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12-12-2023, 12:19 PM
Anyone has good recommendations for girl friendly hotels near bangla road? Prefer somewhere decent (clean) and near the night life but not too noisy haha

24-12-2023, 10:14 AM
Hello guys,

Me and my buddy are planning a short trip to Phuket next month. How's the nightlife scene over there now? We've been to BKK, Pattaya and Chiang Mai but not Phuket yet.

I combed through some of the posts here and it seems that the agogo scene in phuket is nothing much to shout about. Are there still fully nude agogos haha

Also, I heard that that this is the going rate for agogo barfine now:
1. Buy at least 10 LDs
2. Now LD comes in sets of 2, ie 250 baht x 2 = 500 baht per pop
3. So this means easily SGD100 for LDs alone
4. Barfine is 1K baht
5. ST is 3K and LT is 5/6K baht

So, smelly smelly will burn 6.5K baht, = SGD250 for ST. Correct?

Bar fines are needed if you want bring lady out during her working hours, if you want to save some money you can try talking to her and ask her out after her work finish (around 3-5am) and discuss with her for ST or LT during your interaction. My suggestion is find a lady you like and buy yourself a drink, if you feel like spending you could buy her and her sisters a drink to have their attention (they will drag their friends and introduce them to you and your friends), they will earn around 50% from the drink you buy for them. The rest is up to your charisma and how good your flirting skills.

Another way is along Soi Bangla Walking Street have Freelancer standing but be careful because mostly are ladyboy or transgender, still have real lady but you need to decide for yourself. Price can discuss with them usually between 2000THB upwards (cheap, but in life they say you get what you pay for).

Last method is you can PM me and i will share with you some tips like how i helped many other bros visiting Phuket =P

02-01-2024, 02:18 AM
Spent 5 nights in phuket...

I tried Thai friendly - mostly can't make it.. However simply just settled with 1 for 5000 thb for 5 hours offered 2 shots can go out drink with me.. Nice girl, looks wise met my standards OK but mother of 1.. Not much chemistry so like after 1 shot and brought her to Ther (live band bar in old town) got drunk then ask her go back d... I not sure if I'm overpaying or waht but I couldn't be bothered bcoz like looking for so many days d so just try since look wise she was my cup.. But mostly I think got offer 2.5k to 3k for St.. Then some 4k-5k for lt..
I paid premium around 30 sgd so i made full use of the app but still results wasn't that great... Can try la who knows u get lucky.. But like really out of 10 only 1 or 2 I will pm

In phuket town there is 1 road quite recommended damn many shops price range 1500-2000+ can check out.. Got young ones and fairly good looking... 1st night I did 1 shot cim she never ask for tips but I just give have extra 200 so 1500+200..... Young girl but pussy loose so fk no good ask her bj and just shoot inside without permission lucky she steady didn't make any complain at all so gave her a little tips... For this price I think quite OK.. Can't remember shop name but the shops all at Phoonpon Road. All walking distance just stop at Phoonpon Road and shop hop ba and check out... I did 1 shot there only but would really recommend... My friends some repeat and some said service good

I was very excited about suzy Wong / harem(fully naked) but disappointed really so not gonna talk about it.. Also pls note no phones allowed meaning u cannot press on phone even if u need to send a quick msg..

Other than that bangla Road got those small agogo keep pulling ppl in actually I saw got few good looking ones... And 1 which strip down at behind a shop called Love puipui.. Love puipui is outside normal agogo... Behind loveuipui is a strip shop - had to go in it when I need to use the toilet..
Kful of girls at love puipui thpey ask for drink sometimes u ok for 1 then they bring 2 drinks and they said 1 set.. U can actually send it back I think but can't be fked they do once I just let it slip.. This lovepuipui Got a lot google reviews said d the girls take ld then run 1... So u have to kful.... Only go and play if u don't mind spending a bit... Another way is just to discuss with her early about barfine and bring back price - don't waste too much on ld

Illuzion there was freelancers looking for customers also offering 2500 thb a pop... Quality soso..

Overall I will return again soon as got some unfinished business got a girl I want to screw at the bangla agogo but she run away after taking ld... Maybe bcoz I didn't make it clear to her I want to barfine her back.. Lol. But after talking to her on line I think she offered me 5000 thb... But barfine 1100 for short time... 2500 for whole night something like that... Ld at lovepuipui is 220 per drink.. Try to control and do your own pace then u won't feel like water fish

In phuket Old Town near Phoonpon Road there is this place called Takrai beer garden and karaoke we stumbled upon... Have pr drink with u.. I think 600 thb an hour or less can't remember.. Food and beer normal pricing... Quite many young pr.. Can try if its your thing.. They got ktv room also but no la we just sat at common area... As we about to leave got live singer come.. I think is a duo

Overall if u talk about cheong I think Phuket still OK.. May not be the best but surely can get something.. I like Phuket bcoz it offers cheong and then I really like the beaches so I'd go again soon.. Kinda fell in love with the place. I fly frm Malaysia kl so like 1 hour 40 mins flight only..

Only this time I havent tried out nuru or the massage places with young girls with extra.. Bcoz usually I'm not the type to explore myself for these... And my friend timing always off.. So didn't really get chance to explore together.... Mostly just check out bangla and the phuket Old Town Phoonpon.. So will be back again soon! My time flexi if any bros want to make trip with me can pm me also

04-01-2024, 09:43 AM
Will be digital nomadding in Phuket in April or May later this year.

Apart from the usual local delights in Phuket, anyone know if there are foreign escort services too? There are some I can find online, but with absolutely no reviews.

05-01-2024, 12:53 PM
Will be digital nomadding in Phuket in April or May later this year.

Apart from the usual local delights in Phuket, anyone know if there are foreign escort services too? There are some I can find online, but with absolutely no reviews.

Haha i did digital nomad in BKK last year for a week and it was damn fun. Enjoy and don't return home bankrupt:)

05-01-2024, 12:57 PM
Bar fines are needed if you want bring lady out during her working hours, if you want to save some money you can try talking to her and ask her out after her work finish (around 3-5am) and discuss with her for ST or LT during your interaction. My suggestion is find a lady you like and buy yourself a drink, if you feel like spending you could buy her and her sisters a drink to have their attention (they will drag their friends and introduce them to you and your friends), they will earn around 50% from the drink you buy for them. The rest is up to your charisma and how good your flirting skills.

Another way is along Soi Bangla Walking Street have Freelancer standing but be careful because mostly are ladyboy or transgender, still have real lady but you need to decide for yourself. Price can discuss with them usually between 2000THB upwards (cheap, but in life they say you get what you pay for).

Last method is you can PM me and i will share with you some tips like how i helped many other bros visiting Phuket =P

Thanks bro for your sharing. Yeah I read that Phuket is actually more expensive than BKK and Pattaya. I mean, I've played in BKK, Pattaya, Chiang Mai before so I just wanna try a beach vacay + night life this time round so Phuket's been looking very exciting so far. Not too sure if the russians and westerners will crowd out everything though.

As for me, I prefer to sit out at agogos/naughty bars and will bao the girl I really like with lots of LDs and then bring her back for some fun. I'll still drop by and visit her for the next few nights so that she'll remember me and usually her flirting gets more intense and teh sex is alot better after she gets to know you. I feel that it is safer also because I'm only fucking 1 bar girl VS many. But up to our preferences la.

05-01-2024, 01:02 PM
Spent 5 nights in phuket...

I tried Thai friendly - mostly can't make it.. However simply just settled with 1 for 5000 thb for 5 hours offered 2 shots can go out drink with me.. Nice girl, looks wise met my standards OK but mother of 1.. Not much chemistry so like after 1 shot and brought her to Ther (live band bar in old town) got drunk then ask her go back d... I not sure if I'm overpaying or waht but I couldn't be bothered bcoz like looking for so many days d so just try since look wise she was my cup.. But mostly I think got offer 2.5k to 3k for St.. Then some 4k-5k for lt..
I paid premium around 30 sgd so i made full use of the app but still results wasn't that great... Can try la who knows u get lucky.. But like really out of 10 only 1 or 2 I will pm

In phuket town there is 1 road quite recommended damn many shops price range 1500-2000+ can check out.. Got young ones and fairly good looking... 1st night I did 1 shot cim she never ask for tips but I just give have extra 200 so 1500+200..... Young girl but pussy loose so fk no good ask her bj and just shoot inside without permission lucky she steady didn't make any complain at all so gave her a little tips... For this price I think quite OK.. Can't remember shop name but the shops all at Phoonpon Road. All walking distance just stop at Phoonpon Road and shop hop ba and check out... I did 1 shot there only but would really recommend... My friends some repeat and some said service good

I was very excited about suzy Wong / harem(fully naked) but disappointed really so not gonna talk about it.. Also pls note no phones allowed meaning u cannot press on phone even if u need to send a quick msg..

Other than that bangla Road got those small agogo keep pulling ppl in actually I saw got few good looking ones... And 1 which strip down at behind a shop called Love puipui.. Love puipui is outside normal agogo... Behind loveuipui is a strip shop - had to go in it when I need to use the toilet..
Kful of girls at love puipui thpey ask for drink sometimes u ok for 1 then they bring 2 drinks and they said 1 set.. U can actually send it back I think but can't be fked they do once I just let it slip.. This lovepuipui Got a lot google reviews said d the girls take ld then run 1... So u have to kful.... Only go and play if u don't mind spending a bit... Another way is just to discuss with her early about barfine and bring back price - don't waste too much on ld

Illuzion there was freelancers looking for customers also offering 2500 thb a pop... Quality soso..

Overall I will return again soon as got some unfinished business got a girl I want to screw at the bangla agogo but she run away after taking ld... Maybe bcoz I didn't make it clear to her I want to barfine her back.. Lol. But after talking to her on line I think she offered me 5000 thb... But barfine 1100 for short time... 2500 for whole night something like that... Ld at lovepuipui is 220 per drink.. Try to control and do your own pace then u won't feel like water fish

In phuket Old Town near Phoonpon Road there is this place called Takrai beer garden and karaoke we stumbled upon... Have pr drink with u.. I think 600 thb an hour or less can't remember.. Food and beer normal pricing... Quite many young pr.. Can try if its your thing.. They got ktv room also but no la we just sat at common area... As we about to leave got live singer come.. I think is a duo

Overall if u talk about cheong I think Phuket still OK.. May not be the best but surely can get something.. I like Phuket bcoz it offers cheong and then I really like the beaches so I'd go again soon.. Kinda fell in love with the place. I fly frm Malaysia kl so like 1 hour 40 mins flight only..

Only this time I havent tried out nuru or the massage places with young girls with extra.. Bcoz usually I'm not the type to explore myself for these... And my friend timing always off.. So didn't really get chance to explore together.... Mostly just check out bangla and the phuket Old Town Phoonpon.. So will be back again soon! My time flexi if any bros want to make trip with me can pm me also

Thanks man. Really helpful. I'm actually forward to nuru massages as I'm a massage fan lol. So, I'll be doing a lot of legit massages for my sore muscles and nuru to play with girls. The only thing is if I can find pretty SYTs doing it for me. Milfs...I cannot lol.

Re suzy wong/harem, i heard that they are the best agogo in theh whole of phuket. I already mentally prepared it will be expensive leow. But what to do, we only come to thailand to monger once in a while, so might as well spend those money while we're at it. But of coz, we need to safeguard ourselves not to get chopped carrot. I actually enjoy the night of debachery, constant flirting and teasing the girls in a bar more than the actual sex itself becoz by the time i bf a girl back, most of the time I'm near drunk mode and the sex itself wasn;t that great actually.

05-01-2024, 02:15 PM
Contacted a 21 year old university student via Tinder and IG.
She lives in Thalang district.
Agreed to THB 7000 overnight.
But she wants 50% bank transfer first.
Claims she’s never had sex for money.
Any advice?
I’m trying to avoid transferring and rather have COD then COF.
She’s temperamental and has threatened to block me….

She’s blocked me on IG but I still have her Line

A retarded 6yo can see this is a scam

06-01-2024, 11:10 PM
Thanks man. Really helpful. I'm actually forward to nuru massages as I'm a massage fan lol. So, I'll be doing a lot of legit massages for my sore muscles and nuru to play with girls. The only thing is if I can find pretty SYTs doing it for me. Milfs...I cannot lol.

Re suzy wong/harem, i heard that they are the best agogo in theh whole of phuket. I already mentally prepared it will be expensive leow. But what to do, we only come to thailand to monger once in a while, so might as well spend those money while we're at it. But of coz, we need to safeguard ourselves not to get chopped carrot. I actually enjoy the night of debachery, constant flirting and teasing the girls in a bar more than the actual sex itself becoz by the time i bf a girl back, most of the time I'm near drunk mode and the sex itself wasn;t that great actually.

Think some1 mentioned there was a nuru at Soi Sansabai road , just across bangla road.. Walked pass it a few times unfortunately didn't have time to walk in to check out🙏

Actually, I also very much enjoy downing my drinks with a good company more than the actual banging too... Process > end product. 😂 Alcohol > woman 😆

07-01-2024, 12:37 PM
Think some1 mentioned there was a nuru at Soi Sansabai road , just across bangla road.. Walked pass it a few times unfortunately didn't have time to walk in to check out🙏

Actually, I also very much enjoy downing my drinks with a good company more than the actual banging too... Process > end product. 😂 Alcohol > woman 😆

Hey bros. Am in phuket now, staying at patong.

Me and my bros went down to harem and suzy wong, moulin rogue and a beer garden last night…knn we concluded that if u are a hardcore sex tourist, then phuket sucks. Why…? Read on

1. Firstly, to barfine a agogo girl (at sucky wong/harem) is 2K, LT 8K + need to buy her 24 LDs at a package price of 6K. So total damage = 16K. Wtf?? No wonder all the girls are always on stage and dancing and no one bf.

2. Second, so we teh neh neh at harem for a while for a few LDs (thankfully the girls were fun enough) and after a few LDs poorer we arrive at Moulin Rogue. LDs are 250 baht each. Higher than BKK and pattaya fyi. But our beers are at 99 - 200 baht so quite ok.

3. Moulin Rogue. More like Tulan Rogue. Entry drinks at 400 baht for the pole dancing show which was very professionally done I must say. So for me who didnt buy any LDs, the $16 beer was worth it as i treat it as a show ticket. But for my bro he bought an ultra expensive LD for a Russian girl for 1.2K for 1 LD. Fucking exp. Then he asked for how much for barfine and she said dun have but can go to a private room to do a private lap dance with her fully naked for T.E.N. fucking minutes for…drum roll…10k baht. Yes, u didnt read this wrong. 10,000 baht. And she said u can touch her and then i interjected and say, if i touch u, then it will lead to something else:) she said ok. But for 10 mins quickie? Heh. And one by one the professional dancers will come to u to do a 10 sec lap dance (no physical contact) and then u have to tip her min 100 baht.

4. So we left Tulan Rougue after spending some time enjoying the dance (oogling at european girls breasts and figures), we head to a random beer garden. Our beers are at 100-120 baht so that’s alright. LDs at 220 baht and tbh for the average quality of girls at most of the beer gardens, a 220 baht LD is very exp leow. But what to do, we blue balls and still want to continue our hunt so we found our asses landing on a beer garden, lured in by a decent looking girl. Bought LD for her and she just say the usual intro stuff and then got back to work - not entertaining us but after a few mins of chatting with me, she immediately took the signage and continued to tout. Wtf?! At least in harem, for an initial 250 LD the girls will stay with u for a much longer period of time. In the end my bro bf a decent girl from the very same beer garden and had a good night.

End of day 1

07-01-2024, 07:37 PM
Never done the Phuket scene for punting, just usual rest and relax.

Those prices are crazier than Pattaya sex town.

15-01-2024, 03:06 AM

23-01-2024, 01:45 AM
Hey guys,

Any one here from 26 to 29 jan? Looking for someone to fuck my wide in phuket. Must be chinese, 20s, decent looking. Keen pm. Thanks! Its free. But I will be watching:)

28-01-2024, 08:28 PM
Hi, sharing my experience in Phuket from late last yr. first time go phuket actually, bkk and pttya go before.

Used thaifriendly trial premium a few weeks before going
Key thing to note is that most girls are either fl or open to fl if they are in phuket area. Very easy to see from their profile also. No harm just asking also as they are eager for business. Just make sure is not bargirl, but usually they will tell u upfront la. just ask.
I collected around 20-30 line ids of girls who are my type and their rates for long and short time.
Must check about what area they willing to go to. some live in other parts and lazy travel unless u cover cab. Cab price abit expensive in phuket so i rather not. Make sure ur hotel got no extra joiner charge. this kind you all know la

Anyway, i arrive in hotel at around 8pm but before that i alr messaging a few girls ask them if free that night for st cause i abit tired want to shoot and sleep. end up of the first 4 girls i asked 2 free, so i choose the younger more pretty one, and bonus her chinese not bad. she came over around 11pm, look like her photo just complexion abit worse but nth too jialat. her age real also, i see her id when she show the hotel reception. prices aldr talk about on Line, so nvr mention again. bath together then proceed. i bought my own condom, the one they bring usually will be smaller circumference (49mm) cause cheap and too tight for me

after done almost 1am, I ask if want to stay over, she say ok. I asked need extra or not she say no need. we end up eat supper then go back sleep. next morning wake up and have morning session. paid her cash then she went back.

that day, i wanted ask other girl because need to try new things, but end up she message me if i want her come over again at night. i also abit lazy arrange another girl so i just ok. turn out, we ended up stay together for next 3 day before we both leave phuket, she follow me go tour everyday. best thing is she never ask me for money at all. i paid for all our meals and tour la, but this was cheap compare to find different fl everyday. the second night she come we went to drink at bangla, then she super horny after, did raw that time and also on last day.

initial fee - 1500 baht
food+drinks+tours maybe around 200/300 sgd, including for myself

last day she left in the afternoon to go back pattaya. she actually graduate from school but cannot find job. she come phuket holiday with friend, think is quite common for bkk/pattaya girls come phuket holiday? now her sister got her job in pattaya, maybe is work at bar? she never say. the story usually cannot believe one la, but the price, looks and gfe is real. maybe next time i go pattaya find her again :D

any way based on my experience, i will use the apps. thaifriendly is good because u can send message to any girl, no need match and i think put location is free. just ask if fl and for their line in your first message. if got premium even easier.

30-01-2024, 12:37 AM
Hi, sharing my experience in Phuket from late last yr. first time go phuket actually, bkk and pttya go before.

Used thaifriendly trial premium a few weeks before going
Key thing to note is that most girls are either fl or open to fl if they are in phuket area. Very easy to see from their profile also. No harm just asking also as they are eager for business. Just make sure is not bargirl, but usually they will tell u upfront la. just ask.
I collected around 20-30 line ids of girls who are my type and their rates for long and short time.
Must check about what area they willing to go to. some live in other parts and lazy travel unless u cover cab. Cab price abit expensive in phuket so i rather not. Make sure ur hotel got no extra joiner charge. this kind you all know la

Anyway, i arrive in hotel at around 8pm but before that i alr messaging a few girls ask them if free that night for st cause i abit tired want to shoot and sleep. end up of the first 4 girls i asked 2 free, so i choose the younger more pretty one, and bonus her chinese not bad. she came over around 11pm, look like her photo just complexion abit worse but nth too jialat. her age real also, i see her id when she show the hotel reception. prices aldr talk about on Line, so nvr mention again. bath together then proceed. i bought my own condom, the one they bring usually will be smaller circumference (49mm) cause cheap and too tight for me

after done almost 1am, I ask if want to stay over, she say ok. I asked need extra or not she say no need. we end up eat supper then go back sleep. next morning wake up and have morning session. paid her cash then she went back.

that day, i wanted ask other girl because need to try new things, but end up she message me if i want her come over again at night. i also abit lazy arrange another girl so i just ok. turn out, we ended up stay together for next 3 day before we both leave phuket, she follow me go tour everyday. best thing is she never ask me for money at all. i paid for all our meals and tour la, but this was cheap compare to find different fl everyday. the second night she come we went to drink at bangla, then she super horny after, did raw that time and also on last day.

initial fee - 1500 baht
food+drinks+tours maybe around 200/300 sgd, including for myself

last day she left in the afternoon to go back pattaya. she actually graduate from school but cannot find job. she come phuket holiday with friend, think is quite common for bkk/pattaya girls come phuket holiday? now her sister got her job in pattaya, maybe is work at bar? she never say. the story usually cannot believe one la, but the price, looks and gfe is real. maybe next time i go pattaya find her again :D

any way based on my experience, i will use the apps. thaifriendly is good because u can send message to any girl, no need match and i think put location is free. just ask if fl and for their line in your first message. if got premium even easier.

Welldone mate!!
This is EXACTLY wat i keep telling the muppets paying stupid money out of their arses....like 5 times more for 5 times less

And muppets who pay pimps....sigh

Glad u had fun!

30-01-2024, 11:16 AM
Phuket Town any recommendation Hotel to stay..

31-01-2024, 01:38 AM
Welldone mate!!
This is EXACTLY wat i keep telling the muppets paying stupid money out of their arses....like 5 times more for 5 times less

And muppets who pay pimps....sigh

Glad u had fun!

Thx bro. I think to be fair also cause I am relatively younger and fit, still got abit of pull. If I ugly then probably need to pay whole day rate already :D

The girl really made my Phuket trip fun. Would rec bros, especially those solo, to find girl to accompany or else Phuket abit boring. Go beach really must bring pretty girl in bikini w u, unlike in Pattaya or Bkk

06-02-2024, 12:05 PM
Hi! Can anyone share contacts of local OKTs. I tried searching on the web, but there are the same faces on each site.

11-02-2024, 07:03 PM
WeChat look around is a good way to try in Phuket. I met 1 doctor and 1 nurse and had some great fun there. They are quite bored also so if you are alone and stay in a beautiful resort, just jio them to come for a swim and have dinner then see how to progress.


11-02-2024, 11:46 PM
WeChat look around is a good way to try in Phuket. I met 1 doctor and 1 nurse and had some great fun there. They are quite bored also so if you are alone and stay in a beautiful resort, just jio them to come for a swim and have dinner then see how to progress.


Exactly!!! It

why so many dudes in here struggling to find (inexpensive) p***y, paying thru nose to pimps, etc., i really dunno

12-02-2024, 12:30 AM
Hi iam planning to visit phuket for the first time and wanted to know about soapy massages. The only spa I was able to find was christin massage and the reviews were bad. Can anyone suggest me good spa for some action with hot girls. Any premium ones of possible.

12-02-2024, 01:51 AM
Hi guys iam visiting phuket for the first time and wanted to know about best spa offering soapy massage. I can only find Christin massage online. But the reviews were bad. Please suggest me a good premium place for action with hot girls

12-02-2024, 07:58 AM
Hi guys iam visiting phuket for the first time and wanted to know about best spa offering soapy massage. I can only find Christin massage online. But the reviews were bad. Please suggest me a good premium place for action with hot girls

Go patong beach then go to the road behind the main road. Many happening and many women you can see before you decide.

12-02-2024, 09:33 PM
evening lads, will be heading to phuket end march, during the good friday week. PM me if anyone wants to grab a drink go chiong tgt, also pls recommend some spots, havent been there for a year, may hv lost touch alr:p:p

04-04-2024, 04:41 PM
Will be there on the 14th... Let's goooooo

06-04-2024, 04:56 PM
evening lads, will be heading to phuket end march, during the good friday week. PM me if anyone wants to grab a drink go chiong tgt, also pls recommend some spots, havent been there for a year, may hv lost touch alr:p:p

How did your trip go? Any updated recommendations or tips? I might be going there next month.

08-04-2024, 03:56 PM
hello fellow chiongsters,

want to check in Phuket, where to go for the bkk equivalent of Lolitas Bar or Kasalong

15-04-2024, 12:00 AM
Good day brothers,

Sorry for the delay in my FR, have been swamped with work and just found the time to post during the weekend. As i have posted an FR before here (https://thesbf.shop/showthread.php?p=21594520&highlight=#post21594520) i will be keeping this FR fairly short and sweet. P.S. Let me know if u need any food/activity recommendations (im only mid 20s so my recommendations will be geared more towards the younger crowd, sorry laojiaos)

Spent 8D7N in the land of smiles, spent about 5 nights chionging. As per standard, Bangla Rd was amazing and I did most of my partying there. I mostly chiong Agogos and Bars, not really keen on the clubbing scene as really too many ang mohs and last time i went, most of the FLs there already have company so its hard to hunt there.

Day 1 : Touched down at night, took airport transfer (booked on klook) and chiong to my hotel in Patong, put down stuff, straight rush to Bangla Rd. Unfortunately, that day tired, abit no feels so me and my friend went to OTOP hut to drink, play pool and watch soccer. Went back to hotel ard 2am. let me know if u want my chill bar recommendation, me and my friends chilled there on days we didnt chiong and really enjoyed the company. (do note, girls there arent very open to any sexual stuff, just go there for good chill vibes) Oh, forgot to mention, i arranged for a TF TS FL to meet me at my hotel for LT, first time trying TS and I must say that their BBJ game is fucking strong, really unmatched, have to try:D:D But I opt for post-ops, must slowly get used to the idea of fucking a TS first before trying a pre-ops TS. Price was only 1500THB for LT, 8/10 looks, first look really thought its female, then when hotel collected her ID, me, the receptionist and the FL had a good laugh on how different she looked.

Day 2/3 : Some touristy stuff once again, Phuket Old Town, Phuket Old Town Night Market, Chillva Night Market, Central Malls, Jungceylon,Let's Relax Massage, etc. (once again PM me if u want more info)

Day 4 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) ok bros, these few days chionging may be abit boring bcos brother here kenna gongtao on Day 5 but for today, just hopped around the different bars, hunt here and there, nothing worth noting but LD are about 200THB per shot and beers are now 100-120THB per bottle. Nothing really caught my eye so around 1030pm, i started texting my TF finds and arranged for a ST which turned LT. Paid only 2500THB for LT (ST quoted 1500THB) for a 7.6/10 fair-skinned 20 year old, tipped another 500THB as it was fairly last minute and she had to travel from Chalong area. Left the hotel around 8AM, standard stuff, 3 shots, nothing to rave about.

Day 5 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) Headed down to Bangla Rd, same old same old, hopped around bars and ONCE AGAIN nothing caught my eye, maybe i got more picky since my last trip but i feel the standards drop sia, most are at best 7/10, only a handful are a 8/9 looker. Then around 12am, me and my friend decided to go into this one agogo, got a few poles outside with girls pole dancing in various cosplay (outside is a bar, inside is a agogo). At first, i was hesistant as my hunter eyes lock onto one chick dancing outside already, wanted to go to the bar outside instead but the promoter drag me to the agogo entrance and next thing i know, a 9.5/10 tattoed 22Y/O babe was dragging me inside and wow, thank god the promoter dragged me in there, the girl stayed with me throughout, played dice games, etc, standard SOP, had to dance 20mins every hour until the agogo closed at 4AM. The few hours i was there, only bought 2 LDs, which were fucking expensive at 700THB, but luckily my girl was not pushy about LDs and was more about the teasing and playing. My friend wasnt as lucky and he bought about 4 LDs just for his girl to tell him that she only does ST (1500BF+3000ST) in their rooms upstairs and LT was quoted at an outrageous price of 9000THB. I checked with my girl on her BF and LT fees, BF was still at 1500/2000THB even at 1am and LT quoted 5000THB (reasonable for agogo girls), but she said if i stayed till 4am, she could just go back with me, which i agreed to. So me and my friend played around with the girls there, and at 4am he said goodbye to his 'scammer' girl while my girl met me at the back of the agogo before she dragged me to a more local live performance party thing at the back of the agogo. I went along with it as it was a solid experience seeing the agogo girls also partying with each other and girls from other bars there. Beers there were fair, 3 big bottles at 300THB only, i paid for one round and my girl paid for the next round. This was the highlight of my trip as the live performances were super nice and my girl was handing me 100thb notes over and over again for me to tip the performers (esp the ones i call pretty, wtf right?) anyway, i will skip over the details that happened there, and we left around 530am, with the party still going strong. Went back to the hotel, fucked like rabbits as both of us were a little drunk from the non-stop drinking. I didnt know i had it in me, and we fucked all the way from 6am to 1030am, 3 shots, firing blanks on the last shot :D. Took a short nap till 1230noon, where i had to meet my other friends for lunch so sadly had to kick her out of the room, and yes, i still paid 5000thb haha.

Day 6 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) Was shagged out from the previous day so my plan was to just chill with my friends, go back to the chill bar at OTOP and head back for a early night. But as i was winding down, getting ready to toh already, i got a text from the girl from the agogo, i swear she gongtao me bcos i cldnt stop thinking of her. she texted me at 11pm asking if i was going to bangla, i said no, was in my hotel already and she offered to come over around 12am. of course i had to say yes haha. Made a quick run to 7-11 to buy cigarettes and another pack of condoms (they sell okomoto .02 there) and waited for her to arrive. same thing as the day before, she fucked my brains out and drained me once again and stayed till 9am the next day. i was barely awake when she left, didnt collect any fees from me just gave me a peck on the cheek and left by herself, really KC to the max *sigh*. but me being me, i was afraid she took something from my room but woke up to realise nothing was taken from me, not even from my wallet which i forgot to lock up the night before.

Day 7 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) Last night in phuket already, time flies, went back to Bangla Rd and bar hopped once again to find nothing to my liking. Texted the girl once again and she said she had to work that day so I went back to the same agogo to support her, but didnt let her know beforehand as i was still on the fence about it. Went in and saw her entertaining a few customers tipping her like crazy, she saw me walk in and ran over, ditching the other customers, which they werent happy about and shot me dirty looks throughout the night lol:p:p. Only bought her 3 LDs throught the 4 hours i was there and since i had an early flight the next day and had to check out around 8am, i didnt LT her but instead went back to the local party as mentioned in day 5 with the girl and her friends after her work, partied all the way till 7am and when i told my girl i had to go, she packed up and was going to leave with me but i told her that i had to catch my flight already:( so had to say my goodbyes, she KC me to the max and even cried as she waved bye as i walked out of the bar and back to my hotel to pack up and get ready to fly back to this purgatory of a country....whole time at the airport, i was still thinking of her, shared with my friends and all joked about me needing to go gongtaohelpdesk to recover haha.

Summary/Tips :

1. Bangla Rd will be your main nightlife entertainment, agogos can get quite expensive to chiong so for more budget-friendly trips, try to chiong bars as their LD is only 200-250THB as compared to 700THB Agogo LDs (still think its too much of a rip-off)

2. Browse TF (thaifriendly) maybe a week before heading there, shortlist a few, get their line and activate when needed, i had 7 contacts but end up only using 2. They do offer 1 mth premium free trial if its a new account so use as u wish. just note that TF girls are 6-8/10 only and ALWAYS video call them before meeting them to avoid any B&S or catfish and NEVER put deposit or transfer them money before service. price range for LT is about 2000-6000THB and 8000THB for model standard.

3. Use indriver/bolt to get around phuket, grab is charging scam prices. tuktuk within Patong, no matter how close, have a flat fare of 100THB so take note, and from my experience, tuktuks dont actually charge absurd prices and are only slightly more expensive than indrive (for short distances).

4. Can use youtrip to withdraw from ATMs, 220thb withdrawal fee.

5. Smokers that smoke cold can try iscore7 (thin cigg like for women) or LD Storm (normal ciggs)

My total damage for this trip was about 2k SGD but take note that flight + hotel was about 500SGD and me and my friends spent way more than average on food and activities. Total chionging budget was about 1.1k SGD. Lastly guys, careful of KC and GT, i thought i wont kenna also, but who knew....just recently stopped talking to her on LINE haha, dont want kenna any "sick buffalo" fees

Alright, thats it bros, theres my phuket FR once again, hope it helps you guys decide how to chiong and feel free to PM me about anything i can help you with (my hotel, tourist activities and i got a few solid food recommendations). Next trip : Bangkok and Pattaya, Halloween/Deepavali long weekend trip, let me know if anybody wants to chiong together, have yet to meet up with any SBF bros haha. Also will need some shifus advice on chionging Bangkok and Pattaya, will be my first time chionging there haha, last time always with family, no chance to escape.

Sorry for the long wall of text, just want to help any newbies like me get more familarised with the phuket scene.

17-04-2024, 04:06 PM
Good day brothers,

Sorry for the delay in my FR, have been swamped with work and just found the time to post during the weekend. As i have posted an FR before here (https://thesbf.shop/showthread.php?p=21594520&highlight=#post21594520) i will be keeping this FR fairly short and sweet. P.S. Let me know if u need any food/activity recommendations (im only mid 20s so my recommendations will be geared more towards the younger crowd, sorry laojiaos)

Spent 8D7N in the land of smiles, spent about 5 nights chionging. As per standard, Bangla Rd was amazing and I did most of my partying there. I mostly chiong Agogos and Bars, not really keen on the clubbing scene as really too many ang mohs and last time i went, most of the FLs there already have company so its hard to hunt there.

Day 1 : Touched down at night, took airport transfer (booked on klook) and chiong to my hotel in Patong, put down stuff, straight rush to Bangla Rd. Unfortunately, that day tired, abit no feels so me and my friend went to OTOP hut to drink, play pool and watch soccer. Went back to hotel ard 2am. let me know if u want my chill bar recommendation, me and my friends chilled there on days we didnt chiong and really enjoyed the company. (do note, girls there arent very open to any sexual stuff, just go there for good chill vibes) Oh, forgot to mention, i arranged for a TF TS FL to meet me at my hotel for LT, first time trying TS and I must say that their BBJ game is fucking strong, really unmatched, have to try:D:D But I opt for post-ops, must slowly get used to the idea of fucking a TS first before trying a pre-ops TS. Price was only 1500THB for LT, 8/10 looks, first look really thought its female, then when hotel collected her ID, me, the receptionist and the FL had a good laugh on how different she looked.

Day 2/3 : Some touristy stuff once again, Phuket Old Town, Phuket Old Town Night Market, Chillva Night Market, Central Malls, Jungceylon,Let's Relax Massage, etc. (once again PM me if u want more info)

Day 4 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) ok bros, these few days chionging may be abit boring bcos brother here kenna gongtao on Day 5 but for today, just hopped around the different bars, hunt here and there, nothing worth noting but LD are about 200THB per shot and beers are now 100-120THB per bottle. Nothing really caught my eye so around 1030pm, i started texting my TF finds and arranged for a ST which turned LT. Paid only 2500THB for LT (ST quoted 1500THB) for a 7.6/10 fair-skinned 20 year old, tipped another 500THB as it was fairly last minute and she had to travel from Chalong area. Left the hotel around 8AM, standard stuff, 3 shots, nothing to rave about.

Day 5 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) Headed down to Bangla Rd, same old same old, hopped around bars and ONCE AGAIN nothing caught my eye, maybe i got more picky since my last trip but i feel the standards drop sia, most are at best 7/10, only a handful are a 8/9 looker. Then around 12am, me and my friend decided to go into this one agogo, got a few poles outside with girls pole dancing in various cosplay (outside is a bar, inside is a agogo). At first, i was hesistant as my hunter eyes lock onto one chick dancing outside already, wanted to go to the bar outside instead but the promoter drag me to the agogo entrance and next thing i know, a 9.5/10 tattoed 22Y/O babe was dragging me inside and wow, thank god the promoter dragged me in there, the girl stayed with me throughout, played dice games, etc, standard SOP, had to dance 20mins every hour until the agogo closed at 4AM. The few hours i was there, only bought 2 LDs, which were fucking expensive at 700THB, but luckily my girl was not pushy about LDs and was more about the teasing and playing. My friend wasnt as lucky and he bought about 4 LDs just for his girl to tell him that she only does ST (1500BF+3000ST) in their rooms upstairs and LT was quoted at an outrageous price of 9000THB. I checked with my girl on her BF and LT fees, BF was still at 1500/2000THB even at 1am and LT quoted 5000THB (reasonable for agogo girls), but she said if i stayed till 4am, she could just go back with me, which i agreed to. So me and my friend played around with the girls there, and at 4am he said goodbye to his 'scammer' girl while my girl met me at the back of the agogo before she dragged me to a more local live performance party thing at the back of the agogo. I went along with it as it was a solid experience seeing the agogo girls also partying with each other and girls from other bars there. Beers there were fair, 3 big bottles at 300THB only, i paid for one round and my girl paid for the next round. This was the highlight of my trip as the live performances were super nice and my girl was handing me 100thb notes over and over again for me to tip the performers (esp the ones i call pretty, wtf right?) anyway, i will skip over the details that happened there, and we left around 530am, with the party still going strong. Went back to the hotel, fucked like rabbits as both of us were a little drunk from the non-stop drinking. I didnt know i had it in me, and we fucked all the way from 6am to 1030am, 3 shots, firing blanks on the last shot :D. Took a short nap till 1230noon, where i had to meet my other friends for lunch so sadly had to kick her out of the room, and yes, i still paid 5000thb haha.

Day 6 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) Was shagged out from the previous day so my plan was to just chill with my friends, go back to the chill bar at OTOP and head back for a early night. But as i was winding down, getting ready to toh already, i got a text from the girl from the agogo, i swear she gongtao me bcos i cldnt stop thinking of her. she texted me at 11pm asking if i was going to bangla, i said no, was in my hotel already and she offered to come over around 12am. of course i had to say yes haha. Made a quick run to 7-11 to buy cigarettes and another pack of condoms (they sell okomoto .02 there) and waited for her to arrive. same thing as the day before, she fucked my brains out and drained me once again and stayed till 9am the next day. i was barely awake when she left, didnt collect any fees from me just gave me a peck on the cheek and left by herself, really KC to the max *sigh*. but me being me, i was afraid she took something from my room but woke up to realise nothing was taken from me, not even from my wallet which i forgot to lock up the night before.

Day 7 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) Last night in phuket already, time flies, went back to Bangla Rd and bar hopped once again to find nothing to my liking. Texted the girl once again and she said she had to work that day so I went back to the same agogo to support her, but didnt let her know beforehand as i was still on the fence about it. Went in and saw her entertaining a few customers tipping her like crazy, she saw me walk in and ran over, ditching the other customers, which they werent happy about and shot me dirty looks throughout the night lol:p:p. Only bought her 3 LDs throught the 4 hours i was there and since i had an early flight the next day and had to check out around 8am, i didnt LT her but instead went back to the local party as mentioned in day 5 with the girl and her friends after her work, partied all the way till 7am and when i told my girl i had to go, she packed up and was going to leave with me but i told her that i had to catch my flight already:( so had to say my goodbyes, she KC me to the max and even cried as she waved bye as i walked out of the bar and back to my hotel to pack up and get ready to fly back to this purgatory of a country....whole time at the airport, i was still thinking of her, shared with my friends and all joked about me needing to go gongtaohelpdesk to recover haha.

Summary/Tips :

1. Bangla Rd will be your main nightlife entertainment, agogos can get quite expensive to chiong so for more budget-friendly trips, try to chiong bars as their LD is only 200-250THB as compared to 700THB Agogo LDs (still think its too much of a rip-off)

2. Browse TF (thaifriendly) maybe a week before heading there, shortlist a few, get their line and activate when needed, i had 7 contacts but end up only using 2. They do offer 1 mth premium free trial if its a new account so use as u wish. just note that TF girls are 6-8/10 only and ALWAYS video call them before meeting them to avoid any B&S or catfish and NEVER put deposit or transfer them money before service. price range for LT is about 2000-6000THB and 8000THB for model standard.

3. Use indriver/bolt to get around phuket, grab is charging scam prices. tuktuk within Patong, no matter how close, have a flat fare of 100THB so take note, and from my experience, tuktuks dont actually charge absurd prices and are only slightly more expensive than indrive (for short distances).

4. Can use youtrip to withdraw from ATMs, 220thb withdrawal fee.

5. Smokers that smoke cold can try iscore7 (thin cigg like for women) or LD Storm (normal ciggs)

My total damage for this trip was about 2k SGD but take note that flight + hotel was about 500SGD and me and my friends spent way more than average on food and activities. Total chionging budget was about 1.1k SGD. Lastly guys, careful of KC and GT, i thought i wont kenna also, but who knew....just recently stopped talking to her on LINE haha, dont want kenna any "sick buffalo" fees

Alright, thats it bros, theres my phuket FR once again, hope it helps you guys decide how to chiong and feel free to PM me about anything i can help you with (my hotel, tourist activities and i got a few solid food recommendations). Next trip : Bangkok and Pattaya, Halloween/Deepavali long weekend trip, let me know if anybody wants to chiong together, have yet to meet up with any SBF bros haha. Also will need some shifus advice on chionging Bangkok and Pattaya, will be my first time chionging there haha, last time always with family, no chance to escape.

Sorry for the long wall of text, just want to help any newbies like me get more familarised with the phuket scene.

Thanks for sharing and the tips. Going up next weekend. I’ve just downloaded TF hopefully can find a good FL.

23-04-2024, 06:27 PM
Was in phuket for a night on the 14th to go see a girl who is now working in harem ( I was very fond of her when I met her in last December at love pompui bar just outside at bangla street but didn't get any action as I went late and didn't mention about barfine her then after a few drinks she just left) my cheongster friend had to help me to get contact when he went back the next day while I actually left for home earlier than him...

Anyway,Communication breakdown on msg, I thought she wanted 9k ,so I thought ok 9k for long time and I told her to come bring me go play Songkran with me in the afternoon she said ok but when I arrived msgs unreplied (she wasn't good in replying msgs eventho I told her my intentions way earlier like weeks before (maybe is her fishing skill) So no head no tail no conclusion.. My friend thinks I'm self entitled to think that if I told her I'd go visit her then she should at least be more prompt with her replies (hahahahaha. Maybe her biz is too good d she just can't be bothered)

So when harem open 8pm+ straight go find her she was already half naked wearing panties only dancing on the stage.. Lol. So asked her to come accompany and then talk abit and When she told me it was 2k bf +5k st + 6k ld = 13k I like wdf... Lol. Way over my budget.. If long time was 7k instead of 5k which total 15k... (this price was verified by 1 bro above - any1 manage to get a different price can pls share - maybe it is negotiable?)
So didn't bother just drank myself drunk and bought her a few LD... Told myself that I just needed to see what I need to see and that's it :cool: She said money quite good there but of course she is half naked whole night till 4-5am..

Actually Worst part is management don't allow them to drink beer or original tequilas.. Manager said they don't allow because girls work a long hours like 8am till 4-5am. Lan Lan c c...
So not very fun..

Quality wise so so.. Not great not bad.. But can visit if u have budget... Number 1 place in phuket for now.. If not then sister shop which is suzy Wong..
After a few hours went back to sleep alone and next day meet my main chick to travel to Khao Lak north of Phuket for a quieter holiday...
After leaving Phuket to travel north, Was speaking to a cheongster friend and he said fk it just pay the money but ask for longer time like noon time start until morning,instead of keep wondering how she taste like.. Lol.
So I spoke to her again said I would go back on the 19th (after my main chick goes back to chiang mai) to see her and ok pay her 15k but again communication breakdown or probably she said something like she couldn't stay for too long... So fk it la not gonna change my ticket if no confirmation frm her so went back on the 19th...

Anyway didn't do much this time except immerse myself in the songkran celebration a little other than visiting harem... I've done it 3 times Bangkok, Chiang Mai then hatyai... I'm in mid 30s now I don't find it fun anymore especially when u have to pay for refill of water each time... Many years ago u could just walk around and ask for refill or worse case scenario they ask buy something they give u water free, sometimes free flow ( I remember sitting outside of RCA alone and just had free flow of ice water for my water gun - of course I made a deal and was buying cans of beer frm the street vendor - while I shot cold icey water at strangers passing by) . But now could be different bcoz I saw like 20thb per refill and I didn't ask much bcoz i find it ridiculous.. Anyway was alone so couldn't have been much fun...

Anyway if any1 looking for a fk should go for Phoonpon Road at old phuket town.... Plenty of fk joint there frm 1500 thb up.... patong everything is just overpriced..

06-05-2024, 09:06 AM
Thanks for sharing and the tips. Going up next weekend. I’ve just downloaded TF hopefully can find a good FL.

Happy to report that the TF app work. Just really got to do your homework a couple of days and made sure you get the full paid trial version (immediately unsubscribe on my last day).

Did the SOP of chatting, asking for their rates (most are FL) and lastly verify through line video call. Struck gold with a hot girl (speaks English well, solid body, she works out and one hell of a horny nympho). Rates are between 2500 ST to 5000 LT. The girl I had was 5000THB.

Book her for the first night (sex was amazing) and we caught up again the next day for drinks at some beach bar before I ran off to meet my friends. Got her to come over again to my hotel, had an amazing night and another round in the morning. I was pretty much exhausted from 2 nights and morning of sex hahahahhaa.

As for Bangla Patong Beach, I only did a quick walk through, really not a fan of the place and it’s too mass, totally not my vibe.

Hope my mini report helps.

13-05-2024, 07:19 AM
morning bros,
We are planing for a trip next week to Phuket. Part of the trip is to charter a private cruise out to the sea.

We are looking for some escorts service for the cruise. I have been searching in the whole forum and can't find any contact except for those in Bangkok.

Any boys have the contact, please share. Very much appreciated

21-05-2024, 11:27 AM
Long time lurker here, just wanted to share my story in Phuket.
Between the years of 2017 to 2020 (pre-covid), got kinda addicted to going to Phuket lol, was going once every 3 months.

Most of the time it was quite normal.
Go with a friend, hang out during the day, sleeping a lot, chilling out at the pool and the beach, drinking till the wee hours of the night and then going back. I think because we were there more to relax and drink.

This only happened once in my multiple visits that I still can't forget about it.
We were at an agogo bar, doing our usual thing, I know quite a lot of the staff there because I only frequent there while in Phuket (Sorry, creature of habit). Usually I just tip the bartender who is a dear friend 1000THB on the first day and she will take care of everything for me until I go home, so no ladies will ask me for LD and disturb us.

Happened to see a group of girls dancing on the tables that I'd never seen before, so I just asked if they're new. The bartender told me that they were "tourists" in Phuket? Came from border of Thailand and Malaysia, can't rmb where it is now, and some of them can speak Chinese.

Somehow we could get on very well with the group. The next day, I called up one of the girls from the group to hang out with us for the day, as friends. So we covered all the expenses, nothing much honestly, just normal meals.

So we did this for 3 days, and she will leave us about 8pm to go start her shift, she was working 1/2 weeks I think before going back to her hometown. Usually we leave about 1-2am, then go to the beach chill out a bit before going back to the room. But that day was the last night, so we figured that we'd stay a bit longer, the girls also kept asking us to stay. Just FYI, over the 3 nights we bought prob 10LD (250ea) for a group of 7 or 8 girls.

They finished at about 3-4am iirc. We were going to make our way back to the hotel by then, quite tired. Suddenly 5 of them said that tmr is their last day, they didn't know we going home tmr. They asked us to continue drinking with them. At this point, I really got no money already haha, even showed them my empty pockets.

This was when shit started getting wild. The 5 of them offered to pay, since they were inviting us. It was almost 4 by then, so they said we can go to Illuzion, never been there before. Went there, they bought multiple towers plus a big bowl with gummy bears inside and shisha towers. Had multiple lap dances by all the girls there, a lot of grinding, ended up the girl that we were hanging out with during the day just brought me back to the place she was staying and fucked my brains out, didn't even have to pay her or anything, everything initiated by her. This was probably the most fun night I've had in all my years of going to Patong and I doubt anything would top that.

Was bored and decided to share this story with some strangers on the internet.

But I think over the years, Patong has changed? Especially post-covid, things got way more expensive, people are more wary now, and there are so many more rowdy tourists. It's always been commercial, don't get me wrong, but something just feels off now, which is why I don't really go anymore.

Thanks if you read to the end, have a great day and a great time in Patong.

05-06-2024, 01:43 PM
In Phuket now! :eek:
Maybe some of the old birds here will think I gohok only 555! :p

Too many Russians these days.
Main activity is go beach wash eyes and return to hotel room to pcc. :o

The only honest businesses in Phuket are still Big C, 7-Eleven and small restaurants with reasonable prices.

05-06-2024, 02:04 PM
So asked her to come accompany and then talk abit and When she told me it was 2k bf +5k st + 6k ld = 13k I like wdf... Lol. Way over my budget.. If long time was 7k instead of 5k which total 15k... (this price was verified by 1 bro above - any1 manage to get a different price can pls share - maybe it is negotiable?)

Anyway if any1 looking for a fk should go for Phoonpon Road at old phuket town.... Plenty of fk joint there frm 1500 thb up.... patong everything is just overpriced..

Long story short, Phuket isn't really for mongering. Gogobars there somehow work on this biz model like girls dont need to go out with you to earn money because there are too many carrots i suppose.

Phuket and Chiang Mai same problem.

So what are these places good for?

It's for you to find a nice girl you have chemistry with in Bangkok to take on a 3d2n short vacation.

Sigh, i rarely visit LOS these days but those were fun times.

05-06-2024, 04:55 PM
Long story short, Phuket isn't really for mongering. Gogobars there somehow work on this biz model like girls dont need to go out with you to earn money because there are too many carrots i suppose.

Phuket and Chiang Mai same problem.

So what are these places good for?

It's for you to find a nice girl you have chemistry with in Bangkok to take on a 3d2n short vacation.

Sigh, i rarely visit LOS these days but those were fun times.

Only Bangkok and Pattaya is worth cheonging.
Just bring your own if you want to visit other parts of Thailand or enjoy for what it is.

But for those Korean superstars no problem lah. :cool:

These days I just enjoy eating Thai food and drink few litres of beer in hotel room before sleeping. :rolleyes:

05-06-2024, 05:01 PM
Only Bangkok and Pattaya is worth cheonging.
Just bring your own if you want to visit other parts of Thailand or enjoy for what it is.

But for those Korean superstars no problem lah. :cool:

These days I just enjoy eating Thai food and drink few litres of beer in hotel room before sleeping. :rolleyes:

these days eat more chinese food than thai food liao p'tony.

chinese food more refined lol.

but based on tiktok i see bangkok now also got many chinese restaurant bring in hot imports. amazing the ones that come to bkk are hotter than the ones that go to sg.

05-06-2024, 05:09 PM
these days eat more chinese food than thai food liao p'tony.

chinese food more refined lol.

but based on tiktok i see bangkok now also got many chinese restaurant bring in hot imports. amazing the ones that come to bkk are hotter than the ones that go to sg.

Same. Eat Chinese and Indo food more these days. :D

Those PRC FLs in Bangkok are very overpriced.

06-06-2024, 04:01 PM
Same. Eat Chinese and Indo food more these days. :D

Those PRC FLs in Bangkok are very overpriced.

I see many of these PRC girls with strong FLs vibes staying at my ratchada hotel. Several are really beautiful but so far, I don’t have the balls to ask where they are working haha. They don’t look like the type that need to walk the Sukhumvit streets. Maybe the PRCs have some private club?

06-06-2024, 11:44 PM
I see many of these PRC girls with strong FLs vibes staying at my ratchada hotel. Several are really beautiful but so far, I don’t have the balls to ask where they are working haha. They don’t look like the type that need to walk the Sukhumvit streets. Maybe the PRCs have some private club?

Only ladyboys and older girls need to ply the streets! :p

They have PRC agents. :cool:

A lot of the high quality PRCs don't even have to open legs.
Just earn sitting tips from rich Tiong customers in clubs/KTVs.

All eagles liao so want to play puchai jing jai game can forget it! :eek:

06-06-2024, 11:46 PM
For those new to Bangkok or out of touch.
Now Huai Khwang is the new Chinatown. :rolleyes:

Phuket is really overrun with Russians.
555 you see more Russians than Thais! :cool:

07-06-2024, 01:18 AM
I see many of these PRC girls with strong FLs vibes staying at my ratchada hotel. Several are really beautiful but so far, I don’t have the balls to ask where they are working haha. They don’t look like the type that need to walk the Sukhumvit streets. Maybe the PRCs have some private club?

Solution v simple...grow a pair of balls


07-06-2024, 03:06 AM
Solution v simple...grow a pair of balls



You want to go ask a fellow hotel guest whether she is a prostitute just because she is giving off FL vibes?


07-06-2024, 04:20 AM
For those new to Bangkok or out of touch.
Now Huai Khwang is the new Chinatown. :rolleyes:

Phuket is really overrun with Russians.
555 you see more Russians than Thais! :cool:

Too much China money coming into Bangkok plus the PRCs love to setup restaurants to launder money. These days, high quality Thai girls come at even higher prices. Now Bangkok P4P is only good for biz travellers w/ big budgets or guys looking for some fun while the wives r out shopping. Guessing that many still go to Bangkok mainly because of familiarity. I got a friend who keeps bugging me to try Jakarta, says the PRCs r afraid of muslims so prices are still low haha.

07-06-2024, 03:26 PM
Too much China money coming into Bangkok plus the PRCs love to setup restaurants to launder money. These days, high quality Thai girls come at even higher prices. Now Bangkok P4P is only good for biz travellers w/ big budgets or guys looking for some fun while the wives r out shopping. Guessing that many still go to Bangkok mainly because of familiarity. I got a friend who keeps bugging me to try Jakarta, says the PRCs r afraid of muslims so prices are still low haha.

Yes PRCs spoil the market in Thailand liao.
Just 20 years and we thought the Japanese are the worst. :D

In Jakarta the PRC KTV hostesses cost a bomb.

15-06-2024, 11:31 PM

You want to go ask a fellow hotel guest whether she is a prostitute just because she is giving off FL vibes?


Rather obviously there are many many more ways to smoothly start a conversation with a fellow guest...after which her status will become apparent.

Doesnt need very large balls

15-06-2024, 11:34 PM
Too much China money coming into Bangkok plus the PRCs love to setup restaurants to launder money. These days, high quality Thai girls come at even higher prices. Now Bangkok P4P is only good for biz travellers w/ big budgets or guys looking for some fun while the wives r out shopping. Guessing that many still go to Bangkok mainly because of familiarity. I got a friend who keeps bugging me to try Jakarta, says the PRCs r afraid of muslims so prices are still low haha.

This in general i agree..mainstream bkk

But im still find lots n lots free around uni/party zones + websites rarely more 1300 per pop n young

Jka is diff story indeed

I Love Boobs
18-06-2024, 09:32 PM
Too much China money coming into Bangkok plus the PRCs love to setup restaurants to launder money. These days, high quality Thai girls come at even higher prices. Now Bangkok P4P is only good for biz travellers w/ big budgets or guys looking for some fun while the wives r out shopping. Guessing that many still go to Bangkok mainly because of familiarity. I got a friend who keeps bugging me to try Jakarta, says the PRCs r afraid of muslims so prices are still low haha.

JKT frequented by many PRCs already....
Spoil market.. tip too much..

18-06-2024, 10:52 PM
Anyone have any recommendations down in Rawai?
Good happy massages or SYT?

19-06-2024, 02:04 PM
For those new to Bangkok or out of touch.
Now Huai Khwang is the new Chinatown. :rolleyes:

Phuket is really overrun with Russians.
555 you see more Russians than Thais! :cool:

Strongly agreed! Huai Khwang now walking along the street so many PRC and the PRCs here expect everyone to be able to speak Chinese. Really spoil market. Chinese restaurant everywhere losing the Thailand vibe.

Phuket same situation different nationality. businesses so many indirectly owned by the russian mobs. and so many of them there.

thailand really losing the thailand holiday feel and thai culture.

20-06-2024, 04:24 PM
will be in Phuket till Saturday night… any bros got outcall girls to intro…?

21-06-2024, 08:21 PM
thailand really losing the thailand holiday feel and thai culture.

555 what to do?

Thailand is broke.
Without Tiong and Ruskie influx it will be even more broke! :cool:

21-06-2024, 09:32 PM
555 what to do?

Thailand is broke.
Without Tiong and Ruskie influx it will be even more broke! :cool:

now ah with all their money coming in, the economy is not improving. coz only circulating within that group. its not circulating everywhere. many issues i see now in thailand that is not well handled. i see so many videos of cleaning up the streets. OMG why you so focus on cleaning up streets when businesses winding up, people losing jobs money not circulating. lol

22-06-2024, 08:37 PM
now ah with all their money coming in, the economy is not improving. coz only circulating within that group. its not circulating everywhere. many issues i see now in thailand that is not well handled. i see so many videos of cleaning up the streets. OMG why you so focus on cleaning up streets when businesses winding up, people losing jobs money not circulating. lol

Yes the Tiongs and Ruskies only patronise their native businesses.

Many are operating businesses illegally but rarely get taken to task because these two groups are champions of bribing.
Useless polik only bust farangs and small fries to wayang only 555. :D

During Ah Pa Thaksin era the streets are dirty but the economy was actually doing well.
Until the # family eyes see red and start military coups (2006/2014).
This is the main reason plus the pandemic happened which is a double whammy. :cool:

23-06-2024, 02:50 PM
Yes the Tiongs and Ruskies only patronise their native businesses.

Many are operating businesses illegally but rarely get taken to task because these two groups are champions of bribing.
Useless polik only bust farangs and small fries to wayang only 555. :D

During Ah Pa Thaksin era the streets are dirty but the economy was actually doing well.
Until the # family eyes see red and start military coups (2006/2014).
This is the main reason plus the pandemic happened which is a double whammy. :cool:

Yea thaksin corrupt but not too greedy. he smart. the people happy and can survive he can eat long time. need him come back into full power then you see everything better i believe.

23-06-2024, 02:55 PM
Strongly agreed! Huai Khwang now walking along the street so many PRC and the PRCs here expect everyone to be able to speak Chinese. Really spoil market. Chinese restaurant everywhere losing the Thailand vibe.

Phuket same situation different nationality. businesses so many indirectly owned by the russian mobs. and so many of them there.

thailand really losing the thailand holiday feel and thai culture.

they need to find way to put pressure on govt. to stop the economic invasion of china. really very sad to see thailand become a sub china.

23-06-2024, 07:43 PM
Yea thaksin corrupt but not too greedy. he smart. the people happy and can survive he can eat long time. need him come back into full power then you see everything better i believe.

Difficult lah as long as the # family is still around. :rolleyes:

30-06-2024, 05:30 PM
they need to find way to put pressure on govt. to stop the economic invasion of china. really very sad to see thailand become a sub china.

to be fair, the invasion of China started many centuries ago. Many people in Thailand, especially in urbanised environment, has some form of Chinese roots and Thailand has the BIGGEST overseas Chinese population in the world. The reason mainlanders chose Huai Khwang is the same reason many SG cheongsters who don't want to stay in Asoke - Nana area chose the area - convenience and high accessibility to Ratchadaphisek and other popular cheongster hangouts. If you want a pure Thai environment, you have to forsake some of the convenience and accessibility. it is time to choose a different part of Bangkok to stay at and play. try ARI, CHOKCHAI, NANGLINCHEE

NANGLINGCHEE is where COCONUT that SBF members talked about a lot in the Kapoo thread is located.

04-07-2024, 11:12 PM
Anyone have recommendation of good massage places by SYT in Rawai area?

05-07-2024, 07:27 AM
Will be in phuket in a couple of weeks time

Any recommendations of great places for booze and chicks

Also recommendations of massages with happy endings

Would love to know the rates of these activities in


05-07-2024, 04:13 PM
I am here now, but staying down in Rawai. Which area will you be in?
Massages down here are 300baht, and extras vary. Ive been quoted 500 for HJ, 1000 for BJ and 1500 for FJ. I think those prices are about right for this area.

patong is abit more due to touristy area

05-07-2024, 04:57 PM
Will be in phuket in a couple of weeks time

Any recommendations of great places for booze and chicks

Also recommendations of massages with happy endings

Would love to know the rates of these activities in


Iluzion can bro, u might want to look it up:D

06-07-2024, 12:08 PM
Iluzion can bro, u might want to look it up:D

Thanks for the info

06-07-2024, 03:14 PM
Was in Phuket last week. My partner brought me to this place call Fantasia Entertainment place. There you have the fish tank concept where you pick your girls. There are Karaoke rooms and you need to be early to book those rooms else you have to sit outside and watch the show.

I picked my girl with very nice boobs and have to go outside to a nearby hotel just next to this joint. The hotel is a budget hotel and you go up and have your FJ there. All in all 1 hour and back to the Karaoke room again.

Damage for the whole package ia about 3,000 baht everything inclusive.:D

thanks for sharing bro,i will try

07-07-2024, 02:17 AM
Any bros here got lobang or recomendation for nuru massage in phuket?

07-07-2024, 09:45 AM
Any bros here got lobang or recomendation for nuru massage in phuket?

Down in Rawai we have Kimono massage
Not bad, limited number of girls. Maybe 4
All young and decent
1500 baht for 60 minute Nuru

Only bbbj no sex on offer as far as I know. And limited touching.

07-07-2024, 07:09 PM
Down in Rawai we have Kimono massage
Not bad, limited number of girls. Maybe 4
All young and decent
1500 baht for 60 minute Nuru

Only bbbj no sex on offer as far as I know. And limited touching.

no fun shiook just touching

07-07-2024, 07:10 PM
Down in Rawai we have Kimono massage
Not bad, limited number of girls. Maybe 4
All young and decent
1500 baht for 60 minute Nuru

Only bbbj no sex on offer as far as I know. And limited touching.

no fun bro just touching

09-07-2024, 12:04 AM
no fun bro just touching

agree bro,just touching for what?liaoooo

09-07-2024, 04:25 PM
What is your suggestion then? lol

11-07-2024, 01:59 AM
Thanks for the reco. Anymore? Hahaha...

But cannot touch touch abit sian leh , hahaha... i go phuket normally just go into some random massage place.

So now feel like nuru ...

13-07-2024, 02:35 PM
Next week will be in phuket.

Can I ask Atop Bars,Bangla Road or
Soi Sansabai
Which is better for a night out with

Thank You

14-07-2024, 09:39 PM
Got any outcall ctc in phuket?

14-07-2024, 09:41 PM
Next week will be in phuket.

Can I ask Atop Bars,Bangla Road or
Soi Sansabai
Which is better for a night out with

Thank You

My choice would be Sugar club but its personal preference sia

15-07-2024, 07:59 AM
My choice would be Sugar club but its personal preference sia

Thanks will check it out

20-07-2024, 01:55 PM
Hi guys. I've just reached phuket today. Need some recommendations on how to get fl overnight. I don't go to clubs though.

05-08-2024, 12:24 PM
Will be there 14th to 17th August.... Any1 will be there?

06-08-2024, 01:17 AM
Hi guys. I've just reached phuket today. Need some recommendations on how to get fl overnight. I don't go to clubs though.

So many people so helpless...sigh

B. Go out, walk, see around, not hard to get laid OR, if not into walkg around, just get on the many apps.

Takes me about 40 mins to get laid in Phuket if im horny LOL

08-08-2024, 08:39 PM
Good day brothers,

Sorry for the delay in my FR, have been swamped with work and just found the time to post during the weekend. As i have posted an FR before here (https://thesbf.shop/showthread.php?p=21594520&highlight=#post21594520) i will be keeping this FR fairly short and sweet. P.S. Let me know if u need any food/activity recommendations (im only mid 20s so my recommendations will be geared more towards the younger crowd, sorry laojiaos)

Spent 8D7N in the land of smiles, spent about 5 nights chionging. As per standard, Bangla Rd was amazing and I did most of my partying there. I mostly chiong Agogos and Bars, not really keen on the clubbing scene as really too many ang mohs and last time i went, most of the FLs there already have company so its hard to hunt there.

Day 1 : Touched down at night, took airport transfer (booked on klook) and chiong to my hotel in Patong, put down stuff, straight rush to Bangla Rd. Unfortunately, that day tired, abit no feels so me and my friend went to OTOP hut to drink, play pool and watch soccer. Went back to hotel ard 2am. let me know if u want my chill bar recommendation, me and my friends chilled there on days we didnt chiong and really enjoyed the company. (do note, girls there arent very open to any sexual stuff, just go there for good chill vibes) Oh, forgot to mention, i arranged for a TF TS FL to meet me at my hotel for LT, first time trying TS and I must say that their BBJ game is fucking strong, really unmatched, have to try:D:D But I opt for post-ops, must slowly get used to the idea of fucking a TS first before trying a pre-ops TS. Price was only 1500THB for LT, 8/10 looks, first look really thought its female, then when hotel collected her ID, me, the receptionist and the FL had a good laugh on how different she looked.

Day 2/3 : Some touristy stuff once again, Phuket Old Town, Phuket Old Town Night Market, Chillva Night Market, Central Malls, Jungceylon,Let's Relax Massage, etc. (once again PM me if u want more info)

Day 4 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) ok bros, these few days chionging may be abit boring bcos brother here kenna gongtao on Day 5 but for today, just hopped around the different bars, hunt here and there, nothing worth noting but LD are about 200THB per shot and beers are now 100-120THB per bottle. Nothing really caught my eye so around 1030pm, i started texting my TF finds and arranged for a ST which turned LT. Paid only 2500THB for LT (ST quoted 1500THB) for a 7.6/10 fair-skinned 20 year old, tipped another 500THB as it was fairly last minute and she had to travel from Chalong area. Left the hotel around 8AM, standard stuff, 3 shots, nothing to rave about.

Day 5 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) Headed down to Bangla Rd, same old same old, hopped around bars and ONCE AGAIN nothing caught my eye, maybe i got more picky since my last trip but i feel the standards drop sia, most are at best 7/10, only a handful are a 8/9 looker. Then around 12am, me and my friend decided to go into this one agogo, got a few poles outside with girls pole dancing in various cosplay (outside is a bar, inside is a agogo). At first, i was hesistant as my hunter eyes lock onto one chick dancing outside already, wanted to go to the bar outside instead but the promoter drag me to the agogo entrance and next thing i know, a 9.5/10 tattoed 22Y/O babe was dragging me inside and wow, thank god the promoter dragged me in there, the girl stayed with me throughout, played dice games, etc, standard SOP, had to dance 20mins every hour until the agogo closed at 4AM. The few hours i was there, only bought 2 LDs, which were fucking expensive at 700THB, but luckily my girl was not pushy about LDs and was more about the teasing and playing. My friend wasnt as lucky and he bought about 4 LDs just for his girl to tell him that she only does ST (1500BF+3000ST) in their rooms upstairs and LT was quoted at an outrageous price of 9000THB. I checked with my girl on her BF and LT fees, BF was still at 1500/2000THB even at 1am and LT quoted 5000THB (reasonable for agogo girls), but she said if i stayed till 4am, she could just go back with me, which i agreed to. So me and my friend played around with the girls there, and at 4am he said goodbye to his 'scammer' girl while my girl met me at the back of the agogo before she dragged me to a more local live performance party thing at the back of the agogo. I went along with it as it was a solid experience seeing the agogo girls also partying with each other and girls from other bars there. Beers there were fair, 3 big bottles at 300THB only, i paid for one round and my girl paid for the next round. This was the highlight of my trip as the live performances were super nice and my girl was handing me 100thb notes over and over again for me to tip the performers (esp the ones i call pretty, wtf right?) anyway, i will skip over the details that happened there, and we left around 530am, with the party still going strong. Went back to the hotel, fucked like rabbits as both of us were a little drunk from the non-stop drinking. I didnt know i had it in me, and we fucked all the way from 6am to 1030am, 3 shots, firing blanks on the last shot :D. Took a short nap till 1230noon, where i had to meet my other friends for lunch so sadly had to kick her out of the room, and yes, i still paid 5000thb haha.

Day 6 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) Was shagged out from the previous day so my plan was to just chill with my friends, go back to the chill bar at OTOP and head back for a early night. But as i was winding down, getting ready to toh already, i got a text from the girl from the agogo, i swear she gongtao me bcos i cldnt stop thinking of her. she texted me at 11pm asking if i was going to bangla, i said no, was in my hotel already and she offered to come over around 12am. of course i had to say yes haha. Made a quick run to 7-11 to buy cigarettes and another pack of condoms (they sell okomoto .02 there) and waited for her to arrive. same thing as the day before, she fucked my brains out and drained me once again and stayed till 9am the next day. i was barely awake when she left, didnt collect any fees from me just gave me a peck on the cheek and left by herself, really KC to the max *sigh*. but me being me, i was afraid she took something from my room but woke up to realise nothing was taken from me, not even from my wallet which i forgot to lock up the night before.

Day 7 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) Last night in phuket already, time flies, went back to Bangla Rd and bar hopped once again to find nothing to my liking. Texted the girl once again and she said she had to work that day so I went back to the same agogo to support her, but didnt let her know beforehand as i was still on the fence about it. Went in and saw her entertaining a few customers tipping her like crazy, she saw me walk in and ran over, ditching the other customers, which they werent happy about and shot me dirty looks throughout the night lol:p:p. Only bought her 3 LDs throught the 4 hours i was there and since i had an early flight the next day and had to check out around 8am, i didnt LT her but instead went back to the local party as mentioned in day 5 with the girl and her friends after her work, partied all the way till 7am and when i told my girl i had to go, she packed up and was going to leave with me but i told her that i had to catch my flight already:( so had to say my goodbyes, she KC me to the max and even cried as she waved bye as i walked out of the bar and back to my hotel to pack up and get ready to fly back to this purgatory of a country....whole time at the airport, i was still thinking of her, shared with my friends and all joked about me needing to go gongtaohelpdesk to recover haha.

Summary/Tips :

1. Bangla Rd will be your main nightlife entertainment, agogos can get quite expensive to chiong so for more budget-friendly trips, try to chiong bars as their LD is only 200-250THB as compared to 700THB Agogo LDs (still think its too much of a rip-off)

2. Browse TF (thaifriendly) maybe a week before heading there, shortlist a few, get their line and activate when needed, i had 7 contacts but end up only using 2. They do offer 1 mth premium free trial if its a new account so use as u wish. just note that TF girls are 6-8/10 only and ALWAYS video call them before meeting them to avoid any B&S or catfish and NEVER put deposit or transfer them money before service. price range for LT is about 2000-6000THB and 8000THB for model standard.

3. Use indriver/bolt to get around phuket, grab is charging scam prices. tuktuk within Patong, no matter how close, have a flat fare of 100THB so take note, and from my experience, tuktuks dont actually charge absurd prices and are only slightly more expensive than indrive (for short distances).

4. Can use youtrip to withdraw from ATMs, 220thb withdrawal fee.

5. Smokers that smoke cold can try iscore7 (thin cigg like for women) or LD Storm (normal ciggs)

My total damage for this trip was about 2k SGD but take note that flight + hotel was about 500SGD and me and my friends spent way more than average on food and activities. Total chionging budget was about 1.1k SGD. Lastly guys, careful of KC and GT, i thought i wont kenna also, but who knew....just recently stopped talking to her on LINE haha, dont want kenna any "sick buffalo" fees

Alright, thats it bros, theres my phuket FR once again, hope it helps you guys decide how to chiong and feel free to PM me about anything i can help you with (my hotel, tourist activities and i got a few solid food recommendations). Next trip : Bangkok and Pattaya, Halloween/Deepavali long weekend trip, let me know if anybody wants to chiong together, have yet to meet up with any SBF bros haha. Also will need some shifus advice on chionging Bangkok and Pattaya, will be my first time chionging there haha, last time always with family, no chance to escape.

Sorry for the long wall of text, just want to help any newbies like me get more familarised with the phuket scene.

Thank you for your service, bro! Bumping up as high value info here.

08-08-2024, 08:43 PM
Happy to report that the TF app work. Just really got to do your homework a couple of days and made sure you get the full paid trial version (immediately unsubscribe on my last day).

Did the SOP of chatting, asking for their rates (most are FL) and lastly verify through line video call. Struck gold with a hot girl (speaks English well, solid body, she works out and one hell of a horny nympho). Rates are between 2500 ST to 5000 LT. The girl I had was 5000THB.

Book her for the first night (sex was amazing) and we caught up again the next day for drinks at some beach bar before I ran off to meet my friends. Got her to come over again to my hotel, had an amazing night and another round in the morning. I was pretty much exhausted from 2 nights and morning of sex hahahahhaa.

As for Bangla Patong Beach, I only did a quick walk through, really not a fan of the place and it’s too mass, totally not my vibe.

Hope my mini report helps.

Hat tip to you sir. Thank you!

13-08-2024, 04:16 PM
anyone happen to be in Patong, Phuket on 5-7 October ?

lone ranger here

pm me if wanna meet up

17-08-2024, 01:20 AM
Anyone knows if Phuket has any nuru places like Aries or Doki Doki which are smaller? Christin has never done it for me. It's old and has not changed since 1st went there 14 years ago lol.

18-08-2024, 11:28 PM
Good day brothers,

Sorry for the delay in my FR, have been swamped with work and just found the time to post during the weekend. As i have posted an FR before here (https://thesbf.shop/showthread.php?p=21594520&highlight=#post21594520) i will be keeping this FR fairly short and sweet. P.S. Let me know if u need any food/activity recommendations (im only mid 20s so my recommendations will be geared more towards the younger crowd, sorry laojiaos)

Spent 8D7N in the land of smiles, spent about 5 nights chionging. As per standard, Bangla Rd was amazing and I did most of my partying there. I mostly chiong Agogos and Bars, not really keen on the clubbing scene as really too many ang mohs and last time i went, most of the FLs there already have company so its hard to hunt there.

Day 1 : Touched down at night, took airport transfer (booked on klook) and chiong to my hotel in Patong, put down stuff, straight rush to Bangla Rd. Unfortunately, that day tired, abit no feels so me and my friend went to OTOP hut to drink, play pool and watch soccer. Went back to hotel ard 2am. let me know if u want my chill bar recommendation, me and my friends chilled there on days we didnt chiong and really enjoyed the company. (do note, girls there arent very open to any sexual stuff, just go there for good chill vibes) Oh, forgot to mention, i arranged for a TF TS FL to meet me at my hotel for LT, first time trying TS and I must say that their BBJ game is fucking strong, really unmatched, have to try:D:D But I opt for post-ops, must slowly get used to the idea of fucking a TS first before trying a pre-ops TS. Price was only 1500THB for LT, 8/10 looks, first look really thought its female, then when hotel collected her ID, me, the receptionist and the FL had a good laugh on how different she looked.

Day 2/3 : Some touristy stuff once again, Phuket Old Town, Phuket Old Town Night Market, Chillva Night Market, Central Malls, Jungceylon,Let's Relax Massage, etc. (once again PM me if u want more info)

Day 4 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) ok bros, these few days chionging may be abit boring bcos brother here kenna gongtao on Day 5 but for today, just hopped around the different bars, hunt here and there, nothing worth noting but LD are about 200THB per shot and beers are now 100-120THB per bottle. Nothing really caught my eye so around 1030pm, i started texting my TF finds and arranged for a ST which turned LT. Paid only 2500THB for LT (ST quoted 1500THB) for a 7.6/10 fair-skinned 20 year old, tipped another 500THB as it was fairly last minute and she had to travel from Chalong area. Left the hotel around 8AM, standard stuff, 3 shots, nothing to rave about.

Day 5 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) Headed down to Bangla Rd, same old same old, hopped around bars and ONCE AGAIN nothing caught my eye, maybe i got more picky since my last trip but i feel the standards drop sia, most are at best 7/10, only a handful are a 8/9 looker. Then around 12am, me and my friend decided to go into this one agogo, got a few poles outside with girls pole dancing in various cosplay (outside is a bar, inside is a agogo). At first, i was hesistant as my hunter eyes lock onto one chick dancing outside already, wanted to go to the bar outside instead but the promoter drag me to the agogo entrance and next thing i know, a 9.5/10 tattoed 22Y/O babe was dragging me inside and wow, thank god the promoter dragged me in there, the girl stayed with me throughout, played dice games, etc, standard SOP, had to dance 20mins every hour until the agogo closed at 4AM. The few hours i was there, only bought 2 LDs, which were fucking expensive at 700THB, but luckily my girl was not pushy about LDs and was more about the teasing and playing. My friend wasnt as lucky and he bought about 4 LDs just for his girl to tell him that she only does ST (1500BF+3000ST) in their rooms upstairs and LT was quoted at an outrageous price of 9000THB. I checked with my girl on her BF and LT fees, BF was still at 1500/2000THB even at 1am and LT quoted 5000THB (reasonable for agogo girls), but she said if i stayed till 4am, she could just go back with me, which i agreed to. So me and my friend played around with the girls there, and at 4am he said goodbye to his 'scammer' girl while my girl met me at the back of the agogo before she dragged me to a more local live performance party thing at the back of the agogo. I went along with it as it was a solid experience seeing the agogo girls also partying with each other and girls from other bars there. Beers there were fair, 3 big bottles at 300THB only, i paid for one round and my girl paid for the next round. This was the highlight of my trip as the live performances were super nice and my girl was handing me 100thb notes over and over again for me to tip the performers (esp the ones i call pretty, wtf right?) anyway, i will skip over the details that happened there, and we left around 530am, with the party still going strong. Went back to the hotel, fucked like rabbits as both of us were a little drunk from the non-stop drinking. I didnt know i had it in me, and we fucked all the way from 6am to 1030am, 3 shots, firing blanks on the last shot :D. Took a short nap till 1230noon, where i had to meet my other friends for lunch so sadly had to kick her out of the room, and yes, i still paid 5000thb haha.

Day 6 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) Was shagged out from the previous day so my plan was to just chill with my friends, go back to the chill bar at OTOP and head back for a early night. But as i was winding down, getting ready to toh already, i got a text from the girl from the agogo, i swear she gongtao me bcos i cldnt stop thinking of her. she texted me at 11pm asking if i was going to bangla, i said no, was in my hotel already and she offered to come over around 12am. of course i had to say yes haha. Made a quick run to 7-11 to buy cigarettes and another pack of condoms (they sell okomoto .02 there) and waited for her to arrive. same thing as the day before, she fucked my brains out and drained me once again and stayed till 9am the next day. i was barely awake when she left, didnt collect any fees from me just gave me a peck on the cheek and left by herself, really KC to the max *sigh*. but me being me, i was afraid she took something from my room but woke up to realise nothing was taken from me, not even from my wallet which i forgot to lock up the night before.

Day 7 : (as usual, day stuff is always tourist stuff) Last night in phuket already, time flies, went back to Bangla Rd and bar hopped once again to find nothing to my liking. Texted the girl once again and she said she had to work that day so I went back to the same agogo to support her, but didnt let her know beforehand as i was still on the fence about it. Went in and saw her entertaining a few customers tipping her like crazy, she saw me walk in and ran over, ditching the other customers, which they werent happy about and shot me dirty looks throughout the night lol:p:p. Only bought her 3 LDs throught the 4 hours i was there and since i had an early flight the next day and had to check out around 8am, i didnt LT her but instead went back to the local party as mentioned in day 5 with the girl and her friends after her work, partied all the way till 7am and when i told my girl i had to go, she packed up and was going to leave with me but i told her that i had to catch my flight already:( so had to say my goodbyes, she KC me to the max and even cried as she waved bye as i walked out of the bar and back to my hotel to pack up and get ready to fly back to this purgatory of a country....whole time at the airport, i was still thinking of her, shared with my friends and all joked about me needing to go gongtaohelpdesk to recover haha.

Summary/Tips :

1. Bangla Rd will be your main nightlife entertainment, agogos can get quite expensive to chiong so for more budget-friendly trips, try to chiong bars as their LD is only 200-250THB as compared to 700THB Agogo LDs (still think its too much of a rip-off)

2. Browse TF (thaifriendly) maybe a week before heading there, shortlist a few, get their line and activate when needed, i had 7 contacts but end up only using 2. They do offer 1 mth premium free trial if its a new account so use as u wish. just note that TF girls are 6-8/10 only and ALWAYS video call them before meeting them to avoid any B&S or catfish and NEVER put deposit or transfer them money before service. price range for LT is about 2000-6000THB and 8000THB for model standard.

3. Use indriver/bolt to get around phuket, grab is charging scam prices. tuktuk within Patong, no matter how close, have a flat fare of 100THB so take note, and from my experience, tuktuks dont actually charge absurd prices and are only slightly more expensive than indrive (for short distances).

4. Can use youtrip to withdraw from ATMs, 220thb withdrawal fee.

5. Smokers that smoke cold can try iscore7 (thin cigg like for women) or LD Storm (normal ciggs)

My total damage for this trip was about 2k SGD but take note that flight + hotel was about 500SGD and me and my friends spent way more than average on food and activities. Total chionging budget was about 1.1k SGD. Lastly guys, careful of KC and GT, i thought i wont kenna also, but who knew....just recently stopped talking to her on LINE haha, dont want kenna any "sick buffalo" fees

Alright, thats it bros, theres my phuket FR once again, hope it helps you guys decide how to chiong and feel free to PM me about anything i can help you with (my hotel, tourist activities and i got a few solid food recommendations). Next trip : Bangkok and Pattaya, Halloween/Deepavali long weekend trip, let me know if anybody wants to chiong together, have yet to meet up with any SBF bros haha. Also will need some shifus advice on chionging Bangkok and Pattaya, will be my first time chionging there haha, last time always with family, no chance to escape.

Sorry for the long wall of text, just want to help any newbies like me get more familarised with the phuket scene.

thanks a lot bro for your effort in writing these down!

25-08-2024, 01:23 PM
Any recommendations for soapy massage/ nuru massage? Heard Christin Massage not good so looking for any alternatives. Also hows the price range

30-08-2024, 04:30 PM
Suggested freelancers? Ideally longer term, I'm in Phuket for the next 5 months.

04-09-2024, 07:27 PM
Oct 23 to 30
Calling any brothers in Phuket
Let's PARTY !!! PM Me, cheers

08-09-2024, 11:01 PM
Suggested freelancers? Ideally longer term, I'm in Phuket for the next 5 months.

Read d forum?
But TF wud be best plus just hanging out in malls/ etc n picking up

19-09-2024, 08:28 PM
Oct 23 to 30
Calling any brothers in Phuket
Let's PARTY !!! PM Me, cheers
Oh damn, im leaving on the 22nd 😂😂😂

30-09-2024, 01:59 PM
Yo any bros got lobang for okt in TH? Those that cater to custom service?

21-10-2024, 08:58 AM
Gon be in Phuket for a week, any tips for a Phuket newbie like me?

11-11-2024, 01:19 PM
Any outcalls for phuket?

17-11-2024, 06:53 PM
Anybody knows if the massage places have like private rooms or all is curtain?

18-11-2024, 12:29 AM
good day lads, im heading to phuket again this december, any bros got any recommendations for areas other than patong? looking to chiong more around kamala/kata area. do pm or reply here if you have any lobang tia!! also do share your fav agogo/beer bars here so we can revive this thread alittle:):)

will post fr here after the trip, do pm if you have any spots(MP/Agogo/Beer Bar/all also ok) that you have yet to check out too, i can recce for u 5555

18-11-2024, 08:02 PM
Good day to all chiongsters bros. I will be in Phuket in December. I am a noob to Phuket scene; GMen Clubs / General Clubs / Freelancers scene there. Looking for recommendations and info on these. Please DM your recommendations and advice. Thank you in advance bros. Khup Khun Mak Mak Tee Sud Khrup!

24-11-2024, 05:41 PM
Anyone will be around Phuket area during 4-7 December?

24-11-2024, 07:41 PM
Edited finished.

28-11-2024, 10:04 PM
Hi bros, FR for my Phuket trip this year.
It's my first time in Phuket and I've read all about the chionging scene from this thread.
It's tine for me to contribute as thanks to the previous bros.
It's a 5 day trip and I'm not too big on the chioning, just want to enjoy and relax only so never go to aggogo bars or patong area.

FYI, weather is terrible during this period, keep raining and I got drenched a few times.

I mainly used the Thaifriendly app, and your experience might vary from mine.
First day, I found a chio lady boy to piak, which is one the things I want to try. It's a strange experience, but the lady boy looks like a girl except for the dick. Once you get over it it's OK bah, just AJ lor.
Damage for this was 2k thb for short time, I know I kena chop carrot and it's a lesson to learn bah. At least the sex was good and it's a once in a life time thing.

Second and third day is just random tourist stuff, visit attractions etc.

Forth day, I went on Thaifriendly again and found an FL to piak and was quoted 3.8 k for LT. I thought the price was reasonable, but was a huge mistake. Cb she keep telling me she is a tour guide and offer tour packages around Phucket and keep asking a lot of questions. Turn off like mad already because just want to piak but instead maciam kena insurance salesman.
Piak also like 5 mins keep asking cum already or not, is sibeh sian. I think she not happy I turn down all her tours, it's like super hard sell kind.
Piak one time ask her to fuck off and she demanded the full 3.8k. I don't want any trouble so I just give her the money to let her fuck off.

Last day is just going to airport and flying back because of early flight back home.

Anyway, this is my trip report for my virgin Phucket trips. Your mileage may vary using the Thaifriendly app, but there are some cai in the app that looks really good.

Tips from me:
1. Like another bro mentioned earlier in the thread, use the Bolt app to travel around. It's much cheaper than Grab and if you dare, can try riding on the scooter. Way way cheaper than taking taxi if you're alone. I used the scooter most of the time because I'm alone and it's actually quite shiok. Please please don't be stupid and wear a helmet, don't follow the locals and don't wear helmet. The scooter driver will give you one, but it's your choice to wear. You cover your small head when chionging, so why would you not cover your big head on scooter? Also, you can link your Youtrip card to the app too. Grab is useful for one thing and it's in point 2.
2. It's easier to use Grab to take a taxi from the airport to your hotel. There are designated pickup points for Grab around the airport and not for Bolt. The pickup point at the airport for Bolt is some strange fuck corner in the middle of the road. Maybe other bros can try and update us? I too lazy to try myself.
3. Most cai on Thaifriendly are in the Patong area, and I'm staying on the other side of the island. I noticed that Kathu and Rawai area also got quite a lot of girls, so pick your hotel location wisely depending on your purpose.
4. For some strange reason the ladies in Kathu quite hot, wanted to travel over there to meet them but never got the chance/heavy rain. I have saved a few contacts and maybe will try next time.
5. You can send one message every 10 min in Thaifriendly, so make sure to state your purpose like finding gf/companion and ask for Line/whatsapp! Don't blur blur like me say hi when people message you hi. You want to whack as many as possible to get contacts and they usually give fast when you ask.
6. When people like you on Thaifriendly, you will receive an email. You can't access their profile on Thaifriendly, but you can use their profile link in the email you receive to go to the profile. That's one way to skip the premium bah I guess.

That's all I have liao, can't say much about the party scene so enjoy bah pros!

29-11-2024, 07:53 PM
Have you ever watched a film where you were completely hooked from start to finish? That's the magic of a great plot! It's like winning a lucky round of super ace demo (https://ace-super.com/): you're in for a rollercoaster of intrigue, unexpected twists and turns, and a final win!

01-12-2024, 06:56 AM
Phuket is my favourite place. Always full of wonderful and friendly ppl. Met this hot healthcare worker and had a great time. After that went to bang her good friend also.


Sometimes you can find some chio bu selling new property. Can also go chat with them and occasionally may have some happening

01-12-2024, 08:51 AM
Kiss Club and Massage Phuket and its surrounding area. 3000 baht +/-.

02-12-2024, 01:41 PM
Any one has contacts for outcall massage for couples?

02-12-2024, 04:34 PM
Will be at Patong 16Dec. Traveling alone, in my 30s. Any bros got bar/club recommendation or want to meet up chiong together?

02-12-2024, 05:02 PM
Will be at Patong on 16Dec. In my 30s. Any club/bar recommendations or any bros want to meet up to chill/chiong?

02-12-2024, 05:05 PM
Any recommendations or bros want to meet to chill/chiong on 16 Dec at Patong?

08-12-2024, 11:25 PM
hi bros, back again with yet another FR on phuket, keeping it short and sweet here

went w my bros for a 4d3n trip, will only be covering the chionging part yea

1st Night : Reached Bangla Rd about 1130pm (quite late, recommend to come earlier), walked around soi seadragon where the popular agogos are. eventually settled with harem, suzy wong's and diablo just looked more run down as compared to harem's interior.

prices : 3000 12 shots (LD), 4500 18 shots, etc, etc

had about 5-6 girls for the 4 of us, total damage about 150sgd per person but no BF/LT, just drinks with company till 3am.

2nd night : went back to harem around 11pm, stayed and drank till 330am, dabao-ed 3 girls back, BF 2/2.2k, minimum of 25 shots (30 on fri/sat/sun) before they can be bar-fined, dk if its policy or we kenna chop carrot.
LT was 7-8k, two SYTs from BKK and 1 more on the milf side.
went back to the villa to continue drinking till 6+ before first round, slept till 1+, 2nd shot before they showered n left.

total dmg : 12k per person? agak agak

3rd night : one friend went back to harem for his girl while me and another bro went to explore other bars. went back to a old favourite of mine, saw one of the girls i LT-ed before, called her again for drinks and LT. BF 1k, LT 4k (price may vary cos im her regular already lol) but my friend was quoted BF 1k, LT 6/7k by another girl there. Heard that standard asking was BF 2k, LT 8k. No min drinks for this bar as far as i know. both only stayed till 11+ before heading home.

overall, phuket is fucking expensive lah, i prefer to chiong in bangkok much more, bkk can pick up for free also, phuket seems abit tougher. phuket is just a nice place for beach, islands and partying, but if the main point is to chiong, stick to bangkok, HCMC, etc. phuket prices really fucking painful nowadays (or maybe im just a brokie:D:D) also unlike another bro i didnt have much luck with TF, most of them not my type, prefer SYTs over pre-milfs, but was quoted mostly 4-6k for LT on TF.

btw i stayed around kamala area, tuktuks quoted me 500-700 THB so just a price gauge for you if u are staying kamala too.

feel free to PM me about anything, dont mind the slow replies as i dont login as often anymore

09-12-2024, 12:42 AM
hi bros, back again with yet another FR on phuket, keeping it short and sweet here

went w my bros
feel free to PM me about anything, dont mind the slow replies as i dont login as often anymore

Tx for FR. Didn't realise has become so expensive
Did you try the soapy?

09-12-2024, 09:36 PM
Tx for FR. Didn't realise has become so expensive
Did you try the soapy?

yea bro, fkin ex, but maybe bcos high season also. paiseh i didnt try the soapy but i think katherine massage still operating (tuktuk drivers were advertising it)

Golden question
22-12-2024, 03:01 PM
[QUOTE=YungChiongster;23947363]hi bros, back again with yet another FR on phuket, keeping it short and sweet here

went w my bros for a 4d3n trip, will only be covering the chionging part yea

1st Night : Reached Bangla Rd about 1130pm (quite late, recommend to come earlier), walked around soi seadragon where the popular agogos are. eventually settled with harem, suzy wong's and diablo just looked more run down as compared to harem's interior.

prices : 3000 12 shots (LD), 4500 18 shots, etc, etc

had about 5-6 girls for the 4 of us, total damage about 150sgd per person but no BF/LT, just drinks with company till 3am.

2nd night : went back to harem around 11pm, stayed and drank till 330am, dabao-ed 3 girls back, BF 2/2.2k, minimum of 25 shots (30 on fri/sat/sun) before they can be bar-fined, dk if its policy or we kenna chop carrot.
LT was 7-8k, two SYTs from BKK and 1 more on the milf side.
went back to the villa to continue drinking till 6+ before first round, slept till 1+, 2nd shot before they showered n left.

total dmg : 12k per person? agak agak

3rd night : one friend went back to harem for his girl while me and another bro went to explore other bars. went back to a old favourite of mine, saw one of the girls i LT-ed before, called her again for drinks and LT. BF 1k, LT 4k (price may vary cos im her regular already lol) but my friend was quoted BF 1k, LT 6/7k by another girl there. Heard that standard asking was BF 2k, LT 8k. No min drinks for this bar as far as i know. both only stayed till 11+ before heading home.

overall, phuket is fucking expensive lah, i prefer to chiong in bangkok much more, bkk can pick up for free also, phuket seems abit tougher. phuket is just a nice place for beach, islands and partying, but if the main point is to chiong, stick to bangkok, HCMC, etc. phuket prices really fucking painful nowadays (or maybe im just a brokie:D:D) also unlike another bro i didnt have much luck with TF, most of them not my type, prefer SYTs over pre-milfs, but was quoted mostly 4-6k for LT on TF.

btw i stayed around kamala area, tuktuks quoted me 500-700 THB so just a price gauge for you if u are staying kamala too.

feel free to PM me about anything, dont mind the slow replies as i dont login as often anymore[/QUOTE

Recently first time went phuket.I was shocked by the price.Probably at patong beach area.$8 SGD and above for a pineapple rice, non air conditioning food court.A small bottle of local chang or singa beer cost $6-7 SGD.Blanga street went in to see the topless bar,drink was at $8 SGD for a small beer and $2 SGD for ladies drink,overall just to experience.Yes, you are right,there more for tourist like beach,lady boy hawker their service there.Other than jetstar tickets is cheap to go there,there is nothing much for cheongster and too many tourist there,I prefer Bali if for beach and the street was walkable unlike phuket,hard to walk.Tourist visit places was also very expensive, I went for a elephant Santurary, it cost $100 SGD per person, include 2 way transport and a meal and those like water park cost more than SG.

27-12-2024, 01:25 PM
Totally agree that Phuket is over priced. Well... the place was flooded with Russians and Indian Nationals. Now, PRC has returned. Deep pockets. It has become more family oriented as compared to 20years ago too.

27-12-2024, 10:29 PM
Yeah, overpriced for sure. I feel Phuket is even more overpriced than Pattaya.

Also, everything is pretty far from each other in the different districts. Not that convenient to hop around.

01-01-2025, 01:56 PM
Yeah, overpriced for sure. I feel Phuket is even more overpriced than Pattaya.

Also, everything is pretty far from each other in the different districts. Not that convenient to hop around.

Search for Katherine
Whole street of soapy
Prices start at 1500

02-01-2025, 05:13 AM
Yeah, overpriced for sure. I feel Phuket is even more overpriced than Pattaya.

Also, everything is pretty far from each other in the different districts. Not that convenient to hop around.

That's why the ladies prefer to go work in Phuket now rather than Bangkok or Pattaya.

02-01-2025, 02:59 PM
Phuket is my favourite place. Always full of wonderful and friendly ppl. Met this hot healthcare worker and had a great time. After that went to bang her good friend also.


Sometimes you can find some chio bu selling new property. Can also go chat with them and occasionally may have some happening

Can share ways to contact this healthcare chick?

02-01-2025, 09:58 PM
555... Thailand is indeed the Land of Healthcare :D

Good for mental health.

Good for physical health.

02-01-2025, 10:27 PM
Bad for financial health though lolol

03-01-2025, 07:19 AM
That's why the ladies prefer to go work in Phuket now rather than Bangkok or Pattaya.

Carrot relaxing easy to chop

03-01-2025, 11:27 AM
Carrot relaxing easy to chop

Phuket not so popular with Singkies...... but lots of Russkies, Ah Nehs & Ah Tiongs. These Ah Tiongs no need to chop carrot..... coz they are walking Cai Shen Ye spending & tipping $$$ freely

06-01-2025, 09:45 PM
Anyone has intel on other areas of Phuket aside to Patong? I'm thinking of either Karon, Kata or Bang Tao for a quick getaway (3-4days)..

As widely described here, Patong is no longer a playground for us but instead, they have an established SOP to suck you dry with the least amount of chiong..

Spent a full week in Rawai last year and it was superb: lots of girly bars (no gogos though), BF 800BHT, ST 2K and I will usually extend to LT if the feels are here for an additional 2K..even had one of them go to the NaiHarn beach chilling with me for half a day next morning.. Only downside of Rawai is that its spreadout but you can easily work your way around using Bolt..

I read Karon is next in line after Patong but I fear the russian invasion there so will probably settle for Kata? Read that Bang Tao is nice as well with lots of SYTs in MPs but can't find further intel..

08-01-2025, 06:15 PM
[QUOTE=YungChiongster;23947363]hi bros, back again with yet another FR on phuket, keeping it short and sweet here

went w my bros for a 4d3n trip, will only be covering the chionging part yea

1st Night : Reached Bangla Rd about 1130pm (quite late, recommend to come earlier), walked around soi seadragon where the popular agogos are. eventually settled with harem, suzy wong's and diablo just looked more run down as compared to harem's interior.

prices : 3000 12 shots (LD), 4500 18 shots, etc, etc

had about 5-6 girls for the 4 of us, total damage about 150sgd per person but no BF/LT, just drinks with company till 3am.

2nd night : went back to harem around 11pm, stayed and drank till 330am, dabao-ed 3 girls back, BF 2/2.2k, minimum of 25 shots (30 on fri/sat/sun) before they can be bar-fined, dk if its policy or we kenna chop carrot.
LT was 7-8k, two SYTs from BKK and 1 more on the milf side.
went back to the villa to continue drinking till 6+ before first round, slept till 1+, 2nd shot before they showered n left.

total dmg : 12k per person? agak agak

3rd night : one friend went back to harem for his girl while me and another bro went to explore other bars. went back to a old favourite of mine, saw one of the girls i LT-ed before, called her again for drinks and LT. BF 1k, LT 4k (price may vary cos im her regular already lol) but my friend was quoted BF 1k, LT 6/7k by another girl there. Heard that standard asking was BF 2k, LT 8k. No min drinks for this bar as far as i know. both only stayed till 11+ before heading home.

overall, phuket is fucking expensive lah, i prefer to chiong in bangkok much more, bkk can pick up for free also, phuket seems abit tougher. phuket is just a nice place for beach, islands and partying, but if the main point is to chiong, stick to bangkok, HCMC, etc. phuket prices really fucking painful nowadays (or maybe im just a brokie:D:D) also unlike another bro i didnt have much luck with TF, most of them not my type, prefer SYTs over pre-milfs, but was quoted mostly 4-6k for LT on TF.

btw i stayed around kamala area, tuktuks quoted me 500-700 THB so just a price gauge for you if u are staying kamala too.

feel free to PM me about anything, dont mind the slow replies as i dont login as often anymore[/QUOTE

Recently first time went phuket.I was shocked by the price.Probably at patong beach area.$8 SGD and above for a pineapple rice, non air conditioning food court.A small bottle of local chang or singa beer cost $6-7 SGD.Blanga street went in to see the topless bar,drink was at $8 SGD for a small beer and $2 SGD for ladies drink,overall just to experience.Yes, you are right,there more for tourist like beach,lady boy hawker their service there.Other than jetstar tickets is cheap to go there,there is nothing much for cheongster and too many tourist there,I prefer Bali if for beach and the street was walkable unlike phuket,hard to walk.Tourist visit places was also very expensive, I went for a elephant Santurary, it cost $100 SGD per person, include 2 way transport and a meal and those like water park cost more than SG.

Didn't use to be so ex but yes it's crazy now. However, there is high and low season in Phuket. Nov to Apr is high season, everything usually more ex. If you risk rainy season, maybe better.

08-01-2025, 06:22 PM
Anyone has intel on other areas of Phuket aside to Patong? I'm thinking of either Karon, Kata or Bang Tao for a quick getaway (3-4days)..

As widely described here, Patong is no longer a playground for us but instead, they have an established SOP to suck you dry with the least amount of chiong..

Spent a full week in Rawai last year and it was superb: lots of girly bars (no gogos though), BF 800BHT, ST 2K and I will usually extend to LT if the feels are here for an additional 2K..even had one of them go to the NaiHarn beach chilling with me for half a day next morning.. Only downside of Rawai is that its spreadout but you can easily work your way around using Bolt..

I read Karon is next in line after Patong but I fear the russian invasion there so will probably settle for Kata? Read that Bang Tao is nice as well with lots of SYTs in MPs but can't find further intel..

Stayed in Bangtao area for a month in 2023. If you do that in low season, hotel rooms go for a huge discount (60%-70%, cheaper than rent in SG but beach and resort vibes). It's more or less a quiet area but there are bars around and MP can give you raw if you want lol. If you stay bangtao don't expect bangla road's craziness. BF is around what you mentioned for Rawaii.

Also yes bolt is cheaper than grab but still expensive if you want to explore. Getting a scooter if you have the balls to, unlocks a lot more options in phuket IMO. Bangtao is more of the expat living place, so there's actually good food around that's not touristy. Laguna, which is nearby is their "Sentosa Cove".

14-01-2025, 03:08 PM
hi, female here. first time going to phuket with my boyfriend. will be a 1 day stopover from our cruise. where can we go to get couple massage with happy ending? i know patong beach have but is there any other areas thats nearer to the sea port? and whats the price range like? want to figure out how much money to change. thanks in advance!

03-02-2025, 07:21 PM
Quick FR from recent trip in Jan to Phuket:

Massage spot 1) Along the main Rat U thit road abit further down from Jungcyleon and Christin Massage, in between all the aggressive lady boys there is an all female shop with some fit decent looking girls. I can't remember the name of the place but they wear green/gold sarongs. 400b entry & offered 3k for full but declined and had to negotiate between 1.2-1.5 for HJ, felt abit steep but the Massage is actually properly done and they take their time.

2) Christin massage - flat rate of 3.6k and the manager will ask for a 100b tip, supposed to be 90 mins. Only 1 or 2 looked ok, rest are chubby and middle aged. Picked young and fit no.5, who had a good attitude but kinda SOP service and didnt massage, once its done it's done, not 90 mins. Phuket isn't the place for soapy, it's a tourist trap, definitely dont reccomend.

3) Along the same rat u thit road before bangla road, in of the royal paradise hotel & spa alleys (there may be 2 or 3 with the big blue sign for that road), right near the entrance of one of them, there's a small little bar/hotel with girls out front wearing numbers. They're offering 2k/1 hour for FS. One girl looked alright but wasn't in the mood at the time so can't review but seems like the only price value place in that whole bangla area. If anyone has a review of that place do reply and let me know if i missed out or dodged a bullet, thanks :)

03-02-2025, 10:07 PM
Was in Phuket few days back. My last night I basically went back and forth 2 or 3x rat U this road. Suddenly at the first junction after sleepwithme hotel, walking away from Bangla, got 1 cute young girl. Nego 1.3k for HJ, she didn't strip and she was laughing and smiling whole time. Nego sex for additional 1.2k. worth it.. considering prev nego didn't want anything below 4K..

04-02-2025, 12:32 AM
Was in Phuket few days back. My last night I basically went back and forth 2 or 3x rat U thit road. Suddenly at the first junction after sleepwithme hotel, walking away from Bangla, got 1 cute young girl. Nego 1.3k for HJ, she didn't strip and she was laughing and smiling whole time. Nego sex for additional 1.2k. worth it.. considering prev nego didn't want anything below 4K..

Edit: it the typical massage shop set up, except it's abit inside the road, the girls just stand there

07-02-2025, 04:37 PM
when i get back this weekend.