to her that you do not like to carry her handbag and despite this assertion, she insisted that you do so.

2) I would like to ask you on what grounds and reasons (at the prima facie level) does she provide you to carry her bags.

3) What are your personal views on men carrying their partners’ hand bags? Are you scared of other people’s reaction or you find it intrinsically distasteful? (Litmus test: How do you feel if you carry her bag if alone? when only with her? when there are other third party ‘witness’ around?

Got to go now bro, I will come back with more inputs soon.

actually i must thk u one. u make me realise tat there got other fish in the ocean & then teach me how to fish. :D

* my gf sally just say her handbag heavy, so ask me to carry it. we window shopping at taka. yah, i tell her i don't like to carry bag but she still insisted and say what is wrong. (see my reply to bro cerburus)

* actually got no strong personal views. carry mah carry lor. people say what, think what their business. last time i aso carry all my ex bag.

it is only after i say i don't want to carry and then she Kow Pei Kow Bu then i realise got issue. got power struggle. i want to be assertive bcos i don't ever wanna kena like last time doormat.

now go so far, i don't wanna back down on hand bag issue as i don't wanna appear wussy.

however after abt one day later, i call her and say sori. but i repeat my pt abt not carry handbag. sally say okay but disappointed in me bcos i so 大男子主义.

....My ex once told me (When I was young) when I was trying to carry her hand bag " Do not carry my hand bag, it is weird for a MAN to do such things". Well.....You do not need to show off your love to your loved one by carrying her hand bag. There are many other ways to show......such like buying her a branded hand bag and I am sure she will love to carry it around (To show off mah, hehe).

i know tat some women & man tink it wierd for man carry handbag. to me carry mah carry lor ..... but now tat i tink again, got like wat bro justime say, power struggle.

bro yandao, me not as handsome as u as well rich like u leh ... i rather carry her handbag than buy her branded bag. ;)

27-11-2009, 06:24 PM
... and dun see it as an issue of manhood or masculinity at all...... while i'm okay with being a porter for the CO or a GF, i probably wouldn't carry the bag of an ordinary FB, ...... it's all a matter of being taken for granted sometimes. a long-term relationship is a partnership of sorts and there has to be give-and-take on both ends... some women consider their significant others to be mere mobile ATMs and mules-on-order. it really reveals the severe character flaws of both sides. ...nobody, man or woman, can gain the respect of anyone else if he or she does not first respect himself or herself. it isn't about machismo or pride, but just some plain vanilla self-respect.... i suppose if i had a mistress, i probably would never hold her bag on her behalf. i wouldn't...just for the heck of it if nothing else. i suppose with that sort of relationship, the balance of power is rather different.

tk u bro tuxedosam for taking trouble to write all that explanation. wow ....very good and impressive. i breathless with yur wisdom. like to hear more frm u please - u sound so logical and u give good advice.

27-11-2009, 06:29 PM
Handbag powerplay?

....NO offend to any bros, although I think it's not a big deal for guys helping to carry their ladies bags “sometimes”, but it's really awkward for me to see guys carrying their girlfriend's bag walking all over the place like I have seen in here and in certain China cities. It does not implies that men not carrying their ladies bags are inconsiderate, unloving or uncaring as we will definitely not let any ladies carrying heavy or dirty stuffs. Not all girls would want their boyfriends to carry their bags.

To be fair, I would never let them carry my wallet at all.

bro ichigo, the more i tink, i more convince tat there got element of powerplay.

like u i tink no big deal until she KPKB when i decline her.

anyway i last time the awkard bladdy donkey u see carrying gf bag walking ard - but now got some standard...... :D

27-11-2009, 06:36 PM
1st n foremost, congrats on ur gf! juz 2 share. to help gf carry handbags is ok if needed when her hands are full etc. but most gals would not want their bf to carry handbags around.

If a gal insist that u carry her handbags when it is not necessary, then my personal view is her loss if things dun work out.

thk u for yur congrats bro. long time no hear frm u at this thread too. when i typing tis, sally & me still together. for how long more, i don't know.

i now hv attitude of her loss if things don't work out. big change frm last me grovelling to my ex when she threaten to break up. (after all this lesson i learn these few months, i don't tink i can ever tahan gal use threat of breakup anymore)

anyway we know tat some gals do not want their bf to carry their handbags around. but what abt for those gal tat want their bf to do so? wat are bros view, wat if yur gf/oc ask u - how u react?

28-11-2009, 10:33 AM
Bro Anson
Think u did very well. Apologise but still state ur position (a position which I think is reasonable).

Yes, must apply Empowerment and dun be threatened by breakup!

Waiting to hear what other bros' view on how to react if gf ask them to carry handbags. ;)


28-11-2009, 10:47 AM
One thing for sure.
Most men are destined to carry their shopping bags.

29-11-2009, 01:04 AM
Actually, the bag carrying syndrome is not a MUST!
I for one do not do such things unless absolutely necessary.
Like her hands are busy carrying other stuff and so on.
Lots of guys try to play Mr Nice when dating or trying to get the chick.
So they open door la, pull chair out for her to sit, use tissue to clean her mouth & not forgetting, carry her bag.
This is all self inflicted.
Once its already a norm, imagine, she expecting this action from you is not wrong, cos its already a norm to her, you programmed it in her head.
But then, the dude KPKB now, say she demanding.
Ask yourself an honest question, did she tell you to do it in the 1st place or you spoilt your own bloody market?????
Think the answer is anybody's guess ya

29-11-2009, 10:49 AM
By way of an anecdote (which is almost parable / metaphor-like) when talking about power dynamics.

I will leave bros here to think about what I write and draw their own conclusions.

1) I remember an episode whereby Hua (my friend and business mentor) had his mistress, AE, carry a lot of bags. These are mostly shopping groceries. AE’s hands were literally full and she was struggling to even walk properly. Hua’s who is not carrying anything at all at that time did not even proffer any assistance at all. When I witnessed the situation, I ribbed him about not displaying ‘gentlemanly conduct’.

Hua replied nonchalantly: “She may be girl, but I am elderly. So what is your point? PRC gals are stronger and more resilient than you give them credit for. A housewife exerts more energy in her daily chores”

Hua had a point. Despite AE’s struggles with the numerous bags, she reached the car without falling over or any other untoward incident. There is a minimum of fuss or even attitude thrown in. (When I asked hypothetically on this scenario to some of my friends, (much like Bro Anson here on his handbag carrying scenario), I get a sense that many men having a strong sense of recoil on these apparently non chivalrous attitude that borders on misogyny.

Putting aside the issue of chivalry, I somehow intuited that the cryptic response given by Hua had a life lesson concerning power play.

That notions and social mores about gentlemanly conduct can be exploited. Presumptive gender roles like the male being paymaster, ladies being hapless damsels, man giving in to the whims of lady (being a lady has the prerogative to be indulged) all can be used as weapons in the play for power. What’s more tears can be used to subvert - and this is one of the most powerful emotional blackmail tool!!!!!

In fact I have got many lady friends (from WL to OL) who candidly admitted that they often used tears to get what they want to control their guy! .

2) I would to add here that I too am asked to carry a handbag – by my mistress no less. Out of habit (from here previous relationships I guess), my PRC mistress asked me to carry her handbag while we were shopping in Shanghai one day. I was mildly ‘taken aback’ by this sudden request but acquiesced anyway – just to see where episode will lead to.

As I was carrying her handbag, I was mentally ratiocinating on how I can parlay this to my advantage – such as demanding some kinky play and/or use it as a pretext to refuse to further pay for the shopping trip.

However, as I was carrying her bag and going about the routine task of shopping (and generally not kicking up a fuss about it deliberately), I could sense the disquiet that my mistress was feeling. Finally she asked for her handbag back. I cynically asked why that change of heart, she sheepishly replied that it is 'not nice for men to carry handbags'.

My response is a calm retort – why then does she ask me to do so if she know that it is 'not nice for men to carry handbags'.

For the rest of the shopping trip I deliberately held up on the paying bit. Not because I was angry or even a mildly riled over the incident – I just play act for kicks. Whatever items she chose I would cast aspersions and say that if she liked it so much, she can pay for it herself and finally I claimed that I am being tired and want to go back to my hotel.

When we got back, she apologized. And soon started that inevitably ‘peace’ and reconciliatory process by being super nice and sweet and accommodating.

Now that I got some emotional intensity percolating, I parlayed this for my first anal experience with her (which she had agreed to earlier anyway but holding up in terms of delivery hitherto). :cool:

And till now I still get SMS periodically from her (despite her being married) and despite me terminating the relationship three and half years ago.

03-12-2009, 03:03 PM
Just came across this thread. Excellent sharing, bros.... esp bro justime. Really highly envy your status...eloquent English..high spending power....good look(that's what one bro wrote)....inspiring writer...own business with flexibility of time.....relationship guru....all highly enviable personality traits. Must be high target for most KTV gals.

04-12-2009, 02:51 AM
Just came across this thread. Excellent sharing, bros.... esp bro justime. Really highly envy your status...eloquent English..high spending power....good look(that's what one bro wrote)....inspiring writer...own business with flexibility of time.....relationship guru....all highly enviable personality traits. Must be high target for most KTV gals.

hi bro justime, i agree w bro compassion one. u solid catch for KTV gals! but i think u too elusive and clever to kena trap by them .... :D

bro compassion, since bro jus help me so much, i know tat wat i write is not objective. i agree w yur views, but wat i like about bro just is his humble & generousity despite his status. one dam good human being!

don't面红耳赤 hor bro justime....!

anyway, got ano issue to ask yur opionion and other experienced bros here.

sori like teenager like tat, but me very low on experience w regard to relationship.

my question: after the 'quarrel' over me carrying sally's handbag, i feel a bit sian about the relationship. i still like sally but not as much as last time. i also feel like i want to see other people.

when i ask sally to be my gf, i say we go exclusive and steady. she agree. but now tat we steady, i begin to miss fun of buaya and flirt w new gal. aso the quarrel make me a little sian w her. her attitude when she quarrel w me remind me of the time i kena wussy by my ex.

but problem is - i feel bad to end the relationship. afterall it is i tat call us to be steady (and never even two mths, i want to inititate breakup).

but with her, i feel guilty everytime i try to chat up some new gal. when i cheong, i also feel like i cheat her like that. i last week go gl, my kuku cannot stand hard long - very fast cum. i tink i feel guilty.

i don't feel freedom. tell me bros, is tis bcos i commit to one gal so fast - just when i learn how to fish, i throw away fishing rod.

truly like dam if u do and dam if u don't dilema.

20-02-2010, 01:49 AM
bump up this thread ... its been such a while since there are masterstrokes.:D

20-02-2010, 12:15 PM
just to add my two cents on 'carry handbag' topic

although from a 'is it a big deal?' POV, i would say no. cause really ... it's just like any other bag you would carry. However, if the girl asks me to carry her bag while walking around and doing her shopping, the answer will be a no. My philosophy is, if you want to bring out the handbag ... you carry it. I don't mind helping you hold it if you need the use of both your hands / going to washroom.

If want to argue, I might even go as far as saying it is disrespectful (whatever the gender) to ask someone else to hold your stuff when you are perfectly capable of doing it yourself. you look at me as b/f or slave??

However, that being said, i would say it also depends on the girl. If the girl is very opinionated, then i would be quite adamant about not holding her bag. You want equal rights ... carry your own bag.
If the girl is a much more 'docile' girl, can consider if she asks ... but maybe as per bro justtime scenario ... get a favour in return later. :P