14-10-2010, 09:44 PM
Sori, if someone already posted this. This post is for Bros that looking for real Tuina that able to heal back pain(due to carry heavy thing etc). Just want to share my experience.
First time posting. As my back was pain for two weeks and looking for real Tuina to relief the pain. After some googling searching, i settle with this Xin Hua Therapy. Make appointment and went down today.
standard massage procedure, ask to change into short. Then the lady came in and ask where is the pain area (told the counter girl when arrive). She said will do some fire cup later.
Proceed with Tuina, the Tuina was really very hard and good. Although i didn't went to a lot of tuina before but i can feel my pain going off. She focus alot on my pain area.
After the good Tuina, she put numbers of fire cups on my back. (free service). Good thing about this shop is they did not push you to get any package. Just politely tell me come back if the pain return. :)
This is a traditional Chinese Medical shop so no Hanky Panky. The shop is at Tanjong Pagar 2nd level.
First time posting. As my back was pain for two weeks and looking for real Tuina to relief the pain. After some googling searching, i settle with this Xin Hua Therapy. Make appointment and went down today.
standard massage procedure, ask to change into short. Then the lady came in and ask where is the pain area (told the counter girl when arrive). She said will do some fire cup later.
Proceed with Tuina, the Tuina was really very hard and good. Although i didn't went to a lot of tuina before but i can feel my pain going off. She focus alot on my pain area.
After the good Tuina, she put numbers of fire cups on my back. (free service). Good thing about this shop is they did not push you to get any package. Just politely tell me come back if the pain return. :)
This is a traditional Chinese Medical shop so no Hanky Panky. The shop is at Tanjong Pagar 2nd level.