View Full Version : Beware of a few Ks scam
09-07-2010, 09:51 AM
Beware, recently, a few TN ladies would make use of the recent raids to try to borrow money from clients
They will tell you because of the raids, their WP is cancelled and they need to pay another few Ks to agents to secure a new one, if not they need to be out of Singapore within 10 days.
Beware ! They just want to con you your monies. Usually, these ladies are already PRs but pretend to be on WP. As they are PRs, the raids usually do not affect them.
If they are really on WP, if they are caught on raids, they will be on white card. This mean they can continue to work until their case is closed
In short, no matter they are on WP or PR, they no need to pay $5000 to agents to get new WP.
So don't get conned :). I was approached by some for loans for such matter. I simply told them I need to be on run as I lost heavily on soccer
I suspect, some may ask $$$ from regulars is because they also lost big on soccers or casino and they want to make full use of some recent raids to con some money.
Imagine 1K from each client ! Sometimes, they also ask 10 clients to pay for their 1 air ticket :)
09-07-2010, 10:05 AM
Thanks for sharing.
09-07-2010, 12:08 PM
Thanks for the info..
09-07-2010, 12:38 PM
thks for the infor ...
But den again , cheongsters wun even bother to give those blood suckling PRC's $100 even ....
09-07-2010, 12:51 PM
Beware, recently, a few TN ladies would make use of the recent raids to try to borrow money from clients
They will tell you because of the raids, their WP is cancelled and they need to pay another few Ks to agents to secure a new one, if not they need to be out of Singapore within 10 days.
Beware ! They just want to con you your monies. Usually, these ladies are already PRs but pretend to be on WP. As they are PRs, the raids usually do not affect them.
If they are really on WP, if they are caught on raids, they will be on white card. This mean they can continue to work until their case is closed
In short, no matter they are on WP or PR, they no need to pay $5000 to agents to get new WP.
So don't get conned :). I was approached by some for loans for such matter. I simply told them I need to be on run as I lost heavily on soccer
I suspect, some may ask $$$ from regulars is because they also lost big on soccers or casino and they want to make full use of some recent raids to con some money.
Imagine 1K from each client ! Sometimes, they also ask 10 clients to pay for their 1 air ticket :)
Hi bros, 1000% agreed. This is exactly happen to me with my ex-fb!
After paying for her and her daughter and father's air-tickets, realise that at least another two more man paying for the same thing! Also happen for school fees, HP bills and rental!
But one thing got to appreciate is the efford that she put in for sex right after the movement she received the money, BBBJ, CIM, COB, COF, licking from head to toe........ in the living hall, kitched etc........ all are fabulous!
Basically every visit got to spend money, otherwise she will tell you not feeling well, only give you HJ, and event HJ also like routine, pouling plenty of baby oil, quick rub and self service after cum, no shower for you, every thing NO NO NO!
Lately heard she go to Casino and lost plenty of her saving! Now basically going back for her FL, luckily none of my business anymore.
Conclusion - Almost 0% of these PRC that I met can be trusted, this is only my experience, may be due to no luck!?
09-07-2010, 03:06 PM
If you loan money to these people, all I can say is you are stupid.
These shop ladies come and go. Fuck and forget is the best policy.
09-07-2010, 03:22 PM
Totally agreed....if u get too close to a FL, tis thing will happen....just remember u r not the only one lying naked on top of her....they r here to earn money,so of cos for them money come first....i oso heve to admit there r good one out there, but dun take ur chances...fuck and pay,dun become their BOYFRENSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS....................... ......
09-07-2010, 04:53 PM
Bro, thanks for the good warning.
It is expected that your PRC girlfriend will also have other boyfriends. After all, think about where you got to know these girls? You probably got to know them in the KTVs, or the massage parlours. They meet men all the time in these places. If you expect your PRC girlfriend to be pure, then go to a village in China to find one.
I used to have a fb who worked in a massage parlour back in those days when there were not many raids and girls in massage parlours do fuck jobs. A few times when I went to pick her up, I had to wait for her while she did it with her customers. Sometimes can even hear her from outside. Do I feel bad? No, because I know that's her job and that's what she do. As long as I feel good when we fuck, I don't care.
09-07-2010, 05:06 PM
Thanks Bro for the warning, will bear in mind.
09-07-2010, 05:52 PM
Appreciate for all the information being shared in this thread.
09-07-2010, 06:57 PM
They just fooling around with u. And they also have so many boyfriend like u. We just fj, pay and leave.
09-07-2010, 10:22 PM
I'm sharing this as I'm approached by some already and my best buddy kena ! Damn stupid
He was so stupid to give $5000 to his girl as she told him she kena caught in raid, WP cancelled and needed that money within 10 days to get new WP.
After got the money, she said she was "so touched" and give him 1 FJ FOC.
I scolded him, 5000 for 1 FJ. Can screw some TCS actress already. I scolded him because he is not rich person. His salary is only 4.5K a month
I wonder for this girl, how much she conned from each client. Wow, imagine 5k from my friend and could be a few Ks from others. And I think all these monies go to casino :)
These days, if you visit RWS, you can see many FLs gambling like crazy. If they win a few Ks that day, they can don't work. If they lost, all they need to hang around those winners and go for a "quick fix" at $150-200 each. 5-6 customers and they get back 1K :)
Not bad huh :)
09-07-2010, 10:28 PM
But wait, how much would you pay for air-tickets before you can get hat BBBJ, CIM COB etc ?
A few Ks right ? You flash your $500 at Geylang and you get easily get SYT to do that for you too :)
You're right on rentals. Quite a few use this trick. Paid once, need to pay every month :) and you're not the only one to pay the rental
Hi bros, 1000% agreed. This is exactly happen to me with my ex-fb!
After paying for her and her daughter and father's air-tickets, realise that at least another two more man paying for the same thing! Also happen for school fees, HP bills and rental!
But one thing got to appreciate is the efford that she put in for sex right after the movement she received the money, BBBJ, CIM, COB, COF, licking from head to toe........ in the living hall, kitched etc........ all are fabulous!
Basically every visit got to spend money, otherwise she will tell you not feeling well, only give you HJ, and event HJ also like routine, pouling plenty of baby oil, quick rub and self service after cum, no shower for you, every thing NO NO NO!
Lately heard she go to Casino and lost plenty of her saving! Now basically going back for her FL, luckily none of my business anymore.
Conclusion - Almost 0% of these PRC that I met can be trusted, this is only my experience, may be due to no luck!?
10-07-2010, 10:40 AM
Thanks for sharing, up u
12-07-2010, 07:56 AM
funny this thread should crop up, i also kena this story 2 days ago but she only asked for a couple of hundred. btw anyone got kangtau to really screw actresses and models for $5K ? dorp me a pm
12-07-2010, 09:56 AM
Looks like all these TN ladies are really asking a lot of brothers for $$$ these days
I think it varies from one bro to another. To those who are well affordable, I think they will ask for 1K min. For those with lesser salaries, they will ask for a few hundreds like paying 50% of their rentals
funny this thread should crop up, i also kena this story 2 days ago but she only asked for a couple of hundred. btw anyone got kangtau to really screw actresses and models for $5K ? dorp me a pm
12-07-2010, 11:46 AM
Sorry... I very noob... but what is a KS Scam? Is it the TNs along Keong Saik (KS) Rd or something?:confused:
12-07-2010, 12:03 PM
Sorry... I very noob... but what is a KS Scam? Is it the TNs along Keong Saik (KS) Rd or something?:confused:
I think TS is saying that there are ladies from TNs and MPs trying to cheap money out of their clients.
They will proclaim that they have been caught in a raid and they have lost their WP. So, they will ask their clients to help out by giving them some money to re-new their WP.
And since they always say that they need a few thousand dollars to pay a new agent for their new WP, therefore TS name this method of cheating as "A few Ks scam".
Actually, this is a very old scam. I have encountered it back in the 2000s when i was chionging the KTVs, TNs and MPs.
12-07-2010, 01:51 PM fren ever bail out this TN girl...but seriously for TN girls I don't see the point since their pussy is not exclusive to you anyway rite?....I ever had a girl who wanted to borrow 2k from me...I rejected and straight away her attitude towards me change...I ever fucked a girl and while fucking her "lao gong" called her...while fucking her she can still talk sweetly to her lao gong....but after she put down I ask her this lao gong her bf? guess what she told me.... this guy is just a fucking irritating customer of don't be taken in... i had my fair share of such things...
12-07-2010, 02:22 PM
thks for the warning. i guess MEN can sometimes b very vulnerable. tend to be soft hearted easily. if the gal give sob sob story, shed a tear or 2, d man may give in. old men especially, can b very loaded ... CPF big warchest ... wkg children giving them good income every mth ... so 1, 2k to help d PRC may be peanuts to them. when u reach a certain age, $$$ may not be paramount ... what these old men want is company n some1 to talk to when they r lonely. that's where these scammers may come in n take advatange lor.
12-07-2010, 02:25 PM
These scams have been around for years, the faces and the stories may change, but the aim is still the same.
Just f**k, pay and forget, there is no room for a relationship...
12-07-2010, 05:26 PM
thanks for your info, will take note of that.. Thanks..
13-07-2010, 11:36 AM
Just now, one FL just contacted me whether I can "loan" her 3-5K to repair her house due to heavy floods in China 2 days ago.
I asked her, aren't you're from Dong Bei ? The floods I read on news are on the Southern parts of China like ZheJiang.
She then said her family recently located to ZheJiang :)
13-07-2010, 02:03 PM
Thanks for sharing, they really know how to make full use of situation !
Just now, one FL just contacted me whether I can "loan" her 3-5K to repair her house due to heavy floods in China 2 days ago.
I asked her, aren't you're from Dong Bei ? The floods I read on news are on the Southern parts of China like ZheJiang.
She then said her family recently located to ZheJiang :)
13-07-2010, 02:48 PM
Just now, one FL just contacted me whether I can "loan" her 3-5K to repair her house due to heavy floods in China 2 days ago.
I asked her, aren't you're from Dong Bei ? The floods I read on news are on the Southern parts of China like ZheJiang.
She then said her family recently located to ZheJiang :)
There is a handbook of all the phrases to use to con customer here in Singapore
This is not in running order:
1) House repair (too old/damage by flood/fire)
2) House upgrade (too small)
3) Buy new house (filial to parents)
4) One of her parents sick (no $ for hospital bill)
5) one of her parents passed away
6) grandparents sick/passed away
7) failed business of siblings/parents(need to repay loan)
8) need $ for new business of siblings/parents
9) siblings/parents knock down someone-road accident (need $$ to bail them out/ bribe police)
10) need $$ to buy air ticket for siblings to go study overseas
11) lost all her earnings here-stolen/rob
12) friend got caught by anti-vice in china, need to bribe police
13) best friend died, want to give some money to her friends aging parents
all these, the girls will ask for the $$ outright or some will promise repayment when they earn it back
Either way, say goodbye to those $$ given and the girl too:p
14-07-2010, 03:15 PM
very true, thanks for the list !
There is a handbook of all the phrases to use to con customer here in Singapore
This is not in running order:
1) House repair (too old/damage by flood/fire)
2) House upgrade (too small)
3) Buy new house (filial to parents)
4) One of her parents sick (no $ for hospital bill)
5) one of her parents passed away
6) grandparents sick/passed away
7) failed business of siblings/parents(need to repay loan)
8) need $ for new business of siblings/parents
9) siblings/parents knock down someone-road accident (need $$ to bail them out/ bribe police)
10) need $$ to buy air ticket for siblings to go study overseas
11) lost all her earnings here-stolen/rob
12) friend got caught by anti-vice in china, need to bribe police
13) best friend died, want to give some money to her friends aging parents
all these, the girls will ask for the $$ outright or some will promise repayment when they earn it back
Either way, say goodbye to those $$ given and the girl too:p
14-07-2010, 04:57 PM
There is a handbook of all the phrases to use to con customer here in Singapore
This is not in running order:
1) House repair (too old/damage by flood/fire)
2) House upgrade (too small)
3) Buy new house (filial to parents)
all these, the girls will ask for the $$ outright or some will promise repayment when they earn it back
Either way, say goodbye to those $$ given and the girl too:p
Brother, thanks for sharing, very good list indeed.
Allow me to tell you a story on how the PRCs cheat PRCs.
I know a PRC girl (called AA) few years ago. One day, she told me that her friend (called XX) has been caught and detained by the authority in Singapore, and she has informed the sister of XX. I just listened as it was none of my business and I cared less.
The subsequent day, while having dinner with AA, I heard her talking over the phone with the sister of XX. She asked the sister of XX to send $3000 that she would use to bribe the guards of the detention centre, so that XX could have a easier life, and that early release might be possible. I was like, what the hell, since when one could bribe our law enforcement officers. I realised it was a scam to cheat money out of the sister of XX. After she had put down the phone, I asked her about it. She said that she knew it was not possible to bribe our law enforcement officers, and asked me not to care what she did.
Brothers, if they can cheat their own countrymen, what is not possible?
Beware! They are smart.
14-07-2010, 05:11 PM
Once my friend told me a PRC knew his wife was pregnant and this PRC requested my friend to collect some of his wife urine and willing to pay for it.….guess what the urine for?......
hope you guys did not get into this type of scam.
BTW…my friend did not agree to her request.
14-07-2010, 05:20 PM
Once my friend told me a PRC knew his wife was pregnant and this PRC requested my friend to collect some of his wife urine and willing to pay for it.….guess what the urine for?......
hope you guys did not get into this type of scam.
BTW…my friend did not agree to her request.
hmmm...what is it for? 'Gong Tau' aka Black Magic ???
14-07-2010, 05:30 PM
Thanks you bro...
14-07-2010, 06:05 PM
hmmm...what is it for? 'Gong Tau' aka Black Magic ???
Those bro like to do RAW got to be aware....they (PRC) use it to claim they are pregnant....
14-07-2010, 09:31 PM
I don't think it's black magic
I think she wants her urine either to con you or another rich robert that she is pregnant.
Whether she goes to clinic or use the stick, she would use your wife urine as hers and con her target that she is pregnant with his baby and cheat more money.
Your friend should give her some dog's urine :)
Once my friend told me a PRC knew his wife was pregnant and this PRC requested my friend to collect some of his wife urine and willing to pay for it.….guess what the urine for?......
hope you guys did not get into this type of scam.
BTW…my friend did not agree to her request.
Jensen Ang
15-07-2010, 12:38 AM
PRC Gals are simply bitches and deserve to be fuck and left rot.
They are too scheming and i dont think many singaporean able to handle them except to be con and cheat by them...
SHAME on you pittyful singaporeans...only know how to devote and get cheated by women from other state of land...
I am a singaporean MALE yet...i dun ever trust them.:D
15-07-2010, 04:23 PM
hmmm...what is it for? 'Gong Tau' aka Black Magic ???
Urine they keep in small container in handbag..when go shopping with 'boyfriend' she will ask him to buy pregnancy test kit to check as she says she had missed her period
go toilet use urine in container to pour onto test kit and later ask 'boyfriend to check results..says she can read english instruction on box..
Result is of course positive..can get $$ for abortion or black mail 'boyfriend(if guy is married)':D
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