View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
02-05-2018, 08:34 PM
Bro WB
Ths for sharing ur experience. More details would be greatly appreciated. Did u bonk her FOC?:p
According to some newsletters, if a man can't give his partner COS, she is likely to stray n put his life at risk! Therefore, the ability to give a woman COS is a matter of life n death!!:eek:
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Greetings to all esteemed samsters from Gotham city!
I always ask my BAO-ee when she will get a visit from her big auntie. Two main reasons. Firstly, I want to know when her pussy will not be available. Secondly, a good % of gals r most wet, most eager to hv sex n most easily orgasmic several days before n for a no of days following her ovulation (or shedding of an ovum or egg). Of course there r some gals who r easily orgasmic anytime anywhere, totally unrelated to ovulation.
Regardless of the length of a woman's menstrual cycle, ovulation ALWAYS occurs 14 days before the onset of the next period.
The day before I left for Gotham, I had a session w/ KK. It was fortuitous that she had her ovulation either that very day or the day before. She was dripping wet! She didn't just moan, but had screams of pleasure. She would scream every time I gave her a deep thrust...later even sucking on her nipple would cause her to scream n scream. I got very aroused n sexcited n kept pumping hard, trying to rock her bottom so to speak..for a good 25-30 min. I was sweating profusely, felt my heart racing n reluctantly shot my load. My heart rate was over 160! I literally couldn't stand up for over 5 min.
What is curious is that she doesn't remember her screams. She has denied that in the past as well. 我不叫床不表示我没有高潮, 我非常舒服. 我从来不叫床.
Before the FJ, I gave her a massage. I told her to relax n breathe deeply so that her brain would be in the Alpha state. I then talked to her softly n slowly in 3rd person. You're very relaxed, safe...u love X da ge deeply(me)...X da ge loves u too n will give u intense pleasures u hv never experienced before n will never experience w/ any other will...
These NLP n covert hypnotic techniques can be very powerful in deepening her addiction to me.:D
BTW, I'm learning abt the secret "October Man Method" n will see how effective n powerful it is. I need more practice. KK is merely my 1st guinea pig. GG will be my 2nd. To my way of thinking, it's a matter of life n death, I'll leave no stone unturned...
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
What is "October Man Method" and COS?
I kind of agree with you that woman are usually very horny when their "Big Auntie" coming soon. Usually about 3 days before and during also very horny but very foul mood.
Very happy for you to enjoy so much fun and sex with KK. Your forum above can send a person feeling hot wanted to release.
Knowing when is her Big untie arrival will allow you to plan. Some woman do like to have sex during this period. Only thing is very messy. Safe period to shoot in.
I will be continuing reading this thread and please do post more.
Hope to read more advice and guidance.
Happy day to all.
02-05-2018, 09:29 PM
Bro WB
What is "October Man Method" and COS?
I kind of agree with you that woman are usually very horny when their "Big Auntie" coming soon. Usually about 3 days before and during also very horny but very foul mood.
Very happy for you to enjoy so much fun and sex with KK. Your forum above can send a person feeling hot wanted to release.
Knowing when is her Big untie arrival will allow you to plan. Some woman do like to have sex during this period. Only thing is very messy. Safe period to shoot in.
I will be continuing reading this thread and please do post more.
Hope to read more advice and guidance.
Happy day to all.
I also wondering what is "October Man Method" ?
03-05-2018, 09:57 AM
Best wishes to Bro WB and support great thread.
03-05-2018, 09:58 AM
I also wondering what is "October Man Method" ?
So what is it?
Support Bro WB for fantastic thread.
03-05-2018, 12:41 PM
Support great thread, thanks bro WB.
03-05-2018, 12:43 PM
I also wondering what is "October Man Method" ?
Ya lor, what is it?
Thanks Bro WB for this wonderful thread.
03-05-2018, 01:36 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for a special thread.
I learned the hard way when been nice guy. A nice guy will always been squeezed dry. I knew of friend who lost heavily after been milked dry by the WL he was mesmerized with.
Friend lost his family, lost his job, lost all his money and then borrowed heavily after been with a PRC mm for a year.
I was totally shocked that I quit going out to ktv.
Luckily I survived and involved in P4P only from then on.
Have been reading your thread for quite a few days.
Wish this thread continue as long as possible.
Thanks for sharing.
Tks so much.
A man should be kind and caring to his women, but he must keep his power in the relationship and be willing to walk away from any one of them.
Bro WB
What a auspicious day.
Many secrets were exposed by social media. Some of the gals were daring enough to pose many sex appealing photos and some explicit sex act with former partners.
I have never trusted social media and never use my real details when log in. The truth about delete is not really deleted. Some where in the world there will be a copy which not deleted.
I really enjoyed reading all the great forums posted here.
Hope to read faster and complete the thread soon. May need to burn some overnight. I hope to start dating more gals soon.
Have a nice weekend coming up.
Tks for your post.
Bro WB
Thanks for starting this great thread.
I was following the thread and reading more than commenting.
"Play hard to get" is very good tactics. This technique once perfected will definitely have plenty of success.
Below is a long post and amazing facts.
Many of them will be used later
- bad boy
- fun and exciting to be around
The above will guaranteed to be main focus in later part of your thread.
Please to read more and will try to comment is any.
Hope bro WB can advise me.
Have a great weekend.
It's not just being hard to get. A man must believe he has more social n sexual value than his girl, otherwise, she won't stay attracted to him.
Bro WB
Thanks for the nice thread. It is really amazing to read the above post.
Not only we can learn about bao-ing gals but alos learned about property market. if I knew this thread in 2009 then I will not buy any property then.
As for gals, I often go to only one ktv to pickup the best choice gals. Mummy always give me her best top choice gals because I often tipped mummy very well.
There was a gal that I like very much and she gave me very nice service and sex. We kept together for 2 years and she left for home because her father.
Hope to learn pickup more tips here.
Hope bro enjoy a nice weekend.
Thanks for your comments.
This I fully agreed with above.
I also vote this as best thread in sammyboy.
Dear Bro WB
I am so happy to read so many nice interesting points in this thread.
I agreed that many of us knew that PRC is big and heavily populated. Plenty of incidents such as incest, rape, pedophile, etc.
Best don't ask about past because the past is immaterial and not important. You already owned her pussy now and whatever she told you can you trust her.
My experience with this WL was she told me just her village so many things happening and so messy. This gal was fucking at least a few men and her mother was also having plenty of guys.The relationship was so messy.
We knew in the past dynasty the women are not treated equally and were been sexed by their masters and so on.
I hope my comment is fair and factual. Not to hurt anyone feelings.
Hope all guys have a good party tonight as eve of Labour Day.
You make my day!!
This thread needs more input from bros like you.
Bro WB
What is "October Man Method" and COS?
I kind of agree with you that woman are usually very horny when their "Big Auntie" coming soon. Usually about 3 days before and during also very horny but very foul mood.
Very happy for you to enjoy so much fun and sex with KK. Your forum above can send a person feeling hot wanted to release.
Knowing when is her Big untie arrival will allow you to plan. Some woman do like to have sex during this period. Only thing is very messy. Safe period to shoot in.
I will be continuing reading this thread and please do post more.
Hope to read more advice and guidance.
Happy day to all.
The so-called October Man Method is a "mind fuck" method to get women emotionally addicted to you. Google it. It will work only if you hv very good emotional mastery and a strong masculine mental frame.
Another auspicious day!!
Again, I like to express my sincere thanks to all samsters for your support. I hv learned so much from all of you!
Many bros hv quoted my posts from 8 years ago. I was basically a newbie and an armchair general then. I believe I hv improved...
Like they say, it's not where you start, it's where you finish that counts.
Bro WB
03-05-2018, 03:12 PM
No, KK will not be vindictive if n when I say goodbye prematurely, a little sad n flustered yes, but she will get over it quickly. She is very resilient, goal-oriented n determined for such a teenage gal. I'm always very upfront n brutally honest w/ her. No deception. She wants me to keep her for her entire stay here in SIN, in return she will never work n be 100% faithful. I say OK, if she abides by the agreement n if I'm not disappointed w/ her for whatever reason...
The real danger is for me to lose control over my heart or ego or fall for her. I dun see that happening at this time, despite the fact that no one has treated me better or cared more abt my health n well-being than she. Yes, I'm fond of her n do hv some KC for her, but I'm not addicted to her nor her pussy.
I'm in complete control n I hv allowed myself some KC, firstly, to add to my sexcitement n fun n, secondly, to make her fall for me.;)
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for your strong thread.
Why should KK showed any vindictive? You had already taken good care of her and so why is there a negative respond?
It is good that you can control your emotions well. The game ended once you fell in love.
I spoke w/ the one n only Mr. Austin yesterday n learned more abt his unique methods w/ WLs. Amazing! He uses push-pull n connect-disconnect strategies n give them intense, gut-wrenching emotions to make them fall for him.:D
Some gurus advocate a more gentle n subtle approach. I'm hooked on covert hypnosis which I'm still learning. I did use a very crude form on KK on my last session w/ her.
A gal is most susceptible to covert hypnosis under 2 conditions. First, when she is very relaxed n feels very safe, in her Alpha state. Second, when she is in COS n having screams of pleasure. The day before I left for Gotham City, when she was in COS, I would whisper in her ears: You love X da ge (me) very much, X da ge also loves u very much...u r 100% faithful to X da ge, etc. You get the idea.
The single most important determinant of success w/ any methods is ur degree of confidence n ur inner game or mindset. What ur SUBCONSCIOUS MIND can conceive n believe, you can achieve. The trick is to convince ur subconscious mind n the easiest way to do so is by autosuggestion, NLP, meditation n self hypnosis. For that u must practice daily...forever. This is applicable in ALL areas of life.
I'll be a completely different person when I return in May.;)
Bro WB
Bro WB
To win a gal heart you need to care less and never fall in love.
Of course you also need to understand her and take care of her.
Man have the abundance mindset and emotional mastery to win.
We also must remain compose and dominant mindset.
Hope to learn more from the experts here. So keep the posts coming.
Happy days to everyone.
03-05-2018, 04:02 PM
Great thread by bro WB.
Have a nice day.
Cheers :)
04-05-2018, 12:54 PM
Why do i always hunt for angpais?'s the mental warfare that excites more than the SEX
Sex is something that's very over rated, and when is it difficult to get the meat if you got the $$$ to throw?
What are angpais?
They are women that men adore, bow to, give in to, allow to walked all over from and willingly be totally submissive to these women....aka DOGS!
We who cheong have seen these all the times.
How many wished they had the angpais but how many actually dare walk into that battlefield and actually go all out for like wat warbird say, total domination of heart, body & soul.
These women have been so pampered for so long, trust me, they too have become arrogant.
For a very long time, they've not met authority.
The whole ploy of the game is actually very simple...for me that is.....
at bro warbirds special request, i'll try my best to share.
Do note that as bros who knows me know, i only go for singers, everything else is childs play........
When I go to a joint, the 1st time that is, i'll sit in the hall and watch all the singers.......
This is the recce session
Whether she has a BF or not, honestly, I dun give a rats ass.......cos its fairplay for everyone...and like we always know, the highest bidder wins.......
1st session will always zero to 4 targets
I will usually bomb all 4 on nite 1
after session 1, i wont even exchange phone numbers but i'll wait for them to make an effort to try to get mine
This allows you to know who's desperate & who's not
This allows you to them segregate them into categories:
The challenging type
The easy kill type
The desperate type
The easy and desperate type, will always be at arms length, cos you'll know they'll do ANYTHING to be you chick...for obvious reasons
But then, where's the fun?
If i wanted just pussy, i would have gone to GL,health centers or TNs and they've got tons and tons for me to choose from........
The Challenging type:
These are the Alpha's of the nite scene.
They know their attributes and DO NOT display any lack of confidence.
Everywhere they walk, men turn to stare and salivate.........
Because of this, you must follow the following:
Make an impression
Never show that you're a push over
Never show that you're desperate for her
Never lie to get your way, try to be as humble as possible
Carry yourself confidently
Do everything you say
Do not boast
Be a gentleman and dun go about trying to grab her at any opportunity
keep your hands to yourself
Speak wif lots of confidence and give her an impression that you mean business
Do alot of indirect conversations to give her the feeling that you're a very seasoned player
Make sure you have dogs in the same joint who'll do sales for you when you're not around
Bring her out for suppers...lunches etc but at no time, try to take advantage of her.......
Y????? Simple, cos she's expecting that from you....cos we're still men & she knows she's hot stuff....this will keep her guessing and wondering why this fella havent attack my meat yet?
No doubt they're ghosts, treat them as humans, but at all times remember, to defeat them, you gotta think and understand their every move and wat to anticipate and how to react and how to set traps for them to fall into........
Do not be too eager to please her, everything you do, must be platonic, do not promise her anything, just maintain that distance yet keep close, soon, you'll start to earn her respect!
Once you feel that she's very comfortable wif you, and feel totally at ease wif you, she'll let her guard down, that's wen you go for the kill.
Start wif a gentle peck on her lips and see her reaction...if there's none, tongue fight begins...if still no resistance, off to bonk! Confirm no Resistance.
This is also the most tiring part for men.
We men are insensitive creatures, we just wanna get a hard on, fuck release and game over. Most if not all of us are guilty of this.
This is also wat women hate most about us.
Now turn the tables.......
The 1st time in the room, do not even ever insert you dicky into her, instead use your tongue and finger and keep her getting many many orgasms till you see her shivering like in convulsion...this can usually take almost an hour of more till she has a sore pussy....but damage is already done, cos she'll be in 7th heaven all thanks to your hard work! Trust me, she'll be addicted to you already. After that, go back or just hug her and've achieved wat you set out to do liao.......
As time progresses, you MUST remember all the little details that has happened all these while, cos from there, you'll know how many truths or lies she's been feeding you.
On the day the word love is exposed, this is where the ULTIMATE MINDFUCKING will begin.
Why? Cos she's totally into you by then.
Drop the bomb on her and tell her all the pieces of info that she has leaked and challenge her on her integrity, sincerity and morality.......these PRCs always want face, thus use these to corner her into submission.
Most often than not, they'll end up freaking and want to leave.......
This is when you switch mode and go soft.....saying things like lao puo i love you this and that, i am not asking you for anything, i am just asking you to be fair to said you love me, but where is the love?????? Appear very sad and disappointed, remember, she's already into you & chances are, she'll breakdown cos of guilt!
After this incident, cuddle, dun FUCK, just cuddle to relieve the tension from the earlier battle.
Next few days, on & off, stir her emotions.....yes, she has fallen for you but you must be in control. Soon she'll not be able to take it and just wanna call it quits.
By this time, $$$$ is already secondary to them liao cos they've been KC trapped so deeply, even walking out will be painful for them.
This is when you back down and start being apologetic & for the next few days of weeks, be the most forgiving and understanding mother fucker on this planet......this will engulf her even deeper in your KC trap
Soon, you wont even need to invest a single cent, cos she'll know how to sucker some loosers for it and then, you'll be having free fucks, free meals, free cigarettes free hotel stays, free holidays and gifts.......
Carry on this charade for as long as you desire but always be alert for he little lies or mistakes she does.
When you've decided you had your fun and wanna move on, wait for the rite moment she fucks up again & throw another bomb at her.
This will be the ULTIMATE one cos you can justify everything and she cant defend shit.
In the end, she can only blame herself for all the shit she screwed up on and you'll be laughing to the next WLs bed..............
Well, Warbird, I've revealed alot here but like wat was said, it's easier said than done.
Good luck folks.........
Now me goes sleep!
Have a good weekend everyone
Hi Mr. Austin,
I'm very thankful to u for accepting my invitation to post some of ur mind game n strategies of playing singers here, n for honoring that acceptance by promptly posting it, despite ur very busy schedule.
What a revelation!:)
As I said before, ur MO is original n unique, although the general principles r universal: Being dominant, unemotional, playing hard to get, using connect-disconnect n push-pull tactics, displaying the attractive traits of both bad boy n a mature gentleman, evoking strong emotional experiences n, last but not least, the ability to give women intense multiple orgasms (or even better, COS). The most important determinant of ur success is of course ur Inner Game or Mindset. And then there is ur Outer Game...
You're a consummate player!!
You hv the mojo of a Mr. Austin Powers, the cunning military strategies of a Sun Zi, the profound understanding of female psychology of a Sigmund Freud n the wherewithal of a successful towkay, hehehe.:p
Like u say, getting pussies n sex is too easy. The real challenge is total domination of a woman's body, heart n soul, especially of Ang Pais.:cool: I couldn't agree w/ u more.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I was reading this thread and came across reading bro Austin great forum above.
What a well though strategy and definitely full of thrills. Of course can be full of tribulations too.
Wonder how many men have the time, resources and patience to do what he was doing.
For sure, I have not capabilities to do so. Simply it will need plenty of time to reply text msgs, money to meet the gers and so on.
Agreed with your comment that bro Austin was a consummate player!!
Simply unbelievable and also irresistible!!
I do agreed with many brothers here that this thread voted best thread and keep it going for another decade.
Hope bro WB enjoy your weekend.
04-05-2018, 02:30 PM
Another auspicious day!!
Again, I like to express my sincere thanks to all samsters for your support. I hv learned so much from all of you!
Many bros hv quoted my posts from 8 years ago. I was basically a newbie and an armchair general then. I believe I hv improved...
Like they say, it's not where you start, it's where you finish that counts.
Bro WB
You most welcome bro WB.
04-05-2018, 08:22 PM
Bro WB
I was reading this thread and came across reading bro Austin great forum above.
What a well though strategy and definitely full of thrills. Of course can be full of tribulations too.
Wonder how many men have the time, resources and patience to do what he was doing.
For sure, I have not capabilities to do so. Simply it will need plenty of time to reply text msgs, money to meet the gers and so on.
Agreed with your comment that bro Austin was a consummate player!!
Simply unbelievable and also irresistible!!
I do agreed with many brothers here that this thread voted best thread and keep it going for another decade.
Hope bro WB enjoy your weekend.
Voted best thread in sbf too.
Thanks bro WB!
05-05-2018, 02:19 PM
Good morning to all samsters!
Many gurus hv discussed the Holy Grail of attraction: What really makes a female want u (sexually). It applies to both WLs n non-WLs. I'll summarize what a guru has emailed me in the last few days. It's painfully obvious that most men r still clueless.
What behaviors n attributes in YOU that are known to make the women that YOU DESIRE MOST want you? There is a big difference between LIKING and WANTING you.
A woman may like u, and still not be SEXUALLY ATTRACTED to u. She may like u if u behave like a nice guy or carrot head, praise her, suck up to her, buy stuff for her, never say no to her, dare not confront her...u get the picture.
If u feel u must do everything for a woman just to have her, she will SENSE IT and be repelled. If she is a KTV gal, u can buy her pussy, but never her attraction for u or her heart. If u become too needy n desperate, even a WL will run away from u!
So how do u make a woman want u?
Is it looks?
Is it wealth?
Is it confidence?
Is it power?
All those things are part of it, but they're not THE SINGLE most important attribute.
Think about it...
What's the one thing she HAS to have?
Here goes: the MOST important thing that a woman needs in order to WANT YOU is ...
... that you are a REAL MAN.
Women are attracted to MEN, plain and simple.
A MAN is someone who's different from her in every way.
A MAN is someone who has integrity, knows who he is, and knows where he's going.
A MAN is someone that a woman can trust to guide her and lead her into a great future.
A MAN is someone who has the strength to let her be her most feminine self without ever making her feel that SHE'S the one who's going to have to 'carry' them both. Who supports her EMOTIONALLY, not just MATERIALLY. Who validates HER instead of looking TO her for validation.
It's about letting her know, tacitly, that YOU are DOMINANT, always in control, that you are someone she can RELY on, and that you can 'handle it', whatever 'it' is.
This is something that a lot of "modern men" struggle with. They're AFRAID to be 'men' because they don't want to SCARE anybody (like women). They're scared to just be a man and be OK with it.
By trying to be less assertive, aggressive n masculine,, they've actually
NEUTERED themselves in terms of ATTRACTION!!
This is why so many women seem to prefer 'jerks'. Not because they actually WANT a 'jerk',
but because, when faced with a choice between a 'sensitive new-age guy' and a JERK, they'd rather pick the jerk ... because at least HE knows how to be a MAN.
(Sadly for many women, they literally are
unaware that there is a middle ground here - that
great men do exist who are neither SNAGs nor
jerks, who are EXCELLENT men who also know how to
BE MEN. This is why 'jerks' have such a 'cachet' for
many women ... because they literally don't know of
anything else that's out there that's still
capable of being a man. Fortunately for these
women, you will be able to convey this quality to
them soon.)
When you suppress your masculinity in order for women to 'be OK' with you, you actually just
guaranteed that a woman's going to feel NOTHING around you.
Not aroused. NOTHING.
Many "modern men" have LOST the ability to be men ... and, in the process, they've lost what it takes to attract women.
But u r not resigned to being the guy you are now for always. You can change!
Tip #1: Get passionate about something other than women.
There's nothing less attractive than a guy who's OK with 'settling' for a life that he's not
If you are living your life without energy and enthusiasm, then you are going to find it
difficult to EVER get a really excellent woman interested in you.
Tip #2: Don't give when u don't WANT to give.
Some guys find it too easy to become a 'yes-man'. You know - the guy who agrees to do
things, give things, and say things when he doesn't really want to and he doesn't really mean
For example: the kind of guy who'll agree with a woman, EVEN WHEN he doesn't ACTUALLY agree, just so she'll 'like him more'.
Or the kind of guy who'll inconvenience himself
massively for a woman because he's afraid that, if
he doesn't, he'll 'lose his chance'.
Here's the truth: it is THAT VERY ATTITUDE that will 'lose you your chance', because a great woman will not stay attracted to someone who's so petrified of 'losing her' that he can't even bring himself to be authentic.
Tip #3: Get validation from something in your life other than women.
If you are relying on success with females to validate u and make u feel worthwhile, then
your satisfaction with ur life and ur sense of confidence as a man is forever going to be
ephemeral and linked to external events that are, BY THEIR VERY NATURE, constantly shifting.
As a result, you'll put way too much emphasis on the outcome of ANY situation with a woman.
This is where 'creating and living a GREAT life' comes in. When u have a full life that
interests u and from which u derive pleasure, suddenly 'women' are NOT SUCH A BIG DEAL. That's not to say that u dun WANT a woman ... but u no longer NEED ONE in order to feel 'normal'.
And as a result, women everywhere sense ur innate control and ability to create
SELF-SATISFACTION, and will immediately start showing up in ur life.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Wish you a have great weekend.
Holy grail in pickup gal meaning owning her pussy.
The above post was valuable lesson.
Why gal always love jerk? The reason simply because her mind can only process one thing and that;s fun and great sex.
Gal usually are pretty dumb in terms of love and often choose the wrong guy. Also they will not care if the guy love her because all she wanted was having great sex.
Hope what I commented above makes sense? Any rebuttal?
Thanks for the lovely thread.
May the FORCE be with us guys!!
05-05-2018, 04:33 PM
Very good thread here, thanks to Bro WB. Hope to learn more.
06-05-2018, 12:03 PM
Hi bro besafe
If the married PRC has tasted the intense, mind-blowing pleasure of COS from u, she will not let u go so easily. Bro, you're in big trouble!!;)
Just call CD n book her for the nite (she may decline bcos u r a total stranger). Take her to K-Box or Dragonfly...
I couldn't, or rather didn't want to, give her COS...
Unfortunately, I'm in Gotham n hv no new gals to report. See my updates below.
Bro WB
Hi Bro Warbird
I agreed wholeheartedly that if you give PRC mind-blowing pleasure of COS then you will be hooked for long time and not easy to be released.
Anyway is all the enjoyment.
My former BAO-ee GG has accepted my offer to take care of her. But her previous application for a work permit was rejected. She wants to come in May but is worried that her application for visit pass may fall thru.
Some of my frens n a few bros hv seen GG. She is the only gal that my young wingman n I both like. Compared w/ KK, she is older at 21 (born 1988), almost as tall (169) n fair, but has much smaller boobs (B) n her shoulders n arms, though quite slender, r not as slim as KK's. Most importantly, her pussy is also very pink n beautiful. Nice ass. It was fortuitous that I made a great 1st impression bcos her ovulation came the day before I consummated the deal. She had intense orgasms...I still remember her screams n screams of pleasure when I licked her cunt. Unfortunately, I was ignorant at the time n didn't persist long enuff nor fxk her long enuff to give her COS. I'll get my 2nd chance.
BTW, GG is quite shy n very submissive. Last but not least, she has a Fujian accent! Just spoke w/ her. Same nice voice. She is a certified beautician but currently is idle at home near Fuzhou.
As for KK, I can sense that she is falling for me. In my entire life, no one has treated me better or cared more abt my health n well being as she. And no one has repeatedly say "I miss u, I love u" in person, by phone, by email n text msg...I guess this is mutual as she wrote that: ...我长这么大还没有遇到你对我这么好的人,多谢你,希望你快快回来,我等着你.:p
My attempts to get her to go out using my 2nd ID has completely failed. She has not even replied to any of my text msg.
BTW, moolah is a must to BY-ing these PRC gals. I'm counting on continuation of my lucky streak...n next 30-40 days could be make or break for me as one of my start up investments will either be a big win or big loss. Since meeting KK on 6 Jan, my fortune has been very good n my odds of winning on my crucial investment are at least 9 to 1, hehehe. If it turns out to be a big loss, I may hv to drive taxi for the rest of my life...
Bro WB
HI Bro Warbird,
I am impressed with your BYing all these girls and esp KK. I have learn a lot from your posts but I am not convicted that it is not your money that these girls are after. I can empathise with these girls' plight in coming here.
It is only when you are truly broke and have to drive a taxi for the rest of your life that you know the truth about your love and your skills in attracting all these girls. So it might be a blessing in disguse either way your investment goes. I hope you will continue to update us about your life with KK or any other girls whatever happens to your investments. Thanks for sharing.
06-05-2018, 02:11 PM
Awesome thread here. Hoping to read more.
07-05-2018, 09:09 AM
Support Bro WB for marvelous thread.
07-05-2018, 09:16 AM
Excellent thread by bro WB.
Have a good week ahead.
07-05-2018, 01:13 PM
Bro, your forum below is most honest and right on the money.
Your thread already made my day looks brighter.
Your insights to the PRC gals were commendable.
While they are here to work and earn money, they of course will seek to enjoy the finest fruits of labour. Even if they want sex, they will select those who are young and energetic to pleasure them.
Nothing wrong to get pampered while earning money along the way.
Gifts such as jewelleries and expensive smart phone were the norm.
The PRC gals knew nothing is long-term and so for short term everything is on the negotiating table.
Bro WB views and forums bore the truth and downright honest about their lives in our little red dot.
What really happens were anyone guess and often opens to the highest bidder.
Bro WB, thank you for your thread and all your lovely forums.
My wish is that more experts to contribute in this thread.
May you bless with good health and longevity.
Hi bro Singland,
Ths for ur post n ur insightful comments.
All PRC gals/women who come to SIN to work at KTVs hv only one goal in mind: To make as much money ASAP. Many of them were whores back in PRC n most r very cunning, duplicitous, mercenary, materialistic n crass, even vulgar, but there r exceptions of course.
Yes, when these gals agreed to be BY-ed by a lao ah pek like me, it was primarily for the money. But it's more complex than that. For one thing, it takes more than money to BY n keep a gal. A modicum of social n negotiating skills r essential...
There r a few things to consider:
1) Why was I rejected 100% a yr ago? Why did I take 8 1/2 months to bed my 1st BAO-ee XW? (I hv chronicled my saga w/ her in various threads for over a yr). Why was I rejected when I offered 25K a month for a Fujian gal who now appears quite ordinary to me?:(
2) Why hv I been much more successful lately, although offering only the going rates, in BY-ing gals who r MY peculiar type n who r the most desirable to ME personally, among ALL the gals I hv seen in SIN?;)
The reason is simple. Though an ah pek, I was an inexperienced wussy "nice guy" who was desperate n needy a yr ago n who thought every pussy was somehow SPECIAL, whereas now I'm a MAN who has the "abundance mindset" n who plays hard to get.
About 2 wks into our RS, I asked KK if there were much younger n better looking men who offered to take care of her. She said yes, but she told them she had arms n legs n could take care of herself. Then why did u want me to BY u, I asked. She said, I knew u r the type of MAN who could n would take good care of me. After I showed my initial interest, she was the one who actively pursued me to BY her!
Of course all my BAO-ees r after my money, at least initially, but a few want more than money. KK wants n needs me to fill her 2 other voids: The void in her pussy n the void in her mind/emotions.
Does KK really love me? It depends on the definition of love. There r at least 3 types of "love."
1) Emotional attachment or bonding in a longer-term RS.
2) Romantic love
3) Sexual love (or lust)
There r a lot of overlap in all 3 types which share similar underlying neuro-mechanisms n neurotransmitters, including oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins, etc. n r considered forms of addiction.
KK is now emotionally attached n addicted to me. Using my new-found techniques of conversational n covert hypnosis combined w/ giving her regular one-hr-long COS, I'll greatly intensify her addiction n make her fall deeply for me, over the next couple of months.
What will happen if my crucial investment turn out to be a big loss? Let's see. Assuming that that I also lose all my other investments n everything else n hv to drive a taxi (actually I could return to my previous occupation on a part-time basis n make a pretty decent living), so what? I'm a MAN n shall make a comeback very soon n go on to new heights n live a fuller life. A blessing in disguise! KK is smart enuff to know this n she will stick w/ me. She may hv to work a few months at TAM or DC Complex, ya. The question is: How long do I want to keep her? Very soon I'll meet younger gals who r more desirable (to ME) n will BY them.
Let me share two of my new mantras w/ all samsters:
1) Chio pussies r like nonya kueh, eat all u want, the world will just make more!:D
2) To give COS to a woman, make love to her mind, emotions n body!:D
Bro WB
07-05-2018, 07:24 PM
Well said, fully agreed.
Hoping for more.
Bro, your forum below is most honest and right on the money.
Your thread already made my day looks brighter.
Your insights to the PRC gals were commendable.
While they are here to work and earn money, they of course will seek to enjoy the finest fruits of labour. Even if they want sex, they will select those who are young and energetic to pleasure them.
Nothing wrong to get pampered while earning money along the way.
Gifts such as jewelleries and expensive smart phone were the norm.
The PRC gals knew nothing is long-term and so for short term everything is on the negotiating table.
Bro WB views and forums bore the truth and downright honest about their lives in our little red dot.
What really happens were anyone guess and often opens to the highest bidder.
Bro WB, thank you for your thread and all your lovely forums.
My wish is that more experts to contribute in this thread.
May you bless with good health and longevity.
08-05-2018, 11:37 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for your strong thread.
Why should KK showed any vindictive? You had already taken good care of her and so why is there a negative respond?
It is good that you can control your emotions well. The game ended once you fell in love.
Bro WB
To win a gal heart you need to care less and never fall in love.
Of course you also need to understand her and take care of her.
Man have the abundance mindset and emotional mastery to win.
We also must remain compose and dominant mindset.
Hope to learn more from the experts here. So keep the posts coming.
Happy days to everyone.
Bro, tks.
If you dump a gal and she becomes very angry, even vindictive; she has bad character. If she is sad but wishes you the best, she has good character.
Choose your girl wisely.
Bro WB
I was reading this thread and came across reading bro Austin great forum above.
What a well though strategy and definitely full of thrills. Of course can be full of tribulations too.
Wonder how many men have the time, resources and patience to do what he was doing.
For sure, I have not capabilities to do so. Simply it will need plenty of time to reply text msgs, money to meet the gers and so on.
Agreed with your comment that bro Austin was a consummate player!!
Simply unbelievable and also irresistible!!
I do agreed with many brothers here that this thread voted best thread and keep it going for another decade.
Hope bro WB enjoy your weekend.
Thanks for your post.
Bro Austin was a flower king. He immigrated to Australia 5 years ago for personal reasons.
Don't forget that "All roads lead to Rome." There are many ways to achieve the same result. Develop your own. You may need surprisingly little money...
Bro WB
Wish you a have great weekend.
Holy grail in pickup gal meaning owning her pussy.
The above post was valuable lesson.
Why gal always love jerk? The reason simply because her mind can only process one thing and that;s fun and great sex.
Gal usually are pretty dumb in terms of love and often choose the wrong guy. Also they will not care if the guy love her because all she wanted was having great sex.
Hope what I commented above makes sense? Any rebuttal?
Thanks for the lovely thread.
May the FORCE be with us guys!!
Thanks for your post.
There is a better alternative to being a jerk. Become a prestigious man.
Hi Bro Warbird
I agreed wholeheartedly that if you give PRC mind-blowing pleasure of COS then you will be hooked for long time and not easy to be released.
Anyway is all the enjoyment.
Bro, tks.
Actually, I hv just realized that Taoist sex is superior. Prolonged pleasure and much more emotional and physical bonding. More oxytocin and less profound dopamine surges.
HI Bro Warbird,
I am impressed with your BYing all these girls and esp KK. I have learn a lot from your posts but I am not convicted that it is not your money that these girls are after. I can empathise with these girls' plight in coming here.
It is only when you are truly broke and have to drive a taxi for the rest of your life that you know the truth about your love and your skills in attracting all these girls. So it might be a blessing in disguse either way your investment goes. I hope you will continue to update us about your life with KK or any other girls whatever happens to your investments. Thanks for sharing.
Bro, tks.
You're right. I was a newbie then. I last saw KK in 2013, she was fat and ugly.
Bro, your forum below is most honest and right on the money.
Your thread already made my day looks brighter.
Your insights to the PRC gals were commendable.
While they are here to work and earn money, they of course will seek to enjoy the finest fruits of labour. Even if they want sex, they will select those who are young and energetic to pleasure them.
Nothing wrong to get pampered while earning money along the way.
Gifts such as jewelleries and expensive smart phone were the norm.
The PRC gals knew nothing is long-term and so for short term everything is on the negotiating table.
Bro WB views and forums bore the truth and downright honest about their lives in our little red dot.
What really happens were anyone guess and often opens to the highest bidder.
Bro WB, thank you for your thread and all your lovely forums.
My wish is that more experts to contribute in this thread.
May you bless with good health and longevity.
Bro, tks.
You make my day!
I consummated my relationship w/ TY last wk. She is very sexually responsive for an 18 yo girl. Though still very shy in bed. She is the closest to my type I hv seen since I met the yr 97 Hunan gal in Dec 2015.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
08-05-2018, 11:43 AM
Good morning to all samsters!
I'm back in SG.
I'm inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints:
First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a very light drinker, and 2) willing to smoke outside the room.
Second-hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty dolls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.
The two types of joints I go most often:
1) HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9:00pm.
Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.
I do go to SH at these joints occasionally. SH booking at Dynasty is now $300, BUT you could always negotiate and many gals will accept $200. Still $200 at China Doll and Jade.
There is a cheap alternative for HH and SH too. Just go and sit in the hall at these joints. I can book a gal or get gals to butterfly or get a singer to sit w/ you. How could you lose?
2) SH at P8 n Lido or other high-end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.
Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking starting at $300. Some gals may want $500! But biz is bad n you can always negotiate. I hv balance n expense per pax is as low as $70!
I do go to other joints infrequently. I'm open to suggestions.
There is a plan B which is FOC. Just touring the PC joints and looking at every gal. Get ctc of the gals you like for follow up. Bros are welcomed to join me.
For SH, I usually leave early n I don't drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?
For high-end joints, I like to keep a new bottle for as long as possible. Sometimes many months! I tip the mummy generously, n in return, she will get the room charge reduced to a token. It's a win-win-win-win situation. Obviously good for us, the mummies n the gals. It's also good for the joints. Why? More customers beget more attractive gals which in turn beget more customers...
Peace Centre joints hv the most number of dolls for viewing at HH. Whereas prettier dolls may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though.
PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your interest, option 1 or 2, Plan B or all three.
Bro WB
Yesterday, I received an email from a FEMALE "seduction n sex guru" n I like to share wat she wrote:
"...........................The antidote to any kind of tendency towards
approval-seeking, of course, is to STOP relying on
WOMEN to make you feel good about yourself. They
will sense that you're trying to 'use' them for
something, and they'll resent it.
You, on the other hand, will never be able to
get 'enough' of what you're looking for, meaning
that you'll always be walking around with a big
hole in your emotional guts looking for someone to
plug it for you. Not the most satisfying way to go
through life.
How about this: not trying to 'generalize'
about women, or group them into a gender-based
clump and assigning them all across-the-board
characteristics ('I need to get X from women'),
but instead, looking at them as HUMAN BEINGS ...
... and not only that, but INDIVIDUALS.
Individuals who don't appreciate being used as
tools - and furthermore, who will never be
inclined to give you ANYTHING if you seem as
though you 'need' it from them.
If you tend to be insecure or needy around
women, then take it from me, that's an inherent
part of your personality. It's not going to go
away once you get 'enough' of something, because
you'll never be able to GET enough.
If you want to get that part of yourself taken
care of, you need to look WITHIN YOURSELF and your
own life to do what needs to be done.
Figure out what you're feeling bad or uncertain
about, and then take steps to implement a solution
into your life. Look at that 'bad' feeling as a
MOTIVATION, or a jump-off point, for you to
develop yourself further into a more high-quality
and all-round desirable human being............................................. ...."
Good points to ponder...
I hv been improving myself, every hr, every day, in every way...wat more could I do?
Well, I can never get enuff pussies of my type, not necessarily bcos of any inherent personality defect, at least not now, but bcos of my very strong libido n virility. I'm not apologetic or ashamed of my manly sexuality, even at my advanced age.:D
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks for the nice post above.
Definitely good points to ponder above. Me too trying to improve myself daily.
Never be needy and insecure because woman will feel that man is weak.
Really astonishing to learn that at your age you are still able to have sex regularly with strong libido. Really admired you for that sex prowess.
I knew that having young syts will make you achieve better sex.
So I hope bro keep on improving yourself and don't forget to post more here.
Hoping to read more and conment whenever I could.
Please do enjoy yourself and be happy.
08-05-2018, 09:02 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for the nice post above.
Definitely good points to ponder above. Me too trying to improve myself daily.
Never be needy and insecure because woman will feel that man is weak.
Really astonishing to learn that at your age you are still able to have sex regularly with strong libido. Really admired you for that sex prowess.
I knew that having young syts will make you achieve better sex.
So I hope bro keep on improving yourself and don't forget to post more here.
Hoping to read more and conment whenever I could.
Please do enjoy yourself and be happy.
Me also trying to improve myself daily.
Thanks Bro WB for this great thread.
09-05-2018, 11:41 AM
I like to give my FR on the power of meditation n hypnosis.
The other day a most esteemed bro called me n the topic of KC came up. If u think abt a gal often, u hv been KC-ed. he said. He was RIGHT. I guess I hv been KC-ed by a no of gals at the same time. I think of KK n GG often n many others, including some gals I hv dumped. Especially Xiao Xue who agreed to be BAO-ed but was sent back to China before consummation of the BY n also couple of gals whom I rejected in Macau, China, etc.
After 3 days of meditation, my KC for KK is reduced to zero n now I associate her w/ negativity as much as w/ positivity. I may still meet up w/ her on my return but may not keep her for much longer. Whether I achieve my mission or not is unimportant. I dun care two hoot whatever happens to her, ya.
For bros who hv been KC-ed by someone deemed undesirable for whatever reason, pls try meditation. Dun know how to do meditation? Just google it n go from there. It's very simple. Just do it.
I hv made slow but steady progress in the game of BY since I 1st stepped inside a KTV in Sep of 08. I'm working hard every hr, every day, in every way...
"It's not where or how you start, it's where and how you finish that counts."
However, let me remind you that the most crucial factor is to be your True Self. You may pursue all the outer goals including money, status, fame n the prettiest pussies, etc, but they are all ephemeral n meaningless, n w/o being ur True Self, you will be very disappointed, empty n unhappy.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Meditation is a powerful tool to relieve yourself and summon your internal chi. Many leaders will meditate daily.
"It's not where or how you start, it's where and how you finish that counts."
The above sentence makes typical cow sense.
I had enjoyed reading all your posts thus far and enjoying every minute of it. I also learned plenty of tips. Just a matter of applying the tips.
Will go out to approach many gals to try out most tips.
Incredible to note of your BY KK and how much she love you. Care to explain why you don't want to keep her longer.
Will like to contribute my forums here soon.
09-05-2018, 12:01 PM
Nice thread. Hope to read more.
09-05-2018, 05:37 PM
Bro WB
Meditation is a powerful tool to relieve yourself and summon your internal chi. Many leaders will meditate daily.
"It's not where or how you start, it's where and how you finish that counts."
The above sentence makes typical cow sense.
I had enjoyed reading all your posts thus far and enjoying every minute of it. I also learned plenty of tips. Just a matter of applying the tips.
Will go out to approach many gals to try out most tips.
Incredible to note of your BY KK and how much she love you. Care to explain why you don't want to keep her longer.
Will like to contribute my forums here soon.
Agree that mediation is a powerful tool.
09-05-2018, 07:31 PM
Excellent thread here, hoping to learn more from Bro WB.
10-05-2018, 01:01 PM
Dear bro WB
Greetings to you too.
Interesting forum below.
I agreed with you that you shouldn't trust KK at all. Look you took care of her for 3 months and she never appreciate. So easy she fell for a young new bf.
My take was she took you as a roberto carrot. You are only treated as her sugardad to provide money and temp shelter. She was just a despicable lowly slut.
I agreed that you did the right thing not to loan any money to her cousin. The moment you loan means you are prepared never to see the money again.
The new bf gain because loan money to her and can bonk her is totally a new deal. For your case, you still have to fork out more money plus your monthly maintenance which is bad deal.
Please do post more and hope to finish reading thread.
Many thanks to all who contributed.
Greetings to all samsters!
I returned to SIN 3 days ago. Had fever for a day n still very tired.
I want to report that KK n I ended our 3-month RS. I'm also happy to report that I hv benefited greatly in several ways from my RS w/ this 18 yo (she turned 19 in Feb) PRC student from Chengdu.
Her attitude towards me suddenly turned cold around 2nd of April when I was in Gotham. Two days earlier her cousin (their moms r real sisters), whose voice is almost identical to KK's, called me re an urgent loan to pay for her school fees, otherwise she would hv to go back to PRC n likely KK would hv to follow suit too. I didn't believe her n it would be very difficult for me to transfer money anyway. I told her I would be back by the end of April. She said it would be too late. I actually came back 1 wk earlier to take care of some other urgent affairs..
On my return here, KK informed me that she had to rethink abt our RS. She assured me that she is not being BAO-ed by another man n she has not worked n never want to since our deal was consummated on 13 Jan. She is taking a different "path.":confused:
Later I talked to her cousin n learned that following my refusal to loan her the money, they were quite desperate n contemplated going back to China. They were despondent too. On 5 April they went to hv a drink n KK was very sad n was in tears. A young man of 20, a student from a different school, from the same hometown Chengdu, asked her wat make her so sad, etc. He later loaned money to pay her cousin's school fees. He hooked up w/ KK. My reply, OK.
BTW, her cousin's school fees is 7k for a full yr, n the full amt is payable in the beginning. Some schools demand full yr's payment upfront? Was she lying?
This morning, KK called me bcos she owed me an explanation n we talked for over an hr. We never talked for more than 10 min on the phone before. She told more or less the same events but in much greater details. She was at her most helpless n most vulnerable moment when this 20 yo man from her hometown appeared w/ a big helping hand. I refused to help bcos I never trusted her. I didn't even ask her abt the urgent school fees after i had spoken w/ her cousin. I was callous n unconcerned re their predicament. If I had shown more interest, a little compassion or encouragement or that I might be able to help on my return, She would hv felt much better n wouldn't fall into the arms of her new BF. They want to get married, eventually.:eek: Very slim chance even assuming that they can stay in SIN long enuff to return to PRC. This boy is from a middle class family, not wealthy as his dad is a mid-level manager for a large company in Chengdu. However, his social class is still much higher than that of KK as she is from a very poor family in rural Chengdu.
It was a very difficult decision for her as the boy could only pay a small part of her living expenses. Wat is she to do? She just hv to be very thrifty. Her cousin runs KTVs n could help her a bit too.
She had previously praised my good qualities which I"ll not mention here. Now her criticisms which r poignant n right on the money as several people I hv had an intimate long-term RS hv told me,almost in exactly same words!! Did she call someone very close to me???
1) Very selfish, 2) very suspicious of everything n everyone, like Cao Cao, 3) never really trusted her despite her best effort to gain my trust. Do u trust anyone? Actually, NO. 4) 太精明了,很怕吃一点亏 (someone has often said, 太精明了, 精明到自己吃亏!) This gal is quite smart!
Lastly,she reiterated the fact that she really liked me a lot n had loved me. But I always doubted her sincerity n never trusted her. Always testing her which was very disconcerting n frustrating to her. She was getting lots of stress from me. I was also treating our RS like a pure business transaction which was frustrating n degrading to her n that I had a condescending attitude that money could buy everything. She often had to run across town carrying my CDs, etc, to meet me. She also complained that I never listened to our phone conversations never lasted more than 10 min.
She reminded me that she was going to move in w/ me n was hoping to be my mistress until the end of her stay in SIN...
After much introspection, I had to agree w/ most of wat she said.:( Although, IMHO, she is 90% culpable for hooking up w/ someone else in my absence.
Ending our RS has elicited surprising little emotions in me.
But I fear for her future as her RS w/ this young man who is only 1 yr her senior will not last. I'm almost certain of this even if one is to remove her need for money from the equation. When she returns to me, which i believe is very likely, I'll be ready to give her hr-long COS n practice my covert hypnosis which I was still reading abt during my last days w/ her.
From my RS w/Kk, I hv been forced to confront my character weaknesses n I hv become a more mature person as a result. It has been a very sextisfying 2-month for me. The final analysis of the FR is very educational as well. I need to do some soul searching n make the required improvements...wat more could an pek ask for? The total damage? The going rates plus small gifts.
This concludes my narration n brief analysis of case study No.1 (Kk). Updates will be provided when available.
Case study No 2 is likely to be w/ GG. She will be coming asap. I called her 2 days ago n asked her to apply for a work permit n I told her how I would take care of her. She was elated! In her 2 QQ spaces, her new mood has been very upbeat, in one is 开心果 n in the other 下一站幸福. I'm looking forward to having a good RS w/ her. ;)
Your comments n insights will be appreciated.
Bro WB
10-05-2018, 02:04 PM
Just happen to read this thread. Really an eye-opener.
Thanks Bro WB!
10-05-2018, 07:46 PM
I have a HH outing to Dynasty, 2nd fl at Peace Centre, Friday tmr.
Drinks and rm charge to be shared equally. Expected expense per pax is around $45-50.
PM me if interested.
Bro WB
11-05-2018, 12:55 AM
Bro warbird, can you recommend any resources on covert hypnosis that you use regularly with these girls? Thanks
Bro, tks.
You make my day!
I consummated my relationship w/ TY last wk. She is very sexually responsive for an 18 yo girl. Though still very shy in bed. She is the closest to my type I hv seen since I met the yr 97 Hunan gal in Dec 2015.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
Congrats Bro WB on your BIG day!!!! :D:D
11-05-2018, 01:00 PM
Congrats Bro WB on your BIG day!!!! :D:D
Congrats bro WB!! :) :D
11-05-2018, 01:52 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for the nice post above.
Definitely good points to ponder above. Me too trying to improve myself daily.
Never be needy and insecure because woman will feel that man is weak.
Really astonishing to learn that at your age you are still able to have sex regularly with strong libido. Really admired you for that sex prowess.
I knew that having young syts will make you achieve better sex.
So I hope bro keep on improving yourself and don't forget to post more here.
Hoping to read more and conment whenever I could.
Please do enjoy yourself and be happy.
Bro, tks.
Cute SYTs could make an older man healthier. But must fxxk in moderation.
Me also trying to improve myself daily.
Thanks Bro WB for this great thread.
Bro WB
Meditation is a powerful tool to relieve yourself and summon your internal chi. Many leaders will meditate daily.
"It's not where or how you start, it's where and how you finish that counts."
The above sentence makes typical cow sense.
I had enjoyed reading all your posts thus far and enjoying every minute of it. I also learned plenty of tips. Just a matter of applying the tips.
Will go out to approach many gals to try out most tips.
Incredible to note of your BY KK and how much she love you. Care to explain why you don't want to keep her longer.
Will like to contribute my forums here soon.
Bros, tks.
Meditation is great.
Dear bro WB
Greetings to you too.
Interesting forum below.
I agreed with you that you shouldn't trust KK at all. Look you took care of her for 3 months and she never appreciate. So easy she fell for a young new bf.
My take was she took you as a roberto carrot. You are only treated as her sugardad to provide money and temp shelter. She was just a despicable lowly slut.
I agreed that you did the right thing not to loan any money to her cousin. The moment you loan means you are prepared never to see the money again.
The new bf gain because loan money to her and can bonk her is totally a new deal. For your case, you still have to fork out more money plus your monthly maintenance which is bad deal.
Please do post more and hope to finish reading thread.
Many thanks to all who contributed.
Bro, tks!
That was over 8 years ago!! I didn't pay her anything when I was overseas for about 1 /1/2 months. So technically We were not together and she was free to work and get another man to keep her. She couldn't pay her school fee. Found a rich fellow student to keep her.
I saw her in 2013 and she was fat and ugly.
Bro warbird, can you recommend any resources on covert hypnosis that you use regularly with these girls? Thanks
Google it.
Congrats Bro WB on your BIG day!!!! :D:D
Congrats bro WB!! :) :D
Thank u so much!!
Cheers to all samsters!!
Bro WB
11-05-2018, 02:10 PM
Hi bros MoralEpitome n tanterry,
I also lament the fact that the quality of PRC MMs has been declining. My 1st ever visit to a KTV was 1 1/2 yrs ago, when my frens took me to a small joint in Jalan Besar. The gals I met that day seem to be better (at least to me) than the gals I recently met in such vaunted joints as TAM n DC. Very sad really.
Many bros n some frens hv more or less given up the local scene n now focusing on going to PRC regularly, usually to CP or CA.
IMHO, the 2 main reasons why the quality of gals has declined greatly r:
1) Our gahmen has conducted AV raids relentlessly, in GL, KTVs n hotels, which hv scared many MMs away. At the same time, it's getting more difficult to get various visas for PRCs.
2) The no of rich PRC men is increasing rapidly n they get to BY the best PRC MMs, leaving slim pickings for the rest of us.
My solution? Go to source n try to steal a few good ones, hehehe.;)
My ideal gals must be, first n foremost, my type of SYTs who r also uni students in PRC. I'll meet them in China, negotiate a deal, n arrange for them to come to SIN or even to Gotham City. It would be great If I could BY one such gal every 2-3 months.:D
The other solution is more drastic: Actually moving to China n spending most of my time there.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Many thanks for starting such a fabulous thread.
I always advocate the fact that we need to go to the source. If want Russian gals then go to Russia, similarly if want PRC then go to Southern China.
The whole of PRC full of pretty gals and is up to us to pick.
Even though CP no longer the hotspot but they playground had shifted to other parts. Just need to take a few hours of flight time and there we will be enjoying and partying.
The raid locally will never ceased. It will continue because all these agencies are just doing their jobs. Police will just maintain law and order.
Looking ta the bigger picture, what ME posted was reality. Spending so much money just to fcuk a gal is no-no. Downright foolishness.
Anyway to each his own.
Just ensure you enjoy is the paramount importance.
Have a nice weekend tomorrow.
Opps enjoy your outing tonight.
11-05-2018, 10:49 PM
Bro WB
Many thanks for starting such a fabulous thread.
I always advocate the fact that we need to go to the source. If want Russian gals then go to Russia, similarly if want PRC then go to Southern China.
The whole of PRC full of pretty gals and is up to us to pick.
Even though CP no longer the hotspot but they playground had shifted to other parts. Just need to take a few hours of flight time and there we will be enjoying and partying.
The raid locally will never ceased. It will continue because all these agencies are just doing their jobs. Police will just maintain law and order.
Looking ta the bigger picture, what ME posted was reality. Spending so much money just to fcuk a gal is no-no. Downright foolishness.
Anyway to each his own.
Just ensure you enjoy is the paramount importance.
Have a nice weekend tomorrow.
Opps enjoy your outing tonight.
Agreed. Thanks bro WB for starting this wonderful thread.
Have a nice weekend bro.
12-05-2018, 11:15 AM
Support great thread here.
Have a nice weekend.
12-05-2018, 11:18 AM
Bro, tks.
Cute SYTs could make an older man healthier. But must fxxk in moderation.
Thank u so much!!
Cheers to all samsters!!
Bro WB
Bro - thank you so much.
All things must be done in moderation.
12-05-2018, 11:56 AM
Great thread here, hope to read more.
12-05-2018, 12:12 PM
I like to share one interesting mental technique for emotional bonding, according to the October Man Method, which I read a few days ago.
"...So back to regression. At our core there are no walls and no defenses. If we’ve bonded with another person like infants do normally then we know what it’s like to feel connected at a deep level. In fact, in this state of connection there is no sense of self...
There is only the sense of connectedness. Ego gives way to something deeper and more meaningful.
I’m going to term this the Bonding period.
Some would say that the experience of love itself is motivated by the instinct to bond again at a deep level.
So how do we choose who to bond with?
Read this carefully and reread this next statement.
We bond with the person that causes us to regress back to the bonding period - to that earlier state in our lives when we had no sense of self, no walls, no defenses - just connectedness.
So how do you use this information?
One of the most effective ways is first to presuppose that the other person is a child. Talk to them in a caring way as if they were a child. Have fun with them and be just act like kids together. Nurture them and when they open up and tell you about their hopes and fears, reward them by nurturing them both emotionally any physically.
Also give them a self image to live up to.
Have them tell you about their childhood.
Your goal is to know the child within them..."
I'm putting it into practice. Yesterday, GG told me that, after having long conversations w/ me or 谈心,she feels just like a little sister n I'm the big caring brother, hehehe. Yes, I need to know n understand the 6 yo little gal within her...;)
Bro WB
Bro WB
Interesting that you shared the above post.
I am not sure I understood what you are trying to say.
If bonded since child then the bond may not be lover r/s but bro-sis r/s. Moreover she so much younger than you. Can also bond like uncle-niece r/s.
The whole problem was all these PRC gals dun have much time here. They are here either short few months or at most 2 to 4 years. All depends on whether they can get their student pass or whatever visa renewed.
I cautioned all the sob stories todl by the PRC gals and can we trust their stories at all. I can even tell their stories on behalf. One thing, I believe many of these gals were abused since young and don't have good childhood life.
Many left their family to live elsewhere or to work in the city. These I think many of these gals will never dare to tell the truth especially been abuse.
Well hope my comment is not abusive and hope to hear feedback too.
Have a great weekend to you.
13-05-2018, 10:25 AM
BTW, my spiritual guru recently advises me that living in the eternal present moment is the ONLY way to live. And, ironically, letting go of what I want is the only way to really get it.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I learned this and proven very useful indeed.
"When you try to control too much, you enjoy too little. Sometimes you just need to let go, relax, take a deep breath and love what is."
You free your mind from needless worries.
13-05-2018, 03:43 PM
Support great thread here.
Have a nice weekend.
Fully agreed, indeed a great thread by bro WB.
14-05-2018, 10:26 AM
Bro, tks!
That was over 8 years ago!! I didn't pay her anything when I was overseas for about 1 /1/2 months. So technically We were not together and she was free to work and get another man to keep her. She couldn't pay her school fee. Found a rich fellow student to keep her.
I saw her in 2013 and she was fat and ugly.
Bro WB
Bro WB, tks for the reply.
PRC gal working in nightlife aged faster and drained out quickly.
14-05-2018, 01:52 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for the post below.
I think your guru explain similar to this article I found online.
Reading her body language: Is she interested
Her lips:
Big smiles with upper and lower teeth showing with a relaxed face.
Biting of the lips or showing of the tongue, licking her lips or touching of her front teeth.
She wets her lips, some women use only a single-lip lick, wetting the upper or lower lip, while others run the tongue around the entire lip area.
She puts her fingernail between her teeth.
She protrudes her lips and thrust her breasts forward.
Good morning!
A guru has written that to be a real MAN, one must be completely fearless of death n be completely fearless of the pain n sufferings leading to death. This is the prerequisite.
He is absolutely right. The most famous samurai Miyamoto Musashi, who was undefeated in over 60 duels, attributed his success n survival to the resolute acceptance of death. He would hv been dead long ago if he had habored the slightest fear or doubts abt his ability to defeat his opponents.
In all human endeavors, we ensure our best chances n greatest probabilities of success n survival if we r completely detached to the outcome.
Most of us think n behave in the context of life n living n therefore death n pain leading to death become fearsome n terrifying. But life is ephemeral n we should think n behave in the context of death which is ineluctable. Every minute of living thus becomes a blessing, a gift, a joy...:p
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
(Continued from previous post)
Watch Her Lower Lip
The next body language cue I want you to pay attention to is her lower lip. When a woman wants to kiss you or be kissed by you her lower lip will start to protrude more so than usual. Now once again you need to calibrate this at the beginning of the date and compare it to the end of the date. I’m very well trained in “kinesic interview and interrogation techniques” which is basically the art and science of observing and decoding body language and one of the very first things they teach you is…
Establish a Baseline
Establish a baseline means that in order for you to interpret body language properly you must first have something to compare it to. The beginning of your date or meeting is the absolute best time to establish your baseline so that you can determine when and how her non verbal cues change… what’s the first step to establishing a baseline? You probably already guessed it didn’t you…
By the way another side effect of all this paying attention is that the woman really feels that you are interested in her… and you are. In a very real sense you are getting to know her far better than most men ever do or will and you’re doing it very quickly.
Self Touching
When She Strokes Her Neck
Another really great cue that she wants to get physical with you is when she starts caressing and touching her neck. Especially right around the side of the Adams apple, along the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle and up behind the ear. If she consistently strokes or massages any of those areas as she is talking or looking at you it’s generally a sign that she very interested in getting closer.
14-05-2018, 01:54 PM
Bro WB, tks for the reply.
PRC gal working in nightlife aged faster and drained out quickly.
Viet gal working in nightlife also age faster and drain out quickly.
14-05-2018, 03:29 PM
Hi bro besafe,
Yeah, I'm funny bcos life is full of fun, hehehe.
By emphasizing DIP or Didi In Pussy, I'm not neglecting the vital importance of foreplay n using ur fingers n tongue to give gals intense, multiple orgasms or even COS for 30 min or longer, just as a starter. In fact, oftentimes a gal may beg u to fxk her bcos she can't tahan the intense sensations u hv generated w/ ur fingers, 捅我, 捅我...快放进去...but dun do it, torture her...你好坏哦, she complains...delay for as long as u can, hehehe. You must be in absolute control. However, all this is only a prelude to the main course or DIP.
Once a gal is in genuine COS n u hv ur didi inside her, she will not want u to stop fxking her. So do it for 30-60min or even longer if u can. Get her on top to save u some energy...;)
Any reasonably healthy man or any woman (including lesbians) can use fingers n tongue to please a gal for how do u stand out from the crowd? By rocking her w/ ur didi for longer than any other men. Yes, long long DIP.
A guru once said that there r only 3 reasons why a gal leaves a man voluntarily:
1) She has power over the man
2) She loses respect for the man
3) The man can't satisfy her sexually
He is spot-on!
BTW, you're having lots of action, doing ST in addition to ur BYs. We hv so much in common! I still do occasional ST w/ several of my former BAO-ees.;)
There was one gal u really missed: CS (?) who was a legal cat 150 gal. I hv to agree w/ my fren that she is the prettiest legal PRC gal thus far. A very chio SYT w/ good height n very proportionate body. I heard she is happily married in PRC! Her OKT is a hated figure at SBF n there was no FRs on her. She gave me great service including AJ!
I know a young, rich n handsome bro who is keeping 4 women at the same time. I'm going to emulate him. I'll try to keep 3-4 as well, hahaha. Wat the heck, an ah pek like me better fxk more while I still can.:D Of course GG n my niece BB want to come. My new 19 yo will return from China by the end of this month. I also met an attractive MILF last wk. She is 28-29, but is still very chio n sexy to ME. Most beautiful lips! Wonder if her pussy is as beautiful. I'm still not sure if I want her as she smokes.
Additionally, I hv another new tall gal in PRC who will know by today if her visitor pass to SIN has been approved. If not, I hv to get her a singer pass or work permit, the type that she doesn't hv to report to work. She is 170, 53 kg n has very long n very slender upper n forearms.
Bro WB
Bro WB
While I was reading this special amazing thread, I was also laughing and cheering all the guys on.
Funny that I never expect to have so much fun reading in SBF and fantastic that I got so much joy here. Also the knowledge was mind-blowing.
Thank you for all the contributions from all the experts. You guys make my day.
"A guru once said that there r only 3 reasons why a gal leaves a man voluntarily:
1) She has power over the man
2) She loses respect for the man
3) The man can't satisfy her sexually
He is spot-on!"
The above quote makes helluva sense because if guy cannot satisfy the gal the gal will leave to search for happiness.
Please guys, keep this great thread going for long time.
Have fun!!
14-05-2018, 03:53 PM
Bro WB
While I was reading this special amazing thread, I was also laughing and cheering all the guys on.
Funny that I never expect to have so much fun reading in SBF and fantastic that I got so much joy here. Also the knowledge was mind-blowing.
Thank you for all the contributions from all the experts. You guys make my day.
"A guru once said that there r only 3 reasons why a gal leaves a man voluntarily:
1) She has power over the man
2) She loses respect for the man
3) The man can't satisfy her sexually
He is spot-on!"
The above quote makes helluva sense because if guy cannot satisfy the gal the gal will leave to search for happiness.
Please guys, keep this great thread going for long time.
Have fun!!
This is indeed an amazing thread.
Have a nice week ahead.
14-05-2018, 04:14 PM
Fantastic thread which I have always followed.
Sorry if I digress a bit but I remember Sifu Warbird mentioning that we must continue to use our penis regularly and have orgasms. If not we will get prostrate problems. Why is that so?
How often do you guys shoot? Once a day? Once a week?
So how often should we shoot in order not to have prostrate problems.
Thanks for any advice!
14-05-2018, 06:23 PM
Bro WB
Many thanks for starting such a fabulous thread.
I always advocate the fact that we need to go to the source. If want Russian gals then go to Russia, similarly if want PRC then go to Southern China.
The whole of PRC full of pretty gals and is up to us to pick.
Even though CP no longer the hotspot but they playground had shifted to other parts. Just need to take a few hours of flight time and there we will be enjoying and partying.
The raid locally will never ceased. It will continue because all these agencies are just doing their jobs. Police will just maintain law and order.
Looking ta the bigger picture, what ME posted was reality. Spending so much money just to fcuk a gal is no-no. Downright foolishness.
Anyway to each his own.
Just ensure you enjoy is the paramount importance.
Have a nice weekend tomorrow.
Opps enjoy your outing tonight.
Bro, tks for your post.
We should go to the source for the prettiest and highest quality gals of our type.
Bro WB
Interesting that you shared the above post.
I am not sure I understood what you are trying to say.
If bonded since child then the bond may not be lover r/s but bro-sis r/s. Moreover she so much younger than you. Can also bond like uncle-niece r/s.
The whole problem was all these PRC gals dun have much time here. They are here either short few months or at most 2 to 4 years. All depends on whether they can get their student pass or whatever visa renewed.
I cautioned all the sob stories todl by the PRC gals and can we trust their stories at all. I can even tell their stories on behalf. One thing, I believe many of these gals were abused since young and don't have good childhood life.
Many left their family to live elsewhere or to work in the city. These I think many of these gals will never dare to tell the truth especially been abuse.
Well hope my comment is not abusive and hope to hear feedback too.
Have a great weekend to you.
Bro, tks.
Google October Man Sequence or Method. The RS is a very sexual one.
"Self discovery is about finding our Identity by both searching within
ourselves and by interacting with others. It is the result of the
interplay between these two things. At an early age we discover
that boys and girls are very different. And we form relationships
with the opposite sex.
All relationships at this early stage of life are formative – they form
our sexual identity. For example, Freud may have pointed out that
a man who has trouble bonding with women, most likely had a
weak bond with his mother as an infant and child. A woman who is
afraid of men may have had a father that was mean and abusive –
and these are the men she continually finds herself with. A woman
who didn’t have a father figure may find herself looking for that
father figure in her relationships."
Bro WB
I learned this and proven very useful indeed.
"When you try to control too much, you enjoy too little. Sometimes you just need to let go, relax, take a deep breath and love what is."
You free your mind from needless worries.
Bro, tks.
Things that you want lightly come easily.
Bro WB, tks for the reply.
PRC gal working in nightlife aged faster and drained out quickly.
Late nights, second hand smoke and alcohol are terrible for health.
Bro WB
Thanks for the post below.
I think your guru explain similar to this article I found online.
Reading her body language: Is she interested
Her lips:
Big smiles with upper and lower teeth showing with a relaxed face.
Biting of the lips or showing of the tongue, licking her lips or touching of her front teeth.
She wets her lips, some women use only a single-lip lick, wetting the upper or lower lip, while others run the tongue around the entire lip area.
She puts her fingernail between her teeth.
She protrudes her lips and thrust her breasts forward.
Tks for sharing.
Bro WB
While I was reading this special amazing thread, I was also laughing and cheering all the guys on.
Funny that I never expect to have so much fun reading in SBF and fantastic that I got so much joy here. Also the knowledge was mind-blowing.
Thank you for all the contributions from all the experts. You guys make my day.
"A guru once said that there r only 3 reasons why a gal leaves a man voluntarily:
1) She has power over the man
2) She loses respect for the man
3) The man can't satisfy her sexually
He is spot-on!"
The above quote makes helluva sense because if guy cannot satisfy the gal the gal will leave to search for happiness.
Please guys, keep this great thread going for long time.
Have fun!!
Tks for your post. Life is fun...
Fantastic thread which I have always followed.
Sorry if I digress a bit but I remember Sifu Warbird mentioning that we must continue to use our penis regularly and have orgasms. If not we will get prostrate problems. Why is that so?
How often do you guys shoot? Once a day? Once a week?
So how often should we shoot in order not to have prostrate problems.
Thanks for any advice!
Bro, tks.
I'm not a sifu.
At least 21 times a month. The more the better.
Bro WB
15-05-2018, 12:08 PM
I recently realized tat trying to be Alpha is not Alpha at all.
Yes, ur perceived dominant male status is the sole determinant of ur attractiveness to women/gals.
I hv dug deeper n found tat it's not ur actual high social-economic status or financial power per se but ur dominant self mastery/self control which is perceived by the subconscious minds tat is the "secret active ingredient" of ur attractiveness.
A wealthy n successful man or a man of power usually, though by no means always, has greater self mastery/self control compared w/ less successful men. It's a chicken or egg question as to which came first. I would say self mastery must come first (inherited money or position is an exception).
Bro AP, u hv more or less answered your own question.
IMHO, the word "dominant" in "dominant self mastery and self control" is very close to "supreme" n "absolute." The rare man who has this character trait is fatally attractive to the most beautiful women. He will be equally invincible in his other pursuits in life...
The problem is that knowing n doing r completely different. Doing n being r again completely different...
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I don't need to borrow your thread but definitely want to support here.
BTW, thanks for the nice thread.
To me, dominant self-mastery is just 2 words.
Dominant - having power and influence over others.
Self-mastery - self-control
Fully agreed that self-mastery do not need to have plenty of money. Is just an individual who can have more self-control.
15-05-2018, 12:45 PM
Great thread here, support bro WB.
Have a nice day, cheers.
15-05-2018, 01:49 PM
Dear Bro Warbird,
I hope you don't mind me borrowing your thread for a little while. I hope to elicit some response from yourself, and bro DYBJ (since the 2 of you since the most experienced in what I'm about to ask). But of course, all other bros are most welcomed to pen their thoughts.
Quick background: I'm in my early 50's, with the usual trappings of OC, post-adolescent kids, etc. Started to eat out only recently (escort, some higher-end fl) but find it quite unsatisfying and unenjoyable, mainly because it feels a little cheap, unreal, and like I'm using a public toilet. So, am on the lookout for something more....
Constraint: Time. On most days, I need to be home after office hours, as my job doesn't require me to work post-office hours; would look real suspicious if I pull funny stunts especially after not doing it for 20+ years (big mistake!). Fortunately, during office hours, my timing is really flexible. My big boss is not even based in SG, so I pretty much run the trading desk like a local warlord!
Budget: Am willing to go up to 50K per month. More if it is really necessary and worth it.
Appeal: Need some ideas to get some really feel-good moments. I'm talking GFE, looks, body, yet with class and must be non-wl/fl/ktv. Wonder if it is at all possible. Off the top of my head, I'm thinking undergrads? OL? But, since all transactions must take place during office hours, it's kinda hard for me to go chasing after them in clubs/bars (besides those that go to these places to be picked up are probably not what I'm looking for anyway). Any and all ideas welcomed!
Hi bro sing11235813,
I sense that you're dissatisfied doing ST w/ FLs/escorts/models n want to experience more GFE n companionship...I suggest u BY a gal on a longer term basis, say from 1 to several months. With ur generous budget, u will be spoilt for choice. The difficulty is finding the right gal n the danger is KC trap. You hv to KC her w/o getting KC-ed!
To be honest, I hv had very limited experience in "eating out" as I BAO-ed my 1st gal just over a yr ago. Hv encountered many problems n failures, as detailed in this thread.
Time constraint is a severe handicap in BY-ing. I hv faced the same problem.
It's difficult to KC a gal if ur time is limited. If I dun spend enough time w/ a BAO-ee, such as eating meals together several times a wk, taking her to outings n staying at her place n eating her home cook dinner at least occasionally, etc., n only meeting her n fxking her in a hotel rm, she will complain that it's an outright transaction.
BTW, u must convince ur OC why u hv to go out at nite. Take up nighttime hobbies or join clubs such as Toastmasters...
My previous BYs hv lasted from 1 wk to 2 months, due partly to time constraint n partly to various unforeseen circumstances. Nowadays if I like a gal after 1 wk, I'll definitely move her to a flat close to my residence so that I can stay w/ her n get her to cook, etc. It's like a 2nd home, ya?
I suggest that u PM bro DUBJ n seek his advice. You will benefit greatly from his wisdom n vast experience in BY-ing. BTW, he is successful in many areas of life n nurturing multiple RS w/ high quality women is only his minor interest...;)
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I quoted bro sing1123581 post above because I found his post more like fictions.
He claimed he needs to go home after work and lame excuse that he cannot hang out but needs to get home. Yet, he has 50k budget per month to look for a GFE gal to fark. This type of scenario sounded very dubious and who in the hell of company paid a guy >50k per month salary doing nothing much.
Firstly he sounded wussy.
Secondly he sounded as though his wife or in-laws are the owner.
Thirdly he sounded he is good for nothing.
Fourthly he has the moolah to burn.
Pardon me for been honest and not here to defame anyone since this is open forum.
You had commented rightfully that if he cannot convince his OC that he needs to sneak out at night then forget about finding GFE Bao-ee.
Wonder such person does existed in this land?
After reading so many pages, i wanted to comment almost every posts but I refrained from doing so.
Please keep this going strong.
15-05-2018, 01:57 PM
Wah so detailed analysis, can be Mr. Sherlock liao :eek:
16-05-2018, 01:25 PM
Bro WB
I cannot believe what I was reading about this thread. Excellent in terms of contents, fun, laughter, economics, sex, libido, stock markets, etc.
After reading what bro campaign had to say about the lunatic sing11235813, I was really interested to continue all his past posts. I wonder really there existed such a jerk who cannot afford time but yet want to bonk a GFE gal who are not in FL. I did agreed all sounded very unreal.
Anyway I was reading your post below and now I practising trying this exercise to draw air all the way down past your ribs, and allow it to expand your diaphragm andyour belly.
"The final aim is to KC them n give them COS". - this quote does makes plenty of cow sense. No point to keep holding our breathe.
Getting to know the gals and build good rapport is important for kc.
Hope to complete reading this thread soon.
In the meantime, please continue all the great exchange of forums.
Thank you.
Good morning!
According to many gurus, ur success w/ women is a function of ur rapport w/ them. Approaching, meeting, dating n seducing them...depends largely on deepening ur rapport. The deeper the rapport, the better n stronger the RS. The final aim is to KC them n give them COS. Deepening rapport will greatly facilitate these goals.
A few days ago, I received an email from a guru on a quick tip to deepen rapport/attraction:
Bro WB,
I used to have a hard time finding women who wanted to be more
than friends with me. I had female "friends" coming out my ears -
and I was sick of it.
I HATED getting LJBF'd (Let's Just Be Friends)...
It drove me CRAZY.
Having attraction with women is no longer a struggle for me, and
there's one thing in particular I learned that made a real difference.
I'm gonna lay it on you now...
First of all, remember that women are like tuning forks and they
instantly pick up on what you are "resonating." Therefore, one
of the most powerful ways to deepen your resonance (presence)
is to:
Retrain Your Breathing.
I used to be what I call a "chest-breather." By that, I mean that
my inhalations went no lower than my chest - my ribcage.
A lot of guys who struggle with creating sexual attraction with
women are also "chest-breathers."
How about you?
As you're sitting here now, reading this, how deep is your breathing?
How far down into your body does your breath expand?
Try This Exercise:
RIGHT NOW, put a hand on your lower stomach, and draw air all the
way down past your ribs, and allow it to expand your diaphragm and
your belly. Your breath should literally PUSH THE HAND on your belly
UP with each inhale. Actually try this, and see what you notice.
Once you have that down (and for some guys, it takes a while to figure
out which muscles control this ability), practice breathing even lower,
into your genitals, as if you could breath right into your BALLS.
This may be a challenge for you, because you're not accustomed to
that particular awareness.
You may even experience emotions, or sometimes feelings of shame,
as you start feeling into these areas of your body.
That's a good thing-it means you're going outside of comfort zone
and accessing stuck emotions.
Women Can Feel the Difference
In our XX Intensive weekend courses, we bring in super-aware,
brilliantly articulate women who offer moment-to-moment feedback
about what they're feeling in their bodies as the men in the course
interact with them.
And when chest-breathers start belly-breathing, women who weren't
attracted to them at all suddenly feel excited by the man's new
sense of power.
And when guys breathe all the way into their balls, the women's
responses are even more distinct - they often report getting turned
on, simply by being around guys as they breathe more deeply.
Practice It To Make It a Habit
I had to retrain myself from being a chest-breather to being a balls &
belly-breather... and it made a huge difference in feeling grounded,
centered and powerful with women (especially the ones that I'm
attracted to).
Practice this even when you're NOT around women, until it becomes
second nature to you when you ARE with a woman - in the car,
walking down the street, while eating, in bed at night and in the
After a couple of weeks, you should find that you're breathing into
your belly without thinking about it.
Now, you may find that when you're with a woman you're seriously
attracted to, your breathing reverts back to the old way.
Even though I typically breathe into my lower body, when I'm with
women I'm attracted to, I suddenly find that my breathing becomes
shallow. If this is the case for you as well, just notice this, and
practice breathing fully and deeply, into your belly and your balls.
We have all KINDS of practical, effective body exercises that will
make a REAL difference in your ability to create primal sexual
attraction and deep connection with women...
Your Guru
16-05-2018, 04:04 PM
Bro WB
I cannot believe what I was reading about this thread. Excellent in terms of contents, fun, laughter, economics, sex, libido, stock markets, etc.
After reading what bro campaign had to say about the lunatic sing11235813, I was really interested to continue all his past posts. I wonder really there existed such a jerk who cannot afford time but yet want to bonk a GFE gal who are not in FL. I did agreed all sounded very unreal.
Anyway I was reading your post below and now I practising trying this exercise to draw air all the way down past your ribs, and allow it to expand your diaphragm andyour belly.
"The final aim is to KC them n give them COS". - this quote does makes plenty of cow sense. No point to keep holding our breathe.
Getting to know the gals and build good rapport is important for kc.
Hope to complete reading this thread soon.
In the meantime, please continue all the great exchange of forums.
Thank you.
I also cannot believe, but still got to believe.
Thanks bro WB for this wonderful thread.
17-05-2018, 01:04 PM
Good morning!
I like to make a confession. I used to be a perfectionist n I was neither satisfied w/ my self nor my own achievements. As for gals, they all hv many flaws n I hv NEVER fallen in love w/ anyone. Getting KC-ed yes, but never in love. I'm too rational, logical n calculating to fall for anyone. Not sure if it's good or bad.
Even my KC for anyone has been quite feeble. All it takes is another pussy which is even closer to my particular type n I'll forget abt the old one immediately.
I know pursuing my outer purpose will never give me real n sustained happiness. I do it for fun n adventure, completely detached to its outcomes. Only being my true self n having dominant self mastery/self control of my emotions will give me real n everlasting happiness. The only thing I can control r my own emotions, whereas external events n people r largely out of my control n it's an exercise in futility to attempt to do so. Living in the eternal present moment is the way to go.
A guru wrote the following:
.................................................. .................................................. ......Happiness is never the events, people, things, situations or circumstances in your life, but rather
how you feel, your emotions, during or in relation to those events.
This is good news! It means that you do not have to control events in order to be happy; you only
have to control your emotions.
This too is great news because you will never have much control over most of the events in your life;
while you can learn to control your emotions perfectly. You can learn to eliminate all negative
emotions and to maintain yourself in positive emotions all the time. That, remember, is precisely our
definition of Happiness: all the time, no matter what.
If you are letting your emotions be affected by what happens; if you are letting your happiness
depend on external events and circumstances; you will never experience much. You will never have
much control over what other people say and do, nor over many of the events that occur in the
“parade of events” that is Life.
I am not saying that this state of no negative emotions and positive emotion all the time is quick and
easy to achieve. It will require your effort, but it can be achieved. Controlling the external world
can not.
That you can learn to control your emotions perfectly means that the happiness you seek (remember
your happiness is the ultimate motivation of all that you do, of your entire life) is not only within
your reach; it is parked in your hands waiting for you to start it up.
If you are seeking happiness by any other route other than learning to control your emotions, you are
wasting your time. Look at life. You will see a plethora of people who have achieved “fame and
fortune,” who “have it all,” and are intensely unhappy. The movie, the rock music and the sports
scenes are full of such people: high success, and high neurosis and unhappiness. Nothing outside of
you can ever assure your happiness.
Fortunately, you need nothing outside of your Self to achieve happiness. You were designed and
manufactured with everything necessary built in.
5 Events: in the future, I will use the word “event” to include any change in anything within your perception: any
occurrence, any arrival, departure, movement, or action of any person or thing in your life.............................................. .....................................
Excellent advice!
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Lets get back to something more mundane, shall we? How abt body proportions? I'm buying prime USDA meat? Hahaha...;)
Yes, Despite my recent "discovery of my inner purpose" I'll still keep searching for gals w/ my particular head/body/limbs proportions who r chio to ME. An example of the particular portions I like:
Same gal as my avatar. Notice her long legs n relatively long, slender arms, w/ small bony frame n small wrists. Here we get a hint of her natural D breasts n shapely, perky butt. Strangely, her legs n thighs r not as slender, although still acceptable. Her fingers r short for her height of 170cm n her pussy is also tight n short. Not sure if this relation of finger length to pussy size is consistent for most gals. Any comments?
Same gal. See how long n slender r her upper n forearms. Very tiny wrists too. I guess ancient Chinese crave tiny feet, whereas I crave long, slender arms.
Only the ex-LV singer has equally long n slender arms. Also more slender legs n thighs (a plus) but smaller boobs.
BTW, this particular physical trait is only one feature that turns me on. There r many others (a pink pussy is another), but I could NEVER find more than a few of them in the same gal. Even 3-4 would be sufficient. Life is never perfect, ya?
Bro WB
Bro WB
I chose to be happy and happiness is my choice.
A mentor told me when I was middle age that he said this -
If you happy pass one day
If you sad also pass one day
So why not choose happiness to pass daily
Back to picking gals which can be unhappy events. So I always tell the gals upfront I chose to be happy and if you are sad then dun come near me.
Never fall in love in the pickup gal game? Once guy fall in love the game is over. After that only crisis. The falling out is often painful.
Guy must be carpe-diem and just be happy for the topic.
Hope bro can post more guru topics and guide us.
As a noob in this ktv game, I hope to learn more skills.
Thank you to all thsoe who had contributed to this thread.
17-05-2018, 02:48 PM
Support good thread by bro WB. Hoping to read more.
18-05-2018, 11:04 AM
Bro hv a nice weekend.
18-05-2018, 12:56 PM
You're too modest, bro. From wat I hv read in ur posts, you're getting all the pussies u need...wat more could a man want?
I only hv a little money, just enuff to BY some PRC gals. I hv had some winning streaks...for now they r generating enuff passive income for my very modest lifestyle.
"Some examples of passive income are:
* Earnings from a business that does not require direct involvement from the owner or merchant;
* Rent from property;
* Royalties from publishing a book or from licensing a patent or other form of intellectual property;
* Earnings from internet advertisements on websites;
* Residual income, repeated regular income earned by a sales person, generated from the payment of a product or service, that must be renewed on a regular basis in order to continue receiving its benefits;
* Dividend and interest income from owning securities, such as stocks and bonds, is usually referred to as portfolio income, which may or may not be considered a form of passive income.
* Pensions."
Bro WB
Bro WB
Nice of you to share the above post.
Passive income is very important for cheonging exercise. Without passive income hardly can cheong at all.
HDB flats rental is a big passive income. This rental income can allow anyone to live comfortably in any neighboring cities.
Elvis patent is still generating millions per year for the his family. So this is considered passive income.
As for the chap that said to slap gal if she raised her voice. I disapprove of using force to silence gal. Best is to leave her alone and walk away. If she don't get the hint then next time totally ignore her. Silence is always the best medicine to treat this unruly behaviour.
I was also amazed that Bro LHD mentioned to give wife only small $500 allowance when he spent huge amount for ktcv gals.
Well to each his own.
Please continue this nice thread.
Have a great weekend.
18-05-2018, 01:01 PM
Nice thread bro WB, enjoy your weekend.
18-05-2018, 01:16 PM
Bro WB
Nice of you to share the above post.
Passive income is very important for cheonging exercise. Without passive income hardly can cheong at all.
HDB flats rental is a big passive income. This rental income can allow anyone to live comfortably in any neighboring cities.
Elvis patent is still generating millions per year for the his family. So this is considered passive income.
As for the chap that said to slap gal if she raised her voice. I disapprove of using force to silence gal. Best is to leave her alone and walk away. If she don't get the hint then next time totally ignore her. Silence is always the best medicine to treat this unruly behaviour.
I was also amazed that Bro LHD mentioned to give wife only small $500 allowance when he spent huge amount for ktcv gals.
Well to each his own.
Please continue this nice thread.
Have a great weekend.
Fully agreed. Need passive income to cheong.
19-05-2018, 10:00 AM
Tks TS for nice thread. Will support.:D
19-05-2018, 10:03 AM
Great thread here, support bro WB.
Have a nice weekend, cheers.
19-05-2018, 11:21 AM
Thx bro WB for good thread. Sure support.:)
19-05-2018, 11:41 AM
Excellent thread by Bro WB, support.
Hope to read more.
Have a great weekend.
19-05-2018, 03:22 PM
Excellent thread. :D
19-05-2018, 08:39 PM
Nice share , camping for more
20-05-2018, 10:46 AM
Bro WB,
I don't need to borrow your thread but definitely want to support here.
BTW, thanks for the nice thread.
To me, dominant self-mastery is just 2 words.
Dominant - having power and influence over others.
Self-mastery - self-control
Fully agreed that self-mastery do not need to have plenty of money. Is just an individual who can have more self-control.
Tks for your comment.
Bro WB,
I quoted bro sing1123581 post above because I found his post more like fictions.
He claimed he needs to go home after work and lame excuse that he cannot hang out but needs to get home. Yet, he has 50k budget per month to look for a GFE gal to fark. This type of scenario sounded very dubious and who in the hell of company paid a guy >50k per month salary doing nothing much.
Firstly he sounded wussy.
Secondly he sounded as though his wife or in-laws are the owner.
Thirdly he sounded he is good for nothing.
Fourthly he has the moolah to burn.
Pardon me for been honest and not here to defame anyone since this is open forum.
You had commented rightfully that if he cannot convince his OC that he needs to sneak out at night then forget about finding GFE Bao-ee.
Wonder such person does existed in this land?
After reading so many pages, i wanted to comment almost every posts but I refrained from doing so.
Please keep this going strong.
Bro Sing may or may not be real. He has money but is unable to BY an SYT because he is constrained by time and his OC. He is very frustrated. There are actually many such men all over the world.
Money is relative. 50k a month is little money to rich men. I know a relative who could easily afford 500K a month to BY an SYT. But he is like bro Sing, constrained by time n OC. Money is useless unless you hv the time and freedom to use it.
Bro WB
I cannot believe what I was reading about this thread. Excellent in terms of contents, fun, laughter, economics, sex, libido, stock markets, etc.
After reading what bro campaign had to say about the lunatic sing11235813, I was really interested to continue all his past posts. I wonder really there existed such a jerk who cannot afford time but yet want to bonk a GFE gal who are not in FL. I did agreed all sounded very unreal.
Anyway I was reading your post below and now I practising trying this exercise to draw air all the way down past your ribs, and allow it to expand your diaphragm andyour belly.
"The final aim is to KC them n give them COS". - this quote does makes plenty of cow sense. No point to keep holding our breathe.
Getting to know the gals and build good rapport is important for kc.
Hope to complete reading this thread soon.
In the meantime, please continue all the great exchange of forums.
Thank you.
Tks for your post.
Try the breathing exercises. It's very similar to Chinese qi gong.
Bro WB
I chose to be happy and happiness is my choice.
A mentor told me when I was middle age that he said this -
If you happy pass one day
If you sad also pass one day
So why not choose happiness to pass daily
Back to picking gals which can be unhappy events. So I always tell the gals upfront I chose to be happy and if you are sad then dun come near me.
Never fall in love in the pickup gal game? Once guy fall in love the game is over. After that only crisis. The falling out is often painful.
Guy must be carpe-diem and just be happy for the topic.
Hope bro can post more guru topics and guide us.
As a noob in this ktv game, I hope to learn more skills.
Thank you to all thsoe who had contributed to this thread.
Thank you, bro.
Happiness is a state of mind. It has nothing to do with what is happening to you or around you.
Bro WB
Nice of you to share the above post.
Passive income is very important for cheonging exercise. Without passive income hardly can cheong at all.
HDB flats rental is a big passive income. This rental income can allow anyone to live comfortably in any neighboring cities.
Elvis patent is still generating millions per year for the his family. So this is considered passive income.
As for the chap that said to slap gal if she raised her voice. I disapprove of using force to silence gal. Best is to leave her alone and walk away. If she don't get the hint then next time totally ignore her. Silence is always the best medicine to treat this unruly behaviour.
I was also amazed that Bro LHD mentioned to give wife only small $500 allowance when he spent huge amount for ktcv gals.
Well to each his own.
Please continue this nice thread.
Have a great weekend.
Bro, tks.
Create multiple streams of passive income. You will hv so much money without ever working again.
Bro WB
20-05-2018, 12:15 PM
Good morning! What a wonderful day!!
A few days ago I saw a gal which reminded me of the following words from esteemed bro Marc5:
"Inside me I constantly feel that there are better ones available, somewhere, somehow. It is a strange response, I know. In many instances, my buddies were astonished by my rejection on the gal because they felt she was just perfect. The feeling of someone else is better is always present. “别人比较好” – sounds familiar?"
In addition to the above sentiment, I like to add that a gal who is very hard to get or who is beyond my reach is most desirable n attractive.
Back to the gal I saw. I first sighted her a couple of wks ago while she was walking w/ her female fren outside the DC complex. She disappeared quickly in the crowd...I had been to KTVs at DC complex a few times but never saw her inside. Nor outside again.
Then I saw her a few days ago. She was w/o make up, wearing a white blouse, jeans n flat shoes, abt 21-22, 170-171 n 53-54 kg, very chio n cute to me, w/ fair skin, proportionate body, beautiful shapely butt. And quite long n slender arms, OMG! She was carrying several plastic bags full of clothings n walking towards a car. She smiled at a middle-aged n very short man waiting beside a small nondescript car. She got inside the car...
I guess she was moving to a new place closer to the man who was obviously her BAO-er.
My frustration is that I never had a chance to meet her n make my offer. It's OK if I pursued her n lost to a better man.
How attractive is she to ME, based solely on her looks n figure? I would gladly forget n give up ALL my former n current BAO-ees if I could keep her as my mistress. And I would keep her for as long as she wants...IMHO, she is worth 30K a month.
Of course, it's entirely possible that she could turn out to be a disappointment if I really got to taste her pussy, for a no. of reasons. It has happened to me before.
It would make me feel much better if the man who picked her up was only a coolie who was taking her to a big towkay, hehehe.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!
Bro WB
Bro WB, what a wonderful day!
First is the lazy Sunday syndrome. Also a day can sleep late and be in darlins lovely arms huggies.
The interesting discussion was "the gal that you never had a chance to offer". I wonder why guys always love the gal who they never had before. I knew most guys love the challenge to try get the gal who they could never get. It's fun but dun you think you should treasure the gal who you already had in your arms.
Actually the fact was guy can never marry the gal he love the most. Somehow they will be obstacles and fate plays a part. And also we can never choose who our parents are.
Anyway today guys will only think YOLO and FOMO.
So enjoy while we are young and can.
Hope the guys here contribute more interesting discussions and post more forums.
Have a great Sunday!
20-05-2018, 12:18 PM
Thank you, bro.
Happiness is a state of mind. It has nothing to do with what is happening to you or around you.
Bro WB
Thank you bro for your reply. Fully agreed with your statement above.
20-05-2018, 05:32 PM
Bro WB, what a wonderful day!
First is the lazy Sunday syndrome. Also a day can sleep late and be in darlins lovely arms huggies.
The interesting discussion was "the gal that you never had a chance to offer". I wonder why guys always love the gal who they never had before. I knew most guys love the challenge to try get the gal who they could never get. It's fun but dun you think you should treasure the gal who you already had in your arms.
Actually the fact was guy can never marry the gal he love the most. Somehow they will be obstacles and fate plays a part. And also we can never choose who our parents are.
Anyway today guys will only think YOLO and FOMO.
So enjoy while we are young and can.
Hope the guys here contribute more interesting discussions and post more forums.
Have a great Sunday!
Will think of TOTO too.
20-05-2018, 08:06 PM
Thank you bro for your reply. Fully agreed with your statement above.
Fully agreed with the statement too.
21-05-2018, 01:46 PM
SH gals r reputed to be the most practical n calculating among all the PRCs. They ARE!
I called her yesterday n she was friendly.
Me: Are u XX?
She: Yes!
Me: Where r u from?
She: SH, China.
Me: You hv a BF taking care of u?
She: No, I dun hv a BF.
Bro WB
Yup, my guess were correct because I will guess SH = Shanghai too.
Yes, SH = Shanghai
I always try to meet the gal in broad daylight before BY-ing her. But I still hv had my share of surprises as I dun hv X-ray vision, hehehe.
I suspect the prettier SH gals choose to work at other major cities. Your impression may be due to sampling bias.
Perhaps bro chenzong, an "old SH hand," could tell us if SH gals r pretty or not.
Yeah, SH gals r very practical. Very pretty like supermodels? Are they both local SH gals?
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good evening!
I called the SH gal XX again yesterday PM. For the first time she called me X da ge right away. BTW, I hv not seen her again since I met her for perhaps less than 20 secs abt 2 wks ago.
We spoke for quite a while re how I could BY her.
Just like me, she is very practical n frank n calculating. I love negotiating BY w/ her!
She told me approx how much she is earning running KTVs. If she doesn't work at all, she wants X $ a month to be BY-ed by me. She quickly added tat perhaps she should work occasionally n I could pay her less as it might be too much of a financial burden to me. The amt she is asking is the going rate...I actually thought tat she might request for 1.5X the amt, which I was mentally prepared to ante up. Currently her mom is in town. She would call me next wk to meet up to finalize the details.
BTW, she has been here for 2 months. She is trying to apply for a different visa as she intends to start a business in SIN. She wants to quit going to KTVs.
We hardly know each other. She remembers that I'm a white collar type, not a ruffian. All I know abt her is tat she is a looker w/ the type of body proportions that I like. I persisted bcos she is a challenge. She charges 50% higher fees for KTV sessions n I failed to book her several times. She politely asked me to get lost 1 wk ago, but I was undaunted n changed tactics...
Of course I need to do a final inspection of the meat before consummating the deal. Whatever the outcome, this is an interesting n useful learning experience for me.
The most crucial goal for me? Constantly improve my dominant self mastery/self control so that I become completely detached to life's outcomes.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I was thoroughly enjoy myself reading your prestigious thread.
I wanted to know how if you did conclude the deal for this SH gal.
Anyway, SH gal are truly very calculative and if you can speak shanghainese then you will be in her heart. She will have soft spot for you by then.
I am not sure if you say SH gal are classy or elegant which they could because SH had been a major city for centuries. Most of chinese fashion wear originated from SH.
Booked XX for the 1st time the other day. I was mildly disappointed. She was sick w/ flu. She is 24-25 n abt 163-164 in height. She works mainly SH n is a popular gal, according to the mummies.
We had a very fruitful discussion. She is a smart gal n a good singer. She was BY-ed by a man in KL for several months n by someone in China before. She also did quite well owning a female apparel store in SH. She has agreed to BY, but wants monthly payment. I'll wait n see...
Bro WB
Bro WB
All these gals that work nights entertainment will be sicko.
No deal w/ the SH gal XX unless she drops her demand for monthly payment.
1) I hv a very suspicious mind n I trust no one. Period.
2) Although I like pussies, I like money even more.
3) I'm a perfectionist n no pussies r perfect.
4) I'm basically too logical n calculating to get KC-ed. I'm constantly asking myself: Could I get a better pussy w/ the money I'm spending? The answer is YES, but I hv to go to PRC!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Well done!!
While I was reading, I had concluded you will not closed the deal. fun to read and chased your answers.
Well, I hope to learn more and pickup here and there.
Please keep all these nice exchanges.
21-05-2018, 01:53 PM
Bro WB,
Well done!!
While I was reading, I had concluded you will not closed the deal. fun to read and chased your answers.
Well, I hope to learn more and pickup here and there.
Please keep all these nice exchanges.
Hope to learn more from bro WB too.
Great thread!
22-05-2018, 01:41 PM
Bro ME,
You're a young man w/ a very bright future...if u invest/trade wisely, u could become very wealthy in 10 yrs.
Bro WB
Bro, thanks for the advice. Will build my investment carefully.
By following the advice of Mr. Austin n bro LDH, I asked a 20 yo student to prove her worth to me. Besides saying that her heart already belongs to me (worthless BS), she would cook for me n try to please me the best she could, etc. She will be a wife/lover/companion/homemaker to me. I told her, should I decide to keep her, she must move close to where I now live n I'll pay her wkly at 20% less than I previously agreed to. She should never ask for extra payment or gifts. She replied, sure, anything is ok.
She then told me abt her younger cousin who just arrived here on visitor pass, but was denied work at TAM bcos she is only 17 (??). She wonders if her cousin could move in w/ us. I said ok bcos I may want to keep both, ya?
BTW, I did meet a 17 yo Fujian gal last yr who was on singer permit at TAM. She turned 18 in Jan this yr.
The question is this: If I provide food n lodging n buy occasional gifts for a 17 yo gal in return for tasting her abalone, am I committing a criminal offense in SIN?
Any comments?
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Very good advice. Next time, I shall ask my gal to prove her worth to me too. No point say all the BS and not proving anything.
I will read more to find out how you are doing with these two cousin sis?
Please post more.
Thank you.
22-05-2018, 02:02 PM
Good thread here, support. Hoping to read more.
23-05-2018, 12:14 PM
Hi Bro ME,
I hv found psycanics to be scientific, logical, simple, effective n FREE. No donations to anyone or any institution, EVER. All the info is available online.
It's not mysticism as alleged by some religious groups who r scared that their rice bowls will be broken.
The tenet of psycanics is so obvious n simple. You can't rely on or control anything that is external to u to achieve happiness n success. Instead ur happiness n success emanate within u. You can control ur own emotions n be happy most of the time, no matter what happens. This is dominant self mastery/self control. You will be completely detached from life's outcomes.
你会置结局于度外, 置胜败于度外, 置生死于度外。
You will become truly fearless n invincible. We learn in military strategy that a person who is not afraid to die is very difficult to defeat n very, very dangerous. Be that person. Ironically, being such a person will give u the best chance to survive n succeed in life.
"Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once."
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar (II, ii, 32-37)
Let me also quote Psycanics:
"...Life is change: Change is the only constant; change is the only thing that doesn’t change. Thus, Life
is a “parade of events.”
One importance of “events” is that you let your emotions change with them; you let them “cause”
your emotions. This puts you on an emotional roller-coaster that makes your happiness impossible.
• When a “good” event occurs, you activate positive emotions and so feel “happy” for a while.
Note that your positive emotions ALWAYS pass. Occasional positive emotions do not
qualify as true happiness which is positive experience all the time, no matter what.
• When “bad” events occur in your life, you let your negative emotions activate and suffer their
pain. Due to the Laws of Polarity and the Laws of Resistance that we shall study later, your
negative emotions will tend to be much stronger and more lasting than your positive ones.
Thus life becomes more UPS (Unhappiness, Pain n Sufferings) than joy.
Furthermore, that external events cause your emotions is an illusion. As I prove in other books,
external events NEVER cause your emotions. They are under your control, and taking control is the
only effective route to happiness..."
You only need to do some simple mental exercises on a daily basis.
Are there devotees of psycanics out there? I hv never met one in my entire life! If u r, PM me.
Bro WB
Another nice post above.
True that us men control our own happiness. So simple and yet many men found the going tough.
So I should be fearless and become a villain.
Hope can share more lessons and guide us to be better in pickup gals.
Have a nice shiok day.
23-05-2018, 02:01 PM
Another nice post above.
True that us men control our own happiness. So simple and yet many men found the going tough.
So I should be fearless and become a villain.
Hope can share more lessons and guide us to be better in pickup gals.
Have a nice shiok day.
Sometimes it is better to be a villain.
Nice thread here, support.
23-05-2018, 02:30 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for sharing so many wonderful forums.
I never knew that woman's brain can be so powerful.
Think of this maybe correct too because she may have thought too much and already orgasms before even meeting.
I did remembered many moons ago a sexpert told me that woman will be wet with simple orgasm when she talk or touch the guy who she like. Think the brain senses must be sending out enough of messages telling her how wet she was.
As for the "Psycanics", still have no clue what it is? Definitely will take some time to understand.
Well, thank you for the nice post. Hope you keep you the good effort.
I like to share an e-mail I received the other day from a sex guru on a secret that I hv known for many months but still often forget:
<<<Scream-Inducing Female "Hot Button"
Of all the spots on a woman's body that
you can stimulate to drive her crazy... which
one is the MOST powerful?
Care to guess?
As you probably know, I have an interview
series for men called "Interviews With
Sex Gurus" that I do every month.
So over the past years I've had the fun
and, frankly, the learning opportunity of
interviewing all sorts of TOP experts in the area
of sexuality... from tantra masters to clinical
It's been great, and I wanted to share with
you something very fascinating that I've learned
from doing all of these interviews.
After doing many, many of these interviews I
noticed that every single one of these top experts
that I interrogated for their very best information
and their top secret sex tips...
Every one of them, at some point, thought it
was important to bring up this one particular
A fact that MOST men obviously don't know...
and if they DO know, they simply don't DO anything
about that knowledge or there would a LOT more
happy women out there--
Every one of these experts said that the MOST
SENSITIVE and IMPORTANT erotic organ on a woman's
body... the one that, if properly stimulated,
would give her the most POWERFUL ORGASMS, is one
that most men completely ignore.
And, more surprisingly, they ALL agreed on
what that secret spot was.
Have you figured it out yet?
If you've been reading these newsletters for a
while I'm sure you got this one right...
If you haven't been reading these newsletters
and you STILL get it right, then you probably
have a very happy woman in your life...
Did you guess "her brain"?
Because expert after expert that I interviewed
said that the most important and powerful sex
organ in a woman's body was her "mind," her
"imagination", her "thoughts", the "organ between
her ears", and in all other ways of saying it:
Her Brain.
And if you have been reading my newsletters
for a while, then you know I'm not going to just
leave you hanging here... you know that I'm now
going to give you some straight up tips and
techniques on how to USE this information to
drive your woman wild.
In other words, I'm going to answer the
question: "How do I sexually stimulate her B-Spot?"
One of the reasons that couples begin to feel
like they are getting into a rut or that their
sex life is quickly getting less interesting over
time, is that they are so focused on what they
are DOING, rather than on what they are FEELING.
If you look at one of those books like 1001
sex positions, and you remove the ones that are
impossible, uncomfortable, generally silly, or
require 10 years of yoga or gymnastics to get in
to... what you are left with is just a bunch of
minor variations on about 4 basic positions.
Well obviously that's not a ton of variety...
If you are focused on what you are DOING, of
course things can get dull.
And it's so easy, especially after you've had
sex with a partner a dozen times, to just start
taking it for granted...
...or in some other way, make an effort to
Women will tell you that most men are
completely silent in the bedroom. Some will make
an effort at "dirty talk", but few really try to
make an effort at connecting in some real way.
"Dirty talk" is way better than nothing...
Many women LOVE dirty talk and say it's a real
turn on... some don't care for it... but IF you are
with a woman that likes it, then it's a great way
to SYNCHRONIZE your feelings together...
A romantic environment definitely stimulates
the "B-spot."
The obvious way to go here is to light candles,
spread rose petals on the bed...
Be good,
Bro WB
23-05-2018, 02:39 PM
Excellent thread here, hope to read more.
Thanks bro WB, have a nice day.
23-05-2018, 07:48 PM
This thread is very interesting! Can learn a lot of things.
Reading from the start and learning day by day.
Hope one day I have the means to pick up KTV gals and BY them like the gurus here.
24-05-2018, 09:55 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for sharing so many wonderful forums.
I never knew that woman's brain can be so powerful.
Think of this maybe correct too because she may have thought too much and already orgasms before even meeting.
I did remembered many moons ago a sexpert told me that woman will be wet with simple orgasm when she talk or touch the guy who she like. Think the brain senses must be sending out enough of messages telling her how wet she was.
As for the "Psycanics", still have no clue what it is? Definitely will take some time to understand.
Well, thank you for the nice post. Hope you keep you the good effort.
Thanks for comment.
24-05-2018, 09:56 PM
Yes, excellent thread here, hope to read more.
Thanks bro WB, have a nice day.
24-05-2018, 11:33 PM
Yes, excellent thread here, hope to read more.
Thanks bro WB, have a nice day.
Can't agree more, very good thread here, hoping to read more.
Have a good weekend bro WB.
25-05-2018, 07:58 AM
Good morning Bro WB
We are again the the World Cup year and this event hosted by Russia and first kick-off in 20 days time.
Are we looking at the situation which you described below?
It will be interesting to note the situation and events.
As for raiding recently the number of AV raids had been ferocious with many places raided but didn't hear big clubs/ktv raided.
Is the stock remain as good? So will you be getting more girls to accept your offers easily.
Well hopefully some brothers here will report to us.
Please post more to share.
Good morning to all samsters! What an auspicious day!!
The IRs n World Cup must hv siphoned off a lot of excess cash from the KTV scene as overall spending has declined. Frequent AV raids hv not helped. A fren gave me the good news several days ago that the average BY-ing damage had declined...
In the last 3 months I hv proposed BY to a no. of PRC gals, approx 90% hv accepted my offer. Even the one who flatly rejected me before now said YES. She is a 22 yo student I met 2 1/2 months ago. She was the only KTV gal who told me straight in my face: 你很坏噢! I gave up on her long ago as a lost cause. She was back to PRC n recently returned. She texted me 4 days ago to say hello. I ignored her. Yesterday, she texted me again: X大哥,你说的那件事还算么? She followed up w/ a call. I had promised to take her to eat chilly crabs but never did bcos I thought I could never taste her pussy. So I asked: You mean u still want to eat chilly crabs? I was surprised when she said: Actually no, it's abt the other thing u proposed...
Unfortunately, the timing is very bad for me. But I know she is very fresh n it would be a wonderful experience making love to her, so I agree to meet up n see what can be arranged.
BTW,has damage for BY-ing PRC gals declined? Abt 20%? More?
Bro WB
25-05-2018, 11:30 AM
Bro WB, what a wonderful day!
First is the lazy Sunday syndrome. Also a day can sleep late and be in darlins lovely arms huggies.
The interesting discussion was "the gal that you never had a chance to offer". I wonder why guys always love the gal who they never had before. I knew most guys love the challenge to try get the gal who they could never get. It's fun but dun you think you should treasure the gal who you already had in your arms.
Actually the fact was guy can never marry the gal he love the most. Somehow they will be obstacles and fate plays a part. And also we can never choose who our parents are.
Anyway today guys will only think YOLO and FOMO.
So enjoy while we are young and can.
Hope the guys here contribute more interesting discussions and post more forums.
Have a great Sunday!
Bro, thanks!
You're right.
Yup, my guess were correct because I will guess SH = Shanghai too.
Bro WB,
I was thoroughly enjoy myself reading your prestigious thread.
I wanted to know how if you did conclude the deal for this SH gal.
Anyway, SH gal are truly very calculative and if you can speak shanghainese then you will be in her heart. She will have soft spot for you by then.
I am not sure if you say SH gal are classy or elegant which they could because SH had been a major city for centuries. Most of chinese fashion wear originated from SH.
Bro WB
All these gals that work nights entertainment will be sicko.
Bro WB,
Well done!!
While I was reading, I had concluded you will not closed the deal. fun to read and chased your answers.
Well, I hope to learn more and pickup here and there.
Please keep all these nice exchanges.
Bro, tks.
I hv kept several SHA gals before. The rs never lasted more than two months, for various reasons. These gals are very mercenary. I would avoid them. I hv not seen a cute SYT from SHA in the last 5 years.
Bro, thanks for the advice. Will build my investment carefully.
Bro WB,
Very good advice. Next time, I shall ask my gal to prove her worth to me too. No point say all the BS and not proving anything.
I will read more to find out how you are doing with these two cousin sis?
Please post more.
Thank you.
Bro, tks for your post.
I didn't touch the 17 yo gal. She never came back. I heard she had a kidney removed because of tumor.
Another nice post above.
True that us men control our own happiness. So simple and yet many men found the going tough.
So I should be fearless and become a villain.
Hope can share more lessons and guide us to be better in pickup gals.
Have a nice shiok day.
Bro, tks.
Be fearless but never break the law. I guess you could be a law abiding 'villain.'
Good morning Bro WB
We are again the the World Cup year and this event hosted by Russia and first kick-off in 20 days time.
Are we looking at the situation which you described below?
It will be interesting to note the situation and events.
As for raiding recently the number of AV raids had been ferocious with many places raided but didn't hear big clubs/ktv raided.
Is the stock remain as good? So will you be getting more girls to accept your offers easily.
Well hopefully some brothers here will report to us.
Please post more to share.
Bro, tks for your post.
Damage for BY is about the same as 8-9 yrs ago. But the quality and quantity of girls have greatly declined.
It's now very difficult for me to see a SYT of my type. Even though I'm always looking. I go to PC joints n other joints scouting for my type of SYT 3-4 days a week. I hv even engaged the services of agents and friends to look for gals in China.
Since meeting the yr 97 Hunan SYT in Dec 2015, I hv only seen one of similar quality in March this yr. She is TY, just turned 18. She is my full time LP now. I pay her surprisingly little. She is very frugal. Of course, I met my two secret joint LPs in July 2016. But they were much older, aged 23-24 at the time.
Bro WB
25-05-2018, 04:29 PM
Great thread here, continuous support for Bro WB :)
25-05-2018, 05:43 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for another lengthy lesson below.
I do agree with the guru because ladies prefer badass guys.
Pretty nice boys are no longer pre-req to getting nice ladies.
Hope to read more and cheers to the god weekend.
Last wk, I received an email from a seduction/sex guru. I like to share it w/ all samsters who r not handsome in the traditional sense. It should apply to both non-WLs n Wls.
How To Outperform "Pretty Boys" With Women (And You Will)
Think that the "GQ model" type of guys who tend to
catch women's eye naturally have a better dating life than you ever
Not a long shot. Here's the fascinating reason why
you CAN and SHOULD do better with women than they can.
Looks may in fact "matter", but NOT in the way you might think. At
the very least, not in the SAME WAY that how a woman looks matters
to guys.
Here's how it all works.
First, let's look at the "average" guy.
And for the record, by "average" I mean ANY guy who doesn't see
himself as being particularly good looking. My firmly held belief
is that ALL of us can be at least an "average guy" by simply caring
enough to have self-respect.
So please don't e-mail me moaning about how you're probably "below
average", and how what I'm about to say therefore still won't help
you. It's the whining about that itself that actually spells out
"below average"...believe me.
Since "Mr. Average" is not particularly good looking, he may think
that he has less of a chance with a beautiful woman.
This is predicated on logic, of course. Deep down, we all tend to
feel like we should get what we think we deserve.
So "Mr. Average" sees "Mr. GQ" with a beautiful woman, and despairs.
But then again, it always seems like the NEXT beautiful woman he
sees is with a guy whom he might think doesn't deserve her as much
as HE does. And that frustrates him.
Despair alternating with frustration. Why? Because he's assuming
the women he sees must make dating and relationship decisions the
way WE do as men.
So he sees "Mr. GQ" as deserving, and any less handsome man with a
pretty woman as simply "lucky" or something. And he resents BOTH
As a result, HIS PROBLEM is that he can't get up the nerve to ASK A
But if he could just muster a bit of confidence, he may find that
his masculinity, ability to put a woman at ease in his presence and
his solid character could actually make women go crazy for him
after they meet him.
In fact, a BIG part of his frustration may even lie in knowing that
if he could just get a woman on a first date, she'd LOVE HIM.
Have you ever caught yourself thinking that? I know I have.
Meanwhile, let's consider "Mr. GQ".
Women naturally smile at him when they see him. They may even
flirt a little more noticeably.
Heck, women may APPROACH HIM.
He might even have women throwing slips of paper with their phone
number on it at him.
As such, he likely has NO PROBLEM getting first dates.
But when you get right down to it, a first date does NOT equal
"success with women".
And if you're among the legion of "Mr. Average" guys out there, you
might not ever see the part that comes next. You may not even ever
consider the POSSIBILITY of it, frankly.
Here it is, though: I've lost count of the number of "handsome"
guys who can get a first date with ANY woman, but who can't get a
SECOND DATE to save their lives.
Why not?
Usually it's one of three reasons:
1) Women, as I've mentioned before, ultimately can't stand to be
"upstaged" in the looks department. Insecurity and jealousy cause
them to run away.
2) The guy falls for his own shortsighted belief that women make
dating decisions the same way men do, and therefore develops an
arrogant attitude based on his looks. Women like good-looking
guys, but they can't stand arrogant ones. Mark that.
3) It turns out the guy is either BORING or a flat-out WUSS behind
that "pretty boy" façade. Game over.
Isn't the "big picture" here a little bit crazy?
"Mr. Average" doesn't get a FIRST DATE...mostly due to having psyched
himself out with negative "self-talk".
"Mr. GQ" can't get a SECOND DATE...for one (or all) of the reasons
listed above.
In the end BOTH GUYS FAIL with women.
And the most breathtaking part of this whole scenario? Both guys
actually have the SAME PROBLEM.
NEITHER guy has the ability to CHOOSE the women they really want.
Whether that means "short term fling" or "long term relationship"
is irrelevant. If ANY GUY fails to create DEEP ATTRACTION in a
woman, he's getting nowhere with her.
And remember, this is REGARDLESS OF LOOKS.
What's the net/net of all this?
It's simple. Good looks may help a guy catch a woman's eye up
front, but really only "matter" as it pertains to HOW and WHEN
success or failure with women presents itself.
And "average" guy may need to take a more objective approach
to getting a woman's attention initially.
But ultimately, ONLY the "Big Four" matter when it comes to truly
ATTRACTING her...on YOUR TERMS and for as long as you'd like her to
be in your life.
And the bottom line is that ONLY guys who are in CONTROL of their
dating lives can expect to have success with women.
In the example given above, neither "Mr. Average" nor "Mr. GQ" has
CONTROL over his dating life.
They don't hold the cards when it comes to deciding which women
they want to keep around for any length of time.
So if you think about it, whether a guy feels like he has a hard
time GETTING a woman's attention or KEEPING it, the problem is
still pretty much the same thing in the end: He doesn't have the
women in his life that he wants.
And by the way, if you think that the good looking guy may still
have one-up over "average" guys because he can get the "quick lay"
out of the transaction before he ultimately blows it, guess again.
As I've shown you before in the past, high quality women DO NOT
make decisions regarding who to sleep with the same way guys do.
Without "Big Four" substance, ANY guy can forgettaboutit.
But WITH the "Big Four" in full effect, you essentially weed out
just about ALL of your "competition" in today's modern, neutered
world replete with confused men...good-looking and otherwise.
I can hear someone asking, "Yeah, but what about women who AREN'T
high quality?"
What about 'em?
If a woman has low self-esteem and the lower standards that go with
it, the irony is that a more "average" guy may have a better
chance, as it were, even with her.
I personally thank my lucky stars that I DON'T have "model looks",
but that I know what the "Big Four" are and recognize their
importance. My dating life has been way less complicated that
way...and far more successful
How about you? Can you adopt that mindset and take full advantage
of the power it holds?
Be Good,
BTW, the "Big Four" factors refer to the traits of a real MAN which attract women. They r: Masculinity, Confidence, Inspiring confidence n Character.
Still want to look like Mr. GQ?
I rather be a lio chi ko pek w/ the "Big Four" n dominant self mastery/self control n lots of moolah, hehehe.:D
Any comments n criticisms?
Bro WB
25-05-2018, 11:48 PM
Fully agreed, a nice length lesson.
Support good thread, hope to read more.
Bro WB
Thanks for another lengthy lesson below.
I do agree with the guru because ladies prefer badass guys.
Pretty nice boys are no longer pre-req to getting nice ladies.
Hope to read more and cheers to the god weekend.
First time read. Ddog agree WB. Not difficult to figure a woman out.
Womans mind most powerful yes, also imaginations. That's why female like novels, Korean dramas, etc. Look into these aspects, beri dramatic, ups and downs sadness... which something bros need to inject into gal head. Excitement, make gal feel PAIN, pain is more enduring and significant in gals head. Give her pleasure, then PAIN by asking gal her saddest memory, make gal feel alongside you. Then best memory... ask her how it felt, put yourself into her reverie by parroting gal example she talks about feeling the snow... "I can see the snow... soft like powder" putting yourself in her pleasure zone and moment.
Evade the female defenses by parroting them, female won't know the voice/thoughts hers or yours that's how guys gets into ladies head. Hypnotise gal... then introduce touches on certain spot with each pleasure moment. Next time you touch gal there, she will unconsciously feel it.
Woman are wildcards, they don't really go by logic nor the beliefs they think they held. If guy intro self with confidence etc etc gal will go with him. Because chics are programmed to follow a leader. Believe it or not. If guy is easily figured out, gal gets bored, move on. That's why must must be enigmatic, intriguing to gals... time and time again been proven gals doesn't hold onto what they think they want in a guy. Because in reality they don't know what they want and would go with you if you swoop her off her feet during that moment.
Why gals makeup, dressup, vain vain draw lips red like aroused pussycat etc? To get your attention! Beri primal.
Gud gud example are countless dating shows example this Korean chic ended with guy whose not creepy, direct, enigmatic, takes notice of her, left her with more questions about him to be desired and to chase for
Too much explain, now Ddog going take catnap ZZZzzzZ hot date with Korean tomorrow. By far most fun... Korean gal tall, tall and cheeky. Watching Deadpool, will hit target bcos is beri romantic film in way funny. Can whisper in gal ear "Kiss me like you miss me" put Ddog into film (another brainwash technique).
Watch Korean Chic eliminating predictable guys. Females are attracted to intrigue, dominance, and what they can't have.
Goodnight goodbye from Ddog.
27-05-2018, 11:47 AM
Bro WB
Thanks for another lengthy lesson below.
I do agree with the guru because ladies prefer badass guys.
Pretty nice boys are no longer pre-req to getting nice ladies.
Hope to read more and cheers to the god weekend.
Bro, tks.
This guru's lengthy article is the BEST I hv read on the differences between men and women. Both men and women are clueless.
Women themselves are confused because they consciously want certain type of men, due primarily to social, religious and cultural conditioning, yet their most powerful, primal instincts compel them to behave very differently.
First time read. Ddog agree WB. Not difficult to figure a woman out.
Womans mind most powerful yes, also imaginations. That's why female like novels, Korean dramas, etc. Look into these aspects, beri dramatic, ups and downs sadness... which something bros need to inject into gal head. Excitement, make gal feel PAIN, pain is more enduring and significant in gals head. Give her pleasure, then PAIN by asking gal her saddest memory, make gal feel alongside you. Then best memory... ask her how it felt, put yourself into her reverie by parroting gal example she talks about feeling the snow... "I can see the snow... soft like powder" putting yourself in her pleasure zone and moment.
Evade the female defenses by parroting them, female won't know the voice/thoughts hers or yours that's how guys gets into ladies head. Hypnotise gal... then introduce touches on certain spot with each pleasure moment. Next time you touch gal there, she will unconsciously feel it.
Woman are wildcards, they don't really go by logic nor the beliefs they think they held. If guy intro self with confidence etc etc gal will go with him. Because chics are programmed to follow a leader. Believe it or not. If guy is easily figured out, gal gets bored, move on. That's why must must be enigmatic, intriguing to gals... time and time again been proven gals doesn't hold onto what they think they want in a guy. Because in reality they don't know what they want and would go with you if you swoop her off her feet during that moment.
Why gals makeup, dressup, vain vain draw lips red like aroused pussycat etc? To get your attention! Beri primal.
Gud gud example are countless dating shows example this Korean chic ended with guy whose not creepy, direct, enigmatic, takes notice of her, left her with more questions about him to be desired and to chase for
Too much explain, now Ddog going take catnap ZZZzzzZ hot date with Korean tomorrow. By far most fun... Korean gal tall, tall and cheeky. Watching Deadpool, will hit target bcos is beri romantic film in way funny. Can whisper in gal ear "Kiss me like you miss me" put Ddog into film (another brainwash technique).
Watch Korean Chic eliminating predictable guys. Females are attracted to intrigue, dominance, and what they can't have.
Goodnight goodbye from Ddog.
Thank you so much for your insightful post.
Some of the methods you mention are very similar to The October Man Sequence.
You hv profound understanding of women and what they want. I would greatly appreciate if you could post more often.
Bro WB
Good morning!
Here is a local man w/ extremely wussy behaviour.
He is a relatively young man compared to me and yet he wanted to kill the new lover of his ex GF!!
His ex GF is very old to me at 30 yo. She also looks very unattractive to me. A plain Jane.
He has an extreme case of the scarcity mindset. He suffers from jealousy, insecurity, fear and neediness. The exact opposite of masculine behaviour. He puts her on a pedestal and worships her as the grand prize. Pathetic!!
Let me reiterate: Extremely masculine behaviour is extremely attractive to the most beautiful and high-quality girls/women.
What is extremely masculine behaviour?
It emanates from high self-esteem, confidence, security and non-neediness. Dominant, not domineering. Assertive, not aggressive and belligerent. Bold, fearless. Yet kind and caring. Law abiding and gives value to society.
Suh a man is also of high status, he is intelligent n witty, and has special skills, knowledge and expertise. He has awesome emotional and self-mastery. He is not afraid to die for a cause...
Of course, he is always THE PRIZE. He keeps his power in any RS. And he only goes after the prettiest and youngest girls of his type, who are not married. AND, he never fails to get them.
Bro WB
27-05-2018, 11:57 AM
i guess it takes courage to take the first step to ask a woman out for a date .
27-05-2018, 04:10 PM
Hi Bro besafe,
Ths so much for ur detailed FR on CP n Macau...meeting the right gal is often a chance occurrence n she could appear from nowhere, unexpectedly, hehehe.
I admire the fact that u can bonk 3 times a day. As a lao chi ko pek, the best I can do is once daily for a few days.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Bro WB,
Thank you for starting such a wonderful thread.
I had read some of the recent posts and decided to start reading from the beginning and sure I was rewarded.
I learned plenty of nice forums and also new tips.
Hopefully all these will aid me greatly in my future.
Oh.. BTW, I bonked two stunning walkers in Lisbo (macau)... and booked for overnight which cost me about HK$6K per girl. Shit.. small head got the better of me.... :(
Oh.. bTW.. the routine program for me in CP was
1) Morning - Bonk girl
2) Breakfast
3) Rest and nap
4) Lunch
5) Rest and nap
6) Afternoon - Body or foot massage (at least 2 hours)
7) Rest and wash up for dinner
8) Dinner
9) KTV
10) Go to room with Girl - bonk
11) Go out for supper
12) Back to room and bonk
13) Rest and bonk again
Bro WB,
I wasn't sure we can pickup stunning girls in Lisbo, Macau.I was there once but I didn't pickup anyone. Maybe I don't know where to pickup.
Bro besafe looks like having a good time. HK$6k is SGD 1.2k which is also quite high roller.
Well so long he enjoys himself will not be any issue.
Hope all brothers will post more so xiao di di here can learn plenty.
Please enjoy a great Sunday.
28-05-2018, 12:29 AM
Fully agreed with you on this.
i guess it takes courage to take the first step to ask a woman out for a date .
28-05-2018, 06:59 AM
Hi Bro ME,
Yes, never get KC-ed by the stocks or pussies u own, hehehe.
Dun go shopping w/ ur mistress. You're too busy n too important to do so. If she asks u for money to buy this or that, tell her she can use the money u give her wkly to buy anything she wants. Period. If she says her father has an accident n is hospitalized, ask for the hospital name, tel no n doctor's name, then call to verify. Call her bluff. In the unlikely event that he is really seriously injured, u r not obligated to pay anything. Remember that she is "bot meat." If she keeps on pestering u, dump her.
Your mistress is paid to service u, not the other way round. Keep ur POWER n PERSONAL AUTHORITY. Mine cooks for me, buys toothbrush, shorts n towels, etc to be used by me when I spend time in her studio...she sometimes offers to pay for dinner when we eat outside.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for such a fantastic thread.
I learned alot in a short period.
To give a gal weekly or monthly allowance and still go shopping can burnt big holes. Not a smart way to handle this BY r/s.
Very true that the mistress is paid to service and not the other way round.
28-05-2018, 07:03 AM
Ths for ur feedback n analysis.
I guess in investing, one man's meat is another man's poison. Or could it be the Rashomon effect?
I use the biotech start up merely to illustrate how I calculate risk: reward ratio. In reality, there is more than meets the eye.
The biotech co of interest is a long-term investment for me. It has a novel product which has a 90% probability of being approved within the next 2 yrs. Yes, there is a 70% probability that it will be rejected 3 months from now n the stock price will be cut in half. I'll then back up the truck n buy much more. When it's approved, the stock price could surge to $20-30 immediately n may reach $50-100 or higher in the ensuing few yrs. In other words, my odds of making big buck r 90% in 2 yrs.
Short-term trading n gambling r entirely different. Even here I would wager my bet if the risk reward ratio is 1 to 2.57 in my favor. However, I will reduce the size of each bet so that I could survive the unlikely event of 10 consecutive losses. In the long run, say after betting over 100 hands, I'll win n win big.
I'm doing much better in my investing than in my BY-ing. I'm finding quite a few juicy investments targets, whereas there has been a dearth of pretty SYTs in SIN lately. The difference is that I can invest in Chinese stocks or stocks anywhere in the world from where I am, but I can't BY several SYTs living in China while I'm residing in SIN or Gotham City.
I must get ready to move to PRC next yr. Do I hv a choice? Import them? I need to see them n do a test drive first, hehehe.
Bro WB
Bro WB
This thread also discussed risk and ratio in start-up biotech investment.
Not sure any thread have such diverse topics of discussion. Guiding and discussing investment.
Please keep us informed and updated on the recent investment topics.
Hopefully we can make some money too.
Hope to learn more here.
28-05-2018, 11:18 AM
Bro WB,
Thank you for starting such a wonderful thread.
I had read some of the recent posts and decided to start reading from the beginning and sure I was rewarded.
I learned plenty of nice forums and also new tips.
Hopefully all these will aid me greatly in my future.
Bro WB,
I wasn't sure we can pickup stunning girls in Lisbo, Macau.I was there once but I didn't pickup anyone. Maybe I don't know where to pickup.
Bro besafe looks like having a good time. HK$6k is SGD 1.2k which is also quite high roller.
Well so long he enjoys himself will not be any issue.
Hope all brothers will post more so xiao di di here can learn plenty.
Please enjoy a great Sunday.
Bro, tks.
I also didn't see any pretty gals in the casinos there. Sauna and KTVs are good places to go for SYTs.
Bro WB
Thank you for such a fantastic thread.
I learned alot in a short period.
To give a gal weekly or monthly allowance and still go shopping can burnt big holes. Not a smart way to handle this BY r/s.
Very true that the mistress is paid to service and not the other way round.
Bro, tks.
Must say No No No to your GFs/LPs/mistresses if what they ask for is unreasonable. You will become much more attractive to their all-powerful primal brains. Few men understand this.
If a gal is an obvious psychopathic gold digger, dump her ASAP.
At this time I only want to keep very frugal gals of my type w/ good character. TY is one such gal. She likes painting n playing the piano. She will buy the painting stuff and the piano herself. And she will pay for her lessons.
Bro WB
This thread also discussed risk and ratio in start-up biotech investment.
Not sure any thread have such diverse topics of discussion. Guiding and discussing investment.
Please keep us informed and updated on the recent investment topics.
Hopefully we can make some money too.
Hope to learn more here.
Bro, tks.
The product of that biotech co was initially rejected by FDA, but approved about 6 months later. The stock price went up 350-400%. I had a very nice profit. But I only sold 20% of shares. It then kept going down n down. I sold every share after two years. I only had a very modest total profit.
Never be greedy.
Bro WB
28-05-2018, 07:10 PM
Great thread by Bro WB, lots to learn from the master.
Have a nice week ahead.
30-05-2018, 02:33 PM
Bro, tks.
Must say No No No to your GFs/LPs/mistresses if what they ask for is unreasonable. You will become much more attractive to their all-powerful primal brains. Few men understand this.
If a gal is an obvious psychopathic gold digger, dump her ASAP.
At this time I only want to keep very frugal gals of my type w/ good character. TY is one such gal. She likes painting n playing the piano. She will buy the painting stuff and the piano herself. And she will pay for her lessons.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Many thanks for taking time to reply.
Fully agreed that gold digger should be trashed immediately.
TY quite impressive and must be talented in Arts. PAy for her piano lesson also interesting to note.
Bro, tks.
The product of that biotech co was initially rejected by FDA, but approved about 6 months later. The stock price went up 350-400%. I had a very nice profit. But I only sold 20% of shares. It then kept going down n down. I sold every share after two years. I only had a very modest total profit.
Never be greedy.
Bro WB
Tks bro.
In life we best to make some profit rather than no profit.
Thanks for all the great posts inside.
Have a great day.
30-05-2018, 03:07 PM
Awesome thread by bro WB, hoping to read more.
30-05-2018, 04:01 PM
Back to pussies. Actually ST can also be very satisfactory. If I like a gal but can't ST her, then I'll try to BY her, not the other way round. Of course when u BY a gal, she usually gives u much better service. If not, u just dump her.
There r always exceptions. I did a ST the other day, it was wonderful. She is the gal (let's call her ZZ) I picked outside the lift. I didn't book her bcos when I 1st looked at her deep cleavage I mistakenly thought that her boobs were enchanced. When I phoned her after several days, she was pleasantly surprised. She has been here for less than a month on social pass n is due to leave soon to assist her sister' newborn baby. I assumed that she did ST n told her that I would pick her up n take her to a safe place.
ZZ: What for?
Me:To make love.
ZZ: No!
Me: Yes!
ZZ: I hv not done it since I came here.
Me: For me u hv to. How much?
ZZ: XXX$ (unreasonable amt)
Me: No, YYY$
She didn't say yes or no. I asked for her address n went to pick her up....
She is 165 w/o shoes, 50 kg. She looks better when totally nude! Very fair w/ near perfect body type w/ tiny wrists, natural c boobs n large, protruding pink nipples, small waist n big n shapely butt n long legs. Pretty n tight pussy too.
Best of all, she has very well-demarcated bilateral dimples of Venus or butt dimples, very rare in a PRC gal. Very sexy!,
Why r these dimples important? It means the gal has a very sexy ass...there is more. Allow me to share a secret w/ bros here. Gals w/ these dimples r very likely to squirt!!:D BTW, KK has two shallow dimples, though very wet but never squirted for me.:(
OMG!.....................certainly one of the best fucks I ever had.;) I may hv to BY her n keep her for myself.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!
Bro WB
i also like girls with dimples. Looks very pretty and pleasant.
To me, I didn't realised if girls have dimples also have sexy ass. Everyday learn something new. I learned plenty of new things here.
This thread was really amazing.
I can virtually spent hours and hours here. I learned so much in short time.
Of course pickup girls is never rocket science.
Hope more bros to post here and discuss so more things to learn.
Cheers Cheers.
30-05-2018, 04:16 PM
i also like girls with dimples. Looks very pretty and pleasant.
To me, I didn't realised if girls have dimples also have sexy ass. Everyday learn something new. I learned plenty of new things here.
This thread was really amazing.
I can virtually spent hours and hours here. I learned so much in short time.
Of course pickup girls is never rocket science.
Hope more bros to post here and discuss so more things to learn.
Cheers Cheers.
Fully agreed that this is an amazing thread, can spent hours or days here and learned a lot.
31-05-2018, 06:44 AM
Bro, tks.
I also didn't see any pretty gals in the casinos there. Sauna and KTVs are good places to go for SYTs.
Bro WB
Tks and cheers bros. Saw many old hags gambling anxiously.
31-05-2018, 01:08 PM
Tks and cheers bros. Saw many old hags gambling anxiously.
Same here, which one did you go?
Excellent thread by Bro WB, support!
01-06-2018, 07:31 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for posting the ang mo guru story. I had enjoyed your thread very much and also your posts.
Always good to learn from the expert.
I must say many things are easily understood and only the concern person involved in the r/s will be kc-ed.
Once kc-ed think pretty much all things became irrational.
Men must have self-mastery and never become wussy.
Once man showed weakness and that's it too.
Hope to read more and pls post more.
Have a great weekend coming soon.
And here are a few tips for the "End Up" phase:
1) Never become BORING.
Being predictable and boring is a cardinal sin
when it comes to ATTRACTION.
Don't do either.
Of course, telling a man not to be predictable
is like telling a dog not to hump your leg.
Most guys are PAINFULLY predictable.
We LIKE being predictable, actually. I get it.
But, when it comes to a woman you enjoy, you'd
better figure out a way to STOP IT.
There's nothing that will kill the sparks
faster than her knowing what you're about to do or
2) Don't hand over control.
Women like men who make decisions and take the
lead. Now, I'm not saying that women like men who
are overly controlling. What I am saying is that
women don't like guys who are always saying things
like, "I don't know, what do YOU want to do,
Women don't want men that they can control, so
don't be one.
3) Respect yourself and keep your own interests.
When a guy meets a woman he likes, he often
wants to spend as much time as possible with her.
This is natural, of course.
But there's a big danger here as well.
If you put your life aside for a woman, you
will become less interesting to HER.
In the long run, it's MUCH better to keep your
friends, your interests, and your hobbies, and to
spend time doing the things you enjoy... WITHOUT
And I think it's VERY important to keep
improving yourself as a person, and continue to be
a guy that she can look up to and respect.
As soon as you start acting like she's going to
be around forever, she'll start feeling less and
less ATTRACTION for you.
Now, as you read these examples, can you see
the bigger picture forming?
Can you see the deeper message?
The deeper message is that you need to
understand how ATTRACTION works for women and you
need to do those things that keep the ATTRACTION
Now, where does this all begin?
It begins with YOU.
And it begins with you learning how to control
yourself and your emotions. It begins with you
understanding the history of how and why
men and women become attracted to each other. It
begins with you learning the basics of how to use
subtle body language and communication to make
women feel ATTRACTION for you.
And what's the best way to get this "in-depth"
You need to get some of your "Inner Game"
issues handled, and you need to learn how to
really get control of your emotional life.............................................
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
01-06-2018, 10:47 AM
Thread still going strong, power la!!
Have a nice weekend :)
01-06-2018, 04:14 PM
Good afternoon!
Life is so exciting n unpredictable.
Yesterday afternoon, my female agent arranged for me to meet a gal. This was actually the very 1st time I was not disappointed w/ a gal's looks n body type intro by a mummy. She was a little bit more than mildly interesting to me despite some major negatives.
Her name is LK from Dongbei, a one time stewardess for a major Chinese airlines, part-time model n professional musician, not young at 24 (born in 1986). Quite a head turner as she is pretty, classy, poised n very fashionable. Very tall at 174 w/o shoes n slim (54-55 kg). Very long n slender arms n small wrists! Boobs probably only B, but quite perky n shapely ass. Can't see her long n slim legs as she wore jeans. Came here on social pass 4 days ago but got flu n fever on the day of arrival. Still coughing badly! Of course she left out the part that she is a part-time whore n she is here to get BY-ed or do ST if the price is right. She has never worked in SIN before.
The negatives? LK is a moderate smoker n has a small tattoo on her body. She is very arrogant n has made disparaging remarks on S'pore, its people, the high costs of everything n squalid living conditions of most S'poreans, etc. On the way to dinner, she pointed at an expensive sports car n said, where is the driver going? S'pore is so tiny, wont that driver end up in the ocean?!! She pays $450 here for a dirty bed in a HDB flat, whereas she gets a very posh one-bedroom apt in an upscale location for $520 in Beijing.
Nevertheless, I hv booked LK to go to a KTV to see how far I could smooch her...n to listen to her professional singing, hehehe.
Bro WB
Very interesting to note your first agent to help you.
Will try to read more.
01-06-2018, 04:20 PM
Very interesting to note your first agent to help you.
Will try to read more.
Very good thread, will try to read more too.
02-06-2018, 12:32 PM
hey bros need your help here so ive been to a few ktvs, and sometimes i bring girls home too. sometimes when i ask them if they are working that night, they say no and offer to come to my house..... i tot it was a booty call but most of them end up ask money also... siala i quite sad how to close the deal with them sia.... any kind bros advice is appreciated....
02-06-2018, 01:39 PM
Let's talk abt my favourite topic: Giving women COS. It has not been impossible to give all my BAO-ees COS. The reason is very complex. A safe n secure home environment could hv been helpful. I dun want to blame the gal n will admit that the fault is mine n mine alone.
I met up w/ a new bro from HK at TAM complex last nite. Bro Ragging Bull n his sidekick were there too.
The Hongkie bro is a big shot working for a MNC n a veteran BAO-er who keeps mistresses in SZ n elsewhere in PRC. He is in town for a few days n is looking for ST.
Bro Ragging Bull brought his stunningly beautiful "wife," certainly one of the prettiest PRC gals I hv seen in SIN. He sang so well that, I jokingly told him I might fall in love w/ him if I continued to see him, front of all the gals.
I also brought one of my 2 current mistresses there, the older one who is going to be 24. I saw her in makeup n party dress only once before. Subsequently, she always meet me w/o makeup n always wear very plain clothing n flat shoes. Still quite pretty but not exciting. BTW, I hv failed to give her COS n was thinking of dumping her very soon despite her good sexual services.
But when I picked her up last nite, I almost couldn't believe my eyes! She looked stunningly attractive n classy to me. Wow!! What a looker!! She had high heels on which accentuated her statuesque physique (she is 171 w/o shoes n weighs 53 kg) n wore hot pants revealing her shapely ass n fair long, straight legs. A leather jacket w/ blouse inside merely hinted at her cleavage. She did put on a light makeup...I hv decided to keep her for the time being.
Strangely, most of my BAO-ees hv been kinesthetic n my two current ones r no exceptions. Feelings n touching r very important to them...some of them hv criticized me for being too logical/boring/unemotional n not sensual n romantic enuff. But who cares? They r just bot meat to be fxked hard.:D
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Very nice forum above and fully agreed with you.
Amazing that girl make up and dress up will definitely looked stunning. Cosmetics and nice dress did wonders to the girls.
I do like girl who are plain looking and also pretty w/o make-up. This is ordinary lifestyle. But occasionally dress up to look stunning.
As a guy, we always like to see other girls and often think they looked good on the outside. The one that you did not get always looked good.
Is really the grass is always greener on the other side?
You are absolutely right that your girls are Bao to give you full satisfaction and not the other way.
Please help to post more for us and hope to learn more.
Hope all have a great weekend.
02-06-2018, 03:04 PM
Bro WB,
Very nice forum above and fully agreed with you.
Amazing that girl make up and dress up will definitely looked stunning. Cosmetics and nice dress did wonders to the girls.
I do like girl who are plain looking and also pretty w/o make-up. This is ordinary lifestyle. But occasionally dress up to look stunning.
As a guy, we always like to see other girls and often think they looked good on the outside. The one that you did not get always looked good.
Is really the grass is always greener on the other side?
You are absolutely right that your girls are Bao to give you full satisfaction and not the other way.
Please help to post more for us and hope to learn more.
Hope all have a great weekend.
I also like girls who are plain looking without makeup.
Thanks Bro WB for this wonderful thread.
Have a nice weekend.
03-06-2018, 01:02 PM
Wow Bro WB,
What a nice thread here.
but i guess to play the game , i got to learn the rules of the game first...
think am in the right place to learn in sbf should i want to play the game...
seems like alot of bros are pros here!!
hopefully I can learn from most expert seniors here.
women have long memory and also short memory. haha let me clarify. Long memory means those not good to her she remembers long. those did good she remembered short.
care to disagree?
happy weekend to all and one.
Good afternoon!
I'm still a newbie in the art n science of giving COS to women. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to improve...
Got another interesting email from a sex guru a wk ago:
Scream-Inducing Female "Hot Button"
Of all the spots on a woman's body that
you can stimulate to drive her crazy... which
one is the MOST powerful?
Care to guess?
As you probably know, I have an interview
series for men called "Interviews With
Sex Gurus" that I do every month.
So over the past years I've had the fun
and, frankly, the learning opportunity of
interviewing all sorts of TOP experts in the area
of sexuality... from tantra masters to clinical
It's been great, and I wanted to share with
you something very fascinating that I've learned
from doing all of these interviews.
After doing many, many of these interviews I
noticed that every single one of these top experts
that I interrogated for their very best information
and their top secret sex tips...
Every one of them, at some point, thought it
was important to bring up this one particular
A fact that MOST men obviously don't know...
and if they DO know, they simply don't DO anything
about that knowledge or there would a LOT more
happy women out there--
Every one of these experts said that the MOST
SENSITIVE and IMPORTANT erotic organ on a woman's
body... the one that, if properly stimulated,
would give her the most POWERFUL ORGASMS, is one
that most men completely ignore.
And, more surprisingly, they ALL agreed on
what that secret spot was.
Have you figured it out yet?
If you've been reading these newsletters for a
while I'm sure you got this one right...
If you haven't been reading these newsletters
and you STILL get it right, then you probably
have a very happy woman in your life...
Did you guess "her brain"?
Because expert after expert that I interviewed
said that the most important and powerful sex
organ in a woman's body was her "mind," her
"imagination", her "thoughts", the "organ between
her ears", and in all other ways of saying it:
Her Brain.
And if you have been reading my newsletters
for a while, then you know I'm not going to just
leave you hanging here... you know that I'm now
going to give you some straight up tips and
techniques on how to USE this information to
drive your woman wild.
In other words, I'm going to answer the
question: "How do I sexually stimulate her B-Spot?"
...or in some other way, make an effort to
Women will tell you that most men are
completely silent in the bedroom. Some will make
an effort at "dirty talk", but few really try to
make an effort at connecting in some real way.
"Dirty talk" is way better than nothing...
Many women LOVE dirty talk and say it's a real
turn on... some don't care for it... but IF you are
with a woman that likes it, then it's a great way
to SYNCHRONIZE your feelings together...
First because you are directly stimulating her
brain and you will get powerful results in her pleasure.
More importantly, you are creating the
communication that LINKS YOU UP, so you are on the
same page during love-making... and not just both
locked in your own heads, DOING something together,
but not necessarily THINKING or FEELING it
Speaking of your feelings or emotions, asking
about hers, telling her how she is making you
feel, describing what her skin feels like or
what she smells like, telling her what you want
her to do for you - these are all ways of
linking up your experiences.
All of these things are great ways to use your
words to really connect in with her brain and
make the sexual experience MUCH more intense for
both of you.
But if you don't feel comfortable "chatting"
during sex-- that's fine-- find other ways to
communicate without words... using touch, sighs,
sounds, and eye contact, aggressiveness, tenderness,
or anything else that connects you with each
other's emotional state.
A romantic environment definitely stimulates
the "B-spot."
The obvious way to go here is to light candles,
spread rose petals on the bed...
But the setting does not have to be romantic.
Not all men like that mushy sort of thing, and
BIG TIP here my friend: Not all women like it either.
Doing it someplace exciting is different things
to different people.
The danger of potentially getting caught can
make a parking garage better than rose petals for
more women than you might suspect...
And if you like sharing fantasy, you don't
ever have to leave your bedroom...
If she is an exhibitionist, all you need to do
is TELL her to IMAGINE the place you'd like to
make love to her... Yes, that's right, using your
words again... not necessarily during sex, but
before it... to set the scene.
Remember that creating the setting is even
more powerful when it does not involve a physical
setting-- but rather an emotional one.
If you think about the sorts of things that
turn women on in the movies-- forbidden love,
romantic destiny, wild passion... these are the
things that you can create in her brain before
you ever get to the bedroom.
It takes a bit of imagination, and a bit of
effort, but according to EVERY expert that I've
spoken with, it's WORTH the effort... because the
"B-Spot" is far more powerful than the clitoris,
the g-spot, or any other sexual part on her body.
Try these 3 techniques out TONIGHT. You won't
believe the results. If you've been together for
a while and you're in a rut, just the fact that
you are making this effort my bring her to tears
of gratitude... and screams of passion.
Wishing you the best in love and life,
For Passion,
03-06-2018, 01:08 PM
Wow Bro WB,
What a nice thread here.
but i guess to play the game , i got to learn the rules of the game first...
think am in the right place to learn in sbf should i want to play the game...
seems like alot of bros are pros here!!
hopefully I can learn from most expert seniors here.
women have long memory and also short memory. haha let me clarify. Long memory means those not good to her she remembers long. those did good she remembered short.
care to disagree?
happy weekend to all and one.
Important to know the rules of the game.
Nice weekend all.
03-06-2018, 01:14 PM
hey bros need your help here so ive been to a few ktvs, and sometimes i bring girls home too. sometimes when i ask them if they are working that night, they say no and offer to come to my house..... i tot it was a booty call but most of them end up ask money also... siala i quite sad how to close the deal with them sia.... any kind bros advice is appreciated....
Rare is it that KTV girls would go back with a customer with no monetary compensation involved. We are first and foremost to them a customer, they provide a service and we the money. Familiarity might help in future settings but the underlying glue that holds things together is always $$$.
03-06-2018, 10:16 PM
Bro WB
Many thanks for taking time to reply.
Fully agreed that gold digger should be trashed immediately.
TY quite impressive and must be talented in Arts. PAy for her piano lesson also interesting to note.
Tks bro.
In life we best to make some profit rather than no profit.
Thanks for all the great posts inside.
Have a great day.
Tks for your post.
TY always wears sneakers and flats. She is only 163, but is slim and has very good head-torso-breasts-butt-limbs proportions. Perky and relatively big ass. She is 46 kg. I told her she would look amazing wearing 5-6 cm heels, only need to wear when I take her to a dinner party or KTV. She bought an 8cm heels Aldo, for which she paid $169 herself. She didn't ask me to reimburse her. I hv offered to buy her a laptop next month.
Yes, a modest profit is better than no profit or losses.
i also like girls with dimples. Looks very pretty and pleasant.
To me, I didn't realised if girls have dimples also have sexy ass. Everyday learn something new. I learned plenty of new things here.
This thread was really amazing.
I can virtually spent hours and hours here. I learned so much in short time.
Of course pickup girls is never rocket science.
Hope more bros to post here and discuss so more things to learn.
Cheers Cheers.
Bro, tks for your post.
Bro WB
Thank you for posting the ang mo guru story. I had enjoyed your thread very much and also your posts.
Always good to learn from the expert.
I must say many things are easily understood and only the concern person involved in the r/s will be kc-ed.
Once kc-ed think pretty much all things became irrational.
Men must have self-mastery and never become wussy.
Once man showed weakness and that's it too.
Hope to read more and pls post more.
Have a great weekend coming soon.
Bro, tks.
I hv reiterated the importance of masculine behaviour and self-mastery.
Very interesting to note your first agent to help you.
Will try to read more.
Bro, Tks.
i remember that 174 cm gal. She claimed that she often worked at the famed KTV 天上人间 in Bejing. I brought her to Jade. Earlier I also told a Fujian girl I had just met to come. This Fujian gal was 164, aged 19, very cute. They both sat w/ me. I decided to keep the cute gal and forget the tall but much older gal. That was in 2010.
hey bros need your help here so ive been to a few ktvs, and sometimes i bring girls home too. sometimes when i ask them if they are working that night, they say no and offer to come to my house..... i tot it was a booty call but most of them end up ask money also... siala i quite sad how to close the deal with them sia.... any kind bros advice is appreciated....
Unless a KTV gal or singer is in love w/ you, you will hv to pay something when you fxxk them. Making them fall for you will take time. It's hard to do that w/ successful singers, almost all of whom are psychopathic gold diggers. And many successful KTV gals are too.
You should go after non-WLS.
Bro WB,
Very nice forum above and fully agreed with you.
Amazing that girl make up and dress up will definitely looked stunning. Cosmetics and nice dress did wonders to the girls.
I do like girl who are plain looking and also pretty w/o make-up. This is ordinary lifestyle. But occasionally dress up to look stunning.
As a guy, we always like to see other girls and often think they looked good on the outside. The one that you did not get always looked good.
Is really the grass is always greener on the other side?
You are absolutely right that your girls are Bao to give you full satisfaction and not the other way.
Please help to post more for us and hope to learn more.
Hope all have a great weekend.
Bro, tks.
Yeah, without makeup, fancy dress and very high heels, most singers and KTV gals look horrific.
Yeah, my young LPs are just sex dolls to me.
Wow Bro WB,
What a nice thread here.
but i guess to play the game , i got to learn the rules of the game first...
think am in the right place to learn in sbf should i want to play the game...
seems like alot of bros are pros here!!
hopefully I can learn from most expert seniors here.
women have long memory and also short memory. haha let me clarify. Long memory means those not good to her she remembers long. those did good she remembered short.
care to disagree?
happy weekend to all and one.
Bro, tks so much.
I couldn't agree w/ you more.
Rare is it that KTV girls would go back with a customer with no monetary compensation involved. We are first and foremost to them a customer, they provide a service and we the money. Familiarity might help in future settings but the underlying glue that holds things together is always $$$.
You're spot on!
Good evening to all samsters!
I watched an interesting video today in which a young local woman called a man ‘daddy.’ She stripped butt naked for him. Very common as all gals want to be dominated and treated like little girls. They want to be cared for and loved. Sit in daddy’s lap n hugged tight n kissed. And objectified.
They are all insecure, needy n fearful. If you behave the same, game over for u.
They are feminine. They are most attracted to extremely masculine mindset n behaviour.
A man doesn’t need big muscles like Arnold, but he must be physically fit n clean. And mentally very strong n tough. With awesome self-mastery. He is dominant, not domineering, assertive, not aggressive and belligerent. He is courageous, smart, persistent. He is dependable and his word is his bond. At the same time, he is kind and caring. He also adds value to society...
Such a man is never jealous, needy, insecure n feraful. He is THE PRIZE to the most beautiful high-quality girls/women.
A most attractive occupation for a man is fighter pilot. Next is perhaps a navy seal or green beret. A daredevil commando.
An American board-certified neurosurgeon is very attractive too...
I’m talking about what is most attractive to a girl’s primal brain n subconscious mind. Cultural, social n religious conditioning n brainwashing are often not as strong, not even close actually.
BTW, some bros who promise to up you if you up them first, but never do, are wussy losers.
Bro WB
04-06-2018, 06:20 AM
Bro, tks.
I hv reiterated the importance of masculine behaviour and self-mastery.
I watched an interesting video today in which a young local woman called a man ‘daddy.’ She stripped butt naked for him. Very common as all gals want to be dominated and treated like little girls. They want to be cared for and loved. Sit in daddy’s lap n hugged tight n kissed. And objectified.
They are all insecure, needy n fearful. If you behave the same, game over for u.
They are feminine. They are most attracted to extremely masculine mindset n behaviour.
A man doesn’t need big muscles like Arnold, but he must be physically fit n clean. And mentally very strong n tough. With awesome self-mastery. He is dominant, not domineering, assertive, not aggressive and belligerent. He is courageous, smart, persistent. He is dependable and his word is his bond. At the same time, he is kind and caring. He also adds value to society...
Such a man is never jealous, needy, insecure n feraful. He is THE PRIZE to the most beautiful high-quality girls/women.
A most attractive occupation for a man is fighter pilot. Next is perhaps a navy seal or green beret. A daredevil commando.
An American board-certified neurosurgeon is very attractive too...
I’m talking about what is most attractive to a girl’s primal brain n subconscious mind. Cultural, social n religious conditioning n brainwashing are often not as strong, not even close actually.
BTW, some bros who promise to up you if you up them first, but never do, are wussy losers.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks for the nice post.
Support your thread all the way.
04-06-2018, 12:44 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for the post below about COS.
Now I have better understanding of COS.
Guys orgasm is simple and fast. Not easy to achieve multiple orgasm for man as man aged.
Thanks and hope you achieved your feat.
COS, in contrast to garden variety multiple orgasms, is much more intense n prolonged...and may be accompanied by squirting, hehehe.
Here is a fairly good description:
"A woman’s orgasms are not always like ours. A man’s orgasms are individual and distinct — it is clear when they happen and they are easy to count. It is a buildup to a peak of pleasure, and then a quick slide down to a non-sexual state.
A woman’s orgasms, on the other hand, are different. Sometimes she may have individual, distinct orgasms…but especially if she’s already had a few orgasms, her orgasms tend to be much more indistinct and blended together.
This was something that amazed me when I first learned it. I thought that women could only cum like us, and then I would have to build them all the way back up to orgasmic levels of pleasure again before she could have another orgasm. But then, I learned that after cumming a few times, women don’t “come down” from their orgasms. Eventually, if you make them cum enough, women will reach a state where they continuously alternate between orgasmic levels of pleasure, and pleasure just below orgasm. I call it The Continuously Orgasmic State or COS.
The mind-blowing levels of pleasure you can achieve when your woman is in The Continuously Orgasmic State are amazing. You can keep her in this state for up to half an hour, where she is continuously cumming or on the verge of cumming. There is no interruption to the pleasure, and you lose yourself completely to each other. It is physically exhausting and as intense as getting hit by a truck, except it feels amazing and utterly fulfilling."
Bro WB
04-06-2018, 01:21 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for the nice post.
Support your thread all the way.
Agreed that is a nice post.
Support thread all the way too.
04-06-2018, 02:09 PM
Bro WB
Life is sometimes funny and unpredictable.
A player all his life met his match fell in love. This type of story, my friend had before.
Friend just lost control and lost everything after a year.
In short, he was kc-ed and the girl played hot and cold too. After that gal started asking for money and he pour all his savings in various stages. After the gal dumped him, friend just lost it and he couldn't focus his jobs, life, friends, etc. He lost his job and luckily his family helped him to rebuild his life.
Life is very unpredictable and funny in sort way.
Hope to read on your best thread here.
Attraction, KC n faling in love r irrational n inexplicable. I'll present a case study. The story is ongoing.
I hv a good fren who has fallen for a PRC WL/KTV gal! He is a tall, handsome businessman in his 40s. He has been a player all his life...
He used to advise me against BY-ing PRC gals. They r all whores n pathological liars, fxk n forget, my fren; dun waste money BY-ing them, they all cheat, he would often admonish me. Feelings for PRC whores, never. I just fxk them hard, hehehe, he would say.
He had fallen in love a couple times in his early 20s, followed by a long hiatus until a few wks ago.
The object of his fervent love n passion is a KTV WL, in her late 20s, who was not attractive to him, at least initially. She does ST. After meeting her a couple of times, he fell hard n fast for her! He confided that he has never fallen for a gal so fast n so deeply. He is obsessed w/ her. She is playing hot n cold w/ him n has all the power. He can't help it n he doesn't understand why!! He is in very big trouble!
His gal is unattractive to me, certainly not my type. One of my BAO-ees thinks he must be crazy in falling for such a gal. After witnessing what has happened to him, I guess no one is immune to KC n falling in love w/ the wrong person.
Fact is stranger than fiction!
Bro WB
04-06-2018, 02:41 PM
My exact sentiments.
Support a very good thread by Bro WB.
Have a great week ahead.
Bro WB
Thanks for the post below about COS.
Now I have better understanding of COS.
Guys orgasm is simple and fast. Not easy to achieve multiple orgasm for man as man aged.
Thanks and hope you achieved your feat.
06-06-2018, 07:21 AM
Support bro WB for nice thread.
06-06-2018, 01:39 PM
She will turn into a stalker! You may hv to get a restraining order from the police.
.................................................. .................................................. .........
Good morning!
Attraction, KC n faling in love r irrational n inexplicable. I'll present a case study. The story is ongoing.
I hv a good fren who has fallen for a PRC WL/KTV gal! He is a tall, handsome businessman in his 40s. He has been a player all his life...
He used to advise me against BY-ing PRC gals. They r all whores n pathological liars, fxk n forget, my fren; dun waste money BY-ing them, they all cheat, he would often admonish me. Feelings for PRC whores, never. I just fxk them hard, hehehe, he would say.
He had fallen in love a couple times in his early 20s, followed by a long hiatus until a few wks ago.
The object of his fervent love n passion is a KTV WL, in her late 20s, who was not attractive to him, at least initially. She does ST. After meeting her a couple of times, he fell hard n fast for her! He confided that he has never fallen for a gal so fast n so deeply. He is obsessed w/ her. She is playing hot n cold w/ him n has all the power. He can't help it n he doesn't understand why!! He is in very big trouble!
His gal is unattractive to me, certainly not my type. One of my BAO-ees thinks he must be crazy in falling for such a gal. After witnessing what has happened to him, I guess no one is immune to KC n falling in love w/ the wrong person.
Fact is stranger than fiction!
Bro WB
Hi bros woody n ME,
My fren is NOT a veteran of KTV scene. He is a player, a scion of a well-heeled family in Malaysia/S'pore, who only goes after local n Ang Mo gals. He has limited command of Mandarin. He has not fallen in love for over 20 yrs!
I believe his MM is from Sichuan. Some PRC gals from the Southwest China know how to 施情蛊 or gong tao. My fren is trying hard to forget her. He is doing a lot of praying n meditation...
Very fren rejected her for butterfly initially.
The scientific explanation is that the gal has triggered some neuro mechanisms in his primitive brain, certain attraction button formed during his early childhood, in his subconscious mind...n he falls deeply for her. Perhaps hypnosis could reveal the underlying reason.
IMHO, the best defense against getting KC-ed is to focus on the gal's negatives. Use NLP/meditation/psycanics to magnify them n let them imprint deeply in ur subconscious mind...the problem is that, if u carry this too far, u may never want to fxk her again, hehehe.
Bro WB
Bro WB
The above case studies very interesting and hopefully many tried to avoid too.
This is really scary to be in your friends situation.
I thought "Gong-Tao" only exist in Indo-China especially Thailand, Maynmar or Cambodia.
Sichuan gals are spicy and often have good body with nice tits. Also very daring and playful. She may have given him some kind of sexual turn on that he had not had before in his past 20 years.
Knew a friend Al who visited a Thai girl when she works here for 3 months. My friend Al visited her almost daily from Monday to Friday and rest only on weekend. When I asked why he did that, Al claimed that he gave him the type of gfe sex that he had never had before.
Well, I maybe wrong with your friend but for my friend Al that was what he claimed.
Maybe different bros may have other opinion or story to tell.
Please do post more and let us read more.
Have a nice day.
06-06-2018, 03:31 PM
Great thread by bro WB, support.
06-06-2018, 04:14 PM
Bro WB
The above case studies very interesting and hopefully many tried to avoid too.
This is really scary to be in your friends situation.
I thought "Gong-Tao" only exist in Indo-China especially Thailand, Maynmar or Cambodia.
Sichuan gals are spicy and often have good body with nice tits. Also very daring and playful. She may have given him some kind of sexual turn on that he had not had before in his past 20 years.
Knew a friend Al who visited a Thai girl when she works here for 3 months. My friend Al visited her almost daily from Monday to Friday and rest only on weekend. When I asked why he did that, Al claimed that he gave him the type of gfe sex that he had never had before.
Well, I maybe wrong with your friend but for my friend Al that was what he claimed.
Maybe different bros may have other opinion or story to tell.
Please do post more and let us read more.
Have a nice day.
My friend Ak also visited a Thai girl and got hooked.
Thanks bro WB for this nice thread.
07-06-2018, 02:27 PM
Bro WB
What a marvelous thread her.
I love all your thoughts in the post and I personally learned many things.
Oh so you are American citizen and live in Singapore. You had mentioned the damage is 4X of whole of 2009. I am not sure how much it cost you now with all the inflation.
While to keep a girl as Bao-ee or mistress is time consuming and also need to handle many nitty gritty things.
So when you back to Gotham City then what happened to all your mistresses? Do you still need to pay?
Really glad to read all your nice encounters and also all the other seniors stories.
Hope can read more.
Have a great day please.
I like to share some thoughts on BY-ing PRC MMs in S"pore.
I'm back in the comfort of my own home in Gotham City. While I was in SIN I had had 2 full-time BAO-ees, n for a short time 3, in the last several months. I tried to meet n make love to them abt 3 times each per wk. In other words, I hv to fxk just abt everyday, which had proven physically too taxing n too stressful for an pek like me.
My total damage for BY-ing this yr is already running 4X that for the whole of 2009. The reason? Last yr, all my BAO-ees r part-time, meaning that they continued to work at KTVs, whereas this yr all of my gals dun work while I'm BY-ing them. There r advantages n disadvantages w/ both. I hv also paid rentals for several gals n the costs for student/WP visas for 2 of them.
Keeping full-time mistresses is very time consuming. A typical gal expects u to take her out 4-5 times a wk n to stay overnite w/ her at least occasionally. She may bug u n want u to take care of trivial stuff such as getting a mobile broadband card. One gal loves to travel n expects me to take her around Asia n even Europe!! And she will expect u to buy her some gifts. My answer is No, unless she treats me like an emperor.
If the gal remains aloof n distant, u suspect that she doesn't like u or is eating outside, whereas if she is too sticky n wants to make love everyday it may become equally intolerable.
What happens to my last 2 gals now? I told the younger one to return to work, hehehe. She immediately went back to China for a 1-wk vacation. She is still very angry w/ me for terminating my patronage. The other one (let's call her KX) is going back to China tmr n will be here when I return.
KX is very similar CD in ht n wt, but is much fairer n has pink nips n pink abalone n even pink asshole (in fact her asshole is so pretty that she is the 1st gal w/ whom I'm tempted to perform AR). More importantly, she has much tighter pussy than CD's...
Separately, my niece BB may return on student visa (paid in full by me) n my agents r actively looking for pretty SYTs to be imported to SIN just for my pleasure. BTW, remember my one time heartthrob KK? She is the 19 yo gal who fell for a 20 yo PRC boy, a fellow classmate, while I was in Gotham country. They hv had a miserable n sometimes stormy RS, hehehe. There is a good chance she may want to be my mistress again. I'm not sure if I should take care of her again, even though I still hv unfinished business w/ her. I hv focused on her many negative points. I may resume the RS for a while just to make her addicted to me...
Bro WB
07-06-2018, 04:22 PM
Bro WB
What a marvelous thread her.
I love all your thoughts in the post and I personally learned many things.
Oh so you are American citizen and live in Singapore. You had mentioned the damage is 4X of whole of 2009. I am not sure how much it cost you now with all the inflation.
While to keep a girl as Bao-ee or mistress is time consuming and also need to handle many nitty gritty things.
So when you back to Gotham City then what happened to all your mistresses? Do you still need to pay?
Really glad to read all your nice encounters and also all the other seniors stories.
Hope can read more.
Have a great day please.
Fully agreed this is a marvelous thread her.
Thanks bro WB, support always.
07-06-2018, 11:40 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for the nice post.
Support your thread all the way.
Thank u, bro.
Bro WB
Thanks for the post below about COS.
Now I have better understanding of COS.
Guys orgasm is simple and fast. Not easy to achieve multiple orgasm for man as man aged.
Thanks and hope you achieved your feat.
Bro, tks.
The Taoist practices a form of sex that could last 60 minutes or longer. With or without multiple orgasms for both man and woman. I'm a newbie in this. Presumably, more bonding, more intimacy and more satisfaction for both. Wait for my FR in 6 months.
Agreed that is a nice post.
Support thread all the way too.
Tks, bro.
Bro WB
Life is sometimes funny and unpredictable.
A player all his life met his match fell in love. This type of story, my friend had before.
Friend just lost control and lost everything after a year.
In short, he was kc-ed and the girl played hot and cold too. After that gal started asking for money and he pour all his savings in various stages. After the gal dumped him, friend just lost it and he couldn't focus his jobs, life, friends, etc. He lost his job and luckily his family helped him to rebuild his life.
Life is very unpredictable and funny in sort way.
Hope to read on your best thread here.
Bro, tks for your post.
Sorry about your friend.
My exact sentiments.
Support a very good thread by Bro WB.
Have a great week ahead.
Support bro WB for nice thread.
Thank you, bro.
Bro WB
The above case studies very interesting and hopefully many tried to avoid too.
This is really scary to be in your friends situation.
I thought "Gong-Tao" only exist in Indo-China especially Thailand, Maynmar or Cambodia.
Sichuan gals are spicy and often have good body with nice tits. Also very daring and playful. She may have given him some kind of sexual turn on that he had not had before in his past 20 years.
Knew a friend Al who visited a Thai girl when she works here for 3 months. My friend Al visited her almost daily from Monday to Friday and rest only on weekend. When I asked why he did that, Al claimed that he gave him the type of gfe sex that he had never had before.
Well, I maybe wrong with your friend but for my friend Al that was what he claimed.
Maybe different bros may have other opinion or story to tell.
Please do post more and let us read more.
Have a nice day.
Bro, tks for your post.
Great thread by bro WB, support.
Bro, tks.
My friend Ak also visited a Thai girl and got hooked.
Thanks bro WB for this nice thread.
Too many good bros got hooked.
Bro WB
What a marvelous thread her.
I love all your thoughts in the post and I personally learned many things.
Oh so you are American citizen and live in Singapore. You had mentioned the damage is 4X of whole of 2009. I am not sure how much it cost you now with all the inflation.
While to keep a girl as Bao-ee or mistress is time consuming and also need to handle many nitty gritty things.
So when you back to Gotham City then what happened to all your mistresses? Do you still need to pay?
Really glad to read all your nice encounters and also all the other seniors stories.
Hope can read more.
Have a great day please.
Bro, tks.
I was a newbie back in 2009-2011. I'm paying the same or slightly less now. For younger n cuter SYTs. I only choose to BY girls who are frugal, not just w/ their money but also w/ mine. They must be honest n kind. Character counts. It's very difficult to find such gals.
When I'm in Gotham City, usually not more than 4 weeks, I pay less. They still attend schools here. They may also try to return to China for a week, if possible.
Fully agreed this is a marvelous thread her.
Thanks bro WB, support always.
Bro, thanks!
08-06-2018, 03:43 AM
Have you bao-ed any angmoh girls since you are American?
What’s the difference between fucking PRC and Gotham City girls?
09-06-2018, 06:50 AM
Bro, tks for your post.
Bro, tks for your reply.
09-06-2018, 07:04 AM
I greatly appreciate ur insightful comments on PRC MMs n their flesh trade in S'pore. You had a 3-yr RS w/ one mistress? How did u do it? Mine never lasted more than a few months. I need to pick ur brain n hope that u could be a regular contributor to this thread. I do hv many questions for u.
Although u r new to SBF, u hv tremendous experience n wisdom in cheonging n BY-ing, much more superior to my inadequate n often failed experience, as my 1st encounter w/ a PRC MM was in 2007 n my 1st visit to a KTV was 2 yrs ago. I'm still an armchair general trying to get more hands-on field experience...
The flesh trade is a most inefficient market, even less efficient than the very inefficient stock market, largely as a result of the complex factors u hv enumerated. In addition to the fact that one man's meat is another man's poison n the mysterious Rashomon Effect, KC n gong tao may frequently be involved which make the outcome between every patron-PRC MM encounter most unpredictable...
Let's start w/ the lower end of the spectrum, low in damage but not necessary in looks, figure n service. Among the most beautiful PRC MMs I hv met r 4 very inexpensive whores: A 20 yo SH gal from sex141 in HKG, 2 Sichuan FLs, aged 19 n 21, at or near L8/Talma Rd in GL n a legal Cat 150 22 yo gal from SZ. Their services ranged from good to excellent...three of them accepted my offer for BY but I just couldnt go to China to complete the deal. Nowadays I hv to visit TAM complex 3-4 times just to find one gal who is mildly interesting. I prefer pretty n tall SYTs (aged 18-22) n there is a dearth of these creatures...they r fast becoming extinct.
On the high end of the spectrum r some ang pai singers/gals at some famous HFJs/KTVs. High in damage only but not in looks, figure n service. They r generally much older as well...they r women not gals. I heard from my frens n my BAO-ees that some of these women hv made over a million SGD in a relatively short time. I hv seen some ang pais n I hv to scratch my head as to what the fxk is going on?!! Must be gong tao.
But hope springs eternal. Many old n ugly PRC women (I can't call them MMs) also want to try their luck here bcos u never know, they may meet n "gong tao" a sucker into giving 100-200k up front, before even touching them!
Lastly, sexual culture/behaviour n moral values must be very different in China. I'm an ah pek, much older than almost all my mistresses' parents who r usually in their 40s. And most of the parents know exactly what their daughters r up to. Take the example of my niece BB whose dad is only 43...I was taken aback when he wanted to thank me personally for taking such good care of her! I also spoke w/ KX's dad who is a chef n owns a restaurant...oh, you're her BF from S'pore? She is out n u could call her other HP...!!
One other thing. In my personal experience, all healthy n heterosexual PRC MMs including virgins, regardless of her occupation. educational level n status here, r looking to be BAO-ed by a man. I had a 19 yo NUS Presidential Scholar who asked me to keep her! I had detailed my exploit w/ her towards the end of last yr.
Bro WB
Bro WB
What a detailed account of your past 16 months experience.
Life is short and enjoy yourself to the fullest.
Hopefully can read more about your account on each of the stages.
Thanks bro.
BY-ing is a lot more dangerous to ur emotional n financial well being. I'm still struggling to get it right after 16 months of BY-ing saga. But it's more fun, more GFE, etc.
If the RS lasts more than a couple of months, there will be at least some KC involved, which may be one-sided or a two-way traffic. Your self control is crucial.. Never fall in love w/ a WL. If u can't control ur heart n ego, you will be at risk...
For me, pursuing n tasting pretty pussies of my type is only a small part of BY-ing. It's a fun game n a business operation, hehehe. Additionally, I also enjoy going to a flat n see my young mistress walking around, perhaps cooking dinner for me, completely nude or scantily clad w/ only a T-shirt n wearing nothing underneath, hehehe. After dinner n resting, we would take shower together n then would usually make love for couple of hrs....I then like to see her disappointment when I said I couldn't stay it worth the much higher damage? I dun really know, sometimes yes n sometimes no...
Bro WB
Bro WB
Very humble person and what you mentioned above was many men's dream. Having a silky hot bod having dinner or resting her head on you.
I wish my turn will come.
Please help to update us more.
Have a good weekend.
09-06-2018, 03:01 PM
Have you bao-ed any angmoh girls since you are American?
What’s the difference between fucking PRC and Gotham City girls?
Thanks for your questions.
No, I hv not BY an Ang Mo gal. I hv had only two Ang Mo GFs since my marriage decades ago.
Ang Moh SYTs are very easy. Perhaps because I'm an American board-certified XXXX, only one notch less prestigious than a neurosurgeon or transplant surgeon.
I was constrained because I used to work 80-90 hours a wk and I was married with kids. I also shunned anyone employed by the hospitals.
Over 20 yrs ago, I was attending a party for a newly opened clinic of a urologist. Suddenly a very pretty Ang Mo SYT approached me. I had never seen her before. She said she had seen me many times at the hospital n knew that I was a XXXX. She wanted to follow my rounds because she was interested in medicine. She just turned 18, would be finishing high school in a few months. She was 5 feet 6 inches tall (about 168) and slim. With excellent body and limb proportions. Small bony frame n small wrists. Very fair of course.
We had a sexual relationship for 5 months until she left Gotham City to go to college in another state. I bought her some gifts and gave her a little cash. We fucked twice a week. She had surprisingly limited sexual experience. I insisted on using condoms. After she started college, we only met twice when she returned during school holiday.
A few yrs later, I hooked up w/ a young pharma rep for a small drug co. It lasted around 8 months. She was in her early 20s, quite pretty too. I also bought her some gifts. She sometimes paid for our meals at restaurants using her co account. I did reciprocate by writing a few prescriptions for her company's drugs. She left the city to work for Abbot Lab.
The differences between Ang mo and PRC gals? The Ang Mo gals are more open-minded n the non-WLs will approach you if they are attracted to you. One more thing, they like to do BJ.
Bro WB
What a detailed account of your past 16 months experience.
Life is short and enjoy yourself to the fullest.
Hopefully can read more about your account on each of the stages.
Thanks bro.
Bro WB
Very humble person and what you mentioned above was many men's dream. Having a silky hot bod having dinner or resting her head on you.
I wish my turn will come.
Please help to update us more.
Have a good weekend.
Bro, tks for your post.
Yes, life is short and unpredictable.
All the posts you quoted happened a long time ago. perhaps you should read my more recent posts. I prefer long term BY now. The longest has lasted 4 years continuously. Many hv tried to return. My 'niece' BB tried to return 2 yrs ago even though she was married w/ one kid. I flatly rejected her.
Bro WB
10-06-2018, 01:30 PM
Great thread here, please keep going
10-06-2018, 02:49 PM
Hi esteemed bro dragonkeep,
Sorry for not replying earlier due to my heavy work schedule.
Yeah, we men generally become more worthy n valuable w/ age, whereas these young pussies hv a very limited shelf life...their value n marketability generally decline rapidly after the age of 25 n, sadly for them, there is little residual value left after childbirth.
I hv BY-ed 17-18 PRC MMs since last May. The BY-ing periods were quite brief last yr, from 1-4 wks n they still continued to work. However, since Jan this yr I hv kept them full-time n for much longer, over 2 months for most. I hv had 2 or 3 at the same time.
Why did I change my strategy this yr? Change may be the wrong word, I hv been evolving. Two reasons. Firstly, there hv been fewer gals of my type n I end up keeping them longer. Secondly, I hv begun to realize that RS w/ the right gals gets better as time passes, sexually n emotionally. It's great fun n an exciting experience...It has all advantages of getting married w/o many of the disadvantages, hehehe. Imagine getting married to a new gal every 2-6 months w/o the negative consequences!
But having a secure n private flat (at least a master bdrm) w/ ur mistress is crucial. It's like home where u two could enjoy a much better RS...
IMHO, longer term BY-ing has its risks n is not for the faint of heart. You need to hv good control over ur heart n ego, otherwise u will suffer financially n emotionally.
How did my RS w/ my gals end? I terminated the RS in over half of them for a variety of reasons. In 1/3 of cases the RS ended bcos either the gal or I left the country. BTW, I live in Gotham City n spend abt 2/3 of my time in S'pore. Several gals dumped me for different reasons. The gal in my avatar, KK, fell in love w/ a young classmate, a 老乡, when I was overseas. They had my blessings...but, unfortunately, their RS is very strained n mostly miserable.
BTW, I hv ongoing RS w/ two gals who r now in PRC but will come back to be my full-time mistresses on my return to S'pore. BTW, I'm also tired of running around n will "settle down" w/ these 2, hopefully for 12 months or longer. Will I eat outside? Sure, if the gal is really pretty n my type. May hv to keep her as my No 3, hahaha. What the heck, I'm just trying to emulate Chairman Austin n Bro LDH.
For some strange reason, most of my BAO-ees r kinesthetic, a few r auditory n only one visual. Being a visual, I hv had a lot of problems n conflicts w/ most of them, even though they r highly attractive to me. They r romantic n want to hv the right feelings n ambiance when making love...several complained that I'm a heartless n unemotional man n just want to make love to them. What is wrong w/ that? But I'll try to be more caring, passionate n romantic, hehehe. It's never too late for an old dog to learn new tricks. The young mistress that I left behind said that: 我只是一个小女孩, 我更需要生活上的热心和感动...I believe she is back to work at LV /CI. She is very emotional n moody...but I do miss her young pussy!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for posting such a marvelous thread with nice detailed account of affairs.
Is raw deal that all these gals have very limited life span. First the PRC gals are not sure to live in Singapore long. Hence the gals will try to earn as much as they can in shortest possible time. They may have many offers to have sexual relationship be it ST, LT or BY.
Men always will have chance to enjoy while been healthy and able. When you have health then must have moolah to enjoy too.
Please guide us more and enjoy reading your posts.
Have a good Sunday.
10-06-2018, 03:27 PM
Are there still pretty SYTs at or near L8/Talma? According to my research there r pretty SYTs who stay mostly indoors, inside the hotels, n only available in the wee hrs when I'm asleep.
I hv not done ST for quite some time. It's too commercial. I crave exclusivity n the elated feelings of honeymoon, hehehe.
Over the past 12 months, several mummies hv tried to procure my type of gals for BY at TAM/CI/LV n at DC. I hv been disappointed except for one tall Fujian SYT whom I met last Dec. She was 21, 170 n 52kg. Very sexy body n long, nice legs. But she wanted to be paid monthly, not wkly. So no deal. I heard she just came back...
I do hv some questions for u.
1) How do u pay ur mistresses? Wkly, monthly?
2) Do u keep them in a private flat/master bdrm?
3) Do u do them raw? Do they take the pill?
4) When they request gifts or extra money for whatever reasons, what do u do?
5) Of course they r exclusive to u. But do u also eat outside? What if they find out?
I'm thinking of keeping the 2 gals under one roof, something I hv never done before I need advice from esteemed bros here.
Bro WB
Bro WB
So detail forum. I am also keen to know the answers to your question below.
Let me try to answer as my preference.
1) How do u pay ur mistresses? Wkly, monthly?
- Monthly
2) Do u keep them in a private flat/master bdrm?
- private flat
3) Do u do them raw? Do they take the pill?
- sure raw if exclusive and pills
4) When they request gifts or extra money for whatever reasons, what do u do?
- small amount alright lah but anything more than 1k no way
5) Of course they r exclusive to u. But do u also eat outside? What if they find out?
- sure eat outside because when travel for business on trips
As for idea of housing 2 gals in same roof will be tricky unless both gals knew each other well.
Just like 3some, if the 2 gals have new to each other will be awkward and no role play.
Hope my post makes sense to you.
Thanks again for allowing me to post here.
10-06-2018, 05:04 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for posting such a marvelous thread with nice detailed account of affairs.
Is raw deal that all these gals have very limited life span. First the PRC gals are not sure to live in Singapore long. Hence the gals will try to earn as much as they can in shortest possible time. They may have many offers to have sexual relationship be it ST, LT or BY.
Men always will have chance to enjoy while been healthy and able. When you have health then must have moolah to enjoy too.
Please guide us more and enjoy reading your posts.
Have a good Sunday.
Enjoy reading Bro WB's posts too.
10-06-2018, 05:16 PM
Bro WB
So detail forum. I am also keen to know the answers to your question below.
Let me try to answer as my preference.
1) How do u pay ur mistresses? Wkly, monthly?
- Monthly
2) Do u keep them in a private flat/master bdrm?
- private flat
3) Do u do them raw? Do they take the pill?
- sure raw if exclusive and pills
4) When they request gifts or extra money for whatever reasons, what do u do?
- small amount alright lah but anything more than 1k no way
5) Of course they r exclusive to u. But do u also eat outside? What if they find out?
- sure eat outside because when travel for business on trips
As for idea of housing 2 gals in same roof will be tricky unless both gals knew each other well.
Just like 3some, if the 2 gals have new to each other will be awkward and no role play.
Hope my post makes sense to you.
Thanks again for allowing me to post here.
My preference too, makes sense.
Have a nice Sunday bro WB.
12-06-2018, 12:11 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for posting such a marvelous thread with nice detailed account of affairs.
Is raw deal that all these gals have very limited life span. First the PRC gals are not sure to live in Singapore long. Hence the gals will try to earn as much as they can in shortest possible time. They may have many offers to have sexual relationship be it ST, LT or BY.
Men always will have chance to enjoy while been healthy and able. When you have health then must have moolah to enjoy too.
Please guide us more and enjoy reading your posts.
Have a good Sunday.
Bro, tks.
Men age like fine wine, whereas girls age like milk. I'm not being sexist. It's a biological fact.
A very cute and chio 18 yo SYT will not be as cute in less than 24-36 months. This ageing process is greatly accelerated if the girl gets pregnant n delivers a baby.
What to do?
Nature has a solution, sort of. Many men get emotionally attached to their gals/women. They often also fall in love w/ their very cute n chubby babies. Call it paternal instinct. So most of the men will stick around and help raise the kids, at least for some time. That is why we humans are still here. A few men are truly heartless and will just walk away. Very irresponsible and wussy behaviour, IMHO.
I hv mentioned that cute yr 97 SYT I met in Dec 2015. Let's call her TT. She was 18 then. She was 161, abt 46.5 kg. Could be 162 now. Natural B w/ excellent torso-breasts-ass-limb proportions. She won't come back to SG n she had plastic surgery over a yr ago. What a pity! I'm thinking of showing her pictures here to illustrate the type of cute SYT I like.
TY is is the only gal I hv seen in the last 2 1/2 years in SG who is just as attractive, to me. Of course, TY is much younger. TT is 21 now. TY is a real full-time student n she doesn't work. She is more frugal, more intelligent and has artistic talents.
I didn't post about TT at the time because I was very busy. She was w/ me for only two weeks and I had two other full-time LPs. I still hv her wechat photos and chat history. Around that time my SBF posts were about a phantom wussy bro, the self-proclaimed Don Juan.
The "SYT" photos "Don Juan of SG" posted were taken from the internet. They were also not cute enough n not SYT enough for me. And, they were mostly plastic. I hv made generous offers to him repeatedly. To bring two cute SYTs of my type, one for him and one for me and I'll pay for all expenses. KTV outings, dinner, whatever. I'll now add pickup by a chauffeured limo. I basically asked him to name the price. I'm still waiting to hear from him. My offer has no expiration date. I hope he is still alive n well. I do wish him the very best.
BTW, TT had sex only once prior to meeting me. TY? She had a BF who was abt her age for about 18 months. They had sex less than 20 times. He was as green as she. No foreplay, no painting, no 69...he was another wuss.
Bro WB
Bro WB
So detail forum. I am also keen to know the answers to your question below.
Let me try to answer as my preference.
1) How do u pay ur mistresses? Wkly, monthly?
- Monthly
2) Do u keep them in a private flat/master bdrm?
- private flat
3) Do u do them raw? Do they take the pill?
- sure raw if exclusive and pills
4) When they request gifts or extra money for whatever reasons, what do u do?
- small amount alright lah but anything more than 1k no way
5) Of course they r exclusive to u. But do u also eat outside? What if they find out?
- sure eat outside because when travel for business on trips
As for idea of housing 2 gals in same roof will be tricky unless both gals knew each other well.
Just like 3some, if the 2 gals have new to each other will be awkward and no role play.
Hope my post makes sense to you.
Thanks again for allowing me to post here.
Bro, tks for your excellent answers.
I like to pay every 15 days or twice a month.
Say NO to gifts unless a particular LP deserves it. TY bought a used piano in good condition. She paid almost 2k herself. I hv offered to buy her a laptop which will help her school studies n learning. I hv not bought her any gift yet, whereas she bought me a surprise gift last wk.
I had kept two young women together for over 1 1/2 yrs. I had several posts alluding to this. They were good friends. One of them returned home a few months ago. The other LP is looking for a gal to replace her.
My preference too, makes sense.
Have a nice Sunday bro WB.
Tks, bro.
Bro WB
12-06-2018, 01:36 PM
Bro, tks for your post.
Yes, life is short and unpredictable.
All the posts you quoted happened a long time ago. perhaps you should read my more recent posts. I prefer long term BY now. The longest has lasted 4 years continuously. Many hv tried to return. My 'niece' BB tried to return 2 yrs ago even though she was married w/ one kid. I flatly rejected her.
Bro WB
Very well said bro WB!!
Your "niece" must be a real babe. Cheers!!
12-06-2018, 02:28 PM
Very well said bro WB!!
Your "niece" must be a real babe. Cheers!!
I think so too.
Please keep sharing bro WB.
12-06-2018, 02:29 PM
Bro WB
Thank you very much for staring a wonderful thread.
Amazing detailed account of PRC mms enrolled into USA varsities. Many of these PRC mms are from rich elite families whose father is high ranking Politburo members. Some of the mms graduated and started working in big corporations such as Wall Street firms. These mms will be liberal minded and willing to ONS.
The guru account below is quite a good description of the real thing.
Now many Asians rich elite also sending their kids to America to do below.
Best to hunt in the SOURCE rather than hoping to do it in foreign land. What I meant was if want PRC mms then go PRC to do so. Similarly if want Thai mms then go Thailand.
Once again thank you very much for nice post here.
Please have a great day.
I hv something interesting to share w/ bros here.
In the last few yrs, many young PRC gals hv arrived in Gotham country to study at high schools n colleges n many more hv come to work n/or play.
I just received an e-mail from an Asian guru giving advice to Ang Mo men on how to pick up n seduce PRC gals who r in America. I guess he thinks I'm a Caucasian too. It behooves us to understand what our competitors, the Ang Mo men, r learning abt PRC gals...
He also mentioned the "5Cs" of what a China gal wants. Is he S'porean?
Here is what this Asian guru has to say:
Hi Bro Warbird,
Beautiful Chinese women shouldn't be too hard to find if you
if live in a large American city. A lot of affluent Chinese
families have been sending their daughters to study in the
USA and perfect their English, since they recognize English
as the global language of doing business--and the Chinese
are all about business.
These women usually graduate from college and find jobs
with Western companies. If you work in a Western corporation,
the type of Asian women you are most likely to work with are
Chinese women. Often, they are sexy, intelligent, and speak
very good English.
In other words, they are a formidable challenge.
These are not your average "third world girls" who are easily
dazzled. The fact that you are a foreigner doesn't carry much
weight with them. These women know they have options, and so
they tend to be choosy about the men they date.
They also come from a culture where money, status and power are
the most important qualities in a man--and the hottest women
are accustomed to dating super-wealthy men (sometimes much
older than they are), who set them up with whatever they want.
A few aspects of Chinese women you need to know about:
First, I'm speaking in general terms here. The cute, shy girl
who works at your local Chinese restaurant is not going to
have the same values and expectations as the super-hot,
confident Chinese chick that comes from a ritzy area of Hong
Kong and has dated millionaires.
The advice found throughout this program applies very well
to "regular" Chinese women. But as China has evolved into a
major global superpower, it also has created a large class
of hot young women who are used to being around a lot of
money--and Chinese men who spend huge amounts to "own" them.
You will find these beautiful, high-end Chinese girls in the
nightclubs and shopping districts of New York, Los Angeles or
Las Vegas--sporting Louis Vuitton purses and expensive designer
outfits. They're usually either enrolled in an American
university, or there on holiday with their friends.
I know that a confident guy with the right skills can seduce
any woman (and I'm living proof), but hot Chinese girls that
come straight out of big-money Chinese culture will usually
only go with you if they know you have the right financial
It's not the same with many super-hot Western women (models,
strippers, etc) where you can use a "bad boy" edge to get
them to feel sexual attraction. Chinese women, being more
practical and less emotional than American women, aren't so
much interested in dating a "hot" guy who doesn't have his
act together.
They are much more likely to date men who aren't impressive
in the looks department, but have the financial resources to
spoil them with the lifestyle they want.
Another thing to keep in mind: Chinese men look down on women
who have been married before, or have children. It is very
difficult for these women to find a quality man inside their
own race. For this reason, Chinese women won't hesitate to
leave their country and a good-paying job to find love again
somewhere else.
In China, improving one's quality of life through marriage
is a tradition. Nowadays, many single women in the big cities
in China have a good quality of life--but in the more remote
parts of the country, the idea of meeting a Western man, getting
married, and moving to his country to find love is very attractive.
However, they probably speak little (if any) English. This
can make meeting these girls over the Internet a challenge.
Better, if possible, for you to go "to the source" and scout
out these places for yourself.
These are various dialects in China (it's a vast country!)
Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien are the major dialects that
you are likely to encounter. But because the wealthy Chinese
families recognize English as the global language for doing
business, they will often speak English at home.
Chinese women have gained a lot of rights and respect as equals
in recent years. Some women don't care about getting married
and will co-habitat with their boyfriends because they prefer
a no-strings-attached relationship; if things don't work out,
they are prepared to move on.
The new generation of young Chinese women are a lot more open
to expressing themselves sexually than they were in the past.
You see this with a lot of sex videos that get "leaked" to the
Internet, involving Chinese celebrities. It's now common for
Chinese girls to let their boyfriends take sexy photos and
videos of them.
Hot Chinese girls will usually expect the "5C" from their lover:
Cash, Car, Condominium, Career, Credit Card.
"Giving your girlfriend a gold credit card is out of style,"
says my friend D.H, a successful Hong Kong businessman. "Now
they want Platinum or AMEX-Black Card. It's a status symbol.
Money is king in China--you'll see a lot of fat, ugly guys
driving a luxury car with a super-hot girl in the passenger
But this is not to say that you need to be a high roller to
date hot Chinese women. They are vulnerable to guys who are
"sweet talkers" and create a sense of romance.
Tell them you love them, kiss them, take them on romantic
trips...if she hasn't already been spoiled rotten by high
rollers, you've got a shot.
When I talked to my friend D.H. about romancing Chinese
women, he spoke to me in practical terms (as the Chinese
always do): "In China, when we're not with our girlfriends
or wives, we just pay when we want sex. It's not a big deal,
it's what guys do. There are many places in China which have a
poor quality of life, and as long as you can pay, you can get
any kind of sex you want. But if you want a relationship in a
big city like Shanghai or Beijing, you need to have money.
Once a woman has her own 'income power,' she will be very
selective about who she will date."
D.H. told me a story about a friend of his, a hot Chinese woman
who is the mistress to the CEO of a major company. When the
CEO found out she was pregnant with his baby, he said he would
pay her $1 million to deliver a baby girl, and $3 million if it
was a baby boy.
These scenarios aren't unusual in the big Chinese cities: rich
guys use their money to lay out the terms of the relationship.
The beautiful young women are naturally going to hang out in
places where they can interact with high-status, big-money
Chinese men. And if a Chinese guy likes one of these women,
he's not going to fuck around and waste time.
He is going to treat it like a business deal: he will supply
the "5 C's," and she will be available for sex when he wants it.
The bottom line is that a Chinese woman wants to be given
respect and have her man make her feel like she is the most
important person in the world--his "one and only."
Beyond the Chinese girls who are obsessed with material
possessions and status symbols, if you look around, you will
have the opportunity to meet simpler, down-to-earth Chinese
women who will respond positively to a Western guy who shows
her loyalty, commitment and romance.
Your Friend,
12-06-2018, 02:34 PM
Bro WB
Thank you very much for staring a wonderful thread.
Amazing detailed account of PRC mms enrolled into USA varsities. Many of these PRC mms are from rich elite families whose father is high ranking Politburo members. Some of the mms graduated and started working in big corporations such as Wall Street firms. These mms will be liberal minded and willing to ONS.
The guru account below is quite a good description of the real thing.
Now many Asians rich elite also sending their kids to America to do below.
Best to hunt in the SOURCE rather than hoping to do it in foreign land. What I meant was if want PRC mms then go PRC to do so. Similarly if want Thai mms then go Thailand.
Once again thank you very much for nice post here.
Please have a great day.
Agreed this is indeed a wonderful thread by Bro WB.
Hope to read more.
14-06-2018, 01:46 PM
Hi bro dragonkeep,
High Sextisfaction Quotient or SQ at the least cost? You hv posed a very challenging question.
How to find pretty SYTs w/ ur preferred body n pussy type who give good services, r very orgasmic, yet won't cost an arm n a leg? You will rarely find those attributes in gals who do ST. I hv searched everywhere...GL legal gals, streetwalkers, local FLs, KTV gals/students, etc. ST-gals hv no incentive to giving good services n u hv little leverage over them. There r other problems. I normally neither kiss nor paint gals who do ST...n I'll NEVER do them raw.
My solution is to BY gals of my type who dun do ST. They will then give me everything I want. If a gal says she has never done BBBJ n CMI. I simply tell them all my former GFs/mistresses hv done it. She will not say no again. If she says no to something else...I just repeat the magic phrase. You get the idea. I also enjoy the feelings of staying w/ these gals, it's like hving honeymoon every few months! I even allow myself to get a little KC-ed just to increase the thrill...
The downside? BY-ing is expensive. A cheaper way to do it? Go to live in China n BY SYTs there.
Yes, I'm an unabashed exponent n hunter of SYTs of my type. Why? I'm turned on by the youthful face, body n, most importantly, the pretty n fresh pussy. They r usually tighter n wetter, n may be more responsive if one has the right approach...although it may take a few sessions before I give them violent COS. Going out n holding hands w/ pretty SYTs in public is fun too, as it makes me feel like 21 again. I'm careful to avoid very public places such as Orchard Rd, Bugis n Chinatown though.
Good day!
Bro WB
Bro WB
I was so happy to read this thread in full detail with delight.
SQ = Satisfaction Quotient.
What a discovery?
I was astonished to learn so many nice meaningful words and quotes.
I just wanted to quote bro Dragonkeep posts which was nicely written.
Such a talented writer with nice point of views.
This forum is almighty and best of the best.
Thanks for all your contributions.
Thanks for standing up for the 老 uncles bro. Some threads ago, I did make allowance for the few studs amongst us who were born rich or blessed or both whom we have all grown up with. Even those, I'm sure, have their share of failure stories. Anyhow, hopefully the somewhat unhappy younger bro will cool off and just see that this is a benign thread meant to care and share for the benefit of the younger or less experienced ones.
Anyhow, the point was that many of us are made, not born. Most of us carry the scars of life and those that learn best from mistakes or lucky enough to have (and actually take to heart) lessons in life before, do what they do better. If our young friend was indeed born gorgeous and loaded, well congrats to him. Must have been a saint in his last life.
A major point that seems to be developed by this thread is that we need to practise a bit of Sun Tze: knowing what MMs want and what we can do (the old hat about knowing thine enemy and thineself, a hundred battles and a hundred victories). But, that's where the head knowledge ends in usefulness. As with all classroom know-how, things are easier said than done.
All of us have grown up alongside girls dreaming of their Mr Right. Apart from those born in an economic utopia, one of the most important things in life is still the almighty dollar. Heck, even in the uni, there were girls attached to the studs around who openly declared these were their FBs for the time being. True enough, the jute babes in question ended up bedding and collaring much older but richer blokes from the workplace soon after graduation. Not one regret as far as I can tell, from their leisurely lives in a D9/10/11 landed prop and chaufferred cars. Looks alone (by a hunk) cannot buy the 5Cs + landed. Add to the pressure of each PRC or other foreign talent MM having a clan and more to feed back home, a competitive field of hundreds of thousands equally good looking women and running against the clock, wondering when the wrinkles, bat wings and belly fat would appear etc etc, hell it's little wonder the Jews are reputed to have a prayer for batangs to thank Yaweh for not making them a female(!)
Whilst the field is stacked against the fairer sex, that's where the imperfect market comes into play. A fool is said to born every second. Did all of us guys realise we had so many natural advantages going for us? I think not. Do all MMs give up? Surely not. The smartest can probably twine any of us round our dicks at some point or another. I get particularly generous with those chemistry laced sexy types. Fortune also deals an uneven hand around. Some less fortunate bros actually end up in economically dire straits and only dream about the things other bros can do. Others have the $$$ but dare not do the ballsy things these threads speak of, for a variety of reasons, some honourable and romantic (believers in endless love), some pragmatic (eg scared of friggin suspicious OC). Others just never knew.
I ain't a mega rich tycoon with unlimited resources. Different league. But, the fundamentals are the same: we need to know (as early as possible) what drives the babes out there, and what we can deliver out of our own resource$. It ain't cheap either. We can do a $30 H81 shag job, or a more classy $300-500 hotel getaway with no time limit, for an all night bangathon. If we wanna have a live in relationship, the MM has to be housed ($1,+++ for something decent), her bao fee (seems to be in nice big nos. like 6, 8, 10, 12 x 1000) plus the dinners, entertainment etc etc. No shoe string operation, especially if the target plays the MM game well enough - teasing enough and compliant, or pitiful enough etc to snare the right Robert head.
Just as we measure the MMs we wanna bao, the MMs in the imperfect market also mea$ure us up, for sure. It takes great commitment to share one's youth with some old but financially better off uncle. But heck, for us guys, it's the game of assessing where the economics overcome the stigma for the given MM of being the 小老婆 and the loneliness from such an impermanent liaison. - somewhere in that tome of Clavell's 'Noble House', is a strikingly accurate and not irrelevant bunch of passages about the life of MMs in 1950-1960 Hong Kong. I remember one character advising his younger protege, "never mistreat those who give you their youth". That's really the product the MM gives and the better a trader she is, the better a bargain she makes. I amaze myself that my 1st long RS came with a 15-y age diff with me, the next with 18 y and a current side by side one with 22 y. These gals pay with their youth.
Surely none of us came right out of school knowing all the above. Getting our individual Sun Tze assessments right and then executing each op successfully - now that's where the skill really lies. None of us would willingly want to be the very first patient a newly qualified surgeon operates on. That just reality. Whether in business, or romance or snaring a BY, it's mainly all experience, experience, experience. A Patton or Napoleon or Caesar comes around once in while, but like I said, good for the unhappy lil bro if he is one of those, but most of us mere mortals just live and learn.
14-06-2018, 01:56 PM
I hv more musings on living a happy life n BY-ing.
Back to the question on high SQ at low cost. It all depends on one's expectations. High expectations, low SQ; low expectations, high SQ. Same gal, same fxking experience, but vastly different SQ. :confused:
Like Shakespeare said: “It is neither good nor bad, but thinking makes it so.” Not only one man's meat is...but there is also the mysterious Rashomon Effect, hahaha.
A young PRC laborer in SIN is sextisfied fxking a $30-40 middle-aged whore, whereas an ageing tycoon may be dissatisfied keeping 10 very pretty SYTs under one roof.:eek:
As a devotee of Psycanics n NLP, I'm hving much better self mastery. I'm contented n happy, no matter what. I hv NO expectations n I'll never be disappointed or frustrated. Every day n every pussy is a bonus. Why do I still want to spend money BY-ing gals of my type? Why not? How else should I spend my money?
The key to UNCONDITIONAL contentment n happiness is self mastery. Nothing else matters. A man can be the richest in the world, the smartest, the most powerful, an emperor of China w/ over 3,000 prettiest virgin SYTs, the most handsome, the healthiest, the most talented, etc...all at the SAME time n can still be miserable, hehehe.
With Psycanics, my addiction to tall gals w/ long, slender arms n those w/ a Fujian accent r much weakened. Most of my mistresses r 168 n taller. The shortest is 162 n she has the tightest n most shallow pussy. I now hv an urge to fxk gals shorter than 162, something I hv not done in decades!
I still prefer SYTs, but I must admit that 2 MILFs hv given me great sextisfaction. I BY-ed a 25 yo full-blooded Manchurian gal a yr ago. She had a very proportionate body n gave me my 1st ever COS( see my posts in oct 2009). She will come to SIN to attend her sister's wedding next month n wants me to keep her again?!!
There was a 26-27 yo Hubei gal I picked up at TAM complex 2 1/2 months ago. She had a near perfect, snow white body w/ natural C boobs n deep Venus dimples. One of my best fxk ever! She squirted! A couple days before returning to PRC, while I was fxking her, I whispered that I would take care of her, if she ever comes back. She replied: 是吗? 你有很多女孩子要照顾。。。she is still in China. I say she is near perfect n if she was 19 yo she would be perfect. I would love to take care of her indefinitely if she was 19 yo. I hv a very sexplicit video clip of her which I view frequently.:p
Bro WB
Bro WB
I just cannot help but to comment on the above forum.
SQ can be difficult to quantify expectations. Some bros will want to quantify SQ with cost savings as opposed to how pretty satisfied with sex.
All of us want to pay less but one bro less and another less is different. Just like your group of kakis will think 15k to 20k is value for money if can get a good exclusive unconditional fark. Another group of bros may thank paying 1k or less will be the SQ expectations. Least another group may think getting free will resort to best SQ.
Always remember "One man's meat is another man's poison".
Welcome all to comment here.
I suggest to read from beginning and take notes.
14-06-2018, 02:12 PM
Bro WB
I was so happy to read this thread in full detail with delight.
SQ = Satisfaction Quotient.
What a discovery?
I was astonished to learn so many nice meaningful words and quotes.
I just wanted to quote bro Dragonkeep posts which was nicely written.
Such a talented writer with nice point of views.
This forum is almighty and best of the best.
Thanks for all your contributions.
Read this thread in details with delight too, all thanks to bro WB.
Enjoy a long weekend bros.
14-06-2018, 03:26 PM
Read this thread in details with delight too, all thanks to bro WB.
Enjoy a long weekend bros.
You too bro, enjoy a long weekend.
Support bro WB thread
14-06-2018, 03:36 PM
You too bro, enjoy a long weekend.
Support bro WB thread
Same to you too.
Support bro WB and this wonderful thread.
14-06-2018, 04:33 PM
By practicing Psycanics n NLP, I hv greatly diminished my urge for tall SYTs n now I want those shorter than 162! I hv not bonked such tiny gals for decades.
I hv checked my ctc list n could find only one such gal. She is XD who is 19 yo n 158, abt 43kg, on student visa.
I met her inside a very crowded lift at TAM complex 2 1/2 months ago. There were 4-5 tall gals inside n XD was conspicuous by her short stature. But she looked so pretty n cute n fresh w/ fair skin n proportionate figure...I asked n got her HP no. I then went to CI to look for tall SYTs, hehe. Ten minutes later, she called n asked for my rm no.! I was quite hesitant bcos she was so short, so asked her to butterfly. We had a very good time...n good rapport.
I called her a wk later but couldn't get thru. I called again before leaving SIN n she said OK to hv dinner n no need to pay for the time...but I couldn't meet her as I was very busy w/ my 2 full-time gals.
Now I think of her more than any other gals!! I fantasize how tight n tiny n wet her love hole is. And how she would moan n moan n convulse...
The other day I texted her n she replied that she looked forward to seeing me. I then called her at 1:30 AM SIN time n she was working at 1st Fl in TAM. She agreed to a dinner date the day after my return. Not sure abt ST though. Actually I'm hoping she would say NO to ST regardless of my offer. I'm certain she will agree to BY unless she is already being kept by someone. What hv I got to lose? Just the cost of dinner., hehe.:D
Bro WB
Bro WB
Congratulations to you on a very successful thread for almost a decade.
I love small short gals because easier to carry and lift small gals up. Also can get her tight pussy with more feelings. Not those bony pelvis small skinny gals. I love small but not skinny gals.
The tight pussy will giev very satisfying bonk and need well lubrication to bonk otherwise dick may tear.
Nice to learn your taste had changed from tall gals to shorter gals.
Think varieties is the main thing.
I had big and tall gals before but I dun enjoy them.
Thanks for your kind attention to my post.
14-06-2018, 05:07 PM
Bro WB
Congratulations to you on a very successful thread for almost a decade.
I love small short gals because easier to carry and lift small gals up. Also can get her tight pussy with more feelings. Not those bony pelvis small skinny gals. I love small but not skinny gals.
The tight pussy will giev very satisfying bonk and need well lubrication to bonk otherwise dick may tear.
Nice to learn your taste had changed from tall gals to shorter gals.
Think varieties is the main thing.
I had big and tall gals before but I dun enjoy them.
Thanks for your kind attention to my post.
I love small short gals too.
Didn't realize this thread is almost a decade, congrats Bro WB.
14-06-2018, 05:16 PM
I'm very happy despite the sinking of the once mighty Greenback...I'll incur huge losses in purchasing power if n when I convert it into RMB or SGD. I hv not done so n will not do so. With QE2, the USD has no where to go but down.
A bit of good news. A good fren (who has a PhD from MIT) I hv known for a long time is starting a high tech co (related to electric cars n other industrial applications) in SZ, China n has invited me to be an early investor. It will be a joint venture w/ the PRC gov. Finally, I may hv a good reason to spend lots of time there, hehe.;)
Separately, even student visa for many PRC gals is taking longer n longer for approval. A former BAO-ee is in Jakarta, working at 金莎, waiting to come to SIN. She denies doing ST or being BAO-ed. Has any bro been to the joint? Do all the gals do ST there? Ths for the info.
Bro WB
Bro WB
What do you think the USD is heading?
What was the exchange rate back in Nov 2010?
Today 1 USD is about 1.335 SGD.
Many of those who had not been able to gain entry into Singapore had been plying their trade in various major cities.
Today you can not only find PRC gals but Viet gals in major cities.
Soon plenty of choices in many parts of the world.
Wish all have a good long weekend.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.
Bro WB
What do you think the USD is heading?
What was the exchange rate back in Nov 2010?
Today 1 USD is about 1.335 SGD.
Many of those who had not been able to gain entry into Singapore had been plying their trade in various major cities.
Today you can not only find PRC gals but Viet gals in major cities.
Soon plenty of choices in many parts of the world.
Wish all have a good long weekend.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.
USD should be heading south and diving into the mud :D
16-06-2018, 03:07 PM
I know a SYT in china whom I like very much who is applying for student visa n my agent just informed me that all her documents r ready. I hv to pay him 1k within 2-3 days. What to do as I'm in Gotham City?
I called a mummy 3 hrs ago n she said she would pay on my behalf, hehe.:p Of course I'll pay her back asap on my return. She was very sober when I spoke w/ her but was rather tipsy when my agent just called her.:(
I even woke up a fren for backup just in case the mummy reneges on her promise.
Separately, the gal in Jakarta is still waiting for her student visa. She may come soon (no pun intended). She also wants to go to Korea for 10 days around mid-Dec. I asked her why? To visit her GFs n to hv plastic surgery! I know it's not going to be a boob job as she has natural big Cs, so I said: 你五官都很漂亮, 不必做啦。 She replied: 我要更漂亮!
Most of my BAO-ees r young, immature n not satisfied w/ their looks n figure. KW n BB r among the most confident ones. I guess other PRC SYTs r the same. That knowledge is most useful, hehe.;)
Bro WB
Bro WB
I was keen to discuss this topic that most gals are not satisfied with their looks and figure.
Recently cosmetics surgeries had very good business. Many went to do at least some procedures to improve look. Some girls went overseas to do such cosmetics procedures.
Many PRC, Thai, Vietnamese, Singapore girls had been saving to do cosmetics procedures too.
I wonder which girls are fully satisfied with her looks?
Thanks for such a detailed forums.
Have a nice long weekend.
16-06-2018, 04:07 PM
Bro WB
I was keen to discuss this topic that most gals are not satisfied with their looks and figure.
Recently cosmetics surgeries had very good business. Many went to do at least some procedures to improve look. Some girls went overseas to do such cosmetics procedures.
Many PRC, Thai, Vietnamese, Singapore girls had been saving to do cosmetics procedures too.
I wonder which girls are fully satisfied with her looks?
Thanks for such a detailed forums.
Have a nice long weekend.
I noticed that too. Korea or Thailand would be a popular place?
Thanks Bro WB for this excellent thread.
16-06-2018, 04:19 PM
I like ur concept that most of us can only get of 2 out of 3 (Fast, Good n Cheap) in BY-ing. I hv experienced 2 other combinations.
1) Not Cheap, not Good n not Fast.
A good example is my saga w/ CD. I courted her in early Sep last yr. She agreed to all the BY-ing terms n then vanished! She was BY-ed by another man. I was quite upset for wks. Came back to work towards late Dec n I was alerted to this fact by bro LDH in Jan when I already had 2 full-time mistresses (KK n BB) n a part-time one (a singer from LV). To cut a long story short, CD n I were together for 1 wk during CNY when KK was back in China for the holidays.
Outwardly, she was a tall, chio SYT, etc (see my many posts on her). But I was most disappointed bcos her pussy was not pretty to me (big dark brown flaps) n it was loose.:( I was fortunate to hv her for a wk, otherwise I would still fantasize about how wonderful to make love to her, hehehe.
2) Cheap, Good n Fast.
I BY-ed a tall, pretty n sexy Hubei MILF (she was 27 ) part-time for 2 wks from TAM complex less than 3 months ago. She was the one w/ near perfect snow white figure n dimples of Venus. Also beautiful natural C boobs, pink, tight pussy n the best butt of any China gals I hv seen n long nice legs n slender arms. She was a great, great fxk n she squirted (see my posts).:D Sadly, she had to leave bcos her visitor's visa was expiring. She is still in China.
Once I brought her to DC n my young fren n others were eager to peek at her deep cleavage n boobs which she hid w/ a blouse. She was such a cock-tease! She reluctantly took it off for a few minutes when I told her to, hahaha. I really miss her n can only make do by looking at her explicit video clips...for now. I hv offered to BY her full-time should she return.
Separately, one of my gals in Jakarta just told me she could only come to SIN on a singer permit, the on-stage type as she couldn't get the non-working type according to her agent. I told her I wont keep her. When she comes I'll just do ST w/ her, hehe. Much, much lower pricing as she wont be exclusive to me. ;)
Bro WB
Bro WB
I also like the cheap fast and good too. I wonder why anyone will reject?
Always nice and proud when your gf always look good with great assets.
I wonder who like "Not cheap, Not fast and Not good"? This situation will always not favorable to us guys.
Wonder also any girl have perfect snow skin?
Don't be wrong, I also like snow skin.
I dislike a nice good figure with tattoos. Many pretty girls have ugly tattoos spoil their body.
Feel free to comment?
Thanks + cheers.
17-06-2018, 01:48 AM
Bro WB
I also like the cheap fast and good too. I wonder why anyone will reject?
Always nice and proud when your gf always look good with great assets.
I wonder who like "Not cheap, Not fast and Not good"? This situation will always not favorable to us guys.
Wonder also any girl have perfect snow skin?
Don't be wrong, I also like snow skin.
I dislike a nice good figure with tattoos. Many pretty girls have ugly tattoos spoil their body.
Feel free to comment?
Thanks + cheers.
Fully agree, tattoos spoil the overall looks. Look at thai girls, everything looks good until a tattoo pop up. It is really a turn off!
17-06-2018, 12:56 PM
Bro WB
I also like the cheap fast and good too. I wonder why anyone will reject?
Always nice and proud when your gf always look good with great assets.
I wonder who like "Not cheap, Not fast and Not good"? This situation will always not favorable to us guys.
Wonder also any girl have perfect snow skin?
Don't be wrong, I also like snow skin.
I dislike a nice good figure with tattoos. Many pretty girls have ugly tattoos spoil their body.
Feel free to comment?
Thanks + cheers.
I love nice gals with tattoo or not.
17-06-2018, 01:32 PM
Hi bro jamezwit,
Ths so much for sharing ur BY experiences w/ us.
You belong to the romantic n sensual type n u want to hv feelings n take ur time to court ur BAO-ees...n u make love to the them. You r the type preferred by most gals/women.
Unfortunately, I'm more like a beast, a predator n I want to fxk them asap. For me, feelings, if any, would come later...
I'll make a conscious effort to emulate ur method n go slow..
Bro jamezwit is an experienced BAO-er n we hv much to learn from him. Hope that he will continue to share his wisdom n sexploits w/ us.
Yeah, all of us should keep a German, a Japanese n an Italian to complete the "Axis gals". They r very different, bro, hehehe.
Bro WB
Thank you for a nice effective thread.
I am suspicious of bro jamezwit because I had tried too. In social media apps, you need to spent plenty of time to attract even a nice girl to chat. Another method was to post a handsome Avatar like Andy Law photos. But then when gal wants to do video chat and found you were ugly man surely will not even meet up.
Plenty of scam too in the social media apps asking for us to send money or buy itune cards. Also show you strip tease show then ask you to masturbate yourself. Later send you msg to say blackmail otherwise threaten to post online or send to friends and relatives.
Always read with a pinch of salt.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Have a nice SUnday.
Bro WB and other sifus have contributed a lot of knowledge and info here. Here is a brief sitrep of my BY experience.
After chionging KTVs, WLs from forums, and legal houses, I realised that I'm a know a person before sex (in fact, I prefer the term making love) type.
So I started to look at those Woman Looking for Men type of ad posts, but these are few and far in between, either they give terms and conditions (who is the person who has the need and means har?) or they don't reply (I found out later that girls generally look at those Men Looking for Women ads rather than the other way around). So I posted a few ads, say some of my general terms and with preference for PRC students, and started on the journey to find exclusive baoyee GFs.
So far, I've had 5 baoyees, 1 from SG, 1 from MY, and 3 from PRCs. Interestingly, three of them are students (the SG, MY, and 1 PRC) while two are working professionals (really executive in real company that I pick up from their office more than a few times). All between 21-22 yo, except one.
During initial meet up to know each other sessions, I usually start with hand holding and short kisses first couple of times when go out for dinner or movie. I confirm the baoying by saying that they need to get their place so that we can meet discreetly. Even then, only heavy petting but no sex, and once they get more comfortable, after the first love making session, hug and don't let go and they won't let go as well if you really show that you care about them.
I'm direct with them as far as possible. I tell them they can ask whatever question and those I can answer I'll tell them. Then you will be in a comfortable r/s and only if they're too sticky, I'll just tell them straight or let it cool off for a week or two without meeting. They sometimes ask about my previous BY, but only to ascertain that they are prettier (I also don't know why being prettier is the one important thing they must ask ;-) )
My BYs don't ask too much $$, some of them only ask to cover for lodging (a master room in a condo, although one had a common room but few other tenants and all work late so less people around the unit), others ask for room+allowance which I tell them upfront my limit of giving, they usually agree with it since they are not really desperate, or $$ is not the only reason. One of them even still have money support from home but of course I don't live off it, I supplement her school fees plus lodging.
So far, I only dropped the MY BY real fast becos she was two-timing, she got another BF who is away from SG a lot but she keep sending the guy emails/sms so I found out and dropped her. The rest all quite ok and the relationship last for a while and always parted way amicably and usually because they finished their work permit stay or study.
Only thing is the relationship can be too deep, and they feel lonely and since the way I prefer is to have feelings, so they sticky a bit. But I get great love making after being didn't meet for a few days or a week or two. I think it's win-win in my BY experience so far. Only thing is got to filter a bit and it takes effort and time to read the girl's mind and to show concern. Sometimes just words and a hug they will cry on your shoulder. I'm no handsome man, so I've to double or triple on the attention and the small things, like they appreciate you bring them to good eating place (no need high end stuff) and treating them with respect, since the young BY that can come to study (for real, not the KTV gals) or work as executive are pampered at home from young (one family one child), although they know that they need to adjust living on their own and doing their own household chores, they sometimes just felt lonely and the way younger generation of PRC from city is more open, had sex early and some had relationship with older man already in PRC. It's eye opening talking to them (only after they are comfortable to open up about this part of their life).
17-06-2018, 01:56 PM
I love nice gals with tattoo or not.
Same here as well.
17-06-2018, 05:14 PM
Thank you for a nice effective thread.
I am suspicious of bro jamezwit because I had tried too. In social media apps, you need to spent plenty of time to attract even a nice girl to chat. Another method was to post a handsome Avatar like Andy Law photos. But then when gal wants to do video chat and found you were ugly man surely will not even meet up.
Plenty of scam too in the social media apps asking for us to send money or buy itune cards. Also show you strip tease show then ask you to masturbate yourself. Later send you msg to say blackmail otherwise threaten to post online or send to friends and relatives.
Always read with a pinch of salt.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Have a nice SUnday.
Seems like you are very experienced in video chat.
Great thread here by bro WB, support for more.
18-06-2018, 04:40 PM
Bro WB
Thank you making a wonderful thread.
I agreed with your guru on the "kissing".
Kissing intimately solved many confusions and soothes nerves. Also provides plenty of passion between the couple. A simple peck on the cheeks always nice when a girl is nervy and unsure what to do.
Kiss her, already. Make it all better. This statement sounded extremely sexy if your girl has a sexy body. When can kiss will be able to let you hold her body.
When a girl expects a kiss then best to kiss her otherwise the guy will forever miss the chance. I am not sure if many will agree with you but this may be a controversy.
Is just simple case if the girl expects to get laid and the guy couln't do it then can forget it.
Thank you for nice thread.
Hope to read more excellent post and guide.
A good fren, a very experienced playboy, once told me abt kissing when I was still wet behind my ears. "If a Chinese gal willingly allows you to french her, her pussy is yours ( at least 99% true ), but not so w/ Ang Mo gals..."
Decades later, I can confirm that he is spot on n his axiom holds true for KTV gals n non-WLs alike.
Sometimes there is a long lag time between kissing a gal n tasting her pussy. The longest is w/ the SH songbird SS aka CD. It took 5 months.
Another sex guru sent me some interesting advice on KISSING. I like share it w/ bros here.
You've probably been conditioned your entire life to aim for that
all-important first kiss with a woman when you've walked her to her
doorstep at the end of an evening together.
Forget that. Why save it for the very last?
Besides missing out on all the potential excitement that could have
happened earlier in the night, you end up looking like every other
unimaginative dork she's dated since middle school.
That said, I fully get that making the first kiss happen at exactly
the right time seems as if it's easier said than done.
But no worries. I've got your back, as always.
Here are a half-dozen moments that are tailor made first kiss
opportunities just about every time:
1) When She's Talking Nonstop
This goes double if she's mildly perturbed over something. Perhaps
she has started to go on about her bad day at work, her mean
professor and/or an evil co-worker.
But even if she's just turning a bit too much into a "Chatty Cathy"
in general, here's a universal truth that every man should know.
You already know that the best way to shut up a group of noisy guys
is to put food in front of them. But if you want to shut a woman
up, kiss her.
And don't be surprised afterward if she forgets what she was
talking about.
The caveat here, of course, is that we're assuming her excessive
chatter hasn't negatively affected her attractiveness to you...which
I understand could be a distinct possibility.
2) When You Are Opening The Car Door For Her
A lot of people want to pronounce chivalry dead at the scene.
But as I've said in The Man's Approach program, if you don't bother
to open the car door for a woman you're missing out on one MASSIVE
opportunity to get the first kiss out of the way.
I mean, where else can you literally corner a woman and actually
have her feel safer, warmer and fuzzier as a direct result?
This is money, I tell you.
3) When There's Even The Briefest Of Pauses After You Lock Eyes At
Close Range
The tragic part about this particular phenomenon is that EVERYONE
recognizes when it's happening.
But the problem is that far too many of us come down with a sudden
outbreak of "Too Good To Be True Fever" when it happens FOR US.
Learn from the movies, gentlemen.
Admit it. Every time you've ever seen a guy bonk at this point in
a movie, you knew he was blowing it. And the guy who gets the girl
in that same movie NEVER misses the cue, does he?
So when you're talking to a woman--or are even just generically
present with her, frankly--and you find yourself a foot away from
her staring into her eyes wordlessly as if the world were standing is.
And the world is standing there screaming, "KISS HER NOW!"
4) When Plans Change Or Certain Interruptions Take Place
Okay, this one's a bit trickier.
What we're referring to here is NOT when a major crisis hits or
when you've got to act fast to correct something that's a pressing
We're also NOT referring to when her babysitter calls telling her
to "come home immediately" or when she flakes out on you. Of
course not.
What we ARE talking about is when you're given the GOLDEN
opportunity to take a slight glitch in your perfect plan and boldly
show that your overall demeanor and personal control over the whole
situation are NOT affected by it.
The Notebook is not on most guys' list of favorite movies, but
there's a certain scene in it where the guy and the gal are in a
rowboat together surrounded by swans.
The "storybook" moment is rudely interrupted by a sudden torrential
As the woman starts fretting about the situation, the guy does the
right thing. He grabs her and kisses her brains out, turning the
whole melee into the hottest five minutes either of them has ever
Nice going, there.
Your version might not be as dramatic.
Nevertheless, that locked door to a restaurant you thought was
still open or even changing a flat tire in a tux probably should
lead to a first kiss...provided you're a Big Four man with a woman
along who is attracted to you.
5) Whenever She Expresses Slight Embarrassment Or Good-Natured
Regret At Having Said Something Silly
Ah yes...I love this one.
If a woman is concerned over having embarrassed herself a tiny bit
in your presence or thinks she just said something silly, that's a
universal sign that she's digging you.
What better way to reassure her when she's experiencing such worry
than to remove all doubt that she hasn't messed up nearly as badly
as she thinks?
Kiss her, already. Make it all better.
6) Whenever You Instinctively Sense That She's Expecting It
This one is along the lines of the third point above, but more
generally applicable.
ANY time you get the unmistakable vibe that she WANTS to be kissed,
you not only SHOULD kiss her you'd BETTER kiss her.
I mean, how many hints does a chick have to drop, dude? Start
getting them. Otherwise, she's going to think you're either gay or
a total wimp.
The bottom line here is that most women LOVE to be kissed and they
WANT to be kissed by a man they like.
When you are on a first date with a woman and she appears to be
enjoying herself, you could probably kiss her without much drama
and with great success.
If you're on a second date with her, you can consider that a
foregone conclusion. She wouldn't BE THERE if she wasn't feeling
Knowing that, remember the six golden moments I've described for
you today and you'll never be at a loss for gauging the RIGHT TIME
for that first kiss to happen ever again.
Be Good,
18-06-2018, 04:42 PM
Seems like you are very experienced in video chat.
Great thread here by bro WB, support for more.
All these are posted daily in SBF so just be warned.
Best support Bro WB thread.
18-06-2018, 11:49 PM
All these are posted daily in SBF so just be warned.
Best support Bro WB thread.
Nice warning.
Support Bro WB too.
18-06-2018, 11:54 PM
What an excellent thread here. Hope to learn more from bro WB :)
20-06-2018, 11:23 AM
Hi broshock19 n Dragonkeep,
Ths so much to both of u for sharing ur sexploits n insights. Both of u appear to enjoy RS w/ MILFs...
Unfortunately, I prefer SYTs n those chio gals <25. They must hv a certain looks that I find attractive. In addition, they also must hv my preferred body proportions. I can't help it.
However, one of my best fxks is w/ a 27 yo MILF from Hubei, which I detailed recently. She serviced me very well n had COS herself n even squirted. Sadly she is still in China...
Yes, giving regular COS to a gal is vital, but by itself is often not enuff to get a gal addicted to or fall in love w/ a man. Other psychological triggers n conditioning r necessary. Ironically, a financial arrangement may be an impediment.
You see, a gal falls in love w/ a man NOT for who he is, but for how he makes her feel (especially abt herself). In a BY-ing RS, no self-respecting gal will feel good, especially if the RS is relatively short-term. So it will take more time n effort in BY-ing for a BAO-ee to fall for a BAO-er. That is a fun game, isn't?
Indeed, we men pay a lot more for exclusivity n for the oppty to KC these gals. Whether it's cost effective depends on each individual. For me, it's worth every penny n then some. Why? I'm hving all the fun while learning a lot abt life, abt oneself n abt others, the interim, I hv discovered the meaning n importance of self mastery n unconditional happiness. I'm greatly indebted to all my current n former mistresses for making my transformation possible, hehehe.:p Oops, I should also mention all my frens/bros who hv also played a vital role in my formative months (not years yet).
Just my 2 cents, experienced n esteemed bros r invited to comment on n/or refute my hypothesises.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks for the above forum.
Let me quote these 2 great forums before I comment.
I agree with both bros because money is necessary to start the whole process. Without money nothing will happened.
As for choice of MILF or syts?
This topic can be widely debated and will be no winner. For bro WB case, his preference was syt and that was his desire although he wrote that his best fuck was with a 27 yrs old MILF.
Let us get this assumption clarified before we discuss further?
Syt meaning any women 18 - 21 yrs old? Some think 23 yrs old still syt?
MILF meaning any women above 24 yrs old and above?
To me, I have no preference and will just take any woman who willing to make love. I prefer woman who don't ask for money but will still give token of appreciation after deed. Usually MILF around 27 to 32 yrs old still looks pretty good and many are capable to provide nice sexual services. Here we refer to those women who had some years of working in entertainment night life.
Syt usually inexperienced and will need plenty of guidance before can give great services. Some men love those dead fishes and gets excitement when faced with syt.
On the topic if you pay MILF a lower sum or not much at all then this is up to individual and also where do you fish. All about individual affordability.
Please post more and hope to read up the thread soon.
Have a great day.
20-06-2018, 10:40 PM
Thanks bro WB for this awesome thread. Hoping to learn more.
21-06-2018, 12:06 PM
Bro WB has such a great thread ongoing here. I’m really impressed with your experiences, writing and willingness to share.
My Own Experience
Over the last 1 year I have become close to VM, a 27 yr old KTV VietBu. I am 36 and married.
From my experience of chionging, Viets are more transactional that ATBs who generally go for the long game (i.e they try to KC you). Viets are more fuck-and-forget. I have been to most of the Viet KTVs (Starlight, P9, Supreme, Ace Club, First Club etc) and most of the girls have a similar modus operandi.
This girl somehow got me quite hooked. She’s an Ang Pai at one of the larger clubs with monthly earnings higher than 90% of locals. As with most of the girls there, she has a price and would go hotels after SH or with her regulars. She does not play the KC game herself. You pay the money, do the deed and off she goes.
We like each other and have gotten quite close over time which sometimes does mind fuck me abit. She is open with me and would tell me when XXX has booked her go hotel etc. Her view is that she works at a KTV, there is no need to lie about her activities. Sometimes I wish she does but her character is one that is honest.
She does certain actions that makes me feel special.
She lets me go to her room and introduces me as her bf to her landlord who is strict about bringing guys back. I am the only person that she allows to go up and am sure of this. I still maintain a transactional approach to keep things clean.
She is very open with me and tells me the various aspects of her experiences which is mostly centered around the KTV. I know literally all her regular customers. I asked her if any of her customers know me and her reply was that if they did, it would mean that I am no longer special to her.
Interestingly though, all her friends at her KTV know who I am. I am not a big spender…I go for 2 towers during HH and never open bottles.
She talks openly about me to her friends and family.
We kiss. This is a big deal for her and I know that she is very particular about this. To her fucking is one thing, kissing is another. She has walked out of hotels before as her client insist on gfe and she simply refused. And this was a regular customer of hers. Needless to say, he never called back.
The thing she likes about me is that I give her space and never question or judge her about her job. It does drive me crazy at times when she messages “I am at XXX house now” but I come to realise that is just how she communicates. There is a big spender that has been wooing her for the longest time (paid her $5k for a 3 day holiday and books her like 2-3 times a week during SH). I told her that having a bf is a deathknell for her KTV job.
I have come to accept all this and go along for the ride. Any views from bros would be nice.
21-06-2018, 02:51 PM
Whether she is a BAO-ee or not is unimportant (she doesn't meet my definition as she makes it clear that her pussy is not exclusive). If u enjoy the arrangement then it's perfect for u.
If a gal's pussy is not exclusive to me, I'll just pay for each session or ST.
I dun get it. Why r u afraid to see ur gal in LV? If she can work n expose herself to all the men there n no doubt get fxked by many of them, n u can't even show up to look for other gals??!!:confused: Wat kind of an unfair arrangement is that? It's akin to unilateral disarmament during the Cold War!
Going to LV HH this coming Thurs? PM me n I'll come w/ a couple of bros. There r a no of gals there (6-8?) who r either my ex or BAO-ees-to-be or hv agreed to be BAO-ed in the past, hahaha.
Bro WB
Good day!
I like to express my sincere gratitude to all bros who hv posted on this thread. I hv learned a great deal from all of you. The cumulative experience n wisdom of all the esteemed bros are incredibly useful to me.
It appears that most esteemed bros here prefer MILFs except our great champion Mr WB.
That said, I'll look at younger MILFs favorably as I hv detailed my wonderful experience a few of them.
I also like to quote bro fallen.angel post which I had experienced myself.
I had similar experience quite sometime ago when I was visiting ktv. There was a PRC gal that refused to sit with a towkay and insist to sit with me. One thing lead to another and we had sex. She will take time out to go with me whenever she lonely and sad.
I knew she will go hv sex whenever she needed money. I did not pay her much for sex because she refused to take. Often I just slip the money into her bag.
I can understand why because there was plenty of competition and she don't like to be roughened by the towkay and so see solace with me
All these sounds like fantasy but then it happened.
Hope all can contribute more to this thread and god bless.
Not sure if you can consider mine a baoee but I met her in one of those KTVs in Havelock 3 years ago. At first we exchanged a lot of SMSes and chatted on the phone and every time I go cheong KTV, she’ll be with me. Met up a lot, talked a lot, heavy petting but no sex. That went on for roughly 6 months until late one night, after sending her home from movie and drinks at Harry’s, I asked to use the toilet at her place. After I came out, she invited me to her rented room. We BJ each other till I CIM. Didn’t do the deed cos not prepared – no rubber.
Since then, we would always go to her place for great sex. She was in her late 20s and I can tell you, women in their late 20s early 30s are tigresses in bed. She calls me her bf/husband but she still carried on working at TAM, LV, LP. By then I had invested a fair bit to get to that stage.
I didn’t stop her from working. And I couldn’t. I’m married and can’t give her enough time (and I didn’t want to spend too much money on her) and I have to keep it very discreet. I knew she went out with other guys and over the years, she has gone overseas with customers. She tries to keep it from me but somehow I know – after being with someone for years, you’ll know them very well. At one stage, she even had another guy, a bachelor, bao her for up to 6 months until she called it quits.
Sex was very good. We are so accustomed to each others’ bodies and needs that we cum together most of the time and usually, she would have cummed a few times before I did. I’m old already so I don’t usually have a second shot, and it is also due to time constraint, so it is important I make her cum a few times first. She commented that the other guy was really bad in bed – he came within 2 minutes of penetration and never made her cum. Of cos I took it with a pinch of salt, but judging from the ecstasy she displays in bed and the way she dumped him, I just smile and keep quiet.
I am spending an average of less than $3K over 3 years. That’s because we always do it at her place and only during special occasions that we’ll dine and wine and fxxx in a 5 star hotel. Beginning of this year, we had agreed on the terms – that I pay her per sexxion. I know she will never be loyal to me and she knows I will not be able to spend more time with her. That said, I’ve helped her a lot and whenever she asked me to do stuff, fetch her, I would oblige, as long as its during office hours. I run my own business so my timing can be flexible. Oh, and don’t ever think you are the only guy who paid for that $5000 Chanel bag, ok?
Always admired WB and all the alpha males in this thread and would really love to meet these luminaries in person the next time I go LV, which would be next Thursday HH. I don’t post a lot because I can tell you – even the PRC WLs in GL surf Sammyboy. Once I wrote a FR and when I RTF the particular Ang Pai WL, she knew it was me and interrogated me! Some Samsters actually report and alert them to posts/FRs made on them. I think these Samsters are idiots but I digress.
21-06-2018, 11:50 PM
Good day!
I like to express my sincere gratitude to all bros who hv posted on this thread. I hv learned a great deal from all of you. The cumulative experience n wisdom of all the esteemed bros are incredibly useful to me.
It appears that most esteemed bros here prefer MILFs except our great champion Mr WB.
That said, I'll look at younger MILFs favorably as I hv detailed my wonderful experience a few of them.
I also like to quote bro fallen.angel post which I had experienced myself.
I had similar experience quite sometime ago when I was visiting ktv. There was a PRC gal that refused to sit with a towkay and insist to sit with me. One thing lead to another and we had sex. She will take time out to go with me whenever she lonely and sad.
I knew she will go hv sex whenever she needed money. I did not pay her much for sex because she refused to take. Often I just slip the money into her bag.
I can understand why because there was plenty of competition and she don't like to be roughened by the towkay and so see solace with me
All these sounds like fantasy but then it happened.
Hope all can contribute more to this thread and god bless.
I had similar experience too. 2 PRC SYTs were on my left and right and eventually we had sex.
Great learning from this thread, thanks to bro WB.
23-06-2018, 10:47 AM
Let me just comment here...:)
This is the modus operandi of Viet gal...all of the gals operate in similar fashion as though taught by the same masters...:)
To me, working in ktv is a Working Lady (WL)....:)
Your gal is just typical ang pai who had enough sex daily and also more than enough bfs to feed her...:)
Back in 2007 to 2009, there were many of similar gals operating in JC and GL....:)
If you think your gal is any different then you are sadly mistaken...
I had been flying to Vietnam monthly for the past 10 years....I can get gals to kiss me or I kiss her....This is no big deal...Viet gals are more liberally minded than you think....
Introduce to family members or her mother as bf is really nothing special...Enough of those and still can break the next day or week...For me, no more keen to visit any of this family and clearly a waste of time....btw, anything can be stage just for you to enjoy and trust...another mind fuck...
What she is hoping to do is to get you kc and for her to seek out some concern when she sad and upset with her regulars...she knew you are married and no point to talk any marriage with you...
often we encountered a gal that can give you great sex and next month heard she got married in her us sinkees will never understand such mentality.
Suggest you read this thread to get some ideas and understand Viet gals culture...
Bro WB has such a great thread ongoing here. I’m really impressed with your experiences, writing and willingness to share.
My Own Experience
Over the last 1 year I have become close to VM, a 27 yr old KTV VietBu. I am 36 and married.
From my experience of chionging, Viets are more transactional that ATBs who generally go for the long game (i.e they try to KC you). Viets are more fuck-and-forget. I have been to most of the Viet KTVs (Starlight, P9, Supreme, Ace Club, First Club etc) and most of the girls have a similar modus operandi.
This girl somehow got me quite hooked. She’s an Ang Pai at one of the larger clubs with monthly earnings higher than 90% of locals. As with most of the girls there, she has a price and would go hotels after SH or with her regulars. She does not play the KC game herself. You pay the money, do the deed and off she goes.
We like each other and have gotten quite close over time which sometimes does mind fuck me abit. She is open with me and would tell me when XXX has booked her go hotel etc. Her view is that she works at a KTV, there is no need to lie about her activities. Sometimes I wish she does but her character is one that is honest.
She does certain actions that makes me feel special.
She lets me go to her room and introduces me as her bf to her landlord who is strict about bringing guys back. I am the only person that she allows to go up and am sure of this. I still maintain a transactional approach to keep things clean.
She is very open with me and tells me the various aspects of her experiences which is mostly centered around the KTV. I know literally all her regular customers. I asked her if any of her customers know me and her reply was that if they did, it would mean that I am no longer special to her.
Interestingly though, all her friends at her KTV know who I am. I am not a big spender…I go for 2 towers during HH and never open bottles.
She talks openly about me to her friends and family.
We kiss. This is a big deal for her and I know that she is very particular about this. To her fucking is one thing, kissing is another. She has walked out of hotels before as her client insist on gfe and she simply refused. And this was a regular customer of hers. Needless to say, he never called back.
The thing she likes about me is that I give her space and never question or judge her about her job. It does drive me crazy at times when she messages “I am at XXX house now” but I come to realise that is just how she communicates. There is a big spender that has been wooing her for the longest time (paid her $5k for a 3 day holiday and books her like 2-3 times a week during SH). I told her that having a bf is a deathknell for her KTV job.
I have come to accept all this and go along for the ride. Any views from bros would be nice.
23-06-2018, 11:27 AM
Bro WB has such a great thread ongoing here. I’m really impressed with your experiences, writing and willingness to share.
My Own Experience
Over the last 1 year I have become close to VM, a 27 yr old KTV VietBu. I am 36 and married.
From my experience of chionging, Viets are more transactional that ATBs who generally go for the long game (i.e they try to KC you). Viets are more fuck-and-forget. I have been to most of the Viet KTVs (Starlight, P9, Supreme, Ace Club, First Club etc) and most of the girls have a similar modus operandi.
This girl somehow got me quite hooked. She’s an Ang Pai at one of the larger clubs with monthly earnings higher than 90% of locals. As with most of the girls there, she has a price and would go hotels after SH or with her regulars. She does not play the KC game herself. You pay the money, do the deed and off she goes.
We like each other and have gotten quite close over time which sometimes does mind fuck me abit. She is open with me and would tell me when XXX has booked her go hotel etc. Her view is that she works at a KTV, there is no need to lie about her activities. Sometimes I wish she does but her character is one that is honest.
She does certain actions that makes me feel special.
She lets me go to her room and introduces me as her bf to her landlord who is strict about bringing guys back. I am the only person that she allows to go up and am sure of this. I still maintain a transactional approach to keep things clean.
She is very open with me and tells me the various aspects of her experiences which is mostly centered around the KTV. I know literally all her regular customers. I asked her if any of her customers know me and her reply was that if they did, it would mean that I am no longer special to her.
Interestingly though, all her friends at her KTV know who I am. I am not a big spender…I go for 2 towers during HH and never open bottles.
She talks openly about me to her friends and family.
We kiss. This is a big deal for her and I know that she is very particular about this. To her fucking is one thing, kissing is another. She has walked out of hotels before as her client insist on gfe and she simply refused. And this was a regular customer of hers. Needless to say, he never called back.
The thing she likes about me is that I give her space and never question or judge her about her job. It does drive me crazy at times when she messages “I am at XXX house now” but I come to realise that is just how she communicates. There is a big spender that has been wooing her for the longest time (paid her $5k for a 3 day holiday and books her like 2-3 times a week during SH). I told her that having a bf is a deathknell for her KTV job.
I have come to accept all this and go along for the ride. Any views from bros would be nice.
Thank you for sharing nice forum.
I hope to get lucky too.
23-06-2018, 12:32 PM
I have come to accept all this and go along for the ride. Any views from bros would be nice.
How will u confirm, she dun say the same to another pay master? To maintain regular customers or roberts, shes need to convince all are special.
Another thought, she is the so called ang pai n u? Face of Cruise, wealth of Trump or charisma of Mandela? Why will she be truly yours?
Most of us went thru this "love" game and most enjoy or hurt n move on... how many boast blissful marriage?
Since u cheong a lot, guess u should have gone thru all these. Further, u are married....Just enjoy the game while it lasts and move on with life after she leaves.
23-06-2018, 08:22 PM
Bro WB has such a great thread ongoing here. I’m really impressed with your experiences, writing and willingness to share.
My Own Experience
Over the last 1 year I have become close to VM, a 27 yr old KTV VietBu. I am 36 and married.
From my experience of chionging, Viets are more transactional that ATBs who generally go for the long game (i.e they try to KC you). Viets are more fuck-and-forget. I have been to most of the Viet KTVs (Starlight, P9, Supreme, Ace Club, First Club etc) and most of the girls have a similar modus operandi.
This girl somehow got me quite hooked. She’s an Ang Pai at one of the larger clubs with monthly earnings higher than 90% of locals. As with most of the girls there, she has a price and would go hotels after SH or with her regulars. She does not play the KC game herself. You pay the money, do the deed and off she goes.
We like each other and have gotten quite close over time which sometimes does mind fuck me abit. She is open with me and would tell me when XXX has booked her go hotel etc. Her view is that she works at a KTV, there is no need to lie about her activities. Sometimes I wish she does but her character is one that is honest.
She does certain actions that makes me feel special.
She lets me go to her room and introduces me as her bf to her landlord who is strict about bringing guys back. I am the only person that she allows to go up and am sure of this. I still maintain a transactional approach to keep things clean.
She is very open with me and tells me the various aspects of her experiences which is mostly centered around the KTV. I know literally all her regular customers. I asked her if any of her customers know me and her reply was that if they did, it would mean that I am no longer special to her.
Interestingly though, all her friends at her KTV know who I am. I am not a big spender…I go for 2 towers during HH and never open bottles.
She talks openly about me to her friends and family.
We kiss. This is a big deal for her and I know that she is very particular about this. To her fucking is one thing, kissing is another. She has walked out of hotels before as her client insist on gfe and she simply refused. And this was a regular customer of hers. Needless to say, he never called back.
The thing she likes about me is that I give her space and never question or judge her about her job. It does drive me crazy at times when she messages “I am at XXX house now” but I come to realise that is just how she communicates. There is a big spender that has been wooing her for the longest time (paid her $5k for a 3 day holiday and books her like 2-3 times a week during SH). I told her that having a bf is a deathknell for her KTV job.
I have come to accept all this and go along for the ride. Any views from bros would be nice.
Great share bro!
23-06-2018, 11:26 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for the above forum.
Let me quote these 2 great forums before I comment.
I agree with both bros because money is necessary to start the whole process. Without money nothing will happened.
As for choice of MILF or syts?
This topic can be widely debated and will be no winner. For bro WB case, his preference was syt and that was his desire although he wrote that his best fuck was with a 27 yrs old MILF.
Let us get this assumption clarified before we discuss further?
Syt meaning any women 18 - 21 yrs old? Some think 23 yrs old still syt?
MILF meaning any women above 24 yrs old and above?
To me, I have no preference and will just take any woman who willing to make love. I prefer woman who don't ask for money but will still give token of appreciation after deed. Usually MILF around 27 to 32 yrs old still looks pretty good and many are capable to provide nice sexual services. Here we refer to those women who had some years of working in entertainment night life.
Syt usually inexperienced and will need plenty of guidance before can give great services. Some men love those dead fishes and gets excitement when faced with syt.
On the topic if you pay MILF a lower sum or not much at all then this is up to individual and also where do you fish. All about individual affordability.
Please post more and hope to read up the thread soon.
Have a great day.
Tks for your post.
I still prefer to BY 18-20 yo SYTs who are full-time students, on a long-term basis. They are actually less expensive to keep. They are less greedy. Of course, they are much less experienced sexually. And they boost my immunity...
Bro WB has such a great thread ongoing here. I’m really impressed with your experiences, writing and willingness to share.
My Own Experience
Over the last 1 year I have become close to VM, a 27 yr old KTV VietBu. I am 36 and married.
From my experience of chionging, Viets are more transactional that ATBs who generally go for the long game (i.e they try to KC you). Viets are more fuck-and-forget. I have been to most of the Viet KTVs (Starlight, P9, Supreme, Ace Club, First Club etc) and most of the girls have a similar modus operandi. .................................................. ...........
She does certain actions that makes me feel special.
She lets me go to her room and introduces me as her bf to her landlord who is strict about bringing guys back. I am the only person that she allows to go up and am sure of this. I still maintain a transactional approach to keep things clean.
She is very open with me and tells me the various aspects of her experiences which is mostly centered around the KTV. I know literally all her regular customers. I asked her if any of her customers know me and her reply was that if they did, it would mean that I am no longer special to her.
Interestingly though, all her friends at her KTV know who I am. I am not a big spender…I go for 2 towers during HH and never open bottles.
She talks openly about me to her friends and family.
We kiss. This is a big deal for her and I know that she is very particular about this. To her fucking is one thing, kissing is another. She has walked out of hotels before as her client insist on gfe and she simply refused. And this was a regular customer of hers. Needless to say, he never called back.
The thing she likes about me is that I give her space and never question or judge her about her job. It does drive me crazy at times when she messages “I am at XXX house now” but I come to realise that is just how she communicates. There is a big spender that has been wooing her for the longest time (paid her $5k for a 3 day holiday and books her like 2-3 times a week during SH). I told her that having a bf is a deathknell for her KTV job.
I have come to accept all this and go along for the ride. Any views from bros would be nice.
Good day!
I like to express my sincere gratitude to all bros who hv posted on this thread. I hv learned a great deal from all of you. The cumulative experience n wisdom of all the esteemed bros are incredibly useful to me.
It appears that most esteemed bros here prefer MILFs except our great champion Mr WB.
That said, I'll look at younger MILFs favorably as I hv detailed my wonderful experience a few of them.
I also like to quote bro fallen.angel post which I had experienced myself.
I had similar experience quite sometime ago when I was visiting ktv. There was a PRC gal that refused to sit with a towkay and insist to sit with me. One thing lead to another and we had sex. She will take time out to go with me whenever she lonely and sad.
I knew she will go hv sex whenever she needed money. I did not pay her much for sex because she refused to take. Often I just slip the money into her bag.
I can understand why because there was plenty of competition and she don't like to be roughened by the towkay and so see solace with me
All these sounds like fantasy but then it happened.
Hope all can contribute more to this thread and god bless.
Bro, tks for such detailed FR.
It's great that you hv found your special gal.
Let me just comment here...:)
This is the modus operandi of Viet gal...all of the gals operate in similar fashion as though taught by the same masters...:)
To me, working in ktv is a Working Lady (WL)....:)
Your gal is just typical ang pai who had enough sex daily and also more than enough bfs to feed her...:)
Back in 2007 to 2009, there were many of similar gals operating in JC and GL....:)
If you think your gal is any different then you are sadly mistaken...
I had been flying to Vietnam monthly for the past 10 years....I can get gals to kiss me or I kiss her....This is no big deal...Viet gals are more liberally minded than you think....
Introduce to family members or her mother as bf is really nothing special...Enough of those and still can break the next day or week...For me, no more keen to visit any of this family and clearly a waste of time....btw, anything can be stage just for you to enjoy and trust...another mind fuck...
What she is hoping to do is to get you kc and for her to seek out some concern when she sad and upset with her regulars...she knew you are married and no point to talk any marriage with you.................................
Suggest you read this thread to get some ideas and understand Viet gals culture...
Thank you for your insights. Actually, the modus operandi of most PRC gals who work at KTVs are quite similar. Most PRC singers are ruthless, psychopathic golddiggers.
There are very rare exceptions.
Bro WB
Thank you very much for staring a wonderful thread.
Amazing detailed account of PRC mms enrolled into USA varsities. Many of these PRC mms are from rich elite families whose father is high ranking Politburo members. Some of the mms graduated and started working in big corporations such as Wall Street firms. These mms will be liberal minded and willing to ONS.
The guru account below is quite a good description of the real thing.
Please have a great day.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
I was so happy to read this thread in full detail with delight.
SQ = Satisfaction Quotient.
What a discovery?
I was astonished to learn so many nice meaningful words and quotes.
I just wanted to quote bro Dragonkeep posts which was nicely written.
Such a talented writer with nice point of views.
This forum is almighty and best of the best.
Thanks for all your contributions.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
I just cannot help but to comment on the above forum.
SQ can be difficult to quantify expectations. Some bros will want to quantify SQ with cost savings as opposed to how pretty satisfied with sex.
All of us want to pay less but one bro less and another less is different. Just like your group of kakis will think 15k to 20k is value for money if can get a good exclusive unconditional fark. Another group of bros may thank paying 1k or less will be the SQ expectations. Least another group may think getting free will resort to best SQ.
Always remember "One man's meat is another man's poison".
Welcome all to comment here.
I suggest to read from beginning and take notes.
Bro, tks for your insights.
Bro WB
Congratulations to you on a very successful thread for almost a decade.
I love small short gals because easier to carry and lift small gals up. Also can get her tight pussy with more feelings. Not those bony pelvis small skinny gals. I love small but not skinny gals.
The tight pussy will giev very satisfying bonk and need well lubrication to bonk otherwise dick may tear.
Nice to learn your taste had changed from tall gals to shorter gals.
Think varieties is the main thing.
I had big and tall gals before but I dun enjoy them.
Thanks for your kind attention to my post.
Bro, tks.
I like gals who are 160-173. It's not the absolute height, but the gal must be proportionate and hv my preferred head-torso-breasts-butt-limbs proportions.
I love small short gals too.
Didn't realize this thread is almost a decade, congrats Bro WB.
Thanks, bro.
Bro WB
What do you think the USD is heading?
What was the exchange rate back in Nov 2010?
Today 1 USD is about 1.335 SGD.
Many of those who had not been able to gain entry into Singapore had been plying their trade in various major cities...................
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.
Bro, tks.
The USD to SGD exchange rate was 1.31 back in Nov 2010. The exchange rate has not changed much.
Bro WB
I was keen to discuss this topic that most gals are not satisfied with their looks and figure.
Recently cosmetics surgeries had very good business. Many went to do at least some procedures to improve look. Some girls went overseas to do such cosmetics procedures.
Many PRC, Thai, Vietnamese, Singapore girls had been saving to do cosmetics procedures too.
I wonder which girls are fully satisfied with her looks?
Thanks for such a detailed forums.
Have a nice long weekend.
Bro, tks.
Amost all gals are insecure. They worry about their looks and figure.
Bro WB
I also like the cheap fast and good too. I wonder why anyone will reject?
Always nice and proud when your gf always look good with great assets.
I wonder who like "Not cheap, Not fast and Not good"? This situation will always not favorable to us guys.
Wonder also any girl have perfect snow skin?
Don't be wrong, I also like snow skin.
I dislike a nice good figure with tattoos. Many pretty girls have ugly tattoos spoil their body.
Feel free to comment?
Thanks + cheers.
Bro, tks for your post.
Thank you for a nice effective thread.
I am suspicious of bro jamezwit because I had tried too. In social media apps, you need to spent plenty of time to attract even a nice girl to chat. Another method was to post a handsome Avatar like Andy Law photos. But then when gal wants to do video chat and found you were ugly man surely will not even meet up.
Plenty of scam too in the social media apps asking for us to send money or buy itune cards. Also show you strip tease show then ask you to masturbate yourself. Later send you msg to say blackmail otherwise threaten to post online or send to friends and relatives.
Always read with a pinch of salt.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Have a nice SUnday.
Bro, tks for your insights.
You could be right.
Bro WB
Thank you making a wonderful thread.
I agreed with your guru on the "kissing".
Kissing intimately solved many confusions and soothes nerves. Also provides plenty of passion between the couple. A simple peck on the cheeks always nice when a girl is nervy and unsure what to do.
Kiss her, already. Make it all better. This statement sounded extremely sexy if your girl has a sexy body. When can kiss will be able to let you hold her body.
When a girl expects a kiss then best to kiss her otherwise the guy will forever miss the chance. I am not sure if many will agree with you but this may be a controversy.
Is just simple case if the girl expects to get laid and the guy couln't do it then can forget it.
Thank you for nice thread.
Hope to read more excellent post and guide.
Bro, tks.
Many gals believe that frenching kissing is more intimate than sexual intercourse. I don't agree.
I had similar experience too. 2 PRC SYTs were on my left and right and eventually we had sex.
Great learning from this thread, thanks to bro WB.
Bro, tks.
How will u confirm, she dun say the same to another pay master? To maintain regular customers or roberts, shes need to convince all are special.
Another thought, she is the so called ang pai n u? Face of Cruise, wealth of Trump or charisma of Mandela? Why will she be truly yours?
Most of us went thru this "love" game and most enjoy or hurt n move on... how many boast blissful marriage?
Since u cheong a lot, guess u should have gone thru all these. Further, u are married....Just enjoy the game while it lasts and move on with life after she leaves.
Bro, tks so much for your insightful post. Your advice is spot on.
But nothing lasts forever. Even a blissful marriage comes w/ an expiration date.
We should just live in the present moment, accept whatever is happening to us, and be happy NOW!
Bro WB
23-06-2018, 11:54 PM
Let me just comment here...:)
This is the modus operandi of Viet gal...all of the gals operate in similar fashion as though taught by the same masters...:)
To me, working in ktv is a Working Lady (WL)....:)
Your gal is just typical ang pai who had enough sex daily and also more than enough bfs to feed her...:)
Back in 2007 to 2009, there were many of similar gals operating in JC and GL....:)
If you think your gal is any different then you are sadly mistaken...
I had been flying to Vietnam monthly for the past 10 years....I can get gals to kiss me or I kiss her....This is no big deal...Viet gals are more liberally minded than you think....
Introduce to family members or her mother as bf is really nothing special...Enough of those and still can break the next day or week...For me, no more keen to visit any of this family and clearly a waste of time....btw, anything can be stage just for you to enjoy and trust...another mind fuck...
What she is hoping to do is to get you kc and for her to seek out some concern when she sad and upset with her regulars...she knew you are married and no point to talk any marriage with you...
often we encountered a gal that can give you great sex and next month heard she got married in her us sinkees will never understand such mentality.
Suggest you read this thread to get some ideas and understand Viet gals culture...
Thanks bro for your advice. I have read the (very long) thread before and you are quite the guru at this! In a land of smoke and mirrors, I know better than to go in with rose tinted glasses.
Everything you say makes sense and you are probably right in general. I am not under any illusion that the VM is any different. She is here to earn money and have a string of customers and regulars, all of whom she tells me. I don't expect anything more than what I have already with her, to me this arrangement is perfect as I am happily married. This is the perfect situation for her as well as having a bf is a death knell to her business.
I am satisfied for a simple reason. I keep my expectations low and anything plus is a bonus. So what if she has 1001 regular special customers, as long as innately I feel happy, that's all that matters isn't it. It's not like I am wearing a green hat around :). To work in this trade, you have to be liberal. Their bodies are there for a price, anyone who is willing to pay the price gets the prize, if only for awhile. Sometimes its me, more often than not, its not.
And that is perfectly fine.
24-06-2018, 12:04 AM
How will u confirm, she dun say the same to another pay master? To maintain regular customers or roberts, shes need to convince all are special.
Another thought, she is the so called ang pai n u? Face of Cruise, wealth of Trump or charisma of Mandela? Why will she be truly yours?
Most of us went thru this "love" game and most enjoy or hurt n move on... how many boast blissful marriage?
Since u cheong a lot, guess u should have gone thru all these. Further, u are married....Just enjoy the game while it lasts and move on with life after she leaves.
A smart lady working in this line would know what to say to each customer to extract maximum rent. I am certain that she knows how to sweet talk her way to what each customer wants to hear.
But as long as she tells me what I want to hear, I don't care about anything else. I'm here to have fun, not here to find a LT r/s. Getting into a r/s with a WL is one of the worst decision any bro can make in my view.
I have my own qualities and am confidant of my abilities with the opposite gender. I don't pine after people whose affections I cannot obtain, I simply move on until I find one that reciprocates. In this line, money talks which makes the reciprocation so much easier (thank god!). The truth of the matter is that most of us bros would not be able to hold steady r/s with girls of WL looks caliber if not for the monetary aspect.
Your last sentence strikes home and its exactly what I am going through. I am enjoying the game. Having commitments is actually a perfect wakeup call each time I find myself falling too deep. It's thanks to bros like you that keeps my feet and head on the ground.
24-06-2018, 01:05 AM
Your last sentence strikes home and its exactly what I am going through. I am enjoying the game. Having commitments is actually a perfect wakeup call each time I find myself falling too deep. It's thanks to bros like you that keeps my feet and head on the ground.
Since u know it is a game... enjoy it and pay what u need to. Good luck.
24-06-2018, 10:05 AM
Thanks bro for your advice. I have read the (very long) thread before and you are quite the guru at this! In a land of smoke and mirrors, I know better than to go in with rose tinted glasses.
Everything you say makes sense and you are probably right in general. I am not under any illusion that the VM is any different. She is here to earn money and have a string of customers and regulars, all of whom she tells me. I don't expect anything more than what I have already with her, to me this arrangement is perfect as I am happily married. This is the perfect situation for her as well as having a bf is a death knell to her business.
I am satisfied for a simple reason. I keep my expectations low and anything plus is a bonus. So what if she has 1001 regular special customers, as long as innately I feel happy, that's all that matters isn't it. It's not like I am wearing a green hat around :). To work in this trade, you have to be liberal. Their bodies are there for a price, anyone who is willing to pay the price gets the prize, if only for awhile. Sometimes its me, more often than not, its not.
And that is perfectly fine.
Great that you had read the other thread in detail...I am not guru but just frequent flier to Vietnam...what captivates me was the vast country and the ppl...:)
I like quote "My gal is different from other WL"...this is dangerous becos your WL gal is no diff from any other WL...:)
Even Bro WB recommend if you want any gal from any nationality then best to hunt in SOURCE...still have friends that flew in bi-monthly for past 10 years...:)
There were quite a few success stories among our friends who married Viet gals and had started families...:)
I like to quote "If you trust WL then pigs can climb trees"...:)
24-06-2018, 10:25 AM
Great that you had read the other thread in detail...I am not guru but just frequent flier to Vietnam...what captivates me was the vast country and the ppl...:)
I like quote "My gal is different from other WL"...this is dangerous becos your WL gal is no diff from any other WL...:)
Even Bro WB recommend if you want any gal from any nationality then best to hunt in SOURCE...still have friends that flew in bi-monthly for past 10 years...:)
There were quite a few success stories among our friends who married Viet gals and had started families...:)
I like to quote "If you trust WL then pigs can climb trees"...:)
I was impressed with your Vietnam knowledge after reading just a few of your post in the recommended thread.
Well, I hope to finish reading teh thread and will try to explore what you had described.
Definitely will remember the pitfalls and warning quotes.
24-06-2018, 05:28 PM
I was impressed with your Vietnam knowledge after reading just a few of your post in the recommended thread.
Well, I hope to finish reading teh thread and will try to explore what you had described.
Definitely will remember the pitfalls and warning quotes.
I'm very impressed too.
Thanks bro WB for this thread, hope to read and learn more.
25-06-2018, 03:41 PM
My 2 cents on matter
Those ktv u mentioned are only open recently in past 2 years plus. I may be wrong as stopped for some time after 2 years crash course in ktv culture.
And vbs there are well taught ady. Mostly have come to sg on w permit or such where the monthly repayment is not cheap. Hence going St is norm as long as price is right. Friends working know no diff. My previous experiences all gals waitress also know who I find usually. Just bear in mind she is here for $$$ love way low.
U can feel special but question is how can u sure she does not make other feel the same. So take it with a pinch of salt. Maybe she looking for best fish to bait while u r in the loop.
And also down to what u expect out of it first? U are married. R u going to give up your marriage for this gal?
Have u been to her home in Vietnam etc...
My simple advise fnf best. U are getting slowly into kc game with her. Believe me kc with vb not for faint heartened and not for those with family
Seen too families sg broke up over vbs in ktv.
Bro WB has such a great thread ongoing here. I’m really impressed with your experiences, writing and willingness to share.
My Own Experience
Over the last 1 year I have become close to VM, a 27 yr old KTV VietBu. I am 36 and married.
From my experience of chionging, Viets are more transactional that ATBs who generally go for the long game (i.e they try to KC you). Viets are more fuck-and-forget. I have been to most of the Viet KTVs (Starlight, P9, Supreme, Ace Club, First Club etc) and most of the girls have a similar modus operandi.
This girl somehow got me quite hooked. She’s an Ang Pai at one of the larger clubs with monthly earnings higher than 90% of locals. As with most of the girls there, she has a price and would go hotels after SH or with her regulars. She does not play the KC game herself. You pay the money, do the deed and off she goes.
We like each other and have gotten quite close over time which sometimes does mind fuck me abit. She is open with me and would tell me when XXX has booked her go hotel etc. Her view is that she works at a KTV, there is no need to lie about her activities. Sometimes I wish she does but her character is one that is honest.
She does certain actions that makes me feel special.
She lets me go to her room and introduces me as her bf to her landlord who is strict about bringing guys back. I am the only person that she allows to go up and am sure of this. I still maintain a transactional approach to keep things clean.
She is very open with me and tells me the various aspects of her experiences which is mostly centered around the KTV. I know literally all her regular customers. I asked her if any of her customers know me and her reply was that if they did, it would mean that I am no longer special to her.
Interestingly though, all her friends at her KTV know who I am. I am not a big spender…I go for 2 towers during HH and never open bottles.
She talks openly about me to her friends and family.
We kiss. This is a big deal for her and I know that she is very particular about this. To her fucking is one thing, kissing is another. She has walked out of hotels before as her client insist on gfe and she simply refused. And this was a regular customer of hers. Needless to say, he never called back.
The thing she likes about me is that I give her space and never question or judge her about her job. It does drive me crazy at times when she messages “I am at XXX house now” but I come to realise that is just how she communicates. There is a big spender that has been wooing her for the longest time (paid her $5k for a 3 day holiday and books her like 2-3 times a week during SH). I told her that having a bf is a deathknell for her KTV job.
I have come to accept all this and go along for the ride. Any views from bros would be nice.
25-06-2018, 03:45 PM
Thank you for sharing nice forum.
I hope to get lucky too.
Advise u go source better
Cheaper and more happiness
Lucky in finding a vb in ktv tough...5 yrs ago yes. Now no.
25-06-2018, 07:57 PM
My 2 cents on matter
Those ktv u mentioned are only open recently in past 2 years plus. I may be wrong as stopped for some time after 2 years crash course in ktv culture.
And vbs there are well taught ady. Mostly have come to sg on w permit or such where the monthly repayment is not cheap. Hence going St is norm as long as price is right. Friends working know no diff. My previous experiences all gals waitress also know who I find usually. Just bear in mind she is here for $$$ love way low.
U can feel special but question is how can u sure she does not make other feel the same. So take it with a pinch of salt. Maybe she looking for best fish to bait while u r in the loop.
And also down to what u expect out of it first? U are married. R u going to give up your marriage for this gal?
Have u been to her home in Vietnam etc...
My simple advise fnf best. U are getting slowly into kc game with her. Believe me kc with vb not for faint heartened and not for those with family
Seen too families sg broke up over vbs in ktv.
Thanks for the advice bro. I have read your threads before (btw the links do not work anymore...might want to refresh them).
Have benefitted from your advice and also from other seasoned chiongsters. As mentioned in my replies, I am happily married and have no intention of developing this further. I expect nothing from her but a good fuck every now and then. Going into a r/s with a WL is a terrible idea as evident by many samsters experience.
26-06-2018, 10:25 AM
Going into a r/s with a WL is a terrible idea as evident by many samsters experience.
There are a few good examples of samsters marrying WL which I know of but out of 100, only 1 or 2 are happily after.
I rather spend my time n money on 4D. :D
26-06-2018, 11:09 AM
Bro WB
I really enjoyed your post and bro LDH post below.
It's harsh reality but makes cow sense.
These gals whether singers, waitress or PR are here for money.
Not the first time and last time, I heard that these girls can earn easuly from Singapore men. Not sure why SIngaporean men labelled as Mr Nice Guy.
I am not sure if I am nice but I will demand to get service at a cheap price if any girls intend to earn my money. I wil pay the price that was fixed and no more extra. I am not sure why men think that paying extra will get more or better services.
There are just too many poor peasants in PRC in the past and not anymore. I was amazed to learn that Vietnam girls are flooding almost every shores which offers them a living. Seems that there will be explosive soon.
Hope you don't mind me quoting too many posts in your lovely thread.
Please continue your fine effort.
Wonderful advice for all cheongsters who engage in the operation of BY-ing.
"The nice guy syndrome" is a severe n intractable sickness n requires strong medicine, hehehe.
Many SG men are wussies n they r intimidated by women they find attractive. They become submissive n put them on the pedestal...sort of role reversal; consequently, they become as attractive as eunuchs to the women they desire, regardless of their physical size/muscle mass, sexual skills, social-economic status, wealth, etc.
A real man must be dominant n has excellent self mastery. Everything else is secondary.
Bro WB
Bro, so rightly said. Why do guys go KTV to look for MMs or Singers? Lonely? Wife not satisfying the guy enough? Stress? Life's lacking direction?
Basically going into a KTV/HFJ is buying a dream. A dream so rarely found in real life. A dream which you will eventually wakes up from, depending our how quick or slow - painful or joyful - expensive or cheap.
Everything is a choice, but cheongsters, you need to reach that decerning choice of yours for a right purpose. Why KTV/HFJs PRCs/Viets/Mly etc come to singapore to work and let men touch, roam, kiss, groupe - that they like it or they are shortage of love or cocks? Can these women actually nail down a proper job back in China? Many of these so called singers are actually waitresses, bargirls, sales assistants or worse, WLs back home. Many of these earn less than RMB2000 a month.
They are farking WLs - they are here to earn money - they are here to hit and run. How many sensational stories we have heard over the years vs happy-endings or live happily ever after types?
I buy a car, I pump the farking petrol. I lut the car, I happy. I abuse the car I happy. The car not performing proper, I sell/dispose it also happy. I crash my cars as well as taking the knocks on them, I also happy.Cars are not assets, you pay and you expense for them, so are WLs. I am a person who will thorough use anything I bought, anything exchange with monetary can be used and abused. That's my philosophy.
WLs, Singers are here to make you happy with a PURPOSE - a purpose that can be bought with money. Make them prove they are worth it. Just like why you fork out good money for a performance car, because it has proven to be good!
I got singers telling me that they come to Singapore for:
(1) escape from their China abusive BFs/Husbands - yes, some of them are married. Many WLs do have BFs and hubby back home. In China, many women are actually being roughly treated and abused by their BFs and spouses. Do you know?
(2) money - yes, the most obvious reason.
(3) education - yes, possible but why are they moonlighting in the first place. Are they taking their farking studies seriously and what are their standards right now?
(4) Singapore men money very easy to earn. NEEDS MONEY, NEEDS MORE MONEY!!!
(5) Singapore men all very nice and gentlemen.
(6) Singapore currency is bigger than China, i.e. FX. Earning power also greater and China standard of living much much lower.
(7) Cannot find proper job back home.
(8) Nurse a broken heart.
Make them prove that they deserve to be treated nicely, make them prove that they deserve your dime.
WLs are commodities, they earn your money with their smiles and their bodies. You pay for them, the luxuries. Tell me, what will you do when your purchased items farked you up big time!?! Still a Mr. Nice Guy?!? To me, you are a farking loser... sorry that I have to say so if I have to make sure some guys wake up from their purchased dreams.
A trivia: how much does it costs to go to a village in China to purchase a PRC Virgin?
Best wishes,
LDH :cool:
26-06-2018, 05:03 PM
Very nice thread by bro WB, support!
26-06-2018, 10:19 PM
Thanks for the advice bro. I have read your threads before (btw the links do not work anymore...might want to refresh them).
Have benefitted from your advice and also from other seasoned chiongsters. As mentioned in my replies, I am happily married and have no intention of developing this further. I expect nothing from her but a good fuck every now and then. Going into a r/s with a WL is a terrible idea as evident by many samsters experience.
There are a few good examples of samsters marrying WL which I know of but out of 100, only 1 or 2 are happily after.
I rather spend my time n money on 4D. :D
Threads no longer work as I never post in long time.
Will be still around if advise is needed though
27-06-2018, 12:00 PM
Bro WB
Jealousy is one of the best tools to use to make a girl jealous. But can also do the reverse.
This method had been used widely and can be effective in testing if the girl was jealous when you started ignoring her and show much attention to other girls. Of course the reverse always true when big ego guy felt jealous when their target girl started talking or behaving intimately with guys.
A girl will never get jealous if she showed no interest or affection to you. Don't need to use this method on her. Can forget about her.
"Jealousy is an emotion; the term generally refers to the thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, concern, and envy over relative lack of possessions, status or something of great personal value, particularly in reference to a comparator."
Jealousy is not good for guy who are keen to the PLAYER. Guys should not be jealous.
Any comment?
Feel free to post.
Good Afternoon!
A famous Asian guru just emailed this to me:
Using JEALOUSY To Make A Woman Feel ATTRACTION For You
Wednesday, 1 December, 2010 11:31 AM
Hi Bro WB,
One of the FASTEST ways to turn a friend over to a LOVER is
to make her JEALOUS. You must make her see you as a MAN.
And to do that, it's all a matter of building up your
SEXUAL VALUE in her eyes.
Making someone jealous is one of the quickest ways to establish
your sexual value.
I cannot stress that enough.
So by showing that your interest is elsewhere (therefore
making her jealous), you are effectively cutting off what she
USED to have with you; the wonderful, happy times she spent
with you, subconsciously, it'll make her *realize* that she
DOES in fact, have feelings for you.
Let it be TOTALLY ON HER at that point to feel it, to think
about it, to come to the conclusion on her own.
So what you can do is to specifically bring up another woman
or a past experience with a girl in great detail.
The next time you and your chick friend heads to the record
store, pick out a one-of-a-kind bootleg Colbie Caillat CD.
She'll go, "You don't listen to Colbie." And you'll smile and
say, "I know, but this girl I met recently really digs her, and
I know she'd love this."
She'll be impressed by your thoughtfulness, miffed that she
doesn't score suitors like that, and wondering what this
woman's got that makes you treat her so well.
Lay on a week more of the "Oh I always do this kinda stuff,
just I never thought you'd bother" before admitting in a tender,
unguarded moment that sometimes it's being with the wrong person
that truly makes you realize who's right...
Here you're playing yourself up as a prime boyfriend material
AND making her jealous at the same time...
Be extremely DESCRIPTIVE and GRAPHIC when you are relating your
story to her- up to a point where she can actually picture
your story in her mind- almost to the point of 'tasting' it.
Offer the vivid details until you can sense she starts
getting uncomfortable.
Tell her how Kathy's body is killer, talk about how Kathy
has the most flawless features you've ever seen in a girl...
Get her to have an image of how much fun the both of you
had together, the teasing, touching, playing and all.
Tell her...
"I was shocked when Kathy showed up at my office today with
pizza. Gotta love her for that"
Just keep it going whenever you're with her...
"Kathy told me that the best deals are on the East side of
"Kathy said the funniest thing the other day..."
"I was picking up laundry last night and the owner was
wondering where my girlfriend was... I was like who?? The
brunette you were with the other day..." I was like ... what?
Kathy? Oh please... I mean could YOU imagine both Kathy
and me?"
Kathy, Kathy, Kathy...
Do it long, hard and subtle enough, and you're bound to see
how she'll change when she's with you...
You will know if you were successful if:
- She tries to talk bad about the girl/s in some way. (It's
her defensive mechanism).
- She suddenly goes into silence and appears kind of
withdrawn - this is when she is reflecting
- She gets annoyed, agitated, pissed at you for bringing it
Another way is to capitalize on a concept called "Social
proof" as it's a very powerful psychological trigger that
can really influence the way people act.
Social Proof is all about human nature and CONDITIONING.
As humans we do things based on what other humans do.
We are more likely to make a decision or take an action
when we have seen PROOF that someone else has also made
the same decision.
The choice becomes that much easier when we realize
people "just like us" (similar demographics) have made
the exact same choices too.
It's like I'm walking to a football game to go to my
seat and 40,000 people in front of me are lined up
going through the gates waiting to enter the stadium.
Instead of analyzing where to go , I'll just follow
along with the crowd.
It's sort of like monkey see, monkey do. We are very,
VERY much influenced by people around us, especially
if we feel people around us are similar to us.
And that's the underlying concept behind social proof.
Same applies here. If you want her to see you
differently as sexual man, rather than just as
someone who's platonic, social proof is a powerful
concept because, if we can subtly "demonstrate" to
women that other women, just like them, are attracted
to us, are interested in us, enjoy hanging out with us
or they simply want us, they are more likely to make
the same decision.
Women feel attraction toward men in the company
of other women!
The fact is that women are VERY competitive creatures.
Especially when it comes to men.
The good news is that if you know how to take advantage
of this, and BRING OUT that sense of COMPETITION in a woman,
you will be able to make a woman feel STRONG feelings of
attracting for you VERY quickly...
And social proofing is one of the most powerful ways to
bring out her 'catty' side AND to inc.rease your sexual
value to her as a man.
The bottom line is that this stuff is POWERFUL,
it triggers ATTRACTION, and it communicates to a woman
that you GET IT, AND it helps you to reach inside and
touch a woman in a way she's always wanted, and in a
way that she responds to powerfully.
I feel it's time that we as men started learning more
about how women work, what they respond to, and
how to TRIGGER those powerful feelings of ATTRACTION in
the woman that YOU desire............................................ ....................
Your Friend,
27-06-2018, 12:03 PM
Tks for your post.
I still prefer to BY 18-20 yo SYTs who are full-time students, on a long-term basis. They are actually less expensive to keep. They are less greedy. Of course, they are much less experienced sexually. And they boost my immunity...
Bro WB
Bro, thanks for reply. You had great taste.
Keep up been young and healthy.
27-06-2018, 11:06 PM
Learnt a lot from this great thread by Bro WB.
Have a nice day :)
28-06-2018, 12:22 AM
Bro, thanks for reply. You had great taste.
Keep up been young and healthy.
Bro WB indeed has great taste.
Keep up this very good thread.
28-06-2018, 11:36 AM
I was in a tight squeeze in the parking lot yesterday when Mr. Chairman called. Talk abt timing. I told him I was parking my car n requested that he call again in 10 mins, he was surprised n asked, how long will u take to park a car? Well, the spot was so tight n as snug as MY's cunt!;) I had to move out n eventually found a slightly larger visitor's lot.
I then walked briskly to a nearby old shop houses n climbed some steps to the rented master bedroom of MY, my new gal. She was lying in bed, half naked...watching Chinese TV serials.
Then Mr. Chairman called...told me some interesting stuff.
Yes, Mr. Chairman is very sharp n can be ruthless...
I'm also ruthless n tough when dealing w/ adversaries. With my gals, I'm merely assertive. When MY requested that I brought her a bowl of porridge on my way there, I didn't say no.
I helped her move in yesterday n I stayed until quite late. I could see that she looked quite tired bcos she woke up unusually early due to very bright sunlight in the AM (the window curtains were very flimsy). She normally watches TV serials into the wee hrs...she said she would try to paste some papers on the window when she felt stronger.
The rm looked spic n span n very livable. She just mopped the fl this PM....
Then she said, not tonite, dear. Seeing her fair fair body n long long thighs/legs n her big didi already half erect. Buay tahan! I dun take NO for an answer. I just calmly replied that u mean I hv to find other gals? She looked at me n said, OK leh, if u really want it, go take a shower, I'll come. The best feature of this Master rm is a very spacious n clean shower rm...
To cut a long story short, despite her extreme fatigue, she came n came n came...n had screaming COS...her 3rd since we began our RS less than a wk ago. Afterward,she cooed that 我的水都流光了!despite the fact that she didn't squirt. She is one of 2 most orgasmic gals I hv ever had in my life. Perhaps I'm getting better in my old age. :D
She fell into a deep slumber soon after. My legs were wobbly after a long sexsion, but I managed to descend slowing down some steep steps, w/ my hands clinging to the rails. There were mostly restaurants in the row of shop houses downstairs. As I walked towards one, I was greeted by someone who called Bro WB! He was a young handsome man (bro MillerV I think) who joined one of my outings only 3 days ago. He lived around the area. SG is really too small!
I eat Da Bao in the rm. MY was still deep asleep. I left later. At midnight she called n said she felt better.
I now believe that hving a private place w/ ur BAO-ee is most essential as the experience is totally different from a hotel rm.
Also, keeping more than a gal makes sense as one may be tired, has visit from her big aunt or is sick, etc.
Finally, a man should be dominant n hv more power in the RS, but not so much power that the gal becomes a sex slave, which would be unattractive after a while.
Cheers n stay Alpha,
Bro WB
Bro WB
Your story above is just similar to "pantomine".
Well done bro, I also do not take "NO" for an answer. Since you had Bao her and why take NO? Your dominance should be respected.
I can imagine what it meant with a beauty lying half naked in bed. Even old man also buay tahan. Really admired your prowess to shoot at your ah pek age. Not sure if you rely in any pill?
Sex is the best antidote for sleep deprivation. Women who can orgasm multiple times will be in slumber quickly. Men too actually sleep very well after sex.
Thank you for posting such anecdote.
Hope to read more from you.
Cheers mate!!
28-06-2018, 02:49 PM
I still find it best to keep things transactional on a per visit basis. This way they will only be paid once service is provided and helps to keep standards up as well. Receiving 10 x 300 instead of 1 x 3,000 is more motivational based on human psychology.
28-06-2018, 06:46 PM
Bro WB
Your story above is just similar to "pantomine".
Well done bro, I also do not take "NO" for an answer. Since you had Bao her and why take NO? Your dominance should be respected.
I can imagine what it meant with a beauty lying half naked in bed. Even old man also buay tahan. Really admired your prowess to shoot at your ah pek age. Not sure if you rely in any pill?
Sex is the best antidote for sleep deprivation. Women who can orgasm multiple times will be in slumber quickly. Men too actually sleep very well after sex.
Thank you for posting such anecdote.
Hope to read more from you.
Cheers mate!!
Same, I also do not take "NO" for an answer.
Very nice thread by Bro WB, hope to learn more.
29-06-2018, 03:07 PM
Thanks bro for your advice. I have read the (very long) thread before and you are quite the guru at this! In a land of smoke and mirrors, I know better than to go in with rose tinted glasses.
Everything you say makes sense and you are probably right in general. I am not under any illusion that the VM is any different....................
I am satisfied for a simple reason........................
And that is perfectly fine.
A smart lady working in this line would know what to say to each customer to extract maximum rent. I am certain that she knows how to sweet talk her way to what each customer wants to hear.
But as long as she tells me what I want to hear, I don't care about anything else. I'm here to have fun, not here to find a LT r/s. Getting into a r/s with a WL is one of the worst decision any bro can make in my view.
I have my own qualities and am confidant of my abilities with the opposite gender. ............................
Your last sentence strikes home and its exactly what I am going through. I am enjoying the game. Having commitments is actually a perfect wakeup call each time I find myself falling too deep. It's thanks to bros like you that keeps my feet and head on the ground.
Tks for your posts. No such thing as a "Special One," whether the female is a WL or non-WL. They all get old, get sick and then die.
Great that you had read the other thread in detail...I am not guru but just frequent flier to Vietnam...what captivates me was the vast country and the ppl...:)
I like quote "My gal is different from other WL"...this is dangerous becos your WL gal is no diff from any other WL...:)
Even Bro WB recommend if you want any gal from any nationality then best to hunt in SOURCE...still have friends that flew in bi-monthly for past 10 years...:)
There were quite a few success stories among our friends who married Viet gals and had started families...:)
I like to quote "If you trust WL then pigs can climb trees"...:)
Bro, tks for your post. Yeah, if a man wants the best quality gals, he must go to the source. But it will take a lot of time. Damage is abt the same too. I prefer to get THE best I happen to see in SG.
My 2 cents on matter
Those ktv u mentioned are only open recently in past 2 years plus. I may be wrong as stopped for some time after 2 years crash course in ktv culture.
And vbs there are well taught ady. Mostly have come to sg on w permit or such where the monthly repayment is not cheap. Hence going St is norm as long as price is right. Friends working know no diff. My previous experiences all gals waitress also know who I find usually. Just bear in mind she is here for $$$ love way low.
U can feel special but question is how can u sure she does not make other feel the same. So take it with a pinch of salt. Maybe she looking for best fish to bait while u r in the loop.
And also down to what u expect out of it first? U are married. R u going to give up your marriage for this gal?
Have u been to her home in Vietnam etc...
My simple advise fnf best. U are getting slowly into kc game with her. Believe me kc with vb not for faint heartened and not for those with family
Seen too families sg broke up over vbs in ktv.
Tks for your post. Getting KC-ed by a WL is dangerous to a man's physical, mental and financial well being. He needs awesome emotional self-mastery to avoid being a victim.
There are a few good examples of samsters marrying WL which I know of but out of 100, only 1 or 2 are happily after.
I rather spend my time n money on 4D. :D
Bro, tks.
You're right. Living happily after marrying a WL? Perhaps one percent. How many normal couples live happily after marriage? For the rest of their lives. Maybe 10%?
There was a famous GP in SG, around 60 plus years ago, who married a very young cabaret gal, reportedly aged 17. They appeared to hv lived happily thereafter. Their children are quite brilliant, but a couple of them are homosexuals. I heard he made his money by performing illegal abortions.
Bro WB
I really enjoyed your post and bro LDH post below.
It's harsh reality but makes cow sense.
These gals whether singers, waitress or PR are here for money.
Not the first time and last time, I heard that these girls can earn easuly from Singapore men. Not sure why SIngaporean men labelled as Mr Nice Guy.
I am not sure if I am nice but I will demand to get service at a cheap price if any girls intend to earn my money. I wil pay the price that was fixed and no more extra. I am not sure why men think that paying extra will get more or better services.
There are just too many poor peasants in PRC in the past and not anymore. I was amazed to learn that Vietnam girls are flooding almost every shores which offers them a living. Seems that there will be explosive soon.
Hope you don't mind me quoting too many posts in your lovely thread.
Please continue your fine effort.
Tks for quoting these old posts. Bro LDH's advice was very sound and discerning.
Most SG men behave like nice guys because they hv a scarcity mindset. They treat these WLs as grand prizes. They get needy and jealous and compete fiercely to win their affections. It's so pathetic.
Bro WB
Jealousy is one of the best tools to use to make a girl jealous. But can also do the reverse.
This method had been used widely and can be effective in testing if the girl was jealous when you started ignoring her and show much attention to other girls. Of course the reverse always true when big ego guy felt jealous when their target girl started talking or behaving intimately with guys.
A girl will never get jealous if she showed no interest or affection to you. Don't need to use this method on her. Can forget about her.
"Jealousy is an emotion; the term generally refers to the thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, concern, and envy over relative lack of possessions, status or something of great personal value, particularly in reference to a comparator."
Jealousy is not good for guy who are keen to the PLAYER. Guys should not be jealous.
Any comment?
Feel free to post.
If a man exhibits any jealousy and neediness, his gal will find him REPULSIVE. period.
Bro, thanks for reply. You had great taste.
Keep up been young and healthy.
Bro, tks.
Just my type of pussies. One man's meat is another man's poison.
Bro WB
Your story above is just similar to "pantomine".
Well done bro, I also do not take "NO" for an answer. Since you had Bao her and why take NO? Your dominance should be respected.
I can imagine what it meant with a beauty lying half naked in bed. Even old man also buay tahan. Really admired your prowess to shoot at your ah pek age. Not sure if you rely in any pill?
Sex is the best antidote for sleep deprivation. Women who can orgasm multiple times will be in slumber quickly. Men too actually sleep very well after sex.
Thank you for posting such anecdote.
Hope to read more from you.
Cheers mate!!
Tks for quoting such an old post. My LPs don't say no to me, only I'm allowed to say NO to them.
I remember bro MillerV. He attended a few of my outings at TAM and Dynasty. And then he disappeared after 2011. I bumped into him unexpectedly in Dec 2016 at Marina Square. I was walking w/ my joint LPs to dinner. Bro MillerV was still very young n handsome, around early 30s?
We exchanged greetings. He had a 8-month-old baby in his arm n he said no more cheonging as he was married. I looked to the right n saw a short n fat woman walking away from me, pushing a baby carriage. I presumed she was his legal wife, I couldn't see her face. He had good taste n was very selective before. I felt very sorry for him.
I still find it best to keep things transactional on a per visit basis. This way they will only be paid once service is provided and helps to keep standards up as well. Receiving 10 x 300 instead of 1 x 3,000 is more motivational based on human psychology.
Bro, I agree. But that is ST.
Same, I also do not take "NO" for an answer.
Very nice thread by Bro WB, hope to learn more.
Bro, tks.
You're right. Don't take NO for an answer. BUt we should say NO much more often.
Good morning to all samsters,
Thank you! What an auspicious day!
"Most SG men behave like nice guys because they hv a scarcity mindset. They treat these WLs as grand prizes. They get needy and jealous and compete fiercely to win their affections. It's so pathetic."
I sometimes say the magic words to gals I don't want to ST or BY. I do that as I learn a lot from their reactions. And I hv the pulse on the market trends n price range. I'm constantly improving.
But some bros get very nervous n insecure because I raise ST or BY question, w/ gals they are chasing haha. I will NEVER say the magic words if I know she is the confirmed GF or LP of a kaki. I know several hundreds of kaki. Oftentimes I won't know. My sincerest apologies if that happens to one your GFs. But if a kaki is merely chasing a gal, who is still NOT his GF or LP, I'll not apologize.
I do hv secret LPs who continue to work. Pls seduce them, be my guest. I don't care.
I like TY a lot. She wants me to keep her until she gets her degree, about another 4 yrs. I'm not sure. Get her if you can. Harder as she doesn't work, and if she does work, I'll walk away from her the next day.
Bro WB
29-06-2018, 05:27 PM
Bro, tks for your post. Yeah, if a man wants the best quality gals, he must go to the source. But it will take a lot of time. Damage is abt the same too. I prefer to get THE best I happen to see in SG.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I had been flying frequently to Vietnam for the past 10 years...:)
Will try to up you again 2nd round soon...hope you know we can up twice per day...:)
30-06-2018, 12:51 AM
Will try to up you again 2nd round soon...hope you know we can up twice per day...:)
Why u didn't say this to me? :o
30-06-2018, 11:46 AM
Bro WB
I had been flying frequently to Vietnam for the past 10 years...:)
Will try to up you again 2nd round soon...hope you know we can up twice per day...:)
Esteemed bro,
Thanks! Are your frequent flights to Vietnam solely for pleasure? Or both biz and pleasure?
I have never been to Vietnam. Some friends go there regularly and they are very satisfied.
The Viet gals we see in SG are the leftovers, unfortunately. The only Viet gal I ever upped is a French Viet gal from Lido whom I met last yr. She is very fair. Booking $300. ST $600, RTF $500. She is good. 22, 164, natural C, w/ good body n limb proportions.
Can really up rep point again? I tried to up your rep point unsuccessfully.
Why u didn't say this to me? :o
Esteemed bro,
He forgot!
Bro WB
01-07-2018, 09:51 AM
Why u didn't say this to me? :o
Say you ha...I had upped you many times...u cannot return 2nd time...:)
01-07-2018, 09:54 AM
Esteemed bro,
Thanks! Are your frequent flights to Vietnam solely for pleasure? Or both biz and pleasure?
I have never been to Vietnam. Some friends go there regularly and they are very satisfied.
The Viet gals we see in SG are the leftovers, unfortunately. The only Viet gal I ever upped is a French Viet gal from Lido whom I met last yr. She is very fair. Booking $300. ST $600, RTF $500. She is good. 22, 164, natural C, w/ good body n limb proportions.
Can really up rep point again? I tried to up your rep point unsuccessfully.
Bro WB
I travel mainly to relax n stretch my retirement to visit plenty of unspoiled places in Vietnam...a group of us friends started investing in condos...:)
I get recharged after landing in hcm...:)
The local Vietnam gals are cmi...if go source can find very decent educated girls...:):)
Can up again after upping 1000 others...that will be 1.5 yrs if up two per day diligently...:)
02-07-2018, 11:13 AM
I travel mainly to relax n stretch my retirement to visit plenty of unspoiled places in Vietnam...a group of us friends started investing in condos...:)
I get recharged after landing in hcm...:)
The local Vietnam gals are cmi...if go source can find very decent educated girls...:):)
Can up again after upping 1000 others...that will be 1.5 yrs if up two per day diligently...:)
Hi esteemed bro,
You're having a great time!
I must have upped close to 800 bros. It will take me another 3-4 months before I could up you again.
Good morning!
If you feel uncomfortable approaching a very pretty girl of your type, you're a weak man. The opposite of a MAN w/ extreme masculine behaviour.
If you feel jealous when your wife/GF/LP tells you she is going to meet an ex BF for lunch, you're very insecure and needy. You believe that you hv lower value...
If you're afraid of losing a beloved wife/GF/LP, you will lose her, eventually. This is called a self-fulfilling prophecy. Because your behaviour and body language tell her that you're NOT good enough for her. You're a weak, powerless man, a wuss, as far as she is concerned.
I welcome repeated rejections. All my LPs rejected me, initially. And often repeatedly. If they didn't, I might not want them. My hit rate has been 100% in the last 3-4 yrs. I could only keep a small fraction of all the gals who hv said yes.
I welcome competition too. Because competition gives meaning to success. Otherwise, life is too boring.
Here is an article on the topic of rejection, written by a guru, which I received a yr ago.
There are plenty of guys out there who are total pussies - don't be one of them.
The reason I'm bringing this up is that a lot of the products and training that are out there today seems to be focusing on some sort of secret weapon to avoid rejection and get her hot before you even speak to her.
That's great, and some of it actually works.
(And you guys know whenever I find something that works; it ends up in this newsletter for you guys to take advantage of.)
Here's the thing:
I think too much of that can make you soft.
Always trying to sidestep rejection is just avoiding pain.
But what if an athlete or MMA fighter avoided pain?
...They'd never get any good, and they'd never get stronger.
I've talked at length in this newsletter about how I used to get rejected ALL THE TIME by women.
It would be completely normal for me to meet 10 women in a night, get ruthlessly rejected by 2 or 3 of them, but still end up taking home a hot chick by closing time.
For me, rejection is just part of the process. I am not ashamed or embarrassed about the fact that women would reject me every single day that I was doing approaches.
So I'm going to make this e-mail all about blowouts so you can learn to use them to your advantage - and absolutely not be afraid of them.
(Trust me- they're painless!)
Let me begin by pointing out that EVERYONE is going to get rejected sometimes. I don't care how good you are; no one can pick up every girl every time.
I frequently see students working on their game, and it's obvious that they still fear rejection.
Anyway, this irrational fear is the reason that so many guys chase unicorns. They want to get laid and never put in the time of approaching and some of the natural rejection that will come as a result.
Being able to deal with situations that would be embarrassing to most people is a PREREQUISITE to succeeding with women.
That shows that you have BALLS. Women find guys with
social courage to be very attractive.
So forget avoiding rejection.
The goal should be this:
To find out ASAP whether this girl is what you're looking for. Force the girl to show her true colors.
If your purpose is to SCREEN and EVALUATE the girl, that is something women pick up on. It's very attractive. It's a different motivation. You are not motivated by fear of embarrassment.
And you'll put out a super attractive vibe.
Any comments?
When you wake up in the morning and when you encounter a grp of chio girls, wherever you're, remind yourself to behave:
As if 100 very pretty 'dream girls' of your type are calling you and wanting to make love to you, every day...
Let it become a part of your subconscious mind.
Bro WB
02-07-2018, 03:03 PM
Tks for quoting such an old post. My LPs don't say no to me, only I'm allowed to say NO to them.
I remember bro MillerV. He attended a few of my outings at TAM and Dynasty. And then he disappeared after 2011. I bumped into him unexpectedly in Dec 2016 at Marina Square. I was walking w/ my joint LPs to dinner. Bro MillerV was still very young n handsome, around early 30s?
We exchanged greetings. He had a 8-month-old baby in his arm n he said no more cheonging as he was married. I looked to the right n saw a short n fat woman walking away from me, pushing a baby carriage. I presumed she was his legal wife, I couldn't see her face. He had good taste n was very selective before. I felt very sorry for him.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Thank you for taking time to reply my post.
Hope to learn from you and others.
02-07-2018, 03:05 PM
Will bear in mind your advice bro. Cheers.
If a man exhibits any jealousy and neediness, his gal will find him REPULSIVE. period.
Bro WB
My role model is Getty, not Buffett, hehehe.
After CNY? Unfortunately, by then If my family is here, my outings will be infrequent. And I'll only keep one full-time gal.
Pls let me know.
Bro WB
Give them a call and reserve the book. They will be willing to order Paul Getty's if you place your order.
The Making of an American Capitalist (
Snowball (
"How to be Rich" by J. Paul Getty. (
Talking about Buffet, here's an interest tidbits which i tot was really cool.
Somewhere thru his first marriage, his wife decided to leave to pursue her career and got a galfriend of hers to "take care" of Buffet.
What a great and understanding wife! "er nai" with wife's initiative and blessings! i like
Bro WB
Hope you don't mind me posting here. I still have much to learn from all seniors.
So I learned that Paul Getty is your idol and hope to turn him as my idol too. Before that, I need to read all his useful books to learn from him. Hope you can guide me too.
Part ONE:
I spoke to bro WB last week and promised to contribute my two cents when I next log in to sammyboy. So here goes:
These are some of my own personal observations:
1) I notice the change in tack with regards to the thread. This is a distinct shift toward material and financial accumulation with the pre-supposition that when one attains your financial goals, we would be a position to indulge our sensuous self.
Without going into an argumentative mode, let me just highlight to you of the fallacy in such an assumption. There will never be a time when you will sit back and say: okay, my financial goals are attained, now is the time for pampering myself. Financial goals are amorphous, with ever shifting goal post as one embarks on one’s life journey.
Let be tell it point blank, even if you have the wealth of Croesus (modern analogy is Bill Gates I suppose), the mind set of purposeful accumulation of wealth will undoubtedly get in the way of completely immersing and indulging the pleasure of the flesh. You will find it difficult to see “value” in such hedonistic pleasures.
The illustration of Getty and Buffett’s parsimonious ways (highlighted in this thread) should give a hint of the particular mind-set. For effective accumulation of wealth, the mind-set of “dollarizing” many aspects of life transaction is one key ingredient. It often carries over to hedonistic pleasure. And compromises in the long run.
What I am suggesting here is to therefore go beyond “textbook”. Supplement abstract theorizing by seeking out role models (in real life) who have actually accumulated wealth and who also knows how to enjoy it on hedonistic pleasures.
In my personal life story, my so call mentors do not defer gratification during their wealth accumulation stage. As they are on route to “making it”, they effectively budget and stretch their dollar. Please note that the budget is not a cursory 10% (as if like a tithe) but rather a hefty (at least 30%). It’s a commitment to a hedonistic lifestyle even as they accumulate wealth. As you wealth is building up on an upward trajectory, the 30% remains, but the sheer dollarise amount can be staggering!
Bro WB
This bro really can write beautiful forum and well researched too.
I hope to be inspired by him too.
Some kind of friends you have here.
Hi bro justime,
I truly enjoy ur excellent post!
IMHO, luck plays a role in everything...
And yes, life is a journey not a destination. Destination? It's death!
Bro WB
Flash back to your past reply to bro justime great forum above.
I wonder if you remembered what you had written.
Really inspiration from all above and diverse background.
Thank you for all the nice forums.
Will contine to read up and comment.
Cheers everybody.
02-07-2018, 06:27 PM
Excellent thread here, hope to read and learn more.
Have a good week ahead.
02-07-2018, 10:37 PM
Bro WB
Hope you don't mind me posting here. I still have much to learn from all seniors.
So I learned that Paul Getty is your idol and hope to turn him as my idol too. Before that, I need to read all his useful books to learn from him. Hope you can guide me too.
Paul Getty is my idol too.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
03-07-2018, 12:02 PM
Bros, please bear with me for quoting an old post below.
I have met Bro Justime at the lowest point in my life two plus years ago.
Then I was:
1) Hoong ki addict (2 packs a day).
2) Near alcoholic (kopi tiam beer king). St. James three times weekly one bottle drinkin alone.
3) Job and career prospects zero (and nearly sacked).
4) Devasted at my gf breaking up and thinking that I destined to forever condemn to living alone.
5) Owe so much money that consider borrow from loan shark to clear debts(heng casino not opened yet!)
6) Even in sammyboy got zapped to 11 points (and I badly want to hit 100 pts so that ple will share FL contact with me). My esteem is really that low that i have to seek approval here ...
Through Bro Justime's thread, Mistress and my contact with him, I arranged to meet up. My one single afternoon meeting with him and one month of follow up sessions (via emails) literally turned my life around.
Bro Justime have the strategies to transform one's life. If you are sincere and diligent and really apply his methodologies, it will benefit you.
1) I quit hoong ki. now even if my gf got ciggy smoke on her hair I buay tahan.
2) Recreational drinking only now.
3) I got promotion recently. My income is doubled since the day I met him(okay its a low base to start with but even then, its now slightly better than national average.)
4) I got a wondergal friend and actually "upped" a most beautiful gal (see my fantasy gal thread - it chronicles the full story and its still ongoing....)
5) Bro Justime gave me $400 to tide me over. Till now I want to pay him back (with interest) but he refused. Heck, I can now even pay for down payment should I want to buy a HDB under the single's scheme. All this without sacrificing "cheonging". Stretch the value cheonging strategies ....
6) Not so important now but even in sammyboy my rep improved.
What I saying is that, please have some decorum and humility to learn from people with substance. Bro Warbird is another one whom you should learn from.
You will benefit only yourself if you drop the smart alecky attitude and sincerely learn. The onus is up to you brother! Good Luck in your choice.
From a former never do well with all sincerity ...
Hi bro ansonsohna,
Bro justime is really a gentleman n a good Samaritan. But it was ur own efforts n determination which has transformed ur life. Kodus n keep it up!!
I'm just a lao chi ko pek trying hard to learn from all the bros here n to share what little BY-ing experience I hv.
BTW, I hv invited bro justime to be a co-TS n hope that he could contribute on a regular basis.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Let me thank you for a successful thread too.
All of us goes through ups and downs in life. I learned this in the past, life is never a bed of roses. Also, the other side grass is greener. True and alos half true. But if we don't change our mindset and leave our comfort zone, we will never make it.
Bro ansonsohna life went thru upheavals. Lucky he met a savior bro justime who gave him a fine-tuning and bro anson listen and recovered.
I shared this because I have a friend who went through tumultuous times and he too couldn't bear to leave the woman that caused his downfall. He was a wreck and bootleg. A few of us, friends had to beat him sober and left him alone to recuperate. Luckily he recovered his senses and move on to have a healthy family life.
I believe karma and what you sow you reap. A person life will never be always good and also always bad.
Just have to tide the bad times and ride the good times.
Plenty of materials in a simple thread and I think I benefited by reading every forums.
I agreed with other bros that some posts were excellent.
If I will to give a rating for this thread will say is A+.
Hope to gain more from this thread.
Take care and live well.
03-07-2018, 07:35 PM
Bro WB,
Let me thank you for a successful thread too.
All of us goes through ups and downs in life. I learned this in the past, life is never a bed of roses. Also, the other side grass is greener. True and alos half true. But if we don't change our mindset and leave our comfort zone, we will never make it.
Bro ansonsohna life went thru upheavals. Lucky he met a savior bro justime who gave him a fine-tuning and bro anson listen and recovered.
I shared this because I have a friend who went through tumultuous times and he too couldn't bear to leave the woman that caused his downfall. He was a wreck and bootleg. A few of us, friends had to beat him sober and left him alone to recuperate. Luckily he recovered his senses and move on to have a healthy family life.
I believe karma and what you sow you reap. A person life will never be always good and also always bad.
Just have to tide the bad times and ride the good times.
Plenty of materials in a simple thread and I think I benefited by reading every forums.
I agreed with other bros that some posts were excellent.
If I will to give a rating for this thread will say is A+.
Hope to gain more from this thread.
Take care and live well.
Fully agreed, I give A+ too.
Thanks Bro WB for this wonderful thread.
equities in US or local markets? things holding paper value scares me, and the more you go into company accounts, the more shit you dig up, and the scarier equities become for my weak heart :o
on your worries, this is my young and ignorant view:
QE2 can only stabilise sentiment and not spur market recovery due to the staggered pace of purchase, and how markets are usually priced in before announcements since consensus is strong and accurate i.e. fed does not surprise markets. this creates a hot money flow into asian markets as institutions and investors continue to stay away from US economy (which defeats the purpose of injecting liquidity as the money is used to fund EM investments...) inflation is a big worry in asian economies as such, so i think we can see asian govts raising rates across the board next year.
default risk in europe is largely about fear. the big economies are doing well, especially germany. even spain's economy has its redeeming factors. only the peripheral states are in danger, and the economic ramifications are not even that substantial. i think fear is triggering the irrational behaviour towards EU debt. so if ballsy enough one can capitalise on that.
bubble will not burst in china, PBOC keeps a very tight rein and always intervenes when necessary. interesting thing to watch out for will be how the big chinese banks cope with lending in december as the cap for the year has nearly maxed out in november. pboc's reaction will be critical in assessing how the govt feels about inflationary pressures in china.
Hi bros ME, besafe, smartke n newbieboy,
Ths all of u for ur expertise in investing n trading.
IMHO, it's an exercise in futility to try to forecast the market. Buffett has never met a man who could do it consistently.
In long-term investing in equities, the only way to make money consistently is to buy undervalued stocks of high quality companies, n hold on until they become very overvalued. It may take 10 yrs. But one must know the co n its value very well.
Market crash? It's great news! I'm waiting to buy on deep discounts n I'll back up the truck (or shall I say lorry?). Wouldn't I take a big hit on my current holdings? Sure, but they r already undervalued n they will come roaring back, in time.
If the same IPhone4 is selling at 50% discount, would a lot of people buy? Would I buy? You bet. It's inexplicable n most baffling to me that when the same good co that was selling for $10 a share a month ago n now is down to $5, instead of buying, most "investors" would flee n avoid it as if the stock was a leper! Panic selling. Conversely, if the same Iphone4 is now double in price, would u buy? I wont! Equally puzzling is that a lot of "fools" would then clamor to buy it. It's called panic buying, hahaha. I do the exact opposite...
Investing in high tech n biotech start ups is a different ballgame. Here I make sure my reward: risk ratio is heavily in my favor n I enjoy much better odds than a dealer in a casino, hehehe.
Just my 2 cents.
Bro WB
Bro, didn't know this thread is big time investor thread too.
QE is already 10 years old and QT just started last year. What is the future lies for stock markets? It looks like Bear market all the way from now onward. High tech and biotech start up already happening. Also not sure what the future lies?
EU looks like going into trouble with Spain and Italy next to face crisis after Greek. Brexit effect not sure yet but they cannot find enough bankers in Europe to fill positions if EU shifts from London to Luxembourg or elsewhere.
PetroYuan already intro and USD is still moving upwards after last rate hike. China is dumping US treasury and thus making yuan cheaper.
What about GOLD? Is gold money? Gold prices had been falling and today at USD 1250 per onz.
Many countries started to sell their US treasury and also move gold back to their own countries. Will this have any effect to USD or Gold prices?
Hope bro can give us a bit insight what magic mirror can tell us.
Thanks for the kind attention.
04-07-2018, 10:11 PM
Fully agreed, I give A+ too.
Thanks Bro WB for this wonderful thread.
Yes, I also give A+.
Great thread by bro WB.
Have a nice day.
05-07-2018, 12:22 PM
Phew bro WB, how time had fly!!
iPhone4 was very long ago. Now iPhoneX already almost one year old. So are we getting old?
Is definitely interesting to note that as men gets older also getting wiser. Our choice may have widen or narrowed depends on taste and varieties
More musings on the mundane subject of pretty pussies.
I'm hving better luck these days. I hv found a bevy of gals of my type in China n several here in SG. They all want me to buy them a IPhone4 n to BY them! Several gals in China r non-WLs. Two hv agreed to come over.
At this time, it's inconvenient for me to live in PRC n so hv to disappoint many of them.
I hv 2 tall Fujian gals, aged 21 n 22 respectively, in SG. There is a 3rd gal HD, a non-Fujian gal whom I also like very much. She is very short, only 158 n 42 kg, but she is very cute n pretty, fair n innocent. Perhaps one of the prettiest China gals I hv seen. A student here, only 20 yo, she is a true SYT. I'm going very, very slowly w/ her. One of my gals is leaving in mid Jan n it would be perfect timing if I start BY-ing HD then. I just hope that her pussy is as cute n as small as her mouth/lips!
There is another tall n fair 21 yo SYT but she is quite expensive (overvalued IMHO), so I'll wait n see. If her butt were a tad bigger, I would say she is fairly valued, hehehe.
BTW, I know many bros prefer shaved pussies. I dun as it looks artificial. One Fujian gal had cleanly shaved one n so I asked her to stop shaving less than 2 wks ago n now there r abt 3-4 mm long bristles, like tiny needles, very irritating when I eat her pussy. She loves my tongue n wants me to eat her for at least 25-30 min! She would hold my head n thrust her pussy wildly into my tongue n mouth! Her COS is very violent n very vocal.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Tks for recommending Carl icahn. Just did a serach and found that he is billionaire investing in tech stocks.
Agreed with you that pussy market is difficult to value. Many times, our big head is NOT the one making decisions. Our small heads do over-ride the deal.
Plenty of interesting facts and figures here. What a priceless thread this is.
Hope to learn more from all these investors here.
One more thing about FX, a friend of mine who was a FX trader told me never bet on forex and he witnessed so many loss money in FX trading. The easiest to bet against those who had history of losses.
The stock market n the pussy market r both inefficient n unpredictable n self mastery is the key to success in both markets, hehe.;)
Carl Icahn is another great investor! Buy what he buys n u will seldom be disappointed.
IMHO, the key to success in long-term investing is estimating the value of a company correctly. Of course one needs the self control/self mastery to execute whenever a stock is either very undervalued or overvalued.
Unfortunately, it's much harder to value a pussy. There r too many variables. One man's meat is...
But there r certain guidelines. Moreover, the return from BY-ing a pretty gal of ur type is hard to quantify. If u feel very good keeping the gal, enjoy the sex, companionship n GFE...the benefits to ur physical n mental well being could be priceless.;)
The downside? If u can't master ur heart n fall in love w/ ur mistress, u could get hurt badly, both financially n emotionally.
BTW, I'll always be true to the spirit of this thread. It's all abt picking up...
Less than 3 wks ago, I was at DC n saw a chio SYT YX walking briskly in the hallway, I stopped her n got her name n HP. She was already booked. She is a pretty 19 yo student w/ very shapely figure n legs, abt 165 n 50kg. We share the same family name! A few days later, while I was in an Indonesian island, she sent me a text to say hello. I never met her again as I was very busy w/ my new gals. A wk later she texted me saying she was leaving for PRC n would be back after CNY. A few days ago, she texted me again from PRC to say hello. I jokingly said she should be my 干女儿。She replied, 好啊!n would meet me online. She is the one taking all the initiative n I know she wants to be fxked. I never booked her n dun really know her at all! Predestined infinity?
When YX returns, I may not hv the time nor the energy to BY her. She is actually better than all the gals I BY-ed during my last visit here. She is very young n very hot!!
Bro WB
05-07-2018, 07:42 PM
Phew bro WB, how time had fly!!
iPhone4 was very long ago. Now iPhoneX already almost one year old. So are we getting old?
Is definitely interesting to note that as men gets older also getting wiser. Our choice may have widen or narrowed depends on taste and varieties
iPhoneX almost one year already? So fast
07-07-2018, 11:40 AM
Hi Bro WB
No wonder many gals love T-Rex so much. The more mean and baddy the more the gals love.
What your guru send you below does makes great sense. When did gals ever love a wussy. Answer - NO and never.
Gals often love the badass men. I am sure you see the nice gals often go out with men with loads of tattoos and henchmen. These mean the guy is the "taikor" and he has many henchmen working for him.
Never worried about disagreeing with woman. Stand on your points and dun ever agree with her if you think she is incorrect.
Flirt with other women when you with her will be the key moves. Let her know many woman loves you and if she dun move then her loss.
Always be direct ask for sex and never be shy to hug and kiss. If any gal allow hugs and kisses then her body belongs to you.
I hope to learn more from gurus and seniors here.
Hope to pickup more tips.
Cheers and have a nice weekend.
Good morning to all samsters!
Women crave emotional experiences. They r not attracted to boring n wussy nice guys who always agree w/ them or worse, suck up to them. Tease them, confront them, disagree w/ them...but dun be abusive n mean. Use push-pull n connect-disconnect tactics.
I had a serious argument w/ one of my mistresses MY the other day. She was pissed off n when I left, she would not even hug me.
But the next day, she called me many times in the PM, asked me what I was doing, etc. She had called several of my agents to try to extend her stay...n she wanted to see me, hehehe.
I just received an email from another Ang mo guru:
3 Things That Make Women Chase You
Today I am going to share information with you that will change the way you interact with women.
Using this new set of information you will be able to generate MASSIVE attraction in women you meet.
This piece of information is the ACCESS code to make a woman chase you.
For the longest time I could not understand why most women ended up saying you are a very nice guy and I am glad we are friends.
I very often hear women say to me "I never saw you like that let's just be friends".
There were times when I would ask a woman to join me for an activity or study session. The first thing I would hear from her was that she had plans with her boyfriend or that she needs to ask him if she could.
I was having hard time understanding why these women were mentioning their boyfriend when I'd ask them to do something with me.
Why did they never mention their boyfriend until that moment?
What was it that I needed to do to make these women want me so bad that they will IGNORE their relationship status and go out with me?
It wasn't until I was hanging out with a woman friend of mine who was single at the time that I had an AHA moment to clear this for me.
I was hanging out with this friend of mine when some guy she knew from before ran into us by accident.
He ended up joining us for coffee.
What happened over the next few minutes completely blew my mind.
I saw this guy make moves in every possible way but kept getting shot down. This woman used almost every excuse from the book. She finally had to lie that she had a boyfriend.
It was obvious that whatever this guy was doing was clearly not working but he DIDN'T GET IT!
When he was gone I asked her why she lied about having a boyfriend.
She replied she had to because he was not giving up. She mentioned that she did not feel attraction for him.
She mentioned that initially she was attracted to this guy and that is why she liked hanging out with him and talk to him but as she got to know him better the attraction died.
I realized this is exactly what happens to me. I start talking to women. They show interest in me and soon it turns into let's just be friends.
So I ended up asking her what was it that he did that turned her off. She explained me the whole interaction with him and that changed my dating life forever.
I will avoid writing the details of my conversation here. What I will share with you is the list of 6 secrets that will help you stand out from other men.
If injected right these 3 factors will make a woman feel STRONG EMOTIONS for you.
This is what you need to do when you talk to a woman next time:
1. Disagree with Women: Most men assume that they have to please women to win them. This comes across as supplicating to women.
When you disagree with women you demonstrate your willingness to walk away from them. Women find this quality very attractive in men.
Women cannot handle rejection and this makes them want to chase you and win your approval.
Next time you are talking to a woman you are attracted to disagree with her on some topic. She will love you for doing that.
2. Flirting with other women: Most men assume they have to demonstrate total dedication to the woman they are attracted to. This is why they don't even look at other women.
This behavior shows neediness. Women do not like that you are willing to give up everything when you barely know them.
Do the opposite!
Flirt with other women around her. This demonstrates that you are man who loves women and that you are capable of seducing other women.
Every woman wants a man who is loved by other women.
Next time you go to a coffee shop flirt a little with the barista. Give her a genuine compliment or ask couple personal questions. But don't do it too much.
Once she notices you flirting with other women she will do everything to hold on to you because she wants to win over other women.
3. Get Sexual Early On: Most men assume that they will make a woman feel uncomfortable by getting sexual early on.
You cannot be more wrong than this.
Most women have multiple guy friends in their life. When they go out with you they are hoping for something romantic to develop.
Let them know your intentions by touching, holding their hands, playing with their hair and establishing a sexual dialogue.
This will turn most women on and they will start to see you as a possible sexual partner opposed to another guy friend.
Women are emotional creatures. They respond to emotions not logic. There is a certain conversation pattern and interaction style that appeals to women on the emotional level.
When you inject these attraction generating patterns into your interaction with women the result is MASSIVE UNCONTROLLABLE ATTRACTION in women for you............................................... .....................................
Until next time,
Mr. Guru
07-07-2018, 12:23 PM
Hi Bro WB
No wonder many gals love T-Rex so much. The more mean and baddy the more the gals love.
What your guru send you below does makes great sense. When did gals ever love a wussy. Answer - NO and never.
Gals often love the badass men. I am sure you see the nice gals often go out with men with loads of tattoos and henchmen. These mean the guy is the "taikor" and he has many henchmen working for him.
Never worried about disagreeing with woman. Stand on your points and dun ever agree with her if you think she is incorrect.
Flirt with other women when you with her will be the key moves. Let her know many woman loves you and if she dun move then her loss.
Always be direct ask for sex and never be shy to hug and kiss. If any gal allow hugs and kisses then her body belongs to you.
I hope to learn more from gurus and seniors here.
Hope to pickup more tips.
Cheers and have a nice weekend.
Great thread here.
Hope to learn more from Bro WB and other gurus too.
Enjoy your weekend folks.
08-07-2018, 12:42 PM
Last but not least, I like to share the following email from another Ang Mo guru:
Here Are 3 Essential Alpha Man Traits - Do You Have Them?
What's it take to be a man these days?
I find myself asking that question a lot. If you watch young boys and how a lot of them are being brought up these days, you'll find yourself shaking your head as you ask it.
What are the important parts of being a MAN?
Just because you have the equipment doesn't mean that women perceive you as being "MANLY." In fact, "manliness" has gotten a bad rap.
And that has led a great many of us (including ME for many years) to believe that we should be ashamed of being men.
Well, first and most importantly, you have to learn how to be comfortable with just BEING a man.
With all the stupid messages you get from the media on things to "enhance" your masculinity, you'd think that there was something basically wrong with us right from the start, wouldn't you?
You're not long enough, hard enough, rich enough, or good looking enough to get the woman you want - that's what They tell you.
But the reality is that women are attracted to a man from emotions - NOT appearance.
(Yes, we know that a hot guy will get more initial interest, but he can't KEEP it if he isn't showing her the right Alpha traits.)
So here are my top 3 traits for you to work on your masculinity and demonstrating your Alpha Manhood.
GOOD! I knew you had the stones.
Here we go...
*** ALPHA MAN TRAIT 1) Initiative - Leadership drive
Women LOVE leaders.
They love it when a guy takes the lead and just makes the decision and goes with it.
Even if he's wrong.
I make it a point when I'm out to ask women what they find most un-attractive about men, and one thing comes up more than anything else...
Indecisiveness and wishy-washy behavior.
Guys are trying to be "easy going" and cool, but they're actually being perceived as weak-kneed little girls.
The great thing about taking initiative is that by doing this, you actually demonstrate two other POWERFUL traits that draw women in like moths to a flame: Ambition and Power.
Just by demonstrating the initiative with a woman, you are sub-communicating all the right things about your masculinity and drive.
In order to take this initiative, most men need to feel...
*** ALPHA MAN TRAIT 2) Assertiveness/Confidence
It's probably no secret to you that I don't cater to "political correctness."
This story should help you understand how I feel:
There was a priest addressing his congregation, and he said to them during his sermon: "There are millions of people out there starving in the world today... and the problem is YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN about it!"
Then he said, "And the BIGGER problem is that MORE of you are shocked by me saying 'damn' in church than you are about the fact that there are millions of people starving out there!"
And the thing about confidence is that it really translates into another word that allows us to understand it better.
***ALPHA MAN TRAIT 3) Emotional Control/Emotional Strength
Look, women are NOT attracted to men that cry on their shoulder. They're NOT attracted to men who are always talking about their "feelings."
Women want a man that is in control of his own emotional world.
You may hear women complain about the guy who's "not in touch with his emotions," but the reality is that most of the guys who seem to think they are in touch with their emotions are just PUPPETS of their emotions.
There are really relatively few cases of guys who are strong and emotionally controlled who just wake up one day and freak out because their emotions had been bottled up inside them and went thermo-nuclear.
I think a lot of 'sensitive' guys are afraid of this.
SHOCK someone... Be different.
Ask yourself: How alive are you willing to be?
Dare to live your life on your own terms, and you'll feel a sense of liberation and Alpha Masculinity that will open up a new world to you.
It's the world where you get what you want - and what you deserve........................................... .................................................
Wishing you confidence and success with women - With HONOR and integrity.
Notice how he keeps mentioning emotional control...
Do you get upset, even angry, easily? Sometimes anxious n fearful? Often worried n unhappy? Occasionally lonely n frustrated?
Bro, you hv zero self mastery. Even if u suddenly receive USD 10 billion tax free today, u will still be unhappy. Sorry for being so blunt. The good news is that you hv incredible room for improvement. There is no where to go but UP, hahaha, just like me a very short time ago.:D
IMHO, in life, a man's happiness n success r directly proportionate to the degree of his emotional control/self mastery. If he is a very rare man w/ absolute self mastery, he is unconditionally happy. He doesn't need money or pussies or anything else, but they still flock to him...hahaha.
Just my 2 cents. Comments n criticisms will be appreciated.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks for posting angmo guru post about alpha male.
Although I dislike alpha male but I like the 3 traits -
1) Initiative - Leadership drive
2) Assertiveness/Confidence
3) Emotional Control/Emotional Strength
Very similar to other guru discussion about wussy guys, woman will like men who had the 3 traits above. Think men must have at least the trait 3 above.
At least be the MAN and hv to be be confident and initiative.
Agreed with you that if man possessed the self mastery then women may flock to him.
Hope you don't mind me quoting a long time forum here.
Just hope to learn from the experts here.
Have a great Sunday.
08-07-2018, 12:43 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for posting angmo guru post about alpha male.
Although I dislike alpha male but I like the 3 traits -
1) Initiative - Leadership drive
2) Assertiveness/Confidence
3) Emotional Control/Emotional Strength
Very similar to other guru discussion about wussy guys, woman will like men who had the 3 traits above. Think men must have at least the trait 3 above.
At least be the MAN and hv to be be confident and initiative.
Agreed with you that if man possessed the self mastery then women may flock to him.
Hope you don't mind me quoting a long time forum here.
Just hope to learn from the experts here.
Have a great Sunday.
Bro, thanks for sharing this post.
Support great thread.
08-07-2018, 07:45 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for posting angmo guru post about alpha male.
Although I dislike alpha male but I like the 3 traits -
1) Initiative - Leadership drive
2) Assertiveness/Confidence
3) Emotional Control/Emotional Strength
Very similar to other guru discussion about wussy guys, woman will like men who had the 3 traits above. Think men must have at least the trait 3 above.
At least be the MAN and hv to be be confident and initiative.
Agreed with you that if man possessed the self mastery then women may flock to him.
Hope you don't mind me quoting a long time forum here.
Just hope to learn from the experts here.
Have a great Sunday.
I like the 3 traits too.
Thanks Bro WB for this great thread.
Have a nice day.
09-07-2018, 12:50 AM
I like the 3 traits too.
Thanks Bro WB for this great thread.
Have a nice day.
Bro, thanks for liking this thread.
I also support bro WB, hoping to learn more.
10-07-2018, 12:18 PM
Bro WB
Another intersting forum below.
My principle is will not touch any married woman who just wanted to have fun. A little bit different if WL married who still seek to come out to work. Anyway no way to find out if WL is married unless know her personally.
Life is short estimate maybe 10 years x 7. Just relax and chill whenever one can. Sure we need to have moolah so do anything. You hit the nail and right to say gals will run away if no money. Even wife too will abandon you when you poor.
Seems that your taste changes regularly due to supply or time. Boobs size can satisfy man's fantasy. To me, a handful of boobs will do.
Fully agreed with you that no point to fight and angry in forum.
Fully respect the way you enjoy and keep writing about your hunting expeditions.
Hope to learn more from you.
Bye now.
I knew that. BTW, I also love PRC SYTs n I will never ever KNOWINGLY fxk a married woman.
However, I'm very open-minded n I'll not disparage those who hv affairs w/ married women. It's none of my business.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good afternoon!!
Bro fetishboy brings up the subject of young KTV gals n money. Of course if u run out of money they will abandon u. But sadly, they r not the only ones who will leave u if u hv no money. The only people who may NEVER abandon u r ur parents n ur children. We all should become better citizens n hv more children.
I like to pose the following questions.
Supposing a very beautiful newly-wed woman of 21 is in love w/ her young husband, say aged 26, who has a high paying job from a family-owned business. Lets further suppose that, a few months later, the business has filed for bankruptcy n her husband is now penniless. He n his family r in debts n hv been sued by creditors n banks. His financial situation is hopeless. By law, she is also liable for his debts. How long do you think she will stay married to him?
We men r the same.
Supposing u r engaged to a very beautiful 20 yo SYT virgin from a respectable family. Sadly, she has an serious accident which left her face disfigured beyond recognition n her body paraplegic. Lets further suppose that u r a healthy 25 yo heterosexual man from a well to do family. Would u still marry her n stay faithful to her for the rest of ur life? Pls answer the question truthfully.
Now let's talk abt something more fun.
Life is constantly taste for boob size has changed as well. I used to accept A/B ones if they r pretty n shapely. Since I had KK who was blessed w/ natural D boobs earlier this yr, I hv BY-ed a no of gals w/ C boobs n now my preference is for those w/ at least a solid B. C would be better if also shapely n proportionate. Most PRC gals w/ natural Ds r stout n/or hv thick arms n legs which r repulsive to me. A gal w/ D must be at least 170, otherwise it wont be proportionate. I hv not met a gal w/ D boobs n still has slender arms, except for KK. But a gal w/ long slender arms must not hv slender body, flat ass n very slim legs as I like much more meat in those places. Now I guess my frens n bros can understand why I hv to search high n low for my type of gal.
I hv found such a gal. She is 22 (although I can't bring her to the casino as she was born in 1990 according to her passport), very fair, 169, abt 51-52 kg, natural C boobs w/ pink nips, small waist n round perky ass. Yes, slender arms, but more meat in her thighs n long, straight, relatively slim legs. And most importantly, she has as pretty pussy as KK, but tighter, wetter n more responsive. Her pussy tastes better too.
I met her just over 4 wks ago. I made an offer shortly after that. No ST, never done ST, ok, how abt BY? She was hesitant initially. She told me how much she earned a month w/o going out. I offered her that plus a little incentive n master bedroom rental. She said OK. Took me a few days to find a secure place. The other problem was that she insisted on monthly payment upfront. I said no, she said forget it. But her body was too sexy n too attempting n so I took a chance. It was like buying a speculative biotech start up, hehe. What if I didnt like her pussy? Managed to get her to agree to a majority payment upfront n the rest in mid month. She has been w/ me for 3 wks now n I intend keep her until she leaves SG. She doesn't work.
The other day, she accompanied me to a KTV n I also booked another gal to sit w/ me. This other gal showed me her expensive gold watch, a gift from her ex BF in Shanghai. My mistress said she would love to hv such a watch, but no need gold one leh. It's still not cheap w/o gold. She later asked me what should she buy me for X'mas? Would a LV belt be OK? I told her I dun wear expensive belts, hehe. No, I'm not KC-ed by her. I merely like her pussy n her whimsical n playful nature. I may buy her the watch if I can find it.
Bro WB
10-07-2018, 12:50 PM
Agree, better don't touch married woman.
Hope to learn more from bro WB too.
Bro WB
Another intersting forum below.
My principle is will not touch any married woman who just wanted to have fun. A little bit different if WL married who still seek to come out to work. Anyway no way to find out if WL is married unless know her personally.
Life is short estimate maybe 10 years x 7. Just relax and chill whenever one can. Sure we need to have moolah so do anything. You hit the nail and right to say gals will run away if no money. Even wife too will abandon you when you poor.
Seems that your taste changes regularly due to supply or time. Boobs size can satisfy man's fantasy. To me, a handful of boobs will do.
Fully agreed with you that no point to fight and angry in forum.
Fully respect the way you enjoy and keep writing about your hunting expeditions.
Hope to learn more from you.
Bye now.
10-07-2018, 04:45 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for your Asian guru post which I quoted below.
Words of wisdom from the GURU indeed.
There were certainly many pointers here to take note.
Love the donkey story.
Also really our mindset changes important if we don't change and nothing will happen.
Also love your other posts too.
Don't scold me for quoting old post below.
Hey Bro WB,
Lets talk about inner game today; the mindset shift you must
have INGRAINED at the back of your brain as you embark on
your journey to becoming great with women, dating & LIFE
in general.
To begin with, I want to share with you a little story about
the donkey that fell down the hole...
"Once there was a donkey that fell in to an old empty well.
The farmer, who owns the donkey, looked at the beast and
tried to figure how to get it out of there. Having thought
of nothing to get the donkey out of the well, he decided to
simply bury his donkey alive!
So the farmer called his neighbors to shovel dirt into the
well. At first the donkey got frightened and panicked. After
some time the beast realized that if he shakes the dirt off
his back, the ground under him gets higher. He continued to
shake the dirt off and step up until the well was full. I
will leave to your imagination what the donkey did to the
farmer and his neighbours when he got out of the well.
Many times we feel life is throwing dirt at us. Problems
seem to hit us at all directions. Even when you feel
everything is OK, suddenly dirt smacks you in the face.
Sometimes you can even feel the bitterness of the dirt!
There are others who not only feel that dirt is being thrown
at them, but feel that they are being buried alive. Their
problems seem to pile to up from one to the next, until their
problems are bigger than they are. They feel like all the
world's trash is being poured out on to them."
But we can use this dirt. We can use life's problems and
troubles to produce strength, wisdom, perseverance, patience
and other virtues in us that will help us succeed in life.
The dirt thrown at you can be used to increase your stature,
your being.
We should imitate the donkey. Instead of giving up and
letting himself be buried, he shook the dirt off him. We
too should learn to shake our problems and STEP ON IT. And
like the donkey, we will get out of the hole we are in.
The quality of our "successes" with women is the quality of
1 - Self
2 - Others
Experiences (good or bad) is about personal communication.
It determines how you feel, act, behave on a daily basis.
To change your social life, your dating life, your success
with women, you don't need many ideas, complicated ideas,
concepts, all it takes is an idea that you're willing to take
and USE.
No matter what happens as you're out there in the field, it's
not what happens to you but what you DO with what happens.
For things to get better, I would have to get better. For things
to change, I would have to change. You can change everything
around you; the people you hang out with, your work environment,
etc, nothing will be permanent unless you change... YOU.
Difference between the different results people have in their
lives (those who are getting more women than you) is not talent,
luck, skill, etc, its the difference in the ACTIONS they took.
What sets them apart is the ability to take action, the ability
to USE what they knew.
Nothing really happens until you take action.
Get yourself to take action UNTIL you succeed.
How long does a baby get to learn how to walk until you ask
him/her to stop trying?
What's the time frame?
You get a baby to keep trying UNTIL he/she walks. That's how
everybody walks. That's WHY everybody walks.
In order to be great with women, 2 things:
1 - Energy (what you give out to the world, is what you get back)
2 - Skill (specifically know what you want, ability to know
exactly what SHE wants, you do this by playfully & teasingly
probing, you adapt to their styles - every woman has a different
"style", you then feed on their want; give it to them, you'll
eventually get what YOU want, it's just the way it is, don't
oppose it, EMBRACE it)
Fear of "failure" (rejection in any shape or form) - prevents
guys from taking action.
There are no failures, only results, only outcomes, only
You don't feel great about failing, but how do you feel about
There are no failures, you can only learn from every experience,
you learn from HUMAN experience. Whats the advantage you have
today over yesterday? Its the new experience you've taken on.
Thats how we as humans grow. Whether you got what you want from it,
it makes very little difference, as long as you learn from it,
and change your approach to eventually produce the results that
you want.
Reality check:
YOU are responsible for your world, YOU take charge of your life.
No matter what happens to you in your life, YOU created it on some
level, YOU are responsible for it. If it isn't there because of
your physical actions, it's there because it's a result of your
mental actions, that thoughts are things, that as your think, so
you become, so you attract, so you manifest.
No one is to blame, except you YOURSELF.
Want to know what's the one 'key' for becoming great with women?
Always be stretching.
If you can't, you MUST.
Actively develop a consistent habit to stretch yourself. Willingness
to stretch yourself on a consistent basis. Do this, you'll grow
When you put yourself on the line, more often than not, you'll be
surprised by what you're able to truly achieve. Do it. Now.
1) Make a COMMITMENT to yourself to do something that seems beyond
and above your present ability. Get out of your comfort
zone. Stay out, push, and keep pushing, don't look back.
2) Model someone who's already producing your results.
3) Take action - You must do it, even if you don't know, act like
you know and DO it. (Even if you don't feel like it, force it).
Everyone has different expectations, like it or not, it's the
reality of life. Deal with it it, adapt to it, manage it, to get
what you want.
You cannot expect people to comply, to be on the same "page" or to
view things the way you do without you first communicating it and
getting a confirmation, a RESPONSE for it.
Your "world" is what things MEAN to you and only you. Your make up
a tiny part of the equation. What's outside is MUCH bigger, far
bigger than you can imagine.
The "severity" of your "problems" are what you make of them. If
you think their big, their big, if you think their small, their
Talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
Mr. Asian Guru
10-07-2018, 07:18 PM
Absolutely wonderful thread by Bro WB. Hoping to read more.
13-07-2018, 06:55 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for your Asian guru post which I quoted below.
Words of wisdom from the GURU indeed.
There were certainly many pointers here to take note.
Love the donkey story.
Also really our mindset changes important if we don't change and nothing will happen.
Also love your other posts too.
Don't scold me for quoting old post below.
Tks for sharing. Nice thread support bro WB.
13-07-2018, 06:56 AM
Tks for sharing. Nice thread support bro WB.
Tks for your compliment.
13-07-2018, 09:27 AM
Very good thread by bro WB, tks.
13-07-2018, 03:57 PM
More musings on COS n life/love.
Here is my take on giving COS to these PRC gals. It's just a bonus for them bcos their primary purpose coming to SG is to make as much money as possible. Everything else is secondary. It will take time for them to get really addicted to a patron. That said, they r very human n r subject to the same emotions n hv the same addictive potential.
According to many gurus, a gal falls in love w/ a man not for who he is, but for how he makes her feel (especially abt herself). This applies to ALL females.
There r 3 foundations for love: friendship, respect n passion.
How to arouse passion?
Hope + Doubt = Passion
If there is no hope for her, game over. She will just give up on u. Conversely, If there is no doubt abt ur love for her, she will take u for granted, game over for u. It's most likely ur love will remain unrequited.
A RS expert wrote:
"You’re on the right track, you just don’t know how to take it that last hundred yards! Friendship is definitely the foundation of true love, but passion is a necessary ingredient that ignites it into a roaring blaze of romance. The equation for PASSION is this: HOPE + DOUBT = PASSION Since hope and doubt are antithetical of each other, it requires some real skill to cultivate both. But it can be done! As a wise man once said, “I may not always walk the straight and narrow, but I cross it as often as I can!” Constantly assess where you are in the relationship and then supply what is missing. For example, if the person is too confident and taking you for granted, then you need to back off, drop out of the scene for awhile, be more evasive in your conversations, and do whatever is necessary to appear to have cooled your interest in them somewhat. But, if they’ve given up on you because they think that they can’t have you, you need to reintroduce the element of hope that they still might win you. But it only takes a spark to get the flame reignited. Don’t keep pouring on the attentions once you’ve aroused their hope again. By maintaining a balance of keeping them hoping, but with some doubting at the same time, you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams in having them flip head over heels in love with you."
The same principles apply to men as well. A man is most attracted to a gal when there is hope that she could become or remain his GF/OC, but there is doubt, which is good...yes, doubt n uncertainty, hahaha. Yes, that is when a man gets his fun n emotional upheavals, isn't it. It's a mistake to avoid such emotions, instead, accept them, embrace them...n enjoy every min of it! That is the mark of a man w/ self mastery.:p
Bro WB
Bro WB
I love your thread very much and Thank you for it.
I also loev the HOPE + Doubt = Passion. This is so real. In life there can be many negatives and positives. Is how each individual handle the positives and keep the negatives.
Love exist when a couple understand each other and passes through time. Best is to care and understand each other. If a guy wanted his gal then please spend spend some time to understand her and her priorities.
Best is to have self-mastery and be able to handle the ups and downs without been affected by the passion of love.
Very interesting and beautiful thread.
Please proceed to have more fruitful conversations and I have more to learn here.
Have a nice weekend.
13-07-2018, 04:02 PM
Yeah, the gal BB in my avatar is so sweet n so cute. She is another Fujian gal, one of my long-term RS.
Many gals do use push-up bras to enhance their sex appeal. Very misleading!
IMHO, many older gals show overt n large veins in the skin covering their boobs which r ugly to me. Only faint veins r visible in younger gals (those <22). Another factor is the condition n texture of a gals' skin. For example, TC has natural C boobs but I can't detect any trace of veins in her skin, not just over the boobs but in her entire body. Same w/ BB n KK.
Lastly, Hope + Doubt = Passion
It's an immutable law of Nature.
IMHO, there is one male trait which is more important than all the money in the world, status, power, occupation, reputation, fame, looks, height, age, health, apparel, etc. in attracting females at their subconscious level. They can't help it.
It's Dominant Self Mastery or DSM.;)
Laozi: He who knows much about others may be learned, but he who understands himself is more intelligent. He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.
Of course, If a man has money, power, status, fame n good looks, etc, he usually has DSM, but not necessary so n there r many, many exceptions. The converse is also true.
Certain "manly" behaviours such as aggression, combativeness, quick temper, using profanity, addictions of every kind, verbal n/or physical abusing of females, etc., r NOT manly at all...a man w/ such behaviours may be a muscular hunk, but he is really just a pathetic, frustrated n insecure little boy inside. Very sad indeed.
What r the most visible manifestations of DSM? A man's body language.
We should all work hard to achieve true DSM, hehehe.
Just my 2 cents.
Hv a great day!!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Now, I found out who your avatar was?
Great quote from Laozi and very powerful message.
"Laozi: He who knows much about others may be learned, but he who understands himself is more intelligent. He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."
Dun zap me for quoting what Bro WB had posted?
Sadly the other message also very pathetic truth
"Certain "manly" behaviours such as aggression, combativeness, quick temper, using profanity, addictions of every kind, verbal n/or physical abusing of females, etc., r NOT manly at all...a man w/ such behaviours may be a muscular hunk, but he is really just a pathetic, frustrated n insecure little boy inside. Very sad indeed."
Once again wish all have a nice weekend.
13-07-2018, 11:20 PM
Bro WB,
Now, I found out who your avatar was?
Great quote from Laozi and very powerful message.
"Laozi: He who knows much about others may be learned, but he who understands himself is more intelligent. He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."
Dun zap me for quoting what Bro WB had posted?
Sadly the other message also very pathetic truth
"Certain "manly" behaviours such as aggression, combativeness, quick temper, using profanity, addictions of every kind, verbal n/or physical abusing of females, etc., r NOT manly at all...a man w/ such behaviours may be a muscular hunk, but he is really just a pathetic, frustrated n insecure little boy inside. Very sad indeed."
Once again wish all have a nice weekend.
Support nice thread by bro WB.
Have a good weekend.
14-07-2018, 02:48 PM
Bro WB
This thread was awesome with HFJ, KTV, stock market, currencies market, forex trading, biotech starts-up.......and many more.
I wished I had read this thread 8 years ago and I dwouldn't had fell so hard.
This thread is about how to hook PRC mei mei but had diversify to many countries too.
I love the detailed step by step method how to hook the gals in ktv, etc.
There was always plenty of reason why you called ex. One simple reason was you just totally lost interest.
I fully agreed with you that a patron could just video chat with the gal to see where she was and of course she may be farking other guys in bed.
Once I was calling a ktv gal to bed and she received a msg from her steady bf. The bf wanted to know where she was and she replied she was at home in bed. The bf don't believe and said want to do video chat. She rejected the video chat claiming the 3g signal was bad and will video chat later.
Simple that all gals were bad liars.
Just do continue wiht this awesome thread.
Have a great day.
I'm clueless abt HF n BY-ing singers is a complex operation.
At this time, I like to invite Mr. Chairman n Bro LDH as Consultant Contributors to a sub-thread called "Picking Up Singers n BY-ing Them." I hope they would share their experiences n strategies w/ all bros here. They may post whenever they find time...
So pls welcome them!
Some esteemed bros hv told me that hanging flowers can be an addictive game. IMHO, It's perfectly fine if one can easily afford it n the "addiction" is well under control.
More of my random musings n reflections on picking up n BY-ing...
I hv actually picked up more KTV gals inside than outside KTVs. I always roam the hallways n attempt to look at every gal. I even peep inside the rms to search for my type of SYTs...I leave no stone unturned.
Frankly, BY-ing SYTs is such a fun game that I'm a bit addicted, fortunately not to any particular gal, but to the game itself, hehehe. A large part of the enjoyment is in finding n pursuing the gals, making an offer n getting accepted...the fun is in the journey n not the destination. In fact, sometimes the destination may turn out to be quite disappointing, to put it mildly.
There r a good no of gals who hv accepted my offer n yet I couldn't possibly consummate the deal w/ all of them largely bcos I hv been constrained by time. Some of them subsequently agreed to ST, hehe.
Today I just discovered my 2 favorite Fujian gals r QQ 好友! They live abt 40-50km apart back in China, but I believe they hv never met. Amazing!
My ex-mistress KW has been SMS-ing me several times every day. She now works mostly at LP n LV. She should be making at least what I gave her when I BY-ed her w/o doing ST. She claims that she hates sitting w/ other men n that she was n still is "你的女人." She said she is very sad that the good times w/ me were gone. She has cried a few times. I guess working at KTVs must be hard's much easier to spread her legs 10 times a month, hehehe. Since she came back (flew in from Jakarta) over 10 days ago, I hv done ST w/ her only once. I hv lost interest as I hv been unable to give her COS. I'll book her for a session next wk just for old time's sake. She is very excited n wants time to prepare herself, to doll up just for me. I replied that I'll don my Armani suit in an attempt to match her elegant n no doubt stunning looks. I jokingly said that I might even lose my self control when I see her...hehe.
Her case study illustrates the effectiveness of caring less in a RS to gain power. But I also give her some HOPE mixed w/ a good dose of DOUBT n uncertainty. I'm playing w/ her. It just dawned on me that this should be my new attitude in treating every gal, no matter how pretty she is or how much I like her.
You may recall that I'm also very interested in a very cute/pretty 20 yo student HD who is only 158! She is playing hard to get n she works only twice a wk at the most...hmmm...likely she already has a patron or possibly in love w/ a fellow student. She is an unusual challenge. I'm unfazed n hv used intrigue to gain her interest. She just SMS-ed to ask me for clarification, but I'll not answer her for 24-48 hrs, hehe. When I see her, I'll make a surprise offer...If she says no, so what? I hv lost absolutely nothing!
Yes, regardless of how beautiful or special a gal may be to u, be prepared to walk away. Demonstrate ur awesome dominant self mastery. Ironically, more often than not, she will start chasing YOU! This Immutable law of Nature applies to ALL females, non-WLs n WLs alike. I guarantee it personally.;)
Lastly, a patron could use QQ video calling to make sure his mistress is where she says she is. Of course a strange man may still be hiding under the bed, hehehe. There is never certainty in life.
Bro WB
14-07-2018, 02:53 PM
Great thread to learn from bro WB, thanks!!
Please continue sharing.
15-07-2018, 02:12 PM
What an auspicious day!
I like to express my sincere thanks for all samsters who hv supported this thread since its inception over 9 years ago.
My heartfelt gratitude also extends to those who are hostile to me and who hv written very negative and even vitriolic posts. In fact, they hv forced me to take a very critical look at myself and my methods. I hv greatly improved as a result.
We all should embrace rejections, failures and adversity.
"No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity, for he is not permitted to prove himself." - Lucius Seneca
My offer for bro 'Don Juan' and other naysayers has no expiration date. Bring two very chio SYTs and I'll pay for dinner or a KTV of your choice. I'll bring a young LP for side-by-side comparison. NO plastic girls, please.
Normally, I'm very frugal but I've been waiting so long to see bro DJ's 'super chio SYTs.' For him n his gals, money is no object. I'm dying to find out what I hv been missing in life.
I hv been w/ 18 yo TY for over two months now. Most casual observers may think our relationship is a 100% biz transaction. Actually, It's much less businesslike than most marriages. She receives a lot more than just financial support from me. She is a full-time student and she is very sapiosexual.
I'm her lover, protector, provider, mentor, personal physician and psychoanalyst and tutor in investing n school studies. Also her companion for fun activities and sex instructor. We connect emotionally, physically, sexually, intellectually and spiritually. I'm practicing Taoist sex with her.
Of course, I hv also benefited in many ways from my relationship w/ her. She has made me a happy man and has greatly boosted my immunity...
A few days ago, I bought TY a LG 14 Gram laptop for school studies. She was elated. We then went to Plaza Sin n she went inside Daiso, the $2 store, while I looked for a toilet. On my return to the store, she showed me 5 items n expected me to pay. I had paid for her fruit and some other stuff before. But this time I said NO. Her face dropped instantly n she looked dispirited, pouting her lips slightly. Eyes red. She was so cute!! She wanted to return the items, but I said ok this time and gave her $10. She said sorry n she wanted me to tell her what she had done wrong.
Last night, I took TY to Tomi Sushi at Millenia Walk for dinner. Later, we strolled around the mall. She suddenly said 我小不懂事, 有什么做不好的, 你不满意, 告诉我,我会改的。She was referring to that $10 and other minor stuff again. Her eyes were red and she was tearing up...I just said ok, but don't worry about it.
We must say NO to girls. We should strike a balance, sometimes yes and sometimes no. Use push-pull. Be unpredictable.
I hv never praised TY's good looks and sexy attributes. Instead, I hv pointed out her minor physical flaws. I tell her I'm impressed by her diligence n motivation in studying and improving herself. On the other hand, she praises me often, saying 你很聪明很优秀,我很崇拜你. BTW, in the bedroom, I'm mostly gentle w/ her, but sometimes a bit rough. She is surprisingly orgasmic...
TY is unlike all my previous LPs. Some of them hv praised me, but a few would say 我青春和肉体都给你那么多年. In retrospect, my behaviour w/ the previous ones just wasn't masculine enough n my subconscious mind didn't truly believe I was the prize.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Thank you for taking time to reply my post.
Hope to learn from you and others.
Tks, bro.
Bro WB
Hope you don't mind me posting here. I still have much to learn from all seniors.
So I learned that Paul Getty is your idol and hope to turn him as my idol too. Before that, I need to read all his useful books to learn from him. Hope you can guide me too.
Bro WB
This bro really can write beautiful forum and well researched too.
I hope to be inspired by him too.
Some kind of friends you have here.
Flash back to your past reply to bro justime great forum above.
I wonder if you remembered what you had written.
Really inspiration from all above and diverse background.
Thank you for all the nice forums.
Will contine to read up and comment.
Cheers everybody.
Bro, tks for your post.
Getty was a legendary businessman and investor. The richest man in the world in the 1950s. Read his book 10 times.
Bro Justime is my mentor and a pioneer in the art of BY-ing.
Paul Getty is my idol too.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
Bro, good to hear that. Read his book.
Bros, please bear with me for quoting an old post below.
Bro WB,
Let me thank you for a successful thread too.
All of us goes through ups and downs in life. I learned this in the past, life is never a bed of roses. Also, the other side grass is greener. True and alos half true. But if we don't change our mindset and leave our comfort zone, we will never make it.
Bro ansonsohna life went thru upheavals. Lucky he met a savior bro justime who gave him a fine-tuning and bro anson listen and recovered.
I shared this because I have a friend who went through tumultuous times and he too couldn't bear to leave the woman that caused his downfall. He was a wreck and bootleg. A few of us, friends had to beat him sober and left him alone to recuperate. Luckily he recovered his senses and move on to have a healthy family life.
I believe karma and what you sow you reap. A person life will never be always good and also always bad.
Just have to tide the bad times and ride the good times.
Plenty of materials in a simple thread and I think I benefited by reading every forums.
I agreed with other bros that some posts were excellent.
If I will to give a rating for this thread will say is A+.
Hope to gain more from this thread.
Take care and live well.
Tks, bro. You make my day!
I believe in karma. Cause and effect. Action and reaction are equal n opposite.
Fully agreed, I give A+ too.
Thanks Bro WB for this wonderful thread.
Tks, bro.
Bro, didn't know this thread is big time investor thread too.
QE is already 10 years old and QT just started last year. What is the future lies for stock markets? It looks like Bear market all the way from now onward. High tech and biotech start up already happening. Also not sure what the future lies?
EU looks like going into trouble with Spain and Italy next to face crisis after Greek. Brexit effect not sure yet but they cannot find enough bankers in Europe to fill positions if EU shifts from London to Luxembourg or elsewhere.
PetroYuan already intro and USD is still moving upwards after last rate hike. China is dumping US treasury and thus making yuan cheaper.
What about GOLD? Is gold money? Gold prices had been falling and today at USD 1250 per onz.
Many countries started to sell their US treasury and also move gold back to their own countries. Will this have any effect to USD or Gold prices?
Hope bro can give us a bit insight what magic mirror can tell us.
Thanks for the kind attention.
Bro, tks for your post.
No magic mirror or crystal ball, unfortunately. Buffett is 87 yo and he has not met a person who could forecast the market accurately and consistently.
I would just read Getty's book n apply his principles.
Phew bro WB, how time had fly!!
iPhone4 was very long ago. Now iPhoneX already almost one year old. So are we getting old?
Is definitely interesting to note that as men gets older also getting wiser. Our choice may have widen or narrowed depends on taste and varieties
Bro WB
Tks for recommending Carl icahn. Just did a serach and found that he is billionaire investing in tech stocks.
Agreed with you that pussy market is difficult to value. Many times, our big head is NOT the one making decisions. Our small heads do over-ride the deal.
Plenty of interesting facts and figures here. What a priceless thread this is.
Hope to learn more from all these investors here.
One more thing about FX, a friend of mine who was a FX trader told me never bet on forex and he witnessed so many loss money in FX trading. The easiest to bet against those who had history of losses.
Bro, tks.
Carl Icahn has not done very well in the last few years. But I won't bet against him.
FX trading is for full-time professionals.
Hi Bro WB
No wonder many gals love T-Rex so much. The more mean and baddy the more the gals love.
What your guru send you below does makes great sense. When did gals ever love a wussy. Answer - NO and never.
Gals often love the badass men. I am sure you see the nice gals often go out with men with loads of tattoos and henchmen. These mean the guy is the "taikor" and he has many henchmen working for him.
Never worried about disagreeing with woman. Stand on your points and dun ever agree with her if you think she is incorrect.
Flirt with other women when you with her will be the key moves. Let her know many woman loves you and if she dun move then her loss.
Always be direct ask for sex and never be shy to hug and kiss. If any gal allow hugs and kisses then her body belongs to you.
I hope to learn more from gurus and seniors here.
Hope to pickup more tips.
Cheers and have a nice weekend.
Bro, tks.
It's good to disagree w/ women. They will become more attracted to you.
Bro WB
Thanks for posting angmo guru post about alpha male.
Although I dislike alpha male but I like the 3 traits -
1) Initiative - Leadership drive
2) Assertiveness/Confidence
3) Emotional Control/Emotional Strength
Very similar to other guru discussion about wussy guys, woman will like men who had the 3 traits above. Think men must have at least the trait 3 above.
At least be the MAN and hv to be be confident and initiative.
Agreed with you that if man possessed the self mastery then women may flock to him.
Hope you don't mind me quoting a long time forum here.
Just hope to learn from the experts here.
Have a great Sunday.
Bro, tks for reminding me of the three masculine traits.
Dominant self-mastery is awesome!
Bro WB
Another intersting forum below.
My principle is will not touch any married woman who just wanted to have fun. A little bit different if WL married who still seek to come out to work. Anyway no way to find out if WL is married unless know her personally.
Life is short estimate maybe 10 years x 7. Just relax and chill whenever one can. Sure we need to have moolah so do anything. You hit the nail and right to say gals will run away if no money. Even wife too will abandon you when you poor.
Seems that your taste changes regularly due to supply or time. Boobs size can satisfy man's fantasy. To me, a handful of boobs will do.
Fully agreed with you that no point to fight and angry in forum.
Fully respect the way you enjoy and keep writing about your hunting expeditions.
Hope to learn more from you.
Bye now.
Tks again, bro.
Agree, better don't touch married woman.
Hope to learn more from bro WB too.
Bro, you're right!
I like the 3 traits too.
Thanks Bro WB for this great thread.
Have a nice day.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
Thank you for your Asian guru post which I quoted below.
Words of wisdom from the GURU indeed.
There were certainly many pointers here to take note.
Love the donkey story.
Also really our mindset changes important if we don't change and nothing will happen.
Also love your other posts too.
Don't scold me for quoting old post below.
Bro, tks. This Asain guru is a master.
Bro WB
I love your thread very much and Thank you for it.
I also loev the HOPE + Doubt = Passion. This is so real. In life there can be many negatives and positives. Is how each individual handle the positives and keep the negatives.
Love exist when a couple understand each other and passes through time. Best is to care and understand each other. If a guy wanted his gal then please spend spend some time to understand her and her priorities.
Best is to have self-mastery and be able to handle the ups and downs without been affected by the passion of love.
Very interesting and beautiful thread.
Please proceed to have more fruitful conversations and I have more to learn here.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro, tks for your post.
Yes, hope plus uncertainty = passion. It's the balance that is hard to master.
Bro WB,
Now, I found out who your avatar was?
Great quote from Laozi and very powerful message.
"Laozi: He who knows much about others may be learned, but he who understands himself is more intelligent. He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."
Dun zap me for quoting what Bro WB had posted?
Sadly the other message also very pathetic truth
"Certain "manly" behaviours such as aggression, combativeness, quick temper, using profanity, addictions of every kind, verbal n/or physical abusing of females, etc., r NOT manly at all...a man w/ such behaviours may be a muscular hunk, but he is really just a pathetic, frustrated n insecure little boy inside. Very sad indeed."
Once again wish all have a nice weekend.
Bro, thank you!
Most men think being quick-tempered, aggressive, argumentative, belligerent and boastful is 'manly.' It's so sad. These men may have high testosterone levels but they can't control it. They are needy, insecure and wussy. It will be disastrous.
You want to hv very high testosterone levels, but you must also hv awesome self-mastery to harness the power. Then girls will flock to you...
Bro WB
This thread was awesome with HFJ, KTV, stock market, currencies market, forex trading, biotech starts-up.......and many more.
I wished I had read this thread 8 years ago and I dwouldn't had fell so hard.
This thread is about how to hook PRC mei mei but had diversify to many countries too.
I love the detailed step by step method how to hook the gals in ktv, etc.
There was always plenty of reason why you called ex. One simple reason was you just totally lost interest.
I fully agreed with you that a patron could just video chat with the gal to see where she was and of course she may be farking other guys in bed.
Once I was calling a ktv gal to bed and she received a msg from her steady bf. The bf wanted to know where she was and she replied she was at home in bed. The bf don't believe and said want to do video chat. She rejected the video chat claiming the 3g signal was bad and will video chat later.
Simple that all gals were bad liars.
Just do continue wiht this awesome thread.
Have a great day.
Bro, tks for your FR.
Trust but verify.
Bro WB
16-07-2018, 09:04 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for sharing the guru post on rejection.
Now I knew rejection is not too bad and should be able to handle this nicely.
I knew guys always showed anger and upset when faced rejections.
This guide will teach us to show no reaction, expression and anger.
Hope to learn more useful techniques here.
Cheers to all.
Here is the secret: When you appear unfazed, unmoved, and
unflappable in the very face of rejection it does something in the mind
of the one rejecting you. It shocks them. It twists their mind. And it
sets them on an immediate course to begin seeing you through a
different set of lenses.
This doesn't mean that you resist showing acceptance of their poor
attempt to shake you loose from them. It means that you show that if
they want to dump you, it's just OK with you, that it's no big deal, that
you can handle it. It means you show no bitterness, or
disappointment, or trauma. You sort of act like, "Hmmm... you don't
want me? Well, OK, if that's the way you feel..."
Whenever someone is inclined to reject you it is because, deep down
inside, they believe in their heart of hearts that you are not good
enough for them, that you would be shattered by their rejection. And,
along with that belief is the perception that you are dependent upon
them for your happiness.
Those who reject suitors do so to free themselves of the threads of
dependency that they believe you have woven around them. It is a desperate move on their part to liberate themselves from being
responsible for your life. They sincerely think that they are going to
crush you in the process of freeing themselves. When you show none
of that as a reaction, it blows their mind and challenges the erroneous
perception they've had of you up to this point.
Looking at this from the viewpoint of the person doing the rejecting,
there is no greater challenge than to face the moment of truth where
they believe they are about to crush another person's world. Nobody
wants to be the bad guy. No well-adjusted sane person truly wants to
hurt someone else. Those who reject always do so with some degree
of mixed feelings, feelings of guilt and remorse at the same time as
relief of liberation.
So here's what to do, when the moment of truth comes, if you want to
finally turn the tables on the One You Want and begin to take the
upper hand at last:
First, don't panic. Remember that this is not the end. It is actually an
opportunity for a new beginning an opportunity for you to lay the
foundation to be truly respected, admired, and adored.
Second, take a deep breath and smile as they're working into their
rehearsed pitch. (This works best in person where they can see your
face, but it still carries some effectiveness over the telephone because
somehow a smile carries in your voice.)
Third, listen very carefully to every word that the rejecting person is
saying to you. Don't interrupt or try to dissuade them in any way. Give
them good eye contact, give facial sympathy, but do so in a smiling,
accepting sort of way. This will arouse great feelings of intrigue and
curiosity on their part, even as they continue to speak. Try to feel inside a sense of empathy towards them for the mixed feelings you
can be sure they're experiencing.
Fourth, when you’re sure they’ve finished their speech, let a brief
moment of pregnant silence pass by (just for effect to build the
anticipation!). Then clear your throat, and say: "So, what I hear you
saying is that it's just not working out. It's not that you don't think
highly of me. It's just that (insert here their explanation, whatever it
may be). If you could make it different you would, but you can't. Do I
understand you correctly?"
At this point they will either say (with a sad face for effect, of course),
Yes, that's about the size of it, or they will launch into some additional
justification. If they add more to their previous explanation, go back to
step one and empathetically follow through with them just as before.
Eventually, they will reach an end, though in some rare instances they
will actually talk themselves out of the rejection before they're done.
No matter how illogical or fallacious their thinking may be, it is totally
ineffective to try to argue with them or point that out to them at this
Further, it would backfire and reinforce their determination to
escape you. The most effective way to change their mindset at this
point is simply to offer understanding, no persuasion whatsoever.
Fifth, and finally (and here's where the mind of the rejecter starts to
really get blown), then just say with a little enthusiasm something like,
"Great! Now that wasn't so bad was it?!" I've never wanted you to feel
under any kind of obligation towards me, so I'm really glad to get this
out in the open! "So, what would you like to do at this point, then?
How would you feel most comfortable handling this? Shall we not see
each other again?" Then, just accept totally (or at least appear to) whatever they suggest.
If they say they think it would be best to make a clean break and not
have any contact again, say fine, whatever you want. (Don't panic
here, this is just a technique in psychology that will result in your
getting a much better reception down the road.) If they say, no, they'd
like to at least stay friends, say fine, as you wish. Whatever they say,
just be totally agreeable to it.
Trust me when I say they will not believe their ears. Trust me, also,
when I say that this is not the end, after all, if you handle it this way.
It is actually a new beginning. You most likely will not see the outward
results this very night, but the change inside them will have already
begun. Time and discreet follow-up on your part will find an
unbelievably more receptive party than the last time you spoke.
It will,in fact, be a fresh new beginning with one major difference the one
you want will now see you as an emotionally strong and independent
individual who clearly can live without them. This will be a new
beginning towards their really falling in love with you.[/SIZE]
16-07-2018, 09:58 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for sharing the guru post on rejection.
Now I knew rejection is not too bad and should be able to handle this nicely.
I knew guys always showed anger and upset when faced rejections.
This guide will teach us to show no reaction, expression and anger.
Hope to learn more useful techniques here.
Cheers to all.
Fully agreed too.
Have a nice week ahead.
17-07-2018, 10:02 AM
Bro, thank you!
Most men think being quick-tempered, aggressive, argumentative, belligerent and boastful is 'manly.' It's so sad. These men may have high testosterone levels but they can't control it. They are needy, insecure and wussy. It will be disastrous.
You want to hv very high testosterone levels, but you must also hv awesome self-mastery to harness the power. Then girls will flock to you...
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for your advice. I remembered this advice for life. You are my mentor now.
17-07-2018, 11:02 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for sharing the guru post on rejection.
Now I knew rejection is not too bad and should be able to handle this nicely.
I knew guys always showed anger and upset when faced rejections.
This guide will teach us to show no reaction, expression and anger.
Hope to learn more useful techniques here.
Cheers to all.
Thank you so much for reminding me of this old article which I posted a long time ago.
It's one of the best I hv read on how to react to rejections. Well, this is how a man should always behave, from the first second he meets a new girl to the last second when he leaves her for good. Maybe 3 minutes later or 30 years later.
"Here is the secret: When you appear unfazed, unmoved, and
unflappable in the very face of rejection it does something in the mind
of the one rejecting you. It shocks them. It twists their mind. And it
sets them on an immediate course to begin seeing you through a
different set of lenses."
Yes, THE SECRET in attracting the most attractive girls/women is always to behave unfazed, unmoved and unflappable in the face of rejections, failures, adversity, threats, crises and life and death situations. 很冷静, 很笃定。
It requires awesome emotional mastery/emotional strength. Very, very few men got it. In fact, I hv not met such a person in my entire life.
Fully agreed too.
Have a nice week ahead.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
Thank you for your advice. I remembered this advice for life. You are my mentor now.
Bro, tks for your post.
A man who gets angry and aggressive easily or who is a bully is most unattractive to females, at their subconscious minds.
What an auspicious morning!!
IMHO, a man who has the following 3 traits are most attractive to girls/women, in their primitive brains and subconscious minds:
1) Extremely masculine behaviour
2) Awesome emotional mastery/emotional strength
3) Supreme sexual confidence and enlightenment
The first two traits are obvious and I hv alluded to both many times in the past. The first trait depends on a healthy testosterone level and the second trait.
Awesome emotional mastery is THE most difficult to acquire.
I'll not elaborate on the third trait. It's for bros here to search and explore. You need to experience and enjoy it w/ long-term sexual partners. It will be a wonderful journey.
Bro WB
17-07-2018, 01:32 PM
Bro WB,
Such an auspicious day and thread.
This method posted below was used by many expert gurus and plenty of common sense. If you are keen to lend your ears but still keep in contact with her then chances are you get to be her bf pretty soon.
Understand a gal in depth will help to bring the relationship to blossom earlier. Gals are very sensitive and delightful creatures. Gal often loves her man to know her inside out.
When a gal fell loss and you can be savior then she will remember to love you for life.
When my target gal was still undecided if she wants to be my gf and she was so touched that I flew in to visit her and mother after her dad passed away suddenly. She was very sad but touched by sincere love to her. The rest is history.
Always spend time to understand a gal if you think she is worthy of the time and effort.
Hope all can learn more from GURUs here.
Please enjoy a good week ahead.
Another auspicious day!
At this time I like to post another piece by THE RS guru:
One young woman who I knew many years ago was casually dating a
young man who became very serious towards her and one night
started talking marriage. This shocked her because she had not had a
serious romantic thought towards him -- ever! She told him there was
no hope and that, in fact, that she was really crazy about another guy
The hero of our story, though, the young man who was being rejected,
handled himself beautifully, however. He just listened to her very patiently (although disappointed, it must be admitted) and then
pointedly said to her, "Well, what would you like to do then?" And then
he supportively added, "Would you like to stop dating altogether?"
The question was so empathetically offered that she felt no threat
whatsoever to her position. She then responded, "Well, no I guess
there's no reason we can't still go out" As long as you understand, of
course, that there's no chance of this relationship ever getting serious
or going anywhere! He then sincerely told her that that would be fine.
But when she went home to her roommate (whom I also knew and
who related additional parts of this story to me), she was in a daze.
She actually seemed somewhat mesmerized by it all and, after
recounting the whole episode to her hearer, she suddenly heard
herself saying, "I can't believe it "he was so understanding" I wonder if
I'm making a big mistake here "I wonder if maybe I really should
marry him after all?"
As I say, that was only the beginning. The seeds had been planted
where none had been before. And shortly thereafter the happy couple
became engaged and, the last I was aware, had been happily married
for many years.
As you begin to make real progress towards winning the One You
Want, learn to accept that there will come out of nowhere some
attempt to end the relationship and get rid of you. It's common in the
development of a serious relationship.
The common attempts at justification for rejection commonly include
such excuses as "no chemistry", "not physically attracted", "too
different of lifestyles", "incompatible families", I'm not ready for a
family, and so forth. Sometimes the rejecting party will even resort to
self deprecation such as I'm mentally ill, I have serious psychological
hang-ups from my childhood, or whatever. But no matter how good
these sound, they are never the real reason. They are just excuses,
and all easily overcome if you understand the real root of the problem
and not what they say.
The real reason is simply because; up to this point in time you have
failed to establish the three psychological pillars of a romantic
relationship with them, which are: FRIENDSHIP, RESPECT, and
PASSION. In short, the person isn't head over heels in love with you,
and if they're going to stay with you forever and marry you, they want
to be!
That's only fair. They should be entitled to be crazy out of their head
for you if they're going to dedicate their life to you and, frankly, that's
your job to inspire those feelings, not theirs!
But if you will deal with their uneasiness in the manner we've
described in these pages, applying the tactics throughout
your relationship, you will find that no excuse in the world can
overcome your endeavors to win their heart and love. You will win the
One You Want!
17-07-2018, 05:53 PM
Bro WB,
Such an auspicious day and thread.
This method posted below was used by many expert gurus and plenty of common sense. If you are keen to lend your ears but still keep in contact with her then chances are you get to be her bf pretty soon.
Understand a gal in depth will help to bring the relationship to blossom earlier. Gals are very sensitive and delightful creatures. Gal often loves her man to know her inside out.
When a gal fell loss and you can be savior then she will remember to love you for life.
When my target gal was still undecided if she wants to be my gf and she was so touched that I flew in to visit her and mother after her dad passed away suddenly. She was very sad but touched by sincere love to her. The rest is history.
Always spend time to understand a gal if you think she is worthy of the time and effort.
Hope all can learn more from GURUs here.
Please enjoy a good week ahead.
Fully agreed.
I also hope to learn more from bro WB and other gurus here.
18-07-2018, 09:56 AM
To all samsters:
May you get a clean bill of health from your dentist, your ophthalmologist, your psychiatrist, your cardiologist, your urologist, and the Income Tax Department.
May your hair, your teeth, your face-lift, your love handles, and your stocks never fall, and may your blood pressure, your triglycerides, your cholesterol, your white blood count, your weight, and your property assessments never increase.
May you be sensitive to the needs of others and may you create within yourself a balance of your own needs.
May you laugh at yourself and realize if you were supposed to touch your toes while exercising, the Lord would have placed them further up, and may you realize the reason that so many people take up jogging is to hear heavy breathing again.
May what you see in the mirror delight you and what others see in you delight them.
May someone love you enough to accept and forgive your faults and be blind
to your blemishes, and tell the whole world about your virtues.
May you live in a world at peace, with an awareness of the beauty of every sunset, every flower, every child's smile, and every wonderful astonishing beat of your own heart.
If by laughter I can cause you to wipe a tear from your cheek, that will be my reward.
Above all, may you continue to smile, may your life be filled with laughter, and may you never forget the words found in the Book of Proverbs:
"A gloomy spirit rots the bones; but a merry heart is like good medicine."
Bro WB
Bro WB
Never thought that I will read your thread and arrived at Jan 1, 2011.
I totally agreed that is better to have a clean bill of health than to have all the money in the world and cannot enjoy life.
This message was important and many knew but didn't take care of their health. Knew a few friends and relatives passed away before 60 birthday. Read that you are senior and you called yourself "lau chi ko pek".
At your age you still very much healthy and sexually inclined. This is something that many men at your age may not be able to do.
A person should be happy everyday and no reason to be sad. A happy guy always lives longer and also luckier with pretty gals.
Will dwell further into your marvelous thread and comment if any.
Since is not new year today let me wish you enjoy a great day. May your laughter and good health keep all your LPs fully satisfied.
Cheers buddy. :D:D
18-07-2018, 10:52 AM
Bro WB
Never thought that I will read your thread and arrived at Jan 1, 2011.
I totally agreed that is better to have a clean bill of health than to have all the money in the world and cannot enjoy life.
This message was important and many knew but didn't take care of their health. Knew a few friends and relatives passed away before 60 birthday. Read that you are senior and you called yourself "lau chi ko pek".
At your age you still very much healthy and sexually inclined. This is something that many men at your age may not be able to do.
A person should be happy everyday and no reason to be sad. A happy guy always lives longer and also luckier with pretty gals.
Will dwell further into your marvelous thread and comment if any.
Since is not new year today let me wish you enjoy a great day. May your laughter and good health keep all your LPs fully satisfied.
Cheers buddy. :D:D
Great thread by bro WB.
Wishing you have a good day too.
Hope to learn more from here.
18-07-2018, 05:00 PM
A thread with tons of knowledge and experience . A real insight . Thanks you so much for sharing .
18-07-2018, 05:17 PM
A thread with tons of knowledge and experience . A real insight . Thanks you so much for sharing .
Fully agreed . Eye opening experience . Very nice thread here .
19-07-2018, 11:51 AM
Good morning!
Yes, all mummies r parasites, but some of them r beneficial parasites, hehehe. At long last I hv found a group of mummies who will attempt to intro the prettiest gals to me, unlike the previous ones.
I had used mummies H n K for over one yr n they didn't intro one gal I like. Not one! A bro explained that they were afraid I would take the prettiest ones off the market thus depriving them of 摇钱树。Really?
I came back to SG 1 1/2 months ago n on my very 1st outing I got 2 gals to sit w/ me, both brought by the new mummy. And both gals agreed to be BY-ed within a wk, hehehe. There is another gal, also intro by the new group, but I dun even hv time to follow up. In fact, there was a 4th one but she had since returned to PRC.
I often give details of my RS w/ my mistresses to illustrate some points n to present them as problems for further discussions n analysis. Esteemed bros could comment n give me pointers. I shall remain a faithful n diligent student, always eager to learn, to improve n better myself, to achieve my dream of Absolute Dominant Self Mastery.
I hv some new thoughts on COS n sex mastery which may be controversial. Of course a man can use his tongue n fingers only to give a gal endless COS. No big deal really as even a female or eunuch can give her the same pleasure. In my personal experience, using my tongue n fingers is only the prelude to the real thing. Perhaps it's more psychological than physiological, but some of my mistresses appear to derive more pleasure when I'm fxking them long n hard. They never seem to hv enuff n always want my didi in their pussies for longer!
Unfortunately, I seldom last longer than 20 min. According to some gurus, a man needs to last 60 min or longer to really rock a gal's bottom.
I went to see a mistress of mine the other day. She was very horny bcos I had not fxked her for 5 days due to her Big Auntie. She still had minimal spotting so I refrained from use my tongue or finger to pleasure her. After she gave me a great BJ, I entered her, changed a few positions. She had several violent orgasms but begged me to continue slamming her...her face contorted, eye rolling up...AAAAHHHH...voice quivering n stammering...不不。。。要。。。停停。。AAAAHHHH...but how to tahan? Her pussy was so tight n she was gripping my hips w/ her hands n thrusting her pelvis while moaning loudly...I did my very best but lasted less than 20 min. She couldn't hide her slight disappointment. I knew I had failed. I hv a very long way to go before becoming a sex master.
According a Jewish guru, the prerequisite to be a sex master is a man's ability to fxk a gal for a least 60 min vigorously n continuously, the longer the better.
The 1st step to sex mastery is PC exercises...which I started doing yesterday. It's NEVER too late to learn to improve, even for a lao chi ko pek, hehehe.
Separately, my RS w/ my no1 gal TC is not exactly smooth. It's wonderful! We hv had our share of arguments n differences...she is brutally candid which I like. The other day she made some disparaging remarks abt my looks n advanced age (I'm much older than her dad). She quickly added that you're amazingly well preserved n virile, must be all the expensive herbs u hv been taking...I just listened reflectively n said calmly: 我明白你,我了解你 n excepting for momentary displeasure, I remained totally unfazed, unmoved n unflappable, hehehe, behaving exactly as prescribed by the Ang Moh guru whose writings I posted just days ago. I know I'm inducing emotional dependence (addiction?) in her subconscious mind. She later asked me if I was unhappy or angry, I just laughed it off. She has treated me better ever since. She also told me she likes the weather here n may want to settle here. I told her to marry a young man who has a good job n who loves her. She looked at me n said: 那你怎么办?I replied: 我没事的, 你幸福就好了。She was speechless. Hahaha, this is called reverse psychology. Too bad she is leaving soon, otherwise I'm confident that she will fall for me. She is human n she can't help it.
Incidentally, I believe TC n I are predestined to be together. She has brought me very good luck from the very day we consummated our deal, hahaha.:D
Feedback n criticisms from esteemed bros here will be appreciated.
Hv a great day!
Bro WB
Bro WB
I like your thread and like to comment the post below. So hope bro will bear with me if I not courteous.
Very exciting life you have and very detailed describing your sexual relationship and actions. Not many old man can last longer than 20 mins and even 15 mins. Unless the old man had been having sex regularly every day or even twice daily. So long your partner is fully sextified and orgasm then job done.
Here like to comment on your relationship with TC. Let us get real here.
TC and you are just money transaction. Without your money she will have to ditch you and go to find money. She may have to open legs to many dirty old men. IMO, luck can change pretty fast and depend on your year or month.
Whether it is mummy or hostess any of these gals are here to earn as much as possible at the shortest time. I seen enough of generous men who will part thousands of moolah just to hold hands with their hot gals. It is the process that the old men do enjoy and not just final encounter.
I had never believe everyday is rosy and everyday is bad.
Keep all your great postings coming and don't stop.
Please keep up your sexual exploits too.!!
19-07-2018, 11:53 AM
Bro WB
I like your thread and like to comment the post below. So hope bro will bear with me if I not courteous.
Very exciting life you have and very detailed describing your sexual relationship and actions. Not many old man can last longer than 20 mins and even 15 mins. Unless the old man had been having sex regularly every day or even twice daily. So long your partner is fully sextified and orgasm then job done.
Here like to comment on your relationship with TC. Let us get real here.
TC and you are just money transaction. Without your money she will have to ditch you and go to find money. She may have to open legs to many dirty old men. IMO, luck can change pretty fast and depend on your year or month.
Whether it is mummy or hostess any of these gals are here to earn as much as possible at the shortest time. I seen enough of generous men who will part thousands of moolah just to hold hands with their hot gals. It is the process that the old men do enjoy and not just final encounter.
I had never believe everyday is rosy and everyday is bad.
Keep all your great postings coming and don't stop.
Please keep up your sexual exploits too.!!
I like the description too.
Very great thread, thanks bro WB.
19-07-2018, 11:51 PM
Here like to comment on your relationship with TC. Let us get real here.
TC and you are just money transaction. Without your money she will have to ditch you and go to find money. She may have to open legs to many dirty old men. IMO, luck can change pretty fast and depend on your year or month.
Whether it is mummy or hostess any of these gals are here to earn as much as possible at the shortest time. I seen enough of generous men who will part thousands of moolah just to hold hands with their hot gals. It is the process that the old men do enjoy and not just final encounter.
Money is the glue that binds any WL/ML relationship during the initial phases. Heck, even real husband/wife relationship is largely money driven.
That said, these girls are human afterall and do have longer term desires like every girl out there. It's the exception to the norm of course and who can blame them given what they see on a day in day out basis. If a guy is good to them, even the most mercenary of girls would fall for him. The money gravy train would always be important, but they also yearn for happiness in the long run.
20-07-2018, 11:23 AM
Bro WB
Never thought that I will read your thread and arrived at Jan 1, 2011.
I totally agreed that is better to have a clean bill of health than to have all the money in the world and cannot enjoy life.
This message was important and many knew but didn't take care of their health. Knew a few friends and relatives passed away before 60 birthday. Read that you are senior and you called yourself "lau chi ko pek".
At your age you still very much healthy and sexually inclined. This is something that many men at your age may not be able to do.
A person should be happy everyday and no reason to be sad. A happy guy always lives longer and also luckier with pretty gals.
Will dwell further into your marvelous thread and comment if any.
Since is not new year today let me wish you enjoy a great day. May your laughter and good health keep all your LPs fully satisfied.
Cheers buddy. :D:D
Tks for your post.
Your chronological age is meaningless. What really counts is your biological age and metabolic age. How youthful and healthy you're.
Google metabolic age.
Bro WB
I like your thread and like to comment the post below. So hope bro will bear with me if I not courteous.
Very exciting life you have and very detailed describing your sexual relationship and actions. Not many old man can last longer than 20 mins and even 15 mins. Unless the old man had been having sex regularly every day or even twice daily. So long your partner is fully sextified and orgasm then job done.
Here like to comment on your relationship with TC. Let us get real here.
TC and you are just money transaction. Without your money she will have to ditch you and go to find money. She may have to open legs to many dirty old men. IMO, luck can change pretty fast and depend on your year or month.
Whether it is mummy or hostess any of these gals are here to earn as much as possible at the shortest time. I seen enough of generous men who will part thousands of moolah just to hold hands with their hot gals. It is the process that the old men do enjoy and not just final encounter.
I had never believe everyday is rosy and everyday is bad.
Keep all your great postings coming and don't stop.
Please keep up your sexual exploits too.!!
Bro, tks.
That was a long time ago. I'm learning Taoist sex and should last much longer.
Money is the glue that binds any WL/ML relationship during the initial phases. Heck, even real husband/wife relationship is largely money driven.
That said, these girls are human afterall and do have longer term desires like every girl out there. It's the exception to the norm of course and who can blame them given what they see on a day in day out basis. If a guy is good to them, even the most mercenary of girls would fall for him. The money gravy train would always be important, but they also yearn for happiness in the long run.
Bro, tks.
Well said.
Another auspicious morning!
"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."
Marcus Aurelius
Many bros hv brought up the subject of human relationships as money and biz transactions. I couldn't agree w/ them more.
I hv given my views extensively in the past. I'll just summarize it here.
IMHO, ALL human encounters, activities and relationships are forms of transaction and exchange of tangible and/or intangible things.
Why do I say that?
Supposing your dad disowns you and kicks you out of the house. He leaves zero dollar and asset for you in his will. He stops all communication w/ you and forbids any family members to contact u. Will your love for him change?
Many bros spend time posting at SBF to gain something, in the form of knowledge, info, rep points, expressing long-held beliefs, boosting ego, etc. It's a form of money exchange or transaction. Time is priceless to me. So you're spending money here.
Long-term BY-ing of a very chio SYT involves tiny money when compared to a legal marriage in which more than half of a man's assets are at risk. Additionally, he may even lose custody of his beloved children to his ex-wife.
If his SYT mistress gives birth to his kid, he will need only to support the child. It's his moral and legal obligation.
Quote my more recent posts. I was a different man 8-9 years ago.
Bro WB
20-07-2018, 12:16 PM
Bro, tks.
That was a long time ago. I'm learning Taoist sex and should last much longer.
Bro, tks.
Well said.
Another auspicious morning!
"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."
Marcus Aurelius
Many bros hv brought up the subject of human relationships as money and biz transactions. I couldn't agree w/ them more.
I hv given my views extensively in the past. I'll just summarize it here.
IMHO, ALL human encounters, activities and relationships are forms of transaction and exchange of tangible and/or intangible things.
Why do I say that?
Supposing your dad disowns you and kicks you out of the house. He leaves zero dollar and asset for you in his will. He stops all communication w/ you and forbids any family members to contact u. Will your love for him change?
Many bros spend time posting at SBF to gain something, in the form of knowledge, info, rep points, expressing long-held beliefs, boosting ego, etc. It's a form of money exchange or transaction. Time is priceless to me. So you're spending money here.
Long-term BY-ing of a very chio SYT involves tiny money when compared to a legal marriage in which more than half of a man's assets are at risk. Additionally, he may even lose custody of his beloved children to his ex-wife.
If his SYT mistress gives birth to his kid, he will need only to support the child. It's his moral and legal obligation.
Quote my more recent posts. I was a different man 8-9 years ago.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks for sharing taoist sex. Will read up and practise.
Fully agreed that getting up every morning is lucky and privilege day.
Haven't read finish to current year so will try to catch up.
20-07-2018, 01:28 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for sharing taoist sex. Will read up and practise.
Fully agreed that getting up every morning is lucky and privilege day.
Haven't read finish to current year so will try to catch up.
Taoist sex, interesting. Will read up too.
Thanks bro WB for this wonderful thread.
21-07-2018, 10:25 AM
After 2 months of fxking TC, I still find her highly attractive n sexy w/o makeup, in her bedroom...Rashomon effect? Gong Tao? Luckily she is leaving soon.
I like to share a recent article by another Ang Moh guru:
Before and After Photos of Victoria’s Secret Models
You see a beautiful woman, and you instantly freeze up. You feel like you *should* be doing something, but instead you just stand there with your dick in your hand.
One thing to keep in mind, is that a pretty face is usually a PAINTED face.
The face you see on the pretty girl is typically not the ACTUAL face you get in the morning.
And the girl you perceive as being a “9” or a “10” is simply a good trickster and actually more like a “7” in actuality.
Miranda Kerr
As an example, I present teen sensation and Victoria Secret’s model Miranda Kerr.
Here’s a glamour photo of Miranda with professional makeup and lighting.
In my opinion, her face at least is a solid 9 or 10. Pretty enough to sell women a dream, that they too can be sexually desirable.
Here’s a picture of Miranda with professional makeup, but under more normal lighting. Still very hot. If you saw her walking down the street, you’d think to yourself, “Wow, wicked cute!”
Now let’s take Miranda under normal lighting and WITHOUT makeup. As you can see, she’s still cute, if only because of her sheer youth. BUT she pretty much looks like any other college chick you’d find on any college campus.
Quite often, it’s almost purely the MAKEUP, her painted face, that is what makes a woman “pop” and look “hot”.
This isn’t come kind of new phenomenon. Take a look here at before makeup and after makeup of Marilyn Monroe. Professional makeup literally makes her look twenty years younger.
Don’t Be Fooled!!
Women can easily fool the male brain into thinking she has more reproductive value than she actually does – making her look much younger and healthier than she really is.
The reality is, most women eat poor diets that makes their skin unhealthy and look bad, and they lead sedentary lives that leaves them lanky with bad postures or get fat.
Women use the fast magic bullets of their clothes and makeup that mask that and fool naïve men.
That’s why really pretty girls are often VERY FRIENDLY to your advances. The WOMAN knows how she REALLY looks back to home without all the dress-up, and she’s actually very INSECURE about her looks.
You can exploit this “glitch in the Matrix” to your advantage...
And that’s why when some guy comes up and opens her directly with a compliment in a relaxed style with a smile, she’s typically quite attracted. The beautiful woman is typically looking for approval of herself from men, and they’re easily attracted to direct men who go for what they want.
So don’t let that pretty face fool you. Treat women the same, and you’ll break through the painted exterior to the real woman underneath.
Mr. Guru
Bro WB
Thanks for a wonderful thread and also a wonderful day too.
I agreed with you that Rashomon effect that once too long with a ger and man will find it stale. Sometimes need to find new ger for new challenge.
Love your example Victoria Secrets' model Miranda Kerr
A ger may only look good for a few years and after that may look terrible if you get to know her better. I dislike gers who have poor sanitation habits, pooer personal hygiene and poor public manners. In fact livingtogether is never easy and lots of compromise.
I hope my comment are valid?
Please comment.
Have a great weekend.
21-07-2018, 04:08 PM
Support very good thread by Bro WB.
Have a nice weekend :)
22-07-2018, 11:02 AM
Bro WB
Thanks for sharing taoist sex. Will read up and practise.
Fully agreed that getting up every morning is lucky and privilege day.
Haven't read finish to current year so will try to catch up.
Bro, tks.
Don't forget to give us an update on how Taoist sex has benefited you and your girls.
Taoist sex, interesting. Will read up too.
Thanks bro WB for this wonderful thread.
Taoist sex will fulfil trait no. 3: Supreme sexual confidence and enlightenment. If it doesn't make your dream gal fall for you and addicted to you, nothing else will.
Bro WB
Thanks for a wonderful thread and also a wonderful day too.
I agreed with you that Rashomon effect that once too long with a ger and man will find it stale. Sometimes need to find new ger for new challenge.
Love your example Victoria Secrets' model Miranda Kerr
A ger may only look good for a few years and after that may look terrible if you get to know her better. I dislike gers who have poor sanitation habits, pooer personal hygiene and poor public manners. In fact livingtogether is never easy and lots of compromise.
I hope my comment are valid?
Please comment.
Have a great weekend.
Thank you for quoting this excellent article.
Miranda Kerr is not my type even when she was 18.
Actually, only very, very few 16-19 yo SYTs look youthful and cute without makeup. And they will lose their youthfulness and cuteness very quickly. 有如昙花一现。I'm being brutally honest and objective. I only want THE prettiest and cutest SYTs w/ good character, above average intelligence, frugality, persistence, etc.
I see many HFJ patrons who like to hang big flowers on singers who look old and ugly, despite heavily painted face, extensive plastic surgery, repeated injections on the face and various other parts of the body and limbs, augmented boobs/butt, fanciful hairdo, beautiful long party gowns and 15-20cm heel platform shoes and the beneficial effect of dim light.
The only thing that is attractive to me is the dress.
AND, most of the successful singers are narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic gold diggers.
Why do these patrons hang big flowers?
Ego boosting is the primary reason. A patron could quietly transfer 1 Billion USD to his girl, without anyone knowing it. The other reason must be money laundering...
Support very good thread by Bro WB.
Have a nice weekend :)
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
23-07-2018, 09:29 AM
Bro, tks.
Don't forget to give us an update on how Taoist sex has benefited you and your girls.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I did tried Taoist sex but wasn't very successful. I managed to pull out but still shot my load before I can try to use my 3 fingers to press the perineum.
Will try again after have more regular sex.
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