View Full Version : Holiday Plaza VCD
03-04-2004, 11:47 AM
JB Cheongsters help needed ... what's URL to buy jav online from Holiday Plaza vendors..have online search but hit blank wall.
03-04-2004, 01:14 PM
does this have anything to do with sex?
06-04-2004, 02:35 AM
Well... VCD has nothing to do with sex i think... :confused: but maybe porno stuff? Hahahah~ Its better to have it now and then... rather then watching some shows right? =P
Anyway.. u can try this website out... :rolleyes:
09-04-2004, 07:36 PM
JB Cheongsters help needed ... what's URL to buy jav online from Holiday Plaza vendors..have online search but hit blank wall.
You don't have to go all the way to Holiday Plaza. Along Wong Ah Fook Road, there are many VCD store selling VCD/DVD, they offer to deliver to Singapore if you order from them the Amount of 100 dollars (dunno ringget or sing dollars), they can even give you their contacted phones numbers. That day I was there and in a rush else I will get from them the contact for you.
Anyway, I have flip thru some of their catelog and found quite a number of newly unsensored VCD/DVD from Asian and American.
10-04-2004, 12:46 AM
I had a bad encounter at one of the VCD at Holiday Plaza. Ordered 20 DVD and 8 cannot be seen by my DVD sony player. So for those brudders out there who want to order delivery to yr home you would have to check the DVD condition if not, your money would be like go down to JB and never be back.
Just my 2 cents of advise.
11-04-2004, 11:25 AM
I had a bad encounter at one of the VCD at Holiday Plaza. Ordered 20 DVD and 8 cannot be seen by my DVD sony player. So for those brudders out there who want to order delivery to yr home you would have to check the DVD condition if not, your money would be like go down to JB and never be back.
Just my 2 cents of advise.
Remember the shop that u ordered from.. take the disc back and redeem them.. then together with your next 20DVD, get them to send back to you.. Can be done..
11-04-2004, 10:08 PM
Wat u mean can't be seen by yr DVD player?
No images? Skip track? Jam disc?
U buy CODE5 or Code9 dvds?
Some of the DVD Players got this features preventing u from watch
pirated discs. Ask yr friends to try for u lah. Sell to yr friends who can watch.
Make sure yr disc doesn't have lots of deep scratches, if not the lens can't
read well.
I had a bad encounter at one of the VCD at Holiday Plaza. Ordered 20 DVD and 8 cannot be seen by my DVD sony player. So for those brudders out there who want to order delivery to yr home you would have to check the DVD condition if not, your money would be like go down to JB and never be back.
Just my 2 cents of advise.
12-04-2004, 10:45 AM
Wat u mean can't be seen by yr DVD player?
No images? Skip track? Jam disc?
U buy CODE5 or Code9 dvds?
Some of the DVD Players got this features preventing u from watch
pirated discs. Ask yr friends to try for u lah. Sell to yr friends who can watch.
Make sure yr disc doesn't have lots of deep scratches, if not the lens can't
read well.
My DVD players is in multi-coded sensor, so irregardless of wat kind of DVD code, it can be read unless there's something wrong with the DVD. For my encounter, some this does not work properly with my player. They either jerk half way thru the movies or jam and stop.
I'm not trying to discourage brothers here to stop buying DVD from Holiday Inn Plaza but wat I trying to pass the message here is that get from some relyable DVD seller so that you don't have the hassle to bring back those spoilt DVD back to the shop and change again. And some DVD seller do charge for resending fee of RM$ 2 per DVD and a minimum of 10 DVDs.
12-04-2004, 03:13 PM
My DVD players is in multi-coded sensor, so irregardless of wat kind of DVD code, it can be read unless there's something wrong with the DVD. For my encounter, some this does not work properly with my player. They either jerk half way thru the movies or jam and stop.
I'm not trying to discourage brothers here to stop buying DVD from Holiday Inn Plaza but wat I trying to pass the message here is that get from some relyable DVD seller so that you don't have the hassle to bring back those spoilt DVD back to the shop and change again. And some DVD seller do charge for resending fee of RM$ 2 per DVD and a minimum of 10 DVDs.
The problem in question is more regarding the player then the disc. If you were to bring it back to the shop, more than likely they will have no problem playing the disc.
Sony DVD players are known to reject pirated discs even it had been modified to be multi-region. There are no such players that comes out of the factory line with multi-region. All of them had to be modified after production.
Go find a friend who either have those made in china player and you will be able to play the disc.
13-04-2004, 02:16 AM
I had a bad encounter at one of the VCD at Holiday Plaza. Ordered 20 DVD and 8 cannot be seen by my DVD sony player. So for those brudders out there who want to order delivery to yr home you would have to check the DVD condition if not, your money would be like go down to JB and never be back.
Just my 2 cents of advise.
Just to check with you, how much you pay for the DVD per pieces. I had seen their catelog and have wanted to own some of the movies. Can you advise me or PM me.........thanks.
13-04-2004, 02:18 PM
Just to check with you, how much you pay for the DVD per piece. I had seen their catelog and have wanted to own some of the movies. Can you advise me or PM me.........thanks.
Its RM$10 per DVD. Anymore help needed?
13-04-2004, 03:49 PM
Its RM$10 per DVD. Anymore help needed?
Meaning that you need buy about total of S$90 or 20 DVD so that they can delivery to you. Still very much cheaper than buying from shop in S'pore, This amount I could only buy 3 or 4 DVD the most and without delivery. I will PM you for more enquiry should I need it....thanks.
14-04-2004, 11:53 AM
My DVD players is in multi-coded sensor, so irregardless of wat kind of DVD code, it can be read unless there's something wrong with the DVD. For my encounter, some this does not work properly with my player. They either jerk half way thru the movies or jam and stop.
I'm not trying to discourage brothers here to stop buying DVD from Holiday Inn Plaza but wat I trying to pass the message here is that get from some relyable DVD seller so that you don't have the hassle to bring back those spoilt DVD back to the shop and change again. And some DVD seller do charge for resending fee of RM$ 2 per DVD and a minimum of 10 DVDs.
I encounter something like that b4. But try on my friend's player it's ok...
Try to clean yr player lens also. It may help.
Hear "Gold" disc works better than "Silver" disc..... :o
14-04-2004, 01:35 PM
My DVD players is in multi-coded sensor, so irregardless of wat kind of DVD code, it can be read unless there's something wrong with the DVD. For my encounter, some this does not work properly with my player. They either jerk half way thru the movies or jam and stop.
I'm not trying to discourage brothers here to stop buying DVD from Holiday Inn Plaza but wat I trying to pass the message here is that get from some relyable DVD seller so that you don't have the hassle to bring back those spoilt DVD back to the shop and change again. And some DVD seller do charge for resending fee of RM$ 2 per DVD and a minimum of 10 DVDs.
I have the same problem with you playing pirated DVD/VCD on my Sony player. However, when I put the same 'problematic' DVD/VCD into another Akira DVD Player which cost only S$100, everything work out well. Thus, the moral of the story is, don't buy branded player if you collection of DVDs is mostly pirated.
15-04-2004, 03:59 AM
You don't have to go all the way to Holiday Plaza. Along Wong Ah Fook Road, there are many VCD store selling VCD/DVD, they offer to deliver to Singapore if you order from them the Amount of 100 dollars (dunno ringget or sing dollars), they can even give you their contacted phones numbers. That day I was there and in a rush else I will get from them the contact for you.
Anyway, I have flip thru some of their catelog and found quite a number of newly unsensored VCD/DVD from Asian and American.
most the shops At Jln Wong Ah Fook opened till wee hours, some probably till sun rise
15-04-2004, 08:57 AM
I have the same problem with you playing pirated DVD/VCD on my Sony player. However, when I put the same 'problematic' DVD/VCD into another Akira DVD Player which cost only S$100, everything work out well. Thus, the moral of the story is, don't buy branded player if you collection of DVDs is mostly pirated.
Hi bro tigershark, I would think that the actual moral of the story is that go to one of the HC and bonk with live effect and real feeling in it. Why make a hassel to all this probelms?
I would suggest go for the REAL THING.
15-04-2004, 01:37 PM
Hi bro tigershark, I would think that the actual moral of the story is that go to one of the HC and bonk with live effect and real feeling in it. Why make a hassel to all this probelms?
I would suggest go for the REAL THING.
I totally agree with you. That why when I go JB, I usually depart Singapore around 1400hrs, cheong HC 1st, follow by DVDs shopping at Holiday Plaza, dinner at Ta Ma Hua Yuan or Beijing Resturant at Da Feng Hua Yuan and finally visit LSB before calling it a day. :D
15-04-2004, 02:15 PM
I totally agree with you. That why when I go JB, I usually depart Singapore around 1400hrs, cheong HC 1st, follow by DVDs shopping at Holiday Plaza, dinner at Ta Ma Hua Yuan or Beijing Resturant at Da Feng Hua Yuan and finally visit LSB before calling it a day. :D
thats sounds like a good plan.. joining us on Fri to GM?
15-04-2004, 02:23 PM
thats sounds like a good plan.. joining us on Fri to GM?
Bro. Devil,
Thank you very much for your kind offer. I can't commit if I will be able to join you guys now as I don't know if I have to work on Saturday or not.
I appriciate your invitation and apologzie if I can't make it tomorrow. Would definately meet you up some other time be it in JB, KL or LOS to pay my respect to you cause you already become a 'Cheong God' idol in the forum. :D
15-04-2004, 08:03 PM
Bro. Devil,
Thank you very much for your kind offer. I can't commit if I will be able to join you guys now as I don't know if I have to work on Saturday or not.
I appriciate your invitation and apologzie if I can't make it tomorrow. Would definately meet you up some other time be it in JB, KL or LOS to pay my respect to you cause you already become a 'Cheong God' idol in the forum. :D
No problem, can always cheong some time soon. walau ehh, since when I got new title? still very humanly alive and eating rice, not "candles and paper". hahhahaha
Then mark 5th ~ 9th May on your calendar to join us to Hdy.. you will get to see more boobs that you can count ;) hahahahha
15-04-2004, 08:24 PM
No problem, can always cheong some time soon. walau ehh, since when I got new title? still very humanly alive and eating rice, not "candles and paper". hahhahaha
Then mark 5th ~ 9th May on your calendar to join us to Hdy.. you will get to see more boobs that you can count ;) hahahahha
Coincidently, someone birthday is in one of the date you post and I, sad to say, have to report for duty compulsory. I will be going to KL in June and if possible, Hatyai too. Would you guys be there then?
16-04-2004, 01:28 AM
I had a bad encounter at one of the VCD at Holiday Plaza. Ordered 20 DVD and 8 cannot be seen by my DVD sony player. So for those brudders out there who want to order delivery to yr home you would have to check the DVD condition if not, your money would be like go down to JB and never be back.
Just my 2 cents of advise.
yo bro.. just bring the dvds back to change ... dont worry abt the customs checks at woodlands coz u are going to jb... they wont check u ...
however if u chose to bring dvds back to S'pore from jb... u are digging ur own grave... car drivers are relatively safe when crossing the primary and secondary clearence ... i always choose the lane man by cisco... hahahahaha ... if u kena the last checkpoint by the police dog unit then u can write ur name at the tombstone liao... coz their checks are very stringent ... all the way from ur body , wallet and ur car ... they will search from all ur pockects, all the compartments in ur wallet, under the mat on ur car...all depend u heng or sway... one word of advice never fully occupy ur car with guys ...
16-04-2004, 01:59 AM
yo bro.. just bring the dvds back to change ... dont worry abt the customs checks at woodlands coz u are going to jb... they wont check u ...
however if u chose to bring dvds back to S'pore from jb... u are digging ur own grave... car drivers are relatively safe when crossing the primary and secondary clearence ... i always choose the lane man by cisco... hahahahaha ... if u kena the last checkpoint by the police dog unit then u can write ur name at the tombstone liao... coz their checks are very stringent ... all the way from ur body , wallet and ur car ... they will search from all ur pockects, all the compartments in ur wallet, under the mat on ur car...all depend u heng or sway... one word of advice never fully occupy ur car with guys ...
This is 1 damn thing I hate about Spore custom. Some of those bloody piece of shit just wanna find fault with young guy driving posh car. I ever encounter this kind of experience twice between 2002 and 2003. The 1st time that shit head officer stop me just before the exist point, getting me to reverse my car into a parking lot. He the ask me how much I brought my car for, how fast it can travel and why I always go to JB. As I didn't have any illegal item on me that time, (it was around 4am in the morning as I just finish cheong), I told him Singapore prostitute charge S$150 per shot and it too expensive and it cheaper inside. I even ask him if it a offence not to engage service of hooker in Singapore but travel to Msia to satify my need. He L.L.S.S mouth kena choke by dick and keep quiet. After he and the other dogs search my car, he let me go saying crap like thanks for your co-operation etc... I rammed hard on my accelerator before moving off, leaving all the exhuast fume (Turbo charge car) for him to sniff. :D
2nd time I wasn't so lucky. (Around 2am in morning), I was carrying an extra packet of unopen cigarette and though I am polite to the idiot who stop me cause I know I have that might get me into trouble, I was still fine S$104 for not declaring. Damn it! :mad: While paying the fine in their office, my friend called me and ask me if everything alright. I purposely yell over the phone saying I was late because I saw some pityful stray hungry dogs on the street and I am feeding them with $100 of canned food I brought. The so call high ranking officer stare at me and I just act blur...
16-04-2004, 10:41 AM
This is 1 damn thing I hate about Spore custom. Some of those bloody piece of shit just wanna find fault with young guy driving posh car. I ever encounter this kind of experience twice between 2002 and 2003. The 1st time that shit head officer stop me just before the exist point, getting me to reverse my car into a parking lot. He the ask me how much I brought my car for, how fast it can travel and why I always go to JB. As I didn't have any illegal item on me that time, (it was around 4am in the morning as I just finish cheong), I told him Singapore prostitute charge S$150 per shot and it too expensive and it cheaper inside. I even ask him if it a offence not to engage service of hooker in Singapore but travel to Msia to satify my need. He L.L.S.S mouth kena choke by dick and keep quiet. After he and the other dogs search my car, he let me go saying crap like thanks for your co-operation etc... I rammed hard on my accelerator before moving off, leaving all the exhuast fume (Turbo charge car) for him to sniff. :D
2nd time I wasn't so lucky. (Around 2am in morning), I was carrying an extra packet of unopen cigarette and though I am polite to the idiot who stop me cause I know I have that might get me into trouble, I was still fine S$104 for not declaring. Damn it! :mad: While paying the fine in their office, my friend called me and ask me if everything alright. I purposely yell over the phone saying I was late because I saw some pityful stray hungry dogs on the street and I am feeding them with $100 of canned food I brought. The so call high ranking officer stare at me and I just act blur...
Aiyah bro, these custom officers are just a bunch of legalised blood suckers who always find fault on us for little gritty offence. Got once i more "suay" then u at the second custom check, that the parking lot is so damn small that I accidentally ram the side wall and causes the metal kerb that attached to the wall came off . Damn bloody "suay", after these C.O. finished checking my car already (with no illegal items) still must go to their office to made payment of $150 for that little damage that I have made ( in fact that defects already there long ago). Sigh.......
Ken yeang
09-05-2004, 12:06 PM
Any bro out there who has Maria takagi AVs, pls let me know. I am willing to buy or trade with him. FYI I've got 250 titles of Jap AV, however, cound not find my fav. Any bro can help. Thanks!
09-05-2004, 10:37 PM
Any bro out there who has Maria takagi AVs, pls let me know. I am willing to buy or trade with him. FYI I've got 250 titles of Jap AV, however, cound not find my fav. Any bro can help. Thanks!
I never see jap av in jb leh... dvd for RM12 quite cheap but... av... where find? Maria Takagi get from internet..den burn loh..
Ken yeang
10-05-2004, 12:20 AM
I am a regular there buying Jap AV. I have 200over titles with me now. The problem is that the vcd vendor just do know what they sell, or hot hot the titles can be ......sigh........ Anybody know Maria takagi? If not just drop me note, and I'll send you the full nude picture of Maria syok looking at her sweet body.......
10-05-2004, 01:06 AM
I am a regular there buying Jap AV. I have 200over titles with me now. The problem is that the vcd vendor just do know what they sell, or hot hot the titles can be ......sigh........ Anybody know Maria takagi? If not just drop me note, and I'll send you the full nude picture of Maria syok looking at her sweet body.......
Bro, dun BS la. Last time say u have video of Hilton girl and ask to email you, but get no reply.
10-05-2004, 01:08 AM
I am a regular there buying Jap AV. I have 200over titles with me now. The problem is that the vcd vendor just do know what they sell, or hot hot the titles can be ......sigh........ Anybody know Maria takagi? If not just drop me note, and I'll send you the full nude picture of Maria syok looking at her sweet body.......
U went all the way to JB from KL to buy AV??? Your persistence is really impressing...
Ken yeang
10-05-2004, 09:27 AM
Dedicated To :Yippiedie
The reasons you didn't get the hilton vid-clip was your e-mail requesting for the clip. Your mail was so short-form until God knows what you meant. Secondly, it sounded like a demand rather than request, like the world owe you a big favour. It won't hurt a bit to be polite to fellow Brothers here. Hence, no milk for you.
Ken yeang
10-05-2004, 09:50 AM
Boss Tigershark75
Must agree with you that it was quite a drive from KL to JB and back again. (I guess I was bitten by Jap AV bug la, aad no cure found, hehehe) However, if you have some buddies to tag along and willing to do “driving shift”, it can be quite enjoyable. We talked about good old days and girls. Never a dull moment and kill time faster, boss. Furthermore, the whole trip expenses were shared among buddies. All AV VCDs were bought in bulk prices and later shared among buddies. Pretty good deal, if you ask me…
10-05-2004, 11:11 AM
yo bro.. just bring the dvds back to change ... dont worry abt the customs checks at woodlands coz u are going to jb... they wont check u ...
however if u chose to bring dvds back to S'pore from jb... u are digging ur own grave... car drivers are relatively safe when crossing the primary and secondary clearence ... i always choose the lane man by cisco... hahahahaha ... if u kena the last checkpoint by the police dog unit then u can write ur name at the tombstone liao... coz their checks are very stringent ... all the way from ur body , wallet and ur car ... they will search from all ur pockects, all the compartments in ur wallet, under the mat on ur car...all depend u heng or sway... one word of advice never fully occupy ur car with guys ...
Hahaha....seems like great minds think alike, me too whenever need to come back with contraband, will always use lane man by those mata, just interested to check back booth only. Nabeh if I really have bomb you think I will put in my booth?
10-05-2004, 03:14 PM
Hi Ken,
I just PM-ed you on our common interest - JAVs... and more specifically, Maria Takagi. let me know how we can work together for a better future for both our collections!!
12-05-2004, 09:01 PM
Dedicated To :Yippiedie
The reasons you didn't get the hilton vid-clip was your e-mail requesting for the clip. Your mail was so short-form until God knows what you meant. Secondly, it sounded like a demand rather than request, like the world owe you a big favour. It won't hurt a bit to be polite to fellow Brothers here. Hence, no milk for you.
Seems you can never please everyone. You write a bl00dy long email praising the guy then ask for the clip, he will say you cheong hei.
Try tp be nice and not take up time(consider how many emails you might get), and you say I ask demanding rather than request.
You can keep your sour milk to yourself. :P
13-05-2004, 03:53 AM
This is 1 damn thing I hate about Spore custom. Some of those bloody piece of shit just wanna find fault with young guy driving posh car. I ever encounter this kind of experience twice between 2002 and 2003. The 1st time that shit head officer stop me just before the exist point, getting me to reverse my car into a parking lot. He the ask me how much I brought my car for, how fast it can travel and why I always go to JB. As I didn't have any illegal item on me that time, (it was around 4am in the morning as I just finish cheong), I told him Singapore prostitute charge S$150 per shot and it too expensive and it cheaper inside. I even ask him if it a offence not to engage service of hooker in Singapore but travel to Msia to satify my need. He L.L.S.S mouth kena choke by dick and keep quiet. After he and the other dogs search my car, he let me go saying crap like thanks for your co-operation etc... I rammed hard on my accelerator before moving off, leaving all the exhuast fume (Turbo charge car) for him to sniff. :D
2nd time I wasn't so lucky. (Around 2am in morning), I was carrying an extra packet of unopen cigarette and though I am polite to the idiot who stop me cause I know I have that might get me into trouble, I was still fine S$104 for not declaring. Damn it! :mad: While paying the fine in their office, my friend called me and ask me if everything alright. I purposely yell over the phone saying I was late because I saw some pityful stray hungry dogs on the street and I am feeding them with $100 of canned food I brought. The so call high ranking officer stare at me and I just act blur...
Bro, you were damn chio man! admire your courage!
13-05-2004, 12:55 PM
Bro, you were damn chio man! admire your courage!
hehe... I am already fine for the offence I commited. If the Custom Officer wanna charge me for insulting them, I can jolly well deny it by saying it a shameful thing to be fine so I lye to my friends over the phone on feeding dog issue. For ramming the accelerator part, they are not traffic police so they got no right to said if I have my car modify. :D Moreover during that period pocket got $$ so can act tough.
Know your right before you 'tio' with them and you should be safe...
02-01-2005, 01:39 AM
Anyone knows where to buy pirated vcd in singapore ???
02-01-2005, 04:45 PM
Anyone knows where to buy pirated vcd in singapore ???
bro..i dont think S'pore got sell vcd liao.. pc software and ps2 games still have. order frm jb lah.. cheaper also ... just give the vender a call and they will deliver...
02-01-2005, 11:22 PM
well, it's better to just gather some name card and get the web page of the dvd vendors, then can order liow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,good thing i stay in jb and got a regular vendor, all like old frens oledi.........bad thing, i think my house can become movie library
03-01-2005, 03:32 PM
yahz..nowadays rarely can see ppl selling VCDs in singapore le...maybe coz the law is tighter liao...last time in Sim Lim can see ppl selling all sorts of discs...sure miss those days... lolx... :D
05-01-2005, 02:24 AM
yahz..nowadays rarely can see ppl selling VCDs in singapore le...maybe coz the law is tighter liao...last time in Sim Lim can see ppl selling all sorts of discs...sure miss those days... lolx... :D
even if S'pore got sell also more ex... better buy frm holiday plaza
Aiyah bro, these custom officers are just a bunch of legalised blood suckers who always find fault on us for little gritty offence. Got once i more "suay" then u at the second custom check, that the parking lot is so damn small that I accidentally ram the side wall and causes the metal kerb that attached to the wall came off . Damn bloody "suay", after these C.O. finished checking my car already (with no illegal items) still must go to their office to made payment of $150 for that little damage that I have made ( in fact that defects already there long ago). Sigh.......
Admire your courage man. Those custom Officers think that they uphold the law. Must get internal affairs to raid their own homes. I'm sure these people will keep all the VCDs & DVDs that they confiscate !
By the way what car do u drive ?
05-01-2005, 11:36 AM
Admire your courage man. Those custom Officers think that they uphold the law. Must get internal affairs to raid their own homes. I'm sure these people will keep all the VCDs & DVDs that they confiscate !
By the way what car do u drive ?
for me no matter what they tell me, i always insist they play a short clip of that vcd/dvd to show the quality otherwise i wont buy them. Some are honest and some are bloody bastards.. so i can't diffrentiate them, so safest way is to "test" on the spot....
When bring back to Sg, I usually only bring 3-4. Just be safe.. empty your CD player before going out then put your disc inside your CD player.. then should be fine, as long as dont but XXX vcd/dvd
Malaysian Datuk
05-01-2005, 07:03 PM
Unofficial limit is 5 dics per pax, if you dun look or act laulan they will let you pass even if you have 1 or 2 pieces extra. Dun need to hide them as long as no XXX contends, they will somtimes 'check' the movie title printed on the disc to see if it matches the sleeve, so long as its not some erotic title or with provacative pics on the sleeves you are safe.
For cigarettes, one open pack is safe. Any extra pack is S$100 per pack (for 1st time offenders). Do keep in mind if you are driving and there are 4 persons in the car, dun leave 4 packets together on the dashboard, you are supposed to have 'ownership' of the packs, so 1 pack keep with 1 person. Just like duty-free liquor at the airport.
CCB there was once I was stopped and being compared to a wanted criminal photo. KNN, that guy was much more slimer and haggard looking, this CB custom still want to show that he's worth the salary. KNN fxxking no brains. :(
05-01-2005, 07:40 PM
Anyone knows where to buy pirated vcd in singapore ???
There are still some PRCs peddling VCDs DVDs, movies to XXX somewhere in Singapore, all you need is just a phone call away, but not guarantee good though. ;)
There are still some PRCs peddling VCDs DVDs, movies to XXX somewhere in Singapore, all you need is just a phone call away, but not guarantee good though. ;)
you got lobang :)
05-01-2005, 07:52 PM
you got lobang
Not really lah, maybe can get, must go dig under my bed first. :D
Hoi, are you the bro with the neighbour one? ;)
Five Stone
05-01-2005, 07:55 PM
There are still some PRCs peddling VCDs DVDs, movies to XXX somewhere in Singapore, all you need is just a phone call away, but not guarantee good though. ;)
Pretty common to see them but not always. Also quite thrilling to buy from them. :D
Not really lah, maybe can get, must go dig under my bed first.
Hoi, are you the bro with the neighbour one?
yah lah. neighbour boh liao. btw, which neighbour? :)
05-01-2005, 08:05 PM
yah lah. neighbour boh liao. btw, which neighbour? :)
You wrote something about your next block neighbour I think, been waiting for you to write more but seems no more liao....... :D
You wrote something about your next block neighbour I think, been waiting for you to write more but seems no more liao....... :D
The other day I was talking to my cousin during my grandmother's funeral wakeabt that girl whom I had petted a bit while we were together. I was scared because she and my loud mouth cousin are classmates. It seemed like now this girl had turn into a butch and works in Media corp. While the other one was a divorcee whose daughter I like. However this divorcee right seemed frustrated whenever I called to asked her out leh. SHe almost shouted at me the other night when I asked her if I can bring her daughter out. :)
05-01-2005, 08:13 PM
The other day I was talking to my cousin during my grandmother's funeral wakeabt that girl whom I had petted a bit while we were together. I was scared because she and my loud mouth cousin are classmates. It seemed like now this girl had turn into a butch and works in Media corp. While the other one was a divorcee whose daughter I like. However this divorcee right seemed frustrated whenever I called to asked her out leh. SHe almost shouted at me the other night when I asked her if I can bring her daughter out. :)
Persistance pay but not nuisance. But you like the daughter or the divorcee? :confused:
Persistance pay but not nuisance. But you like the daughter or the divorcee? :confused:
Like the chinese saying if you like the person you must like the house. Actually I do have the hots for her, and sometimes when she close to me, I instantly mari kita. That's why she did sms me once to ask me if I am sexually attracted to her. :)
05-01-2005, 08:20 PM
Like the chinese saying if you like the person you must like the house. Actually I do have the hots for her, and sometimes when she close to me, I instantly mari kita. That's why she did sms me once to ask me if I am sexually attracted to her. :)
Must chat elsewhere, cos side track kanna fire like nobody business. Next time see the PRCs I get no. for you hor. Maybe buy for you also can. ;)
05-01-2005, 08:46 PM
you got lobang :)
No point buying from PRC...firstly quality bad and secondly more expensive...better to go direct source from JB...order twenty disc and they charged S$100 with delivery..all DVD....but depending on which outlet you get from...some will also sell those that are recorded directly from cinema so sound and pic not so guideline I normally wait about 3 months after the movie then order....the "honest" one will normally informed if quality no good....mine post his on a website which is updated weekly...whatever titles posted there confirm good quality...
No point buying from PRC...firstly quality bad and secondly more expensive...better to go direct source from JB...order twenty disc and they charged S$100 with delivery..all DVD....but depending on which outlet you get from...some will also sell those that are recorded directly from cinema so sound and pic not so guideline I normally wait about 3 months after the movie then order....the "honest" one will normally informed if quality no good....mine post his on a website which is updated weekly...whatever titles posted there confirm good quality...
Thanks for the advice I was thinking about going to plaza pelangi to buy.
06-01-2005, 08:35 AM
Thanks for the advice I was thinking about going to plaza pelangi to buy.
Bro t123 go to holiday plaza. Competition there very high. So can get a better deal. I always go to one of the shop where the lady boss very chio. PM me for contact and tell you more in details.
06-01-2005, 09:22 AM
Bro t123 go to holiday plaza. Competition there very high. So can get a better deal. I always go to one of the shop where the lady boss very chio. PM me for contact and tell you more in details.
sure or not? very chio? the one opp McDonald ah?? :D
but that one quality is bad 8/10 times
06-01-2005, 11:42 AM
Are you all referring to Da-Tou????
06-01-2005, 12:18 PM
If I remember correctly, the backlane of desker rd does sell xxx vcd lor. Use to get it from there. S$10 per movie and 50% if you exchange. Now I'm not so sure cos did not go there for almost 3 yrs liao....
Hope this help ;)
06-01-2005, 03:13 PM
sure or not? very chio? the one opp McDonald ah?? :D
but that one quality is bad 8/10 times
No the one next to bata shop near Deli France. U mean the quality of movies are bad? Mine she know's what's my standard like. No good will not pass to me. Go check it out.
06-01-2005, 03:41 PM
If I remember correctly, the backlane of desker rd does sell xxx vcd lor. Use to get it from there. S$10 per movie and 50% if you exchange. Now I'm not so sure cos did not go there for almost 3 yrs liao....
Hope this help ;)
Months back, I went to one of those shop in the back lane (now housed inside the common corridor of one of the house). The Ah Pek asked me to try to find in Sungei Road............................... keeps to yourself liao....
06-01-2005, 08:11 PM
sure or not? very chio? the one opp McDonald ah?? :D
but that one quality is bad 8/10 times
Knn the one opp. macs kena con once...char bor very chio but quality of disc lousy...
08-01-2005, 03:13 PM
Anyone knows where to buy pirated vcd in singapore ???
What sort of movie you looking for?? I have some kaki tat might help me to find out for you.... :D
09-01-2005, 03:12 AM
sure or not? very chio? the one opp McDonald ah?? :D
but that one quality is bad 8/10 times
hmm.. beter ask the quality 1st before buying... last time got D5 and D9 .... nowadays regardless of whether its a 'pure dvd movie' or 'recorded frm cinema type' all will state as harm asking...
09-01-2005, 03:17 AM
Knn the one opp. macs kena con once...char bor very chio but quality of disc lousy...
bro .. no harm bringing it back to exchange... even if its 1 or 2 months later... confirm they will change for u .. bringing it back to jb is safe...the only catch is whether u wan to smuggle them back to S'pore or not... if not u will need to pay for delivery again...
09-01-2005, 10:09 AM
bro .. no harm bringing it back to exchange... even if its 1 or 2 months later... confirm they will change for u .. bringing it back to jb is safe...the only catch is whether u wan to smuggle them back to S'pore or not... if not u will need to pay for delivery again...
problem disc are those newer titles....generally most of the shops don't really advise if quality good as long as can see and hear....
09-01-2005, 11:55 AM
problem disc are those newer titles....generally most of the shops don't really advise if quality good as long as can see and hear....
If u r looking for non XR DVD movies, bear in mind that they r going at 3 for 10 ringgit in KL at Sungei wang plaza. So don't pay too much at JB hor...
09-01-2005, 01:23 PM
If u r looking for non XR DVD movies, bear in mind that they r going at 3 for 10 ringgit in KL at Sungei wang plaza. So don't pay too much at JB hor...
But KL too far off for local singgies like us...
10-01-2005, 10:41 AM
here at holiday plaza they sellling movies quite ex.
me went pelangi yesterday.
they sell RM8 for 1 pc. Buy 5 get 1 free.
but at here their price structure very rigid.
at most give u files only.
11-01-2005, 12:51 AM
Today went 2 my friends shop as usual....bought from my friend many years oredi. Saw the small sign inside shop got 2 e-mail address. They have delivery 2 S'pore.....aiyaah, i should have ask in detail how many disc order they take for each customer to deliver. Their disc quality very good....especially 5 star dvd ....just one word...."marvellous". One of these day i go enquire in details for bro samsters here. My fren said they using e-mail to take orders. I go check it out a.s.a.p. Heard they keep changing e-mail addresses.
Born 2 Bonk!!!
Born wif a "BATANG"
17-01-2005, 01:32 PM
Months back, I went to one of those shop in the back lane (now housed inside the common corridor of one of the house). The Ah Pek asked me to try to find in Sungei Road............................... keeps to yourself liao....
Have managed to obtain few Cat3 Hong####/Korea movies at the above mentioned places but at high cost - 3 titles for S$ why risk carrying these in thru custom, surely kenna caught one. Even the delivery man get caught, his hp. with your number is still also please check your passport when entering JB.
2 weeks ago there is another case of Sillyporean forget to check the stamp, and on return back kenna report to JB immigration and got stranded there, probably kenna summon and got released hours later.
17-01-2005, 01:49 PM
To all bro who want to order DVD/VCD/CD/PS2/Xbox can use the following email and website;
[email protected]
I got the name card when I purchase and get to know one of the guys there, name is Sam. I dunno whether the address above is still valid or not, but please give it a try. Minimun order is 20pcs.
22-02-2005, 09:09 AM
Saw the small sign inside shop got 2 e-mail address.
Bro UG, did you manage to get the email address? Do they have a website? Thanks.
To add on what has been said, you dont need to buy 20 pacs for them to deliver. You can buy, say, 3 or 4, just need to pay 1-2 ringgit extra per pc for delivery.
....but depending on which outlet you get from...some will also sell those that are recorded directly from cinema so sound and pic not so guideline I normally wait about 3 months after the movie then order....the "honest" one will normally informed if quality no good....
Yup bro, this type of thing also use common sense. A movie just released in the US wont be DVD quality, even if its burned on a DVD.
I find the service there always good, even if its a blond ah beng. Beats the service in Sg anytime. But maybe not all the shops in Holiday Inn lah. My advice is you take a slow jalan jalan and deal with those who seem to provide good service.
22-02-2005, 02:27 PM
I find the service there always good, even if its a blond ah beng. Beats the service in Sg anytime. But maybe not all the shops in Holiday Inn lah. My advice is you take a slow jalan jalan and deal with those who seem to provide good service.
Well i can only say their service is really top-notch!!! Easily beat any other service sector!!!
Always willing to serve, to exchange the discs, always can try...etc.
Be it kinmoh ah beng or not..... so far havent come across any rude one
Those in Jln Ah Fook lagi +++kong, even bow to u when u pass by!!!
22-02-2005, 02:29 PM
Bro UG, did you manage to get the email address? Do they have a website? Thanks.
Their namecards always have their website on it, will publish here next time.
Well i can only say their service is really top-notch!!! Easily beat any other service sector!!!
Always willing to serve, to exchange the discs, always can try...etc.
Be it kinmoh ah beng or not..... so far havent come across any rude one
Those in Jln Ah Fook lagi +++kong, even bow to u when u pass by!!!
Like your avatar bro :D
22-02-2005, 03:34 PM
Like your avatar bro
Haha thanks thanks :D
In fact it shld be animated one..... but too bad cannot be used as it exceeds the pixel...... :(
22-02-2005, 04:02 PM
Their namecards always have their website on it, will publish here next time.
Currently got afew. Just want to explore more option. Thanks.
25-02-2005, 06:12 PM
Their namecards always have their website on it, will publish here next time.
u can try this website
username is best
password is connection
This shop is located at holiday plaza under the name "best connection" should be directly opposite to KFC. In front of this shop should have a kiosk selling sterling silver. This shop has very comprehensive titles and IMHO, if u cannot get it from this shop, then likely all other shops will not have it, seriously speaking. However, this shop will not discount for u - RM 8 flat (so far I tried cos I did not buy many from this shop).
For better prices, u should go to the highest floor -think the name is Top DVDs - a very small shop. Due to the not so good location, the guy there by the name of Jason should be able to charge u RM 7 if u order more. Build up your rapport with him and tell him strictly that u would not tolerate poor quality cos most of the time for new customers he will try to bluff that some DVDs are DVD 9 . Oso take note that this idiot after u have befriended him will try to push a lot of lousy shows to u. I kenna from him up to now but he allows me to exchange if the show sucks (please dont quote ). So u must be insistent to refuse him flatly if the shows are not of your choice. For RA chinese or korean, the price is the same but dunno the price for XXX / blue ones cos I dont watch. I rather do it myself :p
For all samsters' info and really hope that my this FR is informative.
25-02-2005, 07:59 PM
u can try this website
Brudder tks to you the shop will prbly be raided soon....moreover by posting out you know that the local authorities could just lay a trap for them and nap them in one swop...
Brudder tks to you the shop will prbly be raided soon....moreover by posting out you know that the local authorities could just lay a trap for them and nap them in one swop...
Bro I think no big deal lah. Unless the Malaysian police are reading the forum and anyway I think they can map out the shops in Holiday Plaza already.
26-02-2005, 10:04 AM
Bro I think no big deal lah. Unless the Malaysian police are reading the forum and anyway I think they can map out the shops in Holiday Plaza already.
Well always expect the life has been sprung by too many unexpected events to merely look at things at face value....true the local authorities already knows who are the one involved but it is an open secret that this people are "protected".....unfortunately such callous revelation only gives them one more bullet in the barrel to shoot with...and for all you know OUR authorities may just be the one to lay a trap by placing a order and napping least to them one more channel is closed...
28-02-2005, 12:08 AM
u can try this website
username is best
password is connection
This shop is located at holiday plaza under the name "best connection" should be directly opposite to KFC. In front of this shop should have a kiosk selling sterling silver. This shop has very comprehensive titles and IMHO, if u cannot get it from this shop, then likely all other shops will not have it, seriously speaking. However, this shop will not discount for u - RM 8 flat (so far I tried cos I did not buy many from this shop).
I got another website to share... in which you can order ONLINE XXX Jap, AngMoh and RA movies too. You can see the picture to all the titles first!
PM me if you want the details.
(Disclaimer: I am in no way related to this shop so I hope nobody accuses me of trying to promote this shop. Just doing this in the spirit of sharing :) )
25-07-2005, 05:57 PM
Hi bro
Could you sent me th thread.,
26-07-2005, 03:30 PM
Fellow bros,
Just checking if any bro has across the jap cartoon "Shaman King" on DVD format at Holiday Plaza. Most of the legal shops over in sg sells in VCD format and there are too many CD to keep track due to its long episode. Cheers!!
got a few namecards and password, anyone interested?
26-07-2005, 04:01 PM
got some omline web to share.. interested ??
pricing damn cheap ;)
26-07-2005, 04:25 PM
click in.. check yrself.. c yrself.. ~ look for a guy named Teen, he'll give u special rate, deliver door-step/hand deliver to u in sg !!
as wind damn big in JB.. all pirated DVD/VCD shops r closed.. go in purchasing hv to take risk.. so there r more & more online purchased webbies.. but me stick to dtssoft, coz quality good & pricing can be negotiable !!
26-07-2005, 05:15 PM
click in.. check yrself.. c yrself.. ~ look for a guy named Teen, he'll give u special rate, deliver door-step/hand deliver to u in sg !!
as wind damn big in JB.. all pirated DVD/VCD shops r closed.. go in purchasing hv to take risk.. so there r more & more online purchased webbies.. but me stick to dtssoft, coz quality good & pricing can be negotiable !!
26-07-2005, 11:28 PM
yo bro u mean go to jb n look for the Teen guy personally or thru the website? how to register for first timers n wher to see the price list ah?
Pay by credit card so ur credit card info give them online or go jb? Any help greatly appreciated thx!!! :)
27-07-2005, 10:04 AM
Anyone knows where to get the anime series "inuyasha" and some DVD "Legend of Bagger Vance" and "Happy Gilmore". Been to shanghai, guangzhou, KL and Jb still cannot get the title.
27-07-2005, 04:23 PM
yo bro u mean go to jb n look for the Teen guy personally or thru the website? how to register for first timers n wher to see the price list ah?
Pay by credit card so ur credit card info give them online or go jb? Any help greatly appreciated thx!!! :)
e-mail to
[email protected], seek for Teen, throw yr questions to him, he'll reply u in details.. ;)
27-07-2005, 06:42 PM
Anyone knows where to get the anime series "inuyasha" and some DVD "Legend of Bagger Vance" and "Happy Gilmore". Been to shanghai, guangzhou, KL and Jb still cannot get the title.
Bro, Inuyasha, you should be able to get very only JB VCD/DVD got big wind,,,,,as for legend of bagger vance, that is a difficult tittle to find, and happy gilmore,,,,i have it in vcd..........i think i have a lot of movies by adam sandler......long live the SAnd-man
Will be going to KL...what are the places there that sell pirated dvds? Thanks :D
13-11-2005, 06:15 PM
Will be going to KL...what are the places there that sell pirated dvds? Thanks :D
Bro, where u staying... so we can point u to the nearest center. But if got strong wind blowing during your visit, then bad luck lorr
13-11-2005, 06:21 PM
Will be going to KL...what are the places there that sell pirated dvds? Thanks :D
go petaling street la... all the dvd there very cheap... but try to go at about 5pm where they just start .... u will get cheaper price... good luck
13-11-2005, 06:51 PM
go petaling street la... all the dvd there very cheap... but try to go at about 5pm where they just start .... u will get cheaper price... good luck
I used to window shop around..well you can get cheaper DVD and VCD [normal plus those XXXXX ones] in JB.
IMHO, dont go to Petaling street, they will slaughter you! The best place is to get them at Pasar malam's [night markets] eg Sri Petaling, outskirt of KL at every Tuesday. :rolleyes:
13-11-2005, 06:53 PM
I used to window shop around..well you can get cheaper DVD and VCD [normal plus those XXXXX ones] in JB.
IMHO, dont go to Petaling street, they will slaughter you! The best place is to get them at Pasar malam's [night markets] eg Sri Petaling, outskirt of KL at every Tuesday. :rolleyes:
Yeah, agree with bro Pomrak. If you can let us know where u r staying, can direct you to where the local lubang we buy from.
Thanks for the replies so far! Me staying at Concorde hotel. Will be shopping only at night. ;)
13-11-2005, 07:46 PM
Thanks for the replies so far! Me staying at Concorde hotel. Will be shopping only at night. ;)
Why not give me a buzz when u arrive. I always like to meet SG samsters. Can bring you to the neareat place to shop for DVD's
13-11-2005, 09:33 PM
JB Cheongsters help needed ... what's URL to buy jav online from Holiday Plaza vendors..have online search but hit blank wall.
u interested or not? i selling off my collection with a external harddisk of 40G
contains about 40+ Jap and ang mo at $300, Kokeshi full series.
16-11-2005, 05:26 PM
R E M I N D E R !!!!!
12-04-2006, 02:46 AM
Hello everyone.
I'm seriously looking for good sites from which I can purchase DVDs and have them delivered over from Malaysia to Singapore. I've heard tales about dishonest vendors so any recommendation to any trustworthy sites would be most appreciated.
It would be great if they have a huge collection of DVDs.
Many thanks!!
I don't think it's a problem of dishonest vendors bro. I buy from Blazaa and sometimes the DVDs don't work. Not cos it's spoilt but my drive can't run it (runs ok on other drives and players). Just that some vendors provide better service then others, as some bros have said above. ;)
Hello everyone.
I'm seriously looking for good sites from which I can purchase DVDs and have them delivered over from Malaysia to Singapore. I've heard tales about dishonest vendors so any recommendation to any trustworthy sites would be most appreciated.
It would be great if they have a huge collection of DVDs.
Many thanks!!
31-05-2006, 01:20 PM
not gone holiday plaza long time liaoz... wanna get latest chinese software like chinese star for win xp... so buy from the online guys better?
last time i just put the cds in pocket n walk through... but kena caught once. i act blur... luckily only games n software, no porno. now don't dare try again :p
31-05-2006, 01:34 PM
not gone holiday plaza long time liaoz... wanna get latest chinese software like chinese star for win xp... so buy from the online guys better?
last time i just put the cds in pocket n walk through... but kena caught once. i act blur... luckily only games n software, no porno. now don't dare try again :p
You're not being updated yet. Holiday Plaza is now having BIG WIND ... all the DVD shops and some game shops are already closed shop .... if you go during this period ... it is of no use ... the authorities are going to be stationed there from morning till the closing hours for at least one month ... so the best bet to get your Chinese software is to go to Torrent sites and download from there ...
31-05-2006, 05:23 PM
You're not being updated yet. Holiday Plaza is now having BIG WIND ... all the DVD shops and some game shops are already closed shop .... if you go during this period ... it is of no use ... the authorities are going to be stationed there from morning till the closing hours for at least one month ... so the best bet to get your Chinese software is to go to Torrent sites and download from there ...
If you are regular they let u in. They will open the stutter and close again after you go in. Authorities will station they for at least 3 months, will not be sooner than 31st Aug. Many ministers will come down and celebrate. Must do some wayang let minister see mah.
This is insider news.
Up me bro if you like my info or tips.
31-05-2006, 05:28 PM
Will Check at City Square and see if the shop is still open later tonight. There are two CD shops there. Used to buy there, each cost about RM6 - RM7. One ringgit more from Holiday Plaza.
31-05-2006, 06:47 PM
Will Check at City Square and see if the shop is still open later tonight. There are two CD shops there. Used to buy there, each cost about RM6 - RM7. One ringgit more from Holiday Plaza.
There's another shop on Level 2 Merlin Tower located at the end of the bridge linking Merlin Tower and City Square. It's one ringgit cheaper than Holiday Plaza & City Square.
31-05-2006, 07:35 PM
Holiday Plaza recently damn "BIG WIND" la.. all pirated shops closed more than 1 week liao.. even City Square & others places.. & my advice to all bros here.. dun ever stepin even they open shutter to welcome u all.. coz, lots of those gov.ppl around.. once caught, knn damn "chialat" lo..
I always order online.. try (login: as9099).. only $3.00 per DvD movies.. $6.00 per DvD Adult.. somemore even faulty, just report to them, will get yr exchange disc on yr next order.. doorstep delivery!!
they can be trusted one.. good after sales service.. me strongly recommend!! somemore got FREE PS2 with min 10pcs purchase..
01-06-2006, 08:18 AM
:eek: free PS2 with purchase of 10 DVDs? u mean Sony's Playstation 2 or wat??
23-06-2006, 02:02 PM
Anyone got adult jap vcd or dvd dun want. i would like to buy at discounted
prices. can pm me
23-06-2006, 04:58 PM
I got from HP33 but they sold me more Rm 7 or 8 leh, first time order ok but 2nd order, few dvds not working and told me must go to Malaysia for exchange. :mad:
[QUOTE=lt_ken84]Hi Guys,
I have 3 websites that you can check it out too.
1: - LOG IN: - HP33___ PASSWORD : - 9000/1000/3000
23-06-2006, 05:20 PM
Guys, one more website which i know ...,
lots of nice movies (all sorts) games DVD in there for you to choose. If you are keen please logon and key in ID: Best and PW: connection :)
24-06-2006, 02:03 AM
Guys, one more website which i know ...,
lots of nice movies (all sorts) games DVD in there for you to choose. If you are keen please logon and key in ID: Best and PW: connection :)
hw many u ordered every time? send to house door? :)
24-06-2006, 11:05 PM
by any chance any bro knows where to get software through online order. Thinking of going on Monday but worried about the 'big wind' then in the end wasted trip.
Thank you
25-06-2006, 12:34 PM
Hi Bro Wanna_to_Joke,maybe you can try and ask around those shops which sells softwares.If not try and ask those dvd venders which ship the dvds in to spore.Maybe they will ask you to buy a few dvds so they would kindly ship in for u or something?...hehe.By the way I think the "big wind" is gone gua...but I was thinking of going down on Sunday but still no idea yet.Maybe we can go together if you want...hehe.:D
i am going on Monday but if you are there Sunday. Please kindly update ;)
26-06-2006, 08:57 AM
The "big wind" been blowing since May, but the seller need to eat, so they are back to buisness, just more coutious.
26-06-2006, 11:10 AM
The "big wind" been blowing since May, but the seller need to eat, so they are back to buisness, just more coutious.
thank you for the reminder
26-06-2006, 10:49 PM
How much is the price if i order online.. Price must incl delivery
wht i know is 5-6 dollar sin for internet order tht is for porn for movie is 3-4 dollar
27-06-2006, 02:23 AM ID: Best and PW: connection
seems the id n pw can't use to log in any more... can PM another working one pls?
best bet to get your Chinese software is to go to Torrent sites and download from there
not familiar with torrents :p only used limewire b4...
can't get in without signing in. can lemme know how?
thanks ur help guys :)
29-06-2006, 08:21 PM
Well always expect the life has been sprung by too many unexpected events to merely look at things at face value....true the local authorities already knows who are the one involved but it is an open secret that this people are "protected".....unfortunately such callous revelation only gives them one more bullet in the barrel to shoot with...and for all you know OUR authorities may just be the one to lay a trap by placing a order and napping least to them one more channel is closed...
me agreed with wat u said.. really must find a reliable supplier.. for me, either or is reliable..
below r those webbies me tried before & my personal point of view, so no offence to others:-
1) reliable, punctual on delivery, good quality.. price is cheap.. wide range of choices (almost all the round stuffs can get here, like software, audio cd, psp, ps2, x-box, movies etc.. really one-stop webbie).. good after sales service- accept all the complains (u can exchange yr faulty disces on yr next order, dun hv to take risk to go bck JB for exchanging), somemore they hv 24 hrs customer hotline for u to complain.. anythings goes wrong on yr order, u can just called them & Fxxx... & the best thing is, they won't Fxxx u bck, they'll just accept/admit.. haha... & always hv FREE DvD or PS2 if u order more !!! (accept SG Dollars & USD nia, can pay by credit card, bank transfer & cash on delivery)
2) (pw: d92u) - reliable, very punctual on delivery, good quality & good after sales service.. can exchange on yr next order.. can say got the cheapest price among all.. got FREE games or movies if u buy more.. (accept SG Dollar, Ringgit Malaysia & USD, can pay by credit card, bank transfer & cash on delivery)
3) (best/ pw: connection) - reliable, not punctual on delivery, good quality (but careful, they always try to pushing all the old/fxxking titles to u).. accept exchange on next order.. (but depend on pcs that u order, if u r regular there, no problem de) (accept SG Dollar, Ringgit Malaysia & USD, only cash on delivery)
4) - not really reliable, punctual on delivery, most DvD r DvDR (means self burn one).. poor after sales service (they dun even fxxx care if u wanna exchange if disc spoil)..(accept SG Dollar, Ringgit Malaysia & USD, can pay by credit card, bank transfer & cash on delivery)
5) - worst, dun ever try.. bad quality & bad service (once i wanna exchange, they says cannot, & keep saying that i'm the one who spoil it.. knn, the moment me received the DvD already broken into two liao, told the deliveryman, he just ask me to call his boss, then at the end, me kena Fxxx.. likes its my fault) (accept SG Dollar & Ringgit Malaysia nia, only cash on delivery)
6) - reliable, not punctual on delivery, good quality but poor after sales service(ask u to bring the spoil dvd into Jb for exchange)..(accept SG Dollar & Ringgit Malaysia nia, only cash on delivery)
**:p hopes the above is informative...
09-07-2006, 02:26 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Sunday 9 July 2006 :-
More youngsters selling pirated discs for syndicates
KUALA LUMPUR : Eyebrows were raised when Foo Kiat Yung said he earned RM500 in commission after three days of selling pirated DVDs.
The 14-year-old boy was in the news when he ran away from home in Johor Baru after racking up debts playing computer games.
He found a job, peddling pirated DVDs and VCDs in food courts and restaurants in Subang Jaya, he told reporters after returning home.
Anecdotal evidence and statistics from the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry suggest that more young Malaysians are becoming salesmen for syndicates pushing pirated discs.
Many of them are lured by the fact that they can earn up to RM150 a day in commission. They also believe syndicate bosses will bail them out if they are nabbed by enforcement officers.
Deputy Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk S. Veerasingam said the ministry has set up a special unit to monitor the trade in pirated DVDs and VCDs.
He noted that between Oct 1, 2003 and yesterday, 172 juveniles were arrested nationwide for peddling DVDs and VCDs. In general, there has been a steady increase in the number of people arrested for selling pirated goods.
In 2003, 124 people were arrested, rising to 529 and 710 in 2004 and 2005 respectively. For the first six months of this year, 457 arrests were made, and it looks like this number will double by the end of the year.
"Those who peddle pirated goods either don’t realise they are breaking the law, or if they know of it, are unaware of the severe penalties," Veerasingam said.
Individuals can be fined up to RM20,000 and jailed for up to five years, while a company faces a maximum fine of RM40,000 and the owner jailed for up to 10 years.
Veerasingam said it is important for parents to monitor their children to make sure that they don’t get involved in illegal activities.
He also called on the public to stop buying pirated goods. "When the demand stops, the supply ceases."
It's an easier and more lucrative job, say DVD sellers
KUALA LUMPUR: He is 22 and wouldn’t dream of quitting his "job" which brings him around RM3,000 a month.
Ah Tong (not his real name), who used to put up billboards in Teluk Intan, now sells pirated DVDs at a well-known mamak stall in Overseas Union Garden (OUG) here.
"The job is easier and I earn more than I did with the billboard company," said Ah Tong, who earns a RM1.50 commission on every DVD he sells for RM8.
Ah Tong is just one of countless youths who work full-time or part-time in the pirated DVD trade.
Ah Man, 21, from Ipoh, says: "I only work at night, and there is less pressure than at my old job in construction."
Ah Man started selling VCDs at the age of 15 at a pasar malam in Ipoh "part-time as I was still in school".
When he moved to Kuala Lumpur after finishing school, he joined a construction firm but continued to sell DVDs part-time.
"In the end, I decided that selling DVDs was better and quit my job two years ago."
Boy and Sky, aged 20 and 19, peddle their pirated wares at SS15 Subang Jaya. Both were recently arrested by Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry enforcement officers.
"But our boss bailed us out, paying RM15,000. He did the same for another two colleagues," said Boy.
He said it was his second arrest. His first was a few years ago in his hometown, Johor Baru. He got involved in the business at the age of 12, selling pirated VCDs at the pasar malam.
He works as a wireman by day and sells pirated DVDs, VCDs and porn VCDs at night.
His DVDs cost RM10 each and he receives a RM1 commission. VCDs are sold at RM5 for 50 sen commission, while porn VCDs cost RM25, for which Boy gets a RM2 commission.
"I send RM500 a month to my father and use the rest for my expenses," said Boy.
Alor Star boy Sky who works with a transport company, says: "It is expensive to live in the city.
"Unless I do this part-time, I wouldn’t have enough to send money to my family, support myself and save something every month."
Sky said he started in the trade about two years ago when he moved to the city.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
13-07-2006, 06:15 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 13 July 2006 :-
Housewife an online DVD pirate
JOHOR BARU: A 41-year-old housewife thought she had found a foolproof way to get rich online.
After making a small fortune selling pirated DVD movies and games on an auction website last December, she decided to set up her own website in May.
For a while, it seemed that she had struck gold as orders poured in for the pirated DVDs priced at RM7 or RM8 each.
All she had to do was monitor the website to ensure that payments had been made before sending the pirated products to her clients by courier service.
Operating from the privacy of her home, she was confident she would never be caught and even offered her top 20 clients a loyalty reward programme.
On Monday, however, the housewife’s illicit operation was exposed when an enforcement team from the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry’s Internet Piracy Unit raided her house.
Led by enforcement officer Aswadi Jaafar, the team found 3,769 pirated DVD movies and games, envelopes, acknowledgement slips and a computer in the house in Bandar Seri Alam here.
The total value of the seizure is estimated at RM35,000.
The team had put the house under surveillance for weeks before raiding it at 3.15pm.
The ministry’s Johor branch chief enforcement officer, Fahmi Kasim, said apart from the woman, a 60-year-old man and a 12-year-old boy, believed to be her father and son, were in the house during the raid.
He said the suspect operated independently but was believed to have been supplied by a syndicate.
"We believe the suspect shifted her operation from the auction website to her own to avoid detection.
"She operated her business from her home, posted all orders from the Tampoi post office and opened her bank account in Taman Sentosa. All three locations are situated a distance away from each other."
The suspect had hundreds of regular customers in Johor and Singapore, and the biggest order she had received was worth RM900.
The suspect, who is under remand, is expected to be charged under the Copyright Act 1987. It carries a fine of not less than RM2,000 and not more than RM20,000, or a jail term not exceeding five years, or both.
Her website has also been shut down.
The raid was conducted with the co-operation of the Motion Picture Association.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
22-07-2006, 02:58 PM
they charge pretty high to 'bring in' to singapore , might as well buy at poh kim:D
09-08-2006, 12:49 AM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 8 August 2006 :-
Crackdown on pirated VCD and DVD copies
PUTRA JAYA: Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shafie Apdal said on Tuesday the ministry would continue its crackdown on licensed VCD and DVD outlets which sold pirated and pornographic copies.
The latest bust, he said, was on a factory in Sri Damansara in Sungai Buloh last Friday which produced such VCDs and DVDs.
He said the operators and workers were detained while equipment worth RM20mil were confiscated.
“This big haul was possible after weeks of investigation and stake out,” he told reporters after the ministry’s monthly gathering here.
He hoped the state enforcement divisions would also beef up their operations to bring to book such operators.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
09-08-2006, 02:21 PM
after these raids, when all the "pirates" are clean out, then they'll increase the DVD prices... buggers.
10-08-2006, 12:58 AM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 9 August 2006 :-
Porn DVDs featuring ‘Siti, Ning, Erra...’
PORNOGRAPHIC DVD sellers in Petaling Street are using names of popular celebrities to boost sales.
Among the names used are Siti Nurhaliza, Ning Baizura, Erra Fazira, Nabila (Amy Search's daughter), Linda Onn, Dayang Nur Faizah, Fauziah Latif, Sheila Majid and Waheeda.
According to Harian Metro, the syndicates are merely using the names although the celebrities are not the stars in the movies.
Agents would circulate a piece of A4 size paper with the celebrities' name list wrapped in a yellow and pink plastic.
Listed on the paper are the categories of the DVDs, ranging from homosexual, lesbian, bohsia, datin, air stewardess, and rural or urban girls, to underaged, college, secondary schoolgirls and models.
There are also limited edition DVDs featuring Bollywood artistes.
The agents offer nearly 1,000 titles of special collections from Japan, Hong Kong, Canada, Pakistan, South Africa, Argentina, Russia, China, New Zealand and Italy.
Buyers are given a warranty of one to nine months and purchasers of 50 DVDs get 10 free.
The DVDs are offered at between RM30 and RM60 each while CDs are sold at RM20 apiece.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
01-10-2007, 10:17 PM
How about bro here think of, try to order first time ,but came out error leh is the wed side still working and how is the quality of the disc... like is the movie able to work on all dvd or only on brand like shinco , akira that kind of disc??
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