View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
07-12-2010, 06:31 PM
haha well said, many year ago when i was serving my contract in the SAF, i had a colleague always bring food from home, eat cook house etc etc
We always disturb him kiamkana n also jio him say we blanjah him la
We know he paying off loans for some properties he bought...that time still young where got think so much, keep your cock happy is of the utmost PRIORITY!!!!! Come to think of it, still no change in priority lol
Nabei, all ROD liao looking at different paths to fulfill their next step in life, this kiamkana, sell all those property the next day overnight millionaire liao......
We enjoy now regret later, he regret now but enjoy longer!
Thus i added this in my siggy:
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!!
07-12-2010, 07:53 PM
Just some thoughts. I have always been a spender. Never a saver. Even though my family was poor before, it was never in my DNA to save. Spent my salary every month and more (OD 50K at one point), on girls and chionging. Was super horny in my younger days.
Then 1 fine day, my then gf said that she wanted to buy a condo with me and she had already committed to 1. Till today, I am unable to recall how I coughed up the down payment. Anyway to cut the long story short, we made money on the condo (+ some hardwork and shrewd investments) and we are pretty comfortable now.
A close and very dear friend of mine-a very good family man who worked hard, loved the family and chionged only when it was convenient, passed away recently. Stroke. No warning. No family history of stroke. His death shocked me.
My conclusion, chiong/play accordingly. If it pains you to chiong, then don't chiong. If not chioinging causes your mind to think of pussies all the time (it happens to me every 2/3 months), then please go chiong. It's healthier and (probably) makes you more productive at work which in turn will make you more money. Making money is important but so is your mental and sexual well-being. Met a rich HK businessman 2 years ago over dinner. We chatted over dinner and he revealed that hardwork alone cannot make a man successful, blah blah blah. Anyway it was a pretty long conversation and I am pretty drunk on alcohol right now so I shall conclude this with:
Success = (Hardwork + Mental Health + Physical Health)*Luck
where Luck is defined as the number of people you know, your personality, macro economic factors, etc.
In case I get accused of being a show off, I would like to say that I am still far from being financially secure but i am working towards my there while remembering to have fun along the way. Just sharing some thoughts.
07-12-2010, 09:38 PM
Well said Bro mmhunter !
Wishing you the very best in 2011, and that includes all brothers here in the forum.
07-12-2010, 10:48 PM
Dear esteemed Sifus
I went to Bugis Junction's Kinokuniya to look for the two books recommended here. Found only the Intelligent Investor. I came across this book "The winning investment habits of Warren Buffet and George Soros" and found it interesting. Not sure if the Sifus here have any comments on it. I intend to change my bad habits into good ones, and make more money so that I can be allowed to follow the Sifus to learn. Now I am just a lowly salaried worker who has yet to step into any of the KTVs mentioned here. I know, it's that bad! :-)
I read the winning investment habits of wb and gs long ago and I am not any richer then and for the books...the bugis outlet has limited collection....go to the Orchard one under Academia H01-01 to can find all the books there...the intelligent investor, the american capitalist and how to get I said....reading is one thing...being able to execute is another.....if you are new to books....i recommend you read acres of diamonds and tink and grow rich first....and yes don't start...if I calculated all the money I have wasted on fucking and girls over the past ten's probably enough to buy the cheapest hdb flat in singapore....
07-12-2010, 10:55 PM
Just some thoughts. I have always been a spender. Never a saver. Even though my family was poor before, it was never in my DNA to save. Spent my salary every month and more (OD 50K at one point), on girls and chionging. Was super horny in my younger days.
Then 1 fine day, my then gf said that she wanted to buy a condo with me and she had already committed to 1. Till today, I am unable to recall how I coughed up the down payment. Anyway to cut the long story short, we made money on the condo (+ some hardwork and shrewd investments) and we are pretty comfortable now.
A close and very dear friend of mine-a very good family man who worked hard, loved the family and chionged only when it was convenient, passed away recently. Stroke. No warning. No family history of stroke. His death shocked me.
My conclusion, chiong/play accordingly. If it pains you to chiong, then don't chiong. If not chioinging causes your mind to think of pussies all the time (it happens to me every 2/3 months), then please go chiong. It's healthier and (probably) makes you more productive at work which in turn will make you more money. Making money is important but so is your mental and sexual well-being. Met a rich HK businessman 2 years ago over dinner. We chatted over dinner and he revealed that hardwork alone cannot make a man successful, blah blah blah. Anyway it was a pretty long conversation and I am pretty drunk on alcohol right now so I shall conclude this with:
Success = (Hardwork + Mental Health + Physical Health)*Luck
where Luck is defined as the number of people you know, your personality, macro economic factors, etc.
In case I get accused of being a show off, I would like to say that I am still far from being financially secure but i am working towards my there while remembering to have fun along the way. Just sharing some thoughts.
Well...I guess the wise thing is to do everything in moderation....when I graduated from uni I only had 500 in my bank account and still rely on my dad to pay for my car and other expenses....but I decided enough was enough and I had to make it on my own...i graduated during the SARS crisis and I was offered 1500 a mth as a graduat3....this wasn't enough to even pay for the car....but I was lucky to find another job where the pay equals the amount of effort put in...that 3 years I managed to save my first 200k and i never go ktv that 3 was just work work work and occasional 7 years down the road....I been cheonging ktv and I still only have the lesson to learn is if you wan to save...don't cheong ktv...hahahaha
08-12-2010, 01:26 AM
but I managed to descend slowing down some steep steps, w/ my hands clinging to the rails. There were mostly restaurants in the row of shop houses downstairs. As I walked towards one, I was greeted by someone who called Bro WB! He was a young handsome man (bro MillerV I think) who joined one of my outings only 3 days ago. He lived around the area. SG is really too small!
Bro WB
Yes Warbird that was me! Thanks for the compliment (bei paiseh :P)
To the contrary, Bro Warbird was standing and walking perfectly fine when i saw him. And there was a certain after-glow, a nice aura altogether. I guess thats why i din missed you.
Yes Singapore is really quite small. And where i stay, i do bump into plenty of people whenever i hop across for a teh tarik and a TCSS session. But its good to bump into friends, lotsa warmth to meet a friend in this crowded island.
Been interesting meeting bro WB and the rest at LV HH. Thanks for inviting. I would say, its an eye-opener. Would love to join again when schedule allows. :) Perhaps after CNY.
Bro grouchycabi, for your benefit i tot i will gather the links of the recommended books. Unfortunately, Kino dun carry Paul Getty's.
Give them a call and reserve the book. They will be willing to order Paul Getty's if you place your order.
The Making of an American Capitalist (
Snowball (
"How to be Rich" by J. Paul Getty. (
Talking about Buffet, here's an interest tidbits which i tot was really cool.
Somewhere thru his first marriage, his wife decided to leave to pursue her career and got a galfriend of hers to "take care" of Buffet.
What a great and understanding wife! "er nai" with wife's initiative and blessings! i like
08-12-2010, 09:13 AM
Buffet's wife wanted to buy a new sofa for 1200...buffet being a thirfty man said: nutti wrong with our sofa that 1200 will be worth a million later! wonder no prc chick wants him and goes for it geek and media mogul instead! And i did buy that book from kino but think i bought the last copy...
08-12-2010, 09:34 AM
First, let me apologize for being so anal-retentive but Buffett is spelt with two “T”s.
My OC, who grew up in HK until her late teens and who was very into HK tabloids (like 壹周刊) told me that Stanley Ho’s second wife was arranged by his first wife. She was the nurse who attended to Stanley’s dying first wife. His wife wanted someone to take care of him when she’s no longer around and so she arranged the marriage between her husband and her nurse. Miraculously, the first wife survived. Stanley then went on to have 2 more wives. Stanley, with all the power, money and fame, is helluva alpha male too.
08-12-2010, 10:46 AM
Thanks for the correction :)
08-12-2010, 12:44 PM
I went to Bugis Junction's Kinokuniya to look for the two books recommended here. Found only the Intelligent Investor. I came across this book "The winning investment habits of Warren Buffet and George Soros" and found it interesting........Now I am just a lowly salaried worker who has yet to step into any of the KTVs mentioned here. I know, it's that bad!
The really useful book is the 1st book. Ignore the 2nd one.
No no, that is good.
Stepping into KTVs will only make you realise its the cos of making you a millionaire and not a billionaire
Mr. Chairman,
IMHO, it's not the money but the time spent at KTVs n BY-ing gals which may prevent a man from becoming a billionaire. However, if he is very sextisfied n contented, he may be more productive/creative n thus become even more successful.
On the other hand, life is ephemeral n unpredictable, what is the purpose of making so much money if a man can't spend at least some of it tasting young n pretty pussies of his type?
Bro warbird,
I am younger than you, yes, but I’m definitely not young...
I totally agree with the experienced bro that you have to go slow. I do exactly that. I prefer to take it slow because for some weird reasons unbeknownst, it makes the eventual sex just so much more orgasmic. Maybe because enough time is given to know each other better, inhabitations shed and any transactional notion erased.
Ths bro for ur advice. I'll go slow w/ the right gal.
Hahaha, I have to agree with Bro DYBJ! Why is not having stepped into these KTVs bad? Seriously, if you are not even a tenth as rich as the shifus here – stay far far away! These KTV MMs can suck you dry faster than you can get a hard on. You should work hard, accumulate and grow your wealth first. When you become successful in what you do and full of confidence, the gals will flock to you.
Investing is a long term commitment which you won’t see results in the short term. It needs time to grow and reap profits but money thrown to KTV MMs cannot wait......
My friend runs a professional firm, has a few FH condo and landed property in D10 & D11 and a family-run F&B chain – a cash cow. I always tease him for being such a cheapskate because every time he goes GL, he only go for the GL80....... Well, he told me he has to watch his spending because his OC may suspect, although we guys keep separate bank accounts which we don’t show our OCs. Still, I agree with him that we should watch how we spend.
BY takes a lot of time too. That extra time has got to come from your working hours. So unless you are financial free like Bro WB and maybe many of the bros here (I don’t know cos I’ve not met any of you) then this game is not for you.
Very prudent advice.
Your well-to-do fren going for GL80 ?!! He should stash some cash in a secret fund to use for cheonging n BY-ing, hehe.
I'm actually unemployed but I hv a little money due to a lucky streak...
We enjoy now regret later, he regret now but enjoy longer!
Thus i added this in my siggy:
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!!
Very true.
J..................Met a rich HK businessman 2 years ago over dinner. We chatted over dinner and he revealed that hardwork alone cannot make a man successful, blah blah blah. Anyway it was a pretty long conversation and I am pretty drunk on alcohol right now so I shall conclude this with:
Success = (Hardwork + Mental Health + Physical Health)*Luck
where Luck is defined as the number of people you know, your personality, macro economic factors, etc.
Ths for ur post.
Well said Bro mmhunter !
Wishing you the very best in 2011, and that includes all brothers here in the forum.
Bro, best wishes!
I read the winning investment habits of wb and gs long ago and I am not any richer then.......go to the Orchard one under Academia H01-01 to can find all the books there...the intelligent investor, the american capitalist and how to get I said....reading is one thing...being able to execute is another........
Well...I guess the wise thing is to do everything in the lesson to learn is if you wan to save...don't cheong ktv...hahahaha
To save money, just go to GL legal houses...
Yes Warbird that was me! Thanks for the compliment (bei paiseh :P)
To the contrary, Bro Warbird was standing and walking perfectly fine when i saw him. And there was a certain after-glow, a nice aura altogether. I guess thats why i din missed you.....
Been interesting meeting bro WB and the rest at LV HH. Thanks for inviting. I would say, its an eye-opener. Would love to join again when schedule allows. :) Perhaps after CNY........................
Talking about Buffet, here's an interest tidbits which i tot was really cool.
Somewhere thru his first marriage, his wife decided to leave to pursue her career and got a galfriend of hers to "take care" of Buffet.
What a great and understanding wife! "er nai" with wife's initiative and blessings! i like
My role model is Getty, not Buffett, hehehe.
After CNY? Unfortunately, by then If my family is here, my outings will be infrequent. And I'll only keep one full-time gal.
Pls let me know.
Bro WB
08-12-2010, 03:54 PM
IMHO, it's not the money but the time spent at KTVs n BY-ing gals which may prevent a man from becoming a billionaire. However, if he is very sextisfied n contented, he may be more productive/creative n thus become even more successful.
Totally agree! Ladies go for facials, spas, manicure/pedicures, shopping/retail therapy to unwind and relax, so we guys need our stress busters. In fact, we guys actually need more therapeutic sexssions cos we have more stress and women in general live longer than men!
On the other hand, life is ephemeral n unpredictable, what is the purpose of making so much money if a man can't spend at least some of it tasting young n pretty pussies of his type?
YES. But. You must have earned the money FIRST BEFORE you can spend SOME of it away. My dear bro WB, you have already made it in life. Successful, loaded and all. You have arrived. And so you are enjoying all the pussies, I mean fruits of your labor. Likewise, I enjoy life but I watch how much I spend. When I’ve finally attained your level, I’ll raise my bar and start to BY MMs of the highest quality! Hahaha!
Your well-to-do fren going for GL80 ?!! He should stash some cash in a secret fund to use for cheonging n BY-ing, hehe.
Yes, unbelievable but true. He has a Singaporean gf who he spends quite a fair bit on. You see, at our age and stage in life, no matter how much we earn, we still have lots of commitments – financial commitments, family commitments, work commitments, etc. And since we are still 20+ years away from official retirement, we should watch our spending and be prudent.
I'm actually unemployed but I hv a little money due to a lucky streak...
You are humble. You are just financially free and choose to be out of the rat race. Those who have made it will always attribute it to luck. Just that the word luck means dedication, hard work, shrewdness, prudence, all rolled into one.
To save money, just go to GL legal houses...
LOL. Not necessary. Spare me for relating a real life story in GL.
There was this guy in his 40s who would book a certain ang pai, 4 to 6 sessions, every single day (sans days when she’s on red alert) for a period of, I don’t know, maybe 6 months or so? When I first learn about it, I told my well-to-do friend who was with me at our regular legal house, “wow, that guy so strong, can do so many hours!?” My friend laughed at me: “you think everyone is a stud like you can last so long ah! Of cos not lah. They go into the room to 培养感情,谈情说爱”. I was like, WTF!?!?!?!? This sorry soul go there to talk love???? So sad. That’s $12K to $20K a month spent on a pros who will be fxxked by so many men after he leaves the legal house. That was so sad. Recently, when I went back to GL and while driving into my regular house, I saw this SYT ang pai walked out of the building in black t-shirt and blue jeans. She has long wavy hair and can easily win many Havelock Rd KTV MMs in the looks and figure department. Wanted to ask her to hop on to my car but since I’ve called the OKT a day before to make booking for another SYT, I decided against it. I found out later from the OKT that she was not working cos she was “injured”. I didn’t ask about that guy. Probably used up all his money. Probably injured too and licking his wounds.
So the moral of my long-winded story is – whether you go GL or KTV (low end or high end), end of the day, if you cannot control your emotions, your hard earn money will leave you.
After CNY? Unfortunately, by then If my family is here, my outings will be infrequent. And I'll only keep one full-time gal.
Bro WB, when you called me yesterday, I was with my OC and our bank’s RM going through our portfolio (year-end ritual) somewhere in Raffles Place so I wasn’t prepared and couldn’t really talk and react. Year ends and the first 2 weeks of the following year are usually extremely busy for me but from the third week of Jan 2011 till your family is here, I will not reject you! So do not give up on me just yet, ya!
08-12-2010, 04:06 PM
I went to my gal’s place for lunch just now. She cooked dumplings, vegetable and herbal soup. After lunch we adjourned to her bedroom to enjoy some aircon. Wanted to do it but her aunt has not left. I remembered what bro WB had posted over the weekend and told her “if you don’t help me release, I’ll go find other gfs to help me”. In the end, she HJ and BBBJ till I CIM. Hahaha. Must thank bro WB for teaching me that – very effective!
08-12-2010, 07:08 PM
YES. But. You must have earned the money FIRST BEFORE you can spend SOME of it away. My dear bro WB, you have already made it in life. Successful, loaded and all. You have arrived. And so you are enjoying all the pussies, I mean fruits of your labor. Likewise, I enjoy life but I watch how much I spend. When I’ve finally attained your level, I’ll raise my bar and start to BY MMs of the highest quality! Hahaha!
Yes, unbelievable but true. He has a Singaporean gf who he spends quite a fair bit on. You see, at our age and stage in life, no matter how much we earn, we still have lots of commitments – financial commitments, family commitments, work commitments, etc. And since we are still 20+ years away from official retirement, we should watch our spending and be prudent.
You are humble. You are just financially free and choose to be out of the rat race. Those who have made it will always attribute it to luck. Just that the word luck means dedication, hard work, shrewdness, prudence, all rolled into one.
LOL. Not necessary. Spare me for relating a real life story in GL.
There was this guy in his 40s who would book a certain ang pai, 4 to 6 sessions, every single day (sans days when she’s on red alert) for a period of, I don’t know, maybe 6 months or so? When I first learn about it, I told my well-to-do friend who was with me at our regular legal house, “wow, that guy so strong, can do so many hours!?” My friend laughed at me: “you think everyone is a stud like you can last so long ah! Of cos not lah. They go into the room to 培养感情,谈情说爱”. I was like, WTF!?!?!?!? This sorry soul go there to talk love???? So sad. That’s $12K to $20K a month spent on a pros who will be fxxked by so many men after he leaves the legal house. That was so sad. Recently, when I went back to GL and while driving into my regular house, I saw this SYT ang pai walked out of the building in black t-shirt and blue jeans. She has long wavy hair and can easily win many Havelock Rd KTV MMs in the looks and figure department. Wanted to ask her to hop on to my car but since I’ve called the OKT a day before to make booking for another SYT, I decided against it. I found out later from the OKT that she was not working cos she was “injured”. I didn’t ask about that guy. Probably used up all his money. Probably injured too and licking his wounds.
So the moral of my long-winded story is – whether you go GL or KTV (low end or high end), end of the day, if you cannot control your emotions, your hard earn money will leave you.
Bro WB, when you called me yesterday, I was with my OC and our bank’s RM going through our portfolio (year-end ritual) somewhere in Raffles Place so I wasn’t prepared and couldn’t really talk and react. Year ends and the first 2 weeks of the following year are usually extremely busy for me but from the third week of Jan 2011 till your family is here, I will not reject you! So do not give up on me just yet, ya!
I have doubts on the expertise of these bank's rm to give you a sound portfolio and build your wealth....I ever walked into the now defunct ABN Ambro Priority banking and guess what... they ask me put everything into MiniBonds....lucky I never listen to him....
I guess whether KTV GL TN or is still possible to be KCed...I ever went to look for a HC girl every day although her services suckz just because she was my type!....
Bro WB, J Paul Getty did not engage in hedonistic activities till much later in life after he made his my advice to myself is after I make millions first then go back to the KTV scene....
09-12-2010, 12:44 AM
I have doubts on the expertise of these bank's rm to give you a sound portfolio and build your wealth....I ever walked into the now defunct ABN Ambro Priority banking and guess what... they ask me put everything into MiniBonds....lucky I never listen to him....
aiya, what balance portfolio, is simply ask u sell and buy into other, so they can make commission mah...... be aware, very aware.....
wealth management is all a bull shit. Just wanna sell u as much as they can. How many of them gone thru 98' asia financially crisis and recent lehman brother's aftermath effect? Sell u china fund, but how many really been to china (not those 3D2N tour hor)?
09-12-2010, 07:36 AM
I have doubts on the expertise of these bank's rm to give you a sound portfolio and build your wealth....I ever walked into the now defunct ABN Ambro Priority banking and guess what... they ask me put everything into MiniBonds....lucky I never listen to him....
I guess whether KTV GL TN or is still possible to be KCed...I ever went to look for a HC girl every day although her services suckz just because she was my type!....
Bro WB, J Paul Getty did not engage in hedonistic activities till much later in life after he made his my advice to myself is after I make millions first then go back to the KTV scene....
Wah liao, lucky you didn’t listen to him and put everything into Minibonds! Otherwise, that would spell the end of your cheonging activities man!
Not to worry, my RM is not from ABN Amro nor priority banking. I never use my bank’s discretionary mandate, choosing instead its advisory mandate (at the other end of the spectrum). I receive up to 10 calls a day for recommendations and trade ideas from my RM but I usually reject them all. I make my own decisions when it comes to what and where to invest my funds. I just call her for support and throughout our professional relationship, she understands what kind of client I am. She would always say I tear balance sheets apart. LOL. I’ve seen too many bank/client relationships gone wrong with either party suing and countersuing each other for losses running into the tens of millions. If you put money into their discretionary services, they will just trade as frequent as they can to generate commission for themselves.
What I like about my bank is I get to have free breakfasts, lunches and dinners (in their office/command centre or 5-star hotels) while at the same time get up to speed with current affairs and investing ideas. I’m a cheapskate. LOL. I also like to meet all these rich and successful and friendly clients and pick their brains and improve myself. Lots of things to learn.
Anyways, the topic on investment is very relevant in this thread because without the extra cash, we can’t have the extra curriculum activities.
09-12-2010, 08:17 AM
aiya, what balance portfolio, is simply ask u sell and buy into other, so they can make commission mah...... be aware, very aware.....
wealth management is all a bull shit. Just wanna sell u as much as they can. How many of them gone thru 98' asia financially crisis and recent lehman brother's aftermath effect? Sell u china fund, but how many really been to china (not those 3D2N tour hor)?
I agree with you...but there are still a few good ones left...but most are young and inexperienced
Wah liao, lucky you didn’t listen to him and put everything into Minibonds! Otherwise, that would spell the end of your cheonging activities man!
Ya....he was telling me MiniBonds very good...pays me yearly interest of 6% vs 2.5% for deposits at that time...I read the brochure and had no idea how did it get it's payouts so never invest in anything you don't understand I guess
Not to worry, my RM is not from ABN Amro nor priority banking. I never use my bank’s discretionary mandate, choosing instead its advisory mandate (at the other end of the spectrum). I receive up to 10 calls a day for recommendations and trade ideas from my RM but I usually reject them all. I make my own decisions when it comes to what and where to invest my funds. I just call her for support and throughout our professional relationship, she understands what kind of client I am. She would always say I tear balance sheets apart. LOL. I’ve seen too many bank/client relationships gone wrong with either party suing and countersuing each other for losses running into the tens of millions. If you put money into their discretionary services, they will just trade as frequent as they can to generate commission for themselves.
What I like about my bank is I get to have free breakfasts, lunches and dinners (in their office/command centre or 5-star hotels) while at the same time get up to speed with current affairs and investing ideas. I’m a cheapskate. LOL. I also like to meet all these rich and successful and friendly clients and pick their brains and improve myself. Lots of things to learn.
Anyways, the topic on investment is very relevant in this thread because without the extra cash, we can’t have the extra curriculum activities.
Don't worry, you are not the only cheapskate haha....I heard that a CEO of large listed company in Singapore withdraw and deposit millions just to get free vouchers.... yes I actually prefer this topic over pussies but they go hand in hand... I have much to learn from the almost billionaires in this thread...:p
09-12-2010, 11:34 AM
I guess whether KTV GL TN or is still possible to be KCed...I ever went to look for a HC girl every day although her services suckz just because she was my type!....
Bro WB, J Paul Getty did not engage in hedonistic activities till much later in life after he made his my advice to myself is after I make millions first then go back to the KTV scene....[/QUOTE]
Hi Bro MoralEpitome,
Getty was known to be truly cost conscious and his penny pinching stories are legendary. He would circled a restaurant with his girlfriends until the time was up for half pricing, he installed a pay phone in his home for his guests and he would rather had his son's ear cut off than to pay a ransom.
09-12-2010, 12:46 PM
Hi Bro MoralEpitome,
Getty was known to be truly cost conscious and his penny pinching stories are legendary. He would circled a restaurant with his girlfriends until the time was up for half pricing, he installed a pay phone in his home for his guests and he would rather had his son's ear cut off than to pay a ransom.
Actually many rich people are like that....for example I have a fren who stayed in a GCB and drives a nissan sunny and would walk 3 blocks just to save $2 parking fees, have a lawyer fren who would drive a korean car, private banking and priority banking customers who would ask for freebies....I don't suppose there is anything wrong with that...that's why rich people stay rich.....on the flip side I also have frens who will pinch on food but drives a maserati....oh well....I suppose everyone has different priorities in life and it is important to know what is important or not....remember that these prc girls are transcient and they will come and go...even our legendary LDH says that out of his many harem of women...only one stayed with him thoughout the ups and downs(think he will whack me later when he sees this haha)....
Value is always relative....some people see value in ST some people see value in BY....just remember our priority in life is to provide for our family foremost, save up for retirement, and then the spare for such fun....
09-12-2010, 01:20 PM
Part ONE:
I spoke to bro WB last week and promised to contribute my two cents when I next log in to sammyboy. So here goes:
These are some of my own personal observations:
1) I notice the change in tack with regards to the thread. This is a distinct shift toward material and financial accumulation with the pre-supposition that when one attains your financial goals, we would be a position to indulge our sensuous self.
Without going into an argumentative mode, let me just highlight to you of the fallacy in such an assumption. There will never be a time when you will sit back and say: okay, my financial goals are attained, now is the time for pampering myself. Financial goals are amorphous, with ever shifting goal post as one embarks on one’s life journey.
Let be tell it point blank, even if you have the wealth of Croesus (modern analogy is Bill Gates I suppose), the mind set of purposeful accumulation of wealth will undoubtedly get in the way of completely immersing and indulging the pleasure of the flesh. You will find it difficult to see “value” in such hedonistic pleasures.
The illustration of Getty and Buffett’s parsimonious ways (highlighted in this thread) should give a hint of the particular mind-set. For effective accumulation of wealth, the mind-set of “dollarizing” many aspects of life transaction is one key ingredient. It often carries over to hedonistic pleasure. And compromises in the long run.
What I am suggesting here is to therefore go beyond “textbook”. Supplement abstract theorizing by seeking out role models (in real life) who have actually accumulated wealth and who also knows how to enjoy it on hedonistic pleasures.
In my personal life story, my so call mentors do not defer gratification during their wealth accumulation stage. As they are on route to “making it”, they effectively budget and stretch their dollar. Please note that the budget is not a cursory 10% (as if like a tithe) but rather a hefty (at least 30%). It’s a commitment to a hedonistic lifestyle even as they accumulate wealth. As you wealth is building up on an upward trajectory, the 30% remains, but the sheer dollarise amount can be staggering!
09-12-2010, 01:21 PM
Part Two:
2) As for investment decisions, it good to see the in-built premise:
a) I am responsible for my own wealth (and any failures) should my financial goals be not met.
b) I Know as much as my Private Banker & Relationshjp Managers (if not more). Ultimately, no one has more invested interest to see me succeed than me myself.
Keep this mind-set. But also be flexible and humble enough to recognize “investor hubris”. Return on Investments are again not formulaic. Even if you know the full intricacies of the Black-Scholes models and totally conversant with the principles of value investment, you might not make it. Here is why:
Note two important aspects that distinguishes success and spectacular success.
One, Returns are never reduced to mathematical formulas. There is a whole lot of intuition involved. Numbers are like compass, they simply show the way. But there is an element to intuit whether the direction is correct. Bankers simply by being around money have an favourable conducive environment to build this intuition. (Not all mind you, there are some playful and out of depth Private Bankers mind you!)
Even if all technical indicators and fundamentals are favourable, it’s the emotional capacity to act that matters. A lot of people I know want more and more confirmatory instances of a good deal that by the time they get in the game, the rate of return slows (or even reverses).
So my personal view is that, do consider giving discretionary powers to your banker. Obviously not all of it but a nice percentage of your Assets Under Management.
The big caveat is of course to choose wisely the banker. Never settle for defaults like most people do. (Remember it is NOT the Institution (Bank) but rather the person who manages your money.
Much the like finding a significant other (wife or even a BY), actively seek these out. (How to do so is beyond the scope of this thread.)
3) There are several allusions to the concept of “opportunity cost” in this thread. That is, if only I don’t spend so much money on cheong, I would have a tidy pile by now. I would be in a better position to springboard more material gain and really get the super desirable babes now… I’ll be a millionaire instead of thousandaire, I’ll be a billionaire instead of a millionaire yadda yadda yadda..
Firstly, this is unproductive thinking. Let me tell you point blank that what’s past is past. You did not sow and now you lament about the prospective harvest.
Let me also put to you that even if you have sown and exerted the mental and physical stamina to concentrate on building wealth, you still might not make it. Its called deferred gratification unfulfilled. And this phenomenon is more common than you realize.
Break free the conventional thinking that reward is commensurate with effort and self denial. Not so. There are other tools that can short-cut the wealth trajectory. (Again not in the scope to this thread).
Lastly before I hurriedly pen off: remember that it is the journey itself (and not the destination) that makes for a quality life … getting wealthy should be a nice journey in itself. And in undertaking this journey, romance can be make the road all that much sweeter!
09-12-2010, 01:40 PM
Totally agree!...we guys actually need more therapeutic sexssions cos we have more stress and women in general live longer than men!
YES. But. You must have earned the money FIRST BEFORE you can spend SOME of it away.........When I’ve finally attained your level, I’ll raise my bar and start to BY MMs of the highest quality! Hahaha!
Yes, unbelievable but true.....we still have lots of commitments – financial commitments, family commitments, work commitments, etc. And since we are still 20+ years away from official retirement, we should watch our spending and be prudent.
You are humble. You are just financially free and choose to be out of the rat race. Those who have made it will always attribute it to luck. Just that the word luck means dedication, hard work, shrewdness, prudence, all rolled into one.
There was this guy in his 40s who would book a certain ang pai, 4 to 6 sessions, every single day (sans days when she’s on red alert) for a period of, I don’t know, maybe 6 months or so?......This sorry soul go there to talk love???? So sad. That’s $12K to $20K a month spent on a pros who will be fxxked by so many men after he leaves the legal house. That was so sad.....I saw this SYT ang pai walked out of the building in black t-shirt and blue jeans. She has long wavy hair and can easily win many Havelock Rd KTV MMs in the looks and figure department........
So the moral of my long-winded story is – whether you go GL or KTV (low end or high end), end of the day, if you cannot control your emotions, your hard earn money will leave you.
Bro WB, when you called me yesterday, I was with my OC and our bank’s RM going through our portfolio (year-end ritual) somewhere in Raffles Place....but from the third week of Jan 2011 till your family is here, I will not reject you! So do not give up on me just yet, ya!
Dear Bro fallen.angel,
You hv risen!
Making love to these young gals is most sextisfying n relaxing, though sometimes very tiring, to me. It's very good for my physical n mental health. The little money I spend is worth every penny.
You must spend at least a small portion of ur money now. Dun wait until you're very rich.
Spending 12 to 20K a month on a GL whore? I would insist on EXCLUSIVITY when I spend that amt. Could u PM me the name n house no of that Ang Pai SYT? I like to up her if she is my type.
In my 2-yr experience searching for Legal GL gals, I hv found only 2 SYTs I like: Sugar at 2060 n Linda at W04.
I like the moral of ur story. In cheonging n BY-ing, a man must control his heart n ego.
I'll ctc u the 3rd wk of Jan.
I went to my gal’s place for lunch just now. ......Wanted to do it but her aunt has not left. I remembered what bro WB had posted over the weekend and told her “if you don’t help me release, I’ll go find other gfs to help me”. In the end, she HJ and BBBJ till I CIM. Hahaha. Must thank bro WB for teaching me that – very effective!
You're doing great! Be assertive n dominant...
I have doubts on the expertise of these bank's rm to give you a sound portfolio and build your wealth....
Bro WB, J Paul Getty did not engage in hedonistic activities till much later in life after he made his my advice to myself is after I make millions first then go back to the KTV scene....
Hi Bro ME,
Most of these brokers/analysts/portfolio managers r interested in making their fees, not in ur financial well being. Many also dun know what they r doing. If they r very good, they will become billionaires n dun need to work. Sorry if I offend anyone in this profession.
Not true. Mr. Getty always had a couple of mistresses/GFs...
aiya, what balance portfolio, is simply ask u sell and buy into other, so they can make commission mah...... be aware, very aware.....
wealth management is all a bull shit. Just wanna sell u as much as they can. How many of them gone thru 98' asia financially crisis and recent lehman brother's aftermath effect? Sell u china fund, but how many really been to china (not those 3D2N tour hor)?
Hi Bro Niceman,
I couldn't agree w/ u more.
Wah liao, lucky you didn’t listen to him........
Anyways, the topic on investment is very relevant in this thread because without the extra cash, we can’t have the extra curriculum activities.
Throughout human history, money n pretty pussies r as close as hand in glove.
[/QUOTE]Don't worry, you are not the only cheapskate haha....[/QUOTE]
You're no cheapskate, you're being frugal n prudent.
Hi Bro MoralEpitome,
Getty was known to be truly cost conscious and his penny pinching stories are legendary. He would circled a restaurant with his girlfriends until the time was up for half pricing, he installed a pay phone in his home for his guests and he would rather had his son's ear cut off than to pay a ransom.
Hi Bro singland,
Some of these r true. But it was his grandson's ear which was cut off.
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Good Afternoon!
I'm most most gratified to see so much interest on investing n trading. Perhaps I should add a subtitle to this thread: How to pick up undervalued equities "outside" the recommendations of brokers/analysts/portfolio managers, hehehe.
Yes, long-term value investing is my no1 passion. No2 is investing in high tech n biotech start ups. I do swing trading occasionally but is not a passion.
My no3? U guess it. Pretty SYTs of my type.
I know the adage: Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity. But searching for undervalued stocks n finding SYTs of my type both depend on luck.
In my last visit here, over almost 5 months, I was able to find only a few gals who r mildly interesting. In contrast, since my arrival a little over 2 wks ago, I hv discovered several gals of my type, hehehe.;)
Bro WB
09-12-2010, 02:10 PM
Some posts r delayed n I missed seeing the following posts.
Actually many rich people are like that....for example I have a fren who stayed in a GCB and drives a nissan sunny and would walk 3 blocks just to save $2 parking fees........that's why rich people stay rich.....on the flip side I also have frens who will pinch on food but drives a maserati....oh well....I suppose everyone has different priorities in life and it is important to know what is important or not....remember that these prc girls are transcient and they will come and go...even our legendary LDH says that out of his many harem of women...only one stayed with him thoughout the ups and downs................
Value is always relative....some people see value in ST some people see value in BY...........................
You're right again. I know a multi-billionaire who has used a $280 Nokia phone for the past 2 1/2 yrs. And all these PRC WLs use IPhone4?!!
But to each his own. I'm not limiting myself to BY. If the gal is my type n is available for ST, it can be great value. Even if there r 100 gals like Sugar or better out there, I still want to keep at least a couple of full-time gals for a different kind of experience.
Part ONE:
I spoke to bro WB last week and promised to contribute my two cents when I next log in to sammyboy. So here goes:
These are some of my own personal observations:
1) I notice the change in tack with regards to the thread. This is a distinct shift toward material and financial accumulation with the pre-supposition that when one attains your financial goals, we would be a position to indulge our sensuous self.
Without going into an argumentative mode, let me just highlight to you of the fallacy in such an assumption......
Let be tell it point blank, even if you have the wealth of Croesus (modern analogy is Bill Gates I suppose), the mind set of purposeful accumulation of wealth will undoubtedly get in the way of completely immersing and indulging the pleasure of the flesh. You will find it difficult to see “value” in such hedonistic pleasures.
The illustration of Getty and Buffett’s parsimonious ways (highlighted in this thread) should give a hint of the particular mind-set......
In my personal life story, my so call mentors do not defer gratification during their wealth accumulation stage. As they are on route to “making it”, they effectively budget and stretch their dollar. Please note that the budget is not a cursory 10% (as if like a tithe) but rather a hefty (at least 30%). It’s a commitment to a hedonistic lifestyle even as they accumulate wealth. As you wealth is building up on an upward trajectory, the 30% remains, but the sheer dollarise amount can be staggering!
Hi bro justime,
Long time no see.
Ths for ur insightful post.
I'll remember to spend at least 30% of my income on these SYTs, hehe.
Part Two:
2) As for investment decisions, it good to see the in-built premise:
a) I am responsible for my own wealth (and any failures) should my financial goals be not met.
b) I Know as much as my Private Banker & Relationshjp Managers (if not more). Ultimately, no one has more invested interest to see me succeed than me myself.
Even if all technical indicators and fundamentals are favourable, it’s the emotional capacity to act that matters. A lot of people I know want more and more confirmatory instances of a good deal that by the time they get in the game, the rate of return slows (or even reverses)...........................
3) There are several allusions to the concept of “opportunity cost” in this thread. That is, if only I don’t spend so much money on cheong, I would have a tidy pile by now. I would be in a better position to springboard more material gain and really get the super desirable babes now… I’ll be a millionaire instead of thousandaire, I’ll be a billionaire instead of a millionaire yadda yadda yadda..
Firstly, this is unproductive thinking. Let me tell you point blank that what’s past is past. You did not sow and now you lament about the prospective harvest.
Let me also put to you that even if you have sown and exerted the mental and physical stamina to concentrate on building wealth, you still might not make it. Its called deferred gratification unfulfilled. And this phenomenon is more common than you realize.
Break free the conventional thinking that reward is commensurate with effort and self denial. Not so. There are other tools that can short-cut the wealth trajectory. (Again not in the scope to this thread).
Lastly before I hurriedly pen off: remember that it is the journey itself (and not the destination) that makes for a quality life … getting wealthy should be a nice journey in itself. And in undertaking this journey, romance can be make the road all that much sweeter!
Hi bro justime,
I truly enjoy ur excellent post!
IMHO, luck plays a role in everything...
And yes, life is a journey not a destination. Destination? It's death!
Bro WB
09-12-2010, 02:25 PM
I think bro justime for his different take on money and pussies...we should develop subconscious competency in investing, whether in assets, pussies and our personal life!
09-12-2010, 03:27 PM
...But to each his own. I'm not limiting myself to BY. If the gal is my type n is available for ST, it can be great value. Even if there r 100 gals like Sugar or better out there, I still want to keep at least a couple of full-time gals for a different kind of experience.
IMHO, luck plays a role in everything...
And yes, life is a journey not a destination. Destination? It's death!
1) I share the same view as Bro WB: a wife, a girl friend, a One Night Stand, A Fuck Buddy, a ST, an Overnighter WL, a mistress offers different dimensions. The power interplay, the interaction dynamics and the sex act itself varies. And variety, as they say, is the spice of life!
2) Luck (fate, destiny etc ... or by whatever else term you may call it) is perhaps the single most important factor. We are largely constraint by its parameters and the most we can do is to maximize value of the "life cards" which luck had dealt us with.
In this regard, it is my personal view point is to develop specific character attributes rather than skill sets that will perhaps determine whether we have a blessed and charmed life or not.
3) Destination death? :D perhaps death is but critical a cross-road in a soul's ultimate journey (for convenience lets use the terminology 'nirvana').
We must meet soon Bro WB ... enjoyed your company!
09-12-2010, 03:29 PM
Dear Bro Justime,
Thank you so much for your insightful posts!
I totally agree with your point no. 1. While I’m still far from my financial goals, I’m also having fun. And lots of it. Nevermind that I’m not budgeting 30% for my ECA but that’s only because I have very limited time on my hands. Also, all my friends are way too cost-conscious (translated: scrooge) to allow us to cheong more frequently and spent more. But if the resident luminaries of this thread would take me in as their humble disciple, I’ll be spending more and be very happy too. LOL. I like to stretch my dollar and also, very importantly, to remain cool-headed lest I become a victim of KC. I only defer my gratification when it comes to big ticket items like a car. I bought my first car 3 years ago. Before that, all my friends were my chauffeurs when we go cheonging. One of them said that I only buy assets that go up in value over time. But I finally silented him, hahaha.
Point no. 2. Totally agree when you said this: “Even if you know the full intricacies of the Black-Scholes models and totally conversant with the principles of value investment, you might not make it.” Case in point – Nobel Prize economists Robert Merton and Myron Scholes. Incidentally, they invented the B-S model. There’s a book call “When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management”. Agree with you that no one is more responsible, vested and interested in my well-being than me. May consider giving discretionary power to them, but only a small percentage of AUM. So need to grow my account to make that small percentage meaningful and tradable. Hahaha. I’m very skeptical because of all my friends I’ve surveyed, all of them lost money through the discretionary mandate.
Would like to quote Buffett again: “Wall Street is the only place that people ride to work in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.”
Point no. 3. Totally agree with you on “deferred gratification unfulfilled”. I don’t make the mistake thinking that if I delayed bonking all those SYTs, my portfolio would have increase by so much so much. Nope. But sometimes when I make stupid mistakes and lose money, I would lament “damn, with that much money, I could have bonked so many so many SYT pussies!” Hahaha.
I would also like to end with a quote from John Schaar: “The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths to it are not found but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination.”
09-12-2010, 03:48 PM
You're right again. I know a multi-billionaire who has used a $280 Nokia phone for the past 2 1/2 yrs. And all these PRC WLs use IPhone4?!!
You must be referring to yourself eh? Shameless! Hahahaha. Just joking!
Dear Bro fallen.angel,
You hv risen!
Making love to these young gals is most sextisfying n relaxing, though sometimes very tiring, to me. It's very good for my physical n mental health. The little money I spend is worth every penny.
You must spend at least a small portion of ur money now. Dun wait until you're very rich.
Spending 12 to 20K a month on a GL whore? I would insist on EXCLUSIVITY when I spend that amt. Could u PM me the name n house no of that Ang Pai SYT? I like to up her if she is my type.
In my 2-yr experience searching for Legal GL gals, I hv found only 2 SYTs I like: Sugar at 2060 n Linda at W04.
I like the moral of ur story. In cheonging n BY-ing, a man must control his heart n ego.
I'll ctc u the 3rd wk of Jan.
Er… last I checked, I’m still very flaccid. Hahaha
I am spending already. Just not as much as luminaries like yourself.
I have Pmed you the name and house no. and also contact no. Please call the OKT (I’ve provided his mobile no.) to avoid disappointment and wasted trip. Be warned – one man’s meat is another man’s poison. She’s young (23 yo) and can unleash a lot of GFE but may not be your cup of tea. She always call me 大叔when she sees me.
09-12-2010, 03:53 PM
I think bro justime for his different take on money and pussies...we should develop subconscious competency in investing, whether in assets, pussies and our personal life!
absolutely bro ME. And the best place to hone in your competency is actually living it.
I have always advocated "praxis" rather than theoretical abstraction. To walk the talk. Beyond just 'making sense', whatever pearls of wisdom found here or in good books/programs must be ultimately validated against the context of YOUR personal life.
Each one of us lead different lifes. So critically take in what's useful (or makes sense to you) and apply the principles in your life's laboratory to see if the priciples actually work for you. Imbibe what works and discard what that does not.
Pretty soon, you will have your own unique personal competencies to develop into mastery.
PS: By the way, whatever I wrote in my post today is 'validated' (for me) in direct experiential knowledge. Cheers!
09-12-2010, 05:01 PM
Sorry Bro WB for 'usurping' your thread so much today, its been a while since I visited or contributed herein the forum.
... I like to stretch my dollar and also, very importantly, to remain cool-headed lest I become a victim of KC.
... Agree with you that no one is more responsible, vested and interested in my well-being than me. May consider giving discretionary power to them, but only a small percentage of AUM. So need to grow my account to make that small percentage meaningful and tradable. Hahaha. I’m very skeptical because of all my friends I’ve surveyed, all of them lost money through the discretionary mandate.
....Would like to quote Buffett again: “Wall Street is the only place that people ride to work in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.”
.... . Totally agree with you on “deferred gratification unfulfilled”. I don’t make the mistake thinking that if I delayed bonking all those SYTs, my portfolio would have increase by so much so much. Nope. But sometimes when I make stupid mistakes and lose money, I would lament “damn, with that much money, I could have bonked so many so many SYT pussies!” Hahaha.
would love to meet you one of these days for a nice chat bro fallen angel ... of course its over a KTV session!
... remember my caveat concerning the selection of who to entrust the discretionary mandate? Ask your friends who have lost in detail and see how they premised their decision on the selection of their banker to handle their account.
If they are absolutely candid, you will find that a lot them mostly based their selection decision on personal rapport or personality compatability. And on this criterion alone! This is the absolute wrong approach.
(My life lesson: who am to say? i once based a selection decision simply on the fact that i might get into a banker's pants! One expensive fuck I tell you!)
... loved that Buffett quote: will file it somewhere in my brain.
... 'deferred gratification unfulfilled' is a very powerful concept. One that is almost never talked about or even used much in the decision making process. It is an important decision making tool nonetheless.
In investment, it can askew the calculation of Present Value as it questions the very presuppositions and assumptions. (Btw The use of Present Value as a variable in computation of investment decision is hogwash, especially in the climate whereby people are talking about default risk. And some financial advisors still use them to pitch their products :rolleyes:)
In economics, it challenges the concept of "opportunity costs".
In gambling, its whether to "cash out now" or "let it roll".
In cheonging or in courtship, it may be modified to mean whether I should take her now (as in have sex) or to wait later when she is more in tune with me emotionally.
For example, you may defer gratification now in the hope with better emotional connectedness the intimacy factor goes up later (hence more fulfilling sex). Instead she hooks up with your best friend/brother/father, leaving you, to put it mildly, "unfulfilled" :D
09-12-2010, 05:20 PM
I think bro justime for his different take on money and pussies...we should develop subconscious competency in investing, whether in assets, pussies and our personal life!
Damn sakah.... hahahahaha....
09-12-2010, 07:14 PM
Damn sakah.... hahahahaha....
Dear bro hangflower,
I wonder what prompted you to post this quip? and the "hahaha" bit at the end? you mean you actually find it witty or even humerous? :rolleyes:
instead of being smart alecky - look into the contents of what is being posted. here we got - for free some more - important life lessons. lessons that can perhaps improve the quality of your life.
i don't know you at all. But I can tell from simply this quip alone that you are probably a never do well. If you happen to be rich, then you probably strike toto or sell pirated DVD. Takes another "never do well" to know one eh ...
I realise that from the postings at this forum, you can so easily tell who has got substance and who is just an internet warrior trying to be smart to boost his own poor self esteem.
Bro Justime's postings are always well thought through. He has lived through a lot and he has got substance I can tell you that for sure. Most of all, he is willing to share.
If people ang-kat him, well, its because he deserves it ... I also sar-kah .... call me a por lan cheow and I also not ashamed
How come I made such claims?
I have met Bro Justime at the lowest point in my life two plus years ago.
Then I was:
1) Hoong ki addict (2 packs a day).
2) Near alcoholic (kopi tiam beer king). St. James three times weekly one bottle drinkin alone.
3) Job and career prospects zero (and nearly sacked).
4) Devasted at my gf breaking up and thinking that I destined to forever condemn to living alone.
5) Owe so much money that consider borrow from loan shark to clear debts(heng casino not opened yet!)
6) Even in sammyboy got zapped to 11 points (and I badly want to hit 100 pts so that ple will share FL contact with me). My esteem is really that low that i have to seek approval here ...
Through Bro Justime's thread, Mistress and my contact with him, I arranged to meet up. My one single afternoon meeting with him and one month of follow up sessions (via emails) literally turned my life around.
Bro Justime have the strategies to transform one's life. If you are sincere and diligent and really apply his methodologies, it will benefit you.
1) I quit hoong ki. now even if my gf got ciggy smoke on her hair I buay tahan.
2) Recreational drinking only now.
3) I got promotion recently. My income is doubled since the day I met him(okay its a low base to start with but even then, its now slightly better than national average.)
4) I got a wondergal friend and actually "upped" a most beautiful gal (see my fantasy gal thread - it chronicles the full story and its still ongoing....)
5) Bro Justime gave me $400 to tide me over. Till now I want to pay him back (with interest) but he refused. Heck, I can now even pay for down payment should I want to buy a HDB under the single's scheme. All this without sacrificing "cheonging". Stretch the value cheonging strategies ....
6) Not so important now but even in sammyboy my rep improved.
What I saying is that, please have some decorum and humility to learn from people with substance. Bro Warbird is another one whom you should learn from.
You will benefit only yourself if you drop the smart alecky attitude and sincerely learn. The onus is up to you brother! Good Luck in your choice.
From a former never do well with all sincerity ...
09-12-2010, 07:52 PM
Very well said bro ansonsohna, impressed. I remember when you were in the mistress thread and then, remembered you were like so lost and aimless etc etc. Glad to see you've improved in many aspects in your life, well done & may this fortune continue to dawn on you. Not only 100pts, now your pts also more than me liao, excellent! Enjoy yourself bro, keep contributing....hahaha even your typing also becoming like jus liao, seebei losoh hahaha lol kidding kidding ;) Kudos, upz u
Did u know anson de sauna closed liao, so sad, no quickie next to my office anymore
09-12-2010, 08:08 PM
Very well said bro ansonsohna, impressed. I remember when you were in the mistress thread and then, remembered you were like so lost and aimless etc etc. Glad to see you've improved in many aspects in your life, well done & may this fortune continue to dawn on you. Not only 100pts, now your pts also more than me liao, excellent! Enjoy yourself bro, keep contributing....hahaha even your typing also becoming like jus liao, seebei losoh hahaha lol kidding kidding ;) Kudos, upz u
Did u know anson de sauna closed liao, so sad, no quickie next to my office anymore
Many HCs closed down place for your poor bro to have a quick KC-less transaction...hahaha....
And Bro go read his posts in the other threads and you will know why there is no point even talking to him.... sakah or not....I always try to give credit where it is due
09-12-2010, 10:17 PM
when i first came across the BS model, without yet knowing the success and eventual downfall in its application to real markets, i was very skeptical. the subsequent hour where my lecturer proceeded to explain how LTCM failed during sustained market panic proved my initial worries were right. of all the factors in it, tail-risk, volatility risk, there was no factor to quantify fear, or more accurately, contagious sentiment. to be fair, there was liquidity risk calculations but its assumptions were based on stable markets, which, over the last few years, was very apparently the biggest myth.
over the years, as the ideas of momentum trading, risk-on risk-off took the spotlight, i felt my very early bias towards sentiment-based trading was validated. in the long run, if you ride your profits and stop your losses, it is very hard to lose money in trading. in the long run. the biggest macro-trend i see missed by a number of investors is the 10, 50, even 100 year growth trends of total market cap for each exchange after adjusting for inflation. it grows at such a phenomenal rate the only way to lose money consistently is to be ill-disciplined. i believe the trend is your friend, and i hope bros with differing views can share their opinion on such matters.
i'm very bullish on commodities right now, because the fundamentals are strong. and by that i don't mean market fundamentals, but the fundamental sentiment across price-setters and price-takers. i am convinced news is only useful when you believe it has the power to move other people (in great numbers), not so much your own beliefs. i find it more profitable to bet on what most people believe, than applying logic, fundamental or technical analysis. when i hear of a wheat export ban, i react because i believe other people will react, not so much because i think there will be a shortage. not that i have access to products like wheat (are retail investors like me even given access in any way to speculate on softs?)
i wonder if there are other bros who also assess investments in this manner?
to stay mildly on course, i recall reading bro justime's thread a few years ago, and hearing bro ansonha's story has moved a long-time lurker in this thread to just say that i have the utmost respect for people like bro justime, who reach out to strangers and lend a helping hand. good karma will follow, i'm sure of it.
there, i kissed his ass too. what you going to do, hang flowers on me? :D
09-12-2010, 10:31 PM
Well, you bros are doing well in your own respective fields and yet still giving others the honour of learning. This is life, always learning and always contributing.
I am happy and priviledged to have known bros Warbird, DYBJ, Justime, ME, Ichigo et al. We even went for drinks and chill out regularly. We exchange tips, business networks and TCSS with friendship all the way.
Life should not be hostile; it is already as tough as it is.
Life; there is success and there are failures as with ups and downs.
Why be so hard on others and yourself?
I hope to see hangflower in person. He can be very rich, he can have the charm of life, an alpha charisma that women cow under; I do not really care. I can see the life of the posts under the nick "hangflower" is indeed very lonely and there is a soul crying out for help.
So my bros, lets give this fellow a break. I have already PM him for a meet up i.e. if he decides I am even worthy of his time. I am just a poor man, a loser and one who was deceives by women anyway. Whats there for him to lose right? I am sure I can still afford 2 jugs of tiger or maybe a lousy bottle of Chivas.
Have a good night my friends.
when i first came across the BS model, without yet knowing the success and eventual downfall in its application to real markets, i was very skeptical. .................................
over the years, as the ideas of momentum trading, risk-on risk-off took the spotlight, i felt my very early bias towards sentiment-based trading was validated. stay mildly on course, i recall reading bro justime's thread a few years ago, and hearing bro ansonha's story has moved a long-time lurker in this thread to just say that i have the utmost respect for people like bro justime, who reach out to strangers and lend a helping hand. good karma will follow, i'm sure of it.
there, i kissed his ass too. what you going to do, hang flowers on me? :D
Many HCs closed down place for your poor bro to have a quick KC-less transaction...hahaha....
And Bro go read his posts in the other threads and you will know why there is no point even talking to him.... sakah or not....I always try to give credit where it is due
Very well said bro ansonsohna, impressed. I remember when you were in the mistress thread and then, remembered you were like so lost and aimless etc etc. Glad to see you've improved in ............................
Did u know anson de sauna closed liao, so sad, no quickie next to my office anymore
Dear bro hangflower,
I wonder what prompted you to post this quip? and the "hahaha" bit at the end? you mean you actually find it witty or even humerous? :rolleyes:
instead of being smart alecky - look into the contents of what is being ............................................
If people ang-kat him, well, its because he deserves it ... I also sar-kah .... call me a por lan cheow and I also not ashamed
How come I made such claims?
I have met Bro Justime at the lowest point in my life two plus years ago.
Then I was:
3) Job and career prospects zero (and nearly sacked)...............................
What I saying is that, please have some decorum and humility to .....................................
You will benefit only yourself if you drop the smart alecky attitude and sincerely learn. The onus is up to you brother! Good Luck in your choice.
From a former never do well with all sincerity ...
10-12-2010, 12:02 AM
Bro Ansonsohna
Your personal evolution is nothing short of inspiring for many of us here. I finished the Mistress thread and recalled your progress since the day Bro Justime guided you along. As for that 400 bucks why don't you spread some festive cheers during this holiday period to the needy and less fortunate fellow citizens. 400 bucks can buy lots of Milo and rice. I m sure you will have different kind of high ( wholesome) for making that difference in people's lives.
My 2cents here:)
10-12-2010, 04:44 AM
...well done & may this fortune continue to dawn on you.
...... .hahaha even your typing also becoming like jus liao, seebei losoh hahaha lol kidding kidding... Kudos, upz u
.....Did u know anson de sauna closed liao, so sad, no quickie next to my office anymore
thank u bro DYBJ for your points and well wishes. appreciate it!
Of course I losoh ... I uncle what ... till now still got instinct to pull up my pants very high up until belt nearly want to hit nipple level.
I didn't know about anson de sauna closing down. Never been there for quite some while already (since a lot of makan place sprout nearby, making discreet entry impossible).
Place got nostalgic value for me - during the dark ages of my life, i once went there EVERYDAY for nearly a month. If I had known that they are closing down, i would definitely hit it one more time ~ just for old times sake!
And Bro go read his posts in the other threads and you will know why there is no point even talking to him.... sakah or not....I always try to give credit where it is due
... I can see the life of the posts under the nick "hangflower" is indeed very lonely and there is a soul crying out for help.
So my bros, lets give this fellow a break. I have already PM him for a meet up i.e. if he decides I am even worthy of his time. I am just a poor man, a loser and one who was deceives by women anyway. Whats there for him to lose right? I am sure I can still afford 2 jugs of tiger or maybe a lousy bottle of Chivas.
Bro ME and Bro LDH, you know what? I usually simply ignore such post (see the post just slightly above mine ~ ahem!).
However, don't know why but I can feel a connection with "hangflower" when he wrote it. That is why I took the trouble to wrote a post not only to chide but also perhaps lead him to reflect a little. It may or may not help him. Its how he responds that will ultimately benefit him. stay mildly on course, i recall reading bro justime's thread a few years ago, and hearing bro ansonha's story has moved a long-time lurker in this thread to just say that i have the utmost respect for people like bro justime, who reach out to strangers and lend a helping hand. good karma will follow, i'm sure of it.
there, i kissed his ass too. what you going to do, hang flowers on me?
Absolutely agree with you bro newbieboy on bro jus, there is absolutely nothing in it for him esp at that point in time of my life. Heck, even if bro jus is a closet gay i got no value ... i am one hellava ugly MotherFXXker who can give Wayne (Shrek) Rooney a hard fight on the ugliness scale.
People get their "break in life" at the the strangest places. Me? At a sex forum no less ... no wonder i am known as "Lao hero" ....
Bro Ansonsohna
Your personal evolution is nothing short of inspiring for many of us here. I finished the Mistress thread and recalled your progress since the day Bro Justime guided you along. As for that 400 bucks why don't you spread some festive cheers during this holiday period to the needy and less fortunate fellow citizens. 400 bucks can buy lots of Milo and rice. I m sure you will have different kind of high ( wholesome) for making that difference in people's lives.
Bro Hooters, actually bro jus told me to just donate the amount to charity and I did so. But I just want to pay him back the amount ~ kinda of a symbolic gesture for me.
10-12-2010, 05:16 AM
Its a dam pity that the "mistress' thread is no longer active, I learnt so many things there. Thank goodness for This Thread & kudos to Bro Warbird for it.....
While there are many incredible threads in sammyboy by so many talented brothers & sisters, this "picking up Ktv" and the "mistress" thread stands unique. Other threads gives me many pcc moments but the above two gives lessons on how to get gals to pcc you - in addition to teaching you some important life lessons)
I personally know how difficult it is to sustain a thread. Takes a lot of effort.
(Sell koyok a little can?). In my "fantasy gal" thread, just simply 'telling a story' as if like blog/diary (no need to invent or create content some more) already so 辛苦.
Here you have to put in energy for "research" and analytical thought some more .. I can just imagine the effort needed.
So before i become uncle loh-soh again, let me just commend Bro Warbird and all esteemed contributors here for making this a truly special thread. You have put in effort and I just want to let you know my appreciation. Thanks!
Alamak - sah ka again. :D (No offence bro hangflower - just teasin' ya)
10-12-2010, 11:06 AM
Good morning to all samsters!! What a wonderful day to be alive n well!!
Ths to all of u for ur interesting n insightful posts!!
I hv been very busy n I wonder if bro Justime would accept my invitation to become a co-TS to contribute regularly to this thread. I like to pick his brain in BY-ing n investing, hehehe.
I think bro justime for his different take on money and pussies...we should develop subconscious competency in investing, whether in assets, pussies and our personal life!
The key to success in any endeavor is subconscious competence, hehe.
1) I share the same view as Bro WB: a wife, a girl friend, a One Night Stand, A Fuck Buddy, a ST, an Overnighter WL, a mistress offers different dimensions. The power interplay, the interaction dynamics and the sex act itself varies. And variety, as they say, is the spice of life!
2) Luck (fate, destiny etc ... or by whatever else term you may call it) is perhaps the single most important factor............
3) Destination death? :D perhaps death is but critical a cross-road in a soul's ultimate journey (for convenience lets use the terminology 'nirvana').
We must meet soon Bro WB ... enjoyed your company!
Hi bro justime,
We do think alike, hehehe. BTW, I dun limit myself to PRC pussies.
I can't wait to see u. Call me pls.
You must be referring to yourself eh? Shameless! Hahahaha. Just joking!
Er… last I checked, I’m still very flaccid. Hahaha
I am spending already. Just not as much as luminaries like yourself.
I have Pmed you the name and house no. and also contact no. Please call the OKT (I’ve provided his mobile no.) to avoid disappointment and wasted trip. Be warned – one man’s meat is another man’s poison. She’s young (23 yo) and can unleash a lot of GFE but may not be your cup of tea......
Hi bro fallen.angel,
This particular person IS a multi-billionaire in USD. If I were that person, I wont just BY 2-3 SYTs, I would keep at least 30!
I hv heard of the gal n I know the OKT. Not sure if she is my type. Unfortunately, I may not hv time to see her.
Ths anyway.
Sorry Bro WB for 'usurping' your thread so much today, its been a while since I visited or contributed herein the forum.
If they are absolutely candid, you will find that a lot them mostly based their selection decision on personal rapport or personality compatability. And on this criterion alone! This is the absolute wrong approach.
.................................................. .....
In investment, it can askew the calculation of Present Value as it questions the very presuppositions and assumptions. (Btw The use of Present Value as a variable in computation of investment decision is hogwash, especially in the climate whereby people are talking about default risk. And some financial advisors still use them to pitch their products :rolleyes:)
In economics, it challenges the concept of "opportunity costs".
In gambling, its whether to "cash out now" or "let it roll".
In cheonging or in courtship, it may be modified to mean whether I should take her now (as in have sex) or to wait later when she is more in tune with me emotionally.
For example, you may defer gratification now in the hope with better emotional connectedness the intimacy factor goes up later (hence more fulfilling sex). Instead she hooks up with your best friend/brother/father, leaving you, to put it mildly, "unfulfilled".....
NP. I actually want u to be the co-TS for this thread.
Unlike many people, I'm a very logical n calculating person when it comes to choosing an investment or a mistress. For a stock, it must be undervalued n for a gal, she must be my type in youthfulness, looks n figure. After passing my most important criteria, then n only then will I consider other factors such as personality, etc.
I normally can't wait to do ST or BY (if she steadfastly refuses ST) a gal of my type. But for a very exceptional one, I may take a little time to court her...;)
Dear bro hangflower,
I wonder what prompted you to post this quip? ...........
Bro Justime's postings are always well thought through. He has lived through a lot and he has got substance I can tell you that for sure. Most of all, he is willing to share.
I have met Bro Justime at the lowest point in my life two plus years ago......
Through Bro Justime's thread, Mistress and my contact with him, I arranged to meet up. My one single afternoon meeting with him and one month of follow up sessions (via emails) literally turned my life around.
Bro Justime have the strategies to transform one's life. If you are sincere and diligent and really apply his methodologies, it will benefit you.......
What I saying is that, please have some decorum and humility to learn from people with substance. Bro Warbird is another one whom you should learn from. ........
From a former never do well with all sincerity ...
Hi bro ansonsohna,
Bro justime is really a gentleman n a good Samaritan. But it was ur own efforts n determination which has transformed ur life. Kodus n keep it up!!
I'm just a lao chi ko pek trying hard to learn from all the bros here n to share what little BY-ing experience I hv.
Very well said bro ansonsohna, impressed. ................Kudos, upz u
Did u know anson de sauna closed liao, so sad, no quickie next to my office anymore
Mr. Chairman, he is quite an inspiration...
when i first came across the BS model....
over the years, as the ideas of momentum trading, risk-on risk-off took the spotlight, i felt my very early bias towards sentiment-based trading was validated........
i'm very bullish on commodities right now, because the fundamentals are strong........
i wonder if there are other bros who also assess investments in this manner?
..................good karma will follow, i'm sure of it....
Hi bro newbieboy,
Ths so much for sharing ur insights on trading.
I'm basically a long-term investor. I dun trade commodities or futures.
Abt 7-8 yrs ago, I realized the great potential of investing in China/resource/energy/commodities n precious metals. I bought stocks in these sectors n hv done quite OK...
Well, you bros are doing well in your own respective fields and yet still giving others the honour of learning. This is life, always learning and always contributing.
I am happy and priviledged to have known bros Warbird, DYBJ, Justime, ME, Ichigo et al. We even went for drinks and chill out regularly. We exchange tips, business networks and TCSS with friendship all the way...............
Hi bro LDH,
It's my honor n privilege to hv known u. You're a true gentleman n a real MAN ;) n I'm proud to be ur fren.
Its a dam pity that the "mistress' thread is no longer active, I learnt so many things there. Thank goodness for This Thread & kudos to Bro Warbird for it...............................
Hi bro ansonsohna,
Ths so much for ur flattering words. The success of this thread is due largely to all the esteemed contributors like urself.
BTW, I hv invited bro justime to be a co-TS n hope that he could contribute on a regular basis.
Bro WB
10-12-2010, 02:46 PM
Great work Bro Dragonkeep! Goes to show you are absolutely in control of the situation the entire time. And wow, you are a stallion! I did the same recently. Wine and dine my gal in French restaurant. After lunch, checked into a 5 star hotel suite in town (which I pre-booked earlier).
So once in a while, must give her a little royal treatment. That’s to give her some uninhabited, no-holds-barred, mind blowing sex. I said once in a while. Do that too often, she will be conditioned and it will become an expected norm. That’s why I say – manage her expectations while giving and receiving good to great sex.
Just got off the red eye flight from SHG n a stretch of shagging yesterday morning ...
Thanks for your kind words but there is a touch of artificiality if it is taken that I have attained the ranks of the masters in this forum. Re: "absolute control" - well, that's more like a helluva good guiding principle, but I've been on the wrong side of the standard especially when I first started in this game years back in my greenhorn rookie BY days. Had a tough time wrestling with the KC trap then ... the only plus was mind bending sex on tap with my 1st baoee ... a Jiangsu babe with just the right kinda wet gushing lovehole and an appetite for doin it everywhere and frequently (my car in SIN, a coach en route to Hangzhou under a winter overcoat, my 1st AJ ... etc etc)
Like all principles, it's the application that's the toughest part. Hell, every war college round the planet preaches sets of time honoured principles of war. If every graduate general practised his set of principles to the hilt, no wars would ever get won (or lost) depending how you look at human conflict. So whilst we all have our mint copies of the Art of Bao in hand courtesy of Sammyboy, this forum gives a good idea as to the limits of theoretical know-how ... Any way, live n learn I guess.
Re: your sharing about the palate softening up - your French approach (the makan at the French restaurant I mean), I have a bit of a cover n concealment issue when doing bao operations locally. I tend to have to avoid places where loose tongues might wag back to OC ... luckily, the PRC cultural millieu I have encountered so far from my share of baoee candidates on assessment, ST, MMs, etc that I wanted to go out with, either as a prelude to the bedroom or for a change of scenery, has been a preference for the typically heavy Chinese setting say at Chinatown, Balestier, Geylang or Tiong Bahru. I recall a couple of dinners (at some risk) at some western joints in the past ... the gals were typically none too thrilled with the food (我不习惯吃西餐) n I recall being somewhat more ill at ease at cover being blown ... anyhow, with time, I kinda noticed that other things to plan for would be to avoid outings during school hols, Saturday nights, places where "locals" tend to go in numbers etc, ... meaning that tourist frequented places would also be fine during non-school seasons, for the non-culinary destinations. Sunday nights and non-family friendly times have also been fairly safe. Thank goodness for places like Luna and Grasshopper!! Anyhow, if you have good tips on any places for posh but fun outings in SIN with a MM, do float them around - need to add to the list for giving the occasional "royal treatment" in my Jekyll n Hyde plays with MMs.
One ST gal remarked how odd it seemed to her at first that Havelock complex gets so deserted on weekends and public holidays proper, unlike back in the ol mainland. I guess with that number of provinces and towns in the ancestral land, a baoer would have umpteen opportunities at much lesser risk than in this little island - which is why I have had at least one mainland baoee on duty for years to satisfy the monthly honeymoon requirements uninhibited ... ah, the memories of strolling down Nanjing Road in the winter cold and bonking the nights and days away are still fresh in my mind ... curiously, after a period of such frequent usage of the lil brother in China, I find the fella on high alert more frequently for a few days after that the balls ache ... looking forward to the next honeymoon at the end of the month :D
10-12-2010, 07:20 PM
Actually I have a burning question as I am fairly vested in equities now....many financial analysts is bullish on asian and emerging market equities now and expect returns of 10-20% for 2011...while a few think that a big big crash may be on the cards....for me I think the 3 main risks are 1) QE2 doesn't work and USA remains in a depress state 2) Default Risks in Europe 3) Bubble burst in China
Of course if all 3 doesn't happen, we should be in for a huat huat year and can bao many pussies....but what is the likelihood of a unexpected crash coming and what strategies should be adopt if this happens.....
10-12-2010, 07:40 PM
You forgot to include one risk.
The risk of a significant terrorist attack.
10-12-2010, 07:43 PM
You forgot to include one risk.
The risk of a significant terrorist attack.
Bro I think the markets are abit more immune to terrorist attacks...even a korean war may not be that bad unless america and china fell out because of it....but i think neither side would want to fall out for north korea
10-12-2010, 07:51 PM
how abt natural disaster? :o
10-12-2010, 07:58 PM
how abt natural disaster? :o
That will depend on where it strikes...
10-12-2010, 08:23 PM
That will depend on where it strikes...
sou desu ka...
politics & govt new rules & regulations probably can b one of the risks?
10-12-2010, 08:35 PM
sou desu ka...
politics & govt new rules & regulations probably can b one of the risks?
I think we should wait for some of the more experienced bros here to answer as they been though more economic cycles....and perhaps they can have a better sense if this economic recovery is here to stay or a short bull in a secular bear market....I don't think politics alone will derail the market but a combination of factors...unless you are talking about mbt controlling the local property market
10-12-2010, 10:10 PM
equities in US or local markets? things holding paper value scares me, and the more you go into company accounts, the more shit you dig up, and the scarier equities become for my weak heart :o
on your worries, this is my young and ignorant view:
QE2 can only stabilise sentiment and not spur market recovery due to the staggered pace of purchase, and how markets are usually priced in before announcements since consensus is strong and accurate i.e. fed does not surprise markets. this creates a hot money flow into asian markets as institutions and investors continue to stay away from US economy (which defeats the purpose of injecting liquidity as the money is used to fund EM investments...) inflation is a big worry in asian economies as such, so i think we can see asian govts raising rates across the board next year.
default risk in europe is largely about fear. the big economies are doing well, especially germany. even spain's economy has its redeeming factors. only the peripheral states are in danger, and the economic ramifications are not even that substantial. i think fear is triggering the irrational behaviour towards EU debt. so if ballsy enough one can capitalise on that.
bubble will not burst in china, PBOC keeps a very tight rein and always intervenes when necessary. interesting thing to watch out for will be how the big chinese banks cope with lending in december as the cap for the year has nearly maxed out in november. pboc's reaction will be critical in assessing how the govt feels about inflationary pressures in china.
11-12-2010, 10:22 AM
Just got off the red eye flight from SHG n a stretch of shagging yesterday morning ...
... looking forward to the next honeymoon at the end of the month .................................
Hi bro Dragonkeep,
Ths for sharing ur ST n BY experiences.
Actually I have a burning question as I am fairly vested in equities now....many financial analysts is bullish on asian and emerging market equities now....but what is the likelihood of a unexpected crash coming and what strategies should be adopt if this happens.....
You forgot to include one risk.
The risk of a significant terrorist attack.
Bro I think the markets are abit more immune to terrorist attacks...even a korean war may not be that bad ...................
how abt natural disaster? :o
sou desu ka...
politics & govt new rules & regulations probably can b one of the risks?
I think we should wait for some of the more experienced bros here to answer as they been though more economic cycles.......unless you are talking about mbt controlling the local property market
equities in US or local markets? things holding paper value scares me, and the more you go into company accounts, the more shit you dig up, and the scarier equities become for my weak heart :o
on your worries, this is my young and ignorant view.....................
Hi bros ME, besafe, smartke n newbieboy,
Ths all of u for ur expertise in investing n trading.
IMHO, it's an exercise in futility to try to forecast the market. Buffett has never met a man who could do it consistently.
In long-term investing in equities, the only way to make money consistently is to buy undervalued stocks of high quality companies, n hold on until they become very overvalued. It may take 10 yrs. But one must know the co n its value very well.
Market crash? It's great news! I'm waiting to buy on deep discounts n I'll back up the truck (or shall I say lorry?). Wouldn't I take a big hit on my current holdings? Sure, but they r already undervalued n they will come roaring back, in time.
If the same IPhone4 is selling at 50% discount, would a lot of people buy? Would I buy? You bet. It's inexplicable n most baffling to me that when the same good co that was selling for $10 a share a month ago n now is down to $5, instead of buying, most "investors" would flee n avoid it as if the stock was a leper! Panic selling. Conversely, if the same Iphone4 is now double in price, would u buy? I wont! Equally puzzling is that a lot of "fools" would then clamor to buy it. It's called panic buying, hahaha. I do the exact opposite...
Investing in high tech n biotech start ups is a different ballgame. Here I make sure my reward: risk ratio is heavily in my favor n I enjoy much better odds than a dealer in a casino, hehehe.
Just my 2 cents.
Bro WB
11-12-2010, 11:51 AM
I think Bro WB sums it up when he said that we can never predict the market but we must be prepared for whatever my question may be irrelevent in the first place.....this applys to pussies may never expect what you will get! some STs at $300 can be a dead fish while some at $200 can be surprisingly good in bed, just like some BY at $5000 a month can be better than those at $8000 a month.....
Now I noticed that most of the power Bao-er seem to be self-employed rather than is being self-employed a more probable way to riches rather than being employed??
11-12-2010, 12:39 PM
I think Bro WB sums it up when he said that we can never predict the market but we must be prepared for whatever my question may be irrelevent in the first place.....this applys to pussies may never expect what you will get! some STs at $300 can be a dead fish while some at $200 can be surprisingly good in bed, just like some BY at $5000 a month can be better than those at $8000 a month.....
Now I noticed that most of the power Bao-er seem to be self-employed rather than is being self-employed a more probable way to riches rather than being employed??
Hi bro ME,
The stock market is efficient most of the time, but not all the time. A crisis of any kind usually results in periods of great inefficiency in the market. You must seize the rare oppty to make ur fortune. The key here is to hv the self control to buy when everyone else is panicky n selling...
in 2008, several profitable Chinese companies were selling very close to it's net cash (cash in the bank + short-term investments minus all debts ) per share! How could u lose? It was like buying the companies FOC! They hv gone up 500-600% since...
Yes, generally speaking, one must be self-employed to do well financially.
Back to pretty pussies. This is always a very inefficient market due to many personal factors n variables.
Stay Alpha,
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Good Afternoon!
More musings on the mundane subject of pretty pussies.
I'm hving better luck these days. I hv found a bevy of gals of my type in China n several here in SG. They all want me to buy them a IPhone4 n to BY them! Several gals in China r non-WLs. Two hv agreed to come over.
At this time, it's inconvenient for me to live in PRC n so hv to disappoint many of them.
I hv 2 tall Fujian gals, aged 21 n 22 respectively, in SG. There is a 3rd gal HD, a non-Fujian gal whom I also like very much. She is very short, only 158 n 42 kg, but she is very cute n pretty, fair n innocent. Perhaps one of the prettiest China gals I hv seen. A student here, only 20 yo, she is a true SYT. I'm going very, very slowly w/ her. One of my gals is leaving in mid Jan n it would be perfect timing if I start BY-ing HD then. I just hope that her pussy is as cute n as small as her mouth/lips!
There is another tall n fair 21 yo SYT but she is quite expensive (overvalued IMHO), so I'll wait n see. If her butt were a tad bigger, I would say she is fairly valued, hehehe.
BTW, I know many bros prefer shaved pussies. I dun as it looks artificial. One Fujian gal had cleanly shaved one n so I asked her to stop shaving less than 2 wks ago n now there r abt 3-4 mm long bristles, like tiny needles, very irritating when I eat her pussy. She loves my tongue n wants me to eat her for at least 25-30 min! She would hold my head n thrust her pussy wildly into my tongue n mouth! Her COS is very violent n very vocal.
Bro WB
11-12-2010, 02:23 PM
i have insufficient experience with BY-ing, but i like how esteemed bros here talk about pussies like shares... lots of parallels. essentially you're injecting equity into her life, you have an amount of voting rights in her, and if you're looking to transform the company you can even rally, suppress, or buy out the other decisionmakers in her life like Icahn does.
of course while a company is supposed to act in the shareholder's best interests, this is often not the case. even less so for BY pussies. equities are unlike other asset classes in that sense, where ownership (especially partial) does not equate to a proportional share of decision-making, specifically referring to her daily operations. thus charisma plays a bigger role than money. in essence, i always believe the lack of time will hinder an effective ROI in BY-ing. therefore, if i have more time and money in the future, i'd take up an active management and monitoring role in the BY, which i suspect many bros here do not, seeing how busy they are with their businesses or high-flying jobs. as i am starting out in my career, i have even less time than most bros here, so BY is out of the question. it is good to learn now though, i'm certain the experiences you have shared here will benefit me now and later on in life :)
11-12-2010, 05:47 PM
Hmmm, guess pussies are like commodities. Can be bought, can be found OTC, can be used/eaten, can be sold in public, can be traded, price fluctuates with supply & demand and there is an expiry date!
Hahahaha, just learn this last night from a buddy friend. I am no expert in commodities but sounds like very similar.
LDH :)
i have insufficient experience with BY-ing, but i like how esteemed bros here talk about pussies like shares... lots of parallels. essentially you're injecting equity into her life, you have an amount of voting rights in her, and if you're looking to transform the company you can even rally, suppress, or buy out the other decisionmakers in her life like Icahn does.
of course while a company is supposed to act in the shareholder's best interests, this is often not the case. even less so for BY pussies. equities are unlike other asset classes in that sense, where ownership (especially partial) does not equate to a proportional share of decision-making, specifically referring to her daily operations. thus charisma plays a bigger role than money. in essence, i always believe the lack of time will hinder an effective ROI in BY-ing. therefore, if i have more time and money in the future, i'd take up an active management and monitoring role in the BY, which i suspect many bros here do not, seeing how busy they are with their businesses or high-flying jobs. as i am starting out in my career, i have even less time than most bros here, so BY is out of the question. it is good to learn now though, i'm certain the experiences you have shared here will benefit me now and later on in life :)
11-12-2010, 09:26 PM
Now I noticed that most of the power Bao-er seem to be self-employed rather than is being self-employed a more probable way to riches rather than being employed??
For those who are self employed.. there is a chinese saying: 福不过三代。
11-12-2010, 10:02 PM
For those who are self employed.. there is a chinese saying: 福不过三代。
Simple bro...create a trust instead of transferring ownership to the next generation....
12-12-2010, 05:49 AM
Now I noticed that most of the power Bao-er seem to be self-employed rather than is being self-employed a more probable way to riches rather than being employed??
Bro MoralEpitome,
There is saying in Chinese, 行行出壮元, doesnt mean one have to be self-employed for a better chance also. Being employed at a good career can also lead to riches. The MMS at LV probably make a helluva lota mollas themselves. The Ang Pai-s potentially in the top 5% income groups also. All tax free. :P
Often, IMHO, its much like investment, 'Time in the Market' vs 'Timing the Market'. Even for the self-employed, its alot about time in the market to accumulate the experiences and network. of coz, any endeavors requires lotsa dedication and passion.
Having said so, there are certain advantages being self employed. There's the tax advantage. As self employed pay income tax after expenses while an employee pays income taxes before expenses.
More importantly its the power to manage your own time. This can allow one to meet people and learn things that interest oneself. Spiderman said "With great power comes great responsibilities", so with power over one's own time, one does require quite a bit of self discipline to manage one's work and one's time efficiently. The many sifu here are naturally master of self-mastery and time management would have to be a must too.
my 2c
12-12-2010, 10:28 AM
Bro Dragonkeep,
Besides eateries at GL and Tiong Bahru, you can explore Hoi Kitchen at Traders Vic, Zion Rd Hawker centre, Gallery Hotel Jap Food, Tanjong Beach Sake Teppan outlet, Re Hotel at Pearl's Hill and Paradise Seafood at Flyer. Besides Zion, the rest are pretty quiet during mon to thurs dinner time. These are relatively less risk in terms of meeting pple you should not be meeting with your baoee but not no risk. I am only concern about meeting relatives, friend's wifes and female colleagues. These are the most kaypoh of the lot.
12-12-2010, 11:36 AM
Hi bro Dragonkeep,
Ths for sharing ur ST n BY experiences.
Hi bros ME, besafe, smartke n newbieboy,
Ths all of u for ur expertise in investing n trading.
IMHO, it's an exercise in futility to try to forecast the market. Buffett has never met a man who could do it consistently.
In long-term investing in equities, the only way to make money consistently is to buy undervalued stocks of high quality companies, n hold on until they become very overvalued. It may take 10 yrs. But one must know the co n its value very well.
Market crash? It's great news! I'm waiting to buy on deep discounts n I'll back up the truck (or shall I say lorry?).
Great to see this thread double-up as a quasi-investment guru resource too. Kudos to ya Mr WB for nurturing it.
IMHO the old adage, "buy low, sell high" generally makes sense. However, just like the Art of Bao, easier said than done.
The other wise saying to invest "when there's blood in the streets" is also a great piece of advice. I recall when SARS hit in '03, Changi Airport became a ghost-town and Iraqi War II started at one go, SQ stocks dipped to 9.00+/-. Imagine having the spare cash then ... heard that the Kennedy family made it all thanks to stock bought during the 1929 Great Depression!
So, keep some piggy bank money around when you hear the markets getting spooked, Al-Queda getting adventurous, Europe wobbling, the Kims playing dangerous games at the Korean borders, etc. - short of total national (not likely to happen to SG for the time being) or catastophic global financial collapse (govts seem to be on guard against a reprise of 2008), events like that signal a good time to buy, contrary to the general mayhem and panic around us when these things happen. The trick is to assess the resistance level to the "bad" event in question. Again, IMHO, seldom does a speculator get the exact level right ... just before my last honeymoon with my FZ baoee in SHG, I closed an exploratory buy of 5 SQ lots at 15.60 not long after the North Korean shells landed on the wrong side of the ceasefire line, the next day the friggin stock continued to sink, to the 40s. But sure enough, with some good US data emerging and the Irish debt contained and with the markets still fluid, the price was back in the 90s and touching the low 16s, I dumped the SQs.
BTW to all the experts out there, do share any good locales for discreet (i.e. fairly safe from "cover-being-blown" places) but fun outings for PRC baoees ... I sent my "local" baoee home to Sichuan to facilitate my year end sojourn with OC and my descendants and she'll will come back to SG after X'mas (so I told her) - need to have some fun nightlife with her outside of the bedroom ... still have a couple of FBs in attendance in this period in case of a need for carnal variety pending her return, but I kinda like taking that tall, leggy Sichuan babe with a sweet smile out 'cause of her aesthetics, especially when she dolls up.
12-12-2010, 12:22 PM
BTW to all the experts out there, do share any good locales for discreet (i.e. fairly safe from "cover-being-blown" places) but fun outings for PRC baoees ... I sent my "local" baoee home to Sichuan to facilitate my year end sojourn with OC and my descendants and she'll will come back to SG after X'mas (so I told her) - need to have some fun nightlife with her outside of the bedroom ... still have a couple of FBs in attendance in this period in case of a need for carnal variety pending her return, but I kinda like taking that tall, leggy Sichuan babe with a sweet smile out 'cause of her aesthetics, especially when she dolls up.
Brought a girl to Kallang Leisure Park bowling alley, a cinema, arcade,coffee places as well as Thai SharkFin as well as K Box there...even the jewelery shop is cheap there in case your bao-ee suddenly wanna buy some diamonds.....usually don't see anyone I know....hehehe....
12-12-2010, 01:52 PM
Go JB... I guess no one will see you.
Unless you are like Phua Chu Kang - famous in Singapore , JB and even Batam.
12-12-2010, 06:25 PM
Go JB... I guess no one will see you.
Unless you are like Phua Chu Kang - famous in Singapore , JB and even Batam.
hahaha....that's a good one...but I tell you if you sway you sway....even if your oc's frens see you they can sms her to let her know where you are...and when she sms you and you lie...that's it....
12-12-2010, 08:56 PM
hahaha....that's a good one...but I tell you if you sway you sway....even if your oc's frens see you they can sms her to let her know where you are...and when she sms you and you lie...that's it....
Actually , I was caught with a SYT in Holland village by a business acquaintance. I told him that she is my relative from HK !!!:D Did he believe? Of course not !
Another time , I was caught at West Coast Mcdonalds with another PRC Uni girl. I was really helping her with her project work. A friend was there for some exercise. I used the same excuse too.:p
12-12-2010, 09:28 PM
Bro Dragonkeep,
Besides eateries at GL and Tiong Bahru, you can explore Hoi Kitchen at Traders Vic, Zion Rd Hawker centre, Gallery Hotel Jap Food, Tanjong Beach Sake Teppan outlet, Re Hotel at Pearl's Hill and Paradise Seafood at Flyer. Besides Zion, the rest are pretty quiet during mon to thurs dinner time. These are relatively less risk in terms of meeting pple you should not be meeting with your baoee but not no risk. I am only concern about meeting relatives, friend's wifes and female colleagues. These are the most kaypoh of the lot.
Thanks bro for the tips (been to some and agree they offer some degree of camouflage) ... same concerns as you dah. Hence the need for some info-sharing ... friggin island sometimes too small. Only thing going is that the peer n family group is aging and more westernised - so the heavy Chinese type locales are still "safer" - but you never know. A cheong buddy of mine is all-eyes alert when in GL for the simple reason his family really digs the place for makan joints ... wa lou, really high tension when out walking from carpark to henhouse ...
Just a couple months back, I was out for lunch (purely platonic) at a highly popular upmarket Jap restaurant with this knockout babe who happens to be an aesthetic doc and right at the next but one table was someone who happens to be her godma and someone I know ... confirmed x 10 over for me that I would still shy away from such places with my baoees except for the late unusual hours on unlikely days ... you only need one kaypoh to make life quite unwantedly roller coasterish ... some years back, I brought OC out and she was dressed somewhat sluttishly at Pan Pac Hotel. Friggin old acquaintance of mine was even slyly eyeballin OC n me whilst I made introductions, obviously harbouring suspicions ...
12-12-2010, 09:31 PM
Actually , I was caught with a SYT in Holland village by a business acquaintance. I told him that she is my relative from HK !!!:D Did he believe? Of course not !
Another time , I was caught at West Coast Mcdonalds with another PRC Uni girl. I was really helping her with her project work. A friend was there for some exercise. I used the same excuse too.:p
Hah hah. PCK indeed. Anyhow, I better rehearse some lines just in case! Need to think up one for a chance encounter with an actual extended family relative though!!
12-12-2010, 09:41 PM
Brought a girl to Kallang Leisure Park bowling alley, a cinema, arcade,coffee places as well as Thai SharkFin as well as K Box there...even the jewelery shop is cheap there in case your bao-ee suddenly wanna buy some diamonds.....usually don't see anyone I know....hehehe....
Thanks bro ME. Will add to the notebook. :)
Have taken my baoee to Iluma for movies on a Sat night - mostly youngster, Chinese speaking crowd so uncle-era westernised folks like me practically zilch. Also been late on week nights (Mon - Th) to Marina Square movie-bowling complex ... kinda feels safe. Fri-Sat quite dicey as many working youngsters from round town and families around. Did a river cruise on Sat night once - mostly tour groups. Also seemed quite safe.
12-12-2010, 10:35 PM
Thanks bro ME. Will add to the notebook. :)
Have taken my baoee to Iluma for movies on a Sat night - mostly youngster, Chinese speaking crowd so uncle-era westernised folks like me practically zilch. Also been late on week nights (Mon - Th) to Marina Square movie-bowling complex ... kinda feels safe. Fri-Sat quite dicey as many working youngsters from round town and families around. Did a river cruise on Sat night once - mostly tour groups. Also seemed quite safe.
Yup if you are old, go to young places, if you are young go to old places...if you are like me 32 and in between then bopian...hahaha.....any kudos to bro besafe for his excuses...unfortunately my oc is too smart for best for me is don't cheat...I remember how she set me up once...and her fren saw me at a dodgy place and she kaykay ask me where I am....oh well....I really think it is luck....long long ago I saw my uncle with a different woman at the bowling alley at katong shopping centre...can you imagine this type of lok place also can be spotted?...although I was young then I know how to shut my mouth and he is divorce and with this woman now...
12-12-2010, 11:23 PM
Dear Bros
The mountain tortise me have finally made it to LV last week. Thanks to my mates who got convinced by me to migrate from Royce and test new battlegrounds. I don't have much opportunity to go KTV so when there is window I wanna go to a joint with quality chicks. I got to say I m impressed with the quality on that Friday night both for hh & sh. Although I think I made the mistake of having the same chick from 7 to 2. Should have gotten a new one during sh to have a change.
But I got to admit that my chick went hot as we proceeded throughout the night. By 11 we were smooching n frenching like long lost lovers which on hindsight I think was a bit too much to the comfort of others:D we clicked well played dice, played grp games, engage in dirty talk etc I never brought up any topic of ST or long term engagement at all. But during the ending of the night she said she want to shag me coz she have not have it for 2 mths. Yah like real! I said I am not keen n anyway I have too much that night so she will not get any hot fucking from me. So we left as a group that night and this chik never gave up and said she want to have some supper with me. We walked all the way to teochew porridge place at havelock. Then she suggested I pay her rental for her. I act blur and ask what I get in return. hehe anyway cut long story she tempted me all the way to her apartment hoping i will up her n she get extra. I just stood at the door give her a goodnight kiss n fuck off. Then she show her true colors and was fuckin pissed and then said I short changed in giving tips. I ignored and walked away.
She definitely merciless but i just go along with the flow and see what happen. Honestly if she is dropped dead perfect I probably would not resist. Anyway I collected 2 more numbers of two other hostess I fancied and one singer for my next visitS. Would like try CI at some point in 2011.
Have a good week bros!
13-12-2010, 12:25 AM
Jialat le ... here cannot there cannot, even transit hotel cannot ...
Singapore is really too small :(
But river crusie is a good idea, i like
13-12-2010, 08:39 AM
would love to meet you one of these days for a nice chat bro fallen angel ... of course its over a KTV session!
No, it is me who would love to meet you. Judging from the way you write, things you write, all the praises sang of you, and respect you command from all the samsters here, I would be so lucky to have gotten your interest. Now I shall not sing too much praises and risk being labeled a sakah king or hypocrite, for to be honest, I’ve not read any of your previous posts nor the much talked about Mistress thread.
... remember my caveat concerning the selection of who to entrust the discretionary mandate? Ask your friends who have lost in detail and see how they premised their decision on the selection of their banker to handle their account.
If they are absolutely candid, you will find that a lot them mostly based their selection decision on personal rapport or personality compatability. And on this criterion alone! This is the absolute wrong approach.
Anyways, let me answer your question on selection of who to entrust the discretionary funds. The funds don’t go to the RM but a team of traders.
It was during a kopi session with my rich friend at a kopitiam, brainstorming and thinking of ways to make money. We were talking about how there were so many exotic cars on the road nowadays and how these owners are FX traders with Investment Banks/Private Banks. While there are analysts (currency or equity) in banks, those who earn big bucks, for themselves and for their banks, are the traders. Like you said, these are the very people who are in it 24/7, 365 days in a year and they must have acquired some sort of sixth sense, and wouldn’t it be nice if we could piggy-back on their expertise and let them trade for us? I mean, we will never be able to match their skills, experience, tools of the trade, secret/proprietary trading systems, round-the-clock updates, etc etc.
He told me he had followed the trade recommendations of the FX analysts’ by paper trading for 1 year but the result was negative. Well, analysts are afterall ANALysts who doesn’t have to put money where their mouth is. So the way to go was to check if our banks had the service of letting us piggy-back their FX traders. My RM came back to me – yes, they have what they call FX for Direct Client Access where they have a specialized FX team to trade FX for client as an asset class, which is available 24 hours and they can call us for every trade.
I told my friend but he said he did that with another PB but lost about $300K in a year. So he asked me to check and ask for their track record. Well, I asked my RM but she told me she can arrange an interview or conference call with the FX team but I had yet to do that.
I’ve also asked another friend of mine who was once a FX trader with a local bank. He told me to learn to trade on my own cos the FX traders are in it for my commission and they wouldn’t care if I made or lose money. Now my knowledge of FX is limited to doing the occasional DCI for some miserable yield so I’ve not ventured out of my comfort zone.
I think we should carry on this topic when we meet (over a KTV session) because it’s a little off topic. Someone actually deducted my points and call me an investment guru, hahaha. My apologizes Bro Warbird!
For example, you may defer gratification now in the hope with better emotional connectedness the intimacy factor goes up later (hence more fulfilling sex). Instead she hooks up with your best friend/brother/father, leaving you, to put it mildly, "unfulfilled" :D
Funny you should mention father. Cos I know there are father and son team who cheong KTVs and even GL together. A KTV gal told me how there was a father and son who both liked her and went after her. And it happens in GL legal houses too! Hahaha.
13-12-2010, 11:06 AM
No, it is me who would love to meet you. Judging from the way you write, things you write, all the praises sang of you, and respect you command from all the samsters here, I would be so lucky to have gotten your interest. Now I shall not sing too much praises and risk being labeled a sakah king or hypocrite, for to be honest, I’ve not read any of your previous posts nor the much talked about Mistress thread.
Anyways, let me answer your question on selection of who to entrust the discretionary funds. The funds don’t go to the RM but a team of traders.
It was during a kopi session with my rich friend at a kopitiam, brainstorming and thinking of ways to make money. We were talking about how there were so many exotic cars on the road nowadays and how these owners are FX traders with Investment Banks/Private Banks. While there are analysts (currency or equity) in banks, those who earn big bucks, for themselves and for their banks, are the traders. Like you said, these are the very people who are in it 24/7, 365 days in a year and they must have acquired some sort of sixth sense, and wouldn’t it be nice if we could piggy-back on their expertise and let them trade for us? I mean, we will never be able to match their skills, experience, tools of the trade, secret/proprietary trading systems, round-the-clock updates, etc etc.
He told me he had followed the trade recommendations of the FX analysts’ by paper trading for 1 year but the result was negative. Well, analysts are afterall ANALysts who doesn’t have to put money where their mouth is. So the way to go was to check if our banks had the service of letting us piggy-back their FX traders. My RM came back to me – yes, they have what they call FX for Direct Client Access where they have a specialized FX team to trade FX for client as an asset class, which is available 24 hours and they can call us for every trade.
I told my friend but he said he did that with another PB but lost about $300K in a year. So he asked me to check and ask for their track record. Well, I asked my RM but she told me she can arrange an interview or conference call with the FX team but I had yet to do that.
I’ve also asked another friend of mine who was once a FX trader with a local bank. He told me to learn to trade on my own cos the FX traders are in it for my commission and they wouldn’t care if I made or lose money. Now my knowledge of FX is limited to doing the occasional DCI for some miserable yield so I’ve not ventured out of my comfort zone.
I think we should carry on this topic when we meet (over a KTV session) because it’s a little off topic. Someone actually deducted my points and call me an investment guru, hahaha. My apologizes Bro Warbird!
Dear Fallen Angel...fx traders are rich because regardless of whether they make or lose money for clients...they earn the spreads....personally I rather take responsibility for myself and trade myself online at a spread of 2 to 3 bids rather than let the bank makan 30 to if you have noticed the suits among private banking mostly involve FX as it is a very violatile market and the huge leverage used can result in big losses and of course big be successful in anything....and especially fx trading you need an housing advantage and unlike equities and property which generally appreciate in the long run...currencies do not, even the carry for comments...
As for exotic cars...well...yes it is tempting...but cars are an depreciating best fren just buy a 420k gran turismo...but guess he cannot induldge in his favourite hobby of driving around gelyang anymore...hahaa...and ask him go out he says raining ley don't want to dirty my car...and don't think of parking at old shopping complexes or anywhere with dodgy clubs because you will be easily spotted... so to put things in perspective would you rather spend 420K on a car or would you rather spend 420k to bao some exotic pussies for a couple of years?
13-12-2010, 11:20 AM
i have insufficient experience with BY-ing, but i like how esteemed bros here talk about pussies like shares... lots of Icahn does.
of course while a company is supposed to act in the shareholder's best interests, this is often not the case. even less so for BY pussies.................
Hi bro newbieboy,
The stock market n the pussy market r both inefficient n unpredictable n self mastery is the key to success in both markets, hehe.;)
Carl Icahn is another great investor! Buy what he buys n u will seldom be disappointed.
Hmmm, guess pussies are like commodities. Can be bought, can be found OTC, can be used/eaten, can be sold in public, can be traded, price fluctuates with supply & demand and there is an expiry date!
Hahahaha, just learn this last night from a buddy friend. I am no expert in commodities but sounds like very similar...............
Hi bro LDH,
Yes, commodities n pussies r very similar. Just dun fall in love w/ them, hehehe.
For those who are self employed.. there is a chinese saying: 福不过三代。
Hi bro besafe,
Very true. Can't expect 二世祖 to study hard n work hard.
Bro MoralEpitome,
There is saying in Chinese, 行行出壮元, doesnt mean one have to be self-employed for a better chance also.... with power over one's own time, one does require quite a bit of self discipline to manage one's work and one's time efficiently. The many sifu here are naturally master of self-mastery and time management would have to be a must too....
Yes, self mastery is the key...
Great to see this thread double-up as a quasi-investment guru resource too. Kudos to ya Mr WB for nurturing it.
IMHO the old adage, "buy low, sell high" generally makes sense. However, just like the Art of Bao, easier said than done.
The other wise saying to invest "when there's blood in the streets" is also a great piece of advice...
So, keep some piggy bank money around when you hear the markets getting spooked......
BTW to all the experts out there, do share any good locales for discreet (i.e. fairly safe from "cover-being-blown" places) but fun outings for PRC baoees .......
Hi bro Dragonkeep,
Ths again for ur sharing.
Stock prices by themselves dun tell me anything. I'm most interested in the intrinsic value of a stock. I like to buy when the stock price is well below its intrinsic value n sell when it becomes very overvalued.
The Art of Bao is even more complicated, hehehe.
Brought a girl to Kallang Leisure Park bowling alley, a cinema, arcade,coffee places as well as Thai SharkFin as well as K Box there...even the jewelery shop is cheap there in case your bao-ee suddenly wanna buy some diamonds.....usually don't see anyone I know....hehehe....
Thanks for the info.
Go JB... I guess no one will see you.
Unless you are like Phua Chu Kang - famous in Singapore , JB and even Batam.
hahaha....that's a good one...but I tell you if you sway you sway....even if your oc's frens see you they can sms her to let her know where you are...and when she sms you and you lie...that's it....
Actually , I was caught with a SYT in Holland village by a business acquaintance...........
Another time , I was caught at West Coast Mcdonalds with another PRC Uni girl......................
Thanks bro for the tips (been to some and agree they offer some degree of camouflage) ... same concerns as you dah. Hence the need for some info-sharing...............friggin island sometimes too small.
Hah hah. PCK indeed. Anyhow, I better rehearse some lines just in case! Need to think up one for a chance encounter with an actual extended family relative though!!
Thanks bro ME. Will add to the notebook. :)
Have taken my baoee to Iluma for movies on a Sat night - mostly youngster, Chinese speaking crowd so uncle-era westernised folks like me practically zilch......................
Yup if you are old, go to young places, if you are young go to old places......................
Hi bros,
Ths for all the info n suggestions. Although I hv lived in Gotham city for decades, I still bump into some frens n relatives from time to time.
But I dun really care if they see me w/ a much younger gal. Nothing will change. Is my family going to disown me? Nope.
Dear Bros
The mountain tortise me have finally made it to LV last week. Thanks to my mates who got convinced by me to migrate from Royce and test new battlegrounds........................
But I got to admit that my chick went hot as we proceeded throughout the night........................Then she suggested I pay her rental for her. I act blur and ask what I get in return. hehe anyway cut long story she tempted me all the way to her apartment hoping i will up her n she get extra. I just stood at the door give her a goodnight kiss n fuck off. Then she show her true colors and was fuckin pissed and then said I short changed in giving tips. I ignored and walked away.
She definitely merciless but i just go along with the flow and see what happen. Honestly if she is dropped dead perfect I probably would not resist......
Ths for sharing ur experience.
No, it is me who would love to meet you. Judging from the way you write, things you write, all the praises sang of you, and respect you command from all the samsters here, I would be so lucky to have gotten your interest. Now I shall not sing too much praises and risk being labeled a sakah king or hypocrite, for to be honest, I’ve not read any of your previous posts nor the much talked about Mistress thread............................................ ...
I think we should carry on this topic when we meet (over a KTV session) because it’s a little off topic. Someone actually deducted my points and call me an investment guru, hahaha. My apologizes Bro Warbird!
Funny you should mention father. Cos I know there are father and son team who cheong KTVs and even GL together. A KTV gal told me how there was a father and son who both liked her and went after her. And it happens in GL legal houses too! Hahaha.
Hi bro fallen.angel,
No apologies necessary, haha. I hv not seen bro justime for over 6 months. Let's get together, shall we?
Father n son team? Not for me. I hv 2 sons who r older than my gals. They r both tall n they dig Ang Mo only.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
IMHO, the key to success in long-term investing is estimating the value of a company correctly. Of course one needs the self control/self mastery to execute whenever a stock is either very undervalued or overvalued.
Unfortunately, it's much harder to value a pussy. There r too many variables. One man's meat is...
But there r certain guidelines. Moreover, the return from BY-ing a pretty gal of ur type is hard to quantify. If u feel very good keeping the gal, enjoy the sex, companionship n GFE...the benefits to ur physical n mental well being could be priceless.;)
The downside? If u can't master ur heart n fall in love w/ ur mistress, u could get hurt badly, both financially n emotionally.
BTW, I'll always be true to the spirit of this thread. It's all abt picking up...
Less than 3 wks ago, I was at DC n saw a chio SYT YX walking briskly in the hallway, I stopped her n got her name n HP. She was already booked. She is a pretty 19 yo student w/ very shapely figure n legs, abt 165 n 50kg. We share the same family name! A few days later, while I was in an Indonesian island, she sent me a text to say hello. I never met her again as I was very busy w/ my new gals. A wk later she texted me saying she was leaving for PRC n would be back after CNY. A few days ago, she texted me again from PRC to say hello. I jokingly said she should be my 干女儿。She replied, 好啊!n would meet me online. She is the one taking all the initiative n I know she wants to be fxked. I never booked her n dun really know her at all! Predestined infinity?
When YX returns, I may not hv the time nor the energy to BY her. She is actually better than all the gals I BY-ed during my last visit here. She is very young n very hot!!
Bro WB
13-12-2010, 11:41 AM
Good morning to all samsters!
Women crave emotional experiences. They r not attracted to boring n wussy nice guys who always agree w/ them or worse, suck up to them. Tease them, confront them, disagree w/ them...but dun be abusive n mean. Use push-pull n connect-disconnect tactics.
I had a serious argument w/ one of my mistresses MY the other day. She was pissed off n when I left, she would not even hug me.
But the next day, she called me many times in the PM, asked me what I was doing, etc. She had called several of my agents to try to extend her stay...n she wanted to see me, hehehe.
I just received an email from another Ang mo guru:
3 Things That Make Women Chase You
Today I am going to share information with you that will change the way you interact with women.
Using this new set of information you will be able to generate MASSIVE attraction in women you meet.
This piece of information is the ACCESS code to make a woman chase you.
For the longest time I could not understand why most women ended up saying you are a very nice guy and I am glad we are friends.
I very often hear women say to me "I never saw you like that let's just be friends".
There were times when I would ask a woman to join me for an activity or study session. The first thing I would hear from her was that she had plans with her boyfriend or that she needs to ask him if she could.
I was having hard time understanding why these women were mentioning their boyfriend when I'd ask them to do something with me.
Why did they never mention their boyfriend until that moment?
What was it that I needed to do to make these women want me so bad that they will IGNORE their relationship status and go out with me?
It wasn't until I was hanging out with a woman friend of mine who was single at the time that I had an AHA moment to clear this for me.
I was hanging out with this friend of mine when some guy she knew from before ran into us by accident.
He ended up joining us for coffee.
What happened over the next few minutes completely blew my mind.
I saw this guy make moves in every possible way but kept getting shot down. This woman used almost every excuse from the book. She finally had to lie that she had a boyfriend.
It was obvious that whatever this guy was doing was clearly not working but he DIDN'T GET IT!
When he was gone I asked her why she lied about having a boyfriend.
She replied she had to because he was not giving up. She mentioned that she did not feel attraction for him.
She mentioned that initially she was attracted to this guy and that is why she liked hanging out with him and talk to him but as she got to know him better the attraction died.
I realized this is exactly what happens to me. I start talking to women. They show interest in me and soon it turns into let's just be friends.
So I ended up asking her what was it that he did that turned her off. She explained me the whole interaction with him and that changed my dating life forever.
I will avoid writing the details of my conversation here. What I will share with you is the list of 6 secrets that will help you stand out from other men.
If injected right these 3 factors will make a woman feel STRONG EMOTIONS for you.
This is what you need to do when you talk to a woman next time:
1. Disagree with Women: Most men assume that they have to please women to win them. This comes across as supplicating to women.
When you disagree with women you demonstrate your willingness to walk away from them. Women find this quality very attractive in men.
Women cannot handle rejection and this makes them want to chase you and win your approval.
Next time you are talking to a woman you are attracted to disagree with her on some topic. She will love you for doing that.
2. Flirting with other women: Most men assume they have to demonstrate total dedication to the woman they are attracted to. This is why they don't even look at other women.
This behavior shows neediness. Women do not like that you are willing to give up everything when you barely know them.
Do the opposite!
Flirt with other women around her. This demonstrates that you are man who loves women and that you are capable of seducing other women.
Every woman wants a man who is loved by other women.
Next time you go to a coffee shop flirt a little with the barista. Give her a genuine compliment or ask couple personal questions. But don't do it too much.
Once she notices you flirting with other women she will do everything to hold on to you because she wants to win over other women.
3. Get Sexual Early On: Most men assume that they will make a woman feel uncomfortable by getting sexual early on.
You cannot be more wrong than this.
Most women have multiple guy friends in their life. When they go out with you they are hoping for something romantic to develop.
Let them know your intentions by touching, holding their hands, playing with their hair and establishing a sexual dialogue.
This will turn most women on and they will start to see you as a possible sexual partner opposed to another guy friend.
Women are emotional creatures. They respond to emotions not logic. There is a certain conversation pattern and interaction style that appeals to women on the emotional level.
When you inject these attraction generating patterns into your interaction with women the result is MASSIVE UNCONTROLLABLE ATTRACTION in women for you............................................... .....................................
Until next time,
Mr. Guru
13-12-2010, 03:58 PM
my, oh my ... interesting
looks like warbird has been busy lately huh ?
like wine, we all get better with age, fermented by experience. women are able to sense this, the way certain men handle matters, not necessarily with/to them. warbird mentioned this in one of his earlier posts - calls it gravitas. there's another - swagger. swagger is not just confidence, but the style created by this confidence, the ease and comfort with which you portray this confidence, bordering on arrogance ... that's what make most women swoon, legs feeling weak, getting all moist and mushy eh ?
im still using my old number, but lost my SIM card, and will get it up and going in no time ... cya soon
13-12-2010, 04:28 PM
my, oh my ... interesting
looks like warbird has been busy lately huh ?
like wine, we all get better with age, fermented by experience. women are able to sense this, the way certain men handle matters, not necessarily with/to them. warbird mentioned this in one of his earlier posts - calls it gravitas. there's another - swagger. swagger is not just confidence, but the style created by this confidence, the ease and comfort with which you portray this confidence, bordering on arrogance ... that's what make most women swoon, legs feeling weak, getting all moist and mushy eh ?
im still using my old number, but lost my SIM card, and will get it up and going in no time ... cya soon
Hi bro BV,
Welcome back!
I'm still learning...who says u can't teach an old dog new tricks?
Gravitas, confidence, substance, authority, dominance, status, swagger, inner game, etc. Most important is self mastery, hehe.
Pls sms or call me.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
I meant to write predestined affinity, not infinity, in my previous post.
BTW, I just looked at some pics of MY. She has nice butt w/ 2 distinct Dimples of Venus! I guess I hv to work "much harder" as she has not squirted for me yet, hahaha.
Hv a great day!
Bro WB
14-12-2010, 02:23 AM
Dear Mr WB, you are my idol, love to read all your posts :)
14-12-2010, 11:08 AM
Dear Mr WB, you are my idol, love to read all your posts :)
Hi bro vellomoose,
Oh please...I merely enjoy sharing my BY-ing experiences ( mostly failures really ) w/ bros here. I actually learn a lot more from all the esteemed bros at SBF.
The cumulative wisdom here is mind-boggling!
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
Went to River Valley area again last nite. I failed to make the gal squirt. I need to do better.
I invite esteemed bros here to relate their personal experiences on squirting. In my entire life, only 2 gals ever squirted for me.
Received a call earlier this AM from a former mistress KW, who flew in from Jakarta late last nite. I hv told her previously I could not BY her. She came on a Work Permit (Performing Artiste). Booking her out n doing ST is ok, hehe.
Last but not least, I like to share the following email from another Ang Mo guru:
Here Are 3 Essential Alpha Man Traits - Do You Have Them?
What's it take to be a man these days?
I find myself asking that question a lot. If you watch young boys and how a lot of them are being brought up these days, you'll find yourself shaking your head as you ask it.
What are the important parts of being a MAN?
Just because you have the equipment doesn't mean that women perceive you as being "MANLY." In fact, "manliness" has gotten a bad rap.
And that has led a great many of us (including ME for many years) to believe that we should be ashamed of being men.
Well, first and most importantly, you have to learn how to be comfortable with just BEING a man.
With all the stupid messages you get from the media on things to "enhance" your masculinity, you'd think that there was something basically wrong with us right from the start, wouldn't you?
You're not long enough, hard enough, rich enough, or good looking enough to get the woman you want - that's what They tell you.
But the reality is that women are attracted to a man from emotions - NOT appearance.
(Yes, we know that a hot guy will get more initial interest, but he can't KEEP it if he isn't showing her the right Alpha traits.)
So here are my top 3 traits for you to work on your masculinity and demonstrating your Alpha Manhood.
>> WARNING: I'm not pulling any punches here. If you have a weak stomach, I suggest you close this email and go back about your day.
Still with me?
GOOD! I knew you had the stones.
Here we go...
*** ALPHA MAN TRAIT 1) Initiative - Leadership drive
Women LOVE leaders.
They love it when a guy takes the lead and just makes the decision and goes with it.
Even if he's wrong.
I make it a point when I'm out to ask women what they find most un-attractive about men, and one thing comes up more than anything else...
Indecisiveness and wishy-washy behavior.
Guys are trying to be "easy going" and cool, but they're actually being perceived as weak-kneed little girls.
The great thing about taking initiative is that by doing this, you actually demonstrate two other POWERFUL traits that draw women in like moths to a flame: Ambition and Power.
Just by demonstrating the initiative with a woman, you are sub-communicating all the right things about your masculinity and drive.
In order to take this initiative, most men need to feel...
*** ALPHA MAN TRAIT 2) Assertiveness/Confidence
It's probably no secret to you that I don't cater to "political correctness."
This story should help you understand how I feel:
There was a priest addressing his congregation, and he said to them during his sermon: "There are millions of people out there starving in the world today... and the problem is YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN about it!"
Then he said, "And the BIGGER problem is that MORE of you are shocked by me saying 'damn' in church than you are about the fact that there are millions of people starving out there!"
And the thing about confidence is that it really translates into another word that allows us to understand it better.
Just the fact that you are sure about something is what gives you confidence.
... Are you sure you can throw a baseball?
... Are you certain about yourself?
... Are you sure about what you want?
... Are you certain about your ability to approach women?
Wherever you have certainty in life, you feel confidence.
And assertiveness is what comes from your confidence. You can be more firm and assertive when you know what it is you want, and you're not willing to settle for less.
In order to exercise that confidence, we have to achieve...
***ALPHA MAN TRAIT 3) Emotional Control/Emotional Strength
Look, women are NOT attracted to men that cry on their shoulder. They're NOT attracted to men who are always talking about their "feelings."
Women want a man that is in control of his own emotional world.
You may hear women complain about the guy who's "not in touch with his emotions," but the reality is that most of the guys who seem to think they are in touch with their emotions are just PUPPETS of their emotions.
There are really relatively few cases of guys who are strong and emotionally controlled who just wake up one day and freak out because their emotions had been bottled up inside them and went thermo-nuclear.
I think a lot of 'sensitive' guys are afraid of this.
Forget about it!
You don't have to be an emotional man to be "aware" of your emotions.
Don't DENY your emotions, but don't LIVE in them, either.
First and foremost is emotional CONTROL. That's your big responsibility as an Alpha Man.
I mean do something that takes a pair of good-sized gonads.
I'm not talking about walking into Victoria's Secret with your female friend while she buys a new bra, either.
Here are some "fake ballsy" and "REAL ballsy" activities so you know what I mean:
FAKE ballsy: Writing a nasty comment on someone's Youtube video...
REAL ballsy: Sitting down with your friend and setting him straight on how he's wussing out in his life...
I go on Youtube to look up good martial arts training videos, and I'm ASTONISHED at the 3rd grade comments and flame wars that people get into. The Internet has devolved into a cesspool of egos battling it out for who's "right" about something.
Real balls means that you're using your character to do something difficult that most other people wouldn't risk, because they don't want to 'hurt someone's feelings.'
Or they don't want to 'confront' someone...
Look, we know that men are here to DO the things other people fear.
FAKE ballsy: Wearing the t-shirt of your favorite heavy metal band.
REAL ballsy: Wearing a t-shirt with "Got Dick?" on it...
True story: I had a friend named Dan in high school who came in with a t-shirt that read, "If it ain't stiff, it ain't worth a f*ck."
He got suspended for a day or two for that. But I also remember him doing that and secretly wishing I had the nads to be that brave.
(Oh, and the girls were talking about him for WEEKS after that.)
I got my chance a few years back when I went to a sushi place in San Francisco and bought their t-shirt that said: "Your fish smells like pussy."
I wore that out one day and got a lot of comments from women that I could tell were secretly loving it - even as they were telling me "that's not a nice t-shirt..."
Yeah. "Not-nice."
That thing that women say they don't want, but somehow always pursue.
Got me on that one, ma'am.
You see, every so often you have to break those shackles of "political correctness" and "niceness" that has defined you.
Stop being the boring "nice guy" that makes women yawn and roll their eyes.
Stop seeking approval. If I had chosen to go that route, I'd never have had the opportunity to help guys like you to get the confidence and women they want in life.
I'd have crumpled like a wet taco when the first person wrote me an email saying he disagreed with my teachings.
(Funny, I don't get those emails anymore.)
SHOCK someone... Be different.
Ask yourself: How alive are you willing to be?
Dare to live your life on your own terms, and you'll feel a sense of liberation and Alpha Masculinity that will open up a new world to you.
It's the world where you get what you want - and what you deserve........................................... .................................................
Wishing you confidence and success with women - With HONOR and integrity.
Notice how he keeps mentioning emotional control...
Do you get upset, even angry, easily? Sometimes anxious n fearful? Often worried n unhappy? Occasionally lonely n frustrated?
Bro, you hv zero self mastery. Even if u suddenly receive USD 10 billion tax free today, u will still be unhappy. Sorry for being so blunt. The good news is that you hv incredible room for improvement. There is no where to go but UP, hahaha, just like me a very short time ago.:D
IMHO, in life, a man's happiness n success r directly proportionate to the degree of his emotional control/self mastery. If he is a very rare man w/ absolute self mastery, he is unconditionally happy. He doesn't need money or pussies or anything else, but they still flock to him...hahaha.
Just my 2 cents. Comments n criticisms will be appreciated.
Bro WB
14-12-2010, 11:16 AM
Bro wb,
Aft reading your post, all i can say is your technics are awesome. The hit rate is high. You the guru!
14-12-2010, 11:29 AM
Bro wb,
Aft reading your post, all i can say is your technics are awesome. The hit rate is high. You the guru!
Hi bro myhobby,
Not really, I'm just like an armchair general, long on theory but short in practice. My hit rate is high bcos I'm not afraid to up the ante...for the right gal.
I'm doing everything possible n working day n nite to achieve absolute self mastery.
I want to be completely fearless of hardship/pain/losses of every kind n death. I'm learning to live in the eternal present moment...the only reality. The direct path to Unconditional Happiness.
Everything else in life is of very little importance to me at this time.
Bro WB
14-12-2010, 11:43 AM
bro WB,
i just love reading your post & ! i hv only one word... AWESOME!
all those real life experience has given me an open eyes!
wow.. i hv so much to learn!
14-12-2010, 01:21 PM
Yup if you are old, go to young places, if you are young go to old places...if you are like me 32 and in between then bopian...hahaha.....any kudos to bro besafe for his excuses...
Haha.. so you are saying I am old lah !!!:D
14-12-2010, 04:30 PM
Haha.. so you are saying I am old lah !!!:D
Actually I don't know your age...I only know you been screwing many pussies of all old are you?
14-12-2010, 04:45 PM
Actually I don't know your age...I only know you been screwing many pussies of all old are you?
Well , all I can say is that when I go out with them, I dun look like their Father or Uncle.:D
14-12-2010, 07:15 PM
I really like Bro WB's post on 3 Things That Make Women Chase You
Man gotta put it into practice :)
15-12-2010, 10:57 AM
bro WB,
i just love reading your post & ! i hv only one word... AWESOME!
all those real life experience has given me an open eyes!
wow.. i hv so much to learn!
Hi bro smartke,
Ths for ur flattering n encouraging words.
I'm just getting started. I hv so much to learn too. We can always do better. We should strive for excellence, not perfection.
Life is short, but art is long.
We should all work very hard to improve ourselves, including our health, every hour, every day, hehehe.
Happy learning!
Well , all I can say is that when I go out with them, I dun look like their Father or Uncle.:D
Hi bro besafe,
I didn't know that you're so young. I'm older than all my gals' parents.
I really like Bro WB's post on 3 Things That Make Women Chase You
Man gotta put it into practice :)
Hi bro MillerV,
These 3 things r essential. We hv to live it n breathe it...
Learn to say NO to gals u like very much. And flirt w/ every gal n get sexual early...
Wks ago, I went to pick up my gal n her 3 frens came along. One of her frens kept calling me 帅哥 n 奔驰大哥。No PRC gal ever called me that before. My gal said to her in her native dialect that, 什么帅哥?他比我阿爸还老!I understood her dialect well. I cracked a joke n then flirted w/ all the gals n even offer to BY all 4 of them! My gal wasn't too amused though, hehehe.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
Life is so unpredictable.
A wk ago, I took a gal n her fren DD to a sushi place at Great World. Her fren is 22 n very pretty, prettier than my gal, but not my type as she is only 159 n has medium bony frame. She arrived only days ago n asked me to intro a fren to take care of her. If she had the right proportions I would offer to BY both of them.
I told my gal yesterday that I would intro a fren to DD. My gal said DD had already left for china 2 days ago bcos her dad passed away suddenly! He was only 49. I said, that is bad! I'm older than her dad, does that mean my days r numbered? My gal laughed, not to worry, u r so healthy! 你比年青人还利害!U neither smoke nor drink, u will live to a 100 yo, haha.
Joking aside, no one in this world can be 100% certain that he or she will be alive 24 hrs from now. Accidents could happen or it could be the end of the world as we know it...
All I can do is to live in the eternal present moment...n be unconditionally happy. The key is absolute self mastery.
Just my 2 cents.
Be unconditionally happy,
Bro WB
ichi ro
15-12-2010, 11:15 AM
Hi All Bros there,
These gals are here to earn a living.. as we all know.
$$ can do wonders and only if you think it is right, the right terms and negotiation, you will get it..
Moreover, back in their countries, the rate are even more lower.
Have fun!
15-12-2010, 05:14 PM
Joking aside, no one in this world can be 100% certain that he or she will be alive 24 hrs from now. Accidents could happen or it could be the end of the world as we know it...
All I can do is to live in the eternal present moment...n be unconditionally happy. The key is absolute self mastery.
Just my 2 cents.
Be unconditionally happy,
Bro WB
On the question of death... hope you dun mind I relate a true story.
One of my distant uncle went and had a good time in China quite some years back. He was found dead in the hotel room with massive heart attack. According to the police investigation, he suffered a stroke whilst bonking his girl.
So.. for those who are of a certain age.
Please do your medical checkup regularly and continue your exercises and supplements. Young and middle age men included.
Of course I am sure Bro WB has his health conditions under control.
15-12-2010, 05:43 PM
.......... We should strive for excellence, not perfection.
Life is short, but art is long.
We should all work very hard to improve ourselves, including our health, every hour, every day, hehehe.
Happy learning!
yes bro! shd b for excellence, NOT perfection. I DID the opp way! :o
well, i always like to say... life is short, work smart, play hard! :D
tis is my BY learning ground. when the days come, 我所学到的这些知识就可以派上用场!;):p
15-12-2010, 08:19 PM
Well , all I can say is that when I go out with them, I dun look like their Father or Uncle.:D
You must be a handsome old man like Bro wonder you guys keep getting the girls!!!
Yes, speaking of which, a colleague of mine just died suddenly from an heart attack, he was 45, and in the pink of health, suddenly treasure our lives!
15-12-2010, 08:28 PM
I thot U are on sabbathical?
Still cheonging KTV?
Handsome old man indeed !!! Hahaha.
I am already 199 years old - 採阴朴阳
15-12-2010, 10:08 PM
I thot U are on sabbathical?
Still cheonging KTV?
Handsome old man indeed !!! Hahaha.
I am already 199 years old - 採阴朴阳
You must be Lestat the vampire...and sucked many necks and nipples....
I am back...searching for the right girl....trying to KC a ZheJiang Girl but she appears to be quite decent and not easy to upz...she tells me that she is stupid but I think that she's quite intelligent....I ask her what she thinks of the idea of 放养 and she laughed...she works at TAM at night
15-12-2010, 11:32 PM
I am back...searching for the right girl....trying to KC a ZheJiang Girl but she appears to be quite decent and not easy to upz...she tells me that she is stupid but I think that she's quite intelligent....I ask her what she thinks of the idea of 放养 and she laughed...she works at TAM at night
Hey Romeo, just wondering if you tabled the $um right out ... I assume she'd know this is not exploratory and respond with more than a laugh, based on Bro WB's art of Bao ... on the other hand, the prudish types seem logically "safer" healthwise ... my current mainland baoee took a bit of chasing before she did her full monty ... but now it's full Jap-AV type action with no health concerns. Did take some patience to get to this stage, but hey it's like long term investing I guess ...
16-12-2010, 02:29 PM
Hey Romeo, just wondering if you tabled the $um right out ... I assume she'd know this is not exploratory and respond with more than a laugh, based on Bro WB's art of Bao ... on the other hand, the prudish types seem logically "safer" healthwise ... my current mainland baoee took a bit of chasing before she did her full monty ... but now it's full Jap-AV type action with no health concerns. Did take some patience to get to this stage, but hey it's like long term investing I guess ...
Yeah....value investing(buffet) vs follow the trend(soros)....
well she's not bad and quite clean...the only thing is that she got abit of bad breath...which is usually a bad turn off....but for her seems acceptable...that's why i keep making her drink and drink hahahah....she mentioned she is on travel pass though but those limitless type for 2 years...wonder how does this works?
16-12-2010, 05:38 PM
wow wow weet weet... more cronies here... all hidden clones and crouching cronies... knn... all the farkers suporting each other for the same farking agenda... careful ah... my bro Wuji got farking 100K to BY your gals, mistresses and what farks you have there in your beds... careful hor... rich rich so what...
16-12-2010, 06:12 PM
You must be Lestat the vampire...and sucked many necks and nipples....
I am back...searching for the right girl....trying to KC a ZheJiang Girl but she appears to be quite decent and not easy to upz...she tells me that she is stupid but I think that she's quite intelligent....I ask her what she thinks of the idea of 放养 and she laughed...she works at TAM at night
Haha... Yes. I will be prowling at peace center on Friday !:D
16-12-2010, 11:35 PM
Haha... Yes. I will be prowling at peace center on Friday !:D
Sure....pls give up an update...tomorrow I need to over stayed and hang some shit flowers on a singer...but she is willing to be my gf if i support her 6k a month...not a value proposition as I find singers cannot be trusted...keep telling me no one support her but still got one guy hang her but I doubled his flowers and left...
17-12-2010, 12:00 AM
well she's not bad and quite clean...the only thing is that she got abit of bad breath...which is usually a bad turn off....but for her seems acceptable...that's why i keep making her drink and drink hahahah....she mentioned she is on travel pass though but those limitless type for 2 years...wonder how does this works?
Well well, a fellow cheongster, heavy on KTVs in the ol mainland, complains frequently that it's the smoking plus poor oral hygiene ... One of my FBs is a local SG gal at the Havelock Complex. Wha lou, smokin like volcano and increasingly challenging to french!! Told her to cut out the smokes but she says she tried that once and put on quite a bit of weight in the wrong places, pointing out to some stretch marks for emphasis as I was tonguing her thighs ...
As for the 2 yr pass - gee, I thought this meant she is on a type of 2y work permit. My "local" baoee from Sichuan has one of those and she skips in and out of here like nobody's biz (she just got back today from the mainland .. yummy). If yours has a good way to get a "2 y travel pass" I'd be mighty interested to see how that works ... sometimes can dangle that kinda carrot for a potential baoee as part of the incentive to get baoed. Hope you have every success gently massaging that info out for sharing ...
17-12-2010, 12:22 AM over stayed and hang some shit flowers on a singer...but she is willing to be my gf if i support her 6k a month...not a value proposition as I find singers cannot be trusted...keep telling me no one support her but still got one guy hang her but I doubled his flowers and left...
Bro ME, singers are all very expensive to chase. My current mainland FZ "baoee" was an ex singer. Holy cow ... in the beginning, was using the flower hanging to carve out territory (against the competition and for her affection) ... saw the success when she started saying she developed a 依赖性态 (dependency syndrome) on me - took bloody 2 months. She openly told me that chasing one of her kind was very stressful on the wallet an time (unless you mai chang a lot) ... this part about singer chasing I hate. Then, when it became time for a "show" (zuo siu), wah lou, had to sit in the VIP spot and work out the strategy for playing the right flowers at the right time (by that time no more plain old "flowers" but friggin crown, gown and sceptre plus crackers etc) ... in the end though, this has been a very loyal and loving baoee, hence her long service medals ...
My busted budget in those days was way above $6k a month brudder!! Nowadays with her safely in the mainland and living on RMB, whew ... what a relief. Great thing is to have great marathon sex on tap in any locale any pose I please over there ...
17-12-2010, 03:20 AM
Good morning to all samsters!
Women crave emotional experiences. They r not attracted to boring n wussy nice guys who always agree w/ them or worse, suck up to them. Tease them, confront them, disagree w/ them...but dun be abusive n mean. Use push-pull n connect-disconnect tactics.
I had a serious argument w/ one of my mistresses MY the other day. She was pissed off n when I left, she would not even hug me.
But the next day, she called me many times in the PM, asked me what I was doing, etc. She had called several of my agents to try to extend her stay...n she wanted to see me, hehehe.
I just received an email from another Ang mo guru:
3 Things That Make Women Chase You
Today I am going to share information with you that will change the way you interact with women.
Using this new set of information you will be able to generate MASSIVE attraction in women you meet.
This piece of information is the ACCESS code to make a woman chase you.
For the longest time I could not understand why most women ended up saying you are a very nice guy and I am glad we are friends.
I very often hear women say to me "I never saw you like that let's just be friends".
There were times when I would ask a woman to join me for an activity or study session. The first thing I would hear from her was that she had plans with her boyfriend or that she needs to ask him if she could.
I was having hard time understanding why these women were mentioning their boyfriend when I'd ask them to do something with me.
Why did they never mention their boyfriend until that moment?
What was it that I needed to do to make these women want me so bad that they will IGNORE their relationship status and go out with me?
It wasn't until I was hanging out with a woman friend of mine who was single at the time that I had an AHA moment to clear this for me.
I was hanging out with this friend of mine when some guy she knew from before ran into us by accident.
He ended up joining us for coffee.
What happened over the next few minutes completely blew my mind.
I saw this guy make moves in every possible way but kept getting shot down. This woman used almost every excuse from the book. She finally had to lie that she had a boyfriend.
It was obvious that whatever this guy was doing was clearly not working but he DIDN'T GET IT!
When he was gone I asked her why she lied about having a boyfriend.
She replied she had to because he was not giving up. She mentioned that she did not feel attraction for him.
She mentioned that initially she was attracted to this guy and that is why she liked hanging out with him and talk to him but as she got to know him better the attraction died.
I realized this is exactly what happens to me. I start talking to women. They show interest in me and soon it turns into let's just be friends.
So I ended up asking her what was it that he did that turned her off. She explained me the whole interaction with him and that changed my dating life forever.
I will avoid writing the details of my conversation here. What I will share with you is the list of 6 secrets that will help you stand out from other men.
If injected right these 3 factors will make a woman feel STRONG EMOTIONS for you.
This is what you need to do when you talk to a woman next time:
1. Disagree with Women: Most men assume that they have to please women to win them. This comes across as supplicating to women.
When you disagree with women you demonstrate your willingness to walk away from them. Women find this quality very attractive in men.
Women cannot handle rejection and this makes them want to chase you and win your approval.
Next time you are talking to a woman you are attracted to disagree with her on some topic. She will love you for doing that.
2. Flirting with other women: Most men assume they have to demonstrate total dedication to the woman they are attracted to. This is why they don't even look at other women.
This behavior shows neediness. Women do not like that you are willing to give up everything when you barely know them.
Do the opposite!
Flirt with other women around her. This demonstrates that you are man who loves women and that you are capable of seducing other women.
Every woman wants a man who is loved by other women.
Next time you go to a coffee shop flirt a little with the barista. Give her a genuine compliment or ask couple personal questions. But don't do it too much.
Once she notices you flirting with other women she will do everything to hold on to you because she wants to win over other women.
3. Get Sexual Early On: Most men assume that they will make a woman feel uncomfortable by getting sexual early on.
You cannot be more wrong than this.
Most women have multiple guy friends in their life. When they go out with you they are hoping for something romantic to develop.
Let them know your intentions by touching, holding their hands, playing with their hair and establishing a sexual dialogue.
This will turn most women on and they will start to see you as a possible sexual partner opposed to another guy friend.
Women are emotional creatures. They respond to emotions not logic. There is a certain conversation pattern and interaction style that appeals to women on the emotional level.
When you inject these attraction generating patterns into your interaction with women the result is MASSIVE UNCONTROLLABLE ATTRACTION in women for you............................................... .....................................
Until next time,
Mr. Guru
Seriously these 3 tactics won't work!
1) Disagree with Women.. which idiot would keep disagreeing with the woman when she is wrong? Like she tell you the shortest way to get to Orchad from Ang Mo Kio is via CTE, but you disagree and said NO, there is not the shortest.. should travel up to Yishun then take SLE, BKE then PIE and exit Eng Neo ave... ( It really depend on what is right n wrong, and if you disagree with each and every topic, I think the girl will think the guy is an idiot/a pest!)
2) Flirting with other women Maybe it will work if that girl is a slut! or you want her as your FB.. she may think .." Oh, this guy is a player, I can play with him with no obligations!" but if you are serious to court her as a gf or she is already your gf/wife, flirting with other women would just make girls think the guy is no longer interested in her, and she will breakup with the guy in no time! flirting with other women mean you no longer feel/love her.
3) Get Sexual Early On, this is even a silly move.. get sexual early on.. the girl will think the guy is up to no good, only interested in her body/sex and not really love her at all.. she will also leave the guy in no time!
But since this topic is about KTV gals, the above may work since they are pretty easy going and open towards male-beings.. But i can say the above do not work for non KTV gals, or gals who sell their bodies for a living.
17-12-2010, 09:15 AM
Seriously these 3 tactics won't work!
1) Disagree with Women.. which idiot would keep disagreeing with the woman when she is wrong? Like she tell you the shortest way to get to Orchad from Ang Mo Kio is via CTE, but you disagree and said NO, there is not the shortest.. should travel up to Yishun then take SLE, BKE then PIE and exit Eng Neo ave... ( It really depend on what is right n wrong, and if you disagree with each and every topic, I think the girl will think the guy is an idiot/a pest!)
2) Flirting with other women Maybe it will work if that girl is a slut! or you want her as your FB.. she may think .." Oh, this guy is a player, I can play with him with no obligations!" but if you are serious to court her as a gf or she is already your gf/wife, flirting with other women would just make girls think the guy is no longer interested in her, and she will breakup with the guy in no time! flirting with other women mean you no longer feel/love her.
3) Get Sexual Early On, this is even a silly move.. get sexual early on.. the girl will think the guy is up to no good, only interested in her body/sex and not really love her at all.. she will also leave the guy in no time!
But since this topic is about KTV gals, the above may work since they are pretty easy going and open towards male-beings.. But i can say the above do not work for non KTV gals, or gals who sell their bodies for a living.
Actually, the tactics work. KTV gals or otherwise. Here’s why:
Women are very very smart creatures. They can sense what you want. They have a sixth sense. They know you want to get into their… er… good books. And they know all the guys are doing the same. (I’m talking about the highly desirable women). Ever wonder why they play hard to get? Why they also say “treat them mean and keep them keen”? They have seen it all – you are just another one of those guys. Guys who flock to them and become their slaves. They are bored. Yawn. So how do you beat the competition? How do you one-up the rest of the guys? By trying even harder? Be even nicer?
Why not try doing things differently? Stand out. Just like everything else in life. There’s a saying that goes: “if you do what most people do, you’ll end up like most people” or something to that effect. Warren Buffett is rich because he does exactly the opposite of what others do. He said the secret to becoming rich is to “be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful”. You see? Do the opposite. Be a contrarian.
Disagree with her. Every guy who wants to leave a good impression will never dare think of disagreeing with her. So she becomes uninspired and very very bored. It becomes a habit and she EXPECTS every guy to agree with her. Do the opposite and she immediately sits up and listens. Women want someone who can sweep them off their feet – not someone who agrees with every single thing they say. She wants someone with character, not a yes-man. But don’t be an idiot and disagree with her on everything lah.
Flirting with other women. Too many nice guys around her. Just like us men, women don’t like men to be too clingy. But women want to conquer men. Best if you could get other women to flirt with you. Then she will immediately be on her toes. But don’t overdo the flirting.
Get sexual early on. As above – differentiate yourself from the competition. That is the key, the gist of it.
17-12-2010, 11:07 AM
Was at Paragon this morning around 9.30 am.
Saw a very beautiful girl queueing to buy soya drink.
So I also go queue behind her lah...
Strike up conversation and found out that she is PRC ( I already knew by her looks).
17-12-2010, 11:24 AM
These gals are here to earn a living.. as we all know.
$$ can do wonders...
Ths for ur post.
On the question of death... hope you dun mind I relate a true story.
One of my distant uncle went and had a good time in China quite some years back. He was found dead in the hotel room with massive heart attack. According to the police investigation, he suffered a stroke whilst bonking his girl.....
Of course I am sure Bro WB has his health conditions under control.
Hi bro besafe,
I hv a special personal interest in this field. Ang MO doctors call it sudden death, mostly cardiac n/or vascular in origin. There r many causes n contributory factors.
It's 马上风 aka “交欢中猝死” aka “腹上死” aka “大泄身” in Chinese, hehehe.
It can happen to both men n women of ALL ages, but most commonly in middle age n older men who r overweight who smoke, hv high BP n/or diabetes...u get the picture.
I'm a lao chi ko pek n certainly not immune to sudden death. No one is. But my BP is optimal, my weight is the same as when I was 21. I dun take any prescription medications except for judicious use of the big C.
Seriously, it's a painless n joyous way to pass on. I dun mind at all if it happens to me when I'm 85 n the gal is a very pretty 18 yo.;)
yes bro! shd b for excellence, NOT perfection. I DID the opp way! :o
well, i always like to say... life is short, work smart, play hard! :D
tis is my BY learning ground. when the days come, 我所学到的这些知识就可以派上用场!
Hi bro smartke,
Nothing in this world is perfect.
You must be a handsome old man like Bro wonder you guys keep getting the girls!!!
Yes, speaking of which, a colleague of mine just died suddenly from an heart attack, he was 45, and in the pink of health, suddenly treasure our lives!
Hi bro ME,
Bro besafe must be a handsome man, I'm most happy to be a lao chi ko pek.
I hv seen many much younger men n a few younger women who died suddenly...
In Jan 2003, I invested in TASR, the maker of wireless stun gun, n researched many cases of sudden death in young men who were TASERED. There were many lawsuits which had a negative impact on the stock price. These deaths had nothing to do w/ the stun gun. Many who died were on elicit or prescription drugs. Extreme physical exertion, emotional stress n electrolyte imbalance were often present as well.
I thot U are on sabbathical?
Still cheonging KTV?
Handsome old man indeed !!! Hahaha.
I am already 199 years old - 採阴朴阳
I'm a young 108, hehe.
You must be Lestat the vampire...and sucked many necks and nipples....
I am back...searching for the right girl....trying to KC a ZheJiang Girl but she appears to be quite decent and not easy to upz...she tells me that she is stupid but I think that she's quite intelligent....I ask her what she thinks of the idea of 放养 and she laughed...she works at TAM at night
Bro ME,
By 放养 do mean u hv a RS w/ her but allow her to work freely. Could she hv sex w/ other men?
Hey Romeo, just wondering if you tabled the $um right out ... I assume she'd know this is not exploratory and respond with more than a laugh, based on Bro WB's art of Bao ... on the other hand, the prudish types seem logically "safer" healthwise ... my current mainland baoee took a bit of chasing before she did her full monty ... but now it's full Jap-AV type action with no health concerns. Did take some patience to get to this stage, but hey it's like long term investing I guess ...
Ths for sharing ur experience.
Yeah....value investing(buffet) vs follow the trend(soros)....
well she's not bad and quite clean...the only thing is that she got abit of bad breath...
We should follow Buffett most of the time, but indulge in trend trading sometimes.
I would not BY a gal who has bad breath.
wow wow weet weet... more cronies here... all hidden clones and crouching cronies... knn... all the farkers suporting each other for the same farking agenda... careful ah... my bro Wuji got farking 100K to BY your gals, mistresses and what farks you have there in your beds... careful hor... rich rich so what...
Are u all right? :confused:
Sure....pls give up an update...tomorrow I need to over stayed and hang some shit flowers on a singer...but she is willing to be my gf if i support her 6k a month...not a value proposition as I find singers cannot be trusted...keep telling me no one support her but still got one guy hang her but I doubled his flowers and left...
All gals who work at the nite scene can't be trusted. They r guilty until proven otherwise.
Well well, a fellow cheongster, heavy on KTVs in the ol mainland, complains frequently that it's the smoking plus poor oral hygiene ......
How a gal takes care of her health n hygiene speak volume abt her...
Bro ME, singers are all very expensive to chase. My current mainland FZ "baoee" was an ex singer........
Yes, singers r expensive to BY n they still hv to work. I'm interested in BY-ing singers but need to take them off work completely which could be expensive. I hv not met one who is worth that kind of money.
Seriously these 3 tactics won't work!
1) Disagree with Women................
2) Flirting with other women...............
3) Get Sexual Early On..........................
But since this topic is about KTV gals, the above may work since they are pretty easy going and open towards male-beings.. But i can say the above do not work for non KTV gals, or gals who sell their bodies for a living.
Hi bro,
I know these tactics r counter-intuitive n may appear illogical. But gals respond to emotions not logic.
In the past, I thought if only I was very nice to pretty SYTs, I could taste their pussies. Wrong, dead wrong. These tactics actually work for both non-WLs n WLs alike. You need to modify somewhat for non-WLs though. Be more subtle n indirect.
You disagree only when u believe u r right or when u dun want to do things she has requested. You also disagree when u believe she is wrong. Some men r so afraid of losing a beautiful woman that they agree w/ everything she says or give her everything she wants. It means they r insecure n feel that they dun deserve such a beautiful woman. This behaviour is most unattractive to the gal...
Flirting w/ other women n getting sexual early on merely show that a man is confident, masculine n has many options. These qualities r highly attractive to the most desirable women. Of course these must be done in good taste n in smooth n cultured, not vulgar.
Please read bro fallen.angel's excellent post.
Actually, the tactics work. KTV gals or otherwise. Here’s why:
Women are very very smart creatures...........
Why not try doing things differently? Stand out................
Disagree with her....................
Flirting with other women.....................
Get sexual early on.................. As above – differentiate yourself from the competition. That is the key, the gist of it.
Hi bro fallen.angel,
Ths for ur excellent post!!
Bro WB
17-12-2010, 12:05 PM
Fucking young man you... think women let you BY so easily... are you nuts... stop bragging your theories and how many already non virgin pussies you BY... no money come here to ego build... fucking low life... cheap in thought cheaper in life... my bro Wuji has 100K... he can go anywhere and perhaps his next fuck can be your mistress... young man... bear my words... bro Wuji is a smart man... he also never lose a flower battle... you go get your cfronies CBBJ and LPDH to battle flower with wuji lah... confirm ass tear... for me... no bullshit... at least me dare to admit I am poor... you cronies are losers... just like you... not able to pay your debts... over spend on women... old cheap undesirable pussies... all fucked and forgotten types... all you want... better save your money...
Ths for ur post.
Hi bro besafe,
I hv a special personal interest in this field. Ang MO doctors call it sudden death, mostly cardiac n/or vascular in origin. There r many causes n contributory factors.
It's 马上风 aka “交欢中猝死” aka “腹上死” aka “大泄身” in Chinese, hehehe.
It can happen to both men n women of ALL ages, but most commonly in middle age n older men who r overweight who smoke, hv high BP n/or diabetes...u get the picture.
I'm a lao chi ko pek n certainly not immune to sudden death. No one is. But my BP is optimal, my weight is the same as when I was 21. I dun take any prescription medications except for judicious use of the big C.
Seriously, it's a painless n joyous way to pass on. I dun mind at all if it happens to me when I'm 85 n the gal is a very pretty 18 yo.;)
Hi bro smartke,
Nothing in this world is perfect.
Hi bro ME,
Bro besafe must be a handsome man, I'm most happy to be a lao chi ko pek.
I hv seen many much younger men n a few younger women who died suddenly...
In Jan 2003, I invested in TASR, the maker of wireless stun gun, n researched many cases of sudden death in young men who were TASERED. There were many lawsuits which had a negative impact on the stock price. These deaths had nothing to do w/ the stun gun. Many who died were on elicit or prescription drugs. Extreme physical exertion, emotional stress n electrolyte imbalance were often present as well.
I'm a young 108, hehe.
Bro ME,
By 放养 do mean u hv a RS w/ her but allow her to work freely. Could she hv sex w/ other men?
Ths for sharing ur experience.
We should follow Buffett most of the time, but indulge in trend trading sometimes.
I would not BY a gal who has bad breath.
Are u all right? :confused:
All gals who work at the nite scene can't be trusted. They r guilty until proven otherwise.
How a gal takes care of her health n hygiene speak volume abt her...
Yes, singers r expensive to BY n they still hv to work. I'm interested in BY-ing singers but need to take them off work completely which could be expensive. I hv not met one who is worth that kind of money.
Hi bro,
I know these tactics r counter-intuitive n may appear illogical. But gals respond to emotions not logic.
In the past, I thought if only I was very nice to pretty SYTs, I could taste their pussies. Wrong, dead wrong. These tactics actually work for both non-WLs n WLs alike. You need to modify somewhat for non-WLs though. Be more subtle n indirect.
You disagree only when u believe u r right or when u dun want to do things she has requested. You also disagree when u believe she is wrong. Some men r so afraid of losing a beautiful woman that they agree w/ everything she says or give her everything she wants. It means they r insecure n feel that they dun deserve such a beautiful woman. This behaviour is most unattractive to the gal...
Flirting w/ other women n getting sexual early on merely show that a man is confident, masculine n has many options. These qualities r highly attractive to the most desirable women. Of course these must be done in good taste n in smooth n cultured, not vulgar.
Please read bro fallen.angel's excellent post.
Hi bro fallen.angel,
Ths for ur excellent post!!
Bro WB
17-12-2010, 02:46 PM
Bro ME,
By 放养 do mean u hv a RS w/ her but allow her to work freely. Could she hv sex w/ other men?
Can work and earn money from other men but no sex with them of course...if not why not just ST rite?
Ths for sharing ur experience.
We should follow Buffett most of the time, but indulge in trend trading sometimes.
I would not BY a gal who has bad breath.
Yup cancelled her as a consideration
Are u all right? :confused:
All gals who work at the nite scene can't be trusted. They r guilty until proven otherwise.
How a gal takes care of her health n hygiene speak volume abt her...
Yes, singers r expensive to BY n they still hv to work. I'm interested in BY-ing singers but need to take them off work completely which could be expensive. I hv not met one who is worth that kind of money.
Yes, the hanging flower scene is full of dirty tricks as the other esteem bros can attested to, forget it just you got time and money
Hi bro,
I know these tactics r counter-intuitive n may appear illogical. But gals respond to emotions not logic.
In the past, I thought if only I was very nice to pretty SYTs, I could taste their pussies. Wrong, dead wrong. These tactics actually work for both non-WLs n WLs alike. You need to modify somewhat for non-WLs though. Be more subtle n indirect.
You disagree only when u believe u r right or when u dun want to do things she has requested. You also disagree when u believe she is wrong. Some men r so afraid of losing a beautiful woman that they agree w/ everything she says or give her everything she wants. It means they r insecure n feel that they dun deserve such a beautiful woman. This behaviour is most unattractive to the gal...
Flirting w/ other women n getting sexual early on merely show that a man is confident, masculine n has many options. These qualities r highly attractive to the most desirable women. Of course these must be done in good taste n in smooth n cultured, not vulgar.
Please read bro fallen.angel's excellent post.
Yes, but the tactics must always be used sparingly and tweak to the situation
Hi bro fallen.angel,
Ths for ur excellent post!!
Bro WB
Bro bastard...thinking of screwing people's wife and gf again????hahaha
18-12-2010, 10:53 AM
Bro bastard...thinking of screwing people's wife and gf again????hahaha
it may be ur wife/gf his screwing next..
18-12-2010, 11:11 AM
Was at Paragon this morning around 9.30 am.
Saw a very beautiful girl queueing to buy soya drink.
So I also go queue behind her lah...
Strike up conversation and found out that she is PRC ( I already knew by her looks).
Good for U!
Pls keep us posted on this interesting pickup. I hope u got her name n HP, ya.
A full FR pls.
Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Can work and earn money from other men but no sex with them of course...if not why not just ST rite?
Yup cancelled her as a consideration
Yes, the hanging flower scene is full of dirty tricks as the other esteem bros can attested to, forget it just you got time and money
Yes, but the tactics must always be used sparingly and tweak to the situation
Hi bro ME,
Ths for ur replies n comments.
it may be ur wife/gf his screwing next..
Hi bro prcsytlover,
There r only 3 types of women I would never touch:
1) Married women
2) Relatives
3) Current lovers/GFs of relatives n frens
Everyone else is fair game.
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Good morning to all samsters!
More musings on picking up gals n BY-ing.
I was at LV w/ 2 young bros the other day. One of them is a professional gambler. I said to them, lets go to the big hall n see all the gals. They said quite paiseh lah. So I took them to look at all the gals, hehe.
Never be paiseh when interacting w/ chio gals bcos it's most unattractive to them.
In life, when u gain something, u also lose something n when u lose something, u also gain something. It's Nature way of keeping balance. Gain always equals to loss, eventually...hahaha.
So if u lose a gal who is very special, perhaps the one n only in this world to u, dun despair, u will soon find another one who is even better, hahaha. Of course u need to learn from ur mistakes n rectify them. Keep learning, improving n practicing. Most importantly, u must greatly improve ur emotional control/self mastery. You will soon get a much better gal. I guarantee it!;)
In the past, I had been perturbed when I lost certain gals whom I liked very much. I had a revelation which was life changing a few months ago. And I'm enjoying better ones now, hehe. Yes, prettier n more responsive pussies. If I didn't lose the old I wont hv gained the new, ya.
Bro WB
18-12-2010, 01:32 PM
Hi bro prcsytlover,
There r only 3 types of women I would never touch:
1) Married women
2) Relatives
3) Current lovers/GFs of relatives n frens
Everyone else is fair game.
Bro WB
Hi Warbird,
I'm not directing my words at u. It's at ME.
I find his words looking for trouble, what screwing other's wife.. it's a in-moral statement to me. :mad:
I believe in 因果报应. Given his comments, I dun find it a surpise why some ppl in here target him.
18-12-2010, 01:37 PM
it may be ur wife/gf his screwing next..
Hi prcsytlover, I was only joking with bro besafe, I know he is the epitome of morality as well as a astute businessman... I am sure he knows his limits and screw with a heart! pls do not take it so literally, an alpha man can take insults with a pinch of salt!
18-12-2010, 02:05 PM
Hi prcsytlover, I was only joking with bro besafe, I know he is the epitome of morality as well as a astute businessman... I am sure he knows his limits and screw with a heart! pls do not take it so literally, an alpha man can take insults with a pinch of salt!
The fact is I dun care if u joking with Besafe.. But the fact that u use the word screwing other's wife/gf.. Yes, it's casual remarks, but it's insulting others.. not Besafe..
It's just like jokingly scolding non-malay friends Pig in front of Malay friends. how will the malay friend feels..
Lastly, why should alpha man takes insult from U!!! What are u thinking with ur brain.. my god...
And thanks.. I'm not a alpha man. I spend alot of time, money n effort to court gals. Cause I dun have tons of money to burn like some guys in here. But does that makes me a 2nd class man.. ha ha.. ur words are damn stupid!
18-12-2010, 02:27 PM
I always remind myself that every single KTV girl, whether PRC or anywhere, is here for one thing and one thing only: our money. Make no mistake about it. As long as you can keep the dough flowing of cos they will let you enjoy their pretty faces and young bodies. Once the money stops, then game over bye bye baby. End of the day, it's still a transaction. Sex for money. Plain n simple
18-12-2010, 03:24 PM
I always remind myself that every single KTV girl, whether PRC or anywhere, is here for one thing and one thing only: our money. Make no mistake about it. As long as you can keep the dough flowing of cos they will let you enjoy their pretty faces and young bodies. Once the money stops, then game over bye bye baby. End of the day, it's still a transaction. Sex for money. Plain n simple
I totally agreed with your enlightened view.:).
18-12-2010, 04:14 PM
The fact is I dun care if u joking with Besafe.. But the fact that u use the word screwing other's wife/gf.. Yes, it's casual remarks, but it's insulting others.. not Besafe..
It's just like jokingly scolding non-malay friends Pig in front of Malay friends. how will the malay friend feels..
Lastly, why should alpha man takes insult from U!!! What are u thinking with ur brain.. my god...
And thanks.. I'm not a alpha man. I spend alot of time, money n effort to court gals. Cause I dun have tons of money to burn like some guys in here. But does that makes me a 2nd class man.. ha ha.. ur words are damn stupid!
oh dear, I am sorry that I have unwittingly insulted you and perhaps rubbed salt in your you I don't have tons of money to burn and certainly do not think that this makes you a 2nd class man...however being bothered by it and not taking actions to improve does.
18-12-2010, 04:26 PM
oh dear, I am sorry that I have unwittingly insulted you and perhaps rubbed salt in your you I don't have tons of money to burn and certainly do not think that this makes you a 2nd class man...however being bothered by it and not taking actions to improve does.
Looks like ur brain is still not functioning well...
When I say u insulted me? U still dun have the means to do such damage to me yet. :)
Anyway kind word always fall on deaf ear, u can continue ur childish act. I rest my case.
Bro Warbird, sorry for messing up ur thread.
Some child are just plain stupid.
18-12-2010, 05:46 PM
Bros bros, lets chill about this ok :) Yes, MoralE may have craked an insensitive joke & bro PRClover may have been offended by it, peace peace, XMAS season, make more love, bao more PRC pussies and give our spermies to them as their XMAS presents, nothing else matters :)
18-12-2010, 08:28 PM
Looks like ur brain is still not functioning well...
When I say u insulted me? U still dun have the means to do such damage to me yet. :)
Anyway kind word always fall on deaf ear, u can continue ur childish act. I rest my case.
Bro Warbird, sorry for messing up ur thread.
Some child are just plain stupid.
By your previous posts, I already know you are sour grapes of the richer people here, and still have a long way to go in chasing girls and getting's can learn from us and turn your life around...I have learned alot from the gurus in this thread too...
18-12-2010, 09:18 PM
Bros bros, lets chill about this ok :) Yes, MoralE may have craked an insensitive joke & bro PRClover may have been offended by it, peace peace, XMAS season, make more love, bao more PRC pussies and give our spermies to them as their XMAS presents, nothing else matters :)
Yes Yes... I agree with the Master Sifu here.
Let's make love not war. I am sorry if I am the cause of this.
Bro ME is just teasing me only and no harm is done.
I am quite amused actually and wanted to warn him that if he is not careful..guess who is next on my target list.
Please do not reply to each other and continue to heap wood to the fire.
Wives, girlfriends or what not... as long as they are willing party to the act.
And often, it is their uncaring and unloving husbands/boyfriends who pushed them to the edge.
18-12-2010, 09:31 PM
Good for U!
Pls keep us posted on this interesting pickup. I hope u got her name n HP, ya.
A full FR pls.
Bro WB
Bro.. you know me.
I am not a prolific writer and man of few words.
Let's see what can/will happen.
18-12-2010, 09:40 PM
Picking up KTV gals... 18-12-2010 09:25 PM It does not really matter that I deduct points from you. But I just have to do it to show you what a CB you are.
Hahaha... Someone cannot stand it and zap me and call me CB.
I think all of us in this forum, including your good self, is also worthy to be called the same.
Cheers and Happy Christams to you.
18-12-2010, 09:53 PM
Hi prcsytlover, I was only joking with bro besafe, I know he is the epitome of morality as well as a astute businessman... I am sure he knows his limits and screw with a heart!
Hullo..hullo....what epitome and astute you talking about.
All very foreign words to me.
BTW , I dun go around plotting and scheming to screw other people's wives or girlfriends.
Most of the time , it happened naturally and believe me... screwing them is not cheap !
18-12-2010, 09:58 PM
Yes Yes... I agree with the Master Sifu here.
Let's make love not war. I am sorry if I am the cause of this.
Bro ME is just teasing me only and no harm is done.
I am quite amused actually and wanted to warn him that if he is not careful..guess who is next on my target list.
Please do not reply to each other and continue to heap wood to the fire.
Wives, girlfriends or what not... as long as they are willing party to the act.
And often, it is their uncaring and unloving husbands/boyfriends who pushed them to the edge.
Okok Bro, I will respect your decision and not reply no matter how he insults or call me a brainless idiot k....
I made that statement because Bro BeSafe had an affair with a married woman...however, it takes two hands to clap, some women do it because of lack of love from their husbands or bfs, some women do it because they are sluts... it's really not up to anyone to judge because I think to myself if I had found someone I truly love or if she has been really good to me, would I still fool around? I had never been KCed by any KTV girl and would never spend money on them, but I had some problems with my relationship and naturally I looked for love in the wrong places....I think all of us had gone though this before...
Now I intend to be as faithful as possible and go for pure ST with no emotions involved, yes I know this is not as shoik as a KC fuck but at least there are much less complications...
I know I been overtly active in this forum and is often a target, but that will not stop me from talking cock! and cb
18-12-2010, 09:58 PM
believe me... screwing them is not cheap !
Correction correction....screwing them is free, it's getting to screw them that's damn freaking after screwing them, it could end up even more expensive!:p
18-12-2010, 10:00 PM
Hullo..hullo....what epitome and astute you talking about.
All very foreign words to me.
BTW , I dun go around plotting and scheming to screw other people's wives or girlfriends.
Most of the time , it happened naturally and believe me... screwing them is not cheap !
I know la I know la...who in the right mind will purposely wan to screw people's wivies? bad karma la....but actually hor even these prc sluts you screw also got bfs at home... so what's right what's wrong... there is no right no wrong... we all make choices in life... and the path we want to make... now why am i so active in this forum? it's becos i am bored with my life and got nothing else better to do... when i reach enlightenment perhaps you will hardly see me here....
18-12-2010, 10:01 PM
Correction correction....screwing them is free, it's getting to screw them that's damn freaking after screwing them, it could end up even more expensive!:p
Wah... Master Sifu surfing SBF and not at party ?
So moral of story... after screwing...grab your pants and quickly run lah !!!!!
18-12-2010, 10:04 PM
I know la I know la...who in the right mind will purposely wan to screw people's wivies? bad karma la....but actually hor even these prc sluts you screw also got bfs at home... so what's right what's wrong... there is no right no wrong... we all make choices in life... and the path we want to make... now why am i so active in this forum? it's becos i am bored with my life and got nothing else better to do... when i reach enlightenment perhaps you will hardly see me here....
If you reached enlightenment... You become GOD and we all worship you !!!!
18-12-2010, 10:07 PM
If you reached enlightenment... You become GOD and we all worship you !!!! should read some books by robin sharma...not sure if i got the name rite...i was enlightened for 1 day and remained celibate for 1 day...
18-12-2010, 10:12 PM
Picking up KTV gals... 18-12-2010 10:08 PM Bro, so it is your fault if i screwed your wife/gf next time.. haha
Hahaha.. please be my guest. If you can go to Russia to do it.
She is there now on business and will be back in Shanghai for the new year.
In the mean time, I may get to screw yours first.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
18-12-2010, 10:45 PM
Picking up KTV gals... 18-12-2010 10:08 PM Bro, so it is your fault if i screwed your wife/gf next time.. haha
Hahaha.. please be my guest. If you can go to Russia to do it.
She is there now on business and will be back in Shanghai for the new year.
In the mean time, I may get to screw yours first.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Aiyo why scrabble over such things....pussies are meant to be screwed...whether it is local or foreign...humans are by nature horny, it's a Darwinian natural long as we know to wipe out backsides and go home, good enough
19-12-2010, 02:40 AM
Dear Bros, friends, fellow cheongsters (and potential enemies-alike);
Its X'mas season, why is suddenly the forum is full of flamers and angry words exchanges?
Guys fight for glory and battle for honour, certianly not for the above yar? Some activities which I personally saw recently here are really OTT. Chill it brudders and have a fun time cheonging.
LDH :)
19-12-2010, 12:29 PM
So many thought-provoking posts!
The 3-way exchange among bros prcsytlover, ME n besafe is lively n most interesting...
Hi Warbird,
I'm not directing my words at u. It's at ME.
I find his words looking for trouble, what screwing other's wife.. it's a in-moral statement to me..................................
Hi prcsytlover,
I knew that. BTW, I also love PRC SYTs n I will never ever KNOWINGLY fxk a married woman.
However, I'm very open-minded n I'll not disparage those who hv affairs w/ married women. It's none of my business.
I always remind myself that every single KTV girl, whether PRC or anywhere, is here for one thing and one thing only: our money. Make no mistake about it. As long as you can keep the dough flowing of cos they will let you enjoy their pretty faces and young bodies. Once the money stops, then game over bye bye baby. End of the day, it's still a transaction. Sex for money. Plain n simple
You're absolutely right. However, this applies to most non-WLs as well.
I hv further to say on this subject.
Bros bros, lets chill about this ok :) Yes, MoralE may have craked an insensitive joke & bro PRClover may have been offended by it, peace peace, XMAS season, make more love, bao more PRC pussies and give our spermies to them as their XMAS presents, nothing else matters :)
Hello Mr. Chairman,
I couldn't agree w/ u more.
We should make frens, not enemies; make love, not war. And of course I need to search for n BY more SYT pussies, hehehe.
Bro.. you know me.
I am not a prolific writer and man of few words.
Let's see what can/will happen.
Ok, bro. A brief FR would suffice.
Aiyo why scrabble over such things....pussies are meant to be screwed...whether it is local or foreign...humans are by nature horny, it's a Darwinian natural long as we know to wipe out backsides and go home, good enough
Yes, bro. Pussies want to be screwed.
Dear Bros, friends, fellow cheongsters (and potential enemies-alike);
Its X'mas season, why is suddenly the forum is full of flamers and angry words exchanges?
Guys fight for glory and battle for honour, certianly not for the above yar? Some activities which I personally saw recently here are really OTT. Chill it brudders and have a fun time cheonging.
Hi bro LDH,
Thank u fo r ur post!
Yes, lets hv peace n fun in this joyous season.
No point getting angry n losing self control, hehehe.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good afternoon!!
Bro fetishboy brings up the subject of young KTV gals n money. Of course if u run out of money they will abandon u. But sadly, they r not the only ones who will leave u if u hv no money. The only people who may NEVER abandon u r ur parents n ur children. We all should become better citizens n hv more children.
I like to pose the following questions.
Supposing a very beautiful newly-wed woman of 21 is in love w/ her young husband, say aged 26, who has a high paying job from a family-owned business. Lets further suppose that, a few months later, the business has filed for bankruptcy n her husband is now penniless. He n his family r in debts n hv been sued by creditors n banks. His financial situation is hopeless. By law, she is also liable for his debts. How long do you think she will stay married to him?
We men r the same.
Supposing u r engaged to a very beautiful 20 yo SYT virgin from a respectable family. Sadly, she has an serious accident which left her face disfigured beyond recognition n her body paraplegic. Lets further suppose that u r a healthy 25 yo heterosexual man from a well to do family. Would u still marry her n stay faithful to her for the rest of ur life? Pls answer the question truthfully.
Now let's talk abt something more fun.
Life is constantly taste for boob size has changed as well. I used to accept A/B ones if they r pretty n shapely. Since I had KK who was blessed w/ natural D boobs earlier this yr, I hv BY-ed a no of gals w/ C boobs n now my preference is for those w/ at least a solid B. C would be better if also shapely n proportionate. Most PRC gals w/ natural Ds r stout n/or hv thick arms n legs which r repulsive to me. A gal w/ D must be at least 170, otherwise it wont be proportionate. I hv not met a gal w/ D boobs n still has slender arms, except for KK. But a gal w/ long slender arms must not hv slender body, flat ass n very slim legs as I like much more meat in those places. Now I guess my frens n bros can understand why I hv to search high n low for my type of gal.
I hv found such a gal. She is 22 (although I can't bring her to the casino as she was born in 1990 according to her passport), very fair, 169, abt 51-52 kg, natural C boobs w/ pink nips, small waist n round perky ass. Yes, slender arms, but more meat in her thighs n long, straight, relatively slim legs. And most importantly, she has as pretty pussy as KK, but tighter, wetter n more responsive. Her pussy tastes better too.
I met her just over 4 wks ago. I made an offer shortly after that. No ST, never done ST, ok, how abt BY? She was hesitant initially. She told me how much she earned a month w/o going out. I offered her that plus a little incentive n master bedroom rental. She said OK. Took me a few days to find a secure place. The other problem was that she insisted on monthly payment upfront. I said no, she said forget it. But her body was too sexy n too attempting n so I took a chance. It was like buying a speculative biotech start up, hehe. What if I didnt like her pussy? Managed to get her to agree to a majority payment upfront n the rest in mid month. She has been w/ me for 3 wks now n I intend keep her until she leaves SG. She doesn't work.
The other day, she accompanied me to a KTV n I also booked another gal to sit w/ me. This other gal showed me her expensive gold watch, a gift from her ex BF in Shanghai. My mistress said she would love to hv such a watch, but no need gold one leh. It's still not cheap w/o gold. She later asked me what should she buy me for X'mas? Would a LV belt be OK? I told her I dun wear expensive belts, hehe. No, I'm not KC-ed by her. I merely like her pussy n her whimsical n playful nature. I may buy her the watch if I can find it.
Bro WB
19-12-2010, 01:19 PM
Aiyo why scrabble over such things....pussies are meant to be screwed...whether it is local or foreign...humans are by nature horny, it's a Darwinian natural long as we know to wipe out backsides and go home, good enough
Haha.. You are right.
Not sure why there are nutcases out there with higher standard of morality, when they too will commit the same if the opportunity presents itself.
Cheers... i will be not be online for 2 months starting tomorrow.
As I am on sabbathical with my GF.
So wishing one and all - Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2011.
19-12-2010, 01:58 PM
Haha.. You are right.
Not sure why there are nutcases out there with higher standard of morality, when they too will commit the same if the opportunity presents itself.
Cheers... i will be not be online for 2 months starting tomorrow.
As I am on sabbathical with my GF.
So wishing one and all - Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2011.
Mai Geh Geh la!
19-12-2010, 02:09 PM
Mai Geh Geh la!
Wah lau.. kenna suan !!!
19-12-2010, 02:11 PM
Wah lau.. kenna suan !!!
No no, it's kenna busted hehehe:rolleyes:
19-12-2010, 02:15 PM
No no, it's kenna busted hehehe:rolleyes:
Busted ?? very deep understand ;)
19-12-2010, 02:18 PM
Busted ?? very deep understand ;)
ok ok better stop, else Guru WB F me for screwing around in his thread, tata
Merry XMAS;)
19-12-2010, 02:22 PM
ok ok better stop, else Guru WB F me for screwing around in his thread, tata
Merry XMAS;)
Haha... very hard to lure you out to write.
Tata too.... btw, we have something in common.
I was once in the army too. :D
19-12-2010, 02:25 PM
Haha... very hard to lure you out to write.
Tata too.... btw, we have something in common.
I was once in the airforce too. :D
Airforce? Think you got it wrong. I was a coy driver in 1st SIR
19-12-2010, 02:35 PM
Airforce? Think you got it wrong. I was a coy driver in 1st SIR
So you forgot who your platoon commander was ?
It was me lah !!!!:D
19-12-2010, 02:37 PM
So you forgot who your platoon commander was ?
It was me lah !!!!:D
Yes SIR, Sorry SIR!
19-12-2010, 02:57 PM
Bros bros, lets chill about this ok :) Yes, MoralE may have craked an insensitive joke & bro PRClover may have been offended by it, peace peace, XMAS season, make more love, bao more PRC pussies and give our spermies to them as their XMAS presents, nothing else matters :)
At 1st I was thinking to stop this childish act once and for all.. But it seems that even when i stop, arrow at still pointed at me.
From most post in here, Warbird, DYBJ etc.. Most of u guys seems to be well learned n well manner. Know when to speak the right thing and know when to stop when a mistake is made and learn from it.
This is what we human should be doing to learn from our mistake and improve on that. That's why we're not some beast out there which live n act solely on natural instinct.
ME- as for u, I got nothing to say. I have say all i wanted.
Oh almost forgot, I dun like sour grapes. U can keep them for ur self. The rich have their own worry dun need to envy. The richer u're does not = to more happiness u get/enjoy ur life. After reading thru so much in here u still dun understand this basic Warbird is trying to drive. Then u have wasted ur time in here. Just a thot to add..
I hope this will help u a bit..
Besafe - Just a word of advice, what goes round comes round. 无心则无罪。最怕有心者, 自找麻烦。 As for the point zap, nothing to do with me.
Also I dun have a wife, GF or anything as of yet. So if someone out there want to curse me for that, u're wasting ur time. I only have a few part time GF in china WL/non-WL. As well as some cheap cheap baoee in china. I'm poor can only play in china. Singapore too ex for me.
Anyway, I just find that ME's word is offensive and think of giving him an advice. Maybe my word's also too 'heavy' n too hard for him to take. ha ha.
19-12-2010, 03:05 PM
Haha.. You are right.
Not sure why there are nutcases out there with higher standard of morality, when they too will commit the same if the opportunity presents itself.
Cheers... i will be not be online for 2 months starting tomorrow.
As I am on sabbathical with my GF.
So wishing one and all - Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2011.
Again, what u will do does not means me or others will do..
Warbird have mention that if he knows that gal is marry, he will not touch her. Me sharing his view on that. Infact all 3 points he mention is what I agree on.
19-12-2010, 03:54 PM
Again, what u will do does not means me or others will do..
Warbird have mention that if he knows that gal is marry, he will not touch her. Me sharing his view on that. Infact all 3 points he mention is what I agree on.
Thanks for your advice. You must be a wiser man than many of us.
I am not concerned on who zap me. I am just curious as to why there are men, who wants to assume a higher moral standard than others, here in this forum.
As to what are the 3 things that you will not do, is honestly...none of my business and does not concerns me.
Similarly, how I live out my life should also not be your concern and business as well.
Cheers and Merry Christmas.
19-12-2010, 03:58 PM
Warbird have mention that if he knows that gal is marry, he will not touch her.
I'll take a raincheck on this one:D
19-12-2010, 04:42 PM
Thanks for your advice. You must be a wiser man than many of us.
I am not concerned on who zap me. I am just curious as to why there are men, who wants to assume a higher moral standard than others, here in this forum.
As to what are the 3 things that you will not do, is honestly...none of my business and does not concerns me.
Similarly, how I live out my life should also not be your concern and business as well.
Cheers and Merry Christmas.
I dare not say i'm wiser.. nope am i wiser..
These ppl are not of higher moral stardard or whatever shit.. they just like to stir shit while it's still hot.. ha ha..
Yes, u live ur life, I live mine. Our roads dun cross.
19-12-2010, 04:56 PM
I dare not say i'm wiser.. nope am i wiser..
These ppl are not of higher moral stardard or whatever shit.. they just like to stir shit while it's still hot.. ha ha..
Yes, u live ur life, I live mine. Our roads dun cross.
Brother... You are TOO HUMBLE!!!!
19-12-2010, 05:09 PM
Brother... You are TOO HUMBLE!!!!
As promised, I will not reply to stupidity. Thanks for your lobang before going on a two month where??? sure or not...
19-12-2010, 05:10 PM
as promised, i will not reply to stupidity. Thanks for your lobang before going on a two month where??? Sure or not...
Sure lah... I already mentioned where she was and that's where I will be.
19-12-2010, 05:12 PM
Sure lah... I already mentioned where she was and that's where I will be.
We will miss you, be sure to come online and give us some updates la...and some COS advice...
19-12-2010, 05:20 PM
we will miss you, be sure to come online and give us some updates la...and some cos advice...
She is frigid as ice and hot tempered.
For information on COS, please take a number and c onsult our Master WB or Grandmaster DYBJ.
19-12-2010, 05:23 PM
COS, please take a number and consult our Master W B or Grandmaster DYBJ.
xcus me hor, bart wart is COS har?
Wat wat seemee seemee
You fuckers got me all cuntfused liao
19-12-2010, 05:29 PM
xcus me hor, bart wart is cos har?
Ijit cum on shirt
ijit cum on shit
ijit cock over skin
ijit cum on shin
ijit cum on skin
wat wat seemee seemee
you fuckers got me all cuntfused liao
Hullo,,, you dun keke oK.
Everybody crowned you the GRANDMASTER hoh !! !
19-12-2010, 05:32 PM
Hullo,,, you dun keke oK.
Everybody crowned you the GRANDMASTER hoh !! !
Bro Besafe, Grandmaster DYBJ only wants to be pampered, he doesn't care a shit whether the girl COS or not!!!hahaha
19-12-2010, 05:34 PM
bro besafe, grandmaster dybj only wants to be pampered, he doesn't care a shit whether the girl cos or not!!!hahaha
Oh... so he likes "Cunt On Stick" served piping ho t with gravy.:d
19-12-2010, 05:35 PM
Nabei hahaha lolzzz
20-12-2010, 10:49 AM
I'm thrilled to see so many posts, so many different view points n so much depth n wisdom here, hehehe. Keep them coming!
I hv learned so much from esteemed bros here...i thank u all from the bottom of my heart.
ok ok better stop, else Guru WB F me for screwing around in his thread, tata
Merry XMAS;)
Mr. Chairman,
Me no guru, hehe.
Your willingness to share ur expertise n wisdom on BY-ing is much appreciated.
Merry X'mas to u n ur family!
Again, what u will do does not means me or others will do..
Warbird have mention that if he knows that gal is marry, he will not touch her. Me sharing his view on that. Infact all 3 points he mention is what I agree on.
Hi bro prcsytlover,
My 3 rules is my personal code of conduct. However, I dun hv the rights to pass judgment on alternative behaviours nor do I care.
I hv been criticized by some frens n mummies for aggressively offering BY to gals of my type n for keeping them only for wks. This is only half-truth. But so what? Bcos I'm a lao chi ko pek who has a family n whose sons r older than these gals? BTW, I'm living strictly in accordance to my interpretations of the Old Testament.
She is frigid as ice and hot tempered.
For information on COS, please take a number and c onsult our Master WB or Grandmaster DYBJ.
Haha...I'm a beginner n a student of COS. It was Mr. Chairman who 1st mentioned the possibility of giving women hr-long orgasms. He called me in Sep 2009 n spoke w/ me for 50 min!
xcus me hor, bart wart is COS har?
Wat wat seemee seemee
You fuckers got me all cuntfused liao
Actually COS is also the acronym for CONTINUAL OXYTOCIN SURGING which occurs when a gal is in a most blissful state...
BTW, oxytocin is the bonding hormone.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
Life is constantly changing n nothing stays the same...n nothing lasts forever in this Universe.
A gal who is my "ideal" type at any particular moment in time may not remain so for long. If she loses or gains 2-3 kg she may look totally different to me. Moreover, many gals who work at the nite scene live a most unhealthy lifestyle n could look much older, haggard n sickly in a few months.
What to do? I'm very exacting n fastidious re a gal's body/limb proportions n youthful n healthy looks. I can't help it.
I like to share some encouraging words n a parable "the donkey that fell in to an old empty well," written by an Asian guru:
Hey Bro WB,
Lets talk about inner game today; the mindset shift you must
have INGRAINED at the back of your brain as you embark on
your journey to becoming great with women, dating & LIFE
in general.
To begin with, I want to share with you a little story about
the donkey that fell down the hole...
"Once there was a donkey that fell in to an old empty well.
The farmer, who owns the donkey, looked at the beast and
tried to figure how to get it out of there. Having thought
of nothing to get the donkey out of the well, he decided to
simply bury his donkey alive!
So the farmer called his neighbors to shovel dirt into the
well. At first the donkey got frightened and panicked. After
some time the beast realized that if he shakes the dirt off
his back, the ground under him gets higher. He continued to
shake the dirt off and step up until the well was full. I
will leave to your imagination what the donkey did to the
farmer and his neighbours when he got out of the well.
Many times we feel life is throwing dirt at us. Problems
seem to hit us at all directions. Even when you feel
everything is OK, suddenly dirt smacks you in the face.
Sometimes you can even feel the bitterness of the dirt!
There are others who not only feel that dirt is being thrown
at them, but feel that they are being buried alive. Their
problems seem to pile to up from one to the next, until their
problems are bigger than they are. They feel like all the
world's trash is being poured out on to them."
But we can use this dirt. We can use life's problems and
troubles to produce strength, wisdom, perseverance, patience
and other virtues in us that will help us succeed in life.
The dirt thrown at you can be used to increase your stature,
your being.
We should imitate the donkey. Instead of giving up and
letting himself be buried, he shook the dirt off him. We
too should learn to shake our problems and STEP ON IT. And
like the donkey, we will get out of the hole we are in.
The quality of our "successes" with women is the quality of
1 - Self
2 - Others
Experiences (good or bad) is about personal communication.
It determines how you feel, act, behave on a daily basis.
To change your social life, your dating life, your success
with women, you don't need many ideas, complicated ideas,
concepts, all it takes is an idea that you're willing to take
and USE.
No matter what happens as you're out there in the field, it's
not what happens to you but what you DO with what happens.
For things to get better, I would have to get better. For things
to change, I would have to change. You can change everything
around you; the people you hang out with, your work environment,
etc, nothing will be permanent unless you change... YOU.
Difference between the different results people have in their
lives (those who are getting more women than you) is not talent,
luck, skill, etc, its the difference in the ACTIONS they took.
What sets them apart is the ability to take action, the ability
to USE what they knew.
Nothing really happens until you take action.
Get yourself to take action UNTIL you succeed.
How long does a baby get to learn how to walk until you ask
him/her to stop trying?
What's the time frame?
You get a baby to keep trying UNTIL he/she walks. That's how
everybody walks. That's WHY everybody walks.
In order to be great with women, 2 things:
1 - Energy (what you give out to the world, is what you get back)
2 - Skill (specifically know what you want, ability to know
exactly what SHE wants, you do this by playfully & teasingly
probing, you adapt to their styles - every woman has a different
"style", you then feed on their want; give it to them, you'll
eventually get what YOU want, it's just the way it is, don't
oppose it, EMBRACE it)
Fear of "failure" (rejection in any shape or form) - prevents
guys from taking action.
There are no failures, only results, only outcomes, only
You don't feel great about failing, but how do you feel about
There are no failures, you can only learn from every experience,
you learn from HUMAN experience. Whats the advantage you have
today over yesterday? Its the new experience you've taken on.
Thats how we as humans grow. Whether you got what you want from it,
it makes very little difference, as long as you learn from it,
and change your approach to eventually produce the results that
you want.
Reality check:
YOU are responsible for your world, YOU take charge of your life.
No matter what happens to you in your life, YOU created it on some
level, YOU are responsible for it. If it isn't there because of
your physical actions, it's there because it's a result of your
mental actions, that thoughts are things, that as your think, so
you become, so you attract, so you manifest.
No one is to blame, except you YOURSELF.
Want to know what's the one 'key' for becoming great with women?
Always be stretching.
If you can't, you MUST.
Actively develop a consistent habit to stretch yourself. Willingness
to stretch yourself on a consistent basis. Do this, you'll grow
When you put yourself on the line, more often than not, you'll be
surprised by what you're able to truly achieve. Do it. Now.
1) Make a COMMITMENT to yourself to do something that seems beyond
and above your present ability. Get out of your comfort
zone. Stay out, push, and keep pushing, don't look back.
2) Model someone who's already producing your results.
3) Take action - You must do it, even if you don't know, act like
you know and DO it. (Even if you don't feel like it, force it).
Everyone has different expectations, like it or not, it's the
reality of life. Deal with it it, adapt to it, manage it, to get
what you want.
You cannot expect people to comply, to be on the same "page" or to
view things the way you do without you first communicating it and
getting a confirmation, a RESPONSE for it.
Your "world" is what things MEAN to you and only you. Your make up
a tiny part of the equation. What's outside is MUCH bigger, far
bigger than you can imagine.
The "severity" of your "problems" are what you make of them. If
you think their big, their big, if you think their small, their
Talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
Mr. Asian Guru
20-12-2010, 10:53 AM
The quality of our "successes" with women is the quality of
1 - Self
2 - Others
Experiences (good or bad) is about personal communication.
It determines how you feel, act, behave on a daily basis.
To change your social life, your dating life, your success
with women, you don't need many ideas, complicated ideas,
concepts, all it takes is an idea that you're willing to take
and USE.
No matter what happens as you're out there in the field, it's
not what happens to you but what you DO with what happens.
For things to get better, I would have to get better. For things
to change, I would have to change. You can change everything
around you; the people you hang out with, your work environment,
etc, nothing will be permanent unless you change... YOU.
Difference between the different results people have in their
lives (those who are getting more women than you) is not talent,
luck, skill, etc, its the difference in the ACTIONS they took.
What sets them apart is the ability to take action, the ability
to USE what they knew.
Nothing really happens until you take action.
Get yourself to take action UNTIL you succeed.
How long does a baby get to learn how to walk until you ask
him/her to stop trying?
What's the time frame?
You get a baby to keep trying UNTIL he/she walks. That's how
everybody walks. That's WHY everybody walks.
In order to be great with women, 2 things:
1 - Energy (what you give out to the world, is what you get back)
2 - Skill (specifically know what you want, ability to know
exactly what SHE wants, you do this by playfully & teasingly
probing, you adapt to their styles - every woman has a different
"style", you then feed on their want; give it to them, you'll
eventually get what YOU want, it's just the way it is, don't
oppose it, EMBRACE it)
Fear of "failure" (rejection in any shape or form) - prevents
guys from taking action.
There are no failures, only results, only outcomes, only
You don't feel great about failing, but how do you feel about
There are no failures, you can only learn from every experience,
you learn from HUMAN experience. Whats the advantage you have
today over yesterday? Its the new experience you've taken on.
Thats how we as humans grow. Whether you got what you want from it,
it makes very little difference, as long as you learn from it,
and change your approach to eventually produce the results that
you want.
Reality check:
YOU are responsible for your world, YOU take charge of your life.
No matter what happens to you in your life, YOU created it on some
level, YOU are responsible for it. If it isn't there because of
your physical actions, it's there because it's a result of your
mental actions, that thoughts are things, that as your think, so
you become, so you attract, so you manifest.
No one is to blame, except you YOURSELF.
Want to know what's the one 'key' for becoming great with women?
Always be stretching.
If you can't, you MUST.
Actively develop a consistent habit to stretch yourself. Willingness
to stretch yourself on a consistent basis. Do this, you'll grow
When you put yourself on the line, more often than not, you'll be
surprised by what you're able to truly achieve. Do it. Now.
1) Make a COMMITMENT to yourself to do something that seems beyond
and above your present ability. Get out of your comfort
zone. Stay out, push, and keep pushing, don't look back.
2) Model someone who's already producing your results.
3) Take action - You must do it, even if you don't know, act like
you know and DO it. (Even if you don't feel like it, force it).
Everyone has different expectations, like it or not, it's the
reality of life. Deal with it it, adapt to it, manage it, to get
what you want.
You cannot expect people to comply, to be on the same "page" or to
view things the way you do without you first communicating it and
getting a confirmation, a RESPONSE for it.
Your "world" is what things MEAN to you and only you. Your make up
a tiny part of the equation. What's outside is MUCH bigger, far
bigger than you can imagine.
The "severity" of your "problems" are what you make of them. If
you think their big, their big, if you think their small, their
Talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
Mr. Asian Guru
Words of wisdom from the GURU indeed...:D
20-12-2010, 02:51 PM
again another fucking good day... got a fucking good massage in Bintan over the fucking weekend... fuck like lubbits in the fucking resort... played some fucking good 18 holes... now return to fuck the shit out of some fella...
Mr DYBJ aka Ah Seow... didnt see you around in Peace centre... dare not gothere here already...? hunter got hunted now... and Mr Olampar-Locks... we all know you are DYBJ aka ***o's dog.... bark along little farker barker...
okay... me got news late last night that Gila was at DC last night... KNN... cannot believe this fucker still around... I heard he bankrupt liao... go gayland sell backside... now got money again to play... not bad... 纯嘉 you no support...your ex-GF right?... you go support 小倩... so how many 皇冠s already...? you fuck piece of shit... heard that amongst the 4 musicians she top again... you da man... damn yaya boleh... 丫丫goes back China you out playing... fucking around behind her back... damn ccb lor you... got wife liao... still play... anyway you like angpai right?... i am sure you will get them... but i am sure with this post... you will meet many challengers from SBF to tekan you jialat jialat with 小倩... oh yar... you also nevermind one cos you got another backup... in 乐乐... damn eh sai you... i got no money to go up against this Gila... can you all help to whack the shit ego out of this Gila guy?... he likes to 拼花... very ambitious young fucker... I also know he is known as LDH here in SBF... identifty disclose liao... thats why recently in SBF so fucking quiet!... from him ... 希望你凯旋归来SBF... 非常有文才的你...
20-12-2010, 02:54 PM
all the dirty old men gathers here... all the mother fuckers also inside here... all at this thread... screw people GFs... fuck people wives... all act saints... all damn fucking CCB big time... hope you all have rotten dicks...
20-12-2010, 03:43 PM
I’ve got this comment (and zapped points) on my last post:
“Pengyou, you and warbird et al are wrong lah. Do not stereotype girls and think they will conform to your stupid tactics. KTV girls yes, because they need money. Normal girls don't need hoot from you jokers.”
We are not stereotyping girls. We know every one of us, guys and/or girls, are different. We are all individuals with different likes and dislikes. Certain characters/personality traits will attract certain people but at the same time, can repulse others. Just like not everyone likes durians, the smell and taste of truffles, or other gourmet delicacies, etc. One man’s meat is another man’s poison, so as the saying goes. Some people like certain things while others hate those same things. Some guys like D-cups, some don’t, some like tall girls, others like petite girls, some like skinny girls, others like fuller girls, etc. In short, everyone is different. You will never appeal to everyone. Just like you’ll never please everyone.
So, wooing different girls require different tactics and strategies. Sometimes, even wooing the same girl but in different situations/circumstances may require different approaches! We are not idiots trying to act and look like alpha males or psycho-ing ourselves to think that girls hold no chance but to melt away in our presence. True, our ultimate intentions/motives sometimes may be very “superficial” and “shallow” (like bao-ing) or whatever term you want to use on them cheongsters but you must understand that there are some universal truths in things warbird and others contribute in this thread.
Girls (and the XY gender of the Homo sapiens species included) generally are attracted to people who are: humorous (fun), confident and sincere. Seriously, it all boils down to that. We all like to be with people who can make us happy, is good-humored, who are successful and confident, and genuinely sincere, don’t we? Don’t you like to soak in and be infected by their happiness, passion and appreciation of life? Or do you rather prefer someone who is generally grumpy, grouchy, cranky, and a pessimist?
So when warbird said to disagree with women – to me, it’s a direct result of being confident and being comfortable with yourself. If you aren’t confident and comfortable with yourself, how do you expect people to be comfortable around you? Being confident will help bring success in whatever you do in life. Being successful will boast your confidence. And the “vicious” cycle just repeats itself. Being rich is just a by-product.
Flirting and being sexual = fun and humorous. At least that’s my definition, my interpretation of warbird’s article. I could be wrong or you may disagree with me. But I’m talking about harmless, fun kind of flirting, not the hamsup kind of flirting. Are you fun to be with.
I’m not saying these tactics are smart. All I’m saying is if you are not successful with women, then working harder doing the same things you’ve always been doing will yield the same results. If you want change, then change your thinking and actions.
Observe your group of friends and peers. Who are the ones who are always the most popular and welcomed by the girls (and guys alike)? Who are the ones who the girls enjoy to be with? And I’m not talking about KTV girls. You go and observe yourselves.
I read warbird’s articles but I may not agree with all the tactics. But look deeper and analyse and try to understand the rationale, the underlying principles that form the basis of those tactics.
20-12-2010, 04:11 PM
hahaha.... another of their cronies...
I’ve got this comment (and zapped points) on my last post:
“Pengyou, you and warbird et al are wrong lah. Do not stereotype girls and think they will conform to your stupid tactics. KTV girls yes, because they need money. Normal girls don't need hoot from you jokers.”
We are not stereotyping girls. We know every one of us, guys and/or girls, are different. We are all individuals with different likes and dislikes. Certain characters/personality traits will attract certain people but at the same time, can repulse others. Just like not everyone likes durians, the smell and taste of truffles, or other gourmet delicacies, etc. One man’s meat is another man’s poison, so as the saying goes. Some people like certain things while others hate those same things. Some guys like D-cups, some don’t, some like tall girls, others like petite girls, some like skinny girls, others like fuller girls, etc. In short, everyone is different. You will never appeal to everyone. Just like you’ll never please everyone.
So, wooing different girls require different tactics and strategies. Sometimes, even wooing the same girl but in different situations/circumstances may require different approaches! We are not idiots trying to act and look like alpha males or psycho-ing ourselves to think that girls hold no chance but to melt away in our presence. True, our ultimate intentions/motives sometimes may be very “superficial” and “shallow” (like bao-ing) or whatever term you want to use on them cheongsters but you must understand that there are some universal truths in things warbird and others contribute in this thread.
Girls (and the XY gender of the Homo sapiens species included) generally are attracted to people who are: humorous (fun), confident and sincere. Seriously, it all boils down to that. We all like to be with people who can make us happy, is good-humored, who are successful and confident, and genuinely sincere, don’t we? Don’t you like to soak in and be infected by their happiness, passion and appreciation of life? Or do you rather prefer someone who is generally grumpy, grouchy, cranky, and a pessimist?
So when warbird said to disagree with women – to me, it’s a direct result of being confident and being comfortable with yourself. If you aren’t confident and comfortable with yourself, how do you expect people to be comfortable around you? Being confident will help bring success in whatever you do in life. Being successful will boast your confidence. And the “vicious” cycle just repeats itself. Being rich is just a by-product.
Flirting and being sexual = fun and humorous. At least that’s my definition, my interpretation of warbird’s article. I could be wrong or you may disagree with me. But I’m talking about harmless, fun kind of flirting, not the hamsup kind of flirting. Are you fun to be with.
I’m not saying these tactics are smart. All I’m saying is if you are not successful with women, then working harder doing the same things you’ve always been doing will yield the same results. If you want change, then change your thinking and actions.
Observe your group of friends and peers. Who are the ones who are always the most popular and welcomed by the girls (and guys alike)? Who are the ones who the girls enjoy to be with? And I’m not talking about KTV girls. You go and observe yourselves.
I read warbird’s articles but I may not agree with all the tactics. But look deeper and analyse and try to understand the rationale, the underlying principles that form the basis of those tactics.
20-12-2010, 10:20 PM
I’ve got this comment (and zapped points) on my last post:
“Pengyou, you and warbird et al are wrong lah. Do not stereotype girls and think they will conform to your stupid tactics. KTV girls yes, because they need money. Normal girls don't need hoot from you jokers.”
What Bro WB share is theory, it may or may not work for every girl, what we need is to hone our skills in the real world...still what he shares has does not necessarily apply to every girl, ktv or normal girl...of cos the part about BYing usually applies to ktv girl and not normal girl...normal girl you have to BY in a different way
21-12-2010, 12:17 PM
Words of wisdom from the GURU indeed...
Yes, we can learn a lot from Ang Moh n Asian gurus.
I’ve got this comment (and zapped points) on my last post:
“Pengyou, you and warbird et al are wrong lah. Do not stereotype girls and think they will conform to your stupid tactics. KTV girls yes, because they need money. Normal girls don't need hoot from you jokers.”
We are not stereotyping girls. We know every one of us, guys and/or girls, are different. We are all individuals with different likes and dislikes. Certain characters/personality traits will attract certain people but at the same time, can repulse others...................
So, wooing different girls require different tactics and strategies. Sometimes, even wooing the same girl but in different situations/circumstances may require different approaches!...........but you must understand that there are some universal truths in things warbird and others contribute in this thread.
Girls (and the XY gender of the Homo sapiens species included) generally are attracted to people who are: humorous (fun), confident and sincere. Seriously, it all boils down to that. We all like to be with people who can make us happy...................
So when warbird said to disagree with women – to me, it’s a direct result of being confident and being comfortable with yourself....................
Flirting and being sexual = fun and humorous. At least that’s my definition, my interpretation of warbird’s article. I could be wrong or you may disagree with me. But I’m talking about harmless, fun kind of flirting...................
Observe your group of friends and peers. Who are the ones who are always the most popular and welcomed by the girls (and guys alike)? Who are the ones who the girls enjoy to be with? And I’m not talking about KTV girls. You go and observe yourselves.
I read warbird’s articles but I may not agree with all the tactics. But look deeper and analyse and try to understand the rationale, the underlying principles that form the basis of those tactics.
Hi bro fallen.angel,
Ths so much for ur excellent rebuttal to a bro's negative response to "3 Things That Make Women Chase You." And for which u got zapped for agreeing w/ n adding ur own thoughtful comments to the article.
Even though a lao chi ko pek, I wasn't aware of these 3 things until not too long ago. In fact, I mistakenly believed n did the exact opposite. How I wish I knew these 3 simple rules when I was 20!
BTW, it was NOT my article, I was merely quoting an Ang Moh guru's in the hope that bros here will not waste their youthful yrs in PCC. I'm not that clever nor experienced to be able to come up w/ those ideas by myself.
Bro WB
What Bro WB share is theory, it may or may not work for every girl, what we need is to hone our skills in the real world...still what he shares has does not necessarily apply to every girl, ktv or normal girl...of cos the part about BYing usually applies to ktv girl and not normal girl...normal girl you have to BY in a different way
Hi bro ME,
Ths for ur thoughtful post. It's NOT my theory. However, I hv practiced it n it is working like a charm, hehehe.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
More on BY-ing n the 3 simple rules.
In addition to my type of looks, body proportions, asthetics of the pussy, there is another decisive factor in the RS for me. How easily orgasmic she is.
Nowadays, I will not continue a RS for more than 2wks or at the most a month, unless she can achieve COS (Continual Oxytocin Surging) on a regular basis.
My current gal, lets call her TC, is one of the best I hv had. She would moan softly when I merely caressed her big breasts n suck on her nips for 30 secs. At first I was skeptical. Great acting? I then put my ear on her chest n her heart was pounding over 110 per min n also already wet wet below, I knew she was NOT faking it. She wont stop moaning n her COS was violent. I hv scratch marks n abrasions all over. She has achieved COS over 80% of the time. Amazing!
Yesterday AM I emailed TC some links for X-rated video clips at her request. She called me in the PM n said she had lost her passport! She was quite perturbed. I scolded her for being so careless n told her to relax. I later found it between the central console n passenger seat of my car. In the evening, I went to her place n spent a blissful nite w/ her. The video clips made her even more horny! Losing n then recovering the passport also helped, hehe.
The other day I did a ST w/ my ex (also a PRC) from Indonesia, but she is not easily orgasmic n I hv lost interest. The table is turned. I still remember the nite I first met her sometime this yr, I couldn't sleep, kept fantasizing how great it would be to make love to her. She has the looks n body type n long slender she keeps SMS-ing me n calling me, but I can't get away fast enuff. I may still book her occasionally as we r still frens. She does look quite stunning when all dressed up...
Bro WB
21-12-2010, 02:48 PM
I also prefer women who enjoy wad i'm doing to her more than I do :D
21-12-2010, 03:10 PM
Hi bro fallen.angel,
Ths so much for ur excellent rebuttal to a bro's negative response to "3 Things That Make Women Chase You." And for which u got zapped for agreeing w/ n adding ur own thoughtful comments to the article.
Even though a lao chi ko pek, I wasn't aware of these 3 things until not too long ago. In fact, I mistakenly believed n did the exact opposite. How I wish I knew these 3 simple rules when I was 20!
BTW, it was NOT my article, I was merely quoting an Ang Moh guru's in the hope that bros here will not waste their youthful yrs in PCC. I'm not that clever nor experienced to be able to come up w/ those ideas by myself.
Bro WB
Hi bro ME,
Ths for ur thoughtful post. It's NOT my theory. However, I hv practiced it n it is working like a charm, hehehe.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
More on BY-ing n the 3 simple rules.
In addition to my type of looks, body proportions, asthetics of the pussy, there is another decisive factor in the RS for me. How easily orgasmic she is.
Nowadays, I will not continue a RS for more than 2wks or at the most a month, unless she can achieve COS (Continual Oxytocin Surging) on a regular basis.
My current gal, lets call her TC, is one of the best I hv had. She would moan softly when I merely caressed her big breasts n suck on her nips for 30 secs. At first I was skeptical. Great acting? I then put my ear on her chest n her heart was pounding over 110 per min n also already wet wet below, I knew she was NOT faking it. She wont stop moaning n her COS was violent. I hv scratch marks n abrasions all over. She has achieved COS over 80% of the time. Amazing!
Yesterday AM I emailed TC some links for X-rated video clips at her request. She called me in the PM n said she had lost her passport! She was quite perturbed. I scolded her for being so careless n told her to relax. I later found it between the central console n passenger seat of my car. In the evening, I went to her place n spent a blissful nite w/ her. The video clips made her even more horny! Losing n then recovering the passport also helped, hehe.
The other day I did a ST w/ my ex (also a PRC) from Indonesia, but she is not easily orgasmic n I hv lost interest. The table is turned. I still remember the nite I first met her sometime this yr, I couldn't sleep, kept fantasizing how great it would be to make love to her. She has the looks n body type n long slender she keeps SMS-ing me n calling me, but I can't get away fast enuff. I may still book her occasionally as we r still frens. She does look quite stunning when all dressed up...
Bro WB
No worries, fellow cronies... :)
Bro WB, I’ve yet to learn the COS from you. I may be going down to LV this Thursday HH, so if you’re there, maybe I can pop by to say Hi. Nothing’s firm yet.
Talking about X-rated video clips and AVs… I was surfing SBF and also watching some Jap AVs last Friday afternoon and it got me damn horny. So I called my gal and ask her to take a shower and clean herself up and that I’ll reach her place in 15 minutes’ time.
I was at her place and she suggested she blow me again right after I cummed. I showed her a clip of Vienna Lin (HK sexy TV hostess) talking about how to make the man go absolutely crazy over her. The secret was to put his manhood into her mouth immediately after he cummed.
And so my gal tried it on me and I screamed and went crazy! That’s the reward I get for making her cum a few times. Hehehe.
22-12-2010, 11:12 AM
I also prefer women who enjoy wad i'm doing to her more than I do
Hi bro Max77,
We do hv a lot in common, hehe.
No worries, fellow cronies...
Bro WB, I’ve yet to learn the COS from you. I may be going down to LV this Thursday HH, so if you’re there, maybe I can pop by to say Hi. Nothing’s firm yet.
Talking about X-rated video clips and AVs… I was surfing SBF and also watching some Jap AVs last Friday afternoon and it got me damn horny. So I called my gal and ask her to take a shower and clean herself up and that I’ll reach her place in 15 minutes’ time.
I was at her place and she suggested she blow me again right after I cummed.........The secret was to put his manhood into her mouth immediately after he cummed.
And so my gal tried it on me and I screamed and went crazy! That’s the reward I get for making her cum a few times. Hehehe.
Hi bro fallen.angel,
It's likely that I'll be there tmr.
It appears that you're already a master of COS, hehe.
There r many, many ebooks on the subject of COS. I hv read most of them...what I need is more drill n more experience. Every gal is different though.
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Good morning to all samsters!
More musings on COS n life/love.
Here is my take on giving COS to these PRC gals. It's just a bonus for them bcos their primary purpose coming to SG is to make as much money as possible. Everything else is secondary. It will take time for them to get really addicted to a patron. That said, they r very human n r subject to the same emotions n hv the same addictive potential.
According to many gurus, a gal falls in love w/ a man not for who he is, but for how he makes her feel (especially abt herself). This applies to ALL females.
There r 3 foundations for love: friendship, respect n passion.
How to arouse passion?
Hope + Doubt = Passion
If there is no hope for her, game over. She will just give up on u. Conversely, If there is no doubt abt ur love for her, she will take u for granted, game over for u. It's most likely ur love will remain unrequited.
A RS expert wrote:
"You’re on the right track, you just don’t know how to take it that last hundred yards! Friendship is definitely the foundation of true love, but passion is a necessary ingredient that ignites it into a roaring blaze of romance. The equation for PASSION is this: HOPE + DOUBT = PASSION Since hope and doubt are antithetical of each other, it requires some real skill to cultivate both. But it can be done! As a wise man once said, “I may not always walk the straight and narrow, but I cross it as often as I can!” Constantly assess where you are in the relationship and then supply what is missing. For example, if the person is too confident and taking you for granted, then you need to back off, drop out of the scene for awhile, be more evasive in your conversations, and do whatever is necessary to appear to have cooled your interest in them somewhat. But, if they’ve given up on you because they think that they can’t have you, you need to reintroduce the element of hope that they still might win you. But it only takes a spark to get the flame reignited. Don’t keep pouring on the attentions once you’ve aroused their hope again. By maintaining a balance of keeping them hoping, but with some doubting at the same time, you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams in having them flip head over heels in love with you."
The same principles apply to men as well. A man is most attracted to a gal when there is hope that she could become or remain his GF/OC, but there is doubt, which is good...yes, doubt n uncertainty, hahaha. Yes, that is when a man gets his fun n emotional upheavals, isn't it. It's a mistake to avoid such emotions, instead, accept them, embrace them...n enjoy every min of it! That is the mark of a man w/ self mastery.:p
Bro WB
22-12-2010, 02:30 PM
The same principles apply to men as well. A man is most attracted to a gal when there is hope that she could become or remain his GF/OC, but there is doubt, which is good...yes, doubt n uncertainty, hahaha. Yes, that is when a man gets his fun n emotional upheavals, isn't it. It's a mistake to avoid such emotions, instead, accept them, embrace them...n enjoy every min of it! That is the mark of a man w/ self mastery.:p
Bro WB
wow! sifu... 1st thing caught my eyes... ur new avatar! she is sooo sweet!! need to go catch similar SYT like sifu liao... :p
even thou busty seems to catch everyone eyes, but most of the time, it's the 'wonder' bra tat makes the boobs really wonderful... lolx...
anyway, i do come to realise tat... seems like all those natural firm big boobs, ie C+ cupper & above, does hv quite visible vein on the boobs itself. also, if proportion of the ger is rite, even a B cupper will also seems big. :D
yes, totally agree. when there's doubt & uncertainty, emotional kicks-in... tis is where a man learn how to control his own emotional feelings, which is 1 of the factor in the success/failure of a r/s, be it BY or wat not.
p/s: sorry sifu, for the small talk on boobiess. :o
22-12-2010, 09:04 PM
No matter what happens as you're out there in the field, it's
not what happens to you but what you DO with what happens.
For things to get better, I would have to get better. For things
to change, I would have to change. You can change everything
around you; the people you hang out with, your work environment,
etc, nothing will be permanent unless you change... YOU.
Difference between the different results people have in their
lives (those who are getting more women than you) is not talent,
luck, skill, etc, its the difference in the ACTIONS they took.
What sets them apart is the ability to take action, the ability
to USE what they knew.
Nothing really happens until you take action.
Get yourself to take action UNTIL you succeed.
How long does a baby get to learn how to walk until you ask
him/her to stop trying?
What's the time frame?
You get a baby to keep trying UNTIL he/she walks. That's how
everybody walks. That's WHY everybody walks.
In order to be great with women, 2 things:
1 - Energy (what you give out to the world, is what you get back)
2 - Skill (specifically know what you want, ability to know
exactly what SHE wants, you do this by playfully & teasingly
probing, you adapt to their styles - every woman has a different
"style", you then feed on their want; give it to them, you'll
eventually get what YOU want, it's just the way it is, don't
oppose it, EMBRACE it)
Fear of "failure" (rejection in any shape or form) - prevents
guys from taking action.
There are no failures, only results, only outcomes, only
You don't feel great about failing, but how do you feel about
There are no failures, you can only learn from every experience,
you learn from HUMAN experience. Whats the advantage you have
today over yesterday? Its the new experience you've taken on.
Thats how we as humans grow. Whether you got what you want from it,
it makes very little difference, as long as you learn from it,
and change your approach to eventually produce the results that
you want.
Reality check:
YOU are responsible for your world, YOU take charge of your life.
No matter what happens to you in your life, YOU created it on some
level, YOU are responsible for it. If it isn't there because of
your physical actions, it's there because it's a result of your
mental actions, that thoughts are things, that as your think, so
you become, so you attract, so you manifest.
No one is to blame, except you YOURSELF.
Want to know what's the one 'key' for becoming great with women?
Always be stretching.
If you can't, you MUST.
Actively develop a consistent habit to stretch yourself. Willingness
to stretch yourself on a consistent basis. Do this, you'll grow
When you put yourself on the line, more often than not, you'll be
surprised by what you're able to truly achieve. Do it. Now.
1) Make a COMMITMENT to yourself to do something that seems beyond
and above your present ability. Get out of your comfort
zone. Stay out, push, and keep pushing, don't look back.
2) Model someone who's already producing your results.
3) Take action - You must do it, even if you don't know, act like
you know and DO it. (Even if you don't feel like it, force it).
Everyone has different expectations, like it or not, it's the
reality of life. Deal with it it, adapt to it, manage it, to get
what you want.
You cannot expect people to comply, to be on the same "page" or to
view things the way you do without you first communicating it and
getting a confirmation, a RESPONSE for it.
Your "world" is what things MEAN to you and only you. Your make up
a tiny part of the equation. What's outside is MUCH bigger, far
bigger than you can imagine.
The "severity" of your "problems" are what you make of them. If
you think their big, their big, if you think their small, their
The above sounds a lot like Anthony Robbins speak to me.
23-12-2010, 04:18 PM
Posted this in HFJ thread, but since it is also on picking up gals, here goes:
My FR for 21 December 2010:
Our very own SBF HFJ tour guide brought me and bro DYBJ to this little joint just outside the city centre.
Very cosy feel and liquor pretty cheap. About 13 singers, got some SYT, some average and some pretty disastrous ones.
Heard from the singer manager that flower there are pretty low-weighted. Ho-say liaoz! The singer manager also recommended 4 newbies to me and my bros. Got 3 out of the 4 not too bad looking (last one is only average), 2 out of the 4 got B+ boobies and all 4 are very fun to be with. Please do not misunderstand, my type of fun is not the rabba-playability. It is more to the drinking and playing dice games.
Soon, cannons were flying everywhere. Bro DYBJ also got a target, a matured but very elegant singer. The plus - she can really sing! I also targetted one of the 4 new singers and to cut the long story short, one of the 4 gals has became my GF. The best thing is that she is one of the B+ boobies. :D
I heard from some of the singers that they have never seen such fire-power in a normal day. Even the singer manager commented to bro DYBJ's gal that the crown the latter has from bro DYBJ was her FIRST in 2 months. Whoa!!!
The rest of the night is ... well 'er' ... song song gow julong. Hahaha.
My FR for 22 December 2010:
This night I have every intention to stay at home, but my newly found GF SMS'ed me that she missed me. KNN, all the more I feel like staying at home. Nonetheless, our resident flower-king bro K9696 activated us to go. Looks like he has recovered from his tua-liappies hangover.
Fast forward to gathering time, we also have our HFJs tour guide and bro DYBJ with us. OMG, bro DYBJ actually dressed to the 9s and all out to impress. Darn, should have at least pre-warned us lah.
The service was top class! Yar, possibly because of the day before shelling of the joint. Anyway, bro DYBJ was the first to start firing at all cylinders. Shit, I have got to match. Then our flower king K9696 also started shelling. Siao liao, the day before I was king and then 1 day after I got 2 competitors. Anyway I think it was worth it for bro K9696, his gal was one of a sexy puss as well and can sing. The only set back was that she is not as tua-liap as the LX tua-liap. In exchange, she is sexy!
Now, bro DYBJ was quietly going about his business and suddenly he announced that his singer is now his GF!!! Very Quick - very quick indeed. Soon we were all having fun, playing the game "Copy Me". Basically, one couple will start doing some actions and the other 2 couples must follow. Failure to do so will have to down 1 mug of beer. Bro K9696 and his gal gamely onz us to it. There were kissing, tongues fighting, boobs kissing, sexy dance routine. It was a stalemate after 3 rounds! From what I observed, bro K9696 may have gotten himself a GF too. Sipeh quick siah! I will leave it to bro DYBJ and K9696 to FR their story. :p
24-12-2010, 11:51 AM
wow! sifu... 1st thing caught my eyes... ur new avatar! she is sooo sweet!!..........................................
even thou busty seems to catch everyone eyes, but most of the time, it's the 'wonder' bra tat makes the boobs really wonderful... lolx...
anyway, i do come to realise tat... seems like all those natural firm big boobs, ie C+ cupper & above, does hv quite visible vein...............
yes, totally agree. when there's doubt & uncertainty, emotional kicks-in... tis is where a man learn how to control his own emotional feelings, which is 1 of the factor in the success/failure of a r/s, be it BY or wat not.........
Hi bro smartke,
Hahaha...I may be quite advanced in chronological age but I'm no sifu. In fact, I'm just like a primary 2 student in the study of BY-ing.
The media in Gotham City hv jokingly referred to Henry Winkler as the world's 2nd oldest teenager for his role in "Happy Days," n Dick Clark as the world’s oldest living and oldest LOOKING teenager. Well, I must be one of the world's oldest living n oldest looking primary 2 students, hehehe.
Yeah, the gal BB in my avatar is so sweet n so cute. She is another Fujian gal, one of my long-term RS.
Many gals do use push-up bras to enhance their sex appeal. Very misleading!
IMHO, many older gals show overt n large veins in the skin covering their boobs which r ugly to me. Only faint veins r visible in younger gals (those <22). Another factor is the condition n texture of a gals' skin. For example, TC has natural C boobs but I can't detect any trace of veins in her skin, not just over the boobs but in her entire body. Same w/ BB n KK.
Lastly, Hope + Doubt = Passion
It's an immutable law of Nature.
The above sounds a lot like Anthony Robbins speak to me.
Hi bro grouchycabi,
Yes, very similar.
Posted this in HFJ thread, but since it is also on picking up gals, here goes:
My FR for 21 December 2010:
Our very own SBF HFJ tour guide brought me and bro DYBJ to this little joint just outside the city centre.
Very cosy feel and liquor pretty cheap. About 13 singers, got some SYT, some average and some pretty disastrous ones.............................................. .............................
I heard from some of the singers that they have never seen such fire-power in a normal day. Even the singer manager commented to bro DYBJ's gal that the crown the latter has from bro DYBJ was her FIRST in 2 months. Whoa!!!
The rest of the night is ... well 'er' ... song song gow julong. Hahaha.
My FR for 22 December 2010:
This night I have every intention to stay at home, but my newly found GF SMS'ed me that she missed me. KNN, all the more I feel like staying at home. Nonetheless, our resident flower-king bro K9696 activated us to go. Looks like he has recovered from his tua-liappies hangover.
Fast forward to gathering time, we also have our HFJs tour guide and bro DYBJ with us. OMG, bro DYBJ actually dressed to the 9s and all out to impress. Darn, should have at least pre-warned us lah.........................
Now, bro DYBJ was quietly going about his business and suddenly he announced that his singer is now his GF!!! Very Quick - very quick indeed. Soon we were all having fun, playing the game "Copy Me".........I will leave it to bro DYBJ and K9696 to FR their story. :p
Hi bro LDH,
Ths so much for ur detailed FRs.
You n Mr. Chairman, the two Titans of HFJs aka 花王 descending from Heaven to a small joint! Must be a God send to the singers there, hehehe.
Pls update us on the sexploits. I dun want to be the only one detailing my experiences.
Give my regards to Mr. Chairman.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
IMHO, there is one male trait which is more important than all the money in the world, status, power, occupation, reputation, fame, looks, height, age, health, apparel, etc. in attracting females at their subconscious level. They can't help it.
It's Dominant Self Mastery or DSM.;)
Laozi: He who knows much about others may be learned, but he who understands himself is more intelligent. He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.
Of course, If a man has money, power, status, fame n good looks, etc, he usually has DSM, but not necessary so n there r many, many exceptions. The converse is also true.
Certain "manly" behaviours such as aggression, combativeness, quick temper, using profanity, addictions of every kind, verbal n/or physical abusing of females, etc., r NOT manly at all...a man w/ such behaviours may be a muscular hunk, but he is really just a pathetic, frustrated n insecure little boy inside. Very sad indeed.
What r the most visible manifestations of DSM? A man's body language.
We should all work hard to achieve true DSM, hehehe.
Just my 2 cents.
Hv a great day!!
Bro WB
25-12-2010, 10:03 PM
Merry Christmas my esteemed bros! Very tiring day out with my precious gal.
Fack-me-upside down, she totally changed her image to become a very stunning lady, very glam and sexy. While I picking her up from Sophia Road at 3+pm, I have had a conversation with bro DYBJ on the planned execution of bro K9696's move on his singer last night. I placed the phone on speaker so that my gal can hear and speak to bro DYBJ as well. No worries, I trusted this gal and my trust was never misplaced. After the conversation, I told her 姑姑, 过儿好坏是吗? 不是什么好东西, 你还喜欢我? Ok, the word 姑姑 was my term of endearment to her while 过儿 was hers to me. Anyway, she replied 我喜欢 就是喜欢. 你也不坏, 我知道是别的客人故意挑局来重伤你. So nice of her man, hahaha got to reward her well later.
Fast forward, I brought her to my sailing club to see my yacht and have our high-tea in the lounge. After High-tea, I reckon it was still early and I brought her to a beautiful bar in the city to have wines and champagnes until 8pm before I sent her home to prepare for her work shift at 9pm.
Went home to pom-pom and met up with several of my pals in DC to have an extended crazy night. Canons everywhere and half of the singers have at least a S$1K 皇冠, Xiao Han and Diva both have S$10K 龙袍 while Didi has S$5K and 4 more singers have S$2K.
After the show was over, it was already 2am and no point to ask my gal to 买场. As usual, we left at 245am and I was only home at 615am. KNN, damn shack sia.
25-12-2010, 10:04 PM
Talk about coincidence, I remember I had clocked my first 100 post in this thread. Now its 500 liaoz. Thanks bro WB for the thread.
LDH :)
26-12-2010, 12:21 AM
Merry Christmas my esteemed bros! Very tiring day out with my precious gal.
Fack-me-upside down, she totally changed her image to become a very stunning lady, very glam and sexy. While I picking her up from Sophia Road at 3+pm, I have had a conversation with bro DYBJ on the planned execution of bro K9696's move on his singer last night. I placed the phone on speaker so that my gal can hear and speak to bro DYBJ as well. No worries, I trusted this gal and my trust was never misplaced. After the conversation, I told her 姑姑, 过儿好坏是吗? 不是什么好东西, 你还喜欢我? Ok, the word 姑姑 was my term of endearment to her while 过儿 was hers to me. Anyway, she replied 我喜欢 就是喜欢. 你也不坏, 我知道是别的客人故意挑局来重伤你. So nice of her man, hahaha got to reward her well later.
Fast forward, I brought her to my sailing club to see my yacht and have our high-tea in the lounge. After High-tea, I reckon it was still early and I brought her to a beautiful bar in the city to have wines and champagnes until 8pm before I sent her home to prepare for her work shift at 9pm.
Went home to pom-pom and met up with several of my pals in DC to have an extended crazy night. Canons everywhere and half of the singers have at least a S$1K 皇冠, Xiao Han and Diva both have S$10K 龙袍 while Didi has S$5K and 4 more singers have S$2K.
After the show was over, it was already 2am and no point to ask my gal to 买场. As usual, we left at 245am and I was only home at 615am. KNN, damn shack sia.
Their rendition of Justin Bieber "Baby" was absolutely awful.
26-12-2010, 04:04 AM
I have learnt things in this thread that I could never have learnt anywhere else.
The masters here are indeed rich go-getters who are particular about the type of girls they want, esp Master Warbird who is so fastidious that the age, height, weight, proportion of arms and legs to body etc must match his specifications or else he won't BY the girl or even F her.
One question has been going through my mind. Since the masters are so particular about their girls, I am sure their wives all must be very beautiful. I believe Master Warbird's wife must be a tall, fair, booby girl with limbs length proportional to her body, with a perfect set of white gleaming teeth.
Please continue to share your experiences with the ignoramuses here.
26-12-2010, 09:43 AM
I have learnt things in this thread that I could never have learnt anywhere else.
The masters here are indeed rich go-getters who are particular about the type of girls they want, esp Master Warbird who is so fastidious that the age, height, weight, proportion of arms and legs to body etc must match his specifications or else he won't BY the girl or even F her.
One question has been going through my mind. Since the masters are so particular about their girls, I am sure their wives all must be very beautiful. I believe Master Warbird's wife must be a tall, fair, booby girl with limbs length proportional to her body, with a perfect set of white gleaming teeth.
Please continue to share your experiences with the ignoramuses here.
Posts like yours tells me that you're still not married!
You marry a woman to be your life long partner.
You BY a woman to be your companion aka SEX SLAVE and nothing more.
The difference is she's your personal exclusive sex slave aka Private Toilet whereas if you go call a hooker, you're with wat we call a public toilet.
So, when you marry, you go thru courtship, screening for integrity and virtues that you feel is required for a wife.
For BY, you dun use the above.
You apply, fun, boobs, suck, swallow, arms, legs and the list goes on & on...purely like buying pork from the market!
So based on this notion, you should read this thread more carefully & try to learn to differentiate the difference between what is called a WIFE and what is called BOT MEAT!
26-12-2010, 09:56 AM
You n Mr. Chairman, the two Titans of HFJs aka 花王 descending from Heaven to a small joint! Must be a God send to the singers there, hehehe.
Pls update us on the sexploits. I dun want to be the only one detailing my experiences.
Give my regards to Mr. Chairman.
Bro WB
Your eminence, pls pls, you flatter me.
I am just a humble nobody, a titan maybe only by bodily size and a grain of sand in all other aspects.
Small joints are really interesting, you still find gems there actually....I've seen a few SYTs that would sure make you drool hint hint.
Sexploits, well, damn, all i can say is, very sore overused dick hahaha lolzzzzz
Other than that, I'll leave the prince to do his very interesting write ups and FRs.
26-12-2010, 09:59 AM
Their rendition of Justin Bieber "Baby" was absolutely awful.
Hey, give em some credit, they tried ya:rolleyes:
26-12-2010, 11:47 AM
Merry Christmas my esteemed bros! Very tiring day out with my precious gal.
Fack-me-upside down, she totally changed her image to become a very stunning lady, very glam and sexy........I placed the phone on speaker so that my gal can hear and speak to bro DYBJ as well. No worries, I trusted this gal and my trust was never misplaced. After the conversation, I told her 姑姑, 过儿好坏是吗? 不是什么好东西, 你还喜欢我? Ok, the word 姑姑 was my term of endearment to her while 过儿 was hers to me.................
Fast forward, I brought her to my sailing club to see my yacht and have our high-tea in the lounge....................
Went home to pom-pom and met up with several of my pals in DC to have an extended crazy night. Canons everywhere and half of the singers have at least a S$1K 皇冠, Xiao Han and Diva both have S$10K 龙袍 while Didi has S$5K and 4 more singers have S$2K.............................................
Hi bro LDH,
Ths again for ur FR. You're indeed living a charmed life!
Your SYT gal is 姑姑 n you r 过儿, as in 神雕侠侣? shows how intimate n endearing ur RS is.
I must remember to assign a nick to my new gal, hehehe. It deepens rapport n serves as an anchor for pleasurable/emotional moments such as during COS.
Talk about coincidence, I remember I had clocked my first 100 post in this thread. Now its 500 liaoz. Thanks bro WB for the thread.
Pleasure is all mine.
I have learnt things in this thread that I could never have learnt anywhere else.
The masters here are indeed rich go-getters who are particular about the type of girls they want, esp Master Warbird who is so fastidious that the age, height, weight, proportion of arms and legs to body etc must match his specifications or else he won't BY the girl or even F her.
One question has been going through my mind. Since the masters are so particular about their girls, I am sure their wives all must be very beautiful..............................
Hi bro erkianpeng,
Ths for ur flattering words.
I know some bros r young n rich, but I'm just a lao ah pek who has
had a lucky streak...
Yes, I'm fastidious if a gal is for BY. I relax the qualities somewhat for ST. My taste is also changing n evolving. For example, I'm going after a gal who is only 158, whereas the average height of my BAO-ee is 168.
Bro, what one looks for in a wife is very different from a BAO-ee! Of course a man should never marry a gal who is NOT physically attractive to him, IMHO.
Pls read Mr. Chairman's post below as he has addressed this issue very well.
Posts like yours tells me that you're still not married!
You marry a woman to be your life long partner.
You BY a woman to be your companion aka SEX SLAVE and nothing more.
The difference is she's your personal exclusive sex slave aka Private Toilet whereas if you go call a hooker, you're with wat we call a public toilet.
So, when you marry, you go thru courtship, screening for integrity and virtues that you feel is required for a wife.
For BY, you dun use the above.
You apply, fun, boobs, suck, swallow, arms, legs and the list goes on & on...purely like buying pork from the market!
So based on this notion, you should read this thread more carefully & try to learn to differentiate the difference between what is called a WIFE and what is called BOT MEAT!
Well said, Mr. Chairman. Some bros r so KC-ed by WLs that the distinction becomes obscure...
Your eminence, pls pls, you flatter me.
I am just a humble nobody, a titan maybe only by bodily size and a grain of sand in all other aspects.
Small joints are really interesting, you still find gems there actually....I've seen a few SYTs that would sure make you drool hint hint.
Sexploits, well, damn, all i can say is, very sore overused dick hahaha lolzzzzz
Other than that, I'll leave the prince to do his very interesting write ups and FRs.
Hi Mr. Chairman,
On contrary, you r quite modest in bodily size n a titan in many other aspects, hehehe.
Yes, there r gems at small joints. Meeting them is a chance event or randomness.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
I'm clueless abt HF n BY-ing singers is a complex operation.
At this time, I like to invite Mr. Chairman n Bro LDH as Consultant Contributors to a sub-thread called "Picking Up Singers n BY-ing Them." I hope they would share their experiences n strategies w/ all bros here. They may post whenever they find time...
So pls welcome them!
Some esteemed bros hv told me that hanging flowers can be an addictive game. IMHO, It's perfectly fine if one can easily afford it n the "addiction" is well under control.
More of my random musings n reflections on picking up n BY-ing...
I hv actually picked up more KTV gals inside than outside KTVs. I always roam the hallways n attempt to look at every gal. I even peep inside the rms to search for my type of SYTs...I leave no stone unturned.
Frankly, BY-ing SYTs is such a fun game that I'm a bit addicted, fortunately not to any particular gal, but to the game itself, hehehe. A large part of the enjoyment is in finding n pursuing the gals, making an offer n getting accepted...the fun is in the journey n not the destination. In fact, sometimes the destination may turn out to be quite disappointing, to put it mildly.
There r a good no of gals who hv accepted my offer n yet I couldn't possibly consummate the deal w/ all of them largely bcos I hv been constrained by time. Some of them subsequently agreed to ST, hehe.
Today I just discovered my 2 favorite Fujian gals r QQ 好友! They live abt 40-50km apart back in China, but I believe they hv never met. Amazing!
My ex-mistress KW has been SMS-ing me several times every day. She now works mostly at LP n LV. She should be making at least what I gave her when I BY-ed her w/o doing ST. She claims that she hates sitting w/ other men n that she was n still is "你的女人." She said she is very sad that the good times w/ me were gone. She has cried a few times. I guess working at KTVs must be hard's much easier to spread her legs 10 times a month, hehehe. Since she came back (flew in from Jakarta) over 10 days ago, I hv done ST w/ her only once. I hv lost interest as I hv been unable to give her COS. I'll book her for a session next wk just for old time's sake. She is very excited n wants time to prepare herself, to doll up just for me. I replied that I'll don my Armani suit in an attempt to match her elegant n no doubt stunning looks. I jokingly said that I might even lose my self control when I see her...hehe.
Her case study illustrates the effectiveness of caring less in a RS to gain power. But I also give her some HOPE mixed w/ a good dose of DOUBT n uncertainty. I'm playing w/ her. It just dawned on me that this should be my new attitude in treating every gal, no matter how pretty she is or how much I like her.
You may recall that I'm also very interested in a very cute/pretty 20 yo student HD who is only 158! She is playing hard to get n she works only twice a wk at the most...hmmm...likely she already has a patron or possibly in love w/ a fellow student. She is an unusual challenge. I'm unfazed n hv used intrigue to gain her interest. She just SMS-ed to ask me for clarification, but I'll not answer her for 24-48 hrs, hehe. When I see her, I'll make a surprise offer...If she says no, so what? I hv lost absolutely nothing!
Yes, regardless of how beautiful or special a gal may be to u, be prepared to walk away. Demonstrate ur awesome dominant self mastery. Ironically, more often than not, she will start chasing YOU! This Immutable law of Nature applies to ALL females, non-WLs n WLs alike. I guarantee it personally.;)
Lastly, a patron could use QQ video calling to make sure his mistress is where she says she is. Of course a strange man may still be hiding under the bed, hehehe. There is never certainty in life.
Bro WB
26-12-2010, 11:54 AM
[QUOTE=warbird;5528914]Hi bro LDH,
Ths again for ur FR. You're indeed living a charmed life!
I hv actually picked up more KTV gals inside than outside KTVs. I always roam the hallways n attempt to look at every gal. I even peep inside the rms to search for my type of SYTs...I leave no stone unturned.
bro happy new year 2 you and bro u peep inside the rooms to find your type of SYTs..wad if u find the SYT u wan but they sitting with clients..jia lat lor..:)
26-12-2010, 06:28 PM
Their rendition of Justin Bieber "Baby" was absolutely awful.
You meant Xiao Han and Diva? Hmmm, average at its best. :D
BTW, this time round did you try to hit on any of the new dancers? Its getting from bad to worse...
LDH :)
26-12-2010, 06:33 PM
Other than that, I'll leave the prince to do his very interesting write ups and FRs.
Actually bros, what freako hangflower did has helped me greatly, well kind of. Without him, I wouldnt have ventured into the small joints. Never thought I would find a fark-companion there. My semi-disapperance from my gal's life also heightened her desire for me, now from sister upgraded to lover. Truly a joyous season to behold!
Blessings to all,
26-12-2010, 06:35 PM
Hi bro LDH,
Ths again for ur FR. You're indeed living a charmed life!
Your SYT gal is 姑姑 n you r 过儿, as in 神雕侠侣? shows how intimate n endearing ur RS is.
Dear Bro WB,
The endearment terms came about because she sang the song from 神雕侠侣's 天下无双.
It really helps when we feel like calling out to each other in public but unable to do so in certain circumstances.
LDH :)
27-12-2010, 11:28 AM
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
This new MILF Cai Singer of mine that I believe most of the bros whom knows me would have met already is very riddling!
1st She's 36
2nd It's her 7th time here as a singer
3rd She damn 乖
4th Always contactable
5th Straight home after work report await my activation
6th Until now, I've tried all DARK HAND methods to catch or snook her but cannot catch SHIT
Today, i played damn kuai lan tactic to catch her but still on back and call WTF
Prolly met my match bolls, never kenna anyone so 听话 somemore worst part veteran in the circuit liao!
When she off work yest, called me immediately after she reach home.
I purposely talked infront of many gals as i was another joint.
Yes, she was definitely upset and hell of jealous, good for me.
So i bastard, say busy now, so many chio SYT surrounding me call her later.
Could tell she was upset but she said ok anyway.
3:15am SMS her that i'm done, goin home to shower then fetch her, she replied ok.
Called her at 5:15am, asked are you ready?
She didnt even freak but said she's kinda over hungry cos waiting for me for over 2hrs.
So I changed my tone, Y, wait a bit can die is it?
Want to chut pattern liao see boh?
She replied, no, pls dun be angry, I was just worried something happened to you but dare not call cos scared wake your family up & lots of trouble....hmmmmmmmmmmmm
K, went over to fetch her, she said go where to makan, i said my dicky more hungry than my tummy how?
So she smiled and said, then i go ease your hunger but can we buy something along the way?
Ok, so bot hash brown from MCers and proceeded straight to shack palace where had my morning nice to see the sun rising hehehehe
Finished, went to Old Airport Road Mkt and bot her prawn mee soup for breakfast afterwhich i sent her home.
That was close to 9am
10am, got a sms from her, called back and she said she left her room keys in my we all know, most MMs would have exploded to the moon but she's actually calm????????
Asked her, u wan me to swing over now to pass back to you?
She said it's ok, you go sleep and return to me after you wake up & is free.
This specimen, I am speechless!
27-12-2010, 01:23 PM
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
This new MILF Cai Singer of mine that I believe most of the bros whom knows me would have met already is very riddling!
1st She's 36
2nd It's her 7th time here as a singer
3rd She damn 乖
4th Always contactable
5th Straight home after work report await my activation
6th Until now, I've tried all DARK HAND methods to catch or snook her but cannot catch SHIT
Today, i played damn kuai lan tactic to catch her but still on back and call WTF
Prolly met my match bolls, never kenna anyone so 听话 somemore worst part veteran in the circuit liao!
When she off work yest, called me immediately after she reach home.
I purposely talked infront of many gals as i was another joint.
Yes, she was definitely upset and hell of jealous, good for me.
So i bastard, say busy now, so many chio SYT surrounding me call her later.
Could tell she was upset but she said ok anyway.
3:15am SMS her that i'm done, goin home to shower then fetch her, she replied ok.
Called her at 5:15am, asked are you ready?
She didnt even freak but said she's kinda over hungry cos waiting for me for over 2hrs.
So I changed my tone, Y, wait a bit can die is it?
Want to chut pattern liao see boh?
She replied, no, pls dun be angry, I was just worried something happened to you but dare not call cos scared wake your family up & lots of trouble....hmmmmmmmmmmmm
K, went over to fetch her, she said go where to makan, i said my dicky more hungry than my tummy how?
So she smiled and said, then i go ease your hunger but can we buy something along the way?
Ok, so bot hash brown from MCers and proceeded straight to shack palace where had my morning nice to see the sun rising hehehehe
Finished, went to Old Airport Road Mkt and bot her prawn mee soup for breakfast afterwhich i sent her home.
That was close to 9am
10am, got a sms from her, called back and she said she left her room keys in my we all know, most MMs would have exploded to the moon but she's actually calm????????
Asked her, u wan me to swing over now to pass back to you?
She said it's ok, you go sleep and return to me after you wake up & is free.
This specimen, I am speechless!
This is the epitome of self mastery have the girl eat completely outta his hands...hahaha....but hor not challenging also boring rite....hahaa
27-12-2010, 04:37 PM
This is the epitome of self mastery have the girl eat completely outta his hands...hahaha....but hor not challenging also boring rite....hahaa
Oh no no...this is where phase 2 begins...THE MOULDING PROCESS to what you want her to be!
A total pleasuriser totally customised to your needs & wants both behavioral wise and sexual wise!
Then you have the ultimate BY...that's what BY is all about...them customising to your needs instead of you adjusting to hers!
27-12-2010, 09:28 PM
Oh no no...this is where phase 2 begins...THE MOULDING PROCESS to what you want her to be!
A total pleasuriser totally customised to your needs & wants both behavioral wise and sexual wise!
Then you have the ultimate BY...that's what BY is all about...them customising to your needs instead of you adjusting to hers!
Yes Sir! Thanks to you now I treat women as bot meat! and cannot be KCed by them must learn stage 2 from you....hahahaahaha...
28-12-2010, 12:25 PM
Oh no no...this is where phase 2 begins...THE MOULDING PROCESS to what you want her to be!
A total pleasuriser totally customised to your needs & wants both behavioral wise and sexual wise!
Then you have the ultimate BY...that's what BY is all about...them customising to your needs instead of you adjusting to hers!
See see, bro DYBJ is the king of BY and singers' best lover. I rookie rook better retire, he is the master of masters while I am rookiest of all rooks. After this new conquest, I better stop al my flings and be nice to my 2 wives and my dearest 姑姑.
28-12-2010, 01:07 PM
[QUOTE=warbird;5528914]............bro happy new year 2 you and bro u peep inside the rooms to find your type of SYTs..wad if u find the SYT u wan but they sitting with clients..jia lat lor..:)
Hi bro NewMartin,
Simple. I'll point the SYT to my mummy who will call her to come to say hello to me. I'll then ask her name n HP no. If she turns out to be my type on closer inspection, I'll book her asap. Doesn't work if my mummy can't ID the gal. In that case, I may saunter in the hallway outside her rm n wait for her to come out.
Dear Bro WB,
The endearment terms came about because she sang the song from 神雕侠侣's 天下无双.
It really helps when we feel like calling out to each other in public but unable to do so in certain circumstances...................
Hi bro LDH,
Now I understand the context. So many gals r falling for u, hehehe.
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
This new MILF Cai Singer of mine that I believe most of the bros whom knows me would have met already is very riddling!.............................
Today, i played damn kuai lan tactic to catch her but still on back and call WTF
Prolly met my match bolls, never kenna anyone so 听话 somemore worst part veteran in the circuit liao!
When she off work yest, called me immediately after she reach home.
I purposely talked infront of many gals as i was another joint.
Yes, she was definitely upset and hell of jealous, good for me.
So i bastard, say busy now, so many chio SYT surrounding me call her later.
Could tell she was upset but she said ok anyway.......................................
Asked her, u wan me to swing over now to pass back to you?
She said it's ok, you go sleep and return to me after you wake up & is free.
This specimen, I am speechless!
Good catch, Mr. chairman. Good example of using jealousy to create more attraction.
Oh no no...this is where phase 2 begins...THE MOULDING PROCESS to what you want her to be!
A total pleasuriser totally customised to your needs & wants both behavioral wise and sexual wise!
Then you have the ultimate BY...that's what BY is all about...them customising to your needs instead of you adjusting to hers!
He who pays the piper calls the tune...
Yes Sir! Thanks to you now I treat women as bot meat! and cannot be KCed by them must learn stage 2 from you....hahahaahaha...
Hi bro ME,
I hv taken a slight departure from the routine practice of treating all WLs as bot meat. I now treat them as humans, w/ respect, BUT I assert my Dominant Self Mastery n she must comply w/ all my terms n requests, otherwise I'll just walk away. Next!
What KC? I'm planing to move to China n there r thousands of younger n prettier SYTs cheaper prices.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good afternoon!
I found out yesterday that my 2 Fujian gals, BB n TC, hv met each other in SG. What a small world! TC of course will be leaving by mid Jan. She is applying for a visa to return. Even though I like her pussy very much, I'll not give her anything while she is in China as I'm uncertain when she will be back.
I'll be going to LV HH today. I hv booked 2 gals, one very tall n one very short. The short one has been playing hard to get, until now. I know they both want to be BY-ed at this time. Hahaha...;)
BTW, I hv a great piece on "THE SECRET TO OVERCOMING REJECTION, " written by a RS guru. It's brilliant n I like to share w/ bros here. Apart from the specific strategies, the secret here is Dominant Self Mastery.
Although the guru is writing specifically for someone trying to get a gal to fall in love w/ him n to marry him, the SECRET should apply to all females including WLs n BY-ing, hehehe.
Here is the secret: When you appear unfazed, unmoved, and
unflappable in the very face of rejection it does something in the mind
of the one rejecting you. It shocks them. It twists their mind. And it
sets them on an immediate course to begin seeing you through a
different set of lenses.
This doesn't mean that you resist showing acceptance of their poor
attempt to shake you loose from them. It means that you show that if
they want to dump you, it's just OK with you, that it's no big deal, that
you can handle it. It means you show no bitterness, or
disappointment, or trauma. You sort of act like, "Hmmm... you don't
want me? Well, OK, if that's the way you feel..."
Whenever someone is inclined to reject you it is because, deep down
inside, they believe in their heart of hearts that you are not good
enough for them, that you would be shattered by their rejection. And,
along with that belief is the perception that you are dependent upon
them for your happiness.
Those who reject suitors do so to free themselves of the threads of
dependency that they believe you have woven around them. It is a desperate move on their part to liberate themselves from being
responsible for your life. They sincerely think that they are going to
crush you in the process of freeing themselves. When you show none
of that as a reaction, it blows their mind and challenges the erroneous
perception they've had of you up to this point.
Looking at this from the viewpoint of the person doing the rejecting,
there is no greater challenge than to face the moment of truth where
they believe they are about to crush another person's world. Nobody
wants to be the bad guy. No well-adjusted sane person truly wants to
hurt someone else. Those who reject always do so with some degree
of mixed feelings, feelings of guilt and remorse at the same time as
relief of liberation.
So here's what to do, when the moment of truth comes, if you want to
finally turn the tables on the One You Want and begin to take the
upper hand at last:
First, don't panic. Remember that this is not the end. It is actually an
opportunity for a new beginning an opportunity for you to lay the
foundation to be truly respected, admired, and adored.
Second, take a deep breath and smile as they're working into their
rehearsed pitch. (This works best in person where they can see your
face, but it still carries some effectiveness over the telephone because
somehow a smile carries in your voice.)
Third, listen very carefully to every word that the rejecting person is
saying to you. Don't interrupt or try to dissuade them in any way. Give
them good eye contact, give facial sympathy, but do so in a smiling,
accepting sort of way. This will arouse great feelings of intrigue and
curiosity on their part, even as they continue to speak. Try to feel inside a sense of empathy towards them for the mixed feelings you
can be sure they're experiencing.
Fourth, when you’re sure they’ve finished their speech, let a brief
moment of pregnant silence pass by (just for effect to build the
anticipation!). Then clear your throat, and say: "So, what I hear you
saying is that it's just not working out. It's not that you don't think
highly of me. It's just that (insert here their explanation, whatever it
may be). If you could make it different you would, but you can't. Do I
understand you correctly?"
At this point they will either say (with a sad face for effect, of course),
Yes, that's about the size of it, or they will launch into some additional
justification. If they add more to their previous explanation, go back to
step one and empathetically follow through with them just as before.
Eventually, they will reach an end, though in some rare instances they
will actually talk themselves out of the rejection before they're done.
No matter how illogical or fallacious their thinking may be, it is totally
ineffective to try to argue with them or point that out to them at this
Further, it would backfire and reinforce their determination to
escape you. The most effective way to change their mindset at this
point is simply to offer understanding, no persuasion whatsoever.
Fifth, and finally (and here's where the mind of the rejecter starts to
really get blown), then just say with a little enthusiasm something like,
"Great! Now that wasn't so bad was it?!" I've never wanted you to feel
under any kind of obligation towards me, so I'm really glad to get this
out in the open! "So, what would you like to do at this point, then?
How would you feel most comfortable handling this? Shall we not see
each other again?" Then, just accept totally (or at least appear to) whatever they suggest.
If they say they think it would be best to make a clean break and not
have any contact again, say fine, whatever you want. (Don't panic
here, this is just a technique in psychology that will result in your
getting a much better reception down the road.) If they say, no, they'd
like to at least stay friends, say fine, as you wish. Whatever they say,
just be totally agreeable to it.
Trust me when I say they will not believe their ears. Trust me, also,
when I say that this is not the end, after all, if you handle it this way.
It is actually a new beginning. You most likely will not see the outward
results this very night, but the change inside them will have already
begun. Time and discreet follow-up on your part will find an
unbelievably more receptive party than the last time you spoke.
It will,in fact, be a fresh new beginning with one major difference the one
you want will now see you as an emotionally strong and independent
individual who clearly can live without them. This will be a new
beginning towards their really falling in love with you.
28-12-2010, 02:04 PM
Hi bro NewMartin,
Simple. I'll point the SYT to my mummy who will call her to come to say hello to me. I'll then ask her name n HP no. If she turns out to be my type on closer inspection, I'll book her asap. Doesn't work if my mummy can't ID the gal. In that case, I may saunter in the hallway outside her rm n wait for her to come out.
Hi bro LDH,
Now I understand the context. So many gals r falling for u, hehehe.
Good catch, Mr. chairman. Good example of using jealousy to create more attraction.
He who pays the piper calls the tune...
Hi bro ME,
I hv taken a slight departure from the routine practice of treating all WLs as bot meat. I now treat them as humans, w/ respect, BUT I assert my Dominant Self Mastery n she must comply w/ all my terms n requests, otherwise I'll just walk away. Next!
What KC? I'm planing to move to China n there r thousands of younger n prettier SYTs cheaper prices.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good afternoon!
I found out yesterday that my 2 Fujian gals, BB n TC, hv met each other in SG. What a small world! TC of course will be leaving by mid Jan. She is applying for a visa to return. Even though I like her pussy very much, I'll not give her anything while she is in China as I'm uncertain when she will be back.
I'll be going to LV HH today. I hv booked 2 gals, one very tall n one very short. The short one has been playing hard to get, until now. I know they both want to be BY-ed at this time. Hahaha...;)
BTW, I hv a great piece on "THE SECRET TO OVERCOMING REJECTION, " written by a RS guru. It's brilliant n I like to share w/ bros here. Apart from the specific strategies, the secret here is Dominant Self Mastery.
Although the guru is writing specifically for someone trying to get a gal to fall in love w/ him n to marry him, the SECRET should apply to all females including WLs n BY-ing, hehehe.
Here is the secret: When you appear unfazed, unmoved, and
unflappable in the very face of rejection it does something in the mind
of the one rejecting you. It shocks them. It twists their mind. And it
sets them on an immediate course to begin seeing you through a
different set of lenses.
This doesn't mean that you resist showing acceptance of their poor
attempt to shake you loose from them. It means that you show that if
they want to dump you, it's just OK with you, that it's no big deal, that
you can handle it. It means you show no bitterness, or
disappointment, or trauma. You sort of act like, "Hmmm... you don't
want me? Well, OK, if that's the way you feel..."
Whenever someone is inclined to reject you it is because, deep down
inside, they believe in their heart of hearts that you are not good
enough for them, that you would be shattered by their rejection. And,
along with that belief is the perception that you are dependent upon
them for your happiness.
Those who reject suitors do so to free themselves of the threads of
dependency that they believe you have woven around them. It is a desperate move on their part to liberate themselves from being
responsible for your life. They sincerely think that they are going to
crush you in the process of freeing themselves. When you show none
of that as a reaction, it blows their mind and challenges the erroneous
perception they've had of you up to this point.
Looking at this from the viewpoint of the person doing the rejecting,
there is no greater challenge than to face the moment of truth where
they believe they are about to crush another person's world. Nobody
wants to be the bad guy. No well-adjusted sane person truly wants to
hurt someone else. Those who reject always do so with some degree
of mixed feelings, feelings of guilt and remorse at the same time as
relief of liberation.
So here's what to do, when the moment of truth comes, if you want to
finally turn the tables on the One You Want and begin to take the
upper hand at last:
First, don't panic. Remember that this is not the end. It is actually an
opportunity for a new beginning an opportunity for you to lay the
foundation to be truly respected, admired, and adored.
Second, take a deep breath and smile as they're working into their
rehearsed pitch. (This works best in person where they can see your
face, but it still carries some effectiveness over the telephone because
somehow a smile carries in your voice.)
Third, listen very carefully to every word that the rejecting person is
saying to you. Don't interrupt or try to dissuade them in any way. Give
them good eye contact, give facial sympathy, but do so in a smiling,
accepting sort of way. This will arouse great feelings of intrigue and
curiosity on their part, even as they continue to speak. Try to feel inside a sense of empathy towards them for the mixed feelings you
can be sure they're experiencing.
Fourth, when you’re sure they’ve finished their speech, let a brief
moment of pregnant silence pass by (just for effect to build the
anticipation!). Then clear your throat, and say: "So, what I hear you
saying is that it's just not working out. It's not that you don't think
highly of me. It's just that (insert here their explanation, whatever it
may be). If you could make it different you would, but you can't. Do I
understand you correctly?"
At this point they will either say (with a sad face for effect, of course),
Yes, that's about the size of it, or they will launch into some additional
justification. If they add more to their previous explanation, go back to
step one and empathetically follow through with them just as before.
Eventually, they will reach an end, though in some rare instances they
will actually talk themselves out of the rejection before they're done.
No matter how illogical or fallacious their thinking may be, it is totally
ineffective to try to argue with them or point that out to them at this
Further, it would backfire and reinforce their determination to
escape you. The most effective way to change their mindset at this
point is simply to offer understanding, no persuasion whatsoever.
Fifth, and finally (and here's where the mind of the rejecter starts to
really get blown), then just say with a little enthusiasm something like,
"Great! Now that wasn't so bad was it?!" I've never wanted you to feel
under any kind of obligation towards me, so I'm really glad to get this
out in the open! "So, what would you like to do at this point, then?
How would you feel most comfortable handling this? Shall we not see
each other again?" Then, just accept totally (or at least appear to) whatever they suggest.
If they say they think it would be best to make a clean break and not
have any contact again, say fine, whatever you want. (Don't panic
here, this is just a technique in psychology that will result in your
getting a much better reception down the road.) If they say, no, they'd
like to at least stay friends, say fine, as you wish. Whatever they say,
just be totally agreeable to it.
Trust me when I say they will not believe their ears. Trust me, also,
when I say that this is not the end, after all, if you handle it this way.
It is actually a new beginning. You most likely will not see the outward
results this very night, but the change inside them will have already
begun. Time and discreet follow-up on your part will find an
unbelievably more receptive party than the last time you spoke.
It will,in fact, be a fresh new beginning with one major difference the one
you want will now see you as an emotionally strong and independent
individual who clearly can live without them. This will be a new
beginning towards their really falling in love with you.
well said...truely words of wisdom...
i have been a silent reader of this thread & thanks to all bros here with their contribution...
have learnt some very important & useful tips...
here's Happy New Year to all bros in advance..
God Bless!
28-12-2010, 03:48 PM
You meant Xiao Han and Diva? Hmmm, average at its best. :D
BTW, this time round did you try to hit on any of the new dancers? Its getting from bad to worse...
LDH :)
Never seriously hit on any dancers from all the previous batches. But was pleasantly surprised that Mina is back in DC as a singer.
28-12-2010, 04:11 PM
Careful careful, lately we got WL police policing these forums as robinhood for these fucking WHORES!
Fucking cheebye loser zap me 3 pts and left this remark, wonder if he can get half or qtr as many pussy i can get in a week! wahahahahahaha
Picking up KTV gals... 28-12-2010 01:22 PM You, like Warbird, are fucking assholes to bully these poor defenceless women like this, using them and dumping them. There is retribution in this world. Just wait, you blowjob cheebye!
Does his remark look familiar to you???? Software Engineer???????
28-12-2010, 05:05 PM
Never seriously hit on any dancers from all the previous batches. But was pleasantly surprised that Mina is back in DC as a singer.
Never really like Mina's attitude. She was with a local BF previously and I know that guy personally. Very nice gentleman but she turn around when she went back to China and came back to another supporter in her 2nd stint with DC. Oh my oh my, she is a very material one.
This batch of dancers, omg, simply terrible. Dance routines off beat, not well coordinated, mismatched when paired with singers etc. On looks, only Nana can make it.
Anyway bro, you have introduced the previous batches of singers from DC but why you never hit on them? I may be prejudiced, but I do think of all the batches, batch no3 is the best. Hahaha.
28-12-2010, 09:26 PM
Never really like Mina's attitude. She was with a local BF previously and I know that guy personally. Very nice gentleman but she turn around when she went back to China and came back to another supporter in her 2nd stint with DC. Oh my oh my, she is a very material one.
This batch of dancers, omg, simply terrible. Dance routines off beat, not well coordinated, mismatched when paired with singers etc. On looks, only Nana can make it.
Anyway bro, you have introduced the previous batches of singers from DC but why you never hit on them? I may be prejudiced, but I do think of all the batches, batch no3 is the best. Hahaha.
I have also spotted NaNa and was told by an insider that she is a very skilled seductress & very sultry. Must check her out on the next visit.
I remember you didn't like Xiao Ya too... I reckon all of them are materially oriented. They are just setting their priorities right.
I didn't hit on any dancers as none of them can yet turn me on :D
29-12-2010, 11:35 AM
Duplicate post.
29-12-2010, 11:43 AM
well said...truely words of wisdom...
i have been a silent reader of this thread & thanks to all bros here with their contribution.....................
Hi bro,
The author is THE RS guru.
But pls dun quote the whole post.
God Bless!
Careful careful, lately we got WL police policing these forums as robinhood for these fucking WHORES!
Fucking cheebye loser zap me 3 pts and left this remark, wonder if he can get half or qtr as many pussy i can get in a week! wahahahahahaha
Picking up KTV gals... 28-12-2010 01:22 PM You, like Warbird, are fucking assholes to bully these poor defenceless women like this, using them and dumping them. There is retribution in this world. Just wait, you blowjob cheebye!
Software Engineer???????
Mr. Chairman,
We hv here a Public Defender of WLs. A very angry n self righteous person. The zapper could be a she though.
Calling U n me fxxking axxholes n WLs defenseless women?
Retribution? Oh yes there is Karma all right. On balance these PRC gals still owe me as I hv been more than fair n upfront w/ everyone of them.
Why is she not penalized by our BIG BOSS for using extreme profanity?
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Another auspicious day!
Last nite I went to a KTV n booked 2 gals. I made an offer to the cute 20 yo HD. She tacitly agreed but the fine print has not been settled yet. She is very short n doesn't really hv my preferred body type. may be worthwhile if her pussy is very pretty n very tight n she can achieve COS quite easily. it's a speculative operation, hehe.
The mummy also brought a young n sexy gal when I already had 2 gals w/ me. Will book her next time.
Let me digress a bit. When it comes to investing, it's better to be dumb n lucky than smart n unlucky, hehehe. An investment just fell on my lap, w/o me lifting a finger, n in the last few months has given me profit which is more than all my BY-ing in the last 20 months. I call it dumb luck.
At this time I like to post another piece by THE RS guru:
One young woman who I knew many years ago was casually dating a
young man who became very serious towards her and one night
started talking marriage. This shocked her because she had not had a
serious romantic thought towards him -- ever! She told him there was
no hope and that, in fact, that she was really crazy about another guy
The hero of our story, though, the young man who was being rejected,
handled himself beautifully, however. He just listened to her very patiently (although disappointed, it must be admitted) and then
pointedly said to her, "Well, what would you like to do then?" And then
he supportively added, "Would you like to stop dating altogether?"
The question was so empathetically offered that she felt no threat
whatsoever to her position. She then responded, "Well, no I guess
there's no reason we can't still go out" As long as you understand, of
course, that there's no chance of this relationship ever getting serious
or going anywhere! He then sincerely told her that that would be fine.
But when she went home to her roommate (whom I also knew and
who related additional parts of this story to me), she was in a daze.
She actually seemed somewhat mesmerized by it all and, after
recounting the whole episode to her hearer, she suddenly heard
herself saying, "I can't believe it "he was so understanding" I wonder if
I'm making a big mistake here "I wonder if maybe I really should
marry him after all?"
As I say, that was only the beginning. The seeds had been planted
where none had been before. And shortly thereafter the happy couple
became engaged and, the last I was aware, had been happily married
for many years.
As you begin to make real progress towards winning the One You
Want, learn to accept that there will come out of nowhere some
attempt to end the relationship and get rid of you. It's common in the
development of a serious relationship.
The common attempts at justification for rejection commonly include
such excuses as "no chemistry", "not physically attracted", "too
different of lifestyles", "incompatible families", I'm not ready for a
family, and so forth. Sometimes the rejecting party will even resort to
self deprecation such as I'm mentally ill, I have serious psychological
hang-ups from my childhood, or whatever. But no matter how good
these sound, they are never the real reason. They are just excuses,
and all easily overcome if you understand the real root of the problem
and not what they say.
The real reason is simply because; up to this point in time you have
failed to establish the three psychological pillars of a romantic
relationship with them, which are: FRIENDSHIP, RESPECT, and
PASSION. In short, the person isn't head over heels in love with you,
and if they're going to stay with you forever and marry you, they want
to be!
That's only fair. They should be entitled to be crazy out of their head
for you if they're going to dedicate their life to you and, frankly, that's
your job to inspire those feelings, not theirs!
But if you will deal with their uneasiness in the manner we've
described in these pages, applying the tactics throughout
your relationship, you will find that no excuse in the world can
overcome your endeavors to win their heart and love. You will win the
One You Want!
30-12-2010, 12:18 PM
My dear bros,
Nice to meet K9696 flower king again and his friend at the off city limit small joint. Also had bro DYBJ and our super HFJ tour guide around.
I brought my precious 小倩 aka 姑姑 and my sister 乐乐 to the joint. Once we open door and step inside the joint, all the men's heads turned towards us - it was indeed a proud moment!
Inside the room, we had many singers in the room and when my gal and sister sang 天下无双, all went wow wow.
Soon after 60 minutes, I left to another small joint called 豪城, also a small joint. Also the small flowers, small joint but got some SYT.
After 豪城, I left with my gals to Dynasty Classic. During PPC, I hung $2000/- 皇冠 on my official GF 小倩 and $1000/- 皇冠 on my little sister 乐乐. Anyway thanks to mr hangflower, I have to beat him to report on my activities.
Jeremy Chiang
30-12-2010, 12:53 PM
Hi Bro WB & all the fellow bros out here.
Just wanna post that Ima a fan of this page.
Will put loadsa this stuff to good use in the new year.
Wanna share a small link here to cos I jus thot we can aspire to live life chivalrously?
Btw, does any of your BY stay in Changi Village?
01-01-2011, 05:20 PM
To all samsters:
May you get a clean bill of health from your dentist, your ophthalmologist, your psychiatrist, your cardiologist, your urologist, and the Income Tax Department.
May your hair, your teeth, your face-lift, your love handles, and your stocks never fall, and may your blood pressure, your triglycerides, your cholesterol, your white blood count, your weight, and your property assessments never increase.
May you be sensitive to the needs of others and may you create within yourself a balance of your own needs.
May you laugh at yourself and realize if you were supposed to touch your toes while exercising, the Lord would have placed them further up, and may you realize the reason that so many people take up jogging is to hear heavy breathing again.
May what you see in the mirror delight you and what others see in you delight them.
May someone love you enough to accept and forgive your faults and be blind
to your blemishes, and tell the whole world about your virtues.
May you live in a world at peace, with an awareness of the beauty of every sunset, every flower, every child's smile, and every wonderful astonishing beat of your own heart.
If by laughter I can cause you to wipe a tear from your cheek, that will be my reward.
Above all, may you continue to smile, may your life be filled with laughter, and may you never forget the words found in the Book of Proverbs:
"A gloomy spirit rots the bones; but a merry heart is like good medicine."
Bro WB
02-01-2011, 06:54 PM
FR for 01 January 2011 and
Club Las Vegas KTV and Niteclub
Woke up around 3pm despite sleeping at 7am in the morning. :o
Wash my cars and played out my role as a good daddy.
At 7pm, went to pick up my GF from PC and we went for dinner at Lorong 31 Geylang for the famous KL Hokkien Mee. Damn shiok but parking is always a nightmare, KNN big time!
Sent her back to DC at 925pm. Phew just in time and rushed down to LV to meet with my 大大哥 bro Marc5 and bro LKY(aka "Andy Lau"). The whole building of TAM/CI/LV all damn quiet with many rooms available. The whole hall of LV was practically empty.
Both bros got beautiful tua-liappies gals. For once, more gals than customers and we were spoilt for choices. Nonetheless I am not into WLs and I have mellowed lots since my early days in KTVs. All of us were singing and playing dices, bro LKY rubba-ing his gal and they were having lotsa fun. Suddenly I saw one singer singing, oh so familiar. It was a good old friend (No 63) from Lido and Club Jade who was formerly the CAI of bro DYBJ. Went to the hall to confirm, and yes I came back chop stamp and messaged DYBJ.
Called Singer No 63 into the room and soon we were talking about old times and playing pretty wild dice games as well as drinking hard. By the time PPC at 12mn started, I was more than high liaoz. Hung No 63 S$200/- token. After PPC, she came back to the room and we continued our fun (clean clean one hor) but LKY's gal came over to attack me with very flowery language. Clearly I was offended because both bro Marc5 chick and singer No63 were both more elegant and beautiful than her. There was little need to make some unsightful comments. So I challenged her to a dice game, PK one on one. She lost big time and ended slooshed on the sofa. Hahaha, KO'ed!!! At 115am, my darling 小倩 turned up and I went downstairs to fetch her up. We were kissing frantically in the life on the way up and I got touchy feelly as well. Fark, since when the lifts of LV got light speed ah, reached 5th so quickly. Must be the twin-charged Porche driven cam installed into the motors of the lift. CCB!!! Ushered 小倩 into the room and soon we were kissing away again. I must be damn horny.
Well, apparently LKY boey tahan and called the mummy for another gal.
After LV, both 小倩 and I went over to Shanghai Dolly and Social House to meet up with another 2 more singers/musicians from DC 小薇 and 美子. We partied until 6am with 美子 totally drunk. Seem like she got played out by a customer who went on to court another musician aka 乐乐 who is coincidentally my sister. Anyway, I do know that group of customers are generally not in my classification of "honorable and/or esteemed" cheongsters. Bro DYBJ and some other valued cheongsters do know this group of folks. Nonetheless, I do not want to express my opinions of others - to each their choices.
Lousy ending to an otherwise fantastic day!
04-01-2011, 11:21 AM
Hi Bro WB & all the fellow bros out here.
Just wanna post that Ima a fan of this page.
Btw, does any of your BY stay in Changi Village?
Hi bro Jeremy,
I dun know any gal in Changi Village. Any bro here got BY there?
FR for 01 January 2011 and
Club Las Vegas KTV and Niteclub
Woke up around 3pm despite sleeping at 7am in the morning. :o
Wash my cars and played out my role as a good daddy.
At 7pm, went to pick up my GF from PC and we went for dinner at Lorong 31 Geylang for the famous KL Hokkien Mee................
Sent her back to DC at 925pm. Phew just in time and rushed down to LV to meet with my 大大哥 bro Marc5 and bro LKY(aka "Andy Lau"). The whole building of TAM/CI/LV all damn quiet with many rooms available. The whole hall of LV was practically empty............................................. ................
After LV, both 小倩 and I went over to Shanghai Dolly and Social House to meet up with another 2 more singers/musicians from DC 小薇 and 美子.....................Anyway, I do know that group of customers are generally not in my classification of "honorable and/or esteemed" cheongsters. Bro DYBJ and some other valued cheongsters do know this group of folks. Nonetheless, I do not want to express my opinions of others - to each their choices.
Hi bro LDH,
Ths for ur detailed FR.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
Dominant Self Mastery is the secret to happiness n invincibility in life.
In BY-ing, a patron's willingness to walk away from his most beloved mistress gives him power over her. She can sense it n it injects an element of doubt in her mind. Use push-pull tactic. Be very nice to her, compliment her n give her hope for the future, yet be ready to push her away if she is not 100% submissive. This tactic is highly attractive to her n will arouse her passion for u at the subconscious level.
I'm into my 2nd month w/ TC. She is 22, 169 n abt 52 kg, very fair n her body assets n proportions r very close to my ideals of perfection. Her long thighs n legs r perfect! Most importantly, she has very pretty pussy which is very tight n wet n is very easily orgasmic. She is violent n very vocal during COS which is highly sextisfying for me. Once I thought she was going to crush my head w/ her thighs when I was eating her. A lao chi pek like me is lucky to own such an exquisite pussy exclusively. She will return to PRC in 2wks. Good timing as my family will be here for the CNY.
How can a patron be 100% sure his mistress is his exclusively? He can't, not unless he hires a PI. He can only be reasonably sure, like 99%. For example, I'm reasonably sure that TC doesn't go to work anymore. The other day I checked w/ a popular mummy at TAM complex abt booking TC, n she replied, oh she must hv gone back to China as she has not been sighted for some time. I pretended that I was looking for her n would like to do ST. Definitely no ST, the mummy said. Reassuring yes, though not 100%. Then again there is no certainty in life. Not everyone in SG will be alive by tmr am.
Therefore, we should all live in the eternal present moment.
Have a great day!
Bro WB
ken li
05-01-2011, 10:03 AM
In BY-ing, a patron's willingness to walk away from his most beloved mistress gives him power over her....
How can a patron be 100% sure his mistress is his exclusively? He can't, ... For example, I'm reasonably sure that TC doesn't go to work anymore. The other day I checked w/ a popular mummy at TAM complex abt booking TC, ...
Have a great day!
Bro WB
Happy New Year! Hope 2011 will be even better for all bros than 2010 in all aspects!
Also take this opportunity to thank Bro WB and his posse of senior cheongsters for their valuable insights in this thread. Keep it up!
A constant reminder to be a master of oneself is always good! Especially when dealing with the honey pot that can turn quickly into a honey trap.
Absolutely true that you cannot be totally sure that the BYee is exclusive (I might hasten to add - even if a PI is on the case). Be careful of relying on MI (Mummy Information). IMHO mummies can be even more devious than MMs.
05-01-2011, 03:48 PM
Be careful of relying on MI (Mummy Information). IMHO mummies can be even more devious than MMs.
Wat do you expect from these women, they leech off the WLs for a living
That's Y i always tell bros to tip the gals direct
It is not an uncommon practice that if you pass the tips to the mommy or the ST fees to the mommy that it'll be taxed by the mommy!
07-01-2011, 12:03 PM
Happy New Year! Hope 2011 will be even better for all bros than 2010 in all aspects!
Also take this opportunity to thank Bro WB and his posse of senior cheongsters for their valuable insights in this thread. Keep it up!
A constant reminder to be a master of oneself is always good! .......
Absolutely true that you cannot be totally sure that the BYee is exclusive (I might hasten to add - even if a PI is on the case). Be careful of relying on MI (Mummy Information). IMHO mummies can be even more devious than MMs.
Hi bro ken li,
Ths so much for ur encouragement, pleasure is all mine.
You hv rightfully pointed out that no patron can be 100% sure that his BAOee is faithful to him. Not just re a BAOee, the same should apply to GF/mistress/er nai/lover/OC, etc. But hiring a good PI is as good as it gets. But why bother? I simply appear suddenly n unexpectedly at our place (I hv the keys).
Any experienced bros hv any better idea?
Mummies as a group can still be very useful. For example I may call a mummy who doesn't know me to book my mistress. Having several HPs could be most helpful, hehe.
There is much greater uncertainty if a GF continues to work...
There is no absolute certainty in life n I'm happy to live w/ it. In fact, certainty n uniformity would be too boring.
Additionally, no pussy is unique or special. There will always be younger, fresher n prettier ones...
Yes, dominant self mastery is the secret to happiness and all good things in life...
Wat do you expect from these women, they leech off the WLs for a living
That's Y i always tell bros to tip the gals direct
It is not an uncommon practice that if you pass the tips to the mommy or the ST fees to the mommy that it'll be taxed by the mommy!
Hi Mr. Chairman,
These mummies r parasites. They feast on meat on the auction block...
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Good morning!
Yes, all mummies r parasites, but some of them r beneficial parasites, hehehe. At long last I hv found a group of mummies who will attempt to intro the prettiest gals to me, unlike the previous ones.
I had used mummies H n K for over one yr n they didn't intro one gal I like. Not one! A bro explained that they were afraid I would take the prettiest ones off the market thus depriving them of 摇钱树。Really?
I came back to SG 1 1/2 months ago n on my very 1st outing I got 2 gals to sit w/ me, both brought by the new mummy. And both gals agreed to be BY-ed within a wk, hehehe. There is another gal, also intro by the new group, but I dun even hv time to follow up. In fact, there was a 4th one but she had since returned to PRC.
I often give details of my RS w/ my mistresses to illustrate some points n to present them as problems for further discussions n analysis. Esteemed bros could comment n give me pointers. I shall remain a faithful n diligent student, always eager to learn, to improve n better myself, to achieve my dream of Absolute Dominant Self Mastery.
I hv some new thoughts on COS n sex mastery which may be controversial. Of course a man can use his tongue n fingers only to give a gal endless COS. No big deal really as even a female or eunuch can give her the same pleasure. In my personal experience, using my tongue n fingers is only the prelude to the real thing. Perhaps it's more psychological than physiological, but some of my mistresses appear to derive more pleasure when I'm fxking them long n hard. They never seem to hv enuff n always want my didi in their pussies for longer!
Unfortunately, I seldom last longer than 20 min. According to some gurus, a man needs to last 60 min or longer to really rock a gal's bottom.
I went to see a mistress of mine the other day. She was very horny bcos I had not fxked her for 5 days due to her Big Auntie. She still had minimal spotting so I refrained from use my tongue or finger to pleasure her. After she gave me a great BJ, I entered her, changed a few positions. She had several violent orgasms but begged me to continue slamming her...her face contorted, eye rolling up...AAAAHHHH...voice quivering n stammering...不不。。。要。。。停停。。AAAAHHHH...but how to tahan? Her pussy was so tight n she was gripping my hips w/ her hands n thrusting her pelvis while moaning loudly...I did my very best but lasted less than 20 min. She couldn't hide her slight disappointment. I knew I had failed. I hv a very long way to go before becoming a sex master.
According a Jewish guru, the prerequisite to be a sex master is a man's ability to fxk a gal for a least 60 min vigorously n continuously, the longer the better.
The 1st step to sex mastery is PC exercises...which I started doing yesterday. It's NEVER too late to learn to improve, even for a lao chi ko pek, hehehe.
Separately, my RS w/ my no1 gal TC is not exactly smooth. It's wonderful! We hv had our share of arguments n differences...she is brutally candid which I like. The other day she made some disparaging remarks abt my looks n advanced age (I'm much older than her dad). She quickly added that you're amazingly well preserved n virile, must be all the expensive herbs u hv been taking...I just listened reflectively n said calmly: 我明白你,我了解你 n excepting for momentary displeasure, I remained totally unfazed, unmoved n unflappable, hehehe, behaving exactly as prescribed by the Ang Moh guru whose writings I posted just days ago. I know I'm inducing emotional dependence (addiction?) in her subconscious mind. She later asked me if I was unhappy or angry, I just laughed it off. She has treated me better ever since. She also told me she likes the weather here n may want to settle here. I told her to marry a young man who has a good job n who loves her. She looked at me n said: 那你怎么办?I replied: 我没事的, 你幸福就好了。She was speechless. Hahaha, this is called reverse psychology. Too bad she is leaving soon, otherwise I'm confident that she will fall for me. She is human n she can't help it.
Incidentally, I believe TC n I are predestined to be together. She has brought me very good luck from the very day we consummated our deal, hahaha.:D
Feedback n criticisms from esteemed bros here will be appreciated.
Hv a great day!
Bro WB
07-01-2011, 07:18 PM
Thank you bro Warbird for your continuous and insightful sharing regarding self-mastery.
I'm trying to absorb and internalised as much as I could. Many times, I believed I had made a break through... but when the time comes to action and application, often I still fumble.
For example, I took up the courage to approach a gorgeous gal and we exchanged contacts. (Actually I managed to approach a number of gals and got their numbers, which I was afraid to do in the pass. Thumbs up to myself). Anyway, things were going pretty well and we had lots of fun texting and teasing each other. I've read and learned not to hide my sexual interest from the beginning and she does not seems to run away... good start ;).
Recently, we arranged to meet up and she suggested in a joking manner that we go to some "ulu" location. In my heart I was like yahooo.... ON liao. But... that's also when my weakness/fear kicks in...
Ok, the problem (real or imaginary I don't know yet), but here it is...
She's still in university, and I'm in my 30s and reaching 40 soon (although i'm still relatively fit and people say I still look 20s). She does not know my age yet, only know I've been working a number of years. I'm not surprised if some were to ask why so late then come out and play and why still so noob at this age... well, long story short but suffice to say I'm finally honest with myself of what I want, and no longer ashame to go for it.
So back to topic, I knew in my head that self-mastery involved accepting myself for who I am, and I should not lie about my age. But I'm still just so insecure abt it and worry that she cannot accept it. I also know in my head that I can always walk away if she can't accept and look for another chick. But THERE MUST BE A BETTER SOLUTION. I mean I just can't keep walking away from these chicks until I find one who doesn't mind, and miss out on so many opportunities.
I'm sure some of the bros here have encounter similar situation, and how do you guys managed it? Is it advisable to just lie abt your age, get the sex first, and talk later.... or what? And on avg, how many percentage of girls accept or reject your age (for bros in 30s and also 40s)?
Any expenerices or thoughts? I hope to get some advise from the senior bros here instead of starting a new thread because I trust the bros here a lot more for the quality of the replies. Hope I don't get any violent objections :o.
07-01-2011, 08:55 PM
Thank you bro Warbird for your continuous and insightful sharing regarding self-mastery.
I'm trying to absorb and internalised as much as I could. Many times, I believed I had made a break through... but when the time comes to action and application, often I still fumble.
For example, I took up the courage to approach a gorgeous gal and we exchanged contacts. (Actually I managed to approach a number of gals and got their numbers, which I was afraid to do in the pass. Thumbs up to myself). Anyway, things were going pretty well and we had lots of fun texting and teasing each other. I've read and learned not to hide my sexual interest from the beginning and she does not seems to run away... good start ;).
Recently, we arranged to meet up and she suggested in a joking manner that we go to some "ulu" location. In my heart I was like yahooo.... ON liao. But... that's also when my weakness/fear kicks in...
Ok, the problem (real or imaginary I don't know yet), but here it is...
She's still in university, and I'm in my 30s and reaching 40 soon (although i'm still relatively fit and people say I still look 20s). She does not know my age yet, only know I've been working a number of years. I'm not surprised if some were to ask why so late then come out and play and why still so noob at this age... well, long story short but suffice to say I'm finally honest with myself of what I want, and no longer ashame to go for it.
So back to topic, I knew in my head that self-mastery involved accepting myself for who I am, and I should not lie about my age. But I'm still just so insecure abt it and worry that she cannot accept it. I also know in my head that I can always walk away if she can't accept and look for another chick. But THERE MUST BE A BETTER SOLUTION. I mean I just can't keep walking away from these chicks until I find one who doesn't mind, and miss out on so many opportunities.
I'm sure some of the bros here have encounter similar situation, and how do you guys managed it? Is it advisable to just lie abt your age, get the sex first, and talk later.... or what? And on avg, how many percentage of girls accept or reject your age (for bros in 30s and also 40s)?
Any expenerices or thoughts? I hope to get some advise from the senior bros here instead of starting a new thread because I trust the bros here a lot more for the quality of the replies. Hope I don't get any violent objections :o.
Do not think that just because she is young then she is a fool....many of these uni girls know what they are up to...many of them are horny bitches yearning for sex! how I know? when I was staying at my gf's hostel at pgp(nus) can hear moaning in every room!!!
07-01-2011, 08:58 PM
Hi Mr. Chairman,
These mummies r parasites. They feast on meat on the auction block...
Bro WB
I hv some new thoughts on COS n sex mastery which may be controversial. Of course a man can use his tongue n fingers only to give a gal endless COS. No big deal really as even a female or eunuch can give her the same pleasure. In my personal experience, using my tongue n fingers is only the prelude to the real thing. Perhaps it's more psychological than physiological, but some of my mistresses appear to derive more pleasure when I'm fxking them long n hard. They never seem to hv enuff n always want my didi in their pussies for longer!
Unfortunately, I seldom last longer than 20 min. According to some gurus, a man needs to last 60 min or longer to really rock a gal's bottom.
I went to see a mistress of mine the other day. She was very horny bcos I had not fxked her for 5 days due to her Big Auntie. She still had minimal spotting so I refrained from use my tongue or finger to pleasure her. After she gave me a great BJ, I entered her, changed a few positions. She had several violent orgasms but begged me to continue slamming her...her face contorted, eye rolling up...AAAAHHHH...voice quivering n stammering...不不。。。要。。。停停。。AAAAHHHH...but how to tahan? Her pussy was so tight n she was gripping my hips w/ her hands n thrusting her pelvis while moaning loudly...I did my very best but lasted less than 20 min. She couldn't hide her slight disappointment. I knew I had failed. I hv a very long way to go before becoming a sex master.
According a Jewish guru, the prerequisite to be a sex master is a man's ability to fxk a gal for a least 60 min vigorously n continuously, the longer the better.
The 1st step to sex mastery is PC exercises...which I started doing yesterday. It's NEVER too late to learn to improve, even for a lao chi ko pek, hehehe.
Separately, my RS w/ my no1 gal TC is not exactly smooth. It's wonderful! We hv had our share of arguments n differences...she is brutally candid which I like. The other day she made some disparaging remarks abt my looks n advanced age (I'm much older than her dad). She quickly added that you're amazingly well preserved n virile, must be all the expensive herbs u hv been taking...I just listened reflectively n said calmly: 我明白你,我了解你 n excepting for momentary displeasure, I remained totally unfazed, unmoved n unflappable, hehehe, behaving exactly as prescribed by the Ang Moh guru whose writings I posted just days ago. I know I'm inducing emotional dependence (addiction?) in her subconscious mind. She later asked me if I was unhappy or angry, I just laughed it off. She has treated me better ever since. She also told me she likes the weather here n may want to settle here. I told her to marry a young man who has a good job n who loves her. She looked at me n said: 那你怎么办?I replied: 我没事的, 你幸福就好了。She was speechless. Hahaha, this is called reverse psychology. Too bad she is leaving soon, otherwise I'm confident that she will fall for me. She is human n she can't help it.
Incidentally, I believe TC n I are predestined to be together. She has brought me very good luck from the very day we consummated our deal, hahaha.:D
Feedback n criticisms from esteemed bros here will be appreciated.
Hv a great day!
Bro WB
Bro WB...I am finding it increasingly difficult to be excited by sex...and find it harder and harder to cum as I am just so bored by most women....women who excites me are forbidden fruits whom I can't touch....any ideas? hehe
08-01-2011, 02:29 AM
To bro MoralEpitome,
Nobody is implying that uni gals are young and foolish or they're not horny. With due respect, but I don't get your point... cause they may be horny, but are they still horny once they know your age is 40+ (just an example cause I dont know your age). I guess the answer is yes and no. It is obvious that many of you senior bros here are still banging young chicks, so the question really is how (beside showing lots of cash)?
Bro sexonair, thanks for making some really good points. I do understand that girls generally prefer mature guys... but we're taking abt 21-22 yrs girls and the guy is not 5, but more than 15 yrs her senior.
Anyway the background to this discussion is to just have fun together and don't want commitments. I'm not rich but making above average income.
You know, as I typed this... my mind start to clear and it seems like I found the answer to my own question. I have half a mind to just delete everything, but decided to post it anyway. It's useful to review my own progression, and perhaps others may find it useful too.
So the answer actually digs deep into who I REALLY AM... goes back to the question of self-mastery. It's not about Age, but about how one behave and carry himself that projects confidence and value that makes one attractive. And if I still get myself worry over the opinion of a girl (or a few girls), it only means I have much to improve upon myself. Cause if I'm not there yet.. it simply means I'm not there... and I'll still not get the girls I want even if I'm 10yrs younger.
In other words, its not the age but who you really are that matters. Make sense?
08-01-2011, 03:47 AM
Let me add on with an example... We men generally wouldn't even look at women in their 40s, but there're some women in their 40s who still look very gorgeous and carry themselves very well... and young men have no qualms about bonking them. What makes them so attractive? The same theory applies to us men.
Being Alpha, we shouldn't place too much importance on any particular woman. Being Alpha also means we should not compromise our own integrity for the sake of some young pussy. Yes, we may sometimes lose a few chicks who have a certain age preference, but lying about our age is like considering ourselves not good enough for her. And I refuse to believe that.
08-01-2011, 10:46 AM
Thank you bro Warbird.....
I'm trying to absorb and internalised as much as I could. Many times, I believed I had made a break through... but when the time comes to action and application, often I still fumble.
For example, I took up the courage to approach a gorgeous gal and we exchanged contacts................................
Recently, we arranged to meet up and she suggested in a joking manner that we go to some "ulu" location. In my heart I was like yahooo.... ON liao. But... that's also when my weakness/fear kicks in...
Ok, the problem (real or imaginary I don't know yet), but here it is...
She's still in university, and I'm in my 30s and reaching 40 soon.......... well, long story short but suffice to say I'm finally honest with myself of what I want, and no longer ashame to go for it.
So back to topic, I knew in my head that self-mastery involved accepting myself for who I am, and I should not lie about my age. But I'm still just so insecure abt it and worry that she cannot accept it............................
I'm sure some of the bros here have encounter similar situation, and how do you guys managed it?....................
Any expenerices or thoughts? I hope to get some advise from the senior bros here instead of starting a new thread because I trust the bros here a lot more for the quality of the replies............
Hi bro fun_n_pleasure,
You're welcome!
You r young compared w/ me. I'm a lot older than all my gals' parents. Of course my mistresses r all "bot meat."
Even for non-WLs n I assume ur uni gal is a non-WL, ur perceived ranking on the Dominant Male Scale is the sole determinant of ur attractiveness to them. Period. "Perceived" is the key word here n ur ranking is manifested by ur attitude, voice tone, eye ctc, facial expressions n body language, etc.
And what is the secret ingredient of ur perceived dominant status n body language which is so attractive?
The caliber n depth of your Dominant Self Mastery and Emotional Control. Everything else is secondary.
Tell her ur DOB. Whatever her conscious response, including outright rejection which is very unlikely, remain unfazed, unmoved n unflappable, hehehe. It's a great oppty to show her ur manliness n ur awesome self mastery/emotional control. It will set u apart from the pretenders who r nothing but boys w/ aging bodies. Her subconscious response (which she herself may not even be aware of ) will shock u.
You will get her pussy. She can't help herself...
Bro WB
Bro WB...I am finding it increasingly difficult to be excited by sex...and find it harder and harder to cum as I am just so bored by most women....women who excites me are forbidden fruits whom I can't touch....any ideas? hehe
Hi bro ME,
A young n virile man like u? It must be psychological. If u can last an hr, it would be a great blessing. I wish I could.
Or perhaps u r fxking the wrong women.
Forbidden fruits? I hope they r not married women or ur relatives. Everyone else is fair game to me, hehehe.
Bro WB
To Fun N Pleasure,
Different girls have different tastes. Some girls prefer mature guys. Some crazy girls also prefer married guys because they don't want commitment.........
Not necessary every girl you come across, must try to ride on her. A real player will act cool but not acting desperate. Some girls seeing you so desperate will try to play hard to get to make you high and dry.
.........I just feel that as we get older, we have to behave like a sniper, look carefully for a target, aim properly and then squeeze one round and then mission completed.
Hi bro sexonair,
Ths for ur excellent post.
To bro MoralEpitome,
Nobody is implying that uni gals are young and foolish or they're not horny. .......It is obvious that many of you senior bros here are still banging young chicks, so the question really is how (beside showing lots of cash)?
Bro sexonair, thanks for making some really good points.....
You know, as I typed this... my mind start to clear and it seems like I found the answer to my own question.............
So the answer actually digs deep into who I REALLY AM... goes back to the question of self-mastery. It's not about Age, but about how one behave and carry himself that projects confidence and value that makes one attractive. And if I still get myself worry over the opinion of a girl (or a few girls), it only means I have much to improve upon myself. Cause if I'm not there yet.. it simply means I'm not there... and I'll still not get the girls I want even if I'm 10yrs younger.
In other words, its not the age but who you really are that matters. Make sense?
Let me add on with an example... .........
Being Alpha, we shouldn't place too much importance on any particular woman. Being Alpha also means we should not compromise our own integrity for the sake of some young pussy. Yes, we may sometimes lose a few chicks who have a certain age preference, but lying about our age is like considering ourselves not good enough for her. And I refuse to believe that.
Hi bro fun_n_pleasure,
Excellent posts. You hv answered ur own questions.
I like to reiterate that nothing else matters if a man has formidable Dominant Self Mastery n Emotional Control.
Bro WB
08-01-2011, 11:13 AM
Wat do you expect from these women, they leech off the WLs for a living
That's Y i always tell bros to tip the gals direct
It is not an uncommon practice that if you pass the tips to the mommy or the ST fees to the mommy that it'll be taxed by the mommy!
Bro BYBJ, retired from 3 Feb???
CNY resolution huh... nice to see all still active at DC
08-01-2011, 11:17 AM
You hv rightfully pointed out that no patron can be 100% sure that his BAOee is faithful to him. Not just re a BAOee, the same should apply to GF/mistress/er nai/lover/OC, etc. But hiring a good PI is as good as it gets. But why bother? I simply appear suddenly n unexpectedly at our place (I hv the keys).
Any experienced bros hv any better idea?
Mummies as a group can still be very useful. For example I may call a mummy who doesn't know me to book my mistress. Having several HPs could be most helpful, hehe.
There is much greater uncertainty if a GF continues to work...
There is no absolute certainty in life n I'm happy to live w/ it. In fact, certainty n uniformity would be too boring.
Additionally, no pussy is unique or special. There will always be younger, fresher n prettier ones...
Yes, dominant self mastery is the secret to happiness and all good things in life...
Bro WB
Back from year end duties as Daddy ... I think u answered yourself on the topic above. We cannot really b sure abt anyone's loyalty, period - esp if she continues to work. The gal IMHO is constantly on the lookout for certainty - she's battling the both the economic clock (to earn as fast as she can) and her looks (they age much faster than us batang). "Trust, but verify" as they say in US politics. I, too, ensured I had a duplicate key when I had my first long term RS in the Singapore phase years ago. Later, I got a place in the Mainland and located RS1 n her folks there. No better way to hv my own security with the parents around to police their golden goose daughter - old folks know better not to piss off the sugardaddy! Tapping the mummy intelligence network works too.
As for happiness despite any possible betrayal, I think "self mastery" remains the valid technique to use. For instance, if the friggin WL really decides for one reason or another to back out or really delivers a back stab, with the mental confidence that one can just get another and better one quick as she can say 我错了, we can just tell her to FO and move on. Better still, it would be the right time to start promoting any others in the reserve list up ($$ allowing, I have often found it good to have a reserve list of different styles/ characters and sex habits).
After honging around with PRC MM for some time and going through a number of MM one learns pretty soon that better prospects are always around and coming from the mainland so there is NO REASON to shed a tear or sink into depression or recrimination if any of us run into a setback. If anything doesn't turn out right, just say say "fuck it, it don't mean nuthin - drive on". I am assuming of course that we're in this for the sexcapades and not for a life long partner.
I think the same kind of devil may care attitude gives the baoee a lot to worry - and that is a power tool over her too. She needs the $$$, the pressure of work is less, keeping her worried that easy money is gonna dry up real fast is a major deterrent against betrayal unless some guy in Bill Gates' league offers to bao her!!!
08-01-2011, 11:31 AM
Bro BYBJ, retired from 3 Feb???
CNY resolution huh... nice to see all still active at DC
Wat to do.........but when your sifu tells u, dun like also must do.....
08-01-2011, 12:10 PM
I hv some new thoughts on COS n sex mastery which may be controversial. Of course a man can use his tongue n fingers only to give a gal endless COS. No big deal really as even a female or eunuch can give her the same pleasure. In my personal experience, using my tongue n fingers is only the prelude to the real thing. Perhaps it's more psychological than physiological, but some of my mistresses appear to derive more pleasure when I'm fxking them long n hard. They never seem to hv enuff n always want my didi in their pussies for longer!
Unfortunately, I seldom last longer than 20 min. According to some gurus, a man needs to last 60 min or longer to really rock a gal's bottom.
According a Jewish guru, the prerequisite to be a sex master is a man's ability to fxk a gal for a least 60 min vigorously n continuously, the longer the better.
Bro WB
Actually, I agree that for some reason, the gal needs to get the ol dickie in there to feel complete. All my baoees/ FBs etc have commented on that whenever our pillow talk moves to sex. Was talking to my Singapore gal FB last year and she said that the quality of her cums in her pussy depended on whether it was a cock or a finger stimulating her to orgasam.
In my trigger happy 30s I usually had to discard load 1 real quick - so after using the finger/tongue routine to get her to have multiple cums, I would ram her quick and shoot. Load 2 would naturally take a while so had no problem lasting. My old boss then, watching porn with me in London one day, was commenting that the dude dicking away, musta shot his load sometime back and was being filmed on Load 2 ... always remembered that comment and could relate to it.
Now that the clock has moved me into the next decade, I somehow developed some dickhead immunity so can go pretty long without shooting. For instance, when back for fuckathons in China with my mainland baoee, the first hour is pretty quick - once she cums, I'm shooting wild all over her ovaries. In the loast trip, we were in bed the whole am after landing at Pudong, shot twice - headed for a meeting in the pm, charged back to the room by late pm, dicked her without coming for an hr. We headed out for dinner a movie and was back tearing her clothes off for a 2 h session before shooting and sleeping.
The rest of the days were more like as follows: start off with a good morning poke (might as well, since I almost always get up with an early am erection - but, no cum for me), off to breakfast n work (she is the type that gets shagged into stupor by orgasm - so I order in for her). Back by the pm and a repeat of the 1st day pm/night routine more or less. 1 shot a day usually, after day 1.
The China baoee is a real long term investment - checked out clean and so we do it w/o CD and in every style possible. Contrasted with the cautious moves here with potential baoees, ST flicks, FBs with no commitment etc back here, I kinda notice the sex quality is different and my interest in bonking is less intense than with the mainland baoee. it may be the following issues that also affect our "lasting" -
(a) CD effects - dun like the way the bloody sensation, especially when entering, is dulled by the CD barrier. With my mainland baoee, one of the best sensations we have is in keeping the dickhead right at her entrance when she's wet and rimming it, entering a few cm only in and out and gently rubbing against her lips until we both buay da han and then ramming it home: the way her eyes flick wide open and her gasping - wow, million dollar moment. If the gal in SG is not the wet type, damn, it's always a challenge and a sex thrill killer for me to have to try to re-enter and probe. Get sian quite fast.
(b) Firing position: I started noticing that whilst I could last, there were times I was having trouble shooting. Finally discovered with the mainland baoee, that there was a certain position, missionary style, where I had to have her head off a pillow and flat on the bed, grabbing her chest and she hooking her arms under mine and hugging real tight, her legs being straight and on the inside and mine just outside, but pressing her legs inwards and increasing the tightness round her lovehole. Whilst ramming continuously and frenching, I found that I could crack didi's resistance and shoot real fast. Tried that with a couple of FBs in SG and seems to be the right firing position. So that's what I avoid if I wanna go on and on without shooting. Handy to know a good firing posn 'cause when having a few STs early this year and finding myself unable to fire, it was kind of frustrating as the WL would be shagged out, throwing up reasons to end the fuxk session and I would be finding it unsextisfying to leave without shooting.
(c) Sex thrills: was with a SYT stunner in SG once, had dinner and ego boost with the number of heads turning and went off to bonk. Dicked her with CD and all, she came kinda fast a couple of times but with my sensations dulled I did not cum. Stupid a/c was kinda low so I was dripping a little and she was obviously a little sensitive to the beads of sweat on her. Got kinda sian and stopped to adjust the a/c. Re-entry was challenging and from the way she was sending body lang signals, could tell she was being a bit reticent. Can't really blame her as we are new to each other. She wasn't too much into advanced sex: frenching (3/10 type). Cunnilingus? Couple of flicks and she jams her thighs claiming not to be used to it, too degrading for 老公 to go tunnelling below etc etc. Lil bro was soon on strike. Diplomatically maneouvred an end to the session. Got a little troubled thinking if the problem was with me. Decided to do an experiment: on way back, called one of my regular massage FBs, got there - told her I was tired, she gave a good sexy rub, BJ and before long, under all the sexy moves and thrills, lil dickie was like the cock of my 30s, capped and was ramming her till she was calling for mercy after cumming a few times. I adopted firing position and voila - done, one big load fired off. Now re-assessing whether to continue with the SYT. There was some discussion some threads back about whether sex with MILF/ SYT was better - the drawback with SYTs (at least those that I had) has been their frigidity and lower inclination to experiment. Trouble is I think a lot of sex is mental: so if the gal is acting real sexy, lasting is not gonna be an issue. If only finding sex kitten SYTs weren't so hard for me in SG ... :(
08-01-2011, 02:00 PM
To bro MoralEpitome,
Nobody is implying that uni gals are young and foolish or they're not horny. With due respect, but I don't get your point... cause they may be horny, but are they still horny once they know your age is 40+ (just an example cause I dont know your age). I guess the answer is yes and no. It is obvious that many of you senior bros here are still banging young chicks, so the question really is how (beside showing lots of cash)?
Bro sexonair, thanks for making some really good points. I do understand that girls generally prefer mature guys... but we're taking abt 21-22 yrs girls and the guy is not 5, but more than 15 yrs her senior.
Anyway the background to this discussion is to just have fun together and don't want commitments. I'm not rich but making above average income.
You know, as I typed this... my mind start to clear and it seems like I found the answer to my own question. I have half a mind to just delete everything, but decided to post it anyway. It's useful to review my own progression, and perhaps others may find it useful too.
So the answer actually digs deep into who I REALLY AM... goes back to the question of self-mastery. It's not about Age, but about how one behave and carry himself that projects confidence and value that makes one attractive. And if I still get myself worry over the opinion of a girl (or a few girls), it only means I have much to improve upon myself. Cause if I'm not there yet.. it simply means I'm not there... and I'll still not get the girls I want even if I'm 10yrs younger.
In other words, its not the age but who you really are that matters. Make sense?
Fun Bro...glad that you found the answer yourself! you are always the best person to discover the answer...I was half joking with you when I said the uni girls are horny well they probably are but it probably doesn't pertain to your what we discover age is probably not a barrier to lust and love....if you are really serious about her then of course you have to be honest to her about your age...if you are just in the dating liking stage I suggest get to know each other better and go with the flow first...
Cheers! have a good weekend!
09-01-2011, 09:43 AM
Have been quited interested by the reference to perceived male dominant scale etc here by Sifu Warbird and decided to google for more info. Came across two ebooks by a Mike Pilinski called "Without Embarrassment" and "She is yours for the taking".
Anybody has any comments on the usefulness of the books? Thanks.
09-01-2011, 05:19 PM
......I think u answered yourself on the topic above. We cannot really b sure abt anyone's loyalty, period - esp if she continues to work. The gal IMHO is constantly on the lookout for certainty - she's battling the both the economic clock (to earn as fast as she can) and her looks (they age much faster than us batang). "Trust, but verify"............Tapping the mummy intelligence network works too.
As for happiness despite any possible betrayal, I think "self mastery" remains the valid technique to use................
After honging around with PRC MM for some time and going through a number of MM one learns pretty soon that better prospects are always around and coming from the mainland...............I am assuming of course that we're in this for the sexcapades and not for a life long partner.
I think the same kind of devil may care attitude gives the baoee a lot to worry - and that is a power tool over her too. She needs the $$$, the pressure of work is less, keeping her worried that easy money is gonna dry up real fast is a major deterrent against betrayal........
Hi bro Dragonkeep,
Well said.
I'm keenly aware that there r many, many SYTs of my type in PRC, whereas there r very few here in SG.
The value of a SYT drops by at least 70% once she is back in China. So many STYs want to spend 3-4 nights w/ me in HK n China! The list includes my 1st BAO-ee XW, hehe. She is already 23 n is of little value to me at this time.
My new year resolution: Move to PRC within 12 months n spend at least half my time there every yr.
Actually, I agree that for some reason, the gal needs to get the ol dickie in there to feel complete. All my baoees/ FBs etc have commented on that whenever our pillow talk moves to sex. Was talking to my Singapore gal FB last year and she said that the quality of her cums in her pussy depended on whether it was a cock or a finger stimulating her to orgasam.
Now that the clock has moved me into the next decade, I somehow developed some dickhead immunity so can go pretty long without shooting....................dicked her without coming for an hr. We headed out for dinner a movie and was back tearing her clothes off for a 2 h session before shooting and sleeping.
.................................................. ...
The China baoee is a real long term investment - checked out clean and so we do it w/o CD and in every style possible...........
......................There was some discussion some threads back about whether sex with MILF/ SYT was better - the drawback with SYTs (at least those that I had) has been their frigidity and lower inclination to experiment. Trouble is I think a lot of sex is mental: so if the gal is acting real sexy, lasting is not gonna be an issue. If only finding sex kitten SYTs weren't so hard for me in SG ... :(
Hi bro Dragonkeep,
Ths for sharing ur experiences n insights.
Dicked her for over an hr? You're very fit! It would be too tiring for me unless the gal is on top. Even a young healthy 19 yo gal like KK would be completely exhausted after being on top for abt 30 min.
Have been quited interested by the reference to perceived male dominant scale etc here by Sifu Warbird and decided to google for more info. Came across two ebooks by a Mike Pilinski called "Without Embarrassment" and "She is yours for the taking".
Anybody has any comments on the usefulness of the books? Thanks.
Hi bro grouchycabi,
I'm a lifelong student, not a sifu.
Yes, I read the old edition of "Without Embarrassment" which is good for men who r naturally timid n shy when interacting w/ pretty women. I hv the new edition n the new ebook "She is yours for the taking" but hv not read them yet.
Mike Pilinski is certainly above average among the many, many Ang Moh gurus. I also hv his audio program "Kickass Confidence in 18 Days" but I hv been too busy to listen n practice.
You could purchase them online.
IMHO, all seduction n sex programs will work if u hv confidence n self mastery. Nothing will work if u dun.
Hv a great day!
Bro WB
10-01-2011, 08:34 PM
My new year resolution: Move to PRC within 12 months n spend at least half my time there every yr.
Bro WB
Well said!
However a word of caution.
They are on home ground.
Never let your guard down.
Bonk Bonk !!
11-01-2011, 05:24 PM
Dear bro Warbird, thank you for your input. They're always hitting the nail on the head. I wish I now have that level of self-mastery you talked about, so far, I only have a slight gleams of what it's like. Nevertheless its a good goal to work myself towards.
Bro MoralEpitome, I'm just looking for an open relationship without commitments. I prefer sex with some emotions but nothing too serious. I believe in not cheating the gal's feeling in the process of having fun, hence will be up-front with her before the sex.
Bro Dragonkeep, do you know how many people wish to have that kind of "super power" like yours. Ability to f*ck for hours and giving the girls orgasm after orgasm... i can't believe you're actually complaining :cool:.
Much to learn from all you masters ;)
12-01-2011, 11:32 AM
Well said!
However a word of caution.
They are on home ground.
Never let your guard down.
Bonk Bonk !!
Hi bro,
Ths for ur word of caution.
Personal safety is my main concern in PRC.
Dear bro Warbird, thank you for your input. They're always hitting the nail on the head. I wish I now have that level of self-mastery you talked about, so far, I only have a slight gleams of what it's like. Nevertheless its a good goal to work myself towards.
Dear bro fun_n_pleasure,
I'm a serious student of self mastery.
My obsession n passion is to achieve absolute self mastery, hehehe. it's power is truly beyond imagination...
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Another auspicious day!
I hv read many ebooks on seduction, RS n sexual techniques written mostly by Ang Moh gurus. I only hv had little practical experience but I can confirm that their principles r mostly correct.
What I write below is controversial n may be offensive to some bros. It's just my 2 cents...
A former mistress KX has been in SG for over a month n I hv refused to BY her. I was obsessed w/ her when I 1st met her, didn't sleep well bcos I wanted to bonk her very badly...managed to keep her for a month before I left for Gotham City.
Fast forward to the presence. She is no longer my type as she has lost abt 3kg. The other negative is that it's difficult to make her come. Only bonked her once n booked her once to KTV in the past month. Ironically she is now obsessed w/ me. She said she missed our happy time together, even cried a few times. She asked if I hv a new GF, etc. The other day she told me I could pay what I used to give her by 30% less n she would stop working completely, just want to be w/ me. Even for 1 wk is OK.
Her behaviour is very common n predictable. All females including WLs want something they can't get. They all need validation to soothe their fragile ego, hehehe.
Earlier KX couldn't get the visa to return to SG n had to go to Golden Sands in Jakarta. Then when she got a singer pass (non-singing type) to come here, I refused to foot the bill. She was very angry n called me names. 你答应的事情,没有做到,真是缺德啊. 你要知道你只是在新加坡养我,回国了,你生活费都不给我,你也没有把我当是你老婆,是只身体需 要的一个人. She left her luggage here in a rented rm n asked me to keep it for her which I initially refused. 你是不是人啊,说好帮我去拿行李又不是. 我告诉你,我之前和你说过,要你帮我去拿行李的,多出来的钱,我不会理你的,没见过你那么说话不算数的人, 又不是不还你钱,难怪没有女人和你一起.(I told her abt my former mistress KK falling in love w/ a fellow student.)
My reaction? I was unfazed, unmoved n unflappable, hehehe. Now she wont leave me alone!
When a gal gets upset n angry w/ u for whatever reason, what do most men do, if she is someone they like?
The nice guys will try to apologize, suck up to her n pacify her. The jerks or bad boys will get angry n may become verbally n even physically abusive. Others will get upset n fight back or at least try to explain...
They r all immature little boys w/ a mature, even aging bodies.
A real MAN must remain unmoved, unfazed n unflappable. Listen actively n reflectively n say I see or I hear u, I understand u...if u r clearly wrong, admit it once n move on as if nothing has happened. If she is clearly wrong, just tell her calmly n leave.
Your reaction will make u stand out among all the "little boys." It's very, very attractive to her n she can't help it. Every gal is always looking for a reliable n trustworthy provider n protector, at her subconscious mind. If a man is emotionally unstable n can't even master himself, he can NEVER be a reliable provider. What protector? He is just a "little boy" who needs protection himself!!
My favourite mistress TC was very upset w/me the other day bcos...I was wrong, hehehe...U know my she knows I'm radically different from ALL the men she has ever met.;)
Not long ago I asked TC why she wanted an ah pek like me to take care of her. Right timing she said. When She first came, quite a few men wanted to BY her. There was a man in his 30s who made a generous offer. But at that time she cherished her freedom n besides she could make the same money working w/o going out. She started losing some hair a few months ago n attributed it to late nights n liquor consumption. She was looking for a way to quit n I showed up at the RIGHT TIME. The other reason she accepted my offer was that I appeared trustworthy...
She NEVER thought she would ever become my mistress at first. I met her on the 2nd day I arrived here on a Fri. I tipped her only $150 for HH n she thought I was a miser. The following Mon I met a grp of agents at PC who were trying to get a student visa for my other mistress. They invited me to go to DC HH. I didn't find any gals of my type there n called TC at 7PM when she just arrived at LV. She said she wont come, it was too far, etc. No, No. I offered to pay her $200 n ordered her to get her butt to DC n she came, haha.
Good day!
Bro WB
12-01-2011, 05:26 PM
Hi bro,
Ths for ur word of caution.
Personal safety is my main concern in PRC.
Bro WB
Hi Bro,
If you are going to China, may I suggest you hire a trustworthy driver cum bodyguard. Choose one who recently "retires" from the PRC army or police force.
When I was in China on business trip, my Boss there assigns me his driver. He was right behind me watching and guarding me when I hit the walking street.
12-01-2011, 08:36 PM
Hi bro,
Ths for ur word of caution.
Personal safety is my main concern in PRC.
Then cities like Shanghai and Beijing will be better for you. Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc can be very "messy".
12-01-2011, 09:35 PM
In singapore you can pick those gals at any disco n not to be worry. but if you are in overseas, better think twice as the gals would be dangerous especially in china.They just planning to rob or extort money from you as they know that you are not local.I just came back from Guanzhou, there is a bit dangerous.
13-01-2011, 02:34 AM
Dear bro Warbird,
Thank you for taking the effort to share with us your real life examples. Many times we know the principles what we should do intellectually, but emotionally we don’t know what to do and how to do. While the only way to really grow and improve is to experience it in the real world, your life experiences with specific examples are particularly useful in shedding light to this subject… especially in the Asian context.
It is my privilege to have this chance to learn from you. Thank you sincerely.
An update to the development with the uni girl…
I’m really quite fond of this girl and was very hesitate initially, but I told her my age and she was a little surprised. Taking bro WB advice, I steadied myself emotionally and prepared for the worst. But, all was not lost because she later told me that a number of her school mates in smu are also dating guys above the age of 35. That came as a pleasant surprise and she told me they actually have a slight preference for men 35 and above... something about us being more mature and less BS. Was she simply trying to make me feel better, or was this phenomenon pertaining only to smu, I don’t know… but it was sure good to know.
Tonight we did not do anything crazy. I send her home after our drinks and we took a taxi because I don't drive. Upon reaching her home, I gave her a light pat on the cheek before she go. She gave me a hug and kissed me back on the cheek.
So much for worrying… everything went well after all ;)
13-01-2011, 09:35 AM
Bro F&P, pls do allow me to share my very newbie noob comments for you to digest below.
Again, it's all based on my 2 cents worth and if at anytime anything seems offensive to you, i apologise and want to clarify that there was no intention to be offensive at any point.
I’m really quite fond of this girl and was very hesitate initially
This is a very important that you penned down here.
It is essential that everything is penned down so no one is swayed from the truth thus advises can be sent out spot on with extreme effect and guidance.
Yes, fondness is the very beginning for the WANT to pursuit but have you quantified how fond she is of you in the 1st place?
The very basis of this thread is to ascertain that their wants for you is greater than your want for her.
but I told her my age and she was a little surprised.
Taking bro WB advice, I steadied myself emotionally and prepared for the worst. But, all was not lost because she later told me that a number of her school mates in smu are also dating guys above the age of 35. That came as a pleasant surprise and she told me they actually have a slight preference for men 35 and above... something about us being more mature and less BS. Was she simply trying to make me feel better, or was this phenomenon pertaining only to smu, I don’t know… but it was sure good to know.
Very good indicator.
Preference of matured men can only be broken down to the several factors below:
1) Mental Stability
2) Wisdom
3) Ability to take care of woman's needs
4) Emotionally secure
5) Financial Stability
6) More patient
7) Married
8) Understanding the NEEDS & WANTS of women
Every item above tells a story!
The story tells you what the woman really wants outta this and its very important to reflect.
Know which one, and the game is a no brainer liao
The younger generation of today is in hot pursuit of brands.
Many will not hesitate to have a sugar daddy to help them achieve their WANTS!
Tonight we did not do anything crazy. I send her home after our drinks and we took a taxi because I don't drive. Upon reaching her home, I gave her a light pat on the cheek before she go. She gave me a hug and kissed me back on the cheek.
So much for worrying… everything went well after all ;)
Always anticipate their next move, never be relaxed mentally though physically, we may appear to be very happy, at peace or calm.
I sense there will be more to be revealed in the near future bro.
Time to bring her to some extravagant places for meals and drinks and expose her to the high end side of life.
Soon, the truth will reveal itself before your very eyes and ears!
女人都是一样的, 只是张得不一样!
I await in anticipation for the revelation of this one!
13-01-2011, 12:26 PM
Dear bro DO_YOU_BJ,
No offense taken at all.. I don’t see why it should be taken that way. I appreciate that you’re saying I should be careful not to be KC by this girl, if I read you correctly.
Before I decide to come out to play, I’m prepared that someone’s gonna get hurt… including myself. However, there cannot be no growth if I’m afraid of being hurt and shut myself up. So the best is to learn from you senior bros, thread carefully and minimizes any damage to all parties in the process.
I’m clear in my head that I’m not looking for any long-term relationship in this. What I would like to achieve is a certain level of self-mastery, in this game and more so in life. Spending lots of money on the girl to get sex is not what I had in mind. If she walks away, so be it… Hence, I’ll avoid bringing her to extravagant meals and drinks unless its for some special occasions only.
I admit my approach towards this thing has been rather immature thus far. I knew, not that I don’t… that I’m like a baby swimming with the big sharks here. Your topic of discussions are interesting while mine is noob and boring. But I have to be thick-skinned and jump in there cause how else can I learn?
I hope bros here will bear with me. I always appreciate your feedback as long as it’s well-intended, and not necessary what I want to hear. I’m serious about learning, not here to get validation.
Hence no offend at all, keep them coming.
13-01-2011, 12:57 PM
Hi bro DO_YOU_BJ,
No offense taken at all.. I don’t see why it should be taken that way. I appreciate that you’re saying I should be careful not to be KC by this girl, if I read you correctly.
Before I decide to come out to play, I’m prepared that someone’s gonna get hurt… including myself. However, there cannot be no growth if I’m afraid of being hurt and shut myself up. So the best is to learn from you senior bros, thread carefully and minimizes any damage to all parties in the process.
I’m clear in my head that I’m not looking for any long-term relationship in this. What I would like to achieve is a certain level of self-mastery, in this game and more so in life. Spending lots of money on the girl to get sex is not what I had in mind. If she walks away, so be it… Hence, I’ll avoid bringing her to extravagant meals and drinks unless its for some special occasions only.
I admit my approach towards this thing has been rather immature thus far. I knew, not that I don’t… that I’m like a baby swimming with the big sharks here. Your topic of discussions are interesting while mine is noob and boring. But I have to be thick-skinned and jump in there cause how else can I learn?
I hope bros here will bear with me. I always appreciate your feedback as long as it’s well-intended, and not necessary what I want to hear. I’m serious about learning, not here to get validation.
Hence no offend at all, keep them coming.
Kudos to your open mindedness bro, as such, respect respects.
WL or not, women are all the same.
They only belong to 3 categories.
One in search for luxury or one who has not been exposed so she doesnt know what she's missing.
The last & most noble, no matter how much exposure, wont be swayed by materials...this i call wife material!
Now before you embark on self mastery, you must understand what it takes to be a master at this game.
Money of course but then again, whatever char bor we sian, we need some form of investments la lol
To be a master of this arena, one must know what is he after.
Sex slave?
Service Provider?
Most importantly, one remembers that, as long as he's not looking for a wife, even if FB, its just for fucks, so, in this light your term
Before I decide to come out to play, I’m prepared that someone’s gonna get hurt… including myself. However, there cannot be no growth if I’m afraid of being hurt and shut myself up.
I wud conclude is wrong in terms of approach.
In this game, you r Alpha and a predator & they all are nothing more than meat, prey or lambs for your pickings.
Yes, you may like her in some way, but that's it.
No one says you are to hide in a shell but you have to be always EXTRA cautious and anticipate her every gesture, move and words she speaks.
They all tell a story and if you can master it, you'll know their game plan already.
Be it noble or purely to gain something.
Learning here is a start, but sadly, all theoretical, thus without walking the baptism of fire, one will not be able to master this art without polishing their sword ya;)
We are all the same, but what makes a master of this game different from the rest is actually simple.
It's all MindSet!
The chase or pursuit is the most exciting part, and once the bedroom part has begun, the master also knows it's already the beginning of the end.
Go knock yourself out bro:D
13-01-2011, 06:33 PM
You’re too kind with your words already. And thank you once again for your generous sharing.
I’m not too sure which of the 3 type of women this girl belongs to yet. But I’m almost certain she’s not those “innocent” type. She is intelligent and beautiful, and I believe she probably have guys hitting on her all the time. From our interactions, I might even suspect she’s quite a player herself, hence I’ll try to be careful.
But whether or not she’s a player, my aim is still to enjoy each other company and have fun together... while trying not to be KC by her. Although I agree with you that we are the alpha and they the prey for our pickings, I just don’t like to a hurt another person’s feeling unnecessarily (sad for a few days is fine). So just fuck and forget is not really my style and I preferred to leave fond memories behind… not hatred or resentment. Although that would mean allowing myself to be emotionally vulnerable too, I’ll just take the risk. I guess this is part of self-mastery, else I would have taken the easy way out and just use lies and trickeries to get my goals.
As you rightfully said, one need to go thorough the baptism of fire before he can progress to the next level. I’m very lucky to have found you guys to support me along somewhat.
Thank you all, and I wish you guys best of luck too ;).
13-01-2011, 06:47 PM
You’re too kind with your words already. And thank you once again for your generous sharing.
I’m not too sure which of the 3 type of women this girl belongs to yet. But I’m almost certain she’s not those “innocent” type. She is intelligent and beautiful, and I believe she probably have guys hitting on her all the time. From our interactions, I might even suspect she’s quite a player herself, hence I’ll try to be careful.
But whether or not she’s a player, my aim is still to enjoy each other company and have fun together... while trying not to be KC by her. Although I agree with you that we are the alpha and they the prey for our pickings, I just don’t like to a hurt another person’s feeling unnecessarily (sad for a few days is fine). So just fuck and forget is not really my style and I preferred to leave fond memories behind… not hatred or resentment. Although that would mean allowing myself to be emotionally vulnerable too, I’ll just take the risk. I guess this is part of self-mastery, else I would have taken the easy way out and just use lies and trickeries to get my goals.
As you rightfully said, one need to go thorough the baptism of fire before he can progress to the next level. I’m very lucky to have found you guys to support me along somewhat.
Thank you all, and I wish you guys best of luck too ;).
Just remember, if you dun wanna hurt someone, though noble, have you ever tot the same went thru the other person's mind at all????
You're in good hands here, I'll leave you to the guidance of our very own Guru, Master WarBird.
Do keep updating and no censorship please hahaha
14-01-2011, 12:05 PM
Hi Bro,
If you are going to China, may I suggest you hire a trustworthy driver cum bodyguard...................
Good advice, bro. I'm going to HK/SZ soon n will be accompanied by a Hongkie fren n his driver.
If I settle in Xiamen, my ancestral hometown, not sure if getting a chauffeur cum bodyguard is a good idea as I may draw unwanted attention. The best is to try to blend in n become invisible...difficult to do if I keep 2-3 SYTs under one roof.
Then cities like Shanghai and Beijing will be better for you. Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc can be very "messy".
Ths for ur info.
SZ at this time of the yr is dangerous even for my Hongkie fren who is well connected. He told me there r 4 million plus migrant workers in the city n many will do almost anything just to get some money to go home for the CNY.
In singapore you can pick those gals at any disco n not to be worry. but if you are in overseas, better think twice as the gals would be dangerous especially in china....
Ths for ur advice.
Dear bro Warbird,
Thank you for taking the effort to share with us your real life examples. Many times we know the principles what we should do intellectually, but emotionally we don’t know what to do and how to do.....
It is my privilege to have this chance to learn from you. Thank you sincerely.
An update to the development with the uni girl…
I’m really quite fond of this girl and was very hesitate initially, but I told her my age and she was a little surprised...........
........ She gave me a hug and kissed me back on the cheek....
Dear bro fun_n_pleasure,
I dun deserve ur effusive praise. I'm merely quoting a few paragraphs from some Ang Moh gurus n narrating some of my very limited BY-ing experiences.
Knowing n doing r totally different...
Bro F&P......................
Again, it's all based on my 2 cents worth and if at anytime anything seems offensive to you, i apologise and want to clarify that there was no intention to be offensive at any point.
Yes, fondness is the very beginning for the WANT to pursuit but have you quantified how fond she is of you in the 1st place?
The very basis of this thread is to ascertain that their wants for you is greater than your want for her.
Very good indicator.
Preference of matured men can only be broken down to the several factors below:...........................
Every item above tells a story!.............................
The younger generation of today is in hot pursuit of brands.
Many will not hesitate to have a sugar daddy to help them achieve their WANTS!
女人都是一样的, 只是张得不一样!
My dear Mr. Chairman,
I'm in awe of ur keen insights n analytical prowess in man-woman RS...
You're a Dr. House of pussies just like the famed doctor in the popular TV serials in Gotham country, hehehe.
Thank you!
Dear bro DO_YOU_BJ,
No offense taken at all.. I don’t see why it should be taken that way. I appreciate that you’re saying I should be careful not to be KC by this girl, if I read you correctly......................................... ...........
I’m clear in my head that I’m not looking for any long-term relationship in this. What I would like to achieve is a certain level of self-mastery, in this game and more so in life. Spending lots of money on the girl to get sex is not what I had in mind. If she walks away, so be it......................
I hope bros here will bear with me. I always appreciate your feedback as long as it’s well-intended, and not necessary what I want to hear. I’m serious about learning, not here to get validation.
Hence no offend at all, keep them coming.
The key here is self mastery.
Knowing what type of gal she is would be helpful. Pls take no offense as I know many pretty local students r FLs n/or hv sugar daddies. I know of a law student who is a FL...
You’re too kind with your words already. And thank you once again for your generous sharing.
I’m not too sure which of the 3 type of women this girl belongs to yet. But I’m almost certain she’s not those “innocent” type. She is intelligent and beautiful.........................
But whether or not she’s a player, my aim is still to enjoy each other company and have fun together... while trying not to be KC by her.....I just don’t like to a hurt another person’s feeling unnecessarily (sad for a few days is fine). So just fuck and forget is not really my style and I preferred to leave fond memories behind…...............
You hv the right mindset, bro.
Ironically, the fact that u hv no intention to KC her may actually make her fall for u. She cant help herself, hehehe.
Just remember, if you dun wanna hurt someone, though noble, have you ever tot the same went thru the other person's mind at all????
You're in good hands here, I'll leave you to the guidance of our very own Guru, Master WarBird.
Do keep updating and no censorship please hahaha
Mr. Chairman,
Bro fun_n_pleasure is quite an experienced cheongster.
I'll be happy to share my musings w/ him, but calling it guidance would be quite far-fetched.
We wish him the best n would like to learn of his progress.
I'll also appreciate ur further comments n opinions on this or any other case studies.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good day!
A gal of my type may not remain so for long. A few wks or few months could make a big difference. If she loses her youthful looks or loses or gains weight...or her skin is darker, etc.
Therefore, one man's meat today is often his poison tomorrow.
I wonder if there r many bros who share the same problem as I.
I hope TC will not be my poison when I see her again.
I'm completing my 2nd month w/ TC. I'm still very fond of her. She is certainly one of the best fxks I ever had. I hv overpaid her a bit n I hv bought expensive gifts, something I hv never done before. She is also my lucky charm...
She has given me many constructive criticisms. You're over cautious, she says. Yes, for one thing I hv been too cautious n conservative in my investments n, as a result, hv made a lot less profit.:(
She just recovered from a bout of flu w/ bad coughing. I hv continued to spend lots of time w/ her n I hv not been infected thus far.
Brought her to DC HH yesterday n met a dear fren, an old towkay J. Mr. J was surrounded by 2 young gals as usual. Luckily, TC is not his type as he prefers short n petite gals. Despite that he commented that I had good taste n that TC was "classy." I told him that I was still "chasing" her, hehe.
Mr. J is much older than I. He is quite successful n well-heeled bcos of his self mastery. He is unflappable n always smiling. I praised him for his "round n smooth/slick" personality, for his diplomatic approach to life, haha. He has worked hard to bring a project to fruition n I thanked him for his effort. I wish I could be more "round n smooth/slick" like him. Seriously, he is my role model!
Bro WB
14-01-2011, 12:37 PM
My dear Mr. Chairman,
I'm in awe of ur keen insights n analytical prowess in man-woman RS...
You're a Dr. House of pussies just like the famed doctor in the popular TV serials in Gotham country, hehehe.
Thank you!
My dear Guru WB, you flatter shy shy
Just came in to do my part.
You've been busy hehehehehe:D
14-01-2011, 05:17 PM
Dear master WB,
The girl girl in your avatar must be TC ?
Nice and chio woh.
Bonk Bonk
15-01-2011, 01:20 PM
Bro Dragonkeep, do you know how many people wish to have that kind of "super power" like yours. Ability to f*ck for hours and giving the girls orgasm after orgasm... i can't believe you're actually complaining :cool:.
Much to learn from all you masters ;)
Thx bro - but getting down to earth n to dispel any myth - the bonkathons with my mainland baoee work probably becoz (a) I have the marathon with her once a month (b) we dun have a CD barrier (c) I kinda found the shooting trigger so I just avoid it (barring the first shot on reunion which is usually buay tah han) (d) sex with her is still pretty kinky.
At my age, I have had some times when the bloody WL had been too ngiao like refusing to kiss, making some off the wall comment about sweat etc etc or worse, if I have to change CDs mid-job, - the dickie gets quite disinterested quick ... if I accidentally start mentally comparing the sex with my mainland baoee - sheesh, that even saboed one HJ session with my favourite masseuse at CXY Jalan Sultan (since shut down) once: though she pumped the ol dickie sore, I could not shoot!!
Anyway, following Sifu WB's comments in this thread, the supply of SYT targets is quite tight here I gather (have been quite unable to snare a good one for some time), so have been complaining about finding enough willing and able SYTs.
15-01-2011, 01:34 PM
Bro WB...I am finding it increasingly difficult to be excited by sex...and find it harder and harder to cum as I am just so bored by most women....women who excites me are forbidden fruits whom I can't touch....any ideas? hehe
Wha lou kawan, sounds like my age 40 phenomenon that I shared above. It's like the dickhead becomes less sensitive - plus and minus points to that: we can last longer (read about women commenting on this as a reason why they prefer older men or even married men for that matter who have "tamed" their dicks versus younger tricky happy bros) - but the downside is having long "bonks to nowhere" - i.e. being unable to cum at the end.
I read somewhere too that porn stars say that one of their main qualities sought after is the ability to "fire" on cue. Dunno if there is any science to this, but one solution I shared above was to locate a release position that can break down the didi's resistance.
Just had a couple of ST sessions this wk with CD with two gals from CI (3rd lf TAM complex) 2 days apart - did not cum during the first one though we dicked for quite a while, as I was eyeballing an ST with the other soon after (and knowing that I needed to keep didi in good firing condition). Hooked up with the other one 2 days later and the shooting posn seemed to work even with the CD on - largely because of the "freshness" factor of the bonk and her sexiness (frenching was great).
Dunno what "forbidden" fruit ya referring to - mebbe the lacklustre feel to sex is that mental factor: - might wanna try plucking it or something close to it? The brain might just send all the right signals to the firing department downstairs.
17-01-2011, 01:01 PM
QUOTE=DO_YOU_BJ;5588061]My dear Guru WB, you flatter shy shy
Just came in to do my part.
You've been busy hehehehehe:D[/QUOTE]
My Dear Mr. Chairman,
Please continue to share ur vast battle-proven experiences n wisdom w/ all of us.
Yes, I hv been very busy, but nowhere as busy as you, hehehe.;)
Dear master WB,
The girl girl in your avatar must be TC ?
Nice and chio woh.
Bonk Bonk
Bro TigerB,
No, the gal in my avatar is BB.
Thx bro - but getting down to earth n to dispel any myth - the bonkathons with my mainland baoee...........
Anyway, following Sifu WB's comments in this thread, the supply of SYT targets is quite tight here I gather.............
Hi bro Dragonkeep,
I like bonkathons but I find it difficult to dick a gal for more than 30 min. It's very tiring...n my didi may become insensitive n refuse to cum.
Supply of chio SYTs is down, in large part due to our Gahmen's new stricter visa policies. Many r still eager to come here.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good afternoon to all samsters!
After 2 months of fxking TC, I still find her highly attractive n sexy w/o makeup, in her bedroom...Rashomon effect? Gong Tao? Luckily she is leaving soon.
I like to share a recent article by another Ang Moh guru:
Before and After Photos of Victoria’s Secret Models
You see a beautiful woman, and you instantly freeze up. You feel like you *should* be doing something, but instead you just stand there with your dick in your hand.
One thing to keep in mind, is that a pretty face is usually a PAINTED face.
The face you see on the pretty girl is typically not the ACTUAL face you get in the morning.
And the girl you perceive as being a “9” or a “10” is simply a good trickster and actually more like a “7” in actuality.
Miranda Kerr
As an example, I present teen sensation and Victoria Secret’s model Miranda Kerr.
Here’s a glamour photo of Miranda with professional makeup and lighting.
In my opinion, her face at least is a solid 9 or 10. Pretty enough to sell women a dream, that they too can be sexually desirable.
Here’s a picture of Miranda with professional makeup, but under more normal lighting. Still very hot. If you saw her walking down the street, you’d think to yourself, “Wow, wicked cute!”
Now let’s take Miranda under normal lighting and WITHOUT makeup. As you can see, she’s still cute, if only because of her sheer youth. BUT she pretty much looks like any other college chick you’d find on any college campus.
Quite often, it’s almost purely the MAKEUP, her painted face, that is what makes a woman “pop” and look “hot”.
This isn’t come kind of new phenomenon. Take a look here at before makeup and after makeup of Marilyn Monroe. Professional makeup literally makes her look twenty years younger.
Don’t Be Fooled!!
Women can easily fool the male brain into thinking she has more reproductive value than she actually does – making her look much younger and healthier than she really is.
The reality is, most women eat poor diets that makes their skin unhealthy and look bad, and they lead sedentary lives that leaves them lanky with bad postures or get fat.
Women use the fast magic bullets of their clothes and makeup that mask that and fool naďve men.
That’s why really pretty girls are often VERY FRIENDLY to your advances. The WOMAN knows how she REALLY looks back to home without all the dress-up, and she’s actually very INSECURE about her looks.
You can exploit this “glitch in the Matrix” to your advantage...
And that’s why when some guy comes up and opens her directly with a compliment in a relaxed style with a smile, she’s typically quite attracted. The beautiful woman is typically looking for approval of herself from men, and they’re easily attracted to direct men who go for what they want.
So don’t let that pretty face fool you. Treat women the same, and you’ll break through the painted exterior to the real woman underneath.
Mr. Guru
20-01-2011, 11:47 AM
Good morning!
In investing n BY-ing, luck n randomness appear to play a major role...n sometimes certain events r predestined.;)
In late April 2010, I was a bit disheartened to find out that, while I was in Gotham City, my beloved mistress KK had fallen in love w/ a young fellow PRC student. However, 2 days later, I was pleasantly surprised to see my investment in a high tech start up A taking off like a rocket, hahaha.
A few months later my investment in another start up B, which I had high hopes for making a killing, got decimated. It nearly wiped out half my net profit in company A. In life, whether it's BY-ing or investing, no one can win every time, hahaha.
I returned to SG abt 2 months ago, met a fair SYT at TAM complex HH the next day. I found her to be very attractive n sexy, but aloof n cold. I was drooling over her youthful n sexy body. Called her 3 days later to invite her to DC HH but she didn't even know who I was! I told her X 大哥, she said, oh sorry, DC too far, not coming, n asked me to book someone else!?@#$!! Nevertheless she came reluctantly after I had promised to give her higher fee n drive her back to TAM complex for SH.
Last wk I asked her why she was so cold initially, didn't even remember me when I first called. She said, 你那时那么小气 ,早场才给150元,我根本不想坐你的台,所以没留你手机号码.
Despite her very poor first impression of me, due to a strange twist of fate which I shall not disclose,she agreed to be my full time mistress only 4 days after our 1st meeting, hehehe. The most difficult part was to find a nice n convenient place for us to stay, which took several days. The day I consummated my BY of her was a most fortuitous day. She was such a wonderful fxk, in addition to being very close to my perfect type of gal.
More importantly n to my great delight, my fortune took a turn for the better the very next day as several of my key investments started surging, hahaha. BTW, the gal is TC. She must be my good luck charm n my muse (of course I'll never tell her that). In return I hv been very generous w/ her, buying her several gifts...
She is going back to PRC very soon. She wants to return in late April when I'll be here again. I wonder if my lucky streak will continue in the interim.
At this time I like to share another email sent by my favourite Ang Moh guru:
OK, let's say that you've either just met a woman or are meeting
with her 1-on-1 for the first time (aka "going on a date with her").
Either way, for the purpose at hand let's assume that she has
already impressed your socks off.
In fact, you're thinking to yourself that if you ever have the good
fortune to see this woman naked you will have pretty much hit the
jackpot...literally and figuratively.
More specifically, how do you conduct yourself? What should you
say to her?
You know that if you talk about weather and politics you'll come
off as "neuter" and thereby FAIL at creating attraction.
So you've GOT to show her in some way that you're interested in
being MORE than "just a friend".
The problem is that you may have been told somewhere along the line
any (or all) of the following:
1) Make sure you knock her off her pedestal some by "negging" her.
2) Act indifferent toward she'll chase YOU instead of
And, of course, perhaps the most infamous strategy (or is that
"stragedy"?) of all...
3) NEVER give a woman a compliment...ever.
Now listen. I fully understand the thought process behind each of
those three tactics.
Sadly, most guys who are "newbies" when it comes to interacting
with women tend to come off like desperate, starving puppies when
confronted with a real, live opportunity to attract a hottie.
Such guys might start gushing about how beautiful the woman is to
them, sort of like Enos always did to "Miss Daisy" in The Dukes Of
Or what's arguably worse, they start bragging about anything and
everything possible in a feeble attempt to "impress" her.
So sure...each of the three strategies above are intended to put an
end to these basic destructive tendencies.
But at best, they're "stop gap" measures.
Since there's a lot of "grey area" in how best to create
attraction, there are potentially troublesome issues with each.
If and when any or all of them become habit, you'll soon find that
the proverbial pendulum has swung the opposite way...and that's not
Regarding #1 for example, what if she ISN'T exactly so "full of
herself" and in fact doesn't have the world's most rock-solid
She could take what you say seriously, no matter how playful you
are about saying it...and that would be counter-productive.
And yikers...MOST women aren't exactly paragons of self-esteem, no
matter how beautiful or generally sharp they are.
As for the second one, remember a woman is a human being just like
you. (Really...I promise.)
Knowing that, how do YOU usually read someone who acts utterly
disinterested in you? Thought so.
And the third one? Ask yourself if that's what you REALLY want out
of the interaction.
Are you the kind of man who honesty prefers to NEVER say something
positive to a woman that might actually LIFT her less-than-perfect
(read: normal and human) self-esteem?
Again, as a human being how excited would YOU be to hang out with a
woman who NEVER, EVER acknowledged you looked good, were talented,
or basically ever did anything right?
You and I both know that we as guys tend to show TONS of disdain
for women who are like that.
And it's equally safe to say that no woman is ever going to confuse
a guy who offers ZERO approval of her for anyone who has her best
interests at heart. You really can't instill a sense of safety
and security in her that way, can you?
So simply put, as you get better with women--as I trust you
will--you're going to want more effective ways to proceed.
Slapping a Band-Aid on the problem won't cut it.
Now, as you've observed guys who appear to be doing well with
women, I'm sure you've noticed something that might strike you as
somewhat odd.
They actually give women compliments. There's no denying it.
But here's the amazing part. Contrary to what all the "newbie"
guides you've read suggest, they actually GET SOMEWHERE with women
by doing so.
In fact, some guys can give women all sorts of complimentary
indicators of "approval" and still charm her to no end.
But wait, isn't that sort of "nice" stuff supposed to fail
Not so fast.
"Mr. Nice Guy's" problem is that he's on his best behavior because
he's either TRYING to "impress" her or he's worried about offending
her and LOSING her.
Meanwhile, those guys you've seen out there who know what they're
doing are speaking to a woman what they TRULY think about her for
COMPLETELY different reasons.
Usually, one such reason is that they are CONFIDENT that any woman
in her right mind should find them inherently attractive.
Therefore, there's no need to "impress" a woman. Compliments and
other clear demonstrations of interest are honest and sort of
matter-of-fact, actually.
But there's another reason why giving women compliments works FOR
these guys instead of AGAINST them.
Usually, guys who are effective with women give approval to them
when they've expressly EARNED it.
In other words, there's no "halo effect" when they interact with
ANY woman. There's no "pre-approval" of her as some sort of
goddess or something.
Guys who are good at this stuff wait until they hear about how she
donates her time to the homeless before telling her they're "proud
of her".
Similarly, they wait until she has done her hair up in a special
way just to go out on a date with him...and THEN they tell her how
beautiful her hair looks.
Can you detect the very clear difference between what's going on
there and the "Staving Chihuahua Syndrome"?
To spell it out, the difference between NEEDY, DESPERATE
compliments (or any needy, desperate attention, really) and the
kind of attention women LIKE is very clear-cut.
Needy, desperate guys give women approval based on FEAR OF LOSS.
What they are actually seeking is HER APPROVAL of them. They are
GIVING in order to GET.
This comes off as extraordinarily weak...not exactly becoming of a
masculine man who is both a provider and a protector.
Meanwhile, where there is NO fear of loss, compliments come off as
more heartfelt and genuine.
Because a man who is NOT desperate or needy is a chooser instead of
a chaser, the woman tends to actually feel PRIVILEGED to hear a
compliment from him. It means something to her.
Once again, let's talk in "human" terms rather than "man vs.
What kind of approval means more to you? The kind that's thrown at
you out of desperation (which may even come off as manipulation, if
you think about it), or the kind that is genuinely EARNED from
someone who means it?
Thought so.
If a woman is beautiful and talented, she wants to hear it from
you...but only after she knows you have a truly informed frame of
And by the way, since women follow your lead, it's especially
crucial not to turn the "newbie" strategy of "never giving a woman
compliments" into a lifetime habit.
Can you see why? That would be one miserable life together indeed.
Be Good,
20-01-2011, 05:16 PM
Have been quited interested by the reference to perceived male dominant scale etc here by Sifu Warbird and decided to google for more info. Came across two ebooks by a Mike Pilinski called "Without Embarrassment" and "She is yours for the taking".
Anybody has any comments on the usefulness of the books? Thanks.
Foreword: With due respect to this thread, Bro warbird and all Esteem Bros. Just 1 post here.
Hey Taxi Man,
You are in moderation cos you zapped Bros with your zapped remarks below:
"You, MoralEpitome, Ichigo Kurasaki and DYBJ blowjob cheebye really have nothing better to do whole fucking day than to post here again and again boasting about your fucking exploitations of the poor KTV girls? Chowcheebye you all hor gao gan lah!"
Now we all know who was the hidden zapper that been zapping us in this thread and hang flower joint thread.
Shame on you, man!
You are really "Without embarrassment" and go read up ebooks on manners, driving ethics and be kind to pets. :rolleyes:
20-01-2011, 06:36 PM
Foreword: With due respect to this thread, Bro warbird and all Esteem Bros. Just 1 post here.
Hey Taxi Man,
You are in moderation cos you zapped Bros with your zapped remarks below:
"You, MoralEpitome, Ichigo Kurasaki and DYBJ blowjob cheebye really have nothing better to do whole fucking day than to post here again and again boasting about your fucking exploitations of the poor KTV girls? Chowcheebye you all hor gao gan lah!"
Now we all know who was the hidden zapper that been zapping us in this thread and hang flower joint thread.
Shame on you, man!
You are really "Without embarrassment" and go read up ebooks on manners, driving ethics and be kind to pets. :rolleyes:
Bro 黒崎 一護,
Yah Lo. those who zap me also need too.
Bonk Bonk
23-01-2011, 11:34 AM
I like bonkathons but I find it difficult to dick a gal for more than 30 min. It's very tiring...n my didi may become insensitive n refuse to cum.
Supply of chio SYTs is down, in large part due to our Gahmen's new stricter visa policies. Many r still eager to come here.
.................................................. ...................................[/SIZE]
Tx Bro WB for the sharing about the length of bonking - I too had that problem. Bloody didi gets too desensitised after banging too long. Shared above a solution: to find your own special resistance cracking position. Seems to hv worked - last blasted my SG baoee w/ that technique on command, at a wonderful boutique hotel on Fri after holding fire for quite a bit.
"Supplyside" SYT economics: the MMSs have been giving me the year end CNY goin home scenario as their explanation for the low supply. Managed to find 4 Rabbits and nothing else these last 2 weeks. 1 at CI, had her and another real foxy MILF. Ended up ST w. the MILF (Dog yr) 'cause MMS gave intel that the Rabbit was the "display" type and I was not in a mood to splurge to buy her favours (nice bod, but face too plain to imagine outings w/this one). Met another Rabbit at CI - fresh fm Gansu, 2nd day at the job. Played strip dice w/her and ended up owning all her undies etc. Consummated ST later. Kudos to my MMS for all the background work - she knew that I was pretty horny that night, but got there too late to get any better ones.
Met 2 more student Rabbits (Liaoning & Jiangsu) at DC. Both fresh and sexy. Considering investing into the one from Jiangsu (I like the place for the convenience of flights into Pudong if we hit it off later and I promote her to a mainland baoee). Yet, still no real young SYTs!!
24-01-2011, 09:47 PM
learn alot from this thread. keep going.
25-01-2011, 11:28 AM
Foreword: With due respect to this thread, Bro warbird and all Esteem Bros. Just 1 post here.
Hey Taxi Man,
You are in moderation cos you zapped Bros with your zapped remarks below..................
You are really "Without embarrassment" and go read up ebooks on manners, driving ethics and be kind to pets. :rolleyes:
Bro IK, I really feel sorry for those who use profanity.
Bro 黒崎 一護,
Yah Lo. those who zap me also need too.
Bonk Bonk
Hi bro TigerB,
I dun understand why u got zapped so badly. I hv seen some of ur pics n read some of ur posts re CP. You must hv offended a lot of bros...
Tx Bro WB for the sharing about the length of bonking - I too had that problem. Bloody didi gets too desensitised after banging too long. Shared above a solution: to find your own special resistance cracking position. Seems to hv worked - last blasted my SG baoee w/ that technique on command, at a wonderful boutique hotel on Fri after holding fire for quite a bit.
"Supplyside" SYT economics: the MMSs have been giving me the year end CNY goin home scenario as their explanation for the low supply. Managed to find 4 Rabbits and nothing else these last 2 weeks.............Yet, still no real young SYTs!!
Hi bro Dragonkeep,
Ths so much for ur tip. I hv to find my personal "resistance cracking position."
There r really very few 18-19 yo SYTs who r my type in SG.
Happy bonking!
learn alot from this thread. keep going.
Hi bro,
Ths for ur encouragement. Pls share ur sexploits w/ us here.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
Everything in this Universe is changing constantly n human life is unpredictable n ephemeral. What to do if something negative happens to me? I'll remain unfazed, unmoved n unflappable. I'll accept it, live in the present moment and be happy, no matter what...hahaha.
My beloved mistress TC flew back to Fujian 4 days ago. I already miss her exquisite pussy, hehe. But something strange n inexplicable happened the day she left Changi. My most important investment took a significant plunge that very afternoon! The first time since I BY-ed her 2 months ago. This was one of my several key holdings which started rising the day after I consummated my BY. This key holding was continually making higher highs n lower lows until the day of her departure.
It continued to decline significantly yesterday. It's down a little yet again this morning...If it continues its steep descent, should I move to Fujian to be w/ TC?
Bro WB
25-01-2011, 02:09 PM
should I move to Fujian to be w/ TC?
You must be out of your freaking mind!
All for a CUNT!
Guru, time for a way overdue brain scan
25-01-2011, 02:22 PM
hahaha, bro WB, your Baoyee and your investments are not positively correlated. Don't be superstitious! My investments also kenna hit these few days, so its not the baoyee! Hahaha
25-01-2011, 06:58 PM
Hi bro TigerB,
I dun understand why u got zapped so badly. I hv seen some of ur pics n read some of ur posts re CP. You must hv offended a lot of bros...
It continued to decline significantly yesterday. It's down a little yet again this morning...If it continues its steep descent, should I move to Fujian to be w/ TC?
Bro WB
Hi bro,
It is very simple. Because,
1) There are sad folks here who are envious of those who have and are able to splurge on girls.
2) There are obstinate folks (mind you that these are high pointers) that cannot accept differing views and opinions.
3) There are ball-less folks who have the guts to zap but afraid to reveal their nick?
4) There are unstable folks here who will zap you and says Happy new Year !
4) For those who zap me with real good reasons stated. I admire them. Really.
It is OK for me. If these acts make them happy. Great. At least they get some amusement doing it and I have served my duty on the forum.
What is more important is my money growing and having more chio girls to bonk !
I like your style. Yes. Living China will open up a lot more adventure for you.
So..... GO LOH !!!!
Bonk Bonk
26-01-2011, 04:20 AM
............... should I move to Fujian to be w/ TC?
You must be out of your freaking mind!
All for a CUNT! ...............
sifu WB,
i do agree wif bro DYBJ.
jus my humble opinion if u dun mind... go to 'the place' 1st, then decide if u wan a fish, or an ocean full of fishes. :D
强中自有强中手,一山还有一山高... still believe there r still plenty of gems out there, jus need to be discovered tats all... ;)
also, believe wat happened probably jus coincidence. maybe it will back to normal the next day? probably jus need to focus & concentrate?
sorry sifu, guess i talked too much. anyway, stay positive ya?
26-01-2011, 10:37 AM
Good morning!
Everything in this Universe is changing constantly n human life is unpredictable n ephemeral. What to do if something negative happens to me? I'll remain unfazed, unmoved n unflappable. I'll accept it, live in the present moment and be happy, no matter what...hahaha.
My beloved mistress TC flew back to Fujian 4 days ago. I already miss her exquisite pussy, hehe. But something strange n inexplicable happened the day she left Changi. My most important investment took a significant plunge that very afternoon! The first time since I BY-ed her 2 months ago. This was one of my several key holdings which started rising the day after I consummated my BY. This key holding was continually making higher highs n lower lows until the day of her departure.
It continued to decline significantly yesterday. It's down a little yet again this morning...If it continues its steep descent, should I move to Fujian to be w/ TC?
Bro WB
My take is: Without women, we will all be much richer! But without women, money would have no meaning!
I saved up the most money in the 3 years I decided to focus on my career and have no oc/wls/prc mms....after that it was all downhill hahahaha
26-01-2011, 11:05 AM
You must be out of your freaking mind!
All for a CUNT!
Guru, time for a way overdue brain scan
Hi Mr. Chairman,
Hahaha...if I should move to Fujian, it's not for TC's cunt or any cunt, but for me n my key investment. Her cunt is expendable...
Ths for ur concern n sound advice. In the unlikely event that I fall in love w/ TC, I promise to heed ur advice n go for a MRI scan asap, hehehe.
hahaha, bro WB, your Baoyee and your investments are not positively correlated. Don't be superstitious! My investments also kenna hit these few days, so its not the baoyee! Hahaha
Hi bro fallen.angel,
Ths for ur insight.
I know it's all an amazing coincidence n I'm normally not superstitious, but what had happened in the last 2 months when TC was w/ me was truly incredible.
My key long term investment in Asia has done well over the yrs. It pays a nice dividend too. It reached all time high in 2007, but took a bad beating in 2008, rebounded strongly the next yr. In 2010 it was up n down within a narrow range, but was hovering 15-20% below 2007 highs all yr. Until the day after I consummated my BY of TC, when it announced unexpected good news n took off n made new highs after new highs! It had gone up n stayed up.
When TC left SG late last wk, in the same afternoon, the stock plunged! No news really thus far, but the decline has been a lot steeper than the overall markets' decline.
No, that is only the tip of the iceberg. Being w/ her for 2 months has brought me unexpected good fortune (including but not limited to a big unexpected dividend from a private co) which I shall not disclose, hehehe. BTW, I paid her well above the normal range plus expensive gifts. Whatever I hv given her is only a very minuscule fraction of what I hv been rewarded in net profit in the last 2 months!
Hi bro,
It is very simple. Because........................................... ........................
It is OK for me. If these acts make them happy. Great. At least they get some amusement doing it and I have served my duty on the forum.
What is more important is my money growing and having more chio girls to bonk !
I like your style. Yes. Living China will open up a lot more adventure for you.
So..... GO LOH !!!!
Bonk Bonk
Hi bro TigerB,
I admire ur candor. You must be a very young man. In life, it behooves us to be "round n slick" in dealing w/ everyone, in every situation...
There is certain accepted code of conduct at SBF. Remember this: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
Of course the best revenge is getting very rich n living very well, hehehe.
Let's find n bonk all the chio SYTs!!
sifu WB,
i do agree wif bro DYBJ.
jus my humble opinion if u dun mind... go to 'the place' 1st, then decide if u wan a fish, or an ocean full of fishes. :D
强中自有强中手,一山还有一山高... still believe there r still plenty of gems out there, jus need to be discovered tats all... ;)
also, believe wat happened probably jus coincidence. maybe it will back to normal the next day? probably jus need to focus & concentrate?
sorry sifu, guess i talked too much. anyway, stay positive ya?
Hi bro smartke,
Ths for ur insights n advice.
No, I hv no KC for TC. If I go to Fujian to be w/ her it's for the good fortune she brings me. I'll keep her (she is not that young at 22) n 2 other younger SYTs, hehehe.
If she no longer brings me good fortune, I'll discard her like any other bot meat.
Cheers to all esteemed bros!
Bro WB
26-01-2011, 11:18 AM
My take is: Without women, we will all be much richer! But without women, money would have no meaning!
I saved up the most money in the 3 years I decided to focus on my career and have no oc/wls/prc mms....after that it was all downhill hahahaha
Hi bro ME,
Yes, we lose money w/ most women. But TC has brought unexpected good fortune to me.
I'm going to give her 一点生活费 while she is in Fujian, amounting to abt 1/5 of what I was giving her in SG.
26-01-2011, 05:20 PM
Hi bro TigerB,
I admire ur candor. You must be a very young man. In life, it behooves us to be "round n slick" in dealing w/ everyone, in every situation...
There is certain accepted code of conduct at SBF. Remember this: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
Of course the best revenge is getting very rich n living very well, hehehe.
Let's find n bonk all the chio SYTs!!
Bro WB
Me not young lah.
Thanks for your advice and the advices of many esteem bros.
In real life, i am very different.
I am Mr. Nice Guy and accord respect to everyone.
Even to OKTs and their wards.:)
Bonk bonk
26-01-2011, 09:33 PM
Hi bro ME,
Yes, we lose money w/ most women. But TC has brought unexpected good fortune to me.
I'm going to give her 一点生活费 while she is in Fujian, amounting to abt 1/5 of what I was giving her in SG.
You are a kind man....I suppose sometimes to receive you need to I will learn from you and give more!:D
27-01-2011, 02:10 AM
Me not young lah.
Thanks for your advice and the advices of many esteem bros.
"Advice" is a non countable noun; you do not add an "s" to make it plural.
"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the Rice." You don't say "Please pass me the rices" because "Rice", like "advice", is a non countable noun.
There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to English Language Quiz - Countable or Non-countable Nouns (I-TESL-J ( and take the test.
27-01-2011, 05:45 AM
Hi bro fallen.angel,
Ths for ur insight.
I know it's all an amazing coincidence n I'm normally not superstitious, but what had happened in the last 2 months when TC was w/ me was truly incredible.
My key long term investment in Asia has done well over the yrs. It pays a nice dividend too. It reached all time high in 2007, but took a bad beating in 2008, rebounded strongly the next yr. In 2010 it was up n down within a narrow range, but was hovering 15-20% below 2007 highs all yr. Until the day after I consummated my BY of TC, when it announced unexpected good news n took off n made new highs after new highs! It had gone up n stayed up.
When TC left SG late last wk, in the same afternoon, the stock plunged! No news really thus far, but the decline has been a lot steeper than the overall markets' decline.
No, that is only the tip of the iceberg. Being w/ her for 2 months has brought me unexpected good fortune (including but not limited to a big unexpected dividend from a private co) which I shall not disclose, hehehe. BTW, I paid her well above the normal range plus expensive gifts. Whatever I hv given her is only a very minuscule fraction of what I hv been rewarded in net profit in the last 2 months!
Hi bro smartke,
Ths for ur insights n advice.
No, I hv no KC for TC. If I go to Fujian to be w/ her it's for the good fortune she brings me. I'll keep her (she is not that young at 22) n 2 other younger SYTs, hehehe.
If she no longer brings me good fortune, I'll discard her like any other bot meat.
sifu WB,
frm wat sifu has described, sounds like wat happened r no coincidence... now believe tat she really a 'good luck' charm.
probably do 1 final test, fly to FJ to meet her. if all/most investments have an immediate (or almost immediate) 'rebound', then its really proven tat she is sifu's 财神婆. hehe... :p
27-01-2011, 10:41 AM
Me not young lah.
Thanks for your advice and the advices of many esteem bros.
In real life, i am very different.
I am Mr. Nice Guy and accord respect to everyone.
Even to OKTs and their wards.:)
Bonk bonk
Hi bro,
Don't be a Mr. Nice Guy. Be a MAN w/ formidable emotional control n self mastery.
Let's go out there n bonk all the chio SYTs!
You are a kind man....I suppose sometimes to receive you need to I will learn from you and give more!:D
Don't be too kind n dun give more to WLs!
I hv been very generous to TC, not for her cunt, but for my unexpected good fortune.
"Advice" is a non countable noun; you do not add an "s" to make it plural.
"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the Rice." You don't say "Please pass me the rices" because "Rice", like "advice", is a non countable noun.
There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to English Language Quiz - Countable or Non-countable Nouns (I-TESL-J ( and take the test.
Hi esteemed bro sammyboyfor,
Ths for the English lesson.
sifu WB,
frm wat sifu has described, sounds like wat happened r no coincidence... now believe tat she really a 'good luck' charm.
probably do 1 final test, fly to FJ to meet her. if all/most investments have an immediate (or almost immediate) 'rebound', then its really proven tat she is sifu's 财神婆. hehe... :p
Hi bro smartke,
I truly believe that TC is not only my "good luck charm" n 财神婆 but also my muse. The more I give her the more ( a lot more actually) I get in return, hehehe. Incredible but true.
Additionally, although she is young n not well educated, she has given me insights n revelations that hv inspired n greatly benefited me...
My key investment has stabilized after 2 days of precipitous decline. It's still a lot higher than the level 2 months ago. I hv no plan to go to Fujian at this time. I want her to come back when I'm here in late April.
My other mistress is BB, the Fujian gal in my avatar, who is 1 /2 yrs younger than TC n just as chio. I give her less bcos my fortune has been unaffected by her. She is behaving just like a wife n wants to know my daily activities n whereabouts.
Bro WB
27-01-2011, 03:15 PM
Hi bro smartke,
I truly believe that TC is not only my "good luck charm" n 财神婆 but also my muse. The more I give her the more ( a lot more actually) I get in return, hehehe. Incredible but true.
Additionally, although she is young n not well educated, she has given me insights n revelations that hv inspired n greatly benefited me...
My key investment has stabilized after 2 days of precipitous decline. It's still a lot higher than the level 2 months ago. I hv no plan to go to Fujian at this time. I want her to come back when I'm here in late April.
My other mistress is BB, the Fujian gal in my avatar, who is 1 /2 yrs younger than TC n just as chio. I give her less bcos my fortune has been unaffected by her. She is behaving just like a wife n wants to know my daily activities n whereabouts.
Bro WB
ya sifu, i rem commented tat ur avatar gal is pretty & cute, but bad move frm BB on the "know my daily activities n whereabouts" part.
probably 'act' like a wife; ie.. cook & care for u; is ok, but to the extend of... maybe she needs to be reminded of the situation again b4 things got carried away. jus my humble opinion.
cheers... :)
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