View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

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22-12-2017, 03:13 PM
"A lot of people don’t understand why a woman would become a ho. What they don’t realize is that for many pretty women with little education, hoing is their best option. She gets to feel like a star out on the track she gets to provide for her man and herself and she gets temporary love, attention and pleasure from the tricks. When her other option is a lifetime of working at burger king for minimum wage, it makes her decision a lot easier to understand. For more educated and well bred women they become the highest form of ho, the trophy wife."

Bro WB

Bro - new word "ho".

"Slutty girls, usually but not exclusively high or middle school. For some reason they think sucking a lot of dick will make them cool or popular. Most are too dumb to realize being called a ho isn't exactly a compliment and most will be remembered as hoes for the rest of their lives."

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu

I hv given many details about myself in my posts here. Let me ask you some personal questions:
1) Your approximate age, occupation, ethnicity and educational level
2) Marital status
3) Your purpose of becoming a samster
4) Your love history. Have you been in love w/ a doll of your type before? Does she love u? What has happened?
5) What is your life mission?
6) How you envision your future love life in 10 years, in 30 years?

Here is my personal opinion on female attraction:

A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.

It will be very difficult for her to leave such a MAN, period. Become such a MAN. That is a really prestigious badass gentleman.

I await your answers to my personal questions.


Bro WB

Bro WB,

Lao Tzu is a ancient guru and his words of wisdom live with time.

I want to be MAn and let gal desire. How I wish all this is true.
I will learn and still learning to be the dominant man.
Hope you dun mind me re-posting from your past.
I really enjoyed your thread so much.
I hope one day I can be like you and be successful.
Merry Xmas to you in advance.
Many cheers.

22-12-2017, 03:25 PM
Very informative thread here.

Wishing you a Merry Xmas bro WB.

Enjoy your weekend.

23-12-2017, 08:05 AM
Bro WB

Merry Christmas to you in advance. IN the festive season time to share.

Very true that a gal will always choose the guy she desired when she has only one out of two choices. Gal wlll always go for the unofficial best. I said unofficial best is what she qualified to be best.

Gal can always change her decisions fast depends on her mind and what she accessed. Is all mental game and lots of trial error. Ultimately gal will always select the guy who she thinks can provide for her and family.

Hope to continue reading this masterful thread. I really appreciate all the contribution so far.

Have a happy holiday.:D

Actually the relationship and sexual behaviour of all gals are basically similar, in their S mind, regardless of their ethnicity, culture, nationality and creed. It's in their genes.

The two sexes play a complementary n coupling role in the survival n propagation of the species. Yin and Yang. Unfortunately, men n women often hv opposing n selfish needs, which often lead to conflicts n confrontation.

Men n women choose their coupling partner based on survival n replication (reproduction) value.

Here is a paragraph from "The Mystery Method."

"People are designed to select in favor of higher survival and replication value. When a woman observes two men, her circuitry will quickly assess the survival value and replication value of each man. She will then emotionally
perceive the result of this calculation. She will naturally be attracted to the man with the highest value. The healthiest man, the most intelligent man, the most socially-connected man, the most financially independent man, the most sexually pre — selected man — these sorts of traits will attract the woman because such a man provides survival and replication value to her, as well as to her offspring."

Become such a MAN who is coveted by all gals/women. Notice that among the highest value is "the healthiest man." Quit smoking, drinking NOW and slim down to ur ideal BMI n be physically very fit. A MAN can easily father a child until his mid 80s.

In a recent post I hv given my own opinion on female attraction:

These principles are applicable to all heterosexual women.

A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.

I also wrote that his attractiveness would be greatly diminished if he is infertile. Sorry, must wait for next life.

As for what type of gals attract men, I will not elaborate. Suffice to say that we men are much more visual... and that we r generally attracted to those who appear to hv good genes n to be very fertile. And most of us want to up them asap, to spread our genes widely, because we could never be sure if a child is ours, until 20 years ago.

Many bros may want to question me re dominant power, etc. Let us discuss n debate this most fascinating topic.


Bro WB

23-12-2017, 12:49 PM
Bro WB

Merry Christmas to you in advance. IN the festive season time to share.

Very true that a gal will always choose the guy she desired when she has only one out of two choices. Gal wlll always go for the unofficial best. I said unofficial best is what she qualified to be best.

Gal can always change her decisions fast depends on her mind and what she accessed. Is all mental game and lots of trial error. Ultimately gal will always select the guy who she thinks can provide for her and family.

Hope to continue reading this masterful thread. I really appreciate all the contribution so far.

Have a happy holiday.:D

Fully agreed.

Bro WB, have a great weekend.

24-12-2017, 03:43 PM
Merry Xmas to bro WB and everyone.

24-12-2017, 03:44 PM
Tonight is Silent night !!

Wish all Merry Xmas and Happy holidays.!!

24-12-2017, 03:50 PM
Merry Christmas to everyone, especially bro WB.

24-12-2017, 03:52 PM
Tomorrow is Xmas !!

Wish all Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. !!

25-12-2017, 06:19 AM
Since May 2009 I hv BY-ed over 35 gals.

For full time (FT) BY, meaning the gal doesn't work, I hv paid 5-12K a month. There was one gal I paid 15K a month. I usually pay rental of a master bedroom or studio/one bedroom condo, only if it's LT, at least 6 months. Some FT BY can be as brief as half a month. I may not like the gal after half a month or she may return to China, if she has a visitor pass. BTW, my longest FT BY is over 5 years. Some gals may ask for a lot more, as much as 30K, but I hv been able to bring the damage well down. If not, I'll walk away. I hv not met a gal here who is worth 20K a month. Gifts are optional. I do raw ONLY for FT BY of more than 3 months duration, after medical tests n exam.

The least expensive FT BY are inexperienced PRC gal, aged 18-20, who never worked in the nite scene or fresh trade, whom I made contact directly while they are in China. But finding them is very time consuming.

For partial or part time (PT) BY, meaning the gal continues to work, I hv paid 3-6K a month. There was one I paid 8K. I don't pay rental n usually no gifts. This type of BY is often brief, but some may last up to a year. Use of condom is 100%.


Bro WB

Bro WB,

Merry Xmas to you.

Such good details from the post above.

Back in Aug 2016 was BY 35 and what is the total numbers today?

The price you paid also showed the gal was quality.

Hope to continue reading here.

Festive cheers to you!!

25-12-2017, 02:52 PM
It's my personal opinion that:

"A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man."

I like to discuss my above theory in more details. There is considerable overlap of these various factors. The most powerful mindset for attracting a pretty SYT/young woman of your type, n making her fall for u, is that you desire her but don't need her.

Let me elaborate. If you don't desire her, even if you were a real life prince charming, she won't be interested. Because there is no hope that you will ever like her. Zero hope = zero attraction.

The fact that you don't need her raises the question of uncertainty in her mind. Hope + uncertainty = attraction or passion.

However, if you desire her n tell her you're madly in love w/ her n will take care of her forever, especially if you don't know her well, her attraction for u will greatly diminish. This often happens if you're infatuated n you think she is your dream gal. Guess what? Certainty kills attraction. She will be thinking: He hardly knows me n is already so crazy abt me. He must not hv much social n sexual value n I could find a much better man, yeah?

She will begin to resist your advances n play hard to get. If you're like most men, what do u do? You chase harder, and the harder you try, the more she pulls away. You become needy n desperate...and JEALOUS if you see that she is flirting w/ other men or she has gone out w/ other men. You will lose her heart, forever. Of course, you may still hv her pussy if you pay her more n more...or marry her. She may do so for money. Or love of her country like Xi Shi.

The second attribute "Dominant Power" is very complex. Actually I should call it dominant masculine power. It relates to a man's strong n positive mental frame n his social-economic status, confidence, courage, intelligence, persistence, dominance, wit, trustworthiness, reputation, height, looks, talents, physical fitness, achievements, financial power, kindness, compassion, etc. And of course emotional mastery.

Your comments?

Bro WB


Nice lesson from you for the above post.

A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.

Love your theory above. I cannot agree more.

This is very powerful and every men should have.

Of course not say to do though.

So I need to approach 200 to 300 gals to see if my approach is correct.

Please continue to guide us here.

Have nice week ahead.

Merry Xmas to you.

25-12-2017, 02:56 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB. Support always!!

25-12-2017, 03:12 PM
Most men do very well w/ gals they don't care or like too much. Their problem begins when they meet their "dream girl" or "the special one" haha. They suddenly try to play it safe n go slow. They are scared to be very sexual.

If you don't exhibit enormous confidence, sexual energy or mojo and awesome emotional mastery in front of a very pretty SYT or woman you like very much, she will hv zero attraction for u. Because you're behaving like a eunuch n you are treating her like a nun.

My advice is to be mode one through n through. Perpetually. Tell her exactly what is in your mind. Be brutally n radically honest. And be totally non reactive to anyone n any event.

Never, ever forget: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares less. AND, a feminine girl is only attracted to a man who keeps his power.

A few months ago, I met a 20 yo full time TW student by chance, a total stranger. I moved close to her left side n whispered: 嗨 我爱你!She was stunned, then quickly recovered her composure n smiled...to cut a long story short, she is my lover now. She is very fair n slim n abt 168. I hv been doing her raw, after medical tests. Oh, I did tell her about my yr 96 lao po.

BTW, I hv a new yr 97 mistress in China who is applying for student visa. She is kawaii, yet tall n sexy. Most orgasmic.

There are many others who want to come to SG for LT relationship w/ me, but I don't hv the time, money n energy to keep more than 3 FT mistresses. I know my limitations.

I'm in Gotham City now, will return to SG very soon. There are so many Chinese, Korean and Japanese SYT-FLs here. Amazing.


Bro WB

Bro WB

The power of the r/s lies with the person who cares less. Haha very interesting concept. Easy to say but not easy to execute.

Men hv over the times been nice and obedient. Usually the woman that he likes say something or do something, man will follow obediently.

This happened in each and every country.

Question - many married men in Asia or other countries still give all their monthly salary to their wives. Then the wives decide what to buy and give daily pocket money to the hubby.

This practice had been rapidly in Japan, Korea, India, etc.

If such practice, I do see men usually follow their wives decisions obediently. But such relationship do last.

Any comments?

Merry Christmas to everyone.

25-12-2017, 03:31 PM
Merry Xmas everybody specially to bro WB. Support this wonderful thread!

25-12-2017, 03:46 PM
Great thread!! Enjoy your holidays everyone :D

26-12-2017, 01:46 PM
Bro WB

The power of the r/s lies with the person who cares less. Haha very interesting concept. Easy to say but not easy to execute.

Men hv over the times been nice and obedient. Usually the woman that he likes say something or do something, man will follow obediently.

This happened in each and every country.

Question - many married men in Asia or other countries still give all their monthly salary to their wives. Then the wives decide what to buy and give daily pocket money to the hubby.

This practice had been rapidly in Japan, Korea, India, etc.

If such practice, I do see men usually follow their wives decisions obediently. But such relationship do last.

Any comments?

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Very interesting!!

My family used to pool their salaries in a common bank account managed by my mother.

Getting rare such practice but still exist.

26-12-2017, 02:09 PM
Very interesting!!

My family used to pool their salaries in a common bank account managed by my mother.

Getting rare such practice but still exist.

Same here as well.

26-12-2017, 05:03 PM
Question - many married men in Asia or other countries still give all their monthly salary to their wives. Then the wives decide what to buy and give daily pocket money to the hubby.

This practice had been rapidly in Japan, Korea, India, etc.

If such practice, I do see men usually follow their wives decisions obediently. But such relationship do last.

Any comments?

Merry Christmas to everyone.[/QUOTE]

This practice happen in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos too. My ex chinese cambodian gf wants to control my expenses and my income, we stay in different countries but wants to dictate me on how to spend my own money in my own home country. I told her not to interfere and she got angry, she broke off with me. Told her its fine and its her loss, ignore her and she contacted me 6 months later. Wanted to meet but I turned her down twice although she had found a new bf. To date, we just chat on apps and she fills me with details of her new relationship.

What bro WB said is very true, the less you care the more dominant you will be in the relationship. Been from being needy to cares less, and cares less is definately the way to go in a relationship irregardless of the ladies nationality

26-12-2017, 08:00 PM
Bro WB - I love your style and positive attitude. BTW, nice thread here.
You make my day!
Yes, being mode one will save time and money.

.............. I have not come to your level or any guru level. ..........................Cheers.
Thank you!
I'm no guru.
Evict your inner wuss and keep your 'dream girl.'

I thought I was the student and you are the guru. Thanks for the reply.
We are learning together.

Fully agreed that Bro WB is indeed at guru level.
.............God bless.
I'm always learning...

[SIZE="3"]Bro WB,
So another words self-mastery means he has full control of himself and his inner-self too.
Tks for your post.

Bro WB,
David DeAngelo
...................................Fully agreed that insecurity and jealousy make a guy become wussy.........................
Tks, bro.

Very wise words indeed.
.........................God bless
Thank you, bro.

anyone frequent the Peace centre foodcourt here?

I don't know them.

Bro, money buys pussies but not her heart. Agreed that money was teh prerequisites.
I hv a long way to go.

Bro - new word "ho".
"Slutty girls...........................................La o Tzu is a ancient guru and his words of wisdom live with time.
...........................................Many cheers.
A ho is a whore.
Lao Tzu is awesome!

Dear Warbird,
....................In the context of KTV girls, the parties involved know very well what their roles?
............................They are after all, in the business, looking for a better living or make more money. The motives are obvious. For them, it's just a matter of sizing up, which one has the deeper pocket and would be willing to part with their money, and which one they would settle for.
In a way, wouldn't it be nothing but a no-contest situation? If you have a boatload of money, more than the rest, of course you could choose as you please............................................ .........Don't you think that's where the real emotional mastery lies?
If I could ask you a personal question sir, what made a successful man like you, settle for the woman you married in the first place? .....................
Dear bro,
Thank you so much for your excellent opinion.
All KTV gals and HFJ singers want to make money. Yes, money is a prerequisite for getting their pussies. But, as I hv reiterated in the past, money can only buy many but not all of these pussies, and never their hearts. Actually, spending more money than necessary will backfire. It repels them. Yes, even the gold diggers are repelled, although they will pretend to be lovey dovey w/ the big spenders just to extract more money from them.
I personally know several KTV gals who have refused FJ, no matter how much the customers offer. Of course, these 'jilted suitors' would invariably get very angry and agitated. Some customers in China may resort to threats and physical violence. They are all insecure losers.
Therefore, I hv to disagree w/ you that boatload of money will always get you these pussies.
A very pretty and young KTV gal will meet many patrons and she will get offers of BY from dozens of 'suitors.' Often within a few months. There is intense contest for her pussy. And the man who offers the most money may not get to keep her as his lao po/mistress. Oftentimes, her primitive brain won't allow her.
What kind of man would the 'prettiest girl,' WL or non-WL, choose? No, chase. Such a man is dominant and assertive, not domineering and aggressive. He is also kind and caring. And he is intelligent, ambitious, physically fit n of high status. He brings value to society. He has awesome emotional strength. He is non-reactive, no matter what happens.
IMHO, girls/women who work in the nite scene differ in their degree of greediness. It's a very wide spectrum. On one extreme are the truly narcissistic and psychopathic gold diggers, most common among the successful singers, whom we must avoid. On the other extreme are girls who are smart, kind, honest, frugal and non-greedy. They will never make it as successful singers. They are very rare, but I hv found a few of them.
No, emotional mastery has nothing to do w/ money, except that a man w/ great emotional strength and mastery will do well in all areas of his life, including financial security. Become such a MAN.
Me, successful? It depends on what you mean by successful. I'm far from being such a MAN.
I married my TW wife decades ago, when I was a lowly medical trainee from Gotham City. I spent over 6 months in TW. Why did I marry her? She was one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen. Her dad was a police major.

Bro WB
Merry Christmas to you in advance. IN the festive season time to share.
....................................Hope to continue reading this masterful thread. I really appreciate all the contribution so far.
Have a happy holiday.:D
Tks for your post.

Nice lesson from you for the above post.
[SIZE="4"]A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector.../SIZE]
Love your theory above. I cannot agree more.
.................................................. ..Merry Xmas to you.
Bro, tks.
Many beautiful young women will chase such a MAN and become emotionally and sexually addicted to him.

Bro WB
The power of the r/s lies with the person who cares less. Haha very interesting concept. Easy to say but not easy to execute.
Men hv over the times been nice and obedient.....................Question - many married men in Asia or other countries still give all their monthly salary to their wives. Then the wives decide what to buy and give daily pocket money to the hubby.
...........................If such practice, I do see men usually follow their wives decisions obediently. But such relationship do last.
Any comments?
Merry Christmas to everyone.
Bro, tks for your post.
A husband giving all his money to his wife and is obedient?
I'm speechless. Many such husbands in Asia?
Good for them. It's their choice. If you think such behaviour is attractive to women, become such a man. Remain monogamous for the rest of your life.
I'm NOT such a man.

Very interesting!!
My family used to pool their salaries in a common bank account managed by my mother.
There are many submissive men out there.

Bro WB,
Merry Xmas to you.
Such good details from the post above.
Back in Aug 2016 was BY 35 and what is the total numbers today?
...............................Festive cheers to you!!
Tks for your post.
Since August last yr, I hv only kept 3 more LPs. I hv not seen anyone else worth keeping, despite visiting PC joints 2-4 times a week and going to Lido twice a month. I need to take a good look at a girl before I know if she is worth keeping.
There are 5 other gals this yr who hv agreed to BY. But they don't qualify on closer inspection. For various reasons.
The prettiest is a yr 99 SYT (she is 18 yo), but only 160 and her legs are disproportionately short. She was introduced to me by a China lady.
She took a cab to Dynasty to meet me for HH exactly two weeks ago on a Tuesday. She had arrived on tourist pass a week earlier and had been to Lido for SH a few times. She was a cute doll and I French kissed her. I was very sexual w/ her. She could cum depending on how good I am, she said. Her pussy has never been licked before though. She enjoys some popularity on the internet and makes 15-20k rmb a month. She has a sweet voice n the gift of gap. Her demand for BY was very modest. Two days later, I told her I was too busy to BY her at the present time. She was deeply disappointed and returned to China a few days later. When she went to the toilet at Dynasty, a man approached her, trying to book her. She replied that she didn't come to work. We are still friends.

Question - many married men in Asia or other countries still give all their monthly salary to their wives......................................Any comments?
Merry Christmas to everyone.

.......................... My ex chinese cambodian gf wants to control my expenses and my income, we stay in different countries but wants to dictate me on how to spend my own money in my own home country. I told her not to interfere and she got angry, she broke off with me. Told her its fine and its her loss, ignore her and she contacted me 6 months later............................................. ........ Been from being needy to care less, and being care less is definately the way to go in a relationship irregardless of the ladies nationality[/QUOTE]
Tks for your post.
You did the right thing ditching your GF. It was her big loss.
The most attractive man is dominant and caring. If a girl has to choose between dominance and caring, she will always choose dominance, contrary to conventional wisdom. Be 80% dominant and 20% caring.


Happy new Year to all samsters!
Bro WB

27-12-2017, 08:35 PM
Bro, tks for your post.
A husband giving all his money to his wife and is obedient?
I'm speechless. Many such husbands in Asia?
Good for them. It's their choice. If you think such behaviour is attractive to women, become such a man. Remain monogamous for the rest of your life.
I'm NOT such a man.

Bro WB

Bro WB

Thank you for your candid reply. Yes, speechless right but still many men are giving their salaries to wives.

Me too not such a man. I believe that I should control my own money.

Thanks so much.

27-12-2017, 08:37 PM
Good replies by bro WB.
Support this great thread :)

28-12-2017, 08:33 AM
How do you know your wife/mistress/lover/GF/er nai is in love w/ you?

Here is just one guru's opinion. I don't agree w/ him completely though. I invite bros here to weigh in.

4 Signs She is in Love With You (#4 is a Big Offensive)

Hey My Friend,

Do you know what women do when they are madly in love with a man?

They behave in a certain way and they do certain things that girls who are not in love would NEVER do.

If you want to find out if your girlfriend is really in love with you (or with your wallet), you should look out for one of the following four sings…

Sign #1: She Gives You „The Look“

A woman who is in love with you looks at you in a completely different way than a woman who doesn’t give a shit about you. Just like her...

Image (this image is of a woman who is old n ugly, so I won't use it. I only want very kawaii n pretty SYTs to fall for me. :D)

“The look” that a lovestoned woman gives you is a combination of dreamy eyes,

aroused sparkling and a smile that screams “I would follow you to the end of the world!”

When you get THAT look, she is yours.

Sign #2: She Wants to Be With You 24/7

One sign that the relationship with my ex-girlfriend was doomed to fail was that I wanted to get away from her as soon as she entered my apartment.

When a woman feels the same about you, it’s usually a very bad sign.

What if your girlfriend makes up excuses to not meet with you? What if she wants to leave five minutes after you met? What if the weekly lady’s night is ten times more important than your couple’s night?

Then she is NOT in love with you.

What if she is so clingy that she wants to see you every second of the day?

Then she is madly in love with you…or a psychopath who just can’t be alone ;-)

Sign #3: She Supports You When You Are at Your Lowest

The best way to find out if your girlfriend really loves you is by making The Money Test.
What’s The Money Test?

Just tell her that you lost your job and that you are completely broke.

And I am talking about Nicholas-Cage-I-take-every fucking-role-broke.
How does she react?

When I tested my girlfriend she just gave me a kiss and told me that she can lend me some money until I am on my feet again.

That’s the answer of a woman who really loves you.

What if she leaves you because you are broke?

Then let her leave you and promise yourself that you will never take her back.

Sign #4: She Swallows Your Cum

The three signs of love that I just shared with you were all romantic and shit, but now it’s time to talk about the real stuff.

One of the biggest signs that she is in love with you is when she swallows your cum.

Are you shocked or enlightened?

I.D.G.A.F as long as you find the woman who you truly love.

And don't worry. My next email is not about cum, but about the biggest social network in the history of mankind.

Stay tuned ;-)

Your Friend,

Bro WB

I read the above post and would like to comment.

I agreed with the guru especially #4 - she swallow your cum. Nowadays if gal not keen in you they will do the least just to get paid. This applies to WL and non-WL.

The #4 is especially true if not WL and love you deeply. Gal only want to make you feel special and willing to do anything together including sex.

#2 - she wants to be with you 24/7 also quite true.

Hope to read more special posts from you and guru.

Please keep up the effort.

Have a great day.


28-12-2017, 08:40 AM
Tks for your post.
Since August last yr, I hv only kept 3 more LPs. I hv not seen anyone else worth keeping, despite visiting PC joints 2-4 times a week and going to Lido twice a month. I need to take a good look at a girl before I know if she is worth keeping.
There are 5 other gals this yr who hv agreed to BY. But they don't qualify on closer inspection. For various reasons.
The prettiest is a yr 99 SYT (she is 18 yo), but only 160 and her legs are disproportionately short. She was introduced to me by a China lady.
She took a cab to Dynasty to meet me for HH exactly two weeks ago on a Tuesday. She had arrived on tourist pass a week earlier and had been to Lido for SH a few times. She was a cute doll and I French kissed her. I was very sexual w/ her. She could cum depending on how good I am, she said. Her pussy has never been licked before though. She enjoys some popularity on the internet and makes 15-20k rmb a month. She has a sweet voice n the gift of gap. Her demand for BY was very modest. Two days later, I told her I was too busy to BY her at the present time. She was deeply disappointed and returned to China a few days later. When she went to the toilet at Dynasty, a man approached her, trying to book her. She replied that she didn't come to work. We are still friends.

Bro WB

Bro WB

Thanks for your excellent reply.
Will support you 100%.

28-12-2017, 09:01 AM
Very nice thread. Support all the way.
God bless.

28-12-2017, 09:11 AM
Bro WB

Thanks for your excellent reply.
Will support you 100%.

Fully agreed. Wonderful reply by bro WB.
Will support 100% too.

29-12-2017, 10:48 AM
Good morning,
I go to PC joints to look see 3-4 times a week, usually during HH. The tour is FOC.
I hv an outing perhaps only once a week which will incur charges.
The purpose of the tour is to walk around all the joints and to see as many girls as possible. If a girl appears interesting, get her contact.
I often hv to go many weeks, if not months, to find one girl who is mildly interesting.
Touring is FOC.
I encourage bros here to join me.
PM me n leave your contact.
Bro WB

29-12-2017, 04:16 PM
Bro, tks.
Many beautiful young women will chase such a MAN and become emotionally and sexually addicted to him.

Happy new Year to all samsters!
Bro WB

Thanks for taking your time to reply to me.
Happy New Year to you too.

29-12-2017, 04:31 PM
THE most important determinant of your success w/ beautiful young women or SYTs is your dominant/masculine mindset. As manifested in your eye contact, body language, voice tonality, posture n movements...you can't fake it.

It's imperative that you are very sexual w/ your dream girl asap. Never use force. Instead, let her chase you n seduce you.

One good strategy is to tell her, as soon as possible, that it's predestined that she is your beloved lao po. Yeah, give her a nickname n call her lao po. It's magical. It has worked well for a lao chee ko pek like me.

Don't forget. It's not what u say, it's how you say it that matters.

Try it n give us ur FR.


Bro WB

Bro WB, this way any gal we interested will be La Po and so many haha.

I was truly amazed with your energy level. I praised you for doing this so long.

Well hope this thread lives long enough and survive the hundreds of years.

Agreed that we(men) need dominant/masculine mindset. The eye contact, body language, voice tonality, posture n movements also very important.

I will go try since you requested and will write forum here.

Let me wish you Happy New Year 2018 to you and all readers here.

Auld lang syne.

Cheers sayounara

29-12-2017, 04:44 PM
Wish bro wb happy new year.

29-12-2017, 04:45 PM
Shall support this thread and bro WB.

29-12-2017, 07:05 PM
Thanks for taking your time to reply to me.
Happy New Year to you too.

Agreed, very good reply.
Happy New Year to you too Bro WB.

29-12-2017, 07:10 PM
Very informative thread here bro WB, wishing you a Happy New Year!

29-12-2017, 07:53 PM
Shall support this thread and bro WB.

Same here. Going to support Bro WB and this thread too.

30-12-2017, 01:24 PM
Good morning,
I go to PC joints to look see 3-4 times a week, usually during HH. The tour is FOC.
I hv an outing perhaps only once a week which will incur charges.
The purpose of the tour is to walk around all the joints and to see as many girls as possible. If a girl appears interesting, get her contact.
I often hv to go many weeks, if not months, to find one girl who is mildly interesting.
Touring is FOC.
I encourage bros here to join me.
PM me n leave your contact.
Bro WB

Bro WB, very good gesture to invite us to join you to visit PC joints. I wished I can join you but not in town now.

Will try my best to join you one of this day and will pm you.

I fully agreed that visiting this place is very important to access the quality of gals. BTW, what roughly what time you start the visiting?

Happy new year to bros here.

Hope all making merries.

30-12-2017, 01:30 PM
Bro WB, very good gesture to invite us to join you to visit PC joints. I wished I can join you but not in town now.

Will try my best to join you one of this day and will pm you.

I fully agreed that visiting this place is very important to access the quality of gals. BTW, what roughly what time you start the visiting?

Happy new year to bros here.

Hope all making merries.

I wish to join too but I also not in town.

Wishing all bros a happy new year.

30-12-2017, 01:58 PM
Many kaki freely posted their exploits 2009-2011. But infrequently in the last few years.

There was a bro Don Juan who had numerous posts here. Claiming his SYT dolls are the prettiest n best educated n the richest 白富美。And he got them all FOC n they were addicted to him. He was trying to find rich men to BY them so that he would get a hefty cut. The trouble is that no bro I know has ever met him, nor ever met his "kawaii SYTs." I was willing to pay for expensive dinner for him n his dolls, but he declined my numerous invitations.

Bro DJ has been conspicuous by his absence. I'm still patiently waiting for him. Obviously he is a 1000 times more successful w/ women n SYTs than "The Sexiest Man Alive" Johnny Depp n Elvis Presley combined haha. Meeting him n his prettiest SYTs in person would be one of the most important moments in my life.:p

BTW, in addition to free dinner, I'm now willing to pay him n his SYTs a hefty fee. Seeing is believing n I want to know what I hv been missing in life 我是不是白活了.:D


Bro WB

Bro WB

Very generous of you to offer Bro DJ such hefty fees.

In this cyber forum, anyone can say or post anything to be big. Such such person are special and prettiest gal.

Let me share a story.

My friend and I were drinking at watering hole. Another friend arrived and said we can change place to drink at where he thinks the most prettiest gal working now. So we took a ride and went in to the so call place. When we seated and the gal came both my friend and I thought this so called prettiest gal is only so so.

Another words one man's meat is another man's poison. Beauty lies in the eye's of beholder.

Hope to read up more and share more comments.

Wish all brothers happy new year and prosperous 2018.

30-12-2017, 02:13 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB, support!

31-12-2017, 02:23 PM
Best thread and happy new year 2018.

31-12-2017, 02:25 PM
Bro WB

Very generous of you to offer Bro DJ such hefty fees.

In this cyber forum, anyone can say or post anything to be big. Such such person are special and prettiest gal.

Let me share a story.

My friend and I were drinking at watering hole. Another friend arrived and said we can change place to drink at where he thinks the most prettiest gal working now. So we took a ride and went in to the so call place. When we seated and the gal came both my friend and I thought this so called prettiest gal is only so so.

Another words one man's meat is another man's poison. Beauty lies in the eye's of beholder.

Hope to read up more and share more comments.

Wish all brothers happy new year and prosperous 2018.

Agreed with you.

Happy New Year.!!

31-12-2017, 02:30 PM
Strong support for Bro WB and hope this thread run many more years.
Happiest New Year to all.

31-12-2017, 02:31 PM
Very good thread, happy new year to all.

31-12-2017, 02:36 PM
Agreed with you.

Happy New Year.!!

Agreed with you too.

Happy New Year too.!!

31-12-2017, 02:41 PM
Strong support for Bro WB and hope this thread run many more years.
Happiest New Year to all.

Same here too. Always support this thread.
Happy New Year to everyone.

31-12-2017, 11:32 PM
Happy New Year to everyone, especially bro WB. May all of your wishes come true! This is a very good thread, please keep it going through 2018 and beyond!

01-01-2018, 12:52 PM
In a LT relationship w/ a gal/woman, her character is of paramount importance. Of course, you must like her looks/figure n sex w/ her must be very good.

A guru just sent me a brief article on how to choose the right women.

This ONE question will change how you choose women


As you get better and better with women, you'll
find that you start to ask yourself more and more
what kind of woman you REALLY want to be with.

The second stage after dating starvation is dating

You get more and more dates, so the initial excitement
starts to vanish and you question yourself (in a good
way) because you are less shallow.

I went through that and you'll find a lot of books
on finding the right partner.

So, let me save you some time. ;-)

Here's the simple question you can ask yourself
to start filtering the women in your life and keep
that special one:

“When I'm with that person, do I genuinely, in
my heart, feel inspired to become the best man
I can ever be?”

It's one thing to be in love and have passion, but
in my (humble) opinion, it's the mutual desire for
growth that glues a couple together for decades.

Guys get in a relationship and they settle. They
lose their hunger. They become “comfortable”.
The right woman will trigger you to thrive and
achieve. She'll inspire you to push yourself
physically, emotionally, mentally, financially,
in your career, and to go after your dreams with
more ferocity.

At least, this is how I feel with the girl I'm with
right now.

Have an amazing day!


Bro WB

How to choose gals? Many times man always chose wrong gal. Me chose many wrong gals in life.

IN life, man tendency to choose good looks and dun bother anything else. Think man made great mistakes in choosing this method by looks.

I choose gals by observations and speaking to feel good. Also dun rush into any r/s. Make sure we have common topics and similar interests.

I prefer to let gals choose me. BUt I have the final say.

The guru above was quite correct to say ultimately we have to make sure teh gal you chose makes you feel good.

Also true that once any man chose their gal and they settle down become fat ass.

Hope to read more lessons similar to above.

Happy new you to all bros and sis here.

01-01-2018, 01:02 PM
Great thread here. Happy New Year everyone!

01-01-2018, 02:02 PM
I received the following a wk ago from a guru:

The Secret of Attracting Very Beautiful Women

Perhaps you've heard of The Perfect 10.

A woman so stunningly beautiful that guys literally throw themselves at her feet. A woman so amazing, so breath-taking, that she can have any man she wants, any time she wants... and she knows it.

She lives in her own special little world, a world most of us can't even imagine -- everything is good there, everything is easy. She gets anything she wants. She rarely has to pay for anything because people are always giving her things, buying her things, bringing her presents. She gets special treatment in restaurants, bars, stores, and every other place she goes.

Everyone loves her. Every guy wants her. And every girl wants to be her.

After all, she is The Perfect 10.

Well, my fellow Don Juans, let me assure you that despite what you may have read or heard, there's no such thing as The Perfect 10. She does not exist. Not one woman on this huge planet of ours even comes close to our image of The Perfect 10.

Yet the myth of the enchanting, irresistible Perfect 10 is extremely common among men, especially younger men.

"This Perfect 10 walked into the bar and every head in the place turned."

"You have to use a different strategy when approaching an incredibly beautiful woman, because she's used to guys throwing themselves at her and doing whatever she wants."

"She rarely gets approached by guys because they're intimidated by her beauty."

"Don't even bother pursuing a 10 unless you've got a lot going for you (money, fame, looks). You'll get shot down, or used and abused."

I hear these "Perfect 10" comments all the time. I read them on discussion forums. I get email questions about "how to deal with incredibly beautiful women." And I even read comments about 10s by relationship "experts."

Let me repeat to you: There's no such thing as The Perfect 10 !!

In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find a lady, any lady in this huge world of ours, who qualifies as an Almost Perfect 9.

But, I hear you thinking, "They DO exist. I see them all the time. In fact, I saw a Perfect 10 earlier today."

True. You DO see 9s and 10s frequently. So do I. But the thing you have to remember is that one's perception of physical beauty is completely subjective. It varies quite a bit from person to person. There are no objective standards for female beauty that every guy subscribes to.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

And I'm not just talking about different cultures here. (You probably know that in some cultures, the fatter a lady is, the more beautiful she is perceived to be.)

Yet, the myth of The Perfect 10 - that absolutely stunning woman that no man can resist - is very prevalent these days. False, but prevalent.

Where does this myth originate? Why do we believe in Perfect 10s?

The unfortunate fact is that everyone tends to view the world in a very egocentric fashion. We believe that what we see, others also see. We believe that what we perceive as attractive, beautiful, and stunning, others also perceive the same way. We believe, quite incorrectly, that the women who take our breath away, also take the breath of every other guy on the planet.

It's a ridiculous belief. An unfounded myth. And it's rather easy to shatter.

Do an experiment. Take 4 or 5 of your buds out to a nice crowded bar, one that's always packed with beautiful women. Find yourselves a table and try to find ONE lady in the entire bar that everyone agrees is A Perfect 10. One lady that everyone agrees is absolutely stunning.

You'll fail miserably. In fact, I doubt you'll be able to find a lady in the entire bar that even half your buddies think is a 10. You probably won't even be able to find a lady that everyone agrees is an 8 or 9.

Invariably when you or one of your buds picks out a lady and declares triumphantly for all to hear that she is absolutely perfect - and then waits for all to agree - someone in the group will respond, "No way. You've got to be kidding. She's okay I guess, but I'd give her about a 6."

You will be amazed, no stunned, at the women your buddies feel are Perfect, and they'll be equally stunned at you. Your, their, and our perceptions of beauty are just too subjective, too skewed by our past experiences and interactions, for everyone, or even a large percentage of guys, to even come close to agreeing.

Or try the experiment with Hollywood stars. Do you think Pamela Andersen is a 10? On my particular scale of physical beauty, she's about a 6. How about Angelina Jolie? Is she your dream woman? I'd give her an 8. Carmen Electra? She's about a 7.5 in my book. Jennifer Lopez? Maybe an 8. In fact, I can't even think of a famous person that I would give a 10 to. And I'm not that picky.

In fact, if you and I were sitting in a bar together and your dream woman - a Stacy Keibler lookalike - walked in, you wouldn't have much competition from me. In fact, you wouldn't have any competition from me. I'd be too busy checking out the shorter, curvier, brunette over by the bar.

Do you like the tall, thin, professional-model type? I'm not attracted to them at all, and they'd certainly get no special treatment from me. In my own special little world they're just ordinary women and would be treated as ordinary women. And I certainly wouldn't fall all over myself trying to impress them.

Now I'm not saying that all women are equal in physical beauty. I'm not saying that at all. While Angelina, Stacy, and the rest, are not, in my opinion, even close to being perfect, I would agree that they are "above average" in attractiveness. And they probably, overall, receive better treatment in our world.

Research clearly demonstrates that the physically attractive do have advantages in our society. They are attributed a whole host of positive personality characteristics simply on the basis of how they look. And they are treated a little better in specific situations. So no, every woman is not equally attractive.

I'm also not saying that there aren't a few women running around (more than a few actually) who have an over-inflated sense of their own self-importance... and maybe even a few delusional ladies who think that they actually are Perfect 10s. Heck, there are some butt-ugly guys running around who think that they're pretty hot stuff too.

Now with these particular women - these women who see themselves as being above you, or who feel that you should be knocking yourself out trying to impress them - with these women you may need a modified strategy. You may need to knock them off their little pedestals. And there are a number of simple techniques for accomplishing this... if you choose to pursue such a "lady."

But the important thing to remember is that you base your strategy on the situation and, specifically, her ATTITUDE, and not on how attractive you perceive her to be. Just because YOU think she's a Perfect 10 does not necessarily mean that she has an over-inflated ego and needs to be taken down a few notches. (If she's not on a self-imposed pedestal, and you try to knock it out from under her, you just wind up kicking her in the shin -- oh how poetical I am sometimes.)

As mentioned, I frequently see comments on "dealing with extremely beautiful women" and read articles written by experts on The Perfect 10. Sometimes they suggest a "special strategy" for dealing with a 10 (see above). And, even more ridiculous, sometimes they just flat out state that you shouldn't even bother pursuing The Perfect 10 unless you have something exceptional to offer.

How bout a ridiculous example to clarify.

Mark is extremely attracted to Karen. She's a Perfect 10 in his little world, and he desperately wants to get to know her better. However, having recently read an article on Perfect 10s written by an expert, he knows he doesn't have much of a chance. After all, every guy wants a girl like her - The Perfect 10. And he's really no one special.

He concludes that Karen is out of his league and he needs to be a little more realistic. So he decides to go after Laura instead. She's pretty cute, and nice - about a 7 or 8 in his book. Probably about right for him he thinks. And even though he finds himself fairly happy with Laura, in the back of his mind, he'll always wish he had had more to offer, so that he would stand a chance with Karen.


Bro WB

What a nice interesting post above.

I too agreed no perfect 10 gals. If there is then individual preferences.

I prefer not to date the most beautiful gals in any place. Usually the most beautiful gals will have many potential suitors and she will feel the guys senses.

I prefer to go after gals that desirable to me and may not be to others.

The example chosen by the guru is perfect for any environment. Once I told a pretty gal which everyone claimed to be pretty to go away since I not interested and she was really stunted.

Anyway any gal who thinks she is pretty doesn't makes sense to me.

Another lesson learned from bro WB and guru.

Please continue your fine effort to share us more lessons.

Happy new year 2018.

01-01-2018, 02:07 PM
Wishing all a Happy New Year.

01-01-2018, 02:08 PM
Happy new year 2018 and huat ar.

01-01-2018, 02:12 PM
Very good thread. Thanks TS.

01-01-2018, 03:51 PM
Bro WB

What a nice interesting post above.

I too agreed no perfect 10 gals. If there is then individual preferences.

I prefer not to date the most beautiful gals in any place. Usually the most beautiful gals will have many potential suitors and she will feel the guys senses.

I prefer to go after gals that desirable to me and may not be to others.

The example chosen by the guru is perfect for any environment. Once I told a pretty gal which everyone claimed to be pretty to go away since I not interested and she was really stunted.

Anyway any gal who thinks she is pretty doesn't makes sense to me.

Another lesson learned from bro WB and guru.

Please continue your fine effort to share us more lessons.

Happy new year 2018.

Very true no perfect 10 gals.

Good learning thread from Bro WB.

Happy new year.

01-01-2018, 03:55 PM
Very good thread. Thanks TS.

Fully agreed, very good thread.
Tks bro WB.


01-01-2018, 03:59 PM
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

01-01-2018, 04:02 PM
Huat ah!!! Happy new year '18

01-01-2018, 04:07 PM
Bro WB

What a nice interesting post above.

I too agreed no perfect 10 gals. If there is then individual preferences.
I prefer not to date the most beautiful gals in any place. Usually the most beautiful gals will have many potential suitors and she will feel the guys senses.

I prefer to go after gals that desirable to me and may not be to others.

The example chosen by the guru is perfect for any environment. Once I told a pretty gal which everyone claimed to be pretty to go away since I not interested and she was really stunted.

Anyway any gal who thinks she is pretty doesn't makes sense to me.

Another lesson learned from bro WB and guru.

Please continue your fine effort to share us more lessons.

Happy new year 2018.

You ask pretty gal to go away.
You must be as yandao as Andy Lau...:D

01-01-2018, 04:21 PM
You ask pretty gal to go away.
You must be as yandao as Andy Lau...:D

To some people, any gal also pretty :D

01-01-2018, 04:31 PM
You ask pretty gal to go away.
You must be as yandao as Andy Lau...:D

Haha he very yandao kia.

01-01-2018, 04:56 PM
Very good thread. Thanks TS.

Fully agreed, very good thread.
Tks bro WB.


From -40 to 39 in 1 hour :eek:
Clap clap :D

03-01-2018, 10:41 AM
Of course, I'm not really telling you anything here that you don't already know. I believe that you already know that beauty is completely subjective and can vary tremendously from guy to guy.

The problem is that you tend to "forget" this fact, or fail to use it to your advantage, as soon as your version of a "Ms. Perfect" appears.

You get intimidated. You get extremely nervous. Being an ordinary guy, you start feeling unworthy, like you don't really have anything to offer such a Goddess. You start thinking that she is so perfect that every guy in the place MUST want her. Rather than being "happy" about the opportunity to meet your Perfect 10, you begin to feel bad because you don't think you measure up or have what it takes to actually attract and keep such a lady.

The myth of The Perfect 10, and your belief in this myth, is handicapping you and limiting your social effectiveness. However, if you remember that the perception of a woman's physical beauty is completely subjective, and one guy's 10 is invariably another guy's 6, you will have a distinct advantage in dealing with women.

1) You will approach and pursue the women you really want. You won't feel the need to limit yourself to the ones that are "in your league."

2) You will display more confidence. You won't be as nervous when dealing with your 10. You will understand that she is NOT every guy's version of a 10, and you will feel less pressure as you're not in competition with every other guy on the planet.

3) You will be able to focus on the fact that it's your job to evaluate her, to see if she's good enough for you, not the other way around. You will stand up for yourself, demand respect, and clearly communicate the fact that YOU are special and she should be trying to impress you.

4) You will actually be happier when with your Perfect 10. It seems to be more satisfying to find someone who is perfect for us, than it is to find someone who is just flat-out perfect.

So, my fellow Don Juans, pursue your dream women. Pursue them with passion, confidence, knowledge, and style.

And who knows. This world's wacky enough that you just might wind up being her version of "The Perfect 10."

Allen Thompson

I disagree w/ guru Thompson that you hv to pursue your dream gal. When u first meet a gal you like very much, tell her exactly what is in ur mind, what you want to do to her. Then let her come to you. If you're shy n timid, practice on gals who are only slightly attractive to u. After 200-300 gals, you will become very competent. :D


Bro WB

Bro WB

Above article was so true and interesting. The facts are there and I agree with you.

Always tell the gal what you want when you first met her and dun waste any time. If she comes to you after initial rejections, then she will meant to be yours. Otherwise never meant to be after all. Good to approach many and practise makes perfect.

To any guy, your perfect 10 will always be the one you desire most.

Hope bro will continue to post here and let us learn more from you.

Have a great week ahead.


03-01-2018, 11:30 AM
Good morning!

It's very difficult to define what are 'superior male genes' or SMG.

Do the following men hv SMG?

Isaac Newton? William the Conqueror? Genghis Khan? First Emperor of China? Bodhidharma? Lao Zi? Chairman Mao? Our own great leader LKY? Mick Jagger? John C. Holmes? 范蠡?John D. Rockefeller? Donald Trump? 陈立夫?李白?曹操?And many more.

I personally like Chen Li Fu as I met him in TW when he was in his 80s. Very impressive and classy, well dressed, very slim n fit. Very sharp mind. Spoke excellent English. He lived to 101. Only 162-3 in height I think. He is the famed CC, baidu him.

I'm sure every bro here has his own list. Reality is in the eye of the beholder. That is the Rashomon Effect.

Even if we limit our definition of SMG to extreme attractiveness for the most beautiful, healthy heterosexual SYTs/young women, we still hv two major problems.

Firstly, one SYT's toad is another SYT's prince.

Secondly, unlike men who are largely attracted to a woman's looks and physique, women are predominantly attracted to a man's MASCULINE CHARACTER and BEHAVIOR TRAITS. The common denominator is his SELF/EMOTIONAL MASTERY.

However, I believe no healthy young female could resist the following MAN. Become such a MAN and you will be a PUSSY WIZARD haha.

Such a man knows that he is the PRIZE to the most beautiful young women on planet earth.

A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.

I invite all bros to give their own opinions of what kind of man has SMG.

Thank you!!

Bro WB

Bro WB, I had been following your debate on Superior Male Genes. I am not sure SMG existed. Anyway even if it does, how to determine SMG exist.

I dun relate SMG to just ability to pick up gals. I think also very true to say some of the names mentioned above have SMG because they are great person mentioned in history.

If we argue that women largely love SMG then maybe there are some truth. Women will fell for male masculinity and mastery.

Will continue to support this thread.

Hope to read more here and also hope bro continue to post in your busy schedule.

Have a nice day.


04-01-2018, 12:22 PM
Good morning!

It's very difficult to define what are 'superior male genes' or SMG.

Do the following men hv SMG?

Isaac Newton? William the Conqueror? Genghis Khan? First Emperor of China? Bodhidharma? Lao Zi? Chairman Mao? Our own great leader LKY? Mick Jagger? John C. Holmes? 范蠡?John D. Rockefeller? Donald Trump? 陈立夫?李白?曹操?And many more.

I personally like Chen Li Fu as I met him in TW when he was in his 80s. Very impressive and classy, well dressed, very slim n fit. Very sharp mind. Spoke excellent English. He lived to 101. Only 162-3 in height I think. He is the famed CC, baidu him.

I'm sure every bro here has his own list. Reality is in the eye of the beholder. That is the Rashomon Effect.

Even if we limit our definition of SMG to extreme attractiveness for the most beautiful, healthy heterosexual SYTs/young women, we still hv two major problems.

Firstly, one SYT's toad is another SYT's prince.

Secondly, unlike men who are largely attracted to a woman's looks and physique, women are predominantly attracted to a man's MASCULINE CHARACTER and BEHAVIOR TRAITS. The common denominator is his SELF/EMOTIONAL MASTERY.

However, I believe no healthy young female could resist the following MAN. Become such a MAN and you will be a PUSSY WIZARD haha.

Such a man knows that he is the PRIZE to the most beautiful young women on planet earth.

A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.

I invite all bros to give their own opinions of what kind of man has SMG.

Thank you!!

Bro WB

Bro WB

I will like to comment that Sinzo Abe been the third longest serving prime minister in post-war era has SMG.

His biography was excellent and born in a political family of SMG. As he also a handsome man, I believe he has self-mastery and will get any woman he wanted.

Of course the current President Trump has SMG.

One person who I dun think has is Prince Charles. Others may have different opinion.

Personally I seen this Rashomon Effect many times in dealing with women. It is really intriguing to see women chosen different paths.

Will comment whenever possible and hope bro WB can continue to post many more.

Hope you have a great week.


04-01-2018, 12:25 PM
Very nice thread by Bro WB, support!

04-01-2018, 12:40 PM
Bro WB

Above article was so true and interesting. The facts are there and I agree with you.

Always tell the gal what you want when you first met her and dun waste any time. If she comes to you after initial rejections, then she will meant to be yours. Otherwise never meant to be after all. Good to approach many and practise makes perfect.

To any guy, your perfect 10 will always be the one you desire most.

Hope bro will continue to post here and let us learn more from you.

Have a great week ahead.


Fully agreed.

Hope to learn more from bro WB too.

Have a nice day.

04-01-2018, 12:52 PM
Best thread in sbf! Hope to read and learn more.

05-01-2018, 04:10 PM
I hv a wechat grp w/ 50 like minded bros. Name of the grp? Badass Gentlemen of course!

A few days ago we were discussing man woman relationship, female attraction and what girls/women really crave, deep in the primitive parts of their brains (as opposed to the more advanced, conscious parts).

I like to summarize my sincere beliefs:

1) What a gal consciously wants n what her primitive brain wants are very different...knowing n acting on this is THE secret.

2) Deep in her primitive brain, she is searching and testing to see which man has the most self mastery n is the most trustworthy n dependable. It's a matter of life n death for her and her offspring.

3) Modern society is evolving too fast, much faster than our primitive brains can evolve n adapt. Hence we see so much misery n discord in man woman relationship. And most people don't get it.

4) A gal will never be truly attracted to a man who is chasing her n offering her big buck. I'm talking abt her primitive brain which is much more powerful than her more modern brain. If a man is wealthy n has high social/sexual value n awesome masculine character traits including self mastery, she will be greatly attracted and will chase him!!

5) Power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less. A healthy woman always wants her man to have the power. She wants to be submissive to him.

6) Be detached and non reactive to your dream gal's words and actions. If you are happy when she calls u, you're needy. Because your happiness depends on her behavior. Get it?

7) It means she has power over you. She can sense it in your voice!! Then she will lose attraction for u. Yup, you won't even know why. It's even more difficult to hide your emotions in a face to face situation. Your body language will be more revealing.

8) If a gal (including your special one) leaves you for whatever reason, let her go. You walk away, never look back. It's her loss! If you try to get her back, you're needy. BTW, THE best way to get your ex wife/GF/mistress/lover back is NOT to get her back.

9) Never chase a girl. Never be impatient, needy, insecure and jealous.

10) A man is always the PRIZE to his dream/special gal. If he doesn't believe he is, in his primitive brain, his relationship w/ her will fail, eventually. I'm 100% certain of this.

11) As for the type of gal I like to have a LT relationship with, I look at her in totality, holistically, taking into account every factor, every trait n every feature, the past, present n future...not just her looks, figure and pussy but also her facial micro expressions, voice, gait, character, personality, education level, etc.

12) Last but not least, the number of past sexual partners of a girl/woman is the most powerful predictor of her loyalty and fidelity to her new LT partner. There are ways with which a man can determine w/ fair accuracy the past sexual partners of any girl/woman. I need to find and read the article.


Bro WB

Bro WB, is your wechat group still exist? How to participate?

Thank you for the summary of points above. Think most of the gurus teachings and your beliefs are summarized above.

Point 1 and 2 were great and talking about primitive mind. Never noticed gal have primitive mind and now I learned.

Point 4 and 5 really true because if you have plenty of money and paying big money may never get her mind. As for the power of relationships lies in the person who care less.

Point 12 is also true because only a gal who loves you will initiate to make love with you and allow free access and all actions.

Please post more summary and will support your great thread.

Hope you have a great weekend coming soon.


05-01-2018, 05:28 PM
Good morning!

To all bros,

I want to be brutally honest n controversial again. Here is a litmus test of how much you value yourself as a MAN and your true level of self mastery.

Will you be insecure and jealous when you know other men (including your friends) are hitting on your wives/GFs/mistresses/lovers/er nai constantly? What if you find out that the girl/woman you like or love very much is being fxxked by other man (men)?

Be honest w/ yourself.

Bro WB

Bro, very honest topic above.

If I knew my GF/mistress is being fxxked by other man then I will just leave her. If wife, I will file for divorce and wish her good luck.

This means I have free time and relief to find more gals.

Bro WB

I will like to comment that Sinzo Abe been the third longest serving prime minister in post-war era has SMG.

His biography was excellent and born in a political family of SMG. As he also a handsome man, I believe he has self-mastery and will get any woman he wanted.

Of course the current President Trump has SMG.

One person who I dun think has is Prince Charles. Others may have different opinion.

Personally I seen this Rashomon Effect many times in dealing with women. It is really intriguing to see women chosen different paths.

Will comment whenever possible and hope bro WB can continue to post many more.

Hope you have a great week.


Bro, both of us think alike and commented on the same post.

Fully agreed that Trump and Abe are definitely SMG. There were more men like Prince Charles who always followed others rather than lead by example. Such weak persons are easily needy and desperate.

So do you think Trump and Abe are also Alpha male?

Hope to hear from you.

Have a good rest tomorrow.

05-01-2018, 05:53 PM
Support excellent thread by Bro WB

Have a nice weekend

06-01-2018, 10:20 AM
Bros, have a nice weekend. Hooray.

06-01-2018, 02:04 PM
Guys, enjoy your weekend.

07-01-2018, 10:21 AM
Bro WB, is your wechat group still exist? How to participate?


Bro here the answer.


Thanks for ur interest.

For a bro to be admitted to my exclusive grp: 1) He must hv attended one of my outings. 2) He is judged to be a reliable kaki and 3) He is interested in joining my grp.

I made the mistake of admitting bro Don Juan to my grp early last yr. I never met him n he misrepresented himself. He claimed that his family owned the now defunct TAM joints and that he had many cute SYTs for me to BY.

His refusal to meet anyone n his erratic, boastful behaviour infuriated many bros in my grp n I was forced to expel him. I never met him nor his phantom SYTs. I shall not make the same mistake again. I do appreciate your understanding.


Bro WB

07-01-2018, 10:25 AM
Have a nice sunday for all bros

07-01-2018, 10:28 AM

Great question! I'll be radically honest.

It depends on your relationship w/ her and how much you like her.

If you don't find her very attractive, just walk away. If she won't give up, tell her to get lost. If she continues to stalk you, report to the police for a restraining order asap.

It's unlikely that she is your current dream gal or that u have lots of KC for her. How do I know?

A man alters his behaviour when he is w/ his dream gal or THE special one, just like 99.99% of men. I'm no exception. She will never chase him. He cares too much for her n he has lost power n value in the relationship. Very unattractive n repulsive.

If she is indeed your dream gal or the special one, kudos to you! You hv absolute emotional and self mastery. You're the Grand Master, much more than a pussy wizard.

You're one in 10,000 men. A million? My goal in life is to be such a MAN. Pls accept me as your disciple. When shall we meet?


Bro WB

Bro WB, great reply to a bro who raised a question.

You are indeed very honest about yourself and your words are pure.

Not often we have gals who chased guys but life is strange and things like this do happen.

Once I met a gal in my company vicinity and she was like searching for an address. I helped her by directing her where to find the address. She took my contact number and two weeks later she invited me to a party. The rest is history.

I may not be the MAN but in life things do happen.

Hope to continue reading this masterpiece.

Please have a great Sunday.


07-01-2018, 11:59 AM
Bro here the answer.

Tks for sharing.

07-01-2018, 05:28 PM

Some time ago a 'lower than N level bro,' a self proclaimed eugenics authority, posted on this thread that women are attracted to men w/ superior male genes or SMG. I agreed w/ him 100%. That is where our similarity ends.

Then he went on to ridicule me as having inferior male genes because I often write long paragraphs!! I could confidently say that he was full of BS.

I later opined that the following MAN might be considered by most healthy heterosuxal SYTs n women to hv SMG.

A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.

Usually, it will take time and some stressful situations for u to demonstrate that you are indeed such a rare PRIZE. You must be perceived to be such a man when first meeting a dream gal or, if you're not, you are actively working to becoming such a man. Be very ambitious n bold. Not delusional though.

Your mindset n emotional control is the key. You're the prize. You show your social courage, dominance n high status. And your unflappable demeanor, voice tonality and body language. You must also be very comfortable in ur own skin, be very assertive when you're right, and yet humble. And being witty n smart.

Of course SMG may be in the eye of the beholder.

Here is a man who thinks he has SMG.


BTW, I'm a gene believer too...

Comments? Your own version of a man w/ SMG??


Bro WB


Feliz Navidad is one of the great old songs.

I fully agreed with you that a MAN is the prize and have to behave like one. His self mastery and mindset must tune to behave like PRIZE.

You wrote long paragraphs here to teach many lessons for us. I appreciate such gracious postings. Certainly anyone criticized you is the one that have inferior complex.

Please guide us more here and will comment more.

Hope you enjoyed a great weekend.


08-01-2018, 03:46 PM

Feliz Navidad is one of the great old songs.

I fully agreed with you that a MAN is the prize and have to behave like one. His self mastery and mindset must tune to behave like PRIZE.

You wrote long paragraphs here to teach many lessons for us. I appreciate such gracious postings. Certainly anyone criticized you is the one that have inferior complex.

Please guide us more here and will comment more.

Hope you enjoyed a great weekend.


I also love this Feliz Navidad song.
Tks for sharing.

08-01-2018, 03:47 PM
Bro here the answer.

Bro, thanks for the reply.

Now I understood well.

Will often support thisthread.

08-01-2018, 03:58 PM

Feliz Navidad is one of the great old songs.

I fully agreed with you that a MAN is the prize and have to behave like one. His self mastery and mindset must tune to behave like PRIZE.

You wrote long paragraphs here to teach many lessons for us. I appreciate such gracious postings. Certainly anyone criticized you is the one that have inferior complex.

Please guide us more here and will comment more.

Hope you enjoyed a great weekend.


Love this song!
Thx for sharing :)

08-01-2018, 03:59 PM
Please tell us the specific strategy you used. How many girls did u approach? Under what circumstances? The exact words you said to them.

The most crucial determinant of your success w/ women is your mindset n mental frame, as manifested by your demeanor, eye contact, facial expressions, body language n voice tonality...it's not what you say but how you say it. Actually, if you're good at projecting your dominance, high status and value as a MAN, you don't need to say a word. Girls will flock to u.

I hv posted the following msg by a guru before:

"Women are masters at observing your body language, tonality of voice, facial expression and way of conveying your message...This is also called sub-communication.
This is the reason why it’s often said that a woman can detect what the man is all about within the very first few minutes of the conversation...They are very effective at picking up your body language cues.
And here is the kicker-
“A woman’s level of attraction towards you is directly proportional to the value you are sub-communicating.”
The level of value you are sub-communicating is directly proportional to how comfortable you are in your own skin.
This is why developing mastery with body language and sub- communication is extremely vital for success with women.
If you want to make a woman feel strong attraction towards you then you must learn to inculcate all the physical signals which women are hard wired to respond to naturally.
The female mind is biologically programmed to seek guys who demonstrate higher value than them.
Once you learn how to project the right signals, you will be able to spark attraction without even having to say anything."

So you got rejected by ALL the gals? Great! You will need a lot of practice. Practice your posture n body language in front of a mirror. Go out and approach 20-50 gals everyday. You can start w/ gals who are not attractive to you. As you get better n better, approach only gals who are attractive to you. Do it everyday for 60 days. Pls share your experiences here. BTW, approach the gals only when it's physically safe to do so and be polite. Don't try to pick up the young mistress of a Yakuza boss or a Mexican drug lord. Don't forget to practice your voice...

BTW, I still need more practice and a lot more improvement in my emotional mastery. That is terrific news because I hv a lot of room for improvement. Recent criticisms from my 19 yo LP make me realize my shortcomings. I admire her blunt candor and sharp discernment. I'll describe what happened in another post. Our intimacy and pair bonding hv been greatly strengthened as a result. She also said something abt the great leader Donald J. Trump. I also agreed w/ her 100%.

One more thing to remember, ur response after her rejection will be decisive. If you remain as cool as cucumber, totally detached n non reactive, you hv kept your POWER. You hv demonstrated to her that you're the MAN, different from all the 'little boys' she has met before.

Read Mode One by Alan Roger Currie first to get you started. I hv many other books to recommend.


I love rejections!!

I hv written that initial rejection is great because it makes getting the pussy more challenging n more fun. Many younger, richer and very handsome men pursuing her? Competition is terrific l! It gives meaning to success. I was rejected many times in the last 8 years. But almost all of them said yes, after a few days to a few years.

I didn't get the pussies on a handful of cases. Mostly because I didn't like the gals on subsequent meetings and, in several occasions, I later found out that some of my bros met them first and were still interested in them. That is my brotherhood code.

My old lao po HW took 8 1/2 months to say yes. BTW, my legal wife in Gotham City is TW and she looked away n won't talk to me when I first approached her!!

I'll write abt the evolutionary basis of why men hv approach anxiety, whereas girls hv 'first sex anxiety' w/ a new man.

Bro WB, we all have to learn thru rejections. Just like what you posted. Approach 200 women and maybe only 1% successful We get more experience after plenty of practice.

I went thru and read Mode One by Alan Currie.Is very informative and good book. I think many of us lacked such charisma.

Agreed with you that "Women are masters at observing your body language, tonality of voice, facial expression and way of conveying your message...This is also called sub-communication.:.

Hope to comment whenever I came across interesting post.

Please keep this thread going longer.

Have a great day.

08-01-2018, 04:00 PM
Very nice thread, support support!!

08-01-2018, 04:01 PM
Love this song!
Thx for sharing :)

One of my fav songs :D

09-01-2018, 10:34 PM
To all samsters who hv posted here.
Please accept my belated greetings for a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!!

Bro WB

Thank you for your candid reply. Yes, speechless right but still many men are giving their salaries to wives.

Me too not such a man. I believe that I should control my own money.

Thanks so much.
Tks, bro.

Bro WB

I read the above post and would like to comment.

I agreed with the guru especially #4 - she swallow your cum. Nowadays if gal not keen in you they will do the least just to get paid. This applies to WL and non-WL.

The #4 is especially true if not WL and love you deeply. Gal only want to make you feel special and willing to do anything together including sex.

#2 - she wants to be with you 24/7 also quite true.

Hope to read more special posts from you and guru.

Please keep up the effort.

Have a great day.

If a girl won't swallow your cum, it's a strong indication that she doesn't love you enough.

Bro WB, this way any gal we interested will be La Po and so many haha.

I was truly amazed with your energy level. I praised you for doing this so long.

Well hope this thread lives long enough and survive the hundreds of years.

Agreed that we(men) need dominant/masculine mindset. The eye contact, body language, voice tonality, posture n movements also very important.

I will go try since you requested and will write forum here.

Let me wish you Happy New Year 2018 to you and all readers here.

Auld lang syne.

Cheers sayounara
Bro, thank you for your post.
I try to be as healthy as humanly possible.

Bro WB, very good gesture to invite us to join you to visit PC joints. I wished I can join you but not in town now.

Will try my best to join you one of this day and will pm you.

I fully agreed that visiting this place is very important to access the quality of gals. BTW, what roughly what time you start the visiting?

Happy new year to bros here.

Hope all making merries.
Tks for your interest. Just PM me.

Bro WB

Very generous of you to offer Bro DJ such hefty fees.

In this cyber forum, anyone can say or post anything to be big. Such such person are special and prettiest gal.

Let me share a story.

My friend and I were drinking at watering hole. Another friend arrived and said we can change place to drink at where he thinks the most prettiest gal working now. So we took a ride and went in to the so call place. When we seated and the gal came both my friend and I thought this so called prettiest gal is only so so.

Another words one man's meat is another man's poison. Beauty lies in the eye's of beholder.

Hope to read up more and share more comments.

Wish all brothers happy new year and prosperous 2018.
My offer for the phantom bro has no expiration date.
Yes, one man's treasure is another man's trash.

Bro WB

How to choose gals? Many times man always chose wrong gal. Me chose many wrong gals in life.

IN life, man tendency to choose good looks and dun bother anything else. Think man made great mistakes in choosing this method by looks.

I choose gals by observations and speaking to feel good. Also dun rush into any r/s. Make sure we have common topics and similar interests.

I prefer to let gals choose me. BUt I have the final say.

The guru above was quite correct to say ultimately we have to make sure teh gal you chose makes you feel good.

Also true that once any man chose their gal and they settle down become fat ass.

Hope to read more lessons similar to above.

Happy new you to all bros and sis here.
You're right.
I choose girls by looking at the whole package.

Bro WB

What a nice interesting post above.

I too agreed no perfect 10 gals. If there is then individual preferences.

I prefer not to date the most beautiful gals in any place. Usually the most beautiful gals will have many potential suitors and she will feel the guys senses.

I prefer to go after gals that desirable to me and may not be to others.

The example chosen by the guru is perfect for any environment. Once I told a pretty gal which everyone claimed to be pretty to go away since I not interested and she was really stunted.

Anyway any gal who thinks she is pretty doesn't makes sense to me.

Another lesson learned from bro WB and guru.

Please continue your fine effort to share us more lessons.

Happy new year 2018.
No such girl as a "perfect 10" to all men. Actually, most famous actresses and singers are not my type. They are not cute and are just too old.

Bro WB

Above article was so true and interesting. The facts are there and I agree with you.

Always tell the gal what you want when you first met her and dun waste any time. If she comes to you after initial rejections, then she will meant to be yours. Otherwise never meant to be after all. Good to approach many and practise makes perfect.

To any guy, your perfect 10 will always be the one you desire most.

Hope bro will continue to post here and let us learn more from you.

Have a great week ahead.

Be manly. Be direct.

Bro WB, I had been following your debate on Superior Male Genes. I am not sure SMG existed. Anyway even if it does, how to determine SMG exist.

I dun relate SMG to just ability to pick up gals. I think also very true to say some of the names mentioned above have SMG because they are great person mentioned in history.

If we argue that women largely love SMG then maybe there are some truth. Women will fell for male masculinity and mastery.

Will continue to support this thread.

Hope to read more here and also hope bro continue to post in your busy schedule.

Have a nice day.

Difficult to define SMG.

Bro WB

I will like to comment that Sinzo Abe been the third longest serving prime minister in post-war era has SMG.

His biography was excellent and born in a political family of SMG. As he also a handsome man, I believe he has self-mastery and will get any woman he wanted.

Of course the current President Trump has SMG.

One person who I dun think has is Prince Charles. Others may have different opinion.

Personally I seen this Rashomon Effect many times in dealing with women. It is really intriguing to see women chosen different paths.

Will comment whenever possible and hope bro WB can continue to post many more.

Hope you have a great week.

Tks for your opinion.

Bro WB, is your wechat group still exist? How to participate?

Thank you for the summary of points above. Think most of the gurus teachings and your beliefs are summarized above.

Point 1 and 2 were great and talking about primitive mind. Never noticed gal have primitive mind and now I learned.

Point 4 and 5 really true because if you have plenty of money and paying big money may never get her mind. As for the power of relationships lies in the person who care less.

Point 12 is also true because only a gal who loves you will initiate to make love with you and allow free access and all actions.

Please post more summary and will support your great thread.

Hope you have a great weekend coming soon.

Yes, my wechat grp is alive n well. Another bro has posted the requirements for joining my grp.

Bro WB, great reply to a bro who raised a question.

You are indeed very honest about yourself and your words are pure.

Not often we have gals who chased guys but life is strange and things like this do happen.

Once I met a gal in my company vicinity and she was like searching for an address. I helped her by directing her where to find the address. She took my contact number and two weeks later she invited me to a party. The rest is history.

I may not be the MAN but in life things do happen.

Hope to continue reading this masterpiece.

Please have a great Sunday.

Tks for sharing your story.


Feliz Navidad is one of the great old songs.

I fully agreed with you that a MAN is the prize and have to behave like one. His self mastery and mindset must tune to behave like PRIZE.

You wrote long paragraphs here to teach many lessons for us. I appreciate such gracious postings. Certainly anyone criticized you is the one that have inferior complex.

Please guide us more here and will comment more.

Hope you enjoyed a great weekend.

I like the song.

Bro WB, we all have to learn thru rejections. Just like what you posted. Approach 200 women and maybe only 1% successful We get more experience after plenty of practice.

I went thru and read Mode One by Alan Currie.Is very informative and good book. I think many of us lacked such charisma.

Agreed with you that "Women are masters at observing your body language, tonality of voice, facial expression and way of conveying your message...This is also called sub-communication.:.

Hope to comment whenever I came across interesting post.

Please keep this thread going longer.

Have a great day.
Rejections are great!
It make turning the tables on them more rewarding.
Bro WB

10-01-2018, 10:09 AM
I like the song.

Bro WB,

I like the song too.

Have a great day.

“知彼知己, 百战不殆"

Great successes are built on taking your negatives and turning them around.

You cannot rise higher than your thought of yourself at the subconscious level.

It's predestined that all the particles and forces in the universe are constantly conspiring in my favor.

Bro WB

Your signature above is really a reminder of self-mastery and confident masculine traits.

Also tellsthat rejections are very common and just be happy to approach.

Hope to adopt your positive attitude to pursue my ladies.


10-01-2018, 01:28 PM
Tks for sharing your story.

Bro WB

Thanks so much for Bro WB reply.

10-01-2018, 03:55 PM
Very good thread by Bro WB, support.

11-01-2018, 09:46 AM

Not pulling your leg. I may not hv found the right gal though.

A legal marriage is often more 'troublesome' n heartbreaking. Life is always full of problems and difficulties. We should embrace them...


Bro WB

Bro WB

You are really humble to comment above.

Anyway at your stage, if you said so then I trust you because man have tendency not to be satisfied.

Always hoping the next one will be better.



The two most powerful forces that control all human behaviour are:

1) Survival

2) Procreation

Humans do have other needs, but they pale in comparison with the above.

If you have not had one drop of water in 5 days, you won't want anything other than a litre of fresh, clean water asap.

If I can hv 2), without risking 1), why not?


Bro WB

Bro WB,

Really interesting to note.

Survival is the key and long term is also paramount important. Very sad to hear someone couldn't last after enjoying for several months or years. I meant guy may have went broke in business or any other reasons.

Yes, hv 2 instead of 1 why not.


11-01-2018, 12:36 PM

Feliz Navidad is one of the great old songs.

I fully agreed with you that a MAN is the prize and have to behave like one. His self mastery and mindset must tune to behave like PRIZE.

You wrote long paragraphs here to teach many lessons for us. I appreciate such gracious postings. Certainly anyone criticized you is the one that have inferior complex.

Please guide us more here and will comment more.

Hope you enjoyed a great weekend.


Love this song too :)

11-01-2018, 01:54 PM
A man should hv a strong mental frame n draw his women into his reality. They live in his world, he doesn't live in theirs. Otherwise, the RS will fail, eventually

Bro WB

Bro WB

Yes! Strong mental frame that draw his women into his reality.

Few weeks ago friend invited me to join happening joint in a bar.
Everwhere was packed with men and girls. Each of them hugging their prize.

On the way exploring, I noticed a young handsome man was very proud of her girl that sat on his lap. I walked passes her and give her a smile and eye contact with her.

When we settle down not very long girls start to swam in two friends took 3 girls and one of them and me were not interested with all the girls. We drank and we TCSS.

Was drinking and TCSS for a while and the prize girl that I make eye contact came up to me and ask me to sit her. I laid my T&C with her
she disagree because she say that she don't do ST.

I declined her sitting and enjoy my TCSS.

Among the all the girls in the bar this girl was the prize of every man in the pbar but she is looking for man with strong mental frame to engage her. But she was disappointed that I did not engage her due to T & C

Although I did not engage her but I went away happy.

11-01-2018, 10:03 PM
Excellent thread here, support bro WB

12-01-2018, 12:14 PM
I like the song.

Bro WB

Tks bro, we all love this song. Have a great weekend.!!

12-01-2018, 12:38 PM

I just received an email from Eddie Corbano, relationship guru and breakup coach:

How I became unattractive in 2 secs

Is it possible to become instantly unattractive to someone by saying just this one sentence?

Oh yeah, it is.

If your wife/girlfriend is like any other woman in the world and wants a "real man" who takes care of her and treats her like a woman, then NEVER say this sentence.

Same thing happens when you say it to your husband/boyfriend.

My problem was that I was completely unaware of the issue when I said it back then.

Maybe it felt wrong saying it, maybe I noticed that she didn't like it ... but I had no clue.

How naive I was.

Neediness is one of the biggest killers of relationships.

How do we become needy?

Neediness is grounded in insecurity about yourself ... it's a severe lack of confidence.

It's when you think that your partner is way out of your league.

And that was exactly what I thought back then:

How can somebody so stunningly beautiful be with ME?

I said to her (and I quiver while I write this):

"If I'd ever lose you, I would die."

This is one of the worst things that you can say to your partner.

Because it signalizes:

I am insecure, needy, week, I can't take charge of the relationship, I am inferior.

Today, I would NEVER say something like this.

For one thing, because I know its impact. But more importantly, because it's simply NOT true.

I wouldn't die.

I would get over her, and I'd be happy again.

And this knowledge is such an effective weapon.

It's a bulletproof heart ... a heart that can't be broken.

How did I get there?

Glad you asked.

I got there by resolving my insecurity issues but taking an in-depth look into the "WHY" I put my life into her hands.

The "WHY" I couldn't get over her.

I did the "Emotional DETOX".

And this is what you should do too because it's the best way to reconnect with yourself and eradicate this unattractive neediness once and for all.

Google Eddie Corbano n go from there.

Or you can just reprogram your subconscious mind to rid yourself of all negative emotions. How? Autosuggestion, self hypnosis and meditation...


Bro WB

Bro WB

Thanks for sharing guru Eddie Corbano.

I think what he said does makes sense. No point to tell a gal just met say "cannot live without her".

"If I'd ever lose you, I would die."

The above words will send gf or spouse to think you are such needy and insecure. Gals need their space and give them some spare time to been alone.

Will google and read Eddic Corbano e-books.

Please enjoy your weekend tomorrow.


12-01-2018, 06:04 PM
Very informative thread, hope to read more.

13-01-2018, 04:10 PM
I'll try not mention any guru's name in future because SBF may think I'm promoting certain books or programs n may slap me w/ advertising fees.

Studying ebooks/programs, attending seminars and personal coaching are all very helpful, but may not be enough.

You need to reprogram your subconscious mind so that you'll come to believe you're the prize. And to achieve a dominant and strong mental frame.

"If your frame is strong enough, you can get away with anything. This is the caveat for every piece of advice in this book. If you have the right frame, and it is strong enough, you can break every rule and anything will work. Your approach may be technically wrong, but she still responds. For a newbie, buying drinks for girls is a bad move, but everyone has a story where someone bought drinks and then got laid."

"It she can easily impose her frame over yours, this is a serious demonstration of lower value on your part. In fact, this DLV (demonstration of lower value) will most likely wreck any sexual chances you had with her. How can she rely on you to stand up to the big, bad world on her behalf, and on behalf of her offspring, if you cannot even stand up to her? The security she feels from being with a strong man is a primary factor in her unconscious sexual selection strategy.

Beware.. .some men in the field will also play frame games on you. If a guy can tool you in front of your set, then he can take your girls. She will almost always choose the man with tighter game and a stronger frame, and she will do it with little regard or loyalty to the fun little connection that she was previously enjoying with you. This is often true even if you are her boyfriend.

The only factor that counteracts this is her level of investment in you — it will be psychologically much more difficult for her to jump to the next man if she has already invested a lot of time and effort into you."

Yup, if a woman is heavily invested in you, like being married to u and having 2 kids w/ u, it's much harder for her to leave you. But she will cheat on you n try to leave u. Or you may find her unattractive after giving birth n dump her first. Sounds familiar?

A strong man here applies to a healthy n smart man who has awesome emotional/self mastery. Not a physically strong, but very emotional n belligerent man w/ short fuse, who is a bully and who tries to pick a fight at the drop of a hat. Such a hooligan will be killed very quickly.

Bro WB

Bro WB

Fully agreed with you for the above post.

I am not sure why quoting a book can be seen as advertising. Simply ridiculous ideology.

Wow, I am not sure about buying a drink for a gal and seems that is bad move. It is quite unusual though.

Also agreed that gal will find it difficult to leave you after marriage but still can cheat.

Hope to learn more from you.

Have a great weekend.

13-01-2018, 04:16 PM
Learnt so much from this thread, thanks bro WB.

Have a nice weekend.

13-01-2018, 09:37 PM
A strong man here applies to a healthy n smart man who has awesome emotional/self mastery. Not a physically strong, but very emotional n belligerent man w/ short fuse, who is a bully and who tries to pick a fight at the drop of a hat. Such a hooligan will be killed very quickly.

Bro WB, could you elaborate on this point, don't really understand it.

14-01-2018, 08:12 AM
"If I'd ever lose you, I would die."

This is one of the worst things that you can say to your partner.

I agree w/ him 100%.

You don't even need to verbalize it to your wife/GF/mistress. Merely harboring such thoughts or emotions, even briefly, would be enough to make you instantly repulsive to her. She could feel your negative thoughts and emotions from your eyes, facial micro-expressions, body language and voice tonality...

It's all about ur mindset. You must never be insecure, needy or jealous. Or believe that she has higher social n sexual value than you. And you must always keep your power in the rs. Be the one who cares less.

Never be fearful of losing her. Never. Because if you're fearful, you will lose her. Even if you don't lose her, both of u will be miserable.

Your comments will be appreciated.


Bro WB

Bro WB,

I fully agreed with you that fearful of losing a gal will result be insecure and thus not manly.

We should be badass and not afraid to lose gal as the next replacement is just on standby.

Please keep up with good work.

Hope you have a great Sunday.

14-01-2018, 08:59 AM
Awesome work by Bro WB, support this wonderful thread.

Have a nice Sunday.

14-01-2018, 09:46 PM
Bro WB,

I like the song too.

Have a great day.

Bro WB

Your signature above is really a reminder of self-mastery and confident masculine traits.

Also tellsthat rejections are very common and just be happy to approach.

Hope to adopt your positive attitude to pursue my ladies.

Tks for your post. Everything in life depends on your mental frame and self mastery.

Bro WB

You are really humble to comment above.

Anyway at your stage, if you said so then I trust you because man have tendency not to be satisfied.

Always hoping the next one will be better.


Bro WB,

Really interesting to note.

Survival is the key and long term is also paramount important. Very sad to hear someone couldn't last after enjoying for several months or years. I meant guy may have went broke in business or any other reasons.

Yes, hv 2 instead of 1 why not.

Bro, tks.
I'm telling the truth.
Survival and reproduction are the most powerful instincts.
Next is seeking of pleasure/happiness and avoidance of pain. They are related to survival and reproduction.

Bro WB

Yes! Strong mental frame that draw his women into his reality.

Few weeks ago friend invited me to join happening joint in a bar.
Everwhere was packed with men and girls. Each of them hugging their prize.

On the way exploring, I noticed a young handsome man was very proud of her girl that sat on his lap. I walked passes her and give her a smile and eye contact with her.

When we settle down not very long girls start to swam in two friends took 3 girls and one of them and me were not interested with all the girls. We drank and we TCSS.

Was drinking and TCSS for a while and the prize girl that I make eye contact came up to me and ask me to sit her. I laid my T&C with her
she disagree because she say that she don't do ST.

I declined her sitting and enjoy my TCSS.

Among the all the girls in the bar this girl was the prize of every man in the pbar but she is looking for man with strong mental frame to engage her. But she was disappointed that I did not engage her due to T & C

Although I did not engage her but I went away happy.
Tks for your FR.
You have strong mental frame.

Bro WB

Thanks for sharing guru Eddie Corbano.

I think what he said does makes sense. No point to tell a gal just met say "cannot live without her".

"If I'd ever lose you, I would die."

The above words will send gf or spouse to think you are such needy and insecure. Gals need their space and give them some spare time to been alone.

Will google and read Eddic Corbano e-books.

Please enjoy your weekend tomorrow.

An insecure, needy and jealous 'man' is a weak and immature child.

Bro WB

Fully agreed with you for the above post.

I am not sure why quoting a book can be seen as advertising. Simply ridiculous ideology.

Wow, I am not sure about buying a drink for a gal and seems that is bad move. It is quite unusual though.

Also agreed that gal will find it difficult to leave you after marriage but still can cheat.

Hope to learn more from you.

Have a great weekend.
Because most of these ebooks are not free. You have to pay to get them.

A strong man here applies to a healthy n smart man who has awesome emotional/self mastery. Not a physically strong, but very emotional n belligerent man w/ short fuse, who is a bully and who tries to pick a fight at the drop of a hat. Such a hooligan will be killed very quickly.

Bro WB, could you elaborate on this point, don't really understand it.
Tks for ur post.
Must be my typo.
Let me try to improve it.
How about the following paragraph:

"A strong man here applies to a healthy n smart man who has emotional/self mastery. Yes, awesome emotional strength n mental frame. Such a man is also very fit, but may not be physically very strong. Contrast this to a hulk or body builder who is a very emotional, belligerent and bad-tempered bully, and who tries to pick a fight at the drop of a hat. Such a hooligan will be killed very quickly."

Bro WB,

I fully agreed with you that fearful of losing a gal will result be insecure and thus not manly.

We should be badass and not afraid to lose gal as the next replacement is just on standby.

Please keep up with good work.

Hope you have a great Sunday.
Tks, You're right.

Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB

15-01-2018, 09:50 AM
According to two famed gurus, the number one Alpha rule is:

Master Your Emotions.

Be the island, not the waves. The Alpha
Man provides a safe haven for the women in his life. Be a protector:
demonstrate the ability to be a source of physical and emotional
security. Women are attracted to stable, secure men and are repelled by
neediness and insecurity. Never lose your cool (the James Bond
mindset). Self‐control is a hallmark of the Alpha Man. Deflect the traps
and games that women will often try to engage you in as a means of
“testing” you. Mastering one’s emotions begins with confidence and
clarity of purpose.

And a man can't hv emotional control if he is constantly reliving the past and worrying about the future.

Start living in the present. The past and future don't exist.


Bro WB

Bro WB

Fully agreed with the guru. Many times us men cannot control our own emotions and lost out.

Here is an email from another guru:

3 Powerful Tips For Enjoying The NOW

Does it ever feel like your life is quickly passing you by because you're constantly thinking about the past or worrying about the future?

The truth is, the only moment you have for sure, is ‘this' moment, right now.

To help you step into the NOW today... I want to share 3 powerful tips for absorbing and enjoying the present moment. I encourage you to implement at least 1 of them this week :)

Tip 1. Become aware - If you catch yourself complaining or over analyzing, stop and shift your perspective into the NOW by focusing on your surroundings or whatever it is that you're doing.

If you're at a stop light or stuck in traffic, take advantage of this time to connect with what's happening around you. First start by becoming aware of your breathing pattern and then notice the wind, the sun, people passing by, and the different smells and sounds.

Tip 2. Focus your attention - If you're talking to a friend, eating or even working, try not to engage in other activities like talking on the phone or checking your emails.

Instead dedicate your full attention to whatever you're doing in that moment and don't let your mind wander. Focus your attention into the NOW and be the best you can be in that single moment.

Tip 3. Forget about the past and future - If you spend your life reliving the past or worrying about the future, you will be missing out on life itself.

So next time you notice your mind wandering off to worry or to engage in anxious thoughts, don't judge yourself or force your thoughts. Rather acknowledge them, allow them to leave naturally and remind yourself to come back to the present moment.

Time passes by quickly, so make sure you enjoy every single moment and really experience the joy of living.

And don't forget to practice! Remember that consistency is the only way to form a new habit, so start enjoying the present moment right away.


Bro WB

Bro WB

Another nice forum from another guru.

3 powerful tips for enjoying now.

I like the tip 3 which states that forget about the past and focus on present.If we continue to live in the past and neglect future then life becomes misery in past tense.

I often advised my sorrowful friends that past is past. Past will never come back and live for the future. Take it that new life new people new gf.

Once a gal I was with having dinner with us (a few friends together) and when gf walks away without coming back, I decided that I will not look for her and started to enjoy myself. That night I was having company of another gal.

Hope to hear your views on this.

Please continue this thread as long as possible,


15-01-2018, 05:21 PM
Bro WB

Fully agreed with the guru. Many times us men cannot control our own emotions and lost out.

Fully agreed on this too.

Bro WB, please continue to share your experience in this wonderful thread.

Have a great week ahead.

16-01-2018, 12:07 PM
Good morning to all samsters!

You guys make my day!!

My apologies for not replying to all the posts. But rest assured that every post is very important to me.

I hv been too busy lately. I'll need to slow down in my pursue of SYTs/young women of my type. A number of new targets, both here and in China, have said yes to BY. The youngest 18, the oldest 24. Another favourite 19 yo LP is due to arrive this afternoon, unexpectedly. I tried to delay her arrival until May, but she couldn't wait.

Reading books and articles is great. But reading by itself is not enough to change anything, or 'move the needle' in your success w/ girls/women, until you truly believe you're the PRIZE. Then you will need practice n more practice...

In your interaction w/ every female, including your dream gal, ask yourself these questions. Am I behaving like the PRIZE? Am I always very relaxed, self-assured and non-needy? Be brutally honest w/ yourself. If your answers are not 100% positive, you got lots of work to do.

Let me share the following quotes by a noted guru.

"Sexual attraction from women is determined by status, status is determined by behavior, and what determines whether a man has attractive behavior or not is his perception of himself relative to those around him, particularly women. I refer to this concept as neediness and believe the degree of a man’s neediness around women will determine how attractive or unattractive his behavior around them will be."

"If a man values the perceptions of others more than his perception of himself, then he will naturally behave in an unattractive way around them. If he trusts his perception of himself more than the perceptions of those around him, then he will be perceived as a non-needy man, and therefore behave attractively. All of the outward appearances of status and resources — the fitness, the nice clothes, the cool lifestyle — these things are a result of a man who is inwardly driven, a man who invests in himself and takes care of himself.

"When all is said and done, all attractive traits in a man can be traced back to his lack of neediness."

"If status creates sexual attraction in women, then demonstration of desire creates sexual arousal in women."

How to demonstrate your desire in a gal? Be sexual and playful. Say the magic words asap.

Have a great Sunday!!

Bro WB

Bro WB

No no, you cannot slow down and we need you to be here. Just joking and hope you dun get upset.

Sometimes we need to take our time and sit back to reflect what had you done right and wrong. So dun repeat the wrong and improve on the right.

Interesting to note that many of us dun seem to be the PRIZE or lacking it. Becoming needy and insecure will not get you to be the PRIZE.

I found that often when I lust after a certain gorgeous gal and the sex turns out to be lousy and unsextifying. When you dun lust and chance upon a gal that takes you to be PRIZE then the sex turned up great and excellent.

Your comments on this?

Hope you continue to write more while slowing down on pickup syts or your LPs.

Wish you great success in your future endeavour.


16-01-2018, 03:15 PM

Tks, You're right.

Cheers to all samsters!

Thanks for your reply bro.
Will support your thread.

16-01-2018, 07:28 PM
Bro WB

No no, you cannot slow down and we need you to be here. Just joking and hope you dun get upset.

Sometimes we need to take our time and sit back to reflect what had you done right and wrong. So dun repeat the wrong and improve on the right.

Interesting to note that many of us dun seem to be the PRIZE or lacking it. Becoming needy and insecure will not get you to be the PRIZE.

I found that often when I lust after a certain gorgeous gal and the sex turns out to be lousy and unsextifying. When you dun lust and chance upon a gal that takes you to be PRIZE then the sex turned up great and excellent.

Your comments on this?

Hope you continue to write more while slowing down on pickup syts or your LPs.

Wish you great success in your future endeavour.


Fully agreed, please do not slow down Bro WB.

Support this wonderful thread.

Have a nice week ahead.

17-01-2018, 10:47 AM
Good afternoon to all samsters,

Thanks again for all the posts.

All my LPs hv been PRC Chinese. I would like to BY a Msian Chinese or Russian SYT.

It's ok to fall for a gal, as long as you're the one who cares less. A man must keep his power in a RS.

Several bros have asked me about the magic words. I hv alluded to them before.

If you hv the right mindset n meta frame, you could say anything you want and you will get her.

You could whisper in her ear what exactly is in your mind. It's not what you say, it's how you say it. Be very relaxed n self-assured. Speak slowly n w/ a deeper voice...

For me, I may say 我们明天下午去做爱, 明天做我的老婆,我照顾你, etc.

"What You Can Do, or Dream You Can, Begin It; Boldness Has Genius, Power, and Magic in It."

Here is an example.

Last July I saw two attractive PRC students in a cafeteria. I said hi n sat down. After getting their wechat, I looked at them n said, playfully, 我包养你们两姐妹. They were a bit stunned, but kept smiling at each other. I stood up n left. Later that night, I repeated the offer n asked for their HP numbers. They didn't respond.

To keep a long story short, they said no to love making n BY, for several weeks. I let go n ignored them completely. I went to Gotham City in August. After about 7 weeks, they initiated contact w/ me, on the day I returned to SG in late Sep! I showed no interest in them at all. The very next day I met them by chance! Must be predestination! Both were so happy n excited to see me. They both hugged and kissed me n said they wanted to be my lao po, together! They also thought about me often! Later, they sent msg to me about their terms. Quite modest. I reduced the amount by abt 20% n they quickly agreed.

It was quite an unique experience. We had threesome every time, even if one of the gals had her visiting auntie. They hugged n kissed n called me lao gong in public. Unfortunately, the two 闺蜜 had a big quarrel and one of them returned home, only 2-3 months into BY. One of the gals is still w/ me.

Once I asked them why they rejected me initially. The answer? Because they thought I was joking. And they did not trust me enough.

I hv learned a lot from these two 'joint LPs.'

BTW, an esteemed bro wants to go China Doll for HH coming Tuesday. PM me if you're interested.


Bro WB

Bro WB

I tried to find out the magic word and found it above after reading many pages.

"我们明天下午去做爱, 明天做我的老婆,我照顾你"

I always plan for future and hopefully dream big. Which makes sense with your keywords above.

"What You Can Do, or Dream You Can, Begin It; Boldness Has Genius, Power, and Magic in It."

I had never left to chance andof course have to keep approaching many women and kept telling them the magic words. We need to dream big.

Congratulations to bro WB on having a very successful thread.

Keep the thread lively and going on strong.

Have a nice day.

17-01-2018, 01:40 PM
Support good thread. Hope to read more.

17-01-2018, 06:25 PM
Good morning!

I hv learned a lot from my RS w/ the twin LPs.

I got them because the conditions were favorable and my behaviour happened to be just right. Yup, it was predestination. But 'luck' is when opportunity meets preparedness.

I was 'prepared,' unwittingly.

My take home lessons:

1) Being bold n direct is truly magical. I'm very comfortable saying the magic words to gals who are complete strangers. I hv been doing this for the last 7 yrs whenever I see a gal I like to up. I never heard of Mode One until 5 yrs ago.

2) I was completely non-reactive to their repeated rejections. It was their big loss! If I got angry or frustrated or needy, or if I started chasing them, game over.

3) I believe that "ironically, letting go is the only way to get what you want." One of them sent me a msg after 7 weeks of zero contact. I replied but showed no interest...

4) “The strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it.”

5) Having an abundance mindset. Related to 3) n 4).

Last July when I met my future 'twin LPs' in the cafeteria, I was already very satiated sexually. I had a full time TW mistress, a secret GF who worked at Lido n PC joints, a tall Fujian real estate agent, a newly acquainted yr 97 KT and my old LP HW was scheduled to return to SG in about 10 days.

There is another reason which worked in my favor. The two gals had known each other for 4-5 yrs back home. Both from the same small town in China. They had the same circle of friends n had been to each other's family gatherings many times. Getting kept together by the same man was good for them. It would prevent the other gal, who was not being kept, from revealing her secrets to their mutual friends n her family members. For the first threesome I took them to a 5-star Hotel. I registered n they didn't need to show their ICs. They were so shy that we had to do it in near complete darkness!

Their big quarrel was complicated. The other gal might return to Sg soon.


Bro WB

Bro WB

First and foremost congratulations to you for the success story.

Like all your take home lessons above which summarized the important points of the approach to women.

Having a pair of pretty syts to be your LPs is a dream came true and doing tarma/3come often.

Hope you can share more with us here.

Will camp here often to read more updates.


17-01-2018, 07:01 PM
Very good thread by bro WB.

Will camp here for more updates too.

Have a good week ahead.

19-01-2018, 10:16 AM
Tks for ur post.
Must be my typo.
Let me try to improve it.
How about the following paragraph:

"A strong man here applies to a healthy n smart man who has emotional/self mastery. Yes, awesome emotional strength n mental frame. Such a man is also very fit, but may not be physically very strong. Contrast this to a hulk or body builder who is a very emotional, belligerent and bad-tempered bully, and who tries to pick a fight at the drop of a hat. Such a hooligan will be killed very quickly."

Let me help here

self-mastery meaning self-control

awesome emotional strength in mental frame meaning very strong mind with no facial expressions

Another words this man is virtually a valentino or player.

19-01-2018, 03:05 PM
Bro WB

Fully agreed with the guru. Many times us men cannot control our own emotions and lost out.

Bro WB

Another nice forum from another guru.

3 powerful tips for enjoying now.

I like the tip 3 which states that forget about the past and focus on present.If we continue to live in the past and neglect future then life becomes misery in past tense.

I often advised my sorrowful friends that past is past. Past will never come back and live for the future. Take it that new life new people new gf.

Once a gal I was with having dinner with us (a few friends together) and when gf walks away without coming back, I decided that I will not look for her and started to enjoy myself. That night I was having company of another gal.

Hope to hear your views on this.

Please continue this thread as long as possible,


Tks for your post.
Well done! A gal has just walked away from you? It's her tragic loss.

Bro WB

No no, you cannot slow down and we need you to be here. Just joking and hope you dun get upset.

Sometimes we need to take our time and sit back to reflect what had you done right and wrong. So dun repeat the wrong and improve on the right.

Interesting to note that many of us dun seem to be the PRIZE or lacking it. Becoming needy and insecure will not get you to be the PRIZE.

I found that often when I lust after a certain gorgeous gal and the sex turns out to be lousy and unsextifying. When you dun lust and chance upon a gal that takes you to be PRIZE then the sex turned up great and excellent.

Your comments on this?

Hope you continue to write more while slowing down on pickup syts or your LPs.

Wish you great success in your future endeavour.


When you're the prize, your RS and sex w/ a gal will be very good. If it's not very good, you just walk away.

Bro WB

I tried to find out the magic word and found it above after reading many pages.

"我们明天下午去做爱, 明天做我的老婆,我照顾你"

I always plan for future and hopefully dream big. Which makes sense with your keywords above.

"What You Can Do, or Dream You Can, Begin It; Boldness Has Genius, Power, and Magic in It."

I had never left to chance andof course have to keep approaching many women and kept telling them the magic words. We need to dream big.

Congratulations to bro WB on having a very successful thread.

Keep the thread lively and going on strong.

Have a nice day.

Thank you!
Yeah, say the magic words. Pay attention to how you're saying these words.

Bro WB

First and foremost congratulations to you for the success story.

Like all your take home lessons above which summarized the important points of the approach to women.

Having a pair of pretty syts to be your LPs is a dream came true and doing tarma/3come often.

Hope you can share more with us here.

Will camp here often to read more updates.


Tks for the post.
Girls prefer sharing an unfaithful winner or MAN to having a monogamous relationship w/ a faithful loser or wussy 'boy.' My "joint LPs" often say 你像皇帝的享受!

Let me help here

self-mastery meaning self-control

awesome emotional strength in mental frame meaning very strong mind with no facial expressions

Another words this man is virtually a valentino or player.

Thanks for your help.
Self mastery is not the same as self control. It's also much harder to achieve.


A person w/ awesome emotional strength has no facial expressions? I don't agree. Such a person is not a robot.




Cheers to all samsters.
Have a great weekend!
Bro WB

20-01-2018, 07:26 AM
Tks for the post.
Girls prefer sharing an unfaithful winner or MAN to having a monogamous relationship w/ a faithful loser or wussy 'boy.' My "joint LPs" often say 你像皇帝的享受!

Have a great weekend!
Bro WB

Bro, thank you for your reply.

Congrats - You have the emperor life with all your LPs. Do share with us a little bit how you spend time with your LPs.

Thanks for your help.
Self mastery is not the same as self control. It's also much harder to achieve.


A person w/ awesome emotional strength has no facial expressions? I don't agree. Such a person is not a robot.




Cheers to all samsters.
Have a great weekend!
Bro WB

Bro WB

I fully agreed with you and I learned something new today.

Thanks for al your links above.

Have a great weekend yourself.


20-01-2018, 07:50 AM
Good morning!

I like to share the following article from a famous guru, which I read a long time ago.
Triggering Automatic Female Lust

Contrary to what you see every week on 'Sex and the City', women are the complete opposite of men in that, the more *anonymous* the sexual encounter, the LESS gratifying they find it to be.

Unlike the fictional uber-slut Miranda, satisfying sex does not begin and end with the quest to find someone new to have an orgasm with. For the vast majority of women, the MORE connected they feel to their partner, the more overwhelming the total sexual experience is for them.

Just the reverse of typical male thinking, right? Men are intensely turned on by the thought of having sex with a woman for that very FIRST time, or by scoring a one-night stand with a perfect stranger, or perhaps fantasizing about being in a porno movie and having wanton sex with dozens of hot women he hardly knows. The common link between all these scenarios is that there is NO emotional bonding involved. Hell, there's hardly even an exchange of names! For the man, the more anonymous the sex the more *exciting* the idea of the conquest.

How the two genders make use of (and even exploit) this knowledge of each other's romantic weakness, however, is an entirely DIFFERENT story.

Women know exactly how to turn men on by manipulating this hardwired 'quirk' in their character that absolves them of the need to actually know anything about a woman who has triggered his desire to mate. How? Simply by pushing this uniquely male "anonymous sex" button long and often... by acting sexy AND remaining emotionally aloof at the same time. The stripper, the table dancer, the whore. The molten hot stranger. Any persona will do -- and all are quite useful when their design is seduction!

Men, on the other hand, seem mostly clueless about how to turn the tables and pull off the same trick. In fact, the prevailing feeling is that female lust is such a mysterious and unfathomable 'holy grail' so rarely encountered in real life that it's taken on a kind of mythical quality. I guess some women just have it for certain men... and not for others, and there's no understanding the reasons why.

But can female lust be triggered by the deliberate actions of a man?

I say absolutely yes. Women get sexually turned on just as men do of course, but -- owing to differences in reproductive biology -- by a completely different set of mental processes. Men go for a VISUAL look that suggests youthfulness and thus fertility. But females aren't interested in a man's age so much because males remain virile well into the later part of their lifespan.

What they look for, instead, are signs of male POWER.

You see, women possess a deeply-rooted pre-intellectual *instinct* which compels them to submit themselves for copulation in the presence of what they sense to be a DOMINANT MALE. They cannot help feeling like this -- despite the fact that the modern woman manages to suppress the urge to act on these feelings most of the time (but, not always...). So when a man learns how to project the most subtlest of gestures, actions and attitudes that suggest he's a "dominant male", he can force a woman's subconscious mating desires to become aroused WHETHER SHE LIKES IT OR NOT.

And some of them won't like it a bit. She may get upset because you've forced her to experience a potent feeling which she may feel compelled to conceal with the workings of her more rational mind. And yet when a woman consents to have sex with a man who has set off these automatic desires in her, she stands to enter into the hottest, most fulfilling sensual experience that it is possible for her to have. And she knows it.

AND she's also frightened of it -- because once unleashed in this way, it can be difficult to stem the cascade of all-consuming passion. She risks taking the kind of social and romantic chance that only happens a precious few times in her life. Can she allow herself to become addicted to a man who can make her see stars?

By learning to adopt the actions and attitudes of the dominant male, it is possible to create these sort of emotional disturbances in women at will. Almost any girl that you can manage to talk to in a SPECIFIC sort of way can have her "lust triggers" ignited like a blow torch. And when the ability to seduce becomes more a skill than mere luck, your chances of suffering the humiliation of being rejected vanish too. Now you have done more than learned to act the part of a dominant male, you have *become* one. And truthfully, there's no real difference.

Because in this game, acting is BEING.

Adopting the body language, voice tonality and behaviour of a man w/ strong masculine traits (such as dominance, trustworthiness, decisiveness, courage, kindness, humility, confidence, optimism, ambition, unflappability, perseverance, sexual mojo and emotional mastery) is the key to female lust.

Any comments and criticisms?


Bro WB

Good morning to all!!

Bro WB, was reading the above post with full interest.

Agreed that men go for visual look and when eyeing a pretty gal brain says pretty. We all knew beauty lies in the eye of beholder.

Women is totally different. Women turn on what ever the guy do and what actions the women did not experienced before. Another words woman turn on lust only when guy perform extraordinary actions. Actually osme of the actins may not be uncommon just that the woman never encountered before and making her lust.

Any comment?

Bro, please enjoy your weekend. Also please dun forget to post more here.


20-01-2018, 11:22 AM
Learnt a lot from this thread, thanks bro WB.

Enjoy your weekend.

21-01-2018, 08:03 AM
Good morning to all samsters!

All bros are encouraged to post their FRs. Pls give enough details and I'll comment on them.

Every encounter is a positive experience for me. I also learn a lot from detailed FRs n experiences of others. Not only your conquests n success stories but also rejections, failures, setbacks and break ups!!

I hv alluded to the fact that over 50% of my GFs/LPs/lovers/mistresses rejected me initially. At least 90% of those who had rebuffed me said yes, after weeks to many months and, in some cases, up to 2-3 years! A few of them actually hung up on me and avoided me as if I were a leper.

How you react to her rejection is the best indicator of whether you're the prize or just another AFC or average frustrated chump. You must remain 很冷静,很笃定。

Here is an article on why we should embrace rejection.

How to Make Rejection Your Best Friend

It takes balls to get laid, both literally
and figuratively. Just like in business, you
must foster the drive within yourself to

You must keep your focus on the goal and not
be sidetracked by the little details, like
being rejected.

The only way to have an abundant sex life is
through rejection.

Many of our students feel crushed when a
woman says "no." They get depressed and want
to give up.

Or they feel bad about themselves and think
they are losers. We've also talked to guys
who throw tantrums, get angry and blame the
woman. These are natural reactions, but such
reactions won't deliver the goods...sex.

The bottom line is that when a woman rejects
you, you must take the long term view of

Hearing "no" is part of the process of
getting laid.

When a woman says "no" you don't push it.
This would damage your self-esteem, and could
get you thrown in jail.

What you do is go on to the next woman. You
must train yourself as a dating commando to
view and interpret all "no's" as steps along
the way to your ultimate success.

Obviously it sucks to have a woman say "no."
It also sucks to be spanking off in your room
all alone.

Remember: it isn't personal.

Men ask, and women say "yes" or "no."
Everyone, even seduction masters, hear "no"
from women. They persist, and so must you.
Even if it takes 1,000 no's for one yes,
persistence is the only way.

If your goal really is to have an abundant
sex life, you must never, ever, ever give up.
You may give up on a particular woman, but
you don't give up on your ultimate goal of
abundant sex.

This never-give-up attitude is the key
difference between a guy who is successful
and another guy who is at the whim of his
emotions and fails frequently.

The guy who doesn't let the rejection bother
him succeeds, and the other guy fails.

Which one do you want to be?

It is useful to view dating as a numbers
game. Keep in mind that even the most
masterful seducers only pick up 10% of women
they hit on.

What they do is just keep on going and enjoy
the process, like an adventure.

You are learning a new art form, developing a
new muscle, a new way of acting in the world
and rejection will happen along the way.

Be patient, for God's sake. No more whining.

Here are some things to remember:

- It isn't personal. Every man gets rejected
some of the time.

- There are thousands of women who would be
happy for you to do them tonight! You just
don't know who they are and you give up too
fast when you aren't willing to risk

- Getting laid is a numbers game. A certain
percent of women will say "no" and a certain
percent will say "yes."

- Look at successful sports figures. Babe
Ruth had the most home runs, but also had a
huge number of strike-outs! Like Babe, you
must be willing to swing for all you are
worth and strike out sometimes. - If you are
rejected, just go on to the next woman.

That's all there is to it.


Bro WB

Bro WB

Thanks for your great thread.

Rejections are daily dose and all men had to accept. Agreed that man had to take rejections and learned from it. Have to be fully motivated too that each rejections are easier and closer to the holy grail. Never give up.

Once I was in a cafe and there she was sitting with a friend. She did not look around but her friend did. Her friend told her I was looking at them. So she turned and faced me first time which lasted maybe 2 sec. I went to her table and asked her for her contact. She rejected giving me but her friend did. So I kept in touch with her friend and found her contact.

Another words we must be pro-active and be creative.

I really love this thread and hope to read more.

Have a good weekend to all/


21-01-2018, 09:41 AM
Good morning!

There are some cardinal rules re relationship that most men don't truly understand.

I believe that chasing girls makes a man very unattractive.

Caring too much, trying to buy her affection/love w/ money and gifts or being insecure, needy or jealous is repulsive. The girl will try to run away if she could...it's a certainty.

Remember the story of King Fuchai and Fan Li?

FL was the slave of King Go Jian when GJ himself was a slave of Fuchai. King Fuchai eventually lost Xi Shi to Fan Li!! Behave like Fan Li when interacting w/ the most beautiful girl in the world. And she may fall for u.

Here is a brief Email from a guru:

The biggest lesson I ever learned about attraction…

Like many guys I was really insecure about my looks.

So I spent a lot of money on fancy clothes, expensive personal trainers, and pricey haircuts.

At first I felt great...but my new look didn’t help me whatsoever in the dating department.

I was still a dateless virgin.

And this is because I believed women were attracted to men, the same way men are attracted to women.

Let me explain…

Typically a man sees a woman, determines if he finds her attractive, and then tries to build an emotional connection.

For women it’s the other way around…

When a woman meets a man, she determines if she’s attracted to that man based on the emotions he makes her feel.

When I learned this my entire life changed…

I stopped focusing on things that were out of my control, and started focusing on stirring positive emotions in women whom I just met.

This is just one of the biggest lessons I’ve ever learned when it comes to building attraction.

Take home lesson. Girls are not attracted to men the same way we men are attracted to them.

Here is something to encourage my fellow ah peks.

"Women get sexually turned on just as men do of course, but -- owing to differences in reproductive biology -- by a completely different set of mental processes. Men go for a VISUAL look that suggests youthfulness and thus fertility. But females aren't interested in a man's age so much because males remain virile well into the later part of their lifespan."


Bro WB

Bro WB

First of all let me thank you for having a pleasant thread.

When I was reading above I wasn't sure I caught the entire meaning till I started to read more pages.

Xi Shi was a beauty but only in the eyes of beholder. Today beauty is hardly defined. A friend of mine define beauty as what the gal have namely size of boobs and dimples smile. Another friend said beauty means gal must have acceptable 9/10 looks and not too chubby.

It is great to make analogy of King Fuchai and Xi Shi because man always think riches can get you the hottest beauty.

I noticed that pretty gals go limp when they see a guy does certain things such as k-pop star or Superstar. Often such stars have no lack of pretty gals.

You are right that woman process different signal as what man lust after gals.

Any feedback welcome.


21-01-2018, 10:41 AM
Support great thread by Bro WB!

21-01-2018, 03:54 PM
Bro WB

Thanks for your great thread.

Rejections are daily dose and all men had to accept. Agreed that man had to take rejections and learned from it. Have to be fully motivated too that each rejections are easier and closer to the holy grail. Never give up.

Once I was in a cafe and there she was sitting with a friend. She did not look around but her friend did. Her friend told her I was looking at them. So she turned and faced me first time which lasted maybe 2 sec. I went to her table and asked her for her contact. She rejected giving me but her friend did. So I kept in touch with her friend and found her contact.

Another words we must be pro-active and be creative.

I really love this thread and hope to read more.

Have a good weekend to all/


Fully agreed, thanks bro Wb for this great thread.

Have a nice Sunday.

21-01-2018, 05:12 PM
Tks for the lovely thread. Will need time to read.

21-01-2018, 06:21 PM
Tks for the lovely thread. Will need time to read.

Fully agreed.

22-01-2018, 04:29 PM

Every SYT or young woman of my type, both WL and non WL, anywhere in the world is fair game to me. Of course, I'll take into account personal safety. For example, it would be foolhardy to pick up the beautiful mistress of a Mexican drug lord or Yakuza boss haha.

I'll never, ever knowingly touch a married woman, a blood relative or GF/mistress/lover of a bro I know personally.

Sometimes this is complicated when a 'GF' is not a GF. You see, a man should never call a gal his GF/mistress or lover when he has not had penetrative vaginal sex w/ her. Fair enough?

Yup, some men imagine a girl they fancy as their 'girlfriends.' They may hv wasted a lot of time and hv spent lots of money on them and still couldn't get close enough to smell their pussies. Some hv not even french kissed their 'GF.' They are deluded. Some of these men are very experienced, or so I thought. These gals are just stringing them along to extract more money...it's very painful to watch. The best chance they hv is to let go of the 'GF.'

The following article mentions this problem.

"Hitting on your friend’s lady is just bad form. Your boy is trusting you when he introduces his girlfriend to his friends. Be nice, be playful, include her in the group, but don’t flirt with her or get overtly sexual. Be a good friend.

However, this rule doesn't necessarily apply to girls that your bro has "dibs" on, whom he hasn’t actually taken to bed. I know some guys like to "reserve" girls for their own flirting pleasure, when some other guys are more suited or able to bed them. It's really up to the kind of relationship you have with your friends.

Sometimes my friends and I set a time limit on how long one of us has to talk to a girl and get her interested before the others are allowed to move in. Other times, if a guy really, really likes a prospective girl, we just let it be."

If a bro I know would like to keep a gal LT or marry her, I won't touch her even if he has not made love to her. I would be happy to share w/ him what little I know about getting pussies n relationship n sex. And get her to fall for him. Yup, emotionally and sexually addicted to him.

But most men are too proud to accept my unconditional help. That includes my sons. Sad.

Your comments?


Bro WB

Bro WB

The above post touch on many men nerves. The post was right about touching others gf/mistress.

There was a golden rule "never touch another friend gf/mistress". Some idiots (pardon me) happily like to hit on friend's gfs/mistresses after introducing. Once the friend knew where they work the friend will find all means to get in touch with her.

Enough of this so called friends who had no social etiquette. Some of the worst friends one could even have.

Of course, if the friend had not upped the gal then cannot be calling such gal gf or even any name. Agreed with you that there should be time line how long before another can go after.

What a wonderful thread you have and will love to read up.

Please keep the posts coming.

Have a nice day.

22-01-2018, 04:36 PM
Wonderful thread by Bro WB.

Please continue sharing with us.

Have a nice week ahead.

23-01-2018, 10:22 AM
Bro WB

The above post touch on many men nerves. The post was right about touching others gf/mistress.

There was a golden rule "never touch another friend gf/mistress". Some idiots (pardon me) happily like to hit on friend's gfs/mistresses after introducing. Once the friend knew where they work the friend will find all means to get in touch with her.

Enough of this so called friends who had no social etiquette. Some of the worst friends one could even have.

Of course, if the friend had not upped the gal then cannot be calling such gal gf or even any name. Agreed with you that there should be time line how long before another can go after.

What a wonderful thread you have and will love to read up.

Please keep the posts coming.

Have a nice day.

Bro, very well said. Cheers.

23-01-2018, 10:22 AM
Wonderful thread by Bro WB.

Please continue sharing with us.

Have a nice week ahead.

I fully agreed.

23-01-2018, 10:35 AM
These Secrets Will Help You Keep Your Girl Addicted to You![/SIZE]

Before I show you how to keep your girl addicted to you I want to tell you what qualifies me to give advice about women.

On May 11th 2007 I was near a big industrial alcohol container while it exploded. Half of my body was severely injured, and I thought I was going to die.

This near encounter with death made me change my perspective of life, and the way in which I related with people, especially with women.

My new view of the world had a huge impact on how women perceived me. Suddenly, they were chasing me and not the other way around, as it used to be.

Physically I am almost the same man I was before my accident. Yes, I’ve lost some weight, but other than that, the only difference in my appearance is now half of my body is filled with scars. Fortunately, this doesn’t seem to be a problem to females. This made me realize that looks are not as important to women as they are to guys.

So, now that you know me, I want to share some of the things I’ve learned that will help you make your girl addicted to you.

#1. – Don’t behave like a child

As a general rule, females like boys but love men. Women feel an addictive attraction to mature men, while the boys live trapped in the friend-zone. As long as you behave like a confident, powerful and adventurous man, women will be helplessly attracted to you.

Show them that you live on your own terms. You know what you want and you are going to take action to achieve your dreams. Men are creatures of action, while boys are passive individuals. Females want a guy who takes care of them, not a child they need to take care of.

#2. – Give them space

To make a girl addicted to you, make her enjoy the time she spends with you as much as possible, and in the climax leave. Give them time, and space, so she can miss you. Let her come to you, this will force her to work for your attention, and as a result she will want you more.

Only confident males are able to give space to their women, especially when they are drop-death gorgeous. Giving space to females will show them you have rock-solid confidence, and this will raise your social value.

#3. – Pay attention to her needs

Know her needs and you will make her addicted to you. The secret here is that you need to use your powers of observation. In other words, listen to her actions, not to her words. Watch her physical reactions. What makes her aroused? What makes her nervous? What makes her sad, happy, etc.?
Knowing how to affect her feelings in an effective way will give you the upper hand. Become a keen observer and you will become her drug of choice.

My accident made me realize that females are attracted to guys who live with passion and in their own terms. I will die some day, that’s a fact. So, I live every day as if it’s the last day of my life. Internalize this attitude and you will become the fearless man girls get addicted to.


Have a great day!

Bro WB

Bro WB,

Very nice post above with full facts.

I agreed that women dun mind scars and in fact they love scars. Go watch movie "Scarface" whereby Al Pacino will get the hottest dame.

Never behave like a kid and women hated guys doing that. The reverse is ok.

Give women space and they need their time off. Many times the women can just dosed off within 2 mins after hitting the bed. They also need personal time to do girly things such as meeting friends, spa, massage, nails, etc.

Pay attention to women's needs very important here. Just not sex alone but everything the women love to do and talk. If you can figure out what the gal wanted to do and you did all for her then she loves you dearly.

Hope my comments fit the above post.

Have a great day and dun forget to post more.

Bye + regards.

23-01-2018, 12:26 PM
Bro, very well said. Cheers.

Very well said indeed.

23-01-2018, 12:28 PM
I fully agreed.

Fully agreed as well.

23-01-2018, 12:53 PM
Excellent thread here, hope to read more

Have a great day Bro WB

God bless

24-01-2018, 03:34 PM

Thank you so much for your posts.

It's crystal clear that girls/women are only attracted to a man who is perceived to hv more value n more power than them. If he ever becomes needy, jealous and clingy, he loses his value and power. He becomes repulsive...

Here is a brief article on NEEDINESS.

The real definition of neediness

To understand neediness in a romantic context, you must first understand self-confidence. Wikipedia defines it as:

Self-assuredness in one’s personal judgment, ability, and power.

Self-confidence means you trust in yourself and your own worth. You value your own opinion over what others think of you. You internally approve of who you are and what you do.

Therefore, someone who is not self-confident requires other sources to validate themselves. So…

Neediness means you don’t trust in yourself and your own worth. You value the opinions of others over your own. You seek external approval of who you are and what you do.

Simply put, being needy is caring more about how people perceive you rather than how you perceive yourself. Because of it, your behaviors and actions will revolve around pleasing others rather than satisfying yourself.

By this definition, it’s not about the actions you take but why you take them. The intention behind your actions is what makes you needy. Therefore, any action can be needy or self-confident depending on the mindset of where it comes from.

Why is being needy so unattractive?

Now that you know what neediness is, why is it such a turn off?

Think about it like this…

You and a woman just met. You barely know each other. She hasn’t had a chance to invest in you with her time and emotions.

You should want to get to know her, see if she’s willing to invest, and find out if she’s compatible with you. You shouldn’t need to win her over or need her approval.

Why would you? And what does that say about you?

It says that you’re desperate for attention from someone, anyone. It shows you’re obsessed with the idea of her rather than the actual person inside. Therefore, you must not have standards for yourself or many options in your life. You’re then seen as less desirable.

You’re also being dishonest. You’re always micromanaging or hiding your true opinions, wants, and desires for everyone else. You’re demonstrating that you don’t trust, value, or respect yourself. Would you trust a person like that?

Women are attracted to men who have the courage to lead and remain authentic.

Is external validation always wrong?

Gaining some validation from external sources isn’t all bad. Everyone wants to be liked or found attractive – that’s a normal human quality. If you never care about anyone else’s opinions, you may be a sociopath.

How often you seek external validation will change depending on who you’re dealing with.

It’s natural to seek some approval from people you have long-established connections with such as parents, close friends, or your significant other.

It’s not natural to seek constant approval from women you just met, have gone on a couple dates with, or haven’t even been intimate with. This includes your female friends you secretly desire.

And you especially shouldn’t seek approval from women who don’t invest in you.

I get weekly e-mails that say, “I really like this girl. But she barely responds to my texts, she’s cancelled on dates, and never commits to hanging out. How do I get her to like me without being needy?”

Every single time I want to reach through the screen and slap some sense into them. You are being the most needy motherfucker possible at that point.

This is how I’m going to start replying to those e-mails.

Again, what does that say about you when you chase someone who ignores you or doesn’t value your time?

99% of the time you’re not going to convince a girl who’s uninterested to suddenly be interested. Nor should you want to.

She’s not going to say, “I haven’t given this guy the time of day and it’s so attractive that he still keeps crawling back.”

The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.

Yeah, just walk away. Behave as if 100 beautiful girls/women of your type are calling you everyday...:D


Bro WB

Bro WB,

Long and nice post above with full details on "neediness".

Love the way you put it, "just walk away" if the gal dun know how to appreciate you.

Self-confidence is not rocket science and develop thru essence of time. Think practice helps to build confidence. Go approach 200 gals means 200 practices.

Fully agreed that neediness is not attractive and many times gals will walk away.

Please continue to share more with us so that we can learn more.

Hope you have a great time too.

24-01-2018, 06:40 PM
Superb thread by bro WB, camping her for more.

24-01-2018, 10:43 PM
I'll reply to the posts asap.
In the meantime, I have a happy hour outing to Dynasty, 2nd fl Peace Centre, tomorrow Thursday.
Expense per pax around $45-50. Booking a girl is $150.
PM me if interested.
Bro WB

25-01-2018, 01:40 PM
Here is a brief article on Dr Albert Ellis n how he overcame his fear n extreme shyness w/ women.

A Bronx Tale

by Kristen Tobias, M.A.

I’d like to re-tell a biographical story about Dr. Ellis. It starts in the Bronx Botanical Gardens…

During his early adolescence, Dr. Ellis spent much time reading books in this beautiful outdoor space. Sitting alone on park benches, he would notice females from afar and agonize about approaching them. To his great dismay, he never approached any of them! Turns out, Dr. Ellis experienced crippling social anxiety in the romantic realm. He feared rejection by females that he was interested in pursuing and had insight into the limitations this fear imposed on him. So…what’s a guy who fears rejection to do?

From a young age, Dr. Ellis read a great deal of philosophy and psychology. The ideas of rational self-talk and exposure to feared circumstances resonated with him. During the month of August before his senior year of college, Dr. Ellis set out to overcome his social anxiety. The task — visits to the Botanical Gardens where he would set out to approach females! Young, old, tall, short, all of them! No matter how anxious he was feeling, he would make himself talk to females in the garden.

This farcical task set him up to be looked at like he head 100 heads! The garden is a respite from city life and not the ideal pick-up scene. In other words, this is not typically the place where individuals come to when they want to socialize with romantic partners. But, that was the whole point! Face your fears head-on and deal with the consequences. And hopefully…get a date!

Dr. Ellis approached 130 women that summer! About 30 of them walked away at contact! He spoke in varied lengths to the remaining 100 about a number of diverse topics. Of the ones he spoke to, only one agreed to go out with him and she never showed up to their date! However, Dr. Ellis was freed from his crippling social anxiety. He experienced his feared consequence firsthand, which enabled him to realize that it wasn’t really awful. In fact, this experiment resulted in some very enjoyable conversations!

This story represents a technique that is now termed exposure therapy. It entailed the active confrontation of a feared consequence. His anxiety started very high (i.e., included palpitations, sweating, etc.) and he continued the exercise over that summer month until he was able to talk to a female without any anxiety. Is your life restricted by fear? What situation can you work on confronting to better your life? Create your own experiment to get rid of anxiety!

In Dr Ellis' own words:

Throughout my childhood and teens I had a real social phobia. I said nothing, literally nothing, about my feelings for the pretty young girls that I kept falling madly – in fact, obsessively-compulsively – in love with. As for approaching any of the young women I immoderately lusted after from the age of twelve onward, forget it! I heard and saw nothing but ‘evil and ‘horrible’ rejection – so I kept my big trap shut.

In spite of my deranged passion for everything in skirts, up to the age of twenty my dating amounted to zero. Yes, nothing, nil, none, zero. I knew I was scared witless and from reading and my observations of my more popular male friends, I even knew what to do about it—take risks. I didn’t. I decided to—and didn’t. I almost began to—and froze. Naturally, I beat myself for all this evasion. I knew what I wanted—and I knew that I was copping out.

During the summer of 1933, when I was on vacation from college about to go back for my final year, I gave myself a historic homework assignment that greatly changed my own life—and in some ways changed the history of psychotherapy.

My assignment to myself was simple. I would go to the Bronx Botanical Gardens every day when it wasn’t raining in the month of July; would look for women sitting alone on park benches; and, instead of sitting a bench away, as I always anxiously did, would sit on the same bench with them. Not in their lap—but on the same goddamned bench. I would then give myself one minute—one lousy minute!—to talk to each one of them. No debate, no caviling, no nonsense!! If they bit me, they bit me! One lousy minute!

That was a very wise homework assignment that I gave myself. For I was knowingly risking failure and rejection; and I was doing what was most uncomfortable for me to do. Moreover, I was giving myself no time to procrastinate about trying, no time to ruminate and thereby to build up my worrying.

Well, I forthrightly did it. I went to the park every day in July and found—count ‘em!—130 women sitting alone on the park bench: All manners, shapes and sizes.

Certainly enough to provide me with reasonable excuses—that they were too young, too old, too short, or too tall to talk to. But I allowed myself no excuse whatsoever—none! I sat next to all of them—the entire 130. I found that 30 of them immediately waltzed away. They rejected me before I even got going! But, I said to myself, strongly, ‘That’s okay. That leaves me a sample of an even hundred—good for research purposes! So I continued my research. I spoke to the entire hundred of these women, and within one lousy minute! About the birds, the bees, the flowers, the trees, their knitting, their reading—about anything and everything. Mind you, I had never done this a single time before. But I was determined! On to the fray!

But I found, empirically, that nothing terrible happened. No one took a butcher knife and cut my balls off. No one vomited and ran away. No one called a cop. In fact, I had a hundred pleasant conversations, and began to get quite good at talking to strange women in strange places. So good, in fact, that for my second hundred subjects I became more persuasive."

Albert Ellis

Go out there n approach 200 girls/women in the next 30 days. That would be a good start.

A man should be very comfortable in his own skin when interacting w/ girls/women and must remain nonreactive whatever happens...


Bro WB

Bro WB

I was very glad to read about Dr Ellis Post above.

When I was young I was very shy and introvert. I kept to myself and dare not to mix around much. When I grew older I only have a few handful boys friends. Never dare to ask or peek at girls.

Even when I read 18 yrs old, I was very shy and dun talk much. I think many guys went thru such growing up.

The cyber internet allow many of such guy to speak up and be a man. Slowly I learned to be brave and started to mix more with girls.

I love Dr Ellis words to approach 200 girls and I do agreed wholeheartedly.

Really hope to read more from the front pages and will contribute if possible.

Hope you enjoy your day.


25-01-2018, 01:55 PM
Support Bro WB for nice thread.

25-01-2018, 01:56 PM
I'll reply to the posts asap.
In the meantime, I have a happy hour outing to Dynasty, 2nd fl Peace Centre, tomorrow Thursday.
Expense per pax around $45-50. Booking a girl is $150.
PM me if interested.
Bro WB

Bro Wb, wish you enjoy yourself tomorrow.

25-01-2018, 05:11 PM
Support Bro WB for nice thread.

Support too.

25-01-2018, 05:14 PM
I'll reply to the posts asap.
In the meantime, I have a happy hour outing to Dynasty, 2nd fl Peace Centre, tomorrow Thursday.
Expense per pax around $45-50. Booking a girl is $150.
PM me if interested.
Bro WB

Bro WB, may you have a wonderful time.

26-01-2018, 11:27 AM
Very good thread, hope to read more from bro WB.

27-01-2018, 12:03 PM
I'll reply to the posts asap.
In the meantime, I have a happy hour outing to Dynasty, 2nd fl Peace Centre, tomorrow Thursday.
Expense per pax around $45-50. Booking a girl is $150.
PM me if interested.
Bro WB


Any report for the outing?

27-01-2018, 12:13 PM
Just received this email related to approaching women:

Knock her off that pedestal!

Hey Bro WB,

I just got done straightening out yet another client who was totally blinded by some girls good looks.

I had to remind him, as gently as I could, to put his big boy pants on and stop putting this girl on a fucking pedestal just because God randomly endowed her with amazing genetics.

This is so, so hard for a lot of guys. We are visually stimulated and when girls got it, we lose our common sense and give away our power.


I used to have the exact same frustration.

...And there's only one way around it that I know:

Don't approach one woman and call it a day...

... Approach 10 so you get some practice.

Only with practice will you see improvement.

This is the reality that frustrates a lot of guys. If you want to approach women and have amazing interactions that lead to sex, expect it to take some repetition.

The first 3 don't count; it's just warm up.

(Kind of like when you're warming up to pitch nine innings. Your first several pitches probably suck. Perfectly natural.)

...So don't worry about the warm ups!

And be sure to approach hot girls, average girls, and in between- so you get more practice.

The problem that my client, Aidan, was having was that he was going out, finding the hottest girl, approaching, getting rejected, and giving up for the night.

That's not the way to do it.

You should still approach the hottest girl, but she should be approach #4 of 10, so you get warmed up first.

And here's a more advanced idea:

When you do this enough, you start to get immune to beauty.

You see beautiful girls so much that is just doesn't matter anymore.

It's the same way that you get used to anything after you've been exposed to it repeatedly.

And that's when you have all the power.

Talk soon,

Your Guru

Bro WB, fully agreed with guru about the "Knock her off that pedestal!"

Often guys are obsessed with gals good look. Often looks alone are not enough to determine how good a gal!

I have learned through out my life that once gal looks good she has many suitors who willingly part with gifts and cash for her. Beautiful gals often dun have to do much and lousy in bed. Often she has plenty of needy guys prowling for her.

I fully agreed that guys shuld approach 10 or 100 in order to determine who suitable to be gf. This show that guy have the power of selection.

I must say this is a learning thread and thank you so much.

Please have a great weekend.

27-01-2018, 12:16 PM

Any report for the outing?

Yes, any report?

27-01-2018, 12:34 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB, hope to learn more from you.

Have a great weekend.

27-01-2018, 02:05 PM
Good day to you Bro WB.

I also want to be like Jeff Bezos. He can laugh all the way to the bank daily because he earns billions in USD.

I think many rich Americans had doubled or tripled their wealth in the market bull run. What about you bro?

I like the way you said, you still humble even when others see as successful. Well I think that's why human being are never satisfied. Always hoping to have the best and prettiest gal with you.

Love the way you put it that behaving as though there were 100s of gals wanting to sleep with you.

Please continue to write here and pls dun stop.

Have a nice weekend.

God bless America.

I've been overwhelmed by the number of positive posts recently. I greatly appreciate those bros who quoted my previous statements and 'manifestos,' even though over half of them were written by various gurus. I also need to read those statements daily. You make my day!!

I hv a confession to make. I'm still far from being the MAN I wanted to become. I'm working very hard to becoming such a MAN. I'll do whatever it takes...

Of course I hv achieved a modicum of success in getting girls/women. And success breeds success. My biggest problem now is meeting a very attractive girl of my type. I can't get her unless I know she exists. But once I meet her, my chances of getting her are extremely high, regardless of who she is. In the unlikely even that I don't get her pussy, it's her big loss. She is too dumb to recognize my high value and high status. This may sound too cocky n too arrogant. But it is the only correct mindset and meta frame of every badass gentleman.

When you wake up in the morning, look yourself in the mirror, smile, and repeat the following 10 times:

I know 100 very beautiful girls/women of my type are calling me and wanting to be fucked by me, today and every day for the rest of my life

Yup, that is the mindset. Say it out loud. And laugh! Watch a video of Jeff Bezos, soon to be the richest person in the world. Learn to laugh like Bezos.. It brings luck and great fortune!

Talking about all those girls who WANT to be fucked by you reminds me of the two magic words.


Never ask a girl: May I, can I, could I...

Do I have your permission to kiss you? It's repulsive to girls.

Say, I want to kiss you. I want to make love to you. I want you, but I don't need you...


Bro WB

27-01-2018, 03:40 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB, hope to learn more from you.

Have a great weekend.

Agreed with you bro, this is indeed a good thread to learn from Bro WB.

Enjoy your weekend everyone

29-01-2018, 02:14 PM
Bro WB,

Thanks for the 7th year and coming to 8th years for this wonderful thread.

Dominance is a game changer. We will not be played out or influenced by any pretty gal. We should in fact dominate their gals mind with sweet talks. Agreed with you that the moment we met the gal we should influence her thinking and proposed to fark her. Also agreed that women love strength and they see dominance as strength.

Please keep the ball rolling here and try to post more guides.

Any guru advice also welcome.


I started this thread 8 years ago. I hv learned so much here and I hv had a great time in SG, beyond my wildest imaginations.

A big thank you to all who hv posted on this thread. Even very negative and sarcastic ones hv been very helpful. They hv forced me to take a hard look at myself and my "theories." They hv made me a much better person!! You make my day!!

Merely reading the posts will not change anything. You must become THE MAN, at your subconcious mind.

Repetition and practice are required.

Here is a brief article by a guru to remind every man what he must do. From a slightly different perspective.

"Let me tell you the most important thing you must know about women:

YOU MUST BE DOMINANT WITH A WOMAN. FROM THE FIRST SECOND YOU MEET HER, TILL THE LAST SECOND SHE IS IN YOUR LIFE. (And if you’re a “nice guy”, you need to be more dominant with everyone.)

Being dominant is not the same as being CONTROLLING. Controlling guys are usually INSECURE guys.

Dominance means that women (and everybody else) have NO INFLUENCE AND NO POWER over you especially psychological or emotional power.

It means that YOU have the power, YOU have the influence. And it means that you are not NEEDY for any woman, because you KNOW you can get plenty of beautiful women.

Dominance means you NEVER give a woman what she asks for, and means you have the confidence to never fail this test. You must never, ever, give a woman exactly what she asks.

Sometimes, this requires a little humor to prevent an argument. (WB's note: Be non-reactive and very playful. You maintain your stronger frame.)

I repeat, NEVER give a woman what she asks for, unless she is on the verge of a mind-blowing orgasm after endless teasing by you, and she says “God, please, please, please, give it to me!” And then, maybe then, you can give her what she wants, or maybe tease her some more...

The irony of all this is that by NOT giving a woman what she asks or wants, she will actually DESIRE YOU for being strong and not giving in to her demands.

On the other hand, giving in to a woman’s demands actually DISGUSTS her, it makes her feel you are a sissy, and she will LOSE her desire for you.

Women love STRENGTH. Confidence and dominance are evidence of strength. (That’s what she feels, anyway.)

So, no matter what, NEVER give a woman what she says she wants. Pulling this off right requires both confidence and dominance, which always go hand in hand.

Only when you reach this emotional/psychological level, which women can intuitively sense, will you be THE MAN.

I’m not saying to turn off your emotions forever, I’m not saying to laugh at her mom’s brain tumor, or to never cry for something horrific, but all that sensitive, crying stuff is really a load of B.S.

No woman on earth is sexually attracted to an overly emotional guy, to a guy who hangs on her every word, or to a guy whose mission in life is to tend to her requests."

You can't afford to forget that you're THE PRIZE, not even for a split second. Sometimes I still forget when I meet a very cute SYT of my type. I need to do better, much better.

Don't forget to be direct, sexual and playful.


Bro WB

29-01-2018, 07:51 PM
Awesome thread by bro WB ... camping for more postings :)

30-01-2018, 09:46 AM
Many men believe that they are NOT good enough for a very pretty girl of their type because of various reasons. That is the defeatist mindset. Your mindset is your MASTER and you're his SLAVE.

One common reason for lowering one's value is perceived lack of financial success. But everything is relative.

Supposing you're down and out temporarily, but you're very ambitious and confident, always working hard to improve yourself in every way possible, you're very attractive to many girls. The key is your mindset and self mastery. 人穷志不穷!

Some bros actually do very well with very attractive girls/women by spending surprisingly little. Some spend little by choice, some because of budget constraints.

One thing is certain: Throwing money at gals will actually turn them off, subconsciously. Those who like to spend big money such as hanging big flowers will never get it. For such men, big money actually prevents his gals from falling for them. They will get the pussies, but never their hearts.

I call it the "King Fuchai Paradox."

Read about how King Fuchai lost Xi Shi to a slave of a slave. The King spent big on Xi Shi n gave whatever she wanted. The results were truly tragic. To Xi Shi's subconscious mind, she was the PRIZE and he was weak and had zero value...such a man is always repulsive to girls/women. Most men don't learn from history. Very sad.


Bro WB

Bro WB,

Thank you very much for a fantastic thread.

I love the fact that you willing to share great views and experiences in your life. Also telling us where are our pitfalls.

Just learn that life is meaning and that living put some meaning in life. Simple words that not easy understood. Another words we need to be creative and makes things happen. Sort of create our little history.

Money is relative and financial success is not a benchmark for success. Love the way you quoted "Xi Shi and King Fuchai many times in this thread".

Hope we can continue this thread for an unforeseenable future.

Hope you do well and always happy!!.

30-01-2018, 12:00 PM
unconditional love from a woman is impossible

netanderthal man september 30, 2014

netanderthal man saw the light of day somewhere in eastern europe. He enjoys life as creative director and owner of a design studio. He is a big fan of occam’s razor, pink floyd, roald dahl and wet tight pussy, is politically incorrect and his favourite dish is roasted unicorn with rainbow gravy.

there’s a feminist myth called “unconditional love” floating around our culture. You are expected to love your girl no matter what. To love her more than you love yourself. We all know on some level that this is bollocks poured on top of our heads by mind-washing feminist propaganda, but many of us continue to propagate it anyway. “the one” myth is a gangrene that will eat your soul if you buy into it.

I believe that a person can come close to unconditional love in three cases: Your love for your parents, for your children, and perhaps for the first dog you raised from pup. They all are literally willing to walk into fire for you.

Loyalty and friendship are concepts no woman can ever fully understand. It’s not deliberate, it’s in their nature—it’s evolution. A woman will unconditionally love her offspring only—if she is a good mother. Aside from this, women love conditionally and opportunistically. You can’t change that. But once you know it, you can act accordingly.

Consider the stone age if you will: Men hunting during the dawn of humanity needed other men of the tribe to watch their backs during the hunt. That’s why men are naturally inclined to build strong friendships where loyalty is a real value. One weakness that stems from it is that men take things at face value. Especially with women. Only through their own experiences (both successes and failures) men learn to take what women say and do with a pinch of salt.

Evolutionarily speaking, friendship and loyalty makes sense for men. For women, not so much. And this is why: A tribe’s women, safely shielded by the cave walls, did not need that kind of protection. Their only real fear was each other’s competition, roughly known as smv. They fine-tuned themselves in the art of manipulating both men and women for obvious reasons.

I am convinced this is why female reasoning is based on emotions. By employing a flatulent burst of emotions, a woman most likely gets what she wants. This obvious manipulation is not necessarily a conscious decision, more likely it’s embedded in her nature. It follows that women are incapable of loyalty and friendship towards men, just as men are incapable of giving birth.

The reason people accept the existence of unconditional love script is childhood. Your parents loved you with all their hearts and the template for what love is supposed to be was set during those early years. You loved them back in the same unconditional manner. And it was great. But your woman is not your mom. She is a fickle-minded person who’s most likely looking out for a prettier branch to grab right now.

Make no mistake, even when a woman is deeply “in love” with you, her love is not unconditional.

Most likely she’s madly in love with you because you are the man who rocks her world.

Keep being that man if she makes your life better, or discard her if she doesn’t. So, she loves you because you’re the best high-quality man she can get, but this sooner or later be subject to change. If at some point she feels she can get a man perceived as higher quality than you, her love for you will decrease exponentially. This is what we call conditional love—a woman’s love. Don’t worry about it, be aware that in a 5-mile radius there are at least 100 hotter girls more than willing to give it up for the smooth seducer that you are.

This is what feminists, betas, and manginas will never understand: In the vast majority of cases, it’s just “the one” you’re banging now, “the one” you’ll be banging tomorrow, and “the one” you banged yesterday. If you’re the most alpha a girl can get, you are “the one” for her (hypergamy at play here) even or should i say especially if you dump her.

Just like you have your own template for what love should be, her father is the childhood template for what a real man should be like. One method i found to be effective in seducing a girl is to emulate some of her father’s traits—the good traits. Ask her about her father. The more she talks about him, the more ammo she’s giving you on how to seduce her. This works mainly if she has a good relationship with her father.

Unconditional love is seamlessly entwined with “the one” chimera in our media and culture. Most men walk aimlessly through life searching for “the one.” they can’t find her and perceive themselves as failures. It’s quite sad. But you will not be one of those men.

i couldn't agree w/ him more!

the only woman who can give you unconditional love is your mother!!

accept it, live with it and be thankful.

Of course you can get girls/women to become emotionally and sexually addicted to you. But that is not true love, it's an obsession and addiction, a toxic kind of love. Just dump her and see what will happen.

Any comments and criticisms?


Bro wb

Bro WB - thank you for the above post.

Woman can love you but but will not be unconditional. Been through and seen through enough of such women. Women are selfish beings and will always think of themselves. Especially those working in the night entertainment business. The women will milk a guy dry and move on.

Many guys suffered broken families and went broke just because of these women. In Singapore started with the Malaysian women, then the Thai women in 1990s and then PRC women in 2000s and now Vietnam women too are in the mix.

i couldn't agree w/ him more!

the only woman who can give you unconditional love is your mother!!

Only a mother will give you unconditional love and will always love their child.

What a great piece above and makes me motivated.

Hope to read more and will contribute whenever possible.


30-01-2018, 01:05 PM
Support great thread by Bro WB

30-01-2018, 03:41 PM
Awesome thread by bro WB ... camping for more postings :)

Fully agreed with you bro!

30-01-2018, 10:42 PM
Bro, thank you for your reply.

Congrats - You have the emperor life with all your LPs. Do share with us a little bit how you spend time with your LPs.

Bro WB

I fully agreed with you and I learned something new today.

Thanks for al your links above.

Have a great weekend yourself.

Bro, tks for your post.
I feel like an emperor only when I do threesomes w/ my "joint LPs."
One LP on top of me and the other kissing me, then they change place...or both in doggie and I go from one to the other and back.

Good morning to all!!

Bro WB, was reading the above post with full interest.

Agreed that men go for visual look and when eyeing a pretty gal brain says pretty. We all knew beauty lies in the eye of beholder.

Women is totally different. Women turn on what ever the guy do and what actions the women did not experienced before. Another words woman turn on lust only when guy perform extraordinary actions. Actually osme of the actins may not be uncommon just that the woman never encountered before and making her lust.

Any comment?

Bro, please enjoy your weekend. Also please dun forget to post more here.

You're right.
But no extraordinary or risky actions needed.
Just be very comfortable in your own skin and be detached n non-reactive to any outcomes. More than enough liao.

Bro WB

Thanks for your great thread..................................
Once I was in a cafe and there she was sitting with a friend. She did not look around but her friend did. Her friend told her I was looking at them. So she turned and faced me first time which lasted maybe 2 sec. I went to her table and asked her for her contact. She rejected giving me but her friend did. So I kept in touch with her friend and found her contact.

Another words we must be pro-active and be creative.
Have a good weekend to all/

Tks, you're good.

Bro WB

First of all let me thank you for having a pleasant thread.

When I was reading above I wasn't sure I caught the entire meaning till I started to read more pages.

Xi Shi was a beauty but only in the eyes of beholder. Today beauty is hardly defined. A friend of mine define beauty as what the gal have namely size of boobs and dimples smile. Another friend said beauty means gal must have acceptable 9/10 looks and not too chubby.

It is great to make analogy of King Fuchai and Xi Shi because man always think riches can get you the hottest beauty.

I noticed that pretty gals go limp when they see a guy does certain things such as k-pop star or Superstar. Often such stars have no lack of pretty gals.

You are right that woman process different signal as what man lust after gals.

Any feedback welcome.


Bro, thank you for your post.
Musical abilities are attractive. But LT relationship depends more on a man's dominance, emotional mastery and non-neediness...
Elvis Presley's wife left him and he was devastated. Johnny Depp's wife took an interest in a gal and he became intensely jealous haha. Recently, a Korean singer took his own life...just a few examples of famous entertainers w/ poor emotional mastery.

Bro WB

The above post touch on many men nerves. The post was right about touching others gf/mistress.

There was a golden rule "never touch another friend gf/mistress". Some idiots (pardon me) happily like to hit on friend's gfs/mistresses after introducing. Once the friend knew where they work the friend will find all means to get in touch with her.

Enough of this so called friends who had no social etiquette. Some of the worst friends one could even have.

Of course, if the friend had not upped the gal then cannot be calling such gal gf or even any name. Agreed with you that there should be time line how long before another can go after.

What a wonderful thread you have and will love to read up.

Please keep the posts coming.

Have a nice day.
You're right!
We shall never touch a friend's wife/LP/mistress/GF.
But all of us hv come across an insecure n wussy bro who refers to a gal/woman he has not even upped as his GF/LP. The trouble is that his feelings are unilateral and unrequited!
he feels greatly threatened if another bro is taking an initial interest in his target. Often it's only a passing or exploratory interest haha. I need to see a gal a few times to qualify her.
He can't get the gal, yet he will try to prevent you from getting her. What a loser!! I hv encountered several such born losers.

Bro WB,

Very nice post above with full facts.

I agreed that women dun mind scars and in fact they love scars. Go watch movie "Scarface" whereby Al Pacino will get the hottest dame.

Never behave like a kid and women hated guys doing that. The reverse is ok.

.................................................t hen she loves you dearly.

Hope my comments fit the above post.

Have a great day and dun forget to post more.

Bye + regards.
Male facial scars are attractive to women! If the men also exhibit masculine behaviour of course. https://www.dmarge.com/2017/11/facial-scars-attraction.html
Al Capone had three facial scars.

Bro WB,

Long and nice post above with full details on "neediness".
..............................Please continue to share more with us so that we can learn more.

Hope you have a great time too.
Bro, tks for your post.
Neediness and jealousy are extremely repulsive to girls/women.

Bro WB

I was very glad to read about Dr Ellis Post above.

When I was young I was very shy and introvert. I kept to myself and dare not to mix around much. When I grew older I only have a few handful boys friends. Never dare to ask or peek at girls.
......................................to mix more with girls.

I love Dr Ellis words to approach 200 girls and I do agreed wholeheartedly.

Really hope to read more from the front pages and will contribute if possible.

Hope you enjoy your day.

Being very shy is repulsive. A girl wants a man, not a little boy.


Any report for the outing?
We had a good time!

Bro WB, fully agreed with guru about the "Knock her off that pedestal!"

Often guys are obsessed with gals good look. Often looks alone are not enough to determine how good a gal!

I have learned through out my life that once gal looks good she has many suitors who willingly part with gifts and cash for her. Beautiful gals often dun have to do much and lousy in bed. Often she has plenty of needy guys prowling for her.

I fully agreed that guys shuld approach 10 or 100 in order to determine who suitable to be gf. This show that guy have the power of selection.

I must say this is a learning thread and thank you so much.

Please have a great weekend.
Never put any gal on a pedestal. It's the kiss of death for the RS.

Good day to you Bro WB.

I also want to be like Jeff Bezos. He can laugh all the way to the bank daily because he earns billions in USD.

I think many rich Americans had doubled or tripled their wealth in the market bull run. What about you bro?..............................
Love the way you put it that behaving as though there were 100s of gals wanting to sleep with you.

Please continue to write here and pls dun stop.

Have a nice weekend.

God bless America.
Start laughing like Bezos everyday.

Bro WB,

Thank you very much for a fantastic thread.

I love the fact that you willing to share great views and experiences in your life. Also telling us where are our pitfalls.
Money is relative and financial success is not a benchmark for success. Love the way you quoted "Xi Shi and King Fuchai many times in this thread".

Hope we can continue this thread for an unforeseenable future.

Hope you do well and always happy!!.
Bro, tks for your post.

Bro WB - thank you for the above post.

Woman can love you but but will not be unconditional. Been through and seen through enough of such women. Women are selfish beings and will always think of themselves. Especially those working in the night entertainment business. The women will milk a guy dry and move on.

Many guys suffered broken families and went broke just because of these women. In Singapore started with the Malaysian women, then the Thai women in 1990s and then PRC women in 2000s and now Vietnam women too are in the mix.

i couldn't agree w/ him more!

the only woman who can give you unconditional love is your mother!!

Only a mother will give you unconditional love and will always love their child.

What a great piece above and makes me motivated.

Hope to read more and will contribute whenever possible.

Tks for your post.

To all samsters,
Have a great evening!
Bro WB

01-02-2018, 03:35 PM
Start laughing like Bezos everyday.

To all samsters,
Have a great evening!
Bro WB

Bro WB, I will follow your advice and laugh like Amazon founder, chairman and CEO.

Thanks bro.

01-02-2018, 03:37 PM
Bro, tks for your post.
Bro WB

Cheers and thaks for reply bro WB.

01-02-2018, 03:46 PM

3 Things That Make Women Chase You

1. Disagree with Women: M

2. Flirting with other women:

3. Get Sexual Early On: Most men assume that they will make a woman feel uncomfortable by getting sexual early on.

You cannot be more wrong than this.

Most women have multiple guy friends in their life. When they go out with you they are hoping for something romantic to develop.

Let them know your intentions by touching, holding their hands, playing with their hair and establishing a sexual dialogue.

This will turn most women on and they will start to see you as a possible sexual partner opposed to another guy friend.

Women are emotional creatures. They respond to emotions not logic. There is a certain conversation pattern and interaction style that appeals to women on the emotional level.

When you inject these attraction generating patterns into your interaction with women the result is MASSIVE UNCONTROLLABLE ATTRACTION in women for you............................................... .....................................
Bro WB

Bro warbird

After reading your post above, I started to understand what I had done wrong in the past. I was terribly wrong in my technique and execution.

I love the 3 points above "3 Things That Make Women Chase You".

So been a nice man will not get you any girl. I really enjoyed point 3 above "Get Sexual Early On".

Will need to try out all these points and will report back.

Hope you have a great week ahead.

01-02-2018, 04:10 PM
Are you having enough pleasurable sex? If not, get as much as you possibly can. Do whatever it takes. But don't use force or do anything illegal, pls.

Why is pleasurable sex so important?

Because your life depends on it!

Let me share an email by a guru:

“Eroticism is the antidote to death”
- Esther Perel author ‘Mating in Captivity’

Your aliveness and vitality depend on pleasure.

Without eroticism, life loses meaning and purpose.

Your health and longevity depend upon it too!

No joke.

If you let sexual activity and connection fade away, your body takes it as an evolutionary signal to start shutting down.

“Hey hormones, biochemical factories, this body’s not a baby factory anymore. Only put resources where they’re needed!”

Whether you plan to procreate or not, in order to to operate at peak performance, with energy and creativity to spare, your body needs to believe it’s a hot and juicy sex machine.

Whether it’s self-pleasuring or intimate connection with a lover, are you prioritizing sexual pleasure?

Sex hormones are the hormones of life.

Orgasm releases a cascade of life enhancing chemicals and hormones:

Oxytocin, the love hormone, reduces anxiety and depression by lowering cortisol

Oxytocin also lowers carbohydrates cravings, so orgasm helps to regulate weight

Testosterone levels rise, adding fire to desire, improving mood, memory and sexual appeal

Prolactin release is responsible for causing stem cells in the brain to develop new neurons

Have I got your attention?

Studies have shown that having sex 3 times a week or more, can add as much as 3 years to your life expectancy and make you look 10 years younger.

Are you seeing the benefits?

Do you have a plan for total sexual vitality, expression and fulfillment?

Do you think it would be a good idea to get one?

Any comments?

I won't advise masturbation. Watching porn has negative consequences, including ED when having sex w/ a real woman.


Bro WB

Bro WB,

Yes, you got my attention.

I had not get enough sex recently and I felt ill. Easily get fly and down with cold.

When my friend told me to get enough sex I thought he was joking. So I started getting a FWB and boom boom. After a week I felt alive and well. I started exercise and my sex life become better.

Say what you want and I can bonk as much as 5 to 7 times per day.

Your post above really makes common sense and indisputable.

Please do help us more by posting more advice.

Hope yo have a great day.


01-02-2018, 04:59 PM
Bro WB, I will follow your advice and laugh like Amazon founder, chairman and CEO.

Thanks bro.

I will follow Bro WB's advice too.

Thanks bro WB for this great thread.

01-02-2018, 05:01 PM
Awesome thread, hope to read more.

01-02-2018, 07:19 PM
Bro WB, thanks for all the valuable advice, cheers!

01-02-2018, 09:13 PM
Bro WB,

Yes, you got my attention.

I had not get enough sex recently and I felt ill. Easily get fly and down with cold.

When my friend told me to get enough sex I thought he was joking. So I started getting a FWB and boom boom. After a week I felt alive and well. I started exercise and my sex life become better.

Say what you want and I can bonk as much as 5 to 7 times per day.

Your post above really makes common sense and indisputable.

Please do help us more by posting more advice.

Hope yo have a great day.


I was in the same situation some time back. After getting a FWB we boomz boomz all the time and no more getting sick.

Nice advice from Bro WB.

Have a good weekend ahead

01-02-2018, 11:43 PM
Really interesting read. Thanks bro WB. Camping for more

02-02-2018, 02:37 PM
Tks for your post.

To all samsters,
Have a great evening!
Bro WB

Dear bro, enjoy your weekend.

02-02-2018, 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by warbird View Post
I'll leave the above questions aside for now n describe my personal concept of the different levels of "BY-ing."

Level1 : (a) BY-ing a chio gal of ur type but allowing her to work. This was my MO for most of 2009. If u find her in SG, she is most likely an undereducated PRC gal.
: (b) BY-ing a similar gal but her pussy is exclusively yours. She doesn't work at all. Almost all my gals since Jan 2010 belong here. (My current level.)

Level2 : Finding chio uni students or recent graduates of ur type in PRC, importing them to SG for BY-ing. (My next level.)

In retrospect, I was at this level once unwittingly. Last May I briefly kept a chio 22 yo SH gal I picked up at TAM. She was a recent graduate of 上海电影学院 who had a small role in a TV series, but our RS lasted only 2 wks. She was from a relatively well to do family. The kicker here was that she was a virgin, hehehe.

I was quite frugal then n when I refused to buy her a high end Apple laptop (over 3K I think), she cried n was angry w/ me, n we separated. Was I heartless? She returned to SH two days later n has not been back to SG since. Her pussy was very pretty n of course couldn't get any tighter, hehehe. A few esteemed bros met her when I brought her to PC 2nd FL on Fri 7 May, 2010. I still think of her pussy sometimes.

Level3 : (a) Getting FOC from a gal of ur type, but her pussy is not exclusive to u.
(b) Staying w/ a gal of ur type FOC n her pussy is exclusive to u.

Level4 : (a) Staying w/ a chio gal of ur type n she PAYS u, but her pussy is not exclusive to u.
(b) Staying w/ a chio gal of ur type n she PAYS u AND her pussy is exclusive to u.
Believe it or not, this is still NOT the ultimate.

Drum roll please...this is the ULTIMATE test of a real MAN.

Highest Level or Level5 : (a)Staying w/ many chio gals of ur type AND they pay u AND their pussies are exclusive to u!!!
(b) Accomplishing the above despite the fact that YOU r wealthy!!

I guess the very rare MAN who attains Level5, either a or b, may be said to be a master of mass hypnosis, Gong Tao or black magic, hahaha.

Are there any Level5 bros here? Pls come forward n tell ur story. Thank you! Would u accept me as ur most humble disciple?


Bro WB

Bro WB

I am very new to your BY game. In fact I have no idea till I read some of your thread.

To say the least I have been marvel about your level 5. I wonder who had been so good at that. Think many men will not accept some levels if they are rich and have options. Those useless needy men will opt for level 3.

Will continue to read more and comment more soon.

Please enjoy your great day.


02-02-2018, 05:33 PM
To all samsters,
Have a great evening!
Bro WB

Hi Bro, have a good weekend!

02-02-2018, 06:31 PM
Learnt so much from this thread.

Bro WB, please continue sharing.


03-02-2018, 01:42 PM
Support bro TS for nice thread.

03-02-2018, 01:43 PM
Great thread and suppork!!

03-02-2018, 01:52 PM
To all samsters,

What an auspicious Sunday!!

I greatly appreciate all the posts. Many have quoted my posts from many months to many years ago. Thank you all!!

It's most regrettable that I'm unable to reply to every one of you as I have been too busy.

I have a confession to make. I'm far from being the MAN I want to be, despite many years of writing about the subject and actively training to becoming such a MAN. Consciously, I know exactly what I must do, but my subconscious mind is more powerful and doesn't want me to change. Progress has been very slow. Fortunately, I have greatly enjoyed the process, the journey. And I have made improvement, steadily, albeit very gradual.

And another good news is that, even though I'm not more than 5-10% of the MAN I aspire to be, in the last 3 years I have had more SYTs/young women than I can handle. The limiting factor is the number of chio girls of my type I'm able to meet...

I can't imagine what a young bro here could achieve when he becomes the MAN.

What really turns on a woman mentally and emotionally? IMHO, it's the fact that you desire her and you are incredibly turned on by her.

Her three needs must be met first:

1) She needs to be respected by his man as a special n unique individual.

2) She needs to hv intimate, emotional communication n bonding w/ her man.

3) She needs an exciting man to make her feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, feminine...

I always tell my LPs: You're so sexy and beautiful. 你的小妹妹很香, 很好吃...


Bro WB

Bro WB, what an auspicious Saturday.

I was reading so much and on homecoming.Few more hundreds of pages I will be up to date.

I really like what you written above.

"Her three needs must be met first:

1) She needs to be respected by his man as a special n unique individual.

2) She needs to hv intimate, emotional communication n bonding w/ her man.

3) She needs an exciting man to make her feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, feminine...

I always tell my LPs: You're so sexy and beautiful. 你的小妹妹很香, 很好吃..."

will try to practice the 3 points above and be the MAN.

Also tell all my gals she is sexy and beautiful.

Please help to pose more and will post my comments.

Have a great weekend.


03-02-2018, 02:19 PM
Nice thread by Bro TS, support.

03-02-2018, 02:21 PM
Excellent thread and sapport!!

03-02-2018, 02:25 PM
Great thread and suppork!!

Fully agreed. Supbeef, supchicken, supmutton and supUSturkey too!!

04-02-2018, 04:03 PM
Bro WB, what an auspicious Saturday.

I was reading so much and on homecoming.Few more hundreds of pages I will be up to date.

I really like what you written above.

"Her three needs must be met first:

1) She needs to be respected by his man as a special n unique individual.

2) She needs to hv intimate, emotional communication n bonding w/ her man.

3) She needs an exciting man to make her feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, feminine...

I always tell my LPs: You're so sexy and beautiful. 你的小妹妹很香, 很好吃..."

will try to practice the 3 points above and be the MAN.

Also tell all my gals she is sexy and beautiful.

Please help to pose more and will post my comments.

Have a great weekend.


Well done bro.!!

04-02-2018, 04:05 PM
Fully support BRO WB.

04-02-2018, 04:24 PM
Good morning bros,
Thanks for your posts.
I like to reply to the post by bro jake1. I'm not really very affluent, but do have enough money to maintain my current lifestyle. I'm not greedy.
As to how to make money, that depends on your interests. Do what you enjoy doing: Get a job or start a business and money will come. If you don't have the required education, go back to school. A 94 yo American woman just received her degree recently!
The person who can teach us how to make money is Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon. His net worth is around 90 Billion USD, neck and neck w/ Bill Gates.
Google Jeff Bezos. He will be the richest person in the world very soon.
I believe he has awesome emotional and self mastery. Strangely, he is not very interested in keeping young, pretty women.
Here is a fun article by an American guru. My advice is NEVER send your didi pics to a gal you don't hv an ongoing sexual RS. I hv showed my fully erect didi to my LPs during video chat haha.

Here is the fun article:

A common question I’ve been getting a lot recently is:

Should I send her a picture of my c*ck or not?
And the answer is… IT DEPENDS.

It depends on WHAT, you ask?
Well, it depends on whether you’ve set the right “man to woman” dynamic in the relationship early on.
Let me explain…
If you meet a girl and you’re acting like her friend… asking her what she’s into. What she does for work. And you pretend to be interested in it.
Then, you go and wrangle your way into hooking up with her under the pretence of doing something related to something she mentioned… without showing any sexual intent at all, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, the night before you meet … you send her a d*ck pic...
That’s errm... Not gonna go down well. Because by being so “friendly” you created a “friends” dynamic, so the LAST thing she’d expect would be a d*ck pic.
Let’s say, in the first few seconds of meeting a girl at a bar you say something like: “Hmmm, yes, you’re perfectly ‘shaggable’ let’s sit over here.” with a big smile on your face and continue walking towards your table as if you didn’t say anything…
(Now, this is a bold approach and you have to have the confidence and personality to match it – but remember I’m saying all this to prove a point.)
AND... assuming you execute it right…
She’ll probably laugh, and not react to what you said. (And perhaps be a little shocked!) But make no mistake: if she hasn’t bailed on you at this point, to put it bluntly... her pu*sy WILL have moistened a little.
What’s more: you’ll have made it clear from the first moment — you are NOT friend material.
Now, if you don’t sleep with her on that first meeting. Sending the girl a d*ck pic later on, or the next day letting her know what she has in store for your next hook up would be, for the right person, PERFECTLY OK.

Talk soon,
Your Guru

P.S. - Obviously sending d*ck pics aren't a requirement for success with women, but I wanted to answer this common question.


Bro WB

Boss WB,

Jeff Bezos is a very colorful man. If you read more about him will know he is just somebody who did the right thing and be around people who have the right thinking.


"Jeff Bezos Just Shared His 3-Step Formula for Success--and It's Absolutely Brilliant".

Anyway he is just one guy who tried and be successful and many had tried but failed badly.

I agreed we do not need to send dick pic to be successful with women. Why take unnecessary risk. Today all kind of photos get posted and shared many times in social apps. Just be careful dun get too famous in the internet world,

Hope boss WB will continue to share more with us.

SO who is the next Jeff Bezos?

Many predicted FaceBook or Twitter will be dead within 10 years.

Any comments?

Have a great Sunday.

04-02-2018, 07:46 PM
Fully agreed. Supbeef, supchicken, supmutton and supUSturkey too!!

My exact sentiments.

04-02-2018, 07:49 PM
Fully support BRO WB.

Fully support too. Hope to read more.

04-02-2018, 09:34 PM
Have the exact same feeling that Jeff Bezos is absolutely brilliant.

Bro WB do have a great week ahead.

06-02-2018, 11:22 AM
Thank you for your post. You make my day!

Many women are not orgasmic or infrequently orgasmic due to two main reasons:

1) Their men are clueless and/or very selfish. Very common. Can you blame their women for not wanting sex more often? I was in this group during my younger days.

2) The women themselves have psychological and/or physical problems. A very strict upbringing or childhood sexual abuse could be the root cause in many such cases. Medical help is necessary. Fortunately, not very common. Certainly much less common than 1).

Best Regards,

Bro WB

Bro WB

Thanks for sharing such great insights on women orgasmic problems.

I agreed with your point 1 and like to share a story.

Have a close friend who often told me he can only fired once and that's it. He always marveled how come I can fire 3 to 4 times per day. He admitted never tried oral sex before so I have to introduce various oral sex including cuningculus etc. Showed him various porn to learn oral sex and choose partners to try all these. After a month and some trying out, he told me that he can get 5 shots per day as his partner was so happily sexed and sextified. Meaning his partner will perform more when he did oral sex on her.

Conclusion - He was both tired and sextified.

Point 2 about upbringing is more challenging but woman often grow wings when they leave their parents home. This type need to open her up and do things beyond her wildest imaginations.

Hope bro will share more in this thread.

Please have a great day!!

06-02-2018, 11:24 AM
Support awesome thread, thanks Bro WB.

Have a good week ahead!

06-02-2018, 01:47 PM
If a gal willingly let you caress and kiss her neck and then let you French kiss her, she is yours. Close to 100% of cases, unless you change your mind. There is a time lapse of course, which may vary from hours to days, weeks and even up to 2-3 months.



Recently, I was discussing w/ a guru about how to get women addicted to a man.

His three cardinals rules:

1) Dominate them

2) Maintain the frame

3) Screw them good

I couldn't agree w/ him more.


Bro WB

Bro Warbird

I was reading through the past hundreds of pages and saw an interesting posts above.

Fully agreed with you that when a gal allow you to free roam her body and frenching then she is yours and up to you to up her whenever you wish.

Interesting to note that you can discuss with Guru about getting women addicted to man.

1. Dominate them was discuss in your earlier pages.

2. Maintain the frame - care to share more on this because not sure what he meant.

3. Screw them good is definitely true and agreed.

Really enjoyed your great thread here and hope to contribute morefourm when I score.

In the meantime hope to learn more too.

Have a great week and enjoy your good time.


06-02-2018, 01:48 PM
Boss WB,

Jeff Bezos is a very colorful man. If you read more about him will know he is just somebody who did the right thing and be around people who have the right thinking.


"Jeff Bezos Just Shared His 3-Step Formula for Success--and It's Absolutely Brilliant".

Anyway he is just one guy who tried and be successful and many had tried but failed badly.

I agreed we do not need to send dick pic to be successful with women. Why take unnecessary risk. Today all kind of photos get posted and shared many times in social apps. Just be careful dun get too famous in the internet world,

Hope boss WB will continue to share more with us.

SO who is the next Jeff Bezos?

Many predicted FaceBook or Twitter will be dead within 10 years.

Any comments?

Have a great Sunday.

Didn't know Jeff Bezos so handsome.

Thanks for sharing.

06-02-2018, 07:16 PM
Interesting thread. Hope to learn more from bro WB.

06-02-2018, 07:34 PM
Didn't know Jeff Bezos so handsome.

Thanks for sharing.

Didn't know that too.

08-02-2018, 02:40 PM
Let me share an email I just received from a guru.

Why Being a Nice Guy Makes You a Dick

If you consider yourself a “nice guy” but you’re getting nowhere with women... then today’s email will be the loving “kick in the ass” you didn’t know you needed.
Here’s the deal, and no one else will have the nerve to tell you this, but...
You’re not really a “nice guy”... you’re a dick.
Here’s why:
Because you’re not being honest. Not with women, and not with yourself.
If you were honest, you’d be trying to f@#k every girl you could.
And you wouldn’t hold yourself back or pretend that’s not what you really want.
Because it IS you really want, right?
That’s what you think about, constantly. We all do.
But instead of going for what you want, you’re hiding it.
Instead of approaching the girls you like and giving yourself a chance at success… you’re staying home and jerking off.
Instead of being sexual with your date and going for the kiss, you’re holding back and talking about the bullshit things you “have in common.”
Instead of making moves… you’re playing it safe.
Your actions and your desires are not in alignment.
You’re out of integrity with yourself.
You’re being a dick.
So stop being a dick and ask that cute girl out already.
Tell her she looks good today and ask her if she’s single.
Tell her what you like about her.
Take her by the hand and lead her somewhere dark and exciting.
Look her in the eyes and tell her you f@#king want her already.
If you don’t, someone else will.
Make it happen


Bro WB

Bro WB.

Lovely thread and what guru said above makes me laugh.

I admit am nice guy and need to get a kick in my ass. No wonder I cannot get gals easily because I am too nice.

After reading above I learned not to be nice but bad. What a fun and nice thread to learn.

Hope to continue reading and post whenever I can.

Hope you have a fine day.


08-02-2018, 06:49 PM
Recently, a bro sent me the following PM.

"I read your post and understand that you are much much senior in compared to me.
You actually bao the girls if you like but you do cut down on drinking and smoking in which i presume due to health issue or maybe due to the nature of your previous occupation.
But in short to say, you are actually paying more but you just cut off the wooing part and go straight to the point.
In my perception, i do not really spend much on girls.
I head to thai discos but i still get my target at times. I will get them to woo me in which is an added bonus otherwise i do not bother. I really think being wealthy helps alot in your relationship. But one thing i totally disagree with you, you have so much money and being so thrifty but at the end of the day we come with nothing and go with nothing."

This bro has refused to post his question here, as I hv requested. I don't know why.

Here is my answers to him:

I don't know your age. I'm what many would call a lao chee ko pek based solely on my chronological age. However, biologically and metabolically n sexually, I'm decades younger than most men my age. I'm on no prescription meds. And my weight is the same as when I was 18-20.
I never drink because alcohol gives me headache n I have smoked less than 5 cigarettes in my entire life because I hate the smell of tobacco.
No, I pay the lower range of the going rates for bao yang. Yes, I'm UNAPLOGETIC for wanting the youngest and prettiest SYTs of my type and I'm always MODE ONE.
I'm a badass gentleman and not a phony wussy, dickhead aka nice guy.
You don't spend much on girls? Good for u, less is often more sometimes. If you have the right mindset.
I don't like Thai discos, too noisy and smoky, very bad for health.
A wealthy man can own many pussies w/ his money, but his wealth alone will NEVER be enough to capture a gal's heart. Ironically, his wealth is often a hindrance.
I don't have "so much money," perhaps just enough money to do what I'm doing. Frugality is a virtue. Never waste money. If I can BY a pretty SYT of my type w/ the least money, why not?
My word is my bond n I never short change anyone. If a LP bears my kid, I'll support my kid for life. I'll also support the mom as long as she is w/ me.
"Come w/ nothing and go w/ nothing" is very true. I'm generous to those who deserve it.


Bro WB

Bro WB

I really like the way you call yourself "lao chee ko pek". Really admired you for keeping fit and healthy. Putting many guys in shame with you sexual prowess. So you only have one out of five bad habits for men.

I also don't like loud music and hated tobaccos smell. Only like to drink little but not excessive.

Hope to live frugal like you.

Bro WB

I'm reading a book by an Ang Moh guru. He is good, but I don't like his style of writing n I hv done minor editing.
"Take a man who has the looks, fame, money, or whatever else society has led you to believe women want, and pit him against a man who has the right mindset in regards to having sex with lots of beautiful women and the man with the right mindset will come out on top every time."

"For example, being a dominant masculine man turns women on viscerally. Enough that she’ll forget about her good looking, rich, famous boyfriend or husband. And no I’m not kidding."
When he uses the word 'masculine,' he is referring to masculine character traits, not muscles like Arnold's.
No, he is not kidding. He thinks 99% of men have the wrong mindset. I think it's closer to 99.9% haha.

Bro WB

Bro WB,

Tell the guru that you look like Jeff Bezos and sure the guru will agree.

I think you are right to say 99.9% of men don't have the right mindset. They have never been treated or service like kings. Easily fell in love in any relationships which is death sentence.

Anyway keep the posts coming and hope to learn more.

Enjoy our short life.

08-02-2018, 07:31 PM
Bro WB.

Lovely thread and what guru said above makes me laugh.

I admit am nice guy and need to get a kick in my ass. No wonder I cannot get gals easily because I am too nice.

After reading above I learned not to be nice but bad. What a fun and nice thread to learn.

Hope to continue reading and post whenever I can.

Hope you have a fine day.


Very true. I am also a very very nice guy, cannot find gals.

Thanks for sharing with us bro WB.

Have a nice day.

09-02-2018, 11:12 AM
Great thread by Bro WB, support!!

09-02-2018, 12:47 PM
Good afternoon,

I know a guru from Gotham City who recently told me about 3 mindset switches that will have you getting laid like a rockstar.

Switch #1: Have an abundance mindset

Switch #2: Women are easy

Switch #3: Women love sex.

I couldn't agree w/ him more.


Bro WB

Bro WB,

Thanks for staring this excellent thread.

I learned plenty of ideas how to score with women after reading your thread.

Yes, always must be positive and pratice mode One.

I also love to rock like a Mega Star and surely hope to think like one.

Having abundance mindset will help to score with women. Love to make love to women too and sure the women love sex.

I was away on business trip for a month and when I am back the gals I make love to wanted to schedule their love making. During the sex, the women gushing water like crazy and they felt great saying miss me.

Hope to score more and keep checking in on this thread.

Have a great TGIF.


09-02-2018, 12:50 PM
Awesome thread by bro WB! Hope to read more

09-02-2018, 02:36 PM
Support lovely thread.

09-02-2018, 02:37 PM
Awesome thread by Bro WB! Hope to read more!!

09-02-2018, 02:38 PM
Awesome thread by Bro WB! Hope to read more!!

Support Bro WB for great thread.

09-02-2018, 02:40 PM
Support lovely thread.

I was about to say that too.

09-02-2018, 02:43 PM
Excellent thread by Bro WB! Hoping to read more.

09-02-2018, 02:44 PM
Excellent thread by Bro WB! Hoping to read more.

Support bro WB for awesome thread.

09-02-2018, 03:48 PM
Good afternoon to all samsters!
Thanks for all the posts and comments.
Many kakis and friends, including fellow lao chee ko peks and former school mates, mistakenly think that my 'success' w/ cute SYTs n young women is primarily due to my financial prowess.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
They don't get it, like 99.9% of men. Or is it 99.99%? They don't know what really attract women. Despite my numerous posts here. I hv even referred my friends to the right source. They are still at the stage of Unconscious Incompetence.
Actually, there are many, many much younger and much richer men in SG (and over 100X more of these men in China) who are willing to spend a lot more money than me to get the gals they really like. But they often fail.
Yes, I'm very frugal. Those bros who hv attended my outings should know.
When I BY a girl who is somewhat close to my type (I hv yet to see a girl who is totally my type), I always pay the lower range of the going rates. And my hit rate, eventually, after initial rejections, is over 95% in SG n close to 100% in China.
A few reasons.
Primarily because I behave like the PRIZE, I hv the abundance mindset and I'm ready to walk away.
OK, I'm not exactly broke and many of the gals need money. But I use money very judiciously n selectively. It's as if I use leverage...
In fact, I hv kept many non WLs in SG and China by spending very little money. The only problem now is meeting the gals I like in SG.
My former prestigious profession in Gotham City of course is extremely helpful. That was the primary reason why my legal TW wife married me, even though I had just finished my internship. She was very beautiful when I married her decades ago. But she was very aloof n arrogant. She used to say and sometimes still remind me now: 你们华侨完全没有气资,不是美丑的问题, 也不完全是文化和教养的问题...不过你现在比你的同学们朋友们的气资好太多了. BTW, She was born in TW but her parents both came from Mainland China. Her dad was a police chief in a small town.
Despite how she has felt abt me and the fact that I've been keeping many very young LPs here, we are still married. I tell her to stay put in Gotham City w/ my two grown kids.
If I go to TW NOW, I could easily get the prettiest gals of my type, without spending much money. I only hv to tell them I'm a XXX from America. TW gals love XXX from America. Rich TW gals would LOVE to marry a XXX from America. It's never too late to become a XXX from America. Yeah, it's a form of biz transaction.
Last but not least, I'm always Mode One. I actually welcome initial rejections. The key here is to remain cool, calm, collected and totally non-reactive to whatever a gal feels/thinks/says and acts.
要很冷静很笃定, like my legal wife always reminds me. I wasn't such a man and she desperately wanted to be attracted to me.
If I demonstrate the slightest hint of frustration or anger when rejected by a gal, as revealed by my eye contact, facial expressions, body language and voice tonality...she will hv power over me and find me repulsive. It may all be in her subconscious mind. But it's a matter of survival for her and her future kids. BTW, about 80% of my LPs, past n present, hv rejected me initially, often repeatedly. Money was not even an issue and was never discussed in the beginning.
Cheers n have a great weekend!

Bro WB

Bro WB,

I too dun get it and think like 99.9% of men.

I started venturing out thinking that money will buy me success till I read your story of XiShi and King Fucai.

Then also read about Alan Roger Currie theory of letting women knew what you want.

Money can only buy you pusises for sale and never any gfe feelings. We need to polish up our skills and practice the skills frequently.

Initial rejections often without fail and we have to overcome rejection sby walking away. Behave aswe are the PRIZE.

Have a great weekend coming up.

Please remember to post more and teach us new skills.

Will be reading and comparing notes here.

09-02-2018, 08:36 PM
Bro WB,

I too dun get it and think like 99.9% of men.

I started venturing out thinking that money will buy me success till I read your story of XiShi and King Fucai.

Then also read about Alan Roger Currie theory of letting women knew what you want.

Money can only buy you pusises for sale and never any gfe feelings. We need to polish up our skills and practice the skills frequently.

Initial rejections often without fail and we have to overcome rejection sby walking away. Behave aswe are the PRIZE.

Have a great weekend coming up.

Please remember to post more and teach us new skills.

Will be reading and comparing notes here.

Will be reading and comparing notes too.

Support great thread by bro WB.

10-02-2018, 04:18 PM
Will be reading and comparing notes too.

Support great thread by bro WB.

Agreed with you.

10-02-2018, 04:19 PM
Bro WB,

I too dun get it and think like 99.9% of men.

I started venturing out thinking that money will buy me success till I read your story of XiShi and King Fucai.

Then also read about Alan Roger Currie theory of letting women knew what you want.

Money can only buy you pusises for sale and never any gfe feelings. We need to polish up our skills and practice the skills frequently.

Initial rejections often without fail and we have to overcome rejection sby walking away. Behave aswe are the PRIZE.

Have a great weekend coming up.

Please remember to post more and teach us new skills.

Will be reading and comparing notes here.

Thanks bro for sharing. I am one of the 99.99%

10-02-2018, 04:50 PM
Agreed with you.

Agreed with you also.

10-02-2018, 04:53 PM
Thanks bro for sharing. I am one of the 99.99%

Same here, I am one of the 99.99% too

11-02-2018, 10:45 PM
Bro WB, I will follow your advice and laugh like Amazon founder, chairman and CEO.

Thanks bro.
Good for u!

Bro warbird

After reading your post above, I started to understand what I had done wrong in the past. I was terribly wrong in my technique and execution.

I love the 3 points above "3 Things That Make Women Chase You".

So been a nice man will not get you any girl. I really enjoyed point 3 above "Get Sexual Early On".

Will need to try out all these points and will report back.

Hope you have a great week ahead.
Tks for your post.

Bro WB,

Yes, you got my attention.

I had not get enough sex recently and I felt ill. Easily get fly and down with cold.

When my friend told me to get enough sex I thought he was joking. So I started getting a FWB and boom boom. After a week I felt alive and well. I started exercise and my sex life become better.

Say what you want and I can bonk as much as 5 to 7 times per day.

Your post above really makes common sense and indisputable.

Please do help us more by posting more advice.

Hope yo have a great day.

You have awesome stamina!

Bro WB

I am very new to your BY game. In fact I have no idea till I read some of your thread.

To say the least I have been marvel about your level 5. I wonder who had been so good at that. Think many men will not accept some levels if they are rich and have options. Those useless needy men will opt for level 3.

Will continue to read more and comment more soon.

Please enjoy your great day.

Bro, tks.
I hv not met a level 5 man.

Bro WB, what an auspicious Saturday.

I was reading so much and on homecoming.Few more hundreds of pages I will be up to date.

I really like what you written above.

"Her three needs must be met first:

1) She needs to be respected by his man as a special n unique individual.

2) She needs to hv intimate, emotional communication n bonding w/ her man.

3) She needs an exciting man to make her feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, feminine...

I always tell my LPs: You're so sexy and beautiful. 你的小妹妹很香, 很好吃..."

will try to practice the 3 points above and be the MAN.

Also tell all my gals she is sexy and beautiful.

Please help to pose more and will post my comments.

Have a great weekend.

Tks for ur post.
Show her that you're turned on by her feminine character and sexy body. She may fall in love w/ you!

Fully agreed. Supbeef, supchicken, supmutton and supUSturkey too!!
You're witty!

Boss WB,

Jeff Bezos is a very colorful man. If you read more about him will know he is just somebody who did the right thing and be around people who have the right thinking.


"Jeff Bezos Just Shared His 3-Step Formula for Success--and It's Absolutely Brilliant".

Anyway he is just one guy who tried and be successful and many had tried but failed badly.

I agreed we do not need to send dick pic to be successful with women. Why take unnecessary risk. Today all kind of photos get posted and shared many times in social apps. Just be careful dun get too famous in the internet world,

Hope boss WB will continue to share more with us.

SO who is the next Jeff Bezos?

Many predicted FaceBook or Twitter will be dead within 10 years.

Any comments?

Have a great Sunday.
Tks for the post.
Why can't the next Bezos be YOU?

Bro WB

Thanks for sharing such great insights on women orgasmic problems.

I agreed with your point 1 and like to share a story.

Have a close friend who often told me he can only fired once and that's it. He always marveled how come I can fire 3 to 4 times per day. He admitted never tried oral sex before so I have to introduce various oral sex including cuningculus etc. Showed him various porn to learn oral sex and choose partners to try all these. After a month and some trying out, he told me that he can get 5 shots per day as his partner was so happily sexed and sextified. Meaning his partner will perform more when he did oral sex on her.

Conclusion - He was both tired and sextified.

Point 2 about upbringing is more challenging but woman often grow wings when they leave their parents home. This type need to open her up and do things beyond her wildest imaginations.

Hope bro will share more in this thread.

Please have a great day!!
Tks for sharing your close friend's FR.

Bro Warbird

I was reading through the past hundreds of pages and saw an interesting posts above.

Fully agreed with you that when a gal allow you to free roam her body and frenching then she is yours and up to you to up her whenever you wish.

Interesting to note that you can discuss with Guru about getting women addicted to man.

1. Dominate them was discuss in your earlier pages.

2. Maintain the frame - care to share more on this because not sure what he meant.

3. Screw them good is definitely true and agreed.

Really enjoyed your great thread here and hope to contribute morefourm when I score.

In the meantime hope to learn more too.

Have a great week and enjoy your good time.

Frame is state of mind or mindset. Your frame of being the grand prize. You won't be insecure, needy n jealous. And you're never reactive.

Didn't know Jeff Bezos so handsome.

Thanks for sharing.
He is handsome and charming.

Bro WB.

Lovely thread and what guru said above makes me laugh.

I admit am nice guy and need to get a kick in my ass. No wonder I cannot get gals easily because I am too nice.

After reading above I learned not to be nice but bad. What a fun and nice thread to learn.

Hope to continue reading and post whenever I can.

Hope you have a fine day.

Tks for your post.

Bro WB

I really like the way you call yourself "lao chee ko pek". Really admired you for keeping fit and healthy. Putting many guys in shame with you sexual prowess. So you only have one out of five bad habits for men.

I also don't like loud music and hated tobaccos smell. Only like to drink little but not excessive.

Hope to live frugal like you.

Bro WB,

Tell the guru that you look like Jeff Bezos and sure the guru will agree.

I think you are right to say 99.9% of men don't have the right mindset. They have never been treated or service like kings. Easily fell in love in any relationships which is death sentence.

Anyway keep the posts coming and hope to learn more.

Enjoy our short life.
I may still be in the 99.9% most of the time, at least in my subconscious mind or SM. I know consciously how I must behave, but I'm often sabotaged by my SM. It's easier said than done.

Bro WB,

Thanks for staring this excellent thread.

I learned plenty of ideas how to score with women after reading your thread.

Yes, always must be positive and pratice mode One.

I also love to rock like a Mega Star and surely hope to think like one.

Having abundance mindset will help to score with women. Love to make love to women too and sure the women love sex.

I was away on business trip for a month and when I am back the gals I make love to wanted to schedule their love making. During the sex, the women gushing water like crazy and they felt great saying miss me.

Hope to score more and keep checking in on this thread.

Have a great TGIF.

Tks for sharing.

Bro WB,

I too dun get it and think like 99.9% of men.

I started venturing out thinking that money will buy me success till I read your story of XiShi and King Fucai.

Then also read about Alan Roger Currie theory of letting women knew what you want.

Money can only buy you pusises for sale and never any gfe feelings. We need to polish up our skills and practice the skills frequently.

Initial rejections often without fail and we have to overcome rejection sby walking away. Behave aswe are the PRIZE.

Have a great weekend coming up.

Please remember to post more and teach us new skills.

Will be reading and comparing notes here.
Thanks bro for sharing. I am one of the 99.99%
As I mentioned before, I'm still in the 99.9% camp, at least most of the time.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB

12-02-2018, 10:06 AM
As I mentioned before, I'm still in the 99.9% camp, at least most of the time.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB

Bro WB

Nice of you to reply so humbly.

This is an opportunity to BUMP Up this most impressive thread and to fulfil my promise to Bro Warbird to contribute my two cents here.

As I have been on a hiatus I had to do some catch up reading here to get a sense of the current trajectory of this thread. For now, let me just say a couple of things that I have observed in my cursory catch up read:

1) As in any social media, there will invariably be that "negative", caustic or sarcastic remarks, the "imaginative" (fiction) narratives etc .... Bro Warbird has always demonstrated his composure in the face of such remarks. It did NOT unfaze him. This is one aspect of emotional self mastery. An aspect very important to cultivate not only in the field of "romance and its various manifestations" but also in life.

2) For those who are fortunate enough to have engaged or interacted with him beyond this forum, (Like I have) you would know that Bro Warbird has "walk the talk". Even if you have the seductive prowess of Casanova or Neil Strauss, there is always some little learning points that you learn from him to "up" your game.

For me personally, it Bro Warbird meticulous gathering of beautiful, young lasses (very specific criteria) data of viable options. And the concomitant follow up on this. As a result, there is no sense of scarcity and desperation. There is no need to kowtow or pander to a girl's whims because of fear of losing her. You can play the long game (time wise) and can have fun with the romantic intrigues if you choose.

Trust me, Bro Warbird has a great set of viable choice on whom he chose to romance. So much so that his castaways and scraps would leave a lot of brothers here drooling.

How and the specific steps Warbird goes about in getting THAT data I will leave him up to share.

3) I will talk about the "monetary" aspect in "wooing" at a later time. A lot of gurus and seduction experts tend to downplay this. They present a white washed version of these are not needed at all as if certain exhibited traits and behaviour would be enough. This MAY be true for a one off, but Evolution does suggest that some promise (either potential or presently demonstrated) of material security is always in a ladies' mental computation of her mate selection.

Got to go for now. And Bro Warbird, sorry for this long overdue deliverance of the promise to write something here. I was suddenly caught up in a whirlwind of several business fire fighting that I must do. And I hope to catch up with you again real soon ...

Bro justime post above was really an eye opener.

Whatever posted makes sense.

Now that he had said so many good things about bro WB and yet bro WB still humbly said he belongs to the 99.9% of men.

SO who is right or wrong?

Anyway so long all brothers enjoyed yourself in the process then nothing matters.

Wish all here a Happy Dog 2018 Year in advance.

12-02-2018, 11:48 AM
Very good thread by bro WB, support!!

12-02-2018, 03:29 PM
Love this thread by bro Warbird as always! UNLIKE his nick bro Warbird is always making love not war lol!

ANYWAY looking for some new kakis who want high quality china, jap or korean girls during happy hour timing. Got a reasonably priced hh place with such lobang and pool table. Interested bros can pm me.

Im always looking to practise what i learn from this thread.

12-02-2018, 06:23 PM
It's a good article.
But I need to set the record straight. I want to be as factual as possible.
Modern men have been around not much more than 300,000 years, not millions as reported by the author.


"But the best assurance a man could get that the child was his own, was to have sex with many women, and/or to simply make himself so desirable that a woman simply would not likely feel attraction to anyone else. He had to make himself a good catch, which meant becoming more courageous, a better hunter, defender, etc. In other words, for sexual value, a man relied on his “masculine” characteristics and LEARNED ABILITIES. These abilities and character traits are what women needed from men."

"Giving a woman “everything” once seemed like a logical way to make her like you, right? I’m glad that now you know it’s a sure-fire way to make sure she feels NOTHING for you but revulsion."

Life is about survival and reproduction, for both men and women. A man is hard wired to behave differently from a woman. It's not a matter of right or wrong.

Every woman is different. Only about 30% of women have experienced PVOs regularly. But even for those women who hv not, they still greatly enjoy penetrative sex w/ a real man. Just need to prolong the act.
Bro WB

Bro WB

I love the fact that you mentioned man need to be desirable and have sex with many women. Reproduction is our main focus in life.

Ancient Kings and Emperors had been busy having sex with any women to ensure their heirs. So now we can live in out little kingdom by picking up as many women as possible.

Ensure to give gals plenty of PVOs so that they are hooked.

Please continue to post more lessons so that I can learn more.

Wishing you Gong Xi Fa Cai in advance.

Huat Ah!!

12-02-2018, 07:40 PM
Love this thread by bro Warbird as always! UNLIKE his nick bro Warbird is always making love not war lol!

ANYWAY looking for some new kakis who want high quality china, jap or korean girls during happy hour timing. Got a reasonably priced hh place with such lobang and pool table. Interested bros can pm me.

Im always looking to practise what i learn from this thread.

Well said bro. Fully agreed with your view!

13-02-2018, 10:48 AM
Tks for sharing.

Bro WB

Tks bro and support here.

13-02-2018, 12:15 PM
Support great thread by Bro WB.

13-02-2018, 02:36 PM
I admire Al Capone for his masculine traits such as courage, dominance, emotional strength. His word was his bond.
But he was a very badass. A most powerful and infamous crime boss.
We want to be badass gentlemen. We must never break the law knowingly and we should never use violence except for self defense when our life is threatened.

Here is an account on the life of Al Capone.


Read it. Your comments?
What are the take home lessons?


Bro WB

Bro WB

Thank you very much for starting a useful thread. I read without sleep for past few nites. OMG, was so absorbing.

Al Capone was a handsome man but due to circumstances forcing him to be triad mafia boss. At a young age he was in charge of the largest crime organization in Chicago.

Al Capone nickna,e "Scarface".


Yes, I want to be badass gentleman too and have all the women to fark. Never to fall in love in any r/s.

Thanks for the recommendation above.

Hope you can post more examples and will comment whenever I can.

I know you hv read my post #3996 about my personal experiences on break up.
For those bros who are prone to get KC-ed:

I am not heartless, I just learned to use my heart less. - Al Capone

Bro WB

Another classic quote by the famous crime boss.

13-02-2018, 04:09 PM
Tks bro and support here.

Support here too, hope to read more.

14-02-2018, 05:13 PM
Another classic quote by the famous crime boss.

Indeed a classic quote.

15-02-2018, 11:03 AM
I like to share an email from a guru.

Bang more women by rejecting them...

In the past couple of years the quantity of girls I sleep with has
crept up. This is due to many reasons I'm sure, but during that
same time period I notice that I'm "rejecting" a lot more girls. By
that I mean I walk away when I find out that she isn't close to
what I want. I may be talking to her and the light from her cell
phone screen reveals some acne. Or I realize she doesn't have a fun
vibe. Or she's socially awkward. Or her black dress was hiding a
pancake ass. Or she's way too witty (at the expense of being sexy).
When one of these things happen, I politely end the conversation.
No hard feelings.

There was a time I used to keep these interactions going because,
ultimately, the girl was bangable---or else I wouldn't have
approached her---and I was hungry for sex, since I didn't get it as
often. But I rarely did bang those girls. It would stall at the
number or makeout stage. Why is that I'm going full court press on
far fewer girls today, but getting a lot more bangs in shorter
amounts of time? Two reasons:

1. I free up more time for the girls I better connect with. Talking
to a girl you're not crazy about means you won't spit your best
game. And without your best game the odds you'll bang her, assuming
she's not throwing herself on you, is extremely low. It's futile to
force the attraction if you don't feel it around the 5-10 minute
mark. In these cases you'll only get a number.

Time is crucial. I still run most of my game at night during the
weekends and each night has, at most, four hours of prime game
time. If I spend ninety minutes on these mediocre interactions,
I've given up 38% of my night for nothing. Plus my energy will be
lower for the better prospects I may encounter later.

If you're a game newbie then grinding it out can be valuable to
getting your social skills up to speed, but it's very possible that
talking to the boring chick with the lame sense of humor will cost
you for that entire night. It's too risky to exchange an extra word
with a girl that I know deep down is someone who won't get me
excited. That time is better spent maintaining your state with your
boys instead.

2. It subconsciously increases your value. When you pass on enough
girls, you start to believe you're the man. Of course with my
experiences I think I'm a pimp, and that shines through with my
body language and tone, without me having to think about it.

Girls pick up on things that you cannot see, hear, or feel (think
of them as a mutant species that can sense more than three
dimensions of space). Luckily for us, we don't have to consciously
learn how to subcommunicate these positive traits---we pick up on
them in time. This is how I can meet a guy and within about 15
seconds know if he's good with women or not (a side effect of my
heavy involvement with the game has given me the female ability to
screen men). Now imagine what type of vibe a guy who tries to bang
anything he talks to puts out. You better believe that girls can
pick up on that.

For me there has to be something in those first 10 minutes that
tells me there's something special going on. There has to be humor
and laughing, meaningful questions, flirty looks, and a magnetism
simmering underneath the surface. My energy and time are the two
most important things I have, and when I begin to value it yourself
by passing on mediocre chicks, I get more. In the end it's so much
easier to bang a cool chick. Don't waste your time on those who

Any comments?

Bro WB

Bro WB

Very nice thread and also nice post.

I am not sure what I was reading and after reading 3 times then I started understanding what the guru wanted to guide us.

Important point was to reject many gals but ending up banging more gals after initial rejections. Spend time connecting with gals you reject but keen to bang them. Gals are mutant beings and pick up things we cannot see. It subconsciously increases your value. When you pass on enough girls, you start to believe you're the man.

All these was discussed in your earlier posts butt in various stages of the game.

Hope you have a enjoyable long weekend and Happy CNY.

Wish all readers Gong Xi Fa Cai too.

Huat ah!!

15-02-2018, 12:19 PM
Bro WB, thanks for a great thread here.
Happy New Year to all !!

16-02-2018, 02:08 AM
I'll describe my personal concept of the different levels of "BY-ing."
Highest Level or Level5 : Staying w/ many chio gals of ur type AND they pay u AND their pussies are exclusive to u!!!

I believe our TS, Bro Warbird is extremely successful in all aspects of his life, because he has mastered very valuable skill sets and mindsets; he has strong mental strength, decisive, confident, yet not arrogant and overbearing.

His improved mental mastery over the years also enabled him to lead his current lifestyle. Bro WB has mentioned he had a long streak of luck; i believe he made his own luck in many ways - luck is when hard work (preparation) meets opportunity, and we know WB has worked hard in his career, and now, in other parts of his life, including his "后宫". :D

While the 5 levels of "BY" mastery was stated more than 6 years ago, WB acknowledges that a level 5 master has not appeared.

I might have an answer to that "rarity" - it is not the lack of "Level 5 masters", but probably the lack of such "BY" candidates.

In fact, Level 5 on strict terms, is not "BY". The "master" is actually a "Bao-ee". Why? Because the "master" is being taken care of, by his resourceful girls.

However, we must understand that - the girls that are typically wiling bao-ees, look for a master, because they have basic needs to be fulfilled. So in place of working in a job, they "work" to please their master. Of course when their master also fulfill their higher level demands (ie. high up the pyramid of Maslow's hierarchy of needs), they get addicted to their master even more.

At level 5 BY candidates, these girls must have sufficient money (sustain their high demands + master more money). If the girl spends all their time and energy at work and career, they have little need to be "BYed", and whether the level 5 master is wealthy or not, is a moot point. They have enough money from their career; they can even give their men money. They have only emotional needs to be fulfilled. Ironically, what these girls can offer to the "master" is more of money, then spending their energies "pleasing" their "master", as their energies are already spent at work. Level 5 "BY" candidates almost sound like oxymorons.

Hence, the likely level 5 "BY-ees", are daughters of rich parents, who are willing to give both money and their bodies, to their masters. The supply of such girls are extremely rare, and to find 2 or more attached to the same master is difficult.

I would think if bro WB would want to up his game further, it would be to get young pretty girls outside the joints, to be his mistresses on long term basis, and he can gain access to their pussies exclusively, without any damage to his pockets. And I believe bro WB has all the skill sets to do just this, ie. 3b would be the target of a BY master.

5b, happens, when among his 3bs "BYs", a few of them also happens to come from a rich background.

16-02-2018, 10:27 AM
Wish all here happy chinese new year.

16-02-2018, 10:30 AM
Happy new year everybody.

16-02-2018, 10:30 AM
I believe our TS, Bro Warbird is extremely successful in all aspects of his life, because he has mastered very valuable skill sets and mindsets; he has strong mental strength, decisive, confident, yet not arrogant and overbearing.

His improved mental mastery over the years also enabled him to lead his current lifestyle. Bro WB has mentioned he had a long streak of luck; i believe he made his own luck in many ways - luck is when hard work (preparation) meets opportunity, and we know WB has worked hard in his career, and now, in other parts of his life, including his "后宫". :D

While the 5 levels of "BY" mastery was stated more than 6 years ago, WB acknowledges that a level 5 master has not appeared.

I might have an answer to that "rarity" - it is not the lack of "Level 5 masters", but probably the lack of such "BY" candidates.

In fact, Level 5 on strict terms, is not "BY". The "master" is actually a "Bao-ee". Why? Because the "master" is being taken care of, by his resourceful girls.

However, we must understand that - the girls that are typically wiling bao-ees, look for a master, because they have basic needs to be fulfilled. So in place of working in a job, they "work" to please their master. Of course when their master also fulfill their higher level demands (ie. high up the pyramid of Maslow's hierarchy of needs), they get addicted to their master even more.

At level 5 BY candidates, these girls must have sufficient money (sustain their high demands + master more money). If the girl spends all their time and energy at work and career, they have little need to be "BYed", and whether the level 5 master is wealthy or not, is a moot point. They have enough money from their career; they can even give their men money. They have only emotional needs to be fulfilled. Ironically, what these girls can offer to the "master" is more of money, then spending their energies "pleasing" their "master", as their energies are already spent at work. Level 5 "BY" candidates almost sound like oxymorons.

Hence, the likely level 5 "BY-ees", are daughters of rich parents, who are willing to give both money and their bodies, to their masters. The supply of such girls are extremely rare, and to find 2 or more attached to the same master is difficult.

I would think if bro WB would want to up his game further, it would be to get young pretty girls outside the joints, to be his mistresses on long term basis, and he can gain access to their pussies exclusively, without any damage to his pockets. And I believe bro WB has all the skill sets to do just this, ie. 3b would be the target of a BY master.

5b, happens, when among his 3bs "BYs", a few of them also happens to come from a rich background.

Nice forum bro.

Learn something new of level 5 BY master.

Gong Xi Fa Cai.

16-02-2018, 10:37 AM
I believe our TS, Bro Warbird is extremely successful in all aspects of his life, because he has mastered very valuable skill sets and mindsets; he has strong mental strength, decisive, confident, yet not arrogant and overbearing.

His improved mental mastery over the years also enabled him to lead his current lifestyle. Bro WB has mentioned he had a long streak of luck; i believe he made his own luck in many ways - luck is when hard work (preparation) meets opportunity, and we know WB has worked hard in his career, and now, in other parts of his life, including his "后宫". :D

While the 5 levels of "BY" mastery was stated more than 6 years ago, WB acknowledges that a level 5 master has not appeared.

I might have an answer to that "rarity" - it is not the lack of "Level 5 masters", but probably the lack of such "BY" candidates.

In fact, Level 5 on strict terms, is not "BY". The "master" is actually a "Bao-ee". Why? Because the "master" is being taken care of, by his resourceful girls.

However, we must understand that - the girls that are typically wiling bao-ees, look for a master, because they have basic needs to be fulfilled. So in place of working in a job, they "work" to please their master. Of course when their master also fulfill their higher level demands (ie. high up the pyramid of Maslow's hierarchy of needs), they get addicted to their master even more.

At level 5 BY candidates, these girls must have sufficient money (sustain their high demands + master more money). If the girl spends all their time and energy at work and career, they have little need to be "BYed", and whether the level 5 master is wealthy or not, is a moot point. They have enough money from their career; they can even give their men money. They have only emotional needs to be fulfilled. Ironically, what these girls can offer to the "master" is more of money, then spending their energies "pleasing" their "master", as their energies are already spent at work. Level 5 "BY" candidates almost sound like oxymorons.

Hence, the likely level 5 "BY-ees", are daughters of rich parents, who are willing to give both money and their bodies, to their masters. The supply of such girls are extremely rare, and to find 2 or more attached to the same master is difficult.

I would think if bro WB would want to up his game further, it would be to get young pretty girls outside the joints, to be his mistresses on long term basis, and he can gain access to their pussies exclusively, without any damage to his pockets. And I believe bro WB has all the skill sets to do just this, ie. 3b would be the target of a BY master.

5b, happens, when among his 3bs "BYs", a few of them also happens to come from a rich background.

Well said bro, happy new year!

16-02-2018, 11:10 AM
Good morning!

It's difficult to say which LP is the best.
My three current LPs are certainly among the best, in terms of looks, figure n character. They are THE most frugal ones and they all treat me like an emperor. And, best of all, I hv spent the least on them. Prior to meeting them, yr 96 Lisa or LS was the most frugal.
Among my current LPs, the youngest is yr 97 KT who turned 20 two months ago, and the other two LL n PL are in their early to mid 20s. I met all three in the month July 2016, LL around 6th, KT 16th and PL 26th. They became my LPs quite easily, after their initial rejections. Reflecting on my saga w/ them, I hv learned a lot. I'll provide details n analysis of these cases. Of course, I was in the right place at the right time. But most importantly, It was my mindset and all three are classic examples that buttress the validity of the popular sayings:

"You need to let go to get what you want."

"Things that you want 'lightly' come easily."

I met all three current LPs for the first time last July. From June thru August 2016 was the most hectic months for my xiao didi.
In those 3 months, I had a secret gf CF, a 21 yo CQ gal whom I met at Lido. In June, a tall 25 yo Chengdu model came to spend 3 weeks w/ me. Some bros found her very attractive. But not me. She has been trying to return to me. She is serious about having a kid w/ me and a LT relationship. But I don't know her well enough and don't trust her completely. She is also a spendthrift. KT is very frugal, just as tall n pretty, has bigger boobs and is much younger.
In the months of July and August , I had two new LPs, a TW student n a tall real estate agent from Fujian. My oldest LP HW or WX also came to spend 3 weeks in August.
Within minutes after meeting my three current LPs, I offered to BY them. Yeah, even though I had 3-4 OTHER LPs at that time, all in SG. Thankfully, all three said no initially. After they rejected me again, I just walked away. What if all three accepted me initially? I would think of ways to delay the consummation of the RS, of course.
I returned to Gotham City near the end of August.
KT said yes in mid Sep 2016. She was in CQ at that time.
PL said yes the day after my return to Sg in late Sep. LL said yes in early Oct.
All three agreed to be my LPs because I was non-reactive when they rejected me. Additionally, I was very bold n reiterated my desire for them, then walked away, never looking back. In fact, they all initiated contact w/ me to say they wanted to be my LP.
The amount of my financial support for them was not even mentioned before they agreed. Not even once. Then I worked out the terms n details of the BY w/ them.
They hv been w/ me since late Sep to mid Oct 2016. All three are students. One of them may return to China early next yr. Her parents want her to get married. But she wants me to keep her in Xiamen. I like her but may not hv time for her.
I hv a new Sichuan gal n an ex LP who want to come to Sg next month. I also hv a cute 18 yo Hakka virgin, a first yr student at Qingdao University, who wants me to keep her in China. And my oldest LP HW or WX and yr 96 Lisa also want to return after CNY next year. I like them but may not be able to keep all of them.
Bro WB

Bro WB

Thank you for the detail account of your LPs.

Very interesting to learn that need to walk away in order to get what you wanted. SO initial rejection is fine and always their loss. Anyway just keep in contact and when the gal ready will contact you. Thi sis the keyword.

"You need to let go to get what you want."

Sichuan gal is hot and always very well endowed. Sichuan gasl are spicy hot. I had a short encounter with a sichuan gal and experience was priceless. As for hakka gal well they are brought up to be subservient and serve their man.

In this auspicious day let me wish you happy new year.

May all the best syt be your LP.

Hope you post more to share with us here.


16-02-2018, 11:24 AM
Very interesting thread here, thanks bro WB

Gong xi fa cai!

18-02-2018, 01:04 PM
Be more resourceful and connect w/ more girls/women.
I like to see many hundreds of gals before focusing on 2-3 who appear to be the most attractive to me.
My LPs are not easily transferable to a friend. They don't do FL and some never worked in the nite scene. Oftentimes, I part way w/ them because of their visa expiration. I hv dumped quite a few. Some of them hv forgiven me and still want o return! The last time I was dumped by a LP was in April/May 2010. Read my posts on the tall 18 yo. She came back on tourist pass in 2013. I refused to fuck her because she wasn't so attractive by then.
I had tried to intro BF to a few ex LPs and they felt insulted. So I won't do it again.
BTW, it's natural for both men and women to desire multiple sexual partners. This desire has been modified and/or suppressed by social and religious conditioning.

Bro WB

Bro WB

Happy Chinese New Year to you.

Thank you for sharing such useful insights of your beloved LPs to us. I felt that you are truly gentleman.

True that not easy to intro bf to your ex because love is blind. Women too difficult to define.

Good afternoon to all samsters,
As I hv mentioned in my previous post, my three current LPs all rejected me initially, not once but twice.
Approximately 2/3 of all my LPs hv rejected me initially in the past 8 1/2 years. It has been great because over 95% of ALL gals I hv approached say yes, eventually.
I hv some musings on rejection and how to turn the dire situation around.
Everything hinges on how you react to the rejection. Most men will get angry or feel dejected. A few become violent. These are idiotic losers! Very immature n childish. Zero emotional control. This behaviour is screaming to the girl's primal brain: I'm a loser! I'm a frustarted man who can't get gals.
Always agree w/ her decision to reject you!
Remain very relaxed n calm n totally non-reactive.
This will demonstrate to her your emotional strength and self mastery. Most attractive masculine trait for survival, as far as her primal brain is concerned.
Don't forget you're always the PRIZE and it's her big loss to reject you. Feel very sorry for her...
Yup, that is the right mindset.
Any comments?
Bro WB

Bro WB

Not easy to remain non-reactive after facing rejection. I think this is the highest skill among the guru.

I must say to behave like what you describe will be tough but doable.

Hope you can intro more methodology here so that we can learn.

I will definitely go out to try more gals to get more experience.

Have a great Sunday been an auspicious day too.


18-02-2018, 01:15 PM
I believe our TS, Bro Warbird is extremely successful in all aspects of his life, because he has mastered very valuable skill sets and mindsets; he has strong mental strength, decisive, confident, yet not arrogant and overbearing.

His improved mental mastery over the years also enabled him to lead his current lifestyle. Bro WB has mentioned he had a long streak of luck; i believe he made his own luck in many ways - luck is when hard work (preparation) meets opportunity, and we know WB has worked hard in his career, and now, in other parts of his life, including his "后宫". :D

While the 5 levels of "BY" mastery was stated more than 6 years ago, WB acknowledges that a level 5 master has not appeared.

I might have an answer to that "rarity" - it is not the lack of "Level 5 masters", but probably the lack of such "BY" candidates.

In fact, Level 5 on strict terms, is not "BY". The "master" is actually a "Bao-ee". Why? Because the "master" is being taken care of, by his resourceful girls.

However, we must understand that - the girls that are typically wiling bao-ees, look for a master, because they have basic needs to be fulfilled. So in place of working in a job, they "work" to please their master. Of course when their master also fulfill their higher level demands (ie. high up the pyramid of Maslow's hierarchy of needs), they get addicted to their master even more.

At level 5 BY candidates, these girls must have sufficient money (sustain their high demands + master more money). If the girl spends all their time and energy at work and career, they have little need to be "BYed", and whether the level 5 master is wealthy or not, is a moot point. They have enough money from their career; they can even give their men money. They have only emotional needs to be fulfilled. Ironically, what these girls can offer to the "master" is more of money, then spending their energies "pleasing" their "master", as their energies are already spent at work. Level 5 "BY" candidates almost sound like oxymorons.

Hence, the likely level 5 "BY-ees", are daughters of rich parents, who are willing to give both money and their bodies, to their masters. The supply of such girls are extremely rare, and to find 2 or more attached to the same master is difficult.

I would think if bro WB would want to up his game further, it would be to get young pretty girls outside the joints, to be his mistresses on long term basis, and he can gain access to their pussies exclusively, without any damage to his pockets. And I believe bro WB has all the skill sets to do just this, ie. 3b would be the target of a BY master.

5b, happens, when among his 3bs "BYs", a few of them also happens to come from a rich background.


I dun think level 5 will ever exist in this forum although it exist in real life. Level 5 will be rare because of how bro WB define it.

Most of the forum here refer to gals coming to Singapore to earn money and send money home. These are gals find it tough to survive in their motherland.

Chronological events in Singapore

1970 - 1980s - Malaysian gals
1980 to 1990s -Thailand gals
1990 to 2000s - PRC gals
2000 to 2010 - Vietnam gals

Any comment?

Hope to contribute whenever possible and hope bro WB will post more.

Have a great Sunday and still happy CNY.

18-02-2018, 04:14 PM
Bro WB

Happy Chinese New Year to you.

Thank you for sharing such useful insights of your beloved LPs to us. I felt that you are truly gentleman.

True that not easy to intro bf to your ex because love is blind. Women too difficult to define.

Bro WB

Not easy to remain non-reactive after facing rejection. I think this is the highest skill among the guru.

I must say to behave like what you describe will be tough but doable.

Hope you can intro more methodology here so that we can learn.

I will definitely go out to try more gals to get more experience.

Have a great Sunday been an auspicious day too.


Fully agreed that it is not easy to remain non-reactive after facing refection.


18-02-2018, 04:50 PM
Very good thread. Happy new year Bro WB

18-02-2018, 10:37 PM
Good evening to all samsters and a big thank you to all bros who hv posted here.
Wishing all of you a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year!

Keep Calm And Huat Ah!

Bro WB

Bro WB

Nice of you to reply so humbly.

Bro justime post above was really an eye opener.

Whatever posted makes sense.

Now that he had said so many good things about bro WB and yet bro WB still humbly said he belongs to the 99.9% of men.

SO who is right or wrong?

Anyway so long all brothers enjoyed yourself in the process then nothing matters.

Wish all here a Happy Dog 2018 Year in advance.
Tks for your post.
Bro Justime is a really humble man.
I know how I must behave, consciously.
But, subconsciously, I'm often still in the 99.9% group.

Love this thread by bro Warbird as always! UNLIKE his nick bro Warbird is always making love not war lol!

ANYWAY looking for some new kakis who want high quality china, jap or korean girls during happy hour timing. Got a reasonably priced hh place with such lobang and pool table. Interested bros can pm me.

Im always looking to practise what i learn from this thread.
Thank you for sharing your lobang.
I hope more bros will PM you.

Bro WB

Thank you very much for starting a useful thread. I read without sleep for past few nites. OMG, was so absorbing.
.......................................Al Capone nickna,e "Scarface".


Yes, I want to be badass gentleman too and have all the women to fark. Never to fall in love in any r/s.

Thanks for the recommendation above.
.............................Another classic quote by the famous crime boss.
Tks, but you better get more sleep!
Some people believe Al Capone was an authentic American Robin Hood.

Bro WB

Very nice thread and also nice post.

I am not sure what I was reading and after reading 3 times then I started understanding what the guru wanted to guide us.
All these was discussed in your earlier posts butt in various stages of the game.

Hope you have a enjoyable long weekend and Happy CNY.

Wish all readers Gong Xi Fa Cai too.

Huat ah!!
Tks for the post.
Yes, must start rejecting more girls.

I believe our TS, Bro Warbird is extremely successful in all aspects of his life, because he has mastered very valuable skill sets and mindsets; he has strong mental strength, decisive, confident, yet not arrogant and overbearing.

His improved mental mastery over the years also enabled him to lead his current lifestyle. Bro WB has mentioned he had a long streak of luck..........................................
While the 5 levels of "BY" mastery was stated more than 6 years ago, WB acknowledges that a level 5 master has not appeared.

I might have an answer to that "rarity" - it is not the lack of "Level 5 masters", but probably the lack of such "BY" candidates.

In fact, Level 5 on strict terms, is not "BY". The "master" is actually a "Bao-ee". Why? Because the "master" is being taken care of, by his resourceful girls.
.............................At level 5 BY candidates, these girls must have sufficient money (sustain their high demands + master more money). If the girl spends all their time and energy at work and career, they have little need to be "BYed", and whether the level 5 master is wealthy or not, is a moot point. They have enough money from their career; they can even give their men money. They have only emotional needs to be fulfilled. Ironically, what these girls can offer to the "master" is more of money, then spending their energies "pleasing" their "master", as their energies are already spent at work. Level 5 "BY" candidates almost sound like oxymorons.

Hence, the likely level 5 "BY-ees", are daughters of rich parents, who are willing to give both money and their bodies, to their masters. The supply of such girls are extremely rare, and to find 2 or more attached to the same master is difficult.

I would think if bro WB would want to up his game further, it would be to get young pretty girls outside the joints, to be his mistresses on long term basis, and he can gain access to their pussies exclusively, without any damage to his pockets. And I believe bro WB has all the skill sets to do just this, ie. 3b would be the target of a BY master.

5b, happens, when among his 3bs "BYs", a few of them also happens to come from a rich background.

Thank you for your fantastic post. You make my day!
I still hv some way to go to reach level 3.

Bro WB

Thank you for the detail account of your LPs.

Very interesting to learn that need to walk away in order to get what you wanted. SO initial rejection is fine and always their loss. Anyway just keep in contact and when the gal ready will contact you. Thi sis the keyword.

"You need to let go to get what you want."
In this auspicious day let me wish you happy new year.

May all the best syt be your LP.

Hope you post more to share with us here.

Tks so much.
If I were to chase these potential LPs hard and text or call them 5-10 times a day, or if I became very upset by their initial rejections, they would find me most repulsive. It would be unlikely for me to get to taste their pussies.

Bro WB

Happy Chinese New Year to you.

Thank you for sharing such useful insights of your beloved LPs to us. I felt that you are truly gentleman.

True that not easy to intro bf to your ex because love is blind. Women too difficult to define.
Tks for your post.

Bro WB

Not easy to remain non-reactive after facing rejection. I think this is the highest skill among the guru.

I must say to behave like what you describe will be tough but doable.

You're right. It's very difficult to remain detached and calm after repeated rejections. But your nonchalance is what separates you from the losers.The girl will be surprised and even shocked...
I believe meditation and self hypnosis should help.


I dun think level 5 will ever exist in this forum although it exist in real life. Level 5 will be rare because of how bro WB define it.

Most of the forum here refer to gals coming to Singapore to earn money and send money home. These are gals find it tough to survive in their motherland.

Chronological events in Singapore

1970 - 1980s - Malaysian gals
1980 to 1990s -Thailand gals
1990 to 2000s - PRC gals
2000 to 2010 - Vietnam gals

Any comment?

Hope to contribute whenever possible and hope bro WB will post more.

Have a great Sunday and still happy CNY.
Tks for your informative post.
I agree w/ you completely.

Bro WB

.................................................. ..

Here is an interesting article I like to share.

Why do women moan loudly during sex and scream when they are orgasing?

"Female Copulatory Vocalization" means Woman Scream During Sex. Men are biologically wired to want to make their woman moan. It means you're doing a good job. Which, in turn, means you'll get invited back inside her velvety love-cave again.

Researchers have discovered that in primate species the promiscuous females moan during sex.

This is in spite of the obvious dangers of predators discovering and attacking them while they're vulnerable. Scientists say it's an evolutionary biological reason.

It's now been proven across all cultures that women are vocal leading up to orgasm but only in the primate species where females are promiscuous does this occur.

For example, in gorillas, the females are monogamous and therefore not vocal during copulation.

Why is moaning and screaming during sex beneficial to women biologically?

Researchers have determined that a woman will vocalize to attract more males to copulate with her when the current male is done.

This behavior of mating with more than one male at a time enables sperm competition.

Why is moaning and screaming during sex beneficial to women biologically?

Researchers have determined that a woman will vocalize to attract more males to copulate with her when the current male is done.

This behavior of mating with more than one male at a time enables sperm competition.

The more males a woman copulates with, the higher probability she'll conceive a healthy offspring.

To further underscore this reproduction imperative, scientists have confirmed that the male sperm has biologically evolved to fertilize an egg in an environment where it's mixed with ejaculate from other males. The penis is also designed to scrape out competitive sperm after ejaculating when the penis is pulled out of the vagina.

Female humans are fundamentally a polyamorous (love many) species biologically designed to have sex with multiple males when they're aroused.

Dr. Helen Fisher says that during her cross-cultural research, she discovered the majority of women and men are both promiscuous throughout their lives. If cultural norms for monogamy were not established, most humans would have a series of primary relationships for child-rearing and companionship combined with a series of shorter term sexual relationships.

Dr. Fisher estimates that a majority of married people have serial affairs over the years, even if they don't tell anyone about it. She believes this is the normal biological way humans actually live.

19-02-2018, 12:21 PM
Tks for the post.
Yes, must start rejecting more girls.

Bro WB

Thanks so much for your reply.

19-02-2018, 12:27 PM
Support excellent thread by bro WB.

19-02-2018, 03:45 PM
Bro WB

Certainly a long post from your European guru trying to explain why rejection is never the end but the beginning.

From the lenghty post, I learned that we must remain calm and non-reactive after been rejected. Woman usually see cry babies after rejecting guys, Most often the guys will keep asking questions and wanted to find out where they went wrong. This type of reactions were common to gals who rejected their men.

Nowadays I practised mode one and straight tell the gal I want to f**k her. Usually will tell the gal she very ugly too and no praise even she is the prettiest gal in the group. I refused to buy her any drink or buy her any gifts. Just take down her contact and remain in contact.

I hope my reading above is correct and will continue to read more.

So bro WB, please share more with us and more gurus teachings.

Hoep you did enjoyed your CNY celebrations and huat ah.


Here is more explanation n clarification from an European guru on how to respond to and reverse rejections.

"You’ve heard the story of the tortoise and the hare before, right? The
hare was able to run far faster than the tortoise ever could, and yet the
tortoise eventually won the race. He just kept going, and persevering,
and because of that, he was able to win, despite the hare’s
overwhelming speed advantage.
Yes, this does have something to do with picking up women. In this case,
I want you to think of the different ways that you can act after getting
rejected by a girl as different animals in a race. But in this case, the
winner neither the fastest, nor the one who perseveres the longest.
In this case, the winner is the one who can keep his emotional calm, no matter what happens. The guy who can keep himself under emotional
control no matter what’s going on around him is the strongest guy in the
room. He’s also the one that the girls tend to swoon over. Why? He has
emotional strength.
Now, what does emotional strength have to do with attractiveness?
Girls love a guy with emotional strength, and it goes all the way back to
that same primal brain we’ve been talking about this whole time. A girl’s
primal brain is highly concerned with finding her a mate, and it knows all
sorts of tips and tricks to find out whether a guy would make a suitable
partner and father.
Unfortunately, it evolved back when men were hunting mammoths for
food and for sport, and when women were weaving baskets and
collecting oysters on the seashore.
So a girl’s primal brain first and foremost looks for a guy with emotional
strength, because that’s the kind of guy who can keep his head in a hairy
situation and still bring home that mammoth meat for mom and their
little screaming cave children.
Then again, that emotional strength also has value in real life. Because in this
describes the ability to act regardless of your emotional state in any
situation, if you’re well-versed in handling tough people or hairy
situations and remaining cool, you’ve already mastered this technique in
some other area of your life. And it has practical applications
everywhere: the guy who can develop that kind of internal self discipline
will have major advantages wherever he puts that skill to use.
So how does this tie in with rejection, an overcoming it? Well, here’s a
hint: if you agree with a girl’s decision to reject you, but emotionally you
feel rejected, then you’re doing just that: agreeing with her.
She’ll pick up on your feelings before she ever hears anything you’re
saying. When you let her know that you’re feeling dejected, you show
her loud and clear that you are not an emotionally strong man, and thus
you lose attractiveness points in her book.
You’ll soon be back at your dark corner table cursing women and the
biological imperative that makes you chase them because you let her
know loud and clear that you were not actually an emotional rock, but
just a guy who tried memorizing some stuff out of a book.
And we all know how well that book-learnin’ does in real life, right,
But suppose you did the opposite instead, and you were able to stay
completely calm and casual. Let’s say you agreed with her that she was
right in rejecting you, but you really seemed okay with it. Now, instead
of playing into the girl’s expectation loop, you’ve completely broken it.
She doesn’t know what to do because she doesn’t often run into guys
like you.
As little of an effect her rejection has on you, that’s how monumentally
huge the impact will be on her. So do your best to absolutely not care.
The more you can master this feeling internally, the more effective this
technique will be for you in the long run.
Her expectations will be thrown to the wind by this point if you can
totally keep your cool. But this technique does more than just that.
You’ve sent a message to this girl loud and clear: not only are you
emotionally strong enough to withstand her rejection, but she’s really
not important enough to you to warrant any kind of emotional
You’ve let her know that you’re a lot bigger than anything that could
happen to you and this girl.
Her response to your approach is not going to determine what you think
of yourself in the slightest, and that kind of independence is actually
sexy. It has that “you can’t have this” cachet that’s virtually impossible
to mistake in someone who genuinely has it.
Now, you and I both know that people in general and women especially
always seem to want precisely what they cannot have. You just became
something she can’t have. Even though she already said she wasn’t
interested, the sudden revelation that she couldn’t have you even if
she’d wanted to change the situation into something completely new.
You’ve made yourself more important in her eyes, and let her know loud
and clear that you are not affected at all by her rejection.
The real clincher with this technique is that once you take the first two
steps, even before you do anything to turn that rejection around, you’ve
already done a ton to communicate to her that you are a man of high
value. Not minding getting rejected, and showing her that you don’t
mind getting rejected, are a big part of that.
You become, in this moment, the guy who weathers the storm. You
become an unshakable man-rock who can take life as it comes at him
and come up smelling like roses.
Forget money and muscles: that’s what drives a girl nuts. That kind of
strength beats physical strength every day. And the best part is that
most girls have no idea that that’s what’s really going on.
They think they like a guy because of his haircut or his eyes or that thing
he said to them when there were at that fondue restaurant last
Saturday. But really none of those things is actually true.
And guess what? In this case, she just found out the hard way that she
rejected that guy a moment too soon: she just learned what kind of man
he really is. Suddenly, she might be starting to regret her decision to
reject you.
This is why I say rejection is never the end—instead, it’s the beginning."

Now you know why I love repeated rejections by very attractive gals. It gives me an opportunity to demonstrate my emotional strength and self mastery. Isn't life beautiful?
bro WB

19-02-2018, 04:05 PM
Bro WB

Certainly a long post from your European guru trying to explain why rejection is never the end but the beginning.

From the lenghty post, I learned that we must remain calm and non-reactive after been rejected. Woman usually see cry babies after rejecting guys, Most often the guys will keep asking questions and wanted to find out where they went wrong. This type of reactions were common to gals who rejected their men.

Nowadays I practised mode one and straight tell the gal I want to f**k her. Usually will tell the gal she very ugly too and no praise even she is the prettiest gal in the group. I refused to buy her any drink or buy her any gifts. Just take down her contact and remain in contact.

I hope my reading above is correct and will continue to read more.

So bro WB, please share more with us and more gurus teachings.

Hoep you did enjoyed your CNY celebrations and huat ah.


I also do that too.

Thanks bro WB for this great thread. Hope to read more.

20-02-2018, 03:35 PM
I just received the following email from a guru on a MOST repulsive male behaviour.


7 Common Behaviors That Make You Look NEEDY

“Oh Mike… I’m sorry, but I just don’t see you *that* way...”

“Why?” I asked her. “We’ve been going out for over a month... Just level with me.”

She hesitated, and then…

She did me a HUGE favor. She told me the truth.

“You’re a really nice guy Mike, but… you’re just too… NEEDY.”

I’ll never forget that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

My face burning. My balls shriveling up inside of me...

What had I done wrong?

I had done everything by-the-book (or so I thought).

I’d used every pickup artist trick… every so-called seduction secret to try to make her want me…

But all the junk these “gurus” and “dating coaches” taught in their e-books and video courses?

It was all bullshit.

How could I have been so dumb?

Where did their advice get me?

Stuck straight in the friend zone, that’s where.

What was I missing?

Why was my neediness so painfully obvious to her?

I’ll tell you why...

And no girl is going to come right out and admit this, but…

Women can read you like a book.

She knows what you’re fvcking thinking, man.

So even if you think you’re playing it cool...

You might still be looking “needy” or “creepy” or “sketchy”...

Without even realizing it!

Here are the 7 most common ways I see guys doing this:

1. Leaning in to talk to a girl, while she stays put and doesn’t move. You’re trying too hard - a big turn off. It’s subtle, but painfully obvious to women.

2. Complimenting a girl right away, before you even know her - for example, telling her she’s gorgeous, or you like her dress, or she has nice style, or she’s a cool, fun person, etc... all super needy.

3. Buying her gifts - this could be anything from flowers, to buying her dinner and drinks, to getting her jewelry… it looks like you’re trying to “buy” her affection.

4. The “I’m here when you need me” vibe - this is when you’re super available for a girl whenever she wants to talk to you. Don’t be the guy who jumps whenever she says “jump”, dude!

5. Texting too much - if your texts are way longer than hers, or more frequent than hers, or using a lot more smileys than hers… then you look super needy.

6. Being too sensitive and taking things she says too personally (also called “being a little bytch”). This is super insecure… women hate this!

7. Agreeing with everything she says. This is what guys do when they’re trying to “force a connection,” and it’s super wussy. Instead, express your own opinions and have a backbone, it’s way more attractive.

So, listen.

I’ve done all of these things, and more.

And if you’re displaying any of these common needy behaviors…

Make a point to cut them out and you’ll notice a massive improvement in how women treat you.

A man is needy because he thinks a particular girl has higher value, meaning she is the PRIZE.
Will Al Capone ever be needy?

Bro WB

Bro WB

Now I really don't want to be needy after reading your post above.

1. I will not be leaning and remain in my position even when gal trying to talk to me. If she not interested DGAD.

2. Learned from previous bros post, tell her she looks ugly and only thing pretty is her dress.

3. No way to buy her any gifts

4. Remain nonchalant even she trying to get my attention.

5. yes, reply 1 word each time she text.

6. never be sensitive whatever she does or say.

7. Always disagree with whatever she said. Let her panic.

Any better suggestions/comments?

Bro WB, I really appreciate all your postings and hope you keep this up.

Have a great day!!

20-02-2018, 06:24 PM
Great thread here, support.

21-02-2018, 02:58 AM
Thank you for your fantastic post. You make my day!
I still hv some way to go to reach level 3.


Welcome Bro Warbird!

I believe if you are not going for level 3, it is because level 3 requires time, and time is a precious commodity, more precious than money for you..

If a girl does not need money (hence that is why an allowance is not needed), then the girl is solely motivated by emotional needs offered by the guy.

The "cost" now shifts to your companionship (your time) and her schedule is dictated by hours that the girl is not working - ie. she cannot just simply accommodate your schedule, because of her working hours.
(unless the girl herself is a rich daughter, and does not need to work - then she will demand your attention, i.e. even more of your time.)

However, if you pay her the allowance, then you are effectively her "boss" as well. So her "working" time, is also dictated by you. (as well as the requirements of her "work".)

Hence, I believe that is the main reason you chose to stay at level 2, rather than lacking in requirements to fulfill level 3.

I hope to join you some day in your "free" viewing session, given that I am also someone who dislike smoke (and was wondering if I can ever find similar people who do not smoke in such places - and I realised we are quite alike in this aspect), and I would like to see how you assess beauties in such a short time, especially when the place is not exactly well-lit, and I assume that the girls will be fleeting.

I am curious though - with so many young and pretty LPs, do you still copulate with your wife when you are back in the Big Apple (or when she is in town)?

21-02-2018, 05:25 PM
Welcome Bro Warbird!

I am curious though - with so many young and pretty LPs, do you still copulate with your wife when you are back in the Big Apple (or when she is in town)?

Tks for shairng. I also keen to find out.

21-02-2018, 05:30 PM
Welcome Bro Warbird!

I believe if you are not going for level 3, it is because level 3 requires time, and time is a precious commodity, more precious than money for you..

If a girl does not need money (hence that is why an allowance is not needed), then the girl is solely motivated by emotional needs offered by the guy.

The "cost" now shifts to your companionship (your time) and her schedule is dictated by hours that the girl is not working - ie. she cannot just simply accommodate your schedule, because of her working hours.
(unless the girl herself is a rich daughter, and does not need to work - then she will demand your attention, i.e. even more of your time.)

However, if you pay her the allowance, then you are effectively her "boss" as well. So her "working" time, is also dictated by you. (as well as the requirements of her "work".)

Hence, I believe that is the main reason you chose to stay at level 2, rather than lacking in requirements to fulfill level 3.

I hope to join you some day in your "free" viewing session, given that I am also someone who dislike smoke (and was wondering if I can ever find similar people who do not smoke in such places - and I realised we are quite alike in this aspect), and I would like to see how you assess beauties in such a short time, especially when the place is not exactly well-lit, and I assume that the girls will be fleeting.

I am curious though - with so many young and pretty LPs, do you still copulate with your wife when you are back in the Big Apple (or when she is in town)?

Just follow bro WB to chiong and no regret.

21-02-2018, 07:00 PM
Tks for shairng. I also keen to find out.

I also keen to find out too.

21-02-2018, 07:15 PM
Just follow bro WB to chiong and no regret.

Have the exact same feeling.

22-02-2018, 07:18 AM
Tks . Getting a LP emotionally and sexually addicted to you will greatly increase her faithfulness to you, but doesn't guarantee it. Some women just like to fuck other men, for thrills and variety. So picking the right LP is crucial.
Every woman's primitive brain is constantly scanning for the most dominant man w/ the highest status and the greatest emotional strength. Don't blame them as their very survival and that of their offspring depend on this basic instinct - the result of 300,00 years of evolution. They may not even be consciously aware of this.
A woman will abandon her current mate for this MAN, if she is lucky enough to find one who would take her. That is the modern definition of hypergamy.


If you're a MAN w/ the greatest emotional strength and self mastery, you're EVERY woman's type, at her subconscious mind.

A high status which is inherited doesn't really help unless the man also has awesome emotional strength. I guess King Fuchai was lacking in this regard and that was why he lost Xi Shi to a slave, Fan Li.

BTW, I'm a learner just like you, not a sifu.

Tks, bro.

bro WB,

I learned from you in this privilege thread.

1. Guys must practice self-mastery and have greatest emotional strength.
2. Guys must face rejections and not bad thing.
3. Guys must never be needy because needy is ugly.
4. Guys must have abundance mindset and think that there are 200 women waiting to sleep with you.
5. Guys must never fall in love in the r/s.
6. Guys must pratice by approaching 200 gals.

I agreed that some gal just like to sleep around for thrills but we must always look at it that is not a bad thing. Meaning you can dump her and have new gal.

Hope bro can comment above and post more for us.

Hope you had a great CNY too.


22-02-2018, 10:06 AM
bro WB,

I learned from you in this privilege thread.

1. Guys must practice self-mastery and have greatest emotional strength.
2. Guys must face rejections and not bad thing.
3. Guys must never be needy because needy is ugly.
4. Guys must have abundance mindset and think that there are 200 women waiting to sleep with you.
5. Guys must never fall in love in the r/s.
6. Guys must pratice by approaching 200 gals.

I agreed that some gal just like to sleep around for thrills but we must always look at it that is not a bad thing. Meaning you can dump her and have new gal.

Hope bro can comment above and post more for us.

Hope you had a great CNY too.


Yes I also learned the above points.

22-02-2018, 02:27 PM
Tks for your comments.
Pretty SYTs are easy, very easy. They are also less cunning. Kissing them and making love to them will greatly boost a lao chee ko pek's immunity and make him 10-15 years younger.
Yeah, life is never fair. Accept it, let go and give thanks.
Inherited wealth or status may do more harm than good in many cases.
Always count your blessings.


Good afternoon!

Here is a recent email from a guru:

The MIGHTIEST Mindset To Have With Women


Most guys know they need to have it.

Some don't realize it. Or don't realize it's

But most guys are at least peripherally aware
how crucial this mindset can be.

Yet, men will forget to use it.

They'll abandon it, leave it to the side.

Because, after all, a beautiful woman seems
like an urgent thing.

If she is upset, you want to make her happy.

If she is aggravated, you want her to be calm.

You want her to know you like her and care
about her.

You want her to feel appreciated, qualified,
even loved.

If you've just met her, you want to make sure
she doesn't walk off.

If you're on a date with her, you want to
make sure things go smooth.

If she's your girlfriend, you want to make
sure she doesn't feel neglected, or abandoned.

Yet in their quests to make women feel good,
reassured, appreciated, and seen, men often set
aside one vital mentality.

They pluck it from their heads, put it in a
box, and shelve that box away somewhere.

And without this mentality... once the
mentality has been forgotten... something

The man loses his edge. His attractiveness

And the woman loses her respect for him.

He becomes soft. Supine, almost.

He begins to chase her, which puts her off
even more.

And in the end, it all falls to pieces.

When all he had to do to avoid that was to
hold onto that one key mentality:

"I do not need this girl."


There is a fine line to walk with "I don't
need you."

On the one hand, you do not want to be so
sensitive that you bail as soon as the going
gets a little tough with a girl.

You don't want to turn your nose up and march
off just because she grows a tad uppity.

But on the other hand, you must not let
yourself start to NEED her.

"Needing" happens subconsciously... often

You might start off the night at a party or
bar in small talk with different girls.

Then at some point you get into a great
flirtation with one girl. It gets better and

And as it progresses, you shift from "This
girl's okay" to "Wow, I hope we get together"
to the point where your whole night rides on
this girl.

Or you might be out during the daytime, and
run into a girl you end up in a chat with
somewhere. And the more you talk, the more
sucked in you get.

And the more sucked in you get, the more you
start to need her.

Works the same on dates.

The same in relationships.

This girl is great... I so want to be with
her... I MUST have her.

But as soon as you need her, your goose is

She's got you. You're hers. She has you by
the peaches.

And at that point, you will cease to act like
a strong, confident, in charge guy.

Oh, you might try to be this way.

But she will test you. And you will back down.

Because what else can you do? You cannot LOSE
this girl, after all!

When relationships become disrespectful, or
courtships or dates get boring for her, much of
the time it's for this one single reason:

You gave up the mentality of "I don't need
you" and switched yourself over to "I need you."


Of course, it's easier to recognize this
problem than it is to always route around it!

If you don't have much choice with women, it
will be hard to stop yourself from feeling at
least a little needy toward women you like.

There's no shortcut to an abundance
mentality. The sole way to feel like you have
abundant choice with women is to actually have

But there is some good news, even if you are
just starting out.

First, once you know to watch for the
abandonment of the "I don't need her"
mentality, you can guard against it.

As soon as you feel neediness creep into your
mind, you know you're likely to start acting in
less attractive, less optimal ways.

And once you recognize this, you can work to
correct it.

There are various ways to return to an "I
don't need her" mentality.

You can flirt with other girls. You can THINK
about other girls.

You can remind yourself what the worst thing
that can happen if you don't get this girl is.

If it's a girl you've met outside somewhere,
you can tell yourself you'll approach two more
girls after you've finished your chats with
this girl.

If it's a girl you're on a date with, you can
tell yourself you'll text a few more girls once
this date is over.

If it's a girl you're girlfriends with, you
can remind yourself it'd be fun to be single
again, if it came to that.

There's another thing awareness of this
mentality does for you, too.

Even if you aren't perfectly able to return
to an "I don't need her" mindset, you can still
do your best to MIRROR one.

Once you're aware you need to show her you
don't need her, you will have a rough idea how
you must act to give her that impression.

Note there are two sides to every coin.

If she feels you do not care about her at
ALL, she will go into auto rejection and leave.

She must feel cared about, valued, and

You want her ultimate impression of you to be
"This guy likes me and wants to be with me. But
he also does not NEED me."

This kind of impression drives women CRAZY.

Because most men either don't care about them
at all (and who cares about those guys? They
all have bad taste!) or they are NEEDY.

Rare is the man who digs her without needing

When you are that man, you will stay
attractive to her.

But even more than attractive, you will
command her respect.

Great mindset to have w/ a woman, whether you have known her for 20 seconds or 20 years.

Bro WB

Bro WB, I would love to have great mindset with all women.

Making love with younger syts will make older man heart grew younger too. Like the way you wrote the above post.

I was reading the long passage of the guru several times then I understood to learn what he was trying to say was "just dun be needy and have strong mindset".

When you dun need a woman then you are attractive to her. This message was quite tough to comprehend.

Anyway love to read most of your posts and hope you keep posting.

Have a nice day.

Please enjoy!!

22-02-2018, 09:38 PM
Support very good thread by Bro WB. Hope to read more.

24-02-2018, 06:39 AM
bro WB,

I learned from you in this privilege thread.

1. Guys must practice self-mastery and have greatest emotional strength.
2. Guys must face rejections and not bad thing.
3. Guys must never be needy because needy is ugly.
4. Guys must have abundance mindset and think that there are 200 women waiting to sleep with you.
5. Guys must never fall in love in the r/s.
6. Guys must pratice by approaching 200 gals.

I agreed that some gal just like to sleep around for thrills but we must always look at it that is not a bad thing. Meaning you can dump her and have new gal.

Hope bro can comment above and post more for us.

Hope you had a great CNY too.


Tks for sharing bro!!

24-02-2018, 06:55 AM
Tks for your comments.
Pretty SYTs are easy, older women are easy too.
A real MAN doesn't brag. He doesn't need validation from anyone. Only "little men" do that.
Absolute self mastery is very difficult to achieve.
Quality of girls in SG now? Dismal.
Find chio gals overseas or import them.

Bro WB

Bro WB,

Not easy for any ordinary guys t go overseas to find chio gals and import. Of course here I said not easy but to some of you and your kakis maybe easier. You have the capability to do so and did so many times.

Yes self mastery is important and gals maybe easy.

Keep sharing spirit.!!

24-02-2018, 02:07 PM
Good morning,
I have visited many relationship forums, to search for new strategies, new ideas, and new revelations...

Here is a post from a forum in America. Must be written by a Chinese.

Originally Posted by ZhaoZilong5 View Post

I've always been an honest person. I don't believe in games or hiding things. They're dishonest to me.

With that said, I do believe that everybody subconsciously is always playing the game. My ex thought I was adorable whenever I was nervous, but during the BU, she was completely apathetic to that part about me. I guess that's a weak analogy, but...

I've always been true to my heart. The "I love you's" are always exchanged equally, but the differences were that in all of my relationships, I truly did care. They obviously stopped caring as much, or else they wouldn't be gone. They wouldn't have emotionally checked out of the relationship, cheated on me, entered G.I.G.S., whatever.

I've had my share of girls who were 13 to women at age 50. If anything, older women to me tend to be more jaded past a certain age and illogical with what they want, while the younger ones tend to want to have fun, not know what they want, and make some really stupid, hurtful mistakes.

With that said, the only girls clinging to me are the ones who know I don't give a rat's ass. I then start giving a rat's ass, then after a LTR, the power flips. I care; they stop caring and eventually leave.

Yes, relationships are a game, but so is life. So is war. There are winners and losers. Winners in relationships happen to both be winners. With that said, relationships are all about psychology, and let's face it...much of psychology is a power struggle.

This all comes from personal experience. I have never met a single person who didn't fall out of love with me after they knew that I actually loved them. The only exes that ever tried to come back to me were ones that I completely stopped caring about. The ones that I would be interested in reconciling with don't care about me romantically at all. Maybe I should listen to myself for this past BU LOL.

PUA tactics work on everybody. The reason being that nobody who is single is 100% secure, unless they enjoy being single. If they're single and are wanting a relationship, then they're wanting something that they don't have. Does that already sound familiar? What tends to happen post-BU/G.I.G.S. after a period of NC? Hell, why are people so complacent and neglectful, taking their SOs for granted during the relationship, then freak the hell out after BU? People psychologically want what they don't have.

Ever really wanted something, bought it, then all of a sudden, you don't really care about it as much anymore? That's the angle that almost all PUA/DJ strategies work.

Any comments?

What did Mr Zhao do wrong?
He doesn't behave like the PRIZE and he doesn't hv an abundance mindset. He cares and loves too much.
It's oK for a MAN to like and love a girl a lot. He must have the right mindset though, and let her know that he desires her and wants to care for her, BUT he doesn't need her. Because he is the PRIZE and many prettier girls are lining up for him.

Bro WB

Bro WB

The legend hero Zhao Zilong is a forklore hero because he single-handedly defeated an army and rescue the Prince from death. After that he was a white armour battle hero.

Nothing much about his love life but since he behaves like th epost above then he is doomed.

Anyway to Zhao, his first love is martial arts and how many enemies he killed and not how many farks he gets per night.

Very interesting to go thru and read all your past posts.

Many may not agree or disagree with you but you are hero to many readers here.

Wish you have a great weekend.

24-02-2018, 02:50 PM
Support very good thread by Bro WB. Hope to read more.

Agree with you bro!!

24-02-2018, 03:14 PM
Bro WB,

Not easy for any ordinary guys t go overseas to find chio gals and import. Of course here I said not easy but to some of you and your kakis maybe easier. You have the capability to do so and did so many times.

Yes self mastery is important and gals maybe easy.

Keep sharing spirit.!!

My exact sentiments.

Bro WB, thanks for this wonderful thread.

24-02-2018, 03:41 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB.

Have a nice weekend bro. Cheers

25-02-2018, 07:53 AM
Due to heavy workload and commitments in SG, I may not be able to reply to all the wonderful posts immediately. I shall do my best.
Yeah, all men should aspire to be a PRESTIGIOUS MAN. Self-assured, tough-minded, assertive but easy going, kind and very comfortable in his own skin. And developing a skill that brings value to society...

A prestigious man brings value to society and is a giver. He will leave the world better than he found it.

Bro WB

Bro WB

Thanks for having a great excellent thread here.

After reading so much of your stories and factual posts, I thought you had retired. Seems that you are not from the above post and still very busy.

Care to comment?

Thanks for the comment below.

"I shall do my best.
Yeah, all men should aspire to be a PRESTIGIOUS MAN. Self-assured, tough-minded, assertive but easy going, kind and very comfortable in his own skin. And developing a skill that brings value to society..."

Summary -

Self-assured - confident in one's own abilities or character. Can be assertive too.

Tough-minded - strong, determined, and able to face up to reality.

Assertive - strong, determined, and able to face up to reality.

Easy Going - relaxed and tolerant in approach or manner.

Kind - a group of people or things having similar characteristics.

Very comfortable in his own skin - Displaying a relaxed confidence in and clear understanding of oneself and one's abilities, especially when presenting oneself to or interacting with other people.

From above we can clearly see the point you are trying to make is to say man really has to be easy and tough minded to handle gals.

Hope I get the correct message.

Have a great Sunday.

25-02-2018, 02:58 PM
Bro WB,

Not easy for any ordinary guys t go overseas to find chio gals and import. Of course here I said not easy but to some of you and your kakis maybe easier. You have the capability to do so and did so many times.

Yes self mastery is important and gals maybe easy.

Keep sharing spirit.!!

Agree, keep the sharing spirit!!.

25-02-2018, 04:15 PM
Wishing all here happy weekend!!

Always camping here to support Bro WB.

25-02-2018, 04:29 PM
Wishing all here happy weekend!!

Always camping here to support Bro WB.

Same here as well, always support Bro WB.

26-02-2018, 07:09 AM
Bro, tks.
My taste is about the same.
I hv eliminated my height requirement if the girl is very pretty/cute, has the right body/limb proportions, slim arms/wrists and has other desirable attributes such as sweet voice, sexy gait, good character and frugality...
The shortest girl I hv kept is 160, my yr 96 LP.
BTW, I go to high end joints a few times a month, but I still go to Peace Centre joints 3 times a week, not necessarily for outings, but for look-see which is FOC.

All bros are encouraged to join me for look-see FOC.

If a man believes his girl is special, his previously masculine behaviour changes. He begins to value her and care for her too much. He is now afraid of losing her. He has lost his power and dignity...
It's what every girl/woman consciously wants her man to behave. But, ironically, it's the beginning of the end for the relationship.
The reason? Her subconscious mind or primitive brain will begin to despise his new "less masculine and less dominant" behaviour.


Cheers to everyone!
Bro WB

Bro WB

Thanks for giving us so many insights to your life. Also very kind of you to invite us to join you to look see.

If any gal is 160 then rather tall for a gal. Many Asians women are short and of course they are changing due to the diet.

Fully agreed with you that any guy should not think his gal is special. Losing her will not be a bad thing because if any gal dun love you then no point keeping her.

Not see by the way but have to be done.

Hope Bro WB continue to post more and I shall contribute my part.

Have a nice week.


26-02-2018, 08:12 AM
Excellent sharing by bro WB, hope to read more.

27-02-2018, 07:59 AM
Dear bro,
Thank you so much for your excellent opinion.
All KTV gals and HFJ singers want to make money. Yes, money is a prerequisite for getting their pussies. But, as I hv reiterated in the past, money can only buy many but not all of these pussies, and never their hearts. Actually, spending more money than necessary will backfire. It repels them. Yes, even the gold diggers are repelled, although they will pretend to be lovey dovey w/ the big spenders just to extract more money from them.
I personally know several KTV gals who have refused FJ, no matter how much the customers offer. Of course, these 'jilted suitors' would invariably get very angry and agitated. Some customers in China may resort to threats and physical violence. They are all insecure losers.
Therefore, I hv to disagree w/ you that boatload of money will always get you these pussies.
A very pretty and young KTV gal will meet many patrons and she will get offers of BY from dozens of 'suitors.' Often within a few months. There is intense contest for her pussy. And the man who offers the most money may not get to keep her as his lao po/mistress. Oftentimes, her primitive brain won't allow her.
What kind of man would the 'prettiest girl,' WL or non-WL, choose? No, chase. Such a man is dominant and assertive, not domineering and aggressive. He is also kind and caring. And he is intelligent, ambitious, physically fit n of high status. He brings value to society. He has awesome emotional strength. He is non-reactive, no matter what happens.
IMHO, girls/women who work in the nite scene differ in their degree of greediness. It's a very wide spectrum. On one extreme are the truly narcissistic and psychopathic gold diggers, most common among the successful singers, whom we must avoid. On the other extreme are girls who are smart, kind, honest, frugal and non-greedy. They will never make it as successful singers. They are very rare, but I hv found a few of them.
No, emotional mastery has nothing to do w/ money, except that a man w/ great emotional strength and mastery will do well in all areas of his life, including financial security. Become such a MAN.
Me, successful? It depends on what you mean by successful. I'm far from being such a MAN.
I married my TW wife decades ago, when I was a lowly medical trainee from Gotham City. I spent over 6 months in TW. Why did I marry her? She was one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen. Her dad was a police major.

Tks for your post.
Since August last yr, I hv only kept 3 more LPs. I hv not seen anyone else worth keeping, despite visiting PC joints 2-4 times a week and going to Lido twice a month. I need to take a good look at a girl before I know if she is worth keeping.
There are 5 other gals this yr who hv agreed to BY. But they don't qualify on closer inspection. For various reasons.
The prettiest is a yr 99 SYT (she is 18 yo), but only 160 and her legs are disproportionately short. She was introduced to me by a China lady.
She took a cab to Dynasty to meet me for HH exactly two weeks ago on a Tuesday. She had arrived on tourist pass a week earlier and had been to Lido for SH a few times. She was a cute doll and I French kissed her. I was very sexual w/ her. She could cum depending on how good I am, she said. Her pussy has never been licked before though. She enjoys some popularity on the internet and makes 15-20k rmb a month. She has a sweet voice n the gift of gap. Her demand for BY was very modest. Two days later, I told her I was too busy to BY her at the present time. She was deeply disappointed and returned to China a few days later. When she went to the toilet at Dynasty, a man approached her, trying to book her. She replied that she didn't come to work. We are still friends.

Bro WB

Bro WB

Quite interesting post reply above. Here we are discussing picking up gals that fall into the nite life entertainment sector. These gals are here to make money and milk as much as possible from men who patronized.

Often than not, these working gals are exposed to men who willing to throw money at them for sex. Right that the gals will pick and choose their partners.

So bro WB self-mastery and other skills guide will be useful here.

Any comments?

Also very nice of bro WB to explain his LPs. This show bro WB willing to import the gal and kept here.

Hope to read more and learn more from bros.

Please keep this thread longer.

Have a great working day.


27-02-2018, 08:23 AM
Support a very good thread by bro WB!

28-02-2018, 10:03 AM
Bro WB

Quite interesting post reply above. Here we are discussing picking up gals that fall into the nite life entertainment sector. These gals are here to make money and milk as much as possible from men who patronized.

Often than not, these working gals are exposed to men who willing to throw money at them for sex. Right that the gals will pick and choose their partners.

So bro WB self-mastery and other skills guide will be useful here.

Any comments?

Also very nice of bro WB to explain his LPs. This show bro WB willing to import the gal and kept here.

Hope to read more and learn more from bros.

Please keep this thread longer.

Have a great working day.


Bro, I agree with you.

Stupid to fall in love with working gals.