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19-10-2019, 08:07 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB, please continue sharing :)

Have a nice weekend

19-10-2019, 08:24 PM
Bro, tks for your post.

I always tell the girl, whoever she is, that I'm married with kids. The girl will like me more. In fact, I'll also tell her I hv a young mistress. She will be intrigued.

They shun you when you tell them you're married? Maybe they are hoping to marry you. Who are these girls?

A married man w/ kids and having one or more young mistresses strongly suggests that he is a very healthy, virile, and testosterone filled man.

Perhaps the girl shuns you for other reasons. She may be uncomfortable w/ you body language or voice quality. Or your behaviour is too needy and insecure. There are many other possible reasons. One not uncommon one is that your body scent signals to her subconscious mind that you two are quite close genetically. Amazing but true.

"Women prefer male partners with differing MHC genes from themselves."




Bro WB

Bro, thanks for your detailed post. The girls that shun me reply along this line when I asked them to be my 情人 or girlfriend, with them knowing I am married: 我可不要被打/女人何必为难女人/你有家庭,好好过日子吧

Probably you are right that sometimes I might behave needy or insecure. Will learn from you to be frank with them irregardless.

Regarding the body scent, that is something interesting.

20-10-2019, 06:15 PM
Perhaps the girl shuns you for other reasons. She may be uncomfortable w/ you body language or voice quality. Or your behaviour is too needy and insecure. There are many other possible reasons. One not uncommon one is that your body scent signals to her subconscious mind that you two are quite close genetically. Amazing but true.

"Women prefer male partners with differing MHC genes from themselves."




Bro WB

Great reply by bro WB, and thanks for a wonderful thread :)

23-10-2019, 11:04 AM
Dear Bro WB,

Thanks for constantly posting and updating us. Just a question, not sure if it has been addressed before. When we approach the ladies that we fancy, along the way after getting contact and stuff, do you let them know that you are married and with kids? From my limited experience, it seems that they will shun me once I tell them my family situation honestly. And would make it very difficult for me to proceed to the next step. Any advice on this. Your reply is much appreciated.

Wow, looks like this kinda of questions never stops.. lol

I have not login for years... Hello bro WB.

Always tell, coz if you cheat feelings, u will die cock standing.

afterall, good man are sometimes married because they are good. The challenge is how to make them want you more that you want them.

23-10-2019, 12:02 PM
Wow, looks like this kinda of questions never stops.. lol

I have not login for years... Hello bro WB.

Always tell, coz if you cheat feelings, u will die cock standing.

afterall, good man are sometimes married because they are good. The challenge is how to make them want you more that you want them.

Thank you bro for your reply. Still lack much experience in this area and still treading water and learning at the same time.

23-10-2019, 03:14 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB, please continue sharing :)

Have a nice weekend

Bro, tks.

Bro, thanks for your detailed post. The girls that shun me reply along this line when I asked them to be my 情人 or girlfriend, with them knowing I am married: 我可不要被打/女人何必为难女人/你有家庭,好好过日子吧

Probably you are right that sometimes I might behave needy or insecure. Will learn from you to be frank with them irregardless.

Regarding the body scent, that is something interesting.

Bro, tks.

Whatever they say is just an excuse.

You must develop more positive mental frames.

I recently posted this on another thread:

"What women say they want are very different from what their primitive brains want. They themselves are confused and frustrated.

Masculine behavior is much more important than looks. But among the physical attributes, a V shape body (broad shoulders with narrow hips) and a masculine voice are right at the top."

Women prefer an unfaithful winner to a faithful loser.

What is the common denominator of all losers:

A man who has negative frames and who believes that he is not good enough for his dream girl, in his subconscious mind.

Nothing to do w/ his wealth, occupation, status and looks.

A man may hv been very successful w/ hundreds and thousands of women in the past, a real life Don Juan, but the minute he meets his "dream girl" or "special one," he suddenly changes his behaviour, loses all his power and becomes a classic LOSER.

History is replete w/ such losers. It only takes one particular woman to ruin many men. King Fuchai and King Edward VIII are two examples.

Great reply by bro WB, and thanks for a wonderful thread :)

Tks, bro.

Wow, looks like this kinda of questions never stops.. lol

I have not login for years... Hello bro WB.

Always tell, coz if you cheat feelings, u will die cock standing.

afterall, good man are sometimes married because they are good. The challenge is how to make them want you more that you want them.

Bro aczeta, so good to hear from u again.

You're absolutely right. Pls share your experiences n insights w/ us more often.

Thank you bro for your reply. Still lack much experience in this area and still treading water and learning at the same time.

Bro aczeta is a very experienced man.

Cheers to all samsters.

Have a great day!

Bro WB

24-10-2019, 01:49 PM
Bro, tks.

Bro WB

I MIA quite a bit these days... developing taste for 19/20 syt...

Takes time but the returns and flow of water makes it all worthwhile... somehow, they have endless water.:p

25-10-2019, 03:21 PM
I MIA quite a bit these days... developing taste for 19/20 syt...

Takes time but the returns and flow of water makes it all worthwhile... somehow, they have endless water.:p

Yes, bro. I hv a similar taste.

My preferred grp is 18-20 yo chio SYTs of my type.


Bro WB

26-10-2019, 02:34 PM
Bro WB

I am fascinated by your thread and above post.

I cannot agree more. If a guy behaves as a loser then woman will feel that you are loser and uncool. Let me tell a story.

A friend of mine was having this superb shapely gf with nice big boobs. After 6 months together the gf walks out on him and he did not even bother to say a word reamins cool. Next hour, he went out to chill and hug 2 hot chicks. His words were "I am liberated". I have other choices.

True enough the gf came back after a month as for reconciliation. His reply "No thanks".

Enough examples here.

Thanks and cheers.

As the saying goes, "No matter how hot she is, somewhere out there is a guy who's sick and tired of putting up with her shit."

29-10-2019, 02:31 PM
As the saying goes, "No matter how hot she is, somewhere out there is a guy who's sick and tired of putting up with her shit."

Well said.

"Behind every beautiful woman, there is a guy sick of sleeping with her."

On the flip side, there may be another guy who is madly in love with her.

29-10-2019, 11:35 PM
Interesting read

30-10-2019, 12:08 AM
Interesting read

Agree bro, great thread here :)

04-11-2019, 11:36 AM
Just another random sharing below

Had a chat with a female friend who went for the backstreet boys concert recently. I was wondering how she can remain a fan for like 25 years. So the reason she gave was that they were cute and had a good overall image. But when I dug deeper, and asked if their marriage made them more attractive she said yes, but what really melt her heart was that they had kids, and their attractiveness level went through the roof.

A very interesting reminder for me, something that bro warbird has mentioned before. Getting married and having kids makes a man more attractive.


06-11-2019, 09:21 AM
Just another random sharing below

Had a chat with a female friend who went for the backstreet boys concert recently. I was wondering how she can remain a fan for like 25 years. So the reason she gave was that they were cute and had a good overall image. But when I dug deeper, and asked if their marriage made them more attractive she said yes, but what really melt her heart was that they had kids, and their attractiveness level went through the roof.

A very interesting reminder for me, something that bro warbird has mentioned before. Getting married and having kids makes a man more attractive.


Married man have a charm... it is sort of like the law of natural attraction. If a female has chosen you, you instantly become endorse and somewhat becomes "more" attractive to others.

Sex can be had with anyone, but touch a woman's soul and she is yours... somehow, a woman sees child as a sign of virility.

Anyway, I was busy the last few months bonking a kept SYT, rich bro bao-ed her and comes for session a few times a week... i get the afternoons and the days he is not around.

How? By not focusing on sex till the girl practically made the move. Never did i move beyond just kisses, frenching... instead I focused on her needs, give her oral but rejected sex.

Made her hunger for me instead of the other way round. Once she made the first move, she was mine. She knew i had a strong sex drive so after that, she made the move each time, i played hard to get.

charm can sometimes be apart from looks, money or figure. Best part, the man insisted on CD and i was raw-ing his girl all the time.:p

06-11-2019, 12:42 PM
Interesting read

Agree bro, great thread here :)

Bros, tks.

Just another random sharing below

Had a chat with a female friend who went for the backstreet boys concert recently. I was wondering how she can remain a fan for like 25 years. So the reason she gave was that they were cute and had a good overall image. But when I dug deeper, and asked if their marriage made them more attractive she said yes, but what really melt her heart was that they had kids, and their attractiveness level went through the roof.

A very interesting reminder for me, something that bro warbird has mentioned before. Getting married and having kids makes a man more attractive.


Bro, you're right.

A currently married man has social proof because at least one woman found him attractive enough to marry. If he has kids, he is virile.

And if a married man w/ kids has more than one very young er nai/lovers/mistresses/LPs, he is even more attractive to other girls/women.

Over the yrs, many chio girls hv openly expressed their desire to be my third mistress when they learn that I'm married w/ kids n hv two young n pretty er nai. I like to show them the pics too.

For example, in 2014, a cute 19 yo SYT I met at TAM said that her dream was to become my mistress. And she kept reiterating that 你是我一生见过最优秀的男人. She had student visa. But I didn't Keep her because I had two er nai at the time. The next spring, I found 18 yo LS who was more kawaii.

Women prefer an unfaithful winner to a faithful loser. It's in their subconscious mind, in their genes. Of course, they will vehemently disagree consciously.


Bro WB

Married man have a charm... it is sort of like the law of natural attraction. If a female has chosen you, you instantly become endorse and somewhat becomes "more" attractive to others.

Sex can be had with anyone, but touch a woman's soul and she is yours... somehow, a woman sees child as a sign of virility.

Anyway, I was busy the last few months bonking a kept SYT, rich bro bao-ed her and comes for session a few times a week... i get the afternoons and the days he is not around.

How? By not focusing on sex till the girl practically made the move. Never did i move beyond just kisses, frenching... instead I focused on her needs, give her oral but rejected sex.

Made her hunger for me instead of the other way round. Once she made the first move, she was mine. She knew i had a strong sex drive so after that, she made the move each time, i played hard to get.

charm can sometimes be apart from looks, money or figure. Best part, the man insisted on CD and i was raw-ing his girl all the time.:p

Bro, tks for your post n detailed FR.

Yes, playing hard to get is a good strategy. Use push-pull, etc.

A man is always the prize n must hv more power in his rs w/ his women. Otherwise, they will find him repulsive. This point is hard for most people to grasp.

Doing raw is great.

My advice for less experienced bros:

1) You must test the gal for HIV n STDs. And monitor her HIV status regularly.

2) Know how to prevent unwanted pregnancy. And if your girl is pregnant, you must take good care of her. It's your RESPONSIBILITY as a MAN.


Bro WB


BTW, I hv sent a PM to bro sohbuckkong requesting an update on his romantic relationship w/ his 32 yo Wuhan girl.

See his post #7194 on this thread, dated 27/08/2019.

I believe every human interaction, mine n everyone's, is a learning experience for me.

Cheers to all samsters,

Bro WB

06-11-2019, 01:24 PM
I fully believe in this bro warbird.

Society pressure kept women from saying this out for fear of being “out of line” and appearing promiscuous. And perhaps women who said this will not attract males who will take care of their offsprings so they kept their mouth shut.

But so many mistresses of rich tycoons prove otherwise, including latest news of Macau tycoon giving mistress breakup fees of $63 million.

I would say this could stem from prehistorical nature where cave men who are the alpha, the strongest, most capable of hunting food, will have the most women to give birth to his children.

Darwin theory of evolution to bear forth the fittest children perhaps?

Women prefer an unfaithful winner to a faithful loser. It's in their subconscious mind, in their genes. Of course, they will vehemently disagree consciously.


Bro WB

06-11-2019, 05:57 PM
Bros, tks.

Bro, tks for your post n detailed FR.

Yes, playing hard to get is a good strategy. Use push-pull, etc.

A man is always the prize n must hv more power in his rs w/ his women. Otherwise, they will find him repulsive. This point is hard for most people to grasp.

Doing raw is great.

My advice for less experienced bros:

1) You must test the gal for HIV n STDs. And monitor her HIV status regularly.

2) Know how to prevent unwanted pregnancy. And if your girl is pregnant, you must take good care of her. It's your RESPONSIBILITY as a MAN.


Bro WB


Waiting for update on wuhan girl...

i raw coz the dude paid for her test... kekeke n only during dates close to menses.

07-11-2019, 12:33 PM
Well said.

"Behind every beautiful woman, there is a guy sick of sleeping with her."

On the flip side, there may be another guy who is madly in love with her.

Life is short and never short of surprises.

A man needs to venture out and taste the varieties before settling on certain flavour suitable to individual tastes.

One man's meat maybe another man's poison.

No two person can have similar tastes. Plenty to go around if playing by Bro WB rules.

Thank you to bro WB for all the years of wffort to share with us audiences.

07-11-2019, 08:12 PM
Life is short and never short of surprises.

A man needs to venture out and taste the varieties before settling on certain flavour suitable to individual tastes.

One man's meat maybe another man's poison.

No two person can have similar tastes. Plenty to go around if playing by Bro WB rules.

Thank you to bro WB for all the years of wffort to share with us audiences.

Fully agreed. Thanks bro WB for this wonderful thread.

07-11-2019, 08:39 PM
i raw coz the dude paid for her test... kekeke n only during dates close to menses.

Haha lucky you :D

08-11-2019, 10:33 AM
Bro, tks for your post n detailed FR.

Yes, playing hard to get is a good strategy. Use push-pull, etc.

A man is always the prize n must hv more power in his rs w/ his women. Otherwise, they will find him repulsive. This point is hard for most people to grasp.

Doing raw is great.

My advice for less experienced bros:

1) You must test the gal for HIV n STDs. And monitor her HIV status regularly.

2) Know how to prevent unwanted pregnancy. And if your girl is pregnant, you must take good care of her. It's your RESPONSIBILITY as a MAN.


Bro WB

Bro WB

Thank you for a nice thread. I read eagerly all your write=ups and found them very meaningful.

Thanks to you I had considerably success with gals. Usually I shall ignore them and show non-committal but will test drive those who willing.

So far had not get too involved and so nothing to discuss what you had stated above.

Thanks for nice forum.

08-11-2019, 06:51 PM
Bro WB

Thank you for a nice thread. I read eagerly all your write=ups and found them very meaningful.

Thanks to you I had considerably success with gals. Usually I shall ignore them and show non-committal but will test drive those who willing.

So far had not get too involved and so nothing to discuss what you had stated above.

Thanks for nice forum.

Fully agreed. Thanks bro WB for a very good thread.


08-11-2019, 07:37 PM
Happen to stumble upon this thread, must say this is the best in SBF :)

09-11-2019, 07:46 AM
Bro WB

After reading your thread give me courage to hunt more gals.

I was a novice and shy to approach gals. So I summed up my courage and try to approach gals using what I learned in this thread. The results was mixed and I tried to refine myself

I went from a green blur king to some success in hooking gals.

I have no shortage of gals now and I still approach the gals as cool. Sometimes better to whet they appetite and give up then to give in to ridiculous demands.

I try to practice more and report here.

In the meantime please share more forums here.


09-11-2019, 01:26 PM
Bro WB

After reading your thread give me courage to hunt more gals.

I was a novice and shy to approach gals. So I summed up my courage and try to approach gals using what I learned in this thread. The results was mixed and I tried to refine myself

I went from a green blur king to some success in hooking gals.

I have no shortage of gals now and I still approach the gals as cool. Sometimes better to whet they appetite and give up then to give in to ridiculous demands.

I try to practice more and report here.

In the meantime please share more forums here.


Same here. I was shy too but now I have no problem getting a few girls to bed each week, thanks to picking up tips from bro WB.

Have a good weekend.

09-11-2019, 02:48 PM
Bro WB...

I wonder if you still remember me...
An old friend... hahaha

09-11-2019, 06:02 PM
Awesome thread by bro WB, wish to learn more the guru here lol :D

10-11-2019, 11:31 AM
I fully believe in this bro warbird.

Society pressure kept women from saying this out for fear of being “out of line” and appearing promiscuous. And perhaps women who said this will not attract males who will take care of their offsprings so they kept their mouth shut.

But so many mistresses of rich tycoons prove otherwise, including latest news of Macau tycoon giving mistress breakup fees of $63 million.

I would say this could stem from prehistorical nature where cave men who are the alpha, the strongest, most capable of hunting food, will have the most women to give birth to his children.

Darwin theory of evolution to bear forth the fittest children perhaps?


Tks for your post. Yes, 300,000 yrs of human evolution can't be wrong. The recent feminist movement and modern social n cultural conditioning have had only minor influence on the subconscious minds of the females.

Waiting for update on wuhan girl...

i raw coz the dude paid for her test... kekeke n only during dates close to menses.

Bro, tks.

Bro SBK has replied to my PM. He is getting along just fine w/ his Wuhan gal. I'm waiting for his permission to post his reply here.

OK, good for u!

Life is short and never short of surprises.

A man needs to venture out and taste the varieties before settling on certain flavour suitable to individual tastes.

One man's meat maybe another man's poison.

No two person can have similar tastes. Plenty to go around if playing by Bro WB rules.

Thank you to bro WB for all the years of wffort to share with us audiences.

Bro, tks.

Yes, our tastes are all different. But variety is the spice of life.

Fully agreed. Thanks bro WB for this wonderful thread.

Haha lucky you :D

Bros, tks.

Bro WB

Thank you for a nice thread. I read eagerly all your write=ups and found them very meaningful.

Thanks to you I had considerably success with gals. Usually I shall ignore them and show non-committal but will test drive those who willing.

So far had not get too involved and so nothing to discuss what you had stated above.

Thanks for nice forum.

Bro, tks.

You have made my day! I'm very gratified that you hv improved your RS w/ girls after reading this thread.

Do get involved. But be very careful. Don't fall for the wrong girl.

Fully agreed. Thanks bro WB for a very good thread.


Happen to stumble upon this thread, must say this is the best in SBF :)

Bros, tks.

Bro WB

After reading your thread give me courage to hunt more gals.

I was a novice and shy to approach gals. So I summed up my courage and try to approach gals using what I learned in this thread. The results was mixed and I tried to refine myself

I went from a green blur king to some success in hooking gals.

I have no shortage of gals now and I still approach the gals as cool. Sometimes better to whet they appetite and give up then to give in to ridiculous demands.

I try to practice more and report here.

In the meantime please share more forums here.


Bro, tks.

Another success story! I'm so happy for u.

Most men can't improve by just reading. Must go out n approach every attractive girl you like...

Same here. I was shy too but now I have no problem getting a few girls to bed each week, thanks to picking up tips from bro WB.

Have a good weekend.

Bro, tks.

Keep it up!

Bro WB...

I wonder if you still remember me...
An old friend... hahaha

Yes, bro. You're an old fren.

How hv u been?

You're J n didn't u join my SH outing to Lido once in June of 2016? I had kept that bottle of Martell for almost two yrs.

I'm going to Lido SH soon. Will u join me? We need to open a new bottle, unfortunately. I'll get 4-5 kakis. I'm always looking. I may bring my young LP.

Awesome thread by bro WB, wish to learn more the guru here lol :D

Tks, bro.

Cheers and hv a great Sunday to everyone!

Bro WB

10-11-2019, 11:50 AM
Good morning,

Here is the update by bro SBK on his Wuhan girl n my reply:

Yes you may post this pm in your thread. I welcome all sorts of suggestions, praises and criticisms.

Originally Posted by warbird
Originally Posted by sohbuckkong
Originally Posted by warbird


Could you post an update on the romantic relationship w/ your Wuhan girl?

Thank you.

Bro WB
I was suppose to go on 15oct but I postpone to end of Nov.

I'm still getting along v fine with my Wuhan gf. It's all about money. But I still stick to her because she seems genuine to me and although she didn't ask me for money, I voluntarily gave her sg300 every month.

When I go to Wuhan, she want me to meet her parents. This means she's genuine in this relationship.

In short, if she is willing to stick to me with just $300 per month, I believe she is genuine.

I'm a senior citizen and she is only 32 or 33 yrs old.

Bro, good to hear that. You could post this on my thread. Or if you don't mind, I could post your PM too.

A man's age is usually a minor factor in female attraction. It's his mindset. IF he thinks he is old and doesn't deserve a younger woman, she will agree with him. His health is more important.

I'm a senior too. My two lao pos are full-time students in SG, aged 19 n 23 respectively. I have a tall n fair 31 yo PRC woman who wants to come to SG to bear my kids n stay w/ me permanently. She owns businesses in China n I hv not given her a penny. The irony is that I may not want her. Or rather, I may not want her after she has given birth to my kids.


Bro WB

10-11-2019, 08:22 PM
Great share by bro WB, please keep going :)

10-11-2019, 11:46 PM
What is ST? What is MM ? Too many short forms..

10-11-2019, 11:49 PM
Good morning,

Here is the update by bro SBK on his Wuhan girl n my reply:

Yes you may post this pm in your thread. I welcome all sorts of suggestions, praises and criticisms.

Originally Posted by warbird
Originally Posted by sohbuckkong
Originally Posted by warbird


Could you post an update on the romantic relationship w/ your Wuhan girl?

Thank you.

Bro WB
I was suppose to go on 15oct but I postpone to end of Nov.

I'm still getting along v fine with my Wuhan gf. It's all about money. But I still stick to her because she seems genuine to me and although she didn't ask me for money, I voluntarily gave her sg300 every month.

When I go to Wuhan, she want me to meet her parents. This means she's genuine in this relationship.

In short, if she is willing to stick to me with just $300 per month, I believe she is genuine.

I'm a senior citizen and she is only 32 or 33 yrs old.

Bro, good to hear that. You could post this on my thread. Or if you don't mind, I could post your PM too.

A man's age is usually a minor factor in female attraction. It's his mindset. IF he thinks he is old and doesn't deserve a younger woman, she will agree with him. His health is more important.

I'm a senior too. My two lao pos are full-time students in SG, aged 19 n 23 respectively. I have a tall n fair 31 yo PRC woman who wants to come to SG to bear my kids n stay w/ me permanently. She owns businesses in China n I hv not given her a penny. The irony is that I may not want her. Or rather, I may not want her after she has given birth to my kids.


Bro WB

Bro how is your lifestyle like? Are u rich?

11-11-2019, 05:07 PM
post removed

12-11-2019, 10:57 AM
so next few mornings i didnt see her so as a friend being out of concern, i texted her hows she? how come never see her these few mornings? she replied that she feel that we are suitable being friends, she feel uncomfortable n pressured that i always noticing/stalk/spy her (i duno wad she meant by that) and hope i understand..
so i took mine time to recollect myself n respond to her saying i understand and i shld be the one apologizing and didnt have any intention of making her feel pressured and i will respect her choice
since then i have not seen her or text her so far..


Any guy who kept texting any gal will deemed uncool or needy. If gal interested will reply and if not then please move on to other gal.

Best let gal text you first then take 2 to 3 days to reply and also shortest reply possible. Also makes use of emojis to reply.

Guy should never reply long msg when texting.

12-11-2019, 01:46 PM
Any guy who kept texting any gal will deemed uncool or needy. If gal interested will reply and if not then please move on to other gal.

Best let gal text you first then take 2 to 3 days to reply and also shortest reply possible. Also makes use of emojis to reply.

Guy should never reply long msg when texting.

yup bro geographic i just stop texting when theres no reply, thanks for the advice

have a good day

sex crusader
12-11-2019, 10:05 PM
What is ST? What is MM ? Too many short forms..

St= short time = one shot! MM= mei mei( 美媚)。 ON = overnite ( usually two shots. Some handsome and tuakong can get three shots):D

13-11-2019, 08:17 AM
St= short time = one shot! MM= mei mei( 美媚)。 ON = overnite ( usually two shots. Some handsome and tuakong can get three shots):D

Wa thanks for explanation bro.. half the time i was wondering what all short forms meant lol..

13-11-2019, 11:25 AM
Great share by bro WB, please keep going :)

Tks, bro.

What is ST? What is MM ? Too many short forms..

Bro, pls see bro sex crusader's post below.

Bro how is your lifestyle like? Are u rich?

Bro, are u asking me or bro sohbuckkong?

No, I'm not rich. I just have enough money to cover all my expenses every month. I want maximum returns from minimal investments of time n money.

I believe most girls are satisfied w/a basic level of financial security. Beyond that, they want other qualities in a man. Gold diggers are exceptions - avoid them.

hopefully get some advice from some bros here..

recently got a number from this girl which i always came across in the morning for few months , sent her a text n said that im glad to get to know her, she didnt reply until late at night n said that she missed it..
we didnt have any conversation going except asking me why i wanted to know her.. so after 2 days the i think the biggest i have made is i tried to ask her out on the weekend, she told mi she had to go back to her elsewhere..
texted her its a pity and she replied she was abit shocked when i tried to ask her out and we should go slow being friends... apologized to her n told her that i understand, she replied that its fine :)
every time i tried to initiate a chat with her, she was unresponsive so kept mine cool didnt ask her why she didnt reply mine text... i always waited 1-2 days later before texting her again, same thing she was unresponsive... i told myself its cool and not to be needy

so next few mornings i didnt see her so as a friend being out of concern, i texted her hows she? how come never see her these few mornings? she replied that she feel that we are suitable being friends, she feel uncomfortable n pressured that i always noticing/stalk/spy her (i duno wad she meant by that) and hope i understand..
so i took mine time to recollect myself n respond to her saying i understand and i shld be the one apologizing and didnt have any intention of making her feel pressured and i will respect her choice
since then i have not seen her or text her so far..

probabaly i didnt appear confident enough and letting her know mine intention when i ask for her number... i didnt even had the chance to properly introduce myself as we were rushing off to work and tried to do it by over text but i nv got the chance to even chat with her.. i literally know nth abt her except where she works... what should i do if i were to see her again?? shes really the type of girl i like..

sorry for the long post as i tried to be as detailed as i can


Bro, tks for your detailed FR.

She doesn't like your behaviour. You must hv given her the impression that you're needy and insecure. And you treat her like a PRIZE.

It's your body language, facial microexpressions and voice tonality...

Change your mindset and mental frames. And expect miracles.

Any guy who kept texting any gal will deemed uncool or needy. If gal interested will reply and if not then please move on to other gal.

Best let gal text you first then take 2 to 3 days to reply and also shortest reply possible. Also makes use of emojis to reply.

Guy should never reply long msg when texting.

Bro, tks for your advice. You're spot on.

yup bro geographic i just stop texting when theres no reply, thanks for the advice

have a good day

Bro, you know exactly what to do now.

St= short time = one shot! MM= mei mei( 美媚)。 ON = overnite ( usually two shots. Some handsome and tuakong can get three shots):D

Tks, bro.

Wa thanks for explanation bro.. half the time i was wondering what all short forms meant lol..

Have a great Wed day to everyone!

Bro WB

14-11-2019, 10:01 AM

Let me share my life experience. Hope you don't mind me writing in brief.

1. When I was 17 to 20 yo - what happened was girls will initiate most of the time. At that young age very inexperience but curious. No financial capability.

2. Age 21 to 30 yo, climbing corporate ladder and no time. Every weekend lie flat out after a week of virtually 80 hrs in office. Then girls will keep calling asking me to go out or come in to visit.

3. Age 31 to 40 yo, still climbing corporate and achieving wealth. More financial stability. Girls no longer calling and we have more time. End up going to spend more money looking for fun.

4. Age 41 to 50 yo, more financial stability and hair started to thin. More experience but find that time is important. Keen to pursue younger girls but found not so easy. Spend more money dating.

5. Age 51 to 60 yo, have more time and need to spend more money getting girls. No shortage of girls as long as willing to pay. Then found that sex drive decline rapidly. Still love to hug girls.

Anyway, above my short briefs.

Anyone care to comment.

14-11-2019, 12:29 PM

Let me share my life experience. Hope you don't mind me writing in brief.

1. When I was 17 to 20 yo - what happened was girls will initiate most of the time. At that young age very inexperience but curious. No financial capability.

2. Age 21 to 30 yo, climbing corporate ladder and no time. Every weekend lie flat out after a week of virtually 80 hrs in office. Then girls will keep calling asking me to go out or come in to visit.

3. Age 31 to 40 yo, still climbing corporate and achieving wealth. More financial stability. Girls no longer calling and we have more time. End up going to spend more money looking for fun.

4. Age 41 to 50 yo, more financial stability and hair started to thin. More experience but find that time is important. Keen to pursue younger girls but found not so easy. Spend more money dating.

5. Age 51 to 60 yo, have more time and need to spend more money getting girls. No shortage of girls as long as willing to pay. Then found that sex drive decline rapidly. Still love to hug girls.

Anyway, above my short briefs.

Anyone care to comment.

Same experience here as well.

Thanks bro WB for an excellent thread.

14-11-2019, 12:38 PM
Great replies by bro WB, hope to learn more from you.


15-11-2019, 01:18 PM
Bro, tks for your post.

I always tell the girl, whoever she is, that I'm married with kids. The girl will like me more. In fact, I'll also tell her I hv a young mistress. She will be intrigued.

They shun you when you tell them you're married? Maybe they are hoping to marry you. Who are these girls?

A married man w/ kids and having one or more young mistresses strongly suggests that he is a very healthy, virile, and testosterone filled man.

Perhaps the girl shuns you for other reasons. She may be uncomfortable w/ you body language or voice quality. Or your behaviour is too needy and insecure. There are many other possible reasons. One not uncommon one is that your body scent signals to her subconscious mind that you two are quite close genetically. Amazing but true.

"Women prefer male partners with differing MHC genes from themselves."




Bro WB

Applause!!!!!!!! Bro WB the man!!!!! ;)

17-11-2019, 02:31 AM
Bro, thanks for your detailed post. The girls that shun me reply along this line when I asked them to be my 情人 or girlfriend, with them knowing I am married: 我可不要被打/女人何必为难女人/你有家庭,好好过日子吧

Probably you are right that sometimes I might behave needy or insecure. Will learn from you to be frank with them irregardless.

Regarding the body scent, that is something interesting.

Married men, pls be honest with women from start that you are married instead of declaring to them that you are single and a prize to them. Otherwise you will have unforeseen drama and end up like this guy : https://stomp.straitstimes.com/singapore-seen/woman-slashed-married-ex-lover-with-penknife-after-he-refused-to-go-on-china-work

Women shun married men for various reasons like they don’t want to be confronted or beaten up by their furious wives or break up married men’s families

17-11-2019, 02:38 AM
Bro, tks for your post.

I always tell the girl, whoever she is, that I'm married with kids. The girl will like me more. In fact, I'll also tell her I hv a young mistress. She will be intrigued.

They shun you when you tell them you're married? Maybe they are hoping to marry you. Who are these girls?

A married man w/ kids and having one or more young mistresses strongly suggests that he is a very healthy, virile, and testosterone filled man.

Perhaps the girl shuns you for other reasons. She may be uncomfortable w/ you body language or voice quality. Or your behaviour is too needy and insecure. There are many other possible reasons. One not uncommon one is that your body scent signals to her subconscious mind that you two are quite close genetically. Amazing but true.

"Women prefer male partners with differing MHC genes from themselves."




Bro WB

Warbird, what do you think of this case : https://stomp.straitstimes.com/singapore-seen/woman-slashed-married-ex-lover-with-penknife-after-he-refused-to-go-on-china-work?
Guess this guy thought that he is a prize to SYT gal.

It is good that you always tell every gal from start that you are married with kids as honesty is the best policy to avoid terrible disasters caused by the dishonesty on martial status.

18-11-2019, 03:21 PM

Let me share my life experience. Hope you don't mind me writing in brief.

1. When I was 17 to 20 yo - what happened was girls will initiate most of the time. At that young age very inexperience but curious. No financial capability.

2. Age 21 to 30 yo, climbing corporate ladder and no time. Every weekend lie flat out after a week of virtually 80 hrs in office. Then girls will keep calling asking me to go out or come in to visit.

3. Age 31 to 40 yo, still climbing corporate and achieving wealth. More financial stability. Girls no longer calling and we have more time. End up going to spend more money looking for fun.

4. Age 41 to 50 yo, more financial stability and hair started to thin. More experience but find that time is important. Keen to pursue younger girls but found not so easy. Spend more money dating.

5. Age 51 to 60 yo, have more time and need to spend more money getting girls. No shortage of girls as long as willing to pay. Then found that sex drive decline rapidly. Still love to hug girls.

Anyway, above my short briefs.

Anyone care to comment.

Bro, tks for sharing your sexual history.

My own experience is very different.

I couldn't get any chio gals of my type when I was 17-20. Partly because I had mild social phobia n partly because I treated my type of gals as grand prizes.

I'm an ah pek now but my libido is as strong as when I was 20.

Same experience here as well.

Thanks bro WB for an excellent thread.

Bro, tks.

Applause!!!!!!!! Bro WB the man!!!!! ;)

Bro, tks. You have made my day!

Great replies by bro WB, hope to learn more from you.


Tks, bro.

Warbird, what do you think of this case : https://stomp.straitstimes.com/singapore-seen/woman-slashed-married-ex-lover-with-penknife-after-he-refused-to-go-on-china-work?
Guess this guy thought that he is a prize to SYT gal.

It is good that you always tell every gal from start that you are married with kids as honesty is the best policy to avoid terrible disasters caused by the dishonesty on martial status.

Tks for your post.

The man had the right mental frame but, unfortunately, he chose the wrong girl. She is a psychopath.

The girl knew he was married. She even harassed his wife.

Cheers to all samsters,

Bro WB

19-11-2019, 12:11 PM
It is good that you always tell every gal from start that you are married with kids as honesty is the best policy to avoid terrible disasters caused by the dishonesty on martial status.

Dun bother to lie and just tell the ger the truth. You will be surprised the ger still agree to be with you even she knew the truth.

Even you tell her not married she also may not believe you.

The man had the right mental frame but, unfortunately, he chose the wrong girl. She is a psychopath.

The girl knew he was married. She even harassed his wife.

Cheers to all samsters,

Bro WB

bro WB

Tragedy happened once you chose wrong ger. I will not bother to let ger know too much about yourself if one was married. Best play in different country and not the same city. Just be responsible and don;t bother to lie.

Tell the ger take it or leave it.

Best is to the ger she can still fall in love and marry others if she wished. I had never worry any ger leave me.

19-11-2019, 12:46 PM
Dun bother to lie and just tell the ger the truth. You will be surprised the ger still agree to be with you even she knew the truth.

Even you tell her not married she also may not believe you.

Fully agreed, do not lie.

19-11-2019, 06:01 PM
Great thread here by bro WB, support x3 :)

19-11-2019, 10:30 PM
bro WB

Tragedy happened once you chose wrong ger. I will not bother to let ger know too much about yourself if one was married. Best play in different country and not the same city. Just be responsible and don;t bother to lie.

Tell the ger take it or leave it.

Best is to the ger she can still fall in love and marry others if she wished. I had never worry any ger leave me.

That's right, take it or leave it!

20-11-2019, 12:28 PM
Well said.

"Behind every beautiful woman, there is a guy sick of sleeping with her."

On the flip side, there may be another guy who is madly in love with her.

I fully agreed with Bro WB on this.

When a girl sleeping beside a guy and not fully satisfied, she will definitely seek satisfaction with other guys.

When I was cheonging in my middle age flying around regions, i get to see many different girls.

Once I was in Thailand and met a girl who later had the best sex in my life. She was definitely horny and deprived of orgasms. She had a bf but said her bf always ignored her request. So she seek pleasure elsewhere. Of course I don't mind and each time I flew in she will come over to my room.

Those days plenty of such incidents if you knew how to made yoruself as the PRIZE.

Cheers and thanks to your thread.

20-11-2019, 01:55 PM
I fully agreed with Bro WB on this.

When a girl sleeping beside a guy and not fully satisfied, she will definitely seek satisfaction with other guys.

When I was cheonging in my middle age flying around regions, i get to see many different girls.

Once I was in Thailand and met a girl who later had the best sex in my life. She was definitely horny and deprived of orgasms. She had a bf but said her bf always ignored her request. So she seek pleasure elsewhere. Of course I don't mind and each time I flew in she will come over to my room.

Those days plenty of such incidents if you knew how to made yoruself as the PRIZE.

Cheers and thanks to your thread.

Cannot disagree with the above.

I was in Vietnam and met 2 super chio girls. Asked them to tarma and they agreed. Both had bf but not sextisfied, gave them the best sex they ever had.

Thanks bro WB for a great thread.

22-11-2019, 12:10 PM
Dun bother to lie and just tell the ger the truth. You will be surprised the ger still agree to be with you even she knew the truth.

Even you tell her not married she also may not believe you.​

bro WB​

Tragedy happened once you chose wrong ger. I will not bother to let ger know too much about yourself if one was married. Best play in different country and not the same city. Just be responsible and don;t bother to lie.​

Tell the ger take it or leave it.​

Best is to the ger she can still fall in love and marry others if she wished. I had never worry any ger leave me.​

Bro, tks.

You have the right mental frames.

A man should never be afraid to lose a girl or woman. It's her big loss.

Fully agreed, do not lie.​

Great thread here by bro WB, support x3 :)​

Bro, tks so much.

That's right, take it or leave it!​


I fully agreed with Bro WB on this.​

When a girl sleeping beside a guy and not fully satisfied, she will definitely seek satisfaction with other guys.​

When I was cheonging in my middle age flying around regions, i get to see many different girls. ​

Once I was in Thailand and met a girl who later had the best sex in my life. She was definitely horny and deprived of orgasms. She had a bf but said her bf always ignored her request. So she seek pleasure elsewhere. Of course I don't mind and each time I flew in she will come over to my room.​

Those days plenty of such incidents if you knew how to made yoruself as the PRIZE.​

Cheers and thanks to your thread.​

Bro, tks for sharing

Cannot disagree with the above.​

I was in Vietnam and met 2 super chio girls. Asked them to tarma and they agreed. Both had bf but not sextisfied, gave them the best sex they ever had.​

Thanks bro WB for a great thread.​

Bro, tks.

You're doing very well.

Cheers to all samsters.

Bro WB


Good morning!

The irony is that if a man starts to care too much for a girl or be fearful of losing her, the girl will gradually come to despise him. She is often confused n frustrated because she should like or love him more, but she can't. Put it in another way, she consciously very much wants to like or love him more, but subconsciously she despises him and finds him repulsive. The outcome is always misery for both parties.

I received the following from guru Carlos Xuma 2-3 days ago:

3 Ways To Avoid The Friend Zone

Carlos Xuma
Nov 20, 2019, 4:22 AM (2 days ago)

to me

I've got a little guest article for
you today. My good friend Marni Kynris
from the Wing Girl Method wants to tell
you about 3 Ways To Avoid The Friend

AND I've got something special when you
get to the very end...

Here's Marni: *** I am sure you have
experienced "The Friend Zone" at least
once in your life and understand that it
is a very difficult place to maneuver
your way out of.

The Friend Zone occurs when a person you
want to be intimate with, has labeled
you as Just A Friend. Awful right?

First let's talk about the WHY you are
in the Friend Zone or have a habit of
being placed there. Reasons may include:

1. Being too nice, too sweet, too
accommodating and constantly agreeing
"Oh, yeah, exactly, totally, I
completely agree."

2. Over complimenting

3. Being too eager

4. She has a boyfriend

5. Not all people are going to be
attracted to you

6. You have not set up boundaries for
what you will/will not accept

But the most common reason you are going
to get put in the Friend Zone is because
you are not demanding to be in any other

I am going to tell you exactly what you
need to not only avoid the friend zone
but also get out of it if you are
currently stuck!

You Need To Have:

1. Self Respect - The belief that you
are worthy of great things 2. Confidence
- The belief you will get what you want
3. Ability To Be Direct

1. Self Respect

Those with little to no self-respect for
themselves typically end up in the
Friend Zone for nearly all of their
lives. This is because they are unable
to believe that they are worthy of great

Until they are able to believe that they
deserve great things they will not be
able to ask for anything.

Try listing 5 awesome things about
yourself. Don't be shy be honest.

These 5 things are reasons that you
deserve respect, especially from
yourself. Once you respect yourself
others will follow.

2. Confidence

Once you can understand and BELIEVE that
you are worthy of great things the next
step is to believe that you can get what
you want. That means if you see a woman
you want to be with you, there needs to
be a belief that you will get her.

Again, if you don't believe it how is
she going to believe it?

3. Ability To Be Direct

This is the physical part of the
process. Once you believe that you are
awesome and that others will think you
are awesome as well, you have to figure
out how to approach them to ask for what
you want.

What you want is not the Friend Zone but
intimacy, love, sex, relationship,
dating. So ask for it, believe you're
worthy of getting it and be okay if you

No more beating around the bush and
waiting for the perfect moment. That is
putting your wants in someone else's
control. Take control, be direct and ask
for what you want.

For example, instead of asking "What are
you up to this weekend?" say "I want to
take you out this weekend." Direct. Yes
or No. Then you know and you can choose
how you want to move forward.

Once you work on the 3 things that I've
listed and you're able to own these
attributes and put them to practice, I
guarantee you will never find yourself
remotely close to the friend zone ever

*** Thanks, Marni! Great stuff...

Carlos Xuma

22-11-2019, 08:56 PM
Great share bro WB. Have a good weekend!

23-11-2019, 03:05 PM

I received the following from guru Carlos Xuma 2-3 days ago:

3 Ways To Avoid The Friend Zone

The Friend Zone occurs when a person you want to be intimate with, has labeled you as Just A Friend. Awful right?

First let's talk about the WHY you are in the Friend Zone or have a habit of being placed there. Reasons may include:

1. Being too nice, too sweet, too accommodating and constantly agreeing
"Oh, yeah, exactly, totally, I completely agree."

2. Over complimenting

3. Being too eager

4. She has a boyfriend

5. Not all people are going to be attracted to you

6. You have not set up boundaries for what you will/will not accept

But the most common reason you are going to get put in the Friend Zone is because you are not demanding to be in any other zone.

Bro WB

The above happened all the time. All the above 6 points were common mistakes...if you made any of the above already a mistake.

If she has a bf, doesn't mean to say she is not available. She may be waiting to dump her bf to look for other option.

Her bf may not satisfied her sexually and she was going to find alternatives. Never be afraid to keep in view such girl.

The rest of the points were obvious.

Thank you for sharing.

23-11-2019, 03:12 PM
Bro WB

The above happened all the time. All the above 6 points were common mistakes...if you made any of the above already a mistake.

If she has a bf, doesn't mean to say she is not available. She may be waiting to dump her bf to look for other option.

Her bf may not satisfied her sexually and she was going to find alternatives. Never be afraid to keep in view such girl.

The rest of the points were obvious.

Thank you for sharing.

Agreed, very common mistakes.

Hope to learn more from bro WB.


23-11-2019, 09:37 PM
What a thread …. out of this world :)

25-11-2019, 11:54 AM
Bro WB

What I learned and experienced very similar.

Girls were damn selfish and self-centered human beings. If you ignore her then she will think guy is not interested in her. She will be frustrated but will do foolish things. Usually girl will throw tantrums.

Of course if the girl is my gf then I couldn't be bothered too. After all girls were damn funny beings. Big mistake if guy just play obedient and do what girl request.

Usually girls will want everything and hope for more and better.

Guys on the other hand will be simple with mind of sex and money. Easily satisfied once both were satisfied.

Hope what I mentioned just as a rough guide and please comment


Good morning!

The irony is that if a man starts to care too much for a girl or be fearful of losing her, the girl will gradually come to despise him. She is often confused n frustrated because she should like or love him more, but she can't. Put it in another way, she consciously very much wants to like or love him more, but subconsciously she despises him and finds him repulsive. The outcome is always misery for both parties.

25-11-2019, 02:42 PM
Great share bro WB. Have a good weekend!

Tks, bro.

Bro WB

The above happened all the time. All the above 6 points were common mistakes...if you made any of the above already a mistake.

If she has a bf, doesn't mean to say she is not available. She may be waiting to dump her bf to look for other option.

Her bf may not satisfied her sexually and she was going to find alternatives. Never be afraid to keep in view such girl.

The rest of the points were obvious.

Thank you for sharing.

Bro, tks.

Agreed, very common mistakes.

Hope to learn more from bro WB.


What a thread …. out of this world :)

Bros, tks.

Bro WB

What I learned and experienced very similar.

Girls were damn selfish and self-centered human beings. If you ignore her then she will think guy is not interested in her. She will be frustrated but will do foolish things. Usually girl will throw tantrums.

Of course if the girl is my gf then I couldn't be bothered too. After all girls were damn funny beings. Big mistake if guy just play obedient and do what girl request.

Usually girls will want everything and hope for more and better.

Guys on the other hand will be simple with mind of sex and money. Easily satisfied once both were satisfied.

Hope what I mentioned just as a rough guide and please comment


Bro, you're spot on.

If a man has the right mental frames, at the subconscious level, getting his type of attractive girls will be very easy for him. They will actually chase him, in many instances.

Cheers to all samsters!

Bro WB


Good afternoon,

A man who has been reading articles/books and watching videos on how to get girls for many months n yrs may still be a loser with girls. He will remain a loser until his subconscious mind believes that he is the prize n that he deserves the most attractive gals of his type. Including his dream gal or special one.

And, according to the female guru Marni, women want a man who is:

Self Assured, Calm, Collected, Comfortable and Direct

She added that "This man may come in different packages and versions BUT the foundation is always the same."

I would say that the underlying "foundation" is awesome emotional and self mastery.


Bro WB

25-11-2019, 11:59 PM
I also experienced similarly.

Just let them throw tantrums and ignore them.

Thanks bro WB for a great thread.


Bro WB

What I learned and experienced very similar.

Girls were damn selfish and self-centered human beings. If you ignore her then she will think guy is not interested in her. She will be frustrated but will do foolish things. Usually girl will throw tantrums.

Of course if the girl is my gf then I couldn't be bothered too. After all girls were damn funny beings. Big mistake if guy just play obedient and do what girl request.

Usually girls will want everything and hope for more and better.

Guys on the other hand will be simple with mind of sex and money. Easily satisfied once both were satisfied.

Hope what I mentioned just as a rough guide and please comment


26-11-2019, 04:44 PM
Exccellent replies and sharing from bro WB, hope to pick up more tips here :)

28-11-2019, 03:56 PM
I also experienced similarly.

Just let them throw tantrums and ignore them.

Thanks bro WB for a great thread.


Exccellent replies and sharing from bro WB, hope to pick up more tips here :)

Bros, tks.


Bro WB


Good afternoon,

I have been waiting to see a "super chio SYT" for the longest time.

Mr Don Juan and others have been talking about this and that chio SYTs. But I know their girls may not even be my type. And my type may not be their type, of course.

That is just fine. One man's meat is another man's poison.

I only want the highest quality SYTs of my type. I know I'm the grand prize and I deserve only the very best.

I hv only SEEN three 18 yo SYTs of my type in SG in the last 5-6 years. None since I met TY last yr.

To better illustrate my type of kawaii SYT, I'll show a brief video of a girl in my album, which I came across inadvertently a few days ago. She was 18 yo at the time the video was taken approximately 2 yrs ago. Unfortunately, I couldn't go to China to meet her then. Here is her video:


She is quite kawaii, but she is NOT "superchio" and she is far from perfect.

However, I'll be eager to SEE a girl of similar youthfulness and cuteness in SG. I would greatly appreciate if anyone could show me where I could just get a glimpse of an SYT of similar qualities. You don't need to know her n no need to intro her to me. I'll do the rest...

I'm realistic and I don't expect to see a "superchio SYT" anytime soon.

Thanks, and Cheers!

Bro WB

01-12-2019, 03:49 PM
Great share by bro WB, hope to pick up more tips here :)

02-12-2019, 11:23 AM
Good morning! It's another auspicious day!

Girls like playfulness n fun. They also like humor.

My younger lao po TY has been a full-time student for over a yr. She can now understand jokes in English.

When she lets me walk in front as if I'm a 5 yo boy, I may turn around and call her 妈妈. When she walks in front of me, I 'll call her 小宝宝 as if she is a 5 yo. And when she walks by my side, I'll whisper 老婆...

Here is a simple attraction formula, according to another Ang Moh guru:

Frames + Humor + Playfulness = Attraction Voodoo

Cheers and hv a great weekend!

Bro WB

Bro WB

Thank you for excellent thread.

Girls always love humor and laughter best medicine.

When a girl wants to attract men quite simple today. Just wear sexily and sure plenty of attraction.

But when a guy wants yo attract girls then not that simple.

1. Stick Ben Franklin on the face.
2. Wear smart casual
3. Drive a prestigious car
4. Plenty of humor
6. Good metal frame.
7. Many more

Have a nice day.

02-12-2019, 07:27 PM
Bro WB

Thank you for excellent thread.

Girls always love humor and laughter best medicine.

When a girl wants to attract men quite simple today. Just wear sexily and sure plenty of attraction.

But when a guy wants yo attract girls then not that simple.

1. Stick Ben Franklin on the face.
2. Wear smart casual
3. Drive a prestigious car
4. Plenty of humor
6. Good metal frame.
7. Many more

Have a nice day.

Same, I did the above too, and attracted many girls.

Thanks bro WB for a great thread.


03-12-2019, 10:20 PM
Agree with you on this point.

Have a nice day.

Girls were damn selfish and self-centered human beings. If you ignore her then she will think guy is not interested in her. She will be frustrated but will do foolish things. Usually girl will throw tantrums.

05-12-2019, 03:53 PM
Great share by bro WB, hope to pick up more tips here :)

Tks, bro.

Bro WB

Thank you for excellent thread.

Girls always love humor and laughter best medicine.

When a girl wants to attract men quite simple today. Just wear sexily and sure plenty of attraction.

But when a guy wants yo attract girls then not that simple.

1. Stick Ben Franklin on the face.
2. Wear smart casual
3. Drive a prestigious car
4. Plenty of humor
6. Good metal frame.
7. Many more

Have a nice day.

Bro, tks for your great post!

Yes, you will attract many girls.

Be highly selective and choose yours wisely.

Same, I did the above too, and attracted many girls.

Thanks bro WB for a great thread.


Agree with you on this point.

Have a nice day.

Bros, tks.


Good afternoon,

I have many friends and bros who are very good with women...until they meet "The Special One" aka Dreamgirl, when they suddenly lose all their power and become little boys.

Recently, I came across this article by a guru.

How to Take Your Power Back From Women

by Mike Wright

"Ew... what are you, desperate to get laid or something?"

That's what a girl said to one of my students.

He was almost in tears when he told me the story.

Here's what happened...

He was chasing this girl for months, and finally got her out on a date.

She was fresh off a breakup with some jerk who treated her like crap.

So he took her out for drinks, bought her dinner, told her she looked beautiful.

Then he finally confessed his feelings and told her she was an amazing woman.

He told her that she deserved more than a guy who made her cry. Who didn't appreciate what a "catch" she really was.

She deserved to be with an honest guy who could see her true beauty and take care of her like a princess.

And that's when she rolled her eyes and asked if he was "desperate to get laid."

Needless to say, they never had a second date.

The worst part was that he never saw it coming.

He thought he had done everything right... that there was no way she wouldn't say yes to him.

Can you catch the KILLER mistake he made?

It's simple.

He gave away all his power.

Maybe this has happened to you, too.

Maybe you've been called "desperate" before.

Maybe you've been the "nice guy" who got the "let's just be friends speech" from a girl.

Maybe you had a girl act interested in you... only to flake on you and ignore you later.

If any of that has happened to you, then you're probably giving women WAY too much power.

For example...

When you buy her gifts, pay for everything and do ALL the work... you are giving your power away.

When you confess your feelings and tell her how much you like her... you are giving your power away.

When you compliment a girl over and over again... you are giving your power away.

When you smile and nod and agree with everything she says... you are giving your power away.

You are handing her your BALLS on a silver platter.

And that's why you lost control, and why she moved on to another guy.

Look at it like a game of poker.

In poker, you would never just throw your cards down on the table and show everyone what you've got, right?

That's a surefire way to lose the game.

Well, it's the same with women.

The moment you put your cards on the table and let her know exactly what you're thinking and feeling...

You've lost your power, and you've lost the game.

That's why it's always better to have your "poker face" on and keep her guessing.


BTW, it's impossible for a girl to be attracted to a man who has lost his power in the relationship. She can't respect and love such a man, despite her best efforts. Her subconscious mind and her genes won't allow her! It doesn't matter if her man is a real king or "The Sexiest Man Alive." Hahaha.

Your comments, criticisms, and success stories will be appreciated.


Bro WB

05-12-2019, 04:18 PM
If any of that has happened to you, then you're probably giving women WAY too much power.

For example...

When you buy her gifts, pay for everything and do ALL the work... you are giving your power away.

When you confess your feelings and tell her how much you like her... you are giving your power away.

When you compliment a girl over and over again... you are giving your power away.

When you smile and nod and agree with everything she says... you are giving your power away.

You are handing her your BALLS on a silver platter.

Bro WB

Bro WB

I fully agreed with the points above. Never hand your balls to any girl on silver platter.

Never fall in love but be responsible to care for any girl that encounter. Not agree with everything but try to be nasty or don't reply if answer is negative.

Recently overheard a conversation of several young girls having drinks at cafe that their men just too eager too overwhelming trying to please the girls. To a stage the girls don't consider these guys at all as they termed the guys as weak and desperate.

Thank you so much for the nice forum.


05-12-2019, 06:51 PM
Bro WB

I fully agreed with the points above. Never hand your balls to any girl on silver platter.

Never fall in love but be responsible to care for any girl that encounter. Not agree with everything but try to be nasty or don't reply if answer is negative.

Recently overheard a conversation of several young girls having drinks at cafe that their men just too eager too overwhelming trying to please the girls. To a stage the girls don't consider these guys at all as they termed the guys as weak and desperate.

Thank you so much for the nice forum.


Fully agreed with the above.

Thanks bro WB for a fantastic thread.

Have a nice day.

05-12-2019, 07:12 PM
Bro WB

I fully agreed with the points above. Never hand your balls to any girl on silver platter.

Never fall in love but be responsible to care for any girl that encounter. Not agree with everything but try to be nasty or don't reply if answer is negative.

Recently overheard a conversation of several young girls having drinks at cafe that their men just too eager too overwhelming trying to please the girls. To a stage the girls don't consider these guys at all as they termed the guys as weak and desperate.

Thank you so much for the nice forum.


very good advice for this
"Never fall in love but be responsible to care for any girl that encounter"

06-12-2019, 09:49 PM
So very nice thread by bro WB.
Have a good weekend bros :)

07-12-2019, 09:53 AM
The moment you put your cards on the table and let her know exactly what you're thinking and feeling...

You've lost your power, and you've lost the game.

That's why it's always better to have your "poker face" on and keep her guessing.



Bro WB

Bro WB

What a headlines How to Take Your Power Back From Women

Love your analogy with poker cards player. Agreed must not show your face and hide away your last card.

"BTW, it's impossible for a girl to be attracted to a man who has lost his power in the relationship. She can't respect and love such a man, despite her best efforts. Her subconscious mind and her genes won't allow her! It doesn't matter if her man is a real king or "The Sexiest Man Alive." Hahaha."

the above paragraph was reat reminder. Learned alot here.

Thank you and have a nice weekend.

07-12-2019, 02:48 PM
Bro WB

What a headlines How to Take Your Power Back From Women

Love your analogy with poker cards player. Agreed must not show your face and hide away your last card.

"BTW, it's impossible for a girl to be attracted to a man who has lost his power in the relationship. She can't respect and love such a man, despite her best efforts. Her subconscious mind and her genes won't allow her! It doesn't matter if her man is a real king or "The Sexiest Man Alive." Hahaha."

the above paragraph was reat reminder. Learned alot here.

Thank you and have a nice weekend.

Love the headline too.

Hope to learn more from bro WB.


08-12-2019, 07:24 AM
very good advice for this
"Never fall in love but be responsible to care for any girl that encounter"

Excellent advice indeed!!

08-12-2019, 03:55 PM
Excellent advice indeed!!

yea in the end i think girls will always like guys for a reason, looks, the way they talk, $, or any other stuffs. no need to be too hard up about it, if theres no attraction :D

08-12-2019, 09:14 PM
Bro WB

I fully agreed with the points above. Never hand your balls to any girl on silver platter.

Never fall in love but be responsible to care for any girl that encounter. Not agree with everything but try to be nasty or don't reply if answer is negative.

Recently overheard a conversation of several young girls having drinks at cafe that their men just too eager too overwhelming trying to please the girls. To a stage the girls don't consider these guys at all as they termed the guys as weak and desperate.

Thank you so much for the nice forum.


Bro, tks for your post.

Girls find weak and desperate men repulsive. These are needy, insecure losers.

Fully agreed with the above.

Thanks bro WB for a fantastic thread.

Have a nice day.

Bro, tks.

very good advice for this
"Never fall in love but be responsible to care for any girl that encounter"

Bro, tks.

Never fall in love w/ the wrong woman. Must also make sure the woman loves you more...

Tell her you love her but you don't need her.

So very nice thread by bro WB.
Have a good weekend bros :)

Bro, tks.

Bro WB

What a headlines How to Take Your Power Back From Women

Love your analogy with poker cards player. Agreed must not show your face and hide away your last card.

"BTW, it's impossible for a girl to be attracted to a man who has lost his power in the relationship. She can't respect and love such a man, despite her best efforts. Her subconscious mind and her genes won't allow her! It doesn't matter if her man is a real king or "The Sexiest Man Alive." Hahaha."

the above paragraph was reat reminder. Learned alot here.

Thank you and have a nice weekend.

Bro, tks.

I still hv to remind myself of the above statement sometimes.

Love the headline too.

Hope to learn more from bro WB.


Excellent advice indeed!!

Bros, tks.


Good evening,

Here is an interesting article on LOVE.

Love, Actually: The science behind lust, attraction, and companionship


Your comments and criticisms?


Bro WB

09-12-2019, 01:43 PM
Here is an interesting article on LOVE.

Love, Actually: The science behind lust, attraction, and companionship


Your comments and criticisms?


Bro WB

Good afternoon Bro WB

In 1993, Haddaway asked the world, “What is Love?” I’m not sure if he ever got his answer – but today, you can have yours.


Very nice video and thank you for sharing this.

I still not sure about "L O V E". Maybe in my lifetime will never know.


09-12-2019, 07:25 PM
Good afternoon Bro WB

In 1993, Haddaway asked the world, “What is Love?” I’m not sure if he ever got his answer – but today, you can have yours.


Very nice video and thank you for sharing this.

I still not sure about "L O V E". Maybe in my lifetime will never know.


Very nice video.

Thanks bro WB for a great thread.

Have a good week ahead.

10-12-2019, 08:18 AM
Very true, most people do not know what love is

Very nice thread here, thanks!

Good afternoon Bro WB

I still not sure about "L O V E". Maybe in my lifetime will never know.


10-12-2019, 09:45 AM
Married men, pls be honest with women from start that you are married instead of declaring to them that you are single and a prize to them. Otherwise you will have unforeseen drama and end up like this guy : https://stomp.straitstimes.com/singapore-seen/woman-slashed-married-ex-lover-with-penknife-after-he-refused-to-go-on-china-work

Women shun married men for various reasons like they don’t want to be confronted or beaten up by their furious wives or break up married men’s families

Hi HelplessGal,

Fully agreed with you.

I always tell the girls that I am attached and not available when I visit entertainment places. Anyway the gals still flock to me because only money talks.

When I visit overseas I tell gals the same that I am not single and unavailable. Only available for the city or the night alone. Still the gals will willingly to sleep with me.

So another words if any guy tell the gals they are single still the gals will not trust. Might as well tell the truth.


Tks for your post.

The man had the right mental frame but, unfortunately, he chose the wrong girl. She is a psychopath.

The girl knew he was married. She even harassed his wife.

Cheers to all samsters,

Bro WB

Bro WB

As what I had replied above to "HelplessGal", I think as a guy have to observe carefully before going after any gal seriously. If is a money paid transaction then f**k andd forget. No more contact.

If gal is crazy or unsound mind, best to cut loose and move on.

No point to get involved with any gal creating unnecessary headlines in the local dailies.

Thank you and Cheers.

10-12-2019, 05:43 PM
Hi HelplessGal,

Fully agreed with you.

I always tell the girls that I am attached and not available when I visit entertainment places. Anyway the gals still flock to me because only money talks.

When I visit overseas I tell gals the same that I am not single and unavailable. Only available for the city or the night alone. Still the gals will willingly to sleep with me.

So another words if any guy tell the gals they are single still the gals will not trust. Might as well tell the truth.


Yes, I always them that too, but they don't care, see cash liao dangling in front of them they auto open legs wide wide.

Have a good day.

10-12-2019, 09:46 PM
Bro WB

As what I had replied above to "HelplessGal", I think as a guy have to observe carefully before going after any gal seriously. If is a money paid transaction then f**k andd forget. No more contact.

If gal is crazy or unsound mind, best to cut loose and move on.

No point to get involved with any gal creating unnecessary headlines in the local dailies.

Thank you and Cheers.

Very well said and have a good evening.

10-12-2019, 09:51 PM
Here is an interesting article on LOVE.

Love, Actually: The science behind lust, attraction, and companionship


Your comments and criticisms?

Quite interesting article. Mainly there's explanation of different mechanisms of attraction at different stages of relationship. Explains why married guys (and girls too?) can compartmentalize feelings, and continue to treasure their OC while at the same time still can develop feelings for others outside :D

11-12-2019, 07:08 PM
Hi HelplessGal,

Fully agreed with you.

I always tell the girls that I am attached and not available when I visit entertainment places. Anyway the gals still flock to me because only money talks.

When I visit overseas I tell gals the same that I am not single and unavailable. Only available for the city or the night alone. Still the gals will willingly to sleep with me.

Wish I have lots of money to flash :D

12-12-2019, 11:56 AM
Good afternoon Bro WB

In 1993, Haddaway asked the world, “What is Love?” I’m not sure if he ever got his answer – but today, you can have yours.


Very nice video and thank you for sharing this.

I still not sure about "L O V E". Maybe in my lifetime will never know.


Bro, tks for your post and video.

I'm not sure about 'true love" either. I know I love my 19 yo lao po TY, but I don't need her. I'm the price. The minute I need her and I'm fearful of losing her, it's the beginning of the end for our relationship.

Here are some of the best quotes/poems on love:

"Real love is the love that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure: if it does, it is immortal; the other kind inevitably goes stale, for it lies in mere fantasy."

- Giacomo Casanova

"The course of true love never did run smooth."

- William Shakespeare


- 唐代元镇

“得成比目何辞死! 愿作鸳鸯不羡仙。”

- 唐代卢照邻

Very nice video.

Thanks bro WB for a great thread.

Have a good week ahead.

Very true, most people do not know what love is

Very nice thread here, thanks!

Bros, tks.

Hi HelplessGal,

Fully agreed with you.

I always tell the girls that I am attached and not available when I visit entertainment places. Anyway the gals still flock to me because only money talks.

When I visit overseas I tell gals the same that I am not single and unavailable. Only available for the city or the night alone. Still the gals will willingly to sleep with me.

So another words if any guy tell the gals they are single still the gals will not trust. Might as well tell the truth.


Bro WB

As what I had replied above to "HelplessGal", I think as a guy have to observe carefully before going after any gal seriously. If is a money paid transaction then f**k andd forget. No more contact.

If gal is crazy or unsound mind, best to cut loose and move on.

No point to get involved with any gal creating unnecessary headlines in the local dailies.

Thank you and Cheers.

Bro, tks for your post.

Yeah, choose your gals wisely. Avoid gold diggers, sociopaths, and psychopaths.

Yes, I always them that too, but they don't care, see cash liao dangling in front of them they auto open legs wide wide.

Have a good day.

Very well said and have a good evening.

Tks, bros.

Quite interesting article. Mainly there's explanation of different mechanisms of attraction at different stages of relationship. Explains why married guys (and girls too?) can compartmentalize feelings, and continue to treasure their OC while at the same time still can develop feelings for others outside :D

Bro, tks.

Yeah, interesting article.

Wish I have lots of money to flash :D

Use your money wisely.

Good morning and cheers to all samsters,

Bro WB

13-12-2019, 12:42 AM
Hi HelplessGal,

Fully agreed with you.

I always tell the girls that I am attached and not available when I visit entertainment places. Anyway the gals still flock to me because only money talks.

When I visit overseas I tell gals the same that I am not single and unavailable. Only available for the city or the night alone. Still the gals will willingly to sleep with me.

So another words if any guy tell the gals they are single still the gals will not trust. Might as well tell the truth.


Bro WB

As what I had replied above to "HelplessGal", I think as a guy have to observe carefully before going after any gal seriously. If is a money paid transaction then f**k andd forget. No more contact.

If gal is crazy or unsound mind, best to cut loose and move on.

No point to get involved with any gal creating unnecessary headlines in the local dailies.

Thank you and Cheers.

dacelo, thank you for agreeing with my emphasis on the importance of telling women from start that you are married with kids.

13-12-2019, 01:01 AM
Bro, tks for your post and video.

I'm not sure about 'true love" either. I know I love my 19 yo lao po TY, but I don't need her. I'm the price. The minute I need her and I'm fearful of losing her, it's the beginning of the end for our relationship.

Here are some of the best quotes/poems on love:

"Real love is the love that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure: if it does, it is immortal; the other kind inevitably goes stale, for it lies in mere fantasy."

- Giacomo Casanova

"The course of true love never did run smooth."

- William Shakespeare


- 唐代元镇

“得成比目何辞死! 愿作鸳鸯不羡仙。”

- 唐代卢照邻

Bros, tks.

Bro, tks for your post.

Yeah, choose your gals wisely. Avoid gold diggers, sociopaths, and psychopaths.

Tks, bros.

Bro, tks.

Yeah, interesting article.

Use your money wisely.

Good morning and cheers to all samsters,

Bro WB

WB, married men with “ I am prize” mindset having no problems to lie to women that they are single and never get married before can be egotistical sociopaths and psychopaths. Needless to say that they are dangerous and will harm women out of the blue once the ugly truth about them surfaces. Speaking from bad experience, my previous guy almost landed me in hospital. Stay away from such men.

14-12-2019, 01:09 PM
dacelo, thank you for agreeing with my emphasis on the importance of telling women from start that you are married with kids.

WB, married men with “ I am prize” mindset having no problems to lie to women that they are single and never get married before can be egotistical sociopaths and psychopaths. Needless to say that they are dangerous and will harm women out of the blue once the ugly truth about them surfaces. Speaking from bad experience, my previous guy almost landed me in hospital. Stay away from such men.

Hi HepllessGal.

Tks for your posts.

Yeah, I always tell everyone I'm married w/ kids. And I also say I hv SYT mistresses too.

There are many male sociopaths and psychopaths. A few are even serial killers.

Girls must choose their male partners very carefully and WISELY.

I don't know what happened in your relationship w/ your "previous guy."

Did he become violent?

Such a man is behaving like a little boy. He is needy, insecure and fearful. Very poor emotional and self-mastery. No, he doesn't really believe he is the prize at his subconscious level. He has a scarcity mindset. If he were the prize, would he get angry or violent if a girl wanted to leave him? Of course not. It would be her big loss.


Good afternoon to all samsters,

What an auspicious day!!

Since a "prize mindset" was mentioned by a samster, I like to expand on this most important attribute of a MAN.

Here is a paragraph from a book written by Mike W.

Always Assume Women Are Interested In You

Princes Leia: I love you
Han Solo: I know
—Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

When a man thinks a woman doesn’t like him, she can feel his
nervous energy and insecurities creeping and crawling along the surface
of her skin. Though she might pity the lovable loser, her attraction for him
dwindles to a suicidal zero.

On the other hand, when a man assumes a woman is interested, his
Prizability increases in her eyes.

But here lies the problem: many a man doesn’t assume a woman is
interested until she gives him some sign: her eyes point at his ass as she
utters, “impressive,” her little paws fondle him, her bra juts out an extra
few inches, or something else.

While the man waits with the patience of a well-behaved schoolgirl for
her to signal interest, his Prizability plummets.

Don’t wait for a woman to show interest in you. Instead, assume she
thinks you’re a sought after Prize from the get-go. Better yet, imagine
that she sees you as a giant sausage with feet and feels compelled to
molest you. As a result, she’ll see you as a Prize.

There are two parts to assuming a woman is interested.

The first is the inner game. You have to believe the woman is interested in you.

The second is the outer game. There are specific things you can say and do
that effectively communicate to women that you assume they’re
interested in you.

Both are equally important and each one is handicapped without the

You can genuinely believe a woman is interested in you. But if you
don’t know the right way to communicate it to her, it will do no good.

Likewise, you could have dozens of witty remarks that assume a
woman is interested sitting on the tip of your tongue and waiting for you
to cannonball them at a sexy vixen. But if you don’t believe the woman
is interested, you’ll unconsciously communicate your insecurity in your
intonation and body language.

When your words aren’t congruent with
your beliefs, intonation, and body language, they’re rendered useless –
regardless of how much wit or humor they pack.

Often, when women notice this incongruence, they’ll test to see how
much Prizability you lack. (When we get to the sections on Prize testing,
I’ll teach you how to handle this situation.

The minute you think your girl/woman is the prize and that she has higher social and sexual value than you, it's the beginning of the end of your relationship.

It doesn't matter if you hv been w/ her 3 hours or 30 years. It doesn't matter if you're a real prince/king or Don Juan himself or "the sexiest man alive."


Bro WB

20-12-2019, 03:37 PM
Here is a paragraph from a book written by Mike W.

Always Assume Women Are Interested In You

Princes Leia: I love you
Han Solo: I know
—Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

When a man thinks a woman doesn’t like him, she can feel his
nervous energy and insecurities creeping and crawling along the surface
of her skin. Though she might pity the lovable loser, her attraction for him
dwindles to a suicidal zero.


Bro WB

Bro WB

What a great advice above.

I often made the mistake in the past. Will not make future mistakes.

From now on follow your valuable advice.

Happy weekend coming up.

20-12-2019, 07:17 PM
Bro WB

What a great advice above.

I often made the mistake in the past. Will not make future mistakes.

From now on follow your valuable advice.

Happy weekend coming up.

A very great advice indeed.

Hope to learn more from bro WB.


21-12-2019, 02:31 PM
Very interesting by bro WB, thanks!!

Have a nice weekend.

21-12-2019, 08:10 PM
Bro WB

What a great advice above.

I often made the mistake in the past. Will not make future mistakes.

From now on follow your valuable advice.

Happy weekend coming up.

Very well said, best is not to repeat the same mistakes.

Thanks to an awesome thread by bro WB.

Cheers all.

22-12-2019, 11:07 AM
Bro WB

What a great advice above.

I often made the mistake in the past. Will not make future mistakes.

From now on follow your valuable advice.

Happy weekend coming up.

Tks, bro.

Your mental frame is powerful. Always assume that your dream girl is very interested in you. She feels what you feel.

There are two parts to assuming a woman is interested.

The first is the inner game. You have to believe the woman is interested in you.

The second is the outer game. There are specific things you can say and do
that effectively communicate to women that you assume they’re
interested in you.

Both are equally important and each one is handicapped without the

A very great advice indeed.

Hope to learn more from bro WB.


Very interesting by bro WB, thanks!!

Have a nice weekend.

Very well said, best is not to repeat the same mistakes.

Thanks to an awesome thread by bro WB.

Cheers all.

Bros, tks.

Cheers and have a wonderful Sunday!

Bro WB

24-12-2019, 06:16 PM
Tks, bro.

Your mental frame is powerful. Always assume that your dream girl is very interested in you. She feels what you feel.

There are two parts to assuming a woman is interested.

The first is the inner game. You have to believe the woman is interested in you.

The second is the outer game. There are specific things you can say and do
that effectively communicate to women that you assume they’re
interested in you.

Both are equally important and each one is handicapped without the

Meryy Xmas to Bro WB

I also think mental frame is important here.

Women are powerful beings whereby they can sense very well. Their mental senses can detect witness and anxiety.

What women wanted always were powerful male so that they can produce powerful offsprings. In our mortal world this is not always the case but similar.

I assume that if woman can sit nearer and one hand touching the guy then can assume she is interested. She will try to let guy touch in response. Those messages must be well read and executed. If not will miss opportunity.


24-12-2019, 07:17 PM
Meryy Xmas to Bro WB

I also think mental frame is important here.

Women are powerful beings whereby they can sense very well. Their mental senses can detect witness and anxiety.

What women wanted always were powerful male so that they can produce powerful offsprings. In our mortal world this is not always the case but similar.

I assume that if woman can sit nearer and one hand touching the guy then can assume she is interested. She will try to let guy touch in response. Those messages must be well read and executed. If not will miss opportunity.


I also think mental frame is very important too.

Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread.

Merry X'mas

24-12-2019, 10:42 PM
Excellent thread! Season greetings to bro WB and all bros :)

25-12-2019, 11:56 PM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all samsters!

Bro WB

28-12-2019, 08:40 AM
Married man have a charm... it is sort of like the law of natural attraction. If a female has chosen you, you instantly become endorse and somewhat becomes "more" attractive to others.

Sex can be had with anyone, but touch a woman's soul and she is yours... somehow, a woman sees child as a sign of virility.

Anyway, I was busy the last few months bonking a kept SYT, rich bro bao-ed her and comes for session a few times a week... i get the afternoons and the days he is not around.

How? By not focusing on sex till the girl practically made the move. Never did i move beyond just kisses, frenching... instead I focused on her needs, give her oral but rejected sex.

Made her hunger for me instead of the other way round. Once she made the first move, she was mine. She knew i had a strong sex drive so after that, she made the move each time, i played hard to get.

charm can sometimes be apart from looks, money or figure. Best part, the man insisted on CD and i was raw-ing his girl all the time.:p

Bro aczeta

In the New Thought philosophy, the Law of Attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. ... The Law of Attraction has no scientific basis and has been dubbed a pseudoscience.

Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. ... It is the Law of Attraction which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things eventually.

Simply very chim about the forum above.


28-12-2019, 08:43 AM
Here is a paragraph from a book written by Mike W.

Always Assume Women Are Interested In You

Princes Leia: I love you
Han Solo: I know
—Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

When a man thinks a woman doesn’t like him, she can feel his
nervous energy and insecurities creeping and crawling along the surface
of her skin. Though she might pity the lovable loser, her attraction for him
dwindles to a suicidal zero.

On the other hand, when a man assumes a woman is interested, his
Prizability increases in her eyes.

But here lies the problem: many a man doesn’t assume a woman is
interested until she gives him some sign: her eyes point at his ass as she
utters, “impressive,” her little paws fondle him, her bra juts out an extra
few inches, or something else.

While the man waits with the patience of a well-behaved schoolgirl for
her to signal interest, his Prizability plummets.

Don’t wait for a woman to show interest in you. Instead, assume she
thinks you’re a sought after Prize from the get-go. Better yet, imagine
that she sees you as a giant sausage with feet and feels compelled to
molest you. As a result, she’ll see you as a Prize.

There are two parts to assuming a woman is interested.

The first is the inner game. You have to believe the woman is interested in you.

The second is the outer game. There are specific things you can say and do
that effectively communicate to women that you assume they’re
interested in you.

Both are equally important and each one is handicapped without the

You can genuinely believe a woman is interested in you. But if you
don’t know the right way to communicate it to her, it will do no good.

Likewise, you could have dozens of witty remarks that assume a
woman is interested sitting on the tip of your tongue and waiting for you
to cannonball them at a sexy vixen. But if you don’t believe the woman
is interested, you’ll unconsciously communicate your insecurity in your
intonation and body language.

When your words aren’t congruent with
your beliefs, intonation, and body language, they’re rendered useless –
regardless of how much wit or humor they pack.

Often, when women notice this incongruence, they’ll test to see how
much Prizability you lack. (When we get to the sections on Prize testing,
I’ll teach you how to handle this situation.

The minute you think your girl/woman is the prize and that she has higher social and sexual value than you, it's the beginning of the end of your relationship.

It doesn't matter if you hv been w/ her 3 hours or 30 years. It doesn't matter if you're a real prince/king or Don Juan himself or "the sexiest man alive."


Bro WB

Bro WB

Thanks for sharing such powerful advice.

I agree we have to assume often that guy looked like Andy Lau and always had thousands of girls interested.

Always assume we are the prize and girls will be keen to claim.


28-12-2019, 11:20 AM
Bro WB

Thanks for sharing such powerful advice.

I agree we have to assume often that guy looked like Andy Lau and always had thousands of girls interested.

Always assume we are the prize and girls will be keen to claim.


Yes, very powerful advice indeed.

Thanks bro WB for a great thread.

Have a nice weekend.

28-12-2019, 02:33 PM
Amazing thread here, wish to learn more from bro WB.


29-12-2019, 09:01 AM
Good morning!!

Ths to all esteemed bros for making this thread so lively, so dynamic n so informative. You make my day! Pls continue to share ur experiences, strategies, insights n wisdom here.

I hv been very busy lately due to a variety of reasons...

I read abt the tragic death of a 44 yo man, the ceo of a co, after liposuction. I heard from some frens that he was trying to improve his appearance n physique to please the eyes of a certain PRC gal (or gals?). Wat a fool! He was actually quite slim. As successful as he was, he didn't understand the male attributes that r most attractive to all females, WLs n non-WLs, at the subconscious level.

Even if a man is very fat/thin, tall/short, etc, he can still please the eyes of a chio gal/woman by paying great attention to his posture, movement, dress n style, hehehe. Really no need for liposuction or "lipoaddition." He can also work to please the other 4 senses of the gal...

Have a great day!!

Bro WB

Bro WB

Sudden death is always hard to accept. Life is short and just enjoy life to the fullest.

I had been reading this thread from the start and found the thread was rich with info. I learned plenty of pointers how to go after girls.

I love it that this thread had taught me where I made mistake. From now on, I shall try to avoid mistakes.

Too eager to give away my money for love. This is great mistakes. Will not be too eager to give a iphone 11 now.

Hope all enjoy a weekend.

29-12-2019, 05:13 PM
Bro WB

Sudden death is always hard to accept. Life is short and just enjoy life to the fullest.

I had been reading this thread from the start and found the thread was rich with info. I learned plenty of pointers how to go after girls.

I love it that this thread had taught me where I made mistake. From now on, I shall try to avoid mistakes.

Too eager to give away my money for love. This is great mistakes. Will not be too eager to give a iphone 11 now.

Hope all enjoy a weekend.

Fully agreed, enjoy life to the fullest.


29-12-2019, 08:18 PM
Happened to come across this excellent thread. Wish to learn more from bro WB.

Have a good weekend

29-12-2019, 11:57 PM
Bro WB

Sudden death is always hard to accept. Life is short and just enjoy life to the fullest.

I had been reading this thread from the start and found the thread was rich with info. I learned plenty of pointers how to go after girls.

I love it that this thread had taught me where I made mistake. From now on, I shall try to avoid mistakes.

Too eager to give away my money for love. This is great mistakes. Will not be too eager to give a iphone 11 now.

Hope all enjoy a weekend.

Good to learn from mistakes. Have a good week ahead.

31-12-2019, 04:27 PM
Meryy Xmas to Bro WB

I also think mental frame is important here.

Women are powerful beings whereby they can sense very well. Their mental senses can detect witness and anxiety.

What women wanted always were powerful male so that they can produce powerful offsprings. In our mortal world this is not always the case but similar.

I assume that if woman can sit nearer and one hand touching the guy then can assume she is interested. She will try to let guy touch in response. Those messages must be well read and executed. If not will miss opportunity.


Tks, bro.

Mental frames rule the world. If a man truly believes he is the prize, his potenial is unlimited.

I also think mental frame is very important too.

Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread.

Merry X'mas

Excellent thread! Season greetings to bro WB and all bros :)

Tks, bros.

Bro aczeta

In the New Thought philosophy, the Law of Attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. ... The Law of Attraction has no scientific basis and has been dubbed a pseudoscience.

Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. ... It is the Law of Attraction which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things eventually.

Simply very chim about the forum above.


Tks, bro.

Bro WB

Thanks for sharing such powerful advice.

I agree we have to assume often that guy looked like Andy Lau and always had thousands of girls interested.

Always assume we are the prize and girls will be keen to claim.


Bro, tks.

Yes, it's one of the secrets for a man to get very chio gals of his type effortlessly.

However, it won't work unless he truly believes that he is the PRIZE in his subconscious mind. His powerful beliefs will be manifested in his facial expressions, posture, body language, voice tonality, behavior and actions.

Over 10-11 yrs ago, I thought that very chio SYTs and young women of my type were beyond my reach because of my advanced age. And even if I was lucky enough to get one such girl to agree to be my mistress, I would have to pay much higher rates. My real-life experiences since have debunked my previously long-held, and certainly both conscious and subconscious, negative beliefs.

My previous beliefs re chio girls, both conscious and subconscious, were totally wrong.

I have had successes beyond my wildest dreams. And I'm paying BELOW market rates.

I'll be focusing on non-WL and non-FL students. My problem is catching sight of one such girl of my type. I know, deep in my subconscious mind, that if only I could see one such girl, she would be mine. Of course, she would need to meet my other high standards. Just having the looks and figure is only my first filter.

BTW, not long ago I had a chio n fair 16-17 yo Hong Kong Chinese who wanted to study A level in SG. A non-WL and non-FL. She wanted to live w/ me and be my mistress. All she asked for was modest living expenses and school fees. If she could get into a govt school here, the total damage to me per month would be around $600-700 SGD.

Here is an example of a girl of my type in terms of looks and figure.


I know I'll be a grand prize for her. if I didn't have such belief and confidence, I would surely FAIL.

TY is actually better. And her English has improved by leaps and bounds.

Yes, very powerful advice indeed.

Thanks bro WB for a great thread.

Have a nice weekend.

Amazing thread here, wish to learn more from bro WB.


Bros, thanks.

Bro WB

Sudden death is always hard to accept. Life is short and just enjoy life to the fullest.

I had been reading this thread from the start and found the thread was rich with info. I learned plenty of pointers how to go after girls.

I love it that this thread had taught me where I made mistake. From now on, I shall try to avoid mistakes.

Too eager to give away my money for love. This is great mistakes. Will not be too eager to give a iphone 11 now.

Hope all enjoy a weekend.

Bro, tks.

Some sudden deaths are unavoidable.

But this 44 yo CEO's tragic death was senseless. He didn't understand female attraction and he had a scarcity mindset. It won't help even if he had read all my posts. He won't believe me. His negative beliefs were deep in his subconscious mind.

We all make mistakes. We must learn from our mistakes.

One of my tenets of getting very chio girls: Less is more w/ girls.

Less in everything. Less calls, less texting, less money, less attention, less care, less...but zero neediness, zero insecurity and zero fear of losing any girl.

Fully agreed, enjoy life to the fullest.


Happened to come across this excellent thread. Wish to learn more from bro WB.

Have a good weekend

Good to learn from mistakes. Have a good week ahead.

Bros, tks.


Happy New Year to all samsters!!

Bro WB

31-12-2019, 06:05 PM
Thanks for a wonderful thread, bro WB

Happy New Year to you too :)

Jay Chou
31-12-2019, 06:26 PM
Tks, bro.

Mental frames rule the world. If a man truly believes he is the prize, his potenial is unlimited.

Tks, bros.

Tks, bro.

Bro, tks.

Yes, it's one of the secrets for a man to get very chio gals of his type effortlessly.

However, it won't work unless he truly believes that he is the PRIZE in his subconscious mind. His powerful beliefs will be manifested in his facial expressions, posture, body language, voice tonality, behavior and actions.

Over 10-11 yrs ago, I thought that very chio SYTs and young women of my type were beyond my reach because of my advanced age. And even if I was lucky enough to get one such girl to agree to be my mistress, I would have to pay much higher rates. My real-life experiences since have debunked my previously long-held, and certainly both conscious and subconscious, negative beliefs.

My previous beliefs re chio girls, both conscious and subconscious, were totally wrong.

I have had successes beyond my wildest dreams. And I'm paying BELOW market rates.

I'll be focusing on non-WL and non-FL students. My problem is catching sight of one such girl of my type. I know, deep in my subconscious mind, that if only I could see one such girl, she would be mine. Of course, she would need to meet my other high standards. Just having the looks and figure is only my first filter.

BTW, not long ago I had a chio n fair 16-17 yo Hong Kong Chinese who wanted to study A level in SG. A non-WL and non-FL. She wanted to live w/ me and be my mistress. All she asked for was modest living expenses and school fees. If she could get into a govt school here, the total damage to me per month would be around $600-700 SGD.

Here is an example of a girl of my type in terms of looks and figure.


I know I'll be a grand prize for her. if I didn't have such belief and confidence, I would surely FAIL.

TY is actually better. And her English has improved by leaps and bounds.

Bros, thanks.

Bro, tks.

Some sudden deaths are unavoidable.

But this 44 yo CEO's tragic death was senseless. He didn't understand female attraction and he had a scarcity mindset. It won't help even if he had read all my posts. He won't believe me. His negative beliefs were deep in his subconscious mind.

We all make mistakes. We must learn from our mistakes.

One of my tenets of getting very chio girls: Less is more w/ girls.

Less in everything. Less calls, less texting, less money, less attention, less care, less...but zero neediness, zero insecurity and zero fear of losing any girl.

Bros, tks.


Happy New Year to all samsters!!

Bro WB

Up u bro. 😊

06-01-2020, 12:04 AM
Thanks for a wonderful thread, bro WB

Happy New Year to you too :)

Up u bro. ��

Tks, bros.


Happy New Year to all samsters!

I have found the following interesting. From a small ebook How To Attract Any Girl

Attributes and Personality Traits Women Find Irresistible

There are certain personality traits that you can cultivate which women find completely irresistible. The thing is that a woman will be attracted and stay attracted to a man, who can make her feel good when she is with him, or is thinking about him. This means that your personality is your most powerful asset because you can use it to make women feel good.

For example, one thing women love is a man with a sense of humor. The more you can make her laugh, the more she will want to spend time with you.

Likewise, women are attracted to intelligent men, especially those who know how to use that intelligence to surprise her and engage her.

Education is another powerful weapon you can use because women love to hear stories about people or places. Not only will you always have a topic to talk about but it will be something interesting that engages her rather the same boring rote topics most guys talk about, like her favorite color or where she works.

Women are also attracted to dominant men, even if they don't realize it. Biologically, women have been hardwired to seek the protection of a male and the more dominant the man, the better the chance he has at protecting her.
However, don't mistake being dominant with being controlling. You need to dominate the situations in your life rather than being controlling of her and taking away her individuality.

Men who are thoughtful are also very attractive to women. You see, women aren't overjoyed when they receive a gift because of the gift itself but because it is proof that you were thinking of them. The gift is merely a symbol. So any display of the fact that you were thinking about her will make her feel good.

If you want to really impress a woman, then you need to learn to notice details. You see, women spend a lot of time making sure they look good, so if she has a nice hairdo, it wasn't an accident. She isn't wearing that hot dress because the wardrobe fell on her either. She is trying to impress you and if you notice these details, she will be extremely impressed that you noticed her attempts to be attractive to you.

Women also like men who are aggressive, but not in the sense that you won't take no for an answer. That's called date rape.
No, aggressive men that women like are those who know what they want in life and they go after it with everything they have and won't stop until they achieve their goal.

As we have already mentioned, women love a man who is confident and even a little cocky. Again, don't confuse this with being arrogant. The right attitude is actually a lot of confidence combined with humor. In other words - you are so confident that you can even laugh at yourself without feeling insecure.

Insecurity is the Biggest Turn Off

One of the biggest obstacles men face is insecurity. This is the one thing that will render you completely unattractive to any woman. Women can detect insecurity and neediness immediately and there's nothing that will turn her off quite as much as an insecure guy.

A man who doesn't feel comfortable in a certain situation or is uncomfortable with who he is, will come across as being insecure. He may try to appear confident, but it is quite clear that is only an act because he is trying to gain approval through what he says or how he behaves.

Some examples of insecure behavior include allowing others to make the decisions for you. So, if you are always waiting for her to decide what to do or where to go, she will think you are insecure. Women like it when men decide what is going to happen and then simply do it. If she wants to do something else, she will tell you, but don't always expect her to make the decisions.

Another way you come off as being insecure is if you are constantly arguing about everything. Even if you are right, it just makes you appear insecure that you have to argue with every little thing just to prove you are right.

The only way to overcome insecurity, is to accept the fact, that there will always be things that are out of your control and you can't do anything about it. You need to become used to stepping outside of your comfort zone.

You have to become the guy who does things that might not feel comfortable but help him to gradually become more confident and secure in his own body.

I don't completely agree w/ the author. The word "aggressive" can be misleading.

BE ASSERTIVE, not aggressive. There is a huge difference.

The author also forgot to mention courage, fearlessness, kindness, compassion, reliability, trustworthiness, decisiveness, honesty, diligence, sense of justice, ambitions, specialized knowledge and skills, status, cleanliness, optimal health, value to society, perseverance and emotional/self-mastery. Last but not least is a man's occupation. For example, a man who is a fighter pilot or American board-certified neurosurgeon will be irresistible to many very attractive young women and SYTs.


Bro WB

11-01-2020, 01:20 PM
Yes, it's one of the secrets for a man to get very chio gals of his type effortlessly.

However, it won't work unless he truly believes that he is the PRIZE in his subconscious mind. His powerful beliefs will be manifested in his facial expressions, posture, body language, voice tonality, behavior and actions.

Over 10-11 yrs ago, I thought that very chio SYTs and young women of my type were beyond my reach because of my advanced age. And even if I was lucky enough to get one such girl to agree to be my mistress, I would have to pay much higher rates. My real-life experiences since have debunked my previously long-held, and certainly both conscious and subconscious, negative beliefs.

My previous beliefs re chio girls, both conscious and subconscious, were totally wrong.

I have had successes beyond my wildest dreams. And I'm paying BELOW market rates.

I'll be focusing on non-WL and non-FL students. My problem is catching sight of one such girl of my type. I know, deep in my subconscious mind, that if only I could see one such girl, she would be mine. Of course, she would need to meet my other high standards. Just having the looks and figure is only my first filter.

BTW, not long ago I had a chio n fair 16-17 yo Hong Kong Chinese who wanted to study A level in SG. A non-WL and non-FL. She wanted to live w/ me and be my mistress. All she asked for was modest living expenses and school fees. If she could get into a govt school here, the total damage to me per month would be around $600-700 SGD.

Here is an example of a girl of my type in terms of looks and figure.


I know I'll be a grand prize for her. if I didn't have such belief and confidence, I would surely FAIL.

TY is actually better. And her English has improved by leaps and bounds.

Bro WB


Thank you for sharing with us your thoughts and finds.

I am not sure what is the situation now. Is there enough mei mei coming to our shores for us to catch.

In the past 20 years, there were abundance mixture of young and milfs from PRC heading to ur shores to study and work. Have not been following recent trends. Certainly you had excellent taste from the pic you shared with us.

Care to share what do you meant by we are the Prize?

Thank you so much.

11-01-2020, 02:53 PM

Thank you for sharing with us your thoughts and finds.

I am not sure what is the situation now. Is there enough mei mei coming to our shores for us to catch.

In the past 20 years, there were abundance mixture of young and milfs from PRC heading to ur shores to study and work. Have not been following recent trends. Certainly you had excellent taste from the pic you shared with us.

Care to share what do you meant by we are the Prize?

Thank you so much.

Think should have enough mei mei here.

Thanks bro WB for an excellent thread.


11-01-2020, 10:47 PM
Think should have enough mei mei here.

Thanks bro WB for an excellent thread.


Our island is full of mei mei :D

Have a nice weekend.

12-01-2020, 12:20 PM
Bro WB

Thank you for sharing nice thread here.

I couldn't agree more what you said below.

Women always love their man sharp and fun. Often we see pretty girls holding on to uncles who spot a manly face. Drove luxury expensive cars and plenty of moolah.

These young chicks will dress to the finest and make up for any occasion.

Intelligent men often catch the best girls. Sense of humor too played an important part here. Girls like to be tickled occasionally.

Dun be surprised thinking of the ticklish part may wet her pants.


Tks, bros.


Happy New Year to all samsters!

I have found the following interesting. From a small ebook How To Attract Any Girl

Attributes and Personality Traits Women Find Irresistible

There are certain personality traits that you can cultivate which women find completely irresistible. The thing is that a woman will be attracted and stay attracted to a man, who can make her feel good when she is with him, or is thinking about him. This means that your personality is your most powerful asset because you can use it to make women feel good.

For example, one thing women love is a man with [SIZE="6"]a sense of humor. The more you can make her laugh, the more she will want to spend time with you.

Likewise, women are attracted to intelligent men, especially those who know how to use that intelligence to surprise her and engage her.


Bro WB

12-01-2020, 03:30 PM
Same here, couldn't agree more.

Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread.

Have a good day.

Bro WB

Thank you for sharing nice thread here.

I couldn't agree more what you said below.

Women always love their man sharp and fun. Often we see pretty girls holding on to uncles who spot a manly face. Drove luxury expensive cars and plenty of moolah.

These young chicks will dress to the finest and make up for any occasion.

Intelligent men often catch the best girls. Sense of humor too played an important part here. Girls like to be tickled occasionally.

Dun be surprised thinking of the ticklish part may wet her pants.


12-01-2020, 05:04 PM
Hi HepllessGal.

Tks for your posts.

Yeah, I always tell everyone I'm married w/ kids. And I also say I hv SYT mistresses too.

There are many male sociopaths and psychopaths. A few are even serial killers.

Girls must choose their male partners very carefully and WISELY.

I don't know what happened in your relationship w/ your "previous guy."

Did he become violent?

Such a man is behaving like a little boy. He is needy, insecure and fearful. Very poor emotional and self-mastery. No, he doesn't really believe he is the prize at his subconscious level. He has a scarcity mindset. If he were the prize, would he get angry or violent if a girl wanted to leave him? Of course not. It would be her big loss.


Good afternoon to all samsters,

What an auspicious day!!

Since a "prize mindset" was mentioned by a samster, I like to expand on this most important attribute of a MAN.

Here is a paragraph from a book written by Mike W.

Always Assume Women Are Interested In You

Princes Leia: I love you
Han Solo: I know
—Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

When a man thinks a woman doesn’t like him, she can feel his
nervous energy and insecurities creeping and crawling along the surface
of her skin. Though she might pity the lovable loser, her attraction for him
dwindles to a suicidal zero.

On the other hand, when a man assumes a woman is interested, his
Prizability increases in her eyes.

But here lies the problem: many a man doesn’t assume a woman is
interested until she gives him some sign: her eyes point at his ass as she
utters, “impressive,” her little paws fondle him, her bra juts out an extra
few inches, or something else.

While the man waits with the patience of a well-behaved schoolgirl for
her to signal interest, his Prizability plummets.

Don’t wait for a woman to show interest in you. Instead, assume she
thinks you’re a sought after Prize from the get-go. Better yet, imagine
that she sees you as a giant sausage with feet and feels compelled to
molest you. As a result, she’ll see you as a Prize.

There are two parts to assuming a woman is interested.

The first is the inner game. You have to believe the woman is interested in you.

The second is the outer game. There are specific things you can say and do
that effectively communicate to women that you assume they’re
interested in you.

Both are equally important and each one is handicapped without the

You can genuinely believe a woman is interested in you. But if you
don’t know the right way to communicate it to her, it will do no good.

Likewise, you could have dozens of witty remarks that assume a
woman is interested sitting on the tip of your tongue and waiting for you
to cannonball them at a sexy vixen. But if you don’t believe the woman
is interested, you’ll unconsciously communicate your insecurity in your
intonation and body language.

When your words aren’t congruent with
your beliefs, intonation, and body language, they’re rendered useless –
regardless of how much wit or humor they pack.

Often, when women notice this incongruence, they’ll test to see how
much Prizability you lack. (When we get to the sections on Prize testing,
I’ll teach you how to handle this situation.

The minute you think your girl/woman is the prize and that she has higher social and sexual value than you, it's the beginning of the end of your relationship.

It doesn't matter if you hv been w/ her 3 hours or 30 years. It doesn't matter if you're a real prince/king or Don Juan himself or "the sexiest man alive."


Bro WB

Yes! He was too violent and aggressive! Think his lies made him think that he is the best prize to his former women he have met and had intimate relationships with. Guess the ugly truths surfaced might draw bad confrontations and breakups from his women.

12-01-2020, 05:10 PM
Tks, bros.


Happy New Year to all samsters!

I have found the following interesting. From a small ebook How To Attract Any Girl

Attributes and Personality Traits Women Find Irresistible

There are certain personality traits that you can cultivate which women find completely irresistible. The thing is that a woman will be attracted and stay attracted to a man, who can make her feel good when she is with him, or is thinking about him. This means that your personality is your most powerful asset because you can use it to make women feel good.

For example, one thing women love is a man with a sense of humor. The more you can make her laugh, the more she will want to spend time with you.

Likewise, women are attracted to intelligent men, especially those who know how to use that intelligence to surprise her and engage her.

Education is another powerful weapon you can use because women love to hear stories about people or places. Not only will you always have a topic to talk about but it will be something interesting that engages her rather the same boring rote topics most guys talk about, like her favorite color or where she works.

Women are also attracted to dominant men, even if they don't realize it. Biologically, women have been hardwired to seek the protection of a male and the more dominant the man, the better the chance he has at protecting her.
However, don't mistake being dominant with being controlling. You need to dominate the situations in your life rather than being controlling of her and taking away her individuality.

Men who are thoughtful are also very attractive to women. You see, women aren't overjoyed when they receive a gift because of the gift itself but because it is proof that you were thinking of them. The gift is merely a symbol. So any display of the fact that you were thinking about her will make her feel good.

If you want to really impress a woman, then you need to learn to notice details. You see, women spend a lot of time making sure they look good, so if she has a nice hairdo, it wasn't an accident. She isn't wearing that hot dress because the wardrobe fell on her either. She is trying to impress you and if you notice these details, she will be extremely impressed that you noticed her attempts to be attractive to you.

Women also like men who are aggressive, but not in the sense that you won't take no for an answer. That's called date rape.
No, aggressive men that women like are those who know what they want in life and they go after it with everything they have and won't stop until they achieve their goal.

As we have already mentioned, women love a man who is confident and even a little cocky. Again, don't confuse this with being arrogant. The right attitude is actually a lot of confidence combined with humor. In other words - you are so confident that you can even laugh at yourself without feeling insecure.

Insecurity is the Biggest Turn Off

One of the biggest obstacles men face is insecurity. This is the one thing that will render you completely unattractive to any woman. Women can detect insecurity and neediness immediately and there's nothing that will turn her off quite as much as an insecure guy.

A man who doesn't feel comfortable in a certain situation or is uncomfortable with who he is, will come across as being insecure. He may try to appear confident, but it is quite clear that is only an act because he is trying to gain approval through what he says or how he behaves.

Some examples of insecure behavior include allowing others to make the decisions for you. So, if you are always waiting for her to decide what to do or where to go, she will think you are insecure. Women like it when men decide what is going to happen and then simply do it. If she wants to do something else, she will tell you, but don't always expect her to make the decisions.

Another way you come off as being insecure is if you are constantly arguing about everything. Even if you are right, it just makes you appear insecure that you have to argue with every little thing just to prove you are right.

The only way to overcome insecurity, is to accept the fact, that there will always be things that are out of your control and you can't do anything about it. You need to become used to stepping outside of your comfort zone.

You have to become the guy who does things that might not feel comfortable but help him to gradually become more confident and secure in his own body.

I don't completely agree w/ the author. The word "aggressive" can be misleading.

BE ASSERTIVE, not aggressive. There is a huge difference.

The author also forgot to mention courage, fearlessness, kindness, compassion, reliability, trustworthiness, decisiveness, honesty, diligence, sense of justice, ambitions, specialized knowledge and skills, status, cleanliness, optimal health, value to society, perseverance and emotional/self-mastery. Last but not least is a man's occupation. For example, a man who is a fighter pilot or American board-certified neurosurgeon will be irresistible to many very attractive young women and SYTs.


Bro WB

If you meet a person who is aggressive by nature, you better run for your life. Otherwise her/his aggressiveness will cause you to end up in hospital or coffin. :eek:

14-01-2020, 04:33 PM
Yes! He was too violent and aggressive! Think his lies made him think that he is the best prize to his former women he have met and had intimate relationships with. Guess the ugly truths surfaced might draw bad confrontations and breakups from his women.

There will always be a choice you have to make.

Think you made the right choice.


14-01-2020, 08:44 PM
There will always be a choice you have to make.

Think you made the right choice.


What right choice I made? :confused:

14-01-2020, 09:51 PM
There will always be a choice you have to make.

Think you made the right choice.


My exact sentiments.

Have a good day.

15-01-2020, 11:02 AM
Awesome thread by bro WB, support and hope to learn more!


16-01-2020, 07:08 PM

Thank you for sharing with us your thoughts and finds.

I am not sure what is the situation now. Is there enough mei mei coming to our shores for us to catch.

In the past 20 years, there were abundance mixture of young and milfs from PRC heading to ur shores to study and work. Have not been following recent trends. Certainly you had excellent taste from the pic you shared with us.

Care to share what do you meant by we are the Prize?

Thank you so much.

Bro, tks.

If a man doesn't believe he has higher sexual and social value than the girl, he will fail w/ her.

The quality of girls from PRC has declined steadily over the last 10 yrs. Many still come but they are older and more plastic.

Think should have enough mei mei here.

Thanks bro WB for an excellent thread.


Our island is full of mei mei :D

Have a nice weekend.

Tks, bros

Bro WB

Thank you for sharing nice thread here.

I couldn't agree more what you said below.

Women always love their man sharp and fun. Often we see pretty girls holding on to uncles who spot a manly face. Drove luxury expensive cars and plenty of moolah.

These young chicks will dress to the finest and make up for any occasion.

Intelligent men often catch the best girls. Sense of humor too played an important part here. Girls like to be tickled occasionally.

Dun be surprised thinking of the ticklish part may wet her pants.


Bro, tks for your comments.

Same here, couldn't agree more.

Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread.

Have a good day.
Tks, bro.

Yes! He was too violent and aggressive! Think his lies made him think that he is the best prize to his former women he have met and had intimate relationships with. Guess the ugly truths surfaced might draw bad confrontations and breakups from his women.

Tks for your post.

His subconscious mind knew that he wasn't the price. He was actually trying to cover up his neediness, inferiority complex and insecurity.

If you meet a person who is aggressive by nature, you better run for your life. Otherwise her/his aggressiveness will cause you to end up in hospital or coffin. :eek:

Yes, I would avoid anyone who is aggressive and potentially violent.

There will always be a choice you have to make.

Think you made the right choice.


What right choice I made? :confused:

Awesome thread by bro WB, support and hope to learn more!


Tks for all the posts.

Happy New Year and cheers to all samsters!

Bro WB

19-01-2020, 03:09 PM
Very good thread, thanks bro Wb and a Happy New Year to you too! :)

22-01-2020, 03:36 PM

Very good thread, thanks bro Wb and a Happy New Year to you too! :)

Tks, bro.​


Good afternoon!​

I have been fascinated w/ the analysis of romantic and sexual case studies of every human. Both modern and ancient people. I have tried to make my studies and analysis as clinical and as objective as humanly possibly. It's a scientific/medical pursuit.​

There have been many beautiful lessons and insights for me. I have benefited immensely. Beyond my wildest dreams.​

Your attractiveness and sexiness as a MAN come solely from your subconscious beliefs. Your mental frames. How much social and sexual value do you give yourself? Are you the prize to your dream girl? These positive masculine beliefs will be manifested in your facial expressions, eye contact, body language, voice tonality and your behaviour, etc. You can't fake them. That is The Secret. You will never learn this in schools and universities.​

I had thought about this secret for many years. I had grappled with it. I had many doubts. I wanted incontrovertible evidence and proof. Only very recently, I was 100% convinced of its validity and truth.​

BTW, don't agree with me. You're free to believe and do whatever you want. If things are going great for you, don't change and you don't need to learn anything new.​

Something that works like magic for me may not work for you. Because everyone is different. ​

Choosing the right girl is crucial. Nothing will work if the girl is a psychopathic gold digger. Dump her asap.​

I'm trying to learn and improve myself, in every way every day. I believe it's not where I start but where I finish that counts.​

Finally, merely knowing The Secret won't help you one bit. You need to reprogram your subconscious mind. This is very, very difficult.​

Happy Lunar New Year to all samsters!!​

Bro WB

24-01-2020, 11:31 AM
Good afternoon!​

I have been fascinated w/ the analysis of romantic and sexual case studies of every human. Both modern and ancient people. I have tried to make my studies and analysis as clinical and as objective as humanly possibly. It's a scientific/medical pursuit.​

There have been many beautiful lessons and insights for me. I have benefited immensely. Beyond my wildest dreams.​

Your attractiveness and sexiness as a MAN come solely from your subconscious beliefs. Your mental frames. How much social and sexual value do you give yourself? Are you the prize to your dream girl? These positive masculine beliefs will be manifested in your facial expressions, eye contact, body language, voice tonality and your behaviour, etc. You can't fake them. That is The Secret. You will never learn this in schools and universities.​

I had thought about this secret for many years. I had grappled with it. I had many doubts. I wanted incontrovertible evidence and proof. Only very recently, I was 100% convinced of its validity and truth.​

BTW, don't agree with me. You're free to believe and do whatever you want. If things are going great for you, don't change and you don't need to learn anything new.​

Something that works like magic for me may not work for you. Because everyone is different. ​

Choosing the right girl is crucial. Nothing will work if the girl is a psychopathic gold digger. Dump her asap.​

I'm trying to learn and improve myself, in every way every day. I believe it's not where I start but where I finish that counts.​

Finally, merely knowing The Secret won't help you one bit. You need to reprogram your subconscious mind. This is very, very difficult.​

Happy Lunar New Year to all samsters!!​

Bro WB

Bro WB

Happy New Year.

Your relentless pursuit of syt had been fascinating story. Hope you continue to enjoy many more years.

Hope can understand more of your methodology how you get so successful to hook gals.

Please share more with us.

Huat ah.

24-01-2020, 03:00 PM
Bro WB

Happy New Year.

Your relentless pursuit of syt had been fascinating story. Hope you continue to enjoy many more years.

Hope can understand more of your methodology how you get so successful to hook gals.

Please share more with us.

Huat ah.

Bro WB,

Thanks for a wonderful thread shared.

Wishing all here a happy new year in advance!

25-01-2020, 12:56 PM
KC-ing is a very complex subject.

IMHO, if a man is perceived to hv high ranking on the Male Dominance Scale n if he maintains excellent self mastery throughout the RS w/ a gal n at the same time gives her regular COS, she will be KC-ed. Period. It makes no difference if she is a WL/FL or non-WL. Her age, educational level n social-economic status r totally irrelevant. He really doesn't need to say or do anything special or be nice to her. He can even treat her quite badly. She will fall for him bcos she can't help it, hehehe.

The gorgeous FF has returned to Fujian. I had lunch w/ her. I told her how much her monthly allowance will be when she returns here on her 18th birthday. She wanted me to BY her right here n now! It took very good self mastery to say NO to such a chio SYT. I did manage to kiss her in my car, haha. BTW, she did meet a few of my frens. She told me: 他们说你很坏. I know what they hv told her: Bro WB is a hunter-predator of SYTs, he has many GFs n he loves to give them COS, he likes young n pretty gals like u, etc. It actually helps me, I believe, judging from what has happened. She is the one who always initiates ctc w/ me...

TC (now in PRC) is not happy that I wont be back to SG until early May. She wants to accompany me to Gotham City! She is also distressed that real estate prices r still rising in her small town in Fujian. I told her to relax as housing prices should decline by 20-30% within one yr, haha.

My 1st BAO-ee XW n the SH songbird CD also hv returned to SG recently. They hv extended their student visa.

Your feedback n criticisms r always appreciated.


Bro WB

Bro WB

Happy new year.

The above forum were excellent and I learned plenty of things here.

Male dominance is very important because during sex, the female love COS and plenty of COS.

Self mastery is an art and difficult to explain.

Thank you so much for your precious forum above.


25-01-2020, 08:36 PM
Bro WB

Happy new year.

The above forum were excellent and I learned plenty of things here.

Male dominance is very important because during sex, the female love COS and plenty of COS.

Self mastery is an art and difficult to explain.

Thank you so much for your precious forum above.


I also learnt plenty here, thanks bro WB for this great thread.

Gong Xi Fa Cai.

26-01-2020, 11:11 AM
Awesome thread by bro WB, thanks!!

Happy Lunar New Year everyone :)

26-01-2020, 02:35 PM
I also learnt plenty here, thanks bro WB for this great thread.

Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Same wishes from me as well :)

28-01-2020, 09:22 PM
Same wishes from me as well :)

Wishing everyone a prosperous new year too :D

30-01-2020, 10:46 PM
Bro WB

Happy New Year.

Your relentless pursuit of syt had been fascinating story. Hope you continue to enjoy many more years.

Hope can understand more of your methodology how you get so successful to hook gals.

Please share more with us.

Huat ah.

Bro, tks.

I have revealed all my methods in this thread. Even blow by blow account. Your subconscious beliefs and your mental frames are crucial.

But most men will never change.

Bro WB,

Thanks for a wonderful thread shared.

Wishing all here a happy new year in advance!

Bro, tks.

Bro WB

Happy new year.

The above forum were excellent and I learned plenty of things here.

Male dominance is very important because during sex, the female love COS and plenty of COS.

Self mastery is an art and difficult to explain.

Thank you so much for your precious forum above.


bro, I couldn't agree w/ you more.

I also learnt plenty here, thanks bro WB for this great thread.

Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Awesome thread by bro WB, thanks!!

Happy Lunar New Year everyone :)

Same wishes from me as well :)

Wishing everyone a prosperous new year too :D

Bros, tks so much.

Happy Lunar New Year to everyone!!

Bro WB

01-02-2020, 10:05 AM
Bro, tks.

I have revealed all my methods in this thread. Even blow by blow account. Your subconscious beliefs and your mental frames are crucial.

But most men will never change.

Bro WB

Dear bro WB

Hope you enjoyed your CNY holidays.

When I started I spend loads of money on entertainment girls. Then all of sudden I lost interests in anyone that spend money to get love.

So I went into getting girls outside of entertainment. I wasn't very successful and so I spend many years trying.

I am not keen to buy flowers or gifts for girls. I dun mind to pay girls some pocket money if they dun request for it. I do have small successes but not many.

Hope I can use your method to hunt more.


01-02-2020, 03:49 PM
Dear bro WB

Hope you enjoyed your CNY holidays.

When I started I spend loads of money on entertainment girls. Then all of sudden I lost interests in anyone that spend money to get love.

So I went into getting girls outside of entertainment. I wasn't very successful and so I spend many years trying.

I am not keen to buy flowers or gifts for girls. I dun mind to pay girls some pocket money if they dun request for it. I do have small successes but not many.

Hope I can use your method to hunt more.


Same, I used to spend tons of money on girls, and not very successful too.

Will try to use bro WB method too.

Have a good weekend.

01-02-2020, 11:01 PM
This is an amazing thread! Wish to learn more from bro WB :)

12-02-2020, 01:13 PM
With the current coronavirus, even more focus should be on our fitness and health. Only with a strong body can we continue to pick up and attract girls of our type (be it syts, bbw, milfs, etc)
Of course as bro WB always like to mention, your mental frame is of utmost importance, always remember you are the prize. Hope everyone stay healthy.

13-02-2020, 11:07 AM
With the current coronavirus, even more focus should be on our fitness and health. Only with a strong body can we continue to pick up and attract girls of our type (be it syts, bbw, milfs, etc)
Of course as bro WB always like to mention, your mental frame is of utmost importance, always remember you are the prize. Hope everyone stay healthy.

This proved Bro WB theory works. Pickup and keep beautiful girls.

Don not need to source when you have more than one beauties.

13-02-2020, 11:10 AM
Good morning,

Here is the update by bro SBK on his Wuhan girl n my reply:

Yes you may post this pm in your thread. I welcome all sorts of suggestions, praises and criticisms.

Originally Posted by warbird
Originally Posted by sohbuckkong
Originally Posted by warbird


Could you post an update on the romantic relationship w/ your Wuhan girl?

Thank you.

Bro WB
I was suppose to go on 15oct but I postpone to end of Nov.

I'm still getting along v fine with my Wuhan gf. It's all about money. But I still stick to her because she seems genuine to me and although she didn't ask me for money, I voluntarily gave her sg300 every month.

When I go to Wuhan, she want me to meet her parents. This means she's genuine in this relationship.

In short, if she is willing to stick to me with just $300 per month, I believe she is genuine.

I'm a senior citizen and she is only 32 or 33 yrs old.

Bro, good to hear that. You could post this on my thread. Or if you don't mind, I could post your PM too.

A man's age is usually a minor factor in female attraction. It's his mindset. IF he thinks he is old and doesn't deserve a younger woman, she will agree with him. His health is more important.

I'm a senior too. My two lao pos are full-time students in SG, aged 19 n 23 respectively. I have a tall n fair 31 yo PRC woman who wants to come to SG to bear my kids n stay w/ me permanently. She owns businesses in China n I hv not given her a penny. The irony is that I may not want her. Or rather, I may not want her after she has given birth to my kids.


Bro WB

Bro WB

I hope he is ok.

Going to Wuhan is no joke now.

This is like death sentence.

Anyway man should be prize and not vice-versa.


13-02-2020, 12:22 PM
This proved Bro WB theory works. Pickup and keep beautiful girls.

Don not need to source when you have more than one beauties.

My exact sentiments. Great thread by bro WB.

13-02-2020, 06:43 PM
Bro WB

I hope he is ok.

Going to Wuhan is no joke now.

This is like death sentence.

Anyway man should be prize and not vice-versa.


Fully agreed, avoid going to high risk countries.

Have a nice day.

20-02-2020, 11:03 AM
Dear bro WB

Hope you enjoyed your CNY holidays.

When I started I spend loads of money on entertainment girls. Then all of sudden I lost interests in anyone that spend money to get love.

So I went into getting girls outside of entertainment. I wasn't very successful and so I spend many years trying.

I am not keen to buy flowers or gifts for girls. I dun mind to pay girls some pocket money if they dun request for it. I do have small successes but not many.

Hope I can use your method to hunt more.


Bro, tks.

Less is more with girls/women. Learn to say NO to them whenever it's appropriate.

Same, I used to spend tons of money on girls, and not very successful too.

Will try to use bro WB method too.

Have a good weekend.

Bro, tks.

You're the prize. You like to spend money for certian girls because you want to help them, not because you need to spend money to get their pussies. See the difference?

This is an amazing thread! Wish to learn more from bro WB :)

Tks, bro.

With the current coronavirus, even more focus should be on our fitness and health. Only with a strong body can we continue to pick up and attract girls of our type (be it syts, bbw, milfs, etc)
Of course as bro WB always like to mention, your mental frame is of utmost importance, always remember you are the prize. Hope everyone stay healthy.

Bro, tks for your comments.

Yes, safety is no.1 and health is no.2.

Your mental frames is the most important determinant of your happiness and "success" in life.

If you don't believe and behave like the prize, you will fail w/ girls/women.

This proved Bro WB theory works. Pickup and keep beautiful girls.

Don not need to source when you have more than one beauties.

Bro, tks.

A man must have many options for chio girls/women of his type. He is not afraid to lose any particular pussy. He is the prize and he has the abundance mindset.

Bro WB

I hope he is ok.

Going to Wuhan is no joke now.

This is like death sentence.

Anyway man should be prize and not vice-versa.


I hope he is fine. Being in an infected cruise is much worse.

My exact sentiments. Great thread by bro WB.

Fully agreed, avoid going to high risk countries.

Have a nice day.

Bros, thanks.

Cheers and wishing everyone a wonderful day!

Bro WB

Bro WB

22-02-2020, 08:45 AM
Less is more with girls/women. Learn to say NO to them whenever it's appropriate.

You're the prize. You like to spend money for certian girls because you want to help them, not because you need to spend money to get their pussies. See the difference?

Bro WB

Bro WB

I didn't read your thread before and started reading. Now I knew why I made so many mistakes and failed badly.

I need advice here.

I like this girl A and A just didn't showed any interest to be my gf. Although A is ok to chat with me of go out for meals. A will just excuse herself and go home early. Not sure how do I approach.

I like another girl B and recently B had some family crisis. After her mom was hospitalized several months ago, her mom still needed to follow up check up at the hospital outpatient clinic. Recently her house was broken in and she lost most of her cash and phone. Should I help her and still make her my gf?

Hope some advice here and thank you so much.

Happy weekend.

22-02-2020, 10:13 AM
Bro WB

I didn't read your thread before and started reading. Now I knew why I made so many mistakes and failed badly.

I need advice here.

I like this girl A and A just didn't showed any interest to be my gf. Although A is ok to chat with me of go out for meals. A will just excuse herself and go home early. Not sure how do I approach.

I like another girl B and recently B had some family crisis. After her mom was hospitalized several months ago, her mom still needed to follow up check up at the hospital outpatient clinic. Recently her house was broken in and she lost most of her cash and phone. Should I help her and still make her my gf?

Hope some advice here and thank you so much.

Happy weekend. while you pend for Bro WB advice, please allow me to give you mine. From my own experience, PRC gals are generally very direct, if she likes you, very likely than not, you would be able to bed her within first three dates, and she does not and not short of cash, even if you shower her with cash and gifts, you will only end up as just another suitor. This part explains about gal A.
As for gal B, she probably told every guy she met about the sad stories she had about her mother and the recent loss. If you were her bf/husband, I think you should extend your assistance, financial and mental, else, move on. Don't try to be a charitable organisation.
When you can like two gals at the same time, you should hunt for more who like your cash and you. Most brow here are married or attached, hence, we need to strike a balance between seeking GFE and soberness.

23-02-2020, 12:35 AM
Bro WB

I didn't read your thread before and started reading. Now I knew why I made so many mistakes and failed badly.

I need advice here.

I like this girl A and A just didn't showed any interest to be my gf. Although A is ok to chat with me of go out for meals. A will just excuse herself and go home early. Not sure how do I approach.

I like another girl B and recently B had some family crisis. After her mom was hospitalized several months ago, her mom still needed to follow up check up at the hospital outpatient clinic. Recently her house was broken in and she lost most of her cash and phone. Should I help her and still make her my gf?

Hope some advice here and thank you so much.

Happy weekend.

Very good questions. I also like 3 girls C, D and E but a very long story. Will seek advice from bro WB when I have the time.


Jay Chou
23-02-2020, 01:39 AM
while you pend for Bro WB advice, please allow me to give you mine. From my own experience, PRC gals are generally very direct, if she likes you, very likely than not, you would be able to bed her within first three dates, and she does not and not short of cash, even if you shower her with cash and gifts, you will only end up as just another suitor. This part explains about gal A.
As for gal B, she probably told every guy she met about the sad stories she had about her mother and the recent loss. If you were her bf/husband, I think you should extend your assistance, financial and mental, else, move on. Don't try to be a charitable organisation.
When you can like two gals at the same time, you should hunt for more who like your cash and you. Most brow here are married or attached, hence, we need to strike a balance between seeking GFE and soberness.

Up u bro. 😊

23-02-2020, 05:09 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB. Have a good Sunday.

26-02-2020, 11:35 AM
while you pend for Bro WB advice, please allow me to give you mine. From my own experience, PRC gals are generally very direct, if she likes you, very likely than not, you would be able to bed her within first three dates, and she does not and not short of cash, even if you shower her with cash and gifts, you will only end up as just another suitor. This part explains about gal A.
As for gal B, she probably told every guy she met about the sad stories she had about her mother and the recent loss. If you were her bf/husband, I think you should extend your assistance, financial and mental, else, move on. Don't try to be a charitable organisation.
When you can like two gals at the same time, you should hunt for more who like your cash and you. Most brow here are married or attached, hence, we need to strike a balance between seeking GFE and soberness.


Great advice and I had similar issues.

Now I knew girl B is full of shit.


26-02-2020, 11:41 AM
Your attractiveness and sexiness as a MAN come solely from your subconscious beliefs. Your mental frames. How much social and sexual value do you give yourself? Are you the prize to your dream girl? These positive masculine beliefs will be manifested in your facial expressions, eye contact, body language, voice tonality and your behaviour, etc. You can't fake them. That is The Secret. You will never learn this in schools and universities.​

Bro WB

Bro WB

I am trying to learn here.

What do you mean when "Your attractiveness and sexiness as a MAN come solely from your subconscious beliefs?

Does it mean we need to dress well and also sexily? As a MAN we behaves like MAN and usually let girls do all the talking and harping.

Also what do you mean "Your mental frames"?

Does it mean we need to have our own belief and clear headed successful.

Thanks and hope can hear from you.

26-02-2020, 10:53 PM
Bro WB

I am trying to learn here.

What do you mean when "Your attractiveness and sexiness as a MAN come solely from your subconscious beliefs?

Does it mean we need to dress well and also sexily? As a MAN we behaves like MAN and usually let girls do all the talking and harping.

Also what do you mean "Your mental frames"?

Does it mean we need to have our own belief and clear headed successful.

Thanks and hope can hear from you.

Trying to learn more from bro WB too.

Thanks bro Wb for a great thread.

Have a nice day.

27-02-2020, 10:55 PM

Great advice and I had similar issues.

Now I knew girl B is full of shit.


I had similar issues too, girl B really full of shit.

Good to learn from bro WB here, have a great weekend.

29-02-2020, 03:42 PM
Bro WB

I didn't read your thread before and started reading. Now I knew why I made so many mistakes and failed badly.

I need advice here.

I like this girl A and A just didn't showed any interest to be my gf. Although A is ok to chat with me of go out for meals. A will just excuse herself and go home early. Not sure how do I approach.

I like another girl B and recently B had some family crisis. After her mom was hospitalized several months ago, her mom still needed to follow up check up at the hospital outpatient clinic. Recently her house was broken in and she lost most of her cash and phone. Should I help her and still make her my gf?

Hope some advice here and thank you so much.

Happy weekend.

Bro, tks for ur post.

Bro Junior cannibal has given good advice.

How to approach a girl you like?

It starts w/ your subconscious beliefs that you're the prize and you will get your dream girl. That is the foundation. Impossible to fake it.

The rest can be learned easily.

while you pend for Bro WB advice, please allow me to give you mine. From my own experience, PRC gals are generally very direct, if she likes you, very likely than not, you would be able to bed her within first three dates, and she does not and not short of cash, even if you shower her with cash and gifts, you will only end up as just another suitor. This part explains about gal A.
As for gal B, she probably told every guy she met about the sad stories she had about her mother and the recent loss. If you were her bf/husband, I think you should extend your assistance, financial and mental, else, move on. Don't try to be a charitable organisation.
When you can like two gals at the same time, you should hunt for more who like your cash and you. Most brow here are married or attached, hence, we need to strike a balance between seeking GFE and soberness.

Tks for your advice.

Up u bro. 😊

Excellent thread by bro WB. Have a good Sunday.


Great advice and I had similar issues.

Now I knew girl B is full of shit.


Bros, thanks.

Bro WB

I am trying to learn here.

What do you mean when "Your attractiveness and sexiness as a MAN come solely from your subconscious beliefs?

Does it mean we need to dress well and also sexily? As a MAN we behaves like MAN and usually let girls do all the talking and harping.

Also what do you mean "Your mental frames"?

Does it mean we need to have our own belief and clear headed successful.

Thanks and hope can hear from you.

Bro, tks.

As I hv just written:

"It starts w/ your subconscious beliefs that you're the prize and you will get your dream girl. That is the foundation. Impossible to fake it.

The rest can be learned easily."

In other words, you believe, in your subconscious mind, that you're an attractive and sexy man. You're the PRIZE, not your dream girls.

Mental frames? Similar to your mindset, attitude and beliefs at the subconscious level.

Let me reiterate.

If you have negative mental frames and believe that you're not good enough for your dream girls, for whatever reason, you will fail with them. It doesn't matter if you're a real king/prince, the richest man in the world or the "sexiest man alive."

However, when you hv the subconscious beliefs and hence the mental frames that you're the grand prize...you'll have more girls of your type than you can ever handle.

I started this thread almost 11 yrs ago. I hv detailed all my encounters w/ girls/women of my type.

Many young men are extremely jealous of me. They think I get my girls because I hv money. Nothing could be more wrong. Some of them used more money n still couldn't get my type of girls. Some couldn't even go out w/ the girls. Even if they were lucky enough to hv a rs w/ them, they were dumped when they ran out of money. It's pathetic to watch. They don't understand women. I had many posts on this subject. Read them.

The naysayers are failures w/ girls and likely failures in life. Why do they fail?

They have negative mental frames! Hard to change because it's their subconscious beliefs acquired during their formative years.

They need to reprogram their subconscious minds. Very hard to do. It has taken me 11 yrs n I'm still improving slowly.

I'm now confident enough that I know I'll get the very best girls /women of my type. I hv invited everyone to bring a very cute SYTs for comparison. BTW, TY will be 20 soon. She won't remain a SYT for very long.

Trying to learn more from bro WB too.

Thanks bro Wb for a great thread.

Have a nice day.

I had similar issues too, girl B really full of shit.

Good to learn from bro WB here, have a great weekend.

Bros tks.

Cheers and happy weekend to all samsters!

Bro WB

29-02-2020, 04:29 PM
There are many guys wanting either not to spend money and get GFE, yet they are looking for GFE in a night club or a MP. It's the same problem as wanting to find love yet don't want any attachment or string.
Agree with Bro WB, it's not about how much money you spent or how handsome you are, when you don't even have a sense of sincerity yet its written on the face that the only thing you want is to have sex with your target then dump her, unless she's really dumb, why would she let you succeed?

29-02-2020, 09:41 PM
Bro WB, what you had shared all these while are right on the dot. Women from any continent are very strange creatures, when we behave too caring, loving, giving in all the while, our value drop drastically.

We are the prize mental frame is definately the way to go. Never be afraid to walk away from the most beautiful girl. By doing so, we have all the advantages, if she stop contact, so be it, we cut our losses. If she starts to communicate, the odds are in our favour. Never never settle for only 1 woman, it will make you a softie, could be due to too heavily invested in that relationship.

Less is more concept runs true. Never be afraid to say "NO" to your women, respect them and never lose our cool in front of them no matter how piss off you maybe. Just walk away if its too much. What is yours will eventually returns.

These are from my personal expericences.

04-03-2020, 04:02 PM
There are many guys wanting either not to spend money and get GFE, yet they are looking for GFE in a night club or a MP. It's the same problem as wanting to find love yet don't want any attachment or string.
Agree with Bro WB, it's not about how much money you spent or how handsome you are, when you don't even have a sense of sincerity yet its written on the face that the only thing you want is to have sex with your target then dump her, unless she's really dumb, why would she let you succeed?

Bro, tks.

You're right.

Bro WB, what you had shared all these while are right on the dot. Women from any continent are very strange creatures, when we behave too caring, loving, giving in all the while, our value drop drastically.

We are the prize mental frame is definately the way to go. Never be afraid to walk away from the most beautiful girl. By doing so, we have all the advantages, if she stop contact, so be it, we cut our losses. If she starts to communicate, the odds are in our favour. Never never settle for only 1 woman, it will make you a softie, could be due to too heavily invested in that relationship.

Less is more concept runs true. Never be afraid to say "NO" to your women, respect them and never lose our cool in front of them no matter how piss off you maybe. Just walk away if its too much. What is yours will eventually returns.

These are from my personal expericences.

Bro, tks for sharing your personal experiences. You're doing very well!


Good afternoon!

I always remind myself of the following rules on How To Talk To Girls/Women

Rule 1
Relax. Don't try to impress her – let her try to impress you.

Rule 2
Women love to talk. Let them. Maintain a nice 60/40 or 70/30
ratio. Ocassionally, make "me too" statements and show that you
and she are very similar.

Rule 3
Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some
mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about
when she's at home.

Rule 4
Listen and ask questions. Stop worrying about what to say. If you
listen closely she will tell you what to say. Follow up on those
topics she wants to talk about.

Rule 5
Focus. Concentrate on what she is saying. Get into her head. Be
interested. Stop looking around and start looking into her eyes.

Rule 6
If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like
you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge
of your seat.


Bro WB

04-03-2020, 04:20 PM
As the old saying goes, one man's meat is one man's poison. Likewise for women, they come in all shapes and sizes, so are their preferences. Rather to to potency to be someone you are not, might as well just be yourself and find the ladies who like your type.
In short, be sincere. You need not tell them the full truth but try not to lie. No one likes a liar.

06-03-2020, 12:04 AM
Thoughts become words, words become actions. Subconcious belief is indeed very real.Never be put down by negative remarks or actions from anyone, men or women. Just move on when encounter these type of people, there will always be someone that will appreciate the character one possesses. Remember 天生我并才有用。

07-03-2020, 06:46 AM
"It starts w/ your subconscious beliefs that you're the prize and you will get your dream girl. That is the foundation. Impossible to fake it.

The rest can be learned easily."

In other words, you believe, in your subconscious mind, that you're an attractive and sexy man. You're the PRIZE, not your dream girls.

Mental frames? Similar to your mindset, attitude and beliefs at the subconscious level.

Let me reiterate.

If you have negative mental frames and believe that you're not good enough for your dream girls, for whatever reason, you will fail with them. It doesn't matter if you're a real king/prince, the richest man in the world or the "sexiest man alive."

However, when you hv the subconscious beliefs and hence the mental frames that you're the grand prize...you'll have more girls of your type than you can ever handle.

I started this thread almost 11 yrs ago. I hv detailed all my encounters w/ girls/women of my type.

Many young men are extremely jealous of me. They think I get my girls because I hv money. Nothing could be more wrong. Some of them used more money n still couldn't get my type of girls. Some couldn't even go out w/ the girls. Even if they were lucky enough to hv a rs w/ them, they were dumped when they ran out of money. It's pathetic to watch. They don't understand women. I had many posts on this subject. Read them.

The naysayers are failures w/ girls and likely failures in life. Why do they fail?

They have negative mental frames! Hard to change because it's their subconscious beliefs acquired during their formative years.

They need to reprogram their subconscious minds. Very hard to do. It has taken me 11 yrs n I'm still improving slowly.

I'm now confident enough that I know I'll get the very best girls /women of my type. I hv invited everyone to bring a very cute SYTs for comparison. BTW, TY will be 20 soon. She won't remain a SYT for very long.

Bro WB

Bro WB

Thank you for the nice post above. Also for past 11 years of contribution.

Gal was rather fake when they said don't want.

Guy must be able to distinguish the difference and be patient to see. Best is have a set of preset actions and words.

Women will be able to decipher the messages and in their sub-conscious mind will be able to make the best decision.

Sometimes women get attracted for some slightest detail example handsome dress well, nice talker, big money spender, etc.

Many r/s are complex and variations.

Just enjoy the ride.

Happy weekend.

07-03-2020, 10:30 AM
Bro WB

Thank you for the nice post above. Also for past 11 years of contribution.

Gal was rather fake when they said don't want.

Guy must be able to distinguish the difference and be patient to see. Best is have a set of preset actions and words.

Women will be able to decipher the messages and in their sub-conscious mind will be able to make the best decision.

Sometimes women get attracted for some slightest detail example handsome dress well, nice talker, big money spender, etc.

Many r/s are complex and variations.

Just enjoy the ride.

Happy weekend.

Fully agreed, gals always say the opposite.

Very nice thread by bro WB, thanks.


08-03-2020, 06:59 AM
I always remind myself of the following rules on How To Talk To Girls/Women

Rule 1
Relax. Don't try to impress her – let her try to impress you.

Rule 2
Women love to talk. Let them. Maintain a nice 60/40 or 70/30
ratio. Ocassionally, make "me too" statements and show that you
and she are very similar.

Rule 3
Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some
mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about
when she's at home.

Rule 4
Listen and ask questions. Stop worrying about what to say. If you
listen closely she will tell you what to say. Follow up on those
topics she wants to talk about.

Rule 5
Focus. Concentrate on what she is saying. Get into her head. Be
interested. Stop looking around and start looking into her eyes.

Rule 6
If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like
you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge
of your seat.


Bro WB


I agreed with your rules above.

Best let her talk and guy listen. If she interested she said it and if not interested nothing guy do will improve the situation.

Just that in many cases money can settle matters and that is not the point.

If any relationships depend on money to resolve then very transactional. Although money is key to any relationship because no money no honey too.

What I stated above is guy still need to have money to spend to go on meals, movies, trips and so on.

Hope can learn from WB master here.

Thanks and cheers.

08-03-2020, 09:48 AM
Excellent thread here, thanks bro WB.


08-03-2020, 05:20 PM

I agreed with your rules above.

Best let her talk and guy listen. If she interested she said it and if not interested nothing guy do will improve the situation.

Just that in many cases money can settle matters and that is not the point.

If any relationships depend on money to resolve then very transactional. Although money is key to any relationship because no money no honey too.

What I stated above is guy still need to have money to spend to go on meals, movies, trips and so on.

Hope can learn from WB master here.

Thanks and cheers.

Agreed to the rules too, hoping to learn more from bro WB in this great thread.

Have a good weekend.

08-03-2020, 10:29 PM
As the old saying goes, one man's meat is one man's poison. Likewise for women, they come in all shapes and sizes, so are their preferences. Rather to to potency to be someone you are not, might as well just be yourself and find the ladies who like your type.
In short, be sincere. You need not tell them the full truth but try not to lie. No one likes a liar.

Well said bro, give a LIKE!!

15-03-2020, 11:07 PM
As the old saying goes, one man's meat is one man's poison. Likewise for women, they come in all shapes and sizes, so are their preferences. Rather to to potency to be someone you are not, might as well just be yourself and find the ladies who like your type.
In short, be sincere. You need not tell them the full truth but try not to lie. No one likes a liar.

Bro, tks. Well said.

Sincerity is an important trait.

Thoughts become words, words become actions. Subconcious belief is indeed very real.Never be put down by negative remarks or actions from anyone, men or women. Just move on when encounter these type of people, there will always be someone that will appreciate the character one possesses. Remember 天生我并才有用。

Bro, tks for your post.

Yes, your subconscious beliefs and mental frames will determine how successful and happy you're in life.

Bro WB

Thank you for the nice post above. Also for past 11 years of contribution.

Gal was rather fake when they said don't want.

Guy must be able to distinguish the difference and be patient to see. Best is have a set of preset actions and words.

Women will be able to decipher the messages and in their sub-conscious mind will be able to make the best decision.

Sometimes women get attracted for some slightest detail example handsome dress well, nice talker, big money spender, etc.

Many r/s are complex and variations.

Just enjoy the ride.

Happy weekend.

Bro, good post.

Very good advice, tks.

Fully agreed, gals always say the opposite.

Very nice thread by bro WB, thanks.


Tks, bro.


I agreed with your rules above.

Best let her talk and guy listen. If she interested she said it and if not interested nothing guy do will improve the situation.

Just that in many cases money can settle matters and that is not the point.

If any relationships depend on money to resolve then very transactional. Although money is key to any relationship because no money no honey too.

What I stated above is guy still need to have money to spend to go on meals, movies, trips and so on.

Hope can learn from WB master here.

Thanks and cheers.

Bro, tks.

I'm no master. Just a guy trying to learn about life, happiness and women.

Excellent thread here, thanks bro WB.


Tks, bro.

Agreed to the rules too, hoping to learn more from bro WB in this great thread.

Have a good weekend.

Good rules to follow, tks.

Well said bro, give a LIKE!!

Tks, bro.


Good evening!

Here is an interesting article about disagreeing with girls/women of your type.

The Power of Disagreeing With Women

by Anti-Dump

It is disastrous to validate a woman's feelings and agree too much with her.

When you first meet a woman, she looks for strength and confidence FIRST. She is basically looking you over. She is not concerned at that time if you support her ideas or feelings.

She wants a man who can handle this world. "Can he take it?" she asks.

In the beginning she is not interested in your relationship skills.

She is interested in observing you in action.

The First Thing She Looks For

How does he handle people?

How does he handle his car breaking down?

Does he pound walls? Does he lose it?

These are the FIRST things she looks for.

In the first three months if you act too agreeable, or validate her feelings too much, she interprets this as being SOFT.

A tough man has a gentle side, but it is crazy to present the soft side in the very beginning.


Because a woman will think you are ALL SOFT.

You must be confident with a touch of compassion for others.

That's about it for the first year of dating.

Why You Should Disagree with Her

I make it a point to disagree once on each date.

It's a test.

I want to see if she can handle small disagreements.

Many men go along all the way for the first month or two. This is a mistake.

Validating and defending a woman comes later on in the relationship. You get respect only later on.

After one year validating becomes GOLD to a woman.

In the beginning, it is relationship destroying.

I am not saying treat her badly. Please don't post me back saying that.

You give her basic respect. You are friendly, etc.

But you are careful not to support her too much when you first meet. Because she will interpret it as a character flaw called WEAKNESS.

Now all women are going to disagree. But that is the truth.

That's why nice guys get rejected.

I can't agree w/ the above more.

The most attractive, high quality girls/women of your type are most attracted to a man's masculine character and his awesome emotional/self mastery.

But don't disagree just to disagree. Disagree only when she is wrong.

Never forget that LESS is MORE w/ women. And never forget you're the PRIZE. Otherwise, you will fail miserably w/ girls/women of your type.


Bro WB

16-03-2020, 02:33 AM
As the old saying goes, one man's meat is one man's poison. Likewise for women, they come in all shapes and sizes, so are their preferences. Rather to to potency to be someone you are not, might as well just be yourself and find the ladies who like your type.
In short, be sincere. You need not tell them the full truth but try not to lie. No one likes a liar.

Nice guys are better than male liars!

Every lady doesn’t want to waste time with a man who keeps lying to her at all times

16-03-2020, 04:56 AM
Nice guys are better than male liars!

Every lady doesn’t want to waste time with a man who keeps lying to her at all times

But somehow in our dating scene here in sg girls lying is usually always given a free pass and expected to be forgiven.

Many times I laugh when women say this or that criteria applies for men in their eyes. Because a lot of them don't have a mirror to look at themselves and see if they can do the same or are hypocrites in love.

16-03-2020, 12:23 PM
The Power of Disagreeing With Women

I can't agree w/ the above more.

The most attractive, high quality girls/women of your type are most attracted to a man's masculine character and his awesome emotional/self mastery.

But don't disagree just to disagree. Disagree only when she is wrong.

Never forget that LESS is MORE w/ women. And never forget you're the PRIZE. Otherwise, you will fail miserably w/ girls/women of your type.


Bro WB

Bro WB

Very nice and interesting thread here. Also very nice forum above.

Is alright to disagree by picking on her when she wrong. Create humor base on simple mistakes she did. She will hate you but meantime cherish you.

In this coronavirus time, best to have fixed girl to bonk. Dangerous to go out and need to register if anyone caught the virus. Contact tracing will reveal everything.

Bro care to share how you go about it?

Also are you in Gotham or Singapore?


16-03-2020, 09:26 PM
Bro WB

Very nice and interesting thread here. Also very nice forum above.

Is alright to disagree by picking on her when she wrong. Create humor base on simple mistakes she did. She will hate you but meantime cherish you.

In this coronavirus time, best to have fixed girl to bonk. Dangerous to go out and need to register if anyone caught the virus. Contact tracing will reveal everything.

Bro care to share how you go about it?

Also are you in Gotham or Singapore?


Fully agreed, very interesting thread indeed, thanks to bro WB

Have a good week ahead.

17-03-2020, 03:19 PM
Happened to come across this wonderful thread.

Thanks bro WB, wish to learn more here!

18-03-2020, 03:55 PM
Bro wb

I should had read your post below and maybe I will start on a better footing.

My story goes -

I am a shy guy with little to no self confident. There was this girl who sat next to me in a class. We attended a SFC class. I was always rushing and she will reserved the seat next to me. She asked me if I have time for some food after class and I said yes. After that whatever she ask and I also said yes. I didn't know how to reject her.

By the time, I realized when she refused to answer my messages, I realized I may had spent plenty of my monies

I think I am too shy to deny anything and cannot understand what went wrong till I read your thread.

I think I may not the only one but plenty of guys here trapped in this situation.

Sorry for been long winded.

Thank you for reading.

The Power of Disagreeing With Women

by Anti-Dump

It is disastrous to validate a woman's feelings and agree too much with her.

When you first meet a woman, she looks for strength and confidence FIRST. She is basically looking you over. She is not concerned at that time if you support her ideas or feelings.

She wants a man who can handle this world. "Can he take it?" she asks.

In the beginning she is not interested in your relationship skills.

She is interested in observing you in action.

The First Thing She Looks For

How does he handle people?

How does he handle his car breaking down?

Does he pound walls? Does he lose it?

These are the FIRST things she looks for.

In the first three months if you act too agreeable, or validate her feelings too much, she interprets this as being SOFT.

A tough man has a gentle side, but it is crazy to present the soft side in the very beginning.


Because a woman will think you are ALL SOFT.

You must be confident with a touch of compassion for others.

That's about it for the first year of dating.

Why You Should Disagree with Her

I make it a point to disagree once on each date.

It's a test.

I want to see if she can handle small disagreements.

Many men go along all the way for the first month or two. This is a mistake.

Validating and defending a woman comes later on in the relationship. You get respect only later on.

After one year validating becomes GOLD to a woman.

In the beginning, it is relationship destroying.

I am not saying treat her badly. Please don't post me back saying that.

You give her basic respect. You are friendly, etc.

But you are careful not to support her too much when you first meet. Because she will interpret it as a character flaw called WEAKNESS.

Now all women are going to disagree. But that is the truth.

That's why nice guys get rejected.


Bro WB

19-03-2020, 11:20 PM
My story is almost similar to yours, I am a shy guy too.

Thanks bro WB for this amazing thread.


Bro wb

I should had read your post below and maybe I will start on a better footing.

My story goes -

I am a shy guy with little to no self confident. There was this girl who sat next to me in a class. We attended a SFC class. I was always rushing and she will reserved the seat next to me. She asked me if I have time for some food after class and I said yes. After that whatever she ask and I also said yes. I didn't know how to reject her.

By the time, I realized when she refused to answer my messages, I realized I may had spent plenty of my monies

I think I am too shy to deny anything and cannot understand what went wrong till I read your thread.

I think I may not the only one but plenty of guys here trapped in this situation.

Sorry for been long winded.

Thank you for reading.

20-03-2020, 04:20 AM
Bro WB

Thank you for the nice post above. Also for past 11 years of contribution.

Gal was rather fake when they said don't want.

Guy must be able to distinguish the difference and be patient to see. Best is have a set of preset actions and words.

Women will be able to decipher the messages and in their sub-conscious mind will be able to make the best decision.

Sometimes women get attracted for some slightest detail example handsome dress well, nice talker, big money spender, etc.

Many r/s are complex and variations.

Just enjoy the ride.

Happy weekend.

Haha well said, cannot deny the above sometimes.
But to say they are fake when they say they don't want...
Hmm, sometimes they are just testing the guy, and sometimes they really don't want.
And it's like you say, guys have to learn to tell the difference.

20-03-2020, 11:50 AM
Haha well said, cannot deny the above sometimes.
But to say they are fake when they say they don't want...
Hmm, sometimes they are just testing the guy, and sometimes they really don't want.
And it's like you say, guys have to learn to tell the difference.

Hi Bro

When dealing with girls there is no rocket science. Need to do trial and error. Also need to know she is a willing party. Best is to take it slowly.

If I am not wrong, once she allow kissing and frenching then her pussy most likely to be yours for the taking. Frenching sends plenty of lusts to woman senses and she should be wet. The other technique should be if she allowed you to suck her breasts and rest should be history. If guy didn't enter her then I believed the girl will be upset and angry. Chances are guy may never have the chance to see her anymore.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Happy weekend ahead.

20-03-2020, 11:57 AM
I prefer to move around. It's healthier than sitting down. Besides, that is the only way to see the greatest number of girls. I often join bevy of gals following a mummy to 试台. Of course, I don't enter the room. I get to look at the gals closely, smell their scent and I may jokingly say booking me is FOC.

I also don't limit my approch to inside and outside KTVs. It could be in any country, anywhere, anytime, any gals...

I use my judgement. I'll not approach the pretty young mistress of a Mexican drug kingpin, for example.

Cheers to all samsters,

Bro WB

Bro WB

Thanks for the nice post above.

The fact that when you have girl sitting beside you and guy still walk around sends a rush to the girl telling her she may not be the choice but guy is the ultimate PRIZE.

Competition always good to drive better service.

Often when sitting with one girl in ktv, girl will try not to allow this and that. Once you bring another girl to sit besides then realized the former girl starts to be jealous and allow more roaming.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Happy weekend ahead.

20-03-2020, 11:59 AM
But somehow in our dating scene here in sg girls lying is usually always given a free pass and expected to be forgiven.

Many times I laugh when women say this or that criteria applies for men in their eyes. Because a lot of them don't have a mirror to look at themselves and see if they can do the same or are hypocrites in love.

Women are difficult to understand :D

20-03-2020, 12:04 PM
Hi Bro

When dealing with girls there is no rocket science. Need to do trial and error. Also need to know she is a willing party. Best is to take it slowly.

If I am not wrong, once she allow kissing and frenching then her pussy most likely to be yours for the taking. Frenching sends plenty of lusts to woman senses and she should be wet. The other technique should be if she allowed you to suck her breasts and rest should be history. If guy didn't enter her then I believed the girl will be upset and angry. Chances are guy may never have the chance to see her anymore.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Happy weekend ahead.

Agree with you to the point.

Trying to learn more from bro WB and this wonderful forum.

Have a nice day.

20-03-2020, 05:08 PM
Hi Bro

When dealing with girls there is no rocket science. Need to do trial and error. Also need to know she is a willing party. Best is to take it slowly.

If I am not wrong, once she allow kissing and frenching then her pussy most likely to be yours for the taking. Frenching sends plenty of lusts to woman senses and she should be wet. The other technique should be if she allowed you to suck her breasts and rest should be history. If guy didn't enter her then I believed the girl will be upset and angry. Chances are guy may never have the chance to see her anymore.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Happy weekend ahead.

Hi bro, indeed this is no rocket science. But you can find some patterns to their behaviour sometimes.

I generally do not allow kissing for reasons. And no, I do not get wet from kissing/frenching. Fingering is the way to go. Neither do I feel it when guys suck my boobs. Has it ever occurrd to you that you only managed to f the girl because they are also fulfilling their own needs? For me, I only let guys f me when I need it. So in short, they are letting you f them coz they have needs, be it monetary or physical, or they really like you.

Just my two cents. This of course, does not represent the view of the entire women population. But I feel this is one way to look at it.

20-03-2020, 09:31 PM
Bro WB

Thanks for the nice post above.

The fact that when you have girl sitting beside you and guy still walk around sends a rush to the girl telling her she may not be the choice but guy is the ultimate PRIZE.

Competition always good to drive better service.

Often when sitting with one girl in ktv, girl will try not to allow this and that. Once you bring another girl to sit besides then realized the former girl starts to be jealous and allow more roaming.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Happy weekend ahead.

Yes, PRIZE is the word, no correction needed!


30-03-2020, 11:03 AM
Hi bro, indeed this is no rocket science. But you can find some patterns to their behaviour sometimes.

I generally do not allow kissing for reasons. And no, I do not get wet from kissing/frenching. Fingering is the way to go. Neither do I feel it when guys suck my boobs. Has it ever occurrd to you that you only managed to f the girl because they are also fulfilling their own needs? For me, I only let guys f me when I need it. So in short, they are letting you f them coz they have needs, be it monetary or physical, or they really like you.

Just my two cents. This of course, does not represent the view of the entire women population. But I feel this is one way to look at it.

Hi Ms,

Hope you not upset for me to say that you were an experience woman. You knew what you want and how to achieve it.

I knew most experience women had hard time getting wet and achieved orgasm. They need ambience, time and methodology to achieve one orgasm within a certain time frame which can be weeks or months.

Back to the inexperience ssyts then these group can be easily wet. Ever happened that playing with their tits can be wet. Each tit tuning for at least 10 to 15 mins and she became a thoroughbred.

Usually cunnilingus will do the job. Ensure smooth entry and well lubricated.

Anyway, just sharing since I am no expert.

Anyone feel free to comment.

Bro WB - your comment?

30-03-2020, 12:15 PM
Whether she's experienced or not, only she knows. However, one thing for sure is, she's definitely vocal and no BS. For most gals to get wet, either she super like you, super horny or just super sensitive. That's why why most FL will need to use a certain amount of gel as they are just doing a job.
One thing I personally find rather strange is, like what she mentioned about kissing. This seems to be so sacred yet the lips can blow the penis as though the latter is her god. If its hygiene, we are know that the penis would likely have more germs than the lips.

30-03-2020, 12:20 PM
Hi bro, indeed this is no rocket science. But you can find some patterns to their behaviour sometimes.

I generally do not allow kissing for reasons. And no, I do not get wet from kissing/frenching. Fingering is the way to go. Neither do I feel it when guys suck my boobs. Has it ever occurrd to you that you only managed to f the girl because they are also fulfilling their own needs? For me, I only let guys f me when I need it. So in short, they are letting you f them coz they have needs, be it monetary or physical, or they really like you.

Just my two cents. This of course, does not represent the view of the entire women population. But I feel this is one way to look at it.

So even if your nipples get erect, it is just physiological and no high?

30-03-2020, 12:45 PM
Hi Ms,

Hope you not upset for me to say that you were an experience woman. You knew what you want and how to achieve it.

I knew most experience women had hard time getting wet and achieved orgasm. They need ambience, time and methodology to achieve one orgasm within a certain time frame which can be weeks or months.

Back to the inexperience ssyts then these group can be easily wet. Ever happened that playing with their tits can be wet. Each tit tuning for at least 10 to 15 mins and she became a thoroughbred.

Usually cunnilingus will do the job. Ensure smooth entry and well lubricated.

Anyway, just sharing since I am no expert.

Anyone feel free to comment.

Bro WB - your comment?

No expert but damn experienced haha

31-03-2020, 09:21 AM
So even if your nipples get erect, it is just physiological and no high?

Low temperature may cause nipples to erect too

04-04-2020, 12:01 PM
Wonder how is everyone in this pandemic situation.

Wish bro wb and team all good health. Money is no longer important now since cannot go out play. Health now is golden.

I just want to hear some comments.

Case 1
I was trying to get this girl to meet up in March 20 and without success. Just last week she msg me said she willing to meet me. I msg her telling her can only meet up maybe May when all clear.

Qns - should I meet her?

Case 2
I was trying to follow up with another girl and she will always say busy. I knew she has other options but I dun mind really. So long she single best person wins. Last month we made a date to go traveling in May but now all plans stalled due to coronavirus.

Qns - Should we continue to go after the traveling plan relax.

Hope can hear more views.

Happy stay home.

04-04-2020, 12:18 PM
Excellent thread here, thanks bro WB


04-04-2020, 12:21 PM
Wonder how is everyone in this pandemic situation.

Wish bro wb and team all good health. Money is no longer important now since cannot go out play. Health now is golden.

I just want to hear some comments.

Case 1
I was trying to get this girl to meet up in March 20 and without success. Just last week she msg me said she willing to meet me. I msg her telling her can only meet up maybe May when all clear.

Qns - should I meet her?

Case 2
I was trying to follow up with another girl and she will always say busy. I knew she has other options but I dun mind really. So long she single best person wins. Last month we made a date to go traveling in May but now all plans stalled due to coronavirus.

Qns - Should we continue to go after the traveling plan relax.

Hope can hear more views.

Happy stay home.
Whether for case 1 or 2, it's a matter of how much do you want to them. Anyway, from now till May, you can only keep the warmth by coneecting to them, otherwise, by the time you want to meet them, they may not be interested,either because they have other suitors or they are simply not interested in you anymore.

04-04-2020, 04:34 PM
Nice guys are better than male liars!

Every lady doesn’t want to waste time with a man who keeps lying to her at all times

A person's character is very important.

But somehow in our dating scene here in sg girls lying is usually always given a free pass and expected to be forgiven.

Many times I laugh when women say this or that criteria applies for men in their eyes. Because a lot of them don't have a mirror to look at themselves and see if they can do the same or are hypocrites in love.

Bro, I couldn't agree w/ u more.

Bro WB

Very nice and interesting thread here. Also very nice forum above.

Is alright to disagree by picking on her when she wrong. Create humor base on simple mistakes she did. She will hate you but meantime cherish you.

In this coronavirus time, best to have fixed girl to bonk. Dangerous to go out and need to register if anyone caught the virus. Contact tracing will reveal everything.

Bro care to share how you go about it?

Also are you in Gotham or Singapore?


Bro, tks. You're right.

I'm in SG. In the time of COVID pandemic, we should refrain from looking for new sexual partners.

I have two LPs in SG. They are exclusive to me. TY never left SG for CNY. Her parents and younger bro came to visit her in mid Jan. They are fine. LS went back in mid Jan n returned before the end of Jan. She was quarantined for 14 days. She is fine.

Fully agreed, very interesting thread indeed, thanks to bro WB

Have a good week ahead.

Happened to come across this wonderful thread.

Thanks bro WB, wish to learn more here!

Bros, thank you!

Bro wb

I should had read your post below and maybe I will start on a better footing.

My story goes -

I am a shy guy with little to no self confident. There was this girl who sat next to me in a class. We attended a SFC class. I was always rushing and she will reserved the seat next to me. She asked me if I have time for some food after class and I said yes. After that whatever she ask and I also said yes. I didn't know how to reject her.

By the time, I realized when she refused to answer my messages, I realized I may had spent plenty of my monies

I think I am too shy to deny anything and cannot understand what went wrong till I read your thread.

I think I may not the only one but plenty of guys here trapped in this situation.

Sorry for been long winded.

Thank you for reading.

Bro, tks for sharing.

You must lose your shyness and insecurity. I was very shy when I was a young man too. I missed many opportunities.

My story is almost similar to yours, I am a shy guy too.

Thanks bro WB for this amazing thread.


Bro, tks.

Haha well said, cannot deny the above sometimes.
But to say they are fake when they say they don't want...
Hmm, sometimes they are just testing the guy, and sometimes they really don't want.
And it's like you say, guys have to learn to tell the difference.


Hi Bro

When dealing with girls there is no rocket science. Need to do trial and error. Also need to know she is a willing party. Best is to take it slowly.

If I am not wrong, once she allow kissing and frenching then her pussy most likely to be yours for the taking. Frenching sends plenty of lusts to woman senses and she should be wet. The other technique should be if she allowed you to suck her breasts and rest should be history. If guy didn't enter her then I believed the girl will be upset and angry. Chances are guy may never have the chance to see her anymore.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Happy weekend ahead.

Bro, you're right.

If a Chinese girl willingly lets you french kiss her, her pussy is yours in over 95% of cases.

Bro WB

Thanks for the nice post above.

The fact that when you have girl sitting beside you and guy still walk around sends a rush to the girl telling her she may not be the choice but guy is the ultimate PRIZE.

Competition always good to drive better service.

Often when sitting with one girl in ktv, girl will try not to allow this and that. Once you bring another girl to sit besides then realized the former girl starts to be jealous and allow more roaming.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Happy weekend ahead.

Bro, you're right.

Women are difficult to understand :D

Agree with you to the point.

Trying to learn more from bro WB and this wonderful forum.

Have a nice day.

Bros, tks.

Hi bro, indeed this is no rocket science. But you can find some patterns to their behaviour sometimes.

I generally do not allow kissing for reasons. And no, I do not get wet from kissing/frenching. Fingering is the way to go. Neither do I feel it when guys suck my boobs. Has it ever occurrd to you that you only managed to f the girl because they are also fulfilling their own needs? For me, I only let guys f me when I need it. So in short, they are letting you f them coz they have needs, be it monetary or physical, or they really like you.

Just my two cents. This of course, does not represent the view of the entire women population. But I feel this is one way to look at it.

Every girl/woman is different.

Yes, PRIZE is the word, no correction needed!


Yes, if your subconscious mind doesn't believe you're the PRIZE, you will fail.

Hi Ms,

Hope you not upset for me to say that you were an experience woman. You knew what you want and how to achieve it.

I knew most experience women had hard time getting wet and achieved orgasm. They need ambience, time and methodology to achieve one orgasm within a certain time frame which can be weeks or months.

Back to the inexperience ssyts then these group can be easily wet. Ever happened that playing with their tits can be wet. Each tit tuning for at least 10 to 15 mins and she became a thoroughbred.

Usually cunnilingus will do the job. Ensure smooth entry and well lubricated.

Anyway, just sharing since I am no expert.

Anyone feel free to comment.

Bro WB - your comment?

Bro, tks.

Although every girl is different, very few girls don't crave cunnilingus.

Whether she's experienced or not, only she knows. However, one thing for sure is, she's definitely vocal and no BS. For most gals to get wet, either she super like you, super horny or just super sensitive. That's why why most FL will need to use a certain amount of gel as they are just doing a job.
One thing I personally find rather strange is, like what she mentioned about kissing. This seems to be so sacred yet the lips can blow the penis as though the latter is her god. If its hygiene, we are know that the penis would likely have more germs than the lips.

Bro, tks.

So even if your nipples get erect, it is just physiological and no high?

No expert but damn experienced haha

Low temperature may cause nipples to erect too

Bros, tks.

Wonder how is everyone in this pandemic situation.

Wish bro wb and team all good health. Money is no longer important now since cannot go out play. Health now is golden.

I just want to hear some comments.

Case 1
I was trying to get this girl to meet up in March 20 and without success. Just last week she msg me said she willing to meet me. I msg her telling her can only meet up maybe May when all clear.

Qns - should I meet her?

Case 2
I was trying to follow up with another girl and she will always say busy. I knew she has other options but I dun mind really. So long she single best person wins. Last month we made a date to go traveling in May but now all plans stalled due to coronavirus.

Qns - Should we continue to go after the traveling plan relax.

Hope can hear more views.

Happy stay home.

Bro, wait until this pandemic is over. Not a good time to meet new sexual partners.

Excellent thread here, thanks bro WB


Bro, tks,

Whether for case 1 or 2, it's a matter of how much do you want to them. Anyway, from now till May, you can only keep the warmth by coneecting to them, otherwise, by the time you want to meet them, they may not be interested,either because they have other suitors or they are simply not interested in you anymore.

Bro, tks.

This is a good time for every bro to improve himself, in every way possible. Every hour, every day.

Cheers to all samsters,

Stay safe. Wear a mask when you go out to crowded places or get inside a lift. Wash hands frequently. Carry a hand sanitizer and never touch your face, eyes, nose, glasses, mouth or mask.

Bro WB

04-04-2020, 05:37 PM
Wonder how is everyone in this pandemic situation.

Wish bro wb and team all good health. Money is no longer important now since cannot go out play. Health now is golden.

I just want to hear some comments.

Case 1
I was trying to get this girl to meet up in March 20 and without success. Just last week she msg me said she willing to meet me. I msg her telling her can only meet up maybe May when all clear.

Qns - should I meet her?

Case 2
I was trying to follow up with another girl and she will always say busy. I knew she has other options but I dun mind really. So long she single best person wins. Last month we made a date to go traveling in May but now all plans stalled due to coronavirus.

Qns - Should we continue to go after the traveling plan relax.

Hope can hear more views.

Happy stay home.

You should aim for more girls, maybe 9 or 10.

Thanks bro WB for a great thread, have a good weekend.

06-04-2020, 01:28 PM
Whether for case 1 or 2, it's a matter of how much do you want to them. Anyway, from now till May, you can only keep the warmth by coneecting to them, otherwise, by the time you want to meet them, they may not be interested,either because they have other suitors or they are simply not interested in you anymore.

Noted bro. Thanks for reply.

Bro, wait until this pandemic is over. Not a good time to meet new sexual partners.

Bro WB

Agreed and thanks for reply.

06-04-2020, 08:10 PM
You should aim for more girls, maybe 9 or 10.

Thanks bro WB for a great thread, have a good weekend.

Yes, should aim for more.

Fully agreed this is indeed a great thread, thanks bro WB.


18-04-2020, 01:14 PM
I recently read an article by Roosh.

It's controversial and the author has been condemned by feminists and others as a misogynist.

He just released a new ebook, giving advice to women on how to avoid men who won't be good for them. Could he also be a man-hating misandrist?

You will be the judge.

Here is his article:

Contraception Prevents Love


IMHO, he is mostly correct when he believes that a girl/woman who has had more than 5 sexual partners has lost the ‘glue’ to bond with another man. In other words, she can never love any man again, ever. Whereas a typical man won’t lose the ‘bonding glue’ even if he has fucked 1000 women. However, I believe there are very rare exceptions.

That is why a very experienced Don Juan, who has seduced n dumped thousands of very attractive girls without any emotions or remorse, can still fall for The Special One. We all hv met and read about many such fallen Don Juans.

Once a man falls for the wrong woman, the outcome may range from bad to tragic. He will be taken to the cleaners if the woman is a narcissistic n psychopathic golddigger. He may even lose his country n his life...like the curious case of King Fuchai n Xi Shi. Men never learn.

And we should never forget that most older women who work at the nite scene hv had many more sexual partners than 5. Heck, the number for some of them could be 50 or 500 or 5,000 or more. Those older whores working in brothels could hv as many as 50,000.

Xi Shi was probably a virgin when she first met King Fuchai. And yet he still failed to bond with her. And got her addicted to him. Why? Primarily because He believed she was the prize. He cared too much for her and was fearful of losing her. She was his Special One.


Bro WB

Bro WB

This is a great article which I cannot agree more.

Women who had been a FL had countless men and to them sex is just work. The FL will never love easily and will feel no affection towards any guy. She will expect money is the main reason she needs and only needs.

To the guy who may had multiple sex partners very different. He maybe trying to find the right sex partners that give him the best love and feelings. That's the reason why many man crashed after falling in love

Hope to learn more from bro WB here.

Have a nice weekend.

18-04-2020, 01:25 PM
Very good thread by bro WB, hope to learn more here.


18-04-2020, 02:33 PM
So much interesting info to learn on SBF!

I've never given this section of the forum much attention. usually my attraction is captured by the FL and GL sections filled with exciting FRs :D

But thanks to CB, I literally spend hours on the PC now. read until no more FRs to read and then I chance upon this section. wow so much useful knowledge here I must say... only no chance to practice them. must wait until cb is over

18-04-2020, 05:45 PM
So much interesting info to learn on SBF!

I've never given this section of the forum much attention. usually my attraction is captured by the FL and GL sections filled with exciting FRs :D

But thanks to CB, I literally spend hours on the PC now. read until no more FRs to read and then I chance upon this section. wow so much useful knowledge here I must say... only no chance to practice them. must wait until cb is over

Fully agreed, best is to learn more from this forum first

19-04-2020, 05:51 PM
Bro WB

This is a great article which I cannot agree more.

Women who had been a FL had countless men and to them sex is just work. The FL will never love easily and will feel no affection towards any guy. She will expect money is the main reason she needs and only needs.

To the guy who may had multiple sex partners very different. He maybe trying to find the right sex partners that give him the best love and feelings. That's the reason why many man crashed after falling in love

Hope to learn more from bro WB here.

Have a nice weekend.

Fully agreed, this is a very good article.

Thanks bro WB for sharing so much.

Have a wonderful Sunday.

19-04-2020, 06:29 PM
Bro WB

This is a great article which I cannot agree more.

Women who had been a FL had countless men and to them sex is just work. The FL will never love easily and will feel no affection towards any guy. She will expect money is the main reason she needs and only needs.

To the guy who may had multiple sex partners very different. He maybe trying to find the right sex partners that give him the best love and feelings. That's the reason why many man crashed after falling in love

Hope to learn more from bro WB here.

Have a nice weekend. to add, today not just the FL has experience with many sex clients or experience, especially the younger ones. Unlike those of us who are between 35 to 60, they are exposed to sex at an earlier age, yet can be ignorant about STD and unwanted pregnancies. Sex no longer a taboo and virginity is no longer deemed as precious. They are curious about sex till becoming indifferent. Hence, they may have DOZENS or more of FB/ONS. Those days of being a one man's woman is long gone.

22-04-2020, 02:48 PM
I was reading through the 16 commandments of poon and realise how much mistakes I was making and thus making myself frustrated. Would need to continue to work on my emotional mastery/control and not let women's words affect us. It's really very difficult but I will persevere and see how it goes.

No new sexual partners till June, time to work on my emotional control, fitness and health. Everytime I feel I am in control something would happen or something would be spoken which shakes me and I will start to feel frustrated again. Need to work hard on this area.

30-04-2020, 01:17 PM
You should aim for more girls, maybe 9 or 10.

Thanks bro WB for a great thread, have a good weekend.

Bro, tks. The more the merrier.

Noted bro. Thanks for reply.

Agreed and thanks for reply.

Yes, should aim for more.

Fully agreed this is indeed a great thread, thanks bro WB.


Bros, tks.

Bro WB

This is a great article which I cannot agree more.

Women who had been a FL had countless men and to them sex is just work. The FL will never love easily and will feel no affection towards any guy. She will expect money is the main reason she needs and only needs.

To the guy who may had multiple sex partners very different. He maybe trying to find the right sex partners that give him the best love and feelings. That's the reason why many man crashed after falling in love

Hope to learn more from bro WB here.

Have a nice weekend.

Bro. tks.

We all should remember the Rule of Five.

And don't forget hypergamy too.

Very good thread by bro WB, hope to learn more here.


Bro, tks.

So much interesting info to learn on SBF!

I've never given this section of the forum much attention. usually my attraction is captured by the FL and GL sections filled with exciting FRs :D

But thanks to CB, I literally spend hours on the PC now. read until no more FRs to read and then I chance upon this section. wow so much useful knowledge here I must say... only no chance to practice them. must wait until cb is over

Bro, tks.

Your chance will come after CB.

Fully agreed, best is to learn more from this forum first

Fully agreed, this is a very good article.

Thanks bro WB for sharing so much.

Have a wonderful Sunday.

Tks, bros.

to add, today not just the FL has experience with many sex clients or experience, especially the younger ones. Unlike those of us who are between 35 to 60, they are exposed to sex at an earlier age, yet can be ignorant about STD and unwanted pregnancies. Sex no longer a taboo and virginity is no longer deemed as precious. They are curious about sex till becoming indifferent. Hence, they may have DOZENS or more of FB/ONS. Those days of being a one man's woman is long gone.

Bro, tks.

You're right.

Girls/women are constantly searching for a dominant MAN w/ the right masculine character and other survival traits. At least in their subconscious minds, regardless of their marital and relationship status.

I was reading through the 16 commandments of poon and realise how much mistakes I was making and thus making myself frustrated. Would need to continue to work on my emotional mastery/control and not let women's words affect us. It's really very difficult but I will persevere and see how it goes.

No new sexual partners till June, time to work on my emotional control, fitness and health. Everytime I feel I am in control something would happen or something would be spoken which shakes me and I will start to feel frustrated again. Need to work hard on this area.

Tks, bro.

Emotional and self mastery is a very important masculine trait. It's survival value is enormous. It's very attractive to all females, especially at their subconscious level. It's also extremely difficult to improve. I hv been trying my entire life. Progress is painfully slow...but the rewards are amazing.

Cheers to all samsters!

Bro WB

03-05-2020, 10:51 AM
Bro, tks. The more the merrier.

Emotional and self mastery is a very important masculine trait. It's survival value is enormous. It's very attractive to all females, especially at their subconscious level. It's also extremely difficult to improve. I hv been trying my entire life. Progress is painfully slow...but the rewards are amazing.

Cheers to all samsters!

Bro WB

Bro WB

Thanks for nice thread.


03-05-2020, 10:52 AM
Bro WB

Excellent thread here, thanks bro WB.


03-05-2020, 11:59 AM
I was reading through the 16 commandments of poon and realise how much mistakes I was making and thus making myself frustrated. Would need to continue to work on my emotional mastery/control and not let women's words affect us. It's really very difficult but I will persevere and see how it goes.

No new sexual partners till June, time to work on my emotional control, fitness and health. Everytime I feel I am in control something would happen or something would be spoken which shakes me and I will start to feel frustrated again. Need to work hard on this area.

Well said bro, fully agreed.

Have a nice weekend.

03-05-2020, 02:18 PM
Happened to come across this wonderful thread, thanks bro WB.

Enjoy your Sunday.

04-05-2020, 02:07 PM
Bro WB

Thanks for a wonderful thread.

Have a good week ahead.

05-05-2020, 02:02 PM
Bro. tks.

We all should remember the Rule of Five.

And don't forget hypergamy too.

Bro WB, thanks for a nice reply, and a fantastic thread too.

Have a good day.

09-05-2020, 11:53 PM
Bro WB

Thanks for nice thread.


Bro WB

Excellent thread here, thanks bro WB.


Well said bro, fully agreed.

Have a nice weekend.

Happened to come across this wonderful thread, thanks bro WB.

Enjoy your Sunday.

Bro WB

Thanks for a wonderful thread.

Have a good week ahead.

Bro WB, thanks for a nice reply, and a fantastic thread too.

Have a good day.

Tks to all bros for posting.

What an auspicious day!!

I like to share an article by Scot McKay


Some guys are more comfortable without women in their lives than
they are with doing something about it.

Psychologists would probably call that "fear of success", but I
have a different term for it. I just can't decide whether to choose
"laziness" or "delusion".

"If I don't have a Harley, tons of tattoos and a diamond earring of
less than 2 carats, I'll get ZERO women in this city."

"I'm 6'4" and women say they have to strain their necks to talk to
me. If I'd only stopped growing sometime sooner."

"Every man in this town graduated from Harvard or MIT, and I only
went to Boston College."

Now, having read those three examples I exhort you to spare those
rotten tomatoes you're about to throw at the computer screen.

Believe me, I fully realize that some of you wish you had the money
to laser off those ill-advised tats you're afraid a decent woman is
going to notice.

And for every guy who thinks he's "too tall", there's at least one
who thinks he's "too short".

And I know plenty of guys in general didn't go to college at all,
let alone a perfectly good one like Boston College.

The bottom line is that a shocking number of us seem to be
looking for an excuse to give up in frustration.

That excuse can be anything, really, as long as it's something we
can readily own personally...and blame ourselves for accordingly.

Just to make my point, what if I told you that there are actually
guys out there who think their MIT degree is what's keeping them
from success with women?

It's as if whatever we are is what we perceive women not to want.

Guys come to me all the time with, "I'm X, Y, and Z [i.e. all
things that they cannot change], Can you help me?"

Well, in order for you (or any other guy) to do better with women,
you've got to take personal ownership over your track to success
instead of finding excuses to continue along the road to failure.

I realize that involves a bit of effort, although it may be less
than you think if you'd only go for it.

It also involves leaving your "familiarity zone", if only for the interim.

Nevertheless, it's a common theme for guys to seek shelter behind
what they can't change so that they can be lazy or feel sorry for
themselves. After all, since their "deficiencies" are plainly
evident, they can use them as irrefutable excuses.

And if on the odd chance one of their blessed excuses is refuted
by pure logic, then another must be contrived in haste to replace

Meanwhile, that doesn't change the simple reality that tons of guys
just like them end up with great women.

Tall or short, rich or poor, Ivy-League educated or not...it really
doesn't matter. There are more than enough women looking for a
real "big four" man to go around.

Yes, those women have individual tastes, just like we as guys have.
But rest completely assured that what they really want is a man who
does the best with what he's got rather than "Mr. Perfect".

If for some reason you continue to doubt that, just look around.
You'll see guys all around you who could theoretically share your
"limiting belief" of choice, and they're with some fantastic women.

Be Good,

Scot McKay

I couldn't agree w/ Scot more.

A man's subconscious negative beliefs is his biggest and most formidable enemy when it comes to getting and keeping very attractive girls of his type.

If a man doesn't think he is good enough for a girl of his type, for whatever reason, he will NEVER capture and OWN her heart.

Good night!

Bro WB

10-05-2020, 02:29 AM
Amazing thread here, thanks bro WB.

Hope to learn more from you.

Cheers :)

11-05-2020, 09:57 AM
I like to share an article by Scot McKay


Some guys are more comfortable without women in their lives than
they are with doing something about it.

Psychologists would probably call that "fear of success", but I
have a different term for it. I just can't decide whether to choose
"laziness" or "delusion".

"If I don't have a Harley, tons of tattoos and a diamond earring of
less than 2 carats, I'll get ZERO women in this city."

"I'm 6'4" and women say they have to strain their necks to talk to
me. If I'd only stopped growing sometime sooner."

"Every man in this town graduated from Harvard or MIT, and I only
went to Boston College."

Now, having read those three examples I exhort you to spare those
rotten tomatoes you're about to throw at the computer screen.

Believe me, I fully realize that some of you wish you had the money
to laser off those ill-advised tats you're afraid a decent woman is
going to notice.

And for every guy who thinks he's "too tall", there's at least one
who thinks he's "too short".

And I know plenty of guys in general didn't go to college at all,
let alone a perfectly good one like Boston College.

The bottom line is that a shocking number of us seem to be
looking for an excuse to give up in frustration.

That excuse can be anything, really, as long as it's something we
can readily own personally...and blame ourselves for accordingly.

Just to make my point, what if I told you that there are actually
guys out there who think their MIT degree is what's keeping them
from success with women?

Scot McKay

I couldn't agree w/ Scot more.

A man's subconscious negative beliefs is his biggest and most formidable enemy when it comes to getting and keeping very attractive girls of his type.

If a man doesn't think he is good enough for a girl of his type, for whatever reason, he will NEVER capture and OWN her heart.

Good night!

Bro WB

Bro WB

I also couldn't agree with Scot more.

I felt somehow women knew that men view them as sexist. And so playing mind games with men is the norm of women.

All women need to do is just wear sexy or braless then men ideas will go wild. Women dun even need to touch men and that's the key. Those rich men will offer their bank account or atm card without request.

This is always true.

There is another group of men who had mastered what bro WB preached here and reaped the benefits.

These men were class and will always had the juiciest women.

Hope to learn more and share more.

11-05-2020, 10:09 AM
Bro WB

I also couldn't agree with Scot more.

I felt somehow women knew that men view them as sexist. And so playing mind games with men is the norm of women.

All women need to do is just wear sexy or braless then men ideas will go wild. Women dun even need to touch men and that's the key. Those rich men will offer their bank account or atm card without request.

This is always true.

There is another group of men who had mastered what bro WB preached here and reaped the benefits.

These men were class and will always had the juiciest women.

Hope to learn more and share more.


Somehow agreed with you.

Bro WB is also a class above us men.

Amazing thread here and pls do share more.


11-05-2020, 02:58 PM

Somehow agreed with you.

Bro WB is also a class above us men.

Amazing thread here and pls do share more.


100% agreed with you.

This is an excellent thread from bro WB.


11-05-2020, 08:40 PM
Very interesting thread here, hope to learn more from bro WB.

Have a nice week ahead.

Stay home, stay safe.

12-05-2020, 02:08 PM
Very interesting thread here, hope to learn more from bro WB.

Have a nice week ahead.

Stay home, stay safe.

My exact sentiments bro.

This is indeed a fantastic thread by bro WB, want to pick up more tips too.


17-05-2020, 04:21 PM
Amazing thread here, thanks bro WB.

Hope to learn more from you.

Cheers :)

Tks, bro.

Bro WB

I also couldn't agree with Scot more.

I felt somehow women knew that men view them as sexist. And so playing mind games with men is the norm of women.

All women need to do is just wear sexy or braless then men ideas will go wild. Women dun even need to touch men and that's the key. Those rich men will offer their bank account or atm card without request.

This is always true.

There is another group of men who had mastered what bro WB preached here and reaped the benefits.

These men were class and will always had the juiciest women.

Hope to learn more and share more.

Tks, bro. I couldn't agree with u more.


Somehow agreed with you.

Bro WB is also a class above us men.

Amazing thread here and pls do share more.


100% agreed with you.

This is an excellent thread from bro WB.


Very interesting thread here, hope to learn more from bro WB.

Have a nice week ahead.

Stay home, stay safe.

My exact sentiments bro.

This is indeed a fantastic thread by bro WB, want to pick up more tips too.


Tks to all bros.

Stay safe.


Good afternoon!

I was a failure w/ women in my younger years. When I was a uni student, I couldn't get chio SYTs of my type no matter what I did. And I wasn't as choosy as I'm now.

Harvey Campbell recently wrote that "The most expensive political leaders in the world produced the greatest failure in the world." He was referring to COVID 19 in SG.

I don't completely agree with w/ him. Despite high case numbers, SG only has 22 fatalities n 18-20 in the ICU. I only agree that SG has failed w/ FWs in the dorms.

His comment reminds me of a completely different field in life where LESS is MORE

Pay a lot, get little. Often NOTHING.

I'm talking about the pussy market. In many cases, the more you pay, the less you get. In fact, if you throw money at a woman, you become repulsive to her SUBCONSCIOUS mind. Especially if she doesn't deserve it.

I have learned this from painful personal experiences. And from books, journals, newsletters, research papers, newspapers, and news media. From reading and observing about failures of many men from time immemorial. Some of these men are bros, colleagues, and relatives. Some are famous people and celebrities. Some were Don Juans until they met their Special One.

If a man puts a girl on a pedestal and buys everything for her, and is very afraid of losing her, it's a strong signal to her powerful subconscious mind that he is INFERIOR. And that she is The Prize, not him. She needs to find someone much better. She is often confused and frustrated because he is soooooooo NICE. Consciously, she knows she should love him, but emotionally she feels nothing but revulsion, in her primitive brain.

Don't blame her! She is hardwired by 300,000 years of human evolution to behave this way. It's a matter of survival. For her and her offspring.

The TWO SECRETS of getting and keeping the most attractive high-quality girls of your type are:

1) Your awesome emotional strength and self-mastery

2) Your subconscious belief that you are The Prize to your dream girl.

Everything else is of secondary importance.

She will fall for you.

But walk away asap if she is a gold digger or a girl of bad character...


Bro WB

17-05-2020, 07:41 PM
Great share by bro WB, thanks for an excellent thread.
Have a nice week ahead :)

31-05-2020, 12:00 AM
Great share by bro WB, thanks for an excellent thread.
Have a nice week ahead :)

Tks, bro.

What an auspicious night!

I like to share an interesting article.

Women Always Want What They Can't Have

by Brother Alex

A good friend of mine had a brother who was 17 and he was NUTS over this one girl.

In one year, he had asked her out 8 times. Each time she said NO, and he kept coming back for more.

She knew him in a group, they were good FRIENDS, and because he was so persistent he would BUMP INTO her loads. They got on well but there was nothing from her to him.

I sat him down, and despite not knowing much, explained THE GAME.

This is what I told him:

"Women only want what they can't get.

"You need to start ignoring her.

"Be around her, in her presence, but don't give her any special attention whatsoever.

"Don't be rude, but just let her know that there are things to do besides hang around her.

"At parties, for example, walk up, grinning like an idiot, have an excellent and humorous conversation for one minute (instead of the 30 mins she's used to) and then bounce off and have fun with your friends (ideally where she can see you).

"If she's with a few friends, make a point of walking up to them and having a great conversation with her best friend, not her, like she's used to, and then walk away. You are social, you talk to everyone.

"Soon she starts missing the chats you had, but when she comes to find you, talk for a minute, really bouncy, really pleasant, and then tell her you need to go and find someone. But be SOOOO polite when you do. No rudeness."

Anyway, I talked to him for 10 minutes.

I found out a month later that she started following him, and saying that they didn't spend enough time together anymore. He casually asked her out and she accepted.

Incidentally, this average frustrated chump dumped her for a hotter girl 2 months later.

Now that's a happy ending.


Comment by bro Allen:

I'd like to thank Brother Alex for this great story.

Very few guys understand the power of indifference and how to use it to get a girl chasing after you.

If you can wrap your brain around this idea, you'll have a huge advantage.

Good luck!

If you're getting nowhere with a girl, change your behvaiour.

Stop chasing, care less, be non-reactive n non-needy.

Never forget that you're the PRIZE. It's her loss. You will have happy ending too.


Bro WB

31-05-2020, 06:51 AM
Tks, bro.

What an auspicious night!

I like to share an interesting article.

Women Always Want What They Can't Have

[SIZE="4"]by Brother Alex

A good friend of mine had a brother who was 17 and he was NUTS over this one girl.

In one year, he had asked her out 8 times. Each time she said NO, and he kept coming back for more.

She knew him in a group, they were good FRIENDS, and because he was so persistent he would BUMP INTO her loads. They got on well but there was nothing from her to him.

I sat him down, and despite not knowing much, explained THE GAME.

This is what I told him:

"Women only want what they can't get.

"You need to start ignoring her.

"Be around her, in her presence, but don't give her any special attention whatsoever.

"Don't be rude, but just let her know that there are things to do besides hang around her.

"At parties, for example, walk up, grinning like an idiot, have an excellent and humorous conversation for one minute (instead of the 30 mins she's used to) and then bounce off and have fun with your friends (ideally where she can see you).

"If she's with a few friends, make a point of walking up to them and having a great conversation with her best friend, not her, like she's used to, and then walk away. You are social, you talk to everyone.

"Soon she starts missing the chats you had, but when she comes to find you, talk for a minute, really bouncy, really pleasant, and then tell her you need to go and find someone. But be SOOOO polite when you do. No rudeness."

Anyway, I talked to him for 10 minutes.

I found out a month later that she started following him, and saying that they didn't spend enough time together anymore. He casually asked her out and she accepted.

Incidentally, this average frustrated chump dumped her for a hotter girl 2 months later.

Now that's a happy ending.


Bro WB

Thanks bro WB for nice story.

31-05-2020, 10:20 AM
Bro WB

Thanks for a wonderful thread, hope to learn more here.


31-05-2020, 10:14 PM
Tks, bro.

Women Always Want What They Can't Have

Bro WB

Yes indeed!

When a person is too gentlemen to a lady, chances you won't have a chance to bed her. And the problem is that most of the time when we want to bed a particular lady, we move into the auto gear of suddenly being very gentlemanly to this particular lady.
So never be her yes men. Be smart, dress well, shave, comb yr hair, put money in your pocket and spend her if necessary, pretend, lie and act if you wish to bring her to bed.

Women prefer to hear sweet words rather then the truth. They called this positive thinking. LoL , ....

17-06-2020, 04:26 PM
Thanks bro WB for nice story.

Bro WB

Thanks for a wonderful thread, hope to learn more here.


Bros, tks.

Yes indeed!

When a person is too gentlemen to a lady, chances you won't have a chance to bed her. And the problem is that most of the time when we want to bed a particular lady, we move into the auto gear of suddenly being very gentlemanly to this particular lady.
So never be her yes men. Be smart, dress well, shave, comb yr hair, put money in your pocket and spend her if necessary, pretend, lie and act if you wish to bring her to bed.

Women prefer to hear sweet words rather then the truth. They called this positive thinking. LoL , ....

Bro, tks for sharing your opinion and insight.


Good afternoon!

Over the years, I have shared most of what I hv learned about getting and keeping the most attractive girls at SBF and with my colleagues, friends and relatives.

Sadly, I have noticed NO improvement in most of them, in terms of their abilities to attract their type of girls/women. A few might have made a little progress. But they are very likely to revert to their old selves in a short time. Or when they meet a more attractive female than they are normally accustomed to.

Why? Because very, very few men can change their subconscious beliefs or mental frames. The radical change must come from within them. I'll not be able to help at all.

That is why most bros think I have been boasting or what I have written is total BS. I don't blame anyone. I do feel sorry for them. Because what I have experienced is so contrary to their real life encounters.

Let me make one thing clear. I have kept the three most attractive 18 yo SYTs of my type I have SEEN in SG in the last 6 yrs. And two of them are still with me in SG. TY has been with me two years and she is now 20! She still looks very youthful and cute. But she won't remain a SYT for too long.

I have not SEEN another girl of her qualities since I met her in that fateful day in 2018. I'm very optimistic that I would meet one soon and I'll keep her.

And my damage for my full-time LPs is lower than the going rates. I know many older and less attractive girls/women who are demanding and getting paid 2-10 times more by local men. And many of them still continue to work!!

I have written about the two secrets of getting and keeping the most attractive girls/women of your type. I would feel remiss if I don't mention the 3rd secret.

Secret No. 3: You must give your girls/women frequent penetrative vaginal orgasms. Life changing physical and emotional pleasures they have not experienced with any other men before.

Cheers and stay SAFE!

Bro WB

18-06-2020, 07:15 AM
Great thread by Bro WB, lots to learn from the master.
Have a nice day ahead.

18-06-2020, 09:22 AM
Bro WB,
I just stumbled onto this thread today had only read the first 10 pages.
Noticed that this was started in 2009 and have been around for 11 years and you are still actively replying.
Kudos to your effort and dedication.

Although I do not go to KTV or BY, I like PRC MMs as well and uses different methods.
Your teachings here are valuable for any situations and are very true for life in general.
Thank You!

18-06-2020, 10:07 AM
Bro WB,
I just stumbled onto this thread today had only read the first 10 pages.
Noticed that this was started in 2009 and have been around for 11 years and you are still actively replying.
Kudos to your effort and dedication.

Although I do not go to KTV or BY, I like PRC MMs as well and uses different methods.
Your teachings here are valuable for any situations and are very true for life in general.
Thank You!

Never too late to read especially now cannot go anywhere too.

Bro WB methodology had been proven and useful to capture woman heart.

Give a try and you may be very successful too.

19-06-2020, 06:35 PM
Never too late to read especially now cannot go anywhere too.

Bro WB methodology had been proven and useful to capture woman heart.

Give a try and you may be very successful too.

Fully agreed, going to give it a try.

Thanks bro WB for this great thread.

Have a nice weekend :)

20-06-2020, 04:16 PM
Great thread by Bro WB, lots to learn from the master.
Have a nice day ahead.

Bro, tks for your flattering words. But I'm just a trainee, not a master yet.

Bro WB,
I just stumbled onto this thread today had only read the first 10 pages.
Noticed that this was started in 2009 and have been around for 11 years and you are still actively replying.
Kudos to your effort and dedication.

Although I do not go to KTV or BY, I like PRC MMs as well and uses different methods.
Your teachings here are valuable for any situations and are very true for life in general.
Thank You!

Bro, tks .
Yeah, this thread was started over 11 years ago and I'm still working hard to improve myself and to share what I have learned.

You're right. If a man improves his mental frame, every area of his life will improve.
Never too late to read especially now cannot go anywhere too.

Bro WB methodology had been proven and useful to capture woman heart.

Give a try and you may be very successful too.
Bro, tks. My methods could work like magic if you have the right subconscious mental frame. Yes, our goal is to capture a dream girl's heart.
Go out and do it!

Fully agreed, going to give it a try.

Thanks bro WB for this great thread.

Have a nice weekend :)

Bro, tks.
.................................................. .....

Great afternoon to all samsters!

I have offered bro Don Juan and other naysayers to bring their 'super SYTs' to meet me for several years. And they have been conspicuously absent.
My TY will not remain a cute SYT forever.

Here is a chio 18 yo LM who is almost as cute as TY. Too bad she is afraid to come to SG. TY has slightly larger eyes and natural double eyelids though.


If any bro has SEEN an 18 yo girl as cute as LM, let me know asap. No need to bring her. In fact, you don't need to know her at all. Just let me know where I can SEE her.

l'll be happy to go and take a look first. I would be happy to compensate for your time.

Thanks again.

I like to share an interesting article on life. If you have a good, happy and fulfilling life, many girls would like to join your company.

More Important Than Getting Girls

by Chris

Age brings wisdom.

Usually too late, but it does bring wisdom.

So for the young guys willing to listen, us old guys can supply valuable knowledge, without you having to experience the pain and frustration of learning it on your own.

I know, pain is a wonderful teacher. Probably the best. But listening to someone who's been there...

Is less painful.

This gets to "getting a life."

Most guys in their early teens start to notice women and desire the touch, the smell, and all the good things women have. They are soft, they smell good, and above all feel good. This is why we desire them.

So the natural reaction is when you see something you want, you chase after it, pursue it.

This is where we make...

Our First Mistake

Guys get consumed with women, sex, dating, the whole thing.

Guys change their look, their personality, their identity, in hopes of attracting women. There is a powerful craving for the leg candy. So we alter our true being in hopes of getting the leg candy.

Major Wrong Move!

I'm not saying that you shouldn't look your best, have a good sense of humor, be mildly flirtatious, etc. You pursue and flirt, but subtly and with class. Like no one even notices. That's a true DJ.

Women spot desperation and hunger a mile away. They see it in your eyes, your body language, and your interaction. They also spot confidence and class. It's a 6th sense for them.

What then, do you do?

The Key Is to Get a Life

If you have 10 hobbies or interests in your life, such as golf, collecting stamps, swimming, fishing, etc., women should be about #5 on that list.

NOT #1.

This is where the hunger and desperation comes in. You get hungry and desperate, and you will get rejected fast.

Ouch! Confidence falls, and a vicious cycle starts.

The way to avoid this is to never let it happen in the first place.

Remember, confident guys desire affection/sex but do not crave it. They have other things going on in their life, besides trying to get laid every day. Trying to get "laid every day" is the quickest way to not getting laid at all.

So, get a life. Get hobbies, have guy friends that think the way you do, confident guys that love women, but don't obsess over them. Play golf, fish, shoot pool.

And if you meet a girl through your activities and you click – wonderful. This is the kind of girl you want. She understands you have a life and won't expect you to drop everything for her all the time.

If you meet a girl through your activities, and you don't click – so be it. No big deal. The hungry/desperate would get bummed and sulk about this, but not you. You have life, interest, friends, etc.


"A woman is like your shadow. Chase it and it moves away. Move away from it and it follows."


I'd like to thank Chris for this great tip.

If you want to attract a high-quality woman, you must first build a high-quality life. One that sustains your happiness with or without a woman.

Good luck!


22-06-2020, 09:29 PM
An amazing thread by bro WB.
Thanks, thanks and more thanks! :)

27-06-2020, 09:43 AM
More Important Than Getting Girls

by Chris

Age brings wisdom.

Usually too late, but it does bring wisdom.

So for the young guys willing to listen, us old guys can supply valuable knowledge, without you having to experience the pain and frustration of learning it on your own.

I know, pain is a wonderful teacher. Probably the best. But listening to someone who's been there...

Is less painful.

This gets to "getting a life."

Most guys in their early teens start to notice women and desire the touch, the smell, and all the good things women have. They are soft, they smell good, and above all feel good. This is why we desire them.

So the natural reaction is when you see something you want, you chase after it, pursue it.

This is where we make...

Our First Mistake

Guys get consumed with women, sex, dating, the whole thing.

Guys change their look, their personality, their identity, in hopes of attracting women. There is a powerful craving for the leg candy. So we alter our true being in hopes of getting the leg candy.

Major Wrong Move!

I'm not saying that you shouldn't look your best, have a good sense of humor, be mildly flirtatious, etc. You pursue and flirt, but subtly and with class. Like no one even notices. That's a true DJ.

Women spot desperation and hunger a mile away. They see it in your eyes, your body language, and your interaction. They also spot confidence and class. It's a 6th sense for them.

What then, do you do?

The Key Is to Get a Life

If you have 10 hobbies or interests in your life, such as golf, collecting stamps, swimming, fishing, etc., women should be about #5 on that list.

NOT #1.

This is where the hunger and desperation comes in. You get hungry and desperate, and you will get rejected fast.

Ouch! Confidence falls, and a vicious cycle starts.

The way to avoid this is to never let it happen in the first place.

Remember, confident guys desire affection/sex but do not crave it. They have other things going on in their life, besides trying to get laid every day. Trying to get "laid every day" is the quickest way to not getting laid at all.

So, get a life. Get hobbies, have guy friends that think the way you do, confident guys that love women, but don't obsess over them. Play golf, fish, shoot pool.

And if you meet a girl through your activities and you click – wonderful. This is the kind of girl you want. She understands you have a life and won't expect you to drop everything for her all the time.

If you meet a girl through your activities, and you don't click – so be it. No big deal. The hungry/desperate would get bummed and sulk about this, but not you. You have life, interest, friends, etc.


"A woman is like your shadow. Chase it and it moves away. Move away from it and it follows."


I'd like to thank Chris for this great tip.

If you want to attract a high-quality woman, you must first build a high-quality life. One that sustains your happiness with or without a woman.

Good luck!


Bro WB is a master class in art of chasing syts.

The above post really open my eyes.

Hope to learn from you.


27-06-2020, 09:46 AM
I'd like to thank Chris for this great tip.

If you want to attract a high-quality woman, you must first build a high-quality life. One that sustains your happiness with or without a woman.

Good luck!


Bro WB

I can agree with Allen above.

We must obtained a lifestyle which gives confidence and assurance to gals.

Hope can read more and learn more.

Thanks and happy weekend.

27-06-2020, 10:16 AM
Bro WB is a master class in art of chasing syts.

The above post really open my eyes.

Hope to learn from you.


My exact sentiments.

Wish to learn more from bro WB too.

Have a nice weekend.

27-06-2020, 01:56 PM
Amazing thread from Bro WB, sharing so much with us. Big thanks!! :)

02-07-2020, 10:38 PM
An amazing thread by bro WB.
Thanks, thanks and more thanks! :)

Bro, tks.

Bro WB is a master class in art of chasing syts.

The above post really open my eyes.

Hope to learn from you.


Bro, I'm no master. Just a man who tries to improve himself.

Bro WB

I can agree with Allen above.

We must obtained a lifestyle which gives confidence and assurance to gals.

Hope can read more and learn more.

Thanks and happy weekend.

Bro, if you have the right lifestlye and the right mental frame, you will have more girls then you can handle.

My exact sentiments.

Wish to learn more from bro WB too.

Have a nice weekend.

Amazing thread from Bro WB, sharing so much with us. Big thanks!! :)

Bros, tks.


Good evening,

The COVID pandemic will make finding new attractive girls of your type much more difficult. Many will be working at home and there will be a lot less socializing and partying.

Additionally, very few chio foreign girls will be coming and travels are inconvenient and still strongly discouraged.

This deplorable situation may take many months to improve. Without an effective vaccine for COVID, this could be the new normal for the forseeable future.

My two LPs TY and LS are in SG. I hv refrained from meeting any other girls. I'm still waiting for some bros to show me a girl as cute as TY or LM.

I like to share this brief video with you about 12 top turn-ons for women.


I couldn't agree w/ her more.

Your comments?

Cheers and good night!

Bro WB

03-07-2020, 02:58 PM
Excellent share by bro WB, thanks!

Have a nice weekend bro.

04-07-2020, 09:58 PM
Yes, fantastic thread here, hope to read more.


05-07-2020, 09:28 AM
Bro, tks.

I like to share this brief video with you about 12 top turn-ons for women.


I couldn't agree w/ her more.

Your comments?

Cheers and good night!

Bro WB

I fully agree with Bro WB about this and have a few experiences to share.

Firstly, I operate using Wechat and the yield is much easier in China, where Singapore men (I live in the USA) with good manners and good jobs are highly respected.
This means it is easier to add meimei using the nearby feature, chat them up, arrange to meet, then proceed to ons if the feelings for both are right.

I also had my first ons with a colleague from Shanghai who came over to the USA because of a supplier issue.
It was our first meeting during that 4 day trip and she was impressed with the way I work, speak and deal with the supplier and another American colleague from the R&D.
And of course I was very well mannered with her and treated her nicely and with respect.
On the last night when the American colleague had to go back (to his home state) and left us alone, I ons her and also on the next afternoon before i have to leave her (she flies the next day) for the airport.
I did write about the details in another thread about ons with colleagues I think.

The thing about her is that she is a very normal GND and only been with her husband and I am her second man.
If a woman admires you, she will be so easy to prey on.

To add a little bit of spice.....
A few months later, I got her boss to send her over for a trip again (meetings with me) and I basically check-into the hotel with her and spent 6 nights with her.
Ons every night once and it was such a nice time.
Food and expenses paid by Ah Gong, sex provided by her.... :D

Made another trip to Shanghai in Nov last year before the Covid outbreak and ons her another 2 times.

17-07-2020, 01:42 PM
Excellent share by bro WB, thanks!

Have a nice weekend bro.

Yes, fantastic thread here, hope to read more.


Bros, tks.

I fully agree with Bro WB about this and have a few experiences to share.

Firstly, I operate using Wechat and the yield is much easier in China, where Singapore men (I live in the USA) with good manners and good jobs are highly respected.
This means it is easier to add meimei using the nearby feature, chat them up, arrange to meet, then proceed to ons if the feelings for both are right.

I also had my first ons with a colleague from Shanghai who came over to the USA because of a supplier issue.
It was our first meeting during that 4 day trip and she was impressed with the way I work, speak and deal with the supplier and another American colleague from the R&D.
And of course I was very well mannered with her and treated her nicely and with respect.
On the last night when the American colleague had to go back (to his home state) and left us alone, I ons her and also on the next afternoon before i have to leave her (she flies the next day) for the airport.
I did write about the details in another thread about ons with colleagues I think.

The thing about her is that she is a very normal GND and only been with her husband and I am her second man.
If a woman admires you, she will be so easy to prey on.

To add a little bit of spice.....
A few months later, I got her boss to send her over for a trip again (meetings with me) and I basically check-into the hotel with her and spent 6 nights with her.
Ons every night once and it was such a nice time.
Food and expenses paid by Ah Gong, sex provided by her.... :D

Made another trip to Shanghai in Nov last year before the Covid outbreak and ons her another 2 times.

Bro, tks so much for sharing details of your sexploits.


Good afternoon to all samsters,

If a man has the right mental frame, girls are easy, very easy. They will chase him.

A man should always go for the prettiest girls of his type. Never settle.

The irony is that the older and uglier women are often greedier and more demanding than much younger and much prettier girls. And it's almost impossible for older women, who usually have more than 5 sexual partners, to fall in love w/ a man, regardless of who he is.

Choose your women wisely.

The following is a brief but useful article by Brad P:

"Best places to touch a girl to get her moist."

A question a lot of my students write to me is:

"Where should I touch a woman to turn her on?"

This is a great question.

In my years I've discovered 3 points on a woman, which, when touched, set off an unconscious sexual urge for the man touching that point.

I call these points "sexual activation points", because of how quickly they make things turn sexual between you.

Now, to make a woman crave you're touch... you're going to want to use some "sexual activation phrases"... so make sure you read this whole email, because I'll show you those at the end.

First, let's cover the 3 sexual activation points.

1. A soft hand caressing the back & side of her neck.

When you softly stroke the back of her neck, she'll realize she feels totally comfortable with you.

And as we know, when a woman feels 100% comfortable to a man she's attracted to, she'll sleep with him very quickly.

Similar to this is kissing a woman on her neck, just below her ear. Consider the deal sealed if you kiss her here.

2. Your whole hand firmly on the middle of her back.

Imagine standing in front of a woman, and reaching your arm around to her back...

...Then placing your whole palm on her back, between her shoulder blades.

This is a dominant position... and a guy usually only puts her hand here when he's fucking her, & she feels aroused.

Which means placing your hand here will trigger that same arousal & make her instantly both imagine & crave sleeping with you.

3. Hold her hand.

Yep, I know that sounds lame.

But this one is actually the most powerful, and generates feelings of deep comfort & desire for you.

If you've been talking to a while & you feel she's attracted, simply take her hand and hold it.

Hold it loosely, at first. See if she holds yours back. Allow her to let go if she chooses.

Though when she holds your hand back, you'll know for sure that she's decided she would sleep with you.

I couldn't agree w/ Brad more.

Don't forget to escalate.

I hv also mentioned numerous times before that if a gal willingly let you kiss and massage her neck, her pussy is yours. Predictive value over 90%. If she willingly lets you french kiss her? At least 98%!


Bro WB

17-07-2020, 06:18 PM
Thanks for an excellent thread bro WB. Have a good weekend!

30-07-2020, 03:59 PM
Thanks for an excellent thread bro WB. Have a good weekend!

Bro, tks.

.................................................. .........

Good afternoon!

A bro LK in my chat grp tells me that some customers would pay $1k to his 'GF' to have dinner w/ her. No touching and no sex. I'm speechless. The girl regards LK as just one of her customers n has told him repeatedly. LK pays to up her, albeit much less than her regular customers. But LK has spent so much time to take care of her. He is in love w/ her.

I hv seen the girl before. She used to work at P8 n Lido. Said to be 23-24 but looks older. She is definitely not my type. She is tall but plastic. Very slim. I won't talk abt other negative stuff since I don't want to betray LK's confidence. I have advised LK to walk away many times. He can't. I hv also told him how to make her fall for him. He can't do it as he is needy and wussy in his RS w/ her. The irony is that he is a real life Don Juan w/ girls he doesn't like too much.

What is the lesson here? Many men refer to girls they like as "GF.' It's one-sided n unrequited. One of the reasons is because they treat the girl as if she is the grand prize. They suffer from a severe form of scarcity mindset. If the girl works in the night scene or is a gold digger, she will take them to the cleaners. Very predictable.

Bro, if you behave as if a certain girl is the prize, she will agree with you. Whereas, if you behave as if you’re the prize, she will also agree with you. In her subconscious mind.

Of course, your subconscious mind must believe that you’re the prize. You can’t fake it, unfortunately.

Many girls consciously think or say they want men w/ certain attributes. But her subconscious mind wants a man who may be completely different. She is often baffled herself. Understanding this dichotomy or paradox is one of the secrets of getting n keeping THE most attractive girls/women of your type.

I'm forever the grand prize to TY. She knows it and she knows that I know it.

Isn't life beautiful?


Bro WB

31-07-2020, 03:08 AM
Life is very beautiful bro WB, what a great thread! :)

31-07-2020, 06:07 AM
Bro, tks.

.................................................. .........

Good afternoon!

A bro LK in my chat grp tells me that some customers would pay $1k to his 'GF' to have dinner w/ her. No touching and no sex. I'm speechless. The girl regards LK as just one of her customers n has told him repeatedly. LK pays to up her, albeit much less than her regular customers. But LK has spent so much time to take care of her. He is in love w/ her.

I hv seen the girl before. She used to work at P8 n Lido. Said to be 23-24 but looks older. She is definitely not my type. She is tall but plastic. Very slim. I won't talk abt other negative stuff since I don't want to betray LK's confidence. I have advised LK to walk away many times. He can't. I hv also told him how to make her fall for him. He can't do it as he is needy and wussy in his RS w/ her. The irony is that he is a real life Don Juan w/ girls he doesn't like too much.

What is the lesson here? Many men refer to girls they like as "GF.' It's one-sided n unrequited. One of the reasons is because they treat the girl as if she is the grand prize. They suffer from a severe form of scarcity mindset. If the girl works in the night scene or is a gold digger, she will take them to the cleaners. Very predictable.

Bro, if you behave as if a certain girl is the prize, she will agree with you. Whereas, if you behave as if you’re the prize, she will also agree with you. In her subconscious mind.

Of course, your subconscious mind must believe that you’re the prize. You can’t fake it, unfortunately.

Many girls consciously think or say they want men w/ certain attributes. But her subconscious mind wants a man who may be completely different. She is often baffled herself. Understanding this dichotomy or paradox is one of the secrets of getting n keeping THE most attractive girls/women of your type.

I'm forever the grand prize to TY. She knows it and she knows that I know it.

Isn't life beautiful?


Bro WB

Bro WB always the best.

Thanks for sharing.


31-07-2020, 11:06 AM
Bro WB, as the old saying, love is blind, it's even more blind when a man thought he's in love. I never doubt some of them may chance upon true love and happy ever after.
However, think about it, if the girl spent a lot of money, finally able to earn money in some night clubs, the men is married, would she expect to take fall in love with her? While she may call the man老公,and he called her 老婆,in her mobile phone, she might have many 老公.
I remember many years ago, met one from TAM, then had round with her, paid way below market, she reminded me it's a special rate cause she wouldn't want others to know. In te midst of the deed, a man called her, she told him she's alone at home.
I pity those guys who gave monthly allowance, even rent a nice apartment for the gal, thinking its an exclusive private toilet he found. The reality is, the gal could be using it as a public toilet.
So sad, but quite funny too!

10-08-2020, 04:47 PM
Life is very beautiful bro WB, what a great thread! :)

Tks, bro.

Life is beautiful!!

Bro WB always the best.

Thanks for sharing.


Tks, bro.

No, I'm happy to be average or even below average as long as I have the subconscious mental frame of a PRIZE.

Bro WB, as the old saying, love is blind, it's even more blind when a man thought he's in love. I never doubt some of them may chance upon true love and happy ever after.
However, think about it, if the girl spent a lot of money, finally able to earn money in some night clubs, the men is married, would she expect to take fall in love with her? While she may call the man老公,and he called her 老婆,in her mobile phone, she might have many 老公.
I remember many years ago, met one from TAM, then had round with her, paid way below market, she reminded me it's a special rate cause she wouldn't want others to know. In te midst of the deed, a man called her, she told him she's alone at home.
I pity those guys who gave monthly allowance, even rent a nice apartment for the gal, thinking its an exclusive private toilet he found. The reality is, the gal could be using it as a public toilet.
So sad, but quite funny too!

Bro, tks for your insights.

Most men are clueless.


What an auspicious day!!

Girls can only fall for a MAN who believes he is the PRIZE to the most attractive girls of his type (in his subconscious mind) and who has more POWER in the relationship. He has more POWER because he is the one who cares less. He knows he has higher social and sexual VALUE.

Most healthy and very chio heterosexual girls want to be submissive to a MAN. But most of them will NEVER find such a MAN.

Why? Because even a real life Don Juan, who has fucked and dumped hundreds of beautiful girls in the past, suddenly behaves like a scared little boy w/ scarcity mindset whenever he interacts w/ his 'dream girl' or 'special one.' He is very fearful of losing her. She is the PRIZE! And he has little power. God forbid, he is even submissive to her. Can you blame her for finding him repulsive?

It really doesn't matter who he is. He could be a real prince or king. Or the sexiest man alive, the most famous man alive, the strongest man alive, the most handsome man alive, the most intelligent man alive or the richest man alive. Or a real prince w/ all of the above attributes.

Almost ALL heterosexual girls/women in the world, from time immemorial, are searching for one kind of man, in their powerful subconscious minds. Sadly, most of them would fail in their search.

What kind of man? A MAN who believes he is the grand prize to all females and who has extremely masculine character traits. And THE most masculine character trait is absolute emotional and self-mastery.

I have never met such a MAN. Actually, having awesome emotional and self-mastery is more than good enough.


Bro WB

10-08-2020, 08:13 PM
Great share by bro warbird, hope to learn more from this thread :)

13-08-2020, 11:44 PM
Bro warbird, nice thread !

18-08-2020, 11:44 AM
Awesome thread! thanks for sharing:):)

29-08-2020, 04:56 PM
Bro warbird, nice thread !

Great share by bro warbird, hope to learn more from this thread :)

Awesome thread! thanks for sharing:):)

Bros, tks for your posts.

.................................................. .

Good afternoon,

The biggest reason why bros I know are having problems getting the type of girls/women to fall for them is the fact that they treat them like the prize. These bros think they are NOT good enough, for a myriad of reasons, for the girls/women.

It's pathetic. No one can help them.

Here is a very old newsletter which I received in 2012 from Zach Browman.

How to deal with physical insecurities

"Hey Andy,

Today's question is about guys who feel
unattractive physically. But really, it's good
advice for anyone that has any physical
characteristic they're embarrassed about
or that they feel holds them back.

Everyone's got something about themselves
they'd like to change.

They want to be a little
taller, have more hair on their head or less
on their back, a bigger Johnson or a smaller

But as you'll see, your physical imperfections
don't matter NEARLY as much as what you think
of them.

Enjoy the mp3 or just read the transcript below.

You can download the MP3 here <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

To your social success,




What Do You Tell A Student Who Feels He Is Physically Unattractive To Girls

I can’t say that physical attraction is
totally irrelevant for attracting women.

I think we all know that’s not exactly

It’s much less important than most guys
think; much, much less important than
most guys think.

If you have a certain base level of
attractiveness, if you’re not, if you
don’t have something really wrong with
you, organically, then you’re going to
do okay.

You don’t need much.

In fact it’s much more important that
you have something I call status, which
I’ll talk about later, than that you
have physical attractiveness.

What’s usually holding a guy back is
that he thinks he’s unattractive and he
places a lot of importance on that.

And I’ll give you an example of what I
mean how this plays out.

I used to work as a matchmaker.

And so people would talk to me, they
tell me what they’re looking for in a
partner, and the agency that I worked
for would help them find somebody.

And I used to, you know, I meet with
men, I meet with women, and I remember a
few times women came in that were fairly

And they’d, I’d ask about what kind of
guy are they looking for and they’d
surprisingly say they were okay with
dating guys that were shorter than them.

And then I remember one of them said,
and I had this confirmed by other women;
one said, she’s like, “Yeah, I don’t
have a problem that are shorter than me,
as long as he doesn’t ask me not to wear
heels around him.

In other words, I don’t have a problem
with him being short...

HE has a problem with himself being
short, and that is what’s unattractive
to women; that’s what kills attraction
right there.

So you know, use shortness as an example
but, anything that you might be
physically, you know, physical drawback
when it comes to attracting women, it’s
much more important what your attitude
is towards it than the actual physical
trait itself.

Any comments or criticisms?

Have a great day!

Bro WB

29-08-2020, 06:47 PM
Great thread, would like to learn more from bro WB :)

31-08-2020, 12:10 PM
Great thread, would like to learn more from bro WB :)

Tks, bro.

.................................................. .....

Good afternoon,

"In other words, I don’t have a problem
with him being short...

HE has a problem with himself being
short, and that is what’s unattractive
to women; that’s what kills attraction
right there."

Yes, when a man thinks he is NOT good enough for his dream girl, for whatever reason, he is repulsive to her. The reason could even be trivial or ridiculous.

If he believes his dream girl will only be attracted to a fighter pilot or an American board certified neurosurgeon and he only has a PhD from MIT, he will feel very inadequate.

If he believes his girl would like to have a BF who is a billionaire n he only has a net worth of 500 million USD, he will feel very inferior.

If he believes his girl would only be attracted to an Ang Moh rockstar like Mick Jagger and he is not even an Ang Moh, he feel he will never be good enough.

If he believes she will only be attracted to a Mr Universe n he is just a regular body builder, he thinks he will never get her.

If he believes his superchio 18 SYT GF would like to have a very cute BF who is 19 yo n he is a lao chee ko pek, he will feel very insecure n inferior. How to capture her heart??

Or if he believes that his dream girl would only want to marry a real king or emperor and he is a common man, he will be very frustrated n angry.

Ironically, a real king might think that he was not good enough for a superchio SYT, like in the case of King Fuchai and Xi Shi. Little wonder he lost every thing to his slave Fan Li. Very tragic story.

I could give you another million examples.

However, if HE believes that HE is the grand prize to his dream girl, IN HIS SUBCONSCIOUS MIND,regardless of her preferences as in the above scenarios, the tables are turned.

A famous guru states that A Girl Thinks What You Think.

And now you know the SECRET and POWER of Positive Mental Frame.

Any comments or criticisms?


Bro WB

31-08-2020, 04:39 PM
Would just like to do a quick sharing. For the past month, have been getting acquainted with a married woman. Had sex with her on a couple of occasion. However one issue is that she will always delete me on Wechat when something disturbs her, for example me saying the wrong thing or her seeing my family photos. So for the past few times, I had been apologizing to get her back. But the same thing happened today, and I was reminded of bro warbird's advice. It is difficult, but I think even though she has deleted me, I will just leave it as it is. Previously I had always been the one to initiate her to come back, but now will just see how it goes. If she doesn't come back, then it was probably never meant to be.

31-08-2020, 08:18 PM
Would just like to do a quick sharing. For the past month, have been getting acquainted with a married woman. Had sex with her on a couple of occasion. However one issue is that she will always delete me on Wechat when something disturbs her, for example me saying the wrong thing or her seeing my family photos. So for the past few times, I had been apologizing to get her back. But the same thing happened today, and I was reminded of bro warbird's advice. It is difficult, but I think even though she has deleted me, I will just leave it as it is. Previously I had always been the one to initiate her to come back, but now will just see how it goes. If she doesn't come back, then it was probably never meant to be.
Whatever comes let it comes.
Whatever stays let it stays.
Whatever goes let it goes.
Never beg for a relationship.

01-09-2020, 12:55 AM
Whatever comes let it comes.
Whatever stays let it stays.
Whatever goes let it goes.
Never beg for a relationship.

Well said bro. Fully agreed

04-09-2020, 04:03 PM
Would just like to do a quick sharing. For the past month, have been getting acquainted with a married woman. Had sex with her on a couple of occasion. However one issue is that she will always delete me on Wechat when something disturbs her, for example me saying the wrong thing or her seeing my family photos. So for the past few times, I had been apologizing to get her back. But the same thing happened today, and I was reminded of bro warbird's advice. It is difficult, but I think even though she has deleted me, I will just leave it as it is. Previously I had always been the one to initiate her to come back, but now will just see how it goes. If she doesn't come back, then it was probably never meant to be.

Bro, tks.

You're absolutely right.

Don't initiate contact w/ her.

Whatever comes let it comes.
Whatever stays let it stays.
Whatever goes let it goes.
Never beg for a relationship.

Bro, well said.

You're the prize.

Well said bro. Fully agreed


.................................................. .....

Good afternoon,

Many men seem to be afraid of competition, whether it's biz, jobs, professions or women.

Very negative mental frame.

Instead, we should love competition. The more the better. Why? It gives meaning to 'success.' Otherwise, life is meaningless.

I also like to be the 'apparent' underdog. It compels me to work smarter and harder. And it gives even more meaning to 'success.'

We should also embrace change. There is no status quo in our known universe. Everything is constantly changing. Many people on top are afraid of change. They are insecure, needy and fearful. Very sad.

Supposing your very beautiful wife/LP/mistress/GF tells u that she is going to meet her high school sweetheart for lunch or she is going out w/ a young, handsome and rich man, you should smile n wish her a wonderful time.

She will be very impressed w/ your absolute confidence and self mastery. She knows she will NEVER meet another real MAN like you.

It's your golden chance to show her who is a real MAN n who is the little boy.

She knows instinctively that most men would get very jealous and insecure. And if you do, game over. That is the beginning of the end of your relationship w/ her. It doesn't matter if you have been w/ her 10 days or 10 years.

Never forget, not even for a split second, that you're the grand PRIZE.

You must behave as if 1,000 very chio and high quality girls of your type are calling you and wanting to fuck you everyday...

Your biggest problem is choosing which one of the girls to fuck today.


Bro WB

06-09-2020, 09:54 AM
I would say my actions did not match what I posted. I still initiated contact with her. And with such a weak mental frame, I would say that gives her another chance to find fault and ask for a breakup. Indeed it just happened. This time round I will probably just leave it and work on my mental frames. It is really much harder than I thought it will be. Cheers for those guys who have such strong mental frames and mindset.

06-09-2020, 01:22 PM
You are a great inspiration bro.
Yes , hypothetically if one start to scold the girl that you hope to fuck, you will be surprise eventually she will gladly open her cheebye and let you fuck and she will want you to fuck her deeply into her cheebye too.

Never be her yes man, you will lose her.
Never be careful with yr words when communicating.
Don't be too gentlemen, be buaya sometimes too.
Of course to hook her, one must be generous too. Women are all bitchy by nature.
Bro, tks.

You're absolutely right.

Don't initiate contact w/ her.

Bro, well said.

You're the prize........ of competition, whether it's biz, jobs, professions or women.

Very negative mental frame.. Many people on top are afraid of change. They are insecure, needy and fearful. Very sad.

Supposing your very beautiful wife/LP/mistress/GF tells u that she is going to meet her high school sweetheart for lunch or she is going out w/ a young, handsome and rich man, you should smile n wish her a wonderful time.

She will be very impressed w/ your absolute confidence and self mastery. She knows she will NEVER meet another real MAN like you.

It's your golden chance to show her who is a real MAN n who is the little boy.

She knows instinctively that most men would get very jealous and insecure. And if you do, game over. That is the beginning of the end of your relationship w/ her. It doesn't matter if you have been w/ her 10 days or 10 years.

Never forget, not even for a split second, that you're the grand PRIZE.

You must behave as if 1,000 very chio and high quality girls of your type are calling you and wanting to fuck you everyday...

Your biggest problem is choosing which one of the girls to fuck today.


Bro WB

06-09-2020, 04:09 PM
One other way is, if bro Warbird, allows me to add on, is to simultaneously develop several relationships, be it just makan, drinking kaki or FBs. So that when you have more alternatives for different moods and purposes each day.
The last thing you want, is to have the purpose written all over your face that you just want a quickie with the gal, unless you are a super handsome, 6 pack dude. There again, most gals wouldn't really want to be bedded by a Casanova, neither do they want a nerd. One thing for sure, they must not find you disgusting or cheap.

06-09-2020, 05:24 PM
You are a great inspiration bro.
Yes , hypothetically if one start to scold the girl that you hope to fuck, you will be surprise eventually she will gladly open her cheebye and let you fuck and she will want you to fuck her deeply into her cheebye too.

Never be her yes man, you will lose her.
Never be careful with yr words when communicating.
Don't be too gentlemen, be buaya sometimes too.
Of course to hook her, one must be generous too. Women are all bitchy by nature.

Fully agreed bro, never give in to them too much, maybe one out of ten times :)