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21-07-2009, 08:42 AM
Yo, bros.

Just got a lobang last nite.

However, I never enter the lobang yet nor have I seen the chick offering the lobang. So, commandos needed! Also, since I am not OKT and sponsor, this thread would not live long because of the market-spoiling rates.:rolleyes:

Thus, bros better fast hand fast leg grab hor! After that, you want to be her TS also up to you.

Anyway, her stats are thus:

Name: Switha
Nationality: Singaporean
Age: 24
Ht: 161cm
Wt: 54kg
Boobs: B-cup
BBBJ: $40
FJ: $60
Overnight (10 hrs): $150

Sorry, I can't rate looks and standard because, like I said, never saw before because I no money until 30th. :D

Where's our commando unit?:p

21-07-2009, 10:37 AM
bro.. pmed u liao..

21-07-2009, 10:52 AM
Bro, care to share.................

21-07-2009, 11:06 AM

PMed you. Please share her contact. Thanks.

21-07-2009, 11:16 AM
Okay, bros.

Contact sent out. Please give FR to me hor! If this thread taken off, PM me the FR instead. I want to know whether this lobang good or not. Most importantly, LOCATION! If some fuck obiang place then sibei dulan.

Hopefully around Kovan. :p

21-07-2009, 11:24 AM
hi bro

mind sharing? Just pm u :o

21-07-2009, 11:24 AM

I fast hand and fast leg called but she is not in Sillypore. SMSed her and will wait for her reply.



21-07-2009, 11:42 AM

I fast hand and fast leg called but she is not in Sillypore. SMSed her and will wait for her reply.



Bro, I called her and she got pick up phone leh... I also PMed you. :p

But thanks to you, I heard her voice. I only contact her via SMS last night so I was afraid might be ladyboy or Sherine. :D

Heng she sound like a minah. Strange... I thought she Indian...

Anyway, she's on the way to meet one of you bros liao. Sibei fast! Hahaha!

Remember to FR hor!

If ugly and/or service fucked-up then we can forget about this FL.

Cheers to the Red Beret!

21-07-2009, 11:48 AM
Haha i am the first to try here. She a typical Indian. She staying at the north and so am i. Get her to come my home.
Try her bbbj..must say it is very good..worth trying. She has a tattoo above her left breast.

Looks - 7/10 quite sweet looking.
Figure - 7/10 shapely figure.
Boobs - B- but firm and nice to hold.
BBBJ - 8/10 with good deep throat.
FJ - Not yet.
French Kissing - Yeah she does.
BBBJ - 40 + 10(cab fare)
Will RTF her again..

21-07-2009, 12:00 PM
bro, can share her ctc? Thanks it advance

21-07-2009, 12:18 PM
1st blood FR!

You are hereby awarded the Cheonging Ranger Wing, bro Loever! :D

That means other than the location (North is bad for me), she sounds not bad leh! :p

BTW, most important, bro Loever... got CIM or not?!:eek:

Oh, and one more thing, bros... please adhere to the following:

A) Never tell her about SBF! If she come here and see her lower pricing, she'll up her price!
B) Never tell her to up her price! Think of the other bros with lower budget!

21-07-2009, 01:11 PM
Haha i am the first to try here. She a typical Indian. She staying at the north and so am i. Get her to come my home.
Try her bbbj..must say it is very good..worth trying. She has a tattoo above her left breast.

Looks - 7/10 quite sweet looking.
Figure - 7/10 shapely figure.
Boobs - B- but firm and nice to hold.
BBBJ - 8/10 with good deep throat.
FJ - Not yet.
French Kissing - Yeah she does.
BBBJ - 40 + 10(cab fare)
Will RTF her again..

You are hereby awarded the Cheonging Ranger Wing, bro Loever! and I shall reward u with 6 bananas.....


21-07-2009, 01:31 PM
Haha i am the first to try here. She a typical Indian. She staying at the north and so am i. Get her to come my home.
Try her bbbj..must say it is very good..worth trying. She has a tattoo above her left breast.

Looks - 7/10 quite sweet looking.
Figure - 7/10 shapely figure.
Boobs - B- but firm and nice to hold.
BBBJ - 8/10 with good deep throat.
FJ - Not yet.
French Kissing - Yeah she does.
BBBJ - 40 + 10(cab fare)
Will RTF her again..

wah liew bro C101 u sibeh good leh like that also can intro gem...Kudo to Bro Loever can convince a FL to come to your place. But then u never FJ can share any particular reason?

paisay kaypo a bit

Joe Fox
21-07-2009, 01:37 PM
kudos to TS and Commando

this lady will b a gd choice for bros who want
to try indian girls...

btw is she slim or bah bah type?



21-07-2009, 01:42 PM
bro.. PM send... waiting for your reply

21-07-2009, 02:02 PM
You are hereby awarded the Cheonging Ranger Wing, bro Loever! :D

That means other than the location (North is bad for me), she sounds not bad leh! :p

BTW, most important, bro Loever... got CIM or not?!:eek:

Oh, and one more thing, bros... please adhere to the following:

A) Never tell her about SBF! If she come here and see her lower pricing, she'll up her price!
B) Never tell her to up her price! Think of the other bros with lower budget!

Bro, no use de.
Sure will hv ppl tell her de.

21-07-2009, 02:48 PM
Bro can i have her contact, please. Thanks inadvance.

21-07-2009, 02:59 PM
You are hereby awarded the Cheonging Ranger Wing, bro Loever! and I shall reward u with 6 bananas.....

Ooi! Bro Monkey! Why you swing here? :p

Bro, no use de.
Sure will hv ppl tell her de.

Sigh... then lan lan lor... So we better fuck her jialat jialat while the price is still low or we will have to PCC instead liao.:D

Bros, please do not spoil the already spoiled market!:mad:

21-07-2009, 03:52 PM
Yo, bros.

Just got a lobang last nite.

However, I never enter the lobang yet nor have I seen the chick offering the lobang. So, commandos needed! Also, since I am not OKT and sponsor, this thread would not live long because of the market-spoiling rates.:rolleyes:

Thus, bros better fast hand fast leg grab hor! After that, you want to be her TS also up to you.

Anyway, her stats are thus:

Name: Switha
Nationality: Singaporean
Age: 24
Ht: 161cm
Wt: 54kg
Boobs: B-cup
BBBJ: $40
FJ: $60
Overnight (10 hrs): $150

Sorry, I can't rate looks and standard because, like I said, never saw before because I no money until 30th. :D

Where's our commando unit?:p

Bro, can hv her ctc????

21-07-2009, 04:01 PM
Bro can have her FTC as well I pm u ald...thx

21-07-2009, 04:02 PM
Bro, can hv her ctc????

As long as you use the word "please" and don't make it sound like I owe you, why not? :rolleyes:

And please don't quote the whole post unnecessarily.

21-07-2009, 04:12 PM
Bro lover, she fair type or those charcoal black type? Sorry if my question offends anyone cause dont know how to pharse it better le..

21-07-2009, 04:19 PM
thanks for the contact..
once i try i will put up the FR..

21-07-2009, 04:19 PM
well another way to put is..

whether she is north indian type or south indian type?? :D

21-07-2009, 05:40 PM
hi bro can pm me contact

Teo Ken
21-07-2009, 06:21 PM
Thanks TS for the prompt reply for her contact. Just came bk for a session with her a brand new taste of indian spicy. Short FR of Switha SYT look with slim body unlike most indian women. Clean looks with sparkling eye.
Age: ard 25
Bobbs: B (hand filling)
BJ: 8/10 (power bbbj)
Pussy: clean shaven (good for licking)
French: 5 (only light touch)
FJ: 7.5/10 (light moan)
Overall good experience for first time on indian girl. She gentle and have to build your own redem. Negative point bath on yr own.
RTF: Yes

21-07-2009, 06:36 PM
Yo Bros,
Well done,u had written a very tempting forum,appreciate u can share the ctc, have not try Indian B4, thanks in advance.

21-07-2009, 06:44 PM
Thanks for FR, bro Teo Ken.

Hmm... SYT Indian eh?

BTW, is she the fair type, brown type or dark type as what the oter bros asked? :p

Clean shaven pussy some more ah... wah lau eh... get pay must faster try already.

Thanks for information, bro!

In the meantime, I'll still give out contact until one of the hidden OKTs steal her from us and price her fucking high high or SBF decides to pull out this thread because it's killing the other OKTs' business (which I hope not since this one is Tandoori and not Char Siew)...

And bros, if my Inbox is full, please don't bombard my Visitor message hor! Just update in this thread (unless it no longer exists). You can PM the other bros who up FRs here also for her contact (you bros who post FRs kena sabo... sorry :p).

21-07-2009, 06:46 PM

You have mail :)

21-07-2009, 06:58 PM
hi TS i want to try indian. can you kindly PM me her contact? thanks in advance!

21-07-2009, 07:11 PM
Hi Bro, please PM me her contact. Thank you very much

21-07-2009, 08:11 PM
interesting thread!!!!!!!!!!

21-07-2009, 09:12 PM
In the meantime, I'll still give out contact until one of the hidden OKTs steal her from us and price her fucking high high or SBF decides to pull out this thread because it's killing the other OKTs' business (which I hope not since this one is Tandoori and not Char Siew)...

nnkc...so r u still the TS:confused::D

21-07-2009, 09:19 PM
PM sent :)

parking here for contact :D

21-07-2009, 10:33 PM
Sorry bro... I accidentally sent you private message... Can i have her contact pls. Thanks a million bros....

21-07-2009, 11:10 PM
hi ts have pm-ed you. =)

21-07-2009, 11:13 PM
Hi bro, please PM me her ctc. Thanks.

21-07-2009, 11:41 PM
Hi bro, please PM me her contact.Thanks. :D

21-07-2009, 11:43 PM
wah,local chapati.never try b4 leh.any bros can pm me her nos.:D

21-07-2009, 11:43 PM
Pse pm her contact to me. many thanks

21-07-2009, 11:49 PM
Bro, can hv her ctc???? Tnx

21-07-2009, 11:55 PM
hi bro TS, may i have her ctc please? 10q:)

21-07-2009, 11:56 PM
Bro Virileblood, do you mind to pm me the contact pls. Thanks a million

21-07-2009, 11:59 PM
did sms her this evening but never reply till now... haha

22-07-2009, 12:03 AM
Can i have her contact ?

22-07-2009, 12:40 AM
bro can i have her contact tooo... thanks in advance

22-07-2009, 12:53 AM
Thanks TS for the contact. I fast hand fast leg had her for lunch at about lunch time. Selected hotel is at Koven. I took the full package and lucky for me I had a bath together with her. Overall a very good bonk and CIM. Not too sure how the other Bro beat me to it as she took a bus down from North.

Looks : 6.5 / 10
Boobs : B-
BBBJ : Initially only BJ but I encourage her to give BBBJ
and suck hard as I wanted a CIM
Pussy : Clean shaven. I love it
FJ : Real good
RTF : For sure. Really worth the money.

Please do not over pay her as what TS had mentioned. Value for money.

22-07-2009, 12:58 AM
Bro dont mind sharing her contact.. Have sent you a PM.. Thank You :p

Any bros whom can get her pic uploaded would be even good..

22-07-2009, 01:01 AM
Dear Bro,

I interested...kindly PM her contact
Thank you iin advance.

22-07-2009, 01:01 AM

Can i have her number too... Never tried indian before hahaha...


22-07-2009, 01:03 AM

Please PM her contact.


22-07-2009, 01:06 AM
can i please have her contact too? thank you very much TS or any bro who PMs it to me! :)

22-07-2009, 01:07 AM
Hi TS,

Can pm the ctc.


22-07-2009, 01:11 AM
...I never enter the lobang yet nor have I seen the chick offering the lobang...because I no money until 30th...

...I want to know whether this lobang good or not...

...she sounds not bad leh!...think of the other bros with lower budget!

...better fuck her jialat jialat while the price is still low...

...Hmm... SYT Indian eh...Clean shaven pussy some more ah... wah lau eh... get pay must faster try already...

knn you TS yet never try and can tell you super gian from all the hidden notes :p:D
since you TS, how about I sponsor this one for you (although i also not very rich) as a bribe, you train her good then we all get to enjoy better quality serivce :p :)

22-07-2009, 01:20 AM
Bro pm you for her contacts,thanks in advance

22-07-2009, 01:24 AM

Pls share contact..tnks

22-07-2009, 01:50 AM
Can pm me her contact?:D..sounds good..north may b near by my place=D

22-07-2009, 08:25 AM
Wa lao eh... mua liao! Mua liao! Stop the PM bomardment liao! For this thread, no need to PM me! :p

You all can ask from the other bros who also got her contact! I give full permission to spread it around! I think from the SMS she sent me last night, she won't mind that!:D

So, no holds barred! At least for this thread alone, let's do it like how we used to in Delphi! Of course, bros who have her nos., please be discreet with whom you send the contacts to, just in case it's a pesky journalist or hidden OKT.

22-07-2009, 08:38 AM
Wa lao eh... mua liao! Mua liao! Stop the PM bomardment liao! For this thread, no need to PM me! :p

You all can ask from the other bros who also got her contact! I give full permission to spread it around! I think from the SMS she sent me last night, she won't mind that!:D

So, no holds barred! At least for this thread alone, let's do it like how we used to in Delphi! Of course, bros who have her nos., please be discreet with whom you send the contacts to, just in case it's a pesky journalist or hidden OKT.

Would greatly appreciate the Contact.... thanks :)

22-07-2009, 08:56 AM
bro Cheonging101 pm me for her contact please!!! shes gonna be the first indian im gonna try! thank u in advance hehe

22-07-2009, 10:07 AM
KumSia to Bro Cheonging101 :D Managed to try her...Sorri for late FR :-

Looks: 6.5/10 (Typical Indian but pleasant looking)
Body: 6.5/10 (Slim)
Breasts: 6/10 (B and not for boobs lover)
BBBJ: 6.5/10 (Nice deep throating)
Damage: As stated by TS
Overall: 6/10 (Cheap and can do but not my cuppa tea)

22-07-2009, 01:11 PM
Hi Bros, pls send me her contacts. aways wanted to try an indian 1.. =P THANKS!

22-07-2009, 01:44 PM
any kind bro can pm me her ctc. thanks in advance.

22-07-2009, 03:17 PM
I think she must be veri busy now coz i pm her in the morning until now still no news yet....:(

22-07-2009, 03:20 PM
KumSia to Bro Cheonging101 :D Managed to try her...Sorri for late FR :-


Overall: 6/10 (Cheap and can do but not my cuppa tea)

Like I told you in the PM, you drink Chinese Tea one mah!

Suddenly change to Teh Lassi of course feel strange, right? :D

Oops... I better no TCSS in this thread. My PM in box might explode.

Anyway, have given out contacts to 50+ bros for her today.

22-07-2009, 03:24 PM
Like I told you in the PM, you drink Chinese Tea one mah!

Suddenly change to Teh Lassi of course feel strange, right? :D

Oops... I better no TCSS in this thread. My PM in box might explode.

Anyway, have given out contacts to 50+ bros for her today.

Thanks bro, for sharing her contact.. Tried smsing her no reply.. Lol now i might know why 50+ bros contacting her she might be having a hard time.. But this is a good find and nearby me too.. Will post my FR once i've tried her.. :D

22-07-2009, 03:39 PM
This gal will be so busy that it might takes a long while to book her and hopefully price will still be the same.

22-07-2009, 03:46 PM
This gal will be so busy that it might takes a long while to book her and hopefully price will still be the same.

Ya loh.... she look like very busy with good business, already change my appointment 3 time from yesterday to today :( Hope when I manage to up her, the price will be the same with no change :)

22-07-2009, 03:51 PM
She said she will sms me today to confirm the timing till no still no reply....sian maybe find other girls liao.

22-07-2009, 04:28 PM
bros, can anyone pm me her number plzzzz...thank u

22-07-2009, 07:38 PM
thank u bro Cheonging101 for the contact. have upped u and will post fr once tried!

22-07-2009, 07:45 PM
She said she will sms me today to confirm the timing till no still no reply....sian maybe find other girls liao.

That's the kind of spirit we all should have!:D

22-07-2009, 07:46 PM
hi bro can pm the contact.thanks

22-07-2009, 07:55 PM
Bro, pls PM her contacts, Thanks.

22-07-2009, 08:05 PM
Can i have her contact ?

22-07-2009, 08:47 PM
Any kind bros can pls share her contact?

Staying in the north sound good. hehe

22-07-2009, 09:03 PM
bro.. pls p me her ctc pls?? i wan to try overnight!!!

22-07-2009, 09:55 PM
Hi bro,
keen in trying indian flavour man...
someone give me her number pls?

22-07-2009, 10:02 PM
can i have her contact pls?

22-07-2009, 10:32 PM
hey..can i get her contact pls?

22-07-2009, 11:31 PM
any kind hearted bros can pm me her contact pls ?

Wa lao eh... mua liao! Mua liao! Stop the PM bomardment liao! For this thread, no need to PM me! :p

You all can ask from the other bros who also got her contact! I give full permission to spread it around! I think from the SMS she sent me last night, she won't mind that!:D

So, no holds barred! At least for this thread alone, let's do it like how we used to in Delphi! Of course, bros who have her nos., please be discreet with whom you send the contacts to, just in case it's a pesky journalist or hidden OKT.

22-07-2009, 11:33 PM
hI BRO, sounds very interesting. Could u share her contact no wit me too?
cheers :cool:

22-07-2009, 11:37 PM
Any kind bros to share the ctc? pls pm me!

Daddy Wankee
23-07-2009, 12:04 AM
Bro TS, can i have her ctc?

23-07-2009, 12:22 AM
hey bros care to pass her no.....

23-07-2009, 12:23 AM
Can any bro please PM me her contact, very keen to try a indian lady... Thanks alot...

23-07-2009, 12:36 AM
yes can also share the ctc to me? pm me thanks

23-07-2009, 09:30 AM
Wah lan eh... please dun flood my mailbox... ban ban lai... She is local girl, won't disappear after 1 month lah... :rolleyes:

23-07-2009, 10:21 AM
That's the kind of spirit we all should have!:D

Bro, thanks for your comment. But i still want to try indian girl that i never try b4. Juz have to wait patiently.

23-07-2009, 10:31 AM
I have pm and called her 2 days ago but till now still cannot get a slot.......:(
I thinking of give up liao......:confused:

23-07-2009, 10:53 AM
I have pm and called her 2 days ago but till now still cannot get a slot....
I thinking of give up liao....

To tell the truth, I have given her contact to more than 150 bros till today.

I am not surprised you didn't get a slot from her. :D

If you give up then we all get one lest person to snatch her. Sorry, although sound mean but it's a reality! :p

And I'm getting a lot of PMs asking me why she never reply your SMS.

See above remark about me sending out her contact to more than 150 bros? That should answer your question.

So, please refrain from sending me PMs about such things. I am not her OKT so I don't control nor do I know her timing, price, availability, service level and what-not. You're just wasting my time and yours. Also, my PM inbox is already full enough without these kind of PMs cluttering up like spam. :mad:

23-07-2009, 11:03 AM
wah lan brother.. got such good lobang must really share!:D

23-07-2009, 11:07 AM
Plz do not flood my mailbox too...I'm not TS and also not her OKT..as of now, i've alreadi deleted her contact as she's not my cuppa tea...so Bro Cheonging101, any meimei contact for me? KumSia :D

23-07-2009, 12:09 PM
can also share the ctc to me? pm me thanks

23-07-2009, 12:47 PM
OMg... long queue liao :p

23-07-2009, 12:47 PM
wow ... ... thanks TS cheonging101 for sharing the contact, thanks for trusting me despite me not being very active for the past 1.5 years due to work committment.. ..

i muz say before my F/R that bros out there who had sexxion with her pls do not mention anything about SBF , as she asked me did I get the number from the internet.... but being a old n season cheongster, I act blur ... huh ??? what internet ??? u mean u publish your number in the internet ???? I got it from my long time friend . ... not internet.. .. :rolleyes:

ok, bros, pls, to protect the good value for money, do not mention anything ok. ... ;)

my F/R :

... .. like I said, it's been a long time since I am active in SBF.. ... I used to be a very horny Tee Ko and log in everyday.. .. lol...

feeling so horny after reading so many steamy F/Rs by bros here, I came across TS cheonging101 thread.. .. wow... Indian Gal !!! that's what I wanted to try for so long... managed to get the contact and I started to sms here last night. ... but no reply... so I went G land for recee.. ... hmmmm seems that AV very efficient nowadays, G land is not very busy... did not find any target... as a result, came home and PCC 2 time n fell asleep while watching WWE.. .. lol.... ...

still my horniness did not get over me this morning, woke up... log into my favourite forum SBF again... dick ichy... started to read F/Rs and stories... KNN.... very Horny again... seems I got too much reserve.. ..

then... something happened.. .. OMG OMG OMG... Indian reply : sorry there last night i was asleep !!!! woooweeeeee !!!!! few SMS exchanges and drove to pichk her up ... ... bros anyone every tried driving with a hard dick ?? lol... cannot concentrate... beat 1 red light... oops... any MaTA here ???

first sight : not bad at all... not really dark like all bros agree... quite pretty i should say above average looking gal... she stay near my place, so I suggested my place, for local, I am more daring, for PRC, I never bring home.. ..

chit chat a bit and start actions... with cat bath... everything she does gets extra points from me as this is the first time I try local indian gal... although I am old cheongster... but I just do not come across them so often.. .. :D

proceed to give didi a power BBBJ... not much suction but I like it, the BBBJ is natural... GFE good... almost cum and stop her... then I proceed to cat bath her... wanted to eat her pussy badly but she stopped poiletly... maybe NIMPAY old liao... not yandao... so no choice.... my regret that until today I had not eaten a local indian pussy. ... :mad:

capped and fire... missionary... KNN maybe I too horny or first time sexxion with local indian gal too excited... less that 2 minutes game over.. KNN.. .. lol.. ...but what can I say, thanks to bro cheonging101, my long time dream of a sexxion with local indian is realise...

ratings :

looks : 6.5 / 10
body : 6.5 / 10
nehneh :b to c i think...with very dark nipples... wooweeee... i eat non-stop
BBBJ : 8 / 10 (additional points for my virgin BBBJ by local indian gal)
FJ : 7 / 10 (as I shoot too fast... lol...)
attititude : 7 / 10 (friendly but I got not much chemistry maybe me Lau cock she young gal don't like... lol)
AR / AJ : no
Painting : cannot leh... wanted badly
Pussy : clean shaven, no smell

Thanks again bro cheonging101 for sharing, I had upped your points..

23-07-2009, 01:36 PM
wow seems like bro van gogh had loads of fun. I'm still waiting for her response man.

guess she's too busy alr. :D:D

23-07-2009, 01:42 PM
hi bro could i get her ctc? only try indian food so far, now must try dessert. thanks

23-07-2009, 02:00 PM
Hi, can i have her contact pls:D

23-07-2009, 03:22 PM
bro i am new here can i have her contacts?

23-07-2009, 05:36 PM
Bro VanGogh, why you PCC while watching wrestling TWICE? :eek:

Hahahah! The smell of curry masala pull you out of hermitage arh? :p

Anyway, bros, I will clear PMs first before I answer to thread requests because my Inbox is overflowing liao...

23-07-2009, 05:43 PM
contact bro?

23-07-2009, 05:56 PM
bro can PM me her contact? cheers!:)

23-07-2009, 06:07 PM
Hi Bro,

Can i have her contact.... thanks in advance

23-07-2009, 10:40 PM
Any Bro got her number let me know.

Thank You


23-07-2009, 10:59 PM
Hey any bro can pm me her number ? thanks.

23-07-2009, 11:41 PM
TS, I also see your index going up very fast and high. ;)

23-07-2009, 11:57 PM
yeah bro... just like the STI.. hehehe :D

TS, I also see your index going up very fast and high. ;)

24-07-2009, 12:58 AM
bro Cheonging101 paiseh.....i saw your first post...then as instructed fast hand fast leg i go pm u (anyway i slow)....sorry about that....after reading all the post do i realise my mistake....sorry for the trouble i contributed.....
by the way it's such a great find....and i hope u get to try soon....lolzz....seems like u super excited....
and please do pm me her contact bro....need to bonk indian girl....somemore is going at a recession-friendly price...hehe...
(sure will write FR after session) :)

24-07-2009, 01:18 AM
hey bro. just joined and would like to get the no. of this girl. pm me. thanks.

24-07-2009, 09:18 AM
TS, I also see your index going up very fast and high.

Meh... fuck the points, bro. :rolleyes: Seriously, I think it's a stupid fuck system which even boss Sam himself agreed. Degenerates most bros not familiar with the system to become point-beggars. I only need them to ensure my Inbox won't contract to measly 10 PMs allowed and explode.

sure will write FR after session

Sent contact to you liao, bro! :D

24-07-2009, 09:25 AM
Hi bro Cheonging101, pls PM me the contact if i qualify. Thanks.

24-07-2009, 10:01 AM
You are right TS. I am just giving credit to you for a nice fine.

24-07-2009, 10:12 AM
You are right TS. I am just giving credit to you for a nice fine.

Seriously, bro, in the first place, I didn't even know whether she really good find or not because I myself haven't try her yet.

Kudos should be given to bro Loever for being commando. Never saw a mission accomplished so fast (hmm... does that sound like an insult?:p) in my life.

Will ON her only next Friday night. :D I will submit my own FR. Dun say I neber try my own lobangs.

24-07-2009, 10:27 AM
Wah.. After eating white rice for so many years, I am certainly tempted to try "Roti Prata". Seems like the queue so long all the way from Jurong to Jln Kayu. I think I'll wait till this Roti Prata cools down a bit. :p

24-07-2009, 10:52 AM
Wah.. After eating white rice for so many years, I am certainly tempted to try "Roti Prata". Seems like the queue so long all the way from Jurong to Jln Kayu. I think I'll wait till this Roti Prata cools down a bit. :p

I AGREE with you.
But stii hope brother cheonging can share the contact.
Thanks :D

24-07-2009, 10:53 AM
Hi! mind if i can have her ctc bro? many thanks!

24-07-2009, 01:32 PM
any bros willing to share her contact? thanks.

24-07-2009, 03:00 PM
Thanks bro for your contact.
Contacted her and manage to squeeze an appointment yesterday.Pick her up
and proceeded to H81 at lavender.Fist impression was still young,after a chat with her found out that she is also inexperience in this trade.As for her service,its good value for money.
To all bros please take good care of this rare find...

24-07-2009, 03:12 PM
Thanks bro for your contact.
~Short FR made even shorter~
To all bros please take good care of this rare find...

Wah lau eh, bro...

Why your FR so short one? Anyway, got FR better than nothing lar.

24-07-2009, 07:03 PM
Okay, I'm running off!

Weekend I won't be around to give numbers! :p

So, you bros find others with her contacts to give you hor! :D

24-07-2009, 07:28 PM
any brother kind enough to give me her contact number? really wish to try an indian pussy.......

24-07-2009, 08:09 PM
Hi,any bros here can share her contacts? Thanx a lot.

24-07-2009, 10:12 PM
any brother kind enough to give me her contact number? really wish to try an indian pussy.......

kindly follow rules & regulations in sbf, do not get/pass ctcs around unless you are the TS.

24-07-2009, 10:23 PM
Haizz..Queuing for two days.
Yesterday sms...still got reply butt no confimed reply sms anymore.
today, sms also but no reply.

When will it be my turn...i think i skip these one first.
now maciam hello kitty period.

24-07-2009, 11:23 PM
hi can i hav her ctc too ?

24-07-2009, 11:30 PM
any bros online now? can pm me the no? i damn free now lol.. wanna try curry

24-07-2009, 11:36 PM
hey there... any bros willing to share her number

25-07-2009, 12:23 AM
bro can i have her contact tooo... thanks in advance

25-07-2009, 10:49 AM
yesterday evening sms her for appt, waited 15min replied from her, but not free, ask to contact on coming monday.... hopefully can get a slot then...

25-07-2009, 12:17 PM
Bro, can give me contact.... really wanna try .....thanks in advance

25-07-2009, 01:30 PM
Hi any bro kind enough share with me her ctc?how wish i can try this gem...thanks

25-07-2009, 01:35 PM
bro, can i have his ctc pls?

25-07-2009, 01:51 PM
hey there... any bros willing to share her number

25-07-2009, 08:58 PM
got number from TS
try my luck 2day n sms her the timing i wan
she replied very fast
confirm n proceed
fr dated 25July09 as follow

looks : 6/10, above average looking indian girl
body : 8/10, slim but not too slim, skin quite smooth
boob : 6/10, firm B, im a boob lover
catbath : nil
bbbj : 9/10, i love her bbbj, slow n deep n wet, impress
fj : 5/10, very normal, quite routine but willing to change positions
damage : 60/1 + rm + rubber
rtf : yes, for her bbbj again, but i find quite wasted to book a 30buck room just for bbbj

thanks TS for contact
up u already

26-07-2009, 12:33 AM
Hello,,,,,, brother kindly send me her number..

Thank YOu

26-07-2009, 12:36 AM
Wah sei BBBJ ... yummy

any bros kind enuff to share contact?

26-07-2009, 12:57 AM
TS, interested in this awesome gem, care to share?

Thanks in advance!

26-07-2009, 01:52 AM
May I have her contact

26-07-2009, 02:30 AM
Sori bros for the late Fr report......tried her on thurs after getting her contact from helpful bros here......:D

Brief details:-

Face : 6.0 (pleasant n nice smile)
Body: 7.5 (slim n nice figure, hardly got fats, tattoo on left breast)
Boobs : 7.5 (maybe a B-cupper)
BJ : 8.5 (really can suck well, till i ask to stop, power suction)
FJ : 8.0 (very accommodating, can change pattern as u like)
Damage : 60 + 10 tip + 20 room
RTF : Maybe in future

Thanks to TS n other bros who pass me her contact cos i did ask a few bros for it cos some are not available lah.....will up u guys if u got new posts....:)

26-07-2009, 08:42 AM
wow seems like bro van gogh had loads of fun. I'm still waiting for her response man.

Bro VanGogh, why you PCC while watching wrestling TWICE? :eek:

Hahahah! The smell of curry masala pull you out of hermitage arh? :p


lol.... enjoy the masala... :D rft soon even though not much chemistry...

also to all newbie bros, pls get contact from TS and not PM me

26-07-2009, 10:06 AM
Wah this tread is growing fast. Now I have to be in the long queue to RTF. Still worth it. BBBJ, here I come......

26-07-2009, 12:23 PM
cn help me get her ctc no.
thnkful to ya

27-07-2009, 01:26 AM
bro interested pls pm me thks

27-07-2009, 02:53 AM
hello bro. are u able to drop me her no.

27-07-2009, 08:47 AM
Wah lao eh... the thread so fast get 10 pages liao arh! How come it's still not deleted by the mods yet? :eek:

I am starting to sweat already... my PM box got 70+ PMs.

2335 Man
27-07-2009, 10:22 AM
Hi bros can I have the ctc too please

Tks a million

27-07-2009, 10:28 AM
waaa bro cheonging101, I feel like trying my first indian gal too, can i have contact? :D

Daddy Wankee
27-07-2009, 01:46 PM
Bro..can i have her contact please? OC away for a week and need some black coffee to keep me awake :P

27-07-2009, 01:47 PM
Hi Bros,

Kindly can i have the ctc please. Deeply appreciated.

27-07-2009, 01:54 PM
can pass the contact...hope to tryz curry flavor....

27-07-2009, 02:09 PM
Many thanks to bro cheonging for the ctc, to be honest this is the first time i tried an indian girl and i have no idea what it would be like. So my rating as follow, sorry it happened too fast for a appropriate FR

Looks: 6/10
body: 6/5/10
BBBJ: never tried, (i don't like BJs too much as the best i ever had was from a GL8 walker i tried many years ago and the rest don't match up, even my nympho ex don't match up :p)
Paint: NA
Fingering: NA
FJ : 7/10 (Tight shaven pussy)
GFE: 5/10 (no chemistry ba)
RTF: Unlikely, to me this is just an once in a lifetime thing as i never tried Indian chicks before (another notch on the cock!)
DMG: $60+$10tips+$30hotel

27-07-2009, 05:06 PM
Thanks TS for her contact. Just came back for a session with her. Short FR of Switha SYT look with slim body women.

Age: around 24
Bobbs: B (hand filling)
BJ: 8/10 (powerful very rough)
Pussy: clean shaven
French: 4 (only light touch)
FJ: 7.5/10 (light moan)
Overall good experience for first time on indian girl.

27-07-2009, 06:33 PM
can i hv ur contact:)

27-07-2009, 07:04 PM
so many bros meet her, even today...knnbccb...this girl did a major airbus a380 on me last night!

i went thru so much trouble to get to kovan on time. we were supposed to meet at 10pm. from 10 ~ 11pm i sat there like an idiot calling her phone listening to that stupid tamil song whenever i called her. but oni after a while i realised it was not the ring tone, but its the voice mail, meaning her phone was off!

i dont think there is any excuse which i will accept at this point from her. a simple sms would haf suffice if there were any changes.

Bros, she might be cheap, but it could be you next that she aeroplanes. AVOID AT ALL COST!!!

27-07-2009, 07:54 PM
Thanks bro for the contact

Age: 24
Looks: 5
Boobs: B ba
BJ: 6
FJ: 6/10
Rtf: nope

At least you guys are lucky !!! me trying, calling her for the past three days and she still never even bother pick the phone up.:confused:
Me still waiting :(

27-07-2009, 10:26 PM
thanks bro cheonging for switha's ctc.

managed to on her yesterday after some persistent sms exchanges, so bros with intent pls be patience cos TS has given her ctc to more than 150 bros.

wudn't describe as a fantastic bonk bt credits to her attitude n proportionate slim body - most indian FLs i had were either on the heavy side or bundled wif coco(nut oil) chanel perfume bt switha has dark bt smooth complexion, no foul odour from both body n clean-shaven tandoori abalone:D

verdict : $60 only for bj n fj wif 24yo sg chick - well worth:)

rtf : yep, whenever i crave for muthu's economical curry.

oso agree wif bro fleaz, it wud be quite ridiculous to opt for $40bj n pay $30 for room.

27-07-2009, 11:01 PM
bro pl share the contact...

27-07-2009, 11:19 PM
Finally met her. Below are some review.

Look: I give a 6.5. She still got big eyes with nice natural curly eye lashes.
Good dark complexion(not the super dark one, exceptable type) and nice smile. Not bad feature for a typical indian girl

Gfe: I give 6.7. Friendly and although not chatty. Maybe first time. Make her
open and relax abit by chatting and smoking. Overall, still can smile. She got great smile actually. Need to improve on pr skill.

Bathing: no comment. She bath before she come.

Action: She undress and crawl into bed with her colourful panty and white bra. She gave a very short cathbath on my nipples. She only give a light kiss on the lips. No frenching or any tongue. Just light kisses. I request for bj instead of bbbj. During this time my bro is still not hard. She like dont know what to do. She freeze for a while and then start the whole cathbath and light kiss again. She cap me and then start on bj. Her suction not strong. But the view of seeing a indian young girl trying to blow was not bad. Especially when her saliva dripped down untill my bushy forest. I start with missionary. With my bro soft and then she quite tight. It go soft again. She then say she blow for me again. I say sorry and she start blowing again with dripping saliva. Heee..hee. Being a nice girl, i sit up straight and stroll her head and body. Earlier, i did ask for 69 but was rejected. But i fingering her shaven clit, she seem is ok with that. Quite dry initially, so i just rabba rabba untill can felt mositure. We start again with missionary. Quite tight. Almost go soft. But managed to insert inside and quickly pump. Super hard liao. Her moaning got stero with her face expression. Not the silent type. See liao. Abit not on form. Very fast cum on that day. If not, still want to tried a few more pattern.

RTF: Maybe, see how is it. if second time her gfe got improved and can click Then maybe tried the overnight for $150.

28-07-2009, 11:43 AM
Wah! 1 day 6 FRs arh! :eek:

28-07-2009, 12:17 PM
wah .... north side ...
hmm ... ts u have got mail ~~ ;)

28-07-2009, 03:27 PM
wah .... north side ...
hmm ... ts u have got mail ~~ ;)

PM you liao. :D

I need a 2IC for this thread also... Sibei tiring!

28-07-2009, 04:04 PM
Hi TS, can you pass me her contact too. Never tried Indian GAL man. Sounds interesting. :D

28-07-2009, 06:27 PM
Hi TS, can you pass me her contact too. Never tried Indian GAL man. Sounds interesting. :D

You're not alone. I never tried Indian GAL (what does GAL stand for? Ganesan Achar Lekshmi?) man before, either. Definitely not planning to anyway.

28-07-2009, 06:29 PM
Wah! 1 day 6 FRs arh! :eek:

relax bro.....i think more to come lah....cos the queue very long....no wonder some bros couldn't get her.....:o

28-07-2009, 06:32 PM
relax bro.....i think more to come lah....cos the queue very long....no wonder some bros couldn't get her.....:o

Good thing I book her overnight on Friday liao! :D

28-07-2009, 06:35 PM
hey bro cheonging101can i be shared with her contact....?:)will post FR when aft deal....tks in advance.....BTW,my points were zapped due to a conflict in words with an ex OKT.....moderator zapped me for that :mad::(

28-07-2009, 06:56 PM
ermnn...Bro Cheonging101, no FR frm u ar?.. :D

28-07-2009, 06:58 PM
Bro TS ,

Just to confirm with you if she is still into the business ?

I had sms her a couple of time but no reply ( thought is busy or what )

Call or sms but no news .

She sooooo busy ahhhh .

**Confirm is good liao lor , how to do pre booking like you ?

28-07-2009, 07:41 PM
Bro TS ,

Just to confirm with you if she is still into the business ?

I had sms her a couple of time but no reply ( thought is busy or what )

Call or sms but no news .

She sooooo busy ahhhh .

**Confirm is good liao lor , how to do pre booking like you ?

Same here, I've been sms-ing her for a few days, & no reply from her.

28-07-2009, 07:44 PM
Last week, sms her also no reply. maybe no luck. Will try again when I have the time.............

28-07-2009, 08:26 PM
same here .... sms her .. but bo reply ..... :(

28-07-2009, 10:55 PM
Here is my FR on Switha...

Punctuality: 10/10
Looks: 6/10
Body: 7.5/10
Boobs: around cup B
BJ: 7/10
FJ: 7/10
Skin: dark and dry but smooth
GFE: 5/10

Thanks bro for sharing her contact details. It was my first time on local indian.

28-07-2009, 11:57 PM
with this rate u are going.. u nd a platoon la bro.. :D

PM you liao. :D

I need a 2IC for this thread also... Sibei tiring!

29-07-2009, 12:56 AM
Hi fellow samsters, dun worry this gal is still active in the trade cos i just bonk her yesterday. She told me that she only serve about 3 to 4 customers per day. so book her in advance to avoid dissapoinment. Well, time for my humble fr as promise,

Looks : 8/10 (young, pretty indian gal)
Face : 8/10
Body : 7/10 (proportionate)
Boobs 6/10 (not for boobs lovers but still a handful)
French : No (she avoid)
Paint : No (she dun like)
BBBJ : 4/10 (plenty of room for improvement, duration too short)
FJ : 6/10 (nothing to shout about)
Overalll Experience : 6.5/10 (price vs value)

In conclusion, I think she is really new in the trade, so perhaps some old birds here can give her intensive training haha. $60 is really a steal for this young local and beautiful gal! worth a try but dun expect much in terms of skills.
Thank you bro cheonging101 for the ctc!

29-07-2009, 01:20 AM
wow this indian gal looks hot!! hope any kind bros here can PM me her contact! thanks alot in advance!! :D

29-07-2009, 01:52 AM
tried this girl a few days back...now then writing FR....
i'll make it short as am gonna Zzzzz liao...

Looks: 6/10 average looking to me...
Body: 7/10 nice tight body...quite petite...
Boobs: 6/10 34B(thatz wat she said)....just a handful...at least something
Licking: never try
Tattoos: palm sized tattoo on top of left breast, 3 small stars on left hand
Pussy: clean shaven...looks and feels good,quite tight.
BBBJ: never try...but she does provide
BJ: 6/10 i did feel that she suck really hard therefore 6 points
Frenching: dun think can....only light kisses
FJ: 6.5/10 quite accomodative...
GFE: 4/10 frankly not much GFE...but not too business like also...
Damage: $60+hotel rm+cd
RTF: no....too many other FLs to try

overall: for me im satisfied....her BJ was a bit too short....i didn't mind as i was more keen in the FJ...:D FJ was better...started cowgirl followed by missionary...then to doggy....turn back over to front-sideways and game-over.
just thought of adding...actually she does moan quite a bit...depending on how well u hit her spot...;)

29-07-2009, 02:44 AM
Bro, can pm me her contact,
thanks in advance.

29-07-2009, 05:29 AM
hihi, can pm me her contact too ^^

29-07-2009, 08:13 AM
Wah! More FRs!

And getting more consistent.

Okay lar. At least I'll know what to expect this Friday night. :D

Not Sherine can already! :p

29-07-2009, 04:31 PM
Finally cleared all PMs for Switha... *wipes sweat*

Now can look through the thread for all bros asking for contacts here...:p

29-07-2009, 07:47 PM
wah sibei sad ...
still no reply ...
2days liao ... haha ...
maybe no fate with her >.<"

29-07-2009, 09:27 PM
Good thing I book her overnight on Friday liao! :D

nnkc...so i waiting for ur FR:D....tried booking her but no reply:(

30-07-2009, 01:11 AM
Bro PM me also le wanna try tomorrow

30-07-2009, 03:37 PM
Bro PM me also le wanna try tomorrow

Wah, you join SBF just to ask for this contact arh?:eek:

30-07-2009, 04:03 PM
very difficult to get her bro TS, no reply from her...i guess she's Hotter than the Sun now...haiz...

30-07-2009, 04:14 PM
bro TS, tried smsing her for a few days already but no reply leh.

30-07-2009, 05:45 PM
Hi TS, Can Pm me her contacts? Thanks in advance....

30-07-2009, 07:21 PM
cn pm me her ctc no. i wanna try indian gal

30-07-2009, 08:05 PM
Okay, she told me just now that she'll get 4 bros per day and depending on the time and her level of fatigue (in her own words, shagged or not), she'll consider taking a 5th.

So, I guess the late night slot is a wild card but not too late hor! 11pm should be just nice.

31-07-2009, 12:20 AM
Bro any chance for her contact pleaseeee, third time asking, thanks in advance

31-07-2009, 07:56 AM
Bro any chance for her contact pleaseeee, third time asking, thanks in advance

You ask 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times I also won't give you...

Anybody just click your nick, select "See all posts" and will know your posting history. I can only say that you're really, really consistent. :rolleyes:

31-07-2009, 10:44 AM
hi bro ! keen to try indian gal. kindly pm me her contact. thank you !!

31-07-2009, 11:08 AM
brother cant stanD already pls GIVE ME HER NUMBER

31-07-2009, 02:22 PM
bro ts ,

everyday sms her ( morning / afternoon / night )
but no reply from her .

i think the sperm will chiong into my brain liao

31-07-2009, 07:00 PM
I think i quite lucky to tried her.
Only 3 tried then got it. I think she got work part time job
and this fl is not full time. and thats why
only a few got selected.

Good luck guys

Bro cheong, sorry for so busy body. later if you got write fr.
can state you what time started to what time ended. for your overnight

31-07-2009, 09:57 PM
sigh...try sms her so many times but no reply...too bad...

31-07-2009, 11:15 PM
This is one of the most hardest Indian Chicks to get in contact.. I think so far in SBF history one of the best value Indian FLs.. The rest were not up to her standard.. Mainly because of her pricing and the great demand given by our bros..

I got her contact early from TS and had tried 5times not upping her but calling her.. On different days, but still cant get her through, this shows she has alot of demand.. Haih.. Not going to be easy to get her then.

If other girls can lower their prices look at how the demand is going to be for them.. Think guys e.g. If i charge $120/1/1 i may get say 2-3 custs and depends on the demand. But look at the demand this girl has by charging just $60/1/1.. Good deal and the demand is crazy for her she can sure make much faster.. haha..

But going to be a long wait just like me.. Haih..

31-07-2009, 11:25 PM
Hi Brother,

Can please share her contact number..
Thanks in advance.

01-08-2009, 01:38 AM
hey bro, new to the forum, send me the gals no leh.....thanks

01-08-2009, 04:07 AM
Care to share her contact please.thanks

01-08-2009, 05:00 AM
bro can i get her contacts?

01-08-2009, 12:30 PM
thanks to TS for her nos but i think will pass on her at the moment as all attempt to book her has failed.maybe wait a few months later when she not so hot.sorry cant post any fr.

02-08-2009, 09:12 AM
hi bro, can pm me her contact? thanks

02-08-2009, 11:32 AM
Finally cleared all PMs for Switha... *wipes sweat*

Now can look through the thread for all bros asking for contacts here...:p

hi bro , appreciate can pm me her contact too ^^ . Thks!!;)

02-08-2009, 11:38 AM
Thanks bro TS :pfor contacts ,, make an appt tomorrow.. ha ha.. will FR after tomorrow bonking an indian

02-08-2009, 01:45 PM
thanks ts for the contact.

never try an indian b4 so tis is much anticipated.

sms many x but no reply. only after like 5th got a short reply fr her.

say cant confirm timing as she bz ask me to wait. so far no reply. guess wl also KIV tis case for now. maybe re-open tis case in 2 mths time ...see how.:(

meantime china mei mie here i cum.. :D

02-08-2009, 02:33 PM
bro pm her ctc no. pse thnks

02-08-2009, 02:34 PM
re: 23yo SAMMY massage package, $80 per session with FJ (with pics)

Bro, appreciate you can pm me her contact.

02-08-2009, 03:30 PM
can i haf this indian fl ctc?

02-08-2009, 03:56 PM
Pls PM the contact bro..


02-08-2009, 07:44 PM
Hi Brother,

Can please share her contact number..
Thanks in advance..

Daddy Wankee
02-08-2009, 09:00 PM
Hey bros..anyone care to share the ctc? pm-ed TS more than a week back but no reply from him

02-08-2009, 11:12 PM
this ger is so hard to get even though we live so near. called her then ask me to sms. sms liao, 1 reply say not free, then no more info liao. but i m still trying hard, like 1 day 1 sms to check. hope 1 sms a day is not over the board.
shall post my fr once i got it.

03-08-2009, 07:42 AM
Mission failed for me as well.

She told me was sick on Friday.

Donno whether she's fine by now.

03-08-2009, 09:57 AM
This gal is so busy now and she don't even reply. Sigh !!! Have to wait long long now.

03-08-2009, 10:18 AM
Hi bro, I would really appreciate the contact. Thanks!:)

03-08-2009, 10:30 AM
Bro Cheonging101...she's sick or too many customers tat day? :D ...how can she not give u top priority? since u r the TS tat intro lotz of customers to her :eek: ...anyway, me jokin nia :D

03-08-2009, 10:53 AM
Hi Bro Cheonging,

I too would like to try teh-lassi,

too muich chinese tea.

Can you please let me have her ctc too? - can email to :

"[email protected]."

you do a fr .

Thanks a million.

al ....

03-08-2009, 11:03 AM
I guess this thread is divided by those who get it and those who didn't. Switha is very difficult to get cos' big demand for "roti prata". My lucki fren managed to get her on Saturday. She only take 1 customer then she retired for the day for her family. Sunday, no appointment. So bros here try agin today.

My fren gave her high marks for her services.. bbbj, fj, she even offered to bathe together. So good improvemnent. But agin super difficult to get appointment with her. So good luck to all who's trying very hard. Try harder.. :D

03-08-2009, 02:05 PM
I guess this thread is divided by those who get it and those who didn't. Switha is very difficult to get cos' big demand for "roti prata". My lucki fren managed to get her on Saturday. She only take 1 customer then she retired for the day for her family. Sunday, no appointment. So bros here try agin today.

My fren gave her high marks for her services.. bbbj, fj, she even offered to bathe together. So good improvemnent. But agin super difficult to get appointment with her. So good luck to all who's trying very hard. Try harder.. :D

Skipped this Roti Prata for the week.. Demand is too high lol.. Only 1 Prata and 200bros want to makan.. Only 3-4 allowed aday.. Man the queue is really long provided Sunday is free day. So its 5-6days working.. thats like 24 guys per week and for like more then 200 bros in her list we got to wait for 8-10 weeks.. :eek:

I rather have prata at other place but hard to find this type of good deal prata.. Ahhhh

03-08-2009, 02:42 PM
she can host a ballot box and conduct a lucky draw !!!

03-08-2009, 03:46 PM
Wah lau eh... I think you bros need to go find some pappadum, murukku, chapatti, thosai and naan to share also. This prata house too crowded liao.

The end of the line cannot see... probably reach Jurong liao. :p

Any bros out there can find some young slim indian FLs offering the same price also? I scared by the time I finally get my turn, the vidal hole so big macam like stirring Indian Rojak sauce then how!:eek:

03-08-2009, 03:59 PM
Wah lau eh... I think you bros need to go find some pappadum, murukku, chapatti, thosai and naan to share also. This prata house too crowded liao.

The end of the line cannot see... probably reach Jurong liao. :p

Any bros out there can find some young slim indian FLs offering the same price also? I scared by the time I finally get my turn, the vidal hole so big macam like stirring Indian Rojak sauce then how!:eek:

Hahaha.. Well said bro.. :cool:

03-08-2009, 04:49 PM
Wah lau eh... I think you bros need to go find some pappadum, murukku, chapatti, thosai and naan to share also. This prata house too crowded liao.

The end of the line cannot see... probably reach Jurong liao. :p

Any bros out there can find some young slim indian FLs offering the same price also? I scared by the time I finally get my turn, the vidal hole so big macam like stirring Indian Rojak sauce then how!:eek:

So Bro Cheonging,

It's time to expand your "kangtao" for the other delicacies you mentioned above. I am sure the demand is great provided the prices are kept low.. :D

03-08-2009, 06:05 PM
So Bro Cheonging,

It's time to expand your "kangtao" for the other delicacies you mentioned above. I am sure the demand is great provided the prices are kept low.. :D

Choy! In the 1st place, I just wanted someone to find out if this FL is real or not. End up I have to queue up till Sunway Lagoon. KNN! :mad: :p

Bloody hell, if I knew demand for Masala so high, I should have just PMed a few bros secretly and then try her out later!

I was hoping that there are other bros out there who could also go scouting out for some Tandoori to spread the demand out.:D

03-08-2009, 06:05 PM
Wah lau eh... I think you bros need to go find some pappadum, murukku, chapatti, thosai and naan to share also. This prata house too crowded liao.

The end of the line cannot see... probably reach Jurong liao. :p

Thanks to bro Cheonging101. this is my FR on Switha.

Saturday was a hot day. Half day and was feeling horny. Remember getting contact from Bro Cheonging and so decides to sms her though I read that she is very difficult to book. XYS!@#$ Hi....... walau immediately got reply HI.
I could not believe my eyes. Thought hosei liao got chapatti liao. XYS!@#$ you free later............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................till now I am still waiting. nearly 50 hours and counting. No idea whether can complete this FR or not:(

03-08-2009, 06:33 PM

Thanks for the contact and to answer yr question, she IS for real :)

Had her last week for 90 minutes.

Rather quiet, no attitude and pleasant looking ( above average but not drop-dead gorgeous la)

She's 23 and is doing this to make ends meet.

Doesnt allow painting unless you're her bf. BJ is covered. But overall experience is pleasurable :)

Have been trying for a 2nd appointment, but no smses or calls since last week. Good luck, Brudders.


Originally Posted by Taiko2006
So Bro Cheonging,

It's time to expand your "kangtao" for the other delicacies you mentioned above. I am sure the demand is great provided the prices are kept low..

Choy! In the 1st place, I just wanted someone to find out if this FL is real or not. End up I have to queue up till Sunway Lagoon. KNN!

Bloody hell, if I knew demand for Masala so high, I should have just PMed a few bros secretly and then try her out later!

I was hoping that there are other bros out there who could also go scouting out for some Tandoori to spread the demand out.
11. Those caught registering multiple nicks in order to build up their "war chest" to abuse the system will be placed in deep moderation mode (-999 reputation points)"

Beware clones...

03-08-2009, 07:37 PM
Firstly, got to thank bro Cheonging for giving me the ctc last week.

Actually got through to her twice last week but could not agree on suitable timing. So decided to try today. Sms her and 15 mins later got a reply "call me". So i called and set up meeting.

Met at her chosen location. Quite a nice looking indian girl with all the proper indian features. Rather chatty as well and did not take long to break the ice.

Lets get straight to the action:

Looks: 7/10 (sweet looking enough)
Body: 7/10 (no smell, smooth skin, dark but still ok. Good figure)
Boobs: B (handfull, perky, nice size dark nips)
Frenching: light kisses
Painting: No
Fingering: Yes (takes a while to get wet)
BBBJ: 7/10 (nice and strong, with hand squeezing your balls)
FJ: 7/10 (tight, gets wetter and wetter. Soft moans which got louder and louder)
GFE: Not much
RTF: If she can be reached.
Damage: As stated.

Really nice girl. Well worth the time and $$$. Take it slow with her if she has the time. She is very responsive.

Once again, thank bro cheonging for the ctc.

04-08-2009, 12:14 AM
Hi bro can pls sms the indian girl no

04-08-2009, 08:05 AM
Bro bigcat, if it's any consolation to you, that is one of the most entertaining FRs I ever heard. Hahahaha! :D

04-08-2009, 08:40 AM
wau la.. Me appt make liao yesterday but ganna aeroplane... Sms the whole day no reply. End up seeing fr now that yesterday other just sms or call get to bonk her first.. Haiz tis girl really got not sequencing at all.. Haiz.

04-08-2009, 09:14 AM
Could any kind brothers PM me the contact? Thanks!

04-08-2009, 11:13 AM
I got her no at the 1st or 2nd post till now still can't get appointment with her......too many bros have her contact liao....sian never try indian b4, have to wait till she got not much business then can have a appointment liao.

04-08-2009, 11:47 AM
First, thank u bro Cheonging his contact.

Managed to get her after a few sms.

Met at her chosen location. waited for her for > 40 mins as she claims that her previous cust was late.

A pleasant looking indian girl with all sharp features. with few tattoos on her body.

Looks: 7/10 (indian ah lian, looks 20 yrs old)
Body: 7/10 (dark n Good figure)
Boobs: B (handful, perky, nice size dark nips)
Frenching: no
Fingering: Yes (nicely shaved)
BBBJ: 7/10 (w rubber, needs practice)
FJ: 7/10 (ok lah)
GFE: Not much
RTF: nope. seems to rush thru whole thing. overall too rush not much svs.
Damage: As stated.

nice girls with no attitude. but maybe she needs to improve on her time management w her cust.

Once again, thank bro cheonging for the ctc.

1st time with indian. :D:D:D

04-08-2009, 07:12 PM
First, thank u bro Cheonging his contact.

Managed to get her after a few sms.

Met at her chosen location. waited for her for > 40 mins as she claims that her previous cust was late.

A pleasant looking indian girl with all sharp features. with few tattoos on her body.


1st time with indian.

Thanks for your FR, bro.

Hmm... seems like standard drop abit because of time management...

Well... less customer would do the trick. :p

04-08-2009, 08:41 PM

I'm interested, Can you pls share her contact details.. :D

04-08-2009, 09:33 PM
bros... any contact ? thanks..

04-08-2009, 09:36 PM
Hi bro contact please. Thanks

05-08-2009, 03:18 PM
Name: Switha
Looks : 7/10 (looks wise to me so so, but got sharp features, hence a 7)
Body : 6.5/10 (average)
Boobs 6/10 (B- to B size)
BJ : 5/10 (not up to standard, can do better)
FJ : 6/10 (average only)
Overall : 6.5/10 (budget bonk, local girl, cannot complain. would have been a 7 if the BJ was much better)
RTF: i will if i looking for an indian girl again, but her BJ needs lots of improvement.

thought queue so long, no chance, but i guess i was lucky on that day :p

thanks bro for contact :)

05-08-2009, 06:04 PM
Thanks bro Cheonging101 for the prata lobang, after so much effort of contacting her...finally got to taste her this afternoon :)

Name: Switha
Looks: 6.5/10 not bad looking for a indian ger
Body: 7/10
Boobs: B/B-
Frenching: short one
Painting: not @ all
Fingering: quite wet, dunno got put KY anot
BBBJ: 5/10
FJ: 6/10
GFE: 5/10
RTF: Maybe
Damage: 60/1/1

05-08-2009, 09:04 PM
:D Hi..Bro..can i hve her contact pls..Thanxz!!!! :D

06-08-2009, 08:16 PM
Hi bro, I would really appreciate the contact. Thanks!

Hi bro, I would really appreciate the contact. Thanks!

Hi bro, I would really appreciate the contact. Thanks!

Hi bro, I would really appreciate the contact. Thanks!

Hi bro, I would really appreciate the contact. Thanks!

Daddy Wankee
06-08-2009, 09:07 PM
Don't intend to jump the gun bros but buay tahan liao! :p
Any kind brother, with the permission of TS or the great TS himself pass me the contact? Thanks in advance!:D

06-08-2009, 09:07 PM
bro.mind to share contact?thanks

bro joe
06-08-2009, 09:24 PM
bro, can share her contacts. thks

06-08-2009, 10:37 PM
guys ,,
need the contact too can pm me

07-08-2009, 11:12 AM
Thanks bro for the ctc, after so much effort of contacting her...finally got to book her last nite. Heres the FR:

Name: Switha
Looks: 6.25/10 (Ok looking)
Body: 7/10
Boobs: B/B-
Frenching: Never try( I think she had a number of sessions b4 me)
Painting: not @ all
Fingering: quite wet, i think she put KY
BBBJ: 5/10 (Short time only):mad:
FJ: 6/10
GFE: 5/10
RTF: Maybe
Damage: 60/1/1

07-08-2009, 11:23 AM
I had a north-indian gal before...very chio. Now she is plying her trade for one of the Bollywood studios.
So I simply wonder about this local indian...how does she look? After so many FRs...any bros took any pictures?

07-08-2009, 11:37 AM
Share contact leh bro.. =) lols..