View Full Version : How safe are condoms?

29-03-2010, 08:31 PM
Bros, just wanna gather feedbacks about commercial sex. I notice that there are many hardcore fans of commercial sex in this forum. Not sure if they consistently protect themselves with condoms. But do you know of anyone who got infected with HIV despite consistently using condoms for BJ or FJ?

I've been having commercial sex for awhile. My frequency is about once every few months. So far has been visiting DSC regularly for check ups even though I always ensure that I am well protected during the commercial sex.

I know some bros will tell me tt condoms are not 100% safe and if I want to come out to play, then don't worry so much. But I would like to get to know some real life cases to ease or worsen my worries. Pls feel free to share your experiences. Tks.

Big Sexy
29-03-2010, 10:41 PM
condoms is almost useless against cetain stds e.g HPV (genital warts) or genital herpes..it does however work well against most STDs..

I know some bros will tell me tt condoms are not 100% safe and if I want to come out to play, then don't worry so much.

29-03-2010, 11:15 PM
How about HIV prevention? Heard any stories of unlucky bros getting it despite consistently wearing condoms for sex?

Big Sexy
30-03-2010, 07:09 AM
i cannot give a figure..
however, the risk is greatly reduced if it is wear correctly and
also make sure you get good quality ones

How about HIV prevention? Heard any stories of unlucky bros getting it despite consistently wearing condoms for sex?

30-03-2010, 08:51 AM
How about HIV prevention? Heard any stories of unlucky bros getting it despite consistently wearing condoms for sex?

HIV transmission becomes a significant risk only if there is a condom failure. This can be caused by poor quality condoms or because condoms have been improperly stored, have expired or have been put on incorrectly.

30-03-2010, 04:36 PM
How about HIV prevention? Heard any stories of unlucky bros getting it despite consistently wearing condoms for sex?

Any bro unlucky enough to get HIV is definitely not going to broadcast it or tell any brother. Most don't even tell their own family. So relying on hearsay to assess safety of condoms is totally useless.

Just do some reading and use your common sense. HIV is found in the bodily fluids of the infected person. A condom is made of latex. General knowledge tells us that fluids cannot penetrate latex.

If fluids cannot penetrate latex, it follows that your dick that is covered by latex will NOT come into contact with fluids or HIV as long as the latex did not break.

Common sense tells us that if your dick did not come into contact with her CB juice, then you are quite safe from HIV. It is impt that you also did not come into contact with her body fluids through other means, eg, you get a BBBJ, you paint her, you finger her, you drink her milk ( yeah, this is a fantasy of mine too but luckily, there are no lactating FLs to be found) or allow her to rub her vulva all over your dick.

31-03-2010, 12:06 AM
Gosh, i have had the same concern and that was the motivation for me to start a thread in this forum..., I called the Action for Aids hotline... the counsellor told me that a condom, if used properly, will reduced the risk greatly. No figure given unfortunately. I then asked if it is necessary for one who had protected sex to go for PEP treatment and screening(which can give fairly accurate after 12 days instead of the usual 1 month) just to allay his fear, he said not necessary...

31-03-2010, 10:24 PM
If you had ONLY protected sex, then it is probably safe from HIV. You are still vulnerable to other STDs like Herpes and Warts.

That said, many forummers go for protected sex, BUT also engage in foreplay that exposes them to some risk, such as BBBJ, painting and fingering. If you do these, then the risk is increased ( although by a very small amount ).

Gosh, i have had the same concern and that was the motivation for me to start a thread in this forum..., I called the Action for Aids hotline... the counsellor told me that a condom, if used properly, will reduced the risk greatly. No figure given unfortunately. I then asked if it is necessary for one who had protected sex to go for PEP treatment and screening(which can give fairly accurate after 12 days instead of the usual 1 month) just to allay his fear, he said not necessary...

01-04-2010, 12:59 PM
I don't think it is fair to generalize.

You cannot simply ask who has been infected with HIV even though a condom is worn.

The condom could be expired, or worn wrongly, torn during sex, or any number of reasons.

At the end of the day, the only safer sex is masturbation. If you're really that afraid, you shouldn't be fucking around anyway.

The other treatment you should know about, is the PEP. If you believe you are exposed to HIV, if under 72 hours, you can ask for PEP treatment.

Do note it is not a 100% cure; there will still be a chance you can become positive after.

It is expensive, and has side effects.

Silver Wolf
03-04-2010, 05:53 AM
it is not 100% but at least there is a protection.
just like what had been posted,some of them maybe faulty,expired or wrong used.
still must go for a checkup,maybe twice a year.