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19-11-2004, 04:44 PM

Morning came and is the day of my departure, she missed her morning class because of me, partially because I refused to let her leave and also she overlooked the time (we slept at about four am), there is no complaining or a sense of unhappiness. She washed up and helps me to pack my bags, neatly she folded my washed or soiled clothing, remind me of those in the cupboards and bits and pieces lying around. No, I did not ask her to. Yes, she did it willingly. I paid her well and she left.

I am not too sure why I posted all these, what am I trying to drive at? I guess it is the sweet, demure kind of someone looking after you feelings still lingers on; you know you are in good hands. We all long for a caring and gentle girl to be with, long for something where we cannot judge by look but only when we venture into it, touch it, feel it and experience it. She does exude all the feelings I long for, like an aura surrounding her, simply irresistible and one feel so comfortable with her. Her soft and gentle approach makes you wanna protect her and look after her. Patience in her eyes tells you otherwise that she disagrees with you but will to question or challenge you. All her actions show that she does understand that she is not alone, she knows and understands your presence, paying sufficient attention to your needs and emotions. This is by far the best LT I’ve ever had.

Coming back to Singapore, I really wonder : Is it that we guys demand too much or simply education and western influence had totally change the concept of a woman being a woman? I still have problems coming to term these days with the attitude of a stipulating woman, who does not spare a thought for your feelings, reckless words piercing you heart where at times your pride and dignity are better left frozen in the fridge.

I mean there are good gals out there as well but when come to compare with the Thai gals I’ve met, seems they can’t hold a candle to them. Generally I feel the Thai gals seem to be submissive but that does not mean they are pushover. Main difference is that they know how to handle their man well; they know when to boost their ego and when to let go. As I said, they keep quiet does not mean that you are right but simply they do not want to start a fight but will not broad over the matter. Gals I’ve seen locally, seems to fit more in this Cantonese saying: ”Even if you fall down, you still wanna grab a handful of sand”. Meaning: she will not take the beating lying low even though she is the one at fault, she still wanna fight back with some absurd reasoning. Personally, I had seen too much of these happening to friends who ended as divorce or breaking up.

Guys had been taking a step backward once more than too often and hence cultivate the mindset of the gals to be more demanding; we had been pampering them too much. Gals took it in their stride and slowly things become a benchmark. Look at all the feminine magazines where some ‘champs’ fail in their marriage and claim to become happier and preaches female power……….Is this healthy, May I ask? Perhaps man used to be the dominating sex but slowly but surely tables had turned, this is for the good but I hope that woman does not over do it, when the rope gets tight, something is gonna snap.

19-11-2004, 05:14 PM
Continue........I am not too sure why I posted all these, what am I trying to drive at?.
You are getting sentimental or is it nostalgia?

Coming back to Singapore, I really wonder : Is it that we guys demand too much or simply education and western influence had totally change the concept of a woman being a woman?.
Is it because we had been pampered by the tenderness of the gals outside S'pore OR that those in S'pore had evolved at a pace we could not keep up...physcologically? I am dumbfolded as well.

I still have problems coming to term these days with the attitude of a stipulating woman, who does not spare a thought for your feelings, reckless words piercing you heart where at times your pride and dignity are better left frozen in the fridge.
Liverpool's Motto
You will never walk alone.
In short...you are not alone.

I mean there are good gals out there as well but when come to compare with the Thai gals I’ve met, seems they can’t hold a candle to them.
Saying goes..."interacting together easy...living together difficult"
As the short moment spent together is short...usually lasting from hours to perhaps a few days at most...we can't really get to see the real them. But generally...i feel they take care of their men well....some to the extend of working as WL to support their man...

Gals I’ve seen locally, seems to fit more in this Cantonese saying: ”Even if you fall down, you still wanna grab a handful of sand”. Meaning: she will not take the beating lying low even though she is the one at fault, she still wanna fight back with some absurd reasoning. Sometimes...emerging as a victor is seem as a must by them....Is victory esp in minor issues really that important? Perhaps i seem thr it's becasue I had mellowed and understood over the years

Personally, I had seen too much of these happening to friends who ended as divorce or breaking up
It is indeed a very stressful thing to happen.

Look at all the feminine magazines where some ‘champs’ fail in their marriage and claim to become happier and preaches female power….They simply can't say that they worse off right? It would be slapping their own face.

Perhaps man used to be the dominating sex but slowly but surely tables had turned, this is for the good but I hope that woman does not over do it, when the rope gets tight, something is gonna snap.
It had....with the many man looking for a partner on other shores.

19-11-2004, 07:13 PM
Girls? I'll tell u bros about my ex.
I treated her like a princess. Buy whatever for her, get her food, drinks, ask if the food is nice, then feed her with my own. Then, sometimes, when I'm tired or eating halfway, I'll ask her to get some soy sauce/chili for me. She would reply "go get ur own pls, what do u think I am?". I begged pls pls, I always get u things and her reply "ur problem I never ask u to get me".

Whenever we're out together, she'll be so quiet, I'll be the one cheering us up. I asked her to tell her dad about some problem since hes working on that department, she'll answer me "not my problem, pls don't tell me about it".
I'll tell her "it's not difficult to open ur mouth, im ur bf!" she replied "bf? So what?? U think ur jesus?"

Then on many occasions I'll tell her I'm treating you as an equal, I never see you as a gal or whatever. Why do you think I'm treating you badly? She'll reply "bullshit, i feel guys are so inferiour!" then proceeded to put this MSG in her MSN :gals and guys should never be equal - gals should be above, they are more the successful race.

Eh? Then finally broke with me, complained I treated her too badly. Example, when we're out, we walk past a shop, then blames me for not knowing she likes that. Or when she's at work, i sms-ed her, she would complain, are you blind?? I'm working for a deadline now! Or when I'm sick, she would tell me so what? There're people with worse cases! Whenever I get her vitamins, etc she would jut take it wihtout saying anyway. Still thinks I treated her bad, becauce her father said he 'observed' I'm cool to his daughter. Duh, of course, you're shy in front of parents!! but she listens to her father

When walking, I'd hold her hands, and when climbing stairs, I'd hold her stomach, treated her like procelaine glass and hugged her. I've done so much.. I really don't know how she thinks.

I'm around 6 feet, 60kg and muscular, she is 4feet 1 or less 56kg . BUt I've been told by her, I'm ugly, I'm skinny, I'm short, pimply faced, no gals would ever want me, hmm

Now I went back to studies, she broke with me, saying I'm poor, treated her badly, her dad doesnt like those. I got 6 gals chasing after me currently though, they never believed my story.

19-11-2004, 07:18 PM
Ohya I must add, at one time her life was in danger, I was on the lookout for her and told myself I'm going to die for her, if anything goes wrong. Then her father tells her I'm useless, doesn't concern have concern for his daughter, never feed her, well he base it on what he observe. Tells her there're way better ones, she listens too.
I don't know what can be more selfless and concerned than giving her my own life? But there're quite a lot of gals who fancies me in the past, but I stick to her, never once cheated.
Oh well, c'est la vie

20-11-2004, 08:48 AM
I'm around 6 feet, 60kg and muscular, she is 4feet 1 or less 56kg . BUt I've been told by her, I'm ugly, I'm skinny, I'm short, pimply faced, no gals would ever want me, hmm
Now I went back to studies, she broke with me, saying I'm poor, treated her badly, her dad doesnt like those. I got 6 gals chasing after me currently though, they never believed my story.
Anyway, it is over, you had moved on with your life and all else are in the past. Treat it as a lesson learnt, do cherish those around you now. :)

Five Stone
21-11-2004, 01:21 PM
Having a problem, one of the gal wanna go for a holiday with me but very difficult to MIA for a few days without the knowledge of the other. Seems that she only wanna two of us together. So any way to siam? Honestly not too keen as well cos due to work. :o
Finally came back from the holiday in one piece........ :D

21-11-2004, 03:22 PM
Girls? I'll tell u bros about my ex.

Now I went back to studies, she broke with me, saying I'm poor, treated her badly, her dad doesnt like those. I got 6 gals chasing after me currently though, they never believed my story.

huh she so kanasai why u never break up with her?!

21-11-2004, 06:41 PM
You are getting sentimental or is it nostalgia?

Is it because we had been pampered by the tenderness of the gals outside S'pore OR that those in S'pore had evolved at a pace we could not keep up...physcologically? I am dumbfolded as well.

Liverpool's Motto
You will never walk alone.
In short...you are not alone.

Most of every male who decided to continue breathing are facing the same issues. Ironically, the increasing "sophistication" of women folk has to mean the inevitability, if not eventuality, of rising materialistic demands and expectations.

While some of my m'sian colleagues (males) see it as their duty to meet up to these needs and expectations, I still view it as an endless episode, especially since the girls today deem it as a divine right to ask for more.

To put in this way, their mindsets go like, "if my ex can do it, so must you." sigh...

Saying goes..."interacting together easy...living together difficult"
As the short moment spent together is short...usually lasting from hours to perhaps a few days at most...we can't really get to see the real them. But generally...i feel they take care of their men well....some to the extend of working as WL to support their man...

The latter, unfortunately, is not a common social "phenomenon". On my end, I have witnessed lucky chaps who have endless queues of potential gfs outside their residence, literally. It would, certainly, come as an unlikely surprise that these are, in general, the guys who flirt a lot and still end up with the laugh laugh, and probably laughing all the way .... *cough* not to the bank but to their next secret rendezvous.

Relationships of today are commonly founded on the coincidental congruence of materialistic wants and desires. The unfortunate effect here is that it makes a lot more pointless to settle down, knowing at the back of your palm that the girls have dozens of options to play you out, even after signing on the dotted line at the ROM and regurgitating the "happily ever after" oath before the pastor at the cathedral.

To be cautious, as such, is only but a natural instinct to survive. Expectations didn't play that important a role, until such options (available exclusively to females) become so politically accessible and economically effective against the ... male species in recent times.

Sometimes...emerging as a victor is seem as a must by them....Is victory esp in minor issues really that important? Perhaps i seem thr it's becasue I had mellowed and understood over the years

It was pride that murdered man, rather than the ruthless bandit from shadows.

These days, I see it as a matter of little importance, yet my female colleague who is eligible enough to be addressed as an "auntie" would still view it as a legal politically right to challenge any issues worthy of doubt and including those not falling within the domain of doubt.

I learnt my lesson too. Better antagonise the rat than the woman. Some females don't know when to stop and how to stop their ... petty behaviour. I don't even remember any chapter in human history where females can wield such enormous inequitable political socio economic influence and power. Geeee..... make it Wu Zhe Tian of ancient China. Oh mine... Am I seeing mini-Wu Zhe Tian wannabes running amok in the streets.....

It is indeed a very stressful thing to happen.

They simply can't say that they worse off right? It would be slapping their own face.

Very very stressful. Female pride is a social epidemic. The same goes for the way they throw their weight around. Thankfully and unfortunately, its still a legitimate right for men to resort to break up and divorce.[/QUOTE]

It had....with the many man looking for a partner on other shores.

The females on this island have only them to blame. As men, we have every right to ... *cough* prospect for other more suitable, if not appropriate, options.

The problem with them is that, once you give in, they think its their privilege to chew you inside out. Sigh....

To them, I only have this unpleasant measure. ie, to flash my new plastic cards and complain to them that I don't have a loving and faithful gf and continue to turn down their dates everytime. Gotta love the look on their faces. :D

21-11-2004, 06:51 PM
come to think of it, we men are also hard to please animals, or is it just me? :confused: i once had a gf who did not have much education and not very streetwise, so a bit naive. got bored (not very good at understanding what i was saying) and found another one who could stimulate me intellectually. then got played out by her big time. till now, still don't know what i want, so decided to stay single until enlightenment or death, whichever is earlier. :D

Same here bro, except that I decided to stay alive and get my mum a nice bungalow overseas before I depart in unexpected sudden haste to meet the almighty. XD

21-11-2004, 07:02 PM
It is the kind of tender attention and great attitude that makes them stand out from majority (not all) of those in S'pore...

Think about it...we been missing out quite a lot in life... :(

Look at it this way. Without a bothersome gf, it means more money and time to spend on the stuff like toys and comics, before all of us become too old to go into a toy shop to have a look.

It also means that there is no need to bluff anyone, when going out to buy that brand new laptop or latest soccer collectible or even a new rally car (real one, I mean).

I can still remember that time when I was attached, I had to try all types of means and measures to bluff my ex before being able to head out for fun. Even after I could go head out, she would still haunt me with SMSes like "what to eat", "where to go" and "what to see". Sheesssshhhh.

My days with her was sheer horror and hell, with no time for myself to smell roses and *cough* see gorgeous sweet young damsels. She would always spoil my day with her mood swings. Once I thought I had the entire midnight to play videogames with my pal, she SMSed me non-stop on her nightmare.

Even when I fell asleep, I could still see images of her holding tight to my leg refusing to let me sleep in peace.

Thank goodness it ended. Must go pray. XD

22-11-2004, 08:57 AM
Finally came back from the holiday in one piece........ :D

Good. Anyway...the package was 2-to-go or 3-to-go?

22-11-2004, 09:02 AM
Good. Anyway...the package was 2-to-go or 3-to-go?

Wah come back, diam diam hor. Heehee :D

22-11-2004, 09:11 AM
Wah come back, diam diam hor. Heehee :D

Came on line on Fri noon but could not find you or Toma.
Guess you must had been busily celebrating BD right?

22-11-2004, 10:51 AM
Even when I fell asleep, I could still see images of her holding tight to my leg refusing to let me sleep in peace.
Thank goodness it ended. Must go pray. XD
Muah hahahahahha.......You did it! This is better than tickling my balls, vivid images of being young and single still linger on deep inside my heart. Been wanting to get that comic series for ages but seems that never been able to fork out a single valid reason to cover my tracks. Yes we "kheng" but they aren't no fools either. Perhaps this is what we called "Evolutions"!!! :D

22-11-2004, 10:52 AM
Good. Anyway...the package was 2-to-go or 3-to-go?
You keen to join iszit?? Next time ask 5 Stone to jio you also lor. :D

22-11-2004, 11:17 AM
You keen to join iszit?? Next time ask 5 Stone to jio you also lor. :D

Nope thanks! Dun wanna. It was becasue 5 Stone was saying that A wanted him to go -just the 2 of them but was worried that B will know eventually...so i kaypo as usual to ask?

SIA have a lot of 4-to-go packages...maybe you can consider :p

22-11-2004, 11:41 AM
Gers are still gers......

Actions speaks louder than words, let this thread be the place for all brothers who have to endure all the hysterical and hilarious antics who our loved ones perform on certain occasions to perfection without the slightest hesitation which caused agitation and leads to confrontation and ends without a conclusion.

ME : What do you want to eat??
GF : Anything will do......
ME : Ok, chicken rice then.
GF : But I don't feel like having rice leh....
ME : Ok, mee goreng then.....
GF : Don't want, too oily.....
ME : Fishball noddle soup....
GF : Yeeeee...So plain....
ME : Then what you want???
GF : Anything lor....... :rolleyes:

According to a medical report, a Ger's decision faculty is somewhat more complexed than that of a guy. A lot of 'what-ifs' but apparently, it goes into an eternal loop with no clear conclusion. :cool:


22-11-2004, 02:17 PM
Nope thanks! Dun wanna. It was becasue 5 Stone was saying that A wanted him to go -just the 2 of them but was worried that B will know eventually...so i kaypo as usual to ask?

SIA have a lot of 4-to-go packages...maybe you can consider :p
How about you and me together, find another 2 more, just nice 4? :D

22-11-2004, 02:19 PM
According to a medical report, a Ger's decision faculty is somewhat more complexed than that of a guy. A lot of 'what-ifs' but apparently, it goes into an eternal loop with no clear conclusion. :cool:
Bro, you're back, long time no see, lost in memories or lost in time? How are you? :D

22-11-2004, 02:27 PM
How about you and me together, find another 2 more, just nice 4? :D

Good idea but lately brain is a bit malfunctional.

1) You
2) Part 1 of Another 2
3) Part 2 of Another 2
4) Not me, i try to find and throw in a 3rd female for you.

Suggested destination Ho Chi Ming City.
In case you get tired of all three, you can try the vietnamese roses there.
Bro Lament is in Hanoi and can request him to meet you in HCMC and show you around but you must pay him in drinks till he gets drunk. ;)

22-11-2004, 02:36 PM
Bro, you're back, long time no see, lost in memories or lost in time? How are you? :D
Cha bor worked with ostegen, Men listens to testorone. :confused:

22-11-2004, 03:10 PM
Suggested destination Ho Chi Ming City.
In case you get tired of all three, you can try the vietnamese roses there.
Bro Lament is in Hanoi and can request him to meet you in HCMC and show you around but you must pay him in drinks till he gets drunk. ;)

Known fact Viet Roses are pricky, known for $US Dollar only, getting drunk might as well drink here. ;)

Five Stone
22-11-2004, 03:43 PM
Good. Anyway...the package was 2-to-go or 3-to-go?
KFC 3 piece plate, one time settle all issues lah, no worries, no need to take cover, no need to find excuses. :p

22-11-2004, 04:54 PM
Known fact Viet Roses are pricky, known for $US Dollar only, getting drunk might as well drink here. ;)

I meant you must get Bro Lament drunk in appreciation of his effort to show you around if he makes the trip from Hanoi to HCMC.

Pricky or not is how they are handle. Point to note, they are indeed very emotional charged at times.

So which destination you prefer to go?

22-11-2004, 05:04 PM
Bro, you're back, long time no see, lost in memories or lost in time? How are you? :D

Not bad ... could be better. Lost in the most undesirable of places and circumstance. How's work? December coming... window dressing starts... :D


22-11-2004, 05:10 PM
KFC 3 piece plate, one time settle all issues lah, no worries, no need to take cover, no need to find excuses. :p

Good for you. :)

23-11-2004, 01:35 PM
Not bad ... could be better. Lost in the most undesirable of places and circumstance. How's work? December coming... window dressing starts... :D
Got caught and lost in some of the most undesireable situation. No one to blame but myself. True though, not bad but wouldn't mind better. :)

23-11-2004, 01:42 PM
Got caught and lost in some of the most undesireable situation. No one to blame but myself. True though, not bad but wouldn't mind better. :)

OK...my report will follow towards X'mas...cos too much bad times nothing good to talk on....... :(

23-11-2004, 03:20 PM
I meant you must get Bro Lament drunk in appreciation of his effort to show you around if he makes the trip from Hanoi to HCMC.

Pricky or not is how they are handle. Point to note, they are indeed very emotional charged at times.

So which destination you prefer to go?


If you are keen to go HCMC, let me know. My contact there can put you up in a nice hotel (he is the front office mgr) in the heart of Zone 1, plenty of action, grls are nice, pretty and money hungry, fun in the ktv, gf in the room...but please be safe and steady, they can hook you nicely and then you are gone...I lost too many kakis like that already...

BTW, one night one grl = 100,000 dong ~ S$100. If you yian dao, they like...sometimes got discount...but it is also their strategy.... ;)

I like to take trips...Tripster :D

23-11-2004, 05:29 PM

If you are keen to go HCMC, let me know. My contact there can put you up in a nice hotel (he is the front office mgr) in the heart of Zone 1, plenty of action, grls are nice, pretty and money hungry, fun in the ktv, gf in the room...but please be safe and steady, they can hook you nicely and then you are gone...I lost too many kakis like that already...

Me not going. Thanks for the offer to help. Know how to handle the KC Trap so dun worry about getting hook. ;)

23-11-2004, 08:42 PM
BTW, one night one grl = 100,000 dong ~ S$100. If you yian dao, they like...sometimes got discount...but it is also their strategy....
I like to take trips...Tripster :D
Thanks Bro, but the place too far out already, seems that the purpose there is either to bonk or business, better hang around in BKK. ;)

23-11-2004, 09:05 PM
Got caught and lost in some of the most undesireable situation. No one to blame but myself. True though, not bad but wouldn't mind better. :)

Recently, I had one of the unbelievable experiences in my life. There was this particular girl. Lovely and sweet looking, as usual. She happened to be a clerk in my client's office.

I thought she looked like a person worth going after. But, before I tried to, I took note of whether she had any ring on her wedding ring finger. At first, I was delighted to find out that there wasn't any.

A few hours after I initiated a conversation with her, she came back to me talking to me and I realised she had a ring back on that finger. My very first reaction was angst...

Later, my client hinted to me that she was really married. I didn't know why this left gave me the impression that she was still unmarried, but all that left immense bitterness in me.

Perhaps, I shouldn't have tried to. To know is greater pain than to live in ignorance. Knowing that one is too little too late everytime is an unpleasant experience of continual tragedy.

At times, I wish I can lie back on the ocean waters and allow myself to be covered by the ocean fading into the deep blue. The topic of emotions seems to yield too much and too many tragedies. It is also tempting to even inquisite whether love was a sin itself.

To love seems to mean greater suffering. To be magnanimous appears to imply to others one's naviety. To be principled seems to show greater inflexibility.

24-11-2004, 08:30 AM
Later, my client hinted to me that she was really married. I didn't know why this left gave me the impression that she was still unmarried, but all that left immense bitterness in me.
Perhaps, I shouldn't have tried to. To know is greater pain than to live in ignorance. Knowing that one is too little too late everytime is an unpleasant experience of continual tragedy.

If you never try, you will never know. To distinct a person marital status by looking for rings is not a foolhardy way, for the status issue is just because we signed our lives away on a dotted line with that piece of paper recognized by the owner of the piece of land you are standing on. There are no indication of the regulation whereby one’s status need to be signified by the presence of the ring on the finger.

Men are one kind of animals when the odds are good, the imagination starts running wild. You are not to be blame but do not give up so easily, you can always look for a greener pastures. :)

Five Stone
24-11-2004, 08:32 AM
Good for you. :)
Well, seems too good to be true. Handling one gal is a task, two is definitely a challenge. Luckily things turn out well, with no squabble but fun and laughter. ;)

24-11-2004, 09:02 AM
I took note of whether she had any ring on her wedding ring finger. At first, I was delighted to find out that there wasn't any.

A few hours after I initiated a conversation with her, she came back to me talking to me and I realised she had a ring back on that finger. My very first reaction was angst...

It is common that the wedding band are not on the finger where it should be at times. Sometime, it is removed due to work(avoid damaging)/washing hands (to dry it) etc. I had learned over the years not to give out too big a portion of my heart when starting a relationship. The more commited, the harder the pain when things dun go the way we want it to/tot it might be.... If you felt angst upon seeing it later rather than disappointment...i guess you might have placed a heavy ante on the whole thing emotionally...a gal that seem to be available and turn out to be not so can leave such "heartache" in you? Unless she had intentionally trying to misled you from the beginning. Take it easy on yourself and muster the same courage you have to close the short chapter as you have used to initatied the conversation with her...

In search of the sometime very elusive "other", one simply can't rush things. Live your normal course of life and be more pro-active to talk to others and take notice of those who can at least meet your minimual standard ..sometimes, you will find something special beneath her physically appearance.

Cheer Up!!!! :)

24-11-2004, 09:06 AM
Well, seems too good to be true. Handling one gal is a task, two is definitely a challenge. Luckily things turn out well, with no squabble but fun and laughter. ;)

Maintain your sanity when dealing with them...Should you eventually decided on one of them and wish to proceed further with her...remember to let the other go...actually she will hint you to do so also given the nature of human. In a serious relation, man or woman alike , one will not tolerate the other to have another option/interest.

Five Stone
24-11-2004, 10:08 AM
In a serious relation, man or woman alike , one will not tolerate the other to have another option/interest.
What can I say, after this trip, more like a foundation trip, we had our feelings enhanced, all fair and equal, no special preference over any particular one of them. I think we are all adults and understand the rules of the game. Yes, we have our fair share of intimate moments but that is just lust, desire and pleasures, no strings attached (I hope). :D

Five Stone
01-12-2004, 09:36 AM
Recently, I had one of the unbelievable experiences in my life. There was this particular girl. Lovely and sweet looking, as usual. She happened to be a clerk in my client's office.
To love seems to mean greater suffering. To be magnanimous appears to imply to others one's naviety. To be principled seems to show greater inflexibility.
Do not let this be a setback but rather as an experience. You never know what you gonna get if you never try. Love and courtship goes hand in hand, wooing the girl of your dream, is a dream come true. :D

01-12-2004, 10:30 AM
It is common that the wedding band are not on the finger where it should be at times. Sometime, it is removed due to work(avoid damaging)/washing hands (to dry it) etc. I had learned over the years not to give out too big a portion of my heart when starting a relationship. The more commited, the harder the pain when things dun go the way we want it to/tot it might be.... If you felt angst upon seeing it later rather than disappointment...i guess you might have placed a heavy ante on the whole thing emotionally...a gal that seem to be available and turn out to be not so can leave such "heartache" in you? Unless she had intentionally trying to misled you from the beginning. Take it easy on yourself and muster the same courage you have to close the short chapter as you have used to initatied the conversation with her...

In search of the sometime very elusive "other", one simply can't rush things. Live your normal course of life and be more pro-active to talk to others and take notice of those who can at least meet your minimual standard ..sometimes, you will find something special beneath her physically appearance.

Cheer Up!!!! :)

Exactly. Oh well, we can't be too serious with the "hints" which women drop along the way. They are irrational and unpredictable creatures... in the first place.

"Elusive" is the word. I like to compare it with chasing after the rainbow. Once when we were young, the thought of being able to "catch" the rainbow was epidemic. But, years later, this rainbow has manifested itself into the form of a ... woman, which is apparently also impossible to "catch".

Lesson learnt and remembered for the day is, "always take things with a pinch of salt and, if need be, necessary skepticism.

Thanks people. Wish you guys luck in your search for the woman of your lifetime.:D

01-12-2004, 10:34 AM
If you never try, you will never know. To distinct a person marital status by looking for rings is not a foolhardy way, for the status issue is just because we signed our lives away on a dotted line with that piece of paper recognized by the owner of the piece of land you are standing on. There are no indication of the regulation whereby one’s status need to be signified by the presence of the ring on the finger.

Men are one kind of animals when the odds are good, the imagination starts running wild. You are not to be blame but do not give up so easily, you can always look for a greener pastures. :)

"If you never try, you will never know" <- This line sounds divinely familiar.

I must admit that you are absolutely right about the rings on fingers.

If only there is a difficulty level setting for love and courtship, sometimes we all need to have things a little easier to start off with.

Five Stone
01-12-2004, 10:39 AM
Thanks people. Wish you guys luck in your search for the woman of your lifetime.:D
Indeed luck is required sometimes but I guess we ourselves play a larger part in this Quest. The way we perceive things, the understanding of things in life etc all plays a major role. ;)

01-12-2004, 11:17 AM
Woman are very annoy but very cute also :p
They like to ask question like: "do you like/love me?"
They express sex desire by body language such as touching their man's penis or hugging the guy more often. Man have to treat her like a baby girl. When they bad mood they will blast on you till you turn charcoal, sandbag, cooling herbs whatever.

03-12-2004, 03:10 PM
You go ktv and get to know this gal. Enjoy talking and interacting with her. After that everytime u go u look for this gal. Then one day u noticed another gal and just looking at her. The first gal very generous, said 'why not just her to sit with u, then u can know her better'. When u do so, she just questioning u with difficult and rediculous questions. sigh....

06-12-2004, 10:40 AM
Seems that it had been blowing hot and cold recently on the numerous threads for the vids/pics issue. Looking back, the Adult discussion section had be flooded by all these recently. It had push back all and any other form of discussion, debates or sharing of info and experience. In a way, it deprives other bros who wanna have some good reading materials or share some thoughts.

Though as some bros mentioned, it is better for bros to stick to a thread and continue posting/uploading but some beg to differ as this makes searching harder. Considering the fact that some of the vids/pics expired after some time, I think it is better for bro to stick to thier own thread to upload any pics/vids. Any other wants thier stuff can go to the latest post and search backwards. I personally had experience that a new thread of vids died just after 2 pages and last no more than 3 days for the quota for downloading had exceeded. If this henomenon continues, it does no one good in the long run. I hope bros will consider. :)

05-01-2005, 08:22 PM
You go ktv and get to know this gal. Enjoy talking and interacting with her. After that everytime u go u look for this gal. Then one day u noticed another gal and just looking at her. The first gal very generous, said 'why not just her to sit with u, then u can know her better'. When u do so, she just questioning u with difficult and rediculous questions. sigh....
First thing is what do you want from this gal? Nothing then who cares, you are in KTV not SDU. :D

05-01-2005, 08:26 PM
Seems that it had been blowing hot and cold recently on the numerous threads for the vids/pics issue. Looking back, the Adult ..... :)

Agreed with you....though when starting a new thread is easy but maintaining it is hard as you need to keep it current and upload everyday so that it is fresh....consider my own thread under my signatory...it has become a daily routine for me to upkeep the pics on that....bros do visit them sometimes....cheers :p

05-01-2005, 08:28 PM
Agreed with you....though when starting a new thread is easy but maintaining it is hard as you need to keep it current and upload everyday so that it is fresh....consider my own thread under my signatory...it has become a daily routine for me to upkeep the pics on that....bros do visit them sometimes....cheers :p
Welcome you to post here as well. :D

05-01-2005, 08:30 PM
Welcome you to post here as well. :D

Like you said bro, its better and more manageable if we keep the thread to be of a specific nature...hehe...my pics thread consist of all pics leh... :D

07-01-2005, 05:19 PM
....( (color=Navy)She Bangs She Bangs...I Shoot I..Shoot....(/color)

Just ask...wan dessert........fresh...1...Banana Split....better...got xtra flavour.....vanilla cream...will shoot...up...

So take out yr dick...shake...til...strong and thick......place 2 scoops of her fav....ice cr...flavour....along yr dick ...then pour some chocolate syrup onto..it.....DAlaa.......>!.....BravoR.........

Five Stone
10-01-2005, 12:58 AM
Agreed with you....though when starting a new thread is easy but maintaining it is hard as you need to keep it current and upload everyday so that it is fresh....consider my own thread under my signatory...it has become a daily routine for me to upkeep the pics on that....bros do visit them sometimes....cheers :p
Wonder if one can ask sammy to trim the threads, ie remove the old pages, of course it will reduce your post as well but I think this can keep the thread fresh. Bros get pretty turn off by lengthy threads. :)

12-01-2005, 08:35 AM
Like you said bro, its better and more manageable if we keep the thread to be of a specific nature...hehe...my pics thread consist of all pics leh... :D
Now this new adult discussion is getting a little funny. Firstly Sam started a new section for clips/pics and sweep all pics/clips threads to there but it seems that now that the adult discussion seems to be invaded by some vote/poll threads. I wonder will this trend continue. :rolleyes:

12-01-2005, 09:07 AM
Wonder if one can ask sammy to trim the threads, ie remove the old pages, of course it will reduce your post as well but I think this can keep the thread fresh. Bros get pretty turn off by lengthy threads. :)

Recent house keeping by boss had helped. BTW, Is all well with you and your 2 fren colleagues? Any new development?

I wonder will this trend continue. :rolleyes:

It will probably be changes in the next hse keeping exercise. Nevertheless, things looks better in order now. So how is everything? Any new additional points/observations with regards to this thread?


12-01-2005, 10:30 AM
It will probably be changes in the next hse keeping exercise. Nevertheless, things looks better in order now. So how is everything? Any new additional points/observations with regards to this thread?
Nothing much, just look see look see, make some comments only. So how's life for you. :)

12-01-2005, 01:29 PM
Woman are very annoy but very cute also :p
They like to ask question like: "do you like/love me?"
They express sex desire by body language such as touching their man's penis or hugging the guy more often. Man have to treat her like a baby girl. When they bad mood they will blast on you till you turn charcoal, sandbag, cooling herbs whatever.

Matter of fact is that they blast guys all the time for the slightest matter. My pal (reaching 30) is already contemplating on heading overseas for the long term and getting a wife elsewhere. In fact... *cough*, anywhere but Singapore.

The worst part of the women in Singapore is that they behave like petty Tamagotchis with (absolutely) no sense of shame whenever they throw their punitive tantrums. Must we (men) treat these women like insane looney out-of-control Pokemons, before they listen? XD

12-01-2005, 01:34 PM
Nothing much, just look see look see, make some comments only. So how's life for you.

2005 is a bad start for me in many years. :(

BTW, some update on 2 other frens who were actively here... Tomahawk is hard at work...t123 is busy with blind dates... Good for them... :)

12-01-2005, 01:45 PM
Matter of fact is that they blast guys all the time for the slightest matter. My pal (reaching 30) is already contemplating on heading overseas for the long term and getting a wife elsewhere. In fact... *cough*, anywhere but Singapore.

Ooi! Vesfreq...how are things??? You had any luck finding the right gal?? Dun give up. Cheers!! :)

13-01-2005, 08:51 AM
2005 is a bad start for me in many years.
BTW, some update on 2 other frens who were actively here... Tomahawk is hard at work...t123 is busy with blind dates... Good for them... :)
Toma started new job right? Good for him, bonus time, better throw in some efforts as well. t123 busy blind dates, this sound interesting........ :D

13-01-2005, 08:53 AM
Very sianzzz today...dunno why...dun feel like working so call in take leave...haizz... :(

13-01-2005, 08:58 AM
The worst part of the women in Singapore is that they behave like petty Tamagotchis with (absolutely) no sense of shame whenever they throw their punitive tantrums. Must we (men) treat these women like insane looney out-of-control Pokemons, before they listen? XD
Tamagotchis?? I think you've flattered some of them, if they are really tamagotchis, at least it is not too bad for if they misbehave, you can plugged out the battery. Some gals nowadays are really keen in driving the last nail to the coffin, no room for discussion, no way for negotiating and absolutely no other way but their own way. :cool:

13-01-2005, 08:59 AM
Very sianzzz today...dunno why...dun feel like working so call in take leave...haizz... :(
Wah!! You sibei song rite, I wanna take leave, boss say can but finish your work first....... :o

13-01-2005, 09:12 AM
Wah!! You sibei song rite, I wanna take leave, boss say can but finish your work first....... :o

Not so much work for me tats y can take, otherwise me bo bian, lan lan got to work eventhough dun feel like it....haizzz :(

13-01-2005, 11:39 PM
Ooi! Vesfreq...how are things??? You had any luck finding the right gal?? Dun give up. Cheers!! :)

Thanks for your concern man. Not much luck. Anyway, I'm trying to keep myself busy with a new business. Only hope to stay alive and well enough to visit sammyboy. hehehe.

How about u?

Five Stone
19-01-2005, 06:34 PM
Recent house keeping by boss had helped. BTW, Is all well with you and your 2 fren colleagues? Any new development?
Thanks for asking, been the same, quite good, could be better. Both of them seems understanding. :D

Five Stone
20-01-2005, 08:55 AM
I dont understand, kanna a little setbacks in life only and wanna do this do that. Start a few threads "share' this "share" that, telling the world what happened to me, see whether I "cham" or not. What is the big deal? Rather going around cry father cry mother why not spend more time doing more constructive things. I wonder those in Aceh what should they do? Start a few threads asking "How to rebuild my home?", "How to get fresh water for drinking?".

Life is too good in Singapore, break a little nail only and need to go ER. In relationship, it is always a two way traffic and there are always tell tale signs of things turning sour, if one choose to ignore or not to further probe or even self convince that everything is fine then dont cry over spilt milk.

Society is changing, mindsets and ethical values are changing, the next time I got brunt in a relationship, I think I should go for hormones jabs, make myself more feminine, carry that farking mineral water bottle to beaches and look for "interested" men. Why? Oh.....It's because I got hurt, so sick of women and other than I broken heart.....I have other reasons to become gay man...I have no look nor figure....better be gay man ...no need to compare with other man and I will be much happier. I dont give a damn about woman. I rather to be alone...i will be a loner gay man....I tell u now...I dont like women anymore....numb already. I'll get on with my life as a gay man......carefree and happy. I will not like women and women will not like me.
Yeah....The happy gay man....... :cool:

20-01-2005, 10:33 AM
I dont understand, kanna a little setbacks in life only and wanna do this do that. Start a few threads "share' this "share" that, telling the world what happened to me, see whether I "cham" or not. What is the big deal? Rather going around cry father cry mother why not spend more time doing more constructive things. I wonder those in Aceh what should they do? Start a few threads asking "How to rebuild my home?", "How to get fresh water for drinking?".

Life is too good in Singapore, break a little nail only and need to go ER. In relationship, it is always a two way traffic and there are always tell tale signs of things turning sour, if one choose to ignore or not to further probe or even self convince that everything is fine then dont cry over spilt milk.

Society is changing, mindsets and ethical values are changing, the next time I got brunt in a relationship, I think I should go for hormones jabs, make myself more feminine, carry that farking mineral water bottle to beaches and look for "interested" men. Why? Oh.....It's because I got hurt, so sick of women and other than I broken heart.....I have other reasons to become gay man...I have no look nor figure....better be gay man ...no need to compare with other man and I will be much happier. I dont give a damn about woman. I rather to be alone...i will be a loner gay man....I tell u now...I dont like women anymore....numb already. I'll get on with my life as a gay man......carefree and happy. I will not like women and women will not like me.
Yeah....The happy gay man....... :cool:

same feeling bro. i m a ger here...i got hurt like ya n i rather become a hapie butch now...we're both in da same boat

Five Stone
20-01-2005, 12:48 PM
same feeling bro. i m a ger here...i got hurt like ya n i rather become a hapie butch now...we're both in da same boat
Nope, sorry, I think we're in different world. The harder I fall, the more I fight. I will not take the beating lying low, neither will I dramatically change myself just because of a failed relationship. As far as I am concern, never once did I thought of binding my dick when I have a broken relationship. :rolleyes:

20-01-2005, 02:08 PM
Life is too good in Singapore, break a little nail only and need to go ER. In relationship, it is always a two way traffic and there are always tell tale signs of things turning sour, if one choose to ignore or not to further probe or even self convince that everything is fine then dont cry over spilt milk.

Society is changing, mindsets and ethical values are changing, the next time I got brunt in a relationship, I think I should go for hormones jabs, make myself more feminine, carry that farking mineral water bottle to beaches and look for "interested" men. Why? Oh.....It's because I got hurt, so sick of women and other than I broken heart.....I have other reasons to become gay man...I have no look nor figure....better be gay man ...no need to compare with other man and I will be much happier. I dont give a damn about woman. I rather to be alone...i will be a loner gay man....I tell u now...I dont like women anymore....numb already. I'll get on with my life as a gay man......carefree and happy. I will not like women and women will not like me.
Yeah....The happy gay man

quite true ...seems like society in Sillypore has made us man too feminine ...i think is the SNAG syndrome ..... which is why I think I ndump local gals cos I cannot be the boss anymore.....

20-01-2005, 02:46 PM
quite true ...seems like society in Sillypore has made us man too feminine ...i think is the SNAG syndrome ..... which is why I think I ndump local gals cos I cannot be the boss anymore.....
Not exactly the SNAG issue but education and western influence had anchor the call for equal rights deeply in the minds of the younger female gender, while echoing for support, they also exploit this unofficial benefits to the maximum. :cool:

20-01-2005, 02:51 PM
Not exactly the SNAG issue but education and western influence had anchor the call for equal rights deeply in the minds of the younger female gender, while echoing for support, they also exploit this unofficial benefits to the maximum. :cool:

I love u to hear from the horse mouth. He always talk from experiences... btw u remember my 'thing' ok????? I miss u deep deep. :D

20-01-2005, 02:55 PM
I love u to hear from the horse mouth. He always talk from experiences... btw u remember my 'thing' ok????? I miss u deep deep. :D
What horse mouth? Your thing can wait till after CNY, no hurry right? ;)

20-01-2005, 03:15 PM
Not exactly the SNAG issue but education and western influence had anchor the call for equal rights deeply in the minds of the younger female gender, while echoing for support, they also exploit this unofficial benefits to the maximum.

true true ...equal rights and all but hey who the hell is footing the bill at the end of every makan ....we are .... to hell with equal rights ....man & woman r never meant to be equal but to complement each other ......

equal rights => work and 4get about the traditional roles of a woman .... I think I cook better than all my ex-es who are expert in instant noodles ..

20-01-2005, 03:24 PM
[QUOTE=lament]true true ...equal rights and all but hey who the hell is footing the bill at the end of every makan ....we are .... to hell with equal rights ....man & woman r never meant to be equal but to complement each other ......
Well, this is the norm. Might not be a good cook but definately a neater man than some of the missus I know. Bras, panty lying all over the room, would not even blush when I put them aside to free the chair for sitting. :D

20-01-2005, 03:25 PM
What horse mouth? Your thing can wait till after CNY, no hurry right? ;)

Win liao, when u free I go n take the card from u.

20-01-2005, 03:27 PM
Win liao, when u free I go n take the card from u.
Now free, where you? Tell you what lah, no hurry then leave it first lor, at least half the job done already. :D

20-01-2005, 04:01 PM
Now free, where you? Tell you what lah, no hurry then leave it first lor, at least half the job done already. :D

Now free?? I in office, town area.

Five Stone
22-01-2005, 10:18 AM
equal rights => work and 4get about the traditional roles of a woman .... I think I cook better than all my ex-es who are expert in instant noodles ..
I think this is more like a two-way traffic; guys are getting exposed to home economics, learning simple cooking, household chores etc. Parents working contributed to some of these trends, as the sons need to chip in their fair share of housework. As for the gals, I believe most know simple chores but some are exceptional as well. The overall increase wealth, smaller families hence making the daughters apple in the eyes of the parents.

I’ve got girlfriends whose room make a pig sty looks like Marriot, socks, undergarments all strewn over the place, finished dishes, empty cups etc. It is fascinating to see all these but they do share something in common, they all got maids, so what does this tell?

Friend’s wife was one lady who belongs to this category and he spent practically almost weekend to clean the house. Wife is no doubt a nice lady but a complete zero in housework. Metal plates in microwave, mop in washing machine, numerous broken dishes and glasses, no fresh laundry, stained clothes etc. It will at least take sometime before she will learn. :o

22-01-2005, 05:01 PM
true true ...equal rights and all but hey who the hell is footing the bill at the end of every makan ....we are .... to hell with equal rights ....man & woman r never meant to be equal but to complement each other ......

equal rights => work and 4get about the traditional roles of a woman .... I think I cook better than all my ex-es who are expert in instant noodles ..

Rightly said bro Lament!! If we weren't the ones paying at the end of evey makan, how else do u think the chicks are paying for that brand new car that they drive??

Guess what the most common answers u'll get when u ask a woman whether she cooks ( a simple meal at that).... " Nah, can't cook except maybe fry an egg or instant meals thru the microwave". ALamak !!! Some of them even have the cheek to ask u whether u can cook or not.... Of coz, i've learned a very good advise from my mum. Never disclose to a girl u r going out with that u can cook ... Cause my uncle did, married her & he's suffering for it now... :(

Not a MCP,

23-01-2005, 08:37 PM
Of coz, i've learned a very good advise from my mum. Never disclose to a girl u r going out with that u can cook ... Cause my uncle did, married her & he's suffering for it now... :(

Not a MCP,

ermmmm i dun rreally agree with yr mum ... no offense ... i can cook and been in this line for some time ... its really useful to ask a gal to yr hse to try yr cooking and then advance the relationship to the next level .... otherwise i think its rather impressive to be able to cook ... but the gal will be the most impressed when u bring her to this fancy high resturant ... well gals will be gals ... and sluts will be sluts ... its a really practical and rational world out there ...

23-01-2005, 09:09 PM
Rightly said bro Lament!! If we weren't the ones paying at the end of evey makan, how else do u think the chicks are paying for that brand new car that they drive??

Guess what the most common answers u'll get when u ask a woman whether she cooks ( a simple meal at that).... " Nah, can't cook except maybe fry an egg or instant meals thru the microwave". ALamak !!! Some of them even have the cheek to ask u whether u can cook or not.... Of coz, i've learned a very good advise from my mum. Never disclose to a girl u r going out with that u can cook ... Cause my uncle did, married her & he's suffering for it now... :(

Not a MCP,

yo it is not everi ger that makes the guy pay ok. in fact everitime i insist on paying the guy refuses to let me pay....coz i m a believer in equality. Go dutch is the best wae. If i m broke, i simply dun go out or even if go out go hawker centre eat...pay for myself. in fact if i think the guy pay for me it's an insult to me dignity...as if i cannot pay for myself like dat. if i broke..den dun go out is the best thing...rather den let the guy pay...and den i feel i owe him something like dat. nah...not my cuppa tea :mad:

23-01-2005, 09:10 PM
UG...i liked your style....a believer in equality.... :)

23-01-2005, 09:16 PM
UG...i liked your style....a believer in equality.... :)

i broke wif one of my stead becoz i felt dat he was doin too much for me...n i dun like the feeling of feeling obliged....like he do too much for me...i rather he treat me more as an equal.

23-01-2005, 09:18 PM
i broke wif one of my stead becoz i felt dat he was doin too much for me...n i dun like the feeling of feeling obliged....like he do too much for me...i rather he treat me more as an equal.

Well...I am a strong believer of equality. Men and women coexist on this planet with equal rights but as civilization progresses, the ugly side of human nature empowers the natural rule.

23-01-2005, 09:21 PM
Well...I am a strong believer of equality. Men and women coexist on this planet with equal rights but as civilization progresses, the ugly side of human nature empowers the natural rule.

agreed. a lot of gers todae haf disgraced the female species....they expect guys to give them material stuff n to be rich n all that but yet they bitch around equality. i can't stand such gers. if i ever come across one...i'll give her one tight slap to wake her up n to stop disgracing us :mad:

23-01-2005, 09:58 PM
agreed. a lot of gers todae haf disgraced the female species....they expect guys to give them material stuff n to be rich n all that but yet they bitch around equality. i can't stand such gers. if i ever come across one...i'll give her one tight slap to wake her up n to stop disgracing us :mad:

truely agree with u on this point but me think the world still have alot to go when talking about equality treatment on for both sex lor.

e.g. spore law tense to protect the female more.

Think our system still not up that standard yet... :(

23-01-2005, 10:05 PM
truely agree with u on this point but me think the world still have alot to go when talking about equality treatment on for both sex lor.

e.g. spore law tense to protect the female more.

Think our system still not up that standard yet... :(

some gers r bitches la...make use of their gender to abuse their rights. can't such gers. BITCH.... :mad:

23-01-2005, 10:06 PM
truely agree with u on this point but me think the world still have alot to go when talking about equality treatment on for both sex lor.

e.g. spore law tense to protect the female more.

Think our system still not up that standard yet... :(

Actually our women charter need revising lor. I believe lots of girls or rather women now is more than capable to protect themselves.

In the end, lots of instances whereby guys are actually being "bullied". :p

24-01-2005, 09:32 AM
Actually there is really nothing much left to say in this situation. Single, with a stable job, reasonable income will make one more than desirable bachelor but the binding rope is the GF. I guess lots of us face the scenario; it is not that we simply enjoy cheonging, or a hardcore sex addict but the lure of commercial sex bundle with GF feeling is simply endearing. What does this boils down to? Social problems I guess.

Society improves and advance, women get educated, know their rights and have the power to demand for more, while we men had always been the dominant figure around and still are in some cases. What do you make out of this? Seems that the liberation of feminine rights had boosts the ego of the gentle sex out of proportion. Men remain as where they are while women status rise among the ranks at the expense of men’s respect and appreciativeness. Men learnt to grow to be delicate, like a good old wine, it gets mellow with age. We try our best to handle the gentle sex in a melodious and tactful manner, not too submissive and not too subjective, for you never knew what those years of education had taught her. Like the running water, it can float a boat, it can capsize it too.

We all fall victims to the storm of “ET” (emotion and temperamental), unaware of where and when it strikes. Such undesirable experiences had compel men to seek sanctuary in the arms of other companies even we all know all these are driven by money. For the temporary pleasure, we are willing to inject our hard earn cash in exchange for what we lust for, the GF feeling. Why, one may ask? The simple and straightforward answer, is simply we do it get it from our partners. We tried to care and love wholehearted but was shown to the door when ET strikes. What do we demand from a hard day’s work, some concern and care perhaps, not another demand to pick her up after work half way across the island. Once is ok, twice is coincidence but thrice is enough to break the straw.

Decades ago, women stay home, run the family, does the housework while the men provides for the family as the pillar of the house. Now, the men’s stand is still the pillar of the house, bring the dough back but additionally must do the housework, see to the need of the wives as well while the women, lessen in housework, earn and spent their own dough and expect to be well taken care of. So may I ask, where is the equality? These also explain part of the reasons why men stray. :cool:

24-01-2005, 12:22 PM
yo it is not everi ger that makes the guy pay ok. in fact everitime i insist on paying the guy refuses to let me pay....coz i m a believer in equality. Go dutch is the best wae. If i m broke, i simply dun go out or even if go out go hawker centre eat...pay for myself. in fact if i think the guy pay for me it's an insult to me dignity...as if i cannot pay for myself like dat. if i broke..den dun go out is the best thing...rather den let the guy pay...and den i feel i owe him something like dat. nah...not my cuppa tea

yo ...can i date u out and u offer to pay everytime ..... :D

24-01-2005, 12:30 PM
Decades ago, women stay home, run the family, does the housework while the men provides for the family as the pillar of the house. Now, the men’s stand is still the pillar of the house, bring the dough back but additionally must do the housework, see to the need of the wives as well while the women, lessen in housework, earn and spent their own dough and expect to be well taken care of. So may I ask, where is the equality? These also explain part of the reasons why men stray.

I do not seek a wife to be in such a role but i do seek a companion or sorts ....

Problem is the gals 4got what is called relationship, they 4got the word romance .....

Taking a leaf from some past relationship.... barely a month or 2 into a relationship...the gals in sg will start asking things like...in my case i have been self-employed 4 a long time ....

"U mean u have no CPF...how to buy a house? It's not fair cos I have to use my CPF to pay" - cheez r we planning marriage soon ????

"I m a U grad and u only diploma" - so what if i make more dough than U

"U r self-employed and your income not stable. How can u afford to support me in future" - sure sure .... but my annual salary still more than u ...

they wan commitment and sure they got one but then romance is what keep relationship alive .....

No doubt man plunge into commercial sex cos relationship with an sg gal is also nothing short of commercial too .... in most cases i mean

24-01-2005, 12:47 PM
So may I ask, where is the equality? These also explain part of the reasons why men stray. :cool:

Well said.... my life change when I met my present gf who respect n love me a lot. :rolleyes:

Five Stone
24-01-2005, 01:10 PM
I"U mean u have no CPF...how to buy a house? It's not fair cos I have to use my CPF to pay" - cheez r we planning marriage soon ????
"I m a U grad and u only diploma" - so what if i make more dough than U
"U r self-employed and your income not stable. How can u afford to support me in future" - sure sure .... but my annual salary still more than u ...
they wan commitment and sure they got one but then romance is what keep relationship alive .....
No doubt man plunge into commercial sex cos relationship with an sg gal is also nothing short of commercial too .... in most cases i mean
When it comes to the moment of truth, there isn’t much of men or women who are willing to go thru thick and thin together. Today’s relationship had been bonded by too many constraints, mainly financial issue. Unlike decades ago, a simple wedding, stay with the parents and grow old together. Nowadays it is about buying an apartment, wedding photos, wedding banquet and the honeymoon.

Seen friends who got sucked into this turmoil, like a cancerous tumor, it just keep spreading. I can never fathom the morale of spending $10K on a photo shoot where the most glamorous moment is when your guest prior entry to the dinner table, stole a few glances and ending up underneath the pile of old magazines deep in the storeroom. The only superlative excuse I can gather is that this is a once in a lifetime matter. I was left laughing hysterically upon hearing this for I believe this is also a once in a lifetime most expensive photo shoot. Like the peace before the tsunami waves, first the water receded so fast way beyond you imagination, just like the cash in you bank. Next you went thru the banquet and flew off happily for honeymoon, to a place that sucks up your two months’ salary even before you set foot on that land. Like the fish left high and dry when the water receded, you gasp for breath when you see the price tag on the things there. Like the ignorant child seeing the marine life on the beach, fascinated by the view, she urges you to further on, again “Once in a lifetime” at helms again. Blinded by the love and not wanting to disappoint her, you say to yourself, no worries, I can manage the cash, I can still max out the cards. Hence the both of you went chasing the depleting water, it was fun, absolute beyond words can describe. Slowly you see the sea birds fly and the faraway white line of the waves, it get bigger and more, just like you bills laid before you. You flew back to your new home, sat down and start worrying about the white line you saw as it seems to get higher, when finally the bill came, for the banquet, for the honeymoon, for the expenditure. Like the ruthless waves, the figures sent you spinning, gasping for air, you heart pound like…. Well “Once in a lifetime” again.

So where is the ignorant child? She continues to act “ignorant”. :cool:

24-01-2005, 03:14 PM
When it comes to the moment of truth, there isn’t much of men or women who are willing to go thru thick and thin together. Today’s relationship had been bonded by too many constraints, mainly financial issue. Unlike decades ago, a simple wedding, stay with the parents and grow old together. Nowadays it is about buying an apartment, wedding photos, wedding banquet and the honeymoon.

true true and their excuse ...its a once in a lifetime thing ..... the list of things they want and expected cost :

1. Nice Photo Shoot ( 3k - 10k)
2. Wedding Dinner in Hotel no Restaurants (500-800 per table and minimum 40 table => 20K - 32K)
3. House (180K - 250K - can pay installments)
4. Renovation on house (20K - 100K)
5. Honeymoon ( 3K - 10K)
6. Diamond Ring (2K)

To marry a sg gal requires lots of monetary committment ....

24-01-2005, 04:14 PM
true true and their excuse ...its a once in a lifetime thing ..... the list of things they want and expected cost :

1. Nice Photo Shoot ( 3k - 10k)
2. Wedding Dinner in Hotel no Restaurants (500-800 per table and minimum 40 table => 20K - 32K)
3. House (180K - 250K - can pay installments)
4. Renovation on house (20K - 100K)
5. Honeymoon ( 3K - 10K)
6. Diamond Ring (2K)

To marry a sg gal requires lots of monetary committment ....

if i ever marry... NO WEDDIN BANQUET....i'll jus hold a buffet style thingy for close friends and relatives...banquets at restaurants r darn exp...AND i'll ask me mama to sew the weddin gown for me as she used to a seamstress heheh she sewed gowns for other pple b4....as for hse....simple HDB flat can le...3 room enuff wan so big for wat...no need renovation...make it simple...in the living room put a couple of bean bags for seats.....and jus a simple tv...n i hate packing...the less things the hse has the better...rofl...diamond ring is so the out of fashion... i those kinda cheapo carved rings wif carved names will do...those realli simple ones...why diamond? waste of $$$ to spend so much on a weddin n after dat u got to slog it out to pay off the debt. My advice: KEEP IT SIMPLE... :D

24-01-2005, 04:16 PM
yo ...can i date u out and u offer to pay everytime ..... :D

Go dutch dude...u dun haf to pay for me...but i wun pay for u either...unless i m filthy rich n i haf surplus cash to spare...so u mus pray i strike toto...den i treat u...ahahha hahahha
if not wait long long :p

Go dutch the best thing i tink....hehz

24-01-2005, 04:18 PM
Go dutch dude...u dun haf to pay for me...but i wun pay for u either...unless i m filthy rich n i haf surplus cash to spare...so u mus pray i strike toto...den i treat u...ahahha hahahha
if not wait long long :p

Go dutch the best thing i tink....hehz

Wah change avatar liao. :) I always pay for the girl unless her attitude sucks, but so what in the end I ended playing carrot head.

24-01-2005, 04:20 PM
Wah change avatar liao. :) I always pay for the girl unless her attitude sucks, but so what in the end I ended playing carrot head.

wat do u mean by plaeing carrot head :confused:

24-01-2005, 04:22 PM
wat do u mean by plaeing carrot head :confused:

Cai Tau. Pay something and get nothing somemore the girl can't use the word ugly at all. ugly attitude. :)

24-01-2005, 04:22 PM
if i ever marry... NO WEDDIN BANQUET....i'll jus hold a buffet style thingy for close friends and relatives...banquets at restaurants r darn exp...AND i'll ask me mama to sew the weddin gown for me as she used to a seamstress heheh she sewed gowns for other pple b4....as for hse....simple HDB flat can le...3 room enuff wan so big for wat...no need renovation...make it simple...in the living room put a couple of bean bags for seats.....and jus a simple tv...n i hate packing...the less things the hse has the better...rofl...diamond ring is so the out of fashion... i those kinda cheapo carved rings wif carved names will do...those realli simple ones...why diamond? waste of $$$ to spend so much on a weddin n after dat u got to slog it out to pay off the debt. My advice: KEEP IT SIMPLE... :D

omg .... very thoughtful... how many guys have PM'ed you and proposed to you already ??

24-01-2005, 04:23 PM
omg .... very thoughtful... how many guys have PM'ed you and proposed to you already ??

none...pls lar...if u get urself into debt over a stupid weddin than might as well not marry rite?

24-01-2005, 04:25 PM
none...pls lar...if u get urself into debt over a stupid weddin than might as well not marry rite?
Can I propose to you? :)

24-01-2005, 04:30 PM
NONE So Far ?

I'm quite sure a few will start after they know you're available.

(1) HDB house - One can buy with CPF
(2) Renovation - One can get a Loan from Bank (still have to pay but not as bad as paying one lump sum)
(3) Wedding Dinner - Cut cost, nowadays they have package etc... $500 can easily get a nice place with pretty "OK" food... edible but won't get you stomach cancer
(4) Photo shoot - This you CAN'T run away from so you must get ready cash $2K-$3K can get you a relatively good one nowadays (they are desperate too)
(5) Diamond Ring - Standard Accessory - $2k is a must ...

Sooner or later you'll get yourself in debt and to me, to get yourself in debt for THAT PARTICULAR SpEcIaL Person - Priceless. But don't get yourself the wrong partner though, cos the Divorce itself is going to triple what ever you spent.

24-01-2005, 04:34 PM
NONE So Far ?

I'm quite sure a few will start after they know you're available.

(1) HDB house - One can buy with CPF
(2) Renovation - One can get a Loan from Bank (still have to pay but not as bad as paying one lump sum)
(3) Wedding Dinner - Cut cost, nowadays they have package etc... $500 can easily get a nice place with pretty "OK" food... edible but won't get you stomach cancer
(4) Photo shoot - This you CAN'T run away from so you must get ready cash $2K-$3K can get you a relatively good one nowadays (they are desperate too)
(5) Diamond Ring - Standard Accessory - $2k is a must ...

thanks n no thanks i m not goin to get myself in debt jus becoz of a wedding

Sooner or later you'll get yourself in debt and to me, to get yourself in debt for THAT PARTICULAR SpEcIaL Person - Priceless. But don't get yourself the wrong partner though, cos the Divorce itself is going to triple what ever you spent.

thanks n no thanks...i dun wan to get into debt juz becoz of a dumb weddin

24-01-2005, 04:40 PM
Actually i was thinking of proposing to one of my ex-girlfriends but nvm..

I planned the wedding charges =

Engagement, Buffet at Top of M = 20,000
Wedding Ring (not a shit localshop diamond) = 15,000
Dinner, Wedding at Intercontinental + drinks = 900 x 80tables = 80000
ROM brunch buffet = 5,000
Photo-shoot / Car Rental / Incidentals = 12,000
Wedding Dowry = 20,000
Downpayment for freehold condo@20% = 200,000
Minor renovation for renovated condo / furniture = 50,000
HoneyMoon to Japan, Osaka (fucking nice) = 20,000

About 420,000 to have a nice wedding. Dun believe in saving on marriage. :) Hope to get married within 3yrs. Looking for the perfect woman, Actress face, angel heart, big tits, juicy cheebye and excellent cook.

24-01-2005, 04:45 PM
Actually i was thinking of proposing to one of my ex-girlfriends but nvm..

I planned the wedding charges =

Engagement, Buffet at Top of M = 20,000
Wedding Ring (not a shit localshop diamond) = 15,000
Dinner, Wedding at Intercontinental + drinks = 900 x 80tables = 80000
ROM brunch buffet = 5,000
Photo-shoot / Car Rental / Incidentals = 12,000
Wedding Dowry = 20,000
Downpayment for freehold condo@20% = 200,000
Minor renovation for renovated condo / furniture = 50,000
HoneyMoon to Japan, Osaka (fucking nice) = 20,000

About 420,000 to have a nice wedding. Dun believe in saving on marriage. :) Hope to get married within 3yrs. Looking for the perfect woman, Actress face, angel heart, big tits, juicy cheebye and excellent cook.

kaoo that's a whole lot of crazy sum of $$$. DUDE...ya should spend ur $$$ on other worthwhile things like ur biz or wat...waste money on weddin...tsk

24-01-2005, 04:47 PM
kaoo that's a whole lot of crazy sum of $$$. DUDE...ya should spend ur $$$ on other worthwhile things like ur biz or wat...waste money on weddin...tsk

One life = one time only (hopefully) and i am only son. I view wedding as a very special occasion to my heart and of course for business / social purpose too.

Anyway, its nothing compared to some ppl's wedding that i known. I guess it is a token of appreciation to my wife too. :)

24-01-2005, 04:49 PM
[QUOTE=cbjuiceyumseng]Actually i was thinking of proposing to one of my ex-girlfriends but nvm..

well i guess the best is she knows how to cook cod fish head m i right haha :)

Five Stone
24-01-2005, 04:50 PM
waste of $$$ to spend so much on a weddin n after dat u got to slog it out to pay off the debt. My advice: KEEP IT SIMPLE... :D
I think it is too early for you to comment, wait till the day when you are about to signed you life away, then think of what you said today. Dont count the chickens before they hatch.......... :cool:

24-01-2005, 04:53 PM
[QUOTE=cbjuiceyumseng]Actually i was thinking of proposing to one of my ex-girlfriends but nvm..

well i guess the best is she knows how to cook cod fish head m i right haha :)

LOL, guess quite impossible. That fish cannot be bought in the market lah. Even wholesale market cannot find also according to a fishmonger auntie. And it is very fish-stink if dun know how to cook.

Btw, i expect to recoup dinner costs of 80-100000k from angpows from family, friends and business associates. Dun expect them to lao-gui..hehe.

A bit chunk of the budget,250,000 is for house and renovation so can also not take into account.

So after some mathematics...not much leh for wedding. Spend 70-80k nia. :D

24-01-2005, 04:54 PM
I think it is too early for you to comment, wait till the day when you are about to signed you life away, then think of what you said today. Dont count the chickens before they hatch.......... :cool:

Yaloh, this girl har...still young lah. Only gin-na-sai. ROFL. Alot of girls i know all wanna nice weddings. It also hurts a man's pride if he can't even provide for a nice wedding. :)

24-01-2005, 04:57 PM
Btw, i expect to recoup dinner costs of 80-100000k from angpows from family, friends and business associates. Dun expect them to lao-gui..hehe.

So after some mathematics...not much leh for wedding. Spend 70-80k nia. :D
well its posible lah anyway one of my friends got married in riz carlton and the total angpow he collected was 80000k and he told mi still earn 10k frm dinner :)

24-01-2005, 04:59 PM
well its posible lah anyway one of my friends got married in riz carlton and the total angpow he collected was 80000k and he told mi still earn 10k frm dinner :)

Yap. Sometimes i think of wedding dinner as a acid test for a man's kaocheng. If his kaocheng is good, no problem earning profit too. However, if a man's kaocheng is shit then...ahhahaahha.... :D

24-01-2005, 04:59 PM
Yaloh, this girl har...still young lah. Only gin-na-sai. ROFL. Alot of girls i know all wanna nice weddings. It also hurts a man's pride if he can't even provide for a nice wedding. :)

Yes yes hurt guy's pride by saying, y my friend's bf can do this, u cannot??

Five Stone
24-01-2005, 05:03 PM
Actually i was thinking of proposing to one of my ex-girlfriends but nvm..

About 420,000 to have a nice wedding. Dun believe in saving on marriage. :) Hope to get married within 3yrs. Looking for the perfect woman, Actress face, angel heart, big tits, juicy cheebye and excellent cook.

Bro, this is the "Once in a lifetime" at its best. With all due respect, all bros here would love to have such financial capabilities to do so. Kudos to you if this is what you can afford. :)

24-01-2005, 05:04 PM
Yes yes hurt guy's pride by saying, y my friend's bf can do this, u cannot??

YES! Yap man, got money to chiong and call chicken but dun pay for nice wedding??! 男人的尊严!!!


24-01-2005, 05:04 PM
Yap. Sometimes i think of wedding dinner as a acid test for a man's kaocheng. If his kaocheng is good, no problem earning profit too. However, if a man's kaocheng is shit then...ahhahaahha.... :D
well to be truth his kaocheng is gd and he told mi that luckliy no one played him up by putting papers into angpow and the least he collected was 41.50 by a brunei friend and the remaining was at least 80 up u see

24-01-2005, 05:05 PM
Bro, this is the "Once in a lifetime" at its best. With all due respect, all bros here would love to have such financial capabilities to do so. Kudos to you if this is what you can afford. :)

Then by all means do what u can for your wife lah. A major force in pushing myself is to provide well for my family. :)

Five Stone
24-01-2005, 05:06 PM
Yes yes hurt guy's pride by saying, y my friend's bf can do this, u cannot??
My friend's GF love threesome (with another gal), you can or not?? :D

24-01-2005, 05:06 PM
well to be truth his kaocheng is gd and he told mi that luckliy no one played him up by putting papers into angpow and the least he collected was 41.50 by a brunei friend and the remaining was at least 80 up u see

Ganina! Brunei custom = 41.50 sibo? (Deleting brunei friends from phonebook)

Actually nowadays when one person go wedding dinner in Hotels, cannot give 80 dollars liao. At least 100 even he is tom,dick,harry.

24-01-2005, 05:08 PM
My friend's GF love threesome (with another gal), you can or not?? :D

Thanks, u reminded me of another criteria in my future wife. She must be part-lesbian and has alot of chio bi-sexual girlfriends. :D

Five Stone
24-01-2005, 05:08 PM
Actually nowadays when one person go wedding dinner in Hotels, cannot give 80 dollars liao. At least 100 even he is tom,dick,harry.
Ha ha ha, you havent seen the one who comes with a vase............... :D
Plus though he was the one being invited, he came with a partner........ :eek:

Five Stone
24-01-2005, 05:10 PM
Thanks, u reminded me of another criteria in my future wife. She must be part-lesbian and has alot of chio bi-sexual girlfriends. :D
Not advisible, cos had a hard time keeping my eyes to myself. She knows and all of them knows. Kanna tease like nobody business. :o

24-01-2005, 05:10 PM
Thanks, u reminded me of another criteria in my future wife. She must be part-lesbian and has alot of chio bi-sexual girlfriends. :D
well that is certainly a no no as if her gal friend can entertain u what makes u think that ur wife won't entertain them in future right that all man poison like to play with ppls wife but dun like ppl to fools ard with our wife :cool:

24-01-2005, 05:10 PM
Ha ha ha, you havent seen the one who comes with a vase...............
Plus though he was the one being invited, he came with a partner........ :eek:

China man sibo ? :mad:

24-01-2005, 05:12 PM
well that is certainly a no no as if her gal friend can entertain u what makes u think that ur wife won't entertain them in future right that all man poison like to play with ppls wife but dun like ppl to fools ard with our wife :cool:

"Hugs Cuntarow" You are really a man thinking of same wavelength. Sigh....if wife too hot liao, i also scared but if she is not hot, i will always go GL...sigh sigh ...sigh.... :o

24-01-2005, 05:13 PM
China man sibo ? :mad:
no lah ... confirmed its "I want to eat free dinner' man ... :D

24-01-2005, 05:13 PM
China man sibo ? :mad:
well if u kana vase and by a couple only u lucky liao i have friends coming down together as half a table and they present u a clock and tells u that the clock is included for hse warming too than suddenly u feels like giving them a few punch and ask them to fuck off but no chioce backside itchy as to ask more friends along :D

24-01-2005, 05:16 PM
well if u kana vase and by a couple only u lucky liao i have friends coming down together as half a table and they present u a clock and tells u that the clock is included for hse warming too than suddenly u feels like giving them a few punch and ask them to fuck off but no chioce backside itchy as to ask more friends along

送 钟 :eek: .. that fren is ang mo sibo??

24-01-2005, 05:16 PM
"Hugs Cuntarow" You are really a man thinking of same wavelength. Sigh....if wife too hot liao, i also scared but if she is not hot, i will always go GL...sigh sigh ...sigh.... :o
well i m alittle like u too i seldom cums the second times as i have no professional training and i luv cod fish ...i maybe be money minded to all but those are all plan for future as to let family live in better wahhaha right :)

24-01-2005, 05:17 PM
YES! Yap man, got money to chiong and call chicken but dun pay for nice wedding??! 男人的尊严!!!


Yes I sometime think, men r funny, I can spend money on drinks but I dun spend on a high end mobile phone. I can pay WL but I have to think twice b4 buying a DVD burner. If given a choice, to save up everything no entertainment for a good show aka wedding, I rather dun get marry n continue spending my way.

24-01-2005, 05:18 PM
Sigh, no choice man. Some ppl really got no shame. Luckily i had "invested" in my good brothers / friends weddings. Got one (childhood 20yrs underwear also can share friend), i sponsored him 5tables, i am sure he will do the same for me. :o

24-01-2005, 05:19 PM
My friend's GF love threesome (with another gal), you can or not?? :D

Ya hor y I didn't ask her.

24-01-2005, 05:21 PM
Yes I sometime think, men r funny, I can spend money on drinks but I dun spend on a high end mobile phone. I can pay WL but I have to think twice b4 buying a DVD burner. If given a choice, to save up everything no entertainment for a good show aka wedding, I rather dun get marry n continue spending my way.

ROFL....alot of ppl share same problems like u. So u are not alone. You did nothing wrong! Keep chionging..lol. :D

well i m alittle like u too i seldom cums the second times as i have no professional training and i luv cod fish ...i maybe be money minded to all but those are all plan for future as to let family live in better wahhaha right

Haha...our body need a bit of nourishment. Hopefully this week can get to eat fish head with the right ppl of course..keke "Hint" :D

24-01-2005, 05:23 PM
Haha...our body need a bit of nourishment. Hopefully this week can get to eat fish head with the right ppl of course..keke "Hint" :D
well i got the hint but to be turth i nv tried the head before and i m not sure where serve the best so far to mi my mum cod fish is still the best :)

Five Stone
24-01-2005, 05:26 PM
China man sibo ? :mad:
Nope, he's a local and doing pretty well also. There are these kind of people around...... :o

Five Stone
24-01-2005, 05:27 PM
well if u kana vase and by a couple only u lucky liao i have friends coming down together as half a table and they present u a clock and tells u that the clock is included for hse warming too than suddenly u feels like giving them a few punch and ask them to fuck off but no chioce backside itchy as to ask more friends along :D
I guess that is the begining of the end of the "friendship". ;)

24-01-2005, 05:30 PM
Ya hor y I didn't ask her.
Your GF? I think you can forget about it. :D

24-01-2005, 05:33 PM
I guess that is the begining of the end of the "friendship". ;)
well maybe we thinks the same way but when they presented the gift to u they smile and congrat u alll the way how to think what they are thinking :)

24-01-2005, 05:38 PM
Your GF? I think you can forget about it. :D

Ex not present. Present no need to say this.

24-01-2005, 05:49 PM
well maybe we thinks the same way but when they presented the gift to u they smile and congrat u alll the way how to think what they are thinking :)
Action speaks louder than word, did they make it up later or some pranks is this? :)

Five Stone
24-01-2005, 06:31 PM
well maybe we thinks the same way but when they presented the gift to u they smile and congrat u alll the way how to think what they are thinking :)
Depends on who are they, what friends, so so or good buddy, maybe pulling a fast one but make it up later. I dont believe a good friend is so unaware in local customs and market rate. ;)

25-01-2005, 12:30 PM
Ex not present. Present no need to say this.
For you present no present make no difference........ :D

25-01-2005, 03:52 PM
Action speaks louder than word, did they make it up later or some pranks is this? :)
nope nothng was done they jus live the way it is

25-01-2005, 04:28 PM
no doubt this is one of the best i gave seen.. kekeke :)

25-01-2005, 05:00 PM
if i ever marry... NO WEDDIN BANQUET....i'll jus hold a buffet style thingy for close friends and relatives...banquets at restaurants r darn exp...AND i'll ask me mama to sew the weddin gown for me as she used to a seamstress heheh she sewed gowns for other pple b4....as for hse....simple HDB flat can le...3 room enuff wan so big for wat...no need renovation...make it simple...in the living room put a couple of bean bags for seats.....and jus a simple tv...n i hate packing...the less things the hse has the better...rofl...diamond ring is so the out of fashion... i those kinda cheapo carved rings wif carved names will do...those realli simple ones...why diamond? waste of $$$ to spend so much on a weddin n after dat u got to slog it out to pay off the debt. My advice: KEEP IT SIMPLE...

well then ur gal will complain that she is not worth it ......

i remember i once tell my gal that i do not want a wedding dinner cos most wedding i attend ...at least 80% of the guest are the friends and relatives of the parents ...... most of the time we dun even know who they even are ..... only to hear them say "boy boy remember uncle or not ...when u young that time i fondled your dick b4 ......"

for the house...i feel 3room is the best optimal size but the gals excuse will be what if my parents come over and blah blah blah .....

as for the diamond ...thats the fault of de beers ......i used to be a financial advisor and asked the wife of a client if she prefer her hubby to invest in a 25K insurance policy or a diamond of similar value, the reply .... u guessed it rite .....

25-01-2005, 05:03 PM
Hope to get married within 3yrs. Looking for the perfect woman, Actress face, angel heart, big tits, juicy cheebye and excellent cook.

not too mention that she will stay forever 18 rite .......

25-01-2005, 05:06 PM
well its posible lah anyway one of my friends got married in riz carlton and the total angpow he collected was 80000k and he told mi still earn 10k frm dinner

like that huh ..... think if i marry 6 times a year then i will make 60K ...not a bad job huh ..... anyone wanna be a professonal groom ......

but then what about the other expenses thats comes in ...marriage is the meeting point of 2 hearts and is so god-damned commercialised this days .....

25-01-2005, 05:06 PM
well then ur gal will complain that she is not worth it ......

excuse me i m a ger...u tink all gers r that materialistic meh :mad: newae my stand is...weddin banquets r a waste of money...u can use the money on other things more worth it. dat's it

25-01-2005, 05:09 PM
excuse me i m a ger...u tink all gers r that materialistic meh newae my stand is...weddin banquets r a waste of money...u can use the money on other things more worth it. dat's it

sorry but not targetted on u ...but the vast majority that is out there ....

25-01-2005, 05:10 PM
sorry but not targetted on u ...but the vast majority that is out there ....

marriage is the celebration of life of the 2 persons involved...y do pple need so much face ? u dun c em celebrating divorce do u? :mad:

25-01-2005, 05:16 PM
newae my stand is...weddin banquets r a waste of money...

Gal, most of them earn from wedding banquets. ;)

25-01-2005, 05:25 PM
Gal, most of them earn from wedding banquets. ;)

it sucs .....i hate commericalised weddings :mad:

25-01-2005, 05:33 PM
marriage is the celebration of life of the 2 persons involved...y do pple need so much face ? u dun c em celebrating divorce do u?

yes .... i agree but then what i am saying is that most of the gers i know wants a wedding dinner to show off that they are getting married ...sometimes all this i feel is something that is very unnecessary ....

i would prefer a simple ROM followed by some meals with the family and i believe this is more than enough ..... the problem is that many gers this days are very much influenced by their friends and what they see .... they just wanna be the same like others .... i for 1 is different from the typical Sillyporeans .... i dun really prescribe to the ways of Sillypore .....

as for celebrating a divorce .... i have a friend whom recently throw a banquet for some family members and close friends to celebrate their divorce on amicable terms ...... think this is very rare cos in most cases divorces are due to other things and usually ugly ....... the 2 decide that its best to go separate ways then to go on without any more feelings .... does that answer your question .........

love is what brings 2 people together, responsibility is what compel most people to marry each other ..... love in most marriages i know is long gone and dead and buried .....with that 2 person becomes locked in a shared responsibility for most of their lifes not that love is not there but it becomes a mere concern of looking out for each other and not that hot loving romance that brings the 2 together ....

i believe in romance and love and the reason i chose to be single is that i have yet to find a woman whom i think i can love 4ever .... i did find that someone b4 but its all gone dead and buried within my heart ......

25-01-2005, 05:36 PM
it sucs .....i hate commericalised weddings

face it ger ...its the sad truth out there this days ....

25-01-2005, 08:56 PM
face it ger ...its the sad truth out there this days ....
well frm what i saw to the reply u sent to most is u may have a bad life or bad experince during or maybe after ur wedding .......lets put it in this way i think like marriage is a sacred thing and it is a daring thing to do as 80% of couple relationship will sour after maybe 2-3 years as everyday u will be seeing her ,u will be eating the same old things and facing the same shit finance problem monthly you can never have those courtship things again but think back man are not stupid too why do they wanna risk breaking off in maybe 2-3 years time or stressing themselves up with problem when they decide to get married it is a mutual thing its not a respondsiblitily i believe most ppl marry their wife is not in exchange of getting peace frm friends and relative as ppls will keeps going" har so big liao ar when getting married huh " so marriage is mutual btw 2 imho

26-01-2005, 09:20 AM
When a couple date for some time, did most of the things, the next thing they wanna do is to get married. :cool:

26-01-2005, 10:00 AM
its ok to wanting a nice and big wedding..

who don't?

once in a lifetime leh (provided u not havin 2nd marriage lah or you can predict you going to)

just dont make it too much can oredy... :)

26-01-2005, 04:39 PM
its ok to wanting a nice and big wedding..
who don't?
once in a lifetime leh (provided u not havin 2nd marriage lah or you can predict you going to)
just dont make it too much can oredy... :)
Bro, I've come to realised that "Once In A Lifetime" is the password to one's tomb. Seen too many such cases already. I agree if the wedding is within one's abilities, then it is fine but more often than not, the couple tends to overspend. ;)

26-01-2005, 09:08 PM
A nice wedding is also a way for me to show my appreciation to my in-laws for allowing them to marry their daughter also....other than the socialising factor as mentioned earlier.

No doubt a simple wedding can be nice, but there is the matter of "face" also. The last thing i want is to "lao kui" in front of friends and relatives. Sigh, perharps the matter of "Pride" is too high on my agenda....

Call me a romantic or call me silly but i always thought of the day when i will walk down the aisle looking my best and slipping the ring into the fingers of my most gorgeous princess. Its a once in life time thing. I am going to make the best of it when it happens.


26-01-2005, 09:48 PM
A nice wedding is also a way for me to show my appreciation to my in-laws for allowing them to marry their daughter also....other than the socialising factor as mentioned earlier.

No doubt a simple wedding can be nice, but there is the matter of "face" also. The last thing i want is to "lao kui" in front of friends and relatives. Sigh, perharps the matter of "Pride" is too high on my agenda....

Call me a romantic or call me silly but i always thought of the day when i will walk down the aisle looking my best and slipping the ring into the fingers of my most gorgeous princess. Its a once in life time thing. I am going to make the best of it when it happens.


remember to invite uz samsterz along when u get hitched ha ha ha...hope to hear weddin bell ring soon from u

26-01-2005, 09:58 PM
remember to invite uz samsterz along when u get hitched ha ha ha...hope to hear weddin bell ring soon from u

My avatar is my gf pic.

26-01-2005, 10:03 PM
My avatar is my gf pic.

oic...iz she from china? she look like from prc one....when weddin bell ring ar

26-01-2005, 10:06 PM
oic...iz she from china? she look like from prc one....when weddin bell ring ar

Japan! :mad: Her name is Arakawa and i call her Shin-san.

27-01-2005, 08:46 AM
Japan! :mad: Her name is Arakawa and i call her Shin-san.
Wah!!! Lucky you, GF is a Jap!!!! :D

27-01-2005, 09:07 AM
Japan! :mad: Her name is Arakawa and i call her Shin-san.
sorry ah, your GF got females friends who looked like MAtsushima Nanako? I interested to know Jap girls too. :p no malicious intent. just wanty to know more international friends.

27-01-2005, 09:49 AM
Japan! :mad: Her name is Arakawa and i call her Shin-san.
so is she wearing kinomo at the banquet :D

27-01-2005, 11:46 AM
sorry ah, your GF got females friends who looked like MAtsushima Nanako? I interested to know Jap girls too. :p no malicious intent. just wanty to know more international friends.
I also no malicious intent, I also want to know more friends. :D

28-01-2005, 09:40 AM
When a couple date for some time, did most of the things, the next thing they wanna do is to get married. After a couple married for some time, did most of the things, the next thing they wanna do is get divorced.

Bro, I've come to realised that "Once In A Lifetime" is the password to one's tomb. Quite true...after all everyone also only die once a lifetime...

28-01-2005, 09:42 AM
sorry ah, your GF got females friends who looked like MAtsushima Nanako? I interested to know Jap girls too. :p no malicious intent. just wanty to know more international friends.YO! you ok or not....? Solve your "problem" you sms me the other day? Called that afternoon but you did not pick up...Everything all right? How is the dating coming along....Now into Japanese girls?? They are my all time favourite. :)

28-01-2005, 10:13 AM
YO! you ok or not....? Solve your "problem" you sms me the other day? Called that afternoon but you did not pick up...Everything all right? How is the dating coming along....Now into Japanese girls?? They are my all time favourite. :)

My "problem" haven't settle. Dating still ok right now target temp lock on to one of the date. quite like her though.

28-01-2005, 11:40 AM
After a couple married for some time, did most of the things, the next thing they wanna do is get divorced.
Quite true...after all everyone also only die once a lifetime...
Hoi, how are you? Long time no see, thought you stuck in TNs? :D

28-01-2005, 06:38 PM
so is she wearing kinomo at the banquet :D

Break liao lah. Gnn. :(

29-01-2005, 10:53 AM
Break liao lah. Gnn. :(
how come is it she find out bout ur nick and this forum hahaha

30-01-2005, 09:12 PM
Ok, let's face the fact, after all these "Pui Chow Nua" cases, still there are many couples who get hitched every year. Are there really nothing that we can brag about our local gals? :o

30-01-2005, 09:48 PM
Ok, let's face the fact, after all these "Pui Chow Nua" cases, still there are many couples who get hitched every year. Are there really nothing that we can brag about our local gals? :o

Er... Well, they are smart.
Some look good.
Pretty independent...
put some of those lazy Aussie bums to shame...
They're just not nice people

30-01-2005, 10:12 PM
erm.. why ler??

30-01-2005, 11:02 PM
Bro, a lot has been said in your thread liao...
I did not keep track and don't know where to start...

31-01-2005, 07:40 AM
Here's what I think of our situation in Singapore today.

The directors of the company - Man
The CEO - Man
The manager - Woman

This is the typical scenario in most of the companies in Singapore now. You will have a woman to manage the staff in most companies. She is in charge of all the "little people and nitty gritty sai kang" But none the less she is in charge of many... She finishes her work at 8.30! Get's home, (if she is married, only 20% are probably) after having been in charge all is suddenly going to the kitchen to cook for you?! Dream on!

The Singapore girl of this decade don't understand the meaning of the word cook, in their vocab it probably means something my mum used to do. Sew?! Ha take those needles away from her this very second!

Infact, when she gets home, she is still in charge! You better pamper her like she's cleopatra and have dinner prepared or at least you buy lah...
Don't even try to get her pregnant unless you are intending to take care of the kids 80% of the time... (fetch the kids daily and fun time is you)

They might be smarter nowadays to get those positions at work,
They might be more independent cos they don't depend on some one for their daily expenditure, which is way higher than a guys! (shoes, make up, facials, shoes, slimming treatments, shoes, spa shit, shoes...)
But in my view, they are becoming less feminine everyday...

01-02-2005, 09:25 AM
Here's what I think of our situation in Singapore today.
Don't even try to get her pregnant unless you are intending to take care of the kids 80% of the time... (fetch the kids daily and fun time is you)
They might be smarter nowadays to get those positions at work,
They might be more independent cos they don't depend on some one for their daily expenditure, which is way higher than a guys! (shoes, make up, facials, shoes, slimming treatments, shoes, spa shit, shoes...)
But in my view, they are becoming less feminine everyday...
I guess I am left with no choice but to echo your views. More often than not, I am left flabbergasted by the antics by the lesser gender. No doubt I had learnt to respect and accept their contribution but when it comes to living together, I am tired of their stipulation and they’re far from satisfactory contribution to the normal function of the household. :mad:

01-02-2005, 09:45 AM
this suddenly pop out in my mind.. just wonder what u brothers here think..

to me i think that..

females need the opposite sex more then the males..

what you take about this?

cuz i can see guys living without girls.. (can find sex tru paid sex) but girls normally cant live without guys.. they need someone to dote them and love them..

02-02-2005, 06:32 AM
cuz i can see guys living without girls.. (can find sex tru paid sex) but girls normally cant live without guys.. they need someone to dote them and love them..

That's not true,
Guys... no actually Man,
only the matured ones who do not treat women as sex objects,
will want emotional support too.
The thing I missed most about having a girlfriend,
is not the sex,
the way she feeds me, even in public!
Her sweet kisses,
it's her smell,
holding her when we go out,
spooning her when we sleep,
seeing her face in the morning and the smile she gave me,
sounds good???
She's not Singaporean... she's Thai
Singaporean girls can go clean my toilet!!!

02-02-2005, 11:52 AM
Singaporean girls can go clean my toilet

me not really a thai fan, but tat was a nice "go" at the local ones.

05-02-2005, 11:36 AM
That's not true,
Guys... no actually Man,
only the matured ones who do not treat women as sex objects,
will want emotional support too.
She's not Singaporean... she's Thai
Singaporean girls can go clean my toilet!!!
He he, semms that you got brunt big time with SG gals. :o

05-02-2005, 11:58 AM
When a couple date for some time, did most of the things, the next thing they wanna do is to get married.

think of it ...is marriage realli that important to seal 2 person's love ..its just a piece of people invented by the bureaucracy to promote monogamy...

wats important is the feelings and attachment .... i know of a couple whom have been 2gether 4 a long time and are only cohabiting 2gether ....they never plan to get married but are happy as it is ...

05-02-2005, 12:03 PM
The Singapore girl of this decade don't understand the meaning of the word cook, in their vocab it probably means something my mum used to do. Sew?! Ha take those needles away from her this very second!

agreed absolutely ..the best dish whipped up is instant noodles with eggs ....

me think i cook more often ex-sg gf than the other way round ....

But in my view, they are becoming less feminine everyday...

in Sillypore, they are just "woman" in body only but they have the mind of a man

05-02-2005, 12:06 PM
The thing I missed most about having a girlfriend,
is not the sex, the way she feeds me, even in public!

agreed absolutely....

it is the way that they treat us and respect us and sayang us that really really matters ...

She's not Singaporean... she's Thai
Singaporean girls can go clean my toilet!!!

Bravo ... Bravo .....

I used to have a Thai gf 2 ...

Anyway, most of the gals i dated recently are Viets.... its the way that they place man in high esteem that matters ... Sillypore gals always think that they are better than their man in any sense of the word ...

07-02-2005, 11:50 AM
Feb 6, 2005 - Yes, I do... (have a secret bank account) Sunday Times
Research firm finds that one in five Singaporean wives hides her assets from her husband

MS KAREN Tay has been hiding money from the men in her life since she started dating in her teens. Now in her late 20s, the communications executive is still secretive.

Her husband does not know of her share trading account, which doubles as her savings fund.

'If he knew, he'd go out and splurge on his car or buy something stupid. This way, he saves for the both of us,' she said with a smile.

Ms Tay is among a group of financially independent women in Singapore who keep their assets under wraps to stave off any overspending by their spouse, to ensure they have enough if the man walks out and, in one case, because her husband stole from her.

But unlike their mothers or grandmothers, they do not squirrel away grocery money in secret Khong Guan Biscuit tins. Their assets take the form of bank accounts, insurance policies or investments in shares or property.

But this trait is not peculiar to women here.

A nine-country survey by London-based research firm Synovate found that one in five (20 per cent) Singaporean wives keeps her husband in the dark about her emergency fund. If it's any comfort, the tendency is more prevalent in Japan (38 per cent), Saudi Arabia (32 per cent) and China (21 per cent).

On the other hand, women in France (7.2 per cent), United States (7.6 per cent), Brazil (9 per cent), Romania (12 per cent) and Britain (16.8 per cent) are more open.

The survey interviewed 301 Singaporean women, of which three in five were married. It also found that 75 per cent of the married women earned less than their spouse, and that almost half do not routinely save for retirement.

However, the survey, released last month, did not indicate the age, race or occupation of the respondents.

It also did not define what 'secret' means. Which suggests that the number of quiet hoarders in Singapore could be higher because 13 of the 20 Singaporean women interviewed by The Sunday Times gave different takes on the word.

Some do not tell their husbands at all, some tell, but will not reveal the precise value or amount of the assets while others will 'act blur' when asked.

Aged between 25 and 35, they all have full-time jobs and can support themselves financially.

Administrative executive Hamizah, 31, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said she did not let her husband know how much year-end bonus she received so that she can pamper herself with treats without being nagged by him.

Are these secret savings an act of bad faith? Or are women merely pragmatic in protecting themselves?

Bank executive Angeline Lee, 26, who will marry her long-time boyfriend next year, was swift in her retort: 'Why not? My mother has always told me to keep money for myself for protection and not to let the man know.'

She added, betraying a fatalistic attitude often seen in Asia: 'You never know if your husband will walk out on you. Anyway, he probably has funds that he's not telling me about.'

Mr Aldrin Thomas, 30, a teacher, finds the attitude dreadful. 'Wives won't like it if their husbands do the same. At the very least, the hubby must know about it. He does not have to control it.'

A 34-year-old office manager said she had to keep her finances secret because her husband habitually stole from her. For obvious reasons, she asked not to be named.

However, wives like teacher Celine Tan, 26, believe in full disclosure. She said: 'The most important thing in a marriage is trust. There should be no secret between husband and wife.'

Legal secretary Yang Yuxin, 28, agrees. Her husband has access to her personal savings account.

Synovate's survey found that four in five Singapore women have their own savings accounts, two in three have insurance policies, half have jewellery while one in four have mutual funds, shares or bonds.

Counsellors warn against hiding money because when a spouse stumbles on a large stash, it could undermine the trust in the marriage.

Ms Teo Seok Bee, programme manager at Touch Community Services, which runs marriage courses, said couples are taught the different options of financial arrangements. 'We always encourage transparency and trust in all aspects of a couple's life, including finances,' she added.

But old habits die hard. Said a 29-year-old public relations executive, who wanted to be known only as Mei: 'It boils down to trust. For me, if my husband asks, I'll act blur. I'm just not comfortable discussing my money, even with him.' She has been married for eight months.

07-02-2005, 11:54 AM
What woman really want

anyone watch the re-telecast over the weekends .......

they showcase this 30y.o gal searching for love ...... she is a bit on the meaty side with no eyebrows and so on ...no exactly an on-looker but a damn plain jane .... she went match make with an Indian & came back to say that she has no chemisty with him & vice versa ......

entertaining program though ...

07-02-2005, 12:10 PM
Hoi, how are you? Long time no see, thought you stuck in TNs?

You like that say me good meh? :D
Anyway, any interesting TN to recommend...i had lost touch for quite a while... kekeke...
I was ocuppied with something lately...but now ready to break for the CNY.
Anyway wishing you a Happy and Prosperous Rooster Year!!!

07-02-2005, 12:39 PM
You like that say me good meh? :D
Anyway, any interesting TN to recommend...i had lost touch for quite a while... kekeke...
I was ocuppied with something lately...but now ready to break for the CNY.
Anyway wishing you a Happy and Prosperous Rooster Year!!!

ocean now wants clean good massage. me too. semi-retirement liao for singapore scene only.

07-02-2005, 12:58 PM
ocean now wants clean good massage. me too. semi-retirement liao for singapore scene only.
You sure or not? Dont suka suka follow suit hor. :rolleyes:

07-02-2005, 01:00 PM
singapore i only go for my fav cat 40 thai, no prc, no hc, no tn.
now I want to explore and become seoul,batam,bangkok, and other cities raider. :D

07-02-2005, 11:55 PM
ocean now wants clean good massage. me too. semi-retirement liao for singapore scene only.
Wow!!! think i was gone too long...lost touch oredi abt who is into wat now.
"Clean" TN good leh....but their hygiene like recycling tower and bedsheet still leaves very much to be desire...so i also looking for clean TN :p How is your dating game coming along?

07-02-2005, 11:57 PM
singapore i only go for my fav cat 40 thai, no prc, no hc, no tn.
now I want to explore and become seoul,batam,bangkok, and other cities raider. :D
Like that still called semi-retired???Wonder if you say not retired...mean lagi power cheongster??? :eek:

08-02-2005, 09:21 AM
Like that still called semi-retired???Wonder if you say not retired...mean lagi power cheongster??? :eek:

hehhee, borrowing from your quote; you like tat say me good meh?

Heehee. My semi-retirement means try to slow down and cut down, stick to one girl only.

If not retired, means regular bonkster, no bonk no life.

Wish you guys a happy CNY. Me likely to go Batam, to pay an official visit, one of the many goodwill bilateral gesture from Singapore to Indonesia Government, just something extra outside of tsunami relief effort.

I wish all never kanna bird flu, more talking cock, bird language to relief our stressful living condition.

13-02-2005, 01:46 AM
What woman really want

anyone watch the re-telecast over the weekends .......

they showcase this 30y.o gal searching for love ...... she is a bit on the meaty side with no eyebrows and so on ...no exactly an on-looker but a damn plain jane .... she went match make with an Indian & came back to say that she has no chemisty with him & vice versa ......

entertaining program though ...

Gals like that who have a high opinion of their open market value are, literally, walking-laughing-stocks.

A while back, there was this foreigner working next to my office. He was carrying a high end nokia on the first day. On the second day, he appeared with an outdated nokia. I asked him whether he pawned it.

To my surprise, he said his gf liked it, so he passed to her. When I saw her gf pic, I was .... so "amused". Not that I'm doubtful of his preferences and tastes, but somethings are better left unsaid.

I noticed some more of these gals you described, especially those English educated ... ones. They can be quite annoying, with regards to their over-valued self-worths and over-confidence in their own marketabilities.

Even sometime back, I witnessed this horror unfolding before my eyes. A young 20+ executive fresh from a local uni used to look like an absolute geek who spends her time surfing net and reading comics. Yes, with those thick black rim glasses. But, over one weekend, she returned to work with dyed hair and contacts.

*cough* I had no problems telling her that she looked desperate for husband... And, yes, she is one of those females who think they can find a rich, capable and multi-tasking hubbies who can read papers and talk at the same time.

In any case, gals such as herself make only good comic reading buddies and lousy bed partners. Even an Orchard Ah Lian may have a better chance at the kitchen. *puke*

With money and time, would any guy want to truly settle down? I'm really doubtful. I have the money, I can wait. But, girls can't wait, their clock is running, as my ink is drying.

I can even put ten Singapore dollars on the table, the guys will have the last laugh and the gals "will never get it" (quote the ad from the visa commercial).

My first dollar was spent at the arcade and the last dollar went into my POSB savings account, not on a looney cranky egoistic demure sweet young thing. Phew. My first cent was dropped on the floor and the last was left in the toilet, not in the purse of some female suffering from severe psychological disequilibrium. :D

Five Stone
23-02-2005, 12:40 PM
My first dollar was spent at the arcade and the last dollar went into my POSB savings account, not on a looney cranky egoistic demure sweet young thing. Phew. My first cent was dropped on the floor and the last was left in the toilet, not in the purse of some female suffering from severe psychological disequilibrium. :D
Could these be the driving force for some too seek oversea wives?? :)

23-02-2005, 11:28 PM
Could these be the driving force for some too seek oversea wives?? :)

I don't think its even limited to this phenomenon.

Right now, when women grow older, they grow crankier and naggier.... This one at home is horrible. Claim no money, go bank borrow money. When she got home, she began to talk about installing CCTV. wtf.

Even if its not the younger girls, the older ones in your house can maim you just as easily.....

And, I have this F.... feeling that I'm going to get heavily indebted to the bank, at the rate the Woman in my house is creating financial burdens. awww... hell.

Five Stone
24-02-2005, 01:00 PM
I don't think its even limited to this phenomenon.
And, I have this F.... feeling that I'm going to get heavily indebted to the bank, at the rate the Woman in my house is creating financial burdens. awww... hell.
If she is working, I guess she has to run her own show, there is no reason for you to sponsor everything even if you are the sole bread winner. :cool:

24-02-2005, 02:21 PM
This one at home is horrible. Claim no money, go bank borrow money. When she got home, she began to talk about installing CCTV. wtf....Even if its not the younger girls, the older ones in your house can maim you just as easily.....And, I have this F.... feeling that I'm going to get heavily indebted to the bank, at the rate the Woman in my house is creating financial burdens. awww... hell.

She is your relative or Wife/GF?
Dun recall you saying abt one living in your hse.

24-02-2005, 02:36 PM
She is your relative or Wife/GF?
Dun recall you saying abt one living in your hse.
Yup, dont recall anything from you leh, by the way, money in your pocket, you call the shots. ;)

24-02-2005, 08:46 PM
Yup, dont recall anything from you leh, by the way, money in your pocket, you call the shots. ;)

If its not gf or wife, its the all mighty Mum.... XD

Her nagging can bring down parliament house anytime, like the "Helen" of Troy (Kung Fu Hustle). With her thunderous voice, everyone in the house has to bow before her.

She has been blabbering about the shortage of money in the house. Crap, she still wants to install a security camera, through a bank loan. Sigh... Any bright ideas?

25-02-2005, 09:24 AM
If its not gf or wife, its the all mighty Mum.... XD
Her nagging can bring down parliament house anytime, like the "Helen" of Troy (Kung Fu Hustle). With her thunderous voice, everyone in the house has to bow before her.
She has been blabbering about the shortage of money in the house. Crap, she still wants to install a security camera, through a bank loan. Sigh... Any bright ideas?
CCTV in the house??? What for? Unless you house is roofless, next to workers quarters etc, make no sense to install a CCTV in the house, no privacy as well. :confused:

02-03-2005, 09:09 PM
CCTV in the house??? What for? Unless you house is roofless, next to workers quarters etc, make no sense to install a CCTV in the house, no privacy as well. :confused:

Thats why. The cctv don't serve any purpose in HDB.

Initially, it was meant to catch trouble makers pouring paint at the door and drawing graffiti. We managed to catch some of them with a vid cam, but the police also LL, cos' even if they catch... only can charge the culprits with fines.

The police did manage to catch one of the culprits. True enough, they let off the chap after some interrogation.... damn and told him to create anymore trouble.

03-03-2005, 10:31 AM
Thats why. The cctv don't serve any purpose in HDB.
The police did manage to catch one of the culprits. True enough, they let off the chap after some interrogation.... damn and told him to create anymore trouble.
This is getting interesting, why of all units in the whole block, your unit is targetted. Someone in the family treaded on some assholes toes outside? Anyway, Minister of Home Affairs is the trickest of all to deal with. ;)

03-03-2005, 11:30 PM
This is getting interesting, why of all units in the whole block, your unit is targetted. Someone in the family treaded on some assholes toes outside? Anyway, Minister of Home Affairs is the trickest of all to deal with. ;)

Don't know what my mum did. Sigh.... Some fliers were dropped at the door and she claimed it was litter from the neighbours next door. wtf. And, she retaliated through some petty means, eg dropping used tissue on the neighbours' stuff.

It got worse and uglier. Each time when the police come down, she would rattle to the police about it. Omg.... Mums are what gfs will become. Naggy, bossy and insensitive (sometimes).

Thats why men must always be in control. Can be quite a headache, if got mum and wife to handle. I really kowtow to those guys who can manage their wife and mum under one roof. Heng, I don't have wife. phew....

05-03-2005, 11:43 PM
Thats why men must always be in control. Can be quite a headache, if got mum and wife to handle. I really kowtow to those guys who can manage their wife and mum under one roof. Heng, I don't have wife. phew....
This kind of matter, you act, you get a reaction. No matter where you stand and what you do, you always be on the losing end. Just like some people, spent a few more years breathing air only, then when someone did something not to his liking (not a mistake), he can spend years speaking ill of the fellow. :o

05-03-2005, 11:55 PM
Fantastic. This thread can gather momentum and hit 26 pages.
Well done..

Five Stone
30-03-2005, 08:47 AM
Don't know what my mum did. Sigh.... Some fliers were dropped at the door and she claimed it was litter from the neighbours next door. wtf. And, she retaliated through some petty means, eg dropping used tissue on the neighbours' stuff.

So Bro, any update on this issue? Sometimes elderly are really a handful. :p

30-03-2005, 10:58 AM
For once, i tot this thread is dead....So quiet....anyway...hope all is fine with everyone :)

30-03-2005, 11:23 AM
For once, i tot this thread is dead....So quiet....anyway...hope all is fine with everyone :)
Yah 托你的宏福。I am almost there to get my future wife. :D

30-03-2005, 11:31 AM
Yah 托你的宏福。I am almost there to get my future wife. :DWoW!!!! So quiet lately...so was busy with something...hehehe....It's about time you settle down and be good.... :D

30-03-2005, 03:36 PM
WoW!!!! So quiet lately...so was busy with something...hehehe....It's about time you settle down and be good.... :D
He busy watching VCDs lah, think I dont know. So how are you? Recently I see many bros here shooting local gals....... :D

30-03-2005, 07:45 PM
So Bro, any update on this issue? Sometimes elderly are really a handful. :p

Well, still suffering from regular "thunderstorms and showers" from her. Sigh.... was telling my bro that if only got him and myself, life is so much more peaceful.

Honestly, when females talk about understanding, the catch words are really "unconditional and inequitable compromise". This is the sort of stuff which men are expected to be able to give in generous proportions to wife, gf, mum, aunt and... mother-in-law. The latter, of course, should be outlawed, sometimes, for her particular habits....

Trying to take things cool. At times, sitting down to play Rome:Total War can be more chaos than anything else, if you get my message. I was almost obliterating the Gauls and there she went yakking about neighbours and colleagues doing all kinds of "horrible things".

When she says "horrible things", its usually with regards to people shutting the door with a loud bang. But, hey, who doesn't? I mean, if a door is old, you have to shut it with more force. Some females take it as an excuse for even more uncalled for and unmitigated hostility. It gets so bad, until I can literally see a priest for my weekly confession, without even feeling guilty about sinning in the first place.

Awww.... Thats all for my story. ^^; How are the rest?

I met a girl recently. Thought she was sweet and homely. Not exactly attractive, as compared to your usual AV stars. hehehe. When I thought of dating her, then came recent memories of her rattling about finding a rich husband. -_- Anyway, expect the unexpected is the moral of the day. Hmm...

30-03-2005, 09:16 PM
He busy watching VCDs lah, think I dont know. So how are you? Recently I see many bros here shooting local gals....... :D
Korean, Jap or Ang Mo "Drama" huh? You lent those? But it is better for him than roaming the "Streets" Kekeke....ok given him benefit of doubt...
Anyway, hope he is shooting the right targets... Local or foreign talents do not matter as long as she treat our bro t123 well..... As for me, still struggling in life.... You? you rarely roam to the eastern part of the island? We should meet someday....i still have your tel no....hahaha.....Cheers!!!

30-03-2005, 09:28 PM
I met a girl recently. Thought she was sweet and homely. Not exactly attractive, as compared to your usual AV stars. hehehe. When I thought of dating her, then came recent memories of her rattling about finding a rich husband. -_- Anyway, expect the unexpected is the moral of the day. Hmm... You also comtemplating targeting local gals? It is normal one think of scoping a rich husband. But constant rattling about it can be quite annoying. A date or two wouldn't harm though...perhaps you will get chances to understand her more and vice-versa. One step at a time, take it easy.....just down over-commit your heart into it at one go....

Cheers!!! :)

With lower expection of the outcome, you feel "higher" when you succeed.

30-03-2005, 09:50 PM
Korean, Jap or Ang Mo "Drama" huh? You lent those? But it is better for him than roaming the "Streets" Kekeke....ok given him benefit of doubt...
Anyway, hope he is shooting the right targets... Local or foreign talents do not matter as long as she treat our bro t123 well..... As for me, still struggling in life.... You? you rarely roam to the eastern part of the island? We should meet someday....i still have your tel no....hahaha.....Cheers!!!
He watching mainly HK ones, some Jap some Korea, cos I buy for him.
Hoi Pm me yours leh. Dont talk talk only name the time and place. :D

31-03-2005, 09:52 AM
He watching mainly HK ones, some Jap some Korea, cos I buy for him.
Hoi Pm me yours leh. Dont talk talk only name the time and place.

Hi bros, I intend to give away most of the VCDs I bought recently, who is interested? Who says I roam the "streets", Moonblaze? I just walk into the usual huant at L18 when I pop by. Heehee :D Usually at nite, I will think of where to go, now, I just dun have that urge lately. You guys sms me when your wife not around lah. :p

31-03-2005, 11:14 AM
Hi bros, I intend to give away most of the VCDs I bought recently, who is interested? Who says I roam the "streets", Moonblaze? I just walk into the usual huant at L18 when I pop by. Heehee :D Usually at nite, I will think of where to go, now, I just dun have that urge lately. You guys sms me when your wife not around lah.
Hoi, go for kopi leh, ask Vesfreq along, I want to ask him something as well. You got his contact? MB also, where to find him huh? :)

31-03-2005, 11:58 AM
Hoi, go for kopi leh, ask Vesfreq along, I want to ask him something as well. You got his contact? MB also, where to find him huh? :)

Can pm me. :P

31-03-2005, 12:03 PM
You also comtemplating targeting local gals? It is normal one think of scoping a rich husband. But constant rattling about it can be quite annoying. A date or two wouldn't harm though...perhaps you will get chances to understand her more and vice-versa. One step at a time, take it easy.....just down over-commit your heart into it at one go....

Cheers!!! :)

With lower expection of the outcome, you feel "higher" when you succeed.

I wasn't contemplating on getting a local gal. It was more like she happened to be a colleague in my previous office. And, like what they say in Chinese, "Ri Jiu Shen Qin", thought not really the case in this scenario.

Thanks for the advice. Fortunately, back in the old office, I chose to be indifferent and, on top of that, I was clearing my notice period. Worse thing to happen is to fall for her and hentakaki in the office.

Life is still better without a gf. In fact, for the few weeks after I left the office, it was always about waking up 10+ in the morning and surfing net for some info (including sammyboy.com hehehe ) and getting on with my work late afternoon. Thats cool. :D

31-03-2005, 01:32 PM
Hoi, go for kopi leh, ask Vesfreq along, I want to ask him something as well. You got his contact? MB also, where to find him huh? :)
Moonblaze is in JB now. He just msg me. Dun now in Eden? Holiday? New York? :D

31-03-2005, 05:32 PM
Hoi Pm me yours leh. Dont talk talk only name the time and place. :D You talk like i dare not meet you lidat? Did i owe money? Kekeke... :D Free to meet on Mon or Tues Afternoon for Tea? Probably somewhere in the central area as there are some working in the east, some in the west. Let me know. Vesfreq, you join us also okie? BTW, which part of the island you are working at?

31-03-2005, 05:37 PM
Moonblaze is in JB now. He just msg me. Dun now in Eden? Holiday? New York? JB working lah.......i went with my female supplier to see customer, you think i can ask her wait at the lobby while i proceed with what you were thinking??? Telling you that i was in JB was to let you know that i am not convenient to sms with you....you get so excited for what? :rolleyes: So how mon or tues can? :)

31-03-2005, 05:58 PM
JB working lah.......i went with my female supplier to see customer, you think i can ask her wait at the lobby while i proceed with what you were thinking??? Telling you that i was in JB was to let you know that i am not convenient to sms with you....you get so excited for what? :rolleyes: So how mon or tues can?
Why wait? Today lor better. Everything plan plan till the cow come home also not done. So how? :D

31-03-2005, 06:03 PM
JB working lah.......i went with my female supplier to see customer, you think i can ask her wait at the lobby while i proceed with what you were thinking??? Telling you that i was in JB was to let you know that i am not convenient to sms with you....you get so excited for what? So how mon or tues can?
With female supplier? Or see the "female" supplier? Funny leh, dont make sense. I sometimes also go see "female" supplier in JB. :D
Well, since you are there, I understand the incovenience, if I am there I also incovenient. :rolleyes:

31-03-2005, 06:26 PM
Why wait? Today lor better. Everything plan plan till the cow come home also not done. So how? Today cannot, working late into the night, rushing report... You few days also cannot wait har??? Sorry i old man...do things very slow...no choice...

With female supplier? Or see the "female" supplier? Funny leh, dont make sense. I sometimes also go see "female" supplier in JB. :D Well, since you are there, I understand the incovenience, if I am there I also incovenient. :rolleyes: Whatever. You win!! Now i get back to work.....You have a great evening ahead! Cheers!!

02-04-2005, 06:46 PM
With female supplier? Or see the "female" supplier? Funny leh, dont make sense. I sometimes also go see "female" supplier in JB.

Well, since you are there, I understand the incovenience, if I am there I also incovenient. :rolleyes:

Nice talking to you bro. Its always nice to know another ally in this uphill battle against female tyranny. ^^

Its probably some premeditated twist of fate that this certain other thing happened to me a long while back (yes, its a very very long time ago). This is not concocted, by any chance, if you are wondering. Well, one "long lost" female friend messaged me recently. Being the somewhat naive man I was, I almost thought it was so sweet of her to remember yours truly and even make the effort to get in touch with .... none other than yours truly.

However, a message also came in from a source stating that she broke up with her bf. *puke*

Lesson learnt is that when girls stop keeping in touch with you, they are either married or attached. But, they get in touch with you out of a sudden, they are probably lonely or divorced, if not broke up with bf. However, if the earlier stated do not apply, it definitely means that they have become bank sales girls, financial planners or MLM agents ..... or even FL...... :cool:

02-04-2005, 09:54 PM
Well, one "long lost" female friend messaged me recently. Being the somewhat naive man I was, I almost thought it was so sweet of her to remember yours truly and even make the effort to get in touch with .... none other than yours truly.
However, a message also came in from a source stating that she broke up with her bf. *puke* :She had tot of you, probably the few though maybe not the only one that came to her mind. You must had left a rather good impression on her and seems approachable. Just curious, what were her agenda? To look for a shoulder to cry on, someone to kill her loneliness, someone as a temporary substitute? This kind of behaviour is rather common...not just limited to gals...guys sometimes are alike...

Lesson learnt is that when girls stop keeping in touch with you, they are either married or attached. But, they get in touch with you out of a sudden, they are probably lonely or divorced, if not broke up with bf. : Another common case is that she is getting married and looking forward to your gracing of the wedding dinner.
However, if the earlier stated do not apply, it definitely means that they have become bank sales girls, financial planners or MLM agents ..... or even FL...... :cool: This is rare, i had not encountered yet....

02-04-2005, 11:04 PM
She had tot of you, probably the few though maybe not the only one that came to her mind. You must had left a rather good impression on her and seems approachable. Just curious, what were her agenda? To look for a shoulder to cry on, someone to kill her loneliness, someone as a temporary substitute? This kind of behaviour is rather common...not just limited to gals...guys sometimes are alike...

Didn't really think about her agenda. It can be quite frightening to fathom what is in her mind. But, then again, your suggestions here is truly enlightening. Its almost like you have been .... watching a lot of tv. hehehe.

Back to the pt, I have to agree with you on your above reply. Sounds pretty logical.

Still have to stay away from women, until I complete RTW.

03-04-2005, 01:51 AM
Just curious, what were her agenda? To look for a shoulder to cry on, someone to kill her loneliness, someone as a temporary substitute? This kind of behaviour is rather common...not just limited to gals...guys sometimes are alike...

Seems like you are pretty keen to fill in his shoes?? Just kidding. I guess you are pretty right about man and woman alike. Once one moves forward especially involved in a new relationship, there is no time to look behind their back, let alone remembering those once existed memories. :o
This is reality bites at its best.

03-04-2005, 01:53 AM
Still have to stay away from women, until I complete RTW.
At the rate you are going, I guess it will be for a good while you spend more time eyeing the screen than looking at gals. :D

03-04-2005, 06:07 PM
I think you guys missed out a few things. Will tell you guys tommorrow. :D

03-04-2005, 09:04 PM
Still have to stay away from women, until I complete RTW. BTW, what is RTW?

03-04-2005, 09:08 PM
Seems like you are pretty keen to fill in his shoes?? I rather keep away from gals in that emotional stage? Even if i got anything from this, it wouldn't be fair to either of us. Just not the plaform to start a relationship. The emotional baggage can be heavy to bear ...esp for an old man like me. :)

03-04-2005, 09:10 PM
I think you guys missed out a few things. Will tell you guys tommorrow. :DYou like that say machiam ask us to tune into the tv for the next episode of the drama....suspenses.... :confused:

03-04-2005, 11:49 PM
BTW, what is RTW?

Rome Total War, a pc game.

04-04-2005, 12:14 AM
I rather keep away from gals in that emotional stage? Even if i got anything from this, it wouldn't be fair to either of us. Just not the plaform to start a relationship. The emotional baggage can be heavy to bear ...esp for an old man like me. :)

I would agree with you. Gals at that emotional stage are messy to handle.

I was also talking to another pal earlier about the same issue. It ended with my conclusion that I'm really better off a monk playing videogames. At least, if you can't beat the game, there is still the save button to keep the fight for another day.

As for girls, there are no save pts or save buttons. Geee.... At least, there is a reset button on my PS2 (for that matter, xbox and gc) , if things should go very wrong. Some guys may not agree with me (pardon me), thats why bgr (including marriages) should come with a save feature. Oh man....

Emotional luggage is a pain in the neck as well, though I ve yet to reach my 30s. As age becomes a factor, it can be quite difficult to know girls who are comparatively younger or, for that matter, in their early 20s. Right now, I can't even imagine myself following a girl chasing after 5566 celebrities. OMG.

According to one historian, "wine and women bring about the fall of great men and nations." Woe, indeed, is to the man who fell before the tears of the heavenly beauty. Properity and valor, however, often belongs to the fearless and callous, before all beauty and emotions. Even Arthur's trusted soldier knight, Lancelot, can be easily turned, as will the fearful Roman soldier waver before adversity.

If there was an adversity that great and formiable, let it be known that it was not the mighty Roman army, but one woman who will determine the rise and fall of a nation and a man.

The tragedy of life is that a man who will have lived a life of meaning is one that will have seen beyond the mortal emotions and brittle flesh. At least, for the moment, I'm glad I found new brothers (not just those who collect porn for sport) who will thread together this difficult route called "Life" . :)

04-04-2005, 09:06 AM
You like that say machiam ask us to tune into the tv for the next episode of the drama....suspenses.... :confused:

No, I was thinking aloud yesterday abt girl pals who come on to us when they need "special services".

1) they want to borrow money from you.
2) they need you to give them comfort.
3) they need you to fulfil their desire to let them feel wanted and adored.
4) they are lonely but they dun want to sleep alone but ONS must be like
5) they need you as a bait to attract their bf's attention.
6) they need you temporary just like when their period comes, then dispose
after you are soaked, especially when they faced with 2 or more BFs.
so on so forth. :D

04-04-2005, 09:16 AM
So what's the plan today?? ;)

04-04-2005, 01:36 PM
No, I was thinking aloud yesterday abt girl pals who come on to us when they need "special services".

1) they want to borrow money from you.
2) they need you to give them comfort.
3) they need you to fulfil their desire to let them feel wanted and adored.
4) they are lonely but they dun want to sleep alone but ONS must be like
5) they need you as a bait to attract their bf's attention.
6) they need you temporary just like when their period comes, then dispose
after you are soaked, especially when they faced with 2 or more BFs.
so on so forth. :D

Now, that sounds absolutely evil. To add to your list, they need you before they hit their expiry dates. ooops. I said something? :D

04-04-2005, 01:54 PM
Ya lor...I everytime kena fooled by pretty girls spell...knn...ask me for a favour everytime sure try my best to help...help finish den disappear after a while need help den talk to me again...cb! :mad:

04-04-2005, 02:11 PM
Ya lor...I everytime kena fooled by pretty girls spell...knn...ask me for a favour everytime sure try my best to help...help finish den disappear after a while need help den talk to me again...cb! :mad:

You are not alone, man. I got quite cheesed off last time, whenever some of these pretty girls appear. Not to mention one of them who used to be a model. Right after she got her bf, I didn't hear anymore news from her. Like what you encountered, people like her would from time to time try to call, when they have problem with bf or..... argh!

Now, before they can waste another min of phone bills, I would shut them off. So damn irritating, especially when they break up, you become the spare tyre. puke puke.

04-04-2005, 03:20 PM
Now, before they can waste another min of phone bills, I would shut them off. So damn irritating, especially when they break up, you become the spare tyre. puke puke.[/QUOTE]
Haizzzz.... Bro, be nice guy there is a price to pay one. Think so easy to nice yet get "free lunch" meh, also not easy to play bastard as well, simply not in our blood. Well at least there is still RTW. :D

04-04-2005, 03:43 PM
Now, that sounds absolutely evil. To add to your list, they need you before they hit their expiry dates. ooops. I said something? :D

politically incorrect, its not they hit expiry dates. More appropriate, before they got nothing left to offer. heehee :p

04-04-2005, 11:03 PM
Haizzzz.... Bro, be nice guy there is a price to pay one. Think so easy to nice yet get "free lunch" meh, also not easy to play bastard as well, simply not in our blood. Well at least there is still RTW.

RTW is also known as Return To War.

We shall return to Europe and destroy all the barbarians, as Alexander the Great would have said. Let us gather, my brothers, and this world is ours to conquer, as his generals would cheer.

politically incorrect, its not they hit expiry dates. More appropriate, before they got nothing left to offer. heehee

Oh boy, someone getting more evil than me, man. :D But, who cares... evil is good. *swipes my hands*

05-04-2005, 09:57 AM
Oh boy, someone getting more evil than me, man. :D But, who cares... evil is good. *swipes my hands*

oops I am not evil, but I am just doing things which the massess may not be agreeable to its unconventional method because it was rarely used. There's always a fine thin line between good evil. You may be good but using the evil method to achieve your goal. Likewise, you may be not knowingly doing good being evil. :p Just like Da vinCi who discover world is round, it depends which angle you are looking at the ball. To let one be happy and relieve of misery, just sometimes live and let live.

06-04-2005, 10:08 PM
RTW is also known as Return To War.

Oh boy, someone getting more evil than me, man. :D But, who cares... evil is good. *swipes my hands*
Wah!!! Bro, seems that you had a very bump ride on the road of Love.... :o

06-04-2005, 11:34 PM
Wah!!! Bro, seems that you had a very bump ride on the road of Love.... :o

very very rough ride man. Got ditched everytime. For some funny reason, quite a number girls I met before has this bad habit of taking me for a spare tire. sian....

You are right. To be a nice guy means ... being taken for granted. I was a Mr all-so-nice-nice guy until I couldn't put up with the way some girls behave. Oh well.

06-04-2005, 11:37 PM
very very rough ride man. Got ditched everytime. For some funny reason, quite a number girls I met before has this bad habit of taking me for a spare tire. sian....

Live and let live, bro. How is RTW coming along? How many under your belt now? BTW the gamefag thingy, which part is good?

06-04-2005, 11:53 PM
Live and let live, bro. How is RTW coming along? How many under your belt now? BTW the gamefag thingy, which part is good?

I wish I can. But, bro, imagine if your teacher asked you to stand outside the classroom for the 4 or 5 yrs in sec sch, the experience is traumatic.

About RTW, was contemplating on a restart, cos' got caught in the middle, by the Brits.... argh. The Germanians were irritating too, followed by the Spanish who were so used to taking pot shots at me. Oh man.

PS: The gamefaqs.com website has a pc section. Comes with a very useful guide to conquering the world. lol. Also had strategies for the different factions (eg, Brutii and etc).