View Full Version : Can STDs be trasmitted by urine through cuts?

31-05-2010, 06:05 PM
juz wanna ask, can STDs be transmitted by urine through cuts?
A year ago my fuking friends go disiao mi when i pee, then i accidently
brushed till the urinal and had a cut :eek:
then now sometimes veri itchy

31-05-2010, 10:01 PM
If that is the case you better go see a doctor.

31-05-2010, 10:29 PM
haha. just wondering is it possible to get STD/HIV from bathing with prostitutes?

cheers thanks!

ABC man
01-06-2010, 01:18 AM
Aids virus is present in blood, sperm, vaginal fluids and breastmilk(a bit murky on the breast milk). So unless the urine you brushed against have some of the above mentioned present, not likely. You probably have a bacterial infection from the cut. HIV, which lead to Aids, does not happen so quickly and itchy wounds is not a sympton.

Go see a doctor for the cut if to get it disinfected. One never knows what was in the urine you brushed against.