View Full Version : 2 Raw Pumps...

30-07-2010, 10:29 PM
So I got carried away while having a mosha massage (and so did she)... i ended up doing two quick raw pumps (with my dick covered in mosha) then pulling out to ejaculate outside... i quickly jumped into the shower afterwards and scrubbed vigorously with anti-bac soap and had a nice urine stream come out to help flush out my system...

what kind of risk are we really talking about here?

30-07-2010, 10:41 PM
So I got carried away while having a mosha massage (and so did she)... i ended up doing two quick raw pumps (with my dick covered in mosha) then pulling out to ejaculate outside... i quickly jumped into the shower afterwards and scrubbed vigorously with anti-bac soap and had a nice urine stream come out to help flush out my system...

what kind of risk are we really talking about here?

I only have one qns?

Two pumps and u cum?????:eek:

30-07-2010, 11:04 PM
I only have one qns?

Two pumps and u cum?????:eek:

yeah, i was already ready to explode when it happened. just a moment of stupidity.

what can i tell you that you guys don't already know? i've got a cock and balls, i was build to be an idiot.

30-07-2010, 11:13 PM
I read somewhere that when a person sneezes, the flu virus can travel from one end of a lecture hall to the other instantly.

So if your cock is in contact with her pussy.....god bless u lar unless HIV travels slower than FLU virus. So far no research done on travelling speed of HIV vs FLU virus.

30-07-2010, 11:16 PM
Wait a min! I miss the whole point!

Are u trying to tell us all that you actually can "jump into shower, scrubbed vigorously with anti-bac soap and had a nice urine stream come out to help flush out my system" in less than 1 second!?


30-07-2010, 11:44 PM
Wait for awhile and go for a check-up bro...these days the clinic can do it anoymously...good luck.

Big Sexy
31-07-2010, 07:05 AM
HIV and STDS comes to mind..
anti-bac soap is of no use..

what kind of risk are we really talking about here?

31-07-2010, 03:30 PM
No worry brother.
Ask the girl whether she got do any medical body check up ?
If she don't have any problem, you won't tio anything.
If she have some problems, then you have to go kelantan lane.

31-07-2010, 04:03 PM
It has been a few days so any symptoms?

Else u can strike off a few possibilities and wait for window period to test for others

31-07-2010, 07:27 PM
No worry brother.
Ask the girl whether she got do any medical body check up ?
If she don't have any problem, you won't tio anything.
If she have some problems, then you have to go kelantan lane.

bro i suggest u dun go ard propagating wrg info. even if she did any medical chkup and was certified clean, it doesnt mean ts wont dio anything. rmb the window period for any form of std. hiv has a 1 mth window period. tis is where the loophole is. i heard many uncles bringing fls to kelantan lane, once fl is certified clean, they go n bonk them raw. god knows how many dicks did she fuck for the past month.

31-07-2010, 11:30 PM
bro i suggest u dun go ard propagating wrg info. even if she did any medical chkup and was certified clean, it doesnt mean ts wont dio anything. rmb the window period for any form of std. hiv has a 1 mth window period. tis is where the loophole is. i heard many uncles bringing fls to kelantan lane, once fl is certified clean, they go n bonk them raw. god knows how many dicks did she fuck for the past month.

HIV window period is actually 3-6 months. At 1 month, it is quite likely to be detectable, but is not considered conclusive. It is only after 3 months that you can be sure, and after 6 months to be very kiasu sure ( but most guys skip the 6 mth test).

As for TS, go for test. There is nothing else you can do.

01-08-2010, 03:22 AM

what kind of risk are we really talking about here?

Low risk but still a risk. Go for the usual STDs checks after the window period.

01-08-2010, 08:25 PM
HIV window period is actually 3-6 months. At 1 month, it is quite likely to be detectable, but is not considered conclusive. It is only after 3 months that you can be sure, and after 6 months to be very kiasu sure ( but most guys skip the 6 mth test).

As for TS, go for test. There is nothing else you can do.
I got my test on the 88th day. window is 3months...I still lack a few days to the exact 3months. eg. 15 April 2010 to 15 July 2010. I still lack 4days...
Tested negative, don't know how accurate is my test....anyone can advise me? initially wanted to wait till pass 3months but then due to tight schedule, so do it advance abit.

Gerald Tan
01-08-2010, 08:44 PM
Hi Bor Ning
Care to hsare how u go for a test ? Like at which place/clinic..is zit anonymous or ? How much, need to pay, etc. This infor is beneficial to the whole samster community here..
During the test, what were the questions asked, etc.... Sharing is caring..

01-08-2010, 09:14 PM
Hi Bor Ning
Care to hsare how u go for a test ? Like at which place/clinic..is zit anonymous or ? How much, need to pay, etc. This infor is beneficial to the whole samster community here..
During the test, what were the questions asked, etc.... Sharing is caring..
go DSC clinic lor...on saturday 1.30pm to 3.30pm. is conducted by AFA. u can check the address when u google type dsc. if pay is $30 for the hiv test. hiv cum syphilis test is $50(but u dun need lor, i think they want to earn $ only)
remember to bring yr own $$$ $30 cos, they cannot use nets as nets will know your identity liao.

before the test, they will interview u, counsel you as you do with who, when etc, got how many sex partner do raw etc, oral sex etc. when u go test scary scary, then when waiting also scary....then result come out, ask u go into the room tell u the result. I see many go there, very cool one, go inside room come out straight away head for the exit. like super lao jiao like that....i not like them. :)

see this:

07-08-2010, 03:02 PM
just go for a checkup to have a load off your mind once and for all

13-08-2010, 07:08 AM
Yes, would advise to go for a medical check-up, not only for HIV, but also for hepatitis B if you have not been vaccinated. One of my colleagues recently was infected with hep B after visiting sauna in China a few times during business trip. Although he has since recovered, but according to doctor, about 10-15% of those people infected will never cure and develop into chronic hep B for life and can infect other too. Also hep B is 10 times more active than HIV and easily transmitted during BBBJ, french kissing or raw. One more frightening stat is, there are about 15-20% of population in Asia carrying active hep B virus, mostly in VN, CN, PH and TH.

Good luck and hope everything is fine with you...:o

13-08-2010, 09:51 AM
Bro TS, now it is almost 2 weeks past you better go for a check up!

16-08-2010, 10:50 AM
there are many kinds of dieases but as long as it doesn't kill, don't worry so much. Live with it and make your life meaningful...:)

16-08-2010, 12:26 PM
there are many kinds of dieases but as long as it doesn't kill, don't worry so much. Live with it and make your life meaningful...:)
but HIV will kill leh....even if it don't kill, also will burn the pocket with the medications lor......