View Full Version : KTV in KL
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14-08-2006, 12:21 AM
* Go during happy hour. Some places have happy hour packages. Room can be free of charge.
* Don't book. Take the gals on butterfly. (There are pros and cons with this.)
* Watch and control the extras. Some gals will want to order cigarettes, extra drinks, etc.
* When first arrive, ask the mummy about the available packages, rates, booking, tips to gals, etc. Let the mummy know what sort of gals you are looking for. Ask about 'extras'. Ask about possible extension after happy hour. etc
- Agree that HH is a good time to go and its really different from singapore, KL KTV hv so many package and some is so confusing...
- I think our singapore style is girl Butterfly, rarely see ppl book gals... but if bokking a gal for one hour is 50rm... i dun mind!!!! Hehe...
- Ask girl drink with us... no soft drinks... (Erm can or not ha?)
- Wonder if can bring back to my hotel in Genting? What the rate?
14-08-2006, 12:28 AM
Hehe.. yeah... i know ur MO in SG... buy a bottle... play with the girl... here... we tend to drink quite a bit at the KTV... another difference is that most KTVs have Butterfly during SH... in KL... they typically push for bookings at about RM50 per hour... min 3-4 hours... So if you take a typical KTV bill
RM 500 drinks + tidbits (1 bottle of whatever drink on promo)
Tips ... RM50 mommy... RM 10 X 2 waiters = RM70
Girls ... Booking 3 hours X RM50 = RM150
Girls Tips 4 X RM 50 = RM 200
Total Damage for 4 ppl = RM 920 +10 +5 = est RM1100 4 ppl is less than 300 per person... if you include toilet action (about average RM150)... will be about 450 per person...
Hope this guideline helps...
Man thanks for the calculation manz... you coolzz... anyway which KTV will you recommend base on the above calculation? :D
15-08-2006, 12:30 AM
Booking is usually in a block, 3 hours, 4 hours etc. Rates varies from place to place. Some places call it "small clock" and "big clock" (Cantonese)....clock not cock. :D
You can get the gals to drink your drinks.
As for takeaway, mention to the mummy right from the beginning that if the chemistry is right you might want to takeway. She will then bring in suitable gals. The rest would be up to your negotiation skills. Genting might be possible. :D
15-08-2006, 12:39 AM
Some hardworking ang pais work all hours. ;) I hear some ang pais work HH in one establishment and then go to another establishment for after HH. Sure hope they are saving some of that hard earned money.
Good tip with asking the mummy to sign off.
One more tip, I read about some places putting gals tips and mummy tips into the bill. We should check so that we don't end up tipping twice. We can't really do much about it as that is their standard practice. But anything on the bill comes with a 10% + 5% tax. :mad:
15-08-2006, 12:03 PM
One more tip, I read about some places putting gals tips and mummy tips into the bill. We should check so that we don't end up tipping twice. We can't really do much about it as that is their standard practice. But anything on the bill comes with a 10% + 5% tax. :mad:
Normally... you can opt to put the tip in the bill or not (for company claim purposes...) but because its on the bill, the establishment takes a cut so the tips typically will be higher (but company pay mah... who cares)... the only place i know that tips are in the bill is Wh* N** in PJ... but still have to tip direct also...
15-08-2006, 01:55 PM
Hi all,
Let's share Malaysian FL. I start off with mine;
Name : Riza Royani Bt Husain
H/P : +6 012-6524647
Pick Up Point : B-G-06, Fresia Apartment, Taman Lembah Maju, Pandan Indah @ D'swan KTV, Bkt Bintang
Profession : GRO D'swan (No. 767)
Rate : Negotiable (RM100-RM250)
15-08-2006, 03:16 PM
You can always tell of some ppl that are not getting any sex or even have problems getting a gal.
They lack social skills and are rediculed by women for their small bro's size and lack of performance.
They are unsound and are frustrated and resolves to thinking about bad things to do and end result you see some sad postings in SB. :mad:
by the way can the MOD pls delete it?
19-08-2006, 06:46 PM
Hi all,
Let's share Malaysian FL. I start off with mine;
Name : Riza Royani Bt Husain
H/P : +6 012-6524647
Pick Up Point : B-G-06, Fresia Apartment, Taman Lembah Maju, Pandan Indah @ D'swan KTV, Bkt Bintang
Profession : GRO D'swan (No. 767)
Rate : Negotiable (RM100-RM250)
Please move away from this are not wellcome here...maybe next time FL shud expose you after you seeing them !!!:mad:
19-08-2006, 07:48 PM
Well as promise to write a FR after my Genting trip, here its is... But before starting i will like to thanks and apologise to bro TCK, KLK, Dath. Thanks for giving all the KTV available and apologise as i did not go any of the KTV mention due to the fact of laziness plus convinent which result in sian sian KTV trip but i will definately go CherryBlossom if i hv another trip hehe.
Wed (Genting)
Drive up to this cold hill top the weather really coolz and stay at Theme Park Htoel... Eat Gamble Sleep.
Thurs (KL : Its action time)
Wake up at around 12pm and went for Dim Sum before taking a cab outside Theme Park Hotel down to KL (One Trip Cost 80RM / Nite back 90RM) ask the cabby drive us to one of the shopping centre and my friend bought one motorola phone without contract at only 250RM.
After this we proceed to SPA De Palace. Inside 3 out of my 4 friend straight away ask for the special while i consider a while before joining them. We are bought in to chose the girl and do our dick business first instead of enjoying the pool treatment etc first (Funny I remember most SPA dun work this way). When i join up with my friends, they had already chosen their gals (All Local) while the captain told me all local working only left with PRC, I told him I want local but I still ask him to bring the PRC in for me to see. He bought in 7 to 8 PRC and one caught my eye and i chose her before proceeding to my room and wait for her. Inside the room wait for quite a while before the gal came, and the room is bloody hot even with the air con on. Inside talk cock with her for a moment and she bath me. After that proceed to the bed. For this FR really nothing much to talk about except for her good BJ, she did it simple but really simple is alway the best. Proceed to screww her in missionary before changng the position to the she sat on my thigh position. The fuck was not enjoyable becuase she really look like a beginner in providing the service but of cos i like her sweet face.
Name: Xuan Xuan
Age: 19 (Look really young esp her premature bust)
Face: 8 (Sweet)
Bust: A
Size: Small and skinny (Think will not screw another skinny gal as dun hv feeling, ba ba type will be it)
BBBJ: 8 (Simple and good)
FJ: 5
Good: Young girl... really innocent you brothers ut there dun bully her
Damage: 208RM (Can use the pool, suana and steam room)
Now i hv a question, all bros out there i like those she massage you then began her FJ one, which SPA do these as this SPA i went is screw straight one.
After this went to have beef steak to recharge our didi power before proceeding to this disappointing club. Went in the reception girl is damn pretty, prettier than all the girls serving us. Went in the PR and mummy were quite friendly kept talking to us and in came the first batch of gals, 3 out of 4 girls are malay (Question!!! if kanna raid, if we sit beside a malay girl will we get into trouble?) My friend took one girl in leopard dress haha (which he regret later) All of us took chinese gals and my gals name is Janice. Damn from far face very nice but near her face also nice lah but hv a mole on the face. Nevermind give take and i play the dice game with two of my friend's girls, for the whole 4 hour stay, we cannot touch them at those part (Bust, ussy) damn so we talk cock hug them and play games. Althought they never buttyfly, i still felt this is a sucky KTV which is not worth going. Went off at 2am dejected and sperm level high.
Club: Fame Club
Room: Quite spacious for 5 guys and 5 gals
Damage: 358RM Package (Room, Fruits, Martel & 3 Mixer) + Another Martel 360RM (How come one martel is more ex than the package man) + 1 Jug Beer + 10% Service Charge + 5% GST + Mummy tips 50RM (Got cheated!!! my friend give mummy another 100RM cos he nv see the bill) = 1K
Girls tip: My friend give around 60 only I give 100
I dun recommend this club at all try to avoid.
Special Info: Genting OKT operated outside Casino along the escalator price range from 220RM to 180RM. Think all are PRC.
Happy viewing!!!!! And alway share!!!!
22-08-2006, 12:37 AM
Thanks for the FR.
You won't get into extra trouble because a Malay gal is sitting with you. If there is going to be trouble (trouble, e.g. you are caught with your pants down.), it would be the same as sitting with a local Chinese gal.
Too bad about this KTV outing, better luck next time. If you still want to have another KTV outing, post again. I am sure KL bros will introduce some confirmed happening places to you.
22-08-2006, 10:20 AM
Hey Kuku07... nice FR...
BTW... if u r talking about Shagging he same girl who massage u,... very seldom can u find a good masseur and good shag at the same time... normally... best to keep both sessions separate ... cheers
25-08-2006, 01:14 PM
Tonight will go to Crystal, Damansara Intan thanks to room in Mercury already fully book. Any of the brother will be there as well, may be can meet up ....cheers
25-08-2006, 06:55 PM
Hello to all the tai ko & brothers.
This is my 1st post to this forum:
I spent 2 weeks to finish all the threads. i ready wan 2 make a salute (180 degree-whole body laid on the floor) to all the brothers for their experience & info to all the newbie like me.
look at my time a few years back, i hav cheong at HC, MP, & KTV......etc. KTV ACTION is still my most favorite place to book. there is the reason why i post at "KTV in KL" thread.
i wan 2 share my good memory with all the bro. a few years back, i m active at Crazy, Puchong. That time, 5 of us like "mustang" - young, crazy& wild. we went there every week. we try Tom yan, popiah, kemboja, burma or even ang moh. ......i think all the bro can imaging what is our life at that time!!! right!!! later, when Crazy closed up, my gang also close shop. try to buid up our career mah.......(damage too much at Crazy life :p ).
2 year ago, I contact all my gang request back to the action. i found that all of them have been retired due to married. So, i hav 2 cheong alone - 1 chi kong (sad time)........., p/s-why i don't know this forum more earlier, then i able to know all the taiko like tck - king of ktv scene. :D So this 2 year time, my regular ktv is at kepong call star xxxxx karaoke. known mummy well and also a few regular girls like lydia (sabahan), mila(NL), ayu(NL), sophia(Sabahan), alicia(RotiCanai), Honey(NL), Tai Bo Linda (NL).......etc. Good time and affordable. damage is around RM450.00 each time (beer, tips n toilet action).
Did not try other ktv like murcully, D Bross.........etc as mentioned by the bro because "1 chi kong" lah, i feel waste 2 go alone. i hav try to get new member to form a team, but feel disappointed because new members all "sigh", gentle and not crazy like me. so rather enjoy alone.
But now i know this forum, n hope that able to follow some taiko for the KTV action IF ALL THE TAIKO DON'T MIND. However, from previous post, a few taiko said wan 2 retire from KTV scene. is it true???????????? if yes, i feel sad, because KTV scene is FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..
Regards n cheeer..........................
Tua Lang is not ready Tua Kie
25-08-2006, 07:11 PM
to all my taiko n bro.
i alway feel that if u wan to enjoy (highest level) the KTV Section. u must alway look for the right members ( crazy n playfull). if not it will affect the entire action.
N i also believe got other bro like me still looking for the right members to join for the KTV Action. Right.............
Please dun to be "sigh". PM to me or other taiko...... We form a team, We cheong together......................:D
Regards n Cheer...........
Tua Lang = not ready Tua Kie
27-08-2006, 06:33 PM
to all my taiko n bro.
i alway feel that if u wan to enjoy (highest level) the KTV Section. u must alway look for the right members ( crazy n playfull). if not it will affect the entire action....... We form a team, We cheong together......................:D
Regards n Cheer...........
Tua Lang = not ready Tua Kie
Yeap, totally agree with u. Went to Crystal KTV in PJ a couple of days ago with a few guys. Some of them shy to touch the girl's breasts in front of us. Just me and my another buddy had fun with the girls and crazy like hell. The girl that i choose is Ruby, Sabahan, has a fantastic boobs (very big and firm) and very open type. But whenever i wanted to to make a big move, all those 'sian' guys kept their eyes on me. Thus, make me also feel shy to persue the big move, potong stim lar. They really spoiled the atmosphere...
28-08-2006, 01:19 AM
Hi Bro,
Will in KL next 2 days and want to cheong President Club. Can soe kind bro tell us how to get there ? Just tell the taxi driver Damansara will do ?
28-08-2006, 01:53 AM
President Club is at Damansara Jaya. Tell the taxi driver to take you to The Atria shopping centre. President Club is next to the shopping centre. With no jams, it should take you about 15 minutes from KL Hilton.
28-08-2006, 03:24 AM
to all my taiko n bro.
i alway feel that if u wan to enjoy (highest level) the KTV Section. u must alway look for the right members ( crazy n playfull). if not it will affect the entire action.
Regards n Cheer...........
Tua Lang = not ready Tua Kie
i would like to join if i m free!! :)
28-08-2006, 11:28 AM
Yeap, totally agree with u. Went to Crystal KTV in PJ a couple of days ago with a few guys. Some of them shy to touch the girl's breasts in front of us. Just me and my another buddy had fun with the girls and crazy like hell. The girl that i choose is Ruby, Sabahan, has a fantastic boobs (very big and firm) and very open type. But whenever i wanted to to make a big move, all those 'sian' guys kept their eyes on me. Thus, make me also feel shy to persue the big move, potong stim lar. They really spoiled the atmosphere...
Normally what i will do is:-
1. Make them all mabuk 1st before action started.
2. If they seldom drink, then make urself mabuk, that time u won't felt shy anymore. right..... (remember ask them pay 1st, before movie start :D )
3. if above 1 & 2 cannot work, then treat it as normal Karaoka time loh.......(change bubby for next trip....)...
BTW, what is the damage on that night, is it expenses lah??? Butterfly or booking system??
Regards n cheers
Tua Lang is not ready Tua Kie............
31-08-2006, 03:17 PM
While have a beer during HH last nite, my fr mentioned so long haven been eating nasi lemak, so decided to venture into Goldmine with Tua Lang who also dropped by for a drink.
Beer package was at $300 for 5 jugs and we cant even finished them all and left with 1 more beer voucher that can keep for another 5 days.
The gers stock were lesser last nite due to Merdeka eve and a lot gers didnt turn up for work and mummt kept saying sorry for that.
Toilet action inclu tips was $150 for my friends. Since me was a bit tired and not in the mood, just paid the normal $50 for the butterfly NL (really flies cos she had 5 rooms). When we mai tan, she was really pissed drunk from other room and start tallking craps..:mad:
Overall, not a bad deco, with toilet attached and if you are up to NL, its not a bad place to go. No HH tough.
31-08-2006, 05:23 PM
Dear Bro Tua Lang ,
Well, it's not that easy to make them drunk as there were 3 of them and all can drink .... Althought i can drink better than them, but i dun think i can beat there all them. If one on one, i can KO them easily.
CHANGE BUDDY ?? !! Not so possible as they are my business partners lar.
Well, we opened 5 bottles of Martell but only managed to finished 3 bottles only. It cost us around RM 2000++, tips for the butterfly girl is RM 50 each, she was really butterfly and she had 4 rooms and can only allowed me 10 min, which means sat with me 10min then have to wait 30min before she sway by my room again...
01-09-2006, 02:06 PM
While have a beer during HH last nite, my fr mentioned so long haven been eating nasi lemak, so decided to venture into Goldmine with Tua Lang who also dropped by for a drink.
Beer package was at $300 for 5 jugs and we cant even finished them all and left with 1 more beer voucher that can keep for another 5 days.
The gers stock were lesser last nite due to Merdeka eve and a lot gers didnt turn up for work and mummt kept saying sorry for that.
Toilet action inclu tips was $150 for my friends. Since me was a bit tired and not in the mood, just paid the normal $50 for the butterfly NL (really flies cos she had 5 rooms). When we mai tan, she was really pissed drunk from other room and start tallking craps..:mad:
Overall, not a bad deco, with toilet attached and if you are up to NL, its not a bad place to go. No HH tough.
Nice to meet up our " KTV sifu" bro tck306 on Merdeka Eve.
1st think for drinking n to know our bro tck and end up go to Goldmine KTV.
Now i understood why our bro tck306 is" Great KTV Sifu". Although is a 1st time our bro tck went to Goldmine KTV, surprisingly 2 of our girls known his "Tai Meng" (my girl even show me his hp no. inside her hp).
However, our sifu forgot them oreli. only after the girl told him when n where they met b4, then our bro tck remember who is she.......... finaly my girl's heart break..........:p
Overall i think the damage n envoironment is ok. although no HH, but the beer charges still affordable to all the bro. right.........
Once against is nice to meet up our bro tck. look for another gathering.
Regards n cheers......
01-09-2006, 03:10 PM
Wah ... Tua_Lang... so sexcited ... see u also frequent the Kepong KTV... heard a lot about it... but never gone before...
TCK... look like u have disciple leh... hehehe :p
01-09-2006, 04:22 PM
Wah ... Tua_Lang... so sexcited ... see u also frequent the Kepong KTV... heard a lot about it... but never gone before...
TCK... look like u have disciple leh... hehehe :p
i totally agreed with u. TCK is the good sifu to learn about KTV Scene....:D
my regular KTV at kepong is not so class n dodgy, so i think not many bro like it.
Because of my office near by and normally i just go when my regular girl is working ( only 2/3 girls "chun" at there). HH charges is affordable 4 1 person like me loh.... totally for my relaxing after stress work.
Regards n cheers
02-09-2006, 12:56 PM
Don say that la...just that i forgettern her as she is XL size now ma...:D
Dated her for dinner once long time ago but she left early for another cus, so me just deleted her no loh. Never tot that she still keep my no...:p
Next week got invites to President and DW Puchong and MAA....also do no which one to go lah...
TL, last nite too much beer and wine for me at Laundry The Curve, if inform me eraly by 15 min, i might be following yr car as not so familiar with Kepong area la...hope you enjoy with KL kool last nite ya...
05-09-2006, 01:13 PM
Last week is my busy week. Continue 3 nights for KTV action with our SBF Bros.
1st time met up our SBF bro like TCK, CIB, KLKOOL, Warmites, GilaGila n other 3 Bros (sorry can't remember the nick).
Just wan to say again " Nice to meet up"
1st night:
Went out with Bro TCK n his friend to Goldmine, Cheras. FR please refer to our previous post. (lazy to repeat.........)
2nd night:
Received SMS from Bro CIB invite for gathering at PJ area. met with Bro CIB, KLKOOL, Warmites n 3 other bro (sorry again can't remember the nick). After TC section, Bro TD0620G (i think so......) called n suggest go to KTV at Desa Komplek.
Woh.. Desa Komplek - my "territory". quickly call mummy for the arrangement. then 5 of 7 of us proceed to DK except for warmites n 1 bro. Bro TD0620G n friend will meet us at DK.
P/S 1 - call Bro TCK, unfortunely he can't make it
P/S 2 - finally, Bro TD0620G didn't turn up. can't locate the place n road closed at MRR2.
My FR on the Girls:
Type : 2 Nasi Lemak, 1 Roti Canai, 1 Sabahan n 1 CKT
Quality of the girls : 3-4/10
Responsiveness : 7-8/10
Wildness : 7-8/10 (p/s - our bro KLKOOL raped by the girl who didn't wear panties)
My FR on the Gentlemen:
Type : All CKT
Responsiveness : 3-4/10
Wildness : 3-4/10
P/s - i just wondering why the results so extreme!!!!!!!!!!!:confused:
Overall, is a dodgy place n i dun feel all the bro like it............ Worse things is they provide a "smelly" hot towel....... fark...........
3rd Night:
Informed from Bro TCK got KTV gathering at Puchong. there to know our Bro GilaGila n he oreli post the FR at " Puchong Paradise"
End Report.
Once again, wan to say "HAPPY MEETING WITH ALL BRO"
Regards n cheers
05-09-2006, 03:07 PM
P/s - i just wondering why the results so extreme!!!!!!!!!!!:confused:Hehehe.... you went to KTV with all the "Leng Jai" of course results become extreme. All the girls quality 3-4/10. Like that all the "Leng Jai" also no mood leow. That why the guys wildness and responsiveness also 3-4/10.:rolleyes:
06-09-2006, 09:36 AM
Bro Tua_Lang,
Nice meeting up with you and thanks for showing us your home "playground"...kekekeke.
Anyway, what turned me off a little bit was the girls' use of some 'powdery" stuff in our presence. Seeing them "using" those substance was really an eye-opener and it keeps lingering in my mind. :(
Well, maybe next trip; we'll go recce some other new joints. Maybe wilder??!! :p
06-09-2006, 10:09 AM
Next week got invites to President and DW Puchong and MAA....also do no which one to go lah...
The answer to your predicament... go for all 3 lorr.. :p
Between the 3... i think the best would be DW, then MAA, then President...
06-09-2006, 10:13 AM
Hahaha... bro Tua Lang... nice to meet up with you also... wah.. u really like the KTV process also horr... for me... have to fast fast look for HC next day leh... hehehe....
I tend to agree that i still think KTVs here ... very hard to find nice CKT which is wild... i really dun understand y... :confused:
06-09-2006, 06:46 PM
Bro Tua_Lang,
Nice meeting up with you and thanks for showing us your home "playground"...kekekeke.
Anyway, what turned me off a little bit was the girls' use of some 'powdery" stuff in our presence. Seeing them "using" those substance was really an eye-opener and it keeps lingering in my mind.
Well, maybe next trip; we'll go recce some other new joints. Maybe wilder??!!
Bro CIB, I like the term "Playground"..................:D
For those "powdery stuff".... oreli advised them many time, however, who am i?? Right.... Pity them a lot.
New joints which is "wilder" than that nite......Bro CIB, I ready can't image what will happen next.... all the gentlemen and girls have 2 naked :eek:
Regards n cheers
P/S- Thanks to Bro DK who UPed me.......
06-09-2006, 07:04 PM
I tend to agree that i still think KTVs here ... very hard to find nice CKT which is wild... i really dun understand y... :confused:
CKT has been teached "behave urself" since child time.....:p
Regards n cheers...........
08-09-2006, 09:31 AM
CKT has been teached "behave urself" since child time.....:p
Regards n cheers...........
This reminds me a 19 yr old SYT CKT that i met in Jockey (now GH), petit, wild, pretty and really good in bed....somemore sucking my toe was history....didn't even want money aftre the hotel sessions....really miss her...
08-09-2006, 09:38 AM
CKT has been teached "behave urself" since child time.....:p
Regards n cheers...........
This reminds me a 19 yr old SYT CKT that i met in Jockey (now GH), petit, wild, pretty and really good in bed....somemore sucking my toe was history....didn't even want money aftre the hotel sessions....really miss her...
08-09-2006, 11:41 AM
CKT has been teached "behave urself" since child time.....:p
Regards n cheers...........
This reminds me a 19 yr old SYT CKT that i met in Jockey (now GH), petit, wild, pretty and really good in bed....somemore sucking my toe was history....didn't even want money aftre the hotel sessions....really miss her...
08-09-2006, 12:45 PM
bro, no need to post 3 times la...i understand how u feel:p
08-09-2006, 02:21 PM
bro, no need to post 3 times la...i understand how u feel:p
sorry bro....not nose bleeding la, it was just some connection prob that i tot my message was not posted....:D
09-09-2006, 12:11 AM
CKT has been teached "behave urself" since child time.....:p
Regards n cheers...........
Yeah... but they are damn wild when they work in SG KTVs...
09-09-2006, 10:57 AM
Yeah... but they are damn wild when they work in SG KTVs...
Earn "Sin" leh.......
somemore got competition from PRC..... ( competition improved performance n competing to get more $$$$$).
Another possibilities is now in SG, the supply > than demand???:confused:
My opinion.......:p
Regards n cheers
09-09-2006, 11:48 AM
Yesterday went out with bro tck and a few guys to KTV at puchong........
Objective: to celebrate my "3rd meet up gathering with TCK"...:p
Sorry to all the bro bcos i'm late (late is better than i didn't turn up. right)
When reached at lobby, saw a lot of honry guys waiting at the lobby. i think all the room should be fully accupied.
Is a bit long waiting before mummy bring in 3 popiah 3 tomyam for selection.
Confirmed by mummy 2nite is full. According to Mummy :Even "CHOO PA" also all out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Due to limited girls selection, quality only so so.......
I pick a popiah
Name: Siu Ting Tang (funny name)
Age: 20
body: ard 150cm, 48kg, small boobs, fair skin, girl next door look......
Damage: RM160 (included girl tips.)
P/s (for Bro TCK only): Bro, my hand still feel painful this morning. good also for me, i have a excuse for "MC" this morning.........:D
Regards n cheers
10-09-2006, 03:20 PM
[QUOTE=Tua_Lang]P/s (for Bro TCK only): Bro, my hand still feel painful this morning. good also for me, i have a excuse for "MC" this morning.........:D
Tks for the 2 bros who helped me to carry my ger...she was totally out as we have had 2 bottle of white wine as Souled Out before we were at DW. Plus some beers know la....even harder for me to carry her back to her place and she fell down at the hotel lobby....:D
11-09-2006, 07:09 PM
Tks for the 2 bros who helped me to carry my ger...she was totally out as we have had 2 bottle of white wine as Souled Out before we were at DW. Plus some beers know la....even harder for me to carry her back to her place and she fell down at the hotel lobby....:D
Wah... ho say lorr... have to help carry ur ger some more... hehehe... nice to see the KTV Division having lots of action nowadays... at least now we all know where to get KTV updates liao :p
11-09-2006, 10:40 PM
does anyone know any good ktv in malacca or seremban or even muar? ;)
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12-09-2006, 06:19 PM
Here are some tips to reduce the bill.
* Go during happy hour. Some places have happy hour packages. Room can be free of charge.
* Don't book. Take the gals on butterfly. (There are pros and cons with this.)
* Watch and control the extras. Some gals will want to order cigarettes, extra drinks, etc.
* When first arrive, ask the mummy about the available packages, rates, booking, tips to gals, etc. Let the mummy know what sort of gals you are looking for. Ask about 'extras'. Ask about possible extension after happy hour. etc
There should be many "cheap charlie" KTV kakis in here. Please share your tips here. :D
I know crown at Berjaya happy hour (4 30 to 9 pm) is around RM185 for 3 jugs of beer, room and tidbits. Damn cheap. A lot of butterfly girls to choose from with RM50 tips.
Do any borther here know any other happening palces with similar happy hour rates.
12-09-2006, 06:20 PM
Here are some tips to reduce the bill.
* Go during happy hour. Some places have happy hour packages. Room can be free of charge.
* Don't book. Take the gals on butterfly. (There are pros and cons with this.)
* Watch and control the extras. Some gals will want to order cigarettes, extra drinks, etc.
* When first arrive, ask the mummy about the available packages, rates, booking, tips to gals, etc. Let the mummy know what sort of gals you are looking for. Ask about 'extras'. Ask about possible extension after happy hour. etc
There should be many "cheap charlie" KTV kakis in here. Please share your tips here. :D
I know crown at Berjaya happy hour (4 30 to 9 pm) is around RM185 for 3 jugs of beer, room and tidbits. Damn cheap. A lot of butterfly girls to choose from with RM50 tips.
Do any borther here know any other happening places with similar happy hour rates?
13-09-2006, 09:45 AM
I know crown at Berjaya happy hour (4 30 to 9 pm) is around RM185 for 3 jugs of beer, room and tidbits. Damn cheap. A lot of butterfly girls to choose from with RM50 tips.
Do any borther here know any other happening places with similar happy hour rates?
Sapphire at Wisma MAA is even cheaper, $88 for 3 jugs. No room charge, ger tips the same. HH only. At nite, 5 jugs package but i cant recall how much.
13-09-2006, 12:05 PM
Wow u guy in KL are really happening lor... I in singapore really feel like joining u guys in future manz... if you guys chiong in JB maybe still can join u all once in a month haha... happening chionging and more recommendation plus FR... :D
13-09-2006, 03:12 PM
Wow u guy in KL are really happening lor... I in singapore really feel like joining u guys in future manz... if you guys chiong in JB maybe still can join u all once in a month haha... happening chionging and more recommendation plus FR... :D
Hehehe... but pls keep ur expectations in check... most KL KTV girls not as wild as your SG KTV gers horr... friendly reminder :p
13-09-2006, 03:15 PM
does anyone know any good ktv in malacca or seremban or even muar? ;)
__________________________________________________ _______________
I know Seremban last time ok... but now heard quiet liao... raided into submission...
13-09-2006, 03:20 PM
Sapphire at Wisma MAA is even cheaper, $88 for 3 jugs. No room charge, ger tips the same. HH only. At nite, 5 jugs package but i cant recall how much.
Wow its cheap. will go there and check it out soon.
How's the girl there? At crown, during HH the girl are mostly part-timers. Normally after 9 30 pm they'll go back. These part-timers are only looking for tips and very..very..very costly when it comes to HJ, BBJ & FJ (normally double the normal rates).
13-09-2006, 06:45 PM
Hehehe... but pls keep ur expectations in check... most KL KTV girls not as wild as your SG KTV gers horr... friendly reminder :p
Hi, bro show a bit ur patriotism leh..................Malaysia also boleh........:D
Regards n cheers
13-09-2006, 10:25 PM
Hehehe... but pls keep ur expectations in check... most KL KTV girls not as wild as your SG KTV gers horr... friendly reminder :p
True true... that time went... the girls never even did anything... think JB better haha... :D
13-09-2006, 10:32 PM
Hi, bro show a bit ur patriotism leh..................Malaysia also boleh........:D
This one reality check leh... later if not kena fark... and I very patriotic one.. in SG also can choose Malaysian Ger... hehehe
14-09-2006, 07:44 AM
This one reality check leh... later if not kena fark.. hehehe.... and here I was waiting to pounce.:rolleyes:
in SG also can choose Malaysian Ger... hehehe As well as prcs, viets, thais, malays....... I am also very patriotic.:D
14-09-2006, 09:34 AM
Morning Guys,
I will be up in KL (business trip) this weekend and I hope to find some assistance in looking out for "good" KTVs there.
Info on any pubs/discos will also be very very useful
Hopefully some seasoned samsters can assist me on the above.
Undoubted, I will be looking for some "no-holds-barred" type establishments. Price shouldnt be an issue here.
Any availability of Malay gals ? (KTV)
Any kind of assistance will be very much appreciated.
14-09-2006, 12:16 PM
As well as prcs, viets, thais, malays....... I am also very patriotic
I think u mean equal opportunity employer :rolleyes: :p
14-09-2006, 12:24 PM
Morning Guys,
I will be up in KL (business trip) this weekend and I hope to find some assistance in looking out for "good" KTVs there.
Info on any pubs/discos will also be very very useful
Hopefully some seasoned samsters can assist me on the above.
Undoubted, I will be looking for some "no-holds-barred" type establishments. Price shouldnt be an issue here.
Any availability of Malay gals ? (KTV)
Any kind of assistance will be very much appreciated.
If you are looking for no-holds barred establishments... u r looking at lower-medium class KTVs... depending on where you are staying (I assume in KL), DBoss, GoldenHorse, Crown are good bets... ... Higher class KTVs (Bintang Palace, DeVegas, DeMacau, Superstar) normally... u have to tabao back to your hotel ... or u can still bonk in toilets... hehehehe
Damage... well ... SH is normally starting from RM1k per person upwards... depending on what you drink and do with the girl...
Malay gers... or NLs... are definitely no issue in KL...
If you are looking for the kind of wildness and action associated with some SG KTVs... u maybe disappointed...
Clubs... to pick up FL ... the best bet is still Beach Club, nice clubs include those around Asian Heritage Row (near Sheraton Imperial Hotel) are more of ONS kind of game... u have to try ur luck...
14-09-2006, 01:32 PM
Bro tck306,
I need some ktv updates from u coz next week my frens wanna celebrate a birthday party in ktv... are u still using the same mobile number?
16-09-2006, 05:23 PM
Bro tck306,
I need some ktv updates from u coz next week my frens wanna celebrate a birthday party in ktv... are u still using the same mobile number?
yeap. you can cal me. better stil buy me a beer....:D
21-09-2006, 02:35 PM
Sapphire at Wisma MAA ~HOW'S THE QUALITY OF THE GAL?err do i need to call to booked (b4 i go) if yes can u provide me the number plss..looking forward for ur reply~ :)
22-09-2006, 07:05 PM
Sapphire at Wisma MAA ~HOW'S THE QUALITY OF THE GAL?err do i need to call to booked (b4 i go) if yes can u provide me the number plss..looking forward for ur reply~ :)
No need to book. Just go to look for Lawrence. He will get you the mummy to handle you. The gers are medium grade quality. HH on butterfly, nite at booking system.
23-09-2006, 09:21 AM
thankz bro tck ~:)
23-09-2006, 12:23 PM
Dreamworld stop opeartion. The whole team moved back to SweetBox since last week. Stock still the same like before, PRC, VC, etc...
But just watch out, my D7 friend told me that new OCPD in town for don no the new "hong cheng"...just standby lor.
24-09-2006, 08:51 PM
Went to President Club in Damansara Jaya on friday cause some friends bored with disco scene... Some function going on... all girls dressed like jap schoolgirls.... so sexy & kinkylah !!! According to the mamasan Shireen that served us there will be other so called theme nights to come in future. looking forward to lingerie night if got.Heard also got miss oriental pearl international pageant going on next month on the 12th October... 43 babes from all over the world!!! Have to get some kaki on that day !!! Anyway had a great time with this nasi lemak who sat on me the whole night.... couldn't control in bulge in my pants... heh heh !!! I still think this club is the best so far in terms of service and babes compared to other bintang or vegas....
24-09-2006, 09:59 PM
Interesting... what's the damage?
Also are the girls playable (eg. BJ, FJ) or just the flower vase type?
25-09-2006, 10:37 AM
Dreamworld stop opeartion. The whole team moved back to SweetBox since last week. Stock still the same like before, PRC, VC, etc...
But just watch out, my D7 friend told me that new OCPD in town for don no the new "hong cheng"...just standby lor.
Thx for the update... so SB back in action... keep us informed on ur next sexxion... or have u lost my number again...:p
25-09-2006, 03:37 PM
Thx for the update... so SB back in action... keep us informed on ur next sexxion... or have u lost my number again...:p
I still have yr no. But guess will lay low for SB for a while cos not too sure if MIB targetting at them or not...
Next mon got new mong arrivals....maybe go for HH at KTV...but not sure which one yet.
25-09-2006, 03:44 PM
Next mon got new mong arrivals....maybe go for HH at KTV...but not sure which one yet.
is "New"???:confused: i tho is ur previous 1, coming back from Sin................
Dun forget me. Bro......:p
Regards n cheers
25-09-2006, 03:47 PM
I still have yr no. But guess will lay low for SB for a while cos not too sure if MIB targetting at them or not...
Next mon got new mong arrivals....maybe go for HH at KTV...but not sure which one yet.
Haha... bro, u still at it arr ??? hehehehe... give me a tinkle if u just wanna meet up for a drink... cheers...
25-09-2006, 04:05 PM
Hehehe... but pls keep ur expectations in check... most KL KTV girls not as wild as your SG KTV gers horr... friendly reminder :p
Bro, the Kl scene is as happening la.... depends on where you go, and yr individual skills. Merc, Crys, Uptow, all have very wild stocks...... how i know, i had them...
Shout out to all bros here, was in this forum long time ago, but forgot abt it for long time..... now happy to see new bros in here, and wishes to join u guys for outings...
Bro Tua Lang..... u can drop me a note if u need KTV kaki (suppose u have plenty to join u now....), i can join u if timing is right..... i usually hang out at the above locales...
25-09-2006, 05:27 PM
is "New"???:confused: i tho is ur previous 1, coming back from Sin................
Dun forget me. Bro......
Regards n cheers
Sorry bro, must replenish with new stock mah.....where got stick to the same one forever, BTW, the previous decided to stay put in Sing for studying English wor....:(
Please standby for next Monday for HH cos they arrives Sunday midnite....
25-09-2006, 05:42 PM
Bro, the Kl scene is as happening la.... depends on where you go, and yr individual skills. Merc, Crys, Uptow, all have very wild stocks...... how i know, i had them...
Shout out to all bros here, was in this forum long time ago, but forgot abt it for long time..... now happy to see new bros in here, and wishes to join u guys for outings...
Bro Tua Lang..... u can drop me a note if u need KTV kaki (suppose u have plenty to join u now....), i can join u if timing is right..... i usually hang out at the above locales...
I disagree... a session in Merc for example... jio gers only in for SH... not HH... and do they strip down... and undress... yes... sometimes...
then there is the damage,... booking, plus tips... plus drinks... about 600 per person ???
I have also been to all the joints you mention above... i find the quality and comparison really lacking... especially with Viets, YTF and PRCs... here most of the wild chicks are NL and East Malaysian (Sabah sarawak...)
25-09-2006, 05:47 PM
Bro Tua Lang..... u can drop me a note if u need KTV kaki (suppose u have plenty to join u now....), i can join u if timing is right..... i usually hang out at the above locales...
Thanks Bro.
From SexC, knowing u not only sing song master, but also "kau lui" master... I m just your little bro trying to learn your " the roaming octopussy skills" :D
Regards n cheers.................
25-09-2006, 06:12 PM
Sorry bro, must replenish with new stock mah.....where got stick to the same one forever, BTW, the previous decided to stay put in Sing for studying English wor...
Please standby for next Monday for HH cos they arrives Sunday midnite....
Weh Bro, the sequence of the above sentence look confuse a bit:confused:
U replenish with new stock due to:-
1. where got stick to the same one forever, previous 1 oreli erased, so whether she stay or not stay not my business....or
2. the previous 1 decided to stay on, so i look 4 the new 1......:p
No worry on next monday, I oreli sent in my application to my HM.........
But i dun think this 1 can bite ur previous 1 lah......just query....
Regards n cheers............
25-09-2006, 07:21 PM
Sorry bro, must replenish with new stock mah.....where got stick to the same one forever, BTW, the previous decided to stay put in Sing for studying English wor....:(
Please standby for next Monday for HH cos they arrives Sunday midnite....
Bro Master TCK, can include new apprentice (me la) arr???
26-09-2006, 09:50 AM
1. where got stick to the same one forever, previous 1 oreli erased, so whether she stay or not stay not my business....or
2. the previous 1 decided to stay on, so i look 4 the new 1......:p
No worry on next monday, I oreli sent in my application to my HM.........
It doesn't matter la...just take new pretty stock...but the previous still text me everyday, saying will be coming to see me once she get the student visa approved.....:eek: hope they don't come the same time la...tai wok man !!!
26-09-2006, 09:54 AM
It doesn't matter la...just take new pretty stock...but the previous still text me everyday, saying will be coming to see me once she get the student visa approved.....:eek: hope they don't come the same time la...tai wok man !!!
Hehehe... yeah man... i can remember the last 'wok' you have ...
02-10-2006, 06:25 PM
D'Boss got some buffet tonight. Started at 6pm. Just heard the news.
03-10-2006, 12:12 PM
D'Boss got some buffet tonight. Started at 6pm. Just heard the news.
Food free not interested... if girl buffet... the i sure be there one :D
03-10-2006, 01:10 PM
Food free not interested... if girl buffet... the i sure be there one :D
I had 4-gal butterfly buffet before. Nice but not free. :o
03-10-2006, 03:14 PM
I had 4-gal butterfly buffet before. Nice but not free. :o
Haha... not counted then... wah ... 4 gal bf buffet... tip 200 leh... rich man horr.. ;)
03-10-2006, 04:59 PM
Not all got RM50, one or two got less. :D
03-10-2006, 05:22 PM
Next mon got new mong arrivals....maybe go for HH at KTV...but not sure which one yet.
Sifu no time to write FR, so "student" help up..........
Yesterday we hav "mong gal gathering" at KL KTV ......
Total 8 of us included me, TCK & Poadster.............However, only got 3 mong gal.... TCK got no problem bcos 1 of 3 is his "si ka choi"...Me & Poadster also got no problem bcos we patriotic support "Malaysia Made" product. The rest flighting each other to attract the mong gal attention....:D
Paiseh n TQ to all the Mong Gals bcos they brought in the Mong Dessert for us - Mong Vodka n chocolate
But heard that the gals fly off today (i left early), Is it true...Bro TCK
Due to highly recommadation from my sifu, i took sabahan gal... Wah lau Yah, no regret at all.....super GFE n the best part - sucked my niple with ICE...:eek:
Poadster got local CKT with GFE feel aslo.
Great n Happy Nite..........TQ to our TCK
Regards n cheers..........
03-10-2006, 06:31 PM
I think all Bro forgot 2 give the Mong Gals "Malaysia Made Banana" as return for the Mong Vodka n choc...............:D
But i strongly felt that our Bro Tck won't forget 2 give the banana to his "Si Ka Choi" Rite !!!!????? :rolleyes:
Regards n Cheers
04-10-2006, 02:32 PM
hey guys... anybody heard of a "special" spa cum ktv with jacuzzi in the room itself? it seems you can drink, sing and party with the girl you choose in the jacuzzi itself buck naked....
04-10-2006, 02:53 PM
That should be Spa de Palace. Got special room with all these facilities.
04-10-2006, 04:52 PM
Sifu no time to write FR, so "student" help up..........
But heard that the gals fly off today (i left early), Is it true...Bro TCK
Regards n cheers..........
Only 1 gone back. But she will be coming back 1 month later.
The other 2 are actually sisters. I also like the younger sis, but sure my mong GF will kill me la...her bodyline also not bad...Japanese looked
04-10-2006, 06:01 PM
Only 1 gone back. But she will be coming back 1 month later.
The other 2 are actually sisters. I also like the younger sis, but sure my mong GF will kill me la...her bodyline also not bad...Japanese looked
The problem is not only japanese look but also japanese speaking....:rolleyes:
I like that 1 gone back most.....cute syt..:D
Regards n cheers.......
05-10-2006, 08:31 AM
Not all got RM50, one or two got less. :D
Wah... they accept without complaints meh :p
05-10-2006, 07:03 PM
Wah... they accept without complaints meh :p
Sure they complain.
But they sit a while only then kena booked by others. So, they really got no grounds to complain. :p
06-10-2006, 01:24 AM
Hey guys.... Just heard from my bros in the Subang Jaya sector.... Got BIG WIND (Tai Fong) this week... Somebody pissed some body somewherelah....Stay away !!!
06-10-2006, 11:17 AM
Hey guys.... Just heard from my bros in the Subang Jaya sector.... Got BIG WIND (Tai Fong) this week... Somebody pissed some body somewherelah....Stay away !!!
Q Bar and Flam were raided and sealed by MPSJ new chief himself for operating beyond 1am. Appeared in 999 last nite. There was another pub in puchong also raided (w/o license).
06-10-2006, 02:55 PM
SweetBox/DreamWorld got raided last Sunday. 36 of their girls are in lockup till date. Most probably won't be in operations but can still call contacts to find out if planning to go.
Was in Prince KTV Old Klang Road yesterday night after a teaseful night in MILF pub in kinrara. Thanx to TCK for showing the kinrara place.
Local Stocks, RM49 per bucket of 5 beer, gers are RM20 per hour booking style. Establishment has about 4-5 rooms available with a min of 4 buckets order else a room charge is applicable. For those who frequent PUDU pubs, some of the girls here might look familiar. Total damage abour 100 per person.
Prince KTV
After a long absence to this place, re-visited the place yesterday.
Pricey considering the quality and quantity.
Mummy - M1 Angela
Local stocks of NL, CKT and Chapati.
Friend took CKT 313, wild and fun type except that she got a funny tone when she speak. Allow everything, BBBJ and others for a price.
I took a NL 502, gal next door look, just after studies, so let you fantasize about the age, loves RnB/disco/fast songs.
There's 2 system here.
Buy 2 get 1 free for about RM 100.00++
After HH
Butterfly - RM 60.00 for 3 hours
Booking - RM 184.00 for 4 hours.
A jug would set you back like RM 48.00
Total damage here is RM368.00
WIR: NO :mad:
06-10-2006, 03:51 PM
Thanks to Sexcuore for taking us to another great PRC holes. That LSB was a good and cheap alternative to the regular ktv. At least over in the LSB can get chance to chit-chat and raba raba with the gals. The best part is that the gals are more pro active to raba raba you as well. Not surprising all the gals there do not wear bra beneath their blouse and dress.
It was quite an enjoyable outing that night together with Sexcuore, BigLauda, Johnny33 and Poadster. First impression was that the place was very dark …almost cannot see much at all. Was a bit worried then that this place would be full of old age dino lurking in the corners ready to spring an attack onto us. However after my eyes adjusted to night mode , was quite happy to see that the gals there are quite young , SYT and looks good in their mini skirt and loose blouse.
Bearing in mind that Sexcuore has previously in ktv outings with us always never select PRC to sit with him , it came a great surprise for us to see him opening his arms to cuddle almost all the PRC there whom all seems to know him. His petite and SYT Yunnan PRC was so GFE with him embracing and cowgirl ride on him as well. Of course in LSB , he has no chance to sing therefore can only raba raba and sweet talk the gals . Damn…really admire our chief….so popular with so many gals!
As for BigLauda and myself , no chance for us to select as it seem like the gals just walked up to us , view us and then choose to sit with us. Mmmm…likes they are the ones that chiew-keng us instead. Anyway BigLauda got himself a petite SYT Yunnan PRC whereas a Hunan PRC that looks like the Ah Lian type sat with me. Later Sexcuore got BigLauda another pretty looking PRC from Shandong when his first PRC butterfly away. With her long legs and fair skin, can see that she was very friendly trying hard to tempt BigLauda. Later when Johnny33 arrived , Sexcuore got him an elegant looking PRC . Poadster join in much later and participate with us and the gals for more fun.
Although my PRC has broad shoulder , she is actually quite slim as I got the opportunity to touch her smooth body, skin and boobs since she is only wearing a bare back red dress. She did looks a bit tired so I allowed her to rest on me while I cuddle her. In between cuddles , she did stroke my didi to erection . At the same time she placed my hand into her dress and encouraged me to raba raba her boobs. Can feel her nipples already stiffen. In between all of this she did initiated some FK as well.
Not sure what happened but after a long period of cuddling and periodic raba raba , she looks at me straight the eyes. As I gaze back at her , she moved her lips closer to my face …then I moved my lips closer to hers…and the next thing I knew was that we started to French kissing again . However this time was more passionate and longer. Her tongue was very active probing into my mouth and I response the same to her as well. It was very emotional then as both of us locked lips for quite some time…actually I did not know how long did we continue with the French kissing as I was already felt like in a twilight zone without time zone with her passionately FK me while I raba raba her at the same time.
Eventually I suggested to her that we go for more sexciting experience and she nodded her head in agreement . Well ! I will not go into detail now but I have to say that my FJ session with her can be defined as one of my many memorable FJ experience with a PRC. She was indeed very nubile and proactive in FJ. Very emotionally charged and all FJ positions also very very accommodating. Lot of FK and raba raba as well. After an explosive ejaculation release …we continue to cuddle and have some intimate talk. The best moment was that she continue to massage my didi into full erection again as we cuddle together…….Damn good sexperience.
Sorry to keep you guys waiting at the lounge. However small didi was in charge in order to satisfy this nubile PRC. Overall it was an interesting and satisfying outing for me at this PRC holes. This will be a good alternative other than going to my regular spa and ktv. Definitely would like to join you again for future outing to this PRC hole .:)
06-10-2006, 04:31 PM
Q Bar and Flam were raided and sealed by MPSJ new chief himself for operating beyond 1am. Appeared in 999 last nite. There was another pub in puchong also raided (w/o license).
Wow... so jialat arr ??? seems like they are determined to make MPSJ an funless district :(
06-10-2006, 04:34 PM
hey golddragon... nice FR... LSBs are Fun... this one in particular... in KL/ PJ / JB ? what's the damage like ???
06-10-2006, 04:44 PM
hey golddragon... nice FR... LSBs are Fun... this one in particular... in KL/ PJ / JB ? what's the damage like ???
Hey, Bro KLKOOL.
This is the one we so call " Enemy Base" lah:D
Regards n cheers........
06-10-2006, 04:48 PM
The first venue that we ventured to...
Hmm a possible merger outing of SBF and Delphi KTV group.. yippee...
07-10-2006, 08:04 AM
The first venue that we ventured to...
Hmm a possible merger outing of SBF and Delphi KTV group.. yippee...
Yeah... bro golddragon PM'd me liao.. kekeke... onz lah... we must keep up the pressure on the enemy and make them crack under our pressure :p
07-10-2006, 10:04 AM
Yeah... bro golddragon PM'd me liao.. kekeke... onz lah... we must keep up the pressure on the enemy and make them crack under our pressure :p
hihi, u tho so easy lah, new blood continue to supply to hold on the pressure...
i scare we all carck 1st before them......:D
Regards n cheers..........
12-10-2006, 09:29 AM
Went to DW last nite with Chief, Keikoh n GD. Reached outside KTV n called Cheif for the Room Number. Answer from Chief : " Big Wind Blowing, we are coming out now". Oh shit.........:(
At the moment waiting for them, Saw the girls 1 by 1 coming out from the Hotel......For all the Bro info, The quality is good loh........also saw my previous popiah still there, tho that she kena caught last week....later found up from GD, she might 1 of the lucky 7 escape from the operation.
Later, Chief, GD n i went for yam cha n talk cock- knew "Why not" kena raided yesterday.......China adventure story....etc......Tho that no more action after yam cha......
Suddenly, Chief received "SOS" call from friend, a group of Mercury girls wish to celebrate birthday at Armada KTV, chief's friend is the only guy......GD decided not follow us for the reinforcement........
Haha......When the time we reached Armade KTV, Chief's friend is not there yet, suddenly Chief saw his "lau Shiang Hau" n 5 girl friends (also from Mercury) have party at lobby area. At the end, we joined with them instead of Chief's friend group....For unkown reason, Chief's friend did not turn up the end.....
Great n happening nite, Drink n sexy hot dance like to raba raba a little bit.....hihihi, NASI LEMAK STILL MY 1ST CHOICE . Party finish at 2+ a.m
I think hav 2 ask Chief arrange a visit to Mercury lah.....
GD, U should regret lah didn't join us.....:D
12-10-2006, 11:27 AM
Last night enemy base commando's were also spooked by news of Typhoon... so abandoned their base at around 9... but unlike Tua Lang.. we only go and eat fried chicken at KFC :p
12-10-2006, 11:48 AM
Last night enemy base commando's were also spooked by news of Typhoon... so abandoned their base at around 9... but unlike Tua Lang.. we only go and eat fried chicken at KFC :p
Should be Earthquake + typhoon.
So, yesterday all the joint " CHICKEN FLY DOG JUMP" :D
12-10-2006, 04:43 PM
Trust me (, trust me, trust me ( .
12-10-2006, 06:22 PM
I think hav 2 ask Chief arrange a visit to Mercury lah.....
GD, U should regret lah didn't join us.....:D
Ya..lah! I am banging my head repeatively against the wall now!
Nevermind, chief will surely organise an outing to Mercury soon. I think the Mercury members night outing is coming soon! Got buffet dinner FOC.
14-10-2006, 09:19 AM
Yesterday on the way back, saw W^^N^^ back to business...........
Respect, raided 10 time this year still able to hold it.....:p
14-10-2006, 01:01 PM
Today's paper (NST) reported AVA got raided. They even mentioned the name as well as the number of times it got raided already.
16-10-2006, 05:14 PM
Yesterday, 3 " Boh Kia Shi" fellows went to ^W check on the latest info.
Found that the quality of stocks not so great, full of viet & cambo gals n less PRC......Just querry why the stocks are difference with wat i saw last week when all the gals came out from the KTV when big wind blew. Or, mamasan kept the goods 1 for other rooms n left the dino for us. :rolleyes: However, the end still able to find 2 chun PRC n Cam gals.
Mamasan S^^^^ asked us someone told she, her name appeared in internet.......n ask whoever wan 2 go ^W can call her.. We just pretended we don't know about it.....hihi...:p
03-11-2006, 10:56 AM
Just wondering why dun hav any update on KL KTV Scene ???
Latest update from SW at Kepong Komplek:
Last time, Less Less gals work during HH due no customer n extra allowances...
Now, Changed policy, RM300 extra for those gals work during HH...So More gals during HH, yesterday just received call from regular gal ask me to go.... :)
Negative point is beer charges still a bit high side.........
03-11-2006, 03:00 PM
lazy to update la....almost same story to tell,,,,unless someone asking la
03-11-2006, 03:03 PM
lazy to update la....almost same story to tell,,,,unless someone asking la
14-11-2006, 07:22 PM
Was there with 5 guys from 6pm till 2am. Good selections of gers, CKT and PRC. HH butterfly, $60 into bill and after 9 is min 4 hrs booking. Wallop 3 bottle Chivas, food and others, 6 gers during HH and 3 by nite. Bill came to $3.1k....
Not cheap, but enjoyful nite....will go again for HH, beer package at $280 (5 jugs and fruits etc) second package $250.....
14-11-2006, 08:03 PM
is it true that KL LTVs are more expensive than Singapore's??
15-11-2006, 08:19 AM
is it true that KL LTVs are more expensive than Singapore's??
Well.... i won't say more expensive... but definitely not as wild... however, if you do feel the need to go to a KTV... always choose NL here (also known as Minahs...) ... they are wilder... Chinese (and PRC) tend to be more flowervase type.
15-11-2006, 09:09 AM
Was there with 5 guys from 6pm till 2am. Good selections of gers, CKT and PRC. HH butterfly, $60 into bill and after 9 is min 4 hrs booking. Wallop 3 bottle Chivas, food and others, 6 gers during HH and 3 by nite. Bill came to $3.1k....
Not cheap, but enjoyful nite....will go again for HH, beer package at $280 (5 jugs and fruits etc) second package $250.....
5 stars KTV, 5 Stars Damages......:rolleyes:
Remember me hoh next trip.........
15-11-2006, 09:20 AM
Well.... i won't say more expensive... but definitely not as wild... however, if you do feel the need to go to a KTV... always choose NL here (also known as Minahs...) ... they are wilder... Chinese (and PRC) tend to be more flowervase type.
NL wild meh?? :confused: The pub NL only send me sms almost everyday... nothing else woh!! Btw the sms i dun understand.. something like 'main kongkek'... aiya, dunno what it means i just ignare.
15-11-2006, 09:37 AM
NL wild meh?? :confused: The pub NL only send me sms almost everyday... nothing else woh!! Btw the sms i dun understand.. something like 'main kongkek'... aiya, dunno what it means i just ignare. difficult to understand their short form, so normaly i ask my NL..... terang banyak kali masih tak faham.....tak apa, i buat dengan u.....:eek:
15-11-2006, 10:00 AM difficult to understand their short form, so normaly i ask my NL..... terang banyak kali masih tak faham.....tak apa, i buat dengan u.....:eek:
Bro, can translate boh? Really dont understand leh. :confused:
15-11-2006, 10:42 AM
.... terang banyak kali masih tak faham.....tak apa, i buat dengan u.....
"Explained lotsa times to you, still don't understand??...... Nevermind, let me do it with you..."
Dekuip, owe me one Nasi Lemak. :p
15-11-2006, 10:50 AM
"Explained lotsa times to you, still don't understand??...... Nevermind, let me do it with you..."
Dekuip, owe me one Nasi Lemak. :p
Hello DK..Serious U dun understand NL Code........i tho u know multi country language code........:rolleyes:
15-11-2006, 12:17 PM
"Explained lotsa times to you, still don't understand??...... Nevermind, let me do it with you..."
Dekuip, owe me one Nasi Lemak. :p
Owe Lei Ke Hai!!! Anyway thanks for the translation.
15-11-2006, 01:22 PM
NL wild meh?? :confused: The pub NL only send me sms almost everyday... nothing else woh!! Btw the sms i dun understand.. something like 'main kongkek'... aiya, dunno what it means i just ignare.
bro,i translate for u la = lei bei gwai tiu la
15-11-2006, 02:04 PM
bro,i translate for u la = lei bei gwai tiu la
Dunwan! I only let NL tiu. :D
15-11-2006, 04:08 PM
Dunwan! I only let NL tiu. :D
Bro DK, please make it more clear..........
I only let NL's lang chiao tiu......or/and
I only tiu NL's chee bai.......:confused:
15-11-2006, 04:40 PM
Bro DK, ..........
I only let NL's lang chiao tiu..........
Let the world bear witness henceforth. Dekuip has finally admitted. :p
15-11-2006, 04:54 PM
Dunwan! I only let NL tiu. :D
wOW , din know u same league with ciblover:rolleyes:
15-11-2006, 05:45 PM
Bro DK, please make it more clear..........
I only let NL's lang chiao tiu......or/and
I only tiu NL's chee bai.......
wOW , din know u same league with ciblover
No same league with cibai ciblover lah.. my 1 different.. the NL sit on top and she ride lah.. like tat i let her fark till she has enuff loh. If not next time she where got keep calling me for farks? :p
Another 9 hours... Hup Holland Hup
15-11-2006, 05:48 PM
wOW , din know u same league with ciblover..
Me and Dekuip not same league horr.... I only like pretty FEMALE SYTs. Unlike Dekuip. :rolleyes:
15-11-2006, 06:01 PM
Me and Dekuip not same league horr.... I only like pretty FEMALE SYTs. Unlike Dekuip. :rolleyes:
Ya loh chief,
The syt NL like me.. not same as cibai Cib... what the fark can i do? :p
16-11-2006, 10:39 AM
Dunwan! I only let NL tiu. :D
mai hai lor...this gwai is a NL
26-11-2006, 10:48 AM
Planning an HH assult this week, Thus or Fri. 5pm till 9.30pm. Going for beer package....anybody int, PM me or SMS me...
27-11-2006, 07:23 PM
Was there with 5 guys from 6pm till 2am. Good selections of gers, CKT and PRC. HH butterfly, $60 into bill and after 9 is min 4 hrs booking. Wallop 3 bottle Chivas, food and others, 6 gers during HH and 3 by nite. Bill came to $3.1k....
Not cheap, but enjoyful nite....will go again for HH, beer package at $280 (5 jugs and fruits etc) second package $250.....
I went there too on that day and on friday again... got prc meh?! Mummy shereen never say also... but also had a superb time those two days... Will go there on Thursday because the manager say got Student night where the girls dress up like jap students...heh heh... remind me of schoolong time... Also consider to go there for the christmas and new year promotions...
27-11-2006, 07:26 PM
Was there with 5 guys from 6pm till 2am. Good selections of gers, CKT and PRC. HH butterfly, $60 into bill and after 9 is min 4 hrs booking. Wallop 3 bottle Chivas, food and others, 6 gers during HH and 3 by nite. Bill came to $3.1k....
Not cheap, but enjoyful nite....will go again for HH, beer package at $280 (5 jugs and fruits etc) second package $250.....
I went there too on that day and on friday again... got prc meh?! Mummy shereen never say also... but also had a superb time those two days... Will go there on Thursday because the manager say got Student night where the girls dress up like jap students...heh heh... remind me of schoolong time... Also consider to go there for the christmas and new year promotions...
28-11-2006, 02:05 PM
I went there too on that day and on friday again... got prc meh?! Mummy shereen never say also... but also had a superb time those two days... Will go there on Thursday because the manager say got Student night where the girls dress up like jap students...heh heh... remind me of schoolong time... Also consider to go there for the christmas and new year promotions...
Got about 10, was told by shereen ma. This thus is student nite...wa...,yum with other fr or wanna join us?
29-11-2006, 08:44 AM
. This thus is student nite...?
Err... can I know what is this arr :p
29-11-2006, 11:40 AM
thusday is student nite lo. the gers will wear school uniforms:D
29-11-2006, 12:19 PM
thusday is student nite lo. the gers will wear school uniforms
Aiya, so nothing 2 see from this "school uniforms" loh........:rolleyes: i need to wear school uniform as well ?? white shirt n green pant ?? i think all under size liao........:D
29-11-2006, 12:43 PM
Aiya, so nothing 2 see from this "school uniforms" loh........:rolleyes: i need to wear school uniform as well ?? white shirt n green pant ?? i think all under size liao........:D
u going as shool principal mar.. wear nothing also can.. but must teach them .. how to talk cock.. suck cock.. and make cock summ.. hahahha
29-11-2006, 04:36 PM
Got about 10, was told by shereen ma. This thus is student nite...wa...,yum with other fr or wanna join us?
Going with my boss after meeting and dinner lah... so he pay the bill... heh heh
29-11-2006, 06:39 PM
u going as shool principal mar.. wear nothing also can.. but must teach them .. how to talk cock.. suck cock.. and make cock summ.. hahahha
This suggestion is bery good :D
30-11-2006, 09:01 PM
went to a very low budget KTV lounge cum papaya farm last week with frens so tot of sharing it here...
location: near pudu plaza, kl
damage: rm20 for tips
room(open concept :p ): extra rm20
jug of beer: around rm 40-50 per jug, cant really remember
serve: only nasi lemak, but i saw a mee goreng mamak! :p
karaoke: can sing on the hall
went with 2 frens, very dark environment, visibility: 10-15%...u can't see ur palm when u stretch your hand out. gals quality, not dare to jugde, too dark. overall damage on there per person: rm50-60 only...
quite a fun place if u r under tight budget and fun to explore if u never try..hehe
05-12-2006, 04:23 PM
FR on TG's KTV Trip:
was there last friday ard 10++ invited by MS Bros......
Latest update on TG's KTV:
Atmosphera: ard 3 star KTV standard (Goldmine look better a bit) is clean..clean toilet attached..deco not so grand.
Song selection n sound system: using same k system with goldmine.not very user friendly.but no more refer to song book as mentioned by bro SexC.sound system not look so fantastic.if our bro SexC sing high key song.the speaker confirm will pecah. :).song selection ok..
Gals: Mostly sabahan, sarawakian n NL.1 thing correctly mentioned by cheif, some gal actually import from other kTV.the 5 gals sitting with us, 2-3 of them fr Goldmine KTV.the most negative point is the quantity of gal seriously not enough..we got 5 guys there but only got 7 gals to think if that nite full of customer..the gals will fly like mad.will potong stim..i think a big group of ppl not recommand to go TG.however, quality of the gals still can said: acceptable..especialy my iban gal.although body is not so perfect.but look is ok..:P
Process: i felt all the gals r wild n playful.but that nite.the gals' performance not up to the level i expected.maybe all the guys act very gentle. maybe next time we will try harder to make all the gals strip inside the room.hihihi..1 gal actually doing strip dance with me.i sacrificed myself..hihihi.tall gal with 34B boob.. :p
Damage: bill came up to RM900++ included: 1 Chivas, 4 jugs beer, 7 gals drink (funny part is gal drink included mummy as well), titbit, fruit, mineral water n a few can cola.gals n mummy tip: RM50..BBBJ+CIM: RM60 (cheap).
Conclusion: is not a good joint for big group of ppl bcos of gal selection.unless u can confirm ur gal will be there..but for small group that like wild n playful pussy cat.still worth to try lah.hihihi
End report
19-12-2006, 01:47 PM
Wah... this thread in-active for 2 weeks liao.....
So, decided to post some info here....
Mercury got Pre-Xmas Nite on 20 Dec (Wednesday).......
Any bro who interested to attend, kindly PM me......:D
TCK.. I oreli reserve 1 seat 4 u.......:p
19-12-2006, 03:39 PM
went to a very low budget KTV lounge cum papaya farm last week with frens so tot of sharing it here...
location: near pudu plaza, kl
damage: rm20 for tips
room(open concept :p ): extra rm20
jug of beer: around rm 40-50 per jug, cant really remember
serve: only nasi lemak, but i saw a mee goreng mamak! :p
karaoke: can sing on the hall
went with 2 frens, very dark environment, visibility: 10-15%...u can't see ur palm when u stretch your hand out. gals quality, not dare to jugde, too dark. overall damage on there per person: rm50-60 only...
quite a fun place if u r under tight budget and fun to explore if u never try..hehe
This place sound so very familiar kekeke... could it be GW ???
19-12-2006, 07:09 PM
Wah... this thread in-active for 2 weeks liao.....
So, decided to post some info here....
Mercury got Pre-Xmas Nite on 20 Dec (Wednesday).......
Any bro who interested to attend, kindly PM me......:D
TCK.. I oreli reserve 1 seat 4 u.......:p
I myself book for christmas and new year at president club....check out the website for the details...
19-12-2006, 07:13 PM
Wah... this thread in-active for 2 weeks liao.....
So, decided to post some info here....
Mercury got Pre-Xmas Nite on 20 Dec (Wednesday).......
Any bro who interested to attend, kindly PM me......:D
TCK.. I oreli reserve 1 seat 4 u.......:p
I already booked for christmas and new year at president club.... got a love thing going on there... heh heh... Check out their website for details... Also went to bintang palace yesterday with some bros.... result: BOOOOOOOORIIIIIING !!!!! No nice chicks there......
20-12-2006, 10:58 AM
Wah... this thread in-active for 2 weeks liao.....
So, decided to post some info here....
err.. that one.. kinda not really informative la... hahahahha
was at mercury yesterday with 2 hamsup brothers.. got new syts from east mal.. ok looking,, friendly but wild? unchartered territiry as first day at work!
else.. same .. got few NL gems.. sumtimes dun overlook the more matured gals.. they maybe able to show u a thing or two.. u gotta sweet talk abit n get them into mood.. hahhahahh
if during HH.. get beer package which includes room.. 3 jugs comes to about rm200 nett.. but remeber that gals tip wil be inside bill.. dun get conne dto pay mor etips to gals if they not that great!
20-12-2006, 11:06 AM
err.. that one.. kinda not really informative la... hahahahha
i provide info on the mercury pre-xmas nite lah....:D
2nite u booked the biggest room or not ?? Seem that many bro will attend hoh....
20-12-2006, 11:17 AM
I already booked for christmas and new year at president club.... got a love thing going on there... heh heh... ..
Went to president 2 times...... quite like the place and enjoy it..... especially my 2nd time there, sat with American NL with 2 big ostrich eggs.. :D
However, everytime finish enjoy, my pocket definately kosong.... each time hav 2 share 600++.....shit :(
21-12-2006, 09:46 PM
This place sound so very familiar kekeke... could it be GW ???
yes! u r rite~! :D
26-12-2006, 11:31 AM
Wah... this thread in-active for 2 weeks liao.....
TCK.. I oreli reserve 1 seat 4 u.......:p
Sorry la bro. I just back to KL on X'mas eve. Now down with flu...tiu....what is year end gift for me!!!
26-12-2006, 12:25 PM
Sorry la bro. I just back to KL on X'mas eve. Now down with flu...tiu....what is year end gift for me!!!
no wonder no reply my sms.... hope that is not bird flu....
SexC n i hav a wonderful n hapi nite for our Xmas eve at Sapphire.....
The whole KTV deco like winter sonata.....full of fake snow white.......:D
26-12-2006, 04:23 PM
no wonder no reply my sms.... hope that is not bird flu....
SexC n i hav a wonderful n hapi nite for our Xmas eve at Sapphire.....
The whole KTV deco like winter sonata.....full of fake snow white.......:D
me enjoyed (over enjoyed till sick) the real snow at -2C at Korea....but did not get yr sms eventhough 3G is working there fine....
when i touch down at KLIA X'mas eve, already fr asking for drinnk, but.....stil cant. today even starting to cough....die die die....:(
26-12-2006, 05:14 PM
me enjoyed (over enjoyed till sick) the real snow at -2C at Korea....but did not get yr sms eventhough 3G is working there fine....
when i touch down at KLIA X'mas eve, already fr asking for drinnk, but.....stil cant. today even starting to cough....die die die....:(
Be careful hoh.... is a signal 4 us liao...
"Rang Lau liao.... Duit Boh liao....Cha Boh pun chao liao...." :D
Take care man.....
02-01-2007, 08:38 PM
my first report of 2007!
visited a karaoke (SK) yesterday in pj state area. went in and get a room, & told by their rules/way of business.
at first boy say, tips for girls & mum will go into receipt, tot everything will be ok la, since its paid, but later after serve all those beer & tidbits, mummy come in and say have to give ‘em in person too, (damn it, that means more than what we expert already la…), sigh, since already seated our butt and got warmed, give give la…
location: pj state
serve: nl, prc, viet cong (quite good of selection of girls, prc we took is wild)
karaoke: song not update enough la, especially english song
damage: package of 3 jugs of beer + ladies drink + tips for mummy + 3 girls (rm 50 each) + personal tips…total = around rm 700 sumthing.
overall: not so bad, the girls quality is quite good, they (prc) r wild too, challenging us to strip.
…after the trip, few a bit uneasy because didn’t release…then go to look for some release center (it’s 4am, not much choice already), finally decided to go to the HC in jln 222, this HC is not like those in big hotel that looks classy & huge…it’s a bit small, but clean and nice. I think it’s quite new…
then we reach the floor, directed to mandi 1st, then makan, then mirror (quite late already, plus some on working, only 3 available) 2 prc & 1 vietcong. So I pick a sweet looking prc and…
name: h****
from: wunan
age: 18, (she told me 17, but new year already, consider 18, phew, escape whipping :P )
looks: 8.5/10
figure: 7.5/10 (abit plump)
french: no (but halfway sexsion, i think she’s too high, then we start the france invasion)
fingering: no
bj: 8.5/10 (suck hard & good tongue skill!)
fj: 9.5/10 (few poses, slow & relax, dolby digital 5.1 sound system!)
gfe: 10/10
damage: once played, straight rich (rm198.00), wanted to giv tips, but $ in the save box
a no-rush WL, hardworking & good service, take time and enjoy every second of it, she’s also a good chatter, not talkative, but fun to talk with. ishhh, she makes me feel so horny, right now, recharging for another invasion!
overall, yesterday’s trip is very good, an excellent start for 2007, i love 2007! :D
03-01-2007, 05:50 PM
*correction* the ktv place is in pj old town, not state :) *correction*
01-02-2007, 01:27 PM
Wah! This thread inactive for so long!!!Anyway just an update... topaz spa just got raided yesterday by the you know case anyone wants to know.... so naturally the KTV next door also kenalah. Recently been to BP with some guys... really expensive for nothing if you ask me... chabo boh swee... drinks super ex... spent 2 hours b4 split to caliber spa... had a quickie and went home content... will not go to so upscale ktv ever again (except deluxe JB) but president club still rated top for me and my buddies...definately will make comeback to that club...
01-02-2007, 07:17 PM
Hah! So coincident mummy eunice call to tell me glitter ktv is open today but ask us call first after we park car in the basement and she will come down to bring us up to the club commando style..... so funnylah.... must be still not safe.... today better sleep at home or go to PJ area instead!!!
12-02-2007, 04:30 PM
I wonder where all cibai CibLover's D'Boss NL tiraks went!!?? :confused: Maybe cibai Cib gave them enuff money so tat they can stop working liao.
Found out last saterday nite most of the NL's from last time are gone!! Lucky the new NL's still willingly go into toilet... hur hur hur..
12-02-2007, 04:44 PM
GTM aka Dekuip,
KNN!! Dun try to turn stories around again, lah.. Everybody who has been with you to D'Boss knows that all those NLs are your tiraks, lah. No need to divert attention horr.. We have enough witness here, lah.
Nbzz.....sound like someone has visited his own old "haunts"... KNN....never jio me. :mad:
So, the new NLs pay you how much to fark them now?? Don't let them be cheapo horr... Now everything price increase liao... So, ur fees must also increase!!
Crown KTV (Berjaya)
I was bringing some friends out who was come to KL on 20th Feb. However, most KTVs are closed due to CNY. However, managed to find one that is Crown KTV opposite Berjaya Times Square. My first time to this KTV, but i guess the operation is more or less that same as other KTVs.
Once inside, we got a room with attached toilet. We got a drink package around RM 395 for 3 jugs of beer and 1 red wine. sound system so so only and the rooms are moderate. The selection of gals are ok - around 12 at that time..all NL. we all picked the best looking ones... Booked for the whole night at RM 280 each. However, the dissapointing thing is the gals are not hot and wild and sporting at all. Could get better treatment elsewhere. However, i heard that this KTV is always full everyday.
Damage: RM 2400 total bill for 5 horny dudes
My gal sitting wif me said that not all gals would do extras...if really want extra.. cost RM 500. And my gal ask me if i want, can date her first, if she like me, then can fuck her at a cost of RM 500 too.. WTF ?? I think i had better treatment elsewhere. Anyway, that's a first for me.. :p
27-02-2007, 10:16 AM
Crown KTV (Berjaya)
Once inside, we got a room with attached toilet. We got a drink package around RM 395 for 3 jugs of beer and 1 red wine........
Damage: RM 2400 total bill for 5 horny dudes
Halo Bro... Just wondering how many package u guys ordered ??
Another good place around that area is Sapphire MAA.... Last week 5 of us + BYO 3 gals went there...... finish 15 jugs of beer.... the damage is RM7++....
27-02-2007, 10:48 AM
Another good place around that area is Sapphire MAA.... Last week 5 of us + BYO 3 gals went there...... finish 15 jugs of beer.... the damage is RM7++....Bro,thanks for the invitation last week. Sorry could not make it cos totally full appointments for that day.:o
15 jugs = RM700 plus really reasonable for KTV standards. Free dun forget to call me again.:D
27-02-2007, 02:27 PM
Date: Friday, 2 March 2007
Venue: Goldmine KTV Cheras
Time : 10pm onward.....
Estimate damage : 1.) 5 jugs of beer 298 net + mummy & boy tips
2.) Gal (mostly NL) butterfly system tip RM50
booking RM50/hour, Action nego urself.....
Anyone interested, please PM ur HP number or contact me....:D
27-02-2007, 03:21 PM
Looks like no luck again. Fri aft me going back to homeland.:(
05-03-2007, 01:44 PM
Last friday was at Sapphire MAA (instead of goldmine) for their oriental nite... Just for drinking and "Drunk Lion Dance"... the lion dancers hav 2 finish 1 botol of chivas during "choi ching" session... :eek:
Last saturday was at GW.
Heard about this place long long time ago... finally i stand my flag on top of GW, mother of all KTV/fruit farm. :D
When i look tis place from outside... fark, really 4 braveheart kaki only.... dodgy, dirty n smelly....Friends oreli at inside... die die also hav to come up...
The place is damn packed, I think is bcos of saturday. Inside look like old time nite club, got ard 10-15 round sofa and small stage for K OK. Also got a few "Room" around the lounge without door, and have big glass windows that outside ppl see through. Fortunately, the place is very, very dark. Don't expect any sort of cleanliness n sometime u can felt got rats walking ard ur legs.
Gals wise mostly NL. So, good for the NL lovers. No QAQC on the gals quality, but 1 things i can assure u is they all super wild and super hungry... so guys be careful ur did....
Prices there are not so cheap either. beer @ RM49/jug. Room fees RM20. Mummy tips 50 (so that next time can get a room). Total bill for us 5 kakis came to around 400 plus, or about RM90/pax, not including gal tips. Kind of ok
Environment: 2/10. Dark, dirty, dodgy and smoky.
Gals: 2-6/10, if you are an NL lover can try the NL like ta*ha, na*ha, ma*ia etc......
Value for money: 8/10 if you don't drink much, i think RM100 all in for CIM...
Overall: 7/10. Above average fun, but environment is pretty bad. Also looks like one of those places the police usually drop by for an unfriendly visit......
So, sifu DD..... Am i qualify for the member of "DD BRAVEHEART ELITE GROUP" boh??
05-03-2007, 02:17 PM
Am i qualify for the member of "DD BRAVEHEART ELITE GROUP" boh??Long FR but till the end still never say if you managed to do CIM or not??:rolleyes:
If you actually did CIM in GW, then you would have passed one of the test for BEG. Can be considered ordinary member of BEG.:p
05-03-2007, 02:45 PM
Long FR but till the end still never say if you managed to do CIM or not??
If you actually did CIM in GW, then you would have passed one of the test for BEG. Can be considered ordinary member of BEG.
Hahaha.... i wan it also, but my gals farking drunk n even vomitted inside the room..... when she took out my didi...i said next time... bcos think twice, i scared she vormited at my did...jialat :D
But.. i target for the next trip liao.....:rolleyes:
05-03-2007, 02:57 PM
Long FR but till the end still never say if you managed to do CIM or not??
If you actually did CIM in GW, then you would have passed one of the test for BEG. Can be considered ordinary member of BEG.
I tot final exam destination to become Braveheart member is Strawberry??!! Opss... TSH said now changed name to Brown Banana liao! :D
Bro TL, welcome to BEG. :D
05-03-2007, 03:50 PM
welcum TL, as mentioned by my commander, GW alone only qualify u as an ordinary member ...u hav to complete another 2 tests....buttrfly & strwberry(or watever name now)...then only can graduate as BEG commander:D
our french fries below also same like u...he passed strwberry...stil hav GW & buttrfly;)
05-03-2007, 05:36 PM
I tot final exam destination to become Braveheart member is Strawberry??!! Opss... TSH said now changed name to Brown Banana liao!
Bro TL, welcome to BEG.
Not Golden Cock meh :rolleyes: ... I think it was GREEN APPLE. B:rolleyes: Brown Banana also sound nice...
06-03-2007, 10:43 AM
Hahaha.... i wan it also, but my gals farking drunk n even vomitted inside the room..... when she took out my didi...i said next time... bcos think twice, i scared she vormited at my did...jialat :eek: :eek: If you still allow, then confirm promoted directly to become CEO of our elite organisation.
06-03-2007, 10:45 AM
our french fries below also same like u...he passed strwberry...stil hav GW & buttrfly;)Sifu, I heard that our Holland Potato cheated during the trial test at Strawberry. Like that also considered passed??:rolleyes:
06-03-2007, 05:22 PM
Sifu, I heard that our Holland Potato cheated during the trial test at Strawberry. Like that also considered passed??:rolleyes:
he not really cheat la...anyway he was lucky on that day...dont worry, v still hav d final 2 stages for him...after GW stil hav the 'mission imposibble' buttrfly test...this 2 stages v wil choose the opponent for him:p
07-03-2007, 09:08 AM
Really scary BEG, got second round somemore. Then got to pick opponent...TL you still interested ar? I pass GW test already but somehow dont have the urge to try the fruits or insects
07-03-2007, 12:03 PM
Really scary BEG, got second round somemore. Then got to pick opponent...TL you still interested ar? I pass GW test already but somehow dont have the urge to try the fruits or insects
Hahaha... U can try lah... for me GW also cannot pass... somebody must read motor trader next to me :rolleyes:
07-03-2007, 02:08 PM
Hahaha... U can try lah... for me GW also cannot pass... somebody must read motor trader next to me :rolleyes:
If u said like that.... then does not match with ur nick leh... "LSB_FAN" :D
07-03-2007, 02:13 PM
Hahaha... U can try lah... for me GW also cannot pass... somebody must read motor trader next to me :rolleyes:
I was there, motor trader seem a lot more interesting especially if you read in there!!!!!!Anaconda also become earth worm.....
07-03-2007, 03:07 PM
If u said like that.... then does not match with ur nick leh... "LSB_FAN" :D
LSB also got many category one, i like the BatCave kind; not the GW kind mah. Go there and drink can lah. But I pay the girl not to touch me leh.:D
07-03-2007, 03:08 PM
I was there, motor trader seem a lot more interesting especially if you read in there!!!!!!Anaconda also become earth worm.....
Throw Mummy's Interest in what car to buy... and next room turning on light to 'mai dan'... all mood also gone liao :p
07-03-2007, 03:46 PM
Throw Mummy's Interest in what car to buy... and next room turning on light to 'mai dan'... all mood also gone liao :p
Then you will hear someone yell loud "Mummy, sudah lembut, jangan kajiao"...
By the way, long time never go to Batcave already, anyone wanna refresh memory?
07-03-2007, 04:23 PM
Then you will hear someone yell loud "Mummy, sudah lembut, jangan kajiao"...
By the way, long time never go to Batcave already, anyone wanna refresh memory? memory always fresh at batcave... my favourite number now : 31 :D
07-03-2007, 04:38 PM
LSB also got many category one, i like the BatCave kind; not the GW kind mah. Go there and drink can lah. But I pay the girl not to touch me leh.:D
Like our Sifu DD said " Good or not good also consider a meal " :D
07-03-2007, 04:43 PM memory always fresh at batcave... my favourite number now : 31 :D
bro dont forget to update me on my favo. no. as well... now bad times..."good or no good also hav to eat":(
07-03-2007, 09:12 PM memory always fresh at batcave... my favourite number now : 31 :D
Bro, can i have 32? Must be her sister rite? :p
07-03-2007, 11:36 PM
Bro, can i have 32? Must be her sister rite? :p
If 32 is sister... must be older one.. so i want 30 lorr... Younger sister :D
08-03-2007, 09:03 AM
Bro, can i have 32? Must be her sister rite? :p
32 is not 31's sister lah... but still syt loh....:D
Bro.. i think u need to change ur signature to " Good or not good also have to eat "
08-03-2007, 09:06 AM
If 32 is sister... must be older one.. so i want 30 lorr... Younger sister :D
U r wrong, 30 is much much older, not your syt killer's favourite....:D
32 is a youngest 1....
08-03-2007, 10:37 AM
U r wrong, 30 is much much older, not your syt killer's favourite....:D
32 is a youngest 1....
TL, when is the last time you visit that place? i remember 31, 35, but my pick still 37....
08-03-2007, 01:03 PM
TL, when is the last time you visit that place? i remember 31, 35, but my pick still 37....
My last visit was on 4th of CNY..... Old batch gals are 30,31,32 & 35, New batch gals didnt sit b4, so dun know their number, but heard quite LCLY.
I think u better try the opposite 1, just beside the corner furniture shop.... hear say most of them r new... :D
Also know that their boss operate a new PRC hole KTV at Puchong, some gals actually working amoung this 3 joints.....
Ur 37 suppose release this month, heard from d gal, d authority thrown away her document, so she now considered as illegal comer... pitty gal... :(
08-03-2007, 04:47 PM
Ur 37 suppose release this month, heard from d gal, d authority thrown away her document, so she now considered as illegal comer... pitty gal... :(
Wah... so jialat, fucking MIB, its illegal if they did that. If I was her, I would lodge a report.
08-03-2007, 09:10 PM
and got another place for kota kinabalu?
09-03-2007, 09:53 AM
and got another place for kota kinabalu?
What kind of attitude is this? Sometime i really cannot blame those lau jiao of flaming newbies. Is it really so hard to search in the forum. Need spoon feed arr???
09-03-2007, 09:56 AM
What kind of attitude is this? Sometime i really cannot blame those lau jiao of flaming newbies. Is it really so hard to search in the forum. Need spoon feed arr???
Mai hot lah... just ignore lorr :D
10-03-2007, 12:18 AM
1) Secret KTV Hole In Puchong
PRC gals
Open for happy hours at 3 or 4 pm till 1 am but not many girls.
Butterfly system - 70.00 flat rate tips
After Happy Hour
Period 1.30 - 6 am
Price structure
Minimum Package - 6 jugs of beer ( appx 78 ++ per jug )
Girl Booking - 200.00
1 bonk - 220.00
Ta Pau upstairs - 450.00 till 10 am ( room excluded )
Ta Pau upstairs - 750.00 till 12 pm ( room excluded )
Comments : Girls are pretty but too expensive so cabut !!
Next Day - Goldmine
11 pm - 3 pm
Small room beer package - 4 free 1 ( 298.00 ) inclusive of fruit bowl
Not many girls working, girl quality so so only.
10-03-2007, 03:05 AM
Bro, can i have 32? Must be her sister rite? :p
your cintana no. also haven't taken yet... she still waiting for u leh.. :D
19-03-2007, 03:14 PM
Report from The New Paper (S'pore) dated Monday 19 March 2007 :-
Fears over fake beer
THE Customs officers were hunting down pirated DVD factories.
But instead of discs, they found bottles of beer bearing brand names, but of unknown origin and content.
The officers and two dogs raided the beer factory in an industrial estate Selangor yesterday.
They even found high-end machines, worth a few million ringgit, for washing glass bottles, labelling them, and bottling beer, reported Guang Ming Daily.
Till now, the authorities do not know the ingredients that went into the beer, or how harmful they could be.
One of the suspects tried to escape, but fell during the chase and was caught.
The officers arrested eight men and are trying to find out who the syndicate leader is.
Also seized were 300 cases of fake beer worth RM43,000 ($18,700) and more than 1,000 cases of empty beer bottles behind the factory.
A case of genuine beer costs RM144, but a case of the counterfeit variety costs half of that, reported Guang Ming Daily.
The top floor of the two-storey factory was turned into a workers' dormitory, while the ground floor was used for the manufacture and packaging of the beer.
The authorities are also investigating if the fake beer was sold in Malaysia or exported.
The factory, which has been operating for a few months, can churn out several hundreds of bottles a day.
It is suspected that the beer is brewed at a separate location.
It is easy to tell if the brew in your bottle is the real thing, reported the Chinese language newspaper. The fake beer is murky and smells unpleasant.
Guang Ming Daily reported that the syndicate sent out 'scouts' to find shops willing to sell the fake beer before supplying them with cases.
The Malaysian authorities have urged shops not to sell the fake beer. Consumers have been warned not to be attracted by the lower prices.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
09-04-2007, 04:07 PM
RITZ STAR KTV (Formerly known as Chinatown/Uptown KTV)
Same management from Superstar KTV...........Openning day is on 16 Apr...
Any bro interested go to look see look see... kindly PM me.....:D
10-04-2007, 04:41 PM
RITZ STAR KTV (Formerly known as Chinatown/Uptown KTV)
Same management from Superstar KTV...........Openning day is on 16 Apr...
Any bro interested go to look see look see... kindly PM me.....:D
Yo bro, me will be in KL for business, dying some action in KL.
PM me ur local mobile number n we can hook up n u can show me around...
10-04-2007, 05:29 PM
Yo bro, me will be in KL for business, dying some action in KL.
PM me ur local mobile number n we can hook up n u can show me around...
Haha...... U should call our taiko here like Bro YSH, SSH or gorken.....
i only hav a few places to show u... 2 ktv and 2 lsb (just raided last week) boh liao !!!....... "Drinking still my fav activity" :D
Anyway.....i will try my best!!!!!:D
11-04-2007, 10:04 AM
Since when i become taiko? i am only their driver ler....But lately never hear those two taiko got any action ler, either very busy with work, or very busy commando
15-04-2007, 01:28 PM
any hot spot in kl recently...hope brother here can give some guide.
29-04-2007, 03:44 AM
Hey bro's
Anyone got some info on a KTV in Segambut area named Santa?
It's seems that this KTV thread is bros seem to cheong KTV lately, right? Ok, luckily got chance to patronize this ktv in damansara so here's the FR:
I got a call from my client asking me whether can come to this Crystal KTV in Damansara last night. So have to go there no matter what. Reach there around 9.30pm and this is my first time into this Crystal KTV. Parked my car and the three of us went in. There's also a Delta Club nearby. Anyone know's what's the operaton of this Delta Club?
Once inside the KTV, we were given a VIP room FOC. Papasan Shah came to ask our gals requirements. We wanted hot and wild NLs. and we got what we want. The gals are wild and hot...easy going too. They would strip automatically without u ur hand to touch them.... French kiss u, also wanna strip me too... :D ... Anyway, it was really good fun compared to some other KTVs i frequent. And also value for money. All in all, we spent 1,9k for everything. i gave RM 100 tips to my gal.
My gals specs:
Name: Ah win (something like that)
Face: 7/10
Boobs: 8/10 (nice and firm) yummy!
GFE: 8/10
RTF: Definitely.
15-05-2007, 01:18 PM
where is it locate where in damansara
It's seems that this KTV thread is bros seem to cheong KTV lately, right? Ok, luckily got chance to patronize this ktv in damansara so here's the FR:
I got a call from my client asking me whether can come to this Crystal KTV in Damansara last night. So have to go there no matter what. Reach there around 9.30pm and this is my first time into this Crystal KTV. Parked my car and the three of us went in. There's also a Delta Club nearby. Anyone know's what's the operaton of this Delta Club?
Once inside the KTV, we were given a VIP room FOC. Papasan Shah came to ask our gals requirements. We wanted hot and wild NLs. and we got what we want. The gals are wild and hot...easy going too. They would strip automatically without u ur hand to touch them.... French kiss u, also wanna strip me too... :D ... Anyway, it was really good fun compared to some other KTVs i frequent. And also value for money. All in all, we spent 1,9k for everything. i gave RM 100 tips to my gal.
My gals specs:
Name: Ah win (something like that)
Face: 7/10
Boobs: 8/10 (nice and firm) yummy!
GFE: 8/10
RTF: Definitely.
16-05-2007, 10:25 AM
It's seems that this KTV thread is bros seem to cheong KTV lately, right? Ok, luckily got chance to patronize this ktv in damansara so here's the FR:
............... All in all, we spent 1,9k for everything. i gave RM 100 tips to my gal.
My gals specs:
Name: Ah win (something like that)
Face: 7/10
Boobs: 8/10 (nice and firm) yummy!
GFE: 8/10
RTF: Definitely.
Dear Bro Itto,
Do u mind descrised more detail on d damages RM1.9K?? :D
How many gals u booked?
& D drinks damages?
16-05-2007, 12:07 PM
Do u mind descrised more detail on d damages RM1.9K?? :D
sorry bro, was workin last many soon hock or talapia?
emico around rm1k for 3 persons...gers damn wild as well...:D
16-05-2007, 12:24 PM
emico around rm1k for 3 persons...gers damn wild as well...How cum you never bring me there before?:rolleyes:
However RM1k for 3 person is about RM300 plus per person. Above my budget cos I still prefer beer + prc = RM100.:p
16-05-2007, 12:28 PM
Haha...... U should call our taiko here like Bro YSH, SSH or gorken.....
i only hav a few places to show u... 2 ktv and 2 lsb (just raided last week) boh liao !!!....... "Drinking still my fav activity" :D Bro, I will be checking out another lsb today. Went last week to look see and they have abt 4 Indo chicks all in their twenties. Beer is RM22 per big bottle. Never try the stock last week so can only PM you with the details tmr. Cheers.:D
16-05-2007, 12:34 PM
How cum you never bring me there before?:rolleyes:
However RM1k for 3 person is about RM300 plus per person. Above my budget cos I still prefer beer + prc = RM100.:p
no chance bro...this kind of places also people bring me u said, beer + prc = 100...but this is chivas + ckt = 300 lor, btw the 70+70 is juz a stone throw away frm emico
Crystal KTV (Damansara) address is as follows: 673, Grd Flr Blk B, Damansara Intan, PJ. Exit from NKVE toll (infront of Eastin Hotel) and turn in the first left. It's behind San Francisco steak house.
3 gals at RM 368 per gal = RM 1104. (I assume it's RM 46 per hr - full booking for 8hrs)
3 jugs of beer at RM 96 per jug = RM 288
Other soft drinks, tibits = RM 275
VIP Room = FOC
All above price excluding 15% tax. So in total works out to around RM 1.9k
18-05-2007, 09:19 AM
Crystal KTV (Damansara) address is as follows: 673, Grd Flr Blk B, Damansara Intan, PJ. Exit from NKVE toll (infront of Eastin Hotel) and turn in the first left. It's behind San Francisco steak house.
3 gals at RM 368 per gal = RM 1104. (I assume it's RM 46 per hr - full booking for 8hrs)
3 jugs of beer at RM 96 per jug = RM 288
Other soft drinks, tibits = RM 275
VIP Room = FOC
All above price excluding 15% tax. So in total works out to around RM 1.9k
Walau..... Whole nite 3 jugs mana cukup & somemore 1 jug RM96 very expensive leh.... Just wondering Crystal dun have any promotion packages ??
Bro Itto, For your comparison:
I was at sapphire last week. total 7 guys .......
4 gals at RM 280 per gal = RM 1,100 ( it's RM 50 per hr - booking for 6hrs-3 gals & 4 hrs-1 gal)
24 jugs of beer at RM 50 per jug = RM 1,200
Other soft drinks, tibits, mum & boy tips, fruit, cig= RM 178
All above price excluding 15% tax. So in total works out to around RM 2.8k
18-05-2007, 09:36 AM
24 jugs of beer at RM 50 per jug = RM 1,200
24 jugs :eek: , now this is real drinking!!!
18-05-2007, 09:45 AM
24 jugs :eek: , now this is real drinking!!!
haha...... 7 guys + gals finish 24 jugs considered not much lah....:D
So when we wan 2 come out for drink ??? talk talk until so many month liao also cant make it !!!!!
BTW.. tis week i cant bcos i SICK liao...... hahaha
18-05-2007, 10:52 AM
haha...... 7 guys + gals finish 24 jugs considered not much lah....:D
So when we wan 2 come out for drink ??? talk talk until so many month liao also cant make it !!!!!
BTW.. tis week i cant bcos i SICK liao...... hahaha
Week after next, coming week i got no visa:D
18-05-2007, 11:30 AM
So when we wan 2 come out for drink ??? talk talk until so many month liao also cant make it !!!!!If weekdays I also dun mind to join in but can dun go so expensive places or not?:o
2.8K divide by 7 guys also about RM400 a nite. Cheong one time must eat veggie for the next 2 weeks.:(
18-05-2007, 02:25 PM
If weekdays I also dun mind to join in but can dun go so expensive places or not?
2.8K divide by 7 guys also about RM400 a nite. Cheong one time must eat veggie for the next 2 weeks.
haha.........My 2 good suggestion for u:-
1. BYO ur gal 2 join the party like me, so only paid for drinks.
2. Didn't take gal, make ur buddy drunk n u take over d gals.. :D
Swee boh !!!
1 things for sure is RM400 not enough for "ON" :o
18-05-2007, 03:35 PM
I want to drink but dont want to eat veggie only for next 2 month can boh? Then i got no gal to bring that better go home PCC:D
18-05-2007, 05:08 PM
haha.........My 2 good suggestion for u:-
1. BYO ur gal 2 join the party like me, so only paid for drinks.
2. Didn't take gal, make ur buddy drunk n u take over d gals..
Swee boh !!!
1 things for sure is RM400 not enough for "ON" :o
Bro TL,
You dont know these KL top farkers lar, they know so many lobangs... they definitely confirm can get "ON" for <RM400 lor. Exotic nationality some more ;)
18-05-2007, 06:08 PM
I want to drink but dont want to eat veggie only for next 2 month can boh? Then i got no gal to bring that better go home PCC
haha..... i tho u got so many indon/tom yam FL :rolleyes:
go home PCC?? no need la..... inside the KTV room got very nice toilet with sofa for u to PCC.......:D
Cheers Bro
18-05-2007, 06:10 PM
Bro TL,
You dont know these KL top farkers lar, they know so many lobangs... they definitely confirm can get "ON" for <RM400 lor. Exotic nationality some more
This 1 i refer to Sapphire KTV................:D
18-05-2007, 09:58 PM
haha..... i tho u got so many indon/tom yam FL :rolleyes:
go home PCC?? no need la..... inside the KTV room got very nice toilet with sofa for u to PCC.......
Cheers Bro
Bro TL, you forgot VC FL also... :D
23-05-2007, 04:35 PM
Yesterday i was at tis mid high class KTV bcos of d "Good Deal 4 HH" proposed by MMS.....(Detail KTV name didn't mentioned bcos tis 1 considered private arrangement).
D "good deal 4 HH" is:-
1. Total damages per head(net) : RM130 (Beer only), RM180 (Beer + 1 gal) n RM230 (Beer + 2 gals). Note: For beer, drink all u can....:eek:
2. HH from 5 - 9.30 (suppose should be 9)
Swee boh for the above ?? :D
So, sifu DD n SSH..... did d above deal meet your requirement ??
23-05-2007, 05:12 PM
2. HH from 5 - 9.30 (suppose should be 9)
Swee boh for the above ?? :D
So, sifu DD n SSH..... did d above deal meet your requirement ??
ofcoz no good leh for me at least....go find those start from 12pm or earlier leh...mahai this LSB/KTV taukehs need me to teach them do business is it, follow the great sample set by pudu PW! asshole, sik bau mai pau:rolleyes: anyway thanks bro...
24-05-2007, 09:12 AM
Bro TL,
Sorry for not being able to join you on that day. I wasnt free.
Swee price!!! Will call you at least 1 day in advance next time so that both your time and my time can make it....
24-05-2007, 09:59 AM
Bro TL, I think SSH sure interested one since he needs to drown his sorrows... kekeke :p
29-05-2007, 09:10 PM
so long never post anything here d. almost forgottern i started this many moons ago :)
Gone to a few KTV last few weeks. I like Glitter at Subang as there have some B- gred PRC, no cheap though. Paid 4.4k for 5 guys 3 bottles and a beer package. HH book 4 PRC and nite book another 3 PRC. Drunk like hell but quite enjoy. Mummy was Elizabeth used to work at Atlantis. Some other mummy friend also there, like Mummy K ex Bintang etc.
Red Star (ex Chinatown) also quite fun with mummy Step (tks to Tualang), NL nite, 7 guys with more then 10NL butterfly for HH. Damage not much, less then $150 for drinks as mummy had private beer party for us. $100 per head unlimited beer, somemore got free roasted duck by mummy. Ger tips $50 and these NL very accomodating...
Golden horse still the same old thing, was there with 2 other guys and ended up 2.3K from HH till nite. HH ger only butterfly and nite book NL. I think 3 bottles and some food. Different tatse with local CKT and NL stock. Still the same mummy Tracy and Belle, they are still the best for me :)
Any new bro need more guide, just email me.....don't forget to buy me a beer as usual. Chau!
29-05-2007, 09:22 PM
Nice to see TCK306 still going strong :D
29-05-2007, 09:45 PM
Nice to see TCK306 still going strong
You are also going strong in GZ leh ..... Will call you when going to CP :p
30-05-2007, 10:09 AM
If weekdays I also dun mind to join in but can dun go so expensive places or not?
2.8K divide by 7 guys also about RM400 a nite. Cheong one time must eat veggie for the next 2 weeks
u still in KL :confused:
intro some good KTV leh as going to paint the town red soonzzzz
30-05-2007, 12:23 PM
Been to Cherry Blossom. Attended by mummy PC.
It was an unlucky day!
We were there around 6pm to enjoy the Happy Hour rate, but it was raining heavily 30 minutes before we stepped in to the place. There were no girls at all. We were told that the girls were on the way here but stucked badly in the jam.
So three of us were desparately waiting in the room. Finally, the girls arrived at around 7:45pm.
In order not to ensure these girls to be fully attached to us, we spent quite a bomb to booked them till 9pm. (just a mere 1:15 min). What to do.....
Anyway, the place not so happening! Was told by the girls that the SuperStar is wilder and fun.
Any experienced local bro can advise about the place?
We are looking for wild and fun we are going on a business trip on the last week of Jun.
Prime Time
30-05-2007, 01:05 PM
You are also going strong in GZ leh ..... Will call you when going to CP
Wah, CyberGod cheong with KLKOOL in CP :D . I think he wun dare show his didi in the presence of the supreme one.
30-05-2007, 03:47 PM
Wah, CyberGod cheong with KLKOOL in CP :D . I think he wun dare show his didi in the presence of the supreme one.
You dun know him well!!! He will show off his dick by playing Kitaro with his kuku!!!!
30-05-2007, 03:54 PM
I think he wun dare show his didi in the presence of the supreme one.
He will show off his dick by playing Kitaro with his kuku!!!!
You mean he and Kitaro got "one leg" ??? :p :D
15-06-2007, 10:21 AM
Any experienced local bro can advise about the place?
We are looking for wild and fun we are going on a business trip on the last week of Jun.[/QUOTE]
When KL rains just before HH, don't hope for good bunch of gers wil drop in for work. You have got me no, just contact me before u arrive, I shall arrange something for u.
15-06-2007, 10:34 AM
i heard only....7th Avenue's NLs is getting better & wilder :cool:
15-06-2007, 11:10 AM
Next time if Cherry Blossom doesn't work out can hop over to DeSwan. Or Crown at Beryaya building behind.
I like Glitter at Subang as there have some B- gred PRC, no cheap though. Paid 4.4k for 5 guys 3 bottles and a beer package. HH book 4 PRC and nite book another 3 PRC. Drunk like hell but quite enjoy. Mummy was Elizabeth used to work at Atlantis. Some other mummy friend also there, like Mummy K ex Bintang etc.
Any new bro need more guide, just email me.....don't forget to buy me a beer as usual. Chau!
Glitters KTV (Summit)
After a week overseas with no action, finally come back and visit this Glitters KTV. Went to this KTV couple of times. I went up the lift to the 4th Flr and saw Topaz Spa still closed but there's a notice attached which i didn't see what's written... too horny to go in the KTV liao.
Anyway, there's no PRCs available, the wind is too strong as told by the papasan and the ladies there. 2 months ago, while i was there, there are tons of PRCs. Was urshed into the VIP room which was big and nice.
There are 4 of us and we order 2 hard liqour package and we had 4 gals - all local CKTs. Quality wise is good, except u can't autoroam as u like and the gals are not that sporting. However, these gals can really entertain u and hold conversations quite well. The gal i got looks pretty cute and sexy. This, i would need some time to hook her. And yes, managed to get her number. ;)
We party till early morning 3am and was dead drunk but fun. The damages as follows:-
2 hard liquor package - RM 2640
Other misc - RM 800
Room - FOC
Gals - RM 480 x 4 = RM 1920
Total bill comes out to around RM 5.6k for 4 ppl.
Bro TCK306, wanna come along to Glitters for next visit? I still have several unfinished Chivas waiting for u!
17-06-2007, 08:18 AM
Glitters KTV (Summit)
2 hard liquor package - RM 2640
Other misc - RM 800
Room - FOC
Gals - RM 480 x 4 = RM 1920
Total bill comes out to around RM 5.6k for 4 ppl.
RM 5.6k for 4 ppl. , OMG , bro , u earn RM10,000 per month ah ... :eek:
17-06-2007, 12:43 PM
RM 5.6k for 4 ppl. , OMG , bro , u earn RM10,000 per month ah ... :eek:
This is quite standard 'non-HH' damage for KTV in KL le...
17-06-2007, 12:55 PM
This is quite standard 'non-HH' damage for KTV in KL le...
Agree. That's why i always go KTV during Happy Hour... can save a lot.
18-06-2007, 12:55 AM
Agree. That's why i always go KTV during Happy Hour... can save a lot.
bro , which KTV , u go , want to share share and go next time ... ;)
RM 5.6k for 4 ppl. , OMG , bro , u earn RM10,000 per month ah ... :eek:
Bro, even if i could earn 10k a mth, i won't be spending my money like this. This is course on company bill lah. See when there is another outing like this, i call u over, swee boh ? :D
18-06-2007, 09:15 PM
bro , which KTV , u go , want to share share and go next time ... ;)
Mercury... charges is reasonable during HH.. however, GRO mostly NL
19-06-2007, 02:14 AM
Bro, even if i could earn 10k a mth, i won't be spending my money like this. This is course on company bill lah. See when there is another outing like this, i call u over, swee boh ? :D
really ah , bro ... when u going again ...
i PM you my handphone number now ... ;)
19-06-2007, 09:36 AM
Any experienced local bro can advise about the place?
We are looking for wild and fun we are going on a business trip on the last week of Jun.
When KL rains just before HH, don't hope for good bunch of gers wil drop in for work. You have got me no, just contact me before u arrive, I shall arrange something for u.[/QUOTE]
bro , can intro some to me also , got NL ...
19-06-2007, 03:15 PM
Mercury... charges is reasonable during HH.. however, GRO mostly NL
this wed is their member nite..... R U going or not ??:D
We most properly will be at bar counter :rolleyes:
19-06-2007, 05:07 PM
Mercury... charges is reasonable during HH.. however, GRO mostly NL
only mostly unpopular gals come to Mercury for HH... the really good ones only in after 9. :D
19-06-2007, 05:49 PM
only mostly unpopular gals come to Mercury for HH... the really good ones only in after 9.
This 1 dun know whether outdated or not ???
Hear say.... this place bcum dina hunting ground liao...dun know true bo...:rolleyes:
Need clarification from our regular jerry.....:p
19-06-2007, 10:13 PM
GRO are lesser after HH in Mercury and some of them will work in another Karaoke after HH. Besides, u have to call mamasan much earlier to book room if want to drink during HH. Mercury is more like a playground for those married man as married man usually need to go back home earlier. I dont really enjoy my time in Mercury as I cant sing and I also dont like to let my didi stand so straight but cant fark after raba-raba (unless u want to do it inside the toilet room). However still go there at least twice a month for other purpose... I prefer to pay Rm158, Rm 168, rm178, rm 188, rm 198 or rm 208.... cause i will get what i want....SEX !:D
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