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very very rough ride man. Got ditched everytime. For some funny reason, quite a number girls I met before has this bad habit of taking me for a spare tire. sian....
You are right. To be a nice guy means ... being taken for granted. I was a Mr all-so-nice-nice guy until I couldn't put up with the way some girls behave. Oh well.
Look at it this way, now we only suffer 10% next, they suffer 90%. We dun curse but wish them well but wish for them too well that the good reverse. Sometimes, just let those who let us suffer get their desserts. Its alright.
07-04-2005, 10:32 AM
I wish I can. But, bro, imagine if your teacher asked you to stand outside the classroom for the 4 or 5 yrs in sec sch, the experience is traumatic.
Bad childhood? Past is past, sow the seed and the consequence will come one day. ;)
07-04-2005, 12:24 PM
Bad childhood? Past is past, sow the seed and the consequence will come one day. ;)
Thanks pple, :D I alive and fit like a fiddle. Not really about bad childhood, more like a couple of past relationships which didn't work out for ... some reasons.
Anyway, today is a new day to start the Roman conquest. hhehe.
PS: T123, u r right about them suffering 90% of the time. hahahaha. I had a good life.
Have a good day everyone.
07-04-2005, 12:30 PM
erm.. always struck me strange that nice guy got bullied? :)
07-04-2005, 09:25 PM
Not that nice guys always get bullied but that being nice comes with a price. :)
07-04-2005, 09:38 PM
I like that line. :D Sounds absolutely cool.
On the point about nice guys being bullied, its part and parcel of life. It can't be helped. The best that nice guys can do is serve the almighty Roman emperor. lol. Good soldiers are often rewarded with a Roman citizenship at the end of their careers. hehehe. (think Rome: Total War).
07-04-2005, 09:50 PM
ME : What do you want to eat??
GF : Anything will do......
ME : Ok, chicken rice then.
GF : But I don't feel like having rice leh....
ME : Ok, mee goreng then.....
GF : Don't want, too oily.....
ME : Fishball noddle soup....
GF : Yeeeee...So plain....
ME : Then what you want???
GF : Anything lor....... :rolleyes:
Continuation :-
ME : OK!!! I sit here, you go walk and see what you want to eat. You don't eat, later don't complain hungry, complain hungry is your own parsah!
Always work :D
07-04-2005, 09:56 PM
Continuation :-
ME : OK!!! I sit here, you go walk and see what you want to eat. You don't eat, later don't complain hungry, complain hungry is your own parsah!
Always work
Then later,
GF: Ehh.... I'm hungry. Help me buy that Haagen Daz ice cream. Don't know why today so hungry leh. :o *feels her tummy* Do I look fat today?
hahahah. :D
Not that nice guys always get bullied but that being nice comes with a price. :)
How Much :confused:
08-04-2005, 11:00 AM
How Much :confused:
Get bullied by gals for being a nice guy :Priceless
08-04-2005, 11:10 AM
During dinner at cineleisure food court
GF: Hey chicken rice for me ok? add more rice k cuz i very hungry haven't taken lunch...
Me: ok lor...
GF: (after eating 5 spoonfuls) dear...i don't wan eat liao...u finish up for me?
Me: eh...try la...(knn! %^$&)
08-04-2005, 11:12 AM
Then later,
GF: Ehh.... I'm hungry. Help me buy that Haagen Daz ice cream. Don't know why today so hungry leh. :o *feels her tummy* Do I look fat today?
ME: No, just look a bit more rounded and more attractive especially your butt, make me horny :P
Get bullied by gals for being a nice guy :Priceless
I dun think that priceless I rather give the price a debt that will last forever. Anyway, I am almost over visiting GL and looking for WL or FL liao. concentrating on what I should be doing, making someone my Mrs. Now, when you put me in GL, I hardly have any motivation to cheong. Nothing there. :p
Well, I guess pretty much all you bros describe is a process which we must go through before we marry who we love. Now, when comes to think of it, its a matter whether we want to jump into the process and get ourselves immensed in situations where we feel helpless. After abuses verbal and physical, I have decided to jump into it again. But I am still not sure of what's laying ahead. However, if it has to happen to make sure that I go through the same thing again before I marry the person I love, I say I do it.
08-04-2005, 03:47 PM
I like that line. :D Sounds absolutely cool.
What line? the VPL?? :D
ME : What do you want to eat??
GF : Anything will do......
ME : Ok, chicken rice then.
GF : But I don't feel like having rice leh....
ME : Ok, mee goreng then.....
GF : Don't want, too oily.....
ME : Fishball noddle soup....
GF : Yeeeee...So plain....
ME : Then what you want???
GF : Anything lor....... ME : OK!!! I sit here, you go walk and see what you want to eat. You don't eat, later don't complain hungry, complain hungry is your own parsah!
Haha, looks I even luckier man in my case.
Scenario: Food Court (or any place with self-service)
My gf always ask me what I want to eat. Always reply "you know I will eat anything u buy - same as what u want can already". Then she makes sure I am comfortably seated, then she go and buy for the 2 of us. :cool:
Of course she is not from SG lah. She's a Thai ;)
Just in case bros think I vely MCP - I did try to do the reverse but she said something that shut me up permanently. She said "I enjoying doing it for you cos I love you, so why must you stop me?" What else can I do? Relax & enjoy, lah! It is win-win after all.
08-04-2005, 05:40 PM
Haha, looks I even luckier man in my case.
Scenario: Food Court (or any place with self-service)
My gf always ask me what I want to eat. Always reply "you know I will eat anything u buy - same as what u want can already". Then she makes sure I am comfortably seated, then she go and buy for the 2 of us.
Of course she is not from SG lah. She's a Thai ;)
Basket, you can see our eyes getting red here. That's the difference between foriegn and made in Singapore. Sometimes even before you can get the seats for food, she already fuming because she is think why cant we go to a restaurant......... :o
08-04-2005, 07:27 PM
Basket, you can see our eyes getting red here. That's the difference between foriegn and made in Singapore. Sometimes even before you can get the seats for food, she already fuming because she is think why cant we go to a restaurant.........
OMG, you are damn right. :D In any case, I will only bring a girl to a restaurant, if she is a foreigner or my gf..... which is incredibly improbable.
If you guys still remember the HMW vs LMW discussion on Urban from Straits Times, the fellow said it right about HMW (high maintenance women) cos' they are for the rich and wealthy. As for the average Joe, its LMW (low maintenance women) all the way. :rolleyes:
08-04-2005, 11:12 PM
If you guys still remember the HMW vs LMW discussion on Urban from Straits Times, the fellow said it right about HMW (high maintenance women) cos' they are for the rich and wealthy. As for the average Joe, its LMW (low maintenance women) all the way. :rolleyes:
I still remember once got to spend almost a hundred on a damn meal just because most place are pack and she refused to walk. Eat dragon meat also no taste............... :mad:
Five Stone
08-04-2005, 11:29 PM
Just in case bros think I vely MCP - I did try to do the reverse but she said something that shut me up permanently. She said "I enjoying doing it for you cos I love you, so why must you stop me?" What else can I do? Relax & enjoy, lah! It is win-win after all.
Bro, not all like you so lucky. :)
Bro, not all like you so lucky. :)
if only u know what I went thru to finally get here? > 2 yrs leh. Ups and downs.
Five Stone
08-04-2005, 11:57 PM
if only u know what I went thru to finally get here? > 2 yrs leh. Ups and downs.
Bro better late than never. It is the results that count. ;)
09-04-2005, 08:03 PM
I still remember once got to spend almost a hundred on a damn meal just because most place are pack and she refused to walk. Eat dragon meat also no taste............... :mad:
lol. Some women really do not know their limits. And, almost a hundred is a little too much for one meal. Besides, it means the purchasing power to procure about 20 McDonald's meals on anyday or, to put it in another way, having Ronald's junk for lunch for all 20 working days in the month. *puke*
I hate some of these women's spend thrift ways. There was this particular one I heard of. She would always demand her bf (my pal) to bring her to expensive restaurants for meals. Sometimes, I had the funny feeling that she was capitalising on his wealth.
But, what to do.... "love" is blinding. It will take moments of great adversity to awake sleeping giants. However, the question lies within people like my pal, are they sleeping giants (fearsome monsters) or docile sheeps (harmless peeps)?
Basket, you can see our eyes getting red here. That's the difference between foriegn and made in Singapore. Sometimes even before you can get the seats for food, she already fuming because she is think why cant we go to a restaurant......... :o
I do go with her to restaurants, just that it is so much cheaper there. Our record was a meal for 2 at Fuji (Japanese Restaurant) - came up to 1000Baht. To her its way too expensive but then its S$40+. Eat until so full cannot walk properly, haha. But really most of the time we eat at roadside stalls or food courts. Or even ta pow from market back to hotel to eat. Tasty and cheap, plus watching her prepare the food happily was already a joy in itself.
12-04-2005, 09:11 AM
I do go with her to restaurants, just that it is so much cheaper there. Our record was a meal for 2 at Fuji (Japanese Restaurant) - came up to 1000Baht. To her its way too expensive but then its S$40+. Eat until so full cannot walk properly, haha. But really most of the time we eat at roadside stalls or food courts. Or even ta pow from market back to hotel to eat. Tasty and cheap, plus watching her prepare the food happily was already a joy in itself.
Hoi, stop pouring out the details, we are already aching with envious. :D
Hoi, stop pouring out the details, we are already aching with envious. :D
Yah boy, for a relationship loser like me, I and having a cloud above my head. In the cloud it shows, a rope with noose, detergent, pen knife, combine timing with MRT train, combine time with car. All actions seeking suicide. :p
12-04-2005, 03:56 PM
Yah boy, for a relationship loser like me, I and having a cloud above my head. In the cloud it shows, a rope with noose, detergent, pen knife, combine timing with MRT train, combine time with car. All actions seeking suicide. :p
These are just some thoughts but also try to remember, there are many more for you to conquer. :D
12-04-2005, 04:07 PM
got one of my ex she'll leave the food there if she's don't find it nice n order another one...knn damn wasteful...the worst is that if she finds a strand of hair in her food she'll want to go complain and whatever even if it's in hawker center...if in 5-star restaurant it's acceptable to complain la but at hawker center?! i everytime go change the food for her i'll just remove the strand of hair n bring back the same plate... :mad:
12-04-2005, 04:13 PM
Basket, you can see our eyes getting red here. That's the difference between foriegn and made in Singapore. Sometimes even before you can get the seats for food, she already fuming because she is think why cant we go to a restaurant......... :o
No need to eyes red, join me n the rest of smart guys.
No need to eyes red, join me n the rest of smart guys.Cannot agree more. KNN, if gf treats u like dirt, time to get a new one. Should have learnt this long long time ago, then wouldn't made stupid mistake that lasted 10 yrs. Nowdays, only One-way and not 2-way, I make a U-turn. Of course sure got ups and downs, but direction (trend) got to be up. Else dun want better. Better alone than miserable.
12-04-2005, 05:01 PM
Cannot agree more. KNN, if gf treats u like dirt, time to get a new one. Should have learnt this long long time ago, then wouldn't made stupid mistake that lasted 10 yrs. Nowdays, only One-way and not 2-way, I make a U-turn. Of course sure got ups and downs, but direction (trend) got to be up. Else dun want better. Better alone than miserable.
Never too late... :p ocean11 saw my gf, kept telling, wat the hell I did in my past life to deserve a good gf. :p
14-04-2005, 05:48 PM
No need to eyes red, join me n the rest of smart guys.
Trying and working on it. So you in BKK? Watana again? :D
14-04-2005, 05:51 PM
Never too late... ocean11 saw my gf, kept telling, wat the hell I did in my past life to deserve a good gf. :p
Tell me about it, KNN you better treat her nice. :cool:
Cannot agree more. KNN, if gf treats u like dirt, time to get a new one. Should have learnt this long long time ago, then wouldn't made stupid mistake that lasted 10 yrs. Nowdays, only One-way and not 2-way, I make a U-turn. Of course sure got ups and downs, but direction (trend) got to be up. Else dun want better. Better alone than miserable.
Its like buying stock and shares, not performing, change. Have to understand that it takes 2 hands to clap, unless you are the drummer from Def Lepard who can still beat up his wife with one arm till police intervene.
I stuck with my ex for 4 years like gone thru concentration camp, physically and verbally, so at the end of the day I am still having trauma whenever I think of starting a new relationship. :D
14-04-2005, 06:33 PM
Its like buying stock and shares, not performing, change. :DMost shares have re-sale value, GF no...
I stuck with my ex for 4 years like gone thru concentration camp, physically and verbally, so at the end of the day I am still having trauma whenever I think of starting a new relationship. So bad? You actually survive the concentration camp? No wonder you used to roam the streets....seeking solace , making up for lost time and to phsycologically balance yourself? Kekeke... :D
Most shares have re-sale value, GF no...
Not if they are like enron shares.
So bad? You actually survive the concentration camp? No wonder you used to roam the streets....seeking solace , making up for lost time and to phsycologically balance yourself? Kekeke...
It was out of impulse actually. My fren who roam there very often brought me to lor 8 on 1st June 2004 and I was quite reluctant actually until a voice inside me told me to try. I was all along objecting to roaming the streets because I was a principle sticky person. Towards prostitution a no-no. However, that nite was my first time roaming. The follow story needless to repeat. Now, I just want to find someone and settle down because after roaming for 10 months I felt rather lonely inside. But I still holding out for the fear that I may kanna slapped, beaten and insulted in public again. :o
14-04-2005, 11:05 PM
wah bro t123...u sound quite pitiful to me leh...dun give in to women so much ma...sometimes they need a little spanking to obey instruction one
15-04-2005, 12:13 AM
But I still holding out for the fear that I may kanna slapped, beaten and insulted in public again. :o Dun ever let a gal do that to you again....Cheers!!! :)
wah bro t123...u sound quite pitiful to me leh...dun give in to women so much ma...sometimes they need a little spanking to obey instruction one
Well right now that's no one I can give in to anymore. I tell myself no more beatings anymore, the next gal who raised her hand, I just walk away. :)
Dun ever let a gal do that to you again....Cheers!!! :)
How you and ocean have been doing? rarely heard from you guys lately. I have been getting calls from friends, clients and unknown samsters about which gal, hc, tn shops, where, how, damages? lately. for roaming streets, me in sleeping mode now.
15-04-2005, 12:40 PM
How you and ocean have been doing? rarely heard from you guys lately..The past weeks are deem "forgetable" ones.... I have been getting calls from friends, clients and unknown samsters about which gal, hc, tn shops, where, how, damages? lately. for roaming streets, me in sleeping mode now. You had somehow become a walking dictionary for all these stuff? BTW how is things coming up between your new found romanace? :)
BTW how is things coming up between your new found romanace?
She went to land of rolex,rado, and Alps. But neber heard from her since. Gave me muack muack on the phone the night before she board the plane. Well now is oredi 2 weeks which she said will contact me after she get back. Well may ike Queen's song"Another One Bites The Dust". :o
I am not for marriage but paid sex lah. This is what I told my friends. I aso dun want to be like those uncles who paid money and return their viet,kalimantan wives for refund. Maybe eventually I hit that path when I am 60 perhaps. Forget it lah, I am a sad story maybe I fit that Jack Neo's movie I do I do, 新加坡有四百万人口,除了一百万是老的,一百万结婚的,还剩下两百万是年轻的,为什么你的儿子还找不到呢? What i wish to confess is, 我连两百万之一的机会也不可能有。I think live and let live and so be it thats my life, my destiny to be alone. :(
15-04-2005, 01:22 PM
....I think live and let live and so be it thats my life, my destiny to be alone. :(Dun be so are still young.....Cheers Up!!! :)
15-04-2005, 02:49 PM
How you and ocean have been doing? rarely heard from you guys lately.
Me been busy acting busy, I am "roaming the street" as well. Nothing much lately been a slow and boring weeks. But looking forward to next week. :D
Me been busy acting busy, I am "roaming the street" as well. Nothing much lately been a slow and boring weeks. But looking forward to next week. :D
well, me slow down liao sometimes when my friend drove me there, I aso dun have mood.
22-05-2005, 04:19 PM
Recent events had been earnestly pointing to one single direction, freaking stay away from Singapore woman.
23-05-2005, 12:23 AM
Ocean Bro,
I'm also deeply bitter over the Singapore girl. wtf. Being treated like dirt and crap, sigh.... I think I need to upgrade my PC to play Act of War. Although game does not induce more life in myself, its still better than having to entertain some bimbo. sigh....
I have this funny feeling that I'm going to marry a foreign wife too, when I'm in my 30s. I just can't stand the way Singapore women behave.
In my office, there are dozens and dozens of females who behave as if they are princesses. Argh! Those buaya kings are just as despicable. Even the company driver is one buaya king.
23-05-2005, 12:27 AM
Recent events had been earnestly pointing to one single direction, freaking stay away from Singapore woman.
S'pore guy scholar whim case????? Pls give up on S'pore ger if u have not :D
23-05-2005, 04:14 AM
Ocean Bro,
I have this funny feeling that I'm going to marry a foreign wife too, when I'm in my 30s. I just can't stand the way Singapore women behave.
In my office, there are dozens and dozens of females who behave as if they are princesses. Argh! Those buaya kings are just as despicable. Even the company driver is one buaya king.
Finish with the Romans? I gave up some time ago.
SG gals are driving us to the limits and the time will come for judgemnt day. :cool:
23-05-2005, 03:35 PM
Finish with the Romans? I gave up some time ago.
SG gals are driving us to the limits and the time will come for judgemnt day.
Done with the Romans. Too tedious a game.
Done with the SG girls too. Aunties (unmarried ones) think they are eligible sweet things, although they are too old for that. Whilst young lasses think they are desirable, although they are crappy (big time).
I'm dying for a Viet gf. :D
I have been stocking extra funds for my new PC. That should kill some of those boring Sat afternoons and disgusting fri evenings.
One of those spinsters in my office adviced me not to be too "tao". Sigh.... Look who is talking man. Its a big joke. Me "tao", urs truly is of the opinion that the char bo in orchard is a zillion times more "tao". Geeee....
24-05-2005, 03:08 AM
My friends told me, those dogs in CNB are trained with getting use to the smell of drugs and they are well taken care of as well, given good food and welfare treatment. The same trainer will be assigned to the same dog for rapport. As days goes by, the dogs grew addicted to the smell of the drugs and if they are not given the daily dosage, they will turn temperamental, hostile and out of control, when it come to this stage, the dog have to be put down and it is really painful for the trainer as feelings had grown.
Something crossed my mind, Singapore girls are similar, we tried our best to be accommodating, understanding, give them unconditional love, care and concern but slowly they grew to take it for granted. Once they do not have their way, they will be temperamental, hostile and out of control but the only difference is………….they cannot be put down…………….. :cool:
Recent events had been earnestly pointing to one single direction, freaking stay away from Singapore woman.
Haha, Ocean now cast his ships to faraway lands. Ocean no see SG gals not more, keke. You doing great, bro.
Something crossed my mind, Singapore girls are similar, we tried our best to be accommodating, understanding, give them unconditional love, care and concern but slowly they grew to take it for granted. Once they do not have their way, they will be temperamental, hostile and out of control but the only difference is………….they cannot be put down…………….. :cool:
Guess they can't be put down. So only option is to put them aside, :D
You all know the difference between a Singaporean women and an umbrella?
>> once in a while, you can shut that umbrella up.... :D
24-05-2005, 11:15 PM
Guess they can't be put down. So only option is to put them aside, :D
That is the time to exercise a put option (for the guys in finance, u probably know what it means.)
I suppose it can equated to opening a can of worms .... except that there is no money back guarantee.
29-05-2005, 05:43 AM
That is the time to exercise a put option (for the guys in finance, u probably know what it means.)
I suppose it can equated to opening a can of worms .... except that there is no money back guarantee.
No money back guarantee is still not too bad. For Singapore girls, guarantee no money back. :D
29-05-2005, 01:28 PM
No money back guarantee is still not too bad. For Singapore girls, guarantee no money back.
:D I like ur brand of cynicism. Were you Palpantine's apprentice? hhehehe.
Do send my regards to Palpantine.
Five Stone
19-06-2005, 12:48 AM
One of those spinsters in my office adviced me not to be too "tao". Sigh.... Look who is talking man. Its a big joke. Me "tao", urs truly is of the opinion that the char bo in orchard is a zillion times more "tao". Geeee....
Birds of a feather, flock together. When the pot is calling the kettle back, the pot never think. :cool:
Five Stone
27-06-2005, 06:20 PM
Overheard a conversation the other day. Really sad to see a man mortifies to such extreme without much retaliation.
Woman: I am going for that holiday, with or without you.
Man: But I am tight for the month and you know this job does not really pay well.
Woman: That’s your problem. Either you find a better pay job, or you take a second job at night.
Man: How can you say such things to me?
Woman: Why cant I? I say what I like. Leave me if you are not happy.
Man: No, I don’t mean that but don’t you think you are being harsh and not spare a thought for my feelings as well.
Woman: Spare a thought for you? Then who spare a thought for me?
I left after listening to so much. Really can bear to stay another minute. I turn back, I can really see the agony in the man’s face. :o
27-06-2005, 06:59 PM
Overheard a conversation the other day. Really sad to see a man mortifies to such extreme without much retaliation.
Woman: I am going for that holiday, with or without you.
Man: But I am tight for the month and you know this job does not really pay well.
Woman: That’s your problem. Either you find a better pay job, or you take a second job at night.
Man: How can you say such things to me?
Woman: Why cant I? I say what I like. Leave me if you are not happy.
Man: No, I don’t mean that but don’t you think you are being harsh and not spare a thought for my feelings as well.
Woman: Spare a thought for you? Then who spare a thought for me?
I left after listening to so much. Really can bear to stay another minute. I turn back, I can really see the agony in the man’s face. :o
This type of girl must hammer them jialat jialat :D , the guy I don't know whether pitiful or stupid...
27-06-2005, 07:06 PM
pity the guy who can withstand her.. :(
pity the guy who can withstand her.. :(
I am used to it. my ex.
27-06-2005, 07:32 PM
Woman: Spare a thought for you? Then who spare a thought for me?
I left after listening to so much. Really can bear to stay another minute. I turn back, I can really see the agony in the man’s face. :o
souns like my ex... drag with her for abt 2 yrs plus..
even my friends ask me wat i've done in my previous life to deserve her..
but she would say i'm fortunate to deserve her.. :eek:
lucky now got new pastures... reali ti gong bo pi..
souns like my ex... drag with her for abt 2 yrs plus..
even my friends ask me wat i've done in my previous life to deserve her..
but she would say i'm fortunate to deserve her.. :eek:
lucky now got new pastures... reali ti gong bo pi..
wah lau, sama sama here
27-06-2005, 09:44 PM
me the same .. we are all in the same plight .. haiz.. who ask us to be guys... gals are so fickle minded
28-06-2005, 10:04 AM
I am used to it. my ex.
Never seems to be short in supply of such "high caliber" gals roaming the streets of Singapore. One puzzling thing is that they can still claim credit against all odds. Arent they simply"Extraordinary People"? :cool:
Never seems to be short in supply of such "high caliber" gals roaming the streets of Singapore. One puzzling thing is that they can still claim credit against all odds. Arent they simply"Extraordinary People"? :cool:
yah when they start hitting you, you felt like kanna from invisible woman, wonder woman, bat girl, storm etc........... simply all from marvel comics. :p
28-06-2005, 11:03 AM
yah when they start hitting you, you felt like kanna from invisible woman, wonder woman, bat girl, storm etc........... simply all from marvel comics. :p
Hahaha, I think they are better than the Marvel heroines. Faster than light, swift , stealth, and ruthless. Strike you and left with not even your underwear to cover you balls. :D
Hahaha, I think they are better than the Marvel heroines. Faster than light, swift , stealth, and ruthless. Strike you and left with not even your underwear to cover you balls. :D
Yah now I have 3 potential GF on hand but all haiz.......... :(
28-06-2005, 11:22 AM
Yah now I have 3 potential GF on hand but all haiz.......... :(
bro, at least ur chances of kanna another jialat one is onli 33.33%..
imagine my risk (100%) when i found a new gf..
btw, i wish u good luck.. ti gong bo pi.. :D
bro, at least ur chances of kanna another jialat one is onli 33.33%..
imagine my risk (100%) when i found a new gf..
btw, i wish u good luck.. ti gong bo pi.. :D
They just potential onli, maybe in the end I end up with nothing.
28-06-2005, 11:38 AM
They just potential onli, maybe in the end I end up with nothing.
Well, potential means waitin to be converted into actual..
which means "high success rate"..
somemore ti gong know we suffer so much, confirm got rewards one.. :D
Btw, thanks for ur points bro!!! appreciate veri much!!
28-06-2005, 12:47 PM
Overheard a conversation the other day. Really sad to see a man mortifies to such extreme without much retaliation.
Woman: I am going for that holiday, with or without you.
Man: But I am tight for the month and you know this job does not really pay well.
Woman: That’s your problem. Either you find a better pay job, or you take a second job at night.
Man: How can you say such things to me?
Woman: Why cant I? I say what I like. Leave me if you are not happy.
Man: No, I don’t mean that but don’t you think you are being harsh and not spare a thought for my feelings as well.
Woman: Spare a thought for you? Then who spare a thought for me?
sometimes i see girls quarrell with their bfs along orchard road screaming at him...knn make him until so pai seh...he try to coax her to one side talk end up kena hammer by the girl in front of all the onlookers
Lucky i'm the type who leaves my gf there screaming herself and i walk away...anything later den settle in private
28-06-2005, 03:12 PM
Lucky i'm the type who leaves my gf there screaming herself and i walk away...anything later den settle in private
bro, i tried tht too.. but in e end heart melted when c her cry... :o
thts y kana "tortured" for 2 years... somemore during NS time..
tortured during camp by PC n OC, book out kanna tortured by gf.. sianz...
28-06-2005, 03:23 PM
I also kenna b4, my ex-gf throw the newspaper on my face at bishan Interchange later we breakoff due to many things.!!!! Until now i still miss her as i like to be torture by her :cool:
What do you guys think of the following:
1.shouting at you and punching you in public.
2.making you kneel down at interchange and admit you are at fault which
you are not.
3.punch you till your forehead bruised.
4.stamped on your ear and causes internal bleeding.
5.Slapped you in the shopping mall.
6.Hurling abuses at you, sometimes aimed at your parents.
7.stamp on your manhood.
8.scratch your eye balls when she attempt to slap you.
9.threw away the dinner which your cooked for her.
10.damaged your specs when you lost your own ez-link card by accident.
28-06-2005, 03:45 PM
What do you guys think of the following:
1.shouting at you and punching you in public.
2.making you kneel down at interchange and admit you are at fault which
you are not.
3.punch you till your forehead bruised.
wa... in POW treatment camp ah...
tink i cannot bear after "level 3".. prefer to die for honour...
"shi ke ru, ning ke shi" (die rather than being humilate)
bro t123, u kanna all tis?? :eek:
bro t123, u kanna all tis?? :eek:
3 years and been together 4 years.
28-06-2005, 03:59 PM
sometimes i see girls quarrell with their bfs along orchard road screaming at him...knn make him until so pai seh...he try to coax her to one side talk end up kena hammer by the girl in front of all the onlookers
This is common, seen it many a times already, the guy always try to tell her to cool off but she still continue to behave in a disgusting way. As if free show, better than HK serial, I wonder how can a person be so shameless, let alone a woman........ :rolleyes:
28-06-2005, 04:05 PM
3 years and been together 4 years.
reali happy tht u out of it.. i've had some unhappy experiences too but tink they nothing compared to urs..
bro, do u realise nowadays when u tink back y we tahan all those nonsense?? :confused:
28-06-2005, 04:28 PM
What do you guys think of the following:
1.shouting at you and punching you in public.
2.making you kneel down at interchange and admit you are at fault which
you are not.
3.punch you till your forehead bruised.
4.stamped on your ear and causes internal bleeding.
5.Slapped you in the shopping mall.
6.Hurling abuses at you, sometimes aimed at your parents.
7.stamp on your manhood.
8.scratch your eye balls when she attempt to slap you.
9.threw away the dinner which your cooked for her.
10.damaged your specs when you lost your own ez-link card by accident.
wow bro...u kena all this???!!! :eek:
1. Madwoman
2. Empress Dowager
3. Female Wrestler
4. Soccer Player
5. Act like she caught u with another woman
6. Parents did not teach her properly
7. Unappreciator
8. Want to sell u to other country as beggar
9. Heartless ( I can't this action...dunno y leh )
10. Kay Poh
*I only kena no.6...already enuff for me to snap...knn say me nvm, still say my parents for fuck? :mad:
28-06-2005, 04:34 PM
GF: Dear, can pick me from MRT Station or not....
(MRT Station was a 5 mins drive or 10 mins bus ride or 15 mins walk from home....)
ME: Why dont you take a bus??? I busy mopping the floor....
GF: But I carrying many things....
ME: Dear, I am hot and tired from work already......
GF: Ok...... (Line cut off.....)
Sorie hor, just started to read thru this interesting thread. The words in bold is what I hate about and I can't do anything about it. :o
For example, I already highlighted to her to enjoy shopping and have dinner with her gerfrd since it's not really my cuppa of tea. (Think bros here also think alike.) To me this precious moment is being given to me so that I can really surf the net, listen to MP3s without ppl complaining. After 3 hrs, an immediate call was received from her, saying they wanted to take dinner around our area and ask me accompany them. I already tell her in advance I prefer to stay @ home, awaiting her to be back. Not to my surprise, she just hang down the freaking phone after saying "okie lor". After few tries, get thru it, forced myself to accompany them, see them enjoy dinner also shiok?? :confused:
28-06-2005, 04:45 PM
What do you guys think of the following:
1.shouting at you and punching you in public.
2.making you kneel down at interchange and admit you are at fault which
you are not.
3.punch you till your forehead bruised.
4.stamped on your ear and causes internal bleeding.
5.Slapped you in the shopping mall.
6.Hurling abuses at you, sometimes aimed at your parents.
7.stamp on your manhood.
8.scratch your eye balls when she attempt to slap you.
9.threw away the dinner which your cooked for her.
10.damaged your specs when you lost your own ez-link card by accident.
Erm....since very serious huh? Luckily my wife at least give me the respect and throw tantrum when we get back home. She knows that we men need respect. As for the above, I can quote one classic example on my frd, 175cm which was an SOF b4. Mai sng seow okie. But his petite wife, stands @ 150cm nia is the abuser. If she ever lose out in an argument, she will scold KNNCCB in front of him in public, bus or mrt. Or she slap his chin, face and just walk away w/o informing my frd. At home more worst. During quarreling, she will use ash tray and swing directly to his head, or use the pool table cue to whack him. Just imagine my frd something retaliate by lifting up the cue with his wife dangling above the ground. Quite funny stuff there. :p
28-06-2005, 05:05 PM
3 years and been together 4 years.You were with her for 4 years but why only kanna this torturing treatment for 3 years? What happened to the unmentioned 1 year? Honeymoon period at the beginning or you were returning favour to her at the last year of the R/S? Bro, i am truly baffled by why you can tolerate her....esp for so long.... Anyway, glad that the nightmare is over for you. Sweet dreams nowadays? :)
You were with her for 4 years but why only kanna this torturing treatment for 3 years? What happened to the unmentioned 1 year? Honeymoon period at the beginning or you were returning favour to her at the last year of the R/S? Bro, i am truly baffled by why you can tolerate her....esp for so long.... Anyway, glad that the nightmare is over for you. Sweet dreams nowadays? :)
me, nowadays now going after a potential mrs nxx singaporean, but she seemed not able to find time for me.
another potential - shandong student who is chio tall and figure is kan chio
another potential - A PRC nursery teacher who fallen for me. I have yet to meet her, all sweet nothings done thru mr lee hsien yang system.
Our 1st year together was honeymoon, camping in sentosa, going to places of interest. Its due to my fucking fault that I spoiled her, and she cannot stop being spoilt. I turn tweety bird into Batista, always chio into street fight and cage matches. Like all wrestling show, end up with paramedics sending me to hosiptal. All finishing moves tasted before, like Batista Bomb, Stonecold stunner, pedigree, crippler crossface, Walls of jericho, the last ride, tomdstone piledriver, leg lock figure 4, angle lock, but I like best is people;s elbow because it hurt the least.
28-06-2005, 05:30 PM
me, nowadays now going after a potential mrs nxx singaporean, but she seemed not able to find time for me. .If she is already someone else MRS...leave her alone and leave it that way.
another potential - shandong student who is chio tall and figure is kan chio.Height is not a issue, once in horizontal position, everyone is on an level playing field.
another potential - A PRC nursery teacher who fallen for me. I have yet to meet her, all sweet nothings done thru mr lee hsien yang system..How can someone fall in love with you if she had not met you before? You must be quite a tele-cassanova. Not meant to be wet blanket but had you seen her face before?
Our 1st year together was honeymoon,...I turn tweety bird into Batista, always chio into street fight and cage matches. Like all wrestling show, end up with paramedics sending me to hosiptal. All finishing moves tasted before, like Batista Bomb, Stonecold stunner, pedigree, crippler crossface, Walls of jericho, the last ride, tomdstone piledriver, leg lock figure 4, angle lock, but I like best is people;s elbow because it hurt the least.Had you ever wonder that if those were done on you in WWF, you would had been a rich man and a sure celebrity by now. :p
If she is already someone else MRS...leave her alone and leave it that way.:p
I mean i want her to be my mrs.
28-06-2005, 05:44 PM
Sorie hor, just started to read thru this interesting thread. The words in bold is what I hate about and I can't do anything about it.
After 3 hrs, an immediate call was received from her, saying they wanted to take dinner around our area and ask me accompany them. I already tell her in advance I prefer to stay @ home, awaiting her to be back. Not to my surprise, she just hang down the freaking phone after saying "okie lor". After few tries, get thru it, forced myself to accompany them, see them enjoy dinner also shiok?? :confused:
Yes, that "okie lor" is enough to dampened all moods........ :o
LPPL just follow instructions.....
28-06-2005, 06:04 PM
Yes, that "okie lor" is enough to dampened all moods........ :o
LPPL just follow instructions.....
Gers are really like dat. You say she fickle minded, she will say you not assertive enough. If you say she not caring enough, she will rebute back you are not thoughtful, tolerant enough. We are at our losing ends. This is SGPorean men's life. Cho bu cho bei. :D
28-06-2005, 06:09 PM
What do you guys think of the following:
1.shouting at you and punching you in public.
never had a gf before.. didnt know there exists such siao women here.. considering FT wife.. :rolleyes:
28-06-2005, 06:11 PM
Gers are really like dat. You say she fickle minded, she will say you not assertive enough. If you say she not caring enough, she will rebute back you are not thoughtful, tolerant enough. We are at our losing ends. This is SGPorean men's life. Cho bu cho bei. :D
Not to forget, the more vicious the words are, the more gentle she will put it across to you. :cool:
28-06-2005, 06:13 PM
We are at our losing ends. This is SGPorean men's life. Cho bu cho bei. :D
Trust me mate, not only SG guys suffer this ... ALL men r equal in this respect.
28-06-2005, 06:14 PM
this is indeed an eye opening thread for me.. :)
28-06-2005, 06:32 PM
Not to forget, the more vicious the words are, the more gentle she will put it across to you. :cool:
I know we men are given "some sort" of responsibility to protect our women, but not to the extend like what bro t123 is encountering. So sad such things happen. I treat my wife abit too good, she will say what bad things you did 2day huh? Lanlan. If abit too harsh to her, she chu pattern liao, say last time will give in to her now married liao can 放肆 liao lor. Lanlan again. :o Of course got good woman lah, bros. Just hang down there and wait okie. Women can really change faces like those beijing face-changing opera artise man. Terrific!
this is indeed an eye opening thread for me.. :)
Yah now I have 3 potential GF on hand but all haiz.......... bro, at least ur chances of kanna another jialat one is onli 33.33%..
imagine my risk (100%) when i found a new gf.. btw, i wish u good luck.. ti gong bo pi.. :D
Or is it 300% ??? :eek:
Or is it 300% ??? :eek:
I am no casanova, I got 10% of the 1st choice, I will blessed by my ancestors liao.
Five Stone
28-06-2005, 08:47 PM
I am no casanova, I got 10% of the 1st choice, I will blessed by my ancestors liao.
Do look on the bright side, things may not be as dim as what you see, remember, one who is involved always is blinded in one way or another. :D
Five Stone
28-06-2005, 08:50 PM
I know we men are given "some sort" of responsibility to protect our women, but not to the extend like what bro t123 is encountering. Women can really change faces like those beijing face-changing opera artise man. Terrific!
Women wants the equal rights but the benefits of the weaker sexes......
First they want you, then your money, in order to get the money, you work harder, then they want your time, in the end what have you left..... :o
28-06-2005, 09:28 PM
Women wants the equal rights but the benefits of the weaker sexes......
First they want you, then your money, in order to get the money, you work harder, then they want your time, in the end what have you left..... :o
Nothing. -_-
Sometime back, one colleague was joking with me, "You still single? Actually, Miss A still single and available. You try her lah. Girls quite easy one. They all like cute cute things."
I took her word for it and casually asked Miss A out for lunch. Miss A paused and see ceiling here and there. Then hesitated for a while for, "hmmm.... actually i need to do some shopping during lunch." ie, Kenna rejected there and then.
I had a good look at the company guideline on lunch time. Stated clearly that every staff is entitled to only one damn hour. Wtf was it with the shopping. Women.... If I asked for dinner and she told me need to shop, then LL. But, in this case, the rejection was complete Bull....
Till now, I have no idea whether this colleague meant what she said. I was also wondering whether Miss A is aware of what the colleague said. Should I continue to ask Miss A out for lunch?
Its so tedious. Some bros probably think I should give up. I'm already more than 3/4 demoralised. Sometimes, when I walk pass her, I don't even bother to look at her to TCSS.
I already reached a point where I'd look to the opposite wall or close my eyes, when a chio bu or SYT (office colleague) walk by. So mah fan having to entertain them. Worse is, after putting in so much time and effort, you realise that this girl is already attached or chose someone else.
Their propensities for materialism is so apparent that even the blind can see.
lol ... and guys are not materialistic????
i am a guy and i am materialistic. what more women.
Gers are still gers......
Wah..this year old liao...any new snippets to share?
I not married lah.... :D
29-06-2005, 12:58 AM
lol ... and guys are not materialistic????
i am a guy and i am materialistic. what more women.
Bro sdfr, totally agree with you, see my avatar, can tell I'm a super lame, materialistic wanker, on top of being extremely chee hong, ha ha ha :D
29-06-2005, 09:37 AM
I already reached a point where I'd look to the opposite wall or close my eyes, when a chio bu or SYT (office colleague) walk by. So mah fan having to entertain them. Worse is, after putting in so much time and effort, you realise that this girl is already attached or chose someone else.
Bro, see free one no need to talk to them. then if feel like it can save in memory later go PCC. SG char bor like to "hang up and sell" one so don't bother. want to find oso find outside office, bonk oredi want to breakup easier :D
29-06-2005, 09:57 AM
never had a gf before.. didnt know there exists such siao women here.. considering FT wife..
haha yeah right!! don't think anyone will believe u...haha unless swap the gf title for sex partner la... :D
29-06-2005, 10:11 AM
At home more worst. During quarreling, she will use ash tray and swing directly to his head, or use the pool table cue to whack him. Just imagine my frd something retaliate by lifting up the cue with his wife dangling above the ground. Quite funny stuff there. :p
Bro, i tried this before but lucky no ashtray yet, only books (dictionaries, management books with hard covers)...
somemore tht time was in NS, still remember its during the SISPEC course..
so weekday kanna hantam by PC, Specs n weekends kanna by my ex..
my ex was 155cm n i'm 180cm.. can do retaliation but soft hearted...
or most likely no balls left.. :o
29-06-2005, 12:11 PM
Bro, i tried this before but lucky no ashtray yet, only books (dictionaries, management books with hard covers)...
my ex was 155cm n i'm 180cm.. can do retaliation but soft hearted...
or most likely no balls left.. :o
Women all the same, give them face and they climb on top of yr head. Dont understand, tell them many a times angry dont throw things, later spoil own self pay again. What's the point? :rolleyes:
29-06-2005, 12:20 PM
Dont understand, tell them many a times angry dont throw things, later spoil own self pay again. What's the point?
agree agree... but most times i kanna e one payin...nb.. :(
29-06-2005, 01:00 PM
agree agree... but most times i kanna e one payin...nb.. :(Tell her to throw her own stuff, her handphone will be a good choice. :D
29-06-2005, 01:20 PM
a little off topic but some interesting points from new paper columnist janice wong from
Want a girlfriend? Get a nice car
MY leggy friend Shirley couldn't wait to tell me all about her new boyfriend.
Before she even dropped her handbag on the seat at Coffee Bean, she gushed: Guess what? He drives a Porsche!
Great, I said. But what do you like about him?
His Porsche.
There you have it - the nub of modern courtship.
The more expensive the man's car, the greater his eligibility.
It is interesting to see how a metal structure on wheels can accord a man so much magnetism. It doesn't work the other way; a woman with a car is not as prized.
Indeed, it could work against her.
Shirley would never give a car-less man a second look.
With the number of men falling over themselves to date her, the car rule gives her a quick and easy disqualifier.
I don't think she is alone in judging men on the basis of their cars or lack thereof.
My man friends lament the plentiful anecdotal evidence of the prevalence of this characteristic among women.
George, who recently upgraded from a 10-year-old Japanese car to a new Beemer (for those who are car-challenged, that's a BMW), told me that the difference this has made in the attitude of his woman friends is remarkable.
When women saw my old car, they gave me a thinly veiled disappointed look.
They would rush out of the car like they were embarrassed to be seen in it.
Now I don't have this problem at all, he said.
It's the ultimate litmus test - same guy, different car, different reaction.
My conclusion: Want a girlfriend? Get a nice car.
Sounds crass? But it's true.
A car makes snaring a girlfriend easier in several ways. With a car, there are more options regarding where to go.
The man gets an opportunity to demonstrate his chivalry by sending the girl home and running other car-essential errands. You know, the knight in shining car myth.
A car doubles as a cosy private space for those intimate moments.
Lastly, a man with an expensive car is just more socially desirable. The message is clear: Look, I am successful.
For all these reasons, if I like two men equally and the only thing that differentiates them is a car, I would go for the one with the wheels.
What if your girlfriend is not the materialistic sort?
Be realistic.
Even if she is indifferent to taking an MRT train or riding in a Mercedes-Benz E200, some of her relatives and friends would judge you a failure if you show up with an ez-link card instead of car keys.
To Shirley's parents, any boyfriend of their daughter who has no car is a dim prospect as a son-in-law. It would also be a big loss of face.
Lash out at them if you want to. But like it or not, we live in a society which grades people: our family and educational background, the house we live in, the job we hold and the car we drive.
Not only does a car signal you have arrived, but where you park also seals your social status.
Higher-ranking staff get to park in reserved lots nearer the exits.
From personal experience, I know that many parking valets pay more attention, and display a degree of servility, to owners of prestigious marques.
Shirley is not a gold digger by a long shot. She finds her boyfriend's personality attractive.
She has simply not reached that sublime state to say honestly that such things as the calibre of car ownership does not matter to her.
So, if you are male and dateless, why not hop down to Performance Motors or Cycle & Carriage this weekend if you can afford it?
With the Monetary Authority of Singapore allowing zero downpayment, you could jump-start your eligibility quotient instantly.
Of course, it would plunge you in debt for a long time, too.
However, those who take this route and find their appointment calendar filling up will do well to bear in mind this caution from talk-show host Oprah Winfrey: Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo, but what you need is someone who'll take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.
29-06-2005, 06:24 PM
I took her word for it and casually asked Miss A out for lunch. Miss A paused and see ceiling here and there. Then hesitated for a while for, "hmmm.... actually i need to do some shopping during lunch." ie, Kenna rejected there and then. .... the rejection was complete Bull.....I think the signal she put across is quite clear. She was merely being polite with the rejection. Try again if you intend to give it one more shot. If been rejected another time...can forget abt it and move on with other things in life. Three times will be a resasonable limit depending on the desirability of the intended target.
Till now, I have no idea whether this colleague meant what she said. I was also wondering whether Miss A is aware of what the colleague said. Should I continue to ask Miss A out for lunch?
Perhaps it was a casual remarks, unlikely to be a hint on behalf of Ms A. Dun have to take it seriously. But then if she is single, and you find her acceptable, can try to date her again. But office romance can get quite sticky at times.
Its so tedious. Some bros probably think I should give up. I'm already more than 3/4 demoralised. Sometimes, when I walk pass her, I don't even bother to look at her to TCSS.Talk to her as you usually do...cannot work out anything, can still be frens beside being never know, next time she may have some frens that may interest you...If you ignore her completely, she might be thinking that you are sore with her for rejecting your date.
I already reached a point where I'd look to the opposite wall or close my eyes, when a chio bu or SYT (office colleague) walk by. So mah fan having to entertain them.Dun need to entertain them, just flash a smile (friendly not cheeky :D ) or a few words of regards will do.
Worse is, after putting in so much time and effort, you realise that this girl is already attached or chose someone else.Look ahead, it's alright if they are attached...they will have some other gal frens who are not....Cheer Up :)
29-06-2005, 06:58 PM
Tell her to throw her own stuff, her handphone will be a good choice.
bro, i bought her 2 handphones.. (stuoopi rite??)
dunno wat gong tao she feed me... :D
29-06-2005, 11:59 PM
I think the signal she put across is quite clear. She was merely being polite with the rejection. Try again if you intend to give it one more shot. If been rejected another time...can forget abt it and move on with other things in life. Three times will be a resasonable limit depending on the desirability of the intended target.
Thanks. I agree with your opinion. It was a clear message. I already got over it. Just that it felt more like a set up.
I told a friend that I rather make the money and date the girls I want or even "bao" a mistress or two. It was plain disappointing, with regards to that incident.
Perhaps it was a casual remarks, unlikely to be a hint on behalf of Ms A. Dun have to take it seriously. But then if she is single, and you find her acceptable, can try to date her again. But office romance can get quite sticky at times.
I'm already steering clear of her. Look left and right, she still isn't worth it.
Talk to her as you usually do...cannot work out anything, can still be frens beside being never know, next time she may have some frens that may interest you...If you ignore her completely, she might be thinking that you are sore with her for rejecting your date.
Ehh.... u really have foresight. Anyway, I wrote off that possibility. Besides, getting rejected once for lunch is bad enough. I don't even want to visualise meeting her in future. Its just awkward, no thanks to her friend's "advice".
You have a point regarding her "thinking" that i'm sore. On the other hand, since I already completed whatever biz with her, I have sufficient legitimate excuse to avoid seeing her.
Dun need to entertain them, just flash a smile (friendly not cheeky :D ) or a few words of regards will do.
Look ahead, it's alright if they are attached...they will have some other gal frens who are not....Cheer Up
Thanks for the advice. :o
I am no casanova, I got 10% of the 1st choice, I will blessed by my ancestors liao.
Sorry I dun mean that. I meant going by what is posted in this thread, almost every ger is like 100% we guys sure kena. So funny maths say 3 gers = 3x100% = 300% chance of kena. Either one we choose also kena! Yeah of course proper maths says it is still 100%.
GF: Dear, can pick me from MRT Station or not....
(MRT Station was a 5 mins drive or 10 mins bus ride or 15 mins walk from home....)
ME: Why dont you take a bus??? I busy mopping the floor....
GF: But I carrying many things.... knn think we like ah mat sometimes.... sigh.....Anyone ever experienced this? Worked in Jurong so out of the house since 7am or so. After a long hard and mad day at office, I will still wait for her to finish work and go to pick her up from her office (starts work later, 11am-pm), timing myself as she smsed to tell me she's finishing at a particular time. Almost always had to wait 1-3 hours at her office lobby (or next to taxi stand & feeling like an inconsiderate driver obstructing traffic cos she said she is on the way down). This happens almost at least 3 times a week, every week for years. And not a single time I hear a "sorry I made u wait". Ever realised that when one is tired, the moment u sit down a while doing nothing, your whole body goes to sleep? and even hurts all over? Well, alternate means of transport were not acceptable topics of discussion for her.
Then one day I was 20 minutes late cos of accident causing a traffic jam. Not easy to sms while driving, so tried calling her hand./office phone but always engaged or no answer.
When I got there, she wasn't and after waiting an hour, I called her office only to be told she;s already left. Call her hp but no answer again and finally called home and maid said she is already at home. KNN enjoying dinner somemore. Asked her why she did not wait for me, knowing I was coming or call me to say she's going home 1st. Her answer "Cos u late what! Came down and dun see u anywhere, so I took the 1st taxi that comes along and go home lah. Wait for u for what?"
It's worse than being an Amat, I think!
Her answer "Cos u late what! Came down and dun see u anywhere, so I took the 1st taxi that comes along and go home lah. Wait for u for what?"
U should have turn up late the next few times and let her take the taxi home lah. Soon u dun even need to go fetch her mah :D
30-06-2005, 08:45 AM
Her answer "Cos u late what! Came down and dun see u anywhere, so I took the 1st taxi that comes along and go home lah. Wait for u for what?"
Bro no offence huh, but if i'm u..i will
Pardon my badly used language... :D
30-06-2005, 10:01 AM
Anyone ever experienced this? Worked in Jurong so out of the house since 7am or so. After a long hard and mad day at office, I will still wait for her to finish work and go to pick her up from her office (starts work later, 11am-pm)On days that you are really tired or unwell, inform her to take taxi. If she has a driving lic, you can leave the car with her when you need to meet up with your frens for a drink or gathering for the night since she finish work pretty late. Ask her to pick up and maybe she can appreciate what you had been doing for years.
timing myself as she smsed to tell me she's finishing at a particular time. Almost always had to wait 1-3 hours at her office lobby (or next to taxi stand & feeling like an inconsiderate driver obstructing traffic cos she said she is on the way down). This happens almost at least 3 times a week, every week for years. And not a single time I hear a "sorry I made u wait". Unless there is a waiting area else, it is not only inconveniening others but posing as safety hazards at times.
Well, alternate means of transport were not acceptable topics of discussion for her.I think a discussion is inevitable, either tell her at an appropriate opportunity or when it finally took its toll on your patience
Then one day I was 20 minutes late cos of accident causing a traffic jam. Asked her why she did not wait for me, knowing I was coming or call me to say she's going home 1st. Her answer "Cos u late what! Came down and dun see u anywhere, so I took the 1st taxi that comes along and go home lah. Wait for u for what?"Tell her to at least informed you. Ask her If you do not see her waiting at the pick up point next time and just drove off, how will she feel?
It's worse than being an Amat, I think!
You are right... at least a chauffeur gets paid. In the world, someone who give their best to the other is often taken for granted. Male to Female or vice-versa. All these nonsense really adds on to take out the flair out of a R/S. I think a discussion with your CO to address this problem is imminent. It is never easy but you got to try. Wish you luck! :)
30-06-2005, 11:19 AM
Anyone ever experienced this? Worked in Jurong so out of the house since 7am or so. After a long hard and mad day at office, I will still wait for her to finish work and go to pick her up from her office (starts work later, 11am-pm), timing myself as she smsed to tell me she's finishing at a particular time. Almost always had to wait 1-3 hours at her office lobby (or next to taxi stand & feeling like an inconsiderate driver obstructing traffic cos she said she is on the way down). This happens almost at least 3 times a week, every week for years. And not a single time I hear a "sorry I made u wait". Ever realised that when one is tired, the moment u sit down a while doing nothing, your whole body goes to sleep? and even hurts all over? Well, alternate means of transport were not acceptable topics of discussion for her.
Then one day I was 20 minutes late cos of accident causing a traffic jam. Not easy to sms while driving, so tried calling her hand./office phone but always engaged or no answer.
When I got there, she wasn't and after waiting an hour, I called her office only to be told she;s already left. Call her hp but no answer again and finally called home and maid said she is already at home. KNN enjoying dinner somemore. Asked her why she did not wait for me, knowing I was coming or call me to say she's going home 1st. Her answer "Cos u late what! Came down and dun see u anywhere, so I took the 1st taxi that comes along and go home lah. Wait for u for what?"
It's worse than being an Amat, I think!
Bro, the girl is obviously taking you for granted BIG TIME. Dump her is all I can say. Stop fetching her, and let her take her lazy ass home in a taxi or bus - let her go public transport. Stop being a nice guy - trust me - girls do not appreciate nice guys. They like the "ai lai mai suah" attitude type of guy. Anyway, the ocean full of other fishes lah.
30-06-2005, 11:35 AM
Kindness begets kindness but never seems to exist in today’s context of BGR. Sparks flew all the time, from the time you just met her, chasing her even till the day you got that slap on the face knowing that the only woman who had such honor in this world is your mother. While unwillingly allow such episode to take place and still you have to tuck your tail under your balls and go back to her with your tongue sticking out wagging and pleading for forgiveness. To them perhaps this qualifies you as an ideal BF.
I can never fathom such proceedings, could be it due to the fact that their balls are up there compared to us and had that extra edge over us or the fact they are better than us because they will touch the finish line before us with their protruded mounts of flesh in front? At times I beg to differ but normally you will not even get a chance to express your slightest concern. Imagine, she tries to teach you to wash your balls. What had the world come to? I don’t mind sharing the pants or even to give it up and times but there is always a limit but this seems to be not in their dictionary.
Like a black hole, not even the slightest glimpse of things can escape the judgment of their critical mouth and mind you, nothing bless spew from those traps most of the time. Fanatic one liners to brainless remarks, you name it, they got it. It never fail to amaze me their capability to spin reasons for the catastrophic consequences which was time and again warn against. Most of the time, the reasons given were “I don’t know what’ and this is enough to leave your balls hanging by the thread……..
What can I say, take a deep breath, life goes on……. :)
30-06-2005, 11:41 AM
wa... reali take things for granted ah...
my ex tht time study part time at night.. i oso chaffeur.. my house in north, her house in tampiness.. school in town..
no appreciation oso.. get complains like "y parked so far away", "can send my friend home oso (jurong).." :eek:
30-06-2005, 11:45 AM
wa... reali take things for granted ah...
my ex tht time study part time at night.. i oso chaffeur.. my house in north, her house in tampiness.. school in town..
no appreciation oso.. get complains like "y parked so far away", "can send my friend home oso (jurong).." :eek:
Not too bad, just think, stay in Pasir Ris, guy work in Woodlands, girl work in Tuas and the guys drive. Best part, guy finish work 4 plus and girl 6 plus...... :D
30-06-2005, 11:48 AM
Not too bad, just think, stay in Pasir Ris, guy work in Woodlands, girl work in Tuas and the guys drive. Best part, guy finish work 4 plus and girl 6 plus......
tink become taxi driver better.. more flexible.. :D
btw, has any bros here had e experience of gf or CO pickin u up??
juz curious... :p
30-06-2005, 11:57 AM
tink become taxi driver better.. more flexible..
btw, has any bros here had e experience of gf or CO pickin u up??
juz curious... :p
Yeah, it did happened to me but I was the driver, be at the place at the time she indicated for her to pick me up........ :cool:
30-06-2005, 11:57 AM
Bro, the girl is obviously taking you for granted BIG TIME. Dump her is all I can say.Think not so easy, mostly likely Bro free had already signed on the dotted line with her.....Life goes on, irregardless of whether one like it or not.....
30-06-2005, 12:03 PM
Yeah, it did happened to me but I was the driver, be at the place at the time she indicated for her to pick me up.....
u veri lucky ah bro.. wish i had e luck.. my exs no licence.. current gf has licence but no car.. well, at least there's an improvment.. :D
i wonder wat will happened if guys go to e pick-up point late..
(like wat gfs n COs usually do..)
Will e car still be there?? :rolleyes:
wa... reali take things for granted ah...
my ex tht time study part time at night.. i oso chaffeur.. my house in north, her house in tampiness.. school in town..
no appreciation oso.. get complains like "y parked so far away", "can send my friend home oso (jurong).." :eek:
I also have the same experience, ex in jurong, house in north, after night school, can chaffeur her friends east, south, west, back never mind complain i spent little time tonight with her
its like hello i spent half the night sending ur friends back
30-06-2005, 12:45 PM
Funny that man treat woman like car - drive it with full force...
and woman also treat man like car - to drive them around. :rolleyes:
30-06-2005, 12:55 PM
my friend has a gf who's family is pretty rich and he drives their family car out whenever they are out together. His house is bout 20-25mins walk from his gf's house but everytime he has to drive her back to her house and walk home from there. I wonder why is that so since she has a freaking driving license too?? Y can't she drive home from his house instead??
Haiz...girls ah... :(
*worst...he makes my another friend n myself walk together back with him if we're staying over...nnb...muz teach her how to auto abit offer to drive home herself man :mad:
30-06-2005, 01:01 PM
spend everyday with my gf but when i go out on fri night to meet my friend for coffee, she complain that i only spent time with my friend and not with her.
6 days with her, one night with friends
30-06-2005, 01:03 PM
*worst...he makes my another friend n myself walk together back with him if we're staying over...nnb...muz teach her how to auto abit offer to drive home herself man :mad:
Think she need a bit of charging to be auto...maybe the three of u could gang rape her together...three nice strong hard electronic rods to fully charge her... :rolleyes:
30-06-2005, 01:11 PM
Think she need a bit of charging to be auto...maybe the three of u could gang rape her together...three nice strong hard electronic rods to fully charge her...
haha already had some fun with her...somewhere in dec last year... :)
30-06-2005, 01:14 PM
Wah...Bro...some FR on your action with her lei... :p
30-06-2005, 01:20 PM
Wah...Bro...some FR on your action with her lei...
haha...maybe someday when we meet up la i tell u lor...a bit risky to post here...dun want to jeopardise their 3 yr relationship...also promised her not to tell anyone...
but this type of thing how to keep to yourself? :D
got say here n there abit la...haha pai seh if i gave u any hope of a steamy FR...anyway it's just quarrell with bf, come out for drinks n the regular 'after-drinking prog' lor :)
30-06-2005, 01:22 PM
understand...some day then...we could share some experiences then... :p
30-06-2005, 01:41 PM
In the midst of preparing for my impending marriage with all the trappings of the customary wedding dinner and such (ROM done in 2000, coz she think it's a good start to the new century) , I cannot help but to feel that women are pretty much useless except for giving birth to babies and sex; housework and cooking were what they USED to be good for but the "modern" women can't cook and clean, and these 2 skills are all picked up by us guys who went through NS (the ones who stay-in, not the clerks) through area cleaning, washing of uniform when cannot book out and cooking what we can when out-field.
My family and I have gone through all the trouble to find the place, book the date, arrange for the gifts, arrange for this and that and what does my wife-to-be do? Quit her job and just rest for the "big day". It doesn't help that she is about 1.5 months pregant and is uncertain about whether she wants the baby or not.
She would tell me she want the baby and then next hour, say dun want want to abort. She also says that i dun pamper her enough, i not understanding enough of what she going through. KNNBCCB! I gave up my PC games, my sunday "sports" day, wake up in the middle of the night to satisfy her food and drink cravings....and NExt day, still go back to work and feel like a f**king zombie but Bo Pian, coz if i dun want who gonna feed her and the baby?! and then she say, i spend too much time at work!
Women claim that we as Man dun understand Women but do the Women understand us? Our needs, wants and desires? I often woner why we are the one who Must always understand women. Why can't THEY make the effort to understand us. After being married (ROM) for nearly 4 years, I feel that women are selfish, self centered and not very responisble and very immatured. They want it all. But are unwilling to sacrifice for it. They want equal rights, equal pay and benefits but ask them to do some stuff, they say "It's a Man's Job" WTF!
Men can give all they have to a woman - Time, Money, GIfts, "Love", Understanding and even, Great Sex but in the end of the day, they would always feel that it isn't enough. I'm really getting very tired of it all. I doubt very much that I love my wife as much as when i married her but like what some of the brothers said, Marriage is more about Responsibility, Tolerance and Understanding more than anything else. Which MEN and not Women seem to have more of.
*sigh* In the end, i guess that being the more responsible and especially, Practical and SENSIBLE sex, us guys would just have to tolerate. as women just cannot seem to totally understand us and even more unfortuately, THEY DON'T WANT TO........ (knnb)
So this is the woman you are going to marry? Marriage is a lifetime.. do you want to do this for your entire life? :cool:
30-06-2005, 02:49 PM
can i join too if both bros dun mind?? :D
06-07-2005, 04:52 PM
can i join too if both bros dun mind?? :D
Sure why not? :D
07-07-2005, 11:21 PM
Kindness begets kindness but never seems to exist in today’s context of BGR. Sparks flew all the time, from the time you just met her, chasing her even till the day you got that slap on the face knowing that the only woman who had such honor in this world is your mother. While unwillingly allow such episode to take place and still you have to tuck your tail under your balls and go back to her with your tongue sticking out wagging and pleading for forgiveness. To them perhaps this qualifies you as an ideal BF.
Kindness doesn't pay. Neither does chivalry. But, being evil and cynical pays, this is a funny world.
Indeed, sparks fly even up to the moon, during courtship.
Singapore women have such funny temperament. When they are having a foul mood, they justify it using all kinds of nonsensical excuses. Gawd knows whether these foul moods are due to hormonal deviations or just some pettiness. Women are all petty, probably the only reason I can think of. Cranky and petty..... enuff said.
What had the world come to? I don’t mind sharing the pants or even to give it up and times but there is always a limit but this seems to be not in their dictionary.
This world went mad yesterday, before we knew it. There is certainly a threshold to our ability to put up with uncalled for crankiness and unreasonable pettiness.
Getting screamed at, for no apparent reason or for some petty mini miney thing, is no good reason.
Like a black hole, not even the slightest glimpse of things can escape the judgment of their critical mouth and mind you, nothing bless spew from those traps most of the time. Fanatic one liners to brainless remarks, you name it, they got it. It never fail to amaze me their capability to spin reasons for the catastrophic consequences which was time and again warn against. Most of the time, the reasons given were “I don’t know what’ and this is enough to leave your balls hanging by the thread……..
My gawddd.... Even when I took out my breakfast to eat in the morning, my female boss can pass stupid comments. I stopped eating breakfast in the morning, but during one of the regular appraisals she still can bring it up. Somemore, I only took breakfast a few times. After she warned me, I stopped completely. Like this also can wack, die liao....
They are walking PDAs, u heard that b4? These girls (including ah soh and ah ma) can, literally, tape record ur lines and use these lines against you, during a court proceding. Comical, right? I'm damn "impressed".
Guy say only one line, the girl can throw back 10 lines. Their mathematics damn powderful. Even if you forget to tie shoe lace, she can remind me. The ultimate pda, somemore no need to upgrade rom. :D
07-07-2005, 11:25 PM
So this is the woman you are going to marry? Marriage is a lifetime.. do you want to do this for your entire life? :cool:
Forget it. This woman not worth it. Oh.... are you sure she is a woman? Thought she sounded like a demon from the deepest ends of hell.
Trying to survive and make a decent living is already hard enough. Somemore have to put up with crap of this type, especially from this monster.... I rather die first.
Hardship is part and parcel of life. But, putting up with such a monster is living through horror and hell daily, regardless of day and night.
08-07-2005, 12:04 AM
I can tolerate anything from con artists and backstabbers, but females who leech off guys are .... no friends of mine.
Wow... very interesting.. but hor just wanna remind you that it takes 2 hands to clap lor... if the ger is ugly where got guys willing to pay for her wan... Anyway, the truth is I oso agree with you... however sometimes it seems to be like a game for the gals "see who can find the biggest sucker".
08-07-2005, 12:14 AM
*sigh* In the end, i guess that being the more responsible and especially, Practical and SENSIBLE sex, us guys would just have to tolerate. as women just cannot seem to totally understand us and even more unfortuately, THEY DON'T WANT TO........ (knnb)
after hearing your story, I sympathise with you but just wanna state that not all guys are responsible, practical and sensible okie. In fact, most of them think with their smaller heads..... :D
08-07-2005, 09:08 AM
So this is the woman you are going to marry? Marriage is a lifetime.. do you want to do this for your entire life? :cool:
Actually most of the time, when men say they regret after marriage. In actual fact they are not prepared for marriage. :cool:
08-07-2005, 09:20 AM
Actually most of the time, when men say they regret after marriage. In actual fact they are not prepared for marriage.
mayb that's when they were thinkin wif e small head...
ever wonder how fast women changed after marriage??
mayb from BBBJ to none, from all positions to onli missionary, from anything can become anything cannot... :D
09-07-2005, 11:00 AM
Actually most of the time, when men say they regret after marriage. In actual fact they are not prepared for marriage. :cool:
Some maybe, not all though. Some are willing to commit and work for the marriage but the turn of events, taken for granted, goodwill become a must etc had indicated otherwise in the other opposite direction. More than often, the harder we try, the faster we are shown to the door. :o
09-07-2005, 01:19 PM
ever wonder how fast women changed after marriage??
mayb from BBBJ to none, from all positions to onli missionary, from anything can become anything cannot... :D
ever wonder how men changed after marriage?
last time pak tor got whisper sweet nothings now come home just nua in front of TV.... :D
09-07-2005, 01:47 PM
ever wonder how men changed after marriage?
last time pak tor got whisper sweet nothings now come home just nua in front of TV.... :D
Maybe log on to the forum and start reading FRs....then starts to fantasize...then starts to operation....
09-07-2005, 11:20 PM
Some maybe, not all though. Some are willing to commit and work for the marriage but the turn of events, taken for granted, goodwill become a must etc had indicated otherwise in the other opposite direction. More than often, the harder we try, the faster we are shown to the door. :o
My pal used to say, "Most worried is, when you exit from the main door, she come out from the back door." Really damn low morale.
09-07-2005, 11:22 PM
ever wonder how men changed after marriage?
last time pak tor got whisper sweet nothings now come home just nua in front of TV.... :D
ever wonder how women change after marriage?
before marriage, so sweet and gentle. after marriage, every morning wake up c her scream and shout at the kids. sigh.....
09-07-2005, 11:55 PM
ever wonder how women change after marriage?
before marriage, so sweet and gentle. after marriage, every morning wake up c her scream and shout at the kids. sigh.....
bo pian mah... the men always wan to be the good guy so wife have to be bad guy lor....
Tian Xin
10-07-2005, 01:10 AM
ever wonder how women change after marriage?
before marriage, so sweet and gentle. after marriage, every morning wake up c her scream and shout at the kids. sigh.....
not true leh mine before marriage oledi kpkb. after marriage how ah?? :eek:
10-07-2005, 08:24 AM
not true leh mine before marriage oledi kpkb. after marriage how ah?? :eek:
Main door or back door, you choose. :cool:
10-07-2005, 01:31 PM
not true leh mine before marriage oledi kpkb. after marriage how ah?? :eek:
Dont worry, after marriage, you will get used to it and numb by then...... :D
10-07-2005, 11:24 PM
Dont worry, after marriage, you will get used to it and numb by then......
Hahaha. Thats precisely the point. But, how to get used to it fast? Thats the big qn. :D
10-07-2005, 11:44 PM
not true leh mine before marriage oledi kpkb. after marriage how ah?? :eek:
Before marriage, should have done QC, right? After marriage, no money back guarantee. :D
Anyway, sian ah. Waste time and waste money. Go out to outside work during off day more satisfying than going on blind dates. At least, after one day of work, bank account got more numbers. After pak tor, no one can tell whether will work out or not.
Worse still, after wasting piles of money and time, the girl say "don't want." This is definitely worse than yours. Can jump off your office building.
10-07-2005, 11:52 PM
ever wonder how women change after marriage?
before marriage, so sweet and gentle. after marriage, every morning wake up c her scream and shout at the kids. sigh.....@@ my signature u know liao..... sigh........
11-07-2005, 10:53 AM
Hahaha. Thats precisely the point. But, how to get used to it fast? Thats the big qn. :D
Learn and be prepared to forsake everything, give half fxxk answers - maybe prehaps, who knows etc is a good start, at least you did not commit to anything in the first place. Sooner or later she will ignore your words and not pay attention, then you will get used to her around you without too much of a hassle. :p
11-07-2005, 11:00 AM
Learn and be prepared to forsake everything, give half fxxk answers - maybe prehaps, who knows etc is a good start, at least you did not commit to anything in the first place. Sooner or later she will ignore your words and not pay attention, then you will get used to her around you without too much of a hassle. :p
WOW.... you expert sia :D
11-07-2005, 05:45 PM
typical scenario of man vs woman on a shopping trip:
man: takes avg about 2hrs max (cos got hourly parking ringing in the head) to find that right top, pants/jeans & shoes to match for a stipulated function that will take place a fortnight away.
woman: takes avg 2wks to shop for a matching top, skirt + shoes for a function (which by then most likely is 2 hrs away) and she's yet to do her hair, pedicure+manicure. and eventually she'd attend the function late & wearing a glorifying big frown as if the whole world owe her $.
analysis...: men r objective driven, so we tend to work for the goal thats set beyond wat the eye can see. whilst women see things infront of their eyes, so when in a typical navex mission.. gals have tendency to get hollanded even in a shopping mall, cos she can only see the brand labels/price tags, hence unable to describe the general surroundings & landmarks. and at the end of the day, its the man's fault for not knowing how to locate her lol.
11-07-2005, 05:57 PM
analysis...: men r objective driven, so we tend to work for the goal thats set beyond wat the eye can see. whilst women see things infront of their eyes, so when in a typical navex mission.. gals have tendency to get hollanded even in a shopping mall, cos she can only see the brand labels/price tags, hence unable to describe the general surroundings & landmarks. and at the end of the day, its the man's fault for not knowing how to locate her lol.
hahaha this is funny and very true...
12-07-2005, 09:30 AM
Woman - "Dear, I'm going out for dinner."
Man - "With?"
Woman - "Andy..."
Man - "Your ex...???"
Woman - "Why you give me that look? We just having dinner only. You should trust me right! I should have the right to make friend right!....*BLAH BLAH BLAH.......*
Woman - "Who sms you dear?"
Man - "Jenny"
Woman - "Your EX...!!!! Why she sms you? FOR WHAT?"
Man - "Just a sms on joke only lah..."
Woman - "Why must she still sms you???........*BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!*
12-07-2005, 10:10 AM
Woman - "Who sms you dear?"
Man - "Jenny"
Woman - "Your EX...!!!! Why she sms you? FOR WHAT?"
Man - "Just a sms on joke only lah..."
Woman - "Why must she still sms you???........*BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!*
Excellent example!!!! :D
12-07-2005, 01:37 PM
7pm, Husband home in Seng Kang, mopping the floor and the phone ring.......
Husband: Hello....
Wife: It's me, I am home late tonight, no need to buy dinner for me as I having dinner with colleagues, back late maybe.
Husband: Ok, dont be too late, ok. Take care and enjoy yourself.
Husband think....."Maggie mee again....."
9pm, phone ring again....
Husband: Hello....
Wife: It's me. Why you never call me? You not worry about me one.....
Husband: But you say you having dinner with colleagues so I did not want yo bother you and....
Wife: Never mind, forget it then, I am ok. Bye.
1159pm Husband nicely tuck in bed and just begin to snore.....The phone rings again.
Husband: Hhhheeelooooo..... (Sleepy)
Wife: Dear, you sleeping??
Husband: Yyyes....
Wife: Sorry can I ask you to fetch me home, we tried to get a cab and seems that all missing and also tried booking and still cannot get. But if you tired, it is OK, FORGET IT THEN.....
Husband: Huh?? Where you?
Wife: Millienia Tower...
0030, upon reaching in double quick speed and forgot his underwear.....
Wife: What took you so long?
Husband: I already try to....
Wife: Never mind, can dont mind send my colleagues back as well, one stay in Kallang and the other in Tiong Bahru?
Husband: Huh??
That night the husband went to bed at 0215 but did not even catch a wink......
12-07-2005, 05:59 PM
That night the husband went to bed at 0215 but did not even catch a wink......
True life experience? .....LOL
12-07-2005, 09:44 PM
True life experience? .....LOL
Sounds like it. wtf. Hope its not one of the bros. But, I have this funny feeling one of us kenna. omg.....
12-07-2005, 11:47 PM
Sounds like it. wtf. Hope its not one of the bros. But, I have this funny feeling one of us kenna. omg.....
This is a true story, though the locations change but I can still remember he "pui chao nuar" when telling this...... ;)
13-07-2005, 12:25 AM
This is a true story, though the locations change but I can still remember he "pui chao nuar" when telling this...... ;)
Siao eh, I have a lot things to question u, when u free to la kopi around my office area?? U can run but cannot hide.
14-07-2005, 05:42 PM
basically society is imbalanced, its got double standards...
its understood that these days man & woman equal status, but man expected to foot more for the housing, utilities, folks & in-laws allowances, kids educations(if any), maintain the family car, pay levy for maid to cater for folks/in-laws but dont get to have the maid clean own hse...etc <list goes on>
on the contrary, wife can afford to have ladies card, go shopping, go spa, go manicure/pedicure, go mahjong, bring dog for haircut etc. but no time to make babies...
at the end of the day, man must help wife clear credit card bills some more. failure to comply to any of the above-stated = no sex until she feels like it/sleep on the couch until she satisfied etc
where's the equality?? man these days must serve the woman... to be fair, this mostly applies to most singaporean households.
14-07-2005, 05:47 PM
Where's the equality?? man these days must serve the woman... to be fair, this mostly applies to most singaporean households.
Uncle 头痛 liao, wifey already got 2 wishes liao. Xmas+ year end bonus gift buy her the nokia 3G phone. Next year feb buy her a gucci sling bag. Haizz :(
Tom Telex
14-07-2005, 08:42 PM
Maybe warped but I believe that the inequality can be righted by the man "right" to steal eat. This will balance the equation and maintain equilibrium in the universe.
Chionging is a man's god given right
14-07-2005, 09:48 PM
basically society is imbalanced, its got double standards...
at the end of the day, man must help wife clear credit card bills some more. failure to comply to any of the above-stated = no sex until she feels like it/sleep on the couch until she satisfied etc
where's the equality?? man these days must serve the woman... to be fair, this mostly applies to most singaporean households.
Equality, to begin with, was a mere hypothetical idealistic of what the world would have been, if a level playing ground could be instituted for both "species".
We are a race of intelligent creatures, but oddly divided whenever females are concerned.
Personally, I don't like the idea of a wife who only knows how to empty coffers. Women who do not know how to behave themselves and show respect to men are no good wives.
Likewise, girlfriends who can frequently think about ex-bfs may not make good gfs. Of course, the same applies to men.
I would suppose that if man can divorce himself from vices, so shall the women.
14-07-2005, 11:36 PM
Personally, I don't like the idea of a wife who only knows how to empty coffers. Women who do not know how to behave themselves and show respect to men are no good wives.
Likewise, girlfriends who can frequently think about ex-bfs may not make good gfs. Of course, the same applies to men.
I would suppose that if man can divorce himself from vices, so shall the women.
Been there, done that. There has never been a fair battle ground to fight things out. End of the day, just because our balls are lower than them and we will be on the losing end....... :cool:
15-07-2005, 11:18 AM
Been there, done that. There has never been a fair battle ground to fight things out. End of the day, just because our balls are lower than them and we will be on the losing end....... :cool:
yeah bro, just cos our sacks r hanging low between our legs, whilest the females have theirs hung infront of the chest... when society comes into play. woman that unintentionally let out her assets, its called "downblouse", "accidental nudity", "oops".. or at least au^naturale cos need to breast feed. bt when a man accidentally air his twins below, can immediately get arrested n charged for: "indecent exposure", "sexual assault" etc.
when a man n woman walk outta the lift, if man cry molest - passerby will remark "SIAO~! yiao siu~!!" and act like they heard nothing, bt if woman cry molest, the world will wrestle him to the ground, then the auntie passing-by will clear her thraot n spit a viscous lump of phlegm to add to the insult.
i'd rather they rephrase the song to 《女人不该让男人流泪》
Personally, I don't like the idea of a wife who only knows how to empty coffers. Women who do not know how to behave themselves and show respect to men are no good wives.
Likewise, girlfriends who can frequently think about ex-bfs may not make good gfs. Of course, the same applies to men.
I would suppose that if man can divorce himself from vices, so shall the women.Been there, done that. There has never been a fair battle ground to fight things out. End of the day, just because our balls are lower than them and we will be on the losing end....... :cool:Sigh, with all these headaches why do we men still choose to love women? And since we do, LL lor. Just go and find those who are not so siong loh. Money, respect, sex, emotions? Which are more important and which are less? take our pick. But we can't have them all, can we?
15-07-2005, 12:37 PM
That night the husband went to bed at 0215 but did not even catch a wink......
moral of the story.. dun buy car... :D
15-07-2005, 12:43 PM
moral of the story.. dun buy car... :D
See, life is not fair, we sacrifice our little luxury just because someone is exploiting us.....sad but true...... :o
15-07-2005, 12:56 PM
See, life is not fair, we sacrifice our little luxury just because someone is exploiting us.....sad but true......
wat to do.. we even address wife n gf as CO, OC oreadi..
somemore, sexual needs are satisfied on ur "performance"..
pickup her late at night - can
do housework - can
forget to put down e toilet bowl lid - cannot
change TV channels - sleep on sofa..
mayb thats y we need this forum to find zhi tong tao you.. :D
15-07-2005, 02:24 PM
cant live with them, cant live without them. everyday 5against1 also sian. still need the warmth n comfort of the neh neh, the warmth n feeling of being engulfed when she give bj/when pounding the tunnel.
if daily livelihood was as simple as the days of stone age, then i guess it'd be bliss to be bonking all the time when there's no hunting to be done. afterall, the dick was made for the pussy (vice versa). gone r the days when the gal appreciates u for wat u're capable of offering in lietarl sense. of cos the bigger the prized catch, the better the sex+the more babies she'd be willing to bear.
these days, regardless wat size the catch is... she wouldnt budge. its either the man aint performing well enough, or she's just too lousy in bed to even know how to appreciate her birth right - enjoying sex + making babies.
20-07-2005, 07:53 PM
Need you guys' perspective on the below Qs.
An open questionnaire:
1) For example, if a guy gets to know a girl and it turns out smoothly, having good times, exchanging massages , calls and all and suddenly the girl ignore the guy's massages and calls... why the girl choose to ignore the guy?
2) Why are girls so demanding and materialistic? Why do they look for 5Cs? Are they virgin enough to demand all that?
3) Why some girls have huge egos? And what are their reasons for them being egoistic?
4) Why do girls like to date bad guys? When the girls got "muay" by the them, they complained that it's hard to trust guys la, guys assholes la, wat la...
5) When a girl labels a guy a jerk, what does she mean by that?
6) Is it so shameful for girls to hook up with guys who earn between $1000- $1600/mth?
7) Is it necessary for girls to get a degree and above?
8.) Is it necessary for girls to have equal rights as guys?
20-07-2005, 11:16 PM
[QUOTE=Rof|maoxz]Need you guys' perspective on the below Qs.
An open questionnaire:
1) For example, if a guy gets to know a girl and it turns out smoothly, having good times, exchanging massages , calls and all and suddenly the girl ignore the guy's massages and calls... why the girl choose to ignore the guy?
Well, the gal thinks he cant make it ! damn.... she wanna play e hard to get game ! I cant stand this type of mind games ! maybe we should get e upper hand e next time...
2) Why are girls so demanding and materialistic? Why do they look for 5Cs? Are they virgin enough to demand all that?
Its in Singapore !, no choice !
3) Why some girls have huge egos? And what are their reasons for them being egoistic?
Actually, i find this type of gals sucks big time !
They are thinking that no men can Fulfill them...
I mean they are just full of Themselves...
4) Why do girls like to date bad guys? When the girls got "muay" by the them, they complained that it's hard to trust guys la, guys assholes la, wat la...
The gals like it ! And forking Deserved it...
well, this kinda apply to those in early 20's when they out seeking fun ! they get high over this type of Experience ! but when they hit e big 3 O, they rather find someone to settle down with.... <<<-- ( read it in some website... )
5) When a girl labels a guy a jerk, what does she mean by that?
Dictionary said that a short, sudden movement ! haha... jkjk,
seriously, i think she found him disgusting ? lamer ? cant make it ?
6) Is it so shameful for girls to hook up with guys who earn between $1000- $1600/mth?
yes, the salary, the gals like to compare isnt it ?
I have met some, and they dun mind ? cant answer...
7) Is it necessary for girls to get a degree and above?
Yes, they will be thinking, if cant find a good fork or husband ? at least they have e Education to fall back on....
8.) Is it necessary for girls to have equal rights as guys?
Yes, & No....
Yes, coz they will be fighting toes and nails with us
No, we men have to earn and put dinner on the table, whereas they walk e dogs, and kept asking e same qns " am i fat " ? fork.... what's e world going to ? [QUOTE]
Hmmm….Im just listing “me” thinking…
Hope u bro’s dun mind !
Forking peace OUT to all bro’s…
Windy Wednesday Again !
Warmest Regards
20-07-2005, 11:29 PM
Need you guys' perspective on the below Qs.
(qns truncated)
With regards to ur qns,
1) Girl already found a more suitable guy. ie, rich, handsome, got career or any combination of the 3 mentioned. There was no need for her to bug the .... loser. sigh....
2) Its a rat race out there. For the girls of humble background to escape this rat, they can only marry up, but not marry down or marry laterally. Marrying down or laterally will mean that they have to continue to participate in the senseless rat race.
No. They are not even 1% virgin enough to demand for 5Cs. I rather buy a wife from Vietnam, if I have to settle down....
3) Huge egos? I'm not sure. But, a lot them aspire to have huge frontal melons.
4) The life of a woman must be one filled with romantic excitements and dramas. While, the life of a man is only complete, after he had lived out his life as a playful child.
Girls can only be egoistic because, somewhere along the line, some rich kid or ang mo spoil market by accepting such feminine egoism.
5) When girl labels guy as "jerk", it means that she realised that the guy is a serious a$$hole, after umpteen warnings by her pals.
6) Its not shameful for girls to hook up with guys earning 1-1.6k. But, it means that the girls have to work harder to sustain their artificially elevated standard of living and spendthrift ways.
A girl whom I heard of used to lament about not having enough money and need to do moonlighting. But, when she complained about not having sufficient cash for a new pair of shoes ...... I can only conclude that materialism hits females everywhere.
7) Girl having career and degree? Don't care. So long as she can respect you as a man and a head of the house.
8) Equal rights? Ask the girls to carry rifle one month every year. Bosses will complain too.
21-07-2005, 08:45 AM
Tks you guys for your valuable viewpoint. This shows that the girls, although are becoming more educated but still need they are still very heavily depended on their partners. From outside the wives/gerfrds will say they give their partners the liberty to make choices. But in actual fact it's not. Any wrong decision will be condemn upon. Life for men is very tough. :o
The other nite, I finally exploded like a volcano. She kept saying that she doesn't believe. I told me straight upfront that if I didn't have any feelings for her, I wouldn't buy that i-pod she briefly mentioned. I just didn't went in as blunt as like telling her if I want a fuck, I wouldn't spend the time and money to download the mp3 songs she wanted into that i-pod and wrap it till she returned from Australia. I may not be a rich fucker but I did everything out of my heart. That nite I kanna dig abt past relationship and given that I really love her and told her everything, she still not convinced. sianz. Kanna dif plus occasional prick by doubtful needles, I snap. till now she has not spoken to me.
21-07-2005, 09:12 AM
Tks you guys for your valuable viewpoint. This shows that the girls, although are becoming more educated but still need they are still very heavily depended on their partners. From outside the wives/gerfrds will say they give their partners the liberty to make choices. But in actual fact it's not. Any wrong decision will be condemn upon. Life for men is very tough. :o
Tough? Very the tough.....
Like Bro T123, I also met a screwed up girl. Sigh.... Everything like "ai mai". Everytime, give me the impression she likes me. But, some of the things she does will always make me wonder whether she knows what she wants
Take for example clubbing, although she doesn't do it often. She told me that certain clubs which she likes to patronise have a lot of sleaze and, because of an unpleasant encounter, she stopped going.
Then, few days later, she still can say that she wants to go clubbing, cos' can dance and got music. Women are plain fickle minded. One day ok, but next day like just got out of woodbridge.
"Nu ren ru huo shui" ie, women are like trouble.
21-07-2005, 09:35 AM
wah lao eh... u all write until singapore women yi wen bu zhi leh... maybe your expectations too high liao... there are nice girls out there who willing to be the xiao nu ren and have babies and all...but then leh the men dun even wanna give them a second look cos maybe they are too plain and dun know how to present themselves nicely...
21-07-2005, 09:40 AM
my responses are colored dark red
Need you guys' perspective on the below Qs.
An open questionnaire:
1) For example, if a guy gets to know a girl and it turns out smoothly, having good times, exchanging massages , calls and all and suddenly the girl ignore the guy's massages and calls... why the girl choose to ignore the guy?
p.s: typo error bro."messages" not massages(massages can get at spa/HC)
the ger enjoy to hang up to sell, thinking she's worth the chase & if she's so easy to relent, it cheapens her value. at least this is what more SGs think.
2) Why are girls so demanding and materialistic? Why do they look for 5Cs? Are they virgin enough to demand all that?
they feel that their education/social standings is worth that much, all the time expecting all the 5Cs or more, bt they failed to pee n reflect upon themselves as to how much they offer in a relationship, other than comliance to the bonking, in which the man does most of the work/sweating.
3) Why some girls have huge egos? And what are their reasons for them being egoistic?
its their upbringing since the late 70s-80s, cos the folks drill the mentality into them that if they dont study hard, dont get degree etc...she cant marry to a good man (FYI: good man = rish man in this context)
4) Why do girls like to date bad guys? When the girls got "muay" by the them, they complained that it's hard to trust guys la, guys assholes la, wat la...
either the guy did a good job tearing her hymen so bad, that she its now unforgetable...or the guy was a complete disgrace to manhood, n she didnt enjoy it at all.
5) When a girl labels a guy a jerk, what does she mean by that?
basically in their vocab, jerk = man who has a mind of his own & refuse to give in to her shopping requests despite all the whining & pyning. or a man who's too practical and unromantic(financially), bcos he never buys anything to woo or pamper her or make her feel she's on the top of the world
6) Is it so shameful for girls to hook up with guys who earn between $1000- $1600/mth?
not shameful, but utterly disappointing bcos they go out have to go dutch, have to eat at kopitiam/hawkers/food court, cant go partying (gers go FOC, guys pay and pay), cant afford to take cab home have to take NR bus, vday-others get big bouquet-while she gets just 1 miserable dying stalk form the street stalls, let alone splurging on extravagant gifts
7) Is it necessary for girls to get a degree and above?
during the post war days & industrial revolution, yes it was crucial to the economy. now... they're irrelevant, especially for those who aspire to be married & lead the comfrotable lives of tai tai. doesnt require a degree to know how to go shopping/visit the manicure/play mahjong.
these days, despite the hype for gender equality etc, they still pale in comparison to guys when it comes to having the killer instincts to be entreprenuers etc, they lack the leadership & lateral vs linear thinking process that a man possess. at the end of the day, they're overpaid deskbound data-entry assistance who'd be bitching about their lives w other female colleagues if they've nothing on hand to do.
8.) Is it necessary for girls to have equal rights as guys?
what equal rights? they've already self-assumed the higher rights. basically bcos the man's didi erect & look up to their 2 neh neh when both r naked b4 each other lol
21-07-2005, 09:46 AM
The other nite, I finally exploded like a volcano.
Bro, u got a gf oreadi?? sorry but i'm rather outdated..
all e best man!! ti gong po pi u!! :D
21-07-2005, 10:04 AM
my responses are colored dark red what equal rights? they've already self-assumed the higher rights. basically bcos the man's didi erect & look up to their 2 neh neh when both r naked b4 each other lol
i like this one !!
hahahaha..... damn.... how true sometimes !
ok im not dishing out on the local gals...
some are angels whereas some totally forking e spoon outta their bloody mouths !~!!!!
Have u guys encounter when buying gifts for e gals and she doesn't even appreciated it..
Not even a word of thanks….
Come to think of that, its kinda silly too….
And now im learning e ways of “1000000 ways to laid a women” ! haha :p
21-07-2005, 01:08 PM
wah lao eh... u all write until singapore women yi wen bu zhi leh... maybe your expectations too high liao... there are nice girls out there who willing to be the xiao nu ren and have babies and all...but then leh the men dun even wanna give them a second look cos maybe they are too plain and dun know how to present themselves nicely...
Sorry sista, it's the other way round. If not, SGP men will have problem finding partners liao. At least they tried to attempte to find alternatives like overseas wives etc. What about SGP women? Complain publicly that why SGP men find women who is not of their origin, and doubt their lifelong overseas marriage will last. SGP men are not confident enough blar blar....They should reflect it upon themselves. I not asking SGP women to lower their expectations, but at least be practical.
I can tell you it's factual that SGP dun dress well. Other den spaghetti tops, they are seen almost everywhere. Just look at the neighbouring countries. How they dress will make them shame.
there are nice girls out there who willing to be the xiao nu ren and have babies and all...but then leh the men dun even wanna give them a second look cos maybe they are too plain and dun know how to present themselves nicely...
I tell you what, when I find one, I stopped GL and other TN activities, kum boh. Wah lan eh, sometimes, when we devote all our time to the char bo they treated us like its a god given grant. I told her, if I dun like her, I will neber be so fucking upfront and tell her I really like her. I even told her that I download her pic so that even though I dun see her everyday, I can still at least look at her or when I am doing my work her pic becomes a screensaver and watchover me.
Still not satisfied, I dun even mind her not wearing skirt when we date. Come on, there's always a limit to giving in. Come to think of it, I wouldn't spend $400+ to buy the mimi-ipod and in her favourite color. I stop short of telling her that $400 I can stay in Lor 18 houses for 400 mins, imagine I can fuck until I pass out. Put money aside, if I just want a good shag from her, I might as well get it from a nymp than her because its easy.
But, the bottom line is, I love her too much to have that sexual thoughts or intention towards her. Dun tell me have to make it like HK drama or Jap drama like uncle me kanna cancer or got overseas job assignment I have to die or leave, then she start to realise that the only guy who really loves her is me.
I have neber at all times tell her to wise up her dressing, I accept full package, meaning she is who she is. The reason why we date or know each other in the 1st place must have some sort of mystery in the making. I told her that there maybe other suitors but some how no matter how fucking ugly or out of this world my looks are, I have to try and fight what I believe. She is my last attempt at singaporean gals, if this door closes on me, I will be single for the rest of my life. I dun want 10 years down the road, when I am 40, while I am going to GL for the Cat 40 Thais, I begin to ask myself the question why I never try.
Bottom line:
I want her, I want to try, because she is who she is, its worth my time and money. Because she gets me excited when we date and she makes me feel relax when we are together.
women yi wen bu zhi leh... maybe your expectations too high liao... there are nice girls out there who willing to be the xiao nu ren and have babies and all...but then leh the men dun even wanna give them a second look cos maybe they are too plain and dun know how to present themselves nicely...
不是一文不值,是她们故意贬值。handle their value like rmb pegging with the USD. That goes for all the SPGs in Singapore. 不是每只洋枪都大只。
21-07-2005, 02:03 PM
i mean no disrespect for local SGs, there r some out there who r truly going into extinction liao. sad to say, the peer pressure around them, the things their gerfrens can/would say n tell them about things they do to their bfs/hubby etc. inevitably may influence/cause the nice angel to morph & join them in the dark side.
not say alota SGs aspire to live the life of a 太太/黄脸婆, but its the things they expect their man to do for them that really makes things discouraging. gers these days r fast becoming critical about what their man do for them, without realizing that they've been receiving and havent met up to the standards(prefer to term it "dble standards") they set for their man.
sometimes, there's also alota sublimal/hidden pre-requisites for the guy to meet, prior to even going out on dates. nevertheless, also subject to how many material Cs (ie: cash, career, car, credit card(S) etc) & personality Cs (ie: charm, charisma, compatibility, caring, considerate, compationate etc) that determines if she's gonna go out again w the guy.
some of whom that possess those qualities r men of slightly senior age(so they complain of generation gap), except for the lucky few that strike it big at a tender age(which is a rare case). or if not then its probably the spoilt brats born with a golden pacifier in their mouth(natural born virgin-killers), that go about on their casanova thrills. in turn the gers start to generalise that all men are bastards - only know how to toy w gers feelings.
in short.. its just sad... :(
21-07-2005, 02:35 PM
Sorry sista, it's the other way round. If not, SGP men will have problem finding partners liao. At least they tried to attempte to find alternatives like overseas wives etc. What about SGP women? Complain publicly that why SGP men find women who is not of their origin, and doubt their lifelong overseas marriage will last. SGP men are not confident enough blar blar....They should reflect it upon themselves. I not asking SGP women to lower their expectations, but at least be practical.
I know what you are trying to say but in Singapore the women are more educated and hence have more "say" these days... so bo pian's the culture wat...but then dun you find it lucky that men can go overseas looking for wives when they cannot find any here? What about those highly-educated women who will someday realise that they are very lonely? They cannot go and buy overseas husband wat... so take it that life is fair wan lah...:p
I can tell you it's factual that SGP dun dress well. Other den spaghetti tops, they are seen almost everywhere. Just look at the neighbouring countries. How they dress will make them shame
I know it's a fact... especially when u go korea and japan. when I go there I oso tio stunned I usually quite hiau liao but cannot be bothered with hair and accessories but when I see those girls on the street I oso kenna motivated to really dress myself up it lasted for 2 weeks when I got back SG but buay tahan leh... every time before go out u know how much time u need to spend or not..
Anyway do you also admit that singaporean men in general are about the least romantic in the world (they are also not caring, insensitive, egoistic blah blah blah haha let me have a chance to release lah) ...maybe when they are chasing the gers they have a lot of ideas but once hook up more liao...marriage die off also cos of that wat the feeling before marriage and after marriage totally different but I am not saying it's all because of the men lah women also at fault ok.. I very fair wan...
21-07-2005, 02:40 PM
Bottom line:
I want her, I want to try, because she is who she is, its worth my time and money. Because she gets me excited when we date and she makes me feel relax when we are together.
bro, wat I gather frm yr case leh is yr ger either playing hard to get or she seriously considering you....BUT amongst other men that chasing her oso lah... why not u reverse psychology a bit mai so gan cheong her mah, show signs of giving her up...if you play the game rite you might win the day but hor if she really very the chio type leh unless she really really like you most probably u end up losing her lor... den dun come look for me hor :D give advise nah no guarantee wan hahaha
21-07-2005, 02:41 PM
but da duo shu dou shi leh hehehe
21-07-2005, 02:47 PM
in short.. its just sad... :(
bro, wa bo way gong liao... u said it all....*clap clap* hmm..u seem to have analysed the situation very well leh haha must be a veteran in the house... but just wanna say again that "not all gers are like that lah" and the fun is in the search lor... :D
bro, wat I gather frm yr case leh is yr ger either playing hard to get or she seriously considering you....
I think is the former. I think for relationship I have been thru the worst of all shit. So a bot numb liao. She not that chio, a bit outgoin tomboy type. Haiz, anyway, I aso prepared to be single for whole life liao. go in and out of GL and like the 4 uncle sitting at the corner of the coffeeshop facing the main road at Lor 18, maybe me and my fren destined to kio kway till we die. Other s'pore gals I not interested unless she is priscilla chan or katherine tan.
but da duo shu dou shi leh hehehe
当他们说外国的月亮圆,他们忘记外国的 lanjiao 更大更长。haiz.
21-07-2005, 04:01 PM
I know what you are trying to say but in Singapore the women are more educated and hence have more "say" these days... so bo pian's the culture wat...but then dun you find it lucky that men can go overseas looking for wives when they cannot find any here? What about those highly-educated women who will someday realise that they are very lonely? They cannot go and buy overseas husband wat... so take it that life is fair wan lah......
Paiseh hor, as compared as 20 yrs b4 when our grandfathers duration, girls only do household cores whereby boys get the priority to study. Now of course girls get equal opportunity, and most of the girls excel the guys in terms of academic in recent studies. It's fair that they have their demands. But just look around SGP, chiina for instances, see how they study and get good grades without study so hard for it. Yes, their command of english is not as good as in SGP but who cares, SGP ppl speak singlish!!! And one thing for sure they are more modest and willing to take in criticism openly. :cool:
Anyway do you also admit that singaporean men in general are about the least romantic in the world (they are also not caring, insensitive, egoistic blah blah blah haha let me have a chance to release lah) ...maybe when they are chasing the gers they have a lot of ideas but once hook up more liao...marriage die off also cos of that wat the feeling before marriage and after marriage totally different...I beg to differ. Men in general are suckers for love. They usually enjoy carrying on with the courtship if the women bother to continue to make it exciting. Problem is the gf they married (or become steady with) can almost instantly morph into a monster or at least a black hole of expectancy. Nothing is good enough, they want the 5Cs and the guy works his butts off. At home he faces more pressure cos he hears her wanting this and wanting that! Even if she works, these things are beyond her earning capacity and even mine or ours combined! Worse is her talk of the future and what kind of life they should have and by when, how much money he should me making by the time he reaches a certain age....dun even care whether he happy in his job or not. Or if she is even meeting his needs as his partner.
It is not just about romanticism - to me that is just an excuse (incidentally gals from foreign countries tells me I am very romantic). No, she want me to be the Jack of all trades and Master of them all too. Romance, $$$$ (and plenty of it), time, understanding, patience to listen to her complains about boss/office (but I can;t even share happy things with her w/o her getting upset), 2 holidays a year (and 1 is MAJOR, ok?)..... what else? I can't care to remember anymore!
Is waiting for her 1-3 hrs at her office (often) and not getting upset but still give her a huggy and kissy being romantic? And still take her to a nice dinner (arrive 3hrs later than original reservation time). And not even a thanks or sorry from her? Or cannot even wait for him for 10-15 minutes (seldom) , cos he was caught in an expected Jam, and took the taxi home...and sulk the whole night thru cos she was upset he was not there waiting and she had to wait for him for a LONG time (15 minutes!!)? Is that being romantic of her?
What is the poor guy who loves her to do? Work/Try even harder? At least it would be nice to get a massage from her - like when his head and neck is throbbing due to stress. No, she piles on even more complains.....No not only want the 5Cs, she also wants more time. Sometimes want to talk until 1-2am and dun even care when she sees him dozing off (literally fell off the chair). Pity him, sympathize with him or worry about him she did not; she got angry with him instead? Come to think of it, when was she not angry whenever things dun go the way she wanted? Well, she kept adding on the straws until finally the last straw broke the camel's back. He gave up on what he had hope would be his heaven on earth but entered into a living hell instead. That angel had all but morphed into a monster full of anger and discontentment :eek:
Comparatively I will never forget the times when my foreign gf and I were in a taxi going to the mall. I fell asleep in the taxi about 3-quartersway to the mall, and the next thing I know when I woke up, we had arrived back at my hotel!! She had asked the taxi driver to turn back to the hotel - simply cos she saw I was tired and needed to rest. I wanted to go back to the mall, but she said the mall can wait - I needed my rest 1st.
For the SG gal, she would never have done this (tell me honestly, would u?). At best (if I give her the benefit of doubt), she will let me sleep in the taxi until we reach, and we will carry on with our plan (actually her plan) and go optimize the trip (the way she sees optimization - meet her shopping goals). This happened not once but 3 times, with 2 different foreign gals (once my 1st ex-gf, twice with my current tirak). Nowadays we made even sure I am not tired (or get destressed 1st ;) before we go out. The shopping trip (or whatever it is) can wait, until I rhad rested/destressed enough - even though we have only a few days together and dun get to see each other often.
21-07-2005, 04:56 PM
Hey, you guys are lucky on food and apparel topics, I kena this;
GER: who is prettier? Cecilia Cheung or me?
ME: Cecilia lah (cannot bullshit), but I lust for you only
GER:Then, is your ex GF prettier or me?
ME: It's you definitely darling (this one can smoke a bit)
GER: Bullshit, you're lying!
ME: How am I to prove?
GER: I don't care, it's your fault to make me feel this way, you dun love me
ME: *silence*
GER: Nothing to say izit?
ME: Dunno wat to say, bcoz you can counter me with every ridiculous ramblings in or outside the book!
GER: See? now you think I'm a nuisance.
ME:*Groans, tugs hair and spew froth and blood*
try this, at 2 am during a weeknite. I was sleeping. My ex called, sobbing.
I was scared stiff, maybe something happened.
Me:dear, why are you crying?
Ex:I can't help it.
Me:What Happened?
Ex:I can't help thinking you lost your virginity to your ex before me. You are my first BF you know.
Me:Ok, ok, please you are all I have now.
Ex:I don't care, tommorrow got class, you must coaxed me to sleep.because of you I will have eyebag and how to face my classmates. You know I am so sad now I can't stop crying.
There I go, telling her how sweet she was and how cute, how good she is compared to the gal before her. Only managed to get back to sleep at 4.00am and I wake up at 6.30am to prepare for work.
PS:we didn't have sex during the 4 years together.
21-07-2005, 05:05 PM
Hey, you guys are lucky on food and apparel topics, I kena this;
ME:*Groans, tugs hair and spew froth and blood*
You are in big time man. I also kana like this b4. I Q on her past relationship, she can say it has already happened in the past. Den when my mother chatted with her on how I so 痴情 can travelled up to HGK to buy a rare melody doll to a girl. That was also happened in the past. Den my wife will say, wah so romantic hor, can buy doll, bag etc. Keep pestering me on the past. Afterwhich her face changed like charcoal when I bo hiu her. haha~
21-07-2005, 05:21 PM
But just look around SGP, chiina for instances, see how they study and get good grades without study so hard for it. Yes, their command of english is not as good as in SGP but who cares, SGP ppl speak singlish!!! And one thing for sure they are more modest and willing to take in criticism openly. :cool:
eh.. cannot comment about the good grades thingy but I do agree with your last sentence....I do have a couple of good PRC galfriends whom I can honestly talk to very openly and they also honestly tell me that they really dig "Singaporean" men because "ta men hen rong yi pian" and very naive. (mai angry hor) One of my friend married a singaporean guy who was 35 yrs her senior cos she wanted to live in SG (they are divorced liao BTW married for 5 yrs I think) and she told me that except for his money she do not find him attractive at all but she have no problems with pretending to love him (no singapore gal can do that, i think) she can even joke with us that her ex still believed that he is a handsome stud cos of her. Anyway I understand her position, just pity the guy who succumb to her chioness. hehe She is just one of those gals who decided to quit her poor life in China and work her way towards the life that she wants... anyway i very lo sor hor... :D
21-07-2005, 05:55 PM
2 holidays a year (and 1 is MAJOR, ok?)..... what else? I can't care to remember anymore!
Is waiting for her 1-3 hrs at her office (often) and not getting upset but still give her a huggy and kissy being romantic? And still take her to a nice dinner (arrive 3hrs later than original reservation time). And not even a thanks or sorry from her? Or cannot even wait for him for 10-15 minutes (seldom) , cos he was caught in an expected Jam, and took the taxi home...and sulk the whole night thru cos she was upset he was not there waiting and she had to wait for him for a LONG time (15 minutes!!)? Is that being romantic of her?
Wah....u so good wan ah....maybe your wife and I should switch roles so she can realise how pampered she is, she will immediately run back to you and be the nice sweet gal she was before hahaha anyway your case is a classic lah "being taken for granted liao"....
Have u talked to her or not? I used to be like ur wife oso wat...quite stuck up lah complain this complain that but as I know more men I realised that actually my hubby not too bad lah...then I start to pamper him until all my friends and colleagues say I spoil market but I enjoy being xiao nu ren leh hahaha so now he take me for granted liao but bo pian lor.... I occasionally make him gan cheong a bit ask male colleague send me home lah then he next day treat me very nicely wan ... why am I in this forum in the first place.. cos I wanna learn how to please him lor and hope that he dun go out and tao chiak lor.
For the SG gal, she would never have done this (tell me honestly, would u?). At best (if I give her the benefit of doubt), she will let me sleep in the taxi until we reach, and we will carry on with our plan (actually her plan) and go optimize the trip (the way she sees optimization - meet her shopping goals). This happened not once but 3 times, with 2 different foreign gals (once my 1st ex-gf, twice with my current tirak). Nowadays we made even sure I am not tired (or get destressed 1st ;) before we go out. The shopping trip (or whatever it is) can wait, until I rhad rested/destressed enough - even though we have only a few days together and dun get to see each other often.
Well to answer yr question honestly, I would. As for yr gf's case u said it yrself wat... u guys dun get to see each otehr often.. u wanna try marrying her and a few years down the road the same scenario will happen
21-07-2005, 05:57 PM
You are in big time man. I also kana like this b4. I Q on her past relationship, she can say it has already happened in the past. Den when my mother chatted with her on how I so 痴情 can travelled up to HGK to buy a rare melody doll to a girl. That was also happened in the past. Den my wife will say, wah so romantic hor, can buy doll, bag etc. Keep pestering me on the past. Afterwhich her face changed like charcoal when I bo hiu her. haha~
thats why some things are better left unspoken.... :D
21-07-2005, 05:59 PM
try this, at 2 am during a weeknite. I was sleeping. My ex called, sobbing.
I was scared stiff, maybe something happened.
PS:we didn't have sex during the 4 years together.
hahahaha but she is a nice sweet innocent ger wat...
21-07-2005, 06:06 PM
Hey, you guys are lucky on food and apparel topics, I kena this;
ME:*Groans, tugs hair and spew froth and blood*
this one sound familiar leh hehe me guilty of similar thing :-
ME: why u look at that girl? she pretty meh?
HIM : not bad lor
ME: she where got pretty? got slut look
HIM : yar I agree
ME : but u like rite, thats why u look at her.
HIM : she just passed by so I just look lor
ME : isit? so many aunties passed by never see u turn leh?
HIM : no words to say liao
ME : I not pretty rite so u must look at other girls and blah blah blah
the moral of the story is when u see girl and kenna caught dun ever admit...
If u ask why I ahve to torture him like this, it's cos I buay song.. me sit with him and he still look at other gers... no give me face mah hahaha
21-07-2005, 06:37 PM
when u are deeply involved in a relationship, everything is taken for granted, and it applies to both sexes.
almost all the guyz situation, i have met before, dunno sway or what......otherwise i won't be here to look for another warm bed.....
but cheong also got limit lah....not by $, but if you got spare time, spend 95% time with your wife and 5% to cheong lor, than your relationship will last longer mah.....
if everyone go out and cheong when got spare time, than better not get married lah..............
IMHO, ger dun understand guys 2 things......1) when small head wants, he really mean it, dun act high and mighty..thats why we got this forum. 2) preserve his ego..........very important to have mutual respect and dun act like a big woman when you dun want us to act like mcp........
Guys only dun understand gers 1 thing..........that is EVERYTHING!!!!!! mood change, aunty come monthly, shopping etc, we really cannot catch up with you!!!!!!!!!!
haha, my 2 cents worth
ME: why u look at that girl? she pretty meh?
HIM : not bad lor
ME: she where got pretty? got slut look
HIM : yar I agree
ME : but u like rite, thats why u look at her.
HIM : she just passed by so I just look lor
ME : isit? so many aunties passed by never see u turn leh?
HIM : no words to say liao
ME : I not pretty rite so u must look at other girls and blah blah blah
My story
Mrs: Why look at that girl? Pretty is it?
MM: No lah...just glance then saw her...
Mrs: more than 3 seconds call glance?
MM: Aiyah...small thing only..look her don't mean I lust for her
Mrs: Ya talk back...good lah like that you...
MM: (lost for words)
Mrs: Want to look also see one more pretty than me lah...she got no backside
Mrs: blah....blah...blah...(until next morning)
PS: MM means Miserable Me :rolleyes:
Moral: wear shades
24-07-2005, 10:52 AM
Gers are still gers......
Actions speaks louder than words, let this thread be the place for all brothers who have to endure all the hysterical and hilarious antics who our loved ones perform on certain occasions to perfection without the slightest hesitation which caused agitation and leads to confrontation and ends without a conclusion. :D
ME : What do you want to eat??
GF : Anything will do......
ME : Ok, chicken rice then.
GF : But I don't feel like having rice leh....
ME : Ok, mee goreng then.....
GF : Don't want, too oily.....
ME : Fishball noddle soup....
GF : Yeeeee...So plain....
ME : Then what you want???
GF : Anything lor....... :rolleyes:
GF is like that one la.. presume that is dinner then let her be... then back home KNN... throw her to bed and make her moans
24-07-2005, 04:31 PM
Moral: wear shades
Bro, i also dun understand y their eyes so good..
they can be marksman in e army anytime..
my story..
Me: wat u doin later?
her: told u already..
me: reali?? slip my mind ah.. can tell me again PLEASE?? (note e formal use)
her story..
Her: go out today with me??
me: cannot.. hav to prepare for report submission tomorrow.. told u liao mah..
In e end, sleep s 3am++ to finish my report after the shoppin... :eek:
Btw, i like ur signature... but dunno y girls like men to keep saying..
In e end, sleep s 3am++ to finish my report after the shoppin...
Bro..thanks for sharing your tale :D
I've been down that line too....
MM: Tomorrow we going out right?
Mrs: Aiyah..i tired lah...
MM: But i applied leave already...
Mrs: Just go back to work lah....
MM: (speechless)
Following day
MM: Work lah..
Mrs: I thought we going out?
MM: I thought you tired and told me to cancel my leave?
Mrs: NO (with the hidden implication of: NO, i didn't say that you twit - you just don't understand me)
MM: But I'm at work lah
Mrs: So you love work more than you love me?
MM: (in my head) NO, but i'd SURE LOVE to knock you on the head with my tennis racket!!
Mrs: I don't care, I'm already at Takashimaya...come down NOW!
MM: ..........
MM: Boss, I have to rush home
Boss: Why?
MM: I think the maid ran away, that's what my wife $3000 deposit could be gone....
Moral: it don't matter if you wear the pants at home, it's who wears the BELT
Tips for bros: If from young you're a good white me
ps: what's so nice about my signature? :rolleyes:
25-07-2005, 12:31 AM
GF is like that one la.. presume that is dinner then let her be... then back home KNN... throw her to bed and make her moans
If you think you can get it after you get home, you better wait long long...... :cool:
Chances are better on 4D i think. :D
25-07-2005, 12:33 AM
ps: what's so nice about my signature? :rolleyes:
This, I concur...... :rolleyes:
25-07-2005, 12:17 PM
nice scenarios here... i've got some to share too:
on a typical day at work: teleconversation takes place moments prior to knocking off...
woman: y never call me?!
man: busy but i sms u, yet u never reply...(implying she's the culprit for the comms break-down)
woman: oh, sorry i 4got to reply lah, phone was in the handbag so didnt see/hear the sms incoming... bt how come i call yet u never answer my call?
man: was in a meeting, i left my phone in the briefcase
woman: mobile phone should be on u all the time so u can be reached at anytime/anywhere!! its clear u're trying to avoid me right??!!!seeing another gal behind my back isit?!!?!?!
man: <snooked expression> :confused:
(p.s: notice the irony? who's teaching who??)
at a shopping trip together as a couple: scenario in the ladies section...
woman: dar^dar, i need new underwear the old ones not comfortable anymore
man: ok dear, u pick wat u like lor... how many sets u need?
woman: hmm, i think maybe 2-3 sets should suffice
<35min gone.. she's still picking>
man: dear, found anything u like? color? pattern? wat u prefer?
woman: cant decide leh, i picked out 5sets, now still thinking on the 6th..
man: wah!! i tot u only wanted 2-3 sets...??
woman: aiyah, buy 2 get 1 free... so might as well la!!
man: ok lor.. so which 6 u like? i think the 2 pink ones quite sweet, should look great on u lor... emphasis on the bustline & hips...hehe
woman: wats that suppose to mean? u mean my breasts too small & ass to big right?!!
man: uh...i meant it as a compliment, dont be angry lah... i'll shut up...u pick, i pay can??
<she lets out the ugliest frown, drops all her picks on the counter n storms out>
man: <pay n give chase to locate gf> dear, wait lah.. dont angry lah, i bought all your picks liao
woman: <screeaching> u stupid or wat, i havent even tried for size...!! i dont care, i'm not going back in there.. u're such an embarrassment. :mad:
25-07-2005, 12:44 PM
i've got more to share:
hungry couple insearch of place to dine after the shopping is done...<man carrying the bags>
woman: dar, i hungry liao...wat should we eat?
man: (thought u'd never ask! i havent even had my lunch and u never asked) urm, i could eat a cow, lets eat at breeks or sizzlers?
woman: aiyah, u always wanna eat red meat, i want something light. sushi can?
man: ok lor, let's go for the sushi buffet?? (mouth watering)
<while queueing at the jap restaurant>
woman: aiyah, actually very long never eat korean liao... i miss kimchi
man: but we're already in the queue, we have korean next wkend lor??
<she frowns but grins in a teasing manner>
woman: ok lah, see u carry all the shopping bags. i let u off this time
<staring at the menu after being seated>
man: ok dear, wat u wanna eat? i think i can eat a whole set meal + some sashimi on the sides
woman: hmm, wat's nice n light?
<20min gone.. she's still not decided waiter refill green tea>
man: dear, found anything? the cold noodles or udon should be quite light
woman: dont want lah, the miso soup inside so salty
man: bt most their soup is miso based
woman: ok lah, i'll just get the oyakodon lah, extra u finish for me <grin>
man: ok lor.. i just get the unagi set meal can liao
<order is served>
woman: <havent finished half the bowl, pushes the bowl to guy> dar, i had enough.. full liao
man: wah, eat so little? better eat abit more, dont wait i eat liao u got nothing left
<she shakes head saying signalling she's full>
<guy finishes his unagi set & moves on to finish the oyakodon... pay up n leave the restaurant & continue shopping>
woman: dar, u had enough? i think i wanna get some bachang, just now not full enough and then u finished my oyakodon *sulk
man: *burp* :eek:
This, I concur...... :rolleyes:
i think no one asked for your humble opinion..... :D
27-07-2005, 10:27 AM
nice scenarios here... i've got some to share too:
on a typical day at work: teleconversation takes place moments prior to knocking off...
woman: y never call me?!
(msg truncated)
man: <snooked expression> :confused:
(p.s: notice the irony? who's teaching who??)
Kenna this b4. Its complete Bull****, especially the part about the woman trying accuse the guy of seeing another gal. wtf! Its really uncalled for. Why not guy accuse the girl of seeing another man? Reason is because we are magnanimous, as compared to the petty little women. *puke*
27-07-2005, 01:54 PM
The funny thing about women is that they all try their best to behave like anal retentive virgins, but like most of us bro's know - they are just sluts in disguise. They all want a good stiff one over anything anytime - but - they refuse to admit that they are sluts - so they make us work for it! SHIT lah - enough mind games lah! I find that most women needs us to a) pile them with enough booze, b) eat aphrodisiacs like oysters, c)get hot and heavy - so that they will feel vindicated after their bonks with us guys.
Problem is dat when we get electric shocked by one, we will play out the many scenarios as discussed here, to our own disadvbantage - why?? I also dunno cos I also just kenna electric shock recently and behavin like a 15 year old teen again! ANy ways to cure this?
28-07-2005, 12:08 PM
i mean no disrespect for gers, but we all long for attention, be pampered and be showered with tonnes of gifts (pricier gifts sometimes weigh alot more). man will shudder when the woman moan/groan & give us the GLITTERING tear-glazed eyes, while woman shudder at the GLITTERING of the tiffany-jewellery.
woman hope for her man to be conqueror at work, all-rounder at home & warrior in bed. while man probably hope for the woman to be the angel to comfort his daily battle wounds, loving mother who feeds the family, princess/queen in bed.
in recent days when gender equality takes place, when woman sometimes do better than the man, there's bound to be some role-reversal... but still there's double standards when mandatory/fundamental daily issues come into play. maybe its time for the man to 钓起来卖, and let the woman do all the work in earning herself the much desired Sensative New Age Guy. its quite obvious that if the man stoops a little, the woman will start stomping all over in her 4" stilhettos.
suteerak1099, i experienced what you experienced but does it comes with slaps and kneeling down so that she won't scream at top of her voice. :D
28-07-2005, 01:28 PM
my oh my... hey i though only those teens will do that ... Hahaha the way u all put damm funny....
I know know we gers behave this way at the certain period of the month.. I don think everyday right :confused:
29-07-2005, 03:25 PM
my oh my... hey i though only those teens will do that ... Hahaha the way u all put damm funny....
I know know we gers behave this way at the certain period of the month.. I don think everyday right :confused:
Dont believe ask around your guys friends and they will paint you a more realistic picture......... :cool:
29-07-2005, 04:06 PM
ps: what's so nice about my signature?
well.. if i'm not mistaken, it means that "The word love is in the heart" which means that if reali like the person, need not keep tellin n tellin to the whole world..
But stupid women keep wans us men to say,express n prove our actions.. :(
29-07-2005, 04:34 PM
...I know know we gers behave this way at the certain period of the month.. I don think everyday right :confused:
its bcos the gals r doing it day in n out that they didnt realise its anything disturbing to the man. ever heard of the term “三日风,四日雨”. they're too unpredictable, everyday is a totally new ball game.
honestly, all that mindgames and forgiveness and pouring out of more TLC can be tedious, hidious, malicious... unlikely to recover by christmas too.
30-07-2005, 10:32 AM
But stupid women keep wans us men to say,express n prove our actions.. :(
Say it to her in a posh restaurant,
Express it to her in terms of presents,
Prove it to her with a bigger carat than her friends. :cool:
Prove it to her with a bigger carat than her friends. :cool:
you mean bigger carrots in us than her friends have. :D
30-07-2005, 11:31 AM
you mean bigger carrots in us than her friends have. :D
Haha, you bigger carats you get, the bigger carrots you are. :D
30-07-2005, 11:34 AM
i wonder if any bros have encounter this teleconversation
wife on leave from work: how come you still not home, 7pm already leh
hubby: but dear, i just took time off to run errands with you this morning and only reach office in the afternoon, still got plenty of work on my desk.
wife: yeah but you know i am at home, can't you come home early to spend time with me
hubby: (knn) yeah ok lah, i try to bring home to do lah, so what are we going to do later
wife: nothing, busy, my girlfriends are coming over for gathering, so dun disturb us when you are working in the bedroom
hubby: (nb, ccb!!!!) :mad:
another common one i encounter:
wife: what time are you picking me up from work?
hubby: 9pm lah
wife: why so late?
hubby: got to work mah!
wife: but i finish at 6!
hubby: ok lah, i pick you up at 7.30
(reach the office at 7.30)
hubby: why you still not done yet?, its 8.30 already
wife: got to work, u know
hubby: :mad: (knn, and i am loafing around in the office)
hope to hear more experience from other bros and sis
30-07-2005, 11:42 AM
If I were late in picking up my wife from work even for 10 mins, I have to call up her workplace to inform her. Her CB lady boss sometimes dun evn let me talk to her even she's free. Then I will get the blame on why she's not informed on my delay. If she has last minute customer to attend, when Ihave to wait like a kuku for at least 60 mins! :mad:
Haha, you bigger carats you get, the bigger carrots you are. :D
yah i give them white carrot juice, thick an smooth. when free for coffee.
30-07-2005, 12:29 PM
my oh my... hey i though only those teens will do that ... Hahaha the way u all put damm funny....
I know know we gers behave this way at the certain period of the month.. I don think everyday right :confused:
Yes, its everyday. Not only teens, even grown up females are equally, or if not more, erratic in terms of behaviour and mood.
Besides, even if you are suffering from such a "deficiency", I don't think your bf or guy friend (for that matter) will want to tell you. From the guy's point of view, unveiling this apparent "deficiency" to the girl means incurring her wrath and usually guys don't want to do a DRP for it, because it gives the girl more reason than otherwise to ditch the guy. Assuming that guy still wants to be with the girl, its bad news. Yes, very very very bad news.
And, DRP means Disaster Recovery Programme. *cough* No offense, but you get my point.
Oh and that time of the month is still a lame excuse for forcing the guy out to go shopping. Unprovoked and uncalled for hostility is inexcusable during that time, as well. Bringing forth hostility or aggression, regardless of degree, due to that biological inevitability is really unconstitutional and runs, completely, against sexual equality.
30-07-2005, 12:55 PM
its bcos the gals r doing it day in n out that they didnt realise its anything disturbing to the man. ever heard of the term “三日风,四日雨”. they're too unpredictable, everyday is a totally new ball game.
honestly, all that mindgames and forgiveness and pouring out of more TLC can be tedious, hidious, malicious... unlikely to recover by christmas too.
Unpredictable is a gross understatement of what unearthly havaoc women are capable of.
Mindgames? I think I can play scissor-paper-stone better than that...
Honestly, what do women do when they are really free? They think and concoct all kinds of funny stuff within their skull. To quote a friend, "The greatest mystery in the universe is the mind of a women." Sigh....
30-07-2005, 04:08 PM
Petulant Monthly Syndrome, in short we call it PMS. This happens mainly with the female species and linked directly with their menstrual cycle. Personal opinion, PMS happens almost anytime, anywhere, any place. The menstrual cycle was simply made the scapegoat for that once in a month complete outburst or flare up, where the action done by the female, consequences suffered by the male and the blame goes to the menstrual.
PMS is a case of unmanageable of emotions, whereby it is linked with anonymous cause. Most of the cases occurred as and when she deems certain things, matter, words with or without direct pertinent surrounding matters, issues or any other aspect. It could be as simple as she choose to sun tan and forget the lotion and suffered substantial burn, the consequence is the he will get the wailing for days and with efforts to compensate in vain. The syndrome strikes without any symptom or any other forecast methods known is effective. Psychology scientists are having a good time in peeling open the layers of questions that surround this syndrome; some believes that it is indirectly associated with the strands of DNA with dictate the character and behaviors. Others begs to differs, arguing that this is a common case among all females species, while some claims that the higher education had open their brains in the wrong way and thinking with the wrong part of the brain. The train of thoughts seems to be moving into any extreme corners whenever possible and there are no gray areas, just only yes or no. Still the best has yet to come. The yes or no conclusion is not base on any facts or truths but rather by what she likes or dislike.
Progressing into the 21st century, one might ask if there is a cure for this syndrome, the answer is still in debate; there are some known temporary cures with known side effects and surprisingly the side effects are on the males. One of the known cures is that they are extremely sensitive to minerals such as stones. Depending on the carat of stones, we can expect different level of cured time, some long and some short and of course the side effect are on the males. On top of this, they are known to react well to yellowish gold metals in the form of different size and shape but recent trends are changing, white gold seems to be a common cure and best accompany with a stone. Other things such as flowers, leather goods slapped with a funny name eg. Prata, Guchi etc.
All these remedies are organic and natural but don’t come cheap and mostly had great side effect, so when one consider to cure the syndrome, do consider the after effect and not get entangled into another mess. :D
02-08-2005, 02:00 PM
Petulant Monthly Syndrome, in short we call it PMS. This happens mainly with the female species and linked directly with their menstrual cycle. :D
PMS - yes we know aboutht e painfulk cramps, etc... Hey sometimes I wonder - they have got it since they were about 13 or 14, dun tell me they cant get used to it by now?!? Wat a bloody excuse toi vent and rant on us poor guys. I think they use it like ammo and the monthly kotex period is the reloading - just like the guys rushng to reload the mechs in the last Matrix movie - just ammo to screw with us! My ex bought all those stupid herbs for Eu Yan Sang which was supposed to make it better - shit lah - I dun think it did. Anyway, PMS is like a warrant for them to use to screw with us!
02-08-2005, 04:53 PM
hey guys u all hor ... picture we gers till like that ... we still have a soft side mah... we know how to 'sai nine' to make guys happy leh.. y u all never mention huh ?
When ur gf/wife cooks for u all .. did u say thank u or not ... etc..
Well not all gers that bad right ... :p
02-08-2005, 05:42 PM
hey guys u all hor ... picture we gers till like that ... we still have a soft side mah... we know how to 'sai nine' to make guys happy leh.. y u all never mention huh ?
When ur gf/wife cooks for u all .. did u say thank u or not ... etc..
Well not all gers that bad right ... :p
well, "sai nine" guys ?
hmmm..... i never encounter be4 one that Sayang me !
maybe u ? :p
02-08-2005, 05:47 PM
hey guys u all hor ... picture we gers till like that ... we still have a soft side mah... we know how to 'sai nine' to make guys happy leh.. y u all never mention huh ?
When ur gf/wife cooks for u all .. did u say thank u or not ... etc..
Well not all gers that bad right ... :p
agree not all gals are like that but some are la i think cannot be helped. eg my friend when he know his gf period coming haha he will avoid her cuz shes always on a short fuse during that time.
04-08-2005, 06:05 PM
hey guys u all hor ... picture we gers till like that ... we still have a soft side mah... we know how to 'sai nine' to make guys happy leh.. y u all never mention huh ?
When ur gf/wife cooks for u all .. did u say thank u or not ... etc..
Well not all gers that bad right ... :p
no offence, i know things seems abit 1 sided and makes the gers look bad, but then to be very honest... alota ppl find gers very self-contradicting and at times got double standards (she got licence to do, but the guy got no licence to do)
if gf/wife cook, guy must say thank u... but how come guy bring home the $, gf/wife never say thank u? the thank u only comes, when she display her manja power and make the guy sayang her by pouring out truckloads of gifts, or if not, those that are small but cut him back big time on his credits for the next few mths. conclusion that most gers will say....... "its the guy's duty to provide mahhhhh~!!!!" and whats the woman's duty?? "to help the guy to spend his MONEY mahhhhhhhhh~!~!~!!"
Five Stone
06-08-2005, 07:50 AM
hey guys u all hor ... picture we gers till like that ... we still have a soft side mah... we know how to 'sai nine' to make guys happy leh.. y u all never mention huh ?
"Sai nai".....Yes we get it but only when the sup card exceeded the limit or a LV bag was bought on lmpulse or when a long weekend is coming wanting a holiday or year end bonus due next week or infront of her friends or our parents....
Else most of the time, we get "Sai Bin" (Shit Face)...... :cool:
06-08-2005, 08:19 AM
these days in modern times where society labels women to be of equal standings as men... it also means that some gals actually outdo their men financially. job satisfaction at work, yes... we all have our fair share of problems n stress, but gals still demand the kinda TLC from their men
its bcos of the change of pace and values these days that the modern women have adopted new sets of 'girl power' mentality, perhaps its also due for the men to sit back n relax... let the women display her prowess of courtship n giving the men the much craved n desired TLC..?
who wears the pants in the household is yet to be sorted out amongst most couples, but bcos the modern women think they're as independant n capable as the men... is it necessarily good news for us all? i honestly doubt so...
06-08-2005, 08:46 AM
There are still gers who wanna be submissive and belong to a guy... just have to find the right guy!!!
like a kitten with him in public, tigress in bed like tat!!!
06-08-2005, 11:37 AM
There are still gers who wanna be submissive and belong to a guy... just have to find the right guy!!!
like a kitten with him in public, tigress in bed like tat!!!
There are, no doubt, but few. Kitten in public, tigress in bed and the Empress Dowager at home....... :cool:
There are, no doubt, but few. Kitten in public, tigress in bed and the Empress Dowager at home....... :cool:
Wah kao, only empress dowager meh? I thot its heavenly mother. Tne creator of all mankind.
06-08-2005, 05:06 PM
Me like Blurqueen12... wait on hubby for donkey years.. love him, bear his 3 kids and serve him in bed even after he confessed he has lover outside and he still go back to her... what to do??? Stuck in marriage and now old already...some more give the guys say gers like me lau chio sianz....
tried to spice up my life...then suay suay kena meet guys like Lesnar... more so sianz...and some more some nerdy guys anyhow call my number, lagi unsuspecting can still answer and thot can be frenz only...what the HELL was I thinking????
So guys please we ladies also kena real teruk from your kind too... Just lern to give and take and not hurt each other ok... suan lah...
06-08-2005, 07:54 PM
the Empress Dowager at home....... :cool:What home? Not married have home meh? Just kitten in public, tigress in private ;)
Kyser Soze
06-08-2005, 09:42 PM
Just kitten in public, tigress in private ;)
Your boyfriend need to play reverse roles to accomodate you: tiger in public, kitten in private. :D
07-08-2005, 12:00 AM
Your boyfriend need to play reverse roles to accomodate you: tiger in public, kitten in private. :DUm, a kitten in private? only if he licks really really well!!! But I think i like the Energizer bunny better!!! :D
Um, a kitten in private? only if he licks really really well!!! But I think i like the Energizer bunny better!!! :D
I am both (painter's stroke and humping machine) :D
but for my case I come in extra as a life time undeflatable punching bag.
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