View Full Version : What is my risk level?

17-10-2010, 03:38 PM
Yesterday, I had a first go at a FL. It begin with a BJ with the condom on, where it progressively went on to penetration (with the condom on) for less than 2-3mins as I was stressing whether on not I would I have caught STDs of any sort. Thereafter, withdrawing my penis, she removed the condom on me and proceed to give me a hand job.

Throughout the session, I could not ejaculate and made several attempts to stop the session as chaos reign in my mind. This is what frightened me as I left the hotel: while removing the condom, I couldn't be sure if the condom was remove with her bare hands, and after which she cleaned her hands using the tissue paper then proceed on to giving me a handjob without a new condom; or if she removed the condom with a tissue paper and then continued with giving a handjob with the protection of a condom.

I am considering the contingent under which the body fluids on the condom ended on her bare hands when she removed it, and which would have come into contact with me since she has given me a handjob...

As I typed, my hands are shaking and am extremely worried and anxious, and would definitely be going for a test tomorrow. Am I categorized under high risk?

18-10-2010, 03:09 AM
There's no point going for a test within 24 hrs. It's too soon. Your body needs time to develop antigens/antibodies to any infection which is what most tests are designed to detect.

You are at higher risk for some STDs such as herpes/genital warts and at much lower risk for diseases such as HIV.

For more info, check out


If you're such a paranoid hypochondriac, why did you bother engaging in commercial sex? I'm sure you must have known that irrational anxiety that followed would hardly make the whole experience worthwhile. All you've bought for your buck is months of worry.

18-10-2010, 07:25 AM
There's no point going for a test within 24 hrs. It's too soon. Your body needs time to develop antigens/antibodies to any infection which is what most tests are designed to detect.

You are at higher risk for some STDs such as herpes/genital warts and at much lower risk for diseases such as HIV.

For more info, check out


If you're such a paranoid hypochondriac, why did you bother engaging in commercial sex? I'm sure you must have known that irrational anxiety that followed would hardly make the whole experience worthwhile. All you've bought for your buck is months of worry.

I'm really very worried..I have even requested the OKT to provide me a detail of the FL medical report on wednesday before she return to thailand. But given that she's been in singapore for only 10days+, it wouldn't be conclusive...I can't sleep well the whole night, preriodically breaking waking up and having intense fears..

18-10-2010, 08:23 AM
I'm really very worried..I have even requested the OKT to provide me a detail of the FL medical report on wednesday before she return to thailand. But given that she's been in singapore for only 10days+, it wouldn't be conclusive...I can't sleep well the whole night, preriodically breaking waking up and having intense fears..

The medical report of the hooker means nothing at all. She's probably already been bonked by hundreds of men since she arrived.

There's always a chance you might have caught something but there's also a possibility you'll be run over by a bus tomorrow.

You need psychiatric help more than you need STD tests!:p What in God's name made you pay good money for a whore in the first place? Whoremongering does not suit those who are risk averse. A bit of bravado is required in order to dip your stick into a public vagina and then going to sleep without a care in the world.

18-10-2010, 08:36 AM
The medical report of the hooker means nothing at all. She's probably already been bonked by hundreds of men since she arrived.

There's always a chance you might have caught something but there's also a possibility you'll be run over by a bus tomorrow.

You need psychiatric help more than you need STD tests!:p What in God's name made you pay good money for a whore in the first place?

Mate, I have no idea. To begin with, I'm not a sexual person nor an emotional one and my intent when booking her leans towards companion purpose, rather than a sexual activity. While, it did relegate to the aforementioned sexual acts, it was out of curiosity than the lust; in fact, there was no lust. If I have to be frank, I think I took things for granted.

Upon my inquiry with the OKT, he did explicitly made clear that his girls had undergone medical checkup before the providence of any sexual services. On the assumption that this is true, it still leaves open the probability of her being infected with STDs between the timeline of her first sexual act in Singapore and the nth sexual session of which was my session.

In keeping up with measures to alleviate some fears, I have spoken to the advisor over the phone few minutes ago, and the verdict was that I am under low risk category. Bookings have been made and I will be down at the clinic in the early afternoon. That said, most tests I assume, are not going to be indubitably concrete given that consideration that the white blood cells have not risen to any noticeable high rate.

18-10-2010, 08:44 AM
The medical report of the hooker means nothing at all. She's probably already been bonked by hundreds of men since she arrived.

There's always a chance you might have caught something but there's also a possibility you'll be run over by a bus tomorrow.

You need psychiatric help more than you need STD tests!:p What in God's name made you pay good money for a whore in the first place? Whoremongering does not suit those who are risk averse. A bit of bravado is required in order to dip your stick into a public vagina and then going to sleep without a care in the world.

You are absolutely right. After I woke up, I spent an amount of time working out the probability of catching STDs through bayesian inferences and statistical probabilities. It does not help. I can't imagine having to take STDs checkup every month for 6 months. This is especially since HIV becomes 99.999% true positive by the 6th month, at least.

Big Sexy
18-10-2010, 08:57 AM
mate..your risk of contacting HIV is very low..
as for STD.. read about it...
i dont know if this will make u feel better, but
one out of five or six adult have genital HSV-2 infection..

if u are really worried about contacting HIV..
get a HIV PEP Treatment

Individuals are eligible for HIV PEP Treatment if all the following criteria are met:
* exposure occurred within the past 72 hours;
* mucous membrane or non-intact skin was significantly exposed to a potentially infectious body fluid;
o unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse
o unprotected receptive fellatio (oral sex performed on the penis) with ejaculation
* the potentially exposed individual is not infected or not known to be infected with HIV;
* the source is HIV+ve or the HIV status is unknown.
Prompt antiviral therapy may reduce the risk of HIV transmission by as much as 80%.
meanwhile pop some chill pill..;)

As I typed, my hands are shaking and am extremely worried and anxious, and would definitely be going for a test tomorrow. Am I categorized under high risk?

18-10-2010, 09:09 AM
mate..your risk of contacting HIV is very low..
as for STD.. read about it...
i dont know if this will make u feel better, but
one out of five or six adult have genital HSV-2 infection..

if u are really worried about contacting HIV..
get a HIV PEP Treatment

Individuals are eligible for HIV PEP Treatment if all the following criteria are met:
* exposure occurred within the past 72 hours;
* mucous membrane or non-intact skin was significantly exposed to a potentially infectious body fluid;
o unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse
o unprotected receptive fellatio (oral sex performed on the penis) with ejaculation
* the potentially exposed individual is not infected or not known to be infected with HIV;
* the source is HIV+ve or the HIV status is unknown.
Prompt antiviral therapy may reduce the risk of HIV transmission by as much as 80%.
meanwhile pop some chill pill..;)

I realized that my original post wasn't clear.

"...I couldn't be sure if the condom was remove with her bare hands, and after which she cleaned her hands using the tissue paper then proceed on to giving me a handjob without a new condom; or if she removed the condom with a tissue paper and then continued with giving a handjob with the protection of a condom."

If she had touched the condom, it would imply that her hands had came into contact with the fluid from her vagina. Further, since she had proceeded to give me a hand job without the protection of a condom, why shouldn't I be in high risk? Can I request for the HIV PEP treatment regardless of whether or not I fulfilled the criteria?

18-10-2010, 11:49 AM
If she had touched the condom, it would imply that her hands had came into contact with the fluid from her vagina. Further, since she had proceeded to give me a hand job without the protection of a condom, why shouldn't I be in high risk? Can I request for the HIV PEP treatment regardless of whether or not I fulfilled the criteria?

The reason why you are not considered as high risk for HIV based on your description of what transpired is because the virus is very fragile and doesn't survive for long outside of the body.


You honestly need a shrink more than anything else. Your paranoia is getting the better of you.

18-10-2010, 11:53 AM
Mate, I have no idea. To begin with, I'm not a sexual person nor an emotional one and my intent when booking her leans towards companion purpose, rather than a sexual activity.

A whorehouse IS THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH to go in search of companionship. :eek:

Read my signature!:rolleyes:

18-10-2010, 11:59 AM
bro ,

very sad , you should have understand the risk level before taking part .

i find you are really asking if it .

from your posting . i feel you die of stress first before you catch any thing .

wake up .

can't take the risk dont play the game .

18-10-2010, 12:14 PM
A whorehouse IS THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH to go in search of companionship. :eek:

Read my signature!:rolleyes:

When I said "companionship" in this context, I meant it to imply companionship outside the realm of emotions, not emotional attachment which many sammers have fell prey to.

I have called another counselor from DSC and he said the same thing about me being low risk. I'm not convinced though; unless all medical reports I will take every month for 6months adduce a negative test results.

18-10-2010, 12:17 PM
bro ,

very sad , you should have understand the risk level before taking part .

i find you are really asking if it .

from your posting . i feel you die of stress first before you catch any thing .

wake up .

can't take the risk dont play the game .

I understood the risk before taking part, going to extent such as to read up on medical science journals. I allowed myself to lose attention while worrying about being infected with STDs at the point where she removed the condom. I would have stopped her, get her to disinfect her hands with alcohol before proceeding to removing it. I won't be dabbling in such sexual acts anymore; I will also be requiring my future GF to go for STDs checkup before going into a relationship. On a tangent, I might also be suffering from STDs phobia already.

18-10-2010, 12:23 PM
Brother, while less risky than direct injection (ie BBBJ or raw sex), you are at some risk. None of use are medical professionals so posting here may be soothing as to have an audience but the reality is only a test for STDs can confirm or deny the existence of an STD. Your best bet given you worry which is warranted and reasonable is to seek a medical professional after the incubation period pointed out by the boss. Post back when you have more information. Brother, calm down, we hope you are OK and most likely you are. If so, let it be a lesson and don't make the same mistake again brother.

Big Sexy
18-10-2010, 12:38 PM
mate.. you are suffering from paranoia of the highest order.
i have never heard people contacting HIV thru handjob.
even STD thru handjob is rare..

for HIV PEP treatment ..
you dont have to fulfill the criteria..

why shouldn't I be in high risk? Can I request for the HIV PEP treatment regardless of whether or not I fulfilled the criteria?

18-10-2010, 12:43 PM
u think those OKT send their girls for check ups?
since it is an FL, i highly doubt they go for check up..
secondly, base on your scenario, it seems highly unlikely that you have contracted anything nasty, but herpes can be transmitted by touch alone.
i would not panic if i were you...

I had a worse case last time. bonked a legal girl raw last time (small head rule over)
then she suddenly disappear and heard frm other ppl that she ganna HIV, shocked.. went for testing 3 mths later negative, then 1/2 a year later, negative. LONGEST 1/2 a yr of my life, now i am happily attached and i am happy i am not make to regret the rest of my life...

18-10-2010, 01:06 PM
mate.. you are suffering from paranoia of the highest order.
i have never heard people contacting HIV thru handjob.
even STD thru handjob is rare..

for HIV PEP treatment ..
you dont have to fulfill the criteria..

HIV viruses live for at least 2 hours outside of the human body, exposed to hair...if the condom has HIV viruses from her vagina fluid, and her hand comes into contact with my penis after her hand touches the condom...it doesn't seem like a nice algorithm..

18-10-2010, 02:09 PM
HIV viruses live for at least 2 hours outside of the human body, exposed to hair...if the condom has HIV viruses from her vagina fluid, and her hand comes into contact with my penis after her hand touches the condom...it doesn't seem like a nice algorithm..

Where on earth did you get this "2 hour" figure from?:eek: Please quote your source.

Big Sexy
18-10-2010, 02:16 PM
sam.. paranoid is his middle name..:D

Where on earth did you get this "2 hour" figure from?:eek: Please quote your source.

18-10-2010, 02:40 PM

MedHelp Member's Question
HIV handjob
by Boba, Aug 15, 2005 12:00AM
Tags: virus
Hi Doctor. I have a question and I hope you can access my risk of HIV from it. Basically I was at a massage parlor where the woman
was masturbating herself. Afterwards, she got up and put oil in her palm. I then swiped the oil from her palm with my fingers and began masturbating myself. I think she may have been having her period or at least at the tail end, although i didnt see any blood since it was dark in the room to begin with. My question is is if she had a small amount of blood on her hand with oil, would there be a risk of hiv infection? My concern is that her vaginal fluid, and blood mixed with oil may have gotten into my urethra and caused HIV infection. Pleass assess my risk. Thank you.

Doctor's Answer
by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Aug 15, 2005 12:00AM
See other threads with essentially the same question. Hand-to-genital contact does not transmit HIV or any STD, even when the hands have been in contact with one's own genital secretions; no such cases have ever been documented. (Search the STD forum for "HIV anxiety" or "hand-to-genital HIV transmission".

I don't recommend you even get HIV tested. But if you remain unconvinced and would feel better knowing you have a negative HIV test, you could do that in a few weeks.


18-10-2010, 02:44 PM

18-10-2010, 02:50 PM
This story is almost identical : :D


Touched penis after removing condom.
Aug 4, 2010

Hi, I had sex with a prostitue on 20th july. I used condom and i am sure it was not broken or leaked. But after removing condom, which may have some vaginal fluid, immediately i touched my penis head and tip and kept hand there for about 2 mins.

Now i am under so much stress, that i am under risk. After that, for the first two days, i felt cold shivering with sweat. Now everything is normal. I have done Hiv PCR test on 27th july. As i know that it is too early the results are negative.

But still, i am under stress. I have two kids, and there is no one to care for them after me.

Please Help. I will also make donation of $100. Please tell me how to donate.

Please guide me when to get hiv test again and which tests. I know that this is general question , but i need answer for my specific case.

thanks and waiting for your early reply.

Response from Dr. Frascino


Your question is similar to many others already posted in the archives. Have a look. Your HIV-acquisition risk is so remote it's essentially nonexistent. Your fears are unwarranted. If you wish to get a definitive HIV-antibody test, you'll need to wait until the three-month mark. From what you've written I'm confident the result will undoubtedly be negative.

Thank you for your donation to The Robert James Frascino AIDS Foundation. Donation information can be found on the foundation's Web site at www.concertedeffort.org.

Be well. Stay well. (I'm confident you are indeed "well.")

Dr. Bob

18-10-2010, 03:30 PM

i wholeheartedly agree with all the seniors on this thread.
u have a serious case of paranoia/HIV phobia.
an irrational fear of catching HIV

right now to make urself feel better you might want to seriously consider getting HIV PEP http://www.drtanandpartners.com/there-is-no-cure-for-hiv-except%e2%80%a6/
at the same time get a Rocephine injection and Zithromax tablets just to cover the other STDs

pls remember that doing all that is purely for peace of mind cos your risk of catching HIV is seriously lower than getting hit by an asteroid

watch urself bro. dun go down that slippery slope where u end up like these people http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8505998.stm

18-10-2010, 04:55 PM
Where on earth did you get this "2 hour" figure from?:eek: Please quote your source.


The variables and parameters plays a key vital role in determining the 'life span' of a virus.

HIV test: negative

While the testing is done within 50 hours after the first exposure, the nurse and MO stated the probability of the test turning positive after 30days, 60days, and thereafter is extremely slim. He added that my chances of contracting STDs is significantly lower than him contacting STDs when he has been pricked by HIV infected needles several times. I will however, be taking another test 3 weeks later from today, and 4 weeks later from today; thereafter, 2 months and 3 months from today. The doctor was rather reluctant to prescribe HIV PEP. The test results for all other STDs will only be available 2-3weeks later.

18-10-2010, 05:04 PM

i wholeheartedly agree with all the seniors on this thread.
u have a serious case of paranoia/HIV phobia.
an irrational fear of catching HIV

right now to make urself feel better you might want to seriously consider getting HIV PEP http://www.drtanandpartners.com/there-is-no-cure-for-hiv-except%e2%80%a6/
at the same time get a Rocephine injection and Zithromax tablets just to cover the other STDs

pls remember that doing all that is purely for peace of mind cos your risk of catching HIV is seriously lower than getting hit by an asteroid

watch urself bro. dun go down that slippery slope where u end up like these people http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8505998.stm

Perhaps, but partially analysis paralysis.

18-10-2010, 05:34 PM

The variables and parameters plays a key vital role in determining the 'life span' of a virus.

Nowhere can I find the "2 hours" time frame. All the literature states that the virus is very fragile and that the only environment which can sustain the virus is in blood protected by a hypodermic needle.

18-10-2010, 05:56 PM
Nowhere can I find the "2 hours" time frame. All the literature states that the virus is very fragile and that the only environment which can sustain the virus is in blood protected by a hypodermic needle.

I'll try to locate the appropriate source if I can. I'm still shadowed by the test result, that it might be false negative given that the test was taken only less than 2 days after first exposure.

18-10-2010, 06:04 PM
Nowhere can I find the "2 hours" time frame. All the literature states that the virus is very fragile and that the only environment which can sustain the virus is in blood protected by a hypodermic needle.

absolutely agree Mr. Sammyboyfor.
In fact, literature states virus is extremely unstable and survives for barely seconds outside a protective environment.
bascially it needs a blood environment to survive.
so blood in hypodermic needle or blood stored for transfusion.

bro aesthetic, u sound like a really smart guy.
dun let this get the better of you.
go get a PCR or P24 and get peace of mind quick quick.

18-10-2010, 06:24 PM
absolutely agree Mr. Sammyboyfor.
In fact, literature states virus is extremely unstable and survives for barely seconds outside a protective environment.
bascially it needs a blood environment to survive.
so blood in hypodermic needle or blood stored for transfusion.

bro aesthetic, u sound like a really smart guy.
dun let this get the better of you.
go get a PCR or P24 and get peace of mind quick quick.

Where is PCR or P24 done? I think the core issue now is being tested way too early. It's really hard to be going through each day with an overhanging suffocating fear. i haven't even ate anything since yesterday..

18-10-2010, 08:40 PM

chill man. at this rate u'll be needing prozac real soon.
ur risk is so low most pple won't even call it a risk at all.
for pcr and p24 testing go: http://www.drtanandpartners.com/hiv-testing/

18-10-2010, 08:45 PM

chill man. at this rate u'll be needing prozac real soon.
ur risk is so low most pple won't even call it a risk at all.
for pcr and p24 testing go: http://www.drtanandpartners.com/hiv-testing/

I can't comprehend why you guys are so calm; had there be any vagina fluid entering my urethra, I'm dead.

19-10-2010, 01:29 AM
where was your gloves ?

why you didnt have any SOP kit for handling this type of case ?

who is the OKT that provide you the FL ?

no SAFETY brief done for you and the FL ?

Did you read the SAFETY instructions before taking part in the event ?

who is the sup officer and safety officer ? was the doc on stand by ?

when the incident happen how come the medic on local didnt provide any assistants or guidances ?

AAR pls .

we need to from help line . 1800-i fuck a whore and now i am going DIE !!

19-10-2010, 02:00 AM
I can't comprehend why you guys are so calm; had there be any vagina fluid entering my urethra, I'm dead.

well look on the bright side bro, magic johnson still alive n healthier n even wealthier than a lot of uninfected ppl out there :p

(just cant help it LOL)

Big Sexy
19-10-2010, 08:02 AM
alot of people have gone thru that phase
i am sure your worries will abate if you bother to read up
similar cases in the forum.
Being paranoid isn't going to help...
You are not even in the high risk group to begin with..

I can't comprehend why you guys are so calm; had there be any vagina fluid entering my urethra, I'm dead.

19-10-2010, 09:44 AM
I can't comprehend why you guys are so calm; had there be any vagina fluid entering my urethra, I'm dead.

Most people are calm for the simple reason that they don't allow the risks posed by the daily hazards of going about life to consume them.

Do you break out in cold sweat and lose sleep over the trip to work every morning? After all, the risk of death or serious injury from road accidents is far higher compared to a session with a broad.

If you can face every road trip in a calm and collected manner, there's no reason why you can't do the same with your commercial sex encounters.

You seem to have pretty much made up your mind your hooker of choice was HIV positive. You came to this conclusion because you aren't thinking rationally and as long as you continue in the same state of mind, your mental health problems will kill you long before any virus will.

19-10-2010, 12:53 PM
wise words indeed sir sam

bro aesthetic, HIV enters the body mostly through the skin under the foreskin which has Langerhan's cells that pull the HIV in and not through the urethra.
that's why circumcision lowers HIV infection rates by up to 60%.

i am making this point to illustrate the fact that none of us are experts and our knowledge is scratchy at best.

so as all the bros here have advised (grammatically correct i hope sir sam:)) see a good doc and get the proper advice and tests done. worrying is not going to help u right now.

all the best to you bro. update us when u get ur conclusive HIV negative test.

19-10-2010, 07:16 PM

i wholeheartedly agree with all the seniors on this thread.
u have a serious case of paranoia/HIV phobia.
an irrational fear of catching HIV

right now to make urself feel better you might want to seriously consider getting HIV PEP http://www.drtanandpartners.com/there-is-no-cure-for-hiv-except%e2%80%a6/
at the same time get a Rocephine injection and Zithromax tablets just to cover the other STDs

pls remember that doing all that is purely for peace of mind cos your risk of catching HIV is seriously lower than getting hit by an asteroid

watch urself bro. dun go down that slippery slope where u end up like these people http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8505998.stm

I have purchased the PEP at drtanandpartners; but somehow, I am still worried and depress.

19-10-2010, 08:24 PM

think about it:

probability that the chick had hiv x probability that u caught it from her x protection from PEP medicine = no chance of HIV!

19-10-2010, 09:05 PM

think about it:

probability that the chick had hiv x probability that u caught it from her x protection from PEP medicine = no chance of HIV!

I hope you're not being serious.
In simple equation, only unless the sex worker is HIV negative or the PEP drug is an absolute cure, otherwise the chances of one being infected with HIV remains.

We may either suppose that if the sex worker is HIV negative or PEP is a cure, an infinite value is ascribed to either one or two.

HIV positive X infinity(drug)=NIL
HIV negative X infinity)drug)=NIL

If Y and Z is any finite value, then (HIV positive Y) X ( Z efficacy of drug)=finite value

19-10-2010, 11:45 PM
Hi bro Aesthetic,

you gotta chillax man. haha. its not gonna help by panicking by such stuffs!! Just take a look at the amount of bros chionging out there, be it geylang, china, vietnam, thailand and etc.
Girls at geylang go for their checkup every month. so if u wanna be cock sure that the girl doesnt have HIV, then go to the geylang ones! Even bbbj is considered relatively safe over there imo. So far i have not heard of any cases of bros getting HIV from bbbj from geylang whores.
On the other hand, health status of FL are hard to gauge cos they might not have health checks regularly. But then again, chillax ba. no point worrying now. your risk is definitely closeeeee to zero.

20-10-2010, 12:16 AM
I dont understand any of those maths calculations but you need to calm down. try to give this girl the benefit of the doubts and think from their perspective.

If you are whoring for living dont u think u will be extremely careful and require all ur customer to use protection?

Even if she is HIV positive and u dont use a condom ur chance to be infected in a single encounter by HIV is extremely low... vaginal fluid are not snake poison bro...

Pilot Preceda
20-10-2010, 01:55 AM
bro TS,

I can see you keep arguing with all the forumers here that you post a high risk.
I suggest you to post a paid question in www.medhelp.org forum to get Dr. HHH or Dr. Edward Hook to reply...
i think it is US$20 per question and both of them have been dealing with this deadly disease for many many years and they have all the experience...
There is no point doubting or arguing with SamBoss, Bro Big Sexy and other...
US$20 for the peace of mind before the 3 months window period maybe a good money to spent...

P/S: From your scenario, i agree with one bro that you're easier to get hit by asteroid than catching HIV!

Sorry need to add this for bro who is worry about HIV transmission thru BBBJ...
By Dr. HHH from www.medhelp.org

One estimate, from CDC, is that if the oral partner has HIV, the transmission risk by fellatio is 1 in 20,000, which is equivalent to receiving B-Js once a day by infected partners for 55 years and maybe never getting infected.

20-10-2010, 02:18 AM
If Y and Z is any finite value, then (HIV positive Y) X ( Z efficacy of drug)=finite value

There's a finite chance a meteor will rip through your skull tomorrow.:rolleyes:

20-10-2010, 10:50 AM
There's a finite chance a meteor will rip through your skull tomorrow.:rolleyes:

LOL!! Bro Sam. well said. that's dam funny man!

21-10-2010, 01:24 AM
I hope you're not being serious.
In simple equation, only unless the sex worker is HIV negative or the PEP drug is an absolute cure, otherwise the chances of one being infected with HIV remains.

We may either suppose that if the sex worker is HIV negative or PEP is a cure, an infinite value is ascribed to either one or two.

HIV positive X infinity(drug)=NIL
HIV negative X infinity)drug)=NIL

If Y and Z is any finite value, then (HIV positive Y) X ( Z efficacy of drug)=finite value

It's irritating reading your posts as I am not sure whether you are naive or playing pranks on all of us here. Assuming you are naive, let me give you a simple piece of advice:

1. Try not to worry too much, take up a hobby or sport
2. Go for a test 3 months later
3. Go for another test 6 months later

If you think you cannot do the above, I suggest:
1. Go and see a shrink
2. Take anti-depressants

Do not let all these affect you. In fact, a good remedy would be to get a girlfriend and make yourself busy, but no sexual activities for 2 months :-)

Lastly, I think you have higher chance of going to IMH than CDC ... hahaha


21-10-2010, 01:40 AM
Aiyo.... why like dat?? Scare, don't cheong. Cheong, don't scare.

Bros tell you what they think, you insist on your own opinion. Then what's the point of this thread?

21-10-2010, 10:55 AM
Yesterday, I had a first go at a FL. It begin with a BJ with the condom on, where it progressively went on to penetration (with the condom on) for less than 2-3mins as I was stressing whether on not I would I have caught STDs of any sort. Thereafter, withdrawing my penis, she removed the condom on me and proceed to give me a hand job.

Throughout the session, I could not ejaculate and made several attempts to stop the session as chaos reign in my mind. This is what frightened me as I left the hotel: while removing the condom, I couldn't be sure if the condom was remove with her bare hands, and after which she cleaned her hands using the tissue paper then proceed on to giving me a handjob without a new condom; or if she removed the condom with a tissue paper and then continued with giving a handjob with the protection of a condom.

I am considering the contingent under which the body fluids on the condom ended on her bare hands when she removed it, and which would have come into contact with me since she has given me a handjob...

As I typed, my hands are shaking and am extremely worried and anxious, and would definitely be going for a test tomorrow. Am I categorized under high risk?

Bro... wat a joke. while making love, ur mind is else where... thinking will u get STD... u might as well stop the entire thing. Juz go to DSC and consult the doc there. Keep posting unnecessary things here will not help Your risk is super LOW. Using condom for do HJ will only cause some pain on your little bro if u did not circumcise. The condom will easily dry up if no lotion is apply outside and will become dry. Please wake up and stop to keep this thread moving on.

21-10-2010, 11:57 AM
I can't comprehend why you guys are so calm; had there be any vagina fluid entering my urethra, I'm dead.

You are a dead meat, mate :D

21-10-2010, 12:38 PM
bros here already source out for you telling you tat the risk is damn low but you choose not to listen insist on dis n tat... in yr mind you assume you are positive liao so let it be... i think by the time 2 or 3months later when you go for the test by looking at the results even is negative you see it as positive so i suggest register yrself at IMH first...
didnt know one can be so funny , so afraid of contacting disease stil go find FL n worse is when making out you can think of STD,HIV...
you start dis thread asking wat is the risk level since bros here tell you very very low risk but you dun believe den i tell you WA die liao DAMN HIGH RISK CHANCES VERY HIGH... good luck to you...

21-10-2010, 01:32 PM
Brother, to abate your fears have you ever considered a lifestyle change? I mean if you exit the orbit of Geylang, KTV's, hookers, massage parlors, etc. do you think you would feel less stress post action? Seriously, is your lifestyle consistent with the majority of SG society? Do you wish to come back into the mainstream or do you want to continue to life on the fringes of what is normal SG society? How about just dating and finding a GF who is a candidate for wife instead of getting a BBBJ and some massage parlor then running home to post about some STD you may or may not have caught?

21-10-2010, 07:27 PM
Brother, to abate your fears have you ever considered a lifestyle change? I mean if you exit the orbit of Geylang, KTV's, hookers, massage parlors, etc. do you think you would feel less stress post action? Seriously, is your lifestyle consistent with the majority of SG society? Do you wish to come back into the mainstream or do you want to continue to life on the fringes of what is normal SG society? How about just dating and finding a GF who is a candidate for wife instead of getting a BBBJ and some massage parlor then running home to post about some STD you may or may not have caught?

I suspect that your post reflectively imply that I have consistently been frequenting prostitutes and sexual activities associated with massage parlor and of similar nature. The aforementioned have never been the usual state of affair. My experience on Saturday was my first sexual activity of any kind, and it will end there. While I had originally intended the lady in the scenario to be purely for companionship, it relegated to sexual activities because I consciously allowed my self to experiment with the notion "Sex is great", id est I wanted to put to the test what is about sex that is corroborated by en mass. On a more personal note, I would prefer a girl from Thailand or Vietnam.

21-10-2010, 07:34 PM
wise words indeed sir sam

bro aesthetic, HIV enters the body mostly through the skin under the foreskin which has Langerhan's cells that pull the HIV in and not through the urethra.
that's why circumcision lowers HIV infection rates by up to 60%.

i am making this point to illustrate the fact that none of us are experts and our knowledge is scratchy at best.

so as all the bros here have advised (grammatically correct i hope sir sam:)) see a good doc and get the proper advice and tests done. worrying is not going to help u right now.

all the best to you bro. update us when u get ur conclusive HIV negative test.

I have posted a paid question to Dr Edward Hook, MD. His advice and judgement correlates on a similar frequency with that of the medical personnel from DSC and, Dr Ong from Drtanandpartner. I have been taking PEP for 3 days and the side effects while manageable, is not easy.
Entirely irrational, I don't understand where am I getting such a strong sense at this point that my fears of disease have any factual foundation. I kept imagining that after 1 month, 2 month and 6 month thereafter from the initial exposure, the doctor would concluded positive. This fiasco has in totality, cost me immeasurable mental anguish coupled with the monetary damages.

21-10-2010, 07:46 PM
Bro... wat a joke. while making love, ur mind is else where... thinking will u get STD... u might as well stop the entire thing. Juz go to DSC and consult the doc there. Keep posting unnecessary things here will not help Your risk is super LOW. Using condom for do HJ will only cause some pain on your little bro if u did not circumcise. The condom will easily dry up if no lotion is apply outside and will become dry. Please wake up and stop to keep this thread moving on.

And that which was what I did: several attempts were made by me on a subtle note to end the session as I prefer talking to her than engaging her in sexual activities, but somehow, she seem more keen with getting my clothes off than holding a conversation. I understand that the lady was being really nice by wanting me to ejaculate and tried really hard at doing so but given my mental state at that present moment, it would be difficult, if not impossible to enjoy.

22-10-2010, 02:26 AM
Yesterday, I had a first go at a FL. It begin with a BJ with the condom on, where it progressively went on to penetration (with the condom on) for less than 2-3mins as I was stressing whether on not I would I have caught STDs of any sort. Thereafter, withdrawing my penis, she removed the condom on me and proceed to give me a hand job.

Throughout the session, I could not ejaculate and made several attempts to stop the session as chaos reign in my mind. This is what frightened me as I left the hotel: while removing the condom, I couldn't be sure if the condom was remove with her bare hands, and after which she cleaned her hands using the tissue paper then proceed on to giving me a handjob without a new condom; or if she removed the condom with a tissue paper and then continued with giving a handjob with the protection of a condom.

I am considering the contingent under which the body fluids on the condom ended on her bare hands when she removed it, and which would have come into contact with me since she has given me a handjob...

As I typed, my hands are shaking and am extremely worried and anxious, and would definitely be going for a test tomorrow. Am I categorized under high risk?

wha lan yeh bro... no need worry lah u r CAPS ON while BJ nothing want lah... unless ur kuku jeow sensative to the lubricants on the condom most to most u kena pimple on ur dick... as long i nv do raw be it bj or fj no worries....

22-10-2010, 01:24 PM
I suspect that your post reflectively imply that I have consistently been frequenting prostitutes and sexual activities associated with massage parlor and of similar nature. The aforementioned have never been the usual state of affair. My experience on Saturday was my first sexual activity of any kind, and it will end there. While I had originally intended the lady in the scenario to be purely for companionship, it relegated to sexual activities because I consciously allowed my self to experiment with the notion "Sex is great", id est I wanted to put to the test what is about sex that is corroborated by en mass. On a more personal note, I would prefer a girl from Thailand or Vietnam.

Brother, I can tell by your writing style in your response to my comments and also below to others comments that you are an NUS graduate or perhaps received degrees from the UK or other Western country. You seem to be part of SG's elite workforce. The fact that a guy like you lost control just shows me that the majority of SG is in serious trouble. There is an epidemic going on in SG society and that is addiction to vice. You are very correct brother in that the moment spent on fun creates unmeasurable mental anguish. At least you are able to reflect on your past decisions. Many I am afraid do not give it a second thought and move on from incident to incident. I hope you will be OK. Keep us posted.

22-10-2010, 04:18 PM
yo TS

don't be paranoid, can or not?

22-10-2010, 05:35 PM
We may either suppose that if the sex worker is HIV negative or PEP is a cure, an infinite value is ascribed to either one or two.

HIV positive X infinity(drug)=NIL
HIV negative X infinity)drug)=NIL

If Y and Z is any finite value, then (HIV positive Y) X ( Z efficacy of drug)=finite value

Bro, was wondering why you've not cum back to reply on the Marrying Whore thread and now I know why. As per what Sam mentioned, Pls do the math and compare the probability of HIV infection vs road accident and report to us your findings here ok? This will occupy your mind a bit while waiting for the 6mths test result.

Yes I'm serious, post the figures and the associated parameters here. Only logic can beat logic I know.

22-10-2010, 05:56 PM
since everyone here so on about statistics you guys should check this out:

Odds of a meteor landing on your house: 182,138,880,000,000 to 1

mr. aesthetic maybe you have about same odds to get HIV.

22-10-2010, 07:15 PM
Aside from Realestateguy's post whom I will reply when in a better state, I will not reply to the rest of the other post.

Currently, I'm contemplating on whether or not to stop the medication. I cannot be certain if my 'chills', minor migraine, nausea, slight dizziness and shortness of breath is due to my anxiety, PEP medication or symptoms of HIV.

22-10-2010, 08:43 PM
Brother, I can tell by your writing style in your response to my comments and also below to others comments that you are an NUS graduate or perhaps received degrees from the UK or other Western country. You seem to be part of SG's elite workforce. The fact that a guy like you lost control just shows me that the majority of SG is in serious trouble. There is an epidemic going on in SG society and that is addiction to vice. You are very correct brother in that the moment spent on fun creates unmeasurable mental anguish. At least you are able to reflect on your past decisions. Many I am afraid do not give it a second thought and move on from incident to incident. I hope you will be OK. Keep us posted.

Here, I will take on an archimedean point of reference. Henceforth, allow me to circumscribe your scope of potentiality; let me show you that your humanly thoughts are arrogant and fallible.

In the first half of your argument, you make an assertion which parallel a correlation from superlative writing skills to one potentially being an NUS graduate, or perhaps a graduate from a western nation. It is implied that if one writes well, one must be an NUS graduate or a graduate from a university of western country.
Your proposition relies on a conditional operator; without the existence of A, B does not follows; without the antecedent truth A, B is not a consequent; if A does not precedes, B does not entails. This proposition is typically expressed in the form "It is a consequent of writing well that one is an NUS graduate or the related assertion"-a universal proposition.

Here you've committed two mistakes:

1) Violation of your stipulated universal proposition
2) Cum hoc propter ergo hoc- correlation does not imply causation

Typically, like almost everyone, you can be accused to have committed the mistake of a logical fallacy. While having a superlative degree of writing skills is suggestive to being able to score well and maintain one's position, it does not imply that having superlative writing or linguistic skills is conditional to gaining entry to a university.
To uncover this truth, one does not need to look beyond our shores to realize that a large majority of graduates from NUS are incapable of producing good piece of writings. Simultaneously, the aforementioned charge against your second point has showed that your universal proposition is violated. The proposition "All children love sweets" is violated when there is at least one children who dislike sweets.

Naturally, you furthered the supposition from your initial hypothesis. A corollary projection was established between your first hypothesis to the second assumption "You must be part of the elitist echelon". There are no possible interpretations under which an NUS graduate is part of upper echelon of the society. To prove you wrong, I am a soon to be National Service man. To put it to you explicitly, I am a prospective major in theoretical astrophysics/ space science and philosophy in a western university.

Finally, you decided to commit the fallacy of division. Allow me to ladder you the err of your reasoning.

The fact that a guy like you lost control just shows me that the majority of SG is in serious trouble

In a univocal transmuted syllogistic expression:
1) Aesthetic is an X national male.
2) Aesthetic is an X national male who commits Y act.
3) Therefore, all X national male commits Y act.

All X national males are not "Aesthetic".
I'll leave it to you to uncover your egregious reasoning.

Once again, I did not lose control. I allowed myself to experiment while retaining culminated degree of rational thoughts while engaging in the sexual act. The fact that I am contemplating a risk vs benefit analysis in the midst of a sexual act has demonstratively prove true that I have already exceeded a rational level of conscious.

egmar mah
22-10-2010, 08:52 PM
cb lah,we all fuck hor no need to scare one,if not dun fuck.ai gian song and scare die cannot one. we all will die one day ,need not think too much ,even aids u dun die straight away.at least ur lanjiao already try a piece of cheeby liao.better than u die n get buried without even a fuck tio bo?????????/

22-10-2010, 11:10 PM
OMG... where and how did you learn to write and construct sentences like these??

What kind of books do you read?

I bet you score As in your maths? Especially in abstract maths?

23-10-2010, 12:05 AM
i tink its ok ba..if all othr guys fuck her use condom then ok liao lor..loll

23-10-2010, 07:46 PM
i tink its ok ba..if all othr guys fuck her use condom then ok liao lor..loll

A better word in lieu of "fuck" could be juxtaposed instead. Is there, by any stretch, a need for such word? They are after all, humans, like you and me.

I have read multiple occurrence as to mine on Medhelp.org, and some of a more worse scenario.

While still under inevitable blanket of anxiety to a lesser extent, the only way to equipoise the existence of any fears is to conduct further test at every one month interval to the sixth month from the initial period of exposure.

Results will be posted once test results are out.

The replies generated, in retrospect, is greatly appreciated.

25-10-2010, 05:25 PM
And that which was what I did: several attempts were made by me on a subtle note to end the session as I prefer talking to her than engaging her in sexual activities, but somehow, she seem more keen with getting my clothes off than holding a conversation. I understand that the lady was being really nice by wanting me to ejaculate and tried really hard at doing so but given my mental state at that present moment, it would be difficult, if not impossible to enjoy.

c'mon bro... engaging a sex worker just to talk rather then sexual activity ? U r damn weirld. Dunno in the 1st place where u get the OKT contact from, how u can engage his girl, u pretty well know all these girls are providing sexual activities then anything else. Then why u still approach...

Bros here trying to help u telling u your risk level is so low yet u are not convince.. then.. dun post lah... why asking and telling so much...

whatever it is... no need to explain so much using "YOUR THEORY", all those "CHEAM" english.

25-10-2010, 07:15 PM
c'mon bro... engaging a sex worker just to talk rather then sexual activity ? U r damn weirld. Dunno in the 1st place where u get the OKT contact from, how u can engage his girl, u pretty well know all these girls are providing sexual activities then anything else. Then why u still approach...

It didn't came across to me as weird. I had wanted to pay for the lady's companionship on a date, movie and dinner but due to poor schedule and what I thought was price 'overpriced' by the agent, I settled to meet the lady in the room. But, the lady was really pretty and I'll meet up her once she's back in Singapore. :D

25-10-2010, 08:32 PM
But, the lady was really pretty and I'll meet up her once she's back in Singapore. :D

Hey, what's that with the usage of the BIG GRIN?

For some reasons unknown, I really hate the "Big grin" or the "EEK" smiley.

So you DO know how to get out of your comfort zone and appreciate/employ a little sarcastic humour after all ;):cool:

Pilot Preceda
25-10-2010, 09:28 PM
A better word in lieu of "fuck" could be juxtaposed instead. Is there, by any stretch, a need for such word? They are after all, humans, like you and me.

I have read multiple occurrence as to mine on Medhelp.org, and some of a more worse scenario.

While still under inevitable blanket of anxiety to a lesser extent, the only way to equipoise the existence of any fears is to conduct further test at every one month interval to the sixth month from the initial period of exposure.

Results will be posted once test results are out.

The replies generated, in retrospect, is greatly appreciated.

Bro TS,

Looks like you've gone through Medhelp...
Did you post a paid question...???
Perhaps can share the link with us...

25-10-2010, 10:16 PM
Bro TS,

Looks like you've gone through Medhelp...
Did you post a paid question...???
Perhaps can share the link with us...

I did post a paid question.
Here it is:

I read through a few posts by and thought it was hilarious. I laughed really hard at some of them.






25-10-2010, 11:59 PM
I have posted a paid question to Dr Edward Hook, MD. His advice and judgement correlates on a similar frequency with that of the medical personnel from DSC and, Dr Ong from Drtanandpartner. I have been taking PEP for 3 days and the side effects while manageable, is not easy.
Entirely irrational, I don't understand where am I getting such a strong sense at this point that my fears of disease have any factual foundation. I kept imagining that after 1 month, 2 month and 6 month thereafter from the initial exposure, the doctor would concluded positive. This fiasco has in totality, cost me immeasurable mental anguish coupled with the monetary damages.


Although I'm new to the forum, I can very well relate to the anxiety you are facing, when it comes to such things.. I too ahve been through this, and I've scanned countless articles and forums for info on what's safe and what's not.. From my reading, I've found there are 3 main causes for HIV :
- Unprotected anal/vaginal sex (even if partner has HIV+, chances are 1/5000, the viral load in the affected person has to be high enough during intercourse)
- needle exchange with infected persons, mostly in intravenous drug users
- Mother to child

Your experience does not belong to above 3 categories, so I'd consider to be very low risk (technically, and practically risk is non-existent).. I guess it may be your guilt that's causing the problem, your guilt that you had sex with a CSW.. I reacted exactly like this the first time I did it.. It's all in our minds..

Although SBF is awesome in the amount of knowledge available, I believe the best sources for info on health topics would be 'www.medhelp.org' and 'www.thebody.com' ... Please go through the millions of questions anxious guys like us(yes me too posted there :P) have posted.. You'll realise that your risk is almost non-existent..

Here is some general info I gathered from across medhelp, thebody and other sites :
- Protected sex is quite safe, unless the condom breaks during intercourse (you can check it with filling up with water after the boom-boom)..
- Mutual masturbation is ALMOST 100% safe, even when you touch the other person's genitals and then yours, and there are fluids involved. My Doc, who's a specialist in men's health n sex issues, told me this. (Note: There's always an 'ALMOST', as no one wants to get blamed or sued.. although there have been no HIV cases identified to have been caused by mutual masturbation only, there can always be the first :P)
- Oral is very low risk, and mostly it is the recipient who's at risk.. Some consider it to be no-risk, but it's best to wear a condom/dental dam for oral..
- Anal is by far the riskiest, more riskier than vaginal..
-Even if there are cuts on hands etc, the cuts have to be deep enough.. In such a scenario, one won't go in for any interaction anyway, as it'll be too gross..

As for the PEP treatment : Not only is PEP expensive, but it also has side-effects, and many people quit it as it severely affects one's work life and other aspects of life.. PEP was introduced for cases where there was a really very high chance of exposure, for e.g. a medical practitioner who accidentally got pricked by needle immediately after he injected a HIV+ person with a known high viral load..

Just for peace of mind, get yourself checked regularly every 3 months over the next year..

Finally, if it worries you so much, it's best to abstain.. It's totally not worth the mental trauma.. Also, if you do figure out a fool-proof way to abstain, let us know :D

Pilot Preceda
26-10-2010, 01:33 AM
I did post a paid question.
Here it is:

I read through a few posts by and thought it was hilarious. I laughed really hard at some of them.






bro TS,

I hope Dr. Edward ease a lot of pressure of your shoulder...
I guess you have move on and less paranoia...
good luck on the test (if you still insist despite Dr. Edward said you do not have any risk)...

Big Sexy
26-10-2010, 07:26 AM
so tell me what is the difference btw his paid reply and ours?
come back after a couple of month and you will probably find
this thread hilarious too.. :)

The exposures you describe do not put you at any risk for HIV or for most other STDS

I did post a paid question.
Here it is:

I read through a few posts by and thought it was hilarious. I laughed really hard at some of them.

26-10-2010, 10:06 AM
- Oral is very low risk, and mostly it is the recipient who's at risk.. Some consider it to be no-risk, but it's best to wear a condom/dental dam for oral..

My Bad.. got confused.. correct is :
- Oral is very low risk, and mostly it is the one who performs who's at risk.. Some consider it to be no-risk, but it's best to wear a condom/dental dam for oral..

P.S.: How to edit already existing post?

26-10-2010, 11:27 AM
It didn't came across to me as weird. I had wanted to pay for the lady's companionship on a date, movie and dinner but due to poor schedule and what I thought was price 'overpriced' by the agent, I settled to meet the lady in the room. But, the lady was really pretty and I'll meet up her once she's back in Singapore. :D

U should engage a social escort rather then a sex worker. wake up

26-10-2010, 03:25 PM
cb lah,we all fuck hor no need to scare one,if not dun fuck.ai gian song and scare die cannot one. we all will die one day ,need not think too much ,even aids u dun die straight away.at least ur lanjiao already try a piece of cheeby liao.better than u die n get buried without even a fuck tio bo?????????/

pidgen English.

26-10-2010, 08:08 PM
I guess it may be your guilt that's causing the problem, your guilt that you had sex with a CSW.. I reacted exactly like this the first time I did it.. It's all in our minds..

There's a tinge of guilt. But the guilt is not in union with the anxiety I felt when I first started this thread.

Nonetheless, thread has served its purpose and shall thereby be closed.

11-11-2011, 10:06 PM
Oops...bumped up wrong thread :p