View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
20-03-2017, 06:59 PM
Bro WB
Thanks a lot for your update.
Very nice targets you have.
Please update us of your progress soon.
Have an enjoyable week ahead.
20-03-2017, 07:35 PM
Really love the updates
20-03-2017, 08:56 PM
Really love the updates
Same here too
21-03-2017, 04:31 PM
Let me share the following quotes by a noted guru.
"Sexual attraction from women is determined by status, status is determined by behavior, and what determines whether a man has attractive behavior or not is his perception of himself relative to those around him, particularly women. I refer to this concept as neediness and believe the degree of a man’s neediness around women will determine how attractive or unattractive his behavior around them will be."
"If a man values the perceptions of others more than his perception of himself, then he will naturally behave in an unattractive way around them. If he trusts his perception of himself more than the perceptions of those around him, then he will be perceived as a non-needy man, and therefore behave attractively. All of the outward appearances of status and resources — the fitness, the nice clothes, the cool lifestyle — these things are a result of a man who is inwardly driven, a man who invests in himself and takes care of himself.
"When all is said and done, all attractive traits in a man can be traced back to his lack of neediness."
"If status creates sexual attraction in women, then demonstration of desire creates sexual arousal in women."
How to demonstrate your desire in a gal? Be sexual and playful. Say the magic words asap.
Have a great Sunday!!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I full y agreed with you above.
We must be mentally prepared and attractive.
Hope you continue to post more to share with us here.
21-03-2017, 04:34 PM
How to demonstrate your desire in a gal? Be sexual and playful. Say the magic words asap.
Have a great Sunday!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Hope you don't mind let us know what is the magic words?
Enjoyed your thread very much.
Hope you continue to post more.
21-03-2017, 04:45 PM
Good morning to all samsters!
I hv been too busy lately. I'll need to slow down in my pursue of SYTs/young women of my type. A number of new targets, both here and in China, have said yes to BY. The youngest 18, the oldest 24. Another favourite 19 yo LP is due to arrive this afternoon, unexpectedly. I tried to delay her arrival until May, but she couldn't wait.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Your forum in this thread makes my day too.
I read this thread with full enthusiasm.
Please continue to post more.
Have a great week.
21-03-2017, 04:48 PM
Bro WB
Very interesting thread here.
Learnt a lot from your postings here.
Have a nice week ahead.
21-03-2017, 05:00 PM
Best thread and my bible.
21-03-2017, 07:54 PM
Bro WB
Your thread in this forum made my day too.
I have learnt a lot from this thread.
Please continue to share more.
Have a great week ahead.
21-03-2017, 08:38 PM
Bro WB
What are the magic words again? Maybe I missed them
Loved reading this thread very much.
Wish you'd continue to share more
Have a great week!!
21-03-2017, 09:48 PM
Let me share the following quotes by a noted guru.
"Sexual attraction from women is determined by status, status is determined by behavior, and what determines whether a man has attractive behavior or not is his perception of himself relative to those around him, particularly women. I refer to this concept as neediness and believe the degree of a man’s neediness around women will determine how attractive or unattractive his behavior around them will be."
"If a man values the perceptions of others more than his perception of himself, then he will naturally behave in an unattractive way around them. If he trusts his perception of himself more than the perceptions of those around him, then he will be perceived as a non-needy man, and therefore behave attractively. All of the outward appearances of status and resources — the fitness, the nice clothes, the cool lifestyle — these things are a result of a man who is inwardly driven, a man who invests in himself and takes care of himself.
"When all is said and done, all attractive traits in a man can be traced back to his lack of neediness."
"If status creates sexual attraction in women, then demonstration of desire creates sexual arousal in women."
How to demonstrate your desire in a gal? Be sexual and playful. Say the magic words asap.
Have a great Sunday!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
I agreed 100% with you.
Always be mentally prepared, be "sexual and playful".
Hope you'll continue sharing with us here.
God bless.
21-03-2017, 10:53 PM
Bro WB
Very good thread you have.
Already learn many things from you.
Have a wonderful week ahead.
22-03-2017, 11:51 AM
Bro WB
I read the blog above and fully agreed that sexual attraction is a big part of the theme.
Hope you can continue to post more to guide us here.
Have a good day mate.
[SIZE="5"]"Sexual attraction from women is determined by status, status is determined by behavior, and what determines whether a man has attractive behavior or not is his perception of himself relative to those around him, particularly women. I refer to this concept as neediness and believe the degree of a man’s neediness around women will determine how attractive or unattractive his behavior around them will be."
22-03-2017, 11:59 AM
Romantic Red: Red Enhances Men’s Attraction to Women
Andrew J. Elliot and Daniela Niesta
Bro WB
I wanted to share with you and all here about the above book.
I love red and will always wear red so that I became the prize.
Hope you care to comment about the color "Red".
Cheers bro.
22-03-2017, 07:52 PM
Bro WB
I read the above and agreed 100% what's written there.
Wish you will continue to share more with us here.
Have a great day bro.
22-03-2017, 08:32 PM
Bro WB
A lifetime supporter of your thread.
Have learnt plenty from your sharing here.
Nice a week ahead.
23-03-2017, 12:06 PM
"If a man values the perceptions of others more than his perception of himself, then he will naturally behave in an unattractive way around them. If he trusts his perception of himself more than the perceptions of those around him, then he will be perceived as a non-needy man, and therefore behave attractively. All of the outward appearances of status and resources — the fitness, the nice clothes, the cool lifestyle — these things are a result of a man who is inwardly driven, a man who invests in himself and takes care of himself.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Definitely we need to believe our own perceptions and appeared attractive.
One we stopped believe ourselves then we will be ot only unattractive but also became loser.
Hope you continue to post more to share here.
23-03-2017, 12:17 PM
Your mindset n emotional control is the key. You're the prize. You show your social courage, dominance n high status. And your unflappable demeanor, voice tonality and body language. You must also be very comfortable in ur own skin, be very assertive when you're right, and yet humble. And being witty n smart.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I read the above with full interest.
Emotional control is very important when trying to pick up girls.
The girls will always try to size the prize up and target for follow up.
Hope you post more here so we can benefit more.
23-03-2017, 12:46 PM
Bro WB
I support this thread.
One of the best thread in this sub-forum.
Hope to read more from you.
23-03-2017, 12:51 PM
Bro WB
Hope you don't mind let us know what is the magic words?
Enjoyed your thread very much.
Hope you continue to post more.
Bro WB
Hope you enjoy a good week.
Please come back early to post more to share with us.
Have a good weekend coming up.
23-03-2017, 02:08 PM
Great sharings by Bro WB. The thing is, most of us are conditioned by all the wrong information being fed into our brain from childhood how a man should behave toward a woman. When in reality, what really works seem counter intuitive which is why most of us struggle when we try to undo all the bad habits that turned away women.
I have learned a lot from Corey Wayne too. His website is at and you can download a free ebook there which sells at 25 bucks on Amazon. He has lots of very informative videos too which helped me plenty over the past 2 years. Just sharing :-)
23-03-2017, 06:58 PM
Bro WB
Agreed with you that emotional control is very important.
Please share more here for our benefit.
Have a nice day.
23-03-2017, 07:04 PM
Bro WB
Agree that we need to appear attractive and have belief in our own perceptions.
Wish you continue to share more experience here.
God bless.
23-03-2017, 07:22 PM
Bro WB
Wish you have a nice week.
Please return early to share more with us.
23-03-2017, 09:28 PM
Bro WB
A diehard supporter of this thread.
One of the best in this forum.
Hope to learn more from you.
Have a good weekend.
23-03-2017, 09:55 PM
Good evening!
Thanks to so many bros for your encouragement.
I hv mentioned the so-called 'magic words' in my previous posts. I'll discuss this topic later when I hv more free time. A bro mentioned Corey Wayne. Yeah, I hv found him helpful too.
I hv a HH outing to China Doll tomorrow. 5:15-9PM. If you're interested, PM me.
Expense per pax should be around $40-50. All expenses will be shared equally, except tips for your gals, which range from $20-50 (butterfly). Booking is usually $150.
Pls confirm asap.
Bro WB
23-03-2017, 10:07 PM
Good evening!
Thanks to so many bros for your encouragement.
I hv mentioned the so-called 'magic words' in my previous posts. I'll discuss this topic later when I hv more free time. A bro mentioned Corey Wayne. Yeah, I hv found him helpful too.
I hv a HH outing to China Doll tomorrow. 5:15-9PM. If you're interested, PM me.
Expense per pax should be around $40-50. All expenses will be shared equally, except tips for your gals, which range from $20-50 (butterfly). Booking is usually $150.
Pls confirm asap.
Bro WB
I'm free on sun and Monday. let me know.
24-03-2017, 10:55 AM
Good evening!
Thanks to so many bros for your encouragement.
I hv mentioned the so-called 'magic words' in my previous posts. I'll discuss this topic later when I hv more free time. A bro mentioned Corey Wayne. Yeah, I hv found him helpful too.
Bro WB
Thank you for your exciting post.
Hope to read more about your escapade.
Please post more to share bro.
Have a nice weekend.
24-03-2017, 11:01 AM
Good evening!
Thanks to so many bros for your encouragement.
I hv mentioned the so-called 'magic words' in my previous posts. I'll discuss this topic later when I hv more free time. A bro mentioned Corey Wayne. Yeah, I hv found him helpful too.
Bro WB
Very nice introduction to Corey Wayne.
Hope you can intro more fro us.
Hope you spend a good weekend cheonging.
24-03-2017, 11:23 AM
Good evening!
Thanks to so many bros for your encouragement.
I hv mentioned the so-called 'magic words' in my previous posts. I'll discuss this topic later when I hv more free time. A bro mentioned Corey Wayne. Yeah, I hv found him helpful too.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Hope to read more of your posts.
Enjoy your tomorrow outing.
Please come back here often.
24-03-2017, 04:15 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for your introduction to Corey Wayne.
Wish you can intro more to us.
Wishing you a happy weekend cheonging.
God bless.
24-03-2017, 06:22 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for your exciting thread.
Wish to read more about your sexcapade.
Have a good weekend.
24-03-2017, 09:11 PM
Bro WB
Please share more of your experience here.
Have a good time at your outing.
26-03-2017, 10:33 AM
Desire n craving for a very pretty n sexy young woman whose 桃园洞 aka Peach Garden Hole (PGH) is aesthetically pleasing, fresh, exclusive, safe, wet, delicious, tight n responsive is the most powerful motivator for most healthy heterosexual men. It's a lifelong quest.
My two sons, both in their 20s, confided w/ me: We like gals (of our type) who r 18. A 38 yo man still likes gals who r 18. When he is 80, he will still like gals who r 18.
And of course I like gals who r 18.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I fully agreed with you above. We need syt motivation to makes us really energetic.
At any age we always love r 18 without fail.
Have a great day ahead.
26-03-2017, 10:51 AM
Firstly, having self mastery or the ability to control our emotions n ego is crucial. If we fall for a gal, the game is over.
Secondly, we must leave no stone unturned in our search for the most attractive gals of our type. Expanding our ctc beyond KTVs/HFJs is a must. Unfortunately, we get mostly leftovers here. Therefore, if at all possible, go to the source directly.
Thirdly, we should NOT limit ourselves to PRC pussies.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I enjoyed your post above.
I knew you BY mostly PRC syt and what other nationalities did you BY?
Also why you say once fall in love game over?
Hope you can share with us?
26-03-2017, 11:14 AM
Good evening!
Thanks to so many bros for your encouragement.
I hv mentioned the so-called 'magic words' in my previous posts. I'll discuss this topic later when I hv more free time. A bro mentioned Corey Wayne. Yeah, I hv found him helpful too.
Bro WB
Hope to read more comments from you.
Please post more guidance here.
Hope you have a great day.
God blessed you!
26-03-2017, 12:11 PM
Bro WB
I enjoyed reading this thread very much.
Besides PRC syt and what other nationalities have you tried?
Hope to read more of your outings.
Have a nice Sunday.
26-03-2017, 01:20 PM
Bro WB
Fully agreed that syt motivation makes us really energetic.
Please post more of your experiences.
Have a nice day.
26-03-2017, 02:36 PM
Good afternoon to all samsters,
Thanks again for all the posts.
All my LPs hv been PRC Chinese. I would like to BY a Msian Chinese or Russian SYT.
It's ok to fall for a gal, as long as you're the one who cares less. A man must keep his power in a RS.
Several bros have asked me about the magic words. I hv alluded to them before.
If you hv the right mindset n meta frame, you could say anything you want and you will get her.
You could whisper in her ear what exactly is in your mind. It's not what you say, it's how you say it. Be very relaxed n self-assured. Speak slowly n w/ a deeper voice...
For me, I may say 我们明天下午去做爱, 明天做我的老婆,我照顾你, etc.
"What You Can Do, or Dream You Can, Begin It; Boldness Has Genius, Power, and Magic in It."
Here is an example.
Last July I saw two attractive PRC students in a cafeteria. I said hi n sat down. After getting their wechat, I looked at them n said, playfully, 我包养你们两姐妹. They were a bit stunned, but kept smiling at each other. I stood up n left. Later that night, I repeated the offer n asked for their HP numbers. They didn't respond.
To keep a long story short, they said no to love making n BY, for several weeks. I let go n ignored them completely. I went to Gotham City in August. After about 7 weeks, they initiated contact w/ me, on the day I returned to SG in late Sep! I showed no interest in them at all. The very next day I met them by chance! Must be predestination! Both were so happy n excited to see me. They both hugged and kissed me n said they wanted to be my lao po, together! They also thought about me often! Later, they sent msg to me about their terms. Quite modest. I reduced the amount by abt 20% n they quickly agreed.
It was quite an unique experience. We had threesome every time, even if one of the gals had her visiting auntie. They hugged n kissed n called me lao gong in public. Unfortunately, the two 闺蜜 had a big quarrel and one of them returned home, only 2-3 months into BY. One of the gals is still w/ me.
Once I asked them why they rejected me initially. The answer? Because they thought I was joking. And they did not trust me enough.
I hv learned a lot from these two 'joint LPs.'
BTW, an esteemed bro wants to go China Doll for HH coming Tuesday. PM me if you're interested.
Bro WB
26-03-2017, 02:41 PM
Good informative thread.:)
26-03-2017, 03:17 PM
For me, I may say 我们明天下午去做爱, 明天做我的老婆,我照顾你, etc.
"What You Can Do, or Dream You Can, Begin It; Boldness Has Genius, Power, and Magic in It."
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Clap clap clap. Round of applause for your post above.
I enjoyed reading and would love to experiment that.
Please continue to post more ok.
Hv a great weekend.
26-03-2017, 03:22 PM
It was quite an unique experience. We had threesome every time, even if one of the gals had her visiting auntie. They hugged n kissed n called me lao gong in public. Unfortunately, the two 闺蜜 had a big quarrel and one of them returned home, only 2-3 months into BY. One of the gals is still w/ me.
Once I asked them why they rejected me initially. The answer? Because they thought I was joking. And they did not trust me enough.
Bro WB
Good for you that you have 3some last year.
I guess they must be quarrel over who should own you exclusive? The lesson here also if you don't ask you will never know or get too?
Please share more with us here.
26-03-2017, 03:24 PM
Bro WB
Good for you that you have 3some last year.
I guess they must be quarrel over who should own you exclusive? The lesson here also if you don't ask you will never know or get too?
Please share more with us here.
11 posts, 20 points ..... about to shoot up to 40 :D
Please prove me wrong!!
26-03-2017, 11:49 PM
Good evening!
A bro just sent me a PM asking if I'll be going to HH at China Doll this Tuesday.
My apologies for the following confusing statement: "BTW, an esteemed bro wants to go China Doll for HH coming Tuesday. PM me if you're interested."
Let me rephrase it.
An esteemed bro, a new like-minded kaki, wants to go to China Doll for happy hour this coming Tuesday. I'm the organizer and I'll be there from 5:30-9pm, to get to know him and meet other kakis.
All bros are invited! PM me asap.
Bro WB
26-03-2017, 11:57 PM
This is more correct: They always called me lao gong n often hugged n kissed me in public.
27-03-2017, 11:22 AM
Good morning!
I hv learned a lot from my RS w/ the twin LPs.
I got them because the conditions were favorable and my behaviour happened to be just right. Yup, it was predestination. But 'luck' is when opportunity meets preparedness.
I was 'prepared,' unwittingly.
My take home lessons:
1) Being bold n direct is truly magical. I'm very comfortable saying the magic words to gals who are complete strangers. I hv been doing this for the last 7 yrs whenever I see a gal I like to up. I never heard of Mode One until 5 yrs ago.
2) I was completely non-reactive to their repeated rejections. It was their big loss! If I got angry or frustrated or needy, or if I started chasing them, game over.
3) I believe that "ironically, letting go is the only way to get what you want." One of them sent me a msg after 7 weeks of zero contact. I replied but showed no interest...
4) “The strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it.”
5) Having an abundance mindset. Related to 3) n 4).
Last July when I met my future 'twin LPs' in the cafeteria, I was already very satiated sexually. I had a full time TW mistress, a secret GF who worked at Lido n PC joints, a tall Fujian real estate agent, a newly acquainted yr 97 KT and my old LP HW was scheduled to return to SG in about 10 days.
There is another reason which worked in my favor. The two gals had known each other for 4-5 yrs back home. Both from the same small town in China. They had the same circle of friends n had been to each other's family gatherings many times. Getting kept together by the same man was good for them. It would prevent the other gal, who was not being kept, from revealing her secrets to their mutual friends n her family members. For the first threesome I took them to a 5-star Hotel. I registered n they didn't need to show their ICs. They were so shy that we had to do it in near complete darkness!
Their big quarrel was complicated. The other gal might return to Sg soon.
BTW, my HH outing to China Doll tomorrow is on. Four bros hv confirmed. Can accommodate two more. PM me.
Bro WB
27-03-2017, 12:50 PM
This is more correct: They always called me lao gong n often hugged n kissed me in public.
Bro WB
This is the best affections can display in public.
Hope you can share more secrets with us here.
Have a great week ahead.
27-03-2017, 12:59 PM
I got them because the conditions were favorable and my behaviour happened to be just right. Yup, it was predestination. But 'luck' is when opportunity meets preparedness.
I was 'prepared,' unwittingly.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you about been direct and predstination.
Recently I got my gf after proposing directly to her 3 months before she agreed. She did not reject me out front but said will consider. I took the decision as her loss.
2 months later, when I met her again she said she still not ready and I told her no problem can always wait. 3 months later she accepted thru messaging.
Please share more with us about your sexcapade
Hope you have a great week.
27-03-2017, 01:14 PM
I was 'prepared,' unwittingly.
My take home lessons:
1) Being bold n direct is truly magical. I'm very comfortable saying the magic words to gals who are complete strangers. I hv been doing this for the last 7 yrs whenever I see a gal I like to up. I never heard of Mode One until 5 yrs ago.
2) I was completely non-reactive to their repeated rejections. It was their big loss! If I got angry or frustrated or needy, or if I started chasing them, game over.
3) I believe that "ironically, letting go is the only way to get what you want." One of them sent me a msg after 7 weeks of zero contact. I replied but showed no interest...
4) “The strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it.”
5) Having an abundance mindset. Related to 3) n 4).
Last July when I met my future 'twin LPs' in the cafeteria, I was already very satiated sexually. I had a full time TW mistress, a secret GF who worked at Lido n PC joints, a tall Fujian real estate agent, a newly acquainted yr 97 KT and my old LP HW was scheduled to return to SG in about 10 days.
There is another reason which worked in my favor. The two gals had known each other for 4-5 yrs back home. Both from the same small town in China. They had the same circle of friends n had been to each other's family gatherings many times. Getting kept together by the same man was good for them. It would prevent the other gal, who was not being kept, from revealing her secrets to their mutual friends n her family members. For the first threesome I took them to a 5-star Hotel. I registered n they didn't need to show their ICs. They were so shy that we had to do it in near complete darkness!
Their big quarrel was complicated. The other gal might return to Sg soon.
BTW, my HH outing to China Doll tomorrow is on. Four bros hv confirmed. Can accommodate two more. PM me.
Bro WB
Bro WB
First and foremost congratulations to you for the success story.
Having a pair of pretty syts to be your LPs is a dream came true and doing tarma/3come often.
Hope you can share more with us here.
Hope you enjoy your China Doll outing tomorrow.
27-03-2017, 04:16 PM
Bro WB
Nice updates.
Hope you'll continue sharing here.
Have a nice week ahead.
27-03-2017, 05:30 PM
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you about been direct and predstination.
Recently I got my gf after proposing directly to her 3 months before she agreed. She did not reject me out front but said will consider. I took the decision as her loss.
2 months later, when I met her again she said she still not ready and I told her no problem can always wait. 3 months later she accepted thru messaging.
Please share more with us about your sexcapade
Hope you have a great week.
Mine is almost similar case except she accepted after 6 months.
Bro WB, please share more for us to learn.
Have an enjoyable week.
27-03-2017, 08:45 PM
Bro WB
Wonderful thread you have here.
Have learnt a lot from your sharings.
Have a nice week.
28-03-2017, 12:17 PM
Bro WB, well done and congrats to you.
I hope you will continue to post more to share with us here.
Have a great week ahead.
Good morning!
I hv learned a lot from my RS w/ the twin LPs.
I got them because the conditions were favorable and my behaviour happened to be just right. Yup, it was predestination. But 'luck' is when opportunity meets preparedness.
I was 'prepared,' unwittingly.
My take home lessons:
1) Being bold n direct is truly magical. I'm very comfortable saying the magic words to gals who are complete strangers. I hv been doing this for the last 7 yrs whenever I see a gal I like to up. I never heard of Mode One until 5 yrs ago.
2) I was completely non-reactive to their repeated rejections. It was their big loss! If I got angry or frustrated or needy, or if I started chasing them, game over.
3) I believe that "ironically, letting go is the only way to get what you want." One of them sent me a msg after 7 weeks of zero contact. I replied but showed no interest...
4) “The strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it.”
5) Having an abundance mindset. Related to 3) n 4).
Last July when I met my future 'twin LPs' in the cafeteria, I was already very satiated sexually. I had a full time TW mistress, a secret GF who worked at Lido n PC joints, a tall Fujian real estate agent, a newly acquainted yr 97 KT and my old LP HW was scheduled to return to SG in about 10 days.
There is another reason which worked in my favor. The two gals had known each other for 4-5 yrs back home. Both from the same small town in China. They had the same circle of friends n had been to each other's family gatherings many times. Getting kept together by the same man was good for them. It would prevent the other gal, who was not being kept, from revealing her secrets to their mutual friends n her family members. For the first threesome I took them to a 5-star Hotel. I registered n they didn't need to show their ICs. They were so shy that we had to do it in near complete darkness!
Their big quarrel was complicated. The other gal might return to Sg soon.
BTW, my HH outing to China Doll tomorrow is on. Four bros hv confirmed. Can accommodate two more. PM me.
Bro WB
28-03-2017, 12:23 PM
I hv learned a lot from my RS w/ the twin LPs.
I got them because the conditions were favorable and my behaviour happened to be just right. Yup, it was predestination. But 'luck' is when opportunity meets preparedness.
I was 'prepared,' unwittingly.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you that this relationship is all due to fate.
You may had done lots of good deeds in your early life to get this karma.
Hope you continue to share more with us here.
Have a good day mate.
28-03-2017, 12:46 PM
This is more correct: They always called me lao gong n often hugged n kissed me in public.
I noticed that when gal willingly call you in public with affections surely love you deeply.
Life always had it's destiny.
Hope you enjoy yourself tonight.
28-03-2017, 02:40 PM
Bro WB
Have learnt a lot from this thread.
Hope you'd continue to share here.
Have a nice day.
28-03-2017, 04:55 PM
Bro WB
May you have an enjoyable outing tonight.
Hope you continue to share more with us here.
Have a nice day bro.
29-03-2017, 12:38 PM
As you get better and better with women, you'll
find that you start to ask yourself more and more
what kind of woman you REALLY want to be with.
The second stage after dating starvation is dating
You get more and more dates, so the initial excitement
starts to vanish and you question yourself (in a good
way) because you are less shallow.
I went through that and you'll find a lot of books
on finding the right partner.
So, let me save you some time. ;-)
Here's the simple question you can ask yourself
to start filtering the women in your life and keep
that special one:
“When I'm with that person, do I genuinely, in
my heart, feel inspired to become the best man
I can ever be?”
It's one thing to be in love and have passion, but
in my (humble) opinion, it's the mutual desire for
growth that glues a couple together for decades.
Guys get in a relationship and they settle. They
lose their hunger. They become “comfortable”.
The right woman will trigger you to thrive and
achieve. She'll inspire you to push yourself
physically, emotionally, mentally, financially,
in your career, and to go after your dreams with
more ferocity.
At least, this is how I feel with the girl I'm with
right now.
Have an amazing day!
Bro WB,
I read the above with real intent.
Thank you so much for guiding us how to choose girls.
Saves us lots of time too.
Please feel free to post similar topics with us here.
Hope you enjoy a great day.
29-03-2017, 12:44 PM
If you're reactive, you hv lost her for good.
Here is a good example.
A few months ago, I met two KTV gals at PC. I got their wechat. I offered to BY them both! The answer was NO. I then got them to butterfly several times w/ me. The answer was still NO. I also told them I wanted to make love. One said she didn't know me well enough n the other just shook her head. It's their loss!
I let go of them completely.
I left for Gotham City w/o telling them. I returned 5-6 days ago. After zero ctc for 6-7 wks, one of the gals initiated contact n asked how I was doing. I replied that I just returned. The next day I went to a PC joint n saw the gal by chance. Predestination? She came to butterfly. Her friend also came. They whispered that they wanted to be my GFs, together. I was surprised! They both were thinking of me, very often. They wanted LT, because what if I don't want them after 2-3 months? They agreed to 双飞! I need to think this over carefully as I hv other LPs. We hv not even discussed the terms but they could stop working or continue to work. it's up to me.
Bro WB
Bro Wb,
You wrote the same story on 2/10/2016
Please keep your stories coming and don't mind repeat.
Hope you can share more incidents of your love stories.
29-03-2017, 01:07 PM
Bro WB
This is the best affections can display in public.
Hope you can share more secrets with us here.
Have a great week ahead.
After reading more of your sexploits, I started to enjoy more of this thread.
Hope Bro WB will post more to share with us here.
Thank you and enjoy a good day.
29-03-2017, 01:11 PM
Support a great thread here from Bro WB
Please come back and post often.
Will always sarpork you.
29-03-2017, 06:48 PM
Bro WB,
Got hooked to your thread.
Thanks for teaching us how to woo and choose girls.
Enjoy your day.
29-03-2017, 08:39 PM
Very good thread by Bro WB
Have learnt quite a few things here.
Please continuing sharing your experience.
Your ardent supporter here.
29-03-2017, 10:20 PM
Bro WB
What a fantastic thread you have here.
Support you always.
Have a good week ahead.
30-03-2017, 01:39 PM
Good morning!
I hv learned a lot from my RS w/ the twin LPs.
I got them because the conditions were favorable and my behaviour happened to be just right. Yup, it was predestination. But 'luck' is when opportunity meets preparedness.
I was 'prepared,' unwittingly.
Bro WB
Let me share a bit of my previous encounter with a girl. I love her too much and give her everything. When I lost her I don't know what happened and then went into state of self-denial.
I would had love to read up your thread before that love affair and may not had crashed that badly.
I wasn't prepared unwittingly..was the key words...
Please share with us more so that it helps us to be well prepared.
Have a great day ahead.
30-03-2017, 01:46 PM
Bro WarBird
I learned thru many hard ways to let go and fully agreed with you that strongest negotiating position was been able to walk away.
I enjoyed reading your thread and please share more here.
Thanks and best regards.
3) I believe that "ironically, letting go is the only way to get what you want." One of them sent me a msg after 7 weeks of zero contact. I replied but showed no interest...
4) “The strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it.”
Bro WB
30-03-2017, 01:53 PM
There is another reason which worked in my favor. The two gals had known each other for 4-5 yrs back home. Both from the same small town in China. They had the same circle of friends n had been to each other's family gatherings many times. Getting kept together by the same man was good for them. It would prevent the other gal, who was not being kept, from revealing her secrets to their mutual friends n her family members. For the first threesome I took them to a 5-star Hotel. I registered n they didn't need to show their ICs. They were so shy that we had to do it in near complete darkness!
Their big quarrel was complicated. The other gal might return to Sg soon.
BTW, my HH outing to China Doll tomorrow is on. Four bros hv confirmed. Can accommodate two more. PM me.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Hope you can share more of your interesting LP stories with us.
I shall be camping here for the new stories,
Hope you have a good weekend LPooing.
30-03-2017, 01:56 PM
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you that this relationship is all due to fate.
You may had done lots of good deeds in your early life to get this karma.
Hope you continue to share more with us here.
Have a good day mate.
Bro WB
Waiting here patiently for your new post.
Hope you can post more soon.
Have a fine weekend soon.
30-03-2017, 07:16 PM
Bro WB
Let me share a bit of my previous encounter with a girl. I love her too much and give her everything. When I lost her I don't know what happened and then went into state of self-denial.
I would had love to read up your thread before that love affair and may not had crashed that badly.
I wasn't prepared unwittingly..was the key words...
Please share with us more so that it helps us to be well prepared.
Have a great day ahead.
I did the same thing too.
Bro WB, wish I came across this thread sooner.
Thanks for sharing so much with us.
Have a nice weekend.
30-03-2017, 07:41 PM
Bro WB
Enjoyed reading your thread and have learnt a lot from you.
Please share more when you have the time.
Best regards.
30-03-2017, 08:39 PM
Bro WB
May you have an enjoyable outing tonight.
Hope you continue to share more with us here.
Have a nice day bro.
Bro WB
Any FR from your outing? :p
Enjoy your weekend bro
30-03-2017, 11:53 PM
Good evening!
Thank you all for the posts here.
I'll fly to Gotham City tomorrow. I hope to hv a new post asap.
Pls share more of your exploits n insights w/ us.
Bro WB
31-03-2017, 02:24 PM
I'll fly to Gotham City tomorrow. I hope to hv a new post asap.
Pls share more of your exploits n insights w/ us.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I started reading this thread. Needless to say enjoy most of the informative posts.
Hope you enjoyed yourself in Gotham City.
Don't forget to post ok?
31-03-2017, 02:29 PM
Good morning!
I hv learned a lot from my RS w/ the twin LPs.
I got them because the conditions were favorable and my behaviour happened to be just right. Yup, it was predestination. But 'luck' is when opportunity meets preparedness.
I was 'prepared,' unwittingly.
Bro WB
Let me give you 3 cheers here for the fantastic thread.
I cannot believe how lucky or masterful you are to convince 3 pretty dames to be your LP and always have threesome.
Please share more knowledge with us here.
Have a great weekend coming up soon.
31-03-2017, 02:48 PM
Good evening!
Thank you all for the posts here.
I'll fly to Gotham City tomorrow. I hope to hv a new post asap.
Pls share more of your exploits n insights w/ us.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Please have a good safe trip away.
Remember to come back post more here.
Have a nice weekend.
31-03-2017, 04:13 PM
Bro WB
Learnt many things since I started reading this thread.
Wish you have an enjoyable time in Gotham City.
Remember to post FR OK?
31-03-2017, 04:16 PM
Bro WB
Give you 3 big claps for this wonderful thread.
Really amazing at your skills in getting the SYTs.
Please share more of your experience here.
Enjoy you weekend bro.
The art of 'Care Less' works wonders.
I think it weeds out those that needs a lot of attention and no fucking at the end of the day.
Thanks bro wb for the wise words.
01-04-2017, 02:28 PM
Good evening!
Thank you all for the posts here.
I'll fly to Gotham City tomorrow. I hope to hv a new post asap.
Pls share more of your exploits n insights w/ us.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Enjoy your trip at Gotham City.
Be back quickly to post more lessons to share here.
Have a nice weekend sir.
01-04-2017, 03:06 PM
Bro WB
Let me share a bit of my previous encounter with a girl. I love her too much and give her everything. When I lost her I don't know what happened and then went into state of self-denial.
I would had love to read up your thread before that love affair and may not had crashed that badly.
I wasn't prepared unwittingly..was the key words...
Please share with us more so that it helps us to be well prepared.
Have a great day ahead.
Bro WB
I will learn from my mistake and hope not to make same mistake.
I will learn to be mode1 and care less.
Hope you can come back to post more,
Have a good trip away
01-04-2017, 03:11 PM
Good evening!
Thank you all for the posts here.
I'll fly to Gotham City tomorrow. I hope to hv a new post asap.
Pls share more of your exploits n insights w/ us.
Bro WB
Hope you enjoy your trip.
Please post more soon.
Have a good weekend.
01-04-2017, 04:34 PM
I did the same thing too.
Bro WB, wish I came across this thread sooner.
Thanks for sharing so much with us.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro WB
I have learnt from my mistake and hope not to repeat it.
Wish you would come back soon to share more.
Have a nice weekend.
01-04-2017, 04:56 PM
Bro WB
May you have an great time at Gotham City.
Please post exciting FRs to share here.
Have a good weekend.
01-04-2017, 05:02 PM
Good evening!
Thank you all for the posts here.
I'll fly to Gotham City tomorrow. I hope to hv a new post asap.
Pls share more of your exploits n insights w/ us.
Bro WB
Have a good trip.
02-04-2017, 11:06 AM
I hv learned a lot by reading, researching, sharing, discussing, debating, failing, practicing, failing...and more practicing.
I'm in the process of moving from an armchair military advisor to someone w/ hands-on, real life experiences. And I would love to fail many times everyday! 胜败是兵家常事
Much has been discussed about inner game n outer game in life. Both are important.
Inner game is about reprogramming your beliefs in the S mind. But that is not enough. You also need to keep expanding your comfort zone in real life situations...and keep doing, failing, practicing, failing, performing, failing, accomplishing n failing. If you fail many times everyday, that is great! Very soon you will rise to the top!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I read above with full agreement and admiration.
Any person who had failed twice would had given up and that was why I admire your guts "fail get up and repeat again".
Please do come back and share more with us here.
Hv a great weekeend in Gotham City.
02-04-2017, 11:25 AM
I'm reading this e-book entitled Secrets to Success with Women by Michael W for the second time. I wish I had read it 5 times a few years ago.
Here is what the guru has to say about being THE MAN:
Women are unconsciously attracted to power in all its forms, but not all its
forms create the same kind of desire or even the same degree of desire.
A sexy appearance is a SIGN of power in the sense of vitality/good genes.
Wealth is a SIGN of power in the sense of secure resources for her children.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I enjoyed the above book from Michael Webb and true enough that I should had read the book 5 years ago.
Women always attracted to power.
Please post more here to share with us.
Have a good weekend.
02-04-2017, 11:37 AM
Bro WB,
I read above with full agreement and admiration.
Any person who had failed twice would had given up and that was why I admire your guts "fail get up and repeat again".
Please do come back and share more with us here.
Hv a great weekeend in Gotham City.
Agreed with that too.
Bro WB, hope you have an enjoyable time at Gotham City.
02-04-2017, 11:49 AM
Bro WB
Hope you enjoy your trip.
02-04-2017, 11:52 AM
Bro WB
Let me give you 3 cheers here for the fantastic thread.
I cannot believe how lucky or masterful you are to convince 3 pretty dames to be your LP and always have threesome.
Please share more knowledge with us here.
Have a great weekend coming up soon.
Bro WB,
Hope you can be back soon to share more valuable lessons.
Have a great weekend and trip.
02-04-2017, 11:54 AM
Bro WB
Thanks for recommending the book from Michael Webb and wished I had read it much earlier.
Please share more books and experience with us.
Wish you have an enjoyable weekend.
God bless.
02-04-2017, 01:34 PM
Bro WB,
Hope to read your FR when you are back.
Enjoy your trip and have a nice weekend.
02-04-2017, 04:32 PM
Bro WB
Have a good trip.
03-04-2017, 12:35 PM
Lastly, let me remind all bros here the attitude of a badass gentleman:
"Behave as if you hv 100 very beautiful women of your type, both WLs n non WLs who are healthy mentally n physically, calling you everyday and wanting to fuck you everyday."
Repeat 100 times daily. Perhaps a very 狂傲 statement, but it works like magic!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I fully agreed with you that been badass gentleman will be correct.
Also like the way you wrote
"Behave as if you hv 100 very beautiful women of your type, both WLs n non WLs who are healthy mentally n physically, calling you everyday and wanting to fuck you everyday."
Please share with us more.
Have a great trip and do come back soon.
03-04-2017, 12:46 PM
Some of my musings on what kills attraction.
If a man doesn't believe he has more value than the doll, he will be rejected.
Aggressive chasing and/or excessive contact guarantees rejection.
Neediness and insecurity kill attraction.
Fear of losing your woman destroys attraction.
Even caring too much will drive your woman away.
Actually, all of the above apply to a gal you just met 10 minutes ago and to a woman who has been with you for over 10 years.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I reading your posts in this thread with keen enthusiasm.
The above sentences brought new meaning to my life.
Hopefully will bring me to new level.
Please have a great day.
03-04-2017, 12:56 PM
Waiting patiently for new post.
03-04-2017, 03:17 PM
Bro WB
I have been reading this thread and have learnt from your sharing.
Support this thread.
Have a good week ahead.
03-04-2017, 03:36 PM
Bro WB
Hope you have a great trip.
03-04-2017, 04:20 PM
Patiently waiting for new update.
04-04-2017, 01:32 PM
Time flies! Can't believe I started this thread over 7 years ago. Although I was already a lao chee ko pek back then, I was a greenhorn, having had my first ever BY 37 days earlier. It was a total failure. The doll was HW, a SYT who agreed to BY after 8 1/2 months. HW left me after two weeks. I BY-ed her again briefly in late August that yr. Another failure haha.
I agree that men w/ the dark traits may attract a certain type of women, at least for brief RS. But almost all women would prefer the PRESTIGIOUS MAN or PM, for both brief encounter n LT RS.
What is a PM n why is he most attractive to girls/women? PM is very similar to a badass gentleman. He is better than the so-called Alpha Male.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
This is going to be 8th year of the thread and still going very strong with your excellent leadership.
I agreed with you that PM is better than Alpha Male.
Please continue to post more to share with us here.
Have a great week boss.
04-04-2017, 01:43 PM
Do u know what are the four most dangerous words in cheonging, BY-ing and, in fact, in EVERY man-woman RS?
This (my) girl is different.
No, she is NOT! NOT to me n billions of other men. It's a pure illusion in the mind of the hapless man who got deeply KC-ed.
So thought the "Sexiest Man Alive" Johnny Depp about his wife Amber Heard, a bisexual golddigger. I assume that King Fuchai must hv thought Xi Shi was somehow mysteriously different from all his other concubines. Billions of men in human history also thought their women were somehow unique, yeah?
But YOUR girl, no matter how beautiful, sexy n perfect YOU think she is now, will get old, ugly, sick n die. Her beauty n uniqueness are temporary n illusional, at best.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I had to fully agreed with you above that dangerous to think any girl will be different. Many novice who had not fell into kced will be down the trend.
I also love the way you mentioned that the girls will get old ugly etc.
Please share with us more valuable insights.
Hope you come back to post soon. Enjoy!!!
04-04-2017, 02:08 PM
tks bro WB and support here.
04-04-2017, 02:12 PM
Bro WB
I enjoyed the above book from Michael Webb and true enough that I should had read the book 5 years ago.
Women always attracted to power.
Please post more here to share with us.
Have a good weekend.
Bro WB,
After reading more of your posts in this thread, I started to realise that perhaps life is pre-destined to meet your LP.
Please do come back and share more with us.
Have a great week ahead.
04-04-2017, 02:13 PM
Nice thread here Bro WB.
Hope to read more.
04-04-2017, 02:16 PM
Bro WB
Hope you are back soon to update us.
Have a nice week ahead.
04-04-2017, 02:42 PM
Agreed with that too.
Bro WB, hope you have an enjoyable time at Gotham City.
Bro WB
Support your nice thread here.
Hope you back soon.
Have a nice day.
04-04-2017, 03:42 PM
Bro WB,
This thread is still going strong after so many years.
Please continue to share more with us here.
Have a great week.
What is the difference between picking up ktv gal inside versus outside KTV?
05-04-2017, 12:52 PM
What is the difference between picking up ktv gal inside versus outside KTV?
Here answer found on 1st post.
But u will save quite a bit by picking them outside KTVs.
Why would I want to pick up these gals outside KTVs?
I hv many personal reasons.
1) I drink very little if at all
2) I dun sing
3) I dun smoke n hate 2nd hand smoke
4) I detest loud noise
5) The dim lighting in a typical KTV makes it difficult to gauge a gal's looks n age.
6) The drinks, etc in a typical KTV r expensive. This money can do wonders if u give it to the gal directly...
7) Oftentimes, ur favourite mummy may recommend a gal who is less than ur type n u accept reluctantly bcos u r pai seh.
8) Or a gal may throw herself at u, especially embarrassing if she is someone whom u hv bonked or worst, ur ex-mistress, whom u now try to avoid.
9) Picking up a young n pretty gal outside KTVs is adventurous n a challenge. I feel like 20 again...;)
10) Organising KTV outings is time-consuming n difficult...:eek:
Bro WB,
I enjoyed your thread very much.
Hope you can come back soon.
Have a great week,
05-04-2017, 01:00 PM
Let her do whatever she wants. Give her all the freedom she wants. Don't complain when she goes out with her friends. Smile when she says she's going to have lunch with her old boyfriend. Encourage her to go to that male strip club. Proudly display your confidence to her.
And know that ACTING CONFIDENT in the face of these circumstances (which make most men jealous) will actually draw her to you. By doing this, you're essentially turning a negative personality trait (jealousy) into a positive personality trait (self-confidence).
You should welcome these types of situations and view them as OPPORTUNITIES to display your confidence to her... and to draw her closer to you.
So the next time you start feeling those pangs of jealousy, and you start to worry, and you start getting anxious, and nervous -- remember this article and think...
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I fully agreed with you that we need to be confident.
Act of confident is very important when dealing with woman that we had.
Please post more to share with us here.
Have a good working day.
05-04-2017, 01:09 PM
Bro WB,
I fully agreed with you that been badass gentleman will be correct.
Also like the way you wrote
"Behave as if you hv 100 very beautiful women of your type, both WLs n non WLs who are healthy mentally n physically, calling you everyday and wanting to fuck you everyday."
Please share with us more.
Have a great trip and do come back soon.
Bro WB
Hope you enjoyed your trip to Gotham City.
Please come back soon and posts more.
Have a great day.
05-04-2017, 01:12 PM
Bro WB
I reading your posts in this thread with keen enthusiasm.
The above sentences brought new meaning to my life.
Hopefully will bring me to new level.
Please have a great day.
Bro WB
Please come back soon.
Cannot wait to read more of your invaluable lessons.
Hope you enjoyed your week.
05-04-2017, 02:28 PM
Bro WB,
Agreed that we need to be confident.
Show of confidence is an important factor when dealing with women.
Please share more with us here.
Have a nice day.
05-04-2017, 02:32 PM
Bro WB
I have been reading this thread and have learnt from your sharing.
Support this thread.
Have a good week ahead.
Bro WB
Awaiting your return.
Hope to read more of your invaluable experience.
May you enjoy your week ahead.
05-04-2017, 08:14 PM
Bro WB
Hope you have a great trip.
Bro WB
Hope you have an enjoyable trip to Gotham City.
Be back soon and share more.
Have a nice week ahead.
06-04-2017, 01:51 PM
"You will end up paying $500 for a $10 item." Hahaha, that is how many men hv ended up paying much more than what some women are really worth.
IMHO, never ever get too attached to any one woman, regardless of your RS w/ her n whether you've known her for 3 minutes or 30 yrs, hahaha.
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
The above are powerful words and wise moves.
I was reading with keen interest in your thread.
Hope you can continue to post more to share here.
Hv a good day mate.
06-04-2017, 02:06 PM
Women thrive on strong emotions. If u give them more hope, they will get greedier...if u give them more doubt, they will get more fearful, because they don't want to lose ur support n the intense PVO u hv given them hahaha.
Fear is the most powerful emotion. Greed is a distant 2nd.
If u say no or reject a girl, say for BY, u must keep her hopes alive, otherwise she will just give up on u for good.
Good day!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I was very keen with what you written above. My situation was very similar and I got out if the bad situation.
If I knew of this thread then will have suffer less.
Please continue with your great lessons here.
Hope you have a great week ahead.
06-04-2017, 02:16 PM
Bro WB,
This is going to be 8th year of the thread and still going very strong with your excellent leadership.
I agreed with you that PM is better than Alpha Male.
Please continue to post more to share with us here.
Have a great week boss.
Bro WB
Hope you can come back to post more here.
I will be waiting here patiently.
06-04-2017, 02:21 PM
Bro WB
I had to fully agreed with you above that dangerous to think any girl will be different. Many novice who had not fell into kced will be down the trend.
I also love the way you mentioned that the girls will get old ugly etc.
Please share with us more valuable insights.
Hope you come back to post soon. Enjoy!!!
Bro WB
Hope you can come back early because missing all your wise words.
Anyway try to post more whenever possible,
Please have a great day.
06-04-2017, 02:43 PM
Bro WB,
I was very keen with what you written above. My situation was very similar and I got out if the bad situation.
If I knew of this thread then will have suffer less.
Please continue with your great lessons here.
Hope you have a great week ahead.
I had similar situation too.
Bro WB,
How I wish I came across your thread earlier.
Please continue sharing your experience here.
Have a nice day.
06-04-2017, 02:46 PM
Bro WB
The above are powerful words and wise moves.
I was reading with keen interest in your thread.
Hope you can continue to post more to share here.
Hv a good day mate.
Agree with the above too.
Bro WB
Happen to read this thread and got hooked to it.
Wish you would continue to share with us here.
06-04-2017, 02:56 PM
Bro WB,
This thread is still going strong after so many years.
Please continue to share more with us here.
Have a great week.
Bro WB
Awaiting you return to hear more of your experiences.
God bless.
06-04-2017, 03:00 PM
Nice thread here Bro WB.
Hope to read more.
Bro WB
Hope you are enjoying yourself.
Waiting eagerly for your return.
Have a great week.
How to Handle Guys Who Play Alpha Games With You...
[SIZE="5"]The TRUTH About How To Handle Guys Who Try To Mess With Your Confidence...
Has anyone challenged you today?
Put you on the spot?
Made you feel like you were being tooled or ridiculed?
Played a game with your self-confidence?
Bro WB
I couldn't believe reading this post about Guys who often make you feel bad by playing games on you.
I wish I had read them earlier and wouldn't have suffered badly.
Please help to post more guru advice here.
07-04-2017, 11:13 AM
Bro WB
I fully agreed with your Badass Gentlemen pointers below.
"11) As for the type of gal I like to have a LT relationship with, I look at her in totality, holistically, taking into account every factor, every trait n every feature, the past, present n future...not just her looks, figure and pussy but also her facial micro expressions, voice, gait, character, personality, education level, etc."
The point 11 is a wholistic view of teh truth if a girl will stay loyal to you.
Hope you continue to post more lessons here.
Have a great weekend ahead.
Badass Gentlemen of course!
A few days ago we were discussing man woman relationship, female attraction and what girls/women really crave, deep in the primitive parts of their brains (as opposed to the more advanced, conscious parts).
5) Power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less. A healthy woman always wants her man to have the power. She wants to be submissive to him.
11) As for the type of gal I like to have a LT relationship with, I look at her in totality, holistically, taking into account every factor, every trait n every feature, the past, present n future...not just her looks, figure and pussy but also her facial micro expressions, voice, gait, character, personality, education level, etc.
12) Last but not least, the number of past sexual partners of a girl/woman is the most powerful predictor of her loyalty and fidelity to her new LT partner. There are ways with which a man can determine w/ fair accuracy the past sexual partners of any girl/woman. I need to find and read the article.
Bro WB
07-04-2017, 11:24 AM
Hope bro come back to share more.
07-04-2017, 11:34 AM
Bro WB,
I fully agreed with you that we need to be confident.
Act of confident is very important when dealing with woman that we had.
Please post more to share with us here.
Have a good working day.
Bro WB
Let me share a short story here.
I was attracted to a girl last year but I did not showed much interest in her. I only use mode 1 and told her I wanted her as my gf. She didn't reject me or say anything. So I walk off only to see her again 1 month later. I offered her again and she said not ready yet. Finally she accepted after 3rd month. Each time I showed lesser interest in her and concentrate playing with her friends.
I fully agreed with you that success to wining a girl is to show less interest.
Hv a good day.
07-04-2017, 12:01 PM
Bro WB
I fully agreed with your Badass Gentlemen pointers below.
"11) As for the type of gal I like to have a LT relationship with, I look at her in totality, holistically, taking into account every factor, every trait n every feature, the past, present n future...not just her looks, figure and pussy but also her facial micro expressions, voice, gait, character, personality, education level, etc."
The point 11 is a wholistic view of teh truth if a girl will stay loyal to you.
Hope you continue to post more lessons here.
Have a great weekend ahead.
Agree with the point mentioned above.
Bro WB
Awaiting your return and postings.
Have a nice day.
07-04-2017, 12:04 PM
Bro WB
A great supporter of your thread here.
Hope you'll share more with us.
Have a good weekend.
07-04-2017, 12:07 PM
Bro WB
Let me share a short story here.
I was attracted to a girl last year but I did not showed much interest in her. I only use mode 1 and told her I wanted her as my gf. She didn't reject me or say anything. So I walk off only to see her again 1 month later. I offered her again and she said not ready yet. Finally she accepted after 3rd month. Each time I showed lesser interest in her and concentrate playing with her friends.
I fully agreed with you that success to wining a girl is to show less interest.
Hv a good day.
Very familiar, read that somewhere.
07-04-2017, 12:18 PM
Hope Bro WB is back soon.
08-04-2017, 02:53 AM
Good morning!
Thanks again for bros here for sharing their FRs, opinions and insights.
I also greatly appreciate those bros who hv mentioned my previous posts n my citations of gurus. Reading them remind me that I hv lots of room for improvement.
Many questions have been raised. Most of the answers may be found in my previous posts. I'll try to clarify some of them from time to time.
In the last 8 years, I hv greatly expanded the scope of this thread to include connecting w/ any female whom you may meet anywhere. Whether your intent is short term or long term sexual RS.
I like to share the following article from a famous guru, which I read a long time ago.
Triggering Automatic Female Lust
Contrary to what you see every week on 'Sex and the City', women are the complete opposite of men in that, the more *anonymous* the sexual encounter, the LESS gratifying they find it to be.
Unlike the fictional uber-slut Miranda, satisfying sex does not begin and end with the quest to find someone new to have an orgasm with. For the vast majority of women, the MORE connected they feel to their partner, the more overwhelming the total sexual experience is for them.
Just the reverse of typical male thinking, right? Men are intensely turned on by the thought of having sex with a woman for that very FIRST time, or by scoring a one-night stand with a perfect stranger, or perhaps fantasizing about being in a porno movie and having wanton sex with dozens of hot women he hardly knows. The common link between all these scenarios is that there is NO emotional bonding involved. Hell, there's hardly even an exchange of names! For the man, the more anonymous the sex the more *exciting* the idea of the conquest.
How the two genders make use of (and even exploit) this knowledge of each other's romantic weakness, however, is an entirely DIFFERENT story.
Women know exactly how to turn men on by manipulating this hardwired 'quirk' in their character that absolves them of the need to actually know anything about a woman who has triggered his desire to mate. How? Simply by pushing this uniquely male "anonymous sex" button long and often... by acting sexy AND remaining emotionally aloof at the same time. The stripper, the table dancer, the whore. The molten hot stranger. Any persona will do -- and all are quite useful when their design is seduction!
Men, on the other hand, seem mostly clueless about how to turn the tables and pull off the same trick. In fact, the prevailing feeling is that female lust is such a mysterious and unfathomable 'holy grail' so rarely encountered in real life that it's taken on a kind of mythical quality. I guess some women just have it for certain men... and not for others, and there's no understanding the reasons why.
But can female lust be triggered by the deliberate actions of a man?
I say absolutely yes. Women get sexually turned on just as men do of course, but -- owing to differences in reproductive biology -- by a completely different set of mental processes. Men go for a VISUAL look that suggests youthfulness and thus fertility. But females aren't interested in a man's age so much because males remain virile well into the later part of their lifespan.
What they look for, instead, are signs of male POWER.
You see, women possess a deeply-rooted pre-intellectual *instinct* which compels them to submit themselves for copulation in the presence of what they sense to be a DOMINANT MALE. They cannot help feeling like this -- despite the fact that the modern woman manages to suppress the urge to act on these feelings most of the time (but, not always...). So when a man learns how to project the most subtlest of gestures, actions and attitudes that suggest he's a "dominant male", he can force a woman's subconscious mating desires to become aroused WHETHER SHE LIKES IT OR NOT.
And some of them won't like it a bit. She may get upset because you've forced her to experience a potent feeling which she may feel compelled to conceal with the workings of her more rational mind. And yet when a woman consents to have sex with a man who has set off these automatic desires in her, she stands to enter into the hottest, most fulfilling sensual experience that it is possible for her to have. And she knows it.
AND she's also frightened of it -- because once unleashed in this way, it can be difficult to stem the cascade of all-consuming passion. She risks taking the kind of social and romantic chance that only happens a precious few times in her life. Can she allow herself to become addicted to a man who can make her see stars?
By learning to adopt the actions and attitudes of the dominant male, it is possible to create these sort of emotional disturbances in women at will. Almost any girl that you can manage to talk to in a SPECIFIC sort of way can have her "lust triggers" ignited like a blow torch. And when the ability to seduce becomes more a skill than mere luck, your chances of suffering the humiliation of being rejected vanish too. Now you have done more than learned to act the part of a dominant male, you have *become* one. And truthfully, there's no real difference.
Because in this game, acting is BEING.
Adopting the body language, voice tonality and behaviour of a man w/ strong masculine traits (such as dominance, trustworthiness, decisiveness, courage, kindness, humility, confidence, optimism, ambition, unflappability, perseverance, sexual mojo and emotional mastery) is the key to female lust.
Any comments and criticisms?
Bro WB
08-04-2017, 02:53 AM
Good morning!
Thanks again for bros here for sharing their FRs, opinions and insights.
I also greatly appreciate those bros who hv mentioned my previous posts n my citations of gurus. Reading them remind me that I hv lots of room for improvement.
Many questions have been raised. Most of the answers may be found in my previous posts. I'll try to clarify some of them from time to time.
In the last 8 years, I hv greatly expanded the scope of this thread to include connecting w/ any female whom you may meet anywhere. Whether your intent is short term or long term sexual RS.
I like to share the following article from a famous guru, which I read a long time ago.
Triggering Automatic Female Lust
Contrary to what you see every week on 'Sex and the City', women are the complete opposite of men in that, the more *anonymous* the sexual encounter, the LESS gratifying they find it to be.
Unlike the fictional uber-slut Miranda, satisfying sex does not begin and end with the quest to find someone new to have an orgasm with. For the vast majority of women, the MORE connected they feel to their partner, the more overwhelming the total sexual experience is for them.
Just the reverse of typical male thinking, right? Men are intensely turned on by the thought of having sex with a woman for that very FIRST time, or by scoring a one-night stand with a perfect stranger, or perhaps fantasizing about being in a porno movie and having wanton sex with dozens of hot women he hardly knows. The common link between all these scenarios is that there is NO emotional bonding involved. Hell, there's hardly even an exchange of names! For the man, the more anonymous the sex the more *exciting* the idea of the conquest.
How the two genders make use of (and even exploit) this knowledge of each other's romantic weakness, however, is an entirely DIFFERENT story.
Women know exactly how to turn men on by manipulating this hardwired 'quirk' in their character that absolves them of the need to actually know anything about a woman who has triggered his desire to mate. How? Simply by pushing this uniquely male "anonymous sex" button long and often... by acting sexy AND remaining emotionally aloof at the same time. The stripper, the table dancer, the whore. The molten hot stranger. Any persona will do -- and all are quite useful when their design is seduction!
Men, on the other hand, seem mostly clueless about how to turn the tables and pull off the same trick. In fact, the prevailing feeling is that female lust is such a mysterious and unfathomable 'holy grail' so rarely encountered in real life that it's taken on a kind of mythical quality. I guess some women just have it for certain men... and not for others, and there's no understanding the reasons why.
But can female lust be triggered by the deliberate actions of a man?
I say absolutely yes. Women get sexually turned on just as men do of course, but -- owing to differences in reproductive biology -- by a completely different set of mental processes. Men go for a VISUAL look that suggests youthfulness and thus fertility. But females aren't interested in a man's age so much because males remain virile well into the later part of their lifespan.
What they look for, instead, are signs of male POWER.
You see, women possess a deeply-rooted pre-intellectual *instinct* which compels them to submit themselves for copulation in the presence of what they sense to be a DOMINANT MALE. They cannot help feeling like this -- despite the fact that the modern woman manages to suppress the urge to act on these feelings most of the time (but, not always...). So when a man learns how to project the most subtlest of gestures, actions and attitudes that suggest he's a "dominant male", he can force a woman's subconscious mating desires to become aroused WHETHER SHE LIKES IT OR NOT.
And some of them won't like it a bit. She may get upset because you've forced her to experience a potent feeling which she may feel compelled to conceal with the workings of her more rational mind. And yet when a woman consents to have sex with a man who has set off these automatic desires in her, she stands to enter into the hottest, most fulfilling sensual experience that it is possible for her to have. And she knows it.
AND she's also frightened of it -- because once unleashed in this way, it can be difficult to stem the cascade of all-consuming passion. She risks taking the kind of social and romantic chance that only happens a precious few times in her life. Can she allow herself to become addicted to a man who can make her see stars?
By learning to adopt the actions and attitudes of the dominant male, it is possible to create these sort of emotional disturbances in women at will. Almost any girl that you can manage to talk to in a SPECIFIC sort of way can have her "lust triggers" ignited like a blow torch. And when the ability to seduce becomes more a skill than mere luck, your chances of suffering the humiliation of being rejected vanish too. Now you have done more than learned to act the part of a dominant male, you have *become* one. And truthfully, there's no real difference.
Because in this game, acting is BEING.
Any comments and criticisms?
Bro WB
08-04-2017, 07:55 AM
Support bro WB thread.
08-04-2017, 07:55 AM
Nice update.
08-04-2017, 07:57 AM
Nice thread, support.
08-04-2017, 07:59 AM
Great thread by Bro WB.
08-04-2017, 08:00 AM
Nice update bro, thanks :)
08-04-2017, 08:11 AM
Hope to read more.
08-04-2017, 10:32 AM
Triggering Automatic Female Lust
But can female lust be triggered by the deliberate actions of a man?
What they look for, instead, are signs of male POWER.
By learning to adopt the actions and attitudes of the dominant male, it is possible to create these sort of emotional disturbances in women at will. Almost any girl that you can manage to talk to in a SPECIFIC sort of way can have her "lust triggers" ignited like a blow torch. And when the ability to seduce becomes more a skill than mere luck, your chances of suffering the humiliation of being rejected vanish too. Now you have done more than learned to act the part of a dominant male, you have *become* one. And truthfully, there's no real difference.
Because in this game, acting is BEING.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Welcome back and enjoyed your post above, I read 3 times to understand better what you had ahred with us above.
Fully agreed that female are lusting after male who showed plenty of power. In the animal kingdom every female will want their offsprings to be sired by the best dominant male.
Please do share more with us here.
Please also enjoy your weekend.
08-04-2017, 10:38 AM
Good morning!
I also greatly appreciate those bros who hv mentioned my previous posts n my citations of gurus. Reading them remind me that I hv lots of room for improvement.
Many questions have been raised. Most of the answers may be found in my previous posts. I'll try to clarify some of them from time to time.
In the last 8 years, I hv greatly expanded the scope of this thread to include connecting w/ any female whom you may meet anywhere. Whether your intent is short term or long term sexual RS.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Hope you are back and well.
First let me congratulate you for having a successful thread for eight years/
Certainly you had improved in your skills to picking girls outside of ktv.
Hope you can share more theory with us here.
Have a great weekend.
08-04-2017, 10:43 AM
And some of them won't like it a bit. She may get upset because you've forced her to experience a potent feeling which she may feel compelled to conceal with the workings of her more rational mind. And yet when a woman consents to have sex with a man who has set off these automatic desires in her, she stands to enter into the hottest, most fulfilling sensual experience that it is possible for her to have. And she knows it.
AND she's also frightened of it -- because once unleashed in this way, it can be difficult to stem the cascade of all-consuming passion. She risks taking the kind of social and romantic chance that only happens a precious few times in her life. Can she allow herself to become addicted to a man who can make her see stars?
Bro WB
Bro WB
I love the way you pist it "Can she allow herself to become addicted to a man who can make her see stars?"
Hope you have a good weekend and ready to cheong aanother roubd of kyv soon.
08-04-2017, 10:46 AM
Great thread, hoping to read more.
09-04-2017, 02:42 AM
I'm still in Gotham City, will return end of this month.
There are many pretty Chinese SYTs here. Would love to get a few of them to SG.
All bros are encouraged to join my outings when I'm back. Must be light drinker and be willing to smoke outside the room.
Bro WB
I'm still in Gotham City, will return end of this month.
There are many pretty Chinese SYTs here. Would love to get a few of them to SG.
All bros are encouraged to join my outings when I'm back. Must be light drinker and be willing to smoke outside the room.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Hope you have a good trip back to Gotham City.
Please come back fast and waiting for more of your interesting post.
Have a great Sunday.
09-04-2017, 11:11 AM
Good evening to all samsters,
According to two famed gurus, the number one Alpha rule is:
Master Your Emotions.
Be the island, not the waves. The Alpha
Man provides a safe haven for the women in his life. Be a protector:
demonstrate the ability to be a source of physical and emotional
security. Women are attracted to stable, secure men and are repelled by
neediness and insecurity. Never lose your cool (the James Bond
mindset). Self‐control is a hallmark of the Alpha Man. Deflect the traps
and games that women will often try to engage you in as a means of
“testing” you. Mastering one’s emotions begins with confidence and
clarity of purpose.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I fully agreed with your post above that we need to control our emotions.
Also agreed that women were attracted to men who can show confidence and control.
Have a nice weekend and come back quickly to post more.
09-04-2017, 11:24 AM
BRo Warbird
Very nice thread here and I support.
Hope to jio more ladies soon.
3 cheers to you.
11-04-2017, 10:46 AM
Bro WB
I fully agreed with your post above that we need to control our emotions.
Also agreed that women were attracted to men who can show confidence and control.
Have a nice weekend and come back quickly to post more.
Bro WB
Hope you can comment on my post soon.
Also pls help to post more valuable guidance here.
Have a nice short working week here.
11-04-2017, 07:15 PM
Very good thread here, support :)
17-04-2017, 11:07 AM
Good morning to all samsters!
All bros are encouraged to post their FRs. Pls give enough details and I'll comment on them.
Every encounter is a positive experience for me. I also learn a lot from detailed FRs n experiences of others. Not only your conquests n success stories but also rejections, failures, setbacks and break ups!!
I hv alluded to the fact that over 50% of my GFs/LPs/lovers/mistresses rejected me initially. At least 90% of those who had rebuffed me said yes, after weeks to many months and, in some cases, up to 2-3 years! A few of them actually hung up on me and avoided me as if I were a leper.
How you react to her rejection is the best indicator of whether you're the prize or just another AFC or average frustrated chump. You must remain 很冷静,很笃定。
Here is an article on why we should embrace rejection.
How to Make Rejection Your Best Friend
It takes balls to get laid, both literally
and figuratively. Just like in business, you
must foster the drive within yourself to
You must keep your focus on the goal and not
be sidetracked by the little details, like
being rejected.
The only way to have an abundant sex life is
through rejection.
Many of our students feel crushed when a
woman says "no." They get depressed and want
to give up.
Or they feel bad about themselves and think
they are losers. We've also talked to guys
who throw tantrums, get angry and blame the
woman. These are natural reactions, but such
reactions won't deliver the
The bottom line is that when a woman rejects
you, you must take the long term view of
Hearing "no" is part of the process of
getting laid.
When a woman says "no" you don't push it.
This would damage your self-esteem, and could
get you thrown in jail.
What you do is go on to the next woman. You
must train yourself as a dating commando to
view and interpret all "no's" as steps along
the way to your ultimate success.
Obviously it sucks to have a woman say "no."
It also sucks to be spanking off in your room
all alone.
Remember: it isn't personal.
Men ask, and women say "yes" or "no."
Everyone, even seduction masters, hear "no"
from women. They persist, and so must you.
Even if it takes 1,000 no's for one yes,
persistence is the only way.
If your goal really is to have an abundant
sex life, you must never, ever, ever give up.
You may give up on a particular woman, but
you don't give up on your ultimate goal of
abundant sex.
This never-give-up attitude is the key
difference between a guy who is successful
and another guy who is at the whim of his
emotions and fails frequently.
The guy who doesn't let the rejection bother
him succeeds, and the other guy fails.
Which one do you want to be?
It is useful to view dating as a numbers
game. Keep in mind that even the most
masterful seducers only pick up 10% of women
they hit on.
What they do is just keep on going and enjoy
the process, like an adventure.
You are learning a new art form, developing a
new muscle, a new way of acting in the world
and rejection will happen along the way.
Be patient, for God's sake. No more whining.
Here are some things to remember:
- It isn't personal. Every man gets rejected
some of the time.
- There are thousands of women who would be
happy for you to do them tonight! You just
don't know who they are and you give up too
fast when you aren't willing to risk
- Getting laid is a numbers game. A certain
percent of women will say "no" and a certain
percent will say "yes."
- Look at successful sports figures. Babe
Ruth had the most home runs, but also had a
huge number of strike-outs! Like Babe, you
must be willing to swing for all you are
worth and strike out sometimes. - If you are
rejected, just go on to the next woman.
That's all there is to it.
Bro WB
17-04-2017, 01:37 PM
Very good thread by bro warbird, support!!
23-04-2017, 02:18 AM
Good morning!
There are some cardinal rules re relationship that most men don't truly understand.
I believe that chasing girls makes a man very unattractive.
Caring too much, trying to buy her affection/love w/ money and gifts or being insecure, needy or jealous is repulsive. The girl will try to run away if she's a certainty.
Remember the story of King Fuchai and Fan Li?
FL was the slave of King Go Jian when GJ himself was a slave of Fuchai. King Fuchai eventually lost Xi Shi to Fan Li!! Behave like Fan Li when interacting w/ the most beautiful girl in the world. And she may fall for u.
Here is a brief Email from a guru:
The biggest lesson I ever learned about attraction…
Like many guys I was really insecure about my looks.
So I spent a lot of money on fancy clothes, expensive personal trainers, and pricey haircuts.
At first I felt great...but my new look didn’t help me whatsoever in the dating department.
I was still a dateless virgin.
And this is because I believed women were attracted to men, the same way men are attracted to women.
Let me explain…
Typically a man sees a woman, determines if he finds her attractive, and then tries to build an emotional connection.
For women it’s the other way around…
When a woman meets a man, she determines if she’s attracted to that man based on the emotions he makes her feel.
When I learned this my entire life changed…
I stopped focusing on things that were out of my control, and started focusing on stirring positive emotions in women whom I just met.
This is just one of the biggest lessons I’ve ever learned when it comes to building attraction.
Take home lesson. Girls are not attracted to men the same way we men are attracted to them.
Here is something to encourage my fellow ah peks.
"Women get sexually turned on just as men do of course, but -- owing to differences in reproductive biology -- by a completely different set of mental processes. Men go for a VISUAL look that suggests youthfulness and thus fertility. But females aren't interested in a man's age so much because males remain virile well into the later part of their lifespan."
Bro WB
23-04-2017, 03:55 AM
"I stopped focusing on things that were out of my control, and started focusing on stirring positive emotions in women whom I just met"
Grand Idea ..... easier said than done ;)
23-04-2017, 04:54 AM
"I stopped focusing on things that were out of my control, and started focusing on stirring positive emotions in women whom I just met"
Grand Idea ..... easier said than done ;)
Yup, nothing in life is easy.
Controlling one's anger or giving up gambling is tougher.
Emotional mastery is THE most difficult thing in the world to achieve. It's also the most desirable masculine character trait.;)
Bro WB
25-04-2017, 02:47 PM
Sappork here for TS.
25-04-2017, 09:05 PM
Excellent thread, support!
25-04-2017, 09:30 PM
Fantastic thread, sapport too.
28-04-2017, 05:00 PM
Very good thread, support here
28-04-2017, 06:53 PM
Triggering Automatic Female Lust
But can female lust be triggered by the deliberate actions of a man?
What they look for, instead, are signs of male POWER.
by Brother Warbird
Just last week close friends( Mr.F) of mine promise to bring me to
a happening joints along Foch Road. He like VSYT=Vietnamese
Sweet Young Thing. Able to speak and sing in Vietnamise he also
educate the girls there.
Again I was late by the time I arrived he was with one of his friend
and his friend was already hugging and rubbing. Besides him two VSYT
was smiling and chatting having fun.
Friend you lucky today says Mr.F, I reserve a happening VSYT for you.
He went out brought a girl to me. Yes! she was good looking 36D
sexy and wore very seductively. Sitting besides me she starts to
rub me with her charm but I didn't bite because not my cup of tea.
Politely I declined her sitting, disappointed she walk out of the
room. After the girl left he told me that the girl is one of hot
potatoes in the club why I didn't sit her. I smile and tell him that I
have animal conditions for girls who sat with me.
Next thing he does was to call in manageress to introduce one that
suit me. The manageress was surprise that I did not take the girl Mr F
recommended. She say that there is one kept wild horse that always
disappoint customer,if I want she can arrange and warn me that this girl
don't goes around knocking doors but warn me to be mentally prepare for
no show,if she don't like you she will walk away without apology.
Immediatel, I say yes! this is kind of Hot Potatoes I want to try.
Few minutes later she came in glance at me, I stare fixly into
her eyes and she sat down with me. 21yrs VSYT I hug her and begin to
smell her bare back body. Indeed is a wild thing her skin texture
and smell will make any man want to have sexual relation with her.
Playing with her Tattoo full of Roses and begin my
journey slowly down each time paying attention to her body language.
To cut the story short after when we finish our sessions. The manageress and my friend Mr. F have a side talk with me, ask me what is my secret
that I can manage to her sit the whole night. First I didn't smile at her.
Secondly, I did not submit to her when she stare at me. Thirdly, before I
come I bath with Italian body wash (Roberto Cavalli) which different from others. Men wear fancy clothes to attract girls. For me I am very simple but I wear invisible add on to let girls bite. Most girls who moonlighting are familiar with normal bath smell but not Italian that make me unique. She is wild and she bite wild things.
Challenge of this kind is very rare not all the time I am successful. But most of the time I make decision to throw the hook or not to hook:cool:.
28-04-2017, 07:07 PM
Just sharing my opinions... no offense to others...
You don't have to even pick up ktv girls outside.... if you have solid grounds be it dollar or looks or whatever promise, u can score anywhere....
Picking outside is about playing emotion and understand the girls style n behavior. Just like why you buy a merc, why you buy LV for the chicks, why you hang flowers etc....
So know what you want to play with and then expand from there...
28-04-2017, 07:15 PM
Nice share TS
30-04-2017, 11:05 AM
Sappork here for TS.
Excellent thread, support!
Fantastic thread, sapport too.
Very good thread, support here
Bros, thank you for the posts!
Triggering Automatic Female Lust
But can female lust be triggered by the deliberate actions of a man?
What they look for, instead, are signs of male POWER.
by Brother Warbird
Just last week close friends( Mr.F) of mine promise to bring me to
a happening joints along Foch Road. He like VSYT=Vietnamese
Sweet Young Thing...
Again I was late by the time I arrived...
Friend you lucky today says Mr.F, I reserve a happening VSYT for you.
He went out brought a girl to me. Yes! she was good looking 36D
sexy and wore very seductively. Sitting besides me she starts to
rub me with her charm but I didn't bite because not my cup of tea.
Politely I declined her sitting, disappointed she walk out of the
Next thing he does was to call in manageress to introduce one that
suit me. The manageress was surprise that I did not take the girl Mr F
recommended. She say that there is one kept wild horse that always
disappoint customer,if I want she can arrange and warn me that this girl
don't goes around knocking doors but warn me to be mentally prepare for
no show,if she don't like you she will walk away without apology.
Immediatel, I say yes! this is kind of Hot Potatoes I want to try.
Few minutes later she came in glance at me, I stare fixly into
her eyes and she sat down with me. 21yrs VSYT I hug her and begin to
smell her bare back body. Indeed is a wild thing her skin texture
and smell will make any man want to have sexual relation with her.
Playing with her Tattoo full of Roses and begin my
journey slowly down each time paying attention to her body language.
To cut the story short after when we finish our sessions. The manageress and my friend Mr. F have a side talk with me, ask me what is my secret
that I can manage to her sit the whole night. First I didn't smile at her.
Secondly, I did not submit to her when she stare at me. Thirdly, before I
come I bath with Italian body wash (Roberto Cavalli) which different from others. Men wear fancy clothes to attract girls. For me I am very simple but I wear invisible add on to let girls bite. Most girls who moonlighting are familiar with normal bath smell but not Italian that make me unique. She is wild and she bite wild things.
Challenge of this kind is very rare not all the time I am successful. But most of the time I make decision to throw the hook or not to hook:cool:.
Well done! I greatly appreciate your detailed FR. And a big thank you for revealing some of your secrets. Keep them coming...
Pls allow me to make some observations.
Firstly, it's very true that one man's meat is another man's poison. Secondly, even WLs want to be challenged. Thirdly, a person's scent may be sexually attractive or repulsive to the opposite sex. And, last but not least, you hv the meta frame and behaviour of a PRIZE!!
Thanks again!
Bro WB
Just sharing my opinions... no offense to others...
You don't have to even pick up ktv girls outside.... if you have solid grounds be it dollar or looks or whatever promise, u can score anywhere....
Picking outside is about playing emotion and understand the girls style n behavior. Just like why you buy a merc, why you buy LV for the chicks, why you hang flowers etc....
So know what you want to play with and then expand from there...
You're right. We should never handcuff ourselves to WLs/FLs or girls of certain type and ethnicity...what is wrong about picking up non WLs in Gotham City, SG, China, TW and Hong Kong?
I hv done that. Pls read my post #5127: "...In the last 8 years, I hv greatly expanded the scope of this thread to include connecting w/ any female whom you may meet anywhere. Whether your intent is short term or long term sexual RS..."
Bro WB
Nice share TS
Bro, tks for ur post.
Good morning!
Every SYT or young woman of my type, both WL and non WL, anywhere in the world is fair game to me. Of course, I'll take into account personal safety. For example, it would be foolhardy to pick up the beautiful mistress of a Mexican drug lord or Yakuza boss haha.
I'll never, ever knowingly touch a married woman, a blood relative or GF/mistress/lover of a bro I know personally.
Sometimes this is complicated when a 'GF' is not a GF. You see, a man should never call a gal his GF/mistress or lover when he has not had penetrative vaginal sex w/ her. Fair enough?
Yup, some men imagine a girl they fancy as their 'girlfriends.' They may hv wasted a lot of time and hv spent lots of money on them and still couldn't get close enough to smell their pussies. Some hv not even french kissed their 'GF.' They are deluded. Some of these men are very experienced, or so I thought. These gals are just stringing them along to extract more's very painful to watch. The best chance they hv is to let go of the 'GF.'
The following article mentions this problem.
"Hitting on your friend’s lady is just bad form. Your boy is trusting you when he introduces his girlfriend to his friends. Be nice, be playful, include her in the group, but don’t flirt with her or get overtly sexual. Be a good friend.
However, this rule doesn't necessarily apply to girls that your bro has "dibs" on, whom he hasn’t actually taken to bed. I know some guys like to "reserve" girls for their own flirting pleasure, when some other guys are more suited or able to bed them. It's really up to the kind of relationship you have with your friends.
Sometimes my friends and I set a time limit on how long one of us has to talk to a girl and get her interested before the others are allowed to move in. Other times, if a guy really, really likes a prospective girl, we just let it be."
If a bro I know would like to keep a gal LT or marry her, I won't touch her even if he has not made love to her. I would be happy to share w/ him what little I know about getting pussies n relationship n sex. And get her to fall for him. Yup, emotionally and sexually addicted to him.
But most men are too proud to accept my unconditional help. That includes my sons. Sad.
Your comments?
Bro WB
30-04-2017, 11:13 AM
Great thread bro WB, please continue sharing :)
30-04-2017, 11:15 AM
This is a very good thread bro. Please keep sharing.
05-05-2017, 04:05 PM
Triggering Automatic Female Lust
But can female lust be triggered by the deliberate actions of a man?
What they look for, instead, are signs of male POWER.
by Brother Warbird
Just last week close friends( Mr.F) of mine promise to bring me to
a happening joints along Foch Road. He like VSYT=Vietnamese
Sweet Young Thing. Able to speak and sing in Vietnamise he also
educate the girls there.
Again I was late by the time I arrived he was with one of his friend
and his friend was already hugging and rubbing. Besides him two VSYT
was smiling and chatting having fun.
Friend you lucky today says Mr.F, I reserve a happening VSYT for you.
He went out brought a girl to me. Yes! she was good looking 36D
sexy and wore very seductively. Sitting besides me she starts to
rub me with her charm but I didn't bite because not my cup of tea.
Politely I declined her sitting, disappointed she walk out of the
room. After the girl left he told me that the girl is one of hot
potatoes in the club why I didn't sit her. I smile and tell him that I
have animal conditions for girls who sat with me.
Next thing he does was to call in manageress to introduce one that
suit me. The manageress was surprise that I did not take the girl Mr F
recommended. She say that there is one kept wild horse that always
disappoint customer,if I want she can arrange and warn me that this girl
don't goes around knocking doors but warn me to be mentally prepare for
no show,if she don't like you she will walk away without apology.
Immediatel, I say yes! this is kind of Hot Potatoes I want to try.
Few minutes later she came in glance at me, I stare fixly into
her eyes and she sat down with me. 21yrs VSYT I hug her and begin to
smell her bare back body. Indeed is a wild thing her skin texture
and smell will make any man want to have sexual relation with her.
Playing with her Tattoo full of Roses and begin my
journey slowly down each time paying attention to her body language.
To cut the story short after when we finish our sessions. The manageress and my friend Mr. F have a side talk with me, ask me what is my secret
that I can manage to her sit the whole night. First I didn't smile at her.
Secondly, I did not submit to her when she stare at me. Thirdly, before I
come I bath with Italian body wash (Roberto Cavalli) which different from others. Men wear fancy clothes to attract girls. For me I am very simple but I wear invisible add on to let girls bite. Most girls who moonlighting are familiar with normal bath smell but not Italian that make me unique. She is wild and she bite wild things.
Challenge of this kind is very rare not all the time I am successful. But most of the time I make decision to throw the hook or not to hook:cool:.
Nice sharing.
07-05-2017, 02:54 PM
Great thread bro WB, please continue sharing :)
This is a very good thread bro. Please keep sharing.
Nice sharing.
Tks for your posts.
I wish more bros will share their theories, insights and experiences w/ all of us. If you hv a question re relationship, sex or break up, post it here too.
Here is a brief newsletter I just received from a badass gentleman:
These Secrets Will Help You Keep Your Girl Addicted to You!
Before I show you how to keep your girl addicted to you I want to tell you what qualifies me to give advice about women.
On May 11th 2007 I was near a big industrial alcohol container while it exploded. Half of my body was severely injured, and I thought I was going to die.
This near encounter with death made me change my perspective of life, and the way in which I related with people, especially with women.
My new view of the world had a huge impact on how women perceived me. Suddenly, they were chasing me and not the other way around, as it used to be.
Physically I am almost the same man I was before my accident. Yes, I’ve lost some weight, but other than that, the only difference in my appearance is now half of my body is filled with scars. Fortunately, this doesn’t seem to be a problem to females. This made me realize that looks are not as important to women as they are to guys.
So, now that you know me, I want to share some of the things I’ve learned that will help you make your girl addicted to you.
#1. – Don’t behave like a child
As a general rule, females like boys but love men. Women feel an addictive attraction to mature men, while the boys live trapped in the friend-zone. As long as you behave like a confident, powerful and adventurous man, women will be helplessly attracted to you.
Show them that you live on your own terms. You know what you want and you are going to take action to achieve your dreams. Men are creatures of action, while boys are passive individuals. Females want a guy who takes care of them, not a child they need to take care of.
#2. – Give them space
To make a girl addicted to you, make her enjoy the time she spends with you as much as possible, and in the climax leave. Give them time, and space, so she can miss you. Let her come to you, this will force her to work for your attention, and as a result she will want you more.
Only confident males are able to give space to their women, especially when they are drop-death gorgeous. Giving space to females will show them you have rock-solid confidence, and this will raise your social value.
#3. – Pay attention to her needs
Know her needs and you will make her addicted to you. The secret here is that you need to use your powers of observation. In other words, listen to her actions, not to her words. Watch her physical reactions. What makes her aroused? What makes her nervous? What makes her sad, happy, etc.?
Knowing how to affect her feelings in an effective way will give you the upper hand. Become a keen observer and you will become her drug of choice.
My accident made me realize that females are attracted to guys who live with passion and in their own terms. I will die some day, that’s a fact. So, I live every day as if it’s the last day of my life. Internalize this attitude and you will become the fearless man girls get addicted to.
Have a great day!
Bro WB
07-05-2017, 06:55 PM
nice advice bro
08-05-2017, 12:15 AM
Very good thread, support!
11-05-2017, 03:27 PM
#3. – Pay attention to her needs[/SIZE]
Know her needs and you will make her addicted to you. The secret here is that you need to use your powers of observation. In other words, listen to her actions, not to her words. Watch her physical reactions. What makes her aroused? What makes her nervous? What makes her sad, happy, etc.?
Knowing how to affect her feelings in an effective way will give you the upper hand. Become a keen observer and you will become her drug of choice.
My accident made me realize that females are attracted to guys who live with passion and in their own terms. I will die some day, that’s a fact. So, I live every day as if it’s the last day of my life. Internalize this attitude and you will become the fearless man girls get addicted to.
Have a great day!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Great advice!!!
Fulfill her needs very true...
Man should be fearless....why fear when we die only once.....
Hope to read more from you....
Have a great day!!!
11-05-2017, 03:40 PM
Bro WB
I was big fan of yours and had tried to read up your thread.
Hope you can post more to share with us.
Please accept my sincere thanks.
Bro WB
Nice thread you have here.
Am your No. 1 fan now.
Please share more tips with us.
Have a nice day.
11-05-2017, 09:27 PM
Excellent thread, support support!
13-05-2017, 08:21 AM
I hv posted the following msg by a guru before:
"Women are masters at observing your body language, tonality of voice, facial expression and way of conveying your message...This is also called sub-communication.
This is the reason why it’s often said that a woman can detect what the man is all about within the very first few minutes of the conversation...They are very effective at picking up your body language cues.
And here is the kicker-
“A woman’s level of attraction towards you is directly proportional to the value you are sub-communicating.”
The level of value you are sub-communicating is directly proportional to how comfortable you are in your own skin.
This is why developing mastery with body language and sub- communication is extremely vital for success with women.
If you want to make a woman feel strong attraction towards you then you must learn to inculcate all the physical signals which women are hard wired to respond to naturally.
The female mind is biologically programmed to seek guys who demonstrate higher value than them.
Once you learn how to project the right signals, you will be able to spark attraction without even having to say anything."
So you got rejected by ALL the gals? Great! You will need a lot of practice. Practice your posture n body language in front of a mirror. Go out and approach 20-50 gals everyday. You can start w/ gals who are not attractive to you. As you get better n better, approach only gals who are attractive to you. Do it everyday for 60 days. Pls share your experiences here. BTW, approach the gals only when it's physically safe to do so and be polite. Don't try to pick up the young mistress of a Yakuza boss or a Mexican drug lord. Don't forget to practice your voice...
BTW, I still need more practice and a lot more improvement in my emotional mastery. That is terrific news because I hv a lot of room for improvement. Recent criticisms from my 19 yo LP make me realize my shortcomings. I admire her blunt candor and sharp discernment. I'll describe what happened in another post. Our intimacy and pair bonding hv been greatly strengthened as a result. She also said something abt the great leader Donald J. Trump. I also agreed w/ her 100%.
One more thing to remember, ur response after her rejection will be decisive. If you remain as cool as cucumber, totally detached n non reactive, you hv kept your POWER. You hv demonstrated to her that you're the MAN, different from all the 'little boys' she has met before.
Read Mode One by Alan Roger Currie first to get you started. I hv many other books to recommend.
I love rejections!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
I love above keenly and agreed that women are masters of body language.
Hope you can share more with us here.
Have a nice weekend too.
13-05-2017, 09:49 AM
Camping for more goodies :D
14-05-2017, 08:11 PM
nice advice bro
Very good thread, support!
Bro WB
Great advice!!!
Fulfill her needs very true...
Man should be fearless....why fear when we die only once.....
Hope to read more from you....
Have a great day!!!
Bro WB
I was big fan of yours and had tried to read up your thread.
Hope you can post more to share with us.
Please accept my sincere thanks.
Excellent thread, support support!
Bro WB
I love above keenly and agreed that women are masters of body language.
Hope you can share more with us here.
Have a nice weekend too.
Camping for more goodies :D
Thank you so much for your posts.
It's crystal clear that girls/women are only attracted to a man who is perceived to hv more value n more power than them. If he ever becomes needy, jealous and clingy, he loses his value and power. He becomes repulsive...
Here is a brief article on NEEDINESS.
The real definition of neediness
To understand neediness in a romantic context, you must first understand self-confidence. Wikipedia defines it as:
Self-assuredness in one’s personal judgment, ability, and power.
Self-confidence means you trust in yourself and your own worth. You value your own opinion over what others think of you. You internally approve of who you are and what you do.
Therefore, someone who is not self-confident requires other sources to validate themselves. So…
Neediness means you don’t trust in yourself and your own worth. You value the opinions of others over your own. You seek external approval of who you are and what you do.
Simply put, being needy is caring more about how people perceive you rather than how you perceive yourself. Because of it, your behaviors and actions will revolve around pleasing others rather than satisfying yourself.
By this definition, it’s not about the actions you take but why you take them. The intention behind your actions is what makes you needy. Therefore, any action can be needy or self-confident depending on the mindset of where it comes from.
Why is being needy so unattractive?
Now that you know what neediness is, why is it such a turn off?
Think about it like this…
You and a woman just met. You barely know each other. She hasn’t had a chance to invest in you with her time and emotions.
You should want to get to know her, see if she’s willing to invest, and find out if she’s compatible with you. You shouldn’t need to win her over or need her approval.
Why would you? And what does that say about you?
It says that you’re desperate for attention from someone, anyone. It shows you’re obsessed with the idea of her rather than the actual person inside. Therefore, you must not have standards for yourself or many options in your life. You’re then seen as less desirable.
You’re also being dishonest. You’re always micromanaging or hiding your true opinions, wants, and desires for everyone else. You’re demonstrating that you don’t trust, value, or respect yourself. Would you trust a person like that?
Women are attracted to men who have the courage to lead and remain authentic.
Is external validation always wrong?
Gaining some validation from external sources isn’t all bad. Everyone wants to be liked or found attractive – that’s a normal human quality. If you never care about anyone else’s opinions, you may be a sociopath.
How often you seek external validation will change depending on who you’re dealing with.
It’s natural to seek some approval from people you have long-established connections with such as parents, close friends, or your significant other.
It’s not natural to seek constant approval from women you just met, have gone on a couple dates with, or haven’t even been intimate with. This includes your female friends you secretly desire.
And you especially shouldn’t seek approval from women who don’t invest in you.
I get weekly e-mails that say, “I really like this girl. But she barely responds to my texts, she’s cancelled on dates, and never commits to hanging out. How do I get her to like me without being needy?”
Every single time I want to reach through the screen and slap some sense into them. You are being the most needy motherfucker possible at that point.
This is how I’m going to start replying to those e-mails.
Again, what does that say about you when you chase someone who ignores you or doesn’t value your time?
99% of the time you’re not going to convince a girl who’s uninterested to suddenly be interested. Nor should you want to.
She’s not going to say, “I haven’t given this guy the time of day and it’s so attractive that he still keeps crawling back.”
The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.
Yeah, just walk away. Behave as if 100 beautiful girls/women of your type are calling you everyday...:D
Bro WB
14-05-2017, 08:13 PM
Excellent thread!! More please :)
14-05-2017, 09:53 PM
Excellent thread!! More please :)
Tks for ur post.
Good evening to all bros,
I hv an outing to Central KTV for HH this Tuesday. Same owner as the now defunct TAM joints.
Expenses will be shared equally. Estimated expense per pax is around $60-75. One bottle of Martel $328 for a big medium room. Tips for mummy and waiters around $70-80.
Booking a girl is $200. I hv never been there. I'm going because this new mummy has promised to get the prettiest girls/women for us.
If you're interested, confirm asap by PM. leave your contact number.
Bro WB
15-05-2017, 05:41 PM
Bump for warbird.
Also may as well do a small bit of sharing here.
Very recently I had the experience of "Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs". All thanks to a very experienced and helpful individual.
Was at a KTV joint with the afore mentioned individual, just walking around the place, not sitting down for KTV. Saw a dozen of girls standing around a hall but we were about to leave already.
The bro seeing that I was green and inexperienced, motivated and encouraged me to go ahead and talk to one of them and made it like a mission for me to get one of their contacts( just for practice and experience, just choose the prettiest one or anyone he said, doesnt have to be my type).
And somehow it got me going.
Honestly, i am scared like shit, of the usual stuff probably :fear of rejection, intimidation(because theres quite a few of them together), there were other staff around etc.
Walked around, took abit of time, observed abit, thinking whom should i approach. The fear made me hesitant to act and so I took 10 mins or so probably. But that bro had somehow triggered me in a sense.
I wanna get this mission done.
Thankfully, one girl just walked in and before taking a sit on a counter, she noticed me and I kept my gaze on her too. It couldnt have been more than 3 seconds before she sat down but I took the wager that she had looked at me slightly longer than what it averagely takes to just see another person before going back to your own business, perhaps an indication of slight interest.
So, also not to disappoint the bro that encouraged me. I gathered my courage and approached her. Remembering some of the ideas the bro talked about, I did not display any sign of fear ( actually it might be one of the things im good at haha, once it goes live ”豁出去了“), I also tried to sound confident.
All in all , the only things i said were the words to ask her for contact. She replied something like, have I seen her around before to which i only smirked. She smile back quite genuinely.
Boom. Contact gotten, mission accomplished. Got out of joint. ( she messaged very soon after).
Afterwards I felt like i was on fire! I had broke some barriers.
This is probably a small thing for many old timers but it was significant to me. And that individual who motivated me was none other than warbird. Many thanks!
15-05-2017, 05:53 PM
Wow alot of great advice here. Thanks guys!
16-05-2017, 10:46 AM
Is external validation always wrong?
Gaining some validation from external sources isn’t all bad. Everyone wants to be liked or found attractive – that’s a normal human quality. If you never care about anyone else’s opinions, you may be a sociopath.
How often you seek external validation will change depending on who you’re dealing with.
It’s natural to seek some approval from people you have long-established connections with such as parents, close friends, or your significant other.
It’s not natural to seek constant approval from women you just met, have gone on a couple dates with, or haven’t even been intimate with. This includes your female friends you secretly desire.
And you especially shouldn’t seek approval from women who don’t invest in you.
I get weekly e-mails that say, “I really like this girl. But she barely responds to my texts, she’s cancelled on dates, and never commits to hanging out. How do I get her to like me without being needy?”
Every single time I want to reach through the screen and slap some sense into them. You are being the most needy motherfucker possible at that point.
This is how I’m going to start replying to those e-mails.
Again, what does that say about you when you chase someone who ignores you or doesn’t value your time?
99% of the time you’re not going to convince a girl who’s uninterested to suddenly be interested. Nor should you want to.
She’s not going to say, “I haven’t given this guy the time of day and it’s so attractive that he still keeps crawling back.”
The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.
Yeah, just walk away. Behave as if 100 beautiful girls/women of your type are calling you everyday...:D
Bro WB
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you above especially The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.
This is a good thread which I love very much.
Please help to post more to share with us.
Have a nice week ahead.
16-05-2017, 11:11 AM
Bro WB
Never behave like a child and always true for guys, Always be a gentleman.
Please coach us more so that we knew what to do when approach gals.
Hope you can share more with us.
Have a nice day.
#1. – Don’t behave like a child
As a general rule, females like boys but love men. Women feel an addictive attraction to mature men, while the boys live trapped in the friend-zone. As long as you behave like a confident, powerful and adventurous man, women will be helplessly attracted to you.
Show them that you live on your own terms. You know what you want and you are going to take action to achieve your dreams. Men are creatures of action, while boys are passive individuals. Females want a guy who takes care of them, not a child they need to take care of.
Have a great day!
Bro WB
Got fish liao no more chiong ktv liao
16-05-2017, 12:58 PM
Very good thread, support
16-05-2017, 01:24 PM
Bro WB
Have learnt a lot from this thread.
Please share more of your experiences.
Have a nice day.
17-05-2017, 01:50 PM
Excellent thread!! More please :)
Tks bro.
Bump for warbird.
Also may as well do a small bit of sharing here.
Very recently I had the experience of "Picking up KTV gals outside KTVs". All thanks to a very experienced and helpful individual.
Was at a KTV joint with the afore mentioned individual, just walking around the place, not sitting down for KTV. Saw a dozen of girls standing around a hall but we were about to leave already.
The bro seeing that I was green and inexperienced, motivated and encouraged me to go ahead and talk to one of them.....................
And somehow it got me going.
Honestly, i am scared like shit, of the usual stuff probably :fear of rejection, intimidation(because theres quite a few of them together), there were other staff around etc..............................................
All in all , the only things i said were the words to ask her for contact. She replied something like, have I seen her around before to which i only smirked. She smile back quite genuinely.
Boom. Contact gotten, mission accomplished. Got out of joint. ( she messaged very soon after).
Afterwards I felt like i was on fire! I had broke some barriers.
This is probably a small thing for many old timers but it was significant to me. And that individual who motivated me was none other than warbird. Many thanks!
Tks so much for the detailed FR.
Congrats! You are improving by leaps and bounds.
Bro WB
Wow alot of great advice here. Thanks guys!
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you above especially The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.
This is a good thread which I love very much.
Bro WB
Never behave like a child and always true for guys, Always be a gentleman.
Please coach us more so that we knew what to do when approach gals.
Hope you can share more with us.
Have a nice day.
Got fish liao no more chiong ktv liao
Very good thread, support
Bro WB
Have learnt a lot from this thread.
Please share more of your experiences.
Have a nice day.
Tks to all bros. Pls share detailed FR like bro folento.
.................................................. .....
Good morning!
All humans hv some degree of insecurity, fear n neediness. Some hv severe social shyness when interacting with attractive girls/women. How do we overcome it?
Here is a brief article on Dr Albert Ellis n how he overcame his fear n extreme shyness w/ women.
A Bronx Tale
by Kristen Tobias, M.A.
I’d like to re-tell a biographical story about Dr. Ellis. It starts in the Bronx Botanical Gardens…
During his early adolescence, Dr. Ellis spent much time reading books in this beautiful outdoor space. Sitting alone on park benches, he would notice females from afar and agonize about approaching them. To his great dismay, he never approached any of them! Turns out, Dr. Ellis experienced crippling social anxiety in the romantic realm. He feared rejection by females that he was interested in pursuing and had insight into the limitations this fear imposed on him. So…what’s a guy who fears rejection to do?
From a young age, Dr. Ellis read a great deal of philosophy and psychology. The ideas of rational self-talk and exposure to feared circumstances resonated with him. During the month of August before his senior year of college, Dr. Ellis set out to overcome his social anxiety. The task — visits to the Botanical Gardens where he would set out to approach females! Young, old, tall, short, all of them! No matter how anxious he was feeling, he would make himself talk to females in the garden.
This farcical task set him up to be looked at like he head 100 heads! The garden is a respite from city life and not the ideal pick-up scene. In other words, this is not typically the place where individuals come to when they want to socialize with romantic partners. But, that was the whole point! Face your fears head-on and deal with the consequences. And hopefully…get a date!
Dr. Ellis approached 130 women that summer! About 30 of them walked away at contact! He spoke in varied lengths to the remaining 100 about a number of diverse topics. Of the ones he spoke to, only one agreed to go out with him and she never showed up to their date! However, Dr. Ellis was freed from his crippling social anxiety. He experienced his feared consequence firsthand, which enabled him to realize that it wasn’t really awful. In fact, this experiment resulted in some very enjoyable conversations!
This story represents a technique that is now termed exposure therapy. It entailed the active confrontation of a feared consequence. His anxiety started very high (i.e., included palpitations, sweating, etc.) and he continued the exercise over that summer month until he was able to talk to a female without any anxiety. Is your life restricted by fear? What situation can you work on confronting to better your life? Create your own experiment to get rid of anxiety!
In Dr Ellis' own words:
Throughout my childhood and teens I had a real social phobia. I said nothing, literally nothing, about my feelings for the pretty young girls that I kept falling madly – in fact, obsessively-compulsively – in love with. As for approaching any of the young women I immoderately lusted after from the age of twelve onward, forget it! I heard and saw nothing but ‘evil and ‘horrible’ rejection – so I kept my big trap shut.
In spite of my deranged passion for everything in skirts, up to the age of twenty my dating amounted to zero. Yes, nothing, nil, none, zero. I knew I was scared witless and from reading and my observations of my more popular male friends, I even knew what to do about it—take risks. I didn’t. I decided to—and didn’t. I almost began to—and froze. Naturally, I beat myself for all this evasion. I knew what I wanted—and I knew that I was copping out.
During the summer of 1933, when I was on vacation from college about to go back for my final year, I gave myself a historic homework assignment that greatly changed my own life—and in some ways changed the history of psychotherapy.
My assignment to myself was simple. I would go to the Bronx Botanical Gardens every day when it wasn’t raining in the month of July; would look for women sitting alone on park benches; and, instead of sitting a bench away, as I always anxiously did, would sit on the same bench with them. Not in their lap—but on the same goddamned bench. I would then give myself one minute—one lousy minute!—to talk to each one of them. No debate, no caviling, no nonsense!! If they bit me, they bit me! One lousy minute!
That was a very wise homework assignment that I gave myself. For I was knowingly risking failure and rejection; and I was doing what was most uncomfortable for me to do. Moreover, I was giving myself no time to procrastinate about trying, no time to ruminate and thereby to build up my worrying.
Well, I forthrightly did it. I went to the park every day in July and found—count ‘em!—130 women sitting alone on the park bench: All manners, shapes and sizes.
Certainly enough to provide me with reasonable excuses—that they were too young, too old, too short, or too tall to talk to. But I allowed myself no excuse whatsoever—none! I sat next to all of them—the entire 130. I found that 30 of them immediately waltzed away. They rejected me before I even got going! But, I said to myself, strongly, ‘That’s okay. That leaves me a sample of an even hundred—good for research purposes! So I continued my research. I spoke to the entire hundred of these women, and within one lousy minute! About the birds, the bees, the flowers, the trees, their knitting, their reading—about anything and everything. Mind you, I had never done this a single time before. But I was determined! On to the fray!
But I found, empirically, that nothing terrible happened. No one took a butcher knife and cut my balls off. No one vomited and ran away. No one called a cop. In fact, I had a hundred pleasant conversations, and began to get quite good at talking to strange women in strange places. So good, in fact, that for my second hundred subjects I became more persuasive."
Albert Ellis
Go out there n approach 200 girls/women in the next 30 days. That would be a good start.
A man should be very comfortable in his own skin when interacting w/ girls/women and must remain nonreactive whatever happens...
Bro WB
18-05-2017, 10:13 AM
Go out there n approach 200 girls/women in the next 30 days. That would be a good start.
A man should be very comfortable in his own skin when interacting w/ girls/women and must remain nonreactive whatever happens...
Bro WB
Bro WB
After reading your posts above which is inspiring for me, I shall go out to approach at leats 100 girls.
Please share more here so that we can learn.
Have a nice weekend coming up.
18-05-2017, 10:22 AM
Bro WB
I started reading your excellent thread 2 weeks ago.
I used to be shy and dare not to speak to girls. My friends were telling me I had to be daring to approach if I want to have gfs.
After reading your thread, I did the incredible and approached half a dozen girls who I am keen. The success was not really good but this gives me more inspiration to approach more girls.
I sincerely hope you can post smore so that more brothers will benefit.
I sincerely hope you have an excellent day.
18-05-2017, 10:25 AM
Support excellent thread.
18-05-2017, 11:01 AM
Is it really odd for a lady to be around during these outings?
18-05-2017, 02:00 PM
Very good thread, support!
18-05-2017, 02:15 PM
Bro WB
After reading your posts above which is inspiring for me, I shall go out to approach at leats 100 girls.
Please share more here so that we can learn.
Have a nice weekend coming up.
Approach 200 girls...
Bro WB
I started reading your excellent thread 2 weeks ago.
I used to be shy and dare not to speak to girls. My friends were telling me I had to be daring to approach if I want to have gfs.
After reading your thread, I did the incredible and approached half a dozen girls who I am keen. The success was not really good but this gives me more inspiration to approach more girls.
I sincerely hope you can post smore so that more brothers will benefit.
I sincerely hope you have an excellent day.
Keep approaching more girls...
Support excellent thread.
Tks bro.
Is it really odd for a lady to be around during these outings?
Tks for the post.
Not at all.
I know of a 25 yo local woman who used to go to HFJ to hang flowers for a female singer, her lover.
Very good thread, support!
Tks bro.
Good afternoon!
Just received this email related to approaching women:
Knock her off that pedestal!
Hey Bro WB,
I just got done straightening out yet another client who was totally blinded by some girls good looks.
I had to remind him, as gently as I could, to put his big boy pants on and stop putting this girl on a fucking pedestal just because God randomly endowed her with amazing genetics.
This is so, so hard for a lot of guys. We are visually stimulated and when girls got it, we lose our common sense and give away our power.
I used to have the exact same frustration.
...And there's only one way around it that I know:
Don't approach one woman and call it a day...
... Approach 10 so you get some practice.
Only with practice will you see improvement.
This is the reality that frustrates a lot of guys. If you want to approach women and have amazing interactions that lead to sex, expect it to take some repetition.
The first 3 don't count; it's just warm up.
(Kind of like when you're warming up to pitch nine innings. Your first several pitches probably suck. Perfectly natural.)
...So don't worry about the warm ups!
And be sure to approach hot girls, average girls, and in between- so you get more practice.
The problem that my client, Aidan, was having was that he was going out, finding the hottest girl, approaching, getting rejected, and giving up for the night.
That's not the way to do it.
You should still approach the hottest girl, but she should be approach #4 of 10, so you get warmed up first.
And here's a more advanced idea:
When you do this enough, you start to get immune to beauty.
You see beautiful girls so much that is just doesn't matter anymore.
It's the same way that you get used to anything after you've been exposed to it repeatedly.
And that's when you have all the power.
Talk soon,
Your Guru
18-05-2017, 02:22 PM
Is it really odd for a lady to be around during these outings?
If you don't mind the happenings, should be ok :p
18-05-2017, 02:41 PM
I certainly don't mind.
I can do my own drinking..
Anyone wanna bring me along? :p
18-05-2017, 07:33 PM
Support excellent thread!!
18-05-2017, 11:24 PM
If you don't mind the happenings, should be ok :p
Nobody here wanna bring me lo
19-05-2017, 10:19 AM
And here's a more advanced idea:
When you do this enough, you start to get immune to beauty.
You see beautiful girls so much that is just doesn't matter anymore.
It's the same way that you get used to anything after you've been exposed to it repeatedly.
And that's when you have all the power.
Talk soon,
Your Guru
Bro WB
I salute you as the pro for tackling girls.
The above system are music to many guys and new if they are shy to ask girls.
Please share more nice posts with us.
Have a good weekend too.
19-05-2017, 10:23 AM
Good afternoon!
Just received this email related to approaching women:
Knock her off that pedestal!
Hey Bro WB,
I just got done straightening out yet another client who was totally blinded by some girls good looks.
I had to remind him, as gently as I could, to put his big boy pants on and stop putting this girl on a fucking pedestal just because God randomly endowed her with amazing genetics.
This is so, so hard for a lot of guys. We are visually stimulated and when girls got it, we lose our common sense and give away our power.
Your Guru
Bro WB
Thank you for sharing the above which I read with keen interest.
Please do post more here so that we get to learn more.
Hope you have a great day.
19-05-2017, 11:09 AM
Bro WB
Very nice thread you have.
Please continue to share your experiences.
Have a nice weekend.
20-05-2017, 08:22 AM
Bro WB
After reading this thread, I shall be daring enough to approach 200 girls.
Definitely plenty of rejections but will get the hang of it.
Please help to post more to share with us.
Have a great weekend.
20-05-2017, 08:27 AM
The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.
Yeah, just walk away. Behave as if 100 beautiful girls/women of your type are calling you everyday...:D
Bro WB
Bro WB
I fully agreed with your statement above. Good to walk away if the girl are not interested in you. Tough to behave as if 100 girls love me.
Hope you can post more here so that more guys will benefit.
Have great day.
20-05-2017, 10:51 AM
Bro WB
After reading your thread, I am daring enough to approach 500 girls.
Confirmed will be rejected but should get used to it.
Hope you will post more to share with us.
Have a nice weekend.
20-05-2017, 11:36 AM
Good morning bro XinJiao,
No, not dulan.
Can't expect to meet a new SYT/woman of my type everyday. By going often, my odds of finding one are increased.
I'm always n forever mode one. When I meet a gal I like to up, I'll whisper to her exactly what is in my mind asap. I'm radically honest, direct n upfront. If I want to up her tmr, I'll say so. If I find her sexy, I'll explain to her why. Must point out some of her flaws too...
If you're always brutally honest w/ a gal, she will find you more trustworthy, more genuine, more attractive, more masculine n less manipulative than a wussy "nice guy" who tries to flatter or suck up to her in order to get into her pants.
I was mode one w/ the two old singers the other day. One said I was very cute n the other said she would go to dinner w/ me FOC, but she would need to return to Lido by 8:30PM. I may not hv time for them.
Always have the abundance mindset n be mode one. Most importantly, you must possess formidable emotional mastery like a zen master.
Be very calm, relaxed, happy n self-assured whether your dream gal has just agreed to be your lover or just flatly rejected you. You feel exactly the same n you're totally detached to the outcome. She rejects u because she is not wise enough n well informed enough 还不开窍 to recognize your value, you must give the hapless gal more time to recognize u as the prize.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I hope to practise Mode 1 whenever possible to try.
Hopefully I can go to a gal and tell her to be my gf.
This will be my ultimate test.
Hope you can share more with us.
Have a good weekend.
20-05-2017, 12:34 PM
Very nice thread, support! :)
21-05-2017, 10:56 AM
What is my definition of a true sex master?
He is someone who is able to get 3 beautiful girls of his type in the same rm n within 30 minutes, he could make all the girls come n come, moaning n screaming w/ orgasms, with his voice n words only. Without touching any of the girls, without any sex toys.
And then he would proceed to give all three of them the most intense PVOs they hv ever experienced before.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I bet by now you are true master with girls.
I read your past posts with full enthusiasm.
Hope to be inspired by all your posts.
Have a great Sunday.
21-05-2017, 10:58 AM
Bro WB - really love your excellent thread.
21-05-2017, 11:58 AM
Bro WB
I have learnt a lot from your previous posts.
Hope to learn more from you.
Have a good Sunday.
21-05-2017, 12:10 PM
Very good thread here, support!
23-05-2017, 08:52 AM
#3. – Pay attention to her needs[/SIZE]
Know her needs and you will make her addicted to you. The secret here is that you need to use your powers of observation. In other words, listen to her actions, not to her words. Watch her physical reactions. What makes her aroused? What makes her nervous? What makes her sad, happy, etc.?
Knowing how to affect her feelings in an effective way will give you the upper hand. Become a keen observer and you will become her drug of choice.
My accident made me realize that females are attracted to guys who live with passion and in their own terms. I will die some day, that’s a fact. So, I live every day as if it’s the last day of my life. Internalize this attitude and you will become the fearless man girls get addicted to.
Have a great day!
Bro WB
Bro warbird...always true that guy provide girl with her needs so that she can free herself from all mundanes needs. Most important is her livelihood and money.
Besides sexual needs also very important. If women satisfied sexually then will not seek relief outside.
Hope bro can share more or comment.
All the best bro.
23-05-2017, 09:11 AM
Bro WB
I fully agreed with your statement above. Good to walk away if the girl are not interested in you. Tough to behave as if 100 girls love me.
Hope you can post more here so that more guys will benefit.
Have great day.
Bro ts must be busy with his conquest.
Waiting patiently for more updates.
Have a great day.
23-05-2017, 09:58 AM
Thanks to all bros for sharing their experiences.
23-05-2017, 01:46 PM
Bro Warbird
Very nice thread here and I support.
Hope to jio more ladies soon.
cheers cheers to you.
23-05-2017, 01:56 PM
Very informative thread, thanx bro WB!!
24-05-2017, 11:26 AM
It's not where you start, it's where you finish that counts.
Study hard, work hard n invest wisely. Reprogram ur S mind to achieve awesome emotional mastery.
How do I want to finish?
At 90, I want to pass on, after giving my very pretty 19 yo SYT mistress CVOs that she has never experienced n will never ever experienced for the rest of her life.
That is a very badass (gentleman) statement haha. I stand by the statement.
I was in a very prestigious n lucrative profession in Gotham City. I used to work 90-100 hour weeks. Cut throat competition against privileged Ang Mohs who were very average to me. They were average because they were lazy n really not that smart. What they took 30 minutes or more to do I would take 10 minutes or less. The faster the better! Unlike sex, where the man should last at least 15 minutes.
Bro WB
Bro WB, first of all let me congratulate you for the very successful thread here. I am sure you have a big group of supporters for this wonderful thread.
I want to finish like you do but not greedy to live to 90. I just hope @ 75 yrs old enough.
Money is definitely important key to this activity you are doing.
Hope you enjoyed yourself and wish you best health.
Please share more so that more guys benefit.
Have a great day.
24-05-2017, 11:33 AM
This is a forum for sharing and exchange of info n knowledge. I would appreciate even more if bros here can give FRs of their own exploits.
I hv learned a lot from all the bros here. And I need to continue to learn everyday just to stay where I'm.
Thank you and hv a great night!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Let me share my exploits
I hardly go chiong so I go kopitiam to beo the girls. Very difficult to strike up good conversation with the girls there.
I learned mode 1 from you and so I just asked lah say want to friend her.
Then text a few times say want to see her in sexy. Success very low but can have more success if they are foreigners who are lonely here.
Hope you can share more with us.
Have a good week ahead.
24-05-2017, 11:42 AM
Bro warbird...always true that guy provide girl with her needs so that she can free herself from all mundanes needs. Most important is her livelihood and money.
Besides sexual needs also very important. If women satisfied sexually then will not seek relief outside.
Hope bro can share more or comment.
All the best bro.
Bro -I have many gfs in thailand and all I can satisfied them
Very easi to find gf in my country.
Welcome all to LOS especially bro TS.
24-05-2017, 11:21 PM
Bro -I have many gfs in thailand and all I can satisfied them
Very easi to find gf in my country.
Welcome all to LOS especially bro TS.
bro you are Thai??
25-05-2017, 12:43 AM
Very interesting thread, support!! :)
25-05-2017, 10:05 AM
A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.
It will be very difficult for her to leave such a MAN, period. Become such a MAN. That is a really prestigious badass gentleman.
I await your answers to my personal questions.
Bro WB
Bro WB - let me give you a round of applause for this thread. A second round of applause for the words highlighted above which I fully concurred.
Let me share a brief here
I ever had a doll which many men will lust on. Her suitors are lining long. When she selected me many thought I was lucky. Not knowing that I pratised what you had preached above. I also believe that I never worried about losing her.
Please share more as reading this thread became part of my hobby now. I shall treat this as a bible for my conquest.
Have a great day please.
25-05-2017, 10:12 AM
Take home lesson: If you love or like a doll very much, let her go. If she comes back to you, she may be yours forever. if she doesn't, then it was never meant to be.
If you become jealous, needy, clingy and desperate, you will lose her forever
I must remind myself of this everyday.
You're right!!
Bro WB
Bro warbird
Tks for ur post, you make my day!!
The above statement was easily grasped but many guys cannot do as stated. Reason why many guys failed.
Hope you can share as many guidance here.
Have a great weekend coming up soon.
3 cheers to you.
25-05-2017, 10:24 AM
Here is a paragraph from "The Mystery Method."
"People are designed to select in favor of higher survival and replication value. When a woman observes two men, her circuitry will quickly assess the survival value and replication value of each man. She will then emotionally
perceive the result of this calculation. She will naturally be attracted to the man with the highest value. The healthiest man, the most intelligent man, the most socially-connected man, the most financially independent man, the most sexually pre — selected man — these sorts of traits will attract the woman because such a man provides survival and replication value to her, as well as to her offspring."
Become such a MAN who is coveted by all gals/women. Notice that among the highest value is "the healthiest man." Quit smoking, drinking NOW and slim down to ur ideal BMI n be physically very fit. A MAN can easily father a child until his mid 80s.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Very interesting piece you wrote in the past post.
I enjoyed very much all your posts. Please help to post more let us learn more from you.
Please also have a good week.
May you be blessed with great health.
25-05-2017, 05:32 PM
Very interesting thread, support.
25-05-2017, 05:58 PM
Bro WB
Have learnt a lot from your thread here.
Please continue to share your valuable experiences.
Have a nice day.
26-05-2017, 10:31 AM
Never, ever forget: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares less. AND, a feminine girl is only attracted to a man who keeps his power.
A few months ago, I met a 20 yo full time TW student by chance, a total stranger. I moved close to her left side n whispered: 嗨 我爱你!She was stunned, then quickly recovered her composure n cut a long story short, she is my lover now. She is very fair n slim n abt 168. I hv been doing her raw, after medical tests. Oh, I did tell her about my yr 96 lao po.
BTW, I hv a new yr 97 mistress in China who is applying for student visa. She is kawaii, yet tall n sexy. Most orgasmic.
There are many others who want to come to SG for LT relationship w/ me, but I don't hv the time, money n energy to keep more than 3 FT mistresses. I know my limitations.
I'm in Gotham City now, will return to SG very soon. There are so many Chinese, Korean and Japanese SYT-FLs here. Amazing.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Life is funny! The above is hard to understand why care less means get more girls.
At first I had hard time to comprehend the meaning till I went through the r/s with a doll 2 years ago. It works well if you care less and let girl be the one to care more.
I learned the hard way.
Please share more with us and hope to learn more from guru.
Have a great weekend.
26-05-2017, 10:48 AM
==> Rule #6- Establish Physical Contact
The final rule is absolutely important for making
a "connection" with a woman...
If you want to be interesting to woman, you must
CREATE sexual chemistry.
And one of the quickest ways to do this is to
establish physical contact.
Within 5 minutes of initiating a conversation,
you should be touching her a fun, familiar manner.
This can include giving high-fives, handshakes, or
using humorous body language routines.
The key here is to do it in a FUN way. So don't
act like a creepy pervert that likes to grope
Just remember that it's often easier to meet
women during the day. If you keep your eyes open
and know how to take advantage of hidden
opportunities, then you'll discover that it's
easy to pick up women.
The secret ingredient to this process is to be
someone who can naturally attract women.
This is a special kind of mindset when you *know*
you're badass guy who can magnetically attract
ANY woman............................................. .........................
Talk Soon,
Guru XXX
Guru WB
Of all the rules you atated this rule #6 was the one which I practised alot.
Within 5 minutes of any conversation with the girl which I am interested I shall try to hold her hand willingly. I will do magic tricks or hand massage and palm reading. Girls always love compliments but I just say the opposites which she hardly ever heard of. Girl will get obnoxious and willing to find out more. So I always keep her in suspense.
Please share more with us here.
Do have a great Friday and wished you every success in your endeavour.
26-05-2017, 11:08 AM
Support excellent thread!
26-05-2017, 11:29 AM
Good morning to all samsters!
I've been overwhelmed by the number of positive posts recently. I greatly appreciate those bros who quoted my previous statements and 'manifestos,' even though over half of them were written by various gurus. I also need to read those statements daily. You make my day!!
I hv a confession to make. I'm still far from being the MAN I wanted to become. I'm working very hard to becoming such a MAN. I'll do whatever it takes...
Of course I hv achieved a modicum of success in getting girls/women. And success breeds success. My biggest problem now is meeting a very attractive girl of my type. I can't get her unless I know she exists. But once I meet her, my chances of getting her are extremely high, regardless of who she is. In the unlikely even that I don't get her pussy, it's her big loss. She is too dumb to recognize my high value and high status. This may sound too cocky n too arrogant. But it is the only correct mindset and meta frame of every badass gentleman.
When you wake up in the morning, look yourself in the mirror, smile, and repeat the following 10 times:
I know 100 very beautiful girls/women of my type are calling me and wanting to be fucked by me, today and every day for the rest of my life
Yup, that is the mindset. Say it out loud. And laugh! Watch a video of Jeff Bezos, soon to be the richest person in the world. Learn to laugh like Bezos.. It brings luck and great fortune!
Talking about all those girls who WANT to be fucked by you reminds me of the two magic words.
Never ask a girl: May I, can I, could I...
Do I have your permission to kiss you? It's repulsive to girls.
Say, I want to kiss you. I want to make love to you. I want you, but I don't need you...
Bro WB
26-05-2017, 11:37 AM
Very good thread, support :)
27-05-2017, 11:10 AM
I know 100 very beautiful girls/women of my type are calling me and wanting to be fucked by me, today and every day for the rest of my life
Yup, that is the mindset. Say it out loud. And laugh! Watch a video of Jeff Bezos, soon to be the richest person in the world. Learn to laugh like Bezos.. It brings luck and great fortune!
Talking about all those girls who WANT to be fucked by you reminds me of the two magic words.
Never ask a girl: May I, can I, could I...
Do I have your permission to kiss you? It's repulsive to girls.
Say, I want to kiss you. I want to make love to you. I want you, but I don't need you...
Bro WB
Bro WB, really repect you to have 100 girls wanting to sleep with you.
I had enjoyed your thread very much and still reading from beginning. Please continue to post more to share.
Have a great Saturday.
27-05-2017, 11:19 AM
After 2-yr of BY-ing, I'm ready to move to a higher level of game w/ higher quality of gals. I'm now after high school n uni students, chio SYTs of my type, in PRC n elsewhere. Some 电影学院,艺术学院 in PRC hv my type of gals. I hv identified a very chio SYT CE, a student n a part-time model/actress in Shanghai. I want her to come here for a month.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I am hoping to start BYing girls too. Questions are
1. How much do we pay her per month?
2. Do we need to get her an apartment or just room to stay? How much you pay rent per month?
3. How often do you make love to her?
4. What about other commitment or you still allow her to work?
Please answer if you can and ignore if too sensitive questions.
Have a great weekend.
27-05-2017, 12:16 PM
Abt a wk ago, I made the statement that "I don't believe a healthy heterosexual woman can hv lasting love for a man unless he has given her many PVOs." I stand by that.
However, giving a woman many PVOs is the most crucial factor but is insufficient per se for lasting love...two other conditions must be fulfilled.
One, you must hv deep emotional connection w/ her. Second, you must be able to provide financial security for her n her offspring (hopefully yours too).
One caveat. Most women fake their orgasms, especially PVOs. Learn to identify them.
Any comments n criticisms will be appreciated.
Bro WB
Bro WB
PVOs - Penetrative Vaginal Orgasms
I had been searching high and low what is PVOs and finally found in your thread.
I do agree with your caption above saying any heterosexual girl will not only have sex with one guy unless she can keep having PVOs with the same guy.
Many girls fake PVOs just to show they are satisfied.
I had been searching for the right technique to let my gf have PVOs each time but often she cannot have PVO at all. She achieved PVO once only if she had no sex for a week or so. If done too often she cannot achieved any.
I would like to learn more from you regards to PVOs. Is there any good formula or technique?
Have a great weekend bro,
27-05-2017, 12:28 PM
Bro WB
PVOs - Penetrative Vaginal Orgasms
I had been searching high and low what is PVOs and finally found in your thread.
I do agree with your caption above saying any heterosexual girl will not only have sex with one guy unless she can keep having PVOs with the same guy.
Many girls fake PVOs just to show they are satisfied.
I had been searching for the right technique to let my gf have PVOs each time but often she cannot have PVO at all. She achieved PVO once only if she had no sex for a week or so. If done too often she cannot achieved any.
I would like to learn more from you regards to PVOs. Is there any good formula or technique?
Have a great weekend bro,
Good research.
I guess your vagina must be having a good time.
Have a nice weekend sis.
28-05-2017, 08:35 AM
Every man must strive to achieve excellent self mastery...can't remain a boy forever.
One way to terminate the RS is to find fault w/ her. if she has worked when she is not supposed to or if she has been w/ another man.
There was a girl whom I had kept full time for 2 months. When she returned a few months later on a different visa, I told her to go to work n paid her much less. She was not known to do ST n had not done ST.
After a few more months, I wanted to drop her. So I used another HP no n a different name to send text msg to befriend her. Told her I met her some time ago. I then proposed ST, she said no n referred me to mummy L to find a girl for me. Later I suggested BY-ing her, she replied that I couldn't afford her. I said I could but must hv a trial first. She then demanded a new high end Apple computer of abt 3.5K n her rental, just to show my sincerity. I told her OK, but I must make love to her right after that. She said OK. I dropped her the next day haha. I didn't need a PI.
If an ex mistress is crazy enough to scream at u inside a KTV, she will be barred from working there or get arrested by police.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks to your post here I managed to find faults with my gal to drop her. She had been getting on with my nerves recently and demanded rubbish.
Please share more lessons here so more guys benefit.
Have a great Sunday to you.
28-05-2017, 08:45 AM
I hv written many times which male features n personality/character traits r most attractive to women. I'll now mention one trait which is most unattractive, in fact, instantly repulsive...especially at the subconscious level.
What is it?
It's when a man loses his head, gets enraged, perturbed, nervous, fearful, or (worse) maniacal, aggressive, even combative over trivial matters, at the drop of a hat...he has zero emotional control.
How could a man w/ zero self mastery give her any security or protection? How could she feel safe w/ him around? If she is stuck in a LT RS w/ a man like that, she will try to escape asap, or cheat on him. It's a matter of time. It doesn't matter if he is the most handsome, the smartest, n the richest man in the world. It doesn't matter if he is a real life prince n he loves her dearly. It doesn't matter even if he is THE ONLY MAN who has ever given her the most intense PVOs.
This negative male trait is as repulsive as neediness n desperation...hahaha.
Just my personal opinion. Comments?
Bro WB
Bro WB
I used to be what you described above. I always lose out to my so called "friends". They always get the hottest girls.
I had since changed that and avoid doing what you wrote above and had more success with the girls I fancied.
Please post more valuable lessons for us here.
Thank you and have a great weekend.
Bro WB,
Great thread here.
Please continue sharing.
Have a nice weekend.
28-05-2017, 12:53 PM
Bro WB
Learn a lot from this wonderful thread.
Have a great weekend.
29-05-2017, 10:46 AM
Women are unconsciously attracted to power in all its forms, but not all its
forms create the same kind of desire or even the same degree of desire.
A sexy appearance is a SIGN of power in the sense of vitality/good genes.
Wealth is a SIGN of power in the sense of secure resources for her children.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for your insightful post above. Wealth or money is essential for woman to feel secure when with you.
Please post more so that I can learn more.
Have a great week ahead.
29-05-2017, 10:58 AM
Never, ever forget: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares less. AND, a feminine girl is only attracted to a man who keeps his power.
A few months ago, I met a 20 yo full time TW student by chance, a total stranger. I moved close to her left side n whispered: 嗨 我爱你!She was stunned, then quickly recovered her composure n cut a long story short, she is my lover now. She is very fair n slim n abt 168. I hv been doing her raw, after medical tests. Oh, I did tell her about my yr 96 lao po.
BTW, I hv a new yr 97 mistress in China who is applying for student visa. She is kawaii, yet tall n sexy. Most orgasmic.
There are many others who want to come to SG for LT relationship w/ me, but I don't hv the time, money n energy to keep more than 3 FT mistresses. I know my limitations.
Bro WB
Bro WB - wopnderful lesson here.
"How to care less but gain more"
This theory is interesting and fully turn my brains upside down.
I hope to try this and will report the findings.
Please have a good day.
Cheers to you too.
29-05-2017, 11:03 AM
Bro WB
Very good thread here
Have a nice day
29-05-2017, 11:29 AM
Support excellent thread :)
Sign #4: She Swallows Your Cum
The three signs of love that I just shared with you were all romantic and shit, but now it’s time to talk about the real stuff.
One of the biggest signs that she is in love with you is when she swallows your cum.
Are you shocked or enlightened?
I.D.G.A.F as long as you find the woman who you truly love.
And don't worry. My next email is not about cum, but about the biggest social network in the history of mankind.
Stay tuned ;-)
Bro WB -- I fully agreed with your friend Sebastien here.
No girl who dun love you will ever swallow your cum or some many not give you a blow job. Many hooker just go thru the motion and did a lousy job in bj.
Only girl who love you will go the extra mile to do what pleases you.
Please post more so that we all can learn more here.
Have a great day.
30-05-2017, 10:46 AM
I just received the following Email form a RS guru:
How to Take Control (Power) Back From Women
This email might make a lot of feminists, social justice warriors and “nice guys” furious with me.
But it’s the truth, goddammit, and I have to say it… even if it hurts some feelings.
Today I want to talk about your POWER as a man.
Specifically, how to take your power back from women and gain control over your relationships.
So when you meet an amazing girl and you really want to make her yours...
You will always know where you stand with her…
And you’ll be the one in the driver’s seat, who gets to decide exactly how things are going to go.
Any comments?
Bro WB
Bro WB,
My comments -
I learned that we dun care so much about the woman
I learned that we need to maintain control power of the relationship
I learned that we can have many girls willing to be with us men
I learned that we need to read this thread as our guru in dating
Thanks for the valuable lesson and hopr to read more.
Have a great week ahead.
30-05-2017, 06:15 PM
Very good thread by Bro WB
Hopr to read more
Have a nice weekend
God bless
30-05-2017, 07:08 PM
Very nice thread, so many things to learn here.
Thanks bro WB, have a great wekkend
02-06-2017, 03:17 PM
Very good thread here, support! :)
04-06-2017, 11:41 PM
Good evening,
Thank you all for the posts and comments.
I hv not had any new revelations or insights lately. Most of the stuff I hv read is the same old, same old.
Knowing and doing are different. Doing and being are also different. To be great w/ girls/women, we need to go out there and practice and practice. Every encounter is a learning experience.
Don't forget that your body language and voice tone are crucial.
I hv also written many FRs over the last 8 years, some of which are blow-by-blow narration.
I like to encourage bros here to post their FRs and comments or questions.
Good night!
Bro WB
04-06-2017, 11:51 PM
Nice thread here, support bro WB!! :)
05-06-2017, 11:02 AM
This ONE question will change how you choose women
As you get better and better with women, you'll
find that you start to ask yourself more and more
what kind of woman you REALLY want to be with.
The second stage after dating starvation is dating
Have an amazing day!
Bro WB - let me wish you having an amazing day!
I fully agreed with you above. Many times men don't know who to choose and they simply chose those who play hard to get. Is ok if this man had read your thread and practised many times what you taught here.
To me I simply like to pick those low hanging fruit which is eager to go dating with me.
While you going after the tough nut and enjoying yourself with low hanging fruits concurrently.
Hope you can comment on this too.
Have an amazing day, pls!
05-06-2017, 11:19 AM
The Secret of Attracting Very Beautiful Women
Perhaps you've heard of The Perfect 10.
A woman so stunningly beautiful that guys literally throw themselves at her feet. A woman so amazing, so breath-taking, that she can have any man she wants, any time she wants... and she knows it.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
It's a ridiculous belief. An unfounded myth. And it's rather easy to shatter.
But the important thing to remember is that you base your strategy on the situation and, specifically, her ATTITUDE, and not on how attractive you perceive her to be. Just because YOU think she's a Perfect 10 does not necessarily mean that she has an over-inflated ego and needs to be taken down a few notches. (If she's not on a self-imposed pedestal, and you try to knock it out from under her, you just wind up kicking her in the shin -- oh how poetical I am sometimes.)
How ridiculous! A ridiculous situation caused by ridiculous thinking.
(To Be Continued)
Bro WB
I was enjoying the whole post above.
To me, no such thing as girl who is Perfect 10. I have yet to find one. I agreed beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.
A friend once told me -
There is no ugly girl except lazy girl.
Meaning an ugly girl can easily be pretty by just going to take lessons on how to be pretty. Only lazy girl will lose out.
Many times we saw pretty girls always dress well, have a nice hairdo, wear nice accessories, walk with grace, use cosmetics to enhance her look, etc.
Once another friend told us to go visit a pretty girl 9/10. It turned out that the girl was his type of girl and not to the rest of us.
Hope to read more here.
Have a great day.
05-06-2017, 11:29 AM
Knowing and doing are different. Doing and being are also different. To be great w/ girls/women, we need to go out there and practice and practice. Every encounter is a learning experience.
Don't forget that your body language and voice tone are crucial.
I hv also written many FRs over the last 8 years, some of which are blow-by-blow narration.
I like to encourage bros here to post their FRs and comments or questions.
Good night!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for posting here.
I agreed that we need to pratise, practise and still practise.
I also agreed that our body language and tone is important.
Hope you have a great week.
05-06-2017, 11:32 AM
Support Bro WB here.
05-06-2017, 04:58 PM
When will the ladies have one guru to counter the men also? Hahaha.
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