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11-08-2004, 02:44 PM
erm... it didn't turned out as I expected.
I told her something like "There might be times when I won't be around, so if you met a nice guy, most likely you'll go with him right?"
Her: wat u toking?
Me: I think I can't stand your ways but I'm trying to make things work
Her: wat u mean?
Me: Actually I think if things won't work out between us, no point if I'm trying to stress up myself just to suit you. I've tried my best and all I've gotten are distance and irritations.
Her: I where got irritate you?
Me: your fickle-minded decisions and your temper as well.
Her: ....

It ended up she haven't called me since then.
I guess I might have to call up her close friend to see how she's feeling.

Call for what? And if she's crying, upset, etc, etc? What you gonna do? go back? No? then explain again? Then she cry and upset again?

Not telling you to be heartless, just to make the "pain" a little shorter, don't "disturb" her and let her go thru it.

Contacting will make thins worse for both of you.

11-08-2004, 04:44 PM
I forgot who mentioned 'know how to cook doesn't mean u'll do the cooking'. I cooked for my b.f everytime he feel like eating my cooking. I believed there're more cooking to do when we get married cos I'm going to be a house wife most prob. By the way, don't keep complpaining about gals, what bout u guyz, u think u all are great? HUH? If u don't understand a gal, u expect a gal to understand u? Forget it. Gals doesn't have to be submissive all the time. Yes, this is morden times, so wake up u guyz, stop dreaming of getting ur dream gal.

Not all guys are bad. Not all gers are bad.

Most guys dun dream of having a dream gal. They just dream of having a gal who dun dream that Price Charming really exist.......... :D

11-08-2004, 04:52 PM
erm... it didn't turned out as I expected.
.......It ended up she haven't called me since then.
I guess I might have to call up her close friend to see how she's feeling.

Contact her within these 1 or 2 days only if you want to give it one more shot at it. (Give it a serious thought about it first). If it had been 2 days since you break the news to her, she might had done some soul searching and a good analysis of the whole relationship by now. Talk to her and ask her if she wants you in her life or not.

She has to change on her fickleness and control her temper. Likewise ask her what sort of changes she will like to see in you. There is always two side of a coin. You got to define your own limit of tolerance just in case she says she wants you to be more tolerant of her temper. Re-defining one person’s character is a very difficult. Like they say a leopard can’t change its spot. With patience and efforts one can change slowly, improve bit by bit. It takes time. Are you willing to be by her side and change her slowly or you may not want to wait that long? Most importantly, she has to assess on whether this relationship is worth her effort. Perhaps she may want to move on with her life and maybe later in life meet someone who can accept her as she is. In this world there are all sort of ppl made for others.

However, if you think that you do not want to drag any further, leave it as it is. I dun know of any good way to end a relationship but do wish her best in whatever she does in future. If you are still not able to have a peace of mind, do check out with her friend if you want to know about how she is coping. Probably that is nothing much you can do about it but be concern about her (dun need to let her know else may complicate things) going thr this patch. Afterall, she was your GF once.

Should you be talking to her, dun engage verbal battles with her. Your stand once decided must be firm no matter how she reacts (cry or etc…)

Hereby, also wish you all the best for your future endeavors, be it in work, love and life.
Any problem, feel free to come back here. Guess Bro and Sis will be willing to help.

Problems in life are experienced to make one stronger and being able to better appreciate life.

11-08-2004, 08:02 PM
Girls will always be girls, guys will always be guys.... the 'battle' will continue and the differences will never reconcile somehow :(

A friend once told me:"Love is not about looking at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction...." I personally think it's good advice and will stick by it when I've found my soulmate....

Hope those who've already got soulmates and those who're looking for one, will find the happines that they're searching for....

Have a pleasant evening :)

11-08-2004, 09:25 PM
I forgot who mentioned 'know how to cook doesn't mean u'll do the cooking'. I cooked for my b.f everytime he feel like eating my cooking. I believed there're more cooking to do when we get married cos I'm going to be a house wife most prob. By the way, don't keep complpaining about gals, what bout u guyz, u think u all are great? HUH? If u don't understand a gal, u expect a gal to understand u? Forget it. Gals doesn't have to be submissive all the time. Yes, this is morden times, so wake up u guyz, stop dreaming of getting ur dream gal.

"poof"! huh...huh?... what happen? lucky its only a dream.... for a moment I tot girls now became men's equal :eek: .... like I said, lucky its only a dream.... :D


11-08-2004, 09:35 PM
Girls will always be girls, guys will always be guys.... the 'battle' will continue and the differences will never reconcile somehow

A friend once told me:"Love is not about looking at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction...." I personally think it's good advice and will stick by it when I've found my soulmate....

Hope those who've already got soulmates and those who're looking for one, will find the happines that they're searching for....

Have a pleasant evening :)


sounds like a short prayer man.... :D

11-08-2004, 09:52 PM
Girls will always be girls, guys will always be guys.... the 'battle' will continue and the differences will never reconcile somehow
A friend once told me:"Love is not about looking at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction...." I personally think it's good advice and will stick by it when I've found my soulmate....

Hope those who've already got soulmates and those who're looking for one, will find the happines that they're searching for....

Have a pleasant evening
WELL said~ *Clap Clap Clap*~....

InORder to have the "SAME DIrecTiOn".... U wiLL hv to THROW in "UNDERstandING"...tat iS wat I BELIEVE ... :)

GOOd LUck!!!

BitCH BLue AUnt|E

11-08-2004, 09:58 PM
WELL said~ *Clap Clap Clap*~....

InORder to have the "SAME DIrecTiOn".... U wiLL hv to THROW in "UNDERstandING"...tat iS wat I BELIEVE ... :D

GOOd LUck!!!

BitCH BLue AUnt|E

which comes back to the same problem mah... we guys cannot understand women.... :D

11-08-2004, 10:07 PM
which comes back to the same problem mah... we guys cannot understand women.... :D

"UNDerstanding" --> dun CUM..by "a day" or "a week" or "a year".... IT take TIMESssssssS....not onLI IT is HARD to UNDERstand a WOMAN but same GOeS to MAN.....

Of COurSE thRU UNDErstanDing if U think TAT SHE/HE is not the ONE u WANNA..then DUMP... and MOVE ON.. i NOE it is kind of easY to SAY then DONE.....weLL tat IS HOW r/s "workS"....TAKE IT or "born a virgin, DIE a VIRGIN"... :D

BItCHy BLue AUnt|e

11-08-2004, 11:29 PM
Contact her within these 1 or 2 days only if you want to give it one more shot at it. (Give it a serious thought about it first). If it had been 2 days since you break the news to her, she might had done some soul searching and a good analysis of the whole relationship by now. Talk to her and ask her if she wants you in her life or not.

She has to change on her fickleness and control her temper. Likewise ask her what sort of changes she will like to see in you. There is always two side of a coin. You got to define your own limit of tolerance just in case she says she wants you to be more tolerant of her temper. Re-defining one person’s character is a very difficult. Like they say a leopard can’t change its spot. With patience and efforts one can change slowly, improve bit by bit. It takes time. Are you willing to be by her side and change her slowly or you may not want to wait that long? Most importantly, she has to assess on whether this relationship is worth her effort. Perhaps she may want to move on with her life and maybe later in life meet someone who can accept her as she is. In this world there are all sort of ppl made for others.

However, if you think that you do not want to drag any further, leave it as it is. I dun know of any good way to end a relationship but do wish her best in whatever she does in future. If you are still not able to have a peace of mind, do check out with her friend if you want to know about how she is coping. Probably that is nothing much you can do about it but be concern about her (dun need to let her know else may complicate things) going thr this patch. Afterall, she was your GF once.

Should you be talking to her, dun engage verbal battles with her. Your stand once decided must be firm no matter how she reacts (cry or etc…)

Hereby, also wish you all the best for your future endeavors, be it in work, love and life.
Any problem, feel free to come back here. Guess Bro and Sis will be willing to help.

Problems in life are experienced to make one stronger and being able to better appreciate life.

actually I'm trying to save the relationship between us.
I don't mind tolerating her behaviour again since I've been doing so for the past 2 years. But one day, if it happens that my work has some problems, she's giving me stress, kids not doing well in sch... etc, all things went bad, I might just pop and the mess might be greater.

I guess I should try to think things thru for the time being and leave some space between me and her.

Guess I might have to go to her place to talk everything straight. :rolleyes:

I think it might ended up as I'll be listening to what she's got to say for hours while I only have a couple of sentences...

I still appreciate it when she calls me up to see how am I doing in work but it might be too much till I find it to be irritating at times.

11-08-2004, 11:35 PM
Just my two cents' worth.... ;)

Though ur 2 cents can't buy me a good styrofoam cup of kopi, thanks man. ;)
I hope my 70 cents worth can get you a cup.

Gfs who can think with their brain and not mouth are hard to find. Actually, true love means doing things for the other half , out of genuine goodwill, rather than for the purpose accumulating masses of incriminating data to haul to court... in the event of an unfortunate and unforeseen divorce case. OMG.

Accidents, unintentional wrongdoings and unintended hurt can be forgiven and forgotten. However, the same cannot be said of some girls, who are literally fanatical enough to worship their distorted faith that all men owe them a living.

Thats my 70 cents' worth. I suppose, at one time or another, all of us had some kind of unpleasant experience with these .... unpredictable women.

12-08-2004, 12:55 AM
actually I'm trying to save the relationship between us.
I don't mind tolerating her behaviour again since I've been doing so for the past 2 years. But one day, if it happens that my work has some problems, she's giving me stress, kids not doing well in sch... etc, all things went bad, I might just pop and the mess might be greater.

Add in your dream gal appear during that time to stand by you and it will be exactly the worst senario i had painted for you.

I guess I should try to think things thru for the time being and leave some space between me and her.

Seriously, you must think about it. Take a good long time to think about it is definitely alright for a life time commitment.

Guess I might have to go to her place to talk everything straight. :rolleyes:

Cheers for you for your courage.

I think it might ended up as I'll be listening to what she's got to say for hours while I only have a couple of sentences...

Tell her to come straight to the point. Dun nag, it doesn't helps

I still appreciate it when she calls me up to see how am I doing in work but it might be too much till I find it to be irritating at times.

Calling to show concern and calling to check on you is two different things. Probably only yourself will be able to judge it.

Walking out of a relationship is never easy. The deeper you love the harder it gets. The harder it hurts, the earlier you will visualise everything.

To salvage the relationship and let it continue to run takes a lot of time and patience. Talk to her on how you want her to improve and vice versa for you to improve for her as well.The choice is yours but do try to set some guide lines and DOs and DUNs between the 2 of you that will help you both to have a happier and better life together.

Wish you luck and happiness!!

12-08-2004, 01:25 AM
actually I'm trying to save the relationship between us.
I don't mind tolerating her behaviour again since I've been doing so for the past 2 years. But one day, if it happens that my work has some problems, she's giving me stress, kids not doing well in sch... etc, all things went bad, I might just pop and the mess might be greater.

I guess I should try to think things thru for the time being and leave some space between me and her.

Guess I might have to go to her place to talk everything straight. :rolleyes:

I think it might ended up as I'll be listening to what she's got to say for hours while I only have a couple of sentences...

I still appreciate it when she calls me up to see how am I doing in work but it might be too much till I find it to be irritating at times.

Any example of my motto "not to get involve or advise on anyone's relationship" which this time, I myself didn't fully follow.

From the start, bros including myself were advising to cut off the relationsihp since has this and that problems, thinking this is what Monkeybiz wants to do, etc, etc...

Now, we have been made fools in this monkey business as he has all along know what he wants....

sign..... :(

12-08-2004, 09:33 AM
Though ur 2 cents can't buy me a good styrofoam cup of kopi, thanks man. ;)
I hope my 70 cents worth can get you a cup.

Gfs who can think with their brain and not mouth are hard to find. Actually, true love means doing things for the other half , out of genuine goodwill, rather than for the purpose accumulating masses of incriminating data to haul to court... in the event of an unfortunate and unforeseen divorce case. OMG.

Accidents, unintentional wrongdoings and unintended hurt can be forgiven and forgotten. However, the same cannot be said of some girls, who are literally fanatical enough to worship their distorted faith that all men owe them a living.

Thats my 70 cents' worth. I suppose, at one time or another, all of us had some kind of unpleasant experience with these .... unpredictable women.

Thanks for the cuppa. Things happen in this society sometimes gives us no choice but to go along with the drift, now I only wish for more peace to enjoy the serenity side of life. :)

Five Stone
12-08-2004, 05:19 PM
actually I'm trying to save the relationship between us.
I don't mind tolerating her behaviour again since I've been doing so for the past 2 years. But one day, if it happens that my work has some problems, she's giving me stress, kids not doing well in sch... etc, all things went bad, I might just pop and the mess might be greater.
I guess I should try to think things thru for the time being and leave some space between me and her.
Guess I might have to go to her place to talk everything straight. :rolleyes:
I think it might ended up as I'll be listening to what she's got to say for hours while I only have a couple of sentences...
I still appreciate it when she calls me up to see how am I doing in work but it might be too much till I find it to be irritating at times.

After reading all your post, I felt that you are more like at a cross road junction, lost and bewilder of your next move. Leaving her is painful; after all, it had been years, you are more or less use to having her around babbling nonstop on some wired stuffs that you never really paid attention to. Now comes to the point where you pour your heart out to her and resulting current consequences, you feel the pain as well. I believe after all these years with her, there is still that little tingle that you felt for her. Especially these few days of peace had magnified the emptiness and forlorn feelings in you. As you think back about the relationship, you might just question yourself: “Is she really that bad???” I bet the answer is no, if not both of you wouldn’t had come this far. Perhaps you had also remember all the little nice things she did for you, the sacrifices she made for you, you might just find yourself with a heart felt smile on your face. Think about it, she might not be that bad afterall. Be fair to her, she had indeed spent her glorious with you, by your side, in you arms. ;)

Five Stone
12-08-2004, 05:26 PM
Walking out of a relationship is never easy. The deeper you love the harder it gets. The harder it hurts, the earlier you will visualise everything.

To salvage the relationship and let it continue to run takes a lot of time and patience. Talk to her on how you want her to improve and vice versa for you to improve for her as well.The choice is yours but do try to set some guide lines and DOs and DUNs between the 2 of you that will help you both to have a happier and better life together.

Wish you luck and happiness!!

Like a loving father, know when to pull the cane out and when to give the reward. :D

13-08-2004, 04:29 AM
thanks for your help guys.

actually I have no idea on what I'm doing but I'm only acting purely on instincts...

Finally talked to her parents of our problems about this little problem over dinner as well, they too know of her temper and said that it's up to me now.
Anyway, I mentioned to her that it's rather stressed up at work lately since I'm working hard to preserve my job at this terrible time of the year, so I will appreciate it more if she could just come straight to the point instead of giving me 'riddles'.

things are getting back into the trust stage between me and her again. I just hope that she could change her nagging and fickle minded decisions for good... or perhaps try to talk less and be patient with me at least.

maybe I should spend more time with her talking about my work sometimes, since I don't think I can handle my work stress alone and I just wanted her to be more understanding of my current situation.

I don't really wanna dump her but to be with her at least till our kids grow up to be independent.

actually I don't really have a dream girl thou, but there's some part of her that fits into the category I want.

thaivisitor>> erm.. u guys didn't make a fool out of urself... i ensure you... it just happened that I managed to do some thorough thinking in different perspectives thanks to you guys. :P

13-08-2004, 06:00 AM
I don't know about the rest of the bro samster here, but I feel you did not open up and level with us straight. As far as I am concern, you gave the impression that you are NOT married yet, and is having problems with your GIRLFRIEND, not wife.

In your first post, you wrote, relationship, not marriage.

honestly, I'm in a middle of a fucked up relationship and the focus is always on her. But whatever I do, she always saves up shit to complain...

In your 2nd post, you wrote girl, not wife.
I've tried to talk to my girl about how I felt and such, it backfired and it ended that I got myself screwed big time.
In your 4th post, the way you describe gives the idea of a BGR where it takes time to understand. This is DEFINITELY not the talk of a man and wife matter.
anyway, thaivisitor, you've got a point. but to be fair to her, I guess it takes time for her at least to learn how to appreciate my relationship with her.
Again you mentioned relationship.
not that i can't wait to ditch her, but rather that i can't give up that relationship yet. had a hard time thinking about it.
This is DEFINITELY NOT a conversation a person have with his wife!
erm... it didn't turned out as I expected.
I told her something like "There might be times when I won't be around, so if you met a nice guy, most likely you'll go with him right?".
Here you gave the impression that you are not staying together.
It ended up she haven't called me since then.
I guess I might have to call up her close friend to see how she's feeling
Even here you gave the idea of your "future" with her.
actually I'm trying to save the relationship between us.
I don't mind tolerating her behaviour again since I've been doing so for the past 2 years. But one day, if it happens that my work has some problems, she's giving me stress, kids not doing well in sch... etc, all things went bad, I might just pop and the mess might be greater.
Finally you drop the bomb on us

I don't really wanna dump her but to be with her at least till our kids grow up to be independent.

I don't know the other bros thought when they replied and advise you but I, for the shit of it, have all along thought that you were still unmarried in a relationship so advise you so that you don't get into a bad marriage.

But WTF, you were not forthcoming with the true facts and led us into a web of deceit created by you, for WTF reason, I don't know.

If I and I believe all bros and sis here, knows that you were married WITH KIDS, our advise would have very VERY DIFFERENT. I sympathize with you, had I known, I would have sympathize with your kids, not you or your wife.

thaivisitor>> erm.. u guys didn't make a fool out of urself... i ensure you... it just happened that I managed to do some thorough thinking in different perspectives thanks to you guys.
Sure WE didn't make fools of ourselves, YOU made the fools out of us.

My 2 cents worth :mad:

Five Stone
13-08-2004, 08:42 AM
I don't know about the rest of the bro samster here, but I feel you did not open up and level with us straight. As far as I am concern, you gave the impression that you are NOT married yet, and is having problems with your GIRLFRIEND, not wife.

Sure WE didn't make fools of ourselves, YOU made the fools out of us.

My 2 cents worth :mad:

Bro Monkeybiz, you are not very straight in all your post. This is a forum, hence we do not really mince your words, and you spun the web of misconception and lead us walking right to the center. Frankly, this gesture of yours is pretty unwelcome. Throughout the whole session, you lead us to believe that this is just an BGR issue but upon mentioning of kids, I guess now we all get the right picture while all these while we were sent chasing shadow. From then till now, we do not see any attempt to explain or clarify the matter, your insincerity in choice of words are not appreciated.

Thanks for leading us on a wild goose chase. :mad:

13-08-2004, 11:00 AM
I don't really wanna dump her but to be with her at least till our kids grow up to be independent.

If you are already married with kids, there is nothing much to say.
You probabaly had a thorought understanding of her character before you tied the knot with her. Live with it. If problems persists, suggest you go for marriage conseuling (try MCDS)


13-08-2004, 03:31 PM
I'm very sorry for that, I'm just rather confused on the relationship during that time when I'm saying that. But I do have intentions to continue the life with her. It is indeed my fault that I didn't get to mention the points clearly in the first place but it's kind of hard for me to get things right in words.

I guess I should get things clear in point forms instead in the first place.
Sorry for the trouble and misunderstanding guys. I'm really sorry for that.

13-08-2004, 03:35 PM
I'm very sorry for that, I'm just rather confused on the relationship during that time when I'm saying that. But I do have intentions to continue the life with her. It is indeed my fault that I didn't get to mention the points clearly in the first place but it's kind of hard for me to get things right in words.

I guess I should get things clear in point forms instead in the first place.
Sorry for the trouble and misunderstanding guys. I'm really sorry for that.

Maybe u have problems expressing yourself which could be a reason for the poor relationship with your wife. Afterall, if even men cannot understand u, how could u expect women to?......... :)

13-08-2004, 10:05 PM
Maybe u have problems expressing yourself which could be a reason for the poor relationship with your wife. Afterall, if even men cannot understand u, how could u expect women to?......... :)

I do not think it was unitentional in leading us when he started the thread. He does not have a poor command of english.

The facts were intentionally hidden.

That's all I have to say.

But I'm tired of his case to even offer any advise anymore. He was not truthful, now I doubt whether he really is having problems with his wife.

Let it be as that. Cos, if I feel he is now trying to twist & turn his story again, I'm going to start a zap campaign which is not very good.

I hope Henry, you don't talk about this anymore, go and do some fruitful postings here or some other threads.

14-08-2004, 05:21 AM
Finally talked to her parents of our problems about this little problem over dinner as well, they too know of her temper and said that it's up to me now.

Anyway, I mentioned to her that it's rather stressed up at work lately since I'm working hard to preserve my job at this terrible time of the year, so I will appreciate it more if she could just come straight to the point instead of giving me 'riddles'.


maybe I should spend more time with her talking about my work sometimes, since I don't think I can handle my work stress alone and I just wanted her to be more understanding of my current situation.

Well, she will be still be emotionally unconnected with u as long as u always bottled up yr feelings and doesn’t share them with her unless she has the power to read yr mind.

Anyway, I think that because u are having problems in yr work, u find yr wife's temper & her 'riddles' annoying when u are at home.

But then, u shld hv known of her characters already and I suppose all this tempers & 'riddles' from her doesn't happen overnite. :confused:


things are getting back into the trust stage between me and her again. I just hope that she could change her nagging and fickle minded decisions for good... or perhaps try to talk less and be patient with me at least.


I don't really wanna dump her but to be with her at least till our kids grow up to be independent.

Er.......it seems to me that u hv her trust but does she hv yr trust in this marriage now ? :confused:


Five Stone
17-08-2004, 08:58 AM
I guess I should get things clear in point forms instead in the first place.
Sorry for the trouble and misunderstanding guys. I'm really sorry for that.

I hope next time when you wanna share, you can provide more precise details so as to not create a confusion. Take care and bless your marriage. :)

19-08-2004, 04:22 PM
I do not think it was unitentional in leading us when he started the thread. He does not have a poor command of english.

The facts were intentionally hidden.

That's all I have to say.

But I'm tired of his case to even offer any advise anymore. He was not truthful, now I doubt whether he really is having problems with his wife.

Let it be as that. Cos, if I feel he is now trying to twist & turn his story again, I'm going to start a zap campaign which is not very good.

I hope Henry, you don't talk about this anymore, go and do some fruitful postings here or some other threads.

Bro, this is the cyber world, we take things with a pinch of salt. Since he screw up and never came back, then we wish him the best. Anyway we got nothinh to lose. The purpose of this thread is just for some letting out of steam build up during all the LPPL session with our gals. Haizzzz.....Gers are still Gers. :D

19-08-2004, 04:41 PM
You missed the bus, you can always take the next bus but you can never evertake the same bus again. The tming is just not right. :)
You are right. This time I make sure I take a different bus. In fact I took a different form of transport, to be exact. And got to learn a whole new culture in a new country (still learning).

This time round, I have someone who prefers to be led, cherished and loved. And happy parents too. :D

19-08-2004, 04:57 PM
Not all guys are bad. Not all gers are bad.

Most guys dun dream of having a dream gal. They just dream of having a gal who dun dream that Price Charming really exist.......... :D
I usually dun think of gals or guys as bad. More of not suitable for each other. A flower may blossom in one's hands but will wither in another's.

As for Dream Gal/Guy, how rite you are. I had one who read so many of those romance novels, seems to believe Prince Charming exist and expect me to be one, and therefore is never satisfied with me, no matter what I do.

Yet at the same time, I have female colleagues (and neighbouring companies) + platonic friends who often tell me they wish their husbands/bfs can be as thoughtful as me. And they are happy with their partners! For 10 years, I never considered having or even meeting anoter woman. To me, "love is a decision, and I will love her inspite of what she did or dun do". But after a long time of suffering and endless threats of divorce, I had enough and said "yes" to her latest threat. Decided I simply cannot match those prince charmings in the romance books. Never looked back since.

Now I am happy with my LDTR. Sure not easy due to distance, but at least I get love and respect (maybe the word "submissiveness" was being taken with a narrower perspective here). I love her dearly & almost everything decision I made will be done with her welfare in mind. After 6 months apart, our love for each other (that couldn't die, even tho we mutually tried to kill it) brought us back together again.

19-08-2004, 10:23 PM
Bro, this is the cyber world, we take things with a pinch of salt. Since he screw up and never came back, then we wish him the best. Anyway we got nothinh to lose. The purpose of this thread is just for some letting out of steam build up during all the LPPL session with our gals. Haizzzz.....Gers are still Gers. :D
OK bro, point noted, :D

19-08-2004, 11:01 PM
I love her dearly & almost everything decision I made will be done with her welfare in mind. After 6 months apart, our love for each other (that couldn't die, even tho we mutually tried to kill it) brought us back together again.

Well, it is good that u are back with her again & I wish u all the best. :)

Best regards. :)

20-08-2004, 12:00 AM
The purpose of this thread is just for some letting out of steam build up during all the LPPL session with our gals. Haizzzz.....Gers are still Gers.

Bro, if u want your ger to play your LP, u better do the LPPL session with them........ :D

Though we are bashing gers here, at the end of the day, we can't do w/o them........ :)

20-08-2004, 02:15 AM
Though we are bashing gers here, at the end of the day, we can't do w/o them........ :)

Vice-Versa, the gers also cannot do with us. ;)

Like a glow in the dark sending light into my eyes,
For once, i hope the sun never rise.

20-08-2004, 08:53 AM
Though we are bashing gers here, at the end of the day, we can't do w/o them........ :)

Bro, we are not exactly bashing them here, it is just a place where we share some of the amusing things of the gers where we laugh at them and realize that we are not alone on this planet. Brothers are free to comment or discuss any issues related to their the other half here. A girl’s heart, one of the longest standing unsolved mystery …… :D

20-08-2004, 09:04 AM
sometimes the girls are really brainless... dunno how to say them, people sms them say they horny, still go reply them in front of me... and i am that bf of hers. bth.... who as my LP wan her... bo pian....

20-08-2004, 09:07 AM
sometimes the girls are really brainless... dunno how to say them, people sms them say they horny, still go reply them in front of me... and i am that bf of hers. bth.... who as my LP wan her... bo pian....

Like that also can??? I mean she show you the sms and then reply??? Ha ha ha....Sometimes such stuff just need a reply to be the catalyst..... :D

20-08-2004, 09:10 AM
Like that also can??? I mean she show you the sms and then reply??? Ha ha ha....Sometimes such stuff just need a reply to be the catalyst..... :Dyeah loh, regardless how black my face is she still can reply. can even allow the guy to date her during our date! that is meet me a while then meet him.. in the end quarrel... now she say sorry and come back to me. haha

20-08-2004, 09:14 AM
yeah loh, regardless how black my face is she still can reply. can even allow the guy to date her during our date! that is meet me a while then meet him.. in the end quarrel... now she say sorry and come back to me. haha

Pardon me, how old is her, she does not seems to be brainless but more like naive. If I am you, I would simply forget about her. :rolleyes:

20-08-2004, 09:25 AM
Pardon me, how old is her, she does not seems to be brainless but more like naive. If I am you, I would simply forget about her. :rolleyes:she is 22. working as a factory operator. haa.

20-08-2004, 09:31 AM
she is 22. working as a factory operator. haa.
Is she from Malaysia then?? Anyway she is young, need some time for her mind to 'open up' and settle down. You also must do your part. :D

20-08-2004, 09:44 AM
Is she from Malaysia then?? Anyway she is young, need some time for her mind to 'open up' and settle down. You also must do your part. :Dhaha wat do u mean by open? she is singaporean... just that education level not high...

Five Stone
20-08-2004, 10:23 AM
Vice-Versa, the gers also cannot do with us. ;)

Like a glow in the dark sending light into my eyes,
For once, i hope the sun never rise.

At times, I think actually all can do without the opposites sex. For men, there are many different vices we can slove our needs, as for women, an ONS or a fling does the trick. I think it is more like the emotional baggage that we cannot do without. Such as seeing you best friend with their BFs or GFs while you are all alone really pain one's heart. The loneliness and emptiness sometimes is too much for one to bear. :)

20-08-2004, 10:33 AM
At times, I think actually all can do without the opposites sex. For men, there are many different vices we can slove our needs, as for women, an ONS or a fling does the trick. I think it is more like the emotional baggage that we cannot do without. Such as seeing you best friend with their BFs or GFs while you are all alone really pain one's heart. The loneliness and emptiness sometimes is too much for one to bear. :)
yep, sometimes really too much to bear...

20-08-2004, 11:10 AM
At times, I think actually all can do without the opposites sex. For men, there are many different vices we can slove our needs, as for women, an ONS or a fling does the trick. I think it is more like the emotional baggage that we cannot do without. Such as seeing you best friend with their BFs or GFs while you are all alone really pain one's heart. The loneliness and emptiness sometimes is too much for one to bear. :)

Could not agreed more.

We could bury ourselves with work and so on but when the night comes and the dust settled down, all by ourselves with eyes wide open...the feeling starts to haunt us.

Cant do without emotional baggage cos we are emotional fools...
Hahaha.... ;)

Like a glow in the dark sending light into my eyes,
For once, i hope the sun never rise

20-08-2004, 11:47 AM
sometimes how i wish i am just a beast, fuck le then go... no emotion better... but we are afterall humans... and all humans got emotions.... sian.

20-08-2004, 12:18 PM
sometimes how i wish i am just a beast, fuck le then go... no emotion better... but we are afterall humans... and all humans got emotions.... sian.
Too bad bro, we are what we are already...

Then again, that's why we have WL so we can let out the "animal" in us, even for a short while... kekekekekeke :D

Five Stone
20-08-2004, 12:19 PM
Could not agreed more.
Cant do without emotional baggage cos we are emotional fools...
Hahaha.... ;)

Like a glow in the dark sending light into my eyes,
For once, i hope the sun never rise

That's why we have so much things to say about our other half for we see them almost everyday, day in day out. See, we simply love to get fuss over, or at times fuss over her, this is a kind of feeling where no money can buy, comes directly from your heart. At times no matter how angry we are with them, we still care about them. You will think of her if she had taken her dinner, remember to take the medication, how's work today etc. Perhaps this is what we call love. The inner most feeling where we are left naked to face nothing but the truth. ;)

Five Stone
20-08-2004, 12:21 PM
Too bad bro, we are what we are already...

Then again, that's why we have WL so we can let out the "animal" in us, even for a short while... kekekekekeke :D

Animals we might be, we still feel for the WLs for time after time we were cautioned not to fall prey to thier stories, there are still Champions who simply plunged in without a second thought. :D

20-08-2004, 12:24 PM
Animals we might be, we still feel for the WLs for time after time we were cautioned not to fall prey to thier stories, there are still Champions who simply plunged in without a second thought. :D

what to do? even the most experienced chiongsters have a chance of getting hit, much more those without experience

Five Stone
20-08-2004, 12:29 PM
what to do? even the most experienced chiongsters have a chance of getting hit, much more those without experience

Just play along and do our fair share. No point to the extent to divorce, or break up with GF, or squeeze yourself to the last cent just to help her. We are animals when we bonk but still pretty much an angel at heart. :D

20-08-2004, 12:31 PM
haha wat do u mean by open? she is singaporean... just that education level not high...

Oops, I meant that she has to be more mature, not what you thought......Education can teach so much but the basic ethnics in a relationship, she should know better. ;)

20-08-2004, 12:35 PM
Could not agreed more.

Cant do without emotional baggage cos we are emotional fools...
Hahaha.... ;)

I guess we have to think of it this way: Working hard now is for the future. Saving enough for marriage is why we slog ourselves at work. There are good gals out there, it is just that we need that extra effort to get things moving, to let our feelings known. Never give up. ;)

20-08-2004, 01:04 PM
A girl’s heart, one of the longest standing unsolved mystery …… :D

The mystery was solved donkey years ago.........the answer was that their heart kept jumping from left to right then back to left......kekeke..... :D

20-08-2004, 03:05 PM
... No point to squeeze yourself to the last cent just to help her....still pretty much an angel at heart. :D

Do what we can at times.
I do feel sad to see her work so hard, running from here to there, pub after pub over the island. Seeing her eating lesser and lesser, losing weight, smile, joy of life. Sometimes, think they might be happier back home and never knew of this place where we are at...But ARHHH! Fate is the word. This is the cruel world.

Like a glow in the dark sending light into my eyes,
For once, i hope the sun never rise

21-08-2004, 08:16 AM
Too bad bro, we are what we are already...

Then again, that's why we have WL so we can let out the "animal" in us, even for a short while... kekekekekeke :D
Let the beast in us be release! haha.... heng still got those FL, pros or even ONS to keep us a beast... or else life will be such a bore...

21-08-2004, 08:17 AM
what to do? even the most experienced chiongsters have a chance of getting hit, much more those without experience
be a beast not a man... :)

21-08-2004, 08:19 AM
Oops, I meant that she has to be more mature, not what you thought......Education can teach so much but the basic ethnics in a relationship, she should know better. ;)
maybe it is time to show her attitude, haha... maybe I am kinda lame, I quite give in to most of my ex-es one... so i think for her, give her attitude in time to let her learn. if even she will not be with me, she learn something from me... keke....

21-08-2004, 08:22 AM
maybe it is time to show her attitude, haha... maybe I am kinda lame, I quite give in to most of my ex-es one... so i think for her, give her attitude in time to let her learn. if even she will not be with me, she learn something from me... keke....

Yup, lots of things to learn, just dont teach "special" ok...Kekekekekeke.... :D

21-08-2004, 08:25 AM
Yup, lots of things to learn, just dont teach "special" ok...Kekekekekeke.... :D
hmmmmm at times she does allow me to be notti to her.... oops... haha... but then at least to a point she is honest with me about her stuffs. not all girls whom I with are honest with me. :) at least there is some plus points from her.

21-08-2004, 08:29 AM
hmmmmm at times she does allow me to be notti to her.... oops... haha... but then at least to a point she is honest with me about her stuffs. not all girls whom I with are honest with me. :) at least there is some plus points from her.

Learn to appreciate her lor, remind yourself not to take her for granted, this might bring your to see the lighter side of her. Afterall she is still young, with a long road in front of her. ;)

21-08-2004, 08:31 AM
Learn to appreciate her lor, remind yourself not to take her for granted, this might bring your to see the lighter side of her. Afterall she is still young, with a long road in front of her. ;)
yep, thanks brother ocean eleven for the advises. haha. sometimes when one play too much, something light will be good for long term relationship.

Five Stone
24-08-2004, 08:31 AM
Do what we can at times.
I do feel sad to see her work so hard, running from here to there, pub after pub over the island. Seeing her eating lesser and lesser, losing weight, smile, joy of life. Sometimes, think they might be happier back home and never knew of this place where we are at...But ARHHH! Fate is the word. This is the cruel world.

Like a glow in the dark sending light into my eyes,
For once, i hope the sun never rise

Well this is the sad part in life, we would like to help but unless you rake in big bucks and willing to fork it out to help them, they will still be in the state they are now. Look on the lighter side, at least they aren't homeless. :)

Five Stone
26-08-2004, 12:56 PM
I wonder any bros here got torn in between 2 gals who know each other's existance??? :confused:

26-08-2004, 03:54 PM
Well this is the sad part in life, we would like to help but unless you rake in big bucks and willing to fork it out to help them, they will still be in the state they are now. Look on the lighter side, at least they aren't homeless. :)

There is a limit to what we can do. Let it be..then... help when we can.
Too tired.

26-08-2004, 03:56 PM
I wonder any bros here got torn in between 2 gals who know each other's existance??? :confused:

So is this guy supposed to be lucky or what?

So what is your supposed senario?
This guy one foot on two boat or two gals are going after him and he can't make up his mind?

26-08-2004, 07:40 PM
I wonder any bros here got torn in between 2 gals who know each other's existance??? :confused:
I was. Believe me, it is not nice. In the end, one would have to choose and even after choosing, its going to take time to rebuild confidence.

Fortunately in my case, it was not so bad in that both were going on at the same time. It was more of one ended and then I started another, and then the 1st wanted to come back. That was one of the worst times in my life, to be with trying out with one seriously while the one u feel for much more had a change of heart and wanted to return. Eventually I made my choice. I am glad I did, cos I am happier now, even though the journey will be longer, as it is less rocky.

27-08-2004, 12:09 AM
Thanks for the cuppa. Things happen in this society sometimes gives us no choice but to go along with the drift, now I only wish for more peace to enjoy the serenity side of life. :)

Same same. I long for the day when I can take my time to smell roses. Something which I've not been doing for years. ;)

Five Stone
30-08-2004, 08:49 AM
So is this guy supposed to be lucky or what?

So what is your supposed senario?
This guy one foot on two boat or two gals are going after him and he can't make up his mind?

Not exactly, it is just that the two gals knew each other's presence and wouldn't mind and neither is willing to give up. They just want to win the man's heart. :o

Five Stone
30-08-2004, 08:52 AM
I was. Believe me, it is not nice. In the end, one would have to choose and even after choosing, its going to take time to rebuild confidence.

Not easy, lucky thing was no one seems to be hard press for a decision, seems that we just like to drift along. My case here is going on all at the same time. No change of heart, no third party just simply mutual feeling. :)

30-08-2004, 08:57 AM
i just been thru it, and i made a choice torn between two.... i chosen the one that together with me will be happier together.... :)

30-08-2004, 10:02 AM
Not exactly, it is just that the two gals knew each other's presence and wouldn't mind and neither is willing to give up. They just want to win the man's heart. :o

So, in my context, he is a happy man.
For how long?
Got to make a choice eventually cos gals have limited youth.
Rather than let it drag on, make a choice and let the other go pursue happiness elsewhere.
Off course if he fancy none of them then, can tell them also.

30-08-2004, 11:17 AM
Same same. I long for the day when I can take my time to smell roses. Something which I've not been doing for years. ;)
Yes, bro, sometimes take a step backward, you'll see things clearer. Peace is a moment we enjoyment in this hectic life. :)

Five Stone
01-09-2004, 09:46 AM
So, in my context, he is a happy man.
For how long?
Got to make a choice eventually cos gals have limited youth.
Rather than let it drag on, make a choice and let the other go pursue happiness elsewhere.
Off course if he fancy none of them then, can tell them also.

Bro, this is a hard choice to make. I mean we are all happy with the attention we are getting from each other and more importantly, they seems to get along well. ;)

01-09-2004, 02:48 PM
Bro, this is a hard choice to make. I mean we are all happy with the attention we are getting from each other and more importantly, they seems to get along well. ;)

So, you are the one lah? I was blur blur maybe from too much drinking.
So far so good is maybe just the peace before the storm.
Wait you see they make the move for the kill.
That is when trouble will begin.
Or maybe they playing survivor game, see who outlast who.

Curious me ask, so the 3 of you always hang out together??

Five Stone
01-09-2004, 04:21 PM
So, you are the one lah? I was blur blur maybe from too much drinking.
So far so good is maybe just the peace before the storm.
Wait you see they make the move for the kill.
That is when trouble will begin.
Or maybe they playing survivor game, see who outlast who.

Curious me ask, so the 3 of you always hang out together??
Sometimes lah, recently more frequent during the weekends. Since we all know each other, so no need to "split" time between us. Anyway I dont see any jealousy amount us. Mature adults looking for company perhaps. :)

02-09-2004, 08:13 PM
Sometimes lah, recently more frequent during the weekends. Since we all know each other, so no need to "split" time between us. Anyway I dont see any jealousy amount us. Mature adults looking for company perhaps. :)

If 3 of you were out together.. say at a shopping centre..
A want to go to X shop, B want to go to Y shop. Who do you accompany??

Who will you ask to to the dance floor..ok maybe you tell me both..wat if the during slow dance song being play??

Not trying to make fun of you but just trying to help you zero down to your choice.

03-09-2004, 05:42 PM
teach nevermind, do to you is alright.

Yup, lots of things to learn, just dont teach "special" ok...Kekekekekeke.... :D

Five Stone
11-10-2004, 05:51 PM
If 3 of you were out together.. say at a shopping centre..
A want to go to X shop, B want to go to Y shop. Who do you accompany??

Who will you ask to to the dance floor..ok maybe you tell me both..wat if the during slow dance song being play??

Not trying to make fun of you but just trying to help you zero down to your choice.
Bro, so far so good, I mean we do things together, seldom do pubbing or disco so no "slow dance dilemma". Shopping is great, especially when they shop for lingerie. :D

12-10-2004, 01:30 PM
Bro, so far so good, I mean we do things together, seldom do pubbing or disco so no "slow dance dilemma". Shopping is great, especially when they shop for lingerie. :D

Good for you that things are so far so good. But dun ponder on your chioce for too long. Youth is female's assets. Dun let them depreciate too much.

Think abt it, if any of them is serious about you, they will move in for the kill soon. Cos this can't go on forever. The "Choose One at the expense of the other" Dilemma will surface soon if

1)Either/Both of them fancy you
2)They gang up on you to test you
3)They had that occasionaly disputes among themselves.

Keep us posted on any development.

12-10-2004, 05:59 PM
Bro NotByChoice, you can continue to pour your heart here...... :D

12-10-2004, 10:59 PM
Bro NotByChoice, you can continue to pour your heart here...... :D



As a continuation of the thread "Gers Are Still Gers", these are the things that really piss me off...

F: Do you think I should cut my hair?
M: Anything, you decide...
F: You don't give a damn about how I look..
M: Ok, then maybe you should just trim it.
F: No lah, I think it's fine...I'll cut it some other time.

F: Do you like the food that I cooked for you?
M: Not bad.
F: What is not bad?
M: Quite nice lor...
F: It's either nice or not nice..
M: Ok, nice (Ok, not nice).
F: Dun bluff (You have bad taste).

No matter how you respond, you also die....walan eh...faint!

13-10-2004, 08:42 AM
As a continuation of the thread "Gers Are Still Gers", these are the things that really piss me off...

F: Do you think I should cut my hair?
M: Anything, you decide...
F: You don't give a damn about how I look..
M: Ok, then maybe you should just trim it.
F: No lah, I think it's fine...I'll cut it some other time.

No matter how you respond, you also die....walan eh...faint!
At times, I think they want more than a one word answer but sometimes when you try to be more encouraging, it backfired and you got brunt big time. :D

13-10-2004, 09:19 AM
F: Do you think I should cut my hair?
M: Anything, you decide...
F: You don't give a damn about how I look..
M: Ok, then maybe you should just trim it.
F: No lah, I think it's fine...I'll cut it some other time....
No matter how you respond, you also die....walan eh...faint!

That is why sometimes we see the husband keeping quiet and the wife always nagging cos whatever he say, he kanna by the wife.

But all is not lost, not all gal are like that. Just look out for the tell tale signs that demonstrate this kind of behaviour when looking for life time partner.


13-10-2004, 10:19 AM
That is why sometimes we see the husband keeping quiet and the wife always nagging cos whatever he say, he kanna by the wife.

But all is not lost, not all gal are like that. Just look out for the tell tale signs that demonstrate this kind of behaviour when looking for life time partner.


It does not matter if you look for the tell tale signs. They cannot help themselves. Even if they are not like that when you are courting, they evolve into being like that. By that time, it is too late.

Just accept our fate. We like the sex too much so we just have to grin and bear it.

13-10-2004, 11:58 AM
Just accept our fate. We like the sex too much so we just have to grin and bear it.
I think sex plays no part in this, I guess is the status and responsibilities that comes along after marriage. You know, the same old shit that you or she will be nagging like bills to pay, visit parents duriong weekends, spent more time together, house work etc. All these contribute to a normal couple's life, most of the time, focus are diverted on these matters of daily and hence we slowly lost the lovey dovey feeling, find our gfs/wives a nag and blabber non stop. :o

13-10-2004, 12:18 PM
I think sex plays no part in this, I guess is the status and responsibilities that comes along after marriage. You know, the same old shit that you or she will be nagging like bills to pay, visit parents duriong weekends, spent more time together, house work etc. All these contribute to a normal couple's life, most of the time, focus are diverted on these matters of daily and hence we slowly lost the lovey dovey feeling, find our gfs/wives a nag and blabber non stop. :o

True words although what i meant by sex was the female sex, not the intercourse. Although that is fun too...

13-10-2004, 01:29 PM
True words although what i meant by sex was the female sex, not the intercourse. Although that is fun too...
Women, we cant tolerate them but cant live without them. :o

13-10-2004, 01:31 PM
Women - the unfathomable creatures...

Women - the fuckable beings that we can't do without...

Women - we love and hate you ocassionally...

Women - wouldn't it be nice if you're born not to speak...

13-10-2004, 01:38 PM
[QUOTE=cblim_2004]Another scenario when going shopping with girl,

girl: (holding up two clothes) which one is nice?
boy: the blue one looks nicer
girl: is it? I thought the black one is more classy
boy: I agree, take the black one then
girl: But then, the blue one looks quite nice too
boy: yeah
girl: which one is better ?

if boy answer 'black', girl will say he keeps changing his mind and never shows sincererity and care

if boy answer 'blue', girl will say, " told you that the black one looks more class"

wat i do is..

is it? ok loh.. i take the two and pay at the counter...

13-10-2004, 01:45 PM
[QUOTE=cblim_2004]Another scenario when going shopping with girl,
wat i do is..
is it? ok loh.. i take the two and pay at the counter...

Ha ha ha..... That's what I did also. The last time I got so mad with her on such issues, I spent $500 plus in half an hour prior to Zara closing. After that, she kept quiet for quite some time about buying clothing...... :o

13-10-2004, 01:51 PM
wat i do is..

is it? ok loh.. i take the two and pay at the counter...

wah i been thru this before too... in the end take the both pieces and pay at the counter.... money flies away in the blink of the eyes....

13-10-2004, 01:52 PM
sometimes when girls ask u they chio or not.... also headache to answer... u say she is chio... she will think got this problems and that problems... if u say not chio... then goodbye for the TLC u will get from her... problems for guys.....

13-10-2004, 04:30 PM
It does not matter if you look for the tell tale signs. They cannot help themselves. Even if they are not like that when you are courting, they evolve into being like that. By that time, it is too late.

Too bad then... :(

13-10-2004, 05:13 PM
Another scenario when going shopping with girl,

girl: (holding up two clothes) which one is nice?
boy: the blue one looks nicer
girl: is it? I thought the black one is more classy
boy: I agree, take the black one then
girl: But then, the blue one looks quite nice too
boy: yeah
girl: which one is better ?

if boy answer 'black', girl will say he keeps changing his mind and never shows sincererity and care

if boy answer 'blue', girl will say, " told you that the black one looks more class"

in this scenario, can try 1 trick ..... the thing about girl is that they seek affrimation but do not want a solution to what they are asking for ...

trying asking them this question, "but are nice but which 1 do u prefer" ... she will go about reasoning out the two items and then choose the one she like and you should answer " thats a wonderful choice" ......

13-10-2004, 05:38 PM
in this scenario, can try 1 trick ..... trying asking them this question, "but are nice but which 1 do u prefer" ... she will go about reasoning out the two items and then choose the one she like and you should answer " thats a wonderful choice" ......

I usually ask them to buy the one that they prefer. If cannot make a choice go home and think or buy both since most of the time i wont be paying for them.

One activity i dun like to engage with a gal

SHOPPING!!! :eek: :mad:

14-10-2004, 08:29 AM
One activity i dun like to engage with a gal
SHOPPING!!! :mad:

This is one thing where they have endless energy, whereby they will ask you to pick her up from MRT Station which is 2 stops away from your house just because they are carrying 5 oranges.......... :o

14-10-2004, 08:37 AM
This is one thing where they have endless energy, whereby they will ask you to pick her up from MRT Station which is 2 stops away from your house just because they are carrying 5 oranges.......... :o
You are more fortunate for 5 oranges...try rushing down to her location just because she wants you to decide colours of her dress...phew...oh man :(

14-10-2004, 08:56 AM
This is one thing where they have endless energy, whereby they will ask you to pick her up from MRT Station which is 2 stops away from your house just because they are carrying 5 oranges.......... :o

They can shop non stop really, like duracell powered rabbit. Then next thing, they sleep in the car while you drive...

Think tell her to eat up all the 5 oranges cos it is really good for her skin. Then nothing to carry can find her way home by herself. Hahaha...

Joking only...when they call, better go pick her up else kanna nagging big time when she gets home... :p

14-10-2004, 08:59 AM
You are more fortunate for 5 oranges...try rushing down to her location just because she wants you to decide colours of her dress...phew...oh man :(

In another day, i might had the urge to strangle her if i only found out what she wants when i reach there. Usually, will not rush down to entertain her in the manner. Of course if we are going some other places after that and have to meet up anyway, then it is still acceptabe.

It is always a headache having to tell them which one is nicer. I will usually try not to comment too much else a lots of complications later.

Cheers! :)

14-10-2004, 10:15 AM
You are more fortunate for 5 oranges...try rushing down to her location just because she wants you to decide colours of her dress...phew...oh man :(
Wah!!! Bro, you must love her very much.....Kudos to you, man. No way Iam gonna do that. In such similar cases, I will tell her to be sensible. It's like I work in Tuas, after work pick her up in town after her work, then drive home to Jurong. Think what, I have nothing better to do or petrol is cheap nowadays. If I am in town, I dont mind waiting for the one hour to pick her up though. :D

14-10-2004, 10:21 AM
They can shop non stop really, like duracell powered rabbit. Then next thing, they sleep in the car while you drive...

Think tell her to eat up all the 5 oranges cos it is really good for her skin. Then nothing to carry can find her way home by herself. Hahaha...

Joking only...when they call, better go pick her up else kanna nagging big time when she gets home... :p

there once was a saying: a man walks in to a U2 shop to buy a shirt and he ends up paying $29.99 for the shop. His girlfriend also decides to go U2 to buy him a shirt cos shes likes the design. She ends up paying $129.99 for the shirt and her own stuff ....

14-10-2004, 10:44 AM
there once was a saying: a man walks in to a U2 shop to buy a shirt and he ends up paying $29.99 for the shop. His girlfriend also decides to go U2 to buy him a shirt cos shes likes the design. She ends up paying $129.99 for the shirt and her own stuff ....

They never fail to find the "special good buy/bargain" that is too good to miss.
Out of your sight for maybe a few minutes in a shopping centre and she will have something in her hand she wants to buy.

When i need to get something, i prefer to go alone. Go. Pick. Pay. Leave.
Simplier, no complications.

14-10-2004, 11:02 AM
They never fail to find the "special good buy/bargain" that is too good to miss.
Out of your sight for maybe a few minutes in a shopping centre and she will have something in her hand she wants to buy.

When i need to get something, i prefer to go alone. Go. Pick. Pay. Leave.
Simplier, no complications.
It is rather fascinating to see them wander off in a whiz and the next thing you know is they had already holding two blouses walking towards you. Talking about compulsive shoppers, I wander does the fairer sex make up the majority. :D

14-10-2004, 11:56 AM
It is rather fascinating to see them wander off in a whiz and the next thing you know is they had already holding two blouses walking towards you. Talking about compulsive shoppers, I wander does the fairer sex make up the majority. :D

No need for any of us to answer that one. Just walk into any shopping mall and count the number of floor space they dedicate to women's stuff as compared to us. The malls are the ones who knows where the money flows from.

14-10-2004, 12:28 PM
No need for any of us to answer that one. Just walk into any shopping mall and count the number of floor space they dedicate to women's stuff as compared to us. The malls are the ones who knows where the money flows from.

thats why the banks are coming out with cards for woman only and the excuse for them to go shopping .... GOT DISCOUNT ....

remember some of ex last time, they bother to take leave so that they can go on the opening day of MANGO sale...

wah kaoz .... i sick they also dun bother to take leave ..... :D

14-10-2004, 12:52 PM
remember some of ex last time, they bother to take leave so that they can go on the opening day of MANGO sale...

And yet they complain when the man stays up late to catch some soccer action. What is this world becoming..... :confused:

14-10-2004, 12:56 PM
And yet they complain when the man stays up late to catch some soccer action. What is this world becoming..... :confused:

well the problem is the only ballz they understand in soccer is Mr. Goldenballz and all the hunks .... they know nutz....

remember once my gal suggest we watch soccer together cos she knows that nite is mu vs. liverpool ....

end up have to explain why offside cannot score goals and all the rules of FIFA ... i m just a football fan not a FIFA official or a player ....

when dun answer, she gets pissed

14-10-2004, 12:58 PM
according to allan pease whom did a survey. he gathered 10 gals and man together and ask them to rate each other on looks.

the group were then put through to drink beer. after every few cuppa, new ratings was asked. the final conclusion was the more the man drink the higher the ratings go but for the woman no change ......

his conclusion was man think from bottom up and woman top down ....

so its not just about looks but your intellect ....... cheerz...

14-10-2004, 01:05 PM
....remember once my gal suggest we watch soccer together cos she knows that nite is mu vs. liverpool ....
end up have to explain why offside cannot score goals and all the rules of FIFA ... i m just a football fan not a FIFA official or a player ....
when dun answer, she gets pissed

I never watch soccer matches with any gals unless they really know about the game...

For those just want to see their hunky/cute angmo stars, i dun bother to tell them much.

Next time these kind of gal ask you too many questions, direct her to
http://www.fifa.com/en/index.html :rolleyes:

14-10-2004, 01:53 PM
I never watch soccer matches with any gals unless they really know about the game...

For those just want to see their hunky/cute angmo stars, i dun bother to tell them much.

Next time these kind of gal ask you too many questions, direct her to
http://www.fifa.com/en/index.html :rolleyes:

ha ha ... i will do so .... tell them to educate themselves on every single bloody rule there and then we watch soccer together ......

14-10-2004, 02:09 PM
The 5 Questions Most Feared by Men

1. What are you thinking about? 2. Do you love me? 3. Do I look fat in this? 4. Do you think she is prettier than me? 5. What would you do if I died?
What makes these questions so difficult is that every one is guaranteed to explode into a major argument if the man answers incorrectly (i.e., tells the truth). Therefore, as a public service, each question is analyzed below, along with possible responses.

Question # 1: What are you thinking about? The proper answer to this, of course, is: " I'm sorry if I've been pensive, dear. I was just reflecting on what a warm, wonderful, thoughtful, caring, intelligent woman you are, and how lucky I am to have met you." This response obviously bears no resemblance to the true answer, which most likely is one of the following: a. Football. b. Golf. c. How fat you are. d. How much prettier she is than you e. How I would spend the insurance money if you died.
Perhaps the best response to this question was offered by Al Bundy, who once told Peg, "If I wanted you to know what I was thinking, I would be talking to you!"

Question # 2: Do you love me? The proper response is: "YES!" or, if you feel a more detailed answer is in order, "Yes, dear."
Inappropriate responses include: a. Oh Yeah, sh@*-loads. b. Would it make you feel better if I said yes? c. That depends on what you mean by love. d. Does it matter? e. Who, me?

Question # 3: Do I look fat? The correct answer is an emphatic: "Of course not!"
Incorrect answers are: a. Compared to what? b. I wouldn't call you fat, but you're not exactly thin. c. A little extra weight looks good on you. d. I've seen fatter. e. Sorry what did you say? I was just thinking about how I would spend the insurance money if you died.

Question # 4: Do you think she's prettier than me? Once again, the proper response is an emphatic: "Of course not!"
Incorrect responses include: a. Yes, but you have a better personality b. Not prettier, but definitely thinner c. Not as pretty as you when you were her age d. Define pretty e. Sorry what did you say ? I was just thinking about how I would spend the insurance money if you died.

Question # 5: What would you do if I died? A definite no-win question.(The real answer, of course, is "Buy a Lotus and a Boat").
No matter how you answer this, be prepared for at least an hour of follow-up questions, usually along the these lines:
WOMAN: Would you get married again? MAN: Definitely not! WOMAN: Why not - don't you like being married? MAN: Of course I do. WOMAN: Then why wouldn't you remarry? MAN: Okay, I'd get married again. WOMAN: You would? (with a hurtful look on her face) MAN: (makes audible groan) WOMAN: Would you sleep with her in our bed? MAN: Where else would we sleep? WOMAN: Would you put away my pictures, and replace them with pictures of her? MAN: That would seem like the proper thing to do. WOMAN: And would you let her use my golf clubs? MAN: She can't use them; she's left-handed. WOMAN: - - - silence - - - MAN: Shit*#%(Jia-lat-liao).

:D :D My 2 cents worth!!

14-10-2004, 02:12 PM
ha ha ... i will do so .... tell them to educate themselves on every single bloody rule there and then we watch soccer together ......

Nice to read that I am not the only one who gets annoyed by inane questions during football games. My deal with the better wife is this: I will accompany her to wherever she wants to go on Saturday until 7 pm. After that, LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!!

14-10-2004, 02:21 PM
And yet they complain when the man stays up late to catch some soccer action. What is this world becoming..... :confused:
I have to agree on this, we spent only the time and subscribe fees to catch a ball game and yet they start howling as soon as the referee blows the start whistle...... :o

14-10-2004, 02:26 PM
GF: Dear, I've put on weight, got dark eye rings and the pimples are sprouting...........

ME: (Watching the match).........Umm.....Umm.....

GF: Quick, I dont care, give me a compliment so I'll feel good!

ME: (Unwillingly turn to look at her) Dear, dont worry, you're an honest person........ :D

14-10-2004, 02:46 PM
GF: Dear, I've put on weight, got dark eye rings and the pimples are sprouting...........

ME: (Watching the match).........Umm.....Umm.....

GF: Quick, I dont care, give me a compliment so I'll feel good!

ME: (Unwillingly turn to look at her) Dear, dont worry, you're an honest person........ :D

i think the best answer but what they hate to hear is :

no matter what happen, u r still the most beautiful thing to me in this world .... (as if i still have a choice ...hmmmmm)

14-10-2004, 02:49 PM
GF: Dear, I've put on weight, got dark eye rings and the pimples are sprouting...........

ME: (Watching the match).........Umm.....Umm.....

GF: Quick, I dont care, give me a compliment so I'll feel good!

ME: (Unwillingly turn to look at her) Dear, dont worry, you're an honest person........ :D

What i will do is buy some VCD/DVD of program she will love to watch, pass it to her only on match day to let her watch it on another TV. Then, maybe she will leave me alone. :)

15-10-2004, 08:39 AM
i think the best answer but what they hate to hear is :

no matter what happen, u r still the most beautiful thing to me in this world .... (as if i still have a choice ...hmmmmm)
Honestly, they are no longer satisfied with this answer........ :o

Five Stone
15-10-2004, 08:47 AM
Think abt it, if any of them is serious about you, they will move in for the kill soon. Cos this can't go on forever. The "Choose One at the expense of the other" Dilemma will surface soon if

1)Either/Both of them fancy you
2)They gang up on you to test you
3)They had that occasionaly disputes among themselves.

Keep us posted on any development.
No need to choose, let nature take it's course. So far none of them made any move, spoken to then on separate occassion, seems that they are fine and enjoy the company. :D

15-10-2004, 09:02 AM
What i will do is buy some VCD/DVD of program she will love to watch, pass it to her only on match day to let her watch it on another TV. Then, maybe she will leave me alone. :)

That's worse because knowing what they are like, they will insist on "let us watch it together!" You will miss all of your game!!

Five Stone
15-10-2004, 09:17 AM
That's worse because knowing what they are like, they will insist on "let us watch it together!" You will miss all of your game!!
I agree, better dont for most household the DVD plaver and the SCV Box are hook up in the same TV, so renting a DVD she likes is as good as giving up the TV to her.......... :o :D

15-10-2004, 09:18 AM
That's worse because knowing what they are like, they will insist on "let us watch it together!" You will miss all of your game!!

She has to know that you did not like those movies....Off course need to know the types she likes. A good way to is note the titles of the movies she wanted you to take her to but you weren't that keen or went for another show instead as you couldn't get the ticket/movie end its screening. Or simply those you had seen before but you know that she likes it so much and won't mind seeing it over again.

zhi ji zhi bi bai zhan bai shen

If the plan dun work dun flame me hor...Good luck

15-10-2004, 11:23 AM
Question # 1: What are you thinking about?

Ans:"i m thinking about u and the life that we will have in future"

Question # 2: Do you love me?

Ans:"you are the love of my life"

Question # 3: Do I look fat?

Ans: "i like you just the way you are"

Question # 4: Do you think she's prettier than me?

Ans:" Beauty is more than skin deep, i like what's in you more than what's outside"

Question # 5: What would you do if I died?

Ans:"i'll find the next best way to have a painless death"

cheers my little 2 cents worth.

15-10-2004, 02:32 PM
Ans:"i m thinking about u and the life that we will have in future"
Ans:"you are the love of my life"
Ans: "i like you just the way you are"
Ans:" Beauty is more than skin deep, i like what's in you more than what's outside"
Ans:"i'll find the next best way to have a painless death"
cheers my little 2 cents worth.

You talk like that to gal, they float high high.
You are a good verbal "SianSter" of gals.

15-10-2004, 03:16 PM
You talk like that to gal, they float high high.
You are a good verbal "SianSter" of gals.
Well, nice sweet words to a gal but try that on your GF or wife of three years....... :D

15-10-2004, 03:20 PM
Well, nice sweet words to a gal but try that on your GF or wife of three years....... :D

Lament not married yet. So cannot ask him to test on his wife. Last known he did not have any gf of 3 yrs or more.

Basically call him a "SianSter" cos he can really "Sian" gals. Many Bros on the other thread can verify that.

Bro Lament, any of the above not correct, please comment, but please dun flame me. Thanks.. :p

15-10-2004, 03:54 PM
You talk like that to gal, they float high high.
You are a good verbal "SianSter" of gals.

i m born endowed with honeyed tongue not joking just to boost any reputation .... but thats me ........... remember back in my secondary school days, i was labelled the resident playboy of my school even when i never dated a gal b4 but i am always seen around gals in schools. this gets me into loads of shit sia, i get challenges from boys for 1 to 1. everytime after the fight i will ask which ger is it this time, best of all some of the gals i never even know..................

well as the saying goes ..... girls must be coaxed .........

if we have to lie through to our teeth to get what we want, we just lie .... by making this species happy, it makes life easier on us ...

dun u agree ....... years of being around the female kind have help me refine and taught me this words.........

15-10-2004, 03:57 PM
Lament not married yet. So cannot ask him to test on his wife. Last known he did not have any gf of 3 yrs or more.

u must be my fans sia .... remember my details so clearly ... i loveeeeeeeee u
well still single and i m still searching for that 1 true love of mine that is what we call "love of our life", i have found it but lost it 3 years back ..................

now i searching for love among the viet gals ...... i loveeeeeeee everyone of them with my mouth but not my heart ..........

Basically call him a "SianSter" cos he can really "Sian" gals. Many Bros on the other thread can verify that.

Bro Lament, any of the above not correct, please comment, but please dun flame me. Thanks.. :p

well this is the game of loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

15-10-2004, 04:02 PM
ME : What do you want to eat??
GF : Anything will do......
ME : Ok, chicken rice then.
GF : But I don't feel like having rice leh....
ME : Ok, mee goreng then.....
GF : Don't want, too oily.....
ME : Fishball noddle soup....
GF : Yeeeee...So plain....
ME : Then what you want???
GF : Anything lor.......

well, gals are always like this when it comes to food. they want u to decide but hates your decision. u ask them to decide they say u r not assertive.

what can be overcome is to build up a few areas with food that u both enjoy and overtime u will many places to have munch munch and so the quarrel will lessen

15-10-2004, 04:11 PM
Picking up gals at discos and pubs is somethings i used to do. But different folks different style. Over the years, this is my mode of operation:

1. enter area
2. scan for probable target - just choose 1 only dun b 2 greedy
3. target acquired
4. be at visible range but not too near
5. look at target and try to catch her gaze
6. gaze acquired, smile at target and see reaction
7. if positive, repeat step 4 & 5 2 more times for affirmation
- i hate rejections
8. repeat step 4 & 5 but with a twist, proposed a toast to her and see reaction
9. repeat step 4 & 5 but with a twist, wave her to come to you
10. if she did, you are in luck else try 1 more time
11. if she dun, maintain target. if target leaving area. move and secure a postion where target can see you.
12. pretend to be on the phone
13. target close in near location, give a smile
14. if she say hi, you are in luck else go home alone and wank.

the thing that i used the above technique is i hate woman who thinks too highly of themselves if i were to approach them. what i do is reversed the psychology of the game, from being as an agressor, i go on the defensive making her the agressor. this also send a signal that i like to know you but i m not desparate and if u want to know me you come to me.

hit rate in this manner is much much higher cause we are in control of the situation.

cheers ...........

15-10-2004, 04:34 PM
well, gals are always like this when it comes to food. they want u to decide but hates your decision. u ask them to decide they say u r not assertive.

what can be overcome is to build up a few areas with food that u both enjoy and overtime u will many places to have munch munch and so the quarrel will lessen
Tried and still trying, the thing I dont mind going to the same coffe shop three times a week but she'll skin me alive. Ask her and she'll propose go town, Jalan Kayu, Clementi etc while living in Pasir Ris........ Of course we repect their decision of where to go but then upon reaching, the issue of what to eat surfaced again............. :o

15-10-2004, 05:02 PM
Tried and still trying, the thing I dont mind going to the same coffe shop three times a week but she'll skin me alive. Ask her and she'll propose go town, Jalan Kayu, Clementi etc while living in Pasir Ris........ Of course we repect their decision of where to go but then upon reaching, the issue of what to eat surfaced again............. :o

To me, the purpose of eating is to stay alive.
They like it complicated.

Let them go hungry for a while, drag the time. when hungry, they will usually go for the nearest food available and they will appreciate these simple food more.

Ppl in 3rd world starving and here they still want expensive food in good ambient resturant with good service?

Suggest to bring her for a tour. Suggested location : proverty stricken 3rd world country.

15-10-2004, 05:10 PM
To me, the purpose of eating is to stay alive.
They like it complicated.
Suggest to bring her for a tour. Suggested location : proverty stricken 3rd world country.

My friend's wife :
Was watching the NKF show him, saw the poor patients suffering and she sob and felt sorry for them, next thing he knows is that she threw away the dinner on the table because both of them cant finish........He flared up and gives her a good lecture about wasting food, save this food for tomorrow and could have save the money for donation. See show only can cry until non-stop but no brains to think. Her answer:" The most I pay for the food lor....." :rolleyes:

15-10-2004, 05:14 PM
u must be my fans sia .... remember my details so clearly ... i loveeeeeeeee u

Not your fan, actually rather interested in the Thai singer Minh Yuyet in your avator after you "introduce" her to me. Hmm... maybe can ask Naemlo to kidnapped while in BKK her and bring her back. Hahaha.....

Friday evening cumming... :D

15-10-2004, 05:19 PM
My friend's wife :
Was watching the NKF show him, saw the poor patients suffering and she sob and felt sorry for them, next thing he knows is that she threw away the dinner on the table because both of them cant finish........He flared up and gives her a good lecture about wasting food, save this food for tomorrow and could have save the money for donation. See show only can cry until non-stop but no brains to think. Her answer:" The most I pay for the food lor....." :rolleyes:

She cant see the point.
Ru Zhi Bu Ke Jiao Ye

15-10-2004, 05:53 PM
Ppl in 3rd world starving and here they still want expensive food in good ambient resturant with good service?

Suggest to bring her for a tour. Suggested location : proverty stricken 3rd world country.

in ethopia last time, people are so hungry that they gobble their food if they see any but as they have eaten for a long time, they vomit it all out only for others to snatch it up to eat .... think microwave heated food .......

maybe suggest your friend's gf try some of this .............yum yum yummy

15-10-2004, 05:59 PM
Her answer:" The most I pay for the food lor....."

think of it, remember the debate about merging sdu and sds.

i once had a gf whom has a 2nd upper class honours and me only a diploma but then she can still ask u the dumbest questions in life .... hmmmm

are they really that stupid or trying to act as a bimbo !!!!

thats woman kind, no matter what education background, it still doesn't change 1 fact and that is they are WOMAN ..... urgghhh

wish one day we can really do without them but then again we have our PRIMAL URGE to satisfy how how how ......

saw this link on another thread maybe it will be a saviour to mankind
www.realdoll.com .......... wonder if it comes with sound !!!

remember the 3d ger in 6th day where the man literally have cyber sex and thats what i call a woman ............. no dumbass questions but serve my basic needs of satisfying my PRIMAL URGE and emotional attachements ... with this who needs woman........

15-10-2004, 06:02 PM
Not your fan, actually rather interested in the Thai singer Minh Yuyet in your avator after you "introduce" her to me. Hmm... maybe can ask Naemlo to kidnapped while in BKK her and bring her back. Hahaha.....

Friday evening cumming... :D

no worries bro, these kind of face got tons in vietnam and she not exactly the best but just that i m hooked on her voice lately ......

anyway i just got my new viet ger ger mah ..... make me so tired .... was with her at the beach cos she feeling sad till 5am and still have to come to work .... shack out liao ...........

well thats the price to pay for free things ....cheers ...........

16-10-2004, 09:03 AM
i once had a gf whom has a 2nd upper class honours and me only a diploma but then she can still ask u the dumbest questions in life .... hmmmm
are they really that stupid or trying to act as a bimbo !!!! :rolleyes:
thats woman kind, no matter what education background, it still doesn't change 1 fact and that is they are WOMAN ..... urgghhh

That's the problem with women, it is not that they are brainless but simply use only partial of it. My friend got his new flat, wife to be went shopping one day, saw a sofa set, without discussing pay the deposit and case close. My friend found out, check the measurements and found the length of the sofa covers half the bedroom entrance. I laugh my heads off on this, in the end have to settle for something else from the same shop. Education does not make a difference........... :D

16-10-2004, 09:16 AM
A common thread I have found about women is that women are very "smart" about money when the price of any goods or services is below $100. However, they lose all sense of monetary judgement the moment the value starts to climb!
Example 1 - "Why you buy the shampoo at this store, the other store (in another corner of SIngapore) cheaper by 20cents!" but she will - "I sign hair treatment package for $600 (notice no sign of comparing or looking for cheaper alternatives!)"
Example 2 - "Why u anyhow spend money on computer games (X-BOX games est $55 per game)" but "I bought this new handbag from GSS CHEAP sale at DIOR for $1,200 - original price was $2,000" (WTF, I wonder who anyhow spends!)
I have many more gripes and examples and too many to mention, but I will simply say that most women are penny wise pound foolish!
Nuf' said.

16-10-2004, 09:28 AM
Ha ha ha!! My sentiments exactly.

In supermarket
GF: Why you buy so many junk food? Waste money.....
ME: No... some yogurt, peanuts, fruits and some drinks only. All these less than $20.....
GF: Up to you lor......
Later after paying
GF:Come, let's have japanese food, I want sashimi!!!
ME : (Eyes open big big) I buy less than $20, your one meal cost more than $50!!!!
GF: Where got? Only once in a while only what......
ME: Yah....Once every 3 days....... :o

16-10-2004, 11:38 AM
That's the problem with women, it is not that they are brainless but simply use only partial of it. My friend got his new flat, wife to be went shopping one day, saw a sofa set, without discussing pay the deposit and case close. My friend found out, check the measurements and found the length of the sofa covers half the bedroom entrance. I laugh my heads off on this, in the end have to settle for something else from the same shop. Education does not make a difference........... :D

agreed absolutely, wonder where did their brain go to .........

with respect to dimensions, they are totally clueless. the only dimension that they are well verse are their vital stats and their own cup size.........

but then again when have our own children 1 day, education does make a difference if i wanna groom my next generation ...........

16-10-2004, 11:41 AM
Example 1 - "Why you buy the shampoo at this store, the other store (in another corner of SIngapore) cheaper by 20cents!" but she will - "I sign hair treatment package for $600 (notice no sign of comparing or looking for cheaper alternatives!)"

agreed absolutely, my ex-gf likes to go to a certain shop in toa payoh to buy her basic neccesities because its so much cheaper but they never think about the time and effort to get there and worst of all ..... labour exploitation ... we have to help them carry ........ urghhhhhhhhhhhh

16-10-2004, 12:05 PM
Having read through the thread, it is obvious why we fall for the KC trap of the PRC mei mei and Thai khunying. These girls are usually so agreeable and submissive that our egos just get boosted up. The good sex is just starters...

16-10-2004, 04:29 PM
Got this from another thread:
Love - No reasons needed
Lady: Why do you like me..? Why do you love me?
Man: I can't tell the reason.. but I really like you..
Lady: You can't even tell me the reason... how can you say you like me? How can you say you love me?
Man: I really don't know the reason, but I can prove that I love you.
Lady: Proof? No! I want you to tell me the reason. My friend's boyfriend can tell her why he loves her but not you!
Man: Ok..ok!!! Erm... because you are beautiful,because your voice is sweet,because you are caring, because you are loving, because you are thoughtful, because of your smile, because of your every movements. The lady felt very satisfied with the man's answer.

Unfortunately, a few days later, the Lady met with an accident and was in a comma. The guy then placed a letter by her side, and here is the content:

Darling, Because of your sweet voice that I love you... Now can you talk? No! Therefore I cannot love you. Because of your care and concern that I like you.. Now that you cannot show them, therefore I cannot love you. Because of your smile, because of your every movements that I love you.. Now can you smile? Now can you move? No, therefore I cannot love you... If love needs a reason, like now, there is no reason for me to love you anymore.

Do love need a reason? NO! Therefore, I still love you...And love doesn't need a reason"

Sometimes the best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, cannot be touched, but can only be felt in the heart.....

18-10-2004, 10:49 AM
agreed absolutely, my ex-gf likes to go to a certain shop in toa payoh to buy her basic neccesities because its so much cheaper but they never think about the time and effort to get there and worst of all ..... labour exploitation ... we have to help them carry ........ urghhhhhhhhhhhh

Indeed, save a few tens of cents there and spent dollars in transportation and time wasting. Maybe they just love going somewhere big supermarket for shopping. Must ask them to buy more at one go so to reduced the no. of trips. For me, suffer once big time better than to go many times. Better still, up the ante and keep buying so that there will be too much for both of us to carry and the muscles aches for them the next few days will deter them from going again next time when she see the ads in the papers again.

18-10-2004, 10:57 AM
Indeed, save a few tens of cents there and spent dollars in transportation and time wasting. Maybe they just love going somewhere big supermarket for shopping. Must ask them to buy more at one go so to reduced the no. of trips. For me, suffer once big time better than to go many times. Better still, up the ante and keep buying so that there will be too much for both of us to carry and the muscles aches for them the next few days will deter them from going again next time when she see the ads in the papers again.

its the same shit with shopping .... they just dun understand time is better spend elsewhere than walking up and down orchard for hours just to compare prices and shop aimlessly just to find something to buy ....

go and we get bored .... dun go we get fired .... haizzzzzz. :mad:

18-10-2004, 11:23 AM
Indeed, save a few tens of cents there and spent dollars in transportation and time wasting. Maybe they just love going somewhere big supermarket for shopping. Must ask them to buy more at one go so to reduced the no. of trips. For me, suffer once big time better than to go many times. Better still, up the ante and keep buying so that there will be too much for both of us to carry and the muscles aches for them the next few days will deter them from going again next time when she see the ads in the papers again.

This is still not too bad, at least the intention is to save. IMM Daiso has one of the biggest collection of plastic items (Boxes, containers,, cups etc) and per item at $2 and imagine she starts buying, end up paying $30 over dollars for platics items which we still can do without........ :o

18-10-2004, 11:27 AM
This is still not too bad, at least the intention is to save. IMM Daiso has one of the biggest collection of plastic items (Boxes, containers,, cups etc) and per item at $2 and imagine she starts buying, end up paying $30 over dollars for platics items which we still can do without........ :o

another big negative for the totally clueless woman kind....

18-10-2004, 12:58 PM
This is still not too bad, at least the intention is to save. IMM Daiso has one of the biggest collection of plastic items (Boxes, containers,, cups etc) and per item at $2 and imagine she starts buying, end up paying $30 over dollars for platics items which we still can do without........ :o

Some time, ask them why 12 buy that for...she cannot answer, then not happy say dun 12 buy anymore. Make them think and make sense but not happy... sometime keep quiet better as long as they dun go overboard...

18-10-2004, 01:40 PM
Some time, ask them why 12 buy that for...she cannot answer, then not happy say dun 12 buy anymore. Make them think and make sense but not happy... sometime keep quiet better as long as they dun go overboard...
First you buy them jewelry to make them happy, then they will buy nice boxes for each piece of jewelry to keep them in. As the collections grew , they buy bigger boxes to keep them, then in order to keep the boxes in a neat manner, they request for a cabinet or cupboard something like that. You gave them these, they'll find the empty spaces in the cabinets ugly, hence they'll buy similar boxes to fill them up, then they ask for more jewelry to fill up the boxes and the cycle starts again.......... :D :o

18-10-2004, 01:47 PM
This weekend was a classic for me. Wife just took delivery of her spanking new sports car (guess who paid!). After collecting the car, I suggested going down to Chrysler to look at Voyager MPV as I saw the sale they are having and was simply curious. Instant reply - "please lah, why you want to change car? Your car good enough so dun waste money! Cant you wait another 2 years before changing car?" - all this from someone who has changed 4 cars in 4 years!!! - Go figure.

18-10-2004, 01:57 PM
This weekend was a classic for me. Wife just took delivery of her spanking new sports car (guess who paid!). After collecting the car, I suggested going down to Chrysler to look at Voyager MPV as I saw the sale they are having and was simply curious. Instant reply - "please lah, why you want to change car? Your car good enough so dun waste money! Cant you wait another 2 years before changing car?" - all this from someone who has changed 4 cars in 4 years!!! - Go figure.

Really admired u guys......4 cars in 4 years....u mus be very very rich..... :o

18-10-2004, 02:11 PM
This weekend was a classic for me. Wife just took delivery of her spanking new sports car (guess who paid!). After collecting the car, I suggested going down to Chrysler to look at Voyager MPV as I saw the sale they are having and was simply curious. Instant reply - "please lah, why you want to change car? Your car good enough so dun waste money! Cant you wait another 2 years before changing car?" - all this from someone who has changed 4 cars in 4 years!!! - Go figure.

bro u damn rich man but to tell u how I feel, I felt women cannot be pampered too much, once pampered they will expect a YES from you everytime and once you try saying NO it's the end.

18-10-2004, 02:59 PM
Really admired u guys......4 cars in 4 years....u mus be very very rich..... :o
No lah, he's not rich lah, he is also just an employee, work for people also, drives a E240 for work, Lexus for golfing, RX8 when cheong. Lives in a small, miserable house (think Istana style) by itself with big empty useless space around. Irritating part is must drive up to the house from the main gate. Small masterbed room attach with a toilet comes with the tub, size of an olympic pool. Needless to say, one will get lost in the building once in a while and have to carry a walkie talkie to move around......Just a few points to note......

Well, afterall he is just an employee........ :D

18-10-2004, 04:22 PM
No lah, he's not rich lah, he is also just an employee, work for people also, drives a E240 for work, Lexus for golfing, RX8 when cheong. Lives in a small, miserable house (think Istana style) by itself with big empty useless space around. Irritating part is must drive up to the house from the main gate. Small masterbed room attach with a toilet comes with the tub, size of an olympic pool. Needless to say, one will get lost in the building once in a while and have to carry a walkie talkie to move around......Just a few points to note......

Well, afterall he is just an employee........ :D

wah !! by the description....think he is the president ....... :eek:

18-10-2004, 05:25 PM
wah !! by the description....think he is the president ....... :eek:

well he is just the chauffeur only thats y ......

18-10-2004, 06:17 PM
well he is just the chauffeur only thats y ......

In that case....I dun mind being a chauffer too..... :)

18-10-2004, 06:23 PM
In that case....I dun mind being a chauffer too..... :)

me too .......

18-10-2004, 08:01 PM
First you buy them jewelry to make them happy, then they will buy nice boxes for each piece of jewelry to keep them in. As the collections grew , they buy bigger boxes to keep them, then in order to keep the boxes in a neat manner, they request for a cabinet or cupboard something like that. You gave them these, they'll find the empty spaces in the cabinets ugly, hence they'll buy similar boxes to fill them up, then they ask for more jewelry to fill up the boxes and the cycle starts again.......... :D

Bro, u think that's bad? Did you know that according to women, diamonds shrink? First time buy one 0.1 carat........wow, they say big and nice. A few mths later, they say looks smaller now. Next go buy 0.5 carat....again, they say wow, very big. After a few mths, they will tell u that the 0.5 carat now looks small. Sigh.....why don't diamonds grow in size ah?......... :rolleyes:

19-10-2004, 04:57 AM
hahaha... if diamonds can gro then we poor guys will have more capital for chionging liao...

19-10-2004, 11:34 AM
hahaha... if diamonds can gro then we poor guys will have more capital for chionging liao...

used to be financial advisor and ask gers this question, u like your hubby to get u a $25,000 diamond ring which have no value when sell it or a $25,000 insurance policy ....

guess what the answer is the diamond ring .... woman !!!!

19-10-2004, 02:59 PM
to get u a $25,000 diamond ring which have no value when sell it or a $25,000 insurance policy ....

guess what the answer is the diamond ring .... woman !!!!

Maybe that gal love the hubby too much and dun want him to die. Maybe to her, $25K cannot take the place of the hubby. But a diamond will do for now..

19-10-2004, 05:28 PM
used to be financial advisor and ask gers this question, u like your hubby to get u a $25,000 diamond ring which have no value when sell it or a $25,000 insurance policy ....
guess what the answer is the diamond ring .... woman !!!!
See, the diamond ring can show off, the husband cannot. Husband buy so her friends envy her, they like these kinda "I have you dont have" mentality....... :D

19-10-2004, 06:09 PM
See, the diamond ring can show off, the husband cannot. Husband buy so her friends envy her, they like these kinda "I have you dont have" mentality....... :D

remeber once i bought my ex a small diamond ring think it was a 0.18 carat cos i miss her while she went away on holiday .....

not long later, her friend's bf proposed to her with a diamond ring, guess what she told me ...." the diamond u gave me bigger than my friend's proposal ring" ... like that if get married i keen jam liao ....

19-10-2004, 06:31 PM
remeber once i bought my ex a small diamond ring think it was a 0.18 carat cos i miss her while she went away on holiday .....
not long later, her friend's bf proposed to her with a diamond ring, guess what she told me ...." the diamond u gave me bigger than my friend's proposal ring" ... like that if get married i keen jam liao ....
0.18 carat still affordable, kanna the friend BF spoil maket type start with 0.3 carat and above, you better start fasting for 6 months minimum. :D

Five Stone
19-10-2004, 06:34 PM
not long later, her friend's bf proposed to her with a diamond ring, guess what she told me ...." the diamond u gave me bigger than my friend's proposal ring" ... like that if get married i keen jam liao ....
The thing about gals nowadays is that how much you love her is guage be the carats of the diamond, it can only gets bigger....... :D

19-10-2004, 07:00 PM
0.18 carat still affordable, kanna the friend BF spoil maket type start with 0.3 carat and above, you better start fasting for 6 months minimum. :D

that thingy cost me $1,000 plus still ok because i did not buy a low grade one .... and it was the start of the diamond craze and so prices are still high... :(

20-10-2004, 08:37 AM
that thingy cost me $1,000 plus still ok because i did not buy a low grade one .... and it was the start of the diamond craze and so prices are still high... :(
I suppose the diamond ring is now gone with the wind........ :o

20-10-2004, 10:03 AM
I suppose the diamond ring is now gone with the wind........ :o

It think it should be "gone with the gal".

To me, buying her a diamond ring to ask for her hand is acceptable as it is a one time affair. But if she is someone who likes collecting diamond as a hobby. I run first. :p

20-10-2004, 10:14 AM
See, the diamond ring can show off, the husband cannot. Husband buy so her friends envy her, they like these kinda "I have you dont have" mentality....... :D

Nowadays, it has become worst. It's like "What you have, I have more". Lucky my wife not that bad. If not, even if I go on fasting also CMI man.

Just a few days ago, my fren told me about what his wife wanted. He already heavily in debts to credit card companies, but his wife wants to go on a holiday to Europe. When he say they don't have the money to go, know what she said? Ask him to go apply for another card. When he say, they can't afford to continue paying off the credit card companies, she started blaming him for not earning enough.

Funny thing is whenever he says he needs to work late or on weekends, she turn around and say all he cares is his work.



20-10-2004, 10:18 AM
It think it should be "gone with the gal".

To me, buying her a diamond ring to ask for her hand is acceptable as it is a one time affair. But if she is someone who likes collecting diamond as a hobby. I run first. :p

Hahaha, bro let me tell you this, many women's attraction with diamonds start with that proposal ring.

You propose with a 0.1 carat one. She happy and accept. You both end up happily married. Down the road, she starts comparing with her other frens and found that someone owns a 0.3. Now she wants a bigger one. It goes on and on.

Therefore, my advice, propose with the ring from the can drinks......kekeke


20-10-2004, 10:43 AM
Hahaha, bro let me tell you this, many women's attraction with diamonds start with that proposal ring.
......Therefore, my advice, propose with the ring from the can drinks......kekeke

Cannot lah, like that she won't marry me. Maybe she will ask me to go screw the can instead. :p

20-10-2004, 11:34 AM
Just a few days ago, my fren told me about what his wife wanted. He already heavily in debts to credit card companies, but his wife wants to go on a holiday to Europe. When he say they don't have the money to go, know what she said? Ask him to go apply for another card. When he say, they can't afford to continue paying off the credit card companies, she started blaming him for not earning enough.
Funny thing is whenever he says he needs to work late or on weekends, she turn around and say all he cares is his work.
Women! :rolleyes:
Wah!!! This kind of wife quite scary leh. Your friend married for long? Wife working? If wife work, she has to do her part as well also. Want this want that, can.....Pay also lor. Why? Just because can afford then all on him? Ie me, I'll tell her I'll give her some pocket money she go herself, or else choose another destination. :p

20-10-2004, 11:41 AM
Cannot lah, like that she won't marry me. Maybe she will ask me to go screw the can instead. :p
Tell her choose between the ring or the wedding photo/gown package..... :D

20-10-2004, 11:52 AM
Wah!!! This kind of wife quite scary leh. Your friend married for long? Wife working? If wife work, she has to do her part as well also. Want this want that, can.....Pay also lor. Why? Just because can afford then all on him? Ie me, I'll tell her I'll give her some pocket money she go herself, or else choose another destination. :p

Wah lau eh! Kenna this kind of wife sure die lah ... Owe credit card companies but wife still insist on expensive holidays, and ask huby to apply for more credit; is a one way ticket to the classifieds notices section under Petition for bankruptcy!
I dunno about the rest of the guys but when I went for a month long holiday in the US in the beginning of the year with my wife, I made sure she helped foot the bill! In fact, I personally think that a healthy relationship between husband and wife should include sharing the $$$ responsiilities. In fact, I often do get my wife to pay the bills just so that she understands that it is not a one way street in our family.
I had a friend who made a huge mistake marrying a girl who did nothing but spend his moeny n their wedding almost bankrupted him. In the end, the bitch made him wear "green hat" because the other guy she met had more moeny to lavish on her and they divorced within 7 months of marriage...

20-10-2004, 02:40 PM
Wah!!! This kind of wife quite scary leh. Your friend married for long? Wife working? If wife work, she has to do her part as well also. Want this want that, can.....Pay also lor. Why? Just because can afford then all on him? Ie me, I'll tell her I'll give her some pocket money she go herself, or else choose another destination. :p

Bro, they married for about 5 years liao. Yes, she is working and that's the problem. She starts comparing him to those guys in her office. However, I know that she spend her salary on her own things and expect him to pay for all the other bills. Every now and then keep wanting him to buy this or that. I am incline to believe she is making him wear a green hat liao. But love is blind. He just keeps trying to work harder and harder to earn more for her.

I told him long ago to dump her. He can't bear to. Don't know is it her pussy make of gold or what. I really pity him.........sigh


20-10-2004, 03:23 PM
Bro, they married for about 5 years liao. Yes, she is working and that's the problem. She starts comparing him to those guys in her office. However, I know that she spend her salary on her own things and expect him to pay for all the other bills. Every now and then keep wanting him to buy this or that. I am incline to believe she is making him wear a green hat liao. I told him long ago to dump her. He can't bear to. Don't know is it her pussy make of gold or what. I really pity him.........sigh
That's the problem when the wifey gets to compare with so and so, this is the begining of never ending trouble. What all so called "love" in this marriage now. Honestly if your friend is doning fine and early thirties, best time to seek for a new companion...... :D

Five Stone
21-10-2004, 11:28 AM
Bro, they married for about 5 years liao. Yes, she is working and that's the problem. She starts comparing him to those guys in her office. However, I know that she spend her salary on her own things and expect him to pay for all the other bills. He just keeps trying to work harder and harder to earn more for her.
I told him long ago to dump her. He can't bear to. Don't know is it her pussy make of gold or what. I really pity him.........sigh :(
Love may be blind but at the end of the day, he needs to face reality. Marriage is about sharing, going thru thick and thin, not simply accepting and receiving. If she thinks she got a long term ticket, then it is a big mistake. Nowadays living standard does not allow one to sit home and be Tai Tai, what you wnat, you work for it. After I heard what you said, I pity him too. :o

21-10-2004, 11:35 AM
Husband Mart

A store called Husband-Mart, which sells husbands, had just opened where a woman can go to choose a husband from among many men.

Comprising 6 floors, the men were placed such that they increase in
positive attributes as the shopper ascends each floor. There was, however, a catch. As you open the door to any floor you may choose a man from that floor, but if you go up a floor, you cannot go back down, except to exit the building.

So this woman goes to Husband-Mart to look for a husband. On the first
floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1 - These men have jobs.
The woman reads the sign and says to herself, "Well, that's better than
my last boyfriend, but I wonder what's further up?" So up she goes.

The second floor sign reads:
Floor 2 - These men have jobs and love kids.
The woman remarks to herself, "That's great, but I wonder what's further up?" And up she goes again.

The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love kids and are extremely good looking.
"Hmmm, better" she says. "But I wonder what's upstairs?"

The fourth floor sign reads:
Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking and help with the housework. "Wow!" exclaims the woman, "very tempting. BUT, there must be more further up!" And again she heads up another flight.

The fifth floor sign reads:
Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking,
help with the housework and have a strong romantic streak. "Oh, mercy me! But just think... what must be awaiting me further on?"

So up to the sixth floor she goes.
The sixth floor sign reads:
Floor 6 - You are Visitor No. 3,456,789,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please.

Thank you for shopping at Husband-Mart and have a nice day.

21-10-2004, 11:36 AM
Here's some WORDS WOMEN USE, and what they actually mean...

This is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up. Never use "fine" to describe how a woman looks -- this will cause you to have one of those arguments.

This is half an hour. It is equivalent to the five minutes that your football game is going to last before you take out the trash, so it's an even trade.

This means "something," and you should be on your toes.
"Nothing" is usually used to describe the feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside out, upside down, and backwards. "Nothing" usually signifies an argument that will last "Five Minutes" and end with "Fine"

GO AHEAD ( With Raised Eyebrows! )
This is a dare. One that will result in a woman getting upset over "Nothing" and will end with the word "Fine"

GO AHEAD (Normal Eyebrows).
This means "I give up" or "do what you want because I don't care" You will get a "Raised Eyebrow Go Ahead" in just a few minutes, followed by "Nothing" and "Fine" and she will talk to you in about "Five Minutes" when she cools off.

This is not actually a word, but is a nonverbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot at that moment, and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing"

Again, not a word, but a nonverbal statement. "Soft Sighs" mean that she is content. Your best bet is to not move or breathe, and she will stay content.

This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before paying you back for whatever it is that you have done. "That's Okay" is often used with the word "Fine" and in conjunction with a "Raised Eyebrow."

At some point in the near future, you are going to be in some mighty big trouble.

This is not a statement, it is an offer. A woman is giving you the chance to come up with whatever excuse or reason you have for doing whatever it is that you have done. You have a fair chance with the truth, so be careful and you shouldn't get a "That's Okay"

A woman is thanking you. Do not faint. Just say, "You're welcome."

This is much different from "Thanks." A woman will say, "Thanks A Lot" when she is really ticked off at you. It signifies that you have offended her in some callous way, and will be followed by the "Loud Sigh." Be careful not to ask what is wrong after the "Loud Sigh," as she will only tell you "Nothing"

Five Stone
21-10-2004, 11:37 AM
[QUOTE=foolishJust a few days ago, my fren told me about what his wife wanted. He already heavily in debts to credit card companies, but his wife wants to go on a holiday to Europe. When he say they don't have the money to go, know what she said? Ask him to go apply for another card. When he say, they can't afford to continue paying off the credit card companies, she started blaming him for not earning enough.
With all due respect, does the wife knows his financial situation, if yes then the more I despise her, I will never let my woman say such things to me. If she so 'kiang' then please be my guest and tour the world for all I care, buy the diamonds bigger than her boobs if she likes but please do not come around and insult me. I may not be raking in big bucks but still I am earning an honest living. :cool:

21-10-2004, 01:24 PM
Wah lau eh! Kenna this kind of wife sure die lah ... Owe credit card companies but wife still insist on expensive holidays, and ask huby to apply for more credit; is a one way ticket to the classifieds notices section under Petition for bankruptcy!
I dunno about the rest of the guys but when I went for a month long holiday in the US in the beginning of the year with my wife, I made sure she helped foot the bill! In fact, I personally think that a healthy relationship between husband and wife should include sharing the $$$ responsiilities. In fact, I often do get my wife to pay the bills just so that she understands that it is not a one way street in our family.
I had a friend who made a huge mistake marrying a girl who did nothing but spend his moeny n their wedding almost bankrupted him. In the end, the bitch made him wear "green hat" because the other guy she met had more moeny to lavish on her and they divorced within 7 months of marriage...

Agreed on the statement :
a healthy relationship between husband and wife should include sharing the $$$ responsiilities

especially in Sg where it is very hard to survive on a single income

21-10-2004, 04:07 PM
Agreed on the statement :
a healthy relationship between husband and wife should include sharing the $$$ responsiilities

especially in Sg where it is very hard to survive on a single income

Earn more pay more, earn lesser contribute lesser.
Have money out money, have strength out strength.
Both must do their part. Like this kind of partner than can consider to settle down with. ;)

Five Stone
22-10-2004, 09:47 AM
Agreed on the statement :
a healthy relationship between husband and wife should include sharing the $$$ responsiilities especially in Sg where it is very hard to survive on a single income
But one thing, we men must not take things for granted, we must chop in with our fair share of house work. ;)

22-10-2004, 01:47 PM
But one thing, we men must not take things for granted, we must chop in with our fair share of house work. ;)

well ... the problem with sg gals is that some dun need our money or us to be rich but we must be stable financially cos 1 day they might want to quit ....

having been self-employed for the last 8 years, i have little cpf and have no contribution to that stupid fund .... remember many gals say u have no cpf how to buy house ..... knn got cash cannot but meh must use cpf .....

i say "use your cpf" then their answer is "not fair" .....

what is it sia.. one way they want us to respect them as a modern woman and yet when come to money they are traditionalist .....

22-10-2004, 02:07 PM
i say "use your cpf" then their answer is "not fair" .....
what is it sia.. one way they want us to respect them as a modern woman and yet when come to money they are traditionalist .....
I think this can be solved easily, pay more cash up front hence lesser installment every month for her else offer to cover for renovation. If not maybe can top up cash to your CPF and split the installment 60-40 / 70-30 whatsoever. Better still if you are above 35, buy your own flat, ask her move in and help with daily expenses.
The main problem nowadays are relationship are pretty insecure and money plays a big part when it comes to marriage. No one wants to commit unless both parties commit. Sad but true........ :o

22-10-2004, 06:04 PM
i say "use your cpf" then their answer is "not fair" .....

Actually, if she is smarter, she should be willing to use her CPF.

Cos if she is the only paying party. Anything go wrong next time (*touch wood*)...divorce, the guy will not get a single cent from the sale of the flat (usually make some money especially if the flat was new or bought with grant given)

I won't mind using all my CPF thought.

Just what was she thinking....

22-10-2004, 06:30 PM
Actually, if she is smarter, she should be willing to use her CPF.

Cos if she is the only paying party. Anything go wrong next time (*touch wood*)...divorce, the guy will not get a single cent from the sale of the flat (usually make some money especially if the flat was new or bought with grant given)

I won't mind using all my CPF thought.

Just what was she thinking....

but then again .... there was a landmark case lately whereby the wife earn more than hubby and ask for alimony but then case was thrown out and she has to pay hubby instead .........

23-10-2004, 10:21 AM
but then again .... there was a landmark case lately whereby the wife earn more than hubby and ask for alimony but then case was thrown out and she has to pay hubby instead .........
This shows how greed can show a person's character, no matter man or woman.In the case she deserve it cos she jolly well knows she earns more than him yet has the cheek to ask for alimony. Like it or not, money has always bee a major part of relationship of marriage brealk down......... :o

23-10-2004, 11:25 AM
This shows how greed can show a person's character, no matter man or woman.In the case she deserve it cos she jolly well knows she earns more than him yet has the cheek to ask for alimony. Like it or not, money has always bee a major part of relationship of marriage brealk down......... :o

U still so active here....

23-10-2004, 11:49 AM
U still so active here....

knn ... every thread u go to u say the same thing trying to up your postings is it ......

23-10-2004, 12:16 PM
U still so active here....
No place to go mah, dont want to post in other bro's thread, wait kanna say hijack, so where've you been? :D

23-10-2004, 12:34 PM
knn ... every thread u go to u say the same thing trying to up your postings is it ......

Evert thread I go u also follow me.... knn waiting for my baseball bat??

23-10-2004, 12:37 PM
No place to go mah, dont want to post in other bro's thread, wait kanna say hijack, so where've you been? :D

Went oversea come back, go oversea n comeback .... Stepping in a boring land now...

23-10-2004, 02:07 PM
but then again .... there was a landmark case lately whereby the wife earn more than hubby and ask for alimony but then case was thrown out and she has to pay hubby instead .........

that's a good case. worth learning for us. :)

23-10-2004, 07:44 PM
From the straits times forum page today ......... points to ponder

Time for Singapore girl to play the 'little woman'

A FEW weeks back, I was intrigued when two male friends started lambasting the Singapore female and exalting the China girl.

'China girls are so pretty and have lower expectations,' said one. Added the other: 'Singapore girls are too demanding, they have a long list of expectations.'

Each glanced at me expectantly, as if waiting for me to put up an impassioned defence of the hard-to-please Singapore woman.

I half-smiled, waiting for the 'prawn-peeling' issue to surface. This was the mode of conversation I would have expected from 50-year-old single or slighted men, but coming from the mouths of 22-year-old boys with bright futures was a stunning revelation of the mindset of the young Singaporean male. Either they have no originality or Singapore girls are really too much to handle.

The news of the past two weeks confirmed the latter for me: Young 20-something men going to Bintan for cheap sex; 30-something men going to Vietnam for quick marriages. What is going on here?

I have been to Vietnam, and I love the place. The girls, true to form, are slim, tall and soft-spoken. Every word is punctuated with a smile, even when you are driving a hard bargain with them. Their speech is melodious, and they work hard without complaining, carrying loads of cloth and vegetables in the market stalls and food places. Simple, gentle and hardworking, it's hard not to fall in love with them.

So too are Malaysian girls. Having friends who are dating these girls, I have observed that they are generally of the 'saccharine' variety. Neither loud nor argumentative, they pander to the boys' needs. Not as doormats, but as cheerful assistants, who see it as their obligation to help their men without expecting anything in return. Not that they are stupid - oh, no, the Malaysian girls I know are smart and hardworking, with careers of their own. But when it comes to matters of the heart, they play the docile, giggly girlfriend with as much aplomb as their Viet counterparts. Again, it's easy to see where their attraction lies.

I cannot comment on the Chinese girls or the girls from Bintan, but I can contrast the Malaysian and Vietnamese girls I know with Singapore girls. We are, generally, extremely driven by ideals and emotions. In an argument, the Singapore girl is twice as likely as her Malaysian or Vietnamese counterpart to stride away in a huff or throw water on the male's face or hold a public screaming or crying fit.

Not for this girl are soft, barely audible replies. The Singapore girl debates and argues impassionedly. She wants to win at all costs and treats her love conquests like those fought in the office arena. She may be pretty, yes, smart, yes, but, oh, so demanding.

The Singapore girl, in short, is a challenge to love. Although she may, at the end of the day, be a supportive and faithful spouse, the barbs hiding her soft interior are daunting to the suitor.

She is materialistic, and loves being so. Shopping is a major hobby, and looking good is absolutely essential. The man is but another accessory, a helper, chauffeur, bag carrier.

Her girlfriends egg her on, smiling at one friend as her boyfriend picks her up after class each day and cheering the girl who unceremoniously dumps her cheating boyfriend in the middle of the road.

Girl power, we think unanimously. We are not going to be one of those docile wives who nod their heads and cook for you at the slightest command. We are not going to have wool pulled over our eyes by your romantic nonsense. No way. We are women of the new age, liberal, free and... single?

Somehow the whole idea of women's liberation in Singapore seems to have come at the expense of our love lives. We have assimilated Western role models of strong women without taking into account the men that are alongside us.

I have no answers, short of comforting Singapore women with the fact that pets make quite good companions.

However, for the sake of government procreation policies, I think it's imperative that a compromise be struck between the Singapore woman and man, before the Singapore born and bred woman becomes a relic of the past.

I remember an interview years ago in which a prominent local host, very much an image of the career-driven Singapore woman, said that with her then boyfriend, she played the role of the 'little woman'. Perhaps therein lies the secret weapon that Singapore women need to cultivate: a softer un-barbed personality for matters of the heart.

Wong Mei Xuan (Miss)

24-10-2004, 11:31 AM
SG gers are being slowly being forced down the food chain by our neighbouring countries' imports. they cannot compete with the china women, viets and for a long time, they have been losing serious ground to the malaysians. previously, marrying a sg ger would have been the norm as the others would have been considered as "of lower class". in other words, the guy is a loser not to be worthy enough of a sg wife. however, a lot of people would have figured out by now that sg women are just not worth the trouble.

it is difficult for them to swallow this bitter pill and they start to blame men for not having enough confidence to be with them. what they fail to see is that sg gers have to ask themselves "what's in it for the sg men to fall for me rather than the viet girls who are more submissive, the china girls who are more "sai nai", the m'sian girls who are more supportive and understanding, etc?" they must find this niche and make it irresistable to sg men. trust me to say that sg gers don't think this is their problem. :eek:

however, i have to agree that not all sg gers are bad on a whole, but the outside influence that caused them to behave such. be very careful of who they mix with. my personal experience with my ex-gf, her married lady friend was getting a divorce and at the same time, became some guy's mistress. needless to say, a lot of sub cards which her hubby couldn't provide. so she spent like mad, as she was never given the chance to buy with reckless abandon.

my ex's eyes got "red" and I was clearing my cards like mad every single month. imagine the service staff knew my name when i stepped into gucci paragon. moreover, she totally stopped work after a while and wanted our car for her sole daily use to do groceries, shopping, return and borrow drama serials. me, the one who had to work, took public transport.

within 2 months, she wiped out her savings and lived off my salary. luckily, i was doing well at that time, but i had to stop her from spending like before. that was when the sex stopped, cos she was sore about me curbing her spending habits. the problem with women, is that they do not know much about men. we could never really love a woman totally; we love ourselves more. if we can't get what we want, we would get it elsewhere. ktvs became my 2nd home. got to know this m'sian ger working there but sorry, no hanky panky with her at that time.

couldn't take it and broke up with my ex. she wanted the car to be given to her and paid in full. in the end, saboed me big time with some income tax issue and got fined really hard. when i was trying to borrow $ to settle this problem, as expected many "friends" avoided me like the plague and end up the m'sian girl took out her entire savings to help me get thru. I have since paid her back, last installment last month.

previously, with my pay, i was living without the worry of money not enough (of course not extravagently lah). but ktv 3 times a week was a norm. the viciousness of my ex was a surprise, whereby i found out later that it was under the instigation of her good friends and her new lawyer "golden tortoise".

have learnt a few lessons along the way, sg gers behave like that bcos we men are culprits of giving in to them. so,

lesson 1: no more sub cards, even the ger becomes my wife.

lesson 2: monitor closely who my gf/wife mixes with.

lesson 3: treat sg gers as equals to the viets, chinese, m'sian gers. no more giving more tips at ktv just bcos they are locals, unless they wear real gold plated panties and bra. this would certainly piss them off big time. think if all bros here start to do the same, their premium fucks would be wiped out in no time. why should i pay 400 for overnight, just bcos the are from sg when i can get it for 200 with our dear neighbours. somemore this one cannot, that one cannot. if they don't like it, they can go fuck themselves. soon enough, the girls on the streets would also come to feel it when our neighbours here start looking down on them as well.

sorry if people here feel that i have no right to say so much or being irrelevant. been pent up for 6 months without an avenue to vent my anger. imagine 6 months never go party liao. end of the month, i will come out of hiding and try and regain my "karaoke killer" status.

one last thing, the gf who is sg sabos u and the m'sian ktv girl comes to the rescue???? where is the logic hah? :confused:

25-10-2004, 11:08 AM
but then again .... there was a landmark case lately whereby the wife earn more than hubby and ask for alimony but then case was thrown out and she has to pay hubby instead .........

Dun know abt the actual story but, if she is working, dun need to seek money from him unless she has to bring up any child from the marriage.

25-10-2004, 11:09 AM
”Somehow the whole idea of women's liberation in Singapore seems to have come at the expense of our love lives. We have assimilated Western role models of strong women without taking into account the men that are alongside us.”

I love this line, this truly reflects the current situation in S’pore, women gets stronger, more independence at the expense of men but at the same time demand for the same amount if not more of attention, love, care regardless of our personal affection. :(

25-10-2004, 11:35 AM
The "liberated" SIngapore women is a paradox in itself. On one hand, she is strong, so-called career minded, self sufficient, and independent women who is now the typical"cosmopolitan" lady which threathen our traditional male egos and assaults our male values. But this same "liberated" Singaporean women also wants - a) men to pay for as many things as possible, b) accuse us of not fulfilling our "manly duties" when we allow them to be "liberated women" (eg. asking them to change their own lightbulbs or other acts of female independence), c) play up the weaker sex card whenever possible when life's odds are stacked against their favor! So there lies the double standard between the same liberated Singapore female and her so-called traditional female half who emerges as and when it is convenient!
And now they find competition from their gentler cousins in the Northern regions, and they slag off the competition calling them "whores", "crows" and other names. But the fact remains, the competition is here to stay as they seem to fulfill the void that the "Cosmopolitan" women seem to have left empty in our male lives. Mainland Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, etc. women are no-lesser than Singaporean women - just smarter at appealing to our male egos. Tme will tell how this plays out, but I honestly feel that at the end of the day, there is still greatness and goodness amongst all our local ladies - they just have to come down to earth and know that they are not Carries Bradshaws (like in Sex N e city), whom I know many secretly admire!

25-10-2004, 03:01 PM
We, men without a doubt are naturally born skirt chasers; anything with a small, tight top or above knee length will warrant a second look from us. May it be ogle, scrutinize, stare, gawk, glance; these are simply natural reflexes, which are triggered by, in born generics actions reaction bio effect which we subconsciously having a hard time to adhere to.

Regardless of the nationality of the ladies, I do not foresee the peril of replacing our “Singapore made, Horning for egalitarianism, Insist on gentlemen treatment, Talk number one” ladies. In short, SHIT ladies. With all due respect, the liberation of their mind does not go hand in hand with their behaviors whereby choices given to us are simply “Yes” or “Ok”. The advance of their mentality have greatly surpass the manners in which they conduct; more often than not, leaving a sour aftertaste. Point is, men had succumb to the fact that this is the trend and allow the women to be in the driving seat, not because they do a better job but simply to avoid a pointless tongue of war. As time moves on, it leaves a significant disparity between the two sexes. It drains the vigor out of men and boosts the newfound belief of the women. This is the time where foreign talents move in to fill in the void left behind. Men are still flesh and blood nevertheless; we do yearn for the little bit extra romance, care and attention deep down our heart. In order not to jeopardize the heart felt relationship they spent years cultivating, they have to lead a double life. In the day, a hardworking and loving husband, then a man in mask trying to quench the lustful thirst when the sun don’t shine. All these done without anyone getting hurt or upset with their own hard earn money. One cannot totally attribute all responsibility to the man for things not granted when asked, things not work out when endeavored. It is always a vicious cycle, some things went wrong some time somewhere but not one person gives a hoot about. Like a Chinese saying;”Ice freezes three feet thick does not simply happen overnight.” ;)

25-10-2004, 03:07 PM
Like a Chinese saying;”Ice freezes three feet thick does not simply happen overnight.” ;)

good description! :)

25-10-2004, 05:07 PM
. Point is, men had succumb to the fact that this is the trend and allow the women to be in the driving seat, not because they do a better job but simply to avoid a pointless tongue of war. As time moves on, it leaves a significant disparity between the two sexes. It drains the vigor out of men and boosts the newfound belief of the women.

which is why we should not let them get away with their ploy.

however, easier said than done as they for one, have boundless stamina when it comes to arguments and most certainly a memory more powerful than we men can ever imagine. can't remember the last time i won an argument against the opposite sex.

Five Stone
27-10-2004, 08:29 AM
however, easier said than done as they for one, have boundless stamina when it comes to arguments and most certainly a memory more powerful than we men can ever imagine. can't remember the last time i won an argument against the opposite sex.
They practise the art of confusion to perfection, here you are telling her off on one thing but at the end, it became her who is ticking you off on some other thing. :D

27-10-2004, 09:37 AM
The "liberated" SIngapore women is a paradox in itself. On one hand, she is strong, so-called career minded, self sufficient, and independent women who is now the typical"cosmopolitan" lady which threathen our traditional male egos and assaults our male values. .... play up the weaker sex card whenever possible when life's odds are stacked against their favor! So there lies the double standard between the same liberated Singapore female and her so-called traditional female half who emerges as and when it is convenient!.... but I honestly feel that at the end of the day, there is still greatness and goodness amongst all our local ladies

They simply want the best of everything. Let them pursue their ideals. We carry on ours. ;)

Five Stone
27-10-2004, 10:33 AM
They simply want the best of everything. Let them pursue their ideals. We carry on ours. ;)
Easier said than done, somehow or other, you'll get drag into the turmoil. She goes shopping with friends, end of day ask to meet for dinner, little did I know I end up paying for hers and friend's dinner and sending her friends home who stay on the other end of the island................ :cool:

27-10-2004, 10:56 AM
Easier said than done, somehow or other, you'll get drag into the turmoil.

Was saying that the "liberated" SG women who wants the best of everything will keep searching for the man who can fulfill their requirements. Let them continue their. I will never bother to cross their path. I look for the less complicated ones who will appreciate me more for what i am today.

Then again, what we get end of day may not be what we were looking for. Cos ppl changes.

She goes shopping with friends, end of day ask to meet for dinner, little did I know I end up paying for hers and friend's dinner and sending her friends home who stay on the other end of the island................ :cool:

Once a while think still acceptable... too often... ask her to get a driving license and take over the wheels when in this kind of senerio. Off course gotta be tactical, tell her she must show her fren that she can drive. With their mentality, they will buy it. ;)

Five Stone
28-10-2004, 09:36 AM
Once a while think still acceptable... too often... ask her to get a driving license and take over the wheels when in this kind of senerio. Off course gotta be tactical, tell her she must show her fren that she can drive. With their mentality, they will buy it. ;)
Already having a hard time playing mind games with bosses and clients, after work still have to brainstorm in order not to offend the one who suppose to care and love you.......Life man, tell me about it. :cool:

28-10-2004, 12:01 PM
Already having a hard time playing mind games with bosses and clients, after work still have to brainstorm in order not to offend the one who suppose to care and love you.......Life man, tell me about it. :cool:

actually thats the only thing good about sg gals ...THEIR BIG NO BRAINER INTELLECT ..........

sometimes i like brawn but then again i am a man ..........sighhhhhhhhhh its tough to balance the 2 ........

read in allan pease book, whenever your gal complain or say anything about work or life ....just keep your mouth shut and listen ......never offer any solutions cos they are not into solutions just want to let go ........

28-10-2004, 04:08 PM
...read in allan pease book, whenever your gal complain or say anything about work or life ....just keep your mouth shut and listen ......never offer any solutions cos they are not into solutions just want to let go ........

Man (keep quiet)
Woman : Are you listening?

29-10-2004, 11:38 AM
Man (keep quiet)
Woman : Are you listening?
Fundamental elements in sustaining a relationship, never show that you are impatience, always let you her that you are listening attentively and the silence means that you are trying very hard to understand what she said and thinking for a solution for her. :D

29-10-2004, 11:44 AM
Fundamental elements in sustaining a relationship, never show that you are impatience, always let you her that you are listening attentively and the silence means that you are trying very hard to understand what she said and thinking for a solution for her. :D

that's the whole darn problem, man often think of solutions to problems but woman just wanna make up their quota of daily words to be said .......

so the best choice is to say "and then what happen" .... let her use up her daily quota of words and she will leave us alone ...... any soultion will be met with resistance....they will find their soultions out and we are just that as a punching bag of words.............

this is according to the book ....... much better than the mars & venus series .....

Five Stone
01-11-2004, 09:39 AM
so the best choice is to say "and then what happen" .... let her use up her daily quota of words and she will leave us alone ...... any soultion will be met with resistance....they will find their soultions out and we are just that as a punching bag of words.............

She is the one who wants to go out, she knows her HP low batt, she is the one who forgot to charge the night before and today's morning, she is the one who needs to call due to work. You are the "Ahmad", you have nothing to buy outside, you dont want to go out at all, you did remind her to charge HP, you got fxxk from her by reminding (nagging). Now on the way back home and you said:"I go buy 4D."

Her: Can you please be more considerate, I need to charge the HP, I am waiting for important calls. You know I am rushing and yet you must choose to waste some of my time............

In the end went home, never buy 4D. Read the evening paper..... KNNBCCB, number came out........ :o

01-11-2004, 03:50 PM
In the end went home, never buy 4D. Read the evening paper..... KNNBCCB, number came out........ :o

How much would you had won if you did buy?
Asking so as to plan corrective action for your heartache ;)

Five Stone
02-11-2004, 04:15 PM
How much would you had won if you did buy?
Asking so as to plan corrective action for your heartache ;)
5 Big 5 Small second Prize, you calculate for me............... :o

Five Stone
02-11-2004, 04:21 PM
Been reading thru some postings, seems that alot of bros are suffering at the hands of gals, not because of their no brainer acts but rather the way they lead their lives. Late nights, party when attached, running into sky high credit cards debts, liberate mentality but cry foul when things went wrong etc. Are Singaporean gals really like this?

02-11-2004, 04:26 PM
5 Big 5 Small second Prize, you calculate for me............... :o

Must tell me which prize you would had struck.. 1st,2nd,3rd,starter or consolation?

Five Stone
02-11-2004, 04:39 PM
Must tell me which prize you would had struck.. 1st,2nd,3rd,starter or consolation?
Bro, as I had said, second prize.

02-11-2004, 04:45 PM
Bro, as I had said, second prize.

5X1000 = 5000
5X2000 = 10000
Total = $15K.

A lot of $$$$.

Based on CAT150....you will have to bonk her 150 days to make up for the losses... :p

I had similar experience of lossing out $$ from potential football bets from Spools due the ny galk but no choice...lan...lan...like that.

BTW, did you tell her that abt you missing out from the $15K?

Five Stone
02-11-2004, 04:50 PM
BTW, did you tell her that abt you missing out from the $15K?
I show her the ticket (last week one) and tell her to collect money from Paradiz, she saw and compare to the results and was very happy, already planning what to buy, then I tell her that she can have all the money for herself. Her eyes open big big, mouth even bigger, and hug and kiss me. Then I tell her, just make sure she is able to collect the money........Then cold war for two days...... :D

02-11-2004, 05:13 PM
she saw and compare to the results and was very happy, already planning what to buy, then I tell her that she can have all the money for herself. Her eyes open big big, mouth even bigger, and hug and kiss me. Then I tell her, just make sure she is able to collect the money.....:D

Did you tell her it is because of her own wrong doing that you were not able to place the be in time? Like that she still want to sulks with you??? Wow..Kaozz!!! You have my sympathy but i really dun know what i will do if i were in your shoe..Anyway..you pretty cool to let her fall into dreamland.

Hahaha.... :)

02-11-2004, 10:50 PM
well ... the problem with sg gals is that some dun need our money or us to be rich but we must be stable financially cos 1 day they might want to quit ....

having been self-employed for the last 8 years, i have little cpf and have no contribution to that stupid fund .... remember many gals say u have no cpf how to buy house ..... knn got cash cannot but meh must use cpf .....

i say "use your cpf" then their answer is "not fair" .....

what is it sia.. one way they want us to respect them as a modern woman and yet when come to money they are traditionalist .....

I know what you mean. Being some employed means the greater freedom to manage one's financial resources and optimise financial obligations to the folks at Newton Road.

My parents used to blast me for doing contractual consultancy work, pointing out that no CPF means no money for house. I replied to them with the same line, "use money better mah."

Besides, money put in bonds still comes back faster into your wallet than the money in CPF. Money in CPF is almost like coins and notes embalmed and plastered deep in the crypts, only available for collection when one decides to stop breathing and become part of history.

Even the girl I got to know 3-4 years back was like yakking about how "useful" the money in CPF is. On the other side of the coin, why place 20% of your money earnings in CPF? Especially, if you can place it in forex time deposit (assuming you have some extra cash to park).

Liquidity does wonders, whereas the mere digits which appear on the CPF statement aren't crystalise, until and when one is of the legitimate and ripe age to realise them in real dollars and coins.

Next time when your female friends talk to you about CPF, tell them to ask CPF for money, if they need to borrow any. XD

The worst thing to happen is *touch wood* if your gf is one person easily motivated and enticed by mere neat slips of polymer paper.

Five Stone
03-11-2004, 08:20 AM
Anyway..you pretty cool to let her fall into dreamland.
Hahaha.... :)
Well, she only realize when I asked her to make sure can collect money. Anyway, over is over, no point ponder about it. ;)

03-11-2004, 09:47 AM
Well, she only realize when I asked her to make sure can collect money. Anyway, over is over, no point ponder about it. ;)

Thanks for sharing...i will make sure no one will hinder me to place bets in time in the future. ;)

03-11-2004, 10:30 AM
I know what you mean. Being some employed means the greater freedom to manage one's financial resources and optimise financial obligations to the folks at Newton Road.

Next time when your female friends talk to you about CPF, tell them to ask CPF for money, if they need to borrow any. XD

The worst thing to happen is *touch wood* if your gf is one person easily motivated and enticed by mere neat slips of polymer paper.

this is a sad case of social conditioning by the govt. the 5 C's remember ....

thats's what all our gals clamour for and they are the advocates for govt. policies......

03-11-2004, 12:27 PM
Na de bu huai.. nu de bu ai....(Guy not bad... girl not like).
Believe me.. this saying is very true.

bad does not mean you be unfaithful or ill-treat her.. more like you don't always give her what she wants... e.g. time, talk.

Girls are pretty weird in a sense, no matter how strong or independent they want to show or really truly are...they need their man to be strong... in every sense of the word... but even more so is the character. Girls only maintain their love for men they can respect.( be it infinitely smarter, wiser, or powerful or patient)... girls need that. Thats why if you can show your girl 'who is the one who wears the pants in the relationship' (pardon the pun), she'll stick to you ah...

Guys who build his world and happiness around the girl or the relationship are making a big but understandable mistake...So guys must stand on their ground.

In the matter such as asking the ger if she wants noodle or something...
My preferred approach would be...
Me: Ahh GF.. what you want to eat?
GF: Don't know leh....
Me: Anything ok if don't know?
GF: Err... can't decide la so many choice
Me: Ok then i'm buying "blah blah blah" so i'll get the same for you if you can't decide... wait for me la.. i go get (Then i walk off and get it... no point waiting already)

After food have arrived
GF: Err... i actually don't feel like eating this ah..
Me: Okay. Too bad la... you can't decide. Next time you decide then won't have to eat things you don't feel like eating la ok?(continue eating)

(This places her a big yellow post it in her brain telling her.. if she don't decide, she'll probably not get to eat something she feels like, thus forcing her to decide and leaving you a breather )

Problem solved.

For clothes issue....
GF: Which you think nice? this black one or blue one?
Me: I think both also nice on you... but personally I prefer(CHoose the one i prefer)
GF: Hmm really?(Thinking about me saying both also nice so feeling good that she made two good choices out of the whole shop) But I think the blue one nicer leh...
Me: Well, like i said its a personal preference... i personally still prefer the (in this case) black one... (if you want to end it there, just go like..) It makes you look sexier rather than the blue one and besides you have lots of blue color already...

(Most cases, the girl will end the decision based on your insistence that your choice makes her look sexier in your eyes. This will add points to you and next time, she'll tell her gfs that she enjoys shopping with you becos the clothes you chose always make her look sexier and prettier...which effectively reduces your burden, and makes you more attractive amongst her gfs in the likely event you went out with the bunch of them.)

So the rule is... decide and insist for her.. becos if she could decide... she wouldn't have ask you. (Do you ever ask you gf which porno to download?!)
She'll respect you for that. But still carry it out it a gentlemanly way... not the violent, obligatory stare :D

My 20cents worth

04-11-2004, 11:59 AM
Girls are pretty weird in a sense, no matter how strong or independent they want to show or really truly are...they need their man to be strong... in every sense of the word... but even more so is the character. Girls only maintain their love for men they can respect.( be it infinitely smarter, wiser, or powerful or patient)... girls need that. Thats why if you can show your girl 'who is the one who wears the pants in the relationship' (pardon the pun), she'll stick to you ah...
My 20cents worth
Not all gals will react the same way, try it on some strong headed gals and it will backfire for sure, for they think they have the freedom of speech, choice to choose and no one can run their life for them. :)

05-11-2004, 10:54 AM
Diff methods works on diff gals...some not properly administrated will have undesired results

05-11-2004, 11:51 AM
Diff methods works on diff gals...some not properly administrated will have undesired results
Especially those who are well educated, talk about freedom, rights, high salary, senoir position etc........... ;)

05-11-2004, 02:20 PM
well said,well said.

Girls, or for that matter, women are perpetually imperceptible to the mind of a common man.

While this is generally true, understanding and ability to grasp the needs of a women is genuinely beyond the intellectual ability and emotional capacities of the male species, however much women claim the simplicity of their socio emotional intellectual processes.

Their propensities for materialism is so apparent that even the blind can see.

The irony is that women is just another evil which man has to live with, just like the famous drinkable bactria based solution ... "vitagen".

My point of view is, regardless of whichever "char bo" one would like want to be with, his patience and willingness to yield, compromise and accomodate will determine the shelf life of the relationship. Whilst all the talk about "till death do us apart" is nothing more than mere flowery elaborated disguise of the honest truth that all relationships/marriages end up, in some way or another, becoming like a socio-emotional contract for the satisfaction of wants and desires.

Girls, ladies and, for that matter, aunties have this unusual tendency to proclaim their undying love for whoever they love. Far too often, this is only a half truth of what they truly desire. Being creatures of flesh and blood, love is only but a state of mind. When hardship strikes, how many of these females will stay?

Where hardship is beyond that which is perceived to be fair and acceptable, is it not true that divorces and breakups are easily the top few options considered? Where a guy earns anything less than what the female defines as acceptable or, for the matter of fact, elements constituting financial security or stability, is it not true (again) that most females would choose to look for other more eligible candidates?

In this day, declining birthrates are said to be jinxed by more ambitions younger working folks. Let us evaluate this other end of the spectrum, declining birthrates or, in my opinion, regression of population numerals is primarily due to the females' ever-so-legendary popular attitude of intolerance towards men of "lesser material endowments", despite the reality that earning less can be .... a personal choice.

If I have remembered correctly, girls like to lament about the lack of "good men". I say its pure nonsense and an outright insult to those who labour day and night struggling to ensure their families' daily 3 meals and have no time to entertain demanding young or even middle aged damsels of today.

Love is only a state of mind, whilst committment and responsibility is everything that makes a marriage and relationship work. It is not about spending money on expensive lunches and coffee. Some females I know of still think its a right to live off their guy friends' paychecks. I'm not against them or anything. The point is they don't know where and when to stop.

I can tolerate anything from con artists and backstabbers, but females who leech off guys are .... no friends of mine.

05-11-2004, 04:14 PM
Guys , i suggest we watch this show THE STEPFORD WIVES by Nicole Kidman. How i wish our wives are like the stepford wives ... all so submitting to their husband. Unfortunately this world is not like that :(

05-11-2004, 04:22 PM
Especially those who are well educated, talk about freedom, rights, high salary, senoir position etc........... ;)

this i can understand ...use to have a graduate gf whom asked if i mind that she is more educated .... i told her so what but i earn more money than you (which is true then) and i m f**king a graduate which boost my ego too ........

05-11-2004, 04:25 PM
Guys , i suggest we watch this show THE STEPFORD WIVES by Nicole Kidman. How i wish our wives are like the stepford wives ... all so submitting to their husband. Unfortunately this world is not like that

come to think of it, we men are also hard to please animals, or is it just me? :confused: i once had a gf who did not have much education and not very streetwise, so a bit naive. got bored (not very good at understanding what i was saying) and found another one who could stimulate me intellectually. then got played out by her big time. till now, still don't know what i want, so decided to stay single until enlightenment or death, whichever is earlier. :D

Five Stone
05-11-2004, 04:53 PM
this i can understand ...use to have a graduate gf whom asked if i mind that she is more educated .... i told her so what but i earn more money than you (which is true then) and i m f**king a graduate which boost my ego too ........
Hold a MBA or PHD so what, end of day still working for someone. Most important is the dough you get every month. :D

05-11-2004, 07:38 PM
Solution: Take advantage of them if they REALLY don't know when and where to stop! :D

gers are troubled, but wothout them we r more troubled

08-11-2004, 11:23 AM
Hold a MBA or PHD so what, end of day still working for someone. Most important is the dough you get every month. :D

End of day...$$$ is still a very important element in a relationship...esp here in S'pore. $$$ usually is the catalyst for a stormy relationship...we cannot do without them just like we cannot with gals..

Five Stone
10-11-2004, 12:55 PM
Having a problem, one of the gal wanna go for a holiday with me but very difficult to MIA for a few days without the knowledge of the other. Seems that she only wanna two of us together. So any way to siam? Honestly not too keen as well cos due to work. :o

10-11-2004, 01:11 PM
Having a problem, one of the gal wanna go for a holiday with me but very difficult to MIA for a few days without the knowledge of the other. Seems that she only wanna two of us together. So any way to siam? Honestly not too keen as well cos due to work. :o

The Usual stance will work.." Haiz.. need 2 go overseas.. my boss INSIST on me going with tis colleague.." the tricky part is to SATIFY both parties.. after u r bak.. bring the other overseas... den tell the previous one .." Haiz.. need 2 go overseas.. my boss INSIST on me going with tis colleague.."

Did tis many times.. somehow works.. but u must be alert.. ppl u might meet when overseas.. frenz.. frenz of frenz..

10-11-2004, 01:24 PM
The Usual stance will work.." Haiz.. need 2 go overseas.. my boss INSIST on me going with tis colleague.." the tricky part is to SATIFY both parties.. after u r bak.. bring the other overseas... den tell the previous one .." Haiz.. need 2 go overseas.. my boss INSIST on me going with tis colleague.."

Your method cannot work cos they knew each other....

10-11-2004, 01:26 PM
Having a problem, one of the gal wanna go for a holiday with me but very difficult to MIA for a few days without the knowledge of the other. Seems that she only wanna two of us together. So any way to siam? Honestly not too keen as well cos due to work. :o

Wow...finally one of them make the move oredi.....really dun know how to help you bluff your way thr. She will definitely suspect something if both of you go missing at the same time....But anyway, you not so keen right? Then tell her can't think of a way such that the other one will not know... ;)

Five Stone
10-11-2004, 02:18 PM
Wow...finally one of them make the move oredi.....really dun know how to help you bluff your way thr. She will definitely suspect something if both of you go missing at the same time....But anyway, you not so keen right? Then tell her can't think of a way such that the other one will not know... ;)
Really, dont know is it because of lust, I dont mind going with them together. Haha, not threesome lah but they are real good company. Feel like telling her to ask the other along as well if want to go. For me pretty simple, both of them are nice, I enjoy their company. The three of us did not cross the last "hurdle", not that we are unwilling but simply does not have the heart to in my case. Did one, sooner or later the other will know, then will have to do another one. Talk about feminine power, I might just end up as sex slave between the both of them. Yeah, I know sounds too good to be true, many love to be in my shoes but the liberation of mind for women is astounding nowadays. Wait till one gets the chance to hear their critics on some issues, it makes me wonder who is wearing the pants here. :o

Five Stone
10-11-2004, 02:21 PM
Did tis many times.. somehow works.. but u must be alert.. ppl u might meet when overseas.. frenz.. frenz of frenz..
The catch here is both gals knew each other, I try not to show any preference on any one of them, really, they are great company.

Thanks for your suggestion, will not work, firstly not enough leave to take, got leave also must 'beg' for approval. Secondly, pocket not deep enough for another of such shock though we go dutch most of the time. :p

19-11-2004, 11:26 AM
Well, just came back form a trip from BKK. After all the trysts, I really wonder what exactly is missing in the relationships and sentiments departments in Singapore. I’ve been in the company of different gals throughout the stay, physical or non-physical, for pleasure or business, all I can say is the feeling is very different from what I feel back in Singapore. How shall I put it, I guess it is still the matter of how my heart feels. It is not about the sex, for after numerous sessions, nothing thrills you anymore unless it is one of your fetish or dream coming true. It is about the experience, the time spent together and the way she treats you.

The best experience I’ve had came from a WL from Posiedon. Yes, I was there, nope I did not have her the first try, she was booked by someone else. I was there looking at her through the glass on the second floor. Nice, sweet look gal, with a figure to die for. That time still did not know much about her though, wanted to book her but decided to proceed to third floor for a quick look and when I am back, she is gone. Left high and dry and went for another gal. Thru this gal I managed to get her hand phone number. Called her about one am and had a hard time to explain and convince her to come to my hotel. She came about two plus and the rest is history. Perhaps she is well trained or maybe I am a sucker for good service, a little more than normal is enough to sweep me off my feet. No, not the sex I am referring to but rather the way she present herself, never glue herself to the TV, never talk about money, never ask for anything at all. Not even for water, not straight after sex go shower, tuck under blanket and good night, leaving you staring at the empty bed beside her. Instead it was, tender, loving, care all the way. Not a moment you are left by yourself, even when sleep, she chooses to cuddle up to you, wanting your arm under her and the other hugging her, gives you a little peck, pretends to bite you finger when you touch her face.

She looks simple, sweet when I open the door, I could even sense the shyness in her taut body. Comes in and sat by the bed looking at me and tried to talk to me, since the first time we met, asked her does she mind about me being a big size man. Well, she gestured that she does not mind and instead told me she like big guys because comfy to hug and she kneel down in front of me and hug me immediately. Asked her to get up and not to kneel but said is ok and continue to do so.

Morning came and is the day of my departure, she missed her morning class because of me, partially because I refused to let her leave and also she overlooked the time (we slept at about four am), there is no complaining or a sense of unhappiness. She washed up and helps me to pack my bags, neatly she folded my washed or soiled clothing, remind me of those in the cupboards and bits and pieces lying around. No, I did not ask her to. Yes, she did it willingly. I paid her well and she left.

To be continue……

19-11-2004, 12:03 PM
Typical shopping scene:-

GF : Dear, which colour nicer?
Me : Dunno
GF face start turning black and i remember about her saying i don care.
Me : erm..blue nicer...
GF : why?

WHY?!?! How the fuck i know why???

Typical picking her up when she not in my place:-

Me on handphone : Dear I am going to be there in an hour. Can get ready and don't be late again? Please?
GF : OK!! I get ready now.
Reach 1 hour later..no one around..call again.
Me : I am downstirs le...can come down?
GF : OK!!
30 minutes later, she comes down bright and cheerful like she strike Toto but my face is black le.
GF : Why you not happy to see me ah?
Me : Can you don't be late EVERYTIME?
GF : You knew i was like that before we went out now why you complaining??

Typical day after a hard day's work:-
GF : Dear you look so tired. Work very stress is it?
Me thinking : Wah finally someone to talk to after the crap then went through the day.
Me : Ya. Damn clients want this want that, change their mind last minute...
GF : Ya!! My boss also like dat!! Today she.....
In the end i spend 2 hours listening about her nitty gritty details in her office

Sometimes i really think get a foreign wife may not be a bad idea.....

19-11-2004, 03:49 PM
Well, just came back form a trip from BKK. After all the trysts, I really wonder what exactly is missing in the relationships and sentiments departments in Singapore.…

It is the kind of tender attention and great attitude that makes them stand out from majority (not all) of those in S'pore...

Think about it...we been missing out quite a lot in life... :(

19-11-2004, 03:57 PM
Typical shopping scene:-

really good bro.. the scenario is being described so vivdly by you.. superb!

19-11-2004, 04:01 PM
Typical shopping scene:-
Me : erm..blue nicer...
GF : why?
WHY?!?! How the fuck i know why???

Typical picking her up when she not in my place:-
Me : Can you don't be late EVERYTIME?
GF : You knew i was like that before we went out now why you complaining??

Typical day after a hard day's work:-
GF : Ya!! My boss also like dat!! Today she.....
In the end i spend 2 hours listening about her nitty gritty details in her office

Sometimes i really think get a foreign wife may not be a bad idea.....

Have someone like that...i rather die a lonely old man....

19-11-2004, 04:02 PM
It is the kind of tender attention and great attitude that makes them stand out from majority (not all) of those in S'pore...
Think about it...we been missing out quite a lot in life... :(

Still trying to come to term with the "ripple" effect......... :o

19-11-2004, 04:10 PM
Still trying to come to term with the "ripple" effect......... :o

urh...what "ripple" effect? Please enlighten me. :o

19-11-2004, 04:12 PM
urh...what "ripple" effect? Please enlighten me. :o
The trip to BKK lor, the post earlier lor, now cannot work lor.......... :o

19-11-2004, 04:18 PM
The trip to BKK lor, the post earlier lor, now cannot work lor..........

Oh...the emotional ripple... i was thinking you might had mean "nipple" instead...maybe bitten by someone...maybe by that gal... :p

Anyway...dun let your emotion run away too far...not meant to be wet blanket but after work...it's back to reality..some's-happy...other's-not-so world :(