View Full Version : Pantyhose fetish lobang...

16-10-2010, 01:45 PM
I love the girl to wear pantyhose. I found that the girl is more sexy when the leg is clad in pantyhose.
Not all will appreciate the pantyhose.
One day I go for massage, then I casually talk to the masseur whether she like to wear pantyhose or not. Then she said wait a moment, she go out take something. She came back with a nude skin colour pantyhose under her skirt.

Race: Malaysian
Age: late 20 to early 30 ? (agar agar)
Face: 8 (kuaci face)
Body: 8 (slim type)
Boob size: ? ( very small maybe because slim body - don't care as long as wear pantyhose)
Service: BBBJ and CIM
Damage: Entrance $30 for 30 mins + BBBJ and CIM $50

I also wonder how come so cheap for the services. Something is wrong somewhere ? :confused:

This is my new lobang. I don't want it so fast gone, I want to keep it as long as possible. All my previous lobangs very fast gone, some even got visit by AV.

I only share with laojiao members who have points and not those newbie.
Only genuine laojiao have written FR in the past or will exchange pantyhose ctc with me will be given out the contact.


16-10-2010, 01:47 PM
I got ask the girl whether got do fj.
She said yes. The damage for fj is $80.

Fetish Joe
16-10-2010, 02:20 PM
ummmm... my L.J points not so high leh.... dun knw qualify anot leh :D

16-10-2010, 02:38 PM
bro like to try but not senior enough lao, got opportunity ?

16-10-2010, 02:44 PM
bro can pm me ctc and location

18-10-2010, 08:53 PM
Pls PM me contact. Thanks

21-10-2010, 04:33 PM
Please share ctc bro

21-10-2010, 09:55 PM
i also ph freak, lets exchange note for a mutually benefitting relationship

pm me

21-10-2010, 10:18 PM
bro can pls pm me ctc and location !! thanks alot bro !!

22-10-2010, 01:56 PM
I'm sending out the contact to all the qualify bro.
Who is just get the number for fun and did not write the fr, be prepared zap by me.

22-10-2010, 01:59 PM
Bros contant Please!

22-10-2010, 01:59 PM
contact please!

22-10-2010, 02:08 PM
KLYM, pucca22346, acka, elvix, addictedtonitro, kurosaki ichigo, a4anal, hsp0804, cover, Amour, yojimbo, wahhero, webtelor

already send out contact to the above bros.
Please keep it discreet and come back write the FR.
Up my points if you like it.

kurosaki ichigo
22-10-2010, 03:03 PM
up you already bro.. thanks

22-10-2010, 03:48 PM
Bro, juz asking? Where do they operate?
If near my place, i would like to try.

22-10-2010, 04:08 PM
Contact pls.

Thanks bro

22-10-2010, 04:27 PM
Like to try ... can share contact thanks!

22-10-2010, 06:58 PM
thanks bro! up u too! cheers!:)

24-10-2010, 09:30 AM
up you, thanks for sharing.

24-10-2010, 11:47 AM
can i have the address, i would like to try it too

31-10-2010, 01:19 PM
I love the girl to wear pantyhose. I found that the girl is more sexy when the leg is clad in pantyhose.
Not all will appreciate the pantyhose.
One day I go for massage, then I casually talk to the masseur whether she like to wear pantyhose or not. Then she said wait a moment, she go out take something. She came back with a nude skin colour pantyhose under her skirt.

Race: Malaysian
Age: late 20 to early 30 ? (agar agar)
Face: 8 (kuaci face)
Body: 8 (slim type)
Boob size: ? ( very small maybe because slim body - don't care as long as wear pantyhose)
Service: BBBJ and CIM
Damage: Entrance $30 for 30 mins + BBBJ and CIM $50

I also wonder how come so cheap for the services. Something is wrong somewhere ? :confused:

This is my new lobang. I don't want it so fast gone, I want to keep it as long as possible. All my previous lobangs very fast gone, some even got visit by AV.

I only share with laojiao members who have points and not those newbie.
Only genuine laojiao have written FR in the past or will exchange pantyhose ctc with me will be given out the contact.


bro where u find this gal, can PM me her ctc/hp

10-11-2010, 04:32 PM
Bro pls share her ctc.

14-11-2010, 02:03 PM
bro, pls share contact..can exchange?

03-12-2010, 04:33 PM
Pls PM me the contact. Thanks

04-12-2010, 11:41 AM
hi TS, can i have the ctc please. thx

04-12-2010, 05:17 PM
Hi,can share the contact and location please thank you very much.

04-12-2010, 05:41 PM
Bro ts,hope u can add me in your pm list,tks.

04-12-2010, 10:01 PM
Contacts pls bro

07-12-2010, 07:08 PM
Hi bro, can u pm me her contacts? I am also an ardent fan of gal wearing pantyhose. They jus look so sexy in them... Cheers!

09-12-2010, 12:34 AM
Hi bro, can u pm me her contacts? Will post my fr thereafter.. Cheers!

09-12-2010, 03:03 PM
Hi TS, can share the location? Thanks

09-12-2010, 04:15 PM
How come no fr at all ?
I already send out so many ctc.

09-12-2010, 06:37 PM
Can share contact?

09-12-2010, 10:15 PM
Bro, can i have the location & contact, thanks!

My point is low because lazy to write FR, but i promise to post FR after visit this time, because i want to increase my points

09-12-2010, 10:46 PM
How come no fr at all ?
I already send out so many ctc.

bro there are alot of number collectors. They just collect contacts.
da DJ get alot of them at Da Club Haus Thread.

Bro if you like Pantyhose so much, i would like to invite you over to try Da Club Haus. We have 5 Party Girls that are available for you to satisfy your Pantyhose fetish and we have ample supply of Black Pantyhose for your enjoyment :D

10-12-2010, 10:21 AM
Sounds not bad...too bad she dont provide FJ.

11-12-2010, 12:18 AM
hi bro

can i have her contact too? I m keen to try. Will definitely post a FR after trying

19-02-2011, 01:56 PM
I love the girl to wear pantyhose. I found that the girl is more sexy when the leg is clad in pantyhose.
Not all will appreciate the pantyhose.
One day I go for massage, then I casually talk to the masseur whether she like to wear pantyhose or not. Then she said wait a moment, she go out take something. She came back with a nude skin colour pantyhose under her skirt.

Race: Malaysian
Age: late 20 to early 30 ? (agar agar)
Face: 8 (kuaci face)
Body: 8 (slim type)
Boob size: ? ( very small maybe because slim body - don't care as long as wear pantyhose)
Service: BBBJ and CIM
Damage: Entrance $30 for 30 mins + BBBJ and CIM $50

I also wonder how come so cheap for the services. Something is wrong somewhere ? :confused:

This is my new lobang. I don't want it so fast gone, I want to keep it as long as possible. All my previous lobangs very fast gone, some even got visit by AV.

I only share with laojiao members who have points and not those newbie.
Only genuine laojiao have written FR in the past or will exchange pantyhose ctc with me will be given out the contact.


where can i find her? can share ctc

28-02-2011, 11:02 PM
I love the girl to wear pantyhose. I found that the girl is more sexy when the leg is clad in pantyhose.
Not all will appreciate the pantyhose.
One day I go for massage, then I casually talk to the masseur whether she like to wear pantyhose or not. Then she said wait a moment, she go out take something. She came back with a nude skin colour pantyhose under her skirt.

Race: Malaysian
Age: late 20 to early 30 ? (agar agar)
Face: 8 (kuaci face)
Body: 8 (slim type)
Boob size: ? ( very small maybe because slim body - don't care as long as wear pantyhose)
Service: BBBJ and CIM
Damage: Entrance $30 for 30 mins + BBBJ and CIM $50

I also wonder how come so cheap for the services. Something is wrong somewhere ? :confused:

This is my new lobang. I don't want it so fast gone, I want to keep it as long as possible. All my previous lobangs very fast gone, some even got visit by AV.

I only share with laojiao members who have points and not those newbie.
Only genuine laojiao have written FR in the past or will exchange pantyhose ctc with me will be given out the contact.


can pm me her ctc

11-05-2011, 01:22 AM
Hi Bro, can share with me the ctc... really keen to try.

11-05-2011, 06:39 PM
I saw at least 1 gal at one of OT 3 floor TNs got wear black pantyhose... Can try there...

11-05-2011, 11:20 PM
I saw at least 1 gal at one of OT 3 floor TNs got wear black pantyhose... Can try there...

but wat the price there? just try TN shop at OP, their rate there standard 30 mins $40, 45min $50, 60min $70, hj $100, FJ better not to ask, i think at orchard area they wan to cut carrot. totally not worth it, but there r a few not bad looking, try 1 in black pantyhose, manage to nego to hj $70, but still feel that dun worth it.

17-05-2011, 07:00 PM
Hi bro.

can share the contacts/locations?

I love the girl to wear pantyhose. I found that the girl is more sexy when the leg is clad in pantyhose.
Not all will appreciate the pantyhose.
One day I go for massage, then I casually talk to the masseur whether she like to wear pantyhose or not. Then she said wait a moment, she go out take something. She came back with a nude skin colour pantyhose under her skirt.

Race: Malaysian
Age: late 20 to early 30 ? (agar agar)
Face: 8 (kuaci face)
Body: 8 (slim type)
Boob size: ? ( very small maybe because slim body - don't care as long as wear pantyhose)
Service: BBBJ and CIM
Damage: Entrance $30 for 30 mins + BBBJ and CIM $50

I also wonder how come so cheap for the services. Something is wrong somewhere ? :confused:

This is my new lobang. I don't want it so fast gone, I want to keep it as long as possible. All my previous lobangs very fast gone, some even got visit by AV.

I only share with laojiao members who have points and not those newbie.
Only genuine laojiao have written FR in the past or will exchange pantyhose ctc with me will be given out the contact.


17-05-2011, 08:46 PM
Hi bro,

Can u please PM me the contact and location?

I interested..


I love the girl to wear pantyhose. I found that the girl is more sexy when the leg is clad in pantyhose.
Not all will appreciate the pantyhose.
One day I go for massage, then I casually talk to the masseur whether she like to wear pantyhose or not. Then she said wait a moment, she go out take something. She came back with a nude skin colour pantyhose under her skirt.

Race: Malaysian
Age: late 20 to early 30 ? (agar agar)
Face: 8 (kuaci face)
Body: 8 (slim type)
Boob size: ? ( very small maybe because slim body - don't care as long as wear pantyhose)
Service: BBBJ and CIM
Damage: Entrance $30 for 30 mins + BBBJ and CIM $50

I also wonder how come so cheap for the services. Something is wrong somewhere ? :confused:

This is my new lobang. I don't want it so fast gone, I want to keep it as long as possible. All my previous lobangs very fast gone, some even got visit by AV.

I only share with laojiao members who have points and not those newbie.
Only genuine laojiao have written FR in the past or will exchange pantyhose ctc with me will be given out the contact.


25-10-2011, 11:44 AM
bro where u find this gal, can PM me her ctc/hp,

can PM me where to find this lobang, sms me at 96310986

25-10-2011, 10:03 PM
Please share ctc bro

26-10-2011, 01:41 AM
I also wonder how come so cheap for the services. Something is wrong somewhere ? :confused:

This sentence already make me LOL. You sure is funny:confused::):D

05-01-2012, 11:51 AM
KLYM, pucca22346, acka, elvix, addictedtonitro, kurosaki ichigo, a4anal, hsp0804, cover, Amour, yojimbo, wahhero, webtelor

already send out contact to the above bros.
Please keep it discreet and come back write the FR.
Up my points if you like it.

u nvr send to kagetora84?i didnt receive

12-01-2012, 07:40 PM
I love the girl to wear pantyhose. I found that the girl is more sexy when the leg is clad in pantyhose.
Not all will appreciate the pantyhose.
One day I go for massage, then I casually talk to the masseur whether she like to wear pantyhose or not. Then she said wait a moment, she go out take something. She came back with a nude skin colour pantyhose under her skirt.

Race: Malaysian
Age: late 20 to early 30 ? (agar agar)
Face: 8 (kuaci face)
Body: 8 (slim type)
Boob size: ? ( very small maybe because slim body - don't care as long as wear pantyhose)
Service: BBBJ and CIM
Damage: Entrance $30 for 30 mins + BBBJ and CIM $50

I also wonder how come so cheap for the services. Something is wrong somewhere ? :confused:

This is my new lobang. I don't want it so fast gone, I want to keep it as long as possible. All my previous lobangs very fast gone, some even got visit by AV.

I only share with laojiao members who have points and not those newbie.
Only genuine laojiao have written FR in the past or will exchange pantyhose ctc with me will be given out the contact.


where bro pls PM me the CTC

15-01-2012, 07:09 PM
hi bro,

love ph. any chance you could pm me the ctc?



15-01-2012, 10:46 PM
where bro pls PM me the contact no..tq

24-01-2012, 09:28 PM
hi bro,

love pantyhose. can share ctc?

08-02-2012, 11:39 AM
walao u got so many ph lobang!! can u share with me? so far only you are the source for such ctc. pls PM me location~~

16-04-2012, 10:42 PM
I got ask the girl whether got do fj.
She said yes. The damage for fj is $80.

pantyhose bros, from the TV news i can see that many people including civil servants ,got implicated due to vices, i suspect the AV cops already infiltrate our sammyboy network, there are moles and undercovers, in order to protect our interests and the FLs that are serving us, i suggest we dun post any more lobang on sammyboy instead we created a secret group in FB...

25-09-2012, 09:40 PM
KLYM, pucca22346, acka, elvix, addictedtonitro, kurosaki ichigo, a4anal, hsp0804, cover, Amour, yojimbo, wahhero, webtelor

already send out contact to the above bros.
Please keep it discreet and come back write the FR.
Up my points if you like it.

Pls PM me too kagetora84

25-09-2012, 10:55 PM
Hi bri. New to this forum. Please share contact and location. Thank you very much.

11-04-2013, 08:12 PM
Bro can you share the ctc with me too

04-01-2015, 07:18 PM
Please share ctc bro


21-06-2015, 09:52 PM
I love the girl to wear pantyhose. I found that the girl is more sexy when the leg is clad in pantyhose.
Not all will appreciate the pantyhose.
One day I go for massage, then I casually talk to the masseur whether she like to wear pantyhose or not. Then she said wait a moment, she go out take something. She came back with a nude skin colour pantyhose under her skirt.

Race: Malaysian
Age: late 20 to early 30 ? (agar agar)
Face: 8 (kuaci face)
Body: 8 (slim type)
Boob size: ? ( very small maybe because slim body - don't care as long as wear pantyhose)
Service: BBBJ and CIM
Damage: Entrance $30 for 30 mins + BBBJ and CIM $50

I also wonder how come so cheap for the services. Something is wrong somewhere ? :confused:

This is my new lobang. I don't want it so fast gone, I want to keep it as long as possible. All my previous lobangs very fast gone, some even got visit by AV.

I only share with laojiao members who have points and not those newbie.
Only genuine laojiao have written FR in the past or will exchange pantyhose ctc with me will be given out the contact.


bro u got any PH lobang now all PRC dominate the market