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24-09-2009, 06:15 PM
Hi guys, sorry for the long absence (from both the forum and the outings), felt that I've missed a lot!

Have had a lot on my plate to clear for a while now, am really looking forward to our next outing already! And hoping to see the famous dance moves of Bro Justime as well.

25-09-2009, 12:12 AM
.................................................. .................................................. ....
A brief update on my good fortune last nite.

Well, I had the good fortune of meeting face-to-face w/ the two undisputed MASTERS of BY at DC hh: Mr. Austin n bro justime. How many benevolent deeds did I do in my past lives to deserve such good fortune??

BTW, Bro justime is a dazzling dancer...

Other esteemed bros included marc5 n LDH (bro LKY who came later). I had a good time despite the fact that the gal who sat w/ me had a stuck-up attitude (a SH gal of Fujian parents). She left at 930PM.

Bro Warbird
Wah! Appears to me there was a "Summit" at DC!!! :eek: Must have been an eye opener to witness the Masters at work... :D


25-09-2009, 10:08 AM
Yo bro LDH,

Congrats on ur new BY! She is a sweet n pretty SYT! From Fujian some more, hehehe.

It was fun last nite, especially during the extension period.

- Bro warbird and bro LDH were both accompanied by Fujian gals; bro warbird's was a chio breed but her arrogant attitude killed all desire by any man. Bro LDH's XJ was forever sweet and shy.

Minor updates from me.

Waitress G will be dumped today. She was getting a little tad too sticky for my liking. However sticky that she was, she is really a nice, sweet and innocent gal.

On XJ, from the first time I met her till the last visit to DC, the bros can see that she underwent some transformation - a little more confident, a little more sophisticated.

Initially in bed, she was hesitant and inexperienced. Now she is one hot puss after just 5 sessions with me. Her BJ skills still suck big time, but her eagerness to please me is something I cherish. :)

I have allowed her to go back to work in DC on my conditions. Her BY deal with me was S$5K and with her working, she will no longer get S$5K from me. I will top up whatever difference from what she earns in DC to S$5K. :D

25-09-2009, 10:13 AM
Hi fellow party goers (HH @ DC - 23 SEP 09)

So here's just a quick post to thank you all for wonderful hospitality & delightful company. I enjoyed myself last nite and look forward to more such occasions. (Humble bow!)

Take care. Live life to the fullest in all you do!

PS: I told mummy D that since its her birthday, she can have a choice of so many yan dao's birthday candles to blow .... wonder if she actually took up on that silly offer :rolleyes:

Thank you too bro for a great evening!

You were charming all the gals from the meat parade, leaving all of us no chance. Coupled with bro DYBJ charisma and articulation of the love languages, I guess I may have to skip future outings... hahaha. :D

Heng ah, I found my gem before I met you... LOLz. kekeke.

Take care my friend, and we will cheong together again.



25-09-2009, 10:28 AM
It was a fun evening indeed seeing a number of "firsts" in last night outing at DC:

- Two grand masters bro Austin and bro justime in one KTV room; one is a great lover and the other a great dancer (the gals were amazed by bro justime's dance moves...)

- Bro warbird and bro LDH were both accompanied by Fujian gals; bro warbird's was a chio breed but her arrogant attitude killed all desire by any man. Bro LDH's XJ was forever sweet and shy.

- Bro warbird stayed for SH until late (at least a first in our outing) and was actively sharing jokes to us (actually to GO only)

- Bro LKY was late for HH (usually he was one of the early birds to scout for new bloods) and was partying with maximum energy and efficiency. Wondering what did he do before he came to us...

- Coincidentally, I had Liaoning gals for HH and SH and both have cup Cs despite one was tall and slim and the other was short and petite.

Btw, the SH one asked me to drop her home near DC and on the way, she kept playing with my little bro. So I had to stop at one secluded place and let her BBBJ me. Alas, I had too much to drink and couldn't come so bo-pian after 10 minutes or so I signaled her to stop. Eventually, I dropped her near her place and went home to rest with a half stimulated little bro...

A great outing for me. Cheers.

Yo esteemed bro marc5,

It was really a fun nite, especially the extension period...

You r a fast worker, bro. Couldn't come after too much drink? My didi would go completely limp after 2 shots. Now u know why I dun touch alcohol, hehehe.


Wow wat a happening nite.
Sorry my lords i had to leave early as my new found companion was feeling tired and i was in need of some PRIVATE TIME...alas....~~~~hehehehe
Great to see all had a jolly good time
Bro Marc5, I've not booked Friday yet unless i get a confirmation of the folks goin then i'll go ahead to do so.
Do let me know ya.........

My Dear Mr Austin,

We were honored by ur presence. Another new found companion? It appears that u hv a chio new found companion every few days, hehehe.

I'm still tired after 8 hrs of sleep...


Hi fellow party goers (HH @ DC - 23 SEP 09)

Sorry that I was unable to join you throughout. I had a little "service obligation" to fulfill as I was away for nearly two weeks. after prancing/dancing a little at DC - mainly to create some energy/buzz - i did continue with the horizontal rumba later which totally enervated me! :)

Anyway I just woke up a moment ago - (what a lazy sod I am!) I am impressed with bro warbird's energy. After an extended hours session, he is already up and about - its only 1010 am and he had already posted.

So here's just a quick post to thank you all for wonderful hospitality & delightful company. I enjoyed myself last nite and look forward to more such occasions. (Humble bow!)

Take care. Live life to the fullest in all you do!

PS: I told mummy D that since its her birthday, she can have a choice of so many yan dao's birthday candles to blow .... wonder if she actually took up on that silly offer

Yo esteemed bro justime,

I wake up at 8 AM everyday, a lifelong habit...

BTW, that 172cm dancer/singer NN at DC really wants u! With ur mojo, good looks n height, u should be able to get her for $6-8k a month, well below market rate for a DC singer. Do u want me to be ur red lady 红娘?

Looking forward to more outings.


Hi guys, sorry for the long absence (from both the forum and the outings), felt that I've missed a lot!

Have had a lot on my plate to clear for a while now, am really looking forward to our next outing already! And hoping to see the famous dance moves of Bro Justime as well.

Yo bro davo,

Still w/ that Fujian gal?


Bro Warbird
Wah! Appears to me there was a "Summit" at DC!!! Must have been an eye opener to witness the Masters at work...


Yo bro rolec,

It was quite a "Summit," hehehe.

I was honored to be in the same room w/ so many masters. I hv learned from everyone of them...


.................................................. .................................................. .......

On the subject of learning, I hv come to the realization that there is always room for improvement, even in a technique or method one is very familiar w/. This is true for every endeavor in life.

Take a special technique to induce intense clitoral orgasm called the W method. I hv tried it on a no of gals w/ mixed results. Some hv experienced fantastic orgasms but some hv not. It requires minor modifications, refinements n nuances not written or reported anywhere. One may also need to modify the technique depending on the individual gal. It's a trial n error thing. Once u know the exact method for a particular gal, she is at ur complete mercy. BTW, for those not well versed in female reproductive anatomy, ID of the exact areas may be impossible. This is just one of the many methods to induce clitoral orgasms. Then there is vaginal G-spot n deep spot, anal, mixed, hypnotic orgasms, etc.

The other overlooked factor is the rapport w/ the gal. She needs to trust u n be completely relaxed, secure n comfortable. He physical n mental state at the time is another factor which may be out of ur control. She is usually more receptive n horny n wet during ovulation.

Like the practice of medicine, which is not an exact science, love making is part art n part science n is subject to great individual variations...

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

25-09-2009, 10:30 AM
Coupled with bro DYBJ charisma and articulation of the love languages

ya ya ya, suan lor
It's ok dude, you'll see it again tonight lol
M appeared at the PERFECT time of my life...
To all the regulars, note booking ONZ tonight liao
9th Floor SH

25-09-2009, 10:31 AM
Unable to edit. Correction: Her (not he) physical n mental state at the time is another factor which may be out of ur control. She is usually more receptive n horny n wet during ovulation.


25-09-2009, 10:37 AM
ya ya ya, suan lor
It's ok dude, you'll see it again tonight lol
M appeared at the PERFECT time of my life...
To all the regulars, note booking ONZ tonight liao
9th Floor SH

Good morning my dear Mr. Austin,

Just ready to go to bed, I presume.

Yes, PERFECT time. In fact, every moment is a PERFECT time for u n me, hehehe.

Ths for all ur advice!! Take care!!

25-09-2009, 10:38 AM
My Dear Mr Austin,

We were honored by ur presence. Another new found companion? It appears that u hv a chio new found companion every few days, hehehe.

My dear WarBird, this is a long term companion and is not a WL hahaha
I finally get to reply cos I'm finally at HOME woohoo
So, a blessing in disguise i guess, I can be a normal "NICE" guy again wif M

Yo bro davo,

Still w/ that Fujian gal?

The fujian gal went back not too long after he had her for lunch, dinner, supper & breakfast lol incase you were not informed

Good morning my dear Mr. Austin,

Just ready to go to bed, I presume.

Yes, PERFECT time. In fact, every moment is a PERFECT time for u n me, hehehe.

No no, up from bed actually, fell asleep at home shortly before midnite.....boy am i drained hehehehehe
Now fully recharged and ready for more......

25-09-2009, 10:51 AM
My dear WarBird, this is a long term companion and is not a WL hahaha
I finally get to reply cos I'm finally at HOME woohoo
So, a blessing in disguise i guess, I can be a normal "NICE" guy again wif M

The fujian gal went back not too long after he had her for lunch, dinner, supper & breakfast lol incase you were not informed

No no, up from bed actually, fell asleep at home shortly before midnite.....boy am i drained hehehehehe
Now fully recharged and ready for more......

My Dear Mr Austin,

A long-term companion who is a non-WL is the best...;)

I was w/ a veteran choengster Mr. L (whom u met once ) at CJ the other day n both of us were interested in a couple of local "liquor" gals. They were both only 19 n quite chio. Mr. L said they r easier n cheaper than China gals to BY. But the approach would hv to be completely different...I'm a new born infant in this area.:(

Pls rest well my dear. You will need it.


25-09-2009, 10:55 AM
My Dear Mr Austin,

A long-term companion who is a non-WL is the best...;)

Tks my dear WarBird, yes, I've rested well, and FYI, the Ultimate Stroke has been superbly successful.
Another demon seed planted hehehe

25-09-2009, 12:29 PM
Minor updates from me.

Waitress G will be dumped today. She was getting a little tad too sticky for my liking. However sticky that she was, she is really a nice, sweet and innocent gal.

On XJ, from the first time I met her till the last visit to DC, the bros can see that she underwent some transformation - a little more confident, a little more sophisticated.

Initially in bed, she was hesitant and inexperienced. Now she is one hot puss after just 5 sessions with me. Her BJ skills still suck big time, but her eagerness to please me is something I cherish. :)

I have allowed her to go back to work in DC on my conditions. Her BY deal with me was S$5K and with her working, she will no longer get S$5K from me. I will top up whatever difference from what she earns in DC to S$5K. :D

Yo bro LDH,

How did I miss ur post?

You r getting a fantastic bargain!! XJ is a sweet Fuzhou gal which is great. Lucky u!! I hv noticed that there r important differences among Fujian gals. Fuzhou gals r less mercenary n more sincere compared w/ gals from Ningde areas who r very cunning n mercenary, 2nd only to those from SH.


Tks my dear WarBird, yes, I've rested well, and FYI, the Ultimate Stroke has been superbly successful.
Another demon seed planted hehehe

My dear Mr. Austin,

I was always a pleasure talking to u. I see that u got another soulmate! Sadly, I hv had none.:(


26-09-2009, 10:36 AM
Good morning to all esteemed bros!!

This is an auspicious moment despite the fact that I hv a stuffy nose n fatigue (flu?).

I consummated the BY process w/ GO yesterday. I'm very satisfied w/ her body n pussy but not her service...nonetheless, I was so tired that I could hardly stand up. I probably also contracted the flu bug from her.:(

As for tonite, my fren n I hv the good fortune of being invited to dinner n to watch the F1 race at the Fairmont Hotel, in a suite w/ a great view, by an American towkay. In return for his favor, I'll intro a chio n fair 23 yo PRC MM, a Beijing uni graduate who speaks quite good English, to be his companion. I told the gal dinner n watching F1 race only, the rest depends on their chemistry...hahaha. Am I becoming an OKT?

This middle-aged American, a mulatto, will be flying in n out of S'pore frequently on business n will be looking for someone to BY. He only wants a young n chio PRC MM, not local Chn, who speaks some English. He is prepared to be a lot more generous than I.

I'll also bring GO n another gal to watch the race. Luckily or unfortunately, they only speak a few words of English.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

26-09-2009, 04:06 PM
Bro, just to share my exp here...

it was many years ago, 6 i think. One of my buddys who went Tian An Men 2nights ago called me and asked if i'm free for dinner on sunday.

Sososo, it was because the gal he met at TAM wants to meet him for dinner, and asked him to bring another friend along as her "jie mei" also cumming. He told me he has never seen her jie mei before, it will have to be a stab in the dark.

My reply is, if the gal is not pretty, i don't want to go! haha, just kidding with him lah! Ok lor. I'm free anyway... (plus if they work in TAM cun be that far off right? :)

So we met at PacificMansions, where they are staying. Me in my STI and he in his Integra. Shit man waited for them a good 50mins before they came down.

It was worth it. Its a knocker! Her height is 172, waist is only 27! Long hair, nice smile, beautiful eyes. Wow... i'm a sucker for tall gals (i'm 17Usual chitchat, very chatty girl, said her friend worried going along with him and asked her along. Asked what i do and all the crap, me ask when she come sg etc...

She is from Hubei, used to work as a cosmetic salesgirl. Came sg more than 6mths ago, she don't go out with clients. Joking said i'm not a client right? She said yeah and smiled at me. Wow, look like (90%) this girl Erina Takamatsu:
Erina Takamatsu Casual wear 01 / StarCrea.com The Portal of HD quality Japanese top model photos (http://starcrea.com/0807c/s2/33.htm)

to cut it short, after 3 rounds of dinner every sunday (they on off i think) and a LV bag that cost me $2800, (i cun wait liao, gnn) it was free for another half year. :)

To be continued....

27-09-2009, 01:14 AM
it was many years ago, 6 i think. One of my buddys who went Tian An Men 2nights ago called me...

I'm confused by this statement.... :confused:

27-09-2009, 02:52 AM
Story happened 6 years ago. Same buddy who gave him this kangtao, went to TAM two nights ago from today. Completely irrelevant. Then "Sunday" also happened 6 years ago. Not that it mattered if it was Sunday or not. Is that right? :confused: :p

27-09-2009, 05:58 AM
Sorry for the misunderstanding, waht i meant was;

It happened 6yrs ago
And 6yrs ago he call me one night, and said that 2days ago he went TAM.


Bro, just to share my exp here...

it was many years ago, 6 i think. One of my buddys who went Tian An Men 2nights ago called me and asked if i'm free for dinner on sunday.

Sososo, it was because the gal he met at TAM wants to meet him for dinner, and asked him to bring another friend along as her "jie mei" also cumming. He told me he has never seen her jie mei before, it will have to be a stab in the dark.

My reply is, if the gal is not pretty, i don't want to go! haha, just kidding with him lah! Ok lor. I'm free anyway... (plus if they work in TAM cun be that far off right? :)

So we met at PacificMansions, where they are staying. Me in my STI and he in his Integra. Shit man waited for them a good 50mins before they came down.

It was worth it. Its a knocker! Her height is 172, waist is only 27! Long hair, nice smile, beautiful eyes. Wow... i'm a sucker for tall gals (i'm 17Usual chitchat, very chatty girl, said her friend worried going along with him and asked her along. Asked what i do and all the crap, me ask when she come sg etc...

She is from Hubei, used to work as a cosmetic salesgirl. Came sg more than 6mths ago, she don't go out with clients. Joking said i'm not a client right? She said yeah and smiled at me. Wow, look like (90%) this girl Erina Takamatsu:
Erina Takamatsu Casual wear 01 / StarCrea.com The Portal of HD quality Japanese top model photos (http://starcrea.com/0807c/s2/33.htm)

to cut it short, after 3 rounds of dinner every sunday (they on off i think) and a LV bag that cost me $2800, (i cun wait liao, gnn) it was free for another half year. :)

To be continued....

27-09-2009, 08:50 AM
Hi Brother Warbird

You said your $$$ (fortune) is due to a recent lucky streak.

Could you let us know whether the lucky streak was because your business had been doing well recently, or is it due to your investment in stocks and shares etc, or is it thanks to a lottery strike?

I struck lottery recently and after reading through all the posts here, am very tempted to BY one myself (I am still single but getting on in years, almost 50 liao).

Thanks for any comments!

27-09-2009, 09:45 AM
I consummated the BY process w/ GO yesterday. I'm very satisfied w/ her body n pussy but not her service...nonetheless, I was so tired that I could hardly stand up. I probably also contracted the flu bug from her.:(

Haha ! Brother Warbird,
The exercise must be very exhausting ! Hope you get well soon.
Ah, you should know how to treat yourself better than anyone else lah.
I am taking off later today and will stop over at HK.
Saw this beautiful girl on SEX141 and may want to try her service.
Hope I won't be disappointed.

Please take care of yourself and have lots of fun ! Happy Sunday!

27-09-2009, 10:35 AM
Bro, just to share my exp here...

it was many years ago, 6 i think. One of my buddys who went Tian An Men 2nights ago called me and asked if i'm free for dinner on sunday.
.................................................. ............................................
to cut it short, after 3 rounds of dinner every sunday (they on off i think) and a LV bag that cost me $2800, (i cun wait liao, gnn) it was free for another half year.

To be continued....

Yo bro FB,

Thank u so much for posting ur encounter w/ a PRC MM here. I 'm looking forward to reading the juicy details n blow-by-blow acct of ur strategies, KC n FJ...

I can't resist a chio gal who is 172cm, if she also has a sexy n proportionate body w/ small bony frame n slim extremities, hehehe. How old was ur gal?

The attached pic shows a cute Jap gal, but she is short, probably only 157.

Although u r not writing a term paper, but if u could just pay a little more attention to standard English usage, it would make ur story less confusing.

For example, when u wrote that "it was free for another half yr," did u imply that u didn't pay a penny more n yet u enjoyed her pussy, regularly, perhaps many times a wk, for the next 6 months? You didn't even pay for meals? If so, congrats to u!!

Pls do continue ur story...

I'm confused by this statement....

Yo bro CR,

It's a bit confusing.

Story happened 6 years ago. Same buddy who gave him this kangtao, went to TAM two nights ago from today. Completely irrelevant. Then "Sunday" also happened 6 years ago. Not that it mattered if it was Sunday or not. Is that right? :confused: :p

My Dear Issie,

I think you're right.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, waht i meant was;

It happened 6yrs ago
And 6yrs ago he call me one night, and said that 2days ago he went TAM.


Yo bro FB,

Ths for ur clarification. Pls continue ur story.


.................................................. .................................................. .......

Yesterday evening my fren managed to pick up all 3 gals n me n we all went to the lounge on the 23rd fl at the Fairmont. I thought I was in Gotham City as the majority of guests were Ang Mo. From the veranda, I could get a great view of perhaps half of the race track.

Unfortunately, the American MK didn't like the English-speaking PRC MM I intro, saying that he preferred someone w/ a little more meat...like her, pointing to my Dongbei GF. He didn't like GO either as she was aloof n cool. Actually GO was uncomfortable n felt out of place bcos she had never seen so many Ang Mo in her entire life. I told GO to leave early.

MK will be spending quite a lot of time here n has a suite reserved for him as he is on the board of the Raffles Hotel grp. I advised him to BY a local Chn who could speak good English.

BTW, I'm a bit indisposed w/ flu n will be out of commission for a few days.:(

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

27-09-2009, 11:30 AM
Haha ! Brother Warbird,
The exercise must be very exhausting ! Hope you get well soon.
Ah, you should know how to treat yourself better than anyone else lah.
I am taking off later today and will stop over at HK.
Saw this beautiful girl on SEX141 and may want to try her service.
Hope I won't be disappointed.

Please take care of yourself and have lots of fun ! Happy Sunday!

Yo bro besafe,

Ths, I'm fine.

Yes, very nice gal. The website is good. I hv tried their gals before. My advice is to stay at a hotel in TST n get the gal to ur rm by paying a bit more, for personal safety. Tell the OKT that u WILL reject the gal if she is not the same as in the pic.

But the top KTVs n saunas in Macau, though more expensive, r much better as u can see many young, model-type of gals in the flesh.

BTW, I just spoke w/ the 172cm Bingbing, for whom I wrote 2 detailed FRs, who is still in Macau. I offered to BY her for X amt of RMB every month, a steal for me. She accepted my offer n we will be staying together, hehehe.:D Only one minor problem: I want to stay in Xiamen, my ancestral hometown, where I hv relatives , but she prefers ZH, next to Macau.

I can't explain it but I like her more than any other PRC gals I hv ever met.:confused: Rashomon Effect? Gong Tao?

Have fun!!

27-09-2009, 05:23 PM
Hi Brother Warbird

You said your $$$ (fortune) is due to a recent lucky streak.

Could you let us know whether the lucky streak was because your business had been doing well recently, or is it due to your investment in stocks and shares etc, or is it thanks to a lottery strike?

I struck lottery recently and after reading through all the posts here, am very tempted to BY one myself (I am still single but getting on in years, almost 50 liao).

Thanks for any comments!

Yo bro EKP,

I hv been nursing a cold n staying home all day.

You hv mentioned a subject very dear to me: Luck n mathematical odds.

Yes, I hv had a long lucky streak...in many areas including business, stock investing n lately, even in BY game. Now my little head needs a good rest n is advising my big head not to BY another gal. I like to believe it's due mostly to right strategies n dogged persistence n only a little luck. Like they say, luck favors the prepared mind. But chance or randomness plays a very major role. Pls read the book "Fooled by Randomness," to understand the hidden role of chance in life and in the markets, hehehe.

If u take the world's 1,000 or so individuals, who hv a net worth of at least 1 billion US$, as a group, their financial success is not due to chance. But for each individual, randomness plays a much larger role.

If u play one hand of blackjack, even if u r the best counter in the world, u may lose. But if u play a 1,000 hands n if u hv a small odds, say 1%, in ur favor, ur chances of winning r very, very high. Ditto for poker.

I enjoy investing as much as eating pretty pussies. I like to calculate the intrinsic value of a company, both listed n private, based on many valuation methods, including discounted net cash flow. Unless a profitable co is selling for close to its net cash in the bank, on a per share basis, it's never an exact science. Perhaps 7-10 months ago, a handful of medium n small co, both PRC n American listed in the US, did fall into this category (net cash close to its net price). If u buy a stock at that lowly price, u r getting a profitable co almost FOC, hehehe. Several of those co hv seen its share prices gaining from 400-500% or more, from their nadir.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the calculated intrinsic value of a co is not an exact science bcos it depends heavily on what u think the future growth rate is (be it gross revenue, net cash flow or net earnings...). But the future gr rate is always uncertain. Even Mr. Buffett has never met a man (or woman) who could forecast the market accurately. Knowing as much as possible abt the co is only a useful first step...


28-09-2009, 12:55 AM
:( hmm so u r sick huh? do take care of yrslf as u need yr health for the fun... i jus came bk from PRC n really tired....hope to cheong with u real soon agn.... :D cheers

28-09-2009, 10:28 AM
:( hmm so u r sick huh? do take care of yrslf as u need yr health for the fun... i jus came bk from PRC n really tired....hope to cheong with u real soon agn.... :D cheers

Yo my esteemed bro AHGONG,

I'm indisposed w/ mild flu. Should be OK in 2 days.

I may hv been too greedy, averaging 2-3 BAO-ees for the last 1 1/2 months. I feel completely drained...I'm going to hv one at a time.

Just back from PRC? Did u go to Mayflower in CP?

Look forward to seeing u soon.

.................................................. .................................................. .......

Yo bro fukbuddy,

Pls continue ur story.


.................................................. .................................................. .......

Let me digress a bit n talk abt valuation of a stock or any other asset.

I hv mentioned that quantification of the intrinsic value of a stock is a vital first step. How would this help? In general we should buy a stock when the price is less than 50% of its intrinsic value. When to sell is more tricky. We would consider selling, at least a small portion of the holdings, if the price is more than 2X its intrinsic value.

How abt valuation of a gal for ST or BY? It's pure art...

Although there r generally accepted rates, valuation is very subjective n depends on numerous factors including individual preferences n rapport, KC (?), etc.

Just remember that one man's meat is...n reality is in the mind of the beholder. Then there is the powerful n mysterious Rashomon Effect, hehehe.

One should value a gal for longer-term BY (more than a month), not just on looks n figure, but on her other qualities as a person.

How much would u pay to BY Marilyn Monroe when she was at the height of her career, assuming she was ur type n u could afford her? BTW, u could get her for a pittance when she was a teenage Norma Jean. Personally, I much prefer the younger n yet undiscovered Norma. That would be excellent value, like buying a startup which will become the next Microsoft, hehehe.;)

Finally, I would encourage experienced n esteemed bros here to share their opinions n comments on this fascinating subject of valuation.

Ths n hv a great day!!

28-09-2009, 03:13 PM
Dear bro Warbird,

Rest well, recover quickly for our SH this wednesday!!!

Invitations will be sent soon...



28-09-2009, 07:49 PM

Thank you thank you Sifu Warbird!

I am totally bowled over by your intellect and knowledge. Looks like both of Sifu's HEADs are equally capable! <siao di wu ti tou di - totally prostrate myself before the Great Sifu>

I seldom follow any thread here for more than 3-4 pages but for this thread, I dare say I have read every post from the very beginning all the way here. Very impressed by the experts here and I have learnt a lot. Only thing is, I am a nobody, a homebody most of the time, a coward usually if you will, as far as looking at girls and holding eye contact are concerned. Have never been to a KTV alone. Have walked past many hair salons and turned away immediately the moment a pretty PRC inside looked at or smiled at me.

I will continue to read here and learn. Hopefully one day I can begin to put the knowledge gained here to work for me.


29-09-2009, 10:54 AM
Dear bro Warbird,

Rest well, recover quickly for our SH this wednesday!!!

Invitations will be sent soon...


My dear bro LDH,

Ths so much. I'm afebrile n feeling better today.

Not sure abt tmr, but still hoping to see u soon.

Best regards,



Thank you thank you Sifu Warbird!

I am totally bowled over by your intellect and knowledge. Looks like both of Sifu's HEADs are equally capable! <siao di wu ti tou di - totally prostrate myself before the Great Sifu>

I seldom follow any thread here for more than 3-4 pages but for this thread, I dare say I have read every post from the very beginning all the way here. Very impressed by the experts here and I have learnt a lot. Only thing is, I am a nobody, a homebody most of the time, a coward usually if you will, as far as looking at girls and holding eye contact are concerned. Have never been to a KTV alone. Have walked past many hair salons and turned away immediately the moment a pretty PRC inside looked at or smiled at me.

I will continue to read here and learn. Hopefully one day I can begin to put the knowledge gained here to work for me.


Yo bro EKP,

I'm overwhelmed by ur flattering words n effusive praise. But I'm no sifu. I'm just an armchair general who is lacking in real-life combat.

My first ever visit to a KTV was one yr ago n my first BY was consummated only 4 months ago.

You must become a self-assured, witty n unflappable gentleman to achieve ur goals in life. There r no alternatives. You may want to practice meditation n NLP to improve urself.

Good luck to u!!

.................................................. .................................................. ......

This is an auspicious day n I'm always living in the eternal present moment...

I hv made many mistakes in the past, in all areas of life, including but not limited to investing n BY. There r no longer mistakes as I hv learned my lessons n moved on, living only in the timeless now.

I was addicted to the game of BY n had 2-3 BAO-ees simultaneously for the past 1 1/2 months. If the SH gal SS wasn't snatched by another man, who no doubt is paying her twice as much at least initially, I would hv 4 BAO-ees at the same time!!

I still hv 2 currently n will not be looking for any more since I'm returning to Gotham City next month.

Let me share w/ u the power of a certain herbal juice which I hv been taking for over 2 yrs. I ran out of it 2 months ago but I was still able to achieve good potency every other day, quite good for an ah pek. So I stopped using it. Then I had difficulties beginning 10 days ago...I felt fatigued as well, n I got the flu, the first time in yrs. I believe this herbal juice is great for boosting immunity n male potency. I did get a few bottles yesterday, hehehe.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

30-09-2009, 10:50 AM
Another wonderful day to be alive...

I feel well now. I plan to meet my 2 BAO-ees today. I hv taken the herbal juice n I should be fine...

I'm going to quote some materials (in italics) which I hv just posted under bro justime's "Mistress" thread. They concern my personal n subjective preferences/quirks n also a subject that is fascinating to me.

.................................................. .................................................. .......

last spoke w/ JJ 1 month ago. Dun think she will be back. Gals who r 172 n taller dun do well in SGP as 95% of local men prefer shorter ones. My heartthrob Bingbing, a 172cm GL Cat150 PRC for whom I wrote my best FRs ever, had to return to ZH after only 3 1/2 months.

I hv an unexplained predestined affinity for pretty Chn gals who r 172 n taller n hv my body type. Although I hv met a number of them but I hv upped just 3 in the last 12 months: JJ n BB, both PRC, n Aries, a local FL.

JJ is 173 n prettiest of the 3, has natural c boobs, but her ass is not perky enough for me. 172cm BB is the next prettiest, has beautiful A boobs w/ pink tits, n perky ass n very proportionate body n slim extremities. I might add that her pussy is a perfect fit for my didi! The local Chn Aries is listed as 171, but she is closer to 172. She is the least pretty of the 3 n though the youngest, she looks older than her stated age. Has natural B boobs, but her ass is not perky enough n bony frame is medium. Her body is not quite proportionate.

There r a no of other tall gals I hv met. The dancer/singer at DC whom we met last wk is 172, but she is older n not that pretty. Her body is proportionate n slim though. I also met a 172 pole dancer at Armani. Unfortunately, she is not pretty at all n has muscular arms n legs! Very disproportionate body!

Facial beauty is very subjective, so I can't argue when a gal is said to be the prettiest. But I'm a perfectionist when it concerns a gal's body type n it's quantifiable n measurable. I used to carry a tape w/ me in my younger yrs, hehehe. I hv yet to meet a Chn gal who has a perfect body type (at least to me). A few Ang Mo gals, yes, when they were 18-20.

.................................................. .................................................. .......

Yes, I hv expanded the domain of the Rashomon Effect to well beyond subjective recollection of an event bcos it's germane to complex interrelated phenomena n all areas of human activities.

What we think n feel abt an event, a person, a stock, a book, a painting, a country n of course a pussy n just abt everything else in this Universe is subject to the same Effect n is influenced by our preconceived beliefs, bias, previous experiences, personal interests, social-economic status, physical health, emotional state, nationality, religion, cultural construct, dominant representation systems, our visual acuity, hearing, etc.

We only see n hear what we believe or find interesting. Reality is in the mind of the beholder!

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

30-09-2009, 07:46 PM
Hi to all the Sifus here

Just wondering whether sifus are willing to tell here how young you are? How do you keep fit? Sifu Warbird - could you tell us what is your magic herbal juice and where can we get it?


01-10-2009, 11:09 AM
Hi to all the Sifus here

Just wondering whether sifus are willing to tell here how young you are? How do you keep fit? Sifu Warbird - could you tell us what is your magic herbal juice and where can we get it?


Yo bro EKP,

Most of the bros here r young men. Me ah pek lah, although in cheonging, I'm a mere Toddler Todd.

I'll PM the name of the herbal juice to u. Keep it confidential. Not sure if it will work for every man though. You need to take it on a long-term basis.

.................................................. .................................................. .......

Today is PRC National Day! Wat an auspicious day n wat a perfect moment!

I hv not heard from the great Mr. Austin for some time. No posts either. He must be busy w/ his new soul mate, plus other new toys, hahaha.

I met GO yesterday n she made me very weak n tired again. Luckily my back is holding up well...

Any outings tonite? I prefer DC or TAM. Shall I organise?

I promised an old fren KK some time ago that I would buy her HK moon cake. Will try to see her today or tmr.


02-10-2009, 02:40 AM
I hv not heard from the great Mr. Austin for some time. No posts either. He must be busy w/ his new soul mate, plus other new toys, hahaha.

Yes my esteemed Lord WarBird, I've been very busy wif my new lost & found soul mate.
Its been very good and intimate these 2 weeks plus and its still very healthy.
As she's not a WL, no point mentioning her more over here, but as luck would have it, I was out for dinner wif her & my 2nd wife last nite & bro Fischer bumped into us, WOW wat a bloody small world.
Just last week, my new soulmate and me were at Vivo heading to Marche & bumped into bro OceanLee as well, lol, wat a small world.
She is now officially my full time GF & companion, note, no BY involved, she's loaded enuff liao hehe, so SH or the occasional HH still will go if time permits, but she'll be the one you see wif me & no one else.
It feels nice to be human again after so long playing wif ghosts hahahaha

I'm still contactable by phone, so you need me for anything, like bro LDH, gimme a buzz ya.....till then, cheers and keep banging my friend!

02-10-2009, 05:04 AM
But I'm a perfectionist when it concerns a gal's body type n it's quantifiable n measurable. I used to carry a tape w/ me in my younger yrs, hehehe. I hv yet to meet a Chn gal who has a perfect body type (at least to me). A few Ang Mo gals, yes, when they were 18-20.

MEASURING TAPE?! That's extreme! :p

02-10-2009, 09:12 AM
I'm still contactable by phone, so you need me for anything, like bro LDH, gimme a buzz ya.....till then, cheers and keep banging my friend!

Siang kar pager!!!! :mad:

Me hibernating for the time being and staying chill for some domestic affairs yet you still dig me out, DYBJ your majesty. Looks like I am back to donning an apron for a couple of days. KNN - its bad enuff being a male nurse, now gotta role play in the buff with the apron - nah nah nah. :D

You know the story so...yar, will be a good boy for a week or two. I am almost literally farked and cold shoulder'ed by my GF.

Wait till next week until my GF cools down, my friends - then we will cheong once more.

02-10-2009, 11:09 AM
Yes my esteemed Lord WarBird, I've been very busy wif my new lost & found soul mate.
Its been very good and intimate these 2 weeks plus and its still very healthy.
As she's not a WL, no point mentioning her more over here, but as luck would have it, I was out for dinner wif her & my 2nd wife last nite & bro Fischer bumped into us, WOW wat a bloody small world.
Just last week, my new soulmate and me were at Vivo heading to Marche & bumped into bro OceanLee as well, lol, wat a small world.
She is now officially my full time GF & companion, note, no BY involved, she's loaded enuff liao hehe, so SH or the occasional HH still will go if time permits, but she'll be the one you see wif me & no one else.
It feels nice to be human again after so long playing wif ghosts hahahaha

I'm still contactable by phone, so you need me for anything, like bro LDH, gimme a buzz ya.....till then, cheers and keep banging my friend!

My Dear Mr. Austin The Magnificence,

I was most honored to receive ur call yesterday. Your guidance n advice r truly timeless...

Only now do I fully appreciate the reasons u hv been referring to PRC WLs as "ghosts" n why they should be treated w/ "ghost words" n appropriate actions, etc.

I hv also been a lot more assertive n domineering lately, at least to PRC MMs n my BAO-ees. And u know what I did to GO, hehehe...

Frankly, I rather receive a call from u than from any China MMs, including my heartthrob BB. Why? They r ALL expendable! But u r the one n only Mr. Austin The Magnificence!

Also my heartfelt congrats to u for finding a new long-lost soul mate, a former beauty queen some more. You mojo attracts all the wonderful things n persons to u...

I hv never had a soul mate w/ whom I could share all my deepest secrets n dreams...I realize that many men n women would go thru life w/o ever having one. I believe one must hv the right INNER qualities to attract such a companion. A little luck would certainly help but one will never bump into a soul mate by chance alone. Well, I hv not given up yet...n I need to develop my inner purpose n live one moment at the time.

S'pore is really a tiny country n I'm not surprised that u hv bumped into some SBF bros. I need to be more discrete bcos I certainly dun wish to be seen w/ a young PRC MM by certain frens n relatives.

I'll be returning to Gotham City soon. I'll miss u n many other esteemed bros...I'll still contribute to this thread regularly though.

Take good care, bro.

Until tmr,


MEASURING TAPE?! That's extreme! :p

Hi dear Issie,

Not just any ordinary "measuring tape."

Yes, to the nearest 0.5 mm n less in many situations. In my former profession, which utilizes many products involving high tech n applied engineering, being meticulous n exacting is a most helpful attribute. My clients should certainly be thankful for my perfectionist mindset n my attention to minute details, hehehe.

Still hoping to see u one day. Cheers!

Siang kar pager!!!! :mad:

Me hibernating for the time being and staying chill for some domestic affairs yet you still dig me out, DYBJ your majesty. Looks like I am back to donning an apron for a couple of days. KNN - its bad enuff being a male nurse, now gotta role play in the buff with the apron - nah nah nah. :D

You know the story so...yar, will be a good boy for a week or two. I am almost literally farked and cold shoulder'ed by my GF.

Wait till next week until my GF cools down, my friends - then we will cheong once more.

Yo dear bro LDH,

Time to relax n chill out, hehehe. Rest well my fren.

Despite ur young age, u might also benefit from that herbal juice. I hv taken that in the past 3 days n I feel better n less fatigued already.

It's not cost effective for an ah pek like me to BY more than a gal at any one time. I was addicted to the game, a very unhealthy situation as I could hv spun out of control.:(

Cheers n take care bro.

02-10-2009, 11:32 AM
Hi Bro DYBJ & Bro LDH,

Congratulations are in order!

Having a respite in "domestic bliss" is one ineluctable facet in a seasoned cheongster’s life. In the ebb and flow of life, it can get tiring to be on “pursuit mode” all the time; we all need a little downtime to savor and appreciate what we have sometimes.

Despite my chockablock of outings since I got back I still have not found a new BY. Ironically it is my SIN GF which provides me the best tender moments and sex – and I don’t have to ‘support’ or maintain her a single cent.

For me I have absolutely no issues with wife, gf (and any other significant other) to join me in any jaunts or cheong sessions. I know how to temperate the appropriate amount of wildness to suit the context.

So Bro DYBJ, if you are comfortable, you and your significant other are welcome to join me in a session. Since both of you can really belt it out a song – a sing song session suits me perfectly as well. Its always the company that matters!

Bro Warbird,

Notwithstanding the above, I am still casting my net wide. I am sorry that I didn’t respond to efforts to organize a session earlier yesterday. I was with an old friend, A. She is a LSS (Leading Stewardess) of an airline that is a “great way to f..”.

A is just shy of 30 yrs and she used to be BY by a famous local business personality. She is now sowing her wild oats before she get married early next year. And who am I to refuse her!. I met her four years ago (and had an on and off relationship since then).

Oh yah, NE, that tall dancer did send me the “autumn” SMS as she did you. It’s a “standard” mass SMS – which I usually disregard. This general SMS she sent have an intended effect in this instance. It reminded me of her. I don’t mind having a better look at her (to check see if she is indeed MILFY looking or that complexion really purportedly that bad under that cloak of make up).

So if you manage to organize a DC HH trip this evening, let me know. (Don’t think she cover HH though!). I can’t stay long today though – gotta meet SIN gf for dinner.

In addition, as per my SMS to you, I may do a trip to BS if I manage to clear my paperwork in the morning. Want to contact this particularly cute SYT that I saw during my last visit. One thing I really hate about BS is that the rooms are quickly snapped up – especially on Fridays during HH. See if my regular BS cheongster friends are going – I’ll invite myself if they get a room. Pay her for her time to "chu jie" with me and meet up at DC.

Alternatively, you may want to consider doing the BS thingy with me. (only problem is that I cannot the exact time presently).

Oh yes, in the flurry of activities I have forgotten to mention this: M, my Viet FB, will be in SIN on Monday. Not sure if her younger sister accompany her this time round. Will introduce you to her – she can be useful as a gateway to the world of “phos”. She speaks Mandarin and Cantonese fluently (quite unusual for Viet in terms of level of proficiency)!

Since M is my gf – or fb – qing ren etc …. (not BY), cannot pass M to you. However, leave it up to your own devices to “sian” her younger sis if she is here (of course with me facilitating on the background).

Sis Lady LD,

With so many places I cheonged in the past week (see “Mistress” thread for the whole litany), K has slipped my mind. Apologies. BTW do you operate during HH?

Talk about measuring tape, do you know that there is in a market a “rigged” tape measure. The tape measure is to produce a larger reading – this is especially useful for men with fragile egos when it comes to appendage size. And I got one as gift from one of my gfs…… :rolleyes:

02-10-2009, 02:00 PM
Hi Bro DYBJ & Bro LDH,

Congratulations are in order!

Having a respite in "domestic bliss" is one ineluctable facet in a seasoned cheongster’s life. In the ebb and flow of life, it can get tiring to be on “pursuit mode” all the time; we all need a little downtime to savor and appreciate what we have sometimes.

Despite my chockablock of outings since I got back I still have not found a new BY. Ironically it is my SIN GF which provides me the best tender moments and sex – and I don’t have to ‘support’ or maintain her a single cent.............................................. .................................................

Bro Warbird,

Notwithstanding the above, I am still casting my net wide. I am sorry that I didn’t respond to efforts to organize a session earlier yesterday. I was with an old friend, A. She is a LSS (Leading Stewardess) of an airline that is a “great way to f..”.

A is just shy of 30 yrs and she used to be BY by a famous local business personality. She is now sowing her wild oats before she get married early next year. And who am I to refuse her!. I met her four years ago (and had an on and off relationship since then).

Oh yah, NE, that tall dancer did send me the “autumn” SMS as she did you. It’s a “standard” mass SMS – which I usually disregard..... don’t mind having a better look at her (to check see if she is indeed MILFY looking or that complexion really purportedly that bad under that cloak of make up).

So if you manage to organize a DC HH trip this evening, let me know. (Don’t think she cover HH though!). I can’t stay long today though – gotta meet SIN gf for dinner.

In addition, as per my SMS to you, I may do a trip to BS if I manage to clear my paperwork in the morning. Want to contact this particularly cute SYT that I saw during my last visit...........................

Alternatively, you may want to consider doing the BS thingy with me. (only problem is that I cannot the exact time presently).

Oh yes, in the flurry of activities I have forgotten to mention this: M, my Viet FB, will be in SIN on Monday. Not sure if her younger sister accompany her this time round. Will introduce you to her – she can be useful as a gateway to the world of “phos”. She speaks Mandarin and Cantonese fluently (quite unusual for Viet in terms of level of proficiency)!

Since M is my gf – or fb – qing ren etc …. (not BY), cannot pass M to you. However, leave it up to your own devices to “sian” her younger sis if she is here (of course with me facilitating on the background).

Sis Lady LD,

With so many places I cheonged in the past week (see “Mistress” thread for the whole litany), K has slipped my mind. Apologies. BTW do you operate during HH?

Talk about measuring tape, do you know that there is in a market a “rigged” tape measure. The tape measure is to produce a larger reading – this is especially useful for men with fragile egos when it comes to appendage size. And I got one as gift from one of my gfs……

Yo esteemed bro justime,

A bit busy today. I'll go to BS w/ u next wk. Never been there before. Could u try to bring that cute SYT tonite. Yes, I'm trying to organise an outing to DC hh today. One bro cfm n several others will let me know. Are u coming?

I look forward to meeting M n her sister. Ths!

BTW, a fren has invited me to go to a new Thai club in town tmr nite for the grand opening. It's quite posh w/ live band n singers/dancers from Siam. There will be 40-60 gals,mostly SYTs. It's very inexpensive. Want to go?

If there is a session tonite at DC, I like to intro a fren to u. She is a chio 168 cm 25 yo Fujian gal I met at TAM. She is looking for a well-heeled gentleman to take care of her on a longer term basis. She wants her man to be educated n presentable. I believe u fit the bill perfectly.


02-10-2009, 02:45 PM
It feels nice to be human again after so long playing wif ghosts hahahaha

ah yes... its good to see bros here actually managed to find and treasure true and serious relationship...no offence to other sbf bros who have other lifestyle.... jus a tot from an DOM.... :D

How i wish mine would come sometime soon..... best wishes bro

May yr existing relationship stays healthy and last as long as possible.. cheers

03-10-2009, 10:19 AM
ah yes... its good to see bros here actually managed to find and treasure true and serious relationship...no offence to other sbf bros who have other lifestyle.... jus a tot from an DOM.... :D

How i wish mine would come sometime soon..... best wishes bro

May yr existing relationship stays healthy and last as long as possible.. cheers

Yo bro AHGONG,

Soul mate is a term sometimes used to designate someone with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and/or compatibility. A related concept is that of the twin flame or twin soul – which is thought to be the ultimate soul mate, the one and only other half of one's soul, for which all souls are driven to find and join. However, not everyone who uses these terms intends them to carry such mystical connotations.

We all should improve our inner qualities n living our inner purpose. A soul mate would then come naturally n effortlessly...

Not trying to be cynical, but I wonder if RS between 2 soul mates is "everlasting" in this impermanent Universe.


.................................................. .................................................. .......

What a wonderful n blissful moment!! This present moment is timeless...

I like to wish all esteemed bros here a very happy Mid Autumn Festival!!

Let me share w/ u a beloved Chinese poem to celebrate this magical moment. It's said to be the best poem ever written for the Festival:


明月几时有? 把酒问青天。

不知天上宫阙, 今夕是何年。







(苏东坡,中秋节 1076AD)

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!:p

04-10-2009, 10:41 AM
Good morning to all bros,

I hv become a laughing stock, at least to a few of my personal frens, bcos of my "abnormal" fixation n predilection for tall gals. One of them wants to "cure" me of my addiction or disease. He told me he would intro 2 VERY pretty n VERY cute n newly-arrived gals to me, n he would arrange for the meet-up outside KTVs, hehehe. They r both 19 yo n only abt 155cm. How could I refuse? I'll be thrilled if just one of them is as attractive as my long-lost "Pocket Venus."

On the subject of height disparity, my heartthrob, the statuesque 172-173cm BB, is a mere 5cm or so taller. My fondness for her is partly due to the fact tat my didi is a perfect fit...

I'm actually much taller n heavier than the average horse jockey in America. Successful jockeys r known to keep very tall women as their Gfs or lovers.

For example, Joe Talamo, the famed horse jockey who is under 155cm, has a current GF/lover who is 180cm.

The most extreme is perhaps the curious case of Tattoo, the dwarf in the popular TV serials Fantasy island, who was less than 115cm in height. His long-time lover was a 174cm young woman named Kathy. I wonder if his didi was a perfect fit for Kathy's meimei.:confused:;)

Cheers n hv a great day!!

04-10-2009, 10:47 AM
Hi bro Warbird: Kiko here, i love reading your post on Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs.

I up u points for your this thread and contribution!

Have a nice day !;)

04-10-2009, 01:50 PM
Hi bro Warbird: Kiko here, i love reading your post on Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs.

I up u points for your this thread and contribution!

Have a nice day !;)

Sigh...u have a lack of pts issit? Or prob u finally realised u have no more "frens" or "kakis" to cheong with ah...gg ard upping pple, sah kah them...but i tell u, word spreads fast, so i suggest u give up...:cool:

05-10-2009, 04:14 AM
Soul mate is a term sometimes used to designate someone with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and/or compatibility. A related concept is that of the twin flame or twin soul – which is thought to be the ultimate soul mate, the one and only other half of one's soul, for which all souls are driven to find and join. However, not everyone who uses these terms intends them to carry such mystical connotations.

We all should improve our inner qualities n living our inner purpose. A soul mate would then come naturally n effortlessly...

Not trying to be cynical, but I wonder if RS between 2 soul mates is "everlasting" in this impermanent Universe.


Ah, beautiful ideas and thoughts I wish I can afford. The definition of "soul mate" cannot be put more aptly by anyone else than bro Warbird. Perhaps it can be everlasting. But ironically, only in Death.

Through Death, a moment in time is frozen and immortalised for all of eternity. And what the both of you have at the moment you both perish, you hold in your soul till the end of time and what you have can no longer be transient. Death has conquered Time for the both of you and preserved your entwined souls in all its entirety and perfection. What you possess will be something far greater than Love.

And that in itself is my only reason for staying alive.... to seek my other half. The desire, the yearning to be whole and completed....

05-10-2009, 10:20 AM
Hi bro Warbird: Kiko here, i love reading your post on Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs.

I up u points for your this thread and contribution!

Have a nice day !

Yo bro kiko,

Ths for ur flattering words. I shall up u back asap.


Sigh...u have a lack of pts issit? Or prob u finally realised u have no more "frens" or "kakis" to cheong with ah...gg ard upping pple, sah kah them...but i tell u, word spreads fast, so i suggest u give up...

Yo bro Fischer,

Hahaha...words do spread fast...


Ah, beautiful ideas and thoughts I wish I can afford. The definition of "soul mate" cannot be put more aptly by anyone else than bro Warbird. Perhaps it can be everlasting. But ironically, only in Death.

Through Death, a moment in time is frozen and immortalised for all of eternity. And what the both of you have at the moment you both perish, you hold in your soul till the end of time and what you have can no longer be transient. Death has conquered Time for the both of you and preserved your entwined souls in all its entirety and perfection. What you possess will be something far greater than Love.

And that in itself is my only reason for staying alive.... to seek my other half. The desire, the yearning to be whole and completed....

My Dear Issie,

Ths for ur romantic description n interpretation of death. We all should be looking forward to such a serene n blissful event...

But I suspect even death is not final or everlasting...only the present moment is eternal n timeless, hahaha.:cool:

Ths for sharing ur beautiful thoughts...


.................................................. .................................................. ......

A lot has happened in the last couple of days but I dun hv the time to write detailed FRs.

Have a great day to all of you!!

05-10-2009, 11:25 AM
Good morning to all bros,

He told me he would intro 2 VERY pretty n VERY cute n newly-arrived gals to me, n he would arrange for the meet-up outside KTVs, hehehe. They r both 19 yo n only abt 155cm. How could I refuse? I'll be thrilled if just one of them is as attractive as my long-lost "Pocket Venus."

Cheers n hv a great day!!

:eek: hmm... interesting maybe we should exchange our interest in gals... me taking the tall ones n u taking the petit n cute ones....hahaha....sorry was bz last week so unable to attend your outings cheers.......

05-10-2009, 12:48 PM
:eek: hmm... interesting maybe we should exchange our interest in gals... me taking the tall ones n u taking the petit n cute ones....hahaha....sorry was bz last week so unable to attend your outings cheers.......

Yo bro AHGONG,

Long time no see. I hv very little time left in SGP. Pls call me for any outings. I want to go everyday.

I leave no stone unturned. I may not hv time for any new chio gals now, but I'll keep their ctc FFR (for future reference,) hahaha.

Actually, the absolute height is unimportant, it's a gal's facial beauty, cuteness, balanced n proportionate head/neck/body/limbs/bony frame n personality that truly matter...

A few other things r just important: how tight n wet n responsive she is. And services. Since I dun normally BY a gal who agrees to do ST, I usually wont know abt these other factors until it's too late.:(


.................................................. .................................................. .......

I hv some musings on BY game n investing. There r surprising similarities. I'll detail them in the future, when I find more time.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

05-10-2009, 04:07 PM
:eek: hmm... interesting maybe we should exchange our interest in gals... me taking the tall ones n u taking the petit n cute ones....hahaha....sorry was bz last week so unable to attend your outings cheers.......

Bro ahgong, I see that you are another fan of the ‘tall ones’. I am sure that there will be a fairly long queue should Bro Warbird decide to ‘discard’ his tall ones. Now that I know Bro Warbird’s and my tastes are relatively similar, you can count on me being part of the queue.

I have yet to date a PRC mei who is taller than me. I recently met a girl who is 1.78m from Beijing at one of the pubs in TP. Pity about her face, just missed the grade by “that much” on my personal aesthetic scale. But what the heck, I may be just willing to forego some points in the aesthetics department for height.

......I leave no stone unturned. I may not hv time for any new chio gals now, but I'll keep their ctc FFR (for future reference,) hahaha.

Actually, the absolute height is unimportant, it's a gal's facial beauty, cuteness, balanced n proportionate head/neck/body/limbs/bony frame n personality that truly matter...

Sometimes consolidation is good. Look at what you have presently have before endeavoring the new.

That being said, do leave a space in your FFR pagebook for M’s younger sister. She is rather short, but everything is quite proportional in the “limbs/torso/legs/neck/head” ratio. The only thing disproportional is the size of the protrusions i.e. mammary glands vis-à-vis the overall size! She is a tit-lovers’ dream girl.

Will go for a short biz trip to Malaysia for a while and then be back on Tuesday nite or Wed morning in your 'no stone unturn' quest of mei nu.

Ah, beautiful ideas and thoughts I wish I can afford. The definition of "soul mate" cannot be put more aptly by anyone else than bro Warbird. Perhaps it can be everlasting. But ironically, only in Death.

Through Death, a moment in time is frozen and immortalised for all of eternity. And what the both of you have at the moment you both perish, you hold in your soul till the end of time and what you have can no longer be transient. Death has conquered Time for the both of you and preserved your entwined souls in all its entirety and perfection. What you possess will be something far greater than Love.

And that in itself is my only reason for staying alive.... to seek my other half. The desire, the yearning to be whole and completed....

You are indeed a romantic soul Lady LD!

Despite the hard core reality paradigm that I generally operate on, at the back of my mind, I guess there is a longing for a twin flame/soul etc. I will attempt to explain why there is such a longing for a soul mate. People mostly use this term whilst talking about religion, but for me it is equally applicable to the love context too – especially when it comes to the notion of having a soul mate:

The term I allude to above is ‘existential loneliness’. It is a complicated philosophical construct to be expatiating on in the context of this forum. For now, we can just take it to mean that in the mere act of living, no one can really understand the recesses of your soul (to fully 100% understand nad apprehend you as an essence, your longings, your thoughts etc). Everyone is thus alone in this sense. No one else can enter your internal world so to speak.

As a result of this 'alone-ness', we as sentient beings create (some like to use the word “reify”) a construct/entity as a perfect being in the realm of “thoughts” so that we can pour out our deepest longing onto this construct / reified being.

In short, the notion of soul mate is an internal communication with oneself through a reified construct. (Hope not to “cheem” for most readers!)

Moving down a little from highfalutin theorizing:

1) I do share Bro Warbird’s notion that in the world of impermanence an everlasting love (that transcends time/lifespan) is a misnomer. Your life’s construct, your worldview, you love paradigm is constantly in a state of flux. Hence the likelihood of finding that perfect individual only exists in theory and not in real life per se.

(Personification of soulmate as a perfect being is but an “ideal type” – philosophers and social theorist reading here will no doubt recognize the term and appreciate what I am talking about above).

2) I shall ask the obvious: Why is there an inherent “monogamous” bias when talking about the twin flame/soul mate? Can you not have a multiplicity of soul mates? In fact the latter makes more sense; we are more likely to find compatible attributes in many different individuals rather than all compatible attribute in a single person/individual.

3) Hypothetically if such a soul mate exists – and the desire and longing to meet is so strong – the more germane question to ask is: what are the steps you take to make sure you meet him/her.

(Or do you expect that the Great Universe (or God) to arrange for fate to arrange serendipitous moments for you to meet him/her).

4) Speaking of the metaphysical, I shall just leave an open ended topic of discussion: How does the notion of the soul mate relate and interplay with related concepts such near death experience / reincarnation / afterlife? Afterall, the very term ‘soul’ has a “beyond this lifetime” connotation.

I have lots to write on the above but will desist. Don’t want to detract this thread of its reality element which is so evident. Theorizing / Philosophizing generally does not generate much interest in this forum, so I shall stop here.

Cheers all!

05-10-2009, 05:43 PM
Bro ahgong, I see that you are another fan of the ‘tall ones’. I am sure that there will be a fairly long queue should Bro Warbird decide to ‘discard’ his tall ones. Now that I know Bro Warbird’s and my tastes are relatively similar, you can count on me being part of the queue.

Cheers all!

hey bro justime....i m not into leggy gals but the opposite... :D i like demure and sweet cute gal..the fresher the better...(think last life i m a teacher hahaha).height wise is normally ard 1.58 to 1.65m the most...dats why i told bro warbird that we can actually interchange our taste of gals to see the other prospective view... so don't worry if bro warbird is discarding his stock... i won't be there to challenge you lolx.... cheers

06-10-2009, 10:28 AM
Bro ahgong, I see that you are another fan of the ‘tall ones’. I am sure that there will be a fairly long queue should Bro Warbird decide to ‘discard’ his tall ones. Now that I know Bro Warbird’s and my tastes are relatively similar, you can count on me being part of the queue.

Yo bro justime,

Very funny, hahaha.

The average height of my BAO-ees has decreased a bit, to 166.6 to be exact, in the last month or so, perhaps in part due to my frens' influence.

I have yet to date a PRC mei who is taller than me. I recently met a girl who is 1.78m from Beijing at one of the pubs in TP. Pity about her face, just missed the grade by “that much” on my personal aesthetic scale. But what the heck, I may be just willing to forego some points in the aesthetics department for height.

Sometimes consolidation is good. Look at what you have presently have before endeavoring the new.

That being said, do leave a space in your FFR pagebook for M’s younger sister. She is rather short, but everything is quite proportional in the “limbs/torso/legs/neck/head” ratio. The only thing disproportional is the size of the protrusions i.e. mammary glands vis-à-vis the overall size! She is a tit-lovers’ dream girl.

Will go for a short biz trip to Malaysia for a while and then be back on Tuesday nite or Wed morning in your 'no stone unturn' quest of mei nu.

Yo bro justime,

If I had ur looks n height n mojo, I couldn't imagine the no of chio gals I would get.;):D

The tallest Asian gals I ever dated r 173cm JJ n a non-WL Taiwanese gal of Teochew descent of abt the same height. BTW, I spoke w/ JJ a couple of days ago. She wont return to SGP. She just got her driver's license n sounded very happy. Is she some man's er nai? She would send some photos to my email n still like to meet me in HK. As for the Teochew gal, I almost married her a very long time ago.

BTW, I had a nice hh session at DC w/ bros LDH, LKY n my young fren last night. Everyone was happy! I reached "agreement" w/ a 25 yo very fair n quite chio gal from Inner Mongolia, a full-blooded Manchurian. She is a uni graduate who looks like an OL or teacher. Only 165 w/o shoes but she has the body type that I like. Very perky ass n proportionate body n limbs, hehehe. She is on social pass n will return on a student visa in 2 months. I should be OK w/ the herbal juice n judicious use of the big C.

Shall we hv an outing tmr at DC or TAM?

Cheers n hv a great day!!

hey bro justime....i m not into leggy gals but the opposite... :D i like demure and sweet cute gal..the fresher the better...(think last life i m a teacher hahaha).height wise is normally ard 1.58 to 1.65m the most...dats why i told bro warbird that we can actually interchange our taste of gals to see the other prospective view... so don't worry if bro warbird is discarding his stock... i won't be there to challenge you lolx.... cheers

Yo bro AHGONG,

Hahaha...I'm going to keep an open mind n look at some cute n petite gals, while not giving up on my leggy type.

It's very difficult to challenge or compete w/ bro justime...but luckily there r plenty of leggy ones around.:p


06-10-2009, 11:36 AM
BTW, I had a nice hh session at DC w/ bros LDH, LKY n my young fren last night. Everyone was happy!

It was a great night!

Although the quality of gals has dropped in recent weeks over at DC, bro Warbird, WB's young friend (herewith referred to as "The Manz") and myself have landed beautiful ladies.

The Manz ST'ed his gal last night and I trust he would have an unforgettable bonk. In my opinion, she is a stunner and exults great charm.

Bro Warbird, in his usual great form, picked an exceptional beauty from Inner Mongolia. This story, I withheld any further clues, will be told in its full glory by Bro Warbird himself.

For me; I picked a gal, named FF, fresh in Singapore (2nd day) to sit with. She is from Guang Xi and has a great smile. However, I detected that she has some skeletons in the closet and thus will not be making any formal offers to her until I ascertain what she is hiding. I felt her 32B boobs and they are soft and with small nipples. :D

BTW, She doesn't do ST. :mad: She is a project and not worth any BY.

LDH :p

06-10-2009, 12:15 PM
It was a great night!

Although the quality of gals has dropped in recent weeks over at DC, bro Warbird, WB's young friend (herewith referred to as "The Manz") and myself have landed beautiful ladies.
.................................................. ..................................
For me; I picked a gal, named FF, fresh in Singapore (2nd day) to sit with. She is from Guang Xi and has a great smile. However, I detected that she has some skeletons in the closet and thus will not be making any formal offers to her until I ascertain what she is hiding. I felt her 32B boobs and they are soft and with small nipples. :D

BTW, She doesn't do ST. :mad: She is a project and not worth any BY.

LDH :p

Yo bro LDH,

You hv a knack for picking newly-arrived beauties!! Wat is ur secret??!! My question is this, if it's FF's 2nd day here why do u suspect any skeletons in the closet? Unless she got BAO-ed on the first day or perhaps she has been here before.

Yes, it was a fun nite, hehehe.

Bro marc5 wants to hv hh outing tonite, but I can't make it as I'm going to hv dinner n whole-nite session w/ this Manchurian gal.

TAM hh tmr, ok?

Regards n until tmr,


06-10-2009, 12:44 PM
Yo bro LDH,

You hv a knack for picking newly-arrived beauties!! Wat is ur secret??!! My question is this, if it's FF's 2nd day here why do u suspect any skeletons in the closet? Unless she got BAO-ed on the first day or perhaps she has been here before.

Yes, it was a fun nite, hehehe.

Bro marc5 wants to hv hh outing tonite, but I can't make it as I'm going to hv dinner n whole-nite session w/ this Manchurian gal.

TAM hh tmr, ok?

Hi hi bro Warbird,

Am not too sure about Wed nite. Tuesday (today) is bad becos I have a Company Gala dinner to attend. I have not even prepare my speech... was so farked up and sloshed last night to even think about it. :D

What I suspect about my gal last night was that, she may have been in Singapore before. She has a call last night, the other caller was a male voice. She went out of our room to take the call and came back to tell me that he is a person she met in China. Wow - now in Singapore with a local line number - simply nothing short of amazing.

She went up to 4th floor to meet him from what she told me. She asked me if I wanted to extend SH but I rejected. I gave her a fat tip and she asked if we will meet again (ha!). Told her that it will depend on my mood and how pleased am I with a gal to RTP. She promptly showed me the other guy's mobile phone number... hahaha. While talking, the phone rang twice and she rejected both times. :eek:

Comparing to your gal, this one is not even worth $1K. I think I will work on a FOC ST and return her to the other guy, freshly and ruthlessly farked - this will be my personal mandate.

For SH, bro LKY and moi sat out in DC main hall to enjoy a good look at the singers.

LDH :cool:


07-10-2009, 09:57 AM
Good morning to all fellow samsters. This is a great moment to be alive! Every moment is magical...

I got zapped 4 pts:

"Picking up KTV gals... 06-10-2009 05:41 PM For upping up Kiko."

I guess the esteemed zapper didn't know that MY WORD IS MY BOND. Just read my siggy:

"If u up me, leave ur nick n PM me. I GUARANTEE to reciprocate ASAP."

Let me reiterate: MY WORD IS MY BOND N YOU CAN COUNT ON MY GUARANTEE. There will be NO exceptions.

Good day!!

Hi hi bro Warbird,

Am not too sure about Wed nite. Tuesday (today) is bad becos I have a Company Gala dinner to attend. I have not even prepare my speech... was so farked up and sloshed last night to even think about it. :D

What I suspect about my gal last night was that, she may have been in Singapore before. She has a call last night, the other caller was a male voice. She went out of our room to take the call and came back to tell me that he is a person she met in China. Wow - now in Singapore with a local line number - simply nothing short of amazing.

She went up to 4th floor to meet him from what she told me. She asked me if I wanted to extend SH but I rejected. I gave her a fat tip and she asked if we will meet again (ha!). Told her that it will depend on my mood and how pleased am I with a gal to RTP. She promptly showed me the other guy's mobile phone number... hahaha. While talking, the phone rang twice and she rejected both times. :eek:

Comparing to your gal, this one is not even worth $1K. I think I will work on a FOC ST and return her to the other guy, freshly and ruthlessly farked - this will be my personal mandate.

For SH, bro LKY and moi sat out in DC main hall to enjoy a good look at the singers.

LDH :cool:


Yo bro LDH,

I'm sure a man of ur calibre is very resourceful n adaptable...n u must hv delivered a good speech last nite.

Your new gal FF is intriguing...I know u will accomplish a FOC ST on her, hahaha. Wow! You r fast becoming the most dangerous predator!

Last nite I took that Manzhou gal JY to a "secluded place" n released a small "suitcase" device. It was wonderful n I didn't know a gal could come so violently for so long. Of course the device's power is very modest compared w/ ur massive megaton weapons (not to mention Mr. Austin's). But the result was already much better than I had expected, hahaha.

BTW, she has a very balanced n proportionate torso/limbs, B cups w/ large protruding pinkish tits. Beautiful but a bit bushy abalone n tight cunt. Of course very very wet n violently responsive, hehehe. After the session, I only paid her half her wkly allowance, the rest before I leave.

Good day!!

07-10-2009, 02:35 PM
Yo bro LDH,

I'm sure a man of ur calibre is very resourceful n adaptable...n u must hv delivered a good speech last nite.

Your new gal FF is intriguing...I know u will accomplish a FOC ST on her, hahaha. Wow! You r fast becoming the most dangerous predator!

Last nite I took that Manzhou gal JY to a "secluded place" n released a small "suitcase" device. It was wonderful n I didn't know a gal could come so violently for so long. Of course the device's power is very modest compared w/ ur massive megaton weapons (not to mention Mr. Austin's). But the result was already much better than I had expected, hahaha.

BTW, she has a very balanced n proportionate torso/limbs, B cups w/ large protruding pinkish tits. Beautiful but a bit bushy abalone n tight cunt. Of course very very wet n violently responsive, hehehe. After the session, I only paid her half her wkly allowance, the rest before I leave

My speech was stunning last night... hahaha. My partners were amazed that I managed to pull it off - my secret is a nice clean massage place that bro LKY brought me to.

BTW, I am the rookie rook... how to be dangerous. :D

Tell me more about your device, I am a keen student of the ART. You can never be more than well equipped. :)

See you tonight!


08-10-2009, 10:20 AM
My speech was stunning last night... hahaha. My partners were amazed that I managed to pull it off - my secret is a nice clean massage place that bro LKY brought me to.

BTW, I am the rookie rook... how to be dangerous. :D

Tell me more about your device, I am a keen student of the ART. You can never be more than well equipped. :)

See you tonight!

Yo bro LDH,

I knew u would give a great speech, u hv the talent n the motivation...

With Mr. Austin honeymooning w/ his new found soul mate, YOU r now the most dangerous predator out there, hehehe.

The outing at DC hh last nite was great! Attendees included Mr. Austin, Bao King justime, bros marc5, ur sidekick LKY, two SBF bros W n J, n of course u n me.

You're right abt that Fujian bitch KK. She is always aloof n cold. I asked her to come bcos I wanted to give her a box of HK moon cake which I promised a long time ago. My word is my bond.

It's my personal impression that, based primarily on my very limited BY experience, gals from SH n Ningde region of Fujian r the most mercenary, cunning n heartless among all PRC MMs. Those from the Northern regions r generally more honorable n less mercenary...of course there r always exceptions.

As I'll return to Gotham City soon, I'm going to miss u n many other esteemed bros...but not the PRC pussies as they r expendable, hehehe.

Take care n hv a great day!


08-10-2009, 12:31 PM
As I'll return to Gotham City soon, I'm going to miss u n many other esteemed bros...


Bro Warbird, have a good journey and see you soon. Starting next week for 1.5 weeks, I will be travelling to Hong Kong, Taipei and Seoul for business meetings. So will not be able to chiong locally (but will do so overseas) :D

09-10-2009, 10:40 AM
Bro Warbird, have a good journey and see you soon. Starting next week for 1.5 weeks, I will be travelling to Hong Kong, Taipei and Seoul for business meetings. So will not be able to chiong locally (but will do so overseas) :D

Hi esteemed bro marc5,

Ths. I still hv a few days here. I'm organizing an outing to DC sh tmr n I hope to see u.

BTW, ur gal the nite before is one of the sexiest n hottest KTV gals I hv seen. She is in ur pocket, hehehe. You're THE ST King n u never overpay.;) I hv much to learn from u. In my next trip here, I'll keep just one BAO-ee at a time n then do occ ST...

Like u, I also get bored w/ a gal after one wk. My interest may drop to zero after 2 wks. But, unfortunately, I hv a very big problem in that after another 2-3 wks, I may start thinking abt that same gal again. If she is no longer available bcos she is back in PRC or being BAO-ed by another man, my craving for her could become unbearable. It's not KC as this has happened w/ many gals before. I now try to maintain ctc w/ almost all my previous BAO-ees. Just knowing that she is still available, even though she is in PRC or elsewhere, is often enough to quench my thirst.

I wonder if there r other bros who suffer from same syndrome? It's a life-long affliction as I especially crave gals who r no longer available.

When I was a young man, there was a very pretty 18 yo local gal who wanted to marry me n follow me to Gotham City. It happened so fast that I thought there was something wrong w/ her! I left alone n didn't bother to maintain ctc. But I started thinking of her after 2 months...came back in another few months n heard that she was already married! There hv been others...:(

Have a great trip, bro.



10-10-2009, 10:22 AM
Good morning to all esteemed bros:

Three bros n I are already confirmed for tonite's outing at DC sh. One new bro is coming just to watch soccer n hv a few shots of brandy! My interest is more mundane...I merely want to listen to a few of my favourite songs.;)

I'm trying to get a larger group so tat we could book the VIP room.

Yes, you're invited! Pls SMS me asap.

Hoping to see u soon.

Until tonite,


.................................................. .................................................. .......

BTW, I'm still committed to "picking up" chio gals whoever n wherever they r, not just KTV gals outside KTVs...

Just enjoy the process, live in the eternal present moment, one moment at a time, n dun worry at all abt the outcome or the future bcos they r nonexistent.


10-10-2009, 12:33 PM
I hv just been invited by 2 esteemed bros to join their outing tonite at CI sh on the 3rd FL of TAM building. They reiterated that CI sh is the gathering point, or shall I call it the Mecca, of chio PRC SYTs. :p

I couldn't agree w/ them more. But I told them the really chio SYTs hv already been booked n/or BAO-ed, excepting for those who hv just arrived within days. Furthermore, I hv met more than a few gems at the DC building...it's a matter of chance or luck...so I invited them to join me at DC sh instead. They could always book their chio gals n bring them to DC. They will give me their reply early this PM.

I'll definitely concentrate my effort on TAM hh n CI sh on my return here.

But tonite it'll be DC sh. Bro kern, who just returned from overseas yesterday, has promised to drop by to say hello.

It should be a fun nite!:D


11-10-2009, 11:05 AM
Good morning to all esteemed samsters,

Another blissful moment to be alive...

last nite's outing to DC sh was one of the best ever for me. I enjoyed immensely the company n camaraderie of 4 most esteemed bros. The selection of gals was somewhat limited on a Sat nite but there were a few gems. One bro had a chio singer who sang all my favourite Chinese songs extremely well...

I spoke at length w/ bro GoGoGo who owns a business n a no of properties in ZH. He answered all my questions re keeping a mistress there. I may go ahead n keep that 172cm BB there if everything goes according to plan. Setting up a shell co is a great idea. Ths so much bro. Will call u soon.

We had the best small rm in the joint: K.6 which is next to where all the idle gals gather in the main hall n is directly facing the stage.

BTW, a little over 5 wks ago, I was in the same rm n saw that young 170cm SH gal SS standing 5-6 feet from the dr at around 6:40PM. I approached her as I was attracted by her height n body type. I was a bit hesitant when I saw her face bcos she had quite a lot of makeup on n had her long hair down. I told her I was getting her for a fren n had to check w/ him first before she could sit w/ him. I then walked inside K.6 n she just followed behind me !!

She is actually very chio (see MR. Austin's comments) when she put her hair in a ponytail n had very little makeup on. Wow!!

I frenched her, squeezed her boobs n her ass inside a DC's rm the next day. She offered NO resistance at all. I could hv eaten her abalone that nite but didn't as I had 3 BAO-ees then!! I told her to wait 5 days. My big mistake bcos I lost her to another man. I'm now wiser.

Take home lessons:

1) It's now or never. When a gal offers No resistance to ur frenching, etc. in a high end KTV, her pussy is yours. But u must ESCALATE ur advances, preferably the same nite. If not, the very next day. I didn't escalate for several days while out w/ her alone. Very bad idea. Why? From a fearless, overconfident dominant male, I had turned into a nice wussy, a low-ranking beta man, at least in her subconscious mind.:( The same principle applies to non-WLs.

2) Paying well below market rate for someone w/ her looks, figure, youth n intellect. I offered a mere 5K a month while allowing her to work occasionally. In retrospect, she had dropped hint that she made a lot more running KTV. She is easily worth 10K a month. Another reason I made a low ball offer was the fact that I got her too easily!! I guess being a die-hard value investor has its drawback. There is a big difference between a chio gal n an undervalued stock, hahaha.:D

I feel fantastic right this minute. I learn from the past n plan for the future, but live in the eternal present moment...

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

12-10-2009, 09:49 AM
Another good day...

As I'm in the process of returning to Gotham City, I may not be able to post for several days.

I like to thank many esteemed bros here for their contributions to this thread. I hv learned a great deal from all of you. Your opinions, comments, insights, wisdom n criticisms r greatly appreciated.

For those bros who hv cheonged w/ me at various KTVs n other places, I like to say a big thank you. I really cherish your friendship n companionship n of course lobang...I'll miss all of you.

I'll be BAAAACK!!

Good luck n goodbye!!

.................................................. .................................................. .......

I'll continue to post here. Your continued support will be most helpful.


12-10-2009, 12:41 PM
Another good day...

As I'm in the process of returning to Gotham City, I may not be able to post for several days.

I'll be BAAAACK!!

Good luck n goodbye!!

Maybe Bro Warbird can continue to share your E(S)xcursion on Gotham City when you are back with us on your "adventures with the Gals there" :D
A familiar slogan "Just Do It" ...... ;)


12-10-2009, 07:49 PM
I wonder if there r other bros who suffer from same syndrome? It's a life-long affliction as I especially crave gals who r no longer available.

Dear Brother Warbird,
You are an incurable romantic as well.
Have a safe trip back.
Take care and stay healthy.:)

15-10-2009, 12:36 AM
Maybe Bro Warbird can continue to share your E(S)xcursion on Gotham City when you are back with us on your "adventures with the Gals there" :D
A familiar slogan "Just Do It" ...... ;)


Yo bro OL,

Too bad I didn't hv time to meet up w/ u on ur outings to H.

I'm in Gotham City now, trying to catch up on lots of paperwork...will rest n recuperate from my recent strenuous activities.

I like ur slogan "Just Do It." Dun forget to escalate when a gal offers little or no resistance...but never ever use force, ya.


Dear Brother Warbird,
You are an incurable romantic as well.
Have a safe trip back.
Take care and stay healthy.:)

Yo bro besafe,

Ths, I'll remember to be safe, hehehe.

Me an incurable romantic? Not really, I'm after their chio pussies only...n they know it.

Take care n be safe.


.................................................. .................................................. ...

I hv some further thoughts on KTV gals n BY. Will write FRs when I find more time.

Ths n hv a good day!!

17-10-2009, 02:45 AM
Greetings from the beautiful Gotham City!

I'll share my limited 4-month expereince of BY-ing KTV PRC MMs in SGP on a piecemeal basis. I'll write whatever come to my mind at the moment...

Over that peroid, I had BAO-ed 9 gals from 1-4 wks n there were times when I had 2-3 gals simultaneously. There were 3 other gals who had agreed to an arrangement but no consummation due to various reasons. One was sent back to PRC, the other was snatched by another man n one I didn't go thru bcos she demanded more in the last minute.

My first BAO-ee took me 8 months to bed, whereas I reached agreeemnt w/ the last 2 gals within 3 hrs of first meeting them. The very last one was the most satisfactory in many ways. I met her daily for 7 days!! I'll write a full report later.

I wouldn't divulge how much I paid them. Some bros thought that I overpaid at least some of them. I really disagree considering my time constraints n the fact that I'm an old chi kp pek. I also dun like to wait to bonk a chio n fresh pussy. Time is of the essence: It's now or never. Moreover, overpaying, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, hahaha. Everything in life is relative...

Your comments, criticisms n feedback, if any, r always appreciated.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

17-10-2009, 11:56 AM
Greetings from the beautiful Gotham City!

....... The very last one was the most satisfactory in many ways. I met her daily for 7 days!! I'll write a full report later.

I wouldn't divulge how much I paid them. Some bros thought that I overpaid at least some of them. I really disagree considering my time constraints n the fact that I'm an old chi kp pek. I also dun like to wait to bonk a chio n fresh pussy. Time is of the essence: It's now or never. Moreover, overpaying, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, hahaha. Everything in life is relative...

hi bro warbird,

greetings for Jakarta!

1) Noticed that you had a change in Avatar ! Any nice anecdotes to company this ;)

2) Payment is always relative. Just like we sometimes pay extras for express deliveries etc ... we sometimes have to give that little monetary nudge in order to consummate the deal a little quicker.

3) anyway, i had two nights ago concluded a patronage with an Indon lass (its my first time BYing an Indon). She is a cosmetic gal at a shopping complex. I will be arranging her to visit SIN soon for two weeks (an 'audition' of sorts).* Probably overpay a little but ....

anyway I did not "impale" her heretofore as she got mens. But her ancillary foreplay skills quite good.

For Sarah, I am paying her SGD2000 for her two weeks here excluding airfare and accommodation.

She is 1.7m,
Age: 20 yrs
body type: slim - a little thin category
complexion fair
okay command of English (my bahasa indon sucks!).

4) I am now a mini ASEAN:

i) M (my FB from Vietnam. Sister whom you have met is only okay, but she does photograph very well as evinced by the studio pics I saw)
ii) Paeng (my Thai GF)
iii) Sarah (my new Indon BY)
iv) J (My SIN gf - who is previously Msian)

Might as well go to the pubs at TP and find me a pinoy to "complete" the ASEAN "collection". :rolleyes:

Take care bro! Cheers!

18-10-2009, 01:50 AM
hi bro warbird,

greetings for Jakarta!

1) Noticed that you had a change in Avatar ! Any nice anecdotes to company this ;)

2) Payment is always relative. Just like we sometimes pay extras for express deliveries etc ... we sometimes have to give that little monetary nudge in order to consummate the deal a little quicker.

3) anyway, i had two nights ago concluded a patronage with an Indon lass (its my first time BYing an Indon). She is a cosmetic gal at a shopping complex. I will be arranging her to visit SIN soon for two weeks (an 'audition' of sorts).* Probably overpay a little but ....

anyway I did not "impale" her heretofore as she got mens. But her ancillary foreplay skills quite good.

For Sarah, I am paying her SGD2000 for her two weeks here excluding airfare and accommodation.

She is 1.7m,
Age: 20 yrs
body type: slim - a little thin category
complexion fair
okay command of English (my bahasa indon sucks!).

4) I am now a mini ASEAN:

i) M (my FB from Vietnam. Sister whom you have met is only okay, but she does photograph very well as evinced by the studio pics I saw)
ii) Paeng (my Thai GF)
iii) Sarah (my new Indon BY)
iv) J (My SIN gf - who is previously Msian)

Might as well go to the pubs at TP and find me a pinoy to "complete" the ASEAN "collection".

Take care bro! Cheers!

My dear bro Justime,

You must be having a ball in Jarkata.

BTW, my BAO-ee JY n I thoroughly enjoyed the sushi dinner w/ you, ur gal M n her younger sis last Sun. The VN sisters r exotic n sexy! Pls dun tell me u "tarma-ed" them, hehehe.;)

The sashimi was excellent n tasted almost as delicious as JY's raw abalone.:D

My new avatar is the gal I may want to keep in ZH on a long-term basis. I dun undestand why I like her so much. But dun worry for me just yet as I only hv slight KC for her at this time.

Congrats on ur new Indon "conquest"! Tall, slim n quite fair n only 20...I'm sure she is my type too. May I tag alone w/ u to Jarkata next time?

I really like ur "ASEAN collection." You're indeed a reponsible n civic-minded citizen as you r helping to promote goodwill n spread ur spunk in all ASEAN

You take care too bro.


18-10-2009, 09:44 AM
Bro Warbird,
The forum is a wee bit quiet without you drumming the roll.
Take care.

19-10-2009, 12:02 AM
Bro Warbird,

BTW, when will you be back to Sunny Red Dot? We all miss your presence...



19-10-2009, 12:03 AM
Hi bros,

Interestingly, I was finally zapped by someone who has no guts to leave down his nick. I was reading the post reference# for which I was zapped, didnt think I have mentioned anything past the line.

[Picking up KTV gals... 07-10-2009 03:39 PM zzzz]

Whoever you may be, the points means nothing to me. But your actions do say a lot about you and your personality.

Have a good week ahead.



19-10-2009, 01:52 AM
BTW, my BAO-ee JY n I thoroughly enjoyed the sushi dinner w/ you, ur gal M n her younger sis last Sun. The VN sisters r exotic n sexy! Pls dun tell me u "tarma-ed" them, hehehe.;)

The sashimi was excellent n tasted almost as delicious as JY's raw abalone.:D

My new avatar is the gal I may want to keep in ZH on a long-term basis. I dun undestand why I like her so much. But dun worry for me just yet as I only hv slight KC for her at this time.

Congrats on ur new Indon "conquest"! Tall, slim n quite fair n only 20...I'm sure she is my type too. May I tag alone w/ u to Jarkata next time?

I really like ur "ASEAN collection." You're indeed a reponsible n civic-minded citizen as you r helping to promote goodwill n spread ur spunk in all ASEAN

1) Didn't manage to Tarma just yet. Don't think M will ‘allow’ :rolleyes:

However I did see some incredible nude shots of her sis. Photograph wise, she's dam shapely (but with Photoshop and other software around, I'll reserve judgment until I seen the real goods with mine own eyes. And hopefully cop a feel too in the process).

2) Hmmmm, you tasted JY's abalone - got add wasabi?

Speaking of JY, I do find her rather appealing. Single eye-lid on an oriental-ish face coupled with nice height and proportionate body makes her an exotic and erotic proposition. No wonder you so smitten - accompanied her nearly everyday towards the end of your stay in Singapore.

3) Yes, I have covered four night spots / spas in JKT. Some of them got Russians (East Europeans) and our PRC meis too. (Prices similar to Singapore – maybe a little premium for the Ang Pais). And since Indonesia economic prospects and biz opportunities are very inviting - I can expect to be there more often.

4) Sarah still has some vestiges of mens so wait until tomorrow to consummate the deal. The only problem with this lass is that I think she is slightly infatuated with me and that the money seems to be an ancillary and not the crux of our relationship. This can become rather problematic when the time comes to 'release' her. (Thankfully I am quite well versed in the arts of 'breakup' - but still there will be emotional pain. Feel quite sorry for her as she is very sweet and a little naive. We will see what happens.....)

5) I did BY pinoys (last one about four years ago). Camille is mixed race pinoy with the typical Eurasian features. Just a tad shorter than JY and likes to go about braless. (Her pear shaped tits with pink nipples is so delicious that I find myself groping her every time there is a private moment!)

Anyway, just two months after our ‘relationship’, she invited me to her hometown which I foolishly acquiesced. The whole village thought that I was beau and expected some philanthropic activities from me. I did a strategic retreat with minimal damage to reputation.

This is what I learn: never ever go and visit your BY relations (especially extended family). You lose your home ground advantage and it changes the dynamics of power equation in the relationship.

For example, you cannot say outright that she is your mistress, yet to leave it to “girlfriend status” is deceitful and invite unnecessary future vexations. What I communicated to Camille’s family is that I will be taking care of her and look into finding her a job (and see how our relationship progress from here).

Happy ending: The last I heard is that she is now married (with two children) and living somewhere in Obamaland!

(This anecdote is a subtle advice with regards to the gal in your avatar should you venture off to ZH and decide to meet her family)


19-10-2009, 08:10 AM
Bro Warbird,
The forum is a wee bit quiet without you drumming the roll.
Take care.

Yo bro besafe,

I'm still posting almost daily. I'll follow up w/ more detailed FRs when I got more time.

You take care too.

Bro Warbird,

BTW, when will you be back to Sunny Red Dot? We all miss your presence...


Yo bro LDH,

Hopefully some time in Dec. A lot may depend on whether I hook up w/ that gal in ZH or not.

I also miss YOU n other esteemed bros...gosh, I had so much fun in our outings!

Pls continue to update ur latest conquests on these pages right here.

Best regards!

Hi bros,

Interestingly, I was finally zapped by someone who has no guts to leave down his nick. I was reading the post reference# for which I was zapped, didnt think I have mentioned anything past the line.

[Picking up KTV gals... 07-10-2009 03:39 PM zzzz]

Whoever you may be, the points means nothing to me. But your actions do say a lot about you and your personality.

Have a good week ahead.


Dun let zappers prevent u from sharing ur experiences n speaking ur mind. Your contributions hv been most valuable.

1) Didn't manage to Tarma just yet. Don't think M will ‘allow’...

However I did see some incredible nude shots of her sis. Photograph wise, she's dam shapely....

2) Hmmmm, you tasted JY's abalone - got add wasabi?

Speaking of JY, I do find her rather appealing. Single eye-lid on an oriental-ish face coupled with nice height and proportionate body makes her an exotic and erotic proposition. No wonder you so smitten - accompanied her nearly everyday towards the end of your stay in Singapore.

3) Yes, I have covered four night spots / spas in JKT. Some of them got Russians (East Europeans) and our PRC meis too. (Prices similar to Singapore – maybe a little premium for the Ang Pais). And since Indonesia economic prospects and biz opportunities are very inviting - I can expect to be there more often.

4) Sarah still has some vestiges of mens so wait until tomorrow to consummate the deal. The only problem with this lass is that I think she is slightly infatuated with me and that the money seems to be an ancillary and not the crux of our relationship...................................... ........................

5) I did BY pinoys (last one about four years ago). Camille is mixed race pinoy with the typical Eurasian features. Just a tad shorter than JY and likes to go about braless. (Her pear shaped tits with pink nipples is so delicious that I find myself groping her every time there is a private moment!)

Anyway, just two months after our ‘relationship’, she invited me to her hometown which I foolishly acquiesced......................................

This is what I learn: never ever go and visit your BY relations (especially extended family). You lose your home ground advantage and it changes the dynamics of power equation in the relationship.................................

(This anecdote is a subtle advice with regards to the gal in your avatar should you venture off to ZH and decide to meet her family)


Yo esteemed bro Justime,

M's sister is attractive but is definitely not as well endowed as her sis.;) Her photos r incredible though...

Yes, JY's raw abalone is fresh, sweet-smelling n yummy!:D No wasabi or any other condiments needed. Very juicy too, hehehe. I'll give a more detailed FR later.

Wow! You're an international entrepreneur n a roaming predator, hehehe.

I'm not surprised that Sarah is infatuated w/ u. If only I had ur looks, height n just half ur mojo...;)

Also ths for sharing ur experience w/ that Pinoy Camille. I doubt the gal in my avatar would ever invite an old chi ko pek to meet her family in Changsa. She was born in 1986 n I might be a lot older than her dad! BTW, she deleted all the photos in her QQ space a few days ago bcos there were a sudden surge of strangers trying to add her as fren.:confused:

Cheers n hv a great day!!

20-10-2009, 03:52 AM
Another auspicious day, another few dollars...

Just spoke w/ a dear SBF bro stationed in HK. He is a young man looking for a spouse. He has a respectable job n he dislikes SGP gals. But I warned him that gals in the Greater China region r even more 现实 n mercenary or should I say "prudent," bro Sam? Obviously wat I want n wat he wants r diagonally opposite.

As an old chi ko pek, I'm merely looking for the prettiest n youngest gals as mistresses. I'm sure there r many thousands n thousands of them who r my type in Greater China n I'll be like a hungry wolf enjoying a sumptuous dinner buffett at the Grand Hyatt, hehehe. :p

Unfortunately, it's much more difficult to find a suitable spouse who will be the mom of this good bro's future children. I advised him to expand his network of frens w/ young uni graduates in PRC. Advertise or use an agency. I told him to be active n relentless in his pursuit of a spouse, should be more aggressive than I'm in searching for BAO-ees. A lot more is at stake for him...

Since I'm here in Gotham City, I can only reminisce abt my past encounters w/ my BAO-ees, esteemed bros here r therefore encouraged to share their current n ongoing conquests n sexcapades. All r welcome! But I do expect such luminaries as bro Justime, LDH, Marc5, besafe, etc, to give their sexciting FRs. Juicy n explicit details will be be appreciated, hehehe.:D I'll give my own FRs in due course.

Ths bros n hv a great day!!

20-10-2009, 10:05 AM
[QUOTE=warbird;4210361] But I warned him that gals in the Greater China region r even more 现实 n mercenary or should I say "prudent," bro Sam? Unfortunately, it's much more difficult to find a suitable spouse who will be the mom of this good bro's future children. I advised him to expand his network of frens w/ young uni graduates in PRC. Advertise or use an agency. I told him to be active n relentless in his pursuit of a spouse, should be more aggressive than I'm in searching for BAO-ees.

Yes ! Need to be careful. However, there are many nice ladies for marrying around. Like my girlfriend

Since I'm here in Gotham City, I can only reminisce abt my past encounters w/ my BAO-ees, esteemed bros here r therefore encouraged to share their current n ongoing conquests n sexcapades.
Dear Brother, you can share with us your encounters in Gotham. How's the scene where u are living? Surely there are similar excitements. Have you consider shipping one of BYs to where u are? She will be totally at your loving mercy due to language difficulties, unless staying in SF

But I do expect such luminaries as bro Justime, LDH, Marc5, besafe, etc, to give their sexciting FRs. Juicy n explicit details will be be appreciated, hehehe.:D I'll give my own FRs in due course.
Luminary? I am just a miserable working man compared to the Big Boys named here.

I am sure Gotham is getting cold now, so please do stay warm and take good care of yourself. Looking forward to your juicy FRs.

21-10-2009, 03:07 AM
Yes ! Need to be careful. However, there are many nice ladies for marrying around. Like my girlfriend [/COLOR]

Dear Brother, you can share with us your encounters in Gotham. How's the scene where u are living? Surely there are similar excitements. Have you consider shipping one of BYs to where u are? She will be totally at your loving mercy due to language difficulties, unless staying in SF

Luminary? I am just a miserable working man compared to the Big Boys named here.

I am sure Gotham is getting cold now, so please do stay warm and take good care of yourself. Looking forward to your juicy FRs.

Yo esteemed bro besafe,

I hope u get married n live happily ever after.

Yeah, there r many chio Ang Mo gals, both American n European, in Gotham City but my encounters w/ them were yrs ago.

Never underestimate urself bro. U will always be a luminary in my book...


23-10-2009, 11:39 AM
Another blissful moment to be alive...

A Chinese adage 天下没有不散的宴席, 你不必过于伤感 should be remembered when BAO-ing PRC MMs. They all come w/ an expiration date. So dun be sentimental.

When It's time to say goodbye to a BAO-ee, whatever the reason n whatever the circumstances, I always make sure the parting is amicable. I also try to maintain ctc w/ them, wherever they are, cus after some time I may want to taste their pussies again.;)

Keeping the adage in mind, I met my first BAO-ee XX to say goodbye early this month. Though barely 22, she looked more like 25, was low-spirited n a bit glum. Working 13 months at KTVs in SGP had taken its toll on her looks n she was no longer the very chio n fresh student I used to like very much. That innocent gal, I realized w/ a tinge of sadness, was gone forever...:(

After dinner w/ XX, I rushed to DC at abt 7:20PM to join the gang. All 3 esteemed bros, LDH, LKY n my young fren the Manz, had a chio gal in their arms in the rm. I paced the main hall n up n down DC twice, no luck...even though I merely wanted a gal to sit w/ me for a couple of hrs, not searching for another BAO-ee since I only had little time left in SGP. Then bro LKY put his arm on my shoulder n we both went to look at the gals again.

There were perhaps 35-40 gals in the main hall. I spotted 6-7 gals sitting on the back of a long sofa. One attracted my attention. She was dressed like an OL n appeared to hv good height n proportionate figure n straight legs. Also very little makeup. I invited her to join me .

The gal was JY, just turned 25, 165 cm w/o shoes, 48 kg, slim, very fair. Nice boobs n perky ass w/ attractive head/torso/legs ratio n very small bony frame. She looked more n more chio as the nite progressed. She was a full-blooded 满族 but born n bred in Inner Mongolia. Following her graduation w/ a degree in business/accounting from a uni in Beijing, she had worked for a trading firm in Shandong for 3 yrs, but was laid off several months ago. She arrived in SGP over 1 1 /2 months ago on a social pass. I identified her as a kinesthetic n modified my speech n actions accordingly...

I liked her looks n body type. My sexual craving for her began to build up...before long I was salivating over her cleavage n shapely thighs/legs n my didi was swollen n throbbing.:eek: In my mind's eye I visualized how her nipples n pussy would look n how she would respond when I lick n suck them...I asked her for ST, but she said sorry, NO. I waited for 20 min, then popped my question. "How could I take good care of u? I hv only 1 wk left in Sin."

She didn't reply immediately. I made an offer of x amt to "take care" of her for a wk. She asked for clarification n details. She thought for a while, glanced at me twice, n then said OK. We also agreed on specific terms. She assured me that she had no prior surgery, childbirth, tattoos or scars, etc. Then I hugged her but she was a bit uneasy. Won't let me kiss her on the lips either. She whispered that pls not here, only when we r alone. I was displeased n as I had another BAO-ee n might only up her twice...sort of buyer remorse, I tried to reduce my initial offer, but she said forget the deal. I relented n told her we would begin our new RS tmr. I would pay half after the first session n the remaining towards the end.

I then requested some mummies to gather info on her such as whether she did ST, etc. The next PM they informed me that no ST or BY-ing as far as they knew. That was good enough for me. I met JY to consummate the deal that evening...

I met her everyday for the following 6 days! Quite a feat for an old chi ko pek. It was the most satisfying n memorable one wk for me n the best BY ever in many ways. I tested the "suitcase device" twice n her responses were explosive n violent n prolonged...hahaha.:D

Ths for reading n hv a good day!

23-10-2009, 10:55 PM
I am very curious.
What is this suitcase device?
Please pm me.

24-10-2009, 03:24 AM
I am very curious.
What is this suitcase device?
Please pm me.

Yo esteemed bro besafe,

I used the term "suitcase device" metaphorically as it doesn't involve the use of any tools or devices (such as vibrators/dildos) to achieve my mission. It's a method or a strategy. I only use my fingers, tongue n my 小第第, hahaha. It also refers to its modest power as a suitcase nuclear bomb vs. the mega-ton device possessed by Mr. Austin.

Since I hv taken an oath of secrecy, I can only talk abt the strategy in general terms.

There will be preparations. One should select the target carefully. A good rapport is a prerequisite. The gal must hv some liking for u n be comfortable w/ u. If u hv earned her respect n trust so much the better. Next u will need a safe place n hv many free hrs...

One should be deft at the various sex techniques. Practice makes perfect. So practice n practice n also improve ur general health n stamina. Use those methods that u r comfortable w/ n u may need to modify them to be effective in a particular gal.

The mission is give give ur gal the most intense, the most violent n most prolonged multiple orgasms she has ever experienced. She may appear to be convulsing n going into spasms...may be alarming to those who hv not witnessed it. Believe me, she will be begging u for sex. Could anyone imagine a young n chio gal begging an old chi ko pek to fxxk her brains out? Hahaha...:D

Isn't life wonderful?

Have a great day!!

25-10-2009, 12:53 PM
Hi bros,

Very happening week! First me and my GF split due to material diffferences, followed my me dumping XJ. Interesting indeed.

---------- Over the last 4 days ---------------
Nowadays, I am sitting out in the DC Main Hall enjoying the singers and dancers with my wonderful friends LYK, HT, BT and JB.

Last Friday night, LKY and I brought 5 singers from DC to JB's penthouse from 6pm to 9pm before sending them back. There were free flowing red wines sponsored by LKY, lotsa food and Whiskey by yours truely. As JB's swanky apartment was facing the city skyline, the gals were most impressed. This night at DC was a very memorable night for me... and the story is only known to the inner group of friends. :)

BTW, I briefly met with bro Marc5 this night at DC. He is back in town and its time to cheong once more.

Yesterday, LKY and I brought the gals for dinner in Mellinia Walk, Time2. Afterwhich, we went over to DC with our friend, JB to watch their performances. Coincidentally, it was the night of farewell for Yuki. Yuki was gorgeous last night and was hanged numerous flowers and a 皇袍. She put up a great performance indeed. I do not know Yuki but I must say she is quite a stunner.

Today's a lazy Sunday for me, too tired from 3 consecutive nights of SH in DC.

This coming Saturday, the gals will be going over to my place in Bukit Timah from the afternoon onwards to have a dip in the pool as well as to play some pools.

On the gal FF, I received numerous SMS'es from her while she is back in China. In all honesty, I never get to UP her whilest she was in Singapore. Nonetheless, we did stay in communication all these while. She is coming back to Singapore via Indonesia over the weekend and she even invited me to spend the weekend with her in Indonesa, which I have found some excuses to defer.

For all of everything else, I have been a really good boy this week. Really!!! :D


26-10-2009, 01:51 AM
Hi bros,

Very happening week! First me and my GF split due to material diffferences, followed my me dumping XJ. Interesting indeed.

---------- Over the last 4 days ---------------
Nowadays, I am sitting out in the DC Main Hall enjoying the singers and dancers with my wonderful friends LYK, HT, BT and JB.

Last Friday night, LKY and I brought 5 singers from DC to JB's penthouse from 6pm to 9pm before sending them back. There were free flowing red wines sponsored by LKY, lotsa food and Whiskey by yours truely. As JB's swanky apartment was facing the city skyline, the gals were most impressed. This night at DC was a very memorable night for me... and the story is only known to the inner group of friends. :)

BTW, I briefly met with bro Marc5 this night at DC. He is back in town and its time to cheong once more.

Yesterday, LKY and I brought the gals for dinner in Mellinia Walk, Time2. Afterwhich, we went over to DC with our friend, JB to watch their performances. Coincidentally, it was the night of farewell for Yuki. Yuki was gorgeous last night and was hanged numerous flowers and a 皇袍. She put up a great performance indeed. I do not know Yuki but I must say she is quite a stunner.

Today's a lazy Sunday for me, too tired from 3 consecutive nights of SH in DC.

This coming Saturday, the gals will be going over to my place in Bukit Timah from the afternoon onwards to have a dip in the pool as well as to play some pools.

On the gal FF, I received numerous SMS'es from her while she is back in China. In all honesty, I never get to UP her whilest she was in Singapore. Nonetheless, we did stay in communication all these while. She is coming back to Singapore via Indonesia over the weekend and she even invited me to spend the weekend with her in Indonesa, which I have found some excuses to defer.

For all of everything else, I have been a really good boy this week. Really!!! :D


Yo esteemed bro LDH,

Ths so much for all ur posts n ur willingness to share ur experiences in my humble thread. Your continued participation will be greatly appreciated.

Wat a happening wk!!! With Mr. Austin in honeymoon, YOU r now the top predator in Sin, hehehe.;)

You hv now upped up the ante by sitting in the DC Main Hall to enjoy the performances. Did u n other bros hang flowers? Wow! Damage for five singers from DC must hv caused a small fortune.

To continue to cheong w/ luminaries like u n LKY, I may hv to liquidate my stock portfolio held in Gotham City!!:(

Another place u n LKY should consider is TAM HH n CJ SH. Those 2 joints still offer the best PRC SYTs in terms of quantity n quality, IMHO.

There r occasional gems at DC n CJ where I hv found several most satisfactory BAO-ees. Must go very early to CJ to meet SYT students. I met 2 very chio n tall SYTs there at around 5PM, each on a separate occasion. The chio ones r usually long gone before 6 PM.

BTW, that gal FF is in ur pocket. I'm eager to hear wat u will do to her, hehehe.

Pls give my personal regards to bros LKY, marc5 n of course Mr. Austin n others...

Take care n hv a great day!!

26-10-2009, 02:06 AM
Hi all, I just saw this thread, didn't really read the tons of pages.

I live near pubs, clubs and bars, and always see those PRC and Viet MMs in and out of the bars. They are really very pretty and sexy, I have been wanting to just approach them to jio them to hotel and have a quicky, but always have problem. The problem is most of the time, they, esp. the more chio ones, are either on the phone with another guy, or already have an appointment with other guys. i'm afraid that when I approach them, the guy who booked her appear, then i paisey.

But seeing those MMs really make me salivate!!! Do you think it is ok for someone to just approach them directly and jio them to hotel? or maybe some of them will be offended

26-10-2009, 09:53 AM
But seeing those MMs really make me salivate!!! Do you think it is ok for someone to just approach them directly and jio them to hotel? or maybe some of them will be offended

Just go and ask lah... nothing ventured nothing gained...

Gian means muz action... near your house means muz tactical..:D

26-10-2009, 11:05 AM
BTW, I briefly met with bro Marc5 this night at DC. He is back in town and its time to cheong once more.


Yeah bro, I'm back. All systems go...Noticed that you were focus on the "stage performances" instead of "room activities" :D

Pls give my personal regards to bros LKY, marc5 n of course Mr. Austin n others...

Bro warbird, our best wishes to you as well. Let's cheong when you are back...


26-10-2009, 11:46 AM
…. I used the term "suitcase device" metaphorically as it doesn't involve the use of any tools or devices (such as vibrators/dildos) to achieve my mission. It's a method or a strategy. I only use my fingers, tongue n my 小第第, hahaha. It also refers to its modest power as a suitcase nuclear bomb vs. the mega-ton device possessed by Mr. Austin.

There will be preparations. One should select the target carefully. A good rapport is a prerequisite. The gal must hv some liking for u n be comfortable w/ u. If u hv earned her respect n trust so much the better. Next u will need a safe place n hv many free hrs...

One should be deft at the various sex techniques. Practice makes perfect. So practice n practice n also improve ur general health n stamina. Use those methods that u r comfortable w/ n u may need to modify them to be effective in a particular gal.

Hi bro warbird,

These three variables are something that I strived for:

1) “Next u will need a safe place n hv many free hrs...” Freedom of time is almost a desideratum for quality of life.

2) Some degree of financial independence plus multiple streams of income emancipate you from material constraint. (Kinda agree with Maslow Hierarchy of Needs on this point – we need to take care of necessities first before engaging in esoteric pursuits like romancing).

3) Health is wealth. “Practice makes perfect. So practice n practice n also improve ur general health n stamina”. Need to work out a fitness regime beyond the occasional dancing at KTV and “horizontal jogging”. Unfortunately I find golfing a bore and poor hand eye coordination means I totally suck at any racket games.

Hi bros,

Very happening week! First me and my GF split due to material diffferences, followed my me dumping XJ. Interesting indeed.

---------- Over the last 4 days ---------------
Nowadays, I am sitting out in the DC Main Hall enjoying the singers and dancers with my wonderful friends LYK, HT, BT and JB.

Today's a lazy Sunday for me, too tired from 3 consecutive nights of SH in DC.

On the gal FF, I received numerous SMS'es from her while she is back in China. In all honesty, I never get to UP her whilest she was in Singapore. Nonetheless, we did stay in communication all these while. She is coming back to Singapore via Indonesia over the weekend and she even invited me to spend the weekend with her in Indonesa, which I have found some excuses to defer.

For all of everything else, I have been a really good boy this week. Really!!! .

Good exercise in renewal you got there bro LDH. Out with the old and in with the new?

With my new Indo BY, my budget to take on a new BY (especially a PRC mei) is now slightly constraint – only can afford normal rates and not premium. (For me, “Normal” means $6,000 to $8, 000, premium means anything above $8K). Me not too deep pockets like you guys – selling rubbers only what!

So I gotta work in a little charm and KC factor instead of outright proposition.

That being said, I suddenly remember that dancer, (name forgotten) whom Bro Warbird recommend to me. Is she still around? How’s her dancing, can she move well? Feel like checking her out. Can I join in the HALL of fame to check he out if I am feeling better (presently nursing a light flu).

FF seems to be winning rave reviews with everyone in the aesthetics department. And she chose you to get close to ….. it is defintely your charm as you had not expanded much mullah on her. I had seen your suave ways during interaction – smooth operator man! (This is very kay-po of me, but can you point her out to me should we visit DC? Everybody seem to “siam” her despite her beauty – this somehow fuels my curiosity)

Hope to see ya soon bro .... cheers!

26-10-2009, 12:11 PM
Another place u n LKY should consider is TAM HH n CJ SH. Those 2 joints still offer the best PRC SYTs in terms of quantity n quality, IMHO.

There r occasional gems at DC n CJ where I hv found several most satisfactory BAO-ees. Must go very early to CJ to meet SYT students. I met 2 very chio n tall SYTs there at around 5PM, each on a separate occasion. The chio ones r usually long gone before 6 PM.

Hi Bro warbird, CJ during HH you mean. During "sad hour" (to borrow a respected brother parlance here ;)), CJ seem cannot make it ......

I live near pubs, clubs and bars, and always see those PRC and Viet MMs in and out of the bars. They are really very pretty and sexy, I have been wanting to just approach them to jio them to hotel and have a quicky, but always have problem. The problem is most of the time, they, esp. the more chio ones, are either on the phone with another guy, or already have an appointment with other guys. i'm afraid that when I approach them, the guy who booked her appear, then i paisey.

But seeing those MMs really make me salivate!!! Do you think it is ok for someone to just approach them directly and jio them to hotel? or maybe some of them will be offended

Just go and ask lah... nothing ventured nothing gained...

Gian means muz action... near your house means muz tactical..:D

Hi Bro Sequence, got to agree with bro aczeta here …a faint heart never wins no fair PRC mei over.

Anyway, as can be gleaned in this thread an elsewhere – exclusivity of relationship with a one guy is a rarity. They are always on a lookout for better and alternative prospects – notwithstanding whether they are BY or not.

Just a little anecdote: I had indeed approach a lovely PRC lass some time back. Whilst chatting her up, her guy came over. I simply apologized to him, said that I didn’t know she is taken and praised him for being lucky for finding such a beautiful gal and wished him all the best. (I had by then gotten her phone number already). After deliberating for a while, I decide to call her just for a chat. Guess what? As per the inevitable, she claimed that the guy is simply an ordinary customer and that she has to entertain/indulge him as he is a regular.

Yeah bro, I'm back. All systems go...Noticed that you were focus on the "stage performances" instead of "room activities" :D
Bro warbird, our best wishes to you as well. Let's cheong when you are back...

Welcome back bro marc …. Long time no see. Stage performance difficult to cop a feel …..

Yes I do miss bro warbird, although I cannot join him in a lot of his activities (as much as I would like), I do miss someone of his caliber to regularly organize sessions.

I am dam spoilt ….. come back soon bro warbird! :)

26-10-2009, 12:52 PM
Good exercise in renewal you got there bro LDH. Out with the old and in with the new?

With my new Indo BY, my budget to take on a new BY (especially a PRC mei) is now slightly constraint – only can afford normal rates and not premium. (For me, “Normal” means $6,000 to $8, 000, premium means anything above $8K). Me not too deep pockets like you guys – selling rubbers only what!

So I gotta work in a little charm and KC factor instead of outright proposition.

That being said, I suddenly remember that dancer, (name forgotten) whom Bro Warbird recommend to me. Is she still around? How’s her dancing, can she move well? Feel like checking her out. Can I join in the HALL of fame to check he out if I am feeling better (presently nursing a light flu).

FF seems to be winning rave reviews with everyone in the aesthetics department. And she chose you to get close to ….. it is defintely your charm as you had not expanded much mullah on her. I had seen your suave ways during interaction – smooth operator man! (This is very kay-po of me, but can you point her out to me should we visit DC? Everybody seem to “siam” her despite her beauty – this somehow fuels my curiosity)

Hope to see ya soon bro .... cheers!

Hi my good bro Justime,

The one that was winning rave reviews is XJ. Do not think many bros except LKY, Marc5 and LKY have met FF.

Let's do something for HH on Tuesday night, followed by casual SH in the Hall. What say you, bro DavO, bro Fishcer and bro Marc5? Bro LKY is certainly on as he is now having the hots for 2 singers 欣怡 and Cindy. He has more moves than I can ever imagine. Keke...

For me, I was going through a little bad patch 2 weeks back. Some bros were aware that I lost my business line in Latin America and some shipments were delayed by tropical (and political) weathers. These 2 factors caused me to lose lotsa moolah. Suddenly you were made to see who are your real friends vis-a-vis fair weathered friends. I was lucky, things turned around very quickly and my financial cash flow is now back to the healthy ranges. At one stage I was contemplating to sell off certain assets to finance the shipments. For me my promise is golden, which was why my partners in Brazil continue to support me despite Argentina, Chile and Bolivia stopped their partnerships. I can take this hit. Some gals cannot take lifestyle changes, they lose their tempers, be very calculative with you etc etc. I am sorry to say if any of my gals show such attributes, they are out of the door no matter how much I adore them. :mad:

As the weather changed positively recently, I found myself being attracted to one of the Singers, ##. Unfortunately, bro LKY has the some liking for her. He is the one with the deeper pockets and in his younger days, he will not hesitate to hang $4K to 5K a night on any singer. He has certainly mellowed down a lot. Whilst I was in room 1, I was already scanning around the stage during the 排排唱. Then I spotted a gem (very thankful for this!)... this is a personal story which I will disclose to our inner cheong group when we meet. A hint: for the first time, I did not have to BY anyone to gain affection or a relationship. :D

The dancer/singer that bro Warbird liked is 念儿. She was one of the 5 singers who followed us to bro JB's posh apartment last Saturday. Yes, bro JB kinda likes her loads. She is really a voluptuous dancer, I mean the movements. You throw Jazz, R&B or even Rock to her; she took it all in. Basically she provided all the moves during the romantic dinner at JB's place. It was also the place that moved me and ** relationship to the next level. I gave her a 皇冠 that night during her performance. JB also gave 念儿 a 皇冠. (BTW, bro LKY has some video recordings of the dance in JB's place and our party. Get him to show you when we meet! There was one video about me and ** that I wanted bro LKY to delete, not sure if he did just that.)

I think I am divulging too much here cos the hall is really very open. Anyway, if other bros do take notice, do pop by our table to say hello. We are always very welcoming to get to know more cheongsters.

Anyway bro Justime, you are already a charmer despite selling rubbers. I am very impressed how you managed to get the gals to flock around you without saying much. Truly a master!

Take care my friends, till we meet.



26-10-2009, 12:57 PM
Hi all, I just saw this thread, didn't really read the tons of pages.

I live near pubs, clubs and bars, and always see those PRC and Viet MMs in and out of the bars. They are really very pretty and sexy, I have been wanting to just approach them to jio them to hotel and have a quicky, but always have problem. The problem is most of the time, they, esp. the more chio ones, are either on the phone with another guy, or already have an appointment with other guys. i'm afraid that when I approach them, the guy who booked her appear, then i paisey.

But seeing those MMs really make me salivate!!! Do you think it is ok for someone to just approach them directly and jio them to hotel? or maybe some of them will be offended

Yo bro sequence79,

Just approach them, ask for their names, HP no n promise that u will book them when u are free. Be a fearless, overconfident n unflappable gentleman...

BTW, could u give me the names of the clubs? I would like to join u in the hunt when I return to Sin. Pls PM me.


Just go and ask lah... nothing ventured nothing gained...

Gian means muz action... near your house means muz tactical..:D

Yo esteemed bro aczeta76,

I agree. Just do it! It's now or never.

Yeah bro, I'm back. All systems go...Noticed that you were focus on the "stage performances" instead of "room activities" :D

Bro warbird, our best wishes to you as well. Let's cheong when you are back...


Yo esteemed bro marc5,

Welcome back!! Wonder if u could share a little of ur entertainment experiences while u were overseas.;)

I can't wait to cheong w/ u guys, hehehe.

Good day!

26-10-2009, 01:00 PM
Yeah bro, I'm back. All systems go...Noticed that you were focus on the "stage performances" instead of "room activities" :D


Lai lai, this Tuesday (Tomorrow) HH in room and SH in hall. Onz bo? :D


26-10-2009, 01:10 PM
Yo esteemed bro LDH,

Ths so much for all ur posts n ur willingness to share ur experiences in my humble thread. Your continued participation will be greatly appreciated.

Wat a happening wk!!! With Mr. Austin in honeymoon, YOU r now the top predator in Sin, hehehe.;)

You hv now upped up the ante by sitting in the DC Main Hall to enjoy the performances. Did u n other bros hang flowers? Wow! Damage for five singers from DC must hv caused a small fortune.

To continue to cheong w/ luminaries like u n LKY, I may hv to liquidate my stock portfolio held in Gotham City!!:(


BTW, that gal FF is in ur pocket. I'm eager to hear wat u will do to her, hehehe.

Pls give my personal regards to bros LKY, marc5 n of course Mr. Austin n others...

Take care n hv a great day!!

Harlows esteemed bro Warbird!

I am not a predator like you, bro Justime and bro DYBJ as yet. Not in their league yet. I just wanna relax and have some fun LOLz.

To be honest, yes all of us did hang flowers but I did not get to spend much on my singer. The rest of the bros also did not spend really much too - I guess its the environment and personalities that do the trick. Some folks pay the money but like to paw them all over, such actions made them feeling disgusted. The singers do share that they wanted people or environment that make them feel safe and emotionally secure. There are some bros who really treat them very well - kudos to this group of bros. However, there are some who treated them very badly. I have heard stories going either way and I prefer to use my own judgement on the one I am with. For the rest of the singers, its more of friendship base.

Re FF, I will update more very soon.

All of us miss you around, be back soon!



26-10-2009, 02:10 PM
Hi bro warbird,

These three variables are something that I strived for:

1) “Next u will need a safe place n hv many free hrs...” Freedom of time is almost a desideratum for quality of life.

2) Some degree of financial independence plus multiple streams of income emancipate you from material constraint.......................

3) Health is wealth. “Practice makes perfect. So practice n practice n also improve ur general health n stamina”. Need to work out a fitness regime beyond the occasional dancing at KTV and “horizontal jogging”...................

Yo esteemed bro Justime,

I couldn't agree w/ u more. Having multiple streams of passive income is very helpful in the BY-ing game. It fulfils 2 requisites: money n time.

Good health is of course just as important. But by "practice" I was referring to the disciplined n regular practice needed to "detonate" the suitcase device. It does require considerable mental n physical stamina. Prior to executing it successfully to JY, I had tried it on 3 other BAO-ees w/ only partial success. I might add that even this "partial success' was already a lot more powerful than what I had been accustomed to.:D

Good exercise in renewal you got there bro LDH. Out with the old and in with the new?.............................................. .............................................
Me not too deep pockets like you guys – selling rubbers only what!

So I gotta work in a little charm and KC factor instead of outright proposition.

That being said, I suddenly remember that dancer, (name forgotten) whom Bro Warbird recommend to me. Is she still around? How’s her dancing, can she move well? Feel like checking her out. Can I join in the HALL of fame to check he out if I am feeling better (presently nursing a light flu).

FF seems to be winning rave reviews with everyone in the aesthetics department. And she chose you to get close to ….. it is defintely your charm as you had not expanded much mullah on her............................

But one of ur "rubbers" is already heavier than most cars, hehehe.;)

BTW, the dancer was NE. Bro LDH should know if she is still around.

I would like to join all the luminaries at DC Main Hall as often as possible. Hopefully my lucky streak will continue...


Hi Bro warbird, CJ during HH you mean. During "sad hour" (to borrow a respected brother parlance here ), CJ seem cannot make it ......

Hi Bro Sequence, got to agree with bro aczeta here …a faint heart never wins no fair PRC mei over.

Anyway, as can be gleaned in this thread an elsewhere – exclusivity of relationship with a one guy is a rarity. They are always on a lookout for better and alternative prospects – notwithstanding whether they are BY or not.

Just a little anecdote: I had indeed approach a lovely PRC lass some time back. Whilst chatting her up, her guy came over. I simply apologized to him, said that I didn’t know she is taken and praised him for being lucky for finding such a beautiful gal and wished him all the best. (I had by then gotten her phone number already). After deliberating for a while, I decide to call her just for a chat. Guess what? As per the inevitable, she claimed that the guy is simply an ordinary customer and that she has to entertain/indulge him as he is a regular.

Welcome back bro marc …. Long time no see. Stage performance difficult to cop a feel …..

Yes I do miss bro warbird, although I cannot join him in a lot of his activities (as much as I would like), I do miss someone of his caliber to regularly organize sessions.

I am dam spoilt ….. come back soon bro warbird! :)

My esteemed bro Justime,

Missing me?? Hahaha...

Joking aside, I do miss YOU n other esteemed bros such as LDH, marc5, LKY, GoGoGo, WW, the mining tycoon RR, AA, DD n of course Mr. Austin...:cool:

I meant TAM HH n CI or CLUB INFINITUDE SH 3rd FL (not CJ or Club Jade) for the largest no of pretty SYTs. As for CJ, must go BEFORE 5:00 PM if u want to meet chio SYTs.

Best regards n hv a great day!!

26-10-2009, 02:30 PM
Harlows esteemed bro Warbird!

I am not a predator like you, bro Justime and bro DYBJ as yet. Not in their league yet. I just wanna relax and have some fun LOLz.

To be honest, yes all of us did hang flowers but I did not get to spend much on my singer. The rest of the bros also did not spend really much too - I guess its the environment and personalities that do the trick. Some folks pay the money but like to paw them all over, such actions made them feeling disgusted. The singers do share that they wanted people or environment that make them feel safe and emotionally secure. There are some bros who really treat them very well - kudos to this group of bros. However, there are some who treated them very badly. I have heard stories going either way and I prefer to use my own judgement on the one I am with. For the rest of the singers, its more of friendship base.

Re FF, I will update more very soon.

All of us miss you around, be back soon!


Yo esteemed bro LDH,

Ths for the details.

As I hv very little experience w/ singers, I guess I need to modify my behaviour a bit to woo these singers. I guess mojo n personality may be more important. Where is Mr. Austin?? BTW, my one n only singer-BAO-ee WP was arranged by Him. I got bruised a bit but managed to emerge largely intact. She remains a "good" fren to this day.;)

So DC HH in the rm n SH in the main hall will be the routine. May I suggest TAM HH n CI SH, at least occasionally?

Will try to return ASAP, hehehe.

Best regards too, WB:)

26-10-2009, 05:41 PM
Dear bros,

So sorry for being awol for such an extended period of time. Just came back from Shanghai, now in Japan, heading to Philippines later. Sad to have missed you before you headed back to NY, Bro Warbird, hope all is well there. And come back soon! Bro LDH, I can't wait to see your shiny new toy!

Can't wait to come back to SG soon for some bonking. I've been hungry like a wolf!

Cheers, Davo

27-10-2009, 02:27 AM
…….. The one that was winning rave reviews is XJ. Do not think many bros except LKY, Marc5 and LKY have met FF.

For me, I was going through a little bad patch 2 weeks back. Some bros were aware that I lost my business line in Latin America ….. These 2 factors caused me to lose lotsa moolah. …….Suddenly you were made to see who are your real friends vis-a-vis fair weathered friends. ………Some gals cannot take lifestyle changes, they lose their tempers, be very calculative with you etc etc. I am sorry to say if any of my gals show such attributes, they are out of the door no matter how much I adore them. :mad:

The dancer/singer that bro Warbird liked is 念儿…... Yes, bro JB kinda likes her loads. She is really a voluptuous dancer, I mean the movements. You throw Jazz, R&B or even Rock to her; she took it all in. Basically she provided all the moves during the romantic dinner at JB's place. It was also the place that moved me and ** relationship to the next level. I gave her a 皇冠 that night during her performance. JB also gave 念儿 a 皇冠.

Hi bro LDH, I totally empathize with your situation. I have experienced many a times fortune’s capriciousness and vicissitudes. In fact I am now in the process of rebuilding. By now, I have largely adopted the precepts of detachment and strictly operate from the perspective of living in the present and enjoying the flow of the moment – this including business transactions – no more fretting about outcomes!

现实 women are good for satisfying the loins but hardly worth cultivating emotional connectedness. In a way, I like 现实 women as the dollar note provide a short cut to their loins. Hate the tedium of courtship and the cultivation of KC!

Since I am currently ensconced in two emotionally fulfilling relationship (my SIN and Thai gf), other “ghost” (to borrow your parlance) are just there to satisfy my need for variety.

Oh yes, the elusive monikers are XJ (is she still plying her trade at DC? Dam curious to see her!) and the irrepressible dancer 念儿, the one with the nice height and lithe body. And yes, I am also curious to see her body kinesthetic.

Pardoned my naivety, but what is a “皇冠”? (I can only guess what is the literal and metaphorical meaning here!). Sometimes wonder how I communicate with all those Chinese lass with my “mission school” like proficiency of the language. Should have given more heed to Chinese lessons when younger – how was I know that by the next millennium, I would appreciate the wonderful Chinese beauties to the extent that I do - especially with the fact that my first gf is a minah during my secondary school days!

Yes sirreee, I would dearly love to meet you and all the masters (bow* and mimicking prostrating motions). However, I am presently still nursing a very mild flu, if feeling better I will certainly join you during HH (hate to spread those influenza virus around – so I will make sure that I am 100% okay. The Doc btw give an all clear with regards to H1N1!).

Also love to be part of the Hall of Fame (especially if I can see the singers and more importantly the dancers). Me got very strong affinity with dancers (in fact I BY one only last year!). However, at the time of writing, I am presently committed to serving my SIN gf for the nite so SH may be out.

If you don’t mind, perhaps I might bring along M, my Viet FB for SH (I too owed her some TLC servicing due to my business trip in Indon)…hmmm then again, I might just indulge her with some early afternoon delight and then look for new prospects during HH!

Whatever.....Contact you tomorrow. Cheers Bro.... and thanks for the wonderful and candid posting!

27-10-2009, 02:31 AM
If you don’t mind, perhaps I might bring along M, my Viet FB for SH (I too owed her some TLC servicing due to my business trip in Indon)…hmmm then again, I might just indulge her with some early afternoon delight and then look for new prospects during HH!

Pardon me ... what I meant is that bring along M for HH and not SH. Your call and approbation on this request. ;)

27-10-2009, 02:57 AM
Dear bros,

So sorry for being awol for such an extended period of time. Just came back from Shanghai, now in Japan, heading to Philippines later. Sad to have missed you before you headed back to NY, Bro Warbird, hope all is well there. And come back soon! Bro LDH, I can't wait to see your shiny new toy!

Can't wait to come back to SG soon for some bonking. I've been hungry like a wolf!

Cheers, Davo

Yo bro davo,

SH, Japan n the Philippines! Dun u do any bonking there?

Ths, I'm doing OK in Gotham City.

.................................................. .................................................. ........

Some random musings on BY game...

I hv one unusual problem.

I normally dun BY a gal who does ST n as a result, the first time I look at my BAO-ee's stark naked body is AFTER I hv agreed on the terms n I'm abt to consummate the deal. To avoid surprises, I try to get more info as to such basic services such as frenching, painting, BJ, positions n frequency etc. And I always ask if the gal has had any prior surgery, childbirth, large tattoos, scars, birth marks, etc. before making a final decision. Another question is visits from her big auntie.

Thus far I hv had only minor disappointments. There was a very chio gal from TAM who had agreed to my generous offer to BY n but when I asked her point blank abt childbirth, she became quite perturbed. Despite her denial I knew she was lying. She had long n slim arms which were unusual in women who carried small kids in their arms. There r always exceptions.

BTW, my standards r not high, just quirky n different. Of course I like a chio gal w/ proportionate figure. But there is an anatomical part which is even more important to me n yet unknowable beforehand: The appearance of her abalone.;)

An unattractive pussy or any unpleasant smell will turn my didi cold instantly. No negotiation or compromise here. A moderate bush is ideal. I dislike dark brown or black pussy, large clit or flaps (labia). I love pale n pinkish n aesthetically pleasing abalone which is edible n delicious.:D

Then the tightness n wetness of her pussy n her overall responsiveness r also of vital importance, something that can't be determined until I insert my didi...

Perhaps in my future BY I should suggest a test drive first.:D

Your comments, criticisms n suggestions will be greatly appreciated.:p

Good day to all of u!!

27-10-2009, 03:26 AM
Hi my good bro Justime,

The one that was winning rave reviews is XJ. Do not think many bros except LKY, Marc5 and LKY have met FF.
.................................................. .....................
Some bros were aware that I lost my business line in Latin America and some shipments were delayed by tropical (and political) weathers. These 2 factors caused me to lose lotsa moolah............... things turned around very quickly and my financial cash flow is now back to the healthy ranges............

As the weather changed positively recently, I found myself being attracted to one of the Singers, ##. Unfortunately, bro LKY has the some liking for her............................Then I spotted a gem (very thankful for this!)... this is a personal story which I will disclose to our inner cheong group when we meet. A hint: for the first time, I did not have to BY anyone to gain affection or a relationship. :D

The dancer/singer that bro Warbird liked is 念儿. She was one of the 5 singers who followed us to bro JB's posh apartment last Saturday. Yes, bro JB kinda likes her loads. She is really a voluptuous dancer.................... It was also the place that moved me and ** relationship to the next level. I gave her a 皇冠 that night during her performance. JB also gave 念儿 a 皇冠.....................

Yo esteemed bro LDH,

How did I miss this post? I admire ur confident n indomitable spirit! You're indeed very high up in the dominant male scale.

Yeah, I like NE's height n body type, quite similar to BB's. She is a fantastic dancer. She also looks quite chio n would make a perfect partner for bro Justime.;)

Congrats to ur new RS w/ **, no need to divulge too much info here...I'm pleased to know that she is yours w/o the need for BY.


Hi bro LDH, I totally empathize with your situation...........enjoying the flow of the moment – this including business transactions – no more fretting about outcomes!

...................................Since I am currently ensconced in two emotionally fulfilling relationship (my SIN and Thai gf), other “ghost” (to borrow your parlance) are just there to satisfy my need for variety.

Oh yes, the elusive monikers are XJ (is she still plying her trade at DC? Dam curious to see her!) and the irrepressible dancer 念儿, the one with the nice height and lithe body. And yes, I am also curious to see her body kinesthetic.
.................................................. ...........................................
Also love to be part of the Hall of Fame (especially if I can see the singers and more importantly the dancers)...........Whatever.....

Yo esteemed bro Justime,

You should go after NE ASAP!

Jusrt remember to post a FR.:D

Good day!!

27-10-2009, 10:48 AM
Pardon me ... what I meant is that bring along M for HH and not SH. Your call and approbation on this request. ;)

Please bring M for tonights HH. And do join us for SH at 2 Hall too... it will be fun. I can introduce you to XJ.

Again, FF tried to access Singapore via Jakarta and was turned away this morning by the immigration CP, much to my great disappointment.

To your question for 皇冠, it means a crown. A S$1000/- flower slash would do the trick and you can also blow a canon (confetti) with it. :D I will not fight with you for glory tonight - its all yours to impress. :D

27-10-2009, 12:24 PM

Yo esteemed bro marc5,

Welcome back!! Wonder if u could share a little of ur entertainment experiences while u were overseas.;)

I can't wait to cheong w/ u guys, hehehe.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to cheong the local scenes as I had a group of ang-moh colleagues with me who only go pub hopping... Ended up a lot of alcohol and very late night in HK, Taipei and Seoul :(

One of my HK colleagues suggested I zoom over to Shenzen for a better fun because, according to him, HK's KTV scene is not worth going (very expensive and poor quality). Any bros can verify this? :D

See you soon..

27-10-2009, 12:38 PM
Again, FF tried to access Singapore via Jakarta and was turned away this morning by the immigration CP, much to my great disappointment.

Have I met FF before bro?

Looks like I can't catch up with you these days. To me, sitting at the hall will tempt me to a few slashes of flowers and perhaps 皇冠 which I always question myself afterward :rolleyes: It requires a strong pocket and stamina to sit at the hall...hehehe


27-10-2009, 01:00 PM
Have I met FF before bro?

Looks like I can't catch up with you these days. To me, sitting at the hall will tempt me to a few slashes of flowers and perhaps 皇冠 which I always question myself afterward :rolleyes: It requires a strong pocket and stamina to sit at the hall...hehehe

Yes, you and Warbird havve met with FF before. It was in the bigger group outing in the final week of WarBird's stint in Singapore before heading back to meet Uncle SAM.

Hmmm... then let's do it lah. Once in a while is good, but excessive is poor judgement. In HFJs, the good bros will normall try to reign in one another in control. [Its literally that addictive - you can try asking bro DYBJ.]

BTW, I do not have that strong pockets as compared to you, bro DYBJ, bro Justime and bro LKY. I am always trying to blend in. Anyway, tonight I promise to be mild cos I overdid it for the past week. :o



27-10-2009, 01:21 PM
BTW, I do not have that strong pockets as compared to you, bro DYBJ, bro Justime and bro LKY.

Oh please............but me will be there as a monk tonight but will not be there the whole nite though......

27-10-2009, 01:22 PM
How did I miss this post? I admire ur confident n indomitable spirit! You're indeed very high up in the dominant male scale.

Congrats to ur new RS w/ **, no need to divulge too much info here...I'm pleased to know that she is yours w/o the need for BY.


I do miss some posts as well and I think that's because we post the posts around the same time as each other.

I have very strong fighting spirit and many a times, where I fall its where I rise again. That's my philosophy in life but I still consitently remind myself not to be complacent.

On **, the bros tonight will get to meet her. And until now, she never asks me to give her flowers or request anything in monetary terms. I am very impressed. We went to the Singapore Flyer last night, held each other close and have a simple dinner at the bristo downstairs. We held hands and ran across the bridge leading to the car-park, giggling/playing like little kids because she was late for reporting to work. These little things really bring back my schooling days... hahaha.

Nonetheless, I remain cautious.

So DC HH in the rm n SH in the main hall will be the routine. May I suggest TAM HH n CI SH, at least occasionally?

Bro Warbird, me not too interested in TAM nor CI leh... :(

Bro LDH, I can't wait to see your shiny new toy!

Can't wait to come back to SG soon for some bonking. I've been hungry like a wolf!

Quick quick, get your ass back here.... hahaha :D
Miss you around...


27-10-2009, 01:34 PM
Oh please............but me will be there as a monk tonight but will not be there the whole nite though......

Have you been very naughty lately...? kekeke. On the contrary, I have been an amazingly good boy.

Its going to be rare to see you going vegetarian for the night. :D
Don't forget we still have an amazing 5 bottles left in CA.

That's where we will have our Knights of the Round Table meeting - where the strategies take place. hahaha.

27-10-2009, 02:56 PM
Have you been very naughty lately...? kekeke. On the contrary, I have been an amazingly good boy.

Its going to be rare to see you going vegetarian for the night. :D
Don't forget we still have an amazing 5 bottles left in CA.

That's where we will have our Knights of the Round Table meeting - where the strategies take place. hahaha.

Man, me have always been an "ANGEL" hor, dun spoil my image can~~~~~nabei
As for the vegeterian, since when was i bolls????? Ever heard of Ji Gong lol
CA = ???? Club Armani??????
Tot it is at 9th floor???

Yeah, the knights templar meeting, where all you knights teach a simple farmer like me all your evil~~~~~~~~~~~~keke

27-10-2009, 03:19 PM
Man, me have always been an "ANGEL" hor, dun spoil my image can~~~~~nabei
As for the vegeterian, since when was i bolls????? Ever heard of Ji Gong lol
CA = ???? Club Armani??????
Tot it is at 9th floor???

Yeah, the knights templar meeting, where all you knights teach a simple farmer like me all your evil~~~~~~~~~~~~keke

Tonight is at DC, next time than go Armani lah... :D

27-10-2009, 03:21 PM
Man, me have always been an "ANGEL" hor, dun spoil my image can~~~~~nabei

Mmmm...haven't heard from you long long time liao...how are you?

Notice that your avatar has changed. Looks familiar though. ;)

28-10-2009, 01:20 AM
Unfortunately, I didn't get to cheong the local scenes.................................One of my HK colleagues suggested I zoom over to Shenzen for a better fun because, according to him, HK's KTV scene is not worth going (very expensive and poor quality)....................................
See you soon..

Hi esteemed bro marc5,

Not true lah. Many chio local (陀地美少女) n PRC MMs at HK KTVs but they r not cheap. SZ is much less expensive. Several SBF bros believe the prettiest n sexiest PRC MMs r in Macau. Only some exclusive clubs in SH n Beijing could rival Macau's.

Hope to see u in the not too distant future.


[I have very strong fighting spirit and many a times, where I fall its where I rise again. That's my philosophy in life but I still consitently remind myself not to be complacent.

On **, the bros tonight will get to meet her. And until now, she never asks me to give her flowers or request anything in monetary terms............................................. .................................................. ...
Nonetheless, I remain cautious.

Bro Warbird, me not too interested in TAM nor CI leh... :(
.................................................. .................................................. ..

Hi esteemed bro LDH,

Yeah, one must be mentally tough to a winner, like a 不倒翁.

Your singer ** may be trying to KC u...but I'm confident that she will get KC-ed instead, hehehe.

Wat to do, I can resist the chio SYTs in TAM n CI when I'm in town...

Have fun bro.


28-10-2009, 01:36 AM
Pardon m................................................. ..........

...........................That's where we will have our Knights of the Round Table meeting - where the strategies take place. hahaha.

Man, me have always been an "ANGEL" hor, dun spoil my image can~~~~~nabei
.....................................Yeah, the knights templar meeting................

Tonight is at DC, next time than go Armani lah... :D

Mmmm...haven't heard from you long long time liao...how are you?
.................................................. ..........................................

Hi to all the esteemed bros,

I'm most honored to hv all four of u posting in my humble thread. YOU make my day!!

I shall call the 4 of u (Bros Austin, Justime, LDH n Marc5) THE FOUR TITANS OF KTV.

I'm sure u all r having a great time as I'm writing this...;) How I wish I could just tag alone n be an observer to watch n learn.

Pls keep ur posts coming. Reading them make me feel alive n energized, hahaha.

Goodnight n hv a great day!!

28-10-2009, 02:31 PM
I'm most honored to hv all four of u posting in my humble thread. YOU make my day!!

I shall call the 4 of u (Bros Austin, Justime, LDH n Marc5) THE FOUR TITANS OF KTV.

I'm sure u all r having a great time as I'm writing this...;) How I wish I could just tag alone n be an observer to watch n learn.

Dear bros,

Last night was another super fun nite too! For HH, we have bros LKY and Marc5 joining me in the room.

The quality of the gals sucks big time yesterday despite us getting there in the period 6pm to 630pm.

I was semi-vegetarian last night - I got a gal who I allowed to butterfly. No interest to continue adventure further and thus spend the most of my time singing.

Sadly, bros DYBJ cannot join us for HH while Justime cannot join for both HH & SH. Nonetheless, I cannot help but to admire the gals that bro LKY got - not from parade but from his mobile phone. Looks like I got to get into his pants... er... for his mobile phone address book... hahaha. :D

Bro Marc5's babe wasn't too bad, just that I do feel something was missing. Bro Marc5, pardon my frankness but she is below the standard you have set in our eyes. kekeke.

For SH, we have the great bro DYBJ (with his soulmate), bro Marc5 and bro LKY with me. We were seating out in the hall right in front of the stage. Unfortunately, all bros left pretty early into the night, leaving me alone to fend off the temptations.

I did not hang a dime on my ** the whole night. However, I gave a small token of $300/- to ## for a dedicated song session and she sang a very nice song to my best liking. This singer really knows my heart and she lspent oads of time with me. ** popped by, largely displeased with the situation - now I know I am in control. Stay tuned bros for the next chapter.

During the 排排唱, I hanged tokens for both ## and 欣怡。The latter sat with me for an extended period so I have to. All in all, I was a very disciplined man last night and a very modest bill return. :D

Several other singers popped by my table to say hello and have a little tete-a-tete session. I left at 245am, goodness gracious.

I am going to stay away for a while from the DC scene, at least for the week. But I am dating ## out for a nice dinner on Friday and Saturday. If I am happy, I may hop into DC and pop a 皇冠 for ##.



28-10-2009, 03:55 PM
Dear bros,

Bro Marc5's babe wasn't too bad, just that I do feel something was missing. Bro Marc5, pardon my frankness but she is below the standard you have set in our eyes. kekeke.

Unfortunately, all bros left pretty early into the night, leaving me alone to fend off the temptations.

I left at 245am, goodness gracious.


Can't disagree with you on the standard bro. I wasn't really motivated at the quality of DC these days. So I guess a change of venue will be highly desirable soon.

"Temptations" is the word I would describe. It's a different ball game. Could be addictive :D.


29-10-2009, 01:17 AM
Dear bros,

Last night was another super fun nite too! For HH, we have bros LKY and Marc5 joining me in the room.

The quality of the gals sucks big time yesterday despite us getting there in the period 6pm to 630pm.
.................................................. .................................................. .....

For SH, we have the great bro DYBJ (with his soulmate), bro Marc5 and bro LKY with me. We were seating out in the hall right in front of the stage.......

I did not hang a dime on my ** the whole night. However, I gave a small token of $300/- to ## for a dedicated song session and she sang a very nice song to my best liking. This singer really knows my heart and she lspent oads of time with me. ** popped by, largely displeased with the situation - now I know I am in control. Stay tuned bros for the next chapter.

During the 排排唱, I hanged tokens for both ## and 欣怡。The latter sat with me for an extended period so I have to. All in all, I was a very disciplined man last night and a very modest bill return...........................................

I am going to stay away for a while from the DC scene, at least for the week. But I am dating ## out for a nice dinner on Friday and Saturday. If I am happy, I may hop into DC and pop a 皇冠 for ##................

Hi esteemed bro LDH,

Ths for ur detailed FR. It is so uplifting for my spirit...it's as if I'm living vicariously thru ur actions n cheonging, hehehe. :p

Your good fren bro LKY is a very charming gentleman w/ a great sense of humor. Pls tell him I miss him. Even though he is not a samster, he has earned my respect n I'm going to include him as one of the FIVE TITANS OF KTV!!:D

I see that u r taking on ** n ## simultaneously, great. A dominant predator of ur calibre can handle both of them easily. Let them vie for ur attention n patronage...they may both fall for u! That would really make my day! Reading ur outings hv greatly aroused my primitive urges, hehehe.

Even very brief update would be appreciated.



Can't disagree with you on the standard bro. I wasn't really motivated at the quality of DC these days. So I guess a change of venue will be highly desirable soon.

"Temptations" is the word I would describe. It's a different ball game. Could be addictive...

Hi esteemed bro marc5,

IMHO, the overall quality of PRC MMs coming to our shore has declined a lot in the past 1 yr.

Hopefully, the opening of our 2 RIs could lure some high quality PRC MMs to visit us. In the meantime, I think we should go for some expeditions at TAM HH n CI SH.



29-10-2009, 01:40 AM
…..I did not hang a dime on my ** the whole night. However, I gave a small token of $300/- to ## for a dedicated song session and she sang a very nice song to my best liking. This singer really knows my heart and she lspent oads of time with me. ** popped by, largely displeased with the situation - now I know I am in control. Stay tuned bros for the next chapter.

During the 排排唱, I hanged tokens for both ## and 欣怡。The latter sat with me for an extended period so I have to. All in all, I was a very disciplined man last night and a very modest bill return. :D

Several other singers popped by my table to say hello and have a little tete-a-tete session. I left at 245am, goodness gracious.

I am going to stay away for a while from the DC scene, at least for the week. But I am dating ## out for a nice dinner on Friday and Saturday. If I am happy, I may hop into DC and pop a 皇冠 for ##.


Managed well, both rival girls competing for your affections can be putty in your hands!

.....IMHO, the overall quality of PRC MMs coming to our shore has declined a lot in the past 1 yr.

Hopefully, the opening of our 2 RIs could lure some high quality PRC MMs to visit us. In the meantime, I think we should go for some expeditions at TAM HH n CI SH.

Morning Bro Warbird ….share your sentiment over the general standard of gals coming over. Other countries (and we are not talking Japan) offer a better proposition for our dear mei meis including Indonesia and Malaysia!

Update you on another interesting development later …. Now I zzzzzz …. after just concluding a session with M.

TAM HH next week? .... hmmmm:)

29-10-2009, 07:20 PM

I have not been to DC since Tuesday. Should I go tonight? I am really not sure... cos I am still in the office.

## has been SMSing me for the last 2 days. We exchanged sweet nothingnesses, teases and words of affections. Suddenly I am looking forward to meeting her once more and that's tomorrow and Saturday.

We spoke over the phone today and I wasn't in the best of mood. At that time I was in my car workshop getting my car serviced for 60K spt. Bro DYBJ and Bro LKY called inbetween her calls. Fark, can't she leave some time for me to speak with my buddies? Anyway, me chee-hong lor...

I have noticed ## for some time back as a few of my friends took an interest in her. I also knew that she has rejected their advances as well as BY offers. Her character is cold as fish but somehow why such affections on me. I am not as rich as the rest of my friends and I am always very hard in my language spoken to the ladies. Not that I have no respect for ladies, but after what I have been through I tend to be more cautious about the fairer sex.

For ##, I have spent almost next to nothing for her - simply mere tokens of appreciations.

As for my previous target **, I have to detach myself as I found myself to have some feelings for that lass. When you are out to play and feelings develop, you gotta hell get out of the way. That's my philosophy.

What am I thinking of now? Yes, I am looking forward to Friday i.e. tomorrow to have a nice and simple outing with ##. Saturday will come next.



29-10-2009, 07:26 PM
For weekends, my humble suggestion is that you spend it with your GF.
For these WLs, weekdays with them is plenty already.
Cheers and take care.

29-10-2009, 07:28 PM
Bros, I have no intention making the gals competing for my affections. In the wanton me, I have to be in control for both gals and self.

For **, I have developed feelings which is a no-no in this game. Upon reflections, I have to back off. :)


Managed well, both rival girls competing for your affections can be putty in your hands!

Hi esteemed bro LDH,

I see that u r taking on ** n ## simultaneously, great. A dominant predator of ur calibre can handle both of them easily. Let them vie for ur attention n patronage...they may both fall for u! That would really make my day! Reading ur outings hv greatly aroused my primitive urges, hehehe.

29-10-2009, 07:35 PM
For weekends, my humble suggestion is that you spend it with your GF.
For these WLs, weekdays with them is plenty already.
Cheers and take care.

Thanks bro for you concern, appreciate it. 10 years ago, I would have been home both weekdays and weekends without a slightest doubt. :)

To be honest, both my GF and I have seperated since 2 weeks. Maybe I no longer believe in relationships after having issues with my wife. Currently in the midst of divorce (seperation stage), thus when the woman starts to get prosessive I will run. Or when I find myself falling in affection, I will retreat.

Nowadays; most who end up loving me, end up hating me. :D

Those gals whom I cherished will never be my GFs, BYs or having slept with - no way. Cross the line, the relationship will not be the same anymore.

29-10-2009, 07:40 PM
Dear Brother,
I am so very sorry. I wrote out of my ignorance.
Hope you find your true love someday soon.
My sincere best wishes to you.
Cheers and take care.

29-10-2009, 07:49 PM
Hope you find your true love someday soon.

No worries at all. We all have our demons as well as baggages.
Its how we choose to leave behind and what to take away as lessons learnt.


30-10-2009, 12:24 AM
No worries at all. We all have our demons as well as baggages.
Its how we choose to leave behind and what to take away as lessons learnt.

Take it easy bro. Let's have some fun when I get back/

30-10-2009, 02:45 AM

I have not been to DC since Tuesday.............## has been SMSing me for the last 2 days. We exchanged sweet nothingnesses.............................

I have noticed ## for some time back as a few of my friends took an interest in her. I also knew that she has rejected their advances as well as BY offers. Her character is cold as fish but somehow why such affections on me. I am not as rich as the rest of my friends and I am always very hard in my language spoken to the ladies............................................ .............
For ##, I have spent almost next to nothing for her - simply mere tokens of appreciations.

As for my previous target **, I have to detach myself as I found myself to have some feelings for that lass.............................................. ...

Thanks bro for you concern.................
To be honest, both my GF and I have seperated since 2 weeks............ Currently in the midst of divorce (seperation stage), thus when the woman starts to get prosessive I will run. Or when I find myself falling in affection, I will retreat.
.................................................. .........................................
Those gals whom I cherished will never be my GFs, BYs or having slept with - no way. Cross the line, the relationship will not be the same anymore.

Hi bro LDH,

Ths for ur very interesting n intriguing FR on the 2 singers.

## cold n aloof? Kinesthetic too? She is my type of gal, hahaha. She has many suitors n yet she is enamored w/ u for many possible reasons. Using "hard language" is a very attractive n dominant trait (I hv recently learned). You may be perceived by her to be very alpha, cold, detached n u hv hung only tokens, unlike the other men who try to buy her affection n pussy. You're kinesthetic n romantic too. Perhaps she is attracted by ur youthful good looks and/or body pheromones...:D

Having some feelings for a gal shouldn't prevent a man from fxxking (pardon my vulgar lingo) her or better yet, BY-ing her, as long as he can control his KC. Feelings make the fxxking much more enjoyable n sextisfying for both parties. But that is ur call as u know urself better than anyone else. Just my 2 cents.

Live life to the fullest, my young lion, n make busloads of moolah, hehehe.;)

Good day!!

Dear Brother,
I am so very sorry.................................

No worries at all. We all have our demons as well as baggages.
Its how we choose to leave behind and what to take away as lessons learnt.

Take it easy bro. Let's have some fun when I get back/

To my esteemed bros,

I like to thank all of you for sharing ur thoughts n FRs here. Keep them coming pls. I hv learned a lot from everyone of you.

Recently, I hv come upon some revelations, ths to an elderly Chinese-American fren who is an incredible predator, which hv changed my mindset towards male-female RS n sex completely...I'm still trying to digest all the info n lessons n will post them later.:p BTW, he has fxxked many many chio gals/women aged 18-35, all non-WLs of all races, mostly FOC!!:cool:

BTW, bro besafe, hv u also received sms from G re her most recent development n business venture?

Have a great day!!

30-10-2009, 03:07 AM
As for my previous target **, I have to detach myself as I found myself to have some feelings for that lass. When you are out to play and feelings develop, you gotta hell get out of the way. That's my philosophy.

....To be honest, both my GF and I have seperated since 2 weeks. Maybe I no longer believe in relationships after having issues with my wife. Currently in the midst of divorce (seperation stage), thus when the woman starts to get prosessive I will run. Or when I find myself falling in affection, I will retreat.

Nowadays; most who end up loving me, end up hating me. :D

Those gals whom I cherished will never be my GFs, BYs or having slept with - no way. Cross the line, the relationship will not be the same anymore.

Hi Bro LDH, reading your post I sense the hurt you must have felt every time a relationship 'fails'.

In fact, I see many shades of myself in your circumstances (from Business challenges to relationship failures). Therefore I can absolutely relate (and empathise) with your decision to move away every time you sense affection percolating.

Through a series of life's hard knocks, I have now adopted a sanguine and serene attitude toward business and relationships i.e. life in general. I "trained" myself to get into the flow and enjoy present moment as I experience it.

In business, I don't fret over outcomes and have also managed my emotions so much that I will not be overly affected if a relationship sours.

My only ‘advice’ to you is to take it easy. Live for the moment. Time really heals. Don't even let the fact that you put emotional distance whenever you feel affectionate toward someone fret you. In time, this 'baggage' too will pass. Continue to do what you do, including chasing away those that get close to you if need be (it is your own unique healing process).

However, do make it a point to enjoy the physical sensations of any sexual encounters. Bathe in the sweet love wayangs of your gal as part of the package. Don't fear the KC trap ... the fact that you know of this potentially harmful psychological threat largely inures you against it.

As an example of letting nature takes its course:

I started out with Paeng (my Thai gf) as only an object to satisfiy my lust. I took her to be BY so that I could indulge my carnal desires. I had no intention of taking her as my gf whatsoever. Besides the sex, I soon begin to feel good whenever she dispenses her Love Wayang. I realised that I have evolved some feeling toward her. Now I wanted to push her away because there is a realisation of KC trap looming.

(This is exacerbated during the initial stage of my BYing her, I invested a sum of money so that she can start her own business. At the teething stage of opening up shop, she constantly asked for more and more money. And here I am already 'fretting' about being KC by her and taken for a ride! I seriously questioned her motives and whether she is sincere)

The insecurity however did not last long. Seeds of being sanguine have already been planted in me, so I simply let it be. I did however take the necessary precaution of budgeting and putting a definite sum of money to indulge her - nothing beyond it. I mentally braced myself for the worst case scenario. If I lose this money and her love - so be it. I released the fretting and worry about outcome and just go with flow and embraced the present sweet wayangs.

In time, Paeng stopped asking me money for the business. The business is self sustaining and making profit. (I did not take my share of the profit – leaving it for her to reinvest and grow the business). So now I am of no use to Paeng financially as I don’t contribute a cent. And the gratitude to me for giving me the business start is long gone. (I cannot use this as leverage to get her do my whims).

However to my surprise, the sweet wayang continues and in fact intensifies. From a mistress she had evolved to become my gf.

Now here is the crux:, at present it may seem like a fairy tale (almost like 'Pretty Woman' the movie). I had now invested emotion in Paeng to the point that I will be hurt if the relationship does not pan out. And I certainly don't know of the future / outcome. I however don't worry about it. I am enjoying the relationship very much in the present. I also have an internal confidence that should our relationship end, I would have the emotional wherewithal to handle it. Why is that? It is because I have built my resilience during the hard knocks (I too have a failed marriage). And you my dear bro LDH, is in the process of building up this resilience.

Cheers! :cool:

30-10-2009, 08:10 AM
Hi bro LDH,
BTW, bro besafe, hv u also received sms from G re her most recent development n business venture?

Have a great day!!

Nope. I have not seen her for a while. Actually quite scared to see her too often. Maybe you can fill me in through a PM and I follow up with a social call to her. Thanks and take care.

30-10-2009, 05:56 PM
Thanks to all bros concerned replies as well as PM'ing me. I am fine really. :D
Am enjoying all the freedom I have missed. Hooyay!!!

Tonight is the night! I am bringing ## out for a nice romantic dinner - venue a secret (Will update later). She was SMS'ing me the whole afternoon since she has gotten up - asking me what to wear/dress etc etc. I told her just to be herself. I like simple gals who dressed simply. :p

Side track a little: after my work last night I went back to DC to enjoy some liquor with bro LKY, who was a little lonely. I wanted a quiet night as I reached there at 945pm, took a quiet seat in the corner. That proven to be my unforced error, very soon our table was surround by several singers. Bro LKY already has his favorite gal, KNN leaving me to fend off 6 singers and/or dancers. My attention was on ## and pretty soon, both of us decided to move to the back for some pools game.

Overall a good night and I hanged $200/- mini token for her. Also took in quick warm hug and kiss from ## when we were walking back to our seats.



31-10-2009, 01:03 PM
Good morning to all bros, truely a very happy morning!

I brought ## to a beautiful restaurant at the top of a certain building in the CBD area. The night scenery was a sight to behold. There was a slight drizzle and that added on to the romantic feel. :D

After the dinner, we both decided to proceed to another place for some personal time together and decided that tonight she need not go back to DC to sing.

[My good bros (at the CI venue) knew what happened last night prior to our meetup in CI.]

At 11pm, both ## and I walked hand-in-hand into CI and met with Marc5 and LKY, subsequently OceanLee and his 2 bros. We were so comfortable that we didn't realise that we were holding hands until I caught a glimpse of bro LKY's gleeful look on entry into the room. I quickly dropped her hands and went over to bro Marc5 for our usual brotherhood greetings, followed by bro LKY.

At that time, bro OceanLee has not arrive yet.

Both Marc5 and LKY have beautiful lasses beside them, looks like bro Marc5 is back in business. Kekeke. Way to go, my manz!

Bro OceanLee came by with another 2 more pals at around 1am. All of them picked syt too... so yar, CI has the quality but I was more engaged with my ## who is now my GF. The whole night I was observing ##'s behavior, she was that type of gal you can bring home to see your mum, gentle (dresses simply, is also a plus) and a very attentive gal, at least to my wants/needs. Hahaha.

I left CI with ## and bro LKY (with his gal) at around 135am. Sorry bro Oceanlee, I wanted to stay longer but ## was feeling a little tired and also sick of the place (being similar setting as her workplace).

It was drizzling again outside and I dropped bro LKY and his gal to Tan Boon Liat building to pick up his car. Afterwhich, I sent ## home ... ... ...and for me home sweet home.



31-10-2009, 11:14 PM
Afterwhich, I sent ## home ... ... ...and for me home sweet home.

Wah.. you good boy hoh ! :)

01-11-2009, 03:01 AM
Hi Bro LDH............................................... .................................................. .........Through a series of life's hard knocks, I have now adopted a sanguine and serene attitude toward business and relationships i.e. life in general. I "trained" myself to get into the flow and enjoy present moment as I experience it.
.................................................. .................................................. .........................Live for the moment.................Don't fear the KC trap ..............
Now here is the crux:, at present it may seem like a fairy tale .................................................. ......................................

Hi bro Justime,

Good philosophy. I live in the eternal present moment n I welcome any n all challenges including KC trap, hehehe.


Nope. I have not seen her for a while. Actually quite scared to see her too often. Maybe you can fill me in through a PM and I follow up with a social call.............................................. .........

Hi bro besafe,

You got PM. Scared to see her too often? She is very affordable...dun tell me u r afraid to fall for her, hehehe. She knows I'm a fren who will help her...


Thanks to all bros concerned replies as well as PM'ing me. I am fine really...........................Tonight is the night! I am bringing ## out for a nice romantic dinner...................... She was SMS'ing me the whole afternoon since she has gotten up................................................ ..........................

Side track a little: after my work last night I went back to DC to enjoy some liquor with bro LKY, who was a little lonely.......................

Overall a good night and I hanged $200/- mini token for her. Also took in quick warm hug and kiss from ## when we were walking back to our seats............................................. ........................................

Good morning to all bros, truely a very happy morning!

I brought ## to a beautiful restaurant at the top of a certain building in the CBD area.............................................. ..............At 11pm, both ## and I walked hand-in-hand into CI and met with Marc5 and LKY, subsequently OceanLee and his 2 bros.............................................. ..........................At that time, bro OceanLee has not arrive yet.

Both Marc5 and LKY have beautiful lasses beside them, looks like bro Marc5 is back in business. Kekeke. Way to go, my manz!

................................CI has the quality but I was more engaged with my ## who is now my GF......................she was that type of gal you can bring home to see your mum..........................
Afterwhich, I sent ## home ... ... ...and for me home sweet home..............

Hi bro LDH,

Ths for updating n blow-by-blow acct of ur exploits. Very interesting n informative.

Be prepared for ## to fall for u. It will be a good experience.;) Pls reveal ur strategies n plan to "conquer" her body n heart. It would be intructive for me n all bros here.

Talking abt mum, the last time I brought a gal home to meet mine was many decades ago!:eek:

Is CI Club Infinitude on the 3rd FL of TAM building? It's still the Mecca of chio SYTs in SGP...

.................................................. .................................................. ........

I'm not idle in Gotham City...

I'm now taking "lessons" from an elderly fren whom I call "senior mentor" whose mantra is "TOTAL DOMINATION/POSSESSION" of a female's body n heart, outside n inside bedroom. He is a natural n has been this way for over 50 yrs! Recently he showed me a secret treatise (available only a few yrs ago) whose strategies dovetail w/ his, abt 80-90% of the time. BTW, he is still happily married w/ grandchildren.;)

Only now do I fully appreciate Mr. Austin's guidelines n his emphasis on domination. Great minds do think alike, hehehe. :cool:

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

01-11-2009, 08:33 PM
Good morning to all bros, truely a very happy morning!

Both Marc5 and LKY have beautiful lasses beside them, looks like bro Marc5 is back in business. Kekeke. Way to go, my manz!


I am very sure you had a happy morning because you had a happy evening before...;)

Hehehe..I had a sexy Yunan gal for HH (ordered from LP to DC) and a hot, pretty Chonqing babe for SH at CI. Now I have to follow up a little bit to see if they are on or not (in a short run). :D

Mid next week I am going to Zuhai... see you bros.

01-11-2009, 09:58 PM
Hi, Brother Warbird,
Back to your original purpose of this post.
I recently discovered a great way to pick up girls outside KTVs.
(I am sure many brothers here are already aware and are doing it)
Be a landlord and rent out rooms to KTV girls, especially those here for short term.
If they can't pay rent... they can always pay in kind.. right?:p
Something to consider?:D

01-11-2009, 10:22 PM
I am very sure you had a happy morning because you had a happy evening before...;)

Mid next week I am going to Zuhai... see you bros.

Hi bro Marc5, indeed I was a very happy man. :D

I was down at DC on Saturday during SH with a 2 business partners and 2 former NS friends.

Once again, ## was with me the whole night long and I have had to refrain myself from hugging her or kissing her as it was in her workplace. Hahaha. I also hanged a small 皇冠 token for her last night.

After work, we went over the Orchard Cathay for a 4am show. I was totally smashed when I reached home.

Bro, since you are going over to Zhuhai mid of this week - wanna do a SH tomorrow (Monday) at DC? I am pretty free for Monday, thus will be meeting ## for dinner and some loving before sending her back to work. The rest of the week will be tough week for me. heh heh.



01-11-2009, 10:26 PM
Wah.. you good boy hoh ! :)

Hi bro! I was a very good boy indeed. After the bad, I turned good. :D

Hi Bro LDH, reading your post I sense the hurt you must have felt every time a relationship 'fails'.

Not really, just that I have learned to be cautious when giving out my love and attachment. Maybe I have hardened myself to the steel... maybe the right woman hasn't cast her magic on me. Right now, even as I do like ## a lot (as with **), I am still on the defensive.

LDH :)


01-11-2009, 11:52 PM
At that time, bro OceanLee has not arrive yet.

Both Marc5 and LKY have beautiful lasses beside them, looks like bro Marc5 is back in business. Kekeke. Way to go, my manz!

Bro OceanLee came by with another 2 more pals at around 1am. All of them picked syt too... so yar, CI has the quality but I was more engaged with my ## who is now my GF. The whole night I was observing ##'s behavior, she was that type of gal you can bring home to see your mum, gentle (dresses simply, is also a plus) and a very attentive gal, at least to my wants/needs. Hahaha.

I left CI with ## and bro LKY (with his gal) at around 135am. Sorry bro Oceanlee, I wanted to stay longer but ## was feeling a little tired and also sick of the place (being similar setting as her workplace).

It was drizzling again outside and I dropped bro LKY and his gal to Tan Boon Liat building to pick up his car. Afterwhich, I sent ## home ... ... ...and for me home sweet home.



Juz a update anyway .... Its was indeed a fruitful and enjoyable time with you all (esteem brudders) after you all left ...we stay until about near 4am after which me and my gal (the one at CI) we decided to go for ST, as she mentioned that she had a crush on me ... I was like WTH .... fast hand fast legz walk her to nearby lovenest for action de romance. :p To my amaze she is 36C cuppers (My kind of Meat) and her nips proturder and sensitive ... downside is abit saggy, probably with the room dimmers light and liquor effect she looks stunning and gorgeous to me that MOMENT.

Well we had some light kissers as a foreplay,and she can really rock's ..hehez.
We slowly caressing each other like lover's and striping down to our BD suite while I continue to autoroam her for a good 10min and proceed to bath and rest shall be history and nice memory for me. :D
(I do have her ctc, and mind recall her if needed) hehez.

I will cut the story short and of coz after the sexssion I reach home at abt 0630am then take a quick sleep...coz I had a late morning mtg, follow by this New Singer whom just reach on friday and shall continue later part ...
OC ard ...have to logoff .... :o

02-11-2009, 02:09 AM
Hi, Brother Warbird,
Back to your original purpose of this post.
.................................................. ......Be a landlord and rent out rooms to KTV girls, especially those here for short term.
If they can't pay rent... they can always pay in kind................

Hi bro besafe,

I hv not forgotten the mission of this thread. But once I hv picked up a gal, it's only the beginning. I want to learn the best strategies for owning her body n heart. Yeah, since I met this elderly Chn-American predator (let's call him SC) recently n realized what I had missed, merely owning a gal's body n pussy is now not enough...;) SC cautions that every gal is different n there r major differences between non-WLs n WLs...hmmmm.

I know it's a risky game n I could get burnt, hehehe. But why not? Life is either a daring venture or NOTHING.

I do own a couple of private condos very close to DC but both were occupied by tenants who hv been there for yrs. There is a roomy one w/ only one occupant. Perhaps I could ask him to let my gals use one of the vacant rooms, hahaha.

BTW, I hv posted a good review on Natalie.


Hi bro Marc5, indeed I was a very happy man.

I was down at DC on Saturday during SH with a 2 business partners and 2 former NS friends.

Once again, ## was with me the whole night long......................................

I am very sure you had a happy morning .................................................. .............................................Heheh e..I had a sexy Yunan gal for HH (ordered from LP to DC) and a hot, pretty Chonqing babe for SH at CI. Now I have to follow up a little bit to see if they are on or not (in a short run).

Mid next week I am going to Zuhai...

Juz a update anyway .... Its was indeed a fruitful and enjoyable time with you all (esteem brudders) after you all left ...we stay until about near 4am after which me and my gal (the one at CI) we decided to go for ST, as she mentioned that she had a crush on me .................................................. .................................................

Hi bros LDH n Marc5,

Ths for ur updates.

Hi bro OL,

Ths for ur post n detailed FR. Even more explicit details r always welcome.

Sorry that I couldn't meet u at H KTV/HFJ several times due to time constraints when I was in SGP. I actually prefer TAM HH or CI SH. DC is my 2nd choice. May I join ur outings to CI or TAM on my return?

Have a great day to all of u!!

03-11-2009, 12:10 PM
I know it's a risky game n I could get burnt, hehehe. But why not? Life is either a daring venture or NOTHING.

This I so absolutely agree!!!

Hi bros LDH n Marc5,

Ths for ur updates.

You are very welcome, brother WB.
Thus far, I have been very happy with ##. She is a very attentive woman and a good conversationalist. We have a hot date yesterday evening but will not be going into the details. Sorry bros, now that she is my GF, I have to protect her privacy. :D

Meanwhile, I have not had any more conquests...and do not have intention for any in the short term. For this, I am happily sad. kekeke.



04-11-2009, 09:08 AM
This I so absolutely agree!!!
Thus far, I have been very happy with ##..............................................We have a hot date yesterday evening but will not be going into the details. Sorry bros, now that she is my GF, I have to protect her privacy. :D

Meanwhile, I have not had any more conquests.......................................

Hi bro LDH,

Yes, we should never divulge any personal details or physical characteristics that would ID a particular person on this public forum which is frequented by a large international audience.

I'm happy that u hv found a GF, a good companion...I can understand why there is little need for more conquests. Dun forget ** is waiting in the wings for u. :p

I must be eccentric in that I still try to maintain ctc w/ all my former BAO-ees. So far none has requested money from me, hehehe.

Have a great day!!

04-11-2009, 12:01 PM
.....Thus far, I have been very happy with ##. She is a very attentive woman and a good conversationalist. We have a hot date yesterday evening but will not be going into the details. Sorry bros, now that she is my GF, I have to protect her privacy. :D

Meanwhile, I have not had any more conquests...and do not have intention for any in the short term. For this, I am happily sad. kekeke.

What is this? Another one committed to a one woman relationship. The ranks of the “Roving Romeos” are getting more and more depleted. :eek:

However in all seriousness, you have my heartiest congratulations! I am actually quite pleased for you as you are ready to take the chance again (quoting Barry Manilow …. )

For me personally, as you travel life’s journey there are times where the desire to “simplify” is very strong.

Having a bevy of women constantly can be just as tiresome as have “one-gina” (one-gina=having only one pussy, to borrow comedian Russell Peter’s turn of phrase). Even the master them all, Hugh Hefner (Playboy’s founder) had at various times of his colourful life been on a monogamous, committed relationship.

Cheers bro!

04-11-2009, 12:06 PM
I must be eccentric in that I still try to maintain ctc w/ all my former BAO-ees. So far none has requested money from me, hehehe.

Not eccentric but merely sentimental. As long as sentimentality does not burn a hole in your pocket, why not .....

04-11-2009, 03:12 PM
In a nutshell, its actually good that Predators take a break and embark on a long forgotten one woman relationship.....
It'll give other predators more meat to chew on hahahaha
But do not forget, once a predator, always a predator, it's only a matter of time before the predator comes out from hibernation and is on the prowl again hehehe

05-11-2009, 03:46 AM
What is this? Another one committed to a one woman relationship..............................However in all seriousness, you have my heartiest congratulations!.................

Having a bevy of women constantly can be just as tiresome as have “one-gina” .................................................. ...............

Hi esteemed bro Justime,

Ths for posting here. My heartiest congrats to dear bro LDH too.

You're very Americanized my dear Jus, hehehe. Onegina or "one-gina" is actually a dreaded disease!

A man doesn't hv to be a onegina to accomplish great deeds. Take my hero Cao Cao, a self-made man, as an example. Do u know of anyone who is busier?

Have u seen Red Cliff? Cao Cao (AD 155-220) has been vilified by the famous NOVEL "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" n considered a cunning villain by the Chinese public n popular culture for centuries. The historically much more accurate treatise 三国志gave a very different picture.

The historical Cao Cao 曹操was a brilliant leader, politician, statesman, general, military strategist, poet, essayist, great dominant lover, etc. He was the APEX PREDATOR of the most beautiful gals/women !! Last but not least, he was the world's first equal opportunity employer/leader by breaking old feudal-bureaucratic traditions n he was bold enough to hire able advisers n generals based entirely on merits n past performances, regardless of ethnic/provincial n social/educational background. That was one of the reasons why so many powerful generals surrendered to him. He was much smarter n had much higher EQ than Zhuge Liang who was a very indecisive wussy.

INHO, Cao Cao had enormous mojo n formidable emotional control n was one of the most dominant males in 5,000 yr of Chinese history. In real life, the young n beautiful Xiao Qiao 小乔 should be dripping wet n lusting after n fantasizing abt Cao Cao n not the other way round, hahahaha.:D:p

Have a great day!

Not eccentric but merely sentimental. As long as sentimentality does not burn a hole in your pocket, why not .....

I'm not spending a penny. By now they all know my mantra "no wet pussy no money." ;)

In a nutshell, its actually good that Predators take a break and embark on a long forgotten one woman relationship.....
It'll give other predators more meat to chew on hahahaha
But do not forget, once a predator, always a predator....................

Hi my esteemed Mr. Austin,

Ths for posting in my humble thread.

It's good to take a rest occasionally...

As one of the apex predators in SGP, ur absence for the past 1 1/2 months must hv resulted in "seismic shifts" in the "ecological balance n dynamics" of PRC singers at major HFJs, hahaha.

When will u choose to restore the imbalance?;)

Have a great day!!

05-11-2009, 12:58 PM
I'm happy that u hv found a GF, a good companion...I can understand why there is little need for more conquests. Dun forget ** is waiting in the wings for u.

The more time I spent with ##, the more I find her to be very desirable. Like I mentioned before, she is very attentive and gentle. Thrown in timely quietness, simplicity in life and action are all plus'es that make her all the more attractive.

As for **, she is no longer in my mind.

What is this? Another one committed to a one woman relationship. The ranks of the “Roving Romeos” are getting more and more depleted.

However in all seriousness, you have my heartiest congratulations! I am actually quite pleased for you as you are ready to take the chance again (quoting Barry Manilow …. )

Once a romeo, forever a romeo. Although I am a one woman's man now, that doesn't exclude me from having a good drink with good friends. I am waiting for your invitation...

In a nutshell, its actually good that Predators take a break and embark on a long forgotten one woman relationship.....
It'll give other predators more meat to chew on hahahaha
But do not forget, once a predator, always a predator, it's only a matter of time before the predator comes out from hibernation and is on the prowl again hehehe

When will you be out if I may ask?

My heartiest congrats to dear bro LDH too.

The historical Cao Cao 曹操was a brilliant leader, politician, statesman, general, military strategist, poet, essayist, great dominant lover, etc. He was the APEX PREDATOR of the most beautiful gals/women !! Last but not least, he was the world's first equal opportunity employer/leader by breaking old feudal-bureaucratic traditions n he was bold enough to hire able advisers n generals based entirely on merits n past performances, regardless of ethnic/provincial n social/educational background. That was one of the reasons why so many powerful generals surrendered to him. He was much smarter n had much higher EQ than Zhuge Liang who was a very indecisive wussy.

INHO, Cao Cao had enormous mojo n formidable emotional control n was one of the most dominant males in 5,000 yr of Chinese history. In real life, the young n beautiful Xiao Qiao 小乔 should be dripping wet n lusting after n fantasizing abt Cao Cao n not the other way round, hahahaha.:D:p

Thanks bro WB.

As for Cao Cao曹操 , he will never be my hero. One single major war failure @ Chi Bi 赤壁 (Chibi City, Hubei) and he cracked. It was also his over-confidence, greed and the lack of ability to identify risks that led to his demise.

Cao Cao loved great talents but he did not have the services of Zhou-Yu, Zhuge-Liang, Pang-Tong, Xu-Shu, Guan-Yu, Huang-Zhong, Gan-Ning, Zhang-Zhao, Huang-Gai, Zhang-Fei, Zhao-Zilong (Zhao-Yun), Taishi-Ci, Lu-Meng, Lu-Xun, Ma-Chao etc etc. These group of loyalists to their Masters Liu Bei and Sun Quan are far greater than Cao Cao's generals or advisors. Cao Cao was lucky to have a better head-start than his key rivals in the Three Kingdoms.

Cao Cao also wanted all the Jiang Nan beauties, including 小乔 and 大乔. Do you remember the story of 洛神. Cao Cao and his 2 sons (Cao Pi vs Cao Zhi) were fighting at some stage in their life for the same gal, Lady Zhen (Former wife of Yuan Xi, aka Zhen Ji or Zhen Luo).

As a leader, Cao Cao displayed multiple leadership flaws. Some of these flaws are the foundation to his early success and his subsequent fall. Cao Pi, his successor, did not have much success either. The Wei 魏throne was overtaken by the Sima 司马 Clan, Sima Yen.

Such charateristics also amplify cases why family businesses seldom go across 3 generations.

If asked, I would prefer Qin Shi-Huang 秦始皇 (Ying Zheng 赢政) over Cao Cao. :D kekeke...



05-11-2009, 10:44 PM
When will you be out if I may ask?

Do not forget, some predators end up in hibernation for good.
I'm not saying that I've retired but who knows, only time will tell.
Do be prepared for a house warming soon........
This will only happen once our dear missed bro WarBird has returned ya

06-11-2009, 03:11 AM
The more time I spent with ##, the more I find her to be very desirable......................................... ..........................
As for **, she is no longer in my mind.

Way to go!!

Obviously I hv not found the right woman yet. Maybe I never will. I may hv to "settle down" w/ a primary BAO-ee n try others for shorter terms.

.................................................. .......................................
As for Cao Cao曹操 , he will never be my hero. One single major war failure @ Chi Bi 赤壁 (Chibi City, Hubei) and he cracked. It was also his over-confidence, greed and the lack of ability to identify risks that led to his demise.

Cao Cao loved great talents but............................................... ............Cao Cao also wanted all the Jiang Nan beauties, including 小乔 and 大乔. Do you remember the story of 洛神. Cao Cao and his 2 sons (Cao Pi vs Cao Zhi) were fighting at some stage in their life for the same gal, Lady Zhen..................................

As a leader, Cao Cao displayed multiple leadership flaws...............................
If asked, I would prefer Qin Shi-Huang 秦始皇 (Ying Zheng 赢政) over Cao Cao. :D kekeke...

Hi esteemed bro LDH,

Ths for ur opinion n criticisms of Cao Cao.

You're right. Even the historical Cao Cao had many character n leadership flaws. But who is perfect? Hahaha. His was so virile n his libido so strong that he made Bill Clinton look like a eunuch! :eek:

I guess the adage "one man's meat is another man's poison" also applies to heroes. Could the Rashomon Effect be partially responsible?

Best regards,

Bro WB

Do not forget, some predators end up in hibernation for good.
I'm not saying that I've retired but who knows, only time will tell.
Do be prepared for a house warming soon........
This will only happen once our dear missed bro WarBird has returned ya

My esteemed Mr. Austin,

In that case I better return very soon, hehehe.

Are u in Dubai or Paris w/ ur soul mate? ;)

With best regards,

Bro WB

06-11-2009, 08:11 AM
bro warbird ,

can i be your disciple? i do not have the makings or anything good to ever become like what you are! I just want to glorious moment b4 i die

06-11-2009, 11:12 AM
Hi esteemed bro LDH,
Ths for ur opinion n criticisms of Cao Cao.
I guess the adage "one man's meat is another man's poison" also applies to heroes. Could the Rashomon Effect be partially responsible?

Indeed, everyone has their flaws. Same with me, I cannot seem to shake off my desire to conquer more beautiful women despite having one good one around me. To that extend, I better stay single... kekeke. :D

Are u in Dubai or Paris w/ ur soul mate? ;)

He is is DUBAI - Do_You_Buy.... fwah hahaha. :D

07-11-2009, 02:38 AM
bro warbird ,
can i be your disciple? i do not have the makings or anything good to ever become like what you are! I just want to glorious moment b4 i die

Hi bro BTH,

Despite being a lao chi ko pek, I only hv had 4 1/2 months of actual hand-on experience in BY-ing PRC MMs. Furthermore, I hv been constrained by time n circumstances during this brief period.

You should apply to one of THE FIVE TITANS OF KTV for ur traineeship. Except for bro LKY who is not a samster, the other 4 titans hv all posted here recently.

I do hv a simple advice for u. Change ur negative attitude. Become a confident, emotionless n dominant gentleman when u pick up n woo these gals. Once u get her inside a room, transform urself into a confident, PASSIONATE n DOMINANT man n fxxk her brains out for hours...hahaha.

Good luck to u!

Indeed, everyone has their flaws. Same with me, I cannot seem to shake off my desire to conquer more beautiful women despite having one good one around me. To that extend, I better stay single... kekeke. :D

He is is DUBAI - Do_You_Buy.... fwah hahaha. :D

Hi esteemed bro LDH,

You desire n urge to conquer more beautiful women is hardly a flaw. It's a trait which u share w/ all great men in history. It's a marker of ur excellent health, high testosterone level n high male dominance. :cool:

Yeah, our esteemed Mr. Austin could be anywhere by now...he is very mysterious. Is he British? ;)

Take care n hv a great day!

09-11-2009, 03:14 AM
Good morning to all bros!

There is a topic of great interest to me. The importance of dominance in man-woman RS.

IMHO, to be a dominant man is not abt being abusive or behaving like a jerk or bully. No need to manhandle them. It's more psychological than physical. A dominant man is self-assured, decisive, confident, relaxed, unflappable, almost emotionless (at least initially n outside the bedroom). A gentleman w/ lots of mojo. It's the mindset n attutude.

He never thinks a very beautiful woman is rare or special. He is never a "nice" guy or submissive in front of one. He treats her the same. He believes a bevy of pretty gals r vying for his attention. He knows he can put any woman in a prolonged, continuous state of orgasm...

BTW, a very beautiful woman has many suitors. She is looking for the most dominant man, at least in her subconsious mind. When she meets a man, in the first 30-60 secs, she will know who is in control, from his facial expressions, voice tone n body language. If she is the one in control, she will not be attracted to him. She wants to be dominated bcos it's in her primitive brain n in her genes. ;) Of course she may be attracted to a wussy who is submissive n sucks up to her for his money, if she is a WL or KTV gal.

Furthermore, a man needs to remain dominant throughout, from initial meeting thru different stages of wooing n after starting a RS...in fact forever, if he doesn't want to lose her or become a carrot head.

With KTV gals, how does a man remain dominant if he is the one who is offering ST or BY? The gal has the option to say no, does that mean she is now in control? Not neccessary. If she is reluctant or say no, just tell her to fxxk off. Next! There is a bevy of chio gals waiting to take her place, remember? hahaha.:D

Your comments, advice n critisms r most welcome.

Ths for reading n hv a good day!

09-11-2009, 02:01 PM
Hi Bro WB,

One more tactic to add to your bag of collection - the act of Suspense. Most women will find mysterious guys very attractive, other men will find you a threat. The ability to put static actions into dynamic consequences is a powerful tool to acquire, at least in my humble opinion. When they turn around to look at you, wonder at you or talk about you - you make your case.

Remember the saying - between madness and genuis is a thin fine line. Where do you want to be? What will be your desired outcome?

Eg: You like gal A but you choose to ignore her. You put your actions into gal B in her line of sight. Then you back off, you change your style, you create confusion and you generate mystery. Peers talk, outsiders gossip, gals speculate all in the actions of yours. Forbidden fruit is always the best in anyone's eyes, but are they the sweetest?

The crux - continue to keep others guessing your next move. What do I have to lose - basically I am a nobody and a very poor man. :D

Begin with the end in mind ...



10-11-2009, 03:44 AM
Hi Bro WB,

One more tactic to add to your bag of collection - the act of Suspense. Most women will find mysterious guys very attractive, other men will find you a threat. .................................................. ...............................................Rem ember the saying - between madness and genuis is a thin fine line. Where do you want to be? What will be your desired outcome?

Eg: You like gal A but you choose to ignore her. You put your actions into gal B in her line of sight. Then you back off............................................... .................................................. .......Forbidden fruit is always the best in anyone's eyes............

The crux - continue to keep others guessing your next move. What do I have to lose - basically I am a nobody and a very poor man. :D

Begin with the end in mind ...

Hi esteemed bro LDH,

Thank u for the excellent tactic! Being mysterious n unpredictable is indeed very attractive to women. Its skillful "deployment" will give a man an edge which could mean the difference bwtween success n failure...:rolleyes:

Gorgeous women, non-WLs n WLs alike, hv many well-heeled suitors n they will avoid boring, pedictable men as if they r lepers!

Bro, you're becoming such an awesome tactician/strategist at this complex "war" game called BAO-ing. I hope u could continue to share ur wisdom from time to time w/ us mere mortals. Mr. Austin n bro Justime seem to be too busy...how abt inviting bro marc5 to share his tactics n insights on ST or 打炮? He is a master in this particular field.

OK, I must try to be more "mysterious," hehehe. Henceforth, I'll tell these young women I work for the Cia, a gahment agency in Gotham. My family name is Li, originally from S_illypore n they may call me 李大哥. And my English name is of course Cia_Li_S or Cialis, what else? Hahahaha. I guess the manufacturer of the yellow, almond-shaped tablets is using my namesake w/o my explicit permission!

BTW, u a no body n a very poor man? Well, still much better than me as I dun hv 2 pennies to rub together.

Joking aside, with the greenback dropping like a piece of stone everyday, by the time I return to SGP, I wont hv any money left after eating at the food mall. How to join the coterie of esteemed bros at high-end KTVs??!!:(

Best regards,

Bro WB aka Cia_Li_S

10-11-2009, 01:02 PM
Hi esteemed bro LDH,

Thank u for the excellent tactic! Being mysterious n unpredictable is indeed very attractive to women. Its skillful "deployment" will give a man an edge which could mean the difference bwtween success n failure...

Gorgeous women, non-WLs n WLs alike, hv many well-heeled suitors n they will avoid boring, pedictable men as if they r lepers!

Bro, you're becoming such an awesome tactician/strategist at this complex "war" game called BAO-ing. I hope u could continue to share ur wisdom from time to time w/ us mere mortals. Mr. Austin n bro Justime seem to be too busy...how abt inviting bro marc5 to share his tactics n insights on ST or 打炮? He is a master in this particular field.



Joking aside, with the greenback dropping like a piece of stone everyday, by the time I return to SGP, I wont hv any money left after eating at the food mall. How to join the coterie of esteemed bros at high-end KTVs??!!:(

Hi bro Cia_Li_S aka WB,

I have posted a mini-FR on our trip to DC last night, which can be found here.


What has fallen will rise again, just like our Didi. I am sure the Am-conomy will improve and erect the FX to your favour. :D

I will then looking forward to you joining us once more in our sexcapades.

1. On tactics, real man play with power and wealth plus a little showmanship - not by backstabbing or gossiping. Leave the latter 2 to the women folks. Then again, I have seen too many well-heeled and properous bros do not flaunt their wealth - recently, I have the fortune of meeting a very humbled man. He is amongst the wealthiest in Singapore, but guess what car he drive? A humble Audi A3. He turned out to be my blessing and is now my business partner for my latest venture. I will intro him to you guys when we next do a mass brotherhood meetup. He is another lady killer...

2. No doubt, most women love men with power and wealth. But are these everlasting? There are women who crave for nice, down-to-earth and understanding guys.

3. Perception - Good women care about reputation and what others (friends, peers and community) view about them. Do they really want, deep in their hearts, to be with you or are they other things they want to GET/RECEIVE from you? Place this, a sweet 21 years old gal with a 60ish man. Whats' most folks' perception?

4. Mix stealth actions with bout of showmanship - This is to gain initial attention. Like I mentioned before, confuse your competition and audience. Let them guess your every actions - put noises/fanfare in the east and strike from the west.

5. Research well into your targets - the competition, the target's personality, emotional weaknesses. Basically in business, you do a SWOT analysis and the more you know the lesser you will be burnt.

6. Know your limitation - do not over indulge your boundaries. Time to stop, you must stop. Time to pull-out, FUCK- Take it out. Always under invest in your targets, in the world of commercialised relationship, they are just not worth you pushing your limits. Also, do not let your targets know too much about you personally.

Think the above are lots to digest but they came with my personal experience as well as several other esteemed bros I cheong with.

Now and again the crux of the another matter - gals do not like threats, be it in a normal R/S or a commercially driven one! Not all gals are that naive, though many are. Why are WLs called WL and are in the commercial business - they are no longer that naive.

*** I will leave bro Marc5 to comment on the rest of his own experience... :p cos he is really the pro's pro!



11-11-2009, 02:58 AM
Hi bro Cia_Li_S aka WB,

I have posted a mini-FR on our trip to DC last night, which can be found here..............

What has fallen will rise again, just like our Didi. I am sure the Am-conomy will improve and erect the FX to your favour. :D

I will then looking forward to you joining us once more in our sexcapades.

1. On tactics, real man play with power and wealth plus a little showmanship -....... recently, I have the fortune of meeting a very humbled man. He is amongst the wealthiest in Singapore, but guess what car he drive? A humble Audi A3. He ............is now my business partner for my latest venture.....He is another lady killer...

2. No doubt, most women love men with power and wealth. But are these everlasting? There are women who crave for nice, down-to-earth and understanding guys.

3. Perception - Good women care about reputation and what others...view about them.....................Place this, a sweet 21 years old gal with a 60ish man. Whats' most folks' perception?

4. Mix stealth actions with bout of showmanship -................... put noises/fanfare in the east and strike from the west.

5. Research well into your targets - the competition, the target's personality, emotional weaknesses.............................

6. Know your limitation - do not over indulge your boundaries. Time to stop, you must stop............................Also, do not let your targets know too much about you personally.
.............................gals do not like threats, be it in a normal R/S or a commercially driven one!.........................

*** I will leave bro Marc5 to comment on the rest of his own experience... :p cos he is really the pro's pro!


Hi esteemed bro LDH,

Ths for ur pearls of wisdom.

I concur w/ just abt everything u hv written except for the future of the greenback. Sure, it will rebound n then go sideway for awhile. But for the next 5-10 yrs it has nowhere to go but down, IMHO.

You're a master tactician n u know the mind game very well. You hv gone beyond the Art of War in engaging these KTV WLs.:cool:

I'll go to DC thread n follow ur outings there...

We also need bro marc5 to reveal a little of his tactics in his chosen field.;)

Best regards,

Bro WB

11-11-2009, 07:00 PM
Bro, you're becoming such an awesome tactician/strategist at this complex "war" game called BAO-ing. I hope u could continue to share ur wisdom from time to time w/ us mere mortals. Mr. Austin n bro Justime seem to be too busy...how abt inviting bro marc5 to share his tactics n insights on ST or 打炮? He is a master in this particular field.

*** I will leave bro Marc5 to comment on the rest of his own experience... cos he is really the pro's pro!

We also need bro marc5 to reveal a little of his tactics in his chosen field.

Bro WB and bro LDH,

I'm no pros or have any effective tactics or insights as far as PRC gals are concerned. I'm just having fun and playing along using the fundamental approach of "win-win".

I used to spend a lot of time and resources on certain "targets" in HFJs and KTVs but it was an ancient history. Simply because in the end, I lost, they won. I had a couple of friends who burnt more than 100K just for one to two bonks - a lot of the effort was to fence off competition. Hence, to me, bro LDH's strategy on "know your limitation" is a critical. Besdies, I have limited time and resources these days.

I'm a ST man now as you know well. I love variety, choices and options. When a PRC hints a longer term relationship as a condition for a bonk, I back off. I would prefer the proposal come from me than the PRC. Having said that, when a prc accepts a ST proposal in the first encounter, I back off too. I enjoy the process rather than the bonk itself; as I always said. Somehow it gives me a great feeling of "conquering" at the end of the day. Strange but that's what happened to me right now :D

I have two student-pass PRC gals on the radar screen right now. One from Wuhan and the other from Chengdu. Both have hinted for a longer term relationship to me (note: no monetary aspect has beedn rasied yet). But I'll not commit anything and see how it goes...;)

Man, I love diversity.

12-11-2009, 03:21 AM
Bro WB and bro LDH,
..................I'm just having fun and playing along using the fundamental approach of "win-win".

I used to spend a lot of time and resources on certain "targets" in HFJs and KTVs but it was an ancient history. Simply because in the end, I lost, they won. I had a couple of friends who burnt more than 100K just for one to two bonks - a lot of the effort was to fence off competition. Hence, to me, bro LDH's strategy on "know your limitation" is a critical...........

I'm a ST man now as you know well. I love variety, choices and options. When a PRC hints a longer term relationship as a condition for a bonk, I back off.... Having said that, when a prc accepts a ST proposal in the first encounter, I back off too. I enjoy the process rather than the bonk itself; as I always said.....

I have two student-pass PRC gals on the radar screen right now..............Both have hinted for a longer term relationship to me (note: no monetary aspect has beedn rasied yet)..................
Man, I love diversity.

Hi esteemed bro marc5,

Ths for sharing ur insights n strategy.

You're really cool man, truly 真人不露相. You hv the right mindset n your emotional control n self mastery r awesome! Back off when a chio gal accepts ur ST proposal or hints at a longer term RS? Impossible for me to resist that...my didi always votes yes immediately. No wonder I sometimes end up paying more than the going rates.:( I hv a long way to go to develop self mastery.

Like u, I also love variety n diversity. I must adopt some of ur tactics bcos I also like ST n will only offer BY if the gal rejects ST repeatedly. Your approach actually is great for both ST n BY. I call it 近可攻退可守. It's brilliant.

As for spending over 100k for one or two bonks, it would be wiser to take that money, go to china, n keep a chio SYT for a whole yr, hehehe. Or bring her to SGP. I may hv overpaid these KTV gals a bit, but never too much, bcos I always ask myself what I could get in or from China even if other costs n factors r added to the whole equation.;)

Ths again.

Best regards,

Bro WB

13-11-2009, 12:35 PM
Good morning from the land of Batman!

I'm a fervent believer n adherent of global free trade n free market capitalism. There is one aspect of globalization that has been overlooked: The "export" of millions of nomadic PRC MMs overseas has lowered the damage for commercial sex around the globe, hehehe. But it's not a free market. There r still too many trade barriers...

I know that our gahmen is weary of the large-scale invasion of these intrepid n ruthless PRC MMs. The primary fear is the negative impact on our trade balance. I like to propose a solution which will reduce our losses, if any. I know my proposal is controversial n may rub some people the wrong way. If so, my apologies. Just my 2 cents....

I propose that we remove most of the barriers for these PRC MMs to enter SGP! Only 2 types of gals should be banned from coming: Those w/ criminal records n those w/ known HIV. My rationale is simple. This will result in a huge influx of these gals/women, arriving on all kinds of visa. It should also lower their costs of doing business. The supply will outstrip demand, at least initially. The law of free market will improve the quality n the stock of these MMs. Only the prettier n younger ones will survive n keep returning. As a result, the damage will go down across the board so the total damage to us will likely decrease. Two additional factors may actually improve our trade surplus. :cool:

Firstly, we will spend less money on whores in other countries, including ASEAN neighbors n China, etc. At present I'm very disatisfied w/ the quality of the PRC gals in SGP n plan to go to China to look for my type of gals. In general, one should get much higher ROI or return on investment from gals in PRC, even after adding the extra costs of travel, personal safety n time factor etc.into the equation.:D

Secondly, the high quality of PRC MMs at reasonable damage in SGP will attract many overseas visitors to our shore. They will likely stay longer, gamble in our 2 RIs n end up spending a lot more money, hahaha.;)
It will be a win-win-win-win situation for all parties involved.

I also propose giving out special legal permit for gals who want to work at KTVs. Screen them for HIV, etc before giving them the permit. May I also suggest a similar permit for those who want to do FL? Those w/o permit will be arrested n deported. So we will hv legal KTV gals n legal FLs, hahaha. They will also get regular health checks...

Finally, the gahmen should allow more 18-20 yo SYTs to work in legal GL houses.;) Strangely, there were a couple of PRC gals on singer permit at TAM who were only 16-17!!

Your dissenting views, criticisms n comments r always welcome.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!

Roman city
13-11-2009, 02:56 PM
interesting writing but unlikely to happen. Your concern is more of having large numbers of pretty mei mei at a lower cost here in sg.....so that we are spolit for choice at KTV. High influx of these FL & KTV girls is viewed as more of a social problem than a economic ones. Let the market forces adjust itself, the pretty ones will survive, while the rest may have to look somewhere else.

13-11-2009, 10:19 PM
it would be wiser to take that money, go to china, n keep a chio SYT for a whole yr, hehehe. Or bring her to SGP.

Dear Brother Warbird,
Go Haerbin!
Got tall chio SYT and with korean looks.
I am heading that way :D

14-11-2009, 04:23 AM
interesting writing but unlikely to happen....... High influx of these FL & KTV girls is viewed as more of a social problem than a economic ones. Let the market forces adjust itself, the pretty ones will survive, while the rest may have to look somewhere else.

Hi bro Roman city,

Ths for ur comment.

All I want the gahmen to do is to "let the market forces adjust itself" by removing some of the existing barriers which favor 1) WLs from ASEAN countries over those from China n 2) among PRCs, older ones over SYTs. All I ever wish for is a level playing field for everyone.:cool:

Why do our existing barriers favor older PRCs over chio SYTs? Elementary...the complexities n high costs of applying for a visa to enter SGP dissuade many chio SYTs from coming. The chio teenage gals simply lack the capital, experience, courage n desperation to take the leap. They generally make a decent living, plying their trade or being BAO-ed, in China, almost always far from their hometowns. The older n/or homely ones can't make a living in there n hence become more desperate n r willing to take greater risks n borrow large sums of money to come here. They r everywhere. Even in Afghanistan n Africa!

By removing some of the barriers will result in only moderate increase in total supply of PRC MMs n much higher proportionate of chio SYTs to older n/or homely ones than currently exist. The demand will also increase so an equilibrium will be reached. The increased demand is due to 1) more local men spending their hard-earned money here on WLs, legal GL n KTV gals, etc. rather than in foreign lands n 2) increase in foreign visitors.

Social problems? There will be fewer. Fewer men will go to Thailand, VN or PRC n get KC-ed. With a big increase in chio SYTs here, we cheongsters will change our "scarcity" mindset to "abundance" mindset n be a lot more immune to KC traps. There is one potential "problem." Some local men may get hitched w/ these chio gals, hopefully by non-WLs. I like to look at the bright side. Our future generations will look more attractive too. To me that is a big plus, not a problem.

BTW, I hv been to some high-end KTVs n the quality of the gals has been so-so at best. Even quite ordinary looking gals hv many suitors. Many men r behaving like what I call 趋之若鹜...or literally like a flock of wild ducks scrambling n fighting for some scraps of food.:eek:

Just random musings of a lao chi ko pek, hehehe.;)


Dear Brother Warbird,
Go Haerbin!
Got tall chio SYT and with korean looks.
I am heading that way.

Dear bro besafe,

Good for u. Too cold in Harbin at this time, I would opt to go to Dalian instead.

Have a safe trip! Bring a couple of chio SYTs back, OK? Want me to foot half the cost?


14-11-2009, 08:08 AM
Bring a couple of chio SYTs back, OK?

Wah ! If I dare as much as to "beo" at another girl for more than a minute, I will get castrated there.:D

14-11-2009, 12:56 PM
The chio teenage gals simply lack the capital, experience, courage n desperation to take the leap. They generally make a decent living, plying their trade or being BAO-ed, in China, almost always far from their hometowns.

BTW, I hv been to some high-end KTVs n the quality of the gals has been so-so at best. Even quite ordinary looking gals hv many suitors. Many men r behaving like what I call 趋之若鹜...or literally like a flock of wild ducks scrambling n fighting for some scraps of food.:eek:

Bro warbird, I think you are spot on. The chio SYTs usually venture in their home country, not necessarily their home towns, until they are seasoned. Then they move on to other cities or countries to searchfor new customers/markets. When I went to DG, ZH, XM, GZ or even SH and BJ, I saw abudant choices of young, sexy, SYTs for my selection. I was spoilt for choices.

Over here, in my view, most PRC gals are already seasoned with very few exception. Supply and demand theory applies. Hence, "no fish prawn also can" for many of us here...:)

So the point is: when are we going to CN? :D

14-11-2009, 05:25 PM
As mentioned by many MMs, those that venture onto our tiny island play in the motherland until stale or smelly liao.

Almost all are and have commando rankings liao hehehe

14-11-2009, 05:38 PM
v good sound advice Bro:cool:

6. Know your limitation - do not over indulge your boundaries. Time to stop, you must stop. Time to pull-out, FUCK- Take it out. Always under invest in your targets, in the world of commercialised relationship, they are just not worth you pushing your limits. Also, do not let your targets know too much about you personally.


15-11-2009, 03:31 AM
Wah ! If I dare as much as to "beo" at another girl for more than a minute, I will get castrated there.:D

Hi esteemed bro besafe,

Hahaha...but pls get their ctc for my future reference.

Bro warbird, I think you are spot on. The chio SYTs usually venture in their home country............Then they move on to other cities or countries.............When I went to DG, ZH, XM, GZ or even SH and BJ, I saw abudant choices of young, sexy, SYTs for my selection. I was spoilt for choices.

Over here, in my view, most PRC gals are already seasoned with very few exception.........................

So the point is: when are we going to CN? :D

Hi esteemed bro marc5,

I hv been to HK n SZ many, many times on business but never cheong in China! I hv a good fren, a local HK businessman, who is eager to take me to DG/CP to hunt for SYTs.:p Another HK fren told me XM was great w/ 500 gals in just one KTV! Then there r some bros who told me the prettiest model type gals were in high-end KTVs n saunas in Macau. I think we will be spoilt for chioces, hehehe.:D

I would like to join u for some fun in Southern China n perhaps Macau in mid Dec or slightly earlier? We need to find out when Mr. Wen will go to ZH n Macau n try to avoid him. BTW, I need only half a day in HK n SZ to take care of a little business first.

Pls let me know. My schedule is somewhat flexible.


As mentioned by many MMs, those that venture onto our tiny island play in the motherland until stale or smelly liao.

Almost all are and have commando rankings liao hehehe

Hi esteemed Mr. Austin,

You're absolutely right. There r some exceptions of course. Some PRC gals who come to SGP hv never been WLs in the motherland before. Once a young n chio PLA cadet was among the lineup along the famous
L8/Talma Rd!

IMHO, once these MMs step inside a KTV n willingly choose to stay to make money, they hv become WLs, whether they will hv sex w/ customers or not.


15-11-2009, 02:56 PM
I would like to join u for some fun in Southern China n perhaps Macau in mid Dec or slightly earlier? We need to find out when Mr. Wen will go to ZH n Macau n try to avoid him. BTW, I need only half a day in HK n SZ to take care of a little business first.

Pls let me know. My schedule is somewhat flexible.

Hi bro WB, when are you returning? Now until mid Dec seems tight for me as I have several travelling trips to do in Asia including a business trip to Europe. But let's see.

BTW, it is Hu Da Ge visiting Macau and Zuhai in Dec. I don't know the exact dates. The place will be "dry and clean" during his visit...:)


15-11-2009, 03:08 PM
Hi bro WB, when are you returning? Now until mid Dec seems tight for me as I have several travelling trips to do in Asia including a business trip to Europe. But let's see.

BTW, it is Hu Da Ge visiting Macau and Zuhai in Dec. I don't know the exact dates. The place will be "dry and clean" during his visit...:)


Oops...seem dat i've given Bro War the wrong info. But regardless of who visitg, the area will b quite clean. But actually some KTVs r still ok lah.

16-11-2009, 03:01 AM
Hi bro WB, when are you returning? Now until mid Dec seems tight for me as I have several travelling trips to do in Asia including a business trip to Europe. But let's see.

BTW, it is Hu Da Ge visiting Macau and Zuhai in Dec. I don't know the exact dates. The place will be "dry and clean" during his visit...:)

Hi bro marc5,

I'll visit SGP soon...

I believe the venerable 胡大哥 will visit Macau on 19 or 20 Dec as 二零零九年十二月二十日是澳门回归祖国,澳门特别行政区政府成立十周年的大喜日子. :)

We hv to leave before that or go early next yr. I prefer to take care of my little problem earlier, on 14 or 15 of Dec.

Pls keep in touch.

Your bro in arms, WB.

Oops...seem dat i've given Bro War the wrong info. But regardless of who visitg, the area will b quite clean. But actually some KTVs r still ok lah.

Hi bro Fischer,

As far as I'm concerned, no difference between Hu or Wen, hahaha.

We'll go to high-end KTVs.:p


Your bro in arms, WB.

16-11-2009, 10:41 AM
Hi bro marc5,

I'll visit SGP soon...

I believe the venerable 胡大哥 will visit Macau on 19 or 20 Dec as 二零零九年十二月二十日是澳门回归祖国,澳门特别行政区政府成立十周年的大喜日子. :)

We hv to leave before that or go early next yr. I prefer to take care of my little problem earlier, on 14 or 15 of Dec.

Pls keep in touch.

Your bro in arms, WB.

Hi bro Fischer,

As far as I'm concerned, no difference between Hu or Wen, hahaha.

We'll go to high-end KTVs.:p


Your bro in arms, WB.

Starting to get tempted to join u for ur trip...lol...:D

I'm sure u will find many many "dishes" that will suit ur palate. :)

16-11-2009, 01:05 PM
Oops...seem dat i've given Bro War the wrong info. But regardless of who visitg, the area will b quite clean. But actually some KTVs r still ok lah.

Hi bro F, long time no see. When are you free to join us for "recreation" in SG? Please join us for a trip to southern CN if you are keen.

We hv to leave before that or go early next yr. I prefer to take care of my little problem earlier, on 14 or 15 of Dec.

Hi bro W, it looks like early next year would be a better bet; especially before CNY where more SYT MMs will be working for extra bucks before balek kampongs...Then again, bro LDH wants to go Taipei ;)

17-11-2009, 03:44 AM
Starting to get tempted to join u for ur trip...lol...

I'm sure u will find many many "dishes" that will suit ur palate. :)

Hi bro Fischer,

You're most welcome to join my trip. We will hv my good fren, a local HK businessman as our guide. He is very eager to intro all the SYTs in DG/CP to me.

I know we will be "spoilt for choices.":D

Hi bro W, it looks like early next year would be a better bet; especially before CNY where more SYT MMs will be working for extra bucks before balek kampongs...Then again, bro LDH wants to go Taipei ;)

Hi bro marc5,

I need to go to HK n CN in mid Dec.

Early next yr, I would like to go again, w/ u n bro LDH n others, to CN. Taiwan is quite a good hunting ground too. BY-ing a Taiwanese SYT n bringing her back to our little red dot is also a splendid idea.:p

BTW, we should not forget Macau, SH, DL n BJ...hehehe.

Best regards,

Bro WB

17-11-2009, 06:12 PM
I feel so inadequate whenever I read the postings here.

The bros here are all so loaded, educated, big time businessmen, fly here, fly there, meeting big clients here and there. $6K bao-yang here, $8K bao-yang there.

Wah liao, how to even start? I am humbled. I am not worthy.

17-11-2009, 11:22 PM
Hi bro F, long time no see. When are you free to join us for "recreation" in SG? Please join us for a trip to southern CN if you are keen.

Hi bro W, it looks like early next year would be a better bet; especially before CNY where more SYT MMs will be working for extra bucks before balek kampongs...Then again, bro LDH wants to go Taipei ;)

Yay... lets go Taipei!!!
BTW, can PRC also go Taiwan cos I heard that VISA is an issue? :p

18-11-2009, 04:19 AM
Hi esteemed bros,

I hv decided to take a trip to Hk n nearby towns for a little R n R in mid Dec. I hv a local HK businessman in his 40s, whom I hv known since 2004, who is eager to be a "tour guide" n cheonging kaki. I called him last nite n he is available, ready n willing...anytime, despite his very busy schedule. BTW, he speaks mostly Cantonese n Mandarin only. His service is FOC.

To maximize my potential returns, I'll advertise in various forums in PRC for chio non-WL MMs for possible meetup while I'm in Southern China. We will be spoilt for choices n variety. ;)

Esteemed bros here r welcome to join me.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!

Bro WB

19-11-2009, 01:53 AM
I feel so inadequate whenever I read the postings here.

The bros here are all so loaded, educated, big time businessmen........ $6K bao-yang here, $8K bao-yang there...................I am not worthy.

Hi bro EKP,

You're describing some of the esteemed bros here.

I'm the exception as I'm just a lao chi ko pek w/o a job. I hv some spare cash due to a long lucky streak. I'm eager to spend much more as 李白 said 千金散尽还复来, which means u need to spend more to attract even more, hahaha.

Never underestimate yourself. You need to hv a positive n "abundance" mindset. Remember what Li Bai said? 天生我材必有用.


Yay... lets go Taipei!!!
BTW, can PRC also go Taiwan cos I heard that VISA is an issue? :p

Hi bro LDH,

I would love to go next yr. SYTs in Taiwan r surprisingly affordable. And almost all of them speak Hokkien.


19-11-2009, 03:46 AM
I hv been taking "lessons" from the elderly SC, my senior mentor, in Gotham City. His beliefs n methods may be offensive to some bros n feminists. My sincere apologies...I'm merely sharing what he has taught me.

I like to give a brief acct of some of his tenets:

1) All healthy, heterosexual females (non-WLs n WLs alike) want n need to be dominated by men, physically, psychologically n sexually, at least at the subconscious level. It's hardwired in their primitive brains, in their genes. We men need to be dominant n stay dominant if we r going to keep an exceptional woman.

Let me get back to the spirit of this thread to illustrate a pt. When u approach a bevy of gals inside a KTV, u r the selector, u can be very dominant. But once u hv selected her n if she senses that u like her n want to bonk or BY her, the table has turned. She is the selector now n has power over u.:(

Therefore, u should never reveal ur liking for her. Be nonchalant n unflappable n project a dominant n "abundance' attitude. She can take it or leave it. Ironically, this attitude is the surest way to get into her pants at the lowest damage. Remember to maintain this dominant attitude throughout ur RS w/ her if u want to keep her.

Fast forward. Let say several wks (that is a long time to BY a gal for me, hehehe) into the RS, she may say she is always thinking of u or even she loves u, then u may reciprocate her feelings verbally n by ur body language. But ur expressed liking for her must appear to be a notch below her liking for u. You must stay in control. This is crucial. Treat her w/ respect n even reward her if she deserves it, but never ever lose ur dominance n control over her.

2) While it's attractive to women to be emotioneless outside the bedroom, inside the rm, u must be very passionate n dominant. Women crave strong emotions n they love to be fxked hard n often by a dominant man.

Almost all healthy females can hv mutliple orgasms of great intensity w/ the right man. They may enter into a continuously orgasmic state, if u r skillful enough n persist long enough. You must provide the correct psychological n physical stimulation. Dun forget variety n total immersion or flow. Before long, she will get addicted to u n all u need is some emotional bonding to get her to fall for u, hahaha.

According to SC, most women can be squirters. Though the jet of fluid comes from the urethra, it's not urine as some hv feared. It's her love juice from female equivalents of the prostate gland. When a gal is having intense orgasm, she may feel like peeing n try to hold back. Tell her it's not her pee...tell her to let go, let go... n she may squirt n hv the mother of all orgasms.;) Also tell her to look into ur eyes when she is having orgasms...talk n make noise while fxking her. You may talk dirty too...try NLP n link her strong orgasmic state w/ u n ur commands.:D

Unfortunately, I hv only met 2 squirters in my entire life, which means I hv a long way to go.:(

Your comments n critisms r always welcome!

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

22-11-2009, 02:37 AM
Good morning to all esteemed SBF bros,

Isn't it wonderful to be alive n well?

I must confess that I hv never fxked a gal in China. I hv been to SZ many times but it has been strictly for business, each visit lasting only half a day. One reason is that I hv always been accompanied by "religious" family frens. The other reason is that cheonging alone in SZ is not very safe.

But all that is going to change w/ my next visit to HK/SZ. Abt 2 to 2 1/2 months ago I called my good fren WY n requested that he send one of his employees to accompany me to SZ. He said he would personally escort me there. I was flattered as he was a busy businessman. He then suggested, out of the blue, that we spend couple of nights in DG/CP to look for pretty SYTs. I was surprised as I previously thought that he was another "righteous" family man. I asked him "safe or not?" He laughed n said "It's 100% safe if u go w/ me." Unfortunately, I decided not to go then as I had 2-3 BAO-ees in SGP at the time. And then I had the flu also.

I called WY a wk ago n asked him abt going in mid Dec. He said he was ready n available anytime. I think I may be his alibi for taking such a trip, hehehe.:p

I'm delighted that a most esteemed bro will be joining me in HK for ur hunting trip to South China. We want the best, nothing but the best. Others r encouraged to join us.

I hv also placed some ads in China websites for chio non-WL SYTs. I may take the oppty to meet up w/ some of them. I leave no stone unturned. You see, the supply of chio SYTs in China is so big that I'll henceforth focus primarily on non-WLs, especially current uni students, not just for ST, but also for BY.;) I'll employ a 3-prong approach: 1) tru intro by frens, 2) using agencies n 3) direct ads. Unlike in SGP, direct pickup would be very difficult, even dangerous, in China.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!

22-11-2009, 04:51 PM
Dear Esteem Brother Warbird,
Wish you happy hunting in GZ.
Please make sure you get all the flu and H1N1 jabs before going.
I still want to implore you to teach me on your nuclear suitcase device.
Please.... please.
It could be useful for me in the cold and freezing place that I am going. Hahaha

24-11-2009, 12:17 AM
... He then suggested, out of the blue, that we spend couple of nights in DG/CP to look for pretty SYTs. I was surprised as I previously thought that he was another "righteous" family man. I asked him "safe or not?" He laughed n said "It's 100% safe if u go w/ me." Unfortunately, I decided not to go then as I had 2-3 BAO-ees in SGP at the time. And then I had the flu also.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!

All the "righteous" family man will be like a mad male dog in China after seeing so many syts there :D:D

Happy hunting in SZ, hope can see your China FRs soon ...

24-11-2009, 03:16 AM
Dear Esteem Brother Warbird,
Wish you happy hunting in GZ.
Please make sure you get all the flu and H1N1 jabs..................
I still want to implore you to teach me on your nuclear suitcase device.
Please............................................ .........

Hi bro besafe,

No flu jabs for me. I probably had H1N1 less than 2 months ago.

I'll email some materials to u.

I think most healthy, heterosexual gals can experience COS (continuously orgasmic state) if the man knows what he is doing. May not happen in the 1st session though. Psychological stimulation over physical stimulation...both must be continuous...n last but not least, they should hv a modicum of liking for the man. Will it work if they hate the man? Perhaps, as long as there r emotions, even negative ones r better than no emotions, hahaha.

I hv knowingly executed "the suitcase device" only on one of my BAO-ees. She is in China now n is trying hard to return on a student visa. I'm in ctc w/ my first BAO-ee to resume our RS on my return. I want to see how submissive she will become...

In retrospect, there was a Malaysian Chn gal, a non-WL, who achieved COS. I did it unknowingly. She was my FB, a tall (abt 170) n chio 19 yo from East Malaysia, when I was a very young man. I used to fxxk her 3-4 times in 2 1/2-3 hrs. She was totally uninhibited. I met her twice a wk n she said I didn't hv a "heart" bcos she needed me everyday!!:eek: Our RS lasted off n on (she had to return to Malaysia) for 3 1/2 yrs. She called me to meet up even after her engagement. It ended when I left for Gotham City. She was my best fxxk ever. I would drive to her flat n take her to my dorm rm, fxxked her brains out, then drove her back after 3 hrs. I only bought her a movie ticket n a snack in those 3 1/2 yrs!! I didn't spend another penny for her. BTW, she was sexually addicted to me but didn't love me.

Have a great trip! Dun forget to post a summary of ur exploits here.

All the "righteous" family man will be like a mad male dog in China after seeing so many syts there :D:D

Happy hunting in SZ, hope can see your China FRs soon ...

Hi bro President,

I totally agree w/ u. I might take 2-3 at a time, hehehe.:D


24-11-2009, 01:06 PM
I hv also placed some ads in China websites for chio non-WL SYTs. I may take the oppty to meet up w/ some of them. I leave no stone unturned. You see, the supply of chio SYTs in China is so big that I'll henceforth focus primarily on non-WLs, especially current uni students, not just for ST, but also for BY.;) I'll employ a 3-prong approach: 1) tru intro by frens, 2) using agencies n 3) direct ads. Unlike in SGP, direct pickup would be very difficult, even dangerous, in China.

hi bro warbird, sorry for being "absent" for quite some time at this forum. Busy trying to earn some moolah and enjoying my dalliances with SYT – still within ASEAN countries.

The time of your postings suggest that you are still at Gothom. So when will you be plying here again? When is your intended China sojourn?

Speaking of China, I love the "no stone unturned" approach that you adopt with regard to BY.

Effective Courtship (either BY or otherwise) usually necessitates a methodical approach. It is precisely in the approach that old fogies like us still can carnally experience exquisite a SYT’s supple flesh!

Money, although an important ingredient, is only a small part of the equation. I am sure many of us know enough rich people that have the longing and financial wherewithal to experience romance with SYT but lack the necessary technique to do so!

For me personally, chance encounters, spontaneity, synchronicity (or other kismet and 缘分concepts) that are often associated with Romance ironically paralyses a would-be Casanova. It detracts from self empowerment.

The right attitude and right approach invariably increases the chance of success – whatever the age group and social economic status. So I am glad that you go to China – well planned and ready to plunder! :rolleyes:

Take care bro ….. cheers!

24-11-2009, 01:12 PM
The right attitude and right approach invariably increases the chance of success – whatever the age group and social economic status. So I am glad that you go to China – well planned and ready to plunder! :rolleyes:

The trip to China - means debauchery time!!! :D

24-11-2009, 02:08 PM
The trip to China - means debauchery time!!! :D

yes, a veritable orgy..... hmmmm, wonder if multiple partners and/or partner swapping is part of the program? :)

24-11-2009, 08:04 PM
The trip to China - means debauchery time!!! :D

Brother... hahaha...
You should spell the word with capital letters.


Bro Warbird,
Thanks for the info you sent.
WOW ! I will read it everyday and commit to memory and practice it hard.

25-11-2009, 10:31 AM
hi bro warbird, sorry for being "absent" for quite some time at this forum. Busy trying to earn some moolah and enjoying my dalliances with SYT – still within ASEAN countries.............................
Speaking of China, I love the "no stone unturned" approach that you adopt with regard to BY...............................
Money, although an important ingredient, is only a small part of the equation. I am sure many of us know enough rich people that have the longing and financial wherewithal to experience romance with SYT but lack the necessary technique to do so!

Hi bro Justime,

Good to know that u r making loads of moolah n having a great time w/ ASEAN MMs.

I favor a "no stone unturned approach" n dun leave anything to chance. The drawback is that I may get "data overload," hehehe.

You're right bro. Money alone may not be enough to get a really pretty SYT bcos of the no of suitors, especially in SGP. Having the right strategy n tactic could give one an edge in getting into her pants. Then one's bedroom "manner" becomes important...if one is to win her heart, hahaha.


The trip to China - means debauchery time!!! :D

Hi bro LDH,

Another place is Thailand. I hv not been there since the AIDS epidemic.

yes, a veritable orgy..... hmmmm, wonder if multiple partners and/or partner swapping is part of the program? :)

I may do 双飞 as I hv never done it before.

Bro Warbird,
Thanks for the info you sent.
WOW ! I will read it everyday and commit to memory and practice it hard.

Bro besafe, I wish u success in everything u do. Dun forget to post ur FR though.

Best regards to all esteemed bros!!

26-11-2009, 01:46 PM
To my esteemed bros!

Most recent updates:

I have been lying low out of the business scene (and SBF!) while enjoying many wonderful nights at Dynasty and I have kept mum on my developments because of sensitivity issues.

Thank you all (you guys know who you are) for the SMSes and emails of concerns, really appreciate them. Now that I have acquired my family business (due to internal/family tussle), I am back from my hibernation mode.

Still my own businesses require a lot of my attention of late as well as the newly minted acquisition has sapped me totally out of my energy. Lets meet again next week when we all have the time, I will update you my story over the last 3 weeks. :D

Anyway beside my new business acquisition, I would also like to introduce to you my brothers, a new addition in my life. :p



26-11-2009, 01:49 PM
yes, a veritable orgy..... hmmmm, wonder if multiple partners and/or partner swapping is part of the program? :)

If I am going, I will be bringing my partner with me... so think the swapping part is out for me... hahaha. :D


26-11-2009, 01:51 PM
Brother... hahaha...
You should spell the word with capital letters.


Me cannot DEBAUCH cos I will be watched... kekeke :D
Will leave the corruption to the rest of the bros! Hooyay.


26-11-2009, 11:11 PM
Anyway beside my new business acquisition, I would also like to introduce to you my brothers, a new addition in my life. :p


Wish you the very very best and good fortune on the new addition.
Take care and cheers.
I am heading in that direction too.

27-11-2009, 03:02 AM
I would also like to introduce to you my brothers, a new addition in my life

Wow, I in lala land & you landed wif a new additional in your life.
Happening man, when you go, jio me hor, me wanna see see.
Or is it the one I already saw and gave you the intel on????

27-11-2009, 03:45 AM
To my esteemed bros!
.................................................. ....................
Anyway beside my new business acquisition, I would also like to introduce to you my brothers, a new addition in my life. :p

Wish you the very very best and good fortune on the new addition........................
I am heading in that direction too.

Good morning to all esteemed bro!

I'm glad that bro LDH is 双喜临门, new business acquisition n a new addition in his life!! Congrats!!

Bro besafe too is also heading in that direction. Best wishes!!
.................................................. .................................................. ...............

I'm still in Gotham City, or rather, in one of the suburbs quite far away from the city. It couldn't be more different from Havelock Rd in S'pore.;) Here I live in a heavily wooded area which resembles part botanic gardens n part nature preserve. There r many songbirds n wild animals, but no PRC MMs! It's very quite n I seldom see my neighbors. Great place for meditation.

Life is ironic. I especially appreciate the Chinese adage 赛翁失马 焉知非福, which is even more positive than "a blessing in disguise." This is true in many areas of life. For example, if ur business deal goes sour or if u lose ur job or a good oppty, something better will come along. So relax n think positive. It applies to cheonging n BY too. If a chio SYT rejects ur advances or offer, several younger n prettier ones r waiting in the wing, hahaha. This is exactly what is happening to me as I sit alone in my study rm in a far away place.:p

I think it's ur mindset n perseverance, especially in face of great adversity n obstacles, that determine the outcome n define u as a person. Whatever u r seeking or searching, leave "no stone unturned." And a book of great wisdom states: "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom."

Yes, "whatever you do, do with all your might."

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

Bro WB

27-11-2009, 04:26 PM
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom."
Yes, "whatever you do, do with all your might."

Bro WB

wah bro, i luv these words . . .
haven't read something as good as these words for a long while
give u 4 more quotes for a call to action . . . :)

“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.”
-Edmond Burke

"Once you accept your own death you are free to live. "
-Saul Alinsky

"You may never know what results come of your action,
but if you do nothing there will be no result."
Mahatma Gandhi

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
Peter F. Drucker

28-11-2009, 02:15 AM
wah bro, i luv these words . . .
haven't read something as good as these words for a long while
give u 4 more quotes for a call to action . . . :)

Hi bro PeteTsang69,

You make my day!! Your quotes r excellent!!

"Once you accept your own death you are free to live. "
-Saul Alinsky[/QUOTE]

This quote is on the very top of my list. It's really profound. It's similar to two Chinese maxims:置生死于度外 n 置死地而后生.

Paradoxically, in life, the best way to avoid unnecessary death or to minimize the risks of death is to accept death n be cool, calm n collected n do ur very best. It's also the only way to live life to the fullest.

It's also the secret of the greatest samurai in Japanese history.

"Miyamoto Musashi is considered to be the greatest swordsman who ever lived. After fighting in over sixty duels, Musashi reflected on the concept of strategy and what allowed him to win so many battles. He recorded these thoughts in a book titled ‘Go Rin No Ryu’ – or, in English, ‘A Book of Five Rings.’

So why am I talking about sword fighting now? Well, because the book itself uses sword fighting as a metaphor for all things. The book is about strategy in general. It is considered such a masterpiece of strategy that some business schools, Harvard included, use it to teach business strategy.

In terms of the modern world and what lessons we can take from it now, I would like to quote one line from the book. Musashi says, ‘the way of the warrior is the resolute acceptance of death.’ These eleven words are profound and contain the secret to a great many successes in them. The statement means that in order to do his best, a warrior must accept the possibility and reality of death. A warrior who did not do this would be afraid of dying in combat, and as such would lessen his ability to fight. Ironically, the more concerned a warrior was with dying, the more likely he was to die. Only by accepting the reality of death could a warrior get past it.

Taken outside of feudal Japan, this sentiment can have a huge impact on your success in a variety of areas. Like the warrior, rather than fearing the negative consequence, once you embrace and accept it as a real possibility you can move past it.

The same rule applies to business. If you are afraid of messing up a presentation, or a project, or a sales call, the more likely you are to mess it up. Once you accept the reality of failure, you free up your energy to allow yourself to perform to the best of your ability.

Remember, all you have to accept is failure, rejection, or embarrassment – Musashi had to accept death."

Let's be totally fearless when we pursue those chio SYTs, OK?;)

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
Peter F. Drucker[/CENTER][/QUOTE]

Another profound quote. Similar to 鲁迅的 “路是人走出来的.”

Best regards to u n all bros,

Bro WB

28-11-2009, 10:22 AM
Bro Warbird
Its good to read from u even when u r in a land far far away... Especially the chinese adages!!!

A little contribution from what I learnt in school:

"Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once."

--From Julius Caesar

William Shakespeare


28-11-2009, 11:12 AM
Hooyah...... it seem I miss out sthg here huh.

Nonetheless, just a update as for brudders who had sms me.
Well, it was quite a heavy schedule apart from works, and the balancing of my life routine with my other half and family. In fact just came back from the land of heritage city up north. Of coz a mixture of both business sense and also a time for my family. ;)

On another note, this period will be rather busy period for me .... on hand's project to catch up for completion and handing over, whereas I am also in the middle of sthg good, meanwhile in the process of working towards it.
Which will see me engage and consolidate into my field of work and the nearest term I shall put it as M & A. :p

To my esteemed bros!

Most recent updates:

Anyway beside my new business acquisition, I would also like to introduce to you my brothers, a new addition in my life.


Well wishes, guess nthg beats a nice acquisition, however this is only the start. as the old saying 创业难,守业更难. all the best LDH.

Over here, in my view, most PRC gals are already seasoned with very few exception. Supply and demand theory applies. Hence, "no fish prawn also can" for many of us here..

So the point is: when are we going to CN?

Fellow esteem brudders, I wish I could join you folks for the physical excursion to such an lovable place, however I will be with you all in spirit. :D

Wow, I in lala land & you landed wif a new additional in your life.
Happening man, when you go, jio me hor, me wanna see see.

Yoy DYBJ, its indeed Long enuff for me to see your face beyond my finger's.
haha, hope we all can gather for a catch up ... but for me NOT Yet, NotYet.

Life is ironic. I especially appreciate the Chinese adage 赛翁失马 焉知非福, which is even more positive than "a blessing in disguise." This is true in many areas of life. For example, if ur business deal goes sour or if u lose ur job or a good oppty, something better will come along. So relax n think positive. It applies to cheonging n BY too. If a chio SYT rejects ur advances or offer, several younger n prettier ones r waiting in the wing, hahaha. This is exactly what is happening to me as I sit alone in my study rm in a far away place.

I think it's ur mindset n perseverance, especially in face of great adversity n obstacles, that determine the outcome n define u as a person. Whatever u r seeking or searching, leave "no stone unturned." And a book of great wisdom states: "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom."

Yes, "whatever you do, do with all your might."

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

Bro WB

Well said, bro WB.... perhaps you might consider to mentos me in $and cents concern. yay ... how about that .... give it a thoughts. !!! :)

You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence. Abraham Lincoln

The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis'. One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger-but recognize the opportunity.
John F. Kennedy

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
John F. Kennedy

Take care my dear all,

28-11-2009, 12:36 PM
Hi bro PeteTsang69,

You make my day!! Your quotes r excellent!!

... Remember, all you have to accept is failure, rejection, or embarrassment – Musashi had to accept death."

Let's be totally fearless when we pursue those chio SYTs, OK?;)

thanks, glad you like them words ...

now ur making the pursuit of SYTs such a noble adventure :D:D

let me share an image i have when things "don't happen" ... failure, rejection, or embarrassment .... i.e. no results . . and that is this ...

... u have to dig a lot of dirt to get to the diamonds . . perseverance ... cheers :)

“Never despair, but if you do, work on in despair.”
-Edmund Burke

28-11-2009, 04:31 PM
The trip to China - means debauchery time!!! :D

游荡? No la bro. It should be "revitalisation" or "purification" of our souls having dealt with the limited PRC MMs available here for sometime liao. :D


29-11-2009, 03:15 AM
Bro Warbird...................................
"Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once."

--From Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare
Hi bro Rolec,
Ths, one of the most insightful quotes...


Well said, bro WB.... perhaps you might consider to mentos me in $and cents concern. yay ... how about that .... give it a thoughts. !!! :)
.................................................. .................................................. ..............


Hi bro OL,

I'm actually a beginner myself in the trade of $ n cents. I hv spent most of my life in an entirely different line of work until recently...so I'm just like an armchair general. I think other esteemed bros here, Mr. Austin, bros LDH, marc5, justime, etc. r really accomplished businessmen n investors.

I like ur quotes very much!


thanks, glad you like them words ...

now ur making the pursuit of SYTs such a noble adventure :D

let me share an image i have when things "don't happen" ...
... u have to dig a lot of dirt to get to the diamonds . . perseverance ... cheers

Hi bro PT,

Actually it's a most noble adventure, INHO. I want to be brutally honest n not be hypocritical.

This activity is hardwired in a man's brain n in his genes. A strong libido is a function of high testosterone level n excellent physical health. The survival of the species depends on it. Most progress in human history has occurred bcos of this primordial instinct. I hv shed all feelings of guilt (the most unfortunate results of social n religious conditioning) n offer no apologies. I shall leave no stone unturned in my pursuit as long as I operate within the confines of the law.

I like ur excellent quote too.

We must be bold n passionate, but not foolhardy, in our pursuit.;)

"It is better to be bold than too circumspect,
because fortune is of a sex which likes not a tardy wooer
and repulses all who are not ardent."


游荡? No la bro. It should be "revitalisation" or "purification" of our souls having dealt with the limited PRC MMs available here for sometime liao. :D


Hi bro marc5,

Pls PM me ur exact arrival day/time in HK. Do we go to DG/CP the same day or the next day?


01-12-2009, 03:28 AM
Good morning to all bros of SBF!!

I'm reading a book on "how to get..." n the author describes 3 types of gals/women:

The "ho", the "freak", and the "good girl".*
{* For those who have trouble with the slang names, the names used in the book of
Proverbs are the harlot, the strange woman (or adulteress), and the virtuous woman.}
We will discuss the basic characteristics of each main type, but I want to make a
very important point here: although there are three basic behavioral patterns that it is
possible for a woman to have, there is also a degree of overlapping of the characteristics

IMHO, the PRC MMs who run KTVs here in S'pore r hoes or hybrid of hoes/ freaks. Some might hv been "good girls" back in China.

Any comments?


01-12-2009, 12:19 PM
游荡? No la bro. It should be "revitalisation" or "purification" of our souls having dealt with the limited PRC MMs available here for sometime liao. :D


Jan is possibly a bad month for me as I need to complete the newly minted acquired deal.

Feb will be a better month - I will be travelling to China SH followed by Hunan thus I can do a breakaway to join you guys!



01-12-2009, 12:23 PM
Wow, I in lala land & you landed wif a new additional in your life.
Happening man, when you go, jio me hor, me wanna see see.
Or is it the one I already saw and gave you the intel on????

The same one lor... I am a very faithful man hor... :D


01-12-2009, 12:27 PM
Hooyah...... it seem I miss out sthg here huh.

Nonetheless, just a update as for brudders who had sms me.
Well, it was quite a heavy schedule apart from works, and the balancing of my life routine with my other half and family. In fact just came back from the land of heritage city up north. Of coz a mixture of both business sense and also a time for my family. ;)

On another note, this period will be rather busy period for me .... on hand's project to catch up for completion and handing over, whereas I am also in the middle of sthg good, meanwhile in the process of working towards it.
Which will see me engage and consolidate into my field of work and the nearest term I shall put it as M & A. :p

Well wishes, guess nthg beats a nice acquisition, however this is only the start. as the old saying 创业难,守业更难. all the best LDH.

Bro OL,

When can we cheong again? Who is going to take the lead to organise? :D


01-12-2009, 01:59 PM
To all esteemed bros who r interested in a visit to DG/CP in mid Dec:

I just called my good fren WY, a HK businessman, n he said he was in CP on business. He was there to receive a large shipment of machinery to ship to HK? He would return to HK in 1-2 days. He now goes there once a month.;)

He told me to forget abt Macau...bcos the KTV gals in CP were better, younger n cheaper than those in Macau. He guaranteed my personal safety as he is a good fren of the big shots at the local 公安局. RMB 200 for the gal to sit whole nite w/ u n 800 to fxxk her whole nite. He urged me to take 3 for the nite n that would make me feel like an "emperor.":D How to refuse his kind invitation? BTW, I told WY I'm only interested in the youngest, prettiest n sexiest gals who r tall...

I know one esteemed bro will be joining me. We will spend 2 nights in CP, OK? Other bros whom I hv met r encouraged to join the hunting expedition as well.

Pls PM me.

Have a great day!

Bro WB

01-12-2009, 02:20 PM
To all esteemed bros who r interested in a visit to DG/CP in mid Dec:


He told me to forget abt Macau...bcos the KTV gals in CP were better, younger n cheaper than those in Macau. He guaranteed my personal safety as he is a good fren of the big shots at the local 公安局. RMB 200 for the gal to sit whole nite w/ u n 800 to fxxk her whole nite. He urged me to take 3 for the nite n that would make me feel like an "emperor.":D How to refuse his kind invitation? BTW, I told WY I'm only interested in the youngest, prettiest n sexiest gals who r tall...

I know one esteemed bro will be joining me. We will spend 2 nights in CP, OK? Other bros whom I hv met r encouraged to join the hunting expedition as well.

Pls PM me.

Have a great day!

Bro WB

Lol...3 for the nite? R u sure datz enuff? :D

01-12-2009, 02:56 PM
Lol...3 for the nite? R u sure datz enuff? :D

Hi bro Fischer,

I might take more more gals if I could use the same CD for all of them, hehehe. I'm also going to snap a few pics...:p

You coming? You should post some of ur exploits in CP right here. Is the damage quoted by WY abt right? I'm going to pay for his gals as a token of our friendship, although he is quite well off n will most likely refuse...

Take care.

Hope to see u in SGP.

01-12-2009, 05:15 PM
Hi bro Fischer,

I might take more more gals if I could use the same CD for all of them, hehehe. I'm also going to snap a few pics...:p

You coming? You should post some of ur exploits in CP right here. Is the damage quoted by WY abt right? I'm going to pay for his gals as a token of our friendship, although he is quite well off n will most likely refuse...

Take care.

Hope to see u in SGP.

Well, given the amount of gals available at the KTVs, it would b kinda hard for u 2 choose only 3...:)

Wat can i say abt CP? Lots have been said in the forum, n i'm sure some of the bros browsing this thread have been there b4. Anyway, what ur fren said abt the damages r right. However, there are a couple of categories of gals there, all based actually on height diff. Its like this :

Category 2/5/8 - 200 for sitting with u whole nite, 500 for just 1 shot, 800 for ovrnite. Pls note the 500 and 800 already includes the 200 rmb tips.

Category 3/6/9 and last category is model cat(those in this cat r much taller) 5/10/15. (Note: not too sure abt the pricing for the model cat, cos i have nvr tasted them. Those old birds can help to correct if wrong. Height diff is not dat important to me :) )

It is good for u to get more gals to sit with u each time, as they will vie for ur affections, in a bid to get to be the 1 to go back with u to ur love nest, as the real money for them comes from the bonking fee. 1 gd thing abt CP is dat there is no need for negotiation with the ladies when it comes to the price, as it is all fixed. Additional tips is of course up to u. So far most of the ladies i have met there have gd GFE, although some of them may not have excellent bed skills, for that it is up to luck and also how u gear them up in bed. I'm sure u will have no problem with dat.

Age wise, most of them r young gals. The youngest i've encountered is 17, n the oldest is 23. My frens have encountered up to age of 26, but i dun see that much. Most of them r b/w 18-23.

I wld love to join u, but i'm waitg for my new employer to inform me of the starting date for the job. It could b anytime this month or the next, so i'm kinda stuck rite now. Wat is the exact date which u will b there? I'll c wat i can do.

Regardless of anything, i'm pretty sure u'll enjoy the ladies ovr there. The quantity of ladies in the KTVs can easily hit up to 4-500+ above / nite. Note that not all of them r great stuff, but there will b more than enough to appease ur bottomless appetite for these dragon ladies. :) Dunno if u have encountered the flower street concept, where there is actually a hall where all the ladies line up, n u just walk n walk n pick as u go. It was an eye-opener for shallow old me, but do not hesitate to take any gal u think is gd, cos chances r once u turn back, she could have been snapped up already.

01-12-2009, 05:29 PM
.... He urged me to take 3 for the nite n that would make me feel like an "emperor.":D How to refuse his kind invitation? BTW, I told WY I'm only interested in the youngest, prettiest n sexiest gals who r tall...

Hi bro warbird, three babes for the nite. You have surpassed me and left me trailing in your wake ....

so when will you be back in SIN?

BTW M, my Viet FB has returned home. Sarah in Indon and Paeng in Thailand. Leaving me and my SIN gf only. I am therefore now suffering suffering from the "ONE-gina" syndrome currently.

(Can't join you for your little jaunt in CP as I got an imminent business travel thereabouts on mid Dec.)

Anyway, like to share with you a a little game that my buddies play when having three babes simultaneously - (might need to pay just a lil extra for that - but it is hellava worth it):

Know the little 'gambling' game whereby the dealer puts a little token in one of three cups/shells and then furiously mixes them around. The 'bettor' must guess which cup hides the token and puts his money accordingly.

For this carnal play, my buddy do it slightly different. He impales the three damsels in turns. And the lady in which he ejaculates onto gets the ante and the prize (RMB 200 winner ante goes a long way). After you have given out the prize money the first time around - just watch for the sparks and rollicking for the second round (and subsequent rounds).

PS: I have tried with a double (two gals) in China, the last time I tried, I can only last three rounds max (and then need one whole day to recuperate). According to my friend, the level of fun goes up many notches with three or more participants!

Cheers ......

PS: Actually this is mini masterstroke to ensure enthusiasm and effort in a group orgy session. If not properly incentivised and structured, many a times a Ménage à trois session can go 'flat' (with only one 'domineering' gal commanding all the attention - the other(s) being rather passive). :cool:

This little nuggurt above, I speak from direct experience!

01-12-2009, 05:38 PM
Hi bro warbird, three babes for the nite. You have surpassed me and left me trailing in your wake ....


Anyway, like to share with you a a little game that my buddies play when having three babes simultaneously - (might need to pay just a lil extra for that - but it is hellava worth it):

Know the little 'gambling' game whereby the dealer puts a little token in one of three cups/shells and then furiously mixes them around. The 'bettor' must guess which cup hides the token and puts his money accordingly.

For this carnal play, my buddy do it slightly different. He impales the three damsels in turns. And the lady in which he ejaculates onto gets the ante and the prize (RMB 200 winner ante goes a long way). After you have given out the prize money the first time around - just watch for the sparks and rollicking for the second round (and subsequent rounds).

PS: I have tried with a double (two gals) in China, the last time I tried, I can only last three rounds max (and then need one whole day to recuperate). According to my friend, the level of fun goes up many notches with three or more participants!

Cheers ......

Lol...better start taking more tonic soup n supplements b4 the trip...:)

01-12-2009, 07:54 PM
The same one lor... I am a very faithful man hor... :D.

So faithful....just like me hehehehe
Anyways, gents, time to cheong a new joint Club Emporio
I will activate all sometime this week or early next week.
Pls be ready!

01-12-2009, 10:44 PM
So faithful....just like me hehehehe
Anyways, gents, time to cheong a new joint Club Emporio
I will activate all sometime this week or early next week.
Pls be ready!

heh heh... :D

Please let me know early hor when you want to go CE, I will be bringing my new life addition there. :)

Heard that CE got stage wor, perhaps can get my singer babe to sing too... kekeke.



02-12-2009, 03:39 AM
....................... Anyway, what ur fren said abt the damages r right. However, there are a couple of categories of gals there, all based actually on height diff. Its like this :

Category 2/5/8 - 200 for sitting with u whole nite, 500 for just 1 shot, 800 for ovrnite. Pls note the 500 and 800 already includes the 200 rmb tips.

Category 3/6/9 and last category is model cat(those in this cat r much taller) 5/10/15. (Note: not too sure abt the pricing for the model cat...

It is good for u to get more gals to sit with u each time, as they will vie for ur affections, in a bid to get to be the 1 to go back with u to ur love nest, as the real money for them comes from the bonking fee...........................

Age wise, most of them r young gals. The youngest i've encountered is 17, n the oldest is 23...

I wld love to join u, but i'm waitg for my new employer to inform me of the starting date for the job...........

Regardless of anything, i'm pretty sure u'll enjoy the ladies ovr there. The quantity of ladies in the KTVs can easily hit up to 4-500+ above / nite. Note that not all of them r great stuff, but there will b more than enough to appease ur bottomless appetite for these dragon ladies................

Hi bro Fischer,

Ths so much for ur detailed info on CP. My preferred gals r 18-23 n taller than average, in 3/6/9 n 10/5/10 categories. Five hundred gals under one roof sounds fantastic! I assume that most of the gals r from other provinces.

How r the current gals at TAM/CI/LV? Slim pickings? The slightly pretty ones r often either BAO-ed or prebooked or otherwise spoken for n we dun even get to see them.:(

If the gals in China r really pretty, plentiful n available, I must try to BY them n bring them to SGP or Gotham City. Or perhaps I could just spend half my time there, which I could easily do as I dun hv a regular job.

Ths again n best wishes to u on ur new job oppty.


...............I am therefore now suffering suffering from the "ONE-gina" syndrome currently.

(Can't join you for your little jaunt in CP as I got an imminent business travel thereabouts on mid Dec.)

Know the little 'gambling' game whereby the dealer puts a little token in one of three cups/shells.............................For this carnal play, my buddy do it slightly different. He impales the three damsels in turns. And the lady in which he ejaculates onto gets the ante and the prize (RMB 200 winner ante goes a long way)................................
Cheers ......

Hi bro Justime,

I like the idea of ur little game to make the FJ more interesting...

Sometimes it's good to hv the "one-gina syndrome" so that u could focus on other endeavors n give u needed rest n recuperation.;)

I'll see u soon, hopefully.


05-12-2009, 11:47 AM
Good morning!

The concept of female COS (contnuously orgasmiuc state) as revealed by my senior mentor SC is quite new to me. In retrospect, I hv only induced such a blissful state in 2 individuals in my entire life. The way these 2 gals hv treated me is a good indicator of its addictive power.:D

I hv read up extensively on the subject in the last few wks, n there is a divergence of opinions n methods as to how best to induce this addiction. Some rely heavily on clitoral ( w/ fingers n mouth/tongue) n G-spot stimulation (w/ 1, then 2 fingers), followed by FJ. Others use clitoral stimulation as a prelude only n place great emphasis on the importance of fxxking the gals in various positions which enable the strongest G-spot stimulation for 30 min or longer! Others use...

Almost all methods stress the importance of continuous psychological n physical stimulation.

Any esteemed bros care to share your experiences?

Ths a lot n hv a great day!

Bro WB

07-12-2009, 05:38 PM
Bros! Activation time to cheong the new KTV, Club Emporio...

Tomorrow, Tuesday, 8 December 2009. We will go for the SH and a SMS will be sent to you guys on further details.



08-12-2009, 10:26 AM
Bros! Activation time to cheong the new KTV, Club Emporio...

Tomorrow, Tuesday, 8 December 2009. We will go for the SH and a SMS will be sent to you guys on further details.

Hi bro LDH,

Where is Club Emporio?

Will be going to TAM or CI either today or tmr, but I hv little interest in the local KTVs after knowing the quantity n quality of gals available in CP, Macau, Dalian, etc.

I hv reflected on my limited experience in cheonging n BAO-ing in the last 6 months or so n I hv decided to change my strategy. Change is inevitable n it's good.

I'm basically an adherent of "value cheonging," very similar to "value investing," where one of the dictates is to buy undervalued assets n sell them when they become overvalued.;) The choice assets (in this case chio pussies) r grossly undervalued in PRC, even factoring in the time n travel expenses n other risk factors such as personal safety n health care, etc. Since I dun hold a job anywhere, I plan to rearrange my affairs so that I can spend 50% of my time in China , hopefully in the not too distant future.:p

In the meantime, I'll be happy to join any outings to our local joints...

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

Bro WB

08-12-2009, 10:45 AM
The other side of the equation in "value cheonging" is "value whoring" which applies to PRC MMS who leave China to work as WLs n KTV gals in foreign countries. It's a gold mine for them. They r even in Africa!

We r buyers of their assets. These PRC MMs keep coming here bcos, after initial modest outlay, they can sell their assets, or should I say pussies, at grossly inflated prices. They become very overvalued. Therefore, we as buyers, become their carrot heads for buying inflated assets. Of course those of us who hv full-time jobs or businesses here can't help it. One solution is to form a buyers association n try to import large quantity of chio gals. But we r unlikely to obtain gahmen's cooperation. Hence I hv decided to spend 50% of my time in PRC.

Your comments n criticisms r welcome!


08-12-2009, 03:44 PM
Bros! Activation time to cheong the new KTV, Club Emporio...

Tomorrow, Tuesday, 8 December 2009. We will go for the SH and a SMS will be sent to you guys on further details.



Wld so like to join u fellas, can't make it due to new job commitments...anyway, enjoy fellas!!

The other side of the equation in "value cheonging" is "value whoring" which applies to PRC MMS who leave China to work as WLs n KTV gals in foreign countries. It's a gold mine for them. They r even in Africa!

We r buyers of their assets. These PRC MMs keep coming here bcos, after initial modest outlay, they can sell their assets, or should I say pussies, at grossly inflated prices. They become very overvalued. Therefore, we as buyers, become their carrot heads for buying inflated assets. Of course those of us who hv full-time jobs or businesses here can't help it. One solution is to form a buyers association n try to import large quantity of chio gals. But we r unlikely to obtain gahmen's cooperation. Hence I hv decided to spend 50% of my time in PRC.

Your comments n criticisms r welcome!


Lol...was thinking when u wld start considering to spend more time in China instead...settle down quickly, so dat i wld have a tour guide in my future trips to the Mainland :D

08-12-2009, 07:55 PM
Since I dun hold a job anywhere, I plan to rearrange my affairs so that I can spend 50% of my time in China , hopefully in the not too distant future.:p

Do remember to call on me when you pop by Shanghai!

08-12-2009, 10:21 PM
The other side of the equation in "value cheonging" is "value whoring" which applies to PRC MMS who leave China to work as WLs n KTV gals in foreign countries. It's a gold mine for them. They r even in Africa!

We r buyers of their assets. These PRC MMs keep coming here bcos, after initial modest outlay, they can sell their assets, or should I say pussies, at grossly inflated prices. They become very overvalued. Therefore, we as buyers, become their carrot heads for buying inflated assets. Of course those of us who hv full-time jobs or businesses here can't help it. One solution is to form a buyers association n try to import large quantity of chio gals. But we r unlikely to obtain gahmen's cooperation. Hence I hv decided to spend 50% of my time in PRC.

Your comments n criticisms r welcome!


To me, I buy alot of China Stocks, I spend money on PRC chicks in Singapore, they TT the money back and buy properties and consumers goods, my stocks go up, so win win situation for me

09-12-2009, 10:08 AM

Lol...was thinking when u wld start considering to spend more time in China instead...settle down quickly, so dat i wld have a tour guide in my future trips to the Mainland :D

Sure, bro Fishcer. I may stay in ZH or XM.

Sorry that I didn't spell ur nick correctly in the past bcos there is a K. Fischer who is a famous investor/author.

Do remember to call on me when you pop by Shanghai!

Hi bro chenzong,

Of course. Hoping to see u soon in SGP.

To me, I buy alot of China Stocks, I spend money on PRC chicks in Singapore, they TT the money back and buy properties and consumers goods, my stocks go up, so win win situation for me

Hi bro ME,

We hv something in common, hehehe. China stocks listed in SH, HK n NYSE? Those listed in SGX r mostly 3rd tier companies, not unlike the quality of PRC MMs in SGP, IMHO.

But u could save a lot more if u fxk these PRC chicks in China. I think u get a 70-80% discount, hahaha. As a "value cheongster," I'm only interested in undervalued "assets.";)

My plan of action: Invest in Chinese stocks listed in SH, HK n NYSE. Fxk n BY PRC chicks in China. That is what I call a win-win-win-win situation.:cool:

Cheers to all bros!!

10-12-2009, 11:36 AM
Good morning to all bros:

What a beautiful n warm day here in the little red dot!

Originally planned to go to CI last nite but heard that there was a raid the day before during which 18 gals were nabbed. One of the gals was XYZ, a chio n tall student, whom I fancied n hoped to BY. Not sure if I'll ever see her again.:(

Visited DC SH last nite w/ bros BV n Fischer. I met a SYT from Fujian. She is BB, a 20 yo student, 168, 48kg, slim w/ proportionate figure. She is a chio n cute gal, very playful n vivacious...but the mummy told me that no man had succeeded in bedding her n she had never been BAO-ed before. She added that BB was very popular n had many suitors n advised me not to waste time w/ her. But I like the challenge n will take a very different approach, hehehe. For the first time I never asked the HP no from a gal I liked very much n I didn't reveal my fondness for her. She could take it or leave it...she voluntarily gave her HP no to me n asked me if I remembered her name just before I was to leave DC. She will be one of my companions at LP 7th fl at HH tonite. I think it's LP's anniversary celebration?

By pure coincidence, BB is a slightly younger version of my first BAO-ee XW, both from Fujian, both 168, weigh abt the same n hv almost identical physique. I may invite WX to come tonite n hv a side-by-side comparison. I'll find out if their pussies taste the same too, hahaha. BB is as pretty as WX, but WX is cold n aloof whereas BB is friendly n vivacious. It took me 8 months to bed BB n I hope it would take me much shorter time to taste BB's pussy. I'm also a different man now as I know the secrets of COS...;)

BTW, bros BV n Fischer had a good time too. Congrats to bro Fischer on his new position. As always, bro BV had a pretty new GF, a gal from CI.

I may go to Macau n not CP nex wk. Two frens n one bro hv assured me that top Macau KTVs offer the prettiest n sexiest gals.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

11-12-2009, 09:53 AM
Went to LP last nite at 8 PM w/ my "senior advisor" n a few frens. The quality of gals not very good. Got 11-12 singers I think. Couple of them looked OK from a distance.

I had BB w/ me. I told her to speak 古田话 n I spoke in Mandarin。 I could understand her 98%. Although she is a popular gal at DC, her income is only 5K or less a month as she doesn't sleep w/ customers or hv a BF (need verification of course). I asked how come some gals could make 10-12k w/o having sex w/ anyone. She said in the past yes, but not now?!!

I "popped" the question n she blushed n smiled...w/o saying yes or no. I then frenched her n she offered only token resistance...

However, the fact that she is a light smoker has slightly reduced my interest in her. She has no tattoos, childbirth or surgeries. Will see what happen next.

Separately, a mummy called n said XYZ had agreed to BY for X amt per month. I only met her once over 2 1/2 months ago when she first started work at TAM, will need to see her again. She repeatedly rejected my offer to BY then. I guess the recent raids hv actually tipped the balance in my favor.:p

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

12-12-2009, 10:52 AM
Bom dia to all esteemed bros,

I had to stay home last nite becos I was exhausted after 2 consecutive SH. Had to decline invitation to join bro marc5 at DC HH n also bros BV, GoGoGo n Big R for SH. Bros BV n co. didn't find any gals at DC SH n quickly "adjourned" to CI.

Could the esteemed bros give a FR for last nite's outings? Ths!!

BTW, how is Club Emporio? Any FR?

I'll be meeting w/ my first BAO-ee XW n her new gf this PM. She wants to intro her gf for me to BY. I told her I'm only interested if she is 年轻貌美, 身材高挑 n fresh...hahaha. She replied of course.

I hv digressed too long n too far away from the spirit of this thread. Finally, I hv good news for all the bros!!

There is one place in the world, maybe the only place, where a lao chi ko pek like me can pick up many, many very chio n sexy SYTs outside KTVs. The Venetian Hotel in Macau, China. No, they will try to pick me up!

Yesterday PM I met a couple of new frens, all 50+ bizmen, who just returned from Macau China. They said forget abt CP. Dun even go to KTVs in Macau, just stay at the Venetian Hotel n go down to the casino. They assured me that I'll meet the prettiest n sexiest PRC SYTs in the world. Many r 19-21 n very tall n fair. High-end KTVs not bad either as all the gals there dun wear bras n have tiny G-strings only.:D Could I squeeze all their boobs n buns? They go there several times a yr. They say I may never want to leave!!

I know the chio 172cm PRC MM who will be joining me in HK will have a hard time competing w/ those gals at the Venetian Hotel or high-end KTVs. She doesn't hv the outgoing personality n though she has a very nice ass n proportionate body n small bony frame, her boobs r not big enough. And she is not young at 23. But I still like her a lot...;)

I also spoke w/ my hongkie fren WY n convinced him that we should go to Macau instead.


Bro WB

12-12-2009, 03:18 PM
Looks grandeur, not sure how local IR can compare :p

Macau Hotel | Official Site The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel (http://www.venetianmacao.com)

13-12-2009, 09:55 AM
Looks grandeur, not sure how local IR can compare :p

Macau Hotel | Official Site The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel (http://www.venetianmacao.com)

Yo bro formidable,

I'm sure the 2 IRs here will be bigger n more luxurious. But for wat??

Many well-heeled gamblers may choose to look elsewhere unless there r many chio SYTs available for FJ inside the casino, like in Macau, China.

As a gambler n trader/investor, I know how fellow gamblers think n want. Winners r flushed w/ money n want to fxk pretty SYTs to share a little of their winnings. Some may even buy diamond necklaces, LV bags or Rolex watches for their wives/GFs/BAO-ees. Lucky gals!! Whereas losers r frustrated n need to fxk pretty SYTs to change their luck. I'm sure it wont happen here bcos of our "puritanical" gahmen.

Let's talk abt picking up gals ouside KTVs. The best way to do it is get intro to them by frens. BTW, I met up w/ my first BAO-ee XW n her GF yesterday PM n after leaving them, I took XYZ to dinner n her fren also tagged alone. Four Fujian gals in one day!! I'll detail my encounter later.

Good day to all fellow samsters,

Bro WB

13-12-2009, 11:37 AM
hi bro warbird

Are you sure CP gals are better looking than Macau gals?

i've been to CP once and the gals in the KTVs are sub-standard in looks (average 6 points).
i'm not sure about Macau as i've never been there.

i've been to Beijing 10 years ago - TianShangRenJian (passion), House (at Huangfujing) - and they had top-notch gals there. one shot 1000 to 1500RMB - and that was 10 years ago. i think the standard of working gals in china has dropped in the past few years. many rich china men now and the prettiest working gals have become their mistresses.

i am only interested in bedding top-notched (in terms of looks) gals. do CP or Macau have such gals?

thank u.

To all esteemed bros who r interested in a visit to DG/CP in mid Dec:

I just called my good fren WY, a HK businessman, n he said he was in CP on business.

He told me to forget abt Macau...bcos the KTV gals in CP were better, younger n cheaper than those in Macau.

Pls PM me.

Have a great day!

Bro WB

13-12-2009, 04:14 PM
...Are you sure CP gals are better looking than Macau gals?

i've been to CP once and the gals in the KTVs are sub-standard in looks (average 6 points).
i'm not sure about Macau as i've never been there.

i've been to Beijing 10 years ago.....and they had top-notch gals there. one shot 1000 to 1500RMB - and that was 10 years ago. i think the standard of working gals in china has dropped in the past few years. many rich china men now and the prettiest working gals have become their mistresses.

i am only interested in bedding top-notched (in terms of looks) gals. do CP or Macau have such gals?...

Hi bro AustinPowers,

I'm only interested in bedding gals who r very attractive to me. But one man's meat is another...and this is complicated by the mysterious Rashomon Effect.

No, I'm not sure if CP gals r better looking than Macau's as I hv never been to either places. But from wat I hv gathered, there r many more gals in CP who r fresher n newer to this trade but the % of chio ones r lower than those in Macau. But I'm sure u could find the gals that suit ur fancy in both places if u look hard enough.

You're right that the supply of the "prettiest gals" r reduced bcos many now r BY-ed by rich men in China. Fewer will go to CP n Macau n even fewer will come to SIN. :(


.................................................. .................................................. .......

I met w/ XW n her fren yesterday PM. Her fren is not my type. But XW looked better than I last saw her 2 1/2 months ago. She has no pimples now n she is still one of the prettiest PRC MMs around.

After leaving XW, I called XYZ to take a better look at her. I met her only once for 2 min less than 3 months ago when she first started work at TAM/CI/LV. I was at TAM HH n a mummy/OKT informed me abt a new n fresh student. I said let me take a look, maybe I could BY her, hehehe. Since she was already booked by some men, she only met me in the hallway very briefly. First impression: quite chio, fair n tall. My type. I tried to book her for SH at Mirage where Mr. Austin n co were having a meeting, she said OK but around 915PM she said she wont be available until after 10PM. It was just too late for me. Later I tried to BY her tru the mediation of the mummy, but she said No repeatedly...:( I left for GC not long after that.

A few days ago I called the mummy/OKT to tell her I was back. She said XYZ was nabbed by AV. I offered to BY her if she was not sent back to China.

Two days ago, the friendly mummy said XYZ could stay n wanted x amt for a month for quitting KTVs completely n be w/ me 24/7 except school hrs. The OKT said it took great effort to convince her as she never had sex w/ any men in SIN. They all say that, don't they? I hv called a rival mummy to check XYZ out n monitor her...

I went to pick up XYZ, aged 21, n she brought along a fren who is tall n not bad looking. Wow! XYZ looked very chio w/ little makeup n very long dyed hair tied up in a bun. She was prettier than I had remembered her. She had a blouse which showed 2-inch cleavage n was wearing hot pants n sandals. The mummy must hv told her that I wont BY any gal w/o looking at the legs, hehehe. She is 170 w/o shoes, 51-2 kg, small bones n very proportionate body. Very fair skin. Probably 34B, 24, 34+. Very sexy ass n long, long straight legs. She walks w/ poise n swings her shapely ass very naturally n seductively. She is definitely my type of meat...but I hv to check a few things (such as her breasts n tits...) before deciding. Wonder if I could hv a test drive first? She is certainly a worthwhile target for me to give her COS...;)

She is also very friendly n sweet, smiling...I'm pleasantly surprised that she is another Fujian gal n so is her fren. I think she is a visual. Took them to dinner near Paragon, Orchard Rd n after dinner, I held XYZ's R hand n walked along the shopping centres. It was after 9pm n there was a huge crowd...I excused myself n left them there. There r some minor details to iron out before the deal can be consummated. I may need to find a place for her to stay close to me.

BTW, it's good picking up gals "outside" KTVs n thus far I hv not paid XYZ a penny, hehehe.

Ths for reading n hv a good day!!

13-12-2009, 05:19 PM
so many experienced bros...:p

14-12-2009, 10:29 AM
so many experienced bros...:p

Hi bro,

I'm merely sharing my limited experience...a lot of posts dun equate w/ true experience.


.................................................. .................................................. .......

I hv been invited by an esteemed bro to join him at LV HH today. I hv called a tall gal to keep me company. It would be my chance to look at other tall SYTs, if any, n to say thank u to a couple of mummies...

BTW, I hv been reading "How to..." which is on the reading list complied by my senior mentor SC. Amazing! The key to success in life in general n w/ women in particular, is a positive state of mind, it's in the attitude. Some call it total self-confidence. There is no room for fears n doubts.

The author mentions the 10 words which changed the course of history: The only thing we hv to fear- is fear itself.

He then mentions several exercises which purport to banish all fears n doubts instantly, on demand, hehehe. The exact same technique could be use to eliminate whatever KC u hv for the wrong gal, hehehe.:cool:

It s a judo technique where the negative energy of fear, or whatever negative emotion there is, is deflected n leveraged into a positive energy, a powerful positive momentum.:p Mental n psychological judo!!


Bro WB

14-12-2009, 11:08 AM

I got to know a peidu mama on the Internet. She is a decent woman with a daughter and she earns a living by giving tuition to locals on Chinese. She has been sending me emails and smses. She is average looking but is in good shape cos she swims a lot. What should I do? I am single and not sure.

15-12-2009, 12:30 PM

I got to know a peidu mama on the Internet. She is a decent woman with a daughter and she earns a living by giving tuition to locals on Chinese. She has been sending me emails and smses. She is average looking but is in good shape cos she swims a lot. What should I do? I am single and not sure.

Hi bro,

Decent woman? If u fancy her, offer $60/2/unlimited or $90 for the whole nite.


.................................................. .................................................. .......

Went to LV HH to meet some bros n we later adjourned to CI SH last nite. I must hv seen close to 200 gals n I was most underwhelmed.:(

Will not post for at least 5 days as I'll be very busy in HK n Macau.

Good day!

Bro WB

15-12-2009, 05:05 PM
How can we tell whether a Peidu mama is also a Working Lady, or that she is WILLING to sleep for money?

Is there any tell-tale sign?

Is there anything we can ask or do without offending her?

Thank you!

18-12-2009, 12:21 AM
thank you for the reply

guess the good old days of very beautiful working china gals are gone forever. china is getting rich.

Hi bro AustinPowers,

I'm only interested in bedding gals who r very attractive to me. But one man's meat is another...and this is complicated by the mysterious Rashomon Effect.

No, I'm not sure if CP gals r better looking than Macau's as I hv never been to either places. But from wat I hv gathered, there r many more gals in CP who r fresher n newer to this trade but the % of chio ones r lower than those in Macau. But I'm sure u could find the gals that suit ur fancy in both places if u look hard enough.

You're right that the supply of the "prettiest gals" r reduced bcos many now r BY-ed by rich men in China. Fewer will go to CP n Macau n even fewer will come to SIN. :(


.................................................. .................................................. .......

I met w/ XW n her fren yesterday PM. Her fren is not my type. But XW looked better than I last saw her 2 1/2 months ago. She has no pimples now n she is still one of the prettiest PRC MMs around.

Ths for reading n hv a good day!!

22-12-2009, 10:59 AM
How can we tell whether a Peidu mama is also a Working Lady, or that she is WILLING to sleep for money?

Is there any tell-tale sign?

Is there anything we can ask or do without offending her?

Hi bro,

My apologies for being so blunt w/ my suggestion.

What is her basic type? The ho (harlot), the freak (seductress) or the good gal (the three types of women according to the Bible.)

If she is a ho or a freak, tell her u would like to 照顾 her n go from there. If she is a good gal, leave her alone unless u r serious abt a long-term RS.


thank you for the reply

guess the good old days of very beautiful working china gals are gone forever. china is getting rich.

Hi bro,

Not true as there r so many pretty n young gals who will 下海 to make money for the first time every yr. Some of them will be BAO-ed n many will go to work in Macau n elsewhere in China. But I do agree that fewer n fewer of the prettier n younger ones will come to our little red dot.:(

I just got back from Macau. One word to sum up my experience in Macau: Wow!!

I spent the first 2 days in HK to take care of a little business. I had a PRC gal who came from China to stay in my hotel for 2 days n nights. It was a great experience. My Hongkie fren WY accompanied me to SZ for half day. He then drove my gal n me in his new big 宝马 around HK, visiting 太平山n other sites. His service was free n I only paid for a few meals. He was most impressed w/ my gal as he also liked very tall n chio gals. BTW, WY always goes to CP bcos of business n has not been to Macau for over 10 yrs.

After my gal had left for China, WY n I took the ferry to Macau. Went straight to the casino at Venetian Hotel. We were very disappointed!! There were thousands of gamblers n visitors...but only few WLs of low quality. They only asked for HKD 1k, not the usual 2k demanded by the very chio n classy ones. Must be bad timing.:( Had dinner n then Left quickly for KTVs 英皇 n 金龙 as suggested by some SBF bros.

Many of the KTV gals were very pretty n tall. We were there before 8PM n they were vying for our attention. Unlike S'pore, 100% of these gals do ST or overnite. Damage is by package deals or 套餐.

I chose 2 gals ovenite: a 171cm 20 yo pretty n slim gal n a 165cm 22 yo slim, cute gal w/ very big natural boobs n perky ass who looks like a real-life Hantai gal! Both hv small bones n long arms n legs. I squeezed their boobs n butt before selecting them. Had a great time but, unfortunately, I had to change CDs several times to go from one pussy to the next. I let them service me...

They both lived in ZH n told me that they could stay in Macau only 7 days at one time n had to fly to a SE Asian cities once or twice a month to be able to return to Macau in the same month??!!! It was inexplicable. They loved to be BAO-ed in ZH. Not too keen in coming to S'pore though. Too exhausted to look for gals the next day. Will visit the famed saunas the next time.

Yes, my dream is to move to Macau for good, hehehe. The cost of living is much lower than S'pore's n the prettiest PRC gals r all there.:D Even WY acknowledged that he must visit Macau more often.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

Bro WB

22-12-2009, 11:21 AM
Hi bro,

Not true as there r so many pretty n young gals who will 下海 to make money for the first time every yr. Some of them will be BAO-ed n many will go to work in Macau n elsewhere in China. But I do agree that fewer n fewer of the prettier n younger ones will come to our little red dot.

I just got back from Macau. One word to sum up my experience in Macau: Wow!!

I spent the first 2 days in HK to take care of a little business. I had a PRC gal who came from China to stay in my hotel for 2 days n nights. It was a great experience. My Hongkie fren WY accompanied me to SZ for half day. He then drove my gal n me in his new big 宝马 around HK, visiting 太平山n other sites. His service was free n I only paid for a few meals. He was most impressed w/ my gal as he also liked very tall n chio gals. BTW, WY always goes to CP bcos of business n has not been to Macau for over 10 yrs.

After my gal had left for China, WY n I took the ferry to Macau. Went straight to the casino at Venetian Hotel. We were very disappointed!! There were thousands of gamblers n visitors...but only few WLs of low quality. They only asked for HKD 1k, not the usual 2k demanded by the very chio n classy ones. Must be bad timing. Had dinner n then Left quickly for KTVs 英皇 n 金龙 as suggested by some SBF bros.

Many of the KTV gals were very pretty n tall. We were there before 8PM n they were vying for our attention. Unlike S'pore, 100% of these gals do ST or overnite. Damage is by package deals or 套餐.

I chose 2 gals ovenite: a 171cm 20 yo pretty n slim gal n a 165cm 22 yo slim, cute gal w/ very big natural boobs n perky ass who looks like a real-life Hantai gal! Both hv small bones n long arms n legs. I squeezed their boobs n butt before selecting them. Had a great time but, unfortunately, I had to change CDs several times to go from one pussy to the next. I let them service me...

They both lived in ZH n told me that they could stay in Macau only 7 days at one time n had to fly to a SE Asian cities once or twice a month to be able to return to Macau in the same month??!!! It was inexplicable. They loved to be BAO-ed in ZH. Not too keen in coming to S'pore though. Too exhausted to look for gals the next day. Will visit the famed saunas the next time.

Yes, my dream is to move to Macau for good, hehehe. The cost of living is much lower than S'pore's n the prettiest PRC gals r all there.:D Even WY acknowledged that he must visit Macau more often.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

Bro WB

U definitely had a great time this trip eh? But expected u to get 3 gals in a nite...not 2...kekeke :D

Anyway, now u know dat the pastures abroad r the tastier ones...do set up base soon so dat i could drop by :p

22-12-2009, 02:16 PM
Had dinner n then Left quickly for KTVs 英皇 n 金龙 as suggested by some SBF bros.
Many of the KTV gals were very pretty n tall. We were there before 8PM n they were vying for our attention. Unlike S'pore, 100% of these gals do ST or overnite. Damage is by package deals or 套餐.

I chose 2 gals ovenite:

Bro WB

juz curious what is the damage??

22-12-2009, 03:19 PM
hi warbird

thank u for the excellent report.

waiting for your FR on the fame saunas.

enjoy yourself!

Hi bro,

Too exhausted to look for gals the next day. Will visit the famed saunas the next time.

Yes, my dream is to move to Macau for good, hehehe. The cost of living is much lower than S'pore's n the prettiest PRC gals r all there.:D Even WY acknowledged that he must visit Macau more often.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

Bro WB

23-12-2009, 10:42 AM
U definitely had a great time this trip eh? But expected u to get 3 gals in a nite...not 2...kekeke :D

Anyway, now u know dat the pastures abroad r the tastier ones...do set up base soon so dat i could drop by

Hi bro Fischer,

Very good time indeed. Two healthy gals were already too much for a lao chi ko pek, hehehe.

Would definitely like to stay there if I could make the arrangement.

Not sure if our 2 RIs could compete w/ Macau's sans those purported very chio gals (whom I never met) roaming freely inside the casinos.


juz curious what is the damage??

I went there just before 8PM.

For ST: HKD 2,100, 700 for KTV n 1,400 for one gal.

Overnite: HKD 5,500, 2400 for KTV n 3,100 for one gal.

If u go at 10PM, it would be abt 20% cheaper for overnite. Of course u will hv fewer gals to choose.

According to several frens, damage for the purported very chio gals inside the Venetian Casino averages HKD 2K for ST. Perhaps 5K for ovenite.

Any comments from experienced bros here?


hi warbird

thank u for the excellent report.

waiting for your FR on the fame saunas.

enjoy yourself!

Hi bro,

You're welcome!

.................................................. .................................................. .......

I organised an outing to TAM hh last nite. Bros marc5, BV, Luida n Kangxi came along.

I was supposed to pick up the tall Fujian gal BB at 550PM near DC but she made me wait n wait, for 25 min. Told her to go TAM herself.

Business at TAM was atrocious last nite. All 4 bros had quite pretty gals. My 2 gals were so-so, but they were tall (170 n 168).

I liked the taller gal FF who had pretty lips n small mouth which could mean pretty pussy lips n small hole?:D She resisted my kissing but let me squeeze her butt. She is slim n has small bones but weigh 53 kg? A native of Canton, China, she came to SIN 1 wk ago on singer permit to work at CI. I offered to take her to a safe place very soon. She accepted my offer, hehe.

At 9PM BB called me n said she was at DC n wanted to meet me. I picked her up around 10PM n took her to the music lounge in a hotel near Marina Square. She looked delicious n had surprising big boobs n perky ass.;) She is 20 but looks like a teenager. She would do fine in a high end Macau KTV.

She had to return to Fujian in 2 days bcos her aunt had cancer n would be back in 2wks. I offered her BY. We discussed the details including her allowance, etc. Wkly payment was accepted. I would give her a welcome bonus plus the wkly allowance to meet her immediate need on her return, after the deal has been consummated of course. She would give me her final answer when she is in China. BTW, she is really my distant relative as she had relatives in Malaysia who r related to my mom.:eek: But our RS would be strictly confidential. She didn't ask for nor did I offer any earnest money.


Bro WB

26-12-2009, 10:44 AM
Holiday greetings to all bros,

In retrospect I should hv stayed in Macau, China, for another few days at least. Since my return to our LRD, I hv been thinking, daydreaming n lusting over a gal who spent the nite w/ my Hongkie fren WY.

She is a 19yo SZ gal, very pretty n very cute, w/ small tiny bones n perfectly proportionate head/torso/leg ratio, slim but curves in the right places n zero oz of fat. She has very fair n smooth skin...I deeply regret that I rejected her!:( Why? She is only 160cm in height. WY said she was fantastic, very wet n very tight...

Hopefully, she has broken my obsession w/ tall gals.

BTW, I was the one who bought her overnite package deal as a reward for WY who had been my fren, confidant, chauffeur n body guard for several days...

And then there were 2 other very chio n tall gals whom I couldn't accommodate in my hotel rm cos my plate was too full...:(

.................................................. .................................................. .......

Th book "How to..." is certainly one of the best in its field. The author JG is Jewish n he believes the secrets to getting all the prettiest pussies r all in the Bible! Pls dun zap me as I'm merely stating his opinions.

His emphasis is also on domination of women. He quotes (and analyzes) the relevant verses in the Bible word for word to prove that the first woman (later called Eve) was created by God from the rib of Adam to serve him n be submissive to him. But Adam was a Mon or wussy n couldn't even control her...you know what happened in the garden of Eden...you n me n everyone on earth r still suffering cos of his wussy behavior. Therefore, we must be real men n never ever behave like Mons or wussies.

He further went on to say that to seduce all the pussies one must be very crafty like the proverbial serpent...;) Wow! Quite an insight n revelation.

According to JG, every healthy female (including the most ardent feminist) has two voids, one in the pussy n the other in the mind n both must be filled for her to be completely satisfied n whole, hehehe.:D Otherwise, she will be miserable n frustrated, oftentimes w/o even realizing why.

Any comments?

Pls also post ur "conquests" n sexploits here, hehehe.

Good day!!

Bro WB

26-12-2009, 12:47 PM
Wow enlightment !!!

27-12-2009, 05:35 PM
Good afternoon to all esteemed samsters!

I hv just broken my pathological obsession w/ tall gals, hahaha. See my FR on Xiang Xiang, a PRC gal who is only 163cm w/o shoes: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/legal-geylang-prostitute-scene/112609-gl-legal-prc-frs-60.html

Last nite, I went to CJ n had a good time w/ 7 bros. Quite a crowd. I had a good time n got to meet bro chenzong from SH n bro Gogogo who came just to say hello...I learned a great deal abt PRC MMs in China n how much to BY them there...it's a different ballgame there n we hv the dominant hand. We also discussed what every woman wants n abt my favorite topic COS.

Bro Fischer n I will be racing to see who would be the first to move to Macau, China, hehehe.

BTW, the quality of gals at CJ was depressing.

I also received a text msg from my niece BB (actually my distant relative) from Fujian, who returned there to look after her sick aunt. I hope she come back to SIN soon...I may want to take good care of her.


Bro WB

28-12-2009, 10:53 AM
Thank you, warbird, for introducing me to the company. It was a great night out. Okay, so I can associate Fischer and Gogogo now!

28-12-2009, 02:32 PM
Thank you, warbird, for introducing me to the company. It was a great night out. Okay, so I can associate Fischer and Gogogo now!

My Dear Bro Chenzong,

Pleasure was all mine. Have a safe trip back to SH.


.................................................. .................................................. .......

I hv read avidly on my current favorite topic "how to give women COS n ejaculation" n I'm amazed at my own ignorance despite being a lao chi ko pek.

I believe I hv acquired the basic knowledge, the next step is for me to field test all the various psychological n physical methods.

One thing I'm certain: The gal must be emotionally ready n feel safe n comfortable w/ me, n in the right mood, otherwise nothing will work. I'll also need her constant feedback n guidance...bcos not only every gal responses differently, but also the same gal may response differently depending on her mood...:(

This reminds me of a quote by Hippocrates: life is short, but art is long. He was comparing the difficulties encountered in learning the art of medicine or healing with the shortness of human life.

The same applies to the art n science of attracting women n sexual mastery.

I would encourage esteemed bros here to share their experience n expertise w/ all of us.

Ths for reading!!

29-12-2009, 11:04 AM
Greetings to all esteemed samsters,

Can't believe the yr will be over soon. I hv not forgotten the primary purpose of this thread n I hv been busy...

In the last 2 days, I hv met several gals outside KTVs either by direct approach or intro by mummies aka OKTs. All the gals do ST except for one. They r happy w/ the usual $250-300, but a very chio SH gal is asking 1.3K, hmmmm...

One of the gals is a tall n chio PRC student, only 18-19, who was nabbed in a raid n her passport was kept by AV (??). She is afraid to run KTVs n only wants to be BAO-ed. I'm waiting for the damage n terms...

BTW, my "niece" BB told me her aunt had been admitted to a hospital in Fuzhou n she was waiting to find out if surgery would be needed...

Dun worry, I'm not going pay a penny for her aunt's surgery. However, I hv promised to give BB a generous signing bonus when she becomes my mistress, to be paid after the deal has been consummated, hehehe.;)


Bro WB

S i l v i a
29-12-2009, 11:19 AM
Happy 2010 new year to u bro warbird!

U're da man of KTV for the year 2009! Let see u keep the crown again for 2010!

Btw,mind can u PM me around how much on average to BY a prc ger? I also have a fetish for slim tall nice butt nice tits prc girl :) There's a 18yrs old offered to me at $2k per mth but not the kind i want...she's only 1.55m tall n not so chio...

Anyway, i wish to ask for ur advise cos also do not wish to overpay or spoilt the current market :)

29-12-2009, 11:21 AM
Greetings to all esteemed samsters,

Can't believe the yr will be over soon. I hv not forgotten the primary purpose of this thread n I hv been busy...

Bro WB

Well...at least it can be considered to b a rather fruitful year for u...i've lost track of all ur BYs...:)

29-12-2009, 12:14 PM
Hi bro Warbird,

It has been quite a while since I logged in here and I must say that I really did enjoy reading your “sordid” escapades in Macau. I got to admit that my sex life is on a slowdown trajectory somewhat as I kind of feel a bit jaded and seriously in need of some respite. Age is catching up!

1) Just a little anecdote of an incredible display of Kismet (synchronicity) whilst I was in Bangkok. A couple of days back I decided to visit a club for a spot of dancing with my Thai gf – Paeng – yes, the same one!.

Lo and behold at the club I met a dancer there. She is the very same dancer E that I used to BY when she did her stint in Singapore. E, by the way, is PRC and NOT Thai.

After an extended period of non contact, and now upon this 'fortuitous' meeting at the BKK club, E started calling me and SMSing me again. (Yes, I entertained the prospect of having both E and Paeng simultaneous. The soft curves of Paeng should complement very nicely with E’s taut dancer body …. this lascivious thought however exist only in the realm of fantasy ….. at present! :cool:

2) Talking about threesomes, remember M whom you met at the Japanese Restaurant? She is back in Vietnam. Apparently a well heeled gentleman there proposed to her. She purportedly said yes to his marriage proposal. What is interesting is that she says she will sow her proverbial wild oats with me. And this includes Ménage à trois - only NOT with her sister (dammmmmm!)

3) Finally, after stepping on this shores of this little dot, not even an hour elapsed when a friend from my school days called me. He "jioed" me to DC for HH. Without further ado I was there yesterday at around six pm. At this timing, there are about thirty gals around. (We decided to go “mummyless” – do not feel like engaging L (PRC who married SGP) who is the only mummy working there I recognized. I used to utilise L's services several years back. I like L's look in a very MILFy way - but since another friend of mine tried to 'up' her she is 'off-limits' to me. (My friend did NOT succeed however)

Anyway, since we intend to book the gal for the entire HH session, thought a DIY session would suffice as all the available gals congregated near the stage area. Unfortunately none really caught my fancy.

I thus once again let chance dictate my choice. I asked my friend’s lady (a SYT delicate beauty) to introduce me someone (with the simple criteria of being playful). The lady – HH is rates only average on my aesthetics scale. But she is indeed fun. HH is a little fleshy with quite good curves. I enjoyed my time with her as she is quite vivacious. Might pay DC a revisit soon after resting a bit (feel an onset of flu coming on)…….

Cheers and a belated merry Christmas greeting bro!

30-12-2009, 10:49 AM
Happy 2010 new year to u bro warbird!.............

Btw,mind can u PM me around how much on average to BY a prc ger? I also have a fetish for slim tall nice butt nice tits prc girl :) There's a 18yrs old offered to me at $2k per mth but not the kind i want...she's only 1.55m tall n not so chio...

Anyway, i wish to ask for ur advise cos also do not wish to overpay or spoilt the current market :)

Happy new yr to u!

I'm just a newbie trying to get some practical experience.

How much to BY a PRC ger? It varies...from nothing to a lot.

If u r a crafty serpent n know how to appeal to ur quarry's 5 senses n give her COS regularly, u can get her for free. She may even work to support u.

On the other hand, can u imagine if Bill Gates is KC-ed by a PRC gal? How much could she get? How abt tens of billions in USD, hehehe.

Well...at least it can be considered to b a rather fruitful year for u...i've lost track of all ur BYs...:)

Hi bro,

Just trying...

How was the singer w/ u that nite? ST ok?

Hi bro Warbird,

It has been quite a while since I logged in here....

1) Just a little anecdote of an incredible display of Kismet (synchronicity) whilst I was in Bangkok.....
3) Finally, after stepping on this shores of this little dot, not even an hour elapsed when a friend from my school days called me. He "jioed" me to DC for HH...

I thus once again let chance dictate my choice............................. Might pay DC a revisit soon after resting a bit (feel an onset of flu coming on)…….

Hi bro Justime,

Welcome to SIN!!

Call me next time u want to go DC.

Pls keep in touch.

.................................................. .................................................. .......

Went to LV sh w/ bro kernomaniac last nite.

The expensive SH gal is not my type. Dun understand why several of my frens like her so much.

The 18 yo student from Dongbei is attractive n sexy to me. She is tall n has spent 2 yrs in a famous dance school in Beijing, learning Latin dances. She is voluptuous for someone her age. Ample n perky ass of around 36! Slim legs but not so slim thighs. Need to see her in mini skirt or hot pants before deciding. A little problem: She is a childhood fren of a Dongbei gal that I BAO-ed briefly before. She is in fact using the same HP no!!

Bro Kenomanaic had a very sexy but more mature Beijing gal who accompanied him to St James. Wat happened last nite?

Life is ironic. A lao chi ko pek like me is getting an 18 yo, whereas young man like Kerno is getting a more mature lady.

Happy New Year to all bros n samsters!!

Bro WB

Bro WB

30-12-2009, 11:47 AM
Hi bro,

Just trying...

How was the singer w/ u that nite? ST ok?

.................................................. .................................................. .......

Went to LV sh w/ bro kernomaniac last nite.

The expensive SH gal is not my type. Dun understand why several of my frens like her so much.

The 18 yo student from Dongbei is attractive n sexy to me. She is tall n has spent 2 yrs in a famous dance school in Beijing, learning Latin dances. She is voluptuous for someone her age. Ample n perky ass of around 36! Slim legs but not so slim thighs. Need to see her in mini skirt or hot pants before deciding. A little problem: She is a childhood fren of a Dongbei gal that I BAO-ed briefly before. She is in fact using the same HP no!!

Bro Kenomanaic had a very sexy but more mature Beijing gal who accompanied him to St James. Wat happened last nite?

Life is ironic. A lao chi ko pek like me is getting an 18 yo, whereas young man like Kerno is getting a more mature lady.

Happy New Year to all bros n samsters!!

Bro WB

Bro WB

Hi Bro,

Well...the singer was ok. She's alrite company, but i'm not lkg for ST or anythg...u know my preferences now...only in China...lol :D

Sorry couldn't join u guys last nite, had some stuff to do...anyway, lks like u have yet another BY target...ur like a bullet train, u just don't slow down, do u? :D

31-12-2009, 10:45 AM
Hi Bro,

Well...the singer was ok. She's alrite company, but i'm not lkg for ST or anythg...u know my preferences now...only in China...lol :D

Sorry couldn't join u guys last nite, had some stuff to do...anyway, lks like u have yet another BY target...ur like a bullet train, u just don't slow down, do u? :D

Hi bro Fischer,

Of course I know ur preferences n u know mine...but dun tell me u will remain celibate until u migrate to Macau, China, hehehe.

I leave no stone unturned, always looking n prowling...one reason is that of all the gals I hv entered into serious negotiation to BY, only abt 2/3 hv actually become my mistresses. They r often fickle-minded n r ready sell their pussies to the highest bidder. To be fair, I hv changed my mind frequently too.

There is also another uncharted territory for me. According to an experienced fellow ah pek, young local gals r actually easier n cheaper to BY. I hv zero experience in this field n will need his guidance.


.................................................. .................................................. .......

BTW, I'm making preparations to spend half my time a yr in Macau, China, hopefully within 12 months. I'll hv more fun w/ more chio gals while actually spending less...;) Maybe I'll even make more money. That would be a win-win-win situation.:p

Called a couple of DC mummies to check on a few gals. Heard from them that the nite before Xmas, a certain singer got "flower donations"of 620k! Any esteemed bros here r among the benefactors or "donators"?

Happy New Year!!

Bro WB

31-12-2009, 05:37 PM
frankly, i think the whole process of wooing them, and getting them to whatever is the one and only reason why i hit these joints. i don't derive pleasure from easily caught targets. i lose interest easily if i don't have to expend effort and time ... spending money is a secondary concern, but i will never ever let these girls get a free and easy ride ! haha

31-12-2009, 09:44 PM
Called a couple of DC mummies to check on a few gals. Heard from them that the nite before Xmas, a certain singer got "flower donations"of 620k! Any esteemed bros here r among the benefactors or "donators"?

620k!!! What the!!! That's enough to get a nice apartment in Singapore!

01-01-2010, 11:43 AM
Well...Happy New Year to all Bros here...here's wishing all dreams come true and many great times ahead!!

01-01-2010, 11:27 PM
Happy new yr to u!

I'm just a newbie trying to get some practical experience.

How much to BY a PRC ger? It varies...from nothing to a lot.

If u r a crafty serpent n know how to appeal to ur quarry's 5 senses n give her COS regularly, u can get her for free. She may even work to support u.

On the other hand, can u imagine if Bill Gates is KC-ed by a PRC gal? How much could she get? How abt tens of billions in USD, hehehe.

Bro WB

hey, i read all of your stories and others bro incl i just feel this is rich man staff. i am just a bank staff earning a lowly pay how to enjoy. can the rich bros can recommend me what kind of job should i get early in my years. i wish to get rich too. :o

02-01-2010, 11:01 AM
frankly, i think the whole process of wooing them, and getting them to whatever is the one and only reason why i hit these joints. i don't derive pleasure from easily caught targets. i lose interest easily if i don't have to expend effort and time ... spending money is a secondary concern, but i will never ever let these girls get a free and easy ride ! haha

Hi bro BV,

I know ur MO, hehehe. Ur r smooth n romantic.

I also like the challenge of bedding chio gals who dun do ST n who play hard to get. If I get a little KC-ed so much the better as long as I'm in firm control. I really enjoy the androgens/dopamine/norepinephrine rush...

Pls continue to post ur many sexploits here.

620k!!! What the!!! That's enough to get a nice apartment in Singapore!

Hi bro chenzong,

Can u imagine wat a hungry 色狼 like me can do w/ the money in China? :D

Dun forget that I'll visit u soon.

Well...Happy New Year to all Bros here...here's wishing all dreams come true and many great times ahead!!

Hi bro Fischer,

I know ur dreams will come true...soon. I want to to be there too, hehehe.

hey, i read all of your stories and others bro incl i just feel this is rich man staff. i am just a bank staff earning a lowly pay how to enjoy. can the rich bros can recommend me what kind of job should i get early in my years. i wish to get rich too. :o

Hi bro uhoo,

Not true. Of course u may need some money initially...

If u become a "bad boy" n a "crafty serpent," u can get all the gals u ever want w/o spending much money.:D

You dun need to be very handsome (潘), hv the cock of a donkey (驴) n be filthy rich (邓) to get very chio women to fall for u though...as purported by Chinese folklore. Just myths. But u MUST hv the tongue of a serpent: for sweet talking (小) them n to give them incredible pleasure, preferably COS, hehehe, n lots of free time (闲). It's very hard work n time consuming, actually...nothing is easy in this world since Adam was banished fro the garden of Eden.:(

The good news is that once u dominate over them n get them attached to u, they may support u instead.

THE single most important attribute for attracting n keeping exceptional women which Chinese folklore doesn't even mention: Your unlimited self-confidence.

BTW, I'm not sure abt making money. If u speak good Malay, go to Indonesia n make ur fortune there...any bros here get better ideas?

Happy New year to all samsters!!

Bro WB

02-01-2010, 12:25 PM
Correction: Nothing has been easy for all men in this world since Adam was banished from the garden of Eden. And women hv suffered tremendous pain n faced great risks from childbirth...

02-01-2010, 05:38 PM
hi brother warbird,

true, true, self-confidence without the child-like arrogance is a big turn-on for these women. personally, i feel that self-confidence comes from life experiences, going through bad times without giving up, not buckling under pressure, and having the courage to move forward when there's a way backwards. through all these, you will understand yourself better, and it is thi understanding that gradually metamorphose itself into self-confidence. the difference between self-confidence and arrogance is the wisdom to be humble and to understand the different shades of grey in the world

when you talk to the girls, the way you present yourself, in most cases, is a summary of the above-mentioned. sensitive and smart girls can smell the difference between a 'vase' and a man of substance. do not promise easily, do not flash your assets wantonly; a self-confident man need not show off his material assets. his best assets are his life experiences and confidence. a true fighter must be able to fight with his hands. you don't always have the luxury of your fancy weapons

in reply to uhoo brother, any job that allows you exposure to different aspects of responsibilities is always good, regardless of pay. if you learn well and fast, monetary compensation will be in multiplier effect. or do business. managing risks is the best method to gain life experience and self-confidence, provided you don't get bankrupted by the experience (like i had on more than one occasion. i'm a huge huge risk-taker! risk is my aphrodisiac)