View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
27-12-2018, 09:52 PM
Indeed a classic post, I love it!!
Learn many things from this thread, thanks bro WB
Happy New Year.
Bro WB classic post.
Another classic quote which I love here.
"I believe that, in life, it's not where you start that counts, it's where you finish."
Below is another great old guru post.
Hope to pickup more techniques by reading on.
Happy New Year in advance.
28-12-2018, 01:39 PM
Bro WB,
I agreed that we only young once and should make full use of our youth to enjoy life. In fact age is a number and no matter what age we should just enjoy.
Agreed too that marriage is the beginning of long commitment. If no conviction better refrain from marriage.
Here to learn from all the tai kor and hope to pickup more tips.
Bro abugga,
Make the best of your youth. You're young only once.
My health is fantastic for a man my age.
My BP, weight and waistline are the same as when I was 20. Actually, my BP of 110/70 is better than when I was 20. I'm not on any medications except the judicious use of a very small dose of Cialis. I may not need to take it. I make love 25 sessions or more a month, a lot more than when I was 20.
Bro WB
.................................................. .
Good morning!
I just replied to a bro on my other thread. It's abt life n marriage.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Bro hehehaha,
Well said. Only those who are or hv been married can fully understand...
Marriage is NOT an end, it's the beginning of a long, often tough and painful journey plagued by the vicissitudes of life.
Look at your beautiful 18 yo bride now, supposing you're around 20, can you imagine spending the next 60 to 70 yrs w/ her? God bless if both of u can stay healthy for such long time. But can u visualize her when she is 40, 50, 60 or 70 yrs old? Still want to make love to her frequently?
I'm a man, a lao chee ko pek, but I greatly enjoy making love to girls who are 18-24. My two current full mistresses are aged 18 n 22. And I hv many other GFs, both here n in China n elsewhere.
These girls keep me healthy, youthful, energetic n optimistic. Every area of my life has improved and is improving. That is what life is all about. I may not be satisfied w/ them n will look for better genes to hv kids with.
No, I'm not apologetic. On the contrary, I'm fulfilling my duty and obligations of a filial great...grandson to my ancestors. I know they love and approve of me. This is great karma.
Bro WB >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
28-12-2018, 01:41 PM
Thanks to bro WB for a detailed account of the damage to bao a mistress per month.
Awful loads of moolah to play the field.
Congrats to those who can and dare.
Good morning!
I just answered a bro's questions on BY-ing girls.
It varies, from 6K to 15K a month if the girl doesn't work at the night scene n doesn't see any other men. She must be at my beck and call. She is a full time mistress.
The damage doesn't include rental of master bedroom/studio, visa fees, school tuition, meals and gifts (optional).
The lower range is generally for girls whom I import directly from China. They hv much lower expectations and often dare not come unless they come in pairs. Of course, more experienced and professional ones may ask for more. But everything is subject to negotiation.
In the last 7 yrs, I hv caught sight of only one girl KP in SG who is worth more than 15K a month in SG. I met her early last yr when I went to lease a master bedroom for my Fujian lao po WX at City Square, who was due to return to SG in 2 days. KP was kept by a man at the time n was going to leave SG in 10 days. WX had to stay in a junior master for a wk first. So they did meet. This is what WX said abt KP: 年轻漂亮, 高挑,很白。他男朋友大约40 岁。Never met her man. She had natural looks w/ no make up n no facial surgery. If I ever see KP or someone equally attractive, anywhere in the world, I'll make an offer she can't refuse. BTW, rental for the master rm was 2,400 a month.
There is something else I like to add. KP looked fantastic in part because I saw her only briefly n in part because she was beyond my reach. She may not look so attractive if I see her again.
If a girl continues to work in the night scene, a part time mistress, you should offer only half the full time rates. This doesn't work for me as it's very difficult to monitor her activities. And don't ever buy such a part time mistress any gifts. For me, it's all or nothing. A girl is either exclusively mine or she is not mine. Doing ST is better than having a part time mistress.
28-12-2018, 01:43 PM
Bro WB
Please dun blame me for re-post a long GURU forum below.
Awesome loads of info inside.
Good morning!
A famous Ang Moh relationship guru just sent me this e-mail. His methods work well w/ every healthy heterosexual female.
QUESTION (from a reader)
Just wanted to share a little bit of what your
lessons have done for me. I read your book and
started concentrating on what I thought was my
weak points. I did as your book recommended and
started picturing myself as the cocky funny
person I wanted to be. I even did the whole
daydream practice thing everyday. I work at a
fitness center so I see lots of hot women all
the time. My biggest weakness is that I look
away quickly after eye contact is made. I
decided that before I started trying to
approach women I would make it my goal for a
couple of weeks to just make eye contact and
hold it until they looked away. Ok, here is the
good part. After practicing eye contact for a
couple of weeks and doing the whole mental
exercise thing, I was at work one day working
out after my break and was practicing my eye
contact thing between sets with this really hot
girl near the dumbbell rack.
I knew she noticed but it never bothered me cause
I had no intentions of acting. Well, I had to go
over to get a set of dumbbells for my next
exercise and as I got close to where she was, she
suddenly turned around and said "I have a
boyfriend" and turned around. Normally I would
have just stood there in shock and said nothing
but, I guess all that mental practice paid off.
Without even thinking or pausing, the words just
came out. I said "Hey that's great I am happy for
you. (Pause - and in a lower tone) I know this is
probably a major accomplishment for you but to
the rest a the world this is kind of normal so you
might not want to go telling every stranger you
see." Then I just walked off with my weights to
do my sets. 5 min later she comes over to me and
apologizes and asks for my number. Turns out she
didn't have a boyfriend but was just tired of
being picked up by losers while she was trying
to do a workout. Thanks for the pleasant
Ang Moh guru's cooments:
Niiiiice one.
Your letter is really a wonderful affirmation and summary of some of my favorite concepts:
1) Read my book, "Double Your Dating"
2) Actually use the material and mentally
3) Start from where you are
4) Be Cocky & Funny
5) Show complete indifference
6) Use illogical Jedi-Level mind power to create
I'm going to talk more about eye contact and body language in a moment, but if you'd like to get the ultimate education on how to be Cocky & Funny, then you MUST take a minute and get this.
First of all, your story would make NO sense at all to most guys. They would say, "Yeah, whatever. She was probably abused as a child and
wants you to be her daddy" or "Well, if I worked at a gym, I could do that too."
Of course, you realize that this had nothing to do with it...this was a result of you learning about how women are, then preparing, and then taking action.
I couldn't be more impressed.
Now, let's talk about some of the things that were happening that most people would MISS when reading the story...
You mentioned your exercise of keeping eye contact until women look away. This is very powerful. I am guilty of not addressing this
issue more often and I'm glad you mentioned it here.
If you can learn this skill, it will communicate powerfully for you. Great job.
You said, "I guess all that mental practice paid off. With out even thinking or pausing the words just came out."
This is the result of preparation and mental rehearsal. This wasn't "luck". Even though the words were unique to the situation, the MESSAGE
was delivered clearly. By learning how to better communicate in the language that women understand, you created magic.
And, as for the words themselves...
You just got to love saying: "Hey that's great. I am happy for you." (Pause - and in a lower tone) "I know this is probably a major accomplishment for you, but to the rest of the world, this is kind of normal. So, you might not
want to go telling every stranger you see." to a hot woman at the gym!
You INSTANTLY took a situation that would normally strip a man of all his composure and personal power, and then REFRAMED her words in a
way that caused HER to look like the socially inept one.
Then you did something equally powerful:
In effect, you busted on her, then PROVED BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT YOU COULD TAKE HER OR LEAVE HER. Actions really do speak louder than words...most guys would have messed up that situation by standing around waiting for her to say something. You did the right thing by walking away.
When you combine all of these factors together, you get a totally illogical outcome:
She realized that you weren't just some other loser who hoped to maybe get a date by kissing up to her...You turned out to be one of the
EXCEPTIONAL men in the world who have more personal power than her, and one of the even MORE exceptional men who also know how to create
This combination made her feel a feeling that you can't create by DECIDING that you want it. It can only be created by TRIGGERING IT.
Finally, I'd like to comment on the fact that SHE asked YOU for YOUR number. You realize that it's not typical for a woman to approach a man,
apologize, and then ask for his number.
Women will often ask a man for his number just to get rid of him. But not in a situation like this one. This was different. She apologized, then told you that she's tired of being picked up by losers...then asked for your number. This was, in effect, her telling you that she sees you DIFFERENTLY.
All because of your eye contact, followed by a perfect execution of the Cocky and Funny attitude, followed by an excellent physical demonstration of indifference.
Again, to most men this would make no sense at all. If you consulted most relationship books, they would argue that this type of approach would
NEVER work. I mean, men are supposed to "court" women, compliment them...pursue them with gifts and favors, right?
Yeah, right.
The problem is that the mainstream relationship books forgot to TITLE the chapter that suggests this kind of behavior:
The question I have for you is...
And, can you do what it takes to get yourself from where you are, to where you actually need to be, in order to attract the kinds of women that you would like to meet and date?
It can be done, but you're going to have to do it.
As I mentioned above, the first step is to read my online eBook, "Double Your Dating". That's the best head start I can give you.
You'll be reading it within just a few minutes.
And get yourself a copy of my fantastic program "Body Language For Success With Women And Dating".
You will learn the "animal magnetism" secrets that guys who are "naturals" with women use to attract women using COMMUNICATION ALONE.
No looks, money, or gifts required.
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your friend,
Ang Moh Guru
28-12-2018, 05:04 PM
My exact sentiments, age is just a number, enjoy while we can.
Hope to learn more from Bro WB too, and thanks for this excellent thread.
Bro WB,
I agreed that we only young once and should make full use of our youth to enjoy life. In fact age is a number and no matter what age we should just enjoy.
Agreed too that marriage is the beginning of long commitment. If no conviction better refrain from marriage.
Here to learn from all the tai kor and hope to pickup more tips.
28-12-2018, 08:40 PM
Woo tons of info, thanks for re-posting.
Thanks Bro WB for starting this great thread too.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro WB
Please dun blame me for re-post a long GURU forum below.
Awesome loads of info inside.
28-12-2018, 10:41 PM
That's quite a lot of moolah. Thanks Bro WB for the info.
Thanks to bro WB for a detailed account of the damage to bao a mistress per month.
Awful loads of moolah to play the field.
Congrats to those who can and dare.
29-12-2018, 09:40 AM
I couldn't agree with u more. Where is the challenge?
Luckily, there r still a few women out there who want more than money before they spread their legs...
BTW, bedding a desirable woman should only be the 1st step. The mission is to get them sexually addicted to YOU n only YOU.
.................................................. ............
Greetings from Gotham City!
I was thinking abt why some men would pay big buck to ST or BY very ordinary women. I don't need to cite examples, we hv all seen them.
Yesterday I received an e-mail from a guru on seduction, the danger of getting too attached to any one woman n why men should never chase women...which struck a chord with me.
Hi Bro Warbird,
................................I was reminded of one of the most important lessons of both sales and seduction then: don't over-invest in any one prospect, and don't get too attached.
The rookie's folly, of course, is that he allows himself to get too attached to one prospect.
One prospect who is guaranteed to give him precisely nothing.
Rookie salesmen and seducers alike are flying blind through inexperience, and struggling with desperation and an utter lack of abundance mentality. Thus, when they strike upon a customer or a girl who shows even a smidgen of interest, they very often do their best to latch their claws on, and pull out all the stops to try to close the sale.
And there begins the process of investing too much in a girl, and getting too attached to a girl.
Though there are a few exceptions, by and large attachment is formed in direct proportion to the amount of emotional "pursuit" energy you put into a thing.
The more you allow something to affect you emotionally as you pursue it, the more attached to it you will become.
That's why I tell men don't chase women. When you're chasing women, not only are you causing them to flee (you can't give chase if she isn't running first), but you're also getting yourself tied up in emotional knots... that are going to bind you to her.
Except, it's not a two-way bind.
You don't bind her to you by getting emotionally attached to her yourself. To the contrary... the more emotionally attached to a girl you become, generally, the less attached (and interested) she'll be in you.
The more time you spend emotionally pursuing something or someone - and any time you even vaguely "want" something, it's emotional, at least to some degree - the more power you give that something or someone over you.
And what happens when someone has power over you?
She realizes it................................................ .......
I can look at how a girl's interacting with me and tell you almost instantly if she's wasting my time (that is, trying to slot me into a role in her life I'm not interested in occupying) or not. When you're new, you do not have this ability. I certainly didn't always have it.
In fact, I'd say it probably took me a few years of dating lots of different women before I was able to get a fairly reliable read on when my time was being wasted and when any difficulties I was seeing were just the vagaries of life and the girl herself was still interested and committed to moving things ahead.
So there is some amount of paying your dues to get there.
Every rookie salesman wastes time with customers who lead him on and lead him on and never pan out, or wear him down into giving them the deal of a lifetime - and one he ends up regretting having given them later.
Likewise, every rookie ladies' man wastes time with women who lead him on and lead him on and never pan out, or wear him down into accepting a "just friends" role with them, or quietly waiting in the background for her to finish up with her string of all-wrong bad boy hookups and realize that, really, he was the one she wanted all along, she just hadn't seen it (cue romantic music).
These experiences get coded into your memory as "lessons", and you need them there to stand as examples of what not to do, and where you don't want to end up going again in the future.
So don't think you're going to have a few hookups or a girlfriend or two under your belt and be immune to this. It takes time, experience, and getting burned at least a handful of times first before your radar really starts going up and getting attuned to the proper signals.....................................
Those caveats aside, let's talk about the one rule to follow to ensure you don't end up getting too attached to a girl:
As the time it takes to bed her INCREASES, the effort you put into doing so must DECREASE.
Most men take the opposite tack.
For most guys, as the time they put into a girl goes up, the effort into her remains constant, or goes up too.
And that's how chasing happens. An escalating or never-decreasing level of investment as a woman stretches things out and strings the man along.
Likewise in sales - a customer stretches things out longer and longer, piling on more and more demands, and rookie salesmen continue investing the same levels of effort, or more.
My advice - both to greenhorn sellers, and to new-to-the-game seducers - is to reduce your effort in direct proportion to the amount of time that's gone by and investment that's been asked of you.
Getting too attached to a girl before she's yours leads to:
You chasing hard (and her running away)
You becoming tentative and awkward; her meaning more and more to you
You becoming an emotional mess, subject to the whims of her availability
You passing up loads of opportunities with other, more interested women
That last one's the real kicker. All the time you spend chasing a woman with an ever-decreasing probability of ending up with you (the longer the courtship, the less likely it is to ever be consummated) could have been spent on women with a much higher probability of ending up yours - including women prettier, smarter, more fun, and more amazing than the girl you've currently fallen into the attachment trap with.
In sales, you miss out on more and better sales by wasting time on finicky customers who probably aren't going your way anyway, or are going to give you something that's not really worth the time and effort you put into it if you soldier on through and finally get it.
The same is so in seduction - sacrifice your time and energy for a girl you've messed up on or who is not very interested, and you will end up paying $500 for a $10 item.
Don't let yourself get too attached. Be cognizant of when you're spinning your wheels, and decrease effort as time increases.
Then instead of wasting time, you'll save it - and save yourself from the draining emotions of chasing after women who aren't interested (or have lost interest), too....................................
Your Guru
"You will end up paying $500 for a $10 item." Hahaha, that is how many men hv ended up paying much more than what some women are really worth.
IMHO, never ever get too attached to any one woman, regardless of your RS w/ her n whether you've known her for 3 minutes or 30 yrs, hahaha.
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for a wonderful thread.
The above was a long forum but contains plenty of facts.
Hope anyone don't mind I re-post here.
Hv a nice weekend.
29-12-2018, 09:43 AM
Dear bro rediskull,
That is really bad news! The good news? You're in great company haha. You're one of the billions of men, in the last 5 thousand yrs of recorded history, who find themselves in this painful predicament.
Let me repeat. If a man is more emotionally attached to a woman than she is to him, he is the one caring more in the RS, he will lose power n she will become less n less attracted to him. What happens next is predictable. He will become needy n desperate for her affection n a drowning man trying to cling to anything that will keep him afloat. And how would she react? She will lose whatever attraction n affection she had for him initially...very soon she will find him repulsive n would break away asap hahaha.
What I hv described is true whether he has been w/ her 30 minutes or 30 yrs. I hv seen a rich, tall n handsome SG friend who was dumped by an ugly PRC whore in her 30s simply cuz he lost his control n power in the RS. He was madly in love w/ her! He even offered to give her money upfront n marry her!! I would say he kena gong tao. She despised him n flatly rejected him n chose to continue to be a whore back in PRC!!
Take home lesson? A man must hv power in any RS, n he should be the one who cares the least n he must be prepared to walk out for good, no matter how much he loves the woman.
Hope + Uncertainty = Attraction (Passion)
Understanding this formula is more important than your looks, height, age, status, money, intelligence, education, masculinity, personality, character, skills, strategies, experience, etc put together. And if u could give her PVO, more prolonged n more intense than any other men, she will be sexually n emotionally addicted to u, even if u look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, hahaha.
Where is ur emotional control n self mastery?
Bro, STOP contacting the woman who is causing u pain. Never ever ctc her again. Let her make the first move. If she doesn't, forget her n find other younger, prettier n safer pussies. If she is living w/ u now, give her 24 hrs to move out, hahaha. Be firm n heartless. Doing so gives u the best chance to turn the table on her n for her to become attracted to u. She may even fall for u soon. There r no other ways.
Bro WB
Bro WB forum above teaches me what power is.
Hope + Uncertainty = Attraction (Passion)
REally must have self-mastery to be able to win.
Hv a nice weekend.
29-12-2018, 12:22 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for a wonderful thread.
The above was a long forum but contains plenty of facts.
Hope anyone don't mind I re-post here.
Hv a nice weekend.
So many facts, confirm won't mind.
Have to thank Bro WB for a great thread.
29-12-2018, 02:13 PM
Bro WB forum above teaches me what power is.
Hope + Uncertainty = Attraction (Passion)
REally must have self-mastery to be able to win.
Hv a nice weekend.
Yeah, must learn from bro WB too.
Have a good weekend.
30-12-2018, 09:48 AM
Good morning!
I believe that bros who can sing well n dance well hv an advantage in attracting n seducing beautiful women or pretty SYTs at their subconscious level, at least initially.
Most women don't even know why n don't see any connection between dancing n sexual attraction hahaha. Of course a good dancer could turn out to be a big disappointment later hahhaha.
Let me let u in on a secret which very few people know. The reason is because good dancers n good singers r perceived to hv good RHYTHM.
Good RHYTHM is crucial if u want to give a woman the most incredible PVO. With Good RHYTHM u put her in a trance n set her up for the most intense n explosive PVO hahaha.
BTW, I searched SBF n couldn't find anything on rhythm n female orgasm/satisfaction? Are we SG men all robots?
Unfortunately, I don't sing n I don't dance well. I hv to learn to improve my rhythm slowly n painstakingly...the goal is to merge my rhythm w/ hers...when two shall become one flesh.
Of course it takes a lot more than just rhythm...
Bro WB
Good morning my dear bro WB
If a person have plenty of talents such as singing or even perfrorm some magic, etc chances are women will be hugely attracted to him.
Each time the talented guy will find some way to hold woman hands.
Try it if you don't believe.
30-12-2018, 09:50 AM
Good morning!
After much thought, I think the formula, Hope + Uncertainty (Doubt) = Attraction (Passion), should be modified.
If u give a girl no Hope or zero Hope for the future, her attraction for u will eventually be zero, as in 0 X Doubt = 0.
If u hv confessed ur eternal love for a girl or if you're in a legal marriage, u hv removed all Doubt(s) n Uncertainty has dropped close to zero or zero. Despite very high Hope(s) for the future for both of u, Hope X 0 = 0. No wonder there is sky high divorce rates n very unhappy long-term RS.
A man must balance the right amt of Hope n Doubt to maintain n sustain Attraction, whether he has been w/ the girl/woman 30 min or 30 yrs.
Your comments n criticisms?
Another recent encounter. A few days before leaving for Gotham City, I saw a singer XH who could be my type, at a high end joint. I was in a rm w/ two esteemed bros. My ex mistress CY was also in the rm. I told the waitress to get XH. She came n sat w/ me. Her singing was good but not great. She is 20, 168, fair, proportionate body. Unfortunately her boobs were only B? I like her voice n her youthfulness.
Two days later, I booked her for HH at a PC joint. I wanted to ST her, she said she would never do ST regardless of my offer haha. I offered to BY her. I was brutally frank abt my intentions n her purpose of coming to SG. She nodded n said she would consider.
The next day, she said OK for BY. I suggested two options: 1) I buy all her slots so she doesn't work plus I give her some extra, quite costly. 2) She continues to work n the terms r negotiable, much less expensive.
She said Option 2 better. She only wanted some living expenses, no need to hang flowers or buying her slots. Said she would never fuck other men. I said: 你可以和客人去宵夜,she thought I said no supper n replied: 啊不能去宵夜?!I said: 当然可以. I told her I would test her w/ Oraquick n send her to KK n hinted that I would fuck her raw. She said not a problem. I would start the RS when I return from Gotham City in a month.
I hv had very little experience w/ singers as I sleep early, a great disadvantage. But she is one of the very few singers of my type I hv seen in the last few yrs in SG. Two clear n present risks. Firstly, whether I 'll still like her when she is stark naked n whether I can make her cum n cum. Secondly, whether she will fuck other men. To mitigate the risks, I'll pay her weekly haha. If the 'living expenses' r low enough, I'll treat it like a serial STs or packaged STs. If she fucks her men, I'll drop her. Of course, I'll check my sources to see if she has a BF when I return.
Any better options? Just drop her? I can take it or leave it haha.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for changing the formula to more powerful.
The new formula is Hope X Doubt = Attraction
Generally all the uncle Yusof Ishak notes are powerful amulets.
Really hope to get more tips here.
30-12-2018, 09:51 AM
Bro warbird
That's why I tell men don't chase women. When you're chasing women, not only are you causing them to flee (you can't give chase if she isn't running first), but you're also getting yourself tied up in emotional knots... that are going to bind you to her.
Except, it's not a two-way bind.
You don't bind her to you by getting emotionally attached to her yourself. To the contrary... the more emotionally attached to a girl you become, generally, the less attached (and interested) she'll be in you.
The more time you spend emotionally pursuing something or someone - and any time you even vaguely "want" something, it's emotional, at least to some degree - the more power you give that something or someone over you.
And what happens when someone has power over you?
What u said is really true. And it applies in real life. I chase a girl too hard and now she has the power over me. Too emotionally attached to her now. Causing too much pain and I really need to break free as it's driving me crazy
Dear readers
This old post have plenty of wisdom.
So many great points.
30-12-2018, 02:25 PM
Good morning my dear bro WB
If a person have plenty of talents such as singing or even perfrorm some magic, etc chances are women will be hugely attracted to him.
Each time the talented guy will find some way to hold woman hands.
Try it if you don't believe.
Tried before. I believe.
30-12-2018, 03:07 PM
Bro WB
A mentor told me that if I want to find the best Girls in any country then I need to go to the country to locate.
Go Thailand if want to find beautiful Thai girl.
Go vietnam if want to find beautiful Viet girl.
Go PRC if want to find the beautiful Chinese girl.
Best Wishes.
Bro, tks. Of course you're right.
Sounds like a incredible story and no kidding 100k per month in SGD.
I wonder what LL is worth the amount?
I did see LL in person. Nothing to write home about.
If you read bro FA's account carefully, he was implying that LL had other large sources of income. Perhaps she had another secret lover and/or she did ST. She is a classic gold digger.
Bro WB
Bro WB reply to bro FA post above which I re-post here.
I think really stupid to fight over a girl. The ex bf must be very needy and sore loser.
Anyway using high cash to earn love is already a loser.
Thanks for sharing.
Best Wishes.
Bro, tks.
Such a bunch of wussy losers. They may be quite well to do, due to dumb luck or inheritance. But they are still big losers as far as RS and women are concerned. They are in good company w/ King Fuchai and Johnny Depp...
"Price is what you pay, value is what you get." - Warren Buffett
The pussy market is notoriously INEFFICIENT. Much worse than the stock market. The reason is that most men hv a scarcity mindset, an incurable affliction.
This morning a bro posted pics of two SYTs he met at SZ in my chat grp. Not bad at all. He is a "face" person. I'm a face person, SYT person, natural person, arms person, legs and thighs person, butt person, boobs person, body person, proportions person, character person, "intelligence" person, frugality person, good temper person, etc, etc.
My reply to him: "I like the two SYTs you posted. Actually, such facial attractiveness was common at L8 n Telma Rd in 2007-2008. Some even had excellent body n limb proportions. I was so impressed with a tall SYT streetwalker at GL that I took her to my HH outing at TAM in 2009. She was the last of the Mohicans! These pretty streetwalkers disappeared completely after 2009."
"A kaki asked me: How much did you pay her? I told him. He replied: Wow, why so cheap?"
"They (the GL streetwalkers) were also 100% natural. Now I see many rich but wussy men fighting for old and plastic women. It’s so pathetic!!"
Wondering too, maybe pussy is gold-coated.
Bro, it's because there are too many financially well to do men who are born losers w/ pussy.
Agreed, no point fighting over a girl.
Thanks bro WB for this awesome thread.
I just picked up a PRC drunk gal outside peace centre... booby AF, and legs to die for....
I love this thread as well, thanks very much Bro WB.
Indeed a classic post, I love it!!
Learn many things from this thread, thanks bro WB
Happy New Year.
Bros, thanks a lot!
Bro WB,
I agreed that we only young once and should make full use of our youth to enjoy life. In fact age is a number and no matter what age we should just enjoy.
Agreed too that marriage is the beginning of long commitment. If no conviction better refrain from marriage.
Here to learn from all the tai kor and hope to pickup more tips.
Bro, tks.
Ponder very carefully before marrying anyone.
Thanks to bro WB for a detailed account of the damage to bao a mistress per month.
Awful loads of moolah to play the field.
Congrats to those who can and dare.
Bro, tks.
The BY rates in larger cities in China are about the same now.
Bro WB
Please dun blame me for re-post a long GURU forum below.
Awesome loads of info inside.
Bro, tks.
My exact sentiments, age is just a number, enjoy while we can.
Hope to learn more from Bro WB too, and thanks for this excellent thread.
Bro, you're as young as you feel.
Woo tons of info, thanks for re-posting.
Thanks Bro WB for starting this great thread too.
Have a nice weekend.
That's quite a lot of moolah. Thanks Bro WB for the info.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
Thank you for a wonderful thread.
The above was a long forum but contains plenty of facts.
Hope anyone don't mind I re-post here.
Hv a nice weekend.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB forum above teaches me what power is.
Hope + Uncertainty = Attraction (Passion)
REally must have self-mastery to be able to win.
Hv a nice weekend.
Yes, bro.
Yes, bro.
I like this formula better: Hope X Uncertainty = Attraction (Passion)
So many facts, confirm won't mind.
Have to thank Bro WB for a great thread.
Yeah, must learn from bro WB too.
Have a good weekend.
Bros, thanks.
Good morning my dear bro WB
If a person have plenty of talents such as singing or even perfrorm some magic, etc chances are women will be hugely attracted to him.
Each time the talented guy will find some way to hold woman hands.
Try it if you don't believe.
Bro, tks.
Of course I believe. But RHYTHM alone is far from enough. It won't help if a man is lacking in self-mastery or is needy and insecure. Or is a coward.
Bro WB
Thank you for changing the formula to more powerful.
The new formula is Hope X Doubt = Attraction
Generally all the uncle Yusof Ishak notes are powerful amulets.
Really hope to get more tips here.
Bro, tks.
Yes, I hv much more to say abt maintaining an optimal emotional distance between you and your dream girl. That is how you make her addicted to you...
Dear readers
This old post have plenty of wisdom.
So many great points.
Tks, bro.
Tried before. I believe.
Tks, bro.
Happy New Year to all samsters,
Bro WB
30-12-2018, 03:31 PM
Dear readers
This old post have plenty of wisdom.
So many great points.
Fully agreed, plenty of wisdom indeed.
30-12-2018, 05:59 PM
Excellent thread by Bro WB.
Hope to read and learn more from the master.
Have a nice weekend.
31-12-2018, 07:34 AM
Awesome thread by bro WB. Support.
31-12-2018, 11:04 AM
Bro WB
Aids today is no more a death sentence disease. Of course nobody should get aids and best pratice safe sex.
What you had described below makes sense and will be safer.
Hope to learn more here.
Let me wish you a Happy New Year 2019 in advance.
Good morning!
I'm going to be very blunt n brutally honest.
In the era of AIDS, our lives literally depend on the faithfulness of our women/GFs/wives/mistresses/lovers. Women cheat as much as men, but they r much better in concealing their affairs haha. Over 50% of legal wives cheat. Local SG girls cheat just as much as maligned PRC n Thai girls.
A few days ago, a good kaki of mine was to up a pretty n tall local SYT in a well known 5-star hotel. She was very expensive n was said to be my type too. My kaki was late because he had to park in another nearby hotel. He ran but was still over 25 mins late n the girl got very nervous, cried n left. According to the OKT, she was a 'very good girl' n had a new local BF n she didn't want him to get suspicious! I know this hotel very well n there is valet parking!
How do u 'cheat proof' your women? Be vigilant n maintain a high index of suspicion. NEVER be complacent whether you hv been w/ her 2 days or 20 yrs. Most importantly...her degree of emotional n sexual connection/addiction w/ and for you. In doubt, don't hesitate to engage a reputable PI.
I hv mentioned the importance of making deep emotional connection w/ your women n that this connection, no matter how seemly strong n secure, can't last forever without strong sexual connection and/or addiction as well.
I hv also mentioned that the most powerful n fastest way for a woman to get sexually addicted is regular, intense n prolonged PVO. IMHO, the 2nd most powerful way is to give her masterful cunnilingus n make her come n come. It's even more powerful If u know how to give simultaneous stimulation of her G/deep spot n anus, the so-called trigasm. Making a woman sexually addicted to you takes time, perhaps minimum of 3 to 6 months or longer of staying together...
One factor that has not been well discussed, nor well understood, is the right balance of dopamine n oxytocin in inducing sexual addiction. Too much in one may upset the balance n may disrupt the addictive process. Unfortunately, this is very complex n there r many other variables, depending on both partners n the activities, inside n outside of bedroom..
Any comments?
Bro WB
31-12-2018, 11:05 AM
Totally agree that local sg gals cheat as much as the PRC n Thai gals. How do you “cheat-proof” your women? It depends. Every woman and every situation is different – are you talking about a 19 year old gf the 2 of you just got together, or a 40+ year old wife/mother you have been married to for 2 decades? I have seen very stanch, mother of pre-teen kids, with very very strict upbringing cheat. I know another 40+ woman (wife’s best friend) who will cheat at the drop of the hat with a guy she liked decades ago – heck, they may already have for all I know and the other guy doesn’t even know she’s married with a schooling kid!! I’ve have had my fair share of being ogled by matured women, ugly ones, at Shanghai Dolly, trying to pick me up even when I was there with a group of PRC gals. And then there’s the 19 year old FL I was to meet last week – yes, I’m the “good kaki” LOL I’ll be bonking her later this week.
How to “cheat-proof”? I don’t know… I don’t have a fool-proof method but all I know is that women cheat because its in their nature (some of them) or by circumstances. What I know though, is how to detect and catch them. I always tell my subordinates at work: you want to catch a thief/fraud, think like one. If you don’t think like one (and put yourself in his/her shoes), you’ll never catch one cos a cheat/thief/fraud will always conceal and cover their tracks to avoid detection and being caught. If we eat out ourselves, it makes us good detectives to begin with. The worst enemy for the cheater is complacency. We give it to them. By being “ignorant” and nonchalant. Take your time and let the other party let down their guard. Never raise their suspicion by raising yours. There’s a Chinese saying… you’ll bound to meet the tiger if you go up the mountains often enough.
Her phone is the place where you’ll find most of the evidences – she will guard it with her life. Her change in behaviour. Change in routines. Are there periods of time of the day/night where she’s uncontactable? Change in dressing. More conscious of her appearance, body, etc. Check her phone bill/phone records. Look for changes in patterns. Is sex different now – routines, patterns, positions, frequencies, etc. When you suspect something, DO NOT act on it immediately. Resist the urge to react. Keep your cool and act normal. DO NOT raise any alarms of hers.
Anyways, I could go on and on but that’s not my forte or the purpose of this thread but I do think that its more than sexual and emotional connection – money comes into play too.
The above post is very informative and definitive.
Happy New Year.
31-12-2018, 11:06 AM
What if your woman is at work, in a meeting, went clubbing/noisy places and didnt hear the phone ring :confused:
We don't own our spouse/gf and definitely don't expect them to be at our beck and call at the drop of a hat. To pick a quarrel based on this sounds very juvenile and being suspicious means lack of trust, if trust is not there, it's very hard to maintain whether there's third party or not.
Nowadays women are earning their keep now or on par with the men, the men could have more to lose if they choose to leave (kids, property, hefty monthly maintenance fees). Kids will always tend to be closer to the ones who spend time with the family.
There's no cheat proof method, as long as u r playing the field, women have every right to play the field too. And women are sensitive and smart, they play the same field because they smell something fishy too. Sometimes they are just closing an eye but when things get out of hand, they tend to play the same field. While older men like SYT, younger men are suckers for attractive MILF too. At the wave of hand, young guys as young as 19 with abs (six packs) and big dicks are very willing to serve the cougars.
Younger guys are free, better looking, toned figure, more willing to please, last longer on bed, interesting and always never failed to make a older woman laugh with new tricks and novelty. Just look at the orgy section. :D
Eventually a family will break up and ended up in divorce because of these external factors. Moreover as we are getting on age, do evaluate whether worthwhile to risk the family bliss on philandering. Yes there might be plenty of temptations out there. However, who will be there to spend the rest of our old age with u and take care of us in time of sickness. When the time come on sick bed (not on the hotel bed), who will be there for u? The young sexy lass out there or our faithful old spouse of a few decades? While the young lass are happily sharing your $$ with equally young attractive guys, the older men don't ended up laying alone on the sick bed. :D
Another well written post from the past.
Happy New Year.
31-12-2018, 11:45 AM
Bro WB
Aids today is no more a death sentence disease. Of course nobody should get aids and best pratice safe sex.
What you had described below makes sense and will be safer.
Hope to learn more here.
Let me wish you a Happy New Year 2019 in advance.
Fully agreed, best is practise safe sex.
Wish to learn more from this great thread, thanks bro WB.
Happy New Year to all.
31-12-2018, 03:00 PM
The above post is very informative and definitive.
Happy New Year.
And positive too.
01-01-2019, 10:52 AM
Another well written post from the past.
Happy New Year.
Couldn't agree more.
01-01-2019, 01:39 PM
SHIFU Warbird
To be a total STUD you have to ‘get your woman off’ over and over again…
Clitoral orgasms…
Vaginal orgasms…
Squirting orgasms…
Multiple orgasms…
Anal, nipple, ear, lip, spanking, countdown orgasms and mindgasms. Your woman can experience them all – but only when YOU lead her and make it happen. She cannot do it on her own.
The sentences easy to remember and that is "orgasm" of all sorts.
Thank you for the lovely forum back in 31-12-2013.
Happy New Year 2019 (5 years different today) - what an auspicious day today.
Let me congratulate and hope more brothers will post their revelations or resolutions here and of course related to making love and getting gfs.
Don't pay any premium for a girl's fame, pay her based on her looks, figure, attitude, responsiveness, service, personality, character, etc.
Merry Christmas and Happy new Year!!
Bro WB
Here is an email I just received.
Master These 5 Things and You’ll Become A Bedroom Boss
Hi Warbird,
If You Want To Become A Bedroom Boss – A Total STUD – There Are 5 Things You Need To MASTER. Here They Are…
We’re getting close to the end of 2013.
It’s nearly Christmas…
Then it’s New Year’s Eve…
And then… it’s 2014!
The question is…
Will you have THE BEST SEX EVER in 2014?
You will if you do as I suggest in this blog post.
You see, right now – I know you’re busy…
Busy with family and friends… busy buying last minute presents… busy preparing for Christmas Day… and busy making New Year’s Plans.
The last thing you have time for is messing around on the internet reading my stuff ;)
If you read what I’m about to share with you carefully and MASTER these 5 things…
You’ll become a Bedroom Boss… a Sex God… a total STUD – a REAL MAN who is capable of EASILY giving his woman mind-blowing sex every time he gets it on with her.
So if you wanna have the best Christmas sex EVER – and incredible sex in 2014 – read on carefully my friend…
1. Be A Dominant Fucking Beast
The first time a woman called me a fucking BEAST in bed – it was pretty cool.
I remember thinking…
“Aha”… that’s what women really want.
A DOMINANT beast in the bedroom.
Here are some tips for being that guy:
Call the shots. Take control. Lead her. Don’t wait for her to make decisions because this will turn her OFF. Big time.
Let her feel your strength and masculinity. How do you do this? Pick her up. Carefully ‘throw her around.’ Pin her down. Restrain her. You get the idea
Never ask her how you compare to her previous lovers. ASSUME and act as if you are THE BEST. Seriously – too many men ask this question of their women and end up HATING the answer
2. Use A Lot Of Dirty Talk
Women love dirty talk…
It turns them on, makes them hot, wet and horny – and it REALLY helps to ‘get them off.’
So if you aren’t using it EVERY time you ‘get it on’ with your woman – start doing so. You will enjoy the results.
To ensure your dirty talk is successful:
Use crude words – ‘cock, pussy and fuck’… not ‘vagina, penis and intercourse’
When using words like ‘slut and whore’ – be sure to say: “You’re MY naughty little slut” and “You’re MY dirty little whore”
Remember that the more ORGASMS you give her – the DIRTIER you can talk to her
Remember that the longer you’you’ve known her – the DIRTIER you can talk to her
For more help with your dirty talk, grab a copy of Dirty Talk Phrases
3. Use Your Imagination
When I say use your imagination I mean that you must make the sex DIFFERENT every time.
Losers and chumps do it the same way every time and their women end up BORED stupid sooner or later…
Then they stop wanting sex and some will go on to CHEAT.
A true Bedroom Boss makes the sex different EVERY time…
Sometimes very different…
Sometimes different in a much more subtle way…
But NEVER the same way twice.
Try new positions, techniques, dirty talk phrases, locations and so on.
4. Make The Sex Naughty
Most women will never admit it – for fear of being negatively judged – but they actually want VERY NAUGHTY SEX…
They want you to grab their hair, restrain them and spank them.
They want to give head whilst the man tells them what a ‘naughty little girl’ she is.
They want you to tell them how good their pussy smells and tastes.
They want to dress up real slutty for you in the bedroom.
They want to GET SLUTTY with the right man.
But most women won’t do these things without being given permission. YOU – as the man – have to give your woman permission to act this way. Do that and you’ll have the best sex ever. Period.
5. Give Her Orgasms
Ultimately – the first 4 points help this fifth one to happen.
To be a total STUD you have to ‘get your woman off’ over and over again…
Clitoral orgasms…
Vaginal orgasms…
Squirting orgasms…
Multiple orgasms…
Anal, nipple, ear, lip, spanking, countdown orgasms and mindgasms. Your woman can experience them all – but only when YOU lead her and make it happen. She cannot do it on her own.
To have the best sex of your life in 2014, here’s what I recommend you do…
Master the 5 things I’ve just shared with you. Do that and you’ll be a stud even if you have a tiny penis and aren’t very good looking. And that’s a fact.
Your friend,
Mr. Guru
01-01-2019, 01:41 PM
SHIFU Warbird - let me wish you all the success in your pursuit for syts in the coming 2019 and more.
Happy New Year to you and LPs.
Below is a great re-post from the year 1 Jan 2104.
3 Cheers.
I believe 2014 will be a fantastic year for self improvement, enlightenment, excellent health, optimal sexual and love relationship and financial independence for everyone!
I just received an article on 7 Things That Separate Great Lovers From Average Lovers from a most respected guru.
Hi Brother Warbird,
If you want to be a GREAT LOVER – a guy who can easily give ANY woman incredible sex – you need to copy what great lovers do.
With that thought in mind, here are 7 things that great lovers do in the bedroom that average lovers don’t do…
1. They Never Think “I Know It All”
Whenever I hear somebody say “I know it all” or “I’ve tried EVERYTHING” – I know that person is never going to be a MASTER.
You see, a truly great lover – a MASTER in the bedroom – understands that he will never ‘know it all’…
He understands that there is ALWAYS MORE TO LEARN.
And he actually ENJOYS this fact… because every new sexual discovery and ‘bedroom breakthrough’ gives him a sense of fulfilment and pleasure that cannot be gained from thinking that you know it all.
2. They Commit To Continuous and Never Ending Improvement
The Japanese have a word called ‘Kaizen.’
It literally means…
Continuous and never ending improvement.
The idea behind this is that small, daily improvements add up to massive change over time. Using this philosophy, the Japanese managed to become major Global Powers – and in some cases World Leaders – in the electronics and automotive industries.
Apply the same attitude to the bedroom and you will eventually become a GREAT LOVER. And that’s a fact.
One way to commit to becoming a great lover could be to read, listen or watch at least one program a month that is designed to help you become a better lover. Go through one program a week if you’re feeling like a total badass!
And “NO” – watching PORN does NOT count
3. They Are Very Strong Mentally
Without fail, average lovers are always WEAK mentally. Great lovers are strong mentally.
Average lovers blame their poor sexual performances on their lack of penis size, their lack of sexual experience, or their woman.
Great lovers understand that they can give a woman MIND-BLOWING sex no matter how they look and whatever their physical proportions.
And great lovers will NEVER blame their woman… they take 100% responsibility for the outcome in the bedroom.
4. They Choose The Right Woman
Average lovers very often settle for whatever woman they can get.
Great lovers only ever settle for a GREAT WOMAN.
They look for intelligent, confident women.
You see, it doesn’t matter how many techniques you know in the bedroom and how well you can talk dirty… if your woman isn’t ready… you’ll never get the results you desire.
I figured this out the hard way many years ago…
I’d meet one woman and make her ORGASMIC in a way most people could not believe… clitoral, vaginal, squirting and multiple orgasms – she’d experience them all.
I’d then meet another woman and would struggle to give her a single clitoral orgasm.
What was the difference?
The type of woman. After a while I realized that if you want to have INCREDIBLE SEX – you have to choose an intelligent, confidence woman who has high self-esteem and no serious emotional ‘issues.’
It’s as simple as that.
5. They Understand That Sex Is Very Mental For Women…
And because of this understanding, they spend at least as much time fucking their woman’s MIND as they do her PUSSY.
How do they fuck her mind?
With interesting conversation and humour OUTSIDE of the bedroom…
And with DIRTY TALK inside of the bedroom.
Average lovers rarely if ever talk dirty.
Great lovers do it ALL THE TIME… EVERY time they have sex.
For me, talking dirty to my woman during sex is a natural as breathing the air around me. If you want to become a great lover – it needs to feel this way for you too.
6. They Aren’t Afraid To Be Dominant
Most men have forgotten how to be men.
Men are supposed to be STRONG…
They are supposed to lead and protect…
They are supposed to be DOMINANT.
“YES” – some politically correct people may HATE what I’ve just said – but it’s the truth. Nature designed us this way.
And nature has programmed women to want men who act that way.
Nature has made women want, need and crave SEXUALLY DOMINANT men.
All great male lovers are dominant.
Average lovers tend to be the opposite – many of them even wait (or expect) their women to take the lead. Then they wonder why they don’t get any sex! Duh!
She doesn’t want to take the lead…
She wants you to do it… she wants you to be the boss in the bedroom.
7. They Genuinely Love The Company Of Women
I truly believe that many men find the company of women BORING and would much rather be ‘watching the game’ or drinking beer with their buddies.
But to be a GREAT LOVER – you have to love the company of women…
And I don’t just mean in the bedroom. I mean OUTSIDE the bedroom too.
You see, if you don’t enjoy her company, she’ll know it and she won’t be that excited about giving herself to you in the bedroom.
I once read this study showing that men, in general, only talk about 5 things… alcohol, football, tits, cars and something else that I forget. The point being that men, in general, talk about a very limited number of things.
Women, on the other hand, have a much broader spectrum of talking points and this is one of the many reasons why I generally prefer the company of women to men. Because they are so much more INTERESTING!
This 7th point is very important… before you worry about what’s going on IN THE BEDROOM – learn to love the company of women OUTSIDE the bedroom first.
Firstly, I like to comment that to be a great lover, in fact, to be great in any endeavor, one must be mentally tough and have awesome emotional control/self mastery.
Secondly, choosing the right women is crucial. Choose high value, high quality women of your type. Never, ever settle.
Lastly, accept everything in life unconditionally and be happy now.
The last is the most important n can be life changing immediately...
Bro WB
01-01-2019, 02:05 PM
Thanks Bro WB for this incredible thread.
Happy New Year to all.
SHIFU Warbird
To be a total STUD you have to ‘get your woman off’ over and over again…
Clitoral orgasms…
Vaginal orgasms…
Squirting orgasms…
Multiple orgasms…
Anal, nipple, ear, lip, spanking, countdown orgasms and mindgasms. Your woman can experience them all – but only when YOU lead her and make it happen. She cannot do it on her own.
The sentences easy to remember and that is "orgasm" of all sorts.
Thank you for the lovely forum back in 31-12-2013.
Happy New Year 2019 (5 years different today) - what an auspicious day today.
Let me congratulate and hope more brothers will post their revelations or resolutions here and of course related to making love and getting gfs.
01-01-2019, 05:16 PM
Wishing Bro WB success in 2019 too. Thanks for a wonderful thread.
3 rounds of applause.
SHIFU Warbird - let me wish you all the success in your pursuit for syts in the coming 2019 and more.
Happy New Year to you and LPs.
Below is a great re-post from the year 1 Jan 2104.
3 Cheers.
04-01-2019, 10:33 AM
Bro WB
Good morning.
I made big mistake and got kc-ed easily in my earlier days. Each time I got dumped and found out that I was a wussy.
I should had read your thread before getting involved and may not had made such big mistakes.
Now I only pay for sex and quite enjoy since I will not get played out.
Thank you for a great thread and will welcome any tips.
Good morning!
I'm always looking for younger and prettier women.
But don't get KC-ed by a pretty young woman. Her beauty will not last.
Here is a brief article from a guru.
The Truth About Women Beauty - Why you hold the cards
Hey Bro Warbird,
A woman peaks is in her early twenties.I want you to always keep that in mind.
A woman PEAKS is in her early twenties.
No matter how hot or cute you think she is right now, her beauty
and attractiveness will always go down after that...
Unless she exercises and takes care of herself, which very few
women do (again just remind yourself to never settle for girls who
don't EXERCISE, no matter how attractive they are right now).
A lot of women are delusional about the fact that a man should love
them for what's inside.
So after a few years, they just become lazy...
Sorry... they were actually already lazy, but now their youth is
not there to sustain their beauty.
Not understanding that, for a man, visual is very
important--regardless of how much he loves his partner.
A lot will hide behind the fact that they had kids.
Or that it's just natural to be less attractive as you grow older.
I know women who don't plan to be less attractive as they grow
older. They are determined to look their best, regardless of their
age and that takes, well...
Have an great day!
Guru XYZ
04-01-2019, 10:47 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for a interesting forum below.
Really admired you for your capabilites to savor nice syts.
The GURU forum also very interesting facts.
Hope can read up more.
Dear bro deathnitez,
Happy and Prosperous Lunar New Year to our Boss n everyone on SBF!!
Bro WB
.................................................. ...
Good morning!
I had an enjoyable session at CI 3rd fl HH yesterday.
The outing was attended by 7 bros n we had a medium room. Expense per pax was only $65 inclusive of mummy's fee, waiter's tip n food. It would hv been $70, but Bro RB was kind enough to pay a bit more. The room was larger, more posh n more comfortable than 'medium room' at all PC joints. It was really value for money. I hv known mummies K & H for over 5 yrs. They r very good.
Two of my best kakis, Bros RB n KX, were there. Bro RB is tall, handsome n very wealthy. Great singer n dancer too. He goes to TAM joints 5X per wk?!! He always gets the best quality gals. Bro KX is an up n comer. He is also quite tall, good looking n well to do. He also always gets girls of this type. I hv another great kaki PG but he was indisposed yesterday.
The selection of girls last night wasn't very good. My girl CK was OK, not quite my type as she was short. I'll still ST her. A tall young professional bro YM, quit good looking, who was sitting next to me kept looking at CK. He whispered that he liked my girl, his type. Wanted to swap his girl w/ mine. I said not now, let me fuck her first haha. Your girl very pretty, YM said several times. Actually his girl was very similar in build n quite pretty. He said his is very cold n mine is very passionate haha. But CK is only 159-160, aged 20, quite cute, small bony frame, figure proportionate, but having her menses now and will return to PRC for LNY tomorrow. I hv to wait for her return to up her. Then YM can hv her.
I also called another gal XY whom I had upped abt 3 wks ago, but she was already booked. She is 22, pretty, fair, 171, w/ natural C/D boobs n proportionate body n quite perky ass. She dropped by n whispered that I had been ignoring her haha. Need to find time to RTF. I met her in the hall several days after her arrival.
The fact that XY is frequently fully booked n will not usually show up in a line up tells me that it's difficult to meet good quality gals if u wait for them to come to ur rm. Why? Because better looking girls r regularly fully booked or BY-ed after 2-3 wks!
It was my good fortune to hv met a new young bro KK last night, who is one of the most handsome men (including Ang Mohs) I hv ever met. He also has the most enviable physique! KK is the quintessence of 高富帅! I kept looking at him even though I'm 100% heterosexual haha. He phoned a girl to come to sit w/ him. She was quite pretty w/ proportionate figure. Good taste. KK has unfair advantage w/ women, at least initially. Fortunately, for the rest of us, especially for a lao chee ko pek like me, a man's looks r much less important when it comes to what attract women...I hv alluded to this fact many times in the past.
Originally I planned to hv outing to CI SH today, but I'm having a bit of headache this AM n hv to postpone the outing. Will plan for tomorrow Friday.
Bro WB
Good afternoon!
In my previous post I mentioned that women peaked in their early 20s in looks n sexual attractiveness. This generally coincides w/ the peaks in their fertility n fecundity.
Here is one type of women we should all void, according to a sex expert:
One Type Of Woman You Should Avoid
Hey Bro Warbird,
There's a type of woman you should not settle for.
Some of the woman reading this newsletter may insult me (yes,
there are women reading this men's newsletter).
But I pledge to always tell you the truth--or MY truth, like I
always say.
So, the kind of women you should never settle for are those
who never exercise or don't do any sport.
No sport, gym, or running.
Well, several reasons.
One, as you know, women age less gracefully than men, so 10
years from now, this hottie may turn into someone you're not
attracted to any more (one of the reasons why passion decreases
in a relationship, but women won't never acknowledge it).
Because YES, even if she's fit TODAY, it doesn't mean she'll
stay that way in the future (it's very unlikely actually).
Women make all kinds of excuses on why they get out of shape
as they age: children; he should love me for me, not my
appearance; I'm busy; big bones; blah blah blah...
Unless exercising is part of her lifestyle now, it's very
unlikely that she'll actively battle aging later on.
Another reason (MUCH MORE vital) is simply your own peace of
mind. You see, women are really emotional creatures and a lot
of their emotional drama can be decreased by a healthy active
lifestyle. I found that women who practice some kind of sport
are always more positive, resilient, and overall, MUCH more fun.
I remember dating that girl who was super hot, but didn't have
to work for her body, but guess what? She was always tired and
moody. She was boring as hell, always complaining about anything
and everything. Her energy level was so low that I wanted to
kill myself. No thanks!
Exercising is a MUST (at least, for me). This is the highest,
most powerful activity you can invest in that will yield
exponential rewards.
Choose a woman who is clear on that.
This is a good excuse to go meet girls at the gym.
Plenty of hot, positive, high-energy girls! ;-)
Have an amazing day!
Mr. Guru
04-01-2019, 06:18 PM
Same, I should read this thread before getting kc-ed.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread, I've become a better person.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro WB
Good morning.
I made big mistake and got kc-ed easily in my earlier days. Each time I got dumped and found out that I was a wussy.
I should had read your thread before getting involved and may not had made such big mistakes.
Now I only pay for sex and quite enjoy since I will not get played out.
Thank you for a great thread and will welcome any tips.
04-01-2019, 07:45 PM
Admire Bro WB's abilities to savor syts too.
Thanks Bro WB for this excellent thread.
Hope to learn more here.
Bro WB
Thank you for a interesting forum below.
Really admired you for your capabilites to savor nice syts.
The GURU forum also very interesting facts.
Hope can read up more.
04-01-2019, 09:06 PM
Bro WB
Good morning.
I made big mistake and got kc-ed easily in my earlier days. Each time I got dumped and found out that I was a wussy.
I should had read your thread before getting involved and may not had made such big mistakes.
Now I only pay for sex and quite enjoy since I will not get played out.
Thank you for a great thread and will welcome any tips.
can't agree more. some girls are just lazy and self entitled. expect the world from others but unwilling to give or even work on themselves. no matter how much you help them it will never be enough, don't get caught in their quicksand. it will just drain you emotionally and mentally
tl;dr: don't be a fucking white knight
05-01-2019, 02:30 AM
Awesome good thread here by bro WB.
Please share more interesting experiences.
Have a great weekend bro!
05-01-2019, 01:40 PM
No, I'm NOT Mr. Guru. I'm an eager n diligent trainee.
Yes, confidence in general n sexual confidence in particular. But it's more than that.
Many pundits n experts believe that any man who has a genuinely "don't give a damn" attitude is very attractive to women.
But, IMHO, it's not "don't give a damn" or DGAD attitude per se which is attractive, rather, it's displaying a higher value as a MAN than the girls you're attracting which makes 'badboys" so successful w/ women. If you believe that you hv higher value than ur women, do u care if they leave u tomorrow? Of course not! It would be a blessing, isn't? Many prettier n younger girls will be lining up for u.
Recently, my young mistress could sense my higher value n DGAD attitude, she asks me to promise her that, when she is back home for CNY, 你不会和别的女孩做爱, 你不会和别的女孩在一起。Then she said, 我如果不回来你反而会高兴吧?She is 21 n her looks r peaking now, and in a couple of yrs, will be on the decline...I dumped her once last yr n she cried n cried, I took her back because her pussy is very pretty, tight n responsive n has proven very safe thus far. It will take almost 6 months of repeated testing n monitoring to certify any particular pussy as safe n exclusive. Monitoring must also be an ongoing process.
Bro WB
.................................................. ....................
Good afternoon!
If you believe, in your subconscious mind, that you hv sky high value, higher than the prettiest n highest quality girls in this world, these beliefs will be reflected in ur actions, eye ctc, voice, words, body language, etc. The girls will detect them from afar n will start chasing u. I'm not kidding. No, you don't need to behave like a jerk, you can be a perfect gentleman n attract the prettiest, highest quality women. You will beat all the "badboys"at their own game out there!! But to keep your women, you still hv to give them regular PVOs haha. I'm afraid there is no way around it.
Bro NMRN posted that he would not touch any local or Msian gals in my other thread. Here is my reply in which I also discussed THE one secret which really attracts women.
Dear Bro NotMyRealName,
One man's meat is another man's poison. This is complicated by the Rashomon Effect hahaha.
There is an esteemed bro, whom I hv known for almost 5 yrs, who is very satisfied n is in love w/ his Msian Chn GF, who is currently pregnant w/ his child. She is emotionally, sexually n financially addicted to him haha. He has a 2nd mistress, also a Msian Chn.
Also, If you ask many Ang Mohs living here in SG, they will tell u how happy they r w/ their SG GFs, wives or mistresses.
Before I started BY-ing, I used to meet up w/ Nat, a local FL, in 2008 n early 2009. She told me abt her girlfriend, a local Chn aged 23, who was being kept by a 73 or 74 Yo Ang Moh from Northern Europe. Her GF was very satisfied.
Why r many prettier n better educated local gals attracted to Ang Moh men, some of whom r old, ugly, fat, bald, poorly educated n not so well to do?
It's most ironic that ur local gals n Ang Moh men don't even know the real reason. Very few people really understand how attraction works. But everything happens to work like magic hahaha.
IMHO, THE secret is this: These Ang Moh men, regardless of their looks, weight, height, age, social n economic status, educational level, character, etc., believe, in their subconscious mind, that their race confers an absolute superiority over our local girls. In other words, when interacting w/ all locals, they display their high value in their behaviours, eye contact, voice, words, body language, so on n so forth. When they display high value, appear hard to get, the local girls chase them. Landing an Ang Moh BF is a trophy for our local gals hahaha. That is how attraction works. Of course, if they can't give their women regular PVOs, the RS will eventually fail, hahaha.
BTW, there is a bro who went to XTD at the Verge, against my sincere advice, was most disappointed w/ the quality of gals there. They all CMI, he texted me, hahaha. I told u so!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
I had enjoyed your thread thoroughly. DGAD - dun give a damn attitude is powerful tool. I shall practised this whenever I can.
Yes, ang moh men always get the hottest hotties in our nation.
Now that you had described the details I fully agreed with your comment.
Thank you and well done.
Happy weekend.
05-01-2019, 01:43 PM
Bro WB
I had enjoyed your thread thoroughly. DGAD - dun give a damn attitude is powerful tool. I shall practised this whenever I can.
Yes, ang moh men always get the hottest hotties in our nation.
Now that you had described the details I fully agreed with your comment.
Thank you and well done.
Happy weekend.
Bro WB, fully agreed with you comment too.
A very nice thread here.
05-01-2019, 01:44 PM
Just met a Miss Malaysia and full-time model recently and Bro WB asked me to post my FR here. He feels that anything to do with sexology can and should be posted in his thread and because he is such a great mentor and shifu to me, I obliged, despite my busy schedule.
Anyways, there are some details I only share with Bro WB so I’m only going to post a very short FR. Some details have to be omitted, unfortunately.
Miss Malaysia, let’s call her V, was a winner in one of many beauty pageants held annually in Malaysia. She’s a full time model and will be flying to Hong Kong this week to further her career in the entertainment industry. She will be taking up modelling assignments there and if she is lucky, could end up in films. V is 22 yo, 165cm, fair, long hair, 32C-23-34, long slim arms and legs, and sharp facial features. In short, she passes every single stringent criteria of Bro WB.
She greeted me, at the hotel lobby, in a small white dress and a great big smile showing her perfect pearly whites. A firm handshake and she introduced herself with her real name. (How I know it was her real name? I’ve done my homework, and girls of such prominence, it’s not a difficult task). And then we went into the lift.
When we locked ourselves in the room, she asked if I wanted to shower first. I suggested to shower together but she smiled and rejected me shyly. Won’t force you then, I thought, and proceeded to take out a cloth hanger from the wardrobe. She took it from me and told me she will help me hang my clothes and so I changed to my birthday suit and hand her my clothing. After I showered, it was her turn.
We went to bed and snuggle together and chatted. She started the conversation in Mandarin so I followed suit. It’s the very distinctive Malaysian Mandarin with the unmistakable and unique Malaysian accent. Its very nice to have a Malaysian beauty queen in your arm and in bed with you. She told me how she took the 8am Air Asia flight from LCCT and came all the way to Singapore and she’s a little tired. I told her to close her eyes and take a rest. She said she can’t do that (need to work, of cos). I said its ok, just close your eyes and rest. I rolled over to face her to take a good look at her beautiful face and that made her blush and uneasy. Suddenly, without warning, our conversation went from Mandarin to French. I do not remember who started it first.
Her hand was the first to find its way to my little one – OK, maybe not so little by then. Actually, she was an instant turn-on, giving me an instant hard-on with all her demure, golden ratio looks and figure – perfect combination. I kneaded her smooth and super soft C cuppers and took my own sweet time to work my way all over her body, all the while maintaining the French conversation. I cupped my palm over her pussy and after a while feel her pussy and it was already wet! That’s fast! Wasted no time and climbed over her and slowly worked my way down. She let out soft moans of ecstasy and arch her body towards me. She then grab my hands and moved them to her soft breasts and I cupped them again.
After a while, she pulled me up, rolled over and pin me down on the bed and climbed onto me – it was pay-back time! She sure knew how to please me and tease me! After a while, she had positioned herself in cowgirl position and her pussy was almost touching my deprived manhood, gyrating and teasing me, as if to invite me to enter her! I told myself: OMG, don’t tell me you are going to enter me raw!!! To my relieve, she reached over to the bedside table, held the Durex in front of me and asked innocently: do you want to put on the condom? I quickly took the package, tear it open and put it on in one fast motion. Not that I don’t want her to put it on for me, I just can’t wait anymore! And she rode me. Now, many FLs would ask if I want to be on top first cos many are lazy and don’t like to do the extra work. V? She just put the rod in and rode. No questions asked. Again she grabbed my hands and put them on her breasts. Her breasts were really very nice to knead – they are not too big and they are not small and they are oh so smooth and soft. But then, her small waist is nice to hold too. And every inch of her body.
I actually promised a short FR so I’ll just summarize here – we switched many positions, some at my request, some at her request, and we cycled through those positions again after running out of ideas – I’m not a very creative person I suppose. We covered ourselves in each other’s perspiration despite blasting the air-con at 18 degrees high at the start of the sexxion. Her light weight body was very nice to pump, her body moves up and down with each of my thrust and after almost 45 mins of non-stop action, I exploded with her grinding me furiously in cowgal position! Boy, I didn’t know I had so much semen to discharge.
No rush, not a time watcher – she asked me if I had to go off when I checked the clock after the deed. She was in no rush though, cos her next assignment was more than 4 hours away. Anyways, best FL ever! I left very satisfied and very smitten.
The End.
What a great forum above.
Bro FA wrote well and thought I re-post to allow more readers.
05-01-2019, 01:46 PM
Dear bro FA,
Congrats to u for a great fxxk and thank u for ur detailed FR on a M'sian beauty queen/model.
I thought she had come under the knife because of her sharp facial features but now we know she has some Ang Moh blood haha.
I hope she would come back here in the near future.
Actually there r important lessons to be learned from this particular case but I can't discuss them, for various reasons, unfortunately.
Bro WB
.................................................. ..
Good afternoon!
After much reflections, I sincerely believe that, in life, the most powerful instinctual urge for a healthy heterosexual man is his quest for pussies which are very attractive, completely safe and absolutely exclusive. Some call this sex drive or libido. It's the jet fuel for his relentless pursuit of education, money, fame and power...
I assume such a man has met his basic survival needs such as air, water n food. Has anyone here been deprived of fresh air for more than 2-3 minutes? When u know you're are going to die of asphyxiation in seconds, u will DO ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING, to get some fresh air, before u lose consciousness. For water deprivation, it's about 72 hours depending on the ambient temperature, etc...
Of course, in many cases, he may sublimate this powerful motivator/ambition or libido into something culturally, religiously and socially 'higher' and more acceptable hahaha. This something could be literature, art, music, entrepreneurship, inventions, sports, science, exploration, adventure, etc., which has greatly benefited mankind.
Any comments?
Bro WB
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you that us men need pussies to refresh.
We need to shoot at least 20 times per month to be healthy.
Have a nice weekend.
05-01-2019, 01:48 PM
What a great forum above.
Bro FA wrote well and thought I re-post to allow more readers.
Great re-post.
Have a nice weekend.
05-01-2019, 05:01 PM
Excellent thread here, thanks Bro WB.
Have a great weekend.
06-01-2019, 11:24 PM
Fully agreed, plenty of wisdom indeed.
Excellent thread by Bro WB.
Hope to read and learn more from the master.
Have a nice weekend.
Awesome thread by bro WB. Support.
Bros, thank you all.
The above post is very informative and definitive.
Happy New Year.
Another well written post from the past.
Happy New Year.
Bro, thank you!
Fully agreed, best is practise safe sex.
Wish to learn more from this great thread, thanks bro WB.
Happy New Year to all.
Bro, must always practice safe sex.
SHIFU Warbird
To be a total STUD you have to ‘get your woman off’ over and over again…
Clitoral orgasms…
Vaginal orgasms…
Squirting orgasms…
Multiple orgasms…
Anal, nipple, ear, lip, spanking, countdown orgasms and mindgasms. Your woman can experience them all – but only when YOU lead her and make it happen. She cannot do it on her own.
The sentences easy to remember and that is "orgasm" of all sorts.
Thank you for the lovely forum back in 31-12-2013.
Happy New Year 2019 (5 years different today) - what an auspicious day today.
Let me congratulate and hope more brothers will post their revelations or resolutions here and of course related to making love and getting gfs.
SHIFU Warbird - let me wish you all the success in your pursuit for syts in the coming 2019 and more.
Happy New Year to you and LPs.
Below is a great re-post from the year 1 Jan 2104.
3 Cheers.
Thank you, bro.
Must choose the right girls/women n practice Taoist sex.
Thanks Bro WB for this incredible thread.
Happy New Year to all.
Tks, bro.
Bro WB
Aids today is no more a death sentence disease. Of course nobody should get aids and best pratice safe sex.
What you had described below makes sense and will be safer.
Hope to learn more here.
Let me wish you a Happy New Year 2019 in advance.
Bro, getting AIDS today is quite a bit better than getting syphilis before the advent of penicillin.
"One night w/ Venus, whole life w/ mercury." Toxic mercury used to be a treatment for syphilis!
Wishing Bro WB success in 2019 too. Thanks for a wonderful thread.
3 rounds of applause.
Tks, bro.
Bro WB
Good morning.
I made big mistake and got kc-ed easily in my earlier days. Each time I got dumped and found out that I was a wussy.
I should had read your thread before getting involved and may not had made such big mistakes.
Now I only pay for sex and quite enjoy since I will not get played out.
Thank you for a great thread and will welcome any tips.
Bro, having KC for the wrong girl is very bad news.
Bro WB
Thank you for a interesting forum below.
Really admired you for your capabilites to savor nice syts.
The GURU forum also very interesting facts.
Hope can read up more.
Bro, tks.
Admire Bro WB's abilities to savor syts too.
Thanks Bro WB for this excellent thread.
Hope to learn more here.
Bro, it's all in your mental frame.
if you believe you deserve the prettiest SYTs, you're right.
If you believe you don't deserve the prettiest SYTs, you're right.
Same, I should read this thread before getting kc-ed.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread, I've become a better person.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro, tks. You hv made my day!
can't agree more. some girls are just lazy and self entitled. expect the world from others but unwilling to give or even work on themselves. no matter how much you help them it will never be enough, don't get caught in their quicksand. it will just drain you emotionally and mentally
tl;dr: don't be a fucking white knight
Bro, I couldn't agree w/ you more.
Awesome good thread here by bro WB.
Please share more interesting experiences.
Have a great weekend bro!
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
I had enjoyed your thread thoroughly. DGAD - dun give a damn attitude is powerful tool. I shall practised this whenever I can.
Yes, ang moh men always get the hottest hotties in our nation.
Now that you had described the details I fully agreed with your comment.
Thank you and well done.
Happy weekend.
Bro, caring too much and seeking validation are repulsive behaviour.
Bro WB, fully agreed with you comment too.
A very nice thread here.
Tks, bro.
What a great forum above.
Bro FA wrote well and thought I re-post to allow more readers.
Yes, bro.
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you that us men need pussies to refresh.
We need to shoot at least 20 times per month to be healthy.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro, tks.
We also need pussy to reproduce. It's only second to survival in importance.
Cheers and Happy New year to all samsters.
Bro WB
07-01-2019, 01:43 PM
Bro, tks.
We also need pussy to reproduce. It's only second to survival in importance.
Cheers and Happy New year to all samsters.
Bro WB
Fully agreed with you on this msg.
07-01-2019, 01:48 PM
I don’t profess to know about Chinese fortune telling but I think, and I stand corrected, there are really two distinctive looks that are beneficial to the husband -益夫相 and 旺夫相.
The first one is when the wife is very helpful and capable. She may come from a rich family or just plain capable, meaning she helps out the husband, whether helping him with his business or career, or take care of the family so well that the man has no worries when he’s outside making a living. Or she may help the man financially. Whatever it is, if you married such a lady, good for you cos your life will improve.
Then the second type, which is the ones I’m really referring to. She doesn’t have to do anything. Just by the fact that she’s with you, you become lucky and your wealth just grow and grow. This type is the best.
When you talk about gals who want to 嫁入豪門, well, they will want to look beautiful and so if they do not already have the V shaped face, they go under the knife and shave off the bone, ouch, to look like one. But according to 面相學, gals (and guys too) who have a V shaped face is not good for the family – it means they don’t know how to take care of the family, something like that.
A very famous fortune teller from Hong Kong mentioned that when he walks into the high class lounge for high tea, and see two different groups of rich women, he can tell, based on their facial features, who are 太太 and who are the 小三
Also, Bro WB may also be unknowingly going for those gals who are can bear him many children. It is ingrained in him and he doesn’t know it! LOL
These are nothing new, just a very fresh and different perspective looking at things. Just like a successful person will always be subconsciously seeking out things and people who will benefit or aid him in his road to success. I for one, will have to relook at the choice of gals I want to associate myself with! LOL!
Wow, this is insider information of Bro WB.
He is looking for LPs who bring luck to him "旺夫相"
Well done.
Looking forward to read more.
07-01-2019, 01:50 PM
Dear bro fallen.angel,
Thanks for ur post.
What a revelation! You're very smart n perceptive n hv excellent analytical skills.
About a wk ago you alerted me to something I didn't know myself. After ruminating on the issue for a few days, I know you're spot on.
Perhaps a good example of the type of looks I like is Japanese actress Nana Eikura who was the heroine in a Jap TV detective series I was watching. I'm disappointed that our agent could not intro her to me. She is a model n actress (Non-AV).
Attraction is not a choice. If I'm hard-wired to find girls who hv the 旺夫相, the more gals I BY-ed, the happier, healthier n richer I'll become!
Some bros may wonder why I would reject a seeming pretty girl n yet accept someone 'less attractive,' at least as far as they r concerned. Now you all know why.
Bro WB
Bro WB
What a revelation? You din even know you did that.
Nice and interesting to read.
Hope to learn from you and so many seniors here.
07-01-2019, 01:52 PM
Good morning!
I just replied to bro hehehaha on some issues posted on my other thread.
<<<<<Dear bro hehehaha,
Getting a visa to the US is actually quite easy. A PR is a lot easier. It's the number one destination for the rich from China. I hv not met a PRC girl who doesn't want me to take her there.
Sadly, the quality of gals coming here may not improve unless ICA changes its "get tough on pretty SYTs from PRC" policies.
Why? To appease uglier SG girls/women? The few attractive local SG girls either marry foreigners or local men from rich families or are FLs. Sorry for being ruthlessly honest here. I stand by my statement.
In fact, there r too few attractive local gals for even the rich young men here. It's a matter of supply n demand. That was why I wasn't surprised when one of my ex-mistresses married a wealthy n young local man 3 1/2 yrs ago. She is now 23 n has two beautiful kids. I'm very happy for her.
I guess ICA is encouraging SG men to marry older n uglier women...that will ensure our next generation remain physically unattractive. It's inexplicable. We must improve our gene pool.
When my two young n tall mistresses suggest that they bear my kids (one says using a surrogate mother), I may go for it. But I'm still looking for even more attractive genes from China...I'm just doing my part as a loyal citizen hahaha.
Finally, the crack down on vice in China may not last. Its negative impact on the economy is enormous. Vice n BY-ing er nai keep the money circulating, trickling down from the rich to the poor, albeit really only a small trickle. It's a form of wealth redistribution. It's not much, but something is better than nothing, a form of safety valve. President Xi can't shut the valve off for too long...
Bro WB >>>>>
Bro WB
2014 was the crackdown or continue to crack down on illegal vices in PRC.
As for what you said above yes, look like Singapore gahmen wanted us to marry ugly old women.
Sure many will prefer to go hunting other country for syts.
07-01-2019, 03:07 PM
Wow, this is insider information of Bro WB.
He is looking for LPs who bring luck to him "旺夫相"
Well done.
Looking forward to read more.
Looking forward to read more too.
Hope to learn more from bro WB and this wonderful thread.
07-01-2019, 03:58 PM
Bro WB
What a revelation? You din even know you did that.
Nice and interesting to read.
Hope to learn from you and so many seniors here.
Fully agreed.
Very interesting indeed.
Thanks Bro WB for this awesome thread and hope to learn more too.
Have a nice week ahead.
07-01-2019, 06:17 PM
Bro WB
2014 was the crackdown or continue to crack down on illegal vices in PRC.
As for what you said above yes, look like Singapore gahmen wanted us to marry ugly old women.
Sure many will prefer to go hunting other country for syts.
The leader himself married a fugly woman, of course he would want our wives to be ugly too.
Have a nice day.
Thanks Bro Warbird for raising the questions. I'll gladly answer them for you, and for the rest of the bros. Actually more for others to read since we always discuss everything privately ~ there's nothing you don't know about me LOL! But before I answer the questions, I need to point out, or remind you of, one fundamental difference between us. You go for long term relationships; I shun them. The reason is very simple ~ while it's against my principle to compare, I'm only 1% of your net worth. Actually, I may have over estimated myself as I'm a very positive person so for a person who tries to make ends meet, I simply can't afford to BY any gals. My tight schedule, work and family commitment also prohibits me to do so. I'm also scared of over zealous n jealous gals.
First question - it was me who had asked my friend (you know who) to go to a HFJ to pay a visit to a Taiwanese gal who works there. Unfortunately, she was on leave and my friend was outside LV, initially wanting to get a super hot gal to go to the HFJ with him. He asked me to join him at LV so I went there. We picked up the gal's friend and the 4 of us went to Sentosa in 2 cars. I was not obligated to accompany him, we were just out to have some fun n drinks with some gals we picked up. The gal is attractive but I'm just not interested to want to develop into a long term thing or to take it to the next level.
Second question. Yes I asked the obvious question. I wasn't lamenting on my catch who turned out to be very attracted to me. I asked the obvious question to illustrate a point that's been echoed repeatedly in this thread. Don't be desperate. When you become desperate, your target will lose interest. It's the same for both gender.
Third question. Yes, I do attract gals I am interested in. This one I can't say too much. Let's just say this 女神 who has thousands of followers and hundreds of "likes" on every posted pic, who doesn't reply to comments, has began to "like" my posts, flys in to meet me and will be flying in to meet me again. But this one I'm not going to take it all the way and make it long term as it involves a lot of money. Also, my modus operandi is not to go for long term.
I showed Bro WB some of the messages the gals sent me. I sent one such print screen to my friend. He called me immediately and said: dude, you need an escape plan! I said, I don't need one, I'll just ignore her when I don't feel like playing along. Yes, we are that afraid of "commitment". Like my friend said: we are here to provide them (KTV gals) an activity partner n fill their void. Remember the super hot gal he went out with? She's a super cockteaser. Has many suitors who bought her so many gifts n expensive watches. My friend spent nothing on her, except the going rate when we visit LV n drinks when they go out. He sent her to the airport. But there was an old man who kept insisting to send her off n even waited outside her house. Even when she gave an excuse that she's going to the airport with one of her gf. The old man saw my friend. He watched helplessly as she got into my friend's car. While in the car, he called her and asked why she bluff him. So you see, when you become desperate, you lose. Of cos, when my friend told me the incident, we had a good laugh, but we also know too well that there are many men out there suffering like that old man. Question is - who do you want to be? The cheated man or the confident guy who just want to have some fun?
I always encourage my gf to go out with other guys. She thinks I'm very 狂妄自大. But I told her: if you don't go out with more guys, how would you know I'm the best? And last I checked, she's still very much attracted to me.
I hope I have answered your questions satisfactorily. :)
Bro FA wrote very well.
I do agree that we have to be less interested to get gals attention.
Good technique to allow gf to go out with other guys to have comparison.
Hope to read on.
Dear Bro FA,
Thank u very much! You hv answered my questions very well.
But I beg to disagree w/ u that you hv 'only 1% of my net worth' because you could be much richer than I, you're merely better at concealing your real wealth haha. Don't worry, I'll NEVER ask u for a loan.
I know you're interested in ST only. Actually I would love to limit myself to ST or short-term BY-ing from 2 to 8 wks, like what I was doing from late 1977 though late 2010. Two problems for me. Firstly, many girls rejected me for ST n I ended up BY-ing them. Secondly, I really feel little w/ a CD whether my did is in her pussy or her mouth. I much prefer to do raw which gives me 10X the pleasure. However, It takes many months to check n monitor the safety n exclusivity of any girl. Hence I ended up keeping two mistresses addition to a special RS w/ a rich towkay's mistress.
Going out for a night of fun is great but I normally won't spend a penny on girls I don't intend to fxxk. I like to reduce the friction cost to the minimal.
I now fully understand why you hv been so 'nice' to all girls, at least initially, from the messages you sent me. The reason is that you don't want them to get KC-ed or be really attracted to you. But the irony is that sooner or later u hv to keep ur distance, unwittingly using the push-pull tactics n making them highly attracted to u! They r not yet truly in love w/ u cuz you hv not upped some of them haha.
I don't believe a healthy heterosexual woman can hv lasting love for a man unless he has given her many PVOs. I came to this revelation only recently, from reading, researching n from my own lifelong experiences.
Actually you also hv a LT GF n you hv revealed to me ur special RS n arrangement w/ her. I hv a similar RS w/ a rich towkay's mistress n I hv sent u her Wechat msg to me haha. But I can only meet her once or twice a month due to my busy schedule. That is driving her nuts as she is very hungry for me...later I'll detail my RS w/ her dating back more than 4 yrs.
As for ur goddess, you should seriously consider having the same RS as w/ ur current LT GF. It's doable bro. The key is giving her PVOs she has never experienced w/ another man.
I know your friend J, but I hv never met his 'super hot girl.' Any full body shots? Why would he send her to the airport? Only once hv I sent a LT mistress to the airport. I hv turned down all other requests. I'm not a taxi or limo driver n I don't hv the time. ONLY a nice guy will drive a girl to the airport. You know what happen to a nice guy haha. The old man was actually fighting to hv a chance to send her to the airport? How pathetic! I'm a lao chee ko pek too, but I hv a little better understanding of female psychology. He really didn't get it n will never get it. It's very sad that 99.99 % of men don't understand women n what they really want. In fact, most women don't know what they really want, in their subconscious minds. This towkay's mistress is abt 172 n she is still mocking my diminutive what? She can't wait to fxxk me haha. Did J up this gal? If he didn't drive her to the airport, his chances would be much better, at least when he sees her again.
Driving a girl to the airport is generally a very bad idea. It shows that you're a nice guy who has too much time on your hand. It also confirms that she has more value n status than you. BTW, bro J is a nice guy.
Even if you're a 富二代 who doesn't work n and you're in love w/ the girl, don't drive her to the airport yourself, NOT even in ur 2013 Bugatti Veyron 15.4 Grand Sport Vitesse! Get your chauffeur to send her n u stay at home or in ur office to attend to more important business.
As men we must hv supreme sexual confidence n we must increase our sexual value n make bigger n bigger sexual impact, on women of our type, every hr, every day. Your every word, every action and body language, voice tone, etc....will either increase or decrease you sexual value n impact on women you come in contact with.
Bro WB
Bro WB
What a great forum above!
["SIZE="5"]I don't believe a healthy heterosexual woman can hv lasting love for a man unless he has given her many PVOs. [/SIZE]I came to this revelation only recently, from reading, researching n from my own lifelong experiences."
The above words will be minted into my brain cells.
I also agreed that bad idea to drive women to airport. Thus behaving nothing but a driver.
Hope to learn more.
08-01-2019, 12:20 PM
Bro FA wrote very well.
I do agree that we have to be less interested to get gals attention.
Good technique to allow gf to go out with other guys to have comparison.
Hope to read on.
Agreed that Bro FA wrote very well indeed.
Hope to read more.
08-01-2019, 01:27 PM
Learnt a lot from this awesomely good thread by Bro WB.
Please share more of your experience here.
Have a nice day!
08-01-2019, 02:14 PM
Bro WB
What a great forum above!
["SIZE="5"]I don't believe a healthy heterosexual woman can hv lasting love for a man unless he has given her many PVOs. [/SIZE]I came to this revelation only recently, from reading, researching n from my own lifelong experiences."
The above words will be minted into my brain cells.
I also agreed that bad idea to drive women to airport. Thus behaving nothing but a driver.
Hope to learn more.
I'll remember those words forever too.
Great quote and great thread by Bro WB, thanks :)
Bro WB
Another excellent forum.
Well done and I have more to learn from you.
A few days ago, I reconnected w/ a 21 yo girl XY I sorely missed a long time ago. Met her at TAM in August 2009. She agreed to be my full-time lover in Dec 2009. Not consummated because she wanted to be paid once a month. She left for CNY in Feb n couldn't return. She applied for a visitor pass in 2012 but was rejected. She deleted my wechat in 2013.
She is 30 now. 170, fair w/ natural C. I thought she only had B when I wrote abt her in Dec 2009. Beautiful n proportionate body, butt and legs. She was 52kg. Just told me she is 53kg now and sent me a recent photo. Still very attractive w/ nice body. Never married n never had childbirth.
She popped up in my QQ and I added her. Then she added my wechat. She still has the same HP no.
To cut a long story short, I told her to be my LP n bear me two kids. The reason is that she has very good genes. A very fine human specimen. One of the best I hv seen. She said YES. She said our kids would be beautiful. I said should be very beautiful. She agreed. She actually wants to marry me asap! I will try to hv kids w/ her w/o marrying her. BTW, she owns a restaurant w/ her GF in China.
I told her exactly what was in my mind. And she knows my masculine character traits. My word is my bond. She will hv to be submissive to me. She knows that I'm highly selective and will never settle.
At this time, I like to share an article written by Deep Blue
How to Touch Her with Confidence and Power
The common view of TOUCH is that you're giving the woman pleasure and that this arouses her and makes her attached to you.
That is certainly true, and we're lucky we live in a time when touching a woman is considered acceptable as soon as you start getting to know her. In older times, guys like Casanova had to be extraordinarily seductive with their WORDS just so they could get to the point where they could begin to touch a woman.
The key thing to understand about touch is that when you initiate it with a chick whom you're just getting to know, it isn't merely an arousing stimulus. It also challenges the BARRIERS between you.
Invisible Barriers
The presence of those invisible barriers which you both maintain in your minds is really the key difference between being lovers and strangers.
Typical NICE GUY behavior is to respect those barriers too much and to never challenge them. That by definition maintains the barriers, leaving them in place.
Doesn't matter how well he gets to know the chick, if he leaves those barriers in place he will never be her lover — that is why he ends up in the friend category. Because he actually REINFORCED the barriers instead of destroying them.
Anyway, the next level up from nice guy is to realize that you have to crumble those barriers. So you work on them, but you're still leery about causing any anxiety, and still a bit nervous about challenging the barriers.
So you look for excuses to touch, or you reach out and caress her but it has a slightly rushed quality because you're trying to mask some underlying nervousness.
Create Excitement
Ultimately, where you want to get to is the point where you recognize that for a woman, the experience of you challenging the barriers is not only a source of anxiety for her, but also a source of EXCITEMENT.
And the idea is to shift the balance so that she experiences more excitement than anxiety.
Ever see a baby fall down?
Notice how they don't know whether to laugh it off or cry so they look to their parents to see the parent's face? If the parent frowns with concern then the baby starts crying. If the parent smiles, the baby starts laughing.
Same with women.
When you enter new territory with a woman by challenging the "touch barriers" between you and her, then you have to do it calmly and confidently and that CAUSES her to experience it as exciting.
If, on the other hand, you do it nervously she'll experience it as something that isn't right and it will make her uncomfortable.
Project Confidence
One of the best ways to show confidence is to touch her slowly, instead of rushing it. Nervous people rush things to mask their nervousness.
Nervous people also look away, so you calmly make eye contact. And nervous people look serious, so be sure to smile a lot.
Nervous people also make their voice tense, so you make yours relaxed, and make your posture very open and relaxed rather than being closed and tense.
All these things will convey confidence causing her mind to interpret your touch as a source of excitement, rather than a source of anxiety.
The more you understand (and vicariously feel) the way your touch EXCITES her, the more you will naturally become confident about doing it.
10-01-2019, 11:53 AM
Could not agree more, this is an excellent thread by Bro WB.
Wish to learn much more here.
Have a nice day.
Bro WB
Another excellent forum.
Well done and I have more to learn from you.
11-01-2019, 12:24 AM
Awesome thread by Bro WB, thanks for sharing so much with us! :)
11-01-2019, 10:04 AM
Hi bro miniboy,
Every man must strive to achieve excellent self mastery...can't remain a boy forever.
One way to terminate the RS is to find fault w/ her. if she has worked when she is not supposed to or if she has been w/ another man.
There was a girl whom I had kept full time for 2 months. When she returned a few months later on a different visa, I told her to go to work n paid her much less. She was not known to do ST n had not done ST.
After a few more months, I wanted to drop her. So I used another HP no n a different name to send text msg to befriend her. Told her I met her some time ago. I then proposed ST, she said no n referred me to mummy L to find a girl for me. Later I suggested BY-ing her, she replied that I couldn't afford her. I said I could but must hv a trial first. She then demanded a new high end Apple computer of abt 3.5K n her rental, just to show my sincerity. I told her OK, but I must make love to her right after that. She said OK. I dropped her the next day haha. I didn't need a PI.
If an ex mistress is crazy enough to scream at u inside a KTV, she will be barred from working there or get arrested by police.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Very good thread here.
The forum above indicated you are excellent PI. To drop a girl sometimes just need a bit of thinking and imagination.
I am avid reader of your thread and followed every discussion if possible.
Thank you so much.
11-01-2019, 10:07 AM
Good morning!
I was every pleased to receive a follow up FR from Bro XXX yesterday.
"thanks bro ... I saw it this afternoon.
anyway thanks for the analysis.
update on my $1000 baby ... been out with her quite a fair bit after that pm i sent you.
If during working times or if we go working places (KTV etc) I tip her SOP ... if we go out during her non working times she doesn't ask for tip and i don't give any.
after 2+ weeks we had an overnight after some drinks @ the reading room one weekend ... her young body is amazingly proportionate ... her pussy is deliciously fresh and tight ... and best of all she is passionate, slutty and she is game for making out the whole damn night
No regrets man ... she is an amazing fuck."
I like to thank Bro XXX for sharing his success story. Don't forget to give her many PVOs if u want her to fall for u haha.
Abt a wk ago, I made the statement that "I don't believe a healthy heterosexual woman can hv lasting love for a man unless he has given her many PVOs." I stand by that.
However, giving a woman many PVOs is the most crucial factor but is insufficient per se for lasting love...two other conditions must be fulfilled.
One, you must hv deep emotional connection w/ her. Second, you must be able to provide financial security for her n her offspring (hopefully yours too).
One caveat. Most women fake their orgasms, especially PVOs. Learn to identify them.
So ask yourself. Hv u fulfilled all three conditions for ur women? If not, don't expect them to love u until old age. Unless they hv no other options...
The strange thing is that most women who hv not enjoyed PVOs may feel frustrated, empty n dissatisfied w/o knowing what is really lacking in their RS. The lack is in their subconscious mind...nothing can take the place of PVOs, not "love," money, expensive jewellery, fame, family, friendship, emotional connection, etc. Absolutely NOTHING ELSE can fulfill u know why I'm obsessed w/ giving my LT women PVOs hahaha.
Some experts may argue that there is a different love when a man n a woman hv been together for more than two yrs, after the intense but brief romantic love period. The so-called commitment love. Yes, this is powerful n vital, but it's NOT a lasting love w/o many PVOs.
I took many decades to realize the truth abt man-woman RS. I wish I knew it when I was 20. It's better late than never haha.
Any comments n criticisms will be appreciated.
Bro WB
Good morning dear bro WB
I also believed in your theory above.
"Abt a wk ago, I made the statement that "I don't believe a healthy heterosexual woman can hv lasting love for a man unless he has given her many PVOs." I stand by that.
However, giving a woman many PVOs is the most crucial factor but is insufficient per se for lasting love...two other conditions must be fulfilled.
One, you must hv deep emotional connection w/ her. Second, you must be able to provide financial security for her n her offspring (hopefully yours too).
I also agreed with you that many girls faked orgasm.
Have a good weekend
11-01-2019, 11:34 AM
Bro WB
Very good thread here.
The forum above indicated you are excellent PI. To drop a girl sometimes just need a bit of thinking and imagination.
I am avid reader of your thread and followed every discussion if possible.
Thank you so much.
I'm a diehard follower of this magnificent thread too, thanks to Bro WB.
11-01-2019, 01:05 PM
Good morning dear bro WB
I also believed in your theory above.
"Abt a wk ago, I made the statement that "I don't believe a healthy heterosexual woman can hv lasting love for a man unless he has given her many PVOs." I stand by that.
However, giving a woman many PVOs is the most crucial factor but is insufficient per se for lasting love...two other conditions must be fulfilled.
One, you must hv deep emotional connection w/ her. Second, you must be able to provide financial security for her n her offspring (hopefully yours too).
I also agreed with you that many girls faked orgasm.
Have a good weekend
I believe in the theory too.
Have a great time reading through the pages, thanks Bro WB.
Have a nice weekend.
12-01-2019, 01:46 PM
Bro WB
Below was an old forum from the past.
The marriage divorce materials were discussed in very detail. Was an excellent forum.
I do agree that marriage is all about having a family as nucleus.
The good points were on the "divorce" material. Well discussed and the part on woman charter was a highlights.
Also agreed that wife should be homely and motherly.Also preferably young age.
Hope to learn more here.
Thank you for a lovely thread.
I know many bros here r young n don't hv a family. If you're thinking of getting married, think n plan carefully!
The following is a great article on "How to Pick the Right Wife."
IMHO, marriage is a pure business transaction. Period. In many ways, it's more business-like than keeping a mistress. I know many feminists n 'girlie men" will be shocked n call me a male chauvinist, but I'm not. I respect n love beautiful women n want to give them financial support n great pleasure n fun!!
Choose your wife wisely. Choosing a mistress is somewhat similar although the stakes n financial risks r much, much lower as a mistress doesn't hv any legal rights hahaha.
Although it's written by a like-minded Ang Moh from Gotham country, the principles should apply to all marriages in S'pore. Our preferences for women r the same! A 20 yo SYT will make the best mistress or the best wife!!
Here is the article. ENJOY!
How to Pick the Right Wife
You have two options: You will get married or you won’t get married. If you will get married then this article is for you. We will not review whether or not you should get married but we will review how to pick the right wife.
Picking the right wife is of utmost importance. Marriage is a life-long commitment and requires a great deal of forethought. Getting married without a plan and without any forethought is a terrible decision.
Getting married is a business decision. Marriage is a contract between two entities. You’ve got to enter into it with the ruthless mind of a determined businessman for it to work.
You’ve got to pick the right wife like a businessman picks a company to invest in. It shouldn’t be left to chance (“love”) – you’ve got to be pro-active, know what you want and then go after it.
Marriage isn’t about love or connecting with your soul-mate. Those are inventions of TV and movies. Marriage is an exchange of resources. Your wife shall provide A and you will provide B. If you’re wife doesn’t, or won’t, provide her share then she should not have the privilege of marriage with you.
Marriage is a contract and you’ve got to try your hardest to make sure that contract is re-inforced. You cannot make the best decision when you’re emotionally love-sick like a 16 year old school girl. No businessman who wants to stay in business will sign a contract in an emotional state of mind and no man who wants to stay married will sign all of his power away just because he loves her. It takes rational, clear-headed planning and thinking to pick the right wife material.
There are only two reasons a man should ever get married:
1) He wants to start a family.
2) His career or political ambitions demand he has a wife (he is interested in going into politics). We will not talk about this except to say that a political wife is for show and show only. For this article we will assume the reader falls into the first category.
There is absolutely no other reason to ever get married. Love is not a reason to get married. When you get married you sign all your power over to your wife – it must be of some benefit for you to do so. That benefit is to grow old with your family.
The goals of a marriage should be:
1) Minimize the chance of divorce theft and child robbery.
2) Maximize wife’s happiness with her wifely and motherly duties (the complete opposite of everything you will see, read or hear). It’s not about empowerment (or any other buzzword designed to kill the modern family), she should be completely devoted to her family. True happiness for a woman comes from her family, it does not come from her career, or her “independence”, or her sexually liberated point of view.
3) Have a healthy, happy family with well educated, respectful children – non-sissified sons and girlish daughters with strong family values.
Be honest about what you want:
Most men don’t want an “independent, empowered” woman. That’s code for bitchy slut with a chip on her shoulder.
We all want a sweet, nice, joyful, feminine woman who treats her man like a King.
Bullshitters will suck up to the dregs and say the opposite in a futile attempt to get some action. These poor suckers get shit on the most and never understand why. Hear this gentlemen – women love men who go after what they want, who don’t take a woman’s BS seriously, and treat her like a woman, not like a man in drag. Women hate suck-ups as much as they hate stepping in dog poop on the street. To a woman, a male suck-up is less than human.
There is no denying that marriage is a very, very bad deal. When you get married you immediately give your wife all the power over your money and your children. “No-fault” divorce really means “his-fault” divorce. If you wife is to decide she wants a divorce she can have all the benefits of being married and none of the drawbacks.
Divorce is theft from the man. It’s a redistribution of wealth from men to women. She can live off of your paycheck via alimony and child support and she can keep your children and raise them in a single-mother or step-daddy household. She has the complete and full support of Papa Government behind her. In the eyes of the law she can do no wrong and you can do no right. And there is nothing you can do about any of that. That’s why you have to choose the right wife in the first place to eliminate much of that risk.
Steps should be taken to minimize the chances of divorce. You must take extra special precaution to choosing the right wife so you can avoid the possibility of a financially devastating and family ruining divorce.
When to get married:
The best time for a man to get married is after 30 years of age. At that age he has had a long time to live life, earn money, think of what he wants in a wife, and settle down a little bit. The ages of 20-30 are the wild years but after the 30 year mark men will tend to settle down. Most men under 30 years of age aren’t mature enough to make the best decision about who to spend their life with.
Now remember, 30 years old is the starting age to think of marriage. That doesn’t mean you should get married at 30 or by 30. Anytime between 30-45 is a good time to tie the knot. Between the ages of 30-45 is when a mans marriage value is at its highest.
We have spoken about the need for a good woman here. In the following section we will look at how to determine good women from bad women.
The top 12 rules for picking the right wife to maximize a happy life and minimize the chance of divorce…
1) She should be young.
The woman should 30 years of age MAXIMUM. 25 is even better and 20 is the best age.
A womans body does not age well. You want the most amount of years with your wife having a tight, young, firm body. After 30 it goes downhill fast. At around the age of 31 a woman’s beauty really declines fast.
It’s a trade off, she gives you her good years and you put up with her in her bad years. Never take a woman already in her bad years.
Women do not age well. “Cougars”, older women that younger men find irresistable, are an invention of the movies. Single women over the age of 30 have wasted all their pretty years have a lot of random sex and now they want to find a sucker who will take care of them without having to give him any of her good years. Don’t be that sucker.
A young body is especially important for bearing children. Old women cannot have and don’t have healthy children. At 30 years of age a woman is already 15 years past her child-bearing prime.
But I like talking to smart women. 20 year olds are stupid.
Her IQ won’t grow much with age. A dumb 20 year old is a dumb 30 year old. The difference is that the 30 year old dumb woman is a lot more bitter and has a whole lot less to offer.
2) She has to come from an intact family with original mother and father.
No step-mommies and step-daddies. Children from single mommy homes cannot be healthy. A mother simply cannot raise healthy children alone or with step-daddies. You want an emotionally healthy wife. Women who grew up with divorce have too much baggage, use sluttery as a way to get attention from daddy, and will not know how to act in a proper family setting.
3) She cannot believe in divorce or even imagine getting a divorce.
If she mentions the word ‘divorce’, what to do in case of divorce, praises a friend who got a divorce, or says divorce is an option then she is not a keeper. Throw her back in the water and go fishing some more.
To make a marriage work, both the man and wife must think of divorce as no option at all.
4) She must have the natural body type you prefer.
Every woman will gain a few pounds when they settle with a man. It’s unavoidable. What is unacceptable is a woman blowing up to whale proportions. If a woman was once very fat, lost the weight on crash diets and ultra-gym sessions, that weight will ALL come back plus more when she gets married.
If she has to constantly diet and go to the gym she is about to blow up like a balloon when the ring is on her finger and the vows are spoken.
You must pick the natural body type you like. That means she must have the same body type her whole life, never yo-yo’ing up or down in weight.
She should have a pretty face. When her body goes the only thing that will be left is her face and you will have to see it every single day.
(To be continued)
12-01-2019, 01:47 PM
Really excellent how to pick a wife.
Agreed that she shouldn't have previous kids.
Here are the remaining 8 rules:
How to Pick the Right Wife
The top 12 rules for picking the right wife to maximize a happy life and minimize the chance of divorce…
5) She must be image conscious.
A woman who gets pig-fat after marriage is a disgrace to herself and her family. She must be aware of her image and keep her body trim for you. Women will always gain a few pounds after marriage, but there is a difference between a few pounds and one hundred pounds. Take a look at all the women in her family, if they are all pig-fat it’s a good idea to walk away as fast as you can. You will have to see your wife daily, you don’t want to be thinking about skinning some bacon off of her back to cook breakfast.
6) She must be family oriented and not career oriented.
This is going to be the mother of your children and the keeper of your house. An Ass-kicker doesn’t need two incomes, he can provide, what he needs is a keeper of home and heart.
Two income households leave the raising of their children to expensive day cares and schools, and then mommy goes to work so they can afford to pay for day care and babysitters.
I don’t want children.
Don’t get married. The only reason to get married is to have a family.
But I want a career woman.
Doesn’t matter, even if she is a career woman when you meet she will not be when she is older. No woman wants to work but it takes some of them a long time to figure that out. They waste all their youth playing/working their career and then realize what a huge mistake they made and leave their jobs to take care of their (quite possibly retarded – that’s what happens when old ladies have babies) child. How many 45 year old married female lawyers or other professionals do you know?
women who work in middle age do so because they have no choice and they whine about it every day of their life. They would give anything to leave their jobs and take care of their family instead.
No woman truly wants to work. Work is a mans world and always will be. A woman’s work should be in the home taking care of the home and children.
7) She must be a “good” girl.
She cannot be a drinker or a smoker or have any tattoos. She cannot have a party girl past, a sordid past, and she cannot have gone out more than a couple times drinking. You cannot turn a whore into a housewife. The more sexual partners she has had the more likely the marriage will end in divorce.
Are you saying all party girls, smokers and drinkers are sluts?
The fewer sexual partners your wife has had, the better. The ideal wife should be a virgin. Remember: The more sexual partners she has had the more likely you are to be divorced in about 6 years and lose most of your money, possessions, and your children.
If you think she needs help or that you are helping her and she is changing then you are being foolish and you are being played. It’s going to end badly for you when you get hitched to a woman like this.
Always pick a good girl. That means a virgin (or close), family oriented, pleasant, eager to help, a smiler, and patient.
8) She must have no problem signing a pre-nuptial agreement.
A Pre-nup probably won’t save you much money, if any, in the case of divorce but her signing a pre-nup does one very important thing for you: it shows you she is serious about making the marriage work.
9) She should change herself for you.
When a woman is in love she will change herself to please and conform with you. Her new favorite food will become steak and eggs, she will enjoy watching all six Rocky movies with you, and she will do things to please you she has never done or liked before.
I don’t want a woman who flip-flops!
A woman who doesn’t flip-flop is a woman who does not respect you.
Women are not men and should not be held to the standards of men. A man who changes his views on the whims of a woman is a sissy. A woman who changes her views on the whims of a man is a woman who is in love. She should not be degraded for that because that’s what ‘keepers’ do.
10) She must look up to you and respect you.
Women marry up and men marry down, since the dawn of marriage. If she looks down on you she will leave with your money and your children. You’ve got to be a man that she can look up to, admire, love and respect – always.
11) She should not have any children from a previous affair.
In the animal kingdom when a Lion takes over a pride he kills the cubs of other Lions.
Raising someone else’s child is cuckoldry with your full knowledge and consent. If you raise someone else’s child you will be taking care of another mans seedling and there will always be another man in the picture.
Be selfish and keep your wife and children to yourself. They should be yours and only yours. Don’t settle for another mans leavings and sloppy seconds.
Here is what women with children do: They have unprotected sex with a stud, get knocked up, and look for a sucker to raise the bastard.
She has already been married, had children, and then divorced the father and left.
In each case the woman is unfit for marriage.
12) She should be a smiler.
She should smile when she sees you. Her eyes should light up. She should be excited each time she sees you and reward you with her beautiful smile.
A big, bright shining smile from a pretty girl is worth more than any university degree she has, worth more than any job she has, worth more than any other baloney modern women wrongly believe makes them attractive to men.
You want a happy woman. You don’t want a frowning, nagging, pessimistic bride.
Always pick a smiling, warm, happy-go-lucky woman to share your life with.
Things to remember:
American women have been indoctrinated since birth to believe in and embrace divorce. They have been indoctrinated and instructed to believe that their feminine instincts are wrong and bad. This causes a great deal of confusion in their minds and, to put it plainly, many of them are unfit for marriage and raising a family. Especially avoid women who use psychiatric drugs and especially avoid women who go to therapy. Therapy only makes women more insane and teaches them to blame men more for their problems.
Party girls are for fun, good girls are for marriage.
If a woman cannot or will not cook daily, how will she ever care for children? She can’t. To raise non-fat children you must marry a woman who can and will cook.
As a man your options do not dwindle as you age. Your options only increase with your age and wealth. Conversely, as a woman ages her options plummet. That’s because men age gracefully, like a fine wine, and women age like milk. That’s why you must pick a beautiful young lady. It is highly advisable for a man to wait until he is a little older to get married. 30 years of age is an acceptable starting age for a man to start thinking of marriage.
Never, ever take advice from a woman on how to be attractive to women. Be nice, be yourself, be courteous, buy her gifts only works to put you in the friend zone and rightfully so because it’s pathetic behavior.
You should avoid women who have a lazy, entitled, “me-first” attitude.
Don’t let your wife have complete and utter control of the home decor. You don’t want to live in emasculation-station with throw pillows and doilies and dolls and flowers everywhere.
Men are not women and women are not men. Things that women should do do not apply to men and vice versa. Double standards exist. That’s life.
You are the leader. She is the follower. Lead her.
When she loves and respects you she will enjoy all things about you. She will not demand and nag you into changing. If you smoke a big fat cigar and your clothes smell like an ashtray she will enjoy the smell. She should want to sleep in one of your shirts because it has your smell. That’s the power you should have over your wife for her to be happy and content.
If she’s a nagger before marriage then that is a sign you need to give her her walking papers. Nothing is going to get better with marriage, it will only amplify.
Marriage should be old school traditional for it to work. Pick a non-traditional woman and have some baloney non-traditional marriage and you can expect non-traditional results: Alimony payments, child support payments and seeing your children every other weekend.
Never get married just because. Have a purpose and a reason for the things you do.
Getting married is a dangerous proposition – make sure you know how to swim before you dive in head-first.
Dealing with the one who got away:
There are over 3 billion women in the world. The median age for women the entire world over is 29 years old. There are millions of women who are possible marriage material. “She” isn’t the one or your soul-mate or other baloney. There are millions just like her. And if she was your soul-mate you’d still be together. Let her go and move on. There are plenty more where she came from.
Personal recommendation from BOLD & DETERMINED to find a suitable wife:
Picking a woman from your own country and culture is always the best solution. Unfortunately, there is wholesale, systematic destruction of marriage and family in many 1st world countries, especially America and England, which has narrowed the options tremendously. One may have a broader selection if he were to go abroad to another country country where marriage and family are still valued. But, and this is a big but, think long and hard before you marry a woman of another race and father half-breed children.
Remember, it is best to marry a woman of your culture and race. If that option is unappealing for the reasons described above there is a whole, big, wide world for you to choose from.
(To Be Continued)
12-01-2019, 01:50 PM
Bro WB
What a great conclusion below.
Really an eye opener to learn all these well researched details.
Thank you so much.
Growing old alone and with no children to carry on your name seems a worse prospect than following this checklist and picking the best wife you can.
Civilization exists because of the nuclear family. Certainly marriage has been tainted in the last 50 years, to the detriment of all, but if you make smart decisions you can cut down your risk tremendously.
If you are going to get married, do it the smart way.
If you aren’t going to get married go ahead and have a beer.
Good luck and Godspeed.
BTW, I agree 100% with the above 12 golden rules.
Cheers n good luck!
Bro WB
12-01-2019, 06:49 PM
Bro WB
Below was an old forum from the past.
The marriage divorce materials were discussed in very detail. Was an excellent forum.
I do agree that marriage is all about having a family as nucleus.
The good points were on the "divorce" material. Well discussed and the part on woman charter was a highlights.
Also agreed that wife should be homely and motherly.Also preferably young age.
Hope to learn more here.
Thank you for a lovely thread.
Very good forum indeed though it is old.
Hope to learn more from Bro WB here.
12-01-2019, 07:45 PM
Really excellent how to pick a wife.
Agreed that she shouldn't have previous kids.
Very true, should not have previous kids.
Great thread by Bro WB, learnt a lot here.
Have a nice weekend.
13-01-2019, 12:51 AM
Happened to come across this wonderful thread, it is an eye opener, thanks to bro WB :)
13-01-2019, 04:02 AM
For those who didn't see warbird in real life. He is a fugly old skinny man with super low esteem who likes to boost his confidence here just like his buddy fallen angel :)
14-01-2019, 12:21 PM
Fully agreed with you on this msg.
Tks, bro.
Wow, this is insider information of Bro WB.
He is looking for LPs who bring luck to him "旺夫相"
Well done.
Looking forward to read more.
Bro, tks.
Not sure if this is true. Look at Jeff bezos' wife.
Bro WB
What a revelation? You din even know you did that.
Nice and interesting to read.
Hope to learn from you and so many seniors here.
I didn't know and what bro FA wrote may not be valid.
But keeping many pretty SYTs of my type as my lao po for the last 9 yrs has made me a much happier and healthier man.
When a man is happier and healthier, he is a richer man, both inside and outside. That is a certainty.
Bro WB
2014 was the crackdown or continue to crack down on illegal vices in PRC.
As for what you said above yes, look like Singapore gahmen wanted us to marry ugly old women.
Sure many will prefer to go hunting other country for syts.
Bro, you're right.
Our gahmen is worried about the many old spinsters in SG.
Looking forward to read more too.
Hope to learn more from bro WB and this wonderful thread.
Fully agreed.
Very interesting indeed.
Thanks Bro WB for this awesome thread and hope to learn more too.
Have a nice week ahead.
Bros, thanks.
The leader himself married a fugly woman, of course he would want our wives to be ugly too.
Have a nice day.
Bro, you'r right.
Bro FA wrote very well.
I do agree that we have to be less interested to get gals attention.
Good technique to allow gf to go out with other guys to have comparison.
Hope to read on.
Bro, tks.
Only needy and insecure men are afraid of competition or comparison.
Bro WB
What a great forum above!
["SIZE="5"]I don't believe a healthy heterosexual woman can hv lasting love for a man unless he has given her many PVOs. [/SIZE]I came to this revelation only recently, from reading, researching n from my own lifelong experiences."
The above words will be minted into my brain cells.
I also agreed that bad idea to drive women to airport. Thus behaving nothing but a driver.
Hope to learn more.
Bro, tks.
Yeah, If a man behaves as if he has lower social and/or sexual value than his girl, she will find him repulsive. Maybe only in her subconscious mind. It won't be long before she cheats on him and/or leaves him. You can write it down.
Agreed that Bro FA wrote very well indeed.
Hope to read more.
Learnt a lot from this awesomely good thread by Bro WB.
Please share more of your experience here.
Have a nice day!
I'll remember those words forever too.
Great quote and great thread by Bro WB, thanks :)
Bros, thank u all.
Bro WB
Another excellent forum.
Well done and I have more to learn from you.
Bro, tks.
Must touch a girl w/ absolute confidence, as if you own her body, pussy and soul.
Could not agree more, this is an excellent thread by Bro WB.
Wish to learn much more here.
Have a nice day.
Awesome thread by Bro WB, thanks for sharing so much with us! :)
Bros, thanks.
Bro WB
Very good thread here.
The forum above indicated you are excellent PI. To drop a girl sometimes just need a bit of thinking and imagination.
I am avid reader of your thread and followed every discussion if possible.
Thank you so much.
Bro, tks.
I'll drop a girl if I'm bored w/ her, if she has violated my boundaries, if I don't want to fuck her anymore for whatever reason, or if I hv found a younger and more attractive girl. Or her visa has expired and she has returned home. Or I'm not growing w/ her...
Good morning dear bro WB
I also believed in your theory above.
"Abt a wk ago, I made the statement that "I don't believe a healthy heterosexual woman can hv lasting love for a man unless he has given her many PVOs." I stand by that.
However, giving a woman many PVOs is the most crucial factor but is insufficient per se for lasting love...two other conditions must be fulfilled.
One, you must hv deep emotional connection w/ her. Second, you must be able to provide financial security for her n her offspring (hopefully yours too).
I also agreed with you that many girls faked orgasm.
Have a good weekend
Bro, tks.
I'm a diehard follower of this magnificent thread too, thanks to Bro WB.
I believe in the theory too.
Have a great time reading through the pages, thanks Bro WB.
Have a nice weekend.
Bros, tks.
Really excellent how to pick a wife.
Agreed that she shouldn't have previous kids.
Bro, tks for reminding me and all of us this old post.
Marriage is biz transaction.
Never marry a girl/woman because of infatuation or love or emotions. All these romantic feelings and emotions are as fleeting as hot mist. It won't last.
Bro WB
What a great conclusion below.
Really an eye opener to learn all these well researched details.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, the best advice on modern marriage I hv read.
Very good forum indeed though it is old.
Hope to learn more from Bro WB here.
Very true, should not have previous kids.
Great thread by Bro WB, learnt a lot here.
Have a nice weekend.
Happened to come across this wonderful thread, it is an eye opener, thanks to bro WB :)
Bros, thanks!
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
Good afternoon,
My young lao po TY is now 19! Time really flies. I first met her in early March last yr. The relationship was consummated in early May.
Am I afraid if she will find a much younger, richer, taller and more handsome Adonis? Not at all. She is very afraid I'll leave her.
I love comparison and competition. It gives meaning to success. She is very smart, very frugal and very sapiosexual.
My good friend Dr. P, a local GP, likes her too. I'm quoting him: "She is very lucky to have you as her LT lover. She has never met a man like you. And she will never meet a man like you for the rest of her life. She KNOWS it because she is very wise. She is also too smart for the modeling and entertainment industry. People there are mostly undereducated and lead a decadent lifestyle. She decided to further her education and left for good."
He added: "In a way, you're lucky too. It's very difficult to find a girl w/ all the good qualities like TY in SG."
No, it's not luck. It's predestination.
Luck is where opportunity meets preparation.
Bro WB
14-01-2019, 02:22 PM
"How to Pick the Right wife" is written by an Ang Moh n I happen to agree w/ him 100%. But it's just me n many bros may hv very different views on the marriage institution n they may look for very different qualities in an ideal wife. That is great because one man's meat is another man's poison. You hv my sincerest blessings!
Another important topic which is of great interest to many bros n some women is whether safe penis enlargement is possible. I'll cite a couple of articles from reputed medical institutions in Gotham country. For now, I just want to say that a man definitely doesn't need a larger than average penis to give women the most intense PVOs.
Lastly, a few minutes ago I obtained a copy of Sex-Ploytation, How Women Use Their Bodies to Extort Money from Men, by Matthew Fitzgerald. I'm going to read it n give my report.
Even w/o reading it, I believe these 'women' should include legal wives who are actually the biggest offenders. But knowing that women actually crave great sex much more than men can be used to prevent this extortion hahaha. Knowledge w/ focused action is power!
Bro WB
Bro WB
You can always pick the right wife but ppl changed over time and will never stay the same.
Before marriage and after marriage characters can change and post-natal depression can kick in. It can be hell if such things happened.
I never believed in any penis enlargement or enhancement. All will not work properly. Your mother bore you a lil bro and that will be the lil bro you can used till death.
Thank you for replying to all the nice forums.
I totally enjoyed reading.
14-01-2019, 02:24 PM
Good afternoon!
I hv just finished the Introduction of Sex-ploytation (published in 1999) n I already love it! The author n I think alike!!
I hv to go out now but I like to post it here:
Twenty-five years ago, a remarkable book was published entitled The Manipulated Man.
Its author was Esther Vilar, an Argentinian-born physician and psychologist, who had
emigrated from her native Buenos Aires to West Germany. From the vantage point of
such rich cultural experience, Vilar was in a unique position to cast a critical eye on the
social milieu of the 1960's and 70's; and because she had managed to disencumber herself
from the hypocrisy so natural to her gender, she was free to unleash her intelligence as a
ruthlessly honest critic of male/female relationships.
Although it was only a slim volume, The Manipulated Man nevertheless packed the
wallop of a hand grenade. Vilar's crucial thesis was that women, by manipulating men
with sex, have conditioned them to respond like Pavlov's dogs, to be shackled into a
lifetime of subservience and slavery for the fulfillment of female desires. It was a coldblooded
manipulation, indeed. To Vilar, the typical American housewife was nothing
more than a parasitic prostitute living off the bounty of her husband's hard labor,
mercilessly goading him to make more money so that she could enjoy the finer things in
life without any expenditure of effort on her part. In her words: "Women live an animal
existence. They like eating, drinking, sleeping-even sex, providing there is nothing to do
and no real effort is required of them."
Extreme though her conclusions appeared to be, nevertheless Vilar had hit her target dead
center. Predictably enough, the book touched off a furor of controversy and female rage
(it was vilified as a textbook of misogyny). Women's age-old scam of trading sex for
food and shelter, so long whitewashed by tacit societal approval, had been suddenly
spotlighted under the stark glare of public scrutiny. Women protested; Vilar was
condemned as a traitor to her gender; copies of the book were confiscated and burned by
threatened wives and girlfriends. The female con game had been at last exposed, and the
truth burned like the slash of a knife.
The late 60's and early 70's was an era of abrupt and tumultuous cultural change, and
Vilar might have thought she had touched a nerve in younger readers. Giddily
empowered by a reckless interpretation of the new fad of feminism, women began to
burn their bras and to clamor for better jobs and pay equal to their male counterparts. The
invention of the birth control pill freed them to experiment with sex, to enjoy its pleasures
without fear of pregnancy. The sort of women Vilar had been castigating-housewives
idling away their afternoons lunching with girlfriends and withholding sex until their
husbands bought them a bigger diamond ring or a fur coat-suddenly seemed hopelessly
passé. An unstoppable tide of liberation seemed to have turned.
Yesterday's whores would hand down their burnt-out torches of greed to an enlightened generation of women
who treasured men as partners in life, not meal tickets. Sex had become a celebration, no
longer a tool to extort money from men. A new age had begun.
But such optimistic hopes were short-lived. This "new age" died a quick and pitiless
death, a squirming victim sacrificed on the altar of female greed. As business boomed
and diversified in the late 70's and early 80's, and baby-boomer men prospered, the fires
of avarice began once again to blaze up fiercely in female hearts.
The mercenary opportunities of their gender nagged insistently at these young revolutionaries, and their
mothers' words haunted them with timeworn advice: why should men buy the cow if they
can have the milk for free? Ironically the equal rights movement, with its emphasis on
individual freedom and gender parity, had somehow spawned an evil twin sister. Fueled
by an all encompassing anger and avarice, a renegade self-serving feminism had spun off
the old one, a greed-ridden parody of a noble ideal. It sanctioned women to become even
more selfish and demanding of men than their mothers had been. Now they wanted their
cake and eat it, too: while they marched for equal rights and equal pay, they still expected
men to take care of their needs, and they still offered the bait of their bodies to plunder
male wallets. Feminism didn't free the ordinary woman; it simply gave blunt franchise to
her greed.
But the future promised an even blacker forecast. By the mid 80's, female arrogance had
spread like a virulent cancer, and women had begun to assess men not as equals, but as
inferiors. A woman's version of equal rights had turned into "pay for me-and pay a lotwithout
question". I am woman, you owe me. The cute conniving of their mothers had
had its day; coldly trading the use of her body for big money had become a woman's
business. Instead of "if it feels good, do it", now it was "if it feels good, sell it". Make
cash, not love.
Whoredom was back, and this time with a vengeance.
In comparison to this unbounded greed, Vilar's women seemed like schoolgirls making
cow-eyes at Daddy to con him out of extra allowance. At least her housewives were more
honest prostitutes, selling themselves within the context of the social norm, more or less
under the aegis of societal blessing. But these new whores had emerged as the most
flagrant of hypocrites, parading themselves as emancipated, yet still insisting on cash for
sex, then refusing to admit the reality of their prostitution.
This is an incendiary book. It takes up where Esther Vilar left off twenty-five years ago.
The primary targets of its criticisms are single and divorced women, since they are the
most egregious offenders in regarding mate selection and dating as a whore-john
In these times of rampant inflation and rising housing costs, economic
realities force many married women to go to work-kicking and screaming against their
will, of course-in order to help support a family. Still, quite a few women live off the hard
work of their husbands, contributing nothing to the marriage but high bills and an
occasional lay. At these prostitutes this book is aimed as well.
Male readers will applaud the conclusions of Sex-Ploytation, and will cheer that at long
last someone has found the courage to rip the mask off female duplicity to ransom men,
emancipating them from their chains of frustration and sexual slavery.
Female readers will doubtless be outraged. Some will predictably rant and rave that the book is "antiwoman";
others, threatened by the exposure of their manipulations, will bury their heads
in the sands of disbelief and denial. But truth is truth; it exists independent of wishful
thinking. All of us are guilty of egoistic provincialism; all of us rigorously defend the
battlements of our illusions.
Women are especially skilled in such fantasies, preferring
magical thinking over naked reality. They are herd creatures, naively following whatever
direction society leads them. Seemingly incapable of independent thought, they troop
along the path of least resistance, entranced by a kind of hypnosis which allows them to
disavow any responsibility for their actions.
It takes far less effort to warm the bed of a millionaire than to earn a million dollars yourself. It is much less expensive to pretend to
be a tragic victim of a "male-dominated" society than to pay for your own dinner.
Even though, like The Manipulated Man, this book is sure to be denounced as misogynist
literature, it has no interest in hating women or in female-bashing. It is not motivated by
anger or bitterness, or even cynicism. To come to such a conclusion is, as above, to
follow a path of least resistance. It is, rather, a book of uncensored observations of human
behavior, and so is not an agenda-ridden manifesto, as is so typical of anti-male literature.
The conclusions written here may be inflammatory, perhaps even menacing, but they are
culled from real life and real experience, and therefore cannot be denied nor disproved.
The true purpose of this book is not to despise women, but to shine a harsh light on their
mercenary behavior, and to expose this behavior to uncompromising scrutiny.
With any luck, this book will inspire social change; at worst it will push a little farther along the
trail blazed by Esther Vilar two-and a-half decades ago.
Bro WB
Thank you for sharing the above article.
It was totally a joy to read and I concurred.
Thank you again for sharing.
14-01-2019, 02:58 PM
Thanks Bro WB for this wonderful thread, so many things to learn.
Have a nice week ahead.
14-01-2019, 03:08 PM
Drop in to say "hi" to warbird and rest of the pros here. I just read this thread btw even though I am not active in this forum.
I had actually met up with Warbird a few times three to four years ago. Sadly, the declining quality of local KTV girls, make me go down into another different hunting path.
I had my lists of success and failures over the years and learned from my mistake but its nothing compared to Warbird and your league of pros. LOL
Maybe when we are more free, we will meet up again.
Bro WB
Thank you for sharing the above article.
It was totally a joy to read and I concurred.
Thank you again for sharing.
Indeed it was a great joy to read.
Thanks Bro WB.
15-01-2019, 11:36 AM
Tats exactly where u hit the jackpot! Princess Mentality. They r born n bred n groomed to think that MEN r suppose to spoil them, b their slaves etc. Only MAN will think( in pure disgust) like tat u know. I am sure, not just me, but many hv seen kooniang men being used n abused even publicly by such women n they just bow in submission.
Scenario 1
I once had a gal from 3rd floor. The next day after consummation, she msg me at 2:30 n said:
Obvious rite, want me to zoom down bring her go makan etc. I called her F the shit outta her, WAT, U HANDICAP AH, NO ARMS NO LEGS CANNOT GO DOWNSTAIRS BUY YOURSELF IS IT!!!!!!!
Tat was the last time I made ctc wif her. Bro WB prolly met her b4 too
Scenario 2
Was wif a bro having kopi at Marina Mandarin, his phone rang. His KTV chick wake up liao. After hanging up, he told me:
Eh bro, PS, my chick wake up liao. Hv to bring her for makan. I was like, WTF!!!!!!!!!!! But ok lor. Tat was also the last time I ctc that kooniang
Best part here is, some is DISGUSTED by such women, but some actually ADORES it.
So again, One Mans Meat is Another Mans Poison
Mr. Chairman,
I might hv met that gal a long time ago...
Scenario 1 is a confident n dominant man n scenario 2 is a man who believes he has LOWER VALUE than the gal n he is sucking up to her...ironically his behaviour is disgusting n repulsive to her n she will dump him asap if she could.
Bro WB
This bro termed chairman wrote well regards to the 2 scenarios.
Many girls think that men need to suckered to them to get their pussies. Many men too wussy and meek.
I was genuinely surprised to read such forum.
Thanks and hope to continue.
15-01-2019, 11:43 AM
Good afternoon!
If a man thinks that a girl is too good for him or is 'out of his league,' for whatever reason, she will NEVER respect him or be attracted to him. Even if he happens to be a rich, young, tall n handsome real-life PRINCE, n even if he manages to own her body n pussy, her heart will NEVER belong to him. You may ask why would such a high status man ever feel inferior? Many reasons. He may stutter or he may have only average ( or worse, below average) IQ or he may be a mute hahaha. Or he may hv a very trivial physical defect which no one else will ever notice, but strangely, it really torments him constantly, hahaha. You get the idea.
When I first joined SBF, I used to think that most pretty n tall SYTs of my type were "out of my league." Why? Primarily because I was very conscious of my advanced age n diminutive height. Moreover, I was lacking in self mastery n emotional control. Actually, it wasn't my age or my height which sabotaged my RS w/ these gals, but it was my self-perceived negative image n my negative emotions that was the main problem. I hv improved n will continue to improve every hr, every day. The training for me will never finish...
At this time I like to present a case study.
In my private conversation w/ esteemed bro FA, he told me abt his LT GF. It's a mutually beneficial RS for him n his GF. Well, besides my 2 LT mistresses, I hv several LT GFs as well. One particular GF stands out. She is SP.
Here is a brief narration of my 'special' RS w/ SP. This case study illustrates many principles n theories I've been expounding. I hv committed several errors but it has been an enjoyable training for me. I'm reaping the rewards now haha.
I hv altered some details so that she can't be identified as she is still kept by a rich towkay.
I still remember vividly how I first met SP. It was some yrs ago, on a Tuesday night around 8:40 PM, when I received a call from a handsome n western educated young bro M who wanted to go to a certain high end joint. (I later found out the purpose of his sudden visit was to follow up on a M'sian SYT. He was smitten. Unfortunately, she didn't show up as promised! I hv posted a detailed story on why he failed w/ her. Suffice to say that he was needy n desperate which was repulsive to her).
I quickly said OK to bro M even though there were only two of us. I arrived at the joint at 9:30 PM. I met a sexy SYT outside the lift but she was already booked (the girl was CD w/ whom I had a colourful RS as she was the only BAO-ee to hv dumped me, but who begged me to take her back recently...that is another story haha). Disappointed, I walked around the hall of the joint many times but couldn't find another girl of my type. Then I suddenly saw a pretty girl w/ long n slender arms, singing on stage. She was very tall, quite slim, very fair w/ curvacious body, in her early 20s n very pretty n classy in a cheongsam type of long gown w/ thigh high slits! When she walked around, I could see her sexy, shapely ass n fleshy white thighs n long, beautiful legs. Still a SYT then. She was at least 171-172 n abt 51Kg?
I immediately called a mummy to get SP to sit w/ me. I took a very close look at her. We chatted a bit. I found her very attractive n sexy. I hinted at ST. She rebuffed me... then I proposed BY. She just smiled n didn't answer me directly. That night I slept poorly, kept thinking abt her, picturing how shiok it would be to fuck her, n worrying that she might not accept my BY! I still remember that she said I was shy n that I apologized to her for proposing BY so soon( evidently I wasn't MAN enuff). Don't forget that I was a newbie in BY then, despite my advanced age. BTW, she had been in SG around 1 1/2 months.
Two days later, I offered her a package deal n she accepted. Unfortunately, barely 3 wks into BY-ing, she had to return to China abruptly cuz her father had a near fatal medical emergency. She asked for extra money but I said NO...She gave me her QQ n said that she would return as my woman if I continued to keep in touch.
After more than 6 months SP returned to SG on a different type of visa. I did pay part of her visa fee (actually a mistake since I didn't intend to BY her). She requested that I BY her full time but I refused. Why? She wasn't easily orgasmic (It was partly my fault of course). Besides, I had two other BAO-ees at that time. The timing was very bad. I told her I already had a new mistress. She became very distraught n cried n wept... I stood my ground n she was forced to start working at some high end KTVs. Later, I rejected her even though she pleaded repeatedly w/ me to BY her n even voluntarily lowered her monthly allowance by 30%. I didn't budge. She got drunk n cried several times...I just ignored her.
We had kept in touch by exchanging greetings on important holidays using QQ. However, she had not replied to my last greetings more than a yr ago.
Late last yr, I dialed her old number by mistake. To my surprise, she answered the phone. She was still in SG! I asked where she was working. She said she had not worked for almost 3 yrs! Are u being kept? She replied yeah. She was curt n sounded very cold. She then quickly hung up. Strangely, I began to visualize her beauty, her very smooth, very fair n blemish free skin n her beautiful pink nits n delicious pink abalone...and what a beautiful shapely ass! How could I ever reject such a girl?
Over the next few wks, I sent her occasional msg to highlight her feminine beauty n sexiness. She ignored me at first but the fact that she had not deleted my QQ n Wechat gave me hope.
She then started to reply n slowly warmed up to me. I reminisced abt our past happy moments. I then called her on the phone...her voice was surprising warm n affectionate haha. She revealed a little about her man, a busy 大老板 who had kept her all these yrs. He had been paying her more than I did n had bought expensive gifts for her...不像你这个小气鬼,也不像你那么花心!She even mocked my diminutive height! She had told me that she was only attracted to tall, handsome n much younger men. Obviously, I'm the antithesis of her type. A few yrs ago, I might get angry, dejected n gave up. But this time I remained very relaxed n unperturbed hahaha.
I called SP again n she finally agreed to meet me haha. She didn't mention how much I should pay her. She wore zero make up n was not as pretty as I remember her yrs ago. She is now a young MILF. She has put on 2-3 kg which make her more sexy. She could be a stunning beauty w/ make up n a more formal dress.
She is even fairer now. She is a lot more passionate than before. And most importantly, she now comes quickly, again n again, when I french her, alternating w/ sucking her beautiful pink nipples and at the same time using the Welcome Method to stimulate her clit. She will then kiss my n tries to swallow my didi...then jumps on top of make a long story short, she is now a great fuck.
BTW, I just pay something which is well below market rate for a woman of her quality. She will stay for as long as I want, usually half a day. Overnight also can...
Interestingly, SP met her 'well educated' n very busy towkay at an expensive joint when he was invited by some business associates to attend a meeting there. He became smitten by her. I guess it was her lucky day! Apparently, he has not been to a KTV again since he met her...she asks me to take her sometimes as she wants to hv fun...
My current arrangement w/ her is almost perfect. Great return n great value for very little money.
Due to my very busy schedule, I could only make love to her once or twice a month, at the most. My unavailability drives her nuts...she really craves having sex w/ me. Bro FA believes that she is sexually n emotionally addicted to me, after reading some of my Wechat exchanges w/ her. Perhaps...but I'm giving her hope by push-pull method. I hv not seen her for over 5 wks, yesterday I sent a msg that I'm thinking of her n want to hug her hahaha. First time I said that to her...
Any comments on this interesting case study?
Bro WB
Really love the case study above.
Indeed it was detailed to the point of perfection.
Hope to read more forums and also learn more new things.
Thanks and hope to continue.
15-01-2019, 01:20 PM
This bro termed chairman wrote well regards to the 2 scenarios.
Many girls think that men need to suckered to them to get their pussies. Many men too wussy and meek.
I was genuinely surprised to read such forum.
Thanks and hope to continue.
I was surprised to read that too.
Thanks Bro WB for an awesome thread.
15-01-2019, 02:26 PM
Really love the case study above.
Indeed it was detailed to the point of perfection.
Hope to read more forums and also learn more new things.
Thanks and hope to continue.
Love the case study too.
Bro WB please continue sharing your experiences and encounters here.
16-01-2019, 10:12 AM
BTW, some bros wonder why I often bring a mistress to KTV outings.
Two reasons.
Firstly, I save the booking fee, which is $200 to 300 for SH at TAM joints.
Secondly, If I spot a girl I like, either in the line up inside the rm or someone I meet in the hall or on my way to the rest rm, I'll get the mummy to give me her name n HP no. I'll tell the girl that 我的老婆/情人/女朋友在包厢XX,不能叫你坐台, 我改天约你...later will ask her to add my Wechat to see her photos. It's free of charge.
I often ask a bro who hasn't selected a girl to go the hall to look at girls together. It's for him n for me, even if I already hv brought or booked someone.
That was how I met a very pretty MILF on 29 Jan last yr at LV 5th fl. I was w/ bro FA. Suddenly saw her as she was walking past me, I quickly grabbed her left arm haha. Didn't need to book her. She agreed to BY days later but I delayed the deal for 3 wks because my family from Gotham City came for CNY. She is very sexual n a squirter. At 31, she is the oldest woman I ever BY-ed, but definitely one of the prettiest.
Bro WB
Bro WB
If I have mistress I will do the same too ie. bring them to places that I frequent including chiong joints. Love your modus operandus.
Hope you can share more and will learn more.
Have a great day.
16-01-2019, 10:17 AM
Good morning!
My post on "How to Pick the Right Wife" is controversial. But I'm surprised that no bros hv disagreed w/ me.
I had a chat w/ a bro at DC outing last wk. He is in his early 40s, a successful professional n business owner, who divorced his local wife after 5 yrs of marriage. They married after 9 yrs of courtship! Both were then 26. He agrees that marriage is 100% a business transaction haha. A man must marry a girl based on a purely business decision. Or investing decision. It's a very important investment. No emotions should be involved. Yeah, just like BY. But BY is much, much better n has no legal consequences haha.
One of my sons wrote: "I'm afraid I disagree with most of the points made. To each their own..."
He also referred me to a NYT article:
Interesting article talking about whether marriages today are better or worse than more traditional marriages of the past (in America):
So? It's still a business transaction.
In a way, every human interaction is a form of business transaction.
Take father and son RS. They both hv certain expectations and conditions attached to their RS. If these conditions r unmet, their RS deteriorate.
Steve Jobs refused to talk to or meet his biological father just because his dad was forced by Steve's maternal grandfather to give him up for adoption. Some dads are far worse...
What if you beloved son is a serial killer or a terrorist? What if he plotted to kill u for ur money? Will u still love him unconditionally? Many parents were killed by their kids in Asia n all over the world. Many kids were starved to death or sold by their biological parents for slavery, yeah? Do u think the kids will still love their parents unconditionally?
Another example. I hv a good friend, a retired Ang Moh doctor, who was living w/ his only surviving son, in sunny Florida. They were there for over 15 yrs. His son was injured n had severe neuro pain in his right leg, requiring lots of medications. Then the old doc suddenly sold his house n returned to his native home town near Pittsburgh. I asked why? He said his son started taking cocaine n other illicit drugs. He didn't know his whereabouts. Later, he admitted that he was beaten badly by his son. He would never want to see hm again. He was lucky, at least his son didn't kill him for his money. I know his son too. The old doc was an investor n he had said that he wanted to leave more money for his son who could be gainfully employed because of severe neuro pains.
BTW, a girl n her BF murdered her mom for her money in Taiwan recently hahaha. Asian values? The BF was sentenced to death n she got life imprisonment because her father begged the court to show leniency.
And tens of thousands of other cases...
Hahaha...human nature is the same since time immemorial.
Bro WB
Thanks to bro WB for a great forum above.
Valid points to say that marriage is a transaction.
In a way, every human interaction is a form of business transaction.
Have a great day.
16-01-2019, 01:24 PM
Bro WB
If I have mistress I will do the same too ie. bring them to places that I frequent including chiong joints. Love your modus operandus.
Hope you can share more and will learn more.
Have a great day.
I also will do the same.
Thanks bro WB for this nice thread.
16-01-2019, 02:40 PM
Happen to come across this fantastic thread.
Got hooked after reading the first few pages.
Thanks Bro WB, have a nice day.
17-01-2019, 09:28 AM
Good morning!
I hv written many times which male features n personality/character traits r most attractive to women. I'll now mention one trait which is most unattractive, in fact, instantly repulsive...especially at the subconscious level.
What is it?
It's when a man loses his head, gets enraged, perturbed, nervous, fearful, or (worse) maniacal, aggressive, even combative over trivial matters, at the drop of a hat...he has zero emotional control.
How could a man w/ zero self mastery give her any security or protection? How could she feel safe w/ him around? If she is stuck in a LT RS w/ a man like that, she will try to escape asap, or cheat on him. It's a matter of time. It doesn't matter if he is the most handsome, the smartest, n the richest man in the world. It doesn't matter if he is a real life prince n he loves her dearly. It doesn't matter even if he is THE ONLY MAN who has ever given her the most intense PVOs.
This negative male trait is as repulsive as neediness n desperation...hahaha.
Just my personal opinion. Comments?
Bro WB
Been following bro warbird post for a few weeks. As till now have apply some of the ways that u have said before and was quite successful in dealing with some of my relationship problem no matter with gf or ktv girls.and has become a more sensible person. Thank u bro warbird, thank u for all your sharing with your life experience in here. U are my master! Waiting to heard more from you soon.
17-01-2019, 09:35 AM
Hi bro,
SG society is more similar to the US than u think haha. Actually, legal marriage in Asain countries is more businesslike.
According to Republic of Korea (ROK) writer Nam In-sook, Marriage a 'lifelong business transaction' haha. During a reading session in Beijing last Friday, the 36-year-old writer said all women should treat marriage like a lifelong business transaction.
Another one:
Another very large Asian country:
Marriage among the rulers in Europe and Asia used to be 100% business transaction.
Marriage: A business transaction.
Those who don't treat marriage as a business transaction will regret it. This is a certainty.
KC is good if you don't lose control. I like to be KC-ed by my type of girls n I like to KC them. I greatly enjoy it n I always control n power in the RS. I enjoy fucking my mistresses raw and with high-octane passion haha. Passion n feelings are very contagious...they feel what I feel.
KC is good but KC trap is bad. It seems you get trapped everywhere. It's ur mindset. You're trapped in ur marriage too. And you say it's not a business transaction?
In SG, most married men feel trapped n most women feel trapped. Why? They got married because of emotions of 'love' or KC. The highly charged emotions n hormones can cloud the judgement of otherwise sane persons. They didn't treat it as a business transaction. When KC has faded rapidly and inevitably after months or years of marriage, there is nothing left but quarrels, fights, liabilities, debts, kids, infidelity, misery...married women cheat as much as men but they r much better in hiding it hahaha.
Amazing info provided by bro WB above. Agreed with his thoughts that marriage is a business transaction In fact nowadays many ultra-rich have premarriage contract to safe guard themselves. Although we cannot women to try marry rich suitors but society sometimes don't make life easy. Hope to learn more.
17-01-2019, 10:21 AM
Been following bro warbird post for a few weeks. As till now have apply some of the ways that u have said before and was quite successful in dealing with some of my relationship problem no matter with gf or ktv girls.and has become a more sensible person. Thank u bro warbird, thank u for all your sharing with your life experience in here. U are my master! Waiting to heard more from you soon.
Have been following this thread recently, and what a magnificent thread it is. Thanks bro WB and hope to hear more from you.
17-01-2019, 03:30 PM
Bro WB
You can always pick the right wife but ppl changed over time and will never stay the same.
Before marriage and after marriage characters can change and post-natal depression can kick in. It can be hell if such things happened.
I never believed in any penis enlargement or enhancement. All will not work properly. Your mother bore you a lil bro and that will be the lil bro you can used till death.
Thank you for replying to all the nice forums.
I totally enjoyed reading.
Ths, bro.
People change constantly and nothing will last forever.
Bro WB
Thank you for sharing the above article.
It was totally a joy to read and I concurred.
Thank you again for sharing.
Yes, very interesting book to read.
Thanks Bro WB for this wonderful thread, so many things to learn.
Have a nice week ahead.
Tks, bro.
Drop in to say "hi" to warbird and rest of the pros here. I just read this thread btw even though I am not active in this forum.
I had actually met up with Warbird a few times three to four years ago. Sadly, the declining quality of local KTV girls, make me go down into another different hunting path.
I had my lists of success and failures over the years and learned from my mistake but its nothing compared to Warbird and your league of pros. LOL
Maybe when we are more free, we will meet up again.
Bro, tks.
Long time no see. The quality of KTV women/singers and GL gals/FLs hv been declining in the last 10 yrs.
To add insult to injury, most of the "girls" or more accurately women are now plastic. I find them hideous.
I can't help it. Perhaps I hv emancipated my subconscious mind from lifelong cultural, religious and societal conditioning. It now only looks for good genes and high fertility in girls/women. Plastic face n plastic boobs are not inheritable.
Another hunting path? Overseas trips? Viet joints?
The last 3 digits of ur HP still 560? Pls join my outings again.
Bro WB
Indeed it was a great joy to read.
Thanks Bro WB.
Tks, bro.
This bro termed chairman wrote well regards to the 2 scenarios.
Many girls think that men need to suckered to them to get their pussies. Many men too wussy and meek.
I was genuinely surprised to read such forum.
Thanks and hope to continue.
Bro, tks.
Mr. Chairman is now in Australia.
Only very needy and insecure losers will put girls on a pedestal.
Now if a lao po has a real medical emergency and is rushed to ME, I'll be by her side asap.
Really love the case study above.
Indeed it was detailed to the point of perfection.
Hope to read more forums and also learn more new things.
Thanks and hope to continue.[/QUOTE
The girl called CD is actually KK. She tried to return to me, but I rejected her.
SP returned to China for good in May 2016. She is married now but we still keep in touch. I'm hoping she could intro chio SYTs to me.
BTW, SP met the rich married towkay at Lido in 2011. She always used condom w/ him and never ever performed BJ on him. While I didn't dare to fuck her raw, she did BBBJ on me.
[QUOTE=healthyclub;18249087]I was surprised to read that too.
Thanks Bro WB for an awesome thread.
Love the case study too.
Bro WB please continue sharing your experiences and encounters here.
Bros, tks.
Bro WB
If I have mistress I will do the same too ie. bring them to places that I frequent including chiong joints. Love your modus operandus.
Hope you can share more and will learn more.
Have a great day.
Bro, tks. Great minds think alike haha.
Thanks to bro WB for a great forum above.
Valid points to say that marriage is a transaction.
In a way, every human interaction is a form of business transaction.
Have a great day.
Bro, tks.
Yes, marriage is a biz transaction.
The world's richest man Jeff Bezos (nicknamed Jeff Bozo by the current US president Donald Trump) will soon find out. It will cost him over 70 billion USD.
I also will do the same.
Thanks bro WB for this nice thread.
Happen to come across this fantastic thread.
Got hooked after reading the first few pages.
Thanks Bro WB, have a nice day.
Tks, bros.
Been following bro warbird post for a few weeks. As till now have apply some of the ways that u have said before and was quite successful in dealing with some of my relationship problem no matter with gf or ktv girls.and has become a more sensible person. Thank u bro warbird, thank u for all your sharing with your life experience in here. U are my master! Waiting to heard more from you soon.
Bro, tks. You hv made my day!!
THE single most attractive masculine character trait and THE most difficult to achieve is absolute emotional and self-mastery.
If you got it, so many chio girls/women of your type will be chasing you. You may hv to go into hiding. I stand by my statement.
Amazing info provided by bro WB above. Agreed with his thoughts that marriage is a business transaction In fact nowadays many ultra-rich have premarriage contract to safe guard themselves. Although we cannot women to try marry rich suitors but society sometimes don't make life easy. Hope to learn more.
Bro, tks.
Have been following this thread recently, and what a magnificent thread it is. Thanks bro WB and hope to hear more from you.
Bro, tks.
Good afternoon to all samsters,
Bro WB
17-01-2019, 03:35 PM
Bro WB, thanks for a very good thread.
Have a nice day!
17-01-2019, 05:07 PM
Marriage is indeed a business transaction. Having children and raising them is a business transaction too. Nothing is free in this world. Everything has a price. It is how you negotiate and position yourself to get the best deal.
17-01-2019, 06:46 PM
Good to see you around still warbird
I log in to post about once or twice a year and this thread is still going strong
Happy Chinese New Year!
18-01-2019, 02:48 PM
Bro, tks. You hv made my day!!
THE single most attractive masculine character trait and THE most difficult to achieve is absolute emotional and self-mastery.
If you got it, so many chio girls/women of your type will be chasing you. You may hv to go into hiding. I stand by my statement.
Bro WB
Tks bro for making my day too!!
21-01-2019, 02:54 PM
Bro WB, thanks for a very good thread.
Have a nice day!
Bro, tks.
Marriage is indeed a business transaction. Having children and raising them is a business transaction too. Nothing is free in this world. Everything has a price. It is how you negotiate and position yourself to get the best deal.
Bro, tks.
You're absolutely right.
Having kids is a very big investment in time, money and emotions, etc.
Kids could be precious economic assets or big financial drain.
"How do we square this jarring contradiction? Two psychological scientists at the University of Waterloo think they have the answer. They suspect that the belief in parental happiness is a psychological defense — a fiction we imagine to make all the hard stuff acceptable. In other words, we parents have collectively created the myth of parental joy because otherwise we would have a hard time justifying the huge investment that kids require."
Good to see you around still warbird
I log in to post about once or twice a year and this thread is still going strong
Happy Chinese New Year!
Hi bro,
Yes, I'm persistent.
Tks bro for making my day too!!
Bro, tks so much.
Good afternoon,
I came across the following article about the "Tsunami Effect" on women the other day. It's about getting women "as wet as a tsunami." I must confess I had never heard of it before.
Here it is:
As you’ll see, when you invoke the Tsunami Effect in a woman, it ignites an unstoppable flame of sexual desire inside of her. And if you turn her on this way, she’s liable to throw all logic out the window and take great risks to have sex with you.
Though you may find it hard to believe, at one point in my life, I was deeply depressed. I ran through psychologist after psychologist, never finding one who could really “fix” me. That was until I met Dr. Johnson.
At well over sixty years old, Dr. Johnson first struck me as being way too old to help me. What kind of common ground could I possibly have with a guy who very well may have “liked Ike?” Still, I walked into his office and took a seat across from him. On his desk, I noticed a photo of him and his beautiful daughter. She must have been twenty-five years old. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to get to know him after all. When I asked him about the picture, he chuckled and told me, “That’s not my daughter, Mike. That’s my girlfriend.”
I soon learned that Dr. Johnson was in an open relationship, and he was one of the most notorious players on the college campus he lived on. I just about fell out of my chair when he told me he regularly stole girls from the football players and frat guys.
Teach me your ways, oh, Master. When I told him I wasn’t getting laid, he said, “Well, we’ll have to fix that before we fix anything else, won’t we? A man’s sex life is one of the keys to his happiness!”
Dr. Johnson was a treasure trove of knowledge that I’m about to pass down to you. His specialty was Evolutionary Psychology. He had spent his life studying the mating patterns of our ancient ancestors, which he then used to come up with theories about how humans make sexual decisions. And then he used it to wet his Johnson on the regular.
He taught me that sexual decisions are largely irrational, that both men and women often take ill-advised risks to meet their sexual needs. And that when a woman is in a “sexual frenzy” over a man, when she’s uncontrollably turned on by him and has decided that she has to have him, then there’s almost nothing that can be done to keep her from chasing him.
If you know a bit about psychology, you may have heard of the phenomenon known as the “amygdala hijack.” This is very similar, and it’s very powerful. Remember how when you react to a situation emotionally, you lose control? That’s essentially it, and that’s what you want her to feel...
Dr. Johnson was a huge advocate of this. He often referred to it as the “Tsunami Effect” because this “sexual overdrive” mechanism in the female brain originally evolved to pass on her genes in times of disasters, like earthquakes and tsunamis. But he also told me that it’s called the Tsunami Effect because, when it happens, she gets “wetter than a tsunami.”
Straight from the mouth of the good doctor, my friend. You will want to induce this effect in her...It works best when you’ve gotten her curious, when she’s infatuated with you, and when she feels a connection with you.
We’ll get there. First, we have to cover some key concepts so you don’t immediately spin out once you’ve been given the keys to the Ferrari. There are fundamental differences between what turns a man and woman on.
Turning a man on is mostly physical and visual—if you put on a good porno and start stroking your dick, you’re probably going to get hard. Turning a woman on is mostly psychological. It isn’t what’s going on in front of her eyes as much as it’s what’s going on inside of her head.
And what is the most potent psychological force that can help induce the Tsunami Effect? It’s what Dr. Johnson calls forbidden acts. Forbidden acts, no matter how illogical, have a potent power to arouse a woman.
Here’s an example. I have a friend who drives a 1964 Shelby Cobra. It’s an iconic car, but it’s also extremely dangerous. With the compact frame and open top, the seat belts are essentially useless. The massive exhaust pipe runs right next to the door, and if you accidentally brush up against it while getting in or out, you’ll get singed. And the ride is bumpy and uneven—definitely not built for comfort. Frankly, I was terrified the first time I rode in the car. But my friend can’t seem to keep hot women out of the passenger seat.
How does he get so lucky? Simple. He cruises around downtown, and when he spots a group of women on the street outside of a trendy club, he pulls up, looks the hottest one straight in the eye, and asks, “Do you like danger?” Often times, she’ll say, “Yes,” and he’d tell her to hop in. Done! As you might guess, he almost always sleeps with the girl after doing this. That’s because they’re doing something forbidden.
What he's asking of her is dangerous…and a HUGE turn on. You see, the same part of her brain that responds to threats also is the part of her brain that generates a sexual response. My friend, whether he’s aware of it or not, is working that neurological link.
And my studies of fanfiction, romance novels, and erotic romance all confirmed this. As I read, I found pages and pages of forbidden acts—stuff like group sex, bondage, sex with people who they shouldn’t have sex with.
You want to exude an air of trouble when you’re talking to a woman. You should give off the vibe that hanging out with you could lead to naughty decisions. And if you combine that presence with the physical escalation techniques we’ll get to, forget about it. She will practically purr at your touch and open up more sexually than she ever has with another man.
I like that. I need to get in touch w/ Dr. Johnson ASAP!
What are your forbidden acts?
A word of advice. Everything you do must be LEGAL.
Bro WB
23-01-2019, 09:08 AM
Very interesting thread and article below.
Bro WB,
Thank you for a great thread.
I was smiling and reading the article below with great interest.
I think will not watch porn and tried to find more gfs/mistresses.
Thank you once again
Happy ending.
Do u watch porn? I used to watch rarely, but never since I started BY-ing.
Viewing too much porn might be connected to lesser gray matter in brain - study
Published time: June 01, 2014 11:22
Edited time: June 01, 2014 13:52
Is just four hours of porn a week enough to reduce the size of a man’s brain? According to a recent study, less than an hour a day might be enough to see gray matter decay.
For the investigation, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin recruited 64 healthy males between the ages of 21-45. By studying their porn-watching habits, they hoped to determine if there was a connection between viewing pornographic viewing and gray matter volume in a particular region of the brain, which is associated with cognition and processing.
From the get go, the men were simply told that they were participating in "a scientific study including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements."
Later, during telephone interviews, they were told that questions about pornography would be a component of the research.
The men were then asked to fill out surveys regarding their porn viewing habits. The average participant clocked in just over four hours a week.
Image from
Image from
Researchers then showed the men both sexually explicit and non-sexual images while scanning brain activity with MRI.
"Our findings indicated that gray matter volume of the right caudate of the striatum is smaller with higher pornography use," the author’s of the study say.
The forebrain part striatum, incidentally, helps coordinate motivation with body movement. It facilitates and balances motivation with both higher-level and lower-level functions, such as inhibiting one's behavior in a complex social interaction as well as fine motor skills involved with delicate, voluntary movements.
Not only was an inverse correlation seen between gray matter volume and porn viewing, but real time drops in the striatium were observed when the subjects were shown sexually explicit images.
While the scientists believe it is the first evidence of the kind connecting pornographic viewing with reductions in brain size, so far they have only shown correlation, and not causation.
To put it in a nutshell, the researchers still don’t know if watching porn reduces gray-matter volume in porn-watchers, or more frequent viewers of porn have less gray matter to begin with.
"Individuals with lower striatum volume may need more external stimulation to experience pleasure and might therefore experience pornography consumption as more rewarding, which may in turn lead to more porn watching,” write the authors, who said further investigation would be required.
The report does, however, gel with previous studies, which have shown a connection between frequent porn consumption and negative social behavior. The reasoning goes that if porn can affect social behavior, it can likely affect cognitive behavior as well.
Take home lesson: Get GFs/mistresses/lovers/fuck buddies or wives of ur type n make love to them as often as u want, never watch porn again.
BTW, watching porn could also cause desensitization n result in ED.
keeping mistresses is costly, but the money is well spent, for me at least. I hv had incredible pleasure n fulfillment in life I never had before. I hv more confidence which has helped my investments...and making love almost daily to my young mistresses has resulted in no desire for watching any porn. In other words, they hv prevented my brain from shrinking? It's priceless haha.
Bro WB
23-01-2019, 09:09 AM
Great article below.
yes, I hope to have more gals fall in love with me.
Hope have more happy ending.
Good morning!
A strange thing happened to me recently.
The other day, I was invited by a new grp of friends to DC for HH. I brought my first BAO-ee there. There were already 7 men and perhaps 12 gals in a medium rm. Few of the bros there r samsters.
One gal XX caught my attention. She was sitting to the left of bro K whom I just met for the 1st time. Bro K had another gal, a very tall one, on his right.
I left after just over one hr. To me, XX is perhaps 22-23, very pretty, n looks slutty, fair, with very small bony frame n ample breasts. Beautiful arms n legs which she crossed. Abt 165? Can't be sure abt her butt either as she never stood up during the entire time I was there. She appears to hv the type of body proportions I covet.
The strange thing is that I consider her the prettiest n most desirable girl I hv SEEN at DC n in n around the entire PC since I met my 'niece' BB in Dec of 2009.
I kept thinking abt XX...the next morning I called two other friends who were there to enquire abt her to find out if XX is bro K's GF. They said no, he just met her n he is not interested in her anymore. Great news! I called mummy J immediately n asked for XX. Mummy J didn't know her, but promised to find her for me.
Last night, I was invited to DC HH again n I brought my young mistress. Earlier Mummy J said no one had seen her before. She even called bro K who didn't even remember her name! But he definitely met her at DC. I saw Bro K again who had two different gals w/ him. He confirmed what J said.
I'll find XX. I'm writing this to show that one man's meat is indeed another man's poison. The other thing is that when I finally meet her, I may not even like her. It has happened to me many times before. If I never see her again, she will remain beautiful in my mind n I may keep thinking of her, at least for a short time...
Thinking abt her or anyone else is very unwise for me. This brings me to a related subject. Here is an e-mail I just received today which is self explanatory:
#1 Ingredient to Make a Girl Fall in Love with You
Hi Bro Warbird,
How to Finally Nail that Hard to Get Girl
There is a specific process a woman goes through when she’s falling in love with you…
I call it a “Love Loop” because its like an OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) where her thoughts keep moving toward YOU.
Its like you “hijack” her mind.
And the more she tries to fight it, the faster and harder she falls for you.
And there is one single ingredient that activates the entire process:
“Irrational Attention”
Listen closely to what I’m about to say, because when you ‘get this” you can use it seduce classmates, co-workers, cashiers, ex girlfriends, women you meet online, female friends, even that hard to get girl all your friends are drooling over…
Simply because…
If you can get a girl thinking about you when you’re not around… You can make her to fall in love with you…
Attention = Attachment
Attention = Attachment, the more time she spends thinking about you the more attached to you she becomes.
It doesn’t matter if she thinks you’re cool, how good looking you are, what kind of job you have, or even how good of a “talker” you are…
The only thing that matters is that her brain is firing off thoughts about YOU… They don’t even have to be positive thoughts.
This is why sometimes a girl will be constantly talking about how much she hates a guy… yet she’ll wind up dating him or sleeping with him.. because she’s thinking about him so much she convinces herself she’s falling in love with him.
Its a very simple law of science. The more you think about someone, the more you get attached to them.
You’ve probably felt that way about a girl… Like she “Hijacked” your mind… And when you were away from her you felt an unbearable tension… (It sucks, I know.)
The reason for this is “Attachment” leads to “Psychic Tension.” She’s thinking about YOU so much that she begins to feel a physical need to see you. Just to release the tension.
Fortunately, there is an odd, but extremely effective “Mind Game” you can use on a girl that will sneak into her mind and have her thinking about you constantly. It basically “scrambles” her brain until she’s convinced that she’s in love with you...........................................
Make it happen!
23-01-2019, 09:11 AM
Bro WB
can you elaborate more how to give her both positive and negative emotions?
thank you once again and hope to have happy ending.
Give her both positive AND negative emotions, make her think abt u...
Bro WB
23-01-2019, 06:15 PM
Indeed a very interesting article, was smiling when reading too.
Thanks Bro WB for this fantastic thread.
Very interesting thread and article below.
Bro WB,
Thank you for a great thread.
I was smiling and reading the article below with great interest.
I think will not watch porn and tried to find more gfs/mistresses.
Thank you once again
Happy ending.
23-01-2019, 07:27 PM
Same, want to have more gals fall in love with me too.
Bro WB, thank you for a great thread.
Have a nice day.
Great article below.
yes, I hope to have more gals fall in love with me.
Hope have more happy ending.
23-01-2019, 10:58 PM
Very nice sharing of Bro WB's experience in this awesome thread.
Hope to read more!!
25-01-2019, 08:33 AM
I hv received a 2nd PM from bro XX. He is the bro who concurred with my statement that "all human interactions are business transactions."
"Hi bro
Nice to see my post on your thread, sure stroked my ego haha.
Regarding your reply, how sobering and cruel truth is.... Yet how many people truly grasp the implications of this "noble" truth?
Given your answer, concepts such as unconditional love, loyalty, friendships, etc are all nothing but figments of imagination and delusions....
Understanding is probably the easiest part, acceptance is another
hurdle and embracement is probably the hardest, don't all of us wish to be intoxicated by the romantic notions of "true" love and loyalty?
“For of men(be it friends or family) it may generally be affirmed, that they are thankless, fickle, false studious to avoid danger, greedy of gain, devoted to you while you are able to confer benefits upon them, and ready, as I said before, while danger is distant, to shed their blood, and sacrifice their property, their lives, and their children for you; but in the hour of need they turn against you.”
Bro if i may be so bold as to ask, how do you form deep and close relations with other given the mercenary nature of people, hypocrisy and futility of it all?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Your nihilist supporter"
Dear bro XX,
Thank u for your comments n questions.
Is there unconditional love? Selfless love for another person? Really? Actually "loving" someone makes one feels good n it's all abt oneself.
Will you "love" your son the same way if you find out that he is not your own flesh and blood? Will you fall in love with a girl if she is very fat, hideously ugly and deformed?
Let's assume that you're a rich, handsome, healthy, well educated n heterosexual young man of 25. You're in love w/ a beautiful SYT, your dream girl, who also loves u deeply. If she has an accident tomorrow, her face is grotesquely disfigured n she can't move her legs forever, will u still love her n take care of her until u die at a ripe old age? And never, ever make love to another girl? I seriously doubt that. Your family will try to talk u out of it. Even if u answer yes, it's still abt u. Somehow u feel good abt yourself and/or u believe in Karma...and you may even commit suicide w/ her. In either case, I think you're mentally sick haha.
What if you're on honeymoon w/ your beautiful wife n she suffers the above disfigurement n injuries? What has changed? Would u act differently because she is your legal wife?
IMHO, the so-called unconditional love is still selfish. You get something in return. I'll still consider it a business transaction. You give something n you receive something.
This romantic, unconditional love and apparently altruistic acts have been celebrated by poetry n literature in every culture. But the truth is not so romantic.
By understanding true human nature n by being brutally honest abt my intentions, desires n mission, I feel that I hv deepened my RS w/ all those who r close to me. It's give and take, I give something and I receive something. Yin and Yang, negatives charges balanced by positive charges, action and reaction are equal and opposite, cause and effect, Karma...everything must be a fair business exchange.
Those who hope to get or have gotten something for nothing will be very disappointed and very sorry, sooner or later hahaha. This is a certainty. The universe must be in equilibrium.
If I give advice abt certain subjects I'm good at, free of charge and w/o expecting any rewards, I'm doing it because I feel good abt myself. And I feel good abt helping others. I'm happy n others r happy. I'm happy when I see others doing well. It's still abt me. It's still a fair business transaction.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank goodness I came across your good thread.
Only mother love to child will be unconditional. All other loves will be some returns.
Very glad to read your esteemed forum and glad I learned many things.
Will hope to contribute in future.
Cheers to TGIF.
25-01-2019, 08:35 AM
Good morning!
I like to share some recent observations abt the effects of regular PVOs on a girl's figure n body proportions.
Regular PVOs enhance womanly curves.
PVOs = Penetrative Vaginal Orgasms (with a natural penis n during sexual intercourse, not with the use of dildos or fingers...)
You can use fingers or dildos as a prelude, but there is no substitute for the real thing haha.
Take my younger mistress TH. After abt 6 months of BY, I started noticing that her butt was becoming a bit bigger n more shapely n firm. She had actually lost 1kg n her natural D was unchanged. She is now 52.5kg, abt 171.
My Fujian lao po has put on 2.5 kg since I first met her 6 yrs ago. Abt 1/3 of that extra weight has gone to her butt n it's now quite large, firm, perky n shapely. Who says PRC girls don't hv great butts? The rest of the extra meat has gone to her breasts, shoulders n the rest of her body. Her natural B is now fuller n nipples slightly larger. She is now 52kg, abt 168.
As I hv alluded to before, their gait has also changed...
One other thing. When is a girl/woman most beautiful n most attractive?
IMHO, it's when you're fucking her n giving her real n continuous PVO. Observe her face n demeanor carefully n you'll understand what I mean.
To sum up, regular PVOs enhance womanly curves, especially the butt.
I googled this topic n apparently this has never been mentioned anywhere. I stand corrected.
Any other bros hv made similar observations?
Your comments?
Bro WB
Good morning to Bro WB and all.
I love to give PVOs and fully agreed woman who received PVOs will exuberant with beauty.
Hope to achieve more by reading this thread thoroughly.
TGIF and many cheers.
25-01-2019, 08:36 AM
Another classic GURU forum.
Love to read more.
Good afternoon!
I just received a letter from a guru on two kinds of "masculinity."
Bro Warbird,
There is so much stupidity in our culture these days.
Dumb reality shows. Idiotic politicians supported by shadowy billionaires. False debates on TV.
It's like there are two cultures:
(1) the culture that's evolving humanity as a species, and
(2) the greedy, fearful, xenophobic, dogmatic culture that is clinging to a past of hatred, division and racism.
I'll be honest - it gets me down sometimes.
I wonder if the good guys (us) are going to win.
On the other hand, it gives me JUICE to keep doing what I do every day...
Which is to harangue your ass into being the BEST, BOLDEST MAN you can be.
Because the world needs BOLD MEN.
And women want BOLD MEN.
But Women Want a Specific Kind of Bold Masculine Man...
I call it the "Benevolent Masculine."
To distinguish it from the "Malevolent Masculine."
Let's get really, really clear here:
The Malevolent Masculine...
preys on women
hurts women
degrades women
disrespects other men
disrespects himself
has not found his inner worth yet
plays the victim
damages other to build outer show
Guys who get women drunk to molest them, Boku Haram, guys who call women "targets," who commonly refer to women as "bitches" and who blame women for their woes are examples of the Malevolent Masculine.
They are weak, sick f*cks.
And they need help.
The Benevolent Masculine, by contrast...
loves and adores women
makes love to women
protects women
respects other men, respects women
respects himself
operates from his INNER worth not outer show
takes 100% responsibility for his words and actions
makes his WILL FELT with women without shame, hesitancy, bullying or expectation
approaches women with confidence, humor, directness and good will
raises women into their sexuality for the benefit of both her and him
is proud of the man he is
naturally attracts the best women
Between these two kinds of men, there is a WORLD of difference......................................
Your Guru
What kind are u?
We need to become the "Benevolent Masculine" to be very attractive to women.
Bro WB
25-01-2019, 11:13 AM
Bro WB
Thank goodness I came across your good thread.
Only mother love to child will be unconditional. All other loves will be some returns.
Very glad to read your esteemed forum and glad I learned many things.
Will hope to contribute in future.
Cheers to TGIF.
Thank goodness I came across this thread too, thanks very much Bro WB.
Have a good weekend.
25-01-2019, 01:54 PM
Good morning to Bro WB and all.
I love to give PVOs and fully agreed woman who received PVOs will exuberant with beauty.
Hope to achieve more by reading this thread thoroughly.
TGIF and many cheers.
Hope to achieve more too.
Thank you bro WB for this great thread.
25-01-2019, 09:45 PM
Fantastic thread here by bro WB, thanks and have an enjoyable weekend.
26-01-2019, 09:22 AM
Good morning
Absent makes the heart grow stronger.
Agreed that if any woman can miss you dearly when you are not around even for a day, week or month then think guy is very successful.
A relationship requires strong bonding and passion to keep the flames growing. Life is short and flames shorter. Whatever it is just keep the flame strong.
Another thing guy should really fall in love and if any guy fell in love then he LOST.
Contradicting concept but a reality in life.
Have a fine day,
Good morning!
I hv new revelations n understandings on the important subject of man-woman RS. These hv come abt partly from readings n researching n partly from my personl experiences. There r not really new but I'll give a brief summary here.
The biggest mistake we men make is to think that girls r primarily attracted to the same thing as men: Good looks n sexy body.
Additionally, what many pretty SYTs say they want in a man is completely different from what their subconscious minds want. They r most attracted to a man's masculine character n emotional control/self mastery.
And if you can get them to constantly think abt YOU when you're NOT around,you can make them fall for u, regardless of ur looks, height, weight, age, financial resources, status, educational level, ethnicity, nationality, etc. To make them constantly thinking abt u, you need to be uniquely different from all the men she has ever met. And you should evoke strong emotions in her, both positive n negativs...she must be confused, uncertain, yet hopeful...flip the sexual switch n she will chase u. You will surely fail if you behave like a "nice guy" or "perfect gentleman."
There r startegies known as "The Mind Scrambler" n "Hate-Love-Switch."
Initially, all you need is a chance to meet them face to face, even if it's for only 30 seconds.
But to keep that infatuation/love going, you must establish a sexual RS w/ them n be able to give them repeated PVOs. Sorry, there is no substitute for this.
BTW, I'm now certain that a healthy n pretty woman has a stronger sexual urge n needs than an average man. She plays hard to get because she only wants to be fxxked by the right MAN, usually in the context of a long term RS. KM (the cute 21 yo Sichuan gal) actually hinted at this last week. We hv been brutally honest w/ each other. Previouly, only a GF n a mistress hv openly expressed their desires to hv more frequent n wilder sex.
Any comments?
Bro WB
26-01-2019, 09:25 AM
Bro WB
Is great to state terms clearly and written if possible.
I agreed that take it or leave it. always note if gal refused then is her loss and not yours.
Play mind games and gal too. If the gal has a better offer then you are nowhere in place.
Keep the mind games ging and sure a winning fomula.
Have a fine day,
Good morning!
A few days ago, bro PK sent me a PM:
I told him that I'll post the answer here as many bros hv asked the same question.
Bro PK,
Terms are always negotiable. I assume that you're referring to girls who r already in SG.
Firstly, never appear to be too eager. Secondly, before u make an offer to BY any girl, you must qualify her n state ur requirements.
A frequent question from girls: What do u look for in a 女朋友,情人? I'll state my criteria in terms of looks n physical attributes. Then I'll stress the single most important condition: Her pussy must be mine exlusively during the BY period. If it's for more than 3 months, I expect to do her raw, after a series of tests, including an exam at KK. Last but not least, my 女朋友,情人 must be 乖顺 and have 诚信.
Next I'll outline my monthly allowance. Take it or leave it.
For non-KTV girls, monthly allowance ranges from 2K to 10K n up a month, sometimes plus rental. For KTV girls, if she doesn't work, from 5K to 20K n up. There may be rental n other fringe benefits. If she continues to work, from 2k to 10K n up...
Remember that everything is subject to negotiation.
In China, you can cut the allowance by more than half, depending on the city/province. But some models/actresses may want an arm n a leg hahaha...
Good luck!
Bro WB
26-01-2019, 12:08 PM
Fully agreed and very said.
Thanks Bro WB for this incredible thread.
Good morning
Absent makes the heart grow stronger.
Agreed that if any woman can miss you dearly when you are not around even for a day, week or month then think guy is very successful.
A relationship requires strong bonding and passion to keep the flames growing. Life is short and flames shorter. Whatever it is just keep the flame strong.
Another thing guy should really fall in love and if any guy fell in love then he LOST.
Contradicting concept but a reality in life.
Have a fine day,
26-01-2019, 03:37 PM
Agreed that have to state terms clearly, written and endorsed by lawyer if possible.
Very good thread here, thanks Bro WB.
Have a great weekend.
Bro WB
Is great to state terms clearly and written if possible.
I agreed that take it or leave it. always note if gal refused then is her loss and not yours.
Play mind games and gal too. If the gal has a better offer then you are nowhere in place.
Keep the mind games ging and sure a winning fomula.
Have a fine day,
26-01-2019, 03:44 PM
Very interesting thread and article below.
Bro WB,
Thank you for a great thread.
I was smiling and reading the article below with great interest.
I think will not watch porn and tried to find more gfs/mistresses.
Thank you once again
Happy ending.
Bro, tks.
Waching too much porn may shrink the brain and cause ED.
Believe me, when you hv so many girls of your type wanting to fuck you, you won't hv time for porn.
Great article below.
yes, I hope to have more gals fall in love with me.
Hope have more happy ending.
You don't hope, you know they will. Yes, we want girls/women of our type to fall for us. Getting their pussies is merely the first step.
Bro WB
can you elaborate more how to give her both positive and negative emotions?
thank you once again and hope to have happy ending.
Use push-pull and connect-disconnect.
Be brutally honest w/ her. Say EXACTLY what is in your mind. She will hate you, but she can't live w/o you.
You must behave like the PRIZE and believe you hv higher social n sexual value to do this successfully. Be a man of your word and be caring, but never be afraid to lose her.
I wrote in msg #3817:
"Arousing or evoking negative emotions in a girl, whenever appropriate, will greatly increase her attraction for u.
Girls r repulsed by men who r too nice, too agreeable, too predictable n who try to suck up to them.
Another thing. Be very relaxed n comfortable when you say NO. Be playful, even jovial hahaha.
No to a gift which is too expensive, No to request to drive her to the airport, No to a loan..."
Yup. Make her cry, make her come hard. Say no to sex sometimes...
Indeed a very interesting article, was smiling when reading too.
Thanks Bro WB for this fantastic thread.
Same, want to have more gals fall in love with me too.
Bro WB, thank you for a great thread.
Have a nice day.
Very nice sharing of Bro WB's experience in this awesome thread.
Hope to read more!!
Bro WB
Thank goodness I came across your good thread.
Only mother love to child will be unconditional. All other loves will be some returns.
Very glad to read your esteemed forum and glad I learned many things.
Will hope to contribute in future.
Cheers to TGIF.
Bro, tks. You hv made my day!
Good morning to Bro WB and all.
I love to give PVOs and fully agreed woman who received PVOs will exuberant with beauty.
Hope to achieve more by reading this thread thoroughly.
Yes, you're right. Make them come hard, again n again...
Another classic GURU forum.
Love to read more.
Thank goodness I came across this thread too, thanks very much Bro WB.
Have a good weekend.
Hope to achieve more too.
Thank you bro WB for this great thread.
Fantastic thread here by bro WB, thanks and have an enjoyable weekend.
Bros, thank you all.
Good morning
Absent makes the heart grow stronger.
Agreed that if any woman can miss you dearly when you are not around even for a day, week or month then think guy is very successful.
A relationship requires strong bonding and passion to keep the flames growing. Life is short and flames shorter. Whatever it is just keep the flame strong.
Another thing guy should really fall in love and if any guy fell in love then he LOST.
Contradicting concept but a reality in life.
Have a fine day,
Bro, tks.
You're right.
Bro WB
Is great to state terms clearly and written if possible.
I agreed that take it or leave it. always note if gal refused then is her loss and not yours.
Play mind games and gal too. If the gal has a better offer then you are nowhere in place.
Keep the mind games ging and sure a winning fomula.
Have a fine day,
Bro, yes.
It's all in a man's mindset and mental frame. He keeps the power in the rs and she is submissive...
He is the chooser. He must qualify her and make sure she meets his criteria. In a LT rs, her character, intelligence and personality are vital. In addition to her looks, youthfulness and figure.
If he has a long term exclusive romantic and sexual rs w/ a girl, it's because he likes her n wants to help her to become a better and healthier person. NOT because he needs her. And the rs is EXCLUSIVE for her, but NOT for him.
He will always leave her better, in many ways, than when he first found her.
Fully agreed and very said.
Thanks Bro WB for this incredible thread.
Bro, tks.
Have a great weekend to all samsters.
Bro WB
26-01-2019, 07:30 PM
Hi new to this thread. Recently been watching a lot of you tube videos about game. I would recomend alpha male strategies as a good channel. Also rollo tomassi the author of the rational male, has very good insights into womens behavior when it comes to relationships. Comes from an evolutionary psyc perspective. Just sharing info.
27-01-2019, 10:50 AM
Now is 2019. No more simping. We gona take the game back bros.
28-01-2019, 09:54 AM
Below is a past forum that I re-quote just for comments.
All women will mind how they look and cannot accept criticism. Women had been trying to imrove their look since day 1. No wonder women businesses thrived and all booming.
Women had been a largest consumers and love to shop. In any place, any time, any events they want to look the best. They will spent money just to look good, feel good and compete good.
Thank bro WB for posting such a great forum
Hope to be able to comment more in future.
Good morning!
I hv alluded to the fact that a man's looks matter much less to women. But physical appearance does matter, but not in the way most men think.
A man is physically most attractive if he is very fit, neat n clean. He must not be overweigth or underweigth..why? Think n you know the answer.
A male's intangible attributes such as self mastery n masculine character/personality r of paramount importance. But there is one physical attribute which is most sexually attractive to women: A V-shape male body. Broad shoulders and narrow waist n hips.
A respected Ang Moh guru just sent me the following recently:
Do Looks Matter As Much To Women? Finally, The Truth
Dear Bro Warbird,
Think that the "GQ model" type of guys who tend to
catch women's eye naturally have a better dating life than you ever
Not necessarily...not by a long shot. Here's the fascinating reason why
you CAN and SHOULD do better with women than they can.
All told, I think it's perfectly natural that most of us as guys
would assume that other dudes who are "gifted" in the looks
department would have incredible success with women, without really
After all, that's how it seems to go for beautiful women, so why
not for men also?
If a woman looks great, guys will be all over her, often (to their
own potentially disastrous risk) without concern for her
personality or character.
And really, no matter how much we hear about how "looks don't
matter" to women, we can't help but overhear them talking about how
"hot" a particular guy is and/or making side comments to their
girlfriends about how they may be fantasizing about him.
Great, huh?
According to all external evidence, it would indeed seem that men
and women are a lot alike when it comes to how much looks matter,
Not so fast.
What if I told you that my direct experience tells me that how good
looking a guy is has almost NOTHING TO DO with his ultimate level
of success with women?
Your first thought may by that I'm going to join the chorus who
would sell you on the trite but persistent notion that "looks don't
Well, not me.
Looks may in fact matter, but NOT in the way you might think. At
the very least, not in the SAME WAY that how a woman looks matters
to guys.
Here's how it all works.
First, let's look at the average guy.
And for the record, by "average" I mean ANY guy who doesn't see
himself as being particularly good looking. My firmly held belief
is that ALL of us can be at least an "average guy" by simply caring
enough to have self-respect.
So please don't e-mail me in an attempt to explain how you're
probably "below average", and how what I'm about to say in this
newsletter still won't help you. It's the complaining about that
itself that actually spells out "below average", believe me.
Since "Mr. Average" is not particularly good looking, he may think
that he has less of a chance with a beautiful woman.
This is predicated on logic, of course. Deep down, we all tend to
feel like we should get what we think we deserve.
So "Mr. Average" sees "Mr. GQ" with a beautiful woman and despairs.
But then again, it always seems like the NEXT beautiful woman he
sees is with a guy who he might think doesn't deserve her as much
as HE does. And that frustrates him.
Despair alternating with frustration. Why? Because he's assuming
the women he sees must make dating and relationship decisions the
way WE do as men.
So he sees "Mr. GQ" as deserving, and any less handsome man with a
pretty woman as simply "lucky" or something. And he resents BOTH
As a result of this poisonous mindset, his problem is that he can't
get up the nerve to ask a woman out on a first date.
But if he could just muster a bit of confidence, he may find that
his masculinity, ability to put a woman at ease in his presence and
his solid character could actually make women go crazy for him
after they meet him.
In fact, a BIG part of his frustration may even lie in knowing that
if he could just get a woman on a first date, she'd LOVE HIM.
...If only, in his mind, she could get past his underwhelming
physical appearance.
Have you ever caught yourself thinking that? I know I have.
Meanwhile, let's consider "Mr. GQ".
Women naturally smile at him when they see him. They may even
flirt a little more noticeably.
Heck, women may even approach him first.
It's not altogether out of the question that women would be
throwing slips of paper with their phone number on it at him.
As such, he likely has NO PROBLEM getting first dates.
But when you get right down to it, a first date does NOT equal
"success with women".
And if you're among the legion of "Mr. Average" guys out there, you
might not ever see the part that comes next. You may not even ever
consider the POSSIBILITY of it, frankly.
Here it is, though: I've lost count of the number of handsome
guys who can get a first date with ANY woman, but who can't get a
SECOND DATE to save their lives.
Why not?
Usually it's one of three reasons:
1) Women, ultimately can't stand to be upstaged in the looks
department. Insecurity and jealousy cause them to run away. They
literally prefer not to date someone "prettier" than they are.
(And for what it's worth, YES...this means you should feel empowered
to go after women who are better looking than you are. They'll
actually like you MORE than women who aren't.)
2) The guy falls for his own shortsighted belief that women make
dating decisions the same way men do, and therefore develops an
arrogant attitude based on his looks. Women like good-looking
guys, but they can't stand arrogant ones. Mark that.
3) It turns out the guy is either BORING or a flat-out WUSS behind
that "pretty boy" façade. Game over.
Isn't the big picture here a little bit crazy?
"Mr. Average" doesn't get a FIRST DATE...mostly due to having psyched
himself out with negative self-talk.
"Mr. GQ" can't get a SECOND DATE...for one (or all) of the reasons
listed above.
In the end BOTH GUYS FAIL with women.
And the most breathtaking part of this whole scenario? Both men
actually have the SAME PROBLEM.
Neither guy has the ability to CHOOSE the women he really wants.
Whether that means "short term fling" or "long term relationship"
is irrelevant. If ANY guy fails to create deep attraction in a
woman, he's getting nowhere with her.
And remember, this is REGARDLESS OF LOOKS.
What's the net/net of all this?
It's simple. Good looks may help a guy catch a woman's eye up
front, but really only matter as it pertains to HOW and WHEN
success or failure with women presents itself.
And "average" guy may need to take a more objective approach
to getting a woman's attention initially.
But ultimately, only the "Big Four" (Confidence/Masculinity/Inspiring Confidence/Character) matter when it comes to truly attracting her...that is, on YOUR TERMS and for as long as you'd
like her to be in your life.
And the bottom line is that ONLY guys who are in control of their
dating lives can expect to have success with women.
In the example given above, neither "Mr. Average" nor "Mr. GQ" has
CONTROL over his dating life.
They don't hold the cards when it comes to deciding which women
they want to keep around for any length of time.
So if you think about it, whether a guy feels like he has a hard
time GETTING a woman's attention or KEEPING it, the problem is
ultimately the same: He doesn't have the women in his life that he
And by the way, if you think that the good looking guy may still
have one-up over "average" guys because he can get the "quick lay"
out of the transaction before he ultimately blows it, guess again.
As I've shown you before in the past, high quality women DO NOT
make decisions regarding who to sleep with the same way guys do.
Without "Big Four" substance, ANY guy can forgett about it.
But with the "Big Four" in full effect, you essentially weed out
just about ALL of your competition in today's modern, neutered
world replete with confused men...good-looking and otherwise.
I can hear someone asking, "Yeah, but what about women who AREN'T
high quality?"
What about 'em?
If a woman has low self-esteem and the lower standards that go with
it, the irony is that a more "average" guy may have a better
chance, as it were, even with her.
I personally thank my lucky stars that I DON'T have "model looks",
but that I know what the "Big Four" are and recognize their
importance. My experience with women has been way less complicated
that way, and far more successful.
How about you? Can you adopt that mindset and take full advantage
of the power it holds?
Be Good,
28-01-2019, 09:58 AM
Bro WB
You make my day.
Yes, most girls will like handsome men but like is not love. The girls only want to have handsome men but r/s dun ends there and life goes on.
If the handsome man dun know how to keep the r/s going by giving PVOs or playing around then everything can end.
Hope my comment is correct?
Thank you so much.
Do most girls like "handsome" guys?[/SIZE], the overwhelming majority of men will never get it hahaha.
There is one other thing to remember.
If a man, who doesn't "get it" n is "not GQ handsome," has a very beautiful wife/mistress/lover, he will believe the woman is only after his money or his status. His beliefs n attitude will doom their RS eventually. It's a certainty. This will reinforce his false beliefs n those of his male friends/relatives...a vicious cycle. It will doom his future RS. He will NEVER get it. Really very sad.
Even women/girls don't understand it. Attraction occurs at the subconscious level, it's not a conscious choice.
However, in the final analysis, a man's ability to give his women intense n continuous PVOs is the single most crucial factor in determining the mutual happiness, outcome n longevity of the RS.
"[表情]很多时候 男人会让你觉得他爱上了你 [表情] 其实他没有 [表情]而女人会让你觉得她不可能会爱上你 结果她却动了心[表情]"
The above was sent by a younger singer TH yesterday. An insightful statement which reflects one of many differences between men n women.
I met TH in a small joint by chance. Saw her a few times. I refused to 定台...I told her I had two mistresses. She declined ST. She left SG over a yr ago. I told her I would BY her when she returns on a different visa. I offered X$, but she wanted 33% more. I told her not to come. She was really pissed off. She said her GF, who is not as pretty n older than she, is being kept by a SG man for more money!
Once TH asked for a loan, but I flatly declined. She was most unhappy n she implied that she would never ever become my woman. She even mocked my parsimony n my diminutive height. 你是我这一生见过最小气最吝啬的男人!I love it, what a compliment! Then she sent me a pic of a man who is 187, according to her. She didn't say that was her BF. I was unimpressed even if he was 287, because giraffe was much taller than that, I said. Hahaha...I remained unperturbed. We still keep in touch. Even if she accepts X$ now, I do not want her. I hv many prettier gals who hv agreed to BY. But TH is welcomed to intro girls to me...otherwise I would hv deleted her Wechat long ago.
Bro WB
28-01-2019, 10:04 AM
It's all in a man's mindset and mental frame. He keeps the power in the rs and she is submissive...
He is the chooser. He must qualify her and make sure she meets his criteria. In a LT rs, her character, intelligence and personality are vital. In addition to her looks, youthfulness and figure.
If he has a long term exclusive romantic and sexual rs w/ a girl, it's because he likes her n wants to help her to become a better and healthier person. NOT because he needs her. And the rs is EXCLUSIVE for her, but NOT for him.
He will always leave her better, in many ways, than when he first found her.
Bro WB, noted with thanks. :)
28-01-2019, 12:16 PM
Great thread by bro WB, hope to comment more too.
Have a good week ahead.
Below is a past forum that I re-quote just for comments.
All women will mind how they look and cannot accept criticism. Women had been trying to imrove their look since day 1. No wonder women businesses thrived and all booming.
Women had been a largest consumers and love to shop. In any place, any time, any events they want to look the best. They will spent money just to look good, feel good and compete good.
Thank bro WB for posting such a great forum
Hope to be able to comment more in future.
28-01-2019, 01:15 PM
Made my day too.
Thanks Bro WB for an excellent thread, really learnt a lot here.
Bro WB
You make my day.
Yes, most girls will like handsome men but like is not love. The girls only want to have handsome men but r/s dun ends there and life goes on.
If the handsome man dun know how to keep the r/s going by giving PVOs or playing around then everything can end.
Hope my comment is correct?
Thank you so much.
28-01-2019, 03:03 PM
Hi new to this thread. Recently been watching a lot of you tube videos about game. I would recomend alpha male strategies as a good channel. Also rollo tomassi the author of the rational male, has very good insights into womens behavior when it comes to relationships. Comes from an evolutionary psyc perspective. Just sharing info.
Now is 2019. No more simping. We gona take the game back bros.
Hi bro, tks.
You're right!
Could you give a brief summary of what you hv learned from watching these videos and reading Tomassi's articles and books? Any insights?
BTW, simping is a term mostly used by African Americans.
Below is a past forum that I re-quote just for comments.
All women will mind how they look and cannot accept criticism. Women had been trying to imrove their look since day 1. No wonder women businesses thrived and all booming.
Women had been a largest consumers and love to shop. In any place, any time, any events they want to look the best. They will spent money just to look good, feel good and compete good.
Thank bro WB for posting such a great forum
Hope to be able to comment more in future.
Bro, tks so much.
The re-quote is worth reading a few times.
Bro WB
You make my day.
Yes, most girls will like handsome men but like is not love. The girls only want to have handsome men but r/s dun ends there and life goes on.
If the handsome man dun know how to keep the r/s going by giving PVOs or playing around then everything can end.
Hope my comment is correct?
Thank you so much.
Bro, tks.
You're right!
BTW, the singer TH returned to SG as a singer again, over 3 1/2 yrs ago. At a bigger joint. She texted me saying that she would be happy to accept X$ a month for BY and I could fuck her as many times as I wanted. I didn't say yes or no.
A few wks later, TH wanted to move to a new place. I asked a good kaki to drive her n give me an assessment of her looks n figure. He said not bad n sent a few photos which he took. I did nothing.
TH then kept inviting me to go for lunch/dinner n she would pay for it. I said if I could find the time. I never accepted her offer. She was seeking approval and validation. I was always noncommittal. Must hv driven her crazy...
She was 19 in 2012, must be around 22-23 when she came back. Her value had declined.
I hv learned a lot from my encounters w/ TH. I had spent a grand total of perhaps $400 plus a dinner n a movie ticket for her when she was first here in 2012. I turned the tables on her and she was chasing me on her second tour here.
Her quote is insightful: "而女人会让你觉得她不可能会爱上你 结果她却动了心." She was right!! She used to ridicule my diminutive height and my parsimony. Oh, I forgot, in 2014 she said she would never, ever want to hv me as her BF after I refused to give her loan. But I remained totally relaxed and non-reactive. She must be shocked because most men would become angry and defensive. From then onwards she knew she had made a grave error for not accepting my reasonable offer of X$ a month the first time. I didn't give her a penny. I know she couldn't wait to fuck me when she returned a yr later.
Every encounter is a learning experience.
Bro WB, noted with thanks. :)
Great thread by bro WB, hope to comment more too.
Have a good week ahead.
Made my day too.
Thanks Bro WB for an excellent thread, really learnt a lot here.
Bros, thanks.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
28-01-2019, 10:17 PM
Awesome good thread, thanks bro WB.
Have a good day! :)
30-01-2019, 10:41 AM
Awesome good thread, thanks bro WB.
Have a good day! :)
Tks, bro.
Good morning!
I'll hv more time for outings in the next 10-12 days because my two full-time LPs are leaving for CNY tmr.
I'm inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints (mostly PRC girls/women):
First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a very light drinker, and 2) willing to smoke outside the room.
Second-hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty girls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.
The two types of joints I go most often:
1) HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9:00pm.
Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.
I do go to SH at these joints occasionally. SH booking at Dynasty is now $300, BUT you could always negotiate and many gals will accept $200. Still $200 at China Doll and Jade.
There is a cheap alternative for HH and SH too. Just go and sit in the hall at these joints. I can book a gal or get gals to butterfly or get a singer to sit w/ you. How could you lose?
2) SH at P8 n Lido or other high-end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.
Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking starting at $300. Some gals may want $500! But biz is bad n you can always negotiate. If I hv balance, the expense per pax is as low as $70!
I do go to other joints infrequently. I'm open to suggestions.
There is a plan B which is FOC. Just touring the PC joints and looking at every gal. Get ctc of the gals you like for follow up. Bros are welcomed to join me.
For SH, I usually leave early n I don't drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?
For high-end joints, I like to keep a new bottle for as long as possible. Sometimes many months! I tip the mummy generously, n in return, she will get the room charge reduced to a token. It's a win-win-win-win situation. Obviously good for us, the mummies n the gals. It's also good for the joints. Why? More customers beget more attractive gals which in turn beget more customers...
Peace Centre joints hv the most number of women for viewing at HH. Whereas better-looking ones may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though. The quality of girls/women at PC and Lido/P8 has been quite atrocious. But rare surprises do happen if you go often enough.
There is a plan C now: HFJs. Sitting in the hall is very cheap. And you're not obligated to hang a penny. I usually go to a specific joint when I hv info about a particular SYT who may be my type of pussy. But photos and videos can be deceiving and I've been greatly disappointed. In that case, I'll just get up n leave after 10 min. BTW, I hv a unique approach to singers for ST. I never pay and hope, unlike many patrons. No BY of singers for me. It has been a very long time since I met a singer who is my type of chio SYT. I may hv to adapt to the new reality n accept one w/ minor plastic surgery and who is not exactly an SYT.
PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your preference, option 1, 2, plan B or C or all four.
There is a plan D: Import girls of your type directly from the source. Maybe the only option left. That is another story.
Bro WB
31-01-2019, 09:38 AM
Bro WB
Very well researched an written forum below.
Nothing more intense than PVOs although clitorial orgasms are also important.
Like the way you wrote the sentence
"In other words, clitoral O n vaginal O using fingers/vibrator is only an appetizer, NOT the main course. Giving other types of O for a full hour is not satisfying. Only PVO is truly continuous n 10-15 minutes is enough. The reason is the optimal mix of dopamine, oxytocin n endorphins...and they don't get moody due to dopamine withdrawal, unlike after other types of O."
Hope I can do more myself and learn to give my gf more PVOs.
Have a great day.
Dear bro CS,
I should be the one thanking u n all bros here for ur loyal support.
Actually I hv benefited handsomely from the vast experiences n insights presented by so many esteemed bros on this thread. I enjoy posting n sharing because it's the rocket fuel for me to constantly improve myself, to search for new knowledge, to get to the real truth, to uncover the secrets...besides it's good karma.
Truth be told, I didn't realize the power of PVO until less than a yr ago. IMHO, it's the holy grail of female sexual satisfaction n fulfillment. And love n sexual addiction.
I discussed this briefly w/ bro FA a few days ago. He said, no wonder you're obsessed w/ giving PVO...
Recently, my Fujian lao po told me PVO is most pleasurable because it's continuous n intense, much much better than any other O using my fingers, tongue n vibrators, even in combination...she was being brutally honest, which was unlike her as she is usually aloof n reticent.
In other words, clitoral O n vaginal O using fingers/vibrator is only an appetizer, NOT the main course. Giving other types of O for a full hour is not satisfying. Only PVO is truly continuous n 10-15 minutes is enough. The reason is the optimal mix of dopamine, oxytocin n endorphins...and they don't get moody due to dopamine withdrawal, unlike after other types of O.
It was my 'aha moment.'
I then analyzed every RS I had had since age 20. The results r crystal clear.
Negative PVO, the girl/woman always cheated and/or left me.
Positive PVO, very, very hard to get rid of them! So be prepared...
And get this. There were girls who left me because of no PVO (although I didn't realize the real reason at the time as I thought powerful n multiple clitoral O n vaginal O w/ fingers were addictive enough), who later couldn't leave me after experiencing continuous PVO. My current two LT mistresses are two such examples. There hv been I wish I knew this when I was 20.
Most girls/women don't even realize why they are so dissatisfied n frustrated. They may hv everything life has to offer, except PVO. It's in their subconscious mind. It's very primal.
The question is how do you give a girl PVO?
A few prerequisites.
She must be very relaxed n feel safe w/ you. She must trust u completely.
You must build up sexual tension by anticipation, teasing...
You must be dominant n lead her, inside n outside the bedroom.
You must know how to talk dirty to her.
Last but not least, you must hv self confidence/self mastery/masculine character. It's such a turn on for her.
Depending on her anatomy n your anatomy, find the best positions to hit her G n deep spots. Try different angles n modifications. It will take time. Be careful not to hurt her.
Next is THE most important. You must be able to enter her n sustain a rock hard erection for at least 10-15 minutes. There is no way around this. Perhaps 20 min is optimal. Getting her on top first will save u energy. But you need to be healthy enough to last...
BTW, look carefully at her face during continuous PVO. Doesn't she look beautiful n gorgeous?
She will get very satisfied n tired in the aftermath. If she cuddles u n falls asleep in ur arms and/or rests her face on ur chest, that is a very good sign.
Any comments n criticisms? I invite esteemed bros here to share their expertise.
Bro WB
31-01-2019, 09:43 AM
Bro WB,
In 2014 you booked 3 gals and how much you paid per gal? In 2019 yesterday you mentioned HH booking was $150.
Very detailed and you definitely had enjoyed yourself since 2014 or earlier till today.
Hope I can master a bit of your lifestyle.
A brief FR on my outing to TAM 3rd fl for HH Fri evening.
Actually I had planned to see a movie w/ my mistress but changed my mind when a new bro K99 whatsapp-ed me late morning abt his interest in an outing yesterday. I said ok for HH at TAM n sent invites to abt 35 bros, but 20 min later he said next time?!!
Many bros said not free or got dinner or sick or out of town or too last min...some never bothered to reply haha.
I then sent a msg to bro AP on Wechat, he replied ok in 2 min haha.
I mentioned him a wk ago on my "Pick Up" thread:
"I hv a new kaki who is one up on me on reducing expenses..........."
BTW, bro AP doesn't drink n he always smokes outside the rm. Mummies n gals flock to him. His secret? He has the low key demeanor and emotional mastery of Pres Xi.
Around 4PM I informed bro AP there would be only 2 of us. He said nvm, we go today.
I called mummy N to book a rm on 3rd fl.
Fortunately, I didn't bring my mistress. It turned out to be one of the most enjoyable n most productive outings ever.
When I arrived before 6PM, I found bro AP sitting outside the main entrance to TAM. He was so relaxed. I joined him n looked at every gal for 25 min. He would smiled n greeted every pretty gal.
BTW, I called mummy N because I find her 小妈 HT my type of pussy, who is currently back in China.
I ended up booking 3 gals, bro AP booked 2. His gals r shorter SYTs.
I rejected two other very cute gals because they asked for $200 for hh n because one has too slim legs n the other too thick legs.
The three gals I booked all hv ample boobs, one MILF, one 23 yo from Sichuan n a 23 yo XI from Hubei. XI was the last one to join the party n I told her to sit on my lap. She sat very close to my didi n I had a hardon. I could feel her rather big bouncy, well-toned butt n the warmth of her pussy n ass haha! All 3 gals took turns to sit on my lap. I like XI the most. She is abt 169, 54 kg, pretty, very fair, at least natural C? Very proportionate figure! I touched her arms, kissed her neck n massaged her neck n back...she kept saying 好爽哦. She then reciprocated n messaged me. I'm going to offer her ST, if rejected weekly BY.
Mummy N spent half her time w/ us. She was surprisingly helpful. She smiled n said to the gals, X dage (me) 很会照顾女孩子,有个女孩我介绍的跟他一年多, 签证到期回去了...
Later, I told N my interest in BY-ing her 小妈, terms to be discussed, but she could continue to work. I'm careful not to deprive N of a good assistant.
The damage? Rm charge $90, tips for mummy $50, waiter $10. $75 each.
The 30% bttle is now 20% haha.
Bro AP is one of my BEST kakis n I hv much to learn from him. Two other mummies came to the rm to play cards w/ him. And all the mummies said they loved him!!
Lastly, I really need to thank bro K99 hahaha. I'll see a movie tonight...
Bro WB
31-01-2019, 04:21 PM
You're right!
BTW, the singer TH returned to SG as a singer again, over 3 1/2 yrs ago. At a bigger joint. She texted me saying that she would be happy to accept X$ a month for BY and I could fuck her as many times as I wanted. I didn't say yes or no.
A few wks later, TH wanted to move to a new place. I asked a good kaki to drive her n give me an assessment of her looks n figure. He said not bad n sent a few photos which he took. I did nothing.
TH then kept inviting me to go for lunch/dinner n she would pay for it. I said if I could find the time. I never accepted her offer. She was seeking approval and validation. I was always noncommittal. Must hv driven her crazy...
She was 19 in 2012, must be around 22-23 when she came back. Her value had declined.
I hv learned a lot from my encounters w/ TH. I had spent a grand total of perhaps $400 plus a dinner n a movie ticket for her when she was first here in 2012. I turned the tables on her and she was chasing me on her second tour here.
Her quote is insightful: "而女人会让你觉得她不可能会爱上你 结果她却动了心." She was right!! She used to ridicule my diminutive height and my parsimony. Oh, I forgot, in 2014 she said she would never, ever want to hv me as her BF after I refused to give her loan. But I remained totally relaxed and non-reactive. She must be shocked because most men would become angry and defensive. From then onwards she knew she had made a grave error for not accepting my reasonable offer of X$ a month the first time. I didn't give her a penny. I know she couldn't wait to fuck me when she returned a yr later.
Every encounter is a learning experience.
Bro WB
Bro, agreed that as woman aged their market value decline!
31-01-2019, 05:35 PM
Hi bro, tks.
You're right!
Could you give a brief summary of what you hv learned from watching these videos and reading Tomassi's articles and books? Any insights?
BTW, simping is a term mostly used by African Americans.
Bro, tks so much.
The re-quote is worth reading a few times.
Bro, tks.
You're right!
BTW, the singer TH returned to SG as a singer again, over 3 1/2 yrs ago. At a bigger joint. She texted me saying that she would be happy to accept X$ a month for BY and I could fuck her as many times as I wanted. I didn't say yes or no.
A few wks later, TH wanted to move to a new place. I asked a good kaki to drive her n give me an assessment of her looks n figure. He said not bad n sent a few photos which he took. I did nothing.
TH then kept inviting me to go for lunch/dinner n she would pay for it. I said if I could find the time. I never accepted her offer. She was seeking approval and validation. I was always noncommittal. Must hv driven her crazy...
She was 19 in 2012, must be around 22-23 when she came back. Her value had declined.
I hv learned a lot from my encounters w/ TH. I had spent a grand total of perhaps $400 plus a dinner n a movie ticket for her when she was first here in 2012. I turned the tables on her and she was chasing me on her second tour here.
Her quote is insightful: "而女人会让你觉得她不可能会爱上你 结果她却动了心." She was right!! She used to ridicule my diminutive height and my parsimony. Oh, I forgot, in 2014 she said she would never, ever want to hv me as her BF after I refused to give her loan. But I remained totally relaxed and non-reactive. She must be shocked because most men would become angry and defensive. From then onwards she knew she had made a grave error for not accepting my reasonable offer of X$ a month the first time. I didn't give her a penny. I know she couldn't wait to fuck me when she returned a yr later.
Every encounter is a learning experience.
Bros, thanks.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
Hi bro wb in thailand now. So sorry for the late reply. Rollo tomassi looks at things from an evolutionary perspective. So he says that gals will go for the high status alpha for sex because of good genetics. But very often they will settle for the beta provisioner type to be in a relationship. As they know that the provider type is a more stable and wont desert them. So basically aloha fucks and beta bucks. Alpha seed and beta need. He also says that women love opportunistically while men love idealistically. Hence, a woman will never be able to love a man like how we want to be loved. As for ams he teaches mostly on flings not relationships. He says never validate a women. Never give them your non sexual attention. That way she will chase your validation. Simps is a term a see around you tube means weak men who do shit for women.
31-01-2019, 09:09 PM
Wish to master a bit of bro WB's lifestyle too.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
Have a nice day.
Bro WB,
In 2014 you booked 3 gals and how much you paid per gal? In 2019 yesterday you mentioned HH booking was $150.
Very detailed and you definitely had enjoyed yourself since 2014 or earlier till today.
Hope I can master a bit of your lifestyle.
01-02-2019, 01:10 AM
Very well researched indeed.
Thanks Bro WB for this awesome thread, many things to learn here.
Bro WB
Very well researched an written forum below.
Nothing more intense than PVOs although clitorial orgasms are also important.
Like the way you wrote the sentence
"In other words, clitoral O n vaginal O using fingers/vibrator is only an appetizer, NOT the main course. Giving other types of O for a full hour is not satisfying. Only PVO is truly continuous n 10-15 minutes is enough. The reason is the optimal mix of dopamine, oxytocin n endorphins...and they don't get moody due to dopamine withdrawal, unlike after other types of O."
Hope I can do more myself and learn to give my gf more PVOs.
Have a great day.
01-02-2019, 01:43 AM
Bro, agreed that as woman aged their market value decline!
Fully agreed with the statement!
Happy weekend.
01-02-2019, 10:46 AM
I hv a new post on the thread "Do most girls like "handsome" guys?"
<<<<<Good evening!
I'm surprised that there has not been a refutation to my post.
Oh, there is something else I want to add.
If you perceive yourself to hv less sexual value than your wife/GF/mistress/er nai/lover, your RS w/ her will fail.
And if you believe that you don't deserve her, for whatever reason, your RS w/ her will also fail.
It's a certainty.
Any comments?
Bro WB >>>>>
Bro WB
Yes totally agree with this observation..
it is probably subconscious..once you habour those negative thoughts - less sexual value and not deserved..
So need to have personal mastery and be in control..and feel and show that she need you for her sexual pleasure....and she is sexually and emotionally addicted to you..
01-02-2019, 10:49 AM
A gal may push u away after clitoral O (from whatever means) or digital vaginal O because of hypersensity, but she will never ask u to stop if u give her continuous PVO. NEVER, unless u give her pain especially if ur didi is very large n you do her in a certain position n at a certain angle...regardless of how wet she is.
Evidently, fingers and sex toys are very different from a natural living "xiao didi."
Bro WB
nice post, bro warbird. I am definitely not in the league to BY so seldom read this thread. But the PVO stuff is definitely interesting. I have a Thai fling who I think is addicted. She cums quite easily with rough play but I noticed everytime she cums, she would want to push me down and start riding me again. Not that kind of fast paced riding that started our sex but slow grinding on the hard cock. I think she just needs it to fulfil her next orgasm. So I have to make sure to keep it hard and don't release b4 she gets her sexual high
01-02-2019, 10:53 AM
I'll hv more time for outings in the next 10-12 days because my two full-time LPs are leaving for CNY tmr.
Enjoy yourself bro!
01-02-2019, 06:08 PM
Bro WB
Yes totally agree with this observation..
it is probably subconscious..once you habour those negative thoughts - less sexual value and not deserved..
So need to have personal mastery and be in control..and feel and show that she need you for her sexual pleasure....and she is sexually and emotionally addicted to you..
Totally agree with the observation too.
Thanks Bro WB for a fantastic thread, best in SBF!
01-02-2019, 10:11 PM
nice post, bro warbird. I am definitely not in the league to BY so seldom read this thread. But the PVO stuff is definitely interesting. I have a Thai fling who I think is addicted. She cums quite easily with rough play but I noticed everytime she cums, she would want to push me down and start riding me again. Not that kind of fast paced riding that started our sex but slow grinding on the hard cock. I think she just needs it to fulfil her next orgasm. So I have to make sure to keep it hard and don't release b4 she gets her sexual high
I have a Thai FB who is the same too, want to cum a few times per session.
02-02-2019, 02:17 PM
Happened to chance upon this great thread, thanks bro WB!!
02-02-2019, 03:50 PM
Bro WB
Very well researched an written forum below.
Nothing more intense than PVOs although clitorial orgasms are also important.
Like the way you wrote the sentence
"In other words, clitoral O n vaginal O using fingers/vibrator is only an appetizer, NOT the main course. Giving other types of O for a full hour is not satisfying. Only PVO is truly continuous n 10-15 minutes is enough. The reason is the optimal mix of dopamine, oxytocin n endorphins...and they don't get moody due to dopamine withdrawal, unlike after other types of O."
Hope I can do more myself and learn to give my gf more PVOs.
Have a great day.
Bro, tks.
Of course, you can. Mutual sexual satisfaction is the glue which keeps a man and a woman together.
Bro WB,
In 2014 you booked 3 gals and how much you paid per gal? In 2019 yesterday you mentioned HH booking was $150.
Very detailed and you definitely had enjoyed yourself since 2014 or earlier till today.
Hope I can master a bit of your lifestyle.
Bro, tks.
The joint in 2014 was Las Legas 5th floor. Booking a girl for HH at that time was $150. So I paid each girl $150. Some girls might want $200.
In 2014, HH booking for a girl at Dynasty and PC joints was $100. It's now $150.
Bro, agreed that as woman aged their market value decline!
Yes, bro.
Men age like fine wine and women age like beer.
Hi bro wb in thailand now. So sorry for the late reply. Rollo tomassi looks at things from an evolutionary perspective. So he says that gals will go for the high status alpha for sex because of good genetics. But very often they will settle for the beta provisioner type to be in a relationship. As they know that the provider type is a more stable and wont desert them. So basically aloha fucks and beta bucks. Alpha seed and beta need. He also says that women love opportunistically while men love idealistically. Hence, a woman will never be able to love a man like how we want to be loved. As for ams he teaches mostly on flings not relationships. He says never validate a women. Never give them your non sexual attention. That way she will chase your validation. Simps is a term a see around you tube means weak men who do shit for women.
Bro, tks for your insights. You must be enjoying yourself a lot in Thailand.
I like to modify Tomassi's assertion a bit. I believe that most women love opportunistically and most men love idealistically. But there are many exceptions.
Never validate a girl/woman completely. Whether you hv been with her 30 minutes or 30 years.
Wish to master a bit of bro WB's lifestyle too.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
Have a nice day.
Very well researched indeed.
Thanks Bro WB for this awesome thread, many things to learn here.
Fully agreed with the statement!
Happy weekend.
Bros, thanks!
Bro WB
Yes totally agree with this observation..
it is probably subconscious..once you habour those negative thoughts - less sexual value and not deserved..
So need to have personal mastery and be in control..and feel and show that she need you for her sexual pleasure....and she is sexually and emotionally addicted to you..
Bro, tks.
Yes, a man must always believe that he has higher social n sexual value than his girl for his relationship to succeed.
You may like or love your dream girl, but you don't need her. If you need her, you will become needy and insecure. That is the kiss of death for the RS.
nice post, bro warbird. I am definitely not in the league to BY so seldom read this thread. But the PVO stuff is definitely interesting. I have a Thai fling who I think is addicted. She cums quite easily with rough play but I noticed everytime she cums, she would want to push me down and start riding me again. Not that kind of fast paced riding that started our sex but slow grinding on the hard cock. I think she just needs it to fulfil her next orgasm. So I have to make sure to keep it hard and don't release b4 she gets her sexual high
Bro, tks.
A series of flings is great!
Enjoy yourself bro!
Totally agree with the observation too.
Thanks Bro WB for a fantastic thread, best in SBF!
I have a Thai FB who is the same too, want to cum a few times per session.
Happened to chance upon this great thread, thanks bro WB!!
Bros, thanks.
Have a great weekend to everyone!
Bro WB
02-02-2019, 04:18 PM
First time in bkk. Went to onyx and scratch dog. Really a lot of beautiful woman and ladyboys. I realise that thailand is a good place to develop an abundance mindset because sex is easy and cheap. The problem with many guys in singapore and the developed world is that a lot of guys have a scarcity mindset. Hence they end up getting too attached to one person. They are afraid of losing that person so they cling on to a failing relationship.
02-02-2019, 04:43 PM
Bro warbird u are right that a man must always think himself as higher value. This is because the female brain is wired for hypergamy that means finding a guy who is higher then her in socio economic status. Hence for a relationship to work the guy must be seen as higher value by the woman. If a guy acts that he is lower status then a woman his actions and will give him away. Women are hardwired to see through insecurities in guys. Thus i suggest working on yourself. Get fit get money. This will raise your sexual market value.
02-02-2019, 06:48 PM
Have a great weekend to everyone!
Bro WB
Have a good weekend to you too bro WB, and Gong Xi Fa Cai in advance!
03-02-2019, 01:01 AM
The joint in 2014 was Las Legas 5th floor. Booking a girl for HH at that time was $150. So I paid each girl $150. Some girls might want $200.
In 2014, HH booking for a girl at Dynasty and PC joints was $100. It's now $150.
Those were the good times, couldn't get these prices nowadays!!
Have a nice weekend bro WB :)
03-02-2019, 08:32 AM
There is a dearth of fair, pretty n tall gals of my type, even including the not so well educated ones. I hv lowered my height requirement as long as the gals hv other desirable attributes. I still shun girls who smoke, hv enhanced boobs, surgically altered facial features or thick limbs...
Am I settling or adapting?
I just received an email from a guru on the subject of settling.
Why “Settling” Is Fatal to Your Happiness
Hey Bro Warbird,
Today, we’re going to talk about one of the biggest factors in relationship success. Picking well.
Easier said than done, I know. Hear me out.
Imagine that you searched long and hard for a gorgeous vase to decorate your living room mantle. It’s beautiful, perfect, a little expensive but it goes with the decor and ties the room together wonderfully. You searched a long time to find it but when you did, it was just right and you’re thrilled.
One day, someone comes along and bumps into it. It crashes to the floor and breaks. The break isn’t bad, so you glue it back together and put it back on the mantle. The cracks are barely noticeable. You know it was broken, but it was so perfect in the first place that you feel a sense of relief that it could be saved. You move on with your life and continue to enjoy the repaired piece.
Now imagine that instead of starting with the perfect vase, you simply picked up an okay/tolerable vase from a garage sale. It isn’t really perfect for your space, and never has looked quite right but it does it’s job. For the time being, you consider your vase-finding search complete.
Now, imagine that someone breaks your garage sale vase in the same way.
Would you treat your garage sale salvage piece the same as your perfect, pristine vase?
I’d be willing to bet that you wouldn’t. Maybe you’d chuck it in the trash. Maybe you’d glue it back together, but think of it as only temporary until you found the right one. You’d be less tolerant of it not being quite right because your vase finding problem wasn’t considered solved in the first place. Since it was a placeholder, you continue your search for the right piece.
Well.. consider the stop-gap relationship, the okay (but not great) pairing to be like your garage sale vase. It does the job. You’ve convinced yourself subconsciously or not that the relationship is just fine (but still… not great).
The other person is there for you when they need to be. It’s a pretty-good fit for a while. Maybe there is drama, maybe there isn’t, but either way things go along… fine.
The problem is that when cracks (problems) appear as they do in all relationships, the stakes just aren’t as high. It doesn’t feel worth repairing in quite the same way as if you had held out for the right person.
Like anything done half way, it’s hard to stick with it and patch up the cracks because of that stubborn feeling in the back of your mind that there is likely something better, right, shinier, out there somewhere.
The cracks start to outweigh your belief that it can be saved. The relationship was okay, but not ultra-high value in the first place. You might feel fondness, even love for the other person. However, there is that lingering sense that it wasn’t quite right in the first place.
This is the problem with ‘settling’.
Why "Settling" Is Fatal to Your Happiness Settling seems okay in the short term, but it doesn’t make for a durable, happy, long-term pairing. When the other person leaves the cap off the toothpaste one too many times or forgets to call, it’s more likely you’ll eventually trash the whole thing, or worse, threaten to leave, pushing them away further.
The settled-for relationship doesn’t remain something you’re proud of throughout trials and difficulties. You might stick around, but like your garage sale vase, there is still the lingering feeling that if it was just… different, you would finally be truly happy.
This is why it’s so critical to pick a ridiculously compatible person who you’re over the moon excited about from the beginning.
Without picking well from the start, you forgo ‘glue’ and months or years down the road, when your life doesn’t look like you wanted, it’s significantly more difficult to change course than if you had held out in the first place.
Settling sneaks up on you. Like a frog being boiled in a pot of water, everything seems fine until time passes and you realize it’s too late.
Because in the beginning when it felt easy, you settled for good enough, rather than great.
Mr Guru
Never knew that settling down is death penalty.
Brp WB
Thanks for nice forum below from the past.
Hard to believe and rather abstract what was written above.
Anyway life is short and enjoy the ride you can.
A friend told me he had bonked at least 5k different holes and I could hardly imagine. But after reading this I cannot disagree.
Thanks and happy weekend
03-02-2019, 08:37 AM
Good morning!
We had a successful outing to TAM 1st fl for sh last night. There were 5 bros plus bro FA who had a bttle.
The rm charges plus tips for mummy/waiters were shared by 5 bros. Just under $50 per pax.
BTW, I was supposed to intro TH to bro FA. TH was the 23 yo ex singer who got very angry n called me 你是我这一生见过最小气最吝啬的男人!earlier this yr. She recently came back to SG to attend a beautician school. She doesn't work in the night scene anymore. I surmise that she did hv a rich BF when she was in Beijing. She contacted me. She had agreed to go to TAM to meet bro FA. Bro FA's LTST gf has a fren, a pretty n slim model who is 172, for me to take a look. Due to a misunderstanding, I had to tell TH not to come. This tall model is not exactly type despite being pretty. I like slim gals who hv the right curves n who exude sexual energy...can't explain.
TH was very upset. But after 10 min she asked me to BY her?!! I'm considering...
Every bro was happy n had booked a gal, except me. I wanted to take a good look at the xiao ma HT. She has the same initials as my young mistress.
I called her da ma n texted HT around 10:10PM. She was not working n was home at the time. She said I could call her for booking or she could go dinner w/ me this weekend. It was against the rules to come cuz it was her off day n my rm was not booked by her grp. I then called her to convince her to come. She came to the rm just after 11PM. She is in her late 20s, quite cute n pretty, tall n proportionate. Somewhat less desirable than when I first saw her briefly outside the 1st fl lifts near valet parking. But I can feel her sexual energy n that I know I'll give her PVO. Must fxk her raw though. I may keep her but allow her to work as xiao ma.
That's all folks.
Bro WB
Actually our bro here is trying too hard to impress a ktv girl with his limo? A normal Sedan will do the trick while some are even ok to follow you home in cab . I ever brought one home in cab as my car unfortunately is in the workshop as I got to know this girl at Ktv . Sat only with her every session until all the girls automatic go out of my room when they saw me . Waitor commented I'm here to find my gf not play with girls . I don't usually flirt , stay faithful to one and if they like you , they will appreciate the effort . Actually no need to come up with l those fancy stuff . Vietnamese ktv girl esp are very easy please ... They like you , they will like you .hence picking them randomly outside ktv hardly works because who knows sekali you undercover ?
03-02-2019, 11:30 AM
Never knew that settling down is death penalty.
Brp WB
Thanks for nice forum below from the past.
Hard to believe and rather abstract what was written above.
Anyway life is short and enjoy the ride you can.
A friend told me he had bonked at least 5k different holes and I could hardly imagine. But after reading this I cannot disagree.
Thanks and happy weekend
Never knew settling down is a death penalty too.
Thanks Bro WB for this fantastic thread.
03-02-2019, 02:36 PM
Actually our bro here is trying too hard to impress a ktv girl with his limo? A normal Sedan will do the trick while some are even ok to follow you home in cab . I ever brought one home in cab as my car unfortunately is in the workshop as I got to know this girl at Ktv . Sat only with her every session until all the girls automatic go out of my room when they saw me . Waitor commented I'm here to find my gf not play with girls . I don't usually flirt , stay faithful to one and if they like you , they will appreciate the effort . Actually no need to come up with l those fancy stuff . Vietnamese ktv girl esp are very easy please ... They like you , they will like you .hence picking them randomly outside ktv hardly works because who knows sekali you undercover ?
True , I also stay with only one gal in ktv , and no need to drive big car too , bring her home in cab will do .
Thanks Bro WB for this great thread.
Have a nice Sunday
05-02-2019, 08:19 AM
You're truly guru, warbird. That's answer my wondering. Recently I met a young prostitue, due to her young look and very tight pussy , fuck her crazy like wild animals (she call me that after). Don't know why I so powerful that night, fuck her + squeeze her butt, boob like mad also. She shout a lot, tell me to stop. But only word, her vagin is shaking, her arm still huge me. I continue to fuck her more furiously. But after 10-15 mi, she still shout a lot, a bit of scare, I stopped suddenly. She silent immediately, but act nothing, not push me away, just take deep breath. Don't know what the fuck happen, I continue to fuck her and she is shout like hell again. A bit of anger, my both hands squeeze her boobs like killing enemy, while take a very deep fuck. After 5 minutes, I came, she is looking nearly faint, but when I take a look at her pussy, it a like a lot of cream around her hole. Never seen at much of cream like that before, that's mean she orgrasm a lot.
And today you enlightent me about question of her reaction while climaxing
Bro krat,
I'm no guru, just an eager student and I learn best by sharing and relentless hands-on training.
Kudos to u, you hv done well by fxking her like a feral beast. Natural sex is very animalistic, don't be a gentleman in the bedroom haha.
Some girls are wild n violent during PVO. Be ready to protect yourself. I hv sustained bruises n lacerations on my arms n back n once even a small laceration on my face...
Bro WB
Happy Chinese New Year 2019.
Bro Wb
You made my day and been an auspicious day.
To me, the milky white discharge is just part of her orgasm and helping to lubricate her pussy.
Question is how to protect yourself from lacerations if gal turned violent without knowing.
I ever had a gal that will shake violently when she came and that action will make her body cramp up. Seriously I am not sure if she enjoyed herself although she claimed great.
Also one gal that will never cum in any position except cowgal by grinding her pussy usiin my hardened rod.
Most gals cum easily in any positions. Some prefer doggie and most prefer missionary with legs cling to the waist pulling towards her.
Will support your thread here and hope for a great success year.
Gong Xi Fa Cai.
05-02-2019, 01:13 PM
Absolutely amazing thread here, thanks bro WB.
Wishing all a happy new year!
Thanks to warbird & everyone for your sharing here, I'd learnt a lot from this long thread, I wish the unselfishness here great year ahead !
06-02-2019, 03:53 PM
Happy Chinese New Year to all samsters!
What an auspicious day!
The past yr saw a lot of changes, but they were mostly good. The US stock market did very well. I began my RS w/ TY my youngest LP last May and my old LP LS, whom I first met in 2015 when she was 18, also returned to SG 7 months ago.
My "joint LPs" returned to China. They wanted me to move to Xiamen to keep both of them. Don't think I could do that. They could come to stay w/ me for a few days when I visit HK or China. They are not married.
KT also returned to China. She is awaiting a visa to come here.
I hv mentioned XY (XYZ) in my post about 6 wks ago. She is the girl I missed in Dec 2009. She is serious about having two kids w/ me. I hv done video chat w/ her. She is not as attractive as before. I'll forget abt the kids. But I don't mind keeping her for a short time.
Bro WB
First time in bkk. Went to onyx and scratch dog. Really a lot of beautiful woman and ladyboys. I realise that thailand is a good place to develop an abundance mindset because sex is easy and cheap. The problem with many guys in singapore and the developed world is that a lot of guys have a scarcity mindset. Hence they end up getting too attached to one person. They are afraid of losing that person so they cling on to a failing relationship.
Bro, tks.
You're absolutely right!
Bro warbird u are right that a man must always think himself as higher value. This is because the female brain is wired for hypergamy that means finding a guy who is higher then her in socio economic status. Hence for a relationship to work the guy must be seen as higher value by the woman. If a guy acts that he is lower status then a woman his actions and will give him away. Women are hardwired to see through insecurities in guys. Thus i suggest working on yourself. Get fit get money. This will raise your sexual market value.
Bro, tks. You're absolutely right.
The male brain is also always searching for the prettiest and most fertile girls/women of his type. To copulate and to reproduce. This instinct has been greatly suppressed in most modern men.
Let me reiterate. If a man believes he is not good enough for a SPECIAL girl, for whatever reasons, he will become needy and insecure. He will eventually lose her.
It's irrelevant who he is. He may hv the most abundance mindset in the world and is being pursued by thousands of beautiful girls/women of his type. He could be a king, an emperor, the richest and/or smartest man in history, Cassanova himself, greatest rock star/movie star, etc. Won't make any difference. He will lose that one SPECIAL girl. He could easily get every girl EXCEPT the ONE.
Have a good weekend to you too bro WB, and Gong Xi Fa Cai in advance!
Those were the good times, couldn't get these prices nowadays!!
Have a nice weekend bro WB :)
Bros, thanks.
Never knew that settling down is death penalty.
Brp WB
Thanks for nice forum below from the past.
Hard to believe and rather abstract what was written above.
Anyway life is short and enjoy the ride you can.
A friend told me he had bonked at least 5k different holes and I could hardly imagine. But after reading this I cannot disagree.
Thanks and happy weekend
Bro, tks.
Never settle. Always assume you will get the prettiest and most fertile girl/woman of your type.
Actually our bro here is trying too hard to impress a ktv girl with his limo? A normal Sedan will do the trick while some are even ok to follow you home in cab . I ever brought one home in cab as my car unfortunately is in the workshop as I got to know this girl at Ktv . Sat only with her every session until all the girls automatic go out of my room when they saw me . Waitor commented I'm here to find my gf not play with girls . I don't usually flirt , stay faithful to one and if they like you , they will appreciate the effort . Actually no need to come up with l those fancy stuff . Vietnamese ktv girl esp are very easy please ... They like you , they will like you .hence picking them randomly outside ktv hardly works because who knows sekali you undercover ?
Bro, tks.
Are u referring to me? I got a limo only once, in June 2009. I was a newbie then. An "infant" according to bro DYBJ. That woman in June 2009 won't be good enough for me today. I didn't hv a car at the time as I was beginning to spend more time in SG. I used taxi.
I hv had a car since early 2010. I don't drive anyone to anywhere. He or she can take Grab or taxi.
Never knew settling down is a death penalty too.
Thanks Bro WB for this fantastic thread.
True , I also stay with only one gal in ktv , and no need to drive big car too , bring her home in cab will do .
Thanks Bro WB for this great thread.
Have a nice Sunday
Bros, tks.
Happy Chinese New Year 2019.
Bro Wb
You made my day and been an auspicious day.
To me, the milky white discharge is just part of her orgasm and helping to lubricate her pussy.
Question is how to protect yourself from lacerations if gal turned violent without knowing.
I ever had a gal that will shake violently when she came and that action will make her body cramp up. Seriously I am not sure if she enjoyed herself although she claimed great.
Also one gal that will never cum in any position except cowgal by grinding her pussy usiin my hardened rod.
Most gals cum easily in any positions. Some prefer doggie and most prefer missionary with legs cling to the waist pulling towards her.
Will support your thread here and hope for a great success year.
Gong Xi Fa Cai.
Bro, tks for sharing. A violent female orgasm could be dangerous.
Vaginal discharge is very common. But the girl should hv no other symptoms such as pruritis, irritation, frequency or burning on urination.
TY had UTI when she was a virgin. She had a BF at the time but didn't hv sex w/ him until much later.
Absolutely amazing thread here, thanks bro WB.
Wishing all a happy new year!
Thanks to warbird & everyone for your sharing here, I'd learnt a lot from this long thread, I wish the unselfishness here great year ahead !
Bros, tks.
Cheers to all
Bro WB
06-02-2019, 10:28 PM
Hi bro warbird.
This is because many guys have been brainwashed by hollywood that there has to be someone special. Hence they cling on blindly to the myth of the soul mate. In reality guys have needs that can be met by different women. There is no such thing such as the one.
While nuclear families are important for the raising healthy offspring. Many guys are trapped in the illusion that there is someone special for then and cling on to hopeless situations. The fact is that this is a modern invention. A lot of societies in history did not stick to the nuclear family. The powerful often had many women while those without resources had none.
07-02-2019, 05:00 AM
Happy New Year to you too bro WB.
Thanks for giving us a very nice thread
07-02-2019, 11:36 AM
Bro WB
Ben Franklin also my real hero. I love to hold more notes of Ben Franklin and hopefully in billions.
Many will say I am day dreaming and lunatic.
Anyway I also love to be frugal but spending quite substantial money to cheong having fun.
I also like to able to have plenty of mistresses who I take care without worries,
Please advise how to do that.
Good morning!
My hero is Ben Franklin. I hv learned the art of frugality from Benjamin Franklin. I go to KTVs to meet attractive girls of my type n would like to keep the friction cost to the minimum.
Frugality is the first step to the art of MANILNESS, which is contrary to what most bros believe. They think spending big buck is manly.
Think what you do when you run in debt; you give to another power over your liberty.~Benjamin Franklin
Mr Franklin wasn't exactly poor, he was estimated to have a net worth $10.3 billion in 2008 dollars, ranked #181 on the list of the richest people who ever lived.
"Franklin was a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, postmaster, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat." And a national hero...
Be more frugal than Ben Franklin. That is a good start. Don't forget his other even more famous quote:
“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Great advice.
BTW, I'm happy to report that I hv been kind enough to offer to take care of or BY a girl in SG abt every 2 wks this yr. And all of them hv been smart enough to accept haha. I hv consummated the deal on only a small percentage of them. In fact, no gals hv been dumb enough to say no in the last 22 months.
What happened to the gal FH who said no 22 months ago? Just before leaving SG after almost 6 months here, she confided w/ me that she had not done ST n she didn't hv any BF here. I now know why. She was a lesbian. I suspect there r more than a few of them. One of my gals told me that a pretty short hair gal who works at TAM is supporting a homely gal who stays home, like a lao po haha.
When you meet a gal you like to ST. Tell her asap. If she flatly refuses, up the ante. If she still refuses, and if you're into BY-ing, tell her that immediately. Do this especially if she is your dream gal. Most men become timid n want to play it safe if the gal is very attractive. They want to get to know her better n take it slow. Hahaha, that is a big mistake. Be bold n ruthlessly honest w/ ur intentions n desires. It works like MAGIC. Because you're different from so many "little timid men" aka little boys she has met before. Excite MODE ONE.
Early last yr I offered BY to a very pretty MILF 12 secs after meeting her. I didn't even book her. She didn't say yes or no, just gave me her HP no. She agreed the next day. I consummated the deal 3 wks later cuz my family came for CNY. She was the one who squirted n squirted...
Bro WB
07-02-2019, 11:39 AM
Bro WB
Nice detail about ST. Those day sin 2014 prices already $500 to $1K. Not sure how much today.
Maybe had risen to astronomical figures.
Well all transactions are nego and depends who is the PRIZE.
The one that needs more will buckle first.
A bro I hv known for many yrs sent a PM:
"great update bro!
how do you say ST in Mandarin?
How much do you usually offer for ST?
Since many bros hv asked the same question, it's more appropriate for me to answer them here.
ST in Mandarin is 出街 or 开房. If u want to be more explicit n naughty: 做爱, 打炮 n 性 交. Can also say 造 人, 云 雨, 睡 觉, 插 入, 周 公 之 礼, 大 事 儿, 办 实 事 儿, 操 B, 69, 99 n many others haha.
The damage for ST has gone up for girls u meet at TAM, even though the quality has gone down!
Everything is negotiable but most girls now demand $500 to 1K. Some may want 1.5 to 2K n up! Normally you could spend a few hrs w/ her.
I hv never paid more than 1.5K for ST.
In 2010, I ST-ed a pretty n sexy Hubei girl I met at TAM for $300 several times. She wanted $500, but I said $300, take it or leave it. She was grossly undervalued. She was abt 26, 165, 50Kg, very fair, natural C n had the most proportionate body. Beautiful round n perky ass. Long, slim legs n small bony frame. She was very orgasmic n sexually aggressive...she allowed me to take pics n video. She couldn't get a student visa to return to SG. Went to KL, M'sia instead n subsequently married a rich Chinese man in his late 20s or early 30s. He had a chauffeur-driven Bentley. I hv shown her pics to a few bros.
I know it's impossible to find such bargain now.
Bro WB
07-02-2019, 11:59 AM
Ben Franklin also my hero too, not daydreaming or lunatic at all.
Happy new year to all and thanks especially bro WB for this wonderful thread.
Have a nice day.
Bro WB
Ben Franklin also my real hero. I love to hold more notes of Ben Franklin and hopefully in billions.
Many will say I am day dreaming and lunatic.
Anyway I also love to be frugal but spending quite substantial money to cheong having fun.
I also like to able to have plenty of mistresses who I take care without worries,
Please advise how to do that.
07-02-2019, 12:53 PM
Agreed, must not buckle first.
Happy new year to everybody!
Bro WB
Nice detail about ST. Those day sin 2014 prices already $500 to $1K. Not sure how much today.
Maybe had risen to astronomical figures.
Well all transactions are nego and depends who is the PRIZE.
The one that needs more will buckle first.
08-02-2019, 05:01 PM
Bro WB
Excellent advice below.
The best way to get a gal is to don;t give a damn!!
Absurd correct but works.
Recently I had plenty of advances with girls that I don;t give a damn.
Case 1 - this gal msg me when we didn;t even exchange phone number and she said she went thru trouble to get my contact from others
Case 2 - this gal that I fancy alot but I ignore her for 3 days when we went down to drink. Although she msg me alot but I read and didn't reply until a day over. And usually reply yes and no or those emojis.
Case 3 - this gal offered to buy me dinner and go dating. she ok to sleep overnight. Before that I did the similar case 1 and 2.
Hope more sifus here can guide xiao di.
A bro sent me a PM:
"Hi bro. Haven't logged in for the past 2 days.
Well, I've just cheong ktv recently and I got to know this vietnamese girl. Things were intense and intimate, I thought we something special. Until recently I went to find her again and she took me for granted. Turns out that she's just another money driven girl. Lesson learnt the hard way.
Perhaps because of the fact that I'm young, I'm easily kced whenever a WL gives me special treatment. I've tried to find other girls but it's somehow hard to forget her. Can you please share how do I move on from here? I know she's not worth it but my emotion tells me otherwise."
My answer:
"Dear bro,
I'm been KC-ed in my younger days n again 6 yrs ago, when I restarted my engine to cheong after a long hiatus.
Girls who work at KTVs/HFJs r out to make money asap. It's strictly business. They r heartless n very difficult to KC. Of course you can turn the table by making them sexually n emotionally addicted to u. But this will take time even if you're a sex god.
My advice is to find as many girls as possible, never get fixated on one girl. Your girl is not special n she has not given u special treatment.
By getting KC-ed, you become a low status male n lose all ur power to her. Your neediness n desperation are repulsive n drive her farthur away...
I like u to read the following by a guru:
"A lot of guys suffer from the one special girl syndrome...They get stuck on the idea of that one special girl and they put all hope in her. In fact, when guys successfully pick up an attractive woman they tend to stop doing pick up altogether thinking they have found that special one.
When you have females in abundance...You will never put too much effort into getting that one special girl to like you. Which means you will automatically demonstrate all the traits of a high value male.
Once you get a taste of what it’s like with these other new girls...You will never ever think of the old girl as that one special princess.
But you will only know this when you actually go out and meet other women. So if you find yourself giving unnecessary special treatment to a certain girl...Just go out and date more girls.
However, you might still say...Well I can’t seem to get over this one special girl...How do I get her to like me?
Well first, ask yourself...Why doesn’t she already like you? What have you done so far, which made her, avoid you this way?
You see the best way to get a girl to desire you fast is to not care about her attention at all.
And that’s the interesting thing...Girls like to chase a guy who doesn’t chase them.
When you don’t put too much hope in just one woman...And start exploring more options she would instantly start feeling attraction towards you because you aren’t playing easy as you used to before."
Yes, the best attitude is if u don't give a damn. You don't care what she thinks or what anyone else thinks.
Cheers n good luck!
Bro WB
To all bros,
I hv an outing to TAM 2nd fl SH tomorrow Monday, starting at 9pm. Bro A n I hv a bttle. Estimated expense per pax $60. Only one last slot left, Pls cfm ASAP.
08-02-2019, 05:02 PM
Another great forum form the grandmaster warbird.
Thanks fro sharing.
My first visit to a KTV was just over 6 yrs ago. I met a 20 yo pretty SYT w/ a body to die for. No ST at any price. I thought a lao chee ko pek like me had zero chance of getting her pussy. I had such a self-defeating n negative attitude! She won't even look at me while talking n she flatly rejected BY. She hung up on me several cut a long story short, she is my current LT mistress n she now wants to bear my children.
If a girl rejects u or says that you're NOT her type, don't be perturbed. Remain very relaxed n confident...don't throw in the towel, EVER, but never become needy n desperate, which will drive her further away.
Here is an email from a female Ang Moh guru:
Hi Bro Warbird,
What does it mean when a woman says, "You're not
my type"?
What is she judging that on?
Typically, it's her initial, gut reaction and,
unfortunately, may be based somewhat on looks, age,
her desires (what she thinks her desires are),
But, I'm going to tell you something that few
women realize.....
Very, very, very few women know "they're type" and,
more so, her "type" can be changed.
How many times have you heard a woman say....
"I never thought I'd be attracted to him, but we
fell in love...."
"He's the last type of man I thought I'd go for,
but I found him irresistible...."
"I didn't really like him at first, but now I
can't imagine my life without him...."
It happens all of the time.
But what makes her change her mind and not care
if he's "her type" or not?
Well, it goes back to a man's sexual character and
also something which I call, "Sexual Status".
You see, when a man shows a woman "sexual status"
and creates his "status" in her mind, that whole
idea she has of "her type" goes out the window.
She suddenly finds herself trying to explain why
she changed her mind or finds him attractive. Of
course, I've yet to hear a woman say, "Obviously
I didn't know what type of man I was looking for",
but that's exactly what happened.
So, if a woman tells you, "You're not my type"....
you can change her mind and there is time to
change her mind. Don't give up, don't allow it
to bother you.
If anything, you can chuckle inside, to yourself,
knowing that there is a great chance she has no
clue what her type really is.
Likewise, if you're online searching the profiles of
women, pay no attention to all of her guidelines
and desires in a man. While it is a bit harder to
demonstrate your sexual status online, in written
form, still give it a shot.
The bottom line is this: A woman wants a man who
makes her feel intense emotion, excitement about
life, and makes her feel protected, secure yet....
always on her toes, knowing she has to "earn" the
right to keep him in her life.... When a man is
able to establish this excitement, intense
emotion, and also use her competitive nature to his
advantage, then "her type" of a certain height,
hair color, income bracket, romantic fantasy, etc...
is as good as gone.
Your friend,
08-02-2019, 05:26 PM
Fully agreed, indeed an excellent advice.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread, and happy new year to all.
Bro WB
Excellent advice below.
The best way to get a gal is to don;t give a damn!!
Absurd correct but works.
Recently I had plenty of advances with girls that I don;t give a damn.
Case 1 - this gal msg me when we didn;t even exchange phone number and she said she went thru trouble to get my contact from others
Case 2 - this gal that I fancy alot but I ignore her for 3 days when we went down to drink. Although she msg me alot but I read and didn't reply until a day over. And usually reply yes and no or those emojis.
Case 3 - this gal offered to buy me dinner and go dating. she ok to sleep overnight. Before that I did the similar case 1 and 2.
Hope more sifus here can guide xiao di.
08-02-2019, 06:36 PM
Excellent thread by Bro WB, thanks and happy new year!!
09-02-2019, 01:31 AM
Fully agreed, a fantastic thread from bro WB.
Great share here.
Have a good weekend.
Another great forum form the grandmaster warbird.
Thanks fro sharing.
10-02-2019, 02:50 PM
Hi bro warbird.
This is because many guys have been brainwashed by hollywood that there has to be someone special. Hence they cling on blindly to the myth of the soul mate. In reality guys have needs that can be met by different women. There is no such thing such as the one.
While nuclear families are important for the raising healthy offspring. Many guys are trapped in the illusion that there is someone special for then and cling on to hopeless situations. The fact is that this is a modern invention. A lot of societies in history did not stick to the nuclear family. The powerful often had many women while those without resources had none.
Bro, tk
Excellent insights.
Yes, the whole world has been brainwashed by Hollywood and the movie industries in other countries. Korean and Chinese TV series same BS.
A very beautiful girl will invariably fall in love w/ a very handsome man.
Romance drama goes like this:
Boy gets girl.
Boy loses girl. Due to misunderstandings and/or other obstacles.
Boy gets girl again.
And they live happily ever after.
It's a Hollywood myth that there is a Special One. And that a man needs to be very handsome or he needs to do something extraordinary to "GET" a beautiful girl. Too needy. Man doesn't "GET" girl. Beautiful girls actually like to chase men who exhibit awesome emotional mastery and high social and sexual value and who is a challenge and then submit to them.
Yes, the powerful men today still hv the majority of the most attractive and most fertile SYTs/young women. We need to fight for our fair share. The only equalizer is awesome emotional mastery n extreme masculine character traits.
Bro WB
Ben Franklin also my real hero. I love to hold more notes of Ben Franklin and hopefully in billions.
Many will say I am day dreaming and lunatic.
Anyway I also love to be frugal but spending quite substantial money to cheong having fun.
I also like to able to have plenty of mistresses who I take care without worries,
Please advise how to do that.
Bro, tks.
Become as rich and as powerful as Ben Franklin.
You could start reading all the posts in this thread and then go out to hv hands-on practice.
Bro WB
Nice detail about ST. Those day sin 2014 prices already $500 to $1K. Not sure how much today.
Maybe had risen to astronomical figures.
Well all transactions are nego and depends who is the PRIZE.
The one that needs more will buckle first.
ST rates are 1-2K at Lido/Palace 8. Rates for Viet gals there are lower, usually $500-700. About $500-1K at PC Center joints. The same girl will ask for less if you first meet her at a PC joint.
Ben Franklin also my hero too, not daydreaming or lunatic at all.
Happy new year to all and thanks especially bro WB for this wonderful thread.
Have a nice day.
Happy New Year to you too bro WB.
Thanks for giving us a very nice thread
Agreed, must not buckle first.
Happy new year to everybody!
Bros, thanks to all of you.
Bro WB
Excellent advice below.
The best way to get a gal is to don;t give a damn!!
Absurd correct but works.
Recently I had plenty of advances with girls that I don;t give a damn.
Case 1 - this gal msg me when we didn;t even exchange phone number and she said she went thru trouble to get my contact from others
Case 2 - this gal that I fancy alot but I ignore her for 3 days when we went down to drink. Although she msg me alot but I read and didn't reply until a day over. And usually reply yes and no or those emojis.
Case 3 - this gal offered to buy me dinner and go dating. she ok to sleep overnight. Before that I did the similar case 1 and 2.
Hope more sifus here can guide xiao di.
Bro, tks for sharing your FRs. Well done!
Another great forum form the grandmaster warbird.
Thanks fro sharing.
Bro, tks.
I'm still learning. I love initial rejections and competition. It gives meaning to success.
Fully agreed, indeed an excellent advice.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread, and happy new year to all.
Excellent thread by Bro WB, thanks and happy new year!!
Fully agreed, a fantastic thread from bro WB.
Great share here.
Have a good weekend.
Bros, thanks.
Happy New Year to all samsters,
Bro WB
11-02-2019, 11:54 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for a fantastic thread and nice forum below.
Yes, oneitis can be correct for some guy and maybe wrong fro many.
Best is go out and try more gals before settling on one.
The key reason to marry or settling down is to have offsprings. If no intentin to have offsprings then can put off marriage.
In any case no right or left.
Good morning!
Many men get KC-ed by the "wrong" girls because of lack of emotional control n self mastery. Deep down, they suffer from a scarcity mentality, believe that they hv lower sexual value n are afraid to lose a "hard to get" pussy hahaha. They hv an intractable disease called ONEITIS.
A week ago, I received a timely email from a famous sex guru.
Hi Bro Warbird,
I still remember getting the call, the call I knew would come but was nonetheless shocked to hear. My friend, Johnny, after just 10 months of marriage to a girl everyone knew was wrong for him, had gotten divorced. Instead of becoming a happily-ever-after couple, Johnny and Marissa had joined millions of other Americans and become statistics. Statistics of the all-too-common divorce.
It’s funny how these short-term marriages and long-term miseries occur. Usually it begins with a bad case of “Oneitis.”
Don’t know the word Oneitis? Well, surely you know this infectious disease’s symptoms:
– You think you’ve met the girl who’s perfect for you, who you can have a great relationship with and eventually marry
– You ignore the bitchy behavior and abuse that comes from this girl, still believing that she’s “The One”
– You see and know girls who you know would be much better for you, but ignore them because the girl you’re with is better-looking, taller, skinnier–a number of superficial qualities that don’t add up to the love you know you could get elsewhere
- You spend lots and lots of money on this girl, and she never bothers to thank you–or if she does, it’s less than sincere
- Your friends all tell you that this girl isn’t right for you, but you ignore their advice
- Maybe your friends have even fought with this girl, but you defend her even though you know deep-down her behavior is unacceptable
- You spend all your time with this girl, and ignore your friends and family
- You find yourself calling her all the time to see what she’s doing, and who she’s with
- You can’t get this girl out of your head, even when she’s long gone!
If you’ve ever watched the classic film Swingers, then you know what Oneitis is: it’s the character of Mikey!
Unfortunately, a lot of guys become the Mikeys of this world. And while some men may just go through this with a girl they’re only dating, other guys, like Johnny, take this obsession all the way to marriage. And that’s when the “disease” becomes deadly.
How do you know when a girl is right for you? I could write book after book after book about what’s right and what’s wrong, but what it comes down to are ten essential ingredients for lasting success:
She supports and encourages your goals and interests. A girl who’s right for you should follow you on your path–not try to re-direct it her own way. Unfortunately, Johnny’s wife wanted him to do something completely different to the direction he wanted to head, so it was little wonder that their romance fizzled out so quickly.
Guys, if you can’t be open about your feelings, interests, passions and purpose, then you shouldn’t be with the girl. She should be able to listen and understand, not disregard and sneer.
You can accept her and her goals and interests. Just like a woman should support and push you on the path you want to head, so too should you be able to do the same for her. If she’s into motorcycling and you hate it, or if she wants to travel the world and you just want to stay in one place, then chances are you two aren’t made for each other.
Likewise, you should be able to understand her emotions and concerns–both of you MUST be good, compassionate listeners.
She loves you for you, not your money and possessions. So many rich and powerful men have destructive relationships with women. Why? Because the woman aren’t marrying these men–they’re marrying their money. And divorce isn’t cheap, so even when these guys break up with the bloodsuckers, the women still get a hefty chunk of the pie!
She generally gets along with your family and friends–and doesn’t mind seeing them. So many guys seem to forget this, watching dumbly as their girlfriend pulls them further and further from their family and friends to have him all for her own. I’ve got an uncle who blindly allowed himself to end all contact with his family because his wife hated them. Somehow they’re still married, but is that the kind of woman you want to be with?
She’s on the same page, spiritually, as you. Spirituality is a big thing for couples–it can unite them like nothing else. I know so many couples who are happily married because they believe in the same God, the same purpose in life, the same deep feelings about their existence.
Conversely, couples who battle over the questions of life just do not have the same loving romance. A girl who’s right for you doesn’t necessarily have to believe in the same religious principles and dogmas as you, but if she’s an atheist and you’re a Christian, things may not work out long-term.
She wants to spend as much time with you as with her own friends and family. This may seem like an obvious one, but so many guys fawn over girls who only see them on THEIR schedule. If a girl is really right for you, you shouldn’t have to obsess over her or ask her permission to see her. You should both WANT to see each other and miss being with one another–that’s a sign that you’re both in love.
You both share the same feelings for another. If you know deep in your heart that you want to marry her and spend the rest of your life with her, but she’s non-committal and vague, then you should certainly move on. A true, loving partner should accept you completely for who you are and what you feel.
On the other hand, if you both feel comfortable sharing feelings with each other, and she accepts the deep things that you reveal to her, then you’ve found a true catch!
You both make time for each other, even through work and school. Spending quality time with one another is crucial. If your girl is always at her job, concentrating on her career, or studying for a degree, and not making an effort to be with you, then it’s time to move on. True love knows no bounds–including time. While it’s great to have a girl who’s serious about her career and education, this can also be a relationship-breaker if she takes either too seriously.
Money and possessions are not as important as love. This is a simple one: If your girl only talks about possessions and money, if that’s where her true values lie, then you might want to back out of the relationship. Every girl wants good things in life, but if she really loves you, then how much you make and how much you give her shouldn’t be #1 on her priority list.
You both are able to put each other ahead of yourselves. This can be the make or break of a relationship. If she’s willing to do things for you, sacrifice time with her friends or time at work to be with you and make you meals, then you’ve found yourself a winner. However, if she’s always cancelling dates, spending more time with her friends than with you, and never gets you any gifts or acts of service, then you’ve found yourself a bitch. Move on. When she treats herself more important than you, then you’re heading towards disaster.
In the end, you want a girl who can you be you around, and know that you’re valued by her night and day. If you’re in a relationship now that you want to be more serious, ask yourself if the woman you’re with fulfills these 10 requirements. And if you’re looking for love, don’t get too far into it unless you really feel that the girl treats you right.
And remember: There’s a big difference between “The One” who’s right for you…and “The One” who will become your biggest nightmare!
That’s all for now. Tell me if you can think of any other ways you know she’s right for you. I’d love to hear your opinion!
IMHO, all sexual RS, including BY-ing n marriage, are "business" transactions. In fact, all human interactions are considered "business" or "commercial" transactions in the broad sense. You love ur son n he loves u. If u abandon him, see how much he will love u. A good example: The late Steve Jobs n his biological father.
The reason is very simple. All particles n forces in our known universe must follow the physical laws of nature. Action n reaction are equal n opposite...
Therefore, be relaxed, confident, positive n happy now, every minute, everyday. And you will attract a lot of...everything hahaha.
Have a wonderful day.
Bro WB
11-02-2019, 11:55 AM
Good morning,
I'll organize a couple of outings before going overseas by the end of the week. Will return next month.
Lately I hv been proposing BY much less frequently as the quality of girls has declined.
Nevertheless, there r occasionally a few girls who r good for ST. They will tell the mummy NO ST. Not true if you approach them the right way n the damage may be below the usual range hahaha. Over the years, I hv also done many, many STs. This will dispel the long held belief by some bros that I'm only interested in BY-ing.
Never be pushy. Relax, assume that she is dying to go to bed w/ u. Use ur deep confident voice n the right words. Texting is ok too. If she says no initially, remain calm n cheerful. Show ur DGAD attitude, which will differentiate u from all her other customers. She may say yes the next day...
One other thing, girls whom I hv previously BY-ed, n those who hv previously agreed to BY but not consummated, will almost always agree to ST. This is true after months n even years hahaha.
Bro WB
Bro WB
How was the quality of gals recently.
Hope you can share some insights.
11-02-2019, 11:57 AM
Today I would like to caution all brothers to be very wary if they want to try to KC KTV girls for the following reasons below
1) KTV girls have many layers of self defense, they need it because if they get kced, they will lose the objectivity of bringing more money back.
2) KTV girls meet more guys who tries to KC them than we meet normal office ladies who try to KC us as it is part of their line of work. So the more popular the ladies, the more seasoned and dangerous they will be.
With those reasons, be very prepared for an intense mind game which most of us will lose, all the more if we let our ego get in the way that we are the only and special one. Most of the time, men will get KCed in the long run instead of managing to KC the KTV ladies that they lay their eyes on. KTV arena is an intense battlefield to KC even for the most seasoned KC players.
I cannot agree more.
I feel very much I should contribute something as well after seeing so many contributions from brother warbird.
1) Do not be afraid to say no to a women no matter how attractive or pretty she is.
2) Women usually use tears as a weapon to obtain sympathies from a man, do not be deceived.
3) When a woman really likes a man, usually she will be more shy. Do not be fooled into thinking she asked my number, she likes me very much or she asked me out, she likes me very much. Great telltale sign is when a woman really loves a man, she will want the man to spend less money not more money.
4) Have that type of thinking "let the bird roamly freely in the sky, if they love their master, they will always come back to the cage"
Last but not least, we can always learn from what other people say not matter how good we are. Thank you very much Warbird once again for all those contributions in picking up women in ktv, you have make some men here much better at the game of love than being roberts for the women that they fall in love with.
11-02-2019, 01:16 PM
Indeed a fantastic thread by Bro WB.
Thanks and have a good week ahead.
Bro WB
Thank you for a fantastic thread and nice forum below.
Yes, oneitis can be correct for some guy and maybe wrong fro many.
Best is go out and try more gals before settling on one.
The key reason to marry or settling down is to have offsprings. If no intentin to have offsprings then can put off marriage.
In any case no right or left.
11-02-2019, 04:15 PM
A lot of good sharing.
I will also contribute. From the sixteen commandments of poon. The most important one.
Never be afraid to lose her.
You must not fear. Fear is the love killer. You will face your fear. You will permit it to pass over and through you. You will walk away from her when she has violated your integrity, and you will let her walk when her heart is closed to you. She who can destroy you, controls you. Dont give her that power over yourself. Love yourself before you love her.
11-02-2019, 07:11 PM
Bro WB
How was the quality of gals recently.
Hope you can share some insights.
Would like to know too.
Long time did not cheong ktv.
Have a nice day.
11-02-2019, 10:30 PM
I cannot agree more.
I feel very much I should contribute something as well after seeing so many contributions from brother warbird.
1) Do not be afraid to say no to a women no matter how attractive or pretty she is.
2) Women usually use tears as a weapon to obtain sympathies from a man, do not be deceived.
3) When a woman really likes a man, usually she will be more shy. Do not be fooled into thinking she asked my number, she likes me very much or she asked me out, she likes me very much. Great telltale sign is when a woman really loves a man, she will want the man to spend less money not more money.
4) Have that type of thinking "let the bird roamly freely in the sky, if they love their master, they will always come back to the cage"
Last but not least, we can always learn from what other people say not matter how good we are. Thank you very much Warbird once again for all those contributions in picking up women in ktv, you have make some men here much better at the game of love than being roberts for the women that they fall in love with.
Fully agreed with you on all the 4 points.
Also like to thank bro WB for this incredible thread.
16-02-2019, 07:39 AM
I just received this email from a well respected guru on The Great Equalizer.
Hey Bro Warbird,
I don't know about you, but from
time to time, I get unfocused during
the day.
I'll stumble upon a video on YouTube
or an article, and then read or watch
another one and--BOOM--I found that
I just lost an hour, if not more.
It's very insidious and very vicious.
There are people out there spending
billions to steal our focus so that we
can see their ads and messages.
TV is the epitome of this.
The average American watches 151
hours of TV per month
You can literally become an expert
on virtually any topic in that time.
You can get in shape or even learn
new valuable skills that could advance
your career or business.
Life is short and we should be
conscious of how we use our time.
Little adjustment in the way you use
your time can make a HUGE difference
over 1, 3, 5, and 10 years.
Don't take it lightly.
We're all different, but we ALL have
24 hours.
Time is the great equalizer.
Make the most of it.
Have an amazing day!
He is right!
Life is unpredictable n very brief.
I hv friends, colleagues n relatives who passed on in their teens, 20s, 30s, 40s n 50s...many unexpectedly. Others had crippling injuries and/or disabilities. How do u like to be a paraplegic at 29 (my paternal uncle's son in Fujian) or a quadriplegic at 26 (a friend's son in Gotham City)
Anyone who is alive at this moment could be next...dead or severely crippled.
The reason is simple. The particles n energy that form a living person is unstable n is subject to all the forces in this universe. Every minute of being alive is a miracle.
I'm thankful every minute.
I'm learning n improving myself in every way, every minute, everyday.
I constantly repeat to myself: I accept and I'm grateful for whatever is happening in my life at this moment. I'm relaxed, confident, positive n happy NOW, every minute, everyday, forever...
I like to invest as if I would live forever n I like to live as if I would die tomorrow.
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
This is awesome forum.
I cannot agree more what was written.
Time is great equalizer.
Best of guidance.
16-02-2019, 07:43 AM
Good morning!
I'm back.
What I'm going to write could appear incredulous n counterintuitive to all bros here.
I'm writing this because of a recent event. Just days ago I had a good chat w/ a very successful lady man who is also a rich towkay. He is completely clueless abt attraction!!
I hv yet to meet a MAN who truly understands what women want, and who actually can take full advantage of it, because he truly believes it, consciously and SUBCONSCIOUSLY. Not what women think or say they want, but what their brains are hard wired to crave, as this is in their genes after over 100,000 yrs of evolution...something that they themselves may be totally unaware of.
There are some men who hv read abt a little bit of this here n there, over the yrs, but they are not breathing n living it, especially when they find themselves in stressful situations that really matter. Why? Because their subconscious minds don't believe it n can't accept it...due to social/cultural/religious major pitfall for men is to assume that women are the same as men. How many times hv u been given advice by ur mom or older female relatives that u should be NICE to a "good girl" n treat her like a princess?
Many people are utterly confused. Just one example. Even though women are sexually extremely attracted to a man w/ deep voice n facial scars n awesome emotional strength for short term affairs, especially during ovulation, they may end up marrying effeminate nice guys who hv better jobs n are wealthier. For a stable meal ticket, for them n their future kids. But they will cheat on their husbands, sooner or later, unless you know what...or they will be feeling empty n miserable. You can write this down.
I hv a sad confession to make. Even though I hv consciously known what women want for some time, my subconscious mind n inner beliefs are not fully aligned w/ my conscious mind n desires yet. I still make mistakes n fxk up sometimes...I need to redouble my efforts to continue to reprogram my mind.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Nice forum. Many men were clueless about attraction. Many love attraction happened but will never be out of sudden.
Women too clueless what they actually wanted till they discovered from very experienced men.
Hope I can learn more.
16-02-2019, 09:14 AM
Bro WB
This is awesome forum.
I cannot agree more what was written.
Time is great equalizer.
Best of guidance.
I also cannot agree more.
Thanks bro WB for this fantastic thread.
Have a nice weekend.
16-02-2019, 10:57 AM
Very interesting thread by Bro WB.
Thanks for sharing so much with us :)
16-02-2019, 03:20 PM
Bro WB
Nice forum. Many men were clueless about attraction. Many love attraction happened but will never be out of sudden.
Women too clueless what they actually wanted till they discovered from very experienced men.
Hope I can learn more.
Very true, many clueless people around.
Hope to learn more from bro WB too.
16-02-2019, 03:25 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for a fantastic thread and nice forum below.
Yes, oneitis can be correct for some guy and maybe wrong fro many.
Best is go out and try more gals before settling on one.
The key reason to marry or settling down is to have offsprings. If no intentin to have offsprings then can put off marriage.
In any case no right or left.
Bro, thank you!
Nothing fantastic here.
All my posts are merely info and insights gleaned from various articles, newsletters, books, quotes and research papers by some well-known gurus. I hv also added FRs, often in great details, on my own progress in BY and ST over the last 10 years.
The journey for me has been truly fantastic. I hv learned so much from all samsters here. I hv also met many bros who hv become my good kaki.
Bro WB
How was the quality of gals recently.
Hope you can share some insights.
The quality of gals has gone from bad to worse. Whereas the damage for booking n ST has been going up.
Perhaps over 80-90% of KTV gals/women n over 90% of singers are now plastic.
Of course, if you go to visit these joints very frequently, after many months, you're likely to see a gal you like.
I hv not done ST for over two years. The last one was during CNY in 2017, when I upped a French Viet gal I met at Lido.
In the last 5 years, I hv met face to face w/ a grand total of three 18 yo SYTs of my type in SG. There might v been 2-3 others, but they were some distance away, so not sure if I would like them.
1) LS, first saw her in March 2015. Became my LP after two months. Was w/ me full time. Went back for health reasons after one year. Returned to me last year. My current old LP.
2) TT, first saw her in Dec 2015. Kept her full time for 2 weeks. Left and never came back. Didn't apply for a student visa as she said she would. Anyway, she had a nose job shortly after she went back which made her much less attractive to me.
3) TY, first saw her in March last yr. Became my LP after 7 weeks, my current young one. If I met her when I was 24, I would marry her.
I had other LPs during this period, but they were older than 18 when I first met them.
I cannot agree more.
I feel very much I should contribute something as well after seeing so many contributions from brother warbird.
1) Do not be afraid to say no to a women no matter how attractive or pretty she is.
2) Women usually use tears as a weapon to obtain sympathies from a man, do not be deceived.
3) When a woman really likes a man, usually she will be more shy. Do not be fooled into thinking she asked my number, she likes me very much or she asked me out, she likes me very much. Great telltale sign is when a woman really loves a man, she will want the man to spend less money not more money.
4) Have that type of thinking "let the bird roamly freely in the sky, if they love their master, they will always come back to the cage"
Last but not least, we can always learn from what other people say not matter how good we are. Thank you very much Warbird once again for all those contributions in picking up women in ktv, you have make some men here much better at the game of love than being roberts for the women that they fall in love with.
Thank u for your fantastic post. Many good pointers.
Indeed a fantastic thread by Bro WB.
Thanks and have a good week ahead.
Bro, tks.
A lot of good sharing.
I will also contribute. From the sixteen commandments of poon. The most important one.
Never be afraid to lose her.
You must not fear. Fear is the love killer. You will face your fear. You will permit it to pass over and through you. You will walk away from her when she has violated your integrity, and you will let her walk when her heart is closed to you. She who can destroy you, controls you. Dont give her that power over yourself. Love yourself before you love her.
Bro, excellent post. Tks!
Every bro should read the 16 commandments of Poon. Not once, not twice, but every morning and every night. I need to remind myself to do that.
Would like to know too.
Long time did not cheong ktv.
Have a nice day.
Bro, quality very bad.
Fully agreed with you on all the 4 points.
Also like to thank bro WB for this incredible thread.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
This is awesome forum.
I cannot agree more what was written.
Time is great equalizer.
Best of guidance.
Bro, tks.
Yes, time is a great equalizer.
Bro WB
Nice forum. Many men were clueless about attraction. Many love attraction happened but will never be out of sudden.
Women too clueless what they actually wanted till they discovered from very experienced men.
Hope I can learn more.
Bro, you're right. Most men are clueless abt attraction.
I also cannot agree more.
Thanks bro WB for this fantastic thread.
Have a nice weekend.
Very interesting thread by Bro WB.
Thanks for sharing so much with us :)
Bros, thank you.
Cheers and a great weekend to all samsters.
Bro WB
17-02-2019, 01:27 PM
A certain bro A read my post in which I alluded to the fact that "I still make mistakes n fxk up sometimes," he advised me to "just enjoy the moment" n "no need to be so hard on yourself."
Actually, my "mistakes n fxk up" were times when I was interacting w/ girls of my type, I forgot momentarily that I WAS the grand prize n they should be begging me to make love to them.
There were also occasions when a mistress/er nai/lover/GF asked for a favour or a gift, which I deemed slightly unreasonable, but I didn't say no immediately or felt a bit uncomfortable while saying no...these brief lapses were reflected in my voice tonality, eye contact n body attraction level as a MAN just plummeted.
My unacceptable reactions are indications that sometimes I still care abt what others think/say or do. And that my subconscious mind is not completely aligned w/ my conscious desires.
In a way I'm very happy as I hv a lot of room for improvement haha. It would be a very sad day when I realize I can't improve anymore. Then life would hv little meaning for me...
"Enjoying the moment" is to live in the present moment or mindfulness.
Me: I'm not hard on myself...I'm improving everyday.
Bro A: Just let it come naturally.
Me: Changing the subconscious mind doesn't come naturally...
If I can't admit I still hv occasional lapses, how could I move to much higher levels?
It's not abt women only, It's abt enlightenment n achieving absolute self mastery... like the MAN in the poem "IF"............................................
BTW, I hv been obsessed w/ getting my type of women to become emotionally n sexually addicted to me. I hv read EVERY article n research paper on this subject which I could find, both in Chinese n English, in the past several yrs, including ancient Taoist texts...
Let me give u a simple outline of what I hv learned.
You must know what women truly want and u must know what u want from them. This knowledge is vital.
Then you must know how to unscramble their minds n then control their that u will control their pussies. This is also known as a sexual switch or shift. They must view you as the grand prize. They need to chase u n fight to get u. You are the dominant MAN w/ awesome masculine confidence, sexual mojo, emotional strength n self mastery. They will become submissive to you n only you, inside n outside the bedroom.
You also need to work very hard n work very smart to achieve your goals. It's not easy n doesn't come naturally.
Last but not least, you must give them PVOs, again n again n again...
Actually, it's very tough, like training to be a Navy Seal. Fortunately, it's mostly mental n psychological n only partly physical. But you must at least be physically fit.
It helps greatly if your weight IS ideal for ur height...It improves ur health n stamina for prolonged love making. Another important point, if you don't even hv the little emotional discipline n self mastery to achieve this simple goal of ideal body weight, you are unlikely to achieve much of anything else, including getting your type of women addicted to you. Sorry, I need to be very blunt on this point.
Sounds easy, yeah?
Good luck!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Very lucky to read your forum and thread.
It's very refreshing to learn so much how to handle and conquer women.
It's very lovely to understand how and why we must do such simple things as giving PVOs and DGAD.
Life is short and we only have short time. Best to achieve more during a shortest time.
Best we can sex daily when we have the capabilities.
17-02-2019, 01:28 PM
Very nice forum you shared below.
I din know that a few shots of alcoholic drink can bring so much damage.
Enjoy while we can since life is short.
Hope you enjoy too.
Happy New Year!
It's my civic duty to warn all bro/sis abt the health risks of binge drinking.
New Year's shots may trash your immune system
Bill Briggs
12 Hours Ago
NBC News
Binge drinkers beware: that big hangover headed your way reveals only a fraction of the physical damage you will weather.
Fresh research shows that young, healthy adults who toss down four to five shots of alcohol in a 20-minute span dangerously muzzle their immune systems — a timely warning for New Year's Eve revelers who plan to party hard.
Evidence of a potentially hazardous drop in the body's infection-fighting, wound-healing power shows up in binge drinkers' blood steams just two hours after they downed their barrage of shots, according to researchers at the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine.
"When a lot of people think of harmful patterns of drinking, they think of people who are alcoholics or daily heavy drinkers," said the lead author, Dr. Majid Afshar, a pulmonologist, critical care physician and epidemiologist at Loyola.
"But the study makes the point that one episode of this type of drinking can certainly be disruptive in your immune system and potentially lead to problems," Afshar said.
Those problems? A higher risk of pneumonia and infection. In addition, people who sustain alcohol-involved injuries may experience slower healing of fractures plus poor responses to blood transfusions and resuscitations, past studies have shown.
And the immune system's post-binge deterioration — detected in a slew of cells critical to maintaining health and proper healing — "stayed persistent at five hours after peak intoxication," Afshar said.
Afshar led the study while at the University of Maryland, where he completed a fellowship below joining Loyola. The findings were published online in the journal Alcohol.
To get a closer look at the body's descent after swallowing a flurry of shots, Afshar and his team assembled 15 volunteers for a scientific bender.
The eight women and seven men, with a median age of 27, each gulped enough vodka-and-seltzer cocktails — generally four to five drinks each, containing one part vodka, four parts seltzer — to meet the definition of binge drinking. (A 1.5-ounce shot of vodka is the alcohol equivalent of a 5-ounce glass of wine or 12-ounce can of beer.)
Researchers took blood samples from the volunteers at 20 minutes, two hours and five hours. Intoxicated patients are known typically to arrive at trauma centers for treatment of alcohol-fueled injuries two to five hours after they reach peak intoxication.
In an unexpected twist, blood samples checked 20 minutes into the experiment showed the subjects' immune systems had actually geared up, with higher levels of three types of white blood cells: leukocytes, monocytes and natural killer cells. The researchers also noted increased amounts of proteins called cytokines that signal the immune system to work harder.
But "at two hours, we started to see an opposite effect," Afshar said.
By that hour, the volunteer's blood samples each showed fewer circulating monocytes and natural killer cells and higher levels of different types of cytokines that signal the immune system to become less active.
Researchers carefully selected their 15 study participants based on their ages to best reflect societal trends. One in six U.S. adults binge drinks roughly four times a month, and binge drinking is more common in young adults aged 18 to 34, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The study was funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), and by the University of Maryland.
The findings offer a stark reminder that alcoholic overindulgence, even once, can carry bad consequences, said George Koob, director of the NIAAA, part of the National Institutes of Health.
"While it is well known that excessive alcohol use can lead to traumatic injury and the behavioral and physiological pathology associated with addiction," Koob said, "studies like this help us understand that even a single binge drinking episode can have detrimental effects on our immune system."
The NIAAA just published a holiday-themed consumer fact sheet about excessive drinking.
Their tips include: "Pace yourself. Know what constitutes a standard drink and have no more than one per hour."
And this: "Have 'drink spacers' — make every other drink a nonalcoholic one."
I'm a teetotaller. I only drink warm mineral water n organic goji juice.
IMHO, there is nothing manly in drinking huge quantities of liquor or alcoholic beverages within a short time. It's an insecure, immature n addictive behaviour. It is an indication of very poor emotional strength n self mastery. If your friends n your girls r impressed, they r not worth impressing.
Could self inflicted destruction of one's liver n immune system be manly n attractive?
Bro WB
17-02-2019, 04:19 PM
Bro WB
Very lucky to read your forum and thread.
It's very refreshing to learn so much how to handle and conquer women.
It's very lovely to understand how and why we must do such simple things as giving PVOs and DGAD.
Life is short and we only have short time. Best to achieve more during a shortest time.
Best we can sex daily when we have the capabilities.
I am very lucky to read this wonderful thread from Bo WB too.
Have a nice Sunday.
17-02-2019, 06:00 PM
Agree. Better don't drink too much alcohol.
Thanks bro WB for sharing.
Have a good weekend.
Very nice forum you shared below.
I din know that a few shots of alcoholic drink can bring so much damage.
Enjoy while we can since life is short.
Hope you enjoy too.
21-02-2019, 03:47 PM
Bro WB
Very lucky to read your forum and thread.
It's very refreshing to learn so much how to handle and conquer women.
It's very lovely to understand how and why we must do such simple things as giving PVOs and DGAD.
Life is short and we only have short time. Best to achieve more during a shortest time.
Best we can sex daily when we have the capabilities.
Bro, tks.
Yeah, life is short and unpredictable.
"Learn as if you were to live forever, live as if you were to die tomorrow."
Very nice forum you shared below.
I din know that a few shots of alcoholic drink can bring so much damage.
Enjoy while we can since life is short.
Hope you enjoy too.
Bro, binge drinking is very bad for health.
I am very lucky to read this wonderful thread from Bo WB too.
Have a nice Sunday.
Agree. Better don't drink too much alcohol.
Thanks bro WB for sharing.
Have a good weekend.
Thanks, bros.
Have a great day!
Bro WB
Good afternoon,
I recently read an article by Roosh.
It's controversial and the author has been condemned by feminists and others as a misogynist.
He just released a new ebook, giving advice to women on how to avoid men who won't be good for them. Could he also be a man-hating misandrist?
You will be the judge.
Here is his article:
Contraception Prevents Love
IMHO, he is mostly correct when he believes that a girl/woman who has had more than 5 sexual partners has lost the ‘glue’ to bond with another man. In other words, she can never love any man again, ever. Whereas a typical man won’t lose the ‘bonding glue’ even if he has fucked 1000 women. However, I believe there are very rare exceptions.
That is why a very experienced Don Juan, who has seduced n dumped thousands of very attractive girls without any emotions or remorse, can still fall for The Special One. We all hv met and read about many such fallen Don Juans.
Once a man falls for the wrong woman, the outcome may range from bad to tragic. He will be taken to the cleaners if the woman is a narcissistic n psychopathic golddigger. He may even lose his country n his the curious case of King Fuchai n Xi Shi. Men never learn.
And we should never forget that most older women who work at the nite scene hv had many more sexual partners than 5. Heck, the number for some of them could be 50 or 500 or 5,000 or more. Those older whores working in brothels could hv as many as 50,000.
Xi Shi was probably a virgin when she first met King Fuchai. And yet he still failed to bond with her. And got her addicted to him. Why? Primarily because He believed she was the prize. He cared too much for her and was fearful of losing her. She was his Special One.
Bro WB
22-02-2019, 12:58 PM
Bro WB
What a nice forum below.
Not easy to understand as you rightly put it. However all the right points to dominance.
SO never worried no gals but worried no money.
Thank you so much.
Good morning!
Bro ahpui99 asked me "What will you recommend if not to treat then nicely?"
I replied that "no time to answer this topic fully. I know it is confusing to a lot of men n women..."
"Suffice to say that, if you're a dominant man w/ great emotional strength/self mastery, and you believe in your subconscious mind, that u hv higher sexual n social value, then you can treat any girls nicely n sometimes not so nicely...they will still be very attracted to u."
You don't need to be a jerk or "bad boy" to be very successful w/ women. The secret is to be a gentleman w/ the POSITIVE traits of a "bad boy" sans his NEGATIVE traits. By being THE MAN w/ dominance, masculine confidence, sexual mojo n emotional strength/self mastery. You're the grand prize. The prettiest n highest quality women will flock to you. No "bad boy" can ever hope to compete w/ u.
When I started BY-ing girls over 5 1/2 yrs ago, I was an apparent "nice guy" in many ways, but not completely, as I could be very sexual n tough in some areas. How could I be a "nice guy" when I would ask every girl of my type, after meeting for a few minutes, 做爱多少钱? 多少都不行? 那我包养你. I was really a closet jerk pretending to be a "nice guy" because I wrongly thought that girls would like me more. I hv been shedding the negative traits of both "jerk" n "good guy." It's in progress. 我是一个非常复杂的动物哈哈.
There hv been many books n articles written on why "nice guys" are such losers to women. I happened to read a few chapters on the subject this morning. It's written by a well known guru. I'll share some of the more important points here.
Simply put, women are REPELLED by “nice guys”.
When I say repelled, it MEAN it. I am NOT exaggerating.
It’s kind of a sad fact of life, but it’s ONE HUNDRED PERCENT TRUE. Women equate “nice-ness” with INFERIORITY.
Women are attracted to masculinity, which embodies strength and power. Being NICE is synonymous with HAVING NO POWER.
When you are nice, you send the message “I have no power” to a woman. Which means, to her, that you are giving all the power away, to her!
A “nice” example of a horrifying self-inflicted wound is when a man tells a woman he hardly knows that he loves her. This is NOT attractive, for she feels she has the power over such a man.
Women cannot feel attraction for men who need them, or for any man who exudes weakness in any form. “Niceness” is basically a kamikaze act, a suicide to your future with her.
Well, it is a fact. Women don’t like nice guys. Women don’t usually like abuse, and I’ll show you how to be successful without being a real jerk, but get this through your head one more time:
Women don’t only “not like” nice guys...
Women are REVOLTED by them.
But I assure you, it is good and natural to be more “bad” with women. Being “nice” makes women feel guilty and inhibited about sharing their “sinful” sexuality with a “nice” asexual guy like you.
“Nice” is fake. Masculine is real. Masculine is sexy.
Being nice is weak. It ensures you pander to women, in the hope maybe they will give you sex. It is repulsive.
Ironically, “nice guys” wonder as they complain, “I don’t know what happened. I was so NICE to her, I treated her so WELL. I was everything for her. I took her places, I bought her things, I LOVED her. I told her I loved her a thousand times. I never looked at other girls,” etc.
Yet it was actually this “niceness” itself that ruined everything!
“Bad Guys” used to be the only ones who knew this. They snickered to themselves as they watched nice guys get shot down by hot women who were bored to death of compliments and ass kissing. These women had no reservations about rejecting the nice guy for a bad guy and having sex with the bad guy on the very first night.
And of course, these women complained about the “jerk” that dumped them for another woman the very next day. And the “jerks” laughed even harder at this, because they knew she wouldn’t change a bit, and that she would fall for another jerk, again and again.
Well, no more.
I'm going to really stick it to the “Bad Guys” by teaching good guys every damn little secret that bad guys already know.
And you won’t even have to be a jerk. Think of it as my contribution for world justice.
There is another reason why being “nice” is such a calamity, and why being the dominant, alpha male, known as THE MAN, is so crucial.
Not only are women attracted to the sexy masculinity of THE MAN, but women are forced to be suspicious of whatever good feelings they can muster for a “nice” guy.
Sounds crazy? Not really. Here’s why: “Nice guys” unknowingly instill resistance in women by being so good.
When a guy is “NICE” to a woman, then even in the rare case where she may feel desire for him, she will interpret her desire as NOT BEING DESIRE. Rather, she will interpret her feeling as “debt”, or “guilt”.
She will think she is only feeling emotion because she owes the guy, or that she feels sorry for him. In other words, she will be convinced that she feels no real DESIRE.
Whereas, if a guy is a typical jerk, she thinks the guy’s very “jerkiness” is the proof of his sexiness.
After all, the jerk doesn’t even TRY to impress her, so he must be so sexy that he doesn’t need to try! She then feels no guilt, no debt, and no pity. And if she feels ANYTHING, then whatever she feels will be interpreted as RAW, UNADULTERATED, PURE DESIRE.
And the more he acts like a jerk, the more he reinforces her desire, through the following never-ending cycle of “chick” logic: She becomes convinced her desire is pure, that it is her who loves jerko, because it surely isn’t jerko who needs her! And if jerko is so “un-needy” that he can actually continue to be such a jerk, it must be because he is so desirable that he can get away with it.
This makes her desire for him even greater, and as she shows him this desire, he (as a jerk) makes sure to NEVER reciprocate, which makes him seem even sexier because most guys would kiss her ass at this point. She, of course, then desires him even more, and so on and so forth...
Do you get it? If not, read it again, it’s crucial.
This phenomenon is known as Cognitive Dissonance, first expounded by professor of psychology Leon Festinger in 1957. What it means is that humans seek inner harmony, also known as CONGRUENCY.
We don’t want resistance and conflicting ideas in our head. It doesn’t feel good. So we explain our behaviors, and feelings so they seem congruent. Cognitive Dissonance is very powerful stuff. A woman simply will not feel DESIRE for a man if she has reason to think it’s actually a feeling of debt or guilt.
(To Be Continued)
22-02-2019, 12:59 PM
Bro WB
Another fine excellent forum below.
Quite abstract to follow your guidance.
Hope to learn more.
On the other hand, if a man does not give a woman any reason to suspect her own desire, she will trust her feelings and believe it is desire.
In order to ensure that a woman does not question her own feelings, and does not doubt your sexiness and desirability, you must NOT buy her things, do her favors, kiss her ass with compliments, or be submissive in any way.
As a matter of fact, always make it clear to a woman that you do EVERYTHING on YOUR terms, not hers. For example, even if she asks you to kiss her, make sure you don’t. Don’t start an argument either. Rather, keep cool, sly, and in control by telling her something like “I’m not done hugging you”. After hugging her, you can choose to kiss her or not.
The point is that EVERYTHING is under YOUR will and power.
If you stay clear of all forms of kissing up, then she will be forced to know that it is HERSELF who has come up with these feelings of lust for you. You must apply this concept all the time with women, forever. Even smiling too much can be a sign of you seeking her approval. Don’t do it.
Second worst, don’t tell her “You’re so beautiful”. Or anything like that.
Most guys tell an attractive woman that they love her, or they comment on her beauty, way too soon. Or they just kiss up to her in a million other ways- it’s NEVER justified.
Saying, “I love you”, before at least knowing a woman for a few months, makes you look desperate and it makes you look stupid.
How can you love someone you barely know?
She knows what you really mean is that you lust her.
That means she is in control.
This also takes away all the positive sexual tension that could have worked to your benefit had you NOT given over all the power.
You have given her the entire deck of cards, so to speak.
THE MAN is confident in his own sexual worth, and does not say things like “I love you” for at least a few months.
And even after this period, when a woman has shown she is worthy of love, he does not become a geek and start kissing her ass with frequent compliments and statements of “I love you”.
Kissing up to women makes you your own worst enemy. It makes you look like an inferior who has to kiss ass to get love. It’s also unoriginal: Every guy already kisses her ass- she doesn’t want another ass-kisser!
Let’s say you’re at a bar or wherever, and you decide to sit beside some woman. Don’t project that you are trying to get her approval. For example, don’t even face her with your body. You can turn your head, but when you talk to her, don’t even turn your body UNTIL she shows you some good feedback, or gives a good smile, etc.
In other words, when with a woman, show that you are not under her spell.
Common ways to show you are NOT under her thumb are NOT smiling much, not getting excited when she talks to you, not giving her your ultra- focused attention, playfully teasing her, and my favorite is...
Letting her know that she must pass YOUR standards.
Not only does this eliminate her potential inner resistance, but it also makes you appear HIGHLY IN DEMAND by other women.
You can combine the concepts of not being a “nice guy”, and cognitive dissonance, in the bedroom:
When a woman initially performs a type of sex that you enjoy, such as oral sex, don’t jump to telling her “I love this”, or she will think she is doing it FOR YOU, and not because SHE enjoys doing it for you. Instead, ask her “Do you like sucking on my cock?” If she is in the heat of the moment, she might very well answer “Yes”. You can then go on to say “Tell me how much you like sucking on my cock”, and she might very well TELL you. And then, she will later THINK to herself, “I actually DO like SUCKING HIS COCK!”
All in order to preserve inner harmony.
Another example of combining these elements would be regarding a sexual treat you want a woman to perform that she may be uneasy about. Tell her “Just pretend to do it, and tell me how much you enjoy doing it. Pretend.”
By pretending, she will still PSYCHOLOGICALLY experience the act.
And if she is PRETENDING that she IS enjoying it, then she actually IS enjoying the act psychologically. And because she will want to match her actions with her current thoughts and feelings, there is a much higher chance that she will then DO THE ACTION for real, and enjoy it!
Is this manipulation? No, because if she really didn’t want to, she wouldn’t. You’re just helping her eliminate artificial resistance.
Anytime you ask a woman to do something for you, you’re back to ass- kissing behavior. To her, it means you are politely asking for something, because you don’t believe she really wants to do it for you on her own. And women interpret your “asking” as you not being worthy of her wanting to do it out of her own desire.
Better to help her realize it’s HER pleasure as well.
In general, by not kissing a woman’s ass, you show that it is in her interest to try to build rapport with YOU, and that you do not need to get on your knees to build rapport with HER!
Remember that women are not your guy buddies. With guy buddies, you don’t have to prove much. You don’t have to prove that you are THE MAN. (Although you should never be a “pushover” anywhere.)
Women want to feel that their desire for a man is CARNAL. They do not want to feel that their desire stems from “I owe him”. “I owe him” is weak and pathetic. CARNAL is overwhelming.
Picking up girls is really one of the easiest things on earth once you understand that women WANT MASCULINE MEN very badly. They want MEN, not effeminate ass-kissing creatures!
Women want to have wild sex with real men.
It’s that simple. Once you realize that, your world will change.
Every time that you catch yourself thinking that women like “nice guys”, get this image into your mind: Women at a strip club (where the men strip), including hot women and girls, who don’t need to be there since they could get plenty of men easily.
These women are horny, yelling, screaming their heads off, getting loaded and trying to grope these naked men.
Are you going to tell me that you believe women when they say they go just for fun?
As if it was non-sexual fun?
Well, let me tell you something: Women are SEXUAL, LUSTING
And if they met a masculine man, they wouldn’t have to go to strip clubs to get a fantasy of one. Real men are tough, and DON’T DO FAVOURS for women to get their approval. Remember, being nice is ugly, and it also creates resistance.
Instead, just enjoy the greatest privilege that comes with being a man: TAKE CHARGE AND DON’T GIVE A DAMN WHAT WOMEN SAY.
Nice guys are always doing what women say, and women despise this weak behavior. If a girl ever calls you a jerk, breathe a sigh of relief. Casually reply, “Thanks for the compliment.” Show you don’t give a damn what she thinks. (Besides, it is a compliment since women love it!)
No comments or criticisms? Could this "guru" be completely wrong?
Bro WB
22-02-2019, 01:47 PM
Yes, very nice forum by bro WB.
Thanks a lot for sharing so much with us.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro WB
What a nice forum below.
Not easy to understand as you rightly put it. However all the right points to dominance.
SO never worried no gals but worried no money.
Thank you so much.
22-02-2019, 07:57 PM
Wow did not know such a wonderful thread existed, thanks bro WB!!
22-02-2019, 11:54 PM
Indeed a fine & excellent forum, hoping to learn more too.
Thanks bro WB.
Enjoy your weekend!
Bro WB
Another fine excellent forum below.
Quite abstract to follow your guidance.
Hope to learn more.
23-02-2019, 12:56 AM
Learn a lot from this thread
23-02-2019, 02:56 PM
I cannot agree more.
I feel very much I should contribute something as well after seeing so many contributions from brother warbird.
1) Do not be afraid to say no to a women no matter how attractive or pretty she is.
2) Women usually use tears as a weapon to obtain sympathies from a man, do not be deceived.
3) When a woman really likes a man, usually she will be more shy. Do not be fooled into thinking she asked my number, she likes me very much or she asked me out, she likes me very much. Great telltale sign is when a woman really loves a man, she will want the man to spend less money not more money.
4) Have that type of thinking "let the bird roamly freely in the sky, if they love their master, they will always come back to the cage"
Last but not least, we can always learn from what other people say not matter how good we are. Thank you very much Warbird once again for all those contributions in picking up women in ktv, you have make some men here much better at the game of love than being roberts for the women that they fall in love with.
Very nice share, thanks.
Also a big thank you to bro WB for this great thread.
24-02-2019, 09:23 AM
Good morning,
A bro sent me the following PM n he has agreed to let me post his question here.
"Hi bro, saw some of the posts and I must say you are super experienced hence I need to ask some of your advice. Have been frequently visited club de emperor ktv ( former mirage) due to work ( entertainment). Have trying to enjoy myself by not sticking to the same girl all the time. However sometimes when you get those girl without chemistry, your session tends to be lousy.
To cut long story short, I have been sticking with same gal recently. However she always claim that she doesn't go out with customers. Recently saw a customer bought her a $7k Chanel bag. She claimed the customer wanted something in return and she wanted to return the bag but in the end the customer relented and just gibe her the bag without any returns.
She always says she doesn't go out . I only manage to get her out for dinner one time . And she claimed she doesn't have boyfriend. She said she is fond of me but I have never give her anything other than her deserved tips. She always tell she had a gambling mum back home but I have ever let her know I am going to help.
So I know that you are going to say all that she said is bs. Is there a way to test her out? Recently she did a damn smart thing. On V day instead of asking me to get her a present she bought a perfume for me. Please tell me there are similar tricks you have encountered so that I can switch off and change target soon
Thanks for reading and sorry to bother u
Regards, bro X"
I hv given him my brief answer. But many experienced bros here could analyse his situation more thoroughly.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I will kiv her and target many more women. No point to spent all the resources on a gal who not keen. She may be not keen for short period but may agreed months later. Is like a bell curve.
Will collect at the tip of the bell curve.
Not sure how other bros answer.
Have a nice weekend.
24-02-2019, 09:24 AM
I like to share this video clip to show that women are truly sexual creatures n their sexual potential is enormous.
Don Juan DeMarco - Restaurant Scene
Pls try it n give ur FR.
Good day!
Bro WB
Very nice video and classic Don Juan. He can get any women he desired.
24-02-2019, 09:26 AM
Yo bros,
I just received this brief report:
It's very basic but most bros still ignore them.
Four Simple Tips to Please Her in the Bedroom
Hey Bro Warbird,
OK, I have a confession. I'm NOT a sex expert.
As a matter of fact, I don't believe you need
overcomplicated techniques to rock a woman’s
world in bed.
Stick with these fundamentals and you'll do
1. Indulge in foreplay. On average, intercourse
should last 7 to 13 minutes, but foreplay should
be three times longer. When you indulge in foreplay,
she'll reach orgasm much more easily and look
forward to having sex with you because she knows
that you take your time to “get her ready”.
2. Exercise regularly. The best sex tip I can give
you is to exercise regularly. You'll be stronger,
last longer, and have more energy in bed. You'll make
love with more passion and rock her world more than 95
percent of men out there do because they just can't get
their asses to the gym.
3. Be adventurous and try new things. It's very
unlikely that she'll lead you to new positions so
take charge by testing new things. Don't put pressure
on yourself. Just be playful and experiment. If it
doesn't feel right, change again.
4. Don't be in your head. It's not a time to think
who's going to win the Euro. Trust me—she'll FEEL it
if you're thinking about something else. To stay present,
breathe deeply, pay attention to her skin, smell her,
kiss her body, look at her, tell her that she's yours.
A lot of women stay in relationships with guys
who treat them badly just because the sex is great.
I'm not suggesting that you do the same, but never
underestimate the power of pleasing a woman in the
Have an amazing day!
Guru RKY
Bro WB
Nobody is born sexpert in sex play. Many had to practise and practise.
What was mentioned above forum were undeniably truth.
Have a great weekend.
24-02-2019, 01:06 PM
Bro WB
I will kiv her and target many more women. No point to spent all the resources on a gal who not keen. She may be not keen for short period but may agreed months later. Is like a bell curve.
Will collect at the tip of the bell curve.
Not sure how other bros answer.
Have a nice weekend.
I would have kiv her too.
Thanks bro WB for this fantastic thread.
Have a nice day.
24-02-2019, 02:57 PM
Bro WB
What a nice forum below.
Not easy to understand as you rightly put it. However all the right points to dominance.
SO never worried no gals but worried no money.
Thank you so much.
Tks, bro.
Beautiful women are repelled by nice guys.
Bro WB
Another fine excellent forum below.
Quite abstract to follow your guidance.
Hope to learn more.
Yes, very nice forum by bro WB.
Thanks a lot for sharing so much with us.
Have a nice weekend.
Wow did not know such a wonderful thread existed, thanks bro WB!!
Indeed a fine & excellent forum, hoping to learn more too.
Thanks bro WB.
Enjoy your weekend!
Learn a lot from this thread
Very nice share, thanks.
Also a big thank you to bro WB for this great thread.
Bros, thank you all
Bro WB
I will kiv her and target many more women. No point to spent all the resources on a gal who not keen. She may be not keen for short period but may agreed months later. Is like a bell curve.
Will collect at the tip of the bell curve.
Not sure how other bros answer.
Have a nice weekend.
You're right, bro, Thanks!
Very nice video and classic Don Juan. He can get any women he desired.
Yeah, good video.
Don't behave like a fake or phantom Don Juan though.
Bro WB
Nobody is born sexpert in sex play. Many had to practise and practise.
What was mentioned above forum were undeniably truth.
Have a great weekend.
Yes, bro.
We all need to learn and practice.
I would have kiv her too.
Thanks bro WB for this fantastic thread.
Have a nice day.
TKs, bro.
Good afternoon,
I like to share a brief article. Too many people are trapped in miserable and even abusive relationships. They are like prisoners.
The Fear Factor
by Michael Webb
Fear can have a very powerful effect on people. While fear may help people do amazing things or overcome large obstacles it can also be debilitating.
I have witnessed far too many relationships that are anchored in fear instead of love. Abusers know the power that fear can have on others and will often use fear to keep someone from leaving them.
Do any of these statements apply to your relationship?
- I don't want to break up because I will be lonely
- I can't leave my boyfriend/girlfriend because I don't think he/she will be able to handle it and might do something crazy
- If I leave he or she will just come after me
- I can't support my family on my income alone
- I don't want to complain because he/she will get into a rage
- I'm not worthy of a blissful relationship - I deserve this abusive one
It is impossible for your relationship to be blissful (or even marginally happy) if you stay in it out of fear. Don't believe the lies that "no one else will love you like I love you" or "you'll be sorry if you leave me." Anyone who uses power and fear to keep a relationship together has very little love in him or her.
If you are the type of person who goes from one abusive, controlling relationship to another, find out why. Analyze why you are initially attracted to abusers (or perhaps you are attracting them) and stop going out with them. Refuse to stay in a mentally or physically abusive relationship even if you have fears (if the abuser agrees to go to counseling with you that is a different situation).
There are a lot of support groups (locally and online) who can help give you the courage to break away from relationships that are based on fear. You are a very special person. God loves you, I love you and you deserve a much better relationship.
Bro WB
24-02-2019, 04:45 PM
Very nice video and classic Don Juan. He can get any women he desired.
Very nice video indeed.
Thank you bro WB for sharing so much with us.
25-02-2019, 01:18 AM
Bro WB
Nobody is born sexpert in sex play. Many had to practise and practise.
What was mentioned above forum were undeniably truth.
Have a great weekend.
Practise makes perfect!
Have a good day
26-02-2019, 01:45 PM
I always never understand why too?
Dear bro WB
Very good forum below.
I agreed with the What was discussed below.
Many women actually dun understood why too.
Anyway thanks and I hope to learn more.
Good morning!
I like to continue the discussion on "good guys" and "bad boys."
Well, it’s not because they really want a bad person. It’s because they want THE MAN. They want a MASCULINE man.
And it’s harder for women to find “nice” guys who are masculine than it is to find bad boys, who are almost always masculine.
A specific example of masculinity common in bad boys is their total dominance, particularly in the arena of sex. Some women go for bad guys because these women feel guilty about their sexual desires. By being with an aggressive “bad boy” who takes full control of the reigns, women feel like they are shirking all the guilt and all the responsibility to him. In this way, women can fully enjoy sex and not feel guilty. Moreover, almost all women, even those without guilt complexes, desire dominant men.
Also, bad boys make their sexual desires clear from the start. Nice guys, on the other hand, steer away from sex conversation, which makes women feel like nice guys are asexual.
If a woman already feels guilty about sex, you can imagine the impossibility of her having sex with a guy who seems to feel just as guilty about it.
Bad boys, in a CONFIDENT WAY, make it clear that sex is important. A woman has to make a decision about sex quickly with a bad boy or a more willing woman will quickly replace her. However, a woman can often string a nice guy along for years without even making out with him! The nice guy will patiently wait for her, and end up dumped for a bad guy who she sleeps with on the first night!
But more than any single characteristic, remember that women go for bad boys because women want a man who will control them, and who will be in control of everything in his life.
They want a MAN.
Bad guys are usually not sissies.
For millions of years, man has been the hunter and defender for the family unit. Women want a man who will be the “hunter”, who is strong, who will produce strong, healthy and sexy children.
Evolution has selected the forces of sexual chemistry between man and woman. Since women needed tough men for survival, that eventually became what all women were attracted to in men.
Makes sense, doesn’t it? Suddenly, women don’t seem so evil anymore, right?
No more evil than men.
Men desire hot looking women, because basically, sexy women often gave birth to healthier and superior looking children.
By desiring such women, men had a better chance of carrying on their own genes. Their children then grew up to become sexy adults, thus attracting sexy mates of their own and continuing the cycle in perpetuity...
Sexy looking women’s hip-to-waist-ratios have remained constant throughout all cultures and times. That’s because men’s preferences have been instilled by evolution, and because these ratios usually mean “well suited to breed superior children”.
Women are allowed in our society to prefer tall men, rich men, or men higher in status. (Even though I know that what women really want is THE MAN.) If this is so, then why should it be any less acceptable or “bad” for you to want sex with a woman you feel is hot?
You are allowed to BE A MAN.
As a matter of fact, you MUST be A MAN or women will detest you. If that makes you a “BAD BOY”, so be it.
Half the time, “bad boys” are just being natural men, and women love it. When women state their natural preferences, for money, looks, or status, (the reality behind all these preferences is that women seek a dominant man) our culture does not label women as immoral or shallow.
The fact is, I am all for a society of good guys and good women. I just want you to realize that women love masculine, tough men. Don’t act like some sexless, spineless person or you will not attract women.
Stop acting like a geek if you are in any way doing so. You don’t have to be abusive toward women, but you must be completely DOMINANT, calm, and cool. And SHOW it through your actions and tone of voice.
It is critical to realize that women are human beings and not made from sugar and spice. They are just as competitive, manipulative, conniving, game playing, merciless, and ruthless, in their quest to get the man of their choice. Once they “get” their man, they will try to control him.
The irony, of course, is that women detest men that can be controlled by women. However, women WILL try to control you. Sometimes, women are only trying to CONTROL you as a TEST: To see if you are THE MAN. If you permit them to control you, you FAIL the test.
The desire for control, for both sexes, stems from the massive stakes involved, but it’s far more devastating for a man to submit to control. It destroys his sexual attractiveness.
For a man, it’s always self-destructive for him to submit to any control whatsoever, no matter what the woman’s reason is for attempting to control him. And no matter what, a man ALWAYS ends up coming out more attractive by not submitting.
Since women are not “nice” and since they will attempt to control you with ingenious tactics, it is imperative you keep your guard up and not let any power or control slip through your fingers.
One of the most tragic mistakes a man can make is to let a woman know that something she did actually bothered him at all.
You know all those books on “communicating honestly with your partner”?
Forget about it when it comes to attraction, especially in the initial stage. You MUST understand that there is just too much at stake for both men
and women to play nicely “by the rules”.
If you let a woman know that something she did hurt you, she will simply use that knowledge AGAINST you, to CONTROL you.
She will try to see how far you will go, in terms of kissing her ass, to try to prevent her from doing it again. And most guys resort to this pathetic bribery. It’s as if these guys are saying, “I’m kissing your ass so you will like me enough to not do that mean thing again.”
An example of this phenomenon is when a man tells a woman that it bothers him when she talks rudely to him. Then, not only does he now seem needy, which is unsexy, but also, she can then use extortion in subtle ways. For example, she might hint that you should do this, that, and whatever else for her or she might do the hurtful thing again.
She may use psychological warfare, and act kind of distant, to see how scared you are of her repeating this behavior, and what you will do for her to prevent it.
You must not accept ANY crap from any woman, EVER.
As soon as she acts up, you must show how calm you are as you deliver
the punishment, the figurative SPANK.
This way, she will sense that it is HER problem, not yours, for acting up.
She will know that you can easily get another, better woman than her.
This is the punishment: Dump her immediately, and tell her not to call you until she shapes up. Or, tell her clearly you will not tolerate that, and then dump her if she does it again, with the same message.
Of course, if she did anything serious, then dump her and forget about her immediately. ZERO second chances for any real serious shit.
NEVER explain to a woman that she should treat you right.
If she doesn’t know that, DUMP her. She is not worth keeping if she does not treat you right. Tell her not to come back until she shapes up.
And she will usually come running back to you when you throw her to the curb for misbehaving.
It’s called you having self-respect.
And if women sense that NOTHING bothers you, then there is NOTHING they can use against you. And, after testing you to see if you can be hurt or not, and seeing that you indeed cannot, they will usually kiss your feet.
If a woman does not show an immediate massive change, kick her out.
Does that sound like a mean, bitter statement about women?
It’s not. It’s the prescription for reality. 99.999999999 percent of the time.
You might be tempted after a few good weeks with a woman to think that if she does something out of line, then you could just tell her that what she did hurt. After all, “She loves me, so she wouldn’t want to hurt me again”.
If you show her she hurt you, she’ll keep it in her arsenal. And she will use it again.
Think about it like this: 99.99 percent of the time, if somebody is being a prick, they know it.
Women know if they are doing something wrong to you.
And if they really don’t know, it’s probably something trivial and not
worth you mentioning to her anyway!
So if you DO indicate something hurt you, she will just know how to activate your “hurt button” in the future.
So here’s my recommendation:
Keep your cool at all times.
Don’t let her know that ANYTHING bothers you.
Always, calmly tell her she misbehaved by doing the specific thing she did. Tell her you won’t tolerate it.
But don’t let her feel it actually bothered you.
NEVER argue with her about it. It will NOT HELP, only make things worse. I guarantee it.
Now of course, if you have been with a woman who has been great to you for years, and once in a while she acts up a bit, well that’s perfectly normal- you probably aren’t perfect either. You’ve both earned a bit of slack.
There is a BUT, though.
26-02-2019, 01:47 PM
YEs, better avoid woman who takes us like crap.
Bro WB forum below was good indication why.
If a woman dun behave well and take us for granted then dump her.
We can easily get another woman or women.
Good afternoon!
So many RS fall apart because very few men know how to behave like MEN, in ST and LT relationship, not even famous kings and emperors. So very sad.
Why? Because attraction is counterintuitive. What most men think should work actually has the exact opposite effect.
IMHO, the single most vital trait that will SPARK n SUSTAIN a girl's desire for a MAN is his degree of emotional and self mastery. Nothing even comes close. It will usually take time for a girl to fully appraciate a MAN's self mastery.
Let me continue the "bad boy" story, written by a guru.
But heed this warning:
Women will sense a guy that they can get to kiss their ass, and will take FULL ADVANTAGE OF HIM till he is barely even a rug to walk over.
And women will deny this till the end of time, even coming up with brilliant “excuses” for their bad behavior.
Now that you know this, it’s time to stop taking any crap from any woman. You are responsible from now on if you put up with anything that doesn’t feel right.
Think about that the next time you’re about to be “Mr. Nice Guy” with any woman. Women understand, relate to, and demand mental toughness more than you realize.
(Notice I used the word mental toughness. Don’t EVER get PHYSICALLY VIOLENT or even upset with any woman, I’ll explain later why this is so important to your success, and goes way beyond just the law.)
Don’t be Mr. Nice Guy. And don’t be Mr. Angry. Neither one is cool.
So you know now not to be a nice guy. How exactly should you be?
Pound this short answer into your head: Be “THE MAN”. In the macho, cliché sense.
Oh, I really hope that doesn’t hurt you or insult you.
It shouldn’t, because if you haven’t been THE MAN, it’s not your fault. For a long time, I didn’t think like THE MAN. It ain’t easy in our inane, politically correct culture.
A lot of guys don’t believe me when I say that being THE MAN, inside, mentally, and even more important, emotionally, is THE VITAL KEY to sparking and sustaining a woman’s desire. These guys think that their looks and money are more important. These are LIES, and you need to be de- brainwashed about these matters.
Let me address the looks issue right here and now:
Although women DO appreciate good looks, women are LESS into looks than you would believe. I’m sure you’ve seen beautiful women with less than good looking guys who were NOT rich.
Next time you see this, watch how the guy behaves. Is he nerdy? Or masculine?
Think about Al Pacino in Scarface. (A great movie example.) He is not supposed to be the best looking guy in the movie, but he gets the hottest woman, Michelle Pfeiffer’s character.
That’s because Scarface is THE MAN.
He projects POWER.
From the moment he arrives in America, he is determined to rise up.
He kisses no one’s ass, even when he has nothing. (And if you think it’s all about money, you’re wrong- I’ll explain later why.)
Now, this is no excuse to not LOOK YOUR BEST. That’s why I have included a section regarding this topic.
But once you have finished making the best of your looks, remember this: A man’s appearance is not nearly as important to women as you think.
Ironically, a powerful proof that men and women are different in this regard (as well as others) comes from the behavior of homosexual men and women. Lesbians tend to be far less discerning about things like age and appearance in their partners. They also tend to have very few partners.
On the other hand, homosexual men tend to be EXTREMELY concerned about looks, and weigh this consideration heavily in choosing their partners. Also, gay men tend to have many sexual partners.
You can see how men and women differ:
Homosexual men accentuate looks when choosing a partner, just like heterosexual men do when choosing a woman: Men care about looks.
And homosexual women are less concerned with a partner’s looks, just like heterosexual women: Women don’t care as much about looks.
As you can see, men and women will always be different, no matter what. So just because you think one way does not mean women think the same.
Guys tend to be worried about their “looks” because they assume women are the same as them. But they are NOT.
It’s MEN who are obsessed with looks. Women appreciate a sexy looking man, but looks alone is neither sufficient nor necessary for turning on women.
As a matter of fact, a guy with “looks” who’s not THE MAN will be toast.
In contrast, a hot looking woman, even if she acts unfeminine, will still be highly desired by most men.
Men primarily developed this attraction to a woman’s appearance because the stereotypical image of a “sexy” woman usually did mean she had an ability to produce strong, healthy children.
All this happened through evolution, so it has nothing to do with us being conscious of the reasons for our desires.
It simply means that men who were attracted to beautiful women were able to reproduce better than men who did not feel this type of attraction for women with these features.
Those men who felt this attraction for these women survived and those who did not were wiped out.
For all the talk about beauty being in the eye of the beholder, think about the fact I stated earlier: The waist-to-hip ratio for what is considered a sexy woman is the exact same now, in every culture known to man, as it has been over all recorded history.
Beauty is NOT only about personal taste. It’s largely ingrained in our brains, because it was the ONLY way to ensure choosing the right mate for the survival of our genes.
And just as men evolved with these tendencies, women evolved different criteria in order to feel desire for a man. Those criteria are what this book is all about! Mostly, what women want is a MANLY man.
Your looks are a very small factor in the formula for attracting women.
26-02-2019, 02:48 PM
I also never understand why.
Very good discussion and hope to learn more from bro WB.
Thanks bro WB for a good thread.
I always never understand why too?
Dear bro WB
Very good forum below.
I agreed with the What was discussed below.
Many women actually dun understood why too.
Anyway thanks and I hope to learn more.
26-02-2019, 04:23 PM
Yes, die die also must avoid these type of women.
Thanks bro WB for sharing with us.
Have a nice day.
YEs, better avoid woman who takes us like crap.
Bro WB forum below was good indication why.
If a woman dun behave well and take us for granted then dump her.
We can easily get another woman or women.
27-02-2019, 10:59 AM
Excellent forum and well written which I would like to re-quote so that many brothers can read it again.
Hope I can learn more here.
Hi Bro WarBird,
it has been awhile since I have posted anything although I have been an ardent reader of your posts.
It is unfortunate however it seems that no other bros in this forum could contribute text book cases for us to discuss and analyse, perhaps even learn more from.
I would like to ask, if you have read any of Ayn Rand's works, it seems to me that there is a huge similarity in the main characters within Ayn Rand's literature to what is discussed here.
Dubbed the "randian hero", the Randian hero is the creative individualist. Though Rand rejected the notion that individuals have duty towards one another, her heroes are marked by an essential generosity, for the reason that they act out of compassion and empathy rather than guilt. Rand's fiction displays a self-consciously Promethean sense of life, declaring through her characters the heroic value of self-assertion in the face of the established order.
Generally a Randian hero is characterized by radical individualism, moral resolution, intelligence/aptitude, self-control, emotional discipline, and (frequently, but not always) attractive physical characteristics in the eyes of other Randian heroes. Rand's heroes are tall, strong and upright; the females share slender figures, defiant stances and the impression of internal calmness, while the males are physically hard and supple, often with gray eyes.
Interestingly, as you have pointed out, she has also insinuated that all relationships are based of an exchange of "virtue or value", in short, a business transaction sealed with an unknown currency to all except the parties involved.
Do watch her other interviews as well they are interesting to hear certain views that may contrast with your own.
It may seem inappropriate to discuss a little bit of philosophy here. But I believe this is very related to what you have discussed here, unfortunately the consensus of many men today do not even vaguely, grasp this concept.
I would like to hear your thoughts, and other readers do chime in as well.
27-02-2019, 11:00 AM
Another well researched and well written forum from bro abugga.
Nice piece of article.
Hi Bro Warbird,
I would like you to analyse the psyche of such a man I have previously discussed. As follows:
Not particularly handsome by conventional standards, has body movements that require no effort with natural movements. Low hard throaty voice.
He has learned long ago, with his first consciousness, two things that dominate his attitude toward life: his own superiority and the utter worthlessness of the world. He knows what he wants and what he thinks. He needs no other reason, standards or considerations. His complete selfishness is as natural to him as breathing. He is not even a militant or defendant of his own selfishness. No more that he could be defiant about the right to breathe and eat. He has the quiet complete irrevocable calm of an iron conviction. No dramatics, no hysteria, no sensitiveness about it - because there are no doubts.
A quick sharp mind, courageous and not afraid to be hurt, has long grasped and understood completely that the world is not what he is. Consequently he cannot be hurt. The world has no painful surprise for him, he has long accepted what he can expect from it. Indifference and an infinite calm contempt is what he feels about the world and the men who are not like him. He knows what he wants and the work he wants, that is all he expects of life. Being thoroughly a reason unto himself, he does not long for others of his kind, for companion and understanding.
He also knows the world will not give him the right to his work easily. He does not expect it to be given. He enters life prepared to find it a struggle. The state of strife and battle is natural to him as synonym of life. He does not think of himself as a soldier, but rather a soldier because he is himself. Consequently he does not believe in suffering. Defeat and disappointment are merely part of battle.
Nothing can really touch him, he is concerned only with what he does. Not how he feels. How he feels is entirely a matter of his own, which cannot be influenced by anything and anyone on the outside. If outside life brings him disappointment, it is merely a detail of battle, he will have to struggle harder, that is all.
His main policy in life is to refuse, completely and uncompromisingly, any surrender to the thoughts and desires of others.
Has a code of ethics to call his own, and only because he wants it. Plays straight and has contempt for little plays and lies. Says what he means and does not care if others like it or not, they will have to accept it.
Can never lose himself in love, has had great loves in life, even then it will never be an all absorbing, selfless passion. It is merely pride of a possesor. If he could not have them, it would not break him or affect him deeply, he might suffer in his own indifferent way, a suffering that can never reach deep enough to obscure life.
His attitude towards love is not " I love you and I am yours " but rather " I love you and you are mine ". It is primarily a feeling of want and getting. Were it necessary he could rape her and still feel completely justified. They will have to worship him, he is the god, he can never be the priest, she has to be the priestess.
His manner is one of profound, inexorable calm. A slow deliberate manner of speaking. Precise unhurried movements. Laughs seldom. Does not joke. Never an emotional outbreak. Never loses control of himself.
Thanks WB.
27-02-2019, 11:01 AM
Bro WB reply to bro abugga is also well written
Thank you so much for a great thread.
I have plenty to note and learn here.
Bro abugga,
Thanks for ur post! I hv heard of her, never read her books. IMHO, "the superior man" as defined by David Deida is more manly and enlightened compared to her so-called "ideal man."
"The most erotic moment for a woman is feeling that you are Shiva, the divine masculine: unperturbable, totally loving, fully present, and all-pervading. She cannot move you, because you already are what you are, with or without her. She cannot scare you away, because you already penetrate her in fearless love, pervading her heart and body. She cannot distract you, because your one-pointed commitment to truth will not bend to her wiles. Feeling this hugeness of love and freedom in you, she can trust you, utterly, and surrender her testing in celebration of love." --- David Deida
“You are only punishing yourself when you want to be in a relationship with a woman more than she wants to be a in a relationship with you.” --- David Deida
“If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back, then you suffer. Every moment is the most important moment of your life. No future time is better than now to let down your guard and love.” --- David Deida
IMHO, ALL human RS are strictly business transactions, based on exchange of value or friendship or kindness or money or assets or ego or self esteem or beliefs or companionship or memories or good will or emotions or sex or pleasure or love or ideas or happiness or power or opportunities, etc., etc...or a combination of the's a give and take, a trade, nothing more and nothing less. If one party perceives that the transaction is unequal n unfair, the RS will end eventually hahaha.
Bro WB
27-02-2019, 11:08 AM
Thanks for re-quoting. Great read.
Hoping to learn more too.
Excellent forum and well written which I would like to re-quote so that many brothers can read it again.
Hope I can learn more here.
27-02-2019, 01:06 PM
Very well written indeed
Thanks Bro WB for such an interesting thread.
Have a good day.
Bro WB reply to bro abugga is also well written
Thank you so much for a great thread.
I have plenty to note and learn here.
28-02-2019, 10:25 AM
Nice piece WB bro, its very informative.
Many bros had our fair share of that gal who got under our skin. Could not stop thinking of her, cannot work, cannot think, man possessed, lost etc etc. Its always something small that gets you, like the way she moans or the expression she gives when doing it and unknowingly she got under your skin and BANG your hooked.
To get out of her, the most efficient method is to find a bro or a group of bros and go cheong together frequently and explore new hunting grounds. Just keep meeting new gals and very soon its over. Not easy initially but the bro company helps a lot.
I am more concerned with Bros who are so in love with the gal and is willing to financially stress or worst ruin himself just to keep her smiling. Always remember this carnal rule ... "if she truly loves you, she will not waste your money" The key word being waste.
So the key is getting a girl to love you, and BRO WB got it spot on. Make her cum so hard so much so often she will beg for you to stop with the sweetest most blissful smile. Orgasms = Feeling of Love (I find most Asian women are wired this way). The more a girl gets mind blowing orgasms via penetration, clit or g-spot stimulations (they are all different so its YOUR job to find out which one or which combination works) they more love they will feel towards you. There are additional instant benefits to being a generous giver / lover, they will always want to have sex with you so you never have to plea for it and when they see you, they are already moist. EPIC WIN.
Unfortunately many drop the ball on this. Either too bloody lazy or fussy to go down or be on top or use tongue or use hands to make them happy which takes some time for gals for the initial cum. Most guys always want to jizz quickly because of this massive internal urgent feeling of needing release and then almost instantly after released, feels super shag and fall sleep.
Lets pause for one moment and imagine us guys in the equivalent situation, we penetrate a girl and she cums real fast (3 strokes) and then her virgina becomes dry instantly where u cannot penetrate further and she falls off asleep so no BJ, you are left with a raging hardon and cannot jerk off (no release in other words), HOW DOES IT FEEL? Sex becomes a torture for the unsatisfied partner. Will love ever prevail or even exist anymore? Does money and expensive gifts compensate enough for that torturous feeling?
For those bro who release too quickly, never penetrate right away, use your 'other sex organs' (hands and tongue) to make sure she gets plenty of satisfaction and after she begs you to stop, as its too exhausting, then say its your turn, and penetrate. By then even if you shoot real quick its fine because she has had her fill and she will be wonderfully happy it is reciprocated quickly !
Bro above posted a informative and good forum.
We all knew these are great information.
Hope we can share and learned together.
28-02-2019, 10:27 AM
Bro instantlove,
Thank you!! Very good post, very astute observations from decades of hand-on "battle field" experiences. You are like a veteran general, a military strategist n a natural!
Let me quote you: "if she truly loves you, she will not waste your money" The key word being waste.
I agree w/ bro instanlove 100%. In a long term man-woman RS, sexual satisfaction for both is crucial. I can't stress this point enough.
PVOs n more PVOs. It's do or die for a man. if a man has given a gal frequent PVOs, her attitude n actions towards him will change. If she hasn't changed, she is faking it. Lol.
To really satisfy a woman emotionally n sexually, a man's right mindset n sexual confidence is the key. Techniques, positions n stamina are of secondary importance.
If he doesn't hv a healthy dose of sexual confidence, nothing else is going to work...his girl will sense his lack of sexual confidence, insecurity, need for approval/validation 100 meters away. He has just become sexually repulsive(mostly subconsciously) to her regardless of his height, age, looks, wealth, status, fame, etc. She will try to leave him or cheat on him, even if he is a real-life handsome n young prince riding on a white horse. I would rather be a lao chee ko pek w/ MASSIVE sexual confidence n emotional mastery. To come to think of it, If I had such massive sexual confidence n emotional mastery, I won't need any one particular woman or anything else...and I certainly won't want to become any other MAN, not even an emperor of China.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Your reply to bro instantlove is just as good.
You had stressed your points on PVOs many times in the past few months. Hopefully I get to learn and practised all these good points.
Please share more for us.
I really enjoyed reading yoru great thread.
28-02-2019, 01:13 PM
Bro above posted a informative and good forum.
We all knew these are great information.
Hope we can share and learned together.
Very informative and good forum.
Great info.
28-02-2019, 03:21 PM
Bro WB
Your reply to bro instantlove is just as good.
You had stressed your points on PVOs many times in the past few months. Hopefully I get to learn and practised all these good points.
Please share more for us.
I really enjoyed reading yoru great thread.
Very good reply.
Hope to learn and practise too.
Thanks bro WB for a really good thread.
Have a great day.
01-03-2019, 02:01 PM
Damn Lao Chee Kor Pek so nice to savour young pussies often.
Bro WB
Very nice forum and down right honest point.
Hope when I am old Lao Chee Kor Pek time can be like you.
Still do all the things like young.
I still hv a lot to learn here.
Happy weekend coming soon.
Good morning!
I just replied to a bro on my other thread. It's abt life n marriage.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Bro hehehaha,
Well said. Only those who are or hv been married can fully understand...
Marriage is NOT an end, it's the beginning of a long, often tough and painful journey plagued by the vicissitudes of life.
Look at your beautiful 18 yo bride now, supposing you're around 20, can you imagine spending the next 60 to 70 yrs w/ her? God bless if both of u can stay healthy for such long time. But can u visualize her when she is 40, 50, 60 or 70 yrs old? Still want to make love to her frequently?
I'm a man, a lao chee ko pek, but I greatly enjoy making love to girls who are 18-24. My two current full mistresses are aged 18 n 22. And I hv many other GFs, both here n in China n elsewhere.
These girls keep me healthy, youthful, energetic n optimistic. Every area of my life has improved and is improving. That is what life is all about. I may not be satisfied w/ them n will look for better genes to hv kids with.
No, I'm not apologetic. On the contrary, I'm fulfilling my duty and obligations of a filial great...grandson to my ancestors. I know they love and approve of me. This is great karma.
Bro WB >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
01-03-2019, 02:30 PM
No, I'm not apologetic. On the contrary, I'm fulfilling my duty and obligations of a filial great...grandson to my ancestors. I know they love and approve of me. This is great karma.
This phrase is subjective. It depends on which angle you are looking at. No pun intended.
As for karma, it is not for us to judge. It will unfold with time. Sharing my humble thoughts.
01-03-2019, 03:20 PM
Also hope I can be Lao Chee Kor Pek too.
Want to learn more from bro WB.
Have a nice weekend.
Damn Lao Chee Kor Pek so nice to savour young pussies often.
Bro WB
Very nice forum and down right honest point.
Hope when I am old Lao Chee Kor Pek time can be like you.
Still do all the things like young.
I still hv a lot to learn here.
Happy weekend coming soon.
01-03-2019, 06:59 PM
Thanks bro WB for his great contributions in this wonderful thread.
Enjoy your weekend!
02-03-2019, 01:22 PM
Bro WB
Very powerful thread and also very powerful message.
"Take home lesson: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares the least."
I shall sleep on this message this weekend.
Hopefully I have more forum to share after several months.
Thanks + happy weekend.
A few days ago, I mentioned the love triangle of Xi Shi, Fan Li and King Fu Chai. The ultimate victor was of course Fan Li, even though he was a slave of a slave in Wu where Fu Chai was the king. I wonder how he felt when he was treated worse than a slave and when he knew the beautiful girl he loved was being fxked daily by Fu chai, his arch enemy. Very few men could stay sane for so long under such adverse circumstances. And he actually volunteered to place himself in such degrading, painful and perilous situation. I salute his formidable emotional mastery, his die-hard loyalty to king Gou Jian, his integrity, audacity, persistence and his pure genius as a political/military strategist and, more than a decade later, as a benevolent philanthropic business tycoon. He is THE MAN!!
Meanwhile, the powerful king Fu Chai lost his power n his head in his RS w/ Xi Shi. Why? He loved her and cared for her too much...
Therefore, dear bro out there, you shouldn't be discouraged even if Carlos Slim's tall n handsome son were vying for your dream girl's affection. And even if you were currently down and out. Just remember this, you would still be 1,000 X better than Fan Li at kingdom of Wu...improve yourself daily, develop awesome emotional mastery and the dream girl would be yours, eventually...but then again, you might not want her anymore, hahaha.
Take home lesson: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares the least.
Never ever relinquish your power as a man to any girl/woman, even if she were the last female on earth.
Bro WB
02-03-2019, 01:24 PM
Good afternoon to bro WB
Indeed I love all your myth.
I also hope that at 80yo I still can shoot like young man.
God bless you.
Happy weekend.
Good afternoon!
Not long ago I reconnected w/ a long lost bro, YJ. He is a well known samster who is purportedly very experienced in "bedding" singers but recently has chosen to retire from local night scene n has immigrated to a foreign country.
In bro YJ's opinion, I hv done well in my preferred field or comfort zone n I should move up to BY-ing singers. He believes that will be a real challenge n a real test of manhood as I'll be competing w/ many wealthy n experienced contenders. Must move out of my comfort zone, according to him. Apparently he has done all that n has achieved the ultimate conquests, so he is happy to retire. I had another chat w/ him several days later in which I outlined my goals n desires which are radically different from his...
I disagreed w/ bro YJ completely on many points. He said he wasn't offended. Good for him. If true, he has earned my respect as a man w/ good emotional control. I wish him all the best. BTW, I hv learned a lot from him in my formative yrs in 2009 n 2010...Thanks bro YJ!
First, I like to comment on Bro YJ's voluntary "retirement." I'll never "retire" from making love to SYTS who are attractive to me. BTW, I'm a lao chee ko pek, whereas bro YJ is much, much younger, only middle-aged. He is many years from reaching his sexual prime because I'm only beginning to get close to mine. For me, to retire is to give up living, give up life. And, I don't dwell on past achievements or past glories. I only live in the present. The past doesn't exist, nor does the future. What I hv and what everyone has is the present moment, that is all. Even if you were at one time the Emperor of China, so what? No use if you're now a waiter and living incognito in Sg or in Argentina. Even if u hv fxked all the famous super models, beauty queens and actresses, so what? It's what you're NOW as a MAN, physically, emotionally, psychologically n spiritually, that really matters. I learn from the past n I plan for the future, but this should take only a few minutes a day. Don't spend hours, like most people.
Moreover, what is great success to bro YJ or anyone else may mean absolutely nothing to me. To each his own. Some may think I'm a failure because I'm not a Nobel laureate in Physics or I'm not an American board certified neurosurgeon. Some may think a person is successful only if he is the richest man in the world. I hv this to say, since our earth is a pale blue dot, being numero uno in anything in our world doesn't amount to very much.
I know my circle of competence but I never stay in my comfort zone. I'm expanding my circle of competence in ALL directions, every minute, every day. Everything is changing, the whole universe is changing, and we must change w/ it. If a man is wishing for status quo or trying to stay in his comfort zone, whoever he is n wherever he is, he is finished, kaput.
Back to why I shun hanging flowers...
1) Hanging flowers and getting into flower wars is for BIG SUCKERS aka patsies. Sorry for being so blunt, but I'm dead serious. The fiction cost is exorbitant n it would be THE most inefficient way to get the girls /women of my type. It's more abt boosting my fragile ego and showing off than abt the singers. Moreover, there are "fake flowers," fraud and money laundering, not something I want to get involved in any way.
2) By hanging big flowers and competing w/ other patrons for the singers, I'm announcing that I'm a chaser and that they hv higher social n sexual value than me. It's the same as putting big signs on my head and scream: Please look at me, I'm inferior, I'm insecure n I'm hanging big flowers so that you will notice me, because I'm a born loser, I don't believe I deserve you n I hv nothing else to offer u. This unmanly, needy n wussy behaviour is most repulsive to the subconscious minds of the girls. Of course I'll get their pussies if I hang enough but it will be extremely difficult to overcome their initial negative (mostly subconscious) perceptions of me. Even if subsequently I could give them PVOs again n again, it would not be enough to get them addicted.
3) The timing of HFJs is inconvenient for me as I sleep early. I go to SH at KTVs only twice a month n I always leave before midnight. "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."
4) It's very difficult to judge the physical attractiveness of singers inside the HFJs because of the lighting, hairdo, make up and long evening gowns which cover their thighs and legs. But they can't fool me. I like to see a girl's bare thighs n legs clearly in broad daylight before BY-ing. Mummy J used to arrange my prospective mistresses to meet me in hot pants during the day haha.
5) Most successful singers are ruthless psychopaths and/or sociopaths w/ narcissistic personality disorder. They are poisons to me. What is one's goal or endpoint w/ them? Can't define success unless you hv a clear n well defined goal. ST or BY? Beat out all the other customers to get their pussies? Or get them emotionally n sexually addicted? Marry one of them? Become a gigolo to them?
6) Singers are usually here only 6 months n it's difficult for them to return for the next 12 months. If I like a girl, I like to keep her long term, until she becomes unattractive to me. Six months is just to short if a pussy is exquisite.
I also like to comment on several health myths.
Myth 1: A man reaches his sexual peak at 18-19. Nonsense. I hv yet to reach my peak.
Myth 2: It's normal for a man to gain weight as he gets older. Nonsense. My weight n waistline are the same as when I was 21. Look at Chen Lifu n Kirk Kerkorian. Google them.
Myth 3: It's normal for a man's BP to go up as he ages. Again, nonsense. My BP is actually slightly lower than when I was 21. And I don't take any medications.
Last but not least, how do I find time to go to HFJs? I don't even hv time to go to Shanghai where a lucrative business deal and several delectable high school/uni students hv been waiting for me.
Bro WB
02-03-2019, 01:56 PM
Me too, I will also sleep on this message.
Great thread here by bro WB.
Bro WB
Very powerful thread and also very powerful message.
"Take home lesson: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares the least."
I shall sleep on this message this weekend.
Hopefully I have more forum to share after several months.
Thanks + happy weekend.
02-03-2019, 03:36 PM
Loving all the myth too.
Very good thread here bro WB, thanks for sharing so much.
Have a nice day.
Good afternoon to bro WB
Indeed I love all your myth.
I also hope that at 80yo I still can shoot like young man.
God bless you.
Happy weekend.
03-03-2019, 09:25 AM
Bro WB
Very long detailed post below.
Make eye contact is very important and in fact our eyes can talk. Girls are interesting creatures and will love to get noticed.
Girls will dress up in all occasions be it in the gym or any gatherings.
Girls want to look good and will not be bothered with wuss.
Agreed with the Ang Moh GURU.
Then again all these are theories to put into practice.
Good morning!
A famous Ang Moh relationship guru just sent me this e-mail. His methods work well w/ every healthy heterosexual female.
QUESTION (from a reader)
Just wanted to share a little bit of what your
lessons have done for me. I read your book and
started concentrating on what I thought was my
weak points. I did as your book recommended and
started picturing myself as the cocky funny
person I wanted to be. I even did the whole
daydream practice thing everyday. I work at a
fitness center so I see lots of hot women all
the time. My biggest weakness is that I look
away quickly after eye contact is made. I
decided that before I started trying to
approach women I would make it my goal for a
couple of weeks to just make eye contact and
hold it until they looked away. Ok, here is the
good part. After practicing eye contact for a
couple of weeks and doing the whole mental
exercise thing, I was at work one day working
out after my break and was practicing my eye
contact thing between sets with this really hot
girl near the dumbbell rack.
I knew she noticed but it never bothered me cause
I had no intentions of acting. Well, I had to go
over to get a set of dumbbells for my next
exercise and as I got close to where she was, she
suddenly turned around and said "I have a
boyfriend" and turned around. Normally I would
have just stood there in shock and said nothing
but, I guess all that mental practice paid off.
Without even thinking or pausing, the words just
came out. I said "Hey that's great I am happy for
you. (Pause - and in a lower tone) I know this is
probably a major accomplishment for you but to
the rest a the world this is kind of normal so you
might not want to go telling every stranger you
see." Then I just walked off with my weights to
do my sets. 5 min later she comes over to me and
apologizes and asks for my number. Turns out she
didn't have a boyfriend but was just tired of
being picked up by losers while she was trying
to do a workout. Thanks for the pleasant
Ang Moh guru's cooments:
Niiiiice one.
Your letter is really a wonderful affirmation and summary of some of my favorite concepts:
1) Read my book, "Double Your Dating"
2) Actually use the material and mentally
3) Start from where you are
4) Be Cocky & Funny
5) Show complete indifference
6) Use illogical Jedi-Level mind power to create
I'm going to talk more about eye contact and body language in a moment, but if you'd like to get the ultimate education on how to be Cocky & Funny, then you MUST take a minute and get this.
First of all, your story would make NO sense at all to most guys. They would say, "Yeah, whatever. She was probably abused as a child and
wants you to be her daddy" or "Well, if I worked at a gym, I could do that too."
Of course, you realize that this had nothing to do with it...this was a result of you learning about how women are, then preparing, and then taking action.
I couldn't be more impressed.
Now, let's talk about some of the things that were happening that most people would MISS when reading the story...
You mentioned your exercise of keeping eye contact until women look away. This is very powerful. I am guilty of not addressing this
issue more often and I'm glad you mentioned it here.
If you can learn this skill, it will communicate powerfully for you. Great job.
You said, "I guess all that mental practice paid off. With out even thinking or pausing the words just came out."
This is the result of preparation and mental rehearsal. This wasn't "luck". Even though the words were unique to the situation, the MESSAGE
was delivered clearly. By learning how to better communicate in the language that women understand, you created magic.
And, as for the words themselves...
You just got to love saying: "Hey that's great. I am happy for you." (Pause - and in a lower tone) "I know this is probably a major accomplishment for you, but to the rest of the world, this is kind of normal. So, you might not
want to go telling every stranger you see." to a hot woman at the gym!
You INSTANTLY took a situation that would normally strip a man of all his composure and personal power, and then REFRAMED her words in a
way that caused HER to look like the socially inept one.
Then you did something equally powerful:
In effect, you busted on her, then PROVED BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT YOU COULD TAKE HER OR LEAVE HER. Actions really do speak louder than words...most guys would have messed up that situation by standing around waiting for her to say something. You did the right thing by walking away.
When you combine all of these factors together, you get a totally illogical outcome:
She realized that you weren't just some other loser who hoped to maybe get a date by kissing up to her...You turned out to be one of the
EXCEPTIONAL men in the world who have more personal power than her, and one of the even MORE exceptional men who also know how to create
This combination made her feel a feeling that you can't create by DECIDING that you want it. It can only be created by TRIGGERING IT.
Finally, I'd like to comment on the fact that SHE asked YOU for YOUR number. You realize that it's not typical for a woman to approach a man,
apologize, and then ask for his number.
Women will often ask a man for his number just to get rid of him. But not in a situation like this one. This was different. She apologized, then told you that she's tired of being picked up by losers...then asked for your number. This was, in effect, her telling you that she sees you DIFFERENTLY.
All because of your eye contact, followed by a perfect execution of the Cocky and Funny attitude, followed by an excellent physical demonstration of indifference.
Again, to most men this would make no sense at all. If you consulted most relationship books, they would argue that this type of approach would
NEVER work. I mean, men are supposed to "court" women, compliment them...pursue them with gifts and favors, right?
Yeah, right.
The problem is that the mainstream relationship books forgot to TITLE the chapter that suggests this kind of behavior:
The question I have for you is...
And, can you do what it takes to get yourself from where you are, to where you actually need to be, in order to attract the kinds of women that you would like to meet and date?
It can be done, but you're going to have to do it.
As I mentioned above, the first step is to read my online eBook, "Double Your Dating". That's the best head start I can give you.
You'll be reading it within just a few minutes.
And get yourself a copy of my fantastic program "Body Language For Success With Women And Dating".
You will learn the "animal magnetism" secrets that guys who are "naturals" with women use to attract women using COMMUNICATION ALONE.
No looks, money, or gifts required.
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your friend,
Ang Moh Guru
03-03-2019, 09:40 AM
Looks, money and status are important. Dont let pick up artist tell you that looks, money and status dont matter. If you are poor get rich. If you are fat get ripped. Girls chase champions, guys chase championships.
03-03-2019, 11:30 AM
Very nice video indeed.
Thank you bro WB for sharing so much with us.
Practise makes perfect!
Have a good day
bros, tks
I always never understand why too?
Dear bro WB
Very good forum below.
I agreed with the What was discussed below.
Many women actually dun understood why too.
Anyway thanks and I hope to learn more.
Bro, tks.
Be non-needy and non-reactive. Treat all girls/women like little girls.
YEs, better avoid woman who takes us like crap.
Bro WB forum below was good indication why.
If a woman dun behave well and take us for granted then dump her.
We can easily get another woman or women.
Behave like a MAN. Never be afraid to wlak away from any girl/woman.
I also never understand why.
Very good discussion and hope to learn more from bro WB.
Thanks bro WB for a good thread.
Yes, die die also must avoid these type of women.
Thanks bro WB for sharing with us.
Have a nice day.
Bros, thanks.
Excellent forum and well written which I would like to re-quote so that many brothers can read it again.
Hope I can learn more here.
Another well researched and well written forum from bro abugga.
Nice piece of article.
Bro, thank you for re-quoting bro Abugga's excellent posts. I wish he will return to share his insights.
Bro WB reply to bro abugga is also well written
Thank you so much for a great thread.
I have plenty to note and learn here.
Bro, tks.
A real man may like or love a woman very much, but he DOESN'T NEED her.
Thanks for re-quoting. Great read.
Hoping to learn more too.
Very well written indeed
Thanks Bro WB for such an interesting thread.
Have a good day.
Bros, tks.
Bro above posted a informative and good forum.
We all knew these are great information.
Hope we can share and learned together.
Bro, tks for quoting his post. It's excellent.
Bro WB
Your reply to bro instantlove is just as good.
You had stressed your points on PVOs many times in the past few months. Hopefully I get to learn and practised all these good points.
Please share more for us.
I really enjoyed reading yoru great thread.
Bro, tks.
An experienced Ang Moh once said that it's easy to get your dream girl addicted to you:
Make her cry.
Fuck her long and hard.
Refuse sex w/ her, sometimes, unexpectedly.
I generally agree w/ him. Asian girls are very similar.
Very informative and good forum.
Great info.
Very good reply.
Hope to learn and practise too.
Thanks bro WB for a really good thread.
Have a great day.
Bros, thanks.
Damn Lao Chee Kor Pek so nice to savour young pussies often.
Bro WB
Very nice forum and down right honest point.
Hope when I am old Lao Chee Kor Pek time can be like you.
Still do all the things like young.
I still hv a lot to learn here.
Happy weekend coming soon.
Bro, tks for quoting my previous post.
"I'm a man, a lao chee ko pek, but I greatly enjoy making love to girls who are 18-24. My two current full mistresses are aged 18 n 22. And I hv many other GFs, both here n in China n elsewhere."
I must hv written that in 2015. My full-time LPs at the time were 18 yo LS and 22 yo HH. I dumped HH in August that yr because she was becoming greedy.
LS returned home in 2016 for health reasons. She came back last yr to be my full-time LP. She is 22 now. Of course, I hv still TY who just turned 19, according to her IC. She looks prettier n younger w/o any makeup.
No, I'm not apologetic. On the contrary, I'm fulfilling my duty and obligations of a filial great...grandson to my ancestors. I know they love and approve of me. This is great karma.
This phrase is subjective. It depends on which angle you are looking at. No pun intended.
As for karma, it is not for us to judge. It will unfold with time. Sharing my humble thoughts.
Bro, you're right.
Everything in this universe is made of particles and energy, known and unknown. All must follow the physical laws of nature. And so must everything and every occurrence, since the Big Bang.
It's impossible to say what is good or bad for a set of particles n energy...
Also hope I can be Lao Chee Kor Pek too.
Want to learn more from bro WB.
Have a nice weekend.
Thanks bro WB for his great contributions in this wonderful thread.
Enjoy your weekend!
Tks, bros.
Bro WB
Very powerful thread and also very powerful message.
"Take home lesson: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares the least."
I shall sleep on this message this weekend.
Hopefully I have more forum to share after several months.
Thanks + happy weekend.
Bro, tks.
Women secretly want a man who keeps his power in the RS. They desperately want to be submissive to him, in their primitive brains. Their very survival and that of their offspring depend on HIM. They find a weak man repulsive. Forget what they say consciously, which is largely due to modern social and cultural conditioning.
Good afternoon to bro WB
Indeed I love all your myth.
I also hope that at 80yo I still can shoot like young man.
God bless you.
Happy weekend.
Bro, tks for quoting my old post.
Bro YL is bro DYBJ. He had many posts on SBF and in this thread, and I used to call him Mr Austin or Mr Chairman.
Remember the health myths. The overwhelming majority of men don't hv optimal health.
If you don't hv a strong hard-on most of your mornings, see a doctor asap. I don't care how old you're, something is wrong. I still hv rock hard erections most of the mornings. And I'm still able to make love 5-6 times a week.
Me too, I will also sleep on this message.
Great thread here by bro WB.
Loving all the myth too.
Very good thread here bro WB, thanks for sharing so much.
Have a nice day.
Bros, tks.
Bro WB
Very long detailed post below.
Make eye contact is very important and in fact our eyes can talk. Girls are interesting creatures and will love to get noticed.
Girls will dress up in all occasions be it in the gym or any gatherings.
Girls want to look good and will not be bothered with wuss.
Agreed with the Ang Moh GURU.
Then again all these are theories to put into practice.
Tks, bro.
Must be prepared to walk away. Never settle for 2nd best.
Looks, money and status are important. Dont let pick up artist tell you that looks, money and status dont matter. If you are poor get rich. If you are fat get ripped. Girls chase champions, guys chase championships.
Bro, tks.
The male attributes you hv mentioned aren't enough. Not by a long shot. You're missing the most important attributes. Pls read my posts from the beginning.
There are many young, rich and handsome men in SG who don't hv or can't get a chio SYT GF or LP. Driving a supercar has not helped them. Why?
If you know a man who has a very chio SYT GF, intro him and his GF to me. I like to meet them. Don't bring plastic gals. PM me.
Even if he could keep or marry his dream girl, she might leave him or cheat on him, unless he has the most important masculine attributes such as awesome emotional n self-mastery...
BTW, I hv not found an attractive gal/woman in Crazy Rich Asians.
I'm being brutally honest. I guess one man's meat is another man's poison.
Good morning,
IMHO, the two occupations most attractive to high-quality n beautiful SYTs/women are:
1) A fighter pilot
2) An American board-certified neurosurgeon.
These men embody some of the most desirable masculine attributes. And, they add VALUE to society n country. A beautiful GF or wife of a rich, young and handsome man is very likely to fall for a MAN w/ one of the above jobs. IF such a man will accept her. I'm 100% certain.
It's not too late to become a MAN w/ one of two most coveted jobs, especially for the many younger bros in this forum. It's better late than never.
Cheers n a wonderful Sunday to all samsters.
Bro WB
03-03-2019, 02:10 PM
Making eye contact confirmed very important to get noticed.
Thanks bro WB for a very good thread.
Bro WB
Very long detailed post below.
Make eye contact is very important and in fact our eyes can talk. Girls are interesting creatures and will love to get noticed.
Girls will dress up in all occasions be it in the gym or any gatherings.
Girls want to look good and will not be bothered with wuss.
Agreed with the Ang Moh GURU.
Then again all these are theories to put into practice.
03-03-2019, 03:24 PM
Excellent thread!
Hope to learn more from bro WB :)
04-03-2019, 11:16 AM
Good morning bro WB
Another excellent post in the past.
So many and I am losing count of the excellent posts in this thread.
Nice guys are rejected by women and dun ask me why because Bro WB said so.
Be a badass gentleman and will succeed. The power of the relationship lies with the person who don't give a damn.
Nice quotes and thanks.
Good morning!
Many bros/men are great w/ girls/women. Decades of experience n real life photos/videos to prove their greatness. Then there are the great ladies men of history.
They are great w/ girls/women they like/love lightly. But all of them would change their behaviour when they meet THE ONE haha.They suddenly lose their emotional/sexual control and mastery. Same thing happens to the female gender.
Let's not forget this. King Fuchai of Wu was a successful, masculine warrior who could have all the prettiest girls in present day Zhejiang n Jiangshu provinces. But when he met Xi Shi, he turned into a wussy good guy...and I'm sure she found him most unattractive.
How can a man prevent getting bewitched by the most beautiful girl he has ever met? Because once he is bewitched, he becomes repulsive to her, regardless of his other excellent attributes.
I like to share the following article sent by a guru.
"The Big Mistake That Kills Attraction"
You take your average good guy, good personality, lots of friends, generally cool, and then you put him in a situation with a woman that he's REALLY attracted to, and more often than not, he turns into a weirdo who acts creepy, needy, and generally nothing like his normal self.
This sucks for him (he'll beat himself up for it afterwards), and it sucks for her (she missed out on getting to know a good guy that she might have had a sweet romance with).
Nobody wins! So let's roll up our sleeves and talk about one quick fix.
This topic is HUGE, I've talked about it plenty in my programs, but I want to make an important distinction that will help you get power over this built-in form of crazy.
The issue: "Reaction monitoring"
When a man feels strong attraction for a woman, his mind naturally begins to loop on whether she's attracted to him too. And then it usually starts to go nuts trying to figure out HOW to get her attracted, WHAT to say, and whether or not it's WORKING.
That's reaction monitoring, and it's one of the most attraction-killing behaviors in the known Universe.
I recently talked about this idea in a seminar and one of the guys asked me, "Don't have to watch her reactions to know where to steer the conversation and to know whether or not we're compatible or I'm wasting my time?"
That does sound pretty darn logically, but the answer is absolutely NOT.
I'll make a distinction between "reaction monitoring", being in "disregard", and being "in relation" to someone.
Reaction monitoring is when your emotions are dependent on their reactions to what you are doing.
If she laughs at your joke, you feel great, if she doesn't, you feel your ego drop out and feel like a loser. It's a dependency.
And for a woman that dependency doesn't just feel WEAK and unattractive, it also feels like PRESSURE, because she begins to feel like she's on stage and that she must perform or the mood of the entire interaction will get weird. Her only recourse is to get the hell out.
Disregard is like Aspergers (or more commonly, just some douche who is so impressed by his own lines that he doesn't notice when he is offending). This is paradoxically sometimes perceived by a woman as "strong and independent" and can get some attraction and action... but it can't lead anywhere.
A man like that is not actually available for relationship, and he is generally acting out of a fear of his own inadequacy in intimacy. Women with higher self esteem (the good ones!), or simply more experience in dating will avoid men like that because they feel entitled to demand attention on their words, actions, and feelings.
Instead, the goal is to be IN RELATION to her.
This is a flow state where your emotions and her emotions create a cocktail of what IS.
There's no effort to manipulate it, but simply to experience and enjoy it. When you are in RELATION to a woman (or to a man, for that matter), the quality of monitoring to see if you are being accepted or rejected disappears in the transparency of what is really happening in the moment.
Bro WB
04-03-2019, 11:17 AM
Good morning again to bro WB
Making babies is making good karma. I really have so much to learn here.
Thanks again.
Good morning!
Every man is different n every taste is different. Every female is different...
We all hv our unique way of doing things and if we are truly satisfied n happy w/ our life as it is, don't give a damn what anyone else feels/thinks/says or does.
For me, making love to young attractive women is a mission. It's fulfilling my duties as a filial son to all my ancestors, both male n female. If I do find the right girls w/ the right genes, having more kids w/ them would be filial duties accomplished. I KNOW all my ancestors would be very happy n would love me for it!
That is GREAT karma.
Let me digress a bit. I hv reconciled w/ my ex Fujian mistress WX. She is eager to meet me later this month when I go to Shanghai for a business deal. A 19 yo student will also meet me there.
I still hv two mistresses who are in SG currently. LH has been w/ me over 2 yrs n will be 23 very soon. She is the tall one w/ natural D. The 18 yo LS is on student visa. She is not my usual type as she is only 160-161 n a bit tanned. But she is fairer now as she has taken taxi to school since I first kept her a month ago. She doesn't work n stays home all the time waiting for me. If she goes anywhere else after returning from school after 4:00 PM, she will seek my permission. BTW, she is less than 1/3 my age.
LS stays in a master bedroom I'm renting for her, about 6-7 minutes walk from my own home. And all the security guards know that she is my mistress n I hv tipped them to provide info for me haha. I sometimes also drive n park in the underground garage n leave it overnight.
LS has other desirable attributes. I find her pretty n cute. She is the type that will bring me good fortune. Her abalone is exquisite, smells nice n very very tight. Most importantly, she has CVOs quite easily. She is less demanding n very submissive. Oh, most importantly, she has good body proportions n very slender arms n THE tiniest wrists. I gave her a jade bangle, the smallest in my collection n it's still a bit too large. Beautiful hands n fingers. Boobs only A/B but nicely shaped n proportionate n pinkish light brown nipples. Nice perky butt w/ prominent Venus dimples, n slightly fatter thighs but slimmer calves, which is the proportions I crave.
I hv seen LS almost everyday since I started BYing her over a month ago. Even If I go to KTVs or see my other mistress or other girls, I would come to her place after 10:30 PM. I would freshen up, brush my teeth, sometimes shower n get in bed w/ her...would sometimes make love to her if I'm not too tired. She is my very good lao po. At other times, she would meet me near Peace Centre for dinner. I hv dinner about 18 times a month w/ her n often she would try to save money by ordering cheaper items.
I may make LS my LT mistress. The question is when will she become emotionally n sexually addicted to me?
Bro WB
04-03-2019, 11:19 AM
Good morning too
Fully agreed this is a super excellent post from the past.
Thanks bro WB for a great thread.
Have a good week ahead.
Good morning bro WB
Another excellent post in the past.
So many and I am losing count of the excellent posts in this thread.
Nice guys are rejected by women and dun ask me why because Bro WB said so.
Be a badass gentleman and will succeed. The power of the relationship lies with the person who don't give a damn.
Nice quotes and thanks.
04-03-2019, 01:05 PM
Good afternoon everyone
Making babies is not only making good karma, is also good exercise.
Really nice thread by bro WB, many things to learn too.
Good morning again to bro WB
Making babies is making good karma. I really have so much to learn here.
Thanks again.
05-03-2019, 06:09 PM
Happened to come across this wonderful thread.
Thanks bro WB!!
07-03-2019, 12:04 PM
Bro WB
I thought death means end the SUFFERINGS. Living means you have to accept both happiness and sufferings. As mortal we have no choice because of inevitable accidents, illnesses, broken-hearted loves, etc.
If we can accept all these then just be happy.
Live life the fullest and try most of the things.
Happy endings.
Good afternoon!
I hv thought about how to live life to the fullest everyday.
The best way to enjoy life starting now is to accept death and its associated sufferings UNCONDITIONALLY, both in the conscious and subconscious mind.
Accept it NOW.
Why? Because death n sufferings are inevitable. No one can predict when death will occur. Could be tonight or decades later, yeah?
If you don't accept it, you suffer NOW and everyday, possibly long before your actual death.
But once you have accepted the inevitable death, you have no where to go but UP and UP.
Two great Chinese phrases 置之于死地而后生 and 把生死置之于度外 are similar but usually very short-lived. The one who almost died but survived would revert back to the old fearful way, very quickly.
Bro WB
07-03-2019, 12:12 PM
Bro WB,
Yes you are right. If a man meets "the one" he must control himself. If one ends up like the male lead in the classic Michael Bolton song "when a man loves a woman" , the consequences can be impending doom.
Thank you for your kind words bro wb. We ended up going for 10 rounds that night. She and I are now in different countries and she is yearning for me. Next month we will be meeting in eastern Europe. Will update more in detail of my experiences!
Bro WB
Michael Bolton classic songs " When A man loves a woman"
If you can go 10 rounds with any woman then you are not the claimed lao chee kor pek.
"The true test of a man's self mastery is when he meets his Special One." - really lovely quote.
Thanks and be happy.
I also thought death means end of SUFFERINGS.
Very good thread by bro WB.
Have a nice day.
Bro WB
I thought death means end the SUFFERINGS. Living means you have to accept both happiness and sufferings. As mortal we have no choice because of inevitable accidents, illnesses, broken-hearted loves, etc.
If we can accept all these then just be happy.
Live life the fullest and try most of the things.
Happy endings.
07-03-2019, 08:12 PM
Awesome thread by bro WB, thanks a lot.
Cheers :)
08-03-2019, 11:57 AM
Good morning!
I like to share something interesting from an Ang Mo guru on the #1 trait women universally want in a man.
Hi, Mr Guru,
You’re really awesome, man. I read your newsletter every day
and have invested in most of your programs! You really share
great stuff. I have a question for you. What do you believe is
the #1 trait women universally want in a man? And how do I
develop it? Thank you.
Your Disciple
Hi, Mr Disciple. Thanks for the kind words and TAKING
Wow! It’s a GREAT question.
There are many traits women universally find
attractive. Leadership, sense of humour, confidence,
and so on…
BUT if you ask me for the #1, the MOST
important, the HOLY GRAIL, if you prefer, here’s
it is:
Because without it, you can’t develop the others.
There are 5 components to a winning attitude.
1. Take 100% responsibility for your life, results,
emotions, the good, the bad, and everything in between…
You don’t blame mommy, daddy, your high school
teacher, your ex, your friends—NO one.
2. Never give up. (Hint: This is what separates guys who
become great with women from the others)
3. Take action… FAST. Don’t wait for the stars
to align or the permission of someone.
4. Have a sense of humour about yourself. Don’t
take yourself too seriously.
5. Ambition. Go after something, have a dream,
vision and goals.
You build a winning attitude over time.
Women can tell when someone is like that, because
the attitude triggers her subconscious survival mechanism.
Then, she can’t help but be open to you.
That’s also how you keep her forever.
So few men are like that.
Great news! That means that if you just make
a little effort, you’re better than 99% of men
out there.
That’s it for today.
Have an amazing day!
Mr Guru
IMHO, you can't hv a lasting winning attitude unless you hv awesome self mastery.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Very good forum above.
"You build a winning attitude over time.
Women can tell when someone is like that, because
the attitude triggers her subconscious survival mechanism.
Then, she can’t help but be open to you.
That’s also how you keep her forever."
This sentences are priceless.
Thanks alot.
08-03-2019, 11:59 AM
Good morning!
What is more important than excellent or optimal health?
IMHO, it's survival and preservation of life. This is no 1. One must avoid accidents and situations that may threaten one's very survival.
Let me give u one example. There was a 42 yo cardiologist, originally from China, who often rode bicycle out on the road for fitness in Washington state, Gotham country. He was killed by a truck several years ago. There are many, many other tragic cases. You get the idea.
No 2 would be excellent or optimal health.
Everything else is of secondary importance.
I just received an email from a Gotham guru on:
How Often Should You Ejaculate?
An interesting new study from the epidemiology department at Harvard has me changing my mind (and my recommendation) about ejaculation...
In general it's been known, and I've been saying, that there is nothing wrong with ejaculating as often as you enjoy it-- either through sex or masturbation.
I teach men exercises for learning how to have "non-ejaculatory orgasms", which, as the name implies, means that you have an orgasm, but without the mess.
The REASON for learning how to have orgasm without ejaculation as a man is that when you don't ejaculation, there is no "REFRACTORY PERIOD" (which is that 30-120 minutes right after ejaculation where you can't maintain your erection and you lose interest in sex)... which means that theoretically when you do this practice, you can just continue having sex as long as you want and have as many orgasms as you can handle.
Which is GREAT! And FUN!
One of the strong recommendations in the program is that to learn how to have non-ejaculatory orgasms you should abstain from ejaculation for at least a week (more for older guys).
In fact, I personally had been on a regimen where I ejaculated only once about every 7-10 days in order to maximize my non-ejaculatory orgasms, my libido, and the quality of my erections. Practicing this way WORKS, and it's extremely enjoyable.
Only thing is, according to the latest (and most complete) research, men who ejaculate more than 21 times/month have a LOWER RISK FOR PROSTATE CANCER.
This is extremely significant.
While prostate cancer is generally not fatal for most men who get it...
Most men DO get it.
In fact, many men who have prostate cancer don't even know they have it. They just suffer from some of the symptoms as they age, but it doesn't kill them.
The numbers look like this: 1 in 3 men will have it by the time they reach their 50s, and 80% of men will have it by their 70s.
And symptoms include loss of sexual function, difficulty achieving erection, and frequent need to pee (which can mess up your sleep, which leads to a series of many other problems).
And BELIEVE ME, even if you're not in your 50s now... you are not going to want these problems when you get to your 50s.
And here's the kicker:
While your chances of getting it in your 50s are about 1 in 3 (30% ), there's virtually NOTHING that is PROVEN to lower to risk.
Many supplements and herbs (particularly lycopene from cooked tomatoes) are seen as "promising" to reduce the risk, NOTHING is proven effective...
Until now.
The new study shows a decrease in risk of a whopping 20% in men of all ages, all activity levels, and all ethnicities from ejaculating more often (at least 21 times/month).
How significant do I think this is?
Well, I've personally started to change my own habits to ejaculate at least 5 times/week.
Yes, it makes non-ejaculatory orgasm much more challenging for me. But on balance I think it's worth it. Obviously you may decide otherwise--this is a very personal decision.
But for the majority of my readers I'd say this is good reason to keep your girlfriend up late more frequently, or just break out the lube and take care of business yourself.
For Passion (and your health),
Mr Guru
Bro WB
I shall tried to ejaculate as often as possible to prevent prostrate cancer.
Thanks for a great forum above.
Cheers to you.
08-03-2019, 01:27 PM
Bro WB
Very good forum above.
"You build a winning attitude over time.
Women can tell when someone is like that, because
the attitude triggers her subconscious survival mechanism.
Then, she can’t help but be open to you.
That’s also how you keep her forever."
This sentences are priceless.
Thanks alot.
Fully agreed the sentences are priceless.
Thanks bro WB for a very interesting thread.
08-03-2019, 05:42 PM
Bro WB
I shall tried to ejaculate as often as possible to prevent prostrate cancer.
Thanks for a great forum above.
Cheers to you.
I think I better do that too haha.
Thanks for the info and what an awesome thread by bro WB.
Have a good weekend!
09-03-2019, 10:07 AM
nice song ole!
09-03-2019, 01:37 PM
Good afternoon to Bro WB and all.
Happy weekend in advance.
I was reading the forum below and felt I should comment.
Sexual Urgency VS Sexual Pressure.
Really eye opening.
Hope to learn more from experienced brothers here.
Good afternoon,
I just received the following email from Mr Guru.
This time I'm going to let you in on what may very well be the
"secret of the universe" when it comes to creating mutual sexual
attraction between a woman and yourself and acting on it.
Let it be known that this may not fully register the first time you
read it. You may need to peruse this whole enchilada a couple of
times for it to really hit home.
So with that in mind, let's hurry up and go for it. I'll keep it
as concise as possible.
Now obviously, all of us have seen a woman and realized instantly
that we were sexually attracted to her. We may have even felt
something move in our boxers right there on the spot.
Well, when that sort of thing has happened to you, what was going
through your mind?
Somehow I doubt it was to the effect of, "You know, that's one sexy
chick. Someday when I feel like it, I'm going to have to get
around to having sex with her."
My bet is it was more like, "Whoa...I'd love to get her naked and
do unspeakably naughty things to her RIGHT NOW."
Let's face it. Horniness is NOT patient, is it? That's just how
biological urges roll. The same holds true for hunger, thirst,
breathing, sleeping, etc.
So let's call that impulse in the moment "sexual urgency".
"Sexual urgency" = "fervent desire to have sex ASAP"
This is perfectly NORMAL.
It's just like when you're hungry you want to EAT.
If you happen to find yourself at the bottom of a swimming
pool, you'll probably scramble to the surface and BREATHE
as quickly as you can.
But unlike other physiological needs we all have, sex is unique:
When satisfied in the most fulfilling manner (i.e. not through
masturbation), it requires the active participation of someone
(For what it's worth, some of you may feel like issuing a rebuttal
to that last statement. But ultimately, I find it really hard to
believe you'd "rather jack off" than be with a real, live woman.
For most men that's a cheap substitute, so I invite you to shelve
any bitterness toward women that you may be feeling, if only long
enough to consider the real point here. Cool?)
So this means that in order for your desires to come to fruition,
she's going to have to agree to help satisfy them.
She's not like the air around you that you can breathe freely
without its permission, or the can of ravioli you buy at the
grocery store and wolf down without its express consent.
Now, for the record, I'm firmly of the belief that MOST women
aren't exactly going to get a room with any and every horny
guy who introduces himself and suggests doing the "wild thing"
Let me be the first to admit that in the homo sapiens species there
tends to be a process associated with any sexual end result.
At this point in the whole train of events, you're hot for a
certain woman and yes, you therefore need HER to be hot for YOU as
So what many, many guys do is to enact a strategy of exerting
This idea of "sexual pressure" is based on the desperate hope of
making a woman give us what we want (i.e. sex).
Welcome to where infamous pickup artist terms like "escalation",
"building compliance" and "sealing the deal" come from.
Think about it: Every single one of those terms implies a focus on
getting one's own needs met, preferably with as little negotiation
and/or resistance from the "target" as possible.
Again, this is actually the LOGICAL, and dare I say NORMAL "knee
jerk" response on the part of our reptilian brains to the
biological problem we perceive to be at hand.
But it's the WRONG one. In fact, it's the diametric opposite of
what's really going to work.
Remember, deserving what you want is almost ALWAYS the key to
success with women.
As discussed so far, both sexual urgency AND sexual pressure are
all about US and OUR needs. The former leads to the latter.'s the big takeaway for you.
The more evolved and more effective way to proceed is to turn your
attention from how you might PRESSURE her to meet YOUR sexual
needs...and instead consider how you might create a similar sexual
urgency in HER.
That's right. Instead of trying to make her "comply", how about
influencing her to WANT YOU as badly as you want her?
After all, if BOTH of you feel that sexual urgency, what's stopping
either of you (at least at the biological level, if not the social)
from acting on it?
This couldn't make more sense, right? There's zero awkwardness, no
conniving and certainly fewer hard feelings when we genuinely
seduce a woman at her core rather than pressuring her.
Consider how needy and desperate it must look trying to "seal the
deal" with a woman by "escalating" her into "compliance". I mean,
what part do HER natural, human sexual urges play in all of that?
Such a lame-o strategy is clearly favored only by men who assume
they have NO CHANCE at creating real, sexual attraction in a woman.
That's a rookie mistake if there ever was one.
The next time you find yourself sexually attracted to a woman, get
a hold of yourself. Recognize your animal instincts, call them
out, and take control over both your emotions and your actions.
Relax, take a deep breath, and start trusting your own natural
masculinity to create SEXUAL URGENCY in her.
Trust that it will take less time than you suspect, and that
because she's a woman your masculine presence will function as
nature designed it to.
Be that "big four" man. BELIEVE confidently in your masculine
power, and then be sure to help her feel comfortable in your
presence. Show enough character to consider her HUMAN role in the
whole matter.
Sexual pressure has the OPPOSITE and more detrimental effect, by
the way. So less pressure and more masculine charm actually equals
a greater chance of sexual activity between a man and a woman.
And what do you know? That outcome is exactly what you wanted to
begin with.
Only this way SHE wants it every bit as badly as you do. What
could be better?
Be Good,
Mr Guru
09-03-2019, 01:39 PM
Good afternoon!
I finally have some time now to pen down my recent experiences, I have now been spending a full month in a foreign country with my new found love. The following are my earnest and honest thoughts in detail
As per earlier posts, my new girl is a beauty in her own right, big expressive eyes, extremely fair, shapely body and does not need any make up at all when she goes out. No make up at all!
She earns her own keep, spends her own money and is frugal. All this time together the most expensive meal I ever had to pay for was only 50 sgd for the two of us. She doesnt mind a simple cheap street stall even if she is all made up for the night.
Now I am in her country, she has rented a new apartment in the name of us, I have all access to the apartment and car. She is devoted to her man and takes care of me in every way, I.E, cooks when I am hungry, forbids me to do the housework. I am certainly sure girls like that will be hard to come by in Singapore. And I will not be sorry for what I am going to say, I still think Singaporean girls are detrimental to the genetic pool of the country, with the exceptional of a rare small portion. From my observations, many "pretty" Singaporean girls rely excessively on make up. I wonder why so many boys pansie up to them. I am most certain if they have emotional and self mastery they will not belittle their own position as a man and know they have many choices, both in Singapore and overseas.
On a side note, I have been giving her a lot of PVOs, my dear lads, it is true what dear Bro WB has been stressing all along, when you give a woman PVO, it has all the benefits that come along with it. From my own experiences it is a mental game, not a physical one, you can pump and thrust all you want for an hour and a woman won't even have an orgasm at all. But if you do it right, within a few minutes of penetration, tada.
I have recently read a book titled " the prince " by Niccolo Machiavelli, and I edited a quote in it for all of us. - " fortune is a female and if you want to stay on top you have to slap and thrust, for she allows herself to be mastered by those who are adventurous rather than those who are afraid to offend. She is therefore, a woman-like, a lover of MEN, because they are less cautious, more wild and violent with audacity to command her. "
Well done to bro abugga.
Nice find and I am impressed.
09-03-2019, 01:40 PM
Yo bro abugga,
Tks for sharing. You're indeed a young master of pussies!
I must admit there is some truth about your statement on SG gals n genetic pool haha. The prettiest n sexiest SG gals either marry sons of very rich families or some Ang Mos, unfortunately.
Yes, if a man doesn't give his girls/women PVOs or more scientifically, Copulatory Vaginal Orgasms CVOS, she will be miserable, sooner n later, and he will hv to face the unhappy consequences...
I have read the Prince by Machiavelli. The quote I remember is a bit different n I hv looked it up.
"My opinion on the matter is this: it's better to be impulsive than cautious; fortune is female and if you want to stay on top of her you have to slap and thrust. You'll see she's more likely to yield that way than to men who go about her coldly. And being a woman she likes her men young, because they're not so cagey, they're wilder and more daring when they master her. (25.10)"
Yes, fortune n beautiful young women favour the BOLD.
Classic reply bro WB.
PVOs is the keyword.
I shall practised this coming weeks.
09-03-2019, 02:19 PM
Very eye opening indeed.
Thanks bro WB and hope to learn more here.
God bless.
Good afternoon to Bro WB and all.
Happy weekend in advance.
I was reading the forum below and felt I should comment.
Sexual Urgency VS Sexual Pressure.
Really eye opening.
Hope to learn more from experienced brothers here.
09-03-2019, 03:00 PM
Chance upon this beautiful thread, thanks bro WB!
Enjoy your weekend :)
09-03-2019, 06:38 PM
My encounter with KTV gal wasn't a pleasant one. I thought I had found someone who was not bother about my family status. When she went back after her WP, I flew over to meet her as and when schedule permited. Lots of emotions and $$ involved over the past years. Things went terribly wrong when she returned to SG as a mummy. Real colour shows. A gold digger and two timer. I was native enough to give in to the excuses she gave for not meeting me outside her club. A painful lesson learnt.
09-03-2019, 08:31 PM
Classic reply bro WB.
PVOs is the keyword.
I shall practised this coming weeks.
I am going to practise as well.
Thanks bro WB for a classic thread.
10-03-2019, 01:20 AM
Well done to bro abugga.
Nice find and I am impressed.
Very impressed with bro abugga's contribution too.
10-03-2019, 10:22 AM
Kudos to bro WB for guiding us on breast orgasm.
certainly an important topic.
Happy Sunday.
Good morning!
Meeting and fucking a girl is only the very first step in a long journey. For me, the fun and challenge is to get her emotionally n sexually addicted to me, and only me.
For sexual addiction, the prerequisite is giving her regular and intense CVOs. Foreplay and clitoral orgasms n digital vaginal orgasms, etc., could prime the pump and make CVOs come more quickly n more intense.
I just received the following from a female sex guru yesterday. It will add variety and also prepare her for the most intense n prolonged CVOs.
How to Give a Breast Orgasm
There are some guys out there who are serious breast men. They could sit around and play with their partner’s breasts all day long and never get bored. But unless you really know what you’re doing, your partner might not be that interested in having her breasts fondled endlessly. Sure, she likes it for a bit, but then it’s “move it along, sir!” If you’re eager to keep playing and she’s getting bored already, there just might be a way to keep her interest in your breast play. You just have to make sure you’re doing it right!
Did you know that the breasts are one of the erogenous zones? Okay, you might have already know that one, but did you know that some women are able to orgasm from breast stimulation alone? Not all women can achieve this, but it sure is fun to try! Even if your partner isn’t one of the lucky ones who can orgasm from breast play, learning how to stimulate her just-so can result in even more powerful orgasms and much more pleasure! So, here’s how it’s done:
Really get to know HER breasts…
As you all know by now, not all women like the same things. This holds true for what kind of breast stimulation she will like. On top of that, you have to factor in hormonal changes in her body and her breast sensitivity. During certain times of the month her breasts might be more sensitive than others and this might mean she likes different things. All of it can affect what she’s in the mood for, so get to know her likes and dislikes really well in order to really master this technique. When in doubt, communicate!
Always start soft and slow…
Think about it, you wouldn’t like it if she grabbed your penis out of no where and started roughly jerking it around. Just like you, she needs to be warmed up first by light, soft and slow stimulation.
A combo power pack…
Don’t just do one thing over and over. It’s too repetitive and even if she loved it at first, after a while it will lose its effect. You’ll get the best results by using a combination of different stimulation techniques.
Stimulation techniques
* You’re starting off soft, so try tracing circles with the tip of your finger over her stomach and chest, gradually moving in to the breasts and nipples.
* Slide your hands over her breasts, cupping them with the palms of your hands. Kneed them, cup them, and massage them gently, then more firmly, varying your speed and pressure. You should consider using a massage oil or lotion to make your hands slide over her skin more easily.
* Use oil or lotion to begin stimulating her nipples. Run your fingers over them. Press them. Roll them between your thumb and first finger. Remember to keep her sensitivity in mind here. You don’t want to hurt her, but you want to give enough stimulation to make it really pleasurable. Pull on them with fast, repetitive strokes.
* Cup her breast with one hand and push it up. This has the effect of pushing her nipple out and making it taut. Use the above techniques to stimulate her nipple. Rotate it around in a circular motion with the pads of your fingers.
* Now move on to using your mouth. Use your tongue to lick her breast from the bottom all the way up and over her nipple. Give her open mouth, wet kisses all over her breasts and nipples. Run your softly over her nipples with a fat, flat tongue. Then flex your tongue and flick the nipple with it.
* Try giving her gentle love nibbles and bites on her breasts. Make your way to her nipples and begin very gently nibbling on them. Try covering your teeth with your wet lips first to test her sensitivity. If she has extremely sensitive nipples or is in a sensitive phase in her cycle you might need to skip nibbling and biting all together. You don’t want to risk hurting her. If you’re not sure, ask her if the pressure is okay.
* Suction your mouth around her nipple and suck in and out. Run your tongue over the nipple while you suck.
Remember, although some women can have an orgasm from breast play, not all women will be able to. Don’t put pressure on yourself or her to achieve this result. Just enjoy yourself! Breast play can also magnify a clitoral or G spot orgasm, so any of these techniques can also be used in combination with stimulating other parts of her body for a truly intense experience.
10-03-2019, 10:24 AM
MY Word is my bond.
Bro WB
Such a powerful sentence.
Wonder why anybody dare to doubt you after all yo been such a senior in this thread.
Also a powerful mandarin sentence.
Happy Sunday.
Good morning!
A bro contacted me and wanted to exchange points. I said OK. Nothing happened for days. It turned out that he expected me to up him first!! I guess he doesn't trust me.
Let me make it crystal clear. My word is my bond, period. Let me repeat.
BTW, a man's trustworthiness and reliability is one of the most attractive masculine traits to girls/women. I would rank it right up the very top w/ awesome emotional and self mastery.
All my LT mistresses know that I'm 一诺千金.
If your word is your bond and if you hv awesome emotional and self mastery, you're irresistible to the most attractive girls/women. And if you give them very intense CVOs, they will hv a hard time leaving you. Hard time only, but they may still leave you.
Although intense n frequent CVOs is very addictive to girls/women, but when it comes to choosing a LT partner, many may still opt for a man who is a much better provider n protector. They need to ensure they hv a secure n comfortable future n that their offspring will be well provided for. This survival instinct is the most powerful. Of course they will not forget the man who has given them CVOs n may cheat on their LT partners, eventually, if they can't perform as well. Recent surveys n research hv confirmed the above.
Previously, I hv slightly overestimated the addictive power of intense CVOs hahaha.
BTW, if you're married, it's difficult for them to choose you as a LT partner. It can be done, however, if you can take care of her LT. If she believes that your word is your bond. Being the first man ever to give her intense CVOS would help too haha.
Bro WB
10-03-2019, 10:26 AM
Good morning.
Br WB good thread guidance.
Now teaching us how to stimulate love using our eyes.
Well done and true our eyes can talk or send messages.
Happy Sunday.
Good afternoon!
I just read about a technique on how to stimulate love w/ your eyes.
How To Stimulate Love With Your Eyes
You can stimulate the senses of being in love in a girl by simply increasing the eye contact as you talk to her. Simply “linger on” with your eye contact for just a bit too long when you talk to her.
In order to fool a girl into thinking she is already in love with you, you will need to increase the eye contact with a girl to about eighty percent of the time when you talk to her. Try to look deeply into her eyes and even through it. Of course, you don’t have to count how many seconds you have to look at her. Simply let your eyes be glued to hers a little longer, even during the silences; and when you finally must look away, drag your eyes away slowly as if you’re feeling quite reluctantly, and look back at her again as soon as you can. This will shoot the energy level way up to the outer space!
Please do it and tell us how successful you're.
Bro WB
10-03-2019, 11:17 AM
ye eye contact is important
10-03-2019, 11:54 AM
Didn't know there is breast orgasm, thanks bro WB for this info.
Kudos to bro WB for guiding us on breast orgasm.
certainly an important topic.
Happy Sunday.
10-03-2019, 01:36 PM
So many powerful sentences.
Thanks bro WB for this amazing thread.
Have a good weekend.
MY Word is my bond.
Bro WB
Such a powerful sentence.
Wonder why anybody dare to doubt you after all yo been such a senior in this thread.
Also a powerful mandarin sentence.
Happy Sunday.
10-03-2019, 04:34 PM
Making eye contact confirmed very important to get noticed.
Thanks bro WB for a very good thread.
Bro, yes!
Look at her w/ "bedroom eyes."
Excellent thread!
Hope to learn more from bro WB :)
Tks, bro.
Good morning bro WB
Another excellent post in the past.
So many and I am losing count of the excellent posts in this thread.
Nice guys are rejected by women and dun ask me why because Bro WB said so.
Be a badass gentleman and will succeed. The power of the relationship lies with the person who don't give a damn.
Nice quotes and thanks.
Bro, tks.
Reaction monitoring is for nice, needy n wussy men who are too reactive. It means the gal has more power.
Good morning again to bro WB
Making babies is making good karma. I really have so much to learn here.
Thanks again.
Bro, tks.
LH is HH.
Good morning too
Fully agreed this is a super excellent post from the past.
Thanks bro WB for a great thread.
Have a good week ahead.
Good afternoon everyone
Making babies is not only making good karma, is also good exercise.
Really nice thread by bro WB, many things to learn too.
Bros, tks.
Happened to come across this wonderful thread.
Thanks bro WB!!
Bro WB
I thought death means end the SUFFERINGS. Living means you have to accept both happiness and sufferings. As mortal we have no choice because of inevitable accidents, illnesses, broken-hearted loves, etc.
If we can accept all these then just be happy.
Live life the fullest and try most of the things.
Happy endings.
Bro, yes. Our happiness should not depend on external factors.
Bro WB
Michael Bolton classic songs " When A man loves a woman"
If you can go 10 rounds with any woman then you are not the claimed lao chee kor pek.
"The true test of a man's self mastery is when he meets his Special One." - really lovely quote.
Thanks and be happy.
Bro, tks.
It's bro Abbuga who could go 10 rounds, not me.
If I had a Special one, I would say this to her: I love you, but I don't need you. Because I behave as if there are 100 chio SYTs of my type calling me...
I also thought death means end of SUFFERINGS.
Very good thread by bro WB.
Have a nice day.
Awesome thread by bro WB, thanks a lot.
Cheers :)
Bros, thanks.
Bro WB
Very good forum above.
"You build a winning attitude over time.
Women can tell when someone is like that, because
the attitude triggers her subconscious survival mechanism.
Then, she can’t help but be open to you.
That’s also how you keep her forever."
This sentences are priceless.
Thanks alot.
Bro, tks.
If you hv a winning attitude, you hv very few competitors.
Bro WB
I shall tried to ejaculate as often as possible to prevent prostrate cancer.
Thanks for a great forum above.
Cheers to you.
Bro, great idea.
Fully agreed the sentences are priceless.
Thanks bro WB for a very interesting thread.
I think I better do that too haha.
Thanks for the info and what an awesome thread by bro WB.
Have a good weekend!
nice song ole!
Bros, tks.
Good afternoon to Bro WB and all.
Happy weekend in advance.
I was reading the forum below and felt I should comment.
Sexual Urgency VS Sexual Pressure.
Really eye opening.
Hope to learn more from experienced brothers here.
Bro, tks.
We men often feel "sexual urgency," whereas most women hv to be aroused to feel this urgency. They are also passive unless they get to know you well. That is why many men mistakenly feel that women hv higher value because men's sexual advances are often rejected.
Understanding this and other gender differences will be liberating. A man is always the PRIZE...
Well done to bro abugga.
Nice find and I am impressed.
Yes, he is awesome.
Classic reply bro WB.
PVOs is the keyword.
I shall practised this coming weeks.
Bro, tks.
Very eye opening indeed.
Thanks bro WB and hope to learn more here.
God bless.
Chance upon this beautiful thread, thanks bro WB!
Enjoy your weekend :)
Bro, tks.
My encounter with KTV gal wasn't a pleasant one. I thought I had found someone who was not bother about my family status. When she went back after her WP, I flew over to meet her as and when schedule permited. Lots of emotions and $$ involved over the past years. Things went terribly wrong when she returned to SG as a mummy. Real colour shows. A gold digger and two timer. I was native enough to give in to the excuses she gave for not meeting me outside her club. A painful lesson learnt.
Bro, tks so much for your FR.
Must choose your women wisely. Your KTV gal was a psychopathic gold digger. In addition to looks n figure, a woman's character is very important in any LT relationship.
Read the article by Roosh which I posted recently.
I am going to practise as well.
Thanks bro WB for a classic thread.
Very impressed with bro abugga's contribution too.
Brs, tks.
Kudos to bro WB for guiding us on breast orgasm.
certainly an important topic.
Happy Sunday.
Bro, tks.
Let us know how well u do w/ breast orgasm.
MY Word is my bond.
Bro WB
Such a powerful sentence.
Wonder why anybody dare to doubt you after all yo been such a senior in this thread.
Also a powerful mandarin sentence.
Happy Sunday.
Yes, bro.
My word is my bond.
I'm NOT a man if I hv to eat my words.
Good morning.
Br WB good thread guidance.
Now teaching us how to stimulate love using our eyes.
Well done and true our eyes can talk or send messages.
Happy Sunday.
Bro, tks.
Eye contact is very powerful!
ye eye contact is important
Didn't know there is breast orgasm, thanks bro WB for this info.
So many powerful sentences.
Thanks bro WB for this amazing thread.
Have a good weekend.
Bros, tks,
Have a great weekend to all samsters,
Bro WB
10-03-2019, 05:24 PM
Good afternoon.
Learning how to stimulate love using my eyes too!
Thanks bro WB his sharing and guidance too.
Good morning.
Br WB good thread guidance.
Now teaching us how to stimulate love using our eyes.
Well done and true our eyes can talk or send messages.
Happy Sunday.
11-03-2019, 11:41 AM
Bro WB,
Telling good jokes in a nice thread.
The gal must be so impressed that she going to wear a 50k diamond not knowing was scam.
If have more than one gf best neevr let them meet. This prevent unnecessary problem.
Thank you for well organised thread.
Best is you bother to read and reply to them.
Bro korean,
Of course, they will be zealous if they meet. But they never met...I sometimes make love to two mistresses on the same day, one in the afternoon and the other at night. I always know their whereabouts so that I'll not bump into one when I'm w/ the other. Even though the newer one usually knows that I hv another one, she will still be jealous if she sees us together.
In 2012 at TAM, a mummy intro a pretty Jiangshu gal but said she won't do ST. I booked her n told her about my two LT mistresses in SG and she intimated that she would to be lucky to be my 3rd haha. She had refused ST but agreed to a "trial" just before expiration of her visitor pass. Unfortunately, her subsequent application for a student visa was rejected n she got married within 6 months.
Yes, I hv many long distance RS. I don't pay anything while they r in China and I meet them less than once a year. Many do return to SG but I usually find them unattractive after a lapse of more than 6 months.
Here is a joke for every bro.
Planning Ahead
An older, white haired man walked into a jewelry store one Friday evening with a beautiful young girl at his side. He told the jeweler he wanted a special ring for his girlfriend.
The jeweler looked through his stock and found a $5,000 ring. The old man said, "No, I'd like to see something much more special."
The jeweler went to his special stock in the safe and brought another ring back. "This one's $50,000." The young lady's eyes sparkled and her whole body trembled with excitement
"I'll take it!" Declared the old man.
The jeweler asked how payment would be made, and the old man said, "By check, but I know you need to make sure my check is good, so I'll write it now, and you can call the bank on Monday to verify funds. I'll pick up the ring on Monday afternoon."
Monday morning, the jeweler called the old man saying, "Sir, there's NO money in that account!"
The old man said, "I know I know, but let me tell you about the weekend I just had!"
Bro WB
11-03-2019, 11:43 AM
Another beautiful forum below.
Bro WB - thank you so much and I didn't realised exercise possible to have orgasm.
Good morning!
Women are sexual creatures and their orgasmic potential is vast.
I just searched the forum for coregasms or orgasms during exercise and got nothing!! About 10% of women hv experienced it. Actually some men hv also experienced it w/o touching their genitalia.
Here is an article on the subject.
Study Shows Women Experience Orgasm While Working Out
DELIGHTFUL KNOWLEDGE on November 2, 2014
I understand that from a biological stand point, women have a lot more “stuff” to deal with than men. Child birth, periods, the whole female internal goodie bag tilts the scale in favor of guys, we got it easy.
However a new study may be tilting that scale back in favor of the girls team., the coregasm. The “coregasm” is an exercised educed orgasm that researchers have been studying and links certain exercises to women having orgasms at the gym or while working out! The closest a guy ever gets to that is the creepy Eastern European guys who face the jets in the hot tub.
The coregasm got it’s name because of the link of working out the core or abdominal muscles and women having orgasms. It’s not as new as you would think, scientist Alfred Kinsey and his colleagues first reported the phenomenon in 1953, saying that about 5 percent of women they had interviewed mentioned orgasm linked to physical exercise. I didn’t even know women were allowed to have orgasms in the 1950’s.
Debby Herbenick, co-director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University says,”the findings add qualitative and quantitative data to a field that has been largely unstudied.”
The topic of the coregasm has been exploding all over the media, again, and again and again. Despite the hoopla, there is little scientific research about the exercise-induced orgasms,” Herbenick writes in a special issue of the journal Sexual and Relationship Therapy released this months in an article titled the 5 Myths About Women’s Body.
Herbenick used surveys online to collect her information, which included answers from 124 women who had experienced exercise-induced orgasms and 246 women who reported exercise-induced sexual pleasure. Most of the women, ages 18 to 63 and an average age of 30, were in a relationship or married and 69 percent said they were heterosexual.
Herbenick found that about 40 percent of both groups of women had experienced exercise-induced pleasure or orgasm on more than 11 occasions in their lives. Most of the women in the “orgasm” group said they felt some level of embarrassment when exercising in public places. The “orgasm” group mostly said during the experiences they weren’t having a sexual fantasy or thinking about someone they were attracted to.
45% of the women studied said their first coregasmic experience was linked to abdominal exercises, 19% linked to biking/spinning(which explains the popularity in spin class), 9.3% linked to climbing poles or ropes; 7% reported a connection with weight lifting, 7% from running. Yoga, swimming, elliptical machines, aerobics all triggered coregasms to women exercising.
Practice makes perfect, multiple sets of crunches seemed to trigger a coregasm more than a couple repetitions. If this in fact is true, we should be a nation of flat tummied, satisfied women within 6 months. Stomach crunches and orgasms are the equivalent of a man being able to get oral sex, while watching football, drinking a beer and eating an Italian beef, the perfect sexual storm, that satisfies all of the senses.
“We had at least one woman in the study who was a virgin, and she really loved that she could have these experiences at the gym,” Herbenick said.
Like most men, the researchers aren’t sure why certain exercises lead to orgasm or sexual pleasure, “It may be that exercise, which is already known to have significant benefits to health and well-being, has the potential to enhance women’s sexual lives as well,” says Herbenick.
Herbenick admits, like the orgasm, it takes a lot of time and attention from the scientific community to have her theories reach a climax “I think that’s going to be interesting,” seeing the reaction. Is this a tooth fairy type of thing or does it really happen?’ I have no doubt that it happens.”
It’s bad enough us guys have to go toe to toe with the “rabbit,”but now we have to worry about spin class stealing away our ladies affections? What’s next, when will the orgasm madness end? Will the coregasm make us a nation of uber fit, sexually satisfied super women? One can only hope.
The next time you are at the gym or running on the path and see a woman who seems to really be enjoying her workout, it might be best to look the other way, let her have her moment and rest in the fact that she is helping advance science for all man kind.
Relax bros. These coregasms are NOT as addictive as CVOs. Not even close.
Bro WB
11-03-2019, 11:44 AM
Ok ok and from now on no more mr Nice Guy.
Haha, very interesting facts.
Good afternoon!
Its ok to be a good guy n still get laid like crazy.
Just received the following:
How To Be The Guy Every Woman Wants
Hey Bro Warbird,
Notice I said “good” guy... not “nice” guy.
There is a BIG difference between a good guy and a nice guy, women know this and are always on the lookout for a good guy.
They think they want a nice guy, but when they find one, immediately toss him into the friend zone or bulldoze straight over him to get to the bad boy.
Then after being treated like a piece of meat with the bad boy, they then realise that they need a good guy, which sits firmly in between the nice guy and bad boy.
Confused? Let me explain a little further...
What's The Difference Between A Good Guy And A Nice Guy?
There are quite a few major differences between a good guy and a nice guy, so let me break them down for you.
• Good guy - He’s emotionally strong, financially stable (career driven), doesn’t take any nonsense from women, isn’t afraid to speak his mind, but also has manners, is very polite and is a grounded well rounded person. He takes care of himself, is friendly, sociable and is the kind of guy you want around on a night out.
• Nice guy - He’s predictable, needy, has zero self worth, even less self confidence and takes whatever he can get with women. Always seems to send up in the friend zone and doesn’t understand why. He has a good job, doesn't’ drink a lot, never disagrees with women and always sits on the fence. He basically wants to be liked by everyone.
So now you know the distinction, let’s get into the nitty gritty and discuss how you can start putting certain attractive “good guy” qualities into practice.
Drop The Nice Guy Act
Women like a “real” man, they say that all the friggin time in their silly glossy magazines. What this means though is they want a guy who tells it like it is and isn’t scared of offending women. Now I’m not saying you should be a dick, that’s where guys go wrong when they learn this stuff.
I’m saying, if you’re having a conversation and she says something that you don’t agree with, tell her dude! Say “I couldn’t disagree more and here’s why I think you’re wrong”. On the surface, she may looked pissed off, but deep down she loves it!
Adopt The "Good" Characteristics Of A Badboy
We all know that bad boys are complete dicks, but they get laid. Now you seriously don’t have to be a bad boy to get the girls, you just need to adopt the good characteristics that he has (granted, there aren’t many).
1. Don’t show that you’re offended
If you’re having a conversation which gets a little heated and she says something that offends you. Never ever show that you’re offended, it makes you look weak.
2. Think about yourself
A gentleman thinks about women in ways that average guys don’t, by opening the door for her or pulling out her chair. However a “good” guy will also think of himself, so he’ll take time to do what he wants, when he wants and he’ll make damn sure the girl knows it.
For example, if you’re on a date and you’re bored. Tell her you’re bored and tell her what you want to do next, lead her and she will follow. This just says that you’re not a pushover who panders to women’s needs.
3. Remove any emotions
Now it’s fine to be emotional, but you have to show your emotions in the right place. For god sake, please don’t cry in front of her or get overly angry and snap in the heat of the moment, this will kill any attraction she had for you on the spot.
4. Add some drama to the conversation
Women LOVE drama, that’s why they read trashy novels, crap magazines and gossip with their friends about pointless things. They need it to make their lives interesting.
So you need to add level of drama, so it keeps her on her toes. Tell her you like her and don’t call her until she gets back in touch with you, always leave her second guessing and wondering if you’re the type of guy she can settle down with. You have to think like a player almost here.
Challenge Her Mentally (Playful And Intellectually)
Aside from drama, women need a playful guy who can tease them both physically and intellectually. So stop being so serious and wind her up once in awhile. Also challenge her intelligence by calling her out on certain points.
Always Sexually Escalate From The Beginning
Men of the world... always show a woman that you want sex and you’re not afraid to show it by sexually escalating. Women love a guy who isn’t sexually mild, you need to show her that you’re getting turned on by her, this is gratifying for a woman and turns her on also.
Nice guys, never escalate that’s why they never get laid.
So there you have it. Be the good guy... not the nice guy or douchebag. The middle is where you’ll get plenty of action, without the hassle.
11-03-2019, 01:35 PM
Fully agreed that bro WB takes his precious time to reply to everyone.
Thanks for giving us a fantastic thread.
Bro WB,
Telling good jokes in a nice thread.
The gal must be so impressed that she going to wear a 50k diamond not knowing was scam.
If have more than one gf best neevr let them meet. This prevent unnecessary problem.
Thank you for well organised thread.
Best is you bother to read and reply to them.
11-03-2019, 04:22 PM
Yes a beautiful forum indeed.
Didn't know that possible to have orgasm by exercising.
Thanks bro WB for an amazing thread.
Have a nice day :)
Another beautiful forum below.
Bro WB - thank you so much and I didn't realised exercise possible to have orgasm.
12-03-2019, 01:01 AM
Very nice and informative thread by bro WB, thanks many many!
Have a good week ahead.
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