View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
28-12-2011, 04:52 PM
Hi Bro WB,
There is no absolute in a RS.
In my case, I gladly play the "domesticated" part when the situation requires.
It is always good to let the other party "feels" that she has control, when actually that is not really the case.
30-12-2011, 10:10 AM
wow.. learnt plenty from this thread.. bookmark it!
Hi bro asdfghjkl,
I hv also learnt a lot from advice, comments n sharing of experiences from all the bros here.
Hi Bro WB,
There is no absolute in a RS.
In my case, I gladly play the "domesticated" part when the situation requires.
It is always good to let the other party "feels" that she has control, when actually that is not really the case.
Hi bro besafe,
You're right! Every man-woman RS is unique, dynamic n constantly changing.
You're good, very good, at playing the mind game.
大哥你是調情圣手, 你是扮猪吃老虎!
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ...........................................
Good Morning!
RS is very complex n even if, in the beginning, both love/sex partners like/love each other equally (Balanced RS), an Imbalance will inevitably occur. One partner will like/love or care more than the other. This Imbalanced RS is potentially very unstable n may lead to separation/divorce/heartbreak/misery.
As a MAN, u must make sure ur gal/woman has a lot more KC for u than u hv for her. Be the one who cares less in the RS n be prepared to walk out on her, whatever ur RS w/ her n even if u love her n she is ur dream gal.
We men r simple.
If u see a pretty n sexy gal of ur type, u r instantly attracted. OK, u r different n u want to get to know the gal too. I'm going to qualify her to see if she is good enough for me, hahaha.
But gals r complex n emotional.
To keep them attracted n fall for u, u must give them very strong emotions (including regular oxytocin surges). Not only positive n pleasurable emotions, but also strong negative emotions occasionally, hahaha. It's called push-pull method n carrot n stick approach. A guru believes the correct ratio of carrot to stick is 7 to 1.
One thing that works like a charm is to be slow in replying her calls n text msg, be unavailable...even in an established RS.
Hope + Uncertainty = Passion (Attraction)
Any comments?
A bro sent me a text stating that YY is pretty. Will try to qualify her on my return.
Happy New Year!!
Bro WB
31-12-2011, 03:28 AM
halo bro,
i recently meet a WL. quite good terms.
whenever she sms me using darling, dear... i feel very irritated.
to me as long as there are $ involved, please don't address me as darling, dear...
am i mad or something?? i jolly knew is part & parcel of KC, but i just can't stand it. too fake
31-12-2011, 05:03 AM
Bro. Warbird,
I will set tent here, can learnt a lots of thing here, What's is RS:)
31-12-2011, 05:28 AM
halo bro,
i recently meet a WL. quite good terms.
whenever she sms me using darling, dear... i feel very irritated.
to me as long as there are $ involved, please don't address me as darling, dear...
am i mad or something?? i jolly knew is part & parcel of KC, but i just can't stand it. too fake
Actually not all the girls like to do KC on SMS.
If I receive SMS using dear, I may like it, no matter fake or real..( the girl I prefer)
I ever look for one Fl more than 10 times, she seldom SMS, last visit asking her why never auto SMS me. She told troublesome to SMS coz so many name inside. I feeling Bo song and told her if u dun sms me i may not look for her. Until now almost 4 months she still no SMS:(
To another FL, feel irritated and hide phone, only meet her one time, but every 3 days SMS using Darling, dear, miss u make me :o
31-12-2011, 09:24 AM
You're right! Every man-woman RS is unique, dynamic n constantly changing.
You're good, very good, at playing the mind game.
大哥你是調情圣手, 你是扮猪吃老虎!
Bro WB
Hi Bro WB,
You are definitely the master.
Your targets are for for short term bao-ing.
Mine is for life.
31-12-2011, 11:20 AM
Actually not all the girls like to do KC on SMS.
If I receive SMS using dear, I may like it, no matter fake or real..( the girl I prefer)
I ever look for one Fl more than 10 times, she seldom SMS, last visit asking her why never auto SMS me. She told troublesome to SMS coz so many name inside. I feeling Bo song and told her if u dun sms me i may not look for her. Until now almost 4 months she still no SMS:(
To another FL, feel irritated and hide phone, only meet her one time, but every 3 days SMS using Darling, dear, miss u make me :o
Si BH, u are the number 1 FL bonker and u dun know why meh? FLs who have gd biz most of the time will not bother with KC thru sms. They have better things to do, FLs with not much biz will forever sms u darling when u coming over. KC is something FLs do only because they have no choice. :D
31-12-2011, 01:56 PM
Si BH, u are the number 1 FL bonker and u dun know why meh? FLs who have gd biz most of the time will not bother with KC thru sms. They have better things to do, FLs with not much biz will forever sms u darling when u coming over. KC is something FLs do only because they have no choice. :D
Wa lau.. U trace me. I come here first times, u also know...
Hee Hee... So u know Y, I so long didnt go Bal.;) . Coz same thinking she biz.:eek:
01-01-2012, 12:23 AM
Wa lau.. U trace me. I come here first times, u also know...
Hee Hee... So u know Y, I so long didnt go Bal.;) . Coz same thinking she biz.:eek:
Hahaha...U can run but u cannot hide...:D
01-01-2012, 12:26 AM
Hahaha...U can run but u cannot hide...:D
Happy New Year 2012
01-01-2012, 01:08 PM
halo bro,
i recently meet a WL. quite good terms.
whenever she sms me using darling, dear... i feel very irritated...............................too fake
Dear bro, I feel irritated if I don't like the gal.
Bro. Warbird,
I will set tent here, can learnt a lots of thing here, What's is RS............
Hi Bro BH,
RS is man-woman relationship.
Actually not all the girls like to do KC on SMS.
If I receive SMS using dear, I may like it, no matter fake or real..( the girl I prefer)....................................
Hi Bro BH,
It depends partly on the gal n partly on who is the chaser n who is the chasee or who controls the RS if both r already in a RS.
Usually, the chaser n the weaker party in a RS tend to initiate more text msg n call more often...
Hi Bro WB,
You are definitely the master.
Your targets are for for short term bao-ing.
Mine is for life....
Hi Bro besafe,
Congrats to u for finding a life partner. 早生贵子!
BTW,I'm still a newbie in BY-ing.
I hv been looking for my type of gals for long-term BY-ing since May 2009. Unfortunately, most of the RS hv been short-lived, from 2 wks to 3 months, for a variety of reasons. One chief reason is that, since I only BY gals who r not known to do ST n who hv refused ST w/ me, on wedding night I may not like the gals's body or her pussy...One good example is CD who was pretty, 170 in height n whom u hv actually met. You know the rest of the story...
However, my 2 current gals, one consider herself my de facto wife n the other my er nai, hv been w/ me long-term, one since Nov 2010 n the other since earlier 2011. Both r my type n both hv very pretty n responsive pussies, hahaha. I hv had a wonderful time w/ them...but the downside is that I often feel rather tired n drained.
Si BH, u are the number 1 FL bonker and u dun know why meh? FLs who have gd biz most of the time will not bother with KC thru sms. They have better things to do, FLs with not much biz will forever sms u darling when u coming over. KC is something FLs do only because they have no choice....
Ths for the info. Bro BH is no 1 FL bonker!
Wa lau.. U trace me. I come here first times, u also know...
Hee Hee... So u know Y, I so long didnt go Bal.;) . Coz same thinking she biz.:eek:hahaha....
Happy New Year 2012
Hi Bro BH,
Master bonker!!
.................................................. ............
To All Samsters,
百事亨通 千事吉祥 萬事如意
Wishing All of You a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!
Bro WB
03-01-2012, 03:18 AM
To all samsters,
I'm taking a short trip to Taiwan n PRC, before returning to SG. May be too busy to post for the next 1 wk.
无微不至, 不动声色。
Bro WB
03-01-2012, 03:47 PM
To all samsters,
I'm taking a short trip to Taiwan n PRC, before returning to SG. May be too busy to post for the next 1 wk.
无微不至, 不动声色。
Bro WB
Bro. Thank u.
祝你一路顺风,Enjoy yr holidaY.
10-01-2012, 03:33 PM
Bro. Thank u.
祝你一路顺风,Enjoy yr holidaY.
Thanks bro.
Happy New Year!
.................................................. .....................................
I'm back.
Would like to organise regular outings to KTVs where I could find, connect w/ n either ST or BY chio gals of my type.
I guess I may be afflicted w/ a chronic case of TWONEITIS which is a form of ONEITIS, as my two long-term mistresses r still 我的女人, one of them will come here in a couple of days n will stay until I leave for Gotham country. The other will be here after CNY.
Yesterday, 2 frens intro a gal to me. I couldn't resist cuz, according to them, she is 19 yo (actually only 18), 168 w/o shoes, fair n more chio than all my previous gals...
I'm a bit disappointed. Although she is a chio SYT who has slim n proportionate body n nice boobs (B/C?), I like my 2 current gals more. I'm not saying my frens lied to me as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. She doesn't do ST, so I told her to come up w/ some BY terms that I could accept, hahaha.
Bro WB
16-01-2012, 12:28 PM
Good Afternoon!
Due to various commitments n obligations, I hv been very busy...
Every real life encounter is a learning experience n makes me a better man. Every story in SBF gives me something to ponder n ruminate.
There is a thread on a Famous Samster and his HFJ PRC Story. This famous n most esteemed samster is alleged to hv been KC-ed big time by a PRC woman, although we hv yet to hear his side of the story.
Assuming that he really got KC-ed deeply, his major mistake is that he put her on a pedestal n tries to be very caring n very "nice" to her, behaving like a loyal n obedient serf, sucking up to his master/goddess. Where is his self confidence n self mastery? How could a woman w/ even just a modicum of self esteem respect such a "serf"? How could she feel safe n secure w/ him? There is no challenge, no mystery n no uncertainty for her. His behaviour is most repulsive to her!
He should hv done the exact opposite.
You see, a man must give a woman hope but never ever "confess" his true feelings to her. Keep her in suspense n slightly insecure n uncertain...even in a long-term RS, say after 20 yrs of marriage, a man must not reveal ALL his feelings to his wive. It kills attraction instantly. On the other hand, if u give her no hope n if u make her too insecure, she is likely to explore n search for new pasture.
Hope + Uncertainty = Attraction (Passion)
No Hope For New Experiences/Goals/Future + No Uncertainty = Zero Attraction (Zero passion)
Little wonder that 50% of marriages eventually end in divorce. The other 50% hv failed but both partners decide to stay together for the sake of children, money, career, business, reputation, etc.
I'll give u a recent example in which I got it right, at least in part unwittingly...
I met a high school gal CL who was barely 17 in Beijing last May. She wanted to come to SG to attend school n be my young mistress. She is 166, chio n has very big natural boobs, perky ass n nice legs. But I'm ambivalent towards her cuz she has medium sized bone whereas I prefer those w/ small bones n very small wrists. I told her not to come until her 18th BD. Since April last yr, she has texted me many times daily n begged me to see her in PRC asap. Sometimes I won't reply for several days n I never initiated ctc. My nonchalant attitude has made her crazy abt me.
She is now a student at a respectable uni in Shanghai. She hopes to be my one n only lover, but she knows that it's unrealistic. She later says that she would be happy just to be one of my lovers. She has intro me to her 41 yo mother, via QQ video, who urged me to go to Dalien to visit her daughter.
CL summed up my "bad" behaviour n her feelings in her QQ space:
你用你的全部生命去谈一次恋爱,那这次恋爱必然不能成功;你用全部精力去谈恋爱,那你一定会被人玩死;你用 全部时间去谈恋爱,别人一定会嫌你烦。因为爱情这事,你越是勤快,投入越多,它结果就越差。只有像懒人养花 一样,爱搭不理,偶尔关心一下,才会新鲜。关心越少,爱的越久。当一个男人不爱一个女人的时候,往往能把这 个女人弄得神魂颠倒,觉得他特MAN,特够味儿,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大局。女人喜欢甚至崇拜这样的 男人,因为她们觉得有一种小鸟依人的感觉。
Bro WB
S i l v i a
16-01-2012, 02:46 PM
你用你的全部生命去谈一次恋爱,那这次恋爱必然不能成功;你用全部精力去谈恋爱,那你一定会被 人玩死;你用 全部时间去谈恋爱,别人一定会嫌你烦。因为爱情这事,你越是勤快,投入越多,它结果就越差。只 有像懒人养花 一样,爱搭不理,偶尔关心一下,才会新鲜。关心越少,爱的越久。当一个男人不爱一个女人的时候 ,往往能把这 个女人弄得神魂颠倒,觉得他特MAN,特够味儿,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大局。女人喜欢甚 至崇拜这样的 男人,因为她们觉得有一种小鸟依人的感觉。
The above sums up u,bro warbird!
Nice nice words she's describing!
Give girl hope but not love....WOW!
17-01-2012, 01:03 AM
Bro Warbird, from my own experience, I do agree with that stance. But there's always a tipping point beyond which a negative outcome may occur. Like flying a kite, sometimes we need to pull back and sometimes to let the kite soar. Happy chionging! :)
19-01-2012, 10:49 AM
你用你的全部生命去谈一次恋爱,那这次恋爱必然不能成功;你用全部精力去谈恋爱,那你一定会被 人玩死;你用 全部时间去谈恋爱,别人一定会嫌你烦。因为爱情这事,你越是勤快,投入越多,它结果就越差。只 有像懒人养花 一样,爱搭不理,偶尔关心一下,才会新鲜。关心越少,爱的越久。当一个男人不爱一个女人的时候 ,往往能把这 个女人弄得神魂颠倒,觉得他特MAN,特够味儿,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大局。女人喜欢甚 至崇拜这样的 男人,因为她们觉得有一种小鸟依人的感觉。
The above sums up u,bro warbird!
Nice nice words she's describing!
Give girl hope but not love....WOW!
Hi bro Silvia,
Yes, "Give girl hope but not love...." is an oversimplification but it works like a charm.
Bro Warbird, from my own experience, I do agree with that stance. But there's always a tipping point beyond which a negative outcome may occur. Like flying a kite, sometimes we need to pull back and sometimes to let the kite soar. Happy chionging! :)
Hi bro mama88,
You're absolutely right. You must know when n how much to push n when n how much to pull, hahaha. If a gal senses that there is too little hope, she will just give up on u.
.................................................. .................................................. ...
Good morning!
I hv learned quite a bit in the last couple of yrs on RS, female psychology n sexology n on BY-ing.
I hv also diversified into BY-ing non-WLs.
For example, CL is not a WL. I also know a pretty PRC student in Senkang who doesn't work anywhere. She has been in SG for a month, but her student visa has been rejected by MOE? Her school has appealed on her behalf. In Nov last yr, when she went to Singapore Embassy in Beijing for an interview, she squabbled w/ the receptionist n was probably blacklisted. She would be a very good potential mistress. She is very sexual n open-minded n told me when she had a BF, she would like to make love everyday...
After reading many books, newsletters n listening to tapes, I would make an attempt to answer an age old question.
I must first state that most healthy women r incredibly sexual creatures n they hv awesome sexual potential n powerful sexual urge. This potential has been suppressed by social-religious conditioning. It takes a real MAN to activate n release this dormant a dormant volcano, hehehe.
What does every chio woman want n need from a MAN?
1) She needs to be respected by his man as a special n unique individual.
2) She needs to hv intimate, emotional communication n bonding w/ her man.
3) She needs an exciting man to make her feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, feminine...
4) She needs hot n passionate sex w/ her man. She wants to be seduced, enticed, teased n satisfied over n over again. She wants to experience new ways n new adventures n she wants to hv her sexual fantasies fulfilled...
Such a good MAN is difficult to find, even for a very beautiful n high quality woman.
Bro WB
Big B
20-01-2012, 11:44 PM
Adding my 2 cents to Bro Warbirds insights, a big obstacle to a successful chase is:
21-01-2012, 10:11 AM
Adding my 2 cents to Bro Warbirds insights, a big obstacle to a successful chase is:
Hi bro Big B,
Very insightful!
Your axiom actually applies to every RS n everyone in this world!
.................................................. ..................................................
Wishing every samster a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Recently, I listened to an audio on "Want to hv more intimacy n sex in ur RS?" in which there was a dialogue between 2 Ang Moh gurus, a male n a female. Below is a brief summary:
3 Biggest Mistakes We Men Make When Trying to Improve Our Intimate RS n Sex Life w/ Our Wives/GFs/Mistresses:
1) We think that a new or superior technique can fix problems in our sexual RS. There is a place for technique, but u can't fix a RS problem w/ a sexual technique. There is such a disconnect from where the man is, mentally n emotionally, to where the woman is, mentally n emotionally.
2) We truly don't believe our partners like sex n so we approach sex by pushing, manipulating n coercing. At her core, a typical woman is a very sexual being...but her sexual potential has been constrained n even stifled by social-religious conditioning since a young age.
Her need for real sex is actually greater than a man's cuz her drive comes from her mind n her deeper need to connect, as compared to the more shallow n often urgent need to release which is the norm for a typical man.
3) We try to "nice " our way into more intimacy...but any good thing overextended becomes a weakness, even a disaster n by over extending a good thing, we may totally ruin our sex lives. We use niceness as a strategy to get sex. But it destroys everything a woman needs in a man to be turned on by him.
Any comments?
I don't completely agree w/ 3). Am I missing something?
Bro WB
22-01-2012, 12:18 AM
Thanks bro.
I guess I may be afflicted w/ a chronic case of TWONEITIS which is a form of ONEITIS, as my two long-term mistresses r still 我的女人, one of them will come here in a couple of days n will stay until I leave for Gotham country. The other will be here after CNY.
I'm a bit disappointed. Although she is a chio SYT who has slim n proportionate body n nice boobs (B/C?), I like my 2 current gals moreBro WB
I have not dropped by for a while. But, wha lou, surprise surprise, I see you've developed a couple of durable relationships! I remember a time you were changing gals like baju in a matter of weeks ...
Nonetheless, I take my hat off at your doing 2 at a go ... the only time I do that is during transition from one long term baoee to the next with a 3-4 mth overlap (i.e. handling 2 at one go) to make sure the next baoee (on probation) can fill the previous one's shoes. I still get sideline bangs from KTVs, MPs, spas etc strictly for ST fun. Gotta do something if the current mistress heads off to the mainland or if she's on code red ;)
I got my current baoee in April and wound down the one before her by July. Kinda sad to lose that one 'cause of her exquisite bod ... but she got kinda too clingy - she was on the final stretch of her '20s, and the present one is quite a firecracker in bed.
I guess the gal's banging quality still the main KPI for me ... kicked out a couple of probationary gals, who despite their great packaging, just could not cut it in bed. Maybe I've changed, but I've become kinda too impatient to spend elaborate courtship phases just to see how they perform in bed. So, absent sexual chemistry from the get-go, I've let quite a few potential might-have-been relationships wilt. Probably cannot manage two-front wars in this lifetime.
24-01-2012, 12:09 PM
I have not dropped by for a while. But, wha lou, surprise surprise, I see you've developed a couple of durable relationships! I remember a time you were changing gals like baju in a matter of weeks ...
Nonetheless, I take my hat off at your doing 2 at a go ... the only time I do that is during transition from one long term baoee to the next with a 3-4 mth overlap (i.e. handling 2 at one go) to make sure the next baoee (on probation) can fill the previous one's shoes. I still get sideline bangs from KTVs, MPs, spas etc strictly for ST fun. Gotta do something if the current mistress heads off to the mainland or if she's on code red ;)
I got my current baoee in April and wound down the one before her by July. Kinda sad to lose that one 'cause of her exquisite bod ... but she got kinda too clingy - she was on the final stretch of her '20s, and the present one is quite a firecracker in bed.
I guess the gal's banging quality still the main KPI for me..............
Hi Bro Dragonkeep,
Ths for sharing ur experiences w/ us.
Having long-term RS is a new adventure for me as I used to keep my gals from 1-12 wks. It has many advantages n a few disadvantages.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ..
Happy New Year!
IMHO, to maintain a successful n happy long-term RS w/ any gal/woman, WL n non-WL alike, n regardless of the arrangement, including BY-ing n marriage, a man must hv more control n more power in the RS. He must be the one who is dominant n who cares less. He must fulfill his masculine role n she must fulfill her feminine role which is a win-win situation for both partners, despite what feminists would hv us believe. It's the result of over 100,000 years of evolution.
It's vital that, in an ongoing RS, the man must continue to fulfill his masculine role, otherwise it will fail.
Supposing an very confident n dominant male enters into a long-term RS w/ a beautiful female n they really love each other initially.
Let's fast forward. After a while, be it many months or many years, assuming that he now loves her more than she loves him n he thinks that he is not good enuff for her, for whatever reason. This is the kiss of death for the RS. He feels very insecure n tries to cling to her. Very bad idea. She begins to pull away n he responds by becoming even more needy n desperate...his wussy attitude/behaviour is so repulsive to her that she will try to leave him. If she doesn't, both of them will be miserable.
Sound familiar?
Bro WB
24-01-2012, 04:58 PM
happy lunar new year...
thanks for the initiation to the ktv scene wb
27-01-2012, 11:41 AM
happy lunar new year...
thanks for the initiation to the ktv scene wb
Happy New Year!
You're most welcome!
.................................................. .................................................. .........
Good morning!
Knowing that certain emotions ( n resultant actions/ behaviour) such as anger, hostility, fear, jealousy, insecurity, shyness, guilt, timidity, etc. r extremely unattractive to gals/women n to everyone else for that matter...n, in some cases, may even put us in hot soup or worse. Yet most of us r unable to control our negative n destructive emotions.
If we don't hv self mastery n excellent emotional control, we r not MEN, but merely immature n pathetic little boys trying to be adults. We will get KC-ed when we don't want to be KC-ed n do things we will later deeply regret.
Let me give u an example.
I read w/ interest two former Govt bigwigs who hv lost their coveted n powerful positions n may face fines n get to stay free at Changi Hilton, hahaha.
The story is still unfolding but, from what I can gather, I think they granted some lucrative Govt contracts to a certain co in return for some perks n fringe benefits, but not much money?!
What is inexplicable is that they got seduced by the one n same pussy! What amazes me is that this woman is much, much older than ur average MILF. She is in her 40s n has two children!
C'mon, I understand that one man's meat is another man's poison, but losing such powerful positions, getting publicly disgraced n facing jail time, all for the same 40 plus yr old pussy which has given birth to 2 kids?? :eek:
Fact is stranger than fiction. I don't get it! I seldom consider fxking, let along BY-ing, gals/women who r older than 25, despite the fact that I'm OLDER than these two disgraced jokers.
I surmise that these two hapless crowns had very strict, perhaps religious upbringing, had studied n worked hard...but, unfortunately, they hv had little real life experiences w/ a variety of pussies of their preferred type. In othe r words, hey had very few options, hehehe. Had they been SBF bros n read all my posts...;)
Yes, these two former govt bigwigs r immature n insecure little boys w/ zero self mastery n they r hypocrites as far as I'm concern.
Knowing what is the right thing to do n doing it r very different. That's why self mastery matters, n matters a lot.
After CL posted this in her QQ space:你用你的全部生命去谈一次恋爱,那这次恋爱必然不能成功;你用全部精力去谈恋爱,那你一定会被 人玩死;你用全部时间去谈恋爱,别人一定会嫌你烦。因为爱情这事,你越是勤快,投入越多,它结果就越差。只 有像懒人养花一样,爱搭不理,偶尔关心一下,才会新鲜。关心越少,爱的越久。当一个男人不爱一个女人的时候 ,往往能把这个女人弄得神魂颠倒,觉得他特MAN,特够味儿,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大局。女人喜欢甚 至崇拜这样的男人,因为她们觉得有一种小鸟依人的感觉, she had not ctc-ed me for a wk. I thought she had learned her lesson. Good for her!
She hasn't. A few days ago, after I sent a msg w/ one word: 在, she has resumed her daily msg n voice barrages thru QQ. Can't blame her for hving no self mastery as she is only 17. The more I avoid her, the more she craves me...
Bro WB
27-01-2012, 11:03 PM
I surmise that these two hapless crowns had very strict, perhaps religious upbringing, had studied n worked hard...but, unfortunately, they hv had little real life experiences w/ a variety of pussies of their preferred type. In othe r words, hey had very few options, hehehe. Had they been SBF bros n read all my posts...;)
Sometimes I could not help but wonder if strict religious upbringing plus studying and working hard is a set-up for something like this to happen. Especially when you hit middle-age.
29-01-2012, 10:51 AM
Dear Bro Warbird
A belated CNY greeting to u. May u have another great year of BYing in 2012...
.................................................. ............
To All Samsters,
百事亨通 千事吉祥 萬事如意
Wishing All of You a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!
29-01-2012, 10:52 AM
Dear Bro Warbird
I was actually in Taiwan from 22nd -26th Feb, back to HK on 26th evening
To all samsters,
I'm taking a short trip to Taiwan n PRC, before returning to SG. May be too busy to post for the next 1 wk.
无微不至, 不动声色。
Bro WB
29-01-2012, 12:00 PM
Bro wb
Same criteria <25:D
Is that a benchmark for ol men..haha
Wow 17 yr ol crave for you, care to share secret of your success:p
29-01-2012, 04:35 PM
29-01-2012, 05:37 PM
Bro WB,
Thanks for sharing your experience. I had picked up a lot from this thread and your advice.
I am newbie to BY and not sure what to do. Had a session with a FL (working in KTV) and on my RTF session with her, she propose for me to BY her. Of course, I knew that these girls cannot be trusted and probably have two or three guys BY-ing her. But from the last two mths, I must say that there was no evidence of her doing that or any FL. But not sure about her 出街 with her KTV clients.
Anyway I tried to break off with her but she is trying to hang onto me. Do not want to cause a big commotion and need advice on how to break away from the BY arrangement.
29-01-2012, 05:49 PM
I am newbie to BY and not sure what to do. Had a session with a FL (working in KTV) and on my RTF session with her, she propose for me to BY her. Of course, I knew that these girls cannot be trusted and probably have two or three guys BY-ing her. But from the last two mths, I must say that there was no evidence of her doing that or any FL. But not sure about her 出街 with her KTV clients.
Anyway I tried to break off with her but she is trying to hang onto me. Do not want to cause a big commotion and need advice on how to break away from the BY arrangement.
Terminology of BY is totally yours, no need to work, just wait & home to service & fulfill your every need.
If you allow her to still work and you cannot financially maintain her $$$ requirement, then you did not totally BY her & you just opened pandoras box.
Like I said before, see what you cant, dun see wat you can cos the TRUTH is 99% usually at what you cant see!
There are ways of catching and very effective but I'll leave that to Guru WarBird to pass on his skills to you.
29-01-2012, 08:11 PM
Terminology of BY is totally yours, no need to work, just wait & home to service & fulfill your every need.
If you allow her to still work and you cannot financially maintain her $$$ requirement, then you did not totally BY her & you just opened pandoras box.
Like I said before, see what you cant, dun see wat you can cos the TRUTH is 99% usually at what you cant see!
There are ways of catching and very effective but I'll leave that to Guru WarBird to pass on his skills to you.
hahaa... guess he needs to know that is no Parttime BY
29-01-2012, 08:39 PM
hahaa... guess he needs to know that is no Parttime BY
BY = Ownership
This is called time sharing!
29-01-2012, 10:07 PM
Sometimes I could not help but wonder if strict religious upbringing plus studying and working hard is a set-up for something like this to happen. Especially when you hit middle-age.
Dear bro chenzong,
It's an unfortunate setup. I know cuz that was how I grew up.
Now I'm going the other extreme, to catch up on lost time...
Dear Bro Warbird
A belated CNY greeting to u. May u have another great year of BYing in 2012...
Dera bro woody,
Ths so much.
Wishing u a great year in BY-ing too!
Dear Bro Warbird
I was actually in Taiwan from 22nd -26th Feb, back to HK on 26th evening
Were u in Taiwan during Feb LAST YEAR? Many uni students there available for ST...
When will u be in SG again?
Bro wb
Same criteria <25:D
Is that a benchmark for ol men..haha
Wow 17 yr ol crave for you, care to share secret of your success:p
Dear Bro Stimsia,
It's a very long n complicated story.
Become the MAN CL describes in her post.
The lesson I hv learned from CL is that if u meet a gal u like a lot, the best chance u hv w/ her is to treat her like an ordinary gal, at least initially. For example, it was fortuitous that when I 1st made ctc w/ CL, she was only 16 n her age was a strong deterrent n I tried to be indifferent to her. However, I did assume that she liked me n was going to fall for me...hahaha. This belief is always very attractive n powerful.
Next time when u meet ur dream gal, be attentive sometimes, ignore her at other times, use push-pull n never reveal ur true feelings for her. Demonstrate ur masculine traits n self mastery n be prepared to walk away if ur boundaries r violated.
Dear Bro beautyhunter,
Ths so much, u make my day!
Happy new Year!!
Bro WB,
Thanks for sharing your experience. I had picked up a lot from this thread and your advice.
I am newbie to BY and not sure what to do. Had a session with a FL (working in KTV) and on my RTF session with her, she propose for me to BY her. Of course, I knew that these girls cannot be trusted and probably have two or three guys BY-ing her. But from the last two mths, I must say that there was no evidence of her doing that or any FL. But not sure about her 出街 with her KTV clients.
Anyway I tried to break off with her but she is trying to hang onto me. Do not want to cause a big commotion and need advice on how to break away from the BY arrangement.
Hi Bro michkim2,
If u r already fxking or ST-ing her, why do u want to BY her?
Just say no to BY, n if u like her, keep fxking her.
BTW, I will never BY a gal who has done ST.
Terminology of BY is totally yours, no need to work, just wait & home to service & fulfill your every need.
If you allow her to still work and you cannot financially maintain her $$$ requirement, then you did not totally BY her & you just opened pandoras box.
Like I said before, see what you cant, dun see wat you can cos the TRUTH is 99% usually at what you cant see!
There are ways of catching and very effective but I'll leave that to Guru WarBird to pass on his skills to you.
Dear Mr. Chairman,
Good to hear from u.
Yes, BY or 包养 means exactly that: no work n no seeing other men/boys n her pussy is exclusively urs. You own her n her pussy exclusively. Period.
There r many strategies to ensure a gal's faithfulness, hehehe. When I'm 99+% sure of her fidelity to me n after 5-6 months of negative blood tests n gyne exams, then n only then I'll fxk her raw.
hahaa... guess he needs to know that is no Parttime BY
BY = Ownership
This is called time sharing!
Dear Masters,
Yes, if the gal works, it's impossible to ensure exclusivity, hahaha.
Hv a great day!
Bro WB
30-01-2012, 04:51 PM
It's an unfortunate setup. I know cuz that was how I grew up.
Now I'm going the other extreme, to catch up on lost time...
I can understand it very well too, it's the same for me. Unlike you, though, I have gone past the "want to catch up" phase and am perfectly happy at my present situation: home-cooked food with lots of love. I am a very blessed man indeed.
30-01-2012, 09:18 PM
Bro Aczeta76, DYBJ & WB,
Thanks to all your advice on my situation.
I will cut my losses and get out to look out for other SYT.
Maybe I was mistaken by the Xin2 episode where she was working during transition.
Need some advice on amount to pay as I am spending about 6-7k on allowance and etc. Wanted her to move out for more time together but she want to stay with her jie mei!
Time for me to move on. Again thanks for your advices.
01-02-2012, 12:01 PM
I can understand it very well too, it's the same for me. Unlike you, though, I have gone past the "want to catch up" phase and am perfectly happy at my present situation: home-cooked food with lots of love. I am a very blessed man indeed.
Hi bro chenzong,
I'm very happy that u hv found ur true love. Yes, you're blessed.
Don't forget u are much younger than I n I had been in ur present situation for a very long time too...
But things change n people change...nothing lasts forever in this Universe.
Bro Aczeta76, DYBJ & WB,
Thanks to all your advice on my situation.
I will cut my losses and get out to look out for other SYT.
Maybe I was mistaken by the Xin2 episode where she was working during transition.
Need some advice on amount to pay as I am spending about 6-7k on allowance and etc. Wanted her to move out for more time together but she want to stay with her jie mei!
Time for me to move on. Again thanks for your advices.
Hi bro michkim2,
What you're paying is within the range, although slightly closer to the high end, for "part-time BY" when ur gal continues to work.
IMHO, the fact that ur gal doesn't want to move out to be close to u raises a red flag. She is hiding something n/or she doesn't value the RS...
I also hv a "part-time BY" (she is currently in PRC but will return soon). for whom I'm paying 6K a month plus some gifts occasionally, only when we r together in SG. She is a popular gal at TAM complex who works only SH. She wants to move to a master bedrm very close to me, which is quite far from Havelock rd. I said NO as my "lao po" is nearby...
She says I dun make love to her often enuff...last time we met, she said: 你亲我下面 (her pussy), 你很久没有亲我下面了 。。。I didn't even though she has very pretty pink abalone, she was very displeased. I normally dun do what they want me to so that they will crave me more, hehehe.
.................................................. .................................................. .
Good morning!
A MAN who has masculine traits, self mastery n sexual mojo is very attractive to the most beautiful gals/women. He is very hard to find...
He must behave like what CL writes:
因为爱情这事,你越是勤快,投入越多,它结果就越差。只 有像懒人养花一样,爱搭不理,偶尔关心一下,才会新鲜。关心越少,爱的越久。当一个男人不爱一 个女人的时候 ,往往能把这个女人弄得神魂颠倒,觉得他特MAN,特够味儿,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大局 。女人喜欢甚 至崇拜这样的男人,因为她们觉得有一种小鸟依人的感觉...
I may not want CL to come to SG when she turns 18 in June cuz she could be trouble for me. She will be too sticky n's better if I go to meet her in PRC or HKG n spend short time w/ her.
Bro WB
01-02-2012, 02:11 PM
But things change n people change...nothing lasts forever in this Universe.
Indeed you are right. Who would have known that "religious" guy like me would one day find himself in this forum! Nothing lasts forever in this Universe, and people change.
01-02-2012, 02:51 PM
Indeed you are right. Who would have known that "religious" guy like me would one day find himself in this forum! Nothing lasts forever in this Universe, and people change.
what's wrong with this forum bro ? :confused: :rolleyes:
01-02-2012, 09:30 PM
Hi bro michkim2,
What you're paying is within the range, although slightly closer to the high end, for "part-time BY" when ur gal continues to work.
IMHO, the fact that ur gal doesn't want to move out to be close to u raises a red flag. She is hiding something n/or she doesn't value the RS...
I also hv a "part-time BY" (she is currently in PRC but will return soon). for whom I'm paying 6K a month plus some gifts occasionally, only when we r together in SG. She is a popular gal at TAM complex who works only SH. She wants to move to a master bedrm very close to me, which is quite far from Havelock rd. I said NO as my "lao po" is nearby...
She says I dun make love to her often enuff...last time we met, she said: 你亲我下面 (her pussy), 你很久没有亲我下面了 。。。I didn't even though she has very pretty pink abalone, she was very displeased. I normally dun do what they want me to so that they will crave me more, hehehe.
Bro WB
Many thanks Bro WB for yr advice. I am a newbie to BY and have much to learn. I believe and probably know I am paying over market rate. I will dump my current gal from DC. Too skinny and A boobs, although she has a pretty face.
Other than physical body proportion and face, I agree with senior bros that their performance in bed is most important!
I am doing her raw after medical test but she doesn't want to try anal. Already kick up an issue without emotion! Although she offer having sex in car but done that and not interest. Just give her cold shoulder since yesterday and she is smsing me. Not going to response to her.
I believe she will come begging for me to take her back but no can do!
Interested to look for new stock. Any recommendation or ctc?
02-02-2012, 12:24 AM
OMG... Lots of tips and lessons from this thread. Where have I been? LoL
Camp! :D
Recently about 2 month ago got to know this KTV girl in China Doll during one of the session. Tall, slender, B+ Cupper, very sweet looks. She was not sitting with me but took the chance to give me her# and say she likes me. Tested her by jokingly ask her to go hotel with a $1000 note but she rejected...
Fast forward till today, still have not bed her. WTF :|
However, she initiated SMS and call me; came out for movies, dinner, where I offer to pay for her time; she asked for same amount as bao-ing her in room. Reason being that she's here to "work" blah blah... (new here, kenna cheated, etc.) Invited me to visit her "work place" (pub) for drinks, where she works PT & got her work permit.
So far, as per TS's doctrine :D I like to think I'm in "control" being the one that "care less", leaving her always to contact me first. But I do always follow-up with some teasing like "You're only interested in $$$" (she replied YES candidly), and I'll say "let's get married and have kids" (in which she answered :are you sure?), and "must I pay her time to have dinner with her?" (where she answered: I'm funny), etc.
After sending her back, she'll always pause before alighting, bend forward and give me a light kiss on my face; still no lips contact. Not that she reject any, but I also play cool so far.
So that's the game I'm playing now. The tension that's slowly building up when being challenged to bed her is so exciting...
Would appreciate any tips from all the experts here :)
02-02-2012, 04:38 AM
Bro Aczeta76, DYBJ & WB,
Thanks to all your advice on my situation.
I will cut my losses and get out to look out for other SYT.
Maybe I was mistaken by the Xin2 episode where she was working during transition.
Need some advice on amount to pay as I am spending about 6-7k on allowance and etc. Wanted her to move out for more time together but she want to stay with her jie mei!
Time for me to move on. Again thanks for your advices.
For havelock pricing, a PRC running table from HH to SH non stop can make 10k a month easy.
But she'll be tired to death.
Like what the Guru WB said, your 6-7k quite generous liaozzz plus she still works and not your back and call.
As for the part where she doesn't want to leave her jie mei's, it's so that she has lots of space to maneuver and they can be her alibis and you have no grounds to control or challenge them.
In future, be STRONG and be FIRM.
6-7k a month terms and conditions are:
1) No Work
2) Stand by by a place rented by me for activation
I leave the rest to the other bros to teach you.
02-02-2012, 04:43 AM
she doesn't want to try anal.
Oldest trick in the book & never fails.
You: 你是谁的?
Her: 我是你的
You: 我是你的谁?
Her: 宝贝or男朋友or老公
You: 那我要你给我一个你没给过任何人的证明给我你是真的!
Works all the time!
02-02-2012, 11:21 AM
Oldest trick in the book & never fails.
You: 你是谁的?
Her: 我是你的
You: 我是你的谁?
Her: 宝贝or男朋友or老公
You: 那我要你给我一个你没给过任何人的证明给我你是真的!
Works all the time!
Hahaha. This conversation sounds so damned familiar. :cool: Cheers bro.
02-02-2012, 12:14 PM
Good afternoon to all samsters!
Indeed you are right. Who would have known that "religious" guy like me would one day find himself in this forum! Nothing lasts forever in this Universe, and people change.
Change is inevitable n we all hv to accept it.
what's wrong with this forum bro ? :confused
Nothing, haha.
Many thanks Bro WB for yr advice. I am a newbie to BY and have much to learn. I believe and probably know I am paying over market rate. I will dump my current gal from DC. Too skinny and A boobs, although she has a pretty face.
Other than physical body proportion and face, I agree with senior bros that their performance in bed is most important!
I am doing her raw after medical test but she doesn't want to try anal. Already kick up an issue without emotion! Although she offer having sex in car but done that and not interest. Just give her cold shoulder since yesterday and she is smsing me. Not going to response to her.
I believe she will come begging for me to take her back but no can do!
Interested to look for new stock. Any recommendation or ctc?
Hi bro michkim2,
Pls read the post by our true master, bro DUBJ aka Mr. chairman, below.
Recommendations? One man's meat is another man's poison.
It's strange that I know a few gals who r exceptionally pretty but hv A or A/B boobs, n they r all from Jiangsu!
OMG... Lots of tips and lessons from this thread. Where have I been? LoL
Recently about 2 month ago got to know this KTV girl in China Doll during one of the session. Tall, slender, B+ Cupper, very sweet looks. She was not sitting with me but took the chance to give me her# and say she likes me. Tested her by jokingly ask her to go hotel with a $1000 note but she rejected...
Fast forward till today, still have not bed her. WTF :|
However, she initiated SMS and call me; came out for movies, dinner, where I offer to pay for her time; she asked for same amount as bao-ing her in room. Reason being that she's here to "work" blah blah... (new here, kenna cheated, etc.) Invited me to visit her "work place" (pub) for drinks, where she works PT & got her work permit.
So far, as per TS's doctrine :D I like to think I'm in "control" being the one that "care less", leaving her always to contact me first. But I do always follow-up with some teasing like "You're only interested in $$$" (she replied YES candidly), and I'll say "let's get married and have kids" (in which she answered :are you sure?), and "must I pay her time to have dinner with her?" (where she answered: I'm funny), etc.
After sending her back, she'll always pause before alighting, bend forward and give me a light kiss on my face; still no lips contact. Not that she reject any, but I also play cool so far.
So that's the game I'm playing now. The tension that's slowly building up when being challenged to bed her is so exciting...
Would appreciate any tips from all the experts here :)
Hi bro goodpartner,
What is ur mission ? To ST or BY her or to KC her?
Always Be Closing!
For havelock pricing, a PRC running table from HH to SH non stop can make 10k a month easy.
But she'll be tired to death.
Like what the Guru WB said, your 6-7k quite generous liaozzz plus she still works and not your back and call.
As for the part where she doesn't want to leave her jie mei's, it's so that she has lots of space to maneuver and they can be her alibis and you have no grounds to control or challenge them.
In future, be STRONG and be FIRM.
6-7k a month terms and conditions are:
1) No Work
2) Stand by by a place rented by me for activation
I leave the rest to the other bros to teach you.
Hi Mr. Chairman,
You're right on.
However, few men hv ur expertise n sexual mojo n may need to pay a bit more.
In my experience, popular Havelock gals who dun work usually demand 10-12K or more a month, subject to negotiation.
Oldest trick in the book & never fails.
You: 你是谁的?
Her: 我是你的
You: 我是你的谁?
Her: 宝贝or男朋友or老公
You: 那我要你给我一个你没给过任何人的证明给我你是真的!
Works all the time!
Fantastic n practical advice that can be used immediately. Of course must be said w/ assertiveness n confidence n w/ the voice n body language to match.
We should never be tentative n ask a gal's permission to do anything! But dun use brute force either!
Ths so much!
Hahaha. This conversation sounds so damned familiar. :cool: Cheers bro.
Isn't it great advice?
02-02-2012, 01:19 PM
Hahaha. This conversation sounds so damned familiar. :cool: Cheers bro.
GONG XI FA CAI to you & you family bro.
Familiar used a billion times & still works you know hahaha
Oh, FYI, I gave your number to a bro who was seeking some PROFESSIONAL svs in your sector.
He'll call you and quote my name.
02-02-2012, 01:44 PM
ask her to go hotel with a $1000 note but she rejected...
Very thin line to ponder on here.
Good is:
She's not someone who will salivate & drop the whole world and can't wait to go to bed cos of the dollar note
Bad is:
To show you thus have the intention to imprint an impression that she's someone who works for money but won't sell her body for money.
Fast forward till today, still have not bed her. WTF :
Well, if you truly enjoy her company and companionship, then i feel its ok to like go out for makan wif a friend.
But, BUT, if you're doing all these all these time cos you 拥抱希望 to shag her, bro bro, you have lost the battle already!
However, she initiated SMS and call me; came out for movies, dinner, where I offer to pay for her time; she asked for same amount as bao-ing her in room. Reason being that she's here to "work" blah blah... (new here, kenna cheated, etc.) Invited me to visit her "work place" (pub) for drinks, where she works PT & got her work permit.
So far, as per TS's doctrine :D I like to think I'm in "control" being the one that "care less", leaving her always to contact me first. But I do always follow-up with some teasing like "You're only interested in $$$" (she replied YES candidly), and I'll say "let's get married and have kids" (in which she answered :are you sure?), and "must I pay her time to have dinner with her?" (where she answered: I'm funny), etc.
After sending her back, she'll always pause before alighting, bend forward and give me a light kiss on my face; still no lips contact. Not that she reject any, but I also play cool so far.
1stly, ask yourself what is the purpose of all these fiascoes and what do you wanna get out of it all.
If it's all for the above that i mentioned, i find it perfectly harmless and quite sweet n nice actually :)
But if you look at her as MEAT, aka a WL, I would have done this.
Knowing she'll lean over to give me a peck, I'd be waiting, when she leans over, I'll grab the neck draw her in n french her.
You'd be surprise how effective this works.
There is no way on earth she'll fight you off.
Remember, she'll most likely give in.
I said french not grope or dig hor lol
Once she gives in, hey, you have just moved past status quo status and dun have to waste all these time & $$$$ on guessing games.
It will be EXTREMELY soon before you bed her.
You think she dunno this?
PRCs are more liberal than us in the sex game bro.
If you allow her to cont, then, she is already pulling your dick like a leash bro.
So that's the game I'm playing now. The tension that's slowly building up when being challenged to bed her is so exciting...
Would appreciate any tips from all the experts here :)
Remember, there are times to be a gentleman for obvious reasons and occasions where gentlemen also become predators.
Use these 2 faced approach and you'll be scoring fast or saved a huge amount of time and money.
Enjoy bro
02-02-2012, 01:46 PM
Good afternoon to all samsters!Hi Mr. Chairman,
You're right on.
However, few men hv ur expertise n sexual mojo n may need to pay a bit more.
In my experience, popular Havelock gals who dun work usually demand 10-12K or more a month, subject to negotiation.
Dear Guru WB, it's only subject to negotiation if there's a WANT.
But if there's a take it or leave it attitude, the negotiation factor is already eliminated from the beginning thus putting only YOU in control.
Remember dun cut the whole forest for a tree?
02-02-2012, 04:48 PM
what's wrong with this forum bro ? :confused: :rolleyes:
Nothing wrong with this forum for the "me" now. But this forum is indeed frowned upon by the religious types.
02-02-2012, 04:50 PM
But if you look at her as MEAT, aka a WL, I would have done this.
Knowing she'll lean over to give me a peck, I'd be waiting, when she leans over, I'll grab the neck draw her in n french her.
You'd be surprise how effective this works.
There is no way on earth she'll fight you off.
Remember, she'll most likely give in.
I said french not grope or dig hor lol
Once she gives in, hey, you have just moved past status quo status and dun have to waste all these time & $$$$ on guessing games.
It will be EXTREMELY soon before you bed her.
This is very true, from my personal experience as well. Simply go for it, and close "the sale"!
02-02-2012, 05:30 PM
For havelock pricing, a PRC running table from HH to SH non stop can make 10k a month easy.
But she'll be tired to death.
Like what the Guru WB said, your 6-7k quite generous liaozzz plus she still works and not your back and call.
As for the part where she doesn't want to leave her jie mei's, it's so that she has lots of space to maneuver and they can be her alibis and you have no grounds to control or challenge them.
In future, be STRONG and be FIRM.
6-7k a month terms and conditions are:
1) No Work
2) Stand by by a place rented by me for activation
I leave the rest to the other bros to teach you.
Thanks for yr advice. I do not want to spoilt the market while am okay to pay if I am happy! Would probably do what bro WB's teaching and pay out as bonus if certain performance are met.
I had been paying way too much and I will learn. She is not even available some times like Fridays she claimed good KTV business!
Q1. If my future gal still want to work without ST, is it acceptable and if it is, what amount should I pay her 4-5k?
Q2. Would it be possible to insist on my new gal to move out?
Thanks again. Will try to find a new gal and hope to consult all of you before I close the deal. It is a transaction.
02-02-2012, 05:39 PM
Oldest trick in the book & never fails.
You: 你是谁的?
Her: 我是你的
You: 我是你的谁?
Her: 宝贝or男朋友or老公
You: 那我要你给我一个你没给过任何人的证明给我你是真的!
Works all the time!
Master DYBJ,
Wow. Excellent trick!
Will have to try it on my new gal liao! Have to find one first.
Maybe if my old gal begs me and I am in the mood, will try this move on her! No harm trying. Get what I want and move on.
02-02-2012, 05:48 PM
Good afternoon to all samsters!
Hi bro michkim2,
Pls read the post by our true master, bro DUBJ aka Mr. chairman, below.
Recommendations? One man's meat is another man's poison.
It's strange that I know a few gals who r exceptionally pretty but hv A or A/B boobs, n they r all from Jiangsu.
Hi Mr. Chairman,
You're right on.
However, few men hv ur expertise n sexual mojo n may need to pay a bit more.
In my experience, popular Havelock gals who dun work usually demand 10-12K or more a month, subject to negotiation.
Fantastic n practical advice that can be used immediately. Of course must be said w/ assertiveness n confidence n w/ the voice n body language to match.
We should never be tentative n ask a gal's permission to do anything! But dun use brute force either!
Ths so much!
Isn't it great advice?
Bro WB,
Thanks for yr advice.
My ex-gal from DC is from Henan. If you are done with yr Jiangsu gals, can pm me their ctc? I like slim gals with B/C boobs and slim legs, about 162-165 range. Of course not more than 25yo but will consider if gal is real pretty.
Plan to go hunting around havelock area. Wish me luck.
02-02-2012, 06:24 PM
Thanks for yr advice. I do not want to spoilt the market while am okay to pay if I am happy! Would probably do what bro WB's teaching and pay out as bonus if certain performance are met.
Performance bonus had to be met in STRICT conditions and there's no negotiations or leeway or any discount given.
Though $$$$$ is yours, make sure them earn their keep, not just because they allow you to insert your dicky dick into their mouths or swallow your spermy sperms.
I had been paying way too much and I will learn. She is not even available some times like Fridays she claimed good KTV business!
If I were you, I'd dump this bitch long long ago.
There is only 1 thing that will raise my alarm, someone has already BLOCKED all her friday nites!
Q1. If my future gal still want to work without ST, is it acceptable and if it is, what amount should I pay her 4-5k?
Like the laws of BY, once you BY someone, 4-5k is too little and she has to be KEPT at home legs spread waiting only for your DICK 24/7.
8-10k plus rental shud suffice.
No other way, allow any other scenarios and you'll only be wearing green hats.
Q2. Would it be possible to insist on my new gal to move out?
Not it isn't possible but instead, IT MUST be a MUST! A criteria of being BY by you else again, there will be too many blindspots and she'll have tons of ways, excuses & alibis to fuck around behind your back!
Thanks again. Will try to find a new gal and hope to consult all of you before I close the deal. It is a transaction.
Remember, the ART of control is that you want but you will not tolerate any form of negotiation from your requirements. If any of those arise, be prepared to drop it all and buy another piece of meat. Do not, because of a whore, bow your head to suit her.
No other way, else you'll just be a walking laughing stock!
02-02-2012, 06:27 PM
Master DYBJ,
Wow. Excellent trick!
Will have to try it on my new gal liao! Have to find one first.
Maybe if my old gal begs me and I am in the mood, will try this move on her! No harm trying. Get what I want and move on.
Remember, the art must be combined wif self confidence, control & a ready to drop at any moment attitude.
If she die die refuse, just walk and dun turn back.
If she's desperate, not only you dun need to ask anymore, she'll actually suggest you to complete that deed.
Dun act desperate and dun nag & bitch about it, like i said, just walk and make sure she complies before you move on to the next chapter!
03-02-2012, 12:50 AM
Hi bro goodpartner,
What is ur mission ? To ST or BY her or to KC her?
Always Be Closing!
Ya, I saw that ABC and AIDI youtube clip and it's really extreme but funny and drives home the point :D I didn't do the closing part well...
My mission, I think (see, I actually don't know :p) is to bed her eventually but like to enjoy the process/challenge before reaching the destination, knowing that she'll be here for at least 6 months. I'm just bored with the usual pay and farkoff thingy after being jaded chionging so much in the past.
So ya, just a "ST" thingy as the destination but don't mind playing KC. Maybe since she actually rejected that $1000 note (initially offered just the market rate) that make me more determine to get her for "free"... maybe that's what I'm thinking lor... Aiya, you know lah.
No, I'm not into BY any girl as I don't find it value for money on the surface... and that's maybe because I've not evaluate the pros/cons sufficiently.
So, for such girl where they seemingly do not "sell", what are the strategies?
Very thin line to ponder on here.
Good is:
She's not someone who will salivate & drop the whole world and can't wait to go to bed cos of the dollar note
Bad is:
To show you thus have the intention to imprint an impression that she's someone who works for money but won't sell her body for money.
Wow... great to have inputs from another veteran!
True, I've considered that possibility that she's just hoping to put long line to hook big fish... I've all my force-shield up! Though I'm aware of how great man can fall too...
Well, if you truly enjoy her company and companionship, then i feel its ok to like go out for makan wif a friend.
But, BUT, if you're doing all these all these time cos you 拥抱希望 to shag her, bro bro, you have lost the battle already!
Yesterday she complaint to me after work that she got a 跑台 (one guy never pay her butterfly tips) and I was empthazing her how it sucks and some customers are just lidat... I asked her a direct question if she treats me as one of her customer, where she say "I regard you as my friend".
Now, that set me thinking what's should be my approach being "friend" now... hmmm...
Shagging her will be a trophy to gain but that's not always on my mind now. Frankly, I'm just a bored, single, with plenty of time and some stash for playing that's all. Sex drive also lowered with age liao....
(No, I'm NOT 56 you read this Mr. REG??!! LOL, cunt believe you took me for real with that post (
1stly, ask yourself what is the purpose of all these fiascoes and what do you wanna get out of it all.
If it's all for the above that i mentioned, i find it perfectly harmless and quite sweet n nice actually :)
But if you look at her as MEAT, aka a WL, I would have done this.
Knowing she'll lean over to give me a peck, I'd be waiting, when she leans over, I'll grab the neck draw her in n french her.
You'd be surprise how effective this works.
There is no way on earth she'll fight you off.
Remember, she'll most likely give in.
I said french not grope or dig hor lol
Once she gives in, hey, you have just moved past status quo status and dun have to waste all these time & $$$$ on guessing games.
It will be EXTREMELY soon before you bed her.
You think she dunno this?
PRCs are more liberal than us in the sex game bro.
If you allow her to cont, then, she is already pulling your dick like a leash bro.
My purpose, I think answered above to bro WB oredi...
Your frenching tip sounds good! Will do that next round and FR :D
I think she also want to KC me hoping I will BY her or really taking my "marriage proposal" for real...
On the other hand, I may be the one thinking too much (or too highly of myself) whereby she's just taking me as an escape from having to work for that day and rather have me "buy" her out for other activities. Well, even then I don't mind as I rather have her 5-hours company like social escort and need not pay for a room where I can't even finish the 4 jars.
Will see over time...
Remember, there are times to be a gentleman for obvious reasons and occasions where gentlemen also become predators.
Use these 2 faced approach and you'll be scoring fast or saved a huge amount of time and money.
Enjoy bro
Okie, noted!
BTW, I was told KCing these KTV girls and keeping them are much "cheaper" that those HFJ girls; as the latter need to always go support them to hit their monthly quota. Just a random thought!
03-02-2012, 05:10 AM
I was told KCing these KTV girls and keeping them are much "cheaper" that those HFJ girls; as the latter need to always go support them to hit their monthly quota. Just a random thought!
You do not emotionally KC HFJ whores, you just tie a noose around their necks connected to your wallet.
"Cheaper" equates to more accessibility to any tom dick & harry.
"Expensive" eliminates many unwanted pests, like you just experienced she complaint to me after work that she got a 跑台 (one guy never pay her butterfly tips)
As for the monthly quota thingy, if you can afford it, what's the issue?
No one said you have to regularly go to help her meet quota.
You can just pay the company direct on the amount you want to support without ever even hanging a single flower.
Alternatively, if you do not want her to work, make a deal with the company to get her off stage and stay home.
Everything also can, as I've mentioned above, if you can afford it, what's the issue.
And if you can afford, in the nite scene, cannot also will become can!
All who can afford it would already know this by now:D
Now that you've explained your predicament, i can only say
I am sure as you've mentioned that there are many occasions that you two just get stuck at that moment in time and dunno how to proceed.
This is what you get when everything around you is yelling:
Ooi, faster, next chapter, we stuck at this chapter for too long liao!
Waiting for wat?????? Lol
Enjoy bro
03-02-2012, 10:49 PM
Performance bonus had to be met in STRICT conditions and there's no negotiations or leeway or any discount given.
Though $$$$$ is yours, make sure them earn their keep, not just because they allow you to insert your dicky dick into their mouths or swallow your spermy sperms.
If I were you, I'd dump this bitch long long ago.
There is only 1 thing that will raise my alarm, someone has already BLOCKED all her friday nites!
Like the laws of BY, once you BY someone, 4-5k is too little and she has to be KEPT at home legs spread waiting only for your DICK 24/7.
8-10k plus rental shud suffice.
No other way, allow any other scenarios and you'll only be wearing green hats.
Not it isn't possible but instead, IT MUST be a MUST! A criteria of being BY by you else again, there will be too many blindspots and she'll have tons of ways, excuses & alibis to fuck around behind your back!
Remember, the ART of control is that you want but you will not tolerate any form of negotiation from your requirements. If any of those arise, be prepared to drop it all and buy another piece of meat. Do not, because of a whore, bow your head to suit her.
No other way, else you'll just be a walking laughing stock!
Master DYBJ,
Yes. I should have dump her long ago!
Agreed on your advice to keep them from working at all. Do you have any experience where your gal complains about being bored with nothing to do especially I may not be available to visit her for bonking every night? I also see Xin2 (from Mistress thread) and some senior bros sharing that their gals are working but No ST or chu jie. If my new gal request for such arrangement, I will very much want to reject learning from my first BY experience. But why do other bros go with allowing their gals to work but no ST or Chu Jie?
On negotiation, I will adopt the advice and clearly state upfront the non negotiables! If she even tries, I will go search and buy another!
Thanks very much for your good advice again! Appreciate your selfless sharing of your wealth of knowledge! Will like to tag along for a drink session to learn if I can. (weekend are strictly family days and bites for me - other days I will definitely try to make it)
04-02-2012, 12:28 AM
Master DYBJ
Please please, I'm no master, I'm just a newbie noob:rolleyes:
Yes. I should have dump her long ago!
So what ya waiting for?
Never 舍不得 for if so, the only one that 吃亏 is non other than yourself.
Agreed on your advice to keep them from working at all. Do you have any experience where your gal complains about being bored with nothing to do especially I may not be available to visit her for bonking every night?
Bro, they come in all shapes and sizes but one thing is always the same, their patterns may change, but the core reason for such patterns or excuses are money related.
Remember the golden rule?
NO NEGOTIATIONS, it's my way or the highway.
I also see Xin2 (from Mistress thread) and some senior bros sharing that their gals are working but No ST or chu jie.
Ah yes, I did contribute to that thread but my take on BY is only applicable for singers, as for 坐台, I've put it very clear why its a no no to BY for me.
Too many loose ends and too much room for her to maneuver.
Also, as you have also read in that thread, some people are perfectly fine with the idea of TIME SHARING, a big no no for me & for Guru WarBird I'm sure.
As for the ST or ChuJie part, no one can be sure unless you have her under lock and key.
Example, have you ever seen her texting anyone while your in bed with her?
Have you seen her answering calls from MEN even when she's with you, on or off bed?
Now minus your presence from the above equation, you could be the one texting or calling her, and she could be in bed wif someone else but on the pretext that she's working!
If my new gal request for such arrangement, I will very much want to reject learning from my first BY experience.
You do not very much want bro, you just blatantly do it!
But why do other bros go with allowing their gals to work but no ST or Chu Jie?
Bcos they "BELIEVE" that the one they BY is trust worthy and reliable.
Because they've been smitten and cannot let go of that whore...aka KCed
Because they've spoilt her and give in to everything she says or wants
Because they forgot they're men and those are just pieces of meat that they treat better than their actual wives
There was someone who openly said they dun quite agree wif my ways in the Mistress thread and I accept that.
Everyone has the right to their own concepts and set of rules.
But when a singer he was supporting was sleeping with so many other men and caught by me on more than 2 occasions and also, during that time, witnessed by bro LDH for we were both supporting 2 singers from the same stage, no matter how we told him, in the end, we were called trouble makers, why?
Cos he gave in to the gal and the joint had the reason to exploit the entire situation to their advantage & to label us as trouble makers.
From the joint's point of view, yeah, they're rite.
But from our view, we're just helping a bro from being cheated right infront of our faces and also, to save his face.
He has since disappeared!
His only reason and lasts words to me were, SORRY BRO, I ADMIT, I'm KCed by her, you know how long we've been together?
To me, that made matters worse, cos if they're together for a few years and she's here for 6mths and already got a few guys shagging her, goodness, how many others in those years??????????
But it's definitely ok to drive someone else's car la lolzzzzzzz
Note, he's no newbie, he's an old bird liao!
This sums up the WHY u were asking me already!
Because they either forgot or never heard these 2 songs:
From the man's perspective
Depeche Mode - Master & Servant
And from the whore's perspective
Pet Shop Boys - Rent
I personally have FUCKED many such gals who have so called 老公s and I'm also sure many others besides me have too.
I have, on several occasions, actually still thrusting their pussies while they're on the phone with their so called 老公!
Remember, when a person, male or female enters this line of work, he/she has already let go of all integrity and morals.
So, dun hug a shark that says, dun worry dear, I love you so I'll never bite you.
Get the drift?
On negotiation, I will adopt the advice and clearly state upfront the non negotiables! If she even tries, I will go search and buy another!
Yes, by all means, reverse psychology on such people will only work to your advantage.
If only you knew the number of alpha females I've conquered and when they're not with me, they're lionesses but when with me, a pussy cat!
Thanks very much for your good advice again! Appreciate your selfless sharing of your wealth of knowledge!
As per what bro Jacky Chan always says, we share bcos we care mah lolzzzz
Will like to tag along for a drink session to learn if I can. (weekend are strictly family days and bites for me - other days I will definitely try to make it)
No need to tag along cos read my siggy, I'm retired hehehehe
Maybe it's time you ventured into HFJs rather than KTVs, it's more potent & fun and also where all the creme de le creme exists!
04-02-2012, 12:56 AM
Would appreciate any tips from all the experts here :)Same here, maybe the masters and gurus here can advice. :D
Had known this TAM gal for awhile, quite good looking with slim bod and big boobs. There's a guy who takes care of her, giving her 5-8k monthly. But she still works there few nights a week.
She will call me to fetch her after work to go supper, or outings on her off days. At times will end up in hotel, but I do not pay her directly.I pay for all expenses when we are out and will give her few hundred here and there as pocket money. So we are more like friends with benefits situation here, which I am totally comfortable.
One night, she told me she really likes me and wants me to be her BF. But I would have to cover her monthly rent of 2k and she will continue working just for tips. She does not do s/t with her clients. Even told me to move in to stay with her if I want. My reply was that I am already happy with our current relationship and does not wish to complicate things for now.
But in my mind I am wondering what kind of KC game she playing...
04-02-2012, 01:05 AM
Same here, maybe the masters and gurus here can advice. :D
Had known this TAM gal for awhile, quite good looking with slim bod and big boobs. There's a guy who takes care of her, giving her 5-8k monthly. But she still works there few nights a week.
She will call me to fetch her after work to go supper, or outings on her off days. At times will end up in hotel, but I do not pay her directly.I pay for all expenses when we are out and will give her few hundred here and there as pocket money. So we are more like friends with benefits situation here, which I am totally comfortable.
One night, she told me she really likes me and wants me to be her BF. But I would have to cover her monthly rent of 2k and she will continue working just for tips. She does not do s/t with her clients. Even told me to move in to stay with her if I want. My reply was that I am already happy with our current relationship and does not wish to complicate things for now.
But in my mind I am wondering what kind of KC game she playing...
This whore is gooooood!
Very sexperienced WL
I like.:D
So either way you look at it bro, you're either damn lucky or damn sway cos she prolly said the same shit to that guy who's giving her the 5-8k:rolleyes:
04-02-2012, 03:15 AM
Now that you've explained your predicament, i can only say
I am sure as you've mentioned that there are many occasions that you two just get stuck at that moment in time and dunno how to proceed.
This is what you get when everything around you is yelling:
Ooi, faster, next chapter, we stuck at this chapter for too long liao!
Waiting for wat?????? Lol
Enjoy bro
Just came back from another non-eventfull outing with her just now. Casual window shopping, snacks at a restaurant, some chit-chat sitting on steps and gazing into the stary night for some romance, and then late night movie. Just like most bgr date, except that I have to pay her $200 at the end; to cover her "losses" on a otherwise busy ($$$) Friday night at the ktv.
Must have chosen the wrong movie (The Viral Factor) which fail to set the mood No chance to talk about "the next chapter" after that. Well, if any comfort to me, she did say in future she will give me time instead of having to cover her; just at the point when I hand over the cash.
She was the one who called & date me in the early afternoon, so I like to think she like my $200 more than the others. I think it'll take some time before I can accomplish my mission at this rate... Will FR here with any progress!
04-02-2012, 04:02 AM
Just came back from another non-eventfull outing with her just now. Casual window shopping, snacks at a restaurant, some chit-chat sitting on steps and gazing into the stary night for some romance, and then late night movie. Just like most bgr date, except that I have to pay her $200 at the end; to cover her "losses" on a otherwise busy ($$$) Friday night at the ktv.
Must have chosen the wrong movie (The Viral Factor) which fail to set the mood No chance to talk about "the next chapter" after that. Well, if any comfort to me, she did say in future she will give me time instead of having to cover her; just at the point when I hand over the cash.
She was the one who called & date me in the early afternoon, so I like to think she like my $200 more than the others. I think it'll take some time before I can accomplish my mission at this rate... Will FR here with any progress!
Bro, before I begin my post, I've been informed that my reply to you yesterday is a bit harsh???????
If it was, please accept my most humblest apologies as it was not my intention.
If at any 1 point you feel you've had enuff of me, just say it, not only will I not freak or go crazy, but I will accept your decision as well as still maintain that respect that everyone is their ship's own captain.
My theory is very simple, though many may not accept, but hey, I've yet to meet a failure. Maybe bcos I know when to pull the plug.
Tonight's escapade is totally a WIN to her.
1) She earned that 200 bucks
2) She didn't have to drink 跑台 and risk meeting jerks or colour wolves
3) She was brought to a night out of relaxation and R&R
For us to be players, not that I'm saying you're not, we must learn to tune our brain like theirs, then we will be able to read and anticipate every move they make and all the strategies they use and why they use them.
Here's my take on this situation from a WLs perspective
1) I'm here to earn $$$$
2) With him damn shiok, he's no colour wolf
3) He brings me for dinners
4) He bring me for movies
5) We go shopping
6) I call him when I'm bored and he'll keep me company
7) He never asks to bed me
8) He's so concerning & everything also can talk and nego
9) He never pushes me to do whatever I do not wish to
10) He's such a gentleman to me
11) I don't need to perform oral sex on him neither does he grope me unless I allow him
12) What have I got to loose, it's WIN WIN WIN all the way for me
Yes, money you may have, how much, it's really not important to me but, make it work for you.
Remember, no one comes into this line now in this day and age from PRC, ok, maybe 1% a total greenhorn!
If you still believe, then you already fooled yourself.
Most if all not that are here have already honed their skills in the motherland and mind you, I'm sure we as businessmen know that PRC men are worse of a sleazebag in many ways than we are.
As WarBird knows, my style is more of a MCP extreme, even at havelock & I'm sure you may even have heard of my rep there.
WarBird can be my witness.
Why are we here in this forum?
To discuss and to brainstorm on how to get the meat in the shortest time and the least $$$$$ invested.
But, many things need not be asked between gal & guy, sometimes it has to be initiated and all it takes is for someone to take the lead.
I saw your link & nope, I was not aware of the other post until you shared that link.
So my post last nite to you was based on all things equal.
Lonely you may be, bored you may be and read back what you posted.
You already justified all your activities with her, bearing in mind that this tree has bear no fruit for you.
As a bystander, i won't call friend cos i dunno u, i can read between the lines and say confidently, this is no WL to you in your eyes since a while ago.
Strongly suggest you do a refresher on what you wanted in the 1st place and focus on achieving it and not stray too wildly in the realms of KC.
Your posts, I can sense truth, so I can say, you're a nice guy and it's a good trait but be warned, WLs LOVE such people.
Be nice to deserving people but learn to put your foot down and say, ok, now this is the situation and we must blah blah blah!
Be the captain of both your boats if you want to see results.
Honestly, I can also sense your sense of being in limbo everytime after you send her back and pay her for her social escort services.
Well, like i said, we're our own ship's captain and I wish u all the best & hope you bring her to shore real soon!
Hope i didn't prick a nerve this time & if i did, apologies.
If u know me in person like WB does, you'll know the way I am in real life also sama sama, no BS, chop chop to the point whether offensive or not.
04-02-2012, 09:54 AM
Morning bros,
I do not mean to blatantly "carry balls" for DYBJ, but to play the KC game and emerge unscathed sextisfied at the end of the day, follow faithfully to some of the KC thread advises in this forum works for me. The posts here by several bros could not have said it better in any way possible - at least valuable lessons here works for me; which means thinking with your logical brain and not your heart nor your dick erected.
They have shelf life of 2 yrs like leasing eqpt. For that fixed price monthly, they have their earnings, you would get to use it as often as you like. At then end of the shelf life, consider the questions:
- they go back hometown country to retire?
- do a new work permit and refresh the lease?
- KC by you soooo much she wanna marry you?
Hence, what you want is a good time, access to exclusive pussy, pay the affordable lease mthly, not wear green lantern hat. Since this "entrepreneur eqpt" has a brain, depending on the package you give her and her comfy zone, she will decide to dedicate her pussy exclusively to you.
How would you be certain of this exclusivity? Unless you are with her daily in your love nest as lovers for 2yrs till her permit is up, there is virtually no certainty. So there is this issue of compromise, you are at this decision because this meat is worth ycertainty in $$$, but if you cannot be certain is full exclusivity, then play it along on the pretext of "exclusivity" with her with the minimum sum available - it's an issue of give and take... Who knows? Another gal might strut along to sweep you off your feet with a better offer? - never give up the entire forest just becausse of 1 tree...
... Tonight's escapade is totally a WIN to her.
1) She earned that 200 bucks
2) She didn't have to drink 跑台 and risk meeting jerks or colour wolves
3) She was brought to a night out of relaxation and R&R
For us to be players, not that I'm saying you're not, we must learn to tune our brain like theirs, then we will be able to read and anticipate every move they make and all the strategies they use and why they use them.
Here's my take on this situation from a WLs perspective
1) I'm here to earn $$$$
2) With him damn shiok, he's no colour wolf
3) He brings me for dinners
4) He bring me for movies
5) We go shopping
6) I call him when I'm bored and he'll keep me company
7) He never asks to bed me
8) He's so concerning & everything also can talk and nego
9) He never pushes me to do whatever I do not wish to
10) He's such a gentleman to me
11) I don't need to perform oral sex on him neither does he grope me unless I allow him
12) What have I got to loose, it's WIN WIN WIN all the way for me
Yes, money you may have, how much, it's really not important to me but, make it work for you.
Remember, no one comes into this line now in this day and age from PRC, ok, maybe 1% a total greenhorn!
If you still believe, then you already fooled yourself.
Most if all not that are here have already honed their skills in the motherland and mind you, I'm sure we as businessmen know that PRC men are worse of a sleazebag in many ways than we are.
As WarBird knows, my style is more of a MCP extreme, even at havelock & I'm sure you may even have heard of my rep there.
WarBird can be my witness.
Why are we here in this forum?
To discuss and to brainstorm on how to get the meat in the shortest time and the least $$$$$ invested.
But, many things need not be asked between gal & guy, sometimes it has to be initiated and all it takes is for someone to take the lead.
I saw your link & nope, I was not aware of the other post until you shared that link.
So my post last nite to you was based on all things equal.
Lonely you may be, bored you may be and read back what you posted.
You already justified all your activities with her, bearing in mind that this tree has bear no fruit for you.
As a bystander, i won't call friend cos i dunno u, i can read between the lines and say confidently, this is no WL to you in your eyes since a while ago.
Strongly suggest you do a refresher on what you wanted in the 1st place and focus on achieving it and not stray too wildly in the realms of KC.
Your posts, I can sense truth, so I can say, you're a nice guy and it's a good trait but be warned, WLs LOVE such people.
Be nice to deserving people but learn to put your foot down and say, ok, now this is the situation and we must blah blah blah!
Be the captain of both your boats if you want to see results.
Honestly, I can also sense your sense of being in limbo everytime after you send her back and pay her for her social escort services.
Well, like i said, we're our own ship's captain and I wish u all the best & hope you bring her to shore real soon!
Hope i didn't prick a nerve this time & if i did, apologies.
If u know me in person like WB does, you'll know the way I am in real life also sama sama, no BS, chop chop to the point whether offensive or not.
04-02-2012, 11:39 AM
Dear Guru WB, it's only subject to negotiation if there's a WANT.
But if there's a take it or leave it attitude, the negotiation factor is already eliminated from the beginning thus putting only YOU in control.
Remember dun cut the whole forest for a tree?
Dear Mr. Chairman,
Actually the "WANT" part is not always true for me.
I love negotiating n bargaining n paying below market value for anything n everything including pussies of my type.
If a gal asks for 10K a month, n even if I think she is worth every penny, I'll tell her 8K, hehe. Yes, I'll walk away if she rejects the offer cuz even if she says yes, I may not hv the time, energy, money or any spunk left to BY her, hahaha.
I enjoy getting gals of my type to agree to BY n negotiating the terms, etc more than the actual BY, hahaha. After all, how many gals can a lao ah pek like me keep at any one time? Perhaps 3, max. My heart may be willing but, unfortunately, 我的小弟弟真的吃不消了。。。;)
If I were a young n virile man like u, I'll definitely keep many more, hehehe.:p
Bro WB
Ya, I saw that ABC and AIDI youtube clip and it's really extreme but funny and drives home the point :D I didn't do the closing part well...
My mission, I think (see, I actually don't know :p) is to bed her eventually but like to enjoy the process/challenge before reaching the destination, knowing that she'll be here for at least 6 months. I'm just bored with the usual pay and farkoff thingy after being jaded chionging so much in the past.
So ya, just a "ST" thingy as the destination but don't mind playing KC. Maybe since she actually rejected that $1000 note (initially offered just the market rate) that make me more determine to get her for "free"... maybe that's what I'm thinking lor... Aiya, you know lah.
No, I'm not into BY any girl as I don't find it value for money on the surface... and that's maybe because I've not evaluate the pros/cons sufficiently.
So, for such girl where they seemingly do not "sell", what are the strategies?
Hi goodpartner,
Offer her 2k for ST. If u give her a good time, u will pay her less n less for RTFs. It takes time n effort to KC these gals. You can't win unless u hv formidable self mastery.
If she rejects ur offer, walk away from her. As for me, I'll offer to BY her, hehe.
Good luck!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Thanks for yr advice.
My ex-gal from DC is from Henan. If you are done with yr Jiangsu gals, can pm me their ctc? I like slim gals with B/C boobs and slim legs, about 162-165 range. Of course not more than 25yo but will consider if gal is real pretty.
Plan to go hunting around havelock area. Wish me luck.
Hi bro,
There is only one Jiangsu gal who is still around. She is 23, 172 in height n abt 52-53 kg, fair, very pretty n classy, long legs/arms n nice ass, but only A boobs. She goes to LV n TAM. Student visa. Very few gals can match her classy good looks n height. If only she had natural B/C boobs...BTW, I last saw her abt 10 days ago at LV SH.
I need to find her ctc as my HP suddenly mal-functioned 3 days ago n I couldn't tell who was calling or texting me. I hv since transferred the sim card to a new phone but I hv lost abt half the ctc list!
Forget her if u want a least B/C boobs like I do now.
Good luck!
.................................................. .............................
Good morning,
I'm overwhelmed n awe-struck by the exchanges between the many esteemed bros n bro DYBJ aka Mr. Chairman. These r pearls of wisdom n profound insights from which I hv learned a great deal.
Thank you all!
The secret to getting what u want in life is ur degree of self confidence/self mastery. It's the foundation upon which u add strategies, education, knowledge, expertise, connections, friendship, RS, love, sex techniques, etc.
In man-woman RS, if a man is still worried that he may be unattractive to chio babes cuz he is too ugly, too fat, too thin, too short, too tall, too poor, too rich, too young, too old, of a different skin color, different religion, etc, he doesn't understand attraction n he has insufficient self mastery.
My advice is to google Sean Stephenson, hahaha. He is a very badass n he has lots of self mastery...more than anyone I hv met. My goal is to hv more self mastery than he has, much much more.
My new interest is in keeping non-WLs.
Yesterday, I had a date, a real one for which I paid nothing other than dinner, w/ two very chio n sexy gals who r NON-WLs. I met a 23 yo gal JR thru QQ in PRC last yr. She just came to study at a reputable school in SG. We made ctc n she asked to meet me for dinner n I agreed. Although her school is near CBD, she lived in the dorm very far away so I told her I would pick her up after school. She asked if her classmate could come along, I reluctantly said yes.
I parked my car near a MRT station not far from their school. I was pleasantly surprised that her fren VO is a pretty SYT! She is barely 18, 165 n 49kg? Both gals exude sex appeal n hv proportionate body/limbs, perky butt n C boobs. JR asks me if I could intro a BF for VO...haha. Why should I give this fresh n delicious abalone to someone else? I want to BY both of them n keep them in one studio near their school, ya. Since these gals hv enuff of their own money for living expenses n school fees, I'll offer 4-5K a month each plus rental. I'm going for broke here as my "package offer" is for both gals or nothing.
In my conversations w/ them I broached the subject of why God is very fair to women (after JR mentioned that many men kept 充气的娃娃 n I answered that many women kept vibrators, hehe)。Though they suffered the hardship of carrying, delivering n carrying for babies, they r bestowed w/ the potential of intense pleasure of orgasms that could last for an hr! They blushed n said they had never heard of it...JR said her orgasms last only secs?!! VO was too shy to look at me n had her head down...
After dinner, I drove them around town, to Orchard road n along Marina Sands. There were road blocks n some sort of carnival there. VO was sitting in the back seat, leaning back, legs spread out n w/ her short skirt, I could get glimpses of her flimsy panty n dark pussy pointing at me when I turned my head to talk to her. I could not see clearly as the street lamps were not bright enuff. She made no attempts to cross her legs or sit up. hahaha. That was a sure sign of strong sexual interest.
When I was w/ them, I was asking myself: How much pleasure can they stand n how hard will they cum for me, hahaha.
I dropped them off at a MRT station. The cost of my fun-filled late afternoon n evening w/ two chio n sexy SYTs who r non-WLs? A grand total of $87. And they were very appreciative...
Why go to KTVs or hang flowers???
Bro WB
04-02-2012, 02:35 PM
Bro Warbird
cannot help it but this is damn good story to start the weekend!
I like that part about JR having couple secs of gao chao and VO looking down. I can just visualized that scene there n then!
Again I am learning heaps from this thread as I said 1plus year ago. I don't have much to contribute as I have no success stories on conquering young attractive ladies. So far I have some success with mother hens only but would like to progress to the next stage. I tried on a 26yo CD chick for months playing appearing and disappearing act but no in roads into her pussy. She has hot body though not c cupper n a very lively personality. I think she went home liao.
Anyway I am not giving up on playing this game.
Best of Health n fuck well!:)
04-02-2012, 04:19 PM
Dear Mr. Chairman,
Actually the "WANT" part is not always true for me.
I love negotiating n bargaining n paying below market value for anything n everything including pussies of my type.
If a gal asks for 10K a month
My Humble greetings and Salutations Guru, actually, after reading this above post over & over & over again, I do see a "WANT!"
I want to BY you = Want
How much do you want to be BY = Want
She then asks for 10k
8k can or not = Nego = Want
Yes Guru, we have cheong together several times & we both know darn well we do have different approaches towards the same matter.
Thus, we're the captain of our ship's & we reserve the right to whichever way we choose to steer them.
As you know me, I will:
Every month how much --> Come with me
She only has room to answer YES or NO and nothing else entertained.
Different strokes for different strokes ya bro WarBird.
Most importantly is that we, get the pussy and KC the shit outta them hehehehehe
04-02-2012, 04:31 PM
Just like most bgr date, except that I have to pay her $200 at the end; to cover her "losses" on a otherwise busy ($$$) Friday night at the ktv.
As per your earlier post bro:
except that I have to pay her $200 at the end; to cover her "losses" on a otherwise busy ($$$) Friday night at the ktv.
This already proves that she uses the word "FRIEND" as a shield to protect her from having to give anything and also proves that she sure ain't no friend:rolleyes:
so I like to think she like my $200 more than the others.
Actually, you already know everything bro.
I sense a war of heart vs mind here.
All I can tell or advise you is:
1) 不要欺骗自己
2) 不要出卖自己
3) 不要背叛自己
4) 不要对不起自己
Big B
04-02-2012, 06:59 PM
Hi goodpartner,
I think it is very important to understand what you want out of the relationship. What works for others may not work for you.
If all you want is pussy, by all means, be the alpha male that both WB and DYBJ described. Its easy because there are limited emotions involved (mainly lust). You clinically access what is required to bring about the desired outcome and JUST DO IT. If you fail, so what? There's always the next woman to practice on.
I suspect that when these sifus meet a truly desirable lady (someone they might fall in "love" with), they exercise formidable self control and convince themselves that the girl is just another piece of meat. By doing so, rampaging hormones and emotions are brought quickly under control.
Techniques such as focusing on a woman's negative points is a skill designed to help bring about this outcome. In fact, by not caring, you will not fall into the trap of behaving like a love sick puppy. And yes, a woman greatly desires a macho man who takes charge - especially if she thinks she can't have him.
Such emotional self mastery is difficult to completely achieve. On the flip side, I believe that when you do reach such a stage, your abilty to love with wild abandon becomes irrecovably lost and you will never find a soul mate. This is because you will never allow yourself to pour everything you have into a relationship.
By way of background, there are "good" working ladies worth chasing (women who have been forced into doing what they do for whatever reason). These are extremely rare BTW.
Even when you find one, a woman work works in this line for more than 4 months will eventually:
1) 疲倦不堪 and succumb. It is not easy to be good when you are surrounded by temptation (as in easy money).
2) 心变得冰冷 - As in, what they do is also strictly business for them. We use strategy to KC them, they use strategy to maximize their earnings (and they can be absolutely ruthless in this).
Based on Sifu DYBJ's analysis, I do not believe your WL fits my definition of good. Please feel free to unleash your inner alpha!
04-02-2012, 07:29 PM
Actually I'm not sure if you all are aware, a great opportunity has arrived for bro goodpartner.
My suggestion is:
The next time you go out with her, yes be a gentleman and pay for the so called expenses.
But, when you part, dun pay her!
If she asks, rebutt her back using the words from her mouth!
Friends come out must pay fee one ah?
Like that where got friend?
If she starts to make a fuss, better still......
Use this to shove the whole topic aside BUT still dun pay.
Then wish her goodnite.
I tell you, she sure LL nothing to say back except give you a black face, which to me, is a good sign, cos it shows that she already acknowledge you wake up already and she will know, it's time to either give or find a new cow to milk:D
04-02-2012, 10:28 PM
Such emotional self mastery is difficult to completely achieve. On the flip side, I believe that when you do reach such a stage, your abilty to love with wild abandon becomes irrecovably lost and you will never find a soul mate. This is because you will never allow yourself to pour everything you have into a relationship.
Very very good post, kudos to you.
Yes, you're right & also wrong.
For the single male, it's DEVASTATING to master such an ability.
But, for married men, it's a blessing cos you will have less headaches to deal with i.e the other one:D
04-02-2012, 10:36 PM
So either way you look at it bro, you're either damn lucky or damn sway cos she prolly said the same shit to that guy who's giving her the 5-8k:rolleyes:Yep, agree. :cool:
That's why I have reservations, so not to end up being another sucker.
Just continue to have fun with her will do. :p
04-02-2012, 10:50 PM
Wah lau Eh... So much attention on my story from all the shifu here! Very pai-say but appreciate all the comments, especially those direct & blant ones. Don't reply also cannot liao.... LoL :p
Hi goodpartner,
I think it is very important to understand what you want out of the relationship. What works for others may not work for you.
Frankly, I didn't start off with an end in mind. Just one of the regular & usual KTV sessions (almost weekly) to celebrate life's little successes and reward ourselves given any reason to celebrate. Then bump into one that's somewhat "different" (ya right, self-KC word spotted) from the others.
Won't say I have even 1% experiences of the experts here, but am not a rookie in the commercial sex/GFE world either. Again, I'm in for the challenge she indirectly put up. No, I won't pay her $2K for ST directly, it's just different from spending $2K over time to "buy" her trust and submit herself to me for "free" eventually - that's probably my goal here. Of course, like in placing a bet in gambling, only when I have that feel (confidence) then I'll make that bet. It's just impossible to define that "feel" that Player will win :D
If I loose, so what, I would have enjoyed the journey and gained more experience. This is one scenario where the journey is more important than the destination. My principle with girls is that they MUST like/love me more than I do to them, even for commercial pussies. If I don't get that "feel" (spiritual affinity) that is created in a moment, buying the body with cold hard cash is just not as sextisfying in comparison. I get more "high" having mind-fucks than the physical thingy.
Such emotional self mastery is difficult to completely achieve. On the flip side, I believe that when you do reach such a stage, your abilty to love with wild abandon becomes irrecovably lost and you will never find a soul mate. This is because you will never allow yourself to pour everything you have into a relationship.
This one I agree. I won't wanna go there either. I like romance and love the feeling of falling in love. There will be pain & sorrow, but hey any fun & laughter will be sweet too - isn't that what life's about? Nothing excites me more than having sex (even commercial) with someone whom I know like me more than just my money. Make sense? :rolleyes:
By way of background, there are "good" working ladies worth chasing (women who have been forced into doing what they do for whatever reason). These are extremely rare BTW.
Even when you find one, a woman work works in this line for more than 4 months will eventually:
1) 疲倦不堪 and succumb. It is not easy to be good when you are surrounded by temptation (as in easy money).
2) 心变得冰冷 - As in, what they do is also strictly business for them. We use strategy to KC them, they use strategy to maximize their earnings (and they can be absolutely ruthless in this).
Based on Sifu DYBJ's analysis, I do not believe your WL fits my definition of good. Please feel free to unleash your inner alpha!
I heard of this 3-4 month thingy before; the pussy I'm dealing with now is fresh as far as I can tell, so yes I need to do the "closing" asap before it's stale or when one of the expert here BY her....
Will reply the other posts directed to me soon.
Big B
04-02-2012, 11:57 PM
Very very good post, kudos to you.
Yes, you're right & also wrong.
For the single male, it's DEVASTATING to master such an ability.
But, for married men, it's a blessing cos you will have less headaches to deal with i.e the other one:D
Touché mon ami. Point well taken.
My comment was directed at goodpartner whom I suspect is still single and definitely not at married men. :D
05-02-2012, 12:01 AM
Touché mon ami. Point well taken.
My comment was directed at goodpartner whom I suspect is still single and definitely not at married men. :D
Please refer back to his post a day ago.
Frankly, I'm just a bored, single, with plenty of time and some stash for playing that's all. Sex drive also lowered with age liao....
05-02-2012, 12:03 AM
Bro, before I begin my post, I've been informed that my reply to you yesterday is a bit harsh???????
If it was, please accept my most humblest apologies as it was not my intention.
If at any 1 point you feel you've had enuff of me, just say it, not only will I not freak or go crazy, but I will accept your decision as well as still maintain that respect that everyone is their ship's own captain.
Esteem bro DYBJ, NOT at ALL lah.
Although I never chiong with you guys b4, I'm familiar with how chiongsters think and give advice.
If any words that I felt harsh to me, I'll rebuke for sure if I've grounds.
My theory is very simple, though many may not accept, but hey, I've yet to meet a failure. Maybe bcos I know when to pull the plug.
Tonight's escapade is totally a WIN to her.
1) She earned that 200 bucks
2) She didn't have to drink 跑台 and risk meeting jerks or colour wolves
3) She was brought to a night out of relaxation and R&R
For us to be players, not that I'm saying you're not, we must learn to tune our brain like theirs, then we will be able to read and anticipate every move they make and all the strategies they use and why they use them.
No kidding, that's EXACTLY what is happening. :D
I'm fully aware of it as well, and in fact, I was the one who is (act) "gentlemen" enuff to offer her this amount upfront on the phone. Imagine, if I don't, hehheh... it won't be just this amount... :rolleyes: That will do away any negotiation that'll spoil the night when parting. An above average chick like her can make more butterflying around on a friday night.
Frankly, what have I got to loose too? I saved the cost of the room, cost of inhaling 2nd-hand smokes, drinks which I don't really like, etc.
I think we're heard of so many guys who are more crazy about these pussies; they will literally book rooms EVERY night just to have a chance to be with them. That's what she told me too!
It's ONLY fair that when I play, I don't take (too much) advantage. People here to make a living after all I know. R&R, I also enjoy. Plus I add on to her emotional bank account for me with this "gentlemen" act.
As WarBird knows, my style is more of a MCP extreme, even at havelock & I'm sure you may even have heard of my rep there.
WarBird can be my witness.
Why are we here in this forum?
To discuss and to brainstorm on how to get the meat in the shortest time and the least $$$$$ invested.
But, many things need not be asked between gal & guy, sometimes it has to be initiated and all it takes is for someone to take the lead.
I saw your link & nope, I was not aware of the other post until you shared that link.
So my post last nite to you was based on all things equal.
Ya, right very extreme.... LoL
Nope, never been to havelock before, in fact the only time I ever met up with chiongsters in SBF deliberately was 4 years back overseas in DG.
Lonely you may be, bored you may be and read back what you posted.
You already justified all your activities with her, bearing in mind that this tree has bear no fruit for you.
As a bystander, i won't call friend cos i dunno u, i can read between the lines and say confidently, this is no WL to you in your eyes since a while ago.
Strongly suggest you do a refresher on what you wanted in the 1st place and focus on achieving it and not stray too wildly in the realms of KC.
Your posts, I can sense truth, so I can say, you're a nice guy and it's a good trait but be warned, WLs LOVE such people.
Be nice to deserving people but learn to put your foot down and say, ok, now this is the situation and we must blah blah blah!
Be the captain of both your boats if you want to see results.
Honestly, I can also sense your sense of being in limbo everytime after you send her back and pay her for her social escort services.
Well, like i said, we're our own ship's captain and I wish u all the best & hope you bring her to shore real soon!
Hope i didn't prick a nerve this time & if i did, apologies.
If u know me in person like WB does, you'll know the way I am in real life also sama sama, no BS, chop chop to the point whether offensive or not.
I'm a lone ranger chiongster la, so yes always lonely.
Thanks for the compliment that I'm a nice guy :)
Ya, outside I look like one sheep where all WL will think they can swallow me in one glup that kind... that's where I try (and learning how) to play this "weakness" into strength.
Just waiting for these predator WLs (whom I like) to cum after me, so I can turn them into a prey! The hokkien says quiet dog can bite people to death...
Please continue to share your valuable knowledge and (s)experiences here!
Will love to meet you guys some day in the distant future!
05-02-2012, 12:05 AM
For the single male, it's DEVASTATING to master such an ability.
Touché mon ami. Point well taken.
My comment was directed at goodpartner whom I suspect is still single and definitely not at married men. :D
Yeah! I'm SINGLE and still available! :D
So the Extreme MCP style not suit me huh?
No wonder I read already also feel a bit... eh... extreme... and uncomfortable to implement.
But still very good knowledge to keep in mind as I don't plan to be single forever!
05-02-2012, 12:22 AM
Yeah! I'm SINGLE and still available! :D
So the Extreme MCP style not suit me huh?
No wonder I read already also feel a bit... eh... extreme... and uncomfortable to implement.
But still very good knowledge to keep in mind as I don't plan to be single forever!
I am what I am and was and is still wat i am.
I use extreme MCPism towards WLs but not to my wives.
You may be well armed but if you dunno when to use them, then you're quite hopeless.
I use that to protect myself and the interest of my family and at no time the WLs.
All i can say is, when you're at war, you wear your armour and carry your weapons.
When you're in enemy territory SITUATIONAL AWARENESS 150%
When you're at the safety & comfort at your own home, yes, you stand down.
But when you confuse them both as STAND DOWN mode and CONVINCE yourself that it's alright.
Thus 膀胱者请
My closing and last post to this matter to you bro is:
I am quite sure this is not the 1st issue I've commented before and if i recall correctly, the response is still the same.
Enjoy yourself bro, and if you claim you don't intend to be single forever, then what the heck are you wasting your precious time wif a WL?
Looking for the right candidate in that arena?
I wish you all he best.
05-02-2012, 12:48 AM
... and if you claim you don't intend to be single forever, then what the heck are you wasting your precious time wif a WL?
Looking for the right candidate in that arena?
Hmm... don't get how it relates. :confused::rolleyes:
Bro, let's just say that I'm not always single in my marital status ;)
Just delaying the committment till I play enuff (aka waste enuff time) :D
Actually, not thinking of any paper work even if it happens.
Have you had life experiences where your marital status transit from one to another before?
Bro, surffice to say that I've been there, done it and got some T-Shirts.
Different life stages, need different approaches. I think that's the point. That I understand.
Good for you on using different style on different people, too.
05-02-2012, 01:14 AM
Hmm... don't get how it relates. :confused::rolleyes:
Bro, let's just say that I'm not always single in my marital status
This I'm sure bro
Just delaying the committment till I play enuff (aka waste enuff time) :D
Actually, not thinking of any paper work even if it happens.
As long as you can still get a hard on, you'll never have or play enuff la bro.
Have you had life experiences where your marital status transit from one to another before?
Bro, surffice to say that I've been there, done it and got some T-Shirts.
Sorry, I've not walked that path.
I only got 3 wives under 1 roof currently & no.4 is getting her PRship in May.
That's about all the itsy bitsy experience I have with making women live and work for me adding to that little stash of mine and still go out and play legitimately.
Apologies from a lack of experience newbie noob.
Different life stages, need different approaches. I think that's the point. That I understand.
Good for you on using different style on different people, too.
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!!
As per line one in my siggy:rolleyes:
05-02-2012, 02:26 AM
Please please, I'm no master...
No need to tag along cos read my siggy, I'm retired hehehehe
Maybe it's time you ventured into HFJs rather than KTVs, it's more potent & fun and also where all the creme de le creme exists!
You are too modest.
I noticed in small print: until further notice. Heehee, looking forward to that day and hope to have the chance to meet you.
Maybe my understanding is wrong but I am of the impression that HFJs are expensive and the joints are just trying to get the patrons to pay more from which they get a big cut! At the same time, the gals are more reserved. Curious about your remark that it's more potent and fun?
05-02-2012, 02:35 AM
You are too modest.
I noticed in small print: until further notice. Heehee, looking forward to that day and hope to have the chance to meet you.
Maybe my understanding is wrong but I am of the impression that HFJs are expensive and the joints are just trying to get the patrons to pay more from which they get a big cut! At the same time, the gals are more reserved. Curious about your remark that it's more potent and fun?
When a gal ploughing KTVs has honed her skills to a certain stage, there's only so much she can earn from the KTVs and STs.
But, HFJ are way more different.
Of cos, we're not talking about whores who spread their legs for 200 bucks but those that are really tuned to near perfection as a predator.
Although all are whores, the despise each other in this order:
Singers see KTV gals no up
KTV gals see Massage palour gals no up
Massage palour see Prostitutes no up
Funny rite, Whores also got status ok wahahaha
To know more about HFJs, go to HFJ thread, dun pollute the Guru's thread!
05-02-2012, 02:40 AM
Oldest trick in the book & never fails.
You: 你是谁的?
Her: 我是你的
You: 我是你的谁?
Her: 宝贝or男朋友or老公
You: 那我要你给我一个你没给过任何人的证明给我你是真的!
Works all the time!
Good ideas :)
05-02-2012, 02:47 AM
Hi bro,
There is only one Jiangsu gal who is still around. She is 23, 172 in height n abt 52-53 kg, fair, very pretty n classy, long legs/arms n nice ass, but only A boobs. She goes to LV n TAM. Student visa. Very few gals can match her classy good looks n height. If only she had natural B/C boobs...BTW, I last saw her abt 10 days ago at LV SH.
I need to find her ctc as my HP suddenly mal-functioned 3 days ago n I couldn't tell who was calling or texting me. I hv since transferred the sim card to a new phone but I hv lost abt half the ctc list!
Forget her if u want a least B/C boobs like I do now.
Good luck!
I dropped them off at a MRT station. The cost of my fun-filled late afternoon n evening w/ two chio n sexy SYTs who r non-WLs? A grand total of $87. And they were very appreciative...
Why go to KTVs or hang flowers???
Bro WB
Bro WB, thanks for your advice as always ( from reading your comments!)
No issue on the Jiangsu gal. If you managed to find her ctc, appreciate if you can pm me. Would definitely like to check her out.
On your new interest, actually I am also looking out for salon girls and others. Would be thankful if you could share some tips on picking those who are more receptive although I understand it is about your confidence and it is not always 100%.
Thanks again.
... escapade ... a WIN to her.... 200 bucks.. didn't have to drink 跑台 ... relaxation and R&R ....WLs perspective ....earn $$$$ ..damn shiok,.. no colour wolf .. dinners ... movies .. shopping .... call him when .. bored (ouch!!)..keep me company .. .gentleman to me ... WIN WIN WIN all the way ...... get the meat in the shortest time and the least $$$$$ invested. ...
Great advice - a bit too realistic and blunt!! Very useful info for all. Nice signature too. Will Upz you tomorrow when regain power.
WLs are definitely here for $$$ - whatever their backgrounds /situations. We should sympathise with them but not be KC (ed) / ripped off or laughed at as "carrots". Ideally a win-win situation when both parties ended up happy and got what they want. Usually difficult as WL's aim: KC/make most $$ in the shortest time. Ours: Get WL with least $$ (meaning soonest).
IMHO, being happy with the outcome/relationship is most important - it is your $$. Opinions may / will often differ - just like "Beauty is in the eyes of the Beholder". Wishing all a Very Happy & Prosperous Dragon Year 2012. May all your wishes come true. :D Cheers.
05-02-2012, 11:47 PM
Good ideas :)
Oldest trick in the book & never fails.
You: 你是谁的?
Her: 我是你的
You: 我是你的谁?
Her: 宝贝or男朋友or老公
You: 那我要你给我一个你没给过任何人的证明给我你是真的!
Works all the time!
does it really work !??! so cheesy but i like !! ^^
06-02-2012, 01:04 PM
Bro Warbird
cannot help it but this is damn good story to start the weekend!
I like that part about JR having couple secs of gao chao and VO looking down. I can just visualized that scene there n then!
Again I am learning heaps from this thread as I said 1plus year ago. I don't have much to contribute as I have no success stories on conquering young attractive ladies.............
Anyway I am not giving up on playing this game.
Best of Health n fuck well!:)
Hi Bro Hooters,
Yes, VO was blushing n looking down...occasionally glancing at me ...very submissive body language n I knew her pussy was wet...haha.
No success stories? Don't be discouraged. Failure is the mother of success. It's great to fail early n fail often.
My Humble greetings and Salutations Guru, actually, after reading this above post over & over & over again, I do see a "WANT!"
I want to BY you = Want
How much do you want to be BY = Want
She then asks for 10k
8k can or not = Nego = Want
Yes Guru, we have cheong together several times & we both know darn well we do have different approaches towards the same matter.
Thus, we're the captain of our ship's & we reserve the right to whichever way we choose to steer them.
As you know me, I will:
Every month how much --> Come with me
She only has room to answer YES or NO and nothing else entertained.
Different strokes for different strokes ya bro WarBird.
Most importantly is that we, get the pussy and KC the shit outta them hehehehehe
My Dear Mr. Chairman,
You're right, but it's also a matter of semantics.
Having many "WANTS" in life is great as long as a MAN remains in control of his emotions n desires.
If I connect w/ a chio n sexy SYT of my type n, if she doesn't do ST n rejects me for ST, I WANT to BY her. As a healthy heterosexual male n a lao chi ko pek, I'm unabashed for hving the desire n sexual urge to BY gals as young as 18. I respect n cherish my primal urge.
However, WANTING to BY many gals of my type neither equates w/ neediness n desperation nor does it indicate my loss of emotional control/self mastery. I can n will walk away if the terms r not acceptable to me. In fact, I hv dumped gals I hv already BY-ed after varying periods, some as short as a wk, for various reasons...for example, if a certain exposed anatomical part is not pleasing or aesthetic to me or if my rules n/or boundaries r violated in any way.
Hi goodpartner,
I think it is very important to understand what you want out of the relationship. What works for others may not work for you.
If all you want is pussy, by all means, be the alpha male that both WB and DYBJ described. Its easy because there are limited emotions involved (mainly lust). You clinically access what is required to bring about the desired outcome and JUST DO IT. If you fail, so what? There's always the next woman to practice on.
.................................................. ...............................
Techniques such as focusing on a woman's negative points is a skill designed to help bring about this outcome. In fact, by not caring, you will not fall into the trap of behaving like a love sick puppy. And yes, a woman greatly desires a macho man who takes charge - especially if she thinks she can't have him.
Such emotional self mastery is difficult to completely achieve. On the flip side, I believe that when you do reach such a stage, your abilty to love with wild abandon becomes irrecovably lost and you will never find a soul mate. This is because you will never allow yourself to pour everything you have into a relationship.
By way of background, there are "good" working ladies worth chasing (women who have been forced into doing what they do for whatever reason). These are extremely rare BTW.
Based on Sifu DYBJ's analysis, I do not believe your WL fits my definition of good. Please feel free to unleash your inner alpha!
Hi bro goodpartner,
I disagree w/ ur assertion that a MAN w/ formidable self mastery can't love a gal/woman deeply. He can. The difference is that he retains control of his emotions n hence the RS n will walk away from her if she commits a grave error. The fact that u r such a MAN will keep her forever attracted n faithful to u.
On the other hand, many previously confident men w/ good self mastery become needy n clingy puppies, after falling in love n spending time w/ their dream women. Sadly, their changed behaviour is very unattractive n will make both of them miserable.
Very very good post, kudos to you.
Yes, you're right & also wrong.
For the single male, it's DEVASTATING to master such an ability.
But, for married men, it's a blessing cos you will have less headaches to deal with i.e the other one:D
My Dear Mr. Chairman,
Very, very few men hv very good self mastery n emotional control, especially under stressful situations or after spending lots of time w/ their dream gals.
IMHO, such an attribute is great for single men, married men, young men, old men, ugly men, rich men, poor men, fat men, handicapped men, for men such as Sean's good for everyone, including females.
Bro WB, thanks for your advice as always ( from reading your comments!)
No issue on the Jiangsu gal. If you managed to find her ctc, appreciate if you can pm me. Would definitely like to check her out.
On your new interest, actually I am also looking out for salon girls and others. Would be thankful if you could share some tips on picking those who are more receptive although I understand it is about your confidence and it is not always 100%.
Thanks again.
Hi bro michkim2,
Be careful. Some PRC salon gals r FLs.
Strategies n techniques r helpful, but the key is ur degree of self confidence n emotional control.
A guru writes: The secret to becoming amazing at attracting women is to remember that you already are.
.................................................. .................
Good afternoon,
I'm obsessed w/ developing absolute self mastery n achieving unconditional happiness. Everything else in life is of secondary importance to me.
For most of my life, I used to hv poor self mastery n being unhappy whenever I encountered minor inconveniences...
"Great successes are built on taking your negatives and turning them around." --Sumner Redstone,
I'm reaching my goals slowly n steadily, hahaha.
Good day!
Bro WB
08-02-2012, 11:57 AM
Good morning!
I hv more musings on bedding KTV gals.
I started another thread on "KTV kakis" n I hv received many responses.
Some kakis r rich, others r not.
Let me stress that money is a prerequisite for getting into the pants of these PRC WLs, even for those who r regular gals n non-WLs back in PRC.
You need money to connect w/ them, then n only then u can give them COS n/or KC them.
There is another way.
If a bro has little money, the only way is to pick up a pretty gal outside KTVs n connect w/ her n develop deep rapport w/ her. Not knowing that she is a KTV gal or WL is an advantage.
Who knows, if u hv formidable self confidence/self mastery, a healthy sense of humor n, though still poor, u are a man going somewhere, dedicated to a definite purpose or path in life, a very chio SYT might just fall for u, hehehe. Of course u must give her regular COS no man has given her n never, ever be needy n can walk away from her anytime...kudos to u!!
BTW, hving real self confidence is abt improving urself, improving others n improving something. You r genuinely comfortable in ur own skin n hv NOTHING TO PROVE.
If u hv something to prove or like to show off, that is arrogance, which reflects ur innate insecurity n inferiority complex. Can't fool me, hehehe.
On the other hand, I hv some frens/bros here in SG n a few frens in Gotham City who r very wealthy. BY-ing a gal for 10-20K a month or hanging 10-20K flowers for a singer is like spending $10-20 for an ordinary "salary man," no, maybe only $1 for some of them, or even $0.10 for at least a couple of them. They want to keep as many chio gals as humanly possible. I dun expect hem to hv time to pick up or court any gals.
There r different paths to chio pussies, just like there r different paths to enlightenment, hahaha.
Bro WB
08-02-2012, 08:15 PM
Bro WB,
I am learning every time I come to this thread!
Thanks for sharing and will definitely read up on your other thread!
08-02-2012, 10:00 PM
You need money to connect w/ them, then n only then u can give them COS n/or KC them.
bro warbird,
mind enlightening what is COS, been seeing this term many times over many posts
thank :)
Big B
09-02-2012, 12:13 PM
Hi bro goodpartner,
I disagree w/ ur assertion that a MAN w/ formidable self mastery can't love a gal/woman deeply. He can. The difference is that he retains control of his emotions n hence the RS n will walk away from her if she commits a grave error. The fact that u r such a MAN will keep her forever attracted n faithful to u.
On the other hand, many previously confident men w/ good self mastery become needy n clingy puppies, after falling in love n spending time w/ their dream women. Sadly, their changed behaviour is very unattractive n will make both of them miserable.
Hi WB,
I made the comment, not goodpartner. LOL
As you can no doubt see, we are men with strong opinions and tend to stick with our "conclusions" in the absence of overwhelming proof to the contrary. Still, we are not blind and can change our minds as and when required. ;)
While I do advocate not giving into a woman's whim completely, there will be instances when a man is chasing after a lady of strong character (WL or none-WL).
This is a case where a man has to give some leeway (but he will be completely aware of his actions) while setting clear boundaries. If you behave like a complete alpha male, such women will be turned off because it feels like dating a brick wall. The smart & observant man will know when he meets a woman of this type.
Women of strong character love to test a man's manliness so do remember to lay down the law when boundaries are crossed. Say something steely in a calm tone:
Big B
10-02-2012, 10:21 AM
Bro WB,
I am learning every time I come to this thread!
Thanks for sharing and will definitely read up on your other thread!
Bro michkim2,
You make my day!
I come across new info n new revelations on self mastery, RS n sexology almost everyday. I like to share what I think is useful cuz it helps me learn faster. And I want to practice n practice n practice...
bro warbird,
mind enlightening what is COS, been seeing this term many times over many posts
thank :)
Hi bro mercedes500,
COS is Continuous Orgasmic State. It's NOT the same as multiple orgasms.
Some gurus/authors use such terms as stacked orgasms, expanded orgasms, cascading orgasms, etc. which may be slightly different.
And then of course there r many types of orgasm such as clitoral, g spot, deep spot, vaginal (during penetration), combined, anal, nipple, squirting, etc.
Hi bro goodpartner,
I disagree w/ ur assertion that a MAN w/ formidable self mastery can't love a gal/woman deeply. He can. The difference is that he retains control of his emotions n hence the RS n will walk away from her if she commits a grave error. The fact that u r such a MAN will keep her forever attracted n faithful to u.
On the other hand, many previously confident men w/ good self mastery become needy n clingy puppies, after falling in love n spending time w/ their dream women. Sadly, their changed behaviour is very unattractive n will make both of them miserable.
Bro WB
Hi WB,
I made the comment, not goodpartner. LOL
As you can no doubt see, we are men with strong opinions and tend to stick with our "conclusions" in the absence of overwhelming proof to the contrary. Still, we are not blind and can change our minds as and when required. ;)
While I do advocate not giving into a woman's whim completely, there will be instances when a man is chasing after a lady of strong character (WL or none-WL).
This is a case where a man has to give some leeway (but he will be completely aware of his actions) while setting clear boundaries. If you behave like a complete alpha male, such women will be turned off because it feels like dating a brick wall. The smart & observant man will know when he meets a woman of this type.
Women of strong character love to test a man's manliness so do remember to lay down the law when boundaries are crossed. Say something steely in a calm tone:
Hi Big B,
It depends what u mean by "complete alpha male."
The "alpha male" most people come to understand is a self-centered, domineering, arrogant, aggressive n quick-tempered male. Such a male actually lacks self confidence n self mastery n has something to prove to the world. He tries to bed as many chio gals as possible cuz it gives him validation n boosts his fragile ego. Whereas a real MAN has nothing to prove. He has real self mastery n he wants to improve himself, improve others n improve everything around him...
A woman of strong character? Pls define such a woman.
Every healthy heterosexual woman, even if she is a fanatic feminist, is hard-wired to be attracted to a real MAN w/ masculine traits n formidable self mastery.
A woman displaying pervasive disrespect towards u??
Why r you still talking to her?? Pls walk out of her life asap even if u love her n truly believe that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. I'll say calmly n gently to such a woman as she is begging me not to leave n wondering what she should do n where she should go:
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."
You know the rest of the story, hahaha.
If she is a PRC gal, this will be be my last words to her (delivered calmly n gently):
Be a MAN bro.
Bro WB
Big B
10-02-2012, 11:04 AM
Hi Bro WB,
I think we're thinking the same thing, just expressing them differently.
How about this then. Even if a person is the completely confident man as defined in your post, can this person say he can win every woman he desires?
The answer is no because there are too many variables to consider. Even the bad@ss that is Sean Stephenson can only win a certain category of gals (those who look for inner strength/beauty of which he is a highly evolved specimen).
What if a girl has too much pride to ever beg or show she needs you? Saying "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." heralds a complete end to a potentially viable relationship. Such a man chooses to walk away because a relationship of "almost" equals is not what he desires.
This dominant male wants to possess, own and control. Essentially, "my way or the highway." Push-pull techniques are simply lures to ensnare the unwary into falling in love with you. By the time the victim(s) realise it, the poison has already spread.
Letting a strong woman "appear" (I cannot stress this word enough) as the boss while you secretly pull the strings is a completely workable and successful technique. The power couple Bill (the thinker/doer) and Melinda (the charismatic "shock and awe" speaker/presenter) Gates is just one such example and they bring out the very best in each other.
So far, the ladies (and please forgive this presumption) you have conquered are:
- young
- potentially immature
- lacking in self-mastery (in comparison to you)
- money minded
To a MAN like you, this is the equivalent of sending lambs into the tiger's mouth. Fortunately, young + super chio SYTs are exactly what you are looking for. You can never fault a man when he is genuinely happy. :)
BTW, I have realised that my topic is on winning a true life partner that helps a man achieve self actualization. Nothing absolutely to do with "Picking up KTV gals outside KTVs" so I shall conclude my little diatribe with apologies for derailing the original intent of the thread.
What have you done goodpartner!!? :eek:
Big B
10-02-2012, 08:41 PM
What have you done goodpartner!!? :eek:
I've move back to the peanut gallery on this thread.... Too much testosterone at the seats upfront. LoL
Great posts there! Love the way you delivered them too ;)
I wanted to say that's how I interpreted your first post :D and glad you've made effort to justify it.
12-02-2012, 11:30 AM
Hi Bro WB,
I think we're thinking the same thing, just expressing them differently.
How about this then. Even if a person is the completely confident man as defined in your post, can this person say he can win every woman he desires?.....................
What if a girl has too much pride to ever beg or show she needs you? Saying "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." heralds a complete end to a potentially viable relationship. Such a man chooses to walk away because a relationship of "almost" equals is not what he desires.
This dominant male wants to possess, own and control. Essentially, "my way or the highway." Push-pull techniques are simply lures to ensnare the unwary into falling in love with you. By the time the victim(s) realise it, the poison has already spread.
Letting a strong woman "appear" (I cannot stress this word enough) as the boss while you secretly pull the strings is a completely workable and successful technique. The power couple Bill (the thinker/doer) and Melinda (the charismatic "shock and awe" speaker/presenter) Gates is just one such example and they bring out the very best in each other...........................
BTW, I have realised that my topic is on winning a true life partner that helps a man achieve self actualization. Nothing absolutely to do with "Picking up KTV gals outside KTVs" so I shall conclude my little diatribe with apologies for derailing the original intent of the thread....................
Big B
Hi Bro Big B,
Even if a MAN has absolute self mastery, there will be many, many women (married women n those in love w/ other men, etc) beyond his reach. He is perfectly happy w/ that. Otherwise, there will be chaos...
No, I was not talking abt gals who r "proud," confident, poised, aloof, cool ...n never needy or overly possessive... they hv very attractive qualities, to me at least; I was referring to gals who display PERVASIVE DISRESPECT towards me. I couldn't walk out on them fast enough.
I know some men who get KC-ed by such "strong" n abusive women who show pervasive disrespect towards them, n chose remain in the RS, thinking that it's a potentially viable RS. It's not, n will never be. It's a very miserable RS for both partners.
IMHO, all healthy heterosexual women r attracted to a MAN w/ masculine character traits, high ranking on the Male Dominant Scale n strong self mastery. If You're such a MAN, u will attract ur true life partner, soul mate, true love, etc., not just a lover or mistress.
My mindset has changed radically since I started this thread in June of 2009.
Now I'm not trying to conquer anything or anyone, or to prove anything to the world. My singular mission n purpose in life is to improve myself, constantly n relentlessly, everyday n in every way possible, to improve others n to improve everything around me...
My interest in n focus on this thread hv evolved profoundly in the last 32 months n are not just abt picking up KTV gals or any gals or even man-woman RS. It's more abt self actualization, self discovery n SELF MASTERY. My RS w/ everyone else n w/ the world I live in is merely a reflection of my inner true self n my self mastery...
Your comments n criticisms will be appreciated.
Bro WB
Big B
12-02-2012, 10:17 PM
Heya Bro WB,
always a delight to read your well considered posts!
This topic is best discussed over drinks so thoughts/ideas can be supported and better illustrated. Posts over such a complex topic can often be misinterpreted due to the limitations of this medium.
Still, let me try. :D
If a gal is just plain rude, she will never be attractive to men such as us. Some men get KCed because they crave a challenge (which I suspect is what goodpartner desires - not saying the gal is rude, but it sounds like a difficult chase).
Since he is actively seeking an adventure in the "taming of a shrew", he deserves whatever hardship(s) he will face. I do wish him eventual success though because success is indeed sweeter for hard won prizes. LOL
Coming back to your point, what if something we did caused a gal to give us pervasive disrespect? In such a case, I will eat humble pie and apologise (the magnitude of which will be commensurate with the perceived wrong). If the gal thinks she "won" and persists in unreasonable behaviours, your response would be entirely appropriate. I would also make it clear to the girl that our breakdown was due to her action/inactions.
IMHO, that is not only manly, but also reasonable. No poised, proud and confident woman would remain in a relationship with a manly but irreverent man.
Your growth over the months Bro WB is clear and significant. Your successes are a testament to that fact. Something that I would add that you may have already considered is what I call "true compatibility" between couples (both physical and mental).
A man can learn what to say to bring about the right response from a gal once her personality traits are established. For instance, give praise to a woman who values her own beauty (but has internal low self-esteem) or use macho statements on girls who desire he-men.
Men who achieve this skill become "Players". Women who master such skills can toy with men's feelings because they can mask their real emotions and show you what you desire often for the goal of sex or money. Very dangerous as they can pretend to be anyone they want to snare the unwary but also dangerous for them, as the weak willed lose themselves. :p
See that handsome playa who broods unhappily at the corner when he thinks no one is looking? Does that look indicate real happiness to you? How about couples you see as mismatched? Handsome man and ugly gal? Have you looked closer? That man looks blissfully happy on 2nd inspection. He has decided what he wants in a relationship and has achieved what brings him happiness.
Bros should simply keep in mind that ultimate happiness will elude you if you compromise yourself in order to score with babes.
To find a soul mate is to find a lady who loves you for being YOU. So being a MCP would give a soul mate feelings of security and comfort while another woman would find the same man boorish and rude. Women who likes YOU would gravitate and be attracted to you.
In the end, a man should understand what brings him happiness and just get to living life (the main difficulty is realising just what type of partner gives you bliss). If playing a childish and cute little boy gives you joy to a lady who finds such behaviours adorable or that overcoming challenges provides satisfaction, just do what makes you tick.
You cannot deny who you are and we are mighty indeed. :)
Big B
..... a MAN has absolute self mastery, .... women .. beyond his reach. ... some men ... KC-ed .. "strong" n abusive women who show pervasive disrespect .. remain in the RS, thinking that it's a potentially viable RS. It's not, n will never be. It's a very miserable RS for both partners.
... to improve myself, constantly n relentlessly, everyday n in every way possible, to improve others n to improve everything around me...
...more abt self actualization, self discovery n SELF MASTERY. .. .. comments n criticisms ..
Great thread/opinions/discussions. IMHO all relationships are about chemistry (see my signature below) and fate. We cannot understand many things. Life is so interesting because no two persons think alike - many "unlikely" couples (in our perceptions - rightly or wrongly) happily married. A Win-Win situation is the ideal. Both must be happy with the outcomes for a relationship to last - regardless of, with WLs or life partners. Great relationships are based on mutual respects, trusts, equality, honesty etc. Most importantly on chemistry. Difficult questions : "Marry one you love more or the one who loves you more??" "Marry same or complementary characters?" Often never equal. Relationships with WLs are more/very complicated - avoid at all costs. Just my opinion - no need to agree.
Unfortunately (just tried) unable to upz U again. :D Cheers.
13-02-2012, 11:44 AM
Heya Bro WB,
always a delight to read your well considered posts!
This topic is best discussed over drinks so thoughts/ideas can be supported and better illustrated. Posts over such a complex topic can often be misinterpreted due to the limitations of this medium..............
If a gal is just plain rude, she will never be attractive to men such as us. Some men get KCed because they crave a challenge (which I suspect is what goodpartner desires - not saying the gal is rude, but it sounds like a difficult chase)...............................
Coming back to your point, what if something we did caused a gal to give us pervasive disrespect? In such a case, I will eat humble pie and apologise (the magnitude of which will be commensurate with the perceived wrong). If the gal thinks she "won" and persists in unreasonable behaviours, your response would be entirely appropriate. I would also make it clear to the girl that our breakdown was due to her action/inactions.....................
Your growth over the months Bro WB is clear and significant. Your successes are a testament to that fact. Something that I would add that you may have already considered is what I call "true compatibility" between couples (both physical and mental).
A man can learn what to say to bring about the right response from a gal once her personality traits are established. For instance, give praise to a woman who values her own beauty (but has internal low self-esteem) or use macho statements on girls who desire he-men.
Men who achieve this skill become "Players". Women who master such skills can toy with men's feelings because they can mask their real emotions and show you what you desire often for the goal of sex or money. Very dangerous as they can pretend to be anyone they want to snare the unwary but also dangerous for them, as the weak willed lose themselves. :p
See that handsome playa who broods unhappily at the corner when he thinks no one is looking? Does that look indicate real happiness to you? How about couples you see as mismatched? Handsome man and ugly gal? Have you looked closer? That man looks blissfully happy on 2nd inspection. He has decided what he wants in a relationship and has achieved what brings him happiness...................................
To find a soul mate is to find a lady who loves you for being YOU. So being a MCP would give a soul mate feelings of security and comfort while another woman would find the same man boorish and rude. Women who likes YOU would gravitate and be attracted to you.
In the end, a man should understand what brings him happiness and just get to living life (the main difficulty is realising just what type of partner gives you bliss)................
You cannot deny who you are and we are mighty indeed. :)
Big B
Dear Bro Big B,
Ths so much for ur well written n insightful post.
If I hv made an egregious error in judgment which is hurtful to my mistress, I'll apologize to her n do my best to restore her confidence n trust in me. If she continues to show pervasive disrespect toward me, the RS is over. Period.
How to become unconditionally happy is my favorite topic. Happiness is an internal state and must be independent of other people n external circumstances. Oftentimes, we hv little control over the behaviour of other human beings including those closest to us n to the world we live in. What if there is a fatal accident involving our loved ones or a natural cataclysm? The only thing we can control is our own emotions n happiness...our self mastery.
Lao Zi: “He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.”
Great thread/opinions/discussions. IMHO all relationships are about chemistry (see my signature below) and fate. We cannot understand many things. Life is so interesting because no two persons think alike - many "unlikely" couples (in our perceptions - rightly or wrongly) happily married. A Win-Win situation is the ideal. Both must be happy with the outcomes for a relationship to last - regardless of, with WLs or life partners. Great relationships are based on mutual respects, trusts, equality, honesty etc. Most importantly on chemistry. Difficult questions : "Marry one you love more or the one who loves you more??" "Marry same or complementary characters?" Often never equal. Relationships with WLs are more/very complicated - avoid at all costs. Just my opinion - no need to agree.
Unfortunately (just tried) unable to upz U again. :D Cheers.
Drear Bro Kalv,
Great post! Short n sweet.
I'll marry the one who loves me more. Applying my new found understanding n self mastery, the other party will always like/love me more in all my current n future RS, haha.
.................................................. ...........................
Good morning!
As u recall, I met two chio non-WL students JR n VO earlier this month. Last Fri afternoon I proposed the idea of BY-ing both of them under one roof! It was a bold move as I risked losing both of them.
I called JR at 3PM while she was at school n she was taken very surprised but promised to ask VO n get back to me. It took them 1 hr n their answer was YES n they would like to meet me for dinner after school at 6PM.
I picked them up at a MRT station n took them to dinner. I sent them back to a MRT station near Orchard Rd n then rushed to DC for my scheduled SH session at 920PM. Gals there were disappointing n I called my lao po to come at 10PM...
I hv been in active negotiations over the terms of double BY w/ JR n VO. However, their original terms r not acceptable to me n I hv made a counter offer. If they say NO, I'll walk away. They say no to tarma, at least in the beginning, which greatly diminishes the value of double BY.
Separately, the 17 yo gorgeous Fujian gal FF I met one yr ago wants to return to SG on a visitor's pass n has agreed to my terms. I told her to come in mid May when I'll be here again.
My post on FF, 21/02/2011:
"I'm not BY-ing FF bcos she is only 17 according to her passport. I guess I may hv to add her to the list of gals who hv consented to BY but I wont or couldnt consummate the deal, at least for now. I hv not given up yet since she is so cute n so didi becomes very stiff just thinking of her. I'm checking w/ my lawyers to find a solution. She is leaving SG soon. I may hv to wait till the 2nd half of the yr when she turns 18. If I take her out for dinner n only french her, am I breaking any laws? I'll tell her to apply for a student visa."
I hv yet another gal who agrees to BY, the 169cm JY whom I met at TAM late last yr. I also want her to come in May, hahaha.
Bro WB
16-02-2012, 10:43 AM
Good morning!
More on my double BY: The older JR has rejected my terms, but the younger VO has hinted that she would accept my offer as she finds me trustworthy n she feels safe w/ me...
Separately, a few days ago I reestablished ctc w/ a Fujian gal XYZ who agreed to be BY-ed in Dec of 2009. The deal was not consummated cuz she insisted on getting paid once a month, whereas I said half monthly or else. Shortly thereafter, she went back to PRC for CNY, but was unable to return to SG, most likely due to her prior arrest for working at LV. She was a chio, fair n tall (170) SYT w/ a very sexy figure n nice long legs. See my post on her:
The reason I mentioned her is that I found something on her QQ which is quite illuminating n insightful:
婚姻,只是一纸合约。爱情,也不是绳索。对方,永远不是你的附属。爱情不是永远的,婚姻不是永远的,只有一 种永远:自由与平等。你们随时有权决定在一起或不在一起。而且,根本不需要理由。以婚姻的名义,以爱情的名 义,去独占对方,去限制对方,去管理对方,去教育对方,都是可耻的。也是悲剧的根源。
I couldn't agree w/ her more. Yeah, freedom n equality.
Bro WB
16-02-2012, 10:54 AM
Guru, this kinda expression from a wl is a clear justification for u to play already.
16-02-2012, 11:47 AM
Guru, this kinda expression from a wl is a clear justification for u to play already.
My Dear Mr. Chairman,
Good morning!
Are u referring to XYZ's writing? Pls elaborate.
Looking at the Big Picture, I actually concur w/ her as nothing lasts forever in our known Universe.
Bro WB
16-02-2012, 05:24 PM
My Dear Mr. Chairman,
Good morning!
Are u referring to XYZ's writing? Pls elaborate.
Looking at the Big Picture, I actually concur w/ her as nothing lasts forever in our known Universe.
Bro WB
婚姻,只是一纸合约。爱情,也不是绳索。对方,永远不是你的附属。爱情不是永远的,婚姻不是永远的,只有一 种永远:自由与平等。你们随时有权决定在一起或不在一起。而且,根本不需要理由。以婚姻的名义,以爱情的名 义,去独占对方,去限制对方,去管理对方,去教育对方,都是可耻的。也是悲剧的根源。
Goals and targets drives us to make it happen no matter how hard it gets, thus increasing the sense of responsibility and the ability to cherish.
But if one applies this concept of nothing is forever and thus will also lead a a lack of need for the others mentioned above and will lead to a very self centered empty life Guru.
The correct approach shud be, make every second count, dun waste it!
16-02-2012, 10:25 PM
I have a question for the guru, how do I BY girls when I only earn 8k a month?
17-02-2012, 03:21 AM
Hi bro mercedes500,
COS is Continuous Orgasmic State. It's NOT the same as multiple orgasms.
Some gurus/authors use such terms as stacked orgasms, expanded orgasms, cascading orgasms, etc. which may be slightly different.
And then of course there r many types of orgasm such as clitoral, g spot, deep spot, vaginal (during penetration), combined, anal, nipple, squirting, etc.
thanks Bro warbird!
.. Kalv,.....I'll marry the one who loves me more. ... met two chio non-WL students JR n VO earlier this month... proposed the idea of BY-ing both of them .. Orchard Rd .. 17 yo gorgeous Fujian gal FF I met one yr ago wants to return to SG on a visitor's pass n has agreed to my terms.. come in mid May ... 17 according to her passport.... If I take her out for dinner n only french her, am I breaking any laws? I'll tell her to apply for a student visa." ...
Very practical - will never be short changed by marrying the one who loves your more!! :D Really envious of your great life. Having sex with a WL < 18 is illegal. Having dinner, french etc (without penetration is not). However may/will be difficult to convince AV if caught in hotel room. Following info from another thread (in case not aware): All the best. :) Cheers.
18-02-2012, 12:16 PM
Goals and targets drives us to make it happen no matter how hard it gets, thus increasing the sense of responsibility and the ability to cherish.
But if one applies this concept of nothing is forever and thus will also lead a a lack of need for the others mentioned above and will lead to a very self centered empty life Guru.
The correct approach shud be, make every second count, dun waste it!
My Dear Mr. chairman,
Of course you're right.
I always cherish friendship, love, commitment, responsibility n dependability...
It's a fact that nothing lasts forever, but that realization doesn't mean life is empty, my Master.
Yes, life is precious n finite n time is more valuable than money. To live life to the FULLEST, one must live in the eternally happy present moment n be unconditionally happy.
I have a question for the guru, how do I BY girls when I only earn 8k a month?
Hi Bro ME,
You could BY a non-WL for as little as 1-2k a month or you could BY a WL for 2-3K a month, although she will need to work.
A chio n cute 22 yo Dongbai gal at LV wanted only 3k a month to BY her (see my post around 24/11/2010).
Or you could KC a gal deep deep n she will be ur GF for free. If she is rich or a WL, she may even pay u. But that's another story, it's NOT BY.
thanks Bro warbird!
You're welcome!!
Very practical - will never be short changed by marrying the one who loves your more!! :D Really envious of your great life. Having sex with a WL < 18 is illegal. Having dinner, french etc (without penetration is not). However may/will be difficult to convince AV if caught in hotel room. Following info from another thread (in case not aware): All the best. :) Cheers.
Hi Bro Kalv,
FF is 18 now. My other gal CL will be 18 in a few months...
I'm always searching for my type of gals as they r very hard to come by, especially in SG.
My preferred type of gals?
年青貌美华族或白种女孩子。 年龄最好在18岁-23岁之间,身高在164cm-174cm.
一定要身材匀称, 皮肤白皙, 乳房丰满(最少有B),手细腿长,臀部圆润。 有大专水平更好.
Any such gals to intro?
Several agents/frens in PRC inform me that such gals only want to be BY-ed in China n won't come to SG.
Bro WB
18-02-2012, 10:20 PM
Thanks Bro WB for your replies.....always insightful! Cheers!
21-02-2012, 10:40 AM
Thanks Bro WB for your replies.....always insightful! Cheers!
Hi Bro ME,
You make my day!
.................................................. ......................................
Good morning!
One of my best kakis is Bro Guru who is a master of ST. I hv learnt a great deal from observing him n consulting w/ him.
Yesterday, I accepted his invitation to cheong at CD at 430PM. I met 2 gals, both young MILFs in their mid 20s, one agreed to ST n the other said No. An initial No means more money n more effort.
I left early for dinner n Guru took one of the gals for ST, his 2nd ST yesterday. We were going to join several bros at LV SH later.
After dinner, as I was driving to LV, I picked up a chio gal along Sophia Rd who was on her way to CI 3rd fl at TAM complex. She was also in her mid 20s w/ very sexy body, but not my type as her upper arms r slightly large. No doubt many bros will find her very attractive n a great bonk.
At LV, we had a great time w/ 4 other bros including the legendary Bro RB. I had a slim n chio 19 yo gal w/ perfect height (170) who is a medical student in PRC. I've qualified her n will take her out to dinner. I asked her abt 3 attributes she is proud of. A more shallow gal might say good looks, good figure n intelligence. I like her answers: 我很温柔, 善良, 孝顺。I may propose BY to her. BTW, Guru took another chio gal for ST. He is truly amazing!
At this time, I like to quote an Ang Moh expert on the complex issues of confidence, attraction, money n body language:
If pop culture teaches us anything, it’s that every woman is
unique, complex, and complicated. How is it possible to create
one system that will give you the power to attract all of them?
Sure, all women are different in some ways, but when it
comes to what women find attractive in a man, they’re a lot
more similar than you might think. Ask as many women as
you want, and the one thing they’ll all agree on is that they
love men with confidence. It’s a MASSIVE misconception that
men are confident because they are attractive – in fact, it’s
the other way around. Men are attractive because they are
But if confidence is the number one quality that women find
attractive in men, why is it that so many guys still don’t
understand what confidence really is? Most people only think
of confidence as a collection of shallow clichés they learned
from their (well-intentioned, but misinformed) mothers: “Be
yourself!” “Don’t be afraid to be who you are!” That advice
was fine when you were a kid (or if you’re like me, even then
I didn’t get it), but at this stage of your life it just doesn’t
cut it. So what is confidence and why do women find it
attractive? And the million dollar question, “How do you get
Remember our conversation about money from the last
chapter? Let me refresh your memory: it’s a commonly held
belief that women are attracted to men with money. The
reason women seem to fall for wealthy men is that humans
work on what is called a “slippery slope mentality,” which
means that our thought processes typically follow an “If this,
then that” pattern. When a woman sees a man with money,
she might automatically think “Hm…this could be the man for
me. I can have whatever I want. I will be treated well.” But
subconsciously, there’s a lot more going on than the simple
“I can get free stuff” thought process. After all, there are
lots of guys out there who would treat her well – a bum could
be the most loving and attentive boyfriend she’s ever had! –
but she’s probably not going to be attracted to them because
there are other factors at play in these situations.
Women understand that having money is indicative of other
desirable qualities that make a man valuable, including
confidence. Think back to what we went over earlier: if you have money, you probably had to work for it. If you earned
that much money working, you probably hold a powerful
position in which many people depend on you. Women
typically find the idea that a man being capable of performing
under extreme amounts of pressure to be highly attractive.
Women also like men in leadership positions because it
signifies that people follow them, trust them, and place
value on in their opinions and ideas. A man like that is able
to make other people feel valuable simply because they are
with them. Confidence, essentially, is the possession of the
ability to increase the value of others around you. That’s why
guys who don’t have money but do demonstrate this quality
are still able to attract beautiful, self-assured women.
So how do you exude this quality
when you meet a woman? Before we
talk about that, we have to examine
what’s going on in a woman’s head
when she first encounters you and
decides how attractive you are.
How does she evaluate you? How
is she able to read your personality
the way you’re reading this book?
There’s one simple thing that we
can all read naturally on the surface of everyone we meet:
body language. I won’t go into too much detail here because
body language is such an important topic that I’ve dedicated
an entire chapter to it later on, so for now just know that
humans read body language instantly and make countless assessments based on the information they gather from doing
Why do we put so much faith in the messages of body language?
Isn’t it something that could easily be faked? Actually, it’s
not. Body language lives largely in your subconscious mind,
which means that you’re not really aware of the messages
it’s sending. Your subconscious mind is also home to your
emotions, so whatever you’re feeling at any given moment
tends to show automatically in your body language. Very
few people are able to learn to completely and effectively
control their body language, so it’s almost always an accurate,
trustworthy source of information about someone.
This brings up yet another important question: if body language
is controlled by emotions, what are emotions controlled by?
And if you figure out what is in charge of your emotions,
can you override it and direct them consciously and control
your emotions? Wouldn’t it be great if you had the power
to make sure that you were never nervous, never flustered,
never angry? If you could always be happy, confident, and
in control? Of course it would! And believe it or not, it is
possible. In order to do that, though, you’re going to have to
learn to hack into your brain and make it work for you.
The things that control your
emotions are your beliefs. If you
believe you’re confident, you
will be. If you believe you’re in
control, you are. If you believe
you’re worth something, if you believe you have high-value, others will believe it too. If
you don’t believe you have high value, your body language
will project negative messages instead. And because your
body language is controlled by your emotions and your
emotions are controlled by your beliefs, women read your
body language to assess what you believe, so make sure your
beliefs aren’t limiting your success........................................... .
I’m not going to pretend that redefining and reinventing your
belief system is an easy task, because for most people it
isn’t, but it’s one of the most important things you’ll ever
do. In order to be a true badass with women, every man
must get to the point where he can control his emotions to
be positive so his body language naturally falls in line with
those emotions.
The interesting thing is that women don’t necessarily read
your body language and immediately decide whether or
not they’re attracted to you. Don’t get me wrong – it does
happen quickly, but women usually wait to see your reaction
to something before making a true assessment of you. If
they can see you in a situation in which you’re being tested
in some way and they can watch your body language in that
situation, they then know for sure that you’re acting from a
direct link to your emotions, which are direct links to your
beliefs, which show them whether or not you think you're
truly valuable. The four women in the walking-down-the street
example became attracted to you based on the body
language they read from your reaction to their silence and
laughter, not your initial body language.
It's up to you to decide to have the powerful and positive belief
system that will make you attractive to women. If you don't
make a committed effort to acquire them, it won't matter
what else you learn. You could read this book a million times
and you'd still have trouble. It's not until you decide to have
confident beliefs about yourself that you will be attractive
to women. Women typically tend to be more perceptive
than men, and better at detecting lies, so they’ll see right
through you if you’re faking it. It is infinitely more effective
to create a new belief system for yourself.
Bro WB
21-02-2012, 04:07 PM
Bro WB, very insightful thoughts here. Though I just joined, but i have been following this thread for months.
Learning from the experience and mistakes posted in this thread have allowed me to avoid the pitfalls other bros might encounter. Some great discussions as well which are thought provoking, and allows me to constantly reflect on my own thinking and behaviours
Looking forward to more good stuff from you, cheers and have a nice day
-Avg Joe
22-02-2012, 10:41 AM
Bro WB, very insightful thoughts here. Though I just joined, but i have been following this thread for months.
Learning from the experience and mistakes posted in this thread have allowed me to avoid the pitfalls other bros might encounter. Some great discussions as well which are thought provoking, and allows me to constantly reflect on my own thinking and behaviours
Looking forward to more good stuff from you, cheers and have a nice day
-Avg Joe
Hi Bro Avg Joe,
I appreciate ur compliments. You make my day!
Pls also share ur experiences n expertise w/ us.
Bro WB
.................................................. ....................
Good morning!
My personal motto:
I'm improving myself, improving others n improving everything around me, constantly n relentlessly, in every way, every hr every day.
I hereby present my "Flow Chart" for attraction n success in every area of life.
Your Positive Belief System n Self Mastery ---> Positive Emotions ---> Pervasive Confidence ---> Positive Body Language n Actions (Regardless of What Happens n Under The Most Stressful Situations) ---> Attraction (n Success in Life)
Still worry abt ur looks, height, weight, age, status, etc when approaching a very chio gal of ur dream?
Remember this: You're very attractive to beautiful women cuz You're very confident.
Another guru talks abt the importance of body language:
An estimated 67% to 93% of human communication
(according to university researchers) is non-verbal,
and your body language reveals your internal emotional
state. Whether someone's parents just died, or whether
they just got promoted to CEO... you can tell by
observing their body language.
So, as a man who tries to pick up and seduce women,
you should be mindful of what you're communicating
Body language consists of the following:
- Your movements. They should be nonchalant, as if
you're so fabulously successful that there's rarely a
reason for you to rush nor try to impress anybody.
Move through the world doing what you want and
assuming that others will follow.
- The displacement of your body. Your arms and legs
should be spread out. Don't be afraid to take up space.
- Your voice. It should have a calm, soothing, and
commanding effect. Don't speak too fast or strain
your voice.
- Your face. Keep your facial muscles relaxed. Never
tense your jaw, and only rarely should you frown or
wrinkle your brow.
- Your shoulders. Keep them relaxed like they'd be
if you just got a massage. Don't raise them up like
a nervous person.
I would even go as far as to say that you body language
is more important than anything you say, because if
your body language doesn't match what you say, then
you won't succeed with women.
You see, if you tell a woman stories that convey your
confidence, but at the same time you slump over and
fold your arms, then you come across as fake.
I've picked up women before merely through the use of
my body language. For example, a couple months ago
I was at a coffee shop that I frequent, lounging on the
couch, arms spread out, with my feet up on the table.
The mindset I had was that I felt so comfortable that it
was as if I were in my home lounging on my own couch.
It was as if I owned the coffee shop.
The net result was that a girl sitting near me put down
her book and started engaging me in random small talk.
(Whenever an attractive girl you don't know starts a
random conversation with you, you should ALWAYS
assume that she's attracted to you. This is because
women generally won't risk the whole male-female
dynamic, especially with a stranger, unless they feel
The conversation went on for awhile, I got her number,
called her that night, and a few days later we met and
after several hours went to her place, where I spent the
night. (We finally had sex in the morning.)
The bottom line though is that she became initially
attracted to me and approached me because of my
body language.
Now, of course body language isn't enough. You also
must have an internal alpha male mindset that's consistent
with your body language.
But make no mistake about it... if your body language
conveys confidence, then your mood will also shift to
become more confident. And have you ever noticed
how when you walk with a spring in your step, you
feel more upbeat?
Conversely, when you cast your eyes down and drag
your feet, you feel depressed. So your mindset also
follows the body language that you adopt.
So, in conclusion, be an alpha male with your mindset
and your body language. Be in a woman's personal
space and be sexual and interested in her, but at the
same time don't be needy or desperate for her attention.
Just be comfortable and enjoy yourself.
And when your body language conveys that, it means you'll
later be comfortable and enjoying yourself... with the woman.
Bro WB
22-02-2012, 11:14 PM
Bro WB,
Good notes on our body language especially when conveying confidence.
Sorry to miss the TAM session last Thu. Hope to join you and other bros to learn.
Always something to learn from reading your threads.
25-02-2012, 10:36 AM
Bro WB,
Good notes on our body language especially when conveying confidence.
Sorry to miss the TAM session last Thu. Hope to join you and other bros to learn.
Always something to learn from reading your threads.
Hi Bro MK2,
We may hv an outing tonite SH.
.................................................. ..........................
Good morning!
IMHO, a man's eye n facial expressions, voice tone n body language reflect his inner confidence, masculinity n self mastery, which r the most important determinants of his attractiveness to ALL women. PERIOD.
His social status, money, looks, height, weight, age, ethnicity, etc r of secondary importance...
There r many, many BIG differences between men n women.
A female sex guru just sent me an email on one of the differences:
Hello Bro Warbird,
I want you to imagine a woman who can't keep her hands off of you,
who's eager to touch you & kiss you, who clings to your every word
and move. She enjoys rubbing her warm body against yours, even in
public places. She strokes your hair constantly, always has her arm
around you, and can hardly step away from you for a second.
Sounds pretty good, huh?
Now imagine this: A woman is with a man who can't keep his hands
off of her, who's eager to touch her & kiss her, who clings to her
every word and move. He enjoys rubbing his warm body against hers,
even in public places. He strokes her hair constantly, always has
his arm around her, and can hardly step away from her for a second.
Pathetic! He's obviously clingy, desperate, needy and possibly even
You see, this is what men so often forget in dating and in their
interactions with women: What might be a turn on and a fantasy for
him- could easily be an attraction killer for her.
Why? Well, using the example above, the male is automatically
turned on when he's been sexually accepted and is "approved" by the
female. This is biology and evolution. However, because women have
had to protect themselves from rape, getting pregnant at a bad or
hard time, and have always had to worry about carrying & protecting
young offspring, a man who's overly clingy, too physical, or
aggressive in his touch & affection at the wrong time, comes across
as a threat.
And when a woman feels "threatened", which this day in time may be
a feeling of simple annoyance to her, she wants to get out of
there- she wants to escape.
This is also where some men get confused (especially politicians,
so it seems) and send women a nude or "naughty" picture of
themselves. The man would LOVE IT if the woman sent such a picture
of herself to him. But, unfortunately, the woman doesn't find this
to be a turn on or so exiting, and she quickly laughs at him, shows
her friends (who also get a good laugh out of it)... and possibly
even shares it with the media or police.
When interacting with women, it's very important for a man to step
away from his "male brain" and understand how women view various
actions. Because what might be wonderfully exciting for you, might
make her head for the hills...................
The woman on your side,
Ms Guru
It seems most men, including some famous Ang Moh politicians, still dun get it, hahaha.
Another example: We men love to watch explicit porn, but most women r completely turned off unless it's merely a part of a romantic story, filmed artistically.
Bro WB
25-02-2012, 11:58 AM
Hi Bro Warbird,
Your posts are truly insightful and i've been following them for awhile.
Appreciate you sharing your experience and advice with us.
I've just gotten to know this girl from China Doll (sat with me twice) and even though shes been smsing me, i'd take my time in replying her and not initiating contact.
Not sure if im on the right track by acting nonchalant. As i dont want to come across as needed and desperate.
Do advise if anything im doing seems wrong.
Kyser Soze
26-02-2012, 10:38 AM
I will come back to this thread on and off. I must agree Bro Warbird's standard for girls are very high. I still remember one Dongbei FL you recommended was of great beauty and excellent service. Perhaps one of the best during the heydays of 'sharing'. :D
Bro Warbird, still remember Dong Dong (2009)? How time flies...
27-02-2012, 01:57 PM
Hi Bro Warbird,
Your posts are truly insightful and i've been following them for awhile.
Appreciate you sharing your experience and advice with us.
I've just gotten to know this girl from China Doll (sat with me twice) and even though shes been smsing me, i'd take my time in replying her and not initiating contact.
Not sure if im on the right track by acting nonchalant. As i dont want to come across as needed and desperate.
Do advise if anything im doing seems wrong.
Hi bro Jaded86,
You hv the right attitude.
What kind of RS do u want w/ her? Do u just want to fxk her or do u want her to be ur exclusive GF?
You must initiate ctc occasionally, otherwise she may think that u r not interested n give up on u.
Keep her guessing but u also need to give her reasons to be hopeful...hahaha.
I will come back to this thread on and off. I must agree Bro Warbird's standard for girls are very high. I still remember one Dongbei FL you recommended was of great beauty and excellent service. Perhaps one of the best during the heydays of 'sharing'. :D
Bro Warbird, still remember Dong Dong (2009)? How time flies...
Hi bro Kyser Soze,
It has been a long time. How could I forget her? Nowadays I seldom go for FLs available at SBF cuz the standards hv been declining.
Bro WB
27-02-2012, 04:08 PM
Hi Bro Warbird,
Your posts are truly insightful and i've been following them for awhile.
Appreciate you sharing your experience and advice with us.
I've just gotten to know this girl from China Doll (sat with me twice) and even though shes been smsing me, i'd take my time in replying her and not initiating contact.
Not sure if im on the right track by acting nonchalant. As i dont want to come across as needed and desperate.
Do advise if anything im doing seems wrong.
Hi bro Jaded86,
You hv the right attitude.
What kind of RS do u want w/ her? Do u just want to fxk her or do u want her to be ur exclusive GF?
You must initiate ctc occasionally, otherwise she may think that u r not interested n give up on u.
Keep her guessing but u also need to give her reasons to be hopeful...hahaha.
Bro WB, well said.
Bro Jaded, may I add that you need to give her hope, but dont give her any promises.
Dont be too aloof else she might think that you are not interested at all. For me, i feel there is no need to purposely take your time to reply SMS. Just appear natural, and reply as per how you would to other friends as well. However, DONT appear needy or clingy else the girl would know that she got you hooked, and you will lose your upper hand. No matter how desperately horny you are, keep cool, be confident and always be in control.
29-02-2012, 11:13 AM
Hi Bro Warbird,
I have been lurking and I don't happen to post frequently, but im very intrigued and interested in your threads. I have a problem with regards to a PRC woman which I would so very much glad that you could dispense with some useful advice. Your advice is very much appreciated as I am inexperienced.
I happen to be one of those youngsters who was lucky enough to obtain a corporate scholarship. Hence, I am introduced to the world of KTV at a relatively young age. I'll try to summarise my issue. I initially came to know this young WL from one of the CAT 150 houses in geylang roughly about 6 months ago. I began to patronise her every fortnightly and our relationship got close to the point where we go out for meals or places of interest in Singapore whenever she is having her "off" days.
In the beginning, she did not ask me for much and i enjoyed her company. We rarely spoke about her line of work. And she was very much like a casual friend. We do not engage in any form of sexual activities outside Geylang.
We have been hanging out and having fun until recently, she has been asking me for things such as a watch ( the cheap seiko battery kind), as well as pulling a sour and long face whenever we are outside. She has also been telling me all sorts of problems her family is facing at home, but has not asked me for any financial help. Probably because im still a young man.
I am inexperienced and cautious. And i very much wanted it to be just a pure platonic friendship kind of issue. Pardon me for the long explanation, but through your vast amount of experience, what is your take on this matter? More importantly, should i cut her loose?
I sincerely appreciate your advice.
Best Regards,
Hi bro chocotunes,
Are u in ur 20s?
Don't ever get KC-ed by a Cat 150 gL gal. She has been fxked by thousands of men.
Forget abt her asap.
Pls narrate ur encounters w/ her in my thread. You will get great advice from many experts.
Bro WB
29-02-2012, 11:53 AM
Bro WB, well said.
Bro Jaded, may I add that you need to give her hope, but dont give her any promises.
Dont be too aloof else she might think that you are not interested at all. For me, i feel there is no need to purposely take your time to reply SMS. Just appear natural, and reply as per how you would to other friends as well. However, DONT appear needy or clingy else the girl would know that she got you hooked, and you will lose your upper hand. No matter how desperately horny you are, keep cool, be confident and always be in control.
Hi bro AvgJoe,
Good advice!
Neediness n insecurity r most repulsive to women. It's the biggest turn off for them.
.................................................. ............
Good morning!
I like to share a msg on "Three “Bonding” Steps to Her Bedroom…" from yet another Ang Moh mentor:
Hi Bro Warbird,
Tired of feeling as if you don't know what to say to women?
Tired of watching OTHER men go home with the women you wish you
were taking home?
I would be!
I've been out doing research for you again, talking to prime,
beautiful, thoughtful women about what they REALLY want from men -
and just as important - what's been turning them off recently.
What are they TIRED of... and what YOU can do to LASSOO THEIR
ATTENTION and lead it where you want to go?
Want to hear one of their biggest complaints and how to avoid it?
Then listen up...
You've probably heard women complain that men don't "listen."
We don't. For a few reasons. We often can't follow their logic.
Or we don't want to try that hard. But usually, it's because we
are pretty convinced we have the answer to their problems before
they even finish what they are saying.
Which may or may not be true.
But truth has limited relevance here. What matters, when it comes
to enlightened seduction is FEELING. How does she FEEL about you?
What does she FEEL in your presence? From your body? From your
Want a short-cut to getting her feeling strangely "bonded" to you?
I want to give you a 3 Step Magic Formula for evoking amazing
feelings of LOVE and APPRECIATION from any woman - specifically as
a way to cure yourself of the annoying "premature problem solving"
issue so many men have,
When a woman starts telling you about something important,
something emotional, whether about work, family, friends or
otherwise, employ these 3 steps in this order:
Bonding Step 1: Mirror her words.
This means you don't ADD anything, you don't analyze, you don't
solve. You just show her that you actually heard her words and
weren't thinking about LeBron, Giselle, your quarterly reports or
wondering about the shape or color of her areolae.
So if she said, "Sorry I'm not very talkative. I had a hard day
today at work today. My boss is such an a-hole." You say:
"Sounds like you had a tough day."
Bonding Step 2: Validate her feelings.
Whatever your opinion, whatever your thoughts or observations - put
a lid on it! Step two of creating a BOND with her is to validate
that her feelings are justified. Which is a way of "accepting" her
as is, something few of us rarely get from anyone!
So if she says, "My boss just yells at everyone like their fools,
but he knows less than anyone." You say, "You have every right to
be mad at that idiot. You know more than him and he acts like he's
king of the world."
Bonding Step 3. Empathize.
Notice this is the first time "you" came into the picture here.
You have just laid the groundwork for her to feel heard (already a
miracle, in her eyes) and validated (a double miracle!" Only now
to do you up the ante by letting her know that you "feel her pain."
So if she says, "I'm just so tired of working so hard and not being
appreciated for all I bring," only now can you bring your sorry ass
into the conversation and add, "I'm really sorry you're going
through that. It must feel awful. It makes me feel like I'm losing
all my motivation just listening to you describe it."
Yes! Exactly! She will exclaim, as she grabs your knee - thrilled
to be in the presence of such a Prince of a Man, who not only hears
her, accepts her without judgment but who also FEELS what she FEELS.
That, my friend is a 3-Step Shortcut to bonding with any woman.
Short-cutting communications success with woman doesn't mean clever
quips and soaring assholery.
Communications is a step-by-step process of building trust, humor,
authority, inspiration and rapport..........................................
Your Mentor
Bro WB
03-03-2012, 02:36 PM
Bro WB, well said.
Bro Jaded, may I add that you need to give her hope, but dont give her any promises.
Dont be too aloof else she might think that you are not interested at all. For me, i feel there is no need to purposely take your time to reply SMS. Just appear natural, and reply as per how you would to other friends as well. However, DONT appear needy or clingy else the girl would know that she got you hooked, and you will lose your upper hand. No matter how desperately horny you are, keep cool, be confident and always be in control.
Noted on your advice, my normal speed of replying smses from girls is there about the same, just so they wont know when i'm available.
Well i've told her from the start that i aint some rich kid / high positioned corporate staff but she stills initiates contact. Just trying out the hook, line and sinker technique.
04-03-2012, 12:00 PM
Ktv gals are always more expensive to f in my opinon
04-03-2012, 12:24 PM
Ktv gals are always more expensive to f in my opinon
The difference is something one has to really sexperience to know the actual diff.
Once you've fucked so much, basic fucking of prostitutes is no meaning and not fulfilling liao.
The diff is its no more just a dead piece of meat, there r feelings involved, and that makes the fucking even sweeter!
So wat u pay is what u get.
Pay less get a piece of dead meat fuck fuck shoot chop chop wash F-Off
Pay more, like machiam fucking your GF anytime anywhere.
04-03-2012, 04:03 PM
The difference is something one has to really sexperience to know the actual diff.
Once you've fucked so much, basic fucking of prostitutes is no meaning and not fulfilling liao.
The diff is its no more just a dead piece of meat, there r feelings involved, and that makes the fucking even sweeter!
So wat u pay is what u get.
Pay less get a piece of dead meat fuck fuck shoot chop chop wash F-Off
Pay more, like machiam fucking your GF anytime anywhere.
Hi bro
I guess u must have meant the gfe. I know where u are coming from. Was lucky to get 2 girls at different points of times.
Needs skill, time, money, and luck.
Plus ktv gals may not fuck u! Hahah.
After experiencing cp, i became damn sian in sg ktv though.hahah
Spoiled there.
05-03-2012, 12:12 AM
Hi bro
I know where u are coming from. Was lucky to get 2 girls at different points of times.
Needs skill, time, money, and luck.
Plus ktv gals may not fuck u! Hahah
Then you must be doing something very wrong.
Why you want them to fuck you?
All you have to do is fuck them wat:D
Let me very good Guru WarBird teach you the ropes;)
All yours Guru:p
05-03-2012, 12:36 AM
Then you must be doing something very wrong.
Why you want them to fuck you?
All you have to do is fuck them wat:D
Let me very good Guru WarBird teach you the ropes;)
All yours Guru:p
I am always willing to learn!
05-03-2012, 02:20 PM
Good afternoon!
I like to thank Mr. Chairman n bro ahpui99 for their interesting n informative posts.
This thread's modest success n longevity r entirely due to contributions by bros such as they.
I hv a large data base of gals/women cuz I always keep in touch. Several of my former mistresses r married w/ children in PRC!
Why do I still keep them on my QQ? They may hv chio frens to intro to me, haha.
I always think long term when it comes to investing n chio pussies.
Several gals who previously had repeatedly rejected me n who wont even want to hv lunch w/ me, hv eventually become my mistresses. One noteworthy example is my 1st ever mistress who is still w/ me.
IMHO, in investing n in getting chio pussies, one needs to think long term.
A guru recently sent me a msg on 'Keep in Touch' in which he extols the virtue of long term thinking.
Hey Bro Warbird,
Most guys think short term. They think that because a woman they
like starts dating a guy or, gasp, gets a boyfriend, or even a
husband that she's gone forever.
Nothing can be farther from the truth. Women who appear to be
unavailable suddenly become available, and vice versa. Nothing is
ever set in stone except for relationships that are ruined by men.
I've had several male friends throw fits of jealousy in the past
when a woman they were interested in politely told them she'd
started seeing someone, had a boyfriend, etc.
Months, even years later, when the boyfriend in the moment (and
husbands) turned out not to be Prince Charming, these women were
not at all interested in these guys because of how they acted in
the moment.
It was sad because had these guys been cool gracious, and stayed in
touch, something interesting would have happened. There would have
been a point where they appeared to be more attractive than the
former Prince Charming, and when she dumped the boyfriend, she
would have been quite interested in him.
Here's what you have to understand about women and attraction:
time and circumstance changes everything. Most guys are morons
about women and eventually wind up screwing up what they bumbled
If you are cool, if you stay in touch, if you at least appear to
be "happy for her" (even though you are probably not), when Prince
Charming screws it up (and he always does), you'll be the first guy
she gets in touch with.
Patience is a virtue in all areas, but especially so in attraction.
Now, this does not, of course, mean you "wait" for her while not
seeing other women. You live your life, see other women, and take
advantage of opportunity (any opportunity) as it arises.
One of two things will happen. Odds are she will eventually come
free and be interested in you, but if not, your chances of
attracting another, better woman in the interim are good.
Most men are caught up in the short term or feelings in the moment
with women, never thinking about the possibilities down the road.
That's why they wind up missing out when opportunity arises once
So be a long term thinker. Set up things for the future. Be
patient. And when opportunity comes your way once again, seize it.
On with the fun,
Mr. Guru
He is right.
Even if ur dream gal has rejected u n/or has fallen for another man, her pussy is not gone forever. Relaxed. Be as calm as ice, be happy for her, continue to be friendly n stay in touch. Your behaviour n attitude would appear extremely masculine...n when her "Prince Charming" inevitably screws up, she will make overtures to u, hahaha.
Believe me, eating n fxking a chio pussy which was completely beyond ur reach in the past, is exceptionally delicious n very shiok indeed, hahaha.
ABP. Always Be Prepared.
Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness.
Bro WB
05-03-2012, 03:05 PM
Good afternoon!
I like to thank Mr. Chairman n bro ahpui99 for their interesting n informative posts.
This thread's modest success n longevity r entirely due to contributions by bros such as they.
I hv a large data base of gals/women cuz I always keep in touch. Several of my former mistresses r married w/ children in PRC!
Why do I still keep them on my QQ? They may hv chio frens to intro to me, haha.
I always think long term when it comes to investing n chio pussies.
Several gals who previously had repeatedly rejected me n who wont even want to hv lunch w/ me, hv eventually become my mistresses. One noteworthy example is my 1st ever mistress who is still w/ me.
IMHO, in investing n in getting chio pussies, one needs to think long term.
A guru recently sent me a msg on 'Keep in Touch' in which he extols the virtue of long term thinking.
Hey Bro Warbird,
Most guys think short term. They think that because a woman they
like starts dating a guy or, gasp, gets a boyfriend, or even a
husband that she's gone forever.
Nothing can be farther from the truth. Women who appear to be
unavailable suddenly become available, and vice versa. Nothing is
ever set in stone except for relationships that are ruined by men.
I've had several male friends throw fits of jealousy in the past
when a woman they were interested in politely told them she'd
started seeing someone, had a boyfriend, etc.
Months, even years later, when the boyfriend in the moment (and
husbands) turned out not to be Prince Charming, these women were
not at all interested in these guys because of how they acted in
the moment.
It was sad because had these guys been cool gracious, and stayed in
touch, something interesting would have happened. There would have
been a point where they appeared to be more attractive than the
former Prince Charming, and when she dumped the boyfriend, she
would have been quite interested in him.
Here's what you have to understand about women and attraction:
time and circumstance changes everything. Most guys are morons
about women and eventually wind up screwing up what they bumbled
If you are cool, if you stay in touch, if you at least appear to
be "happy for her" (even though you are probably not), when Prince
Charming screws it up (and he always does), you'll be the first guy
she gets in touch with.
Patience is a virtue in all areas, but especially so in attraction.
Now, this does not, of course, mean you "wait" for her while not
seeing other women. You live your life, see other women, and take
advantage of opportunity (any opportunity) as it arises.
One of two things will happen. Odds are she will eventually come
free and be interested in you, but if not, your chances of
attracting another, better woman in the interim are good.
Most men are caught up in the short term or feelings in the moment
with women, never thinking about the possibilities down the road.
That's why they wind up missing out when opportunity arises once
So be a long term thinker. Set up things for the future. Be
patient. And when opportunity comes your way once again, seize it.
On with the fun,
Mr. Guru
He is right.
Even if ur dream gal has rejected u n/or has fallen for another man, her pussy is not gone forever. Relaxed. Be as calm as ice, be happy for her, continue to be friendly n stay in touch. Your behaviour n attitude would appear extremely masculine...n when her "Prince Charming" inevitably screws up, she will make overtures to u, hahaha.
Believe me, eating n fxking a chio pussy which was completely beyond ur reach in the past, is exceptionally delicious n very shiok indeed, hahaha.
ABP. Always Be Prepared.
Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness.
Bro WB
Hi bro, we men think woth our small head that ia why cannot think long term at times. I know what u mean. It is kinda of like sales i guess. From a prospect, to have a conversation to find out that person needs and then try to find to link what u can sell to him or her.
After closureor bonking, keep in touch and then maybe got referral. Also can have friend if no bonking or bonk once or twice before.
I do that in my work, but should take your advice for chionging. Have several leads in pipeline in different stages of progress. That ahould be the way.
As a wiser friend told me, 'to be a player, u gotta be cool. Let the fish bite the bait and swim to u. U will cum harder and better than ever before. '
I was in my early 20s then. More than 10 years later, i understand what the fuck he meant as i normally did commercial or with gf. The feeling can br out of the world if u do it correctly.
I suppose that is why bros who dun drink go ktv still go! They can go sauna and fuck also mah. It is about the elusive feeling of first love that can drive a man to even greater heights.
We are all hprny but is about controlling and channeling it.
Easy to say. I cocked up several times. But one must fall before u can walk and then run.
05-03-2012, 03:21 PM
Bro, tried to sign up for qq but u need a china mobile! HHa
Using weixin now. I heard from my friends in china or those from china that pple are moving to weixin in droves
05-03-2012, 05:14 PM
Ktv gals are always more expensive to f in my opinon
Bro, let me give you a simple analogy. If you want to travel from Point A to Point B, do you: Walk, take Bus or take Taxi?
1) Walking is akin to wanking off in your toilet, DIY and its free
2) To take a bus is the same as getting FL, getting the job done in the cheapest method. You dont really care about how you arrive, so long as you arrive.
3) To take a taxi is to enjoy the journey, in comfort. You value the process and you wish to be pampered along the way. Similar to KTV girls where you get to know the girl first, enjoy her company, and finish off like doing it with your GF.
I think it really depends on the stage of life you are at right now, and your own (s)experience too. For someone like me, sex is not the utmost priority anymore. I enjoy the process of talking to a girl, getting to know her and hooking her up, rather than just outright sex-for-money exchange.
05-03-2012, 05:31 PM
After closureor bonking, keep in touch and then maybe got referral. Also can have friend if no bonking or bonk once or twice before.
I do that in my work, but should take your advice for chionging. Have several leads in pipeline in different stages of progress. That ahould be the way.
Yes, keep several pipelines warm and ready ;-)
05-03-2012, 06:39 PM
Bro, let me give you a simple analogy. If you want to travel from Point A to Point B, do you: Walk, take Bus or take Taxi?
1) Walking is akin to wanking off in your toilet, DIY and its free
2) To take a bus is the same as getting FL, getting the job done in the cheapest method. You dont really care about how you arrive, so long as you arrive.
3) To take a taxi is to enjoy the journey, in comfort. You value the process and you wish to be pampered along the way. Similar to KTV girls where you get to know the girl first, enjoy her company, and finish off like doing it with your GF.
I think it really depends on the stage of life you are at right now, and your own (s)experience too. For someone like me, sex is not the utmost priority anymore. I enjoy the process of talking to a girl, getting to know her and hooking her up, rather than just outright sex-for-money exchange.
Hi bro, i know what mean. I am at a stage in my life whereby the constant saunas start to wear thin and can be boring after a while mentally.
I know your analogy.
It is like a gal wears clothes conservatively and always sqy 不要!
But after kc, gentle persuasion, skill, luck and the sun and moon come together, she goes我要我要!不要停宝贝!
Those are the seasions u remeber the most and keeps u warm. I need to apply what i do at work to chiong, concept wise.
07-03-2012, 11:02 AM
Hi bro, we men think woth our small head that ia why cannot think long term at times.................
As a wiser friend told me, 'to be a player, u gotta be cool. Let the fish bite the bait and swim to u. U will cum harder and better than ever before. '
Easy to say. I cocked up several times. But one must fall before u can walk and then run.
Hi bro,
Ths for the post. I couldn't agree w/ u more.
Bro, tried to sign up for qq but u need a china mobile! HHa
Using weixin now. I heard from my friends in china or those from china that pple are moving to weixin in droves
Hi bro,
You dun need a PRC mobile to register for QQ.
.................................................. ..........................................
Good morning!
Had an outing to LV HH last nite w/ 5 bros. Didn't find a gal I like.
I sat alone w/ bro Discreetman, haha.
However, we had a very helpful n smart PRC mummy who worked diligently to find gals for us. She agreed that the quality of gals has declined n gals who r "slightly pretty" now demand 1k n up for ST. And the prettier gals dun even show up for HH. I told her my interest in BY-ing pretty SYTs who never did ST. I opened albums of my favourite lao po so that she would know the type of gals I prefer. She then showed me pics of several gals who should be here when I return in May.
BTW, in my last 3 outings, 2 to CD SH n one to LV HH, I hv failed to find one gal I like. Wat to do?
I'm making active preparations to move to PRC next yr.
Yesterday, I had serious arguments w/ my 2 long term mistresses, separately of course, haha. They were very emotional n angry...that was good cuz females crave strong emotional experiences. I was ready to dump both of them. However, I'll keep my favourite lao po n say goodbye to the other.
I need more space n time when I return from Gotham City, to make rm for new gals.
I'm getting 2-3 BY requests a wk, on average, from SYTs in China. Unfortunately, several really pretty SYTs dun want to come to SG. They want 4W to 8W RMB a month to be BY-ed in PRC. They r comparable to my favourite lao po in terms of looks n figure, but they r uni students/graduates, whereas my lao po is not. I'm making connection w/ them by texting n calling...
Bro WB
07-03-2012, 12:11 PM
I'm making active preparations to move to PRC next yr.
Which city, WarBird? The northern cities are really dusty and polluted. The southern cities may be better.
07-03-2012, 01:22 PM
Which city, WarBird? The northern cities are really dusty and polluted. The southern cities may be better.
Hi bro chenzong,
Either Xiamen or Shenzhen. What do u think?
Will return to SG soon?
07-03-2012, 04:13 PM
U are the man!
I have started on this path and begun training as player.
I revisted those ktv whose numbers i kept from sg and china and then kept in touch with them.
Arranging for some casual and relaxed drinks and makans with them. At different points of time and different locations, obviously. See how it goes and be ready to punce.
I guess it is about the attitude. Once u keep control of yourself, the girls feel more relaxed and then let their guard down. All men are horny, esp me used to indtant gratification.
@warbird, curious question. If u are married, do u let them know? If attached, also likewise? Asking cos sometimes if u want to be a player, do u be upfront about it?
Thanks dude. Really enjying this thread. Let me know your thoughts.
08-03-2012, 01:29 PM
Either Xiamen or Shenzhen. What do u think?
Xiamen is a lovely place, very clean and not as crowded as cities like Shanghai. Shenzhen also quite nice, again not as crowded as Shanghai, I feel.
Will return to SG soon?
Yeah, but only for a week, and will be with family. No jobs for me in SG, so too bad.
08-03-2012, 03:35 PM
Xiamen is a lovely place, very clean and not as crowded as cities like Shanghai.
SHA more crowded but I feel it's much more organised than Xiamen but Xiamen all speak hokkien:D
Shenzhen also quite nice, again not as crowded as Shanghai, I feel.
Me cannot heck shenzhen, damn crowded and messy place.
My personal opinion.
09-03-2012, 10:17 AM
Xiamen is a lovely place, very clean and not as crowded as cities like Shanghai. Shenzhen also quite nice, again not as crowded as Shanghai, I feel.
Yeah, but only for a week, and will be with family. No jobs for me in SG, so too bad.
Hi bro chenzong,
Ths for the info.
Hope to meet u again.
SHA more crowded but I feel it's much more organised than Xiamen but Xiamen all speak hokkien:D
Me cannot heck shenzhen, damn crowded and messy place.
My personal opinion.
Hi Mr. Chairman,
Ths for the info.
I need to improve my Hokkien or 闽南话 if I'm going to live in Xiamen.
13-03-2012, 11:18 AM
Good morning!
Pretty SYTs hv been hit on by many men since they were in early teens n they intuitively know, within 30 secs of meeting a man, whether he is sexually confident n is accustomed to making love to beautiful gals/women. Many of them hv a strong filtering mechanism, at the subconscious level, which weeds out those who r not sexually confident, regardless of their looks, height, age, status, etc. A man's sexual mojo is manifested by his facial expressions, eye ctc, voice tone n body language, not by who he is or what he says or claims to be .
Just the other day I got the HP no of a 20 yo SYT LC OUTSIDE a KTV. She is slightly over 170, abt 52 kg n when I saw her, I was stunned by her good looks n her body/limb proportions. She was gorgeous!. But I pretended only mildly interested n also got HP no from the two other gals w/ her...the next day she actually thought that I was interested in one of her frens, hahaha.
Subsequently, I took all 3 of them to supper, LC appeared less stunning but still very attractive. She has beautiful lips, long straight legs, very slim arms/wrists n I noticed her ample breasts. Nice curvy ass too, although a little more meat there would be even better fro doggie. In another occasion when I was alone w/ her, I asked if she had natural B/C breasts. She said natural D, n pulled away her bra to show that there was no padding n I had an eyeful of her big breasts. I later proposed BY to her n she said she had to think abt it. I then kissed her on her lips...the next day she said yes.
I was hesitant to consummate the deal cuz I was planning to return to Gotham City soon.
In retrospect I was a bit too hasty in offering BY. She was stunning when I 1st saw her as it was dusk n she was dressed to kill. I would rate her looks at 9 n figure 9. Right then I thought I was going to dump my lao po for her. The next day 8 n 8. Subsequent meetings when she had little makeup: 7 to 7.5 n 7.5. Although she is 20 according to her PRC passport, she looks more like 22. Rashomon Effect?
BTW, I also seem to get more satisfaction in getting gals to say yes to BY than the actual BY. LC promised to wait for my return. She claimed that she would never do ST n had never been BY-ed before. I called a most esteemed bro, The Flower King, the other nite to do a background check on her cuz she had been a singer for 3 months. He never heard of her. He also gave me a simple strategy, he is like a military advisor haha...I met her 20 minutes later, we had dinner at a fishhead place on Jalan make a long story short, I vowed to BY her 'long term', gave her a down payment, took her to a secure place n upped her. She was very responsive...haha.
Yesterday I received a newsletter from a famous guru stating his beliefs abt women:
Hey Bro Warbird,
I'm going to keep today's newsletter short and sweet.
I want to share with you two beliefs that I have regarding women
that are the cornerstone of how I interact with them.
Two simple beliefs--ok actually THREE simple beliefs--that can make
your interactions with women more enjoyable and rewarding.
Here you go:
Belief 1: There is an ABUNDANCE of smart, beautiful, and great
women out there.
There are over 3 BILLION females on this planet. Yes, print this in
your brain 3 B-I-L-L-I-O-N, so relax and ditch the scarcity
Belief 2: NO woman is more special than any other.
Yes, women come in different forms and shapes. They have different
personalities, attitude, and character, but there is NO one you
should put on a pedestal. They are just human beings who lie, make
mistakes, and are insecure, like you and me.
Belief 3: You shouldn't take "Women" TOO seriously.
Would you take your little sister too seriously if she were to tell
you to fuck off? No. You'd probably laugh. So, yes, anything a
woman does is just funny. She doesn't call back. Laugh. She flakes
on you on a date. Laugh even more. That's how women are. They don't
even know why they do or don't do things. So don't take them too
seriously. They don't want you to. The less you take them
seriously, the more serious they'll be about you.
Ok, that's it for today!
Have an amazing day!
He is right. Well mostly right, except that there r over 3.5 Billion females out there.
Next time if a very pretty 19 yo SYT asks me to get lost, I'll just laugh it off. My relaxed n confident response will be most attractive to her. Who knows? Within 1 wk I'll be eating her chio abalone n fxking her brains out! It has actually happened to me more than once before, hahaha.
Bro WB
13-03-2012, 11:42 AM
I called a most esteemed bro, The Flower King, the other nite to do a background check on her cuz she had been a singer for 3 months. He never heard of her. He also gave me a simple strategy, he is like a military advisor haha...I met her 20 minutes later, we had dinner at a fishhead place on Jalan make a long story short, I vowed to BY her 'long term', gave her a down payment, took her to a secure place n upped her. She was very responsive...haha.
Congratulations my dear Guru, another kill to your scorecard! Kudos:D
13-03-2012, 11:45 AM
Bro Warbird, LC is the gal I saw last Friday ya? Good catch... rare find - tall and slim + D boobs + 20yo!
13-03-2012, 01:46 PM
Congratulations my dear Guru, another kill to your scorecard! Kudos:D
Hi Mr. Chairman,
Ths for ur encouragement. I owe my little success to THE Flower King, haha.
I shall not reveal his ID but I'm sure u know who he is. He is almost as smart n as shrewd as u!!
Bro Warbird, LC is the gal I saw last Friday ya? Good catch... rare find - tall and slim + D boobs + 20yo!
Hi Bro FA,
LC is not the only game in town. However, she does look very, very much like the gal u saw Fri, haha.
I think we need to reverse our scarcity mindset.
No, I'm the PRIZE!
Always ask urself: Is she lucky enuff to experience sexual pleasure she has never experienced before n get paid at the same time? How hard will she come for me? How much pleasure can she take?
Bro WB
good sharing of information fellow brudders.
Should learn a trick or 2 from the seniors here... me no luck as yet
13-03-2012, 09:18 PM
Bro WB,
So glad to hear you finally scored again and again!
Great job!
13-03-2012, 10:36 PM
Truely the master
15-03-2012, 11:11 AM
good sharing of information fellow brudders.
Should learn a trick or 2 from the seniors here... me no luck as yet
Hi bro zelc,
What do u mean by 'no luck yet'? Would u like to share ur encounters? Many experts here could give u advice.
Bro WB,
So glad to hear you finally scored again and again!
Great job!
Hi bro besafe,
It's not about scoring. I enjoy connecting w/ gals of my type n if they agree to ST or BY, it's just an added bonus.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................
Good morning!
Most men don't understand attraction.
A man is very attractive and sexy to desirable and high quality women BECAUSE he is very confident and masculine (in character and personality traits). Period.
If a man has no confidence n is very shy, he will hv a very hard time connecting w/ pretty gals. And if he is also needy n desperate, he will be repulsive to them, even if he is young, handsome, well educated n rich, just like one of my kakis bro KC, who is now in his late 20s.
I hv chionged w/ him for 2 1/2 -3 yrs now. One time, over 2 yrs ago, just two of us went to LV SH n we looked at all the girls in the hall. He thought he had an unfair advantage over me cuz I was a lao chi ko pek. But that nite, I met a singer whom I BY-ed for a wk n an 18 yo SYT whom I BY-ed subsequently, whereas he went home w/ nothing. His voice tone n body language seemed to turn the girls off. BTW, he was not afraid to spend money.
In another instance, bro KC was so enamored w/ a gal from LV that somehow she avoided him as if he was a leper! He couldn't even book her to go to dinner. I knew how bad he must hv felt since my 1st BAO-ee who is my current lao po used to avoid me like that. So he gave me her HP no n I called her. She agreed to hv dinner w/ me even though she had never met me. When I told her bro KC n my GF would go to dinner together, she suddenly said she wasn't free n hung up.
Bro KC has been most unsuccessful w/ non-WLs n WLs alike, despite spending quite lavishly. If u dun know him n 1st see him from afar, u would think that he is a 'SYT killer', hahaha. It's ironic that he spends most of his time jerking off, whereas an ah pek like me is fxking all the chio SYTs of my type.
Decades ago, I used to know a NUS student, an exceptionally handsome n tall Indian boy who looked like a movie star, but who could never get a date from plain looking Indian gals. He was painfully shy...
Morale of the story? Forget abt ur looks, height, weight, physical defects, age, money, etc. Be very confident n masculine. Be a badass! Now go out there n connect w/ n fxk all the gals of ur type, hahaha. Pls dun use force, just attract n charm them, ok?
This morning I received the following newsletter from a guru.
Hi Bro Warbird,
Too Ugly? Too Short? Too Old? Here's How To Turn Your Flaws Into Strengths
Are you a guy with a high-pitched voice? Of maybe you've
got a face only a mother could love?
Well, whatever it is, if you're worried and upset about
your physical flaws, which prevent you from attracting
women, then I've got some good news for you.
Not only can you eliminate those flaws, you can turn them
into your advantage. I'll explain how by bringing up an
example of three guys who were very successful players
in their day.
So here's a trivia question for you. What do Steve Tyler
of Aerosmith, the late rapper Eazy-E, and Curly from the
Three Stooges all have in common?
The answer is they all had voices so high that if they had
wanted to, they could have talked to someone on the phone
and that person wouldn't have known they were speaking to a man.
It would have been simple for all three men to have hung
their heads in shame and turn into beta males who never got
laid and never even could get a girl to talk to them.
In fact, I've coached a lot of men who have limiting beliefs
when it comes to things like their voice, their looks, their
genetics, etc. You name the trait, and there's always somebody
who uses that trait as a negative belief, which sabotages their
chances at success with women.
However, despite their high voices, Tyler, Eazy-E, and Curly
were all masters of a simple technique that turned that big
flaw into a big trademark that made them even more attractive
to women.
It's a simple technique that I learned when I studied
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and it will help you as
tremendously as it did all three of those men.
In order to develop the confidence of my students, I have them
learn and apply this concept. The concept is called reframing.
Here's how reframing works. Basically, you take every negative
belief that you have and turn it into a positive, uplifting
question. Do it like this:
1. "I feel bad about my voice" becomes "How can I use my unique
voice as my own trademark that sets me apart from other guys?"
(That's what Tyler, Eazy-E, and Curly all did.)
2. "My face is pockmarked from acne" becomes "How is my face
totally awesome? How can my lack of natural good looks actually
help me with women?"
3. "I'm too short" becomes "How can I height to my advantage?"
As you ponder your new, reframed questions in your mind, your
brain will come up with answers to them.
For example, you might find that it's to your advantage to not
be a "pretty boy." Women expect good-looking guys to talk to
them, so when you're displaying the confidence to talk with them,
their guards will be down.
They won't expect you to try to pick them up. That gives you a
window of opportunity to display your confident, alpha male
Being short can allow you to gain rapport much easier with girls
than taller guys can. Tall guys have a psychological communication
barrier a lot of the time because they're literally speaking to a
lot of girls (who tend on average to be shorter than guys) from a
different level.
So remember, it's not your flaws that get in your way. It's your
limiting beliefs that do.
Your ugly face doesn't get in your way of meeting women. Instead
it's your belief about your face, which interferes with your inner
sense of confidence. That lack of confidence is the thing that
women pick up on.
For a woman to be attracted to a guy, the man's confidence level
is one of the most important traits that he can have. You can
become comfortable with yourself by turning your flaws from
weaknesses into traits that set you apart from the bland, ordinary guys.
So I want you to stop reading after this, get out a pen (or open
a blank document in your word processor) and write out your negative
beliefs. Then write positive, uplifting questions about how to turn
those flaws into good things.
When you become happy and comfortable with all your traits, through
the technique of reframing, you'll become unstoppable with your
self-confidence. Gain that kind of confidence, and you'll magnetically
attract girls to you.
Learn to develop the confidence and mindset that make women lust
for you................
Talk soon,
Mr. TY
Bro WB
15-03-2012, 12:21 PM
bro warbird,
that bro kc of yrs must be a 有色无胆 geek who is too quick to throw out the 'i want to fark u' card and expose all his tiko intention too easily. guys who lack confidence of themselves will also lack the patience and confidence to win his target. they will almost always go around trying to up every chiobu they see and be crowned the 'Despo King':D
he shld try to learn hw to be 有胆无色, no need to be really one but at least be able to act like one.:p
Any bros need a minibus for chionging outing?
You can try
Thanks bro warbird for responding to my request.
I quite often drive around G land area around 2am plus to see if can hook up ktv girls for supper far no luck..
could be my approach too direct...and it kills my mojo....
thanks in advance for your advice and sharing brothers!
15-03-2012, 05:01 PM
To pick them KTV gals outside their workplace requires tact, skill and a little luck. A few KTV gfs complained and related their encounters to me:
1… A guy followed her on her way to work (Havelock) and tried to hit on her. She told me: 神经病,要泡妞就去公司包我的台啊,那么吝啬还要学人泡妞!I kept quiet.
2… A guy told another gf, outside her residence near Chinatown, he will give her $100 (and showed her the 2 $50 notes) if she could just let him hug her. She ran away. I told her, good money why don’t take?
3… A guy trying to ask for my gf no. while she was having dinner at People’s Park… 小姐,我可以要你的电话吗?Her reply: 你自己没有吗?I just laughed.
My friend was lucky – he managed to pick up gals going to work around River Valley around 6+pm and when it was raining. Its helps when you are driving and got good looks and confident.
16-03-2012, 11:09 AM
bro warbird,
that bro kc of yrs must be a 有色无胆 geek who is too quick to throw out the 'i want to fark u' card and expose all his tiko intention too easily. guys who lack confidence of themselves will also lack the patience and confidence to win his target. they will almost always go around trying to up every chiobu they see and be crowned the 'Despo King':D
he shld try to learn hw to be 有胆无色, no need to be really one but at least be able to act like one.:p
Hi bro HCKing,
Bro KC is the quintessential 'nice guy.' He is very needy n desperate...
Thanks bro warbird for responding to my request.
I quite often drive around G land area around 2am plus to see if can hook up ktv girls for supper far no luck..
could be my approach too direct...and it kills my mojo....
thanks in advance for your advice and sharing brothers!
Hi bro zelc,
I hv picked up so many gals, while on foot n sometimes when I stop my car, that I hv no time to follow up...
To pick them KTV gals outside their workplace requires tact, skill and a little luck. A few KTV gfs complained and related their encounters to me:
1… A guy followed her on her way to work (Havelock) and tried to hit on her. She told me: 神经病,要泡妞就去公司包我的台啊,那么吝啬还要学人泡妞!I kept quiet.
2… A guy told another gf, outside her residence near Chinatown, he will give her $100 (and showed her the 2 $50 notes) if she could just let him hug her. She ran away. I told her, good money why don’t take?
3… A guy trying to ask for my gf no. while she was having dinner at People’s Park… 小姐,我可以要你的电话吗?Her reply: 你自己没有吗?I just laughed.
My friend was lucky – he managed to pick up gals going to work around River Valley around 6+pm and when it was raining. Its helps when you are driving and got good looks and confident.
Hi bro FA,
Confidence yes, good looks no. Luck is never required.
For example, I picked up LC n her frens outside KTVs.
I said to her, 美人, 我常常去xxKTV和天安门,留个电话呗, 我改天带你去。。。
Remember 5 months ago when I met u outside TAM, next to the valet parking station? While I was talking to u, I stopped abruptly n rushed to approach a tall fair gal going into the lift. She gave me her name n HP no, yet I hv not even called her. I think she could be a very good fxk too.
Bro WB
18-03-2012, 07:53 PM
Good afternoon!
I had a very enjoyable session at LV 5th FL Happy Hr 2 days ago. There were 4 of us.
There was bro D, an investment banker, who got a very hot local gal, haha. Then there was bro W, a real estate executive, who could sing Chinese, English, Thai n Malay songs very well...who also got a hot gal.
I brought my lao po n my young wingman bro G brought LC, haha. I arranged so that I had a side by side comparison of the two gals...n I sat between them. Bro G only held LC's hands n I had to urge him to hug her n try to kiss her, haha. My lao po actually thought that they were a very good looking couple!
BTW, I'll be going to Gotham City early next wk n may be too busy to post for the next few days.
I hv some thoughts n questions on the topic of female orgasms. Although a man can give women multiple orgasms/COS by using his fingers n mouth, he still needs to engage in sexual intercourse which can be even more pleasurable n satisfying to a large % of women...but he has to last at least 10-20 minutes.
Two questions:
1) Which sex positions give the best G-spot stimulation consistently?
2) What could a man do so that he may last at least 10-20 minutes?
Your answers n comments would be appreciated.
Bro WB
18-03-2012, 11:44 PM
Good afternoon!
I had a very enjoyable session at LV 5th FL Happy Hr 2 days ago. There were 4 of us.
There was bro D, an investment banker, who got a very hot local gal, haha. Then there was bro W, a real estate executive, who could sing Chinese, English, Thai n Malay songs very well...who also got a hot gal.
I brought my lao po n my young wingman bro G brought LC, haha. I arranged so that I had a side by side comparison of the two gals...n I sat between them. Bro G only held LC's hands n I had to urge him to hug her n try to kiss her, haha. My lao po actually thought that they were a very good looking couple!g
BTW, I'll be going to Gotham City early next wk n may be too busy to post for the next few days.
I hv some thoughts n questions on the topic of female orgasms. Although a man can give women multiple orgasms/COS by using his fingers n mouth, he still needs to engage in sexual intercourse which can be even more pleasurable n satisfying to a large % of women...but he has to last at least 10-20 minutes.
Two questions:
1) Which sex positions give the best G-spot stimulation consistently?
2) What could a man do so that he may last at least 10-20 minutes?
Your answers n comments would be appreciated.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Sorry cannot make it to LV HH last week as I was caught up with work.
To your two questions:
Q1- Actually touch and go for me. Sometimes I can get my girls to come 4/5 times while others only 2/3 times.
Q2: For me it is a mind thing. If I am focus onsensing and observing every one of my girls body movements, facial expressions & even their skin colour or goose pimples! I can get into a state that I can last more than half an hour!
Not sure what else we can do. Here to learn more.
19-03-2012, 05:38 PM
Answer to Q1… I don’t know about G-spot stimulation but if you are talking about the big-O, I think it depends on the gal… different gals cum in different positions, some cum easiest in missionary, some love doggy, and my gal’s sure-fire position is cow gal. So I guess there’s no right or wrong answer, though I know certain positions will make stimulating the G-spot easier but I swear by cow gal cos it works for me (or rather her) every time – she will just rock herself to ecstasy. Sometimes I stop her from stopping after she cums pretending that I’m not there yet and the further rocking will make her cum continuously. And then she will collapse onto me fully spent.
Answer to Q2… very easy… vary from fast to slow penetration, ie., slow down when you think you cannot tahan, then go fast when you recover from it. Also, keep changing positions, so that it breaks the momentum and the gal will just think you want more variety. There will be a few positions which will not make you cum so easily, or just won’t cum at all so make sure you get into that position when things get too hot to handle. Or simply just pull out and engage in oral sex (if you don’t mind) or heavy petting/fondling again. That will buy you time – at least 30 minutes. The downside of this is when you break the momentum, it gets harder for the gal to cum. But there are also methods to counter that.
To make the gal cum faster (or cum first), the trick is to make her so wet and horny even before penetration – your battle will be half-won. Or better yet, make her cum before penetration. When she has cummed, its easier for her to cum the second time, and third, and forth, and so forth. Its a tired old cliché but sex IS a mind game. Make her anticipate even before you two meet. Also, I find that if I do it in the same place year in year out, she will get bored (and harder to cum). So occasionally, spice things up by changing the venue (go to a nice hotel) and also romance her with a nice dinner or something different to break away from the norm. And if she is your regular, you should already know where all the buttons are – turn them all on one by one by one, slowly. In no time, you’ll be her sex god. But only to her. To be a sex god of another gal, you have to observe, relearn everything and find out what works for your next target.
Just my humble 2 cents! :P
19-03-2012, 09:29 PM
bro warbird,
that bro kc of yrs must be a 有色无胆 geek who is too quick to throw out the 'i want to fark u' card and expose all his tiko intention too easily. guys who lack confidence of themselves will also lack the patience and confidence to win his target. they will almost always go around trying to up every chiobu they see and be crowned the 'Despo King':D
he shld try to learn hw to be 有胆无色, no need to be really one but at least be able to act like one.:p
Good day.
Have a question for all our esteemed cheongsters. Recently I went to a hfj by myself. As I was alone in the ktv room, the manager recommended a singer to keep me accompany. I agreed and a PRC SYT came in. She is only 21 yo, pretty and can sing really well Chinese and English songs. i must say that I was immediately attracted by her looks and body. Let's call her xin. Did hang her flowers but nothing exciting happened dat night and we parted after supper and exchanging contacts. A few days later, I went to the same joint and looked for xin. She was surprised that I still remember her. As like the previous time, Xin accompanied me to sing, drink and supper and i hung her flowers.
Based on my encounter with her, I have the following questions to ask esteemed bros for your comments;
1) xin always seat half an arm length away from me and the only time we have contact is when she shook my hand to thank me for the flowers (partly she find me too Mr gentlement or si boon liao...)Should I take the initiative the next time to move closer to her and maybe place my arm over her shoulder?? Is this advisable and not to be seened as too impatient or tiko?
2) xin told me she will not bed a men w/o feeling and double check with the manager and it is true that she is not BYed and dun da bao - what is my chance of eating her given the fact that she will only be in Singapore for another 2 months or so and will return to china??
3) am I right to equate being a gentlemen ie, no rubba rubba in the ktv room, as a sign that I am confident and sincere? I may be wrong and I need your guidance pls.
4) what should be my next move and I know that her main objective is still to make as much $$$ as possible in her remaining time in Singapore. I also noted that she has no strong supporter in the hfj.
Really appreciate bros who can give me your comments and to tahan my long post....:D
Kam sia:)
20-03-2012, 12:59 PM
Two questions:
1) Which sex positions give the best G-spot stimulation consistently?
2) What could a man do so that he may last at least 10-20 minutes?
:D :D HA HA ...cant believe the master asking students for guidance....
Ans 1:
a. Cowgirl, but i am sitting on edge of bed/chair with my feet on ground & hands on her butt
b. Spooning from behind lying on sides with one leg of hers raised up ..
c. Doggie ...on her stomach or she on all fours
d. CAT - Coital Alignment Technique - missionary but rocking forward & backwards not in & out ...its clitoral stimualtion ..she likes very much
reason i included d. was bcos variety is spice of life ..each girl is different ...better to ask her directly & also observe what really turns her on ...
Ans 2. changing tempo fast/slow & positions ....but i try to make last position non-stop moderate tempo to get her to big O before i cum,
cheers ....:)
bro warbird..i hardly post, so i just say here day you must tell us about your 19yo nanny in JB in your younger days :D
20-03-2012, 02:42 PM
Good day.
.... Let's call her xin. Did hang her flowers but nothing exciting happened dat night and we parted after supper and exchanging contacts. A few days later, I went to the same joint and looked for xin. She was surprised that I still remember her. As like the previous time, Xin accompanied me to sing, drink and supper and i hung her flowers.
Based on my encounter with her, I have the following questions to ask esteemed bros for your comments;
1) xin always seat half an arm length away from me and the only time we have contact is when she shook my hand to thank me for the flowers (partly she find me too Mr gentlement or si boon liao...)Should I take the initiative the next time to move closer to her and maybe place my arm over her shoulder?? Is this advisable and not to be seened as too impatient or tiko?
2) xin told me she will not bed a men w/o feeling and double check with the manager and it is true that she is not BYed and dun da bao - what is my chance of eating her given the fact that she will only be in Singapore for another 2 months or so and will return to china??
3) am I right to equate being a gentlemen ie, no rubba rubba in the ktv room, as a sign that I am confident and sincere? I may be wrong and I need your guidance pls.
4) what should be my next move and I know that her main objective is still to make as much $$$ as possible in her remaining time in Singapore. I also noted that she has no strong supporter in the hfj.
Really appreciate bros who can give me your comments and to tahan my long post....:D
Kam sia:)
Sorry, my own 2cts worth:
1) Make your intention clear and with confidence, siboon for what? If she don't like then move on, or counter strategy is seat another gal and see reaction from xin, but don't waste your time or $ if xin doesn't care.
2) well, you can just offer and see how it goes, say you want to take care of her. If failed and you still like to see how it goes, then play the long game, i.e. stay in contact. Bro WB has re-hooked many gal this way, from what I read.
3) Rubba, well, see what's your style and how the gal react, but usually a kiss on the neck or near the ear lobe to test water, if she repels, then you know where you stand. Then follow by kiss on the mouth and whether she opens her lips to let you in (upstairs lead to downstairs but do the latter in private). Tio bo, all the sifu here?
4) Have strong supporter or not in the hfj doesn't mean you have strong chance, it just make the chances higher. It's your money and you have the choice and take initiative to offer and see how it goes. Don't give her that you're the hero to take care of her and she then turn the r/s into her pulling your (heart and purse) strings.
21-03-2012, 12:24 PM
Good day.
Have a question for all our esteemed cheongsters. Recently I went to a hfj by myself. As I was alone in the ktv room, the manager recommended a singer to keep me accompany. I agreed and a PRC SYT came in. She is only 21 yo, pretty and can sing really well Chinese and English songs. i must say that I was immediately attracted by her looks and body. Let's call her xin. Did hang her flowers but nothing exciting happened dat night and we parted after supper and exchanging contacts. A few days later, I went to the same joint and looked for xin. She was surprised that I still remember her. As like the previous time, Xin accompanied me to sing, drink and supper and i hung her flowers.
Based on my encounter with her, I have the following questions to ask esteemed bros for your comments;
1) xin always seat half an arm length away from me and the only time we have contact is when she shook my hand to thank me for the flowers (partly she find me too Mr gentlement or si boon liao...)Should I take the initiative the next time to move closer to her and maybe place my arm over her shoulder?? Is this advisable and not to be seened as too impatient or tiko?
2) xin told me she will not bed a men w/o feeling and double check with the manager and it is true that she is not BYed and dun da bao - what is my chance of eating her given the fact that she will only be in Singapore for another 2 months or so and will return to china??
3) am I right to equate being a gentlemen ie, no rubba rubba in the ktv room, as a sign that I am confident and sincere? I may be wrong and I need your guidance pls.
4) what should be my next move and I know that her main objective is still to make as much $$$ as possible in her remaining time in Singapore. I also noted that she has no strong supporter in the hfj.
Really appreciate bros who can give me your comments and to tahan my long post....:D
Kam sia:)
Dear Bro quickie51234,
1) So you wanna be gentleman or wanna fcuk her? Sorry to be so crude, but I’ll relate a story to you later;
2) There is always a chance but will depend on you;
3) Wrong; and
4) What do you want to do?
2 weeks ago, I was at LV SH with Bro Warbird, showing him one of my gfs photos on QQ and also other PRC SYTs on my facebook. I also showed him weixin and all the wonderful features and 3 methods of finding gals using it – Look around, Shake, and Drift Bottle. Look around will show you all the weixin users within a 1km radius from your location. Shake will look for users who are also shaking their phone (anywhere in the world). Drift bottle will let you fish for bottles (with messages) thrown into the mobile sea by other users. I’ve personally chat up gals who are in China using the drift bottle feature – a very slim and hot girl who under my encouragement, went ahead to undergo plastic surgery to slim her cheekbones. She sent me pics of her after-surgery photos.
But the best is using “Look around” cos whenever you are within a 1km radius of SYT high density areas, you will bound to see a lot of girls. Eg., near Tiong Bahru, People’s Park, and of cos at the outlets in Havelock Road! And my story begins at LV 2 Fridays ago…
While showing Bro Warbird and my gal who were around using Look Around, my GPS position was logged by weixin. In the wee hours after the party, I received a message from a gal. She wanted me to bring her out for supper. At 2+am?!?!?! WTF?!?!? Anyways, we continued messaging each other until I finally said why not I buy you lunch? She said OK. That night, she asked me for my mobile no. so that we can talk on the phone and I replied that I would give it to her the next morning citing inconvenience. And she replied: “Oh you are married. Let’s not have lunch. Your wife will not be happy”. So I said OK fine. And went to sleep. No big deal. But in my mind, I know for sure she will initiate contact again. And true enough, she messaged me the next day. She asked me to call her and we talked.
She’s 22, from Sichuan and is here for 3 week, leaving Singapore the next. She works in TAM. That was yesterday. We talked about lots of things but to highlight something in our conversation that’s relevant to this post. She complained to me about this super nice customer whom she met on the first day at work in TAM. Super nice guy who asked her to sit with him (to her, anyone who asked her is a savior, especially after standing there for hours at end in high heels. You know how they think when they are in a line up? God please, let me sit down, white knight or black knight, you are my savior!) Anyways, back to this super nice customer who booked her for the next 2 visits cos he just wanted someone familiar to sit and chat with him and he didn’t really enjoy going to such places. (hello?!?!?!?!). He would not force her to drink (she’s a lousy drinker) and whould shield her from drinks when mummy wants the gals to drink. Pays her a little extra tips ($50 more) every time. They would talk on the phone and then she finally agreed to go out to have lunch with him.
Here comes the bomb: He picked her up; he drove her straight to a hotel; he asked her to name a price. She felt humiliated and deeply hurt. She told me if it was any other customer who negotiated with her in TAM, she would have politely rejected and not offended. But from someone she thought was a total gentleman!? Disbelieve and total humiliation.
My point? You want to be a gentleman? Sure. Be a gentleman. All the way. But know this: a gentleman will not get into the gal’s pussy. Sorry to be crude here but its true. Being a gentleman and not touchy is not a sign of confidence. Please, you must change your tact if you want to taste the pussy!! Bro Warbird has posted so many gems for all of us to learn.
She wanted to meet me last evening but I rejected her. I may be seeing her later or go for lunch with her tomorrow though. But I have no intentions to up her as my plate is currently full now. There’s only so many pussies I can handle at one time and poor me can only afford 1 or 2 at a time. All my time already taken up by my work, investments, family and gfs.
Sorry for the long-winded post but thanks for reading!
21-03-2012, 01:07 PM
3) Rubba, well, see what's your style and how the gal react, but usually a kiss on the neck or near the ear lobe to test water, if she repels, then you know where you stand. Then follow by kiss on the mouth and whether she opens her lips to let you in (upstairs lead to downstairs but do the latter in private). Tio bo, all the sifu here?
From experience, this one is a sure ringer. If she's willing to let you kiss, she's open for more.
21-03-2012, 01:09 PM
great input by bro fallen angel. that super nice gentleman shldnt blew it so fast mah, shld visit the girl many more times b4 she leaves and KC her until she go hotel with him FOC.:D
paiseh to say but poor me oso gentleman, always go ktv sit there whole night silently watching my girl sings with admiration and respect. in the famous kbox ktv hehehe.
21-03-2012, 03:11 PM
Dear Bro quickie51234,
1) So you wanna be gentleman or wanna fcuk her? Sorry to be so crude, but I’ll relate a story to you later;
2) There is always a chance but will depend on you;
3) Wrong; and
4) What do you want to do?
Dear bro fallen angel,
Tq so much for the sharing. :p
Agree with you that I need to change my tactic as my aim really is to up xin and preferably do it FOC. What I think i can do is to continue to engage her and let her know my intention thru throwing of hints... If I have the chance, will try to go for the kiss!!! If xin reject my advances, I guess I will move on liao ....cos...I too like bro fallen angle, have to spend time on work and family..... Actually imho, as a greenhorn, hooking up singers can be very time consuming and tiring....but success is darn satisfying lah:D
21-03-2012, 03:38 PM
You wanna hook a singer go thru so much hassle for wat?
You already said ur time is not so flexi scheme!
Just tell her you like her, want her & will take care of her.
Say you'll hang her XXX amount that very nite to prove your words & intentions r the real deal and she is to spend the night with you.
Agree, go.
Dun agree, next singer.
Pls get your facts rite, you r targeting a whore, pls minus off the HUMANE aspect of the chase before the kill!
You r married, so dun confuse urself between a woman who sells her flesh for a living n a woman who is righteous enuff for you to spend ur life wif.
Dun understand Y so many HEROes like to treat these prostitutes like dignified women!
Ur not chasing a PERSON, u r negotiating to get a service, purchasing or leasing a good and nottin more!
Wan to sian singer still so greenhorn better dun sian else sure die a terrible death!
Wrong thread to post this question, shud post in Hanging Flower Thread.
Here most play KTV ger.
KTV ger n singer, diff rulebook and tactics altogether!
24-03-2012, 02:22 AM
this is really one bloody useless thread on how to keep a mistress? i believe all the motherfuckers and losers here are putting pussies on the pedestal. and ironically, they would like to think of themselves as wealthy alpha male? what a bunch of motherfuckin low iq dogs
25-03-2012, 01:47 AM
Bro WB,
Sorry cannot make it to LV HH last week as I was caught up with work.
To your two questions:
Q1- ...Sometimes I can get my girls to come 4/5 times while others only 2/3 times.
Q2: For me it is a mind thing.......I can get into a state that I can last more than half an hour!
Not sure what else we can do. Here to learn more.
iI bro michkim2,
If u can give ur gal multiple orgasms during penetration, you're doing very well...ths for ur input.
Answer to Q1… I don’t know about G-spot stimulation but if you are talking about the big-O, I think it depends on the gal… different gals cum in different positions.........Sometimes I stop her from stopping after she cums pretending that I’m not there yet and the further rocking will make her cum continuously. And then she will collapse onto me fully spent.
Answer to Q2… very easy… vary from fast to slow penetration, ie., slow down when you think you cannot tahan, then go fast when you recover from it. Also, keep changing positions.......
..........Or better yet, make her cum before penetration. When she has cummed, its easier for her to cum the second time, and third, and forth, and so forth. Its a tired old cliché but sex IS a mind game................
Just my humble 2 cents! :P
Hi Bro FA,
Ths for sharing ur experience.
A guru once said that a man should give his gal at least 3 orgasms before she gets to c his cock, haha. He is right on.
:D :D HA HA ...cant believe the master asking students for guidance....
Ans 1:
a. Cowgirl, but i am sitting on edge of bed/chair with my feet on ground & hands on her butt
b. Spooning from behind lying on sides with one leg of hers raised up ..
c. Doggie ...on her stomach or she on all fours
d. CAT - Coital Alignment Technique - missionary but rocking forward & backwards not in & out ...its clitoral stimualtion ..she likes very much...............
Ans 2. changing tempo fast/slow & positions ....but i try to make last position non-stop moderate tempo to get her to big O before i cum...
bro warbird..i hardly post, so i just say here day you must tell us about your 19yo nanny in JB in your younger days ......
Hi bro PeteTsang69,
Ths for ur info.
Changing tempo as suggested by u n bro FA is the essence of a Taoist sex method practiced over 2,000 yrs ago!
Dear Bro quickie51234,
1) So you wanna be gentleman or wanna fcuk her? Sorry to be so crude, but I’ll relate a story to you later;
2) There is always a chance but will depend on you;
3) Wrong; and
4) What do you want to do?
2 weeks ago, I was at LV SH with Bro Warbird...
Sorry for the long-winded post but thanks for reading!
Hi Bro FA,
Yes, I remember that nite...
Good suggestions.
Just tell her you like her, want her & will take care of her.
Say you'll hang her XXX amount that very nite to prove your words & intentions r the real deal and she is to spend the night with you.
Agree, go.
Dun agree, next singer.
Ur not chasing a PERSON, u r negotiating to get a service, purchasing or leasing a good and nottin more!
Wan to sian singer still so greenhorn better dun sian else sure die a terrible death!
Wrong thread to post this question, shud post in Hanging Flower Thread.
Here most play KTV ger.
KTV ger n singer, diff rulebook and tactics altogether!
Hi Mr. Chairman,
I like ur manly approach.
You're the PRIZE n the gals can take it or leave it.
Bro WB
.................................................. ....
Greetings from Gotham City!
Ths to bros here for sharing their expertise on sex positions n strategies for lasting longer. I hv my own opinions which I'll share w/ u all at a later date.
I like Mr. Chairman's direct approach to getting the pussies. I do the same. I always ask a new gal for ST, sometimes within 60 secs of meeting her. BY-ing, which is offered only to gals who dun do STs, takes slightly longer, haha.
To me, time is much more valuable then money.
A guru sent me the following msg a wk ago. It applies to all gals/women n all RS.
Don't waste your time,
Hey Bro warbird,
One of the most important things you can do in attraction is
disqualify women. As soon as you determine a woman is not right
for you, no matter your goals with women, you should politely move
Some women you can tell in ten minutes. Some a week. Some a
month. For some it might even take a year, although I'd call that
excessive. But in the end, it really doesn't matter.
As soon as you know a woman is not right for you, end it, and move
on, no matter how much or how little time you have invested.
Obviously you want to shorten the evaluation process as much as
possible, but no matter how much time you have invested, if she's
not right for you, you must go.
The only thing we have in this life that's limited is time. The
time you spend with a woman who's not right for you is time you
could be spending finding one who is, or spending time with that
How do you evaluate? You determine the results you want at the
present time in your life, and she either matches up with those or
she doesn't. There's no middle ground.
As you move along in life, the results you want may change. You
may be a guy who wants to date, then decides he wants a committed
relationship. You may be a man who's just out of a relationship,
and wants to date and nothing else. At some point in your life,
you will probably be both of those men.
But you cannot waste precious seconds with a woman who doesn't
match up with what you want at this point in your life. All that
does is get you farther away from a woman that does.
Brutal? Not really. It's actually the most humane thing you can
do because it gives her the opportunity to either find someone
compatible, or get fantasy-land out of her head, and her mind right
about the way the world really works.
The most successful people think in terms of time, first and
foremost. When they think of capital to spend and capital to
invest, they think in terms of time capital, something that is
running out for all of us.
Spending time with a woman not right for you is squandering time
capital. Investing time to find the woman who is right for you, or
is right for you, is a wise use of it, something few men ever do.
Make sure you're one of them.
On with the fun,
Your Guru
29-03-2012, 04:33 PM
A follow-up to my previous post…
met up with the gal who chatted with me on weixin last Thursday, Friday and this Monday for lunches… she even wanted to treat me. She wanted to see me every day but she was totally not my type. Otherwise, would have upped her. She went back to China on Tuesday, phew, but every day ask me to call her. I just ignored her. LOL.
went to LV HH & SH yesterday. When I went out of the room to go to the toilet, I saw a gal, dead drunk, being held on to by 2 other gals, the top of her black dress has slipped, revealing her ample D-cup breasts and small nipples. Because she was dead drunk, the 2 gals had to support her dead weight with both hands and thus cannot cover her friend’s super nice breasts. I had full view of those melons! What a sight!
Mummy K was drunk too, after those long hours butterflying to all her clients’ rooms. She thanked me (and also Bro Warbird) for introducing so many clients to her. So I hugged her tightly and told her its because she is good, otherwise who would want to look for her?
when I went home around 2am, someone send me a weixin message… a guy, damn it, trying his luck thinking I’m a gal…
29-03-2012, 04:49 PM
Oh btw, Havelock was raided last week and the weixin gal (and other gals) fled the scene. Now, I’m not going to disclose their escape route (most bros will know it anyways) cos that will compromise the gals safety and chance of escape but she told me she nearly fainted (from exhaustion) while escaping and all she was thinking of was me. LOL! I was thinking, why not try to get a free fcuk before she leaves but decided against it cos she was really not my type!
29-03-2012, 11:52 PM
Oh btw, Havelock was raided last week and the weixin gal (and other gals) fled the scene. Now, I’m not going to disclose their escape route (most bros will know it anyways) cos that will compromise the gals safety and chance of escape but she told me she nearly fainted (from exhaustion) while escaping and all she was thinking of was me. LOL! I was thinking, why not try to get a free fcuk before she leaves but decided against it cos she was really not my type!
that whore in the dp looked like this prc FL i bonked earlier this mth.
01-04-2012, 08:45 AM
A follow-up to my previous post…
met up with the gal who chatted with me on weixin last Thursday, Friday and this Monday for lunches… she even wanted to treat me. She wanted to see me every day but she was totally not my type......
went to LV HH & SH yesterday. When I went out of the room to go to the toilet, I saw a gal, dead drunk, being held on to by 2 other gals, the top of her black dress has slipped, revealing her ample D-cup breasts and small nipples. Because she was dead drunk, the 2 gals had to support her dead weight with both hands and thus cannot cover her friend’s super nice breasts. I had full view of those melons! What a sight!
Mummy K was drunk too, after those long hours butterflying to all her clients’ rooms. She thanked me (and also Bro Warbird) for introducing so many clients to her. So I hugged her tightly and told her its because she is good, otherwise who would want to look for her?...................
Hi Bro FA,
Ths for ur interesting update.
Mummy K has done her very best for me. Give my regards to her!
Oh btw, Havelock was raided last week and the weixin gal (and other gals) fled the scene. Now, I’m not going to disclose their escape route (most bros will know it anyways) cos that will compromise the gals safety and chance of escape but she told me she nearly fainted (from exhaustion) while escaping and all she was thinking of was me.....................
There is a silver lining in AV raids.
Many younger n prettier PRC gals will refuse to do ST, n a few will even refuse BY, when they 1st arrive in SG. After several months of stressful living, hard drinking n experiencing a couple of raids, they will then look for men to take care of them so that they dun need to work...if u happen to be on their radar at that time, their chio pussies r yours, haha. It has happened to a lao ah pek like me many times, whereas earlier suitors, much younger n perhaps richer, might hv failed due to wrong timing.
来的早不如来巧, 哈哈。
On the other hand, I lost 2 gals who had agreed to my BY-ing, but who got nabbed by AV before consummation of our union, haha. One was 19 yo XX in 2009 n the other was 21 yo NN in 2010. I recently reestablished ctc w/ NN but not sure if she could come to SG. She is 170, very fair, w/ a wonderful body/limbs proportions n natural C boobs. Both r Fujian gals.
Bro WB
.................................................. ..............
Good morning!
In the last 35 months, I hv BY-ed many gals n abt half of them r Fujian gals. My 2 long-term mistresses r from Fujian. So is LC who is trying to get a long-term visa.
IMHO, which may be biased, the prettiest PRC gals in SG r from Fujian. Rashomon Effect? There is another logical explanation. It's not cuz Fujian gals r prettier, on average. It's cuz young n pretty gals from other provinces prefer to work in big cities in China. Fujian gals also like to work in China, but, at least some of of them choose to come to SG, haha.
Of the many Fujian gals I hv proposed BY, most of them rejected me at first. But, eventually, ALL of them hv said yes! My success rate w/ non-Fujian gals is abt 90%.
Yes, I'm enjoying myself. Why not?
You should too. It's later than u think.
Here is an oldie "Enjoy Yourself" by Guy Lambardo. He had the right mindset.
You work and work for years and years, you're always on the go
You never take a minute off, too busy making dough
Someday, you say, you'll have your fun, when you're a millionaire
Imagine all the fun you'll have in your old rocking chair
Enjoy yourself; it's later than you think
Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink
The years go by, as quickly as a wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, it's later than you think
You're gonna take that ocean trip, no matter, come what may
You've got your reservations made, but you just can't get away
Next year for sure, you'll see the world, you'll really get around
But how far can you travel when you're six feet underground?
Your heart of hearts, your dream of dreams, your ravishing brunette
She's left you and she's now become somebody else's pet
Lay down that gun, don't try, my friend, to reach the great beyond
You'll have more fun by reaching for a redhead or a blonde
Enjoy yourself; it's later than you think
Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink
The years go by, as quickly as a wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, it's later than you think
Bro WB
01-04-2012, 05:51 PM
Bro warbird,
I'm quite recent around here...when you say BY, you mean "bao" issit? i.e. pay them a monthly fee and in return they are your exclusive sex/gf? Got time limit or not? Btw, what kind of "contract" fee are you talking about? Hope you don't mind me so kaypo :D
01-04-2012, 08:03 PM
You wanna hook a singer go thru so much hassle for wat?
You already said ur time is not so flexi scheme!
Just tell her you like her, want her & will take care of her.
Say you'll hang her XXX amount that very nite to prove your words & intentions r the real deal and she is to spend the night with you.
Agree, go.
Dun agree, next singer.
Pls get your facts rite, you r targeting a whore, pls minus off the HUMANE aspect of the chase before the kill!
You r married, so dun confuse urself between a woman who sells her flesh for a living n a woman who is righteous enuff for you to spend ur life wif.
Dun understand Y so many HEROes like to treat these prostitutes like dignified women!
Ur not chasing a PERSON, u r negotiating to get a service, purchasing or leasing a good and nottin more!
Wan to sian singer still so greenhorn better dun sian else sure die a terrible death!
Wrong thread to post this question, shud post in Hanging Flower Thread.
Here most play KTV ger.
KTV ger n singer, diff rulebook and tactics altogether!
Finally a sensible reply! In my limited 13 years of cheonging I have never met a girl that is not with me for money or whatever advantage they can gain from me, maybe only one but I dumped her before knowing if she is baiting me for more.
Anyway to keep to the thread title I recently met an aspiring singer sitting outside a ktv, not bad, yoga teacher cum singer in china, I was tempted to offer her $300 for ST but decided against it after I was caught by another girl, so opportunities are everywhere as long as you know how to grab it!
01-04-2012, 08:08 PM
os on QQ and also other PRC SYTs on my facebook. I also showed him weixin and all the wonderful features and 3 methods of finding gals using it – Look around, Shake, and Drift Bottle. Look around will show you all the weixin users within a 1km radius from your location. Shake will look for users who are also shaking their phone (anywhere in the world). Drift bottle will let you fish for bottles (with messages) thrown into the mobile sea by other users. I’ve personally chat up gals who are in China using the drift bottle feature – a very slim and hot girl who under my encouragement, went ahead to undergo plastic surgery to slim her cheekbones. She sent me pics of her after-surgery photos.
But the best is using “Look around” cos whenever you are within a 1km radius of SYT high density areas, you will bound to see a lot of girls. Eg., near Tiong Bahru, People’s Park, and of cos at the outlets in Havelock Road! And my story begins at LV 2 Fridays ago…
While showing Bro Warbird and my gal who were around using Look Around, my GPS position was logged by weixin. In the wee hours after the party, I received a message from a gal. She wanted me to bring her out for supper. At 2+am?!?!?! WTF?!?!? Anyways, we continued messaging each other until I finally said why not I buy you lunch? She said OK. That night, she asked me for my mobile no. so that we can talk on the phone and I replied that I would give it to her the next morning citing inconvenience. And she replied: “Oh you are married. Let’s not have lunch. Your wife will not be happy”. So I said OK fine. And went to sleep. No big deal. But in my mind, I know for sure she will initiate contact again. And true enough, she messaged me the next day. She asked me to call her and we talked
My point? You want to be a gentleman? Sure. Be a gentleman. All the way. But know this: a gentleman will not get into the gal’s pussy. Sorry to be crude here but its true. Being a gentleman and not touchy is not a sign of confidence. Please, you must change your tact if you want to taste the pussy!! Bro Warbird has posted so many gems for all of us to learn.
She wanted to meet me last evening but I rejected her. I may be seeing her later or go for lunch with her tomorrow though. But I have no intentions to up her as my plate is currently full now. There’s only so many pussies I can handle at one time and poor me can only afford 1 or 2 at a time. All my time already taken up by my work, investments, family and gfs.
Sorry for the long-winded post but thanks for reading!
haha, yeah my girl just taught me to download weixin last week and immediately this girl added me, I was wondering who the fug was she that I remembered I sat with her once before and I had written her off because she refuse to ST and did not spend much time with me, she works at CI and LV too, anyway cut long story short, dunno why she needs to go back china, so I made full use of the oppty to ask if she would let me fuck and guess what she agreed! weixin is really great!
01-04-2012, 11:16 PM
I love it esp ard chinatown area.
Quite fun app to use
03-04-2012, 01:33 PM
Bro warbird,
I'm quite recent around here...when you say BY, you mean "bao" issit? i.e. pay them a monthly fee and in return they are your exclusive sex/gf? Got time limit or not? Btw, what kind of "contract" fee are you talking about? Hope you don't mind me so kaypo :D
Hi bro Scorp888,
Yes, BY is Bao Yang. I give the gals a monthly allowance, usually paid every 15-16 days. Most gals want a 'long term' RS, haha. Some would be happy to come to SG on visitor pass.
The monthly allowance varies a lot, depending on the gals n how much I like them. My gals normally dun work at all. For various reasons, I may tell a gal to return to work n I'll pay her 50-60% less per month. Her pussy of course is still exclusive to me.
How much is the monthly allowance for a gal who doesn't work anywhere? The going rate in SG is from 7K to 20K. Any bros here hv paid more?
It's much less expensive to BY gals in China. See below.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ....................
Good morning!
Yes, it's very inexpensive to BY chio SYTs of my type in China, especially in smaller cities. How inexpensive? Read my dialogue w/ XL below.
Last yr I was in BJ n 2 high school gals flew there to meet w/ me. One of them is CL n the other XL.
XL was a very fair n cute 17 yo Hunan gal, 168 n 52kg, who lived in Nanning, Guanxi. A month after meeting her, she asked me for a small loan n I said no. She later deleted me from her QQ. Recently, She reestablished ctc w/ me.
She also sent me several recent photos. Here is my QQ dialogue w/ her on 27 March:
XL 9:31:46 AM
WB 9:31:46 AM
XL 9:32:02 AM
WB 9:32:03 AM
WB 9:52:55 AM
记得, 你是XL, 哈哈
XL 9:35:54 PM
WB 9:35:53 PM
XL 9:38:43 PM
WB 9:38:43 PM
WB 9:57:36 PM
很好呢, 我刚回美国, 你在那里上大学?
XL 9:57:46 PM
在南宁咯 呵呵
WB 9:59:38 PM (using iphone)
XL 10:03:31 PM
XL 10:03:43 PM
哇用iphone..呵呵 富人
WB 10:5:27 PM
哈哈, 传几张相片来吧
XL 10:11:06 PM
嗯嗯可以啊 等下哈 现在不够以前纯了 哈哈
WB 10:12:29 PM
She sent me 7 photos.
WB 10:19:51 PM
XL 10:20:26 PM
呵呵..老了 过了18岁了
WB 10:24:27 PM
XL 10:24:41 PM
WB 10:25:20 PM
XL 10:25:27 PM
XL 10:25:32 PM
WB 10:27:28 PM
XL 10:28:12 PM
WB 10:31:39 PM
哦知道了, 要见你一定要去中国
XL 10:31:47 PM
WB 10:33:26 PM
XL 10:33:35 PM
XL 10:33:40 PM
WB 10:39:05 PM
很少, 不过明年可能去厦门住
XL 10:39:34 PM
XL 10:40:24 PM
..以前很有活力觉得努力肯定可以到那边去生活 但是现在觉得没希望了
WB 10:41:30 PM
XL 10:42:09 PM
不是福建厦门么大城市 没那本事去
XL 10:42:20 PM
WB 10:43:40 PM
为什么? 去玩呗
XL 10:44:16 PM
..没有能力去那边生活.. 去玩还是可以的 呵呵
WB 10:46:05 PM
XL 10:47:27 PM
WB 10:48:18 PM
XL 10:48:49 PM
WB 10:49:58 PM
Bro WB
04-04-2012, 12:28 AM
Greetings fro Gotham City!
I received a PM from bro fwstallion:
"Bro WB
Appreciated your continued postings. Hope to meet up another time and would remind you that the law remains as such for girls under 18. best wishes
bro fwstallion"
I replied that I don't touch a gal until her18th birthday. I always check her ID or passport n I thanked him.
XL is over 18 now, haha.
BTW, I'm a very disciplined LEGALIST n nothing, absolutley nothing, not millions nor the prettiest gal, will make me break the law.
As u recall, I met a gorgeous gal last yr, the 17 yo FF, who actually implored me to BY her. I said NO n asked her to come back on her 18th birthday.
Separately, 20 yo LC will be leaving SG soon. She also wants to be my long-term mistress, either in SG or Xiamen.
Getting visa has been a thorny issue for some of my gals. I guess I must move to Xiamen very soon.
Bro WB
04-04-2012, 01:49 AM
Greetings fro Gotham City!
I received a PM from bro fwstallion:
"Bro WB
Appreciated your continued postings. Hope to meet up another time and would remind you that the law remains as such for girls under 18. best wishes
bro fwstallion"
I replied that I don't touch a gal until her18th birthday. I always check her ID or passport n I thanked him.
XL is over 18 now, haha.
BTW, I'm a very disciplined LEGALIST n nothing, absolutley nothing, not millions nor the prettiest gal, will make me break the law.
As u recall, I met a gorgeous gal last yr, the 17 yo FF, who actually implored me to BY her. I said NO n asked her to come back on her 18th birthday.
Separately, 20 yo LC will be leaving SG soon. She also wants to be my long-term mistress, either in SG or Xiamen.
Getting visa has been a thorny issue for some of my gals. I guess I must move to Xiamen very soon.
Bro WB
Bro warbird,
Im amazed and envious of your BY ability, considering you pay min $7K per mth for some gals and you already have several on your plate. On top of that, you also have other syt imploring you to BY them. I imagine you probably spend up to 20k-30K a mth keeping these handful of chicks in tow. I guess you're not only doing well $$$wise but you're also well endowed with good looks!
Youre my hero and one day I hope to be nearly as capable as you. I m not tall dark n handsome, but I do have an engaging personality. $$$wise, I need to work on it!
05-04-2012, 02:33 AM
Bro warbird,
Im amazed and envious of your BY ability, considering you pay min $7K per mth for some gals and you already have several on your plate. On top of that, you also have other syt imploring you to BY them. I imagine you probably spend up to 20k-30K a mth keeping these handful of chicks in tow. I guess you're not only doing well $$$wise but you're also well endowed with good looks!
Youre my hero and one day I hope to be nearly as capable as you. I m not tall dark n handsome, but I do have an engaging personality. $$$wise, I need to work on it!
Hi Bro Scorp888,
Ths for ur flattering words.
But no need to be envious cuz anyone can do better than what I hv fact, I can do better n I shall do better, haha. And so can u.
The key is ur self mastery n self confidence. Next is money, especially for WLs. Then u will need a plan n lots of practical, hands on experience. Go out there n make ctc w/ as many chio gals of ur type as possible. Go for ST or BY as u see fit. Last but not least, learn to give ur gals the most intense n prolonged orgasms, either COS n/or squirting orgasms, they hv ever experienced.
Yes, BY-ing can be expensive. Minimum of SGD 7k a month is for gals who r in PRC who want to come to SG. PRC gals who r already in SG normally want more than 7K. I also pay for rental of a master bedrm or studio, pay for meals n buy them gifts as rewards or on special occasions.
I'm the antithesis of what u think I'm. I'm older than my gals' dads.
It's more challenging for me cuz I'm an ah pek, at least when I 1st meet a chio SYT of my type n try to up her immediately, haha. If I were young, tall n handsome, it would hv been too easy. I like gals who play hard to get. Otherwise, where is the fun?
I only go for the prettiest gals of my type whom I hv seen somewhere, anywhere. Only three exceptions: Married women, relatives n GFs/mistresses of my frens. Everyone else is fair game. Period.
IMHO, very, very few men r truly confident. That IS the problem.
What is true confidence?
A MAN is truly confident when he improves himself, improves others n improves everything around him...everyday n in every way. He has nothing to prove.
A man is very attractive cuz he is (truly) confident. Period.
Bro WB
05-04-2012, 03:13 AM
Good morning!
A guru just sent me a brief msg on "Aggravated Pimping" in which he describes 3 types of men n code of conduct (honor) n karma.
Hey Bro Warbird,
Remember Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former head of the International Monetary Fund, lecherous old coot, and raunchy old man?
He's back, and this time it appears he really did it. If you're
not familiar with Strauss-Kahn, he's an avowed socialist who loves
living the high life on other people's money.
He was initially hailed by girlie men in the financial media for
his genius idea of lending money to countries who were broke and
could never, ever pay it back.
He was known for living in trendy, high rise apartments, arriving
in luxurious limousines (like any good socialist should), and
seducing women. He was admired as a "hot rabbit" with a real
chance of winning the French presidency, until his bad habits
finally caught up with him.
Karma is a real bitch sometimes. While he was falsely accused of
sexual assault in New York city, that false accusation led to a lot
of his dirty laundry being aired, with him being exposed as a
legitimate walking sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen.
Some men are true ladies men, men who genuinely love women (a la
the character of Hank Moody in Californication). Some men are
womanizers and players, who care only for themselves and their own
gratification. And some, like Strauss-Kahn, are true pigs who
enjoy hurting women to feed their power hungry egos.
Well, it has all come home to roost. Strauss Kahn has been
arrested in France charged with, get this, "aggravated pimping."
For real.
Turns out he's accused of running and profiting from a prostitution
ring (like any good socialist should), which is a big no-no in
France and, well, everywhere else.
Strauss-Kahn is the perfect example of a very talented man with
absolutely no code to live by. He will say anything to get what he
wants, adopt any belief, cross any boundary. Such men have a
tendency to rise to great heights, then fall very, very far.
Having your own code to live by separates you from those who take
satisfaction purely in material gain, no matter how ill gotten.
Such men can never truly connect with women because they can never
be trusted.
But the man who lives by his own code can be trusted, and will
connect with women in a way most men never can. She knows he will
protect her physically and emotionally because his code demands it,
and women are drawn towards such men.
So find your own code and live by it. Everything else really is
just aggravated pimping.
On with the fun...
Mr. Guru
Your comments?
Bro WB
08-04-2012, 02:08 PM
A female sex guru just sent me a new sex position for me to try. I hv never done it before.
Hi Bro Warbird
It’s the weekend… so how about a new
position for you try out after you hit the town ;)
I learned it from a good friend of mine who was
looking for ways to spice up her favorite position:
Reverse Cowgirl. And… I gotta say… it feels
So here’s how it works (I’m excited to share this!)
Let her straddle you in a standard Reverse
Cowgirl position.
Now YOU want to sit up… instead of lying
It can be a little tricky to balance. Go ahead
and lean against a wall if it helps ;)
But this works better if you can stay up by
Grab her hands and let her lean forward as
far as she can.
The new angle of penetration practically
GUARANTEES a G-Spot orgasm.
And when she’s holding your hand leaning
forward it feels like she’s floating in midair.
It’s a sensation she may have never felt before…
but one I PROMISE she’ll love =)
It's a super hot spin on one of my favorite positions...
and one that feels like nothing else ;)
And another great thing about it? It’s universal! If
you’re done with it you can EASILY move back
into regular Reverse Cowgirl or even good
old Doggy Style =)
So give that one a try. And let me know how much
you like it! I just KNOW it’ll make its way into
your sexual “arsenal” =)
Talk to you soon
Ms. Sex Guru
It's a bit difficult to execute, at least in the beginning...but it's very sexciting.
Hv a great day!
Bro WB
10-04-2012, 07:50 AM
12-04-2012, 12:21 PM
Good advice there bro. I messed up that way about five years back while I was still in uni. To the point that she was waiting for me when she have broken up with her "Prince Charming". But I didn't know about that cos I never kept in touch. And now its too late :o
Hi bro hotsuffm8,
"Stay in touch" n u will be surprised how many more chio abalone u will get to eat, hahaha. It has happened to me countless times.
No, it's never too late if u really want her. However, forget abt her if she is married even though married women r THE EASIEST to fxk.
I will never touch a married woman cuz it violates my code of conduct.
Bro WB
.................................................. ..............................
What an auspicious day!
I hv kept in touch w/ all my ex mistresses except for 3. A few r married w/ small kids.
One of my favourite gals GG, who is 23 now, will get married in June. Read my posts on her in Aug/Sep 2009 on this thread. I'm very happy for her as she has found a good n reliable young man. She is also gainfully employed as a cosmetologist in Fujian.
Yesterday, a respected bro told me his experience in BY-ing a legal Cat 150 gal VV, briefly in SG n then in PRC. The RS went sour quickly even though he gave her quite a lot of money upfront n was going to buy a house n a luxury car for her in China.
I'm mentioning his case as it illustrates classic mistakes made by experienced men when they like a certain gal a lot n think she is somehow "special n the one n only."
Most men still dun get it when it comes to female attraction.
According to a guru:
My Rule of thumb:
If you want her -ignore her
If you want to get rid of her-chase her
Of course, it's an oversimplification, but largely true. It's vital to show interest, sometimes, n to connect-disconnect, etc.
I would never ever give any gal lots of money upfront. A man must say NO to a gal if her request is unreasonable or wrong, even if he likes/loves her very much, cuz doing so will make him much more attractive, hahaha.
When VV was sick, bro AA took care of her n paid her hospital bills in SG, thinking that she would be grateful n feel indebted n would hv more affection for him. Very bad idea cuz it kills whatever sexual attraction she had for bro AA. Affection n attraction r very different, haha.
I would try to reduce my ctc w/ a gal I like/love very much when she is sick or has just lost her grandmother. Why? She will associate her negative emotions n feelings w/ me! I learned abt this only 6 months ago. In retrospect, it's 100% true. For example, a tall n sexy Dongbei gal I was going to BY came down w/ flu w/ fever the day I was going to consummate the deal. I dutifully brought medicine to her n tried to comfort her...after her recovery, she changed her mind abt BY. It took me lots of effort for another 4 months to eat her abalone!
So what should I do if a beloved long-term mistress is experiencing a very negative event? I would take care of her, depending on the event, by phone if possible, n try to reduce my ctc w/ her to the absolute minimum. When she feels much better, I'll show up...
If a man likes a gal a lot n is fearful of losing her, he will behave in such a way as to drive her away. However, if he cares less abt the RS, he will be in control n he will become more n more attractive...
Several days ago I contacted 2 pretty 18 yo SYTs living in Chengdu. They r classmates n good frens, both high school graduates. They r a few months past 18th birthday, haha. Both r fair n hv proportionate figure, one is 165 n the other 171, tall for SZ gals. Unusual in that they both meet my BY requirements in looks, figure, boob size, arms/limbs, etc...I can't wait to make love to them! I met the shorter gal 1st n was surprised that she would come to SG only if I also BY her fren! They r asking for 3W RMB a month each plus travel expenses. They also like to sing n dance. It's a bargain for me although I hv been able to control my excitement...n I'll pay absolutely nothing upfront.
Good things often come 3 in a row.
There is also a chio n fair 23 yo, 168 n 52 kg, a recent uni graduate who is working at a TV/media station in Sichuan who has also agreed to be my mistress. I saw her on TV, haha. She thought I was in Xiamen n could come to c me every weekend. I need to convince her to come to SG instead. She will be more expensive. What if all 3 come? I still hv my lao po n LC n FF...I'll worry abt that later.
Your comments n criticisms will be appreciated.
Bro WB
12-04-2012, 02:35 PM
Bro WB,
WOW. 3W RMB = 30K RMB = SGD6K a month each. x 2 = $12K a mth. I cannot even smell the league you're playing in.
I'm in love with a CQ gal working here as a beer promoter. I don't have your kind of $$$, I been giving her only 1K a mth since end of last year. She says we can't have sex because we just met. Yesterday I mentioned it again, she ask me when I'm going to marry her. Secretly, I'm beginning to wonder whether she's setting me up i.e. collect money every month, until I give up because no sex, then she move on to another man. She says she loves me. By her actions, she seem to love me - she gets very jealous when other gals sit with me at the beer table. When we quarrel and I refuse to answer her calls, she ran to other beer joints to look for me. She has introduced me as her boyfriend to her "sisters" (close to her family in CQ) who are PR here . She's past her 30s, never married, attractive (the bros here in SMB will love her C cup), is it maybe she's a bit more conservative? I feel like giving up, because I'm fear being made a fool. Yes, trust is an issue, because I hear a lot of stories around. Bro WB, don't mind spare a minute to share your wise thoughts?
15-04-2012, 03:05 AM
Bro WB,
WOW. 3W RMB = 30K RMB = SGD6K a month each. x 2 = $12K a mth. I cannot even smell the league you're playing in.
I'm in love with a CQ gal working here as a beer promoter. I don't have your kind of $$$, I been giving her only 1K a mth since end of last year. She says we can't have sex because we just met. Yesterday I mentioned it again, she ask me when I'm going to marry her. Secretly, I'm beginning to wonder whether she's setting me up i.e. collect money every month, until I give up because no sex, then she move on to another man. She says she loves me. By her actions, she seem to love me - she gets very jealous when other gals sit with me at the beer table. When we quarrel and I refuse to answer her calls, she ran to other beer joints to look for me. She has introduced me as her boyfriend to her "sisters" (close to her family in CQ) who are PR here . She's past her 30s, never married, attractive (the bros here in SMB will love her C cup), is it maybe she's a bit more conservative? I feel like giving up, because I'm fear being made a fool. Yes, trust is an issue, because I hear a lot of stories around. Bro WB, don't mind spare a minute to share your wise thoughts?
Hi Bro Scorp888,
Money is a prerequisite to BY chio SYTs from PRC. Dun worry, think positive, you will make ur money, legally...
As for ur CQ gal whom u love, it's bad news. Do u honestly believe an attractive PRC MILF in her early 30s has been celibate for the last 5-6 months in SG? She loves u? Do u really want to marry her? Do u know her whereabouts 24/7 in the last 5-6 months? Does she hv a BF? Patron?
Hv u kissed her passionately?
Take her to a isolated place tonight. Relaxed, be dominant, be in control, be sexual. Get physical w/ her. Kiss her, then make love to her. Dun use force though, ok? Then give us ur FR.
Bro WB
.................................................. ................................
Good morning!
PRC gals/women r very open-minded. It's my impression that most all chio SYTs in PRC want to be BY-ed. Be very direct n sexual w/ them. KC them but never get KC-ed urself.
On average, several chio SYTs a wk from PRC want me to BY them! I just had a chat w/ a Hunan uni gal. She is 21 this yr, 湖南省艺术学院读的大学, 6 months from graduation. She is very fair n has proportionate figure, but only 162, weigh 47kg. Although she said 嘻嘻,我们的年龄差距比较大哦. But after 视频,she agrees to be my woman, after graduation. In the meantime, she will come to SG whenever she can.
The best defense against being KC-ed is to hv many, many chio gals/women of ur type lining up for u, hahaha.
Bro WB
Big B
16-04-2012, 12:31 AM
I think the following is definitely worth repeating:
"The best defense against being KC-ed is to hv many, many chio gals/women of ur type lining up for u, hahaha."
She's just another pussy in a long line of glorious pussies (of your type).
16-04-2012, 02:52 AM
Hi Bro Scorp888,
As for ur CQ gal whom u love, it's bad news. Do u honestly believe an attractive PRC MILF in her early 30s has been celibate for the last 5-6 months in SG? She loves u? Do u really want to marry her? Do u know her whereabouts 24/7 in the last 5-6 months? Does she hv a BF? Patron?
Hv u kissed her passionately?
Take her to a isolated place tonight. Relaxed, be dominant, be in control, be sexual. Get physical w/ her. Kiss her, then make love to her. Dun use force though, ok? Then give us ur FR.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I got her pussy last night! Before that were passionate kisses w rubba rubba. I can feel her passion. She said she want to marry me!
Far as I know, she doesn't have a patron. She introduces me to all her friends, sisters etc as her BF. So far, I've tracked her activities and apart from having the occasional lunch or taking a lift to work from some guy (I know who, altho I don't speak w him), seems there are no extra-curricular activites. It's typical for beer promoters to sometimes go out for lunch with their customers so that they can get good tips and build strong customer loyalty, without any hanky panky. These same customers are, of course, chasing after their pussies, but the gals are very smart. They exploit their customers desires to increase their tips. Also, there were times I hang around her place for an hour after sending her home to see if she sneaked out, but nothing. (Man, that's boring)
I think after the first step of having undressed & screwing her - i gave her an orgasm - the rest should be easy. I look forward to regualr sex with her from now on!
Thank bro WB for your thoughts. Your wise words are always welcome!
16-04-2012, 08:59 AM
Brother Scorp888,
I have seen and experienced too many horror stories of relationships with PRC women. As much as I try to believe you shall buck the trend, I wish you all the best. I am especially worried, because you are "in love" with this woman.
Take care, will you? And if, touch wood, anything happens, do remember you have fellow bros supporting you here. That was how those of us who have been burnt by PRC women got through.
Hoping that yours is that "best case" scenario!
16-04-2012, 11:33 AM
yah man, do take care bro!
china lady are very expert to cheat our love and $$
she can even mother yr son, but when the time she got her PR IC, she can say goodbye without brinking her eye
16-04-2012, 11:53 AM
Brother Scorp888,
I have seen and experienced too many horror stories of relationships with PRC women. As much as I try to believe you shall buck the trend, I wish you all the best. I am especially worried, because you are "in love" with this woman.
Take care, will you? And if, touch wood, anything happens, do remember you have fellow bros supporting you here. That was how those of us who have been burnt by PRC women got through.
Hoping that yours is that "best case" scenario!
Bro Chenzong,
I too have heard too many horror stories about them. That's why I was skeptical and cautious, but the cherry is too good to pass up, something about her/them that we can't find in our own girls. So we men still proceed where angels fear, but eyes and ears must be very open. I keep a tight rein over who she befriends, we've had huge quarrels initially but she has given in. She calls me everyday when she wakes up and every night after she got home from work. I also often wait at her workplace and send her home after she's done. (And sometimes overnight with her). Sometimes in the day I will appear at her place without appointment to take her out to lunch & then send her to work. This keeps her on her toes. So far so good, touch wood.
I will continue to be vigilant and watch my back because of all the horror stories.
I believe that if the PRC woman is made aware of the boundaries and expectations, there must come a point where they will actually fall in love with us men and stick with us. They're human afterall. They're here primarily to make money, and they go crazy simply because there's no shortage of men here to shower them with $$$ and gifts so readily, something they almost never see back home. To them, love is a luxury, whereas sex is a responsibility & trading asset, but not all of them sell sex, some do have morals. All are shamelessly attracted to $$$. (We are the same also, but not so shamesless).
Bro Chenzong, thanks for your headsup. Wish me luck I will still need it.
16-04-2012, 11:58 AM
yah man, do take care bro!
china lady are very expert to cheat our love and $$
she can even mother yr son, but when the time she got her PR IC, she can say goodbye without brinking her eye
Bro CurryMonster, thanks for your caution.
I know I'm walking on dangerous ground where too many Sg men have become casualties. I will play the game the best way I can, with some help & advice from the bros here. Hope I make it thru.
16-04-2012, 06:41 PM
Bro CurryMonster, thanks for your caution.
I know I'm walking on dangerous ground where too many Sg men have become casualties. I will play the game the best way I can, with some help & advice from the bros here. Hope I make it thru.
I had a senior friend, now in his 60s that used to go Lido Palace wif me.
This story has been posted in this forum by me before but for your sake, I will repeat it.
He was a bachelor, late 40s coming 50 liao and was a close brudder to me.
As we are both regulars at Lido Palace, it didn't take long for him to fall for a singer almost half his age.
Initially, we as friends didn't really bother for a new kill is always good fun, but as time passed, we cud c it was no more a bot pussy, there was severe love involved!
He terminated her contract and soon after, she was back on a 2yr work pass to be with him fulltime.
Then one day, out of the blue, he handed me red wedding dinner invitation cards.
I tried my very best to warn him and told him to drag but as usual, most of us wud hv heard it a million times by now, i hv tested her, blah blah that she's water tight.
So as only a friend, LL just watch.
After the wedding, he bot her a posh apt in ChongQing, car and of cos, loads of hard cash for he's a rich man.
1yr later, the 1st baby came, singapore citizen, that was when me suspicions on her dropped 50%, for once i said to myself, i may be wrong about this one!
In the hospital maternity ward, I gave her a big ang bao and she remarked: 大哥,我从没看过你这样的笑容,这是心笑
She was right, I have some what accepted as a non ghost and totally in love with my friend.
Yr2, pop came the 2nd baby, nothing to say liao, my suspicion on her zero!
About half a yr later, my friend came to me say wife lately like very quiet n moody, maybe miss home.
I told him to go home wif her for safety sake and also to meet up on relatives he never got to meet since she's already his wife.
But due to his business, he asked her to go back herself to destress which of cos she did.
But then, she disappeared and never came back.
He asked me for help, which sources came back to tell me that the apt and car have all been sold!
Her family also moved house and whereabouts not known.
He was devastated!
2 months later after her disappearance, she called him, asking him for a divorce, but because he loved her so much, he pleaded only to receive a reply that she's decided.
He pleaded again for the sake of the kids, let's resolve it and she told him, he can keep them & that she's decided & hung up the phone and not heard from again.
4mths after that call, she called again and shortly into the conv, the phone was taken over by a PRC man who said he's her man now and that they'll never hv anything to do with Singapore again!
The phone was hung up & no ctcs ever again since then.
Around 2wks after that last call, we received news of their whereabouts finally, and we as close bros, wanted revenge for this heartless tramp, but in our amazement, he begged us to let her go.
Now the 2 kids r near 12yrs old liao, n this incident has solidified the notion in my mind that, they r all not to be trusted!
Do you know how many years did this gal play in her plot for the grand finale?
Scary the things they will do to reach their objective!
Another story here is about a chick that was moonlighting wif me when she already had a so called full time man like u.
He always snoops around after he sends her back, but she'll make her way out to my car from another stairwell so as not to be spotted by him.
All these while, he was pumping the petrol & I was driving his car!
So, the moral of the story here is not to believe what you can see or wat u can hear, it's to believe wat u cant c or hear!
This is what will save your sanity!
In this so called game, they got nothing to loose where it is we, us men who THINKS they're truly in love wif us that has everything to loose!
16-04-2012, 07:41 PM
If you think you can look for true love in the joints, forget it.
Chances is that you get burned !
Gals in the joints are for pleasure and pleasure alone.
If you have the $, do what Bro WB does, Get interested in a few, and you'll practically immuned to KC.
Otherwise stay level headed. It is a slippery slope.
Why I say this? I got burned before.
Kigo San
16-04-2012, 09:06 PM
So, the moral of the story here is not to believe what you can see or wat u can hear, it's to believe wat u cant c or hear!
This is what will save your sanity!
In this so called game, they got nothing to loose where it is we, us men who THINKS they're truly in love wif us that has everything to loose!
Kudos to you, bro this is a wise piece of advice to jr. like us.
Wish I chance upon this thread earlier and open my eyesight. :p
If you have the $, do what Bro WB does, Get interested in a few, and you'll practically immuned to KC.
Otherwise stay level headed. It is a slippery slope.
Why I say this? I got burned before.
Bro Besafe, talk is easy. One must go thru the holy Grail to understand the depth and climp back in 1 piece. Kudos to your sharing. ;)
16-04-2012, 11:02 PM
talk is easy. One must go thru the holy Grail to understand the depth and climp back in 1 piece. Kudos to your sharing. ;)
U r rite.
Many old timers will know how many bros i've personally helped on & even off the forum.
Sad to report, till today, even those that seemed to be saved n woken up, still plunged.
Out of 10, i tink only got 1 success story.
Thus the nite scene is nothing different from the jungle out there.
Some were born to be preys, others were born to be predators regardless of race, language, religion or gender!
Some are players but some will always be played!
16-04-2012, 11:45 PM
Bro Do_You_BJ,
Your friend's story is also what I experienced about PRC gal. They seems so real and relationship can be ongoing for years but we don't seems to believe it's not real when we are in it.
I am in my early 40s and have been chioning KTV for 10 over years. It is the last 3 years that I am stuck to a regular Hubei meimei. In our 1st and 2nd year of relationship, I will bring her to all the KTVs that I go, every 2 -3 nites a week. During the 3rd year of our relationship, I will see her at her house and she will prepare dinner. I still go out chionging but did not bring her along. I did not BY her and she is still working.
Recently her WP expire and she went back. As it is harder to exxtent WP nowsaday, she probably have to wait for another 6months before she can try to apply.
The issue here is that she did not inform me the date she went back and I am unable to ctc her, as she did not leave any china number. I am very sure she is not attached in China but cannot understand why this sudden lost of communication with her. To them 3 years in a relationship is really worth nothing.
In your friend case, she can also abandon the kids, so mine is just a small case.
Will get over this and start chionging hard again. It is just that cannot believe 3 years of relationship meant nothing to them and they can just stop contacting us overnite.
Unbelievable is the only words, as when we are together, they made you believe you are the only one in their heart but this changes overnite.
Hope this will further warn all our Bros to be careful and never be Kc'ed in the nite scene.
17-04-2012, 12:01 AM
Lets put this in easier perspective so everyone can understand without cracking too much of their brain.
We will use the relationship here as cars!
Yes the regular cars watever brand and make we own.
We will care for it, race in it sometimes n feel shiok if we win, scratch we will send it for respray etc etc and heart pain if major accident or when time to change car cos this car has served me well for years.
These women look as the car as a ride to bring them from one place to another.
When its time, they'll just change the ride.
Yes, 3 yrs you feel something but to them, they were just hitching a ride.
You said u r sure she got no one there in PRC land, let me tell you, these WLs, yes they may not have one now but they have on queue many and they will activate them when required.
I hv witnessed many PRC gals like these during my stints there.
So like wat WB posted earlier, & I quote:
Most guys think short term. They think that because a woman they like starts dating a guy or, gasp, gets a boyfriend, or even a husband that she's gone forever.
If you are cool, if you stay in touch, if you at least appear to be "happy for her" (even though you are probably not), when Prince Charming screws it up (and he always does), you'll be the first guy she gets in touch with.
Patience is a virtue in all areas, but especially so in attraction. Now, this does not, of course, mean you "wait" for her while not seeing other women. You live your life, see other women, and take advantage of opportunity (any opportunity) as it arises.
Now u understand?
Many cars waiting to offer a ride :D
17-04-2012, 02:24 AM
To bros DO YOU BJ, lovetogive, and other bros,
Thank you very much for sharing your experiences and your advice. I will take them seriously.
I will be extra careful to dig up everything about her background when I got the chance before committing. (She was already in Sg for 5 yrs before she met me, so she had made some Sg friends). Recently she went back home to CQ for 2 weeks to be with her family, she asked me to go back with her so that she could intro me to her parents but I was too busy. I will test her and check on her more thoroughly without her knowing just to see her real character.
You can bet your ass I will be checking on everything about her.
But if the problem is with the entire PRC Chinese women population who can easily walk away from donkey years of "love" relationship and not feel a thing, then I guess all S'pore men are in danger. Like bro WB said, I think I better start having another one on the side, just in case.
17-04-2012, 03:48 AM
To bros DO YOU BJ, lovetogive, and other bros,
Thank you very much for sharing your experiences and your advice. I will take them seriously.
I will be extra careful to dig up everything about her background when I got the chance before committing. (She was already in Sg for 5 yrs before she met me, so she had made some Sg friends). Recently she went back home to CQ for 2 weeks to be with her family, she asked me to go back with her so that she could intro me to her parents but I was too busy. I will test her and check on her more thoroughly without her knowing just to see her real character.
You can bet your ass I will be checking on everything about her.
But if the problem is with the entire PRC Chinese women population who can easily walk away from donkey years of "love" relationship and not feel a thing, then I guess all S'pore men are in danger. Like bro WB said, I think I better start having another one on the side, just in case.
Remember why they came here for.
But the occupation they chose is no diff than those who came on S-PASS and hold even real professional jobs.
Before u embark on someone from another culture, u must understand theirs!
Those that come here wud not want to do a basic jobs that even pay RMB3k a month, here earn SGD1k = their RMB5k liao
Its all in the numbers
Women like then aint stupid, they know u want to get into their pants.
There are 3 kinds:
1) Will tarik you n milk as much as they can from u during this period.
Once they sense the line gonna snap. they will let u get into their pants
2) Will allow you to get into her pants 1st then say ur the one they've been waiting for, want to marry you, your genes perfect for her off spring blah blah, this will allow u to let ur guard down n then FEEL OBLIGATED to feed her monetarily
3) Will do the above 2 process but it comes in a package deal.
After doin 1 & 2, they know that there are issues of distrust on the man's end thus the end is near.
This is when they will let go a SOB SOB story n seek your compassionate self to give more.
They will then in the meantime be already activating their stby or be on the look out or get their sisters to start introing them other potential cows to milk.
The cycle is on going till they expired.
Let me relate to you one of my latest dumped chick from Dalian.
She left our shores for home in Oct2011.
Many of the bros gave her the ultimate thumbs up for character etc etc
But i dun trust her!
Even if i did say i did in front of my bros n her, it is to make her feel that she has entered my comfort zone.
I started to dig, using reverse psychology & remember in great detail everything that she ever told me to the letter for thru experience, I know words they say, will always be twisted or changed in the future.
If an incident did happen to u in ur life, how is it possible for you to forget how in started & ended?
Not possible rite?
Little things says the most.
We met up in KL once a month for 2wks at a go from Nov till last month.
It was during this period, that my acquaintances in DaLian came back wif very interesting info about her that she never told me.
She was a KTV hostess in PRC since 19
She then became a mummy
Then she went to learn Japanese cos the spenders there were Japs and in Dalian, Japs r hot commodity.
She did ST
Managed to KC a PRC man who spent RMB500k to open a pub for her.
She cheated on him cos he said he'll marry her but not yet so in her mindset, cheating on him was acceptable cos she said he was buying time wif me, for all you know, he may be playing me!
My reply was, playing you open pub for you in your name at RMB500k still call playing?
When he found out about her cheating, he begged her to come bag which she did, and made him buy her a new HondaCRV for if i can remember RMB180k which she's still driving now!
So in the end after they broke off, she sold off the pub took the proceeds and kept the car and cont'd wif that guy she was cheating wif.
She has a fulltime stby Jap old man more than 50yrs old who BY her for more than 5yrs & they're still in ctc.
When she went back, she told me she'll prove to me she will cut off all ties wif her past etc etc and change numbers so that no one in her past will be able to find her.
Well, I never deleted that number.
Yes number was terminated n guess wat, 1wk ago, i was goin thru my phonebook & saw the old number, gave it a ring & yes, it's reconnected again!
Wat does this tell you?
Oh she's not SYT but she is attractive and has a fantastic body n looks good born 1981!
How did i suspect her?
Well, just after she landed and just completed her body checkup here n passed, I consummated her.
Her actions rang all my bells!
Yes, i did her raw and she actually pulled back my foreskin and examined my dick before she put it in her mouth.
And her tongue action, damn fucking good, twirling pattern.
No normal gal wud know this and do such stuff unless a professional whore.
See, all these little stuffs they do, say and forgot what she say & wat you said often is a sign that she has too much to remember.
WLs always forget what they said & u said.
Best way to catch them is to cook up a story they said, twist it a little and make it a conversational topic wif them.
See how they tango n u will know liao.
Then when it all goes haywire, throw the bomb at them, n chances r, they'll say it u who got the story wrong.
Always same pattern!
When this happen, u know to treat them as meat!
Bro, lets put it this way, y wud a divorced woman come all the way here to do what she's doin?
U mean she cant find a job there?
Do not be so intuned to what's she's doin now etc but know the root of y she's here.
From there, u will be able to piece up everything & most importantly, check her phone or install tracker software.
9 out of 10 chances r u will find out something u never wish u did!
N dun bother to question them, they will cry & say all kinds of BS to get ur softer side out and into submission!
Just enjoy the process and the sex, the companionship but always remind yourself, 她只是个过路人,路过了就结束!
Find new meat after.
U know y i say it like tat?
Cos they wun do it any different!
17-04-2012, 10:00 AM
Good morning!
I'm pleased that Bro S has finally tasted her pussy...but is he getting deeper in trouble?
Sine many esteemed bros hv weighed in w/ their excellent analysis n insights, I hv nothing more to add.
I think the following is definitely worth repeating...............................
Absolutely. I hv more to say on this.
Bro WB,
I got her pussy last night!...............
Good for u!
china lady are very expert to cheat our love and $$
Brother Scorp888,
I have seen and experienced too many horror stories of relationships with PRC women..............
Hi bro,
Still in SG?
Bro Chenzong,
I too have heard too many horror stories about them..............
Bro CurryMonster, thanks for your caution..........
You know the danger...
I had a senior friend, now in his 60s that used to go Lido Palace wif me.
This story has been posted in this forum by me before but for your sake, I will repeat it................................................ ..........
Mr. Chairman,
Ths for the cautionary tale. I wonder if ur fren has checked his 2 kids' DNA to confirm if he is their biological father.
If you think you can look for true love in the joints, forget it.
Hi bro besafe,
I couldn't agree w/ u more.
Kudos to you, bro this is a wise piece of advice to jr. like us..............
Bro Besafe, talk is easy. One must go thru the holy Grail to understand the depth and climp back in 1 piece. Kudos to your sharing...
U r rite.
Many old timers will know how many bros i've personally helped on & even off the forum.
Sad to report, till today, even those that seemed to be saved n woken up, still plunged.
Out of 10, i tink only got 1 success story.
Thus the nite scene is nothing different from the jungle out there.....
Bro Do_You_BJ,
Your friend's story is also what I experienced about PRC gal. ..................
Ths for sharing.
Lets put this in easier perspective so everyone can understand without cracking too much of their brain.
We will use the relationship here as cars!............................................. .........
Now u understand?
Many cars waiting to offer a ride :D
Ths again.
To bros DO YOU BJ, lovetogive, and other bros,
Thank you very much for sharing your experiences and your advice. I will take them seriously.
I will be extra careful to dig up everything about her background.................
Remember why they came here for.
.................................................. ...
From there, u will be able to piece up everything & most importantly, check her phone or install tracker software.
9 out of 10 chances r u will find out something u never wish u did!
N dun bother to question them, they will cry & say all kinds of BS to get ur softer side out and into submission!
Just enjoy the process and the sex, the companionship but always remind yourself, 她只是个过路人,路过了就结束!
Find new meat after.
U know y i say it like tat?
Cos they wun do it any different!
Hi Mr. Chairman,
Ths so much for sharing ur personal experiences n ur keen insights.
Bro WB
17-04-2012, 12:21 PM
Mr. Chairman,
Ths for the cautionary tale. I wonder if ur fren has checked his 2 kids' DNA to confirm if he is their biological father.
Yes, DNa all matched no errors.
Procedure was done by my bro who operates in Mt E Medical Ctr!
18-04-2012, 06:20 AM
Hi bro,
Still in SG?
Nope, returned to China. I may be coming back to Singapore for good. I got the short end of the politics here in China, and have been forced to resign.
18-04-2012, 06:27 AM
But if the problem is with the entire PRC Chinese women population who can easily walk away from donkey years of "love" relationship and not feel a thing, then I guess all S'pore men are in danger. Like bro WB said, I think I better start having another one on the side, just in case.
Bro Scorp, I won't try to persuade you any further, but I want to quote 2 experiences of friends close to me. And in both cases, the women are not even "night women" but "normal everyday Chinese girls".
The first is an angmo friend of mine who married a Chinese girl. They have been together for 2 years before they got married. It was another 6 months of marriage before she got her Australian PR. She immediately demanded a divorce. My friend was absolutely shattered.
The second is a businessman friend of mine, and he is...listen here...mainland Chinese. They had a kid of together and everything was fine until he lost his business. She left the family without a word and refused any attempts to get in touch with her.
Chinese women can plan and scheme for years to get what they want. And marriage means nothing to them except for a piece of paper and legal rights. I am sure there are exceptions, but if any one of us wants to play the toto and win big, sure, but the stakes are higher than any lottery in this game.
After 8 years in China, I have "seen through" the women here. We Singaporean men are easily skinned alive because the Chinese women know how to make us feel like a man (something our Singaporean women used to have to learn from their Malaysian "sisters"). I married a Singaporean who saw first hand how the Chinese are like and have adapted to preserve and keep her marriage (I am so blessed!).
Please try to keep a level head despite the extreme KC skills the Chinese women have!
18-04-2012, 07:24 AM
Nope, returned to China. I may be coming back to Singapore for good. I got the short end of the politics here in China, and have been forced to resign.
Sorry to hear that bro, many non locals have been slowly pushed out of MNCs in PRCs and they are taking over everything, even how the corp wants it to be done, China always seem to be in their own exclusion zone doin things their own way.
18-04-2012, 07:26 AM
Wah. All the stories that are coming out. Power!
18-04-2012, 01:41 PM
Bro Scorp, I won't try to persuade you any further, but I want to quote 2 experiences of friends close to me. And in both cases, the women are not even "night women" but "normal everyday Chinese girls".
The first is an angmo friend of mine who married a Chinese girl. They have been together for 2 years before they got married. It was another 6 months of marriage before she got her Australian PR. She immediately demanded a divorce. My friend was absolutely shattered.
The second is a businessman friend of mine, and he is...listen here...mainland Chinese. They had a kid of together and everything was fine until he lost his business. She left the family without a word and refused any attempts to get in touch with her.
Chinese women can plan and scheme for years to get what they want. And marriage means nothing to them except for a piece of paper and legal rights. I am sure there are exceptions, but if any one of us wants to play the toto and win big, sure, but the stakes are higher than any lottery in this game.
After 8 years in China, I have "seen through" the women here. We Singaporean men are easily skinned alive because the Chinese women know how to make us feel like a man (something our Singaporean women used to have to learn from their Malaysian "sisters"). I married a Singaporean who saw first hand how the Chinese are like and have adapted to preserve and keep her marriage (I am so blessed!).
Please try to keep a level head despite the extreme KC skills the Chinese women have!
Thanks very much again for sharing your thoughts and advice bro chenzong.
I can now totally understand why there's a growing pool of "sheng nu" in China. I've even seen videos of their women proudly singing "no money, no fangzi, no bmw, no marriage!".
It's a money world. What's the future like for their men who don't have $$$? It's a pity. Their women are so much more charming then ours.
18-04-2012, 02:39 PM
Bro Do_You_BJ,
Your friend's story is also what I experienced about PRC gal. They seems so real and relationship can be ongoing for years but we don't seems to believe it's not real when we are in it.
I am in my early 40s and have been chioning KTV for 10 over years. It is the last 3 years that I am stuck to a regular Hubei meimei. In our 1st and 2nd year of relationship, I will bring her to all the KTVs that I go, every 2 -3 nites a week. During the 3rd year of our relationship, I will see her at her house and she will prepare dinner. I still go out chionging but did not bring her along. I did not BY her and she is still working.
Recently her WP expire and she went back. As it is harder to exxtent WP nowsaday, she probably have to wait for another 6months before she can try to apply.
The issue here is that she did not inform me the date she went back and I am unable to ctc her, as she did not leave any china number. I am very sure she is not attached in China but cannot understand why this sudden lost of communication with her. To them 3 years in a relationship is really worth nothing.
In your friend case, she can also abandon the kids, so mine is just a small case.
Will get over this and start chionging hard again. It is just that cannot believe 3 years of relationship meant nothing to them and they can just stop contacting us overnite.
Unbelievable is the only words, as when we are together, they made you believe you are the only one in their heart but this changes overnite.
Hope this will further warn all our Bros to be careful and never be Kc'ed in the nite scene.
bro lovetogive,
Sad to hear that. Can't imagine how with a 3-year love-sex-bf-gf relationship, the woman didn't even bother to discuss with you details of when she's going back, where and what she'll be doing, how to keep in contact, and all that.
At least my CQ gf taught me how to use QQ to stay in touch, and even suggested use video call by QQ to keep phone bills down. That was only for 2 wks when she's away. Now she's back.
18-04-2012, 02:49 PM
From there, u will be able to piece up everything & most importantly, check her phone or install tracker software.
9 out of 10 chances r u will find out something u never wish u did!
bro DO YOU BJ,
I share your skepticism and cynicism. That's why I started asking bro WB about for his advice.
I've also been thinking of putting a tracker software in her iphone, the one that not only gives location but also can copy and send sms msg for me to monitor. Any idea how i can do this?
18-04-2012, 03:09 PM
bro DO YOU BJ,
I share your skepticism and cynicism. That's why I started asking bro WB about for his advice.
I've also been thinking of putting a tracker software in her iphone, the one that not only gives location but also can copy and send sms msg for me to monitor. Any idea how i can do this?
There’s lots of JB iphone apps that do just that. One of them here:
All you need is her JBed iphone. Some apps can even track whatsapp and photos that they take.
but my question is why? Why bother? Why do you want to prove that she’s genuine? Or why do you want to prove that she’s a cheat?
To each his own, and I can’t speak for all guys out there, but I ask myself what am I looking for?
Faithfulness? Honesty? Someone who is not in it for my money? True love?
My answer to all the above question is: “No”. We just want to distress. A temporary getaway from reality. Some little excitement.
I just pay for my good time and sex that I enjoy. End of story.
Enjoy liao, go home take care of your family - that’s my priority. Take care of yourself and your family first.
I just allocate a certain amount of money and a certain amount of time, and then that’s it. Maybe go GL, or some FL, bonk a local or overseas starlet/model once a while. That’s it. Enough ECA for me.
We always blame them for being cheaters. But honestly, we also cheat mah. And they know very well that they will not get our priority in life, they know that every night we go home to our loved ones, they know we will not divorce our wives and marry them. They know we will not give them everything or all (or most of) our money/time. So why do we expect them to give us their priority/faithfulness?
18-04-2012, 07:02 PM
bro fallen.angel
Totally agree with you. Family come first. Put aside some budget for ECA, tabao outside to keep ourselves happy. Never bring tabao home.
Well, those women out there are in luck. They no need to feel upset when i go home. They can get priority, because me is single and available. :D
18-04-2012, 07:48 PM
bro fallen.angel
Totally agree with you. Family come first. Put aside some budget for ECA, tabao outside to keep ourselves happy. Never bring tabao home.
Well, those women out there are in luck. They no need to feel upset when i go home. They can get priority, because me is single and available. :D
Well Bro Scorp888, those women are NOT in luck. The fact that you are single and have more free time, they can't earn extra and have to be extra careful not to let you find out their multiple income streams! Believe me, they actually prefer married men!
We guys get KCed and die miserably not because we are inexperienced in the KC game... we fall because we tell ourselves: she's different from the rest.
Maybe you don't believe or is hard for you to accept, but I personally know a PRC woman married to a Singaporean, have 2 boys, one of them already Pri 1, but becos she complains the husband doesn't earn enough so she come out to work. In KTVs, where else? Very soon, she's got so many customers, buying her gifts, sending her to n fro work, sexy messages. She use to sleep in the same room with my gal, on the same bed. When I go to my gal's place for sex, she will wake up and go out to do her stuff, eg., shower, wash clothes, cook lunch for us.
My gal used to have a bf who is single n loaded even when we were together. She dumped him like the plague after a few months. Why? Amongst other undesirable traits Bro WB had repeatedly warned us about, this guy, being single, also with intentions to marry her, had too much free time so he followed and track her. Big no no for these gals.
18-04-2012, 09:12 PM
but my question is why? Why bother? Why do you want to prove that she’s genuine? Or why do you want to prove that she’s a cheat?
well said,!! she should b e 1 who is constantly checkin on u,n not e other way round mate,! :eek:
18-04-2012, 10:22 PM
Well Bro Scorp888, those women are NOT in luck. The fact that you are single and have more free time, they can't earn extra and have to be extra careful not to let you find out their multiple income streams! Believe me, they actually prefer married men!
LOL. Guess you're right, bro fallen.angel. I have more time than most married men now to track her. Now I must find a way to put a tracking software in her iphone so that i'll know even more about her secrets. Must confirm early if this is bao chiak, then can abandon ship before it's too late.
Damn. From all the bros' experiences here, look like every PRC gal is a fking prostitute - regardless of what job they're in - whose only motive is $$$. I am more determined now to find out if this CQ gal is also the same, and if so, dump her quickly. I must find that tracking software real soon.
18-04-2012, 11:39 PM
I think I have mentioned this before, and some brothers actually pmed and cursed me.
Some years back, I met a beautiful prc lady at the ktv. At that time, she told me that she already had a singaporean boyfriend. We had sex practically every week. Eventually, she told me that she is marrying her boyfriend, and so we decided to go our ways. About a year later, I received a call from her and we met for drinks, and then eventually ended in a hotel room. She was by now married and bore him a child. Our secret tryst went on for some months, until I finally put a stop to it. Why? She even wanted to bring her child with her when we are going to makeout. From what I understand from her is that after the marriage, the honeymoon ended. She felt neglected and wanted some companionship and sex.
Why I tell this story? Because, it can or may happened to you too.
So if you re in love with a ktv girl. Please be prepared to keep the romance burning.
Will I sleep with another man's wife again?......... I hope not. I easily succumbed to temptations.
Cheers and good night.
19-04-2012, 02:39 AM
LOL. Guess you're right, bro fallen.angel. I have more time than most married men now to track her. Now I must find a way to put a tracking software in her iphone so that i'll know even more about her secrets. Must confirm early if this is bao chiak, then can abandon ship before it's too late.
Damn. From all the bros' experiences here, look like every PRC gal is a fking prostitute - regardless of what job they're in - whose only motive is $$$. I am more determined now to find out if this CQ gal is also the same, and if so, dump her quickly. I must find that tracking software real soon.
Bro Scorp888,
You can download MobileMe from whatsapp on her phone. Only applicable for iphone. Register an email, as you need to use that to set up this in her iphone. You also load this software onto yr PC, or phone. All you need is enter the email and password you will b able to see her location, if her phone is on.
Be warn, you will the tendency to check on her very frequently and disrupt your own routine. Like many bro had said, feel loved, made love, have fun and stay that way. Let what is to happen, happen naturally.
I fully agreed with what Bro fallen.angel had said, they know we can't give them everything, therefore won't stay committed to us. By deciding to come Singapore, they have made up their mind to better their lives. My PRC GF had told me that marriage to them is just a process of life, they can be happily married, still love another man and also milk money from other man. The luckiest man I presume should be the man they love, but this guy must not be meddling with their businesses, which quite a lot of guys cannot handle this when they are KCed.
Just my 2cents worth of opinion.
19-04-2012, 06:07 AM
Yes, DNa all matched no errors.
Procedure was done by my bro who operates in Mt E Medical Ctr!
If I were ur fren, I would definitely get the kids back to SG.
Nope, returned to China. I may be coming back to Singapore for good. I got the short end of the politics here in China, and have been forced to resign.
Welcome back!
Bro Scorp, I won't try to persuade you any further, but I want to quote 2 experiences of friends close to me. And in both cases, the women are not even "night women" but "normal everyday Chinese girls".........................
Please try to keep a level head despite the extreme KC skills the Chinese women have!
Ths for sharing, bro.
I can now totally understand why there's a growing pool of "sheng nu" in China. I've even seen videos of their women proudly singing "no money, no fangzi, no bmw, no marriage!".
It's a money world. What's the future like for their men who don't have $$$? It's a pity. Their women are so much more charming then ours.
I'm not sure the average PRC woman is more attractive than the average SG/M'sian Chinese woman. There r so many more of them...
There’s lots of JB iphone apps that do just that. One of them here:
Do QQ video chat w/ her using iphones unexpectedly can also reveal a lot, hahaha.
We guys get KCed and die miserably not because we are inexperienced in the KC game... we fall because we tell ourselves: she's different from the rest.
Maybe you don't believe or is hard for you to accept, but I personally know a PRC woman married to a Singaporean...............
My gal used to have a bf who is single n loaded even when we were together. She dumped him like the plague after a few months. Why? Amongst other undesirable traits Bro WB had repeatedly warned us about, this guy, being single, also with intentions to marry her, had too much free time so he followed and track her. Big no no for these gals.
KC them but dun get KC-ed urself.
Damn. From all the bros' experiences here, look like every PRC gal is a fking prostitute - regardless of what job they're in - whose only motive is $$$. I am more determined now to find out if this CQ gal is also the same, and if so, dump her quickly. I must find that tracking software real soon.
Not all PRC gals, but certainly many, many of them r just fxking whores, IMHO.
I think I have mentioned this before, and some brothers actually pmed and cursed me.
Some years back, I met a beautiful prc lady at the ktv.............She was by now married and bore him a child. Our secret tryst went on for some months, until I finally put a stop to it. Why? She even wanted to bring her child with her when we are going to makeout. From what I understand from her is that after the marriage, the honeymoon ended. She felt neglected and wanted some companionship and sex.
Why I tell this story? Because, it can or may happened to you too.
So if you re in love with a ktv girl. Please be prepared to keep the romance burning...........................
Hi bro,
Ths for sharing.
At least 50% of married women hv had or will hv extramarital affairs. Among the very attractive ones, I would say more than 80% of them hv had or will hv sex outside marriage.
I shun married women n will never fxk one regardless of how beautiful n sexy she is.
It's my code of conduct.
But, I know married women r the easiest to fxk. Most of them r hungry for attention n sex, haha. My frens in Gotham City used to tell me their exploits w/ married women, mostly MILFS in their 30s n late 20s.
Ever heard of Mark Cunningham?
...........................The luckiest man I presume should be the man they love, but this guy must not be meddling with their businesses, which quite a lot of guys cannot handle this when they are KCed.
IMHO, the luckiest man is one who is rejected, in the beginning, by many chio SYTs of his type, but who eventually manages to fxk all of them n get them addicted emotionally n sexually. He gets their pussies because of his sexual confidence n self mastery n he has no KC for them.
Bro WB
19-04-2012, 09:27 AM
I realize there are singles out there so what I said about not giving them anything more than I’m willing to give, in monetary or non-monetary terms, and therefore not expecting anything more from them, that’s just me. Call me jaded but you enjoy their company and the other stuff but you don’t sacrifice your life/family. Last thing people like us want is a sticky gf who will threaten to cut herself if you don’t give her enough attention right? So I don’t really care what she do behind my back… I always use the exact words my gal used on me last time: 你有你的生活,我有我的生活。
But for the singles who genuinely wants to marry a PRC gal, then I’ll leave it to the experts here to give their take. I’ve just seen and heard enough to draw my own conclusion.
19-04-2012, 09:30 AM
Do QQ video chat w/ her using iphones unexpectedly can also reveal a lot, hahaha.
Bro WB
Bro WB!! Miss you much much!! Yes, in fact there are more than 1000 ways to catch them, LOL! And its so easy! I just can't be bothered! Sometimes, I feel that I can become a very outstanding detective and through the years, you also learn how to be a better liar yourself, and protect yourself. Hahaha!! :P
19-04-2012, 10:28 AM
If I were ur fren, I would definitely get the kids back to SG.
Guru, she dumped the kids wif my friend & they're here in Sinkapore!
That's y, can dump husband still ok but dump the kids like it was never her's is absolutely unbelievable!
Tat's Y, scary shit man these women!
19-04-2012, 12:48 PM
That's y, can dump husband still ok but dump the kids like it was never her's is absolutely unbelievable!
Uh, I personally know at least 2 such cases, and both of them were mainland Chinese men! The last I knew they didn't remarry. I think I understand why, but it sure is tough taking care of a kid alone (I don't think I can survive widowhood!).
19-04-2012, 12:50 PM
Sorry to hear that bro, many non locals have been slowly pushed out of MNCs in PRCs and they are taking over everything, even how the corp wants it to be done, China always seem to be in their own exclusion zone doin things their own way.
It happens. I have no job in hand right now, but 天无绝人之路. I'm sure I can get something along the way, though I suspect I may have to settle for poorer pay and benefits in Singapore. No more company-paid apartment, direct billing medical insurance and being chauffeured from home to work!
19-04-2012, 08:13 PM
Hi Bro Warbird,
Have not heard of this Cunningham fella. So what did he do?
Code of conduct? but if you have seen her before and go to bed with her, before she was married, I am pretty sure even you may succumb to temptation.
Btw have you meet up with Natalie recently? She looked as gorgeous as before.
20-04-2012, 03:01 AM
............So I don’t really care what she do behind my back… I always use the exact words my gal used on me last time: 你有你的生活,我有我的生活。
But for the singles who genuinely wants to marry a PRC gal, then I’ll leave it to the experts here to give their take. I’ve just seen and heard enough to draw my own conclusion.
I also don't care excepting for gals whose pussies r exclusive to n safe for me...haha.
Be very selective when marrying ANY gal, not just a PRC, as over 50% of them will be unfaithful during marriage. If she is very attractive, over 80% will be unfaithful sometime down the road, in my estimation.
Bro WB!! Miss you much much!! Yes, in fact there are more than 1000 ways to catch them, LOL! And its so easy! I just can't be bothered! Sometimes, I feel that I can become a very outstanding detective and through the years, you also learn how to be a better liar yourself, and protect yourself. Hahaha!! :P
Hi Bro FA,
I miss u too!
Yes, there r many ways to detect unfaithfulness. Her voice tone n body language also give valuable clues...
Guru, she dumped the kids wif my friend & they're here in Sinkapore!
That's y, can dump husband still ok but dump the kids like it was never her's is absolutely unbelievable!
Tat's Y, scary shit man these women!
Hi Mr. chairman,
She is really a heartless whore!!
Well, in that case, if I were ur fren, I would be thankful that she had left on her own volition. Just BY a couple of chio gals, hahaha.
Uh, I personally know at least 2 such cases, and both of them were mainland Chinese men! The last I knew they didn't remarry. I think I understand why, but it sure is tough taking care of a kid alone (I don't think I can survive widowhood!).
To be fair, they r many irresponsible jerks/BFs/husbands in every culture who fxk their gals/women/wives, get them pregnant, beat them up, steal their money n disappear.
It happens. I have no job in hand right now, but 天无绝人之路. I'm sure I can get something along the way, though I suspect I may have to settle for poorer pay and benefits in Singapore. No more company-paid apartment, direct billing medical insurance and being chauffeured from home to work!
Hi bro chenzong,
You will do just fine...
Hi Bro Warbird,
Have not heard of this Cunningham fella. So what did he do?
Code of conduct? but if you have seen her before and go to bed with her, before she was married, I am pretty sure even you may succumb to temptation.
Btw have you meet up with Natalie recently? She looked as gorgeous as before.
Hi Bro Besafe,
I'll PM u more info on Mr. Cunningham.
I 1st met Natalie in April of 2008. I found her attractive n sexy. Very proportionate figure. Definitely one of the better M'sian/SG Chinese gals I hv fxked. I hv not seen her since I started BY-ing in May of 2009.
Even during her 'interim' retirement, she gave me her HP n made her pussy available to me. She told me she only met up occasionally w/ a few old frens. I was too 'preoccupied' to meet her. I regret that. Pls give my best wishes n regards to her. I dun mind taking her to dinner, haha.
Bro WB
.................................................. ........................
Good morning!
Success breeds success. Why? A series of success boosts one's confidence n brings yet more success. It's an upward spiral...hahaha.
Several pairs of chio SYTs want to come to SG to be kept by me. There r two very cute gals who r only 17. I'll patiently wait for their 18th birthdays before touching them, in the strictest compliance w/ the law, haha.
Are there bros right now in Chengdu, CQ, Shenzhen, Fuzhou n Beijing? Could u take a look at some of my prospective mistresses?
I'll share a short email from a guru on RS:
"The Safety Complex" that killed your relationship.
Dear Bro Warbird,
Today we're going to talk about a
concept I call "The Safety
Complex". . .
And why it's the real reason your ex girlfriend
or wife didn't RESPECT you enough
to stay with you (no matter
how much she may have loved you
and no matter how much she still loves
you now.)
The fact is for women LOVE is nowhere NEAR
enough to feel really dedicated and committed
to a guy.
To really FALL for a guy and to want to stay
with him forever a woman needs to feel like
a guy is dominant, in charge of the situation and
will keep her (and her kids) taken care
of and SAFE no matter what happens.
Honestly, this is total evolutionary psychology
caveman stuff . . .
It's why women secretly (or not so secretly)
get turned on when they see a guy get into
a fist fight for his woman . . .
Why women are attracted to loud "douchebags"
while they internally snigger at the "nice guy"
sitting right there by their side . . .
And it's why your wife or girlfriend got so
MAD at you for sitting on the couch playing
X box (or "Ex Box" I guess) . . . going
out to hang out with your buddies or doing any of the
other little things that snuck into her brain
and had her convinced that you were NOT the
"real man" she wanted to spend the rest of her life
(The really weird part is that she probably has
NO IDEA any of this is going on in her brain
and has made up all sorts of other reasons you
couldn't be together.)
And more than anything else, that contempt . . .
that unconscious thought that you weren't
enough of a man to take care of her and her
offspring is what crawled into her brain
and ruined your relationship.
So how do you show her you're a man who's
worthy of her?
Well, I'll tell you right now you DON'T do it
by hiding in your bedroom and crying about
your dead relationship.
And you DON'T do it by sending her long
blubbery apology texts.
You do it being untouchable.
If you really want your ex to come crawling back
to you and to feel this insane level of attraction to
you (far beyond what she felt when you first
got together) you've got to show her that
you're not bothered by the break up . . .
That you've "moved on" (even if you're not even close)
to moving on . . .
And plant this seed in her mind that she made a
And then when you DO get her back you've got to be
willing to "Man up" . . .
(We'll talk about how to do that later, but to start:
Don't ASK her where she wants to go to dinner. TELL her where
you're taking her. Don't be a dick. But DO be in charge.)
Guru MK
20-04-2012, 08:24 PM
I will be bringing out a PRC out this Tuesday. Any brother can give any suggestion?
I don't wish to go to hotel yet. But, I don't mind to see how we can progress from here.
I met her at a hang flower joint. She is a dancer there. I don't really have much good impression for PRCs and this is the reason I have rejected a few earlier. Those who have read my posts would have known that I had rejected a few working as massuers in a clean spa. However, for this PRC, she is a bit special. Perhaps, she is a deaf so I thought I can get to know her as friend. This is why I don't wish to go hotel at this moment. Nevertheless, I am a man and not a saint afterall.
During our earlier conversations, I have agreed to buy her a digital camera. Although I don't mind to get her a digital camera but I won't get her anything more expensive.
Btw, I have managed to get a vb to hotel at a few occassions. We spent a few hours watching TV programs inside the hotel. And, that's it. Erm ... I don't even pay her sex. But, vb and PRC are different right?
Hope kind brothers don't tease me nor zap me. Thanks.
21-04-2012, 01:59 AM
Just go with the flow
play with your eyes and ears
I'm afraid if you jump into sex too fast, she may oblige you with more gifts - smart phone, i-pad, i-pod, etc
you mean you know some sign language? you need to know some in order to communicate with a deaf person
personally, I don't like to shower a girl with gifts -makes a man look desperate
21-04-2012, 10:16 AM
Thanks for your suggestion.
Yes, I don like sex with no gfe.
No, I don know sign language. We just text on our phones.
22-04-2012, 02:00 AM
I will be bringing out a PRC out this Tuesday. Any brother can give any suggestion?
I don't wish to go to hotel yet. But, I don't mind to see how we can progress from here...........................
Hope kind brothers don't tease me nor zap me. Thanks.
Hi bro saltwet,
Increase ur perceived social/sexual value, create sexual tension...
Most importantly, change ur frame n ur mindset. You're the catch, the grand prize, hahaha.
Flirt w/ her, be overtly sexual but playful, be relaxed, be in control...get physical, kiss her, then make love to her, give her pleasure she has never experienced in her entire life...
Bro WB
Just go with the flow
play with your eyes and ears
I'm afraid if you jump into sex too fast, she may oblige you with more gifts - smart phone, i-pad, i-pod, etc
you mean you know some sign language? you need to know some in order to communicate with a deaf person
personally, I don't like to shower a girl with gifts -makes a man look desperate
Hi bro callmebad,
My advice is different. See my previous post.
.................................................. .......................................
Good morning!
Talking abt gifts...but 1st I like to reflect on the fact that gals whose pussies I hv missed seem to be the best n the most desirable. It's human nature that we crave things we can't get or hv missed. Is there a component of Rashomon Effect?
There were two gals who had agreed to be BY-ed but I never tasted their abalone cuz they went back to PRC prematurely n abruptly.
One is XX w/ whom I hv had no ctc. She was a very pretty 19 yo SYT from Minqing, Fujian. She is THE best.
The 2nd best is 21 yo XYZ, now 23, w/ whom I reconnected more than 2 months ago. She asked me for an iphone4S to demonstrate my "sincerity." I said NO even though I couldn't wait to make love to her. I said NO even though she is another pretty Fujian gal who has very fair, very smooth n very clear skin w/o any blemishes, just like a Chengdu gal. And she is 170 w/o shoes, 53 kg, has natural C boobs, perky butt n long, straight legs. Oh, n her arms/wrists r very slim, hahaha. Looking at her photos now make my didi very stiff...hahaha.
She was angry that I was not "sincere" abt BY-ing her n removed me from her QQ list. I just laughed it off...
After a month, I added her to my QQ n she accepted n she gradually warmed up to me. BTW, her father was recently discharged from hospital after surviving a life threatening illness n is still recovering. I'm afraid her dad, who is younger than I, will become physically disabled. She is smart enuff not to ask for any money this time. She has agreed to be my mistress, for the 2nd time, but can only come to SG for a 2-wk visit for now.
My former mistress GG is getting married very soon. She has also warmed up to me, haha. We r still good frens. After her marriage, I'll not touch her but expect her to intro some chio SYTs, haha.
Always stay in touch n always be're the PRIZE.
Bro WB
22-04-2012, 06:32 PM
All Bro out there, I have been seeing this PRC gal and making love to her at least once or twice a week, everytime we met. I will not meet her during her PMS period. Our meeting usually last for 6 - 7 hours, from picking her up after work, go straight to Hotel. Dinner is either tapao or she cook and bring. Every encounter minimum 2 rounds sometime even 3.
Recently, she is saying I only want to make love to her and don't love her. Sometime we met, she says don't make love, but I alway have a way to make her do it.
Any bro encounter this and what should I do to make her want to do it more than me. I don't like the feeling of alway me making the advances.
22-04-2012, 06:54 PM
All Bro out there, I have been seeing this PRC gal and making love to her at least once or twice a week, everytime we met. I will not meet her during her PMS period. Our meeting usually last for 6 - 7 hours, from picking her up after work, go straight to Hotel. Dinner is either tapao or she cook and bring. Every encounter minimum 2 rounds sometime even 3.
Recently, she is saying I only want to make love to her and don't love her. Sometime we met, she says don't make love, but I alway have a way to make her do it.
Any bro encounter this and what should I do to make her want to do it more than me. I don't like the feeling of alway me making the advances.
This phrase i hear until sianzzz liao.
This is a indicator for u to note that she give wat ever she can give liao, now she wants to c wat u can give her back in return.
Her time to R.O.I from you has begun;)
22-04-2012, 10:23 PM
All Bro out there, I have been seeing this PRC gal and making love to her at least once or twice a week, everytime we met. I will not meet her during her PMS period. Our meeting usually last for 6 - 7 hours, from picking her up after work, go straight to Hotel. Dinner is either tapao or she cook and bring. Every encounter minimum 2 rounds sometime even 3.
Recently, she is saying I only want to make love to her and don't love her. Sometime we met, she says don't make love, but I alway have a way to make her do it.
Any bro encounter this and what should I do to make her want to do it more than me. I don't like the feeling of alway me making the advances.
bro lovetogive,
Lucky you. Sounds like you no need to give money or "生活费" yet you eat abalone for free. Must share share your seduction skills leh.
23-04-2012, 01:13 AM
I met her at a hang flower joint. She is a dancer there. I don't really have much good impression for PRCs and this is the reason I have rejected a few earlier. Those who have read my posts would have known that I had rejected a few working as massuers in a clean spa. However, for this PRC, she is a bit special. Perhaps, she is a deaf so I thought I can get to know her as friend. This is why I don't wish to go hotel at this moment. Nevertheless, I am a man and not a saint afterall.
If you are refer to that dancer in a HFJ in "L" area, she is quite an emotional lady.. but she look gorgeous in a certain way...:p
24-04-2012, 12:12 AM
bro lovetogive,
Lucky you. Sounds like you no need to give money or "生活费" yet you eat abalone for free. Must share share your seduction skills leh.
Bro, I still give some allowance. Though she can made more for that type of time with me. 没有免费的午餐。her favorite phrase, 人家一千我都不出,陪你一天,跟你做爱,还要看你脸色,被你问这问那的。
Maybe Bro Do You Bj is correct, She start to realize ROI no good.
24-04-2012, 12:41 AM
Bro, I still give some allowance. Though she can made more for that type of time with me. 没有免费的午餐。her favorite phrase, 人家一千我都不出,陪你一天,跟你做爱,还要看你脸色,被你问这问那的。
Maybe Bro Do You Bj is correct, She start to realize ROI no good.
Aiyah bro, u play how long already?
Fuck how many nite scene pussies?
Play mind game how many wins how many kills?
Once u play till like me like tat, their ear twitch u also noe wat pattern coming out liao.
All the same wan la!
Dun bother too much but be very prepared to abandon ship very very soon else sure kenna wear green hat very very soon!
U hv been warned!
26-04-2012, 01:37 AM
Good morning!
I like to thank all the esteemed bros for posting here. I'll be very busy for the next 3 wks n will post infrequently.
Pls continue to share ur experiences n insights.
Bro WB
Paul Wong
26-04-2012, 03:59 AM
Good morning bros,
Recently this ktv gal keep jio-in me go out chiong n dancing.
She say she will jio her frens n ask me bring some guys fren out too.
Do know what she up to. I scare waste time n eat no meat.
Senior & experience bros, pls advise. Is it true sometimes there are these prc gals wking in ktv feel long n like to chiong n hv fun. And bringing them go chiong isit veri good chance to eat them after party. Or mostly just wanna make use us bring them out for fun n carrot us.
26-04-2012, 01:43 PM
Good morning bros,
Recently this ktv gal keep jio-in me go out chiong n dancing.
She say she will jio her frens n ask me bring some guys fren out too.
Do know what she up to. I scare waste time n eat no meat.
Senior & experience bros, pls advise. Is it true sometimes there are these prc gals wking in ktv feel long n like to chiong n hv fun. And bringing them go chiong isit veri good chance to eat them after party. Or mostly just wanna make use us bring them out for fun n carrot us.
Bro Paul Wong,
I'm not a senior here and I'm learning alot from the other kind Big Bros here who share their knowledge skills experiences and advice with me.
But I wanna say if I were u, I would be happy to take her out to chiong for at least one night, maybe two, becoz u get to knw her more closely n have chance to "bond" with her so u get a closer look and feel about her character. Your frens also come along and share the bills - one man one gal, not so heavy burden mah. A bit of $$$ need to be invested in order to give yourself the chance to eat her, just budget accordingly, don't go to 5-star restaurants in MBS, go to places that are not costly but fun, where u and her can be relaxed.
PRC ktv gals are also quite smart they know S'pore guys have some $$$ but always want to eat them, so depends on how you play the game to remove their defences.
At least she didn't start by asking u for gifts. Ktv gals have plenty of men chase them but they play hard to get. So maybe you already have a good start.
26-04-2012, 02:58 PM
newbie here too...reckon she might b spreadin net,c hw many fishes gt caught up & start milkin them accordinly wif subjective approach
01-05-2012, 02:37 AM
Good morning!
Man-woman RS is quite complex. I like to share a brief report written by a guru MS on:
There's always a lot of emphasis placed on not giving one's power
away when relating to women. Yet, the exact meaning of this
concept continually eludes a lot of guys out there.
It's easy to see why this would be the case.
On one hand, the vast majority of us don't want to be controlling
I/Js (Idiot/Jerks).
But on the other hand, we see countless instances on television
of guys in sitcoms who think they're "large and in charge", but
who in reality are nothing more than, well...p-whipped.
It's pretty much your biggest nightmare when it comes to
relationship management, isn't it?
As a man, you know you're supposed to provide leadership and a
sense of security to a woman in a relationship. But there just
aren't a lot of shining examples out there with regard to how to be
effective at it.
It used to be that men knew how to quarterback a relationship. Men
were men, and the women loved us for it.
But somewhere in the latter half of the twentieth century,
something went awry.
Perhaps this all started way back in the Stone Age of television,
when "The Honeymooners" graced the black and white screen. In
case you're curious, I'm way too young to remember that also, but
therein lies part of the problem.
You see, a major subplot of the show involved Jackie Gleason's
booming, demanding, larger-than-life persona and how he related to
his wife.
Though seeming to have a "my way or the highway" attitude, whenever
the chips were down he would crack under pressure and become an
indecisive, self-loathing ball of confusion.
It was then his wife would step in, take care of business and save
the day.
Why was the show so funny? You guessed it: The genius of Jackie
Gleason was, of course...ironic comedy.
Men didn't REALLY act like that. So when you saw it happening on
television, it made you laugh.
Years later, The Flintstones were basically modeled after the
Honeymooners. In between Ricky and Lucy had come along. And the
die was cast.
Fast forward to today, and nearly EVERY television comedy involves
a guy who is full of sound and fury, but in the end...p-whipped.
And because such scenarios have been a fixture on television for so
long, most of us no longer remember when they weren't.
The danger is that we as guys begin to see that kind of
relationship as NORMAL, rather than the comedic aberration it's
meant to be.
The cold hard truth is this: Though women will test your ability
to lead and provide security to a relationship, they really don't
want to "own" you. Not in real life.
In fact, show me a woman who "wears the pants" in a relationship,
and I'll show you a bitter, resentful woman.
Think about it. Running through the file cards of your mind, can
you think of any woman you know who has her boyfriend in her back
pocket but also respects him and adores him in the way most men
So no doubt, it's time to get in touch with exactly how we as guys
tend to fall into a dangerous state of having been "pwned" by the
chick we're with.
Granted, I don't think any of us decide from the outset that we're
going to become p-whipped. For most guys who end up in that zone,
it all happens so gradually that one day you wake up and it dawns
on you that you're already there.
Crazy, huh?
Here's a little 20/20 foresight for you. What follows are five ways
you can get p-whipped without ever even realizing what hit you:
1) Her Controlling You By Weakness
She's feeling sick or is too tired, so you cater to her (again)
because you feel sorry for her. And since you are sick of the
place looking like hell, you also do all the dishes ...and pick up
all the trash ...and clean the bathroom ...again.
I'm not saying that the opposite should be the case and that she
should do all the heavy lifting. I'm simply demonstrating how the
balance shifts from a reasonable place to "all you all the time".
2) Stepping In When She Messes Up
OK, well she has burned your dinner and/or put too much salt in the
spaghetti sauce one time too many. So you cook dinner from now on.
And she threw a red t-shirt in with your white socks again, ruining
every pair you have. So you do the laundry from now on.
And whenever she does the grocery shopping, she has this way of
buying $100 worth of stuff...and nothing to eat. Or drink, either.
If she demonstrates incompetence--or even perceived
incompetence--enough, you'll pretty much take over everything...right?
3) Dreading Her Drama Over Even The Little Things
Face it, we as guys can't stand theatrical demos and hurt feelings.
The last thing the typical guy wants to handle is having made a
woman cry.
So instead of dealing with the fallout from potential conflict, we
avoid it altogether.
4) Considering Her "Out Of Your League"
If you are not used to having high-quality options when it comes to
women, you may very feel you've hit the friggin' jackpot when a
true hottie walks into your life.
If your mindset is such that you feel you're going to have to be
"Mr. Perfect" in order to pull off keeping her around, you're toast.
5) Thinking It's Harder To Break Up And Start All Over Than To Just
Let It Ride
You may see yourself becoming a bit resentful and dissatisfied with
how things are going in the relationship. But in your mind it
sounds like too much work to end this relationship and have to find
another woman.
After all, how bad can it possibly get? Some people have nobody in
their lives, so at least you have someone.
Do you see a pattern here? The irony of how most guys get
p-whipped is that they initially see their decisions and subsequent
actions as being rooted in strength rather than weakness.
Amazingly, they really believe themselves to be leading. They
believe their acting courageously in "toughing it out" and staying
the course.
It's easy to enter into any of the situations above feeling like
you're taking the proverbial "bull by the horns" and making
something happen YOUR way and by YOUR rulebook.
But the subtle and insidious reality is that you quickly fall prey
to tolerating passivity from the woman you are with, which--in a
twist of ultimate irony--puts her in complete, utter control.
Worst of all, she probably never really wanted it that way.
Ultimately she loses respect for you, and her attraction towards
you goes away along with it.
Wear the pants, gentlemen, lest you lose your shirt.
Be Good,
01-05-2012, 02:41 AM
gOOd insights bRuR warbird :)
05-05-2012, 02:17 AM
gOOd insights bRuR warbird :)
Ths bro S.B.Y.1.
.................................................. ..........................
Good morning!
I'm going to slow down in my practice of BY-ing. I hv a lot more than I can handle at this time, in SG n in PRC. I'll not be actively looking for any unless she is exceptional...
BTW, there r 3 very pretty n cute SYT students in PRC who r ready to come to SG. They want 35 to 50K RMB a month plus expenses. Unfortunately, they r only 17. I shall wait patiently for them until they turn 18 next yr, hahaha. I know my style of BY-ing may not sit well w/ some frens n bros cuz I'm more than 3X older. Why not? They r willing n fact, they r most perturbed when I explained to them why they couldn't come pun intended.
I'm thankful to my kakis n SBF bros here who hv given their advice n support to my BY-ing activities in my formative yrs. I hv the right ecosystem...hahaha.
There is an article I like to share w/ bros here.
Knowledge Alone Won’t Change You
Dear Bro Warbird,
So last week, I spent 6 days in the Caribbean working with a group of men and some women on facing fears, stripping away noise and honing in on deepest strengths.
Everyone stood and gave a talk on their deepest wisdom, their core power.
And I want to share with you the core concept of one of the talks – given by a Silicon Valley dealmaker.
The core is this: knowledge can change you only a little. What will help you truly transform is to build an ecosystem around you that supports you.
What does that mean?
It means you surround yourself with ideas, books, programs, audios, videos, podcasts, youtube clips that nourish your ambition and feed your advancement.
You jettison junk media that clutters your mind with trivia and you hone your mental instrument.
It means you surround yourself with PEOPLE who not only support your rapid evolution but who, like you, live lives that are devoted to growth and evolution.
You jettison those who want to keep you in your place. Who want to keep you limited. Who want to crunch your potential down to fit the convenience of their perception and imagined hierarchy. As you grow, as you change, as you gain skills, your very advancement will often threaten the status quo and role of your parents, your brothers, your friends. Be on guard! A few choice words from them may send you reeling back through weeks, months or even years of hard-gained wisdom.
As I see it, there are two types of people. First – those who are committed – almost like soldiers – to expand their minds, improve their bodies, deepen their ability to know and feel their emotions, to open their hearts to feel the reality of others, to achieve greatness at every chance and to love fearlessly no matter what.
And second – the living dead. Better looking that the Walking Dead – but no less in stasis. Just existing. Without a sense of adventure, growth or change.
If you are with me, then you are devoted to ever-greater success with women, ever more internal power and confidence (grounded in truth, curiosity and vulnerability).
And despite your highest estimation of yourself – you can’t to this alone.
We are social beings. We need tribes. We thrive on ecosystems of support.
So this weekend I want you to think about your ecosystem. What are reading? What are you watching? Who are you hanging around with? Are you getting coaching? Do you attend workshops? What are you studying? Who is supporting you?
Additionally – how can I support you? What do you need to learn? To do ? To practice?
Improvement is your choice.
So is the ecosystem you choose to live in.
Leave your comments below – let me know what you need. What you want. And where you want to go.
To Your Best Life,
GA, The Guru
05-05-2012, 10:18 AM
I'm going to slow down in my practice of BY-ing. I hv a lot more than I can handle at this time, in SG n in PRC. I'll not be actively looking for any unless she is exceptional...
Bro warbird, I doubt you are able to slow down, even if you have more than you can handle, and even if you are not actively looking.
How would I know? Your last phrase "unless she is exceptional". And trust me, I suspect the universe is already sending out feelers for more of these exception ones to cross your path, since you are already in that "ready" state of mind.
Take care!
06-05-2012, 11:57 AM
Due to my philips TV broke down on Fri,(just bought for 6 mths, will not buy philips products anymore) I have been surfing and reading some interesting threads.
Found this thread very informative and interesting. I envy TS job able to earn so much and not the no of syt he is BY. :)
Anyway thanks for sharing.
Wonder what u work as :D
08-05-2012, 08:39 AM
Bro warbird, I doubt you are able to slow down, even if you have more than you can handle, and even if you are not actively looking.
How would I know? Your last phrase "unless she is exceptional". And trust me, I suspect the universe is already sending out feelers for more of these exception ones to cross your path, since you are already in that "ready" state of mind.
Take care!
Dear bro chenzong,
"An exceptional gal" is very, very rare, n to me at least, she must hv many desirable attributes in addition to my type of beauty n proportionate figure. She is someone 可遇而不可求, n one could only meet such a person by chance n serendipity, not by conscious n active seeking...hahaha.
Will I ever hv such a gal as my long-term lover? Yes, but I'll leave everything to predestined affinity.
BTW, I'm going to slow down in BY-ing cuz I'm reminded of a saying:
Whatever you do, do it in moderation.
Throw moderation to the winds,
and the greatest pleasures will bring the greatest pains.
Will I see u in SG soon?
Due to my philips TV broke down on Fri,(just bought for 6 mths, will not buy philips products anymore) I have been surfing and reading some interesting threads.
Found this thread very informative and interesting. I envy TS job able to earn so much and not the no of syt he is BY. :)
Anyway thanks for sharing.
Wonder what u work as :D
Hi bro sportserj,
Phillips electronic products, like Jaguar motocars, r notoriously Ang Moh fren in America had his brand new Jaguar towed 5 times in 12 months, once he had to call AAA to tow his car which was parked outside a zoo!
I used to hv a self-employed career in Gotham City but dun hv a job now. Zero earned income. I subsist entirely on passive income from various sources. I hv been lucky in that I hv made a little extra money on equities investing n position trading, just enuff to BY all these chio SYTs, haha.
08-05-2012, 11:50 AM
Will I see u in SG soon?
I'd in SG this week and next week. I'm still seeking out possible openings in China, and if I really cannot get, I'd return to SG. SG really difficult to find suitable jobs for me at a pay I can accept.
09-05-2012, 02:00 AM
I'd in SG this week and next week. I'm still seeking out possible openings in China, and if I really cannot get, I'd return to SG. SG really difficult to find suitable jobs for me at a pay I can accept.
Hi bro chenzong,
I'm going to miss u again. I'll return to SG in abt 2 wks.
You should develop multiple streams of income n not rely solely on ur pay checks...
Bro WB
.................................................. .............
Good morning,
Lately, I hv started a new strategy in BY-ing. If a gal n her sister or best fren r both my type, I boldly make clear that I want to BY them, together under one roof.
The results r better than I expected. In the last 3 1/2 months, 3 offers n 3 yes's!
I made the 4th offer today. She is a tall (169) n chio 24 yo Havelock Rd gal YX who accepted my BY last yr but I never upped her cuz of bad timing. She is now in PRC. The other day, I saw a pic of her younger sister NX who is very beautiful!! She is 22, though shorter at 165.
I told YX playfully via weixin that I want both of them to come to SG to be my mistresses, haha. She was very surprised: 真的吗?I said yes. She will try to convince her sister, hahaha. Everything would depend on their visa app...
Bro WB
09-05-2012, 04:54 PM
Hi bro chenzong,
I'm going to miss u again. I'll return to SG in abt 2 wks.
You should develop multiple streams of income n not rely solely on ur pay checks...
You are right indeed. How do I successfully go about it, that's another bag of monkeys entirely.
11-05-2012, 01:34 AM
You are right indeed. How do I successfully go about it, that's another bag of monkeys entirely.
Dear bro,
Changes r inevitable in life.
Be bold. This could be your golden opportunity...
Good luck!
Bro WB
11-05-2012, 10:13 PM
Hi bro sportserj,
Phillips electronic products, like Jaguar motocars, r notoriously Ang Moh fren in America had his brand new Jaguar towed 5 times in 12 months, once he had to call AAA to tow his car which was parked outside a zoo!
I used to hv a self-employed career in Gotham City but dun hv a job now. Zero earned income. I subsist entirely on passive income from various sources. I hv been lucky in that I hv made a little extra money on equities investing n position trading, just enuff to BY all these chio SYTs, haha.
Yes, luck plays a part. ;-)
13-05-2012, 02:16 AM
Yes, luck plays a part. ;-)
Hi bro,
Luck, chance n randomness actually play a pivotal role in life...
However, there is also some truth in the maxim that luck favors the prepared mind.
May luck be w/ u always,
Bro WB
.................................................. .......................
Good morning!
I hv mentioned my new MO in boldly offering to BY 2 gals together, if they both happen to be my type n if they r either sisters or best frens.
Being bold, overtly sexual n radically different must be attractive as YX has suddenly warmed up to me. She has been sending her sexy photos, hahaha.
She is not from Fujian.
I can't deny that my liking for FJ gals could be a Rashomon Effect.
IMHO, in SG, the best quality SYTs in terms of looks n figure r Fujian gals who worked at KTVS, 3-4 yrs ago. Unfortunately, they were poorly educated n most of these gals don't even come anymore...I hv found only 2 who meet my lowered criteria in the last 2 yrs.
Bro WB
Big B
13-05-2012, 07:21 PM
I have deliberated on a key reason as to why it is difficult for men to learn emotional mastery.
The answer is drama series!! LOL
True love showcased in drama series are often sweet, dramatic & about selfless love. This has created unrealistic expectations in both males and females - especially so if both parties are young.
When a guy feels he has met the "chosen" one, he gives his all in the hopes his feelings will be reciprocated. This lack of self mastery ultimately, more often than not, results in a poor outcome.
Recently, I have concluded a relationship with a "strong" woman who is independant and an alpha female so to speak. Both parties want the relationship to work (cos we are attracted to strength) but unfortunately, this is a classic example of an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object.
I called the relationship quits after admitting to myself both parties are simply hanging on for the sake of hanging on (i.e. neither one wants to admit defeat by giving up). Changing myself to fit her expectations would lead to me being miserable and vice versa. Still, it was a good learning experience.
It is my hope that this sharing will help other bros learn that you must first understand what kind of woman makes you happy before you can be truly happy. Sadly, the kind of behaviours shown by men in drama series that makes a good show kills attraction rather than build it.
On a brighter note, a gal told me last week she likes me more and more. My serious reply was: 喜欢我不能怪你.
The reply from her was: Remember to call me. - which I never did.
14-05-2012, 01:41 PM
When a guy feels he has met the "chosen" one, he gives his all in the hopes his feelings will be reciprocated. This lack of self mastery ultimately, more often than not, results in a poor outcome.
Interestingly, it is only after there were several times when I was ready to walk out of the relationship, despite the cost, that the marriage improved. We were able to discover what really works in our marriage, what we really want of each other.
15-05-2012, 09:27 AM
I have deliberated on a key reason as to why it is difficult for men to learn emotional mastery.
The answer is drama series!! LOL
True love showcased in drama series are often sweet, dramatic & about selfless love. This has created unrealistic expectations in both males and females - especially so if both parties are young.
When a guy feels he has met the "chosen" one, he gives his all in the hopes his feelings will be reciprocated. This lack of self mastery ultimately, more often than not, results in a poor outcome..........................
On a brighter note, a gal told me last week she likes me more and more. My serious reply was: 喜欢我不能怪你.
The reply from her was: Remember to call me. - which I never did.
Hi Bro Big B,
Ths so much for ur insights on emotional mastery n RS.
IMHO, when a man begins to treat his woman/wife/GF/mistress/er nai/lover as someone "very special" n puts her on a pedestal, she will lose respect n attraction for him n the RS will eventually fail. He must be dominant n be prepared to walk away when his boundaries r violated, even if he loves her. That is self mastery.
A man is very attractive n sexy cuz he is very confident n masculine (in character). Period. It's very difficult for a woman, regardless of how attractive she is, to leave such a man.
Bro WB
Interestingly, it is only after there were several times when I was ready to walk out of the relationship, despite the cost, that the marriage improved. We were able to discover what really works in our marriage, what we really want of each other.
Good for u! If u were not ready to walk out, the RS would hv failed.
I'm beginning to believe male-female RS is an exact science...hahaha.
Bro WB
15-05-2012, 11:41 PM
A man is very attractive n sexy cuz he is very confident n masculine (in character). Period. It's very difficult for a woman, regardless of how attractive she is, to leave such a man
Totally agree with u bro...:D
22-05-2012, 09:56 PM
Totally agree with u bro...:D
Hi bro CptCum,
Brilliant minds think alike, hahaha.
I wish I knew that when I was a teenager.
If a man has supreme confidence n masculinity, he will attract many chio gals. However, to maintain his attractiveness n to keep his women n, better yet, to get them addicted to him, he needs to give them regular COS n /or squirting orgasms (SO).
I'm a complete newbie in SO n I hope esteemed bros here r generous enuff to share their expertise/experiences on this refined art. I believe it's possible to give EVERY healthy female squirting orgasm regularly.
Bro WB
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