View Full Version : Looking for a girl at lavender food court at 1pm
28-10-2010, 03:18 PM
Today, i was having lunch at Lavender Food Court at about 1pm. I saw this young china girl. She is plain looking without make-up yet she caught my eyes. She has long and curly hair. Tied up. She was wearing white tee with blue jeans shorts and slight heels. Her legs is slender.
I observed her for quite some time, but dare not have the courage to approach her. So happened that when I was leaving the food court, i saw her walking in front of me. Small mind over-ruled the big mind, I actually followed her to the bus stop. I think she also noticed me. Because when i board my bus, she keep looking at my direction.
I believe she just finished her business around the area at that time, and she should be taking bus 13 since all other buses that stop at this bus stop have all passed by.
She must be in sillypore for quite some time, if not, she wont be taking buses. I know its abit silly to post this thread. But if any cheongster knows a girl that fits the descriptions and time, do let me knoe....
I intend to go to Lavender Food Court again tomorrow to see if i got the chance to see her again.....
28-10-2010, 03:28 PM
TS not to flame you but yes you're right posting such a thread here is downright silly.
However what you can do is go to Lavender foodcourt for lunch everyday for the near future to see if you can bump into her again.
This time dun waste the opportunity if you really do bump into her.
28-10-2010, 05:41 PM
Fang Fang introed by Bro SSSS69SG likes to wear short demin shorts/skirts to show off her beautiful pairs of slender legs....and she goes there as well.
You can get her ctc from bro ssss69sg to try your luck if its her hehehehe
28-10-2010, 06:03 PM
Thanks for your help! Will give it a try....
28-10-2010, 06:50 PM
Well you are not silly but the previous one who started a similar thread had a few pictures of the target .
28-10-2010, 06:55 PM
If I ts... I chiong leh... I don't find a problem asking PRC for ctc. They're much openinded then local..
28-10-2010, 07:02 PM
If I ts... I chiong leh... I don't find a problem asking PRC for ctc. They're much openinded then local..
But if the FL is makaning with a male how u go get ctc ?
28-10-2010, 07:20 PM
Last week, came across this young sweet gal(can tell she's PRC), long silking hair, wearing a black spaghetti mini dress covering with purple sweater, standing behind the bus stop and infront of me. We have eye contact but never approach her, she took bus 139.
28-10-2010, 08:02 PM
But if the FL is makaning with a male how u go get ctc ?
Make sure the gal is noticing u... If yes smile at her... Normally can take the male is chionster or mistress type.... If all goes well, go over say hello to guy first then get ctc...
But seldom gal will smile or give hint while with guy...
If not wait for a chance to follow her to toilet and ask ctc lor Hehhee I done that before also
29-10-2010, 01:53 PM
These encouragements have spur me on. Now sitting in lavender food court waiting for target to appear...of course it really depends on fate lah .....
29-10-2010, 01:57 PM
Now sitting in lavender food court waiting for target to appear...of course it really depends on fate lah .....
Good luck. If can get contact, don't forget to share hor. :D
29-10-2010, 02:11 PM
Hehheh, why not organize a outing at lavender and bieo cheobus and approach them for contacts? Sound fun! Heheh , was there yday saw many pretty FL there..
29-10-2010, 02:19 PM
how do u differentiate them from FL or those not FL??
29-10-2010, 02:42 PM
If I ts... I chiong leh... I don't find a problem asking PRC for ctc. They're much openinded then local..
Wa..u beri gd leh...I ever saw one chio prc FL w big boobs waiting for someone outside lavander hotel 81...I approach her to get her ctc..she so scared quickly enter the hotel & tell me she's busy...she thot Im AV..:confused:
29-10-2010, 02:52 PM
Wa..u beri gd leh...I ever saw one chio prc FL w big boobs waiting for someone outside lavander hotel 81...I approach her to get her ctc..she so scared quickly enter the hotel & tell me she's busy...she thot Im AV..:confused:
did u wear ur underwear outside when u ask ctc from her?( nothing to do, joking nia hor) :D
29-10-2010, 03:20 PM
These encouragements have spur me on. Now sitting in lavender food court waiting for target to appear...of course it really depends on fate lah .....
Hope your waiting will not be in vain and get to meet your gal! :p
Good luck! :)
29-10-2010, 03:22 PM
Wa..u beri gd leh...I ever saw one chio prc FL w big boobs waiting for someone outside lavander hotel 81...I approach her to get her ctc..she so scared quickly enter the hotel & tell me she's busy...she thot Im AV..
You must be wearing white that day right:p
These encouragements have spur me on. Now sitting in lavender food court waiting for target to appear...of course it really depends on fate lah .....
All the best to this 有心人:)
29-10-2010, 03:37 PM
She must have seen your pants and mistaken your rod as the real pistol :p
So treat it as a form of compliments from the chio prc
Wa..u beri gd leh...I ever saw one chio prc FL w big boobs waiting for someone outside lavander hotel 81...I approach her to get her ctc..she so scared quickly enter the hotel & tell me she's busy...she thot Im AV..:confused:
29-10-2010, 03:41 PM
Camping for FR:D
29-10-2010, 03:42 PM
She's alone. You are alone. You could have just saved yourself a lot of trouble by just saying hi.
Now that we are in this discussion of asking for a girl's contact, I wonder if the brothers here will give me an opinion. I was at Changi81. My massage + hj PRC fl had left the room first while I was showering. When I left the room 10 mins later, I saw this couple at the lift. The girl is obviously singaporean. Lah here, lor there. When I look at the guy, he quickly look away. My feel is that this girl is a fl. If this girl is his gf, he probably will stare at him with the kind of 'what are you looking at' look right? Somemore the singaporean girl keep staring at me. I've checked, I got zip my pants.
My question is... do you think I should ask for the girl's contact? :p I don't know why but I always seem to run into my type of girls while waiting for a lift inside H81. The PRCs lar, locals, minahs... Damn. How I wish it is acceptable for me to ask if they are fl.
29-10-2010, 03:53 PM
All the best to this 有心人:)
Yeah. All the best to TS!
29-10-2010, 04:04 PM
See all the discussions here and wish to make my 2cts contribution for sharing. The key word here is that you must always be ready to make the move there and then when you spot your target. And here is what I do.
I always carry a few pieces of self made calling papers in my wallet. I cut out a few pieces of paper from a note book, write my chinese name, english chrisitan name, my handphone number and a sentence in both chinese and english which says: "please call me" on the paper. Whenever I spot my targets especially when I am in a pub, I fold the paper in two, go over to the girl and pass her the paper.
So far, the hit rate has been about 30%. That means out of every 3 girls I pass the paper, 1 will respond. And out of those that respond, almost half of them ended up in the bed with me thereafter.
So much for my chiong tactics, maybe some other senior brothers got better strategies to share. Cheers:p.
29-10-2010, 04:28 PM
These encouragements have spur me on. Now sitting in lavender food court waiting for target to appear...of course it really depends on fate lah .....
Good luck!
29-10-2010, 04:28 PM
Somemore the singaporean girl keep staring at me. I've checked, I got zip my pants.
Did u check ur hair ???
Maybe some shoot till there :D
29-10-2010, 05:18 PM
how do u differentiate them from FL or those not FL??
heheh...most prc walking alone there..are FL...if not...they are ktv gers.... just approach them anyway, if they accept most likely they are ONz types.... but then maybe i'm wrong.... but yday i do come across 2 syt coming out from hotel 81 with a guy...they look like s'pore gers in dressing wise..carrying backpack....looks like poly students....tempted to approach them... seem like they went tarma...heard them thanking that guy.....heheheh
29-10-2010, 06:31 PM
Lot of PRC are staying at eh condo next to lavender..They could have finish their lunch and take bus to school.......
30-10-2010, 11:45 AM
did u wear ur underwear outside when u ask ctc from her?( nothing to do, joking nia hor) :D
Thats my uniform ma...:D
You must be wearing white that day right
Was wearing blue w/o underwear...:D
She must have seen your pants and mistaken your rod as the real pistol
So treat it as a form of compliments from the chio prc of steel hor...:D
31-10-2010, 03:22 PM
My question is... do you think I should ask for the girl's contact? I don't know why but I always seem to run into my type of girls while waiting for a lift inside H81. The PRCs lar, locals, minahs... Damn. How I wish it is acceptable for me to ask if they are fl.
Wah, i know how you feel, but mostly i kena when i was with my fl. So out of respect to my fl, i choose not ask another fl for contact although many time i wish i could change fl there and then:p
Was wearing blue w/o underwear...
No wonder lar, superman bo red underwear not macho liao mah:D
Though i do hope you place your cap at the right place hor:p
By the way where is ts? Did he manage to find his dream girl yet?
01-11-2010, 03:35 PM
wish u gd luck in yr fishing!!!!
01-11-2010, 03:53 PM
IMHO, if the risk factor is not high, just go and approach any girls that return your eye contact with a smile and "hi" ;)
TS, please don't miss the 2nd chance if you bump into her again :p
01-11-2010, 04:17 PM
Got similar experience as TS. Can feel how he felt a bit. Good luck. Not all FL will initiate deal in public, bcoz they wished they can move about as normal gals in the public. Unless in area like Geylang.
When they see a handsome man, they probably hoped he can approach her as suitor-not customer.
If u can identify her as WL ofcoz those inexperience one will panick lah
02-11-2010, 06:56 PM
Bro, just my thought...maybe u kiss the girl too much on face...the lip prints on your face or cheek areas? Keke can happen u know...
02-11-2010, 09:46 PM
No luck for me that day. Waited at the food court then also walked to the bus stop, see no sight of her. This is a lesson learnt ! Next time just approach when target is on, n dun b ku niang....kekeee.
Anyway, the weather was hot that day, I just run into m3 beauty salon for facial. There got wash hair n many other beauty services. The girls not bad leh..sweet candy to the eyes! Unfortunately, it's a decent hanky panky....
03-11-2010, 12:33 AM
No luck for me that day. Waited at the food court then also walked to the bus stop, see no sight of her. This is a lesson learnt ! Next time just approach when target is on, n dun b ku niang....kekeee.
Maybe you should start to practice now with appropriate target and by then when you meet your Real Target next time you can have higher chance to get what you want...;)
Practice make perfect !! :D
04-11-2010, 02:05 AM
No luck for me that day. Waited at the food court then also walked to the bus stop, see no sight of her. This is a lesson learnt ! Next time just approach when target is on, n dun b ku niang....kekeee.
Anyway, the weather was hot that day, I just run into m3 beauty salon for facial. There got wash hair n many other beauty services. The girls not bad leh..sweet candy to the eyes! Unfortunately, it's a decent hanky panky....
bro, i think we might have caught the same gal long hair a bit curly.. she have a white top with black poker dot design and a white short instead, big eyes look veri stern without smile ( my type of gal manz) ... confirmed chop FL cos i ran into her in the lift after my session nearby hotel.. swee swee! after tat we ran into each other again at food court having meal.. i purposely sit oppsite table of her to watch her.. she know i'm admiring at her cos i think she took a few look at me too in the lift and food court! but she disappear at the bus stop i think cos she was heading toward it but i go one big round and didnt catch her.. shit i think take bus liao..
i think i shld have approached her cos it a confirmed chop FL in the hotel lift! sianz.......nice nice..
bro we share the same fate manz... :( hahahaha
05-11-2010, 09:28 PM
bro, i think we might have caught the same gal long hair a bit curly.. she have a white top with black poker dot design and a white short instead, big eyes look veri stern without smile ( my type of gal manz) ... confirmed chop FL cos i ran into her in the lift after my session nearby hotel.. swee swee! after tat we ran into each other again at food court having meal.. i purposely sit oppsite table of her to watch her.. she know i'm admiring at her cos i think she took a few look at me too in the lift and food court! but she disappear at the bus stop i think cos she was heading toward it but i go one big round and didnt catch her.. shit i think take bus liao..
i think i shld have approached her cos it a confirmed chop FL in the hotel lift! sianz.......nice nice..
bro we share the same fate manz... :( hahahaha
hmm.. next time I am there . I will take a look at those who look like that.
Some of the KTV gals from the next door also very chio
06-11-2010, 01:26 AM
hmm.. next time I am there . I will take a look at those who look like that.
Some of the KTV gals from the next door also very chio
Izzit there r KTV gals from next door too?? didnt notice tat.. hmm... anyway i have appointment next week around tat area.. will swing by and see if go chance to 'bump' into her or not.. kekeke anyone wan to join me for lunch??? :)
Choon Niang
06-11-2010, 02:56 AM
Since Bros post searching for FL, I like to know if anyone come across
this FL which I have loss contact. Either her mobile phone stolen or
lost and all contact numbers gone.
Think she stays near Lavender MRT around block 811 Jellicoe Road but
I dont know which floor/ unit. She is 21 yo, C cup, long hair, quite type,
use name as Kiki, day time studying n sometime at night work at KTV
she told somewhere in Peace Centre.
I have gone to the block, MRT and Peace centre searching for her.
Even ask Mamasan but no avail.
Apprecaite if any bros come across her pls PM me. I know chances is slim
but at least I tried looking for her.
06-11-2010, 03:24 PM
Since Bros post searching for FL, I like to know if anyone come across
this FL which I have loss contact. Either her mobile phone stolen or
lost and all contact numbers gone.
Think she stays near Lavender MRT around block 811 Jellicoe Road but
I dont know which floor/ unit. She is 21 yo, C cup, long hair, quite type,
use name as Kiki, day time studying n sometime at night work at KTV
she told somewhere in Peace Centre.
I have gone to the block, MRT and Peace centre searching for her.
Even ask Mamasan but no avail.
Apprecaite if any bros come across her pls PM me. I know chances is slim
but at least I tried looking for her.
Is it the one by bro strawberry?
She's not available anymore..
07-11-2010, 01:50 AM
Since Bros post searching for FL, I like to know if anyone come across
this FL which I have loss contact. Either her mobile phone stolen or
lost and all contact numbers gone.
Think she stays near Lavender MRT around block 811 Jellicoe Road but
I dont know which floor/ unit. She is 21 yo, C cup, long hair, quite type,
use name as Kiki, day time studying n sometime at night work at KTV
she told somewhere in Peace Centre.
I have gone to the block, MRT and Peace centre searching for her.
Even ask Mamasan but no avail.
Apprecaite if any bros come across her pls PM me. I know chances is slim
but at least I tried looking for her.
hi bro, issit the gal from 'Bro strawberry'
09-11-2010, 03:07 AM
i think i found the gal tat i'm looking for.. it from bro strawberry club - her name - Dior not too sure izzit the same gal tat bro hancheng09 looking for.
i think i found the gal tat i'm looking for.. it from bro strawberry club - her name - Dior not too sure izzit the same gal tat bro hancheng09 looking for.
wow bro she definitely looks good in the pics. Does she looks good in person too?
Choon Niang
10-11-2010, 12:39 AM
hi bro, issit the gal from 'Bro strawberry'
Tks bro Aczeta and Icemax.
She is not from Bro Strawberry.
10-11-2010, 01:06 AM
wow bro she definitely looks good in the pics. Does she looks good in person too?
Bro, if i have not made an mistake wise.. confirm shld be her.. in real person she is pretty manz ( in my eyes but not sure of other ppl 'taste' ) maybe will called her next week and check her out ... whoottt!!!!
10-11-2010, 01:07 AM
Tks bro Aczeta and Icemax.
She is not from Bro Strawberry.
haiz.. no worries i'm sure you will find 'her' ... good luck manz!!! upz!!
11-11-2010, 03:02 PM
i think i found the gal tat i'm looking for.. it from bro strawberry club - her name - Dior not too sure izzit the same gal tat bro hancheng09 looking for.
Bro icemax, u got her pic to show?
11-11-2010, 03:03 PM
Bro icemax, u got her pic to show?
this link:
11-11-2010, 03:52 PM
this link:
Very rare for full face photos to be posted. I wonder if they look like their photos. Any bros here who had tried them can comment? Now it seems Lavendar area is too hot. Can't be meeting them there for a while.
11-11-2010, 03:57 PM
Very rare for full face photos to be posted. I wonder if they look like their photos. Any bros here who had tried them can comment? Now it seems Lavendar area is too hot. Can't be meeting them there for a while.
Hear that Lavender 81 got raided. True or not???
11-11-2010, 04:06 PM
Hear that Lavender 81 got raided. True or not???
Heard Elegance got raided yesterday. Violet and Lavendar the day before. I didn't see it but a dear friend told me.
11-11-2010, 04:09 PM
Heard Elegance got raided yesterday. Violet and Lavendar the day before. I didn't see it but a dear friend told me.
Yeah, I also heard it from someone but not sure if any gals got caught in the raids. :(
11-11-2010, 04:42 PM
this link:
Thanks for the link. But the one I saw is not one of them. Dior is indeed chio!!
11-11-2010, 06:17 PM
what i heard is abt 20 gals up the lorry:(
Damm, any gals we know???
omg..........planning to head down next week
11-11-2010, 10:34 PM
Damm, any gals we know???
pray hard dun have... :(
11-11-2010, 11:56 PM
Damm, any gals we know???
pray hard dun have... :(
Maybe can try this...
Just try to call your favourite'S no during day time...
If still can get through, still safe...:p
If off phone already, mostly gone in already...:(
Bcos most FL can't afford to off their phone...
I've checked my favourite, how about you???;)
12-11-2010, 02:02 AM
Yeah, I also heard it from someone but not sure if any gals got caught in the raids. :(
Bro, wht's their timing like for the routine raid on hotel?
12-11-2010, 02:38 AM
Sin Ming Daily ~ not mention
Hopefully all Safe and none up Lorry;) They R not stolen or cheating :rolleyes:
Sincerely & Best Regards
12-11-2010, 08:32 AM
Bro, wht's their timing like for the routine raid on hotel?
This raid was around 5pm. Usually AV raids will be from 5pm to late nights.
12-11-2010, 08:40 AM
Sin Ming Daily ~ not mention
Hopefully all Safe and none up Lorry;) They R not stolen or cheating :rolleyes:
Sincerely & Best Regards
Wrong. Once a gal is caught in a room with her customer and her customer admits that she is a FL, she will be charged in court. At the minimum she will be deported and banned from entering Singapore in future.
I knew a couple of gals who were caught, jailed, deported and banned from entering Singapore. One of them went home, changed her name, got a new passport and came back but got caught again, jailed for a longer period, got deported again and never came back.
So for those who have regulars who are working in the B, G and L areas, tell them to be careful during this period. B, G and L are always on the AV hit list due to the large number of transit hotels in these areas.
12-11-2010, 06:11 PM
This raid was around 5pm. Usually AV raids will be from 5pm to late nights.
tat's scary manz.. 5pm onward ... no wonder cos i was having lunch around tat area seem to be quiet and normal.
13-11-2010, 05:06 AM
Thanks Bro Icemax for your recommendations on Dior from Strawberry Club. Bro Hangcheng99 is right about Dior. She looks gorgeous cos my curiosity overcame me and I tried Dior out. FYI Dior looks like a clone of Taiwanese pop singer Angela Zhang Shao Han (IMHO) and if you think that cloning is banned???
I posted my FR on FL Dome 2, ***Strawberry Club***, page 101 if you like to know what happened after I invited Dior into the room...
I don't have the credential to add any points to Bro Icemax. I urge other qualified Bros to do this great bloke justice! Kudos to you!
13-11-2010, 09:10 AM
Thanks Bro Icemax for your recommendations on Dior from Strawberry Club. Bro Hangcheng99 is right about Dior. She looks gorgeous cos my curiosity overcame me and I tried Dior out. FYI Dior looks like a clone of Taiwanese pop singer Angela Zhang Shao Han (IMHO) and if you think that cloning is banned???
I posted my FR on FL Dome 2, ***Strawberry Club***, page 101 if you like to know what happened after I invited Dior into the room...
I don't have the credential to add any points to Bro Icemax. I urge other qualified Bros to do this great bloke justice! Kudos to you!
haha TS after dior that should keep your mind off the lady u were looking for, at least for some time. but read your FR on dior quite nice, she can french boh? i on to frenching and Kawayi look haha. up u 4 your effort
13-11-2010, 01:32 PM
haha TS after dior that should keep your mind off the lady u were looking for, at least for some time. but read your FR on dior quite nice, she can french boh? i on to frenching and Kawayi look haha. up u 4 your effort
Bro, I just got 1 ctc for a SYT...will be trying her on Mon...if gum u will PM u the contact...:D
13-11-2010, 01:40 PM
Maybe can try this...
Just try to call your favourite'S no during day time...
If still can get through, still safe...:p
If off phone already, mostly gone in already...:(
Bcos most FL can't afford to off their phone...
I've checked my favourite, how about you???;)
kee kee. Experience talk after that incident huh? So who is your favourite now?
Bro, I just got 1 ctc for a SYT...will be trying her on Mon...if gum u will PM u the contact...:D
My PM quite empty recently bro. kee kee
13-11-2010, 01:56 PM
kee kee. Experience talk after that incident huh? So who is your favourite now?
That "experience" is good for me...;)
My favourite??? Check my previous posting loh...:p
Recently also chiong less liao...
Because can always wait for PL and his kaki (8 pointer) FR to PCC at home...:D
Ha ha ha...
13-11-2010, 02:30 PM
These encouragements have spur me on. Now sitting in lavender food court waiting for target to appear...of course it really depends on fate lah .....still no luck? probably just say hi first next time, see how's her response. who knows she's very friendly, you end up don't even need any courage at all :D
Wrong. Once a gal is caught in a room with her customer and her customer admits that she is a FL, she will be charged in court. At the minimum she will be deported and banned from entering Singapore in future.
Not necessary nowadays to be caught in a room as some of the FLs were caught by AVs whilst walking along Geylang Rd and deported back while some were caught at the back alley of H81 in L area. The contents/evidence found in their HP is enough to deport them back. Gd luck to the TS of these FLs who might be implicated.
13-11-2010, 10:59 PM
Bro fengheshang,
Thank u veli machee!
For Dior, NO french. NO painting. Actually also no BBBJ, but I wound her up so much dat she compromised. (What a bonus!)
You try and see if Dior can compromise more or not.
She is leaving in a week's time. You should hurry. Her line is not difficult to call thru.
13-11-2010, 11:01 PM
nnkc, got good lobang never share share:mad::D
NNKC...Need to try first lah. Haven't appear here one...:D
13-11-2010, 11:02 PM
That "experience" is good for me...;)
My favourite??? Check my previous posting loh...:p
Recently also chiong less liao...
Because can always wait for PL and his kaki (8 pointer) FR to PCC at home...:D
Ha ha ha...
Wah...who is this Si PL's 8 pointer kaki huh??? :D
I also want to read his FR and PCC leh...
13-11-2010, 11:12 PM
Not just contents/evidence found in their hp. I heard that they can deport any women caught walking in the streets of geylang and elsewhere, as long as they believe the gals are FLs
Not necessary nowadays to be caught in a room as some of the FLs were caught by AVs whilst walking along Geylang Rd and deported back while some were caught at the back alley of H81 in L area. The contents/evidence found in their HP is enough to deport them back. Gd luck to the TS of these FLs who might be implicated.
14-11-2010, 12:01 AM
Wah...who is this Si PL's 8 pointer kaki huh??? :D
I also want to read his FR and PCC leh...
Don't really know him leh...
But he licked a salty pussy this week... Pity...:p
Sound familiar??? :D
And PL seems like Otang him few FRs also...
Now I'm waiting for his FR on Monday...
If good, hope he can pm me the ctc also...:D
Ha ha ha...
14-11-2010, 12:42 AM
Don't really know him leh...
But he licked a salty pussy this week... Pity...:p
Sound familiar??? :D
And PL seems like Otang him few FRs also...
Now I'm waiting for his FR on Monday...
If good, hope he can pm me the ctc also...:D
Ha ha ha...
Lick salty pussy this week...Si PL otang him a few FR...wait for FR on Monday...Damm why does this sound so familiar??? :D
Oh man.. dun tell me some of them really got caught! Cos I cannot get through to one for past 2 days.
14-11-2010, 02:35 AM
Wrong. Once a gal is caught in a room with her customer and her customer admits that she is a FL, she will be charged in court. At the minimum she will be deported and banned from entering Singapore in future.
I knew a couple of gals who were caught, jailed, deported and banned from entering Singapore. One of them went home, changed her name, got a new passport and came back but got caught again, jailed for a longer period, got deported again and never came back.
So for those who have regulars who are working in the B, G and L areas, tell them to be careful during this period. B, G and L are always on the AV hit list due to the large number of transit hotels in these areas.
Thanks Yr Infro.
SincerelY Wishes All Peace;)
Ya Can Anyone Know this FL. I knew her from M_c_a last years May to Aug(before know SBF). Her name call Zi Ling, she got few phone but one of model Nokie N 92 (side camera), HP no: 90xxx526 (she got few number), She got remarkable her navel wear Diamond. She quite busy each times meeting with her as least few sms and call. Around 26yrs, B+ and C. Quite tall >162cm. Ever ask her, she told me got few bro. help her to post on Mo--a, Sgxxxxne. May be she lost her HP. I lost her China ctc no. She operate at Kovan
SorrY TS using yr thread.
Anyone know her can pm me her new contact number. Thanks !!!
14-11-2010, 01:52 PM
Bro, I just got 1 ctc for a SYT...will be trying her on Mon...if gum u will PM u the contact...:D
Waiting for your FR on this SYT! Monday on leave, mayb try after u! Whahaaaaa
14-11-2010, 07:54 PM
Waiting for your FR on this SYT! Monday on leave, mayb try after u! Whahaaaaa
I called her today...KNNCCB...She on CODE RED LEH...:D
Never mind I got 1 viet ctc...:p maybe can try her instead...:)
14-11-2010, 08:07 PM
Lick salty pussy this week...Si PL otang him a few FR...wait for FR on Monday...Damm why does this sound so familiar???
Very familiar, right??? :D
Now donno Monday still got his FR to PCC or not leh...:rolleyes::p:confused:
14-11-2010, 08:22 PM
Very familiar, right??? :D
Now donno Monday still got his FR to PCC or not leh...:rolleyes::p:confused:
Dunno leh...U ask him lor...
15-11-2010, 12:01 AM
ask who? ask what?
am i missing something here:confused::rolleyes:
Ask u whether Monday got FR from you to PCC or not??? :D
15-11-2010, 12:11 AM
ask who? ask what?
am i missing something here:confused::rolleyes:
Ask uS whether Monday got FR from you and me to PCC or not??? :D
That's Right, bro.....
Ha ha ha...:D
15-11-2010, 01:35 AM
Thanks Bro Icemax for your recommendations on Dior from Strawberry Club. Bro Hangcheng99 is right about Dior. She looks gorgeous cos my curiosity overcame me and I tried Dior out. FYI Dior looks like a clone of Taiwanese pop singer Angela Zhang Shao Han (IMHO) and if you think that cloning is banned???
I posted my FR on FL Dome 2, ***Strawberry Club***, page 101 if you like to know what happened after I invited Dior into the room...
I don't have the credential to add any points to Bro Icemax. I urge other qualified Bros to do this great bloke justice! Kudos to you!
hi Bro, in fact i didnt do much of effort.. it just lucky tat i 'bump' into the gal in the lift tat look like Dior at one of the h81 after my bonking session. if the photo is taken right then i'm sure it the same gal i 'bump' into.. kekeke i like the look of her.. it my type in term of 'look' ...kekeke :D nice session i see u have with her.. she is leaving in a week time?? sure??
15-11-2010, 07:49 AM
That's Right, bro.....
Ha ha ha...:D
U not waiting for my FR lah bro...:D
U waiting for Si PL's PCC FR...:p
15-11-2010, 09:51 AM
Heard from my friend 1 of the girl had got 6 working hp and av still joke with her she sell hp one har ?
17-11-2010, 05:39 PM
Heard from my friend 1 of the girl had got 6 working hp and av still joke with her she sell hp one har ?
lol... not suprise maybe she realli work in those 2nd-hand resales mobile shop leh....hehe :D
19-11-2010, 03:24 AM
Finally, i found her.. my type of gal.. my FR on strawberry thread on page 102 :)
22-11-2010, 11:00 PM
I called her today...KNNCCB...She on CODE RED LEH...:D
Never mind I got 1 viet ctc...:p maybe can try her instead...:)
Is the Viet girl worth trying?:p
22-11-2010, 11:12 PM
Is the Viet girl worth trying?:p
Dunno leh...28 yr old, haven't tried yet...
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