View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
10-04-2015, 01:05 PM
wow, so interesting but a little lost there, whats PVO?
11-04-2015, 09:34 AM
wow, so interesting but a little lost there, whats PVO?
PVO = Penetrative Vaginal Orgasm
A more formal medical term is Vaginal Copulatory Orgasm or VCO.
If you're not giving your women regular PVOs, they will feel unfulfilled and may either leave u or cheat on you, eventually. Or, if they happen to be very religious and very conservative or if they hv suffered prior sexual trauma n other emotional problems, they may stay w/ u for life, but remain MISERABLE. Most of them may not even understand WHAT is missing and WHY they are miserable. Very sad really.
Bro WB
.................................................. ...............
Good morning!
I like to report a real life case of extreme break up withdrawal, leading to death. It is about my dad's older brother 我的亲伯伯. It happened a long time ago in Fujian, China. My uncle was good looking and taller than my dad. My dad is 174 n much taller than I. When my uncle was in middle school he fell in love w/ a very pretty classmate, they were both 15. But he couldn't go to high school because he was academically only average n the family was poor. My grandpa refused to pay for his school fees. He left school n started working as an apprentice in a machine shop. His young lover was very disappointed and told him he must finish high school otherwise she won't marry him.
They had many arguments n they broke off. My uncle suffered severe withdrawal symptoms. He couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't work...became very withdrawn n despondent. A classic case of 相思病. He succumbed to some acute sickness and passed away at 16. Very sad.
Bro WB
11-04-2015, 09:33 PM
Hi Bro WarBird,
it has been awhile since I have posted anything although I have been an ardent reader of your posts.
It is unfortunate however it seems that no other bros in this forum could contribute text book cases for us to discuss and analyse, perhaps even learn more from.
I would like to ask, if you have read any of Ayn Rand's works, it seems to me that there is a huge similarity in the main characters within Ayn Rand's literature to what is discussed here.
Dubbed the "randian hero", the Randian hero is the creative individualist. Though Rand rejected the notion that individuals have duty towards one another, her heroes are marked by an essential generosity, for the reason that they act out of compassion and empathy rather than guilt. Rand's fiction displays a self-consciously Promethean sense of life, declaring through her characters the heroic value of self-assertion in the face of the established order.
Generally a Randian hero is characterized by radical individualism, moral resolution, intelligence/aptitude, self-control, emotional discipline, and (frequently, but not always) attractive physical characteristics in the eyes of other Randian heroes. Rand's heroes are tall, strong and upright; the females share slender figures, defiant stances and the impression of internal calmness, while the males are physically hard and supple, often with gray eyes.
Interestingly, as you have pointed out, she has also insinuated that all relationships are based of an exchange of "virtue or value", in short, a business transaction sealed with an unknown currency to all except the parties involved.
Do watch her other interviews as well they are interesting to hear certain views that may contrast with your own.
It may seem inappropriate to discuss a little bit of philosophy here. But I believe this is very related to what you have discussed here, unfortunately the consensus of many men today do not even vaguely, grasp this concept.
I would like to hear your thoughts, and other readers do chime in as well.
14-04-2015, 09:09 AM
There is a fascinating topic: KC or infatuation or falling in love w/ a girl, especially a WL. And the consequences of break up of that "love" RS.
One of your great, informative long posts, WB!
My problem is the other way round - the consequences of having a needy, clingy and suicidal woman when the breakup inevitably occurs. And this even after plenty of warnings in advance that our relationship is not meant to last, I have a family, etc, etc.
Plenty of unnecessary drama that I would prefer not to have to deal with.
14-04-2015, 08:39 PM
Hi Bro Warbird,
I would like you to analyse the psyche of such a man I have previously discussed. As follows:
Not particularly handsome by conventional standards, has body movements that require no effort with natural movements. Low hard throaty voice.
He has learned long ago, with his first consciousness, two things that dominate his attitude toward life: his own superiority and the utter worthlessness of the world. He knows what he wants and what he thinks. He needs no other reason, standards or considerations. His complete selfishness is as natural to him as breathing. He is not even a militant or defendant of his own selfishness. No more that he could be defiant about the right to breathe and eat. He has the quiet complete irrevocable calm of an iron conviction. No dramatics, no hysteria, no sensitiveness about it - because there are no doubts.
A quick sharp mind, courageous and not afraid to be hurt, has long grasped and understood completely that the world is not what he is. Consequently he cannot be hurt. The world has no painful surprise for him, he has long accepted what he can expect from it. Indifference and an infinite calm contempt is what he feels about the world and the men who are not like him. He knows what he wants and the work he wants, that is all he expects of life. Being thoroughly a reason unto himself, he does not long for others of his kind, for companion and understanding.
He also knows the world will not give him the right to his work easily. He does not expect it to be given. He enters life prepared to find it a struggle. The state of strife and battle is natural to him as synonym of life. He does not think of himself as a soldier, but rather a soldier because he is himself. Consequently he does not believe in suffering. Defeat and disappointment are merely part of battle.
Nothing can really touch him, he is concerned only with what he does. Not how he feels. How he feels is entirely a matter of his own, which cannot be influenced by anything and anyone on the outside. If outside life brings him disappointment, it is merely a detail of battle, he will have to struggle harder, that is all.
His main policy in life is to refuse, completely and uncompromisingly, any surrender to the thoughts and desires of others.
Has a code of ethics to call his own, and only because he wants it. Plays straight and has contempt for little plays and lies. Says what he means and does not care if others like it or not, they will have to accept it.
Can never lose himself in love, has had great loves in life, even then it will never be an all absorbing, selfless passion. It is merely pride of a possesor. If he could not have them, it would not break him or affect him deeply, he might suffer in his own indifferent way, a suffering that can never reach deep enough to obscure life.
His attitude towards love is not " I love you and I am yours " but rather " I love you and you are mine ". It is primarily a feeling of want and getting. Were it necessary he could rape her and still feel completely justified. They will have to worship him, he is the god, he can never be the priest, she has to be the priestess.
His manner is one of profound, inexorable calm. A slow deliberate manner of speaking. Precise unhurried movements. Laughs seldom. Does not joke. Never an emotional outbreak. Never loses control of himself.
Thanks WB.
14-04-2015, 09:38 PM
Alas of course, many of us bros here cannot reach the stage of fucking a woman, let alone giving PVOs.
You must be quite rich to BY so many women. Perhaps one day if I were to reach your financial status, I can straight away offer to BY / ST a harem of women and give PVOs to them :D
Otherwise, me currently a poor young man - my salary is perhaps even lower than your BY rate, and not good at chatting up a woman also :eek:
15-04-2015, 12:59 AM
One of your great, informative long posts, WB!
My problem is the other way round - the consequences of having a needy, clingy and suicidal woman when the breakup inevitably occurs. And this even after plenty of warnings in advance that our relationship is not meant to last, I have a family, etc, etc.
Plenty of unnecessary drama that I would prefer not to have to deal with.
Suicidal women there is one carnal rule, BREAK OFF ASAP and then put her on suicide watch informing external agencies.
At the same time all forms of contact with her is removed or discontinued. Mobile, email , chat ID etc etc.
It is not worth the emotional drain, even if the sex is incredible (usually is with the craziest ones). Start looking for another piece of ass with your buddy.
15-04-2015, 02:07 AM
Good morning!
There is a fascinating topic: KC or infatuation or falling in love w/ a girl, especially a WL. And the consequences of break up of that "love" RS.
Nice piece WB bro, its very informative.
Many bros had our fair share of that gal who got under our skin. Could not stop thinking of her, cannot work, cannot think, man possessed, lost etc etc. Its always something small that gets you, like the way she moans or the expression she gives when doing it and unknowingly she got under your skin and BANG your hooked.
To get out of her, the most efficient method is to find a bro or a group of bros and go cheong together frequently and explore new hunting grounds. Just keep meeting new gals and very soon its over. Not easy initially but the bro company helps a lot.
I am more concerned with Bros who are so in love with the gal and is willing to financially stress or worst ruin himself just to keep her smiling. Always remember this carnal rule ... "if she truly loves you, she will not waste your money" The key word being waste.
So the key is getting a girl to love you, and BRO WB got it spot on. Make her cum so hard so much so often she will beg for you to stop with the sweetest most blissful smile. Orgasms = Feeling of Love (I find most Asian women are wired this way). The more a girl gets mind blowing orgasms via penetration, clit or g-spot stimulations (they are all different so its YOUR job to find out which one or which combination works) they more love they will feel towards you. There are additional instant benefits to being a generous giver / lover, they will always want to have sex with you so you never have to plea for it and when they see you, they are already moist. EPIC WIN.
Unfortunately many drop the ball on this. Either too bloody lazy or fussy to go down or be on top or use tongue or use hands to make them happy which takes some time for gals for the initial cum. Most guys always want to jizz quickly because of this massive internal urgent feeling of needing release and then almost instantly after released, feels super shag and fall sleep.
Lets pause for one moment and imagine us guys in the equivalent situation, we penetrate a girl and she cums real fast (3 strokes) and then her virgina becomes dry instantly where u cannot penetrate further and she falls off asleep so no BJ, you are left with a raging hardon and cannot jerk off (no release in other words), HOW DOES IT FEEL? Sex becomes a torture for the unsatisfied partner. Will love ever prevail or even exist anymore? Does money and expensive gifts compensate enough for that torturous feeling?
For those bro who release too quickly, never penetrate right away, use your 'other sex organs' (hands and tongue) to make sure she gets plenty of satisfaction and after she begs you to stop, as its too exhausting, then say its your turn, and penetrate. By then even if you shoot real quick its fine because she has had her fill and she will be wonderfully happy it is reciprocated quickly !
15-04-2015, 03:02 AM
Hi Bro WarBird,
it has been awhile since I have posted anything although I have been an ardent reader of your posts.
It is unfortunate however it seems that no other bros in this forum could contribute text book cases for us to discuss and analyse, perhaps even learn more from.
I would like to ask, if you have read any of Ayn Rand's works, it seems to me that there is a huge similarity in the main characters within Ayn Rand's literature to what is discussed here.
Dubbed the "randian hero", the Randian hero is the creative individualist........................
Generally a Randian hero is characterized by radical individualism, moral resolution, intelligence/aptitude, self-control, emotional discipline, and (frequently, but not always) attractive physical characteristics in the eyes of other Randian heroes. Rand's heroes are tall, strong and upright; the females share slender figures, defiant stances and the impression of internal calmness, while the males are physically hard and supple, often with gray eyes.
Interestingly, as you have pointed out, she has also insinuated that all relationships are based of an exchange of "virtue or value", in short, a business transaction sealed with an unknown currency to all except the parties involved.....................
Do watch her other interviews as well.........................But I believe this is very related to what you have discussed here, unfortunately the consensus of many men today do not even vaguely, grasp this concept.
I would like to hear your thoughts, and other readers do chime in as well.
Bro abugga,
Thanks for ur post! I hv heard of her, never read her books. IMHO, "the superior man" as defined by David Deida is more manly and enlightened compared to her so-called "ideal man."
"The most erotic moment for a woman is feeling that you are Shiva, the divine masculine: unperturbable, totally loving, fully present, and all-pervading. She cannot move you, because you already are what you are, with or without her. She cannot scare you away, because you already penetrate her in fearless love, pervading her heart and body. She cannot distract you, because your one-pointed commitment to truth will not bend to her wiles. Feeling this hugeness of love and freedom in you, she can trust you, utterly, and surrender her testing in celebration of love." --- David Deida
“You are only punishing yourself when you want to be in a relationship with a woman more than she wants to be a in a relationship with you.” --- David Deida
“If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back, then you suffer. Every moment is the most important moment of your life. No future time is better than now to let down your guard and love.” --- David Deida
IMHO, ALL human RS are strictly business transactions, based on exchange of value or friendship or kindness or money or assets or ego or self esteem or beliefs or companionship or memories or good will or emotions or sex or pleasure or love or ideas or happiness or power or opportunities, etc., etc...or a combination of the's a give and take, a trade, nothing more and nothing less. If one party perceives that the transaction is unequal n unfair, the RS will end eventually hahaha.
Bro WB
One of your great, informative long posts, WB!
My problem is the other way round - the consequences of having a needy, clingy and suicidal woman when the breakup inevitably occurs. And this even after plenty of warnings in advance that our relationship is not meant to last, I have a family, etc, etc.
Bro chenzong,
Thank u for ur post! I hv not mentioned break up withdrawal from the female point of view. They suffer just as much at least initially, but, in most cases, they are able to recover faster. One reason is that they get more support from their friends and family members. They also tend to exaggerate n dramatize their despair and sufferings. Most of their "suicide attempts" are meant to manipulate a man's emotions.
Relax bro, what is funny is that the outwardly suicidal women will attempt suicides but never, if ever, succeed. You must watch out for the silent type! They may hold back their tears in front of u, say nothing, but go home n cry n cry. Don't be surprised to read abt their obituary a few days or weeks later.
I told my young mistress TH in late 2013 that I was leaving her. Her reactions were quite strong. Crying, messaging me n calling me many times a day. She slept poorly n felt anxious, insecure, had pressure on her chest, etc. I dumped her because, in addition to my lao po WX, I thought I just found a prettier SYT. But this new gal suffered from depression! I took TH back after several months.
Suicidal women there is one carnal rule, BREAK OFF ASAP and then put her on suicide watch informing external agencies.
At the same time all forms of contact with her is removed or discontinued. Mobile, email , chat ID etc etc.
It is not worth the emotional drain, even if the sex is incredible (usually is with the craziest ones). Start looking for another piece of ass with your buddy.
Bro instantlove,
Thanks for your advice.
Nice piece WB bro, its very informative.
Many bros had our fair share of that gal who got under our skin. Could not stop thinking of her, cannot work, cannot think, man possessed, lost etc etc. Its always something small that gets you, like the way she moans or the expression she gives when doing it and unknowingly she got under your skin and BANG your hooked.
To get out of her, the most efficient method is to find a bro or a group of bros and go cheong together frequently and explore new hunting grounds. Just keep meeting new gals and very soon its over. Not easy initially but the bro company helps a lot.
I am more concerned with Bros who are so in love with the gal and is willing to financially stress or worst ruin himself just to keep her smiling. Always remember this carnal rule ... "if she truly loves you, she will not waste your money" The key word being waste.
So the key is getting a girl to love you, and BRO WB got it spot on. Make her cum so hard so much so often she will beg for you to stop with the sweetest most blissful smile. Orgasms = Feeling of Love (I find most Asian women are wired this way). The more a girl gets mind blowing orgasms via penetration, clit or g-spot stimulations (they are all different so its YOUR job to find out which one or which combination works) they more love they will feel towards you. There are additional instant benefits to being a generous giver / lover, they will always want to have sex with you so you never have to plea for it and when they see you, they are already moist. EPIC WIN.
Unfortunately many drop the ball on this. Either too bloody lazy or fussy to go down or be on top or use tongue or use hands to make them happy which takes some time for gals for the initial cum. Most guys always want to jizz quickly because of this massive internal urgent feeling of needing release and then almost instantly after released, feels super shag and fall sleep.
Lets pause for one moment and imagine us guys in the equivalent situation, we penetrate a girl and she cums real fast (3 strokes) and then her virgina becomes dry instantly where u cannot penetrate further and she falls off asleep so no BJ, you are left with a raging hardon and cannot jerk off (no release in other words), HOW DOES IT FEEL? Sex becomes a torture for the unsatisfied partner. Will love ever prevail or even exist anymore? Does money and expensive gifts compensate enough for that torturous feeling?
For those bro who release too quickly, never penetrate right away, use your 'other sex organs' (hands and tongue) to make sure she gets plenty of satisfaction and after she begs you to stop, as its too exhausting, then say its your turn, and penetrate. By then even if you shoot real quick its fine because she has had her fill and she will be wonderfully happy it is reciprocated quickly !
Bro instantlove,
Thank you!! Very good post, very astute observations from decades of hand-on "battle field" experiences. You are like a veteran general, a military strategist n a natural!
Let me quote you: "if she truly loves you, she will not waste your money" The key word being waste.
I agree w/ bro instanlove 100%. In a long term man-woman RS, sexual satisfaction for both is crucial. I can't stress this point enough.
PVOs n more PVOs. It's do or die for a man. if a man has given a gal frequent PVOs, her attitude n actions towards him will change. If she hasn't changed, she is faking it. Lol.
To really satisfy a woman emotionally n sexually, a man's right mindset n sexual confidence is the key. Techniques, positions n stamina are of secondary importance.
If he doesn't hv a healthy dose of sexual confidence, nothing else is going to work...his girl will sense his lack of sexual confidence, insecurity, need for approval/validation 100 meters away. He has just become sexually repulsive(mostly subconsciously) to her regardless of his height, age, looks, wealth, status, fame, etc. She will try to leave him or cheat on him, even if he is a real-life handsome n young prince riding on a white horse. I would rather be a lao chee ko pek w/ MASSIVE sexual confidence n emotional mastery. To come to think of it, If I had such massive sexual confidence n emotional mastery, I won't need any one particular woman or anything else...and I certainly won't want to become any other MAN, not even an emperor of China.
Bro WB
16-04-2015, 06:05 AM
Good morning,
I missed the following 2 posts.
Hi Bro Warbird,
I would like you to analyse the psyche of such a man I have previously discussed. As follows:
Not particularly handsome by conventional standards, has body movements that require no effort with natural movements. Low hard throaty voice.
He has learned long ago, with his first consciousness, two things that dominate his attitude toward life: his own superiority and the utter worthlessness of the world. He knows what he wants and what he thinks. He needs no other reason, standards or considerations. His complete selfishness is as natural to him as breathing.......................
A quick sharp mind, courageous and not afraid to be hurt, has long grasped and understood completely that the world is not what he is. Consequently he cannot be hurt. The world has no painful surprise for him, he has long accepted what he can expect from it. Indifference and an infinite calm contempt is what he feels about the world and the men who are not like him. He knows what he wants and the work he wants, that is all he expects of life.....................
Nothing can really touch him, he is concerned only with what he does. Not how he feels. How he feels is entirely a matter of his own, which cannot be influenced by anything and anyone on the outside...........................
His main policy in life is to refuse, completely and uncompromisingly, any surrender to the thoughts and desires of others.
Has a code of ethics to call his own, and only because he wants it. Plays straight and has contempt for little plays and lies. Says what he means and does not care if others like it or not, they will have to accept it.
Can never lose himself in love, has had great loves in life, even then it will never be an all absorbing, selfless passion. It is merely pride of a possesor. If he could not have them, it would not break him or affect him deeply, he might suffer in his own indifferent way, a suffering that can never reach deep enough to obscure life.
His attitude towards love is not " I love you and I am yours " but rather " I love you and you are mine ". It is primarily a feeling of want and getting. Were it necessary he could rape her and still feel completely justified. ............................
His manner is one of profound, inexorable calm. A slow deliberate manner of speaking. Precise unhurried movements. Laughs seldom. Does not joke. Never an emotional outbreak. Never loses control of himself.
Thanks WB.
Bro abugga,
Every man is different 人个有志. But such a man is not "ideal" to me. He appears to hv good emotional control n his DGAD attitude will help him greatly in life n in his RS w/ women.
Bro WB
Alas of course, many of us bros here cannot reach the stage of fucking a woman, let alone giving PVOs.
You must be quite rich to BY so many women. Perhaps one day if I were to reach your financial status, I can straight away offer to BY / ST a harem of women and give PVOs to them :D
Otherwise, me currently a poor young man - my salary is perhaps even lower than your BY rate, and not good at chatting up a woman also :eek:
Bro 3Days2Nights,
Of course you can. Get a steady GF or go to GL. 可是你人穷志不穷. You can still attract a lot of chio girls. There is a lot you can do to improve yourself, to become a MAN.
Me quite rich? Not really, I only hv a little money left, from a few lucky investments made earlier in life. It's important for a man to be rich inside and rich outside.
If you hv read my posts, money is a two-edged sword that can actually make it very difficult for a woman to fall for or get addicted to a wealthy man. Very few bros realize this fact.
Remember the famous story of Xi Shi 西施 and King Fuchai 夫差 of Wu 吴国?
Xi Shi was supposed to be one of the most beautiful women who ever lived in China. King Fuchai was young, handsome, masculine, rich, powerful n ambitious, a real KING! And he was very confident and had great self image because he was, in his own words, 天下最优秀的男人. It would be natural for Xi Shi to fall for such a man. No?
What happened? King Fuchai got bewitched or KC-ed by Xi Shi n I assume that he cared too much abt the girl n ended up spending all his time w/ her. Very bad idea. It should hv been the other way round: The girl got hopelessly addicted to the king. He made many mistakes a MAN should never make. If only he could read SBF 2500 years ago!! As a result he lost his beloved country n his own life. The beautiful girl didn't fall for him, didn't love him n didn't even care for his well bring. Most likely he couldn't n didn't give her frequent PVOs, and what if he did? We would never know haha. A classic n tragic case of KC n failed RS.
Now you know why I say a man's ability to give a very pretty girl frequent PVOs is a matter of life n death. I stand by the statement.
Cheers n good luck!
Bro WB
16-04-2015, 10:10 AM
Hi bro Warbird,
There is no right or wrong answer to everything in this world. These are all merely textbook discussions. For our pastime and reference only.
I may disclose some of my personal limited experiences, limited due to my young age haha. open for all to see, to ridicule, and to educate my errors. Until I can correctly sort them out into words, i would like to invite other readers to perhaps share more?
17-04-2015, 08:57 AM
Hi bro Warbird,
There is no right or wrong answer to everything in this world. These are all merely textbook discussions. For our pastime and reference only.
I may disclose some of my personal limited experiences, limited due to my young age haha. open for all to see, to ridicule, and to educate my errors. Until I can correctly sort them out into words, i would like to invite other readers to perhaps share more?
Bro abugga,
Yes, you're right. One man's meat is another man's poison. One woman's frog is another woman's prince haha.
If your subconscious mind has a set of beliefs and preconceptions, it will reject everything that doesn't agree w/ it. Then there is the Rashomon Effect...
It's great to be young. Are u younger than 30?
Please share your real-life, personal exploits w/ us. Most bros are just too shy or too busy to write FRs.
Bro WB
17-04-2015, 11:21 AM
Good morning!
There is a fascinating topic: KC or infatuation or falling in love w/ a girl, especially a WL. And the consequences of break up of that "love" RS.
Here I'll use KC as a colorful n generalized term for "falling in love" with any girl/woman because the biological and emotional processes are identical. And I believe that all man-woman RS is a form of business transaction. KC has at least 3 components: 1) lust, 2) romantic passion or infatuation and 3) attachment (commitment). These components can be felt for the same person at the same time, or they can be experienced completely independently from one another for different people. Romantic passion is short-lived (months to a yr?). Lust may last longer, but after many yrs, only emotional attachment is left.
What is surprising is that both men and women often get KC-ed by someone they consciously don't find attractive. Something must hv happened to their subconscious mind to trigger sexual attraction. I shall confine this discussion to men getting KC-ed by women.
There r so many instances, in the media, from reading SBF n from stories told by friends n relatives, in which a man has become so deeply KC-ed by a girl that he goes berserk when he is separated from her for whatever reason. He is so heartbroken that he can't sleep, can't work, can't stop thinking abt her. If she is alive, he will stalk her, even kill her n then commit suicide!
From a medical standpoint, such a love sick man suffers from an acute anxiety/hyper-arousal state. There is a huge surge in stress hormones (cortisols, adrenaline, etc.) n concomitant suppression of dopamine, oxytocin n serotonin...there may be elevated BP n heart rate, perspiration, sweating palms, tremors, physical pain, chest heaviness, shortness of breath, fatigue, anxiety, deep sense of loss, sadness, despondence, doom n groom. He is very tired but yet alert n can't relax. His immune system is shot and he may develop stress cardiomyopathy n could succumb to cardiac arrest and/or heart failure. Truly a case of broken heart!
These symptoms and signs of RS break up are stunningly similar to those of cocaine withdrawal. This has been confirmed by fMRI findings.
I met a new bro last month. He is in his early 30s, tall n handsome, from a well to do family. He told me that he had two 4-yr RS n each breakup took one full yr or more to recover, even though the breakup was mutual in both cases.
Here is a textbook case of a NICE GUY who gets KC-ed. A kaki, also in his 30s, met a KTV gal, quickly decided that she was the SPECIAL ONE, and after spending lots of money, upped her only once. Poor service n sex was quite bad. The gal returned to China after expiration of her tourist visa. He remitted money to her on several occasions. He texted and/or called her many times every day. She got annoyed n started to distance herself and he became needy n desperate. She finally asked him to stop contacting her. He became depressed, couldn't sleep or focus on his work. I had told him not to hv any ctc w/ her for 30 days, minimum. He keeps breaking this cardinal rule.
In another case, a personal friend n a rich n good looking bachelor, who couldn't sleep or work for months after his KTV GF broke up w/ him. He stalked her, offered to buy her a house in China plus big cash upfront. He flew to her hometown to propose to her...she avoided him as if he were a leper! That was 4 yrs ago...
My Fujian lao po WX and her ex BF, a rich young man in his early 30s had mutually agreed break up in Dec 2010, but he quickly regretted his decision...he became frantic n offered to buy her a house plus give her lots of cash. WX said NO n he proposed to her! She completely rejected him. In Feb 2011, she contacted me n in March she asked me to BY her.
Then there is our own Famous Samster and his HFJ PRC Story at SBF.
I hv never experienced anything quite as severe, not even remotely. My OC n every one of my mistress/lover/GF/ FB hv said that 你只要性,你是一个完全没感情的人 or you don't have a heart (a Malaysian Chinese girl said that decades ago). Well, not really, even though I'm a perfectionist n hv a mild case of narcissistic personality disorder. BTW, more men than women suffer from this disorder but the proportion among KTV gals is much higher than the general population n higher yet among singers. But I'm no robot n will give my case history of getting mildly KC-ed.
Decades ago, I had mild rejection anxiety once, didn't sleep well for a wk, but quickly recovered.
In 2009, I BY-ed my Fujian lao po WX briefly twice. I felt a sense of loss after each separation, but slept well n forgot abt her very quickly.
I met a 19 yo CD in Sep 2009, she agreed to BY but vanished the day we were supposed to meet. I was a little frustrated, but slept well n quickly forgot abt her. In Feb 2010, she was sighted at Dynasty. She immediately agreed to BY n the deal was consummated in March. I dumped her because I didn't like her dark brown n large vulval flaps. In 2012, I got her a job as a singer at a HFJ, but I didn't even bother to see her.
In Jan 2010, I BY-ed a n 18 yo student Michelle. I went to Gotham City in late March. When I returned after 5 weeks, she had just hooked up w/ a fellow student from China. She said he was going to marry her. I felt a slight loss but slept well n quickly forgot her. BTW, she broke up her GF after 2 yrs n in late 2013, she returned to Sg on a visitor pass. I met her n found her unattractive, no longer my type of gal. I flatly rejected her, despite her urging me to 开房, repeatedly. Most SYTs don't remain my type for long.
I hv BY-ed over 25 gals in the last 6 yrs n I hv done ALL the dumping except for Michelle.
Now I like to report my most severe break up withdrawal to date, even though it's still mild n brief.
In Feb this yr I told my Fujian lao po WX who had been w/ me for 4 yrs that if she returned to China for CNY, I would say goodbye to her. She had previously promised to stay with me in Sg during CNY. She reneged on the promise. She became very angry with me for wanting to breakup...she went back anyway n while in China she decided not to come back to SG. Even though I initiated the breakup, I was surprised that I did hv breakup anxiety n remorse. My Heart rate was higher by 6 per minute on the average, BP higher by 10 mm hg (it was 120 over 80 instead of the usual 110 over 70). I had occ sweaty palms, mild heaviness in chest n slept only 4 to 5 hrs a night, instead of the usual 7 hrs. I was a bit tired n fatigued, yet alert. I was slightly anxious and felt a mild sense of loss n frustration. My subconscious mind had long accepted WX as my lao po in Sg n this belief n habit were much stronger than my conscious decision n desire to break up w/ her.
Yes, I had signs and symptoms of mild to moderate withdrawal. Previously, I thought I would be immune to any break up pain because I hv other mistresses n GFs. In fact, 6 months ago, I actually urged WX to go home to get married. She was born in 1987 n had even mentioned abt bearing me a child. What happened was that I still had lust for her plus there was emotional attachment at the subconscious level. My lust was for her very well proportioned sexy body, exquisite pussy n her very intense, even violent clitoral n copulatory orgasms. I had also fxked her raw for 3 1/2 yrs w/o any STDs n my Oraquick has remained negative.
I read up abt how to get over a break up which has helped. I now hv a better insight n better understanding of myself n my subconscious mind.
Following the break up w/ WX I didn't sleep well for 18 days! I slept well the day before my young mistress was to return to Sg. All my withdrawal symptoms n signs completely vanished. Also on the same day, a girl who applied to study at Kaplan several months ago had her visa approved, after appeal. She is a new pussy. I hv met her but never seen her naked.
The cardinal rule for rapid break up recovery n to increase ur chances of getting ur ex back is NO CONTACT w/ her for 30 days, minimum, 60 days is much better. Keep busy. Exercise, do meditation n self hypnosis...I'll share what I hv learned abt how best to overcome this common problem at a later date. If you become needy n desperate, text or call 50 times a day or beg her, game over hahaha. If you know the right strategies, your ex will beg u to take her back.
Your FRs, comments n criticisms will be appreciated.
Hi bro warbird,
Recently a wl and I kena kc each other. She dropped me many hints wanna be my gf despite knowing I got a lover. I just ack blur as I don't have the heart and ability to share my love with another women. I used to consult her my rs problem which she can give me very useful advice, but recently she didn't want to talk abt my lover and once she said she hate her. I was shocked n asked her why and she replied to me that she hate stupid women. Later I realise it might be due to jealosy.
She complained to me she got chest pain and cannot sleep for few days recently, saw that on her qq zone too. I think it is due to me as she looked deeply into my eyes asking me why she got chest pain.
I guess she is trying to keep a distance from me by catching the hints from her wechat moment/qq zone and conversation with her. We didn't chat for a week (only one moment replied by her) as we used to chat for almost everyday.
May I know if she is really love sick,typically how long will she recover? What should I do if I would like to go back to the buddy status?
I do have heaviness in chest n thinking of her, sense of loss too but i can sleep pretty well. this two days seems better for me especially I have more chat with my lover
17-04-2015, 09:41 PM
Hi Warbirb,
I like your articles about girl. It seem that I do experience many times about what you have put in words.
Just to share one of my adventure.
3 months ago after seeing a friend off. On my way back to Dynasty I bumped into a KTV kakis. He asked me to join him at L4 rm3. I told him I will go later because I have 2 options for the night.
1. was to watch Getai in Geylang Lor 37.
2. was joined him. Decide to try option 2 first went up to L4 saw another kakis elderly doctor who I knew, he was with one young girl sitting in the lobby sofa telling me that my friends are in the room. I say hello and proceed to rm3. On upon arrival at room 3 saw through the door, the two kakis was having a good time with the girls.
I decided not to interrupted their enjoyment and went back to lift lobby and the doctor is still chatting with the young girl. Took the lift to Ground level and when the lift open one 1.75 slim lady grace into me and smile. I turn back and get back into the lift and ask her where she is going she say going to Dynasty I asked can we chat she agree and we proceed to L4 and when the lift open the doctor eyes was straight away fixed on the her.
We sat besides the doctor. For me I always set my terms very clear with girls I like, if she agree I carry on. I asked her can she play she says yes and asked me how I want to play.
1) I told her from inspecting from toe to head and if I like I will screw you, she smile.
2) You have to go to my secret place, she agreed.
3) What is your damages, she say this type of terms she is not familiar I kept silent since she is not familiar.
4) Can you drink, she say yes.
5) I will test you for an hour and if we can click then we proceed longer, she agree.
Walking to my secret place I praised her for courage to follow a stranger to a place new to her. Her reply was that I look like her former boy friend and she like me. Upon arrival of my secret place we settle down for a few minutes and after a while she ask permission to scrutulise the surrounding.
Turn on Jazz music and ask what your poison, she say Red wine I say let me check it out but I do not have red but white wine she say okay. Poped and she pour the wine into the glass with rule of respect that she placed her wine glass lower than mine when we cheers.
In China, if you are a lower rank you must not placed your glass at same level or higher if you respect the person. From this little attention, I knew tonight I am the one who dominating her. We chat like we knew each other for a long time.
She told me that she is learning Fashion design in Shanghai and need to pay school fees that why she join the tourist group to come to Singapore to earn more money to pay for her school fees.
First time to Singapore a soft spoken girl but very shrew. And for me, I like shrewed girl because I like challenge. After fondaling her for a while she lay down and ask whether I know massage. Being to massage for more than few hundred times surely I knew the fundamental and this is also an opportunity to scrutinize her from toe to head.
Asked her to lay face down with back up this is first position for her to relax and since her back is facing me I am in advantage of doing what I wish. She wore a purple tube I started from her feet and slowly goes up to her calves and tights and by pass her pussy and went north to the neck and head and slowly slide both sides down to her radio nuts and down to her tights and toes and up but now I remove her tube and she wore red bra and undies and like in the japanese prono massage do a lot of dirty talking and as I move near her pussy I use my last finger to slide under the undies and wipe her pussy lips and goes up to her nipple and fondle with it. Her breathing got a little heavy and softly say 不要 weather she faked or not I don't brother my mission as what brother Warbird mentioned is to give her PVO. The place is strange to her is naturally, she had some level of stress, in order to reduce her stress I take my time rubbing and enjoying my ride on her body. To me this is call test drive before I engaged. A few minutes of massage I flip her over where now she faced me. I continue massaging her this time from head to toe on the way slip my last finger under her red undies and she moan again and say 不要 again.
Now I decided to remove her undies and her bra. Her bra was push up bra and was very tight not easy to untie. I joking tell her that your bra must be very precious and with combination lock. I need to have struggle with a few combination number. She smiled and finally I found the combination and bra spring out. When she lay totally nude that is where I control myself not to get hot with her instead she begin to rub my prick for sign. Didn't feel any sign of arousing she was puzzle that I am not ready to screw her.
Proceed to finger fuck her first and to see what her reaction but she spoke very softly to me that she didn't like finger fucking but I ignored her continue with my wish to do what every I like.
Time just flies we started around 6.30pm and end around 9.45pm where she say that she late for another section TAM. Wore her clothes and compose herself asked me to send her to TAM. I firmly says no you get a cab there yourself I will pay for it because I drank 3/4 and she drank 1/4 if wine I don't because of her I got myself into trouble.
Before she go she gave me her contact and telling me that she is going back to China next week. I didn't bother to ask for China number but after one month she send a wechat ask me to add her. This is one of my lucky day that a girl interested in me but it very rare. Till todate I have not add her in my wechat because I have ex which beg me to take her back after 17 months. Is indeed very interesting that girl does have give in time just like man.
20-04-2015, 01:30 AM
Hi bro warbird,
Recently a wl and I kena kc each other. She dropped me many hints wanna be my gf despite knowing I got a lover............ too. I think it is due to me as she looked deeply into my eyes asking me why she got chest pain.
I guess she is trying to keep a distance from me by catching the hints from her wechat moment/qq zone and conversation with her. We didn't chat for a week (only one moment replied by her) as we used to chat for almost everyday.
May I know if she is really love sick,typically how long will she recover? What should I do if I would like to go back to the buddy status?
I do have heaviness in chest n thinking of her, sense of loss too but i can sleep pretty well. this two days seems better for me especially I have more chat with my lover
Bro Korean,
Both of u kena KC-ed? Only you can know for sure.
I assume that you still see her n fxk her, then there is no break up withdrawal for both of u. Her symptoms could be due to worries n anxiety.
As for yours, since you can still fxk her, it's NOT due to break up withdrawal. I wonder if it could be post-coital tristesse (PCT) or post coital dysphoria or post sex blues, feelings of emptiness, anxiety, even sadness after orgasms. I sometimes feel that after doing ST, but NOT after making love to my LT mistresses. I usually hug them a lot n n sleep w/ them for awhile after sex. May also go out to dinner...
The cause is a huge surge of dopamine during orgasms n subsequent rapid fall. It affects both men n women. Other neurohormones are involved of course.
Bro WB
Hi Warbirb,
I like your articles about girl. It seem that I do experience many times about what you have put in words.
Just to share one of my adventure.
3 months ago.............................
We sat besides the doctor. For me I always set my terms very clear with girls I like, if she agree I carry on. I asked her can she play she says yes and asked me how I want to play.
1) I told her from inspecting from toe to head and if I like I will screw you, she smile.
2) You have to go to my secret place, she agreed.
3) What is your damages, she say this type of terms she is not familiar I kept silent since she is not familiar.
4) Can you drink, she say yes.
5) I will test you for an hour and if we can click then we proceed longer, she agree.
Walking to my secret place I praised her for courage to follow a stranger to a place new to her. Her reply was that I look like her former boy friend and she like me......................................
Time just flies we started around 6.30pm and end around 9.45pm where she say that she late for another section TAM. Wore her clothes and compose herself asked me to send her to TAM. I firmly says no you get a cab there yourself I will pay for it because I drank 3/4 and she drank 1/4 if wine I don't because of her I got myself into trouble.
Before she go she gave me her contact and telling me that she is going back to China next week. I didn't bother to ask for China number but after one month she send a wechat ask me to add her. This is one of my lucky day that a girl interested in me but it very rare. Till todate I have not add her in my wechat because I have ex which beg me to take her back after 17 months. Is indeed very interesting that girl does have give in time just like man.
Bro AAconnection,
Tks so much for sharing your detailed FR.
Well done! I guess it was FOC for u.
Very few girls are 175 at PC. I met one about two months ago outside the cafeteria in late afternoon. Her name was XA, quite slim n elegant too. I didn't hv time to follow up. Wonder if she was the one u met.
No, it will not be rare for u from now on. You're the PRIZE! Never forget that.
Bro WB
Good morning!
A few days ago, I mentioned the love triangle of Xi Shi, Fan Li and King Fu Chai. The ultimate victor was of course Fan Li, even though he was a slave of a slave in Wu where Fu Chai was the king. I wonder how he felt when he was treated worse than a slave and when he knew the beautiful girl he loved was being fxked daily by Fu chai, his arch enemy. Very few men could stay sane for so long under such adverse circumstances. And he actually volunteered to place himself in such degrading, painful and perilous situation. I salute his formidable emotional mastery, his die-hard loyalty to king Gou Jian, his integrity, audacity, persistence and his pure genius as a political/military strategist and, more than a decade later, as a benevolent philanthropic business tycoon. He is THE MAN!!
Meanwhile, the powerful king Fu Chai lost his power n his head in his RS w/ Xi Shi. Why? He loved her and cared for her too much...
Therefore, dear bro out there, you shouldn't be discouraged even if Carlos Slim's tall n handsome son were vying for your dream girl's affection. And even if you were currently down and out. Just remember this, you would still be 1,000 X better than Fan Li at kingdom of Wu...improve yourself daily, develop awesome emotional mastery and the dream girl would be yours, eventually...but then again, you might not want her anymore, hahaha.
Take home lesson: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares the least.
Never ever relinquish your power as a man to any girl/woman, even if she were the last female on earth.
Bro WB
23-04-2015, 07:48 PM
Good morning!
My first ever outing to Lido Palace today HH is on.
I hv been spending too much time organizing outings n my yield in terms of finding new girls of my type has been measly in the last 4-5 years. Too many bros asked me too many questions n then never show up.
Interested bros should read my thread carefully n PM or text me when they r ready to confirm.
Let me repeat again, timing and charges at Lido Palace are abt the same as those at TAM. If you worry abt the minor differences, you shouldn't come.
I hv always reduced the damage to the minimum. In future, I'll be more generous to the mummy n invite fewer bros. It will save me a lot of time, the ONLY thing that is priceless to me.
Appreciate your understanding,
Bro WB
STOP Talking COCK!
30-04-2015, 02:28 AM
Good morning,
I missed the following 2 posts.
Bro abugga,
Every man is different 人个有志. But such a man is not "ideal" to me. He appears to hv good emotional control n his DGAD attitude will help him greatly in life n in his RS w/ women.
Bro WB
Bro 3Days2Nights,
Of course you can. Get a steady GF or go to GL. 可是你人穷志不穷. You can still attract a lot of chio girls. There is a lot you can do to improve yourself, to become a MAN.
Me quite rich? Not really, I only hv a little money left, from a few lucky investments made earlier in life. It's important for a man to be rich inside and rich outside.
If you hv read my posts, money is a two-edged sword that can actually make it very difficult for a woman to fall for or get addicted to a wealthy man. Very few bros realize this fact.
Remember the famous story of Xi Shi 西施 and King Fuchai 夫差 of Wu 吴国?
Xi Shi was supposed to be one of the most beautiful women who ever lived in China. King Fuchai was young, handsome, masculine, rich, powerful n ambitious, a real KING! And he was very confident and had great self image because he was, in his own words, 天下最优秀的男人. It would be natural for Xi Shi to fall for such a man. No?
What happened? King Fuchai got bewitched or KC-ed by Xi Shi n I assume that he cared too much abt the girl n ended up spending all his time w/ her. Very bad idea. It should hv been the other way round: The girl got hopelessly addicted to the king. He made many mistakes a MAN should never make. If only he could read SBF 2500 years ago!! As a result he lost his beloved country n his own life. The beautiful girl didn't fall for him, didn't love him n didn't even care for his well bring. Most likely he couldn't n didn't give her frequent PVOs, and what if he did? We would never know haha. A classic n tragic case of KC n failed RS.
Now you know why I say a man's ability to give a very pretty girl frequent PVOs is a matter of life n death. I stand by the statement.
Cheers n good luck!
Bro WB
Money is a dangerous allurement. While it is without doubt that it is a powerful instrument to create that feeling of financial security, it is also a symbol of.... a man who is a potential carrot.
Clamouring over a gal and even begging her are both very wrong things to do. The man has to be the man. Its very unfortunate that trying to be nice, fair and giving are not really formulas to a successful relationship (and even marriage).
A friend once shared with me that he like his viet gal a lot and he had never overspent on this gal. His reasoning is that making a girl love him (rather than his money) is far more tenable than showering material gifts.
Honestly, if its material gifts, there are too many competitors. How to beat the rest of the men? My view is, be your own man, than to bow to the woman. The bros (esp WB) will understand my point. The man to have his own stand.
Never be in a rush to get the "deal done". What for. Expending large amounts of funds and time are not sure fire ways to close the deal. A relationship is like a plant. Both require time to nurture and grow.
30-04-2015, 11:31 AM
Always respected yr posts, I was wondering, if we always show minimal care, do we just wait for girls to approach us?
30-04-2015, 12:55 PM
Thanks for yr posts. I'm overseas, will reply within a week.
Bro WB
02-05-2015, 02:51 PM
Always respected yr posts, I was wondering, if we always show minimal care, do we just wait for girls to approach us?
I think its more relevant to draw a line between reasonable amount of care and that which is excessive.
Not so much as to show little care or wait for them to come.
What is dangerous is to be to overly "enthu" in showing and trying to attract the gal. This can be dangerous. Like, some of my cheongster bros did before. One of them was so enthu until he literally waited for the gal to knock off from work at 3 am daily. (the gal is a singer).
Once its excessive, you can guess what the gal will do next. In fact, there is no need to guess. Humans being humans. Its natural for the gal to start to take it for granted or take it easy. But, this is not to advise you to play hard to get.
What you want the gal to do is to like you for what you are. Be the man you are. Don't put on a front. If you are not a "Mr Nicey" who would pull out the red carpet and welcome the gal to a restaurant, then don't do that. All such heightened acts of chivalry will gradually fade, after a while and leaving behind the person that you really are.
If you are out for the gal (for real), then don't act. If you are out for fun, also don't act. Be genuine be sincere. That's what attracts girls because of what you are, rather than what you aren't.
Its not a game, but a test of whether you believe in your own attractions. Sincerity also doesn't being doing stuff excessively. Note the diff. :cool:
04-05-2015, 09:15 PM
QUOTE=cmelater;12970234]Money is a dangerous allurement..... a man who is a potential carrot.
Clamouring over a gal and even begging her are both very wrong things to do......................
A friend once shared with me that he like his viet gal a lot and he had never overspent on this gal. His reasoning is that making a girl love him (rather than his money) is far more tenable than showering material gifts.
Honestly, if its material gifts, there are too many competitors. How to beat the rest of the men? My view is, be your own man, than to bow to the woman. The bros (esp WB) will understand my point. The man to have his own stand.
Never be in a rush to get the "deal done". What for. Expending large amounts of funds and time are not sure fire ways to close the deal. A relationship is like a plant. Both require time to nurture and grow.[/QUOTE]
Bro cmelater,
Thanks for ur excellent post.
"A relationship is like a plant. Both require time to nurture and grow."
I'll remember that.
Bro WB
Always respected yr posts, I was wondering, if we always show minimal care, do we just wait for girls to approach us?
Bro risingup,
Read the post by bro cmelater below.
I think what you do is not as important as your right mindset. You must believe you hv higher social n sexual value than the girl. You don't chase her, you qualify her. You must show some interest in her, but must not care too much n she can take it or leave it...
Always remain relaxed, unflappable n detached, especially facing stressful situations n adversity. She is always watching u (mostly at the subconscious level). A girl or woman is always watching n testing her man to see whether he has the right stuff (emotional mastery n mental toughness), whether he has been w/ her 3 hrs or 30 years. It's hard wired in her genes...for the safety n survival of herself n her kids.
There was a girl who told me she had rejected a customer who offered 5K for ST. The mummy was very unhappy w/ her, kept calling her...the customer was very furious but won't give up. I don't know what she said was true or not. That is not important, the point is that if a girl rejects u, the right attitude is to remain as cool as cucumber. She may say yes the next day haha. I hv had more than a few girls who hung up on me...who later became my mistress, after several weeks to over a year.
Bro WB
I think its more relevant to draw a line between reasonable amount of care and that which is excessive.
Not so much as to show little care or wait for them to come.
What is dangerous is to be to overly "enthu" in showing and trying to attract the gal. This can be dangerous. Like, some of my cheongster bros did before. One of them was so enthu until he literally waited for the gal to knock off from work at 3 am daily. (the gal is a singer).
Once its excessive, you can guess what the gal will do next. In fact, there is no need to guess. Humans being humans. Its natural for the gal to start to take it for granted or take it easy. But, this is not to advise you to play hard to get.................................
If you are out for the gal (for real), then don't act. If you are out for fun, also don't act. ............................................. :cool:
Bro cmelater,
Good post. Tks for sharing.
Bro WB
07-05-2015, 01:53 PM
Good afternoon!
Not long ago I reconnected w/ a long lost bro, YJ. He is a well known samster who is purportedly very experienced in "bedding" singers but recently has chosen to retire from local night scene n has immigrated to a foreign country.
In bro YJ's opinion, I hv done well in my preferred field or comfort zone n I should move up to BY-ing singers. He believes that will be a real challenge n a real test of manhood as I'll be competing w/ many wealthy n experienced contenders. Must move out of my comfort zone, according to him. Apparently he has done all that n has achieved the ultimate conquests, so he is happy to retire. I had another chat w/ him several days later in which I outlined my goals n desires which are radically different from his...
I disagreed w/ bro YJ completely on many points. He said he wasn't offended. Good for him. If true, he has earned my respect as a man w/ good emotional control. I wish him all the best. BTW, I hv learned a lot from him in my formative yrs in 2009 n 2010...Thanks bro YJ!
First, I like to comment on Bro YJ's voluntary "retirement." I'll never "retire" from making love to SYTS who are attractive to me. BTW, I'm a lao chee ko pek, whereas bro YJ is much, much younger, only middle-aged. He is many years from reaching his sexual prime because I'm only beginning to get close to mine. For me, to retire is to give up living, give up life. And, I don't dwell on past achievements or past glories. I only live in the present. The past doesn't exist, nor does the future. What I hv and what everyone has is the present moment, that is all. Even if you were at one time the Emperor of China, so what? No use if you're now a waiter and living incognito in Sg or in Argentina. Even if u hv fxked all the famous super models, beauty queens and actresses, so what? It's what you're NOW as a MAN, physically, emotionally, psychologically n spiritually, that really matters. I learn from the past n I plan for the future, but this should take only a few minutes a day. Don't spend hours, like most people.
Moreover, what is great success to bro YJ or anyone else may mean absolutely nothing to me. To each his own. Some may think I'm a failure because I'm not a Nobel laureate in Physics or I'm not an American board certified neurosurgeon. Some may think a person is successful only if he is the richest man in the world. I hv this to say, since our earth is a pale blue dot, being numero uno in anything in our world doesn't amount to very much.
I know my circle of competence but I never stay in my comfort zone. I'm expanding my circle of competence in ALL directions, every minute, every day. Everything is changing, the whole universe is changing, and we must change w/ it. If a man is wishing for status quo or trying to stay in his comfort zone, whoever he is n wherever he is, he is finished, kaput.
Back to why I shun hanging flowers...
1) Hanging flowers and getting into flower wars is for BIG SUCKERS aka patsies. Sorry for being so blunt, but I'm dead serious. The fiction cost is exorbitant n it would be THE most inefficient way to get the girls /women of my type. It's more abt boosting my fragile ego and showing off than abt the singers. Moreover, there are "fake flowers," fraud and money laundering, not something I want to get involved in any way.
2) By hanging big flowers and competing w/ other patrons for the singers, I'm announcing that I'm a chaser and that they hv higher social n sexual value than me. It's the same as putting big signs on my head and scream: Please look at me, I'm inferior, I'm insecure n I'm hanging big flowers so that you will notice me, because I'm a born loser, I don't believe I deserve you n I hv nothing else to offer u. This unmanly, needy n wussy behaviour is most repulsive to the subconscious minds of the girls. Of course I'll get their pussies if I hang enough but it will be extremely difficult to overcome their initial negative (mostly subconscious) perceptions of me. Even if subsequently I could give them PVOs again n again, it would not be enough to get them addicted.
3) The timing of HFJs is inconvenient for me as I sleep early. I go to SH at KTVs only twice a month n I always leave before midnight. "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."
4) It's very difficult to judge the physical attractiveness of singers inside the HFJs because of the lighting, hairdo, make up and long evening gowns which cover their thighs and legs. But they can't fool me. I like to see a girl's bare thighs n legs clearly in broad daylight before BY-ing. Mummy J used to arrange my prospective mistresses to meet me in hot pants during the day haha.
5) Most successful singers are ruthless psychopaths and/or sociopaths w/ narcissistic personality disorder. They are poisons to me. What is one's goal or endpoint w/ them? Can't define success unless you hv a clear n well defined goal. ST or BY? Beat out all the other customers to get their pussies? Or get them emotionally n sexually addicted? Marry one of them? Become a gigolo to them?
6) Singers are usually here only 6 months n it's difficult for them to return for the next 12 months. If I like a girl, I like to keep her long term, until she becomes unattractive to me. Six months is just to short if a pussy is exquisite.
I also like to comment on several health myths.
Myth 1: A man reaches his sexual peak at 18-19. Nonsense. I hv yet to reach my peak.
Myth 2: It's normal for a man to gain weight as he gets older. Nonsense. My weight n waistline are the same as when I was 21. Look at Chen Lifu n Kirk Kerkorian. Google them.
Myth 3: It's normal for a man's BP to go up as he ages. Again, nonsense. My BP is actually slightly lower than when I was 21. And I don't take any medications.
Last but not least, how do I find time to go to HFJs? I don't even hv time to go to Shanghai where a lucrative business deal and several delectable high school/uni students hv been waiting for me.
Bro WB
14-05-2015, 12:50 PM
Good afternoon,
I'll hv an outing to Lido Palace, next to Holiday Inn, Outram n Havelock rd, tomorrow Friday for HH, from 6 to 930 PM.
For light drinkers n those willing to smoke outside the rm.
Expected expense per pax is $70 to 90. Booking for a girl is $200 n up. No butterfly.
PM or SMS me if interested.
BTW, girls at LIdo are supposed to be the most attractive in SG.
Bro WB
14-05-2015, 02:27 PM
Suicidal women there is one carnal rule, BREAK OFF ASAP and then put her on suicide watch informing external agencies.
At the same time all forms of contact with her is removed or discontinued. Mobile, email , chat ID etc etc.
That was what I did, even called in the police after seeing her QQ messages. I found out 5 years later that she has gotten married, with children.
Relax bro, what is funny is that the outwardly suicidal women will attempt suicides but never, if ever, succeed. You must watch out for the silent type! They may hold back their tears in front of u, say nothing, but go home n cry n cry. Don't be surprised to read abt their obituary a few days or weeks later.
Never had to deal with that, thankfully!
18-05-2015, 10:39 AM
That was what I did, even called in the police after seeing her QQ messages. I found out 5 years later that she has gotten married, with children.
Never had to deal with that, thankfully!
Bro chenzong,
Good to hear from u.
Bro WB
Good morning!
Many bros and many girls refer to any marriage as a happy ending. I couldn't disagree more. I would say the trouble has just begun haha. Give them 10 years or 30 years and see if they are still happy. No, give them 50 years...
The fact that many bros here are married should tell us something. BTW, more than 50% of all legal wives cheat n they are much better in hiding their affairs.
I know a semi-retired Ang Moh retina specialist in Gotham City who is 69. He told me his parents are 92 n hv been married 70 yrs! I think that is co-dependency, a commitment type of love. Good for them! Very, very rare indeed. But I'm not sure how happy their marriage has been.
Let me talk abt another related subject.
Many bros talk abt upping or BY-ing this girl or that Ang Pai singer. But we should remember the following.
If a man is willing to spend sufficient money, getting a pretty pussy of his type, provided he has a chance to see n meet her, is easy. Owning her pussy may be enough for most men, whether it's exclusive to him or not.
But if he is to progress to much higher levels of satisfaction and fulfillment, he needs to own her heart and soul, that is what living a full life for a man is all about. To do that, he needs to accomplish two things, both has NOTHING to do w/ money or spending money.
1) Demonstrate his awesome emotional and self mastery to her, which will take some time.
2) And he has to give her frequent copulatory vaginal orgasms ( PVOs or CVOs ) until she is emotionally n sexually addicted to him. This will also take some time. Then and only then, she will have a very difficult time leaving him, even if he treats her badly or cheats on her. [Grin][Grin]
Your comments and criticisms will be appreciated.
Bro WB
18-05-2015, 01:04 PM
Bro chenzong,
Good to hear from u.
Bro WB
Good morning!
Many bros and many girls refer to any marriage as a happy ending. I couldn't disagree more. I would say the trouble has just begun haha. Give them 10 years or 30 years and see if they are still happy. No, give them 50 years...
The fact that many bros here are married should tell us something. BTW, more than 50% of all legal wives cheat n they are much better in hiding their affairs.
I know a semi-retired Ang Moh retina specialist in Gotham City who is 69. He told me his parents are 92 n hv been married 70 yrs! I think that is co-dependency, a commitment type of love. Good for them! Very, very rare indeed. But I'm not sure how happy their marriage has been.
Let me talk abt another related subject.
Many bros talk abt upping or BY-ing this girl or that Ang Pai singer. But we should remember the following.
If a man is willing to spend sufficient money, getting a pretty pussy of his type, provided he has a chance to see n meet her, is easy. Owning her pussy may be enough for most men, whether it's exclusive to him or not.
But if he is to progress to much higher levels of satisfaction and fulfillment, he needs to own her heart and soul, that is what living a full life for a man is all about. To do that, he needs to accomplish two things, both has NOTHING to do w/ money or spending money.
1) Demonstrate his awesome emotional and self mastery to her, which will take some time.
2) And he has to give her frequent copulatory vaginal orgasms ( PVOs or CVOs ) until she is emotionally n sexually addicted to him. This will also take some time. Then and only then, she will have a very difficult time leaving him, even if he treats her badly or cheats on her. [Grin][Grin]
Your comments and criticisms will be appreciated.
Bro WB
Hi Bro WB,
Awesome to hear from you again, as per your question, yes I am below 30 years old. Perhaps even the correct side of 20. Very young and inexperienced indeed, I have a long way to learn.
I agree wholeheartedly with your above comments that under no circumstance should we throw money blindly, buying pussy is and will always be a repulsive act To women consciously or subconsciously....
I will disclose below about my current and ongoing endeavour. Some interesting points to note about my real life happenings which some brothers here may learn from. Interestingly if you have read bro wb's previous post you will see a recurrence of certain points he has made. Body language, tone of voice and touch are very instrumental in succeeding with not just women, but all things in life.
I have been to a HFJ after work sometime recent, it was my first time at HFJ and immediately I befriended a lady, with her approaching me. she kept me company throughout. I was there to just catch up with my buddies and was not looking for anything. My body language was that I was not impressed by her even though she was a looker. I never once did sit facing her and to an extent even ignore her when she and my buddies were vying for conversation, I spoke to my buddies. haha. I texted her the next day and she seems to be most certainly surprised and happy that I remember her.
We switch joints after and at the new joint. a new girl approached me again and started tagging, hugging and smooching me all over. To my amusement.. i have yet to contact this one.
note for the 1st lady, I did go down for a drink in her joint unannounced for the 2nd time. Her friends recognized me and immediately, after notifying her she came to my side again. Her body language on the 2nd visit was much more positive and I know I can execute, will she be lucky enough to be branded mine? I did enjoy the show watching other patrons hang her flowers. In both days I have never hung flowers at all, and damage per day was only 30sgd. I am a miser. Haha
I shall update more if there is any updates...
23-05-2015, 09:18 AM
Not asking us to be gigolo but there are some tips how to make the woman willing to die for a man!
Is a successful gigolo considered manly and owning self mastery?
23-05-2015, 10:43 AM
Hi Bro WB,
Awesome to hear from you again, as per your question, yes I am below 30 years old. Perhaps even the correct side of 20. Very young and inexperienced indeed, I have a long way to learn.
I agree wholeheartedly with your above comments that under no circumstance should we throw money blindly, buying pussy is and will always be a repulsive act To women consciously or subconsciously....
I will disclose below about my current and ongoing endeavour. Some interesting points to note about my real life happenings which some brothers here may learn from. Interestingly if you have read bro wb's previous post you will see a recurrence of certain points he has made. Body language, tone of voice and touch are very instrumental in succeeding with not just women, but all things in life.
I have been to a HFJ after work sometime recent, it was my first time at HFJ and immediately I befriended a lady........................................
note for the 1st lady, I did go down for a drink in her joint unannounced for the 2nd time. Her friends recognized me and immediately, after notifying her she came to my side again. Her body language on the 2nd visit was much more positive and I know I can execute, will she be lucky enough to be branded mine? I did enjoy the show watching other patrons hang her flowers. In both days I have never hung flowers at all, and damage per day was only 30sgd. I am a miser. Haha
I shall update more if there is any updates...
Bro abugga,
Thanks for sharing your real life experiences. You're light yrs ahead of ur peers in terms of ur understandings of man-woman RS.
Pls keep us updated on ur exploits.
Bro WB
Not asking us to be gigolo but there are some tips how to make the woman willing to die for a man!
Is a successful gigolo considered manly and owning self mastery?
Bro Korean,
You hv asked a fantastic question.
I'll give a full reply later as I'm just too busy now.
Suffice to say that a MAN would never choose to be a gigolo as a career or life long pursue. He is a great lover, a great provider and he protects his women. However, when a man w/ great masculine character traits n emotional mastery finds himself down on his luck,TEMPORARILY, it's certainly ok to accept whatever help from his girls. He will make a strong come back, financially, and in ALL other areas of his life. This is a given and all the girls know that.
In other words, a career gigolo is NOT a MAN. And his women will flock to and become addicted to a real MAN, if they are very lucky to find one.
Bro WB
23-05-2015, 11:18 AM
Bro abugga,
Thanks for sharing your real life experiences. You're light yrs ahead of ur peers in terms of ur understandings of man-woman.......
Bro WB
Bro WB.. I am young and have many years (as long as I live) to learn. All I can say is, while playing the field, let's earn me the battle scars alongside the trophies.
My peers........ most are a futile bunch.. I believe most of them strongly believe that good looks and deep pockets are a requirement in attracting women. I cannot fathom their mindset. I have even given them certain advice but they do not want to try or even listen.
I have since stopped listening or talking about their women woes. Haha. I rather project my time and energy in my own hobbies and women.
As for updates: we are unofficially a couple haha. Much to the envy of my peers.... if only they can Man up! We go out have dinner, sit at cafes and watch time go by. Enjoying the touch and warmth of each others bodies. I have yet to bed her. that can wait.
How are you otherwise? Do take care of your health as many including I have recently fallen ill to the annual cold.
25-05-2015, 11:37 AM
Bro WB.. I am young and have many years (as long as I live) to learn. All I can say is, while playing the field, let's earn me the battle scars alongside the trophies.
My peers........ most are a futile bunch.. I believe most of them strongly believe that good looks and deep pockets are a requirement in attracting women. I cannot fathom their mindset. I have even given them certain advice but they do not want to try or even listen.........................
As for updates: we are unofficially a couple haha. Much to the envy of my peers.... if only they can Man up! We go out have dinner, sit at cafes and watch time go by. Enjoying the touch and warmth of each others bodies. I have yet to bed her. that can wait.
How are you otherwise? Do take care of your health as many including I have recently fallen ill to the annual cold.
Bro abugga,
Make the best of your youth. You're young only once.
My health is fantastic for a man my age.
My BP, weight and waistline are the same as when I was 20. Actually, my BP of 110/70 is better than when I was 20. I'm not on any medications except the judicious use of a very small dose of Cialis. I may not need to take it. I make love 25 sessions or more a month, a lot more than when I was 20.
Bro WB
.................................................. .
Good morning!
I just replied to a bro on my other thread. It's abt life n marriage.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Bro hehehaha,
Well said. Only those who are or hv been married can fully understand...
Marriage is NOT an end, it's the beginning of a long, often tough and painful journey plagued by the vicissitudes of life.
Look at your beautiful 18 yo bride now, supposing you're around 20, can you imagine spending the next 60 to 70 yrs w/ her? God bless if both of u can stay healthy for such long time. But can u visualize her when she is 40, 50, 60 or 70 yrs old? Still want to make love to her frequently?
I'm a man, a lao chee ko pek, but I greatly enjoy making love to girls who are 18-24. My two current full mistresses are aged 18 n 22. And I hv many other GFs, both here n in China n elsewhere.
These girls keep me healthy, youthful, energetic n optimistic. Every area of my life has improved and is improving. That is what life is all about. I may not be satisfied w/ them n will look for better genes to hv kids with.
No, I'm not apologetic. On the contrary, I'm fulfilling my duty and obligations of a filial great...grandson to my ancestors. I know they love and approve of me. This is great karma.
Bro WB >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
27-05-2015, 10:39 AM
Good morning!
I just answered a bro's questions on BY-ing girls.
Envy you bro. How much you pay your mistresses a month? :D
It varies, from 6K to 15K a month if the girl doesn't work at the night scene n doesn't see any other men. She must be at my beck and call. She is a full time mistress.
The damage doesn't include rental of master bedroom/studio, visa fees, school tuition, meals and gifts (optional).
The lower range is generally for girls whom I import directly from China. They hv much lower expectations and often dare not come unless they come in pairs. Of course, more experienced and professional ones may ask for more. But everything is subject to negotiation.
In the last 7 yrs, I hv caught sight of only one girl KP in SG who is worth more than 15K a month in SG. I met her early last yr when I went to lease a master bedroom for my Fujian lao po WX at City Square, who was due to return to SG in 2 days. KP was kept by a man at the time n was going to leave SG in 10 days. WX had to stay in a junior master for a wk first. So they did meet. This is what WX said abt KP: 年轻漂亮, 高挑,很白。他男朋友大约40 岁。Never met her man. She had natural looks w/ no make up n no facial surgery. If I ever see KP or someone equally attractive, anywhere in the world, I'll make an offer she can't refuse. BTW, rental for the master rm was 2,400 a month.
There is something else I like to add. KP looked fantastic in part because I saw her only briefly n in part because she was beyond my reach. She may not look so attractive if I see her again.
If a girl continues to work in the night scene, a part time mistress, you should offer only half the full time rates. This doesn't work for me as it's very difficult to monitor her activities. And don't ever buy such a part time mistress any gifts. For me, it's all or nothing. A girl is either exclusively mine or she is not mine. Doing ST is better than having a part time mistress.
28-05-2015, 01:08 PM
Good morning!
A girl is either exclusively mine or she is not mine. Doing ST is better than having a part time mistress.
Agree with T&C a girl is either exclusively mine or she is not mine.
About the girl I pick up in PC. She did not ask for money but I give a token for her as form of transaction so I don't own her a favor.
Recently, a young girl 18 yrs a week in SG wanted to me to BY her but not my cup of tea, she is 1.6M good looking nice tits and perfect silky skin. Very shrew but in experience with SG man. She claimed that her home is at Chao Tian Men District Beijing signalling that she is from a high end district but I told her I frequent CTM and I asked her to say I want to Fxxk you in Beijing accents and instead her Beijing accents become Hubei accents.
She keep whispering to me to take her for one night but I decline unless she agree with my T&C I don't even take her number.
Most girls don't speak the truth but some do. When a girl say that she just arrived in SG I will always asked to see her PP, if she show me at least she spoke 50% the truth and she give excuse I will play along.
As you have mentioned a girl is exclusively mine or she is not.
29-05-2015, 11:57 AM
Agree with T&C a girl is either exclusively mine or she is not mine.
About the girl I pick up in PC. She did not ask for money but I give a token for her as form of transaction so I don't own her a favor.
Recently, a young girl 18 yrs a week in SG wanted to me to BY her but not my cup of tea, she is 1.6M good looking nice tits and perfect silky skin. Very shrew but in experience with SG man. She claimed that her home is at Chao Tian Men District Beijing signalling that she is from a high end district but I told her I frequent CTM and I asked her to say I want to Fxxk you in Beijing accents and instead her Beijing accents become Hubei accents.
She keep whispering to me to take her for one night but I decline unless she agree with my T&C I don't even take her number.
Most girls don't speak the truth but some do. When a girl say that she just arrived in SG I will always asked to see her PP, if she show me at least she spoke 50% the truth and she give excuse I will play along.
As you have mentioned a girl is exclusively mine or she is not.
Bro AAconnection,
Tks so much for your detailed FR.
You hv seen her nice tits, but you hv yet to make love to her?
THE fastest way to make a girl yours exclusively is to make love to her ASAP, after qualifying and making sure that she is indeed good enough for you. If there is a faster way, let me know now.
Bro WB
Good morning!
Here is an interesting article:
Why do women cheat? Ashley Madison CEO tells all
Is cheating bad? Why do women cheat? The founder and CEO of affair website Ashley Madison tells all, including why he has his eye on China.
Read more:
Your comments?
Bro WB
04-06-2015, 10:48 AM
Good morning!
A famous Ang Moh relationship guru just sent me this e-mail. His methods work well w/ every healthy heterosexual female.
QUESTION (from a reader)
Just wanted to share a little bit of what your
lessons have done for me. I read your book and
started concentrating on what I thought was my
weak points. I did as your book recommended and
started picturing myself as the cocky funny
person I wanted to be. I even did the whole
daydream practice thing everyday. I work at a
fitness center so I see lots of hot women all
the time. My biggest weakness is that I look
away quickly after eye contact is made. I
decided that before I started trying to
approach women I would make it my goal for a
couple of weeks to just make eye contact and
hold it until they looked away. Ok, here is the
good part. After practicing eye contact for a
couple of weeks and doing the whole mental
exercise thing, I was at work one day working
out after my break and was practicing my eye
contact thing between sets with this really hot
girl near the dumbbell rack.
I knew she noticed but it never bothered me cause
I had no intentions of acting. Well, I had to go
over to get a set of dumbbells for my next
exercise and as I got close to where she was, she
suddenly turned around and said "I have a
boyfriend" and turned around. Normally I would
have just stood there in shock and said nothing
but, I guess all that mental practice paid off.
Without even thinking or pausing, the words just
came out. I said "Hey that's great I am happy for
you. (Pause - and in a lower tone) I know this is
probably a major accomplishment for you but to
the rest a the world this is kind of normal so you
might not want to go telling every stranger you
see." Then I just walked off with my weights to
do my sets. 5 min later she comes over to me and
apologizes and asks for my number. Turns out she
didn't have a boyfriend but was just tired of
being picked up by losers while she was trying
to do a workout. Thanks for the pleasant
Ang Moh guru's cooments:
Niiiiice one.
Your letter is really a wonderful affirmation and summary of some of my favorite concepts:
1) Read my book, "Double Your Dating"
2) Actually use the material and mentally
3) Start from where you are
4) Be Cocky & Funny
5) Show complete indifference
6) Use illogical Jedi-Level mind power to create
I'm going to talk more about eye contact and body language in a moment, but if you'd like to get the ultimate education on how to be Cocky & Funny, then you MUST take a minute and get this.
First of all, your story would make NO sense at all to most guys. They would say, "Yeah, whatever. She was probably abused as a child and
wants you to be her daddy" or "Well, if I worked at a gym, I could do that too."
Of course, you realize that this had nothing to do with it...this was a result of you learning about how women are, then preparing, and then taking action.
I couldn't be more impressed.
Now, let's talk about some of the things that were happening that most people would MISS when reading the story...
You mentioned your exercise of keeping eye contact until women look away. This is very powerful. I am guilty of not addressing this
issue more often and I'm glad you mentioned it here.
If you can learn this skill, it will communicate powerfully for you. Great job.
You said, "I guess all that mental practice paid off. With out even thinking or pausing the words just came out."
This is the result of preparation and mental rehearsal. This wasn't "luck". Even though the words were unique to the situation, the MESSAGE
was delivered clearly. By learning how to better communicate in the language that women understand, you created magic.
And, as for the words themselves...
You just got to love saying: "Hey that's great. I am happy for you." (Pause - and in a lower tone) "I know this is probably a major accomplishment for you, but to the rest of the world, this is kind of normal. So, you might not
want to go telling every stranger you see." to a hot woman at the gym!
You INSTANTLY took a situation that would normally strip a man of all his composure and personal power, and then REFRAMED her words in a
way that caused HER to look like the socially inept one.
Then you did something equally powerful:
In effect, you busted on her, then PROVED BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT YOU COULD TAKE HER OR LEAVE HER. Actions really do speak louder than words...most guys would have messed up that situation by standing around waiting for her to say something. You did the right thing by walking away.
When you combine all of these factors together, you get a totally illogical outcome:
She realized that you weren't just some other loser who hoped to maybe get a date by kissing up to her...You turned out to be one of the
EXCEPTIONAL men in the world who have more personal power than her, and one of the even MORE exceptional men who also know how to create
This combination made her feel a feeling that you can't create by DECIDING that you want it. It can only be created by TRIGGERING IT.
Finally, I'd like to comment on the fact that SHE asked YOU for YOUR number. You realize that it's not typical for a woman to approach a man,
apologize, and then ask for his number.
Women will often ask a man for his number just to get rid of him. But not in a situation like this one. This was different. She apologized, then told you that she's tired of being picked up by losers...then asked for your number. This was, in effect, her telling you that she sees you DIFFERENTLY.
All because of your eye contact, followed by a perfect execution of the Cocky and Funny attitude, followed by an excellent physical demonstration of indifference.
Again, to most men this would make no sense at all. If you consulted most relationship books, they would argue that this type of approach would
NEVER work. I mean, men are supposed to "court" women, compliment them...pursue them with gifts and favors, right?
Yeah, right.
The problem is that the mainstream relationship books forgot to TITLE the chapter that suggests this kind of behavior:
The question I have for you is...
And, can you do what it takes to get yourself from where you are, to where you actually need to be, in order to attract the kinds of women that you would like to meet and date?
It can be done, but you're going to have to do it.
As I mentioned above, the first step is to read my online eBook, "Double Your Dating". That's the best head start I can give you.
You'll be reading it within just a few minutes.
And get yourself a copy of my fantastic program "Body Language For Success With Women And Dating".
You will learn the "animal magnetism" secrets that guys who are "naturals" with women use to attract women using COMMUNICATION ALONE.
No looks, money, or gifts required.
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your friend,
Ang Moh Guru
07-06-2015, 11:52 AM
Good morning!
Many bros/men are great w/ girls/women. Decades of experience n real life photos/videos to prove their greatness. Then there are the great ladies men of history.
They are great w/ girls/women they like/love lightly. But all of them would change their behaviour when they meet THE ONE haha.They suddenly lose their emotional/sexual control and mastery. Same thing happens to the female gender.
Let's not forget this. King Fuchai of Wu was a successful, masculine warrior who could have all the prettiest girls in present day Zhejiang n Jiangshu provinces. But when he met Xi Shi, he turned into a wussy good guy...and I'm sure she found him most unattractive.
How can a man prevent getting bewitched by the most beautiful girl he has ever met? Because once he is bewitched, he becomes repulsive to her, regardless of his other excellent attributes.
I like to share the following article sent by a guru.
"The Big Mistake That Kills Attraction"
You take your average good guy, good personality, lots of friends, generally cool, and then you put him in a situation with a woman that he's REALLY attracted to, and more often than not, he turns into a weirdo who acts creepy, needy, and generally nothing like his normal self.
This sucks for him (he'll beat himself up for it afterwards), and it sucks for her (she missed out on getting to know a good guy that she might have had a sweet romance with).
Nobody wins! So let's roll up our sleeves and talk about one quick fix.
This topic is HUGE, I've talked about it plenty in my programs, but I want to make an important distinction that will help you get power over this built-in form of crazy.
The issue: "Reaction monitoring"
When a man feels strong attraction for a woman, his mind naturally begins to loop on whether she's attracted to him too. And then it usually starts to go nuts trying to figure out HOW to get her attracted, WHAT to say, and whether or not it's WORKING.
That's reaction monitoring, and it's one of the most attraction-killing behaviors in the known Universe.
I recently talked about this idea in a seminar and one of the guys asked me, "Don't have to watch her reactions to know where to steer the conversation and to know whether or not we're compatible or I'm wasting my time?"
That does sound pretty darn logically, but the answer is absolutely NOT.
I'll make a distinction between "reaction monitoring", being in "disregard", and being "in relation" to someone.
Reaction monitoring is when your emotions are dependent on their reactions to what you are doing.
If she laughs at your joke, you feel great, if she doesn't, you feel your ego drop out and feel like a loser. It's a dependency.
And for a woman that dependency doesn't just feel WEAK and unattractive, it also feels like PRESSURE, because she begins to feel like she's on stage and that she must perform or the mood of the entire interaction will get weird. Her only recourse is to get the hell out.
Disregard is like Aspergers (or more commonly, just some douche who is so impressed by his own lines that he doesn't notice when he is offending). This is paradoxically sometimes perceived by a woman as "strong and independent" and can get some attraction and action... but it can't lead anywhere.
A man like that is not actually available for relationship, and he is generally acting out of a fear of his own inadequacy in intimacy. Women with higher self esteem (the good ones!), or simply more experience in dating will avoid men like that because they feel entitled to demand attention on their words, actions, and feelings.
Instead, the goal is to be IN RELATION to her.
This is a flow state where your emotions and her emotions create a cocktail of what IS.
There's no effort to manipulate it, but simply to experience and enjoy it. When you are in RELATION to a woman (or to a man, for that matter), the quality of monitoring to see if you are being accepted or rejected disappears in the transparency of what is really happening in the moment.
Bro WB
10-06-2015, 01:30 PM
Hi Bro WB,
Appreciate your teachings and posts as usual.
I have recently parted ways with the 2 girls as previously mentioned. However that does not affect me and I view all things in a positive light. How good that I do not need to waste time money and effort into futile ventures!
Moving on I have met a new girl, way much prettier, a better character and attitude. She is mine now. I haven't felt so much passion coming in from just a simple french kiss in years. It reminds me of a saying passed on to me by a middle aged gentleman a few years ago. " when you hold a woman in your arms and kiss her, you got to feel it ", I may understand that a little now.
I would hereby quote your signature that all things are constantly conspiring in our favor! It really does.
Another matter I would like to seek an opinion is what are your views on the term " 暖男", you may ask your chinese mistresses as they might be familiar with this term. Many girls of different races, countries and age have described me as that. I am a hopeless romantic at heart but I am rational and logical in my execution. Thus that description of me certainly surprises me. Cheers!
11-06-2015, 10:55 AM
Hi Bro WB,
Appreciate your teachings and posts as usual.
I have recently parted ways with the 2 girls as previously mentioned. However that does not affect me and I view all things in a positive light. How good that I do not need to waste time money and effort into futile ventures!
Moving on I have met a new girl, way much prettier, a better character and attitude. She is mine now. I haven't felt so much passion coming in from just a simple french kiss in years. It reminds me of a saying passed on to me by a middle aged gentleman a few years ago. " when you hold a woman in your arms and kiss her, you got to feel it ", I may understand that a little now.
I would hereby quote your signature that all things are constantly conspiring in our favor! It really does.
Another matter I would like to seek an opinion is what are your views on the term " 暖男", you may ask your chinese mistresses as they might be familiar with this term. Many girls of different races, countries and age have described me as that. I am a hopeless romantic at heart but I am rational and logical in my execution. Thus that description of me certainly surprises me. Cheers!
Bro abugga,
Thanks for sharing.
Yes, how you feel frenching a girl/woman is important. And how passionate she is participating may reveal her true feelings for you. It's like opening window to her heart n soul n taking a peep. But some experienced WLs can feign it very well...
You're doing very well w/ girls in your unique way. Don't give a damn what anyone else says.
Bro WB
Good morning!
Every man is different n every taste is different. Every female is different...
We all hv our unique way of doing things and if we are truly satisfied n happy w/ our life as it is, don't give a damn what anyone else feels/thinks/says or does.
For me, making love to young attractive women is a mission. It's fulfilling my duties as a filial son to all my ancestors, both male n female. If I do find the right girls w/ the right genes, having more kids w/ them would be filial duties accomplished. I KNOW all my ancestors would be very happy n would love me for it!
That is GREAT karma.
Let me digress a bit. I hv reconciled w/ my ex Fujian mistress WX. She is eager to meet me later this month when I go to Shanghai for a business deal. A 19 yo student will also meet me there.
I still hv two mistresses who are in SG currently. LH has been w/ me over 2 yrs n will be 23 very soon. She is the tall one w/ natural D. The 18 yo LS is on student visa. She is not my usual type as she is only 160-161 n a bit tanned. But she is fairer now as she has taken taxi to school since I first kept her a month ago. She doesn't work n stays home all the time waiting for me. If she goes anywhere else after returning from school after 4:00 PM, she will seek my permission. BTW, she is less than 1/3 my age.
LS stays in a master bedroom I'm renting for her, about 6-7 minutes walk from my own home. And all the security guards know that she is my mistress n I hv tipped them to provide info for me haha. I sometimes also drive n park in the underground garage n leave it overnight.
LS has other desirable attributes. I find her pretty n cute. She is the type that will bring me good fortune. Her abalone is exquisite, smells nice n very very tight. Most importantly, she has CVOs quite easily. She is less demanding n very submissive. Oh, most importantly, she has good body proportions n very slender arms n THE tiniest wrists. I gave her a jade bangle, the smallest in my collection n it's still a bit too large. Beautiful hands n fingers. Boobs only A/B but nicely shaped n proportionate n pinkish light brown nipples. Nice perky butt w/ prominent Venus dimples, n slightly fatter thighs but slimmer calves, which is the proportions I crave.
I hv seen LS almost everyday since I started BYing her over a month ago. Even If I go to KTVs or see my other mistress or other girls, I would come to her place after 10:30 PM. I would freshen up, brush my teeth, sometimes shower n get in bed w/ her...would sometimes make love to her if I'm not too tired. She is my very good lao po. At other times, she would meet me near Peace Centre for dinner. I hv dinner about 18 times a month w/ her n often she would try to save money by ordering cheaper items.
I may make LS my LT mistress. The question is when will she become emotionally n sexually addicted to me?
Bro WB
11-06-2015, 12:42 PM
I would hereby quote your signature that all things are constantly conspiring in our favor! It really does.
The 18 yo LS is on student visa.
wow warbird ...LS sounds awesome ...
just headsup on similar quote from Rumi, a persian poet from 1200'S
"Live Life as is if Everything is Rigged in your Favour"
11-06-2015, 01:57 PM
wow warbird ...LS sounds awesome ...
just headsup on similar quote from Rumi, a persian poet from 1200'S
"Live Life as is if Everything is Rigged in your Favour"
Bro PeteTsang69,
Thanks for the great quote. There is no other way to live.
LS is very good for me. But once you hv given CVOs to girls, they want to make love all the time. Quite exhausting for me. I feel weakened. I'm still recovering from a recent flu. I get some rest only when they hv their periods.
Good afternoon!
I hv thought about how to live life to the fullest everyday.
The best way to enjoy life starting now is to accept death and its associated sufferings UNCONDITIONALLY, both in the conscious and subconscious mind.
Accept it NOW.
Why? Because death n sufferings are inevitable. No one can predict when death will occur. Could be tonight or decades later, yeah?
If you don't accept it, you suffer NOW and everyday, possibly long before your actual death.
But once you have accepted the inevitable death, you have no where to go but UP and UP.
Two great Chinese phrases 置之于死地而后生 and 把生死置之于度外 are similar but usually very short-lived. The one who almost died but survived would revert back to the old fearful way, very quickly.
Bro WB
11-06-2015, 10:54 PM
Bro PeteTsang69,
Thanks for the great quote. There is no other way to live.
LS is very good for me. But once you hv given CVOs to girls, they want to make love all the time. Quite exhausting for me. I feel weakened. I'm still recovering from a recent flu. I get some rest.......
Bro WB
Hi Bro WB.
Thank you for your kind words. But I know I have much improvement to learn. Yes I agree with you that if a woman is turned on by you in every sense possible. She will want to make love with you all the time.
Currently I am out with my new girl M, we have already made love twice today and she has hinted a third session later when we get back to our nest. Thank goodness tomorrow is friday. I will need to watch my diet and have more intake on nutritional supplements. It is imperative as a great lover we must know what makes a woman tick, every woman is different. It is through our observations can we deduce what works and what doesn't.
20-06-2015, 10:14 AM
Hi Bro WB.
Thank you for your kind words. But I know I have much improvement to learn. Yes I agree with you that if a woman is turned on by you in every sense possible. She will want to make love with you all the time.
Currently I am out with my new girl M, we have already made love twice today and she has hinted a third session later when we get back to our nest. Thank goodness tomorrow is friday. I will need to watch my diet and have more intake on nutritional supplements. It is imperative as a great lover we must know what makes a woman tick, every woman is different. It is through our observations can we deduce what works and what doesn't.
Bro abugga,
Well done!
The true test of a man's self mastery is when he meets his Special One.
He must NEVER forget that: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares the least.
If he forgets, he is finished. The tragic death of King Fuchai of Wu is a great example.
Bro WB
23-06-2015, 07:40 PM
If he forgets, he is finished. The tragic death of King Fuchai of Wu is a great example.
Or how the ultimate father-son pair of Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu can be destroyed by a woman.
24-06-2015, 03:31 PM
Or how the ultimate father-son pair of Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu can be destroyed by a woman.
Interesting, thanks for sharing and I Wikipedia-ed that their fall were because of women.
This thread has been inspiring with success stories of the seniors here.
Ive watch some of Ma Yun (CEO of China Internet portal). He said that to be successful, you should not just listen to the success stories others; you should listen to why they failed. So that you can learn from the lessons and not repeat what others done wrong.
25-06-2015, 10:00 AM
I had raised a new thread to serve as a dire warning to boycott mommies Shadow, Cici, Miko & Saya at Lido. Reasons are stated at the thread. Please lend support. :cool::cool:
Bro Warbird, apologies if I had hijack this thread but after the confrontation with mommies above and their refusal to change lead me to this warranted move.
25-06-2015, 10:33 AM
I had raised a new thread to serve as a dire warning to boycott mommies Shadow, Cici, Miko & Saya at Lido. Reasons are stated at the thread. Please lend support. :cool::cool:
Bro Warbird, apologies if I had hijack this thread but after the confrontation with mommies above and their refusal to change lead me to this warranted move.
Bro hottie111,
We will all support you. There r many other mummies.
Bro WB
27-06-2015, 09:47 AM
Or how the ultimate father-son pair of Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu can be destroyed by a woman.
Interesting, thanks for sharing and I Wikipedia-ed that their fall were because of women.
This thread has been inspiring with success stories of the seniors here.
Ive watch some of Ma Yun (CEO of China Internet portal). He said that to be successful, you should not just listen to the success stories others; you should listen to why they failed. So that you can learn from the lessons and not repeat what others done wrong.
Bros chenzong n Jenova,
Tks for your posts. Many great men failed or fucked up when they met The Special One. They paid the ultimate price.
Let me reiterate: knowing how to attract women n having the ability to give them the most intense n prolonged CVOs is a matter of life n death. A man must make his women emotionally n sexually addicted to him. Period.
Bro WB
Good morning,
A bro and I will be in Shanghai 10 July, for 5 days.
I invite all bros to join us for a fun trip. PM me if interested.
Bro WB
28-06-2015, 01:23 PM
Bro abugga,
Well done!
The true test of a man's self mastery is when he meets his Special One.
He must NEVER forget that: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares the least.
If he forgets, he is finished. The tragic death of King Fuchai of Wu is a great example.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Yes you are right. If a man meets "the one" he must control himself. If one ends up like the male lead in the classic Michael Bolton song "when a man loves a woman" , the consequences can be impending doom.
Thank you for your kind words bro wb. We ended up going for 10 rounds that night. She and I are now in different countries and she is yearning for me. Next month we will be meeting in eastern Europe. Will update more in detail of my experiences!
01-07-2015, 09:59 AM
Bro WB,
Yes you are right. If a man meets "the one" he must control himself. If one ends up like the male lead in the classic Michael Bolton song "when a man loves a woman" , the consequences can be impending doom.
Thank you for your kind words bro wb. We ended up going for 10 rounds that night. She and I are now in different countries and she is yearning for me. Next month we will be meeting in eastern Europe. Will update more in detail of my experiences!
Bro abugga,
Tks for sharing.
You're a superman! Ten rounds a night!
Bro WB
.................................................. ..
Good morning,
My friend Arthur has a HH outing to Palace 8 today. Expense per pax around $70 to 90. Booking a girl is $150 to 200, but mostly 200.
PM or SMS me if interested.
Bro WB
01-07-2015, 06:03 PM
Thank you for your kind words bro wb. We ended up going for 10 rounds that night. She and I are now in different countries and she is yearning for me. Next month we will be meeting in eastern Europe. Will update more in detail of my experiences!
10 rounds in one night! You need to eat more oysters, bro!
05-07-2015, 10:02 AM
10 rounds in one night! You need to eat more oysters, bro!
He must be the rare multi-orgasmic man! Perhaps he could hv 10 orgasms before ejaculating...
Only a Taoist master could do it.
Bro WB
Good morning!
I like to share something interesting from an Ang Mo guru on the #1 trait women universally want in a man.
Hi, Mr Guru,
You’re really awesome, man. I read your newsletter every day
and have invested in most of your programs! You really share
great stuff. I have a question for you. What do you believe is
the #1 trait women universally want in a man? And how do I
develop it? Thank you.
Your Disciple
Hi, Mr Disciple. Thanks for the kind words and TAKING
Wow! It’s a GREAT question.
There are many traits women universally find
attractive. Leadership, sense of humour, confidence,
and so on…
BUT if you ask me for the #1, the MOST
important, the HOLY GRAIL, if you prefer, here’s
it is:
Because without it, you can’t develop the others.
There are 5 components to a winning attitude.
1. Take 100% responsibility for your life, results,
emotions, the good, the bad, and everything in between…
You don’t blame mommy, daddy, your high school
teacher, your ex, your friends—NO one.
2. Never give up. (Hint: This is what separates guys who
become great with women from the others)
3. Take action… FAST. Don’t wait for the stars
to align or the permission of someone.
4. Have a sense of humour about yourself. Don’t
take yourself too seriously.
5. Ambition. Go after something, have a dream,
vision and goals.
You build a winning attitude over time.
Women can tell when someone is like that, because
the attitude triggers her subconscious survival mechanism.
Then, she can’t help but be open to you.
That’s also how you keep her forever.
So few men are like that.
Great news! That means that if you just make
a little effort, you’re better than 99% of men
out there.
That’s it for today.
Have an amazing day!
Mr Guru
IMHO, you can't hv a lasting winning attitude unless you hv awesome self mastery.
Bro WB
06-07-2015, 01:31 PM
He must be the rare multi-orgasmic man! Perhaps he could hv 10 orgasms before ejaculating...
Only a Taoist master.......
Hi, Mr Disciple. Thanks for the kind words and TAKING
Wow! It’s a GREAT question.
There are many traits women universally find
attractive. Leadership, sense of humour, confidence,
and so on…
BUT if you ask me for the #1, the MOST
important, the HOLY GRAIL, if you prefer, here’s.........
IMHO, you can't hv a lasting winning attitude unless you hv awesome self mastery.
Bro WB
Wah..... Please do not make fun of me dear bros, it was tiring night to say the least. What can I do while you are half asleep and she has already saddled onto you, right? go with the flow! ;)
Great post as per winning attitude, attitude determines everything! Many men are preoccupied with the wrong things, material riches, looks etc.. basically everything that is outside of them. They forgot the attitude, the inside. Many peers my age are too obsessed over things that do not matter much to women attraction at all, even worse, they seem to tie the notion that money equals attraction.
Many of them good looking, well to do, but will definitely fail get chio pussies to commit to them wholeheartedly, to do anything and everything for the MAN they love.
I hereby quote in regards to attitude. " There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. ".
Cheers have a good week, I will be enjoying myself in my travels!
16-07-2015, 03:55 PM
Wah..... Please do not make fun of me dear bros, it was tiring night to say the least. What can I do while you are half asleep and she has already saddled onto you, right? go with the flow! ;)
Great post as per winning attitude, attitude determines everything! Many men are preoccupied with the wrong things, material riches, looks etc.. basically everything that is outside of them. They forgot the attitude, the inside. Many peers my age are too obsessed over things that do not matter much to women attraction at all, even worse, they seem to tie the notion that money equals attraction.
Many of them good looking, well to do, but will definitely fail get chio pussies to commit to them wholeheartedly, to do anything and everything for the MAN they love.
I hereby quote in regards to attitude. " There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. ".
Cheers have a good week, I will be enjoying myself in my travels!
Bro abugga,
You're a wise young man. I see great future in you...
The right mindset or attitude is like the master KEY.
Even King Fuchai failed to win the heart of Xi Shi. Who is richer n more powerful than him? No amount of money n power alone is enough. There is something more, much more...hahaha. It's priceless n the hardest for anyone to achieve.
Bro WB
17-07-2015, 09:59 AM
Good morning!
What is more important than excellent or optimal health?
IMHO, it's survival and preservation of life. This is no 1. One must avoid accidents and situations that may threaten one's very survival.
Let me give u one example. There was a 42 yo cardiologist, originally from China, who often rode bicycle out on the road for fitness in Washington state, Gotham country. He was killed by a truck several years ago. There are many, many other tragic cases. You get the idea.
No 2 would be excellent or optimal health.
Everything else is of secondary importance.
I just received an email from a Gotham guru on:
How Often Should You Ejaculate?
An interesting new study from the epidemiology department at Harvard has me changing my mind (and my recommendation) about ejaculation...
In general it's been known, and I've been saying, that there is nothing wrong with ejaculating as often as you enjoy it-- either through sex or masturbation.
I teach men exercises for learning how to have "non-ejaculatory orgasms", which, as the name implies, means that you have an orgasm, but without the mess.
The REASON for learning how to have orgasm without ejaculation as a man is that when you don't ejaculation, there is no "REFRACTORY PERIOD" (which is that 30-120 minutes right after ejaculation where you can't maintain your erection and you lose interest in sex)... which means that theoretically when you do this practice, you can just continue having sex as long as you want and have as many orgasms as you can handle.
Which is GREAT! And FUN!
One of the strong recommendations in the program is that to learn how to have non-ejaculatory orgasms you should abstain from ejaculation for at least a week (more for older guys).
In fact, I personally had been on a regimen where I ejaculated only once about every 7-10 days in order to maximize my non-ejaculatory orgasms, my libido, and the quality of my erections. Practicing this way WORKS, and it's extremely enjoyable.
Only thing is, according to the latest (and most complete) research, men who ejaculate more than 21 times/month have a LOWER RISK FOR PROSTATE CANCER.
This is extremely significant.
While prostate cancer is generally not fatal for most men who get it...
Most men DO get it.
In fact, many men who have prostate cancer don't even know they have it. They just suffer from some of the symptoms as they age, but it doesn't kill them.
The numbers look like this: 1 in 3 men will have it by the time they reach their 50s, and 80% of men will have it by their 70s.
And symptoms include loss of sexual function, difficulty achieving erection, and frequent need to pee (which can mess up your sleep, which leads to a series of many other problems).
And BELIEVE ME, even if you're not in your 50s now... you are not going to want these problems when you get to your 50s.
And here's the kicker:
While your chances of getting it in your 50s are about 1 in 3 (30% ), there's virtually NOTHING that is PROVEN to lower to risk.
Many supplements and herbs (particularly lycopene from cooked tomatoes) are seen as "promising" to reduce the risk, NOTHING is proven effective...
Until now.
The new study shows a decrease in risk of a whopping 20% in men of all ages, all activity levels, and all ethnicities from ejaculating more often (at least 21 times/month).
How significant do I think this is?
Well, I've personally started to change my own habits to ejaculate at least 5 times/week.
Yes, it makes non-ejaculatory orgasm much more challenging for me. But on balance I think it's worth it. Obviously you may decide otherwise--this is a very personal decision.
But for the majority of my readers I'd say this is good reason to keep your girlfriend up late more frequently, or just break out the lube and take care of business yourself.
For Passion (and your health),
Mr Guru
26-07-2015, 03:26 PM
Good afternoon,
I just received the following email from Mr Guru.
This time I'm going to let you in on what may very well be the
"secret of the universe" when it comes to creating mutual sexual
attraction between a woman and yourself and acting on it.
Let it be known that this may not fully register the first time you
read it. You may need to peruse this whole enchilada a couple of
times for it to really hit home.
So with that in mind, let's hurry up and go for it. I'll keep it
as concise as possible.
Now obviously, all of us have seen a woman and realized instantly
that we were sexually attracted to her. We may have even felt
something move in our boxers right there on the spot.
Well, when that sort of thing has happened to you, what was going
through your mind?
Somehow I doubt it was to the effect of, "You know, that's one sexy
chick. Someday when I feel like it, I'm going to have to get
around to having sex with her."
My bet is it was more like, "Whoa...I'd love to get her naked and
do unspeakably naughty things to her RIGHT NOW."
Let's face it. Horniness is NOT patient, is it? That's just how
biological urges roll. The same holds true for hunger, thirst,
breathing, sleeping, etc.
So let's call that impulse in the moment "sexual urgency".
"Sexual urgency" = "fervent desire to have sex ASAP"
This is perfectly NORMAL.
It's just like when you're hungry you want to EAT.
If you happen to find yourself at the bottom of a swimming
pool, you'll probably scramble to the surface and BREATHE
as quickly as you can.
But unlike other physiological needs we all have, sex is unique:
When satisfied in the most fulfilling manner (i.e. not through
masturbation), it requires the active participation of someone
(For what it's worth, some of you may feel like issuing a rebuttal
to that last statement. But ultimately, I find it really hard to
believe you'd "rather jack off" than be with a real, live woman.
For most men that's a cheap substitute, so I invite you to shelve
any bitterness toward women that you may be feeling, if only long
enough to consider the real point here. Cool?)
So this means that in order for your desires to come to fruition,
she's going to have to agree to help satisfy them.
She's not like the air around you that you can breathe freely
without its permission, or the can of ravioli you buy at the
grocery store and wolf down without its express consent.
Now, for the record, I'm firmly of the belief that MOST women
aren't exactly going to get a room with any and every horny
guy who introduces himself and suggests doing the "wild thing"
Let me be the first to admit that in the homo sapiens species there
tends to be a process associated with any sexual end result.
At this point in the whole train of events, you're hot for a
certain woman and yes, you therefore need HER to be hot for YOU as
So what many, many guys do is to enact a strategy of exerting
This idea of "sexual pressure" is based on the desperate hope of
making a woman give us what we want (i.e. sex).
Welcome to where infamous pickup artist terms like "escalation",
"building compliance" and "sealing the deal" come from.
Think about it: Every single one of those terms implies a focus on
getting one's own needs met, preferably with as little negotiation
and/or resistance from the "target" as possible.
Again, this is actually the LOGICAL, and dare I say NORMAL "knee
jerk" response on the part of our reptilian brains to the
biological problem we perceive to be at hand.
But it's the WRONG one. In fact, it's the diametric opposite of
what's really going to work.
Remember, deserving what you want is almost ALWAYS the key to
success with women.
As discussed so far, both sexual urgency AND sexual pressure are
all about US and OUR needs. The former leads to the latter.'s the big takeaway for you.
The more evolved and more effective way to proceed is to turn your
attention from how you might PRESSURE her to meet YOUR sexual
needs...and instead consider how you might create a similar sexual
urgency in HER.
That's right. Instead of trying to make her "comply", how about
influencing her to WANT YOU as badly as you want her?
After all, if BOTH of you feel that sexual urgency, what's stopping
either of you (at least at the biological level, if not the social)
from acting on it?
This couldn't make more sense, right? There's zero awkwardness, no
conniving and certainly fewer hard feelings when we genuinely
seduce a woman at her core rather than pressuring her.
Consider how needy and desperate it must look trying to "seal the
deal" with a woman by "escalating" her into "compliance". I mean,
what part do HER natural, human sexual urges play in all of that?
Such a lame-o strategy is clearly favored only by men who assume
they have NO CHANCE at creating real, sexual attraction in a woman.
That's a rookie mistake if there ever was one.
The next time you find yourself sexually attracted to a woman, get
a hold of yourself. Recognize your animal instincts, call them
out, and take control over both your emotions and your actions.
Relax, take a deep breath, and start trusting your own natural
masculinity to create SEXUAL URGENCY in her.
Trust that it will take less time than you suspect, and that
because she's a woman your masculine presence will function as
nature designed it to.
Be that "big four" man. BELIEVE confidently in your masculine
power, and then be sure to help her feel comfortable in your
presence. Show enough character to consider her HUMAN role in the
whole matter.
Sexual pressure has the OPPOSITE and more detrimental effect, by
the way. So less pressure and more masculine charm actually equals
a greater chance of sexual activity between a man and a woman.
And what do you know? That outcome is exactly what you wanted to
begin with.
Only this way SHE wants it every bit as badly as you do. What
could be better?
Be Good,
Mr Guru
30-07-2015, 10:12 AM
Good morning!
I have an outing to Dynasty Classic, 2nd fl at Peace Centre, for happy hour, from 5:30 till 9:30 PM.
Head count is now 5. Can get a big room w/ one bottle.
Expected damage per pax is $50 to 60. Booking a girl is $150.
Confirm asap by texting or PM.
Bro WB
30-07-2015, 12:27 PM
Good morning!
I have an outing to Dynasty Classic, 2nd fl at Peace Centre, for happy hour, from 5:30 till 9:30 PM.
Head count is now 5. Can get a big room w/ one bottle.
Expected damage per pax is $50 to 60. Booking a girl is $150.
Confirm asap by texting or PM.
Bro WB
DC brings back many fond memories for me. Got to know a Lynn Poh lookalike from Harbin in DC. She was really passionate. Maybe will join on the next trip. Have fun and happy hunting...
02-08-2015, 02:57 PM
Good afternoon!
I finally have some time now to pen down my recent experiences, I have now been spending a full month in a foreign country with my new found love. The following are my earnest and honest thoughts in detail
As per earlier posts, my new girl is a beauty in her own right, big expressive eyes, extremely fair, shapely body and does not need any make up at all when she goes out. No make up at all!
She earns her own keep, spends her own money and is frugal. All this time together the most expensive meal I ever had to pay for was only 50 sgd for the two of us. She doesnt mind a simple cheap street stall even if she is all made up for the night.
Now I am in her country, she has rented a new apartment in the name of us, I have all access to the apartment and car. She is devoted to her man and takes care of me in every way, I.E, cooks when I am hungry, forbids me to do the housework. I am certainly sure girls like that will be hard to come by in Singapore. And I will not be sorry for what I am going to say, I still think Singaporean girls are detrimental to the genetic pool of the country, with the exceptional of a rare small portion. From my observations, many "pretty" Singaporean girls rely excessively on make up. I wonder why so many boys pansie up to them. I am most certain if they have emotional and self mastery they will not belittle their own position as a man and know they have many choices, both in Singapore and overseas.
On a side note, I have been giving her a lot of PVOs, my dear lads, it is true what dear Bro WB has been stressing all along, when you give a woman PVO, it has all the benefits that come along with it. From my own experiences it is a mental game, not a physical one, you can pump and thrust all you want for an hour and a woman won't even have an orgasm at all. But if you do it right, within a few minutes of penetration, tada.
I have recently read a book titled " the prince " by Niccolo Machiavelli, and I edited a quote in it for all of us. - " fortune is a female and if you want to stay on top you have to slap and thrust, for she allows herself to be mastered by those who are adventurous rather than those who are afraid to offend. She is therefore, a woman-like, a lover of MEN, because they are less cautious, more wild and violent with audacity to command her. "
03-08-2015, 11:20 AM
DC brings back many fond memories for me. Got to know a Lynn Poh lookalike from Harbin in DC. She was really passionate. Maybe will join on the next trip. Have fun and happy hunting...
Good for u bro!
Good afternoon!
I finally have some time now to pen down my recent experiences, I have now been spending a full month in a foreign country with my new found love. The following are my earnest and honest thoughts in detail
As per earlier posts, my new girl is a beauty in her own right, big expressive eyes, extremely fair, shapely body and does not need any make up at all when she goes out. No make up at all!..........................
Now I am in her country, she has rented a new apartment in the name of us, I have all access to the apartment and car. She is devoted to her man and takes care of me in every way, I.E, cooks when I am hungry, forbids me to do the housework. I am certainly sure girls like that will be hard to come by in Singapore. And I will not be sorry for what I am going to say, I still think Singaporean girls are detrimental to the genetic pool of the country, with the exceptional of a rare small portion. From my observations, many "pretty" Singaporean girls rely excessively on make up. I wonder why so many boys pansie up to them. I am most certain if they have emotional and self mastery they will not belittle their own position as a man and know they have many choices, both in Singapore and overseas.
On a side note, I have been giving her a lot of PVOs, my dear lads, it is true what dear Bro WB has been stressing all along, when you give a woman PVO, it has all the benefits that come along with it. From my own experiences it is a mental game, not a physical one, you can pump and thrust all you want for an hour and a woman won't even have an orgasm at all. But if you do it right, within a few minutes of penetration, tada.
I have recently read a book titled " the prince " by Niccolo Machiavelli, and I edited a quote in it for all of us. - " fortune is a female and if you want to stay on top you have to slap and thrust, for she allows herself to be mastered by those who are adventurous rather than those who are afraid to offend. She is therefore, a woman-like, a lover of MEN, because they are less cautious, more wild and violent with audacity to command her. "
Yo bro abugga,
Tks for sharing. You're indeed a young master of pussies!
I must admit there is some truth about your statement on SG gals n genetic pool haha. The prettiest n sexiest SG gals either marry sons of very rich families or some Ang Mos, unfortunately.
Yes, if a man doesn't give his girls/women PVOs or more scientifically, Copulatory Vaginal Orgasms CVOS, she will be miserable, sooner n later, and he will hv to face the unhappy consequences...
I have read the Prince by Machiavelli. The quote I remember is a bit different n I hv looked it up.
"My opinion on the matter is this: it's better to be impulsive than cautious; fortune is female and if you want to stay on top of her you have to slap and thrust. You'll see she's more likely to yield that way than to men who go about her coldly. And being a woman she likes her men young, because they're not so cagey, they're wilder and more daring when they master her. (25.10)"
Yes, fortune n beautiful young women favour the BOLD.
Bro WB
.................................................. ..
Good morning!
I'm a lao chee ko pek, so no chance w/ very young women, like those who are 18-19?
BTW, I met my new 18 yo mistress/lover or non legal wife Lisa in May and we hv been together for just under 3 months. She is a student n doesn't work. She is very frugal n tries to save money for me. I was admitted to a hospital for two nights in June for coughing w/ fever n she came to sleep in the sofa overnight. Of course I'm HIV negative haha.
Recently, we went to dinner w/ a number of towkays n their GFs. When Lisa got her big bowl of shark fin soup first, she reflexively tried to put some in a small bowl for me. I stopped her n said we all had the big bowl. I hugged her tight n my friends commented that I was a lucky man. I said: NO! She is a very lucky girl!! I'm THE PRIZE, remember? She is more caring n kind to me than my legal wife during our honeymoon several decades ago.
I feel like a 19 yo boy haha. When I first met Lisa, I said I wanted to keep her as my exclusive lover, very soon after we met. Initially, she was cold n flatly rejected me several times, you're too old! But I was unflappable n DGAD...she may be emotionally n sexually addicted to me now!!
Could it be possible that Machiavelli didn't understand women well, like most men of his times? I hv much to say abt this fascinating topic at a later date. I shall present my opinions based on evolutionary, scientific, biological n medical research papers and my personal observations.
05-08-2015, 10:08 AM
Good morning!
I hv an outing to Dynasty , 2nd fl at Peace Centre, for HH today, 5:45 PM till 9:30PM.
I'll book a room large enough for 6-7 bros for one bottle of Martell which is $230 n $20 tips for waiters. No need mummies. Go to the hall to choose your own gals. Booking a gal is $150.
All bros invited. Pls drink lightly and smoke outside the room.
Expenses will be shared EQUALLY by all bros. I don't drink a drop n you could hv my share.
SMS or PM me if interested.
Bro WB
05-08-2015, 10:51 AM
Good morning!
Meeting and fucking a girl is only the very first step in a long journey. For me, the fun and challenge is to get her emotionally n sexually addicted to me, and only me.
For sexual addiction, the prerequisite is giving her regular and intense CVOs. Foreplay and clitoral orgasms n digital vaginal orgasms, etc., could prime the pump and make CVOs come more quickly n more intense.
I just received the following from a female sex guru yesterday. It will add variety and also prepare her for the most intense n prolonged CVOs.
How to Give a Breast Orgasm
There are some guys out there who are serious breast men. They could sit around and play with their partner’s breasts all day long and never get bored. But unless you really know what you’re doing, your partner might not be that interested in having her breasts fondled endlessly. Sure, she likes it for a bit, but then it’s “move it along, sir!” If you’re eager to keep playing and she’s getting bored already, there just might be a way to keep her interest in your breast play. You just have to make sure you’re doing it right!
Did you know that the breasts are one of the erogenous zones? Okay, you might have already know that one, but did you know that some women are able to orgasm from breast stimulation alone? Not all women can achieve this, but it sure is fun to try! Even if your partner isn’t one of the lucky ones who can orgasm from breast play, learning how to stimulate her just-so can result in even more powerful orgasms and much more pleasure! So, here’s how it’s done:
Really get to know HER breasts…
As you all know by now, not all women like the same things. This holds true for what kind of breast stimulation she will like. On top of that, you have to factor in hormonal changes in her body and her breast sensitivity. During certain times of the month her breasts might be more sensitive than others and this might mean she likes different things. All of it can affect what she’s in the mood for, so get to know her likes and dislikes really well in order to really master this technique. When in doubt, communicate!
Always start soft and slow…
Think about it, you wouldn’t like it if she grabbed your penis out of no where and started roughly jerking it around. Just like you, she needs to be warmed up first by light, soft and slow stimulation.
A combo power pack…
Don’t just do one thing over and over. It’s too repetitive and even if she loved it at first, after a while it will lose its effect. You’ll get the best results by using a combination of different stimulation techniques.
Stimulation techniques
* You’re starting off soft, so try tracing circles with the tip of your finger over her stomach and chest, gradually moving in to the breasts and nipples.
* Slide your hands over her breasts, cupping them with the palms of your hands. Kneed them, cup them, and massage them gently, then more firmly, varying your speed and pressure. You should consider using a massage oil or lotion to make your hands slide over her skin more easily.
* Use oil or lotion to begin stimulating her nipples. Run your fingers over them. Press them. Roll them between your thumb and first finger. Remember to keep her sensitivity in mind here. You don’t want to hurt her, but you want to give enough stimulation to make it really pleasurable. Pull on them with fast, repetitive strokes.
* Cup her breast with one hand and push it up. This has the effect of pushing her nipple out and making it taut. Use the above techniques to stimulate her nipple. Rotate it around in a circular motion with the pads of your fingers.
* Now move on to using your mouth. Use your tongue to lick her breast from the bottom all the way up and over her nipple. Give her open mouth, wet kisses all over her breasts and nipples. Run your softly over her nipples with a fat, flat tongue. Then flex your tongue and flick the nipple with it.
* Try giving her gentle love nibbles and bites on her breasts. Make your way to her nipples and begin very gently nibbling on them. Try covering your teeth with your wet lips first to test her sensitivity. If she has extremely sensitive nipples or is in a sensitive phase in her cycle you might need to skip nibbling and biting all together. You don’t want to risk hurting her. If you’re not sure, ask her if the pressure is okay.
* Suction your mouth around her nipple and suck in and out. Run your tongue over the nipple while you suck.
Remember, although some women can have an orgasm from breast play, not all women will be able to. Don’t put pressure on yourself or her to achieve this result. Just enjoy yourself! Breast play can also magnify a clitoral or G spot orgasm, so any of these techniques can also be used in combination with stimulating other parts of her body for a truly intense experience.
12-08-2015, 01:28 PM
Good afternoon,
I hv an outing to Dynasty, 2nd fl at Peace Centre, for HH today, 5:45 PM till 9:30PM.
I hv balance, so expense per pax will be low.
All bros invited. Pls drink lightly and smoke outside the room.
Expenses will be shared EQUALLY by all bros. I don't drink a drop n you could hv my share.
SMS or PM me if interested.
Bro WB
14-08-2015, 11:30 AM
Good morning!
A bro contacted me and wanted to exchange points. I said OK. Nothing happened for days. It turned out that he expected me to up him first!! I guess he doesn't trust me.
Let me make it crystal clear. My word is my bond, period. Let me repeat.
BTW, a man's trustworthiness and reliability is one of the most attractive masculine traits to girls/women. I would rank it right up the very top w/ awesome emotional and self mastery.
All my LT mistresses know that I'm 一诺千金.
If your word is your bond and if you hv awesome emotional and self mastery, you're irresistible to the most attractive girls/women. And if you give them very intense CVOs, they will hv a hard time leaving you. Hard time only, but they may still leave you.
Although intense n frequent CVOs is very addictive to girls/women, but when it comes to choosing a LT partner, many may still opt for a man who is a much better provider n protector. They need to ensure they hv a secure n comfortable future n that their offspring will be well provided for. This survival instinct is the most powerful. Of course they will not forget the man who has given them CVOs n may cheat on their LT partners, eventually, if they can't perform as well. Recent surveys n research hv confirmed the above.
Previously, I hv slightly overestimated the addictive power of intense CVOs hahaha.
BTW, if you're married, it's difficult for them to choose you as a LT partner. It can be done, however, if you can take care of her LT. If she believes that your word is your bond. Being the first man ever to give her intense CVOS would help too haha.
Bro WB
19-08-2015, 10:16 AM
Good morning,
I hv an outing to Dynasty, 2nd fl at Peace Centre, for HH today, 5:45 PM till 9:30PM.
I hv balance, so expense per pax will be $30 or less. One week ago, I booked a medium room for today haha. I confirmed the room no yesterday.
All bros invited. Pls drink lightly and smoke outside the room.
Expenses will be shared EQUALLY by all bros. My girl n I don't drink a drop n you could hv our share.
SMS or PM me if interested.
Bro WB
23-08-2015, 03:28 PM
Good afternoon!
I just read about a technique on how to stimulate love w/ your eyes.
How To Stimulate Love With Your Eyes
You can stimulate the senses of being in love in a girl by simply increasing the eye contact as you talk to her. Simply “linger on” with your eye contact for just a bit too long when you talk to her.
In order to fool a girl into thinking she is already in love with you, you will need to increase the eye contact with a girl to about eighty percent of the time when you talk to her. Try to look deeply into her eyes and even through it. Of course, you don’t have to count how many seconds you have to look at her. Simply let your eyes be glued to hers a little longer, even during the silences; and when you finally must look away, drag your eyes away slowly as if you’re feeling quite reluctantly, and look back at her again as soon as you can. This will shoot the energy level way up to the outer space!
Please do it and tell us how successful you're.
Bro WB
29-08-2015, 05:22 PM
Hi bro,
does any of your mistress that love you jealous of each other? How do you handle such circumstances? Do you mantain any long distance relationship which both of you only meet once or twice per year?
30-08-2015, 02:57 PM
Hi bro,
does any of your mistress that love you jealous of each other? How do you handle such circumstances? Do you mantain any long distance relationship which both of you only meet once or twice per year?
Bro korean,
Of course, they will be zealous if they meet. But they never met...I sometimes make love to two mistresses on the same day, one in the afternoon and the other at night. I always know their whereabouts so that I'll not bump into one when I'm w/ the other. Even though the newer one usually knows that I hv another one, she will still be jealous if she sees us together.
In 2012 at TAM, a mummy intro a pretty Jiangshu gal but said she won't do ST. I booked her n told her about my two LT mistresses in SG and she intimated that she would to be lucky to be my 3rd haha. She had refused ST but agreed to a "trial" just before expiration of her visitor pass. Unfortunately, her subsequent application for a student visa was rejected n she got married within 6 months.
Yes, I hv many long distance RS. I don't pay anything while they r in China and I meet them less than once a year. Many do return to SG but I usually find them unattractive after a lapse of more than 6 months.
Here is a joke for every bro.
Planning Ahead
An older, white haired man walked into a jewelry store one Friday evening with a beautiful young girl at his side. He told the jeweler he wanted a special ring for his girlfriend.
The jeweler looked through his stock and found a $5,000 ring. The old man said, "No, I'd like to see something much more special."
The jeweler went to his special stock in the safe and brought another ring back. "This one's $50,000." The young lady's eyes sparkled and her whole body trembled with excitement
"I'll take it!" Declared the old man.
The jeweler asked how payment would be made, and the old man said, "By check, but I know you need to make sure my check is good, so I'll write it now, and you can call the bank on Monday to verify funds. I'll pick up the ring on Monday afternoon."
Monday morning, the jeweler called the old man saying, "Sir, there's NO money in that account!"
The old man said, "I know I know, but let me tell you about the weekend I just had!"
Bro WB
30-08-2015, 07:55 PM
Good evening,
I hv an outing to Dynasty, 2nd fl at Peace Centre, for HH coming Tuesday 1st Sep, 5:30 PM till 9:30PM.
I hv balance, so expense per pax will be $30 or less. If we need to open a new bottle, it will be around $40-60. Few girls do butterfly, booking her for the entire session is $150.
You could get HP no from a girl w/o booking of course, as I hv done many times in the past. All the girls will be standing in the hall, some will be sitting on the sofa nearby. Connect w/ those you like.
Finding a gem of your type is a matter of randomness n luck. I suggest you try to see all the girls coming through the entrance.
I hv already booked a medium room.
Pls drink lightly and smoke outside the room..
SMS or PM me if interested.
Bro WB
02-09-2015, 03:46 PM
Great thread although I must admit I only go through about 10% of the thread. All the good advices on PVO and taking care of oneself are really useful. I feel ashamed at my own weight now at 39 compared to my army days when I read about WB's waistline as same as when he is 20. Got to do some serious exercise
Keep this great thread going
04-09-2015, 11:00 AM
Great thread although I must admit I only go through about 10% of the thread. All the good advices on PVO and taking care of oneself are really useful. I feel ashamed at my own weight now at 39 compared to my army days when I read about WB's waistline as same as when he is 20. Got to do some serious exercise
Keep this great thread going
Bro GiftonJS,
Giving women intense n sustained PVOs or, more scientifically, CVOs Copulatory Vaginal Orgasms, is how to make them sexually addicted to you.
BY sustained I don't mean 30-60 minutes. A very intense n sustained PVOs of 8-10 minutes is more than they can tahan. If they want longer, it means they r not coming hard enough.
What is shocking is that even gyne specialists don't know much about CVOs...
As for optimal health n longevity, if you keep your body weight, waistline and BP (w/o medications) the same as when you were 20 (assuming you were not grossly overweight or underweight at the time) for the rest of your life, you will have a good chance to live to the ripe old age of 100 n beyond. You can't change your genes. You can do only a bit to change your environment unless you move to a place w/ few cars n no industries.
If you're in optimal health, you will enjoy good sex for many decades to come.
Bro WB
04-09-2015, 11:34 AM
Great thread although I must admit I only go through about 10% of the thread. All the good advices on PVO and taking care of oneself are really useful. I feel ashamed at my own weight now at 39 compared to my army days when I read about WB's waistline as same as when he is 20. Got to do some serious exercise
Keep this great thread going
good bro, at least not too late to do more exercise :D
04-09-2015, 11:35 AM
bro great thread :D
05-09-2015, 01:23 PM
Bro GiftonJS,
Giving women intense n sustained PVOs or, more scientifically, CVOs Copulatory Vaginal Orgasms, is how to make them sexually addicted to you.
BY sustained I don't mean 30-60 minutes. A very intense n sustained PVOs of 8-10 minutes is more than they can tahan. If they want longer, it means they r not coming hard enough.
What is shocking is that even gyne specialists don't know much about CVOs...
As for optimal health n longevity, if you keep your body weight, waistline and BP (w/o medications) the same as when you were 20 (assuming you were not grossly overweight or underweight at the time) for the rest of your life, you will have a good chance to live to the ripe old age of 100 n beyond. You can't change your genes. You can do only a bit to change your environment unless you move to a place w/ few cars n no industries.
If you're in optimal health, you will enjoy good sex for many decades to come.
Bro WB
Sadly I gained quite a fair bit of weight from my army days. I was underweight then and now at the higher limit of "normal" weight in only 15 years lol. This thread has been quite inspiring and very interesting to me. Hopefully I can join your ktv session one of this day.
05-09-2015, 01:33 PM
good bro, at least not too late to do more exercise :D
Hope so bro, it is always tougher to take the first step lol
06-09-2015, 01:38 PM
good bro, at least not too late to do more exercise :D
bro great thread :D
Bro CumExplorer,
You make my day!
It's never too late to get healthier.
Bro WB
Sadly I gained quite a fair bit of weight from my army days. I was underweight then and now at the higher limit of "normal" weight in only 15 years lol. This thread has been quite inspiring and very interesting to me. Hopefully I can join your ktv session one of this day.
Bro GiftonJS,
You can do a lot to improve your health n well being.
Thank u for your points. I hv reciprocated but I addressed u wrongly n inadvertently as bro CumExplorer, so sorry. I'm going to up him next.
Pls let me know if you're interested in joining my outings.
Bro WB
07-09-2015, 11:34 AM
Good morning!
I hv an outing to Palace 8, first fl Marina Mandarin Hote, tomorrow for happy hour. From 6PM till 9:30 PM.
Expected expense per pax is $80 to $110. Booking for a girl aka expendable n inflatable doll is $200.
If interested, send PM or SMS to me.
Bro WB
09-09-2015, 11:01 AM
Good morning!
Women are sexual creatures and their orgasmic potential is vast.
I just searched the forum for coregasms or orgasms during exercise and got nothing!! About 10% of women hv experienced it. Actually some men hv also experienced it w/o touching their genitalia.
Here is an article on the subject.
Study Shows Women Experience Orgasm While Working Out
DELIGHTFUL KNOWLEDGE on November 2, 2014
I understand that from a biological stand point, women have a lot more “stuff” to deal with than men. Child birth, periods, the whole female internal goodie bag tilts the scale in favor of guys, we got it easy.
However a new study may be tilting that scale back in favor of the girls team., the coregasm. The “coregasm” is an exercised educed orgasm that researchers have been studying and links certain exercises to women having orgasms at the gym or while working out! The closest a guy ever gets to that is the creepy Eastern European guys who face the jets in the hot tub.
The coregasm got it’s name because of the link of working out the core or abdominal muscles and women having orgasms. It’s not as new as you would think, scientist Alfred Kinsey and his colleagues first reported the phenomenon in 1953, saying that about 5 percent of women they had interviewed mentioned orgasm linked to physical exercise. I didn’t even know women were allowed to have orgasms in the 1950’s.
Debby Herbenick, co-director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University says,”the findings add qualitative and quantitative data to a field that has been largely unstudied.”
The topic of the coregasm has been exploding all over the media, again, and again and again. Despite the hoopla, there is little scientific research about the exercise-induced orgasms,” Herbenick writes in a special issue of the journal Sexual and Relationship Therapy released this months in an article titled the 5 Myths About Women’s Body.
Herbenick used surveys online to collect her information, which included answers from 124 women who had experienced exercise-induced orgasms and 246 women who reported exercise-induced sexual pleasure. Most of the women, ages 18 to 63 and an average age of 30, were in a relationship or married and 69 percent said they were heterosexual.
Herbenick found that about 40 percent of both groups of women had experienced exercise-induced pleasure or orgasm on more than 11 occasions in their lives. Most of the women in the “orgasm” group said they felt some level of embarrassment when exercising in public places. The “orgasm” group mostly said during the experiences they weren’t having a sexual fantasy or thinking about someone they were attracted to.
45% of the women studied said their first coregasmic experience was linked to abdominal exercises, 19% linked to biking/spinning(which explains the popularity in spin class), 9.3% linked to climbing poles or ropes; 7% reported a connection with weight lifting, 7% from running. Yoga, swimming, elliptical machines, aerobics all triggered coregasms to women exercising.
Practice makes perfect, multiple sets of crunches seemed to trigger a coregasm more than a couple repetitions. If this in fact is true, we should be a nation of flat tummied, satisfied women within 6 months. Stomach crunches and orgasms are the equivalent of a man being able to get oral sex, while watching football, drinking a beer and eating an Italian beef, the perfect sexual storm, that satisfies all of the senses.
“We had at least one woman in the study who was a virgin, and she really loved that she could have these experiences at the gym,” Herbenick said.
Like most men, the researchers aren’t sure why certain exercises lead to orgasm or sexual pleasure, “It may be that exercise, which is already known to have significant benefits to health and well-being, has the potential to enhance women’s sexual lives as well,” says Herbenick.
Herbenick admits, like the orgasm, it takes a lot of time and attention from the scientific community to have her theories reach a climax “I think that’s going to be interesting,” seeing the reaction. Is this a tooth fairy type of thing or does it really happen?’ I have no doubt that it happens.”
It’s bad enough us guys have to go toe to toe with the “rabbit,”but now we have to worry about spin class stealing away our ladies affections? What’s next, when will the orgasm madness end? Will the coregasm make us a nation of uber fit, sexually satisfied super women? One can only hope.
The next time you are at the gym or running on the path and see a woman who seems to really be enjoying her workout, it might be best to look the other way, let her have her moment and rest in the fact that she is helping advance science for all man kind.
Relax bros. These coregasms are NOT as addictive as CVOs. Not even close.
Bro WB
09-09-2015, 04:25 PM
hahaha good info :D
11-09-2015, 02:13 PM
Good afternoon!
Its ok to be a good guy n still get laid like crazy.
Just received the following:
How To Be The Guy Every Woman Wants
Hey Bro Warbird,
Notice I said “good” guy... not “nice” guy.
There is a BIG difference between a good guy and a nice guy, women know this and are always on the lookout for a good guy.
They think they want a nice guy, but when they find one, immediately toss him into the friend zone or bulldoze straight over him to get to the bad boy.
Then after being treated like a piece of meat with the bad boy, they then realise that they need a good guy, which sits firmly in between the nice guy and bad boy.
Confused? Let me explain a little further...
What's The Difference Between A Good Guy And A Nice Guy?
There are quite a few major differences between a good guy and a nice guy, so let me break them down for you.
• Good guy - He’s emotionally strong, financially stable (career driven), doesn’t take any nonsense from women, isn’t afraid to speak his mind, but also has manners, is very polite and is a grounded well rounded person. He takes care of himself, is friendly, sociable and is the kind of guy you want around on a night out.
• Nice guy - He’s predictable, needy, has zero self worth, even less self confidence and takes whatever he can get with women. Always seems to send up in the friend zone and doesn’t understand why. He has a good job, doesn't’ drink a lot, never disagrees with women and always sits on the fence. He basically wants to be liked by everyone.
So now you know the distinction, let’s get into the nitty gritty and discuss how you can start putting certain attractive “good guy” qualities into practice.
Drop The Nice Guy Act
Women like a “real” man, they say that all the friggin time in their silly glossy magazines. What this means though is they want a guy who tells it like it is and isn’t scared of offending women. Now I’m not saying you should be a dick, that’s where guys go wrong when they learn this stuff.
I’m saying, if you’re having a conversation and she says something that you don’t agree with, tell her dude! Say “I couldn’t disagree more and here’s why I think you’re wrong”. On the surface, she may looked pissed off, but deep down she loves it!
Adopt The "Good" Characteristics Of A Badboy
We all know that bad boys are complete dicks, but they get laid. Now you seriously don’t have to be a bad boy to get the girls, you just need to adopt the good characteristics that he has (granted, there aren’t many).
1. Don’t show that you’re offended
If you’re having a conversation which gets a little heated and she says something that offends you. Never ever show that you’re offended, it makes you look weak.
2. Think about yourself
A gentleman thinks about women in ways that average guys don’t, by opening the door for her or pulling out her chair. However a “good” guy will also think of himself, so he’ll take time to do what he wants, when he wants and he’ll make damn sure the girl knows it.
For example, if you’re on a date and you’re bored. Tell her you’re bored and tell her what you want to do next, lead her and she will follow. This just says that you’re not a pushover who panders to women’s needs.
3. Remove any emotions
Now it’s fine to be emotional, but you have to show your emotions in the right place. For god sake, please don’t cry in front of her or get overly angry and snap in the heat of the moment, this will kill any attraction she had for you on the spot.
4. Add some drama to the conversation
Women LOVE drama, that’s why they read trashy novels, crap magazines and gossip with their friends about pointless things. They need it to make their lives interesting.
So you need to add level of drama, so it keeps her on her toes. Tell her you like her and don’t call her until she gets back in touch with you, always leave her second guessing and wondering if you’re the type of guy she can settle down with. You have to think like a player almost here.
Challenge Her Mentally (Playful And Intellectually)
Aside from drama, women need a playful guy who can tease them both physically and intellectually. So stop being so serious and wind her up once in awhile. Also challenge her intelligence by calling her out on certain points.
Always Sexually Escalate From The Beginning
Men of the world... always show a woman that you want sex and you’re not afraid to show it by sexually escalating. Women love a guy who isn’t sexually mild, you need to show her that you’re getting turned on by her, this is gratifying for a woman and turns her on also.
Nice guys, never escalate that’s why they never get laid.
So there you have it. Be the good guy... not the nice guy or douchebag. The middle is where you’ll get plenty of action, without the hassle.
14-09-2015, 10:17 AM
Good morning!
I just posted on the thread "how often does your wife give you sex?"
There are many married men who are suffering like bro viper. His case is quite common.
<<<<<<<<Zero or maybe lucky onc but lay there like a DEAD FISH.
I rather PCC or go for FL than fuck her at all.
Best to divource..I am suffering
Bro viper,
Why did you marry her in the first place? Were you mesmerized by her good looks and sexy figure?
Every women has vast potential for intense n prolonged sexual pleasure. They will get addicted to copulatory vaginal orgasms or CVOs.
Unfortunately, many women are so sexually inhibited due to strict family upbringing, religious indoctrination or traumatic sexual experiences during early childhood that they cannot experience any sexual pleasure. In fact, they will try every which way to avoid sex. They get married for financial n family reasons...
Here is what you should do. Make her very relaxed w/ soothing music n give her a body massage. If after a few months she is still a dead fish, seek professional psychiatric help.
If she remains the same after 12 months, divorce her. Short time pain but long term gain. Every healthy heterosexual man deserves to hv sexual satisfaction from a long term, loving n caring partner. It's his birth right n one of the greatest joys in life.
Ironically, oftentimes such a dead fish may hv an affair w/ a man who is able to connect w/ her emotionally. But 99% of the times, she will still be a dead fish w/ her new "lover." He will dump her very soon, unless she is rich n is giving him financial "aid" or other form of assistance.
Good luck!
Good luck!
Bro WB>>>>>>>>
23-09-2015, 11:26 AM
Good morning!
What I'm going to write will be politically incorrect n very offensive to femi-nazis. But who cares?
I'm having fewer outings to KTVs because I hv enough "inflatable dolls" w/ live pussy for now. I hv a 19 yo kawai SYT doll n a 28 yo sexy MILF doll plus LT ST "GFs". My challenge is to get them more emotionally n sexually addicted.
Treating all girls/women as expendable n inflatable dolls is a good start. It's the right mindset n you must always hv a very strong mental frame which will suck all the dolls into your world, your reality. Not the other round. You will always hv more power in the RS. Are u shy n nervous in front of a very pretty n sexy inflatable doll? Are u afraid of rejection by a doll? It's laughable, isn't it?
Do you want to be KCed by an inflatable doll? Why not? Hv fun, as long as she has more KC for you.
If your doll is angry or if she rejects you for whatever reason, never ever show that you're affected by her words or actions. If you do, she knows that you're a weak beta man, a wuss, a nice guy. In fact, you should not care or be affected by what she (or anyone else) says/feels/thinks or does. Remain as cool as cucumber. Your body language, voice tonality etc., n your words must be in congruence, otherwise she knows you're faking're just a frightened little boy inside.
BTW, don't be a nice guy. Don't be a bad boy or a jerk either. Be a badass gentleman!
A badass gentleman or BG is always very relaxed, unflappable, dominant, self assured, bold, passionate, very comfortable in his own skin, decisive, is a leader, ambitious, kind, humble, witty, sexual, etc. He has awesome emotional an self mastery.
He has very strong mental frame n he knows he is the PRIZE n that he has more social n sexual value than any girl/woman aka inflatable doll alive today.
Let me quote a guru.
"Pull yourself out of the bullshit so-cial Matrix – realize that you are the prize, not her. The man is the prize. This is how it has been throughout the ages and this is how women want it to be. They want to be with the prize. Approach and deal with girls from the mindset of being the prize, the rock-star, the king of the jungle."
Bro WB
04-10-2015, 05:28 PM
Good afternoon,
I hv an outing to Palace 8, 1st fl Marina Mandarin Hotel, tomorrow for SH, 9:00 PM until...
Pls confirm asap by PM or SMS.
Palace 8 is considered a high end joint. A bottle of Martell is about $500, tips for mummy $50-100, waiters $30 n booking a girl is at least $300.
Will get 5-6 bros n share expenses equally.
Bro WB
12-10-2015, 10:54 AM
Good morning!
Every minute, everyday, do you feel that you're THE PRIZE to the most attractive dolls in the world? If the answer is yes, congrats! If not, you need to change your mindset or mental frame asap. Until your subconscious mind believes that you're the prize, you will fail when you meet a very attractive doll or you "dream girl", when you think she is "out of your league."
I received this email on KISSING from a guru yesterday. As I hv said many times before, if a girl willingly lets you kiss her, her pussy is yours. Very very few exceptions.
The 4-Step System To Get Her To Kiss You… Using Body Language Tactics
This technique is something you can do even when you’re in a bar or a disco pub. Why? Because the loud noise of the bar will work for you.
If a woman does not see you as a prize yet, this technique will change her mind.
Step #1: You see her looking at you, hanging on to your every word and smiling in response to what you’re saying. She’s standing only a foot away. You can smell her cologne and you can almost feel her soft skin on yours.
This is the part where most men mess up. They simply lose sight of their intentions and start showing sexual reactions themselves. Bad, bad move.
Here’s how it can then backfire. She might just think you’re coming on to her “too fast” and run away. I’ve seen enough men mess this up by grabbing the girl, or fidgeting.
Even worse, they show subconscious sexual responses so strong that the women get turned off (i.e. pulling her close and rubbing his lower body on hers before she’s ready for that).
You have to keep still while she closes in. Don’t get excited yet, and continue talking like nothing monumental is happening.
Step #2: As her interest heightens to a feverish pitch, lower your voice so she has to lean to hear you. You will see her stepping closer and straining to hear what you’re saying.
Step #3: When she offers you her ear, you whisper what you’re saying and she will still be listening on, captivated. At this point, your lips are almost touching her ear, and your breath is making shivers run up and down her spine.
She will start to wonder if you’re kissing her ear or not, but you’re talking about some mundane thing so maybe it’s unintentional. She knows for sure it feels good, though, so she will keep listening to you (and enjoying the lip play on her ear).
Step #4: In one fluid motion, move your lips from her ear to her lips and give her a lingering kiss…
And what do I mean by lingering? Usually this lasts for 1.5 minutes tops, and starts out softly and gently.
Give just a hint of tongue unless she opens her mouth and goes all out. If this happens, give her a pretty hot French kiss, the kind that takes her breath away, and then pull away slowly. Take note that you’re still holding her, so you can bring your lips back to her ear to talk softly to her again.
The kiss might shake her… and importantly, make her realize that she kissed you because she thinks you’re the prize.
The aftermath of the kiss is just as important as the events that led up to it. Continue talking in a soothing manner and your hands must be caressing her back or arms.
When she’s relaxed again you can gaze deeply in her eyes and look for signs that she wants another kiss; a parted mouth, a dewy look or a pair of hands holding your face close.
The point is you made her realize a lot of things, the main thing being “you turn her on”.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Just do it!!
Bro WB
12-10-2015, 04:06 PM
Thank you bro warbird for the info.
13-10-2015, 04:41 PM
yes, bro warbird is very wise. A year ago , i asked him for advice on a r/s with a viet wl... he made me see the light and i finally managed to extract myself before things got too serious... its not exaggerating to say he helped me save my life from ruin sia.
15-10-2015, 10:19 AM
Thank you bro warbird for the info.
You're most welcome!
yes, bro warbird is very wise. A year ago , i asked him for advice on a r/s with a viet wl... he made me see the light and i finally managed to extract myself before things got too serious... its not exaggerating to say he helped me save my life from ruin sia.
Not wise, I'm just an armchair general.
I'm so happy that my advice did help you. You make my day!!
Also remember that you're THE PRIZE, not the dolls.
Bro WB
Good morning!
I like to share something I just read.
The Master “Formula” For Attraction
Most men believe that every girl is different and therefore must be seduced in a unique way. This isn’t the case. Attraction is a process of nature and nature is systematic and predictable more often than not. Most of a woman’s decisions come from parts of her brain that are totally subconscious and make her decisions for her based on primal survival and re- production instincts. If you activate the right triggers, women often have a predictable response.
Here are the 3 Rules to keep in mind when using this System:
1)Use The Right Triggers
Hipster girls, strippers, bookworms and bartenders are all still female and respond to similar triggers. Your looks, age, income and other factors don’t play as big of a factor as you think, they’re just the icing on the cake.
)Show The Right Traits
Even though we are trying to attract modern women, their brains still function the same as those of cave women. Women look for very specific traits to filter out and reject men. If you show women the right traits, you’ll turn them on.
3)Don’t Think Too Hard
You’ll drive yourself crazy wondering what a woman’s thinking and it won’t help you. Instinct can help, but if you start to about wonder “what to do” with a specific girl for too long, you’ll start to make poor decisions. Instead, just follow the simple step-by-step system I’m about to lay out for you to ensure you don’t make any big mis- takes.
The important thing to remember is that no woman is totally “out of your league” and statistics argue that no woman is immune to being seduced and that, generally, all women respond to the same triggers and look for the same traits.
Every girl is going to hook up with someone and there’s no reason that it shouldn’t be you. If she rejects you then it’s likely that you neglected a crucial element in this system.
Bro WB's note: It takes time for a doll to realize n appreciate your dominant n masculine character traits, and your awesome emotional n self mastery. You need to be patient...
Never brag or show off, it's such a wussy n insecure/immature behaviour. You may still bed dolls who are after your money or dolls w/ negative self esteem. But even these girls will hv no real n lasting attraction n respect for you.
Bro WB
18-10-2015, 08:15 PM
How is palace 8 quality?
19-10-2015, 11:24 AM
How is palace 8 quality?
Generally still one of the better joints, especially for SH. But you may want to contact your mummy to send u pics of gals. Select the gal you like n pre book her. Can still reject when u see her in person.
But need to lower expectations as the quality of gals has declined.
Bro WB
19-10-2015, 06:18 PM
Generally still one of the better joints, especially for SH. But you may want to contact your mummy to send u pics of gals. Select the gal you like n pre book her. Can still reject when u see her in person.
But need to lower expectations as the quality of gals has declined.
Bro WB
Many thanks for the reply
Always wanted to try palace but put off by their hi
Go cost
20-10-2015, 11:15 AM
Good morning!
I hv an outing to Dynasty Classic at Peace Centre 2nd fl for happy hour today. 5:30-9:30 PM.
Expense per pax $30-50. Booking a gal is $150. You could just get ctc from the gals standing or sitting in the hall, without booking hahaha. Yes, I hv done that many times.
I like Dynasty HH because the prettier gals who go for HH there often migrate to high end joints such as Lido n P8 for SH.:p
Pls confirm asap as seating is limited.
26-10-2015, 01:50 PM
Good afternoon!
I hv a dear bro YY who is a ladies man, a real life Don Juan. That is the opinion of many PRC gals. I concur. But, something strange has happened. He has been a Don Juan until he met his dream girl NN at Palace 8 KTV recently. For two months he has spent a lot of time n money on her, even accompanying her to Bintan, but in the end he still couldn't get her pussy. Why? Because YY put her on a pedestal n treated her like a goddess. Very tragic idea for any man. The man is the PRIZE n he must hv more power in a RS by caring less, otherwise a girl will come to despise him. She can't help it, it's in her genes.
He confessed his fondness n love for her within days after first meeting her!! He even offered to marry her!! I remember he was so excited when he showed her photos to me n said, my new GF!! Not my type, but one man's meat is...his love for her has not diminished despite daily advice from me n other esteemed kakis. We are all in my special Wechat grp. At least he now takes longer to reply to XX n we hv significantly limited his financial damage haha.
Now NN is back in China. Of course it's never too late for YY to turn the table on her. But he needs to change his mindset n strategies. Insanity is doing the same thing n expecting different results.
I received the following article from a RS n sex guru a few days ago. I did minimal editing n forwarded to YY only half an hr ago. I read it three times myself. Here is what I sent him:
The Kiss of Death with Women
You've met the most incredible girl...
You don't really know her, but you're pretty sure she's a Goddess... sent straight from Heaven... in jeans.
You exchanged glances in Chemistry ( in high school ), had a few brief conversations after class, and even bumped into her at the mall. (Talk about fate!)
You KNOW you want her. There's no doubt about it. The question now becomes, "Does she want you?"
She smiles at you... but is it a friendly or a flirtatious smile? You saw her leave with another guy after class... was he her boyfriend? She flirted with you last week, even touched your shoulder... then completely ignored you the other day. Does she like you?
How can you tell? You really need to know this before you begin the "pursuit" don't you?
Perhaps the most common question posed on every dating discussion forum concerns "reading women" and trying to figure out whether they like you or not. The poster usually describes his situation, what he did, what she did, and then asks, "Does this mean she likes me?" Or, "Does this mean she doesn't like me?"
Definitely a popular question. Definitely a question in need of an answer.
Okay, here's the best answer you're going to get and what you need to remember... always...
Obsessing about a particular girl, and whether or not she likes you, is the DON JUAN KISS OF DEATH!
If you're worrying about whether a girl likes you or not, chances are she doesn't - or rather, SHE WON'T. She won't because your "worry" and your "obsession" with what she thinks of you will actually push her away.
Let me try to explain.
When you let yourself fall into the "obsession" trap, you begin to analyze everything your dream girl does, every word she says, every move she makes... and try to relate them all to you!
She smiled at you - she didn't smile at you. She emailed you - she didn't email you. She returned your call - she didn't return your call. Confusion, frustration, and anxiety result.
This obsession with her behaviors and their meanings will paralyze you, confuse you, and suck every ounce of confidence you have from your body. You will become a Blithering Blob of Insecurity. And women, in general, are not attracted to Blithering Blobs of Insecurity.
So are you wrong to be confused by women?
NO! Absolutely NO!
Women ARE confusing. Always have been and always will be. That's just the way they are.
Especially when it comes to romance, women seem totally inconsistent in their behaviors. One minute you're convinced you're the man of her dreams, and the next she seems to be unaware of your existence. One minute she's flirting, and smiling, and rubbing up against you, and the next minute she's gone, left without even saying "bye." You SHOULD be frustrated and confused!
Now, no one knows exactly why women give off such mixed signals and deliberately, it seems, attempt to confuse us. Some suspect it's those magazines they read. Others think it has to do with the secret bathroom conferences they hold. Still others propose that their illogical behaviors are due to the wacky hormones they have surging throughout their bodies. The cause is relatively unimportant. You just have to accept it, and plot your strategy to deal with it.
So, given the inconsistencies of female romantic behavior, attempting to "read" women and figure out what they're thinking, is, at best, an incredibly frustrating experience. So don't do it. Don't even attempt it.
Just say NO to "reading" women!
Okay... well... if you don't really try to "read" women to determine whether they like you or not, then what do you do? What's your strategy? After all, they may be confusing, illogical, and somewhat annoying, but you still wanna get you one.
If you're attracted to a girl, then just ASSUME she's attracted to you too. And ACT ACCORDINGLY!
Assume that she likes you and would like to get to know you better. Assume that she's physically attracted to you. Assume that YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES to attract such a lady, no matter how incredible she seems.
Assume the positive... always the positive. Assuming the negative will kill any chances you might have with her. (Pessimists, my friend, are not "chick magnets.")
Now there are many exciting benefits of adopting this attitude of assuming that women you like also like you... and treating them accordingly.
For one, if you refuse to obsess about all the little "signs" she's giving you, whether they be good signs or bad signs, you will feel more relaxed, calm, and confident. You won't be "up" one minute because she smiled at you, and "down" the next because she also smiled at some other guy.
Attempting to "read" her will only lead to confusion, frustration, and anxiety. And this will make you more tense when she's around, and thus, less likely to be the charming, charismatic Don Juan that you'd like to be.
And you also won't be wasting your time trying to figure out what she's thinking... trying to figure out what every little move means... and where you stand. You'll be able to devote your "mental time" to something more useful and productive.
Secondly, if you just assume that she likes you, then you will actually increase the probability that she eventually WILL like you. This is known as a self-fulfilling prophecy, and is a well-documented phenomenon in psychological research.
Basically what this means is that if you have a "she likes me" attitude, then you'll project positive, optimistic behaviors and thoughts. She'll pick up on these and ... like you.
If, on the other hand, you have a "she doesn't like me" attitude, you'll project negative, pessimistic behaviors and thoughts. She'll, likewise, pick up on these and ... not like you.
And if you have a "does she like me" attitude, then you'll project tense, anxiety-ridden behaviors and thoughts that will decrease the probability of her liking you... or she may even find being around you to be an "uncomfortable" experience. (Isn't it easier to relax around people who are relaxed themselves?)
And third, the attitude of just assuming that she likes you, rather than worrying about whether she does or not, allows you to maintain control of the situation... and yourself.
If you are obsessing about the "signs" and allow the "signs" to control your behaviors, thoughts, and emotions, then you have basically given her complete control of the situation. And complete control over you.
If she's "good" to you, you're happy. If she's "bad" to you, you're sad. If she wants to encourage you, she can throw out a few positive signals. If she wants to discourage you, she can throw out a few negative signals. You're happiness is basically under her control... whether she knows it or not.
Not the position that a "Don Juan" likes to be in. Not the position that you want to be in.
However, if you just assume that she likes you and treat her accordingly, and refuse to be controlled by all the little signs (especially the bad ones), you take charge of the situation. You have decided that you like her. And you have decided that she likes you... or will like you when she gets to know you better. And you act accordingly.
You exude confidence. You're relaxed. And you project that "aura" that every budding Don Juan searches for. (The poor girl won't stand a chance up against that aura!)
Okay, so you agree that obsessing about a particular girl and whether or not she likes you is not in your best interest. It will turn you into a Blithering Blob of Insecurity, decrease the probability that she will like you, and give her complete control over your happiness.
So what do you do when those thoughts start to take over your mind? I mean, after all, she is a Goddess, right?
Here's one simple little mental trick that might help you.
Whenever the obsessive "does she like me" thoughts start to take over your mind, even if they're the "good" ones, mentally grab them with your hands, throw them down on the floor, and step on them. Then remind yourself that obsessing about her is not in your best interest, that it will suck away your confidence, and actually decrease the probability that you'll eventually get her.
At this point you want to take a deep breath... smile... laugh... and think to yourself...I'll get her!
31-10-2015, 11:14 AM
Good morning! What a propitious day!!
My taste for pussies has changed. I now prefer to BY 18-19 yo SYTs, must be very youthful n kawai, regardless of height. Of course she must be chio w/ proportionate figure AND slim upper arms n very small wrists. Her pussy must be chio n cute too. A sweet, childlike voice n tonality is a plus. But her gait should be feminine, sensual n sexy.
Her character n personality are even more important, especially in a LT rs. She must be refreshingly innocent, vivacious, joyful, but honest, blunt n direct. She must be frugal n not wasteful, not just w/ her money but also w/ mine. So she can't be the greedy type. Lastly, she must be submissive, inside n outside the bedroom.
Bro WB
Is there any bro here who is heartbroken because your LT wife/GF/lover/mistresses has dumped you?
Do you know one of the quickest ways to lose a pussy?
I just received the following brief article.
How to Lose a Woman - Fast!
Are you the jealous type?
Jealousy is one of the quickest and surest ways to get DUMPED.
Jealousy is a sign of insecurity. It indicates a lack of confidence on your part. By acting in a jealous fashion you're essentially "telling her" that you don't feel worthy of her love, and that you're worried she's going to find one of the many, many guys out there who are "better than" you.
Not to mention the fact that it's an incredibly annoying personality trait!
Never forget that women are attracted to CONFIDENCE in men. If a woman realizes that you're lacking in self-confidence then she'll lose respect for you. And if she doesn't respect you, she can't love you. And every time you act like a jealous idiot, you lose more of that respect.
Now don't try to tell me that you're the "jealous type" not because of a lack of confidence, but because you really love and care about her. Or because you can't trust her. I'm not buying it... and she won't either.
Jealousy is about YOU and your feelings of insecurity - your lack of confidence - your feelings of inferiority. And it's your problem. It has nothing to do with her. (And if you really can't trust her, then why are you wasting your time. Find someone that you can trust!)
So what do you do if you ARE the jealous type?
Well, since you know that acting in a jealous fashion will push her away from you, and acting in a confident fashion will draw her toward you (by increasing her respect for you), then...
Let her do whatever she wants. Give her all the freedom she wants. Don't complain when she goes out with her friends. Smile when she says she's going to have lunch with her old boyfriend. Encourage her to go to that male strip club. Proudly display your confidence to her.
And know that ACTING CONFIDENT in the face of these circumstances (which make most men jealous) will actually draw her to you. By doing this, you're essentially turning a negative personality trait (jealousy) into a positive personality trait (self-confidence).
You should welcome these types of situations and view them as OPPORTUNITIES to display your confidence to her... and to draw her closer to you.
So the next time you start feeling those pangs of jealousy, and you start to worry, and you start getting anxious, and nervous -- remember this article and think...
"Awesome! This is an excellent opportunity for me to display my confidence, to set myself apart from all those other guys, and to blow her mind."
Powerful Stuff!
Warbird's note: If a man is confident n secure because he is the PRIZE n has power in a RS because he is the one who cares the least, he will never feel jealous. Why would he? His dolls are all emotionally n sexually addicted to him n he has a hard time getting rid of them!! It is a great relief n a blessing if he occasionally loses one or more of his dolls. Due to visa or family problems. He will just replace them w/ younger n prettier ones.
Hv a great weekend!!
Bro WB
02-11-2015, 01:36 PM
Good afternoon!
I hv an outing to Dynasty Classic for happy hour this Wednesday. Expense per pax from $50-80. Booking for a girl is $150.
Pls PM or SMS me if interested.
Bro WB
10-11-2015, 10:59 AM
Good morning!
I'm going overseas n will hv no outings for a month.
There are some men who hv had astonishing success w/ dolls for extended periods, but who mysteriously become insecure when they meet their "Special One." They then become needy n desperate when they are about to lose her or have just lost her. Another type of men is worse as they always get rejected by or fail with dolls. The common denominator is DESPERATION which is most repulsive to all females.
Have you ever felt desperate n despondent because of your failed RS w/ a doll? I have, more than once. Why? Because I believed that the doll was somehow too good for me.
I just received the following email from a sex guru about why some men are
always having a hard time w/ girls/women. And he offers a simple solution.
Why Do Some Men Always Get Rejected?
Hey Bro Warbird,
Have you met one of these guys? Are you one of these guys?
You know the type of guy that I’m talking about;
the type who always seems to fail with women,
no matter what he tries.
Well, in today’s newsletter, I want to talk a bit
about why some dudes just can’t seem to get in with the ladies.
Now, there are quite a few reasons that could lead
a girl to be turned off by a guy, but if I had to narrow
it down to one fact, that would be DESPERATION.
Here’s the thing. Desperation is unattractive, whether
you are a man or a woman. That’s what’s funny about
us humans.
We want what we can’t have, and as soon as we realize
that someone wants us more than we want them, we lose
But what if you’re still starting out, trying to improve your
attraction skills? How do you escape the trap of being
seen as desperate?
Simple, you approach things from a mindset of abundance.
You see, you might be having the worst luck with women
in your life, but no one is going to know that unless you
convey it.
And the thing about people who aren’t desperate and have
options is that they hold themselves with confidence. They
don’t try to be too nice to people, just to be liked.
And most importantly they don’t go around trying to prove or
validate themselves to others. So, this is the mindset that I
want you to reinforce in yourself at all times.
In other words, fake it till you make it!
Have an amazing day!
Your Guru
Yes, always remember that you're the PRIZE.
Bro WB
22-11-2015, 03:33 PM
Good afternoon!
In nature as in life, positives must equal negatives, yin and yang must be in balance, eventually.
I recently said goodbye to two of my LT mistresses HW n HH, for different reasons.
I hv kept 18 yo LS ( just turned 19) full time since May this yr. Though she is my shortest mistress at 161, she is the best doll I ever had. She is kawai n pretty w/ very proportionate body n limbs. And the tiniest wrists. She has prominent dimples of Venus n has sweet, childlike voice. Her gait is very sexy n womanly. I also love her exquisite n tight pussy! More importantly, she is the most submissive, obedient, honest, faithful and frugal among all the girls I hv ever met.
I'm now in America n two days ago I woke LS up at 1:00 AM SG time to do video calling with her. I showed her my residence n some views of Gotham City. I said she could return to China for CNY in Feb for 10 days. She thanked me n when I told her I would pay for her air fare, she was overwhelmed with gratitude. 对我那么好,我很感动啊。I then told her how greedy some of my ex mistresses were, she said 我很知足,希望你对我也会满意。 我姐说我运气很好命很好,来新加坡很快就遇到你!How not to get KCed by such a doll?
BTW, I hv another 19 yo SYT, a tall n slim doll YK who is my BY to be. She will be going to SG on my return for a one month trial.
I nearly didn't BY LS because of her height as I prefer much taller gals. That would be a shame. Also, if I didn't say goodbye to my two older mistresses, I wouldn't hv the time or money to BY LS n YK. At substantial savings. Yeah, that is fate.
Which brings me back to my belief that in nature as in life, positives must equal negatives, sooner or later.
"For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else."
No need to chase anything or any doll. Things that you want lightly come easily.
Bro WB
04-12-2015, 12:22 PM
Good afternoon!
I just received an e-mail from a guru on the no. 1 reason why we fail in getting what we want in life.
Deep down, you don’t think you deserve what you want
Many of us, at our core, have buried beliefs and feelings about ourselves that aren’t so savory. Maybe we were teased a lot growing up, or our parents and teachers told us we wouldn’t amount to anything, or we were punished for being smart by our peers. Whatever happened, something happened. And something inside us makes us feel uncomfortable with the idea of accomplishing too many great things as a result.
Entrepreneur and business consultant Sebastian Marshall wrote in his book Ikigai:
Last night, I was talking with my friend. I said, “If you did this, I’m pretty sure you could get your first client at $400/hr within 90 days.” It would have to be his main thing for the next 90 days, but it would likely work.
His core goal right now is total financial freedom. And I laid out a plan that would get him there.
But will he do it? I ask him.
He cringes and says … “No. I won’t.”
“So, that’s a million dollar question. Why won’t you?”
He replies, “I don’t know. I don’t even like thinking about it really, but I’ll try to. I don’t know, fear? I have to confront my potential and the fact that I’m not living up to it? It doesn’t feel right? I don’t feel ready? I don’t think I deserve that much? I think I’d have to study longer first? I don’t know.”
Why don’t people do it?
Hell, I offer to make people money for free, draw up a simple, clearly workable business plan, offer to help out. 80+% of them don’t take it.
It’s another self-esteem conundrum: you always find a way to get rid of what you feel isn’t rightfully yours. The heights and burdens of success make some feel like a king and others like a fraud. For many, getting what they want summons that worm-tongued voice in the back of their mind, prodding their insecurities and fears until they find a way to destroy everything they worked for. It may be a relationship with the best person you’ve ever loved; it may be a dream job you can’t bring yourself to take; it may be a creative opportunity of a lifetime which you ignore for more “practical” pursuits; it may be merely hanging out with people who you actually admire and feeling like a ghost.
Whatever it is, the sludge pool of doubts bubbles up and finds a way, always finds a way, to ruin it for you — to make you ruin it for you — and that’s the hardest truth. It’s you. There is no other in this equation. And as much as you deny it, that fear will always linger and remain as an invisible barrier, a clear film separating you from happiness, pushed through and never broken. These issues can be overcome. But it’s painful and gut-wrenching. And then there’s always just another layer, simmering further below, more fear, ever-present, something we all eventually face over and over and over again.
Your comments?
Bro WB
04-12-2015, 02:06 PM're still active in ktv bro :)
04-12-2015, 03:37 PM're still active in ktv bro :)
Still active. And my lovers/mistresses/lao po are getting younger too.
You must be using a different nick. Pls PM your ctc or Wechat n get reacquainted. You may also want to join my outings.
Bro WB
14-12-2015, 10:52 AM
Good morning!
I hv an outing to Dynasty Classic for happy hour this Wednesday. Expense per pax from $50-70. Booking for a girl is $150. 5:30 -9:45 PM.
I hv booked a medium which is for 6-7 bros.
To be fair to all kakis, if you show up, you must share the expenses equally, even if you don't find any dolls attractive enough for u to book. And even if you leave very early or come very late.
Again, to be fair to others, pls drink lightly n smoke outside the room.
If there is balance, I'll first invite those who hv participated for the next outing n it will be very cheap, perhaps $15-20 or less per pax. My doll n I don't drink one drop. If every one is like me, one bottle of Martell could last indefinitely hahaha.
With balance, HH charges for a medium rm is $80 n for a large rm only $120!!
Confirm ASAP because I need to hv the optimal no of kakis n whether I should change to a large rm. This is to keep expense per pax to the minimum.
PM or SMS me if interested.
BTW, I was at Club Jade the other day to say hello to some bros. Even though I was there for only 10 min, I did share the expenses equally. I now expect every kaki to do the same.
Bro WB
15-12-2015, 02:04 PM
Good afternoon,
I just read an email from a badass gentleman, a guru on seduction n sex, on an interesting subject:
Turn the tables on any hot woman
His two steps approach is worth sharing here.
Hi Bro Warbird,
There are a ton of different approaches I've used to
build attraction with women over the years.
But let me tell you something...
...If a woman doesn't want to sleep with you, it comes
down to one simple thing:
It's because you are not TURNING HER ON.
That's it.
She just isn't horny around you.
If her panties are on fire for you, nothing else
matters. She'll blow past her cockblocking friends and
use just about any justification to go home with you.
All you have to do is not screw up epically.
...If she's not turned on, NOTHING you say will make a
difference. She just won't be interested.
So, what works to turn a woman on?
Well, first let's talk about what DOESN'T:
If you've been around a while, you've heard me say this
probably DOZENS of times...
Good looks don't work. Big muscles don't work. Money
doesn't work.
90% of the time, you're gonna turn a woman off with all
this shit.
...It leads to the single most unattractive, repulsive
behavior you can do to a woman:
It doesn't matter if you're outright bragging to her
about your car...
Or if you're subtly hinting at the fact you have dated
beautiful woman in the past.
She'll pick up on it, and it will turn her off.
You see, when you brag to a woman, she instantly senses
that you're trying to "prove yourself" to her.
And a woman's "dream man" (and "dream lay") is a man
with NOTHING to prove.
In fact, it's a man who SHE has to prove HERSELF to.
Which means, if you cut out all "prove yourself"
behavior around woman...
And replace it with behavior that compels HER to "prove
herself" to YOU...
You're already 90% of the way there.
So, what REALLY turns her on?
Here's a simple formula:
STEP ONE: Eliminate All Behavior Where You're Trying To
"Prove Yourself"
The top 1% of men who are ridiculously attractive to
women NEVER brag.
They don't have anything to prove. So they let women
find out about all the great stuff going on in their
lives on their own. They make them WORK for it.
You see the difference?
When a woman senses you are one of these men, her
interest piques. Her body starts getting hot for you,
and she doesn't even know why.
And look: even if you have to "trick her" into thinking
you're one of these guys, like I'm going to teach you...
once she starts getting turned on, she can't control
SHE'LL be the one seducing YOU.
So, after you've got the "no bragging" rule down...
STEP TWO: Transfer Your Sexual State To Her
Basically, it involves "transferring" your sexual
attraction and horniness onto her.
You can use it to make a woman feel happy, make her feel
like she wants to see you again, make her feel a deep
emotional bond with you... quite literally anything.
Put this trick to work and send me your successes!
Talk soon,
Mr Guru
I agree w/ the guru. Transferring your mental state to your girl requires dominance, supreme confidence, strong mental frame n emotional mastery. You suck her into your world and your reality becomes her reality. You become her master.
When a "Don Juan" w/ women meets his "dream girl," he is magically transformed to a "nice guy" n before long he is sucked into her reality. That would be the kiss of death for him.:D:p
Let me be clear. A man could use money to buy a lot of chio pussies, but the guru is talking about turning on a doll, SEXUALLY n romantically. Yeah, and getting her addicted to YOU. No amount of money could do it. Regular CVOs n emotional bonding would certainly help, haha.
Lastly, always be 100% non-needy, whether you hv been w/ her 3 days or 30years.
Just my two cents.
Bro WB
16-12-2015, 11:36 PM
Ask your guru to elaborate more about transferring your sexual state to her please :D
17-12-2015, 12:49 AM
Ask your guru to elaborate more about transferring your sexual state to her please :D
yes! would like to know how can we do just that!
30-12-2015, 04:29 AM
Greetings all brothers
Hope you had a merry xmas and a great new year coming ahead.
I will post one of my recent exploits soon..
Picking up girls is easy if you emotional mastery to some degree.. the confidence and the wit to throw them off and pull them back again.
For example, recently I went to a club for entertainment with some clients and there was this girl at our table. I was wearing a knit cardigan in a normal summer night and she commented "aren't you hot wearing something like that?"
I would like to hear what most bros would say in a perfectly normal maybe awkward situation like that?
And I will post my reply to what I said that threw her off and later that night... hehe
30-12-2015, 05:47 PM
Greetings all brothers
Hope you had a merry xmas and a great new year coming ahead.
I will post one of my recent exploits soon..
Picking up girls is easy if you emotional mastery to some degree.. the confidence and the wit to throw them off and pull them back again.
For example, recently I went to a club for entertainment with some clients and there was this girl at our table. I was wearing a knit cardigan in a normal summer night and she commented "aren't you hot wearing something like that?"
I would like to hear what most bros would say in a perfectly normal maybe awkward situation like that?
And I will post my reply to what I said that threw her off and later that night... hehe
"if you are the right girl, you will get a chance to take it off me. "
31-12-2015, 11:34 AM
Ask your guru to elaborate more about transferring your sexual state to her please :D
yes! would like to know how can we do just that!
Bros, very elementary. I hv given the answer in my previous post.
"Transferring your mental state to your girl requires dominance, supreme confidence, strong mental frame n emotional mastery. You suck her into your world and your reality becomes her reality. You become her master."
Emotions are contagious.
If she feels what you feel, but you don't feel what she feels will own her; her body, pussy, her heart n soul.
So work on your mental frame n emotional mastery...
Bro WB
Greetings all brothers
Hope you had a merry xmas and a great new year coming ahead.
I will post one of my recent exploits soon..
Picking up girls is easy if you emotional mastery to some degree.. the confidence and the wit to throw them off and pull them back again.
For example, recently I went to a club for entertainment with some clients and there was this girl at our table. I was wearing a knit cardigan in a normal summer night and she commented "aren't you hot wearing something like that?"
I would like to hear what most bros would say in a perfectly normal maybe awkward situation like that?
And I will post my reply to what I said that threw her off and later that night... hehe
"if you are the right girl, you will get a chance to take it off me. "
Thanks for sharing. Emotional mastery rules the world!
Good morning!
Happy New Year!!
Next yr I shall discuss n define a new concept CNN. Completely non-needy or complete non-neediness! It's not possible unless u hv very good emotional mastery.
Bro WB
02-01-2016, 02:21 AM
yes, bro warbird is very wise. A year ago , i asked him for advice on a r/s with a viet wl... he made me see the light and i finally managed to extract myself before things got too serious... its not exaggerating to say he helped me save my life from ruin sia.
He is a very emotional person who rely alot of online theories to cover up the insecurity i sense in him. The badass gentleman is like a robot,a clone of a badboy and a nice guy.
Most badboys are very handsome and have extreme confidence,they dont need theories,they do absolutely nothing and have many girls chasing them. Obviously they dont need to pay for sex in a ltr. The concept of bao is a beta mentality,you should rely on your image and attitude and not solely using money. That is a major flaw in seduction.
02-01-2016, 10:28 AM
In nature as in life, positives must equal negatives, yin and yang must be in balance, eventually.
"For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else."
No need to chase anything or any doll. Things that you want lightly come easily.
Bro WB
Well said bro. Wishing you a great 2016 ahead.:)
02-01-2016, 02:02 PM
He is a very emotional person who rely alot of online theories to cover up the insecurity i sense in him. The badass gentleman is like a robot,a clone of a badboy and a nice guy.
Most badboys are very handsome and have extreme confidence,they dont need theories,they do absolutely nothing and have many girls chasing them. Obviously they dont need to pay for sex in a ltr. The concept of bao is a beta mentality,you should rely on your image and attitude and not solely using money. That is a major flaw in seduction.
Bro Don Juan,
Thank u so much for ur criticisms n esteemed opinions on attracting n seducing SYTs n women.
I hope more bros will participate in the discussions n debate.
Yes, I must achieve absolute emotional mastery. Anything less is unacceptable to me.
As I hv mentioned many times before, with enough money, a man can own all the pussies he wants but he may not own their hearts. In fact, his great wealth, power, status, and paradoxically, his good looks n Adonis physique, actually make it very difficult for him. That is the irony. A classic example is the case of King Fuchai n Xi Shi.
How about Elvis Presley? He got all the pussies FOC, but did he really own any of their hearts n souls? His wife filed for divorce after 6 yrs. Then she was happy but Elvis was saddened haha. He started taking drugs...
I'm only interested in total domination in all my RS, in which I own the dolls' pussies, bodies, hearts n souls.
Thank You n Cheers!
Bro WB
Well said bro. Wishing you a great 2016 ahead.:)
Bro saabking,
You make my day!!
Happy New Year!!
Bro WB
Good afternoon,
What an auspicious day!!
Happy New Year to all of you!!
I just received an email from a famous sex guru on a vital subject,
"The ultimate aphrodisiac (use this TONIGHT)"
Hey Brother Warbird,
Yesterday I watched an interview with KISS founder
Gene Simmons, who claimed to have slept with
around 5,000 women.
He said that
the ultimate aphrodisiac is knowing that you can, without
the shadow of a doubt, attract a woman.
This certainty makes you irresistible.
I wholeheartedly agree with him but want to reassure
you that you don’t need to be a rock star for that.
All you need is a little bit of self-belief and skills—the
self-belief that you can attract women or, at least,
become a more attractive man over time. This, you can
only develop through repetition and affirmation.
Self-belief is also conditioned by the company you keep.
Ditch your loser friends who don’t believe you’re worthy of having beautiful women in your life. Seriously.
When it comes to skills, fortunately, there are now plenty
of them through this newsletter that you can grab.
As you can see, despite common beliefs, you’re not far
from enjoying the abundance you deserve with women.
I raised myself from failure to success with women through
self-study, practice, and self-belief. I was a foreigner with a
heavy accent that women in North America and England found
I was rejected many times, without even being given a chance…
Women laughed and joked about my looks and demeanor.
I was even called a LOSER.
But this didn’t stop me from learning and improving
until I transformed myself into the attractive man I am
now, and even dating a beauty pageant winner.
Self-beliefs and skills are your two best friends in love
and life.
Have an amazing day!
Your Guru
BTW, your absolute certainty is founded on your absolute emotional mastery.
Any comments, criticisms n opinions will be greatly appreciated.
Bro WB
03-01-2016, 01:13 AM
I'm only interested in total domination in all my RS, in which I own the dolls' pussies, bodies, hearts n souls.
Happy new year 2016 bro warbird!
What do u mean by total domination in RS? If u want to dump her, how should she react if she is totally dominated by u?
The reason I ask is I want my wife to agree with divorce term without damaging herself.
03-01-2016, 03:01 AM
Bro Don Juan,
Thank u so much for ur criticisms n esteemed opinions on attracting n seducing SYTs n women.
I hope more bros will participate in the discussions n debate.
Yes, I must achieve absolute emotional mastery. Anything less is unacceptable to me.
As I hv mentioned many times before, with enough money, a man can own all the pussies he wants but he may not own their hearts. In fact, his great wealth, power, status, and paradoxically, his good looks n Adonis physique, actually make it very difficult for him. That is the irony. A classic example is the case of King Fuchai n Xi Shi.
With enough money,you cant own any girl pussy. Not everyone is a prostitute or a ktv whore.
Afterall you still advocating money for pussy transaction. This make people very lazy to improve on their self image and have a conventional relationship. And also is not the gameplan of a true grandmaster.
You dont have to pay to attract women and is a very stupid thing to do. One should love himself. A man who is full of himself is a man who is full of women’s love.
The key word is natural badness not the artifical badass gentlemen.
04-01-2016, 03:04 PM
With enough money,you cant own any girl pussy. Not everyone is a prostitute or a ktv whore.
Afterall you still advocating money for pussy transaction. This make people very lazy to improve on their self image and have a conventional relationship. And also is not the gameplan of a true grandmaster.
You dont have to pay to attract women and is a very stupid thing to do. One should love himself. A man who is full of himself is a man who is full of women’s love.
The key word is natural badness not the artifical badass gentlemen.
Yes! Self image attract women. One woman was attracted by my nice and unique shoe and another woman was attracted by my lips and another one spot that I trim my eyebrows.....
12-01-2016, 12:09 PM
Bros tip for dynasty classic is 150 for happy hour ? Will some girls demand more ? For Sh is it 200 ?
13-01-2016, 11:12 AM
Good morning!
I must apologize for not replying the excellent posts and questions recently. I hv been too busy...and I shall reply asap.
Thank u all for ur understanding n patience.
I hv an outing to Dynasty Classic 2nd fl Peace Centre for happy hour today, 5:30 -9:45 PM.
Expected expense per pax is $50-60, Booking a sex doll for the entire session is $150. Few dolls may do butterfly for $50. If you come late, try booking for $75-100.
Playability varies. Some bros may get to french kiss, put hands inside her bra n hands inside her wet pussy. A quick BBBJ has been done too. I prefer to make love to my dolls in strict privacy, in many naughty ways.
My outings are democratic and must be FAIR n equitable to ALL kakis.
Light drinkers only. You may drink my portion, if not enough, buy your own bottle n you will only need to share in mummy's n waiter's tips. Smoking outside the room pls.
Pls confirm ASAP.
Bro WB
14-01-2016, 10:28 AM
Good morning!
I just posted the following on my other thread.
heard p8 the girls are better but sadly do not have deep pockets to go to these type of joint to confirm this.
As of today, you can see the most number of dolls in SG at Peace Centre joints during happy hour. The prettier ones will then go to P8 n Lido for standard hour.
I often go to 2nd fl Dynasty between 5;30 n 6:15 PM to see all the gals in the hall. I may also go to other joints, on 4th, 6th n 7th fls to roam the halls. I'll get ctc of any doll I like. Then I may leave to go somewhere else, without spending a penny.
PM me n we shall do it together, if you're shy to go by yourself. Max no should be 3 of us.
Do it everyday if possible.
That is how I met my yr 96 n 97 mistresses last year. I shall do even better this yr.
Of course, this is only one of my many methods of meeting SYTs. I leave no stone unturned...
Bro WB
31-01-2016, 05:14 PM
Happy new year 2016 bro warbird!
What do u mean by total domination in RS? If u want to dump her, how should she react if she is totally dominated by u?
The reason I ask is I want my wife to agree with divorce term without damaging herself.
Bro Korean,
By total domination I mean you own her body, pussy, heart n soul. If u dump her, it will be very painful for her. That too shall pass, unless she has underlying psychiatric disorder. She may 看破红尘 n become a Buddhist! That would be good for her.
Just give ur wife a fair n equitable settlement. In any divorce in Sg, it's the man who is the victim n who is damaging himself. Good luck!
With enough money,you cant own any girl pussy. Not everyone is a prostitute or a ktv whore.
Afterall you still advocating money for pussy transaction. This make people very lazy to improve on their self image and have a conventional relationship. And also is not the gameplan of a true grandmaster.
You dont have to pay to attract women and is a very stupid thing to do. One should love himself. A man who is full of himself is a man who is full of women’s love.
The key word is natural badness not the artifical badass gentlemen.
Bro Don Juan,
Thank u for ur post n sharing ur beliefs n strategies.
I hv never championed the sole use of money to bed SYTs. Quite the opposite. For the last several yrs, I hv reiterated that spending big buck on dolls when they don't deserve it or getting into flower war are the most unattractive male behavior. I like to get the prettiest n most kawai pussies with minimum investment of time n money. It's akin to value investing haha.
I'm working very hard to improve myself in every way, every minute every day, even though I'm already a lao ah pek. Am I lazy?
My goal is different from yours. I want total LT domination of my dolls. Whereas ur end point is just to up the dolls. That is only the beginning for me...
You admire those with the dark triads. Whereas I admire the one n only babe magnet ever mentioned by Time magazine: Benjamin Franklin, the old n fat man whose pic is on the U.S. $100 bill.,9171,1005155,00.html
IMHO, it's impossible for men with dark triads to hv loving , nurturing n mutually satisfying LT rs with women, period.
Pls define what you mean by natural n artificial, in regards to male behaviour. And pls tell us your understanding of the differences between a badass n a badass gentleman.
Lastly, only insecure n needy men, who hv severe inferiority complex n poor self image, will ever resort to plastic surgery. Why would a man who is self assured n very comfortable in his own skin ever want that? He already has so many SYT dolls lining up to be fucked by him hahaha.
Bro WB
Good afternoon!
It's very clear that bro Don Juan's beliefs n understandings of female attraction n mine are completely different.
The followings are from ebooks I'm currently reading. My own views n experiences are almost identical. I wish I knew it when I was 14.
Female Attraction
• Women are attracted to the way a man behaves much more than physical “looks”, money or fame. Of course those things will help, but behaving in an attractive, masculine manner will be more than necessary.
• Insecurity and acting “needy” repel women like nothing else. These behaviors are interpreted as weak and turn women off, sexually.
• Traits of a dominant, attractive man are:
o Leadership (always have a plan, know what you’re doing, where you’re
going, etc)
o Confidence (be secure in yourself, don’t be afraid to speak your mind,
do what makes you happy above everything else)
o Self-Assurance (Be sure of yourself, assertive, pursue that which makes
you happy as opposed to just making your girlfriend happy)
Women do not want the “power” in a relationship. They are only attracted to men who take charge and lead them. This does not mean to start being controlling, it means to start leading more and being more dominant / less submissive.
• He who cares least, controls the relationship. Whoever has the most feeling and emotion invested in the relationship will subconsciously communicate that and thus push their partner away. Typically men who care too much will begin acting needy and insecure.
Now I know why some of my relationships hv failed in the past.
Your comments n criticisms will be greatly appreciated.
Bro WB
09-02-2016, 05:26 PM
Good afternoon!
Happy New year!!
I'm still waiting for the most esteemed bro Don Juan's clarification on some of the terms he has used. His criticisms n dissensions on my theory of female attraction will be greatly appreciated. It's a fascinating topic n I will be happy to hear opposing views.
A very insecure man is as repulsive to women as a very fat woman is to men.
If a man is insecure n needy n thinks that he is not good enough for his woman, for what ever reason, he is living in her reality n she has all the power. Very soon his sole purpose of living is to please her. She or rather her S mind will come to despise him even if he has many other great attributes such as money, status, fame, deep voice, looks, muscular body like Adonis, intelligence, achievements, talents n giving her CVOs, etc. She feels empty, frustrated n miserable n she doesn't know why. She will leave him or cheat on him n he won't even understand the real reason! She will find ways to rationalize her behaviour which originates from her S mind. King Fuchai n Shi Xi is a classic example of such a tragic relationship hahaha
If a doll realizes that her feelings, words n actions could affect her husband/lover/BF in any way, she has power n control over him, her attraction for him will fade quickly. She is only profoundly attracted to a self-assured n dominant man she can't control or manipulate.
Bro WB
12-02-2016, 07:41 PM
Good evening,
I use the term "badass gentleman" to describe a man who has all the attractive masculine traits of a badass w/o his obnoxious character defects PLUS all the attractive traits of a "gentleman" w/o his repulsive "nice guy" behaviour.
Why would bro Don Juan call a badass gentleman unnatural?
I just received the following email from a well known guru in which he touched on the subject.
How To Make Her Beg You To Take Her to Bed.
Hi bro Warbird,
I'm going to get into the BEST WAY to take things from "hello" to HOT AND HEAVY with a woman...
But even better... how to make her BEG you for it.
But first, the ground rules:
#1) I'm going to assume that you've overcome all your fear and "shyness" when it comes to approaching women.
#2) I'm going to assume that you know how to approach a woman in different situations and start conversations.
Finally, and most important...
#3) I'm going to assume that you know EXACTLY what to say and do to get numbers from women... and then close the deal to get actual DATES.
In other words, I'm going to assume that you've laid all the necessary groundwork for "getting physical" by mastering the principles and techniques of CREATING ATTRACTION.
Because if you don't have a handle on the basics of creating ATTRACTION yet, this is the cold, hard fact:
NOTHING I'm about to tell you will help you "get physical" with a woman.
Why not?
Because women won't give you the time of the day -- let alone consider you as a sexual partner -- until you understand HOW ATTRACTION WORKS.
And I am NOT talking about having to look like a movie star, drive a slick car, or have lots of money.
ATTRACTION is *NOT* about any of these things.
Then, once you understand these basics, here's the VERY good news...
It's EASIER THAN YOU EVER IMAGINED to take things to a physical level with a woman... and do it FAST.
Even make her BEG you to take her to bed.
That in mind, let's dive in...
As a starting point, let's imagine you're coming to the end of your first date with a woman you really like.
Now, if you've listened to me at all, you know that this date BETTER NOT have included buying her an expensive dinner.
Let's say you're a good student of mine, and that you took her for late coffee.
Well done.
Now it's time...
You're going to generate the first spark of "sexual feelings" in her by TAKING CONTROL of the situation right now.
By making sure YOU'RE the one to "end" this date.
By being the one who says, "Okay, I think we'd better be going."
This immediately creates intrigue in her.
It builds feelings in her that you might actually be a sexual partner, instead of a "wussy- boy" who's scared to cut short any opportunity to talk to a woman...
...then inevitably blow everything by saying something stupid.
Okay, now that you've taken control by "ending" this date, next you need to walk her home...
To YOUR home.
Invite her back to your house or apartment, and DO JUST ONE THING at the door before you go inside:
Start talking to her like she's trying to convince you to let her come in (even if she's not).
Say something like: "Sorry... I had a great time, but I have to get up early in the morning..."
She'll probably stare at you in surprise. So wait a few beats. Then say: "Oh, okay, you can come in for a few minutes."
Then open the door for her like a GENTLEMAN.
Now let's freeze-frame right here, and think about what you're actually doing...
You're being chivalrous AND busting her balls at the same time.
I can't emphasize enough how well this works to ramp-up feelings of sexual desire in a woman.
I *always* make sure to keep both of these feelings going at the same time.
I open doors for women, walk on the outside of the curb, and pull chairs out, etc.
But I also tease and use humor at every opportunity.
But here's the bottom line:
By being both CHIVALROUS *and* BUSTING HER BALLS, you're creating incredible SEXUAL TENSION inside her.
You're showing her two things at once...
That you're BOTH a "bad boy" AND a "gentleman."
And make no mistake: this is the HOLY GRAIL when it comes to what women want in a SEXUAL PARTNER.
Learn it. Live it.
Okay, let's un-freeze and continue...
Hahaha, as usual, your criticisms n opinions will be greatly appreciated.
My young doll doesn't beg me to take her to bed. She is a lot more subtle. She always says, whenever I'm sitting on the sofa in the living room, 还不来躺床上 快来躺床上吧 会舒服多了...I always delay 20-30 minutes just to increase the sexual tension.
Bro WB
12-02-2016, 08:52 PM
Please do not claim you just received this email.
Next time, quote where you got all your articles from. Like this one you just posted is copied from here:
At least respect the author by respecting his work. Typical plagiarist
12-02-2016, 09:03 PM
Please do not claim you just received this email.
Next time, quote where you got all your articles from. Like this one you just posted is copied from here:
At least respect the author by respecting his work. Typical plagiarist
Bro, he sent it to me on 2/10/16 or 10 Feb American time or 11 Feb SG time. I'll take a picture to prove it.
12-02-2016, 09:17 PM
I have received emails from him for the last 8 years. I hv received emails n newsletters from over 200 RS n sex gurus. I always make it clear that the contents are from them. I do add my comments n criticisms.
Do you really understand what is the meaning of a typical plagiarist?
Bro WB
12-02-2016, 09:25 PM
BTW, I wrote the following myself:
"I use the term "badass gentleman" to describe a man who has all the attractive masculine traits of a badass w/o his obnoxious character defects PLUS all the attractive traits of a "gentleman" w/o his repulsive "nice guy" behaviour.
Why would bro Don Juan call a badass gentleman unnatural?
I just received the following email from a well known guru in which he touched on the subject."
Calling him a well known guru is not showing respect? AND I didn't copy from his website, as alleged by bro workpermit, the guru sent it to me yesterday. I do expect bro workpermit's clarification n apology.
Good night!
Bro WB
12-02-2016, 10:12 PM
Bro Warbird,
I have been a silent reader of your thread. By being able to bao KTV girls of your whim and fancy, you are obviously wealthy to say the least. But with all due respect, it is still the fact that it is your financial ability to bao that gives you the unfair advantage and leverage to play this "badass gentleman" game according to your own rules.
In other words, if a man is really self-assured and dominant, why would he need to enter into a commercial transaction to own the doll's pussy, heart, mind and soul? I see it more of an egoistic pursuit behind the veil of emotional insecurity... for surely only the man knows if he can still succeed if he doesn't have the wealth to start with in the first place.
Just my 2 cents' worth.
Huat Ahh! :)
12-02-2016, 11:21 PM
Calling him a well known guru is not showing respect? AND I didn't copy from his website, as alleged by bro workpermit, the guru sent it to me yesterday. I do expect bro workpermit's clarification n apology.
Good night!
Bro WB
You mean you subscribed to his newsletter :eek: Calling him guru is like calling someone who is no one. Until you actually name the person whom you claim is your guru, you are giving him credit. But because you didn't, he is still "AN EMPTY" figure. A claimed "LEARNED" individual like you should know this. Did you see when this article was written based on the link I posted earlier? Apology? Adding a few of your own lines to someone's work & not giving credit to the originator, what do you call that? If I didn't expose all your plagiarism, would anyone ever bother? You might as well ask your GURU to join this forum and share his scripts. At least coming from the originator and not someone who rides on his works. People consult you based on the stuff you COPY & PASTED. But remember warbird, you didn't write the article. As such, your depth of understanding is~~~~~hahaha. No wonder you need to spend money to get laid.
Good weekend :p
13-02-2016, 10:49 AM
Bro Warbird,
I have been a silent reader of your thread. By being able to bao KTV girls of your whim and fancy, you are obviously wealthy to say the least. But with all due respect, it is still the fact that it is your financial ability to bao that gives you the unfair advantage and leverage to play this "badass gentleman" game according to your own rules.
In other words, if a man is really self-assured and dominant, why would he need to enter into a commercial transaction to own the doll's pussy, heart, mind and soul? I see it more of an egoistic pursuit behind the veil of emotional insecurity... for surely only the man knows if he can still succeed if he doesn't have the wealth to start with in the first place.
Just my 2 cents' worth.
Huat Ahh! :)
Hi bro,
Thanks for ur post.
I hv mentioned before that money may get ur "dream pussy," but you will never own her mind, heart n soul w/ money alone. In fact, throwing money at her will make u repulsive. Pls read my post on hanging flowers n flower war.
You need to get her emotionally n sexually addicted to u. You need to "unscramble" her mind...
Yes, I'm egoistic, I'm no Buddha or Lao Zi. How about you?
Emotional insecurity?
Yes, All humans hv insecurity n neediness. Don't you hv insecurity n neediness?
My theory is that when we were infants n children we were completely helpless n we were dependent on others for our survival. How not to be insecure? I hv done exercises to reprogram my S mind to get rid of all my insecurity n neediness. I'm making slow progress...
Talking abt commercial transaction, IMHO, a marriage is strictly a biz deal. Google it. More biz-like than BY-ing SYTs. Many kakis here do agree w/ me.
Why don't u PM ur wechat n we can discuss more?
Happy new year!
Bro WB
You mean you subscribed to his newsletter :eek: Calling him guru is like calling someone who is no one. Until you actually name the person whom you claim is your guru, you are giving him credit. But because you didn't, he is still "AN EMPTY" figure. A claimed "LEARNED" individual like you should know this. Did you see when this article was written based on the link I posted earlier? Apology? Adding a few of your own lines to someone's work & not giving credit to the originator, what do you call that? If I didn't expose all your plagiarism, would anyone ever bother? You might as well ask your GURU to join this forum and share his scripts. At least coming from the originator and not someone who rides on his works. People consult you based on the stuff you COPY & PASTED. But remember warbird, you didn't write the article. As such, your depth of understanding is~~~~~hahaha. No wonder you need to spend money to get laid.
Good weekend :p
Hi bro,
Thanks so much for ur post.
The guru is David D. I paid for some of his ebooks abt 7 years ago. He has sent me many emails, perhaps one every week, trying to pursue me to buy more. That particular email on the fusion of badboy n gentleman has been sent to me many times before.
BUT, he did send me that same email two days ago. My photo proves it. Pls take a close look at the date. 2/10/16, that is 10 Feb 2016 haha. I was brutally honest when I said I just received it. I decided to quote it because David was referring to something very similar to my concept of "badass gentleman." And, bro Don Juan said such a man is artificial. I'm still waiting for his explanation n insights.
I always make it clear that I'm quoting from an email or ebook written by a guru, I never ever pretended that I wrote it. Not even once. In fact, I always post them in LARGE PRINT. That is not plagiarism. Pls check a good dictionary.
I hv quoted over 50 RS n sex gurus in my posts here. I don't give their names because paying for their ebooks, audio, video n live seminars would be a waste of money for bros here. I hv already quoted their best ideas. Yes, I hv spent thousands of hours reading n watching their programs.
Actually, I now know more abt the subjects than they do. Why? The majority of these gurus are not trained in biological n medical sciences n their sole interest is in making a quick buck . Whereas, for me, it's the sharing of vital info n the comradery. I don't make a penny. Yes, its FOC for all of u. In addition, I hv a professional n medical background n hv read up on scientific papers. My focus is on female attraction n sexual satisfaction, from various disciplines.
But knowing n doing n being are totally different. You won't benefit unless you can reprogram you S mind. And u need lots of emotional mastery.
Yes, I do spend money on my SYT mistresses. I need to spend money even on non WL SYTs. You may be shocked as to the number of SYTs, many of whom are non WLs, who want to come here to be w/ me.
All dolls crave a badass gentleman who is a self-assured n trustworthy protector/provider, who can connect w/ them emotionally on deep levels and who can give them sexual pleasure they hv never experienced w/ any other men before. Aspire to be that man, be the best you can be, never settle.
If u want to discuss more or if u want to join my outings one day, PM ur wechat.
Happy new year n thanks for ur post.
Bro WB
13-02-2016, 11:08 AM
Good morning!
My theories on female attraction n emotional/sexual addiction r applicable to ALL healthy, heterosexual females. To your GFs n legal wives too.
There is only one reason why I want my LT dolls to be emotionally n sexually addicted to me.
Heath reasons. I do them raw n I don't want to be infected w/ HIV or any STDs. Making them addicted will greatly reduce my risks.
But for many of u who are married, there is another vital reason.
Since 50% of married women cheat, you don't want to raise a kid for two decades who is NOT yours! Getting ur wife addicted to u will greatly reduce that risk.
My kids are adults n I know their DNA. Do u know yours?
Sorry for being brutally honest.
I hv had many posts at SBF. I stand by every word I hv written as being 100% truthful, to the best of my knowledge n ability.
I'll be very busy over the next two weeks as my young lao po will come in a few days n several new dolls will be coming, pun intended. It may take me much longer to reply. But keep them coming pls. Posting here in the last 8 years n 4 months has been a very enjoyable learning experience for me. I hv benefited beyond my wildest dreams.
Thank you all! Happy new year!!
Bro WB
13-02-2016, 04:16 PM
Brag until so much still have to use money to pay for meat. Until the day you are successful in SCORING without the "LEASING MEAT" factor, I don't see any wisdom or "MAN"lyhood. I only see someone trying hard to show off that's all. Last post here. Enjoy your endless self fulfilling hollow brags haha.
HUAT AH!!!!!!:rolleyes:
13-02-2016, 05:36 PM
Brag until so much still have to use money to pay for meat. Until the day you are successful in SCORING without the "LEASING MEAT" factor, I don't see any wisdom or "MAN"lyhood. I only see someone trying hard to show off that's all. Last post here. Enjoy your endless self fulfilling hollow brags haha.
HUAT AH!!!!!!:rolleyes:
Dude, totally agree with what you said.
Hi TS,
Based on what you said about self mastery, bad ass gentlemen etc etc, logically? You should not be paying any of your mistresses any money. So, why are you still paying them? Could it be that once you stop paying them, your mistresses will also at that split second stop being your mistress???
Money Talks. Bull shit walks. As what Jerry McQuire famous quote put it nicely: SHOW ME THE MONEY....
13-02-2016, 09:58 PM
...then inevitably blow everything by saying something stupid.
Okay, now that you've taken control by "ending" this date, next you need to walk her home...
To YOUR home.
Hi TS,
Since you had ended the date abruptly, what did you do or say to your date that will make her walk to YOUR home?
Did you watch too much Korean drama, China soap opera or you are living in your own sweet la la land?
Please enlighten me as I really need to learn from you, guru.
13-02-2016, 10:49 PM
Hi bro,
Thanks for ur post.
I hv mentioned before that money may get ur "dream pussy," but you will never own her mind, heart n soul w/ money alone. In fact, throwing money at her will make u repulsive. Pls read my post on hanging flowers n flower war.
You need to get her emotionally n sexually addicted to u. You need to "unscramble" her mind...
Yes, I'm egoistic, I'm no Buddha or Lao Zi. How about you?
Emotional insecurity?
Yes, All humans hv insecurity n neediness. Don't you hv insecurity n neediness?
My theory is that when we were infants n children we were completely helpless n we were dependent on others for our survival. How not to be insecure? I hv done exercises to reprogram my S mind to get rid of all my insecurity n neediness. I'm making slow progress...
Talking abt commercial transaction, IMHO, a marriage is strictly a biz deal. Google it. More biz-like than BY-ing SYTs. Many kakis here do agree w/ me.
Why don't u PM ur wechat n we can discuss more?
Happy new year!
Bro WB
Hi bro WB,
You are missing my point here. It is not about whether the money alone is enough or not enough for your dolls' pussy/heart/mind/soul pursuits. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see any of your r/s and sex gurus advocating using monetary leverage as a way to start playing this "badass gentleman" game with the lady. But you did. Hence, that is my contention: Granted - while no one is perfect and everyone has their own insecurities and egoistic pursuits, including yours truely - the fact remains that you used your financial abilities to negotiate and secure the bao agreement to place yourself on higher ground FIRST, then you claim to become the "self-assured and dominant" emotional mastery player when the playing field is already heavily skewed to your advantage.
Nothing wrong with that if this is your cup of tea. Just want to call a spade, a spade, that's all. No offence, bro. ;)
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Cheers.
14-02-2016, 06:44 PM
But for many of u who are married, there is another vital reason.
Since 50% of married women cheat, you don't want to raise a kid for two decades who is NOT yours! Getting ur wife addicted to u will greatly reduce that risk.
My kids are adults n I know their DNA. Do u know yours?
Sorry for being brutally honest.
From the way you phrase it together with knowing your own kid's DNA, it's quite obvious you belong to the lucky 50% you mentioned :eek: Gong Xi Fa Cai :D
14-02-2016, 09:17 PM
I believe Ts could I emphasize could have been misunderstood . What he has been posting thus far relates to how to attract a chick and to keep her attracted . While I do agree that what he has posted does work to a certain extent , under what circumstances does it work ? To claim that it is universal and works for every man is to delude your general audience . lets cut out the unessary polemics and let me ask you a simple question . In your age have you gotten any chick without providing her excessive financial support . I'm shall not school a man as smart as yourself . I'm sure you can arrive at the correct conclusion in harmony with reality . Cheers ! Another point worth noting . Look at the type of girls he's always after . Let me summarize , from China , came from China ( wasn't born and bred here without family support ), and found in ktvs . That in itself speaks volumes about the legitimacy of his badass gentleman theory .
15-02-2016, 05:37 PM
In defence of Bro WarBird, whom I have known for many years, he has NEVER claimed that he used all those "seduction methods" without backing up with his money. To him, all these methods are used to back up his money, and it is what he wants to see on his journey of being the man he wants to be.
It is his journey, and I think he is happy with that journey. I have my own journey which I am happy with. I seriously do not see the need for the attacks upon his character.
15-02-2016, 07:24 PM
In defence of Bro WarBird, whom I have known for many years, he has NEVER claimed that he used all those "seduction methods" without backing up with his money. To him, all these methods are used to back up his money, and it is what he wants to see on his journey of being the man he wants to be.
It is his journey, and I think he is happy with that journey. I have my own journey which I am happy with. I seriously do not see the need for the attacks upon his character.
Hi bro chenzong,
Tks for ur post.
Long time no see, are u in SG?
You must join my outings some day. Got wechat? PM me.
Bro WB
16-02-2016, 09:28 AM
Hi bro chenzong,
Long time no see, are u in SG?
Bro WB
Well, I am always out of Singapore, for some reason. Except for my family and friends, Singapore offers me nothing much. I cannot be find a proper-paying job here - all the jobs I managed to find here still want me based overseas. It is fine with me, since I appear to do better overseas than in Singapore.
I am now back in China.
16-02-2016, 04:52 PM
I have met bro WB twice and he has brought PYT GF. I enjoyed his postings.
16-02-2016, 07:36 PM
In defence of Bro WarBird, whom I have known for many years, he has NEVER claimed that he used all those "seduction methods" without backing up with his money. To him, all these methods are used to back up his money, and it is what he wants to see on his journey of being the man he wants to be.
It is his journey, and I think he is happy with that journey. I have my own journey which I am happy with. I seriously do not see the need for the attacks upon his character.
Bro, I wish to clarify here that I've made my comments because bro WB mentioned that "criticisms and comments are welcome" in his postings; else I'd just keep my mouth shut and continue to be a silent reader... I've nothing against bro WB and am just speaking my mind out loud objectively since he has given the green light here. I hope that my comments are not perceived to be attacking his character.
16-02-2016, 08:55 PM
Bro, I wish to clarify here that I've made my comments because bro WB mentioned that "criticisms and comments are welcome" in his postings; else I'd just keep my mouth shut and continue to be a silent reader... I've nothing against bro WB and am just speaking my mind out loud objectively since he has given the green light here. I hope that my comments are not perceived to be attacking his character.
I'm almost a silence reader as well. Much I'd gained from this long but useful thread. I must admit I disagree on some subjects (especially related to male chauvinism) but just choose to keep quiet as everyone has different thought and pursue.
I do agree with bro tarma view on leveraging money to secure a advantage status (be it fair or not) in the game but it actually fit well in the subject of this thread which is picking up KTV gals (instead of GND/OL/student/housewife etc).
16-02-2016, 08:58 PM
Bro, I wish to clarify here that I've made my comments because bro WB mentioned that "criticisms and comments are welcome" in his postings; else I'd just keep my mouth shut and continue to be a silent reader... I've nothing against bro WB and am just speaking my mind out loud objectively since he has given the green light here. I hope that my comments are not perceived to be attacking his character.
Always good to clarify, bro. It is difficult to tell tone of voice or facial expressions from merely words in a forum. I guess I may have misunderstood as well.
16-02-2016, 09:03 PM
I do agree with bro tarma view on leveraging money to secure a advantage status (be it fair or not) in the game but it actually fit well in the subject of this thread which is picking up KTV gals (instead of GND/OL/student/housewife etc).
Yup, that is my point too - bro WarBird has his own game to play, and he uses his ability to leverage money. Whether it is "fair" or not, seriously speaking, nobody wins by being fair. You might as well say I have an unfair advantage in other ways as well (many women find my voice and my mannerism sexy, ala Fei Yuqing). All of us play the game according to our strengths.
16-02-2016, 09:38 PM
Since when was his character attacked . It was his theory that was attacked not the person . Some people have got to develop the proper skills to read accurately. No offense but this thread is a prime example of a group think . Everybody follows and toes the line and I don't understand for fuck . It's sad to see such highly charged males taking on a subservient role instead of developing into an alpha and taking the lead . As the saying goes you can't teach an old dog new tricks a dog will always be a dog.
16-02-2016, 09:41 PM
End of the day, money is the one and only deciding and differentiating factor in the game of picking up or baoing KTK girl of PRC origin.
All the theories mentioned above. Don't you think that these PRC ladies are fully awarded of it too. If you don't believe, just go to any WeChat public forum and you have tons and tons of these so called theories. Also, the main objective that these PRC girls who ventured abroad are just money ONLY....
End of the day.... Money talks. Bull shit walks..
16-02-2016, 09:43 PM
EH.... I just want to say a fuck is a fuck. The war is to get into the pants or not. Doesn't matter how the guys does it (by money/ charm/ handsome/manner) or so. What matters is the results. Dun tell us the story, show us the baby.........
I'm also forever in this path of learning to bed girls. Whatever works is bible.
16-02-2016, 10:03 PM
EH.... I just want to say a fuck is a fuck. The war is to get into the pants or not. Doesn't matter how the guys does it (by money/ charm/ handsome/manner) or so. What matters is the results. Dun tell us the story, show us the baby.........
I'm also forever in this path of learning to bed girls. Whatever works is bible.
Respect ! A true realist and not some half baked idealist! Short but insightful post .
17-02-2016, 03:23 PM
...........Hi TS,
Based on what you said about self mastery, bad ass gentlemen etc etc, logically? You should not be paying any of your mistresses any money. So, why are you still paying them? Could it be that once you stop paying them, your mistresses will also at that split second stop being your mistress???
Money Talks. Bull shit walks. As what Jerry McQuire famous quote put it nicely: SHOW ME THE MONEY....
Tks, you're missing the big picture. Read my discussions below.
...then inevitably blow everything by saying something stupid.
Okay, now that you've taken control by "ending" this date, next you need to walk her home...
To YOUR home.
Hi TS,
Since you had ended the date abruptly, what did you do or say to your date that will make her walk to YOUR home?
Did you watch too much Korean drama, China soap opera or you are living in your own sweet la la land?
Please enlighten me as I really need to learn from you, guru.
Tks, pls read my posts more carefully. I only quoted the email sent to me recently by the guru David Deangelo. You should ask HIM.
My method would be very different.
Hi bro WB,
You are missing my point here. It is not about whether the money alone is enough or not enough for your dolls' pussy/heart/mind/soul pursuits. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see any of your r/s and sex gurus advocating using monetary leverage as a way to start playing this "badass gentleman" game with the lady. But you did. Hence, that is my contention: Granted - while no one is perfect and everyone has their own insecurities and egoistic pursuits, including yours truely - the fact remains that you used your financial abilities to negotiate and secure the bao agreement to place yourself on higher ground FIRST, then you claim to become the "self-assured and dominant" emotional mastery player when the playing field is already heavily skewed to your advantage.
Tks bro, you're missing the big picture. Read my discussions below.
From the way you phrase it together with knowing your own kid's DNA, it's quite obvious you belong to the lucky 50% you mentioned :eek: Gong Xi Fa Cai :D
Yes. Although 50% of married women cheat, only about 20% of kids are supported n loved by their non-biological fathers.
I believe Ts could I emphasize could have been misunderstood . What he has been posting thus far relates to how to attract a chick and to keep her attracted . While I do agree that what he has posted does work to a certain extent , under what circumstances does it work ? To claim that it is universal and works for every man is to delude your general audience . lets cut out the unessary polemics and let me ask you a simple question . In your age have you gotten any chick without providing her excessive financial support . I'm shall not school a man as smart as yourself . I'm sure you can arrive at the correct conclusion in harmony with reality . Cheers ! Another point worth noting . Look at the type of girls he's always after . Let me summarize , from China , came from China ( wasn't born and bred here without family support ), and found in ktvs . That in itself speaks volumes about the legitimacy of his badass gentleman theory .
Tks bro, I hv had non-WL GFs from China, SG, Msia, Hong kong, America n Taiwan. It's a lot more time consuming n they generally less attractive. I can't up a gal unless I hv a chance to see her, yeah?
Well, I am always out of Singapore, for some reason. Except for my family and friends, Singapore offers me nothing much. I cannot be find a proper-paying job here - all the jobs I managed to find here still want me based overseas. It is fine with me, since I appear to do better overseas than in Singapore.
I am now back in China.
Tks bro.
I have met bro WB twice and he has brought PYT GF. I enjoyed his postings.
Tks bro. PYT? The doll must be HH. Kept her for 2 1/2 yrs, then I said goodbye last August. You should join my outings sometime.
Bro, I wish to clarify here that I've made my comments because bro WB mentioned that "criticisms and comments are welcome" in his postings; else I'd just keep my mouth shut and continue to be a silent reader... I've nothing against bro WB and am just speaking my mind out loud objectively since he has given the green light here. I hope that my comments are not perceived to be attacking his character.
Yes, keep them coming.
I'm almost a silence reader as well. Much I'd gained from this long but useful thread. I must admit I disagree on some subjects (especially related to male chauvinism) but just choose to keep quiet as everyone has different thought and pursue.
I do agree with bro tarma view on leveraging money to secure a advantage status (be it fair or not) in the game but it actually fit well in the subject of this thread which is picking up KTV gals (instead of GND/OL/student/housewife etc).
Tks for ur post.
Always good to clarify, bro. It is difficult to tell tone of voice or facial expressions from merely words in a forum. I guess I may have misunderstood as well.
Yup, that is my point too - bro WarBird has his own game to play, and he uses his ability to leverage money. Whether it is "fair" or not, seriously speaking, nobody wins by being fair. You might as well say I have an unfair advantage in other ways as well (many women find my voice and my mannerism sexy, ala Fei Yuqing). All of us play the game according to our strengths.
Bro, you're right!
Since when was his character attacked . It was his theory that was attacked not the person . Some people have got to develop the proper skills to read accurately. No offense but this thread is a prime example of a group think . Everybody follows and toes the line and I don't understand for fuck . It's sad to see such highly charged males taking on a subservient role instead of developing into an alpha and taking the lead . As the saying goes you can't teach an old dog new tricks a dog will always be a dog.
Tks bro.
End of the day, money is the one and only deciding and differentiating factor in the game of picking up or baoing KTK girl of PRC origin.
All the theories mentioned above. Don't you think that these PRC ladies are fully awarded of it too. If you don't believe, just go to any WeChat public forum and you have tons and tons of these so called theories. Also, the main objective that these PRC girls who ventured abroad are just money ONLY....
End of the day.... Money talks. Bull shit walks..
Tks bro.
EH.... I just want to say a fuck is a fuck. The war is to get into the pants or not. Doesn't matter how the guys does it (by money/ charm/ handsome/manner) or so. What matters is the results. Dun tell us the story, show us the baby.........
I'm also forever in this path of learning to bed girls. Whatever works is bible.
Tks for ur post.
Good afternoon!
Two groups of bros wrote something that was contradictory. Who was right??
One group said I plagiarized the gurus, where as the other group referred to them as my BS theories. Both were wrong!!
I merely quoted them from emails or ebooks written by these gurus. I have always made this crystal clear.
I didn't plagiarize anyone and these are NOT my theories.
The followings are my sincere PERSONAL beliefs, from 7-8 years of reading, researching on the subjects n from my decades of personal experiences n case studies of others, including relatives, friends, etc,. Believing n applying these principles hv changed my life for the better. I'm still learning n improving everyday. There is a long way to go before I could achieve absolute emotional n self mastery.
One caveat. These principles apply only to mentally n physically healthy dolls n men. They r only simple outlines.
1) Dolls are primarily attracted to a man's behavior, whereas men are primarily attracted to a doll's looks n figure. We shouldn't worry abt what the dolls or the media say they want, It's more important to know what their S minds want.
2) There r biological n evolutionary reasons for this divergence of attraction. Everything is adapted n evolved to ensure the survival of the human species.
3) In terms of getting n maintaining pussies, IMHO, money is only a part of the equation. A very large n dominant part at first, but a man's behavior becomes more n more important over time. His emotional mastery becomes a very significant part of the equation in later stages. His ability to give CVOs is another factor...although not as large a factor as I initially thought.
4) But owning a pussy's heart n soul will require a very different second equation, where money plays a very small part n sometimes no part at all. Surprised?
5) In this second equation, emotional mastery is an important part, the other parts you guys need to figure out yourselves. Some of the parts may differ depending on the dolls n the men. But may include, for most couples, CVOs, emotional bonding n factors n triggers which may be specific to the individuals involved.
There will be exceptions. Some mentally sick women w/ very low self esteem may fall for a man who is physically abusive n has an explosive temper or who may even be a serial killer...
In a few days I shall recommend two ebooks which I read a long time ago. I believe they are useful.
All bros are encouraged to PM your ctc n to join my outings.
Bro WB
17-02-2016, 06:40 PM
I only quoted the email sent to me recently by the guru David Deangelo. You should ask HIM.
You dare to quote others but direct questions based on your quote back to the originator of the post you quoted from:confused: Sure shows alot of understanding on the contexts you quoted :rolleyes: Come I clap for you:eek:
17-02-2016, 07:04 PM
You dare to quote others but direct questions based on your quote back to the originator of the post you quoted from:confused: Sure shows alot of understanding on the contexts you quoted :rolleyes: Come I clap for you:eek:
Thank you, sir.
TS is like playing TaiJi ya.......
17-02-2016, 11:42 PM
You dare to quote others but direct questions based on your quote back to the originator of the post you quoted from:confused: Sure shows alot of understanding on the contexts you quoted :rolleyes: Come I clap for you:eek:
I guoted the email because David D. mentioned the fusion of a bad boy n a gentleman, which is very similar to my concept of a badass gentleman. Bro Don Juan said such a person was artificial. I still await his clarification.
My approach is very different. It's to get a pussy of my type w/ minimal expenditure of time n money. The title of this thread should hv given u enough clues.
And I'm always Mode One.
Thank you, sir.
TS is like playing TaiJi ya.......
Tks for ur post.
Many bros are still very confused about my current beliefs.
Pls allow me to post them in large print.
"The followings are my sincere PERSONAL beliefs, from 7-8 years of reading, researching on the subjects n from my decades of personal experiences n case studies of others, including relatives, friends, etc,. Believing n applying these principles hv changed my life for the better. I'm still learning n improving everyday. There is a long way to go before I could achieve absolute emotional n self mastery.
One caveat. These principles apply only to mentally n physically healthy dolls n men. They r only simple outlines.
1) Dolls are primarily attracted to a man's behavior, whereas men are primarily attracted to a doll's looks n figure. We shouldn't worry abt what the dolls or the media say they want, It's more important to know what their S minds want.
2) There r biological n evolutionary reasons for this divergence of attraction. Everything is adapted n evolved to ensure the survival of the human species.
3) In terms of getting n maintaining pussies, IMHO, money is only a part of the equation. A very large n dominant part at first, but a man's behavior becomes more n more important over time. His emotional mastery becomes a very significant part of the equation in later stages. His ability to give CVOs is another factor...although not as large a factor as I initially thought.
4) But owning a pussy's heart n soul will require a very different second equation, where money plays a very small part n sometimes no part at all. Surprised?
5) In this second equation, emotional mastery is an important part, the other parts you guys need to figure out yourselves. Some of the parts may differ depending on the dolls n the men. But I believe, for most couples, CVOs, emotional bonding n factors n triggers which may be specific to the individuals involved.
There will be exceptions. Some mentally sick women w/ very low self esteem may fall for a man who is physically abusive n has an explosive temper or who may even be a serial killer..."
Bro WB
17-02-2016, 11:53 PM
To all bros,
If you hv opposing views/beliefs, present them here. For example, you may think a doll is either a "good gal" or a "bad girl." And a "good gal" is only attracted to a young, handsome, tall, rich, intelligent man w/ body of a Greek god. I'll accept that.
Pls state your beliefs. Keep them coming. Every bro is entitled to his own unique beliefs.
I hv stated my current beliefs. Now is ur turn. If you don't state them, I must assume that you do agree w/ mine completely.:D:D;);)
Good night!
Bro WB
18-02-2016, 12:26 AM
Disillusion fool you are. All I can say to you is
I outta this brainless self serving thread. A whore is a whore. Short cut no short cut. What a moron :D
18-02-2016, 10:53 AM
Good morning to all bros,
It's amazing that there are so many men who hv such poor emotional control. They must be very frustrated, angry n miserable. But they will never change.
They are insane.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Truth be told, I had very poor emotional control in my younger days. But, I was painfully aware of that n took steps to reprogram my S mind many years ago. My goal is to achieve absolute emotional mastery n self mastery, eventually.
I shall not reply to those bros who hv used profanity n who hv threatened me. It's beneath my dignity.
A very insecure, needy, frustrated n paranoid bro sent me a PM 3 days ago:
"let's cut out the pretence . I think you are an insecure dick while think I'm some punk and hence the zapping . Remember you are in the open . Anything can happen . If you think you can hurt me more than I can retaliate you are welcome to try . "
I actually upped him, but he thought I got my kakis to zap him. He was dead wrong. It's very sad.
Oh, he was very jealous of me too. I added him to my wechat n I did send my chat history n photos of my two most recent SYT mistresses to him. He immediately deleted me. Then the threatening PM at SBF. Hours later he wechated me n apologized for making a mistake. I guess he got zapped more n he deleted me again.
At this time I like to share two ebooks which I read quite some time ago n which may be helpful to some bros here.
1) Double Your Dating 2nd Edition by David DeAngelo
2) Magical Tactics by Mark Raymond
I don't make a penny if you buy these ebooks. In the past, I was reluctant to give their names n other details because I didn't want my sharing to be misconstrued as promoting the product/service.
Bro WB
19-02-2016, 11:59 AM
The followings are taken from my other thread:
Wah, I also kena zap.
Bro Alfonse,
People who like to zap others are expressing their anger n frustration.
Bro WB
some people would feel that their opinion is number one.
I, as well, feel that bro warbird has made good points. i wouldn't agree a 100%, but nevertheless he did share some information that would make a better calibre of men, but unfortunately, i'm afraid that those who would zap you, and me as i post this, might not be able to comprehend this fact.
in the end, words will always be words. the difference comes in on whether we practice what we preach, or remain a keyboard warrior that puts others down as they share their own perspectives.
In the end, i only see bro warbird sharing his tips and readings, whilst certain people have only been attempting to protect what's left of their little dignity.
Bro SingaHarimau,
Tks for ur post. Well said.
Dignity? They hv nothing left to protect.
Bro WB
Why is there is debate about the theories work or not working.... As long as u get into their pants they all work rite????
Why have to differentiate so clearly is it by skills or by money or by charms or by whatever so..... I feel whatever works mean it is good....
Dun try to be out skill one another....
No one has the most best perfect skills. We just have different styles. To those have money but no longer young nor handsome. Money is their only weapon, if they manage to use it to get into girls pants. I will say they are skilful enough.
For those who has everything except money. U all will have to play the long time consuming methods. If you all able to get into the pants of the ladies then I consider u all skilful enough too. Why waste time debating ur theories work because u have money or paying a lot. I see all these as being jealous lo....
Seriously, just combine and sian girls together will be much more effective. Remember, we are the real brothers here with the same aim to fuck girls. The girls are the enemies try to carrot us and not letting us fuck. We should unite and not trying to out skill one another. I do no see any point at all in the event that any one wins..... What is there to prove????
Bro subidowa,
Tks so much for ur post. You're spot on.
My sole purpose of starting this thread n the sister thread is to find the most kawaii SYTs of my type, get n own their pussies, w/ minimal expenditure of time n money. Of course I also enjoy the comradery of my like-minded friends n kakis.
In the last few years, I hv been striving for something much more challenging. To capture the heart n soul of my LT dolls which requires very different strategies.
I hv often digressed from my original goal because I like sharing certain principles n beliefs which hv been immensely helpful to me.
Bro WB
20-02-2016, 02:49 PM
Good afternoon!
I like to thank ALL bros who hv expressed their views here, including those who hv used profanity n who hv zapped me n threatened me.
This is a democratic forum n every person is allowed to express his or her own opinion. Of course, I'll never reply to those who are vulgar or who behave like gangsters. However, I still wish them well. It's never too late for them to change n improve themselves.
I like to quote a newsletter which I received abt three weeks ago, from Mr. Scot McKay, in which he discussed the importance of social mastery.
In yesterday's newsletter I gave you some proven secrets to having
the kind of social skills that, in the immortal words of Dale
Carnegie himself, "win friends and influence people".
As promised, here are some other thoughts on the subject...all
1) A "needy" or "clingy" approval-seeker's primary problem is that
he is still in his own head, rather than considering others first.
"Neediness" means he is preoccupied with getting his own needs
The one who is willing to prioritize giving validation over receiving
validation is the one who is more likely to get validation and
approval. This is because such approval is a reward rather than
something that is demanded.
2) Similarly, respect cannot be demanded any more effectively than
approval can. He who respects himself enough not be anyone's
doormat can in turn respect others accordingly. The desired level of
respect is therefore naturally earned in a "bloodless coup" of sorts.
Contrast this with "badboy" guys who "command" respect through
fear and intimidation. The "respect" afforded them is hollow and
therefore unfulfilling, especially from women.
3) "Manipulation" is the fake shadow of effective social skill.
It's an imitation, exactly as quick-fix pickup techniques are an
imitation of genuine manhood in a social context with attractive
women. The manipulator should only expect to effectively
manipulate "doormats" who will have no real foundation for
bestowing respect, as we've already noted.
In other words, "manipulation" cannot bring about genuine respect
or approval...only disingenuous imitations thereof.
4) The manipulator is self-serving, which is a perversion of
self-respecting in every sense.
The manipulator's mindset is not evolved enough to realize that ham
fisting one's desired results on one's own terms can only--at best--
result in the effect the manipulator himself envisions.
There will be no creative "pleasant surprises" from others that are
outside of his own expectation.
5) ...He who respects self (and therefore others) finds that his social
rewards are lavished upon him by others on their terms, which very
often exceeds imagination's grasp. Such rewards are typically better
and more exciting than any outcome that could have been manipulated.
So by definition, this experience far exceeds merely getting what one
All of the above, when considered together, should describe once and
for all why sex-focused men often complain that women are "dead lays".'s that for a wake-up call?
Similarly, now you have a clear picture as to why the man who
provides leadership with confidence, direction and genuine positive
concern is the one guy you'll never hear complaining that "there
are no good women in [insert his own country here] nowadays".
He operates with a clear conscience. He naturally draws the
adoration and respect of those around, especially highly desirable
It is he who understands how it is a man becomes a chooser versus
a chaser.
He deserves what he wants.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
23-02-2016, 12:05 PM
Good afternoon!
I hv an outing to Dynasty Wednesday for HH. I hv enough kakis already for the largest medium rm.
The recent increased activities on my threads hv generated a lot of interest n intrigue on my beliefs n strategies. And many new kakis. Will attempt to meet all of them. There will be more outings in the near future.
If any bro wants to meet me in person n get acquainted, PM ur ctc. I'll be in the hall at Dynasty around 5:40pm. I'll look at every doll coming to the joint. Will go to dinner after 6:15PM at the café downstairs n return just after 7PM.
As I said before, I like to hear different beliefs n strategies. Every man has a different mission n different preferences in life. There is no one-size-fits-all.
If you are very satisfied n contented w/ ur sex/love life, share your beliefs n FRs. Tell us what makes u tick. Could be just boatloads of money or your exceptional masculine behaviour/charm or sexual mojo or a combination. Thank you!!
IMHO, getting n keeping pussies are very different 是两码事. Pls don't get confused. For a LT partner, must choose the right type of doll. Her behaviour n character are of paramount importance. Of course, you must be very attracted to her looks n figure too. Falling for a doll, WL or non-WL, who is extremely narcissistic, sociopathic or psychopathic would be a tragedy. Marrying her could be much worse 生不如死.
Cheers n have a great day!!
Bro WB
23-02-2016, 12:45 PM
Haha Bro WB still so hard n strong after so many years of KTV Dolls hunting, way to go Bro:D!
23-02-2016, 03:39 PM
Tks bro. PYT? The doll must be HH. Kept her for 2 1/2 yrs, then I said goodbye last August. You should join my outings sometime.
Bro WB
I have not been to KTV for more than six months, and before that had cut down to once in every 6 to 10 weeks. I'll send you PM to chat.
25-02-2016, 11:25 AM
Haha Bro WB still so hard n strong after so many years of KTV Dolls hunting, way to go Bro:D!
It has been a great journey for me. I hv so much to learn.
Bro WB
I have not been to KTV for more than six months, and before that had cut down to once in every 6 to 10 weeks. I'll send you PM to chat.
Yeah, I hv not seen u for about 3 years. Good to hear that you're alive and well.
Tks for ur PM detailing ur experiences. Why don't u share them here?
Bro WB
25-02-2016, 02:02 PM
Yeah, I hv not seen u for about 3 years. Good to hear that you're alive and well.
Tks for ur PM detailing ur experiences. Why don't u share them here?
Bro WB
I am not keen to share them on a forum. Just exchange note with you and my method is different and no point to copy since it is all coincidental experiences.
Great that you are very alive ;-)
28-02-2016, 02:35 PM
I am not keen to share them on a forum. Just exchange note with you and my method is different and no point to copy since it is all coincidental experiences.
Great that you are very alive ;-)
Bro James,
You're right. Some methods are unique n can't be imitated.
I'm happy for u. Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. You had the opportunity n you were prepared.
Tks for ur post.
Bro WB
Great sharing fro bro WB.
Bro Mastodonmen,
Tks, you make my day!!
Bro WB
Good afternoon!
There are many things in life that are complicated n inexplicable, especially when it comes to RS n love.
Exactly a yr ago, when my old Fujian lao po HW didn't want to return to SG after CNY, I suffered from breakup withdrawal n couldn't sleep well for 18 days. I was surprised that I had such severe symptoms, only second time in my life. Ten days earlier, when she asked my permission to return to China for CNY, I said no because she had promised a few months ago not to return this yr. I told her 我们分手. She was very angry n left anyway. I later regretted it n tried to get her back.
Did I love HW? You tell me. I think I'm addicted to her sustained n violent CVOs.
Less than a week later, I met my future 18 yo kawaii lao po SL.
Five months later I said goodbye to my other LT mistress HH. She was very angry n devastated. But I felt nothing. Why? We had been together 2 1/2 yrs.
I now love SL. Do I really? How about my other younger n more kawaii dolls? In fact, I hv a new 97 doll AG coming, who is 168, more kawaii n fairer. Natural C. OMG! Why don't I love AG more?
BTW, I did meet HW for 5 days in SHA last July when I went there on biz. We are still friends. She would be happy to see me in China. She said it's difficult to come to SG on visitor pass.
So what is love or KC? There r three distinct emotions of love: Lust, romantic attraction and attachment.
These three emotions involve different neurobiology in the human brain.
It would be great if a man feels all three emotions toward the same doll/woman for the rest of his life. But that is almost impossible. Very often, he may feel one or more of these emotions towards different dolls, with or without some overlap. And his love emotions towards them may be changing over time, especially when n if new dolls enter his life. Life is very complicated, isn't it?
At this time I like to share the following on these "love emotions."
Brains Do It: Lust, Attraction, and Attachment
By: Helen E. Fisher Ph.D.
Your comments, opinions n FRs will be greatly appreciated.
Bro WB
28-02-2016, 03:02 PM
Hello bros
I am new to this and have some questions.
1. How come got different price for booking?
$50/ $150 for booking
2. What is difference of booking and butterfly?
3. Is it to BJ FJ?
4. If you know the girl from before and she started working KTV, how to get the KTV best rate and also give to the girl instead of giving to KTV?
5. If only one person go and only getting one girl, what is the best arrangement to ask for?
6. Is the KTV an open area or a private room?
7. Need to buy liquor? Can don't buy liquor?
8. Have you been to Empire KTV (龙亨KTV) or Palace 8 Marina (八号)?
Which one is more cost effective and better for one guy going alone for session with one girl only?
9. Got any other thing that is important?
28-02-2016, 03:13 PM
I guoted the email because David D. mentioned the fusion of a bad boy n a gentleman, which is very similar to my concept of a badass gentleman. Bro Don Juan said such a person was artificial. I still await his clarification.
My approach is very different. It's to get a pussy of my type w/ minimal expenditure of time n money. The title of this thread should hv given u enough clues.
And I'm always Mode One.
Tks for ur post.
Many bros are still very confused about my current beliefs.
Pls allow me to post them in large print.
"The followings are my sincere PERSONAL beliefs, from 7-8 years of reading, researching on the subjects n from my decades of personal experiences n case studies of others, including relatives, friends, etc,. Believing n applying these principles hv changed my life for the better. I'm still learning n improving everyday. There is a long way to go before I could achieve absolute emotional n self mastery.
One caveat. These principles apply only to mentally n physically healthy dolls n men. They r only simple outlines.
1) Dolls are primarily attracted to a man's behavior, whereas men are primarily attracted to a doll's looks n figure. We shouldn't worry abt what the dolls or the media say they want, It's more important to know what their S minds want.
2) There r biological n evolutionary reasons for this divergence of attraction. Everything is adapted n evolved to ensure the survival of the human species.
3) In terms of getting n maintaining pussies, IMHO, money is only a part of the equation. A very large n dominant part at first, but a man's behavior becomes more n more important over time. His emotional mastery becomes a very significant part of the equation in later stages. His ability to give CVOs is another factor...although not as large a factor as I initially thought.
4) But owning a pussy's heart n soul will require a very different second equation, where money plays a very small part n sometimes no part at all. Surprised?
5) In this second equation, emotional mastery is an important part, the other parts you guys need to figure out yourselves. Some of the parts may differ depending on the dolls n the men. But I believe, for most couples, CVOs, emotional bonding n factors n triggers which may be specific to the individuals involved.
There will be exceptions. Some mentally sick women w/ very low self esteem may fall for a man who is physically abusive n has an explosive temper or who may even be a serial killer..."
Bro WB
You, Bro WB, are the man when it comes down to women!
And you actually use formulas and equations to solve women. One day must sit down with you to learn from you!
29-02-2016, 03:57 PM
Hello bros
I am new to this and have some questions.
1. How come got different price for booking?
Different joints n different gals
2. What is difference of booking and butterfly?
If u book a doll she stays the entire session w/ u, whereas if she butterflies she may sit w/ u for 20-30 minutes for the session.
3. Is it to BJ FJ?
No, that would be additional.
4. If you know the girl from before and she started working KTV, how to get the KTV best rate and also give to the girl instead of giving to KTV?
If u know the doll, just take her to your home or a hotel room.
5. If only one person go and only getting one girl, what is the best arrangement to ask for?
Just go n get the contact, then LEAVE w/o spending a penny. Contact her n bonk her another time. That is the goal of my other thread, "picking up KTV gals outside KTVs."
6. Is the KTV an open area or a private room?
There is a hall way where the gals stand around, waiting for customers. There are many private rooms.
7. Need to buy liquor? Can don't buy liquor?
Sure, can order tea or mineral water. But minimum room charges apply. Read my posts re Dynasty Classic.
8. Have you been to Empire KTV (龙亨KTV) or Palace 8 Marina (八号)?
Which one is more cost effective and better for one guy going alone for session with one girl only?
I hv been to P8, but never to Empire. The most cost effective for getting ctc of dolls is to go to Dynasty from 5:30-6:30 pm. Join my hunt FOC. PM ur ctc or wechat. You could choose to sit in the hall n order tea for $18, may be shared among 3-4 bros. You also get a plate of fruit, two if you're a regular.
9. Got any other thing that is important?
Bro kkcck.
Tks for ur interest. Cheers!
Bro WB
You, Bro WB, are the man when it comes down to women!
And you actually use formulas and equations to solve women. One day must sit down with you to learn from you!
Dear bro Nato17,
I'm just a learner. I hv a fascination with attraction, love n sex.
Anytime bro. PM ur wechat if u want to join my outings or just meet me at Dynasty around 5:40 PM.
Bro WB
Great sharing bro WB
Bro Mastodonmein,
Tks for ur interest. Pls share ur sexploits as well.
Bro WB
02-03-2016, 08:54 PM
Hi Bro WB,
Hahaha. Still on the hunt.
Thumbs up.
04-03-2016, 10:52 AM
Hi Bro WB,
Hahaha. Still on the hunt.
Thumbs up.
Hi bro besafe,
Yes, it keeps me sharp, youthful n healthy.
I hv learned a lot by reading, researching, sharing, discussing, debating, failing, practicing, failing...and more practicing.
I'm in the process of moving from an armchair military advisor to someone w/ hands-on, real life experiences. And I would love to fail many times everyday! 胜败是兵家常事
Much has been discussed about inner game n outer game in life. Both are important.
Inner game is about reprogramming your beliefs in the S mind. But that is not enough. You also need to keep expanding your comfort zone in real life situations...and keep doing, failing, practicing, failing, performing, failing, accomplishing n failing. If you fail many times everyday, that is great! Very soon you will rise to the top!
Bro WB
04-03-2016, 11:24 AM
Good morning!
I like to share two quotes w/ you.
“I have the belief that I am better looking than I actually am. I
know that I am not as good looking as some men, and better
looking than others. But I know that I can walk into a room and
walk out with your girlfriend”
--Gene Simmons
Sex, Money, and Kiss
Walking out w/ someone's wife/GF/mistress/lover is a very reckless, foolhardy, desperate n unethical behaviour. He may get killed by a jealous husband/BF/lover. What if the doll is the mistress of a Mexican drug lord?
I hv modified it to reflect what a badass gentleman will say n truly believe in his S mind:
“I believe that I am THE prize to ALL females on planet earth. I don't care if there are 1,000 very famous, rich, tall, handsome and badass men right here in this room. But I'm 100% certain that I can walk into the room and walk out with the sexiest n most kawaii doll of my type who is unattached."
That should be your manifesto.
Delusional? Hallucinating? So be it.
Bro WB
Pervy Sage
06-03-2016, 12:57 AM
How much to half bao a ktv girl.....
I know some will say no need money cos can sian... thats beside the point
I just wanna know wats the standard amount or norm
06-03-2016, 01:21 AM
How much to half bao a ktv girl.....
I know some will say no need money cos can sian... thats beside the point
I just wanna know wats the standard amount or norm
What is your salary? Multiply it by 2 or 3 and that is the amount you will need to bao a ktv girl.
Here is something food for thought. Many KTV girls now have a higher expectation than previous batches. So basically, I would say it is unwise to spend that time of money or time. No one will say money is enough. Likewise, how much would it take to bao a ktv girl? It can be a minimum of let us say 300 to 500 a night upwards, so make your estimates from there.
06-03-2016, 06:44 PM
How much to half bao a ktv girl.....
I know some will say no need money cos can sian... thats beside the point
I just wanna know wats the standard amount or norm
I do not think there is a "standard", but you can estimate a guess based on China's "standard" and what the girl has to do to come here.
In Chinese circles (a lot of businessmen and officials in my circle), the girl would expect an apartment to be GIFTED to her, plus between RMB10k to RMB20k a month for "spending money".
Are there girls who ask for much, much less? Yes there are, but they wise up very quickly and switch sugar daddies quickly too, and if they do not you have probably met your standard 湘女 (Hunan girl), known to be very emotional and clingy. Are there girls who ask for much, much more? Yes, there are, but the men willing to give them that are also much fewer in number and the possibility of meeting them lower.
For Singapore? They probably cannot expect an apartment to be gifted them, but you will definitely have to at least rent for them a nice apartment. Based on what they spent to come here, and the fact that they need to make the best of their time here, I suspect anything less than SGD5k a month is not going to make the mark. I think Bro WarBird would have a better idea here of the "standard".
Are there girls who ask for much, much less? Yes there are, but they are going to wise up very quickly and switch sugar daddies quickly, and if they do not, be prepared for the clingy and emotional 湘女 (Hunan girls). Are there girls who ask for much, much more? Yes, there are, but how many such men are there going to be in Singapore?
Asking for a "standard" is a strange concept. Like real property, the "market price" is but a mental concept to give us a bearing. Until a real transaction take place to the satisfaction of buyer (who may be so besotted that logic goes out the window, paying the highest he can afford) and the seller (who may not be desperate to sell and so accept a really low bid).
Just start playing the game and soon you will discover what your "standard" price is, for a "property" of your range.
06-03-2016, 07:12 PM
I do not think there is a "standard", but you can estimate a guess based on China's "standard" and what the girl has to do to come here.
In Chinese circles (a lot of businessmen and officials in my circle), the girl would expect an apartment to be GIFTED to her, plus between RMB10k to RMB20k a month for "spending money".
Are there girls who ask for much, much less? Yes there are, but they wise up very quickly and switch sugar daddies quickly too, and if they do not you have probably met your standard 湘女 (Hunan girl), known to be very emotional and clingy. Are there girls who ask for much, much more? Yes, there are, but the men willing to give them that are also much fewer in number and the possibility of meeting them lower.
For Singapore? They probably cannot expect an apartment to be gifted them, but you will definitely have to at least rent for them a nice apartment. Based on what they spent to come here, and the fact that they need to make the best of their time here, I suspect anything less than SGD5k a month is not going to make the mark. I think Bro WarBird would have a better idea here of the "standard".
Are there girls who ask for much, much less? Yes there are, but they are going to wise up very quickly and switch sugar daddies quickly, and if they do not, be prepared for the clingy and emotional 湘女 (Hunan girls). Are there girls who ask for much, much more? Yes, there are, but how many such men are there going to be in Singapore?
Asking for a "standard" is a strange concept. Like real property, the "market price" is but a mental concept to give us a bearing. Until a real transaction take place to the satisfaction of buyer (who may be so besotted that logic goes out the window, paying the highest he can afford) and the seller (who may not be desperate to sell and so accept a really low bid).
Just start playing the game and soon you will discover what your "standard" price is, for a "property" of your range.
Still got 10k-20k RMB price range? My last two I was paying closer to about 30-40k RMB per month. 10k-20k RMB was like donkey years ago, like 2000 to 2005. Since than the market seems to have shifted upwards. But with the current global climate, I think the prices will go south slightly.
07-03-2016, 08:43 PM
Still got 10k-20k RMB price range? My last two I was paying closer to about 30-40k RMB per month. 10k-20k RMB was like donkey years ago, like 2000 to 2005. Since than the market seems to have shifted upwards. But with the current global climate, I think the prices will go south slightly.
Guess I am very out of touch! The last time one of my friends told me this was indeed back in 2006.
08-03-2016, 01:51 AM
Good morning!
I like to share two quotes w/ you.
“I have the belief that I am better looking than I actually am. I
know that I am not as good looking as some men, and better
looking than others. But I know that I can walk into a room and
walk out with your girlfriend”
--Gene Simmons
Sex, Money, and Kiss
Walking out w/ someone's wife/GF/mistress/lover is a very reckless, foolhardy, desperate n unethical behaviour. He may get killed by a jealous husband/BF/lover. What if the doll is the mistress of a Mexican drug lord?
I hv modified it to reflect what a badass gentleman will say n truly believe in his S mind:
“I believe that I am THE prize to ALL females on planet earth. I don't care if there are 1,000 very famous, rich, tall, handsome and badass men right here in this room. But I'm 100% certain that I can walk into the room and walk out with the sexiest n most kawaii doll of my type who is unattached."
That should be your manifesto.
Delusional? Hallucinating? So be it.
Bro WB
Delusional? Hallucinating? Neither. Just that you have very big ambitions when it comes to hooking up with women, which makes you a splendid mentor.
08-03-2016, 11:53 AM
How much to half bao a ktv girl.....
I know some will say no need money cos can sian... thats beside the point
I just wanna know wats the standard amount or norm
Bro Pervy Sage,
I guess by "half bao" you mean the doll continues to work.
The usual range is 2 to 10k a month in SG. For "full bao" 7-20K. Could be less or much more. Some men spend 100-300K a month for singers. A billionaire could easily spend a million USD or more a month on a mistress.
I hv never spent more than 15k a month for a full bao. I hv not seen a doll who is worth more than that. But an upward adjustment may be necessary for inflation.
What is your salary? Multiply it by 2 or 3 and that is the amount you will need to bao a ktv girl.
Here is something food for thought. Many KTV girls now have a higher expectation than previous batches. So basically, I would say it is unwise to spend that time of money or time. No one will say money is enough. Likewise, how much would it take to bao a ktv girl? It can be a minimum of let us say 300 to 500 a night upwards, so make your estimates from there.
Bro Nato17,
Lower quality and higher expectations = Overpriced pussies
I do not think there is a "standard", but you can estimate a guess based on China's "standard" and what the girl has to do to come here.
In Chinese circles (a lot of businessmen and officials in my circle), the girl would expect an apartment to be GIFTED to her, plus between RMB10k to RMB20k a month for "spending money".
Are there girls who ask for much, much less? Yes there are, but they wise up very quickly and switch sugar daddies quickly too, and if they do not you have probably met your standard 湘女 (Hunan girl), known to be very emotional and clingy. Are there girls who ask for much, much more? Yes, there are, but the men willing to give them that are also much fewer in number and the possibility of meeting them lower.
For Singapore? They probably cannot expect an apartment to be gifted them, but you will definitely have to at least rent for them a nice apartment. Based on what they spent to come here, and the fact that they need to make the best of their time here, I suspect anything less than SGD5k a month is not going to make the mark. I think Bro WarBird would have a better idea here of the "standard".
Are there girls who ask for much, much less? Yes there are, but they are going to wise up very quickly and switch sugar daddies quickly, and if they do not, be prepared for the clingy and emotional 湘女 (Hunan girls). Are there girls who ask for much, much more? Yes, there are, but how many such men are there going to be in Singapore?
Asking for a "standard" is a strange concept. Like real property, the "market price" is but a mental concept to give us a bearing. Until a real transaction take place to the satisfaction of buyer (who may be so besotted that logic goes out the window, paying the highest he can afford) and the seller (who may not be desperate to sell and so accept a really low bid).
Just start playing the game and soon you will discover what your "standard" price is, for a "property" of your range.
Bro chenzong,
The current rates are much higher in China, especially in big cities. SHA is the most expensive place to BY a doll.
20k rmb a month used to be a king's ransom 7-8 years ago. I remember a very pretty SYT was asking me to BY her in SZ, China for that amount, in 2009. She also wanted me to pay a condo rental.
Bro WB
Still got 10k-20k RMB price range? My last two I was paying closer to about 30-40k RMB per month. 10k-20k RMB was like donkey years ago, like 2000 to 2005. Since than the market seems to have shifted upwards. But with the current global climate, I think the prices will go south slightly.
Bro Nato17,
You're right!
Guess I am very out of touch! The last time one of my friends told me this was indeed back in 2006.
What to do? We need to make more money.
Delusional? Hallucinating? Neither. Just that you have very big ambitions when it comes to hooking up with women, which makes you a splendid mentor.
Bro Nato17,
Tks so much for ur post. We need to be very ambitious and self-assured, and we must search for and own the prettiest n most kawaii dolls of our type.
But I'm just a learner, a mentee. I do work very diligently to change my inner meta-frame n expand my comfort zones. I leave no stone unturned.
As I hv mentioned many times in the past. Money will get you pussies, but it is largely useless in owning their hearts.
Bro WB
14-03-2016, 11:25 AM
Good morning!
Most men have a scarcity mindset when it comes to their interactions n RS w/ girls/women.
What is a scarcity mindset? When a man believes that the doll he is w/ is the only pussy he is ever going to get and if he loses her, he will never find another one as good as she. He will be acting needy, insecure n even desperate. He will become repulsive to her n will eventually lose her. Very sad.
Switch from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset.
What is an abundance mindset? When a man behaves as if there are an unlimited number of dolls of this type waiting for him. If he gets rejected by one, he laughs it off. When his GF/lover behaves badly, he just walks away, period.
"Behave as if you have 100 women calling you everyday." - David D.
Not good enough for me.
"Behave as if you have 100 beautiful women of your type calling you n wanting to fuck you everyday." - Bro Warbird
Bro WB
14-03-2016, 05:54 PM
Not good enough for me.
"Behave as if you have 100 beautiful women of your type calling you n wanting to fuck you everyday." - Bro Warbird
This is the most outrageous and arrogant comment that I ever come across. Why and how on earth will a self confident, financially independent and secure woman fall for such behavior? You seriously think that you are GOD"a gift to ladies??
Or maybe your target market are those KTV ladies whose main objective is to love your money. They won't bother how you behave as long as you show them the money. They can and will call you their Prince Charming even though one might look like a ugly toad.
Hope that you are not inculcating such thoughts into your son ya. I mean no harm and no offence taken.
15-03-2016, 01:52 PM
Not good enough for me.
"Behave as if you have 100 beautiful women of your type calling you n wanting to fuck you everyday." - Bro Warbird
This is the most outrageous and arrogant comment that I ever come across. Why and how on earth will a self confident, financially independent and secure woman fall for such behavior? You seriously think that you are GOD"a gift to ladies??
Or maybe your target market are those KTV ladies whose main objective is to love your money. They won't bother how you behave as long as you show them the money. They can and will call you their Prince Charming even though one might look like a ugly toad.
Hope that you are not inculcating such thoughts into your son ya. I mean no harm and no offence taken.
Bro AAdam,
Thank u very much for ur post n criticisms.
The original quote is from David D. Please watch the video here: 205f7280d826b16d63ea460156eed0
That was how I used to behave when I was 21, whenever I was very lucky enough to get the contact of a pretty girl. I wish I knew about all that I hv posted here back then. I was reluctant to post the link because I didn't want my action to be misconstrued as promoting a biz.
I'm talking about an abundance mindset n belief in the S mind. It's very, very rare to find such a man because most men hv an incurable scarcity mindset. These men are very insecure, needy, always seeking validation n approval n they put their dream gals on a pedestal. And they watch in horror when their gals ditch them or cheat on them.
Read my quote carefully. I never mentioned "I." The outrageous n arrogant statement is meant for all bros here n for YOU because I love to share what I sincerely believe will work like magic. Yeah, like gong tao.
This mindset works w/ all dolls. Did I mention money n WLs?
When I tried to BY my first doll in late 2008, I was flatly rejected. Two of them hung up on me. Months later they both agreed. One of them was HW. What had changed? My behaviour.
IMHO, the most important determinant of what makes a man attractive to women is his perceived high status. I further believe that this perceived status is determined by his masculine n dominant behaviour. And the MOST important aspect of this behaviour is that he remains very relaxed n calm when facing tough challenges, including life n death situations. In other words, he has awesome emotional n self mastery.
OK, let me modify my quote to apply to non-WLs.
"Behave as if you have 100 beautiful and high quality women of your type, who are non-WLs, calling you and wanting to fuck you everyday. And they are all emotionally and sexually addicted to you."
If you, bro AAdam, truly hv such a mentality, deep in your S mind, you will hv more gals than you can handle.
There is a caveat. You will become so choosy n your standards will become so high that you will hv a hard time finding gals who are ur type. And u may never commit.
Like they say, when you gain something, you also lose something else.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said it much more eloquently: "For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else."
Bro WB
15-03-2016, 02:15 PM
Bro AAdam,
Thank u very much for ur post n criticisms.
The original quote is from David D. Please watch the video here: 205f7280d826b16d63ea460156eed0
That was how I used to behave when I was 21, whenever I was very lucky enough to get the contact of a pretty girl. I wish I knew about all that I hv posted here back then. I was reluctant to post the link because I didn't want my action to be misconstrued as promoting a biz.
I'm talking about an abundance mindset n belief in the S mind. It's very, very rare to find such a man because most men hv an incurable scarcity mindset. These men are very insecure, needy, always seeking validation n approval n they put their dream gals on a pedestal. And they watch in horror when their gals ditch them or cheat on them.
Read my quote carefully. I never mentioned "I." The outrageous n arrogant statement is meant for all bros here n for YOU because I love to share what I sincerely believe will work like magic. Yeah, like gong tao.
This mindset works w/ all dolls. Did I mention money n WLs?
When I tried to BY my first doll in late 2008, I was flatly rejected. Two of them hung up on me. Months later they both agreed. One of them was HW. What had changed? My behaviour.
IMHO, the most important determinant of what makes a man attractive to women is his perceived high status. I further believe that this perceived status is determined by his masculine n dominant behaviour. And the MOST important aspect of this behaviour is that he remains very relaxed n calm when facing tough challenges, including life n death situations. In other words, he has awesome emotional n self mastery.
OK, let me modify my quote to apply to non-WLs.
"Behave as if you have 100 beautiful and high quality women of your type, who are non-WLs, calling you and wanting to fuck you everyday. And they are all emotionally and sexually addicted to you."
If you, bro AAdam, truly hv such a mentality, deep in your S mind, you will hv more gals than you can handle.
There is a caveat. You will become so choosy n your standards will become so high that you will hv a hard time finding gals who are ur type. And u may never commit.
Like they say, when you gain something, you also lose something else.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said it much more eloquently: "For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else."
Bro WB
Hi TS,
I don't mean to rub salt on your wound for what happened in 2008. Based on your wisdom and experience, what do you think is the deciding factor in the BaoYang zone that you had been in for so long? The target market is BY scene. Is it emotionally attachment, sexual addiction or monetary compensation? Which is the tipping contributor? Maybe your change in behavior might help you, but did it occur to you that your dolls might not get any better options in the market and thus crawling back to you? Yup, if you have self mastery of yourself in 2008, you would not have even take her back into your stable.
16-03-2016, 12:26 AM
Any of u guys frequent the KTVs in peace ctr?
Went to the food court for dinner with some friends last week, it's quite happening. Like seeing a 'parade of gals every few mins. And some of them are pretty good grades too. :D
16-03-2016, 02:12 AM
Half bao / full bao doesn't matter because in the end the sum is almost identical. Expect to spend 5-8k SIN$ monthly.
I had a pretty Mongolian girl, model material for half a year but in the end it got boring and she didn't really perform that well anymore. Gave her a generous severance payment because she is a Uni post grad but had to be firm saying the arrangement wasn't for me anymore.
Truth told: Wouldn't do it again and just look for gf, if hungry have something on the side lah
16-03-2016, 11:55 AM
Hi TS,
I don't mean to rub salt on your wound for what happened in 2008. Based on your wisdom and experience, what do you think is the deciding factor in the BaoYang zone that you had been in for so long? The target market is BY scene. Is it emotionally attachment, sexual addiction or monetary compensation? Which is the tipping contributor? Maybe your change in behavior might help you, but did it occur to you that your dolls might not get any better options in the market and thus crawling back to you? Yup, if you have self mastery of yourself in 2008, you would not have even take her back into your stable.
Bro AAdam,
I first proposed BY in Sep 2008, but didn't get to consummate any until May 2009. I hv since kept dozens of gals, mostly short term n only 5-6 long term.
Initially money is the deciding factor n a dominant behaviour n abundance mentality of secondary importance in the BY equation. But with time, a man's behaviour n mentality become more n more significant. Emotional attachment n sexual addiction can only help.
My gals hv options. I only go after the prettiest gals of my type whom I hv seen in SG. I'll literally RUN after a very pretty doll if I spot one who is at a distance from me. I'm often disappointed when I get close to her. I think very few ah peks hv done that. My dolls are not as good n as perfect as I would like them to be. But I can't BY dolls I hv never seen. I hv also tried to import directly from China n HK. A tedious process.
I admit that, as of today, I still don't hv absolute emotional mastery. It's something very difficult to achieve.
Bro WB
Any of u guys frequent the KTVs in peace ctr?
Went to the food court for dinner with some friends last week, it's quite happening. Like seeing a 'parade of gals every few mins. And some of them are pretty good grades too. :D
It's a good place to see a large number of gals under one roof.
Half bao / full bao doesn't matter because in the end the sum is almost identical. Expect to spend 5-8k SIN$ monthly.
I had a pretty Mongolian girl, model material for half a year but in the end it got boring and she didn't really perform that well anymore. Gave her a generous severance payment because she is a Uni post grad but had to be firm saying the arrangement wasn't for me anymore.
Truth told: Wouldn't do it again and just look for gf, if hungry have something on the side lah
A full BY is always more expensive, when a gal doesn't work at all.
BY is fun. Getting KC-ed is part n parcel of living a full life. In a LT BY, a doll's character is as important as her looks, figure, pussy n orgasms.
Bro WB
23-03-2016, 10:54 AM
Good morning!
Sometimes getting more pussies of your type is as simple as asking more often. Yes, life is really that good.
Here is a brief email by a guru, Mr. Ryan.
#1 Skill Every Man Must Master (take 1 min. per day)
I’m a relentless asker.
I ask for things all the time.
Calmly and politely, but I still ask.
You have to be able to ask for the things you want.
Ask for the promotion.
Ask for a girl to go out with you.
Ask for someone to stop wasting your time.
It wasn’t always easy for me to ask for the things I wanted.
The fear of hearing “NO” crippled me.
I still have that fear and more often than not, I’m tempted
to not ask. I still feel that pain in my stomach and the nausea
that occurs just before asking... but I do it anyway.
I knew a guy who wasn’t particularly good looking. But he
was always asking women their name, what they were doing
tonight, their phone number, if they’d go out with him, and more…
He’d never stop asking.
This guy was getting a lot of dates and sex.
All this, because he was able to get over the initial reluctance
of asking. Very few people achieve this.
The best way to ask is to use a simple statement like:
“I want…”
“Can you… Please?”
Don’t overly use a softener, like, “I was wondering”, “Maybe”, etc.
Just calmly and politely ask for want you want. Accept that
some people will say “no”.
Do it once a day until it becomes a habit.
Have an amazing day!
23-03-2016, 10:58 AM
Good morning!
Sometimes getting more pussies of your type is as simple as asking more often. Yes, life is really that good.
Here is a brief email by a guru, Mr. Ryan.
#1 Skill Every Man Must Master (take 1 min. per day)
I’m a relentless asker.
I ask for things all the time.
Calmly and politely, but I still ask.
You have to be able to ask for the things you want.
Ask for the promotion.
Ask for a girl to go out with you.
Ask for someone to stop wasting your time.
It wasn’t always easy for me to ask for the things I wanted.
The fear of hearing “NO” crippled me.
I still have that fear and more often than not, I’m tempted
to not ask. I still feel that pain in my stomach and the nausea
that occurs just before asking... but I do it anyway.
I knew a guy who wasn’t particularly good looking. But he
was always asking women their name, what they were doing
tonight, their phone number, if they’d go out with him, and more…
He’d never stop asking.
This guy was getting a lot of dates and sex.
All this, because he was able to get over the initial reluctance
of asking. Very few people achieve this.
The best way to ask is to use a simple statement like:
“I want…”
“Can you… Please?”
Don’t overly use a softener, like, “I was wondering”, “Maybe”, etc.
Just calmly and politely ask for want you want. Accept that
some people will say “no”.
Do it once a day until it becomes a habit.
Have an amazing day!
Totally agree and I can back it up that it works.
23-03-2016, 09:03 PM
Good morning!
Sometimes getting more pussies of your type is as simple as asking more often. Yes, life is really that good.
Here is a brief email by a guru, Mr. Ryan.
#1 Skill Every Man Must Master (take 1 min. per day)
I’m a relentless asker.
I ask for things all the time.
Calmly and politely, but I still ask.
You have to be able to ask for the things you want.
Ask for the promotion.
Ask for a girl to go out with you.
Ask for someone to stop wasting your time.
It wasn’t always easy for me to ask for the things I wanted.
The fear of hearing “NO” crippled me.
I still have that fear and more often than not, I’m tempted
to not ask. I still feel that pain in my stomach and the nausea
that occurs just before asking... but I do it anyway.
I knew a guy who wasn’t particularly good looking. But he
was always asking women their name, what they were doing
tonight, their phone number, if they’d go out with him, and more…
He’d never stop asking.
This guy was getting a lot of dates and sex.
All this, because he was able to get over the initial reluctance
of asking. Very few people achieve this.
The best way to ask is to use a simple statement like:
“I want…”
“Can you… Please?”
Don’t overly use a softener, like, “I was wondering”, “Maybe”, etc.
Just calmly and politely ask for want you want. Accept that
some people will say “no”.
Do it once a day until it becomes a habit.
Have an amazing day!
Really need to overcome the fear of people answering a 'No'...
27-03-2016, 11:40 AM
Totally agree and I can back it up that it works.
It works like magic.
Must remain very calm and relaxed when you get rejected repeatedly. If you show any displeasure n frustration, you are finished.
Really need to overcome the fear of people answering a 'No'...
No self respecting woman will ever be attracted to a man who is fearful of her.
27-03-2016, 02:50 PM
Please forgive me if my questions are too direct. As I am nowhere have the financial means to BY any girl, so I won't know anything about it. I hope all the big bro here can enlighten me.
As this thread A friendly warning to a fellow singaporean ( appeared, I am wondering what would the SD do? Thank you!
28-03-2016, 01:35 PM
Please forgive me if my questions are too direct. As I am nowhere have the financial means to BY any girl, so I won't know anything about it. I hope all the big bro here can enlighten me.
As this thread A friendly warning to a fellow singaporean ( appeared, I am wondering what would the SD do? Thank you!
Hi bro,
What do u like to know about BY?
It's like a marriage w/o the financial consequences. Unfortunately, there may be emotional consequences. Just my 2 cents.
Tks for the link.
I like to give a very stern warning to all bros who are thinking of getting married. Ponder carefully n look clearly before leaping. Don't get emotional, otherwise you will regret it. You can write it down.
Bro WB
Good afternoon,
I'll be going overseas for about 3-4 weeks.
Bro WB
28-03-2016, 06:55 PM
Hi bro,
What do u like to know about BY?
It's like a marriage w/o the financial consequences. Unfortunately, there may be emotional consequences. Just my 2 cents.
Tks for the link.
I like to give a very stern warning to all bros who are thinking of getting married. Ponder carefully n look clearly before leaping. Don't get emotional, otherwise you will regret it. You can write it down.
Bro WB
Good afternoon,
I'll be going overseas for about 3-4 weeks.
Bro WB
Thank you. I am just wondering what will happen if one day the sugar daddy received warning from someone about the girl they BY having bf? Believe or don't believe? Break up or continue? Thank you.
29-03-2016, 03:44 AM
This is indeed a Golden Thread ("Sticky"-worthy).
A truly useful thread not only must stand the test of time. But that the original TS himself must demonstrate commitment to the subject matter.
I am very impressed by the updates, chronicles, lessons imbibed (and discarded) and the quality of sharing over time. It shows up very evidently that BY is not some mythical amorphous thing, but rather a "true to life" activity in the world of cheonging.
I have met Bro Warbird (several years ago) and indeed was quite an active participant in the world of BY. I am not active anymore as I was facing some financial challenges!
Yes! stark reality .. there IS money involved to sustain a BY relationship. Like it or not, force of personality, charisma etc only goes so far.
(btw, it's not engaging in BY activities that bankrupted me, but rather being caught out during the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 on the wrong side of the financial investment equation)
Now that I have recovered somewhat financially, I can afford to dabble and indulge in this little recreational pursuit. To this end, I look forward to join Bro Warbird and gang in some BY outings and scoutings (if they would accept my company of course - cannot be presumptuous!).
I do know and remember the steps to land a BY (only this time, I have to go "budget") .... but what I don't have is "recency" and current knowledge! It would be indeed fun to see if the elapsing of eight years have diminished my "skill" or the world of BY now has "evolved" (or devolved) and operate on a different paradigm altogether .... cheers!!
02-04-2016, 01:36 AM
This is indeed a Golden Thread ("Sticky"-worthy).
A truly useful thread not only must stand the test of time. But that the original TS himself must demonstrate commitment to the subject matter.
Now that I have recovered somewhat financially, I can afford to dabble and indulge in this little recreational pursuit.......
I do know and remember the steps to land a BY (only this time, I have to go "budget") .... but what I don't have is "recency" and current knowledge! It would be indeed fun to see if the elapsing of eight years have diminished my "skill" or the world of BY now has "evolved" (or devolved) and operate on a different paradigm altogether .... cheers!!
IMO, it is an imbalanced market. You with the "budget" can still land something, anything, with time and effort. She, the prey, although is able to guess or gauge her own value, you can counter her perception of her value by walking away and giving her the dissatisfaction and the impression in her mind whether she let a good-enough fish (in fact you the hunter) walk away unless there is competitor.
Without paying over your budget, you need patience and effort, and also widen your target list. If you are bidding for the top three gals that are courted by multiple towkays, then you are joining a bidding war which is not to your advantage.
If you corner a good enough girl that will be yours most of the time (or all, it depends whether you've the energy and means to check on her) and she is not courted, then you have the time to manage her expectation of her own value since there is no bidding war going for her. If she is a proud one, move on. There are plenty of targets.
I feel that this game is a game of needs versus wants balanced by means. If you need the girl fast, then you better have the means to over come obstacles fast. If you are limited in your means, then deploy what you have and shoot for those that are not in a strong position or she needs what you have.
It should not be a perfect market, not even close. So deploy all your weapons, sweet talk, confidence, a way to stand out be it being indifferent or switch mode to attentive (just not too much as they dislike pushovers), and aim at multiple targets (probably not in the same room though), you may hit success, if not then move on to the next group of possibilities.
My apologies, I am disorganized and messy in here.
05-04-2016, 11:57 AM
Thank you. I am just wondering what will happen if one day the sugar daddy received warning from someone about the girl they BY having bf? Believe or don't believe? Break up or continue? Thank you.
Bro bonkpedia,
Every case is different. He needs to find out if it's true. Just like if his wife is having a BF. Walk away if it's true.
This is indeed a Golden Thread ("Sticky"-worthy).
A truly useful thread not only must stand the test of time. But that the original TS himself must demonstrate commitment to the subject matter.
I am very impressed by the updates, chronicles, lessons imbibed (and discarded) and the quality of sharing over time. It shows up very evidently that BY is not some mythical amorphous thing, but rather a "true to life" activity in the world of cheonging.
I have met Bro Warbird (several years ago) and indeed was quite an active participant in the world of BY. I am not active anymore as I was facing some financial challenges!
Yes! stark reality .. there IS money involved to sustain a BY relationship. Like it or not, force of personality, charisma etc only goes so far.
(btw, it's not engaging in BY activities that bankrupted me, but rather being caught out during the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 on the wrong side of the financial investment equation)
Now that I have recovered somewhat financially, I can afford to dabble and indulge in this little recreational pursuit. To this end, I look forward to join Bro Warbird and gang in some BY outings and scoutings (if they would accept my company of course - cannot be presumptuous!).
I do know and remember the steps to land a BY (only this time, I have to go "budget") .... but what I don't have is "recency" and current knowledge! It would be indeed fun to see if the elapsing of eight years have diminished my "skill" or the world of BY now has "evolved" (or devolved) and operate on a different paradigm altogether .... cheers!!
Bro Justime,
It's good to hear from u after such a long time. It would be my pleasure if u could join my outings. I'm overseas now n will return in about 3 weeks.
I last met u at LV in early 2012. I had a tall Fujian gal w/ me. In the lift, you described her as having "ample breasts" haha. She is now a model in Xiamen. I now hv a 19 yo kawaii lao po w/ small breasts. She has just returned to China because of urgent family problems.
BY has not changed much in the last 5-6 years. But 90% of gals working in high end KTVs now hv had plastic surgery. It's a big turnoff for me. And few pretty gals are coming to SG.
Bro WB
IMO, it is an imbalanced market. You with the "budget" can still land something, anything, with time and effort. She, the prey, although is able to guess or gauge her own value, you can counter her perception of her value by walking away and giving her the dissatisfaction and the impression in her mind whether she let a good-enough fish (in fact you the hunter) walk away unless there is competitor.
Without paying over your budget, you need patience and effort, and also widen your target list. If you are bidding for the top three gals that are courted by multiple towkays, then you are joining a bidding war which is not to your advantage.
If you corner a good enough girl that will be yours most of the time (or all, it depends whether you've the energy and means to check on her) and she is not courted, then you have the time to manage her expectation of her own value since there is no bidding war going for her. If she is a proud one, move on. There are plenty of targets.
I feel that this game is a game of needs versus wants balanced by means. If you need the girl fast, then you better have the means to over come obstacles fast. If you are limited in your means, then deploy what you have and shoot for those that are not in a strong position or she needs what you have.
It should not be a perfect market, not even close. So deploy all your weapons, sweet talk, confidence, a way to stand out be it being indifferent or switch mode to attentive (just not too much as they dislike pushovers), and aim at multiple targets (probably not in the same room though), you may hit success, if not then move on to the next group of possibilities.
My apologies, I am disorganized and messy in here.
Bro NotMyRealName,
Thanks for ur post. I couldn't agree w/ u more.
The pussy n BY market is very inefficient. A patient n confident man who understands female psychology can often "punch above his weight" haha.
Bro WB
05-04-2016, 12:46 PM
Hi bro,
What do u like to know about BY?
It's like a marriage w/o the financial consequences. Unfortunately, there may be emotional consequences. Just my 2 cents.
There always will be emotional consequences in this time of arrangement. And I really like the way you put it. It is like marriage but without the financial consequences after you part ways. :)
05-04-2016, 12:48 PM
Bro bonkpedia,
Bro NotMyRealName,
Thanks for ur post. I couldn't agree w/ u more.
The pussy n BY market is very inefficient. A patient n confident man who understands female psychology can often "punch above his weight" haha.
Bro WB
"Punch above his weight". Very good food for thought and insights. I must keep learning from the masters here.
05-04-2016, 12:54 PM
IMO, it is an imbalanced market. You with the "budget" can still land something, anything, with time and effort. She, the prey, although is able to guess or gauge her own value, you can counter her perception of her value by walking away and giving her the dissatisfaction and the impression in her mind whether she let a good-enough fish (in fact you the hunter) walk away unless there is competitor.
Without paying over your budget, you need patience and effort, and also widen your target list. If you are bidding for the top three gals that are courted by multiple towkays, then you are joining a bidding war which is not to your advantage.
If you corner a good enough girl that will be yours most of the time (or all, it depends whether you've the energy and means to check on her) and she is not courted, then you have the time to manage her expectation of her own value since there is no bidding war going for her. If she is a proud one, move on. There are plenty of targets.
I feel that this game is a game of needs versus wants balanced by means. If you need the girl fast, then you better have the means to over come obstacles fast. If you are limited in your means, then deploy what you have and shoot for those that are not in a strong position or she needs what you have.
It should not be a perfect market, not even close. So deploy all your weapons, sweet talk, confidence, a way to stand out be it being indifferent or switch mode to attentive (just not too much as they dislike pushovers), and aim at multiple targets (probably not in the same room though), you may hit success, if not then move on to the next group of possibilities.
My apologies, I am disorganized and messy in here.
Very, very well written! You have clearly analyzed the game very well and I really must offer you my kudos. I think I myself can learn a lot from your attitude and also insights. Kudos bro.
05-04-2016, 01:11 PM
This is the most outrageous and arrogant comment that I ever come across. Why and how on earth will a self confident, financially independent and secure woman fall for such behavior? You seriously think that you are GOD"a gift to ladies??
Or maybe your target market are those KTV ladies whose main objective is to love your money. They won't bother how you behave as long as you show them the money. They can and will call you their Prince Charming even though one might look like a ugly toad.
Hope that you are not inculcating such thoughts into your son ya. I mean no harm and no offence taken.
I think you are missing the point. I would say in Singapore, a lot of guys are totally clueless with regards to the opposite sex. How many guys just wish they had the guts to walk up to a woman and say hi, can I have your number?
Don't say that women aren't drawn to people who are confident people?
05-04-2016, 01:19 PM
Let me reiterate: knowing how to attract women n having the ability to give them the most intense n prolonged CVOs is a matter of life n death.
Sorry, what is CVO? I blur sotong.
05-04-2016, 03:16 PM
I think you are missing the point. I would say in Singapore, a lot of guys are totally clueless with regards to the opposite sex. How many guys just wish they had the guts to walk up to a woman and say hi, can I have your number?
Don't say that women aren't drawn to people who are confident people?
What are the critical substantial element that makes a guy gutsy and self confident???
05-04-2016, 04:28 PM
Tried to bring the Shanghainese student to another KTV last nite, but she wouldn't go as she only wanted to work at DC. I was hoping to put her in the same room w/ a new Fujian student whom I like a lot. Nothing better than a face-to-face comparison, hahaha. They both share an asset which I covet n which is sadly lacking in many PRC MMs: An ample, perky n shapely yet very proportionate ass.
Although I met this Fujian gal inside a KTV, not outside, I'm sharing a little details on her bcos I would like to discuss what to do AFTER we get ctc from the gals, whether inside or outside KTVs.
I hv greatly benefited from the strategies, counseling n wisdom of both Bros justime n DYBJ in the science of BY, but I feel that I can't adopt whole hog their methods w/o modifications. Bro justime's approach is more towards budget type n bro DYBJ's is super deluxe! I'm most comfortable w/ a moderately priced approach.
I first met this Fujian gal, let's called her KK, in a KTV 15 days ago n we met again last nite. But in between these meetings, I had called her many times n exchanged numerous SMSes w/ her. I had also invited her to Mirage, Armani n other joints but she didn't want to come. I always listen very carefully to what she says...n we hv had excellent n deepening rapport.:cool:
I hv prepared a "dossier" on her, in my mind's eye, haha. BTW, she is Ang Pai at a high-end KTV.
She is 25 (yeah, much older than my usual type), from 福建宁德,has been here 4 months. She attends a school from 9am till 230pm 5 days a week. To me, she is vey chio, classy n elegant, poised n quite aloof despite her humble family background. Ht 168 w/o shoes, abt 52-53 kg, small to medium bony frame, relatively fair n smooth skin for a Fujian gal. Boobs B plus (natural?) w/ very proportionate figure, long straight legs n beautiful ass. I'm yet to ask if she has had prior childbirth or major surgeries, etc.
She is currently reading a book on tomb raiders in China n her all-time favourite book is 铁窗,a novel abt a heroine who was wrongly imprisoned. She loves to keep talking abt these tales...also tells me her childhood, family life, what has happened to her in SGP, her goals, aspirations, worries. needs, etc. Her biggest worry is money (what else is new?) n she is tired of working at KTVs: lots of stress n alcohol, lack of sleep, 2nd hand smoke, unhealthy lifestyle, etc. The need to cope w/ many different, sometimes difficult, customers is fraying her nerves...
She is willing to endure the hardship for 2-3 yrs or whatever, until she has SGD 200K. I told her I could get a fren to take care of her n asked for her requirements. She replied that she would quit working completely if she could get 10K plus a month but she must meet my fren first before deciding. Is 12K enough? OK, she said. I then told her if my fren wouldn't take care of her, I would be happy to be her man. She moved very close to me n cooed in my ear, YES...BTW, she is willing to hv a complete exam n blood tests She emphasies that she has not had sex w/ any man in SGP (???). I'll tell her that I need to hv a ''test drive" to find out if we r compatible before BY, hahaha.;)
Thx for reading n hv a great day!!
The rates are now super strange. The last girl quoted me $20k, but she slashed. I think I need to do go MIA for a
05-04-2016, 04:32 PM
What are the critical substantial element that makes a guy gutsy and self confident???
A lot of factors will boost one's self-confidence. EG, good looking. Youth. Wealth. And even education. However, how you use that to your advantage only you wield that power. No one can do it for you.
Self-confidence places a part even in the workplace. You don't get promoted because of your technical skills. You get promoted because you may be able to project a good image that you will be able to perform a job. This is certainly true at board levels. If you are talking about managerial levels, yes you are using your technical expertise but further up the ladder, your social skills plays a huge part. And a good part is self-confidence.
05-04-2016, 04:43 PM
Bro Warbird,
I have been a silent reader of your thread. By being able to bao KTV girls of your whim and fancy, you are obviously wealthy to say the least. But with all due respect, it is still the fact that it is your financial ability to bao that gives you the unfair advantage and leverage to play this "badass gentleman" game according to your own rules.
In other words, if a man is really self-assured and dominant, why would he need to enter into a commercial transaction to own the doll's pussy, heart, mind and soul? I see it more of an egoistic pursuit behind the veil of emotional insecurity... for surely only the man knows if he can still succeed if he doesn't have the wealth to start with in the first place.
Just my 2 cents' worth.
Huat Ahh! :)
Brag until so much still have to use money to pay for meat. Until the day you are successful in SCORING without the "LEASING MEAT" factor, I don't see any wisdom or "MAN"lyhood. I only see someone trying hard to show off that's all. Last post here. Enjoy your endless self fulfilling hollow brags haha.
HUAT AH!!!!!!:rolleyes:
BTW, I wrote the following myself:
"I use the term "badass gentleman" to describe a man who has all the attractive masculine traits of a badass w/o his obnoxious character defects PLUS all the attractive traits of a "gentleman" w/o his repulsive "nice guy" behaviour.
Why would bro Don Juan call a badass gentleman unnatural?
I just received the following email from a well known guru in which he touched on the subject."
Calling him a well known guru is not showing respect? AND I didn't copy from his website, as alleged by bro workpermit, the guru sent it to me yesterday. I do expect bro workpermit's clarification n apology.
Good night!
Bro WB
Bro wb strategy is very different frm mine. He purely use money to buy a relationship to bao a girl. But his method attract all kind of wrong girls.
I recently meet up one of my fans,slowly into another gf. i focus on personal grooming,self image and the dark traits of a badboy without any sign of money involved. We had a great time together over at gz. Expenses on mine,but i dont bao her. we have a normal relationship like normal couples do. That i score better than your badass gentleman theory.
If you insist on buying on a relationship,that not my style. You can beat me slightly more in pussies with instant cash but you cant beat me in owning women hearts once rs start to develop gradually. Sparks start to shine and fly over money.
05-04-2016, 05:06 PM
Bro wb strategy is very different frm mine. He purely use money to buy a relationship to bao a girl. But his method attract all kind of wrong girls.
I recently meet up one of my fans,slowly into another gf. i focus on personal grooming,self image and the dark traits of a badboy without any sign of money involved. We had a great time together over at gz. Expenses on mine,but i dont bao her. we have a normal relationship like normal couples do. That i score better than your badass gentleman theory.
If you insist on buying on a relationship,that not my style. You can beat me slightly more in pussies with instant cash but you cant beat me in owning women hearts once rs start to develop gradually. Sparks start to shine and fly over money.
I don't think there is anything wrong with using money to buy a relationship. It is just like us guys going to GL and paying for sex.
Having mojo and using it to one's advantage is not a crime. Business use their financial might to gain the unfair advantage. Just because you may have a lack of it doesn't mean that someone using it to their advantage should play by the same rules as you. To me, at least, you seem to be sour grapes.
05-04-2016, 05:15 PM
I don't think there is anything wrong with using money to buy a relationship. It is just like us guys going to GL and paying for sex.
Having mojo and using it to one's advantage is not a crime. Business use their financial might to gain the unfair advantage. Just because you may have a lack of it doesn't mean that someone using it to their advantage should play by the same rules as you. To me, at least, you seem to be sour grapes.
Why will i be sour grape when my girl tells me she loves me for who i am and not because of my money?:p
The true grandmasters have always practise the art of kc without any money involved.
05-04-2016, 05:27 PM
Why will i be sour grape when my girl tells me she loves me for who i am and not because of my money?:p
The true grandmasters have always practise the art of kc without any money involved.
This is coming from a guy who has been accused by others of whack WLs? Wow, seriously?
05-04-2016, 05:42 PM
This is coming from a guy who has been accused by others of whack WLs? Wow, seriously?
Its a well known fact that women are attracted to the dark traits of a bad boy. There many cases of women falling in love with the abusive bad boy.
The badass gentlemen theory is rather weak and replusive compare to the pure bad boy in my opinion. refer to the dark traits in my earlier post.
That why the badass gentlemen fails to kc the ktv girls always kenna bully by the girls for money. Buy gifts like atm machine,somemore have pay for sex. Use money to buy relationship. Isnt it a beta male mentality and theory?
05-04-2016, 06:05 PM
Bro wb strategy is very different frm mine. He purely use money to buy a relationship to bao a girl. But his method attract all kind of wrong girls.
I recently meet up one of my fans,slowly into another gf. i focus on personal grooming,self image and the dark traits of a badboy without any sign of money involved. We had a great time together over at gz. Expenses on mine,but i dont bao her. we have a normal relationship like normal couples do. That i score better than your badass gentleman theory.
If you insist on buying on a relationship,that not my style. You can beat me slightly more in pussies with instant cash but you cant beat me in owning women hearts once rs start to develop gradually. Sparks start to shine and fly over money.
bro, I really pity ur gal being sexposed by u here just to prove urself so hard. now I know to use a woman like a tool is part of normal relationship :D
05-04-2016, 06:17 PM
bro, I really pity ur gal being sexposed by u here just to prove urself so hard. now I know to use a woman like a tool is part of normal relationship :D
It is just a normal pic,nothing nude. In fact she is one of my prettier gf. only 18 in march this year.;)
05-04-2016, 06:43 PM
BY = having the whore all to yourself (while the money last), without going to the whore house and share with the rest.
Just my view only. Cheers.
05-04-2016, 11:18 PM
A lot of factors will boost one's self-confidence. EG, good looking. Youth. Wealth. And even education. However, how you use that to your advantage only you wield that power. No one can do it for you.
Self-confidence places a part even in the workplace. You don't get promoted because of your technical skills. You get promoted because you may be able to project a good image that you will be able to perform a job. This is certainly true at board levels. If you are talking about managerial levels, yes you are using your technical expertise but further up the ladder, your social skills plays a huge part. And a good part is self-confidence.
Hi sir,
I do not know anything about your background and life experience, but seriously, what do you think is the one and dominant tipping factor can build up your guts and self confidence level??? Do you think is youth, good look, education or wealth?
As for your views on corporate world, I beg to differ from you. Most of the time, people get promoted because they get and deliver results. It is irrelevant whether you are self confident or not. But delivering results does make one feel good and confident about oneself.
The higher you climb, the game of promotion will be more complex than what you can imagine. Not as simple and straight forward, like social skill etc etc
06-04-2016, 01:00 AM
Hi sir,
I do not know anything about your background and life experience, but seriously, what do you think is the one and dominant tipping factor can build up your guts and self confidence level??? Do you think is youth, good look, education or wealth?
As for your views on corporate world, I beg to differ from you. Most of the time, people get promoted because they get and deliver results. It is irrelevant whether you are self confident or not. But delivering results does make one feel good and confident about oneself.
The higher you climb, the game of promotion will be more complex than what you can imagine. Not as simple and straight forward, like social skill etc etc
In the corporate world that results are NOT everything. You can meet KPIs and get your bonus. That is what you are paid to do.
Companies pay you for results, not for efforts put in!
You are always expected to meet your position goals (which I always think is not an impossible task).
Now, getting ahead requires more than just hard work, it also depends on how you network, how you relate to both below you and those above you. How you look also does matter, whether you like it or not. And being confident and how you poise yourself all play a part. This is also called your image right? I mean do you walk into a corporate meeting in bermudas and slippers? If you do that and deliver results do you expected to be promoted? I think not.
So in a nutshell, it all boils down to attitude and how you play the game. And to me, that is what warbird is doing. He is advocating play the game with the rules already sketched out for you.
06-04-2016, 02:15 AM
BY = having the whore all to yourself (while the money last), without going to the whore house and share with the rest.
Just my view only. Cheers.
Basically is wasting time only. We should always search for prettier young syt preferaby a decent girl to start a relationship with.
08-04-2016, 04:28 PM
Very, very well written! You have clearly analyzed the game very well and I really must offer you my kudos. I think I myself can learn a lot from your attitude and also insights. Kudos bro.
I have to play the longer game and with patience simply because I know myself, i.e. has limited means. It is also to leverage the inefficient market to our advantage, as the girl has many best friends who will share and tell her things her entire waking hours while we are busy with our work and then only have a few hours to interact with her.
The moment she asks you for gift you have to really evaluate. Buy a small one and if she treasures it then you know she likes you. If she asks for more expensive gifts that is a month of your salary then my advice is change target. And the excuse of someone sick, needs help back home are also signs.
Oh by the way, if whom you want is young and restless age, than you will have to consider dumping her after a while because your liking of the girl drops once she gets more and more dependent on you for even how to travel from one place to another (within SG).
08-04-2016, 04:29 PM
Bro NotMyRealName,
Thanks for ur post. I couldn't agree w/ u more.
The pussy n BY market is very inefficient. A patient n confident man who understands female psychology can often "punch above his weight" haha.
Bro WB
Thanks Bro WB.
09-04-2016, 10:06 AM
Good to see this thread is still active after so long
12-04-2016, 11:11 PM
Good morning!
I just answered a bro's questions on BY-ing girls.
It varies, from 6K to 15K a month if the girl doesn't work at the night scene n doesn't see any other men. She must be at my beck and call. She is a full time mistress.
The damage doesn't include rental of master bedroom/studio, visa fees, school tuition, meals and gifts (optional).
The lower range is generally for girls whom I import directly from China. They hv much lower expectations and often dare not come unless they come in pairs. Of course, more experienced and professional ones may ask for more. But everything is subject to negotiation.
In the last 7 yrs, I hv caught sight of only one girl KP in SG who is worth more than 15K a month in SG. I met her early last yr when I went to lease a master bedroom for my Fujian lao po WX at City Square, who was due to return to SG in 2 days. KP was kept by a man at the time n was going to leave SG in 10 days. WX had to stay in a junior master for a wk first. So they did meet. This is what WX said abt KP: 年轻漂亮, 高挑,很白。他男朋友大约40 岁。Never met her man. She had natural looks w/ no make up n no facial surgery. If I ever see KP or someone equally attractive, anywhere in the world, I'll make an offer she can't refuse. BTW, rental for the master rm was 2,400 a month.
There is something else I like to add. KP looked fantastic in part because I saw her only briefly n in part because she was beyond my reach. She may not look so attractive if I see her again.
If a girl continues to work in the night scene, a part time mistress, you should offer only half the full time rates. This doesn't work for me as it's very difficult to monitor her activities. And don't ever buy such a part time mistress any gifts. For me, it's all or nothing. A girl is either exclusively mine or she is not mine. Doing ST is better than having a part time mistress.
I think in a bidding war, I will throw in the towel if I know you are my competitor. Cannot outbid you at all. :)
13-04-2016, 11:47 AM
Good morning,
I'm overseas n has been very busy, sorry for the late replies.
There always will be emotional consequences in this time of arrangement. And I really like the way you put it. It is like marriage but without the financial consequences after you part ways. :)
Bro Nato17,
Yes, after 6-12 months of full time BY, there will be some emotional attachment. Your mission, as a MAN, is to get her emotionally n sexually addicted to you. The person who cares the least, controls the relationship. And, if you're not the one in control, the gal will leave you.
Bro WB
"Punch above his weight". Very good food for thought and insights. I must keep learning from the masters here.
Yes, by punching above your weight, you can get the prettiest gal of your type.
Very, very well written! You have clearly analyzed the game very well and I really must offer you my kudos. I think I myself can learn a lot from your attitude and also insights. Kudos bro.
Bro NotMyRealName is very experienced.
I think you are missing the point. I would say in Singapore, a lot of guys are totally clueless with regards to the opposite sex. How many guys just wish they had the guts to walk up to a woman and say hi, can I have your number?
Don't say that women aren't drawn to people who are confident people?
Most men in Sg are too timid. They are not comfortable in their own skin.
Sorry, what is CVO? I blur sotong.
CVO = Copulatory Vaginal Orgasm
The most addictive form of orgasm
The rates are now super strange. The last girl quoted me $20k, but she slashed. I think I need to do go MIA for a
Bro Nato 17,
That is a very old post! I met KK in 2009. She was gorgeous n very sexy. A bro said she was the best looking gal I ever had. I replied: One of the best looking gals.
The damage for BY has gone up since.
A lot of factors will boost one's self-confidence. EG, good looking. Youth. Wealth. And even education. However, how you use that to your advantage only you wield that power. No one can do it for you.
Self-confidence places a part even in the workplace. You don't get promoted because of your technical skills. You get promoted because you may be able to project a good image that you will be able to perform a job. This is certainly true at board levels. If you are talking about managerial levels, yes you are using your technical expertise but further up the ladder, your social skills plays a huge part. And a good part is self-confidence.
Bro, I couldn't agree w/ u more.
I don't think there is anything wrong with using money to buy a relationship. It is just like us guys going to GL and paying for sex.
Having mojo and using it to one's advantage is not a crime. Business use their financial might to gain the unfair advantage. Just because you may have a lack of it doesn't mean that someone using it to their advantage should play by the same rules as you. To me, at least, you seem to be sour grapes.
Bro Nato 17,
You're spot on!
I know the bro you're replying to. I was never able to meet him, despite offering to pay for all expenses for him at a high end KTV. He was in my wechat grp that had over 35 like-minded bros. No one was able to meet him in person. So they forced me to kick him out.
BTW, they also found out that this particular bro made certain claim who was verified to be false. I'll leave it at that. I hv nothing against him n I do wish him well.
This is coming from a guy who has been accused by others of whack WLs? Wow, seriously?
Go figure.
bro, I really pity ur gal being sexposed by u here just to prove urself so hard. now I know to use a woman like a tool is part of normal relationship :D
Bro Korean,
IMHO, showing off is a sign of insecurity, low self confidence n neediness. Such a person craves constant attention n validation.
BY = having the whore all to yourself (while the money last), without going to the whore house and share with the rest.
Just my view only. Cheers.
Bro besafe,
You're right. Need to get the whore addicted to you emotionally n sexually asap.
In the corporate world that results are NOT everything. You can meet KPIs and get your bonus. That is what you are paid to do.
Companies pay you for results, not for efforts put in!
You are always expected to meet your position goals (which I always think is not an impossible task).
Now, getting ahead requires more than just hard work, it also depends on how you network, how you relate to both below you and those above you. How you look also does matter, whether you like it or not. And being confident and how you poise yourself all play a part. This is also called your image right? I mean do you walk into a corporate meeting in bermudas and slippers? If you do that and deliver results do you expected to be promoted? I think not.
So in a nutshell, it all boils down to attitude and how you play the game. And to me, that is what warbird is doing. He is advocating play the game with the rules already sketched out for you.
Well said.
I have to play the longer game and with patience simply because I know myself, i.e. has limited means. It is also to leverage the inefficient market to our advantage, as the girl has many best friends who will share and tell her things her entire waking hours while we are busy with our work and then only have a few hours to interact with her.
The moment she asks you for gift you have to really evaluate. Buy a small one and if she treasures it then you know she likes you. If she asks for more expensive gifts that is a month of your salary then my advice is change target. And the excuse of someone sick, needs help back home are also signs.
Oh by the way, if whom you want is young and restless age, than you will have to consider dumping her after a while because your liking of the girl drops once she gets more and more dependent on you for even how to travel from one place to another (within SG).
You're welcome. Thanks for sharing your insights n strategies.
Good to see this thread is still active after so long
I hv learned so much by sharing. Still improving one can hv too much emotional mastery n self mastery.
I think in a bidding war, I will throw in the towel if I know you are my competitor. Cannot outbid you at all. :)
Bro Nato 17,
Not true. You can punch above your weight n knock me out!
This doll KP is exceptionally pretty n sexy. I'm trying to get her wechat from the real estate agent.
Bro WB
13-04-2016, 04:36 PM
Not true. You can punch above your weight n knock me out!
This doll KP is exceptionally pretty n sexy. I'm trying to get her wechat from the real estate agent.
Bro WB
lol. The student surpass mentor? Sounds like Star Wars. The issue is punching above your weight requires substantial financial backing. I am only a poor OKT in L69H69. Actually, financial backing is the easy part to clear. The harder part is still punching above one's weight, especially when Chinese is not my first language. I mean I can flirt a lot in Chinese; but to flirt like how one would flirt in English to another, I think that requires another level of skill really.
Yes, after 6-12 months of full time BY, there will be some emotional attachment. Your mission, as a MAN, is to get her emotionally n sexually addicted to you. The person who cares the least, controls the relationship. And, if you're not the one in control, the gal will leave you.
It is human nature to have emotional attachments after a while, especially if you are the provider. The Baoer maybe ugly like fuck but still there will be emotions especially if you are together for some time. Been there and done that.
13-04-2016, 06:40 PM
Good morning,
I'm overseas n has been very busy, sorry for the late replies.
Bro Nato17,
Yes, after 6-12 months of full time BY, there will be some emotional attachment. Your mission, as a MAN, is to get her emotionally n sexually addicted to you. The person who cares the least, controls the relationship. And, if you're not the one in control, the gal will leave you.
Bro WB
Yes, by punching above your weight, you can get the prettiest gal of your type.
Bro NotMyRealName is very experienced.
Most men in Sg are too timid. They are not comfortable in their own skin.
CVO = Copulatory Vaginal Orgasm
The most addictive form of orgasm
Bro Nato 17,
That is a very old post! I met KK in 2009. She was gorgeous n very sexy. A bro said she was the best looking gal I ever had. I replied: One of the best looking gals.
The damage for BY has gone up since.
Bro, I couldn't agree w/ u more.
Bro Nato 17,
You're spot on!
I know the bro you're replying to. I was never able to meet him, despite offering to pay for all expenses for him at a high end KTV. He was in my wechat grp that had over 35 like-minded bros. No one was able to meet him in person. So they forced me to kick him out.
BTW, they also found out that this particular bro made certain claim who was verified to be false. I'll leave it at that. I hv nothing against him n I do wish him well.
Go figure.
Bro Korean,
IMHO, showing off is a sign of insecurity, low self confidence n neediness. Such a person craves constant attention n validation.
Bro besafe,
You're right. Need to get the whore addicted to you emotionally n sexually asap.
Well said.
You're welcome. Thanks for sharing your insights n strategies.
I hv learned so much by sharing. Still improving one can hv too much emotional mastery n self mastery.
Bro Nato 17,
Not true. You can punch above your weight n knock me out!
This doll KP is exceptionally pretty n sexy. I'm trying to get her wechat from the real estate agent.
Bro WB
No one can force u do anything unless u r emotionally weak and unstable. What there to compare ur 35 grp vs my 1000 plus strong grp of syts fans. U wanted to meet but can't afford my Aimee what there talk abt.
Every night ur grp keep trying to bed ktv girls but failure after failure. that the difference between a true grandmaster and a wannabe wb.
13-04-2016, 06:51 PM
No one can force u do anything unless u r emotionally weak and unstable. What there to compare ur 35 grp vs my 1000 plus strong grp of syts fans. U wanted to meet but can't afford my Aimee what there talk abt.
Every night ur grp keep trying to bed ktv girls but failure after failure. that the difference between a true grandmaster and a wannabe wb.
You are so full of crock. Seriously. When I smell shit, there is shit around. And you, sir, are full of it! If you have nothing to say, then just fricking go get a life. I think a lot of people here bed more girls than you bedding your imaginary women who you bonked and basically can assault and claim that is it because of your bad boy behavior that gets you into their pants. If that is the way you get into their pants, donkeys can fly. Whoops. You are that donkey aren't you?
13-04-2016, 07:01 PM
You are so full of crock. Seriously. When I smell shit, there is shit around. And you, sir, are full of it! If you have nothing to say, then just fricking go get a life. I think a lot of people here bed more girls than you bedding your imaginary women who you bonked and basically can assault and claim that is it because of your bad boy behavior that gets you into their pants. If that is the way you get into their pants, donkeys can fly. Whoops. You are that donkey aren't you?
Well I still got the Wechat logs and photos of whoever that crying all night long in the grp. Even wb I do have his photo with his ak 47. I do public relations very well with that crying that disturb my sleep. It kind of irritating.
13-04-2016, 07:08 PM
Well I still got the Wechat logs and photos of whoever that crying all night long in the grp. Even wb I do have his photo with his ak 47. I do public relations very well with that crying that disturb my sleep. It kind of irritating.
Actually, I am not sure wtf you are talking about crying all night long in what group. But I do have nightmares when I see your photo; I am assuming that is you because you have yet to refute the issue that you have been accused of whacking up an FL. And if you don't, then the photo is really you and you are a total disgrace to us homosapiens.
13-04-2016, 07:13 PM
Actually, I am not sure wtf you are talking about crying all night long in what group. But I do have nightmares when I see your photo; I am assuming that is you because you have yet to refute the issue that you have been accused of whacking up an FL. And if you don't, then the photo is really you and you are a total disgrace to us homosapiens.
wah what photo sia. all the talk here so chim I cannot comprehen :confused:d
13-04-2016, 07:17 PM
Actually, I am not sure wtf you are talking about crying all night long in what group. But I do have nightmares when I see your photo; I am assuming that is you because you have yet to refute the issue that you have been accused of whacking up an FL. And if you don't, then the photo is really you and you are a total disgrace to us homosapiens.
Go ask wb once u r in his group u can access the moments and photos of all his members in his grp. Same for my 1000 strong Wechat grp
13-04-2016, 07:34 PM
wah what photo sia. all the talk here so chim I cannot comprehen :confused:d
Photo of bro who is crying every night abt a ktv girl. Otherwise how I know he is old fat and ugly. When I said this I already got a upper hand playing with photos. I got many photos.
- Wechat group can have 1000 strong meh?
- I thought only limited to 500 strong max?
- And all 1000 of them, if possible, syts ah?
- Wu nya boh? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :D
13-04-2016, 09:26 PM
- Wechat group can have 1000 strong meh?
- I thought only limited to 500 strong max?
- And all 1000 of them, if possible, syts ah?
- Wu nya boh? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :D
Wechat Limit up to 5000. the most handsome guy in Asia g dragon has 8.4 millions young girls followers
13-04-2016, 09:44 PM
Wechat Limit up to 5000. the most handsome guy in Asia g dragon has 8.4 millions young girls followers
I think he is the most handsome man ever in the history. :p
13-04-2016, 10:44 PM
I think he is the most handsome man ever in the history. :p
At the age of 50 Aaron Kwok has new hot girlfriend moka fang a shanghai model. She could pick a richer bfs that pursuing her yet she pick Aaron Kwok. Good looks always play a part in attracting women.
13-04-2016, 10:47 PM
At the age of 50 Aaron Kwok has new hot girlfriend moka fang a shanghai model. She could pick a richer bfs that pursuing her yet she pick Aaron Kwok. Good looks always play a part in attracting women.
aaron kwok yes i agree but not this green fly :eek:
14-04-2016, 12:02 AM
Even our rich Aaron Kwok oso chi bu xiao when in dealing wif his materialistic model gf, Moka Fang who keep on pestering him to buy a luxury apartment in shanghai for her. His materialistic gf is believed to hv undergone plastic surgery in the past few years.;)
14-04-2016, 02:18 AM
Even our rich Aaron Kwok oso chi bu xiao when in dealing wif his materialistic model gf, Moka Fang who keep on pestering him to buy a luxury apartment in shanghai for her. His materialistic gf is believed to hv undergone plastic surgery in the past few years.;)
i like this.
“However, Kwok started to distance himself after she made the request and Fang stopped requesting for the apartment.”
As above kwok shown he is capable of leaving her when there signs of money involved. Neither did he try to please her. Very good kc skills from kwok. He use both his popularity and good looks instead of money.
Kwok has the upper hand over his gf if he can live without her. It be than moka fang needs kwok more than he need her. That is kc skill.
14-04-2016, 09:23 AM
i like this.
“However, Kwok started to distance himself after she made the request and Fang stopped requesting for the apartment.”
As above kwok shown he is capable of leaving her when there signs of money involved. Neither did he try to please her. Very good kc skills from kwok. He use both his popularity and good looks instead of money.
Kwok has the upper hand over his gf if he can live without her. It be than moka fang needs kwok more than he need her. That is kc skill.
Aaron Kwok last nett worth is 275 Million. What is one luxury apartment really to give away?
14-04-2016, 09:56 AM
I think he is the most handsome man ever in the history. :p
So u think g-dragon as above picture looks better than u? :p
14-04-2016, 10:50 AM
So u think g-dragon as above picture looks better than u? :p
Probably so. So that speaks loads right? :)
14-04-2016, 12:09 PM
So u think g-dragon as above picture looks better than u? :p
That pic is edited. g dragon is very handsome he is light years ahead of u and nato17,even the ang mos think so. ;)
14-04-2016, 12:26 PM
Seriously he is ugly like shit. If u think u are worst than him I feel sorry for u :(
Ur gf pic aso so so. Same for aaron ex gf.
If u want to impress other, try to at least find a decent example.
R u trying to boast our moral here? If yes then u r dann successful :p but seriously pls get a more decent one next time, it is insulting us, we don't feel happy to be better than a shit
That pic is edited. g dragon is very handsome he is light years ahead of u and nato17,even the ang mos think so. ;)
14-04-2016, 12:38 PM
Probably so. So that speaks loads right? :)
Probably someone said he looks like g dragon, I feel so sorry for him :p
But we must thanks him for contributing to national wide of setting the bar dann low. Everyone suddenly feel like brad Pitt :p
14-04-2016, 03:58 PM
Seriously he is ugly like shit. If u think u are worst than him I feel sorry for u
Ur gf pic aso so so. Same for aaron ex gf.
If u want to impress other, try to at least find a decent example.
R u trying to boast our moral here? If yes then u r dann successful :p but seriously pls get a more decent one next time, it is insulting us, we don't feel happy to be better than a shit
He got more swagger than u.
14-04-2016, 06:00 PM
He got more swagger than u.
I really pity u resort of using him to go against others :D Are u too used to dealing with other with mask on like those in korea :D It shows how insecure u r and low self esteemed.
I feel bless after seeing his look with make up plus under the surgery. I hope u do feel bless too, amen :D
14-04-2016, 06:40 PM
I really pity u resort of using him to go against others Are u too used to dealing with other with mask on like those in korea It shows how insecure u r and low self esteemed.
I feel bless after seeing his look with make up plus under the surgery. I hope u do feel bless too, amen D
Only people that are old fat and ugly will resort into buying a relationship. They have to compensate things lacking in their lives. Good looking people especially the bad boys have natural confidence to reject even beautiful women.
All grandmasters truly dont buy a relationship. Bao girl 包养 ktv whores is bullshit theory.
14-04-2016, 07:03 PM
Then It is time for u to start saving money :p
Only people that are old fat and ugly will resort into buying a relationship. They have to compensate things lacking in their lives. Good looking people especially the bad boys have natural confidence to reject even beautiful women.
All grandmasters truly dont buy a relationship. Bao girl 包养 ktv whores is bullshit theory.
14-04-2016, 07:53 PM
Then It is time for u to start saving money :p
My girl comes frm a rich family at gz. she can easily support herself with a millionare father.:D
14-04-2016, 08:10 PM
My girl comes frm a rich family at gz. she can easily support herself with a millionare father.:D
the nite still young and alredi start dreaming ah :rolleyes: by looking at ur photo it is as amazing as the pig will fly :D
14-04-2016, 08:26 PM
Two rich men but they handling relationship r both in different way.
Aaron Kwok who is ranked among the 10 richest singers of china in year 2014 with total asset of 275 million. With his current wealth, he can easily afford to buy a luxury apartment for his current gf, Moka Fang. But he din do so. With his current fame, status, popularity, wealth n good looking appearance, he can hv as many model gf as he like, seem like his gf need him more than he needs her. To satisfy the request of his materialistic gf one time, there will b numerous request later on n her gf appetite might getting bigger n bigger. Aaron Kwok plays the role of he is the one to manipulate his r/s, he is indeed a qing chang lao shou.;)
Kenny B over pampered his ex-wife, over splurging money to support his ex wife lavish lifestyle end up in divorce n bankrupt. :mad:
14-04-2016, 08:54 PM
Two rich men but they handling relationship r both in different way.
Aaron Kwok who is ranked among the 10 richest singers of china in year 2014 with total asset of 275 million. With his current wealth, he can easily afford to buy a luxury apartment for his current gf, Moka Fang. But he din do so. With his current fame, status, popularity, wealth n good looking appearance, he can hv as many model gf as he like, seem like his gf need him more than he needs her. To satisfy the request of his materialistic gf one time, there will b numerous request later on n her gf appetite might getting bigger n bigger. Aaron Kwok plays the role of he is the one to manipulate his r/s, he is indeed a qing chang lao shou.;)
Kenny B over pampered his ex-wife, over splurging money to support his ex wife lavish lifestyle end up in divorce n bankrupt. :mad:
Very good points of aaron kwok kc abilites. He play his cards very well. Even he got money he will not slurge on his gf. In fact he choose to leave his gf maybe after bedding her. :p:p
14-04-2016, 08:56 PM
the nite still young and alredi start dreaming ah :rolleyes: by looking at ur photo it is as amazing as the pig will fly :D
At least mine generate thousands of female sweet and chio fans. so much better than the 35members photos. ^_^
14-04-2016, 09:09 PM
Very good points of aaron kwok kc abilites. He play his cards very well. Even he got money he will not slurge on his gf. In fact he choose to leave his gf maybe after bedding her. :p:p
Even in his age nw, he rather stay single n the gf he hv is getting younger n younger.;)
14-04-2016, 09:55 PM
Even in his age nw, he rather stay single n the gf he hv is getting younger n younger.;)
Yupz i have always encourage samsters to stay fit,personal grooming and healthy diet to kick out obesity. Many people at 50 look old and aged. man or woman should maintain their appearance. One can look at aaron kwok or vivan chow as role models.
19-04-2016, 04:08 AM
Only people that are old fat and ugly will resort into buying a relationship. They have to compensate things lacking in their lives. Good looking people especially the bad boys have natural confidence to reject even beautiful women.
All grandmasters truly dont buy a relationship. Bao girl 包养 ktv whores is bullshit theory.
Seriously, you sound like a guy is totally sour grapes that others have money to sleep around.
Look, you may have youth at your side and we guys have cash on our side.
I don't care how good looking you are if you are young, but at the end of the day you will grow old. At the end of the day, we are fully aware that money talks, bullshit walks. You are full of bullshit and at the end of the day, you will walk, period.
Whether I bao a girl or not is NOT your business right? So why come here to prove otherwise? U seriously have a chip on your shoulder.
19-04-2016, 05:44 AM
Even in his age nw, he rather stay single n the gf he hv is getting younger n younger.;)
Haizz youre wrong again.
It's more complicated than that.
Even Andy secretly married for years n Leon marry n divorced.
Aaron got a complicated relationship with his very longtime manager. She wrote a very nasty piece on him when his relationship getting serious. And really as he gets older n pushing 60, his body n looks will fade. Patrick tse at 70 with 20 yr old gf damn weird.
19-04-2016, 12:06 PM
Seriously, you sound like a guy is totally sour grapes that others have money to sleep around.
Look, you may have youth at your side and we guys have cash on our side.
I don't care how good looking you are if you are young, but at the end of the day you will grow old. At the end of the day, we are fully aware that money talks, bullshit walks. You are full of bullshit and at the end of the day, you will walk, period.
Whether I bao a girl or not is NOT your business right? So why come here to prove otherwise? U seriously have a chip on your shoulder.
The golden rule to pay fuck and forget regards to ktv whores. How do you know i dont have the money.:D It is very simple if u target a ktv whore u only do an overnight transaction and u forget the next day.
Whether u got the money to bao i dont give a shit. The main concern is that u dont give the wrong idea to samsters that in order to kc her u need spend money. This is bullshit.
If u cant follow the rule,dont influence others to follow the bullshit theory abt bao a ktv whore.
19-04-2016, 01:42 PM
Haizz youre wrong again.
It's more complicated than that.
Even Andy secretly married for years n Leon marry n divorced.
Aaron got a complicated relationship with his very longtime manager. She wrote a very nasty piece on him when his relationship getting serious. And really as he gets older n pushing 60, his body n looks will fade. Patrick tse at 70 with 20 yr old gf damn weird.
Getting marry is more complicated than staying single. As an entertainer, Aaron Kwok knw d importance of staying fit n keep a gd shape of his body, so he has been going gym for the last 12 yrs. He has d habit of waking up at 4am n go for jogging early in d morning. He is strict in his diet only take healthy food like lean proteins, fruits, vegetables n drink only plain water. His perseverance in his exercise n simple healthy diets over the years has helped him to achieve a fittest, healthier gd look even he is in his 50s. We r hard to tell whether Aaron Kwok in his 60s, his body n look will fade or nt, but I think if he still wan in showbiz, he will certainly do something to maintain or upkeep his body n appearance like all d while he has been doing, then he shld won't b ageing so fast. I guess is his fighting spirit that keep him moving on jz like he believes tat mentality plays an important part for youthful look, to stay happy n positive will make us look younger.;)
As for 70yrs old Patrick Tse wif his younger gf, outsiders may feel weird seeing them in pair but as long as Patrick Tse is happy can liao, anyway it's jz a fling to him.
19-04-2016, 01:50 PM
The golden rule to pay fuck and forget regards to ktv whores. How do you know i dont have the money.:D It is very simple if u target a ktv whore u only do an overnight transaction and u forget the next day.
Whether u got the money to bao i dont give a shit. The main concern is that u dont give the wrong idea to samsters that in order to kc her u need spend money. This is bullshit.
If u cant follow the rule,dont influence others to follow the bullshit theory abt bao a ktv whore.
It is simple. To KC a girl, you will always need funds. The saying is No Money, No Honey has never been disputed throughout the history of time. Also, you try KCing a girl when you have 0 funds.
TS, has NOT said that you cannot take advantage of your youth, wealth or good looks to tilt the odds to your favor. KCing a girl is NOT a science. If you have looks, wealth and youth, you rock! If you have something lacking, you can compensate for it through different ways. And that is what TS is advocating a lot.
19-04-2016, 06:31 PM
It is simple. To KC a girl, you will always need funds. The saying is No Money, No Honey has never been disputed throughout the history of time. Also, you try KCing a girl when you have 0 funds.
TS, has NOT said that you cannot take advantage of your youth, wealth or good looks to tilt the odds to your favor. KCing a girl is NOT a science. If you have looks, wealth and youth, you rock! If you have something lacking, you can compensate for it through different ways. And that is what TS is advocating a lot.
Obviously if you have a habit of using funds to kc/chasing them,you end up losing alot money or bankrupt.
When you have a habit of improving yourself,investing on your image,concentrate on building your funds,girls naturally come and may spend money chasing you.
It is your choice. Aaron kwok cos of his networth give an illusion he will spend money on women,he never actually do. same for edison cheng. In fact aaron kwok kick materialistic women out of his life. a true playboy.:D
ps no money no honey is a singaporean term not internationally known.
19-04-2016, 06:46 PM
Obviously if you have a habit of using funds to kc/chasing them,you end up losing alot money or bankrupt.
When you have a habit of improving yourself,investing on your image,concentrate on building your funds,girls naturally come and may spend money chasing you.
It is your choice. Aaron kwok cos of his networth give an illusion he will spend money on women,he never actually do. same for edison cheng. In fact aaron kwok kick materialistic women out of his life. a true playboy.:D
ps no money no honey is a singaporean term not internationally known.
Dude, you cannot be serious with your comments, are you? Can you please share where on planet earth does "No money, No honey" will not apply?
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