View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
23-05-2012, 10:02 AM
Welcome back, bro Warbird! This thread has been quite empty without you! :D
23-05-2012, 10:18 AM
Welcome back bro Warbird!!
Squirting Os – I don’t think every women can achieve that. In my extremely limited experience, I’ve only managed to make one squirt – it was easy and it took less than 5 minutes, but the rest were all misses. Dripping wet, yes, but I’ve yet to encounter another squirter.
24-05-2012, 12:49 PM
Welcome back, bro Warbird! This thread has been quite empty without you! :D
Hi bro chenzong,
Ths. When will I see u in SG?
Welcome back bro Warbird!!
Squirting Os – I don’t think every women can achieve that. In my extremely limited experience, I’ve only managed to make one squirt – it was easy and it took less than 5 minutes, but the rest were all misses. Dripping wet, yes, but I’ve yet to encounter another squirter.
Hi bro FA,
According to several Ang Moh gurus, EVERY woman can experience SO regularly if she is w/ the right man, haha. The difference is in the amt of ejaculation.
So far I hv been unsuccessful n I'm learning n working hard...
There is a gal whose love juice flows down her perineum n wets the bed n even the inner thighs (when standing up), but no ejaculation.
One gal could sometimes squirt after I pull out my didi, but her orgasm, while quite intense, is not "out of the world" as described by some gurus. Am I missing something here?
Bro WB
.................................................. ........
Good afternoon!
I hv been unusually busy lately...I hv to catch up w/ some paper work, etc.
The stock markets hv taken quite a beating in recent wks. Fortunately, my key investment is down only slightly. My lucky streak is continuing as my investment in another start up biotech co has done well. Recently, its key drug was recommended for approval by a FDA expert panel. Actual approval could come soon...
My lao po is 24 n she has given her best yrs to me...I hope she will return to PRC next yr to get married, just like GG.
BTW, CD, the now 23 yo tall Shanghai gal reconnected w/ me recently. Although I didn't like her pussy before cuz of...strangely it now appears exotic n sexy to me now, haha. She speaks very good English n now is working for a large company. She will return to SG soon.
Separately, I'm in the process of getting two 18 yo Chengdu gals to come here.
At this time I like to share "5 shocking sex facts" w./ bros here:
5 shocking sex facts
Sex facts are always brilliant. The problem is we all talk about sex so much that there’s very little that shocks or surprises us anymore. Did you know that there’s seven calories in one tablespoon of sperm (yawn)? Yet, sometimes you can find a crazy sex gem that boggles your mind. Here are five shocking sex facts that will surprise you:
Sex can help you give a great speech
Before you get carried away, we are not suggesting you hop into bed with your boss or sleep with the entire audience. However, having sex can help ease those all too familiar and very dreaded pre-speech nerves. This theory was developed by the psychologist Stuart Brody, who asked 22 women and 22 men to keep sex diaries about their bedroom antics. The group of men and women then had to undertake stressful tasks, like public speaking and mental arithmetic tests. Brody found that the couples who had had penetrative sex were less stressed and their blood pressure levels returned to normal at more speed that the others. Sadly though, those who “did it” alone did not reap the calming benefits, so buddy up before your next big speech.
The Victorians were filthy
It turns out that the Victorians weren’t the tight-lipped prudes we once imagined. In fact it would seem that the Brits of the nineteenth century were a rather fruity bunch. Not only was this the age that heralded the vibrator as a cure for hysteria, but it also saw a rise in kinky behaviour and tools, such as nipple piercings, pubic wigs and some rather gruesome looking sex chairs. The sauciness doesn’t end there though. Although it is still disputed, it’s thought that the term blow job also derives from this “prudish” period where people would speak about a ‘below job’ and referred to prostitutes as ‘blowsys’.
We kiss to inoculate
Researchers at the University of Leeds believe that humans kiss to inoculate. Women who catch cytomegalovirus typically cannot carry a baby to term. However, if women are exposed to the virus in small doses then they become inoculated. And how can you inoculate against the virus? Why, through swapping saliva of course. Therefore, the brain boxes at the University of Leeds have concluded that we don’t jump into bed with each other straightaway because if we did we might infect women. Therefore we kiss to protect women from catching cytomegalovirus. So pucker up and stay healthy by smooching.
Giving oral is as good as the gym
Sadly girls, giving oral will only benefit you if you’re the giver not the taker. A study has found that pleasuring a guy and swallowing can lower women’s blood pressure and reduce their risk of getting pre-eclampsia. However, if you don’t have the stomach to tackle your man’s area in this way there are other ways you can lower your blood pressure. Another study found that having regular sex with a partner you lived with could lower your diastolic blood pressure, whilst another study found a link between cuddling and reduced blood pressure. So, although you shouldn’t give up on the gym altogether, ladies, it might be worth swapping your sports kit for something a little slinkier once in a while.
Sperm is a great face cream
Although it’s not a great idea to bottle your man stuff and give it to your girl as a present, it turns out that sperm contains protein, which if applied to the face has the same anti-wrinkle benefits as moisturising creams. Apparently the white stuff can tighten skin and give you a little surgery-free facelift. Interestingly, this isn’t the only benefit sperm has to offer. It also contains zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium and fructose. Plus, if you’re still not convinced that sperm is super, a recent study in Albany found that women who had sex without condoms had fewer signs of depression than women who used condoms or did not have sex at all. Three cheers for semen.
Bro WB
24-05-2012, 12:56 PM
Hi bro chenzong,
Ths. When will I see u in SG?
Assuming I cannot get a job in China or elsewhere and have to return to Singapore, about early to mid July. I have yet to land a job till date. Interesting how you can get tons of headhunters when you are not actively looking for them, and how nobody wants you when you are actively looking.
The power of attraction indeed.
26-05-2012, 11:41 AM
Assuming I cannot get a job in China or elsewhere and have to return to Singapore, about early to mid July. I have yet to land a job till date. Interesting how you can get tons of headhunters when you are not actively looking for them, and how nobody wants you when you are actively looking.
The power of attraction indeed.
Yeah, had the same experience while being unemployed for four months in 2007. But, work your contacts. I found my job by calling my previous client who incidentally wants to move to a different post within the company so I was recommended and I got the job since I am familiar with the work albeit from a different perspective.
27-05-2012, 03:53 PM
Assuming I cannot get a job in China or elsewhere and have to return to Singapore, about early to mid July. I have yet to land a job till date. Interesting how you can get tons of headhunters when you are not actively looking for them, and how nobody wants you when you are actively looking.
The power of attraction indeed.
Hi bro chenzong,
You hv touched on a fascinating subject. The power of attraction is awesome, but it is always governed by the immutable law of attraction.
The law of attraction simply states that you attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest.
Let me give u a few of my favourite quotes:
You create your own universe as you go along. - Winston Churchill
A person is what he or she thinks about all day long. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. - W. Clement Stone
All that we are is a result of what we have thought. - Buddha
Let me cite 2 examples of how the law of attraction can explain the following seemingly paradoxical situations.
1) The banks r eager to lend money to those who don't need it, whereas they shun those who need money desperately.
If u are very positive abt money, ur positive thoughts n feelings will attract lots of money n u will become wealthy, sooner rather than later. The banks will line up to give u loans n credit cards which u don't need.
If u are desperate for money n feel negative abt money, u will repel money n become poorer n poorer. All the banks will avoid u as if u were a leper.
2) There is a lot of truth in the following advice re attracting women. It's simplistic but basically true.
My Rule of thumb:
> > If you want her - ignore her
> > If you want to get rid of her - chase her
If u are very confident n believe u hv more value than a particular woman, regardless of how beautiful she is, u will ignore her. As a result, she will be more attracted to u. It's ur positive thoughts n emotions abt urself which attract her.
On the other hand, if u believe she has more value than u and u need to chase her to get her pussy, it's ur negative thoughts n emotions which drive her away.
Whatever u want to achieve, if u hv confidence n positive thoughts/beliefs/emotions all day long, day after day, u will eventually receive what u want. It's a certainty.
Dear bro chenzong, be very patient. If u are always very positive, in both ur conscious n subconscious mind, u will get the job u desire. It's a certainty.
Bro WB
29-05-2012, 10:27 AM
But, work your contacts. I found my job by calling my previous client who incidentally wants to move to a different post within the company so I was recommended and I got the job since I am familiar with the work albeit from a different perspective.
Dear bro chenzong, be very patient. If u are always very positive, in both ur conscious n subconscious mind, u will get the job u desire. It's a certainty
Thank you for the pointers. I am indeed doing what you have mentioned. It is harder than one thought, to be patient!
29-05-2012, 08:48 PM
Thank you for the pointers. I am indeed doing what you have mentioned. It is harder than one thought, to be patient!
Bro, Have you ever seriously thought about hiring yourself ?
30-05-2012, 09:03 AM
Bro, Have you ever seriously thought about hiring yourself ?
As in going into business? My overheads (family of 5) are a big, and my pockets too shallow to think about it. Capital is an issue, as is also the 6-month buffer for my family to live comfortably while the business rolls. I made the mistake of not thinking of the 6-month buffer when I first entered into business, and it was a disaster.
30-05-2012, 10:40 AM
Thank you for the pointers. I am indeed doing what you have mentioned. It is harder than one thought, to be patient!
Hi bro chenzong,
Patience is a great virtue.
Your positive thoughts n emotions and focused actions will definitely bring u what u r seeking.
"A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else."
Become a MASTER of life, bro.
Bro WB
Bro, Have you ever seriously thought about hiring yourself ?
As in going into business? My overheads (family of 5) are a big, and my pockets too shallow to think about it. Capital is an issue, as is also the 6-month buffer for my family to live comfortably while the business rolls. I made the mistake of not thinking of the 6-month buffer when I first entered into business, and it was a disaster.
Hi bros,
Perhaps u should get a good position now, save up at least 6-month buffer, then u can go into business on your own. You could partner w/ someone or raise capital from investors...
While you're employed by someone else, dun sit idle; instead, u should actively prepare urself n get ready to become self-employed in a business of ur own choosing.
But whatever u do, read How To Be Rich by J. Paul Getty, read it at least 3 times. Then read it again every 3 months. He was named the richest man in the world by Fortune in the 50s.
Here is a recent article on the legendary businessman/investor:
The Great Minds of the Market: Getty's Grit and Glory
by Carl Delfeld, Investment U Senior Analyst
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Carl Delfeld
Upon seeing the first chapter entitled How I Made My First Billion, I knew I had a winning book in my hands...
J. Paul Getty's book, How to Be Rich, was recommended by Mark Ford in a recent column. In fact, he advised that even if you've already read it, read it again.
So I promptly ordered it and read it twice in one week.
What a fantastic book. Getty's life story alone is inspiring, but what makes it special is his blunt and personal advice.
Getty was fortunate to have oil and common sense in his blood in equal proportions.
His father was a successful businessman who moved west to become a wildcatter in the rough and tumble Oklahoma oil boom. J. Paul grew up around the business doing the tough and gritty work at the wellhead before striking out on his own.
With no capital at all, the first deal for this independent wildcatter gave him a 15% share of the profits. Then his father grubstaked him, taking 70% of the profits while the Oxford-educated son worked right next to the roustabouts with his battered car serving as his office.
By the age of 24, he became a millionaire. His next move was to explore for oil in California where his success expanded into property and stocks.
What makes this book different is that it isn't just about how to get rich, but how to live a full and rich life. In Getty's view, the key is to be a non-conformist, to be independent and willing to challenge conventional wisdom.
After reading the first chapter, I had a tremendous urge to jump out of my chair and dig for oil in my backyard. (I settled on just planting a tree.)
Taking on Getty's Life Lessons
The Getty story pulsates with activity, nerve and initiative. Here's my take on Getty's life lessons and how they can be applied to become a more successful investor and businessperson.
Be stealthy - Getty won his first oil property in a competitive bid for only $500 by using a bank as his proxy, thereby scaring away independent competitors.
Separate fact from opinion - Getty always tried to dig deep for facts and challenge "expert" opinions. He was one of the few wildcatters who studied and used geological data to make decisions.
Be independent - Getty loved being an independent wildcatter outwitting the big boys. It's hard to imagine him sitting in a cubicle, or any office, for that matter.
Look ahead and learn from mistakes - Getty was way ahead of his time in seeing great growth opportunities in international markets. Half a dozen times in his book, he literally kicks the reader to look beyond America's borders. And Getty doesn't pass the buck, but admits his blunders. One beauty was to pass on a bargain-basement opportunity to gain a foothold in the oil-rich Middle East in the 1930s only to pay $12 million for a Saudi concession in 1946. (Still a great move.)
Be patient, but take risks in down markets by finding quality values - Getty was a master in taking advantage of great stock values in depressed and crisis markets. Much of his great fortune can be traced back to the 1930s when he scooped up resource stocks and properties at bargain prices.
Finally, Getty chose his targets carefully and had the courage of conviction to jump in when others were scared to death. He put it this way:
"The big profits go to the intelligent, careful and patient investor, not to the restless and overeager speculator... The seasoned investor buys stocks when they are low, holds them for the long-pull rise and takes in between dips and slumps in his stride."
All great lessons and reminders to investors and businessmen of any skill level...
Good Investing,
Carl Delfeld
BTW, "patience" was mentioned twice in this brief article.
I know not everyone wants or needs to be the richest man in the world, but becoming independently wealthy should be quite easy, if one is to follow Getty's advice n take focused action.
I 1st read Getty's book on 10 March, 1995. I hv read it only several times since. It's time for me to read it again n again...
Bro WB
30-05-2012, 11:19 AM
Good morning!
More random musings on money, pussies n life.
J. Paul Getty made his 1st billion in USD abt 80 yrs ago. To put it in perspective, Singapore's GDP was a mere 1 billion USD around 1971, 41 yrs ago.
I hv talked abt making money cuz it's a prerequisite in getting the chio pussies u want, everything else being equal.
Fortunately, only little money is needed to BY chio SYTs from China, hahaha. Really no need to be another J. Paul Getty.
I'm a simple man w/ simple needs. I go for what I want but my greed is always well under control. I'll keep my current lao po (my 1st BAO-ee) until she gets married. I'll hv another perhaps 1-3 younger gals (at least 18) on the side, on short-term BYs, usually "imported" directly from PRC. Some of these gals only dare to come together.
More importantly, I'm improving myself, improving others, improving everything around me, in every way, every day...
I'm keenly aware of the fact that “To have a body is to suffer.” - Bodhidharma.
I therefore live in the eternal present moment, moment to moment...n I'll gladly accept anything n everything, including death, even if it occurs the very next moment. Is there a better, happier n more rational way to live? Pls tell me n teach me.
Bro WB
30-05-2012, 01:16 PM
Noted, Bro Warbird, on the patience part. Thank you for the advice.
30-05-2012, 01:33 PM
Noted, Bro Warbird, on the patience part. Thank you for the advice.
He is rite bro.
Be patient.
Dun just get A job, but, get THE job :)
30-05-2012, 02:58 PM
Hi bro chenzong,
Patience is a great virtue.
Your positive thoughts n emotions and focused actions will definitely bring u what u r seeking.
"A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else."
Become a MASTER of life, bro.
Bro WB
Hi bros,
Perhaps u should get a good position now, save up at least 6-month buffer, then u can go into business on your own. You could partner w/ someone or raise capital from investors...
While you're employed by someone else, dun sit idle; instead, u should actively prepare urself n get ready to become self-employed in a business of ur own choosing.
But whatever u do, read How To Be Rich by J. Paul Getty, read it at least 3 times. Then read it again every 3 months. He was named the richest man in the world by Fortune in the 50s.
Here is a recent article on the legendary businessman/investor:
The Great Minds of the Market: Getty's Grit and Glory
by Carl Delfeld, Investment U Senior Analyst
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Carl Delfeld
Upon seeing the first chapter entitled How I Made My First Billion, I knew I had a winning book in my hands...
J. Paul Getty's book, How to Be Rich, was recommended by Mark Ford in a recent column. In fact, he advised that even if you've already read it, read it again.
So I promptly ordered it and read it twice in one week.
What a fantastic book. Getty's life story alone is inspiring, but what makes it special is his blunt and personal advice.
Getty was fortunate to have oil and common sense in his blood in equal proportions.
His father was a successful businessman who moved west to become a wildcatter in the rough and tumble Oklahoma oil boom. J. Paul grew up around the business doing the tough and gritty work at the wellhead before striking out on his own.
With no capital at all, the first deal for this independent wildcatter gave him a 15% share of the profits. Then his father grubstaked him, taking 70% of the profits while the Oxford-educated son worked right next to the roustabouts with his battered car serving as his office.
By the age of 24, he became a millionaire. His next move was to explore for oil in California where his success expanded into property and stocks.
What makes this book different is that it isn't just about how to get rich, but how to live a full and rich life. In Getty's view, the key is to be a non-conformist, to be independent and willing to challenge conventional wisdom.
After reading the first chapter, I had a tremendous urge to jump out of my chair and dig for oil in my backyard. (I settled on just planting a tree.)
Taking on Getty's Life Lessons
The Getty story pulsates with activity, nerve and initiative. Here's my take on Getty's life lessons and how they can be applied to become a more successful investor and businessperson.
Be stealthy - Getty won his first oil property in a competitive bid for only $500 by using a bank as his proxy, thereby scaring away independent competitors.
Separate fact from opinion - Getty always tried to dig deep for facts and challenge "expert" opinions. He was one of the few wildcatters who studied and used geological data to make decisions.
Be independent - Getty loved being an independent wildcatter outwitting the big boys. It's hard to imagine him sitting in a cubicle, or any office, for that matter.
Look ahead and learn from mistakes - Getty was way ahead of his time in seeing great growth opportunities in international markets. Half a dozen times in his book, he literally kicks the reader to look beyond America's borders. And Getty doesn't pass the buck, but admits his blunders. One beauty was to pass on a bargain-basement opportunity to gain a foothold in the oil-rich Middle East in the 1930s only to pay $12 million for a Saudi concession in 1946. (Still a great move.)
Be patient, but take risks in down markets by finding quality values - Getty was a master in taking advantage of great stock values in depressed and crisis markets. Much of his great fortune can be traced back to the 1930s when he scooped up resource stocks and properties at bargain prices.
Finally, Getty chose his targets carefully and had the courage of conviction to jump in when others were scared to death. He put it this way:
"The big profits go to the intelligent, careful and patient investor, not to the restless and overeager speculator... The seasoned investor buys stocks when they are low, holds them for the long-pull rise and takes in between dips and slumps in his stride."
All great lessons and reminders to investors and businessmen of any skill level...
Good Investing,
Carl Delfeld
BTW, "patience" was mentioned twice in this brief article.
I know not everyone wants or needs to be the richest man in the world, but becoming independently wealthy should be quite easy, if one is to follow Getty's advice n take focused action.
I 1st read Getty's book on 10 March, 1995. I hv read it only several times since. It's time for me to read it again n again...
Bro WB
Bro WB, read the book a few times too, but difficult to practise in Singapore ley and certainly no oil fields to dig in Singapore, starting a business is tough in Singapore although I had set up a few years of emergency cash. Recently having some difficulties in work and may be forced to transfer or leave, sigh...wondernig what course of action to take.
31-05-2012, 01:11 PM
Recently having some difficulties in work and may be forced to transfer or leave, sigh...wondernig what course of action to take.
My sympathies, bro, having been through this (forced to leave). Perhaps it is time to dust out the CV?
31-05-2012, 01:39 PM
Noted, Bro Warbird, on the patience part. Thank you for the advice.
You're most welcome, bro.
He is rite bro.
Be patient.
Dun just get A job, but, get THE job :)
Mr. Chairman,
I'm confident that bro chengzong will get THE job.
Bro WB, read the book a few times too, but difficult to practise in Singapore ley and certainly no oil fields to dig in Singapore, starting a business is tough in Singapore although I had set up a few years of emergency cash. Recently having some difficulties in work and may be forced to transfer or leave, sigh...wondernig what course of action to take.
Hi bro ME,
There r always business opportunities here in SG.
Getty's book is only THE primer. If u r interested in business, read up on entrepreneurship n business management, etc. My interest is investing, so the next two books I read were The Intelligent investor n Security Analysis, both by Benjamin Graham...
My sympathies, bro, having been through this (forced to leave). Perhaps it is time to dust out the CV?
I hv experienced the same hardship in my younger yrs. One time I personally sent my CV to over 150 institutions in Gotham country! Leave no stone unturned, bro.
Bro WB
31-05-2012, 01:53 PM
I'm confident that bro chengzong will get THE job.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I shall report the good news here when it happens.
My interest is investing, so the next two books I read were The Intelligent investor n Security Analysis, both by Benjamin Graham...
Hey, isn't that Buffett's sifu?
31-05-2012, 07:05 PM
My sympathies, bro, having been through this (forced to leave). Perhaps it is time to dust out the CV?
Yeah Bro, this is why I always set aside some cash to tide over a year or so in case such things happen, and secondly always try to keep yourself relevant and up to date with current market situation and I wish you good luck in finding the job you for those headhunters they are just out to earn comm. from you and may not always have your best interests at heart.
31-05-2012, 07:08 PM
You're most welcome, bro.
Mr. Chairman,
I'm confident that bro chengzong will get THE job.
Hi bro ME,
There r always business opportunities here in SG.
Getty's book is only THE primer. If u r interested in business, read up on entrepreneurship n business management, etc. My interest is investing, so the next two books I read were The Intelligent investor n Security Analysis, both by Benjamin Graham...
I hv experienced the same hardship in my younger yrs. One time I personally sent my CV to over 150 institutions in Gotham country! Leave no stone unturned, bro.
Bro WB
Yes WB Bro, I guess opportunities also seek those seeking for it, like my fren just opened a money lending business and even pawnshop can be listed on catalist in singapore!
31-05-2012, 11:08 PM
Since everyone is off-track here... Hope bros can help me with a dilemma. I'm in. Recently approached by a headhunter and did the requisite audition. I was a fresh grad and lucky enough to be picked in a graduate programme for a profitable and resilient MNC. Starting pay was pretty good but industry going through some restructuring and consolidation, and I don't see my pay prospects moving up north very much in the next 2-3 years. I earn a pretty ok income, but now despite my lousier gpa (hiring firm wants deans listers and first class honors blah blah I never liked studying but acceptable grades la), I've been invited for an interview. I have a nice set of colleagues and my boss has good plans for me and from my expanding work scope i know he's trying to fast-track me; but I can't help but think I can make more outside. Now in my heart Ive set a target salary, but even if they meet it I have my doubts still. I feel like I'd have let my bosses and hirers down if I move so early. And the new job is challenging and prospects are great if I shine and it's a super brand name which will look damn pretty on my CV (incidentally my current employer is also very well-respected in a similiar industry).
Have any of my senior bros encountered this before? To bring some relevance to the table, I've got pretty good rapport with my colleagues and reporting line up to global management, and I think it will be easier for me to keep the current job (which I'm doing pretty ok in) than to move to the super fast paced and reputedly heartless firm which is hiring. I'm thinking far ahead because damn these people got 5 rounds of interviews, which requires technical skills I don't have yet and will need to pick up.
But really if push comes to shove I am quite lost. I can't ask my seniors because I know they want to keep me and it's all hush hush and sensitive at this point (hiring firm is a good client of ours though not under my team). In this environment it's really easy to lose a job. Internally I'm slated for management track but I'm working damn hard and I don't feel fairly compensated and my bosses' hands are tied. I know this because I actually threw a tantrum and fit and my bosses coaxed me and had long discussions and let me be that way till I cooled off. Which I appreciate also, seeing how I'm still young and hot-tempered and really haven't earned the right to bitch. I'm not yet 30, and I haven't stayed 2 years with my first employer.
Any advice will be much appreciated..
31-05-2012, 11:22 PM
Since everyone is off-track here... Hope bros can help me with a dilemma. I'm in. Recently approached by a headhunter and did the requisite audition. I was a fresh grad and lucky enough to be picked in a graduate programme for a profitable and resilient MNC. Starting pay was pretty good but industry going through some restructuring and consolidation, and I don't see my pay prospects moving up north very much in the next 2-3 years. I earn a pretty ok income, but now despite my lousier gpa (hiring firm wants deans listers and first class honors blah blah I never liked studying but acceptable grades la), I've been invited for an interview. I have a nice set of colleagues and my boss has good plans for me and from my expanding work scope i know he's trying to fast-track me; but I can't help but think I can make more outside. Now in my heart Ive set a target salary, but even if they meet it I have my doubts still. I feel like I'd have let my bosses and hirers down if I move so early. And the new job is challenging and prospects are great if I shine and it's a super brand name which will look damn pretty on my CV (incidentally my current employer is also very well-respected in a similiar industry).
Have any of my senior bros encountered this before? To bring some relevance to the table, I've got pretty good rapport with my colleagues and reporting line up to global management, and I think it will be easier for me to keep the current job (which I'm doing pretty ok in) than to move to the super fast paced and reputedly heartless firm which is hiring. I'm thinking far ahead because damn these people got 5 rounds of interviews, which requires technical skills I don't have yet and will need to pick up.
But really if push comes to shove I am quite lost. I can't ask my seniors because I know they want to keep me and it's all hush hush and sensitive at this point (hiring firm is a good client of ours though not under my team). In this environment it's really easy to lose a job. Internally I'm slated for management track but I'm working damn hard and I don't feel fairly compensated and my bosses' hands are tied. I know this because I actually threw a tantrum and fit and my bosses coaxed me and had long discussions and let me be that way till I cooled off. Which I appreciate also, seeing how I'm still young and hot-tempered and really haven't earned the right to bitch. I'm not yet 30, and I haven't stayed 2 years with my first employer.
Any advice will be much appreciated..
Everything in life is about risks.
"The Grass is always greener on the other side."
So some say.
At the end of the day, it's all but a job.
I wouldn't be too bothered about it if i were u, since ur status will still be only an expandable employee earning the money to make those up there have larger pockets.
Think more only when u become an employer when u grow older.
01-06-2012, 10:37 AM
Everything in life is about risks.
"The Grass is always greener on the other side."
So some say.
At the end of the day, it's all but a job.
I wouldn't be too bothered about it if i were u, since ur status will still be only an expandable employee earning the money to make those up there have larger pockets.
Think more only when u become an employer when u grow older.
Thanks for your advice to the future me. I do hope to be self employed, as is the tradition in my family for 3 generations, but I believe spending a few years grinding in the corporate world, meeting more people and having a company pay my real world tuition is better than running around like a headless chicken with little contacts and experience. There are also kinks in my personality and approach to work out.
Unfortunately I've not yet had the privilege of experiencing your combination of luck and skill (i gather you've been very successful), and so a 50% pay hike is quite crucial at this juncture of my life. Not so much the money but the recognition from the market that I'm worth more.
Expendability is one of my key concerns, and where I currently work I am less expendable than with the potential hirer. The work I do is appreciated, which is always good. That only further contributes to my confusion now though.
01-06-2012, 12:19 PM
Thanks for your advice to the future me. I do hope to be self employed, as is the tradition in my family for 3 generations, but I believe spending a few years grinding in the corporate world, meeting more people and having a company pay my real world tuition is better than running around like a headless chicken with little contacts and experience. There are also kinks in my personality and approach to work out.
Unfortunately I've not yet had the privilege of experiencing your combination of luck and skill (i gather you've been very successful), and so a 50% pay hike is quite crucial at this juncture of my life. Not so much the money but the recognition from the market that I'm worth more.
Expendability is one of my key concerns, and where I currently work I am less expendable than with the potential hirer. The work I do is appreciated, which is always good. That only further contributes to my confusion now though.
The answer u seek is already in the 1st para of ur reply to me haha.
Go for it, one who travels far n wide is exposed thus view become more macro so does tots.
One who stays put sees nothing but the immediate world around him like a frog in a well n brains forever micro like may who post in this forum.
Moving across companies n country boundaries, thus the simple comparison of a locally educated n an overseas grad!
2 diff mindsets altogether.
Of cos, job hop not included in this conv:rolleyes:
01-06-2012, 09:51 PM
The answer u seek is already in the 1st para of ur reply to me haha.
Go for it, one who travels far n wide is exposed thus view become more macro so does tots.
One who stays put sees nothing but the immediate world around him like a frog in a well n brains forever micro like may who post in this forum.
Moving across companies n country boundaries, thus the simple comparison of a locally educated n an overseas grad!
2 diff mindsets altogether.
Of cos, job hop not included in this conv:rolleyes:
damn it, I should have seek career advice from you instead of hfj advice...hahaha....
01-06-2012, 09:59 PM
damn it, I should have seek career advice from you instead of hfj advice...hahaha....
Bro, do you think you can introduce your KtV lobang?
01-06-2012, 11:01 PM
Wise insights from all the brothers. Thanks, WB for the article on J Paul Getty. Will look up the book!
I'm at a point in my life trying to grow my income by leaps and bounds... did not manage my career at all early in my life and now making up for lost time.
Need the money also to give my family a better live.
The following quote from "Do You BJ" really speaks to me too (人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少). Thanks!
02-06-2012, 01:24 PM
Bro, do you think you can introduce your KtV lobang?
No lobang, just go the various ktvs, I am sure you know which are the good ones, sit with the girls and get to know them. Money usually works and if it doesn't that you have to use money plus KC, if you read though this entire thread I am sure you would have benefitted on how to KC women.
02-06-2012, 01:25 PM
Wise insights from all the brothers. Thanks, WB for the article on J Paul Getty. Will look up the book!
I'm at a point in my life trying to grow my income by leaps and bounds... did not manage my career at all early in my life and now making up for lost time.
Need the money also to give my family a better live.
The following quote from "Do You BJ" really speaks to me too (人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少). Thanks!
While it's a impressive and simple book I find that the concepts are harder to apply unless you intend to be self employed and start a business empire, think and grow rich is probably a more relevant book if you intend to get rich via the employed way.
03-06-2012, 11:02 AM
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I shall report the good news here when it happens.
Hey, isn't that Buffett's sifu?
Hi bro,
Your secret weapon is supreme confidence. Patience is a form of confidence.
Yes, Buffett is 85% Graham n 15% Fischer.
Yes WB Bro, I guess opportunities also seek those seeking for it, like my fren just opened a money lending business and even pawnshop can be listed on catalist in singapore!
Bro ME,
"Luck is when preparation meets opportunity".
Be prepared is to be lucky. It applies to hunting for money, investments, great jobs, business ventures, chio pussies, etc.
There r many, many ways to become very wealthy. How abt Sam Walton? He started a tiny grocery store in a rural town, expanded wisely n became the richest man in the world. His 5 children n their families r worth over 100 billion USD.
Since everyone is off-track here... Hope bros can help me with a dilemma. I'm in. Recently approached by a headhunter and did the requisite audition. I was a fresh grad and lucky enough to be picked in a graduate programme for a profitable and resilient MNC............................
Any advice will be much appreciated..
Hi bro newbieboy,
Ths for posting here. I believe some esteemed bros here hv already addressed ur questions...I hv nothing worthwhile to add.
Wise insights from all the brothers. Thanks, WB for the article on J Paul Getty. Will look up the book!
I'm at a point in my life trying to grow my income by leaps and bounds........................
The following quote from "Do You BJ" really speaks to me too (人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少). Thanks!
Hi bro suntzu88,
Many of us would like to grow our income by leaps n bounds, hahaha. But do look before u leap.
While it's a impressive and simple book I find that the concepts are harder to apply unless you intend to be self employed and start a business empire, think and grow rich is probably a more relevant book if you intend to get rich via the employed way.
Hi bro ME,
Getty's book has been extremely practical n beneficial to me. As an investor, I find his principles very easy to apply...
I read Think and Grow Rich when I was a young man. It hasn't been that useful though.
Bro WB
03-06-2012, 01:18 PM
Hey Warbird 大哥, Chairman DYBJ and Bro ME! How are you guys? Hahaha it's nice to see this thread still so 长寿! Good to see you all still active and dispensing wisdom to all here. :D I stopped surfing sbf for a while... Haha don't see Bro Loving_Dickhead around anymore.
Anyway, just dropping by to say HI to all the big bros here. Take care and best wishes to all and family.
04-06-2012, 10:36 AM
Hey Warbird 大哥, Chairman DYBJ and Bro ME! How are you guys? Hahaha it's nice to see this thread still so 长寿! Good to see you all still active and dispensing wisdom to all here. :D I stopped surfing sbf for a while... Haha don't see Bro Loving_Dickhead around anymore.
Anyway, just dropping by to say HI to all the big bros here. Take care and best wishes to all and family.
Hi bro gigigagago,
Long time no see.
I'm alive n well, haha.
What wisdom? I'm merely sharing my 3-year experiences in BY-ing, all the trials n tribulations, warts n all, haha. I hv learned a lot from my many past mistakes...
Bro WB
.................................................. ........
Good morning!
Global stock markets r in turmoils. This is very good news, but I want to see indices decline another 10% before I would start buying more.
"Buy when everyone else is selling and hold on until everyone else is buying- this is more than just a catchy slogan. It's the very essence of successful investment." - J. Paul Getty
Years later, Buffett didn't add much by saying: "I'm fearful when others are greedy, and I'm greedy when others are fearful."
Now back to the subject of "picking up gals."
A senior n most esteemed bro PM-ed me the other day re his KC for a legal PRC gal. He paid her a lump sum as an incentive for her to return home. I surmise that he was w/ her for a short time in PRC n then she vanished for 3 months? Recently, she contacted him. I guess she wants more money from him. Apparently, he still has emotional attachment to her even though he is currently BY-ing 2-3 other gals. I told him to forget abt her asap. But I know it's easier said than done.
Many experienced bros hv been KC-ed big time by FLs/WLs, etc. It has happened to me more than a few times in the past, although, in general, the KC has been quite mild n of relatively short duration.
The only gal I hv some mild emotional n sexual attachment for is XW, my 1st PRC mistress who reunited w/ me early last yr after a hiatus of 18 months, who will be 25 later this yr, largely cuz her chio n very responsive pussy has been proven EXCLUSIVE n SAFE for me. But I'm now a badass n if I could find a younger replacement, someone equally good in terms of looks, figure, pussy, safety n exclusivity, I'll be quite happy to see XW return to PRC to get married early next yr, haha.
I may hv found such a younger replacement!
She is WW, who is one of two 18 yo SYTs from SC, who r coming as a package deal as my mistresses. She is 171, 52 kg, very fair, w/ small bony frame n small wrists/arms, very proportionate n shapely n wickedly sexy figure n long, straight legs. Her fren CC is 165, 50 kg, also w/ proportionate n shapely figure, but has tan skin which is a big minus point. Both gals live w/ their parents n they won't come unless I BY both of them together. CC has indicated that I could choose one of them after the 1st month n the other gal would return to PRC. They hv both applied for traveling documents. WW is willing to get a student visa n stay for 2-3 yrs here, if I like her enuff.
The damage? 3w rmb or 6k sgd a month for each pussy plus rental plus travel expenses. 3w rmb was what CC wanted in PRC. She didn't request an increase coming here n, perhaps a result of my good luck charm, she intro her best fren WW to be BY-ed together, haha.
I hv not shown my hand as to whom I like more, even though I like WW a lot more...
无微不至, 不动声色。
Bro WB
04-06-2012, 08:17 PM
Hey Warbird 大哥, Chairman DYBJ and Bro ME! How are you guys? Hahaha it's nice to see this thread still so 长寿! Good to see you all still active and dispensing wisdom to all here. :D I stopped surfing sbf for a while... Haha don't see Bro Loving_Dickhead around anymore.
Anyway, just dropping by to say HI to all the big bros here. Take care and best wishes to all and family.
I am xiao di not big bro la, Bro ldh is still around but we all tone down due to the relentless influx of clones, latest development is that they pretend to respect me to stir shit amongst xiao di and the dages.
This is an inspirational thread, and I always cum here when I am in need of inspiration. Kudos to Bro WB for his tenacity in keeping this thread alive!
05-06-2012, 10:22 AM
.................................................. ........
Good morning!
Global stock markets r in turmoils. This is very good news, but I want to see indices decline another 10% before I would start buying more.
"Buy when everyone else is selling and hold on until everyone else is buying- this is more than just a catchy slogan. It's the very essence of successful investment." - J. Paul Getty
Years later, Buffett didn't add much by saying: "I'm fearful when others are greedy, and I'm greedy when others are fearful."
Now back to the subject of "picking up gals."
A senior n most esteemed bro PM-ed me the other day re his KC for a legal PRC gal. He paid her a lump sum as an incentive for her to return home. I surmise that he was w/ her for a short time in PRC n then she vanished for 3 months? Recently, she contacted him. I guess she wants more money from him. Apparently, he still has emotional attachment to her even though he is currently BY-ing 2-3 other gals. I told him to forget abt her asap. But I know it's easier said than done.
I hv not shown my hand as to whom I like more, even though I like WW a lot more...
无微不至, 不动声色。
Bro WB
bro WB; like your sharing... hopefully can profit from it financially and physexally! :D
05-06-2012, 01:00 PM
Just a quick update…
Was @ LV HH last night. Boy! The place was damn quiet but there were lots of gals. I guess the current Spain/EU/US crisis and stock markets has taken its toll on the KTV scene. My personal investments has taken a beating too but I digressed…
Anyways, I went with a new friend/potential business partner who is a Korean… his family in Korea deals with, and are managers of models, singers, K-pop stars. As usual, my best MMS K was there to serve us and I became a translator for him and MMS K. He asked if LV would take in Korean gals as KTV mei mei and his contact back in Korea has up to 100 gals who want to work here. I didn’t know there was a huge market for Kimchis in our local KTV scene but yes, MMS K told us customers always ask for kimchis! I remembered K introducing a kimchi to me during my last visit. Now, they only come when there's bookings. But these kimchis can demand $300 to $500 tips for SH and $1,000 - $,2000 for ST. My Korean friend told me the top class KTV gals in Korean can earn up to US$100,000 a month. To go off-topic, I had recently tried some kimchis (over at FL3) and damn, I’ve fallen in love with them! Its like bonking Girls Generation and it’s a refreshing change from the PRC KTV mms!
05-06-2012, 09:35 PM
Just a quick update…
Was @ LV HH last night. Boy! The place was damn quiet but there were lots of gals. I guess the current Spain/EU/US crisis and stock markets has taken its toll on the KTV scene. My personal investments has taken a beating too but I digressed…
Anyways, I went with a new friend/potential business partner who is a Korean… his family in Korea deals with, and are managers of models, singers, K-pop stars. As usual, my best MMS K was there to serve us and I became a translator for him and MMS K. He asked if LV would take in Korean gals as KTV mei mei and his contact back in Korea has up to 100 gals who want to work here. I didn’t know there was a huge market for Kimchis in our local KTV scene but yes, MMS K told us customers always ask for kimchis! I remembered K introducing a kimchi to me during my last visit. Now, they only come when there's bookings. But these kimchis can demand $300 to $500 tips for SH and $1,000 - $,2000 for ST. My Korean friend told me the top class KTV gals in Korean can earn up to US$100,000 a month. To go off-topic, I had recently tried some kimchis (over at FL3) and damn, I’ve fallen in love with them! Its like bonking Girls Generation and it’s a refreshing change from the PRC KTV mms!
Wah, if only I can have Jiyeon, Hyomin, Jessica, Yoona, Suzy and KY from Davichi.....
06-06-2012, 10:51 AM
I am xiao di not big bro la, Bro ldh is still around but we all tone down due to the relentless influx of clones, latest development is that they pretend to respect me to stir shit amongst xiao di and the dages.
This is an inspirational thread, and I always cum here when I am in need of inspiration. Kudos to Bro WB for his tenacity in keeping this thread alive!
Hi Bro ME,
My thanks n kudos to u n other bros like u.
I enjoy reading, sharing n getting hands-on practice. It's the best way to learn. In fact, I hv profited immensely from the experiences, pointers n insights of ALL the bros here.
"Life is short but art is long." - Famous Greek physician Hippocrates.
Actually knowledge n "art" r infinite but life is fleeting like morning mist.
There is always room for improvement n I'll always remain an eager student/apprentice. I envision keeping this thread going for the foreseeable future...
bro WB; like your sharing... hopefully can profit from it financially and physexally! :D
Hi bro imax88,
Do ur homework n get lots of practice, haha.
Just a quick update…
Was @ LV HH last night. Boy! The place was damn quiet but there were lots of gals. I guess the current Spain/EU/US crisis and stock markets has taken its toll on the KTV scene. My personal investments has taken a beating too but I digressed…
Anyways, I went with a new friend/potential business partner who is a Korean… his family in Korea deals with, and are managers of models, singers, K-pop stars. As usual, my best MMS K was there to serve us and I became a translator for him and MMS K. He asked if LV would take in Korean gals as KTV mei mei and his contact back in Korea has up to 100 gals who want to work here.......................... To go off-topic, I had recently tried some kimchis (over at FL3) and damn, I’ve fallen in love with them! Its like bonking Girls Generation and it’s a refreshing change from the PRC KTV mms!
Hi Bro FA,
Ths for sharing.
Most of the prettier Korean gals r product of multiple plastic n reconstructive surgeries. I prefer young n natural beauties.
Bro WB
06-06-2012, 11:17 AM
Wah, if only I can have Jiyeon, Hyomin, Jessica, Yoona, Suzy and KY from Davichi.....
Hi Bro ME,
My friend showed me some of the pics of those Korean models… they can rival 4minute and SNSD members… but understandably the prc mms sitting with us were like: aiya, photos are deceiving, blah blah blah, has to be discounted, etc…
Hi Bro FA,
Ths for sharing.
Most of the prettier Korean gals r product of multiple plastic n reconstructive surgeries. I prefer young n natural beauties.
Bro WB
Hi Bro Warbird,
Hahaha, yes, after knowing you for a while, I know your unforgiving, exacting and extremely stringent requirements when choosing SYTs… but I’m OK with plastic surgeries… even the PRC mms go under the knife and they can tell me how lousy the Singapore plastic surgeons are and the fact that because China plastic surgeons do more surgeries (more experience) than their Singapore counterparts, it made them better. To me, as long as it is successfully done and you don’t notice anything, I actually don’t mind. Many say that Fang BingBing has gone under the knife before but I really don’t mind bonking her.
And on the topic of bonking models and celebrities, I also won’t mind bonking ZZY though I must agree that she is not exactly beautiful – I’d bonk her just because she is an international star. The only issue is I am not in the position to do so – rich and powerful. Hahaha!
06-06-2012, 08:49 PM
Hi Bro ME,
My friend showed me some of the pics of those Korean models… they can rival 4minute and SNSD members… but understandably the prc mms sitting with us were like: aiya, photos are deceiving, blah blah blah, has to be discounted, etc…
Hi Bro Warbird,
Hahaha, yes, after knowing you for a while, I know your unforgiving, exacting and extremely stringent requirements when choosing SYTs… but I’m OK with plastic surgeries… even the PRC mms go under the knife and they can tell me how lousy the Singapore plastic surgeons are and the fact that because China plastic surgeons do more surgeries (more experience) than their Singapore counterparts, it made them better. To me, as long as it is successfully done and you don’t notice anything, I actually don’t mind. Many say that Fang BingBing has gone under the knife before but I really don’t mind bonking her.
And on the topic of bonking models and celebrities, I also won’t mind bonking ZZY though I must agree that she is not exactly beautiful – I’d bonk her just because she is an international star. The only issue is I am not in the position to do so – rich and powerful. Hahaha!
I actually came across a korean girl, yes real one not those fake one because I insist on seeing her passport at Club Jade, figure not bad, but face so so, as I am a face man did not bother to follow up with her and it's just a novelty thing as we are too used to prcs in the KTVs here, attended a course today and the trainer said, when you have too much of a thing already it doesn't excited you anymore, I feel abit sian of the typical prc syt already too....
As for ZZY, I do feel there are many china actress prettier than her, in fact I will rather take RuoXi aka Lui Sisi over her but than again I don't have 10million RMB...hahaha
07-06-2012, 12:27 PM
Hi Bro Warbird,
Hahaha, yes, after knowing you for a while, I know your unforgiving, exacting and extremely stringent requirements when choosing SYTs… but I’m OK with plastic surgeries… even the PRC mms go under the knife and they can tell me how lousy the Singapore plastic surgeons are and the fact that because China plastic surgeons do more surgeries (more experience) than their Singapore counterparts, it made them better. To me, as long as it is successfully done and you don’t notice anything, I actually don’t mind. Many say that Fang BingBing has gone under the knife before but I really don’t mind bonking her.
And on the topic of bonking models and celebrities, I also won’t mind bonking ZZY though I must agree that she is not exactly beautiful – I’d bonk her just because she is an international star. The only issue is I am not in the position to do so – rich and powerful. Hahaha!
Hi Bro FA,
Not really, nothing is cast in stone n I hv lowered my BY-ing requirements for gals who r youthful, fresh, exclusive n SAFE, haha.
I do dislike gals who hv had plastic surgeries.
I'm most attracted to a gal's aesthetically pleasing n balanced proportions from head to toe. Thick n/or muscular arms n legs r most repulsive.
Everything being equal, I also prefer gals w/ fairer skin.
I actually came across a korean girl, yes real one not those fake one because I insist on seeing her passport at Club Jade, figure not bad, but face so so, as I am a face man did not bother to follow up with her and it's just a novelty thing as we are too used to prcs in the KTVs here, attended a course today and the trainer said, when you have too much of a thing already it doesn't excited you anymore, I feel abit sian of the typical prc syt already too....
As for ZZY, I do feel there are many china actress prettier than her, in fact I will rather take RuoXi aka Lui Sisi over her but than again I don't have 10million RMB...hahaha
Hi Bro ME,
I'm a face n body man. Above all, I'm a "balanced proportions" man, haha.
I'm always looking to BY gals who meet the following criteria:
年青貌美的华人或白人。 年龄在18岁-24岁之间,身高164cm-174cm.
一定要身材匀称, 皮肤白皙, 乳房丰满(最少有B),手细腿长,臀部圆润。 有大专水平最好.
.................................................. ...............
Good afternoon!
A good fren is going to intro a gal of "my type" tonite but I'm not sure he really knows what I want even though he has seen more than a few of my mistresses.
I crave WW's pussy n she will be coming w/ CC. They will cook 川菜 for me. In order to give both of them COS in the same session, I'm going to use a vibrator for the 1st time, haha.
At this time I like to share a brief article by a RS guru:
Why It Pays To Play Hard to Get
According to Bertrand Russell, "Human nature is constructed so that it gives affection most readily to those who seem to demand it the least."
This being the case "and I assure you it is" then what hope can any normal human being who intensely craves love and affection have of winning the one they want?
Won't their very need for the other person be the thing that turns the one they want away from them?
The answer is "NO!" It is not the need for love, which all people inherently feel which drives others away from them, but it is their indiscretion about exhibiting that need. What we need to learn is to make a distinction in our lives between the way we feel and the way we act! Or, in other words, we must learn self-control. Not that we should suppress our emotions to the degree that we deny to ourselves what we are feeling. No, no indeed.
We should always realize and be honest with ourselves what we are feeling inside. But we must be discerning, discreet and wise about the things we know about ourselves, which we share with others. Just because you find yourself desperately wanting someone, for example, doesn't mean you should act desperate. But neither does it mean you should try to deny the feeling in yourself.
So you feel desperate! So what?! There's no shame in that. Join the club. Millions of wonderful, great, fantastic people who have lived long before you have felt this way. There's nothing wrong with wanting.
But what I warn you against is not trying to control the way you talk about it to others. You see, a dog should wag his tail, not have the tail wag the dog. And YOU are the one who ultimately controls your behavior, your emotions should not be doing that.
Remember when you were small and felt unhappy and upset about not getting your way? What did most of us do? We would lie down on the floor and act out our emotions by beating our fists on the floor and kicking wildly. But when we got older we learned to put away childish behaviors and hold back, except in the area of romance.
What I'm saying is that we need to be mature in this area as well. "But," someone cries out, "isn't it dishonest to not express what you feel?" "No," I answer. "It's a simple matter of growing up." The mature thing to do is to learn to distinguish between feelings and actions. Feel intently, deeply and honestly. But keep your behavior in check.
That person who keeps his behavior separate from his feeling ultimately commands the most respect, and love from others.
Note: Don't reveal ur true feelings too soon!! And never be needy. Hv some self control, OK?
Bro WB
08-06-2012, 11:12 AM
The basis of this thread hangs around one point: mastery. I have learnt a lot here, and we have bro Warbird to thank for starting this thread.
I have one question about the Law of Attraction and how it appears to work with the Law of Precession. The Law of Attraction says you focus on what you want, and work things around what you want, in order to get what you really want. The Law of Precession, on the other hand, says that you should move in the direction most natural to you, and the things you want will fall in place.
Unless I am a poorer student than I thought, much of what has been spoken about is more like the Law of Precession - by refusing to appear desperate and wanting the women, the women in turn are attracted to you.
What do the gurus here think?
09-06-2012, 04:16 AM
I think sometime ago, I mentioned I went out with a deaf ktv gal. All things went well till she asked me for $500 for her rental. My kaki told me that it was a hint from her to bao her. I wasn't prepared so I didn't give her the $500. After that, she gave me cold shoulder.
Then, later we become closer again and she told me that she would take me as her brother. When she returned to China, she asked me to bring her out to play. We went for a movie. Inside the cinema, she showed that she was bored and she had watched that movie already. Since she showed she was sleepy, I lifted up the handle from the seat. I offered my shoulder for her to rest. Omg, she leaned her whole body unto me. I was shocked and I ain't saint. At that moment, I really wanted to bring her for a good bye fuck. Especially I accidentally touched her breast and I managed to kiss her neck and .... She din reject my peek on her neck. Stupid me or what? My brain couldn't orientate properly. I was in dilemma. Was I to treat her to be siblings or should I treat her as gf.
Since she returned China, I don't think she could cheat my $$$. I ain't millionaire also.
I don't know any brothers have the same situation like mine. I find this a very strange experience and I am confused if she really treat me like siblings or couple.
At this same pub, I found another gal and she is just as strange as the deaf. Erm ... Shall I continue? Well, maybe see how receptive the brothers here are with my boring question first.
09-06-2012, 12:48 PM
I think sometime ago, I mentioned I went out with a deaf ktv gal. All things went well till she asked me for $500 for her rental. My kaki told me that it was a hint from her to bao her. I wasn't prepared so I didn't give her the $500. After that, she gave me cold shoulder.
Then, later we become closer again and she told me that she would take me as her brother. When she returned to China, she asked me to bring her out to play. We went for a movie. Inside the cinema, she showed that she was bored and she had watched that movie already. Since she showed she was sleepy, I lifted up the handle from the seat. I offered my shoulder for her to rest. Omg, she leaned her whole body unto me. I was shocked and I ain't saint. At that moment, I really wanted to bring her for a good bye fuck. Especially I accidentally touched her breast and I managed to kiss her neck and .... She din reject my peek on her neck. Stupid me or what? My brain couldn't orientate properly. I was in dilemma. Was I to treat her to be siblings or should I treat her as gf.
Since she returned China, I don't think she could cheat my $$$. I ain't millionaire also.
I don't know any brothers have the same situation like mine. I find this a very strange experience and I am confused if she really treat me like siblings or couple.
At this same pub, I found another gal and she is just as strange as the deaf. Erm ... Shall I continue? Well, maybe see how receptive the brothers here are with my boring question first.
how do you communicate with her if she is dear? though hp and body language?
just bang her la, what have you got to lose? $500 is not much to lose if you treat her as a gf and fb what
09-06-2012, 09:59 PM
Yes, by writing on handphone.
Cannot leh. If she accepted me as brother, how can I bang her?
09-06-2012, 10:30 PM
Yes, by writing on handphone.
Cannot leh. If she accepted me as brother, how can I bang her?
Brotherly love mah, just go ahead la, what's stopping you?
11-06-2012, 10:16 AM
The basis of this thread hangs around one point: mastery. I have learnt a lot here, and we have bro Warbird to thank for starting this thread.
I have one question about the Law of Attraction and how it appears to work with the Law of Precession. The Law of Attraction says you focus on what you want, and work things around what you want, in order to get what you really want. The Law of Precession, on the other hand, says that you should move in the direction most natural to you, and the things you want will fall in place.
Unless I am a poorer student than I thought, much of what has been spoken about is more like the Law of Precession - by refusing to appear desperate and wanting the women, the women in turn are attracted to you.
What do the gurus here think?
Hi bro chenzong,
You make my day!
IMHO, excellent self mastery/emotional control is the key to success in every human pursuit.
I dun know much abt the Law of Precession. But u could be right.
However, I'll give my take on the law of attraction in the next section.
Bro WB
I think sometime ago, I mentioned I went out with a deaf ktv gal. All things went well till she asked me for $500 for her rental. My kaki told me that it was a hint from her to bao her. I wasn't prepared so I didn't give her the $500. After that, she gave me cold shoulder.
Then, later we become closer again and she told me that she would take me as her brother. When she returned to China, she asked me to bring her out to play. We went for a movie..................
At this same pub, I found another gal and she is just as strange as the deaf. Erm ... Shall I continue? Well, maybe see how receptive the brothers here are with my boring question first.
Hi bro saltwet,
Dun think too much n dun over-analyze a simple situation. Do whatever u want w/ her, but dun use force.
If she is ur type, make love to her. If she is not, get her to intro gals of ur type to u.
how do you communicate with her if she is dear? though hp and body language?
just bang her la, what have you got to lose? $500 is not much to lose if you treat her as a gf and fb what
Hi Bro ME,
Good advice!
.................................................. .................................................. ............
Good morning!
Bro chenzong raises an important question abt the validity of the law of attraction as it relates to RS w/ women. "By refusing to appear desperate and wanting the women, the women in turn are attracted to you." He believes this strategy sounds more like the Law of Precession. Perhaps.
If I understand him correctly, he is implying that if a man focuses all his energy on a gal he really wants, he should get her eventually, if the law of attraction holds true.
IMHO, the attraction law is the immutable law of nature n is always right but the outcome may vary, cuz it really depends on a man's inner thoughts n emotions, n whether they r negative or positive. Thinking n wanting a beautiful woman constantly but negatively, will be repulsive to her...
Positive Thoughts/Emotions = Positive Outcome
Negative Thoughts/Emotions = Negative Outcome
Let me elaborate a bit.
The law of attraction is a belief or theory, that "like attracts like," and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. (From Wikipedia)
"As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."
"All that we are is a result of what we have thought."
Let me give two scenario to illustrate my point:
1) A normally very confident man meets his "dream gal," a very pretty SYT of his type n he thinks abt wanting her all day long:
She is too beautiful, her figure is perfect! She is my goddess!
She is the special one...I hv never met a gal like that, I'm in love!
But I'm not good enuff for her, I dun deserve her
I'm not handsome enuff, I'm too fat (or too thin, too old, too young, too short, too tall, etc.)
My didi is not 23 cm like my fren Ray...
I'm not famous like Mick Jagger
I'm not smart enuff, I'm not a Nobel Price Winner, heck, I dun even hv a PhD from MIT or Cambridge
I'm not rich, I'm no multi-billionaire like Carlos Slim...
She deserves a much better man, a young, tall, handsome, very smart n very rich man...
I' think she is going to reject me, maybe I should confess my love for her now, it's my only chance...
I'm going to kneel down n beg her to be my lao po/GF/mistress...
You get the idea.
His thoughts r very negative n so will be his emotions n actions.
Isn't he repulsive? Do u think he has any chance of getting her pussy?
2) Now take the exact same man n same gal n he also thinks abt wanting her all day long:
She may be a very beautiful SYT w/ wickedly sexy figure, but I hv a lot more value than she...
I'm the PRIZE
I hv awesome self mastery n emotional control
I'm very attractive n sexy to her cuz I'm very confident n masculine (in character traits)
I'm improving myself, improving others, improving everything around me, in every way, every hr, every day
I'm very healthy n I hv great genes n great immunity, haha
I'm going to qualify her to c if she is good enuff for me, I'll play hard to get, haha
She will be very lucky to hv me as her lover, I'll give her sexual pleasure she has never experienced before
She will be begging me to take her as my lao po/GF/mistress n to make passionate love to her everyday
She will soon be sexually, emotionally n financially addicted to's a certainty, hahaha.
You get the idea. His thoughts r very positive n so will be his emotions n actions.
Isn't he attractive? Do u think he has a good chance of getting her addicted to him?
Your comments n criticisms will be most appreciated.
Bro WB
11-06-2012, 10:36 AM
IMHO, the attraction law is the immutable law of nature n is always right but the outcome may vary, cuz it really depends on a man's inner thoughts n emotions, n whether they r negative or positive. Thinking n wanting a beautiful woman constantly but negatively, will be repulsive to her...
Very well analysed, Bro Warbird! No wonder you are the man, haha!
And I am applying this positive thinking law of attraction to my job search too! :D
11-06-2012, 02:20 PM
was at LV last night till 2am… gals were all ugly (yes, even by my standard, but it was a Sunday so…), so only sat with mummy K and her boss mummy KX (C)… surprisingly they have many rooms/customers. Mummy K mentioned again that Bro Warbird has introduced a lot of bros to her.
Mummy KX is damn power… if you happen to have her in your room – ask her to sing a song! She can match the combined power of Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston singlehandedly – hear it to believe! Mummy K was drunken in no time and slumbered into my welcoming arms. Mummy KX shared with me her trade secrets and experiences from her 20 years in the industry, like how she teaches the girls to “赚深入的钱”… damn power! Basically, and not surprisingly, same principles Bro Warbird and all other gurus have been sharing/teaching here.
Btw, anyone interested to BY Korean models/KTV gals for ST, ie., 1-3 months? My Korean friend commented that even his B-grade Korean models can beat all the gals we saw last night easily. Mummies KX & K and I saw the photos. Mummy KX said she will look at the gals in person and tell them whether they belong to the $300 or $500 price tag. The only problem is the language problem – these Koreans speak little English.
11-06-2012, 03:08 PM
was at LV last night till 2am… gals were all ugly (yes, even by my standard, but it was a Sunday so…), so only sat with mummy K and her boss mummy KX (C)… surprisingly they have many rooms/customers. Mummy K mentioned again that Bro Warbird has introduced a lot of bros to her.
Mummy KX is damn power… if you happen to have her in your room – ask her to sing a song! She can match the combined power of Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston singlehandedly – hear it to believe! Mummy K was drunken in no time and slumbered into my welcoming arms. Mummy KX shared with me her trade secrets and experiences from her 20 years in the industry, like how she teaches the girls to “赚深入的钱”… damn power! Basically, and not surprisingly, same principles Bro Warbird and all other gurus have been sharing/teaching here.
Btw, anyone interested to BY Korean models/KTV gals for ST, ie., 1-3 months? My Korean friend commented that even his B-grade Korean models can beat all the gals we saw last night easily. Mummies KX & K and I saw the photos. Mummy KX said she will look at the gals in person and tell them whether they belong to the $300 or $500 price tag. The only problem is the language problem – these Koreans speak little English.
With the current KPop craze, I am sure got market for Korean Girls, I had korean uni girls before and they can speak basic english, got one at peace centre side can speak good mandarin because she grew up in China, real one becos I don't believe until she showed me her passport....if can get girls like Jessica or Tiffiny from SNSD who can speak english well I think they will be super AP! there are also FL Koreans in FL dome...but I never try before
11-06-2012, 03:10 PM
Very well analysed, Bro Warbird! No wonder you are the man, haha!
And I am applying this positive thinking law of attraction to my job search too! :D
Good advice! I must apply this in my career change too! btw any idea how much will it costs to set up a ktv? maybe a smaller joint like those at arab street and joo chiat?
11-06-2012, 04:49 PM
Hi Bro ME,
Korean gals are nice becos they have naturally snow-white skin, many have gone under the knife, know how to make up and KC, they are a rare breed in Singapore so 物以稀为贵… their only disadvantage is the language barrier which mummy KX rightfully pointed out. They can earn “basic money” but to earn “deep money”, Mummy KX stressed, the gal must go “deep into the heart” of the customer. Luckily, she seldom teach n groom the gals those formidable skills anymore cos nowadays, gals come and go and they have no gratitude nor show any appreciation to the elders (mummies)… otherwise, we will have more fallen comrades…
I’ve tried a couple of Korean FLs over at FL3. Those were good experiences but unfortunately, I do not have the time to pursue more at the moment… if given more time, I would definitely want to try many of them and then RTF the better ones…
11-06-2012, 09:06 PM
Hi Bro ME,
Korean gals are nice becos they have naturally snow-white skin, many have gone under the knife, know how to make up and KC, they are a rare breed in Singapore so 物以稀为贵… their only disadvantage is the language barrier which mummy KX rightfully pointed out. They can earn “basic money” but to earn “deep money”, Mummy KX stressed, the gal must go “deep into the heart” of the customer. Luckily, she seldom teach n groom the gals those formidable skills anymore cos nowadays, gals come and go and they have no gratitude nor show any appreciation to the elders (mummies)… otherwise, we will have more fallen comrades…
I’ve tried a couple of Korean FLs over at FL3. Those were good experiences but unfortunately, I do not have the time to pursue more at the moment… if given more time, I would definitely want to try many of them and then RTF the better ones…
FL3? KFC? is it as good as their pics? got any like Suzy of Miss A? :D
12-06-2012, 08:38 AM
FL3? KFC? is it as good as their pics? got any like Suzy of Miss A? :D
Yes. The 2 main OKTs for Korean FLs are KFC & KBS. Yes, real life same as pics. Can’t answer your last question bro becos I’m not familiar with K-Pop stars and due to frequent flying around, I’ve not tasted as many kimchis as I’d like to. :)
12-06-2012, 02:02 PM
Mummy K was drunken in no time and slumbered into my welcoming arms.
Ah! You go for the mummies! :D
12-06-2012, 02:38 PM
Ah! You go for the mummies! :D
Oops, spelling/grammar mistake… drunk, not drunken…
LOL! No lah no lah, just that mummy K is one of the more chio mummies there and she is very friendly… :p
12-06-2012, 02:47 PM
LOL! No lah no lah, just that mummy K is one of the more chio mummies there and she is very friendly… :p
I remembered being invited to a KTV session by a supplier, and ended up chatting and having more fun with the mummy than with the girl I picked!
12-06-2012, 10:27 PM
Yes. The 2 main OKTs for Korean FLs are KFC & KBS. Yes, real life same as pics. Can’t answer your last question bro becos I’m not familiar with K-Pop stars and due to frequent flying around, I’ve not tasted as many kimchis as I’d like to. :)
Wow, today I kena another korean, seems like the money here is also better than in kimchi land! at least that's what she told me....sigh anyway outta job soon, cannot cheong anymore..
13-06-2012, 09:52 AM
sigh anyway outta job soon, cannot cheong anymore..
Don't say that, bro ME! We shall both find better jobs than what we are getting now! Believe even when you don't see it before you!
13-06-2012, 10:17 AM
Very well analysed, Bro Warbird! No wonder you are the man, haha!
And I am applying this positive thinking law of attraction to my job search too!...........
Ths for ur flattering words, bro chenzong.
I know u can do it. By thinking ONLY positive thoughts, you will get ur dream job!
was at LV last night till 2am… gals were all ugly (yes, even by my standard, but it was a Sunday so…), so only sat with mummy K and her boss mummy KX (C)… surprisingly they have many rooms/customers. Mummy K mentioned again that Bro Warbird has introduced a lot of bros to her.
Mummy KX is damn power… if you happen to have her in your room – ask her to sing a song! her trade secrets and experiences from her 20 years in the industry, like how she teaches the girls to “赚深入的钱”… damn power! Basically, and not surprisingly, same principles Bro Warbird and all other gurus have been sharing/teaching here.
Btw, anyone interested to BY Korean models/KTV gals for ST, ie., 1-3 months?............................
Hi Bro FA,
I hv been to KTV only once since my return. I was invited to DC by a fren the other day. The gals all CMI...
Korean gals? Why not? But my requirements stay the same.
Good advice! I must apply this in my career change too! btw any idea how much will it costs to set up a ktv? maybe a smaller joint like those at arab street and joo chiat?
Hi Bro ME,
Some frens believe HFJs are more lucrative. Get the right gals n you will do very well...
Hi Bro ME,
Korean gals are nice becos they have naturally snow-white skin, many have gone under the knife, know how to make up and KC, they are a rare breed in Singapore so 物以稀为贵… their only disadvantage is the language barrier which mummy KX rightfully pointed out. They can earn “basic money” but to earn “deep money”, Mummy KX stressed, the gal must go “deep into the heart” of the customer. Luckily, she seldom teach n groom the gals those formidable skills anymore cos nowadays, gals come and go and they have no gratitude nor show any appreciation to the elders (mummies)… otherwise, we will have more fallen comrades….........................
Bro FA, I must learn these formidable skills from mummy KX...
Oops, spelling/grammar mistake… drunk, not drunken…
LOL! No lah no lah, just that mummy K is one of the more chio mummies there and she is very friendly… :p
Yes, she must be very chio ten yrs ago.
I remembered being invited to a KTV session by a supplier, and ended up chatting and having more fun with the mummy than with the girl I picked!
Haha, it has happened to me too.
Wow, today I kena another korean, seems like the money here is also better than in kimchi land! at least that's what she told me....sigh anyway outta job soon, cannot cheong anymore..
Hi Bro ME,
"...sigh anyway outta job soon, cannot cheong anymore..."
You're being too negative. Filter out all the negative thoughts n fill the void w/ ONLY positive thoughts/emotions n soon u will be attracting the job, the money n all the pussies u ever wanted.
I know it's easier said than done n I myself still grapple w/ negative thoughts/emotions from time to time, especially when I encounter setbacks n adversities. I'm doing everything in my power to root out any negativities as soon as they crop up n replace them w/ only positive thoughts n emotions. It's a constant n arduous struggle, like Chairman Mao's Long March. But I'm confident of my total n complete victory...
Bro WB
.................................................. .....................................
Good morning!
Frankly, I hv lost interest in outings to local KTVs. The gals here just CMI.
I'm going to "import" gals of my type to SG. It is quite difficult as many high quality SYTs, especially those recent uni graduates from reputable schools, scoff at the idea of coming to our Little Red Dot, regardless of my offers. I hv added a new weapon to get them here: Words. The initial results hv been quite encouraging, hahaha.
A mentor once told me: If a gal really likes what u say n the way u say it, she is yours. Try to deepen ur voice n speak slowly...
Let me share a brief e-mail from an American mentor on Looks and Words.
Hey Bro Warbird,
Imagine a very beautiful woman, not just physically, one who has a
great smile, a great energy, and a great outlook on life, one who
knows how to make you feel the way you want to feel as a man.
Now, imagine how you would feel if she was standing right in front
of you, looking you right in the eye.
Pretty exciting feeling, huh? Well, the way she can make you feel
through your eyes is the way you can make her feel through her ears
using your words.
It's been said that men fall in love through their eyes, and women
fall in love through their ears, a statement that is mostly
Most guys, however, make the assumption that women experience
attraction like they do, visually. So, they try to attract women
that way, going so far as to post pictures of themselves with their
shirts off, showing off whatever abs they have.
But women do not experience attraction this way. Sure they like a
nice looking man, but that is an addition, not the way they
experience initial attraction. The best looking man in the world
can kill any initial interest dead just by opening his mouth and
saying a few words.
When it comes to women, words are where it's at, along with how you
say them. A man skilled in the use and delivery of words can make
a woman feel attraction just as strongly as the example I gave you
in the beginning.
So master the use of words with women, get skilled at painting word
pictures that activate their minds and get them thinking about you.
Pick up a few goofy romance novels and study their use of words and
imagery...many women use them as substitutes to evoke feelings when
no man is present who can evoke them.
Very ugly men have become some of the best seducers in history
because of their mastery of words with women.
There is no reason you cannot do the same...while we cannot always
control our looks, we can certainly learn to control our words, and
those are what will attract the most beautiful women to you.
On with the fun,
Mr. J.A.
13-06-2012, 09:38 PM
Don't say that, bro ME! We shall both find better jobs than what we are getting now! Believe even when you don't see it before you!
Ths for ur flattering words, bro chenzong.
I know u can do it. By thinking ONLY positive thoughts, you will get ur dream job!
Hi Bro FA,
I hv been to KTV only once since my return. I was invited to DC by a fren the other day. The gals all CMI...
Korean gals? Why not? But my requirements stay the same.
Hi Bro ME,
Some frens believe HFJs are more lucrative. Get the right gals n you will do very well...
Bro FA, I must learn these formidable skills from mummy KX...
Yes, she must be very chio ten yrs ago.
Haha, it has happened to me too.
Hi Bro ME,
"...sigh anyway outta job soon, cannot cheong anymore..."
You're being too negative. Filter out all the negative thoughts n fill the void w/ ONLY positive thoughts/emotions n soon u will be attracting the job, the money n all the pussies u ever wanted.
I know it's easier said than done n I myself still grapple w/ negative thoughts/emotions from time to time, especially when I encounter setbacks n adversities. I'm doing everything in my power to root out any negativities as soon as they crop up n replace them w/ only positive thoughts n emotions. It's a constant n arduous struggle, like Chairman Mao's Long March. But I'm confident of my total n complete victory...
Bro WB
.................................................. .....................................
Good morning!
Frankly, I hv lost interest in outings to local KTVs. The gals here just CMI.
I'm going to "import" gals of my type to SG. It is quite difficult as many high quality SYTs, especially those recent uni graduates from reputable schools, scoff at the idea of coming to our Little Red Dot, regardless of my offers. I hv added a new weapon to get them here: Words. The initial results hv been quite encouraging, hahaha.
Yes Bro CZ and WB, I am keeping the positivity and keeping perpectives in place gradually and talking and discussing with friends on best course of action to take, really appreciated your words of encouragement.
As for Bro WB's remarks on local KTVs, I kinda agree, seems increasingly difficult to find really good girls nowadays, many are average and old and expired goods from motherland, perhaps it's time to cut down on KTVs and seek alternative sources.
14-06-2012, 09:20 AM
Some frens believe HFJs are more lucrative. Get the right gals n you will do very well...
I'd have thought that the golden days of HFJ is already over. But of course I am more familiar with HFJ in China. The economics may be different in Singapore, where we still have ah longs with deep pockets wanting to launder their money...
I know it's easier said than done n I myself still grapple w/ negative thoughts/emotions from time to time, especially when I encounter setbacks n adversities. I'm doing everything in my power to root out any negativities as soon as they crop up n replace them w/ only positive thoughts n emotions. It's a constant n arduous struggle, like Chairman Mao's Long March. But I'm confident of my total n complete victory...
This I agree. It's a constant battle thinking positive thoughts.
14-06-2012, 09:39 AM
time to bring in the Koreans? :p
My Korean friend was shaking his head at LV, first he said all the gals cannot make it. Then he said cannot play. So I asked him how it was like in Korea. He told me KTVs there are controlled by the triads. And because they pay money, customers are king. And you know how rough Korean guys are. They pull down the gals dress, revealing their breasts, grope them, or ask them to strip in the room and have sex in the room. So I told him… er… you want that, you’ve got to go to GL KTVs. He asked what’s the diff between LV and GL KTVs? Gals so ugly. I nothing to say. But everyone who chiong KTVs would already know that the better gals don’t go to work waiting to go into room after room for the lineup in hope of getting picked. For the better ones, the mummies already taken down their contact numbers and they are only on call, and they are not cheap either - $300 to $500, sometimes even $1,000 tips for SH.
14-06-2012, 09:43 AM
And you know how rough Korean guys are. They pull down the gals dress, revealing their breasts, grope them, or ask them to strip in the room and have sex in the room.
My Chinese friends who run bars and KTVs also complain of the same about Korean guys - very rough. Some of them actually banned Koreans from their premises.
14-06-2012, 10:42 AM
My Chinese friends who run bars and KTVs also complain of the same about Korean guys - very rough. Some of them actually banned Koreans from their premises.
Wah, no wonder Korean gals (and more so for Japanese gals) are so subservient... my Korean friend told me Korean KTV gals very skilled in KC, but with limited English and communciation, its harder for them to KC us...
14-06-2012, 09:22 PM
Wah, no wonder Korean gals (and more so for Japanese gals) are so subservient... my Korean friend told me Korean KTV gals very skilled in KC, but with limited English and communciation, its harder for them to KC us...
Using Bro WB's alpha tactics and Bro CZ's positivity, I managed to get the korean gal to agree to let me bonk this week! hurrah...
15-06-2012, 09:45 AM
Using Bro WB's alpha tactics and Bro CZ's positivity, I managed to get the korean gal to agree to let me bonk this week! hurrah...
Congrats bro ME!! Good to hear that we are improving ourselves!
15-06-2012, 02:37 PM
Congrats bro ME!! Good to hear that we are improving ourselves!
Change is the only constant in life, we need to adapt for survival.
17-06-2012, 11:50 AM
Yes Bro CZ and WB, I am keeping the positivity and keeping perpectives in place gradually and talking and discussing with friends on best course of action to take, really appreciated your words of encouragement.
As for Bro WB's remarks on local KTVs, I kinda agree, seems increasingly difficult to find really good girls nowadays, many are average and old and expired goods from motherland, perhaps it's time to cut down on KTVs and seek alternative sources.
Hi Bro ME,
Great days r ahead for u!
Be patient n be creatively persistent.
I'd have thought that the golden days of HFJ is already over. But of course I am more familiar with HFJ in China. The economics may be different in Singapore, where we still have ah longs with deep pockets wanting to launder their money....................
This I agree. It's a constant battle thinking positive thoughts.
Hi bro chenzong,
I'm not sure 'launder' is the right word to describe cash spendings by underworld figures at HFJs. The 'refund money' they get back from these joints is still not legit. Or am I missing something here?
time to bring in the Koreans?
My Korean friend was shaking his head at LV, first he said all the gals cannot make it. Then he said cannot play. So I asked him how it was like in Korea. He told me KTVs there are controlled by the triads. And because they pay money, customers are king. And you know how rough Korean guys are. They pull down the gals dress, revealing their breasts, grope them, or ask them to strip in the room and have sex in the room. So I told him… er… you want that, you’ve got to go to GL KTVs. He asked what’s the diff between LV and GL KTVs? Gals so ugly. I nothing to say. But everyone who chiong KTVs would already know that the better gals don’t go to work waiting to go into room after room for the lineup in hope of getting picked. For the better ones, the mummies already taken down their contact numbers and they are only on call, and they are not cheap either - $300 to $500, sometimes even $1,000 tips for SH.
Hi Bro FA,
Your Korean fren is right.
The "better ones" is still nothing to write home abt...
Using Bro WB's alpha tactics and Bro CZ's positivity, I managed to get the korean gal to agree to let me bonk this week! hurrah...
Hi Bro ME,
Kudos to u! Pls write a more detailed FR, haha.
.................................................. .............
Good morning!
A dear bro sent me the following PM this morning:
Bro i am very intrigued by your very interesting and educational posts, so i would like to seek your advice on one issue that has been bothering me for the longest of time, that is that almost all the FL i enjoyed would off the lights prior to lovemaking, and/or cover their body with towel before and after the sessions. Another bugbear is that some of them will not bathe with me no matter the pleading persuasion.....
Hence would humbly like to seek your most esteemed advice on how to get them to make love with the light on, bathe together etc
Aonther thing i am curious is what is actually going on in their mind that would cause them to behave as above i.e their psyche? ....
Thanks you very much for your time
He agreed to let me post his question on this thread for all to see. His question raises many issues re RS w/ women n WLs/FLs. It's basically a question of who has the power. But some women including FLs may hv problems w/ body image.
I invite bros here to give their pointers n advice...
Let me digress a bit.
I hv not organized an outing to any KTVs since my return cuz my chances of meeting a so-so SYT of my type here r close to nil.
I hv mentioned the two 18 yo from Hubei who r coming as a tag team initially n as SF later.
I recently also met a very pretty Wuhan gal ZZ, a recent uni graduate who is 22, w/ whom I'm trying to form a long-term RS. She is very fair, 168, 50 type of SYT. But initially she told me she would never come to SG cuz it's too far n I'm too old for her, haha. This gal is very confident n knows that she is pretty n classy w/ good figure. She is quite a challenge! I told her I could make love like a 20 yo man n that I hv BY-ed 18 yo gals before. I sent her some photos of a 18 yo n her reply?
ZZ: 丑, 看起来像三十 ...那你给了她多少钱 (This particular ex- mistress of mine was only 18 yo at the time!)
WB: 在新加坡3万RMB (Actually I paid her 50K RMB a month)
ZZ: 唉 我肿么木有碰到你这么豪爽的人哦...(Great news as 30K RMB a month must be big bucks in Wuhan)
WB: 你来我也每月给你3万人民币,加房租,机票
ZZ: 哦 我不能去外地 除非你能帮我去留学
WB: 可以来新加坡上学, 我付学费
ZZ: 我去年大学毕业的 现在还能读神马啊 读研?
WB: 学英文
ZZ: 对啊 哎呦好麻烦 从申请到考试录取要好久
WB: 不会,我中介人办,要一个月...神马是湖北话什么,哈哈
ZZ: 不是啊 是最近网络流行话哈哈 我得考虑考虑 我现在在国企上班 突然走掉恐怕父母不会同意
WB: 我明白, 我打个电话...
Since then, we hv been in communication around the clock everyday, hahaha. I'm connecting w/ her, establishing rapport n trust...n I'll compel her to come to SG. I must arouse her imagery, emotions n sexual feelings n fantasies...while showing my masculine traits.
She is a steal at 6K SGD a month.
As we all know, a man's WORDS to a woman has the same effect as a woman's LOOKS to a man.
Women spend time n money to improve their LOOKS, but what do men do to improve their WORDS?
I must become a master of WORDS asap. For PRC gals, it's Chinese WORDS n spoken Mandarin. Descriptive, vivid, sensual n sexual, yet subtle, WORDS...hahaha.
Bro WB
17-06-2012, 03:48 PM
You Da Man Bro WB, BY a SYT for 6K a month is what I called a value investment!
17-06-2012, 03:54 PM
any1 can let me know where got korens ktv?? wan to try. thanks
18-06-2012, 11:12 AM
Hi bro chenzong,
I'm not sure 'launder' is the right word to describe cash spendings by underworld figures at HFJs. The 'refund money' they get back from these joints is still not legit. Or am I missing something here?
As long as the cash is returned via another source, it is clean, no? I am sure it is more complicated than this, but money laundering is basically moving the money through another source to hide its original source.
18-06-2012, 12:40 PM
Hi my every dear brothers here, I need some of your advices.
May I know what and where u can bring all the ktv girls to to play love? Btw, is there a difference b/w ktv and hfj girls? If yes, I guess places to go are different right?
Ty muddy mud
18-06-2012, 02:12 PM
Hi my every dear brothers here, I need some of your advices.
May I know what and where u can bring all the ktv girls to to play love? Btw, is there a difference b/w ktv and hfj girls? If yes, I guess places to go are different right?
Ty muddy mud
So cute, depends on your budget and the type of girl I suppose, the usual suspects are hotel 81 and frangrance, but there are a myriad of 3 to 4 class hotels that you can bring them, some are quite discreet as well. If all else fails I also bonk them in the car to save $30
19-06-2012, 07:27 PM
No new scoops? :p
20-06-2012, 08:46 AM
No new scoops? :p
I semi retired leow....:p
20-06-2012, 10:36 AM
You Da Man Bro WB, BY a SYT for 6K a month is what I called a value investment!
Not really, she has not agreed to come yet. I hv asked her to apply to SMU.
As long as the cash is returned via another source, it is clean, no? I am sure it is more complicated than this, but money laundering is basically moving the money through another source to hide its original source.
It makes sense if a major shareholder of such joints also has 'enterprises' that generate a large amt of illegal cash. All that cash can be entered everyday into the pool of hang flowers money. It then becomes legit, after paying the requisite taxes.
The amt of cash changing hand could be quite large, hahaha. Let me give u just one example.
Consider the case of a 44 yo poor PRC man-turned-drug-dealer-turned-Chinese-Mexican who was found to hv over 200 million USD CASH in one of his bedrooms in his home in Mexico:
Hi my every dear brothers here, I need some of your advices.
May I know what and where u can bring all the ktv girls to to play love? Btw, is there a difference b/w ktv and hfj girls? If yes, I guess places to go are different right?
Ty muddy mud
So cute, depends on your budget and the type of girl I suppose, the usual suspects are hotel 81 and frangrance, but there are a myriad of 3 to 4 class hotels that you can bring them, some are quite discreet as well. If all else fails I also bonk them in the car to save $30
Or take her to Paris n stay at the Ritz, fly there first class of course.:p
20-06-2012, 09:47 PM
not really, she has not agreed to come yet. I hv asked her to apply to smu.
wow smu, sure or not? I do know a few from kaplan and sim but smu?
or take her to paris n stay at the ritz, fly there first class of course.:p
this one is reserve for real lao po la....hahaha
21-06-2012, 03:54 PM
SMU=Singapore Management University (Lee Kong Chian School of Business) is ranked 89th in the world, according to The UTD Top 100 Worldwide Business School Rankings Based on Research Contributions Between 2004-2008 (All Journals). Your MM is not just a skin-deep beauty but has brain as well ...!
22-06-2012, 04:05 AM
how come ktv gals need to be pick up?
22-06-2012, 08:47 AM
U pick them Up, U go eat dinner , follow by U eat their cbs later...
23-06-2012, 01:50 PM
It depends on how u define "real lao po." My long-term mistress is my de facto lao po in SG, haha.
SMU=Singapore Management University (Lee Kong Chian School of Business) is ranked 89th in the world, according to The UTD Top 100 Worldwide Business School Rankings Based on Research Contributions Between 2004-2008 (All Journals). Your MM is not just a skin-deep beauty but has brain as well ...!
Hi bro woody17,
Long time no see. How r u doing?
Not sure if she will be accepted by SMU. She may hv to settle for a lesser known school, haha.
BTW, I hv another 21-22 yo gal who is getting her uni degree this wk. She is currently in SZ, do u want to meet up w/ her? She is quite pretty, very fair, from Hunan. Abt 162, 47kg. She is willing to come to SG. Pls PM or SMS me.
Bro WB
how come ktv gals need to be pick up?
Hi bro,
When they r OUTSIDE KTVs, they behave very differently, unless u find them in or around GL.
U pick them Up, U go eat dinner , follow by U eat their cbs later...
Hi bro,
I like ur action plan. Short n sweet. Usually applicable for those KTV gals/singers who do ST. Unfortunately, I normally dun dare to eat their CBs if they r not exclusive to me.
Some gals only want to be BY-ed, it'll take a little more time n effort to get their 小妹妹. Plus more money.
.................................................. ..................
Good afternoon!
Firstly, my action plan is also short n sweet as time is much more valuable than money n pussies combined. I usually suggest ST within 30 min after meeting a gal of my type, under the right circumstances. If her answer is no, I'll up the ante, n if she repeatedly n emphatically says no subsequently, I'll stop. If I really like her n she is BY material, I may wait 1-3 days to propose BY.
Secondly, I see Rashomon Effect everywhere.
The same stunningly beautiful n sexy gal may be a lot less stunning after a few wks, a few days, n in some cases, after a mere hour. Same gal but my subjective perception of her has changed drastically. Most gals invariably become much less attractive after BY-ing them n owning their pussies for a few wks. My 1st BAO-ee is a noteworthy exception as I still find her very attractive n sexy...
There is only one gal who was nondescript to me initially but who appeared stunningly pretty n sexy a wk's inexplicable.
Abt 10 days ago, I was in the company of some frens n a few PRC gals. I noticed but didn't pay much attention to a gal called ZN. We exchanged names n said hello. I was just being courteous. Of course I didn't ask for her HP no.
A few days ago I met ZN again by chance. 缘份?She walked towards me n sat next to me. This time I noticed her poise, her confident body language n how she swung her shapely, round n perky butt. I took a very close look at her n I liked what I saw, haha. She had changed her hairdo n dress, revealing her beautiful legs n cleavage. She is 21, from Hunan, 167, abt 50 kg. What a perfectly proportionate n wickedly sexy body! She is very chio too n very confident n aloof. How did I miss her? During my interaction w/ her, I received msg from several gals currently in PRC on my QQ n weichat. I showed her their photos. She said very pretty n sexy. She then added me to her QQ n gave me her HP no. After 30 min or so, I whispered in her ear 我要和你做爱。She was speechless. She said she would never consider doing ST. She added that I must hv a GF n I replied yes, just one lao po.
The next day she again flatly rejected my indecent proposal. She added that she is only interested in looking for a long-term BF. However, she would not state her terms even after much prodding. So I outlined my terms n conditions. She gladly accepted it, hahaha. She asked why would I want another GF? I said why not as I like her as a person...
Bro WB
25-06-2012, 06:46 PM
Dear Bro WB,
You are the Master and Top Alpha Male.
I look forward to read your conquest of ZN.
My attempt to conquer a Guizhou girl in Chongqing, ended in failure and bruised ego.
25-06-2012, 09:12 PM
Dear Bro WB,
You are the Master and Top Alpha Male.
I look forward to read your conquest of ZN.
My attempt to conquer a Guizhou girl in Chongqing, ended in failure and bruised ego.
Guizhou girls not so easy one, I tried before and failed too. ChongQing girls easiest, one became my fuck buddy while another man bao her for 6K a month.
25-06-2012, 11:32 PM
Guizhou girls not so easy one, I tried before and failed too. ChongQing girls easiest, one became my fuck buddy while another man bao her for 6K a month.
I think I lack charm like bro Warbird.
Anyway, there are many many guizhou girls around.
26-06-2012, 07:46 AM
Just thinking along this line. Perhaps, brothers can help to advise.
So u managed to pick up a ktv girl, brought her to hotel and managed to up her. Unlucky is that the ktv girl regretted what she has done and decided to turn the table against u. Is there a possibility that she went to file a police report that u have raped her? How the police will respond to her report? Any brothers can advise or even share got such thing happen & how brothers managed to resolve it?
26-06-2012, 08:31 AM
So u managed to pick up a ktv girl, brought her to hotel and managed to up her. Unlucky is that the ktv girl regretted what she has done and decided to turn the table against u. Is there a possibility that she went to file a police report that u have raped her? How the police will respond to her report? Any brothers can advise or even share got such thing happen & how brothers managed to resolve it?
Bro, this can happen to any girl, not just a KTV girl. Men are always at a disadvantage in such cases, even if the case results in an acquittal due to lack of evidence - your name and face would have been splashed on the newspapers already.
26-06-2012, 11:08 AM
Dear Bro WB,
You are the Master and Top Alpha Male.
I look forward to read your conquest of ZN.
My attempt to conquer a Guizhou girl in Chongqing, ended in failure and bruised ego.
Dear Bro Besafe,
I'm no master, just an eager n diligent student...
ZN is trying to KC me...although my goal is to make her emotionally, financially n sexually addicted to me, I'm not attach to the outcome. I'm enjoying my time w/ her n I'm the party who cares less abt the RS, despite the fact that she is wickedly sexy n proportionate from head to toe...
No, u didn't 'fail' w/ that Guizhou gal, it was a valuable training process...n it was her loss, bro.
Guizhou girls not so easy one, I tried before and failed too. ChongQing girls easiest, one became my fuck buddy while another man bao her for 6K a month.
Hi Bro ME,
You may be right, but there r always exceptions.
I think I lack charm like bro Warbird.
Anyway, there are many many guizhou girls around.
Not true. It depends largely on ur mindset n how u define success n failure.
Is the gal a non-WL?
Just thinking along this line. Perhaps, brothers can help to advise.
So u managed to pick up a ktv girl, brought her to hotel and managed to up her. Unlucky is that the ktv girl regretted what she has done and decided to turn the table against u. Is there a possibility that she went to file a police report that u have raped her? How the police will respond to her report? Any brothers can advise or even share got such thing happen & how brothers managed to resolve it?
Bro, this can happen to any girl, not just a KTV girl. Men are always at a disadvantage in such cases, even if the case results in an acquittal due to lack of evidence - your name and face would have been splashed on the newspapers already.
Bros saltwet n chenzong,
Men always run the risk of being accused of rape by a woman. A commercial transaction offers only partial protection.
Even ur lao po n long-term mistress can file a rape or assault/battery report against u.
So be careful. Never use force n STOP when the gal, whoever she is, offers resistance.
Good luck,
Bro WB
26-06-2012, 02:48 PM
Just thinking along this line. Perhaps, brothers can help to advise.
So u managed to pick up a ktv girl, brought her to hotel and managed to up her. Unlucky is that the ktv girl regretted what she has done and decided to turn the table against u. Is there a possibility that she went to file a police report that u have raped her? How the police will respond to her report? Any brothers can advise or even share got such thing happen & how brothers managed to resolve it?
Bro, this can happen to any girl, not just a KTV girl. Men are always at a disadvantage in such cases, even if the case results in an acquittal due to lack of evidence - your name and face would have been splashed on the newspapers already.
Actually i kinda dun quite agree wif what is said.
Met WL at KTV bring her go hotel and then she reports to police said you rape her.
Ok, to me, no case.
1) Wat she doin in a KTV?
2) Why she consciously go hotel wif you
3) She can claim drunk but the hotel cameras will show otherwise
4) You can counter sue her for blackmail
Conclusion: NO CASE!
But.................but, if:
1) She was drunk
2) Camera shows you dragging in a stone cold drunk female into the hotel
3) Girl cries RAPE
Conclusion: You're FUCKED!
26-06-2012, 05:03 PM
Hi Bro WB,
She works in a ktv. But she never go out with customers according to her.
I will send you her photo through email, for you to take a look.
26-06-2012, 08:49 PM
I think I lack charm like bro Warbird.
Anyway, there are many many guizhou girls around.
Well I had many failures too but had some surprises too, if really cannot, I wll just move on, Just like recently I have a girl, keep on telling me to be patient and she will let me fuck, but after 3 months I got sick of her lies and dump her despite her keeping to mind fuck me everytime she sees me just to earn my tips.
Anyway after 6 years of frequent cheonging I have yet to find a girl that is really good or faithful towards you, maybe got one but I just could not find the sexual chemistry with her although she let me fuck for free.
27-06-2012, 12:13 AM
U pick them Up, U go eat dinner , follow by U eat their cbs later...'re a funny guy!
But you forgot the part where they also eat your lollipop? :p
28-06-2012, 11:23 AM
Actually i kinda dun quite agree wif what is said.
Met WL at KTV bring her go hotel and then she reports to police said you rape her.
Ok, to me, no case.
1) Wat she doin in a KTV?
2) Why she consciously go hotel wif you
3) She can claim drunk but the hotel cameras will show otherwise
4) You can counter sue her for blackmail
Conclusion: NO CASE!
But.................but, if:
1) She was drunk
2) Camera shows you dragging in a stone cold drunk female into the hotel
3) Girl cries RAPE
Conclusion: You're FUCKED!
Hi Mr. Chairman,
If a man is falsely accused of rape n is subsequently exonerated in a court of law, his reputation is already ruined...
Remember Dominique Strauss-Kahn?
Hi Bro WB,
She works in a ktv. But she never go out with customers according to her.
I will send you her photo through email, for you to take a look.
Hi Bro Besafe,
It's true that abt 10-15% of KTV gals in China refuse to do ST. They want to be BY-ed haha.
I hv not received the pics.
Well I had many failures too but had some surprises too, if really cannot, I wll just move on, Just like recently I have a girl, keep on telling me to be patient and she will let me fuck, but after 3 months I got sick of her lies and dump her despite her keeping to mind fuck me everytime she sees me just to earn my tips.
Anyway after 6 years of frequent cheonging I have yet to find a girl that is really good or faithful towards you, maybe got one but I just could not find the sexual chemistry with her although she let me fuck for free.
Hi Bro ME,
Pls allow me to correct u: You never had failures, u hv had a series of very successful hands-on training...
A very small % of KTV gals/singers/students dun want to be fxked no matter how much u offer them. Is it their psychological block or code of conduct? Others may refuse ST or BY cuz they already hv BFs/patrons. But they will not refuse ur money, hahaha.'re a funny guy!
But you forgot the part where they also eat your lollipop? :p
Hi bro justl00king,
Ths for ur comment. Yes, do it simultaneously n we hv the famous 69 position.
.................................................. .......................
Good morning!
Several bros used the words 'failed' n 'failures' to describe some of their interactions w/ women n they apparently took it personally. Bad idea n wrong mindset. IMHO, they didn't 'fail', instead, they had very successful n enjoyable hands-on training.
I just received a brief e-mail on the subject of 'rejection', albeit from another perspective:
When a woman chooses to 'pass' on you or says 'no' - How to change her mind
Hello Bro Warbird,
The other day I was having a discussion with a Tango instructor.
He just returned from a trip to Argentina. One of his classes took
a trip down there to "test their stuff" amongst the true
He said that before he takes a group to Argentina that he has to
carefully explain to all of the men that it's perfectly alright
and normal for a woman to basically say "pass" or "no" if he asks
her to dance. In Argentina, most women won't dance with a man that
is of a lower technical level than she is- and they won't dance
with a man they feel can't truly dance.
Part of this is purely logistical. In tango the woman follows
everything the man does... So, if a man can't lead, the woman
pretty much can't dance with him.
This instructor was saying that he had a problem on his first
couple of trips to Argentina with a group of students, because if a
woman said "pass" or "no" to one of his male students, the male
student would take it personally, start to pout, get upset, and
would want to go running home to America. Often he would think that
she turned him down because of the way he looked, or was
dressed, etc...
However, when a woman says "pass" or "no" she isn't necessarily
saying "no" all together.. She's basically saying, "I want to see
more". If a man proceeds to go out on the dance floor, dance with
one of the women he came with or who already knows him, and he
proves that he can dance... then the woman he originally asked will
happily dance with him.
I was laughing as this tango instructor was telling me this... he
also shared a story about one of his male students getting so upset
at a woman "passing" on him that he threw a glass of water at her
and she had no idea what she had done wrong- she was just doing
what is culturally acceptable and she's always done... and I said,
"Yep, I have the same problem with some of the men I coach... they
don't hear what they want to hear from a woman, they take it
personally, throw a fit, and ruin their chance of ever having
anything with her."
When a woman says, "I want to be friends for now", or "You're like
a brother to me", or "Not tonight", or "No" in any form.... She's
basically saying: "I want to see more".
That should be a man's cue to increase his attractive
character, and show her that he does have something to offer her.
However, if the man takes it personally, starts to pout, or does
something totally childish, like throwing a glass of water at the
woman... she will NEVER be interested in him. He will have shot
his chance- for good.
When a woman rejects your advance or gives you a "no" of any kind,
consider it to be a favor she is doing for you. Unconsciously she's
giving you a bit of constructive criticism and telling you that she
needs to see a little more from you.
That's all. And if you can show her what she needs to see-
then that "pass" or "no" might just become a "yes".....................
On with the fun,
Mr. Guru
28-06-2012, 12:12 PM
Bro wb
Lol....I like the part about showing her more
28-06-2012, 05:04 PM
Hi Mr. Chairman,
If a man is falsely accused of rape n is subsequently exonerated in a court of law, his reputation is already ruined...
Remember Dominique Strauss-Kahn?
Guru, i think you got it all mixed up.
This guy so call outraged the modesty of a cleaner who was cleaning his room fully awake!
The topic in mention here is of total diff circumstances.
I dare say, if such a case happened, like a WL cries rape after walking into a hotel be it 6star or hotel81, the case won't even be brought to court.
It wud be thrown out by the IO in-charge of the case liao!
But like I said, is she was carried into the hotel dead drunk K.O state, that guy is screwed!
28-06-2012, 10:03 PM
Hi Bro ME,
Pls allow me to correct u: You never had failures, u hv had a series of very successful hands-on training...
A very small % of KTV gals/singers/students dun want to be fxked no matter how much u offer them. Is it their psychological block or code of conduct? Others may refuse ST or BY cuz they already hv BFs/patrons. But they will not refuse ur money, hahaha.
Hi Bro WB, I liike the way you put it as succesful hands on training, although I "failed" to upz her but it doesn't stop me from moving on and having successful attempts with many others, I guess the key is to keep pressing on and keeping the faith in yourself.
29-06-2012, 01:52 PM
Bro wb
Lol....I like the part about showing her more
Most esteemed bro aczeta76,
It depends what u show her hahaha.
If u hv a 38cm python, show it...if u dun, not to worry as very few men do, show her how relaxed n how much emotional control u hv when faced w/ the most challenging conditions. This is very masculine n attractive to woman, but it will take time, unfortunately.
Never show her how important u r or how rich u r, cuz that is very beta n will reveal how insecure n how inferior u really feel abt urself inside...
Guru, i think you got it all mixed up.
This guy so call outraged the modesty of a cleaner who was cleaning his room fully awake!
The topic in mention here is of total diff circumstances.
I dare say, if such a case happened, like a WL cries rape after walking into a hotel be it 6star or hotel81, the case won't even be brought to court.
It wud be thrown out by the IO in-charge of the case liao!
But like I said, is she was carried into the hotel dead drunk K.O state, that guy is screwed!
Dear Mr. Chairman,
Thank u for pointing out my error.
Hi Bro WB, I liike the way you put it as succesful hands on training, although I "failed" to upz her but it doesn't stop me from moving on and having successful attempts with many others, I guess the key is to keep pressing on and keeping the faith in yourself.
Hi Bro ME,
I believe we should improve ourselves everyday, in every way...
The key is self mastery.
Bro WB
.................................................. .......................
Good afternoon!
A guru just sent me an email called TIMELESS.
Hey Bro Warbird,
I recently came across an interesting book on called
"How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress (and survive in spite of it all) " by Will Harvey.
What's most interesting to me is the date this book was
published--in 1971, the year I was born.
This book pre-dates the Eric Weber classic, "How to Pick Up Chicks"
and was obviously written and published way before all these goofy
pick up artists were daddy's little squirt.
It's written way before Facebook and Twitter, way before email, way
before the internet was even conceived (by Al Gore).
In fact, it was written before the idea of personal computers, cell
phones, and text messaging. Even beepers and answering machines.
But you know what? The advice in that book is timeless, and
mirrors a lot of what I've found to be true.
If you can find the book, it is worth reading, but the main
takeaway from it is this: women's experience with men is, for the
most part, bad. And if you give women a good experience by
learning the art and science of attraction, you will have a lot of
women in your life.
When you meet a woman, she immediately compares you to other men.
If you look, sound, or act like the choads she's met from her past,
you're done. But if you're different, if you're intriguing, if you
offer an experience the men from her past haven't, she's
In other words, the past choads in her life will do the work for
you. Women want to spend time with a man who makes them feel like
a woman, and that desire is timeless. Learn how to do that, and
you will always have a great woman in your life, while other men
keep doing the things to attract women to you.
On with the fun...
Mr. Guru
BTW, the book is out of print. I hv just ordered the book from an online bookseller in Gotham.
Good day,
Bro WB
29-06-2012, 05:23 PM
I have slightly different issue here.
Recently went to TAM with some frens and have some ok fun (groping and light kissing) with one MM, which I rate about 7-8. Claimed she's just arrived from Hunan. Got her number and ask if I can 'book' her outside KTV as I know it cost much more to bring her out after the session. She claimed she did not know the price but will find out. When I called her the next day, she quote 300! Is that the going rates for KTV gals?
On another occasion, I managed to sian a pretty cleaner - ya.. cleaner but she's quite chio and youngish with good complexion. Managed to hold hands and rubba a bit with her, but when I ask for a price to bonk her, she also quote 300!!! Not sure why and how they arrive at that magical figure!!
Question for seniors - how to sian these gals to drop their price to a more reasonable value le..
29-06-2012, 06:12 PM
On another occasion, I managed to sian a pretty cleaner - ya.. cleaner but she's quite chio and youngish with good complexion. Managed to hold hands and rubba a bit with her, but when I ask for a price to bonk her, she also quote 300!!!
Cleaner also can up? :p
This quote quite standard for ktv, if outside can get much lower.
29-06-2012, 06:45 PM
Cleaner also can up? :p
This quote quite standard for ktv, if outside can get much lower.
Actually true bro.
The other nite i was at Mount Elizabeth hospital to visit a friend, at the lobby going to the carpark, saw a PRC cleaner, swee manzzz too bad contingent wif me else sure zero in.
Even some manning the stalls in foodcourts or coffee shop MILFs quite tasty looking:rolleyes:
29-06-2012, 07:31 PM
Lolz ... Up the cleaners? This sounds interesting. I met a cleaner in a market and I find her my kind. $300? I don't mind the service is good.
Anyway, I'm here consulting my brothers here again. How to get cheap iPhone. I met this PRC & she is asking me for iPhone. iPhone 4S 32GB without line isn't cheap lo. And, at the end I might not get anything in return. Any brothers can recommend me affordable iPhone? Ty very much.
29-06-2012, 07:53 PM
Lolz ... Up the cleaners? This sounds interesting. I met a cleaner in a market and I find her my kind. $300? I don't mind the service is good.
Anyway, I'm here consulting my brothers here again. How to get cheap iPhone. I met this PRC & she is asking me for iPhone. iPhone 4S 32GB without line isn't cheap lo. And, at the end I might not get anything in return. Any brothers can recommend me affordable iPhone? Ty very much.
Plus Mobile Geylang Lor 8
You can get a 2nd hand one wich has been or can be recon till it looks as good as new.
No new Iphone is cheap fyi the price +/- all about there.
Boss name Andy, damn steady bro of mine
But pls makan 1st then buy not buy then hope to makan hor;)
29-06-2012, 08:05 PM
But pls makan 1st then buy not buy then hope to makan hor;)
boss,makanED liao stil nd to buy??
29-06-2012, 08:08 PM
boss,makanED liao stil nd to buy??
I not boss la, boss is sammyboyfor
In all fairness, if you makanded for free, i think its fair but if you makan paid n she still wan Iphone, sing her this since friday liao
If bo dio then tell her she n Iphone 没缘份 lolzzz
29-06-2012, 08:18 PM
Sure or not ? Who will believe you retired?
Mr. chairman.
29-06-2012, 08:21 PM
Sure or not ? Who will believe you retired?
Mr. chairman.
Aiyoh, retired liao la:rolleyes: hehehe really;) hehehehe confirm:p hehehehe trust me:D
29-06-2012, 08:28 PM
Hi Bro WB,
I emailed you the photo already.
What attracted me to her was her 气质.
However she managed to deflate my ego!
She wrote this to me.
She is 23 years old.
29-06-2012, 09:00 PM
Actually true bro.
The other nite i was at Mount Elizabeth hospital to visit a friend, at the lobby going to the carpark, saw a PRC cleaner, swee manzzz too bad contingent wif me else sure zero in.
Even some manning the stalls in foodcourts or coffee shop MILFs quite tasty looking:rolleyes:
RETIRED CONTROL CONTROL!Got chiobu cleaner there? I go Mount E for my routine dental checks, will try to bio for her. :D
You could have quietly slip her your biz card, maybe got follow up?
But pls makan 1st then buy not buy then hope to makan hor;)Wise words coming from the "retired" guru. :p
29-06-2012, 09:31 PM
In case you guys think I lack taste and trying to upp an old auntie cleaner type, this cleaner who works at a private school is actually quite chio and fair and can probably beat some of the PRC FL. She also told me she's earning $1200 a month and they are contracted by agent. I didn't know foreign 'talent' cleaner can earn quite so much while our local cleaners seem to be struggling with 800+.
29-06-2012, 09:59 PM
Finally, i've finished 191 pages of wisdom. I feel more confident now going to these KTVs
29-06-2012, 10:14 PM
Aiyoh, retired liao la hehehe really;) hehehehe confirm:p hehehehe trust me:D
dun believe... lol:eek:
29-06-2012, 10:23 PM
boss,makanED liao stil nd to buy??
knn I kena this iphone shit until sian, just buy the iphone yourself and meet her at hotel 81 to pass to her lor....
29-06-2012, 10:24 PM
dun believe... lol:eek:
he retired from front office, now sit in his chairman's office and run the biz
29-06-2012, 10:26 PM
In case you guys think I lack taste and trying to upp an old auntie cleaner type, this cleaner who works at a private school is actually quite chio and fair and can probably beat some of the PRC FL. She also told me she's earning $1200 a month and they are contracted by agent. I didn't know foreign 'talent' cleaner can earn quite so much while our local cleaners seem to be struggling with 800+.
Yup, I have a friend who told me he go changi airport to look for such young and chio cleaners to upz...I think this type actually better than some of the ktv girls since they are willing to take up a labourious and proper job...cleaner too...
30-06-2012, 01:18 AM
knn I kena this iphone shit until sian, just buy the iphone yourself and meet her at hotel 81 to pass to her lor....
Bro, a little expensive right? I would book a hotel room for a weekend, make her stay with me, bonk bonk bonk her until i had my fill, then pass her the phone after we check out
01-07-2012, 08:46 PM
I have slightly different issue here.
Recently went to TAM with some frens and have some ok fun (groping and light kissing) with one MM, which I rate about 7-8... When I called her the next day, she quote 300! Is that the going rates for KTV gals?
On another occasion, I managed to sian a pretty cleaner - ya.. cleaner but she's quite chio and youngish with good complexion. Managed to hold hands and rubba a bit with her, but when I ask for a price to bonk her, she also quote 300!!!........................
Cleaner also can up?
This quote quite standard for ktv, if outside can get much lower.
Actually true bro.
The other nite i was at Mount Elizabeth hospital to visit a friend, at the lobby going to the carpark, saw a PRC cleaner, swee manzzz too bad contingent wif me else sure zero in............................
Lolz ... Up the cleaners? This sounds interesting. I met a cleaner in a market and I find her my kind. $300? I don't mind the service is good.
Anyway, I'm here consulting my brothers here again. How to get cheap iPhone. I met this PRC & she is asking me for iPhone.............
Plus Mobile Geylang Lor 8
You can get a 2nd hand one wich has been or can be recon till it looks as good as new.........................
But pls makan 1st then buy not buy then hope to makan hor....
boss,makanED liao stil nd to buy??
I not boss la, boss is sammyboyfor
In all fairness, if you makanded for free, i think its fair..................
Sure or not ? Who will believe you retired?
Mr. chairman.
Aiyoh, retired liao la:rolleyes: hehehe really;) hehehehe confirm:p hehehehe trust me..........
Got chiobu cleaner there? I go Mount E for my routine dental checks, will try to bio for her.............................
Wise words coming from the "retired" guru. :p
In case you guys think I lack taste and trying to upp an old auntie cleaner type, this cleaner who works at a private school is actually quite chio and fair....................
Finally, i've finished 191 pages of wisdom. I feel more confident now going to these KTVs
dun believe...:
knn I kena this iphone shit until sian, just buy the iphone yourself and meet her at hotel 81 to pass to her lor....
he retired from front office, now sit in his chairman's office and run the biz
Yup, I have a friend who told me he go changi airport to look for such young and chio cleaners to upz...I think this type actually better than some of the ktv girls since they are willing to take up a labourious and proper job...cleaner too...
Bro, a little expensive right? I would book a hotel room for a weekend, make her stay with me, bonk bonk bonk her until i had my fill, then pass her the phone after we check out
Dear Bros,
Thank u all for the most interesting exchange of info n ideas.
Here r my 2 cents.
I believe $250-300 for ST has been the going rate for most KTV PRC gals for quite some time. A gal who only wants $250 when she is at PC may demand $300 or more when she is picked up at TAM complex. Lately, more n more so-so looking gals at TAM/LV r asking for $500 n up haha.
BTW, Mr. Chairman mentions the magic word CONTROL. Yes, I believe he has the emotional control, self control or self mastery to 'retire' or to do whatever he wants, hahaha.
We should never limit ourselves to KTV gals/singers. Yes, I hv seen some chio n young cleaners, students, salesgirls, waitresses, flight attendants...they r all fair game.
Currently, I'm interested in a chio n tall waitress, a M'sian Chinese, who is 22, 171 n abt 53kg. She has a very proportionate figure n C boobs...although she is worth much more, I'm going to offer 5K a month to BY her haha.
Hi Bro WB,
I emailed you the photo already.
What attracted me to her was her 气质.
However she managed to deflate my ego!
She wrote this to me.
She is 23 years old.
Hi bro besafe,
She is a nice gal.
Relax bro, it has been very good training for u. I believe she meant what she wrote. You see, some gals want to get to know n understand a man better before agreeing to a RS. She is that kind of gal. It's not abt u, it's abt her. But be careful, maybe she thinks by playing hard to get is the best way to KC u, haha.
Bro WB
02-07-2012, 02:09 AM
great thread. I am just at page 30.
Recently starting cheong-ing and more into Viet girls but very tiring because of the lang barrier.
I find PRC ladies too 'keng'. Maybe I have not gone up to the master level and I may be after finishing the 200 pgs :)
02-07-2012, 05:07 PM
Hi Bro WB,
You may be right. She may be trying to play hard to get.
I will be back in CQ sometime in Sep.
She promised to have dinner with me.
Maybe I can drugged her and have my way.
Hahaha.... I seow liao.
02-07-2012, 09:08 PM
great thread. I am just at page 30.
Recently starting cheong-ing and more into Viet girls but very tiring because of the lang barrier.
I find PRC ladies too 'keng'. Maybe I have not gone up to the master level and I may be after finishing the 200 pgs :)
Persevere, Bro superhuman. I'm sure you find your type of PRC ladies. ;)
P.S: List Of UPPEES is not in full due to the capacity limitation of the signature function (not be longer than 300 characters excluding BB Code markup). Rest assured I've all ur nicks n u'll be awarded. If I do missed u, kindly PM me. :)
Appreciate the PM, Bro David_Ginola, Bro Rw6828, Bro Myo_Swee, Bro XboxSG, Bro Best123, Bro Ahnook78, Bro bhoven, Bro VOGS, Bro nacho, Bro desk13, Bro BatistaSG, Bro steamystreamsg, Bro Linkus, Bro Regaine, Bro evo7_5 and Bro Thongchai!
02-07-2012, 10:28 PM
Hi Bro WB,
You may be right. She may be trying to play hard to get.
I will be back in CQ sometime in Sep.
She promised to have dinner with me.
Maybe I can drugged her and have my way.
Hahaha.... I seow liao.
Bro, rape is not a good idea la...esp in a foreign land.
03-07-2012, 11:35 AM
Agree with Moral Epitome. In any case, you do not need to drug her with illegal drugs. Just use your natural pheromones and soothing words. They work.
03-07-2012, 07:02 PM
Dear bros,
I won't lah. I am chee hong, but still a gentleman.
She qq me last night and asked when I am returning.
I told her there is nothing for me to return to.
She paused for a long time and asked me not to tease her.
03-07-2012, 07:14 PM
Dear bros,
I won't lah. I am chee hong, but still a gentleman.
She qq me last night and asked when I am returning.
I told her there is nothing for me to return to.
She paused for a long time and asked me not to tease her.
Beware of reverse psychology;)
03-07-2012, 11:14 PM
Dear Bros, feel tired of ktv, no challenge, just use money can leow, most girls have a price, be it $200 or $5000. Can never find one that is true to me, they are only true to money. Maybe I should retire like bro BYBJ....hahaha
03-07-2012, 11:23 PM
Dear Bros, feel tired of ktv, no challenge, just use money can leow, most girls have a price, be it $200 or $5000. Can never find one that is true to me, they are only true to money. Maybe I should retire like bro BYBJ....hahaha
Welcome to the night scene lor... :D
04-07-2012, 12:13 AM
Welcome to the night scene lor... :D
Ya lucky I go back at 9pm, if I SH, will kena worse...haha
04-07-2012, 10:41 AM
Agree 99.9999%, and no point hunting for 1 in a 1 million. Just pay and play and forget.
04-07-2012, 10:44 AM
great thread. I am just at page 30.
Recently starting cheong-ing and more into Viet girls but very tiring because of the lang barrier.
I find PRC ladies too 'keng'. Maybe I have not gone up to the master level and I may be after finishing the 200 pgs :)
I think the viet gals also very keng, just that their acting and language barrier may cause you to think slightly differently. Be careful anyway.
04-07-2012, 08:36 PM
Agree 99.9999%, and no point hunting for 1 in a 1 million. Just pay and play and forget.
But no fun in a ST, fucking with KC is much more sextisfying...
05-07-2012, 12:26 AM
But no fun in a ST, fucking with KC is much more sextisfying...
I agree.. With ST, it is just SOP. Rush here and rush there. It is the negotiating that is more thrilling :)
05-07-2012, 12:52 AM
But no fun in a ST, fucking with KC is much more sextisfying...
De cliche, "Different strokes for diff folks" probably has truth in it. No offence to the crowd that prefers ST, but I tend to stick to a bao arrangement with some ST at the side.
Into my 3rd 3 y contract baoee ... shiok ... she cooks on demand, f__ks on demand, uses TLC to earn her keep, gives emperor treatment (or it's 'hit the road, baby'), service with a smile all the time ... when she heads back to the Mainland or on Code Red or if I'm just plain hong, heck ... just grab an ST somewhere for variation. Each time I do that tho, I appreciate the quality of baoee f__king - hard for any ST arrangement to match IMHO - only downside is the $upport. Sure a lot more economical for ST ... but hey, I got a high sex drive, and a baoee cannot set any pay "per shot" or one hour rule or create any underage AV risk, heh heh :D
05-07-2012, 07:22 AM
I don't believe that there is love in the sex arena till I met these 2 girls. Both of them showed me that there is, indeed, love in this sex arena as well.
I met this girl in wechat. I went to the night club (HFJ) where she worked. She has an angelic look although she is short. Both of us went out regularly. At first, we went for movies and dinners. While we were dating, I went to her workplace to support her. Gf feeling up to the max. I knew she truly love me even though she knew I am married. She won't disturb me, nor call me even though she needed help and when she was sick. She told me that how she wanted my presence when she was sad and sick. But, she won't want to cause trouble for me. Although she was sad that I have to leave early when I visited her at her workplace, she didn't complain. She told her workplace that I was her bf and she would spend her whole night with me even when her other customers came to support her. She even planned that after her contract expires, she wished that both of us could travel together in China. When I asked for separation, she cried terribly badly. At that time, my kaki was there and he agreed that she is sincere and true.
Another girl, I met at a smaller hfj. Although she was the ang pai at the joint, she was sincere and true when she was with me. Gf feeling was good too.
I believe girls working in sex arena, also human of 有血肉. If we set aside our suspiciousness and treat them sincerely and truelly, they will reciprocate too.
A word of cautious: If you can't handle your emotion well ( I mean that you will get crazy over girls ), don't try them. Will 伤人的.
05-07-2012, 10:24 AM
great thread. I am just at page 30.
Recently starting cheong-ing........
You will become a master when u hv self mastery...
Hi Bro WB,
You may be right. She may be trying to play hard to get.
I will be back in CQ sometime in Sep.
She promised to have dinner with me.
Maybe I can drugged her and have my way.
Hahaha.... I seow liao.
Dear bros,
I won't lah. I am chee hong, but still a gentleman.
She qq me last night and asked when I am returning.
Hi bro besafe,
No need to drug her. But u must assume that she is very attracted to u. Why? Cuz u are a very confident n masculine man (in character traits).
When u r w/ her, there r only 2 questions in ur mind: How much pleasure can she take? How hard will she cum for me?
She will sense ur tremendous sexual confidence n power. Her pussy is yours bro.
Persevere, Bro superhuman. I'm sure you find your type of PRC ladies...........
Yes, we all need to be creatively persistent.
Beware of reverse psychology;)
Yes, Mr. Chairman.
Dear Bros, feel tired of ktv, no challenge, just use money can leow, most girls have a price, be it $200 or $5000. Can never find one that is true to me, they are only true to money. Maybe I should retire like bro BYBJ....hahaha
Rarely, there r SYTs money can't buy. Having a RS w/ them would be more fun hahaha.
Welcome to the night scene lor...
It has been compared to a war zone...
Ya lucky I go back at 9pm, if I SH, will kena worse...haha
I also go home early...
I think the viet gals also very keng, just that their acting and language barrier may cause you to think slightly differently. Be careful anyway.
I hv never fxked a Viet gal...
But no fun in a ST, fucking with KC is much more sextisfying...
I could agree w/ u more. I like long-term RS cuz it's very difficult to make a gal sexually addicted in a shorter RS.
I agree.. With ST, it is just SOP. Rush here and rush there. It is the negotiating that is more thrilling :)
Yes, half the fun is in negotiating SYTs for BY.
De cliche, "Different strokes for diff folks" probably has truth in it. No offence to the crowd that prefers ST, but I tend to stick to a bao arrangement with some ST at the side.
............................................Sure a lot more economical for ST ... but hey, I got a high sex drive, and a baoee cannot set any pay "per shot" or one hour rule or create any underage AV risk, heh heh :D
I couldn't agree w/ u more.
IMHO, long-term BY is where the fun is. I would tell them: 我的女人都不上班的。。。and I rent either a master bedrm or studio for them. The arrangement is expensive. But if they hv to work or hv sex in different locations every time, they r under stress n it would be much harder to give them COS n get them addicted.
I don't believe that there is love in the sex arena till I met these 2 girls. Both of them showed me that there is, indeed, love in this sex arena as well.
I met this girl in wechat. I went to the night club (HFJ) where she worked. She has an angelic look although she is short. Both of us went out regularly. At first, we went for movies and dinners. While we were dating, I went to her workplace to support her. Gf feeling up to the max. I knew she truly love me even though she knew I am married............At that time, my kaki was there and he agreed that she is sincere and true.
Another girl, I met at a smaller hfj. Although she was the ang pai at the joint, she was sincere and true when she was with me. Gf feeling was good too.
I believe girls working in sex arena, also human of 有血肉. If we set aside our suspiciousness and treat them sincerely and truelly, they will reciprocate too.
A word of cautious: If you can't handle your emotion well ( I mean that you will get crazy over girls ), don't try them. Will 伤人的.
Hi bro,
Ths so much for sharing ur successful RS w/ 2 singers.
I wonder if u could provide a little more details. I assume they r both back in PRC.
How much did u spend on them n what were the financial agreements if any ? Were they in love w/ u n are they still in love w/ u? Were they sexually addicted to u? Were they also financially n/or emotionally addicted to u?
Do u still visit them in PRC or are they planning to return to SG?
Knowing these details would be very educational for me...
Bro WB
06-07-2012, 10:20 AM
I could agree w/ u more. I like long-term RS cuz it's very difficult to make a gal sexually addicted in a shorter RS.
IMHO, long-term BY is where the fun is. I would tell them: 我的女人都不上班的。
。。and I rent either a master bedrm or studio for them. The arrangement is expensive. But if they hv to work or hv sex in different locations every time,
they r under stress n it would be much harder to give them COS n get them addicted.
How much did u spend on them n what were the financial agreements if any ? Were they in love w/ u n are they still in love w/ u? Were they sexually addicted to u? Were they also financially n/or emotionally addicted to u?
Knowing these details would be very educational for me..
Bro WB
Wow! Expert wor you. Now you make me wonder if my ex did all those!
How do you and can you make a girl to be sexually addicted and to you only???! :eek:
06-07-2012, 05:10 PM
Beware of reverse psychology;)
Thanks for the reminder.
She is having a small financial difficulty.
She asked if I can lend her the money and she will repay me small amount each month.
I say yes immediately and remitted her the money today and told her not to worry about repaying me back.
06-07-2012, 05:32 PM
Thanks for the reminder.
She is having a small financial difficulty.
She asked if I can lend her the money and she will repay me small amount each month.
I say yes immediately and remitted her the money today and told her not to worry about repaying me back.
WOW, hope you hooked her by her cunt this round hehehehehe.
Dun forget to FR FR FR all the best dude;)
06-07-2012, 05:46 PM
I don't believe that there is love in the sex arena till I met these 2 girls. Both of them showed me that there is, indeed, love in this sex arena as well.
I met this girl in wechat. I went to the night club (HFJ) where she worked. She has an angelic look although she is short. Both of us went out regularly. At first, we went for movies and dinners. While we were dating, I went to her workplace to support her. Gf feeling up to the max. I knew she truly love me even though she knew I am married. She won't disturb me, nor call me even though she needed help and when she was sick. She told me that how she wanted my presence when she was sad and sick. But, she won't want to cause trouble for me. Although she was sad that I have to leave early when I visited her at her workplace, she didn't complain. She told her workplace that I was her bf and she would spend her whole night with me even when her other customers came to support her. She even planned that after her contract expires, she wished that both of us could travel together in China. When I asked for separation, she cried terribly badly. At that time, my kaki was there and he agreed that she is sincere and true.
Another girl, I met at a smaller hfj. Although she was the ang pai at the joint, she was sincere and true when she was with me. Gf feeling was good too.
I believe girls working in sex arena, also human of 有血肉. If we set aside our suspiciousness and treat them sincerely and truelly, they will reciprocate too.
A word of cautious: If you can't handle your emotion well ( I mean that you will get crazy over girls ), don't try them. Will 伤人的.
Hmmm, I wonder what will our hfj expert bro dybj say about that, singers are ultimate actresses....
06-07-2012, 05:49 PM
Thanks for the reminder.
She is having a small financial difficulty.
She asked if I can lend her the money and she will repay me small amount each month.
I say yes immediately and remitted her the money today and told her not to worry about repaying me back.
Power Bro!
06-07-2012, 05:54 PM
Hmmm, I wonder what will our hfj expert bro dybj say about that, singers are ultimate actresses....
I will laugh when i see these PRC WLs cry cos i know they practicing for golden horse award.
But what doesn't fool you doesn't mean it doesn't fool some :rolleyes:
Someone did post once that they are also women, born from mothers, and that women are born to be loved and spoilt, confirm not from me la
Thus my reply to your post is, NO COMMENTS!:o
06-07-2012, 05:55 PM
De cliche, "Different strokes for diff folks" probably has truth in it. No offence to the crowd that prefers ST, but I tend to stick to a bao arrangement with some ST at the side.
Into my 3rd 3 y contract baoee ... shiok ... she cooks on demand, f__ks on demand, uses TLC to earn her keep, gives emperor treatment (or it's 'hit the road, baby'), service with a smile all the time ... when she heads back to the Mainland or on Code Red or if I'm just plain hong, heck ... just grab an ST somewhere for variation. Each time I do that tho, I appreciate the quality of baoee f__king - hard for any ST arrangement to match IMHO - only downside is the $upport. Sure a lot more economical for ST ... but hey, I got a high sex drive, and a baoee cannot set any pay "per shot" or one hour rule or create any underage AV risk, heh heh :D
Yes Bro, but sometimes even if abalone, eat everyday also sian, so your arrangement of a BY with the occasional ST is good!!!
06-07-2012, 05:58 PM
Thanks for the reminder.
She is having a small financial difficulty.
She asked if I can lend her the money and she will repay me small amount each month.
I say yes immediately and remitted her the money today and told her not to worry about repaying me back.
Actually now after i refresh my mind on wat u mentioned in ur earlier post about her, it kinda adds up.
Now u better make sure u fark her until ur cock sore n her CB explodes in ur face wif her orgasmic juices!
My CON JOB alarms r ringing bro!!!!!!!!!
06-07-2012, 06:09 PM
I will laugh when i see these PRC WLs cry cos i know they practicing for golden horse award.
But what doesn't fool you doesn't mean it doesn't fool some :rolleyes:
Someone did post once that they are also women, born from mothers, and that women are born to be loved and spoilt, confirm not from me la
Thus my reply to your post is, NO COMMENTS!:o
hehehe wise words are no words, I really interested in this huang chao singer how? why you no whatsapp I send you her
06-07-2012, 06:16 PM
hehehe wise words are no words, I really interested in this huang chao singer how? why you no whatsapp I send you her
Me retired dun ask or tell me
Look for the Prince
No money to buy good phone how to use watsapp, i only have 8800:o
06-07-2012, 06:20 PM
Me retired dun ask or tell me
Look for the Prince
No money to buy good phone how to use watsapp, i only have 8800:o
You let me pump I buy you iphone.....wahhahaha
06-07-2012, 06:23 PM
You let me pump I buy you iphone.....wahhahaha
Sorry i not trend follower:rolleyes:
I nokia man
06-07-2012, 06:36 PM
Sorry i not trend follower:rolleyes:
I nokia man
I think nokia can also download whatsapp if I am not wrong...
06-07-2012, 06:38 PM
I think nokia can also download whatsapp if I am not wrong...
Nokia8800 cheap cheap phone cannot do anything except sms & mms.
I bankrupt n a half liao, now cannot even afford to buy panda brand phone:(
06-07-2012, 06:47 PM
Nokia8800 cheap cheap phone cannot do anything except sms & mms.
I bankrupt n a half liao, now cannot even afford to buy panda brand phone:(
Mai Kay Siao la, must be your slut phone like my friends use lousy 2nd phone for sluts....:p
06-07-2012, 07:01 PM
Mai Kay Siao la, must be your slut phone like my friends use lousy 2nd phone for sluts....:p
Really la, xiami watsapp, weixin, qq, ebuddy all i oso buay hiao.
Dun believe ask LDH or flower king lor, i only got 1 phone since 4yrs ago till now & its a nokia8800 really trust me trust me trust trust me la hehehehe:rolleyes:
06-07-2012, 08:11 PM
Really la, xiami watsapp, weixin, qq, ebuddy all i oso buay hiao.
Dun believe ask LDH or flower king lor, i only got 1 phone since 4yrs ago till now & its a nokia8800 really trust me trust me trust trust me la hehehehe:rolleyes:
I was like you bro, very sturborn, stuck with nokia for so many years, kena suan by many people for being so reluntant to change, till I finally changed to iphone and realised that nokia is not as user frenly as I tot it is...same concept with women, just for example I stick to this level of women at mid range ktvs like china doll, dm, club jade...but if I change to higher range joints like LP I may suddenly realised there is another class of women!
06-07-2012, 08:18 PM
I was like you bro, very sturborn, stuck with nokia for so many years, kena suan by many people for being so reluntant to change, till I finally changed to iphone and realised that nokia is not as user frenly as I tot it is...same concept with women, just for example I stick to this level of women at mid range ktvs like china doll, dm, club jade...but if I change to higher range joints like LP I may suddenly realised there is another class of women!
Oh sorry i didn't know.
Anyway, like i mentioned, Iphone poory poor me cannot afford, let alone Panda brand phone.
So LL lor, stick to my super el cheapo nokia8800
06-07-2012, 11:26 PM
Me retired dun ask or tell me
Look for the Prince
No money to buy good phone how to use watsapp, i only have 8800:o
Prince no money, people already say Prince bankrupt so let it be.... :D
06-07-2012, 11:27 PM
hehehe wise words are no words, I really interested in this huang chao singer how? why you no whatsapp I send you her
Remember the wise words which were taught to all Huang Chao singers... buyers beware. :eek:
06-07-2012, 11:28 PM
Really la, xiami watsapp, weixin, qq, ebuddy all i oso buay hiao.
Dun believe ask LDH or flower king lor, i only got 1 phone since 4yrs ago till now & its a nokia8800 really trust me trust me trust trust me la hehehehe:rolleyes:
KNN, my phones were pass me down from my ex-singer mistresses... I cannot even afford a 2002 NK6110. :p
06-07-2012, 11:41 PM
Remember the wise words which were taught to all Huang Chao singers... buyers beware. :eek:
Nevermind la, she think I no money and bo heed me anyway haha
07-07-2012, 12:02 AM
Actually now after i refresh my mind on wat u mentioned in ur earlier post about her, it kinda adds up.
Now u better make sure u fark her until ur cock sore n her CB explodes in ur face wif her orgasmic juices!
My CON JOB alarms r ringing bro!!!!!!!!!
Already remitted, so no going back. It's a small amount for settling medical expenses incurred by her mother.
She brought me to he hospital to visit her mum, when I was there recently.
While I would love to bed her, I also really wanted to help her.
Thanks and good night.
07-07-2012, 03:22 AM
Prince no money, people already say Prince bankrupt so let it be.... :D
Prince LDH no $$$$ then who got $$$$:D
09-07-2012, 11:55 AM
Wow! Expert wor you. Now you make me wonder if my ex did all those!
How do you and can you make a girl to be sexually addicted and to you only???! :eek:
Hi Sis Ladyrain,
Ths for ur post n welcome to the thread. You hv struck a chord...
I presume that you're a biological female, a 女人。
Me no expert...I'm a mere trainee, working diligently to improve myself n improve others..
If you r wondering abt ur ex, you hv never been sexually addicted to him. You may even hv loved him a lot at one time, but never sexually addicted. Period.
How do I make a gal sexually addicted to me n only me? Very difficult.
I hv been learning n training to get my type of chio SYTs sexually addicted to me in the last several yrs. My motivation was my abject failures n intense frustrations in my RS w/ chio women in the past. Then I started reading everything I could find n putting those techniques n strategies into practice. I leave no stone unturned. There is no bigger challenge to me as I'm a lao chi ko pek. The results r astounding, to put it mildly, n how I wish I knew abt all this when I was a teenager.
Back to ur question on the how...the ONLY way IS to give a gal sexual pleasure she has never experienced w/ any other men in her entire life. The pleasure must be 3-5X more intense n the duration 5-10X more prolonged than she has ever experienced.
By making love to her mind, body n heart, which is a continuous daily process, hahaha. You can glean quite a bit of how a man can do that by reading the previous posts on this thread.
But sexual addiction will take time, perhaps at least 2-3 months, depending on the individual.
There r 6 keys:
1) You need to trust your man completely
2) You must be very relaxed when you're w/ him
3) You must truly believe that u hv vast untapped orgasmic potential (otherwise, all the mental n mechanical techniques in the world will be futile)
4) Your lover must be focused on giving u pleasure u never had before, while willing to delay his own...
5) Your man must know the different types of orgasm n ALL the techniques n he must find the one or several optimal triggers that send u into orbit, by trial n error n w/ guidance from u, which will take time...
And last but not least, 6) he must link all your oxytocin surges n intense/prolonged pleasure to HIM n only HIM.
Of course I'm assuming that you're a mentally, psychologically n physically healthy, heterosexual female. Otherwise, He will fail even if he is a sex god.
Bro WB
Thanks for the reminder.
She is having a small financial difficulty.
WOW, hope you hooked her by her cunt this round hehehehehe.
Dun forget to FR FR FR all the best dude...
Hmmm, I wonder what will our hfj expert bro dybj say about that, singers are ultimate actresses....
I will laugh when i see these PRC WLs cry cos i know they practicing for golden horse award.
But what doesn't fool you doesn't mean it doesn't fool some ....................
Yes Bro, but sometimes even if abalone, eat everyday also sian, so your arrangement of a BY with the occasional ST is good!!!
Actually now after i refresh my mind on wat u mentioned in ur earlier post about her, it kinda adds up............................
My CON JOB alarms r ringing bro!!!!!!!!!
hehehe wise words are no words, I really interested in this huang chao singer how? why you no whatsapp I send you her
Me retired dun ask or tell me
Look for the Prince
No money to buy good phone how to use watsapp, i only have 8800
You let me pump I buy you iphone.....wahhahaha
Sorry i not trend follower:rolleyes:
I nokia man
I think nokia can also download whatsapp if I am not wrong...
Nokia8800 cheap cheap phone cannot do anything except sms & mms.
Mai Kay Siao la, must be your slut phone like my friends use lousy 2nd phone for sluts....
Really la, xiami watsapp, weixin, qq, ebuddy all i oso buay hiao.
Dun believe ask LDH or flower king lor........................
I was like you bro, very sturborn, stuck with nokia for so many years...............but if I change to higher range joints like LP I may suddenly realised there is another class of women!
Oh sorry i didn't know.
Anyway, like i mentioned, Iphone poory poor me cannot afford, let alone Panda brand phone.
So LL lor, stick to my super el cheapo nokia8800
fashion fades..........................
A mid range KTV Girl walks beside you and immediately they are perceived as the higher range one, cause no one believes lower level would be able to even walk near u....
Prince no money, people already say Prince bankrupt so let it be....
Remember the wise words which were taught to all Huang Chao singers... buyers beware....
KNN, my phones were pass me down from my ex-singer mistresses... I cannot even afford a 2002 NK6110.
Nevermind la, she think I no money and bo heed me anyway haha
Already remitted, so no going back. It's a small amount for settling medical expenses incurred by her mother.
She brought me to he hospital to visit her mum....................
Prince LDH no $$$$ then who got $$$$:D
Good morning to all the esteemed bros,
Your posts r invigorating n give life n colour to this thread. Thank you all! Keep them coming...
Just a few comments here.
I usually like to spend the least, keep the friction cost to the minimal, before getting the abalone of my type. It's like value investing.
Using a Wechat n QQ to keep in touch w/ MMs in SG n overseas actually saves me hundreds of dollars each month. So a smartphone is a valuable n cost effective nvestment. BTW, I hv over 110 QQ 'good frens' n there r days when I exchange text n voice msg w/ 20 of them in a 12 hr period. I hv refused to spend $0.99 to download Watsapp.
Bro WB
09-07-2012, 01:41 PM
Yup, I find QQ and WX very useful, I even have girls from China asking me about things! Some even msg me when they need money!
09-07-2012, 03:05 PM
Yup, I find QQ and WX very useful, I even have girls from China asking me about things! Some even msg me when they need money!
2 things need some frenly advice-
1) tried as I did, i cannot find e posts which bro warbird n some other bros talked abt alpha male dominance. Will b great if that article can be posted again. Ya I noe, some will say i lazy but 700+ pgs hahahaha
2) I installed weixin n qq but e contact of chabos dun come le. What am I missing.. Except for e few I met in dm n cd
09-07-2012, 09:25 PM
2 things need some frenly advice-
1) tried as I did, i cannot find e posts which bro warbird n some other bros talked abt alpha male dominance. Will b great if that article can be posted again. Ya I noe, some will say i lazy but 700+ pgs hahahaha
2) I installed weixin n qq but e contact of chabos dun come le. What am I missing.. Except for e few I met in dm n cd
You must put those photo of you machiam like professional like dat and act machiam you are a rich man, as for the post on alpha male dominance I think there are many here, if you can't read them all, just scroll though a few pages first but I will leave it to the guru Bro WB to advise you.
10-07-2012, 12:00 AM
You must put those photo of you machiam like professional like dat and act machiam you are a rich man, as for the post on alpha male dominance I think there are many here, if you can't read them all, just scroll though a few pages first but I will leave it to the guru Bro WB to advise you.
Hahahaha, ok got u bro. Thx!
11-07-2012, 05:34 PM
Most importantly, don’t act desperate. Many gals reply out of boredom. They will also stop responding after a few days of exchange – that’s the nature of things. Just be cool. It helps if you can post interesting pics and “tweet” interesting things in Chinese. Bro Warbird knows what I mean cos he also on WeChat! LOL! :P
12-07-2012, 05:43 PM
WOW, hope you hooked her by her cunt this round hehehehehe.
Dun forget to FR FR FR all the best dude;)
Going up to CQ on National Day period.
I am quite sure I will score.
12-07-2012, 06:11 PM
Going up to CQ on National Day period.
I am quite sure I will score.
Congrats congrats, as per earlier msg, dun forget to fill us in on ur FR ya ;)
13-07-2012, 12:47 PM
Yup, I find QQ and WX very useful
Yes, very useful.
2 things need some frenly advice-
......abt alpha male dominance...............
2)............weixin n qq ...........
Hi bro superhuman,
Many esteemed bros could advise u on the subject. I'll give u my 2 cents later.
No, u must go n hunt for chio gals, dun expect them to ctc u.
You must put those photo of you machiam like professional...
Good advice.
Most importantly, don’t act desperate. ...............
I normally weed out gals who r not my type by looking at their photos including full body shots w/ bare legs n arms n then do 视频. Otherwise it's a complete waste of time.
Going up to CQ on National Day period...
Have a safe trip bro.
hello fat boy!!!!....
A Dominant Male is polite n civil to everyone. He is assertive, not aggressive; dominant, not domineering...
Good afternoon!
Bro superhuman is interested in male dominance in RS w/ women. Let me reiterate: Your perceived ranking on the Male Dominance Scale is the sole determinant of ur attractiveness to women. Period.
You manifest ur perceived ranking in ur facial expressions, eye ctc, body language, posture, voice tonality n words, etc...
Yes, words r also important. Never say: May I see u tonite? Instead say: I'm going to see u tonite. If u r calling, sound as if you r doing her a big favour. You get the idea.
Of course, after attracting a gal of ur type, the next crucial factor is making her addicted to u by giving her sexual pleasure she has never experienced before...
I hv here an article, written by a guru, on The Simple Secret to Being Dominant:
Dear Bro Warbird,
Dominance is the #1 trait that attracts women. What I'm going to reveal to
you in this chapter will be the secrets that will have women begging to have
"anything goes" sex with you.
Here’s what it’s all about: to be dominant, control the frame. It’s as
straightforward as that.
It is important to realize the importance of this whole concept of frames.
As I’ve said, there is no objective reality. All reality exists in people’s minds.
So if a woman creates drama that she thinks is a big deal, and you go
along with that, then you have been reduced to beta male status by being sucked
into her frame.
If on the other hand you reframe her drama as funny and silly and not that
big a deal, then she has been brought into your reality.
To give an example from my current relationship, my girlfriend wanted me
to go to her parents’ house with her to meet them. I preferred to hang out with
my own friends that night, so I told her those were my plans.
She reacted badly and said, "John, it's really important to me that you
come with me."
Most men would get sucked into her frame by having a long discussion or
fight over it. After all, you have long discussions about things that are important.
But if you frame it like her wanting you to meet her family is not a big deal,
you’ll simply react by saying, “Sure, let’s do that sometime” and then quickly
changing the subject to something more interesting. That’s what I did, and it
drew her into my reality.
Use that strategy that with everything. You as the man have the more
powerful reality.
Because your strong belief system is now, “I’m a good catch” and “I’m the
prize, not her,” the woman will buy into that frame.
One of the jobs I held on and off for many years was part-time pizza
delivery. (By the way, avoid eating pizza if you want to keep a trim waist!)
Back before I learned the proper mindset. I would always get incredibly
nervous whenever I’d knock on a door and a hot woman would answer. This was because I considered them to be potentially great catches for me (rather
than the other way around).
So when I tried to get them to like me, I came across as a guy who was
trying too hard, which damaged any attraction the women may have had for me.
But then I adopted the attitude that I am a good catch. As a consequence,
I felt indifference whenever I delivered to a hot woman. I would simply say, with
a relaxed tone of voice and posture, “Hi. The pizza will be $X.”
Sometimes women would shamelessly flirt with me as a result. (They
never flirted with me before.) I had sex with a few of them, including one who I
dated for over a year—she was absolutely amazing in bed. She worked hard to
win my affections, because I was a challenge for her.
Women don’t like to be put up on a pedestal. Even if sometimes women
claim that they do, the men who actually are successful with women do not view
them that way. They just act natural.
Women may be wonderful beings who want to have sex with you, but they
put their pants on one leg at a time just like you do. When all is said and done,
women are a lot more similar to men that most guys think.
The problem with putting women on a pedestal is that it comes from a
frame of neediness.
Think of the people in your life who have been needy. They stifle you by
trying to get your attention every chance they get. They constantly demand your
attention, because they’re seemingly unable to have a good time on their own.
Psychologically, this repels you rather than make you want to spend more
time with them. So consider what it is like from a woman’s perspective when you
feel needy.
How can you avoid such feelings? Catch yourself whenever you have
thoughts like:
• “If I lose this girl, I won’t have sex for months.”
• “I really want this girl to like me. What should I do to make her like
• “Should I call this girl yet?”
The whole irony about wanting people to like you and trying too hard for it
is that it has the opposite effect—it pushes them away.
So stop putting women up on pedestals. A better, healthier way to look at
it is that you need to climb up on the pedestal yourself. You are the prize.
Take two examples of a man chatting up a woman. The first is a man who
thinks he needs to earn a woman’s affections; the second knows he is the prize.
Beta Male (nervously): “Can I please have the honor of taking you to
lunch? It will be my treat. Where would you like to go?”
Woman: “Thank you!” (Smiles.) “I’d like to have lunch at the El Supero
Expensivo Ritzo. Let’s go!”
They go to lunch, the woman views him as a nice guy and a good friend,
and he never gets laid because she just isn’t attracted to him in that way.
And by the way, even though men complain about money spent on
women in exchange for which they get nothing, women don’t view this as them
taking advantage of the guy.
After all, if you were put up on a pedestal and had someone nervously
asking you to grace them with your presence for lunch, wouldn’t you feel like you
were giving them exactly what they wanted by doing them that favor? If a man
has a secret agenda that the woman detects, then that comes across to her as
Alpha Male (relaxed and in comfortable in his own skin): “I’m off to get
some lunch at my favorite place, El Cheapo Restaurant.” (Then, playfully, almost
like it’s an afterthought): “You’re a fun person, so come along with me.”
Woman (giggling): “Blah blah” (It really doesn’t matter what the woman
says, because as long as she feels comfortable around the guy, she will go with
Notice the frame that this second example sets. The man is in his own reality. He wants to get lunch and knows where he wants to get it.
Because the woman has earned his attention, she can come along with
him. He is the prize, not her—she’s fun, so she gets invited to come along.
In the first example, the woman is clearly the prize, as the man is weakwilled
(doesn’t have a place in mind to go eat), knows that his value is less than
hers (so he comes across as nervous), and has to practically bribe her to talk to
Note also how “so come along with me” is really a command. You see,
an alpha male is not afraid to put his balls on the line and say things like that to
Make sure, however, to soften such phrases by saying them playfully. You don’t want to come across as harsh or bossy.
Finally, notice how lunch is not being framed as a date like it is in the first
example. This avoids having her categorize the man as relationship material
who will have to wait months for sex.
Instead, if sex takes place, he will assume the active role in creating the
right conditions for it.
The way the mind works, as I mentioned earlier, is that when you believe
something, your mind increasingly finds evidence for that belief to be true. That’s
the value of the above exercise for kick starting your belief in yourself as the
dream lover that all women would want.
As you adopt the mindset that you are a good catch, realize that all
women are naturally promiscuous when the conditions are right (i.e., they’re
being led by a confident man).
You do not need validation and approval from a
woman; instead, she needs them from you.
To sum up, as an attractive man, you:
1) Make women come into your reality, not the other way around.
2) Take the lead role, since women are usually passive when it comes to dating and sex.
3) Emotionally arouse women.
4) Are a man of high value, so it is up to women to win your affection.
5) Don’t take women too seriously, nor do you take life too seriously.
6) Have your own beliefs, are assertive, and think for yourself.
7) Remember, you don’t need her approval!
Almost all of the men I know who are good with women realize these
things and place a high value on themselves. Why? Because they (and you)
know how to bring women to the highest heights of pleasure.
Mr. Guru
14-07-2012, 12:17 PM
Thx bro WB for e advice. I have been trying out and I'd say there is improvement. Not that I am a pro liao, in fact far far from it. But e mindset is changing n it helps greatly.
I wanna touch on e topic of giving ladies pleasure like she never had before.. I have been reading threads on guys going on on ladies n fingernails, etc. And ladies being brought orgasam.
I'm not pai seh to admit that I have nv succeeded in doing besides intercourse. I also went to read on g- spot etc.
Any bros can share experience if u manage to do that to ur lover.
If only I can have a lesson, a proper one I mean, with a lady that can teaching me e skill
14-07-2012, 02:05 PM
Thx bro WB for e advice. I have been trying out and I'd say there is improvement. Not that I am a pro liao, in fact far far from it. But e mindset is changing n it helps greatly.
Any bros can share experience if u manage to do that to ur lover.
If only I can have a lesson, a proper one I mean, with a lady that can teaching me e skill
大哥 WB is a guru in this area.
The secret of this is not money nor penetration but understanding & implanting the mental direction of a WL as its the topic of discussion here.
No doubt, they're in it for the money, they are also made of flesh n blood.
Note, i didn't say human lolzzz
Sexual gratification of the extreme is more deadly than heroin!
The whole idea of this is to make them always so sexually high, to a high they never gotten before n keep making n getting them to tat, it will become super addictive.
Good indicators r shivering bodies not due to cold, squirting n convulsions after the deed throughout the body.
These r indicators not for orgasms but a state beyond orgasm!
It'll also curse them to such an extent tat, fucking any other man will never bring tat kind of sextisfaction, thus, also make them addicted to u.
I will not reveal the secrets here but I am sure the Guru will guide u to wat u seek.
Best, remember, they tok, n u'll be surprised u may get some free lays just becos some r curious after they heard how u made another sis fly to 7th heaven.
I will leave the rest to the Guru n my Mentor WarBird to lead u to the light :o
14-07-2012, 02:37 PM
Sexual gratification of the extreme is more deadly than heroin!
The whole idea of this is to make them always so sexually high, to a high they never gotten before n keep making n getting them to tat, it will become super addictive.
Good indicators r shivering bodies not due to cold, squirting n convulsions after the deed throughout the body.
These r indicators not for orgasms but a state beyond orgasm!
It'll also curse them to such an extent tat, fucking any other man will never bring tat kind of sextisfaction, thus, also make them addicted to u.
I will not reveal the secrets here but I am sure the Guru will guide u to wat u seek.Best, remember, they tok, n u'll be surprised u may get some free lays just becos some r curious after they heard how u made another sis fly to 7th heaven.
Our WB Guru and DYBJ, perhaps can teach xiaodi a few master move,
as I am "new" into this squirting. :D Can PM me .... wahhaha. :p
14-07-2012, 03:25 PM
Our WB Guru and DYBJ, perhaps can teach xiaodi a few master move,
as I am "new" into this squirting. :D Can PM me .... wahhaha. :p
Bro Oceanlee
The Guru n my Mentor WarBird to lead u to the light :o
14-07-2012, 03:38 PM
Sexual gratification of the extreme is more deadly than heroin!
The whole idea of this is to make them always so sexually high, to a high they never gotten before n keep making n getting them to tat, it will become super addictive.
Good indicators r shivering bodies not due to cold, squirting n convulsions after the deed throughout the body.
These r indicators not for orgasms but a state beyond orgasm!
It'll also curse them to such an extent tat, fucking any other man will never bring tat kind of sextisfaction, thus, also make them addicted to u.
I have researched and read up on these.
I just need a practical session with a lady (she may be a FL or whatever but needs to be a teacher) to try and for her to give me pointers. And I am not talking about the chee ko peh kind. I am just trying to learn.
But of course, will be glad if kind bros can share how u make ur lady go to a state beyond orgasm.
14-07-2012, 09:16 PM
Bro Oceanlee
The Guru n my Mentor WarBird to lead u to the light.
Bro, you too humble lah. You are the love making machine made to destroy pussies. Facts do not lie when DYBJ's singer ex-GF told my then singer GF that DYBJ can fuck the shit outta her the whole night long. :D:D:D
That put tremendous pressure on me then to perform that particular night. Hee hee. :p
15-07-2012, 12:18 AM
Facts do not lie when DYBJ's singer ex-GF told my then singer GF that DYBJ can fuck the shit outta her the whole night long. :D:D
That put tremendous pressure on me then to perform that particular night. Hee hee. :p
Ur veg misunderstood my ex singer toilet liao.
She meant, she was verbally being abused by me thus saying fucked the whole nite long for doin a bbbj on me n tearing the skin la lolzzz wahahahaha
Poor chap, must hv died cock stand that nite correct???????;)
15-07-2012, 02:01 AM
Ur veg misunderstood my ex singer toilet liao.
She meant, she was verbally being abused by me thus saying fucked the whole nite long for doin a bbbj on me n tearing the skin la lolzzz wahahahaha
Poor chap, must hv died cock stand that nite correct???????;)
Cannot perform due to high expectations. So high and dry lor. Hahaha. :P
15-07-2012, 10:40 AM
Congrats congrats, as per earlier msg, dun forget to fill us in on ur FR ya ;)
I will. Currently playing mind games with her.
15-07-2012, 01:39 PM
It'll also curse them to such an extent tat, fucking any other man will never bring tat kind of sextisfaction, thus, also make them addicted to u.
bro,indeed @ times 1 can make a woman sexperianced she hv never encountered,if 1 can do it,there bound to b others that can do too,or even better,一山还有一山高。
hence,no 1 can b sure tat tis 'curse' wil b solely xclusive?
15-07-2012, 01:50 PM
bro,indeed @ times 1 can make a woman sexperianced she hv never encountered,if 1 can do it,there bound to b others that can do too,or even better,一山还有一山高。
hence,no 1 can b sure tat tis 'curse' wil b solely xclusive?
Yes n no.
Remember, context here is WL not normal women.
How many of us men who actually BY a WL bother to even her make orgas in the 1st place?
Most often than not, more men r more keen on enjoying than letting the other enjoy.
So, let alone someone who is so oversexed like a WL where their flesh is as good as immune to the regular poke here poke there thingy.
Yes there will be like u said bro, but i dare say, it's a very small %age of all the cheongsters out there.
Eg, i had a singer last year, only 24 but noticed tat no matter how u sexcite her cunt, her reactions r ok ok only.
She was squirting when i was analing her & from tat day on, even when driving, she will tell me to anal her again ASAP
Even during intercourse, she wud direct my dick out from her cunt & direct to her arse!!!!
Turn the table on ourselves.
When was the last time u laid down n had the best mind blowing service before?
It is & always will be in ur mind & the next time u see someone between ur legs, n not getting wat u had before, u'd wish it was that one who brought u to 7th heaven.
The deed or act sets a benchmark, drilled deep into the subconscious side of the mind.
Thus the curse!
15-07-2012, 01:58 PM
No sexcitment because the pussy was so used and super abused that no more human feelings can arouse it anymore. :D
Bro, I share your type of experience too when my ex-GF singer also wants to be arse fucked cos she lost all ability to appreciate cock in puss experience anymore. She is now singing in KL, Malaysia so maybe even her arse hole also no more human use type too. :p
Anyway, if you pay to buy something, use it well use it long use it till you song. When time is right you dump, please forget where you dump it when you walked off.
Yes n no.
Remember, context here is WL not normal women.
How many of us men who actually BY a WL bother to even her make orgas in the 1st place?
Most often than not, more men r more keen on enjoying than letting the other enjoy.
So, let alone someone who is so oversexed like a WL where their flesh is as good as immune to the regular poke here poke there thingy.
Yes there will be like u said bro, but i dare say, it's a very small %age of all the cheongsters out there.
Eg, i had a singer last year, only 24 but noticed tat no matter how u sexcite her cunt, her reactions r ok ok only.
She was squirting when i was analing her & from tat day on, even when driving, she will tell me to anal her again ASAP
Even during intercourse, she wud direct my dick out from her cunt & direct to her arse!!!!
Turn the table on ourselves.
When was the last time u laid down n had the best mind blowing service before?
It is & always will be in ur mind & the next time u see someone between ur legs, n not getting wat u had before, u'd wish it was that one who brought u to 7th heaven.
The deed or act sets a benchmark, drilled deep into the subconscious side of the mind.
Thus the curse!
15-07-2012, 02:12 PM
Exactly my Prince,
Does not mean u read war strategy books, u become a war strategist
Does not mean u own a Ferrari u will be able to drive like a F1 driver
Does not mean u read Theory of Flight means u can fly a plane
Tats y in life, there will always be stuff reserved for the selected few;)
15-07-2012, 02:51 PM
Exactly my Prince,
Does not mean u read war strategy books, u become a war strategist
Does not mean u own a Ferrari u will be able to drive like a F1 driver
Does not mean u read Theory of Flight means u can fly a plane
Tats y in life, there will always be stuff reserved for the selected few;)
Indeed the HFJ King of Kings, my bro. :p
Many desired, few selected, only one privileged. :D
I prefer self-taught than books taught. Books give knowledge, maps give location and compasses give direction - still many get lost in their quest. There is only one King Arthur.
15-07-2012, 02:52 PM
Books give knowledge, maps give location and compasses give direction - still many get lost in their quest. There is only one King Arthur.
15-07-2012, 02:54 PM
Too bad King Arthur's son unable to fulfill the great quest his father set upon him. :p
15-07-2012, 02:57 PM
Lolzzz k off topic liao sorry Guru WarBird :)
15-07-2012, 03:04 PM
Lolzzz k off topic liao sorry Guru WarBird :)
Opps... sorry bro WB. Our usual selves, TCSS till forget everything. Haha.
Still, I prefer like this than the flaming attacks, machiam the good old days. ;)
15-07-2012, 06:41 PM
Indeed the HFJ King of Kings, my bro. :p
Many desired, few selected, only one privileged. :D
I prefer self-taught than books taught. Books give knowledge, maps give location and compasses give direction - still many get lost in their quest. There is only one King Arthur.
Thank you much for the intel. I know what to do.
15-07-2012, 06:42 PM
Exactly my Prince,
Does not mean u read war strategy books, u become a war strategist
Does not mean u own a Ferrari u will be able to drive like a F1 driver
Does not mean u read Theory of Flight means u can fly a plane
Tats y in life, there will always be stuff reserved for the selected few;)
HELLO FATBOY! I know your location.
15-07-2012, 10:11 PM
Thx bro WB..............
I wanna touch on e topic of giving ladies pleasure like she never had before.. I have been reading threads on guys going on on ladies n fingernails, etc........................
Any bros can share experience if u manage to do that to ur lover............................
Hi bro superhuman,
I'm pleased that you're improving.
Fingernails? We men should keep our fingernails well trimmed. Those fingers r amazing...hahaha. Gals w/ long fingernails, watch out! One of my long-term mistresses has given me multiple bruises n lacerations on my upper arms n back!
Giving ladies insane pleasure?...see Mr Chairman's posts below.
大哥 WB is a guru in this area.
The secret of this is not money nor penetration but understanding & implanting the mental direction of a WL as its the topic of discussion here.
No doubt, they're in it for the money, they are also made of flesh n blood.
Note, i didn't say human lolzzz
Sexual gratification of the extreme is more deadly than heroin!
The whole idea of this is to make them always so sexually high, to a high they never gotten before n keep making n getting them to tat, it will become super addictive.
Good indicators r shivering bodies not due to cold, squirting n convulsions after the deed throughout the body.
These r indicators not for orgasms but a state beyond orgasm!
It'll also curse them to such an extent tat, fucking any other man will never bring tat kind of sextisfaction, thus, also make them addicted to u.
I will not reveal the secrets here but I am sure the Guru will guide u to wat u seek.
Best, remember, they tok, n u'll be surprised u may get some free lays just becos some r curious after they heard how u made another sis fly to 7th heaven.
I will leave the rest to the Guru n my Mentor WarBird to lead u to the light ...
Dear Mr. Chairman,
I like ur succinct account on sexual addiction.
You know I'm still a trainee n I hv learned a lot from u. Abt 3 yrs ago, YOU were the one who 1st revealed some principles for giving women intense n prolonged pleasure beyond orgasms...lasting well over an hr.
I've studied hard n practiced hard ever since, hahaha. I hv done it on several of my mistresses n the results r gratifying.
I don't usually go beyond 60 min if the gal is already 欲仙欲死 time is too precious. All I need is to repeat it 3X a wk until she is addicted. It's like crack cocaine cuz both induce almost identical neuro-hormonal changes in the same areas of the brain.
My sincere gratitude for ur pointers n encouragement.
Bro WB
Our WB Guru and DYBJ, perhaps can teach xiaodi a few master move,
as I am "new" into this squirting. :D Can PM me .... wahhaha.......
Hi Bro Oceanlee,
Long time no see. How r you?
I hv limited experience in giving squirting orgasms.
Just a few generalizations.
I hv mentioned some necessary pre-conditions in my previous posts. She needs to believe that she can achieve squirting, if she has never experienced that before...there is always a 1st time, hahaha.
It's said that gals w/ prominent dimples of Venus can squirt easily. IMHO, they r more easily orgasmic, but some may not squirt at all!
You definitely need to build up n prolong her anticipation by lots of foreplay...her pussy should be wet before u even touch her. For squirting, G n deep spot stimulation opens the heaven.
I'll defer the rest to Mr. Chairman as he is the Senior Mentor in this specialized area. Pls read his posts to follow...he mentions AJ which can be fantastic as it stimulates the G n deep spots, etc, simultaneously. Wow!!
Bro WB
Bro Oceanlee
You should PM Bro Oceanlee a few pointers so that he will be on the right path...
I have researched and read up on these.
I just need a practical session with a lady..............
But of course, will be glad if kind bros can share how u make ur lady go to a state beyond orgasm.
Hi bro superhuman,
Pls read Mr Chairman's posts below.
You can get a lot from the internet. Then go out n practice...
Bro, you too humble lah. You are the love making machine made to destroy pussies......
That put tremendous pressure on me then to perform that particular night. Hee hee. :p
Hi Bro LDH,
He raises the bar so high for the rest of us...
Ur veg misunderstood my ex singer toilet liao.
She meant, she was verbally being abused by me thus saying fucked the whole nite long for doin a bbbj on me n tearing the skin la lolzzz wahahahaha
Poor chap, must hv died cock stand that nite correct?????..
bro,indeed @ times 1 can make a woman sexperianced she hv never encountered b4................一山还有一山高。
hence,no 1 can b sure tat tis 'curse' wil b solely xclusive?
Very good point. The key here is to associate those mind-blowing pleasure w/ u n only u. It takes time for sexual addiction to happen, just like cocaine addiction. There r two other equally powerful addictions for women: Financial n emotional. Overlook them at ur own peril.
Yes n no.
Remember, context here is WL not normal women.
How many of us men who actually BY a WL bother to even her make orgas in the 1st place?
Most often than not, more men r more keen on enjoying than letting the other enjoy......................
Eg, i had a singer last year, only 24 but noticed tat no matter how u sexcite her cunt, her reactions r ok ok only.
She was squirting when i was analing her & from tat day on, even when driving, she will tell me to anal her again ASAP
Even during intercourse, she wud direct my dick out from her cunt & direct to her arse!!!!
Turn the table on ourselves..........................
The deed or act sets a benchmark, drilled deep into the subconscious side of the mind.
Thus the curse!
Wonderful post!
No sexcitment because the pussy was so used and super abused that no more human feelings can arouse it anymore. :D
Bro, I share your type of experience too when my ex-GF singer also wants to be arse fucked cos she lost all ability to appreciate cock in puss experience anymore. She is now singing in KL, Malaysia so maybe even her arse hole also no more human use type too....................
Ths for sharing ur experience w/ AJ.
Exactly my Prince,
Does not mean u read war strategy books, u become a war strategist
Does not mean u own a Ferrari u will be able to drive like a F1 driver
Does not mean u read Theory of Flight means u can fly a plane
Tats y in life, there will always be stuff reserved for the selected few;)
Great pointers.
Life is short, and Art is long.
IMHO, achieving true sexual mastery n supremacy is like training to be a top neurosurgeon. You start w/ medical school, followed by residency n fellowship training at world famous hospitals. You need vast, up-to-date knowledge, intelligence, good physical health, natural talent, skills n lots of hands on practice n takes many, many yrs. Most will fail to make it...nothing in life comes easily.
Indeed the HFJ King of Kings, my bro.
Many desired, few selected, only one privileged.
I prefer self-taught than books taught. Books give knowledge, maps give location and compasses give direction - still many get lost in their quest. There is only one King Arthur.
Mr Chairman is the one n only...n you're also the one n only.
Yes, one n only King Arthur. Likewise, there was only ONE First Emperor of China, hahaha.
Too bad King Arthur's son unable to fulfill the great quest his father set upon him.
Lolzzz k off topic liao sorry Guru WarBird...
Opps... sorry bro WB. Our usual selves, TCSS till forget everything. Haha.
Still, I prefer like this than the flaming attacks, machiam the good old days....
Mr. Chairman n The Prince,
It's my honor to hv both of u posting here. You bring life n fresh ideas to this thread. It's illuminating for me...
Ths so much. Pls keep them coming...hahaha.
All I'm doing is to improve myself n improve others everyday...n enjoy the process n live in the present moment. And I accept whatever happens the next moment w/ happiness n peace. Life is wonderful!!
Bro WB
15-07-2012, 11:30 PM
Dear Mr. Chairman,
I like ur succinct account on sexual addiction.
You know I'm still a trainee n I hv learned a lot from u. Abt 3 yrs ago, YOU were the one who 1st revealed some principles for giving women intense n prolonged pleasure beyond orgasms...lasting well over an hr.
I've studied hard n practiced hard ever since, hahaha. I hv done it on several of my mistresses n the results r gratifying.
I don't usually go beyond 60 min if the gal is already 欲仙欲死 time is too precious. All I need is to repeat it 3X a wk until she is addicted. It's like crack cocaine cuz both induce almost identical neuro-hormonal changes in the same areas of the brain.
My sincere gratitude for ur pointers n encouragement.
Bro WB
Damn, u still remember.........;)
Can u pls cut me some slack occasionally n let me be just a plain newbie noob sighzzz lolzzz
16-07-2012, 12:09 AM
wow.. nice thread.. read some nice things along the way.. :o
16-07-2012, 06:31 PM
HELLO FATBOY! I know your location.
Aiyoh, last round u already said u noe my location liao.
Everyone came waiting for u but u were a party pooper n didnt appear.
But i steady, now since u made a fool of urself last time, i give u another chance k :D
Now again, since u noe my location, faster come come, coffee in the pot, curry in the stove waiting to celebrate ur curry function.
Faster come come :D
16-07-2012, 07:05 PM
Thank you much for the intel. I know what to do.
Since you know where he stays, go lah whack the shit outta him.
Song boh? Do not be a NATO yar? ;)
16-07-2012, 07:13 PM
aiyoh, last round u already said u noe my location liao.
Everyone came waiting for u but u were a party pooper n didnt appear.
But i steady, now since u made a fool of urself last time, i give u another chance k :d
now again, since u noe my location, faster come come, coffee in the pot, curry in the stove waiting to celebrate ur curry function.
Faster come come :d
哎哟喂,又接到电报-又来了啊!怎么到今天还是没完没了啊!干啥呢!快去找他呗,好好的痛打他一顿以消你当年的怨气 - 我会事先让他的女佣把家里的那条狗锁起来怕你被它咬到没医药费还啊!
拜托啦,如果没事干-去干点好事为自己计多点德,以将来等“它”翻开“生命书”的时候,看到你做了那么多缺德事就不好收场了。这 事别说我不通知你哦!
16-07-2012, 09:07 PM
Yes n no.
Remember, context here is WL not normal women.
How many of us men who actually BY a WL bother to even her make orgas in the 1st place?
Most often than not, more men r more keen on enjoying than letting the other enjoy.
So, let alone someone who is so oversexed like a WL where their flesh is as good as immune to the regular poke here poke there thingy.
Yes there will be like u said bro, but i dare say, it's a very small %age of all the cheongsters out there.
Eg, i had a singer last year, only 24 but noticed tat no matter how u sexcite her cunt, her reactions r ok ok only.
She was squirting when i was analing her & from tat day on, even when driving, she will tell me to anal her again ASAP
Even during intercourse, she wud direct my dick out from her cunt & direct to her arse!!!!
Turn the table on ourselves.
When was the last time u laid down n had the best mind blowing service before?
It is & always will be in ur mind & the next time u see someone between ur legs, n not getting wat u had before, u'd wish it was that one who brought u to 7th heaven.
The deed or act sets a benchmark, drilled deep into the subconscious side of the mind.
Thus the curse!
No sexcitment because the pussy was so used and super abused that no more human feelings can arouse it anymore. :D
Bro, I share your type of experience too when my ex-GF singer also wants to be arse fucked cos she lost all ability to appreciate cock in puss experience anymore. She is now singing in KL, Malaysia so maybe even her arse hole also no more human use type too. :p
Anyway, if you pay to buy something, use it well use it long use it till you song. When time is right you dump, please forget where you dump it when you walked off.
You two really power what, I still have not managed to find a girl willing to let me fuck her arse yet....but I have one potential one who does seem to mind me fingering up her arse....maybe I should just go ahead and fuck it? hehe
16-07-2012, 09:32 PM
HELLO FATBOY! I know your location.
Why you so sore, until now still wanna stalk him, we already all know he is bastard, old news leow, but some girls really enjoy being fuck by bastards ley..hehe
16-07-2012, 10:44 PM
Yar lor Sis.
Some people singer kanna taken over by my big bro, so 不甘愿. Her Ass kanna AJ till pok, so LAN LAN BO CHIU.
Stalk here stalk there, fuck here fuck there also no use.
A dog still a dog, only barks.
Would it worry us? Its greatest hopes, its mighty BO LIAOness.
They - Our biggest laughters. World's greatest sympathies.
They - We waited for its presence in Watten Estate, none arrived.
They - We offer tea and biscuits, tail between their legs they run.
They - Run as they may, we rejoice.
Always carry stale news, please give the readers here something refreshing. Breath also smelly liaoz. People say Chow Chee Bye, Chee Bye turns into its mouth.
All know now beside Chow Chee Bye, also call CHIU TAK LAN.
In other words, MOUTH STUFF COCK. NATO NATO! General NATO.
Please please, we have 3 locations open; we will open our gates and restrain our dogs. We await General NATO in its fullest glory. Our humble abodes await your grand presence to grace every honor of our dustmites and earthworms in our gardens. We cordially invite you to:
(1) Rochalie Drive, very cheap home off Tanglin;
(2) Sentosa Cove, with a very cheap fishing boat and a rotten cabin awaits;
(3) Watten Estate, grand castle made of sand.
Tell us what your desires...
Hahahaha :D
17-07-2012, 07:59 AM
Stop the argument and enjoy the sex.
Make love not war.
17-07-2012, 11:34 AM
Damn, u still remember.........;)
Can u pls cut me some slack occasionally n let me be just a plain newbie noob sighzzz lolzzz
Yes, how could I forget? I remember almost everything you hv said.
Do u remember CD? The chio n tall 20 yo Shanghai student whom I was enamored w/ in Sep 2009? She absconded the day I was going to consummate our deal. We reestablished ctc 4 months later n I BY-ed her for only 2 wks in Feb 2010 as her pussy wasn't pretty. She is returning to SG as a real singer, haha.
You met her twice at Dynasty Classic, once in early Sep 2009 n again in late April 2010.
wow.. nice thread.. read some nice things along the way.. :o
Pls share ur sexual experiences w/ us.
.................................................. ........
Good morning!
I started this thread initially on "how to pick up KTV gals outside KTVs," but it was quickly expanded to relevant topics on how to get chio n young pussies, n how to get them addicted.
I like to appeal to all esteemed bros here to confine discussions to topics relevant to these central themes, yes, on "picking up" any gals/women (both WLs n non-WLs) anytime n anywhere under the sun n what to do afterwards, including FOC, FWB, ST, BY, GF, FB, marriage, etc.
My main interests include, but not limited to, various aspects of attraction, seduction, man-woman RS, psychology, sexology, sexual medicine, successful long-term RS, the concept of soul mate, female orgasms n, last but not least, addictions.
I'm only talking abt how to get ur dream gal addicted to you.
There r 3 main components: 1) Financial, 2) Emotional, 3) Sexual
If there r none, the RS is transitory. If there is only one, the RS will not last. If there r 2, the RS may last, but there will be lots of conflict n pain, for both partners. If all 3 r present, the RS will last, but still not forever. People change, n both partners will change. For example, the man may be bankrupt, thus losing 1), or he becomes very sick n can't perform, thus losing 3).
It's very complicated as I hv not factored in the man's addiction to the female yet.
Since a prerequisite for getting chio gals in most societies is financial security, all legal ways of making money r germane to this thread.
Pls keep this thread educational n informative.
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
17-07-2012, 04:18 PM
Yup, agree with Bro WB to keep to topic and may the trolls keep out...Bro WB, recently I am bored using money to conquer girls, I am thinking if it is possible not to spend that much money on the girl and yet make her submit to you, I think this will be an ambitious project but do you think it is possible?
17-07-2012, 06:22 PM
Hi Bro WB,
CD is back? Where is she stationed as a singer?
17-07-2012, 06:46 PM
You two really power what, I still have not managed to find a girl willing to let me fuck her arse yet....but I have one potential one who does seem to mind me fingering up her arse....maybe I should just go ahead and fuck it? hehe
Who said anything about asking?
Who said anything about willing ?
The whole idea is to make them make u anal them!
For bastard types like me, sure no prob, but for nice guys like u & ahemmmm.......end up only bang common hole:D
Yup, agree with Bro WB to keep to topic and may the trolls keep out...Bro WB, recently I am bored using money to conquer girls, I am thinking if it is possible not to spend that much money on the girl and yet make her submit to you, I think this will be an ambitious project but do you think it is possible?
ST does not equate to conquer la
Tat's y if u play singer, u will know what is really conquer:rolleyes:
We always say, 男人不坏,女人不爱
Then, u so good to them for wat?
Dun be like those losers, dun need to even snatch their gal, gal walk away from him to be wif ahemmmmm, then sour here sour there, self snook himself dozens of times, will not blame the whore, cos in his principle of life, 女人也是有妈妈生的,女人是拿来爱,拿来疼的
Everything is possible, the only question to all the possibilities is "YOU!"
17-07-2012, 07:04 PM
Yes, how could I forget? I remember almost everything you hv said.
Do u remember CD? The chio n tall 20 yo Shanghai student whom I was enamored w/ in Sep 2009? She absconded the day I was going to consummate our deal. We reestablished ctc 4 months later n I BY-ed her for only 2 wks in Feb 2010 as her pussy wasn't pretty. She is returning to SG as a real singer, haha.
You met her twice at Dynasty Classic, once in early Sep 2009 n again in late April 2010.
Ah yes Guru, i remember her, coming back as a singer eh?
Must hv been spoilt by u in the $$$$$ dept so normal table sittings aint tempting enuff for her liaozzz:p
Hey, but aint got a pretty pussy does not mean aint a good anal ya:D
17-07-2012, 10:29 PM
Who said anything about asking?
Who said anything about willing ?
The whole idea is to make them make u anal them!
For bastard types like me, sure no prob, but for nice guys like u & ahemmmm.......end up only bang common hole:D
ST does not equate to conquer la
Tat's y if u play singer, u will know what is really conquer:rolleyes:
We always say, 男人不坏,女人不爱
Then, u so good to them for wat?
Dun be like those losers, dun need to even snatch their gal, gal walk away from him to be wif ahemmmmm, then sour here sour there, self snook himself dozens of times, will not blame the whore, cos in his principle of life, 女人也是有妈妈生的,女人是拿来爱,拿来疼的
Everything is possible, the only question to all the possibilities is "YOU!"
Bro DYBJ, I don't mean conquer as in fucking her, I meant conquer for her to be crazy over me, to be at my back and call and to be under my ultimate control without using money! nowadays screwing is getting boring!
17-07-2012, 10:59 PM
Bro DYBJ, I don't mean conquer as in fucking her, I meant conquer for her to be crazy over me, to be at my back and call and to be under my ultimate control without using money! nowadays screwing is getting boring!
Y u tink we retired?
Totally no kick liao!
To the one who zapped me 5pts
Picking up KTV gals... 17-07-2012 09:47 PM only knw how to tok only
If u feel it makes u feel better by this zap, good for u.
I already said it was for the selected few, this zap tells me which camp u belong to :D
Hope u feel better now :)
18-07-2012, 12:59 AM
Lolz ... Tonight I managed to get a hfj girl to accompany whole night and she is not working. This means no hang flower & have gf company with no cost. Actually, I have much confident to bring her to hotel but I didn't coz OC expected me to be home early.
Unlucky me is that I have a problem. Another gal at another joint wants to patch back w me. I told her my $$$ now control by OC & can't go down support her. She said never mind & she only wish that she can still go out w me & to give some love. To me, I think there is no free lunch and if there is I also won't take advantage.
18-07-2012, 10:48 AM
Yup, agree with Bro WB to keep to topic and may the trolls keep out... I am thinking if it is possible not to spend that much money on the girl and yet make her submit to you, I think this will be an ambitious project but do you think it is possible?
Hi Bro ME,
Of course it's possible.
Getting her insanely addicted to u is also very possible, hahaha.
Hi Bro WB,
CD is back? Where is she stationed as a singer?
Hi bro besafe,
I think u hv seen her pics, but have u met her?
I'll PM u the joint when she arrives. She will be here very soon. I got her the job, but she paid the expenses herself. She is just another good fren. I'll appreciate if u n ur frens will go to support her.
Who said anything about asking?
Who said anything about willing ?
The whole idea is to make them make u anal them!
For bastard types like me, sure no prob, but for nice guys like u & ahemmmm.......end up only bang common hole.......
ST does not equate to conquer la
Tat's y if u play singer, u will know what is really conquer...............
We always say, 男人不坏,女人不爱
Then, u so good to them for wat?
Dun be like those losers, dun need to even snatch their gal, gal walk away from him to be wif ahemmmmm, then sour here sour there, self snook himself dozens of times, will not blame the whore, cos in his principle of life, 女人也是有妈妈生的,女人是拿来爱,拿来疼的
Everything is possible, the only question to all the possibilities is "YOU!"
Dear Mr Chairman,
I like ur dominant character n ur mental toughness. "Nice guys" do finish last in the game of attraction, sex, love n RS.
A real man should never 'ask' a gal for anything. He confidently goes after what he wants, he leads n she follows, hahaha.
Ah yes Guru, i remember her, coming back as a singer eh?
Must hv been spoilt by u in the $$$$$ dept so normal table sittings aint tempting enuff for her liaozzz:p
Hey, but aint got a pretty pussy does not mean aint a good anal ya:D
Dear Mr. Chairman,
At the time I thought her abalone wasn't pretty...but curiously I now think it may look wickedly sexy, especially good for eating...n she could be very orgasmic.
You're right! Unfortunately, I never did AJ on her. It was over 2 yrs ago n I was a newbie then, haha.
Bro WB
Bro DYBJ, I don't mean conquer as in fucking her, I meant conquer for her to be crazy over me, to be at my back and call and to be under my ultimate control without using money! nowadays screwing is getting boring!
Now we r talking, yes, make her crazy over u. Start by getting her sexually addicted to u. It may take some time though, unless u can hypnotize her n make her come w/o touching her. I hope it's legal in SG...
I hv never done the hypnotic thing. But couple of gals could come by just caressing their nipples...
Y u tink we retired?
Totally no kick liao!
To the one who zapped me 5pts
Picking up KTV gals... 17-07-2012 09:47 PM only knw how to tok only
If u feel it makes u feel better by this zap, good for u.
I already said it was for the selected few, this zap tells me which camp u belong to :D
Hope u feel better now :)
You're right. Too much fxking can be boring. Getting them sexually addicted is much more challenging but may hv unintended consequences which could be costly...what to do?
Lolz ... Tonight I managed to get a hfj girl to accompany whole night and she is not working. This means no hang flower & have gf company with no cost. Actually, I have much confident to bring her to hotel but I didn't coz OC expected me to be home early.
Unlucky me is that I have a problem. Another gal at another joint wants to patch back w me. I told her my $$$ now control by OC & can't go down support her.... I think there is no free lunch and if there is I also won't take advantage.
Hi bro saltwet,
Ths for ur post. Accompanying u whole nite will cost the singer abt $400-500 (half of 买场)out of her own pocket, am I right? Perhaps she has been KC-ed by u!
No, there is no free lunch. You either pay in cash or in kind or w/ ur time n spunk...
Bro WB
18-07-2012, 02:25 PM
Bro DYBJ, I don't mean conquer as in fucking her, I meant conquer for her to be crazy over me, to be at my back and call and to be under my ultimate control without using money! nowadays screwing is getting boring!
This post is an open ended dreamland post wif the mentality of ahemmmm.......
How do u expect someone to be ur back n call without using any money?
If she works, whether local or not, how to be ur back n call?
Unless she dun work!
Then if dun work, be ur back n call still need $$$$ for basic stuff wat....aiyoh
Got ask like nvr ask, got tink like nvr tink!
This post is like wat my dear MinM said:
18-07-2012, 06:38 PM
This post is an open ended dreamland post wif the mentality of ahemmmm.......
How do u expect someone to be ur back n call without using any money?
If she works, whether local or not, how to be ur back n call?
Unless she dun work!
Then if dun work, be ur back n call still need $$$$ for basic stuff wat....aiyoh
Got ask like nvr ask, got tink like nvr tink!
This post is like wat my dear MinM said:
Why not? I do know of some 小白脸 around, you just gotta wrap her around your fingers...I think it would be the ultimate skill if you can reverse the roles and be baoed and have free sex and money! But you are probably right that it is almost fantasy....
18-07-2012, 07:06 PM
So what are the essential tips to pick up girls?
18-07-2012, 07:37 PM
Deleted post
who are you? same person as bybj? confused....:confused:
18-07-2012, 08:13 PM
who are you? same person as bybj? confused....:confused:
Ooi so freaking obviousSolely Owned By
Cannot read ah!
Dun disturb disturb;)
18-07-2012, 08:49 PM
Ooi so freaking obvious
Cannot read ah!
Dun disturb disturb;)
You mean she is your sex slave???
18-07-2012, 09:00 PM
You mean she is your sex slave???
See lang chow M.E dee seow seow knn
Yup, agree with Bro WB to keep to topic
Dun stray keep to topic knn!!!!
Bro WB, recently I am bored using money to conquer girls, I am thinking if it is possible not to spend that much money on the girl and yet make her submit to you, I think this will be an ambitious project but do you think it is possible?
U asked this question, she answered.
No financial dependency watsoever.
So, like i said earlier, everything is possible, the only question is "YOU" :D
18-07-2012, 09:12 PM
Sorry Guru saw this clip & couldnt stop laughing, so share here.
Sorry in advance
18-07-2012, 09:15 PM
difference between men and women
18-07-2012, 09:25 PM
I Have found the answer as to why the American Multinational Financial Corporation's net income falls 12 per cent to $2.9 billion in the second quarter.
Poor recruitment strategies add to costs :eek:
How you know I work for BOA? you must be genius sex slave of bybj, international man of mystery! :D
18-07-2012, 11:36 PM
No bro WB,
I have not met her.
That time when you gave me her contact, I invited her to join me at Jade.
I was with some associates.
She initially agreed but backed out later.
19-07-2012, 06:47 AM
orchard tower good?
19-07-2012, 01:57 PM
This post is an open ended dreamland post wif the mentality of ahemmmm.......
How do u expect someone to be ur back n call without using any money?
If she works, whether local or not, how to be ur back n call?
Unless she dun work!
Then if dun work, be ur back n call still need $$$$ for basic stuff wat....aiyoh
Got ask like nvr ask, got tink like nvr tink!
This post is like wat my dear MinM said:
Dear Mr. Chairman (aka International Man of Mystery),
Great answer n keen insight, haha.
who are you? same person as bybj? confused....
His full legal name is Mini-Me.
Sorry Guru saw this clip & couldnt stop laughing, so share here.
Sorry in advance
Ths for sharing, Mr Chairman.
No bro WB,
I have not met her.
That time when you gave me her contact, I invited her to join me at Jade.
I was with some associates.
She initially agreed but backed out later.
I see, bro besafe. She is now 23, 170, abt 53-54 KG, natural B, w/ slight tan. She sings very well n speaks good English.
Last yr, she wanted to borrow some money from me, but I said NO. We r still frens...
When u meet her, pls keep her private info confidential, ths.
orchard tower good?
Bro, good for what? There r many international whores there.
Good afternoon!
Ths to all esteemed bros for making this thread so active. ALL the posts yesterday n today r germane to the central theme. They r great! Pls keep them coming!!
I'll be very busy over the next several wks n may post infrequently. I hv 3 gals coming...but I'll try to read all the posts, hahaha.
Bro WB
19-07-2012, 09:28 PM
Thanks i take that as a compliment :)
Added : Now you know why you are ONLY what you are
He is ALREADY what he is.
Quoted DYBJ's wise words
M.E. you remind me of these video clips
haha, you are very humourous, I certainly hope I am as resilient as the cockroach, the mark of a great man is not how many times he is beaten but the ability to pick himself up, but then again self praise is no praise....
19-07-2012, 10:13 PM
haha, you are very humourous, I certainly hope I am as resilient as the cockroach, the mark of a great man is not how many times he is beaten but the ability to pick himself up, but then again self praise is no praise....
BroME.. I thought u r very smart guy! dybj_dage writing style u dunnoe meh? how many times u mess w him_he wack u till no come back line?
I kaypoh a bit just 2 tell u, tui n ham if can't differentiate, then u better retired ba..! 岁月静好!哈哈。。。。。
19-07-2012, 11:10 PM
Ooh Ooh yeah yeah me being mass zapped, cool manzzz 600+ more pts to go.....woohoo lolzzzz
20-07-2012, 12:34 AM
MinM is a girl I almost went Msia to meet....
I don't meet guys......
unless I am blind and deaf, dybj n minm should be 2 different ppl.
20-07-2012, 07:06 PM
Ooh Ooh yeah yeah me being mass zapped, cool manzzz 600+ more pts to go.....woohoo lolzzzz
Paiseh Bro, did not mean to implicate you, I was just asking who is MinM and did not mean that she's your clone, guys please give Bro DYBJ the benefit of the doubt as he has been here so long and need not resort to clones.
20-07-2012, 07:07 PM
BroME.. I thought u r very smart guy! dybj_dage writing style u dunnoe meh? how many times u mess w him_he wack u till no come back line?
I kaypoh a bit just 2 tell u, tui n ham if can't differentiate, then u better retired ba..! 岁月静好!哈哈。。。。。
You don't sow discord hor, since when I mess with bro dybj and since when he whack me, I always have the utmost respect for him and always give him face.....
20-07-2012, 07:10 PM
NO, you are WRONG
with the advances of technology, u might think that it's ok to be beaten/Embarrassed?, and then later found that it's being recorded and being featured in YOU TUBE ?!!!!
once is an accident twice is a coincidence and three times is a pattern
sorry, PREVENTION is ALWAYS better than CURE
i m afraid of saying sorry, so i will THINK before i DO.
but for you, someone having the mentality of a cockroach?
NO WONDER you can only PAY to get SEX.
P/S: OF COURSE I TALK LIKE DO_YOU_BJ, i learned all this from him. :D
No need to be so sore, and since you don't know me, so no need to make such sour remarks, well since you say you talk like DYBJ, you can't blame me for being confused, not many girls would admit being fully owned by someone else.....
20-07-2012, 07:18 PM
Okay guys, let's make peace and get back to the root of the thread which is how to get the chicks...stop all these senseless quarreling...
20-07-2012, 11:08 PM
Ooh Ooh yeah yeah me being mass zapped, cool manzzz 600+ more pts to go.....woohoo lolzzzz
Picking up KTV gals... 20-07-2012 10:59 PM
Ask for more zapped? here u goes.
Picking up KTV gals... 20-07-2012 10:40 PM
Picking up KTV gals... 20-07-2012 11:57 AM
Ooh Ooh yeah yeah! woohoo lolzzzz
Picking up KTV gals... 19-07-2012 10:52 PM
That not funnie
WoooHooo 加油加油 lolzzzz
I so scared :D :D :D
21-07-2012, 11:32 AM
Why you so poor thing? Stop bitching la just a kid, fat boy.
So many clones create by you to come up nonsense at the forum.
Why mods treat you so well and delete other people post? Must be fair right? Maybe Fatboy suck Mods cock until so song, Mods press wrong button to delete all posts that say against DO_YOU_BJ and his clones and his pals.
Some more want to flame a top class joint, the more you flame the better the business. Singers a lot too, want to come and see or not. Or you even got balls to appear or not. O$P$ can, chow BASTARD. We remember what you did last few years.
Picking up KTV gals... 20-07-2012 10:59 PM
Ask for more zapped? here u goes.
Picking up KTV gals... 20-07-2012 10:40 PM
Picking up KTV gals... 20-07-2012 11:57 AM
Ooh Ooh yeah yeah! woohoo lolzzzz
Picking up KTV gals... 19-07-2012 10:52 PM
That not funnie
WoooHooo 加油加油 lolzzzz
I so scared :D :D :D
21-07-2012, 11:39 AM
MinM is a girl I almost went Msia to meet....
I don't meet guys......
unless I am blind and deaf, dybj n minm should be 2 different ppl.
Oh oh, if she really gal then she must open big cock eye big big to see why she is OWNED by a bastard. Bastard talk big and live off women and singers with empty promise and fake wealth. No money buy drinks no money pay flower hang only KPKB.
He will tell you all excuse la, fake flower, of course of money buy drink la.
Then come to Peace Center and drink la. You also got sensible head, so think hard why only DO_YOU_BJ and his pals and friends got target by us.
Anyway, you met MinM before? You saw her in person? Voice can be fake by anyone who is a gal.
21-07-2012, 01:27 PM
Oh oh, if she really gal then she must open big cock eye big big to see why she is OWNED by a bastard. Bastard talk big and live off women and singers with empty promise and fake wealth. No money buy drinks no money pay flower hang only KPKB.
He will tell you all excuse la, fake flower, of course of money buy drink la.
Then come to Peace Center and drink la. You also got sensible head, so think hard why only DO_YOU_BJ and his pals and friends got target by us.
Anyway, you met MinM before? You saw her in person? Voice can be fake by anyone who is a gal.
I thought U coming to my house to visit me since u stated more than once u noe where i stay, Y party pooper again?
NATO King now?
Zapping me n creating a new clone using my location, MinM's signature as well as dage K9696 to add more spam in this forum is not gonna gain u any ground for ur cos!
This joint hang FAKE FLOWER.
Also joint run by GANGSTERS.
Beware beware oh oh GOT FAKE FLOWERS.
Solely owned by DO_YOU_BJ
^^ 一天为魔 ^^ 终身为魔 ^^
It is within the process of endurance that opporutnity reveals itself
GANNINAH Another joint that hang FAKE Flowers.
I famous in MONTE CARLO. See there got fake flowers everytime.
Miss the stage in centre of hall. so grand so NICE can see all FAKE FLOWER hang.
Do not bother. Fuck up place.
Do not bother. Fuck up place. :D
Do not bother. Fuck up place. :D
Do not bother. Fuck up place. :D
People one look also noe u r the same loser who lost his cai to me & LL only way of getting back is thru this forum????
It just show's, as i told u before, u hv a severe lack of creativity.
If u really read & understand wat u r doin, u r not spamming me but the joints instead, it does not affect me at all, let alone the pathetic zaps.
U tink u can zap me into submission?
Is this all u got?
Since 2010 till now, looks like my lifestyle no change leh, u flame here flame there, ownself tio self snook non stop, say wanna come my hse twice liao no come, make me waste to coffee in the brew & curry in the pot just specially made for u, my poor dogs in the cage cannot come out & run around.
People even encourage u n remind u not to be NATO but look like, u r just noise noise n more noise.
Remember this, in real life, u lost to me hands down, just a gentle reminder incase u didn't notice, here in the virtual world, same result :D
Hi darling DYBJ,
Oh oh Come in me now also CUM in me. ALL SINGERS are bitches. HFJ owners and jackets are MOTHER FUCKERS. COME ZAP ME WITH YOUR SMALL COCKS. I DARE YOU ALL SMALL COCKS.
P/S: OF COURSE I TALK LIKE DO_YOU_BJ, i typed all this from him.
Wished to be remained as an unpolished diamond
being appreciated by the exclusive one
DO_YOU_BJ will always be the one i worship to.
21-07-2012, 03:00 PM
Steering the topic back... Bros, jus to update. I tried 1 of the techniques mentioned here.
In the past, I used to not look at the girls if I pass by them on the way to the toilet or in the lift so that I don't appear like a chee ko peh (altho deep down I'm the most tiko, I admit).
But last wk, I greeted a girl n told her she is pretty. I was expecting her to be dao and walk away but surprisingly, she smiled back sweetly. So I tried the same technique twice more on other girls.
It goes to show that if u make the 1st move, they are usually quite nice. And who knows, u ask her sit with u, slowly tcss a bit and things will just go from there
Hi darling DYBJ,
Oh oh Come in me now also CUM in me. ALL SINGERS are bitches. HFJ owners and jackets are MOTHER FUCKERS. COME ZAP ME WITH YOUR SMALL COCKS. I DARE YOU ALL SMALL COCKS. :D
P/S: OF COURSE I TALK LIKE DO_YOU_BJ, i typed all this from him.
Wished to be remained as an unpolished diamond
being appreciated by the exclusive one
DO_YOU_BJ will always be the one i worship to.
21-07-2012, 04:44 PM
Hi darling DYBJ,
Oh oh Come in me now also CUM in me. ALL SINGERS are bitches. HFJ owners and jackets are MOTHER FUCKERS. COME ZAP ME WITH YOUR SMALL COCKS. I DARE YOU ALL SMALL COCKS. :D
P/S: OF COURSE I TALK LIKE DO_YOU_BJ, i typed all this from him.
Wished to be remained as an unpolished diamond
being appreciated by the exclusive one
DO_YOU_BJ will always be the one i worship to.
LOLzzz u so desperate u forgot to add the avatar.
Self snook again.
Faster go add avatar then more convincing lolzzz
Whole life self snook wahahahaaha
Good doggy 听话, 快去做:D
21-07-2012, 04:51 PM
HOOHOO.. self snook - where is the avatar.... lol
21-07-2012, 04:53 PM
Bo nao joo see bo nao
21-07-2012, 06:37 PM
Damn funny. Want me to teach you how to insert avatar? LOLz :D
See lah - when you were young, daddy asked you to study and you chose not to study. This is what you get, at your very best of abilities.
Let everyone ignore all these flamers least they destroy the purpose of this wonderful thread and Boss will have to shut it down.
21-07-2012, 10:57 PM
Steering the topic back... Bros, jus to update. I tried 1 of the techniques mentioned here.
In the past, I used to not look at the girls if I pass by them on the way to the toilet or in the lift so that I don't appear like a chee ko peh (altho deep down I'm the most tiko, I admit).
But last wk, I greeted a girl n told her she is pretty. I was expecting her to be dao and walk away but surprisingly, she smiled back sweetly. So I tried the same technique twice more on other girls.
It goes to show that if u make the 1st move, they are usually quite nice. And who knows, u ask her sit with u, slowly tcss a bit and things will just go from there
Yes Bro, there is a thin line between desperate and pro-active, it's how you toe the line, but I suspect girls are usually attracted to confident guys....
21-07-2012, 11:57 PM
Yes Bro, there is a thin line between desperate and pro-active, it's how you toe the line, but I suspect girls are usually attracted to confident guys....
Who will be attracted to a not confident guy? well if he is super rich... maybe?
if u r not even confident abt urself,who gonna be confident abt u? i wonder?
22-07-2012, 12:43 AM
Who will be attracted to a not confident guy? well if he is super rich... maybe?
if u r not even confident abt urself,who gonna be confident abt u? i wonder?
A lot of rich people are actually very insecure...;)
LOLzzz u so desperate u forgot to add the avatar.
Self snook again.
Faster go add avatar then more convincing lolzzz
Whole life self snook wahahahaaha
Good doggy 听话, 快去做:D
It no matter to us. We got your attention BASTARD fatboy.
Your dage and your little prince told us that you are very asshole to them. They say you are shit and you are fat and you are heartless. We also aware your friends one by one leave you. So poor thing, lonely so play clones and MinM also you. Anyone can see it is you all along unless they are stupid.
Here is SBF and sex forum and got MinM the gal openly want to be own by a man here. Fishey and suspect that either a clone or alternate or maybe another FL on the prowl. Boss SBF you think that all these shit not clones and you disagree with us then please continue to delete our posts. Thanks and it just go on to proof our point. Not self snook very very clear so many issue here lately cause by DYBJ and his target on certain HFJ and PEOPLE of SBF. No clones oh oh my foot.
22-07-2012, 12:55 PM
A lot of rich people are actually very insecure...;)
My view is that every human being has our own insecurities. Rich or poor, male or female, WL or non-WL, alpha Male or beta Male...everyone has insecurities. Just that the insecurities are manifested differently in different people. The outwardly confident dude may have some very deep seated insecurities. And some hide their insecurities better than others. Maybe that is where the much touted self mastery in this thread plays a part.
moh 上。
22-07-2012, 01:04 PM
Your dage and your little prince told us that you are very asshole to them.We also aware your friends one by one leave you
Yeah, fuck them all, like you zap LDH say I call him loser, ur rite man, LDH & K9696 all bigtime losers.
They Cannot make it.
Who need friends, fuck them all:mad:
I GOT U enuff liaozzz:p
Luv u deep deep:D
22-07-2012, 01:56 PM
It no matter to us. We got your attention BASTARD fatboy.
Your dage and your little prince told us that you are very asshole to them. They say you are shit and you are fat and you are heartless. We also aware your friends one by one leave you. So poor thing, lonely so play clones and MinM also you. Anyone can see it is you all along unless they are stupid.
Here is SBF and sex forum and got MinM the gal openly want to be own by a man here. Fishey and suspect that either a clone or alternate or maybe another FL on the prowl. Boss SBF you think that all these shit not clones and you disagree with us then please continue to delete our posts. Thanks and it just go on to proof our point. Not self snook very very clear so many issue here lately cause by DYBJ and his target on certain HFJ and PEOPLE of SBF. No clones oh oh my foot.
(1)it no matter to us? US?
you referring to your friends or you alone are behind your poor clone flaming people?
(2)calling someone a bastard?
do you even know the definition of bastard? if you do not know please kindly check out in the dictionary, if you don't know how to, here is a link
just left click on your mouse and read it to have a better understanding.
(3)Your dage and your little prince told us that you are very asshole to them. They say you are shit and you are fat and you are heartless.
who who?? name? yourself?? maybe..
(4)We also aware your friends one by one leave you.
oh so sad, you are lonely and a big time stalker.
(5)lonely so play clones and MinM also you.Anyone can see it is you all along unless they are stupid.Here is SBF and sex forum and got MinM the gal openly want to be own by a man here.
now i m confused, who is the clone that created many clone?? here is sbf, anything can happen here and now i m replying to a loser clone noww...
(6)Fishey and suspect that either a clone or alternate or maybe another FL on the prowl. Boss SBF you think that all these shit not clones and you disagree with us then please continue to delete our posts.
woah, now you are challenging the boss. do you even have access to the data entry and determine who are the clones? of course he disagree with you, because you have already stupidly self admit all along that those are your clones and with your gang of people.. or i suspect, you are the only sadist behind the screen and imagine that you have many imaginary supporter...
oh FYI, i love attention, and i am also a clone.. SAD SAD.. i talk like you because i am a loser...T_T cry me a river please.preasee..:(
22-07-2012, 02:44 PM
Armed with more courage and mild success, I tried again.
Went to a shopping centre info counter to ask for directions and was served by this pretty prc lady.
After all the ktv and FL, it is a nice change and rare sight, u know what I mean.
I tried to be friendly and even thanked her aft that but Knn, she quite dao.
I think I need more information when I go there for shopping again.... One of the advice is to be thick skinned n persistent. Shall update on the progress, if any, to encourage all here :-)
22-07-2012, 02:48 PM
Good afternoon!
I hv put some flamers on the ignore list as per advice of our Boss.
IMHO, no self-respecting person should stoop so low as to reply to these senseless posts. Dun explain or clarify, just ignore them. That is the best way to get a stalker to stop.
My advice to the flamers: If u feel u hv been wronged or harmed, file a law suit. If u dun hv a case, get over it. Forgive n forget. Most importantly, get a life. There r many chio gals of ur type out there waiting for u, hahaha. Connect w/ them n get them addicted to u.
"Life is too short for drama and petty things,
laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly."
Bro WB
Steering the topic back... Bros, jus to update. I tried 1 of the techniques mentioned here. ................
It goes to show that if u make the 1st move, they are usually quite nice. And who knows, u ask her sit with u, slowly tcss a bit and things will just go from there
You missed my avatar dear clone;)
Hi sis,
You hv veyy nice n sexy legs!
Damn funny................
Let everyone ignore all these flamers least they destroy the purpose of this wonderful thread and Boss will have to shut it down.
Hi Bro LDH,
Ths for ur support n understanding.
Yes Bro, there is a thin line between desperate and pro-active, it's how you toe the line, but I suspect girls are usually attracted to confident guys....
You're right. You're very attractive bcos you're very confident!
Who will be attracted to a not confident guy? well if he is super rich... maybe?
if u r not even confident abt urself,who gonna be confident abt u? i wonder?
Great insight!
A lot of rich people are actually very insecure..
Many r also very frustrated n hv inferiority complex.
My view is that every human being has our own insecurities. Rich or poor, male or female, WL or non-WL, alpha Male or beta Male...everyone has insecurities. Just that the insecurities are manifested differently in different people. The outwardly confident dude may have some very deep seated insecurities. And some hide their insecurities better than others. Maybe that is where the much touted self mastery in this thread plays a part.
moh 上。
Hi Bro MindOverHeart,
You're right on.
Even the First Emperor of China was very insecure, fearful n had inferiority complex. There were many attempts on his life when he was a child living w/ his mom in another State. All the power n wealth in the world could not change his deep-rooted negativities. He became arrogant, ruthless, heartless...
Unfortunately, all of us acquired those negative emotions when we were helpless infants. No human being is immune. How we remove them n replace them w/ positive thoughts n emotions will determine our happiness in life.
Bro WB
22-07-2012, 02:48 PM
i m speaking from my point of view, i would go for guys with these qualities.
Please ONLY be nice to the SPECIALgirl, not EVERYgirl
got other girls also dun let us know lor :p
Dun be a COWARD, BUT you can be HUMBLE
Dun have to treat us(FEMALE) like princess during good times, just DUN leave us during tough time( RESPONSIBILITY)
Lastly, Obey to LAW
Dun rape , make us (FEMALE) ask for it :p
but of course,
Great advice. Can we hang out just for pure chatting and u be my Zhu Geliang
22-07-2012, 02:51 PM
Armed with more courage and mild success, I tried again.
Went to a shopping centre info counter to ask for directions and was served by this pretty prc lady.
After all the ktv and FL, it is a nice change and rare sight, u know what I mean.
I tried to be friendly and even thanked her aft that but Knn, she quite dao.
I think I need more information when I go there for shopping again.... One of the advice is to be thick skinned n persistent. Shall update on the progress, if any, to encourage all here :-)
Sometimes bro, it does pay to be more direct, but only to be used in certain situations not all
Some female species r extremely turned off when a guy tries but does so timidly.
Usually belonging to the Alpha female category.
But, the only way to flatter some of these kind, who know their strengths, is to outright compliment them n ask them for their tel number & if they mind going for a meal or date wif ya
22-07-2012, 03:14 PM
Good afternoon!
I hv put some flamers on the ignore list as per advice of our Boss.
IMHO, no self-respecting person should stoop so low as to reply to these senseless posts. Dun explain or clarify, just ignore them.
Copied n noted Guru Warbird, let's continue to share n exchange +ve fruitful info in this wonderful & not let it go to waste due to some viral infections ;:rolleyes:
22-07-2012, 03:54 PM
Very well said - concise and also a doctrine.
No wonder my bro always speak highly of you. :D
i m speaking from my point of view, i would go for guys with these qualities.
Please ONLY be nice to the SPECIALgirl, not EVERYgirl
got other girls also dun let us know lor :p
Dun be a COWARD, BUT you can be HUMBLE
Dun have to treat us(FEMALE) like princess during good times, just DUN leave us during tough time( RESPONSIBILITY)
Lastly, Obey to LAW
Dun rape , make us (FEMALE) ask for it :p
but of course,
22-07-2012, 04:50 PM
P/S : Curious to see HOW i look like? i m uploading my face as Avatar if my point reaches at least 100 before this end of July? any interested party? Up my points :p
see i m not afraid of exposing myself, as you can see from my past postings, i have done NOTHING that brings disgrace to myself, same like i mentioned i was not afraid using my real name as nick before :rolleyes:
I upz you my humble points ley....sure would love to see your face....but 23 inch waist abit too slim, you should eat more sis!
22-07-2012, 04:53 PM
Armed with more courage and mild success, I tried again.
Went to a shopping centre info counter to ask for directions and was served by this pretty prc lady.
After all the ktv and FL, it is a nice change and rare sight, u know what I mean.
I tried to be friendly and even thanked her aft that but Knn, she quite dao.
I think I need more information when I go there for shopping again.... One of the advice is to be thick skinned n persistent. Shall update on the progress, if any, to encourage all here :-)
No no, don't be thick skinned and persistent, you must make her want you and not be irritated by you, yes picking up non WL is more challenging but can be more fun, the difference is that you cannot use money outright to bonk them, you have to use the suggestion of power and money to entice them...
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