View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
20-07-2010, 01:14 AM
Yes, it's sampling bias. Don't forget before the revolution the place famous for beauties in China was Suzhou, very close to Shanghai.
Not just Suzhou but Hangzhou (and some claim Nanjing) also. When the Chinese say 上有天堂下有苏杭 they were referring not only to the scenery. There is a reason why Emperor Qianlong liked to go down to Jiangnan (which is actually today's Jiangsu and Zhejiang) so much. You can be sure it's not just for the scenery.
20-07-2010, 10:39 AM
Good morning!
I like to express my gratitude to so many esteemed bros who hv "weighed in" on cheonging n BY-ing here. Thank you all!!
Yes, it's sampling bias. Don't forget before the revolution the place famous for beauties in China was Suzhou, very close to Shanghai. There are alot of pretty Shanghainese women, known for their figures and skin, though more famous for their 'practical' personalities. While I tend to find many pretty northerners here, it's partly because I prefer taller, leggy women, but also as much of Dongbei remains poor, they ship out alot more women to our island!
Many SH gals r tall n pretty. And smart n sophisticated.
Yup, was rejected recently by a LV girl who only wanted BY. We met many times and so feeling was there, but she stuck to her position all along--if I wanted the abalone, I had to buy the entire shell for a while!
She is a good candidate for BY-ing.;)
Bro I think it's because you are picky and only go for the best for you.. and these girls are unlikely to settle for less....but I conform with you...what's the point of spending money even a small amount on girls you don't really cheers to your attitude!
My preference for gals is quirky n inexplicable to many of my frens/bros.:(
She just doesnt want to loose another source of income la......
Oldest trick in their book.....
Cos if you were her MAN, she wud have asked you 1st if you were coming then reject all bookings.......
Do you see the light already?????
Absolutely correct!
No wonder my spider senses are tingling. Someone has been calling for me.
Pretty Chinese girls can come from any province, but I find SH girls more sophisticated, more able to dress up, to look presentable and to look good. They can out-dress and "out-make-up" most Chinese girls, and any Singaporean any time of day.
Thank you!! SH gals r truly amazing.
20-07-2010, 03:55 PM
Just a quick update on the SH gal XX whom I hv been "chasing" for over 2 wks.
Finally, she will meet me today at a KTV during HH. But I hv learned that she is recovering from a mild case of flu n she smokes (though trying to quit). I hardly remember her. My fervor for her has already cooled significantly!
Something strange is happening. This yr alone, several of my BAO-ees had flu just before or soon after BY-ing by me. I also became sick once.
Wat the fxk, I'm going to enjoy myself regardless...
Bro WB
20-07-2010, 06:49 PM
Constantly improve my dominant self mastery/self control so that I become completely detached to life's outcomes.
Bro WB
This is super well said
20-07-2010, 10:06 PM
Keep us updated FJ girl also seem to be playing hard to get... while she is loving and allow me to kiss her when we are together....she has rejected my hints to fuck her for the moment...but good good...too easy also sian...hahaha....and will be relatively cheaper to BY her....just cover her rental, school fees and some allowance should do....but not as challenging as singer...but that one only bro bybj have the edge! hehehe
22-07-2010, 10:36 AM
This is super well said
In life, nothing is more powerful than dominant self mastery n self control.
Keep us updated FJ girl also seem to be playing hard to get... while she is loving and allow me to kiss her when we are together....she has rejected my hints to fuck her for the moment...but good good...too easy also sian...hahaha....and will be relatively cheaper to BY her....just cover her rental, school fees and some allowance should do....but not as challenging as singer...but that one only bro bybj have the edge! hehehe
You should just BY her.
Singers r very complicated...n expensive.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Booked XX for the 1st time the other day. I was mildly disappointed. She was sick w/ flu. She is 24-25 n abt 163-164 in height. She works mainly SH n is a popular gal, according to the mummies.
We had a very fruitful discussion. She is a smart gal n a good singer. She was BY-ed by a man in KL for several months n by someone in China before. She also did quite well owning a female apparel store in SH. She has agreed to BY, but wants monthly payment. I'll wait n see...
Bro WB
22-07-2010, 07:53 PM girl....means she have been living off really rich men for sometime...and making use of them to start her own business...I always have a soft spot for smart girls although I know i am be totally KC and outwitted by them...hehehe
22-07-2010, 08:25 PM girl....means she have been living off really rich men for sometime...and making use of them to start her own business...I always have a soft spot for smart girls although I know i am be totally KC and outwitted by them...hehehe
If you treat them as human, you'll be KCed
If you treat them as bot meat, there's no way on earth you'll be KCed
22-07-2010, 08:31 PM
If you treat them as human, you'll be KCed
If you treat them as bot meat, there's no way on earth you'll be KCed
To add on, make them PROVE to you that they are WORTH it first.
22-07-2010, 10:07 PM
hahahaha.....wise words from the kings....must listen!
23-07-2010, 11:07 AM
If you treat them as human, you'll be KCed
If you treat them as bot meat, there's no way on earth you'll be KCed
Ths for the GREAT advice.
Yes, they r all bot meat. I shall do a careful inspection including squeezing their Kar Chng to gauge the firmness n ampleness before buying, hehehe.:D
To add on, make them PROVE to you that they are WORTH it first.
Before BY-ing?
Bro WB
23-07-2010, 11:29 AM
Before BY-ing?
Bro WB
Make them prove their worth every penny before giving a single penny.
If they qualify, give them your penis, then a penny!
23-07-2010, 05:48 PM
Make them prove their worth every penny before giving a single penny.
If they qualify, give them your penis, then a penny!
Yes, Mr. Austin, I shall follow ur instructions to the letter, hahaha.;)
23-07-2010, 10:17 PM
Very honoured that Mr Austin occasionally call me to update me and jio me to LP tonight...much appreciated and apologizes for always not being able to make it as I am very much a sneaky HH guy...
Yes Bro WB...although I think that Mr Austin can be draconian at his approaches at times...but there are wisdom in his words which we can all learn have your own style which can be admired have you made your decision regarding the SH girl yet?
Likewise I am also taking bro bybj's advice and thinking of dumping the fj girl...she admitted to me that she does not wan to easily submit to me and rather "play" with me for a while as she thinks that I am a playboy and would dump her once I fucked her.. well to be fair to her....she's a smart one as there is always high probablility of that's a chicken and egg tug of war now...I want her to move the first move....she wants me to move the first move...but like what bro bybj says should make them prove themselves first before giving them any pennies...doesn't really matter to me as I wun be easily KC by this one...just view as conquer and conquest...
24-07-2010, 12:05 PM
Very honoured that Mr Austin occasionally call me to update me and jio me to LP tonight...much appreciated and apologizes for always not being able to make it as I am very much a sneaky HH guy...
Yes Bro WB...although I think that Mr Austin can be draconian at his approaches at times...but there are wisdom in his words which we can all learn have your own style which can be admired have you made your decision regarding the SH girl yet?
Likewise I am also taking bro bybj's advice and thinking of dumping the fj girl...she admitted to me that she does not wan to easily submit to me and rather "play" with me for a while as she thinks that I am a playboy and would dump her once I fucked her............but like what bro bybj says should make them prove themselves first before giving them any pennies...doesn't really matter to me as I wun be easily KC by this one...just view as conquer and conquest...
Hi Bro ME,
No deal w/ the SH gal XX unless she drops her demand for monthly payment.
Yes, I hv benefited immensely from Mr. Austin's advice n expertise. He is very sharp n perceptive in judging gals. He can be ruthless w/ bot meat...
I'm inexperienced in BY-ing gals n I sometimes hv a soft heart for some of the bot meat. But fortunately, I hv some protective mechanisms (or character flaws depending on how u look at them) which prevent me from being taken.
1) I hv a very suspicious mind n I trust no one. Period.
2) Although I like pussies, I like money even more.
3) I'm a perfectionist n no pussies r perfect.
4) I'm basically too logical n calculating to get KC-ed. I'm constantly asking myself: Could I get a better pussy w/ the money I'm spending? The answer is YES, but I hv to go to PRC!
Bro WB
24-07-2010, 01:36 PM
Hi Bro ME,
No deal w/ the SH gal XX unless she drops her demand for monthly payment.
Yes, I hv benefited immensely from Mr. Austin's advice n expertise. He is very sharp n perceptive in judging gals. He can be ruthless w/ bot meat...
I'm inexperienced in BY-ing gals n I sometimes hv a soft heart for some of the bot meat. But fortunately, I hv some protective mechanisms (or character flaws depending on how u look at them) which prevent me from being taken.
1) I hv a very suspicious mind n I trust no one. Period.
2) Although I like pussies, I like money even more.
3) I'm a perfectionist n no pussies r perfect.
4) I'm basically too logical n calculating to get KC-ed. I'm constantly asking myself: Could I get a better pussy w/ the money I'm spending? The answer is YES, but I hv to go to PRC!
Bro WB are my idol...I may be a younger version of you...hope to emulate your critical thinking in time to come...I like money too but more for the freedom it can give me to do what I really enjoy do something more meaningful rather than just be a slave to my top 5 market cap company in Singapore...unfortunately my fx trading skills are still left wanting...but thankful that did not lose any money due to strict stop loss strategies unfortunately doesn't give me the passive income I want... I don't have the critical mass yet for bonds to give me the amount of passive income I require and with interest rates at all time low it is probably not the asset class I want to be in...of course assuming I work for another 18 years to 50 years of age...I can let compounding effects to build up a decent sum of money but that's really too long for my liking....I would really like to do it by 40 but it's tough....especially if I allocate a few k a month to pussies...hahahaha... my office girl damn funny...told me she got a wish list...ask me to take a look... so I said okay...her wish list consists of rolex, miu miu bag, trip to japan,etc....she asked me if her dreams can be fulfilled....I told her for me I can easily do it...and if she worked hard perhaps she can do...but it's just so superficial...problems that can be solved by money is not a problem...
24-07-2010, 02:49 PM are my idol...I may be a younger version of you...hope to emulate your critical thinking in time to come...I like money too but more for the freedom it can give me to do what I really enjoy do something more meaningful rather than just be a slave to my top 5 market cap company in Singapore...unfortunately my fx trading skills are still left wanting...but thankful that did not lose any money due to strict stop loss strategies unfortunately doesn't give me the passive income I want... I don't have the critical mass yet for bonds to give me the amount of passive income I require and with interest rates at all time low it is probably not the asset class I want to be in...of course assuming I work for another 18 years to 50 years of age...I can let compounding effects to build up a decent sum of money but that's really too long for my liking....I would really like to do it by 40 but it's tough....especially if I allocate a few k a month to pussies...hahahaha... my office girl damn funny...told me she got a wish list...ask me to take a look... so I said okay...her wish list consists of rolex, miu miu bag, trip to japan,etc....she asked me if her dreams can be fulfilled....I told her for me I can easily do it...and if she worked hard perhaps she can do...but it's just so superficial...problems that can be solved by money is not a problem...
it will not be a problem if u got the money to solve the problem...
if u dun have it, it will always be a problem..
remember, a coin have 2 sides to it.. dun just judge from ur own side of view...
24-07-2010, 06:56 PM
it will not be a problem if u got the money to solve the problem...
if u dun have it, it will always be a problem..
remember, a coin have 2 sides to it.. dun just judge from ur own side of view...
hmmm.....well it's true but I think that money can always be earned...I am not rich too...have to work my butt off....but somethings money really can't buy...
25-07-2010, 08:03 PM
.............I may be a younger version of you...hope to emulate your critical thinking in time to come...I like money too but more for the freedom it can give me to do what I really enjoy do something more meaningful rather than just be a slave to my top 5 market cap company in Singapore...unfortunately my fx trading skills are still left wanting..........................doesn't give me the passive income I want......of course assuming I work for another 18 years to 50 years of age.......I would really like to do it by 40 but it's tough....especially if I allocate a few k a month to pussies...hahahaha...........................but it's just so superficial...problems that can be solved by money is not a problem...
Bro ME,
You're a young man w/ a very bright future...if u invest/trade wisely, u could become very wealthy in 10 yrs.
BTW, how do u manage to get all the KTV gals/singers by spending only a few k a month?
Bro WB
25-07-2010, 10:30 PM
Bro ME,
You're a young man w/ a very bright future...if u invest/trade wisely, u could become very wealthy in 10 yrs.
BTW, how do u manage to get all the KTV gals/singers by spending only a few k a month?
Bro WB
By using your tactics!...Singers I don't have much success...that's the arena of bro bybj and ldh...ldh is the a virgin for free...but ktv gals is easy la...that's why bro bybj don't find it challenging anymore....and since I usually go HH at mid range joints such as CMC, CJ, DongMen, China Doll etc, it's managable.....sometimes it's not what you actually give them but the promise of what you can give them...for example my recent conquest...this girl from HangZhou..btw she works at TAM too..I did not even have to give her money for the screw...but of course end of the day I definitely will still take care of them somewhat as I don't like to shortchange them...still learning, as life is a journey but definitely some of your tactics on self mastery works!
26-07-2010, 11:55 AM
By using your tactics!...Singers I don't have much success...that's the arena of bro bybj and ldh...ldh is the a virgin for free...but ktv gals is easy la...that's why bro bybj don't find it challenging anymore....and since I usually go HH at mid range joints such as CMC, CJ, DongMen, China Doll etc, it's managable.....sometimes it's not what you actually give them but the promise of what you can give them...for example my recent conquest...this girl from HangZhou..btw she works at TAM too..I did not even have to give her money for the screw...but of course end of the day I definitely will still take care of them somewhat as I don't like to shortchange them...still learning, as life is a journey but definitely some of your tactics on self mastery works!
wah raouz, me nick kanna mention again. I very good boy one hor, little nobody me. Hide in mountain also kanna recalled... heh heh heh. :D
I am very happy with my #888 from Monte Carlo thus far, do not intend to go for another for the time being. She is elegant and a very good companion. And while I offer her cash because I am no longer hanging for her at CMC, she refused. She wanted to earn her own keep, admirable but foolish. She think she can KC me like this. hahaha.
BTW, bro Warbird got his new chick. Not a bad looking one... and he has a good deal at hand. Kudos to the BY king - his BIRD is now at WAR!
LDH :)
26-07-2010, 02:09 PM
BTW, bro Warbird got his new chick. Not a bad looking one... and he has a good deal at hand. Kudos to the BY king - his BIRD is now at WAR!
LDH :)
Poor gal, gonna be devoured by our very own predatory WARBIRD!
Well done WB
This gal doesnt need alot of mindfucking, though she aint stoopid, one bonus that I saw that nite, she aint that bright either.
You'll have a very easy time wif her, but do remember what i reminded you, BE THE MASTER OF YOUR STABLE! No discount watsoever!!!!!!
Happy screwing
26-07-2010, 02:45 PM
By using your tactics!...Singers I don't have much success...that's the arena of bro bybj and ldh...ldh is the a virgin for free...but ktv gals is easy la...that's why bro bybj don't find it challenging anymore..........................btw she works at TAM too..I did not even have to give her money for the screw...but of course end of the day I definitely will still take care of them somewhat as I don't like to shortchange them...still learning, as life is a journey but definitely some of your tactics on self mastery works!
Hi Bro ME,
My tactics? They r actually compilation of the strategies I hv learned from Mr. Austin, bro LDH n a no. of Ang Mo gurus.
Yes, KTV gals r very easy to fxk or BY. It's much, much harder to taste the pussy of a singer.
wah raouz, me nick kanna mention again. I very good boy one hor, little nobody me. Hide in mountain also kanna recalled... heh heh heh. :D
I am very happy with my #888 from Monte Carlo thus far, do not intend to go for another for the time being. She is elegant and a very good companion. And while I offer her cash because I am no longer hanging for her at CMC, she refused. She wanted to earn her own keep, admirable but foolish. She think she can KC me like this. hahaha.
BTW, bro Warbird got his new chick. Not a bad looking one... and he has a good deal at hand. Kudos to the BY king - his BIRD is now at WAR!
Hi bro LDH,
You're the MAN! You mean u r not paying anything for ur beautiful singer? Amazing! You hv learned the secrets from Mr. Austin.
As for whatever little success, if any, I hv in BY-ing (mostly failure really) I hv learned from Mr. Austin n you.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
By following the advice of Mr. Austin n bro LDH, I asked a 20 yo student to prove her worth to me. Besides saying that her heart already belongs to me (worthless BS), she would cook for me n try to please me the best she could, etc. She will be a wife/lover/companion/homemaker to me. I told her, should I decide to keep her, she must move close to where I now live n I'll pay her wkly at 20% less than I previously agreed to. She should never ask for extra payment or gifts. She replied, sure, anything is ok.
She then told me abt her younger cousin who just arrived here on visitor pass, but was denied work at TAM bcos she is only 17 (??). She wonders if her cousin could move in w/ us. I said ok bcos I may want to keep both, ya?
BTW, I did meet a 17 yo Fujian gal last yr who was on singer permit at TAM. She turned 18 in Jan this yr.
The question is this: If I provide food n lodging n buy occasional gifts for a 17 yo gal in return for tasting her abalone, am I committing a criminal offense in SIN?
Any comments?
Bro WB
26-07-2010, 02:56 PM
Poor gal, gonna be devoured by our very own predatory WARBIRD!
Well done WB
This gal doesnt need alot of mindfucking, though she aint stoopid, one bonus that I saw that nite, she aint that bright either.
You'll have a very easy time wif her, but do remember what i reminded you, BE THE MASTER OF YOUR STABLE! No discount watsoever!!!!!!
Happy screwing
My esteemed Mr. Austin,
Your advice has been most helpful!!
I hv followed ur instructions to the letter, hehehe.
I'm going to fxk her brains out!
I still hv to be careful even though she is not very smart nor experienced, she is being mentored by her elder cousin.
But I hv a secret nuclear weapon: YOU n bro LDH!! How could I lose? ;)
Ths again,
Bro WB
26-07-2010, 03:39 PM
Hi bro LDH,
You're the MAN! You mean u r not paying anything for ur beautiful singer? Amazing! You hv learned the secrets from Mr. Austin.
As for whatever little success, if any, I hv in BY-ing (mostly failure really) I hv learned from Mr. Austin n you.
Hi Hi bro WarBird,
Bro ME meant I got my virgin for free actually refers to #123, my-ex GF as previously mentioned in another thread. This singer, a syt indeed but can't sing for nuts, farked up everything on her own accord and therefore giving me reasons to dump her.
You have also seen my previous singers from DC, all heavily supported by me and always in the fore-front of glory. However, in the light of happenings in CMC, I have changed my strategy and made my offerings to #888 by giving her cash. To my wonders, she actually refused and said that she can survive without me supporting her. I really like her gusto! This #888 is not a virgin but she is a very sincere gal, down to earth and makes me proud to have her as a companion. She is HOT in bed too and has a body to lust for. These are the pluses on top of her as a very promising singer but I am still assessing her in the interim. In the meantime, I am farking her upside down almost every other day. :D
By following the advice of Mr. Austin n bro LDH, I asked a 20 yo student to prove her worth to me. Besides saying that her heart already belongs to me (worthless BS), she would cook for me n try to please me the best she could, etc. She will be a wife/lover/companion/homemaker to me. I told her, should I decide to keep her, she must move close to where I now live n I'll pay her wkly at 20% less than I previously agreed to. She should never ask for extra payment or gifts. She replied, sure, anything is ok.
Always negotiate on the low and up the price when it calls for, never start high and end higher.
And... remember to give me a season parking to your posh city apartment. Hahahaha... you know I will always hang around that area. Kekeke. :p
26-07-2010, 03:49 PM
I'm going to fxk her brains out!
I still hv to be careful even though she is not very smart nor experienced, she is being mentored by her elder cousin.
But I hv a secret nuclear weapon: YOU n bro LDH!! How could I lose? ;)
This elder mentor cousin lead is of no threat if you play your pieces well. You can also personally get to know her elder cousin - who knows she may also want to game you on and you get them to go at each other throat - 鹤蚌相争,渔翁得利.
And me no secret weapon, I am just a horny little nobody wor.
Make sure the next time we meet, your babe is thoroughly screwed and on wobbly legs. :D
LDH :p
26-07-2010, 07:40 PM
i am at mcm now for a short while for hh...n reading all your posts via my hp and laughing my pants off....glad that all of us are having fun and that's what life is all about right? stupid ger here also talking cock with me say dun want me to by her i dun believe i offer 4k she will reject...but of cos free better but i dun believe in a free lunch
26-07-2010, 10:00 PM
LOL I am back at home...123 and 888 walked pass well as that 66 whom we condemned a while back....66 actually still looks not a nice face...888 i already noticed her the first day she came to work...she's really quite good and have stage presence and can sing unlike 123 who is a syt but can't really sing...anyway no need 4K bro WB....just her air ticket two way will do...haha...she told me she had not screwed anyone in her one month here...I wander if this is true...but doesn't matter la...a screw is a long as she makes me happy can leow...anyway bro WB you are king....shuang fei cousins?...hahahaha....u r another level up leow...
27-07-2010, 01:54 AM
LOL I am back at home...123 and 888 walked pass well as that 66 whom we condemned a while back....66 actually still looks not a nice face...888 i already noticed her the first day she came to work...she's really quite good and have stage presence and can sing unlike 123 who is a syt but can't really sing...anyway no need 4K bro WB....just her air ticket two way will do...haha...she told me she had not screwed anyone in her one month here...I wander if this is true...but doesn't matter la...a screw is a long as she makes me happy can leow...anyway bro WB you are king....shuang fei cousins?...hahahaha....u r another level up leow...
Hahaha, I was at Club Jade earlier. Ought to be there the entire night but some business associates jio me and bro DYBJ down to Lido.... #@@$#%@$#^@#. Took a cab there and down a few shots (well, shots of 3/4 full tea glasses - KNN) with them, staggered back to DC to recuperate so that we can drive back home. Unfortunately, another group of bros called... so here we go again. I am nearly smashed liao at this moment of replying... so any typos please forgive hor. :D
Anyway, glad you like #888 and her singing - this shows that my taste is at least normal. Kekeke... but #123... no comments lah, what was past is past-tense. Cannot remember who is #66 liaoz in my near drunkard state, thought its #99?
Best... LDH :p
27-07-2010, 11:34 AM
Hi Hi bro WarBird,
Bro ME meant I got my virgin for free actually refers to #123, my-ex GF as previously mentioned in another thread............................................ .I have changed my strategy and made my offerings to #888 by giving her cash. To my wonders, she actually refused and said that she can survive without me supporting her.............She is HOT in bed too and has a body to lust for.................In the meantime, I am farking her upside down almost every other day.
Always negotiate on the low and up the price when it calls for, never start high and end higher.
And... remember to give me a season parking to your posh city apartment. Hahahaha... you know I will always hang around that area. Kekeke.
Hello Bro LDH,
You r indeed Mr. Austin's prodigy n u r making him proud, hehehe. You hv come to dominate ur gals so completely!
Posh city apt? It's decrepit...unfortunately, all my free season parking lots r occupied at this time. I'll make it up to u in another way...
This elder mentor cousin lead is of no threat if you play your pieces well. You can also personally get to know her elder cousin - who knows she may also want to game you on and you get them to go at each other throat - 鹤蚌相争,渔翁得利.
And me no secret weapon, I am just a horny little nobody wor.
Make sure the next time we meet, your babe is thoroughly screwed and on wobbly legs.
Ths for ur advice. Wow, it's like playing a chess game. She has an elder cousin n a younger 17 yo cousin. I better get it right this time...
I dun know, my gal is young n fit w/ very firm body, the next time we meet I may be the one w/ wobbly legs n needing a cane, hahaha.:D
Bro WB
i am at mcm now for a short while for hh...n reading all your posts via my hp and laughing my pants off....glad that all of us are having fun and that's what life is all about right? stupid ger here also talking cock with me say dun want me to by her i dun believe i offer 4k she will reject...but of cos free better but i dun believe in a free lunch
Hi Bro ME,
Life is indeed fun fun fun!! It's my good fortune to be able to learn from such bros as Mr. Austin, LDH, Marc5 n you n many others...this stuff they dun teach u in schools n universities.
BY-ing these younger women n SYTs hv made me feel youthful n rejuvenated, like I'm in my 20s again...:cool:
LOL I am back at home...123 and 888 walked pass well as that 66 whom we condemned a while back....66 actually still looks not a nice face......anyway no need 4K bro WB....just her air ticket two way will do...haha...she told me she had not screwed anyone in her one month here...I wander if this is true...but doesn't matter la...a screw is a long as she makes me happy can leow...anyway bro WB you are king....shuang fei cousins?.....
Just a 2 way air ticket to screw a singer? It's a good deal!
I'm just a student of BY, still long on theory n short on practice. Every encounter is a learning experience for me. Shuang fei the cousins? Why not? I wont plan for it but would allow it to happen naturally n effortlessly, if it happens at all. ;)
It behooves me to remember the following most profound sayings in BY-ing WLs:
Mr. Austin: "If you treat them as human, you'll be KCed
If you treat them as bot meat, there's no way on earth you'll be KCed."
Bro LDH: "To add on, make them PROVE to you that they are WORTH it first."
Mr. Austin: "Make them prove their worth every penny before giving a single penny.
If they qualify, give them your penis, then a penny!"
However, it takes lots of dominant self mastery/self control to adhere strictly to the above dictums at all times.:cool:
Bro WB
27-07-2010, 02:55 PM
Its all about perception my good fren
The more u dun care about something, the more u wont give a rats ass about it
The more you care about something, the more attention, TLC and feelings you'll put into it.
Thus the path to KC!
27-07-2010, 03:24 PM
I wonder if the above applies to local girls too...
27-07-2010, 09:05 PM
It applies to everrything we want to own n the purpose of owning it!
Want more from anything in life, be prepared to pay a price for that "More!"
28-07-2010, 10:41 AM
Its all about perception my good fren
The more u dun care about something, the more u wont give a rats ass about it
The more you care about something, the more attention, TLC and feelings you'll put into it.
Thus the path to KC!
My Dear Mr. Austin, another profound pronouncement.
In the past I had some KC for several gals, including my 1st BAO-ee WX, KK n GG...all bcos I cared abt them, forgetting they were just bot meat.
There is a saying tat the person who cares the least in a relationship, controls the relationship.
I'll never make the same mistake again. I'll treat all these gals like pieces of meat, to be savored when fresh n discarded when stale. Zero attachment.
Of course I'll pretend that I care, ya? I'll deepen rapport n emotional bonding w/ them by reflective listening...n by giving them COS on a regular basis.;)
It applies to everrything we want to own n the purpose of owning it!
Want more from anything in life, be prepared to pay a price for that "More!"
Yes, it applies to everything in life.
BTW, I'm now a devotee of Psycanics ( I hv stopped trying to control anything that is external to me. I only need self mastery/self control to be happy n fulfilled most of the time, whatever happens.
Ths n hv a great day!
Bro WB
28-07-2010, 10:26 PM
Interesting...always learn new things from here...psycanics....been feeling tired and stressed out lately...may take a break for a couple of weeks from all these k-ing activities...i tot change from sunday to monday will be good...then got a management meeting early on tuesday instead of monday....maybe it's good to take a rest and reflect on life and realign....(:
30-07-2010, 11:53 AM
Interesting...always learn new things from here...psycanics....been feeling tired and stressed out lately...may take a break for a couple of weeks from all these k-ing activities...i tot change from sunday to monday will be good...then got a management meeting early on tuesday instead of monday....maybe it's good to take a rest and reflect on life and realign....(:
Hi Bro ME,
I hv found psycanics to be scientific, logical, simple, effective n FREE. No donations to anyone or any institution, EVER. All the info is available online.
It's not mysticism as alleged by some religious groups who r scared that their rice bowls will be broken.
The tenet of psycanics is so obvious n simple. You can't rely on or control anything that is external to u to achieve happiness n success. Instead ur happiness n success emanate within u. You can control ur own emotions n be happy most of the time, no matter what happens. This is dominant self mastery/self control. You will be completely detached from life's outcomes.
你会置结局于度外, 置胜败于度外, 置生死于度外。
You will become truly fearless n invincible. We learn in military strategy that a person who is not afraid to die is very difficult to defeat n very, very dangerous. Be that person. Ironically, being such a person will give u the best chance to survive n succeed in life.
"Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once."
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar (II, ii, 32-37)
Let me also quote Psycanics:
"...Life is change: Change is the only constant; change is the only thing that doesn’t change. Thus, Life
is a “parade of events.”
One importance of “events” is that you let your emotions change with them; you let them “cause”
your emotions. This puts you on an emotional roller-coaster that makes your happiness impossible.
• When a “good” event occurs, you activate positive emotions and so feel “happy” for a while.
Note that your positive emotions ALWAYS pass. Occasional positive emotions do not
qualify as true happiness which is positive experience all the time, no matter what.
• When “bad” events occur in your life, you let your negative emotions activate and suffer their
pain. Due to the Laws of Polarity and the Laws of Resistance that we shall study later, your
negative emotions will tend to be much stronger and more lasting than your positive ones.
Thus life becomes more UPS (Unhappiness, Pain n Sufferings) than joy.
Furthermore, that external events cause your emotions is an illusion. As I prove in other books,
external events NEVER cause your emotions. They are under your control, and taking control is the
only effective route to happiness..."
You only need to do some simple mental exercises on a daily basis.
Are there devotees of psycanics out there? I hv never met one in my entire life! If u r, PM me.
Bro WB
30-07-2010, 12:21 PM
Hi bro WB,
Latest updates... bro DYBJ has scored a shuang-fei singers yesterday, one very chio/elegant while the other can sing very well. He has both women taking care of him during last night supper. How envious!? Hahaha.
Me lost to him last night, only managed to get one nice singer nia. Haiz... even flower also lose to him. He one man show all the way, amassing over $10K of flowers on his gals and leaving nothing for me. @%$@%$@^@#$% Buay Zi-dong... :D so cannot lose. thus hung all without flowers $100/- each.
Anyway, see you, bro DYBJ and bro Marc5 tonight.
30-07-2010, 01:26 PM
Hi bro WB,
Latest updates... bro DYBJ has scored a shuang-fei singers yesterday, one very chio/elegant while the other can sing very well. He has both women taking care of him during last night supper. How envious!? Hahaha.
Me lost to him last night, only managed to get one nice singer nia. Haiz... even flower also lose to him. He one man show all the way, amassing over $10K of flowers on his gals and leaving nothing for me. @%$@%$@^@#$% Buay Zi-dong... :D so cannot lose. thus hung all without flowers $100/- each.
Anyway, see you, bro DYBJ and bro Marc5 tonight.
may i know what kind of supper you are referring to???hahaha
30-07-2010, 01:28 PM
may i know what kind of supper you are referring to???hahaha
Real Supper! Solid Supper! :)
Its the OASIS supper! :D
30-07-2010, 02:30 PM
Hi bro WB,
Latest updates... bro DYBJ has scored a shuang-fei singers yesterday, one very chio/elegant while the other can sing very well. He has both women taking care of him during last night supper. How envious!? Hahaha.
Me lost to him last night, only managed to get one nice singer nia. Haiz... even flower also lose to him. He one man show all the way, amassing over $10K of flowers on his gals and leaving nothing for me. @%$@%$@^@#$% Buay Zi-dong... :D so cannot lose. thus hung all without flowers $100/- each.
Anyway, see you, bro DYBJ and bro Marc5 tonight.
Hi Bro LDH,
Mr. Austin strikes again! I hv never done shuang fei...:(
Losing to Mr. Austin is not a loss at all! Losing to him is an honor.
I'm thrilled just being able to sit near him n getting his advice!
You n bro marc5 r the other 2 titans. You trio is the most experienced n most powerful force in our nite scene.:cool:
I'll be there if I feel well enuff.
Ths again,
Bro WB
30-07-2010, 02:31 PM
Real Supper! Solid Supper! :)
Its the OASIS supper! :D
hahahahaa...."totally in awe"....must be with shark's fin and abalone!!!!...the shark is bro bybj and all the delicate abalone being slurped up....hahahaha
30-07-2010, 07:28 PM
Make them prove their worth every penny before giving a single penny.
If they qualify, give them your penis, then a penny!
I read above wisdom last Friday before leaving office.....Was trying to retrace for a re-read.....but couldn't recalled which thread....Finally after 1 week of searching. I found it. :)
Thank you, Bro DYBJ :D
31-07-2010, 04:52 AM
i guess u guys are really the envy of most sg male chiongsters.. alot of us got cheated by these girls and here u guys are, playing them back at their own game. respect :)
31-07-2010, 01:18 PM
Wow Bro WB....looks like you have quite a following here....and yes your articles on psychanics are just post articles regarding to it for us to read if possible... btw remember that girl I told you I would wrap it up by end of this month? Well I haven't yet because I was really bz and tired by work...but we have arranged by mutual consent to do it on a particular day next week before she flys back for a short while...and don't even need to pay for her air ticket of $800...hehehehe.....also I rekindled contact with my previous gal....thinking of keeping her as a fb...hehehe.... for now I would not diversify so much as getting tired of have to monitoring a extensive portfolio...
31-07-2010, 10:24 PM
Wow Bro WB....looks like you have quite a following here....
Bro WB is the undisputed BY King for 2009 and maybe 2010.
01-08-2010, 10:49 AM
Wow Bro WB....looks like you have quite a following here....and yes your articles on psychanics are just post articles regarding to it for us to read if possible... btw remember that girl I told you I would wrap it up by end of this month? Well I haven't yet because I was really bz and tired by work...but we have arranged by mutual consent to do it on a particular day next week before she flys back for a short while...and don't even need to pay for her air ticket of $800...hehehehe.....also I rekindled contact with my previous gal....thinking of keeping her as a fb...hehehe.... for now I would not diversify so much as getting tired of have to monitoring a extensive portfolio...
Hi Bro ME,
Yes, my thread is interesting n owes its success to contributors like u n many others. It gains even more respect when such titans as Mr. Austin, bros marc5 n LDH weigh in w/ their expert opinions n strategies.:cool:
Investing in listed companies is a bit different from BY-ing gals in that over-diversification may impair ur long term results/profits.
Bro WB is the undisputed BY King for 2009 and maybe 2010.
Hi Bro Besafe,
No no, not me as I'm still an elementary student trying to learn the ropes of BY-ing...
.................................................. .................................................. .......
I heard abt a "flower war" which took place at Club jade, 6th Fl of DC complex 2 days ago. I was there in the room w/ the titans, Mr. Austin, bros marc5 n LDH. They were surrounded by 5 elegant singers. I left early bcos of a touch of flu.
It took place during PPC later. The war was between our dear Mr. Austin n a PRC man, who had been the biggest customer of the joint until the arrival of the trio.
I shall not go into details but MR. Austin so thoroughly demolished n humiliated his opponent that I doubt the PRC man will ever show his face again. It was no contest really, more like a massacre. Well done Mr. Austin!!:D
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Back to my favourite topic psycanics. With practice u can indeed hv formidable self control of emotions n be happy most of the time, no matter what.
It would certainly make u immune to KC by any WLs, among other things. But there is a great risk here if u become too successful. If ur emotional control is absolute, u may lose most, if not all, of ur KC even for ur loved ones including ur parents, kids, spouse n siblings, etc. I could already feel this effect even though I hv practiced it for only 3 wks. Not sure if it's good or bad.
Any comments n advice?
Bro WB
01-08-2010, 12:48 PM
I heard abt a "flower war" which took place at Club jade, 6th Fl of DC complex 2 days ago. I was there in the room w/ the titans, Mr. Austin, bros marc5 n LDH. They were surrounded by 5 elegant singers. I left early bcos of a touch of flu.
It took place during PPC later. The war was between our dear Mr. Austin n a PRC man, who had been the biggest customer of the joint until the arrival of the trio.
.................................................. .................................................. ....
It would certainly make u immune to KC by any WLs, among other things. But there is a great risk here if u become too successful. If ur emotional control is absolute, u may lose most, if not all, of ur KC even for ur loved ones including ur parents, kids, spouse n siblings, etc. I could already feel this effect even though I hv practiced it for only 3 wks. Not sure if it's good or bad.
Bro WB
Hi bro WB, it was good to see you last Friday. I was just a "passer-by" in this scene of "flowerings". Bros DYBJ and LDH are the real titans.
On the topic of immunity, there should always be a mental demarcation between WLs and family. So personally I don't see the issue of losing feeling or love for my loved ones. The challenge is to establish this distinction in a sustainable way.
Cheers. :)
01-08-2010, 01:46 PM
Hi bro WB, it was good to see you last Friday. I was just a "passer-by" in this scene of "flowerings". Bros DYBJ and LDH are the real titans.
On the topic of immunity, there should always be a mental demarcation between WLs and family. So personally I don't see the issue of losing feeling or love for my loved ones. The challenge is to establish this distinction in a sustainable way.
Cheers. :)
Hi Bro Marc5,
Pleasure was all mine.
Yes, there should be a very distinct demarcation between WLs n family members.
Dearest family members r still external to oneself. Supposing something terrible were to happen to a member, it would only hv little effect on the emotions of a successful practitioner of psycanics. The UPS (Unhappiness, Pain n Sufferings) will be mild n transient. Other challenging situations including incurable illness, crippling accident or financial ruin, etc. may also provoke little negative emotions in him. Would that be a blessing?
Bro WB
01-08-2010, 03:24 PM
Hi Bro Marc5,
Pleasure was all mine.
Yes, there should be a very distinct demarcation between WLs n family members.
Dearest family members r still external to oneself. Supposing something terrible were to happen to a member, it would only hv little effect on the emotions of a successful practitioner of psycanics. The UPS (Unhappiness, Pain n Sufferings) will be mild n transient. Other challenging situations including incurable illness, crippling accident or financial ruin, etc. may also provoke little negative emotions in him. Would that be a blessing?
Bro WB
Bro WB...any other websites on this?...I am going though a rough patch now...having problems with OC that may lead to a breakup...despite my philandering ways, truth is she still means alot to me...feeling depress and emotional now...don't know how to resolve the situation...wish i can control my emotions much better than this..
01-08-2010, 03:32 PM
BI am going though a rough patch now...having problems with OC that may lead to a breakup...despite my philandering ways, truth is she still means alot to me...feeling depress and emotional now...don't know how to resolve the situation...wish i can control my emotions much better than this..
Seek the root & you can find the cure.
Take a step back and look at the whole picture and you'll see everything clearer.Suggest you start a new thread in Matters Of The Heart, many gurus there who can assist you.
01-08-2010, 03:51 PM
Seek the root & you can find the cure.
Take a step back and look at the whole picture and you'll see everything clearer.Suggest you start a new thread in Matters Of The Heart, many gurus there who can assist you.
LOL bro...yes take a step back to look at the whole picture is right...but have my doubts abt the gurus in matters of the heart la....
01-08-2010, 06:04 PM
Bro WB...any other websites on this?...I am going though a rough patch now...having problems with OC that may lead to a breakup...despite my philandering ways, truth is she still means alot to me...feeling depress and emotional now...don't know how to resolve the situation...wish i can control my emotions much better than this..
You could google it.
PM me ur email n I'll be happy to send u the 35-page Intro to Psycanics. It may not salvage ur RS w/ ur OC, but it should greatly reduce ur UPS resulting from the breakup.
Remember my fren, if u r not happy most of the time (perhaps 95-99% of the time), no matter what, u hv failed in life.
Seek the root & you can find the cure.
Take a step back and look at the whole picture and you'll see everything clearer.Suggest you start a new thread in Matters Of The Heart, many gurus there who can assist you.
LOL bro...yes take a step back to look at the whole picture is right...but have my doubts abt the gurus in matters of the heart la....
You should also start a new thread n detail ur problems. Mr. Austin is a RS guru n he will weigh in...there r other gurus who may assist u. Every RS on the rock is salvageable.
01-08-2010, 09:37 PM
Bro WB,
U are too humble.
U are becoming a Giant and legend.
Take care... I'm off to the sin city of DG.
02-08-2010, 01:19 AM
Bro WB,
U are too humble.
U are becoming a Giant and legend.
Take care... I'm off to the sin city of DG.
You can start a WarBird fan club wif you as his biggest all time number 1 fan!!!!!!
02-08-2010, 01:47 PM
Hi bro WB, it was good to see you last Friday. I was just a "passer-by" in this scene of "flowerings". Bros DYBJ and LDH are the real titans.
Hi bros Marc5 and WB, I was also a "passer-by" on Friday and enjoying the show - I am kinda semi-retired from the HFJ scene, after a while you will realise it is just ain't worth the money spent. I also believe bro DYBJ did not require our assistance at that point. :D
LDH :)
02-08-2010, 04:55 PM
You can start a WarBird fan club wif you as his biggest all time number 1 fan!!!!!!
Hahaha.. Yes ! I am extremely fascinated by our dear Bro WB sexual escapades.
But i am a nobody.... unlike like U lah :D
I am sure you too have a big following :)
Have a great week and.. please make tons of money...
02-08-2010, 05:48 PM
Bro WB,
U are too humble.
U are becoming a Giant and legend.
Take care... I'm off to the sin city of DG.
Hi Bo Besafe,
Not true at all. I may hv detailed my BY-ing experience more than others, but I hv very limited experience n mostly failures. You r actually more experienced n a lot more successful.
However, I'm taking a great leap forward w/ psycanics, hehehe. Great leap forward, hehehe.
Hv fun in DG/CP/CA!!
You can start a WarBird fan club wif you as his biggest all time number 1 fan!!!!!!
Bro Besafe is just pulling my leg, hahaha. He is a lot more experienced n successful than I. Sadly, I dun even hv time to go to DG, CP n CA. Perhaps next yr I could go there n BY 2 gals n bring them back to SIN or Gotham City.
Hi bros Marc5 and WB, I was also a "passer-by" on Friday and enjoying the show - I am kinda semi-retired from the HFJ scene, after a while you will realise it is just ain't worth the money spent. I also believe bro DYBJ did not require our assistance at that point. :
Hi Bro LDH,
I regret that I missed enjoying such an exciting event.
Yeah, take a rest, bro. Your plate is overflowing. BY-ing pussies should only be a side show in our lives.
Hahaha.. Yes ! I am extremely fascinated by our dear Bro WB sexual escapades.
But i am a nobody.... unlike like U lah
I am sure you too have a big following :)
Have a great week and.. please make tons of money...
Hi Bro Besafe,
My sexual escapades? I hv not written any for some time bcos they r becoming mundane n boring. It's ur turn to post them, bro.
BTW, I hv learned a lot from Mr. Austin, ah sorry, I shall address him henceforth as Chairman Austin. I'll try to compile The Sayings of Chairman Austin.
Yes, let's all focus on make tons of money!!
02-08-2010, 06:05 PM
Hahaha... Yes .. Chairman Austin is very apt.
04-08-2010, 11:27 AM
Hahaha... Yes .. Chairman Austin is very apt.
Yes, he is Chairman Austin.
He asked me not long ago, are u tired of bonking. It's getting boring, I replied. You want feelings now, ya?
He is right. But as a devotee of psycanics, I will hv very little, if any, feelings for any gals. Perhaps it's good bcos I can try to KC them w/o getting KC-ed. But having a little feelings for them is healthy n fun, as long as they r well-controlled.
Generally, it will take one full month of BY-ing to generate some feelings for either party. Placing a BAO-ee in her own flat n living or spending lots of time there w/ her will be helpful. It's like staying in one's own home.
Any comments?
Bro WB
04-08-2010, 02:54 PM
But as a devotee of psycanics, I will hv very little, if any, feelings for any gals. Perhaps it's good bcos I can try to KC them w/o getting KC-ed. But having a little feelings for them is healthy n fun, as long as they r well-controlled.
Any comments?
Bro WB
Hi WB,
I know nothing about psycanics. I remember I came across this stuff in some "Learning" articles. Although it is non-religious, I understand it is a "spiritual' science which focus very much on internal world.
Would one become absolute isolation of oneself from the real world? Would excessive practicing this scienec result in 走火入魔?
Looking forward to your enlightenment. Cheers. :)
04-08-2010, 03:08 PM
Some minor updates... Last week's Thursday, I have just scored another singer from Club Jade. Brought her down to DC with several other singers from CJ, CJ boss and of course bro DYBJ was there too with his entourage of singer beauties. We also have a VIP in tow and he is the boss of Ying He, another lengendary flower king, who was there with his 3 singers from 仙子. :D
Dedicated a song 女人花 for my new companion to sing as well as for the fact that bro DYBJ adores this song. kekeke. Popped her a crown and Ying He's boss supported with another! He is such a gamer and a nice warm humble person to be around with.
On the current past Monday, we were all down to DC with bros tanterry, xibeisong, DYBJ, boss of CJ and several singers to support my sisters 月月's 生日秀 and 宣萱's 下档秀. It was a great night!
LDH :)
04-08-2010, 07:22 PM
What do brothers do.. if PRC girl PM you on this forum and asked if you are interested to be her BY?
04-08-2010, 09:06 PM
What do brothers do.. if PRC girl PM you on this forum and asked if you are interested to be her BY?
Would be interesting if she can read and talk english as well as us....I ever sat with a girl who works at level 2,4,6,7 at peace centre as well as TAM and she's a poly grad who can speak and read english!...too bad I wasn't able to get her as she just wan to be good frens with me and not anything else...still ask me to keep her luggage for her while she go holidaying back in China...
04-08-2010, 09:14 PM
Would be interesting if she can read and talk english as well as us....I ever sat with a girl who works at level 2,4,6,7 at peace centre as well as TAM and she's a poly grad who can speak and read english!...too bad I wasn't able to get her as she just wan to be good frens with me and not anything else...still ask me to keep her luggage for her while she go holidaying back in China...
Hi.. it is real. This girl who contacted me is PRC and is a student.
I am puzzled as to why she contacted me.
There are better, younger and richer towkays out there.. like your good self. I am just a nobody.
04-08-2010, 09:36 PM
I am puzzled as to why she contacted me.
There are better, younger and richer towkays out there.. like your good self. I am just a nobody.
I guess she feels safer with you than anyone else after seeing your nick.. ;)
04-08-2010, 09:38 PM
Hi.. it is real. This girl who contacted me is PRC and is a student.
I am puzzled as to why she contacted me.
There are better, younger and richer towkays out there.. like your good self. I am just a nobody.
Cheers. are a lucky and blessed man Bro BeSafe...just take a harm...may turn out to be a GEM...and please la I am just a poor employed worker...not a towkay at all...only my subordinates call me laopan....working my life away for an organisation that may get rid of you once you become too expensive for them...the real towkays are the other brothers in this thread...
04-08-2010, 10:10 PM
I guess she feels safer with you than anyone else after seeing your nick.. ;)
Hahaha.. I am the most unsafe guy for ladies to be around with..... are a lucky and blessed man Bro BeSafe...just take a harm...may turn out to be a GEM...and please la I am just a poor employed worker...not a towkay at all...only my subordinates call me laopan....working my life away for an organisation that may get rid of you once you become too expensive for them...the real towkays are the other brothers in this thread...
Bro....U are too humble.
Your sexual escapades tells me that you are destined for greatness like luminaries such as Chairman Austin, Bro Warbird, Bro LDH and the likes.
I will tread carefully with this encounter.
05-08-2010, 10:06 AM
Hi WB,
I know nothing about psycanics. I remember I came across this stuff in some "Learning" articles. Although it is non-religious, I understand it is a "spiritual' science which focus very much on internal world.
Would one become absolute isolation of oneself from the real world? Would excessive practicing this scienec result in 走火入魔?
Looking forward to your enlightenment. Cheers. :)
Hi Bro Marc5,
I hv found Psycanics to be simple n effective. I'm happier.
No, the focus is not ur inner purpose only. You can still pursue all ur outer purpose including status, money, love, family life n pretty babes...or whatever, but u will be detached to the outcomes n ur happiness will not depend on these external conditions. You will hv absolute self mastery of ur emotions n u will be happy most of the time, no matter what.
You're already cool, calm n collected w/o Psycanics. It should be very easy for u to be truly happy most of the time.
Some minor updates... Last week's Thursday, I have just scored another singer from Club Jade. Brought her down to DC with several other singers from CJ, CJ boss and of course bro DYBJ was there too with his entourage of singer beauties. We also have a VIP in tow and he is the boss of Ying He, another lengendary flower king, who was there with his 3 singers from 仙子. :D
Dedicated a song 女人花 for my new companion to sing as well as for the fact that bro DYBJ adores this song. kekeke. Popped her a crown and Ying He's boss supported with another! He is such a gamer and a nice warm humble person to be around with.
On the current past Monday, we were all down to DC with bros tanterry, xibeisong, DYBJ, boss of CJ and several singers to support my sisters 月月's 生日秀 and 宣萱's 下档秀. It was a great night!
Hi Bro LDH,
You n chairman Austin hv so much energy n so many activities! I wish I had 1/4 of ur energy n virility.
What do brothers do.. if PRC girl PM you on this forum and asked if you are interested to be her BY?
Hi.. it is real. This girl who contacted me is PRC and is a student.
I am puzzled as to why she contacted me.
There are better, younger and richer towkays out there.. like your good self. I am just a nobody.
Hahaha.. I am the most unsafe guy for ladies to be around with.....
Bro....U are too humble.
Your sexual escapades tells me that you are destined for greatness like luminaries such as Chairman Austin, Bro Warbird, Bro LDH and the likes.
I will tread carefully with this encounter.
Hi Bro Besafe,
Is she someone u know or a complete stranger?
Tell her to fxk off if she is a complete stranger. Dun waste ur time. The odds r 1 M to 1 that she will turn out to be ur type of gal. Unless she is recommended by a trusted fren.
I'm just a trainee, not a luminary, who learns by discussing n debating on topics such as ST n BY-ing.
Be good,
Bro WB
05-08-2010, 11:59 AM
Good morning!
I like to share an e-mail I received the other day from a sex guru on a secret that I hv known for many months but still often forget:
<<<Scream-Inducing Female "Hot Button"
Of all the spots on a woman's body that
you can stimulate to drive her crazy... which
one is the MOST powerful?
Care to guess?
As you probably know, I have an interview
series for men called "Interviews With
Sex Gurus" that I do every month.
So over the past years I've had the fun
and, frankly, the learning opportunity of
interviewing all sorts of TOP experts in the area
of sexuality... from tantra masters to clinical
It's been great, and I wanted to share with
you something very fascinating that I've learned
from doing all of these interviews.
After doing many, many of these interviews I
noticed that every single one of these top experts
that I interrogated for their very best information
and their top secret sex tips...
Every one of them, at some point, thought it
was important to bring up this one particular
A fact that MOST men obviously don't know...
and if they DO know, they simply don't DO anything
about that knowledge or there would a LOT more
happy women out there--
Every one of these experts said that the MOST
SENSITIVE and IMPORTANT erotic organ on a woman's
body... the one that, if properly stimulated,
would give her the most POWERFUL ORGASMS, is one
that most men completely ignore.
And, more surprisingly, they ALL agreed on
what that secret spot was.
Have you figured it out yet?
If you've been reading these newsletters for a
while I'm sure you got this one right...
If you haven't been reading these newsletters
and you STILL get it right, then you probably
have a very happy woman in your life...
Did you guess "her brain"?
Because expert after expert that I interviewed
said that the most important and powerful sex
organ in a woman's body was her "mind," her
"imagination", her "thoughts", the "organ between
her ears", and in all other ways of saying it:
Her Brain.
And if you have been reading my newsletters
for a while, then you know I'm not going to just
leave you hanging here... you know that I'm now
going to give you some straight up tips and
techniques on how to USE this information to
drive your woman wild.
In other words, I'm going to answer the
question: "How do I sexually stimulate her B-Spot?"
One of the reasons that couples begin to feel
like they are getting into a rut or that their
sex life is quickly getting less interesting over
time, is that they are so focused on what they
are DOING, rather than on what they are FEELING.
If you look at one of those books like 1001
sex positions, and you remove the ones that are
impossible, uncomfortable, generally silly, or
require 10 years of yoga or gymnastics to get in
to... what you are left with is just a bunch of
minor variations on about 4 basic positions.
Well obviously that's not a ton of variety...
If you are focused on what you are DOING, of
course things can get dull.
And it's so easy, especially after you've had
sex with a partner a dozen times, to just start
taking it for granted...
Clothing off, a little kissing, a little
breast stroking, a little oral, a little
But that is not going to be enough for a
woman to really get what she needs. Building
intimacy and connection is, on the other hand,
an endless source of sexual pleasure and interest.
Love making should never get boring.
And when you ARE in love-- it has the potential
to ALWAYS be exciting.
Not every couple who are in love, though,
manage to translate that love to their sex life.
It takes confidence, courage, and intention to
bring those intimate emotions into your sexual
Making the effort to CONNECT with each other,
and bring her emotional world into the erotic world
is hard. And it is not something that you see in
most media directed at men.
In other words, when men want to get turned on
and they look at pornography, or hot girls in
calendars or swimsuit magazines-- the emphasis
is not exactly too focused on emotions.
But women work differently.
Just respecting that fact and making an effort
to connect with her in a loving way will do
ridiculously powerful things to your sex life.
But, like I said, it takes some courage.
You've got to have balls to play that emotional
card because it makes YOU vulnerable in a really
painful way if she rejects it.
The choice is yours-- I think the risk is well
worth the rewards.
...or in some other way, make an effort to
Women will tell you that most men are
completely silent in the bedroom. Some will make
an effort at "dirty talk", but few really try to
make an effort at connecting in some real way.
"Dirty talk" is way better than nothing...
Many women LOVE dirty talk and say it's a real
turn on... some don't care for it... but IF you are
with a woman that likes it, then it's a great way
to SYNCHRONIZE your feelings together...
First because you are directly stimulating her
brain and you will get powerful results in her pleasure.
More importantly, you are creating the
communication that LINKS YOU UP, so you are on the
same page during love-making... and not just both
locked in your own heads, DOING something together,
but not necessarily THINKING or FEELING it
Speaking of your feelings or emotions, asking
about hers, telling her how she is making you
feel, describing what her skin feels like or
what she smells like, telling her what you want
her to do for you - these are all ways of
linking up your experiences.
All of these things are great ways to use your
words to really connect in with her brain and
make the sexual experience MUCH more intense for
both of you.
But if you don't feel comfortable "chatting"
during sex-- that's fine-- find other ways to
communicate without words... using touch, sighs,
sounds, and eye contact, aggressiveness, tenderness,
or anything else that connects you with each
other's emotional state.
A romantic environment definitely stimulates
the "B-spot."
The obvious way to go here is to light candles,
spread rose petals on the bed...
But the setting does not have to be romantic.
Not all men like that mushy sort of thing, and
BIG TIP here my friend: Not all women like it either.
Doing it someplace exciting is different things
to different people.
The danger of potentially getting caught can
make a parking garage better than rose petals for
more women than you might suspect...
And if you like sharing fantasy, you don't
ever have to leave your bedroom...
If she is an exhibitionist, all you need to do
is TELL her to IMAGINE the place you'd like to
make love to her... Yes, that's right, using your
words again... not necessarily during sex, but
before it... to set the scene.
Remember that creating the setting is even
more powerful when it does not involve a physical
setting-- but rather an emotional one.
If you think about the sorts of things that
turn women on in the movies-- forbidden love,
romantic destiny, wild passion... these are the
things that you can create in her brain before
you ever get to the bedroom.
It takes a bit of imagination, and a bit of
effort, but according to EVERY expert that I've
spoken with, it's WORTH the effort... because the
"B-Spot" is far more powerful than the clitoris,
the g-spot, or any other sexual part on her body.
Try these 3 techniques out TONIGHT. You won't
believe the results. If you've been together for
a while and you're in a rut, just the fact that
you are making this effort my bring her to tears
of gratitude... and screams of passion.
Wishing you the best in love and life,
For Passion,
Be good,
Bro WB
05-08-2010, 03:38 PM
Hi Bro Marc5,
Tell her to fxk off if she is a complete stranger.
Bro WB
I have done exactly that !!! :)
05-08-2010, 09:57 PM
I have done exactly that !!! :)
Ya...very dodgy to pm you for BY....btw kena zapped for speaking my mind by someone who don't even want to leave his name...but with psycanics I am not even bothered! hehehehe
btw how to tell if you are the only guy a girl allows to screw? my recent squeeze claims that so far I am the only guy she has screwed in Singapore...I ask her why as I don't tip her extraordinary well whereas she has other customers who will book her several times...she said she don't know....maybe it's due to us having better communication as I don't drink and prefer to chat....from the sex session it is apparent that she is indeed not experienced in it...and I have a wonderful time as it was such an innocent feeling even though that actual sex was not good...I hope I won't be zapped again for sharing this..
05-08-2010, 10:34 PM
Bro... just PM you.
I dun know what is going on...
I just received an sms from a 22 year old girl (just arrived from Jiangsi) claiming to be friend of a girl that I knew some time ago... but I just can't remember her.
Anyway, she claimed that she is a student here at a business school in Sophia Rd,
and says she is in need of help.......I have arranged to meet her tomorrow.
Let's see wat happened.
If she's pretty....... sigh.......
06-08-2010, 10:19 AM
Ya...very dodgy to pm you for BY....btw kena zapped for speaking my mind by someone who don't even want to leave his name...but with psycanics I am not even bothered! hehehehe
btw how to tell if you are the only guy a girl allows to screw? my recent squeeze claims that so far I am the only guy she has screwed in Singapore.......................she said she don't know....maybe it's due to us having better communication as I don't drink and prefer to chat....from the sex session it is apparent that she is indeed not experienced in it...and I have a wonderful time as it was such an innocent feeling even though that actual sex was not good...I hope I won't be zapped again for sharing this..
If u practice psycanics n LIVE accordingly, very soon NOTHING will bother u. Not even death n pain/sufferings/hardship prior to death.
How to tell if u r the only man in SIN ur gal allows to screw? Can never be 100% sure. Even if she were a virgin when u first fxked her, she might allow others to fxk her soon. It's OK as long as u r hving a wonderful time.
I have done exactly that !!! :)
Good for u!
Bro... just PM you.
I dun know what is going on...
I just received an sms from a 22 year old girl (just arrived from Jiangsi) claiming to be friend of a girl that I knew some time ago... but I just can't remember her.
Anyway, she claimed that she is a student here at a business school in Sophia Rd,
and says she is in need of help.......I have arranged to meet her tomorrow.
Let's see wat happened.
If she's pretty....... sigh.......
Pls write a FR on ur encounter w/ this 22 yo student.
I dun like the odds, but hope springs eternal...
06-08-2010, 12:10 PM
Bro... just PM you.
I dun know what is going on...
I just received an sms from a 22 year old girl (just arrived from Jiangsi) claiming to be friend of a girl that I knew some time ago... but I just can't remember her.
Anyway, she claimed that she is a student here at a business school in Sophia Rd,
and says she is in need of help.......I have arranged to meet her tomorrow.
Let's see wat happened.
If she's pretty....... sigh.......
Bro must be a very reputable bro for pple to sms you like that....anyway I followed up for you on that BY looks not bad...hahahaha....but like that I also bz and no time for such things...
06-08-2010, 12:11 PM
If u practice psycanics n LIVE accordingly, very soon NOTHING will bother u. Not even death n pain/sufferings/hardship prior to death.
I will read and assimilate and funny I was explaining the 90/10 principle by stephen covey to my staff today....and sounds similar....
06-08-2010, 05:19 PM
Pls write a FR on ur encounter w/ this 22 yo student.
Unfortunately I was very tied up today, as I am preparing to leaving for HK, CP and Macau tomorrow. Told her that I will look her up when I am back... U interested to check her out? I can PM her HP to you if you want.:)
Bro must be a very reputable bro for pple to sms you like that....anyway I followed up for you on that BY looks not bad...hahahaha....but like that I also bz and no time for such things...
I am not reputable lah.. Just an old, wrinkled and stupid carrot head that Mei Meis like to chop chop. Thanks for taking her off my mind...
From what I read in the CP thread, there seems to be a strong wind at the moment.. will see wat happens and may switch location or stay in HK and Macau only.
Yesterday checked out some FRs from sex141 and looked at some "live" pics of girls... some are really not bad.... like this one..... (
or this one
or this
06-08-2010, 07:20 PM
i am at cj with some frens now, they just came back from cp, it's really heaven there and earth here... Can fuck unless your dick drop dead hahaha...btw i chatted with her...picture not bad but dodgy as she works in some admin job in a bank...
06-08-2010, 09:12 PM
Hey bros!
It's been a long time but I have found some discoveries!!!
Recently, I popped by to Club Jade on Monday night at the request of my clients and noticed a certain Mei Xin in the club. (It was only after checking out with the waiters there, I realized that she was a previous Ang-Pai singer of Lido Palace).
I really wondered if anyone remembers her at all but she is one hot babe with strong vocals. I found out that she kinda exited the scene rather abruptly back then but to my surprise I saw her at Jade. What a small world!!!
I was sitting in the hall and also noticed that this MeiXin, now known as Xiao Qiao. SHe has a real stage presence as compared to the rest of the singers. However, I learnt from the waitresses there that she has already a very strong supporter, a young man that is. I noticed that she was bombed a $2K crown that night and immediately 买场.
Later that night, I caught a glimpse of the that lucky (yet familiar - wink wink) bro as I was leaving the joint and saw them walking out towards Wilkie Edge hands in hands and lips to lips.
Kuduos to that lucky bro! *Wink wink*
Has anyone had any news about her? Just curious though... Hahahaha..
06-08-2010, 10:08 PM
btw i chatted with her...picture not bad but dodgy as she works in some admin job in a bank...
:eek: She told me she's studying.... maybe internship?
Desperate for $ and sex....
06-08-2010, 10:44 PM
:eek: She told me she's studying.... maybe internship?
Desperate for $ and sex....
she told me she's working as some admin job...must be fake one type...Bro Wb is right to ask her to fuck off!
06-08-2010, 10:48 PM
Hey bros!
It's been a long time but I have found some discoveries!!!
Recently, I popped by to Club Jade on Monday night at the request of my clients and noticed a certain Mei Xin in the club. (It was only after checking out with the waiters there, I realized that she was a previous Ang-Pai singer of Lido Palace).
I really wondered if anyone remembers her at all but she is one hot babe with strong vocals. I found out that she kinda exited the scene rather abruptly back then but to my surprise I saw her at Jade. What a small world!!!
I was sitting in the hall and also noticed that this MeiXin, now known as Xiao Qiao. SHe has a real stage presence as compared to the rest of the singers. However, I learnt from the waitresses there that she has already a very strong supporter, a young man that is. I noticed that she was bombed a $2K crown that night and immediately 买场.
Later that night, I caught a glimpse of the that lucky (yet familiar - wink wink) bro as I was leaving the joint and saw them walking out towards Wilkie Edge hands in hands and lips to lips.
Kuduos to that lucky bro! *Wink wink*
Has anyone had any news about her? Just curious though... Hahahaha..
This lucky bro sounds familar....I was at cj during hh...and popped by MC till 10pm for a short while at the request of my frens...hall is quite desserted but rooms quite full...that fuckedup singer knowing that I wun hang for her anymore treated me as transparent and I am also happy with that...but got some guy still hang her $100 during the first front of him act differently...never see much singers left...quite pathetic...
07-08-2010, 11:10 AM
I will read and assimilate and funny I was explaining the 90/10 principle by stephen covey to my staff today....and sounds similar....
I dun know, maybe it's closer to 90/2. In many Asian countries, the wealthiest 2% own 90% of the assets. And perhaps 2% of men get to fxk 90% of the most desirable gals/women. Just an approximation, hehehe. I stand corrected.
Unfortunately I was very tied up today, as I am preparing to leaving for HK, CP and Macau tomorrow. Told her that I will look her up when I am back... U interested to check her out? I can PM her HP to you if you want.............................................. ...........
From what I read in the CP thread, there seems to be a strong wind at the moment.. will see wat happens and may switch location or stay in HK and Macau only.
Yesterday checked out some FRs from sex141 and looked at some "live" pics of girls... some are really not bad.... like this one..................................
Ths for ur generous offer, bro. She is yours to keep. My luck has been dismal w/ blind dates.
There r many pretty ones among 141 gals. Actually one of the prettiest PRC gals was a 141 hoe I met in HK several yrs ago. A 21 yo tall n fair SH gal who was a student in SIN n who lived in Chinatown at the time.
I will post the pics of two 141 hoes who r my type in terms of looks n body:
Of course they r strictly for ST only.
Good day n happy bonking to all samsters!
Bro WB
07-08-2010, 02:40 PM
I dun know, maybe it's closer to 90/2. In many Asian countries, the wealthiest 2% own 90% of the assets. And perhaps 2% of men get to fxk 90% of the most desirable gals/women. Just an approximation, hehehe. I stand corrected.
Bro WB
Bro's a about how we cannot control 90% of what happens in our lives...but it's our reaction towards these 90% that determines our success...abit different from the 80/20 Pareto principle you are talking about... but your analogy is spot guys are probably the 2%....but I read the email you sent me more in detail yesterday and think that psycanics is indeed a science we can learn from.
07-08-2010, 03:55 PM
This lucky bro sounds familar....I was at cj during hh...and popped by MC till 10pm for a short while at the request of my frens...hall is quite desserted but rooms quite full...that fuckedup singer knowing that I wun hang for her anymore treated me as transparent and I am also happy with that...but got some guy still hang her $100 during the first front of him act differently...never see much singers left...quite pathetic...
Been sometime I have been to MC. The hall is like ghost town now?
07-08-2010, 04:20 PM
Been sometime I have been to MC. The hall is like ghost town now?
yeah the hall is like ghost town now...i only went up a while becos after we finished at cj frens were still horny and wanted to take a atmosphere at all and dun even feel like hanging out of good will...we left after 45 minutes....
07-08-2010, 06:22 PM
Later that night, I caught a glimpse of the that lucky (yet familiar - wink wink) bro as I was leaving the joint and saw them walking out towards Wilkie Edge hands in hands and lips to lips.
Kuduos to that lucky bro! *Wink wink*
Has anyone had any news about her? Just curious though... Hahahaha..
Wah roaz! The intel man is back.... :eek: :D Hee hee
Long time no see or hear bro. Who is that lucky bro huh huh? You ought to ask bros Marc5, Warbirdy & DYBJ more information about Xiao Qiao... you also interested in her hah? :D
07-08-2010, 06:25 PM
This lucky bro sounds familar....I was at cj during hh...and popped by MC till 10pm for a short while at the request of my frens...hall is quite desserted but rooms quite full...that fuckedup singer knowing that I wun hang for her anymore treated me as transparent and I am also happy with that...but got some guy still hang her $100 during the first front of him act differently...never see much singers left...quite pathetic...
Singer #888 Wei Wei will be having her last working day tonight (Saturday) ... and then going back home on Monday. Heard that Meng Han and Ding Ding plus a few others also self-requested on going home soon. This is sad manz... :D
07-08-2010, 09:57 PM
Singer #888 Wei Wei will be having her last working day tonight (Saturday) ... and then going back home on Monday. Heard that Meng Han and Ding Ding plus a few others also self-requested on going home soon. This is sad manz... :D
No biz stay also no point...cut costs and maybe come back at a better joint....but just surprising that AQ bitch still got loyal supporters...she's really not as simple as I tot she is
08-08-2010, 11:34 AM
Bro's a about how we cannot control 90% of what happens in our lives...but it's our reaction towards these 90% that determines our success...abit different from the 80/20 Pareto principle you are talking about... but your analogy is spot guys are probably the 2%....but I read the email you sent me more in detail yesterday and think that psycanics is indeed a science we can learn from.
Hi Bro ME,
You're spot on! We can't control over 90% of what happens in our lives, but we hv 100% control over our emotions n thoughts n's not what happens but how we reaction to the external events that determines our happiness n success, hahaha.
Chairman Austin, Bros Marc5 n LDH r probably in the 0.002% category!
Wah roaz! The intel man is back.... Hee hee
Long time no see or hear bro. Who is that lucky bro huh huh? You ought to ask bros Marc5, Warbirdy & DYBJ more information about Xiao Qiao... you also interested in her hah? :D
Hi Bro LDH,
I also wonder abt the ID of this mysterious young lion, hehehe. I know he is a rising star who keeps a harem...;)
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning to all samsters! What an auspicious day!!
The IRs n World Cup must hv siphoned off a lot of excess cash from the KTV scene as overall spending has declined. Frequent AV raids hv not helped. A fren gave me the good news several days ago that the average BY-ing damage had declined...
In the last 3 months I hv proposed BY to a no. of PRC gals, approx 90% hv accepted my offer. Even the one who flatly rejected me before now said YES. She is a 22 yo student I met 2 1/2 months ago. She was the only KTV gal who told me straight in my face: 你很坏噢! I gave up on her long ago as a lost cause. She was back to PRC n recently returned. She texted me 4 days ago to say hello. I ignored her. Yesterday, she texted me again: X大哥,你说的那件事还算么? She followed up w/ a call. I had promised to take her to eat chilly crabs but never did bcos I thought I could never taste her pussy. So I asked: You mean u still want to eat chilly crabs? I was surprised when she said: Actually no, it's abt the other thing u proposed...
Unfortunately, the timing is very bad for me. But I know she is very fresh n it would be a wonderful experience making love to her, so I agree to meet up n see what can be arranged.
BTW,has damage for BY-ing PRC gals declined? Abt 20%? More?
Bro WB
08-08-2010, 12:43 PM
Hi Bro ME,
Good morning to all samsters! What an auspicious day!!
The IRs n World Cup must hv siphoned off a lot of excess cash from the KTV scene as overall spending has declined. Frequent AV raids hv not helped. A fren gave me the good news several days ago that the average BY-ing damage had declined...
In the last 3 months I hv proposed BY to a no. of PRC gals, approx 90% hv accepted my offer. Even the one who flatly rejected me before now said YES. She is a 22 yo student I met 2 1/2 months ago. She was the only KTV gal who told me straight in my face: 你很坏噢! I gave up on her long ago as a lost cause. She was back to PRC n recently returned. She texted me 4 days ago to say hello. I ignored her. Yesterday, she texted me again: X大哥,你说的那件事还算么? She followed up w/ a call. I had promised to take her to eat chilly crabs but never did bcos I thought I could never taste her pussy. So I asked: You mean u still want to eat chilly crabs? I was surprised when she said: Actually no, it's abt the other thing u proposed...
Unfortunately, the timing is very bad for me. But I know she is very fresh n it would be a wonderful experience making love to her, so I agree to meet up n see what can be arranged.
BTW,has damage for BY-ing PRC gals declined? Abt 20%? More?
Bro WB
I think that business in ktvs are generally not as good...hence girls are less choosy and more desperate for easy recent girl told me that both customers and girls are getting smarter...customers who used to give monthly 10k will split it up into weeks in case the girl just take the money and run....and girls who are considering to be BY also knows that customers say they will BY but after a few weeks will get sick of them after all the there is a tug of war between the two camps...anyway I am not very happy with what she did and I have decided to drop her since anyway I am the first guy to screw her in Singapore...maybe will try to up her friend to piss her off! haha....
08-08-2010, 07:43 PM
Thumbs up for all the Experienced and willing-to-share bros here!! i have always been wanting to got cheong these KTVS whenever i pass by at night, but i dont know if there's any age limit or cover charge or rules for these KTVs and also dont know those prominent ones. cause i am still not 25 yet, and look rather young,so dont really know how to go into all these KTVs without any experienced bros' accompany or tips and guidances.
TOtally agree that those girls area so sexy hot, really wish to be involved in all these fun soon! so far, i only had cheong those OKTs, but really dont know how to go around in the KTV or even pick up those girls~! will really appreciate if any bro can guide along cause i think it's time to move on to more exciting real deals!
And by the way, really impressed by all the bros here for ur sharing. CHEERS!
08-08-2010, 08:58 PM
i do not seem to have such luck.
you guys must be those lucky ones.
09-08-2010, 10:26 AM
I think that business in ktvs are generally not as good...hence girls are less choosy and more desperate for easy recent girl told me that both customers and girls are getting smarter...customers who used to give monthly 10k will split it up into weeks in case the girl just take the money and run....and girls who are considering to be BY also knows that customers say they will BY but after a few weeks will get sick of them after all the there is a tug of war between the two camps...anyway I am not very happy with what she did and I have decided to drop her since anyway I am the first guy to screw her in Singapore...maybe will try to up her friend to piss her off! haha....
Hi Bro ME,
I hv followed Chairman's advice n always pay my BAO-ees wkly. No deals when the gals insist on monthly payments.
Dun believe their lies, bro, they r WLs.
Thumbs up for all the Experienced and willing-to-share bros here!! i have always been wanting to got cheong these KTVS whenever i pass by at night, but i dont know if there's any age limit or cover charge or rules for these KTVs and also dont know those prominent ones. cause i am still not 25 yet, and look rather young,so dont really know how to go into all these KTVs without any experienced bros' accompany or tips and guidances.
TOtally agree that those girls area so sexy hot, really wish to be involved in all these fun soon! so far, i only had cheong those OKTs, but really dont know how to go around in the KTV or even pick up those girls~! will really appreciate if any bro can guide along cause i think it's time to move on to more exciting real deals!
And by the way, really impressed by all the bros here for ur sharing. CHEERS!
Hi bro myvoice6cwei,
The gals hv to be 18, although I know some younger gals hv managed to work there using someone's else passports.
As for guys, must be 18? Or 21 like the casino?
Many of these KTV gals may only look glamorous from a distance. Having enuff money is a prerequisite to bonking them.
Sometimes I hv outings to TAM HH. PM me if u r interested. My kakis range in age from early 20s to over 70.
Bro WB
12-08-2010, 11:05 AM
Good morning!
The US has been in a secular bear market since Mar 2000 punctuated by bear market rallies. IMHO, this generally negative trend may last another 10 or more yrs. Prospects for SIN n China r better of course. In this difficult markets, some select blue chips n start ups can still do very, very well.
Back to the subject of "picking up KTV gals."
There has been a dearth of pretty SYTs in the last several months. Tall n pretty SYTs? Hv not seen one yet for some time. What is happening?
Currently, I do hv a 20 yo SYT student, but she is not my usual type. She is small at 162 n 45 kg. Every part of her is proportionately small though. I put her n her younger sister, who is even tinier, in a studio apt. They cook dinner for me 3 times a wk. I'll keep them as long as they continue to please me or until I find someone "better."
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Last wk, I received an email from a seduction/sex guru. I like to share it w/ all samsters who r not handsome in the traditional sense. It should apply to both non-WLs n Wls.
How To Outperform "Pretty Boys" With Women (And You Will)
Think that the "GQ model" type of guys who tend to
catch women's eye naturally have a better dating life than you ever
Not a long shot. Here's the fascinating reason why
you CAN and SHOULD do better with women than they can.
Looks may in fact "matter", but NOT in the way you might think. At
the very least, not in the SAME WAY that how a woman looks matters
to guys.
Here's how it all works.
First, let's look at the "average" guy.
And for the record, by "average" I mean ANY guy who doesn't see
himself as being particularly good looking. My firmly held belief
is that ALL of us can be at least an "average guy" by simply caring
enough to have self-respect.
So please don't e-mail me moaning about how you're probably "below
average", and how what I'm about to say therefore still won't help
you. It's the whining about that itself that actually spells out
"below average"...believe me.
Since "Mr. Average" is not particularly good looking, he may think
that he has less of a chance with a beautiful woman.
This is predicated on logic, of course. Deep down, we all tend to
feel like we should get what we think we deserve.
So "Mr. Average" sees "Mr. GQ" with a beautiful woman, and despairs.
But then again, it always seems like the NEXT beautiful woman he
sees is with a guy whom he might think doesn't deserve her as much
as HE does. And that frustrates him.
Despair alternating with frustration. Why? Because he's assuming
the women he sees must make dating and relationship decisions the
way WE do as men.
So he sees "Mr. GQ" as deserving, and any less handsome man with a
pretty woman as simply "lucky" or something. And he resents BOTH
As a result, HIS PROBLEM is that he can't get up the nerve to ASK A
But if he could just muster a bit of confidence, he may find that
his masculinity, ability to put a woman at ease in his presence and
his solid character could actually make women go crazy for him
after they meet him.
In fact, a BIG part of his frustration may even lie in knowing that
if he could just get a woman on a first date, she'd LOVE HIM.
Have you ever caught yourself thinking that? I know I have.
Meanwhile, let's consider "Mr. GQ".
Women naturally smile at him when they see him. They may even
flirt a little more noticeably.
Heck, women may APPROACH HIM.
He might even have women throwing slips of paper with their phone
number on it at him.
As such, he likely has NO PROBLEM getting first dates.
But when you get right down to it, a first date does NOT equal
"success with women".
And if you're among the legion of "Mr. Average" guys out there, you
might not ever see the part that comes next. You may not even ever
consider the POSSIBILITY of it, frankly.
Here it is, though: I've lost count of the number of "handsome"
guys who can get a first date with ANY woman, but who can't get a
SECOND DATE to save their lives.
Why not?
Usually it's one of three reasons:
1) Women, as I've mentioned before, ultimately can't stand to be
"upstaged" in the looks department. Insecurity and jealousy cause
them to run away.
2) The guy falls for his own shortsighted belief that women make
dating decisions the same way men do, and therefore develops an
arrogant attitude based on his looks. Women like good-looking
guys, but they can't stand arrogant ones. Mark that.
3) It turns out the guy is either BORING or a flat-out WUSS behind
that "pretty boy" façade. Game over.
Isn't the "big picture" here a little bit crazy?
"Mr. Average" doesn't get a FIRST DATE...mostly due to having psyched
himself out with negative "self-talk".
"Mr. GQ" can't get a SECOND DATE...for one (or all) of the reasons
listed above.
In the end BOTH GUYS FAIL with women.
And the most breathtaking part of this whole scenario? Both guys
actually have the SAME PROBLEM.
NEITHER guy has the ability to CHOOSE the women they really want.
Whether that means "short term fling" or "long term relationship"
is irrelevant. If ANY GUY fails to create DEEP ATTRACTION in a
woman, he's getting nowhere with her.
And remember, this is REGARDLESS OF LOOKS.
What's the net/net of all this?
It's simple. Good looks may help a guy catch a woman's eye up
front, but really only "matter" as it pertains to HOW and WHEN
success or failure with women presents itself.
And "average" guy may need to take a more objective approach
to getting a woman's attention initially.
But ultimately, ONLY the "Big Four" matter when it comes to truly
ATTRACTING her...on YOUR TERMS and for as long as you'd like her to
be in your life.
And the bottom line is that ONLY guys who are in CONTROL of their
dating lives can expect to have success with women.
In the example given above, neither "Mr. Average" nor "Mr. GQ" has
CONTROL over his dating life.
They don't hold the cards when it comes to deciding which women
they want to keep around for any length of time.
So if you think about it, whether a guy feels like he has a hard
time GETTING a woman's attention or KEEPING it, the problem is
still pretty much the same thing in the end: He doesn't have the
women in his life that he wants.
And by the way, if you think that the good looking guy may still
have one-up over "average" guys because he can get the "quick lay"
out of the transaction before he ultimately blows it, guess again.
As I've shown you before in the past, high quality women DO NOT
make decisions regarding who to sleep with the same way guys do.
Without "Big Four" substance, ANY guy can forgettaboutit.
But WITH the "Big Four" in full effect, you essentially weed out
just about ALL of your "competition" in today's modern, neutered
world replete with confused men...good-looking and otherwise.
I can hear someone asking, "Yeah, but what about women who AREN'T
high quality?"
What about 'em?
If a woman has low self-esteem and the lower standards that go with
it, the irony is that a more "average" guy may have a better
chance, as it were, even with her.
I personally thank my lucky stars that I DON'T have "model looks",
but that I know what the "Big Four" are and recognize their
importance. My dating life has been way less complicated that
way...and far more successful
How about you? Can you adopt that mindset and take full advantage
of the power it holds?
Be Good,
BTW, the "Big Four" factors refer to the traits of a real MAN which attract women. They r: Masculinity, Confidence, Inspiring confidence n Character.
Still want to look like Mr. GQ?
I rather be a lio chi ko pek w/ the "Big Four" n dominant self mastery/self control n lots of moolah, hehehe.:D
Any comments n criticisms?
Bro WB
12-08-2010, 09:33 PM
Miss your updates Bro WB...good to see you back..Man and Woman are attracted by different things....women changes as they age...when they are young they tend to go for the good looking hunky type...after they grow up...they go for the man who have character who have humour who have career who have money...I have also been working on the points you brought up in your thread and I find that I am more successful in my pursuit of gals now...for example previously I may just tempt them with money or sweet nothings....while money works for the cheap girls...if you really want to get the GEM you have to work at the other components....recently been successful in getting some girls who refuse pure ST...but also been tired...will rest for sometime and maybe stick to ST for a couple of weeks...
As for the market...VIX is back up...lots of sentiment driven movements....really do not know which is the trend....75% in Emerging Markets and 25% in Matured markets like US and Europe...wonder if i can hold equities for the next 5 years if it is going to be a secular bear market.....
13-08-2010, 09:06 PM
I am preparing to leaving for HK, CP and Macau tomorrow.
Hi Bro WB,
I am back from my trip to CP, Macau and Hong Kong.
What a trip !!!!
I am totally exhausted from fucking.. day in day out.:p
I have found a desirable Hubei Girl and is making arrangements for her to come to Singapore:D
14-08-2010, 10:40 AM
Miss your updates Bro WB...good to see you back..Man and Woman are attracted by different things....women changes as they age...when they are young they tend to go for the good looking hunky type...after they grow up...they go for the man who have character who have humour who have career who have money...I have also been working on the points you brought up in your thread and I find that I am more successful in my pursuit of gals now...for example previously I may just tempt them with money or sweet nothings....while money works for the cheap girls...if you really want to get the GEM you have to work at the other components....recently been successful in getting some girls who refuse pure ST...but also been tired...will rest for sometime and maybe stick to ST for a couple of weeks...
As for the market...VIX is back up...lots of sentiment driven movements....really do not know which is the trend....75% in Emerging Markets and 25% in Matured markets like US and Europe...wonder if i can hold equities for the next 5 years if it is going to be a secular bear market.....
Hi Bro ME,
Stock markets n pussies. We hv so much in common!
In a prolonged secular bear market, we need to buy when an equity is undervalued n sell when it's overvalued. Dun hold forever.
Hi Bro WB,
I am back from my trip to CP, Macau and Hong Kong.
What a trip !!!!
I am totally exhausted from fucking.. day in day out.:p
I have found a desirable Hubei Girl and is making arrangements for her to come to Singapore.................
Hi Bro Besafe,
Welcome back!
You should detail ur sexcapades in those 3 places.
Where did u find the highest quality gals of ur type? Pls disregard the damage.
Bring ur Hubei gal here. We should start BY-ing these gals n bringing them to SIN for our exclusive enjoyment.
BTW, I met an old kaki yesterday. He has completely given up KTVs here due to the poor quality of gals. He prefers pretty SYTs aged 18-21. He visits CP every 2 months. I mentioned to him abt my desire of going there, BY-ing n bringing them back here. He said, great idea. Damage a month is SGD 3K for gals from CP (4K for gals from SZ). Must bring 2-3 of them here at a time bcos these younger gals wont dare to come alone. He is such a good fren that I told him he could fxk my gals foc.
We also agree that we should only BY gals of the same standard as Sugar, our No.1 gal n our gold standard in all of GL. BTW, she went back to PRC in Mar n is happily married! We both discovered her independently in Feb this yr n not one FR written abt her!
Bro WB
14-08-2010, 11:47 AM
Though not a contributor in this thread, I do enjoy all the reads. It gives me pleasure to voice thanks and appreciation to all the bros who contributed in this thread. It's like a refresher course. Thank you :)
Bro Warbird, I totally agree with your advice to Bro MoralEpitome. Just like a pola bear, it's not easy to kill off a secular bear market which begins at extremes and ends at extremes :)
14-08-2010, 12:59 PM
Good morning!
The US has been in a secular bear market since Mar 2000 punctuated by bear market rallies. IMHO, this generally negative trend may last another 10 or more yrs. Prospects for SIN n China r better of course. In this difficult markets, some select blue chips n start ups can still do very, very well.
Back to the subject of "picking up KTV gals."
There has been a dearth of pretty SYTs in the last several months. Tall n pretty SYTs? Hv not seen one yet for some time. What is happening?
Currently, I do hv a 20 yo SYT student, but she is not my usual type. She is small at 162 n 45 kg. Every part of her is proportionately small though. I put her n her younger sister, who is even tinier, in a studio apt. They cook dinner for me 3 times a wk. I'll keep them as long as they continue to please me or until I find someone "better."
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Last wk, I received an email from a seduction/sex guru. I like to share it w/ all samsters who r not handsome in the traditional sense. It should apply to both non-WLs n Wls.
How To Outperform "Pretty Boys" With Women (And You Will)
Be Good,
BTW, the "Big Four" factors refer to the traits of a real MAN which attract women. They r: Masculinity, Confidence, Inspiring confidence n Character.
Still want to look like Mr. GQ?
I rather be a lio chi ko pek w/ the "Big Four" n dominant self mastery/self control n lots of moolah, hehehe.:D
Any comments n criticisms?
Bro WB
nice info.. warbird
14-08-2010, 01:03 PM
You should detail ur sexcapades in those 3 places.
Where did u find the highest quality gals of ur type? Pls disregard the damage.
Bro WB
Well, I will try in the coming days.
As for damage, I am sure you have deep pockets... I enjoyed myself too and spend much more than above the average would spend there.
I met this girl in CP at a KTV near to the hotel that I am staying in.
Initially I didn't took notice of her.. until the mummy asked her to stand in front of me.
Later as we talked, I was mesmerized by her intellect and very cultured manner. As the evening progresses on, I asked if she is convenient to spend the night with me. She told me that her relative was visiting and recommended another girl. I was quite disappointed.
It was only a few hours later (in the hotel room), the girl that she recommended told me that she actually never goes out with anyone.
I contacted her and seek her out the next day. I "dumped" my "understanding" friends and had dinner with her. The more we talked, the more I liked her.. so I proposed that I invite her to Singapore for an all expense paid holiday. She says she will consider and let me know in 1 weeks time. We are now connected on QQ.
I can't say that CP has the best quality girls.. It is up to individuals.
My friend had the same girl for 4 nights..and she gave him the best GFE (according to him) ever.
With $$$, I am sure the mummies and papasans are most willing to help seek them out for you. The trick is to go round the various KTVs and seek them out. We were patronising various KTVs every night and i only met her on the 3rd night.
Bro... Go to China and not necessarily must be in CP.
Oh.. BTW, I bonked two stunning walkers in Lisbo (macau)... and booked for overnight which cost me about HK$6K per girl. Shit.. small head got the better of me.... :(
Oh.. bTW.. the routine program for me in CP was
1) Morning - Bonk girl
2) Breakfast
3) Rest and nap
4) Lunch
5) Rest and nap
6) Afternoon - Body or foot massage (at least 2 hours)
7) Rest and wash up for dinner
8) Dinner
9) KTV
10) Go to room with Girl - bonk
11) Go out for supper
12) Back to room and bonk
13) Rest and bonk again
14-08-2010, 03:01 PM
Though not a contributor in this thread, I do enjoy all the reads. It gives me pleasure to voice thanks and appreciation to all the bros who contributed in this thread. It's like a refresher course. Thank you :)
Bro Warbird, I totally agree with your advice to Bro MoralEpitome. Just like a pola bear, it's not easy to kill off a secular bear market which begins at extremes and ends at extremes :)
Bro Ichigo from what little I understand about are also very knowledgeable in the art of investment and have pretty personal bankers attending to you....this is a good thread to share about making money and bonking pussies....let's all enjoy making money and screwing together!
14-08-2010, 03:08 PM
Oh.. bTW.. the routine program for me in CP was
1) Morning - Bonk girl
2) Breakfast
3) Rest and nap
4) Lunch
5) Rest and nap
6) Afternoon - Body or foot massage (at least 2 hours)
7) Rest and wash up for dinner
8) Dinner
9) KTV
10) Go to room with Girl - bonk
11) Go out for supper
12) Back to room and bonk
13) Rest and bonk again
Yeah...exactly as what my frens narrated to me their activities in CP....if I am still single...would really want to go...unfortunately my OC is very smart and an avid reader of no way of hiding anything from such thing as business trips to China in my line of work...hehehe....and paying alimony is not fun...unless you guys have any idea how to get round the outdated women's charter in spore
14-08-2010, 06:47 PM
Hi Bro LDH,
I also wonder abt the ID of this mysterious young lion, hehehe. I know he is a rising star who keeps a harem...;)
Me pretty curious too. :D
Anyway, I am near to retirement from the HFJs scene liaoz... have too much fun and losing life objectives. My wives are angry with me... so I had better be a good boy. :D But, we can still do drinks every now and then...
14-08-2010, 06:50 PM
Though not a contributor in this thread, I do enjoy all the reads. It gives me pleasure to voice thanks and appreciation to all the bros who contributed in this thread. It's like a refresher course. Thank you :)
Bro Warbird, I totally agree with your advice to Bro MoralEpitome. Just like a pola bear, it's not easy to kill off a secular bear market which begins at extremes and ends at extremes :)
The most important thing in stock market is you must know how to manage the downs and capitalize the ups. Both up and down swings got their advantages, depending on your strategies. Have fun, its interesting times out there!
14-08-2010, 08:19 PM
Me pretty curious too. :D
Anyway, I am near to retirement from the HFJs scene liaoz... have too much fun and losing life objectives. My wives are angry with me... so I had better be a good boy. :D But, we can still do drinks every now and then...
Bro, u sure you retiring?....hehehe....i have already retired...
14-08-2010, 09:36 PM
......this is a good thread.....
I concur with your statement above.
Me just a commoner enjoying this thread from esteem bros here who are rich in dollars, rich in sense and are able to hack the stage in half :)
The most important thing in stock market is you must know how to manage the downs and capitalize the ups. Both up and down swings got their advantages, depending on your strategies.....
Bro LDH, Well Said.
In my humble opinion, the key to a good performance is having a good insight and to be always ready, willing, equipped and nimble enough to capitalize and seize on the opportunities when they present themselves with positioning of long/short strategies within the short opening window timeframe and go for gold ! :)
14-08-2010, 10:35 PM
Yeah...exactly as what my frens narrated to me their activities in CP....if I am still single...would really want to go...unfortunately my OC is very smart and an avid reader of no way of hiding anything from such thing as business trips to China in my line of work...hehehe....and paying alimony is not fun...unless you guys have any idea how to get round the outdated women's charter in spore
C'mon bro.... show her who's the boss lah !
Just say that you are going for a short holiday with the boys.
Ask her to also go on one with her "sisters"
Maybe you can sponsor her for a spa cum buying spree in HK or Tokyo.:)
15-08-2010, 02:28 AM
Wah roaz! The intel man is back.... :eek: :D Hee hee
Long time no see or hear bro. Who is that lucky bro huh huh? You ought to ask bros Marc5, Warbirdy & DYBJ more information about Xiao Qiao... you also interested in her hah? :D
Am hunting for the name of that lucky bro but seems that he's not been going CJ for a few days. Anyway, yup! It's been a long time because I've been doing some research.. Heehee...
15-08-2010, 02:33 AM
yeah the hall is like ghost town now...i only went up a while becos after we finished at cj frens were still horny and wanted to take a atmosphere at all and dun even feel like hanging out of good will...we left after 45 minutes....
Not bad! Ghost town and you can tahan for 45mins? I cannot tahan for that long.. Less than 5mins and I'm gone.. Hahaha...
15-08-2010, 02:35 AM
Hi Bro LDH,
I also wonder abt the ID of this mysterious young lion, hehehe. I know he is a rising star who keeps a harem...;)
__________________________________________________ ______________
Bro WB and LDH,
I also wonder who is that mysterious young lion.. Just noticed him a few times. Do not know why, kept bumping into him wherever I go.. :cool:
15-08-2010, 05:59 AM
Bro, u sure you retiring?....hehehe....i have already retired...
Confirm, chop stamp. :D Already... retired liaoz... bro tanterry & xibeisong can attest to that. Kekeke.
Some more got rumors yesterday and today gotten to my ears that some HFJ folks say I bankrupt liaoz... that's nice. Just because I am no longer hanging ... hee hee. Anyway, not that I care about anything but just be happy...
So when our drinks together bro?
LDH :)
15-08-2010, 08:01 AM
Confirm, chop stamp. :D Already... retired liaoz... bro tanterry & xibeisong can attest to that. Kekeke.
Some more got rumors yesterday and today gotten to my ears that some HFJ folks say I bankrupt liaoz... that's nice. Just because I am no longer hanging ... hee hee. Anyway, not that I care about anything but just be happy...
So when our drinks together bro?
LDH :)
I've retired also liao heehee
15-08-2010, 10:13 AM
Though not a contributor in this thread, I do enjoy all the reads....
Bro Warbird, I totally agree with your advice to Bro MoralEpitome. Just like a pola bear, it's not easy to kill off a secular bear market which begins at extremes and ends at extremes....
Hi Bro Ichigo_Kurosaki,
Ths for ur kind words. Your future support n contributions will be greatly appreciated.
nice info.. warbird
You make my day!
Well, I will try in the coming days.
As for damage... I enjoyed myself too and spend much more than above the average would spend there.
I met this girl in CP at a KTV near to the hotel that I am staying in...........
I can't say that CP has the best quality girls............................
With $$$, I am sure the mummies and papasans are most willing to help seek them out for you. The trick is to go round the various KTVs and seek them out. We were patronising various KTVs every night and i only met her on the 3rd night.
Bro... Go to China and not necessarily must be in CP.
.................................................. .......
Hi Bro besafe,
Ths so much for ur detailed FR on CP n Macau...meeting the right gal is often a chance occurrence n she could appear from nowhere, unexpectedly, hehehe.
I admire the fact that u can bonk 3 times a day. As a lao chi ko pek, the best I can do is once daily for a few days.
Bro Ichigo from what little I understand about are also very knowledgeable in the art of investment and have pretty personal bankers attending to you....this is a good thread to share about making money and bonking pussies....let's all enjoy making money and screwing together!
Hi Bro ME,
Let's expand the discussions of this thread to "picking up money" bcos money n pussies r the main goals of all healthy men. IMHO, the best way to make money is by investing/trading equities. Real estate would be the next best. Some gifted people could also do very well w/ futures n options trading, etc.
Me pretty curious too.
Anyway, I am near to retirement from the HFJs scene liaoz... have too much fun and losing life objectives. My wives are angry with me... so I had better be a good boy. :D But, we can still do drinks every now and then...
__________________________________________________ ______________
Bro WB and LDH,
I also wonder who is that mysterious young lion.. Just noticed him a few times. Do not know why, kept bumping into him wherever I go.. :cool:
Hi Bros LDH n othniel,
Who is that mysterious young lion? I heard he is also thinking of retiring...;)
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
15-08-2010, 10:39 AM
Too many replies so I don't quote and paste....
Hahaha....good la...all retired then all the singers can fly home leow...
Bankrupt? Rumours are the mother of all fu(kups and though psycanics we should not be bothered by them... I think if not for the spending and hanging power of the bros here(not me hor)...many of the joints were be bankrupt!
Bro BeSafe...yes I am slowly trying to ascertain my power back....she thinks that I have to listen to her now lor as she is mistress of the house....recently sold a property to take back my money with a small small profit...and left with just 1 to stay in...sometimes no choice la...i still feel miserable if we were to break up....obviously haven't reach the level of some the bros here...share some tips to control your OCs from time to time...
As for investment....I am overweight Brazil, India, Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea and China and buying mutual funds invested in these areas....the property market in Singapore has reached peakish levels and I only have 1 which I intend to shifted in next year...more for stay than investment as I bought it at a historical high price...anyway I am just a regular joe guy holding on to a regular job aiming to hit my first million(excluding primary domicile) by gurus probably already achieved it...
15-08-2010, 02:39 PM
Bro BeSafe...yes I am slowly trying to ascertain my power back....she thinks that I have to listen to her now lor as she is mistress of the house....recently sold a property to take back my money with a small small profit...and left with just 1 to stay in...sometimes no choice la...i still feel miserable if we were to break up....obviously haven't reach the level of some the bros here...share some tips to control your OCs from time to time...
As for investment....I am overweight Brazil, India, Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea and China and buying mutual funds invested in these areas....the property market in Singapore has reached peakish levels and I only have 1 which I intend to shifted in next year...more for stay than investment as I bought it at a historical high price..
Take a leaf from Bro WB and also Chairman Austin lah.
As for me.. I took a very heavy beating in the European property stocks.:(
15-08-2010, 04:42 PM
Take a leaf from Bro WB and also Chairman Austin lah.
As for me.. I took a very heavy beating in the European property stocks.:(
Yeah....i am learning from them....and assimilating what they write here ardently...hahahaha
15-08-2010, 09:55 PM
I've retired also liao heehee
Another old HFJ bird buddy gone... hahaha :D
Seriously, we should all do a drink together - all the retired hangers. Stare at the singers, smile at them a PPC... just before the end, we all stand up and leave... hahahaha. :p
15-08-2010, 09:57 PM
Take a leaf from Bro WB and also Chairman Austin lah.
As for me.. I took a very heavy beating in the European property stocks.:(
Forget the developed countries or cities, go for emerging markets. :p
16-08-2010, 07:40 PM
Take a leaf from Bro WB and also Chairman Austin lah.
As for me.. I took a very heavy beating in the European property stocks.:(
Hi bro besafe,
I hv loaded up on another start up which is making me a little worried given the prevailing economic conditions. But no venture, no gain. In a couple of months, I either make 100-150% of my invested money or lose 50-60%. The chances of losing is 50%, but the odds r heavily in my favor. Supposing I invest $10, there is a 50% chance I'll make $10-15 n a 50% chance I'll lose $5-6. Good odds, ya?
Forget the developed countries or cities, go for emerging markets. :p
Good advice!
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good evening!
Tmr I'll be going out of town to take care of an urgent affair n will not hv time to post for several days.
BTW, our Chairman has another attractive attribute: Personal authority. This is powerful. Speak, move n act w/ authority like a chairman or a 4-star general, hehehe.
For example, I met a tall gal of my type the other day. Absolutely no ST. I already booked another gal, so asked her to butterfly n she never came back. I can't forget her proportionate body n firm ample ass which I squeezed.:p Today, I just announced to her my intention to BY her n I dun want her to work anymore...she was stunned, tacitly agreed n asked me to call her on my return. I'll meet up w/ her n decide. Although her boobs appear big, I need to squeeze them too, hehehe.
Bro WB
16-08-2010, 08:40 PM
Another old HFJ bird buddy gone... hahaha :D
Seriously, we should all do a drink together - all the retired hangers. Stare at the singers, smile at them a PPC... just before the end, we all stand up and leave... hahahaha. :p
heard today's storm even powerful than the one that came last friday lol
After the storm's over, sure can join all you for a drink :)
16-08-2010, 08:44 PM
Some more got rumors yesterday and today gotten to my ears that some HFJ folks say I bankrupt liaoz...
Bro LDH, some folks say you bankrupt? Don't kid me...let's start hanging again? Just kidding. :)
16-08-2010, 09:45 PM
Hi bro besafe,
I hv loaded up on another start up which is making me a little worried given the prevailing economic conditions. But no venture, no gain. In a couple of months, I either make 100-150% of my invested money or lose 50-60%. The chances of losing is 50%, but the odds r heavily in my favor. Supposing I invest $10, there is a 50% chance I'll make $10-15 n a 50% chance I'll lose $5-6. Good odds, ya?
Bro WB
Bro WB...your risk reward ration is 1 to 2...which is absolutely right! in the long run...the odds are in your to Bro LDH previous comments on cut your losses fast and let your profits's part of the theory in turtle trading...legends of the turtles...interesting book which I had read about how traders can be trained and not born...and also agreed with Bro LDH on emerging markets...currently going in systematically into emerging markets with the intention of holding for 3 to 5 years...but I will still balance it out slightly with a msci world index fund....
16-08-2010, 09:50 PM
heard today's storm even powerful than the one that came last friday lol
After the storm's over, sure can join all you for a drink :)
Bro, share with us the storm although I have retired from the hanging flower scene not that I really started in the first place...hahah....
My "mistress" is back in China for two weeks and I kinda miss her...I like her because she really understands me and know my situation....not like some other girls only try to KC me to get the most out of me...probably will just relax with her for the rest of the year till I get sick of her... will try my best to cut down after going HH four to five times a week...
16-08-2010, 10:11 PM
[QUOTE=warbird;5122711]Hi bro besafe,
I hv loaded up on another start up which is making me a little worried given the prevailing economic conditions. But no venture, no gain. In a couple of months, I either make 100-150% of my invested money or lose 50-60%. The chances of losing is 50%, but the odds r heavily in my favor. Supposing I invest $10, there is a 50% chance I'll make $10-15 n a 50% chance I'll lose $5-6. Good odds, ya?
Good advice!
.................................................. .................................................. .......
HI Warbird,
You are very brave to play with such a big stake with such odds. I thought odds and chances mean the same thing. So if your chance of losing is 50% i.e. half, your odds of winning is also 50% or even chance only and the odds are therefore not heavily in your favor. So the odds are not good at all especially you lose half of your money when you are wrong. If that happens, you need to double your money again in the next bet before you are even. After a couple more bad bets, it will be quite difficult to recoup your investment. Or am I missing something?
Thanks for the many wonderful lessons on life and KTV girls. I really enjoy reading your thread.
16-08-2010, 10:19 PM
heard today's storm even powerful than the one that came last friday lol
After the storm's over, sure can join all you for a drink :)
We can all go to some KTV pubs, BYO gal, cheap drinks and somemore can sing and play pools at the same time. :D
Who's onz??? Kekeke.
16-08-2010, 10:20 PM
Bro LDH, some folks say you bankrupt? Don't kid me...let's start hanging again? Just kidding. :)
Like I always said bro, I am a poor man. Please do not have high expectations of me ... :D
16-08-2010, 11:21 PM
HI Warbird,
You are very brave to play with such a big stake with such odds. I thought odds and chances mean the same thing. So if your chance of losing is 50% i.e. half, your odds of winning is also 50% or even chance only and the odds are therefore not heavily in your favor. So the odds are not good at all especially you lose half of your money when you are wrong. If that happens, you need to double your money again in the next bet before you are even. After a couple more bad bets, it will be quite difficult to recoup your investment. Or am I missing something?.....
Bro singlad, don't mind my comment to above as I find it kinda of interesting.
Bravery is a subjective term. It depends on what you mean by brave cos for some people, just making a simple decision is an act of bravery. Being brave implies doing something out of the ordinary that is taking a huge risk without 2nd thought. However, fortune often favours the bold while the brave hit a brick wall prematurely cos success comes to those who are able to quickly identify and systematically eliminate risks in the right order using the right level of resources and the right methods and accept responsibiltiy for the outcome.
Just my 2 cents worth. Hope you don't mind and apologize for my intruded opinion. Thanks :)
17-08-2010, 09:50 AM
Bro WB...your risk reward ration is 1 to 2...which is absolutely right! in the long run...the odds are in your to Bro LDH previous comments on cut your losses fast and let your profits's part of the theory in turtle trading...legends of the turtles...interesting book which I had read about how traders can be trained and not born...and also agreed with Bro LDH on emerging markets...currently going in systematically into emerging markets with the intention of holding for 3 to 5 years...but I will still balance it out slightly with a msci world index fund....
Bro, you're right on the risk: reward ratio!
.................................................. .................................................. .......
HI Warbird,
You are very brave to play with such a big stake with such odds. I thought odds and chances mean the same thing. So if your chance of losing is 50% i.e. half, your odds of winning is also 50% or even chance only and the odds are therefore not heavily in your favor. So the odds are not good at all especially you lose half of your money when you are wrong. If that happens, you need to double your money again in the next bet before you are even. After a couple more bad bets, it will be quite difficult to recoup your investment. Or am I missing something?
Thanks for the many wonderful lessons on life and KTV girls. I really enjoy reading your thread.
Bro, you're wrong on the risk: reward ratio. Pls calculate again.
I'm leaving for the airport now. I'll discuss when I return.
17-08-2010, 10:19 AM
.....I'm leaving for the airport now. I'll discuss when I return.
Godspeed bro warbird!
In the absence of details, a prima facie look at the risk reward ratio does indicate that the investment proposition seem attractive.
Just ensure that there is no "continual pouring of good money over bad" type of scenario and you will be fine. This is a life lesson that I have learnt and hopefully continue to adhere.
17-08-2010, 10:43 AM
to quote the words of warren buffet and george soros....risk is only when you don't know what you are doing and diversification is for the dogs....
Have a good trip bro wb...
17-08-2010, 11:03 AM
to quote the words of warren buffet and george soros....risk is only when you don't know what you are doing and diversification is for the dogs......
hi bro ME, .... shouldn't it be "diversification when it comes to bitches"? :cool:
Diversification or even the perception of it can be used as leverage to coax that little bit of 'extra' from your BY.
Being "taken for granted" is an absolute anathema when it comes to courting and maintaining a gal. Even more so in the case with the professional purveyors of KC.
Being taken for granted erodes the element of respect and the desire to please.
And we do want to inflame the gals 'desire to please' ...... its from here that we can derive great sexual joy.
17-08-2010, 07:39 PM
Bro, share with us the storm although I have retired from the hanging flower scene not that I really started in the first place...hahah....
My "mistress" is back in China for two weeks and I kinda miss her...I like her because she really understands me and know my situation....not like some other girls only try to KC me to get the most out of me...probably will just relax with her for the rest of the year till I get sick of her... will try my best to cut down after going HH four to five times a week...
tell you if you buy me a drink, k? lol
17-08-2010, 07:54 PM
We can all go to some KTV pubs, BYO gal, cheap drinks and somemore can sing and play pools at the same time. :D
Who's onz??? Kekeke.
sure onz
A/w for Bro ME to agree to buy drinks leh hahaha
17-08-2010, 10:35 PM
sure onz
A/w for Bro ME to agree to buy drinks leh hahaha
lol...I dun mind treating a HH session at CJ one of these days this month...but you guys can only make during SH ley and I can only make it during HH....actuallly I low profile guy la....and not chatty sort, so shy to meet new brudders...
btw saw yoyo from cmc back at armani as a it true hang 100 at armani big leow?....their target only 5K a mth...
17-08-2010, 10:38 PM
hi bro ME, .... shouldn't it be "diversification when it comes to bitches"? :cool:
Diversification or even the perception of it can be used as leverage to coax that little bit of 'extra' from your BY.
Being "taken for granted" is an absolute anathema when it comes to courting and maintaining a gal. Even more so in the case with the professional purveyors of KC.
Being taken for granted erodes the element of respect and the desire to please.
And we do want to inflame the gals 'desire to please' ...... its from here that we can derive great sexual joy.
Cheers! are right but doesn't work for my girl ley...she always tell me never mind if I want to meet other girls or go other joints go ahead...think she's doing a reverse KC on me....yup but it's fun to play with such mind games sometimes...
17-08-2010, 11:04 PM
Like I said lor, retired liaoz. No more the need to "punch card" so HH is also the CAN! Hahaha :D
Quick quick when when the drinks drinks. I know a certain BJ & WB bro also kinda thirsty.
sure onz
A/w for Bro ME to agree to buy drinks leh hahaha
lol...I dun mind treating a HH session at CJ one of these days this month...but you guys can only make during SH ley and I can only make it during HH....actuallly I low profile guy la....and not chatty sort, so shy to meet new brudders...
btw saw yoyo from cmc back at armani as a it true hang 100 at armani big leow?....their target only 5K a mth...
tell you if you buy me a drink, k? lol
17-08-2010, 11:15 PM
maybe this thur or fri HH?...bro WB overseas la....TT ok?....anyone else? cj room easy to get....keep it low profile or?
17-08-2010, 11:17 PM
actually i think i prefer thursday...since tomorrow dun intend to cheong...thursday itchy leow..hahaha...
17-08-2010, 11:36 PM
maybe this thur or fri HH?...bro WB overseas la....TT ok?....anyone else? cj room easy to get....keep it low profile or?
Hahaha, I think TT will above Peace Centre for a while ... :D
His gal will be running after him... story withheld, until clearance from the man himself. :D
18-08-2010, 09:36 AM
Hahaha, I think TT will above Peace Centre for a while ... :D
His gal will be running after him... story withheld, until clearance from the man himself. :D
Bro LDH....TT says he will drop by on thursday HH for a while at how? you on then I will book a room...just a simple chill out session...own time own target sort la...I will probably jio another serial fucker to join if he can make guys prefer new wing or old wing...then up to bro TT whether he wants to share his stories or not...haha...
18-08-2010, 10:57 AM
Bro LDH....TT says he will drop by on thursday HH for a while at how? you on then I will book a room...just a simple chill out session...own time own target sort la...I will probably jio another serial fucker to join if he can make guys prefer new wing or old wing...then up to bro TT whether he wants to share his stories or not...haha...
Hahaha, I think TT will above Peace Centre for a while ... :D
His gal will be running after him... story withheld, until clearance from the man himself. :D
Low profile isn't enough for me. i gotta go on slient mode when in peace centre lol
18-08-2010, 04:56 PM
Bro LDH....TT says he will drop by on thursday HH for a while at how? you on then I will book a room...just a simple chill out session...own time own target sort la...I will probably jio another serial fucker to join if he can make guys prefer new wing or old wing...then up to bro TT whether he wants to share his stories or not...haha...
I can be there around 7om too. How to contact you bro? :D
18-08-2010, 06:23 PM
I can be there around 7om too. How to contact you bro? :D
Okay...then I book a room at the new wing, entrance via the carpark or main lobby and very discreet....I will call derek the operations mgr later...I pm you my hp....but maybe I need to leave abit earlier at honoured to finally meet the two of you...hahaha....will sms you guys the room no. after I reach about 630...
18-08-2010, 11:43 PM
Okay...then I book a room at the new wing, entrance via the carpark or main lobby and very discreet....I will call derek the operations mgr later...I pm you my hp....but maybe I need to leave abit earlier at honoured to finally meet the two of you...hahaha....will sms you guys the room no. after I reach about 630...
Wah.... 830pm leave liaoz... so early. :D
I am bringing a beautiful songbird along... :p
19-08-2010, 07:31 AM
Wah.... 830pm leave liaoz... so early. :D
I am bringing a beautiful songbird along... :p
so fast got already a songbird ah
now who's retiring?:D
19-08-2010, 11:49 AM
so fast got already a songbird ah
now who's retiring?:D
LOL....I am girl-less....just there to say hi to you guys...anyway booked the room at the new wing...newer and one of my lupsup fren to join us...but he's leaving early at 8pm guys can proceed to extend or venture to the hall later la...
a leopard can't never change it spots....unless it becomes a tiger hahaha....who's washing his hands off the golden basin???
19-08-2010, 12:22 PM
You are wrong on me retiring... I am already retired.
This songbird was my ex-flame. We still have the hots for each other ... :D You guys will see her later then ... kekeke.
so fast got already a songbird ah
now who's retiring?:D
LOL....I am girl-less....just there to say hi to you guys...anyway booked the room at the new wing...newer and one of my lupsup fren to join us...but he's leaving early at 8pm guys can proceed to extend or venture to the hall later la...
a leopard can't never change it spots....unless it becomes a tiger hahaha....who's washing his hands off the golden basin???
19-08-2010, 09:36 PM
Not sure how to paste pictures....cut out the url and hope it works...
Anyway just back for a HH session with Bro LDH and Bro was a fun chill out and get to know you usual Bro LDH bought along one of his harem of girls....a sweet beauty...sorry bro if I stared too hard at her..can't help it.....hahahaha....she looks like Silver Ang...the girl on the left in the pic....god knows where they are now...hahahaha.....nice meeting you guys....
19-08-2010, 10:25 PM
Oh man, the girl on the left really look like silver ang
19-08-2010, 11:00 PM
Oh man, the girl on the left really look like silver ang
She is...I am saying bro LDH's cai looks like her...hehehe... never mind...maybe I cock eye....wait for him to be back to verify...
19-08-2010, 11:08 PM
Oh man, the girl on the left really look like silver ang
She is...I am saying bro LDH's cai looks like her...hehehe... never mind...maybe I cock eye....wait for him to be back to verify...
Thanks guys. This miscommunication literally made me LOL and had me in stiches. :D
20-08-2010, 01:16 PM
Thanks guys. This miscommunication literally made me LOL and had me in stiches. :D
Always glad to provide some entertainment here!
20-08-2010, 03:24 PM
Not sure how to paste pictures....cut out the url and hope it works...
Anyway just back for a HH session with Bro LDH and Bro was a fun chill out and get to know you usual Bro LDH bought along one of his harem of girls....a sweet beauty...sorry bro if I stared too hard at her..can't help it.....hahahaha....she looks like Silver Ang...the girl on the left in the pic....god knows where they are now...hahahaha.....nice meeting you guys....
Thanks bro ME for hosting the session! It was great fun with you guys. :D
I thought my gal looks like Vivian Hsu. Hee Hee.
Maybe next time, I will bring along another babe who looks like Vivian Chow. :p
LDH :)
20-08-2010, 06:25 PM
Thanks bro ME for hosting the session! It was great fun with you guys. :D
I thought my gal looks like Vivian Hsu. Hee Hee.
Maybe next time, I will bring along another babe who looks like Vivian Chow. :p
LDH :)
Wow...Vivian Chow was my teenage fantasy....I still remember me and my classmates collected Yes cards....I got Charlie Yeung and he got Vivian we swop cards...hahahaha....
Talking abt Charlie Yeung....there is a certain health centre that has a girl that looks like her...super AP...I am sure most of the brudders here know about her...
Anyway my fren who was abit kpo was very impressed with you...he asked me how come you got such a harem of beautiful singers....I told him you are the Flower Prince!
20-08-2010, 06:57 PM
Anyway my fren who was abit kpo was very impressed with you...he asked me how come you got such a harem of beautiful singers....I told him you are the Flower Prince!
Bro ME,
On my, what prince !!? ... I am retired my friend. I have not hung a single dime since last Friday, which was my final hooray. :D I used to have a budget of $15K- a day, but now even as I spend $1K- a night, I also tulan. Dunno why...
Time now to see how many of my singer GFs will continue to be with me... hahaha. So far 3 still sticking around, 2 in China and the 3rd one you guys saw yesterday.
You know bro, after our session yesterday, I went to another famous HFJ another bro. Sat down only seat not warm yet, KNN tio recognised liaoz. Soon, 5 singers flocked to our table. One of them even openly flirted with me when my GF (one you saw yesterday) was just sitting beside me. It was that scary... suddenly I felt I was the meat and they were the vultures. Kekeke.
20-08-2010, 07:53 PM
Not sure how to paste pictures....cut out the url and hope it works...
Anyway just back for a HH session with Bro LDH and Bro was a fun chill out and get to know you usual Bro LDH bought along one of his harem of girls....a sweet beauty...sorry bro if I stared too hard at her..can't help it.....hahahaha....she looks like Silver Ang...the girl on the left in the pic....god knows where they are now...hahahaha.....nice meeting you guys....
Thanks for the drinks and hosting the session! nice meeting you guys...your friend should have up his gal liao. Made me drink so much with her lol
Bro ME,
On my, what prince !!? ... I am retired my friend. I have not hung a single dime since last Friday, which was my final hooray. :D I used to have a budget of $15K- a day, but now even as I spend $1K- a night, I also tulan. Dunno why...
Time now to see how many of my singer GFs will continue to be with me... hahaha. So far 3 still sticking around, 2 in China and the 3rd one you guys saw yesterday.
You know bro, after our session yesterday, I went to another famous HFJ another bro. Sat down only seat not warm yet, KNN tio recognised liaoz. Soon, 5 singers flocked to our table. One of them even openly flirted with me when my GF (one you saw yesterday) was just sitting beside me. It was that scary... suddenly I felt I was the meat and they were the vultures. Kekeke.
I think it's down to the fact that your harem of girls have certain standard. The one you brought last night is slightly better than 6th floor that one and also on par with 888 :D
20-08-2010, 10:26 PM
Bro ME,
On my, what prince !!? ... I am retired my friend. I have not hung a single dime since last Friday, which was my final hooray. :D I used to have a budget of $15K- a day, but now even as I spend $1K- a night, I also tulan. Dunno why...
Time now to see how many of my singer GFs will continue to be with me... hahaha. So far 3 still sticking around, 2 in China and the 3rd one you guys saw yesterday.
You know bro, after our session yesterday, I went to another famous HFJ another bro. Sat down only seat not warm yet, KNN tio recognised liaoz. Soon, 5 singers flocked to our table. One of them even openly flirted with me when my GF (one you saw yesterday) was just sitting beside me. It was that scary... suddenly I felt I was the meat and they were the vultures. Kekeke.
Well's good to see who will still stick with you if you cut down on expenses....when it becomes too commercial also sianz leow...anyway imo your "vivian hsu" is nicer than 123 and 888....docile and sweet...not sure about your other girls though hehehe...apparently one of my frens hung her at DC before...not sure if she ever worked there before...
The HJ scene is a very pragmatic one...but then so is this world...although money cannot buy makes the whole world goes round...can understand how you feel...bopian...your reputation precedes you...sure you know how to handle these singers...hahaha...I also wanna take a break...been going 5 days a week HH for the past six months....that's why today never cheong...hahaha...
20-08-2010, 10:35 PM
Thanks for the drinks and hosting the session! nice meeting you guys...your friend should have up his gal liao. Made me drink so much with her lol
I think it's down to the fact that your harem of girls have certain standard. The one you brought last night is slightly better than 6th floor that one and also on par with 888 :D fren is really lupsup one...he works in the fund management industry and pay not bad...but he very calculating with the girls...refuse to pay more than $150 for a screw...but he still quite successful la cos alot of girls like him...I should learn from him and not be too nice to the girls....his first and third girl can screw leow...the 2nd one is a singer from Shen Hua....probably need abit more... I asked her roughly how much she expects for a BF...she said 2K can leow...and BY about 5K if got some lots of singers around for you bro...must search carefully for the good ones...don't find those who got many supporters but still try to kay kay la...
as for man's meat could be another man's poison....but bro ldh's singer got our unanimous vote that she's good stuff! hahaha....
21-08-2010, 10:55 AM
Good morning to all samsters!
A special thank you to all esteemed bros here who hv contributed so many lively n interesting posts. Pls keep them coming!
Yeah, money n pussies. No money, no pussies. So let's talk money first.
I hv alluded to risk/reward ratio in all investments/trading. Let me give an example:
Supposing u invest in a biotech co which has a novel product awaiting FDA approval in 3 months. The stock price is now $5. Based on ur best analysis, the probability of approval is only 30%. However, if approved, the stock price could surge to $20, n if disapproved, the stock price could be cut in half to $2.5. Would u invest in such a co? What is the risk/reward ratio? What if the chances of approval r only 20%? The new ratio? And if only 10%?
Back to "picking up."
Last wk, I picked up several gals outside the lifts in DC n TAM complex. There is one gal who is not young (born in 1985) but quite pretty n has my preferred body type. She is fair, 165 w/o shoes, 50 kg, nice straight legs, C boobs (natural she assured me) n big, firm n shapely butt (at least 35 plus) n small waist. Most importantly, she has the smallest wrists n forearms of all the PRC gals I hv seen. She said her wrists r as small as her 7 yo female cousin's! Her body is what I call a 尤物,better than KK n my 1st BAO-ee, etc. She has slender upper arms n shoulders too, though proportionately not as tiny bcos she used to carry merchandise up n down stairs while working in her cousin's shop in China. She is very feminine n submissive...
Unfortunately, she only has 10 days left on her visitor pass n has agreed to ST, otherwise I would love to BY her.
Bro WB
21-08-2010, 02:11 PM
Good morning to all samsters!
A special thank you to all esteemed bros here who hv contributed so many lively n interesting posts. Pls keep them coming!
Yeah, money n pussies. No money, no pussies. So let's talk money first.
I hv alluded to risk/reward ratio in all investments/trading. Let me give an example:
Supposing u invest in a biotech co which has a novel product awaiting FDA approval in 3 months. The stock price is now $5. Based on ur best analysis, the probability of approval is only 30%. However, if approved, the stock price could surge to $20, n if disapproved, the stock price could be cut in half to $2.5. Would u invest in such a co? What is the risk/reward ratio? What if the chances of approval r only 20%? The new ratio? And if only 10%?
Back to "picking up."
Last wk, I picked up several gals outside the lifts in DC n TAM complex. There is one gal who is not young (born in 1985) but quite pretty n has my preferred body type. She is fair, 165 w/o shoes, 50 kg, nice straight legs, C boobs (natural she assured me) n big, firm n shapely butt (at least 35 plus) n small waist. Most importantly, she has the smallest wrists n forearms of all the PRC gals I hv seen. She said her wrists r as small as her 7 yo female cousin's! Her body is what I call a 尤物,better than KK n my 1st BAO-ee, etc. She has slender upper arms n shoulders too, though proportionately not as tiny bcos she used to carry merchandise up n down stairs while working in her cousin's shop in China. She is very feminine n submissive...
Unfortunately, she only has 10 days left on her visitor pass n has agreed to ST, otherwise I would love to BY her.
Bro WB
Wow...sounds like F maths....I only took C maths because I don't have a flair for calculations and numbers....not to mention I nearly flunk my physics!....the risk reward ratio is 1 to 2.4 thereabouts....
If cannot BY...the next best time is ST!...or maybe the other way...hahahaha...
Good to see u back bro WB...sorry for hijacking your thread to talk cock, I meant pussies...
22-08-2010, 07:08 PM
Well's good to see who will still stick with you if you cut down on expenses....when it becomes too commercial also sianz leow...anyway imo your "vivian hsu" is nicer than 123 and 888....docile and sweet...not sure about your other girls though hehehe...apparently one of my frens hung her at DC before...not sure if she ever worked there before...
as for man's meat could be another man's poison....but bro ldh's singer got our unanimous vote that she's good stuff! hahaha....
Yes bro ME, you are right! She ("VH") was formerly from DC and is one hot stuff. I gave her the permission to "bait" other men into hanging. Many tried to onz her, all failed cos every night she will return back to my apartment until I dumped her. :D Somehow after such a long while, we still have the hots for each other. Have not hung for her ever since, but she and I are like a couple outta the eyes of everyone except for those in our inner circle - now bro tanterry and you inclusive.
On comparison:
VH versus #123 - no fight lah for #123 except that one good thing #123 was a virgin.
VH versus #888 - comparable. Both are very attractive, gentle, intelligent and excellent singers.
Recently, I was down to another hot HFJ in town. Got hooked up with another attractive singer for zero cost after I was spotted for my cameo appearance there. I did not even hang a dime for her but but ... I spent the night over her place on Saturday... haiz. :p
BUT I am sticking to my vows of not hanging and retiring except for buddies drinking session at such KTVs.
LDH ...
22-08-2010, 09:04 PM
Yes bro ME, you are right! She ("VH") was formerly from DC and is one hot stuff. I gave her the permission to "bait" other men into hanging. Many tried to onz her, all failed cos every night she will return back to my apartment until I dumped her. :D Somehow after such a long while, we still have the hots for each other. Have not hung for her ever since, but she and I are like a couple outta the eyes of everyone except for those in our inner circle - now bro tanterry and you inclusive.
On comparison:
VH versus #123 - no fight lah for #123 except that one good thing #123 was a virgin.
VH versus #888 - comparable. Both are very attractive, gentle, intelligent and excellent singers.
Recently, I was down to another hot HFJ in town. Got hooked up with another attractive singer for zero cost after I was spotted for my cameo appearance there. I did not even hang a dime for her but but ... I spent the night over her place on Saturday... haiz. :p
BUT I am sticking to my vows of not hanging and retiring except for buddies drinking session at such KTVs.
LDH ...
Wow meant last night? fast?...I got an acquaintance who has a lover there...he spend like 20 to 30K a month on champion la...but more sextisfying to get it for free hahahaha....heard the flowers there are quite powderful one should start a new thread "fucking ktv girls outside KTVs without paying!" but surely you take care of them in other ways la...teach us a trick or two...
I also cutting down on my HH more monday to friday...abit overdose for me....trying to find other interests in life...good la...siew xi shi wei le zou geng chang de lu
23-08-2010, 10:51 AM
Wow meant last night? fast?...I got an acquaintance who has a lover there...he spend like 20 to 30K a month on champion la...but more sextisfying to get it for free hahahaha....heard the flowers there are quite powderful one should start a new thread "fucking ktv girls outside KTVs without paying!" but surely you take care of them in other ways la...teach us a trick or two...
I also cutting down on my HH more monday to friday...abit overdose for me....trying to find other interests in life...good la...siew xi shi wei le zou geng chang de lu
I was down with my singer GF (the one you and TT met during HH) and a bro to this HFJ on last thursday, somehow seat haven't sit warm warm already kanna spotted by 3 singers liaoz. Soon our table was full of singers... KNN. :mad:
There was this singer (lets call her 'Ms A')whom I got to know from one of the previous HF joint I been too was suddenly getting very cosy with me. My bro can detect her smiles and glances towards my direction. Fark man! Since when I have been so attractive... wah raoz!!?
Anyway, this bro wanted to go on Friday as well because he found his ex-lover there at this HFJ too... too coincidence??? Well, maybe cos the HF scene is really small anyway. Despite her customer hanging more than $1K on her, Ms A was in our room most of the time...
So yar, we went for supper and talk cock a bit before sending Ms A home. There were plentiful hints from her... I told her that I am retired because I am returning back to my proper family business cos my dad is getting old/ill health and thus I have to limit my image towards any bad vibes/playboy/cheongster, or whatever shit it will be. She said doesn't matter, not that she needs my support or money. To me, I was thinking "really meh, fark got such good deal?" Maybe I am no longer trusting... maybe I do not need such things anymore. Who gives a fark!?
Before I can even reached home, we were already on the line and chatting away till 7am in the morning! Thus me decided to go down with my bro on Saturday night as well... I did not even hang anything but Ms A was there in the room with me again. One thing led to another, soon we were drinking in Boat Quay and soon back to her home for loving continuations. :D
Damn! I was so tired that I took the whole of Sunday afternoon to stay at home and rest. NBz - what luck indeed.
23-08-2010, 10:56 AM
Wow...sounds like F maths....I only took C maths because I don't have a flair for calculations and numbers....not to mention I nearly flunk my physics!....the risk reward ratio is 1 to 2.4 thereabouts....
If cannot BY...the next best time is ST!...or maybe the other way...hahahaha...
Good to see u back bro WB...sorry for hijacking your thread to talk cock, I meant pussies...
Hi Bro ME,
You're close enuff bcos investing, like BY-ing gals, is not an exact science.
In the example, assuming a 30% probability of approval, the risk reward ratio is a favorable 1 to 2.57. If approval occurs in 3 months, what is ur annualized return?
If the probability is 20%, the ratio is 2 to 3, which is marginally acceptable.
If the probability is only 10%, the ratio is 1.5 to 1, which is totally unacceptable.
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Good morning!
Back to pussies. Actually ST can also be very satisfactory. If I like a gal but can't ST her, then I'll try to BY her, not the other way round. Of course when u BY a gal, she usually gives u much better service. If not, u just dump her.
There r always exceptions. I did a ST the other day, it was wonderful. She is the gal (let's call her ZZ) I picked outside the lift. I didn't book her bcos when I 1st looked at her deep cleavage I mistakenly thought that her boobs were enchanced. When I phoned her after several days, she was pleasantly surprised. She has been here for less than a month on social pass n is due to leave soon to assist her sister' newborn baby. I assumed that she did ST n told her that I would pick her up n take her to a safe place.
ZZ: What for?
Me:To make love.
ZZ: No!
Me: Yes!
ZZ: I hv not done it since I came here.
Me: For me u hv to. How much?
ZZ: XXX$ (unreasonable amt)
Me: No, YYY$
She didn't say yes or no. I asked for her address n went to pick her up....
She is 165 w/o shoes, 50 kg. She looks better when totally nude! Very fair w/ near perfect body type w/ tiny wrists, natural c boobs n large, protruding pink nipples, small waist n big n shapely butt n long legs. Pretty n tight pussy too.
Best of all, she has very well-demarcated bilateral dimples of Venus or butt dimples, very rare in a PRC gal. Very sexy!,
Why r these dimples important? It means the gal has a very sexy ass...there is more. Allow me to share a secret w/ bros here. Gals w/ these dimples r very likely to squirt!!:D BTW, KK has two shallow dimples, though very wet but never squirted for me.:(
OMG!.....................certainly one of the best fucks I ever had.;) I may hv to BY her n keep her for myself.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!
Bro WB
23-08-2010, 01:47 PM
You guys have such exciting lives...Sat i was with OC doing boring things....Sunday I just run some errands like paying billing and buying some stuffs....and was reading a book "How to make money in Stocks in any market condition"....I was comtemplating doing ST with some of the girls I got to know in the past 2 weeks but decided that reading would be more productive for my soul! hahaha..... I miss my part time GF who will only be back on the 29th!.....anyway reading your updates are always such a source of bro LDH....this singer really no ulterior motive huh...this would be very interesting indeed...let us know how it pans for bro WB...we should have a good mix of ST and BY...and you are right....should not limit ourselves to anything! so how's the start up you invested in? i remember a few months back you were also talking about something like I supposed that investment worked out?
23-08-2010, 02:35 PM
Good morning to all samsters!
A special thank you to all esteemed bros here who hv contributed so many lively n interesting posts. Pls keep them coming!
Yeah, money n pussies. No money, no pussies. So let's talk money first.
I hv alluded to risk/reward ratio in all investments/trading. Let me give an example:
Supposing u invest in a biotech co which has a novel product awaiting FDA approval in 3 months. The stock price is now $5. Based on ur best analysis, the probability of approval is only 30%. However, if approved, the stock price could surge to $20, n if disapproved, the stock price could be cut in half to $2.5. Would u invest in such a co? What is the risk/reward ratio? What if the chances of approval r only 20%? The new ratio? And if only 10%?
Back to "picking up."
Last wk, I picked up several gals outside the lifts in DC n TAM complex. There is one gal who is not young (born in 1985) but quite pretty n has my preferred body type. She is fair, 165 w/o shoes, 50 kg, nice straight legs, C boobs (natural she assured me) n big, firm n shapely butt (at least 35 plus) n small waist. Most importantly, she has the smallest wrists n forearms of all the PRC gals I hv seen. She said her wrists r as small as her 7 yo female cousin's! Her body is what I call a 尤物,better than KK n my 1st BAO-ee, etc. She has slender upper arms n shoulders too, though proportionately not as tiny bcos she used to carry merchandise up n down stairs while working in her cousin's shop in China. She is very feminine n submissive...
Unfortunately, she only has 10 days left on her visitor pass n has agreed to ST, otherwise I would love to BY her.
Bro WB
Hi Bro WB,
Glad to hear from you again. I think there is a big difference between good odds i.e the chance of a positive outcome and good risk reward ratio i.e. the results if it happens. If the odds are low, then the chance of a positive outcome is also low. Hence, even if the risk reward ratio in the above case is a positive 1 to 2.57x, the chance of it happening is only 30%. I believe that one must have good odds say at least 60:40 before one can load up on any investment. For a guy like you who have made it, it is hard to imagine you would do something which give you sleepless nights.
You shouldn't risk any of your solid financial status at all. We wish that you can continue your BY of KTV girls so that we can read about them here. Most of us have little chance of ever doing the things that you are doing now and we can only day dream about it. :)
No money, no pussies, No WB, No stories.:D
Have a good day and hope that your investment is a success.
24-08-2010, 08:53 AM
like to check what do you mean "ST"? ST to me is Singapore Technologies. :cool:
24-08-2010, 11:05 AM
You guys have such exciting lives...Sat i was with OC doing boring things....Sunday I just run some errands like paying billing and buying some stuffs....and was reading a book "How to make money in Stocks in any market condition" bro LDH....this singer really no ulterior motive huh...this would be very interesting indeed...let us know how it pans for bro WB...we should have a good mix of ST and BY...and you are right....should not limit ourselves to anything! so how's the start up you invested in? i remember a few months back you were also talking about something like I supposed that investment worked out?
Hi Bro ME,
Unlike many bros here who limit their operations to either BY or ST, I like both, hehehe.
Oh, the start up investment I mentioned abt 5-6 months ago? Yes, I did ok, although the profit thus far is only abt 1/3 of what I thought I would be making. It's an ongoing process n there will be more profit down the road...
Hi Bro WB,
Glad to hear from you again. I think there is a big difference between good odds i.e the chance of a positive outcome and good risk reward ratio i.e. the results if it happens. If the odds are low, then the chance of a positive outcome is also low. Hence, even if the risk reward ratio in the above case is a positive 1 to 2.57x, the chance of it happening is only 30%. I believe that one must have good odds say at least 60:40 before one can load up on any investment. For a guy like you who have made it, it is hard to imagine you would do something which give you sleepless nights.
You shouldn't risk any of your solid financial status at all. We wish that you can continue your BY of KTV girls so that we can read about them here.....
No money, no pussies, No WB, No stories.:D
Hi Bro Singlad,
I know what you're getting at. Yes, I know the probability of FDA approval is only 30% within 3 months n I hv factored it in my calculations of risk vs. reward.
Let me explain it in a simpler way. Using the same odds in the biotech start up.
Supposing u r betting 100 hands or more w/ a friend Henry. The bet for each hand is $5, 30% of the hands u win, when u win u make $15. In 70% of hands u lose n when u lose, u lose only $2.5. You n Henry play over 100 hands n the law averages will ensure u win abt 30% n Henry abt 70%. Would u want to play the game? No? Or would u want to switch place w/ Henry instead?
I would love to play YOUR hand w/ that kind of odds all day long, every day, indefinitely. Wont u? It's like having ur own money printing machine.:p
One other thing. If the FDA doesn't approve the product in 3 months n the stock price is cut in half, all is not lost. I would load up at $2.5. Why? I'm very confident that eventual approval will come within 2 yrs, after more data r provided, n the stock could be worth a lot more than $15 in the years to come.
Therefore, there is a 70% probability of my short-term loss, but greater long-term gain. And a 30% probability of my short-term gain, but smaller long-term gain. I'm ok either way, hahaha. I prefer the short-term gain bcos "a pretty SYT in bed is better than 2 or 3 in the phone list." :D
like to check what do you mean "ST"? ST to me is Singapore Technologies. :cool:
ST = Doing Short Time w/ a gal
.................................................. .................................................. .......
ZZ has been on my mind for the past wk bcos of her unique assets n attributes. This may be the 1st time when I want to BY a gal who has initially consented to do ST w/ me. She is leaving very soon n wants to return as a student or WP. I'll miss her.
I must find more gals like ZZ in the interim.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
24-08-2010, 04:47 PM
Wow.. bro WB .. your appetite is insatiable !
24-08-2010, 05:10 PM
Can't find many of these startups on the SGX...maybe should sign a W-Ben to trade US market? Local markets going sideways not good for trading when there isn't a trend...
Been doing ST recently....can't find anyone I would like to do part time BY with....been lonely recently...hahahaha....and my boss is going though andropause and irritating the hell out of me..hahahaha...bro WB please teach him how to maintain your sextivity....hahahaha
25-08-2010, 10:46 AM
Wow.. bro WB .. your appetite is insatiable !
Hi bro besafe,
Not true. I'm always looking bcos I hv not found a gal whom I really want to keep on a very long term basis.
The female assets I find attractive r quite different n quirky...tiny wrists n slender arms to me r as desirable as tiny feet r to our Chinese ancestors.
In addition to all the other physical attributes I hv alluded to, ZZ has the tiniest wrists n forearms of all the adult females I hv ever met.:p However, in spite of all her wonderful assets, I would not want to fxk her, not even once n not even for free, if she had fake boobs or huge tattoos or prior child birth.
No, ZZ is far from perfect. She lacks a sweet Fujian accent (she is from Hunan), nor is she 18-19 yo (she was born in 1985).
When I return from Gotham next time, I want her to come n will keep her for a couple of months.
Can't find many of these startups on the SGX...maybe should sign a W-Ben to trade US market? Local markets going sideways not good for trading when there isn't a trend...
Been doing ST recently....can't find anyone I would like to do part time BY with....been lonely recently...hahahaha....and my boss is going though andropause and irritating the hell out of me..hahahaha...bro WB please teach him how to maintain your sextivity....hahahaha
Hi bro ME,
Go to the internet n open acct w/ E-trade or Fidelity. Start ups r very speculative n ur timing must be right.
Investing is more like BY-ing n trading is similar to doing ST, hehehe.
Seriously, u could get ur boss to PM me. He will need a thorough medical exam n blood tests 1st.
Bro WB
25-08-2010, 11:28 AM
Investing is more like BY-ing n trading is similar to doing ST, hehehe.
Bro WB
LOL....well said!...there's another cardinal rule....never fall in love with your stocks(pussies) and cut loss early! PRC darlings like COSCO drop from $8 to 80 cents....a 90% loss!
As for you being have every right to be! of my rich clients...told me...said many of his rich friends kena KC by their prc mistress...have to accompany them buy underwear buy this buy that...told me pay money still must waste time entertaining and taking care of them....shouldn't it be the other way?
25-08-2010, 12:21 PM
Gals(some only, probably not most IMHO) like spend to enjoy freely and be pampered too.
If u r her "official" partner, it will be DREAM come true. ($/love/status)
Good to have 1 world.
Better to have both worlds.
Best to have all worlds.
Maybe I am wrong, one of their constant is "everchanging" wants? :p
25-08-2010, 02:26 PM
Recently got hooked up with a ktv girl as well... So far had spent some money on her but its cheap considered I've bonked her so many times. Started as visiting ktv, after first paid bonk, got closer and always go patronise her and she told me she like me, of cuz I like her too.
Brought her out many times for dinner... Send her to work etc. Now always go her house sleep over and enjoy the night. Paying small money during dinners ocasionally good food. Else no money spent at all.
The thing abt prc, she wants me to call her ???this is something I feel weird! Or rather cannot get used to it,! And she gets angry if I refused to call her that!
Anyway I'm banned frm the ktv she work!! Haha. But I'm still eyeing for other prc babes haha.
But I also dunno how to end it ... Think sure messy, so I guess ill juz enjoy it??
25-08-2010, 04:51 PM
Hi Bro Singlad,
I know what you're getting at. Yes, I know the probability of FDA approval is only 30% within 3 months n I hv factored it in my calculations of risk vs. reward.
Let me explain it in a simpler way. Using the same odds in the biotech start up.
Supposing u r betting 100 hands or more w/ a friend Henry. The bet for each hand is $5, 30% of the hands u win, when u win u make $15. In 70% of hands u lose n when u lose, u lose only $2.5. You n Henry play over 100 hands n the law averages will ensure u win abt 30% n Henry abt 70%. Would u want to play the game? No? Or would u want to switch place w/ Henry instead?
I would love to play YOUR hand w/ that kind of odds all day long, every day, indefinitely. Wont u? It's like having ur own money printing machine.:p
One other thing. If the FDA doesn't approve the product in 3 months n the stock price is cut in half, all is not lost. I would load up at $2.5. Why? I'm very confident that eventual approval will come within 2 yrs, after more data r provided, n the stock could be worth a lot more than $15 in the years to come.
Therefore, there is a 70% probability of my short-term loss, but greater long-term gain. And a 30% probability of my short-term gain, but smaller long-term gain. I'm ok either way, hahaha. I prefer the short-term gain bcos "a pretty SYT in bed is better than 2 or 3 in the phone list." :D
Hi Bro WB,
I respect your rights to take whatever risk you want with your investment and I do wish you well in your investments. I just like to explore this issue of which of the two factors is more crucial in any wager. Is it having favorable odds or is it favorable risk reward ratio?.
Take your above example where you have only 30% chance of success and the payoff is $3 for a $1 bet ( same as $15 for a $5 bet) and a 70% chance of failure and the loss is $0.50 for a $1 bet (you lose half of the bet). Here the odds is 3 to 7 and the payoff is a possible gain of 90 sen (30% x $3) and a possible loss of 35 sen (70% x 50 sen) and the risk reward ratio is 1 to 2.57 (90/35).
Say you now load up on this investment and put 50% of your total portfolio in it. On balance, it is more likely that a 70% event is more twice likely to occur than a 30% event. Hence, you are likely to lose 25% of your portfolio after the first round. In the second round, the chance of a consecutive loss happening is now likely to be 49%( i.e 70% x 70%) and so you double down and put another 25% of your initial total portfolio in and you total commitment to this investment is now 50% of 75% or 66.7% of your reduced portfolio. At this junction, you only have even chance of success. If you lose again, your portfolio will be reduced to only 50% of your initial capital. After another two more negative rounds, your capital will have been depleted to such an extent that it is very hard to recoup back.
Let me take the recent world cup as an extreme example. There are 32 teams competing in the recent world cup. So the probability of any team winning it is 1 in 32 or roughly 3%. Now the payoff for North Korea winning is something like 1 for 2500. So if North Korea win, every $1 bet you place will make $2500 and so the risk reward ratio is something like 77x ((2500-31)/32). You have $100 to bet and you load up on North Korea and put $50 on North Korea to win and and the balance amount equally on all the remaining 31 teams. It is likely that you will lose most of your money. So should we focus on the risk reward ratio or on the odds first ?
My view is that we should focus more on the odds and only bet when we have favorable odds if we want to amass wealth. And if the payoff is also favorable, we should only then back up our truck and load it up as much as we can afford. The problem is that such favorable situation does not come everyday or even every year and hence it is truly boring to do even for a boring guy like me.:D
If the odds are even or against us, we should only play for limited stake and for amusing ourself like in games involving KTV girls where it can be a win win situation. If the girls lose, they have to suck us and if we lose, we will have to do likewise to them.:)
Cheers and again I wish you well in your investments and in BY.
25-08-2010, 09:12 PM
Hi Bro Singlad,
I know what you're getting at. Yes, I know the probability of FDA approval is only 30% within 3 months n I hv factored it in my calculations of risk vs. reward.
Let me explain it in a simpler way. Using the same odds in the biotech start up.
Supposing u r betting 100 hands or more w/ a friend Henry. The bet for each hand is $5, 30% of the hands u win, when u win u make $15. In 70% of hands u lose n when u lose, u lose only $2.5. You n Henry play over 100 hands n the law averages will ensure u win abt 30% n Henry abt 70%. Would u want to play the game? No? Or would u want to switch place w/ Henry instead?
I would love to play YOUR hand w/ that kind of odds all day long, every day, indefinitely. Wont u? It's like having ur own money printing machine.:p
One other thing. If the FDA doesn't approve the product in 3 months n the stock price is cut in half, all is not lost. I would load up at $2.5. Why? I'm very confident that eventual approval will come within 2 yrs, after more data r provided, n the stock could be worth a lot more than $15 in the years to come.
Therefore, there is a 70% probability of my short-term loss, but greater long-term gain. And a 30% probability of my short-term gain, but smaller long-term gain. I'm ok either way, hahaha. I prefer the short-term gain bcos "a pretty SYT in bed is better than 2 or 3 in the phone list." :D
Bro WB
Hi Bro WB,
I respect your rights to take whatever risk you want with your investment and I do wish you well in your investments. I just like to explore this issue of which of the two factors is more crucial in any wager. Is it having favorable odds or is it favorable risk reward ratio?.
Take your above example where you have only 30% chance of success and the payoff is $3 for a $1 bet ( same as $15 for a $5 bet) and a 70% chance of failure and the loss is $0.50 for a $1 bet (you lose half of the bet). Here the odds is 3 to 7 and the payoff is a possible gain of 90 sen (30% x $3) and a possible loss of 35 sen (70% x 50 sen) and the risk reward ratio is 1 to 2.57 (90/35).
Say you now load up on this investment and put 50% of your total portfolio in it. On balance, it is more likely that a 70% event is more twice likely to occur than a 30% event. Hence, you are likely to lose 25% of your portfolio after the first round. In the second round, the chance of a consecutive loss happening is now likely to be 49%( i.e 70% x 70%) and so you double down and put another 25% of your initial total portfolio in and you total commitment to this investment is now 50% of 75% or 66.7% of your reduced portfolio. At this junction, you only have even chance of success. If you lose again, your portfolio will be reduced to only 50% of your initial capital. After another two more negative rounds, your capital will have been depleted to such an extent that it is very hard to recoup back.
Let me take the recent world cup as an extreme example. There are 32 teams competing in the recent world cup. So the probability of any team winning it is 1 in 32 or roughly 3%. Now the payoff for North Korea winning is something like 1 for 2500. So if North Korea win, every $1 bet you place will make $2500 and so the risk reward ratio is something like 77x ((2500-31)/32). You have $100 to bet and you load up on North Korea and put $50 on North Korea to win and and the balance amount equally on all the remaining 31 teams. It is likely that you will lose most of your money. So should we focus on the risk reward ratio or on the odds first ?
My view is that we should focus more on the odds and only bet when we have favorable odds if we want to amass wealth. And if the payoff is also favorable, we should only then back up our truck and load it up as much as we can afford. The problem is that such favorable situation does not come everyday or even every year and hence it is truly boring to do even for a boring guy like me.:D
If the odds are even or against us, we should only play for limited stake and for amusing ourself like in games involving KTV girls where it can be a win win situation. If the girls lose, they have to suck us and if we lose, we will have to do likewise to them.:)
Cheers and again I wish you well in your investments and in BY.[/QUOTE]
Wow I am always amazed by the geniuses in this forum...looks like there is one more...
Anyway I am sure Bro WB knows what he is doing...he won't reach his status today if he were that stupid not to know his odds...
26-08-2010, 10:58 AM
LOL....well said!...there's another cardinal rule....never fall in love with your stocks(pussies) and cut loss early! PRC darlings like COSCO drop from $8 to 80 cents....a 90% loss!
As for you being have every right to be! of my rich clients...told me...said many of his rich friends kena KC by their prc mistress...have to accompany them buy underwear buy this buy that...told me pay money still must waste time entertaining and taking care of them....shouldn't it be the other way?
Hi Bro ME,
Yes, never get KC-ed by the stocks or pussies u own, hehehe.
Dun go shopping w/ ur mistress. You're too busy n too important to do so. If she asks u for money to buy this or that, tell her she can use the money u give her wkly to buy anything she wants. Period. If she says her father has an accident n is hospitalized, ask for the hospital name, tel no n doctor's name, then call to verify. Call her bluff. In the unlikely event that he is really seriously injured, u r not obligated to pay anything. Remember that she is "bot meat." If she keeps on pestering u, dump her.
Your mistress is paid to service u, not the other way round. Keep ur POWER n PERSONAL AUTHORITY. Mine cooks for me, buys toothbrush, shorts n towels, etc to be used by me when I spend time in her studio...she sometimes offers to pay for dinner when we eat outside.
Gals(some only, probably not most IMHO) like spend to enjoy freely and be pampered too.
If u r her "official" partner, it will be DREAM come true. ($/love/status)
Good to have 1 world.
Better to have both worlds.
Best to have all worlds.
Maybe I am wrong, one of their constant is "everchanging" wants? :p
Well said.
Some of those on student visa n WP r not happy to be kept like caged birds. I encourage them to learn English. A few want to become investors...
Recently got hooked up with a ktv girl as well... So far had spent some money on her but its cheap considered I've bonked her so many times. Started as visiting ktv, after first paid bonk, got closer and always go patronise her and she told me she like me, of cuz I like her too.
............................. Paying small money during dinners ocasionally good food. Else no money spent at all.........
Anyway I'm banned frm the ktv she work!! Haha. But I'm still eyeing for other prc babes haha.
But I also dunno how to end it ... Think sure messy, so I guess ill juz enjoy it??
Hi bro somefools,
You got a good deal. It's easy to end it. Tell her to fxk off or cut off all communication.
Hi Bro WB,
I respect your rights to take whatever risk you want with your investment and I do wish you well in your investments. I just like to explore this issue of which of the two factors is more crucial in any wager. Is it having favorable odds or is it favorable risk reward ratio?...................................
Take your above example where you have only 30% chance of success
My view is that we should focus more on the odds and only bet when we have favorable odds if we want to amass wealth. And if the payoff is also favorable, we should only then back up our truck and load it up as much as we can afford. The problem is that such favorable situation does not come everyday or even every year and hence it is truly boring to do even for a boring guy like me.
If the odds are even or against us, we should only play for limited stake and for amusing ourself like in games involving KTV girls where it can be a win win situation. If the girls lose, they have to suck us and if we lose, we will have to do likewise to them.
Cheers and again I wish you well in your investments and in BY.
Hi bro singlad,
Ths for ur feedback n analysis.
I guess in investing, one man's meat is another man's poison. Or could it be the Rashomon effect?
I use the biotech start up merely to illustrate how I calculate risk: reward ratio. In reality, there is more than meets the eye.
The biotech co of interest is a long-term investment for me. It has a novel product which has a 90% probability of being approved within the next 2 yrs. Yes, there is a 70% probability that it will be rejected 3 months from now n the stock price will be cut in half. I'll then back up the truck n buy much more. When it's approved, the stock price could surge to $20-30 immediately n may reach $50-100 or higher in the ensuing few yrs. In other words, my odds of making big buck r 90% in 2 yrs.
Short-term trading n gambling r entirely different. Even here I would wager my bet if the risk reward ratio is 1 to 2.57 in my favor. However, I will reduce the size of each bet so that I could survive the unlikely event of 10 consecutive losses. In the long run, say after betting over 100 hands, I'll win n win big.
I'm doing much better in my investing than in my BY-ing. I'm finding quite a few juicy investments targets, whereas there has been a dearth of pretty SYTs in SIN lately. The difference is that I can invest in Chinese stocks or stocks anywhere in the world from where I am, but I can't BY several SYTs living in China while I'm residing in SIN or Gotham City.
I must get ready to move to PRC next yr. Do I hv a choice? Import them? I need to see them n do a test drive first, hehehe.
Bro WB
Wow I am always amazed by the geniuses in this forum...looks like there is one more...
Anyway I am sure Bro WB knows what he is doing...he won't reach his status today if he were that stupid not to know his odds...
I'm obsessed w/ quantification n calculations, be it intrinsic values, risk reward ratio, probabilities, gambling odds or a gal's height, weight, stats, probability of COS n/or squirting, etc.;)
Bro WB
26-08-2010, 09:31 PM
Hi Bro WB,
I have found a desirable Hubei Girl and is making arrangements for her to come to Singapore:D
so I proposed that I invite her to Singapore for an all expense paid holiday. She says she will consider and let me know in 1 weeks time.
Hi Bros,
Just some feedback on my progress with her.
In a month's time, i will be going up to CP and meet her.
We will spend a few days shopping and sightseeing in GZ.
Of course , I promised her that we will have separate rooms.
Wish me luck.
26-08-2010, 09:42 PM
Hi Bros,
Just some feedback on my progress with her.
In a month's time, i will be going up to CP and meet her.
We will spend a few days shopping and sightseeing in GZ.
Of course , I promised her that we will have separate rooms.
Wish me luck.
Power can you get away with this are champion
26-08-2010, 09:50 PM
Power ?
No lah... its Persisitence
all this I learnt on this forum from our Honourable Sifu Bro WB.
Cheers. :)
26-08-2010, 10:28 PM
Power ?
No lah... its Persisitence
all this I learnt on this forum from our Honourable Sifu Bro WB.
Cheers. :)
Ya I learn from all the power brudders here like BYBJ LDH WB and you....hahahaha
26-08-2010, 10:47 PM
Hi Bro ME,
Hi bro somefools,
You got a good deal. It's easy to end it. Tell her to fxk off or cut off all communication.
Bro WB
Hi WB,
True... But I am sorta enjoying it now .... will end it if I have to. But worry it might be messy!
27-08-2010, 10:54 AM
Hi Bros,
Just some feedback on my progress with her.
In a month's time, i will be going up to CP and meet her.
We will spend a few days shopping and sightseeing in GZ.
Of course , I promised her that we will have separate rooms.
Wish me luck.
Good luck, hehehe.
So far I hv met 4 Hubei gals n 3 of them r fair w/ natural C/D breasts n pink nipples!
武汉is a paradise!
Power ?
No lah... its Persisitence
all this I learnt on this forum from our Honourable Sifu Bro WB.
C'mon, most of what I know I hv learned from Chairman Austin n some Ang Mo gurus.
Ya I learn from all the power brudders here like BYBJ LDH WB and you....hahahaha
You can thank Chairman Austin!
Hi WB,
True... But I am sorta enjoying it now .... will end it if I have to. But worry it might be messy!
Hi bro somefools,
It wont be messy for u, unless she knows where u live n work.
Dun worry abt WLs like her. But I like to be brutally honest n pls dun take offense. IMHO, if she continues to work at KTVs, her pussy is most unlikely to be exclusive to u.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning to all samsters!
Since I wont be able to move to China for a while, I do the next best thing. I hv engaged the services of 2 female agents/OKTs to find gals in China for me. These agents r middle-aged PRC women in SIN who arrange to get various visas for PRC MMs to come here. They also go to China several times a yr to look for potential business. They hv shown me some photos, but I hv been disappointed, despite telling them the type of gals I like. I hv instucted them to look harder. One of them called me yesterday bcos there is a newly arrived student who could be my type...
Initially, I engaged their services to help a big towkay fren to find a young mistress. He has found a very pretty gal, a uni student, whom he will keep for a yr. What a lucky man! Or should I say what a lucky gal! In return for my help, he has been treating me to restaurants at 5 to 6-star hotels. But I'm not interested in meals...;)
Bro WB
27-08-2010, 11:18 AM
A few days ago I received an email from one of my favourite Ang Mo gurus on man-woman RS n how to maintain attraction in a longer term RS. It's a mistake we men often make when we like a gal too much...sometimes after a successful courtship n well into an initially healthy RS...our behavour towards her change n we become too "nice" n too "kind" n losing our dominance, power n personal authority. Ironically, we become wussy n unattractive to her n end up losing her.
Never, ever lose ur dominant self mastery/self control when living w/ the gal u like or even love.
Here is the email which is worth reading n remembering:
There are two basic stories for how men and
women "start off" together, and two basic stories
for how men and women "end up."
Through all of time, I'm sure that men and
women have been playing out these stories... and
I'm sure that they'll continue to play them out
long into the future (that is, unless I have
something to say about it... and I do).
Here's "Meeting Story #1":
Boy is attracted to girl. Unfortunately, boy
doesn't have a clue about how to make girl feel
ATTRACTION for him... so, instead he tries to
"pursue" girl by offering her dinners, gifts, and
flowers. Girl finds boy "nice", but there are no
"sparks", so she "just likes him as a friend."
Here's "Meeting Story #2":
Boy is attracted to girl. Fortunately for him,
boy understands ATTRACTION, and begins to
communicate with girl in a way that makes her feel
a powerful physical and emotional response for boy
that she can't control. The sparks fly, and boy
and girl "get together."
As I'm sure you know...
In story #1, GIRL is in total control of the
situation and both of them know it.
In story #2, BOY is the one who's in control of
the situation.
Let's assume that somehow, boy and girl
actually "get together". Things usually go one of
two ways after that...
Here's "End Up Story #1":
Boy and girl get together. Boy realizes that he
"REALLY likes" girl. Boy begins to act more and
more predictable. Boy starts to share "how he
feels" about girl too often. Boy becomes more and
more submissive. Girl loses that feeling of
ATTRACTION that she once had for boy and has no
way of explaining or understanding why. Girl
leaves boy and boy is left wondering what
Here's "End Up Story #2":
Boy and girl get together. Boy understands that
no matter how much he likes girl, he cannot let
himself become a Wussy who chases girl around
"sharing how he feels" and becomes boring. Boy
keeps the relationship interesting and he keeps
challenging girl. Boy stays in control of himself,
and by understanding his role as "The Man" in the
relationship, keeps girl interested and attracted
to him into the future.
And again, as I'm sure you know...
In story #1, GIRL is in total control of the
situation and both of them know it.
In story #2, BOY is the one who's in control of
the situation.
If you look at your experience with women, I'm
sure you'll see that these short stories describe
MOST of the experiences you've had.
Now, of course there are slight twists and
variations, but the message is clear:
If you don't understand ATTRACTION and how it
works, then you are destined to keep playing out
these same stories for the rest of your life. It's
very unlikely that you'll stumble upon the "magic
solution" by accident...
The reality is that you CAN stop this negative
pattern if you WANT to.
But the key is:
1) Understanding how ATTRACTION works for WOMEN.
2) Understanding YOURSELF, so you don't ALLOW
yourself to act like a Wussy, become boring and
turn a good thing into a bad one... but instead
you do the RIGHT things to keep everything on the
right track.
If you know how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION
for you, then you can control your destiny with
women. If you DON'T know how to make a woman feel
ATTRACTION for you, then you cannot control your
destiny with women.
Read that paragraph again, and think about it
for a minute before you go on.
OK, so I mentioned that ATTRACTION is very
different for women than it is for men.
Different how?
What do I mean by that? ... Well, generally
speaking, for a woman, ATTRACTION is a PROCESS...
not an "event." It happens over time, and it
becomes stronger or weaker depending upon how well
the man in the situation understands how it works.
For a man, ATTRACTION is much more of an
"event", meaning that it's either there or it
isn't. It really doesn't matter whether or not the
woman understands how it works. (As an interesting
side note, if a woman really knows how ATTRACTION
works, and her intention is to manipulate a man,
it usually works VERY well.)
So, think of a woman's "Attraction Mechanism"
more like a volume knob than a light switch.
It's like a fantastic, classy old car that
needs to warm up for a long time before you can
drive it... not like a brand new Honda that you
can start up and get right on the freeway with.
Here's a little secret about women and
ATTRACTION: If you'll just take a little longer in
every situation to AMPLIFY a woman's ATTRACTION,
she'll love you for it... and you'll experience
rewards that will make the extra time you spent
seem like the best investment of your entire life.
Here are a few specific tips for you for the
"Meeting Phase":
1) Start with something STRONG, not WEAK.
When a guy finds a girl interesting, he usually
turns into a ball of nervous mush. Then, he
usually makes the mistake of letting the woman
KNOW that he's nervous and weak.
Don't do it.
Do something STRONG.
Challenge her.
If she thinks that she's cool, make fun of her.
If she's smart, argue with her a little. If she's
doing something, tell her that you could do it
When you PUSH a little, and show some BACKBONE,
she'll push back. That's your sign that the GAME
If you just chase after her like the 100 other
Wussies that have been bothering her this week,
you will just be another boring, predictable face
in the crowd.
2) Keep the TENSION UP.
One of my favorite concepts is "Never let the
line go slack."
This means that once you SPARK the "chemistry"
or "sexual tension", you need to KEEP IT UP.
Just because she starts doing things that hint
to you that she's interested, doesn't mean that
it's time to STOP. Quite the opposite, actually.
Turn UP the volume a little. It's working, so
do more! Sexual Tension is SO important that
I've actually devoted an entire "language" and
way of thinking about it. If you want to learn
how to create Sexual Tension, then use it to
really amplify ATTRACTION and arousal...................................
3) Tease.
The word "tease" has a couple of meanings.
One of the meanings has to do with doing things
that are slightly annoying to get a response from
The other meaning is subtly different and has
to do with drawing out a response that you want by
doing certain things that indirectly trigger it.
Do both.
If you're about to kiss her, wait until your
lips are so close that you can almost feel her...
and then STOP. Pull away, and smile.
If you want to know how she feels about you,
say, "You LOVE me" in a condescending tone of
voice, and see how she responds. If she says "NO I
DON'T!" in an exaggerated, mocking way, then she
probably DOES "love" you.
Teasing is fantastic. Do more of it.
(To be continued)
27-08-2010, 11:21 AM
And here are a few tips for the "End Up" phase:
1) Never become BORING.
Being predictable and boring is a cardinal sin
when it comes to ATTRACTION.
Don't do either.
Of course, telling a man not to be predictable
is like telling a dog not to hump your leg.
Most guys are PAINFULLY predictable.
We LIKE being predictable, actually. I get it.
But, when it comes to a woman you enjoy, you'd
better figure out a way to STOP IT.
There's nothing that will kill the sparks
faster than her knowing what you're about to do or
2) Don't hand over control.
Women like men who make decisions and take the
lead. Now, I'm not saying that women like men who
are overly controlling. What I am saying is that
women don't like guys who are always saying things
like, "I don't know, what do YOU want to do,
Women don't want men that they can control, so
don't be one.
3) Respect yourself and keep your own interests.
When a guy meets a woman he likes, he often
wants to spend as much time as possible with her.
This is natural, of course.
But there's a big danger here as well.
If you put your life aside for a woman, you
will become less interesting to HER.
In the long run, it's MUCH better to keep your
friends, your interests, and your hobbies, and to
spend time doing the things you enjoy... WITHOUT
And I think it's VERY important to keep
improving yourself as a person, and continue to be
a guy that she can look up to and respect.
As soon as you start acting like she's going to
be around forever, she'll start feeling less and
less ATTRACTION for you.
Now, as you read these examples, can you see
the bigger picture forming?
Can you see the deeper message?
The deeper message is that you need to
understand how ATTRACTION works for women and you
need to do those things that keep the ATTRACTION
Now, where does this all begin?
It begins with YOU.
And it begins with you learning how to control
yourself and your emotions. It begins with you
understanding the history of how and why
men and women become attracted to each other. It
begins with you learning the basics of how to use
subtle body language and communication to make
women feel ATTRACTION for you.
And what's the best way to get this "in-depth"
You need to get some of your "Inner Game"
issues handled, and you need to learn how to
really get control of your emotional life.............................................
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
27-08-2010, 09:30 PM
Very good and true how bros...what ideas and what to do to rekindle the spark between you and your married for many years OC?....sometimes while screwing around we should remember our home and spend some time maintaining and enhancing it....
29-08-2010, 11:30 AM
Very good and true how bros...what ideas and what to do to rekindle the spark between you and your married for many years OC?....sometimes while screwing around we should remember our home and spend some time maintaining and enhancing it....
Yeah, worth reminding ourselves...
A gal/woman will leave a man if she has power over him. Let's look at the other side of the coin. When a man has too much power in a RS, he will look for other pussies. So if u desire a successful long term RS w/ a particular woman, u want to make sure she has wisdom n strong character n can stand on her own two feet. You keep ur power over her, but not too much. Hard to hv a good balance, ya?
30-08-2010, 02:03 PM
Good afternoon!
Life is so exciting n unpredictable.
Yesterday afternoon, my female agent arranged for me to meet a gal. This was actually the very 1st time I was not disappointed w/ a gal's looks n body type intro by a mummy. She was a little bit more than mildly interesting to me despite some major negatives.
Her name is LK from Dongbei, a one time stewardess for a major Chinese airlines, part-time model n professional musician, not young at 24 (born in 1986). Quite a head turner as she is pretty, classy, poised n very fashionable. Very tall at 174 w/o shoes n slim (54-55 kg). Very long n slender arms n small wrists! Boobs probably only B, but quite perky n shapely ass. Can't see her long n slim legs as she wore jeans. Came here on social pass 4 days ago but got flu n fever on the day of arrival. Still coughing badly! Of course she left out the part that she is a part-time whore n she is here to get BY-ed or do ST if the price is right. She has never worked in SIN before.
The negatives? LK is a moderate smoker n has a small tattoo on her body. She is very arrogant n has made disparaging remarks on S'pore, its people, the high costs of everything n squalid living conditions of most S'poreans, etc. On the way to dinner, she pointed at an expensive sports car n said, where is the driver going? S'pore is so tiny, wont that driver end up in the ocean?!! She pays $450 here for a dirty bed in a HDB flat, whereas she gets a very posh one-bedroom apt in an upscale location for $520 in Beijing.
Nevertheless, I hv booked LK to go to a KTV to see how far I could smooch her...n to listen to her professional singing, hehehe.
Bro WB
30-08-2010, 06:55 PM
Good Job Bro WB !!!
30-08-2010, 07:10 PM
Good afternoon!
The negatives? LK is a moderate smoker n has a small tattoo on her body. She is very arrogant n has made disparaging remarks on S'pore, its people, the high costs of everything n squalid living conditions of most S'poreans, etc. On the way to dinner, she pointed at an expensive sports car n said, where is the driver going? S'pore is so tiny, wont that driver end up in the ocean?!! She pays $450 here for a dirty bed in a HDB flat, whereas she gets a very posh one-bedroom apt in an upscale location for $520 in Beijing.
Bro WB
sounds like a good challenge bro WB :D or maybe the arrogance is a defense mechanism to mask her self-esteem issues? if so, will actually be easy to break.
just curious as to why such a high-quality girl doesn't just comfortably find BY in PRC gotta come all the way here?
i love doggie
30-08-2010, 08:21 PM
Thanks for the info bros.
31-08-2010, 10:55 AM
Good Job Bro WB !!!
Hi bro besafe,
Not really. I hv not done anything.
sounds like a good challenge bro WB :D or maybe the arrogance is a defense mechanism to mask her self-esteem issues? if so, will actually be easy to break.
just curious as to why such a high-quality girl doesn't just comfortably find BY in PRC gotta come all the way here?
Hi bro newbieboy,
See my thoughts on the subject below.
Thanks for the info bros.
You're welcome!
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning to all samsters!
Life is so unpredictable n ever changing...
Yesterday afternoon, I met another gal SS, who is mildly interesting to me, outside the lift (where else?). I took her n KL to an inexpensive joint for SH.
It turns out that KL has been a part-time hostess at 天上人间 (now closed) n its sister joint (still open) in Beijing. According to her, all gals there hv to be at least 168 tall w/o shoes n they hv to meet certain standards in looks, figure, education, dress code, etc. Hence her arrogance.
Why is she here? She had some "unresolved personal problems" back in China. My guess is that she was recently dumped by her patron.
She was still coughing badly but continued to smoke...that was repulsive to me.
Fortunately, I find SS, a pretty SYT, more attractive. Younger, cuter n fresher n a lot more innocent, the type I prefer lately. She is a newly-arrived 20 yo student (born 1990) who is a newbie, unrefined n unfashionable. But I like her looks n slim figure n nice legs n perky ass, although only 164-165. Very tiny arms n wrists n a Fujian accent to boot. Should hv tight n juicy cunt, ya? I may hv to BY her if I can't get ST...
BTW, there is a powerful mindset I like to share w/ bros here.
If u happen to find a gal u like very much, perhaps even love at 1st sight, this is what u must do now n forever, otherwise u will never get n/or keep her. Focus n dwell on her NEGATIVES n bring her down to earth. This is easy to do since no gals r perfect. It'll prevent u from getting KC-ed by any WLs or anyone else for that matter.
By turning the table on ur dream gal n keeping ur power n personal authority in the RS, she will be chasing u n may be getting sticky. Very soon, you may hv to think of ways of dumping her, hehehe.:D
Pls dun forget to tell us ur success stories. Your comments n criticisms r always welcome!
Be good,
Bro WB
31-08-2010, 12:25 PM
Change is the only constant in life and assumption is the mother of all fuckedups.....I really fuckedup recently by assuming....and no thanks to the new anti speculative property measures introduced by govt....why can't they leave the free market alone...control the hdb market la...they just make hdb more and more ex...
01-09-2010, 11:43 AM
Change is the only constant in life and assumption is the mother of all fuckedups.....I really fuckedup recently by assuming....and no thanks to the new anti speculative property measures introduced by govt....why can't they leave the free market alone...control the hdb market la...they just make hdb more and more ex...
Hi bro,
As investors an as patrons of PRC gals, we must anticipate change n act ahead of the curve. We hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
At least to me, BY-ing gals is more complex than investing and/or trading.
"Buy when everyone else is selling n hold on until everyone else is buying..." -- J. Paul Getty
"Try to know as much as possible the company you r buying..." -- J. Paul Getty
"I'm fearful when others r greedy, and I'm greedy when others r fearful." -- Warren Buffett
I dun need any other investing rules. Period.
Dear bro ME, did u buy ur flat/condo when everyone else was selling? if so, how could u lose?
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!! What a wonderful day!!
Now back to the more complex subject of BY-ing gals.
ZZ flew back to PRC yesterday AM. I'll miss her.
Went to DC HH w/ some bros. I like bro Raging Bull n his sidekick very much. He is a wonderful singer n a party animal. He is available every day for partying! His sidekick is younger, in his 30s, n he digs MILFs only. He winked n said we would never compete for the same gal.
I'm aware that I'm a lao chi ko pek, but I can't change my preference for SYTs. I hv found a pretty n cute SYT in SS, a supposedly 20 yo student who arrived here 3 wks ago. She could be younger as she was born in 1992 according to her passport. With makeup she looks 19-20, but her voice is sweet n very young n Fujian-accented. She has my preferred body type as it's very proportionate. She is 165 w/o shoes n has very small bony frame n slender arms/wrists, etc. I also like her jovial n vivacious personality.
I booked SS to discuss details of my BY-ing her. She asked me how I would take care of her. She expects to make only abt 4.5K a month working at KTVs. I proposed X amt wkly if she doesn't work n 1/2 of that if she works. She said either way is OK, maybe we could try both n see. We crossed our pinky fingers to seal the deal n then I kissed her...
Bro WB
01-09-2010, 01:15 PM
Hi bro,
As investors an as patrons of PRC gals, we must anticipate change n act ahead of the curve. We hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
At least to me, BY-ing gals is more complex than investing and/or trading.
"Buy when everyone else is selling n hold on until everyone else is buying..." -- J. Paul Getty
"Try to know as much as possible the company you r buying..." -- J. Paul Getty
"I'm fearful when others r greedy, and I'm greedy when others r fearful." -- Warren Buffett
I dun need any other investing rules. Period.
Dear bro ME, did u buy ur flat/condo when everyone else was selling? if so, how could u lose?
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!! What a wonderful day!!
Now back to the more complex subject of BY-ing gals.
ZZ flew back to PRC yesterday AM. I'll miss her.
Went to DC HH w/ some bros. I like bro Raging Bull n his sidekick very much. He is a wonderful singer n a party animal. He is available every day for partying! His sidekick is younger, in his 30s, n he digs MILFs only. He winked n said we would never compete for the same gal.
I'm aware that I'm a lao chi ko pek, but I can't change my preference for SYTs. I hv found a pretty n cute SYT in SS, a supposedly 20 yo student who arrived here 3 wks ago. She could be younger as she was born in 1992 according to her passport. With makeup she looks 19-20, but her voice is sweet n very young n Fujian-accented. She has my preferred body type as it's very proportionate. She is 165 w/o shoes n has very small bony frame n slender arms/wrists, etc. I also like her jovial n vivacious personality.
I booked SS to discuss details of my BY-ing her. She asked me how I would take care of her. She expects to make only abt 4.5K a month working at KTVs. I proposed X amt wkly if she doesn't work n 1/2 of that if she works. She said either way is OK, maybe we could try both n see. We crossed our pinky fingers to seal the deal n then I kissed her...
Bro WB
Bro...I did my analysis and bought a property to stay instead of investment as I foreseen the over supply and further govt measures a few months mistake was putting it in joint name la...that was what I am complaining about...and the measures would make it harder for me to dispose of it when necessary...this is why I prefer re-sale properties as I can do it up and make use of arbitrage instead of buying from developers who likely milk all the profits and will be harder to make a profit except in a buoyant market...i think equities are the way to go now...canceling all my BY and putting 5K a month into the market instead of the pussies now...hahahaha....
Yesterday I was at 4th level and 7th level HH...and all girls ran off after the raid at 6th level....what a dampener....i believe in part time I we have so much time to enjoy a full time BY?....
03-09-2010, 02:48 AM
always good to read posts by fellow bros, especially when i haven't logged in for over a few months
agree with most of what warbird says, but for myself, i'm more laid-back and practical. i'll just be myself, and if she doesn't quite like me for who i am, i'm off to another target ... simple, eh ? haha
my only regret is that, i'll have to fly out within the next few days, and miss out on more action while warbird is still in town :(
03-09-2010, 10:48 AM
Bro...I did my analysis and bought a property to stay instead of investment as I foreseen the over supply and further govt measures a few months mistake was putting it in joint name la...that was what I am complaining about...............i think equities are the way to go now...canceling all my BY and putting 5K a month into the market instead of the pussies now...hahahaha....
Yesterday I was at 4th level and 7th level HH...and all girls ran off after the raid at 6th level....what a dampener....i believe in part time I we have so much time to enjoy a full time BY?....
Hi bro ME,
I prefer equities to real estate as the later is not liquid enough......
You're getting a lot of pussies for only spending 5K a month.:cool:
I'm also going to reduce my full-time BY-ing as I'm too constrained by time. It's not cost-effective.
always good to read posts by fellow bros, especially when i haven't logged in for over a few months
agree with most of what warbird says, but for myself, i'm more laid-back and practical. i'll just be myself, and if she doesn't quite like me for who i am, i'm off to another target ... simple, eh ? haha
my only regret is that, i'll have to fly out within the next few days, and miss out on more action while warbird is still in town :(
Hi bro BV,
It was my pleasure to meet up w/ u after such a long hiatus.
You're really a cool guy, just like bro raging bull. I need to learn from u n let go if a gal doesn't quite like me.
I'll miss u, bro. When will u come back?
Regards n hv a safe trip!
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
Bros BV n ragging bull r two cool Alpha males, the type of men who r very attractive to women/gals. I hv much to learn from them.
BTW, I was surprisingly fond of SS. To avoid getting KC-ed, I hv focused on her she is just another pussy.
The other day, another guru emailed me the essentials of "Bad Boy Attitudes."
"You" refers to a woman/gal.
1)You're here to entertain ME.
2) If u bore me, I'll leave. You hv to work to keep me here.
3) I can get away w/ saying the harshest things, and people love it.
4) I'm having fun w/ or w/o u.
5) Respect me or you r history.
Have a great day!
Bro WB
04-09-2010, 11:31 AM
I thot I shook her off.... but... she is back to "haunt" me.
She is the married PRC that I wrote about many posts ago.
Just a short description of her .. not revealing too much, as she may be the wife of a brother here !
She's about 170 m with nice C cups and very slender. She is one chiobu that you will never takes your eyes off her.
A few smses from her.. and I succumbed !!! Met up with her and well.. the love making was out of this world.
It was not about money, more for companionship. Her hubby is too pre-occupied with work and have sort of neglected her after giving birth. So a warning to brothers with chio wives out there !!!
Though it was not a transaction, i did stuff a few bucks into her purse when I sent her near to her home.
As advised by some bros here, I tried but could not shake her off. Why ?
Oh... anyway, I will be leaving for GZ/CP end of this month to meet XY. We talk nearly everyday on QQ. I hope things will work out well for both of us !
04-09-2010, 02:46 PM
I thot I shook her off.... but... she is back to "haunt" me.
She is the married PRC that I wrote about many posts ago.
Just a short description of her .. not revealing too much, as she may be the wife of a brother here !
She's about 170 m with nice C cups and very slender. She is one chiobu that you will never takes your eyes off her.
A few smses from her.. and I succumbed !!! Met up with her and well.. the love making was out of this world.
It was not about money, more for companionship. Her hubby is too pre-occupied with work and have sort of neglected her after giving birth. So a warning to brothers with chio wives out there !!!
Though it was not a transaction, i did stuff a few bucks into her purse when I sent her near to her home.
As advised by some bros here, I tried but could not shake her off. Why ?
Oh... anyway, I will be leaving for GZ/CP end of this month to meet XY. We talk nearly everyday on QQ. I hope things will work out well for both of us !
lol....obviously you have reach the self mastery of manly charm....while I am fervently learning from bro WB's teaching....hahahaah
05-09-2010, 02:45 PM
I thot I shook her off.... but... she is back to "haunt" me.
She is the married PRC that I wrote about many posts ago.
.................................................. .................................................. ...
As advised by some bros here, I tried but could not shake her off. Why ?
Oh... anyway, I will be leaving for GZ/CP end of this month to meet XY. We talk nearly everyday on QQ. I hope things will work out well for both of us !
Hi bro besafe,
Your married GF is in love w/ u!!
Be careful though. Get rid of her asap.
I only shun 2 types of females: Married women n close relatives.
lol....obviously you have reach the self mastery of manly charm....while I am fervently learning from bro WB's teaching....hahahaah
Hi bro ME,
Bro besafe must be a very charming MAN.
No no, NOT my teachings. I hv merely posted all the sayings n doctrine of other RS gurus.
Bro WB
05-09-2010, 03:23 PM
lol....obviously you have reach the self mastery of manly charm....while I am fervently learning from bro WB's teaching....hahahaah
Hi Bro, here is the rating for my self
Looks = 3/10
Charm = 2/10
Wealth = 0.09/10
FJ skills = 3/10
So you tell me la...where master...
Hi bro besafe,
Your married GF is in love w/ u!!
Be careful though. Get rid of her asap.
I only shun 2 types of females: Married women n close relatives.
Hi bro ME,
Bro besafe must be a very charming MAN.
No no, NOT my teachings. I hv merely posted all the sayings n doctrine of other RS gurus.
Bro WB
She is not in love with me.
She just want companionship.
I suspect she is also seeing aother person too.:D
05-09-2010, 06:08 PM
Hi Bro, here is the rating for my self
Looks = 3/10
Charm = 2/10
Wealth = 0.09/10
FJ skills = 3/10
So you tell me la...where master...
She is not in love with me.
She just want companionship.
I suspect she is also seeing aother person too.:D
Yayaya...Modesty : 10/10!
05-09-2010, 06:43 PM
Wah.. bro.. dun stir shit leh..
05-09-2010, 09:56 PM
Wah.. bro.. dun stir shit leh..
okok....i shuddup....hahaha....btw that ger who msn you is 19 years old...looks not too bad...and just got dumped by a 40 year old bro who gave her 3000 per month....she's out of a job and is thinking of working at a ktv....hahahaha....and yes she admitted that she been fu(ked by him
05-09-2010, 10:06 PM
okok....i shuddup....hahaha....btw that ger who msn you is 19 years old...looks not too bad...and just got dumped by a 40 year old bro who gave her 3000 per month....she's out of a job and is thinking of working at a ktv....hahahaha....and yes she admitted that she been fu(ked by him
Hehehe.. thanks !!!:)
Wow... you still following up with her after so many weeks?
Both of you met up? Good for you !!:D
U the Grand Master lah !
06-09-2010, 11:50 AM
She is not in love with me.
She just want companionship.
I suspect she is also seeing aother person too.:D
Actually many women/gals want n need sex more than most men. She may be one of them.
Just tell her to fxk off.
Be good,
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
In the past yr, I hv upped a fair no of fujian gals. I'm most attracted to their sweet Fujian accent. Some of them r also very pretty. They r industrious n street-smart. Their service is below average w/ only a few noteworthy exceptions. GG remains the best Fujian gal I ever had.
They hv many negatives: Generally unrefined n poorly educated. Many r vulgar n crude. Some r very mercenary n cunning. Some r quite dumb bcos they keep telling egregious lies. Additionally, they usually hv darker complexion n smaller boobs (A/B).
Talking abt skin color n boob size. Many Hubei gals r much fairer n hv big natural boobs, at least the ones I hv met. I like their peculiar accent too. In the last 6 wks, I had the good fortune of meeting 2 of them, both were tall, very fair, pretty w/ natural C boobs n big, shapely butts. They were here on social pass n r trying to return to SIN. One of them has failed to get a WP n is now applying for singer permit.
Bro WB
06-09-2010, 11:57 AM
Bro Besafe / ME / Warbird,
You all are the charmers and masters lah... :D Cheesebun all suddenly so humble! Hahaha.
When will be our next drinking session? Dun forget hor, me retired liaoz so anything goes. Kekeke.
06-09-2010, 12:15 PM
Bro Besafe / ME / Warbird,
You all are the charmers and masters lah... :D Cheesebun all suddenly so humble! Hahaha.
When will be our next drinking session? Dun forget hor, me retired liaoz so anything goes. Kekeke.
Hi bro LDH,
Long time no see.
Any outings? Some bros r going to LV hh tmr n a Hong Kong bro wants to go LV sh probably Thurs. Other frens want to go DC complex. Would u like to join us?
How is Chairman Austin? And bro marc5?
Bro WB
06-09-2010, 12:26 PM
Hi bro LDH,
Long time no see.
Any outings? Some bros r going to LV hh tmr n a Hong Kong bro wants to go LV sh probably Thurs. Other frens want to go DC complex. Would u like to join us?
How is Chairman Austin? And bro marc5?
Bro WB
Hi bro Warbird,
Long time no see... Mr Austin is now busy travelling. Not sure if he is back yet. I have also met bro Marc5 recently at LV for a drink with a cupled of esteemed bros.
Let me know lah... the venue.
06-09-2010, 06:32 PM
Hehehe.. thanks !!!:)
Wow... you still following up with her after so many weeks?
Both of you met up? Good for you !!:D
U the Grand Master lah !
never la...i can't be bothered about her...but she also suddenly PM me in SBF so I just chat chat with her lor....I also no time for her shit I more into ST because really no time....haha
06-09-2010, 06:42 PM
Actually many women/gals want n need sex more than most men. She may be one of them.
Just tell her to fxk off.
Be good,
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
In the past yr, I hv upped a fair no of fujian gals. I'm most attracted to their sweet Fujian accent. Some of them r also very pretty. They r industrious n street-smart. Their service is below average w/ only a few noteworthy exceptions. GG remains the best Fujian gal I ever had.
They hv many negatives: Generally unrefined n poorly educated. Many r vulgar n crude. Some r very mercenary n cunning. Some r quite dumb bcos they keep telling egregious lies. Additionally, they usually hv darker complexion n smaller boobs (A/B).
Talking abt skin color n boob size. Many Hubei gals r much fairer n hv big natural boobs, at least the ones I hv met. I like their peculiar accent too. In the last 6 wks, I had the good fortune of meeting 2 of them, both were tall, very fair, pretty w/ natural C boobs n big, shapely butts. They were here on social pass n r trying to return to SIN. One of them has failed to get a WP n is now applying for singer permit.
Bro WB
Yeah my frens and I had many bad experiences with FJ girls....such that the moment we find out they are from FJ we would reject straight away....your descriptions are right....generally bad service and money minded.... although recently I had one who is not that bad and we wanted to try out a part time BY relationship....but in the end the tail will always wag out of the backside and you will get to see their true I will likely drop her as I feel her service to me has dropped....not point paying to be unhappy right?
The northern gals generally have better attitude and better complexion and nicer boobs....while ChongQing girls are the easiest to ST! hahahah
06-09-2010, 08:06 PM
never la...i can't be bothered about her...but she also suddenly PM me in SBF so I just chat chat with her lor....I also no time for her shit I more into ST because really no time....haha
Oh... you into ST?
You want to try a new student?
My ctc (PRC student) smsed me this afternoon and asked if I want to.
Unfortunately, I am tied up with things this week....
So how... want to be commando? :D
06-09-2010, 08:08 PM
Actually many women/gals want n need sex more than most men. She may be one of them.
Just tell her to fxk off.
Be good,
Bro WB
Sigh... it is going to be difficult.... I enjoy sex with her.
She is quite beautiful... a 8/10 in my books.....
Sigh... maybe one last meeting this week....:rolleyes:
06-09-2010, 09:25 PM
i agree with moral epitome in that we can see a girl's true colours when we do part-time BY. i tried that for a couple of times. eventually, they will start asking for more money, using their 'insufficient pay from working days' as an excuse to either demand more money from you, or start working on their 'off days', a not so subtle hint for you to start paying more. or, they will start falling sick, and ask for more money to compensate them for their loss of income ... what bollocks ... full time BYing is not an option cos i'm often not in singapore ...
or maybe i'm simply not savvy enough ... contrary to what warbird claims, HE is the REAL alpha male ... haha
06-09-2010, 10:12 PM
Oh... you into ST?
You want to try a new student?
My ctc (PRC student) smsed me this afternoon and asked if I want to.
Unfortunately, I am tied up with things this week....
So how... want to be commando? :D
lol....I am into anything discreet...but i prefer to see the goods to see how much it is worth....ST BY....all learn from bro WB...hahahaaha
06-09-2010, 10:17 PM
i agree with moral epitome in that we can see a girl's true colours when we do part-time BY. i tried that for a couple of times. eventually, they will start asking for more money, using their 'insufficient pay from working days' as an excuse to either demand more money from you, or start working on their 'off days', a not so subtle hint for you to start paying more. or, they will start falling sick, and ask for more money to compensate them for their loss of income ... what bollocks ... full time BYing is not an option cos i'm often not in singapore ...
or maybe i'm simply not savvy enough ... contrary to what warbird claims, HE is the REAL alpha male ... haha
errr.....if there are multiples ST...can it be considered as almost part time BY leow?....last thursday I was feeling quite down and decided to RTF this WL which I had to tried very hard to convince her to do ST with me previously....knn....first thing she said when she saw me is....can I ask you a favour...I am having trouble paying the rent....can you give me $xxx.....despite being caught unaware and was already tired out and unable to think clearly....I told her to discuss about it later and diverted the topic.....after the whole thing I told her I no money and gave her still slightly above market rate...but no way will I be KCed into paying her rent! she's quite skillful, I don't believe I am the only guy she ever STed with...hehehee
07-09-2010, 11:10 AM
Hi bro Warbird,
Long time no see... Mr Austin is now busy travelling. Not sure if he is back yet. I have also met bro Marc5 recently at LV for a drink with a cupled of esteemed bros.
Let me know lah... the venue.
Hi bro LDH,
Four bros are confirmed for tonite. Bro Ragging Bull will be there to sing for us, hehehe. Last lite, he n his sidekick asked me to join them for a SH session somewhere, but I just couldn't make it.
Yeah my frens and I had many bad experiences with FJ girls....such that the moment we find out they are from FJ we would reject straight away....your descriptions are right....generally bad service and money minded.... although recently I had one who is not that bad and we wanted to try out a part time BY relationship....but in the end the tail will always wag out of the backside and you will get to see their true I will likely drop her as I feel her service to me has dropped....not point paying to be unhappy right?
The northern gals generally have better attitude and better complexion and nicer boobs....while ChongQing girls are the easiest to ST! hahahah
Unfortunately, I'm still attracted to their Fujian-accented Mandarin. Although this attraction has been much weakened over the past yr, I need to remove it completely n permanently by doing Psycanics exercises.;)
Sigh... it is going to be difficult.... I enjoy sex with her.
She is quite beautiful... a 8/10 in my books.....
Sigh... maybe one last meeting this week....
There r many, many pretty pussies out there...
i agree with moral epitome in that we can see a girl's true colours when we do part-time BY. i tried that for a couple of times. eventually, they will start asking for more money................ full time BYing is not an option cos i'm often not in singapore ...
or maybe i'm simply not savvy enough ... contrary to what warbird claims, HE is the REAL alpha male ... haha
Hi bro BV,
I hv the same problem as I'm often not in SIN.
You're the MAN, bro. I'm still learning n improving...
Hv a great trip!
errr.....if there are multiples ST...can it be considered as almost part time BY leow?....last thursday I was feeling quite down and decided to RTF this WL which I had to tried very hard to convince her to do ST with me previously....knn....first thing she said when she saw me is....can I ask you a favour...I am having trouble paying the rent....can you give me $xxx.....................but no way will I be KCed into paying her rent! she's quite skillful, I don't believe I am the only guy she ever STed with...hehehee
No, multiple n sequential STs r not part-time BY-ing. There is no exclusivity of her pussy.
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Good morning to all samsters! What an auspicious day!
I like to discuss BY-ing or 包养 of PRC gals as I understand it.
In full-time BY-ing, the gal's pussy is exclusively yours for a specified period in return for certain mutually agreed monetary compensation or damage n she doesn't work, although she may attend school. In my personal experience, it's quite easy to monitor her daily activities in this case.
In part-time BY-ing, which I do sometimes, the gal's pussy is still exclusively yours, but she may continue to work. It's much more difficult to ensure her compliance n faithfulness.
In BY-ing, it's a good idea to put ur gal in a studio or master bedrm close to u. You can spend more time w/ her n enjoy her home cooking, etc. Better GFE, companionship n much better Fxk...
I'm aware of the fact that in China, damage for full-time BY-ing of pretty/classy current uni student (aged 18-22) from a major university ranges from 20k to 50K RMB a month. I'm paying the higher range here, but BY-ing mostly poorly educated gals who r only so-so.
After carefully calculating the risk: reward ratio, it's obvious that I must move to PRC soon. But I'm here now n hv to do the best I can.
Your feedback is always welcome!
Be good,
Bro WB
08-09-2010, 10:44 AM
Good day to all samsters!
Woke up early this morning, thankful to be alive! Feel really well, fully rested n energized n no pain anywhere. What more can a lao ah pek wish for?
There has been much discussions as to what is a real MAN.
IMHO, Shakespeare's protagonist in fictional Julius Caesar fits the bill. We could witness his dominance, leadership, courage n self mastery/self control, and above all, his fearlessness n acceptance of death as NECESSARY for himself n for all humans. Death to him is Not inevitable, but NECESSARY, indeed a blessing, hehehe. Now, that is the mindset of a real MAN.
Julius Caesar | Act II, Scene II
What can be avoided
Whose end is purposed by the mighty gods?
Yet Caesar shall go forth, for these predictions
Are to the world in general as to Caesar.(30)
When beggars die, there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.
Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,(35)
It seems to me most strange that men should fear
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come.
Modern translation:
(Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant only taste of death once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,
It seems most strange to me that men should fear death,
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come.—)
[Re-]enter Servant.]
What say the augurers?
They would not have you to stir forth today.(40)
Plucking the entrails of an offering forth,
They could not find a heart within the beast.
The gods do this in shame of cowardice.
Caesar should be a beast without a heart
If he should stay at home today for fear.(45)
No, Caesar shall not. Danger knows full well
That Caesar is more dangerous than he.
We are two lions litter'd in one day,
And I the elder and more terrible.
And Caesar shall go forth.(50)
The question for me n for all bros is:
Am I a coward or a valiant? If I'm already a valiant, GREAT!
If I'm still a coward, what could I do to become a valiant?
Bro WB
08-09-2010, 11:05 AM
hi everyone, seems that i should have gone thru this thread earlier...
so many expert bros ard & advice...
i went to a ktv in town recently with a couple of to know this gal there...
was wearing my wedding band as i was just out for fun didnt want to hide anything...
so the gal knew i was married & still took my number & smsed me at night & said i could take her out sometime..
wow!!i was shocked..think due to my inexperience , i quickly shunned her...but now looking at this thread ..seems like i missed out on some potential "fun"..but my heart weak lah...didnt dare to carry on ctc the gal...
08-09-2010, 11:05 AM
Hi bro LDH,
No, multiple n sequential STs r not part-time BY-ing. There is no exclusivity of her pussy.
Your feedback is always welcome!
Be good,
Bro WB
I meant if she only do exclusive STs with you does it constitute as part time BYing? hehehe...
08-09-2010, 11:06 AM
hi everyone, seems that i should have gone thru this thread earlier...
so many expert bros ard & advice...
i went to a ktv in town recently with a couple of to know this gal there...
was wearing my wedding band as i was just out for fun didnt want to hide anything...
so the gal knew i was married & still took my number & smsed me at night & said i could take her out sometime..
wow!!i was shocked..think due to my inexperience , i quickly shunned her...but now looking at this thread ..seems like i missed out on some potential "fun"..but my heart weak lah...didnt dare to carry on ctc the gal...
It's okay bro...being faithful to your spouse is not a bad thing!
08-09-2010, 11:08 AM
Good day to all samsters!
Woke up early this morning, thankful to be alive! Feel really well, fully rested n energized n no pain anywhere. What more can a lao ah pek wish for?
There has been much discussions as to what is a real MAN.
IMHO, Shakespeare's protagonist in fictional Julius Caesar fits the bill. We could witness his dominance, leadership, courage n self mastery/self control, and above all, his fearlessness n acceptance of death as NECESSARY for himself n for all humans. Death to him is Not inevitable, but NECESSARY, indeed a blessing, hehehe. Now, that is the mindset of a real MAN.
Julius Caesar | Act II, Scene II
What can be avoided
Whose end is purposed by the mighty gods?
Yet Caesar shall go forth, for these predictions
Are to the world in general as to Caesar.(30)
When beggars die, there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.
Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,(35)
It seems to me most strange that men should fear
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come.
Modern translation:
(Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant only taste of death once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,
It seems most strange to me that men should fear death,
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come.—)
[Re-]enter Servant.]
What say the augurers?
They would not have you to stir forth today.(40)
Plucking the entrails of an offering forth,
They could not find a heart within the beast.
The gods do this in shame of cowardice.
Caesar should be a beast without a heart
If he should stay at home today for fear.(45)
No, Caesar shall not. Danger knows full well
That Caesar is more dangerous than he.
We are two lions litter'd in one day,
And I the elder and more terrible.
And Caesar shall go forth.(50)
The question for me n for all bros is:
Am I a coward or a valiant? If I'm already a valiant, GREAT!
If I'm still a coward, what could I do to become a valiant?
Bro WB
Many people go though life wondering what if....I am also guilty of that..I will learn the ways of the force so that I can reach the levels of some of the esteem bros here...haha...glad that you woke up feeling great!
08-09-2010, 11:10 AM
dear bro ME ,
yup..being faithful is good but i wonder how long can i last..haha...
after a guy too....
but i guess to play the game , i got to learn the rules of the game first...
think am in the right place to learn in sbf should i want to play the game...
seems like alot of bros are pros here!!:D
08-09-2010, 01:09 PM
hi everyone, seems that i should have gone thru this thread earlier...
so many expert bros ard & advice...
i went to a ktv in town recently with a couple of to know this gal there...
was wearing my wedding band as i was just out for fun didnt want to hide anything...
so the gal knew i was married & still took my number & smsed me at night & said i could take her out sometime..
wow!!i was shocked..think due to my inexperience , i quickly shunned her...but now looking at this thread ..seems like i missed out on some potential "fun"..but my heart weak lah...didnt dare to carry on ctc the gal...
Pls do not believe the bullshit that the girl is saying..
I used to chiong KTV often. What "your girl" doing is SOP!! They always sms every customer they meet. This is their way of "fishing" for potential carrot head.
How do I know for a fact? There used to be 1 KTV that I got to know and this girl has been "bao-ed". But her man often outstation so she used to call me over to her place when ever she needs to a bang! Yes, I had free bangs while some carrot head was paying the rent. Well, that is another story.
Back to my point - after our vigorous exercise routine, she would settle into sending sms-es to the various customers she met the previous night. Sometimes we would go for dinners wither her other sisters, and after the makan, all the girls would take out their phones and start sms-ing their carrot heads..
Beware of these PRCs!!
08-09-2010, 05:04 PM
dear bro ME ,
yup..being faithful is good but i wonder how long can i last..haha...
after a guy too....
but i guess to play the game , i got to learn the rules of the game first...
think am in the right place to learn in sbf should i want to play the game...
seems like alot of bros are pros here!!:D
My sincere advice - Dun start.
08-09-2010, 05:09 PM
To the unknown brother out there.
I am sorry but I had great sex with your wife again this afternoon.
Your neglect and lack of sex with her had resulted in her straying.
So ..dun blame her !
Anyway...just to offer some consolation to you.
I promise not to see her again ... if I can.
08-09-2010, 07:41 PM
Pls do not believe the bullshit that the girl is saying..
I used to chiong KTV often. What "your girl" doing is SOP!! They always sms every customer they meet. This is their way of "fishing" for potential carrot head.
How do I know for a fact? There used to be 1 KTV that I got to know and this girl has been "bao-ed". But her man often outstation so she used to call me over to her place when ever she needs to a bang! Yes, I had free bangs while some carrot head was paying the rent. Well, that is another story.
Back to my point - after our vigorous exercise routine, she would settle into sending sms-es to the various customers she met the previous night. Sometimes we would go for dinners wither her other sisters, and after the makan, all the girls would take out their phones and start sms-ing their carrot heads..
Beware of these PRCs!!
LOL....I ever had the experience of while fu(king the girl...her lao gong called her....she ask me to fu(k her quietly while she talk to him....she was so sweet and nice to the lao gong on the phone while I was banging her...after she hung up I asked...wah so sweet huh must be your beloved bf....she told me it''s just an irritating asshole who wants to bang her that's all and can go fuck spider and die......hahaha....
08-09-2010, 07:45 PM
To the unknown brother out there.
I am sorry but I had great sex with your wife again this afternoon.
Your neglect and lack of sex with her had resulted in her straying.
So ..dun blame her !
Anyway...just to offer some consolation to you.
I promise not to see her again ... if I can.
You are hilarious la...where is this women from?
08-09-2010, 09:32 PM
You are hilarious la...where is this women from?
She is PRC.. I can't reveal too much other wise she will get into trouble.
She was really hungry like a wolf man.
Me was like a lamb !!!:D
Read your PM, please.
08-09-2010, 09:59 PM
She is PRC.. I can't reveal too much other wise she will get into trouble.
She was really hungry like a wolf man.
Me was like a lamb !!!:D
Read your PM, please.
LOL ok replied the pm...your cosplay skills must be good too...
09-09-2010, 10:14 AM
I meant if she only do exclusive STs with you does it constitute as part time BYing? hehehe...
This is controversial, but let me give u my personal opinion.
If her pussy is exclusively yours, ur RS w/ her is sort of BF/GF type, but not BAO-er/BAO-ee. The crucial point is that she reserves the right to meet n hv sex w/ other men w/o ur consent.
Many people go though life wondering what if....I am also guilty of that..I will learn the ways of the force so that I can reach the levels of some of the esteem bros here...haha...glad that you woke up feeling great!
Julius Caesar was the quintessential Alpha male.
To the unknown brother out there.
I am sorry but I had great sex with your wife again this afternoon.
Your neglect and lack of sex with her had resulted in her straying.
So ..dun blame her !
Anyway...just to offer some consolation to you.
I promise not to see her again ... if I can.
Bro, u must hv given her many sessions of COS n she is addicted to u, hehehe.
09-09-2010, 04:45 PM
Bro, u must hv given her many sessions of COS n she is addicted to u, hehehe.
I practically have to french her all the time, otherwise she will be screaming her head off ! We spent 3 hours (shot 3 times) in the hotel room.
The bed was damn wet after that.:D
Well.. I will dump her soon.
10-09-2010, 12:49 PM
I practically have to french her all the time, otherwise she will be screaming her head off ! We spent 3 hours (shot 3 times) in the hotel room.
The bed was damn wet after that.:D
Well.. I will dump her soon.
Yes, u must hv given her repeated COS n she is now addicted to u!!
Dump her soon? Be prepared, bro, as she will not let go of u so easily. You may hv to go into hiding, hehehe.:D
.................................................. .................................................. ........
Good morning!
Let's talk abt my favourite topic: Giving women COS. It has not been impossible to give all my BAO-ees COS. The reason is very complex. A safe n secure home environment could hv been helpful. I dun want to blame the gal n will admit that the fault is mine n mine alone.
I met up w/ a new bro from HK at TAM complex last nite. Bro Ragging Bull n his sidekick were there too.
The Hongkie bro is a big shot working for a MNC n a veteran BAO-er who keeps mistresses in SZ n elsewhere in PRC. He is in town for a few days n is looking for ST.
Bro Ragging Bull brought his stunningly beautiful "wife," certainly one of the prettiest PRC gals I hv seen in SIN. He sang so well that, I jokingly told him I might fall in love w/ him if I continued to see him, front of all the gals.
I also brought one of my 2 current mistresses there, the older one who is going to be 24. I saw her in makeup n party dress only once before. Subsequently, she always meet me w/o makeup n always wear very plain clothing n flat shoes. Still quite pretty but not exciting. BTW, I hv failed to give her COS n was thinking of dumping her very soon despite her good sexual services.
But when I picked her up last nite, I almost couldn't believe my eyes! She looked stunningly attractive n classy to me. Wow!! What a looker!! She had high heels on which accentuated her statuesque physique (she is 171 w/o shoes n weighs 53 kg) n wore hot pants revealing her shapely ass n fair long, straight legs. A leather jacket w/ blouse inside merely hinted at her cleavage. She did put on a light makeup...I hv decided to keep her for the time being.
Strangely, most of my BAO-ees hv been kinesthetic n my two current ones r no exceptions. Feelings n touching r very important to them...some of them hv criticized me for being too logical/boring/unemotional n not sensual n romantic enuff. But who cares? They r just bot meat to be fxked hard.:D
Bro WB
11-09-2010, 12:28 PM
Good afternoon!
I'm still a newbie in the art n science of giving COS to women. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to improve...
Got another interesting email from a sex guru a wk ago:
Scream-Inducing Female "Hot Button"
Of all the spots on a woman's body that
you can stimulate to drive her crazy... which
one is the MOST powerful?
Care to guess?
As you probably know, I have an interview
series for men called "Interviews With
Sex Gurus" that I do every month.
So over the past years I've had the fun
and, frankly, the learning opportunity of
interviewing all sorts of TOP experts in the area
of sexuality... from tantra masters to clinical
It's been great, and I wanted to share with
you something very fascinating that I've learned
from doing all of these interviews.
After doing many, many of these interviews I
noticed that every single one of these top experts
that I interrogated for their very best information
and their top secret sex tips...
Every one of them, at some point, thought it
was important to bring up this one particular
A fact that MOST men obviously don't know...
and if they DO know, they simply don't DO anything
about that knowledge or there would a LOT more
happy women out there--
Every one of these experts said that the MOST
SENSITIVE and IMPORTANT erotic organ on a woman's
body... the one that, if properly stimulated,
would give her the most POWERFUL ORGASMS, is one
that most men completely ignore.
And, more surprisingly, they ALL agreed on
what that secret spot was.
Have you figured it out yet?
If you've been reading these newsletters for a
while I'm sure you got this one right...
If you haven't been reading these newsletters
and you STILL get it right, then you probably
have a very happy woman in your life...
Did you guess "her brain"?
Because expert after expert that I interviewed
said that the most important and powerful sex
organ in a woman's body was her "mind," her
"imagination", her "thoughts", the "organ between
her ears", and in all other ways of saying it:
Her Brain.
And if you have been reading my newsletters
for a while, then you know I'm not going to just
leave you hanging here... you know that I'm now
going to give you some straight up tips and
techniques on how to USE this information to
drive your woman wild.
In other words, I'm going to answer the
question: "How do I sexually stimulate her B-Spot?"
One of the reasons that couples begin to feel
like they are getting into a rut or that their
sex life is quickly getting less interesting over
time, is that they are so focused on what they
are DOING, rather than on what they are FEELING.
If you look at one of those books like 1001
sex positions, and you remove the ones that are
impossible, uncomfortable, generally silly, or
require 10 years of yoga or gymnastics to get in
to... what you are left with is just a bunch of
minor variations on about 4 basic positions.
Well obviously that's not a ton of variety...
If you are focused on what you are DOING, of
course things can get dull.
And it's so easy, especially after you've had
sex with a partner a dozen times, to just start
taking it for granted...
Clothing off, a little kissing, a little
breast stroking, a little oral, a little
But that is not going to be enough for a
woman to really get what she needs. Building
intimacy and connection is, on the other hand,
an endless source of sexual pleasure and interest.
Love making should never get boring.
And when you ARE in love-- it has the potential
to ALWAYS be exciting.
Not every couple who are in love, though,
manage to translate that love to their sex life.
It takes confidence, courage, and intention to
bring those intimate emotions into your sexual
Making the effort to CONNECT with each other,
and bring her emotional world into the erotic world
is hard. And it is not something that you see in
most media directed at men.
In other words, when men want to get turned on
and they look at pornography, or hot girls in
calendars or swimsuit magazines-- the emphasis
is not exactly too focused on emotions.
But women work differently.
Just respecting that fact and making an effort
to connect with her in a loving way will do
ridiculously powerful things to your sex life.
But, like I said, it takes some courage.
You've got to have balls to play that emotional
card because it makes YOU vulnerable in a really
painful way if she rejects it.
The choice is yours-- I think the risk is well
worth the rewards.
...or in some other way, make an effort to
Women will tell you that most men are
completely silent in the bedroom. Some will make
an effort at "dirty talk", but few really try to
make an effort at connecting in some real way.
"Dirty talk" is way better than nothing...
Many women LOVE dirty talk and say it's a real
turn on... some don't care for it... but IF you are
with a woman that likes it, then it's a great way
to SYNCHRONIZE your feelings together...
First because you are directly stimulating her
brain and you will get powerful results in her pleasure.
More importantly, you are creating the
communication that LINKS YOU UP, so you are on the
same page during love-making... and not just both
locked in your own heads, DOING something together,
but not necessarily THINKING or FEELING it
Speaking of your feelings or emotions, asking
about hers, telling her how she is making you
feel, describing what her skin feels like or
what she smells like, telling her what you want
her to do for you - these are all ways of
linking up your experiences.
All of these things are great ways to use your
words to really connect in with her brain and
make the sexual experience MUCH more intense for
both of you.
But if you don't feel comfortable "chatting"
during sex-- that's fine-- find other ways to
communicate without words... using touch, sighs,
sounds, and eye contact, aggressiveness, tenderness,
or anything else that connects you with each
other's emotional state.
A romantic environment definitely stimulates
the "B-spot."
The obvious way to go here is to light candles,
spread rose petals on the bed...
But the setting does not have to be romantic.
Not all men like that mushy sort of thing, and
BIG TIP here my friend: Not all women like it either.
Doing it someplace exciting is different things
to different people.
The danger of potentially getting caught can
make a parking garage better than rose petals for
more women than you might suspect...
And if you like sharing fantasy, you don't
ever have to leave your bedroom...
If she is an exhibitionist, all you need to do
is TELL her to IMAGINE the place you'd like to
make love to her... Yes, that's right, using your
words again... not necessarily during sex, but
before it... to set the scene.
Remember that creating the setting is even
more powerful when it does not involve a physical
setting-- but rather an emotional one.
If you think about the sorts of things that
turn women on in the movies-- forbidden love,
romantic destiny, wild passion... these are the
things that you can create in her brain before
you ever get to the bedroom.
It takes a bit of imagination, and a bit of
effort, but according to EVERY expert that I've
spoken with, it's WORTH the effort... because the
"B-Spot" is far more powerful than the clitoris,
the g-spot, or any other sexual part on her body.
Try these 3 techniques out TONIGHT. You won't
believe the results. If you've been together for
a while and you're in a rut, just the fact that
you are making this effort my bring her to tears
of gratitude... and screams of passion.
Wishing you the best in love and life,
For Passion,
11-09-2010, 12:33 PM
thanks to all bros for the advice...
but seems like fun to have such stunning PRC gals...
would love to join in the fun some time though..
by the way, what doe COS mean?
am sorry not very knowledgeable on short lingos...
have a nice weekend bros..
11-09-2010, 02:11 PM
thanks to all bros for the advice...
but seems like fun to have such stunning PRC gals...
would love to join in the fun some time though..
by the way, what doe COS mean?
am sorry not very knowledgeable on short lingos...
have a nice weekend bros..
Let the young panda-wan answer for the COS knight Bro WB....COS stands for Continuously Orgasmic State....hahahaah
11-09-2010, 10:04 PM
Quote : Yes, u must hv given her repeated COS n she is now addicted to u!!
Dump her soon? Be prepared, bro, as she will not let go of u so easily. You may hv to go into hiding, hehehe.
Hi Bro WB..
You are right !
Shit ! How to hide in Singapore?
She even knows where I live !
Shit ! I may need to go and see a plastic surgeon :D
11-09-2010, 10:06 PM
Let the young panda-wan answer for the COS knight Bro WB....COS stands for Continuously Orgasmic State....hahahaah
Dun teach him lah... dun lead him astray !:cool:
BTW.. I am sure you are very free today.
Did you try out the new contact I gave you?:p
11-09-2010, 10:22 PM
Dun teach him lah... dun lead him astray !:cool:
BTW.. I am sure you are very free today.
Did you try out the new contact I gave you?:p
No with OC...yesterday went to try this super AP at a HC...hahaha...very good....likely to rtf....the day before went K Box with old colleagues and down two bottles of martell....tomorrow wedding....monday meeting....maybe one or two weeks later than more free to try out...
11-09-2010, 10:24 PM
Quote : Yes, u must hv given her repeated COS n she is now addicted to u!!
Dump her soon? Be prepared, bro, as she will not let go of u so easily. You may hv to go into hiding, hehehe.
Hi Bro WB..
You are right !
Shit ! How to hide in Singapore?
She even knows where I live !
Shit ! I may need to go and see a plastic surgeon :D
wah...dangerous to let FBs know where you stay...sometimes they may get too sticky...
12-09-2010, 12:27 PM
Let the young panda-wan answer for the COS knight Bro WB....COS stands for Continuously Orgasmic State....hahahaah
COS, in contrast to garden variety multiple orgasms, is much more intense n prolonged...and may be accompanied by squirting, hehehe.
Here is a fairly good description:
"A woman’s orgasms are not always like ours. A man’s orgasms are individual and distinct — it is clear when they happen and they are easy to count. It is a buildup to a peak of pleasure, and then a quick slide down to a non-sexual state.
A woman’s orgasms, on the other hand, are different. Sometimes she may have individual, distinct orgasms…but especially if she’s already had a few orgasms, her orgasms tend to be much more indistinct and blended together.
This was something that amazed me when I first learned it. I thought that women could only cum like us, and then I would have to build them all the way back up to orgasmic levels of pleasure again before she could have another orgasm. But then, I learned that after cumming a few times, women don’t “come down” from their orgasms. Eventually, if you make them cum enough, women will reach a state where they continuously alternate between orgasmic levels of pleasure, and pleasure just below orgasm. I call it The Continuously Orgasmic State or COS.
The mind-blowing levels of pleasure you can achieve when your woman is in The Continuously Orgasmic State are amazing. You can keep her in this state for up to half an hour, where she is continuously cumming or on the verge of cumming. There is no interruption to the pleasure, and you lose yourself completely to each other. It is physically exhausting and as intense as getting hit by a truck, except it feels amazing and utterly fulfilling."
Hi Bro WB..
You are right !
Shit ! How to hide in Singapore?
She even knows where I live !
Shit ! I may need to go and see a plastic surgeon :D
Hi bro besafe,
Be very weary bcos if u deprive a woman of her regular COS, she might become very desperate n vindictive...
I hv an advantage here. I just tell the gal I hv to take care of a most urgent affair in Gotham city n hv to leave tmr morning, hehehe.
Bro WB
12-09-2010, 09:21 PM
Eh... Like Fatal Attraction ???
12-09-2010, 10:12 PM
Eh... Like Fatal Attraction ???
You should watch Cruel Intentions...a modern remake of Fatal Attraction....with chio-er and younger girls compared to Glenn Close...unless you are into mlifs...hehehe....
BTW alot of weirdos pm-ing me to add them in msn...but picture quite chio one...
13-09-2010, 10:55 AM
Eh... Like Fatal Attraction ???
She will turn into a stalker! You may hv to get a restraining order from the police.
.................................................. .................................................. .........
Good morning!
Attraction, KC n faling in love r irrational n inexplicable. I'll present a case study. The story is ongoing.
I hv a good fren who has fallen for a PRC WL/KTV gal! He is a tall, handsome businessman in his 40s. He has been a player all his life...
He used to advise me against BY-ing PRC gals. They r all whores n pathological liars, fxk n forget, my fren; dun waste money BY-ing them, they all cheat, he would often admonish me. Feelings for PRC whores, never. I just fxk them hard, hehehe, he would say.
He had fallen in love a couple times in his early 20s, followed by a long hiatus until a few wks ago.
The object of his fervent love n passion is a KTV WL, in her late 20s, who was not attractive to him, at least initially. She does ST. After meeting her a couple of times, he fell hard n fast for her! He confided that he has never fallen for a gal so fast n so deeply. He is obsessed w/ her. She is playing hot n cold w/ him n has all the power. He can't help it n he doesn't understand why!! He is in very big trouble!
His gal is unattractive to me, certainly not my type. One of my BAO-ees thinks he must be crazy in falling for such a gal. After witnessing what has happened to him, I guess no one is immune to KC n falling in love w/ the wrong person.
Fact is stranger than fiction!
Bro WB
13-09-2010, 11:08 AM
thanks to bros for the explanation...
wow..really widened my horizons...
anyway , i had an outing recently with some sbf bros & got to know another PRC gal...
as usual , didnt hide the fact that i was married...didnt initiate to exchange ctc but during the outing , she sort of lost her hp & asked me to call her to look for her phone...
found it but i did not save her number...
but yesterday , she text me at night asking me out for session...
wuah...shocked & tempted but didnt go in the end..
not sure if i did the right thing though....
13-09-2010, 10:33 PM
She will turn into a stalker! You may hv to get a restraining order from the police.
.................................................. .................................................. .........
Good morning!
Attraction, KC n faling in love r irrational n inexplicable. I'll present a case study. The story is ongoing.
I hv a good fren who has fallen for a PRC WL/KTV gal! He is a tall, handsome businessman in his 40s. He has been a player all his life...
He used to advise me against BY-ing PRC gals. They r all whores n pathological liars, fxk n forget, my fren; dun waste money BY-ing them, they all cheat, he would often admonish me. Feelings for PRC whores, never. I just fxk them hard, hehehe, he would say.
He had fallen in love a couple times in his early 20s, followed by a long hiatus until a few wks ago.
The object of his fervent love n passion is a KTV WL, in her late 20s, who was not attractive to him, at least initially. She does ST. After meeting her a couple of times, he fell hard n fast for her! He confided that he has never fallen for a gal so fast n so deeply. He is obsessed w/ her. She is playing hot n cold w/ him n has all the power. He can't help it n he doesn't understand why!! He is in very big trouble!
His gal is unattractive to me, certainly not my type. One of my BAO-ees thinks he must be crazy in falling for such a gal. After witnessing what has happened to him, I guess no one is immune to KC n falling in love w/ the wrong person.
Fact is stranger than fiction!
Bro WB man's meant is another man's poison that time I like 118 so much but bro LDH thinks she's very chor lor and totally don't like fact this 118 is the only girl I ever had feelings for...and while I go for girls who do not so easily agree to ST...usually within 2 weeks and under $800 will get to screw them already...i actually spent about 5 times that on 118 and only got to touch her breasts...hahahaha.....what a loser!....although she said she felt abit paiseh I support her and she did not agree to let me fuck...
13-09-2010, 10:35 PM
thanks to bros for the explanation...
wow..really widened my horizons...
anyway , i had an outing recently with some sbf bros & got to know another PRC gal...
as usual , didnt hide the fact that i was married...didnt initiate to exchange ctc but during the outing , she sort of lost her hp & asked me to call her to look for her phone...
found it but i did not save her number...
but yesterday , she text me at night asking me out for session...
wuah...shocked & tempted but didnt go in the end..
not sure if i did the right thing though....
Bro...just do is short...don't go though life regretting not doing all the things you want
13-09-2010, 11:17 PM
Oh... you into ST?
You want to try a new student?
My ctc (PRC student) smsed me this afternoon and asked if I want to.
Unfortunately, I am tied up with things this week....
So how... want to be commando? :D
Wow.. so happening huh.. uncle pop by to support
14-09-2010, 11:29 AM man's meant is another man's poison that time I like 118 so much but bro LDH thinks she's very chor lor and totally don't like fact this 118 is the only girl I ever had feelings for...and while I go for girls who do not so easily agree to ST...usually within 2 weeks and under $800 will get to screw them already...i actually spent about 5 times that on 118 and only got to touch her breasts...hahahaha.....what a loser!....although she said she felt abit paiseh I support her and she did not agree to let me fuck...
No, this is not a simple case of one man's meat...what is strange is that my fren didn't even want the gal to sit w/ him initially when he 1st saw her at a "mummy-less" KTV in DC complex. He told her to get lost but she threw herself on him! He has not been the same person ever since. She must hv cast a spell on him n he is trapped!
Now he can't sleep n can't work. He can't get her off his mind for more than 5 minutes while awake. He dreams abt her. He used to despise PRC gals...his command of Mandarin is quite limited as well. If she doesn't pick up his calls or return his text msg, he is in anguish. He doesn't even know why he is in love w/ her. He is like a zombie. He has offered a large amt of money (much more than all the money I hv spent to BY 17-18 gals in the last 15 months) to beg her to quit working n she refused! I guess she wants a lot more than that. To me she is an ugly MILF whore whom I wont fxk even if she pays me. He confided w/ me that he wants a long-term RS w/ her n would love to marry her if only she would accept him! Is he mad or what??
My conclusion: He kena gong tao. Any idea how he could be saved?
I'm just glad that this has not happened to me. What can I do to prevent ever getting "gong tao-ed" ?
Introspect, I might hv got a bit of gong tao from KK. Fortunately, she fell in love w/ a 20 yo fellow student n let me off the hook. I got lucky. There is this tall Kangxi gal I hv to approach w/ caution as gong tao is a common practice in that part of China.
Bro WB
14-09-2010, 02:05 PM
It's indeed odd that a veteran in nite-clubbing would fall for an ordinary looking MM and I guessed the only logical explanation was what you said - a spell had been cast on this friend of yours. So is this MM from Kunming where Chinese voodoo is still practiced there?
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