View Full Version : No viagra ? Nevermind try this formula

04-01-2010, 01:01 AM
I have a friend that is working in hock hua medical that recommended me traditional herbal formula that works like viagra and also benefit the body. Its actually very simple.

I bought 2 taels of wild ginseng ($200) + 2 tael of cultivated american ($80)ginseng both from hock hua medical and have him grind it into powder for me. everyday I will mix 1 teaspoon of the powder with warm water and drink. ( it suppose to be very good for our health ) Guess what ? Eversince I started drinking this, I am always getting a very hard on in the early morning. As instructed by him, I have tried also drinking it ah hour prior to Fj and my 2ic seem to like the ginseng alot .

04-01-2010, 08:18 AM
I have a friend that is working in hock hua medical that recommended me traditional herbal formula that works like viagra and also benefit the body. Its actually very simple.

I bought 2 taels of wild ginseng ($200) + 2 tael of cultivated american ($80)ginseng both from hock hua medical and have him grind it into powder for me. everyday I will mix 1 teaspoon of the powder with warm water and drink. ( it suppose to be very good for our health ) Guess what ? Eversince I started drinking this, I am always getting a very hard on in the early morning. As instructed by him, I have tried also drinking it ah hour prior to Fj and my 2ic seem to like the ginseng alot .

=> Sabai de BRO....interestingly i was chatting my Korean fren yesterday about Korean Ginseng...and he told me that Ginseng may be suitable for some but not for all !!! It really depends on their body...as some may feel very heaty taking it !!!....I have tried GNC Ginseng before...but i prefer to take other Vitamins now liked MEGA MEN & ARGINMAX....And for Herbal Soup with Ginseng in it,U can try the BLACK CHICKEN SOUP @ GL Lor 21 ( Closed On Thursday )....if i have time,i will drive there once a week !!!...Bring your PRC Gal too....she'll appreciate U even more for taking care of her especially if she's feeling tired !!! ;)

Cheers & Enjoy !!!
Andyk :)

04-01-2010, 10:01 AM
Korean ginseng is different from china ginseng. Most of the korean red ginseng that is available in the market is cultivated which will never be as good as the wild ginseng from china that is why china ginseng is more expensive that its korean counterpart. I agree that taking ginseng will somehow make you feel heaty but that is effect of ginseng. I have read up studies online that even an overdose of ginseng will not have an harmful effect on our body. Furthermore its 100% natural as compare to the various vitamins that is available in the market. As for the Lor 21 ginseng black chicken herbal soup. Its farm cultivated ginseng from china which is not really beneficial to our body.
By the way, I am not promoting hock hua medical. Its just that I got my ginseng from them thats all. Basically its available at most medical shop like eu yang san, hock hua, Zheng zhong ping.

04-01-2010, 10:06 AM
Korean ginseng is different from china ginseng. Most of the korean red ginseng that is available in the market is cultivated which will never be as good as the wild ginseng from china that is why china ginseng is more expensive that its korean counterpart. I agree that taking ginseng will somehow make you feel heaty but that is effect of ginseng. I have read up studies online that even an overdose of ginseng will not have an harmful effect on our body. Furthermore its 100% natural as compare to the various vitamins that is available in the market. As for the Lor 21 ginseng black chicken herbal soup. Its farm cultivated ginseng from china which is not really beneficial to our body.
By the way, I am not promoting hock hua medical. Its just that I got my ginseng from them thats all. Basically its available at most medical shop like eu yang san, hock hua, Zheng zhong ping.

Is there any particular best time to take the ginseng? like maybe early in the morning before breakfast or before going to sleep etc?

04-01-2010, 10:33 AM
Well I usually take it in the morning, or 1 hour before any FJ.

04-01-2010, 05:14 PM
Korean ginseng is different from china ginseng. Most of the korean red ginseng that is available in the market is cultivated which will never be as good as the wild ginseng from china that is why china ginseng is more expensive that its korean counterpart. I agree that taking ginseng will somehow make you feel heaty but that is effect of ginseng. I have read up studies online that even an overdose of ginseng will not have an harmful effect on our body. Furthermore its 100% natural as compare to the various vitamins that is available in the market. As for the Lor 21 ginseng black chicken herbal soup. Its farm cultivated ginseng from china which is not really beneficial to our body.
By the way, I am not promoting hock hua medical. Its just that I got my ginseng from them thats all. Basically its available at most medical shop like eu yang san, hock hua, Zheng zhong ping.

=> Thankz BRO for your "insights" on GINSENG !!!...Very interesting ka !!! :)

04-01-2010, 07:46 PM
thanks for the interesting insight

seems like what they always say about ginseng is true, looking also like a dick, meaning to make dick strong, kekeke

04-01-2010, 09:21 PM
I have a friend that is working in hock hua medical that recommended me traditional herbal formula that works like viagra and also benefit the body. Its actually very simple.

I bought 2 taels of wild ginseng ($200) + 2 tael of cultivated american ($80)ginseng both from hock hua medical and have him grind it into powder for me. everyday I will mix 1 teaspoon of the powder with warm water and drink. ( it suppose to be very good for our health ) Guess what ? Eversince I started drinking this, I am always getting a very hard on in the early morning. As instructed by him, I have tried also drinking it ah hour prior to Fj and my 2ic seem to like the ginseng alot .

bro ...u are right i also taking this powder form gingseng morning is always hard on...:):) but everyday take 1 tea spoonsful very fast finish..

05-01-2010, 07:56 AM
I take a teaspoon of dong chong chao every night before I sleep, I find it better than ginseng, not as heaty, and makes you more alert also.

I am also taking cordycep sinensis ( dong chong cao ) but somehow the effect is different from Ginseng. Eversince I started taking the grind ginseng powder, I am always getting hardon in the morning. Its kinda embarrassing walking around the house in the morning with a pointed dick :p

05-01-2010, 10:39 PM
There is a another type called Tian Qi, which is supposed to help blood circulation and clear internal bruises. This was recommended by TCM to promote blood flow and circulation.

Night and Morning hard like steel.

bros can try and its not expensive like cordyceps. a 30 bucks ground into powder can last 2-3months. i take a very small spoon every day, which is about 1/3 the size of little fingernail.

Of course, exercise will help your body perform best. its freaking true and results are immediate.

06-01-2010, 12:29 PM
I am also taking cordycep sinensis ( dong chong cao ) but somehow the effect is different from Ginseng. Eversince I started taking the grind ginseng powder, I am always getting hardon in the morning. Its kinda embarrassing walking around the house in the morning with a pointed dick :p

Bro Khun_Thai_Jedi, just curious how old r u :rolleyes: when young didi will hard on in the morning even dont eating any supplements :D:D Now sometimes still hard

06-01-2010, 01:33 PM
Old liao lah, eversince I got hit with hypertension my bro dun seem to wana wake up in the morning. he only wake once in awhile, but now not anymore.

18-01-2010, 08:02 AM
Old liao lah, eversince I got hit with hypertension my bro dun seem to wana wake up in the morning. he only wake once in awhile, but now not anymore.

Really.. hypertension reduce hard on... :eek:
any advice from brother?

I am recently advice by doc to be on drop to control blood pressure...
will it affect your performance.

Heil Hitler
21-01-2010, 03:04 PM
Some years back, when I was still a bucking colt, I was taking Panax Ginseng (recommended by a friend). You can still get this off the shelf in Mohd Mustafa for about $13 a bottle (I think 30 or 60 pills inside).

The way I took it was one a day (mornings) for a week and on the day of the mission, I whack 2 pills. Dun say I hao-lian, but the WL I booked in Batam kena 6 rounds (afternoon until the next day about 10am).:eek::eek: This was in the 90s before they come up with the policy of no more than 3 shots per booking. Anyways, on a later trip when I booked her again, she told me she had to take jamu the next day to "recover". If memory serves me correctly, the exchange rate then was a dismal RP1,800 to S$1.

For $13, I think any bros here can try it la. But I warn u first hor, deal with ur back ache from all that thrusting :D:D Now old man already must pace myself...

Happy Bonking!

29-01-2010, 01:13 AM
Some years back, when I was still a bucking colt, I was taking Panax Ginseng (recommended by a friend). You can still get this off the shelf in Mohd Mustafa for about $13 a bottle (I think 30 or 60 pills inside).

The way I took it was one a day (mornings) for a week and on the day of the mission, I whack 2 pills. Dun say I hao-lian, but the WL I booked in Batam kena 6 rounds (afternoon until the next day about 10am).:eek::eek: This was in the 90s before they come up with the policy of no more than 3 shots per booking. Anyways, on a later trip when I booked her again, she told me she had to take jamu the next day to "recover". If memory serves me correctly, the exchange rate then was a dismal RP1,800 to S$1.

For $13, I think any bros here can try it la. But I warn u first hor, deal with ur back ache from all that thrusting :D:D Now old man already must pace myself...

Happy Bonking!

Bro, I don't think you can get it at $13 a bottle nowadays.