View Full Version : Is it possible to get STD from those regulated pros

31-12-2009, 02:17 AM
Hi big bros,

Is it possible to get STD from those govt. regulated pros? :confused:

I mean have anyone of you heard stories like that before? I'm just curious, coz since these girls go for health checkup regularly, means very safe right?

31-12-2009, 02:29 AM
Hi big bros,

Is it possible to get STD from those govt. regulated pros? :confused:

I mean have anyone of you heard stories like that before? I'm just curious, coz since these girls go for health checkup regularly, means very safe right?

You can catch STDs from teachers, accountants, nurses, students, rocket scientists, politicians, waitresses, ballet dancers and what have you. Why should govt regulated prostitutes be any different?:rolleyes:

Big Sexy
31-12-2009, 07:32 AM
mate..to being with..
i don;t think they are screen for every STD.
secondly they could be std free during the screening however
that does not prevent them from getting std during their course of work.

your best bet is to wear a rubber, and even that does not
give you 100% protection. Do Read the sticky on STD and herpes.;)

Is it possible to get STD from those govt. regulated pros? :confused:
coz since these girls go for health checkup regularly, means very safe right?

Roaring Tiger
31-12-2009, 11:22 AM
one of the safest is still wear a coat (CD) when doing it.

01-01-2010, 09:16 AM
one of the safest is still wear a coat (CD) when doing it.

A condom does not provide protection from viral STDs that are transmitted via skin to skin contact. Examples are Herpes and Genital Warts... the two most common STDs by a long shot.

01-01-2010, 10:23 AM
Best is to stick to one partner and don't pay for sex.

Make sure your partner only has you as the only partner.

Condom is never safe.

01-01-2010, 11:52 AM
Hi bro, even wearing condom is not safe? I mean, how come? Ur cock is in a rubber n no contact from her hole right, so how can herpes b there? Dun understand.

01-01-2010, 12:18 PM
Whenever u are engaging commercial sex, u are already exposed to the risk of getting STDs. Regular health check doesn't mean the pros are 100% safe. The only thing u can do is to wear a CD to minimize the risk. Good luck bro :)

01-01-2010, 01:22 PM
Hi bro, even wearing condom is not safe? I mean, how come? Ur cock is in a rubber n no contact from her hole right, so how can herpes b there? Dun understand.

I'm afraid that's simply not true. Condoms don't cover the whole shaft. The base of the shaft invariably comes into contact with vagina and the labia.

Since Herpes and Warts are transmitted via skin to skin contact, transmission can take place if there is a minute break in the skin.


01-01-2010, 02:17 PM
Hi bro, even wearing condom is not safe? I mean, how come? Ur cock is in a rubber n no contact from her hole right, so how can herpes b there? Dun understand.

Hi bro why not you go buy a pack of condoms at 7-11 openup the pack,arouse
yourself put in the condom and experiment.
As for the remainding condoms you can blow it into a ballon and paly ard your room naked.
Have Fun kiddo !!!!!!

01-01-2010, 02:56 PM

While its true that the regulated pros go for monthly checkups, don't forget that there are 27 days in between checkups. She could get infected on the 2nd day after her checkup, and spread STD unknowingly to her clients for the next 25 days until the next checkup.

Some STDs, like HIV ( which causes AIDS ), have an incubation period of up to 6 months, during which it is not detectable even with a blood test, but is still infectious.

As some bros have pointed out, even if you wear a condom, some STDs are spread via skin contact, when the base of your dick and balls come into contact with her skin. And condoms can break during sex, exposing you to all those pussy juice. And finally, many bros get unprotected blowjobs, which also puts you at risk.

So, yes, you can get STDs from a regulated hooker, just like you can get hit by a regulated taxi driver. If you are scared of getting hit by taxi, dun leave your house. If you are scared of getting STD, dun look for hookers.

Hi big bros,

Is it possible to get STD from those govt. regulated pros? :confused:

I mean have anyone of you heard stories like that before? I'm just curious, coz since these girls go for health checkup regularly, means very safe right?

Roaring Tiger
01-01-2010, 04:36 PM
thank for all the information.
yes,i read it somewhere also,those viruses have an "incubation" period.

02-01-2010, 03:33 AM
hi bros,
Thanks for all the information.

03-01-2010, 03:45 AM
The possibility is always there since anyone can have AIDS...

04-01-2010, 07:50 PM
dun think it's possible to make sure your partner only has 1 partner, both of u have to trust each other that's all i can say

13-01-2010, 12:07 AM
Thx for all the info on this thread :)

04-04-2010, 01:22 PM
Ya, can test minute skin break or woulds with salt, not too diluted.
Wash the entire private parts, inner thigh areas with concentrated salt solution.
Some minute would is not felt under normal circumstances. May just feels like an itchy, but under concentrated salt solution, you will feel it. But its big enough for viruses and bacteria...!!!
Then don't go WL until the wound is ok.
My 2 cents... :)

I'm afraid that's simply not true. Condoms don't cover the whole shaft. The base of the shaft invariably comes into contact with vagina and the labia.

Since Herpes and Warts are transmitted via skin to skin contact, transmission can take place if there is a minute break in the skin.


04-04-2010, 02:23 PM
Ya, can test minute skin break or woulds with salt, not too diluted.
Wash the entire private parts, inner thigh areas with concentrated salt solution.
Some minute would is not felt under normal circumstances. May just feels like an itchy, but under concentrated salt solution, you will feel it. But its big enough for viruses and bacteria...!!!
Then don't go WL until the wound is ok.
My 2 cents... :)

interesting way of testing..

but IMHO, if TS scared get STD, better DIY. confirm plus chop won't get STD. ;)