View Full Version : Latest FL PRC Hunting Ground

29-07-2009, 01:01 AM
To all bros that Love FL PRC.

Discovered a new place to shop and hunt ever since AV have been active and wipe out our Favorite Place Geylang recently.

This new place is convenient to Park your vehicle, got hotels nearby and lots of PRC for your choice and absolute discreet. Loving it.:D

To keep this place away for AV, only for bros with 50 pts and above with Power 1. If not at least 3 FR records.

PM me for location... Cheers and happy hunting in advance.

29-07-2009, 01:16 AM
I understood your good intention of sharing and avoiding AV but be cautious that some AVs might be seniors here with high points. End of the day, u might unintentionly expose the unexpose FLs to danger.

Pls note

29-07-2009, 01:25 AM
hmm what do u advice?? sillypore becoming dead town. with all the raids.

29-07-2009, 01:35 AM
maybe u hunt down some good gems for us... any good lobang then post here...preferbly with pics...


29-07-2009, 01:49 AM
ermm.. TS bro.. i honestly think it doesn't matter rep pts 50 above or not.. cos i dun think that anyone of us will know sth that the AV doesn't know..

i guess it is a matter of whether they want to do anything abt it anot.. the lawyers can even dig out an ATM transaction that Rev. Ming Yi did in a casino in Aussie.. what else they cannot know? hahaha!!!

29-07-2009, 02:41 AM
TS i wana know where, i can jalan jalan during my free time. Not really horny, but keen and curious. xie xie :D

29-07-2009, 04:07 AM
Went down to the location TS mentioned to recce but it was dead quiet. Ard 1+ Perhaps they pang kang liao.. Anyway thks TS for the location, try my luck another time :)


29-07-2009, 04:46 AM
Went down to the location TS mentioned to recce but it was dead quiet. Ard 1+ Perhaps they pang kang liao.. Anyway thks TS for the location, try my luck another time :)


bro... u really on leh...

29-07-2009, 12:00 PM
Hi ro TS,

As we are all for the fun,i think req for above 50 pt and above is too high on the side,me only 14pts,,..........

Sorry bro,no offence.....

Any way ,any bro can try along lor 27 to lor 35, toward sims ave side,

also not forgetting along lor 28 awell,,,, the operate in pass,,,,,

i think the AV also know ,it just a matter of time ,,

So bro ,if want to catch fish,quick hand and quick leg........

29-07-2009, 12:30 PM
Hi Bro,

Now a day, they either will only stand there for few min or keep walking until som body signal them. Saw one the other at lor 33, make a U turn and she already walk into the condo near by.

29-07-2009, 01:31 PM
ermm.. TS bro.. i honestly think it doesn't matter rep pts 50 above or not.. cos i dun think that anyone of us will know sth that the AV doesn't know..

i guess it is a matter of whether they want to do anything abt it anot.. the lawyers can even dig out an ATM transaction that Rev. Ming Yi did in a casino in Aussie.. what else they cannot know? hahaha!!!

Agree, but try to be low profile la.

29-07-2009, 03:12 PM
Scan the post of those who request for the contact before u give out.

29-07-2009, 03:39 PM
bro... u really on leh...
Haha Bro you more on lah, close to 5am haven slp? I was driven by my urges to release, wanted to book M but she PK liao.. so ll have to find alternatives :)

BTW, the bro who +2 me "Latest FL PRC Hunting... 29-07-2009 05:14 AM this for your efforts." please pm me so i can return the favor :)


29-07-2009, 09:03 PM
Wah dont know i did the right thing by posting this. I have never seen my sammyboy inbox so full before.

:confused: Miss those days in geylang when chick were standing all along the bermuda triangle of PRC. HaizzZz. AV spoil it all.

29-07-2009, 09:08 PM
please share, thanks

29-07-2009, 11:46 PM
hmm bro, went to the location at 10+pm today..didnt see any PRCs..can pm me the time and day you went the other time?

30-07-2009, 01:47 AM
Bro, pm you for the location liao.