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26-03-2014, 09:25 AM
Moral of the story. If u wanna shit, dun shit in ur own backyard la keke;)

Yes yes! I learnt my lesson liao! That was 10 years ago! LOL

26-03-2014, 12:04 PM
I will always avoid SG gals like the plague.

They are born and bred in SG so they know their way in SG and they know where you stay.....................

In the beginning, they will always tell you they don’t mind being the one on the side, and they treat you like a king.

Used to have one SG gal who was head over heels for me. Cooks for me, serves me, de-shell prawns for me, have the wildest sex, swallow all my cum without flinching...................
But alas, she wanted more and she turned very jealous and spiteful…

So, if you are not single, then don’t touch SG gals… but its just my bad experience…

Bro FA,

Tks for sharing.


Bro WB

I am sure, if it wasn't an act, this gal comes from a very close knit well brought up traditional family.
My wife also like tat. Even until today. Go makan, will take tissue clean my face when I perspire etc
This type, NEVER LET GO must keep for LIFE! They will do everything & anything to keep you HAPPY be it sexual or not

Moral of the story. If u wanna shit, dun shit in ur own backyard la keke;)

Mr. Chairman,

Tks for ur post.

It's very difficult to find a wife like that, especially one who could live in peace w/ ur mistresses.


Yes yes! I learnt my lesson liao! That was 10 years ago! LOL


We shouldn't stereotype any group as it may or may not be true. Also, every girl is different...


.................................................. ..........

Good morning!

"How to Pick the Right wife" is written by an Ang Moh n I happen to agree w/ him 100%. But it's just me n many bros may hv very different views on the marriage institution n they may look for very different qualities in an ideal wife. That is great because one man's meat is another man's poison. You hv my sincerest blessings!

Another important topic which is of great interest to many bros n some women is whether safe penis enlargement is possible. I'll cite a couple of articles from reputed medical institutions in Gotham country. For now, I just want to say that a man definitely doesn't need a larger than average penis to give women the most intense PVOs.

Lastly, a few minutes ago I obtained a copy of Sex-Ploytation, How Women Use Their Bodies to Extort Money from Men, by Matthew Fitzgerald. I'm going to read it n give my report.

Even w/o reading it, I believe these 'women' should include legal wives who are actually the biggest offenders. But knowing that women actually crave great sex much more than men can be used to prevent this extortion hahaha. Knowledge w/ focused action is power!


Bro WB

lucky low
26-03-2014, 02:32 PM
hi bros, great contributions, keep it alive

26-03-2014, 02:59 PM
hi bros, great contributions, keep it alive

Bro lucky low,

You make my day!


Bro WB


Good afternoon!

I hv just finished the Introduction of Sex-ploytation (published in 1999) n I already love it! The author n I think alike!!

I hv to go out now but I like to post it here:


Twenty-five years ago, a remarkable book was published entitled The Manipulated Man.

Its author was Esther Vilar, an Argentinian-born physician and psychologist, who had
emigrated from her native Buenos Aires to West Germany. From the vantage point of
such rich cultural experience, Vilar was in a unique position to cast a critical eye on the
social milieu of the 1960's and 70's; and because she had managed to disencumber herself
from the hypocrisy so natural to her gender, she was free to unleash her intelligence as a
ruthlessly honest critic of male/female relationships.

Although it was only a slim volume, The Manipulated Man nevertheless packed the
wallop of a hand grenade. Vilar's crucial thesis was that women, by manipulating men
with sex, have conditioned them to respond like Pavlov's dogs, to be shackled into a
lifetime of subservience and slavery for the fulfillment of female desires. It was a coldblooded
manipulation, indeed. To Vilar, the typical American housewife was nothing
more than a parasitic prostitute living off the bounty of her husband's hard labor,
mercilessly goading him to make more money so that she could enjoy the finer things in
life without any expenditure of effort on her part. In her words: "Women live an animal
existence. They like eating, drinking, sleeping-even sex, providing there is nothing to do
and no real effort is required of them."

Extreme though her conclusions appeared to be, nevertheless Vilar had hit her target dead
center. Predictably enough, the book touched off a furor of controversy and female rage
(it was vilified as a textbook of misogyny). Women's age-old scam of trading sex for
food and shelter, so long whitewashed by tacit societal approval, had been suddenly
spotlighted under the stark glare of public scrutiny. Women protested; Vilar was
condemned as a traitor to her gender; copies of the book were confiscated and burned by
threatened wives and girlfriends. The female con game had been at last exposed, and the
truth burned like the slash of a knife.

The late 60's and early 70's was an era of abrupt and tumultuous cultural change, and
Vilar might have thought she had touched a nerve in younger readers. Giddily
empowered by a reckless interpretation of the new fad of feminism, women began to
burn their bras and to clamor for better jobs and pay equal to their male counterparts. The
invention of the birth control pill freed them to experiment with sex, to enjoy its pleasures
without fear of pregnancy. The sort of women Vilar had been castigating-housewives
idling away their afternoons lunching with girlfriends and withholding sex until their
husbands bought them a bigger diamond ring or a fur coat-suddenly seemed hopelessly
passé. An unstoppable tide of liberation seemed to have turned.

Yesterday's whores would hand down their burnt-out torches of greed to an enlightened generation of women
who treasured men as partners in life, not meal tickets. Sex had become a celebration, no
longer a tool to extort money from men. A new age had begun.

But such optimistic hopes were short-lived. This "new age" died a quick and pitiless
death, a squirming victim sacrificed on the altar of female greed. As business boomed
and diversified in the late 70's and early 80's, and baby-boomer men prospered, the fires
of avarice began once again to blaze up fiercely in female hearts.

The mercenary opportunities of their gender nagged insistently at these young revolutionaries, and their
mothers' words haunted them with timeworn advice: why should men buy the cow if they
can have the milk for free? Ironically the equal rights movement, with its emphasis on
individual freedom and gender parity, had somehow spawned an evil twin sister. Fueled
by an all encompassing anger and avarice, a renegade self-serving feminism had spun off
the old one, a greed-ridden parody of a noble ideal. It sanctioned women to become even
more selfish and demanding of men than their mothers had been. Now they wanted their
cake and eat it, too: while they marched for equal rights and equal pay, they still expected
men to take care of their needs, and they still offered the bait of their bodies to plunder
male wallets. Feminism didn't free the ordinary woman; it simply gave blunt franchise to
her greed.

But the future promised an even blacker forecast. By the mid 80's, female arrogance had
spread like a virulent cancer, and women had begun to assess men not as equals, but as
inferiors. A woman's version of equal rights had turned into "pay for me-and pay a lotwithout
question". I am woman, you owe me. The cute conniving of their mothers had
had its day; coldly trading the use of her body for big money had become a woman's
business. Instead of "if it feels good, do it", now it was "if it feels good, sell it". Make
cash, not love.

Whoredom was back, and this time with a vengeance.
In comparison to this unbounded greed, Vilar's women seemed like schoolgirls making
cow-eyes at Daddy to con him out of extra allowance. At least her housewives were more
honest prostitutes, selling themselves within the context of the social norm, more or less
under the aegis of societal blessing. But these new whores had emerged as the most
flagrant of hypocrites, parading themselves as emancipated, yet still insisting on cash for
sex, then refusing to admit the reality of their prostitution.

This is an incendiary book. It takes up where Esther Vilar left off twenty-five years ago.
The primary targets of its criticisms are single and divorced women, since they are the
most egregious offenders in regarding mate selection and dating as a whore-john

In these times of rampant inflation and rising housing costs, economic
realities force many married women to go to work-kicking and screaming against their
will, of course-in order to help support a family. Still, quite a few women live off the hard
work of their husbands, contributing nothing to the marriage but high bills and an
occasional lay. At these prostitutes this book is aimed as well.

Male readers will applaud the conclusions of Sex-Ploytation, and will cheer that at long
last someone has found the courage to rip the mask off female duplicity to ransom men,
emancipating them from their chains of frustration and sexual slavery.

Female readers will doubtless be outraged. Some will predictably rant and rave that the book is "antiwoman";
others, threatened by the exposure of their manipulations, will bury their heads
in the sands of disbelief and denial. But truth is truth; it exists independent of wishful
thinking. All of us are guilty of egoistic provincialism; all of us rigorously defend the
battlements of our illusions.

Women are especially skilled in such fantasies, preferring
magical thinking over naked reality. They are herd creatures, naively following whatever
direction society leads them. Seemingly incapable of independent thought, they troop
along the path of least resistance, entranced by a kind of hypnosis which allows them to
disavow any responsibility for their actions.

It takes far less effort to warm the bed of a millionaire than to earn a million dollars yourself. It is much less expensive to pretend to
be a tragic victim of a "male-dominated" society than to pay for your own dinner.

Even though, like The Manipulated Man, this book is sure to be denounced as misogynist
literature, it has no interest in hating women or in female-bashing. It is not motivated by
anger or bitterness, or even cynicism. To come to such a conclusion is, as above, to
follow a path of least resistance. It is, rather, a book of uncensored observations of human
behavior, and so is not an agenda-ridden manifesto, as is so typical of anti-male literature.

The conclusions written here may be inflammatory, perhaps even menacing, but they are
culled from real life and real experience, and therefore cannot be denied nor disproved.

The true purpose of this book is not to despise women, but to shine a harsh light on their
mercenary behavior, and to expose this behavior to uncompromising scrutiny.

With any luck, this book will inspire social change; at worst it will push a little farther along the
trail blazed by Esther Vilar two-and a-half decades ago.

26-03-2014, 03:03 PM
Bro FA,

We shouldn't stereotype any group as it may or may not be true. Also, every girl is different...


Not stereotyping. Just that locals are here to stay so getting rid of them is not as easy as getting rid of PRCs… most time, you don’t even need to get rid of them - they have to leave when their visas expire.

Also, I fully agree with bro DYBJ… there are many born and bred SG gals who are very very nice and subservient… I personally know of many gals (and one who comes from a super-rich family) who are like that because of very good family upbringing. Only the not-so-well-to-do gals have Princess Mentality but then again, I’m generalizing.

Like I said, if you are single, go for the subservient SG SYT… otherwise, like Bro DYBJ said, don’t shit in your own backyard! LOL

Congreve said... hell hath no fury like a woman scorned... :p

26-03-2014, 04:36 PM
Mr. Chairman,

Tks for ur post.

It's very difficult to find a wife like that, especially one who could live in peace w/ ur mistresses.

Yup, anyways I was referring to my No.2;)

Also, I fully agree with bro DYBJ… there are many born and bred SG gals who are very very nice and subservient… I personally know of many gals (and one who comes from a super-rich family) who are like that because of very good family upbringing. Only the not-so-well-to-do gals have Princess Mentality but then again, I’m generalizing.

Like I said, if you are single, go for the subservient SG SYT… otherwise, like Bro DYBJ said, don’t shit in your own backyard! LOL

Congreve said... hell hath no fury like a woman scorned... :p

Tats exactly where u hit the jackpot! Princess Mentality. They r born n bred n groomed to think that MEN r suppose to spoil them, b their slaves etc. Only MAN will think( in pure disgust) like tat u know. I am sure, not just me, but many hv seen kooniang men being used n abused even publicly by such women n they just bow in submission.

Scenario 1
I once had a gal from 3rd floor. The next day after consummation, she msg me at 2:30 n said:
Obvious rite, want me to zoom down bring her go makan etc. I called her F the shit outta her, WAT, U HANDICAP AH, NO ARMS NO LEGS CANNOT GO DOWNSTAIRS BUY YOURSELF IS IT!!!!!!!
Tat was the last time I made ctc wif her. Bro WB prolly met her b4 too

Scenario 2
Was wif a bro having kopi at Marina Mandarin, his phone rang. His KTV chick wake up liao. After hanging up, he told me:
Eh bro, PS, my chick wake up liao. Hv to bring her for makan. I was like, WTF!!!!!!!!!!! But ok lor. Tat was also the last time I ctc that kooniang

Best part here is, some is DISGUSTED by such women, but some actually ADORES it.

So again, One Mans Meat is Another Mans Poison

26-03-2014, 05:00 PM
Hi brudders

Quick observation here.

Due to the huge influx of foreign talent into singapore all these years, there actually are quite a lot of good quality singapore girls that are left on the shelf.

There has never been a better time to be a single man in singapore now, however.....
If u are married, then problem arises cos too easy to get caught esp in sg. Hence places like CP are heaven

26-03-2014, 05:28 PM
Yup, anyways I was referring to my No.2;)

Tats exactly where u hit the jackpot! Princess Mentality. They r born n bred n groomed to think that MEN r suppose to spoil them, b their slaves etc. Only MAN will think( in pure disgust) like tat u know. I am sure, not just me, but many hv seen kooniang men being used n abused even publicly by such women n they just bow in submission.

Scenario 1
I once had a gal from 3rd floor. The next day after consummation, she msg me at 2:30 n said:
Obvious rite, want me to zoom down bring her go makan etc. I called her F the shit outta her, WAT, U HANDICAP AH, NO ARMS NO LEGS CANNOT GO DOWNSTAIRS BUY YOURSELF IS IT!!!!!!!
Tat was the last time I made ctc wif her. Bro WB prolly met her b4 too

Scenario 2
Was wif a bro having kopi at Marina Mandarin, his phone rang. His KTV chick wake up liao. After hanging up, he told me:
Eh bro, PS, my chick wake up liao. Hv to bring her for makan. I was like, WTF!!!!!!!!!!! But ok lor. Tat was also the last time I ctc that kooniang

Best part here is, some is DISGUSTED by such women, but some actually ADORES it.

So again, One Mans Meat is Another Mans Poison


Scenario 1 - I just ignore them, cannot give them what they want, otherwise you will be controlled by them...

Scenario 2 - don't have kooniang friends... LOL!

26-03-2014, 05:30 PM
Hi brudders

Quick observation here.

Due to the huge influx of foreign talent into singapore all these years, there actually are quite a lot of good quality singapore girls that are left on the shelf.

There has never been a better time to be a single man in singapore now, however.....
If u are married, then problem arises cos too easy to get caught esp in sg. Hence places like CP are heaven

Its true. Just last week, I went to a club where there are Taiwanese, Koreans and (a couple of) Russian gals. And there were many SG gals too. One of the 2 SG gals who sat with me was a finalist of Miss World Singapore… 19yo, 170cm tall… the SG gal who sat with my friend was a FHM model, refreshing change from all the Taiwanese dancers, Koreans, Thais, etc… not to say she is prettier than the rest of the gals who worked there but at least spoke the same language, ie., Singlish… LOL!

26-03-2014, 05:50 PM
Hmm. Which club leh, locals? That's rare.

26-03-2014, 06:13 PM
Hmm. Which club leh, locals? That's rare.

Should be This club call Happy

26-03-2014, 08:04 PM
Should be This club call Happy

Bingo!!! :)

28-03-2014, 01:40 PM
Not stereotyping. Just that locals are here to stay so getting rid of them is not as easy as getting rid of PRCs….................

Also, I fully agree with bro DYBJ… there are many born and bred SG gals who are very very nice and subservient…...........................

Ok bro.

Yup, anyways I was referring to my No.2;)

Tats exactly where u hit the jackpot! Princess Mentality...............kooniang men being used n abused even publicly by such women n they just bow in submission.

Scenario 1
I once had a gal from 3rd floor. The next day after consummation, she msg me at 2:30 n said:
Obvious rite, want me to zoom down bring her go makan etc. I called her F the shit outta her, WAT, U HANDICAP AH, NO ARMS NO LEGS CANNOT GO DOWNSTAIRS BUY YOURSELF IS IT!!!!!!!
Tat was the last time I made ctc wif her. Bro WB prolly met her b4 too

Scenario 2
Was wif a bro having kopi at Marina Mandarin, his phone rang. His KTV chick wake up liao. After hanging up, he told me:
Eh bro, PS, my chick wake up liao. Hv to bring her for makan. I was like, WTF!!!!!!!!!!! But ok lor. Tat was also the last time I ctc that kooniang

Best part here is, some is DISGUSTED by such women, but some actually ADORES it.

So again, One Mans Meat is Another Mans Poison

Mr. Chairman,

I might hv met that gal a long time ago...

Scenario 1 is a confident n dominant man n scenario 2 is a man who believes he has LOWER VALUE than the gal n he is sucking up to her...ironically his behaviour is disgusting n repulsive to her n she will dump him asap if she could.

Hi brudders

Quick observation here.

Due to the huge influx of foreign talent into singapore all these years, there actually are quite a lot of good quality singapore girls that are left on the shelf.

There has never been a better time to be a single man in singapore now, however.....
If u are married, then problem arises cos too easy to get caught esp in sg. Hence places like CP are heaven

Bro ahpui99,

You could be right.

CP is no heaven. I hv been to CP but I'm unimpressed. I hv seen many, many youthful gals there. There is huge quantity but mostly of poor to average quality. Gems r rare. Perhaps one man's meat is another man's poison.


Scenario 1 - I just ignore them, cannot give them what they want, otherwise you will be controlled by them...

Scenario 2 - don't have kooniang friends... LOL!


Most men still don't get it.

Its true. Just last week, I went to a club where there are Taiwanese, Koreans and (a couple of) Russian gals. And there were many SG gals too.........................LOL!

Hmm. Which club leh, locals? That's rare.

Should be This club call Happy



You guys should go there more often.


Bro WB

06-04-2014, 02:05 AM
Tonite got one girl number while I was at PC food court she was having her meal alone not many girl get attracted to me but this one does and on the way to KTV PC Outside building I saw a petite girl wear blue dress. I smile at her she return smile and she follow me. She break the ice by asking whether I work here I say yes I work here. Can buy me dinner?

I agree then she follow me, on the way to my working place she asked she need to go to the toilet I show her the toilet and she went it within in less than 15 seconds is finished her business.

Amazing you do your business in less than 15 seconds, I say. We took the lift to my working place sat her down offer her some bread and coffee and I start interview her. She tell me that she is 23 years old from Beijing staying in Wangfuiching horoscope Rabbit, B cup, skin 8/10, young, brave and brain super fast. I admired her beauty and I told her I can make her more beautiful.

I asked her near which BRT station she lived, she pulse for a while change subject. I told her I stay near Dong Si BRT for 5 years, then she says actually she worked in Beijing selling tea leaves and her home town in Huinan.

To cut the story short. She realised that she encountered the wrong person and it was about 1130hr she says she need to go home and ask me to fetch her home which is Simei Condominiun. I disagree, I tell her go back on your own. She asked me for Taxi fare I agree $10 because your motive is trying to dig my wallet. She asked again can I give her more I say no because you have not satisfied me and I didn't enjoyed your company why I have to pay you more. $10 is gesture of good will. She paster me a few time for more money and I told her I geting upset you better go home now.

On the way out she again ask to go toilet and again within 15 seconds she is finished. I think before she came into my working place she must have put something in her pussy and when she goes back she has to remove from her pussy. Do any brother here encounter this kind of situation.

Business are very competitive and the KTV girls resort to all kinds of tactics to dig wallet.

And I have already know that to pick up a gem outside KTV is rare. Tonight luck was either good. I know that I am wasting my time but no harm trying.

07-04-2014, 02:47 PM
I fully agree with you.

It has happened to me before, where my girl was telling me she is hungry in the middle of the night. I told her to settle her own stomach by herself.......
Ironically, "someone" bought her food, delivered it to her doorstop in the middle of the night while I was happily sleeping on my bed.

It is no mystery what will happen afterwards.............

Hi bro abugga,

Well done! You were showing her that you hv HIGHER value n status than she. What happened next is very predictable haha.


Tonite got one girl number while I was at PC food court............................................. ..............................................
Business are very competitive and the KTV girls resort to all kinds of tactics to dig wallet.

And I have already know that to pick up a gem outside KTV is rare. Tonight luck was either good. I know that I am wasting my time but no harm trying.

Hi bro AAconnection,

Tks for sharing ur experiences.


.................................................. .........

Good afternoon!

If a man thinks that a girl is too good for him or is 'out of his league,' for whatever reason, she will NEVER respect him or be attracted to him. Even if he happens to be a rich, young, tall n handsome real-life PRINCE, n even if he manages to own her body n pussy, her heart will NEVER belong to him. You may ask why would such a high status man ever feel inferior? Many reasons. He may stutter or he may have only average ( or worse, below average) IQ or he may be a mute hahaha. Or he may hv a very trivial physical defect which no one else will ever notice, but strangely, it really torments him constantly, hahaha. You get the idea.

When I first joined SBF, I used to think that most pretty n tall SYTs of my type were "out of my league." Why? Primarily because I was very conscious of my advanced age n diminutive height. Moreover, I was lacking in self mastery n emotional control. Actually, it wasn't my age or my height which sabotaged my RS w/ these gals, but it was my self-perceived negative image n my negative emotions that was the main problem. I hv improved n will continue to improve every hr, every day. The training for me will never finish...

At this time I like to present a case study.

In my private conversation w/ esteemed bro FA, he told me abt his LT GF. It's a mutually beneficial RS for him n his GF. Well, besides my 2 LT mistresses, I hv several LT GFs as well. One particular GF stands out. She is SP.

Here is a brief narration of my 'special' RS w/ SP. This case study illustrates many principles n theories I've been expounding. I hv committed several errors but it has been an enjoyable training for me. I'm reaping the rewards now haha.

I hv altered some details so that she can't be identified as she is still kept by a rich towkay.

I still remember vividly how I first met SP. It was some yrs ago, on a Tuesday night around 8:40 PM, when I received a call from a handsome n western educated young bro M who wanted to go to a certain high end joint. (I later found out the purpose of his sudden visit was to follow up on a M'sian SYT. He was smitten. Unfortunately, she didn't show up as promised! I hv posted a detailed story on why he failed w/ her. Suffice to say that he was needy n desperate which was repulsive to her).

I quickly said OK to bro M even though there were only two of us. I arrived at the joint at 9:30 PM. I met a sexy SYT outside the lift but she was already booked (the girl was CD w/ whom I had a colourful RS as she was the only BAO-ee to hv dumped me, but who begged me to take her back recently...that is another story haha). Disappointed, I walked around the hall of the joint many times but couldn't find another girl of my type. Then I suddenly saw a pretty girl w/ long n slender arms, singing on stage. She was very tall, quite slim, very fair w/ curvacious body, in her early 20s n very pretty n classy in a cheongsam type of long gown w/ thigh high slits! When she walked around, I could see her sexy, shapely ass n fleshy white thighs n long, beautiful legs. Still a SYT then. She was at least 171-172 n abt 51Kg?

I immediately called a mummy to get SP to sit w/ me. I took a very close look at her. We chatted a bit. I found her very attractive n sexy. I hinted at ST. She rebuffed me... then I proposed BY. She just smiled n didn't answer me directly. That night I slept poorly, kept thinking abt her, picturing how shiok it would be to fuck her, n worrying that she might not accept my BY! I still remember that she said I was shy n that I apologized to her for proposing BY so soon( evidently I wasn't MAN enuff). Don't forget that I was a newbie in BY then, despite my advanced age. BTW, she had been in SG around 1 1/2 months.

Two days later, I offered her a package deal n she accepted. Unfortunately, barely 3 wks into BY-ing, she had to return to China abruptly cuz her father had a near fatal medical emergency. She asked for extra money but I said NO...She gave me her QQ n said that she would return as my woman if I continued to keep in touch.

After more than 6 months SP returned to SG on a different type of visa. I did pay part of her visa fee (actually a mistake since I didn't intend to BY her). She requested that I BY her full time but I refused. Why? She wasn't easily orgasmic (It was partly my fault of course). Besides, I had two other BAO-ees at that time. The timing was very bad. I told her I already had a new mistress. She became very distraught n cried n wept... I stood my ground n she was forced to start working at some high end KTVs. Later, I rejected her even though she pleaded repeatedly w/ me to BY her n even voluntarily lowered her monthly allowance by 30%. I didn't budge. She got drunk n cried several times...I just ignored her.

We had kept in touch by exchanging greetings on important holidays using QQ. However, she had not replied to my last greetings more than a yr ago.

Late last yr, I dialed her old number by mistake. To my surprise, she answered the phone. She was still in SG! I asked where she was working. She said she had not worked for almost 3 yrs! Are u being kept? She replied yeah. She was curt n sounded very cold. She then quickly hung up. Strangely, I began to visualize her beauty, her very smooth, very fair n blemish free skin n her beautiful pink nits n delicious pink abalone...and what a beautiful shapely ass! How could I ever reject such a girl?

Over the next few wks, I sent her occasional msg to highlight her feminine beauty n sexiness. She ignored me at first but the fact that she had not deleted my QQ n Wechat gave me hope.

She then started to reply n slowly warmed up to me. I reminisced abt our past happy moments. I then called her on the phone...her voice was surprising warm n affectionate haha. She revealed a little about her man, a busy 大老板 who had kept her all these yrs. He had been paying her more than I did n had bought expensive gifts for her...不像你这个小气鬼,也不像你那么花心!She even mocked my diminutive height! She had told me that she was only attracted to tall, handsome n much younger men. Obviously, I'm the antithesis of her type. A few yrs ago, I might get angry, dejected n gave up. But this time I remained very relaxed n unperturbed hahaha.

I called SP again n she finally agreed to meet me haha. She didn't mention how much I should pay her. She wore zero make up n was not as pretty as I remember her yrs ago. She is now a young MILF. She has put on 2-3 kg which make her more sexy. She could be a stunning beauty w/ make up n a more formal dress.

She is even fairer now. She is a lot more passionate than before. And most importantly, she now comes quickly, again n again, when I french her, alternating w/ sucking her beautiful pink nipples and at the same time using the Welcome Method to stimulate her clit. She will then kiss my nipples...sucks n tries to swallow my didi...then jumps on top of me...to make a long story short, she is now a great fuck.

BTW, I just pay something which is well below market rate for a woman of her quality. She will stay for as long as I want, usually half a day. Overnight also can...

Interestingly, SP met her 'well educated' n very busy towkay at an expensive joint when he was invited by some business associates to attend a meeting there. He became smitten by her. I guess it was her lucky day! Apparently, he has not been to a KTV again since he met her...she asks me to take her sometimes as she wants to hv fun...

My current arrangement w/ her is almost perfect. Great return n great value for very little money.

Due to my very busy schedule, I could only make love to her once or twice a month, at the most. My unavailability drives her nuts...she really craves having sex w/ me. Bro FA believes that she is sexually n emotionally addicted to me, after reading some of my Wechat exchanges w/ her. Perhaps...but I'm giving her hope by push-pull method. I hv not seen her for over 5 wks, yesterday I sent a msg that I'm thinking of her n want to hug her hahaha. First time I said that to her...

Any comments on this interesting case study?


Bro WB

07-04-2014, 03:36 PM
love this story bro WB!!!
Thanks for sharing. great lessons to be learnt.
Timing is everything. But remmeber to always keep in contact!

07-04-2014, 04:12 PM
love this story bro WB!!

Same here as well bro :D

10-04-2014, 02:40 AM
love this story bro WB!!!
Thanks for sharing. great lessons to be learnt.
Timing is everything. But remmeber to always keep in contact!

Bro MillerV,

I hv learned many lessons from her...and from every BAO-ee.

You must give the girls a little hope or some other reason to keep in ctc w/ u. Otherwise, they may delete u from QQ or Wechat.

Will u be joining my outings when I return To SG next month? I'll bring SP if the timing is right.


Same here as well bro :D

Bro CreepyOldMan,

Glad that you love the story haha.


.................................................. ..............

Good morning!

One of the lessons I hv learned from my RS w/ SP is that what a girl says she wants in a man n what her subconscious mind wants may be very different.

Men r visual n are most attracted to a girl's looks, figure and youthfulness. Period. Her voice, body language, confidence, poise, class, personality, character come next...

Girls/women are most attracted to a man's masculine personality/character traits, voice n words n body language, eye ctc...but his voice, words, eye ctc n body language r merely a reflection of his masculine traits n self mastery...

A man w/ truly absolute self mastery n emotional control is very, very rare indeed. One in a million or less hahaha. This is the MOST powerful masculine character trait that attracts girls/women at their subconscious level, it's in their genes. There r many evolutionary reasons why this is so. Let's see if u can think of some reasons haha. Conversely, a man w/ very poor self mastery n emotional control is MOST repulsive to women.

Attraction is NOT a choice.

Of course, if u are loaded you can get the prettiest pussies. But are they really attracted to you? Do u hv what it takes to make them emotionally n sexually addicted to you?

Girls will constantly 'test' men to see if they hv the requisite masculine personality/character traits to be a reliable provider, protector n good lover. Not intentionally, but it's intuitive n subconsciously. They may not even be aware of it.

SP told me the type of men she likes n I won't qualify even if I were 25 yo haha...and she still mocks my height, my stinginess n my lustfulness n philandering. Even my age. When I refused to BY her, she even said how could such an old man like me ever abandon a young pretty gal like her? She reminded me our huge age differential! I was unperturbed. She must hv been surprised by my calmness n emotional control hahaha. The results r very predictable. I now pay her an average ST rate for KTV gals for a whole day of fun. It's always me who needs to leave earlier...

Comments n criticisms?


Bro WB

20-04-2014, 07:31 AM
I posted the following on the thread known as "Famous Samster and his HFJ PRC Story."

<<<Good morning!

The story of the famous samster AD illustrates that no healthy, virile, heterosexual man can be completely immune to KC when he meets THE 'Special One.'

As bro kenneth38 has opined that the emotional highs of having an intimate RS w/ the 'Special One' are well worth it, despite the dangers. I agree.

What is the point of living if I can't feel the strong emotions, passion, excitement, the deep intimate connection n intense pleasure of wild n naughty sexual love w/ LT mistresses n LT GFs of my type?

These mind-blowing experiences PLUS making my women emotionally n sexually addicted to me is MY holy grail w/ these select few, not just mere 'GFE.'

I admit it's a risky endeavor n I could get burnt badly some day, like the esteemed bro AD who is the protagonist on this thread. It's not for the faint of heart. It's definitely NOT for everyone. It's absolutely crucial that I remain in control of my emotions n never lose my head. That is why self mastery is so important...

Truth be told. I hv been infatuated several times when I was a young man n many times in the last 6 yrs, hahaha. I hv been slightly bruised, but I remain intact, unharmed n actually much stronger...

Yes, I wish to be KC-ed by many, many exquisitely beautiful n cute SYTs of my type. Bring them on!

I love to take calculated risks: In life, in investing n in man-woman RS, when the odds are heavily in my favor.

We only live once. Size the moment.

"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."

Or just remember this: On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero. Hahaha...


Bro WB >>>

20-04-2014, 10:50 AM
Wah bro, i salute you. I thought must spend a lot of money one to get these girls IN the KTV.

20-04-2014, 09:54 PM
I posted the following on the thread known as "Famous Samster and his HFJ PRC Story."

<<<Good morning!

What is the point of living if I can't feel the strong emotions, passion, excitement, the deep intimate connection n intense pleasure of wild n naughty sexual love w/ LT mistresses n LT GFs of my type?

These mind-blowing experiences PLUS making my women emotionally n sexually addicted to me is MY holy grail w/ these select few, not just mere 'GFE.'

Truth be told. I hv been infatuated several times when I was a young man n many times in the last 6 yrs, hahaha. I hv been slightly bruised, but I remain intact, unharmed n actually much stronger...

Yes, I wish to be KC-ed by many, many exquisitely beautiful n cute SYTs of my type. Bring them on!

Bro WB >>>

:) feel the same too..i also slightly bruised..but it is great to see one's self mastery to pull himself up and become stronger.

haha..you are the inspiration la..

21-04-2014, 05:16 PM
all these real life knowledge are never found in books :)
A big thank you to TS Warbird who share and impart his experiences here

sadly, i still learning to play and enjoy the game
recently tio 2 prc syt dump me

23-04-2014, 09:36 PM
all these real life knowledge are never found in books :)
A big thank you to TS Warbird who share and impart his experiences here

sadly, i still learning to play and enjoy the game
recently tio 2 prc syt dump me

haha..what doesnt kill u make u stronger..:p

sometimes ..it is a blessing in disguise..speaking from personal experience..

25-04-2014, 02:20 AM
Wah bro, i salute you. I thought must spend a lot of money one to get these girls IN the KTV.

Bro ProfXXX,

SP is a special case. I hv invested some money BY-ing her before. I'm reaping the rewards now because all her financial needs r provided by a rich towkay.

:) feel the same too..i also slightly bruised..but it is great to see one's self mastery to pull himself up and become stronger.

haha..you are the inspiration la..

Bro, self mastery rules the world.

all these real life knowledge are never found in books :)
A big thank you to TS Warbird who share and impart his experiences here

sadly, i still learning to play and enjoy the game
recently tio 2 prc syt dump me

Bro miniboy,

You're welcome!

Dumped by 2 PRC SYTs? Change ur attitude...it's their big loss!

You are encouraged to give FRs on these 2 cases so that we could analyze n learn from them.


haha..what doesnt kill u make u stronger..:p

sometimes ..it is a blessing in disguise..speaking from personal experience..

Bro saabking,

It's always a blessing in disguise. Every encounter is a learning experience...


Bro WB

26-04-2014, 12:43 PM
bro saabking,

it's always a blessing in disguise. Every encounter is a learning experience...


Bro wb


26-04-2014, 12:52 PM
Been following bro warbird post for almost one year plus,As till now have apply some of the ways that u have said before and was quite sucessful in dealing with some of my relationship problem no matter with gf or ktv girls.and has become a more sensible person. Thankew bro warbird, thankew for all your shareing with your life experience in here. U are my master! Waiting to heard more from you soon.:)

27-04-2014, 02:01 AM

Bro saabking,

Well said.



Been following bro warbird post for almost one year plus,As till now have apply some of the ways that u have said before and was quite sucessful in dealing with some of my relationship problem no matter with gf or ktv girls.and has become a more sensible person. Thankew bro warbird, thankew for all your shareing with your life experience in here. U are my master! Waiting to heard more from you soon.:)

Bro john1981,

You make my day!!


Bro WB

.................................................. .

Good morning!

I hv written many times which male features n personality/character traits r most attractive to women. I'll now mention one trait which is most unattractive, in fact, instantly repulsive...especially at the subconscious level.

What is it?

It's when a man loses his head, gets enraged, perturbed, nervous, fearful, or (worse) maniacal, aggressive, even combative over trivial matters, at the drop of a hat...he has zero emotional control.

How could a man w/ zero self mastery give her any security or protection? How could she feel safe w/ him around? If she is stuck in a LT RS w/ a man like that, she will try to escape asap, or cheat on him. It's a matter of time. It doesn't matter if he is the most handsome, the smartest, n the richest man in the world. It doesn't matter if he is a real life prince n he loves her dearly. It doesn't matter even if he is THE ONLY MAN who has ever given her the most intense PVOs.

This negative male trait is as repulsive as neediness n desperation...hahaha.

Just my personal opinion. Comments?

Bro WB

01-05-2014, 12:45 AM
How much is too much?

Bros, lets think this way.
Most of these women are here to make a living.
They are here to earn money...
Not to make boyfriends.

Even though I know this, full and well, I still plunged head-in.

First I met a PRC at ChengDu/City Palace after going there for drinks.
It was her first month there, I believe, according to everyone she's on her way to learning the ways of survival.
It was a sad night, without many customers to enjoy their collaborated performance. Towards the end she was the only one left without the flowers, as all other girls had went back on stage (only allowed if you received flowers). I went out for a smoke, and yeah, gave her the flower she needed.
At first she seemed desperate, but now I think about it, she just wants to convince me that she's different, she's new, unaccustomed, unfamiliar, and really needed help!
All the signs were glaring, right in my eyes, red-code, red-alert, all the flashing signs were ignored by my ignorance and inexperience... I tested her a little, and suddenly she stopped responding.
After a sad ending, where I started to realize I'm wasting my time, I decided to iron my heart and just... forget about her.

Met a gorgeous one at Club Paragon not too long ago, I guess it was my fault, too quick to fall for her charms, too easily tricked, and perhaps simply too desperate that I fell for her so hard way too quickly.
Long story short, no response, dead-line, gave her a present on her last day at Paragon, and... good-bye.
A peaceful goodbye as she returns to Taiwan.

Why am I sharing all these? Simple.
I just want the experience. Once in a lifetime.
I have NEVER spent so much money.
In fact, due to my situation, I lived a simple life, saving up while I could.

I was driven mad by various things, I was driven by my emotions of desperation, loneliness, perhaps a tinge of craziness?

But hey, after all these ended...
A sense of relief came to me.
Gratitude for the friend that brought me around drinking, accompanying me after he realized I was crazy enough to drink alone.
Perhaps sense of achievement for enjoying life for 6 days straight of drinking.

While I am pretty much broke now, I'm no longer sad, I have enjoyed what I was looking for.


01-05-2014, 01:08 PM
maybe sometimes love just ain't enough.......

02-05-2014, 12:24 PM
How much is too much?

Bros, lets think this way.
Most of these women are here to make a living.
They are here to earn money...
Not to make boyfriends.

Why am I sharing all these? Simple.
I just want the experience. Once in a lifetime.
I have NEVER spent so much money.
In fact, due to my situation, I lived a simple life, saving up while I could.


But hey, after all these ended...
A sense of relief came to me.
Gratitude for the friend that brought me around drinking, accompanying me after he realized I was crazy enough to drink alone.
Perhaps sense of achievement for enjoying life for 6 days straight of drinking.

While I am pretty much broke now, I'm no longer sad, I have enjoyed what I was looking for.


Thanks for the sharing Bro. I wish you all the best.

04-05-2014, 10:57 AM
How much is too much?

Bros, lets think this way.
Most of these women are here to make a living.
They are here to earn money...
Not to make boyfriends.

Even though I know this, full and well, I still plunged head-in................................................ .......................................
Why am I sharing all these? Simple.
I just want the experience. Once in a lifetime.
I have NEVER spent so much money.
In fact, due to my situation, I lived a simple life, saving up while I could.

I was driven mad by various things, I was driven by my emotions of desperation, loneliness, perhaps a tinge of craziness?

But hey, after all these ended...
A sense of relief came to me.
Gratitude for the friend that brought me around drinking, accompanying me after he realized I was crazy enough to drink alone.
Perhaps sense of achievement for enjoying life for 6 days straight of drinking.

While I am pretty much broke now, I'm no longer sad, I have enjoyed what I was looking for.


Hi bro samlai,

Thank u so much for sharing ur experiences n thoughts. Wish u the best!

maybe sometimes love just ain't enough.......


I think it was infatuation or lust, not love. Unrequited love can be very destructive. I'm glad that bro samlai has moved on...

Thanks for the sharing Bro. I wish you all the best.

Bro, long time no see. You must come to one of my outings haha.


Bro WB

05-05-2014, 12:17 PM
Bro, long time no see. You must come to one of my outings haha.


Bro WB

Will look out for it!

05-05-2014, 07:20 PM
Well, you know that it's love when you pick only one out of so many, and she's only average in the group available... :)
Not saying that either of them were bad, just that there were much prettier girls around.

Sometimes its simply weird, the guy/girl you may fall for aren't exactly perfect, but you simply charge in head-first.

06-05-2014, 03:29 PM
bro samlai, yeah I know the feeling. Your friends will tell you she is only so so what, but you said well I feel she is right for me.

But after the separation and then further analysis, they are all here for one purpose $ in 99.999%. Don't want to bet the odds on that I get the loving one, and loving one is not ideal for my situation (married).

06-05-2014, 09:53 PM
Well, you know that it's love when you pick only one out of so many, and she's only average in the group available... :)
Not saying that either of them were bad, just that there were much prettier girls around.

Sometimes its simply weird, the guy/girl you may fall for aren't exactly perfect, but you simply charge in head-first.

haha..it's called chemistry..i guess..

09-05-2014, 10:52 AM
experience and senior bro to the BY scene...

1. where to you bring the gal to? (married for example..)

2. Payment terms... assume both agreed to the $XXXXX amount, do you or should you give in advance? What do you guys practice.

11-05-2014, 01:23 AM
bro samlai, yeah I know the feeling. Your friends will tell you she is only so so what, but you said well I feel she is right for me.

But after the separation and then further analysis, they are all here for one purpose $ in 99.999%. Don't want to bet the odds on that I get the loving one, and loving one is not ideal for my situation (married).

Agree bro. Its hard to counter game with emotive methods when the motive is already very clear to be on the cash. Best way is to counter game with cash ;)

11-05-2014, 10:16 AM
I wonder y would one pick up ktv gals outside ktv? One could juz walk into the ktv n the gals will flown to you, no? Sometime seeing pretty faces in ktvs n seeing pork chop in the street, really wanted to get a ktv gf but am afraid of kc trap.:rolleyes:

11-05-2014, 11:13 AM
I wonder y would one pick up ktv gals outside ktv? One could juz walk into the ktv n the gals will flown to you, no? Sometime seeing pretty faces in ktvs n seeing pork chop in the street, really wanted to get a ktv gf but am afraid of kc trap.:rolleyes:

hi~ on many cases, bros just don't wanna spend the money inside ktv in order to get the girls. Inside the ktv, you gotta spend on the room, the liquor, the service charges (mummy/waiter/girls).

12-05-2014, 10:09 AM
Will look out for it!

Ok bro.

Well, you know that it's love when you pick only one out of so many, and she's only average in the group available... :)
Not saying that either of them were bad, just that there were much prettier girls around.

Sometimes its simply weird, the guy/girl you may fall for aren't exactly perfect, but you simply charge in head-first.


If you say it's love, it's love...

But for almost all men, it's sexual, at least initially.

bro samlai, yeah I know the feeling. Your friends will tell you she is only so so what, but you said well I feel she is right for me.

But after the separation and then further analysis, they are all here for one purpose $ in 99.999%. Don't want to bet the odds on that I get the loving one, and loving one is not ideal for my situation (married).

Bro, it doesn't matter what your friends say, how you feel about the girl is the only thing that matters.

haha..it's called chemistry..i guess..

Yes, it's chemistry.

experience and senior bro to the BY scene...

1. where to you bring the gal to? (married for example..)

2. Payment terms... assume both agreed to the $XXXXX amount, do you or should you give in advance? What do you guys practice.


The safest is to rent a place for her, far from your family. Or else bring her to a hotel not likely to be visited by your family members or friends.

No, never give payment in advance. I used to pay weekly, but now I pay every half month, even for my LT mistresses who hv been w/ me for years.

Agree bro. Its hard to counter game with emotive methods when the motive is already very clear to be on the cash. Best way is to counter game with cash ;)

Sound advice.

I wonder y would one pick up ktv gals outside ktv? One could juz walk into the ktv n the gals will flown to you, no? Sometime seeing pretty faces in ktvs n seeing pork chop in the street, really wanted to get a ktv gf but am afraid of kc trap.:rolleyes:


In my first post, I gave 10 reasons why I liked to pick up these gals outside KTVs. Also read the post by bro howdoido.

hi~ on many cases, bros just don't wanna spend the money inside ktv in order to get the girls. Inside the ktv, you gotta spend on the room, the liquor, the service charges (mummy/waiter/girls).


Yes, the friction cost is greatly reduced when we pick them outside. But we can also pick them inside w/o spending a penny. It involves 3 steps for me.

Step1: I'll walk inside any large KTV n tell the receptionist that I'm going to see if esteemed bro XYZ is inside. If the receptionist is preoccupied, don't even need to say hello.

Step2: Then look at every girl there. If I spot a girl I like, I'll get her ctc n tell her I'll book her at another time because...

Step3: Next day, ask her to add my Wechat so that I can look at all her photos to see if she is really my type...


Bro WB

12-05-2014, 04:00 PM
bro warbird!

thats some great advices there!!! will try it one day and will update! ^^

13-05-2014, 02:15 PM
bro warbird!

thats some great advices there!!! will try it one day and will update! ^^

Bro howdoido,

Pls give us an update.

BTW, some bros wonder why I often bring a mistress to KTV outings.

Two reasons.

Firstly, I save the booking fee, which is $200 to 300 for SH at TAM joints.

Secondly, If I spot a girl I like, either in the line up inside the rm or someone I meet in the hall or on my way to the rest rm, I'll get the mummy to give me her name n HP no. I'll tell the girl that 我的老婆/情人/女朋友在包厢XX,不能叫你坐台, 我改天约你...later will ask her to add my Wechat to see her photos. It's free of charge.

I often ask a bro who hasn't selected a girl to go the hall to look at girls together. It's for him n for me, even if I already hv brought or booked someone.

That was how I met a very pretty MILF on 29 Jan last yr at LV 5th fl. I was w/ bro FA. Suddenly saw her as she was walking past me, I quickly grabbed her left arm haha. Didn't need to book her. She agreed to BY days later but I delayed the deal for 3 wks because my family from Gotham City came for CNY. She is very sexual n a squirter. At 31, she is the oldest woman I ever BY-ed, but definitely one of the prettiest.


Bro WB

13-05-2014, 07:37 PM
Bro WB,

I only wonder how you get the money to BY so many women. Observing your posts, you must have had quite a number of BYees and is quite generous to them :p

What's your strategy in acquiring the financial prowness that you have? Me is so poor, that the rates that sugar babes are asking for are even higher than my take home pay.

13-05-2014, 08:26 PM
really wanted to get a ktv gf but am afraid of kc trap.:rolleyes:

u shld be more afraid of the hole that eventually gets bigger in ur pocket .... :D

13-05-2014, 11:02 PM
你用你的全部生命去谈一次恋爱,那这次恋爱必然不能成功;你用全部精力去谈恋爱,那你一定会被人玩死;你用 全部时间去谈恋爱,别人一定会嫌你烦。因为爱情 这事,你越是勤快,投入越多,它结果就越差。只有像懒人养花一样,爱搭不理,偶尔关心一下,才会新鲜。关心 越少,爱的越久。当一个男人不爱一个女人的时 候,往往能把这个女人弄得神魂颠倒,觉得他特MAN,特够味儿,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大局。女人喜欢 甚至崇拜这样的男人,因为她们觉得有一种小鸟依 人的感觉。但事实上当男人真正投入爱情的时候就会变成男孩,当你认为那个男人特别耀眼的时候,对不起,他还 没爱上你。我的他曾经像个小孩,现在却越来越像成熟的男人了。究竟是我变了,还是他变了,或是 这感情变了?

Bro WB

Bro WB,

Can i steal the quote...

16-05-2014, 12:16 PM
Bro WB,

I only wonder how you get the money to BY so many women. Observing your posts, you must have had quite a number of BYees and is quite generous to them :p

What's your strategy in acquiring the financial prowness that you have? Me is so poor, that the rates that sugar babes are asking for are even higher than my take home pay.

Bro Gump,

Actually, I hv very limited money, despite working 80 to 90 hr week in my chosen calling n living frugally for decades in Gotham City. I'm now a full time investor...my results are above average, but ridiculously below my lofty expectations.

I hv BY-ed many girls, but mostly short term, from 2 wks to 2 months. Only a handful of LT ones. No gifts for short term girls. Very judicious w/ LT ones.

Being nice n buying too many gifts for your women, including legal wife, will definitely kill attraction for u. It's the kiss of death.

Most men will never understand attraction.


Bro WB

u shld be more afraid of the hole that eventually gets bigger in ur pocket .... :D

I agree.

Bro WB,

Can i steal the quote...

Bro s3xd3vi1,

Good quote. I sometimes still forget to behave like the man in the quote.

It was sent to me by an 18 yo uni student JJ whom I met in Beijing 2 yrs ago. She is now 20.

She was lovesick n wanted me to BY her indefinitely cuz I behaved exactly like the man in her quote. She is a Korean Chinese from Shangdong, pretty, 166, nice perky ass n huge breasts. 34H!? Looked F only though. I wasn't crazy abt her because her bone structure was medium n not the very slender one. I had a video calling with her n her 41 yo mom. They both invited me to settle in Shangdong n live with JJ indefinitely!!

Once I tried to intro a fren who is tall, handsome n much younger to her, but she became angry...he is richer than I.


Bro WB

17-05-2014, 12:20 PM
Good afternoon!

I'm writing this for all bros n girls. It's my civic duty.

A new report shows that no amount of alcohol is safe when it comes to cancer risk. Pls read the full report which I posted on my other thread, Kakis Invited for KTV Outings to Find " Very Attractive Gals."

Of course your doctors hv known that excessive alcohol consumption may cause various cancers, but I bet they may not know that it's dose dependent n even very little alcohol raises the risks of these cancers. Yes, even one shot of liquor raises ur risks of alcohol-related cancers.

It's like being exposed to nuclear explosion, even very, very little is bad. If it doesn't kill u, it'll NOT make u stronger. In fact, it's likely that you will die of cancer yrs later. And the 'cardio-protective" effects are exaggerated.

To your health n longevity!

Bro WB

20-05-2014, 11:07 AM
Good morning!

My post on "How to Pick the Right Wife" is controversial. But I'm surprised that no bros hv disagreed w/ me.

I had a chat w/ a bro at DC outing last wk. He is in his early 40s, a successful professional n business owner, who divorced his local wife after 5 yrs of marriage. They married after 9 yrs of courtship! Both were then 26. He agrees that marriage is 100% a business transaction haha. A man must marry a girl based on a purely business decision. Or investing decision. It's a very important investment. No emotions should be involved. Yeah, just like BY. But BY is much, much better n has no legal consequences haha.

One of my sons wrote: "I'm afraid I disagree with most of the points made. To each their own..."

He also referred me to a NYT article:

Interesting article talking about whether marriages today are better or worse than more traditional marriages of the past (in America):


So? It's still a business transaction.

In a way, every human interaction is a form of business transaction.

Take father and son RS. They both hv certain expectations and conditions attached to their RS. If these conditions r unmet, their RS deteriorate.

Steve Jobs refused to talk to or meet his biological father just because his dad was forced by Steve's maternal grandfather to give him up for adoption. Some dads are far worse...

What if you beloved son is a serial killer or a terrorist? What if he plotted to kill u for ur money? Will u still love him unconditionally? Many parents were killed by their kids in Asia n all over the world. Many kids were starved to death or sold by their biological parents for slavery, yeah? Do u think the kids will still love their parents unconditionally?

Another example. I hv a good friend, a retired Ang Moh doctor, who was living w/ his only surviving son, in sunny Florida. They were there for over 15 yrs. His son was injured n had severe neuro pain in his right leg, requiring lots of medications. Then the old doc suddenly sold his house n returned to his native home town near Pittsburgh. I asked why? He said his son started taking cocaine n other illicit drugs. He didn't know his whereabouts. Later, he admitted that he was beaten badly by his son. He would never want to see hm again. He was lucky, at least his son didn't kill him for his money. I know his son too. The old doc was an investor n he had said that he wanted to leave more money for his son who could be gainfully employed because of severe neuro pains.

BTW, a girl n her BF murdered her mom for her money in Taiwan recently hahaha. Asian values? The BF was sentenced to death n she got life imprisonment because her father begged the court to show leniency.

And tens of thousands of other cases...

Hahaha...human nature is the same since time immemorial.


Bro WB

20-05-2014, 11:51 AM
One of my sons wrote: "I'm afraid I disagree with most of the points made. To each their own..."

He also referred me to a NYT article:

Interesting article talking about whether marriages today are better or worse than more traditional marriages of the past (in America):


So? It's still a business transaction.

In a way, every human interaction is a form of business transaction.

Hahaha...human nature is the same since time immemorial.


Bro WB

hahaha bro ... always interesting

i agree with your son ...each to his own ....
we have celibate, married virgins, married whores, happily married, divorced, swingers, bi, orgies etc so many lifestyles... how to no one size fits all

cannot compare USA society with asian one ...totally diff

i believe in love, cos in KC trap now ...contrast to my "friendship/love-less" marriage ...
marriage is not a business transaction, cannot just sell, gonna stick to it till kids enter uni
am happy to settle for one woman for all my needs if am in love with her ...:)

but i believe in the "coolidge effect" ... if with someone i feel for, my interests do pick up if see hot gal, pure lust to bonk, but wont act on it
but if with someone i don't have feelings for, will act on it, its just physical :D

Hahaha...human nature is the same since time immemorial.

21-05-2014, 05:48 PM
Hi. bro WB,
Reply u here as I dun want to crow out her thread.
I doing well and is traveling frequently becoz, my 老婆 is back in her hometown.
I still occasionally do some mongering with some friends.
Met Nat early this year. Will try to see her if timing allows.
Hope this note finds you in the pink of health.
Continue enjoying your conquests.

21-05-2014, 06:00 PM
BTW, let's sit back and marvel at what's going in a thread that I made a comment on.
Hahaha. Damn funny. Maybe you want to term it the Roshomon effect too?

24-05-2014, 03:00 PM
hahaha bro ... always interesting

i agree with your son ...each to his own ..................................

cannot compare USA society with asian one ...totally diff

i believe in love, cos in KC trap now ...contrast to my "friendship/love-less" marriage ...
marriage is not a business transaction, cannot just sell, gonna stick to it till kids enter uni
am happy to settle for one woman for all my needs if am in love with her ...:)
but i believe in the "coolidge effect" ...
Hahaha...human nature is the same since time immemorial.

Hi bro,

SG society is more similar to the US than u think haha. Actually, legal marriage in Asain countries is more businesslike.

According to Republic of Korea (ROK) writer Nam In-sook, Marriage a 'lifelong business transaction' haha. During a reading session in Beijing last Friday, the 36-year-old writer said all women should treat marriage like a lifelong business transaction. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2010-05/29/content_9907234.htm

Another one: http://www.chinahush.com/2011/12/01/man-without-money-is-garbage-marriage-is-a-large-transaction/

Another very large Asian country: http://ww.itimes.com/discussion/marriage-is-a-business-transaction-in-india

Marriage among the rulers in Europe and Asia used to be 100% business transaction.

Marriage: A business transaction. http://differentkindoffree.blogspot.sg/2009/12/marriage-business-transaction.html

Those who don't treat marriage as a business transaction will regret it. This is a certainty.

KC is good if you don't lose control. I like to be KC-ed by my type of girls n I like to KC them. I greatly enjoy it n I always control n power in the RS. I enjoy fucking my mistresses raw and with high-octane passion haha. Passion n feelings are very contagious...they feel what I feel.

KC is good but KC trap is bad. It seems you get trapped everywhere. It's ur mindset. You're trapped in ur marriage too. And you say it's not a business transaction?

In SG, most married men feel trapped n most women feel trapped. Why? They got married because of emotions of 'love' or KC. The highly charged emotions n hormones can cloud the judgement of otherwise sane persons. They didn't treat it as a business transaction. When KC has faded rapidly and inevitably after months or years of marriage, there is nothing left but quarrels, fights, liabilities, debts, kids, infidelity, misery...married women cheat as much as men but they r much better in hiding it hahaha.


Bro WB

Hi. bro WB,
Reply u here as I dun want to crow out her thread.
I doing well and is traveling frequently becoz, my 老婆 is back in her hometown.
I still occasionally do some mongering with some friends.
Met Nat early this year. Will try to see her if timing allows.
Hope this note finds you in the pink of health.
Continue enjoying your conquests.

Tks bro. Give my regards to her.

BTW, let's sit back and marvel at what's going in a thread that I made a comment on.
Hahaha. Damn funny. Maybe you want to term it the Roshomon effect too?


Which thread? This one?

Bro WB


Good afternoon!

I met a pretty n cute SYT on Tuesday at 2nd fl TAM. Spoke w/ her for 60 sec n got her HP no. Didn't even book her because my lao po was arriving within minutes. Pls read my post on "Kakis invited to KTV outings." She is my best find since I met TH in Sep 2012.

Will follow up w/ a FR when I hv more time.


Bro WB

29-05-2014, 02:54 PM
Good afternoon!

My FR on the SYT KM.

On 21/5/2014:

"Four esteemed bros and I had a session at Golden Million, 2nd fl TAM Complex yesterday.

Two bros came soon after 7PM, two bros came after 9:15PM. I arrived at 7:30PM.

It was a good deal as we got a medium rm, from 7PM until 2:30AM for the price of one bttle of Martell, which was $498. Tip for mummy H was $80 because of her long hrs n extraordinary effort. Tip for two waiters $20.

Expense per pax was therefore $120, for HH n SH!!

Should've got another bro which would reduce the expense to $100 each.

Bro K had two gals, one for HH n one for SH. Both agreed to ST n he also had KIV for several gals who do ST. Bro D had a Taiwanese gal. Bro FA n bro J came late n I heard they both got their gals.

I was less fortunate. I failed to find a gal of my type, after many rounds of 试台 n after going to 3rd fl n even 5th fl (to see another bro there). I then called my lao po HW after 9PM n asked her to come over. She was unhappy because I refused to pick her up haha. Her 闺蜜 AP n AP's lao gong drove her to TAM.

When HW arrived n was waiting for the lift to go up to 2nd fl at around 9:45 PM, I suddenly saw a pretty SYT KM in a line up. She was standing close to me. I quickly got up n asked for her name n HP. Then I told her: 我老婆马上来了, 我改天约你。。。later added her to my Wechat n looked at all her photos. She is aged 20, only 163, very cute, slim, fair n w/ very small bony frame n very proportionate figure. But rather big boobs n perky shapely ass. A Chengdu gal who just arrived on student visa. Mummy H said tak boleh for ST haha. I asked H to offer her BY today. I'm chatting w/ her right now n in the process of qualifying her to see if she is good enough to be my mistress haha.

I left around midnight. Other bros continued the session..."


"I hv an outing w/ bro Kangxi, et al. today happy hr at TAM, either 2nd fl where I hv an bttle or 3rd fl, depending on the no of bros.

Send me a SMS or PM asap to cfm.

While I was chatting w/ KM on Wechat last wk, mummy H called her n asked her if she would 出街. She was at school. She said definitely NOT. H then told her X da ge (that is me) wants to BY her. She said, no thanks.

She asked me if I was the one. She was shocked as we met for only 60 secs n I already offered BY?! She has been offered BY before by other men, all after meeting her many times or after months. I then took her out to dinner at 老成都 in Chinatown. She has tacitly agreed to BY, despite knowing that I hv two other mistresses. She is mine, just like that.

I told her I hv to wait for a month or so to BY her, when my young mistress TH's visa expires. Actually I'm not sure if I'll ever BY her. She has a tattoo above her butt and she is social smoker."


Bro WB

29-05-2014, 10:06 PM
Hi Bros,

It's been nice reading your thread. I am only at page 91 now. What a long way you guys have come to!

29-05-2014, 11:13 PM
Good afternoon!

My FR on the SYT KM.

On 21/5/2014:

"Four esteemed bros and I had a session at Golden Million, 2nd fl TAM Complex yesterday.

Two bros came soon after 7PM, two bros came after 9:15PM. I arrived at 7:30PM.

It was a good deal as we got a medium rm, from 7PM until 2:30AM for the price of one bttle of Martell, which was $498. Tip for mummy H was $80 because of her long hrs n extraordinary effort. Tip for two waiters $20.

Expense per pax was therefore $120, for HH n SH!!

Should've got another bro which would reduce the expense to $100 each.

Bro K had two gals, one for HH n one for SH. Both agreed to ST n he also had KIV for several gals who do ST. Bro D had a Taiwanese gal. Bro FA n bro J came late n I heard they both got their gals.

I was less fortunate. I failed to find a gal of my type, after many rounds of 试台 n after going to 3rd fl n even 5th fl (to see another bro there). I then called my lao po HW after 9PM n asked her to come over. She was unhappy because I refused to pick her up haha. Her 闺蜜 AP n AP's lao gong drove her to TAM.

When HW arrived n was waiting for the lift to go up to 2nd fl at around 9:45 PM, I suddenly saw a pretty SYT KM in a line up. She was standing close to me. I quickly got up n asked for her name n HP. Then I told her: 我老婆马上来了, 我改天约你。。。later added her to my Wechat n looked at all her photos. She is aged 20, only 163, very cute, slim, fair n w/ very small bony frame n very proportionate figure. But rather big boobs n perky shapely ass. A Chengdu gal who just arrived on student visa. Mummy H said tak boleh for ST haha. I asked H to offer her BY today. I'm chatting w/ her right now n in the process of qualifying her to see if she is good enough to be my mistress haha.

I left around midnight. Other bros continued the session..."


"I hv an outing w/ bro Kangxi, et al. today happy hr at TAM, either 2nd fl where I hv an bttle or 3rd fl, depending on the no of bros.

Send me a SMS or PM asap to cfm.

While I was chatting w/ KM on Wechat last wk, mummy H called her n asked her if she would 出街. She was at school. She said definitely NOT. H then told her X da ge (that is me) wants to BY her. She said, no thanks.

She asked me if I was the one. She was shocked as we met for only 60 secs n I already offered BY?! She has been offered BY before by other men, all after meeting her many times or after months. I then took her out to dinner at 老成都 in Chinatown. She has tacitly agreed to BY, despite knowing that I hv two other mistresses. She is mine, just like that.

I told her I hv to wait for a month or so to BY her, when my young mistress TH's visa expires. Actually I'm not sure if I'll ever BY her. She has a tattoo above her butt and she is social smoker."


Bro WB

aiyo..i could have been there..:D to see your type of SYT..
anyway..thanks for your friendly invites..just that i really max out this period..sigh..it's a rough patch...both professionally and personally..

well..as you said what don't kill you make u stronger..i am just hanging on ..to see through this little hump in life..

30-05-2014, 12:16 PM
Hi Bros,

It's been nice reading your thread. I am only at page 91 now. What a long way you guys have come to!


It has been a most enjoyable journey for me...

aiyo..i could have been there..:D to see your type of SYT..
anyway..thanks for your friendly invites..just that i really max out this period..sigh..it's a rough patch...both professionally and personally..

well..as you said what don't kill you make u stronger..i am just hanging on ..to see through this little hump in life..

Bro saabking,

KM is not my typical type as she is only 161-162. But my taste is changing n evolving...a very tight, wet, responsive and SAFE pussy is of paramount importance hahaha.

Don't be discouraged by ur current difficulties n predicaments. You will be victorious...read the poem "IF" by Rudyard Kipling. If you can...you will become the MAN.


Bro WB


Good afternoon!

I had a successful outing to 3rd fl TAM complex happy hr last night. Bros Kangxi, ST, E, K n D were there.

Bro ST is a wealthy man but is extremely frugal. He doesn't drink or smoke. I like that. He nearly didn't come becos he wanted to pay a max of $60 only. But I was able to convince him to raise it to $65, after numerous texting n phone calls. His kaki canceled the last min, but luckily bro D was able to join at the 11th hr!

We had rm 11 which was actually a medium rm for the price of one Martell! It could easily accommodate 7 bros n 7 girls. I shall always request that rm in future.

Expense per pax is $65. One bttle of Martell $316, mummy $50, waiters $24 = $390, divided by 6 is $65 haha.

Booking for girls $150 each. Every one of us had a girl.

I booked a pretty lady in red CX. 23, 166, 50 kg. No ST n no butterfly. On visitor pass. Came here because of business failure in Guangzhou. Was kept by a young man for 1 1/2 yrs. But he married another girl haha.

She was very demure n sweet. 完全没风尘味, 没捞气. Abt 1 hr into meeting her, I popped my question, she asked what do u look for in a GF? She said yes indirectly. She had high school diploma n higher diploma. She would like to return on student visa.

CX has good skin n pretty ass n well tone body. She exercises n practices qigong. Pussy must be tight. But her boobs r small.

Discussed w/ bro HK who has seen her pics: Solidly fu..able. Tight pussy more impt...if not sporty or well toned..Really like stirring a big soup bowl with chopsticks...

He is so right. BTW, he is very smart n very experienced...I often seek his opinion.

Both KM n CX are not my usual type, which means my taste is changing n adapting. There r just too few girls 168 n taller here.


Bro WB

31-05-2014, 08:25 PM
Both KM n CX are not my usual type, which means my taste is changing n adapting. There r just too few girls 168 n taller here.

I suppose, after experiencing those type of your taste, you want to experience how it is like to go after different types of 菜, bro WB?

01-06-2014, 02:29 PM
I've been going to KTVs for quite some time. I am surprised! recently I saw female customers! They are all "butch" like la... But still damn awesome to see them. really surprised.

02-06-2014, 02:07 PM
I suppose, after experiencing those type of your taste, you want to experience how it is like to go after different types of 菜, bro WB?

Yes bro, variety is the spice of life.

I've been going to KTVs for quite some time. I am surprised! recently I saw female customers! They are all "butch" like la... But still damn awesome to see them. really surprised.


Were these female customers looking for girls or young men? There r many clubs where there r male hostesses who cater to the needs of women.

When interviewed, these female customers often say that they r looking for fun, companionship n emotional connection, not sex. Maybe, but the reality is that, in their subconscious mind, they r searching for men who could give them regular PVOs. It's a life long quest for all healthy heterosexual women, at the deepest, subconscious n primal level. Most of them don't even know it hahaha. It's similar to our life long quest for desirable n safe pussies.


Bro WB


Good afternoon!

Do u watch porn? I used to watch rarely, but never since I started BY-ing.

Viewing too much porn might be connected to lesser gray matter in brain - study

Published time: June 01, 2014 11:22
Edited time: June 01, 2014 13:52

Is just four hours of porn a week enough to reduce the size of a man’s brain? According to a recent study, less than an hour a day might be enough to see gray matter decay.

For the investigation, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin recruited 64 healthy males between the ages of 21-45. By studying their porn-watching habits, they hoped to determine if there was a connection between viewing pornographic viewing and gray matter volume in a particular region of the brain, which is associated with cognition and processing.

From the get go, the men were simply told that they were participating in "a scientific study including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements."

Later, during telephone interviews, they were told that questions about pornography would be a component of the research.

The men were then asked to fill out surveys regarding their porn viewing habits. The average participant clocked in just over four hours a week.

Image from wikipedia.org

Image from wikipedia.org

Researchers then showed the men both sexually explicit and non-sexual images while scanning brain activity with MRI.

"Our findings indicated that gray matter volume of the right caudate of the striatum is smaller with higher pornography use," the author’s of the study say.

The forebrain part striatum, incidentally, helps coordinate motivation with body movement. It facilitates and balances motivation with both higher-level and lower-level functions, such as inhibiting one's behavior in a complex social interaction as well as fine motor skills involved with delicate, voluntary movements.

Not only was an inverse correlation seen between gray matter volume and porn viewing, but real time drops in the striatium were observed when the subjects were shown sexually explicit images.

While the scientists believe it is the first evidence of the kind connecting pornographic viewing with reductions in brain size, so far they have only shown correlation, and not causation.

To put it in a nutshell, the researchers still don’t know if watching porn reduces gray-matter volume in porn-watchers, or more frequent viewers of porn have less gray matter to begin with.

"Individuals with lower striatum volume may need more external stimulation to experience pleasure and might therefore experience pornography consumption as more rewarding, which may in turn lead to more porn watching,” write the authors, who said further investigation would be required.

The report does, however, gel with previous studies, which have shown a connection between frequent porn consumption and negative social behavior. The reasoning goes that if porn can affect social behavior, it can likely affect cognitive behavior as well.

Take home lesson: Get GFs/mistresses/lovers/fuck buddies or wives of ur type n make love to them as often as u want, never watch porn again.

BTW, watching porn could also cause desensitization n result in ED.

keeping mistresses is costly, but the money is well spent, for me at least. I hv had incredible pleasure n fulfillment in life I never had before. I hv more confidence which has helped my investments...and making love almost daily to my young mistresses has resulted in no desire for watching any porn. In other words, they hv prevented my brain from shrinking? It's priceless haha.


Bro WB

03-06-2014, 11:49 AM
Good morning!

A few days ago, I received the following thoughtful n well written PM from an esteemed bro XX who gave his take on my controversial statement that "In a way, every human interaction is a form of business transaction." I hv his permission to post it here, sans his nick of course.

Hi Warbird,

good to see that you are still alive and kicking and posting.

I do not know if your remember me (i was the chap that asked you advice on getting girls to keep the light on during sex), anyway your pieces have changed me, for better or worst i do not know....

Your topic of relationship being transactions struck a chord with me, and i felt that i have to reply to it.

While most people sweep the topic of relationships being quid pro quo under the carpet, kudos to your for daring to call all relationship business transactions, controversial it may be, but how true it is!

After all
1)why do parents have kids->for love and affection/safeguard against old age
2)why are your friends, friends with you/ why is your GF/wife with you -> for companionship, support and benefits
3)why am i contacting you-> for advice and affirmation

I personally notice that all if not all relationships are good until one party fail to deliver or provide.

As such one can only maintain good relationships only if he understand the brutal and cruel dynamics of it.

"the dealer wants you thinking
That it's either black or white.
Thank God it's not that simple"

Hope you can prove me wrong on this though

Anyway do keep up with the honest thought provoking pieces, really makes my day.

( always feel good to have like minded souls)

your slient supporter

Dear bro XX,

Thanks you for ur excellent PM.

I'm afraid I can't prove u wrong.

"Love" between close family members is supposed to be the strongest, unconditional and everlasting. Especially in Asian families. The so-called Asian values. Think again.

More pain, misery and despondence hv been endured by billions of young men and women and by old people as a result of arranged marriages, in the last 2,000 years. Even emperors of China had little say so regarding his choice of spouse. Even to this day, in most Asian countries, it's very difficult for young women/men to marry someone they "love" who is not approved by the parents.

A recent example: Death to love: The dark tale behind Farzana's 'honour killing' in Pakistan. http://www.thestar.com.my/Lifestyle/People/2014/06/03/Death-to-love-The-dark-tale-behind-Farzanas-honour-killing-in-Pakistan/

How about "love" between identical twins who share identical DNA? http://mylifeofcrime.wordpress.com/2012/12/27/murder-in-the-family-todd-nicholson-murder-12071964-temple-city-ca-twin-brother-timothy-nicholson-convicted-of-his-murder-sentenced-to-1-10-years-in-prison/

How many cases of siblings you know who hv fought or are fighting for inheritance?

I rest my case.

Yes, all human interactions r 100% business transactions, including all marriages, BY-ings and STs. You will suffer, sooner or later, if u think "this time it's different" or "she or he is different."


Bro WB

06-06-2014, 12:17 PM
Good morning!

A strange thing happened to me recently.

The other day, I was invited by a new grp of friends to DC for HH. I brought my first BAO-ee there. There were already 7 men and perhaps 12 gals in a medium rm. Few of the bros there r samsters.

One gal XX caught my attention. She was sitting to the left of bro K whom I just met for the 1st time. Bro K had another gal, a very tall one, on his right.

I left after just over one hr. To me, XX is perhaps 22-23, very pretty, n looks slutty, fair, with very small bony frame n ample breasts. Beautiful arms n legs which she crossed. Abt 165? Can't be sure abt her butt either as she never stood up during the entire time I was there. She appears to hv the type of body proportions I covet.

The strange thing is that I consider her the prettiest n most desirable girl I hv SEEN at DC n in n around the entire PC since I met my 'niece' BB in Dec of 2009.

I kept thinking abt XX...the next morning I called two other friends who were there to enquire abt her to find out if XX is bro K's GF. They said no, he just met her n he is not interested in her anymore. Great news! I called mummy J immediately n asked for XX. Mummy J didn't know her, but promised to find her for me.

Last night, I was invited to DC HH again n I brought my young mistress. Earlier Mummy J said no one had seen her before. She even called bro K who didn't even remember her name! But he definitely met her at DC. I saw Bro K again who had two different gals w/ him. He confirmed what J said.

I'll find XX. I'm writing this to show that one man's meat is indeed another man's poison. The other thing is that when I finally meet her, I may not even like her. It has happened to me many times before. If I never see her again, she will remain beautiful in my mind n I may keep thinking of her, at least for a short time...

Thinking abt her or anyone else is very unwise for me. This brings me to a related subject. Here is an e-mail I just received today which is self explanatory:

#1 Ingredient to Make a Girl Fall in Love with You

Hi Bro Warbird,

How to Finally Nail that Hard to Get Girl

There is a specific process a woman goes through when she’s falling in love with you…

I call it a “Love Loop” because its like an OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) where her thoughts keep moving toward YOU.

Its like you “hijack” her mind.

And the more she tries to fight it, the faster and harder she falls for you.

And there is one single ingredient that activates the entire process:
“Irrational Attention”

Listen closely to what I’m about to say, because when you ‘get this” you can use it seduce classmates, co-workers, cashiers, ex girlfriends, women you meet online, female friends, even that hard to get girl all your friends are drooling over…

Simply because…

If you can get a girl thinking about you when you’re not around… You can make her to fall in love with you…
Attention = Attachment

Attention = Attachment, the more time she spends thinking about you the more attached to you she becomes.

It doesn’t matter if she thinks you’re cool, how good looking you are, what kind of job you have, or even how good of a “talker” you are…

The only thing that matters is that her brain is firing off thoughts about YOU… They don’t even have to be positive thoughts.

This is why sometimes a girl will be constantly talking about how much she hates a guy… yet she’ll wind up dating him or sleeping with him.. because she’s thinking about him so much she convinces herself she’s falling in love with him.

Its a very simple law of science. The more you think about someone, the more you get attached to them.

You’ve probably felt that way about a girl… Like she “Hijacked” your mind… And when you were away from her you felt an unbearable tension… (It sucks, I know.)

The reason for this is “Attachment” leads to “Psychic Tension.” She’s thinking about YOU so much that she begins to feel a physical need to see you. Just to release the tension.

Fortunately, there is an odd, but extremely effective “Mind Game” you can use on a girl that will sneak into her mind and have her thinking about you constantly. It basically “scrambles” her brain until she’s convinced that she’s in love with you...........................................

Make it happen!


06-06-2014, 02:35 PM
Fortunately, there is an odd, but extremely effective “Mind Game” you can use on a girl that .... It basically “scrambles” her brain until she’s convinced that she’s in love with you...........................................

good one bro...

so what is this "Mind Game" ....?

... a very learned fellow well versed in human emotions and relations observed the same phenomenon .... heheh :) ... am actually applying it of sorts ... method requires patience which is not my virtue ...:rolleyes:


06-06-2014, 07:28 PM
I kept thinking abt XX...

I'll find XX. I'm writing this to show that one man's meat is indeed another man's poison. The other thing is that when I finally meet her, I may not even like her. It has happened to me many times before. If I never see her again, she will remain beautiful in my mind n I may keep thinking of her, at least for a short time...

And there is one single ingredient that activates the entire process:
“Irrational Attention”

Listen closely to what I’m about to say, because when you ‘get this” you can use it seduce classmates, co-workers, cashiers, ex girlfriends, women you meet online, female friends, even that hard to get girl all your friends are drooling over…

You’ve probably felt that way about a girl… Like she “Hijacked” your mind… And when you were away from her you felt an unbearable tension… (It sucks, I know.)


Bro Warbird,
This happen to me when I was at POMO a petite girl age around 22 was a distance away from me and my intuition straight away sense that something to hunt. She wore a simple blue demin jean and just a white T shirt walk toward me, I was immediately attracted by her or another word Hijack by her. I was thinking how to break the ice to talk to her but no opportunity to warrant me, so I observed her she look lost and was looking for something later she walk in the direction towards Dhoby Ghuat without any reason I just follow her from a distance hoping that I strike an opportunity to talk to
her. Irrationally, I just follow her from a distance like a fool knowing that is wasting of time and chances of getting her is zero but I just follow because I like her. In the end I could not catch up with her she moves very swiftly like a fairy and I gave up. To me is not my mind is being Hijack but my Soul too.

10-06-2014, 02:21 PM
good one bro...

so what is this "Mind Game" ....?

... a very learned fellow well versed in human emotions and relations observed the same phenomenon .... heheh :) ... am actually applying it of sorts ... method requires patience which is not my virtue ...:rolleyes:



Give her both positive AND negative emotions, make her think abt u...

Bro Warbird,
This happen to me when I was at POMO a petite girl age around 22 was a distance away from me and my intuition straight away sense that something to hunt. She wore a simple blue demin jean and just a white T shirt walk toward me, I was immediately attracted by her or another word Hijack by her. I was thinking how to break the ice to talk to her but no opportunity to warrant me, so I observed her she look lost and was looking for something later she walk in the direction towards Dhoby Ghuat without any reason I just follow her from a distance hoping that I strike an opportunity to talk to
her. Irrationally, I just follow her from a distance like a fool knowing that is wasting of time and chances of getting her is zero but I just follow because I like her. In the end I could not catch up with her she moves very swiftly like a fairy and I gave up. To me is not my mind is being Hijack but my Soul too.


When she looked lost, you should hv walked up to her from the side n offered ur help...

Yes, she has 'hijacked' ur mind.


Bro WB

10-06-2014, 06:50 PM
just one question, not sure if it has been asked before in here...

Besides renting a room for the KTV girl, keeping her as a FB etc.

Do any of you bring them on overseas trip? or even... let's say when they return to Thailand or Vietnam or China...

do you specifically fly over to visit them?

The reason I am asking is because recently I got to know a Viet girl after my recent visit to K2. This Viet girl is not the girl I chose in the room but I saw her talking on the phone outside K2 and after she hung up, she looked a bit stressed....

So I walked up to her and chit chat with her... afterwards, we exchanged wechat acc and started chatting ever since...

Currently she is back in HCM. Plus I fly to HCM and Hanoi frequently due to Business. My next trip is end of this month... so just wanna find out whether any seniors here do visit them in their hometown???

pls don't flame me... because I rarely visit these places, and this is my first time i met a KTV girl who is willing to be friends

11-06-2014, 10:20 PM
I remember many years back, I was smitten by a ktv girl. She was caught in a raid and was deported. We continue to stay in contact and after a few weeks, I flew to Shanghai to meet her, but not at her hometown ( shenyang). We spent a week together touring scenic spots and making passionate love in the morning, afternoon and night. All expenses were of course paid by me. She did not asked me for any money, but I did slip some money about $2k into her luggage without her noticing. We continue to meet for a few times over a 3 year period. Eventually, I stopped contacting when she told me she is getting married.

Bro. Be careful going up to meet her in her home town. Choose a neutral city.

11-06-2014, 10:52 PM
I remember many years back, I was smitten by a ktv girl. I flew to Shanghai to meet her, but not at her hometown ( shenyang). We continue to meet for a few times over a 3 year period. Eventually, I stopped contacting when she told me she is getting married.

Bro. Be careful going up to meet her in her home town. Choose a neutral city.Bro, can advise why is it not good to meet in her home town?
I too was smitten with a prc and she asked me to go visit her. After consideration, I decided to proceed.

She drove a nice car to come pick me at airport and I stayed at her home. She stays alone in a nice condo. She eventually got married but still requests to meet whenever possible.

Thanks bro. :)

11-06-2014, 11:52 PM

Give her both positive AND negative emotions, make her think abt u...

thanks...got it

i can see how a real player, thats not me, can intentionally play hard ball giving -ve emotions to win over a gal ...

am too soft, i am intentionally trying only to give +ve emotions to my target ... now need to mixed it up with some -ve ones ...will try it out :rolleyes:

12-06-2014, 01:15 AM
I remember many years back, I was smitten by a ktv girl. She was caught in a raid and was deported. We continue to stay in contact and after a few weeks, I flew to Shanghai to meet her, but not at her hometown ( shenyang). We spent a week together touring scenic spots and making passionate love in the morning, afternoon and night. All expenses were of course paid by me. She did not asked me for any money, but I did slip some money about $2k into her luggage without her noticing. We continue to meet for a few times over a 3 year period. Eventually, I stopped contacting when she told me she is getting married.

Bro. Be careful going up to meet her in her home town. Choose a neutral city.

Interested to know too... why?

12-06-2014, 11:27 AM
just one question....................
Do any of you bring them on overseas trip? or even... let's say when they return to Thailand or Vietnam or China...

do you specifically fly over to visit them?

The reason I am asking is because recently I got to know a Viet girl ......................wechat acc and started chatting ever since...

Currently she is back in HCM. Plus I fly to HCM and Hanoi frequently due to Business. My next trip is end of this month... so just wanna find out whether any seniors here do visit them in their hometown???

pls don't flame me... because I rarely visit these places, and this is my first time i met a KTV girl who is willing to be friends

Bro henabi,

Yes, I hv met girls in Hong Kong n Beijing many times, not in their hometowns. Likewise, they hv come here n to a certain M'sian city (where I hv many relatives n friends).

I don't meet a girl in her hometown unless I can trust her 100%.


I remember many years back, I was smitten by a ktv girl. She was caught in a raid and was deported..................She did not asked me for any money, but I did slip some money about $2k into her luggage without her noticing. We continue to meet for a few times over a 3 year period. Eventually, I stopped contacting when she told me she is getting married.

Bro. Be careful going up to meet her in her home town. Choose a neutral city.

Bro besafe,

You're a very romantic person.

I don't get smitten, I get lustful instantly, I get very primal n animalistic, but I try to mix it w/ some playful energy so that I won't appear too slimy n creepy.

I remember 5 yrs ago, when I had an outing to TAM 1st fl, I was lustful over a very pretty girl. An esteemed bro who was w/ me had this advice: With this one, you must go slow. Get to know her first, after a few months, you may propose BY.

I proposed BY on my third meeting n she accepted haha. Now I propose BY within 60 minutes, sometimes 60 secs, of my first meeting w/ a girl I really like.

The commonly held belief that the more attractive a girl the more time u hv to spend "romancing" her n be "nice" to her, is completely wrong. The more attractive a girl, the sooner u must show ur sexual interests n mojo!

It works even if she is a non-WL. Your body language n voice must be confident, relaxed, masculine n playful.


Bro, can advise why is it not good to meet in her home town?
I too was smitten with a prc and she asked me to go visit her. After consideration, I decided to proceed.

She drove a nice car to come pick me at airport and I stayed at her home. She stays alone in a nice condo. She eventually got married but still requests to meet whenever possible.

Thanks bro. :)

Bro justl00king,

You're another romantic person.

Meeting someone u don't know well in China or Vietnam is risky. Worse if that someone is male...


thanks...got it

i can see how a real player, thats not me, can intentionally play hard ball giving -ve emotions to win over a gal ...

am too soft, i am intentionally trying only to give +ve emotions to my target ... now need to mixed it up with some -ve ones ...will try it out :rolleyes:

Bro PeteTsang69,

You're basically a nice guy.

Arousing or evoking negative emotions in a girl, whenever appropriate, will greatly increase her attraction for u.

Girls r repulsed by men who r too nice, too agreeable, too predictable n who try to suck up to them.

Another thing. Be very relaxed n comfortable when you say NO. Be playful, even jovial hahaha.

No to an gift which is too expensive, No to request to drive her to the airport, No to a loan...


Interested to know too... why?


You could be robbed or kidnapped or murdered.


Bro WB

12-06-2014, 01:29 PM

You could be robbed or kidnapped or murdered.


Bro WB

Sometimes I cannot help but wonder if Singaporeans have been staying in a safe city for so long that we have lost our sense of danger.

12-06-2014, 02:54 PM
Thanks bro warbird for the kind advice.

I had actually known her for some months while she's in SG.
Did consider the risks that u mentioned, but I was smitten with her and basically the small head ruled my decision to proceed.

U have a nice day bro. :)

12-06-2014, 04:37 PM
Bro WB,
It was pure lust that caused me to seek her out.
You are absolutely right. Trust no one especially a ktv girl.
They are habitual liars.

12-06-2014, 09:26 PM
It works even if she is a non-WL. Your body language n voice must be confident, relaxed, masculine n playful.

Another thing. Be very relaxed n comfortable when you say NO. Be playful, even jovial hahaha.

hahaha bro .... i get your style ... be more debonair like 007 ... :D

13-06-2014, 11:34 AM
Sometimes I cannot help but wonder if Singaporeans have been staying in a safe city for so long that we have lost our sense of danger.

Bro chenzong,

Personal safety is most important. Otherwise I would've moved to China yrs ago. So many pretty SYTs there waiting for me to BY...

Thanks bro warbird for the kind advice.

I had actually known her for some months while she's in SG.
Did consider the risks that u mentioned, but I was smitten with her and basically the small head ruled my decision to proceed.

U have a nice day bro. :)

Bro, you're most welcome!

Must consider the safety of the small head first haha.

Bro WB,
It was pure lust that caused me to seek her out.
You are absolutely right. Trust no one especially a ktv girl.
They are habitual liars.

Bro besafe,

Many men r pathological liars too.

hahaha bro .... i get your style ... be more debonair like 007 ... :D


Maybe Humphrey Bogart w/o the smoking n hard liquor haha.


Bro WB


Good morning!

A brief FR, but w/ full disclosure of expenses, on our outing last night to TAM 3rd fl HH in rm 11.

There were 7 of us: Bros Kangxi, K, S, DA, KA, SO n Warbird.

Rm 11 is medium in size n accommodated 7 men n 7 girls comfortably. By the end of the session, the half bttle of Martell still has more than 1/4 left!

Rm charge was $142, tips for mummy H n 3 waiters $85. I tipped a bit more as I told the waiters not to pour liquor freely hahaha. BTW, this rm is larger than some medium-sized rm on 6th n 7th fl at Peace Centre.

Expense per pax for the 4 bros who attended before, $20.

Expense per pax for the 3 new bros, $50.

Even the ultra frugal bro S is very satisfied because two HH outings to a TAM joint has cost just $85. I doubt anyone can beat me on my relentless reduction on friction cost haha.

My new rules of conduct: No excessive drinking n those bros who smoke must do so OUTSIDE the rm.

All bros were happy as they all got their type of gals. I called my mistress TH, after getting ctc of two girls. One girl YK looked quite stunning. Looked like half Ang Moh, very fair, abt 172, 52-53Kg? Added her Wechat. Her 素颜 pics looked less stunning this morning haha. Boobs only B? But worth a second look. Maybe ST or short term BY?

The other one YM is 168 Dongbei girl, slim n proportionate. She is OK w/ ST.

BTW, I sat next to a new bro KA, an institutional trader, who told me that he had been cheated by bro Janson for 50K. It happened abt 2 yrs ago.

Bro Janson also tried to con me of 48K last yr. Of course I didn't give him a penny. He is a compulsive gambler n a pathological liar.

Conclusion: The average quality of girls at TAM joints still better than Peace Centre's.


Bro WB

13-06-2014, 11:48 AM
One other thing.

There is a 20 yo Sichuan gal MN who keeps asking me to intro a SG man to BY her n her good fren who is also 20.

MN is only 160 (B boobs) n her fren 155 (natural D). They r pretty SYTs but not my type as I prefer much taller gals.

I met MN before when she accompanied AL here 1 1/2 yrs ago. AL is 172.

MN n her fren r not WLs n they r asking only 5K SGD (they wanted more but I said too expensive) each per month to BY them. They could come here on visitor pass.

PM me if you're interested. BTW, I'm not an OKT n my service is FREE.


Bro WB

13-06-2014, 01:05 PM
Support! camping for more!

13-06-2014, 01:46 PM
hahaha bro .... i get your style ... be more debonair like 007 ... :D

Try Steve McQueen ...

13-06-2014, 03:14 PM
Support! camping for more!


Got lobang must share.

I know many, many PRC SYTs who want to be BY-ed in China and some may be considered very pretty, although not necessarily my type. One man's meat is another...

Many don't want to come here though.

Will post only those who r willing to come.


Try Steve McQueen ...

My role model is Humphrey Bogart...

15-06-2014, 10:35 PM
One other thing.

There is a 20 yo Sichuan gal MN who keeps asking me to intro a SG man to BY her n her good fren who is also 20.

MN is only 160 (B boobs) n her fren 155 (natural D). They r pretty SYTs but not my type as I prefer much taller gals.

I met MN before when she accompanied AL here 1 1/2 yrs ago. AL is 172.

MN n her fren r not WLs n they r asking only 5K SGD (they wanted more but I said too expensive) each per month to BY them. They could come here on visitor pass.

PM me if you're interested. BTW, I'm not an OKT n my service is FREE.


Bro WB

Kudos to WB, this thread is longlift ..... haha.
Actual facts that most gal who claimed they are from Chengdu thesedays. Well, they are from the 2nd or 3rd tier incorporated county.
In fact, if you chat with them and with some historic understanding you will know that they are not the authentic Chengdu Breed. ;)

Its just like small reddot, the boundary redraw and remap.


17-06-2014, 02:12 PM
Kudos to WB, this thread is longlift ..... haha.
Actual facts that most gal who claimed they are from Chengdu thesedays. Well, they are from the 2nd or 3rd tier incorporated county.
In fact, if you chat with them and with some historic understanding you will know that they are not the authentic Chengdu Breed. ;)

Its just like small reddot, the boundary redraw and remap.



These gals r not from Chengdu.


.................................................. .

Good afternoon!

I hv received a 2nd PM from bro XX. He is the bro who concurred with my statement that "all human interactions are business transactions."

"Hi bro

Nice to see my post on your thread, sure stroked my ego haha.

Regarding your reply, how sobering and cruel truth is.... Yet how many people truly grasp the implications of this "noble" truth?

Given your answer, concepts such as unconditional love, loyalty, friendships, etc are all nothing but figments of imagination and delusions....

Understanding is probably the easiest part, acceptance is another
hurdle and embracement is probably the hardest, don't all of us wish to be intoxicated by the romantic notions of "true" love and loyalty?

“For of men(be it friends or family) it may generally be affirmed, that they are thankless, fickle, false studious to avoid danger, greedy of gain, devoted to you while you are able to confer benefits upon them, and ready, as I said before, while danger is distant, to shed their blood, and sacrifice their property, their lives, and their children for you; but in the hour of need they turn against you.”

Bro if i may be so bold as to ask, how do you form deep and close relations with other given the mercenary nature of people, hypocrisy and futility of it all?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Your nihilist supporter"

Dear bro XX,

Thank u for your comments n questions.

Is there unconditional love? Selfless love for another person? Really? Actually "loving" someone makes one feels good n it's all abt oneself.

Will you "love" your son the same way if you find out that he is not your own flesh and blood? Will you fall in love with a girl if she is very fat, hideously ugly and deformed?

Let's assume that you're a rich, handsome, healthy, well educated n heterosexual young man of 25. You're in love w/ a beautiful SYT, your dream girl, who also loves u deeply. If she has an accident tomorrow, her face is grotesquely disfigured n she can't move her legs forever, will u still love her n take care of her until u die at a ripe old age? And never, ever make love to another girl? I seriously doubt that. Your family will try to talk u out of it. Even if u answer yes, it's still abt u. Somehow u feel good abt yourself and/or u believe in Karma...and you may even commit suicide w/ her. In either case, I think you're mentally sick haha.

What if you're on honeymoon w/ your beautiful wife n she suffers the above disfigurement n injuries? What has changed? Would u act differently because she is your legal wife?

IMHO, the so-called unconditional love is still selfish. You get something in return. I'll still consider it a business transaction. You give something n you receive something.

This romantic, unconditional love and apparently altruistic acts have been celebrated by poetry n literature in every culture. But the truth is not so romantic.

By understanding true human nature n by being brutally honest abt my intentions, desires n mission, I feel that I hv deepened my RS w/ all those who r close to me. It's give and take, I give something and I receive something. Yin and Yang, negatives charges balanced by positive charges, action and reaction are equal and opposite, cause and effect, Karma...everything must be a fair business exchange.

Those who hope to get or have gotten something for nothing will be very disappointed and very sorry, sooner or later hahaha. This is a certainty. The universe must be in equilibrium.

If I give advice abt certain subjects I'm good at, free of charge and w/o expecting any rewards, I'm doing it because I feel good abt myself. And I feel good abt helping others. I'm happy n others r happy. I'm happy when I see others doing well. It's still abt me. It's still a fair business transaction.


Bro WB

18-06-2014, 12:03 AM
Bro henabi,

Yes, I hv met girls in Hong Kong n Beijing many times, not in their hometowns. Likewise, they hv come here n to a certain M'sian city (where I hv many relatives n friends).

I don't meet a girl in her hometown unless I can trust her 100%.


You could be robbed or kidnapped or murdered.


Bro WB

Well... I travel to Vietnam, Indonesia n thailand very often for business trips. So I supposed to me it should be safe.

I have a 1-2 FBs in each country but never visited a ktv girl I met in SG.

Will take in your advise and know the girl more first. Build the trust before I thrust my smaller head into her and land into unnecessary trouble

21-06-2014, 12:34 PM
Well... I travel to Vietnam, Indonesia n thailand very often for business trips. So I supposed to me it should be safe.

I have a 1-2 FBs in each country but never visited a ktv girl I met in SG.

Will take in your advise and know the girl more first. Build the trust before I thrust my smaller head into her and land into unnecessary trouble

Been awhile glad this forum is still active. Anyway i feel is really risk. But usually i go overseas to meet this girls i make sure is for business trips then i will go ahead. And usually if i go for such trips and meet up with this girls in a way i will make a back up plan. Always inform a close friends about such trips espeacially in country friends. those familiar with the place. Tell them where you are going to meet those girl and places your going. in a way tell about your where abouts. Even how much trust you have in the girl never go there unplanned. :cool:

28-06-2014, 10:08 AM
Good morning to all esteemed SBF bros,

01-07-2014, 11:50 AM
Well... I travel to Vietnam, Indonesia n thailand very often for business trips. So I supposed to me it should be safe.

I have a 1-2 FBs in each country but never visited a ktv girl I met in SG.

Will take in your advise and know the girl more first. Build the trust before I thrust my smaller head into her and land into unnecessary trouble


It's better to be safe than sorry.

Been awhile glad this forum is still active. Anyway i feel is really risk. But usually i go overseas to meet this girls i make sure is for business trips then i will go ahead. And usually if i go for such trips and meet up with this girls in a way i will make a back up plan. Always inform a close friends about such trips ...........Even how much trust you have in the girl never go there unplanned. :cool:


Good advice, tks.

Good morning to all esteemed SBF bros,

Good morning!


Good morning!

I had another session to TAM 3rd fl HH last Fri. There were 5 bros (including WB), two returning (bros K n WB) n 3 new bros, not necessarily new to me, but new to the 80% bttle ( bros W, R n D).

BTW, a long time ago I waived the rule that a new bro hv to place a $100 deposit at the beginning of the session.

Damage for new bros, $70 each n for returning bros, $10.

Unfortunately, bro W drank quite a bit, despite efforts by bro K's gal to hide the bttle twice!!

Only 30% bttle left. Bro S, who missed the return session, was most displeased! I told him we could still squeeze out another session from the rest of the bttle (w/o bro W).

Every bro was very happy n had a girl of his type!

If every kaki is like bro S n me, one bttle will last forever hahaha. And if every person in the world is like me, PDRDY will hv to file for bankruptcy!

I'll be very busy this wk as I hv a reunion dinner n some relatives n friends from China will be here.


Bro WB

02-07-2014, 12:13 PM
Good morning!

I like to share some recent observations abt the effects of regular PVOs on a girl's figure n body proportions.

Regular PVOs enhance womanly curves.

PVOs = Penetrative Vaginal Orgasms (with a natural penis n during sexual intercourse, not with the use of dildos or fingers...)

You can use fingers or dildos as a prelude, but there is no substitute for the real thing haha.

Take my younger mistress TH. After abt 6 months of BY, I started noticing that her butt was becoming a bit bigger n more shapely n firm. She had actually lost 1kg n her natural D was unchanged. She is now 52.5kg, abt 171.

My Fujian lao po has put on 2.5 kg since I first met her 6 yrs ago. Abt 1/3 of that extra weight has gone to her butt n it's now quite large, firm, perky n shapely. Who says PRC girls don't hv great butts? The rest of the extra meat has gone to her breasts, shoulders n the rest of her body. Her natural B is now fuller n nipples slightly larger. She is now 52kg, abt 168.

As I hv alluded to before, their gait has also changed...

One other thing. When is a girl/woman most beautiful n most attractive?

IMHO, it's when you're fucking her n giving her real n continuous PVO. Observe her face n demeanor carefully n you'll understand what I mean.

To sum up, regular PVOs enhance womanly curves, especially the butt.

I googled this topic n apparently this has never been mentioned anywhere. I stand corrected.

Any other bros hv made similar observations?

Your comments?


Bro WB

10-07-2014, 11:52 AM
Good afternoon!

I just received a letter from a guru on two kinds of "masculinity."

Bro Warbird,

There is so much stupidity in our culture these days.

Dumb reality shows. Idiotic politicians supported by shadowy billionaires. False debates on TV.

It's like there are two cultures:

(1) the culture that's evolving humanity as a species, and

(2) the greedy, fearful, xenophobic, dogmatic culture that is clinging to a past of hatred, division and racism.

I'll be honest - it gets me down sometimes.

I wonder if the good guys (us) are going to win.

On the other hand, it gives me JUICE to keep doing what I do every day...

Which is to harangue your ass into being the BEST, BOLDEST MAN you can be.

Because the world needs BOLD MEN.

And women want BOLD MEN.

But Women Want a Specific Kind of Bold Masculine Man...

I call it the "Benevolent Masculine."

To distinguish it from the "Malevolent Masculine."

Let's get really, really clear here:

The Malevolent Masculine...

preys on women

hurts women

degrades women

disrespects other men

disrespects himself

has not found his inner worth yet

plays the victim

damages other to build outer show

Guys who get women drunk to molest them, Boku Haram, guys who call women "targets," who commonly refer to women as "bitches" and who blame women for their woes are examples of the Malevolent Masculine.

They are weak, sick f*cks.

And they need help.

The Benevolent Masculine, by contrast...

loves and adores women

makes love to women

protects women

respects other men, respects women

respects himself

operates from his INNER worth not outer show

takes 100% responsibility for his words and actions

makes his WILL FELT with women without shame, hesitancy, bullying or expectation

approaches women with confidence, humor, directness and good will

raises women into their sexuality for the benefit of both her and him

is proud of the man he is

naturally attracts the best women

Between these two kinds of men, there is a WORLD of difference......................................

Your Guru

What kind are u?

We need to become the "Benevolent Masculine" to be very attractive to women.


Bro WB

10-07-2014, 01:22 PM
That's gold right there! I'm a new Samster, but great to see so many senior Bros with such vast knowledge and experience. Hopefully will get to learn more from you in the future! Thanks for sharing Bro WB! :D

12-07-2014, 04:48 PM
That's gold right there! I'm a new Samster, but great to see so many senior Bros with such vast knowledge and experience. Hopefully will get to learn more from you in the future! Thanks for sharing Bro WB! :D


You're welcome!


Good afternoon!

A bro asked me questions re damage for ST n doing raw. I like to stress that I hv NEVER done raw w/ a ST girl.

Hi Bro WB,

Thanks for the code word. If this gal really super chio and i wanna ST, wat is the damage like? Doing raw mean no condom? Do the girl accept? Thanks


I presume that you're referring to a girl u hv met at a certain KTV. The damage for ST depends on the girl, the KTV, her ethnicity, nationality, the city/country where u meet her, etc. The range is very wide and could range from less than SGD $50 to 2k n up. If she likes u very much, you could get her FOC...

A word of warning.

You must always use condom for ST. I even cover my didi w/ CD for BJ and I never kiss or paint the girl. There can be NO exception.

LT mistresses r like lao pos, only better, n of course I don't use CD w/ them. In fact, anything goes...but only after they hv passed certain medical tests. And 'trust' tests haha. Usually Oraquick monthly over 3 - 6 months n a visit to KK. Last but not least, I must firmly believe, to the best of my knowledge n abilities, that they hv not fxxked other men in the interim n that their pussies will remain exclusive n safe for me. I continue to monitor their activities n safety...

If a girl continues to work at the night scene, she can't be safe. Period.

BTW, at least 50% of legal wives cheat. Personally, I believe it's closer to 70%. The remaining 30% r hideous or very obese. Always maintain a high index of suspicion.


Bro WB

16-07-2014, 11:51 AM
Good morning!

LV at TAM closed 2 1/2 wks ago n the remaining 3 TAM joints are likely to be closed by the end of Sep. Not sure where their new locations will be. Any bro has inside info?

An ultra expensive new 'club' Prestige was opened Monday. It's located next to Park Regis. But unless the mannagement imports very chio n high class SYTs from China, Korea, Japan n Taiwan...the business model may not last haha.

BTW, there was a model/actress from Shanghai, China, who was recently here for a role in a film. An agent in China intro her. She was 21, 169, natural C but I don't like her sharp chin, which must be a result of surgical intervention. I was supposed to up her Sunday. Never even asked for the damage. I 百度 some websites n found out there are other models/actresses who r much closer to my preferred type. So I texted her Sunday morning that I had an urgent business to attend to haha.

Of the hundreds of these girls, abt 70% of them hv the sharp chins but there r many who look more natural n prettier. Feel like flying over there now to up a dozen of them!!


Bro WB

17-07-2014, 11:09 AM
Good morning!
f these girls, abt 70% of them hv the sharp chins but there r many who look more natural n prettier. Feel like flying over there now to up a dozen of them!!


Bro WB

:) envy, bro WB.

19-07-2014, 11:55 AM
:) envy, bro WB.

Bro NotMyRealName,

Long time no see.

Hahaha, I know you hv many lobangs too. We need to meet n compare notes. And discuss stretagies...


Bro WB


Good morning!

I hv new revelations n understandings on the important subject of man-woman RS. These hv come abt partly from readings n researching n partly from my personl experiences. There r not really new but I'll give a brief summary here.

The biggest mistake we men make is to think that girls r primarily attracted to the same thing as men: Good looks n sexy body.

Additionally, what many pretty SYTs say they want in a man is completely different from what their subconscious minds want. They r most attracted to a man's masculine character n emotional control/self mastery.

And if you can get them to constantly think abt YOU when you're NOT around,you can make them fall for u, regardless of ur looks, height, weight, age, financial resources, status, educational level, ethnicity, nationality, etc. To make them constantly thinking abt u, you need to be uniquely different from all the men she has ever met. And you should evoke strong emotions in her, both positive n negativs...she must be confused, uncertain, yet hopeful...flip the sexual switch n she will chase u. You will surely fail if you behave like a "nice guy" or "perfect gentleman."

There r startegies known as "The Mind Scrambler" n "Hate-Love-Switch."

Initially, all you need is a chance to meet them face to face, even if it's for only 30 seconds.

But to keep that infatuation/love going, you must establish a sexual RS w/ them n be able to give them repeated PVOs. Sorry, there is no substitute for this.

BTW, I'm now certain that a healthy n pretty woman has a stronger sexual urge n needs than an average man. She plays hard to get because she only wants to be fxxked by the right MAN, usually in the context of a long term RS. KM (the cute 21 yo Sichuan gal) actually hinted at this last week. We hv been brutally honest w/ each other. Previouly, only a GF n a mistress hv openly expressed their desires to hv more frequent n wilder sex.

Any comments?

Bro WB

21-07-2014, 12:17 PM
Bro NotMyRealName,

Long time no see.

Hahaha, I know you hv many lobangs too. We need to meet n compare notes. And discuss stretagies...


I think our circumstances are different and our targets are different, no one strategy wins them all, so adapt and I also learn along the way. I've laid low for sometimes now due to many reasons but one of them is I'm bored with the types I meet in KTVs and the other non-KTV types are serious and demand commitment of the emotional and long term kind which I avoid. So back to just sing once in a while.

There r startegies known as "The Mind Scrambler" n "Hate-Love-Switch."

Me never try the hate-love-switch, they hate and I just move on to the next target loh.

BTW, I'm now certain that a healthy n pretty woman has a stronger sexual urge n needs than an average man. She plays hard to get because she only wants to be fxxked by the right MAN, usually in the context of a long term RS. KM (the cute 21 yo Sichuan gal) actually hinted at this last week. We hv been brutally honest w/ each other. Previouly, only a GF n a mistress hv openly expressed their desires to hv more frequent n wilder sex.

Any comments?

Bro WB
One type of rice feeds hundred types of people, but you are so fortunate to have a fiery and direct sichuan KM, but I think this type also turns very hateful like a switch. Enjoy but you are the sifu at these type of games anyway.

25-07-2014, 11:52 AM
I think our circumstances are different and our targets are different, no one strategy wins them all, so adapt and I also learn along the way. I've laid low for sometimes now due to many reasons but one of them is I'm bored with the types I meet in KTVs and the other non-KTV types are serious and demand commitment of the emotional and long term kind which I avoid. So back to just sing once in a while.

Me never try the hate-love-switch, they hate and I just move on to the next target loh.

One type of rice feeds hundred types of people, but you are so fortunate to have a fiery and direct sichuan KM, but I think this type also turns very hateful like a switch. Enjoy but you are the sifu at these type of games anyway.

Bro NotMyRealName,

Yes, every man is different n so is every woman.

No need to avoid any relationship n connection, as long as you keep a cool head n never get emotional.

If a man's wife/GF/mistress/er nai/lover doesn't hate him in some way, on some days, it's because she has very little feelings for him.

If I can get girls/women to hate me, or at least get them angry n agitated...or make them cry, I can flip the switch to make them emotionally addicted. AND If I can also give them prolonged PVOs repeatedly...then their pussies n hearts r mine.

Actually I'm no sifu, just a diligent learner. I'm learning to improve myself relentlessly everyday...


Bro WB

.................................................. ...........

Good morning!

A few days ago, bro PK sent me a PM:

What are the terms do you normally offer for by? Recently met a few potential targets, but dun know what is the figure to start with

I told him that I'll post the answer here as many bros hv asked the same question.

Bro PK,

Terms are always negotiable. I assume that you're referring to girls who r already in SG.

Firstly, never appear to be too eager. Secondly, before u make an offer to BY any girl, you must qualify her n state ur requirements.

A frequent question from girls: What do u look for in a 女朋友,情人? I'll state my criteria in terms of looks n physical attributes. Then I'll stress the single most important condition: Her pussy must be mine exlusively during the BY period. If it's for more than 3 months, I expect to do her raw, after a series of tests, including an exam at KK. Last but not least, my 女朋友,情人 must be 乖顺 and have 诚信.

Next I'll outline my monthly allowance. Take it or leave it.

For non-KTV girls, monthly allowance ranges from 2K to 10K n up a month, sometimes plus rental. For KTV girls, if she doesn't work, from 5K to 20K n up. There may be rental n other fringe benefits. If she continues to work, from 2k to 10K n up...

Remember that everything is subject to negotiation.

In China, you can cut the allowance by more than half, depending on the city/province. But some models/actresses may want an arm n a leg hahaha...

Good luck!

Bro WB

28-07-2014, 11:28 AM
Bro PK has a follow up question:

[QUOTE]What type of property do you normally rent for them?[QUOTE]

Dear bro PK,

If the girl continues to work in the night scene, I'll usually not change her housing arrangement. Just take her to a hotel rm or a private apt...

If the girl doesn't work, I'll find a master bedroom or a studio or a 1 bedroom condo for her. It's not cheap in the CBD. The lease is usually for at least 6 months. For those who come here for only 1-2 months, it can be a challenge to find such acommodation.


Bro WB

.................................................. .........

Good morning!

I hv alluded to the fact that a man's looks matter much less to women. But physical appearance does matter, but not in the way most men think.

A man is physically most attractive if he is very fit, neat n clean. He must not be overweigth or underweigth..why? Think n you know the answer.

A male's intangible attributes such as self mastery n masculine character/personality r of paramount importance. But there is one physical attribute which is most sexually attractive to women: A V-shape male body. Broad shoulders and narrow waist n hips.

A respected Ang Moh guru just sent me the following recently:

Do Looks Matter As Much To Women? Finally, The Truth

Dear Bro Warbird,

Think that the "GQ model" type of guys who tend to
catch women's eye naturally have a better dating life than you ever

Not necessarily...not by a long shot. Here's the fascinating reason why
you CAN and SHOULD do better with women than they can.

All told, I think it's perfectly natural that most of us as guys
would assume that other dudes who are "gifted" in the looks
department would have incredible success with women, without really

After all, that's how it seems to go for beautiful women, so why
not for men also?

If a woman looks great, guys will be all over her, often (to their
own potentially disastrous risk) without concern for her
personality or character.

And really, no matter how much we hear about how "looks don't
matter" to women, we can't help but overhear them talking about how
"hot" a particular guy is and/or making side comments to their
girlfriends about how they may be fantasizing about him.

Great, huh?

According to all external evidence, it would indeed seem that men
and women are a lot alike when it comes to how much looks matter,

Not so fast.

What if I told you that my direct experience tells me that how good
looking a guy is has almost NOTHING TO DO with his ultimate level
of success with women?

Your first thought may by that I'm going to join the chorus who
would sell you on the trite but persistent notion that "looks don't

Well, not me.

Looks may in fact matter, but NOT in the way you might think. At
the very least, not in the SAME WAY that how a woman looks matters
to guys.

Here's how it all works.

First, let's look at the average guy.

And for the record, by "average" I mean ANY guy who doesn't see
himself as being particularly good looking. My firmly held belief
is that ALL of us can be at least an "average guy" by simply caring
enough to have self-respect.

So please don't e-mail me in an attempt to explain how you're
probably "below average", and how what I'm about to say in this
newsletter still won't help you. It's the complaining about that
itself that actually spells out "below average", believe me.


Since "Mr. Average" is not particularly good looking, he may think
that he has less of a chance with a beautiful woman.

This is predicated on logic, of course. Deep down, we all tend to
feel like we should get what we think we deserve.

So "Mr. Average" sees "Mr. GQ" with a beautiful woman and despairs.

But then again, it always seems like the NEXT beautiful woman he
sees is with a guy who he might think doesn't deserve her as much
as HE does. And that frustrates him.

Despair alternating with frustration. Why? Because he's assuming
the women he sees must make dating and relationship decisions the
way WE do as men.

So he sees "Mr. GQ" as deserving, and any less handsome man with a
pretty woman as simply "lucky" or something. And he resents BOTH

As a result of this poisonous mindset, his problem is that he can't
get up the nerve to ask a woman out on a first date.

But if he could just muster a bit of confidence, he may find that
his masculinity, ability to put a woman at ease in his presence and
his solid character could actually make women go crazy for him
after they meet him.

In fact, a BIG part of his frustration may even lie in knowing that
if he could just get a woman on a first date, she'd LOVE HIM.

...If only, in his mind, she could get past his underwhelming
physical appearance.

Have you ever caught yourself thinking that? I know I have.

Meanwhile, let's consider "Mr. GQ".

Women naturally smile at him when they see him. They may even
flirt a little more noticeably.

Heck, women may even approach him first.

It's not altogether out of the question that women would be
throwing slips of paper with their phone number on it at him.

As such, he likely has NO PROBLEM getting first dates.

But when you get right down to it, a first date does NOT equal
"success with women".

And if you're among the legion of "Mr. Average" guys out there, you
might not ever see the part that comes next. You may not even ever
consider the POSSIBILITY of it, frankly.

Here it is, though: I've lost count of the number of handsome
guys who can get a first date with ANY woman, but who can't get a
SECOND DATE to save their lives.

Why not?

Usually it's one of three reasons:

1) Women, ultimately can't stand to be upstaged in the looks
department. Insecurity and jealousy cause them to run away. They
literally prefer not to date someone "prettier" than they are.

(And for what it's worth, YES...this means you should feel empowered
to go after women who are better looking than you are. They'll
actually like you MORE than women who aren't.)

2) The guy falls for his own shortsighted belief that women make
dating decisions the same way men do, and therefore develops an
arrogant attitude based on his looks. Women like good-looking
guys, but they can't stand arrogant ones. Mark that.

3) It turns out the guy is either BORING or a flat-out WUSS behind
that "pretty boy" façade. Game over.

Isn't the big picture here a little bit crazy?

"Mr. Average" doesn't get a FIRST DATE...mostly due to having psyched
himself out with negative self-talk.

"Mr. GQ" can't get a SECOND DATE...for one (or all) of the reasons
listed above.

In the end BOTH GUYS FAIL with women.

And the most breathtaking part of this whole scenario? Both men
actually have the SAME PROBLEM.

Neither guy has the ability to CHOOSE the women he really wants.

Whether that means "short term fling" or "long term relationship"
is irrelevant. If ANY guy fails to create deep attraction in a
woman, he's getting nowhere with her.

And remember, this is REGARDLESS OF LOOKS.

What's the net/net of all this?

It's simple. Good looks may help a guy catch a woman's eye up
front, but really only matter as it pertains to HOW and WHEN
success or failure with women presents itself.

And yes...an "average" guy may need to take a more objective approach
to getting a woman's attention initially.

But ultimately, only the "Big Four" (Confidence/Masculinity/Inspiring Confidence/Character) matter when it comes to truly attracting her...that is, on YOUR TERMS and for as long as you'd
like her to be in your life.

And the bottom line is that ONLY guys who are in control of their
dating lives can expect to have success with women.

In the example given above, neither "Mr. Average" nor "Mr. GQ" has
CONTROL over his dating life.

They don't hold the cards when it comes to deciding which women
they want to keep around for any length of time.

So if you think about it, whether a guy feels like he has a hard
time GETTING a woman's attention or KEEPING it, the problem is
ultimately the same: He doesn't have the women in his life that he

And by the way, if you think that the good looking guy may still
have one-up over "average" guys because he can get the "quick lay"
out of the transaction before he ultimately blows it, guess again.

As I've shown you before in the past, high quality women DO NOT
make decisions regarding who to sleep with the same way guys do.

Without "Big Four" substance, ANY guy can forgett about it.

But with the "Big Four" in full effect, you essentially weed out
just about ALL of your competition in today's modern, neutered
world replete with confused men...good-looking and otherwise.

I can hear someone asking, "Yeah, but what about women who AREN'T
high quality?"

What about 'em?

If a woman has low self-esteem and the lower standards that go with
it, the irony is that a more "average" guy may have a better
chance, as it were, even with her.

I personally thank my lucky stars that I DON'T have "model looks",
but that I know what the "Big Four" are and recognize their
importance. My experience with women has been way less complicated
that way, and far more successful.

How about you? Can you adopt that mindset and take full advantage
of the power it holds?

Be Good,


29-07-2014, 10:51 AM
Good morning!

No outings for almost 2 wks because many relatives from China came to visit me.

I'll organize more outings to TAM, starting this wk.

It's my civic duty to bring up an unpleasant subject.

In the last 5-6 yrs, I hv witnessed a number of bros, who were previously generous spenders at KTVs/HFJs and whom I regarded as well to do, who are now severely strapped for cash. Some r in dire finacial straits. Some may hv filed for bankrutpcy. For some, the hard times might be temporary, for others prolonged n intractable.

There r 4 main reasons: 1) they gamble, 2) they got cheated, 3) they spend more than they can afford n 4) business and/or investment failure. Usually there is a combination of two or more of the above.

There is another common thread. There is a high proportion of heavy drinkers/smokers among them. Why? Drinking n smoking impair their judgment n emotional control.

Yes, I welcome bros to have a great time at KTVs/HFJs. Do find n fxxk all the gals of your type. But never spend more than u can afford n NEVER, ever gamble. Stay cool, calm, collected. And very alert, at all times. Become physically very fit.

Have a great day!!

Bro WB

29-07-2014, 09:49 PM
heard that for non-KTV - all in 4K monthly - covering expenses and rent....

Next I'll outline my monthly allowance. Take it or leave it.

For non-KTV girls, monthly allowance ranges from 2K to 10K n up a month, sometimes plus rental. For KTV girls, if she doesn't work, from 5K to 20K n up. There may be rental n other fringe benefits. If she continues to work, from 2k to 10K n up...

Remember that everything is subject to negotiation.

In China, you can cut the allowance by more than half, depending on the city/province. But some models/actresses may want an arm n a leg hahaha...

Good luck!

Bro WB

29-07-2014, 10:34 PM
"For KTV girls, if she doesn't work, from 5K to 20K n up."

Wow brother warbird, what you can offer them is much more than what I earn. Perhaps you can dispense some tips to reach your status today? :o

31-07-2014, 11:33 AM
heard that for non-KTV - all in 4K monthly - covering expenses and rent....

Bro saabking,

Yes, can get even lower sometimes...

"For KTV girls, if she doesn't work, from 5K to 20K n up."

Wow brother warbird, what you can offer them is much more than what I earn. Perhaps you can dispense some tips to reach your status today? :o

Bro Account,

I'm only a learner n a very junior trainee in finance, despite my advanced age. I had spent decades in my profession in Gotham City, before making a career switch. I'm still making peanuts...anyone w/ average intelligence in SG or China can make much more money than I, really.

You should study the life and business/investment strategies of great gurus such as John D. Rockefeller, J. Paul Getty, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, K.S. Li and Carl Icahn, etc. It takes time but the payoff will be huge.

If u only hv time for one guru, study J. Paul Getty.

And never, ever gamble.

Good luck,

Bro WB


Good morning!

Recently, I hv approached scores of gals inside n outside KTVs, in shopping centres, near private schools, etc. Many hv agreed for ST n many for BY.
So far the best is KM n a tall gal DD whom I met a few days ago. KM is only 162, but DD is over 170. Both want LT BY only.

Over 5 yrs ago, I approached an Ang Moh near a taxi stand. She was very pretty, blonde, youthful, tall, very fair n slim. Wonderfully proportionate body. She was alone. A Russian, only 18. Unfortunately, she won't give me her HP no. I hv not met an Ang Moh worth approaching since.

I wonder if I hv improved enough to create a different outcome when a gal of her beauty shows up again. There is always rm for improvement.


Bro WB

31-07-2014, 12:06 PM
Do Looks Matter As Much To Women? Finally, The Truth

Very well written and benificial to all the bros here.. Anyone who is able to understand what is been written... Lawry would have to sit one corner and suck thumb.. nothing left for lawry..

WB, youre getting more and more wise.. wisdom seems to be overflowing from you..

well done..

01-08-2014, 11:56 AM
Very well written and benificial to all the bros here.. Anyone who is able to understand what is been written... Lawry would have to sit one corner and suck thumb.. nothing left for lawry..

WB, youre getting more and more wise.. wisdom seems to be overflowing from you..

well done..

Bro lawry,

You make my day!

If every man understands what really attracts women, we will hv a much harder time in bedding n keeping the type of women we truly desire.

Relax, we hv absolutely nothing to fear.

Judging from the posts on the thread Do most girls like "handsome" guys?, the overwhelming majority of men will never get it hahaha.

There is one other thing to remember.

If a man, who doesn't "get it" n is "not GQ handsome," has a very beautiful wife/mistress/lover, he will believe the woman is only after his money or his status. His beliefs n attitude will doom their RS eventually. It's a certainty. This will reinforce his false beliefs n those of his male friends/relatives...a vicious cycle. It will doom his future RS. He will NEVER get it. Really very sad.

Even women/girls don't understand it. Attraction occurs at the subconscious level, it's not a conscious choice.

However, in the final analysis, a man's ability to give his women intense n continuous PVOs is the single most crucial factor in determining the mutual happiness, outcome n longevity of the RS.

"[表情]很多时候 男人会让你觉得他爱上了你 [表情] 其实他没有 [表情]而女人会让你觉得她不可能会爱上你 结果她却动了心[表情]"

The above was sent by a younger singer TH yesterday. An insightful statement which reflects one of many differences between men n women.

I met TH in a small joint by chance. Saw her a few times. I refused to 定台...I told her I had two mistresses. She declined ST. She left SG over a yr ago. I told her I would BY her when she returns on a different visa. I offered X$, but she wanted 33% more. I told her not to come. She was really pissed off. She said her GF, who is not as pretty n older than she, is being kept by a SG man for more money!

Once TH asked for a loan, but I flatly declined. She was most unhappy n she implied that she would never ever become my woman. She even mocked my parsimony n my diminutive height. 你是我这一生见过最小气最吝啬的男人!I love it, what a compliment! Then she sent me a pic of a man who is 187, according to her. She didn't say that was her BF. I was unimpressed even if he was 287, because giraffe was much taller than that, I said. Hahaha...I remained unperturbed. We still keep in touch. Even if she accepts X$ now, I do not want her. I hv many prettier gals who hv agreed to BY. But TH is welcomed to intro girls to me...otherwise I would hv deleted her Wechat long ago.


Bro WB

01-08-2014, 10:01 PM
"很多时候 男人会让你觉得他爱上了你 其实他没有 而女人会让你觉得她不可能会爱上你 结果她却动了心"

yes - this is so true..:p
so you must know how to read the 心动 - all the sub-conscious action..and not what you tell you in your face ;)

04-08-2014, 11:11 AM
"很多时候 男人会让你觉得他爱上了你 其实他没有 而女人会让你觉得她不可能会爱上你 结果她却动了心"

yes - this is so true..:p
so you must know how to read the 心动 - all the sub-conscious action..and not what you tell you in your face ;)

Bro saabking,

If we parse the above statement, we will uncover hidden secrets of the female mind.

I hv much more to say on this fascinating topic. Suffice to say that attraction is NOT a choice n a girl will become very attracted to a man's confidence/masculinity/self mastery despite his negative external attributes which could repulse her initially. BUT it usually takes some time for a girl's powerful subconscious mind to recognize n appreciate these manly characteristics. It's usually a slow process, unless...haha. Can anyone guess?

If a beautiful girl says that she can never like or love u because you're short or fat or thin or too old or too young or poor or of the wrong ethnic group or...relax, smile, as if you just hit jackpot...she will eventually fall for you, assuming you really hv awesome masculine self mastery!! She can't help herself.


.................................................. .

Good morning!

A brief FR on my outing to TAM3rd fl for HH last Fri.

There were 6 bros, 3 old ones n 3 new ones (new to the 30% leftover bttle !).

We had a medium rm which comfortably accommodated 6 of us n our gals.

Total damage $210 = $141 for rm charges + $50 for mummy + 19 for waiters

Each old bro paid $20 n new bro $50.

It's noteworthy that I had squeezed out 3 outings for this one bttle of Martell. I paid a grand total of $65 + $30 + $20 = $115 for 3 outings or average of $38.33 per outing hahaha.

A new bro canceled last minute n he was immediately deleted from my ctc.

I brought DD but also saw two other interesting prospects n got their ctc from mummy. As usual, I asked for them to add my Wechat to get a clearer look at their assets. Both hv ample boobs, one is 165, the other 172 haha. After HH, I walked around the entire joint for 15 minutes trying to find new gems. I didn't.


Bro WB

04-08-2014, 10:14 PM
Bro saabking,

If we parse the above statement, we will uncover hidden secrets of the female mind.

I hv much more to say on this fascinating topic. Suffice to say that attraction is NOT a choice n a girl will become very attracted to a man's confidence/masculinity/self mastery despite his negative external attributes which could repulse her initially. BUT it usually takes some time for a girl's powerful subconscious mind to recognize n appreciate these manly characteristics. It's usually a slow process, unless...haha. Can anyone guess?

Bro WB

Yup - no need to guess - it's PVO..this give the subconscious mind the addiction it needs.. but i also believe that emotional addiction can have an equally strong hold on the subconscious mind too;)

05-08-2014, 06:31 PM
Bro warbird,
One of my buddy asked me - what are the signs of "动了心"?

I told him..尽在不言中

you have any good wisdom to share on this topic:p so as to benefit the rest of the bros here..:D

07-08-2014, 02:47 PM
Yup - no need to guess - it's PVO..this give the subconscious mind the addiction it needs.. but i also believe that emotional addiction can have an equally strong hold on the subconscious mind too;)

Bro saabking,

You're absolutely right IF a man has the opportunities to make love to her.

Intense n prolonged PVOs is sexually AND emotionally addictive to every woman. Without PVOs, she may also get emotionally addicted or fall in love with a man, for a variety of reasons. It's mostly fantasies of course. I hv mentioned the hypnotic power of a man's masculine character/self mastery to a woman. But the addiction usually will not last w/o PVOs.

I believe that continuous PVOs deliver the optimal mix of dopamine, oxytocin and other bonding n pleasure neurotransmitters to those parts of the female brain which r most sexually addictive. Other types of orgasms r not as optimal. It's just my hypothesis, as I can't find any research papers on this vital topic even in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

This is a catch 22.

How could a man give a woman PVOs if he can't even get her to bed in the first place? What if she doesn't even like him, based on his external factors? Demonstrating his masculine character/self mastery will take much time n he needs opportunities to keep meeting her.

So what is the answer? A woman will become strongly attracted to a man who saves or rescues her from a serious crisis. This would be a very powerful emotional experience for her haha. An unscrupulous man may stage a crisis situation and then come to her rescue...

My solution is to offer to BY the girl...then give her PVOs. It takes time, money n effort too, unfortunately.


Bro warbird,
One of my buddy asked me - what are the signs of "动了心"?

I told him..尽在不言中

you have any good wisdom to share on this topic:p so as to benefit the rest of the bros here..:D

Bro saabking,

This is a very difficult n complex question to answer for two reasons: 1) Because every woman has a different way of expressing it and 2) because every man has a different way of perceiving it. It's the Rashomon Effect.

This is also one of most important questions in any man-woman RS.

A man may think that his wife/mistress/er nai/GF loves him dearly because of her apparently loving words n actions n he may falsely believe that he is giving her incredible sexual pleasure. What he doesn't know is that she is faking it n that she has been fxxking other men without his knowledge, for years n years hahaha.

At this time I like to invite all the esteemed bros to weigh in n to give their insights n wisdom, "so as to benefit the rest of the bros here."

But one thing is certain. If your buddy has not given his girl the most intense and sustained PVOs, her "动了心" or infatuation/love will be relatively short-lived. If he has, it will be much more lasting. Therefore, it's absolutely crucial that he knows how to recognize genuine PVOs from fake ones.


Bro WB

12-08-2014, 11:15 AM
Good morning!

I consummated my short term BY of DD a few days ago. She will leave in abt a wk.

Recently, I had an outing to a high end KTV n we used mummy H. But I met an assistant mummy KP from another group. Looking at her back, at least for a couple of secs I thought I saw my young mistress. KP is better looking n sexually more desirable (to me) than all the girls that night. I tried to book her but couldn't as she was working as a mummy. Will use her as mummy next time. I asked her da ma if KP had a BF. 如果她有男朋友她会来上班吗?I'll BY her if she really doesn't hv a BF.

I received the following PM from an esteemed bro a number of days ago. He gave me permission to post his questions sans his SBF nick.

Hi Bro Warbird,

I stumble upon your thread some time back and had since finished reading all the pages. There are so much knowledge to be learnt from you especially from your vast experiences and sharp instinct. I will need to compile it as a 101 survival kit in managing relationship. And if only I have read about this earlier, it would have saved me a lot of heartaches both emotionally and financially.

Can I ask how you are able to manage your family and mistresses both in term of time, emotion and yet running a successful business? How not to be emotionally attached to your mistresses after having this ‘arranged relationship’ for a number of years? Although you have mentioned many times in the thread to keep a cool head and emotionally strong, it seem impossible to do that.

Thank you.

PS. Your thread has already become a must read for me on a daily routine

Hi bro,

Thank u so much for your interest and support.

I hope you will actually benefit from reading this thread. You need to put ur knowledge into focused action. I'm still learning something new everyday. I only wish I knew what I know now when I was 20...

Now back to ur questions. I'll be very candid n blunt. I hv a little more free time than the average bro here as my family is in Gotham City and I don't run a business. I'm not gainfully employed n I survive entirely on passive n investment income.

It's very difficult for most men not to get emotionally attached to their LT mistress/er nai/lover/GF, unless they r pyscopaths. I used to hv some degree of emotional attachment and/or KC for them. I hv lessened these feelings to very manageable level by two methods.

1) By improving my emotional control/self mastery, 2) by keeping several girls/women of my type, some LT some short-term BY at the same time...and always searching for other younger n prettier girls. When so many pretty pussies want me to BY, my emotional attachment for any particular one is greatly reduced to nonexistent hahaha.

If any esteemed bro knows of a better way, do share w/ us here.


Bro WB

city slicker
12-08-2014, 06:56 PM
Bro saabking,
Intense n prolonged PVOs is sexually AND emotionally addictive to every woman. Without PVOs, she may also get emotionally addicted or fall in love with a man, for a variety of reasons. It's mostly fantasies of course. I hv mentioned the hypnotic power of a man's masculine character/self mastery to a woman. But the addiction usually will not last w/o PVOs.
Bro WB

Dear bro WB,
Thank you for your untiring efforts to maintain this enlightening thread. Would u kindly elaborate a little on the subject of PVO to the uninitiated, and how one could give a girl such a powerful orgasm ?

Cheers and best, cs

16-08-2014, 12:27 PM
Dear bro WB,
Thank you for your untiring efforts to maintain this enlightening thread. Would u kindly elaborate a little on the subject of PVO to the uninitiated, and how one could give a girl such a powerful orgasm ?

Cheers and best, cs

Dear bro CS,

I should be the one thanking u n all bros here for ur loyal support.

Actually I hv benefited handsomely from the vast experiences n insights presented by so many esteemed bros on this thread. I enjoy posting n sharing because it's the rocket fuel for me to constantly improve myself, to search for new knowledge, to get to the real truth, to uncover the secrets...besides it's good karma.

Truth be told, I didn't realize the power of PVO until less than a yr ago. IMHO, it's the holy grail of female sexual satisfaction n fulfillment. And love n sexual addiction.

I discussed this briefly w/ bro FA a few days ago. He said, no wonder you're obsessed w/ giving PVO...

Recently, my Fujian lao po told me PVO is most pleasurable because it's continuous n intense, much much better than any other O using my fingers, tongue n vibrators, even in combination...she was being brutally honest, which was unlike her as she is usually aloof n reticent.

In other words, clitoral O n vaginal O using fingers/vibrator is only an appetizer, NOT the main course. Giving other types of O for a full hour is not satisfying. Only PVO is truly continuous n 10-15 minutes is enough. The reason is the optimal mix of dopamine, oxytocin n endorphins...and they don't get moody due to dopamine withdrawal, unlike after other types of O.

It was my 'aha moment.'

I then analyzed every RS I had had since age 20. The results r crystal clear.

Negative PVO, the girl/woman always cheated and/or left me.

Positive PVO, very, very hard to get rid of them! So be prepared...

And get this. There were girls who left me because of no PVO (although I didn't realize the real reason at the time as I thought powerful n multiple clitoral O n vaginal O w/ fingers were addictive enough), who later couldn't leave me after experiencing continuous PVO. My current two LT mistresses are two such examples. There hv been others...how I wish I knew this when I was 20.

Most girls/women don't even realize why they are so dissatisfied n frustrated. They may hv everything life has to offer, except PVO. It's in their subconscious mind. It's very primal.

The question is how do you give a girl PVO?

A few prerequisites.

She must be very relaxed n feel safe w/ you. She must trust u completely.

You must build up sexual tension by anticipation, teasing...

You must be dominant n lead her, inside n outside the bedroom.

You must know how to talk dirty to her.

Last but not least, you must hv self confidence/self mastery/masculine character. It's such a turn on for her.

Depending on her anatomy n your anatomy, find the best positions to hit her G n deep spots. Try different angles n modifications. It will take time. Be careful not to hurt her.

Next is THE most important. You must be able to enter her n sustain a rock hard erection for at least 10-15 minutes. There is no way around this. Perhaps 20 min is optimal. Getting her on top first will save u energy. But you need to be healthy enough to last...

BTW, look carefully at her face during continuous PVO. Doesn't she look beautiful n gorgeous?

She will get very satisfied n tired in the aftermath. If she cuddles u n falls asleep in ur arms and/or rests her face on ur chest, that is a very good sign.

Any comments n criticisms? I invite esteemed bros here to share their expertise.


Bro WB

17-08-2014, 11:35 AM
Spend 1 hour read this knowledge tread. Haha.

Bro WB, ppl say TAM is 5 star class, how come join Chiong each ppl only spend less than 100? Looks everybody affordable, haha.

17-08-2014, 01:16 PM
Nice thread, alot of seasoned veterans here!:D

17-08-2014, 09:14 PM
Spend 1 hour read this knowledge tread. Haha.

Bro WB, ppl say TAM is 5 star class, how come join Chiong each ppl only spend less than 100? Looks everybody affordable, haha.

Nice thread, alot of seasoned veterans here!:D

Hi bros,


I hv tried to reduced the friction cost to the absolute minimal. Expense per pax doesn't include the girl's tip.

I hv a new kaki who is one up on me on reducing expenses.

He is a rich towkay who goes to TAM joints to get ctc from girls of his type, without booking a rm haha. He is always by himself n I hv joined force w/ him a few times. He often waits outside the lifts, looking at every girl. He knows most of the mummies there. He goes less often now as the standards of gals hv dropped drastically.


Bro WB


I hv a new post on the thread "Do most girls like "handsome" guys?"

<<<<<Good evening!

I'm surprised that there has not been a refutation to my post.

Oh, there is something else I want to add.

If you perceive yourself to hv less sexual value than your wife/GF/mistress/er nai/lover, your RS w/ her will fail.

And if you believe that you don't deserve her, for whatever reason, your RS w/ her will also fail.

It's a certainty.

Any comments?


Bro WB >>>>>

17-08-2014, 10:24 PM
Bro WB,

For 1. Pls PM me if there is any other hang out, I am knee to join & learn;

For 2. I am not handsome, every poor when I am in studying? But still manage to attract my current wife (while major girl ignore me haha).

city slicker
18-08-2014, 08:51 PM
Truth be told, I didn't realize the power of PVO until less than a yr ago. IMHO, it's the holy grail of female sexual satisfaction n fulfillment. And love n sexual addiction.
Bro WB

Many thanks to bro WB for sharing his awesome discovery and on how to give PVO ! A woman's glow of passion is indeed a priceless moment. So much to learn. :):)

19-08-2014, 03:39 AM
wow! thanks for sharing the knowledge, great thread!

19-08-2014, 09:59 AM
Many thanks to bro WB for sharing his awesome discovery and on how to give PVO ! A woman's glow of passion is indeed a priceless moment. So much to learn. :):)

I second that bro :D

19-08-2014, 10:25 AM
Don't know much about the KTV scene, this thread really power in helping me.

19-08-2014, 09:11 PM
Hi bros,

Oh, there is something else I want to add.

If you perceive yourself to hv less sexual value than your wife/GF/mistress/er nai/lover, your RS w/ her will fail.

And if you believe that you don't deserve her, for whatever reason, your RS w/ her will also fail.

It's a certainty.

Any comments?


Bro WB >>>>>

Yes totally agree with this observation..
it is probably subconscious..once you habour those negative thoughts - less sexual value and not deserved..
So ..you need to have personal mastery and be in control..and feel and show that she need you for her sexual pleasure..;)..and she is sexually and emotionally addicted to you..

21-08-2014, 11:26 AM
Bro WB,

For 1. Pls PM me if there is any other hang out, I am knee to join & learn;

For 2. I am not handsome, every poor when I am in studying? But still manage to attract my current wife (while major girl ignore me haha).

Bro hayouth,

Firstly, pls PM ur ctc no so that I can invite u in a timely manner.

Secondly, you must hv masculine character n self mastery which was very attractive to ur future wife. She could sense the power of ur ambitions which gave her much hope...


Many thanks to bro WB for sharing his awesome discovery and on how to give PVO ! A woman's glow of passion is indeed a priceless moment. So much to learn. :):)

Bro city slicker,

You make my day!

I'm surprised that the addictive power of PVO has not been universally acknowledged n accepted by medical sexologists, neuroscientists n sexual psychologists. Much more research using PET scans n fMRI during PVO n other types of O will be needed. Unfortunately, it's still technically difficult to do bio-assays of neurotransmitters in areas of the brain responsible for these orgasms. Any specialists out there who like to give their expert opinions?

A woman's glow of passion during continuous PVO is indeed priceless! It's a blissful moment for your woman as well as for u.

wow! thanks for sharing the knowledge, great thread!

I second that bro :D

Don't know much about the KTV scene, this thread really power in helping me.

Dear esteemed bros,

Thanks for your encouraging words.

Yes totally agree with this observation..
it is probably subconscious..once you habour those negative thoughts - less sexual value and not deserved..
So ..you need to have personal mastery and be in control..and feel and show that she need you for her sexual pleasure..;)..and she is sexually and emotionally addicted to you..

Bro saabking,

You hit it on the nail! I couldn't have said it better.

Yes, emotional control n self confidence/mastery is what separates a MAN from the "boys," not age, looks, height, weight, brute strength, muscular mass, wealth, status, education level, material possessions, fame, intelligence, size of ego, aggressiveness, belligerence, foolhardiness, etc,.


Bro WB


21-08-2014, 08:53 PM
Bro, thanks for the words, and will try by best to improve.

23-08-2014, 02:40 PM
Bro, thanks for the words, and will try by best to improve.

We all need to improve.


Good afternoon!

A brief FR on my outing to TAM 3rd fl for HH Fri evening.

Actually I had planned to see a movie w/ my mistress but changed my mind when a new bro K99 whatsapp-ed me late morning abt his interest in an outing yesterday. I said ok for HH at TAM n sent invites to abt 35 bros, but 20 min later he said next time?!!

Many bros said not free or got dinner or sick or out of town or too last min...some never bothered to reply haha.

I then sent a msg to bro AP on Wechat, he replied ok in 2 min haha.

I mentioned him a wk ago on my "Pick Up" thread:

"I hv a new kaki who is one up on me on reducing expenses..........."

BTW, bro AP doesn't drink n he always smokes outside the rm. Mummies n gals flock to him. His secret? He has the low key demeanor and emotional mastery of Pres Xi.

Around 4PM I informed bro AP there would be only 2 of us. He said nvm, we go today.

I called mummy N to book a rm on 3rd fl.

Fortunately, I didn't bring my mistress. It turned out to be one of the most enjoyable n most productive outings ever.

When I arrived before 6PM, I found bro AP sitting outside the main entrance to TAM. He was so relaxed. I joined him n looked at every gal for 25 min. He would smiled n greeted every pretty gal.

BTW, I called mummy N because I find her 小妈 HT my type of pussy, who is currently back in China.

I ended up booking 3 gals, bro AP booked 2. His gals r shorter SYTs.

I rejected two other very cute gals because they asked for $200 for hh n because one has too slim legs n the other too thick legs.

The three gals I booked all hv ample boobs, one MILF, one 23 yo from Sichuan n a 23 yo XI from Hubei. XI was the last one to join the party n I told her to sit on my lap. She sat very close to my didi n I had a hardon. I could feel her rather big bouncy, well-toned butt n the warmth of her pussy n ass haha! All 3 gals took turns to sit on my lap. I like XI the most. She is abt 169, 54 kg, pretty, very fair, at least natural C? Very proportionate figure! I touched her arms, kissed her neck n massaged her neck n back...she kept saying 好爽哦. She then reciprocated n messaged me. I'm going to offer her ST, if rejected weekly BY.

Mummy N spent half her time w/ us. She was surprisingly helpful. She smiled n said to the gals, X dage (me) 很会照顾女孩子,有个女孩我介绍的跟他一年多, 签证到期回去了...

Later, I told N my interest in BY-ing her 小妈, terms to be discussed, but she could continue to work. I'm careful not to deprive N of a good assistant.

The damage? Rm charge $90, tips for mummy $50, waiter $10. $75 each.

The 30% bttle is now 20% haha.

Bro AP is one of my BEST kakis n I hv much to learn from him. Two other mummies came to the rm to play cards w/ him. And all the mummies said they loved him!!

Lastly, I really need to thank bro K99 hahaha. I'll see a movie tonight...


Bro WB

23-08-2014, 04:34 PM
Nice FR, bro WB!

Yes, PVOs are powerful. A word of warning though... if you don't intend to have the gal stick with you forever, don't give her PVOs. Otherwise, she'll come back to you even if she's attached with another guy (who can't give her PVOs)

23-08-2014, 08:43 PM
Wats PVO ?

23-08-2014, 09:45 PM
Thanks bro WB for the FR, enjoy reading it, and will try to join next session.

Will not be free next week, but after that will be quite free.

23-08-2014, 10:35 PM
Wats PVO ?Penetrative Viginal Orgasm

25-08-2014, 09:22 AM
Thanks Bro WB for this informative thread. Just last week went ktv then kena KC by this girl. Went out with her on Saturday, kena KC even more. I knew i have to re-read your "teachings" to re-consolidate my feelings. Now feeling much more at peace with myself.

Man, that feeling when kena KC is really delirious, bu4 neng2 zhi4 ba2. Seriously your thread is the only thing standing between falling in the abyss and being rational.

Once again, thanks Bro WB. really grateful

25-08-2014, 10:59 AM
Nice FR, bro WB!

Yes, PVOs are powerful. A word of warning though... if you don't intend to have the gal stick with you forever, don't give her PVOs. Otherwise, she'll come back to you even if she's attached with another guy (who can't give her PVOs)

Bro FA,

I know that you hv personally experienced the power of PVOs haha.

Keep it up.

Thanks bro WB for the FR, enjoy reading it, and will try to join next session.

Will not be free next week, but after that will be quite free.

OK bro.

Wats PVO ?
Penetrative Viginal Orgasm

Yes, that is PVO.

Thanks Bro WB for this informative thread. Just last week went ktv then kena KC by this girl. Went out with her on Saturday, kena KC even more. I knew i have to re-read your "teachings" to re-consolidate my feelings. Now feeling much more at peace with myself.

Man, that feeling when kena KC is really delirious, bu4 neng2 zhi4 ba2. Seriously your thread is the only thing standing between falling in the abyss and being rational.

Once again, thanks Bro WB. really grateful


You make my day!!

Are u very young? Connect w/ more girls and you will not be easily KC-ed.

No matter how beautiful the girl is, she will get old n ugly...try to visualize that. There will always be prettier n younger pussies waiting for u.


Bro WB


Good morning!

Just a quick follow up. I did BY DD for a wk. She has returned to China. Her naked body is not as attractive as when she is fully clothed. She has dark brown nipples which is a turnoff. Strangely, the color of the skin doesn't always correlate w/ the color of the nipples.

XI has agreed to BY. She doesn't want to work at KTVs. I need to see her again to get a closer look.


Bro WB

25-08-2014, 11:19 AM

You make my day!!

Are u very young? Connect w/ more girls and you will not be easily KC-ed.

No matter how beautiful the girl is, she will get old n ugly...try to visualize that. There will always be prettier n younger pussies waiting for u.


Bro WB

Wow, words of wisdom indeed. Man, your words are indeed full of impact and further restore balance to my mind sia. It is like an epiphany.

Not consider very young already, mid 30s, but quite limited experience of the cheonging scene.

Thanks Bro WB for helping me think the right thing and do the right thing.

25-08-2014, 01:23 PM
Hi bro warbird, it's been a while. I don't have much luck with gals for a long while. I must learn a thing or two from you especially the "PVO".

25-08-2014, 01:36 PM
nice post, bro warbird. I am definitely not in the league to BY so seldom read this thread. But the PVO stuff is definitely interesting. I have a HK fling who I think is addicted. She cums quite easily with rough play but I noticed everytime she cums, she would want to push me down and start riding me again. Not that kind of fast paced riding that started our sex but slow grinding on the hard cock. I think she just needs it to fulfil her next orgasm. So I have to make sure to keep it hard and don't release b4 she gets her sexual high :D

27-08-2014, 11:00 AM
Wow, words of wisdom indeed. Man, your words are indeed full of impact and further restore balance to my mind sia. It is like an epiphany.

Not consider very young already, mid 30s, but quite limited experience of the cheonging scene.

Thanks Bro WB for helping me think the right thing and do the right thing.

Bro coolermonster,

You're welcome.

Your best days are ahead of u.


Hi bro warbird, it's been a while. I don't have much luck with gals for a long while. I must learn a thing or two from you especially the "PVO".

Bro marc5,

Long time no see.

It's hard to believe that you hv not had much luck w/ gals for a long while. I rememeber you had a ball w/ so many singers 4-5 yrs ago.

I think what u want is different. You prefer ST to BY. Many prettier gals n those who perceive themselves to be pretty only want BY. The standards r much lower nowadays.

I'm also constrained by circumstances n time. Otherwise I would've moved to Xiamen to BY very pretty SYTs two yrs ago.

I'm excited by my new discovery abt the power of PVO. I hv outlined how to give PVO to women in my recent posts. A man's ability to last at least 10-15 min is a prerequisite.

You're welcomed to join my outings. But most of my kakis only want those who drink sparingly. Smokers are welcomed if they always smoke outside the rm.


nice post, bro warbird. I am definitely not in the league to BY so seldom read this thread. But the PVO stuff is definitely interesting. I have a HK fling who I think is addicted. She cums quite easily with rough play but I noticed everytime she cums, she would want to push me down and start riding me again. Not that kind of fast paced riding that started our sex but slow grinding on the hard cock. I think she just needs it to fulfil her next orgasm. So I have to make sure to keep it hard and don't release b4 she gets her sexual high :D

Bro Libero,

You're doing very well.

A gal may push u away after clitoral O (from whatever means) or digital vaginal O because of hypersensity, but she will never ask u to stop if u give her continuous PVO. NEVER, unless u give her pain especially if ur didi is very large n you do her in a certain position n at a certain angle...regardless of how wet she is.

Evidently, fingers and sex toys are very different from a natural living "xiao didi."


Bro WB

27-08-2014, 01:17 PM
A gal may push u away after clitoral O (from whatever means) or digital vaginal O because of hypersensity, but she will never ask u to stop if u give her continuous PVO. NEVER, unless u give her pain especially if ur didi is very large n you do her in a certain position n at a certain angle...regardless of how wet she is.

Evidently, fingers and sex toys are very different from a natural living "xiao didi."


Bro WB

You're truly guru, warbird. That's answer my wondering. Recently I met a young prostitue, due to her young look and very tight pussy , fuck her crazy like wild animals (she call me that after). Don't know why I so powerful that night, fuck her + squeeze her butt, boob like mad also. She shout a lot, tell me to stop. But only word, her vagin is shaking, her arm still huge me. I continue to fuck her more furiously. But after 10-15 mi, she still shout a lot, a bit of scare, I stopped suddenly. She silent immediately, but act nothing, not push me away, just take deep breath. Don't know what the fuck happen, I continue to fuck her and she is shout like hell again. A bit of anger, my both hands squeeze her boobs like killing enemy, while take a very deep fuck. After 5 minutes, I came, she is looking nearly faint, but when I take a look at her pussy, it a like a lot of cream around her hole. Never seen at much of cream like that before, that's mean she orgrasm a lot.
And today you enlightent me about question of her reaction while climaxing

28-08-2014, 11:18 AM
Bro marc5,

It's hard to believe that you hv not had much luck w/ gals for a long while. I rememeber you had a ball w/ so many singers 4-5 yrs ago.

I think what u want is different. You prefer ST to BY. Many prettier gals n those who perceive themselves to be pretty only want BY. The standards r much lower nowadays.

I'm excited by my new discovery abt the power of PVO. I hv outlined how to give PVO to women in my recent posts. A man's ability to last at least 10-15 min is a prerequisite.

Bro WB

Hi bro warbird,

If you recall correctly, the singers were not really with me but with some other bros (you know who).

Yes, I prefer ST. It gives me the option of walking away if the performance/quality is not to my satisfaction. Also, it allows me to have multiple back-up choices at any given time.

Perhaps I need to buck up on the mission of giving PVO. I would need to work towards a 10-15 minute ability.

Hope to catch soon. Cheers

28-08-2014, 06:56 PM
Interesting thread?

Wait till bro Warbird explain 2 new terms we coined...



28-08-2014, 09:21 PM
Lazy n stupid question: any summary in how to do PVO ?

28-08-2014, 11:19 PM
This has indeed been a very informative thread. Wish I could have chanced upon this 3-4 years ago. It would definitely have accelerated my learning.

29-08-2014, 11:33 AM
You're truly guru, warbird. That's answer my wondering. Recently I met a young prostitue, due to her young look and very tight pussy , fuck her crazy like wild animals (she call me that after). Don't know why I so powerful that night, fuck her + squeeze her butt, boob like mad also. She shout a lot, tell me to stop..........................that's mean she orgrasm a lot.
And today you enlightent me about question of her reaction while climaxing

Bro krat,

I'm no guru, just an eager student and I learn best by sharing and relentless hands-on training.

Kudos to u, you hv done well by fxking her like a feral beast. Natural sex is very animalistic, don't be a gentleman in the bedroom haha.

Some girls are wild n violent during PVO. Be ready to protect yourself. I hv sustained bruises n lacerations on my arms n back n once even a small laceration on my face...


Hi bro warbird,
If you recall correctly, the singers were not really with me but with some other bros (you know who).
Yes, I prefer ST. It gives me the option of walking away if the performance/quality is not to my satisfaction. Also, it allows me to have multiple back-up choices at any given time.
Perhaps I need to buck up on the mission of giving PVO. I would need to work towards a 10-15 minute ability.
Hope to catch soon. Cheers

Bro marc5,

You showed me text msg from a singer a few yrs ago. She missed u a lot n that she thought you two would hv a very good long term relationship. You said it meant nothing from a China gal. It was an outing to 3rd fl TAM in Sep 2010. Bros C n D aka Mr Chairman were there too.

I hv a solution for u. Go for STBY or short term BY haha. Pay her weekly. If u don't like her for whatever reason, stop seeing her. I've been doing more of that lately. Even for STBY, I now require them to go to a hospital for a full STD/HIV screening.

Giving women PVO has many benefits. Firstly, they r much less likely to cheat on u. Secondly, it's a wonderful cardio-respiratory exercise.

Pls join my outings soon.


Interesting thread?
Wait till bro Warbird explain 2 new terms we coined...

Bro FA,

You coined the term STBY or short term bao yang. I'm doing a lot of that for variety.

And I coined the term LTST or long term (LT) short time (ST) to describe ur preferred situation. ST or short time means a gal agrees to hv sex for one hr, many hrs or overnight, but you pay her each n every time. Long term meaning you hv had this type of sessions w/ her over 6 months or longer. You're an expert on this type arrangement. I do hv this type too.

BTW, thanks so much for inviting me to ur special event at TAM first fl for SH the other day. I like the new gal XZ. She has also agreed to BY haha. She only works SH.

In the last 2 yrs, the better quality gals I hv met only work SH. My young mistress HT, XQ (the MILF), KM, XZ n a few others.

KM n I discussed n debated my sexual experiences w/ XQ a few days ago. XQ is a squirter. I showed XQ's pics n messages...

I met HT when I was leaving TAM after hh, literally bumping into her as I was eager to get into the lift, while she was trying to get out.

I saw XQ walking pass me beside the stage on 5th fl LV when we were both there for sh. I met KM on 2nd fl TAM, when she just came to the rm at 9:40PM. You were there too.

You bring me luck! Out of the 4 gals I like a lot, I met 3 of them while I was w/ u!! And we hv outings together only abt 3 times a yr.


Lazy n stupid question: any summary in how to do PVO ?

Bro BTech,

Pls see post #3856 for a summary of how to give PVO.


This has indeed been a very informative thread. Wish I could have chanced upon this 3-4 years ago. It would definitely have accelerated my learning.

Bro alfonse,

It's better late than never. I'm eager to hear ur experiences.


Bro WB

29-08-2014, 10:01 PM
Finally complete the job, well done bro for your kind sharing

02-09-2014, 02:42 PM
Finally complete the job, well done bro for your kind sharing

Tks bro.



Good afternoon,

I just posted the following on "TAM" thread:

After LV closed,the mood and standard of the PRC babes have been quite disappointing !!! Even Mamasan don't want to call and even have to send pretty babe photo thru' wechat first....to check our interest !!! :D

Agreed. Went to one of the levels there for a TGIF a couple of weeks ago. Limited choices. Above average ones would ask for 300. :(

Bros andyk n marc5,

The quality of PRC girls in SG has been declining gradually for the past 5 yrs, long before the closure of now defunct LV.

Very pretty, fair n tall uni girls now get BY-ed before graduation in China n we shouldn't expect to see them here. Very rarely we can still see girls comparable in looks n figure but who are not uni-educated.

I recall visiting L8 n Talma Rd in 2008 at night n there was always a row of 80-100 girls, mostly SYTs, all eager to be fxked. There were almost always a few of my type. The quality of the then GL girls was much, much better than the lineups I see at TAM today.:(


Bro WB

What to do?

There is a dearth of fair, pretty n tall gals of my type, even including the not so well educated ones. I hv lowered my height requirement as long as the gals hv other desirable attributes. I still shun girls who smoke, hv enhanced boobs, surgically altered facial features or thick limbs...

Am I settling or adapting?

I just received an email from a guru on the subject of settling.

Why “Settling” Is Fatal to Your Happiness

Hey Bro Warbird,

Today, we’re going to talk about one of the biggest factors in relationship success. Picking well.

Easier said than done, I know. Hear me out.

Imagine that you searched long and hard for a gorgeous vase to decorate your living room mantle. It’s beautiful, perfect, a little expensive but it goes with the decor and ties the room together wonderfully. You searched a long time to find it but when you did, it was just right and you’re thrilled.

One day, someone comes along and bumps into it. It crashes to the floor and breaks. The break isn’t bad, so you glue it back together and put it back on the mantle. The cracks are barely noticeable. You know it was broken, but it was so perfect in the first place that you feel a sense of relief that it could be saved. You move on with your life and continue to enjoy the repaired piece.

Now imagine that instead of starting with the perfect vase, you simply picked up an okay/tolerable vase from a garage sale. It isn’t really perfect for your space, and never has looked quite right but it does it’s job. For the time being, you consider your vase-finding search complete.

Now, imagine that someone breaks your garage sale vase in the same way.

Would you treat your garage sale salvage piece the same as your perfect, pristine vase?

I’d be willing to bet that you wouldn’t. Maybe you’d chuck it in the trash. Maybe you’d glue it back together, but think of it as only temporary until you found the right one. You’d be less tolerant of it not being quite right because your vase finding problem wasn’t considered solved in the first place. Since it was a placeholder, you continue your search for the right piece.

Well.. consider the stop-gap relationship, the okay (but not great) pairing to be like your garage sale vase. It does the job. You’ve convinced yourself subconsciously or not that the relationship is just fine (but still… not great).

The other person is there for you when they need to be. It’s a pretty-good fit for a while. Maybe there is drama, maybe there isn’t, but either way things go along… fine.

The problem is that when cracks (problems) appear as they do in all relationships, the stakes just aren’t as high. It doesn’t feel worth repairing in quite the same way as if you had held out for the right person.

Like anything done half way, it’s hard to stick with it and patch up the cracks because of that stubborn feeling in the back of your mind that there is likely something better, right, shinier, out there somewhere.

The cracks start to outweigh your belief that it can be saved. The relationship was okay, but not ultra-high value in the first place. You might feel fondness, even love for the other person. However, there is that lingering sense that it wasn’t quite right in the first place.

This is the problem with ‘settling’.

Why "Settling" Is Fatal to Your Happiness Settling seems okay in the short term, but it doesn’t make for a durable, happy, long-term pairing. When the other person leaves the cap off the toothpaste one too many times or forgets to call, it’s more likely you’ll eventually trash the whole thing, or worse, threaten to leave, pushing them away further.

The settled-for relationship doesn’t remain something you’re proud of throughout trials and difficulties. You might stick around, but like your garage sale vase, there is still the lingering feeling that if it was just… different, you would finally be truly happy.

This is why it’s so critical to pick a ridiculously compatible person who you’re over the moon excited about from the beginning.

Without picking well from the start, you forgo ‘glue’ and months or years down the road, when your life doesn’t look like you wanted, it’s significantly more difficult to change course than if you had held out in the first place.
Settling sneaks up on you. Like a frog being boiled in a pot of water, everything seems fine until time passes and you realize it’s too late.


Because in the beginning when it felt easy, you settled for good enough, rather than great.


Mr Guru

02-09-2014, 02:44 PM
Post deleted.

02-09-2014, 02:59 PM
Why “Settling” Is Fatal to Your Happiness

I fully agreed. I met a PRC whom I really like. But I will never leave my wife for her or anyone else because in the first place married to my wife was one of the best thing that happened to me in my life and I always treasure that.

03-09-2014, 10:54 PM
Thanks bro for the great hang out

03-09-2014, 11:21 PM
Actually our bro here is trying too hard to impress a ktv girl with his limo? A normal Sedan will do the trick while some are even ok to follow you home in cab . I ever brought one home in cab as my car unfortunately is in the workshop as I got to know this girl at ksp Ktv . Sat only with her every session until all the girls automatic go out of my room when they saw me . Waitor commented I'm here to find my gf not play with girls . I don't usually flirt , stay faithful to one and if they like you , they will appreciate the effort . Actually no need to come up with l those fancy stuff . Vietnamese ktv girl esp are very easy please ... They like you , they will like you .hence picking them randomly outside ktv hardly works because who knows skadi you undercover ?

03-09-2014, 11:42 PM
Tks bro.



Good afternoon,

I just posted the following on "TAM" thread:

What to do?

There is a dearth of fair, pretty n tall gals of my type, even including the not so well educated ones. I hv lowered my height requirement as long as the gals hv other desirable attributes. I still shun girls who smoke, hv enhanced boobs, surgically altered facial features or thick limbs...

Am I settling or adapting?

I just received an email from a guru on the subject of settling.

Why “Settling” Is Fatal to Your Happiness

Hey Bro Warbird,

Today, we’re going to talk about one of the biggest factors in relationship success. Picking well.

Easier said than done, I know. Hear me out.

Imagine that you searched long and hard for a gorgeous vase to decorate your living room mantle. It’s beautiful, perfect, a little expensive but it goes with the decor and ties the room together wonderfully. You searched a long time to find it but when you did, it was just right and you’re thrilled.

One day, someone comes along and bumps into it. It crashes to the floor and breaks. The break isn’t bad, so you glue it back together and put it back on the mantle. The cracks are barely noticeable. You know it was broken, but it was so perfect in the first place that you feel a sense of relief that it could be saved. You move on with your life and continue to enjoy the repaired piece.

Now imagine that instead of starting with the perfect vase, you simply picked up an okay/tolerable vase from a garage sale. It isn’t really perfect for your space, and never has looked quite right but it does it’s job. For the time being, you consider your vase-finding search complete.

Now, imagine that someone breaks your garage sale vase in the same way.

Would you treat your garage sale salvage piece the same as your perfect, pristine vase?

I’d be willing to bet that you wouldn’t. Maybe you’d chuck it in the trash. Maybe you’d glue it back together, but think of it as only temporary until you found the right one. You’d be less tolerant of it not being quite right because your vase finding problem wasn’t considered solved in the first place. Since it was a placeholder, you continue your search for the right piece.

Well.. consider the stop-gap relationship, the okay (but not great) pairing to be like your garage sale vase. It does the job. You’ve convinced yourself subconsciously or not that the relationship is just fine (but still… not great).

The other person is there for you when they need to be. It’s a pretty-good fit for a while. Maybe there is drama, maybe there isn’t, but either way things go along… fine.

The problem is that when cracks (problems) appear as they do in all relationships, the stakes just aren’t as high. It doesn’t feel worth repairing in quite the same way as if you had held out for the right person.

Like anything done half way, it’s hard to stick with it and patch up the cracks because of that stubborn feeling in the back of your mind that there is likely something better, right, shinier, out there somewhere.

The cracks start to outweigh your belief that it can be saved. The relationship was okay, but not ultra-high value in the first place. You might feel fondness, even love for the other person. However, there is that lingering sense that it wasn’t quite right in the first place.

This is the problem with ‘settling’.

Why "Settling" Is Fatal to Your Happiness Settling seems okay in the short term, but it doesn’t make for a durable, happy, long-term pairing. When the other person leaves the cap off the toothpaste one too many times or forgets to call, it’s more likely you’ll eventually trash the whole thing, or worse, threaten to leave, pushing them away further.

The settled-for relationship doesn’t remain something you’re proud of throughout trials and difficulties. You might stick around, but like your garage sale vase, there is still the lingering feeling that if it was just… different, you would finally be truly happy.

This is why it’s so critical to pick a ridiculously compatible person who you’re over the moon excited about from the beginning.

Without picking well from the start, you forgo ‘glue’ and months or years down the road, when your life doesn’t look like you wanted, it’s significantly more difficult to change course than if you had held out in the first place.
Settling sneaks up on you. Like a frog being boiled in a pot of water, everything seems fine until time passes and you realize it’s too late.


Because in the beginning when it felt easy, you settled for good enough, rather than great.


Mr Guru

actually from the current 严打, a lot of prc female are swarming over here. but their main goal is to eztract as much money as possible in their short term visa.

even those on student pass are even more money minded,yet dun think of advancing their other aspects of skills

frankly i think most PRC female are scheming,,,, especailly if they come in the intend to sell their bodies. They just want to buy properties back in china

they always say if u love her must buy this buy that, and they really treat you for granted or carrot.

These women do not want PVO , but just suck all your money. in fact i most last for 40 mins to 50 mins, but they just want it to end to do other stuff.

Me Siam Bu
04-09-2014, 01:11 AM
thanks for all the ups :p

04-09-2014, 06:48 AM
actually from the current 严打, a lot of prc female are swarming over here. but their main goal is to eztract as much money as possible in their short term visa.

Where is the swarm over to sg ? Quality never improve ?

04-09-2014, 10:39 AM
thanks for all the ups :p

Bro Me Siam Bu,

Thank u!

Why “Settling” Is Fatal to Your Happiness

I fully agreed. I met a PRC whom I really like. But I will never leave my wife for her or anyone else because in the first place married to my wife was one of the best thing that happened to me in my life and I always treasure that.

Bro stpboc,

You're a lucky man.

Hope that you will feel the same after 40-50 yrs of marriage.

Thanks bro for the great hang out

Pleasure is all mine.

Actually our bro here is trying too hard to impress a ktv girl with his limo? A normal Sedan will do the trick while some are even ok to follow you home in cab . I ever brought one home in cab as my car unfortunately is in the workshop as I got to know this girl at ksp Ktv . Sat only with her every session until all the girls automatic go out of my room when they saw me . Waitor commented I'm here to find my gf not play with girls . I don't usually flirt , stay faithful to one and if they like you , they will appreciate the effort . Actually no need to come up with l those fancy stuff . Vietnamese ktv girl esp are very easy please ... They like you , they will like you .hence picking them randomly outside ktv hardly works because who knows skadi you undercover ?

Bro ShanShan76,

Good for u if you geuinely find Viet gals more attractive than Chinese gals.

I much prefer Chinese gals n I would be "Settling" if I go after Viet gals.

Have these Viet gals rejected u when u try to pick them on the streets?!!

actually from the current 严打, a lot of prc female are swarming over here. but their main goal is to eztract as much money as possible in their short term visa.
.....................frankly i think most PRC female are scheming,,,, especailly if they come in the intend to sell their bodies. They just want to buy properties back in china

they always say if u love her must buy this buy that, and they really treat you for granted or carrot.

These women do not want PVO , but just suck all your money. in fact i most last for 40 mins to 50 mins, but they just want it to end to do other stuff.

Bro johnkim,

Of course, every foreigner here in SG is looking for sight-seeing or work or safe haven or education or investments or pleasure or money...have I left out anything?

Must learn to say NO to everyone under the sun whenever appropriate, not just to women you like or love deeply. NO, NO, NO. Say NO to ur mom, NO to ur bro, NO to ur son...It would make u a much more attractive person n it will protect ur wealth.

You're very good if you can always sustain 40-50 min during penetrative sexual intercourse. You must use ur sexual prowess wisely, don't waste it.

The women you hv been fxking r your GFs n mistresses? They want you to end? Dump them! I guess they r not experiencing PVO. You need to fxk their minds n prime their pump first...the mental n emotional part is very important, much more than the mechanics. Don't think a woman can get PVO doing with a robot haha.

But I suspect "these women" you r referring to are FLs or GL gals, yeah? They r in a hurry to get to the next customers n they feel bored n maybe a little pain down below after 40 to 50 min, haha.

Now it would be a great challenge to give "these women" genuine PVO. Very, very rare, but I know it can be done from personal experience. I'll give my FRs at a later date.

Where is the swarm over to sg ? Quality never improve ?

Some prettier gals hv been trying to come, but it's much harder for them to get visa vis-a-vis more homely gals. Harder for them to extend their stay too.


Bro WB

04-09-2014, 11:38 PM
Bro Me Siam Bu,

Thank u!

Bro stpboc,

You're a lucky man.

Hope that you will feel the same after 40-50 yrs of marriage.

Pleasure is all mine.

Bro ShanShan76,

Good for u if you geuinely find Viet gals more attractive than Chinese gals.

I much prefer Chinese gals n I would be "Settling" if I go after Viet gals.

Have these Viet gals rejected u when u try to pick them on the streets?!!

Bro johnkim,

Of course, every foreigner here in SG is looking for sight-seeing or work or safe haven or education or investments or pleasure or money...have I left out anything?

Must learn to say NO to everyone under the sun whenever appropriate, not just to women you like or love deeply. NO, NO, NO. Say NO to ur mom, NO to ur bro, NO to ur son...It would make u a much more attractive person n it will protect ur wealth.

You're very good if you can always sustain 40-50 min during penetrative sexual intercourse. You must use ur sexual prowess wisely, don't waste it.

The women you hv been fxking r your GFs n mistresses? They want you to end? Dump them! I guess they r not experiencing PVO. You need to fxk their minds n prime their pump first...the mental n emotional part is very important, much more than the mechanics. Don't think a woman can get PVO doing with a robot haha.

But I suspect "these women" you r referring to are FLs or GL gals, yeah? They r in a hurry to get to the next customers n they feel bored n maybe a little pain down below after 40 to 50 min, haha.

Now it would be a great challenge to give "these women" genuine PVO. Very, very rare, but I know it can be done from personal experience. I'll give my FRs at a later date.

Some prettier gals hv been trying to come, but it's much harder for them to get visa vis-a-vis more homely gals. Harder for them to extend their stay too.


Bro WB

Bro warbird i did FL, and proper GF , but no mistress ( too exp for my liking yet ... till i acculmulate my fortune)
For FL, if they are fuckable, normally screwed them until their vaginal juice flow till the condom gets wet, if they are comfortable of being wet. Most are not comfortable and are shocked why this happen.Strangely for most i do not felt any intense shivering or shakes , when they claim they have orgasm, though i saw some have their eyes turned white (could be fake)..
For GF or ex GF now, she will suddenly say she feel giddy and faint during the 15 minutes mark...then of cos i need to stop, to care for her.Any touching of the clitroris and she will say very itchy....

Does your definition of PVO consist of deep slow penertrative thrusting?? i like to do it slow and deep, But all the FL says to ram hard and fast , which i disilike...

Very hard to mindfuck, becos u will need time and the prospect of money to dangle some hope or greed for the prey, And i dun have that much time during weekdays as my work involved very intense concentration,,,,And once u set the money target , they will hanger u each day to fulfill it....

And believe me , i say NO NO ,to frivious requests until they bloody coin the term 吊丝 to me. of cos ignore them. but it comes to a point of frustration that i cannot get any female to get seriously addicted to me, even though i read all your postings and teaching!!

05-09-2014, 11:31 AM
Bro warbird i did FL, and proper GF , but no mistress ( too exp for my liking yet ... till i acculmulate my fortune)
For FL, if they are fuckable, normally screwed them until their vaginal juice flow till the condom gets wet...........................
For GF or ex GF now, she will suddenly say she feel giddy and faint during the 15 minutes mark...then of cos i need to stop, to care for her.Any touching of the clitroris and she will say very itchy....

Does your definition of PVO consist of deep slow penertrative thrusting?? i like to do it slow and deep, But all the FL says to ram hard and fast , which i disilike...

Very hard to mindfuck, becos u will need time and the prospect of money to dangle some hope or greed for the prey....................................
And believe me , i say NO NO ,to frivious requests until they bloody coin the term 吊丝 to me. of cos ignore them. but it comes to a point of frustration that i cannot get any female to get seriously addicted to me, even though i read all your postings and teaching!!

Bro johnkim,

PVO is penetrative vaginal orgasm which can be achieved by different positions n angles of penetration. It can often be continuous, but every gal is different...

If a gal asks u to end it, you're not giving her PVO. Make sure you're not giving them pain.

You mind fxk a gal by invoking strong emotions, both positive n negative...and arousing desires. You must become a chooser n not a chaser. Yet you also need to make her feel special, beautiful, sexy and feminine.

Good luck!

Bro WB


Good morning!

We had a successful outing to TAM 1st fl for sh last night. There were 5 bros plus bro FA who had a bttle.

The rm charges plus tips for mummy/waiters were shared by 5 bros. Just under $50 per pax.

BTW, I was supposed to intro TH to bro FA. TH was the 23 yo ex singer who got very angry n called me 你是我这一生见过最小气最吝啬的男人!earlier this yr. She recently came back to SG to attend a beautician school. She doesn't work in the night scene anymore. I surmise that she did hv a rich BF when she was in Beijing. She contacted me. She had agreed to go to TAM to meet bro FA. Bro FA's LTST gf has a fren, a pretty n slim model who is 172, for me to take a look. Due to a misunderstanding, I had to tell TH not to come. This tall model is not exactly type despite being pretty. I like slim gals who hv the right curves n who exude sexual energy...can't explain.

TH was very upset. But after 10 min she asked me to BY her?!! I'm considering...

Every bro was happy n had booked a gal, except me. I wanted to take a good look at the xiao ma HT. She has the same initials as my young mistress.

I called her da ma n texted HT around 10:10PM. She was not working n was home at the time. She said I could call her for booking or she could go dinner w/ me this weekend. It was against the rules to come cuz it was her off day n my rm was not booked by her grp. I then called her to convince her to come. She came to the rm just after 11PM. She is in her late 20s, quite cute n pretty, tall n proportionate. Somewhat less desirable than when I first saw her briefly outside the 1st fl lifts near valet parking. But I can feel her sexual energy n that I know I'll give her PVO. Must fxk her raw though. I may keep her but allow her to work as xiao ma.

That's all folks.


Bro WB

06-09-2014, 10:45 AM
Good morning!

I hv a grp of frens who go to Dynasty Classic 2nd fl at PC every Tues n Thurs for HH. I try to join them once a week, usually Tues. The rm is quite large n I can invite up to two bros to join us. I usually bring a girl for follow up from TAM, but also like to look at the lineups there.

These frens drink quite little n smoking must be done OUTSIDE the rm. Expense per pax is $30-50. Tips for girls there $100 for HH.

Overall quality of gals at Dynasty Classic not as good as TAM's, but slightly better than those on the 6th n 7th fls at PC.

In life, you usually get what u pay for haha. The stock market n the "pussy market" are usually quite efficient, though not always.

Interested bros may SMS or PM me.

I'll try to convince my frens to move their outings to TAM. These kakis r well to do n can easily afford the slightly higher expenses at TAM.


Bro WB

06-09-2014, 01:31 PM
Bro ShanShan76,

Good for u if you geuinely find Viet gals more attractive than Chinese gals.

I much prefer Chinese gals n I would be "Settling" if I go after Viet gals.

Have these Viet gals rejected u when u try to pick them on the streets?!!

Hi Bro,
personal experience with many china chicks working in KTV , materialistic, cunning . Language barrier of course none but i notice , in terms of meeting chicks sincerely like go out with you without having to talk about $$$ issues, Viet girls are best .

Those that I came across are fat liars of course that is before you show them the greens . Some are mighty sarcastic in their language too....


07-09-2014, 10:41 AM
Hi Bro,
personal experience with many china chicks working in KTV , materialistic, cunning . Language barrier of course none but i notice , in terms of meeting chicks sincerely like go out with you without having to talk about $$$ issues, Viet girls are best .

Those that I came across are fat liars of course that is before you show them the greens . Some are mighty sarcastic in their language too....


Bro ShanShan76,

One man's meat is another man's poison.


Bro WB


From my other thread:

Hi bro WB, actually the gals are running from 1st to 3rd floors depending on the demand and request. At times, I discovered some quality ones on 2nd floor.:)

DC's quality has definitely dropped. The same applies to the singers - mostly CMI. :D


bro WB,
are you a remisier? :p

Bro marc5,

Yes, but all the gals sit in a large rm or standing just outside that rm on the 3rd fl. They r usually brought by mummies or customers to the other fls. If you hv a rm there, it's a lot closer to them.

Bro joekang,

I'm not, never was. I'm not gainfully employed n I don't work for anyone or any company/institution.

When I was in Gotham City, I used to get cold calls from brokers n boiler rm operators who would tell me if they had a "special situation" or stocks with potential 100% appreciation within a short time, would I be interested? I said, sure. Invariable they would call back in a few weeks w/ such a "special situation." But I never bought from them n these recommendations had mostly done poorly.

One broker called me many times. I asked, if all your stocks are very likely to double in 3 months why do u need to call me or anyone else? I then asked, if you're such a stock guru, how come you're not in the Forbes 400? His reply, how do u know I'm not in the Forbes 400?! I told him I shorted XYZ he previously recommended for a long position n made 40% in 2 months haha. I never heard from him again.


Bro WB

09-09-2014, 10:27 AM
Good morning!

I hv an outing to Tian An Men(TAM) 3rd fl, Havelock Rd, this coming Thursday happy hr. From 6PM until 9:40PM.

Pls cfm asap. I like to get 10-12 bros so that we can book a larger rm. Estimated expense per pax will be $65 to $80.

If you confirmed and don't cancel and don't show up I'll post ur nick here. You will hv caused every other bro to pay a bit more.

BTW, there WAS a 'bro' who confirmed n vanished recently like Flight MH 370. 'His' SBF nick is howdoido.

I last heard from 'him' 2 hrs prior to the start of the session. I'm praying that 'he' is still alive. But if 'he' is conscious, I feel sorry for 'him' for 'his' total lack of responsibility, trustworthiness, masculinity, self confidence/mastery...

A MAN's word is his bond.


Bro WB

12-09-2014, 08:01 PM
Haha, understand your feeling bro, I support your act.

13-09-2014, 10:27 AM
Haha, understand your feeling bro, I support your act.

Bro, tks for ur support.



Good morning!

IMHO, the most attractive masculine trait is a man's confidence/boldness/mental toughness/self mastery. Become the MAN in the famous poem "IF."

The next most attractive trait? The quality of his deep voice of course. It reflects his testosterone level...



Bro WB

13-09-2014, 02:17 PM
Hey WB, any outing plan next week? Will like to join you in one.

15-09-2014, 02:01 PM
Hey WB, any outing plan next week? Will like to join you in one.

Will let u know asap. Pls PM ur ctc to me.



Good afternoon!

A man's deep voice is more attractive than good looks haha. According to researchers from the U.S. and Canada one of the features which attracts a woman to a man is a deep voice.

It seems a deep voice is even more appealing than a good physique or an attractive face..........................


Women n many animal species are hard-wired over billions of yrs. It's in their genes. They are NOT consciously aware of its power.

If u combine your deep voice w/ the dominant tonality n the right words...sky is the limit.


Bro WB

Jeremy Chiang
16-09-2014, 12:01 PM
Dear Bro WB,

Just want to say that your thread is one of the best insights into manhood for me & serves as a profound guide on how to conduct my life.

Anybody would be fortunate to have you as a mentor.. ..

It would also be a privilege & honor to cheong wid you so do extend me an invite when possible. I shall endeavour to attend!!

I just have a quick question for you.

Have you considered widening your hunting ground? IMHO, your tastes tend to run into the Dongbei type of gals... .. In recent years, there have been a proliferation of Thai discos bringing in more China girls such as Central, Paragon, Pyramid & Lush... All with hot China chicks.. Why not change your spots & go to them, see if you can hook them up?

These Thai discos are almost like Gotham City's variant of strip clubs.. .. If you just stick to TAM or PC, buay sian meh? As you also mentioned, quality has been in a steady decline.. ..

Let me know your thoughts when convenient & as always, I defer to your esteemed counsel..


16-09-2014, 02:04 PM
Dear Bro WB,

Just want to say that your thread is one of the best insights into manhood for me & serves as a profound guide on how to conduct my life.

Anybody would be fortunate to have you as a mentor.. ..

It would also be a privilege & honor to cheong wid you so do extend me an invite when possible. I shall endeavour to attend!!

I just have a quick question for you.

Have you considered widening your hunting ground? IMHO, your tastes tend to run into the Dongbei type of gals... .. In recent years, there have been a proliferation of Thai discos bringing in more China girls such as Central, Paragon, Pyramid & Lush... All with hot China chicks.. Why not change your spots & go to them, see if you can hook them up?

These Thai discos are almost like Gotham City's variant of strip clubs.. .. If you just stick to TAM or PC, buay sian meh? As you also mentioned, quality has been in a steady decline.. ..

Let me know your thoughts when convenient & as always, I defer to your esteemed counsel..


Bro Jeremy,

Thanks for ur encouraging words, but I'm a learner myself.

You're welcomed to join my outings.

Most of my BAO-ees hv not been Dongbei gals who tend to hv thicker bony frame.

I would be happy to go to any joints w/ u to find gals I like. I hv been to many different joints, including Thai disco n bars, and I hv been very disappointed.


Bro WB

.................................................. .

Good afternoon!

There hv been so few gals of my type at TAM or elsewhere that I find a xiao ma more attractive!!

There were 7 bros for our outing to TAM HH on Thurs. We opened a new bttle. The expense per pax, including food, the new bttle, tips for waiters n mummy, was $70.

This xiao ma HT tried very hard to get gals for every bro haha. I failed to find a gal I like, despite going to the hall n adjacent large rm where the girls were standing n sitting many times.

After 8pm, I saw a tall n sexy gal in a black dress walking pass my rm. I quickly got on my feet n ran after her. She turned out to be someone I knew. In fact, she had agreed to be BY-ed but the deal wasn't consummated cuz she couldn't get her health testings on time. She was on a visitor pass n was leaving very soon. I booked her anyway. She will be back haha.

HT is a very good singer. She is quite pretty n has proportionate figure. The only major flaw? Her boobs are small.

Many bros may find my choice of gals inexplicable. The reason is that my preferred type of girls must hv a specific body proportions w/ small bony frame, which is much more important than natural facial beauty. And I also dislike facial features which may appear to hv been surgically altered. I hv lowered my height requirement recently.

BTW, my lao po's first cousin is a very pretty 22 yo SYT. Big, talking eyes. She arrived just last wk. I drove her to work at TAM a few days ago, after dinner w/ my lao po n several friends. She is abt 161, slim. I know she will hv many offers of BY soon. Otherwise, I may hv to BY her myself haha.

After HH, I went to 2nd fl to meet bros FA n J n their friends. It was strictly for business. Their mummy was also HT!


Bro WB

16-09-2014, 04:33 PM
This is now one of my favourite threads to read. Bro Warbird, thanks for sharing your many experiences and insights. I would love to join one of your sessions once I am back from my overseas assignment. Cheers!

Jeremy Chiang
18-09-2014, 03:45 PM
bro Alfonse, bro WB is a celebrity on SBF so cheonging with him is like cheonging with Andy Lau or Chow Yun Fatt.. ..

Bro WB, do let us know how to participate in your snatch-&-grab sexpeditions for KTV meismei nxt time..

20-09-2014, 11:56 AM
QUOTE=alfonse;11801834]This is now one of my favourite threads to read. Bro Warbird, thanks for sharing your many experiences and insights. I would love to join one of your sessions once I am back from my overseas assignment. Cheers![/QUOTE]

Hi bro Alfonse,

Tks, I really love sharing. Pls join my outings on ur return.


bro Alfonse, bro WB is a celebrity on SBF so cheonging with him is like cheonging with Andy Lau or Chow Yun Fatt.. ..
Bro WB, do let us know how to participate in your snatch-&-grab sexpeditions for KTV meismei nxt time..

Hi bro Jeremy Chiang,

Hahaha...me a 'celebrity' on SBF? Like cheonging w/ Andy Lau n Chow Yun Fatt ? I'm speechless.

You will be very disappointed to know that I'm just a lao chee ko pek, hahaha. Fortunately, we don't need to look like Andy Lau to attract women. See my previous posts on looks.

Pls PM ur ctc number n I'll invite u to my outings next wk.


Bro WB

.................................................. .

Good morning!

I had a great outing to TAM the other day. There were 8 bros. Mummy HT was very sick with flu but came to work. I told her not to come. Every bro got a girl. The rm was a bit crowded. Actually np as the gal could sit on our laps.

The gal who sat w/ me was very fair n pretty, 23, 163. Flawless, silky smooth skin n nice curves. I kissed her hands, arms, neck, upper back (exposed)...but her calves a wee bit thicker than I like. Another bro expressed his liking for her.

Expense per pax, inclusive of food but not tips for girls, for 4 bros who had a claim to the 2/3 bttle: $25! And for 4 new bros: $60.

HT works like an indentured servant n, despite her flu, she had to work SH that nite...she looked haggard...she wants me to 照顾 her but she still must continue working as she is indebted to her da ma.

There is a bro K who was interested in a gal sitting w/ bro S. He couldn't get the right HP no from the mummy. He asked me to get it from bro S. I'm a bit hesitant. I'll do so only if bro S doesn't want to see her again.

Code of conduct for my outings: NO potong jalan, unless the bro clearly states that he doesn't want to see the girl again.


Bro WB

21-09-2014, 11:56 AM
Well done bro WB,

Pls contact me for the next out going on Oct, it is still once a month.

21-09-2014, 11:14 PM
Bro ShanShan76,

One man's meat is another man's poison.


Bro WB


From my other thread:

Kinda agree.... as mentioned once again lah , just a very personal opinion . Perhaps the joint i went to got better luck from V girls than china ones. One thing that is true about china girls , they do look more stunning ..maybe chinese chinese mah . No language barrier somemore

So where do you usually hang out?":cool:

21-09-2014, 11:16 PM
QUOTE=alfonse;11801834]This is now one of my favourite threads to read. Bro Warbird, thanks for sharing your many experiences and insights. I would love to join one of your sessions once I am back from my overseas assignment. Cheers!

Hi bro Alfonse,

Tks, I really love sharing. Pls join my outings on ur return.


Hi bro Jeremy Chiang,

Hahaha...me a 'celebrity' on SBF? Like cheonging w/ Andy Lau n Chow Yun Fatt ? I'm speechless.

You will be very disappointed to know that I'm just a lao chee ko pek, hahaha. Fortunately, we don't need to look like Andy Lau to attract women. See my previous posts on looks.

Pls PM ur ctc number n I'll invite u to my outings next wk.


Bro WB

.................................................. .

Good morning!

I had a great outing to TAM the other day. There were 8 bros. Mummy HT was very sick with flu but came to work. I told her not to come. Every bro got a girl. The rm was a bit crowded. Actually np as the gal could sit on our laps.

The gal who sat w/ me was very fair n pretty, 23, 163. Flawless, silky smooth skin n nice curves. I kissed her hands, arms, neck, upper back (exposed)...but her calves a wee bit thicker than I like. Another bro expressed his liking for her.

Expense per pax, inclusive of food but not tips for girls, for 4 bros who had a claim to the 2/3 bttle: $25! And for 4 new bros: $60.

HT works like an indentured servant n, despite her flu, she had to work SH that nite...she looked haggard...she wants me to 照顾 her but she still must continue working as she is indebted to her da ma.

There is a bro K who was interested in a gal sitting w/ bro S. He couldn't get the right HP no from the mummy. He asked me to get it from bro S. I'm a bit hesitant. I'll do so only if bro S doesn't want to see her again.

Code of conduct for my outings: NO potong jalan, unless the bro clearly states that he doesn't want to see the girl again.



Total damage per pax sounds reasonable leh .... can i join ??? hehehe:D

22-09-2014, 11:55 AM
Kinda agree.... as mentioned once again lah , just a very personal opinion . Perhaps the joint i went to got better luck from V girls than china ones. One thing that is true about china girls , they do look more stunning ..maybe chinese chinese mah . No language barrier somemore

So where do you usually hang out?":cool:

Total damage per pax sounds reasonable leh .... can i join ??? hehehe:D

Bro ShanShan76,

If u like Viet gals, get them.

I go to TAM n Dynasty.

Pls join me, but sometimes the expense per pax is higher due to fewer kakis n excessive drinking.


Well done bro WB,
Pls contact me for the next out going on Oct, it is still once a month.

Ok bro hayouth. You must join my TAM outing early next month.


.................................................. ........

Good morning!

My hero is Ben Franklin. I hv learned the art of frugality from Benjamin Franklin. I go to KTVs to meet attractive girls of my type n would like to keep the friction cost to the minimum.

Frugality is the first step to the art of MANILNESS, which is contrary to what most bros believe. They think spending big buck is manly.


Think what you do when you run in debt; you give to another power over your liberty.~Benjamin Franklin

Mr Franklin wasn't exactly poor, he was estimated to have a net worth $10.3 billion in 2008 dollars, ranked #181 on the list of the richest people who ever lived.

"Franklin was a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, postmaster, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat." And a national hero...



Be more frugal than Ben Franklin. That is a good start. Don't forget his other even more famous quote:

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Great advice.

BTW, I'm happy to report that I hv been kind enough to offer to take care of or BY a girl in SG abt every 2 wks this yr. And all of them hv been smart enough to accept haha. I hv consummated the deal on only a small percentage of them. In fact, no gals hv been dumb enough to say no in the last 22 months.

What happened to the gal FH who said no 22 months ago? Just before leaving SG after almost 6 months here, she confided w/ me that she had not done ST n she didn't hv any BF here. I now know why. She was a lesbian. I suspect there r more than a few of them. One of my gals told me that a pretty short hair gal who works at TAM is supporting a homely gal who stays home, like a lao po haha.

When you meet a gal you like to ST. Tell her asap. If she flatly refuses, up the ante. If she still refuses, and if you're into BY-ing, tell her that immediately. Do this especially if she is your dream gal. Most men become timid n want to play it safe if the gal is very attractive. They want to get to know her better n take it slow. Hahaha, that is a big mistake. Be bold n ruthlessly honest w/ ur intentions n desires. It works like MAGIC. Because you're different from so many "little timid men" aka little boys she has met before. Excite her...be MODE ONE.

Early last yr I offered BY to a very pretty MILF 12 secs after meeting her. I didn't even book her. She didn't say yes or no, just gave me her HP no. She agreed the next day. I consummated the deal 3 wks later cuz my family came for CNY. She was the one who squirted n squirted...


Bro WB

22-09-2014, 04:50 PM
Bro ShanShan76,

If u like Viet gals, get them.

I go to TAM n Dynasty.

Pls join me, but sometimes the expense per pax is higher due to fewer kakis n excessive drinking.


Ok bro hayouth. You must join my TAM outing early next month.


Bro WB

Oh ok ... So where do I sign up bro WB ....???

23-09-2014, 07:26 AM
Sure, call me .

Will try to join the SH if can, but most likely only can stay the HH.

24-09-2014, 11:06 AM
Sure, call me .

Will try to join the SH if can, but most likely only can stay the HH.


My outings r mostly HH. Will ctc u next month.


Bro WB


Good morning!

A bro I hv known for many yrs sent a PM:

"great update bro!

how do you say ST in Mandarin?
How much do you usually offer for ST?


Since many bros hv asked the same question, it's more appropriate for me to answer them here.

ST in Mandarin is 出街 or 开房. If u want to be more explicit n naughty: 做爱, 打炮 n 性 交. Can also say 造 人, 云 雨, 睡 觉, 插 入, 周 公 之 礼, 大 事 儿, 办 实 事 儿, 操 B, 69, 99 n many others haha.

The damage for ST has gone up for girls u meet at TAM, even though the quality has gone down!

Everything is negotiable but most girls now demand $500 to 1K. Some may want 1.5 to 2K n up! Normally you could spend a few hrs w/ her.

I hv never paid more than 1.5K for ST.

In 2010, I ST-ed a pretty n sexy Hubei girl I met at TAM for $300 several times. She wanted $500, but I said $300, take it or leave it. She was grossly undervalued. She was abt 26, 165, 50Kg, very fair, natural C n had the most proportionate body. Beautiful round n perky ass. Long, slim legs n small bony frame. She was very orgasmic n sexually aggressive...she allowed me to take pics n video. She couldn't get a student visa to return to SG. Went to KL, M'sia instead n subsequently married a rich Chinese man in his late 20s or early 30s. He had a chauffeur-driven Bentley. I hv shown her pics to a few bros.

I know it's impossible to find such bargain now.


Bro WB

27-09-2014, 10:10 PM
Today go a KTV at Larvendar, totally disappointed. Small shop, girls buttery fly, even though my friend order 4 bottles of martiel for us, but only finished half bottle, at the end ask the girl whether want to ST, she say don't.

Give her 50 and go back, totally not worth, and will not go again, plus I am not a like singing person.

28-09-2014, 08:57 PM
Today go a KTV at Larvendar, totally disappointed. Small shop, girls buttery fly, even though my friend order 4 bottles of martiel for us, but only finished half bottle, at the end ask the girl whether want to ST, she say don't.

Give her 50 and go back, totally not worth, and will not go again, plus I am not a like singing person.

Bro haycouth,

I know there r a number of small joints there. But why would your friend open 4bottles of Martell? How much for the liquor?

When a girl says no ST, it may mean that she wants more than the usual rates haha. If you're really interested in her, take her out to dinner n find out.



Good evening!

A bro sent me a PM:

"Hi bro. Haven't logged in for the past 2 days.

Well, I've just cheong ktv recently and I got to know this vietnamese girl. Things were intense and intimate, I thought we something special. Until recently I went to find her again and she took me for granted. Turns out that she's just another money driven girl. Lesson learnt the hard way.

Perhaps because of the fact that I'm young, I'm easily kced whenever a WL gives me special treatment. I've tried to find other girls but it's somehow hard to forget her. Can you please share how do I move on from here? I know she's not worth it but my emotion tells me otherwise."

My answer:

"Dear bro,

I'm been KC-ed in my younger days n again 6 yrs ago, when I restarted my engine to cheong after a long hiatus.

Girls who work at KTVs/HFJs r out to make money asap. It's strictly business. They r heartless n very difficult to KC. Of course you can turn the table by making them sexually n emotionally addicted to u. But this will take time even if you're a sex god.

My advice is to find as many girls as possible, never get fixated on one girl. Your girl is not special n she has not given u special treatment.

By getting KC-ed, you become a low status male n lose all ur power to her. Your neediness n desperation are repulsive n drive her farthur away...

I like u to read the following by a guru:

"A lot of guys suffer from the one special girl syndrome...They get stuck on the idea of that one special girl and they put all hope in her. In fact, when guys successfully pick up an attractive woman they tend to stop doing pick up altogether thinking they have found that special one.

When you have females in abundance...You will never put too much effort into getting that one special girl to like you. Which means you will automatically demonstrate all the traits of a high value male.

Once you get a taste of what it’s like with these other new girls...You will never ever think of the old girl as that one special princess.

But you will only know this when you actually go out and meet other women. So if you find yourself giving unnecessary special treatment to a certain girl...Just go out and date more girls.

However, you might still say...Well I can’t seem to get over this one special girl...How do I get her to like me?

Well first, ask yourself...Why doesn’t she already like you? What have you done so far, which made her, avoid you this way?

You see the best way to get a girl to desire you fast is to not care about her attention at all.

And that’s the interesting thing...Girls like to chase a guy who doesn’t chase them.

When you don’t put too much hope in just one woman...And start exploring more options she would instantly start feeling attraction towards you because you aren’t playing easy as you used to before."

Yes, the best attitude is if u don't give a damn. You don't care what she thinks or what anyone else thinks.

Cheers n good luck!

Bro WB

To all bros,

I hv an outing to TAM 2nd fl SH tomorrow Monday, starting at 9pm. Bro A n I hv a bttle. Estimated expense per pax $60. Only one last slot left, Pls cfm ASAP.

29-09-2014, 06:23 AM
That is something I also puzzle, my friend need to go early cause 2nd day morning send wife off.

Before he left, he ordered another 3 bottles of martiel and made it four nos, spend 800 plus.

We also did not stay long, only finished half bottle.

29-09-2014, 10:35 PM
Bro WB

when is the next outing ? .... Jio leh:D

30-09-2014, 03:08 PM
That is something I also puzzle, my friend need to go early cause 2nd day morning send wife off.

Before he left, he ordered another 3 bottles of martiel and made it four nos, spend 800 plus.

We also did not stay long, only finished half bottle.

Bro hayouth,

Baffling behaviour. Perhaps he likes to leave a strong impression haha.


Bro WB

when is the next outing ? .... Jio leh:D


Probably coming Thursday. HH at TAM 3rd fl. I hv a bttle which is 80% full haha. Your HP no?

.................................................. .....

Good afternoon,

My outing to TAM 2nd fl for SH last night was very enjoyable. There were four of us: Bros A, S, K n WB.

Bros A n WB had a bttle from previous outing. Bros S n K paid $60 each n bros A n WB $30 each. Every bro had a girl haha.

We booked the rm using mummy NK. Didn't use HT cuz she is usually too busy during SH. She dropped by to say hello. I hv known NK for almost 6 yrs. Never tipped her more than $50. Yet she has been so effusive in praising me n telling the girls how well I hv taken care of my mistresses, and how lucky if they become mine, not just last night, but every chance she got. Have I hypnotized her? How much should I tip her?? Hahaha...


Bro WB

01-10-2014, 02:21 PM
Good afternoon!

I hv two outings to TAM, Havelock Rd tomorrow Thursday.

HH on 3rd fl. Expected expense per pax around $60-70.

SH on 2nd fl. Expected expense per pax around $60-70.

I'll call mummy HT for HH n mummy NK for SH hahaha.:D

Slots are limited, pls confirm asap.


Bro WB

01-10-2014, 09:18 PM
When you have females in abundance...You will never put too much effort into getting that one special girl to like you. Which means you will automatically demonstrate all the traits of a high value male. (Yes! you are right when I was in Hanoi Boss KTV mummy send round after round of girls for us to choose my friends quickly pick up girls but for me I don't care a dam and the end the good looking mummy got attract to me.)

[SIZE="4"]And that’s the interesting thing...Girls like to chase a guy who doesn’t chase them. (You are right base on my experiences but you must have a something that attract their attention.)

Yes, the best attitude is if u don't give a damn. You don't care what she thinks or what anyone else thinks. (You are absolutely right this happen on me and must know what will attract girls.)

03-10-2014, 12:10 PM
When you have females in abundance...You will never put too much effort into getting that one special girl to like you. Which means you will automatically demonstrate all the traits of a high value male. (Yes! you are right when I was in Hanoi Boss KTV mummy send round after round of girls for us to choose my friends quickly pick up girls but for me I don't care a dam and the end the good looking mummy got attract to me.)

[SIZE="4"]And that’s the interesting thing...Girls like to chase a guy who doesn’t chase them. (You are right base on my experiences but you must have a something that attract their attention.)

Yes, the best attitude is if u don't give a damn. You don't care what she thinks or what anyone else thinks. (You are absolutely right this happen on me and must know what will attract girls.)

Bro AAconnection,

You're right. But most men will never understand and/or believe this cardinal rule.



I posted the following on my other thread:

Originally Posted by nightren View Post
tam gal tips how much one?

Originally Posted by nightren View Post
150 -200 no butterfly wan right?


Some girls at TAM n Dynasty will do butterfly, if u hv a very deep soothing voice n speak dominantly n slowly...haha.

Pls see post #354 for how much to tip the girls.

I'll summarize here:


HH=Happy Hour, SH=Standard Hour, ST=Short Time (one shot deal), BY=Bao Yang, KIV=Keep In View (Code words for the mummy to get a girl's ctc when I hv a mistress sitting or standing next to me).

Damage for booking girls:

TAM joints: $150 for HH n $200 for SH.

Dynasty Classic: $100 for HH n $150 for SH.

Some girls may want more. Always ask first.

There is such a thing as Late SH 晚晚场,but I don't know the rates.


Bro WB


Good morning!

I had HH n SH sessions at TAM yesterday. I hv tried to reduce the friction cost to the minimum.

If I hv to open a new bottle at TAM, the expense per pax for HH will be around $70 to $90 n SH, $100 to $135. If I hv a bottle left, it'll be much cheaper, especially for bros who attended the session when the new bottle was opened.

I always try to optimize the number of kakis for the size of the room. My kakis want me to welcome bros who are:

1) Very light drinkers

2) Will show up if confirmed

3) Go after attractive girls of their type for ST or BY

4) Smoke outside the room

5) Pay at the end of the session in cash

Last night's bros were lucky as I had a left over bottle for HH n SH. Expense per pax for HH bros who had a claim to the bottle, $20, those w/o $70. For SH bros, $10 n $50, respectively. There were more new bros for SH which reduced the cost haha.

I just received a PM from a bro:

<<<<<<Dear Bro Warbird,

I have went through 200 plus pages of your thread. it is awesome. Thank you for sharing your wonderful insight.. I have heard that a good 90 percent of Tiananmen girls would be willingly to do ST if price is right ( above 1k) . Do you think is true? Appreciate if you could share experience on it .Thanks>>>>>>

Dear bro XX,

Thanks for ur compliments. You make my day!!!

I would say the figure is about 80-85%. The other 10-15% only want BY. The remaining 5% or so?? They are strict lesbians!


Bro WB

06-10-2014, 03:24 PM
Bro WB, looks like I don't qualify to join you guys....:(

Dear bro marc5,

My kakis and I go to TAM and other KTVs (and often in the vicinity but OUTSIDE the joints ) for one purpose only: To find "very attractive girls" of our type.

My outings are very democratic and I want to make sure EVERY bro gets equitable n fair treatment. Most of them want to spend the minimum on friction cost. If one bro n his gal drink the whole bottle, one or more bottles will be opened and the other bros will become very upset. Because I will hv just increased their expected expense per pax by 75% or more.

Smokers are requested to smoke outside the room so that other bros will not get second smoke which is very harmful to their health.

Bro, you can become a very light drinker DURING the outing. And you can smoke outside the rm. Bro S is a great kaki n he always smokes outside the room.


Bro WB


Good afternoon,

I have an outing to TAM 3rd fl Happy Hr Wednesday, 8 Oct. Expected expense per pax is about $60 if we hv 7 bros, $70 if we hv 6 bros.

PM or SMS me if interested. Pls confirm asap.

Thank you!

Bro WB

06-10-2014, 10:33 PM
Fantastic thread by Bro WB...guess the objectives are the same..as in i like to drink little, don't really smoke, keep spending low and look for chicks to go ST asap...hehe....see if I can make time to join you in one of the sessions. You guys don't mind singing songs right? :D

08-10-2014, 11:41 AM
Fantastic thread by Bro WB...guess the objectives are the same..as in i like to drink little, don't really smoke, keep spending low and look for chicks to go ST asap...hehe....see if I can make time to join you in one of the sessions. You guys don't mind singing songs right? :D

Bro Rain-Men,

You are my ideal kaki!

Yes, get chicks for ST or BY asap.

Pls sing as much as u want! I don't sing, but I greatly enjoy singing by both men n women.


Bro WB


Good morning!

My first visit to a KTV was just over 6 yrs ago. I met a 20 yo pretty SYT w/ a body to die for. No ST at any price. I thought a lao chee ko pek like me had zero chance of getting her pussy. I had such a self-defeating n negative attitude! She won't even look at me while talking n she flatly rejected BY. She hung up on me several times...to cut a long story short, she is my current LT mistress n she now wants to bear my children.

If a girl rejects u or says that you're NOT her type, don't be perturbed. Remain very relaxed n confident...don't throw in the towel, EVER, but never become needy n desperate, which will drive her further away.

Here is an email from a female Ang Moh guru:

Hi Bro Warbird,

What does it mean when a woman says, "You're not

my type"?

What is she judging that on?

Typically, it's her initial, gut reaction and,

unfortunately, may be based somewhat on looks, age,

her desires (what she thinks her desires are),


But, I'm going to tell you something that few

women realize.....

Very, very, very few women know "they're type" and,

more so, her "type" can be changed.

How many times have you heard a woman say....

"I never thought I'd be attracted to him, but we

fell in love...."

"He's the last type of man I thought I'd go for,

but I found him irresistible...."

"I didn't really like him at first, but now I

can't imagine my life without him...."

It happens all of the time.

But what makes her change her mind and not care

if he's "her type" or not?

Well, it goes back to a man's sexual character and

also something which I call, "Sexual Status".

You see, when a man shows a woman "sexual status"

and creates his "status" in her mind, that whole

idea she has of "her type" goes out the window.

She suddenly finds herself trying to explain why

she changed her mind or finds him attractive. Of

course, I've yet to hear a woman say, "Obviously

I didn't know what type of man I was looking for",

but that's exactly what happened.

So, if a woman tells you, "You're not my type"....

you can change her mind and there is time to

change her mind. Don't give up, don't allow it

to bother you.

If anything, you can chuckle inside, to yourself,

knowing that there is a great chance she has no

clue what her type really is.

Likewise, if you're online searching the profiles of

women, pay no attention to all of her guidelines

and desires in a man. While it is a bit harder to

demonstrate your sexual status online, in written

form, still give it a shot.

The bottom line is this: A woman wants a man who

makes her feel intense emotion, excitement about

life, and makes her feel protected, secure yet....

always on her toes, knowing she has to "earn" the

right to keep him in her life.... When a man is

able to establish this excitement, intense

emotion, and also use her competitive nature to his

advantage, then "her type" of a certain height,

hair color, income bracket, romantic fantasy, etc...

is as good as gone.

Your friend,


10-10-2014, 03:51 PM
Excellent post my Bro WB. Has been a long time since I last post anything.

And I fully agree with your write up. Never be desperate even in rejection. I have my fair share as well, get up shake off the dust and find a new bite. Stay confident and that alpha male belief.

Singers are your worse enemies and there are always rejection almost every time. Even after you hang her loads, it just show for nothing. If you face something like this, move on but stay friendly with her. Hang for another singer, have your fun and enjoy the latter's companionship. The former will take notice - first the loss of income then the jealousy sets in and followed by she trying to kick start a conversation with you. The rest are plainly SOP if you know what I mean.


Bro Rain-Men,

You are my ideal kaki!

Yes, get chicks for ST or BY asap.

Pls sing as much as u want! I don't sing, but I greatly enjoy singing by both men n women.


Bro WB


Good morning!

My first visit to a KTV was just over 6 yrs ago. I met a 20 yo pretty SYT w/ a body to die for. No ST at any price. I thought a lao chee ko pek like me had zero chance of getting her pussy. I had such a self-defeating n negative attitude! She won't even look at me while talking n she flatly rejected BY. She hung up on me several times...to cut a long story short, she is my current LT mistress n she now wants to bear my children.

If a girl rejects u or says that you're NOT her type, don't be perturbed. Remain very relaxed n confident...don't throw in the towel, EVER, but never become needy n desperate, which will drive her further away.

Here is an email from a female Ang Moh guru:

Hi Bro Warbird,

What does it mean when a woman says, "You're not

my type"?

What is she judging that on?

Typically, it's her initial, gut reaction and,

unfortunately, may be based somewhat on looks, age,

her desires (what she thinks her desires are),


But, I'm going to tell you something that few

women realize.....

Very, very, very few women know "they're type" and,

more so, her "type" can be changed.

How many times have you heard a woman say....

"I never thought I'd be attracted to him, but we

fell in love...."

"He's the last type of man I thought I'd go for,

but I found him irresistible...."

"I didn't really like him at first, but now I

can't imagine my life without him...."

It happens all of the time.

But what makes her change her mind and not care

if he's "her type" or not?

Well, it goes back to a man's sexual character and

also something which I call, "Sexual Status".

You see, when a man shows a woman "sexual status"

and creates his "status" in her mind, that whole

idea she has of "her type" goes out the window.

She suddenly finds herself trying to explain why

she changed her mind or finds him attractive. Of

course, I've yet to hear a woman say, "Obviously

I didn't know what type of man I was looking for",

but that's exactly what happened.

So, if a woman tells you, "You're not my type"....

you can change her mind and there is time to

change her mind. Don't give up, don't allow it

to bother you.

If anything, you can chuckle inside, to yourself,

knowing that there is a great chance she has no

clue what her type really is.

Likewise, if you're online searching the profiles of

women, pay no attention to all of her guidelines

and desires in a man. While it is a bit harder to

demonstrate your sexual status online, in written

form, still give it a shot.

The bottom line is this: A woman wants a man who

makes her feel intense emotion, excitement about

life, and makes her feel protected, secure yet....

always on her toes, knowing she has to "earn" the

right to keep him in her life.... When a man is

able to establish this excitement, intense

emotion, and also use her competitive nature to his

advantage, then "her type" of a certain height,

hair color, income bracket, romantic fantasy, etc...

is as good as gone.

Your friend,


12-10-2014, 08:15 PM
Excellent post my Bro WB. Has been a long time since I last post anything.

And I fully agree with your write up. Never be desperate even in rejection. I have my fair share as well, get up shake off the dust and find a new bite. Stay confident and that alpha male belief.

Singers are your worse enemies and there are always rejection almost every time. Even after you hang her loads, it just show for nothing. If you face something like this, move on but stay friendly with her. Hang for another singer, have your fun and enjoy the latter's companionship. The former will take notice - first the loss of income then the jealousy sets in and followed by she trying to kick start a conversation with you. The rest are plainly SOP if you know what I mean.


Dear bro LDH,

You're right. We need to be mentally tough n resilient.

Sorry that I missed ur sessions at HFJs. I'll definitely meet u n the gang soon.

I shun singers because I sleep early. IMHO, only a special breed of girls can thrive as singers. It's a matter of survival for the most heartless n cunning. Some bros like the challenge n the thrill of getting them emotionally n sexually addicted...

Yes, I like ur strategy. If a man remains very relaxed n confident n hv a DGAD attitude despite repeated rejections, he has demonstrated his awesome self mastery. The girl will be surprised, perplexed n then become highly attracted to him hahaha.

BTW, No 19 at that joint in Orchard Plaza said she met u guys. I hv not seen her for two yrs n wonder if she is still a SYT haha.


Bro WB

.................................................. ................

Good evening!

I came across the following paragraphs in a book I was reading the other day. These r vital principles in LT man-woman RS.

"In order to keep a girl you should be willing to lose a girl- This might sound like a bizarre concept but the dating dynamics actually operate this way. As long as you are willing to walk away at any point of time whenever the girl violates one of your principles...You will always have her.

Guys who let a girl walk all over them just due to the fear of losing her actually end up losing her in the long run. Therefore, in order to keep her you must be willing to lose her."

This principle is valid whether u hv been w/ your woman 3 months or 30 years.

"No woman is too good looking for you...You only go by personality and not by looks- This is the most important attitude you must cultivate into your personality at all costs. Never show a woman that you consider her to be too good looking. Let her know that you don’t really go by looks but by personality because good looks are easy to find but personality is a rare trait.

The moment you act this way around them...You will instantly be awarded with the tag known as “That Special Different guy”...And this is what most women are looking for in a potential mate."

This is a very high value n dominant male attitude.

This is NEW to me. I will hv to reprogram my attitude towards all females in my conscious n subconscious mind ASAP. Not just personality, but also character n educational level...


Bro WB

17-10-2014, 11:38 AM
Good morning!

It's has been a fantastic week. Global stock markets r down nicely, meaning most good quality stocks r cheaper now. Hope that it will decline another 10-15%, then every great company will be on sale hahaha. We should get greedy when others r fearful, and fearful when others r greedy...that takes awesome emotional control/self mastery.

I hv been obsessed w/ two life changing activities. 1) Learning to reprogram my mind for awesome self mastery. 2) Learning every possible method to give women PVOs. Yes, I'm learning everyday.

IMHO, emotional control/self mastery is THE single most important masculine trait that attracts women. Once u bed them, u need to give them PVOs again n again to make them emotionally n sexually addicted to u.

Yesterday, I came across an article written by an sex/attraction guru on the subject of EMOTIONAL STRENGHT. That is the same as emotional control/self mastery.

.................................When you behave as THE MAN, you are giving her the most DIRECT “SIGN” of your sexual worthiness - the sign that says you are her missing component, you are the masculine to balance her feminine.

The other “signs” of power are like a roundabout route to a destination instead of the direct route. The other signs are unclear from a sexual perspective, since they are not distinctly sexual. After all, a woman can have money, and a man’s looks may be deceiving.

But a man’s actions speak louder about his sexual attractiveness than his wallet, his looks or his words:

If he BEHAVES like a MAN, he probably IS.
DING! Sexual desire in a woman is now stimulated.

Think of it this way:

Great looks/great wealth/etc. = signs of power = possible sexiness

BUT BEHAVING as A MAN= “proof” of power = definite sexiness

By directly stimulating the “nerves” responsible for triggering a woman’s sexual desire, you BYPASS all the inefficient methods and create an expressway to attraction.

Behaving in a MASCULINE way means being relaxed while also being confident and dominant, and not having emotional reactions to things.

And what do all these behaviors have in common? The answer is EMOTIONAL STRENGTH.


My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man.

You see, money can be given or lost by sheer good or bad luck, looks can fade and be deceiving, but emotions are the great equalizer. Everyone is challenged by their own fears, so the man who conquers his own emotions is usually the ultimate victor.

For example, let’s say you are faced with a great challenge in your life. Whether its financial, social, or anything else, the fact is, if you are emotionally secure, calm, cool, and confident, you will usually end up conquering the problem and getting back on top of things.

But if you start to fall prey to negative emotions, you will be at the mercy of whatever happens to you and you will be relying on your luck. We all have heard of successful people who have had it all go down the drain and then commit suicide. Do you see how your emotional strength is the truest sign of your personal and inherent power?

A guy who does not get emotionally “messed up” or “bogged down” by life’s challenges, is a guy who will overcome those same challenges.

He will be a man in FAR GREATER CONTROL of what happens in his life, than a man who is a millionaire and is not an emotional winner.

A guy who has his emotions under control and has banished his fears has the power to achieve almost anything and overcome almost any obstacle.

Women understand this on an intuitive level, beyond the conscious.

Women desire to be with this type of man, because he makes them burn with pure sexual desire.

As I explained before, at first, you may have to just ACT like the MAN. This is a good start. But don’t stop practicing until you become THE MAN, instinctively.

The irony of it all is that when women sense that you are THE MAN, you will then suddenly be flooded with all the things you have learned NOT to need- affection, support, love, sex, kindness, etc.

Being emotionally strong means you don’t need any particular girl, it means you don’t get jealous, it means you dump “problem” chicks immediately, and don’t play into their games since you know you can find better.

It means that you do not do anything to “win” a girl. You are THE MAN and that’s enough. This means not ever buying a woman something out of the fear that if you don’t, she will “like you less”. If you allow such fears to show, to exist, she will think lowly of you. Put simply, she will think you must be pretty inferior if you feel you need to buy her things.

Most guys talk too much and smile too much in an attempt to win a woman’s approval. Forget the song and dance. All the extra effort to please women comes from fear or belief in romantic lies.

And it always backfires. Women are repelled, feeling that these guys are UNSEXY or they would not be trying so hard.

That doesn’t mean you should not make yourself as good looking, intelligent, and accomplished as possible. But notice these traits have nothing to do with her. You make yourself sexy by concentrating on improving your confidence, your looks, your personality, etc.

Now, there is a difference between doing something out of ass-kissing and doing something because you would do it for a buddy. Women can tell the difference, and if you do something friendly that you would do with a guy buddy, it’s all right. But it must be clear to her that you are only doing it because you felt like it, and not because you felt you needed to impress her.

When you first meet a woman, be safe: NO FAVORS, COMPLIMENTS, OR GIFTS. For at least 3 or 4 months. And have NO emotional responses to things, period.

If/when a woman says you are so cool and distant, don’t you dare change and become too mushy, because the truth is SHE CRAVES A GUY WHO IS COOL AND MASCULINE.

So become THE MAN. You will never, ever become fearful abt anything in LIFE. You'll never be zealous or emotional or angry, ever...

Your wife/lover wants to leave u? That is her loss! Many prettier gals r lining up for u. Secretly in love w/ a gal for yrs? She will beg u to make love to her n become sexually addicted to u soon! Facing bankruptcy? You will make a comeback n become a billionaire...

Aspire to become THE MAN in the poem "IF."


Bro WB

18-10-2014, 10:59 AM
Good morning!

I hv been averaging 3-4 outings to TAM n one outing to Dynasty per wk in the last few wks. I'll not give detailed FRs here, but suffice to say that I hv managed to keep the friction cost very low n I hv had the good fortune of meeting many new bros.

I hv also got ctc n Wechat of a number of girls who look mildly interesting. I hv not seen one really exciting one, unfortunately. The quantity is great but there is nothing to write home abt the quality. Believe it or not, there is another xiao ma who is more than mildly interesting to me, although she is quite short.

I recently realize there is a new turnoff for me: A girl whose face appears surgically altered (SAF). Most PRC models/actresses who come to SG for screen shots appear that way. They all look more or less the same!! BTW, the damage for ST for them is SGD 1 to 2K.

I'll hv slightly fewer outings in the near future as my lao po n a GF will be back early next wk.

As a gentle reminder, my kakis want me to welcome bros who are:

1) Very light drinkers

2) Will show up if confirmed

3) Go after attractive girls of their type for ST or BY

4) Smoke outside the room

5) Pay at the end of the session in cash

In the last few days, I hv had interesting chat w/ bro FA on PVOs. I'll sum up my personal opinions:

1) It will usually take 3-6 months of regular PVOs to get a woman emotionally n sexually addicted to a man.

2) It's addictive power is immense n THE strongest.

3) Without PVOs, a woman cannot truly love a man; the 'love' can't last. However, even w/ PVOs, she may still not truly love him. There r many other factors...

4) A woman who is emotionally n sexually addicted to a man may still 'cheat' on him, if he is not available for extended periods or if she has other motives, such as desperate needs for money...

5) Giving a women PVOs is a strenuous physical activity. It's a great cardio n I hv reached heart rate of 150! It can be greatly minimized by letting her get on top. But a man must be on top or from behind to show his dominance, control n masculinity. He must lead as she wants to be taken. There is much more bonding n intimacy when a man does most of the work. Much more oxytocin n relatively lesser dopamine, in other words, it's more addictive hahaha.


Bro WB

31-10-2014, 08:29 AM
Any bro who has mamasan contact for Tiananmen or Lido pls PM me. In need of one. Thanks!

31-10-2014, 09:45 AM
when woman ontop F u ....it's more Shiok and show u r so attractive the woman wanna rape u

Good morning!

I hv been averaging 3-4 outings to TAM n one outing to Dynasty per wk in the last few wks. I'll not give detailed FRs here, but suffice to say that I hv managed to keep the friction cost very low n I hv had the good fortune of meeting many new bros.

I hv also got ctc n Wechat of a number of girls who look mildly interesting. I hv not seen one really exciting one, unfortunately. The quantity is great but there is nothing to write home abt the quality. Believe it or not, there is another xiao ma who is more than mildly interesting to me, although she is quite short.

I recently realize there is a new turnoff for me: A girl whose face appears surgically altered (SAF). Most PRC models/actresses who come to SG for screen shots appear that way. They all look more or less the same!! BTW, the damage for ST for them is SGD 1 to 2K.

I'll hv slightly fewer outings in the near future as my lao po n a GF will be back early next wk.

As a gentle reminder, my kakis want me to welcome bros who are:

1) Very light drinkers

2) Will show up if confirmed

3) Go after attractive girls of their type for ST or BY

4) Smoke outside the room

5) Pay at the end of the session in cash

In the last few days, I hv had interesting chat w/ bro FA on PVOs. I'll sum up my personal opinions:

1) It will usually take 3-6 months of regular PVOs to get a woman emotionally n sexually addicted to a man.

2) It's addictive power is immense n THE strongest.

3) Without PVOs, a woman cannot truly love a man; the 'love' can't last. However, even w/ PVOs, she may still not truly love him. There r many other factors...

4) A woman who is emotionally n sexually addicted to a man may still 'cheat' on him, if he is not available for extended periods or if she has other motives, such as desperate needs for money...

5) Giving a women PVOs is a strenuous physical activity. It's a great cardio n I hv reached heart rate of 150! It can be greatly minimized by letting her get on top. But a man must be on top or from behind to show his dominance, control n masculinity. He must lead as she wants to be taken. There is much more bonding n intimacy when a man does most of the work. Much more oxytocin n relatively lesser dopamine, in other words, it's more addictive hahaha.


Bro WB

31-10-2014, 09:47 AM
when woman ontop F u ....it's more Shiok and show u r so attractive the woman wanna rape u

anyway woman on top , man can also work by doing upthrust

Good morning!

I hv been averaging 3-4 outings to TAM n one outing to Dynasty per wk in the last few wks. I'll not give detailed FRs here, but suffice to say that I hv managed to keep the friction cost very low n I hv had the good fortune of meeting many new bros.

I hv also got ctc n Wechat of a number of girls who look mildly interesting. I hv not seen one really exciting one, unfortunately. The quantity is great but there is nothing to write home abt the quality. Believe it or not, there is another xiao ma who is more than mildly interesting to me, although she is quite short.

I recently realize there is a new turnoff for me: A girl whose face appears surgically altered (SAF). Most PRC models/actresses who come to SG for screen shots appear that way. They all look more or less the same!! BTW, the damage for ST for them is SGD 1 to 2K.

I'll hv slightly fewer outings in the near future as my lao po n a GF will be back early next wk.

As a gentle reminder, my kakis want me to welcome bros who are:

1) Very light drinkers

2) Will show up if confirmed

3) Go after attractive girls of their type for ST or BY

4) Smoke outside the room

5) Pay at the end of the session in cash

In the last few days, I hv had interesting chat w/ bro FA on PVOs. I'll sum up my personal opinions:

1) It will usually take 3-6 months of regular PVOs to get a woman emotionally n sexually addicted to a man.

2) It's addictive power is immense n THE strongest.

3) Without PVOs, a woman cannot truly love a man; the 'love' can't last. However, even w/ PVOs, she may still not truly love him. There r many other factors...

4) A woman who is emotionally n sexually addicted to a man may still 'cheat' on him, if he is not available for extended periods or if she has other motives, such as desperate needs for money...

5) Giving a women PVOs is a strenuous physical activity. It's a great cardio n I hv reached heart rate of 150! It can be greatly minimized by letting her get on top. But a man must be on top or from behind to show his dominance, control n masculinity. He must lead as she wants to be taken. There is much more bonding n intimacy when a man does most of the work. Much more oxytocin n relatively lesser dopamine, in other words, it's more addictive hahaha.


Bro WB

02-11-2014, 10:25 AM
Any bro who has mamasan contact for Tiananmen or Lido pls PM me. In need of one. Thanks!


You got PM.

when woman ontop F u ....it's more Shiok and show u r so attractive the woman wanna rape u

when woman ontop F u ....it's more Shiok and show u r so attractive the woman wanna rape u

anyway woman on top , man can also work by doing upthrust


It's very shiok in any position if the gal is your type in looks n figure, n if she is very passionate, with very tight, wet n responsive pussy...and you're giving her continuous PVO.

Even more shiok if you do her raw n you shoot ur huge load inside her. Yeah, there is no greater pleasure in life for both of u. BUT, make sure she is free of HIV n STDS n that she will not get unwanted pregnancy.


Bro WB


Good morning!

Many men get KC-ed by the "wrong" girls because of lack of emotional control n self mastery. Deep down, they suffer from a scarcity mentality, believe that they hv lower sexual value n are afraid to lose a "hard to get" pussy hahaha. They hv an intractable disease called ONEITIS.

A week ago, I received a timely email from a famous sex guru.

Hi Bro Warbird,

I still remember getting the call, the call I knew would come but was nonetheless shocked to hear. My friend, Johnny, after just 10 months of marriage to a girl everyone knew was wrong for him, had gotten divorced. Instead of becoming a happily-ever-after couple, Johnny and Marissa had joined millions of other Americans and become statistics. Statistics of the all-too-common divorce.

It’s funny how these short-term marriages and long-term miseries occur. Usually it begins with a bad case of “Oneitis.”

Don’t know the word Oneitis? Well, surely you know this infectious disease’s symptoms:

– You think you’ve met the girl who’s perfect for you, who you can have a great relationship with and eventually marry
– You ignore the bitchy behavior and abuse that comes from this girl, still believing that she’s “The One”
– You see and know girls who you know would be much better for you, but ignore them because the girl you’re with is better-looking, taller, skinnier–a number of superficial qualities that don’t add up to the love you know you could get elsewhere

- You spend lots and lots of money on this girl, and she never bothers to thank you–or if she does, it’s less than sincere
- Your friends all tell you that this girl isn’t right for you, but you ignore their advice
- Maybe your friends have even fought with this girl, but you defend her even though you know deep-down her behavior is unacceptable
- You spend all your time with this girl, and ignore your friends and family
- You find yourself calling her all the time to see what she’s doing, and who she’s with
- You can’t get this girl out of your head, even when she’s long gone!

If you’ve ever watched the classic film Swingers, then you know what Oneitis is: it’s the character of Mikey!
Unfortunately, a lot of guys become the Mikeys of this world. And while some men may just go through this with a girl they’re only dating, other guys, like Johnny, take this obsession all the way to marriage. And that’s when the “disease” becomes deadly.

How do you know when a girl is right for you? I could write book after book after book about what’s right and what’s wrong, but what it comes down to are ten essential ingredients for lasting success:

She supports and encourages your goals and interests. A girl who’s right for you should follow you on your path–not try to re-direct it her own way. Unfortunately, Johnny’s wife wanted him to do something completely different to the direction he wanted to head, so it was little wonder that their romance fizzled out so quickly.
Guys, if you can’t be open about your feelings, interests, passions and purpose, then you shouldn’t be with the girl. She should be able to listen and understand, not disregard and sneer.

You can accept her and her goals and interests. Just like a woman should support and push you on the path you want to head, so too should you be able to do the same for her. If she’s into motorcycling and you hate it, or if she wants to travel the world and you just want to stay in one place, then chances are you two aren’t made for each other.
Likewise, you should be able to understand her emotions and concerns–both of you MUST be good, compassionate listeners.

She loves you for you, not your money and possessions. So many rich and powerful men have destructive relationships with women. Why? Because the woman aren’t marrying these men–they’re marrying their money. And divorce isn’t cheap, so even when these guys break up with the bloodsuckers, the women still get a hefty chunk of the pie!

She generally gets along with your family and friends–and doesn’t mind seeing them. So many guys seem to forget this, watching dumbly as their girlfriend pulls them further and further from their family and friends to have him all for her own. I’ve got an uncle who blindly allowed himself to end all contact with his family because his wife hated them. Somehow they’re still married, but is that the kind of woman you want to be with?

She’s on the same page, spiritually, as you. Spirituality is a big thing for couples–it can unite them like nothing else. I know so many couples who are happily married because they believe in the same God, the same purpose in life, the same deep feelings about their existence.
Conversely, couples who battle over the questions of life just do not have the same loving romance. A girl who’s right for you doesn’t necessarily have to believe in the same religious principles and dogmas as you, but if she’s an atheist and you’re a Christian, things may not work out long-term.

She wants to spend as much time with you as with her own friends and family. This may seem like an obvious one, but so many guys fawn over girls who only see them on THEIR schedule. If a girl is really right for you, you shouldn’t have to obsess over her or ask her permission to see her. You should both WANT to see each other and miss being with one another–that’s a sign that you’re both in love.

You both share the same feelings for another. If you know deep in your heart that you want to marry her and spend the rest of your life with her, but she’s non-committal and vague, then you should certainly move on. A true, loving partner should accept you completely for who you are and what you feel.
On the other hand, if you both feel comfortable sharing feelings with each other, and she accepts the deep things that you reveal to her, then you’ve found a true catch!

You both make time for each other, even through work and school. Spending quality time with one another is crucial. If your girl is always at her job, concentrating on her career, or studying for a degree, and not making an effort to be with you, then it’s time to move on. True love knows no bounds–including time. While it’s great to have a girl who’s serious about her career and education, this can also be a relationship-breaker if she takes either too seriously.

Money and possessions are not as important as love. This is a simple one: If your girl only talks about possessions and money, if that’s where her true values lie, then you might want to back out of the relationship. Every girl wants good things in life, but if she really loves you, then how much you make and how much you give her shouldn’t be #1 on her priority list.

You both are able to put each other ahead of yourselves. This can be the make or break of a relationship. If she’s willing to do things for you, sacrifice time with her friends or time at work to be with you and make you meals, then you’ve found yourself a winner. However, if she’s always cancelling dates, spending more time with her friends than with you, and never gets you any gifts or acts of service, then you’ve found yourself a bitch. Move on. When she treats herself more important than you, then you’re heading towards disaster.

In the end, you want a girl who can you be you around, and know that you’re valued by her night and day. If you’re in a relationship now that you want to be more serious, ask yourself if the woman you’re with fulfills these 10 requirements. And if you’re looking for love, don’t get too far into it unless you really feel that the girl treats you right.

And remember: There’s a big difference between “The One” who’s right for you…and “The One” who will become your biggest nightmare!

That’s all for now. Tell me if you can think of any other ways you know she’s right for you. I’d love to hear your opinion!

IMHO, all sexual RS, including BY-ing n marriage, are "business" transactions. In fact, all human interactions are considered "business" or "commercial" transactions in the broad sense. You love ur son n he loves u. If u abandon him, see how much he will love u. A good example: The late Steve Jobs n his biological father.

The reason is very simple. All particles n forces in our known universe must follow the physical laws of nature. Action n reaction are equal n opposite...

Therefore, be relaxed, confident, positive n happy now, every minute, everyday. And you will attract a lot of...everything hahaha.

Have a wonderful day.

Bro WB

03-11-2014, 02:40 AM
Woah! V deep bro.
but I fully support wat u wrote

04-11-2014, 10:36 AM
Woah! V deep bro.
but I fully support wat u wrote


Thanks for ur support.


.................................................. ......

Good morning,

I'll organize a couple of outings before going overseas by the end of the week. Will return next month.

Lately I hv been proposing BY much less frequently as the quality of girls has declined.

Nevertheless, there r occasionally a few girls who r good for ST. They will tell the mummy NO ST. Not true if you approach them the right way n the damage may be below the usual range hahaha. Over the years, I hv also done many, many STs. This will dispel the long held belief by some bros that I'm only interested in BY-ing.

Never be pushy. Relax, assume that she is dying to go to bed w/ u. Use ur deep confident voice n the right words. Texting is ok too. If she says no initially, remain calm n cheerful. Show ur DGAD attitude, which will differentiate u from all her other customers. She may say yes the next day...

One other thing, girls whom I hv previously BY-ed, n those who hv previously agreed to BY but not consummated, will almost always agree to ST. This is true after months n even years hahaha.


Bro WB

08-11-2014, 11:46 AM
I feel very much I should contribute something as well after seeing so many contributions from brother warbird.

1) Do not be afraid to say no to a women no matter how attractive or pretty she is.

2) Women usually use tears as a weapon to obtain sympathies from a man, do not be deceived.

3) When a woman really likes a man, usually she will be more shy. Do not be fooled into thinking she asked my number, she likes me very much or she asked me out, she likes me very much. Great telltale sign is when a woman really loves a man, she will want the man to spend less money not more money.

4) Have that type of thinking "let the bird roamly freely in the sky, if they love their master, they will always come back to the cage"

Last but not least, we can always learn from what other people say not matter how good we are. Thank you very much Warbird once again for all those contributions in picking up women in ktv, you have make some men here much better at the game of love than being roberts for the women that they fall in love with.


12-11-2014, 11:11 AM
I feel very much I should contribute something as well after seeing so many contributions from brother warbird..................

Last but not least, we can always learn from what other people say not matter how good we are................


Bro Treff,

Thanks for sharing.

You're right abt learning.

I have so much to learn in so many fields and there are so many pussies for me to practice my new found skills that I wish I had 72 hrs everyday!


Bro WB

15-11-2014, 02:20 AM
Good morning!

Breaking news on man-woman RS!

Exclusive: Ex-wife of US oil baron to appeal $1 billion divorce award: http://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-ex-wife-u-oil-baron-appeal-1-210829730--finance.html

I like to reiterate that all marriages are 100% business transactions w/ legal obligations. Whereas BY-ings are 100% business transactions w/o legal obligations hahaha.

Another observation is that the richer you're, the more you will have to pay for your pussies. Of course, you can pay just like any common guys on the street by going to GL or budget KTVs. My question is this: What is the use of making all that money? You can't take all that money to ur grave. Your family members n relatives will fight for every dollar...

Last but not least, paying a fortune to maintain your marriage and BY-ing doesn't mean you are owning their pussies and their hearts. You must get them addicted to u emotionally n sexually asap. You must get more than extremely good at this field. This is what I call the relentless pursuit of perfection haha.

I know I hv made many controversial n politically incorrect statements. Rebuttal n dissension will be appreciated.


Bro WB

16-11-2014, 08:57 AM
Today I would like to caution all brothers to be very wary if they want to try to KC KTV girls for the following reasons below

1) KTV girls have many layers of self defense, they need it because if they get kced, they will lose the objectivity of bringing more money back.

2) KTV girls meet more guys who tries to KC them than we meet normal office ladies who try to KC us as it is part of their line of work. So the more popular the ladies, the more seasoned and dangerous they will be.

With those reasons, be very prepared for an intense mind game which most of us will lose, all the more if we let our ego get in the way that we are the only and special one. Most of the time, men will get KCed in the long run instead of managing to KC the KTV ladies that they lay their eyes on. KTV arena is an intense battlefield to KC even for the most seasoned KC players.


16-11-2014, 08:28 PM
Good morning!

Breaking news on man-woman RS!

Exclusive: Ex-wife of US oil baron to appeal $1 billion divorce award: http://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-ex-wife-u-oil-baron-appeal-1-210829730--finance.html

I like to reiterate that all marriages are 100% business transactions w/ legal obligations. Whereas BY-ings are 100% business transactions w/o legal obligations hahaha.

Another observation is that the richer you're, the more you will have to pay for your pussies. Of course, you can pay just like any common guys on the street by going to GL or budget KTVs. My question is this: What is the use of making all that money? You can't take all that money to ur grave. Your family members n relatives will fight for every dollar...

Last but not least, paying a fortune to maintain your marriage and BY-ing doesn't mean you are owning their pussies and their hearts. You must get them addicted to u emotionally n sexually asap. You must get more than extremely good at this field. This is what I call the relentless pursuit of perfection haha.

I know I hv made many controversial n politically incorrect statements. Rebuttal n dissension will be appreciated.


Bro WB

Bro WB,

Thanks for sharing. You are right that we can't take all that money to our grave :D

just like in ktv scene: Meet, drink, bed, & leave :p There are different stages of life perhaps people would experience. So there could be a stage where it reaches a full cycle. I find myself going for and enjoy weekly run just like 20 years ago. maybe I am old liao :D

18-11-2014, 09:21 PM
such a good thread that i spent a few days slowly read it

19-11-2014, 06:17 PM

20-11-2014, 02:55 AM
Today I would like to caution all brothers to be very wary if they want to try to KC KTV girls for the following reasons below....................

With those reasons, be very prepared for an intense mind game which most of us will lose, all the more if we let our ego get in the way that we are the only and special one. Most of the time, men will get KCed in the long run instead of managing to KC the KTV ladies that they lay their eyes on. KTV arena is an intense battlefield to KC even for the most seasoned KC players.


Bro Treff,

Well said.

KC is a "mind game" and "battlefield" for all man-woman RS haha.


Bro WB,

Thanks for sharing. You are right that we can't take all that money to our grave :D

just like in ktv scene: Meet, drink, bed, & leave :p There are different stages of life perhaps people would experience. So there could be a stage where it reaches a full cycle. I find myself going for and enjoy weekly run just like 20 years ago. maybe I am old liao :D

Bro sheridan,

Thanks for sharing.

Never say you're old. You're as old as u think.


such a good thread that i spent a few days slowly read it


Pls share ur personal opinions n exploits.



Very true.


.................................................. ..........

Good morning!

I hv some musings on what esteemed bros hv posted.

Actually it's OK to get KC-ed by a girl/woman, as long as you hv awesome emotional control n self mastery. It's so much fun. But make sure you retain power in the RS n that she has a lot more KC for u than u hv for her haha.

And you must be able to walk away from her anytime as if nothing has happened, whether she has been w/ u 3 weeks or 30 years. This is called detachment. Very, very few men can do it. This is the litmus test of your self mastery. Are u a real MAN?

I just started reading a book on how to master or "mind fuck" the female mind. It's written by an African American. His main principles apply to all human females. I'll share some of his sayings:

"Women need to be dominated."

"She will do anything for the man who will encourage
her dreams, justify her failures, calm or still her fears,
confirm her suspicions and..."

"Speak to her emotions and you will reach her
gut. Control her gut feelings then you control
her mind. Control her mind and you control
her pussy."

And, most importantly, you must give her PVOs she has never experienced before. Aim to become 0.1% of men who hv achieved such sexual prowess n you'll hv virtually no competition hahaha.

In his words:

No I am serious. Make love so good to her that she is passed the fuck out...And I don't mean from drugs or drink.

Your sex should be the only
drug taking control of her mind and body.

What I am talking about is giving these women as many
orgasms as they can take and after the sex is over she falls asleep
instead of you being the first person to go to sleep! Think of that first
time in bed as a war and you must come out as the victor of that
battle otherwise she will not respect you. If she is still chipper after
you bone (fuck) her then you have not done your job right. No

...make sure your always in tip top virile shape as a man.

You start this game with being dominate. That is how you must roll
with it all the way through. You have to establish your total authority
and control over her. Your mouth should be her prayer book when
your through. That is the attitude that you must instill within you and
it must be a permanent part of your psyche...She must know who the boss is. Especially in the bedroom.

The author admits that he can't get all women. The feminazis hate him n will reject him.

His writing style is colloquial n even vulgar, but his methods should work well for almost all females, excepting lesbians n feminazis.

IMHO, it's great for a man to compliment a girl profusely n tell her he likes or loves her very much. And be very kind to her. Make her feel special, beautiful, feminine n sexual. He is not sucking up to her, but is doing it from a dominant n powerful position. BUT, he must convey to her that he DGAD if she leaves n that he'll walk away if his boundaries r violated. It will be her big loss n she knows he has many options.

He doesn't care what she thinks/says/does or what others think/say/do because he is so confident, so comfortable in his own skin n has such great self mastery that he is totally detached from from any one female n from any outcome n life.

Such a MAN is very, very rare n will be extremely attractive to most females.

Comments n criticisms?


Bro WB


city slicker
22-11-2014, 09:25 PM
Bro WB,

"BUT, he must convey to her that he DGAD if she leaves n that he'll walk away if his boundaries r violated. It will be her big loss n she knows he has many options.

He doesn't care what she thinks/says/does or what others think/say/do because he is so confident, so comfortable in his own skin n has such great self mastery that he is totally detached from from any one female n from any outcome n life.

Such a MAN is very, very rare n will be extremely attractive to most females."

Such an alpha male is indeed a rare and cherished species.
Reminds me of Sean Connery ... "My name is Bond, James Bond."

In real life however, lesser mortals like us (and even some seasoned players) would find it extremely difficult to control our emotions when we ultimately meet our match - "the One". On the surface, a guy may seem DGAD, but inside his heart is hurting with the vivid memories of good ole days. Perhaps women fare better at the third of 3Fs (Forget) than men ?

22-11-2014, 09:49 PM
On the surface, a guy may seem DGAD, but inside his heart is hurting with the vivid memories of good ole days. Perhaps women fare better at the third of 3Fs (Forget) than men ?
This is true, I have seen people who don't give a dam to any women he met, basically, after enjoying, eventually will develop into different excuse for not being good enough for him. We can easily said "his boundary being violated" because the woman do not want to be master by him, which now a day very little women want to be a slave.

In fact inside him is full of regret and emptiness.

I have also seen women changing partners like changing cloth.

I guess it takes two hands to clap.

22-11-2014, 10:03 PM
Bro wb,

The author has an end game or goal which he may worked all his life to achieve the state of confidence. Not everyone may achieve it. But what he wrote still useful as a guide though how is applied may differ from each person. His level of self awareness is very high to be able to achieve what he wrote.

In end boils to one's goal or aim reinforced by confidence and even money.

I seen people super success in work but craps in relationship. So best to know what you want and do within one's means. Too many threads of people became burnt, bitter or vengeful. People will always blame everything, but sometimes good to reflect back, learn from it and move on. We cannot go back in time to right wrongs.

My philosophy hence is mistakes only make one wiser and stronger. And set goals within possible reach. Dun ask for sky and fall flat to earth.

Just my thoughts from my experience in work and leisure.

23-11-2014, 12:46 AM
Top notch advice there.


Good morning!

Many men get KC-ed by the "wrong" girls because of lack of emotional control n self mastery. Deep down, they suffer from a scarcity mentality, believe that they hv lower sexual value n are afraid to lose a "hard to get" pussy hahaha. They hv an intractable disease called ONEITIS.

A week ago, I received a timely email from a famous sex guru.

Hi Bro Warbird,

I still remember getting the call, the call I knew would come but was nonetheless shocked to hear. My friend, Johnny, after just 10 months of marriage to a girl everyone knew was wrong for him, had gotten divorced. Instead of becoming a happily-ever-after couple, Johnny and Marissa had joined millions of other Americans and become statistics. Statistics of the all-too-common divorce.

It’s funny how these short-term marriages and long-term miseries occur. Usually it begins with a bad case of “Oneitis.”

Don’t know the word Oneitis? Well, surely you know this infectious disease’s symptoms:

– You think you’ve met the girl who’s perfect for you, who you can have a great relationship with and eventually marry
– You ignore the bitchy behavior and abuse that comes from this girl, still believing that she’s “The One”
– You see and know girls who you know would be much better for you, but ignore them because the girl you’re with is better-looking, taller, skinnier–a number of superficial qualities that don’t add up to the love you know you could get elsewhere

- You spend lots and lots of money on this girl, and she never bothers to thank you–or if she does, it’s less than sincere
- Your friends all tell you that this girl isn’t right for you, but you ignore their advice
- Maybe your friends have even fought with this girl, but you defend her even though you know deep-down her behavior is unacceptable
- You spend all your time with this girl, and ignore your friends and family
- You find yourself calling her all the time to see what she’s doing, and who she’s with
- You can’t get this girl out of your head, even when she’s long gone!

If you’ve ever watched the classic film Swingers, then you know what Oneitis is: it’s the character of Mikey!
Unfortunately, a lot of guys become the Mikeys of this world. And while some men may just go through this with a girl they’re only dating, other guys, like Johnny, take this obsession all the way to marriage. And that’s when the “disease” becomes deadly.

How do you know when a girl is right for you? I could write book after book after book about what’s right and what’s wrong, but what it comes down to are ten essential ingredients for lasting success:

She supports and encourages your goals and interests. A girl who’s right for you should follow you on your path–not try to re-direct it her own way. Unfortunately, Johnny’s wife wanted him to do something completely different to the direction he wanted to head, so it was little wonder that their romance fizzled out so quickly.
Guys, if you can’t be open about your feelings, interests, passions and purpose, then you shouldn’t be with the girl. She should be able to listen and understand, not disregard and sneer.

You can accept her and her goals and interests. Just like a woman should support and push you on the path you want to head, so too should you be able to do the same for her. If she’s into motorcycling and you hate it, or if she wants to travel the world and you just want to stay in one place, then chances are you two aren’t made for each other.
Likewise, you should be able to understand her emotions and concerns–both of you MUST be good, compassionate listeners.

She loves you for you, not your money and possessions. So many rich and powerful men have destructive relationships with women. Why? Because the woman aren’t marrying these men–they’re marrying their money. And divorce isn’t cheap, so even when these guys break up with the bloodsuckers, the women still get a hefty chunk of the pie!

She generally gets along with your family and friends–and doesn’t mind seeing them. So many guys seem to forget this, watching dumbly as their girlfriend pulls them further and further from their family and friends to have him all for her own. I’ve got an uncle who blindly allowed himself to end all contact with his family because his wife hated them. Somehow they’re still married, but is that the kind of woman you want to be with?

She’s on the same page, spiritually, as you. Spirituality is a big thing for couples–it can unite them like nothing else. I know so many couples who are happily married because they believe in the same God, the same purpose in life, the same deep feelings about their existence.
Conversely, couples who battle over the questions of life just do not have the same loving romance. A girl who’s right for you doesn’t necessarily have to believe in the same religious principles and dogmas as you, but if she’s an atheist and you’re a Christian, things may not work out long-term.

She wants to spend as much time with you as with her own friends and family. This may seem like an obvious one, but so many guys fawn over girls who only see them on THEIR schedule. If a girl is really right for you, you shouldn’t have to obsess over her or ask her permission to see her. You should both WANT to see each other and miss being with one another–that’s a sign that you’re both in love.

You both share the same feelings for another. If you know deep in your heart that you want to marry her and spend the rest of your life with her, but she’s non-committal and vague, then you should certainly move on. A true, loving partner should accept you completely for who you are and what you feel.
On the other hand, if you both feel comfortable sharing feelings with each other, and she accepts the deep things that you reveal to her, then you’ve found a true catch!

You both make time for each other, even through work and school. Spending quality time with one another is crucial. If your girl is always at her job, concentrating on her career, or studying for a degree, and not making an effort to be with you, then it’s time to move on. True love knows no bounds–including time. While it’s great to have a girl who’s serious about her career and education, this can also be a relationship-breaker if she takes either too seriously.

Money and possessions are not as important as love. This is a simple one: If your girl only talks about possessions and money, if that’s where her true values lie, then you might want to back out of the relationship. Every girl wants good things in life, but if she really loves you, then how much you make and how much you give her shouldn’t be #1 on her priority list.

You both are able to put each other ahead of yourselves. This can be the make or break of a relationship. If she’s willing to do things for you, sacrifice time with her friends or time at work to be with you and make you meals, then you’ve found yourself a winner. However, if she’s always cancelling dates, spending more time with her friends than with you, and never gets you any gifts or acts of service, then you’ve found yourself a bitch. Move on. When she treats herself more important than you, then you’re heading towards disaster.

In the end, you want a girl who can you be you around, and know that you’re valued by her night and day. If you’re in a relationship now that you want to be more serious, ask yourself if the woman you’re with fulfills these 10 requirements. And if you’re looking for love, don’t get too far into it unless you really feel that the girl treats you right.

And remember: There’s a big difference between “The One” who’s right for you…and “The One” who will become your biggest nightmare!

That’s all for now. Tell me if you can think of any other ways you know she’s right for you. I’d love to hear your opinion!

IMHO, all sexual RS, including BY-ing n marriage, are "business" transactions. In fact, all human interactions are considered "business" or "commercial" transactions in the broad sense. You love ur son n he loves u. If u abandon him, see how much he will love u. A good example: The late Steve Jobs n his biological father.

The reason is very simple. All particles n forces in our known universe must follow the physical laws of nature. Action n reaction are equal n opposite...

Therefore, be relaxed, confident, positive n happy now, every minute, everyday. And you will attract a lot of...everything hahaha.

Have a wonderful day.

Bro WB

24-11-2014, 08:18 AM
Bro WB,

"BUT, he must convey to her that he DGAD if she leaves n that he'll walk away if his boundaries r violated. It will be her big loss n she knows he has many options.

He doesn't care what she thinks/says/does or what others think/say/do because he is so confident, so comfortable in his own skin n has such great self mastery that he is totally detached from from any one female n from any outcome n life.

Such a MAN is very, very rare n will be extremely attractive to most females."

Such an alpha male is indeed a rare and cherished species.
Reminds me of Sean Connery ... "My name is Bond, James Bond."

In real life however, lesser mortals like us (and even some seasoned players) would find it extremely difficult to control our emotions when we ultimately meet our match - "the One". On the surface, a guy may seem DGAD, but inside his heart is hurting with the vivid memories of good ole days. Perhaps women fare better at the third of 3Fs (Forget) than men ?

Bro city slicker,

Real self confidence, emotional control n self mastery are very difficult to achieve.

A man can be super rich or is a real life prince or even an emperor of China largely on account of luck and/or inheritance. Such a high status man may hv little self confidence n self mastery. And he is often frustrated, insecure, anxious, fearful, unhappy n angry. I would say the First Emperor of China was such a man haha.

Women n men r very similar. Foreign WLs who come to SG only want money n are very difficult to KC.

A man who is hurting inside is not one who really DGAD. Deep down, he is lacking in self confidence n emotional control and is pretending to be mentally tough, dominant n manly. He is a fake alpha n he has been KC-ed by the "Special One." I'm sorry to say that he is a pathetic loser, at least as far as she is concerned hahaha.


This is true, I have seen people who don't give a dam to any women he met, basically, after enjoying, eventually will develop into different excuse for not being good enough for him. We can easily said "his boundary being violated" because the woman do not want to be master by him, which now a day very little women want to be a slave.

In fact inside him is full of regret and emptiness.

I have also seen women changing partners like changing cloth.

I guess it takes two hands to clap.

Bro a2014,

If a man is full of "regret and emptiness," he is not one who DGAD. He is a pretender. He needs to develop real emotional strength n self mastery asap.

BTW, healthy women hv very strong libido n they love to hv sex w/ the right man.


Bro wb,

The author has an end game or goal which he may worked all his life to achieve the state of confidence. Not everyone may achieve it. But what he wrote still useful as a guide though how is applied may differ from each person. His level of self awareness is very high to be able to achieve what he wrote.

In end boils to one's goal or aim reinforced by confidence and even money.

I seen people super success in work but craps in relationship. So best to know what you want and do within one's means. Too many threads of people became burnt, bitter or vengeful. People will always blame everything, but sometimes good to reflect back, learn from it and move on. We cannot go back in time to right wrongs.

My philosophy hence is mistakes only make one wiser and stronger. And set goals within possible reach. Dun ask for sky and fall flat to earth.

Just my thoughts from my experience in work and leisure.

Bro damong777,

Tks for sharing.

IMHO, most emperors of China had failed RS haha.


Top notch advice there.

Bro sniper968,

Pls act on the advice n tell us how well you're doing.


Bro WB


Good morning!

I just received a PM from a bro.


Hi bro,

I've been reading your thread and I must say its a pretty good read.

I'm quite recent to this game and recently visited china dolls. I caught my eyes on some of the singers. Out of curiosity, do they allow BY and how do you nego with them?

Is it an upfront thing that you speak with this girls or you have to build chemistry.

What you've been writing on PVOs I must say is very intriguing

Best Regards,



Hi bro XXX,

I hv very limited experience w/ singers while they r still on active duty here in SG. There r many very experienced bros who could answer ur questions.

This much I know. These girls r here to make as much money as possible n as soon as possible. Most of them can be BY-ed if ur price is right.

Connecting n building rapport w/ them can only help. But you must be sexual n let them know you want their pussies asap. Don't waste time n money. Show them you DGAD what they think/say/do n you can walk away anytime...

Don't forget to bring good condoms. You also need time to monitor her activities. If u don't want her to work, negotiate w/ the HFJ n "buy all her hrs" n BY her.

If they demand a lot, it's cheaper for u to import pretty SYTs directly from PRC for ur private pleasure. There r many MILFs too...if that is ur cup of tea.

Good luck,

Bro WB

04-12-2014, 03:48 AM
Good morning!

I just received this email from a well respected guru on The Great Equalizer.

Hey Bro Warbird,

I don't know about you, but from
time to time, I get unfocused during
the day.

I'll stumble upon a video on YouTube
or an article, and then read or watch
another one and--BOOM--I found that
I just lost an hour, if not more.

It's very insidious and very vicious.

There are people out there spending
billions to steal our focus so that we
can see their ads and messages.

TV is the epitome of this.

The average American watches 151
hours of TV per month

You can literally become an expert
on virtually any topic in that time.

You can get in shape or even learn
new valuable skills that could advance
your career or business.

Life is short and we should be
conscious of how we use our time.

Little adjustment in the way you use
your time can make a HUGE difference
over 1, 3, 5, and 10 years.

Don't take it lightly.

We're all different, but we ALL have
24 hours.

Time is the great equalizer.

Make the most of it.

Have an amazing day!


He is right!

Life is unpredictable n very brief.

I hv friends, colleagues n relatives who passed on in their teens, 20s, 30s, 40s n 50s...many unexpectedly. Others had crippling injuries and/or disabilities. How do u like to be a paraplegic at 29 (my paternal uncle's son in Fujian) or a quadriplegic at 26 (a friend's son in Gotham City)

Anyone who is alive at this moment could be next...dead or severely crippled.

The reason is simple. The particles n energy that form a living person is unstable n is subject to all the forces in this universe. Every minute of being alive is a miracle.

I'm thankful every minute.

I'm learning n improving myself in every way, every minute, everyday.

I constantly repeat to myself: I accept and I'm grateful for whatever is happening in my life at this moment. I'm relaxed, confident, positive n happy NOW, every minute, everyday, forever...

I like to invest as if I would live forever n I like to live as if I would die tomorrow.

Have a great day!!

Bro WB

04-12-2014, 11:10 AM
Master Warbird

Every time i read your writings, i feel great to learn from a master.

We should meet soon.

07-12-2014, 02:55 AM
Master Warbird

Every time i read your writings, i feel great to learn from a master.

We should meet soon.

Bro ahpui99,

I'm a diligent n determined learner, not a master.

Even a MAN w/ the best masculine character traits n awesome self mastery will be rejected by some girls/women. And there are women who will never be emotionally and sexually addicted to him haha. Of course it means nothing to him as he is totally detached from anyone or any event.

We shall meet soon.


Bro WB

15-12-2014, 10:43 AM
Good morning!

I'm back.

What I'm going to write could appear incredulous n counterintuitive to all bros here.

I'm writing this because of a recent event. Just days ago I had a good chat w/ a very successful lady man who is also a rich towkay. He is completely clueless abt attraction!!

I hv yet to meet a MAN who truly understands what women want, and who actually can take full advantage of it, because he truly believes it, consciously and SUBCONSCIOUSLY. Not what women think or say they want, but what their brains are hard wired to crave, as this is in their genes after over 100,000 yrs of evolution...something that they themselves may be totally unaware of.

There are some men who hv read abt a little bit of this here n there, over the yrs, but they are not breathing n living it, especially when they find themselves in stressful situations that really matter. Why? Because their subconscious minds don't believe it n can't accept it...due to social/cultural/religious conditioning...one major pitfall for men is to assume that women are the same as men. How many times hv u been given advice by ur mom or older female relatives that u should be NICE to a "good girl" n treat her like a princess?

Many people are utterly confused. Just one example. Even though women are sexually extremely attracted to a man w/ deep voice n facial scars n awesome emotional strength for short term affairs, especially during ovulation, they may end up marrying effeminate nice guys who hv better jobs n are wealthier. For a stable meal ticket, for them n their future kids. But they will cheat on their husbands, sooner or later, unless you know what...or they will be feeling empty n miserable. You can write this down.

I hv a sad confession to make. Even though I hv consciously known what women want for some time, my subconscious mind n inner beliefs are not fully aligned w/ my conscious mind n desires yet. I still make mistakes n fxk up sometimes...I need to redouble my efforts to continue to reprogram my mind.


Bro WB

15-12-2014, 11:01 AM
Good morning! I'm back. What I'm going to write could appear incredulous n counterintuitive to all bros here. I'm writing this because of a recent event. Just days ago I had a good chat w/ a very successful lady man who is also a rich towkay. He is completely clueless abt attraction!! I hv yet to meet a MAN who truly understands what women want, and who actually can take full advantage of it, because he truly believes it, consciously and SUBCONSCIOUSLY. Not what women think or say they want, but what their brains are hard wired to crave, as this is in their genes after over 100,000 yrs of evolution...something that they themselves may be totally unaware of. There are some men who hv read abt a little bit of this here n there, over the yrs, but they are not breathing n living it, especially when they find themselves in stressful situations that really matter. Why? Because their subconscious minds don't believe it n can't accept it...due to social/cultural/religious conditioning...one major pitfall for men is to assume that women are the same as men. How many times hv u been given advice by ur mom or older female relatives that u should be NICE to a "good girl" n treat her like a princess? Many people are utterly confused. Just one example. Even though women are sexually extremely attracted to a man w/ deep voice n facial scars n awesome emotional strength for short term affairs, especially during ovulation, they may end up marrying effeminate nice guys who hv better jobs n are wealthier. For a stable meal ticket, for them n their future kids. But they will cheat on their husbands, sooner or later, unless you know what...or they will be feeling empty n miserable. You can write this down. I hv a sad confession to make. Even though I hv consciously known what women want for some time, my subconscious mind n inner beliefs are not fully aligned w/ my conscious mind n desires yet. I still make mistakes n fxk up sometimes...I need to redouble my efforts to continue to reprogram my mind. Cheers! Bro WB

Hi Bro Warbird,

What will you recommend if not to treat then nicely?

15-12-2014, 10:02 PM
I hv a sad confession to make. Even though I hv consciously known what women want for some time, my subconscious mind n inner beliefs are not fully aligned w/ my conscious mind n desires yet. I still make mistakes n fxk up sometimes...I need to redouble my efforts to continue to reprogram my mind.


Bro WB

Every experience we have made us better; but in end, we can change how we think and behave but never the core personality.

There is always a conscious persona and unconscious persona. Conscious persona is when we know what we weak at and get better at it. For example, if your job require public speaking, your brain would work towards it by going for courses and practices. That is usually what we can control

The scary part is the real us which is our unconscious persona. Some people apparently have good temperament; but actually is their conscious persona which we are seeing and when they blow, they blow. That is their real behavior. Another example, is the reason why some people have different behaviors at work and home is due to our conscious and unconscious mind.

One need to understand the working of the brain to get to that state of being able to control what we do...a lifetime of upgrades to our processor

just sharing my thoughts on the matter.:D

15-12-2014, 10:03 PM
Hi Bro Warbird,

What will you recommend if not to treat then nicely?

I think bro wb is trying to say do you know what the gal wants in the first place? If you do, then whether do you treat them nicely or badly, you will have a hold over her. This is not easy.

24-12-2014, 11:10 AM
Hi Bro Warbird,

What will you recommend if not to treat then nicely?

Hi bro ahpui99,

Great question!

No time to answer this topic fully. I know it is confusing to a lot of men n women...

Suffice to say that, if you're a dominant man w/ great emotional strength/self mastery, and you believe in your subconscious mind, that u hv higher sexual n social value, then you can treat any girls nicely n sometimes not so nicely...they will still be very attracted to u.

I'll elaborated on this fascinating subject when I hv time.


Every experience we have made us better; but in end, we can change how we think and behave but never the core personality.

There is always a conscious persona and unconscious persona................................
One need to understand the working of the brain to get to that state of being able to control what we do...a lifetime of upgrades to our processor

just sharing my thoughts on the matter.:D

Hi bro damong777,

I greatly appreciate ur sharing.

I think bro wb is trying to say do you know what the gal wants in the first place? If you do, then whether do you treat them nicely or badly, you will have a hold over her. This is not easy.

Hi bro damong777,

Very true,

But what a woman is attracted to and what she wants may not be the same, consciously n subconsciously!

Let me make it clearer:

What kind of man is attractive to women?

Consciously: ............................

Subconsciously: ...........................

What do women want from a man?

Consciously: ............................

Subconsciously: ...........................

The SECRET is to ignore their conscious minds n focus solely on their subconscious minds...

There r some individual n ethnic/cultural differences, but generally speaking, all women r very, very similar, especially at the subconscious level where it really matters.


Bro WB

.................................................. .......

Merry Christmas n Happy New Year to everyone!

Bro WB

26-12-2014, 01:58 AM
does anyone know of a girl called winnie in tiananmen?

26-12-2014, 10:13 PM
Good morning!

I'm back.

What I'm going to write could appear incredulous n counterintuitive to all bros here.

I'm writing this because of a recent event. Just days ago I had a good chat w/ a very successful lady man who is also a rich towkay. He is completely clueless abt attraction!!

I hv yet to meet a MAN who truly understands what women want, and who actually can take full advantage of it, because he truly believes it, consciously and SUBCONSCIOUSLY. Not what women think or say they want, but what their brains are hard wired to crave, as this is in their genes after over 100,000 yrs of evolution...something that they themselves may be totally unaware of.

There are some men who hv read abt a little bit of this here n there, over the yrs, but they are not breathing n living it, especially when they find themselves in stressful situations that really matter. Why? Because their subconscious minds don't believe it n can't accept it...due to social/cultural/religious conditioning...one major pitfall for men is to assume that women are the same as men. How many times hv u been given advice by ur mom or older female relatives that u should be NICE to a "good girl" n treat her like a princess?

Many people are utterly confused. Just one example. Even though women are sexually extremely attracted to a man w/ deep voice n facial scars n awesome emotional strength for short term affairs, especially during ovulation, they may end up marrying effeminate nice guys who hv better jobs n are wealthier. For a stable meal ticket, for them n their future kids. But they will cheat on their husbands, sooner or later, unless you know what...or they will be feeling empty n miserable. You can write this down.

I hv a sad confession to make. Even though I hv consciously known what women want for some time, my subconscious mind n inner beliefs are not fully aligned w/ my conscious mind n desires yet. I still make mistakes n fxk up sometimes...I need to redouble my efforts to continue to reprogram my mind.


Bro WB

Dear warbird

I share your beliefs. Let's hang out together sometime next year. Keep me updated of your next session.

30-12-2014, 11:24 AM
does anyone know of a girl called winnie in tiananmen?

Bro assky,

Describe her n I'll call several mummies to search for her.

Dear warbird

I share your beliefs. Let's hang out together sometime next year. Keep me updated of your next session.

Dear bro doclove,

Thanks for ur support.

Give me ur HP no if u want to join my outings.


.................................................. .........

Good morning!

A certain bro A read my post in which I alluded to the fact that "I still make mistakes n fxk up sometimes," he advised me to "just enjoy the moment" n "no need to be so hard on yourself."

Actually, my "mistakes n fxk up" were times when I was interacting w/ girls of my type, I forgot momentarily that I WAS the grand prize n they should be begging me to make love to them.

There were also occasions when a mistress/er nai/lover/GF asked for a favour or a gift, which I deemed slightly unreasonable, but I didn't say no immediately or felt a bit uncomfortable while saying no...these brief lapses were reflected in my voice tonality, eye contact n body language...my attraction level as a MAN just plummeted.

My unacceptable reactions are indications that sometimes I still care abt what others think/say or do. And that my subconscious mind is not completely aligned w/ my conscious desires.

In a way I'm very happy as I hv a lot of room for improvement haha. It would be a very sad day when I realize I can't improve anymore. Then life would hv little meaning for me...

"Enjoying the moment" is to live in the present moment or mindfulness.

Me: I'm not hard on myself...I'm improving everyday.
Bro A: Just let it come naturally.
Me: Changing the subconscious mind doesn't come naturally...
If I can't admit I still hv occasional lapses, how could I move to much higher levels?
It's not abt women only, It's abt enlightenment n achieving absolute self mastery... like the MAN in the poem "IF"............................................

BTW, I hv been obsessed w/ getting my type of women to become emotionally n sexually addicted to me. I hv read EVERY article n research paper on this subject which I could find, both in Chinese n English, in the past several yrs, including ancient Taoist texts...

Let me give u a simple outline of what I hv learned.

You must know what women truly want and u must know what u want from them. This knowledge is vital.

Then you must know how to unscramble their minds n then control their minds...so that u will control their pussies. This is also known as a sexual switch or shift. They must view you as the grand prize. They need to chase u n fight to get u. You are the dominant MAN w/ awesome masculine confidence, sexual mojo, emotional strength n self mastery. They will become submissive to you n only you, inside n outside the bedroom.

You also need to work very hard n work very smart to achieve your goals. It's not easy n doesn't come naturally.

Last but not least, you must give them PVOs, again n again n again...

Actually, it's very tough, like training to be a Navy Seal. Fortunately, it's mostly mental n psychological n only partly physical. But you must at least be physically fit.

It helps greatly if your weight IS ideal for ur height...It improves ur health n stamina for prolonged love making. Another important point, if you don't even hv the little emotional discipline n self mastery to achieve this simple goal of ideal body weight, you are unlikely to achieve much of anything else, including getting your type of women addicted to you. Sorry, I need to be very blunt on this point.

Sounds easy, yeah?

Good luck!

Bro WB

02-01-2015, 11:31 AM
Happy New Year!

It's my civic duty to warn all bro/sis abt the health risks of binge drinking.


New Year's shots may trash your immune system

Bill Briggs
12 Hours Ago
NBC News

Binge drinkers beware: that big hangover headed your way reveals only a fraction of the physical damage you will weather.

Fresh research shows that young, healthy adults who toss down four to five shots of alcohol in a 20-minute span dangerously muzzle their immune systems — a timely warning for New Year's Eve revelers who plan to party hard.

Evidence of a potentially hazardous drop in the body's infection-fighting, wound-healing power shows up in binge drinkers' blood steams just two hours after they downed their barrage of shots, according to researchers at the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine.

"When a lot of people think of harmful patterns of drinking, they think of people who are alcoholics or daily heavy drinkers," said the lead author, Dr. Majid Afshar, a pulmonologist, critical care physician and epidemiologist at Loyola.

"But the study makes the point that one episode of this type of drinking can certainly be disruptive in your immune system and potentially lead to problems," Afshar said.

Those problems? A higher risk of pneumonia and infection. In addition, people who sustain alcohol-involved injuries may experience slower healing of fractures plus poor responses to blood transfusions and resuscitations, past studies have shown.

And the immune system's post-binge deterioration — detected in a slew of cells critical to maintaining health and proper healing — "stayed persistent at five hours after peak intoxication," Afshar said.

Afshar led the study while at the University of Maryland, where he completed a fellowship below joining Loyola. The findings were published online in the journal Alcohol.

To get a closer look at the body's descent after swallowing a flurry of shots, Afshar and his team assembled 15 volunteers for a scientific bender.

The eight women and seven men, with a median age of 27, each gulped enough vodka-and-seltzer cocktails — generally four to five drinks each, containing one part vodka, four parts seltzer — to meet the definition of binge drinking. (A 1.5-ounce shot of vodka is the alcohol equivalent of a 5-ounce glass of wine or 12-ounce can of beer.)

Researchers took blood samples from the volunteers at 20 minutes, two hours and five hours. Intoxicated patients are known typically to arrive at trauma centers for treatment of alcohol-fueled injuries two to five hours after they reach peak intoxication.

In an unexpected twist, blood samples checked 20 minutes into the experiment showed the subjects' immune systems had actually geared up, with higher levels of three types of white blood cells: leukocytes, monocytes and natural killer cells. The researchers also noted increased amounts of proteins called cytokines that signal the immune system to work harder.

But "at two hours, we started to see an opposite effect," Afshar said.

By that hour, the volunteer's blood samples each showed fewer circulating monocytes and natural killer cells and higher levels of different types of cytokines that signal the immune system to become less active.

Researchers carefully selected their 15 study participants based on their ages to best reflect societal trends. One in six U.S. adults binge drinks roughly four times a month, and binge drinking is more common in young adults aged 18 to 34, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The study was funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), and by the University of Maryland.

The findings offer a stark reminder that alcoholic overindulgence, even once, can carry bad consequences, said George Koob, director of the NIAAA, part of the National Institutes of Health.

"While it is well known that excessive alcohol use can lead to traumatic injury and the behavioral and physiological pathology associated with addiction," Koob said, "studies like this help us understand that even a single binge drinking episode can have detrimental effects on our immune system."

The NIAAA just published a holiday-themed consumer fact sheet about excessive drinking.

Their tips include: "Pace yourself. Know what constitutes a standard drink and have no more than one per hour."

And this: "Have 'drink spacers' — make every other drink a nonalcoholic one."

I'm a teetotaller. I only drink warm mineral water n organic goji juice.

IMHO, there is nothing manly in drinking huge quantities of liquor or alcoholic beverages within a short time. It's an insecure, immature n addictive behaviour. It is an indication of very poor emotional strength n self mastery. If your friends n your girls r impressed, they r not worth impressing.

Could self inflicted destruction of one's liver n immune system be manly n attractive?


Bro WB

04-01-2015, 10:44 PM
Good morning!

Bro ahpui99 asked me "What will you recommend if not to treat then nicely?"

I replied that "no time to answer this topic fully. I know it is confusing to a lot of men n women..."

"Suffice to say that, if you're a dominant man w/ great emotional strength/self mastery, and you believe in your subconscious mind, that u hv higher sexual n social value, then you can treat any girls nicely n sometimes not so nicely...they will still be very attracted to u."

You don't need to be a jerk or "bad boy" to be very successful w/ women. The secret is to be a gentleman w/ the POSITIVE traits of a "bad boy" sans his NEGATIVE traits. By being THE MAN w/ dominance, masculine confidence, sexual mojo n emotional strength/self mastery. You're the grand prize. The prettiest n highest quality women will flock to you. No "bad boy" can ever hope to compete w/ u.

When I started BY-ing girls over 5 1/2 yrs ago, I was an apparent "nice guy" in many ways, but not completely, as I could be very sexual n tough in some areas. How could I be a "nice guy" when I would ask every girl of my type, after meeting for a few minutes, 做爱多少钱? 多少都不行? 那我包养你. I was really a closet jerk pretending to be a "nice guy" because I wrongly thought that girls would like me more. I hv been shedding the negative traits of both "jerk" n "good guy." It's in progress. 我是一个非常复杂的动物哈哈.

There hv been many books n articles written on why "nice guys" are such losers to women. I happened to read a few chapters on the subject this morning. It's written by a well known guru. I'll share some of the more important points here.

Simply put, women are REPELLED by “nice guys”.

When I say repelled, it MEAN it. I am NOT exaggerating.

It’s kind of a sad fact of life, but it’s ONE HUNDRED PERCENT TRUE. Women equate “nice-ness” with INFERIORITY.

Women are attracted to masculinity, which embodies strength and power. Being NICE is synonymous with HAVING NO POWER.

When you are nice, you send the message “I have no power” to a woman. Which means, to her, that you are giving all the power away, to her!

A “nice” example of a horrifying self-inflicted wound is when a man tells a woman he hardly knows that he loves her. This is NOT attractive, for she feels she has the power over such a man.

Women cannot feel attraction for men who need them, or for any man who exudes weakness in any form. “Niceness” is basically a kamikaze act, a suicide to your future with her.

Well, it is a fact. Women don’t like nice guys. Women don’t usually like abuse, and I’ll show you how to be successful without being a real jerk, but get this through your head one more time:

Women don’t only “not like” nice guys...

Women are REVOLTED by them.

But I assure you, it is good and natural to be more “bad” with women. Being “nice” makes women feel guilty and inhibited about sharing their “sinful” sexuality with a “nice” asexual guy like you.

“Nice” is fake. Masculine is real. Masculine is sexy.

Being nice is weak. It ensures you pander to women, in the hope maybe they will give you sex. It is repulsive.

Ironically, “nice guys” wonder as they complain, “I don’t know what happened. I was so NICE to her, I treated her so WELL. I was everything for her. I took her places, I bought her things, I LOVED her. I told her I loved her a thousand times. I never looked at other girls,” etc.

Yet it was actually this “niceness” itself that ruined everything!

“Bad Guys” used to be the only ones who knew this. They snickered to themselves as they watched nice guys get shot down by hot women who were bored to death of compliments and ass kissing. These women had no reservations about rejecting the nice guy for a bad guy and having sex with the bad guy on the very first night.

And of course, these women complained about the “jerk” that dumped them for another woman the very next day. And the “jerks” laughed even harder at this, because they knew she wouldn’t change a bit, and that she would fall for another jerk, again and again.

Well, no more.

I'm going to really stick it to the “Bad Guys” by teaching good guys every damn little secret that bad guys already know.

And you won’t even have to be a jerk. Think of it as my contribution for world justice.

There is another reason why being “nice” is such a calamity, and why being the dominant, alpha male, known as THE MAN, is so crucial.

Not only are women attracted to the sexy masculinity of THE MAN, but women are forced to be suspicious of whatever good feelings they can muster for a “nice” guy.

Sounds crazy? Not really. Here’s why: “Nice guys” unknowingly instill resistance in women by being so good.

When a guy is “NICE” to a woman, then even in the rare case where she may feel desire for him, she will interpret her desire as NOT BEING DESIRE. Rather, she will interpret her feeling as “debt”, or “guilt”.

She will think she is only feeling emotion because she owes the guy, or that she feels sorry for him. In other words, she will be convinced that she feels no real DESIRE.

Whereas, if a guy is a typical jerk, she thinks the guy’s very “jerkiness” is the proof of his sexiness.

After all, the jerk doesn’t even TRY to impress her, so he must be so sexy that he doesn’t need to try! She then feels no guilt, no debt, and no pity. And if she feels ANYTHING, then whatever she feels will be interpreted as RAW, UNADULTERATED, PURE DESIRE.

And the more he acts like a jerk, the more he reinforces her desire, through the following never-ending cycle of “chick” logic: She becomes convinced her desire is pure, that it is her who loves jerko, because it surely isn’t jerko who needs her! And if jerko is so “un-needy” that he can actually continue to be such a jerk, it must be because he is so desirable that he can get away with it.

This makes her desire for him even greater, and as she shows him this desire, he (as a jerk) makes sure to NEVER reciprocate, which makes him seem even sexier because most guys would kiss her ass at this point. She, of course, then desires him even more, and so on and so forth...

Do you get it? If not, read it again, it’s crucial.

This phenomenon is known as Cognitive Dissonance, first expounded by professor of psychology Leon Festinger in 1957. What it means is that humans seek inner harmony, also known as CONGRUENCY.

We don’t want resistance and conflicting ideas in our head. It doesn’t feel good. So we explain our behaviors, and feelings so they seem congruent. Cognitive Dissonance is very powerful stuff. A woman simply will not feel DESIRE for a man if she has reason to think it’s actually a feeling of debt or guilt.
(To Be Continued)

07-01-2015, 07:32 PM
On the other hand, if a man does not give a woman any reason to suspect her own desire, she will trust her feelings and believe it is desire.

In order to ensure that a woman does not question her own feelings, and does not doubt your sexiness and desirability, you must NOT buy her things, do her favors, kiss her ass with compliments, or be submissive in any way.

As a matter of fact, always make it clear to a woman that you do EVERYTHING on YOUR terms, not hers. For example, even if she asks you to kiss her, make sure you don’t. Don’t start an argument either. Rather, keep cool, sly, and in control by telling her something like “I’m not done hugging you”. After hugging her, you can choose to kiss her or not.

The point is that EVERYTHING is under YOUR will and power.

If you stay clear of all forms of kissing up, then she will be forced to know that it is HERSELF who has come up with these feelings of lust for you. You must apply this concept all the time with women, forever. Even smiling too much can be a sign of you seeking her approval. Don’t do it.





Second worst, don’t tell her “You’re so beautiful”. Or anything like that.

Most guys tell an attractive woman that they love her, or they comment on her beauty, way too soon. Or they just kiss up to her in a million other ways- it’s NEVER justified.

Saying, “I love you”, before at least knowing a woman for a few months, makes you look desperate and it makes you look stupid.

How can you love someone you barely know?

She knows what you really mean is that you lust her.

That means she is in control.

This also takes away all the positive sexual tension that could have worked to your benefit had you NOT given over all the power.

You have given her the entire deck of cards, so to speak.

THE MAN is confident in his own sexual worth, and does not say things like “I love you” for at least a few months.

And even after this period, when a woman has shown she is worthy of love, he does not become a geek and start kissing her ass with frequent compliments and statements of “I love you”.

Kissing up to women makes you your own worst enemy. It makes you look like an inferior who has to kiss ass to get love. It’s also unoriginal: Every guy already kisses her ass- she doesn’t want another ass-kisser!

Let’s say you’re at a bar or wherever, and you decide to sit beside some woman. Don’t project that you are trying to get her approval. For example, don’t even face her with your body. You can turn your head, but when you talk to her, don’t even turn your body UNTIL she shows you some good feedback, or gives a good smile, etc.

In other words, when with a woman, show that you are not under her spell.

Common ways to show you are NOT under her thumb are NOT smiling much, not getting excited when she talks to you, not giving her your ultra- focused attention, playfully teasing her, and my favorite is...

Letting her know that she must pass YOUR standards.

Not only does this eliminate her potential inner resistance, but it also makes you appear HIGHLY IN DEMAND by other women.

You can combine the concepts of not being a “nice guy”, and cognitive dissonance, in the bedroom:

When a woman initially performs a type of sex that you enjoy, such as oral sex, don’t jump to telling her “I love this”, or she will think she is doing it FOR YOU, and not because SHE enjoys doing it for you. Instead, ask her “Do you like sucking on my cock?” If she is in the heat of the moment, she might very well answer “Yes”. You can then go on to say “Tell me how much you like sucking on my cock”, and she might very well TELL you. And then, she will later THINK to herself, “I actually DO like SUCKING HIS COCK!”

All in order to preserve inner harmony.

Another example of combining these elements would be regarding a sexual treat you want a woman to perform that she may be uneasy about. Tell her “Just pretend to do it, and tell me how much you enjoy doing it. Pretend.”

By pretending, she will still PSYCHOLOGICALLY experience the act.

And if she is PRETENDING that she IS enjoying it, then she actually IS enjoying the act psychologically. And because she will want to match her actions with her current thoughts and feelings, there is a much higher chance that she will then DO THE ACTION for real, and enjoy it!

Is this manipulation? No, because if she really didn’t want to, she wouldn’t. You’re just helping her eliminate artificial resistance.

Anytime you ask a woman to do something for you, you’re back to ass- kissing behavior. To her, it means you are politely asking for something, because you don’t believe she really wants to do it for you on her own. And women interpret your “asking” as you not being worthy of her wanting to do it out of her own desire.

Better to help her realize it’s HER pleasure as well.

In general, by not kissing a woman’s ass, you show that it is in her interest to try to build rapport with YOU, and that you do not need to get on your knees to build rapport with HER!

Remember that women are not your guy buddies. With guy buddies, you don’t have to prove much. You don’t have to prove that you are THE MAN. (Although you should never be a “pushover” anywhere.)


Women want to feel that their desire for a man is CARNAL. They do not want to feel that their desire stems from “I owe him”. “I owe him” is weak and pathetic. CARNAL is overwhelming.

Picking up girls is really one of the easiest things on earth once you understand that women WANT MASCULINE MEN very badly. They want MEN, not effeminate ass-kissing creatures!

Women want to have wild sex with real men.

It’s that simple. Once you realize that, your world will change.

Every time that you catch yourself thinking that women like “nice guys”, get this image into your mind: Women at a strip club (where the men strip), including hot women and girls, who don’t need to be there since they could get plenty of men easily.

These women are horny, yelling, screaming their heads off, getting loaded and trying to grope these naked men.

Are you going to tell me that you believe women when they say they go just for fun?

As if it was non-sexual fun?
Well, let me tell you something: Women are SEXUAL, LUSTING


And if they met a masculine man, they wouldn’t have to go to strip clubs to get a fantasy of one. Real men are tough, and DON’T DO FAVOURS for women to get their approval. Remember, being nice is ugly, and it also creates resistance.

Instead, just enjoy the greatest privilege that comes with being a man: TAKE CHARGE AND DON’T GIVE A DAMN WHAT WOMEN SAY.


Nice guys are always doing what women say, and women despise this weak behavior. If a girl ever calls you a jerk, breathe a sigh of relief. Casually reply, “Thanks for the compliment.” Show you don’t give a damn what she thinks. (Besides, it is a compliment since women love it!)

No comments or criticisms? Could this "guru" be completely wrong?


Bro WB

08-01-2015, 10:44 AM
Wow, interesting sharing. I guess to certain extend it is applicable to woman as well. When both parties have the same practice, whoever serious first will be the loser :D

Interestingly I find women who don't kiss ass to be more attractive as they sounds confident which make me believe they are superior of coz, they should be superior in reality, it just reinforce my believe.

11-01-2015, 10:34 AM
Wow, interesting sharing. I guess to certain extend it is applicable to woman as well. When both parties have the same practice, whoever serious first will be the loser :D

Interestingly I find women who don't kiss ass to be more attractive as they sounds confident which make me believe they are superior of coz, they should be superior in reality, it just reinforce my believe.

Hi bro Korean,

I appreciate ur opinion.

Yes, it's a 2-way street.

The person who cares least controls the RS. If a man doesn't hv dominant power in a RS, the girl will find him repulsive n leave him or cheat on him. Isn't life cruel? Don't blame the girl. She is not a bad girl, she is merely hard wired by evolution to behave this way.

Even though men r primarily attracted to a girl's looks n figure, many men fall for a girl they find physically unattractive n definitely NOT their type. Using local vernacular I must say they got KC-ed, but the actual fact is that their minds got scrambled by the girl. Unintentionally n randomly...because I don't believe these girls r trained experts in mind warfare.

We must master the art n practice of how to scramble the minds of very attractive girls of our type. Then give them PVO n make them emotionally n sexually addicted to us. We must make sure our women don't cheat on us. Otherwise we will get STDs n raise kids who r fathered by other men. No, men r not bad. We r hard wired by evolution to behave this way.

The prerequisite is to hv awesome emotional mastery...


Bro WB

19-01-2015, 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by halogen019 View Post
Thanks bros for the reply. Glad I didn't go see her in TAM that time. If not my pocket would have burnt a huge hole.

Bros who are interested to know who is the ex FL can PM me.

Bro halogen019,

How much did u pay her for one shot? Ask her how much she is charging now? I bet it's a lot more.


Bro WB

Originally Posted by andyk View Post
Last nite when I arrived @ Tam Complex,from afar I first look for any WB & Rich Towkay chatting up gals @ the entrance of TAM...Nope only Two Mamasans seated there....Then next I look at the Lift lobby....Nope only Cheongsters rushing up and some babes arriving....And then later every time I went to LOO with my babes....I was hoping to see WB or even anyone near there ! Nope only the Indian Loo Guy outside !

On the Gals who were standing around there waiting for customers....most of the time...Mamasans will be competing by dragging several of them away to the rooms ! So that may be tough if any cheongster want to go there to chat them up....Sure U can chat them up...they are Only Interested if U want them or not ???

Last most of the Hot Babes were mostly on the 2/F booked by the famous David & Han....so it was good that we have a really good Mamasan who have already standby a few new pretty babes in our room before we arrived ! Woohoo ! Another Super Fun TGIF Nite again ! Tough selection because I prefer to enjoy only two babes each time ! And last nite both were really my type - tall,fair skinned,model like body,pretty face and most important - caring and entertaining !

PS - Please do not PM me for any KTV Outings ! It'll be better to follow this thread by WB for his future KTV Sessions !!! Thank U ! Enjoy !

Bro andyk,

Thanks so much for your detailed post. I didn't go Friday because I was just too tired.

I enjoy connecting w/ pretty girls of my type n I never limit myself to inside or just outside KTVs. When I catch sight of a girl I like, in any location anywhere in the world, I'll connect w/ her. If she has a man next to her, I'll say hello to him first. He may turn out to be her brother. Even if they are lovers, they may hv pretty sisters/friends to introduce me!


Bro WB

.................................................. ......

Hi kakis,

I hv an outing to TAM happy hour tomorrow Tuesday. Three bros have confirmed. Pls contact me asap.

I'll NOT bring a girl this time because a trusted bro says that quality has definitely improved in the last 2 wks.

Perhaps President Xi's draconian measures hv already resulted in a lot of unemployed pretty SYTs n er nai in China...if true, it's great news for all chiongsters as many will come over here. Isn't life wonderful?

In the near future I may even issue pink slips for all my current girls haha.

BTW, I'm thinking of changing the name of my thread "Picking up KTV girls outside KTVs" to "How to connect with pretty girls of your type and make them emotionally and sexually addicted to you."

Any comments n suggestions?


Bro WB

19-01-2015, 06:46 PM
BTW, I'm thinking of changing the name of my thread "Picking up KTV girls outside KTVs" to "How to connect with pretty girls of your type and make them emotionally and sexually addicted to you."

Bro WB, this thread has been very much associated with you, your adventures and your theories. Don't change its title, even if you think it might be misleading. This thread has a very nice history to it.

city slicker
19-01-2015, 10:25 PM
BTW, I'm thinking of changing the name of my thread "Picking up KTV girls outside KTVs" to "How to connect with pretty girls of your type and make them emotionally and sexually addicted to you." Any comments n suggestions?

Bro WB,
I feel this is entirely your prerogative. IMHO instead of re-titling the thread, another way is to start a second new thread. You have gone way beyond the scope as implied by the title of the original thread. By having two versions, we can enjoy and learn from the original as well as the new. Thanks :)

20-01-2015, 01:39 PM
The person who cares least controls the RS. If a man doesn't hv dominant power in a RS, the girl will find him repulsive n leave him or cheat on him. Isn't life cruel? Don't blame the girl. She is not a bad girl, she is merely hard wired by evolution to behave this way.

Totally agree. I find it extremely difficult to even show proper respect to men who gives in to the lady all the time. It is different being a gentleman and being dominant. One can be both.
This is what charms the lady.

22-01-2015, 07:30 PM
Hi, WB and all Bros how have you guys been? See the thread still going strong.

I Been off the scene for awhile due to health reason. Guess your talk about over drinking finally got me lol. Now i go for drinking session drinking green tea.... Anyway wish all bros happy 2015 and another good year ahead.

I will share more of my korea chick stories in a later while. Cheerios. :cool:

25-01-2015, 11:50 PM
Bro WB, this thread has been very much associated with you, your adventures and your theories. Don't change its title, even if you think it might be misleading. This thread has a very nice history to it.

Bro chenzong,

Tks for your opinion.


Bro WB,
I feel this is entirely your prerogative. IMHO instead of re-titling the thread, another way is to start a second new thread. You have gone way beyond the scope as implied by the title of the original thread. By having two versions, we can enjoy and learn from the original as well as the new. Thanks :)

Bro city slicker,

I would like to start a new thread if I can find time.


The person who cares least controls the RS. If a man doesn't hv dominant power in a RS, the girl will find him repulsive n leave him or cheat on him. Isn't life cruel? Don't blame the girl. She is not a bad girl, she is merely hard wired by evolution to behave this way.

Totally agree. I find it extremely difficult to even show proper respect to men who gives in to the lady all the time. It is different being a gentleman and being dominant. One can be both.
This is what charms the lady.

Ms Ladyrain,


It's refreshing to get feedback on one of my favourite topics from the perspective of a lady.

Yes, a dominant gentleman should be very charming to most ladies.

Would u like to comment on the addictive power of penetrative vaginal or copulatory orgasms from a female viewpoint? I'll present some scientific n medical evidence on this fascinating n controversial subject when I hv time.

Another related subject is female orgasmic (especially copulatory) vocalizations or 女人叫床淫声. I'm talking about the real deal, not the fake moans or screams we hear from FLs n GL gals.

My oldest mistress, aged 27, has been w/ me since 2009. She often has to supress her loud orgasmic vocalizations because we do it in her master bedroom in a private condo where there are tenants in other rooms. Instead, during continuous copulatory orgasms she would use her hands to grasp and clench me so tightly that I have bruises and even scratches/lacerations over my arms and back!! This is the only way she could reduce her loud screams to mere moaning.


Bro WB

Hi, WB and all Bros how have you guys been? See the thread still going strong.

I Been off the scene for awhile due to health reason. Guess your talk about over drinking finally got me lol. Now i go for drinking session drinking green tea.... Anyway wish all bros happy 2015 and another good year ahead.

I will share more of my korea chick stories in a later while. Cheerios. :cool:

Bro deathnitz,

Good to hear from u again. I'm very well, tks.

It's never too late to quit drinking completely. Green tea is good. I limit myself to mineral water, freshly squeezed orange n goji juice.

if you're a smoker, quit asap.

Pls share ur Korean chick stories.

Happy New Year!

Bro WB

.................................................. ........

Good evening!

Here is my reply to bro kthan10 on KTV outings in which I mentioned "pick up" of non-KTV girls/singers, posted recently on my other thread.

Originally Posted by kthan10 View Post
Great thread, Bro WB... Been following your thread for a few months and i am very impressed

Though I never been to such joints before... reading your posts seems like i am there as well... Hope I can join u in ur outings some day... Am a poor bloke so not sure if i can afford the expenses... Haha... Anyway good luck for your next outing!

Bro kthan10,

Tks for your interest n your encouragement. I hv learned a lot from all the bros here n from all the girls I hv met.

I welcome u to join my KTV outings. But if high damage is a concern, you can always connect w/ girls of your type practically anywhere, OUTSIDE KTVs. Don't limit yourself to KTV gals/singers.

It will a difficult challenge initially and time consuming. But the ultimate rewards could be amazing...that is what life is all about.

Meeting girls of your type in an ordinary setting, such as outside schools or in shopping centres will present a very different dynamics. Even if you're very wealthy you should never spend big money on them, at least initially. In fact, you should never, ever try to impress them. If you do, you will be perceived to hv low intrinsic n sexual value (to their subconscious minds). Instead, you should scramble their minds so that they will not stop thinking abt you...

The SECRET is not how you look or how much money you have, but how you feel and behave...because she feels what you feel. And you don't give a damn how she feels/thinks or does. There is NOTHING that she or anyone else can do or say that will affect you the slightest. This is crucial. You are very relaxed, confident, self-assured, very comfortable in your own skin, masculine, dominant, sexual, positive...no matter what happens, even under the most stressful and challenging situations.


Bro WB

28-01-2015, 05:45 AM
Hi WB, thanks for the advise and yup i am a non smoker too so all is good. Guess my blood issue got me bad for actually managing my alcohol level in my blood guess is life some things you can't control.

Something i notice is most SG guys seems to over hang them. good examples are my friends who can hang some of this KG from 5 to 10k in 1 night.....But end up no kill. Korea japan thai singapore viet taiwan hongkong or china they are all the same girls but again like i believe what WB have mention maybe is a way for my friends to boost their confidence. But usually for me if i wanna hang i make sure to try go for the kill. Anyway my total dmg on her just by hanging flowers is about total 2K quite similar to my ex KG. :P

Ok this K girl stats are University grad with very good spoken english 1.68m tall weight unknown lol she didn't wanna review, her... top natural 36 C abit sagging cause she don't wear bra when she sleeps (Seen it)...hehe, waist 26 butt 34. Looks quite similar to kim sa rang quite the sweet mature type of look. to be continue as i am tired and just got back from a green tea drinking session lol....:cool:

28-01-2015, 06:51 AM
Good afternoon!

My FR on the SYT KM.

On 21/5/2014:

"Four esteemed bros and I had a session at Golden Million, 2nd fl TAM Complex yesterday.

Two bros came soon after 7PM, two bros came after 9:15PM. I arrived at 7:30PM.

It was a good deal as we got a medium rm, from 7PM until 2:30AM for the price of one bttle of Martell, which was $498. Tip for mummy H was $80 because of her long hrs n extraordinary effort. Tip for two waiters $20.

Expense per pax was therefore $120, for HH n SH!!

Should've got another bro which would reduce the expense to $100 each.

Bro K had two gals, one for HH n one for SH. Both agreed to ST n he also had KIV for several gals who do ST. Bro D had a Taiwanese gal. Bro FA n bro J came late n I heard they both got their gals.

I was less fortunate. I failed to find a gal of my type, after many rounds of 试台 n after going to 3rd fl n even 5th fl (to see another bro there). I then called my lao po HW after 9PM n asked her to come over. She was unhappy because I refused to pick her up haha. Her 闺蜜 AP n AP's lao gong drove her to TAM.

When HW arrived n was waiting for the lift to go up to 2nd fl at around 9:45 PM, I suddenly saw a pretty SYT KM in a line up. She was standing close to me. I quickly got up n asked for her name n HP. Then I told her: 我老婆马上来了, 我改天约你。。。later added her to my Wechat n looked at all her photos. She is aged 20, only 163, very cute, slim, fair n w/ very small bony frame n very proportionate figure. But rather big boobs n perky shapely ass. A Chengdu gal who just arrived on student visa. Mummy H said tak boleh for ST haha. I asked H to offer her BY today. I'm chatting w/ her right now n in the process of qualifying her to see if she is good enough to be my mistress haha.

I left around midnight. Other bros continued the session..."


"I hv an outing w/ bro Kangxi, et al. today happy hr at TAM, either 2nd fl where I hv an bttle or 3rd fl, depending on the no of bros.

Send me a SMS or PM asap to cfm.

While I was chatting w/ KM on Wechat last wk, mummy H called her n asked her if she would 出街. She was at school. She said definitely NOT. H then told her X da ge (that is me) wants to BY her. She said, no thanks.

She asked me if I was the one. She was shocked as we met for only 60 secs n I already offered BY?! She has been offered BY before by other men, all after meeting her many times or after months. I then took her out to dinner at 老成都 in Chinatown. She has tacitly agreed to BY, despite knowing that I hv two other mistresses. She is mine, just like that.

I told her I hv to wait for a month or so to BY her, when my young mistress TH's visa expires. Actually I'm not sure if I'll ever BY her. She has a tattoo above her butt and she is social smoker."


Bro WB

bro. What is BY ?

28-01-2015, 11:52 AM
BY is 包养,which means you wan to be the sugar daddy la

31-01-2015, 11:25 AM
Hi WB, thanks for the advise....
Something i notice is most SG guys seems to over hang them. good examples are my friends who can hang some of this KG from 5 to 10k in 1 night.....But end up no kill......................

Ok this K girl stats are University grad with very good spoken english 1.68m tall weight unknown lol she didn't wanna review, her... top natural 36 C ............:

Hi deathnitz,

Tks for ur detailed FR.

I'll post my reflections on hanging flowers below.


Bro WB

bro. What is BY ?

BY is 包养...


Yes, BY = Bao Yang

By definition, you give her complete support n, in return, her pussy n body are exclusively yours.

Her heart is not included n it's up to u to win it. That is where the fun is.


Bro WB

.................................................. ....

Good morning!

Handing mega flowers is often more abt boosting one's fragile n insecure ego than abt the girl.

The best way to attract n keep a "singer" of your type is to meet her for the first time anywhere outside HFJ joints. If she says she is a singer at XXX joint, you must feign surprise n puzzlement. You say what is it, I hv never been to such a place.

YOU are THE MAN n YOU must be different from all the men she has ever met, in SG or China or Dubai. Now back to one of my favourite topics: Nice guys

You will see why trying to win "flowers war" in a elite HFJ is for losers. You may win her pussy n body, but you will be repulsive to her subconscious mind. And she will cheat on you...if you keep her long enough.

For millions of years, nice guys got demolished by bad guys, and often starved to death from losing out to the competition for resources.

That meant that the women who were attracted to nice guys would probably starve as well, and not reproduce as successfully or often. In other words, with time, there eventually were no women left with the trait of feeling attraction for “nice guys”.

From an evolutionary point of view, the “war of the sexes” has meant nothing less than immortality or annihilation: Reproduction by having sex, hopefully with someone who has awesome (read: sexy) genes is our only chance to survive beyond our own deaths and into eternity.

But in women’s minds, there is a specific irony: “If a man is controllable, he probably is a bad genetic catch not worth exploiting for genes!” But if a man is controllable but usable at least for his “nice-ness”, for his favors, money, etc, that he will provide for her (future) children, a woman will exploit these superficial elements that are not as integral to her genetic survival, and yet not feel attraction toward him.

If you act like a pathetic man, forget it. You’re history. When women act pathetic/meek/nice, it isn’t so harmful, because as long as they got pregnant, the child was theirs for sure.

But the best assurance a man could get that the child was his own, was to have sex with many women, and/or to simply make himself so desirable that a woman simply would not likely feel attraction to anyone else. He had to make himself a good catch, which meant becoming more courageous, a better hunter, defender, etc. In other words, for sexual value, a man relied on his “masculine” characteristics and LEARNED ABILITIES. These abilities and character traits are what women needed from men.

Whereas a woman’s sexual worth primarily came from her looks, a man’s value came from what he could do. And acting without confidence makes a woman think you can do NOTHING. It is suicide to your success with women. That is why your behavior is so important.

So not only is “nice-ness” the opposite of masculine, not only is it totally unsexy to women, but women will definitely EXPLOIT it even though they feel no sexual attraction to it.

Sucks, huh? But it’s true.

The more you let her push, the more she will feel you are an inferior male, therefore the more attraction she will lose for you.

Giving a woman “everything” once seemed like a logical way to make her like you, right? I’m glad that now you know it’s a sure-fire way to make sure she feels NOTHING for you but revulsion.

There is another disaster that occurs from being a “nice guy”. Specifically, from being a nice guy that BUYS a woman things.

Here’s what happens when you buy a woman things:

STAGE ONE: A woman will start to treat you like crap.

STAGE TWO: She will demand that you buy her more and more things.

STAGE THREE: She’ll secretly search for a man who turns her on.

This does not make women “evil”. Let me state some facts before I explain my theory of why this happens:

1. Women have depended on men for a million years for food/shelter. 2. These days, money is that link to food and shelter.
3. Of course, women have also always needed men for sperm.

However, throughout all this time, a woman could go to one man for food and shelter, (and grudgingly accept his sperm), and secretly go to another man especially for what she has been genetically programmed to “know” is his superior-gene-carrying sperm.

Here are the two clinchers:

There is evidence to show that when women have orgasms, they retain more of the sperm inside of them.

It is also a fact that most of a male’s sperm is designed not to impregnate, but to destroy other men’s sperm that may be inside a woman.

If women were so faithful, men would never have evolved to the point that their own sperm has become very much a weapon of self-defense used to counter-strike women’s evolved strategies of “cheating”.

Think about it: If a woman mates with a man that she is using just for food and shelter, and if she is not sexually attracted to him, she would not as likely orgasm. Thus, she’d not as likely retain his sperm.

She could then secretly have sex with another man she is attracted to, be more likely to orgasm then, and retain this other man’s sperm. This would increase her chances of having his child.

My research indicates that women are actually most likely to cheat at the very time they are most fertile... Evolution’s way of creating superior children, though it often screws up.

By the way, I’m not saying that all women cheat, and I’m not stating that women purposely cheat at the time they are most fertile. These processes are not conscious.

Attraction is based on basic on cues of genetic health and superiority, although these cues sometimes are not accurate indications. A person could easily be attracted to someone and have a child, only to find out later that the father/mother is genetically diseased.

Nonetheless, this is what is built into us as instinct.

So, if you start buying things for a woman, especially if you do it right away, you activate a very powerful instinct in her that blares “Not sexy, but worth using.” This happens to her on a subconscious level, which seems subtle, but is actually devastatingly powerful in its effect.

You must ABSOLUTELY ABANDON the idea that you should make women feel “equal”.

Women don’t want to be equal with you, and, logically, they are even more repulsed by the idea of you making them “number one”.

Women desperately want a man who is SUPERIOR to them.

Men and women are NOT the same. Nor should they be. Nor do they want to be.

Trying to make a woman feel “equal” to you will only make her feel that you are therefore an INFERIOR male.

Does a superior kiss the ass of an inferior? Does a king bow down to his servant?


I’m not saying women want to be your slave, but they DESPISE the idea of being equal.

If you show a woman “equal-ness”, she will feel ZERO sexual desire for you.

You will be going right against nature and destroying any attraction she can feel for you.


Over a million years, women evolved to NOT feel attraction for weakness.

And, just as men are ruthless in their desire for a sexy looking woman, women are just as ruthless in desire for a man who is DOMINANT with her and with everyone in his life.


You must wield all the cards in the game; your deck has to be stacked. SHE MUST KNOW AND FEEL THAT HER ENTIRE WORLD IS YOU.

Her HAPPINESS is the privilege of having you. Her MISERY stems from NOT having you. How do you make this clear?

First, be THE MAN always. And then, at the first sign of misbehavior, DROP her. Make it clear, without anger, that you mean it.

If you have been THE MAN all along, she will seriously regret what she has done. More importantly, the cause of that regret is the loss of YOU.

Then, when she comes back crying, KISS HER.

This will RAISE her spirits tremendously and totally throw her off balance.

And you will have clearly given her the lesson and the feeling that both heaven and hell are in your hands alone.

Does that sound cruel?

Well, the alternative is to become a doormat by not being in total control.

Women LOVE to turn guys into doormats if ANY opportunity for it exists.

By the same token, women WORSHIP a man who IS in control. They CRAVE such a man, just as a man craves a hot looking woman.

As a matter of fact, women are more ruthless in their quest for a dominant man than men are in their quest for a sexy looking woman, because a man typically can have sex with many women, and yet not invest much.

But a woman, by sheer biology and the dynamics of pregnancy, is investing much more in sex than any man, and therefore must be more ruthless in her search for the “right” partner. And the “right partner” for a woman has always meant a MAN, in CONTROL of everything.

It’s a fact, and better you hear it now than never.

31-01-2015, 11:37 AM
WB you talk a big game, but why do you still have to BY ktv gals to get what you want?

quit the KTV scene, have relationships with women which don't involve you giving them a monthly allowance (or other material benefits), and maybe you will actually really know what you are talking about.

31-01-2015, 11:46 AM

Will the previous post be deleted on requests of HFJ/KTV owners? No, they hv nothing to worry abt because knowing n being are two different things. I'll discuss how to reprogram your subconscious mind to becoming THE MAN. I hv just started on the program myself. For those who know me personally, give me 3 months n you will witness a startling transformation haha...

Bro extg5577 asked an excellent question. I need to find time to answer n debate it. Suffice to say for now that I hv had many RS in which I hv paid nothing, even before my coming transformation. Another secret is PVO...

BTW, there is an exchange of materials or happiness or emotions or pleasure, etc., in any RS. If you don't give cash, you give PVO...haha. Pls also read my previous posts why legal marriage is strictly a business transaction.

Hv a great day!

Bro WB

01-02-2015, 12:10 AM

Will the previous post be deleted on requests of HFJ/KTV owners? No, they hv nothing to worry abt because knowing n being are two different things. I'll discuss how to reprogram your subconscious mind to becoming THE MAN. I hv just started on the program myself. For those who know me personally, give me 3 months n you will witness a startling transformation haha...

Bro extg5577 asked an excellent question. I need to find time to answer n debate it. Suffice to say for now that I hv had many RS in which I hv paid nothing, even before my coming transformation. Another secret is PVO...

BTW, there is an exchange of materials or happiness or emotions or pleasure, etc., in any RS. If you don't give cash, you give PVO...haha. Pls also read my previous posts why legal marriage is strictly a business transaction.

Hv a great day

Bro WB

BY= Bao yang, usually how much per month? why some bro said BY can be as short as 2 weeks? meaninog pro rated?

02-02-2015, 10:45 AM
You mentioned about being a man but just how many men know exactly how to behave like a real gentleman?
Without first knowing how to behave appropriately, it is almost impossible to capture any lady's heart and make her yield to you,
not to mentioned to throw her off any balance. .

Women worship men in control. Not men who Think They are in control.
You do know the difference, do you?

02-02-2015, 11:11 AM
BY= Bao yang, usually how much per month? why some bro said BY can be as short as 2 weeks? meaninog pro rated?

How much per month depends on the status and capabilities of the man who wants to care for the lady.
And usually men of status dont go for pro rated as they prefer to have exclusive demand of the lady.
They cover all the expenses for her and usually expects the same of her.

03-02-2015, 04:11 AM
cancelled post

03-02-2015, 10:45 AM
BY= Bao yang, usually how much per month? why some bro said BY can be as short as 2 weeks? meaninog pro rated?

Bro subarutay,

How much for BY varies a lot.

I like long term BY, but I hv BY-ed girls for 7 to 10 days. Some bros like to pay weekly, I normally pay every 15 days haha.


Bro WB

You mentioned about being a man but just how many men know exactly how to behave like a real gentleman?
Without first knowing how to behave appropriately, it is almost impossible to capture any lady's heart and make her yield to you,
not to mentioned to throw her off any balance. .

Women worship men in control. Not men who Think They are in control.
You do know the difference, do you?

My dear Ladyrain,

Tks for ur post. Most men are completely clueless.

The very few men who know aren't real gentleMEN because they lack awesome emotional control n self mastery. Knowing and being are very different. It's almost impossible to change a very negative subconscious mind to one that is very positive after age 5. Will power alone won't do. Positive autosuggestion will take many, many yrs.

A short cut is practicing meditation or self hypnosis, twice a day, every day. One's subconscious mind can only be reprogrammed when its brain waves are very, very slow, as in Delta n Theta, while one is awake. During a trance.
Interestingly, a very young child has very, very slow brain waves even when fully awake. I started last week on Dr Robert Anthony's program.


Bro WB

How much per month depends on the status and capabilities of the man who wants to care for the lady.
And usually men of status dont go for pro rated as they prefer to have exclusive demand of the lady.
They cover all the expenses for her and usually expects the same of her.

My dear Ladyrain,

It also depends on the girl/woman.

If I BY a KTV girl, I won't want her to continue working in the night scene. A real student or salesgirl who has never worked in the night scene or as a FL will usually be a better BAO-ee.


Bro WB

.................................................. ..........

Good morning!

All TAM joints were closed as of Sunday 1 Feb right after midnight.

Lido Palace is now opened for HH, from 5:30PM till 9:30PM. Damage for a bottle of Martell is the same as TAM's for both HH n SH. Tips for gals are the same. But subsequent rm charges will be abt 40-50% more (when no new bttle is opened). There is valet parking too.

It's rumoured that only gals who r willing to do ST will be accepted at Lido. Can any experienced bros confirm this?

Mummy ER assured me that my 80% bottle will be transferred to Lido in one piece haha.

I'm planning an outing to Lido Palace tomorrow Wed HH. Interested bros PM or text me. I hv lost many HP numbers after changing my phone.

Good night!

Bro WB

04-02-2015, 10:33 AM
Good morning!

My first ever outing to Lido Palace today HH is on.

I hv been spending too much time organizing outings n my yield in terms of finding new girls of my type has been measly in the last 4-5 years. Too many bros asked me too many questions n then never show up.

Interested bros should read my thread carefully n PM or text me when they r ready to confirm.

Let me repeat again, timing and charges at Lido Palace are abt the same as those at TAM. If you worry abt the minor differences, you shouldn't come.

I hv always reduced the damage to the minimum. In future, I'll be more generous to the mummy n invite fewer bros. It will save me a lot of time, the ONLY thing that is priceless to me.

Appreciate your understanding,

Bro WB

07-02-2015, 11:52 AM
Good morning!

I had an outing to Lido Palace for HH last Wed.

The day before, Mummy ER spent several hrs to retrieve my bottle from the defunct TAM n took it to Lido!

Earlier, she said that rm charge would be around $250 for a rm big enough for 6 bros, no need to open another bottle. Bro A even called Lido personally n was told that all charges were exactly the same as those at TAM.

Seven bros (WB, bros A, C, J, W, S and Y) came for the outing. We were in rm 7 which is a tad larger than rm 11 on 3rd fl TAM aka Club Infinitude. Then mummy ER came in n dropped the bomb. Rm 7 is considered large n would require 3 bttles at $328 a piece. Normal rm charge would be well over $400. We were most surprised!

I instructed ER to negotiate w/ the manager so that we won't hv to open additional bottles. I also added that rm charge of over $400 was unacceptable.

Bro A n I had our own gals. Four bros booked a girl each from Lido n bro W didn't choose anyone.

There were very few customers. Waiters said that SH would be full. There r 18-20 singers who will come. After 9PM, I did see several in a rm putting on makeup. They appeared tall but the looks n figure won't make me remotely interested. The KTV gals were generally more attractive.

Although I saw only 12 to 15 gals during HH, they were mostly young n relatively tall. No mature women in their 40s n 50s or homely gals like those I hv seen in all other joints. Booking for HH is $200.

After spending over 1/2 hr negotiating w/ the management, mummy ER came back w/ great news: Much reduced rm charges n no need to open another bttle.

We were also treated like VIPs by the waiters/waitresses and managers.

For the three bros who had a claim on the bottle from TAM, expense per pax was $35 n for the 4 new bros, $50 each. I believe this is the lowest expense per pax ever paid at Lido.

We still hv half a bottle left (which was originally opened at TAM).

My next outing is Orchard KTV, next to Orchard Towers, for HH this coming Monday.

Damage the same as TAM's. Interested bros PM or SMS me. I hv never been there.

I think it would be too much to ask mummy ER to bring my half bottle from Lido to Orchard K haha. Mummy ER is the best and the hardest working mummy I hv ever met. I hv asked her to get a pretty xiao ma of my type to assist her. This xiao ma could become my LT GF. I may want to make ER my personal OKT.

Have a great day!

Bro WB

17-02-2015, 10:35 AM
Good morning!

My SH (not HH) session to Orchard K on Fri was quite enjoyable. There were mostly PRC gals n Viet gals, but bro A said he wouldn't fxk any Viets even if he was paid. Quality was so so.

There were 5 bros n expense per pax was $115. Booking for SH is $200 to $300.

I believe the best PRC girls now go to Lido Palace n I would like to go there more often. I'm inviting kakis who would like to join my outings there. Interested bros PM or SMS me please. Indicate Lido or non-Lido. I'll still go to other joints sometimes. All expenses will be recorded n then divided equally. Light to moderate drinkers OK. Smokers please smoke outside the room.

According to mummy ER, the special rates I enjoyed in my first visit to Lido may not be given again. For a small rm which can accommodate 4 couples the expenses would include $328 for a bottle of Martell plus fruit plates plus tips for mummy($50) n waiters ($20), abt $420. Divided by the number of bros (either 3 or 4). If there is a bottle left, we will pay only charges of abt $170 for a small rm plus tips for mummy n waiters or abt $320
. I hv promised ER that I would tip her $100 if a new bottle is not opened.

BTW, your beliefs n mindset determine your success n satisfaction in ur RS w/ girls/women. You cannot rise higher than ur thought of yourself at the subconscious level.

If you think a certain very beautiful girl is too good for u, for whatever reason, you will fail in the RS. Of course u will get her pussy if you spend enough, but u will fail to capture her heart. It's imperative that you interact w/ her as if you're the PRIZE n you're trying to qualify her to determine if she is lucky enough to become your lover. Or continue to be ur lover. You MUST maintain this attitude from the instant you meet her for the first time until you want to end the RS, which may be a week to many decades later hahaha.

Not long ago I met a 18 yo gal 69 (I called her 69 because doing 69 w/ her should be very pleasurable for both of us) in a high end KTV for 5 secs. She was totally my type. She had already been booked by someone else n I didn't hv time to get her phone number. I later got her contact from a mummy who informed me that No ST, so I instructed her to ask 69 abt BY.

I sent 69 a SMS early the next morning. No reply for the whole day. I called her in the evening. She said she didn't reply because she thought I was the guy who booked her last night! She voice suddenly became so friendly, soft n feminine when she knew who I was. She talked n talked abt herself. The mummy must hv told her quite a bit abt me. I told her I must get to know her better to see if I might want to BY her, long term. Unfortunately, she was on a tourist visa, had been here for 2 wks n would be flying back to China in two days. She may gain entrance to a university later this yr. She asked if I would be visiting China soon. I said I might go to Shanghai to seal a business deal. She quickly said that she could travel by 动车 or fly to meet me there.

I hv looked at all of 69's Wechat pics. She is a very cute SYT w/ my type of figure n limbs. She also has a very pretty SYT classmate! I'm planning to meet both of them in SH. Double pussies, double pleasure haha. I'll make both of them my LT mistresses if they qualify. Will they be so lucky?

According to a reliable mummy, 69 was in Sg for abt 2 wks n she followed her GF to the KTV a few times. Very newbie n inexperienced. She charged $300 for SH.

To date I hv not spent a penny on 69. She is the best gal I hv met since Sep 2012. I hv her China HP n her Wechat. I'll call her occasionally to keep raising the sexual tension n make her very wet just w/ my voice n words...I'll make her addicted to me before meeting her in SH. She will come within secs when I enter her warm, tight n wet pussy...

If a lao chee ko pek can get a pretty 18 yo SYT so easily, ANY bro can do it. But your subconscious mind must agree with ur conscious mind n give u the permission n assistance...

Incidentally, I joined bro J n his kakis at Prestige Club at Park Regis on Merchant Rd last night. There were Taiwanese, M'sian, Korean n PRC gals. They CMI. I didn't book any gal. Expense per pax $90. Will go to Lido n Orchard K only.

Happy New Year!!

Bro WB

18-02-2015, 01:22 AM
Hello. Please PM me when is the next outing. And what would be the total cost. Very interested.

19-02-2015, 11:41 AM
Hello. Please PM me when is the next outing. And what would be the total cost. Very interested.

Bro sratchuback,

Are u interested in Lido or non-Lido outings?

For expense per pax at Lido HH, refer to my previous post. HH booking fee for a girl is $200.

Expense per pax for non-Lido KTVs is abt 30% less. HH booking is $150 to 200.

Pm ur ctc no.


Bro WB

24-02-2015, 11:25 AM
Good morning!

I had a post on my other thread:

Dear Faguoren,

Thanks for organizing HH outing to Dynasty yesterday. The girls were mediocre but we had a lot of fun.

You n I had balance. Rm charge $80 n tip for waiter $10. Divided by 3 bros = expense per pax $30. The fourth bro who came but left w/o paying is a disgrace. I spent precious time answering many questions from him. One of his question: Can bring the gal to bonk after the session? Of course, but it depends on you n the girl. It's like asking if a certain beautiful girl will be fxked by men. My answer is 100% if she is a heterosexual n healthy female- mentally, emotionally n physically.

There is no need for mummies at Dynasty as all the girls stand in the hall. The ONLY reason for a mummy is for her to scout n search for the prettiest girls the day before, and bring them for our viewing pleasure during the session.

Our outing to Lido Palace HH tonight is confirmed. We hv the required number of kakis. I wonder if we can get special rates again.

More MMs are expected to arrive over the next 10 days...


02-03-2015, 09:53 AM
Good morning!

I like to continue the discussion on "good guys" and "bad boys."


Well, it’s not because they really want a bad person. It’s because they want THE MAN. They want a MASCULINE man.

And it’s harder for women to find “nice” guys who are masculine than it is to find bad boys, who are almost always masculine.

A specific example of masculinity common in bad boys is their total dominance, particularly in the arena of sex. Some women go for bad guys because these women feel guilty about their sexual desires. By being with an aggressive “bad boy” who takes full control of the reigns, women feel like they are shirking all the guilt and all the responsibility to him. In this way, women can fully enjoy sex and not feel guilty. Moreover, almost all women, even those without guilt complexes, desire dominant men.

Also, bad boys make their sexual desires clear from the start. Nice guys, on the other hand, steer away from sex conversation, which makes women feel like nice guys are asexual.

If a woman already feels guilty about sex, you can imagine the impossibility of her having sex with a guy who seems to feel just as guilty about it.

Bad boys, in a CONFIDENT WAY, make it clear that sex is important. A woman has to make a decision about sex quickly with a bad boy or a more willing woman will quickly replace her. However, a woman can often string a nice guy along for years without even making out with him! The nice guy will patiently wait for her, and end up dumped for a bad guy who she sleeps with on the first night!

But more than any single characteristic, remember that women go for bad boys because women want a man who will control them, and who will be in control of everything in his life.

They want a MAN.

Bad guys are usually not sissies.

For millions of years, man has been the hunter and defender for the family unit. Women want a man who will be the “hunter”, who is strong, who will produce strong, healthy and sexy children.

Evolution has selected the forces of sexual chemistry between man and woman. Since women needed tough men for survival, that eventually became what all women were attracted to in men.

Makes sense, doesn’t it? Suddenly, women don’t seem so evil anymore, right?

No more evil than men.

Men desire hot looking women, because basically, sexy women often gave birth to healthier and superior looking children.

By desiring such women, men had a better chance of carrying on their own genes. Their children then grew up to become sexy adults, thus attracting sexy mates of their own and continuing the cycle in perpetuity...

Sexy looking women’s hip-to-waist-ratios have remained constant throughout all cultures and times. That’s because men’s preferences have been instilled by evolution, and because these ratios usually mean “well suited to breed superior children”.

Women are allowed in our society to prefer tall men, rich men, or men higher in status. (Even though I know that what women really want is THE MAN.) If this is so, then why should it be any less acceptable or “bad” for you to want sex with a woman you feel is hot?

You are allowed to BE A MAN.
As a matter of fact, you MUST be A MAN or women will detest you. If that makes you a “BAD BOY”, so be it.

Half the time, “bad boys” are just being natural men, and women love it. When women state their natural preferences, for money, looks, or status, (the reality behind all these preferences is that women seek a dominant man) our culture does not label women as immoral or shallow.

The fact is, I am all for a society of good guys and good women. I just want you to realize that women love masculine, tough men. Don’t act like some sexless, spineless person or you will not attract women.

Stop acting like a geek if you are in any way doing so. You don’t have to be abusive toward women, but you must be completely DOMINANT, calm, and cool. And SHOW it through your actions and tone of voice.


It is critical to realize that women are human beings and not made from sugar and spice. They are just as competitive, manipulative, conniving, game playing, merciless, and ruthless, in their quest to get the man of their choice. Once they “get” their man, they will try to control him.

The irony, of course, is that women detest men that can be controlled by women. However, women WILL try to control you. Sometimes, women are only trying to CONTROL you as a TEST: To see if you are THE MAN. If you permit them to control you, you FAIL the test.

The desire for control, for both sexes, stems from the massive stakes involved, but it’s far more devastating for a man to submit to control. It destroys his sexual attractiveness.

For a man, it’s always self-destructive for him to submit to any control whatsoever, no matter what the woman’s reason is for attempting to control him. And no matter what, a man ALWAYS ends up coming out more attractive by not submitting.

Since women are not “nice” and since they will attempt to control you with ingenious tactics, it is imperative you keep your guard up and not let any power or control slip through your fingers.

One of the most tragic mistakes a man can make is to let a woman know that something she did actually bothered him at all.

You know all those books on “communicating honestly with your partner”?

Forget about it when it comes to attraction, especially in the initial stage. You MUST understand that there is just too much at stake for both men

and women to play nicely “by the rules”.

If you let a woman know that something she did hurt you, she will simply use that knowledge AGAINST you, to CONTROL you.

She will try to see how far you will go, in terms of kissing her ass, to try to prevent her from doing it again. And most guys resort to this pathetic bribery. It’s as if these guys are saying, “I’m kissing your ass so you will like me enough to not do that mean thing again.”

An example of this phenomenon is when a man tells a woman that it bothers him when she talks rudely to him. Then, not only does he now seem needy, which is unsexy, but also, she can then use extortion in subtle ways. For example, she might hint that you should do this, that, and whatever else for her or she might do the hurtful thing again.

She may use psychological warfare, and act kind of distant, to see how scared you are of her repeating this behavior, and what you will do for her to prevent it.

You must not accept ANY crap from any woman, EVER.
As soon as she acts up, you must show how calm you are as you deliver

the punishment, the figurative SPANK.
This way, she will sense that it is HER problem, not yours, for acting up.

She will know that you can easily get another, better woman than her.

This is the punishment: Dump her immediately, and tell her not to call you until she shapes up. Or, tell her clearly you will not tolerate that, and then dump her if she does it again, with the same message.

Of course, if she did anything serious, then dump her and forget about her immediately. ZERO second chances for any real serious shit.

NEVER explain to a woman that she should treat you right.

If she doesn’t know that, DUMP her. She is not worth keeping if she does not treat you right. Tell her not to come back until she shapes up.

And she will usually come running back to you when you throw her to the curb for misbehaving.

It’s called you having self-respect.

And if women sense that NOTHING bothers you, then there is NOTHING they can use against you. And, after testing you to see if you can be hurt or not, and seeing that you indeed cannot, they will usually kiss your feet.

If a woman does not show an immediate massive change, kick her out.

Does that sound like a mean, bitter statement about women?

It’s not. It’s the prescription for reality. 99.999999999 percent of the time.

You might be tempted after a few good weeks with a woman to think that if she does something out of line, then you could just tell her that what she did hurt. After all, “She loves me, so she wouldn’t want to hurt me again”.


If you show her she hurt you, she’ll keep it in her arsenal. And she will use it again.

Think about it like this: 99.99 percent of the time, if somebody is being a prick, they know it.

Women know if they are doing something wrong to you.
And if they really don’t know, it’s probably something trivial and not

worth you mentioning to her anyway!

So if you DO indicate something hurt you, she will just know how to activate your “hurt button” in the future.

So here’s my recommendation:

Keep your cool at all times.

Don’t let her know that ANYTHING bothers you.

Always, calmly tell her she misbehaved by doing the specific thing she did. Tell her you won’t tolerate it.

But don’t let her feel it actually bothered you.

NEVER argue with her about it. It will NOT HELP, only make things worse. I guarantee it.

Now of course, if you have been with a woman who has been great to you for years, and once in a while she acts up a bit, well that’s perfectly normal- you probably aren’t perfect either. You’ve both earned a bit of slack.

There is a BUT, though.

03-03-2015, 03:03 PM
Good afternoon!

So many RS fall apart because very few men know how to behave like MEN, in ST and LT relationship, not even famous kings and emperors. So very sad.

Why? Because attraction is counterintuitive. What most men think should work actually has the exact opposite effect.

IMHO, the single most vital trait that will SPARK n SUSTAIN a girl's desire for a MAN is his degree of emotional and self mastery. Nothing even comes close. It will usually take time for a girl to fully appraciate a MAN's self mastery.

Let me continue the "bad boy" story, written by a guru.

But heed this warning:

Women will sense a guy that they can get to kiss their ass, and will take FULL ADVANTAGE OF HIM till he is barely even a rug to walk over.
And women will deny this till the end of time, even coming up with brilliant “excuses” for their bad behavior.

Now that you know this, it’s time to stop taking any crap from any woman. You are responsible from now on if you put up with anything that doesn’t feel right.

Think about that the next time you’re about to be “Mr. Nice Guy” with any woman. Women understand, relate to, and demand mental toughness more than you realize.

(Notice I used the word mental toughness. Don’t EVER get PHYSICALLY VIOLENT or even upset with any woman, I’ll explain later why this is so important to your success, and goes way beyond just the law.)

Don’t be Mr. Nice Guy. And don’t be Mr. Angry. Neither one is cool.

So you know now not to be a nice guy. How exactly should you be?

Pound this short answer into your head: Be “THE MAN”. In the macho, cliché sense.

Oh, I really hope that doesn’t hurt you or insult you.

It shouldn’t, because if you haven’t been THE MAN, it’s not your fault. For a long time, I didn’t think like THE MAN. It ain’t easy in our inane, politically correct culture.

A lot of guys don’t believe me when I say that being THE MAN, inside, mentally, and even more important, emotionally, is THE VITAL KEY to sparking and sustaining a woman’s desire. These guys think that their looks and money are more important. These are LIES, and you need to be de- brainwashed about these matters.

Let me address the looks issue right here and now:



Although women DO appreciate good looks, women are LESS into looks than you would believe. I’m sure you’ve seen beautiful women with less than good looking guys who were NOT rich.

Next time you see this, watch how the guy behaves. Is he nerdy? Or masculine?

Think about Al Pacino in Scarface. (A great movie example.) He is not supposed to be the best looking guy in the movie, but he gets the hottest woman, Michelle Pfeiffer’s character.

That’s because Scarface is THE MAN.

He projects POWER.

From the moment he arrives in America, he is determined to rise up.
He kisses no one’s ass, even when he has nothing. (And if you think it’s all about money, you’re wrong- I’ll explain later why.)

Now, this is no excuse to not LOOK YOUR BEST. That’s why I have included a section regarding this topic.

But once you have finished making the best of your looks, remember this: A man’s appearance is not nearly as important to women as you think.

Ironically, a powerful proof that men and women are different in this regard (as well as others) comes from the behavior of homosexual men and women. Lesbians tend to be far less discerning about things like age and appearance in their partners. They also tend to have very few partners.

On the other hand, homosexual men tend to be EXTREMELY concerned about looks, and weigh this consideration heavily in choosing their partners. Also, gay men tend to have many sexual partners.

You can see how men and women differ:

Homosexual men accentuate looks when choosing a partner, just like heterosexual men do when choosing a woman: Men care about looks.

And homosexual women are less concerned with a partner’s looks, just like heterosexual women: Women don’t care as much about looks.

As you can see, men and women will always be different, no matter what. So just because you think one way does not mean women think the same.

Guys tend to be worried about their “looks” because they assume women are the same as them. But they are NOT.

It’s MEN who are obsessed with looks. Women appreciate a sexy looking man, but looks alone is neither sufficient nor necessary for turning on women.

As a matter of fact, a guy with “looks” who’s not THE MAN will be toast.

In contrast, a hot looking woman, even if she acts unfeminine, will still be highly desired by most men.

Men primarily developed this attraction to a woman’s appearance because the stereotypical image of a “sexy” woman usually did mean she had an ability to produce strong, healthy children.

All this happened through evolution, so it has nothing to do with us being conscious of the reasons for our desires.

It simply means that men who were attracted to beautiful women were able to reproduce better than men who did not feel this type of attraction for women with these features.

Those men who felt this attraction for these women survived and those who did not were wiped out.

For all the talk about beauty being in the eye of the beholder, think about the fact I stated earlier: The waist-to-hip ratio for what is considered a sexy woman is the exact same now, in every culture known to man, as it has been over all recorded history.

Beauty is NOT only about personal taste. It’s largely ingrained in our brains, because it was the ONLY way to ensure choosing the right mate for the survival of our genes.

And just as men evolved with these tendencies, women evolved different criteria in order to feel desire for a man. Those criteria are what this book is all about! Mostly, what women want is a MANLY man.

Your looks are a very small factor in the formula for attracting women.

25-03-2015, 09:58 AM
Good morning,

A bro sent me the following PM n he has agreed to let me post his question here.

"Hi bro, saw some of the posts and I must say you are super experienced hence I need to ask some of your advice. Have been frequently visited club de emperor ktv ( former mirage) due to work ( entertainment). Have trying to enjoy myself by not sticking to the same girl all the time. However sometimes when you get those girl without chemistry, your session tends to be lousy.

To cut long story short, I have been sticking with same gal recently. However she always claim that she doesn't go out with customers. Recently saw a customer bought her a $7k Chanel bag. She claimed the customer wanted something in return and she wanted to return the bag but in the end the customer relented and just gibe her the bag without any returns.

She always says she doesn't go out . I only manage to get her out for dinner one time . And she claimed she doesn't have boyfriend. She said she is fond of me but I have never give her anything other than her deserved tips. She always tell she had a gambling mum back home but I have ever let her know I am going to help.

So I know that you are going to say all that she said is bs. Is there a way to test her out? Recently she did a damn smart thing. On V day instead of asking me to get her a present she bought a perfume for me. Please tell me there are similar tricks you have encountered so that I can switch off and change target soon

Thanks for reading and sorry to bother u

Regards, bro X"

I hv given him my brief answer. But many experienced bros here could analyse his situation more thoroughly.


Bro WB


Good morning!

Previously, I hv mentioned the importance of giving women frequent PVOs or copulatory orgasms for them to become emotionally n sexually addicted to a man. All other forms of orgasms are inadequate.

All my LT mistresses n GFs hv intimated that PVOs r far more pleasurable, deeper, more holistic n more sustained than other types of orgasms. They feel satiated, connected, complete, blissful...

Many gurus still believe that it's much easier for women to hv clitoral orgasms n G-spot orgasms, even multiple ones, than to hv PVOs or copulatory orgasms. This is not necessarily true, IMHO.

I like to report that I hv encountered several girls who feel little w/ clitoral stimulation w/ my hand and/or mouth/tongue. No clitoral orgasms. In fact, absolutely nothing...zero responses.

But, within 60 secs after I insert my erect didi into their pussies, they start moaning n even screaming...some may respond almost immediately.

These girls may hv different wiring in their pussies and/or in their brains.

The right positions n angles may be crucial here. Your ability to hv penetrative vaginal intercourse for at least 10 minutes may also be important...

Have bros here encounter similar situations? Pls share ur experiences w/ us.


Bro WB

25-03-2015, 10:34 AM
I like to share this video clip to show that women are truly sexual creatures n their sexual potential is enormous.

Don Juan DeMarco - Restaurant Scene


Pls try it n give ur FR.

Good day!

Bro WB

29-03-2015, 03:18 PM
Good afternoon,

I hv been too busy to write FRs.

Will go overseas for one month tmr, will resume outings on my return.


Bro WB

29-03-2015, 06:37 PM
Wah exciting

07-04-2015, 01:43 AM
Yo bros,

I just received this brief report:

It's very basic but most bros still ignore them.

Four Simple Tips to Please Her in the Bedroom

Hey Bro Warbird,

OK, I have a confession. I'm NOT a sex expert.
As a matter of fact, I don't believe you need
overcomplicated techniques to rock a woman’s
world in bed.

Stick with these fundamentals and you'll do

1. Indulge in foreplay. On average, intercourse
should last 7 to 13 minutes, but foreplay should
be three times longer. When you indulge in foreplay,
she'll reach orgasm much more easily and look
forward to having sex with you because she knows
that you take your time to “get her ready”.

2. Exercise regularly. The best sex tip I can give
you is to exercise regularly. You'll be stronger,
last longer, and have more energy in bed. You'll make
love with more passion and rock her world more than 95
percent of men out there do because they just can't get
their asses to the gym.

3. Be adventurous and try new things. It's very
unlikely that she'll lead you to new positions so
take charge by testing new things. Don't put pressure
on yourself. Just be playful and experiment. If it
doesn't feel right, change again.

4. Don't be in your head. It's not a time to think
who's going to win the Euro. Trust me—she'll FEEL it
if you're thinking about something else. To stay present,
breathe deeply, pay attention to her skin, smell her,
kiss her body, look at her, tell her that she's yours.

A lot of women stay in relationships with guys
who treat them badly just because the sex is great.
I'm not suggesting that you do the same, but never
underestimate the power of pleasing a woman in the

Have an amazing day!

Guru RKY

10-04-2015, 08:32 AM
Good morning!

There is a fascinating topic: KC or infatuation or falling in love w/ a girl, especially a WL. And the consequences of break up of that "love" RS.

Here I'll use KC as a colorful n generalized term for "falling in love" with any girl/woman because the biological and emotional processes are identical. And I believe that all man-woman RS is a form of business transaction. KC has at least 3 components: 1) lust, 2) romantic passion or infatuation and 3) attachment (commitment). These components can be felt for the same person at the same time, or they can be experienced completely independently from one another for different people. Romantic passion is short-lived (months to a yr?). Lust may last longer, but after many yrs, only emotional attachment is left.

What is surprising is that both men and women often get KC-ed by someone they consciously don't find attractive. Something must hv happened to their subconscious mind to trigger sexual attraction. I shall confine this discussion to men getting KC-ed by women.

There r so many instances, in the media, from reading SBF n from stories told by friends n relatives, in which a man has become so deeply KC-ed by a girl that he goes berserk when he is separated from her for whatever reason. He is so heartbroken that he can't sleep, can't work, can't stop thinking abt her. If she is alive, he will stalk her, even kill her n then commit suicide!

From a medical standpoint, such a love sick man suffers from an acute anxiety/hyper-arousal state. There is a huge surge in stress hormones (cortisols, adrenaline, etc.) n concomitant suppression of dopamine, oxytocin n serotonin...there may be elevated BP n heart rate, perspiration, sweating palms, tremors, physical pain, chest heaviness, shortness of breath, fatigue, anxiety, deep sense of loss, sadness, despondence, doom n groom. He is very tired but yet alert n can't relax. His immune system is shot and he may develop stress cardiomyopathy n could succumb to cardiac arrest and/or heart failure. Truly a case of broken heart!

These symptoms and signs of RS break up are stunningly similar to those of cocaine withdrawal. This has been confirmed by fMRI findings. http://psychcentral.com/news/2010/07/07/relationship-breakup-similar-to-addiction-withdrawal/15375.html

I met a new bro last month. He is in his early 30s, tall n handsome, from a well to do family. He told me that he had two 4-yr RS n each breakup took one full yr or more to recover, even though the breakup was mutual in both cases.

Here is a textbook case of a NICE GUY who gets KC-ed. A kaki, also in his 30s, met a KTV gal, quickly decided that she was the SPECIAL ONE, and after spending lots of money, upped her only once. Poor service n sex was quite bad. The gal returned to China after expiration of her tourist visa. He remitted money to her on several occasions. He texted and/or called her many times every day. She got annoyed n started to distance herself and he became needy n desperate. She finally asked him to stop contacting her. He became depressed, couldn't sleep or focus on his work. I had told him not to hv any ctc w/ her for 30 days, minimum. He keeps breaking this cardinal rule.

In another case, a personal friend n a rich n good looking bachelor, who couldn't sleep or work for months after his KTV GF broke up w/ him. He stalked her, offered to buy her a house in China plus big cash upfront. He flew to her hometown to propose to her...she avoided him as if he were a leper! That was 4 yrs ago...

My Fujian lao po WX and her ex BF, a rich young man in his early 30s had mutually agreed break up in Dec 2010, but he quickly regretted his decision...he became frantic n offered to buy her a house plus give her lots of cash. WX said NO n he proposed to her! She completely rejected him. In Feb 2011, she contacted me n in March she asked me to BY her.

Then there is our own Famous Samster and his HFJ PRC Story at SBF.

I hv never experienced anything quite as severe, not even remotely. My OC n every one of my mistress/lover/GF/ FB hv said that 你只要性,你是一个完全没感情的人 or you don't have a heart (a Malaysian Chinese girl said that decades ago). Well, not really, even though I'm a perfectionist n hv a mild case of narcissistic personality disorder. BTW, more men than women suffer from this disorder but the proportion among KTV gals is much higher than the general population n higher yet among singers. But I'm no robot n will give my case history of getting mildly KC-ed.

Decades ago, I had mild rejection anxiety once, didn't sleep well for a wk, but quickly recovered.

In 2009, I BY-ed my Fujian lao po WX briefly twice. I felt a sense of loss after each separation, but slept well n forgot abt her very quickly.

I met a 19 yo CD in Sep 2009, she agreed to BY but vanished the day we were supposed to meet. I was a little frustrated, but slept well n quickly forgot abt her. In Feb 2010, she was sighted at Dynasty. She immediately agreed to BY n the deal was consummated in March. I dumped her because I didn't like her dark brown n large vulval flaps. In 2012, I got her a job as a singer at a HFJ, but I didn't even bother to see her.

In Jan 2010, I BY-ed a n 18 yo student Michelle. I went to Gotham City in late March. When I returned after 5 weeks, she had just hooked up w/ a fellow student from China. She said he was going to marry her. I felt a slight loss but slept well n quickly forgot her. BTW, she broke up her GF after 2 yrs n in late 2013, she returned to Sg on a visitor pass. I met her n found her unattractive, no longer my type of gal. I flatly rejected her, despite her urging me to 开房, repeatedly. Most SYTs don't remain my type for long.

I hv BY-ed over 25 gals in the last 6 yrs n I hv done ALL the dumping except for Michelle.

Now I like to report my most severe break up withdrawal to date, even though it's still mild n brief.

In Feb this yr I told my Fujian lao po WX who had been w/ me for 4 yrs that if she returned to China for CNY, I would say goodbye to her. She had previously promised to stay with me in Sg during CNY. She reneged on the promise. She became very angry with me for wanting to breakup...she went back anyway n while in China she decided not to come back to SG. Even though I initiated the breakup, I was surprised that I did hv breakup anxiety n remorse. My Heart rate was higher by 6 per minute on the average, BP higher by 10 mm hg (it was 120 over 80 instead of the usual 110 over 70). I had occ sweaty palms, mild heaviness in chest n slept only 4 to 5 hrs a night, instead of the usual 7 hrs. I was a bit tired n fatigued, yet alert. I was slightly anxious and felt a mild sense of loss n frustration. My subconscious mind had long accepted WX as my lao po in Sg n this belief n habit were much stronger than my conscious decision n desire to break up w/ her.

Yes, I had signs and symptoms of mild to moderate withdrawal. Previously, I thought I would be immune to any break up pain because I hv other mistresses n GFs. In fact, 6 months ago, I actually urged WX to go home to get married. She was born in 1987 n had even mentioned abt bearing me a child. What happened was that I still had lust for her plus there was emotional attachment at the subconscious level. My lust was for her very well proportioned sexy body, exquisite pussy n her very intense, even violent clitoral n copulatory orgasms. I had also fxked her raw for 3 1/2 yrs w/o any STDs n my Oraquick has remained negative.

I read up abt how to get over a break up which has helped. I now hv a better insight n better understanding of myself n my subconscious mind.

Following the break up w/ WX I didn't sleep well for 18 days! I slept well the day before my young mistress was to return to Sg. All my withdrawal symptoms n signs completely vanished. Also on the same day, a girl who applied to study at Kaplan several months ago had her visa approved, after appeal. She is a new pussy. I hv met her but never seen her naked.

Just before leaving Sg I also upped a cute 18 yo girl who is on student visa. I checked her IC to make sure she was 18. I promised to BY her on my return from Gotham city, but told her we needed to find out abt sexual compatibility n how shiok sex would be for both of us. I gave her some earnest money n fxked her many times in a wk. She has exquisite pussy, very very tight n has incredible copulatory orgasms during which she screams non-stop. She is otherwise very inexperienced n provides limited service. I'll ask her to continue working as I can see her only 4-5 times a month, at most.

I know many SYT-students in PRC. I'll be going to Shanghai in July or August for a business deal n a 19 yo SYT whom I came across briefly in Sg n her classmate will fly to meet me there. She has promised to intro her pretty SYT friends at the art n music academies to me! I'll get them to study in Sg.

In retrospect, it was my good fortune that WX chose not to return to Sg. She is much older than when I first met her in Sep 2008. Her upper arms were visibly larger n she had put on 2-3 kg since. I sincerely hope that she gets married to a nice young man soon. If she wants to return, I'll need to find time to ST her.

The cardinal rule for rapid break up recovery n to increase ur chances of getting ur ex back is NO CONTACT w/ her for 30 days, minimum, 60 days is much better. Keep busy. Exercise, do meditation n self hypnosis...I'll share what I hv learned abt how best to overcome this common problem at a later date. If you become needy n desperate, text or call 50 times a day or beg her, game over hahaha. If you know the right strategies, your ex will beg u to take her back.

Your FRs, comments n criticisms will be appreciated.


Bro WB