View Full Version : foreskin (different problem)

15-10-2009, 06:02 PM
Bros, i had searched the forum for many topics on the penis foreskin problem but what i had encountered personally is totally different. in fact, it is quite recently that i had suffered this condition. i'm 28yrs old now, and sexually active since 18yrs old. the first time i suffered this was this august. secondly time is now..:(

for the first time, it happened when i had sex too much and too much bj from my gf. it kinda tears the tip of my foreskin. after that, it become very swollen and peeing is painful as there are small tears on the tip of the foreskin. it is so swollen that i cannot pulll my foreskin down. sometimes, blood will come out from the tears. gradually, it heals, but as it heals, i tried to wash the inside of the penis (i am un-circum) by spraying water into the foreskin, seal up the peehole using fingers and sort of like rub the penis head. the water comes out will be milky white, and smells foul. sometimes, bits of skin will comes out. it turns out that the swollen bit that is healing is flaking out skin bits..

for the second time, that is now, it started when i felt an itch on the tip of my foreskin. i scratched it for a long time by using fingers and 'rolled' the tip of the foreskin together so as to relieve the itch. then one day later, it become a bit swollen. i again have sex with my gf and it become very swollen again.. now, its recovering and when i wash, it again comes out foul smelling whitish water and bits of skin. when i see the tip of my foreskin after bathing, it is very wrinkled with like dead skin around it. what could it be?

i bathe the penis head and change underwear daily, so i don't think it is due to my personal cleanliness.. what could it be?

i know some bros will be urging me to c a doc as soon as possible, but i would like to know does anyone encounter it before, so as to give me some mental preparation?

15-10-2009, 06:48 PM
What mental preparation you want? You already see the problem on your own dick first hand not enough? Or you want to wait until it rot and your tip drop off?

You are 28 years old, not some small kid scared of doctor. Now go and see the doctor.

Tee Vee

Big Sexy
15-10-2009, 07:58 PM
mate... read it up...
lot of infomation on the net..
here's one..
Foreskin Problems (http://www.emedicinehealth.com/foreskin_problems/article_em.htm)

Two conditions commonly occur with the foreskin of the penis of an uncircumcised or improperly circumcised boy or man.

Phimosis: One condition happens when the foreskin cannot be retracted (pulled back) behind the head (glans) of the penis. This is called phimosis. It is usually a condition found in children.

Paraphimosis: The other condition, paraphimosis, is somewhat the opposite—the foreskin, after being pulled back, becomes trapped and then swollen behind the head (glans) of the penis.
The swelling is caused by the blockage of blood flow, which can lead to death of the glans.

Causes for phimosis include infection, poor hygiene, and previous foreskin injury.

Any condition or activity that results in prolonged foreskin retraction can lead to development of paraphimosis.
1. An improperly circumcised penis
2. Frequent insertion of bladder catheters
3. Vigorous sexual activity, including masturbation

what could it be?
give me some mental preparation?

16-10-2009, 10:11 PM
bro racerboy most of your symptoms actually happened to an army mate of mine he started getting feverish on and off and so on.to cut the story short his Dick had to be amputated casue the numbness of the dickhead made him can ease himself any longer so th eonly option is to chop it off.now he became a dis-orientated guy (yes esteem is gone-cant blame him)

16-10-2009, 11:35 PM
fazer, are u sure?!:eek: but what actually is his problem? as in, was it a fungal infection, or std, or something else?

17-10-2009, 02:42 AM
racerboy hv u unconsiously admire gd looking or hunky guys recently.well my fren did so. cos the mental side of him knowing his castra ted dick can"t ever satisfy any gals he decide to go full time at CV.

18-10-2009, 08:21 PM
ya right faze... thats funny...

19-10-2009, 12:02 AM
ya right faze... thats funny...

GOTCHA really had you thinking hard for awhile ya. the thing can be remidied with some fungal cream from a GP.remember to cap on next time you bonk
cheers and speedy recovery to u