View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
Very good thread, support Bro WB :)
05-06-2017, 06:20 PM
Stumble upon this wonderful thread by bro WB.
Many things to learn here.
Cheers :)
06-06-2017, 11:22 AM
Surf and found this amazing thread by bro WB.
Good to learn here.
06-06-2017, 04:23 PM
[QUOTE=Thor0dinson;16025006]Surf and found this amazing thread by bro WB.
Good to learn here.
Fully agreed. Great thread by bro WB!
07-06-2017, 11:09 AM
Good morning!
One can read all the books, watch all the video, and hv all the practices n sexploits. And be as rich as a king. And has had sexual RS w/ 10,000 girls/women. But if one doesn't TRULY believe he has more social/sexual value than his dream gal or 'Special One,' for whatever reason, he will fail w/ HER. History is replete w/ such sad examples.
Nothing is going to help him. Not fame, power, status, money, great looks n body of Adonis, sexual skills n stamina...
Bro WB
Bro WB
I was reading and not sure what was you trying to tell us. I read a few more times and finally captured the meaning.
I do agree that guy must have the social/sexual skills then yes he considered a loser. NO amount of money will help him.
I was reading back all your past posts and hopefully learned great skills.
Hope to read and learn more from you.
Have an amazing day.!
07-06-2017, 11:28 AM
Bro WB
Let me say many guys are "fuckkncukle". Many guys did the wrong thing by chasing after girls that not interested in them.
Example - I knew a friend Tom and this guy was fat and lack of self-esteem. When he saw a hottie girl he will fall heads over heels for her. Since he is also rich, he will shower her with all the gifts and pamper her without getting anything except a peck in the cheek or a hug.
This is typical man who just wasting their time on the wrong target without picking up relevant skills to date.
I hope to hear from you and we shall discuss more into this topic.
Hope you have an amazing week.
9) Never chase a girl. Never be impatient, needy, insecure and jealous.
10) A man is always the PRIZE to his dream/special gal. If he doesn't believe he is, in his primitive brain, his relationship w/ her will fail, eventually. I'm 100% certain of this.
11) As for the type of gal I like to have a LT relationship with, I look at her in totality, holistically, taking into account every factor, every trait n every feature, the past, present n future...not just her looks, figure and pussy but also her facial micro expressions, voice, gait, character, personality, education level, etc.
12) Last but not least, the number of past sexual partners of a girl/woman is the most powerful predictor of her loyalty and fidelity to her new LT partner. There are ways with which a man can determine w/ fair accuracy the past sexual partners of any girl/woman. I need to find and read the article.
Bro WB
07-06-2017, 01:29 PM
Very good thread by bro WB
Have a nice day bro, cheers :)
Very informative thread, learnt many things here.
Bro WB please continue to share your experiences
Have a great week ahead
07-06-2017, 03:26 PM
Bro WB - let me wish you having an amazing day!
I fully agreed with you above. Many times men don't know who to choose and they simply chose those who play hard to get. Is ok if this man had read your thread and practised many times what you taught here.
To me I simply like to pick those low hanging fruit which is eager to go dating with me.
While you going after the tough nut and enjoying yourself with low hanging fruits concurrently.
Hope you can comment on this too.
Have an amazing day, pls!
It's good to hv a variety of gals.
I generally prefer gals who reject me initially. More fun getting them addicted.
Have a fantastic day!
Bro WB
I was enjoying the whole post above.
To me, no such thing as girl who is Perfect 10. I have yet to find one. I agreed beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.
A friend once told me -
There is no ugly girl except lazy girl.
Meaning an ugly girl can easily be pretty by just going to take lessons on how to be pretty. Only lazy girl will lose out.
Many times we saw pretty girls always dress well, have a nice hairdo, wear nice accessories, walk with grace, use cosmetics to enhance her look, etc.
Once another friend told us to go visit a pretty girl 9/10. It turned out that the girl was his type of girl and not to the rest of us.
Hope to read more here.
Have a great day.
One man's meat is another man's poison. But don't be fooled by a girl's make up and high heels...she may be homely.
Have a terrific day!
Bro WB
Thank you for posting here.
I agreed that we need to pratise, practise and still practise.
I also agreed that our body language and tone is important.
Hope you have a great week.
Practice makes perfect.
Have a terrific week.
Support Bro WB here.
When will the ladies have one guru to counter the men also? Hahaha.
Hi Sis,
You're the guru for ladies. Why don't you comment on some of my posts or refute some of my 'theories'?
Very good thread, support Bro WB :)
Stumble upon this wonderful thread by bro WB.
Many things to learn here.
Cheers :)
Surf and found this amazing thread by bro WB.
Good to learn here.
[QUOTE=Thor0dinson;16025006]Surf and found this amazing thread by bro WB.
Good to learn here.
Fully agreed. Great thread by bro WB!
Thank you!
.................................................. .
Good afternoon,
Many men believe that they are NOT good enough for a very pretty girl of their type because of various reasons. That is the defeatist mindset. Your mindset is your MASTER and you're his SLAVE.
One common reason for lowering one's value is perceived lack of financial success. But everything is relative.
Supposing you're down and out temporarily, but you're very ambitious and confident, always working hard to improve yourself in every way possible, you're very attractive to many girls. The key is your mindset and self mastery. 人穷志不穷!
Some bros actually do very well with very attractive girls/women by spending surprisingly little. Some spend little by choice, some because of budget constraints.
One thing is certain: Throwing money at gals will actually turn them off, subconsciously. Those who like to spend big money such as hanging big flowers will never get it. For such men, big money actually prevents his gals from falling for them. They will get the pussies, but never their hearts.
I call it the "King Fuchai Paradox."
Read about how King Fuchai lost Xi Shi to a slave of a slave. The King spent big on Xi Shi n gave whatever she wanted. The results were truly tragic. To Xi Shi's subconscious mind, she was the PRIZE and he was weak and had zero value...such a man is always repulsive to girls/women. Most men don't learn from history. Very sad.
Bro WB
08-06-2017, 10:31 AM
Good afternoon,
Many men believe that they are NOT good enough for a very pretty girl of their type because of various reasons. That is the defeatist mindset. Your mindset is your MASTER and you're his SLAVE.
One common reason for lowering one's value is perceived lack of financial success. But everything is relative.
Supposing you're down and out temporarily, but you're very ambitious and confident, always working hard to improve yourself in every way possible, you're very attractive to many girls. The key is your mindset and self mastery. 人穷志不穷!
Some bros actually do very well with very attractive girls/women by spending surprisingly little. Some spend little by choice, some because of budget constraints.
One thing is certain: Throwing money at gals will actually turn them off, subconsciously. Those who like to spend big money such as hanging big flowers will never get it. For such men, big money actually prevents his gals from falling for them. They will get the pussies, but never their hearts.
Bro WB
Bro WB - let me thank you in advance for starting such an amazing thread.
I read your post and fully agreed with you.
A guy friend of mine dare not approach any girl. He just felt that he will fail and cannot stand rejection. Very difficult to motivate him to start a r/s. He always believe in paying for hooker and get the deed done.
Anyway, I hope to read more of your past exploits and discuss with you more in detail soon.
Please have an amazing day as well.
Cheers to you.
08-06-2017, 10:40 AM
A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.
Usually, it will take time and some stressful situations for u to demonstrate that you are indeed such a rare PRIZE. You must be perceived to be such a man when first meeting a dream gal or, if you're not, you are actively working to becoming such a man. Be very ambitious n bold. Not delusional though.
Your mindset n emotional control is the key. You're the prize. You show your social courage, dominance n high status. And your unflappable demeanor, voice tonality and body language. You must also be very comfortable in ur own skin, be very assertive when you're right, and yet humble. And being witty n smart.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Very nicely written your past post above.
We men must always think we are SMG and also we are the Jackpot. The girls stand to lose if they don't choose you or lose you.
I wished I had read your thread 10 years ago so that I dun bang into so many walls.
Hope you can share more here.
Have a great day.
08-06-2017, 11:08 AM
[QUOTE=Thor0dinson;16025006]Surf and found this amazing thread by bro WB.
Good to learn here.
Fully agreed. Great thread by bro WB!
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
I was reading and not sure what was you trying to tell us. I read a few more times and finally captured the meaning.
I do agree that guy must have the social/sexual skills then yes he considered a loser. NO amount of money will help him.
I was reading back all your past posts and hopefully learned great skills.
Hope to read and learn more from you.
Have an amazing day.!
What I was getting at is this. A man can be as experienced in love as Casanova, be as rich and as powerful as the First Emperor of China and has the looks and body of Adonis, but if he believes his "special one" is the PRIZE and has more value than he, he will never get her heart.
He will be repulsive to her subconscious mind, period. Consciously, she would try very hard to love him but she just couldn't. She won't know why. I'll tell her why. She is hard wired by 100,000 years of human evolution to chase n love a MAN who believes he is the PRIZE and who believes he has more sexual n social value.
He couldn't even fake it. His eye contact, facial micro-expressions, body language and voice tonality will betray him.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Let me say many guys are "fuckkncukle". Many guys did the wrong thing by chasing after girls that not interested in them.
Example - I knew a friend Tom and this guy was fat and lack of self-esteem. When he saw a hottie girl he will fall heads over heels for her. Since he is also rich, he will shower her with all the gifts and pamper her without getting anything except a peck in the cheek or a hug.
This is typical man who just wasting their time on the wrong target without picking up relevant skills to date.
I hope to hear from you and we shall discuss more into this topic.
Hope you have an amazing week.
You're right. Tks for sharing the story of Tom.
Very good thread by bro WB
Have a nice day bro, cheers :)
Very informative thread, learnt many things here.
Bro WB please continue to share your experiences
Have a great week ahead
Bro WB - let me thank you in advance for starting such an amazing thread.
I read your post and fully agreed with you.
A guy friend of mine dare not approach any girl. He just felt that he will fail and cannot stand rejection. Very difficult to motivate him to start a r/s. He always believe in paying for hooker and get the deed done.
Anyway, I hope to read more of your past exploits and discuss with you more in detail soon.
Please have an amazing day as well.
Cheers to you.
Tell your friend to read the story of Dr Ellis. Then go out and approach 200 girls in this month.
Bro WB
Jay Chou
08-06-2017, 11:44 AM
Bro, tks.
What I was getting at is this. A man can be as experienced in love as Casanova, be as rich and as powerful as the First Emperor of China and has the looks and body of Adonis, but if he believes his "special one" is the PRIZE and has more value than he, he will never get her heart.
He will be repulsive to her subconscious mind, period. Consciously, she would try very hard to love him but she just couldn't. She won't know why. I'll tell her why. She is hard wired by 100,000 years of human evolution to chase n love a MAN who believes he is the PRIZE and who believes he has more sexual n social value.
He couldn't even fake it. His eye contact, facial micro-expressions, body language and voice tonality will betray him.
Bro WB
You're right. Tks for sharing the story of Tom.
Tell your friend to read the story of Dr Ellis. Then go out and approach 200 girls in this month.
Bro WB
Up u bro. 😊
08-06-2017, 01:42 PM
Wonderful and meaningful thread here, thanks bro WB :)
08-06-2017, 05:46 PM
Excellent thread by Bro WB, support!!
09-06-2017, 11:21 AM
"Women are masters at observing your body language, tonality of voice, facial expression and way of conveying your message...This is also called sub-communication.
This is the reason why it’s often said that a woman can detect what the man is all about within the very first few minutes of the conversation...They are very effective at picking up your body language cues.
And here is the kicker-
“A woman’s level of attraction towards you is directly proportional to the value you are sub-communicating.”
The level of value you are sub-communicating is directly proportional to how comfortable you are in your own skin.
This is why developing mastery with body language and sub- communication is extremely vital for success with women.
If you want to make a woman feel strong attraction towards you then you must learn to inculcate all the physical signals which women are hard wired to respond to naturally.
The female mind is biologically programmed to seek guys who demonstrate higher value than them.
Once you learn how to project the right signals, you will be able to spark attraction without even having to say anything."
Bro WB
Bro WB
I just dug out your previous post here after reading. I must say the GURU was correct to said so.
Human beings are attracted to all our nice sense, also attracted to pretty, beautiful, glamorous, mazing sexes.
Why do women bother to dress up and make up. The reason simple be attractive and seek attention.
Please share more with us here.
Have a great day, mafe.
09-06-2017, 11:37 AM
Tell your friend to read the story of Dr Ellis. Then go out and approach 200 girls in this month.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I am sure you meant this book
" Overcoming Destructive Beliefs, Feelings, and Behaviors: New Directions for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
by Albert Ellis "
This was an excellent book to teach us how to handle rejections.
Please share more books and posts more forum here.
Have a great weekend ahead.
09-06-2017, 12:54 PM
Ts you know your thread is filled with all new created nicks and will disappear from his thread after one post here while you are :confused::eek::eek:happily replying to all of them:rolleyes:
09-06-2017, 01:40 PM
Nice thread bro WB, support!!
09-06-2017, 02:34 PM
Ts you know your thread is filled with all new created nicks and will disappear from his thread after one post here while you are :confused::eek::eek:happily replying to all of them:rolleyes:
Better than you just cum here to tok cock but no balls.
All these nicks post once but still contribute their views here.
Read my signature and nick.
09-06-2017, 02:53 PM
Pot calling kettle black?:rolleyes: Great to know I have fans :D
09-06-2017, 05:16 PM
Very informative thread bro, please share more :)
09-06-2017, 06:31 PM
Support excellent thread :D
10-06-2017, 08:13 AM
How I became unattractive in 2 secs
Is it possible to become instantly unattractive to someone by saying just this one sentence?
"If I'd ever lose you, I would die."
Bro WB
Bro WB
Is an amazing thread you had here.
The highlighted words shaken me up when I was reading and I realized how many mistakes I had made in the past.
I should had read this as my thesis.
Please help to make us better by guiding us with more of your posts.
Have a great weekend.
10-06-2017, 08:16 AM
Many first I learned from this thread.
1. Don't be a meek person
2. Don't volunteer to buy gifts
3. Don't just agree easily
4. Just be bad
5. Play hard to get or not interested.
Bro WB
Hope you can post more so that I learned more.
Bro WB,
Thank you for your thread here.
I must agreed with this bro who had summarized nicely for us.
Please post more guidance here.
Have a great day.
10-06-2017, 10:35 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for a very good thread.
Please share more with us.
Have a nice weekend.
10-06-2017, 05:41 PM
Interesting thread, support!
11-06-2017, 08:22 AM
"Sexual attraction from women is determined by status, status is determined by behavior, and what determines whether a man has attractive behavior or not is his perception of himself relative to those around him, particularly women. I refer to this concept as neediness and believe the degree of a man’s neediness around women will determine how attractive or unattractive his behavior around them will be."
How to demonstrate your desire in a gal? Be sexual and playful. Say the magic words asap.
Have a great Sunday!!
Bro WB
Bro Warbird
I must say what an incredible thread you have here.
I enjoyed every minute when reading this thread.
This thread has the essence and quality of a nice journal.
Hope you continue to share more with us here.
Will try to catch up with the rest here.
Nice weekend to all here.
11-06-2017, 08:29 AM
"What You Can Do, or Dream You Can, Begin It; Boldness Has Genius, Power, and Magic in It."
Here is an example.
Last July I saw two attractive PRC students in a cafeteria. I said hi n sat down. After getting their wechat, I looked at them n said, playfully, 我包养你们两姐妹. They were a bit stunned, but kept smiling at each other. I stood up n left. Later that night, I repeated the offer n asked for their HP numbers. They didn't respond.
To keep a long story short, they said no to love making n BY, for several weeks. I let go n ignored them completely. I went to Gotham City in August. After about 7 weeks, they initiated contact w/ me, on the day I returned to SG in late Sep! I showed no interest in them at all. The very next day I met them by chance! Must be predestination! Both were so happy n excited to see me. They both hugged and kissed me n said they wanted to be my lao po, together! They also thought about me often! Later, they sent msg to me about their terms. Quite modest. I reduced the amount by abt 20% n they quickly agreed.
It was quite an unique experience. We had threesome every time, even if one of the gals had her visiting auntie. They hugged n kissed n called me lao gong in public. Unfortunately, the two 闺蜜 had a big quarrel and one of them returned home, only 2-3 months into BY. One of the gals is still w/ me.
Once I asked them why they rejected me initially. The answer? Because they thought I was joking. And they did not trust me enough.
I hv learned a lot from these two 'joint LPs.'
BTW, an esteemed bro wants to go China Doll for HH coming Tuesday. PM me if you're interested.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I enjoyed your past written post above.
Please post more to share here.
I hope to improve my skills to handle women after reading. Of course I knew needs loads of practise.
Have an amazing weekend.
11-06-2017, 12:43 PM
Good Sunday to every samster!
The number of posts hv been overwhelming and I'm unable to reply to every one of them. My deepest apologies.
I started this thread 8 years ago. I hv learned so much here and I hv had a great time in SG, beyond my wildest imaginations.
A big thank you to all who hv posted on this thread. Even very negative and sarcastic ones hv been very helpful. They hv forced me to take a hard look at myself and my "theories." They hv made me a much better person!! You make my day!!
Merely reading the posts will not change anything. You must become THE MAN, at your subconcious mind.
Repetition and practice are required.
Here is a brief article by a guru to remind every man what he must do. From a slightly different perspective.
"Let me tell you the most important thing you must know about women:
YOU MUST BE DOMINANT WITH A WOMAN. FROM THE FIRST SECOND YOU MEET HER, TILL THE LAST SECOND SHE IS IN YOUR LIFE. (And if you’re a “nice guy”, you need to be more dominant with everyone.)
Being dominant is not the same as being CONTROLLING. Controlling guys are usually INSECURE guys.
Dominance means that women (and everybody else) have NO INFLUENCE AND NO POWER over you especially psychological or emotional power.
It means that YOU have the power, YOU have the influence. And it means that you are not NEEDY for any woman, because you KNOW you can get plenty of beautiful women.
Dominance means you NEVER give a woman what she asks for, and means you have the confidence to never fail this test. You must never, ever, give a woman exactly what she asks.
Sometimes, this requires a little humor to prevent an argument. (WB's note: Be non-reactive and very playful. You maintain your stronger frame.)
I repeat, NEVER give a woman what she asks for, unless she is on the verge of a mind-blowing orgasm after endless teasing by you, and she says “God, please, please, please, give it to me!” And then, maybe then, you can give her what she wants, or maybe tease her some more...
The irony of all this is that by NOT giving a woman what she asks or wants, she will actually DESIRE YOU for being strong and not giving in to her demands.
On the other hand, giving in to a woman’s demands actually DISGUSTS her, it makes her feel you are a sissy, and she will LOSE her desire for you.
Women love STRENGTH. Confidence and dominance are evidence of strength. (That’s what she feels, anyway.)
So, no matter what, NEVER give a woman what she says she wants. Pulling this off right requires both confidence and dominance, which always go hand in hand.
Only when you reach this emotional/psychological level, which women can intuitively sense, will you be THE MAN.
I’m not saying to turn off your emotions forever, I’m not saying to laugh at her mom’s brain tumor, or to never cry for something horrific, but all that sensitive, crying stuff is really a load of B.S.
No woman on earth is sexually attracted to an overly emotional guy, to a guy who hangs on her every word, or to a guy whose mission in life is to tend to her requests."
You can't afford to forget that you're THE PRIZE, not even for a split second. Sometimes I still forget when I meet a very cute SYT of my type. I need to do better, much better.
Don't forget to be direct, sexual and playful.
Bro WB
11-06-2017, 03:16 PM
Happy Sunday bro WB!
12-06-2017, 10:54 AM
"Let me tell you the most important thing you must know about women:
YOU MUST BE DOMINANT WITH A WOMAN. FROM THE FIRST SECOND YOU MEET HER, TILL THE LAST SECOND SHE IS IN YOUR LIFE. (And if you’re a “nice guy”, you need to be more dominant with everyone.)
Dominance means that women (and everybody else) have NO INFLUENCE AND NO POWER over you especially psychological or emotional power.
Dominance means you NEVER give a woman what she asks for, and means you have the confidence to never fail this test. You must never, ever, give a woman exactly what she asks.
I repeat, NEVER give a woman what she asks for, unless she is on the verge of a mind-blowing orgasm after endless teasing by you, and she says “God, please, please, please, give it to me!” And then, maybe then, you can give her what she wants, or maybe tease her some more...
The irony of all this is that by NOT giving a woman what she asks or wants, she will actually DESIRE YOU for being strong and not giving in to her demands.
Women love STRENGTH. Confidence and dominance are evidence of strength. (That’s what she feels, anyway.)
So, no matter what, NEVER give a woman what she says she wants. Pulling this off right requires both confidence and dominance, which always go hand in hand.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I read with full interest what you had posted above.
Ok I learned we need to be dominant and also never to give what the woman requested.
Also we must be direct, cheerful and playful.
Really nice lesson above andhope to learn more.
Have a great week please.
12-06-2017, 11:04 AM
But can female lust be triggered by the deliberate actions of a man?
What they look for, instead, are signs of male POWER.
You see, women possess a deeply-rooted pre-intellectual *instinct* which compels them to submit themselves for copulation in the presence of what they sense to be a DOMINANT MALE. They cannot help feeling like this -- despite the fact that the modern woman manages to suppress the urge to act on these feelings most of the time (but, not always...). So when a man learns how to project the most subtlest of gestures, actions and attitudes that suggest he's a "dominant male", he can force a woman's subconscious mating desires to become aroused WHETHER SHE LIKES IT OR NOT.
And some of them won't like it a bit. She may get upset because you've forced her to experience a potent feeling which she may feel compelled to conceal with the workings of her more rational mind. And yet when a woman consents to have sex with a man who has set off these automatic desires in her, she stands to enter into the hottest, most fulfilling sensual experience that it is possible for her to have. And she knows it.
AND she's also frightened of it -- because once unleashed in this way, it can be difficult to stem the cascade of all-consuming passion. She risks taking the kind of social and romantic chance that only happens a precious few times in her life. Can she allow herself to become addicted to a man who can make her see stars?
By learning to adopt the actions and attitudes of the dominant male, it is possible to create these sort of emotional disturbances in women at will. Almost any girl that you can manage to talk to in a SPECIFIC sort of way can have her "lust triggers" ignited like a blow torch. And when the ability to seduce becomes more a skill than mere luck, your chances of suffering the humiliation of being rejected vanish too. Now you have done more than learned to act the part of a dominant male, you have *become* one. And truthfully, there's no real difference.
Because in this game, acting is BEING.
Adopting the body language, voice tonality and behaviour of a man w/ strong masculine traits (such as dominance, trustworthiness, decisiveness, courage, kindness, humility, confidence, optimism, ambition, unflappability, perseverance, sexual mojo and emotional mastery) is the key to female lust.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I must say what you written above is the real truth. I had experienced in the past that girl will lust when she saw the guy who is dominant male. Many girls will try to act innocent but when they are left alone fully turned on they can be a real lustful bitch. She will want to cum and cum achieved one orgasm after another.
I am still trying to go thru your past post and skipping those that I not too keen. Hope you can continue to share more.
Have a great Monday.
12-06-2017, 12:05 PM
Bro WB
You have a great thread here.
Please continue sharing your experiences.
Have a nice week ahead :)
12-06-2017, 01:55 PM
Good learning thread for newbie cheongsters!
Thanks bro WB :)
12-06-2017, 07:19 PM
Thanks TS.
13-06-2017, 12:00 PM
Very good thread here, support!! :D
14-06-2017, 10:39 AM
If you hv the right mindset n meta frame, you could say anything you want and you will get her.
You could whisper in her ear what exactly is in your mind. It's not what you say, it's how you say it. Be very relaxed n self-assured. Speak slowly n w/ a deeper voice...
For me, I may say 我们明天下午去做爱, 明天做我的老婆,我照顾你, etc.
"What You Can Do, or Dream You Can, Begin It; Boldness Has Genius, Power, and Magic in It."
Bro WB
Bro WB
Many thanks for your lovely thread.
I had to agree with you (highlighted in red). Let me share with you an story that happened.
One friend had no gf for 5 years after the last girl left him. He was down but still cheong with us once a while. I was telling him to change his image and have a good meta frame. After he changed he become more confident and within 6 months he had girls flocking to him like honey bees.
I enjoyed reading your posts here and hope you continue to share.
It takes plenty of courage to reply because some may think I am clone.
I personally think even 1 post will add some breadth to your amazing thread.
Good morning to all samsters!
Every encounter is a positive experience for me. I also learn a lot from detailed FRs n experiences of others. Not only your conquests n success stories but also rejections, failures, setbacks and break ups!!
I hv alluded to the fact that over 50% of my GFs/LPs/lovers/mistresses rejected me initially. At least 90% of those who had rebuffed me said yes, after weeks to many months and, in some cases, up to 2-3 years! A few of them actually hung up on me and avoided me as if I were a leper.
How you react to her rejection is the best indicator of whether you're the prize or just another AFC or average frustrated chump. You must remain 很冷静,很笃定。
Here is an article on why we should embrace rejection.
How to Make Rejection Your Best Friend
Bro WB
Bro WB
I applaud you for your views above.
We faced rejections almost when we are born. Daily we get rejected over many matters be it personal or business.
Every rejections should be deemed as positive and helps you to grow up.
I hope you can write more to share so that more men will learn.
Have a great day!
14-06-2017, 01:52 PM
Bro WB
Have learnt something from your postings here.
Great thread, support all the way.
Cheers :)
14-06-2017, 02:56 PM
Nee mu mu to all samsters! What an auspicious day!
Thank you to all who hv posted here.
I like to share an interesting and politically incorrect article on love from a woman.
Netanderthal Man saw the light of day somewhere in Eastern Europe. He enjoys life as creative director and owner of a design studio. He is a big fan of Occam’s razor, Pink Floyd, Roald Dahl and wet tight pussy, is politically incorrect and his favourite dish is roasted unicorn with rainbow gravy.
There’s a feminist myth called “unconditional love” floating around our culture. You are EXPECTED to love your girl no matter what. To love her more than you love yourself. We all know on some level that this is bollocks poured on top of our heads by mind-washing feminist propaganda, but many of us continue to propagate it anyway. “The one” myth is a gangrene that will eat your soul if you buy into it.
I believe that a person can come close to unconditional love in three cases: your love for your parents, for your children, and perhaps for the first dog you raised from pup. They all are literally willing to walk into fire for you.
Loyalty and friendship are concepts no woman can ever fully understand. It’s not deliberate, it’s in their nature—it’s evolution. A woman will unconditionally love her offspring only—if she is a good mother. Aside from this, women love conditionally and opportunistically. You can’t change that. But once you know it, you can act accordingly.
Consider the stone age if you will: Men hunting during the dawn of humanity needed other men of the tribe to watch their backs during the hunt. That’s why men are naturally inclined to build strong friendships where loyalty is a real value. One weakness that stems from it is that men take things at face value. Especially with women. Only through their own experiences (both successes and failures) men learn to take what women say and do with a pinch of salt.
Evolutionarily speaking, friendship and loyalty makes sense for men. For women, not so much. And this is why: a tribe’s women, safely shielded by the cave walls, did not need that kind of protection. Their only real fear was each other’s competition, roughly known as SMV. They fine-tuned themselves in the art of manipulating both men and women for obvious reasons.
I am convinced this is why female reasoning is based on emotions. By employing a flatulent burst of emotions, a woman most likely gets what she wants. This obvious manipulation is not necessarily a conscious decision, more likely it’s embedded in her nature. It follows that women are incapable of loyalty and friendship towards men, just as men are incapable of giving birth.
The reason people accept the existence of unconditional love script is childhood. Your parents loved you with all their hearts and the template for what love is supposed to be was set during those early years. You loved them back in the same unconditional manner. And it was great. But your woman is not your mom. She is a fickle-minded person who’s most likely looking out for a prettier branch to grab right now.
Make no mistake, even when a woman is deeply “in love” with you, her love is not unconditional.
Most likely she’s madly in love with you because you are the man who rocks her world.
Keep being that man if she makes your life better, or discard her if she doesn’t. So, she loves you because you’re the best high-quality man she can get, but this sooner or later be subject to change. If at some point she feels she can get a man perceived as higher quality than you, her love for you will decrease exponentially. This is what we call conditional love—a woman’s love. Don’t worry about it, be aware that in a 5-mile radius there are at least 100 hotter girls more than willing to give it up for the smooth seducer that you are.
This is what feminists, betas, and manginas will never understand: in the vast majority of cases, it’s just “the one” you’re banging now, “the one” you’ll be banging tomorrow, and “the one” you banged yesterday. If you’re the most alpha a girl can get, you are “the one” for her (hypergamy at play here) even or should I say especially if you dump her.
Just like you have your own template for what love should be, her father is the childhood template for what a real man should be like. One method I found to be effective in seducing a girl is to emulate some of her father’s traits—the good traits. Ask her about her father. The more she talks about him, the more ammo she’s giving you on how to seduce her. This works mainly if she has a good relationship with her father.
Unconditional love is seamlessly entwined with “the one” chimera in our media and culture. Most men walk aimlessly through life searching for “the one.” They can’t find her and perceive themselves as failures. It’s quite sad. But you will not be one of those men.
I couldn't agree w/ him more!
The ONLY woman who can give you unconditional love is YOUR MOTHER!!
Accept it, live with it and be thankful.
Of course you can get girls/women to become emotionally and sexually addicted to you. But that is not true love, it's an obsession and addiction, a toxic kind of love. Just dump her and see what will happen.
Any comments and criticisms?
Bro WB
14-06-2017, 04:24 PM
The ONLY woman who can give you unconditional love is YOUR MOTHER!! [/SIZE]
Accept it, live with it and be thankful.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you that mother love is unconditional.
Up you 2 points for fantastic thread.
I will pay more attention here.
15-06-2017, 10:59 AM
Make no mistake, even when a woman is deeply “in love” with you, her love is not unconditional.
Most likely she’s madly in love with you because you are the man who rocks her world.
Keep being that man if she makes your life better, or discard her if she doesn’t. So, she loves you because you’re the best high-quality man she can get, but this sooner or later be subject to change. If at some point she feels she can get a man perceived as higher quality than you, her love for you will decrease exponentially. This is what we call conditional love—a woman’s love. Don’t worry about it, be aware that in a 5-mile radius there are at least 100 hotter girls more than willing to give it up for the smooth seducer that you are.
Bro WB
Bro WB
The above materials are music to my ears.
What a great piece of research you did above.
I will start reading your thread from first page to back. Please don't stop posting because I hope to improve.
Have an amazing day.
15-06-2017, 11:07 AM
The biggest lesson I ever learned about attraction…
[SIZE="4"]Like many guys I was really insecure about my looks.
Here is something to encourage my fellow ah peks.
"Women get sexually turned on just as men do of course, but -- owing to differences in reproductive biology -- by a completely different set of mental processes. Men go for a VISUAL look that suggests youthfulness and thus fertility. But females aren't interested in a man's age so much because males remain virile well into the later part of their lifespan."
Bro WB
Bro WB
I was reading your past post above and found the topic meaningful.
Gives me ah pek a chance to feel good. I am approaching late 40+ and your paragraph above made my day.
Hope you continue to make my day brighter.
Have a good week ahead.
May god bless you.
15-06-2017, 11:48 AM
Ts you know your thread is filled with all new created nicks and will disappear from his thread after one post here while you are :confused::eek::eek:happily replying to all of them:rolleyes:
I posting twice now. So what do you say now?
I cannot understand why would bozo wanted to say such things?
15-06-2017, 11:50 AM
Nee mu mu to all samsters! What an auspicious day!
Thank you to all who hv posted here.
I like to share an interesting and politically incorrect article on love from a woman.
The ONLY woman who can give you unconditional love is YOUR MOTHER!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Very nice headlines above. Women are rare species and funny beings.
Please keep it coming.
15-06-2017, 11:51 AM
Excellent thread by Bro WB. Support!!
Of course you can get girls/women to become emotionally and sexually addicted to you. But that is not true love, it's an obsession and addiction, a toxic kind of love. Just dump her and see what will happen.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you if you dump the girl above as what you suggested, she will hate you like hell. Then she will find the next best man to be new bf.
Please share more with us and hope you have a nice weekend.
Yum yum cha.
17-06-2017, 08:37 AM
The following article mentions this problem.
"Hitting on your friend’s lady is just bad form. Your boy is trusting you when he introduces his girlfriend to his friends. Be nice, be playful, include her in the group, but don’t flirt with her or get overtly sexual. Be a good friend.
However, this rule doesn't necessarily apply to girls that your bro has "dibs" on, whom he hasn’t actually taken to bed. I know some guys like to "reserve" girls for their own flirting pleasure, when some other guys are more suited or able to bed them. It's really up to the kind of relationship you have with your friends.
Sometimes my friends and I set a time limit on how long one of us has to talk to a girl and get her interested before the others are allowed to move in. Other times, if a guy really, really likes a prospective girl, we just let it be."
Bro WB
Bro WB
I love the read the article above.
Let me share a few short stories
Friends can be foe very fast. Some of the friends just love to kacau the gf of others. If they (friends) managed to bed the the gf (belong to one friend) they will make a big hoo ha of that. So this is what you termed friends.
Usually when a friend identified a gal to be his target. I usually lay off my hands. Same for my friend. Unless after some months of trying and still cannot make love to the gal then we decided to quit. Even that either of us will not touch the other gal. So is the gal loss.
Setting limit is good. We usually set 3 date rules. And within 3 dates we dun bed the gal then we lay off.
I hope to continue reading your thread. Please continue to post more for horny guys.
Have a great weekend.
17-06-2017, 09:49 AM
Is external validation always wrong?
Gaining some validation from external sources isn’t all bad. Everyone wants to be liked or found attractive – that’s a normal human quality. If you never care about anyone else’s opinions, you may be a sociopath.
How often you seek external validation will change depending on who you’re dealing with.
It’s natural to seek some approval from people you have long-established connections with such as parents, close friends, or your significant other.
It’s not natural to seek constant approval from women you just met, have gone on a couple dates with, or haven’t even been intimate with. This includes your female friends you secretly desire.
And you especially shouldn’t seek approval from women who don’t invest in you.
I get weekly e-mails that say, “I really like this girl. But she barely responds to my texts, she’s cancelled on dates, and never commits to hanging out. How do I get her to like me without being needy?”
Every single time I want to reach through the screen and slap some sense into them. You are being the most needy motherfucker possible at that point.
This is how I’m going to start replying to those e-mails.
Again, what does that say about you when you chase someone who ignores you or doesn’t value your time?
99% of the time you’re not going to convince a girl who’s uninterested to suddenly be interested. Nor should you want to.
She’s not going to say, “I haven’t given this guy the time of day and it’s so attractive that he still keeps crawling back.”
The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you above especially The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.
This is a good thread which I love very much.
Please help to post more to share with us.
Have a nice week ahead.
18-06-2017, 09:47 AM
Bro WB
Wishing you have a good Sunday rest.
18-06-2017, 11:29 PM
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you that mother love is unconditional.
Up you 2 points for fantastic thread.
I will pay more attention here.
Tks so much bro. Parental love for a child is unconditional.
Bro WB
The above materials are music to my ears.
What a great piece of research you did above.
I will start reading your thread from first page to back. Please don't stop posting because I hope to improve.
Have an amazing day.
Hi bro,
I'll continue, but I'm constrained by time and new fresh ideas.
Bro WB
I was reading your past post above and found the topic meaningful.
Gives me ah pek a chance to feel good. I am approaching late 40+ and your paragraph above made my day.
Hope you continue to make my day brighter.
Have a good week ahead.
May god bless you.
Hi bro,
You're in your prime. I'm a true lao chee ko pek. So what? My two current LPs are aged 19 and 23 respectively. And I'm always looking for younger and prettier ones.
I posting twice now. So what do you say now?
I cannot understand why would bozo wanted to say such things?
Hi bro, tks for your post.
Bro WB
Very nice headlines above. Women are rare species and funny beings.
Please keep it coming.
Tks again. I'm always looking for new revelations.
Excellent thread by Bro WB. Support!!
Tks bro.
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you if you dump the girl above as what you suggested, she will hate you like hell. Then she will find the next best man to be new bf.
Please share more with us and hope you have a nice weekend.
Yum yum cha.
Tks bro.
Bro WB
I love the read the article above.
Let me share a few short stories
Friends can be foe very fast. Some of the friends just love to kacau the gf of others. If they (friends) managed to bed the the gf (belong to one friend) they will make a big hoo ha of that. So this is what you termed friends.
Usually when a friend identified a gal to be his target. I usually lay off my hands. Same for my friend. Unless after some months of trying and still cannot make love to the gal then we decided to quit. Even that either of us will not touch the other gal. So is the gal loss.
Setting limit is good. We usually set 3 date rules. And within 3 dates we dun bed the gal then we lay off.
I hope to continue reading your thread. Please continue to post more for horny guys.
Have a great weekend.
Hi bro,
Tks so much.
Your 3 date rule is very reasonable.
I also hv news for many bros who are courting their special one. Until you hv a regular and EXCLUSIVE penetrative penile-vaginal relationship w/ her, she is NOT your GF or LP.
I fully agreed with you above especially The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.
This is a good thread which I love very much.
Please help to post more to share with us.
Have a nice week ahead.
Hi bro,
The ability to walk away from a girl you like very much is very powerful. That is awesome self mastery.
Bro WB
Wishing you have a good Sunday rest.
Tks bro. Hv a great day!
.................................................. ...........................
Good evening!
A guru sent me the following email to promote his product. I hv my comments below.
The Only 2 Ways To Make Her Yours
There are only two paths to making a girl your girlfriend:
The first, is the “logical” path:
- You show her what a great guy you are…
- You demonstrate everything you have to offer her…
- You try to convince her you’re boyfriend material…
And… If the timing’s just right…
And she doesn’t have any ‘better’ options…
Then maybe, just maybe, she’ll agree to be your girlfriend.
The problem with this path is, it’s unreliable….
It can take years…
And even when it DOES work…
She’ll always feel like she’s ‘settling’ for you…
Forever wondering if there’s a more exciting guy out there for her.
The 2nd path to making her yours…
Is to forget about all the logical reasons she ‘should’ want to be with you…
And instead focus on TURNING HER ON.
Because here’s what a lot of men don’t realize:
When you make a woman feel powerful, sexual emotions.
Those feelings of arousal OVERRIDE her rational mind…
And any reasons she might have for NOT being with you…
Are literally erased from her brain.
In fact, new research from MIT has revealed...
Once a girl gets turned on in a certain way…
The LOGICAL parts of her brain literally shut down.
As her raw, animal instincts take over…
And all she can think about, is landing the guy who gives her these feelings.
And guys who have the MOST success with women…
Can trigger it in a woman during casual conversation.
So she has no idea what you’re up to…
No clue why she suddenly can’t stop thinking about getting naked with you…
And SHE convinces HERSELF that you’re the only guy for her.
If you want to know how to trigger the override effect in any woman…
And turn her on during casual conversation…
Make sure to watch this video right now <====
It shows you exactly how the override effect works…
And exactly what to do to unleash its powerful effects in any woman you choose.
It’s like having a secret weapon she’s powerless to resist.
Check it out here
I agree that arousing a girl is the best way to make a girl/woman yours. The logical path can get you her pussy, but you will not capture her heart.
The author is trying to sell his program called Speak to Spark Arousal. IMHO, speaking and small talk play a very minor role in arousing a girl or getting her addicted to you. It's not what you say, it's how you say it.
You attract n arouse her by being The Prize. You demonstarte your dominant and non-reactive body language, eye contact, facial micro-expressions, voice tonality and behaviour. Be completely non-reactive to your dream girl's shit tests, insults, challenges n emotional drama.
A satiated man gets invited to banquets, whereas a hungry man stays hungry. Same with sex and women. Having 2-3 LPs/mistresses/lovers/GFs will keep you very satiated. All the other SYTs will want you to make love to them. They can sense your sexual energy/vibes and non-reactive body language...they will start fantasizing getting fucked by you. Their only question left is how long can you last...
Is there a man with such awesome non-reactive behaviour and self mastery? I hv not personally met such a man. There is a fictional character though, Humphrey Bogart. Watch his movies!
Do use touch and massage to physically arouse a girl. It's like adding fuel to fire. Don't forget to arouse her emotionally and make her react to you, not the other way round.
Bro WB
Always love this thread .
19-06-2017, 02:42 PM
Hi bro,
The ability to walk away from a girl you like very much is very powerful. That is awesome self mastery.
The 2nd path to making her yours…
Is to forget about all the logical reasons she ‘should’ want to be with you…
And instead focus on TURNING HER ON.
It shows you exactly how the override effect works…
And exactly what to do to unleash its powerful effects in any woman you choose.
It’s like having a secret weapon she’s powerless to resist.
Check it out here
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for taking time to reply.
I am still trying to find how to be effective with self mastery.
I prefer the 2nd path above and take lesser time although I may not know exactly how to do it. Just need practise.
Will try to focus on this thread.
Thank you and have a nice day.
19-06-2017, 04:26 PM
Very good thread, thanks bro WB!
20-06-2017, 11:20 AM
Albert Ellis
Go out there n approach 200 girls/women in the next 30 days. That would be a good start.
A man should be very comfortable in his own skin when interacting w/ girls/women and must remain nonreactive whatever happens...
Bro WB
Bro WB
Tks for recommending me to read Dr Alber Ellis books.
I wish to approach 200 girls and test out my skills. I hope to do so after reading more of Dr Ellis books.
Hope to read more and pls post more.
Have an amazing day please.
20-06-2017, 11:28 AM
I agree that arousing a girl is the best way to make a girl/woman yours. The logical path can get you her pussy, but you will not capture her heart.
The author is trying to sell his program called Speak to Spark Arousal. IMHO, speaking and small talk play a very minor role in arousing a girl or getting her addicted to you. It's not what you say, it's how you say it.
You attract n arouse her by being The Prize. You demonstarte your dominant and non-reactive body language, eye contact, facial micro-expressions, voice tonality and behaviour. Be completely non-reactive to your dream girl's shit tests, insults, challenges n emotional drama.
A satiated man gets invited to banquets, whereas a hungry man stays hungry. Same with sex and women. Having 2-3 LPs/mistresses/lovers/GFs will keep you very satiated. All the other SYTs will want you to make love to them. They can sense your sexual energy/vibes and non-reactive body language...they will start fantasizing getting fucked by you. Their only question left is how long can you last...
Is there a man with such awesome non-reactive behaviour and self mastery? I hv not personally met such a man. There is a fictional character though, Humphrey Bogart. Watch his movies!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Humphrey Bogart Quotes
"The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind."
"I was born when you kissed me. I died when you left me. I lived a few weeks while you loved me."
"A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz."
Actually Bro WB is my idol rather than Humphrey Bogart.
Hope you continue to post more.
Have a great week ahead.
20-06-2017, 02:20 PM
This is a really good thread.
WB keep it up
20-06-2017, 03:07 PM
Perhaps these excerpts from a recent NYT article titled "In China, the anxious lap up advice to avoid being 'leftover women'" may interest samsters following this thread?
Ayawawa is apparently one of China's most popular advice columnists. Ayawawa is the online name of Yang Bingyang, one of several online advice dispensers who have won celebrity in China by tapping into urban women's anxieties about finding a man to marry.
Ayawawa explains on her wechat homepage, "MV" stands for "Mate Value" and "PU" refers to "Paternity Uncertainty".
She elaborated :" A man's MV is determined by his age, height, looks, wealth, IQ, EQ, sexual capacity and willingness to make a long-term commitment".
Whereas the eight elements in a women's MV are her "age, looks, height, bra cup size, weight, academic degrees, personality and family background."
As for PU, Ayawawa said, "In human evolutionary history, a man's great concern is that he cannot be certain if he is the father of his partner's child."
She advises her female readers: "Don't wear revealing clothes. Don't be always posting pictures of yourself drinking in a bar. Be a lady, speak softy, be modest."
Her suggestions to women include: Letting the man take the lead. Don't call him for the first few dates. Don't have sex for the first few months.
In response to one young woman's request for advice about a suitor, she counseled, "Hold back. Make him invest more in you" , meaning both time and money.
Many of Ayawawa's fans consider her the personification of the success they crave for themselves: attractive, married to a husband she describes as a loving husband, the mother of two children.
By contrast, Lu Qi, a popular online relationship adviser with 26 million followers on Weibo, owes much of his credibility to being a single man in his 30s, who presumably knows firsthand what such men really think.
Mr Lu shares: " For women, spending more time with a man deepens her love. But for a man, the longer he stays with a woman, the less he loves her."
20-06-2017, 06:34 PM
Very good thread here, thank you bro WB!!
20-06-2017, 07:37 PM
Support a very informative thread :)
27-06-2017, 09:57 AM
Bro WB
Never behave like a child and always true for guys, Always be a gentleman.
Please coach us more so that we knew what to do when approach gals.
Hope you can share more with us.
Have a nice day.
#1. – Don’t behave like a child
As a general rule, females like boys but love men. Women feel an addictive attraction to mature men, while the boys live trapped in the friend-zone. As long as you behave like a confident, powerful and adventurous man, women will be helplessly attracted to you.
Show them that you live on your own terms. You know what you want and you are going to take action to achieve your dreams. Men are creatures of action, while boys are passive individuals. Females want a guy who takes care of them, not a child they need to take care of.
Have a great day!
Bro WB
27-06-2017, 10:02 AM
Bro WB, first of all let me congratulate you for the very successful thread here. I am sure you have a big group of supporters for this wonderful thread.
I want to finish like you do but not greedy to live to 80. I just hope @ 70 yrs old enough.
Money is definitely important key to this activity you are doing.
Hope you enjoyed yourself and wish you best health.
Please share more so that more guys benefit.
Have a great day.
It's not where you start, it's where you finish that counts.
Study hard, work hard n invest wisely. Reprogram ur S mind to achieve awesome emotional mastery.
How do I want to finish?
At 90, I want to pass on, after giving my very pretty 19 yo SYT mistress CVOs that she has never experienced n will never ever experienced for the rest of her life.
That is a very badass (gentleman) statement haha. I stand by the statement.
I was in a very prestigious n lucrative profession in Gotham City. I used to work 90-100 hour weeks. Cut throat competition against privileged Ang Mohs who were very average to me. They were average because they were lazy n really not that smart. What they took 30 minutes or more to do I would take 10 minutes or less. The faster the better! Unlike sex, where the man should last at least 15 minutes.
Bro WB
27-06-2017, 10:36 AM
Very good thread by bro WB, support!
27-06-2017, 10:42 AM
Bro WB
Thanks for this wonderful thread.
Hope to learn more from you.
Have a nice week ahead.
27-06-2017, 02:08 PM
Nice thread here, wish to learn more from bro WB :)
28-06-2017, 09:53 AM
Some of my past kakis hv fallen on hard times. One of them was honest enuff to tell me the truth. Business not doing well, hving cash flow problems...I suspect several others r in the same boat. Wat to do? I wish them the best n hope they will start making millions...
BTW, my 3 gals hv arrived recently. There is a package deal involving two 18 1/2 yo gals from around Wuhan. Non-WLs. Very chio, demure, fresh, youthful, inexperienced, but they r too naive n immature n come w/ little service...they had never experienced orgasms before! It will be quite a challenge to get them addicted. They agreed to come only after talking to a gal in Wuhan whom I used to know in SG. The good news is that one of them has the potential to be very orgasmic during penetrative will take time though.
Bro WB
Bro WB
It is true that not everyday is sunny and some friends fallen on hard time. Recently many friends don't make good money and fell out.
I read your past experiences with anxiety. This story about 3 girls arriving and you enjoyed yourself. To me all these are dreams.
Hope you continue to share more with us.
Have a great day!
28-06-2017, 09:58 AM
I don't get smitten, I get lustful instantly, I get very primal n animalistic, but I try to mix it w/ some playful energy so that I won't appear too slimy n creepy.
I remember 5 yrs ago, when I had an outing to TAM 1st fl, I was lustful over a very pretty girl. An esteemed bro who was w/ me had this advice: With this one, you must go slow. Get to know her first, after a few months, you may propose BY.
I proposed BY on my third meeting n she accepted haha. Now I propose BY within 60 minutes, sometimes 60 secs, of my first meeting w/ a girl I really like.
The commonly held belief that the more attractive a girl the more time u hv to spend "romancing" her n be "nice" to her, is completely wrong. The more attractive a girl, the sooner u must show ur sexual interests n mojo!
It works even if she is a non-WL. Your body language n voice must be confident, relaxed, masculine n playful.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for sharing your skills.I like your words "lustful person". I wished I can be too.
So you did changed over the years and proposed BY sooner than later. I think your method will work if the girl also lustful of you and money.The girl always like to calculate the money they can earn ahead of times.Most of these girls are in debt the moment they arrived.
Please do post more for us to learn here.
Please also have an amazing day.
28-06-2017, 12:03 PM
Great thread here, thank you bro WB
Have a nice day
28-06-2017, 01:25 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for your points.
I read that many can up twice per day. Have you tried?
28-06-2017, 09:46 PM
Thank you for sharing your valuable experiences here, bro WB
29-06-2017, 12:07 PM
“For of men(be it friends or family) it may generally be affirmed, that they are thankless, fickle, false studious to avoid danger, greedy of gain, devoted to you while you are able to confer benefits upon them, and ready, as I said before, while danger is distant, to shed their blood, and sacrifice their property, their lives, and their children for you; but in the hour of need they turn against you.”
Bro if i may be so bold as to ask, how do you form deep and close relations with other given the mercenary nature of people, hypocrisy and futility of it all?
Bro WB
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you that men always are selfish, self-centred, and all for themselves when come to terms with money and girls.
Best don't need friends but common interest kaki to chiong and enjoy. Friends are most likely to hurt you and get you into trouble for some incidents. Often they will try not to pay their fair share.
Many here may not agree but I had my share of bad friends who will come to enjoy talk big but failed to pay.
I had enjoyed thoroughly your thread here.
Please do have a great day.
29-06-2017, 12:16 PM
I think some bros/frens r paying too much for exclusivity, GFE n companionship, etc. I may be in the same camp n need to reevaluate my strategies n objectives.
Although part-time BY-ing is 40-50% less expensive, exclusivity is not ensured n much more difficult to enforce. Even full-time BY-ing is not 100%. Then again, no one can be sure that he or she will be alive tmr. Life is so unpredictable...
I currently hv two full-time Bao-ees, aged 20 n 23 (will be 24 soon). They exist just to wait for me to show up n make love to them or take them out for dinner. They never say NO, otherwise they r history. It's a good feeling bcos u know how it is, even my OC n ur OC may say NO, from time to time. Big auntie has come? NP, she can still do BBBJ. Or I can go to the other pussy.
The negative is that the damage is twice as high (like maintaining 2 separate households). Also it's physically very taxing n exhaustive for an ah pek like me. I hv had difficulties satisfying both of them sexually.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Your post above are antidote for my day. I was so keen that I stayed up to read whole night.
What I love about your thread was you wrote clearly and shared many excerpts and events.
I just started and hope to complete by next few days if time permits.
In the meantime pleas pen more and shall follow up closely.
Hope you have an amazing day ahead.
29-06-2017, 01:57 PM
Superb thread by bro WB, learnt a lot here.
Have a nice day.
29-06-2017, 02:29 PM
Bro WB
What an excellent thread this is.
Please share more with us.
Thanks and have a great weekend.
If the RS lasts more than a couple of months, there will be at least some KC involved, which may be one-sided or a two-way traffic. Your self control is crucial.. Never fall in love w/ a WL. If u can't control ur heart n ego, you will be at risk...
For me, pursuing n tasting pretty pussies of my type is only a small part of BY-ing. It's a fun game n a business operation, hehehe. Additionally, I also enjoy going to a flat n see my young mistress walking around, perhaps cooking dinner for me, completely nude or scantily clad w/ only a T-shirt n wearing nothing underneath, hehehe. After dinner n resting, we would take shower together n then would usually make love for couple of hrs....I then like to see her disappointment when I said I couldn't stay it worth the much higher damage? I dun really know, sometimes yes n sometimes no...
Bro WB
Bro WB
I really thank you for the great thread you started here.
True, cannot fall in love with WL. The emotional affair can be dangerous game.
Your taste for tall and young girls aged 18-22 are nice dicey game. This also keep ah pek young at heart. Always nice to have a girl naked keeping you company cooking, bathing and making love whole day.
Hope you continue to share more with us.
Hope you have a great weekend.
01-07-2017, 09:41 AM
Over the past 12 months, several mummies hv tried to procure my type of gals for BY at TAM/CI/LV n at DC. I hv been disappointed except for one tall Fujian SYT whom I met last Dec. She was 21, 170 n 52kg. Very sexy body n long, nice legs. But she wanted to be paid monthly, not wkly. So no deal. I heard she just came back...
I do hv some questions for u.
1) How do u pay ur mistresses? Wkly, monthly?
2) Do u keep them in a private flat/master bdrm?
3) Do u do them raw? Do they take the pill?
4) When they request gifts or extra money for whatever reasons, what do u do?
5) Of course they r exclusive to u. But do u also eat outside? What if they find out?
I'm thinking of keeping the 2 gals under one roof, something I hv never done before I need advice from esteemed bros here.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Let me try to answer with best effort below. I knew this was posted years ago but still relevant today.
1) How do u pay ur mistresses? Wkly, monthly?
Ans - Monthly
2) Do u keep them in a private flat/master bdrm?
Ans - Private flat
3) Do u do them raw? Do they take the pill?
Ans - Raw with pill
4) When they request gifts or extra money for whatever reasons, what do u do?
Ans - If small amount just give but large amount no.
5) Of course they r exclusive to u. But do u also eat outside? What if they find out?
Ans - Yes, still eat outside. If found out they can break off no issue.
I just started reading 100 over pages in your prestigious thread. Found man things interesting and valuable info.
Will be reading more and hopefully apply. Hope you can comment above.
Have an amazing day.
01-07-2017, 12:16 PM
Very good thread by Bro WB, support!
01-07-2017, 12:42 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for this wonderful thread.
Have a great weekend.
01-07-2017, 02:24 PM
Amazing:D thread by bro WB, with valuable discussions.
Have a great day.
01-07-2017, 05:19 PM
Bro WB
I heard u r a horny old ugly man with loads of money to throw at Ktv gals. Stop spreading your bullshits here. Without money gals look at u also will vomit. Always say u give the girls u fuk pov. Knn so old Liao still can so solid ah. Stop boasting your ego here la. Only ignorant noobs and fools will idiolise u. So many rumours from d girls tat u lj can hardly stand still come here to wayang. Sibei Beh paiseh.
02-07-2017, 10:55 AM
Support a great thread.
We all stand to benefit from reading and practised.
02-07-2017, 02:08 PM
Good morning to all samsters!
Many thanks to the following bros.
Always love this thread .
Bro WB
Thank you for taking time to reply.
I am still trying to find how to be effective with self mastery.
I prefer the 2nd path above and take lesser time although I may not know exactly how to do it. Just need practise.
Will try to focus on this thread.
Thank you and have a nice day.
The most difficult thing to achieve is self mastery.
Very good thread, thanks bro WB!
Bro WB
Tks for recommending me to read Dr Alber Ellis books.
I wish to approach 200 girls and test out my skills. I hope to do so after reading more of Dr Ellis books.
Hope to read more and pls post more.
Have an amazing day please.
Bro, any update on your progress?
Bro WB
Humphrey Bogart Quotes
"The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind."
"I was born when you kissed me. I died when you left me. I lived a few weeks while you loved me."
"A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz."
Actually Bro WB is my idol rather than Humphrey Bogart.
Hope you continue to post more.
Have a great week ahead.
Bro, I'm just another lao chee ko pek trying to get some young pussies for health reasons and perhaps a couple of new kids.
This is a really good thread.
WB keep it up
Perhaps these excerpts from a recent NYT article titled "In China, the anxious lap up advice to avoid being 'leftover women'" may interest samsters following this thread?
Ayawawa is apparently one of China's most popular advice columnists. Ayawawa is the online name of Yang Bingyang, one of several online advice dispensers who have won celebrity in China by tapping into urban women's anxieties about finding a man to marry.
Ayawawa explains on her wechat homepage, "MV" stands for "Mate Value" and "PU" refers to "Paternity Uncertainty".
She elaborated :" A man's MV is determined by his age, height, looks, wealth, IQ, EQ, sexual capacity and willingness to make a long-term commitment".
Whereas the eight elements in a women's MV are her "age, looks, height, bra cup size, weight, academic degrees, personality and family background."
As for PU, Ayawawa said, "In human evolutionary history, a man's great concern is that he cannot be certain if he is the father of his partner's child."
She advises her female readers: "Don't wear revealing clothes. Don't be always posting pictures of yourself drinking in a bar. Be a lady, speak softy, be modest."
Her suggestions to women include: Letting the man take the lead. Don't call him for the first few dates. Don't have sex for the first few months.
In response to one young woman's request for advice about a suitor, she counseled, "Hold back. Make him invest more in you" , meaning both time and money.
Many of Ayawawa's fans consider her the personification of the success they crave for themselves: attractive, married to a husband she describes as a loving husband, the mother of two children.
By contrast, Lu Qi, a popular online relationship adviser with 26 million followers on Weibo, owes much of his credibility to being a single man in his 30s, who presumably knows firsthand what such men really think.
Mr Lu shares: " For women, spending more time with a man deepens her love. But for a man, the longer he stays with a woman, the less he loves her."
Bro, I don't agree w/ Mr Lu. There are too many exceptions to his assertion.
Very good thread here, thank you bro WB!!
Support a very informative thread :)
Bro WB
Never behave like a child and always true for guys, Always be a gentleman.
Please coach us more so that we knew what to do when approach gals.
Hope you can share more with us.
Have a nice day.
Bro, be a badass gentleman.
Bro WB, first of all let me congratulate you for the very successful thread here. I am sure you have a big group of supporters for this wonderful thread.
I want to finish like you do but not greedy to live to 80. I just hope @ 70 yrs old enough.
Money is definitely important key to this activity you are doing.
Hope you enjoyed yourself and wish you best health.
Please share more so that more guys benefit.
Have a great day.
Bro, thank you so much.
Very good thread by bro WB, support!
Bro WB
Thanks for this wonderful thread.
Hope to learn more from you.
Have a nice week ahead.
Thank you, bro.
Nice thread here, wish to learn more from bro WB :)
Bro WB
It is true that not everyday is sunny and some friends fallen on hard time. Recently many friends don't make good money and fell out.
I read your past experiences with anxiety. This story about 3 girls arriving and you enjoyed yourself. To me all these are dreams.
Hope you continue to share more with us.
Have a great day!
Bro, life is like morning mist. Ephemeral, unpredictable.
Bro WB
Thank you for sharing your skills.I like your words "lustful person". I wished I can be too.
So you did changed over the years and proposed BY sooner than later. I think your method will work if the girl also lustful of you and money.The girl always like to calculate the money they can earn ahead of times.Most of these girls are in debt the moment they arrived.
Please do post more for us to learn here.
Please also have an amazing day.
Bro, you're right.
Many prettier PRC gals don't want to come to SG. They prefer to be kept for half the money back home.
China men hv different taste. They like gals who are plastic, whereas I find those gals unattractive.
Bro WB
Thank you for your points.
I read that many can up twice per day. Have you tried?
Thank you for sharing your valuable experiences here, bro WB
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you that men always are selfish, self-centred, and all for themselves when come to terms with money and girls.
Best don't need friends but common interest kaki to chiong and enjoy. Friends are most likely to hurt you and get you into trouble for some incidents. Often they will try not to pay their fair share.
Many here may not agree but I had my share of bad friends who will come to enjoy talk big but failed to pay.
I had enjoyed thoroughly your thread here.
Please do have a great day.
Bro, it's diificult to hv more than 2-3 true friends.
Bro WB
Your post above are antidote for my day. I was so keen that I stayed up to read whole night.
What I love about your thread was you wrote clearly and shared many excerpts and events.
I just started and hope to complete by next few days if time permits.
In the meantime pleas pen more and shall follow up closely.
Hope you have an amazing day ahead.
Bro, you make my day!
Superb thread by bro WB, learnt a lot here.
Have a nice day.
Bro WB
What an excellent thread this is.
Please share more with us.
Thanks and have a great weekend.
Bro WB
I really thank you for the great thread you started here.
True, cannot fall in love with WL. The emotional affair can be dangerous game.
Your taste for tall and young girls aged 18-22 are nice dicey game. This also keep ah pek young at heart. Always nice to have a girl naked keeping you company cooking, bathing and making love whole day.
Hope you continue to share more with us.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Bro, I hv had some KC for a few of my LPs. Fortunately, I hv not lost my self control.
BTW, I hv eliminated height as a requirment as very pretty, young and tall gals are just too rare in SG. If I don't get to see a unicorn, how can I BY one?
Bro WB
Let me try to answer with best effort below. I knew this was posted years ago but still relevant today.
1) How do u pay ur mistresses? Wkly, monthly?
Ans - Monthly
2) Do u keep them in a private flat/master bdrm?
Ans - Private flat
3) Do u do them raw? Do they take the pill?
Ans - Raw with pill
4) When they request gifts or extra money for whatever reasons, what do u do?
Ans - If small amount just give but large amount no.
5) Of course they r exclusive to u. But do u also eat outside? What if they find out?
Ans - Yes, still eat outside. If found out they can break off no issue.
I just started reading 100 over pages in your prestigious thread. Found man things interesting and valuable info.
Will be reading more and hopefully apply. Hope you can comment above.
Have an amazing day.
Bro, tks for your answers. You're doing great!
Very good thread by Bro WB, support!
Bro WB
Thanks for this wonderful thread.
Have a great weekend.
Bros, tks!
Have a great Sunday!!
Bro WB
02-07-2017, 02:31 PM
Bro, any update on your progress?
Have a great Sunday!!
Bro WB
Bro warbird
I just ended one r/s with a girl and started another one. Another 10 is waiting in wings.
I agreed all r/s are ephemeral. Still have not approached 200 numbers yet.
02-07-2017, 03:53 PM
Superb:D thread by bro WB, with valuable tips.
Have a nice day.
Bro warbird
I just ended one r/s with a girl and started another one. Another 10 is waiting in wings.
I agreed all r/s are ephemeral. Still have not approached 200 numbers yet.
Same here. I also just ended one r/s and another 25 waiting.
02-07-2017, 09:05 PM
Same here I just ended 9 r/s another 900+ in waiting. Lol this thread full of bullshitters :D
Of course it all started from the biggest bullshitter Mr Lau Chee Kio Pek and ugly too.. our beloved warbird :p
02-07-2017, 09:48 PM
Support a great thread.
We all stand to benefit from reading and practised.
Exactly what I wanted to say.
03-07-2017, 10:16 AM
I did hv a brief RS w/ a Presidential Scholar at NUS, a 19 yo PRC gal (see my posts in late Dec 2009) who only wanted 4K a month (I think she would hv accepted 3K a month). She had to study hard n I could meet her only twice a wk. My main concern was that her pussy might not be exclusive to me.
A good fren, a very experienced playboy, once told me abt kissing when I was still wet behind my ears. "If a Chinese gal willingly allows you to french her, her pussy is yours ( at least 99% true ), but not so w/ Ang Mo gals..."
Decades later, I can confirm that he is spot on n his axiom holds true for KTV gals n non-WLs alike.
Sometimes there is a long lag time between kissing a gal n tasting her pussy. The longest is w/ the SH songbird SS aka CD. It took 5 months.
Bro warbird
I came across your post above and the thing that captured my attention was a PRC student awarded the Presidential scholar at NUS?
From what I knew Presidential Scholars are only awarded to Citizens and given out by the President. At most 4 students per year.
The other point in your post was about kissing. I had learned to ask for a kiss even when I saw the girl first time. What worst can happen? Actually so far nothing major happened. Either you get rejected or the girl gave you a peck on the cheek. The end result will be still positive.
If I visited a ktv and within 10 mins I must have kissed the girls or possible a frenching. If the girl refused I may tell mummy to change the girl.
Hope you can comment above.
Have a great day.
03-07-2017, 10:32 AM
High Sextisfaction Quotient or SQ at the least cost? You hv posed a very challenging question.
How to find pretty SYTs w/ ur preferred body n pussy type who give good services, r very orgasmic, yet won't cost an arm n a leg? You will rarely find those attributes in gals who do ST. I hv searched everywhere...GL legal gals, streetwalkers, local FLs, KTV gals/students, etc. ST-gals hv no incentive to giving good services n u hv little leverage over them. There r other problems. I normally neither kiss nor paint gals who do ST...n I'll NEVER do them raw.
My solution is to BY gals of my type who dun do ST. They will then give me everything I want. If a gal says she has never done BBBJ n CMI. I simply tell them all my former GFs/mistresses hv done it. She will not say no again. If she says no to something else...I just repeat the magic phrase. You get the idea. I also enjoy the feelings of staying w/ these gals, it's like hving honeymoon every few months! I even allow myself to get a little KC-ed just to increase the thrill...
Bro WB
Bro, reading your thread makes my day. Just picked up new term here "Sextifaction Quotient".
I never believe there is a perfect girl or prettiest girl. One man meant another mans poison.
When I found a girl who I am fond and she love me then to me she is MY perfect girl. Don't bother what others say because so long I am happy to do what I like and SQ is high.
Please continue to share more with us.
Have a good day.
03-07-2017, 10:37 AM
Same here. I also just ended one r/s and another 25 waiting.
I also same. Just ended one r/s and got another 45 waiting.
03-07-2017, 11:23 AM
Amazing:D thread by bro WB, with valuable discussions.
Have a great day.
Support a great thread.
We all stand to benefit from reading and practised.
Bros, thank you!
Bro warbird
I just ended one r/s with a girl and started another one. Another 10 is waiting in wings.
I agreed all r/s are ephemeral. Still have not approached 200 numbers yet.
Bro, you're doing great!
Superb:D thread by bro WB, with valuable tips.
Have a nice day.
Same here. I also just ended one r/s and another 25 waiting.
Exactly what I wanted to say.
Bros, thank you all.
Bro warbird
I came across your post above and the thing that captured my attention was a PRC student awarded the Presidential scholar at NUS?
From what I knew Presidential Scholars are only awarded to Citizens and given out by the President. At most 4 students per year.
The other point in your post was about kissing. I had learned to ask for a kiss even when I saw the girl first time. What worst can happen? Actually so far nothing major happened. Either you get rejected or the girl gave you a peck on the cheek. The end result will be still positive.
If I visited a ktv and within 10 mins I must have kissed the girls or possible a frenching. If the girl refused I may tell mummy to change the girl.
Hope you can comment above.
Have a great day.
Bro, thank you so much for the post.
The gal told me she was on full SG govt scholarship, and I assumed that she was a Presidential Scholar! She had been in SG a long time as she spoke English w/ a local accent. Could be a PR though. At that time I knew little abt the scholarship here. I had just started to spend more time in SG, after spending decades in Gotham City.
She was actually a student at NTU, majoring in EE. I was trying to make her more difficult to identify.
Some PRC gals are reserved n shy. They don't like to be kissed in front of too many people. If a gal is totally your type, don't dismiss her so quickly. Take her some place private to kiss her.
I understand that Viet gals will let you do anything immediately. But many bros get bored after visiting Viet joints a few times. No challenge is the reason given.
Bro WB
03-07-2017, 11:26 AM
Bro warbird
I just ended one r/s with a girl and started another one. Another 10 is waiting in wings.
I agreed all r/s are ephemeral. Still have not approached 200 numbers yet.
New wei Xiao bao in the making.
03-07-2017, 12:24 PM
Excellent thread here, thanks Bro WB.
04-07-2017, 10:36 AM
I like the quote by Warren Buffett. I know his method well. Have u read "The Making of an American Capitalist"? Good book. If u hv followed his method, u should be independently wealthy.
As for cheonging n BY-ing, to each his own.
If u r perfectly contented w/ ur current arrangement, then u should continue...after all, "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - Shakespeare.
There is something I dun understand. No time to hunt for ST? But getting ST from a pretty KTV is so easy as there many who r in this line. Just go to a high-end KTV n ask a mummy to bring only gals who say "I do," hehehe.
I crave exclusivity bcos I wont french nor paint a gal who does ST. Most prettier n younger SYTs in high end KTVs play hard to get n want to be BY-ed only, which is fine.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for your book recommendation "Buffet - The Making of an American Capitalist".
Intensity wins. The one overarching theme from this book is intensity, at least from my reading. Buffett seems to keep his eyes on the prize all of the time, even in his early childhood. The only times he seems to stumble is when he takes his eye off the ball.
Never stop learning. Along those same lines, Buffett seems to constantly be learning as well, in terms of study, street smarts, and investigation. He learns from success and from failure, and the progression of this knowledge and wisdom is apparent throughout the book. It’s pretty clear early on that he’s intelligent but not wise – only after many years of learning does he seem wise.
Don’t buy more than you need. Buffett’s frugality is well known, but what’s fascinating is how that frugality drifts over into his investing. In no aspect of his life does he spend a dime without clear purpose. He lives in what I’d call an upper middle class home because he sees no reason to live in anything else. Similarly, he passed up (over and over again, actually) seemingly good investments simply because he didn’t see the reason to make the leap. It’s pretty obvious, then, that Buffett follows his principles adamantly, especially later on in his career.
I like to comment that WB didn't teach about BY. Anyway he such a frugal person will never $pent money on girls like you do.
Please continue to share with us here.
Hope you enjoyed as much as I do.
04-07-2017, 10:50 AM
Some reflections on gals of my "type."
All the mummies n all my frens n bros still dun understand the type of gal I like. The gals they regard as very attractive n certainly "my type" r, more often than not, not even remotely attractive to me.:confused:
Recently, I hv met some coveted Ang Pai gals at TAM complex: JX, TX n C, etc. They r very hard to book n command premium booking fees, I was told. But I was underwhelmed when I met them even under the dim light of a KTV. My frens were puzzled. But I really couldn't help it.
Unfortunately, attraction is not a choice. Under bright light, if the gal bares her arms n legs, I could tell if she is my type in 3 secs, provided I'm within 2-3 feet.
Firstly, my gal must be youthful (18 being the best, can't go any younger as I'm a resident of Gotham City), and every extra yr detracts from her attractiveness.
Secondly, she must hv the RIGHT head/neck/boobs/torso/butt/limbs/bone proportions. This is perhaps THE most important feature that will turn me on. I prefer natural B/C boobs which r proportionate. I dislike larger boobs unless the gal is tall enuff. I'll accept a nicely shaped A/B boobs. Gals w/ the RIGHT proportions r mostly above 166.
Thirdly, her looks must be attractive to me. This is highly subjective...
Fourthly, everything else being equal, I prefer a gal w/ a Fuzhou accent.
Fifthly, she must hv fair n clear skin.
Sixthly, large/thick or muscular limbs r extremely repulsive to me. I cant run away fast enuff.
A gal must pass these basic requirements before I can even consider voice, chemistry, rapport, personality, education, character, etc.
And then when she is naked, there r other requirements...
If a gal is my type that means she has met my minimum requirements n she is passable. She is at least minimally attractive to me. But it's very hard to find someone who is highly attractive, especially w/o makeup, in broad daylight. I hv not seen one in the last 2-3 yrs here. It's a bit like sighting of The Big Foot, I know they r out there, but I hv not seen one yet, hehehe.:D
Bro WB
Have you changed your taste since 2010? I must say what your type is good.
I started reading your thread since many bros here did the same thing. I must say early part of your thread plenty of exchanges and good ideas.
Hope to continue reading when I have more time.
Have a great week.
Bro, I hv had some KC for a few of my LPs. Fortunately, I hv not lost my self control.
BTW, I hv eliminated height as a requirment as very pretty, young and tall gals are just too rare in SG. If I don't get to see a unicorn, how can I BY one?
Bro WB
Bro - thank you for your reply.
Hope you have an amazing day.
04-07-2017, 02:18 PM
Bro warbird
I just ended one r/s with a girl and started another one. Another 10 is waiting in wings.
I agreed all r/s are ephemeral. Still have not approached 200 numbers yet.
I also same. Just ended one r/s and got another 45 waiting.
Me too. I have another 69 waiting.
04-07-2017, 02:20 PM
Great thread by Bro WB.
Have a nice day.
04-07-2017, 02:46 PM
Me too. I have another 69 waiting.
Keep it up bro. Really envy you!!
04-07-2017, 04:10 PM
Seriously this thread full of bullshitters lol
05-07-2017, 10:09 AM
Then she said, not tonite, dear. Seeing her fair fair body n long long thighs/legs n her big didi already half erect. Buay tahan! I dun take NO for an answer. I just calmly replied that u mean I hv to find other gals? She looked at me n said, OK leh, if u really want it, go take a shower, I'll come. The best feature of this Master rm is a very spacious n clean shower rm...
To cut a long story short, despite her extreme fatigue, she came n came n came...n had screaming COS...her 3rd since we began our RS less than a wk ago. Afterward,she cooed that 我的水都流光了!despite the fact that she didn't squirt. She is one of 2 most orgasmic gals I hv ever had in my life. Perhaps I'm getting better in my old age. :D
She fell into a deep slumber soon after. My legs were wobbly after a long sexsion, but I managed to descend slowing down some steep steps, w/ my hands clinging to the rails. There were mostly restaurants in the row of shop houses downstairs. As I walked towards one, I was greeted by someone who called Bro WB! He was a young handsome man (bro MillerV I think) who joined one of my outings only 3 days ago. He lived around the area. SG is really too small!
I eat Da Bao in the rm. MY was still deep asleep. I left later. At midnight she called n said she felt better.
I now believe that hving a private place w/ ur BAO-ee is most essential as the experience is totally different from a hotel rm.
Also, keeping more than a gal makes sense as one may be tired, has visit from her big aunt or is sick, etc.
Finally, a man should be dominant n hv more power in the RS, but not so much power that the gal becomes a sex slave, which would be unattractive after a while.
Cheers n stay Alpha,
Bro WB
Bro, what a nice forum above post although was back in 6 Dec 2010.
I fully agreed with you that men should be dominant and never take no for an answer. Since you BY her she should be serving you whenever you wished.
Sometimes can be fully turned off when guy wanted but gal refused. Like the way you mentioned have to find other gal, haha.
Please continue to post more here so that I can learn.
Have a great day please.
NB - those days can up a gal for iphone4. Today iphone7 and coming up Sep new iphone.
05-07-2017, 10:17 AM
I'm most most gratified to see so much interest on investing n trading. Perhaps I should add a subtitle to this thread: How to pick up undervalued equities "outside" the recommendations of brokers/analysts/portfolio managers, hehehe.
Yes, long-term value investing is my no1 passion. No2 is investing in high tech n biotech start ups. I do swing trading occasionally but is not a passion.
My no3? U guess it. Pretty SYTs of my type.
I know the adage: Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity. But searching for undervalued stocks n finding SYTs of my type both depend on luck.
In my last visit here, over almost 5 months, I was able to find only a few gals who r mildly interesting. In contrast, since my arrival a little over 2 wks ago, I hv discovered several gals of my type, hehehe.;)
Bro WB
Bro - thank you so much for the amazing thread.
I was pleasantly surprised you taught investing and trading here too. Any recent tips on what to bu? Looks like tech stock heading for big correction.
Please do share with us more. Will read up and comment more soon.
Wish you enjoy all your BY syts.
Enjoy your great week too.
05-07-2017, 06:22 PM
Me too. I have another 69 waiting.
Wow so many. I only have 55 :(
05-07-2017, 07:43 PM
Wow so many. I only have 55 :(
Very impressive .... can share tips?
06-07-2017, 11:44 AM
Bro WB
Have learned a lot from this thread.
Please share more of your experiences.
Have a nice day.
06-07-2017, 08:52 PM
Where is WB? Still hiding in his so call gxxxx city? Or loitering around peace centre foodcourt like a Lau tiko Peh. Lol
I know how u look like WB but u don't knw who I am. Lol
U r Really old wrinkled and ugly. Lol
06-07-2017, 10:16 PM
Bro WB
Learnt a lot from your great sharing.
Have a wonderful week ahead.
07-07-2017, 10:06 AM
3 Things That Make Women Chase You
1. Disagree with Women: Most men assume that they have to please women to win them. This comes across as supplicating to women.
When you disagree with women you demonstrate your willingness to walk away from them. Women find this quality very attractive in men.
Women cannot handle rejection and this makes them want to chase you and win your approval.
Next time you are talking to a woman you are attracted to disagree with her on some topic. She will love you for doing that.
2. Flirting with other women: Most men assume they have to demonstrate total dedication to the woman they are attracted to. This is why they don't even look at other women.
This behavior shows neediness. Women do not like that you are willing to give up everything when you barely know them.
Do the opposite!
Flirt with other women around her. This demonstrates that you are man who loves women and that you are capable of seducing other women.
Every woman wants a man who is loved by other women.
Next time you go to a coffee shop flirt a little with the barista. Give her a genuine compliment or ask couple personal questions. But don't do it too much.
Once she notices you flirting with other women she will do everything to hold on to you because she wants to win over other women.
3. Get Sexual Early On: Most men assume that they will make a woman feel uncomfortable by getting sexual early on.
You cannot be more wrong than this.
Most women have multiple guy friends in their life. When they go out with you they are hoping for something romantic to develop.
Let them know your intentions by touching, holding their hands, playing with their hair and establishing a sexual dialogue.
This will turn most women on and they will start to see you as a possible sexual partner opposed to another guy friend.
Women are emotional creatures. They respond to emotions not logic. There is a certain conversation pattern and interaction style that appeals to women on the emotional level.
When you inject these attraction generating patterns into your interaction with women the result is MASSIVE UNCONTROLLABLE ATTRACTION in women for you............................................... .....................................
Until next time,
Mr. Guru
Bro WB
The above posts woke me up and now I knew in the past my method was wrong.
I will try to finish reading soon.
Hope you can contine to post more to share.
Have a great weekend.
07-07-2017, 10:11 AM
IMHO, the key to success in long-term investing is estimating the value of a company correctly. Of course one needs the self control/self mastery to execute whenever a stock is either very undervalued or overvalued.
Unfortunately, it's much harder to value a pussy. There r too many variables. One man's meat is...
But there r certain guidelines. Moreover, the return from BY-ing a pretty gal of ur type is hard to quantify. If u feel very good keeping the gal, enjoy the sex, companionship n GFE...the benefits to ur physical n mental well being could be priceless.;)
The downside? If u can't master ur heart n fall in love w/ ur mistress, u could get hurt badly, both financially n emotionally.
BTW, I'll always be true to the spirit of this thread. It's all abt picking up...
Less than 3 wks ago, I was at DC n saw a chio SYT YX walking briskly in the hallway, I stopped her n got her name n HP. She was already booked. She is a pretty 19 yo student w/ very shapely figure n legs, abt 165 n 50kg. We share the same family name! A few days later, while I was in an Indonesian island, she sent me a text to say hello. I never met her again as I was very busy w/ my new gals. A wk later she texted me saying she was leaving for PRC n would be back after CNY. A few days ago, she texted me again from PRC to say hello. I jokingly said she should be my 干女儿。She replied, 好啊!n would meet me online. She is the one taking all the initiative n I know she wants to be fxked. I never booked her n dun really know her at all! Predestined infinity?
When YX returns, I may not hv the time nor the energy to BY her. She is actually better than all the gals I BY-ed during my last visit here. She is very young n very hot!!
Bro WB
Bro - another classic post above,.
Always difficult to value how much is pussy worth? But investing is much easier to value base on price ratio benchmark.
Have a great Friday.
07-07-2017, 10:35 AM
Bro fetishboy brings up the subject of young KTV gals n money. Of course if u run out of money they will abandon u. But sadly, they r not the only ones who will leave u if u hv no money. The only people who may NEVER abandon u r ur parents n ur children. We all should become better citizens n hv more children.
Bro WB
WB, This is the reality of truth. Love cannot last long. Love cannot be taken as food. All still need ca$h to pay for food, etc.
Supposing a very beautiful newly-wed woman of 21 is in love w/ her young husband, say aged 26, who has a high paying job from a family-owned business. Lets further suppose that, a few months later, the business has filed for bankruptcy n her husband is now penniless. He n his family r in debts n hv been sued by creditors n banks. His financial situation is hopeless. By law, she is also liable for his debts. How long do you think she will stay married to him?
Bro WB
Yes, only if yiou are lying thru your own teeth.
No, a young man too young too be tied down without enjoying the world.
Supposing u r engaged to a very beautiful 20 yo SYT virgin from a respectable family. Sadly, she has an serious accident which left her face disfigured beyond recognition n her body paraplegic. Lets further suppose that u r a healthy 25 yo heterosexual man from a well to do family. Would u still marry her n stay faithful to her for the rest of ur life? Pls answer the question truthfully.
Bro WB
same answer as above.
Will continue to read and hope to achieve your level soon.
Have an amazing day.
07-07-2017, 06:38 PM
Very interesting thread.
Thanks bro WB.
Have a great weekend :)
07-07-2017, 06:45 PM
Very impressive .... can share tips?
Sure, PM you.
07-07-2017, 07:47 PM
Sure, PM you.
Please PM me too, tks.
08-07-2017, 09:48 AM
Sure, PM you.
Can you PM me too? Like to learn from the master.
08-07-2017, 11:19 PM
Can you PM me too? Like to learn from the master.
Hv rtn ur favour.
Thank you!:)
09-07-2017, 08:37 AM
I hv a special personal interest in this field. Ang MO doctors call it sudden death, mostly cardiac n/or vascular in origin. There r many causes n contributory factors.
It's 马上风 aka “交欢中猝死” aka “腹上死” aka “大泄身” in Chinese, hehehe.
It can happen to both men n women of ALL ages, but most commonly in middle age n older men who r overweight who smoke, hv high BP n/or diabetes...u get the picture.
I'm a lao chi ko pek n certainly not immune to sudden death. No one is. But my BP is optimal, my weight is the same as when I was 21. I dun take any prescription medications except for judicious use of the big C.
Seriously, it's a painless n joyous way to pass on. I dun mind at all if it happens to me when I'm 85 n the gal is a very pretty 18 yo.;)
Bro WB
Bro all of uswill have to die one day. We can die happy or die without enjoying one day of our life.
You are doing excellent in my opinion. Today you already very successful and full of vigor in terms of your objective of tasting pussies.
I know these tactics r counter-intuitive n may appear illogical. But gals respond to emotions not logic.
In the past, I thought if only I was very nice to pretty SYTs, I could taste their pussies. Wrong, dead wrong. These tactics actually work for both non-WLs n WLs alike. You need to modify somewhat for non-WLs though. Be more subtle n indirect.
You disagree only when u believe u r right or when u dun want to do things she has requested. You also disagree when u believe she is wrong. Some men r so afraid of losing a beautiful woman that they agree w/ everything she says or give her everything she wants. It means they r insecure n feel that they dun deserve such a beautiful woman. This behaviour is most unattractive to the gal...
Flirting w/ other women n getting sexual early on merely show that a man is confident, masculine n has many options. These qualities r highly attractive to the most desirable women. Of course these must be done in good taste n in smooth n cultured, not vulgar.
Bro WB
Many men are very weak and meek. They give in to women and been nice. Worried that the women will ignored or dumped him.
I agreed with you that we shouldn't be afraid of rejections. Rejections are part and parcel of the game.
Just move on when we face rejections. One woman loss is another woman's gain.
Have a nice weekend.
09-07-2017, 08:47 AM
Life is constantly changing n nothing stays the same...n nothing lasts forever in this Universe.
A gal who is my "ideal" type at any particular moment in time may not remain so for long. If she loses or gains 2-3 kg she may look totally different to me. Moreover, many gals who work at the nite scene live a most unhealthy lifestyle n could look much older, haggard n sickly in a few months.
What to do? I'm very exacting n fastidious re a gal's body/limb proportions n youthful n healthy looks. I can't help it.
I like to share some encouraging words n a parable "the donkey that fell in to an old empty well," written by an Asian guru
Bro warbird
Tks for the post above. Absolutely right to say girl working in nite scene aged faster than usual. These girls usually don't have enough rests and sleep deprived syndrome.
Tks also for pointing out the book "the donkey fell in to an old empty well".
Hope to read up more of your posts in this thread.
Hope you have a good Sunday rest.
09-07-2017, 11:28 AM
Support nice thread by bro WB
Have a nice Sunday bro :)
09-07-2017, 11:40 AM
Can you PM me too? Like to learn from the master.
I would like to learn too.
09-07-2017, 04:21 PM
Great thread bro WB .... please continue sharing :)
10-07-2017, 10:11 AM
3 Things That Make Women Chase You
1. Disagree with Women: M
2. Flirting with other women:
3. Get Sexual Early On: Most men assume that they will make a woman feel uncomfortable by getting sexual early on.
You cannot be more wrong than this.
Most women have multiple guy friends in their life. When they go out with you they are hoping for something romantic to develop.
Let them know your intentions by touching, holding their hands, playing with their hair and establishing a sexual dialogue.
This will turn most women on and they will start to see you as a possible sexual partner opposed to another guy friend.
Women are emotional creatures. They respond to emotions not logic. There is a certain conversation pattern and interaction style that appeals to women on the emotional level.
When you inject these attraction generating patterns into your interaction with women the result is MASSIVE UNCONTROLLABLE ATTRACTION in women for you............................................... .....................................
Bro warbird
After reading your post above, I started to understand what I had done wrong in the past. I was terribly wrong in my technique and execution.
I love the 3 points above "3 Things That Make Women Chase You".
I was thinking been nice man will hardly get you any girl. I really enjoyed point 3 above "Get Sexual Early On".
Will need to practised all these points and will report back.
Hope you have a great week ahead.
10-07-2017, 10:33 AM
Amazing thread by bro WB, with in-depth discussions.
Have a great day.
10-07-2017, 02:52 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB, support here.
Have a great week ahead.
10-07-2017, 02:55 PM
Bro, reading your thread makes my day. Just picked up new term here "Sextifaction Quotient".
I never believe there is a perfect girl or prettiest girl. One man meant another mans poison.
When I found a girl who I am fond and she love me then to me she is MY perfect girl. Don't bother what others say because so long I am happy to do what I like and SQ is high.
Please continue to share more with us.
Have a good day.
You make my day!
Excellent thread here, thanks Bro WB.
Thank you!
Bro WB
Thank you for your book recommendation "Buffet - The Making of an American Capitalist".
Intensity wins. The one overarching theme from this book is intensity, at least from my reading. Buffett seems to keep his eyes on the prize all of the time, even in his early childhood. The only times he seems to stumble is when he takes his eye off the ball.
Never stop learning. Along those same lines, Buffett seems to constantly be learning as well, in terms of study, street smarts, and investigation. He learns from success and from failure, and the progression of this knowledge and wisdom is apparent throughout the book. It’s pretty clear early on that he’s intelligent but not wise – only after many years of learning does he seem wise.
Don’t buy more than you need. Buffett’s frugality is well known, but what’s fascinating is how that frugality drifts over into his investing. In no aspect of his life does he spend a dime without clear purpose. He lives in what I’d call an upper middle class home because he sees no reason to live in anything else. Similarly, he passed up (over and over again, actually) seemingly good investments simply because he didn’t see the reason to make the leap. It’s pretty obvious, then, that Buffett follows his principles adamantly, especially later on in his career.
I like to comment that WB didn't teach about BY. Anyway he such a frugal person will never $pent money on girls like you do.
Please continue to share with us here.
Hope you enjoyed as much as I do.
Another great investor is J Paul Getty. Read his book How to be Rich. He was the world's richest man in the 50s and 60s.
Have you changed your taste since 2010? I must say what your type is good.
I started reading your thread since many bros here did the same thing. I must say early part of your thread plenty of exchanges and good ideas.
Hope to continue reading when I have more time.
Have a great week.
No, my taste has not changed. I hv compromised on height as tall and pretty SYTs w/ the right body/limb propotions are too rare in Sg.
Bro - thank you for your reply.
Hope you have an amazing day.
Tks bro.
Great thread by Bro WB.
Have a nice day.
Bro, what a nice forum above post although was back in 6 Dec 2010.
I fully agreed with you that men should be dominant and never take no for an answer. Since you BY her she should be serving you whenever you wished.
Sometimes can be fully turned off when guy wanted but gal refused. Like the way you mentioned have to find other gal, haha.
Please continue to post more here so that I can learn.
Have a great day please.
NB - those days can up a gal for iphone4. Today iphone7 and coming up Sep new iphone.
That was a long time ago. I kept that gal full time for two months only, then part time for the rest of 2012. She returned in early 2015 and she looked older and not worth even a ST!
Bro - thank you so much for the amazing thread.
I was pleasantly surprised you taught investing and trading here too. Any recent tips on what to bu? Looks like tech stock heading for big correction.
Please do share with us more. Will read up and comment more soon.
Wish you enjoy all your BY syts.
Enjoy your great week too.
Read The Intelligent Investor and How to be Rich 10 times. And if you hv absolute self mastery, you could become the richest man in the world.
Bro WB
Have learned a lot from this thread.
Please share more of your experiences.
Have a nice day.
Bro WB
Learnt a lot from your great sharing.
Have a wonderful week ahead.
Bro WB
The above posts woke me up and now I knew in the past my method was wrong.
I will try to finish reading soon.
Hope you can contine to post more to share.
Have a great weekend.
Bros, thank you!
Bro - another classic post above,.
Always difficult to value how much is pussy worth? But investing is much easier to value base on price ratio benchmark.
Have a great Friday.
I was in Batam in Nov 2011 to meet a girl who flew from Jakarta to meet me. I met her earlier at Las Vegas 5th fl in SG. She was quite young, 172, natural C and had big ass. From Dongbei. It was like yesterday.
WB, This is the reality of truth. Love cannot last long. Love cannot be taken as food. All still need ca$h to pay for food, etc.
Yes, only if yiou are lying thru your own teeth.
No, a young man too young too be tied down without enjoying the world.
same answer as above.
Will continue to read and hope to achieve your level soon.
Have an amazing day.
Tks for ur post.
Very interesting thread.
Thanks bro WB.
Have a great weekend :)
Bro all of uswill have to die one day. We can die happy or die without enjoying one day of our life.
You are doing excellent in my opinion. Today you already very successful and full of vigor in terms of your objective of tasting pussies.
Many men are very weak and meek. They give in to women and been nice. Worried that the women will ignored or dumped him.
I agreed with you that we shouldn't be afraid of rejections. Rejections are part and parcel of the game.
Just move on when we face rejections. One woman loss is another woman's gain.
Have a nice weekend.
Now I want to die at 90, while making love to my very cute 18 yo LP haha.
Rejection? It's her big loss.
Bro warbird
Tks for the post above. Absolutely right to say girl working in nite scene aged faster than usual. These girls usually don't have enough rests and sleep deprived syndrome.
Tks also for pointing out the book "the donkey fell in to an old empty well".
Hope to read up more of your posts in this thread.
Hope you have a good Sunday rest.
They age faster. Working in the nite scene for 2-3 years could do a lot of harm to a SYT's looks.
Support nice thread by bro WB
Have a nice Sunday bro :)
Great thread bro WB .... please continue sharing :)
Bro warbird
After reading your post above, I started to understand what I had done wrong in the past. I was terribly wrong in my technique and execution.
I love the 3 points above "3 Things That Make Women Chase You".
I was thinking been nice man will hardly get you any girl. I really enjoyed point 3 above "Get Sexual Early On".
Will need to practised all these points and will report back.
Hope you have a great week ahead.
Pls give us an update in a month.
Amazing thread by bro WB, with in-depth discussions.
Have a great day.
To all samsters,
Have a great day!
Bro WB
10-07-2017, 09:30 PM
Bro, you very pro leh. Very one comment you reply.
11-07-2017, 10:34 AM
They age faster. Working in the nite scene for 2-3 years could do a lot of harm to a SYT's looks.
Bro WB
Bro - fully agreed with you.
Be the Man
Lack of a backbone and feeling needy and insecure are the biggest obstacles to
being a leader and attracting women through your charisma. If you want to be
the strong guy who sucks others into his vortex, observe and practice the
following guidelines.
TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. A man with charisma solves problems without placing
blame on others. As John F. Kennedy put it when discussing the immense
challenges of the presidency, “I do not shrink from this responsibility -- I welcome
Accept advice from others, but don't depend on them to make decisions. Always
be ready to take charge and make the decide what will be done.
PLACE A HIGH VALUE ON YOURSELF. That means you don't need other
people's approval. You're placing a low value on yourself when you:
• Brag about yourself. The only reason you'd ever brag is because you feel
• Try to impress people. A man of high value isn't required to prove himself to
• Feel that anyone's better than you. You never need to put a woman up on a
pedestal or feel like you have to impress your friends or followers. Remember,
no one out there is better than you! As such...
• Don't give people your attention unless they have earned it. And then
when you do give them your attention, they'll feel so much better about
• Be busy enough in your life (due to your drive to succeed) that when
you give your time to others, they can be sure that they have earned it.
• Never feel as if you need to buy anyone's affections. Instead use your
charm. A well-placed sincere compliment for someone will bring you far
better results than buying them gifts or giving them fake flattery.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I was reading your post above and like to discuss some important points.
Many man lack of integrity and backbone. Many dun see themselves as what you had written above "Be a Real Man".
Also "PLACE A HIGH VALUE ON YOURSELF" was also very important point.
Hope you can continue to post more here. Will read up more and comment whenever I can.
Thanks and have a great day.
***The 10 Rarest Qualities Of The Extinct Man***
...See the thing is, you don't even NEED to BE these things... there
are ways to flip the "mental triggers" in her mind so that she'll
ASSUME you are these things without you ever needing to say it, or
even be it...
1. The leader (at work, socially, amongst peer group etc)
2. Popular (people want to know you and be around you)
3. Confident
4. Funny (have a good sense of humor)
5. Have social proof (be attractive to other women)
6. Be socially competent and have social intelligence
7. Strong/protective over loved ones
8. Looks/body (have good genes for her offspring)
9. Emotionally wired correctly
10. Have power (be willing to use resources to protect her)
Bro WB
Was reading thru your past post above. The famous 80:20 rule also applies to women intrested in men. Economics only taught us 80:20 rules.
***The 10 Rarest Qualities Of The Extinct Man***....this is very simple logic and easy to understand but difficult to do.
Please post more here so that we can all benefit from your valuable lessons.
Have a great day.
11-07-2017, 12:35 PM
@TS - thank you for your reply.
Support here again.
11-07-2017, 03:12 PM
Bro, you very pro leh. Very one comment you reply.
Tks for ur post.
Bro - fully agreed with you.
Bro WB
I was reading your post above and like to discuss some important points.
Many man lack of integrity and backbone. Many dun see themselves as what you had written above "Be a Real Man".
Also "PLACE A HIGH VALUE ON YOURSELF" was also very important point.
Hope you can continue to post more here. Will read up more and comment whenever I can.
Thanks and have a great day.
Always think and act like a prize to all girls/women. What have you got to lose?
Bro WB
Was reading thru your past post above. The famous 80:20 rule also applies to women intrested in men. Economics only taught us 80:20 rules.
***The 10 Rarest Qualities Of The Extinct Man***....this is very simple logic and easy to understand but difficult to do.
Please post more here so that we can all benefit from your valuable lessons.
Have a great day.
Thanks for ur post!
@TS - thank you for your reply.
Support here again.
Thank you!
Bro WB
Good afternoon to all samsters!
Are you having enough pleasurable sex? If not, get as much as you possibly can. Do whatever it takes. But don't use force or do anything illegal, pls.
Why is pleasurable sex so important?
Because your life depends on it!
Let me share an email by a guru:
“Eroticism is the antidote to death”
- Esther Perel author ‘Mating in Captivity’
Your aliveness and vitality depend on pleasure.
Without eroticism, life loses meaning and purpose.
Your health and longevity depend upon it too!
No joke.
If you let sexual activity and connection fade away, your body takes it as an evolutionary signal to start shutting down.
“Hey hormones, biochemical factories, this body’s not a baby factory anymore. Only put resources where they’re needed!”
Whether you plan to procreate or not, in order to to operate at peak performance, with energy and creativity to spare, your body needs to believe it’s a hot and juicy sex machine.
Whether it’s self-pleasuring or intimate connection with a lover, are you prioritizing sexual pleasure?
Sex hormones are the hormones of life.
Orgasm releases a cascade of life enhancing chemicals and hormones:
Oxytocin, the love hormone, reduces anxiety and depression by lowering cortisol
Oxytocin also lowers carbohydrates cravings, so orgasm helps to regulate weight
Testosterone levels rise, adding fire to desire, improving mood, memory and sexual appeal
Prolactin release is responsible for causing stem cells in the brain to develop new neurons
Have I got your attention?
Studies have shown that having sex 3 times a week or more, can add as much as 3 years to your life expectancy and make you look 10 years younger.
Are you seeing the benefits?
Do you have a plan for total sexual vitality, expression and fulfillment?
Do you think it would be a good idea to get one?
Any comments?
I won't advise masturbation. Watching porn has negative consequences, including ED when having sex w/ a real woman.
Bro WB
11-07-2017, 03:34 PM
Very interesting sharing by bro WB, support here! :)
11-07-2017, 08:09 PM
Great thread here, hope to read more
12-07-2017, 05:39 PM
Very good thread by bro WB, support!!
12-07-2017, 06:35 PM
WB is a cheater
Have I got your attention?
Studies have shown that having sex 3 times a week or more, can add as much as 3 years to your life expectancy and make you look 10 years younger.
Are you seeing the benefits?
Do you have a plan for total sexual vitality, expression and fulfillment?
Do you think it would be a good idea to get one?
Any comments?
I won't advise masturbation. Watching porn has negative consequences, including ED when having sex w/ a real woman.
Bro WB
Yes, Boss WB...the above got my fullest attention.
I think I haven't had enough sex lately due to my busy schedule and poor health.
I hope to improve both counts soon. Hope to do more sex just liek you to love to 90 and still have sex with 18 years old syt.
Please post more anecdotes here so we all benefited form you.
Have a great weekend coming up soon.
13-07-2017, 04:54 PM
Nice good thread by bro WB.
Have a good weekend.
13-07-2017, 04:54 PM
I'll leave the above questions aside for now n describe my personal concept of the different levels of "BY-ing."
Level1 : (a) BY-ing a chio gal of ur type but allowing her to work. This was my MO for most of 2009. If u find her in SG, she is most likely an undereducated PRC gal.
: (b) BY-ing a similar gal but her pussy is exclusively yours. She doesn't work at all. Almost all my gals since Jan 2010 belong here. (My current level.)
Level2 : Finding chio uni students or recent graduates of ur type in PRC, importing them to SG for BY-ing. (My next level.)
In retrospect, I was at this level once unwittingly. Last May I briefly kept a chio 22 yo SH gal I picked up at TAM. She was a recent graduate of 上海电影学院 who had a small role in a TV series, but our RS lasted only 2 wks. She was from a relatively well to do family. The kicker here was that she was a virgin, hehehe.
I was quite frugal then n when I refused to buy her a high end Apple laptop (over 3K I think), she cried n was angry w/ me, n we separated. Was I heartless? She returned to SH two days later n has not been back to SG since. Her pussy was very pretty n of course couldn't get any tighter, hehehe. A few esteemed bros met her when I brought her to PC 2nd FL on Fri 7 May, 2010. I still think of her pussy sometimes.
Level3 : (a) Getting FOC from a gal of ur type, but her pussy is not exclusive to u.
(b) Staying w/ a gal of ur type FOC n her pussy is exclusive to u.
Level4 : (a) Staying w/ a chio gal of ur type n she PAYS u, but her pussy is not exclusive to u.
(b) Staying w/ a chio gal of ur type n she PAYS u AND her pussy is exclusive to u.
Believe it or not, this is still NOT the ultimate.
Drum roll please...this is the ULTIMATE test of a real MAN.
Highest Level or Level5 : (a)Staying w/ many chio gals of ur type AND they pay u AND their pussies are exclusive to u!!!
(b) Accomplishing the above despite the fact that YOU r wealthy!!
I guess the very rare MAN who attains Level5, either a or b, may be said to be a master of mass hypnosis, Gong Tao or black magic, hahaha.
Are there any Level5 bros here? Pls come forward n tell ur story. Thank you! Would u accept me as ur most humble disciple?
Bro WB
Bro WB
I am very new to your BY game. In fact I have no idea till I read your thread.
To say the least I have been marvel about your level 5. I wonder who had been so good at that.
Will continue to read more and comment more soon.
Please enjoy your great day.
13-07-2017, 04:56 PM
Learnt so much from Bro WB in this thread, thanks!!
Please continue sharing and have a nice day :)
13-07-2017, 04:59 PM
Always think and act like a prize to all girls/women. What have you got to lose?
Bro WB
Bro - will defiinitely learn to do so. Hope you enjoy your week.
13-07-2017, 05:04 PM
Learnt a lot from this thread and got hooked.
Thanks bro WB, have a good weekend!!
14-07-2017, 09:42 AM
<<<Yes, faithfulness of a man's sexual partner has always been a problem from time immemorial. Nothing is foolproof, hehe.
I hv used simple guidelines to turn the odds in my favor.
1) I never BY a gal who does ST or is known to hv done ST
2) I keep my gals full-time n keep them in a studio or master bdrm of my choice, close to me. They dun work. Period.
Let's analyze the words BY or 保养.
包 means inclusive, assured, guaranteed, bundled, packed, contained, to undertake the whole thing, etc. And 养 means provide for, keep, support, look after, maintain, etc. in other words, u undertake n assure/guarantee that u provide for n look after her total well being n livelihood n in return her body n pussy is exclusively yours. And she should not work at all.
So if ur beloved gal has to work at KTVs or HFJs n expose her beauty n body to other men, her faithfulness is at great risk. Bcos there will always be some men who r willing to offer more money...10X or 20X more in some cases.
3) Get some trusted frens who live in the immediate vicinity or, even better, in the same house/condo, to monitor ur gals.
4) Use unexpected video calling n/or visits. If she is not there, it's a red flag. Engage a PI or just dump her.
5) Ignore what she says, but carefully observe her body language, facial expressions n voice tone, etc. This is better than PI, hahaha.
There r times when I already hv 2 full-time 老婆,n I happen to meet a new gal I like very much, n if I fail to ST her, I may offer her "BY" but allowing her to work. This is usually a short-term arrangement n I'll usually terminate the arrangement after 2 wks. If she proves her worth n her faithfulness, I may keep her much longer.>>>
Any comments or criticisms?
Bro WB
Bro WB
I read your guidelines above and totally amazed by it. So you had been enjoying exclusive pussies while BYing.
I really doubt many can afford your kind of play. This involves quite a large sum of money per month.
Please continue to share so that we learn more.
Hope you have a great weekend soon.
Very informative thread by bro WB.
Please share more with us.
Have a nice weekend ahead.
Have a nice weekeend to bro TS.
14-07-2017, 03:46 PM
Bro WB,
Great thread here.
Please continue sharing.
Have a nice weekend.
16-07-2017, 07:36 AM
We come to this world with nothing,
we leave this world with nothing!
It applies to all of us, to every human being...Hahaha.
Me leaving this world poor? Actually, that would be wonderful, thank u! It would be a nightmare for me if I leave this world rich.
I'm reminded of the 6 principles of life:
1. No point using limited life to chase unlimited money.
2. No point earning so much money you cannot live to spend it.
3. Money is not yours until you spend it.
4. When you are young, you use your health to chase your wealth; when you are old, you use your wealth to buy back your health. Difference is that, it is too late.
5. How happy a man is, is not how much he has but how little he needs.
6. No point working so hard to provide for the people you have no time to spend with.
Most importantly, money is not mine until I spend it. I want to leave this world poor, meaning that I'll hv spent all my money n hv no regrets, hahaha.
In the last 2 1/2 yrs I hv only spent a small fraction of my passive income in BY-ing SYTs of my type. Thank u, Mr. Zapper, I must n will spend a lot more so that I'll leave this world poor, hehehe.
Bro WB>>>
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you above.
We chasing money all the time but then life chased us. The money we had is not ours until we spend it.
I don't hope to live too old and no point in life if we are old and incapable. We need to be fit and have enjoyable life even old.
Although the above is not about chasing girls but totally makes sense.
Have a great day.
16-07-2017, 07:44 AM
IMHO, to completely satisfy a woman sexually, u need to fxxk her for at least 10 min. Of course u need to engage in foreplay n prime her pump by giving her multiple orgasms w/ ur fingers n/or tongue 1st. Then u must insert ur didi into her meimei n rock her for at least 10 min, preferably 20 or longer. It feels different, more satisfying n more complete, my 2 lao po both told me that. They never seem to get enuff w/ vaginal intercourse. It is associated w/ stronger n more prolonged oxytocin surge n more pleasure n more bonding, hehehe.
The problem is that many men can't last 10 min n they r clueless.
Here is proof ( taken from Revolutionary Sex written by an Ang Moh).
"It would be easy to just learn some techniques for
keeping your erection harder for a longer time (in
the “You” section of the book), and stop there, or
read a technique for stimulating her clitoris that will
drive her wild (in the “Her” section of the book, and
stop there… but those are the least important
aspects of what makes a great lover.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I was surprised that this topic was covered here in this thread.
Yes,we need to be able to last more than 10 mins to satisfy our partner. The PVO is also very important.
I also very surprised by your ability to have great sex daily at your ah pek age,
Please share more with us.
Have a good weekend.
16-07-2017, 11:26 AM
Very interesting sharing by bro WB, support here! :)
Great thread here, hope to read more
Very good thread by bro WB, support!!
Nice good thread by bro WB.
Have a good weekend.
Tks for your posts.
Yes, Boss WB...the above got my fullest attention.
I think I haven't had enough sex lately due to my busy schedule and poor health.
I hope to improve both counts soon. Hope to do more sex just liek you to love to 90 and still have sex with 18 years old syt.
Please post more anecdotes here so we all benefited form you.
Have a great weekend coming up soon.
Hope you will have more sex soon.
Hugh Heffner married a gal who was 60 years his junior in 2016. Well done! But we will beat him, yeah?
And we will not marry the gal.
Bro WB
I am very new to your BY game. In fact I have no idea till I read your thread.
To say the least I have been marvel about your level 5. I wonder who had been so good at that.
Will continue to read more and comment more soon.
Please enjoy your great day.
Level 5 (b) mastery is very difficult. The wealth of the man must be self made.
Level 5 (a) has been achieved by men who are leaders of some religious cult. These con men are excluded.
Bro WB
I read your guidelines above and totally amazed by it. So you had been enjoying exclusive pussies while BYing.
I really doubt many can afford your kind of play. This involves quite a large sum of money per month.
Please continue to share so that we learn more.
Hope you have a great weekend soon.
Yes, BYing is not cheap.
I'm getting very good value for my money because I'm ready to walk away anytime. Have a great weekend!
Learnt so much from Bro WB in this thread, thanks!!
Please continue sharing and have a nice day :)
Bro - will defiinitely learn to do so. Hope you enjoy your week.
Learnt a lot from this thread and got hooked.
Thanks bro WB, have a good weekend!!
Very informative thread by bro WB.
Please share more with us.
Have a nice weekend ahead.
Thank you all.
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you above.
We chasing money all the time but then life chased us. The money we had is not ours until we spend it.
I don't hope to live too old and no point in life if we are old and incapable. We need to be fit and have enjoyable life even old.
Although the above is not about chasing girls but totally makes sense.
Have a great day.
Tks for your post. It's about life. Happiness, health, money, relationship and sex are all interrelated.
Bro WB
I was surprised that this topic was covered here in this thread.
Yes,we need to be able to last more than 10 mins to satisfy our partner. The PVO is also very important.
I also very surprised by your ability to have great sex daily at your ah pek age,
Please share more with us.
Have a good weekend.
Thank you.
I posted that some time ago. About 10 days ago it dawned on me that there is something much more powerful than a man's expert techniques, huge tool and his ability to last n last.
What a lao po craves most in bed, and outside of the bedroom for that matter, is for her lao gong to turn her on mentally and emotionally. But sadly, if her LG is like most men, she will be very disappointed.
It was quite a revelation for a lao chee ko pek. Who says an old dog can't improve or learn?
Bro WB
Good morning to all samsters,
Thank you all for your interest and unwavering support.
To make this thread better, I have invited a most esteemed samster Bro Justime to be our Special Contributor. He is a veteran bao king of Singapore. A relationship and sex guru extraordinaire.
He will present somewhat different viewpoints and perspectives.
He started "Mistress" thread at SBF. He was a mentor and role model during my formative years.
I still remember that he introduced a 173cm n fair young woman from Dongmen in May/June 2009. I kept her only briefly. Didn't like her big tattoo on her butt.
He has agreed to contribute a post once or twice a month. The more the merrier of course, but I know he is a very busy man.
Thank you bro Justime.
Bro WB
16-07-2017, 02:54 PM
Yes, BYing is not cheap.
I'm getting very good value for my money because I'm ready to walk away anytime. Have a great weekend!
Bro WB
Thank you for your reply.
Thank you all for your interest and unwavering support.
To make this thread better, I have invited a most esteemed samster Bro Justime to be our Special Contributor. He is a veteran bao king of Singapore. A relationship and sex guru extraordinaire.
He will present somewhat different viewpoints and perspectives.
He started "Mistress" thread at SBF. He was a mentor and role model during my formative years.
I still remember that he introduced a 173cm n fair young woman from Dongmen in May/June 2009. I kept her only briefly. Didn't like her big tattoo on her butt.
He has agreed to contribute a post once or twice a month. The more the merrier of course, but I know he is a very busy man.
Thank you bro Justime.
Bro WB
Welcome Bro Justime. Hope to learn more from you.
Very wonderful thread by bro WB.
Thanks bro WB for sharing your experiences with us.
Have a nice Sunday.
17-07-2017, 12:56 PM
Very wonderful thread by bro WB.
Thanks bro WB for sharing your experiences with us.
Have a nice Sunday.
Agree with you bro, support nice thread :)
18-07-2017, 10:08 AM
Tks for your post. It's about life. Happiness, health, money, relationship and sex are all interrelated.
Very true indeed.
Thank you.
I posted that some time ago. About 10 days ago it dawned on me that there is something much more powerful than a man's expert techniques, huge tool and his ability to last n last.
What a lao po craves most in bed, and outside of the bedroom for that matter, is for her lao gong to turn her on mentally and emotionally. But sadly, if her LG is like most men, she will be very disappointed.
It was quite a revelation for a lao chee ko pek. Who says an old dog can't improve or learn?
Bro WB
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you that girl always gets turned on when mentally and emotionally. The size of tool is important but not a must.
How you fully satisfied the girl is the key.
Another point is also money because if girl is not financially stable she cannot enjoyed sex too.
Please post more so that we can discuss.
Have a great week.
18-07-2017, 10:16 AM
What makes women fall in love?
Love is psychological.
Women (and men) fall in love due to a psychological process that occurs in our own mind.
Women don't fall in love while they are with you...
Women fall in love while they are away from you... thinking about you.
And the more you can get her thinking about you....
The more she will begin to convince herself that she is in love with you.
In the "Control the Attraction" portion of Amplify the Attraction I teach 10 weapons of seduction...
These are 10 things that will keep her thoughts focused on YOU when you're not around.
The first and easiest of the 10 weapons is ambiguity...
Women love drama (how else do you think there would be 5 different Housewives of (insert city) shows on TV?)
If you want to keep her attention... you've got to provide her that drama she craves.
Ambiguity is a great way to do this. You are sending her mixed signals. You are showing her multiple sides of your personality...
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks for the past post which I read over the weekend. Now I knew where I had gone wrong after all these years.
Will try to do more from your thread here.
Have a great day.
18-07-2017, 10:37 AM
"Listen, Mike, I guarantee my dick is smaller than yours, but
I can make your girlfriend cum harder than she ever
has in her life."
And then she fixed me with a little smile that made me
believe her. She sent a shiver up and down my spine and made my balls
want to crawl up inside my body and die.
See, over the last couple weeks I've been getting a LOT of
questions from guys like this:
"Mike, I am needing your help. I want to satisfy
my wife, but I am afraid that I am too small for her. What
do I do?"
(For some reason, these questions are always in really bad
broken English. I don't get it.)
Talking to my new lesbian friend she told me two important things
about giving a woman incredible pleasure:
1. It doesn't matter how "big" you are. Most women honestly don't care
about size and a lot of women actually swear that guys who are "bigger" are WORSE
in bed because they have no idea what they're actually doing.
2. The key to giving any woman a mind-shaking orgasm is understanding
how to use your hands and how to stimulate her G-spot. If you can do that, you'll quickly become the greatest lover she ever had (even if you're fat, dumpy, covered in hair and sport a micro penis.)
Plain and simple, women aren't that complicated if you understand
how to touch them the right to use your hands to master any woman's body in minutes.............
The best part about learning these techniques is the incredible
sexual confidence it gives you..............................................
Bro WB
Now I knew that size doesn't matter and the technique does.
I have yet to achieve the skill to make love to a girl and be able to let her beg me for it.
Please continue to post more so that I can learn more.
Have an amazing day please.
18-07-2017, 10:44 AM
bro WB...thks so much for you valuable insight below.
I had some experience going forward what you had written below.
Pls keep giving us more insights with your posts.
Hope you have a good festive season coming up soon.
Turn the tables on any hot woman
His two steps approach is worth sharing here.
[SIZE="4"]Hi Bro Warbird,
There are a ton of different approaches I've used to
build attraction with women over the years.
But let me tell you something...
...If a woman doesn't want to sleep with you, it comes
down to one simple thing:
It's because you are not TURNING HER ON.
That's it.
She just isn't horny around you.
If her panties are on fire for you, nothing else
matters. She'll blow past her cockblocking friends and
use just about any justification to go home with you.
All you have to do is not screw up epically.
18-07-2017, 11:47 AM
Very good thread by Bro WB
Hope to read more
Have a nice week.
God bless
18-07-2017, 12:20 PM
Very nice thread.
18-07-2017, 12:22 PM
Good and support here.
18-07-2017, 02:04 PM
Very good thread.
18-07-2017, 02:07 PM
Amazing thread! suppork!
18-07-2017, 02:12 PM
Excellent thread by Bro WB.
Staying here for more.
Have a great week ahead.
18-07-2017, 02:31 PM
Support here for more.
18-07-2017, 05:27 PM
Supporting good thread.
18-07-2017, 11:10 PM
Thank you for your reply.
Welcome Bro Justime. Hope to learn more from you.
Very wonderful thread by bro WB.
Thanks bro WB for sharing your experiences with us.
Have a nice Sunday.
Agree with you bro, support nice thread :)
Very true indeed.
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you that girl always gets turned on when mentally and emotionally. The size of tool is important but not a must.
How you fully satisfied the girl is the key.
Another point is also money because if girl is not financially stable she cannot enjoyed sex too.
Please post more so that we can discuss.
Have a great week.
Bro WB
Thanks for the past post which I read over the weekend. Now I knew where I had gone wrong after all these years.
Will try to do more from your thread here.
Have a great day.
Nice thread.
Bro WB
Now I knew that size doesn't matter and the technique does.
I have yet to achieve the skill to make love to a girl and be able to let her beg me for it.
Please continue to post more so that I can learn more.
Have an amazing day please.
bro WB...thks so much for you valuable insight below.
I had some experience going forward what you had written below.
Pls keep giving us more insights with your posts.
Hope you have a good festive season coming up soon.
Very good thread by Bro WB
Hope to read more
Have a nice week.
God bless
Very nice thread.
Good and support here.
Very good thread.
Amazing thread! suppork!
Excellent thread by Bro WB.
Staying here for more.
Have a great week ahead.
Support here for more.
Supporting good thread.
Thank all of you for the posts. Bro Justime will start posting asap. I'm most honored as he is a very busy man.
BTW, what do you think is the best way to turn on a woman mentally and emotionally? And as a result, she will enjoy sex more than ever before.
Bro WB
19-07-2017, 10:28 AM
BTW, what do you think is the best way to turn on a woman mentally and emotionally? And as a result, she will enjoy sex more than ever before.
Bro WB
Bro WB
IMHO, I think when a girl is in trouble and then an acquaintance who are a good man to help her. The girl will develop to be mentally and emotionally in love with the man.
Well I may be wrong. Hope others can post their opinions.
19-07-2017, 11:08 AM
Thank all of you for the posts. Bro Justime will start posting asap. I'm most honored as he is a very busy man.
BTW, what do you think is the best way to turn on a woman mentally and emotionally? And as a result, she will enjoy sex more than ever before.
Bro WB
Welcome bro Justime.
Bro WB - to me I think when a woman love his man then he will be mentally and emotionally turned on.
Have a great day.
19-07-2017, 11:42 AM
BTW, what do you think is the best way to turn on a woman mentally and emotionally? And as a result, she will enjoy sex more than ever before.
Bro WB
Bro tq for the amazing thread.
Let me say this...
When a woman fell in love and gets turned on by the number of orgasms then she will mentally and emotionally turned on.
I hv used condoms 100% except for 2 gals. The following conditions must be met before I would do any gals raw.
1) I must be quite sure her pussy has been exclusive to me for at least 4-5 months.
2) She has had 2 negative blood tests
3) She has had negative gyne exams including tests for GU, etc.
4) She is extremely health conscious n a very cautious person. That is a innate personality trait.
5) She is a gal who would never do ST n only wants to be BY-ed. Even in a BY-ing RS, she would insist on using CDs, at least for the 1st several months.
6) She is willing to take the pill or willing to time her ovulation.
Then n only then I'll make love to her raw. Ongoing monitoring n vigilance r very important. If there is any doubt, I'll stop.
It's difficult to find gals who satisfy all the above conditions n who r my type . When I find such a gal, it behooves me to continue the RS, as long as she is still my type of pussy after 4-5 months...for expediency, not bcos I hv any KC for her.
Your comments n criticisms r welcome.
Bro WB
I think your precautions above already enough.
If you BY a woman and paid so much for sex then at least you get to enjoy the fullest. Otherwise I dun see the point.
Please enjoy yourself.
Hope to read more and catch up here.
19-07-2017, 03:16 PM
Let me say this...
When a woman fell in love and gets turned on by the number of orgasms then she will mentally and emotionally turned on.
Agreed with you on this.
19-07-2017, 06:24 PM
Learn lots from Bro WB here.
Please continue sharing.
Have a nice week ahead.
20-07-2017, 11:26 AM
Here's my take on this situation from a WLs perspective
1) I'm here to earn $$$$
2) With him damn shiok, he's no colour wolf
3) He brings me for dinners
4) He bring me for movies
5) We go shopping
6) I call him when I'm bored and he'll keep me company
7) He never asks to bed me
8) He's so concerning & everything also can talk and nego
9) He never pushes me to do whatever I do not wish to
10) He's such a gentleman to me
11) I don't need to perform oral sex on him neither does he grope me unless I allow him
12) What have I got to loose, it's WIN WIN WIN all the way for me
As WarBird knows, my style is more of a MCP extreme, even at havelock & I'm sure you may even have heard of my rep there.
WarBird can be my witness.
Why are we here in this forum?
To discuss and to brainstorm on how to get the meat in the shortest time and the least $$$$$ invested.
But, many things need not be asked between gal & guy, sometimes it has to be initiated and all it takes is for someone to take the lead.
I saw your link & nope, I was not aware of the other post until you shared that link.
So my post last nite to you was based on all things equal.
Bro WB
I enjoyed the above post from DYBJ, what he posted above hit the nail on its head. If the WL dun need to do anything and still can get paid then why not.
I fully agreed with him and you that we are here to learn and helping each other to get the gal to bed faster. I hope to practise more soon.
I am still reading and hope to read more.
In the meantime, please enjoy yourself.
20-07-2017, 11:35 AM
Bro WB
I enjoyed the above post from DYBJ, what he posted above hit the nail on its head. If the WL dun need to do anything and still can get paid then why not.
I fully agreed with him and you that we are here to learn and helping each other to get the gal to bed faster. I hope to practise more soon.
I am still reading and hope to read more.
In the meantime, please enjoy yourself.
Read the post by DYBJ too, enjoyed very much.
Bro WB, do share more with us.
Have a nice day.
God bless.
20-07-2017, 12:16 PM
Bro WB
Very good thread here
Have a nice day
20-07-2017, 04:42 PM
Bro WB, you have an excellent thread here.
Have a good day.
God bless.
21-07-2017, 10:16 AM
Fxking my young lao po raw n shooting my load deep into her pretty cunt is very shiok n uplifting, both physically n emotionally. I told her that it's good for her skin n her immunity...hahaha.
It's especially gratifying cuz when I 1st met her in Sep 2008, she flatly rejected my advances n hung up on me numerous times. She finally agreed to meet me for dinner 4 months later. I now know that it was my creative persistence. Unfortunately, when I finally got to BY her, after 8 1/2 months of pursue, our RS was very rocky n ended quickly. She dumped me. Why? I was too needy n behaviour must hv been most repulsive to her. However, I NEVER gave up on her even though she implied that I wasn't her type n tried to intro her GF to me on 12/12/09:
She has been w/ me since earlier this yr. What is different this time? In the last 2 yrs, I hv been gradually acquiring the traits of a MAN, hehehe. The progress has been very slow n steady. I'm now a badass, surround myself w/ a bevy of lao po is zealous n upset. She says, pls respect me when u bring me to a KTV, dun call any other gals! She often texts me in English: Where r u? She would call if I dun answer within 30 min.
Finding a chio n SAFE pussy of my type has been an arduous journey n keeping it exclusive for my personal use is quite expensive, in addition to being very time-consuming.
At my advanced age, I'm actually more cautious than many young people in their 20s. But what for?
Bro WB
I was reading your past post above and you mentioned after 29 months of BYing. Not sure how long your experience now.
I was enjoying your conquest above and all your emotional entertainment. I must say you had been very successful then.
Will continue to read your thread. So please post more.
Have a great weekend.
21-07-2017, 10:25 AM
Bro - sound familiar to me.
Very nicely written too.
I agreed with you that in order to keep R/S going man has to be the MAN. All decisions made by the MAN and be a badass guy.
Any R/S will fail if guy fell in love with the girl. This is death sentence.
Will try to contribute whenever I have more time.
Please don't stop posting and enjoy your beloved LP.
Have an amazing day.
Bro GA.
IMHO, to maintain a successful n happy long-term RS w/ any gal/woman, WL n non-WL alike, n regardless of the arrangement, including BY-ing n marriage, a man must hv more control n more power in the RS. He must be the one who is dominant n who cares less. He must fulfill his masculine role n she must fulfill her feminine role which is a win-win situation for both partners, despite what feminists would hv us believe. It's the result of over 100,000 years of evolution.
It's vital that, in an ongoing RS, the man must continue to fulfill his masculine role, otherwise it will fail.
Supposing an very confident n dominant male enters into a long-term RS w/ a beautiful female n they really love each other initially.
Let's fast forward. After a while, be it many months or many years, assuming that he now loves her more than she loves him n he thinks that he is not good enuff for her, for whatever reason. This is the kiss of death for the RS. He feels very insecure n tries to cling to her. Very bad idea. She begins to pull away n he responds by becoming even more needy n desperate...his wussy attitude/behaviour is so repulsive to her that she will try to leave him. If she doesn't, both of them will be miserable.
Sound familiar?
Bro WB
21-07-2017, 10:30 AM
Thank all of you for the posts. Bro Justime will start posting asap. I'm most honored as he is a very busy man.
BTW, what do you think is the best way to turn on a woman mentally and emotionally? And as a result, she will enjoy sex more than ever before.
Bro WB
Thanks for the great thread.
Bro Justime must be a great guy which you hang out with. Cannot wait for him to post his invaluable insights.
Personally I think making a girl cum and cum many times will turn on any girl mentally and emotionally.
Hope you have a nice weekend.
Bless you.
21-07-2017, 04:08 PM
Very good thread by bro WB.
Support all the way.
Have a good weekend.
21-07-2017, 04:18 PM
Sure, PM you.
Please PM me too, tks.
22-07-2017, 11:16 AM
Bro WB,
This is going to be 8th year of the thread and still going very strong with your excellent leadership.
I agreed with you that PM is better than Alpha Male.
Please continue to post more to share with us here.
Have a great week boss.
22-07-2017, 12:23 PM
Bro - sound familiar to me.
Very nicely written too.
I agreed with you that in order to keep R/S going man has to be the MAN. All decisions made by the MAN and be a badass guy.
Any R/S will fail if guy fell in love with the girl. This is death sentence.
Will try to contribute whenever I have more time.
Please don't stop posting and enjoy your beloved LP.
Have an amazing day.
Bro GA.
Why use pink? You gay ah? :D
22-07-2017, 03:59 PM
Nice thread here, support!!
23-07-2017, 08:50 AM
At this time I like to share some writings of RS guru MP on Acting towards Success (w/ women):
Have you ever noticed how "nice guys" never get the girls? They always shower the girls with gifts and expensive dinners. They are never late on a date. They never do anything their dates have told them not to do. They obey their dates’ every wish. So why to they always lose to the jerk down the street?
Insecurity and Neediness
These two almost always come together. An insecure man is usually needy because he is insecure about himself. He is always trying to “do” something to please a girl because he believes that if he doesn’t keep on appeasing a girl, she’s going to dump him.
Don’t make the same mistake.
Most women can detect insecurity from five miles away. Some example traits of an insecure and needy guy include:
1) Being over-possessive. Always give a woman some breathing space! She can’t like you if she does not feel comfortable around you.
Dating Technique: Always Leave Some Breathing Room
Hot women break up with their boyfriends all the time because they are too needy. As soon as a needy guy ends up dating a hot chick by luck, he’s scared of losing her and starts doing all sorts of stupid things like calling her 10 times a day. Well, guess what? You can never really possess a woman physically, you control freak. The more you try to possess her physically, the faster she will break up with you, get it?
Bro WB
Bro, was reading your past posts and exploits. I had to agree with you that no matter how beautiful the girl is never show any insecurity and neediness.
I also agree with you that you need to see the girl in person and not just photos. So many times, we get disappointed when we saw a girl in person but looks gorgeous in photos.
I also noticed many men tend to be over-possessive with gfs. Anyway similar to men, girls need to have free time and space.
One lesson I learned when you let the girl do whatever she wanted then she love you more. Anyway when you dun allow her to do she still go ahead to do.
Please share more with us.
Have a great Sunday.
23-07-2017, 09:19 AM
Very good thread here bro WB.
Please continue sharing.
Have a nice weekend.
23-07-2017, 09:41 AM
Bro WB
I hope to be the MAN you mentioned above.
All women loved MAN who did all the above. I am sure you do the above too.
Enjoyed reading all your previous posts. I try to comment whenever I can.
Hope you enjoyed your weekend.
What does every chio woman want n need from a MAN?
1) She needs to be respected by his man as a special n unique individual.
2) She needs to hv intimate, emotional communication n bonding w/ her man.
3) She needs an exciting man to make her feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, feminine...
4) She needs hot n passionate sex w/ her man. She wants to be seduced, enticed, teased n satisfied over n over again. She wants to experience new ways n new adventures n she wants to hv her sexual fantasies fulfilled...
Such a good MAN is difficult to find, even for a very beautiful n high quality woman.
Bro WB
23-07-2017, 09:41 AM
Why use pink? You gay ah? :D
Stated as magenta???
23-07-2017, 10:20 AM
Bro WB - have a good Sunday rest.
23-07-2017, 10:25 AM
Bro WB - have a good Sunday rest.
Agree bro, need to recharge the battery. 37
23-07-2017, 10:59 AM
Stated as magenta???
worse, more than gay :D :D :D :D
23-07-2017, 03:09 PM
A lot of supporter. :)
23-07-2017, 03:45 PM
To all samsters,
What an auspicious Sunday!!
I greatly appreciate all the posts. Many have quoted my posts from many months to many years ago. Thank you all!!
It's most regrettable that I'm unable to reply to every one of you as I have been too busy.
I have a confession to make. I'm far from being the MAN I want to be, despite many years of writing about the subject and actively training to becoming such a MAN. Consciously, I know exactly what I must do, but my subconscious mind is more powerful and doesn't want me to change. Progress has been very slow. Fortunately, I have greatly enjoyed the process, the journey. And I have made improvement, steadily, albeit very gradual.
And another good news is that, even though I'm not more than 5-10% of the MAN I aspire to be, in the last 3 years I have had more SYTs/young women than I can handle. The limiting factor is the number of chio girls of my type I'm able to meet...
I can't imagine what a young bro here could achieve when he becomes the MAN.
What really turns on a woman mentally and emotionally? IMHO, it's the fact that you desire her and you are incredibly turned on by her.
Her three needs must be met first:
1) She needs to be respected by his man as a special n unique individual.
2) She needs to hv intimate, emotional communication n bonding w/ her man.
3) She needs an exciting man to make her feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, feminine...
I always tell my LPs: You're so sexy and beautiful. 你的小妹妹很香, 很好吃...
Bro WB
23-07-2017, 04:00 PM
worse, more than gay :D :D :D :D
ROFL hahahahaha!!!
23-07-2017, 04:14 PM
A lot of supporter. :)
Good thread sure got many supporters. :)
24-07-2017, 10:41 AM
I have a confession to make. I'm far from being the MAN I want to be, despite many years of writing about the subject and actively training to becoming such a MAN. Consciously, I know exactly what I must do, but my subconscious mind is more powerful and doesn't want me to change. Progress has been very slow. Fortunately, I have greatly enjoyed the process, the journey. And I have made improvement, steadily, albeit very gradual.
And another good news is that, even though I'm not more than 5-10% of the MAN I aspire to be, in the last 3 years I have had more SYTs/young women than I can handle. The limiting factor is the number of chio girls of my type I'm able to meet...
Bro WB
Bro WB - thanks for posting.
I love your honesty. Many guys would have blew their heavy horns in cyber forum. I think you just been very humble. You are my idol having posted this thread for a decade and guiding members here to pickup girls.
Please continue to share with us more.
Have a great day.
24-07-2017, 08:00 PM
Very good thread by Bro WB, support x2 :D
25-07-2017, 04:07 PM
I'm obsessed w/ developing absolute self mastery n achieving unconditional happiness. Everything else in life is of secondary importance to me.
For most of my life, I used to hv poor self mastery n being unhappy whenever I encountered minor inconveniences...
"Great successes are built on taking your negatives and turning them around." --Sumner Redstone,
I'm reaching my goals slowly n steadily, hahaha.
Good day!
Bro WB
Bro -thank you for the magnificent words above.
"Sumner Redstone paid millions to mistresses and others who gave him 'sexual favors,' legal filing says "
I suggest all men had to learn the positives from all failures.
Please help post more so that all men benefit especially topic on body language.
Have a great day.
25-07-2017, 04:22 PM
How to become unconditionally happy is my favorite topic. Happiness is an internal state and must be independent of other people n external circumstances. Oftentimes, we hv little control over the behaviour of other human beings including those closest to us n to the world we live in. What if there is a fatal accident involving our loved ones or a natural cataclysm? The only thing we can control is our own emotions n happiness...our self mastery.
Lao Zi: “He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.”
Bro WB
bro WB, glad to read your past posts.
Happiness is a choice that we can make. I choose to be happy or sad. Everyday I choose to be happy to pass one day. Because even if you are sad still have to pass one day.
Let us celebrate all our happiness together.
Will try to read often.
Have a fantastic please.
Cheers to you.
25-07-2017, 05:41 PM
bro WB, glad to read your past posts.
Happiness is a choice that we can make. I choose to be happy or sad. Everyday I choose to be happy to pass one day. Because even if you are sad still have to pass one day.
Let us celebrate all our happiness together.
Will try to read often.
Have a fantastic please.
Cheers to you.
Agree with you on this.
Thanks Bro WB for this fantastic thread.
Have a great week.
27-07-2017, 08:50 AM
whatt really turns on a woman mentally and emotionally? IMHO, it's the fact that you desire her and you are incredibly turned on by her.
Her three needs must be met first:
1) She needs to be respected by his man as a special n unique individual.
2) She needs to hv intimate, emotional communication n bonding w/ her man.
3) She needs an exciting man to make her feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, feminine...
I always tell my LPs: You're so sexy and beautiful. 你的小妹妹很香, 很好吃...
Bro WB
Bro, personally i think you are the MAN. You already showed us your powers ever since you started this thread. Early part of your thread I think you keen to explore and find out what other bros can do. You posted plentyof your past and present.
I agreed above that girl need those 3 points above and as guy have to respect her. Another point dont compare her with other girl or ex girl.
Hope to read more here.
Cheers and hope u hv great day.
28-07-2017, 12:27 PM
At this time, I like to quote an Ang Moh expert on the complex issues of confidence, attraction, money n body language:
If pop culture teaches us anything, it’s that every woman is
unique, complex, and complicated. How is it possible to create
one system that will give you the power to attract all of them?
Sure, all women are different in some ways, but when it
comes to what women find attractive in a man, they’re a lot
more similar than you might think. Ask as many women as
you want, and the one thing they’ll all agree on is that they
love men with confidence. It’s a MASSIVE misconception that
men are confident because they are attractive – in fact, it’s
the other way around. Men are attractive because they are
The things that control your
emotions are your beliefs. If you
believe you’re confident, you
will be. If you believe you’re in
control, you are. If you believe
you’re worth something, if you believe you have high-value, others will believe it too. If
you don’t believe you have high value, your body language
will project negative messages instead. And because your
body language is controlled by your emotions and your
emotions are controlled by your beliefs, women read your
body language to assess what you believe, so make sure your
beliefs aren’t limiting your success........................................... .
Bro WB
Bro WB
The past post above was a long entry and I was reading with full enthusiasm. I was wondering what I learned previously was all wrong.
"Man was attractive because he is confident"...this was powerful message rather than woman was attractive.
Fully agreed with you that a guy who had belied will know howw to control his emotions. The body language will tell whether is negative or positive.
Hope to learn more from guru like you.
Please have a great Friday and sure you will be enjoying yourself hugging your syts.
28-07-2017, 08:56 PM
I have never met you but there are some brothers who were talking about you.
I learn that your outing is basically very restrained as in no smoking and drink minimal alcohol from the balance.
But you are actually a very affluent individual. I would like to learn to make money from you. Please kindly advise.
29-07-2017, 08:19 AM
Remember this: You're very attractive to beautiful women cuz You're very confident.
Another guru talks abt the importance of body language:
An estimated 67% to 93% of human communication
(according to university researchers) is non-verbal,
and your body language reveals your internal emotional
state. Whether someone's parents just died, or whether
they just got promoted to CEO... you can tell by
observing their body language.
Now, of course body language isn't enough. You also
must have an internal alpha male mindset that's consistent
with your body language.
So, in conclusion, be an alpha male with your mindset
and your body language. Be in a woman's personal
space and be sexual and interested in her, but at the
same time don't be needy or desperate for her attention.
Just be comfortable and enjoy yourself.
And when your body language conveys that, it means you'll
later be comfortable and enjoying yourself... with the woman.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for the post above (quite a few years ago but with full relevance)
Was reading thru and tring to make sense about being aplha male and have correct body langauge.
I dun think I am alpha male but I think I can portray the correct body language of a confident person.
I will continue to read and comment.
Please have a great weekend.
29-07-2017, 10:27 AM
I want you to imagine a woman who can't keep her hands off of you,
who's eager to touch you & kiss you, who clings to your every word
and move. She enjoys rubbing her warm body against yours, even in
public places. She strokes your hair constantly, always has her arm
around you, and can hardly step away from you for a second.
Sounds pretty good, huh?
Now imagine this: A woman is with a man who can't keep his hands
off of her, who's eager to touch her & kiss her, who clings to her
every word and move. He enjoys rubbing his warm body against hers,
even in public places. He strokes her hair constantly, always has
his arm around her, and can hardly step away from her for a second.
Pathetic! He's obviously clingy, desperate, needy and possibly even
When interacting with women, it's very important for a man to step
away from his "male brain" and understand how women view various
actions. Because what might be wonderfully exciting for you, might
make her head for the hills...................
The woman on your side,
Bro WB
Bro WB, this female guru sent this to you and I agreed. To me is better to let the girl cling on to you and makes all the moves than the man does the same thing to a girl who showed no reaction.
Girl who clings on and rubs the body of the man showed that the man is in full control and the reverse showed that he is insecure and needy.
I hope to read more of your past posts to learn from you.
Another example: We men love to watch explicit porn, but most women r completely turned off unless it's merely a part of a romantic story, filmed artistically.
Bro WB
Bro WB, in my life, I only had one or two girls I knew who love to watched porn. Most will not be bothered to watch.
Just as Bill Clinton, he loves porn and reason why?
Hope you have an amazing day.
29-07-2017, 10:52 AM
My body language will always be good for attractive women.
29-07-2017, 11:08 AM
Bro WB, happen to come across this thread.
Reading only a quarter through and already learnt a lot.
Keep going bro.
Wish you have an enjoyable weekend :D
29-07-2017, 12:24 PM
Bro WB, I happen to come across this thread.
After reading one third of the thread I learnt plenty already.
Keep it going bro.
Have a great weekend :)
29-07-2017, 12:26 PM
My body language will always be good for attractive women.
Exactly what I wanted to say.
29-07-2017, 01:02 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB, support!
30-07-2017, 11:33 AM
Bro WB - have a nice weekend.
30-07-2017, 11:39 AM
Support best thread of SBF here.
Hope to read on more.
30-07-2017, 11:51 AM
Good thread sure got many supporters. :)
Bro WB - thanks for posting.
I love your honesty. Many guys would have blew their heavy horns in cyber forum. I think you just been very humble. You are my idol having posted this thread for a decade and guiding members here to pickup girls.
Please continue to share with us more.
Have a great day.
Very good thread by Bro WB, support x2 :D
Bro -thank you for the magnificent words above.
"Sumner Redstone paid millions to mistresses and others who gave him 'sexual favors,' legal filing says "
I suggest all men had to learn the positives from all failures.
Please help post more so that all men benefit especially topic on body language.
Have a great day.
bro WB, glad to read your past posts.
Happiness is a choice that we can make. I choose to be happy or sad. Everyday I choose to be happy to pass one day. Because even if you are sad still have to pass one day.
Let us celebrate all our happiness together.
Will try to read often.
Have a fantastic please.
Cheers to you.
Agree with you on this.
Thanks Bro WB for this fantastic thread.
Have a great week.
Bro, personally i think you are the MAN. You already showed us your powers ever since you started this thread. Early part of your thread I think you keen to explore and find out what other bros can do. You posted plentyof your past and present.
I agreed above that girl need those 3 points above and as guy have to respect her. Another point dont compare her with other girl or ex girl.
Hope to read more here.
Cheers and hope u hv great day.
Bro WB
The past post above was a long entry and I was reading with full enthusiasm. I was wondering what I learned previously was all wrong.
"Man was attractive because he is confident"...this was powerful message rather than woman was attractive.
Fully agreed with you that a guy who had belied will know howw to control his emotions. The body language will tell whether is negative or positive.
Hope to learn more from guru like you.
Please have a great Friday and sure you will be enjoying yourself hugging your syts.
I have never met you but there are some brothers who were talking about you.
I learn that your outing is basically very restrained as in no smoking and drink minimal alcohol from the balance.
But you are actually a very affluent individual. I would like to learn to make money from you. Please kindly advise.
Bro WB
Thank you for the post above (quite a few years ago but with full relevance)
Was reading thru and tring to make sense about being aplha male and have correct body langauge.
I dun think I am alpha male but I think I can portray the correct body language of a confident person.
I will continue to read and comment.
Please have a great weekend.
Bro WB, this female guru sent this to you and I agreed. To me is better to let the girl cling on to you and makes all the moves than the man does the same thing to a girl who showed no reaction.
Girl who clings on and rubs the body of the man showed that the man is in full control and the reverse showed that he is insecure and needy.
I hope to read more of your past posts to learn from you.
Bro WB, in my life, I only had one or two girls I knew who love to watched porn. Most will not be bothered to watch.
Just as Bill Clinton, he loves porn and reason why?
Hope you have an amazing day.
My body language will always be good for attractive women.
Bro WB, happen to come across this thread.
Reading only a quarter through and already learnt a lot.
Keep going bro.
Wish you have an enjoyable weekend :D
Bro WB, I happen to come across this thread.
After reading one third of the thread I learnt plenty already.
Keep it going bro.
Have a great weekend :)
Exactly what I wanted to say.
Excellent thread by bro WB, support!
Good morning bros,
Thanks for your posts.
I like to reply to the post by bro jake1. I'm not really very affluent, but do have enough money to maintain my current lifestyle. I'm not greedy.
As to how to make money, that depends on your interests. Do what you enjoy doing: Get a job or start a business and money will come. If you don't have the required education, go back to school. A 94 yo American woman just received her degree recently!
The person who can teach us how to make money is Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon. His net worth is around 90 Billion USD, neck and neck w/ Bill Gates.
Google Jeff Bezos. He will be the richest person in the world very soon.
I believe he has awesome emotional and self mastery. Strangely, he is not very interested in keeping young, pretty women.
Here is a fun article by an American guru. My advice is NEVER send your didi pics to a gal you don't hv an ongoing sexual RS. I hv showed my fully erect didi to my LPs during video chat haha.
Here is the fun article:
A common question I’ve been getting a lot recently is:
Should I send her a picture of my c*ck or not?
And the answer is… IT DEPENDS.
It depends on WHAT, you ask?
Well, it depends on whether you’ve set the right “man to woman” dynamic in the relationship early on.
Let me explain…
If you meet a girl and you’re acting like her friend… asking her what she’s into. What she does for work. And you pretend to be interested in it.
Then, you go and wrangle your way into hooking up with her under the pretence of doing something related to something she mentioned… without showing any sexual intent at all, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, the night before you meet … you send her a d*ck pic...
That’s errm... Not gonna go down well. Because by being so “friendly” you created a “friends” dynamic, so the LAST thing she’d expect would be a d*ck pic.
Let’s say, in the first few seconds of meeting a girl at a bar you say something like: “Hmmm, yes, you’re perfectly ‘shaggable’ let’s sit over here.” with a big smile on your face and continue walking towards your table as if you didn’t say anything…
(Now, this is a bold approach and you have to have the confidence and personality to match it – but remember I’m saying all this to prove a point.)
AND... assuming you execute it right…
She’ll probably laugh, and not react to what you said. (And perhaps be a little shocked!) But make no mistake: if she hasn’t bailed on you at this point, to put it bluntly... her pu*sy WILL have moistened a little.
What’s more: you’ll have made it clear from the first moment — you are NOT friend material.
Now, if you don’t sleep with her on that first meeting. Sending the girl a d*ck pic later on, or the next day letting her know what she has in store for your next hook up would be, for the right person, PERFECTLY OK.
Talk soon,
Your Guru
P.S. - Obviously sending d*ck pics aren't a requirement for success with women, but I wanted to answer this common question.
Bro WB
30-07-2017, 12:47 PM
Bestest thread of SBF, support.
Hoping to read more.
30-07-2017, 02:44 PM
Bro WB, have a good weekend.
30-07-2017, 02:48 PM
Hope you have an amazing day!
I was so excited to read the 3 belief below. As aplayer, we treat gals the same. We move on after savoring one or two pussies.
Life is good and always there are hot gals available.
Tell you a story...
My friend A always like to say his gf is very different from the others. Just when he said that after a few months, his gf strayed and he caught her.
Hope you can post more to share with us.
God bless you.
Hey Bro Warbird,
I'm going to keep today's newsletter short and sweet.
I want to share with you two beliefs that I have regarding women
that are the cornerstone of how I interact with them.
Two simple beliefs--ok actually THREE simple beliefs--that can make
your interactions with women more enjoyable and rewarding.
Here you go:
Belief 1: There is an ABUNDANCE of smart, beautiful, and great
women out there.
There are over 3 BILLION females on this planet. Yes, print this in
your brain 3 B-I-L-L-I-O-N, so relax and ditch the scarcity
Belief 2: NO woman is more special than any other.
Yes, women come in different forms and shapes. They have different
personalities, attitude, and character, but there is NO one you
should put on a pedestal. They are just human beings who lie, make
mistakes, and are insecure, like you and me.
Belief 3: You shouldn't take "Women" TOO seriously.
Would you take your little sister too seriously if she were to tell
you to fuck off? No. You'd probably laugh. So, yes, anything a
woman does is just funny. She doesn't call back. Laugh. She flakes
on you on a date. Laugh even more. That's how women are. They don't
even know why they do or don't do things. So don't take them too
seriously. They don't want you to. The less you take them
seriously, the more serious they'll be about you.
Bro WB
30-07-2017, 02:59 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB, support!!
30-07-2017, 03:07 PM
Hope you have an amazing day!
I was so excited to read the 3 belief below. As aplayer, we treat gals the same. We move on after savoring one or two pussies.
Life is good and always there are hot gals available.
Tell you a story...
My friend A always like to say his gf is very different from the others. Just when he said that after a few months, his gf strayed and he caught her.
Hope you can post more to share with us.
God bless you.
Tel you a story too...
My friend B also boast that his gf is different from others. A few days later, he caught his gf straying.
Bro WB, please share more in this thread.
Have a nice Sunday.
31-07-2017, 10:49 AM
When a woman starts telling you about something important,
something emotional, whether about work, family, friends or
otherwise, employ these 3 steps in this order:
Bonding Step 1: Mirror her words.
This means you don't ADD anything, you don't analyze, you don't
solve. You just show her that you actually heard her words and
weren't thinking about LeBron, Giselle, your quarterly reports or
wondering about the shape or color of her areolae.
So if she said, "Sorry I'm not very talkative. I had a hard day
today at work today. My boss is such an a-hole." You say:
"Sounds like you had a tough day."
Bonding Step 2: Validate her feelings.
Whatever your opinion, whatever your thoughts or observations - put
a lid on it! Step two of creating a BOND with her is to validate
that her feelings are justified. Which is a way of "accepting" her
as is, something few of us rarely get from anyone!
So if she says, "My boss just yells at everyone like their fools,
but he knows less than anyone." You say, "You have every right to
be mad at that idiot. You know more than him and he acts like he's
king of the world."
Bonding Step 3. Empathize.
Notice this is the first time "you" came into the picture here.
You have just laid the groundwork for her to feel heard (already a
miracle, in her eyes) and validated (a double miracle!" Only now
to do you up the ante by letting her know that you "feel her pain."
So if she says, "I'm just so tired of working so hard and not being
appreciated for all I bring," only now can you bring your sorry ass
into the conversation and add, "I'm really sorry you're going
through that. It must feel awful. It makes me feel like I'm losing
all my motivation just listening to you describe it."
Yes! Exactly! She will exclaim, as she grabs your knee - thrilled
to be in the presence of such a Prince of a Man, who not only hears
her, accepts her without judgment but who also FEELS what she FEELS.
That, my friend is a 3-Step Shortcut to bonding with any woman.
Communications is a step-by-step process of building trust, humor,
authority, inspiration and rapport..........................................
Bro WB
Bro WB
These are keywords which you had shared previously.
"Communications is a step-by-step process of building trust, humor,
authority, inspiration and rapport............"
I always listen when my gal was telling me. I used the words she used previously and I will tell her she taught me those words.
The 3 bonding steps that your mentor shared also makes sense...I like empathy more often.
Hope I can read more and please do posts more to share.
Have a great week
31-07-2017, 11:08 AM
A common question I’ve been getting a lot recently is:
Should I send her a picture of my c*ck or not?
And the answer is… IT DEPENDS.
It depends on WHAT, you ask?
Well, it depends on whether you’ve set the right “man to woman” dynamic in the relationship early on.
Let me explain…
If you meet a girl and you’re acting like her friend… asking her what she’s into. What she does for work. And you pretend to be interested in it.
Then, you go and wrangle your way into hooking up with her under the pretence of doing something related to something she mentioned… without showing any sexual intent at all, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, the night before you meet … you send her a d*ck pic...
That’s errm... Not gonna go down well. Because by being so “friendly” you
P.S. - Obviously sending d*ck pics aren't a requirement for success with women, but I wanted to answer this common question.
Bro WB
Bro Wb
I will never send any naked photos of myself to anyone including my gf.
I do not need those naked photos of my gfs to arouse myself. I do not want to be seem as insecure or needy.
bviously sending d*ck pics aren't a requirement for success with women - this statement is very true.
Will try to read from beginning since so many brothers doing so. I think this will be more exciting than any novel.
Hope you have an exciting week too.
God bless you.
31-07-2017, 11:32 AM
Great thread by bro WB.
Thanks and support here.
Have a good week ahead.
31-07-2017, 04:37 PM
Fantastic thread here, hope to read more.
01-08-2017, 05:45 PM
I think Mr Warbird will be an extremely interesting person to chat with, given his varied experiences in life, in business, and in his adventures with nubile PRC girls.
02-08-2017, 10:23 AM
A guru recently sent me a msg on 'Keep in Touch' in which he extols the virtue of long term thinking.
Most guys think short term. They think that because a woman they
like starts dating a guy or, gasp, gets a boyfriend, or even a
husband that she's gone forever.
Nothing can be farther from the truth. Women who appear to be
unavailable suddenly become available, and vice versa. Nothing is
ever set in stone except for relationships that are ruined by men.
He is right.
Even if ur dream gal has rejected u n/or has fallen for another man, her pussy is not gone forever. Relaxed. Be as calm as ice, be happy for her, continue to be friendly n stay in touch. Your behaviour n attitude would appear extremely masculine...n when her "Prince Charming" inevitably screws up, she will make overtures to u, hahaha.
Believe me, eating n fxking a chio pussy which was completely beyond ur reach in the past, is exceptionally delicious n very shiok indeed, hahaha.
ABP. Always Be Prepared.
Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness.
Bro WB
Bro, I agreed too Guru is right.
I had seen several times when a girl was attached and later broke off. Girl who broke off recently with bf are extremely emotional and needy. Just show some concern and listen to her will be able to close the deal.
Reading thru all your past posts helped me to relive some of the experiences in my heydays and friends too.
Gurru is always the one that saw those happenings in order to teach others.
Hope you can pen more and will post more here.
Hope you enjoy yourselff.
02-08-2017, 10:29 AM
Very good thread here, support all the way.
02-08-2017, 10:34 AM
Bro - today Amazon share is US$ 996.00 per share. This guy is filthy rich and think he dun have enough time to play with women. Anyway we will never know unless we are in their circle.
How much money a person needs is subjective. Depends on how you play and where you play. I like the way Bro WB play because you did mentioned you dun spend alot of money on ktv. Since you dun drink and smoke you pay your share.
As a player look long term and budget yourself. Long term means each trip or visit how much you willing to spend. How much passive income you generate to allow you to spend on those. Bad mistake if you use salary to spend on this chionging activity.
Also I dun mind to send nuke pictures provided no face.
Hope to get some comments.
Have a great day.
The person who can teach us how to make money is Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon. His net worth is around 90 Billion USD, neck and neck w/ Bill Gates.
Google Jeff Bezos. He will be the richest person in the world very soon.
I believe he has awesome emotional and self mastery. Strangely, he is not very interested in keeping young, pretty women.
Here is a fun article by an American guru. My advice is NEVER send your didi pics to a gal you don't hv an ongoing sexual RS. I hv showed my fully erect didi to my LPs during video chat haha.
Here is the fun article:
A common question I’ve been getting a lot recently is:
Should I send her a picture of my c*ck or not?
And the answer is… IT DEPENDS.
P.S. - Obviously sending d*ck pics aren't a requirement for success with women, but I wanted to answer this common question.
Bro WB
02-08-2017, 11:21 AM
Bro WB, so many things to learn from this thread ..... from cheonging KTV to marriage
Please continue sharing.
Have a nice week ahead :D
02-08-2017, 12:08 PM
Bro WB,
Learnt so much from this wonderful thread.
Please share more of your experiences here.
Have a nice day.
God bless.
02-08-2017, 12:15 PM
Great thread by bro WB
Hope to read more
Have a good week ahead
02-08-2017, 12:46 PM
Fantastic thread here, hope to read more.
Same here as well.
02-08-2017, 12:48 PM
Bro WB
Support great thread here.:D
02-08-2017, 02:45 PM
Bro WB
Excellent thread here, support.:)
02-08-2017, 04:20 PM
Very good thread, tks.
Hope to read more.
03-08-2017, 10:15 AM
Too Ugly? Too Short? Too Old? Here's How To Turn Your Flaws Into Strengths
So remember, it's not your flaws that get in your way. It's your
limiting beliefs that do.
Your ugly face doesn't get in your way of meeting women. Instead
it's your belief about your face, which interferes with your inner
sense of confidence. That lack of confidence is the thing that
women pick up on.
For a woman to be attracted to a guy, the man's confidence level
is one of the most important traits that he can have. You can
become comfortable with yourself by turning your flaws from
weaknesses into traits that set you apart from the bland, ordinary guys.
So I want you to stop reading after this, get out a pen (or open
a blank document in your word processor) and write out your negative
beliefs. Then write positive, uplifting questions about how to turn
those flaws into good things.
When you become happy and comfortable with all your traits, through
the technique of reframing, you'll become unstoppable with your
self-confidence. Gain that kind of confidence, and you'll magnetically
attract girls to you.
Learn to develop the confidence and mindset that make women lust
for you................
Bro WB
Bro warbird
I enjoyed the topic above posted by you few years back.
See I am quite short and will try to learn the above not to be flawed. I do agreed above that is all our own self beliefs that control our mindset. It is important to have self-mastery like what many brothers discussed before.
Please do post more because will benefit me and others.
Hope you have a nice day.
03-08-2017, 10:43 AM
Bro warbird
I enjoyed the topic above posted by you few years back.
See I am quite short and will try to learn the above not to be flawed. I do agreed above that is all our own self beliefs that control our mindset. It is important to have self-mastery like what many brothers discussed before.
Please do post more because will benefit me and others.
Hope you have a nice day.
Exactly my sentiments.
04-08-2017, 10:47 AM
I hv some thoughts n questions on the topic of female orgasms. Although a man can give women multiple orgasms/COS by using his fingers n mouth, he still needs to engage in sexual intercourse which can be even more pleasurable n satisfying to a large % of women...but he has to last at least 10-20 minutes.
Two questions:
1) Which sex positions give the best G-spot stimulation consistently?
2) What could a man do so that he may last at least 10-20 minutes?
Your answers n comments would be appreciated.
Bro WB
Bro - sorry to discuss this post which you posted back in 2012.
4 Orgasms Every Woman Should Have
Clitoral Orgasm
Techniques to try: "Have him make big circles with his fingers that include the shaft, labia, and upper part of the clitoral hood," says Cooper. He can do this as foreplay or while you're in a spooning position during intercourse. If you feel like switching to oral, have him approach your clitoris indirectly by lying perpendicular to you.
Vaginal Orgasm
Techniques to try: First, locate the hot zone. On a solo night, explore the front wall of your vagina with your finger until you feel an area that's rippled and spongy in texture. Touching it directly should feel pretty darn good. Then, during intercourse, have your man target his thrusting there. Try lying on your sides while facing each other, with your legs intertwined comfortably—think of two pairs of crisscrossed scissors. Keep your parts aligned and make sure his rubs against the front wall of your vagina. "This position allows for deeper thrusts that further stimulate the G-spot,"
Blended Orgasm
Techniques to try: The girl-on-top position is popular for a reason—it's perfect for the double-whammy finish. But you can also try sitting on your partner's lap facing away from him (he can stimulate your clitoris while you control the thrusting). Or, for a twist on missionary, have your guy inch his body up so your hips are aligned, and tilt your pelvis upward so that the base of his penis is on your clitoris but the rest of him is inside you. "In this position, he's not really thrusting up and down, but rather grinding against your pelvic bone,"
Multiple Orgasms
Techniques to try: Starting in foreplay, have your guy get you to your first clitoral climax using his hands or mouth (or a vibrator). Immediately afterward, he should continue to stimulate your C-spot in a slower manner for about 30 seconds, and then resume a normal pace to get you to a repeat performance. "He's playing with your level of arousal from a heightened orgasmic state by giving your erogenous area a rest, as it may be overly sensitive to stimulation, and then increasing arousal again," says Amy Levine, a sex coach in New York City and founder of From there, begin intercourse, which can lead to multiple vaginal or blended orgasms, using the same technique of slowing down and speeding up, as long as you keep the stimulation going and your arousal high.
I am sure many knew about all these techniques. I post here just to share.
Many men always think that to penetrate and shot game over but many times women may not had achieved their orgasm.
Bro WB - hoe you enjoyed a great weekend.
04-08-2017, 11:19 AM
4 Orgasms Every Woman Should Have
Clitoral Orgasm
Techniques to try: "Have him make big circles with his fingers that include the shaft, labia, and upper part of the clitoral hood," says Cooper. He can do this as foreplay or while you're in a spooning position during intercourse. If you feel like switching to oral, have him approach your clitoris indirectly by lying perpendicular to you.
Vaginal Orgasm
Techniques to try: First, locate the hot zone. On a solo night, explore the front wall of your vagina with your finger until you feel an area that's rippled and spongy in texture. Touching it directly should feel pretty darn good. Then, during intercourse, have your man target his thrusting there. Try lying on your sides while facing each other, with your legs intertwined comfortably—think of two pairs of crisscrossed scissors. Keep your parts aligned and make sure his rubs against the front wall of your vagina. "This position allows for deeper thrusts that further stimulate the G-spot,"
Blended Orgasm
Techniques to try: The girl-on-top position is popular for a reason—it's perfect for the double-whammy finish. But you can also try sitting on your partner's lap facing away from him (he can stimulate your clitoris while you control the thrusting). Or, for a twist on missionary, have your guy inch his body up so your hips are aligned, and tilt your pelvis upward so that the base of his penis is on your clitoris but the rest of him is inside you. "In this position, he's not really thrusting up and down, but rather grinding against your pelvic bone,"
Multiple Orgasms
Techniques to try: Starting in foreplay, have your guy get you to your first clitoral climax using his hands or mouth (or a vibrator). Immediately afterward, he should continue to stimulate your C-spot in a slower manner for about 30 seconds, and then resume a normal pace to get you to a repeat performance. "He's playing with your level of arousal from a heightened orgasmic state by giving your erogenous area a rest, as it may be overly sensitive to stimulation, and then increasing arousal again," says Amy Levine, a sex coach in New York City and founder of From there, begin intercourse, which can lead to multiple vaginal or blended orgasms, using the same technique of slowing down and speeding up, as long as you keep the stimulation going and your arousal high.
Thank you so much for posting.
04-08-2017, 11:20 AM
Will always support here. Have an amazing day for you.
04-08-2017, 04:10 PM
Amazing thread by Bro WB.
Lifelong supporter here. Have a nice weekend.
04-08-2017, 07:40 PM
Bro WB, great thread here.
Enjoy your weekend.
05-08-2017, 03:08 PM
Yes, I'm enjoying myself. Why not?
You should too. It's later than u think.
Here is an oldie "Enjoy Yourself" by Guy Lambardo. He had the right mindset.
You work and work for years and years, you're always on the go
You never take a minute off, too busy making dough
Someday, you say, you'll have your fun, when you're a millionaire
Imagine all the fun you'll have in your old rocking chair
Enjoy yourself; it's later than you think
Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink
The years go by, as quickly as a wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, it's later than you think
You're gonna take that ocean trip, no matter, come what may
You've got your reservations made, but you just can't get away
Next year for sure, you'll see the world, you'll really get around
But how far can you travel when you're six feet underground?
Your heart of hearts, your dream of dreams, your ravishing brunette
She's left you and she's now become somebody else's pet
Lay down that gun, don't try, my friend, to reach the great beyond
You'll have more fun by reaching for a redhead or a blonde
Enjoy yourself; it's later than you think
Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink
The years go by, as quickly as a wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, it's later than you think
Bro WB
Bro WB
"Enjoy yourself enjoy yourself".
I caught on this song from your past post in 2012. I had never heard of this song or lyrics. The lyrics was good and true to enjoy yourself.
We can work and work but no chance to spend a penny of it to enjoy when we are old.
Bro, hope you truly enjoyed yourself and pls keep sharing.
Have a great weekend.
05-08-2017, 03:33 PM
Yes, BY is Bao Yang. I give the gals a monthly allowance, usually paid every 15-16 days. Most gals want a 'long term' RS, haha. Some would be happy to come to SG on visitor pass.
The monthly allowance varies a lot, depending on the gals n how much I like them. My gals normally dun work at all. For various reasons, I may tell a gal to return to work n I'll pay her 50-60% less per month. Her pussy of course is still exclusive to me.
How much is the monthly allowance for a gal who doesn't work anywhere? The going rate in SG is from 7K to 20K. Any bros here hv paid more?
It's much less expensive to BY gals in China. See below.
Bro WB
Bro WB
From your previous post aboev you already paid 7k to 20k per month allowance. Wonder what is the rate you pay now?
This amount you paid is beyond the reach of many men here. I also read you BY 2 syts at one time. The amount have not include rental room or flat.
I enjoyed reading all your past and going thru I felt the level you play is very different from many others.
Hope you continue to share and will post here frequent.
Cheers to you.
05-08-2017, 03:59 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for this wonderful thread.
Hope to learn more from you.
Have a nice weekend ahead.
05-08-2017, 04:11 PM
Excellent thread by Bro WB.
Please continue sharing with us.
Have a wonderful weekend.
God bless.
05-08-2017, 09:32 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for this incredibly good thread.
Want to learn more from you.
Have a great weekend.
Cheers and god bless
06-08-2017, 10:55 AM
To all samsters,
Thank you and have a great weekend!
Bro WB
Bestest thread of SBF, support.
Hoping to read more.
Bro WB, have a good weekend.
Bros, thank you!
Hope you have an amazing day!
I was so excited to read the 3 belief below. As aplayer, we treat gals the same. We move on after savoring one or two pussies.
Life is good and always there are hot gals available.
Tell you a story...
My friend A always like to say his gf is very different from the others. Just when he said that after a few months, his gf strayed and he caught her.
Hope you can post more to share with us.
God bless you.
Tks for your post.
If a man thinks his gal is SPECIAL, his problems have just started...
Excellent thread by bro WB, support!!
Tel you a story too...
My friend B also boast that his gf is different from others. A few days later, he caught his gf straying.
Bro WB, please share more in this thread.
Have a nice Sunday.
It happens very often. Women now cheat as much as men.
Bro WB
These are keywords which you had shared previously.
"Communications is a step-by-step process of building trust, humor,
authority, inspiration and rapport............"
I always listen when my gal was telling me. I used the words she used previously and I will tell her she taught me those words.
The 3 bonding steps that your mentor shared also makes sense...I like empathy more often.
Hope I can read more and please do posts more to share.
Have a great week
You're doing very well!
Bro Wb
I will never send any naked photos of myself to anyone including my gf.
I do not need those naked photos of my gfs to arouse myself. I do not want to be seem as insecure or needy.
bviously sending d*ck pics aren't a requirement for success with women - this statement is very true.
Will try to read from beginning since so many brothers doing so. I think this will be more exciting than any novel.
Hope you have an exciting week too.
God bless you.
God Bless.
Great thread by bro WB.
Thanks and support here.
Have a good week ahead.
Fantastic thread here, hope to read more.
Bros, thanks!
I think Mr Warbird will be an extremely interesting person to chat with, given his varied experiences in life, in business, and in his adventures with nubile PRC girls.
Hello sis,
You could come to my outings too.
Bro, I agreed too Guru is right.
I had seen several times when a girl was attached and later broke off. Girl who broke off recently with bf are extremely emotional and needy. Just show some concern and listen to her will be able to close the deal.
Reading thru all your past posts helped me to relive some of the experiences in my heydays and friends too.
Gurru is always the one that saw those happenings in order to teach others.
Hope you can pen more and will post more here.
Hope you enjoy yourselff.
Tks for your post.
Very good thread here, support all the way.
Bro, tks.
Bro - today Amazon share is US$ 996.00 per share. This guy is filthy rich and think he dun have enough time to play with women. Anyway we will never know unless we are in their circle.
How much money a person needs is subjective. Depends on how you play and where you play. I like the way Bro WB play because you did mentioned you dun spend alot of money on ktv. Since you dun drink and smoke you pay your share.
As a player look long term and budget yourself. Long term means each trip or visit how much you willing to spend. How much passive income you generate to allow you to spend on those. Bad mistake if you use salary to spend on this chionging activity.
Also I dun mind to send nuke pictures provided no face.
Hope to get some comments.
Have a great day.
We must never spend beyond our means.
I only have passive income since I don't work. I have to be frugal.
Bro WB, so many things to learn from this thread ..... from cheonging KTV to marriage
Please continue sharing.
Have a nice week ahead :D
Bro WB,
Learnt so much from this wonderful thread.
Please share more of your experiences here.
Have a nice day.
God bless.
Great thread by bro WB
Hope to read more
Have a good week ahead
Same here as well.
Bro WB
Support great thread here.:D
Bro WB
Excellent thread here, support.:)
Very good thread, tks.
Hope to read more.
Exactly my sentiments.
Bros, thank you all for your posts.
Bro - sorry to discuss this post which you posted back in 2012.
4 Orgasms Every Woman Should Have.............................................
[SIZE="3"]I am sure many knew about all these techniques. I post here just to share.
Many men always think that to penetrate and shot game over but many times women may not had achieved their orgasm.
Bro WB - hoe you enjoyed a great weekend.
Tks so much for sharing.
Thank you so much for posting.
Will always support here. Have an amazing day for you.
Amazing thread by Bro WB.
Lifelong supporter here. Have a nice weekend.
Bro WB, great thread here.
Enjoy your weekend.
Have a great weekend!
Bro WB
"Enjoy yourself enjoy yourself".
I caught on this song from your past post in 2012. I had never heard of this song or lyrics. The lyrics was good and true to enjoy yourself.
We can work and work but no chance to spend a penny of it to enjoy when we are old.
Bro, hope you truly enjoyed yourself and pls keep sharing.
Have a great weekend.
Yeah, we must enjoy ourselves everyday.
Bro WB
From your previous post aboev you already paid 7k to 20k per month allowance. Wonder what is the rate you pay now?
This amount you paid is beyond the reach of many men here. I also read you BY 2 syts at one time. The amount have not include rental room or flat.
I enjoyed reading all your past and going thru I felt the level you play is very different from many others.
Hope you continue to share and will post here frequent.
Cheers to you.
I still pay about the same monthly allowance.
When a gal asks for more than 20K SGD, I just walk away. Very rare. Strangely, these greedy ones are not even exceptionally attractive. They are really not worth more than 8-10 K a month.
I often have a prettier lao po at half the damage.
Bro WB
Thanks for this wonderful thread.
Hope to learn more from you.
Have a nice weekend ahead.
Excellent thread by Bro WB.
Please continue sharing with us.
Have a wonderful weekend.
God bless.
Bro WB
Thank you for this incredibly good thread.
Want to learn more from you.
Have a great weekend.
Cheers and god bless
Thank you all.
Have a great weekend!
Bro WB
06-08-2017, 11:54 AM
I still pay about the same monthly allowance.
When a gal asks for more than 20K SGD, I just walk away. Very rare. Strangely, these greedy ones are not even exceptionally attractive. They are really not worth more than 8-10 K a month.
I often have a prettier lao po at half the damage.
Thank you all.
Have a great weekend!
Bro WB
Thank you for reply.
Crazy to ask for 20k when not a stunning attractive gal.
Have a great weekend.
06-08-2017, 09:03 PM
Thank you for reply.
Crazy to ask for 20k when not a stunning attractive gal.
Have a great weekend.
So what is a stunning attractive gal? A dumb blonde?
07-08-2017, 10:36 AM
Yeah, we must enjoy ourselves everyday.
Bro WB
Thank you for your reply.
Giving oral is as good as the gym
Sadly girls, giving oral will only benefit you if you’re the giver not the taker. A study has found that pleasuring a guy and swallowing can lower women’s blood pressure and reduce their risk of getting pre-eclampsia. However, if you don’t have the stomach to tackle your man’s area in this way there are other ways you can lower your blood pressure. Another study found that having regular sex with a partner you lived with could lower your diastolic blood pressure, whilst another study found a link between cuddling and reduced blood pressure. So, although you shouldn’t give up on the gym altogether, ladies, it might be worth swapping your sports kit for something a little slinkier once in a while.
Sperm is a great face cream
Although it’s not a great idea to bottle your man stuff and give it to your girl as a present, it turns out that sperm contains protein, which if applied to the face has the same anti-wrinkle benefits as moisturising creams. Apparently the white stuff can tighten skin and give you a little surgery-free facelift. Interestingly, this isn’t the only benefit sperm has to offer. It also contains zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium and fructose. Plus, if you’re still not convinced that sperm is super, a recent study in Albany found that women who had sex without condoms had fewer signs of depression than women who used condoms or did not have sex at all. Three cheers for semen.
Bro WB
Bro WB
The above post was unbelievable .
I din know that gal giving oral sex or bj can have so many benefits. Also the sperm that we shot can also benefit the gal. I knew that sex is very important to our healthy lifestyle.
Also enjoyed plenty of your discussions with your regular kakis talking about investment and of course BYing gals.
Will continue to read more and enjoy myself more.
Hope you have a good week.
07-08-2017, 10:49 AM
1) A normally very confident man meets his "dream gal," a very pretty SYT of his type n he thinks abt wanting her all day long:
She is too beautiful, her figure is perfect! She is my goddess!
She is the special one...I hv never met a gal like that, I'm in love!
But I'm not good enuff for her, I dun deserve her
I'm not handsome enuff, I'm too fat (or too thin, too old, too young, too short, too tall, etc.)
My didi is not 23 cm like my fren Ray...
I'm not famous like Mick Jagger
I'm not smart enuff, I'm not a Nobel Price Winner, heck, I dun even hv a PhD from MIT or Cambridge
I'm not rich, I'm no multi-billionaire like Carlos Slim...
She deserves a much better man, a young, tall, handsome, very smart n very rich man...
I' think she is going to reject me, maybe I should confess my love for her now, it's my only chance...
I'm going to kneel down n beg her to be my lao po/GF/mistress...
You get the idea.
His thoughts r very negative n so will be his emotions n actions.
Isn't he repulsive? Do u think he has any chance of getting her pussy?
2) Now take the exact same man n same gal n he also thinks abt wanting her all day long:
She may be a very beautiful SYT w/ wickedly sexy figure, but I hv a lot more value than she...
I'm the PRIZE
I hv awesome self mastery n emotional control
I'm very attractive n sexy to her cuz I'm very confident n masculine (in character traits)
I'm improving myself, improving others, improving everything around me, in every way, every hr, every day
I'm very healthy n I hv great genes n great immunity, haha
I'm going to qualify her to c if she is good enuff for me, I'll play hard to get, haha
She will be very lucky to hv me as her lover, I'll give her sexual pleasure she has never experienced before
She will be begging me to take her as my lao po/GF/mistress n to make passionate love to her everyday
She will soon be sexually, emotionally n financially addicted to's a certainty, hahaha.
Your comments n criticisms will be most appreciated.
Bro WB
Great thread bro WB.
I was just too busy when I started reading your thread last year. Last week, I started reading again.
Your previous post already tell us the scenarios clearly. This is telling us man should be confident. We need to be the patient and let the gals think they needed us as their jackpot prize.
Plenty of common sense but just too many men failed in tackling mentality issues.
There are just too many good points in the thread and will slowly digest them.
Hope you keep up the good work.
07-08-2017, 11:10 AM
Very good thread by bro WB.
Hope to read more.
07-08-2017, 11:42 AM
Bro WB
Reading half way through the thread, already learnt a lot.
Please continue posting and sharing.
Have a good week ahead.
God bless.
07-08-2017, 04:24 PM
Firstly, my action plan is also short n sweet as time is much more valuable than money n pussies combined. I usually suggest ST within 30 min after meeting a gal of my type, under the right circumstances. If her answer is no, I'll up the ante, n if she repeatedly n emphatically says no subsequently, I'll stop. If I really like her n she is BY material, I may wait 1-3 days to propose BY.
Secondly, I see Rashomon Effect everywhere.
The same stunningly beautiful n sexy gal may be a lot less stunning after a few wks, a few days, n in some cases, after a mere hour. Same gal but my subjective perception of her has changed drastically. Most gals invariably become much less attractive after BY-ing them n owning their pussies for a few wks. My 1st BAO-ee is a noteworthy exception as I still find her very attractive n sexy...
There is only one gal who was nondescript to me initially but who appeared stunningly pretty n sexy a wk's inexplicable.
Abt 10 days ago, I was in the company of some frens n a few PRC gals. I noticed but didn't pay much attention to a gal called ZN. We exchanged names n said hello. I was just being courteous. Of course I didn't ask for her HP no.
A few days ago I met ZN again by chance. 缘份?She walked towards me n sat next to me. This time I noticed her poise, her confident body language n how she swung her shapely, round n perky butt. I took a very close look at her n I liked what I saw, haha. She had changed her hairdo n dress, revealing her beautiful legs n cleavage. She is 21, from Hunan, 167, abt 50 kg. What a perfectly proportionate n wickedly sexy body! She is very chio too n very confident n aloof. How did I miss her? During my interaction w/ her, I received msg from several gals currently in PRC on my QQ n weichat. I showed her their photos. She said very pretty n sexy. She then added me to her QQ n gave me her HP no. After 30 min or so, I whispered in her ear 我要和你做爱。She was speechless. She said she would never consider doing ST. She added that I must hv a GF n I replied yes, just one lao po.
The next day she again flatly rejected my indecent proposal. She added that she is only interested in looking for a long-term BF. However, she would not state her terms even after much prodding. So I outlined my terms n conditions. She gladly accepted it, hahaha. She asked why would I want another GF? I said why not as I like her as a person...
Bro WB
Bro, I learned a new phrase below.
Rashomon effect - The Rashomon effect is contradictory interpretations of the same event by different people. The phrase derives from the film Rashomon, where the accounts of the witnesses, suspects, and victims of a murder and possible rape are all different.
Your clear description above stated very clearly how long you will pursue a pussy. This is great piece of advice to many of us.
Let me continue reading and hope to contribute here.
Have an amazing day.
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