View Full Version : Mistress
05-01-2011, 07:26 AM
Bro Justime
What happened to this very useful thread? I spent half a day reading through all the postings and then found that it had ended abruptly! So sad. I am surprised that the last posting was in Feb 2010!
I hope you would continue to share your wise experiences with us here. I believe many brothers here are still waiting to learn how to be a Confident Bastard and how to DISENGAGE oneself from a mistress easily.
Would also be helpful if other brothers could also chip in to share their valuable experiences!
Thanks in advance!
05-01-2011, 11:05 AM
...What happened to this very useful thread? I spent half a day reading through all the postings and then found that it had ended abruptly! So sad. I am surprised that the last posting was in Feb 2010!
I hope you would continue to share your wise experiences with us here. I believe many brothers here are still waiting to learn how to be a Confident Bastard and how to DISENGAGE oneself from a mistress easily.
Would also be helpful if other brothers could also chip in to share their valuable experiences!
Hi Bro Grochycabi, thank you for resuscitating this thread. This is the thread that started it all for me ~ all the good things I must say! I also chio ka peng when I read back some of my postings. ..... dam malu siah, I just wanna hide under a rock :D
Anyways, I did contact bro justime previously on the continuation of this thread. He told me that bro warbird's has done a stellar job in his "picking up gals outside KTV" thread. And that in order not to dilute focus - a lot of duplication material - decide to wind down this thread and let the other thrad shine.
Bro Jus also told me that he will contribute to bro warbird's "picking up gals outside KTV" thread as and when he can as he is busy moving about to build another business. (Good Luck Bro, you deserve it!)
I have personally benefitted a lot from this "mistress" thread (and from bro jus individual tutelege). Reading back a couple of pages, i am pleasantly surprised what a difference one year makes. Sometimes its good to keep a blog or diary simply to see your progress or growth.
I hao lian a little here can? :D
1) Dam malu with myself about kicking a fuss over carrying handbags - as in the last few postings. Bladdy mid thirties man (okay now slightly beyond that :rolleyes:) behave like gin na. I have totally forgotten about Sally ~ until I read this thread again.
Since Sally, I am in a 'steady' relationship with another gal - I call her Olive in this forum. More importantly, I am also sort of dating a model from China. I call the latter my "fantasy gal"
(Okay, fantasy girl may not be a Top Tier model. More like the "care-leh-fair" grade. But a for chao no money heartlander whose looks can rival wayne rooney in the ugliness department, its the best thing that happen in my life so far. A literal "Beauty & Beast" story, only that this beast is a pock kai bastard.
... sell koyok a little ~ for the full chronicles of how this started, its progress and development see my thread. And this story is still on-going ...
2) Through Bro Jus "training" (me macham kung fu panda) I have learned to overcome shyness when approaching gals. This is probably what help me "land" sammi, my fantasy girl described above.
3) I did some hard work and applied NLP and also use the advice and exercise Bro Jus gave to actually totally kick my two pack a day hoong ki habit. I now also only moderately togo (social drinker). Still buy 4D though. :D
4) Best of all, from nearly kena sack from work to now recently got promoted and salary nearly doubled from a year back. More money to cheong yipppeeeee!
(Still doing the same cho bo lan staff only now kena attend more meetings! Less time to surf net and post during Office hours is the only drawback)
Cheers and yum seng to all bros in 2011. (and up you bro grouchy for bumping up this magical thread!)
06-01-2011, 03:21 PM
Ah ha!! So this is the famed thread everyone was raving about! This is so amazing!! Thanks for reviving this thread, bro ansonsohna!
Damn, this is really very very good stuff!! I have read 3 pages and also bookmarked it! Man, so much to learn, the masterstrokes, and also improve my English along the way… one stone 2 birds! Thank you bro Justime!
13-05-2016, 11:28 AM
Bro Justime,
Thank you for coming to meet me n my kakis at Jade yesterday. Pleasure was all mine!
And thank u for sharing your personal experiences n ordeals for the last 4-5 yrs. You look relaxed n confident, in the pink of health. You're very resilient n you are now stronger than ever before. Your emotional strength is awesome!!
That is why you're the original Bao King!
I look forward to seeing u again.
Bro WB
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