View Full Version : Ai Li Shi 艾丽诗

04-08-2010, 05:46 PM
To administrator(s).
I'm really sad to say i just posted this in the morning and by noon it was deleted away. I genuinely hope this can be around for 3 days at least.
Can you please don't delete away...
I'm gonna rewrite my FR once again on this lady.
Hope i can cover up the details once again as i wish to forget this session.
By writing, it doesn't change anything for me, infact i post this so that SBF BROTHERS are there are aware that sucha thing actually happens.

THANKS TO THOSE BROS WHO UP MY POINTS. (wahlau_7) (Budgetcock)

I was browsing SBF and got the above link.
It seems like a normal link for recommendations.
So i gave a ring to her for booking a slot with her.

Was working so i called her up to book at 6pm.
She says 6pm cannot, too late. She ask for 4pm.
While considering, she request for 2pm.
I said that 2pm i'm still working. 4pm abit rush for me.
we finally settled for 4.30pm.

(Throughout the conversation she didn't mention to me that she needs to be home by 6pm)

4.35PM - I was in room, sms her rm no.
5.05PM - She finally reached. (Super late)
5.10PM - Start Massage
5.35PM - End Massage, Start FJ
5.50PM - END FJ, Wear Clothes, Ask $$$
5.52PM - She left room

Face: 5/10 ( Nothing to show off )
Body: 4/10 ( Sticky and sweaty, Fat )
Boobs: 7/10 ( Big , but her fats are bigger )
Massage: 3/10 ( Gone case for me, anyhow only )
FJ: 3/10 ( Fake Moans, Rush you to shoot faster )
Attitude: 2/10 ( Time watcher, Non hygiene )
Punctuality: 1/10 ( Late still can advertise as 2hrs service? )
Damage: $20 (taxi down) $30 (room) $70 (service) $25 (taxi home)
$145 :(

Details: She came in late, every service was sub-standard.
Her massage was almost shit. Duno press what. People play piano, she is out to spoil the piano. Her Fj was totally a rush. And she claims it is a priviledge for me. I proclaimed that she wants to FJ for me not i initiated. She prefers FJ than HJ. She after FJ instantly say she gotta rush home. (I didn't bring cap, cos i don't intend to FJ, she is the one who brought the cap and tell me FJ)

I was showing signs of unhappiness ( i didn't say anything ), she asked me if i was angry, i told her of course ( still i didn't shout anything ), i reply that just put herself in my shoes.. she gets my feeling.

She says for the missing 1hr of service i can pay her $10 lesser.
($80-$10=$70) :mad:

1) I don't have any intentions of breaking her/anyone ricebowl.
2) I don't have any intentions of spoiling her reputation.
3) I was never rude or in anycase, insult her or look her down.
4) I might not be handsome but also not ugly enough to deserve that kind of service.
5) I was never rough with her in room or attempt to try something against her will.
6) I am so sad yet i still respect her as a WL so i never scold or use any form of -ve words on her.
7) I believe HONEST FRs are the most important to be around in SBF to make it a good commitee forum.
8) This FR takes me 30mins to generate, for what? For bros to know and understand my plight.

I'm really sad. Really. I believe a Cat$50 Bonk in G-land will also be definitely better than my torture for this 1hr service.

If you truely think that i post this rubbish -ve FR just for personal reasons against her sub-standard service. This is way more than a sub-standard service. You can click on me and check my posting. I may not be a pro-poster with 32478923 postings. But most of my posts are genuine FR from my heart after the service. Sub-standards i will usually give a short FR or just skip it. But for something so insulting to me... Now you are reading it.

Hope you bros understand my plight. :(

04-08-2010, 06:00 PM
bro, thanks for sharing your FR. Actually was also thinking about trying her, now i think i can save my $.

Dont be unhappy liaoz....there are always other greener pasture to look for. :D

04-08-2010, 07:50 PM
had plans to up her......but now, not anymore

thks for the info.....upz u

04-08-2010, 08:38 PM
sad to hear that bro... up ur reputation for a bad experience...

04-08-2010, 10:02 PM
Thanks for the bro that upped/comment.
One thing to add on, nowadays, FRs are getting so "template" type.
It's either way too good or totally impossible type.
Please be honest, FRs are reviews, not advertorials.

SBF are made to exposed the bads (either the WL improve or leave the market) and advertised the good for the benefits of all bros.

Still i wish to thanks those that up my holy points. And i don't know who suddenly gave me 2 power points also. I sincerely thank you. :)

Leverage Trader
04-08-2010, 11:15 PM
Always Appreciate A Honest FR.

04-08-2010, 11:22 PM
defintely a genuine FR. Thanks
but u shld have been more careful, already stated 58kg, ht only 161cm. Obviously that is fat for a girl.

04-08-2010, 11:44 PM
Appreciate honest sharing like this from bro xiaobudian. Upzz u bro!:) Cheer Up

04-08-2010, 11:48 PM
defintely a genuine FR. Thanks
but u shld have been more careful, already stated 58kg, ht only 161cm. Obviously that is fat for a girl.

Hi bro, from ads, it's more to massage + a Hj... but she changed to FJ.
Some one abit big size is okay for massaging.. infact better cos abit more strength when they put their bodyweight down their arms/hands... but it totally turn out to be a nightmare. Infact.. she is totally an elephant to me..
cos i'm only 1.65m, 56kg.

Anyway, thanks for the reply and up. Will be more caution in the future :o

04-08-2010, 11:54 PM
thanks for having the courage in sharing truthful FR bro ! *salute*

05-08-2010, 12:37 AM
Thanks bro for the true FR, now more to legal scene like PT, most FL doesn't worth the $$ they asked. BTW have you tried to reject her after late for so long :rolleyes:

05-08-2010, 12:41 AM
Thanks bro for the true FR, now more to legal scene like PT, most FL doesn't worth the $$ they asked. BTW have you tried to reject her after late for so long :rolleyes:

How to reject, i believe many bros would still take a risk to gamble that her massage still good, because room charges up to $30. And I already throw in a trip taxi down from west to east.
Her looks i don't really mind. It's her service. U see my ratings.. her looks i still put passing.. but her service are the down ones. In the end.. total disappointment.

05-08-2010, 03:59 AM
Thank for the advice Bros. This is what newbies like me need to be aware of.

05-08-2010, 04:23 AM
Good info brothers and thanks for sharing.

05-08-2010, 05:22 AM
Gd info n thks

coca cola
05-08-2010, 05:27 AM
Admire you for writing true fr, very few nowadays of it.

Thks Bro.

05-08-2010, 08:27 AM
Wow :eek:

Appreciate all the cautions Bro. Thanks.

05-08-2010, 10:36 AM
How to reject, i believe many bros would still take a risk to gamble that her massage still good, because room charges up to $30. And I already throw in a trip taxi down from west to east.
Her looks i don't really mind. It's her service. U see my ratings.. her looks i still put passing.. but her service are the down ones. In the end.. total disappointment.

With the room up to 30 we should have option for rejecting fls, otherwise really not fair for up consumers here :rolleyes:

For fucking, seems we should go legal house like in PT/GL as the overall package is cheap and min service level there

05-08-2010, 12:47 PM
didn't really try out all those posted but agree that a lot of fake pic and fake FR!!

I was a victim too :mad: and was ZAPPED for posting an honest FR on some of his FL. My old nick (member since 2008) has 40points was ZAPPED until -1point. :mad:

All are fake pics, fake and misleading FR. Say everything have and can but when FL come, this can not that can not. And was asked to pay extra if want to touch breast, touch pussy, BJ everything also must pay extra. :mad:...

05-08-2010, 12:54 PM
I agree! I am a victim too.
The information given and actual person is totally different.
I will be cautious of such posting in future.

05-08-2010, 01:16 PM
Face: 5/10 ( Nothing to show off )
Body: 4/10 ( Sticky and sweaty, Fat )
Boobs: 7/10 ( Big , but her fats are bigger )
Massage: 3/10 ( Gone case for me, anyhow only )
FJ: 3/10 ( Fake Moans, Rush you to shoot faster )
Attitude: 2/10 ( Time watcher, Non hygiene )
Punctuality: 1/10 ( Late still can advertise as 2hrs service? )
Damage: $20 (taxi down) $30 (room) $70 (service) $25 (taxi home)
$145 :(

Damage: $20 (taxi down), $25 (taxi home),


你怎么可以把全部的$145开销都算在这个女孩的头上, 这样太不公平了。

05-08-2010, 01:32 PM
Damage: $20 (taxi down), $25 (taxi home),


你怎么可以把全部的$145开销都算在这个女孩的头上, 这样太不公平了。

It's not a damage thingy, if total is $200 with good service.
At least i will tell myself good $ good service.

The whole FR isn’t about $$$$$$$.
Can you read English?
Or only Chinese?
It's that she can't make it 6.
So I rush down in taxi. (mind you i told her if today cannot make it another day, she is the one who insisted today)

I didn't say my charges are high due to her. :confused:

But the SERVICE QUALITY and pictures DON'T TALLY.
I don't wish to discuss into the finer details all over again.

PERHAPS YOU DIDN”T EVEN READ THE FULL FR and you are starting to debate with me. :mad:

And if you insist on debating on price issues, i shall take out the 2 taxi trips. *CLAP CLAP*
Still it is $100 , for a rubbish massage? for a Fj rushing me? For a service that is 50mins?
For someone who is rude to me?

Hello, $100 i can easily go to GL/PT and have a good bonk with $50 left and go for a good THAI MASSAGE that is $40/hr and i still have $10 to eat a good meal with an ice cream after that.
So i shall calculate this way? To make you happy?

Wake up please...


05-08-2010, 02:28 PM
Good info bro, i totally agree more than 90% photo here are fake 1:mad:
I also kena 1 time before but i am lucky than u, she have a good service to me even she not as pretty as the photo:D

05-08-2010, 03:43 PM

05-08-2010, 05:52 PM
Hello, $100 i can easily go to GL/PT and have a good bonk with $50 left


well said bro, next time forget abt those FL and go to legal house and you will be happier :p

05-08-2010, 05:54 PM
ts, you post here trying to be a hero

He is the hero, to some extent .... Do u agree ?

05-08-2010, 06:04 PM
你怎么可以把全部的$145开销都算在这个女孩的头上, 这样太不公平了。

He just want to show his total damage for the unsatisfied transaction - misled by fake fr and pics from the source.

Fake FR and pic - not fair to both the TS and that 个女孩 :)

05-08-2010, 06:27 PM
He is not trying to be Hero. It about QC. This site is used by pple like us to recommend good FL but now it becoming OKT coming in. Look there are 3 sites. Only FL2 still got alittle bit recommendation FL1 & 3 it commerical. Soon FL2 will be follow suit.

05-08-2010, 06:37 PM
He is not trying to be Hero. It about QC. This site is used by pple like us to recommend good FL but now it becoming OKT coming in. Look there are 3 sites. Only FL2 still got alittle bit recommendation FL1 & 3 it commerical. Soon FL2 will be follow suit.

True to some extent, this place was meant to be a consumer forum (for feedbacks and reviews), now it became an advertising forum :eek:. Advertising is okay providing everything is true and not misleading. But somehow... things now ain't the same anymore. It's really sad. :(

Lastly, i'm not a hero, just that most of you who suffer a bad/different-as-stated service will just post a FR with number ratings 0-10 without furnishing with some details.
It may not be as convincing. This service that i received, to me is really insulting to hurt even my pride, phobia is growing.


Nothing is perfect but if everything is lousy, then something is very wrong.

================================================== ================================================== ================

05-08-2010, 06:55 PM
This OKT also has many nicks in SBF.
Need to expose this OKT so that all brothers in SBF will not be cheated.


Play-And-Pay: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=5084361#post5084361

Leicester: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=188212

ahmiu: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=5077013#post5077013

Ah-sam: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=5066731#post5066731

m00tix: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=139114

You so sure these are the same person ?

You so sure this is the only okt ?
There are so many others nicks who also with posting of many gals, such as Haonan, blue.berry, Simone etc....
Why you no mentioned har...!!!!????

You are either jealous that people got many posting of different gals OR you are one of the other SUSPECT OKT....!!!!!
Which one of Haonan, blue.berry and Simone are you related to ?


05-08-2010, 07:01 PM
You so sure these are the same person ?

You so sure this is the only okt ?
There are so many others nicks who also with posting of many gals, such as Haonan, blue.berry, Simone etc....
Why you no mentioned har...!!!!????

You are either jealous that people got many posting of different gals OR you are one of the other SUSPECT OKT....!!!!!
Which one of Haonan, blue.berry and Simone are you related to ?


Helllo PAY AND PAY, you really don't know how to read.
Those links he paste are people who suffer from after-service-different-from-advertorials, they merely post their unhappiness and got zap till 0 or even negative. PAY AND PAY, i would really appreciate if you read and understand before firing people off. We are educated people, it always pays to be kind. Somehow what goes around comes around.

05-08-2010, 07:53 PM
Helllo PAY AND PAY, you really don't know how to read.
Those links he paste are people who suffer from after-service-different-from-advertorials, they merely post their unhappiness and got zap till 0 or even negative. PAY AND PAY, i would really appreciate if you read and understand before firing people off. We are educated people, it always pays to be kind. Somehow what goes around comes around.

Why you xiaobudian reply and answer for Real FR ?
You are the worm inside Real FR ass so you know what he is thinking and what he means ?

So if you are not the worm then it can only mean xiaobudian = Real FR.

It is all clear now. Kettle calling the pot black. You are Using clone nick to fire at other peoples.
Blaming other for posting false FR just because he can't get the same things and services as others.
You are blaming people because you got zapped.

So it all points to your own jealously, narrow-minded, can't get over the lost points and thus you created a scene here making all the hoo-ha to attract attention. ;)

Well, you did it.
You got all the attention today.

Till now, those smart bros will have know and understand what is happening... It is all a personal attack due to jealousy and not being generous enough to give and take..... :D

05-08-2010, 07:55 PM
i understand your plight... last night i just kena another repeat girl... again! :(

but i think this is part and parcel of using the FL dome... sorry but there's really nothing we can do. forum need money to run, advertisers pay. i think you have to try from a few different TSes and see which ones suit your taste and have the best reports. sometimes i post polite FRs because the girl attitude good, don't want to break ricebowl, but my FRs are quite on the mark if you can trust me. if you scared, then stay away from those thread w/o FRs or what you think are credible FRs? good luck!

05-08-2010, 07:55 PM
Well well well ............ my post was deleted by don't know WHO??? :eek:
Guess it was to cover up for this OKT so that he can continue to CHEAT us.
I will re-post what was posted (will post bold now):

I was a victim too :mad:
Fake pics, fake and misleading FR. Say everything have and can but when FL come, this can not that can not. And was asked to pay extra if want to touch breast, touch pussy, BJ everything also must pay extra. :mad:
This OKT also has many nicks in SBF.
Need to expose this OKT so that all brothers in SBF will not be cheated.


Play-And-Pay: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=5084361#post5084361

Leicester: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=188212

ahmiu: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=5077013#post5077013

Ah-sam: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=5066731#post5066731

m00tix: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=139114

Wow! thanks for the info borther.
Was about to ask for contact when I saw so many nice pics and intro from the many blog he has. :p

05-08-2010, 08:02 PM
Why you xiaobudian reply and answer for Real FR ?
You are the worm inside Real FR ass so you know what he is thinking and what he means ?

So if you are not the worm then it can only mean xiaobudian = Real FR.

It is all clear now. Kettle calling the pot black. You are Using clone nick to fire at other peoples.
Blaming other for posting false FR just because he can't get the same things and services as others.
You are blaming people because you got zapped.

So it all points to your own jealously, narrow-minded, can't get over the lost points and thus you created a scene here making all the hoo-ha to attract attention. ;)

Well, you did it.
You got all the attention today.

Till now, those smart bros will have know and understand what is happening... It is all a personal attack due to jealousy and not being generous enough to give and take..... :D

I can see that you are talking rubbish.
From the links that brother Real FR posted we can see very clearly that it was indeed from the same OKT.

Looks like you are also one of his clone. :eek:

05-08-2010, 08:14 PM
i understand your plight... last night i just kena another repeat girl... again! :(

sorry to hear that...can let me know d girl n TS?...:D

05-08-2010, 10:04 PM
True to some extent, this place was meant to be a consumer forum (for feedbacks and reviews), now it became an advertising forum :eek:. Advertising is okay providing everything is true and not misleading. But somehow... things now ain't the same anymore. It's really sad. :(

Lastly, i'm not a hero, just that most of you who suffer a bad/different-as-stated service will just post a FR with number ratings 0-10 without furnishing with some details.
It may not be as convincing. This service that i received, to me is really insulting to hurt even my pride, phobia is growing.


Nothing is perfect but if everything is lousy, then something is very wrong.

================================================== ================================================== ================

I had a few time got the same taste as you get. Understand the anger you had, me too. We are gentlemen after all she has come to your room feel bad to reject her and no choice accept it at the end of the day we want to release but enjoyment or not. I urge Big Sam to come in to QC this forum. Out go the OKT for this site (FL Dome 2)

05-08-2010, 10:41 PM
II urge Big Sam to come in to QC this forum. Out go the OKT for this site (FL Dome 2)

For god sake, you think he will do that? He is here to earn money, do you think he care. Those OKTs paid him every month. Rest assure, anyone post on this thread will kenna zap by someone somehow. That how those OKTs work. My old nick was zapped to zero from 43 bcos I did not wan to give the contact to one of those coverup OKT. in turn his gang zapped me like hell.

05-08-2010, 10:44 PM
To be fair, i have taken girls from Simone, Haonan, SOHC, Shanghaifun etc...

So far, i am not disappointed with the recommendations from Simone and Haonan. At the end of the day, it still boils down to the chemistry between you and the girl.

I have yet to try Blueberry and popcorn - quite tempted but yet to recover my strength , old man liaoz.

I am not any moles for any of the above mentioned. I just a regular bonkster who is easily seduced by the big fair (.) (.) Everyone has their own taste and preference so bros coooooooooooool it.

05-08-2010, 10:48 PM
To be fair, i have taken girls from Simone, Haonan, SOHC, Shanghaifun etc...

So far, i am not disappointed with the recommendations from Simone and Haonan. At the end of the day, it still boils down to the chemistry between you and the girl.

I have yet to try Blueberry and popcorn - quite tempted but yet to recover my strength , old man liaoz.

I am not any moles for any of the above mentioned. I just a regular bonkster who is easily seduced by the big fair (.) (.) Everyone has their own taste and preference so bros coooooooooooool it.

LOLZ, i found a species of mine.
Same, i always aim those fair complexion and big ( . ) ( . )

05-08-2010, 10:59 PM
Not advertising for anyone.

You want pretty : You can try Joey from Simone for her very pretty good look.

You want (.) (.) : You can try Ah Qin the Chongqin girl from louisdelove, i think name also Joey.

You want SYT : You can try Hu Wei from SAVF.

You want good massage no look : You can try Zhang Yun from SOHC. But she is not a looker.

You want good massage with look but long queue : You can try Moon/Lucy from Haonan.

All the ctcs please get from the TS of the respective threads. With my gun, i just go around looking for new land to conquer.

05-08-2010, 11:11 PM
Don't give up hope, sometimes can really find a gem one. Slowly find lo. Also Bo bian one. Some I try Liao also don't feel like giving FR. One of my friend said to me before, some FRs also hard to believe one, some ppl also don't dare post Honest FRs cause scared tio zap. If I try, and I don't like it, I don't post FR. Simple as that. Just keep trying and you will find the gem you want. Good luck!

05-08-2010, 11:51 PM
We are gentlemen after all she has come to your room feel bad to reject her and no choice accept it at the end of the day we want to release but enjoyment or not.

If for massage agree just try. If expected FJ with syt then come a milf/auntie then just reject and give her tax fee think should be ok.

Worst sometimes different girl comes, even same girl different nick, dam sian lao:)

06-08-2010, 12:17 AM
Well well well ............ my post was deleted by don't know WHO??? :eek:

Need to expose this OKT so that all brothers in SBF will not be cheated.


Play-And-Pay: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=5084361#post5084361

Leicester: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=188212

ahmiu: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=5077013#post5077013

Ah-sam: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=5066731#post5066731

m00tix: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=139114

Bro, any evidence? they are all OKT here, and okt dominates this forum, But i not sure if they are same person or not.

Toooooo many okts here :o :eek:

06-08-2010, 12:49 AM
Thanks for the bros who support me and uppz my holy pts.

While some i-don't-know-who..zapped me. sigh...

06-08-2010, 09:58 AM
Thank you to the below very smart bros who contributed to my points.

They think they are very smart, they think they know everything and everybody in the forum.
They are just mislead by others who say Ah Mu and they will just follow and say Ah Mu.
Though they have guts to take action to compliment my points.....
But they do not have much guts to leave behind their nick.

************************************************** ********
Latest Reputation Received

Thread Date Comment
Ai Li Shi 艾丽诗 06-08-2010 06:28 AM FUCK YOU, IDIOT

Ai Li Shi 艾丽诗 06-08-2010 04:00 AM You must be AH Mu CLONE!!!

Ai Li Shi 艾丽诗 05-08-2010 08:26 PM Ah Mu CLONE

06-08-2010, 10:07 AM
Don't give up hope, sometimes can really find a gem one. Slowly find lo.

u need to continue kissing the frog to find the real prince, so problem is how much u plan to spend to find the so called gem?

Time and $$ limited, now trying the legal PT/GL more as services level better and cheap :D

06-08-2010, 05:48 PM
Thanks bro for the up as well as the replies.

How come no one else posting FR for Ai Li Shi 艾丽诗

06-08-2010, 06:03 PM

06-08-2010, 06:19 PM
useful thread bro xiaobudian...:D...save others bros from same situation...


06-08-2010, 06:40 PM
Thanks bro for the up as well as the replies.

Although i feel that it is not fair to include the taxi fare on the total damage, but the truth is if the FL provides a lousy service and suck up attitude, the money ($70+$30) is NOT worth spending.. not even $50!!!

Bro TS, I admire your courage to speak up and I am on your side.

P.S. I have not read the thread about Ai Li Shi 艾丽诗 and I also do not have the intention to engage her service.

06-08-2010, 07:37 PM
Thanks Bro paganwinter & yangguo for your support/encouragement.

I have no idea why some f*ckers are so free to come and spout rubbish.
they are really free. and com'on we ain't stupid to know you start with 15 pts and look how much you got zapped.
sigh. poor fags.

06-08-2010, 07:47 PM
Although i feel that it is not fair to include the taxi fare on the total damage, but the truth is if the FL provides a lousy service and suck up attitude, the money ($70+$30) is NOT worth spending.. not even $50!!!

Bro TS, I admire your courage to speak up and I am on your side.

P.S. I have not read the thread about Ai Li Shi 艾丽诗 and I also do not have the intention to engage her service.

Sorry bro, just some touch-up, i usually don't taxi down.
Why i include is simple. I call her up. The booking timings she gave me are all cocked up, when the thought comes to my mind that doesn't have to be today, i instantly told her " other day ? "
She woke up from her idea and quickly beg me for today... but at a rushing time for me.
Cos i need to go home shower then taxi down.
You know lah.. when bro's dick is hard... and heart is soft.. so i just oblige her lorh. (give in to her)
i from Chinese Garden taxi down to B81 leh... not cheap.

07-08-2010, 01:23 AM
Bro, any evidence? they are all OKT here, and okt dominates this forum, But i not sure if they are same person or not.

Toooooo many okts here :o :eek:

Open your eyes BIG BIG, so easy to spot one....Just ask yourself one question, How come some Bros only join for 1 or 2 months got over 200 points?

07-08-2010, 12:05 PM

07-08-2010, 01:34 PM
u think so many ppl are like you? spend a bit money then want to complain so many? like what i said before, please save your $$$ and keep it, do some donation, rather than find a gal not up to your expectation and then start another thread cmplaining and whining again :mad: another idiot who dont know how to think before posting :mad:

you claimed you are stupid but I think you are smarter bro.:p

07-08-2010, 05:24 PM
bro stupiddumbdumb nick is not for himself. He is saying we are the stupiddumbdumb lah dude. ;)

He is one power vocal dude! So do you have any exciting encounter you want to share with the bros here.

07-08-2010, 06:55 PM
thks for the honest FR, had wanted to try her when saw her profile on the okt website weeks ago, but strangely, there was no thread on her after i did a search, which i find puzzle cuz almost every girls the okt started a thread but not her. So i pm him asking any thread on her, was told to try her den start a thread myself. I did not and decided to choose another girl under the same okt as i normally dun contact unless there are already existing FRs. This one i chose to skip even though the pics look enticing, unfortunately u r a victim, but good that u share it with others here.

08-08-2010, 12:59 AM
thks for the honest FR, had wanted to try her when saw her profile on the okt website weeks ago, but strangely, there was no thread on her after i did a search, which i find puzzle cuz almost every girls the okt started a thread but not her. So i pm him asking any thread on her, was told to try her den start a thread myself. I did not and decided to choose another girl under the same okt as i normally dun contact unless there are already existing FRs. This one i chose to skip even though the pics look enticing, unfortunately u r a victim, but good that u share it with others here.

Yeah i shall learn from you. No FRs, no deal. Best.

08-08-2010, 01:10 AM
Yeah i shall learn from you. No FRs, no deal. Best.

No FR does not mean the FL is no good too. Alot of good threads have been deleted by MOD, so now-a-day you can hardly find a thread that got FR in them.

08-08-2010, 05:55 AM
I thought this is a sharing forum be it good or bad. We have the right to write honestly. I felt quite bad when point being zapped by OKT.

Maybe they should inform us not to write a FR if the gal is bad.

Infact, I had tried a couple of OKT FLs, it's really depend on luck. Not all are no good.

08-08-2010, 03:19 PM
No FRs, no deal. Best.

Agree bro, no reputable FR, no deal, or go legal house :D

08-08-2010, 06:39 PM
after some time u know who to ask 4 ctc n skip those u no confidence in...still a gamble though...:D...now regection will set u back 50 bucks...30 room 20 girl...1 way is to ask TS 4 face pics or meet the girl first but most not willing...so its a gamble...

08-08-2010, 07:32 PM
I thought this is a sharing forum be it good or bad. We have the right to write honestly. I felt quite bad when point being zapped by OKT.

Maybe they should inform us not to write a FR if the gal is bad.

Infact, I had tried a couple of OKT FLs, it's really depend on luck. Not all are no good.

their business is bad. So they cannot tolerate bad FR on their thread and go sabo other people thread.

after some time u know who to ask 4 ctc n skip those u no confidence in...still a gamble though......now regection will set u back 50 bucks...30 room 20 girl...1 way is to ask TS 4 face pics or meet the girl first but most not willing...so its a gamble...

You will know which OKT girl is bad after miuch tried. They just like to boast around only.

Gold Coast
08-08-2010, 10:15 PM
Thanks for all the info. it is very useful.

10-08-2010, 11:17 AM
I have people who PM me saying that they have also been treated the same service as me. Kindly take note. Pictures are fake. She have oily black hair. Picture in webby, is not her.

10-08-2010, 11:25 AM
I have people who PM me saying that they have also been treated the same service as me. Kindly take note. Pictures are fake. She have oily black hair. Picture in webby, is not her.

Hang the Goat's head and sell dog meat. :)

10-08-2010, 12:37 PM

10-08-2010, 06:13 PM
hoi, you kan see lang loh soh !!! why keep on harping on that until now? :rolleyes: :mad: time to start your story book la! title my misery of booking a lousy free lance chicken :D

nnkc, u like tat suan ppl left rite up down good meh? :D

10-08-2010, 10:51 PM
nnkc, u like tat suan ppl left rite up down good meh? :D

It's ok. I know his goal is to reach -1000 points by the end of the year.

11-08-2010, 06:49 AM
It's ok. I know his goal is to reach -1000 points by the end of the year.
oh, so now points is also important to u huh!

tot u said not impt

11-08-2010, 02:40 PM
To begin with, must confess two things. 1. tried her service some weeks back. 2. she knew about this thread and the agony the TS has gone through.

Some weeks ago, saw her pics and description in the web and decided to try her service. As said, she supposed to only offer massage plus JG/HJ, however, she offered FJ at the end.

When she came into the room, I must admit that I got a shock. She was not very tall, likely to be 155+, like one of the bros here wrote, base on her height and weight description, she's definitely not slim but fat. In terms of looks, frankly, only her boobs is her best asset. When she started her massage, she stripped to her birthday suit. Sorry for being horny at that point of time, I got a semi mari-kita. Her massage was not great, but better than those who played piano. Quite thorough I must say. Before flipping over, she actually oiled my back and gave me a boobs massage.

When flipped over, she continued with her massage of the arms. Looking at her melons, got an instant hard-on.

As always quoted in SBF, one man's meat is one man's poison, for the price she quoted, for boobs lover who also like a little massage, I think she is ok.

The other thing bad about her, agreed with TS is her puntuality. She was indeed late by 1/2hr. Her reason was, she kenna a few times 'aeroplaned' by her other clients. So, she now made sure there was already a confirmed room booked then appeared.

Anyway, I would appeal to all, especially TS. The damage was already done. Services from legal houses can be subjective, needless to say for FL. If TS is unhappy about her service, voiced out, then move on. There are plenty of FLs out there, other than those from the legal houses. May be its time to shut this thread, what do you think, Sam? :cool:

Just my 2 cents worth of thoughts.


11-08-2010, 04:57 PM

Play-And-Pay: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=5084361#post5084361

Leicester: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=188212

ahmiu: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=5077013#post5077013

Ah-sam: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=5066731#post5066731

m00tix: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=139114

Wow mine nick was here.... Firstly bro real got to let u know we are not related u want to believe or not ...

Then got to clarify something to fellow bro out here .... Not to mislead by bro real ....

1) As what i can say pic can be real or fake u will not know .... as some of the girls out there can ask their sister to go on her behalf ...

2) Fake or real FR cannot tell it .... If u really got think about this properly .... As different ppl have different feeling and chemistry with any girl u bonk ....

3) All those bro or OKT share or recommend girls to fellow bro out there is up to you to decide that you want to book this girl or not and we cannot force u or use a knife or gun pointed at u say u must go bonk this GIRL or Mlif ....

4) If you book this girl and come out like a shit or whatever you can just reject her on the spot what for you force yourself going any further .... As no want force you must bonk her even though u find her not the right girl that you need ....

Those girl out there can be good or can be bad .... we wont know ... You will know it when you really go thru the session with her ..... Lastly the decision is decide on you .... No point blame other ppl or OKT ....

They clone nick or you say i clone nick or what ever no point saying or what .... Cause now the SBF is different from the old times already .... Ppl here just pass and go ... No point keep saying all this bad thing just forget it and go forward ..... If you find this bro or OKT recommend is fake or con you then dun go for their recommendation anymore is just simple ...

12-08-2010, 01:08 AM
@bro junior_cannibal, if she is late for 30mins for sure. then don't advertise as 2hrs service. and pics are fake. this forum started i believe is for sharing and reviewing. if sharing fake stuff, i rather don't share. In the end we only felt cheated.

@ah_sam, think before you type. your words are totally nonsensical. no wonder it's -ve.

Whatever we doing here, i believe it's more than just earning the points and gaining credits or what... those guys who ain't okt and posts decent and true FRs... what for? pleasure? honour? I guess no... it's for the benefits of all bro.

12-08-2010, 02:23 AM
I really dont understand why is this thread still alive?

XBD, if u really so unhappy with those so call OKT'S, report their lousy girls and make them all up the lorry, really see no points keep KPKB here, we have read your full FR and understand what u have been through, hereby thanks for warning all the bros. My advice is go and look for other's FL and post some poistive fr and move on, forget and forgive is what you have to do.

12-08-2010, 02:27 AM
actually i kind of agreed why is this thread still doing here?:confused: waste time reading it all these problem will never solve what:D

12-08-2010, 08:56 AM
Move on bro:p

12-08-2010, 11:19 AM

12-08-2010, 01:27 PM
I agree that should just let it go already. While initially it was a good warning, I get the feeling that TS is trying to milk the episode for more points. TS has already gotten about a 100+ points from this, should be enough.

There's another unrelated thread where another bro also posted his fr on his bad experience. Difference is, he did not keep harping on it.

TS, you are starting to sound vindictive...... :rolleyes:

12-08-2010, 02:20 PM
I agree that should just let it go already. While initially it was a good warning, I get the feeling that TS is trying to milk the episode for more points. TS has already gotten about a 100+ points from this, should be enough.

There's another unrelated thread where another bro also posted his fr on his bad experience. Difference is, he did not keep harping on it.

TS, you are starting to sound vindictive...... :rolleyes:

Too late. Already on minus side. -122 liao.

12-08-2010, 02:24 PM
wahahaha, stupid dumb dumb not so stupid after all wahahahaha :D :D

12-08-2010, 03:28 PM

12-08-2010, 04:12 PM
Even though quite a lot has been said I am surprised that the "promoter" of this MILF has not offered any explanation for the alleged less than satisfactory service TS got. BTW, if anyone is interested, here is the link to the MILF - http://1dayadventures.weebly.com/ai-li-shi-334062002935799.html. By disclosing the link, I am not disclosing any more information than what is already available in this forum.

From my posts, brothers will know that I have tried other gals from the same "promoter". I would'nt say everyone is bad. I had my eyes on this Ai Li Shi as well, but from what TS described I guess I would give her a pass unless the "promoter" can dispel the negatives said about her by TS.


14-08-2010, 11:49 AM
I thought all TS wanted was to warn people ?

Why did he need to go 'beg' for his points back if that was so ?

14-08-2010, 12:53 PM
Even though quite a lot has been said I am surprised that the "promoter" of this MILF has not offered any explanation for the alleged less than satisfactory service TS got. BTW, if anyone is interested, here is the link to the MILF - http://1dayadventures.weebly.com/ai-li-shi-334062002935799.html. By disclosing the link, I am not disclosing any more information than what is already available in this forum.

From my posts, brothers will know that I have tried other gals from the same "promoter". I would'nt say everyone is bad. I had my eyes on this Ai Li Shi as well, but from what TS described I guess I would give her a pass unless the "promoter" can dispel the negatives said about her by TS.


From what I have read, I think the "promoter" / "s" have attempted to fend off TS allegation. :)

18-08-2010, 10:43 AM
Saw the blog site by Bros and arranged to meet 艾丽诗 yesterday. Set timing at 11am, thought it will be a good time cos little bro's been signalling me all night to relieve...

After confirming booking, then I saw this thread on 艾丽诗 and oh my god... should I cancel? Decided to push on.

Drove down to Hotel** and booked a room at about 11:05am and messaged her. She showed up 11:10am.

Proceeded to shower together...

Then the start of the body message that lasted about 1hr...

After that, its the start of the session which I think is ok... I came soon after...

Thinking in my mind after the shower, she will be rushing out the door, I promptly made payment and she kept it in her bag... and then she laid back onto the bed...

We then start stroking again and didi woke up again... I asked if we can have another session and she said sure!

Then its back to heaven again...

In my personal opinion after experiencing her services, I beg to defer from Bro XiaoBuDian's FR on her...

Well there was absolutely no rushing on her part; she stayed the full 2 hours and leave only when I said its time to go...

Body: Indeed the images up on the website are not a true rendition of the real McCoy, however the tits are still huge! My guage is that it is at least a D-Cup. Maybe she didn't come in a rush, or the hotel aircon is very good, the sticky body syndrome was not felt.

To sum it up:

NAme : 艾丽诗
Age : 30+
hometown : she said 沈阳 but based on her accent, more like southern china
BJ : 6/10 : good licking of head and ball sucking skils...
Attitude : 8/10 quite nice
FJ : 6/10
Boobs : 8/10.
figure : 6/10.
frenching : never try
CIM : never try
Damage : $80/2/2.

18-08-2010, 01:32 PM
Good FR there Bro Stealthroamer, at least a frank FR now. I am likely to meet her somewhere this week. For the sake of those who have tried her, may ask her permission to take some pics and show here. Just wonder if its better to continue with this thread or start a new one. Anyone interested in the pics (no showing of face, just bods) or suggestion about the continuity of this thread?

19-08-2010, 03:34 PM
Hey bros,

Tried 艾丽诗 services 3 weeks back.

FR as follows:

She was punctual and arrived shortly after i entered the room. The doorbell rang, and i went to receive her. She was an average looking female in her 30s, a little short (abt 155cm) and voluptuous in nature, with a nice smile. I do have to admit that the pictures on the link does not paint an accurate picture of her as it focuses mainly on her assets :(

Took a quick bath and proceeded for a good massage that my body was crying out after a long day at school. While she started to strip off her top, i was captivated by her huge assets, and couldn't wait to have a feel of its softness. She uses a significant amount of strength during the massage and focused mainly on the back and hands. She had a pleasant attitude, sharing with me her stint here in singapore and how she intends to return to china in a couple of years and retire from this scene.

She uses plenty of oil, and used her assets to massage my entire back. It was an incredible sensation, as i never had such huge assets rubbing against my sore back in a long while. After 30mins of massage, she flipped me around. Before i knew it, my 2ic was greeting her in standing ovation, as her huge assets were too good to resist.

Slowly, she proceeded to play with me 2ic and started on bj. Her bj skills were not up to standard and i quickly proceeded for the real deal. I entered her and enjoyed the action as i watch her moan for more. As her boobs were bouncing outta control, i squeezed her assets and bonked her till i buay tahan. What better way to end the session by releasing on her gigantic assets. Both of us were perspiring profusely after the session ended but it was an enjoyable experience overall !!

Name : 艾丽诗
Age : 30+ (Dont expect a chiobu, just an average middle aged female)
Hometown : China
BJ : 6.5/10 (Not enough suction force for me)
Attitude : 8.5/10 (very accommodating)
FJ : 7/10
Boobs : 9/10. I need 2 hands to cover one asset :P
figure : 6/10 (Rather meaty)
CIM/CIF : Dun allow
CIB: Yes (On her assets :D)
Damage : $70/1.5/1

RTF: Only when you have a cravings for huge assets :D

19-08-2010, 04:50 PM
Hey bros,
She was an average looking female in her 30s, a little short (abt 155cm) and voluptuous in nature, with a nice smile. I do have to admit that the pictures on the link does not paint an accurate picture of her as it focuses mainly on her assets :(

can some one take her boob shots to see if they are the same as the one on the links?