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07-01-2005, 04:19 PM
With best regards from Europe at 7 Deg C (not so cold now).


reach SG in the morning? need me to send someone to u to warm u up during lunch time?



07-01-2005, 06:06 PM

reach SG in the morning? need me to send someone to u to warm u up during lunch time?



Bro lawry,

So kind of you. Actually, I would have to go to office directly as I need to interview 7 candidates. By lunch time, I would be half-death due to tireness and jet lag. Both heads would be sleeping then.

Your kindness and offer have been noted with deep appreciation, brother! I still cannot forget your live performance the other evening. My eyes were both green and red. Hahahahaha....

Regards from Europe at 9 deg now (near noon mah!) Will be missing you, Looksee and other next week too (as I though we could have a session then, until this sudden urgent trip to Shanghai pops up!)

Take care! :D

07-01-2005, 06:10 PM
Bro lawry,
Your kindness and offer have been noted with deep appreciation, brother! I still cannot forget your live performance the other evening. My eyes were both green and red. Hahahahaha....

yoh brudder,
that is the first time i did tat in a joint like TAM.. hahhahaha... u seen my virgin action.. :) but but.... lets be a pron star in china if we ever meet there...


if u still feel cold and need some heat.. i will definately send a good QC gal to warm u up.....

ur warm blanket dispenser,


07-01-2005, 06:32 PM
yoh brudder,
that is the first time i did tat in a joint like TAM.. hahhahaha... u seen my virgin action.. :) but but.... lets be a pron star in china if we ever meet there...


Sure or not, first time in TAM. You looked so natural. I must say it takes some guts to do that in TAM. My ears are still rung with the "Lao Gong, Wo Yao, Wo Yao!" that the girl cried out that evening. No warm blanket dispense like you here.. Sigh.......

A porno show when in China? For you only, as have you ever seen an old man in a Porno Show or not? I am too old to do that in public. The last time I did that was in a joint in Wanggujing of Beijing. Again, it was a room with a decorative partition at the middle. My friend took the part near the door, while I took the inner portion doing to the tune of Sammi's song "Mei Fei Se Wu". Hahahaha.... That was about 18 months ago.

I will try to let go my steam in Shanghai.

Thank you and it is about noon! Time to go for lunch already.

Regards from Europe with no lawry brand :D Warm Blanket Dispenser

07-01-2005, 11:51 PM
Dear Brother SGPshanghai69,

Thank you for the invitation. It will be an honours to meet up with you all in Shanghai. I am not sure how many will be back by then. I will PM you with my Shanghai Mobile number that I have not given you yet (Sorry), the other one you have is a China one (i.e. everywhere except Shanghai).

Actually, the trip is very suddent and will be very tiring for me. I will land in Singapore on the morning of 17 Jan 2005, and will fly to Shanghai on the same day (mid-night) and arrive on 18 Jan 2005. I would have the whole day of meeting on 18 Jan 2005. I will be half-death by then, and maybe should go for a good and healthy massage instead of trying No. 52 or 25. Like I said, by then No.52 would be too well used by you all already. Hahahah.. Kidding. Like Bro Junior Cannibal said, I should perhap go for the the belly-button. Hahahaha,,,,,

Sigh.... Another long week in Europe, with no one to warm my bed... Will be hyper-horny when land in Shanghai. I am not tired, I may be more fierce than No. 52.

With best regards from Europe at 7 Deg C (not so cold now).


Dear Big Broo PTR,
It would be us bros here of utmost geat honour 2 have u with us for the steamboat gathering should u b able 2 make it. As u mentioned here, u r having quite a hectic schedule comes 18 Jan.
So pls fill us in on your schedule prior to your arrival here & we shall be most delighted 2 having your presence with us.
Till then big bro, c u & take care there in Euroland.
Best regards,

08-01-2005, 10:23 AM
Dear Big Broo PTR,
It would be us bros here of utmost geat honour 2 have u with us for the steamboat gathering should u b able 2 make it. As u mentioned here, u r having quite a hectic schedule comes 18 Jan.
So pls fill us in on your schedule prior to your arrival here & we shall be most delighted 2 having your presence with us.
Till then big bro, c u & take care there in Euroland.
Best regards,

Hi Bro SPGshanghai69,

I am temporarily relocated to SH, can I "self invite" to join you guys for the dinner ? I missed the opportunity to meet bro PTR in BJ the last time and I believe it will be a great gathering here in SH too. To know me better, check out "Beijing Recommendations". Enter ?

And you know what, I am staying at just a minute's walk away from "No.52" (I HAVE NOT TRY ANAL !!!), but "can hear, cannot eat", as i am living with my GF ... haizzz .... Decent white-collar gal, luckily she is as good in bed, if not better than millions of other Chinese gals.

08-01-2005, 11:01 AM
Hi Bro SPGshanghai69,

I am temporarily relocated to SH, can I "self invite" to join you guys for the dinner ? I missed the opportunity to meet bro PTR in BJ the last time and I believe it will be a great gathering here in SH too. To know me better, check out "Beijing Recommendations". Enter ?

And you know what, I am staying at just a minute's walk away from "No.52" (I HAVE NOT TRY ANAL !!!), but "can hear, cannot eat", as i am living with my GF ... haizzz .... Decent white-collar gal, luckily she is as good in bed, if not better than millions of other Chinese gals.

Dear Bro Ultra88man,
U r most welcome 2 join us la. Dun say tat about u being 'self invited' here la since u r a fellow Samster bro here too.
I will b back in SHA on 14 Jan next Friday, so pls contact me then. I will PM u my mobile contact nos later. Very likely we wil plan to have the steamboat gathering on 19 Jan, Wed.

As u said here u r staying only 'a stone throw away' from where 'Tong Ren Yuan' HC is located at, now that with all the reliable info 4 u, do go try if u wan 2 la. But most of all, do ensure tat your GF will not be 'checking arms' that very day u go trying No.52 hor, otherwise when u get home, u get 'surprise arms inspection' with no "ammo" to produce then u in for big trouble la ro! kekekekee.....

Hope 2 c u then at the gathering bro. Cheerios.

Van Basten
08-01-2005, 09:13 PM
Dear Bro Ultra88man,
U r most welcome 2 join us la. Dun say tat about u being 'self invited' here la since u r a fellow Samster bro here too.
I will b back in SHA on 14 Jan next Friday, so pls contact me then. I will PM u my mobile contact nos later. Very likely we wil plan to have the steamboat gathering on 19 Jan, Wed.

Hope 2 c u then at the gathering bro. Cheerios.

Wah bro can i self invite myself too? :p but cannot lah... u all having steamboat on a weekday i cant make it... if u all having on weekend i would love to meet up with some fellow singaporeans there... anw i m in Suzhou but sometimes this place feels like a countryside! :D

09-01-2005, 12:29 AM
Dear Big Broo PTR,
It would be us bros here of utmost geat honour 2 have u with us for the steamboat gathering should u b able 2 make it. As u mentioned here, u r having quite a hectic schedule comes 18 Jan.
So pls fill us in on your schedule prior to your arrival here & we shall be most delighted 2 having your presence with us.
Till then big bro, c u & take care there in Euroland.
Best regards,

Dear Bro SGP,
Although I will have very busy schedule in Shanghai on 18 and 19 Jan 2005, but I have decided to leave the evening free for myself to meet brothers in Shanghai and to let go steam. Hahahaha.... No. 25 (as No. 52 will be over-used by you all already..hahahaha...). My only worry is that I will reach Singapore on 17 Jan 2005, and having to work during the day, and catch the plane on 18 Jan 2005 at 1. am, and then whole day meeting on 18 Jan 2005. By the evening of 18 Jan 2005, I will be very very exhausted. Anyway, will try to stay awake so as to let go some steam.

Bro Ultraman88 is the person who has started the great Beijing Recommendation thread. It would be nice to meet him as well. I missed the opportunity last time when I was in Beijing due to heavy and bad flu. Any chance of meeting others, like Shanghaitan and Shengge. We shall all chip in for the expenses for the Steam-Boat. Oh yes, I do not take beef, but you all can go ahead. Just give me a small bowl of soup will do. Importance is to meet people, makan or not does not really matter.

Regards from Paris (damn it, Saturday in my hotel doing works.......and it is cold).

Looking forward to meet you all.

09-01-2005, 11:55 AM
Dear Bro SGP,
Although I will have very busy schedule in Shanghai on 18 and 19 Jan 2005, but I have decided to leave the evening free for myself to meet brothers in Shanghai and to let go steam. Hahahaha.... No. 25 (as No. 52 will be over-used by you all already..hahahaha...). My only worry is that I will reach Singapore on 17 Jan 2005, and having to work during the day, and catch the plane on 18 Jan 2005 at 1. am, and then whole day meeting on 18 Jan 2005. By the evening of 18 Jan 2005, I will be very very exhausted. Anyway, will try to stay awake so as to let go some steam.

Bro Ultraman88 is the person who has started the great Beijing Recommendation thread. It would be nice to meet him as well. I missed the opportunity last time when I was in Beijing due to heavy and bad flu. Any chance of meeting others, like Shanghaitan and Shengge. We shall all chip in for the expenses for the Steam-Boat. Oh yes, I do not take beef, but you all can go ahead. Just give me a small bowl of soup will do. Importance is to meet people, makan or not does not really matter.

Regards from Paris (damn it, Saturday in my hotel doing works.......and it is cold).

Looking forward to meet you all.

Dear Big Bro PTR,
Glad 2 hear tat u will be at the coming steamboat gathering we bros r having despite of your hectic schedule & tiring self.

Bro Ultra88man will be attending the gathering as he mentioned 2 me via MSN yesterday. Also Bro Junior_Cannibal & WhamBamTYM will be there too.
Will check with other bros in SHA if they will 2 b able 2 make when I get back next Friday.

I believe it will b a great gathering since the last time we all had with the other fellow Samster bros in SGP at Suntec.

Looking forward to seeing u soon big bro. U have a good weekend in Euroland & wear more hence it's pretty cold & chilly there now as u mentioned here, take great care there big bro!
Best regards,

09-01-2005, 12:41 PM
Wah bro can i self invite myself too? :p but cannot lah... u all having steamboat on a weekday i cant make it... if u all having on weekend i would love to meet up with some fellow singaporeans there... anw i m in Suzhou but sometimes this place feels like a countryside! :D

Dear Bro Van Basten,
Of cuz u r welcome 2 join us as well Bro! Bu there again since it's on a weekday & tat as u mentioned here it would be pretty inconvenience 4 u 2 join us as u need 2 travel all the way from Suzhou to SHA perhaps we can always organise another gathering on a weekend next time so tat u can join us again then bro.

Alternatively, u can always get a half day off from work on tat very day 2 be here in SHA 2 join us all for the coming gathering. U arrange accordingly & let me know when I'm back in SHA comes next Friday la.

True on the fact tat things really gets pretty broing over in Suzhou sometimes especially over the weekends with no where else to go to.
Give me a call on your arrangement bro. Will be most delightful to have u joining us as u said here it would be great 2 meet fellow S'poreans here especially we r all fellow Samsters in SHA, PRC!
Cheerios bro.
U take care there as it's still pretty cold no doubt the snowing has stopped though....

Best regards,

09-01-2005, 03:41 PM
Hi and to all bro's in Shnaghai

I wish I could meet u guys in Shnaghai and have some action together...

Nvm, If im in Shanghai, will give u guys a call....

Lastly: happy Chinese new year to all bro's in Shanghai and all Singaporeans in China :D

happy bonking !

10-01-2005, 01:33 AM
Hi and to all bro's in Shnaghai

I wish I could meet u guys in Shnaghai and have some action together...

Nvm, If im in Shanghai, will give u guys a call....

Lastly: happy Chinese new year to all bro's in Shanghai and all Singaporeans in China :D

happy bonking !

Dear Bro ChinaAlleWay,
Would be nice 2 have u join us should u b in SHA then bro.
Do PM us then.
Wishing u the same well wishes in this Year 2005 & may all your resolutions, dreams comes true!
Happy Lunar New Year 2 u & all at home bro.

Van Basten
10-01-2005, 02:06 AM
Dear Bro Van Basten,

True on the fact tat things really gets pretty broing over in Suzhou sometimes especially over the weekends with no where else to go to.
Give me a call on your arrangement bro. Will be most delightful to have u joining us as u said here it would be great 2 meet fellow S'poreans here especially we r all fellow Samsters in SHA, PRC!
Cheerios bro.
U take care there as it's still pretty cold no doubt the snowing has stopped though....

Best regards,

wah kao i m getting bored here man... it's an understatement that there's nowhere to go.. this is really e countryside! n i have long known this.. e girls here mostly look like they r farmers :eek: n the chinese sigh go out with them they so conveniently bring so little $$$ i almost always have to planja...

bro PTR says there's no 1 to warm his bed sometimes... my bed is freezing cold like ice (bros in China here would understand this damn feeling in bed) n there's no 1 to warm my bed everyday!

at least when it snows i get to c the beautiful white landscape! but... haha this is chinaland! :D

10-01-2005, 09:43 AM
n the chinese sigh go out with them they so conveniently bring so little $$$ i almost always have to planja...

bro PTR says there's no 1 to warm his bed sometimes... my bed is freezing cold like ice (bros in China here would understand this damn feeling in bed) n there's no 1 to warm my bed everyday!

Bro Van Basten,
You are Lao Wai, if you don pay who pay?

I thought 苏州美女甲天下。As u have said, it is a country side, that mean an unexplore peace of land; there must be alot of 村姑, and their piece of "land" is waiting for you to cultivate. After all, that's how Suzhou has SIP & SND.

Van Basten only waiting at the goal mouth to score? Got to create your own goal.............. :p

Talk to much already, will PM you if I am there. My customer is near to the SND.

Keep on Exploring...

10-01-2005, 10:47 AM
Dear brothers!
Glad to hear that Bro SGP69 is taking the lead in organising the gathering in Shanghai. As I might have a customer in town on 19 Jan, I can only say that I will definitely try my best to make it. You guys go ahead with the dinner! To me, meeting all of you is what matters....

Hope my customers are not going to KTVs..... I'm so tired of such scenes... sigh...

Anyway, fingers crossed... and hope that if all else fails, the gathering will go on deep into the night... so I can meet you all!

Shanghaitan :cool:

10-01-2005, 03:36 PM
Dear brothers!
Glad to hear that Bro SGP69 is taking the lead in organising the gathering in Shanghai. As I might have a customer in town on 19 Jan, I can only say that I will definitely try my best to make it. You guys go ahead with the dinner! To me, meeting all of you is what matters....

Shanghaitan :cool:

Bro Shanghaitan,
I must say u r really very 'suay' leh.....everytime the bros here plan 2 get 2gether u always kenna 'arrowed' by your boss 2 entertain some clients like the last time as well. Really pity u man bro....
I think u must bathe 'clean clean' each time u hear us having gathering otherwise shue 2 kenna 'arrow' again la...
Dun worry la, we will sure 2 make room 4 u no matter what it is ....won't wan 2 miss the world without having your presence man! U r 1 of us bros here in SHA la....sure 2 count u in man bro!
C u then bro.

10-01-2005, 06:31 PM
Bro Shanghaitan,
I must say u r really very 'suay' leh.....everytime the bros here plan 2 get 2gether u always kenna 'arrowed' by your boss 2 entertain some clients like the last time as well. Really pity u man bro....
I think u must bathe 'clean clean' each time u hear us having gathering otherwise shue 2 kenna 'arrow' again la...
Dun worry la, we will sure 2 make room 4 u no matter what it is ....won't wan 2 miss the world without having your presence man! U r 1 of us bros here in SHA la....sure 2 count u in man bro!
C u then bro.

NB ... just got instructions from my boss to get my ass (not 52) to Beijing on Friday ... hope to make it back for the grand "(re)union dinner" in SH ...

10-01-2005, 06:50 PM
Bro lawry,

So kind of you. Actually, I would have to go to office directly as I need to interview 7 candidates. By lunch time, I would be half-death due to tireness and jet lag. Both heads would be sleeping then.

Your kindness and offer have been noted with deep appreciation, brother! I still cannot forget your live performance the other evening. My eyes were both green and red. Hahahahaha....

Regards from Europe at 9 deg now (near noon mah!) Will be missing you, Looksee and other next week too (as I though we could have a session then, until this sudden urgent trip to Shanghai pops up!)

Take care! :D

Bro PTR,

Chye Hong! Chye Hong! Chye Hong!

We missed you last week and guess we'll miss you again this week. No matter, enjoy yourself in SHA and hope to see you before CNY at base camp!



10-01-2005, 07:58 PM
Bro PTR,

Chye Hong! Chye Hong! Chye Hong!

We missed you last week and guess we'll miss you again this week. No matter, enjoy yourself in SHA and hope to see you before CNY at base camp!


Bro Marco,

Here you appear again! Good to 'see' you here. Better still, if Chye Hong, Chye Hong...... is around.

You all missed me last week! I am touched! I missed you all and the ladies there! My bed is so cold and hard.. that makes me think more about you all and Chye Hong....

Regards from Euroland at 5 Deg C :D

10-01-2005, 08:01 PM
Dear Bro Van Basten,

You must be alone there right? Or there are quite a number of good KTV's around. The Golden Paris in New District, SOHO near Guan Qian Jie, are just some example. I love Suzhou everytime I am there. Well, probably because I have a regular there.

Suzhou can be cold, but I always enjoy the Winter Snow with friend.

Hope to meet you in person in Shanghai.

Regards from Euroland at 5 Deg C. :D

11-01-2005, 12:31 AM
NB ... just got instructions from my boss to get my ass (not 52) to Beijing on Friday ... hope to make it back for the grand "(re)union dinner" in SH ...

Dear Bro Ultra88man,
Alamak Bro Ultra88man....u another 1 that is ridden with the 'a@#e luck' & get last minute notice 2 go 2 Beijing for biz trip? U & Bro Shanghaitan both 'suay' la...bros!
But nevertheless, hope 2 c u both bros at the coming gathering la...till the bros, do take care & be well la!
Best regards,

11-01-2005, 01:35 AM
Just went to Tong Ren and had 52 (By chance without requesting.), very big ne ne as most suggested. Massage is ok la, but with her pussy rubbing my back, ha... maybe some brother will fancy it. Overall, pretty satisfied, just no facility. My first time in Shanghai so maybe I am expecting too much? Sorry for the lousy FR.
Also to share with brothers here, check out the following web site. Lots of reference but in Chinese.



Van Basten
11-01-2005, 01:44 AM
Bro Van Basten,
You are Lao Wai, if you don pay who pay?

I thought 苏州美女甲天下。As u have said, it is a country side, that mean an unexplore peace of land; there must be alot of 村姑, and their piece of "land" is waiting for you to cultivate. After all, that's how Suzhou has SIP & SND.

Van Basten only waiting at the goal mouth to score? Got to create your own goal.............. :p

Talk to much already, will PM you if I am there. My customer is near to the SND.

Keep on Exploring...

hi bro I M IN SND! that's y i m in the countryside.. actually my place is really not far from the villages at the fringes leh... maybe if i were in SIP it would be better.

actually lao wai huh, like they say we not really lao wai bcos we speak n look like them but we r still lao wai bcos we r imported stuff! so only half a lao wai! i dont mind treating the 村姑 there r really some beautiful n innocent factory girls/waitresses waiting for us to cultivate but all i have ended up now is treating china MAN!

anw van basten creates his own chances to score lah but also he got learn from lao jiao like Johan Cryuff mah :D

Van Basten
11-01-2005, 02:00 AM
Dear Bro Van Basten,

You must be alone there right? Or there are quite a number of good KTV's around. The Golden Paris in New District, SOHO near Guan Qian Jie, are just some example. I love Suzhou everytime I am there. Well, probably because I have a regular there.

Suzhou can be cold, but I always enjoy the Winter Snow with friend.

Hope to meet you in person in Shanghai.

Regards from Euroland at 5 Deg C.

Hi bro... what do u mean by alone? alone as in no regular companion like u :p or alone as in no fellow cheongster frens?

Actually i live quite near to Golden Paris KTV leh.. somewhere near ShangYe Jie. I always pass by the KTV n the KFC... i have been there once b4 but i found it quite not worthwhile for the $$ spent bcos not much action or maybe we not familiar with the ways there... but it is quite gao dang(high class) i must say.

SOHO i have heard b4 like Casablanca etc but never tried yet... but where it is exactly at Guan Qian? it's a KTV? or a pub? wat r e expenses like?

i would love to meet u all in person too... hopefully will have the chance. me is just a young samster here in china land. already spoke to bro SGPshanghai b4 on the phone during that day of heavy snow. :D

11-01-2005, 04:24 PM
Hi bro... what do u mean by alone? alone as in no regular companion like u :p or alone as in no fellow cheongster frens?

SOHO i have heard b4 like Casablanca etc but never tried yet... but where it is exactly at Guan Qian? it's a KTV? or a pub? wat r e expenses like?

i would love to meet u all in person too... hopefully will have the chance. me is just a young samster here in china land. already spoke to bro SGPshanghai b4 on the phone during that day of heavy snow. :D

Dear Bro,

Whem I said alone, I meant no fellow cheongster friends, as I do not have the habit to ask about people's regular companion. If so, then it would be expensive to go to KTV I have mentioned. Well, I went to Golden Paris as I was after the big-boob mummy. I have not been there for six months and I think she must have forgotten about me. In addition, my regular caught wind of what I was trying to do and was very alert about it.

Okay, about SOHO. If you are at Lindon Lu, look for a hotel which looks like a old Chinese hourse, called Suzhou Ren Jia, if you are facing it, go straight into the road on its right (in fact there is a small bridge from Lindon Lu that leads you to this small road) , you will come to a big carpark after passing shops on both sides. SOHO is on your left right in front of the Carpark. It is advertised as Makan Joint, Fun Joint, whatever, but it is indeed a KTV. It is also quite Gao Dan also. If you are going there, I can call my minor regular to look after you and your friends (but do not touch her... hahahaha.....kidding, but she is the one that I go to when the regular is not available). Instead of going to the road on the right, if you go to the road on the left of Suzhou Ren Jia, you will find two to three BBS, and strange enough, they use blue/purple lights. I have never tried, but my minor-regular pointed them out to me and asked me whether I am interested.

Well, hope to see you in Shanghai, sincerely. Young or old, a Cheongster is a Cheongster, except that younger ones can do it more often than older ones (like me), hahahaha....

Regards from Euroland at 5 Deg C

12-01-2005, 01:20 AM
Just went to Tong Ren and had 52 (By chance without requesting.), very big ne ne as most suggested. Massage is ok la, but with her pussy rubbing my back, ha... maybe some brother will fancy it. Overall, pretty satisfied, just no facility. My first time in Shanghai so maybe I am expecting too much? Sorry for the lousy FR.
Also to share with brothers here, check out the following web site. Lots of reference but in Chinese.


www.crazysclub.net/forum/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=13&topic=4 seems great but u right only in chinese
all forum on sex141 or girl168 are in chinese
any in english except the best one on which we are ????
kind regards
i will be in sghai the 24/01 , if anybody want to meet an poor lonely italian ........

12-01-2005, 03:11 PM
Dear Bro Ultra88man,
U r most welcome 2 join us la. Dun say tat about u being 'self invited' here la since u r a fellow Samster bro here too.
I will b back in SHA on 14 Jan next Friday, so pls contact me then. I will PM u my mobile contact nos later. Very likely we wil plan to have the steamboat gathering on 19 Jan, Wed.

As u said here u r staying only 'a stone throw away' from where 'Tong Ren Yuan' HC is located at, now that with all the reliable info 4 u, do go try if u wan 2 la. But most of all, do ensure tat your GF will not be 'checking arms' that very day u go trying No.52 hor, otherwise when u get home, u get 'surprise arms inspection' with no "ammo" to produce then u in for big trouble la ro! kekekekee.....

Hope 2 c u then at the gathering bro. Cheerios.

Hi SGPshanghai69 and all,
I'll be on a business trip to shanghai from 17th - 20th. This trip abit rush, to be exact actually only 2 days in shanghai and 2 days flying. I try to push away my appointment on 19th nite, can I join you guys? Hv been reading this forum for quite awhile but no chance to meet up anyone yet.

12-01-2005, 04:07 PM
Hi SGPshanghai69 and all,
I'll be on a business trip to shanghai from 17th - 20th. This trip abit rush, to be exact actually only 2 days in shanghai and 2 days flying. I try to push away my appointment on 19th nite, can I join you guys? Hv been reading this forum for quite awhile but no chance to meet up anyone yet.

me too !!
any place for a poor lonely italian in shanghai ???

12-01-2005, 04:23 PM
me too !!
any place for a poor lonely italian in shanghai ???

Amigo, bon journo!

ou bien Bon Jour!

ou buenos diaz

12-01-2005, 04:42 PM
Amigo, bon journo!

ou bien Bon Jour!

ou buenos diaz

wah brudder italian u also know?? :) how many countries of mistress u have?? u are a daddy in every country?? :eek:

12-01-2005, 04:49 PM
wah brudder italian u also know?? :) how many countries of mistress u have?? u are a daddy in every country?? :eek:

How, anymore live show that I miss at our base camp in Singapore. Next week must be in Shanghai hence cannot go with you all. This is because after coming back from Shanghai, two days later, I will have to come to Euroland again for two weeks. Sian!! Bro Looksee would say that I need to buy rubber bands.

No lah, No mistress in Euroland, too expensive. My foreign languages also not good, just try only, I am sure some of the spellings must be wrong. However, I do read several european languages.

See you all soon in base camp and watch you live action again.

Regards from Euroland

12-01-2005, 05:53 PM

See you all soon in base camp and watch you live action again.

Regards from Euroland


need me to take some pics and send it to u first.. since u cant get the live ones?? :) dont say i not enough brudder..

12-01-2005, 06:06 PM

need me to take some pics and send it to u first.. since u cant get the live ones?? :) dont say i not enough brudder..

Yes, please, I need them. Or you can send some rubber bands to me. Bro Looksee knows why?

Thanks, keep the photos coming, I need them for mimi and lulu.

Regards from Euroland

12-01-2005, 06:08 PM
Yes, please, I need them. Or you can send some rubber bands to me. Bro Looksee knows why?

Thanks, keep the photos coming, I need them for mimi and lulu.

Regards from Euroland

rubber bands no stock liao.......sotong ai mi?


i'll refrain from cheonging TAM till your return, swee bo?

12-01-2005, 06:17 PM
rubber bands no stock liao.......sotong ai mi?


i'll refrain from cheonging TAM till your return, swee bo?

Bro Looksee,

Do be like that leh! Sotong no good for mimi lulu.

If you refrain from TAM until I come back, then you have to wait till the begining of Feb 2005. I will let you know the exact date. I am touched, nevertheless for you kind consideration. Hahahaha....

Regards from Euroland.

12-01-2005, 06:19 PM
i'll refrain from cheonging TAM till your return, swee bo?
like tat how to send pictures?? :confused:

12-01-2005, 10:05 PM
Hi PuTonRen,

I heard about you from one of the semster before coming to Shanghai.
Is it alright that I join you guys when there is a gathering session.
I am station in Shanghai and just arrive here last week.
Though making some friends to chiong / party together.


Dear Bro,

Whem I said alone, I meant no fellow cheongster friends, as I do not have the habit to ask about people's regular companion. If so, then it would be expensive to go to KTV I have mentioned. Well, I went to Golden Paris as I was after the big-boob mummy. I have not been there for six months and I think she must have forgotten about me. In addition, my regular caught wind of what I was trying to do and was very alert about it.

Okay, about SOHO. If you are at Lindon Lu, look for a hotel which looks like a old Chinese hourse, called Suzhou Ren Jia, if you are facing it, go straight into the road on its right (in fact there is a small bridge from Lindon Lu that leads you to this small road) , you will come to a big carpark after passing shops on both sides. SOHO is on your left right in front of the Carpark. It is advertised as Makan Joint, Fun Joint, whatever, but it is indeed a KTV. It is also quite Gao Dan also. If you are going there, I can call my minor regular to look after you and your friends (but do not touch her... hahahaha.....kidding, but she is the one that I go to when the regular is not available). Instead of going to the road on the right, if you go to the road on the left of Suzhou Ren Jia, you will find two to three BBS, and strange enough, they use blue/purple lights. I have never tried, but my minor-regular pointed them out to me and asked me whether I am interested.

Well, hope to see you in Shanghai, sincerely. Young or old, a Cheongster is a Cheongster, except that younger ones can do it more often than older ones (like me), hahahaha....

Regards from Euroland at 5 Deg C

12-01-2005, 10:37 PM
Hi PuTonRen,

I heard about you from one of the semster before coming to Shanghai.
Is it alright that I join you guys when there is a gathering session.
I am station in Shanghai and just arrive here last week.
Though making some friends to chiong / party together.


Dear Frankieman12,

Please contact Bro SGPShanghai69 on any gathering, he is the Lao Da of Singaoporean cheongster in Shanghai. I am not stationed in Shanghai.

Regards from Euroland

13-01-2005, 12:12 AM
It looks like there are plenty of bros going for the steamboat gathering. Bro SGP69, how big is your boat? So far how many on the boat?

13-01-2005, 12:46 AM
It looks like there are plenty of bros going for the steamboat gathering. Bro SGP69, how big is your boat? So far how many on the boat?

Dear Bro Shengge,
I estimated approx about 6-8 pax on the coming athering. So u asked me now bro, u coming also?
Pls RSVP. U know how 2 get in touch with me la eh bro?

13-01-2005, 12:49 AM
Dear Frankieman12,

Please contact Bro SGPShanghai69 on any gathering, he is the Lao Da of Singaoporean cheongster in Shanghai. I am not stationed in Shanghai.

Regards from Euroland

Dear Senior Bro PTR,
Pls la....NO 'Lao Da' here in SHA other than all fellow bros la...
Dear Frankieman12, PM meif u wanna join us for the coming gathering la.
Cheerios bros.
Best regards to my big bro PTR & all bros.

13-01-2005, 12:52 AM
me too !!
any place for a poor lonely italian in shanghai ???

Do send me a PM on your contact nos. C u bro

13-01-2005, 12:55 AM
Hi SGPshanghai69 and all,
I'll be on a business trip to shanghai from 17th - 20th. This trip abit rush, to be exact actually only 2 days in shanghai and 2 days flying. I try to push away my appointment on 19th nite, can I join you guys? Hv been reading this forum for quite awhile but no chance to meet up anyone yet.

Dear Bro,
Do PM us if u wanna join us all. We need your contacts nos & name.

Van Basten
13-01-2005, 01:53 AM
Dear Bro,

Whem I said alone, I meant no fellow cheongster friends, as I do not have the habit to ask about people's regular companion. If so, then it would be expensive to go to KTV I have mentioned. Well, I went to Golden Paris as I was after the big-boob mummy.

Okay, about SOHO. If you are at Lindon Lu, look for a hotel which looks like a old Chinese hourse, called Suzhou Ren Jia, if you are facing it, go straight into the road on its right (in fact there is a small bridge from Lindon Lu that leads you to this small road) , you will come to a big carpark after passing shops on both sides. SOHO is on your left right in front of the Carpark. It is advertised as Makan Joint, Fun Joint, whatever, but it is indeed a KTV. It is also quite Gao Dan also. If you are going there, I can call my minor regular to look after you and your friends (but do not touch her... hahahaha.....kidding, but she is the one that I go to when the regular is not available). Instead of going to the road on the right, if you go to the road on the left of Suzhou Ren Jia, you will find two to three BBS, and strange enough, they use blue/purple lights. I have never tried, but my minor-regular pointed them out to me and asked me whether I am interested.

Regards from Euroland at 5 Deg C

I m not really alone here... ok i dont have a regular companion.. YET... but i got a few frens nearby but they not in Suzhou so only meet together once in awhile...

bro would be very gld if u willing to share yr minor regular contact with me... but i wont touch her lah... there r so many women for us in china.. touch the same girl for wat? but can ask her to intro her gf to me? :D

BBS means those pink hair wash saloons isit? e 2 or 3 u refer to anything so special abt them that yr minor regular recommend to u?

13-01-2005, 09:13 AM
Dear Bro Shengge,
I estimated approx about 6-8 pax on the coming athering. So u asked me now bro, u coming also?
Pls RSVP. U know how 2 get in touch with me la eh bro?

Bro SGP69,
As I am on stay by for a trip next week, cannot confirm; so .....
I will SMS you next week and see how. OK?

Have fun!

13-01-2005, 11:33 AM
Dear Bro,
Do PM us if u wanna join us all. We need your contacts nos & name.

Bro SGP69,
ALready pm u my name and contact, so far i am 80% cfm,
but just incase those china man pull me out to drink or makan. We shall cfm again over the phone or sms.(In case for the nxt few days I cannot log in)


13-01-2005, 03:50 PM
Dear Bro,

I shall talk to my Regular Minor about it to get her consent. It is a matter of principles and I hope you understand.

I shall revert to you throught PM.

Regards from Euroland, today at 3 Deg C

13-01-2005, 07:02 PM
Power to you Brother PTR!
It is no wonder that you are such a respected veteran! One must have the right principles and ethnics to command such reverence from fellow samsters.

I'm looking forward to meeting you on your upcoming trip, should I be able to get away from my clients on that night. Fingers crossed!! It should be a wonderful gathering, being hosted by another respectable veteran, Bro SGP69! :D

It's getting cold in Shanghai, so please bring more warm clothing.. better to be safe than sorry...

Shanghaitan :cool:

13-01-2005, 09:16 PM
Power to you Brother PTR!
It is no wonder that you are such a respected veteran! One must have the right principles and ethnics to command such reverence from fellow samsters.

It's getting cold in Shanghai, so please bring more warm clothing.. better to be safe than sorry...
Shanghaitan :cool:
Bro Shanghaitan,
Thank you for the kind words that I am not sure I merit them. I am just trying to be simple.

It will really be an honours to meet so many nice people in Shanghai and I look forwards sincerely to meet you in person.

With best regards.

PuTonRen 4 Deg C in Euroland

13-01-2005, 09:25 PM
hi all,

Will be first time in Shanghai next week - 19th to 21st. Full day meeting up til Friday but will be able to party night of 21st. Any SG bros or activity for a lonely soul ?

13-01-2005, 10:15 PM
hi all,

Will be first time in Shanghai next week - 19th to 21st. Full day meeting up til Friday but will be able to party night of 21st. Any SG bros or activity for a lonely soul ?

PM us on your contacts & email. Shall play by ear 2 meet up if possible.

13-01-2005, 10:21 PM
Bro Shanghaitan,
Thank you for the kind words that I am not sure I merit them. I am just trying to be simple.

It will really be an honours to meet so many nice people in Shanghai and I look forwards sincerely to meet you in person.

With best regards.

PuTonRen 4 Deg C in Euroland

Dear Big Bro PTR,
Dun b so modest on tat compliments la! U deserved every bit of tat compliments Bro Shanghaitan said 2 u man. Infact I've been telling the bros here how respectable a man & a big bro u r 2 me since Day 1 I knew u big bro! Really, from the bottom of my heart big bro!
Really looking forward to seeing u soon as it's been a long long time since we both last met man bro.

As with rgds 2 Bro Shanghaitan callng me another Snr. Veteran here....hey bro I'm not tat old la! U r about the same age as I m ok?! Wah lau eh....
C u soon comes next week la.

Best regards from Sunny, humid hot hot 30 degrees Singland!

13-01-2005, 11:23 PM
Really looking forward to seeing u soon as it's been a long long time since we both last met man bro.

As with rgds 2 Bro Shanghaitan callng me another Snr. Veteran here....hey bro I'm not tat old la! U r about the same age as I m ok?! Wah lau eh....
C u soon comes next week la.

Dear Bro Young Veteran SGPshanghai69,

I know how young you are relative to me! Sure, we have not met since more than a year before, although we have been in telephone contacts once in a while. There have been many times that we crossed each other in Singapore and Shanghai. I look forward to see you all in Shanghai comes next week, and I am sure you look forward to be in Shanghai tomorrow (for different purposes, heheheheh......)

Please lah! Do not over sell me! I cannot be a Dirty Old Man already! I want to be one so that I can have fun mah. If not, if they find me not as respectable as you said, then they will throw rotten eggs at me. I think the brothers will be disappointed if they see this old, fat and ugly (and dirty) man.

Thank you very much! What is the temperature in Shanghai now? As low as in Euroland?? It was 3 Deg C this morning.

Regards from Euroland

(Please read your PM)

14-01-2005, 12:57 AM
Dear Bro Young Veteran SGPshanghai69,

I know how young you are relative to me! Sure, we have not met since more than a year before, although we have been in telephone contacts once in a while. There have been many times that we crossed each other in Singapore and Shanghai. I look forward to see you all in Shanghai comes next week, and I am sure you look forward to be in Shanghai tomorrow (for different purposes, heheheheh......)

Please lah! Do not over sell me! I cannot be a Dirty Old Man already! I want to be one so that I can have fun mah. If not, if they find me not as respectable as you said, then they will throw rotten eggs at me. I think the brothers will be disappointed if they see this old, fat and ugly (and dirty) man.

Thank you very much! What is the temperature in Shanghai now? As low as in Euroland?? It was 3 Deg C this morning.

Regards from Euroland

(Please read your PM)[/QUOTE]

Dear Big Bro,
No over selling on u for sure other than telling the facts tat u r indeed a big 'big' bro in all aspect, be it big at heart as well as big in 'volume' ma! kekekeke..... :-)

With regards 2 the guys here 'throwing' rotten eggs at u, this would never even happen! The guys here r all professionals & mature men ( simply all above 30s or late 20s) so rest assured on that as well. As for 'cheonging' part, that I will leave 2 the bros here 2 share with u & even perhaps 2 go 'cheonging' with u as they r all very gentlemanly & 'steady' la! Right Bros WhamBamTYM, Shangahitan & Junior_Cannibal?

Last but not least, the weather in SHA is pretty cold or maybe almost the same chilly bitterness as u r encountering in Eurolad...highest avergae 3/ 5 deg maybe...lowest -1 / -2 deg maybe.....strong chilly wind so do bring your 'thermal inner garment wears' along...as u mentioned yourself herein, age is a big factor 2 u with regards 2 the cold chilly weather in SHA la big bro!
Dun think we all guys can carry u up should u get 'frozen' on the street here u know big bro....kekekekekeeee....but there again big bro, maybe by then when u get here in SHA, u might juz end up with a 'live thermal hugger' (your fave SHA gal fren here) waiting 4 u la!

Yes indeed I'm looking 4ward 2 being back in SHA comes 2moro but sadly not 4 wat u think I'm looking 4ward 2. Instead it's all about work tat has been lingering in my mind 2 be back in SHA asap as we all know CNY is juz around the corner so peak season in all trades now 2 go 'collecting debts' from clients la big bro...
C u soon.

14-01-2005, 04:23 PM
Dear Bros,

Anyway, just for your info, there's this other place that my friend who recommended Tong Reng to me told me about, its called Xi Jia Bo in Yanping Lu(near Xinzha Lu), opposite the Red Mud restaurant. Same concept as Tong Ren Yuan but supposedly better service and newer place. Cost a flat rate of RMB650. Can choose from 3 girls anytime. I've never been there myself though.


Anyone tried this Xi Jia Bo? How is it and any FR?

14-01-2005, 04:47 PM
but there again big bro, maybe by then when u get here in SHA, u might juz end up with a 'live thermal hugger' (your fave SHA gal fren here) waiting 4 u la!

Dear Young Veteran,

Thank you for the information on the weather. This time, I am not meeting my regular in Shanghai as she is now back to Ningbo. I will be alone.... sigh.... That's is why I need rubber bands la. But this Bro Looksee told me rubber bands out of stock and wanted to offer me sotong. ....Sigh...

That is why I need steamboat to warm me up. heheheh..

See you soon and all the other dear brothers.

Today, heavy fog and the temperature in Euroland has gone down by another notch to 2 deg C.

14-01-2005, 09:29 PM
Dear all senior bro,

I am going to shanghai this coming tueday. need some help from bros here.

Bro shanghai69, understand u be there next week too.maybe we can meet up.

Bro PotTonRen, since u are so familiar with shanghai ,hope we can meet up too.

Maybe u bros can pm me your contacts there in shanghai.

As for my contact, i can only give u my sg contact as i have not get the schedule and accommodation details yet.

Thanks all bro in advance for the help or I will be dame bloody lonely there next week.

15-01-2005, 11:10 AM
Anyone tried this Xi Jia Bo? How is it and any FR?

Dear vfv_slr,
If u wil 2 refer back to past postings by me on SJB HC which is Shi Jia Bao HC as u mentioned here for any FRs on it, u will find it all being posted b4 in this thread.
Pls read thru. Many thks.

15-01-2005, 11:26 AM
Dear Young Veteran,

Thank you for the information on the weather. This time, I am not meeting my regular in Shanghai as she is now back to Ningbo. I will be alone.... sigh.... That's is why I need rubber bands la. But this Bro Looksee told me rubber bands out of stock and wanted to offer me sotong. ....Sigh...

That is why I need steamboat to warm me up. heheheh..

See you soon and all the other dear brothers.

Today, heavy fog and the temperature in Euroland has gone down by another notch to 2 deg C.

Dear Big Bro PTR,
U r most welcome on the weather info I have provided. It's no big issue. Juz wear more thicker clothings. Dun wan u 2 end up with a nasty cold here & no 1 2 take care of u as u mentioned your 'regular' gal is not here but back in Ningbo.

As 4 u suing 'rubber bands' 2 hold yourself up but now with the stocks in market running short, perhaps u should take up Bro Looksee suggestions 2 use alternate source 'sotong' instead la! kekekkee...... :-)

From all above issues, looks like u have 2 juz stick with the steamboar gathering 2 get some warmth la big bro!.....pity u la! hehehehe....
Cu soon big bro.
Best regards here in SHA at -2 degs.

15-01-2005, 04:34 PM
Dear Big Bro PTR,
U r most welcome on the weather info I have provided. It's no big issue. Juz wear more thicker clothings. Dun wan u 2 end up with a nasty cold here & no 1 2 take care of u as u mentioned your 'regular' gal is not here but back in Ningbo.

As 4 u suing 'rubber bands' 2 hold yourself up but now with the stocks in market running short, perhaps u should take up Bro Looksee suggestions 2 use alternate source 'sotong' instead la! kekekkee...... :-)

From all above issues, looks like u have 2 juz stick with the steamboar gathering 2 get some warmth la big bro!.....pity u la! hehehehe....
Cu soon big bro.
Best regards here in SHA at -2 degs.

Hi Bro SGP69,
Wow.... its -2 degs.... guess I must pack a few more clothing and wrap myself like a bak chang... so hv u cfm the meeting place on wed?
btw, r u aware what time is the last train for the "chi fu" express train from airport to pudong?

Best regard here in SGP office at 25 degs.

16-01-2005, 12:12 AM
Hello Bros
It's been a while since I last posted. It's damn good to be back to the land of puxis....heehee...seems like I missed out on a lot of 'happenings' since I left...Anyway, just wanted to drop a good hello to everyone here...the fucking machine is back...hahaha :D

16-01-2005, 01:54 AM
Dear Bro Young Veteran SGPshanghai69,

... With regards 2 the guys here 'throwing' rotten eggs at u, this would never even happen! The guys here r all professionals & mature men ( simply all above 30s or late 20s) so rest assured on that as well. As for 'cheonging' part, that I will leave 2 the bros here 2 share with u & even perhaps 2 go 'cheonging' with u as they r all very gentlemanly & 'steady' la! Right Bros WhamBamTYM, Shangahitan & Junior_Cannibal?...
Regards.looks like there is going to be a big gathering for the bros. I am now in Xi'An, hope to be able to make it to the reunion.

16-01-2005, 04:32 AM
From all above issues, looks like u have 2 juz stick with the steamboar gathering 2 get some warmth la big bro!.....pity u la! hehehehe....
Cu soon big bro.
Best regards here in SHA at -2 degs.


Do not add salt to wound leh! Already alone in cold weather in Shanghai and now you tell me to use sotong. No, cannot, I must at least go and cheong one place. I have been deprived of warm companion for the two weeks in Euroland, and then now going straight to Shanghai and be a vegetarian? No way, brother.

Haha.. Wow -2 Deg C, I think I need to be careful for man of my age.

See you and with best regards from Paris at 1 Deg C.

16-01-2005, 02:30 PM

Do not add salt to wound leh! Already alone in cold weather in Shanghai and now you tell me to use sotong. No, cannot, I must at least go and cheong one place. I have been deprived of warm companion for the two weeks in Euroland, and then now going straight to Shanghai and be a vegetarian? No way, brother.

Haha.. Wow -2 Deg C, I think I need to be careful for man of my age.

See you and with best regards from Paris at 1 Deg C.

Dear PTR big bro,
Not 2 add salt 2 the woun but rather u mentioned tat your regular gal here in SHA is away in Ningbo & tat u would rather try No. 52 or No. 25 whichever the 1 might be eventually, as so u being so relunctant therefore I would suggest u 2 stick 2 using 'sotong' as per Bro Looksee said lor! kekekeke....juz kidding la big bro! Wil ensure u have your fair share of 'fun' when u arrived here. Rest assured on tat big bro!

Indeed u have 2 exercise care prior to arriving here as the temperature really dipped aot for the last few days since I was back here in SHA. Do bring more thicker clothings & moisturising lotion as its terribly dry here as well.

C u then big bro.
Regards from Shanghai here today at temp -2 deg....

16-01-2005, 02:39 PM
Hi Bro SGP69,
Wow.... its -2 degs.... guess I must pack a few more clothing and wrap myself like a bak chang... so hv u cfm the meeting place on wed?
btw, r u aware what time is the last train for the "chi fu" express train from airport to pudong?

Best regard here in SGP office at 25 degs.

Hey Bro DunoLah,
Greetings from terribly cold chilly Shanghai here! Yes indeed its f@#king cold here now so do bring more thicker clothings! Dun end up falling sick with a bad cold & not enjoying yourself instead....

The confirmed venue for the coming gathering will be at Bro WhamBamTYM's hse at Lu Jia Zhui, Pudong, nearby the HuangPu River (Grand Hyatt Hotel Tower nearby). Time at 1930hrs, 18 Jan 2005.

Do not take the Magnetic Levitation Train as it only brings u 2 the Long Yang MTR Station still in the suburb of Pudong which is still very far away from town. Go take Airport Express Bus No.2 juz outside the airport arrival hall instead which brings u non-stop 2 Jing An District (Jing An Temple, Nanjing Xi Rd) City Airport Terminal Bldg. Only takes 45mins 2 reach heart fo downtown & very cheap at RMB19.00 nett. Cab takes same time frame but cost RMB150-180 to reach the same downtown destination.

C u soon.
Regards from chilly Shanghai today at -2 deg.

16-01-2005, 03:42 PM
Hello Bros
It's been a while since I last posted. It's damn good to be back to the land of puxis....heehee...seems like I missed out on a lot of 'happenings' since I left...Anyway, just wanted to drop a good hello to everyone here...the fucking machine is back...hahaha :D

dear Bro Maverick72,
Of cuz u r happy la bro! Infact u r more than happy I believed, u r all 'sexed up' instead! Dun u agree bro?
U told me last night over the phone tat since u will back 2 days ago, u iterally stayed indoors since then, screwwing your brains off with your GF!
U r tat 'deprived' eh bro? kekekekeke........happy 4 u la!
Hope u can mae it for the coming gathering as well bro.

17-01-2005, 10:31 AM
Dear Bro,

Please do not take what I said so serously. I was also joking. We shall see about the fun session. But, I think the best part is still to meet friends in Shanghai, right?

Oh yes, I saw from your mail that the gathering is on 18 Jan instead of 19 Jan 2005, could you please confirm. It will be in Puding right? I might need direction from you.

Just landede, damned tire and going to work now before flying to Shanghai tonight.


17-01-2005, 11:09 AM
Dear Bro,

Please do not take what I said so serously. I was also joking. We shall see about the fun session. But, I think the best part is still to meet friends in Shanghai, right?

Oh yes, I saw from your mail that the gathering is on 18 Jan instead of 19 Jan 2005, could you please confirm. It will be in Puding right? I might need direction from you.

Just landede, damned tire and going to work now before flying to Shanghai tonight.


Dear Big Bro PTR,
For sure I knew u will merely joking about the whole matter on u using'sotongs' 2 satisfy yourself big bro! No matter what it maybe the situation here, the bros here would sure 2 ensure u end up getting your 'biological needs' fulfilled at 1 of the HCs for sure la.....

Yes, the gathering is firmed on 18 Jan, 19030hrs Pudong. Do call me me when u arrived for actual address & directions.

Do have a good rest & rest well bro. C u in while today.

17-01-2005, 05:34 PM
Bro WhamBamTYM's
What's up man...it's been a while hasn't it...have u been eating up all the pussies in SHA? keekee...anyway, heard from bro SGPshanghai69 that there is a gathering at your place on Tuesday 1930hrs...pls msg me your address so i don't get lost and get rape by horny women here...heehee :p u still have my mobile right?

17-01-2005, 10:50 PM
Hi Shanghai brothers,

Will be landing in Shanghai around 10pm and checking into hotel in Pudong on Tuesday. If there is any happening today night, I like to join the group. Pls let me know how and who to contact. Thanks.

18-01-2005, 08:27 AM
Oh My! Bro WhambamTYM! Looks like you're going to have a full house tonight! Hahahaha... Simply wonderful! I'll probably miss the dinner as by the time I get off work and get to your place, you guys would have already finished the food. Whatever the case, I'll give either Bro SGP or yourself a call.

Take good care of the puppy, lest some of the hornier bros try to "take advantage" of her.. :p Or worse, use her as part of dinner...

'Til tonight! Cheers to all bros!

Shanghaitan :cool:

18-01-2005, 12:08 PM
Bro WhamBamTYM's
What's up man...it's been a while hasn't it...have u been eating up all the pussies in SHA? keekee...anyway, heard from bro SGPshanghai69 that there is a gathering at your place on Tuesday 1930hrs...pls msg me your address so i don't get lost and get rape by horny women here...heehee :p u still have my mobile right?

I do believe that you have done more screwing than I have, so don't make it sound like I've been up to a lot... hahaha.... I would think the other bros here have been doing more stuff than I did... Anyway, will send you an sms with my address.... No horny women here, if not I would have been very busy already...

18-01-2005, 12:12 PM
Oh My! Bro WhambamTYM! Looks like you're going to have a full house tonight! Hahahaha... Simply wonderful! I'll probably miss the dinner as by the time I get off work and get to your place, you guys would have already finished the food. Whatever the case, I'll give either Bro SGP or yourself a call.

'Til tonight! Cheers to all bros!

Shanghaitan :cool:

Yes, I think it'll be a full house... Anyway, enough personal information... Please remove the part said about the bitch, if not, someone we both know might track this nick down to my name. Thank you. hehe.... waiting for your call...

18-01-2005, 01:57 PM
Sorry Bro WhamBam!
My sincerest apologies! Won't make that kind of mistake again! :p

Shanghaitan :cool:

18-01-2005, 02:25 PM
Sorry Bro WhamBam!
My sincerest apologies! Won't make that kind of mistake again! :p

Shanghaitan :cool:

Haha... It's okay lah... You know, sometimes from reading our posts, it's possible to figure out who we are.... or maybe I'm too paranoid... but you never know who is reading...

18-01-2005, 06:57 PM
Wish all bros. have a good gathering! How I wish to be there too but lately been posted to GZ.
Have fun!

Best regards!

18-01-2005, 07:03 PM
Wish all bros. have a good gathering! How I wish to be there too but lately been posted to GZ.
Have fun!

Best regards!
Hey bro, can I go look for you in GZ? Might be going there in the near future. How long you are going to be there? :D

Van Basten
19-01-2005, 01:51 AM
Hey Bro DunoLah,
The confirmed venue for the coming gathering will be at Bro WhamBamTYM's hse at Lu Jia Zhui, Pudong, nearby the HuangPu River (Grand Hyatt Hotel Tower nearby). Time at 1930hrs, 18 Jan 2005.

Do not take the Magnetic Levitation Train as it only brings u 2 the Long Yang MTR Station still in the suburb of Pudong which is still very far away from town. Go take Airport Express Bus No.2 juz outside the airport arrival hall instead which brings u non-stop 2 Jing An District (Jing An Temple, Nanjing Xi Rd) City Airport Terminal Bldg. Only takes 45mins 2 reach heart fo downtown & very cheap at RMB19.00 nett. Cab takes same time frame but cost RMB150-180 to reach the same downtown destination.

C u soon.
Regards from chilly Shanghai today at -2 deg.

dear bros in shanghai,

really wasted. Lu Jia Zhui is 1 place i know how to go by MTR in shanghai... anw have a great hotpot or something! :D

19-01-2005, 03:05 AM
I am finally here in shanghai for a short trip, but fell sick most of the week I was here. Damn cold man! Good to see the MRT is extended north. If oni i am not sick. damn!

19-01-2005, 10:49 AM
A very good morning to all fellow brothers who attended last night's gathering!

Kudos to Bro SGP69 for co-organizing and coordinating the event. GREAT JOB!! In my honest opinion, it's a resounding success!

Bro WhamBamTYM, thanks for supplying the venue for the gathering.

I finally got to meet the great Brother PuTonRen who might still be in bed with... AHEM!! :p Looking forward to your FR bro! By the way, you don't look as old as you have described yourself to be in the forum. It's an honor to be your bao-biao for the earlier part of the night. The latter part, well... you don't need any of us bros to protect you... hehehe... it's more likely that your "friend" will need more protection as there is quite a bit of ***** pent up over the last few weeks... GO GO GO!! Hahahaha

Bro Maverick, superb dance moves! Hehe... what an eye-opener for a junior like myself. BRAVO BRAVO!! Simply unbelievable! I'm sure your GFs on the receiving end of all the grinding and pumping will have their living daylights knocked out of them!

To all out there, may I have the honor to introduce a new shining star from Singapore! Bigger than Ah Du and Sun Yan Zhi put together! Literally as well as metaphorically. Introducing the amazing Brother Dunnolah!

We also uncovered another Dao Lang in Bro Shengge who graced the occasion with his short guest appearance! You give a whole new meaning to "Made In China", dishing out numbers from the very popular (in China) Dao Lang! What an ear opener it is for me.... too bad you had to report back to barracks...

Bro Junior Cannibal, thank you for joining us! I'm indeed touched to learn from Bro SGP69 that you came because I finally managed to turn up for the gathering. I'm truly honored! And frankly, I had great fun despite the black-faced girl sitting beside me.

To brothers that I have not mentioned, you guys have not been forgotten (although to be honest, I did not catch all the nicks... my sincerest apologies)! Without each and everyone of you, the gathering would not have been so fun and enjoyable! You guys make the evening complete!

Shanghaitan :cool:

19-01-2005, 11:09 AM
To brothers that I have not mentioned, you guys have not been forgotten (although to be honest, I did not catch all the nicks... my sincerest apologies)! Without each and everyone of you, the gathering would not have been so fun and enjoyable! You guys make the evening complete!

Shanghaitan :cool:Its a good session we had last nite, despite the fact that i didnt have my personal MM to accompany me. Like what Bro PTR said, its the bros company that counts. In the land of the Dragon, u can find as many MM as u like, to keep ur bed warm n ur little bros happy, but its the male bonding that goes a longer way. Good effort by all to make last nite possible. Bro Shanghaitan, next time, will make sure i will remind u to cut loss when ur MM cannot make it for the cut.

19-01-2005, 12:24 PM
Bro Shanghaitan,
Look like you did not drink much last nite........can still recall so many things! One thing you did not mention is...........what happened to you gal?

Sorry for turning up late as I have dinner with customers, the only reason being there is to get to know all the bros.

Very big thank to bro SGP69 and bro WhamBamTYM for making this gathering possible. Bro SGP69 may not be the most senior one, definitely a leader here.

You are right, there are 2 good performers last nite. The way bro Dunolah sing and the way bro Mavericks dance, you can tell that Dunolah has great stamina while Mavericks is an agressive one.......I mean not inside the KTV room... :D Bro Mavericks really a qualify CEO, at least Bro PTR will agree with me........ Chief Entertaining Officer.

I am sure all of us were having great time, and I look forward to meet up with you guys again.

By the way, the tea appreciation has become wine appreciation? As the colour looked like red tea but no tea leaf.

See you guys around. Cheers!

19-01-2005, 12:34 PM
dear bros in shanghai,
really wasted. Lu Jia Zhui is 1 place i know how to go by MTR in shanghai... anw have a great hotpot or something! :D

Bro Van Basten,
Looking at your post, points and reputation, I don think there is any problem for you to venture into place like Shanghai alone. You can always take Taxi lah. You should have come last nite, as there are plenty of trains available or even coach in the morning for you to return to Suzhou.

Will contact you during my coming visit to Suzhou. Cheers!

19-01-2005, 01:16 PM
Thanks Bro Junior Cannibal! Next time I'll try to find someone more fun or bring someone who at least will be more sporting and entertaining. Worst case scenerio would be my usual practice of not "ordering" anyone to accompany me... to me, it's the friends around that counts most.

Bro Shengge, I have drank quite a fair bit last night (my drinks are without ice) but to remember to events of last night is not that difficult as they're mainly guy things. These leave lasting impressions that will not be easily diluted by alcohol. True brothers stay together and memories last for a life time. Notice that I didn't say much about the gals as they mean nothing... especially when compared with the male bonding that was happening last night and especially when it's in these entertainment places.

Whatever the case, last night was a great success thanks to everyone!

Shanghaitan :cool:

19-01-2005, 05:41 PM
A very good morning to all fellow brothers who attended last night's gathering!

Kudos to Bro SGP69 for co-organizing and coordinating the event. GREAT JOB!! In my honest opinion, it's a resounding success!

Shanghaitan :cool:

Dear Bro Shanghaitan & all rbos who attended lst night gathering,
A warm thank you to all bros who attended & supported this gathering! Indeed a very resounding success as Bro Shanghaitan mentioned here in having 10 bros in total attending...never had such big gathering here b4 in Shanghai.

Most of all, I'm very glad that all bros who attended have enjoyed the evening both the steamboat as well as the 'singing session' we had!

Shall be looking forward to having more of such gatherings with all bros!
Cheerios & thank you again to all bros.
Best regards,

19-01-2005, 11:54 PM
Dear Bro Shanghaitan & all rbos who attended lst night gathering,
A warm thank you to all bros who attended & supported this gathering! Indeed a very resounding success as Bro Shanghaitan mentioned here in having 10 bros in total attending...never had such big gathering here b4 in Shanghai.

Finally got time to check out what happened last night .... AAAArrrrggghhhh !!

Felt like putting a knife right thru the heart of my boss, slit his pocket, cut the balls, split them and throw into a wok of hot oil, deep fry and feed the dogs.... now you know how upset I am in BJ !!! missed the chance of meeting not 1, not 2, not 5 but 10 BROTHERS ... aarrrrrgggghhhhh ......

must go out, fuck a gal and cool down now !! :mad:

a bit cold leh ... better stay at home and sob ...

20-01-2005, 01:10 AM
Greeting Fellow ShangHai Recommendation Bros...
It is already 0105am in the morning but I must write my thoughts on Tuesday's gathering...or else cannot forgive myself.

First of, want to thank Bro WhamBamTYM and Bro SGP for the gracious dinner and organization of the gathering. It was really wonderful to find such bros from the motherland to organize a spanking and superb 'party'.

Thank you to bro shanghaitan and bro shengge for the compliments. I just wanted to get the party going by entertaining you guys with some moves...but honestly, my back is killing me now (should not have carried the Mother on my hip, that was a bad idea..she must have weighed at least 54KG) as it's been a long time since I shake my ass that hard :p Would do my best during the next gathering to live it up to the title of Chief Entertaining Officer.

To Bro PTR, it is with great honour that I met you during the gathering. Really have the "Godfather" look and classy style. Just like a ladies man. Bet the gal you took back got the bonk of her life! ;) Oh, will look forward to your FR when you get a chance.

My hats off to Bro Dunnolah! One of the most versatile vocalist I come across in my years of KTV clubbing. Jacky Cheung, Leslie, Beyond, Hacken Lee, etc. Simply Unbelievable! You rightly own the top prize that Bro PTR awarded to you, half glass of pure brandy for the great performance. Hell of a drinker too. Even the girl that sat with me complimented you.

To all the bros that were not mentioned here, my apologies as I didn't remember all your nicks (sama sama with Bro Shanghaitan) Hope we can have such gatherings again when we can all schedule time for it. Until than...


Van Basten
20-01-2005, 01:47 AM
Bro Van Basten,
Looking at your post, points and reputation, I don think there is any problem for you to venture into place like Shanghai alone. You can always take Taxi lah. You should have come last nite, as there are plenty of trains available or even coach in the morning for you to return to Suzhou.

Will contact you during my coming visit to Suzhou. Cheers!

u r rite bro... i think i missed a great outing with bros from the motherland n it seems bro PTR n the likes r almost legendary! anw i ll be back to the motherland next week for awhile... will be back after CNY. hope to join u all next time!

20-01-2005, 02:12 AM
To all Brothers whom I had the honours to meet on Tuesday night, I do not know how to express my gratitude except a sincere thank you to all of you. You have been extremely sporting and supportive. The spontaneous reaction to jokes and actions have impressed me to a great extent. I enjoyed every second during the night. After more than 10 years in China, it was the first time that I had been with NINE other brothers, not any brothers, but good and sincere brothers.

Thanks to SGP for organizing the evening and WhamBamByte for offering his apartment for the Steamboat dinner. Brother SGP did not even forget my eating habit. I was touched. I cannot forget remembering Bro WhamBB for having a very close resemblance to my favourite singer. Yes, we have discovered two great entertainers, Brother Maverick 72 and Dunnolah, a Great Dancer and a good Singer. The dance performance can equal those I have seen overseas, if I were to do it, I would have broken in to many pieces by now. Brother Dunnolah, he sings like a Pro, and of course, he deserves the Prize of the night.

Other than the three young brothers mentioned above, I had the honours to have met Brothers Shanghaitan, Junior_cannibals and Shengge and two other brothers (sorry, forget you names after Wednesday morning great bonking session, shall report later). Brother Ultra88man had every bit of reason to regret, he should have been there with 10 of us.

While leaving, I found that I was the only one who went home with someone in arms. Chengdu girls have never failed to impressed me. Contrary to what you think that I needed to work, she insisted on working on me. I had a rather easy time, other than the final dash. Wanted to go for second one, but both of us were too tired, and it was 4.30 in the morning already. I shall write a better report when I am back in Singapore.

Thank you all, once again, for the kindness accorded to me and the fun awarded to me. I certainly look forward to the next session. Once again, SGP 69, you are a great organjiser, and WhamBamByte, you are a great host.

Just came back from a Tea Appreciation with Shenggu and had a good chat. We found out that we knew each other more than 10 years ago, to be exact, 14 years!! Right, Brother Shenggu?

To all brothers, THANK YOU AGAIN.

20-01-2005, 07:08 AM
[QUOTE=PuTonRen]Just came back from a Tea Appreciation with Shenggu and had a good chat. We found out that we knew each other more than 10 years ago, to be exact, 14 years!! Right, Brother Shenggu?

Bro PTR,
Thanks for inviting me to the Tea Appreciation so as the sovenior. I am having great time.
Yes 14 years ago, after all Shanghai is smaller than Singapore to me, as I have met a friend known in 1988.
Now I know why tea appreciation is better than the KTV sessions. In KTV, I don't know all the songs; similarily for tea appreciation, I don't know all the type of teas; at least I think gals are more truth than KTV ones.....haha!
Just Kiddings!

Talk to you again!

20-01-2005, 11:59 AM
Well, first and foremost, I would like to thank all the brothers who turned up at my humble abode for the simple meal.. It was my pleasure to host such a gathering at my place as long as you guys were not inconvenienced by the location, and also the sparse furnishing found at my place.

I would like to thank bro SGPShanghai69 and maverick72 for taking time off to buy the food and drinks. Indeed, it was very thoughtful of these two bros. I would also like to thank bro Dunnolah and his friend, for the wonderful bottle of red wine. Hopefully, we can have another gathering soon enough to appreciate this fine bottle of red.... Such wine should not be consumed alone, it does not do the wine justice...

Bro PTR, you have indeed impressed me. You are definitely not showing any signs of your age by far, but one thing for sure, your wisdom and your stature bears witness to the countless experience you've had in life. Now it's no longer a mystery to why it's so easy for you to get girls... Hahaha... If I were a girl, I'd be impressed too.... But that's beside the point.... And thank you for your compliment on me looking like xiao gang.... Hahaha... Sad to say, I pale in comparison to our bro dunnolah in singing...

Bro maverick72, I think you have left a deep impression in all of us, including the girls that were beside us... Hahaha... With the way you were moving, it's no wonder that you now have an aching back....

Bro shanghaitan, I was really so glad that you could join us for this gathering... It's not an attempt to put you on a guilt trip for the past few gatherings that you have been absent from... I'm really glad you could make it and I realised, you really do have this calming effect on people... I'm sorry you chose a MM that wasn't quite up to mark... you should have requested a change like our bro maverick72.... I was quite comfortable with my choice, but that's another story...

Bro Shengge, I'm glad you could make it since this was the second time I got to meet up with you after our first meeting... It was such a pity that you couldn't stay long enough to really enjoy yourself with us...

Bro Junior_cannibal, you indeed, are the busy one... shuttling from one place to another.... hahaha... And also, thank you for the ride home....

Bro SGPShanghai69, you have once again pulled off a wonderful gathering....
And I didn't realise we actually finished those three bottles... Then again, I was too busy playing dice with my MM... hahaha...

One question to everyone though, does anyone remember if we brought the bottle of chivas back with us?

I'm really looking forward to another such gathering... It was, in a way, a reunion dinner of sorts for the bros who are here in shanghai. It was a pity we could not meet up with the rest. Bro Ultra88, even though you couldn't make it back, you were in our thoughts... Don't worry, we'll have another gathering after the Chinese New Year...

20-01-2005, 12:30 PM
Bro Whambam,
What do you mean by saying that I have a calming effect on people? Hmm... are you saying that I'm a bore? :p Well, even if you are, I am what I am.. no choice lor... hahahaha... Anyway, like I said, the girl is not an issue, no biggie.. as I was enjoying myself with or without her around.

Nice songs by all the bros, wonderful dance performance by Bro Maverick! I don't remember seeing anyone bringing the Chivas out. Bro SGP, can you please check?

And you're absolutely spot on with your observations! Bro PTR can have any girl he wants! He's got the unmistakable aura that's like the sweet scent of honey to bees..... when will I (I used "I" because I feel that I'm the only one lacking in that area, all other brothers have their distinctive charms and talents... ) ever attain that level or anywhere near, I really wonder and deep down, doubt... hahaha

Bro Maverick,
Although it was great seeing you lift the MOTHER, I was rather taken aback by that feat as I thought she must have weighed a tonne. How your poor back suffered for the Brothers... it will not be forgotten!

It's amazing how brothers who only previously "talked and chatted" in the forum can bond so effortlessly. I suppose being away in a foreign land helps as if we don't have brothers to rely on, then we have naught! Meeting up with fellow Singaporeans, in a way, serves as a reality check for me. It alliviates the loneliness of being alone and away from my family and all things familiar in our homeland.

Bro Junior Cannibal,
Once again I am so grateful that you made it to the gathering despite your busy schedules. Well done bro!

Hope we get to meet up again real soon. Maybe in Singapore during CNY? Just meet up for a TCSS session over coffee would be cool too... right?

Okie... 'til next posting...

Shanghaitan :cool:

p/s: Bro PTR, waiting with abated breath for your FR... kekeke

20-01-2005, 01:03 PM
Bro Whambam,
What do you mean by saying that I have a calming effect on people? Hmm... are you saying that I'm a bore? :p Well, even if you are, I am what I am.. no choice lor... hahahaha... Anyway, like I said, the girl is not an issue, no biggie.. as I was enjoying myself with or without her around.

Okie... 'til next posting...

Shanghaitan :cool:

p/s: Bro PTR, waiting with abated breath for your FR... kekeke

Saying that you're a bore, would be the last thing on my mind.... I just can't place my finger on it.... I think I better stop while I'm ahead lest I get myself into more trouble.... hahaha....

20-01-2005, 06:24 PM
hi all,

Too bad I should not join the fun as by the time I check-in to the hotel, it was almost midnight and I had assumed that the party had been over.

Anyway, can any bro in Shanghai recommend a good hangout and pickup place for a overnight bonk? I planned to hit Puxi tomorrow night but have no idea to go - except someone told me that "Xin Tian Di" is the place to go.

Would appreciate any bro in Shanghai for recommendation for a lonely bro looking for a good bonk ? (also how much is the market price)

20-01-2005, 08:03 PM
Bro Shengge, I'm glad you could make it since this was the second time I got to meet up with you after our first meeting... It was such a pity that you couldn't stay long enough to really enjoy yourself with us...

Bro WhamBamTYM,
My sincere apology, I will make up the next time.
It's great to meet up with all the bros.

Bro Mavericks has been great, unfortunately there is no follower, otherwise it would be more fun. I really enjoyed myself very much.

Look forward to next gathering!

20-01-2005, 08:56 PM
Hey Brother Shengge!
You're absolutely right that it is unfortunate that Bro Maverick did not have any followers. I think Bro Maverick led by example as he's a veteran. Shouldn't a veteran like yourself take the initiative and show us juniors the way by first joining in? Hmm.. Veterans should lead by example ... For that matter, even Bro PuTonRen danced...

Bro Maverick,
Thanks for your wonderful effort! I'll try to gear myself the next time round. I'd better start learning some moves soon.. hahahaha... and hope that I don't break my frail back in the process.. mak my words... I'll learn and will attempt (as long as others don't get cramps laughing too hard... kekekeke). I will not comment about other Brothers not joining in or whatever as I respect everyone for what they are worth and feel that it is not particularly nice.

Ok ok... hips to the left, thrust groin forward and move it clockwise... er.... what else? Sigh.... quite hopeless in this.. Bro Maverick, do teach me when you have the time.. :D I'll definitely try it at least once..

Cheers to all!

Shanghaitan :cool:

21-01-2005, 12:13 AM
Thank you all Brothers, especially Brothers WhamBam, Shanghaitan, Maverick and others for the compliments that really made me extremely shy as I am not sure I merit them. Comparing to the Cool Posture and hospitality of Bro WhamBam, the 'thrusting and gyrating Movements" of Bro Maverick72, the Singing Skill of Bro Dunolah, the organisational power of SGP, I am really a Pu Tong Ren in a real sense. Like I said, but you all feel otherwise, what kind of attractiveness could an old, fat and not-handsome man have to attract the opposite sex. In these departments, I certainly cannot meet the cool WhamBam and the non-stop raba skill of SGP in front of us. Oh yes, we should have mentioned the free live 2-X show put up by SGP69 and partner. They made me hot so much so that I ended up going back with one to perform act that has two more 'X'es" than SGP69.

For the dancing skill of Bro Maverick72, it is not hard to imagine how agile he can be while performing the human-reproduction act. The Mei Mei with him would be in for back breaking session. The forward-backward, twisting clockwisely-anticlockwisely, the ups and downs will make the sex partner enjoy to the fullest with multiple organisms.

It was a unforgetable evening that I am certainly looking forward to. I will push all meetings just to attend the gathering, though simple, but was very warm and fun in this icy weather of Shanghai

I have just landed not long ago. Guess who I met on the plane? Our Great Singer Dunolah and his Friend who was at the outing. We were still recalling all the sweet memories of the evening. We promised ourselves that we shall do it again with Brothers in Shanghai.

Brother Shanghaitan is eagerly waiting for my FR with the hot Sichuan Meimei. I would do it tomorrow as I am very tired, and have to prepare for a meeting tomorrow at 10,00 am. Please excuse me for that.

I am glad Brother Shengge enjoyed the tea appreciation session. I agree that the tea-mei mei is more truthful and in my opinion, quite sweet. Unfortunately, she is not on the menu.

Once again. Thank you all.

21-01-2005, 11:03 AM
Hi Bros,
I'm not good in writing such reports so pls forgive me if I cannot write well.
Happen to be in Shanghai this week and tried 52 from Tong Ren Yuen 3 days ago. As descriped, totally tally from field report. But big hole is loose and small hole is ok. Moan is fake, Pool is lousy and place is a bit run down. Guess too famous and used already.
Ask me to come early next time to around 3-4pm and she can give me 2 rounds as room not so in demand.

BBBJ: 9/10 (Powerful)
FJ: 6/10 (loose)
AJ: 8/10
Damage: 580
RTF: not sure yet

The following nite, as recommended by local here that there is a place the provide something interesting and decided to give it a go.

Walk in and found that facility is much better than Tong Ren Yuan and decided give a dip in the hot pool. Was brought to an individual group resting room with TV and drinks provided after dip.

Called the usher and was brought to a room. Lady 308 was already inside waiting, was informed earlier that if not satified, just inform her and everything will be ok.

She striped me and I lie down on the bed while she strip. I was curious to see 4 parallel bars on the ceiling. Wow, hxxx kxxx style massage? Clean me up on my ass hole and my foot including the toes.

She climb and stand on my bed and whip out a red long cloth. She looped the red cloth thru 2 of the bars, tied knots on the other ends and slide it to the other end of the bars. I have no idea what she was doing at the beginning.
Anyway, who cares.

Told me to flip face down while she gulp hot water and lick me all over from neck to toe. Suck my toes and AR me. To my surprise, she order me to lift up my ass and begin to lick my balls and ass, suddenly she begin to tongue fuck me on my small hole. After 10 mins of mouth work, she want me to flip over.
She begin to slide the red cloth towards the centre and climp onto the bed.
I was curious and she told me to relax and lie flat while she sling herself onto the red cloth like Xiao Long Nu.
She begin to body massage me by flying to and fro me.
She call it #### Zhong Fei Ren. After that, she climp on top of the cloth and leg hook on the 2 bar and ask me to stand to top of the bed to perform a standing 69. I'm not into 69 so she BBBJ me upside down in that position.
After unhooking herself, she mumble something in chinese but I did not get it so dunno what style is this.

She begin to mount me, ride me, changed to sitting position for a while and was told this is too tiring to me and she did not want me to tired out. She unmount herself and ask me to climb out of the bed while she push the bed aside, sling herself on the red cloth again and tell me lets do Long Nu Zho Ai instead. I stand in front of the her and mounted her again without weight of her on me.
She leg hook me while I pump her. Changed to doggie on her sling and cannot tahan liao and fired my load after 30 mins or so. I told her this is unique and she booast that there is a total of 20+ zhao and I have only tried 4 stroke only. She quote a few stroke in chinese but I cannot remember but admire!!!

If you want to try Shanghai Acrobatics, I RECOMMEND you to check this out.
Not necessary to try 308 only but everyone perform that as a standard. Was told by locals some will even include massage but not all do. Good luck.

Damage: RMB 600 tipping not necessary as wallet not allowed inside like tong ren yuen.

BBBJ: 8/10 (Not as Powerful but very hardworking)
FJ: 8/10 (loose)
Damage: 600
RTF: not sure yet

Place: Bei Hai Yuen
157 Wu Yi Lu in Puxi.
T: 62128177.

21-01-2005, 10:42 PM
Dear Brothers,

Witnessed by 9 other brothers on Tuesday evening that I went back with the petite Chengdu lady, and with the 'push' of Bro Shanghaitan, I feel that it is my duty to write a FR, before my trip to Euroland tomorrow.

After having left the KTV joint with all the brothers, I proceeded to my room with the Petite Sichuan lady, let us called her S. If you remember, she appeared to be quite reluctant for any raba action in the room, although hugging was permitted. However, once we have entered the room, before we could take off the thick clothing, she jumped onto me and gave me a fierece mouth to mouth deep frenching, with her tongue exploring the interior of my mouth and entangling and de-entangling with my tongue. I did not even have the time to react. Well, I told myself, I would be raped. As the thick clothings were really uncomfortable, I gently pushed her away and told her that it would be better if we change into birthday suit. We did that in half a minutes. Then the Frenching began again. She was real hot, which had heated me up as well. The mutual exploration continued for a while until I sense a bit of warm sensation and dampness down south. The only shortcoming was that she did not allow sucking of the nipples as the action would freeze her. Well, nothing is perfect. Her breasts are of the right-size, and each of them fit just nice into my big hand.

Her skin was smooth and very fair, with no extra body fat. Chengdu girls have never failed to amazed me on the quality of their skin. Pink and small nipples, with a un-trimmed and small traingle above the "jade-gate". She is, well, like most Chengdu girls, a bit short. But, then, my theory is always that we are made in such a way that, no matters what our heights are, the distance from the mouth to the reproductive organ is a constant (+/- 1.5 cm, hahaha... First Laws of Physio-dynamics.)

We proceeded to take a shower. As the cubicle is quite small, and I am very fat, we could not go in together. We took turns with her leading. I observed her while she was showering through the glass. Her skin really glowed under the lights in the bath room. At that moment, I would like to take her on there and then, but was stopped by the avalilable space in the cubicle. After she had finished the shower, I took mine in less than a minute. She was waiting on the bed in her birthday suit. I really could not stand it anymore and rushed to join her under the comfortor. The close body contact, the Frenching and mutual exploration made both of us extremely hot. She was real wet and the soft moan was seductive. She did not offer BBBJ, and I did not insist. I shifted my heavy body and prepared to mount her. But, she stopped me and told me she would take charge of the situation (I think she was worried that I might crush her). She did the insertion operation and started the cow-girl rocking action. She was real real hot. I wish I had a body as agile and as fit as that of Brother Moverick72.

She was indeed hardworking. After slightly over 5 minutes, I told her that I would ease her load by coming on top. She said she prefered to take charge of the action as she wanted to have a better control. I would be in for trouble as I seldom come in this position. Well, I obliged her anyway, afterall, I could rest a bit also. Her movements were too rapid and with larger amplitude so much so that we separated several time. She then employed a new tactics. While lying on top of me fact to face, her two feet were under my legs, and her two hands, each of which come under my shoulders through the armpits in each corresponding position. In this way, she had a tight grip of me. She then slided up and down with her body parallel to mine. It was new to me, and I enjoyed it deeply. However, I still wanted to take charge of the action, and separated from her, and continued in the man on top position. . While my plunging movements continued, her body was moving in the gyrating mode, just like the gyrating movements demonstrated by Bro Moverick72. After a while, we came together, leaving a small patch on the bed sheet.

We lied down, and I had a cigerette. It was already 4.15 am. She continued to play with tools. I was tired. Up to a stage, I could not stand it anymore, and wanted to mount her. But, I was so tired that after a few coming and going movements, I went into slumberland and slept suddenly :D .

Woke up and next morning and found that I have half an hour before the business meeting. I woke her up and I changed into my business suit. We came down separately.

I gave her the standard Shanghai ST rate (not overnight rate) and some small extras. Overall, I am extremely satisfied with her. although she was not the most beautiful amongst the ladies in the KTV room that night.

I might go back to her again. I would have to learn from Brother Maverick72 on how to do the gyrating movement of the lower part of the body. Bro Shanghaitan, heard that you are learning also, want to learn together.

As you all know, I am not a good writer of FR describing the above kind of incidents. I usually write sad encounters. Please do excuse me and share wiht me your comments so that I could write a better one next time.

With best regards. :D

22-01-2005, 03:27 AM
Dear Brothers,
Witnessed by 9 other brothers on Tuesday evening that I went back with the petite Chengdu lady, and with the 'push' of Bro Shanghaitan, I feel that it is my duty to write a FR, before my trip to Euroland tomorrow.

Dear Bro PTR,
You sure by 9 bros? I did not see it leh.
It is already 3am now and has just put my 'gal' to bed....err my wife....hehe! She just had too much during the company dinner, 52% bai jiu. Also just finished cleaning the car... :( , so as those $#@&*@ on the floor...

Anyway, I enjoy your FR very much, as detail as live performance... :D , I certainly cannot write such a FR.

Hopefully I will have some interesting one to write as well.
Enjoy your trip to Euroland!

22-01-2005, 11:19 AM
Dear All Brothers PuTonRen,WhamBam, Shanghaitan, Maverick , shengge etc (sorry if I have missed out any as I was not there)

Glad to hear and read that you guys enjoyed your dinner last Tuesday and the subsequent night out at the YanAnRoad KTV. I really missed going back to that place myself, especially the passionalte Mummy and chicks!

Bro PuTonRen actually extended the invitation to join him and the group as well for the session. However, as I had already made prior dinner arrangements that night with the Director of Foreign Investment Svcs, Shanghai Mayor Han as well as the V-Ps of several China banks. I have to sincerely apologise if I have missed out on getting to know more of you brothers who are regularly in Shanghai! Of course the fun as well! My entourage did proceed to KTV as well. But as you can expect, the level of un is no where near yours that night! Oh well.....you lose some, you win some. Right?

Since I hope that more brother will read this posting, I would like to caution brothers who are making deals in China, especially those who are not stationed permanently in China.
There are many many cases now of Chinese companies approaching foreign companies, especially Singaporean companies, showing that they are interested to buy your goods. They would be very enthusiastic and want to meet you personally to sign a contract for the order. The first caution sign is that they do not seem to mind any prices that you are setting. This world so good, meh? When you do get to meet them to sign the contract, they would do it and in a professional manner as well such as company chops etc etc. Alos filled up the forms required to do the TT transfer or LC. During this meeting, the senior manager would also introduce their MD or GM to you, but the MD or GM will not join you for the meeting. He will ask the Senior Manager to discuss the details with you. Once you are alone in discussions with the SM, he will say that it is only appropriate that they will need to buy a gift for their MD or GM who is instrumental in closing the deal. They would want to bring you out to the shops to buy gold or jewellery, Usually they are looking at a figure of around RMB5000 or even more. It is almost guaranteed that once you finished that meeting and shopping trip, you would never ever find them or able to contact them again. Even if you do find them at the company, they would deny all allegations. If you do try to seek recourse through legal means to recover, it would be too much hassle and lengthy.
The best option in order to check them is to tell them that you do not have so much cash available for them at the moment and it is also not company policy to do such deals on the spot. What they can do is they proceed to purchase whatever they need (with a pre-agreed budget) and send the receipts to you later for reimbursement. This must only be done after your contracts have been carried out and fully paid for. This will be the best option if you do meet any of such situations in future.

I hope that this will be a good information for all brothers who frequent Shanghai or China. Such occurrences already happened all over China, including Hainan, Zhengzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Harbin, Chengdu etc etc.
Please be extra careful!

I wish all the best for Bro PTR's trip to France. And I would most certainly hope to be able to meet up with the rest of the bros here in the future.
As I do spend at least half of my time in China (and half of that in Shanghai alone!), please do contact me so that we can always try to find time to meet up. Singaporeans overseas must always look out for each other and help each other as much as possible.

Cheers and Take care!
Bro Tsuyoyi

Dear Brothers,

Witnessed by 9 other brothers on Tuesday evening that I went back with the petite Chengdu lady, and with the 'push' of Bro Shanghaitan, I feel that it is my duty to write a FR, before my trip to Euroland tomorrow.

After having left the KTV joint with all the brothers, I proceeded to my room with the Petite Sichuan lady, let us called her S. If you remember, she appeared to be quite reluctant for any raba action in the room, although hugging was permitted. However, once we have entered the room, before we could take off the thick clothing, she jumped onto me and gave me a fierece mouth to mouth deep frenching, with her tongue exploring the interior of my mouth and entangling and de-entangling with my tongue. I did not even have the time to react. Well, I told myself, I would be raped. As the thick clothings were really uncomfortable, I gently pushed her away and told her that it would be better if we change into birthday suit. We did that in half a minutes. Then the Frenching began again. She was real hot, which had heated me up as well. The mutual exploration continued for a while until I sense a bit of warm sensation and dampness down south. The only shortcoming was that she did not allow sucking of the nipples as the action would freeze her. Well, nothing is perfect. Her breasts are of the right-size, and each of them fit just nice into my big hand.

Her skin was smooth and very fair, with no extra body fat. Chengdu girls have never failed to amazed me on the quality of their skin. Pink and small nipples, with a un-trimmed and small traingle above the "jade-gate". She is, well, like most Chengdu girls, a bit short. But, then, my theory is always that we are made in such a way that, no matters what our heights are, the distance from the mouth to the reproductive organ is a constant (+/- 1.5 cm, hahaha... First Laws of Physio-dynamics.)

We proceeded to take a shower. As the cubicle is quite small, and I am very fat, we could not go in together. We took turns with her leading. I observed her while she was showering through the glass. Her skin really glowed under the lights in the bath room. At that moment, I would like to take her on there and then, but was stopped by the avalilable space in the cubicle. After she had finished the shower, I took mine in less than a minute. She was waiting on the bed in her birthday suit. I really could not stand it anymore and rushed to join her under the comfortor. The close body contact, the Frenching and mutual exploration made both of us extremely hot. She was real wet and the soft moan was seductive. She did not offer BBBJ, and I did not insist. I shifted my heavy body and prepared to mount her. But, she stopped me and told me she would take charge of the situation (I think she was worried that I might crush her). She did the insertion operation and started the cow-girl rocking action. She was real real hot. I wish I had a body as agile and as fit as that of Brother Moverick72.

She was indeed hardworking. After slightly over 5 minutes, I told her that I would ease her load by coming on top. She said she prefered to take charge of the action as she wanted to have a better control. I would be in for trouble as I seldom come in this position. Well, I obliged her anyway, afterall, I could rest a bit also. Her movements were too rapid and with larger amplitude so much so that we separated several time. She then employed a new tactics. While lying on top of me fact to face, her two feet were under my legs, and her two hands, each of which come under my shoulders through the armpits in each corresponding position. In this way, she had a tight grip of me. She then slided up and down with her body parallel to mine. It was new to me, and I enjoyed it deeply. However, I still wanted to take charge of the action, and separated from her, and continued in the man on top position. . While my plunging movements continued, her body was moving in the gyrating mode, just like the gyrating movements demonstrated by Bro Moverick72. After a while, we came together, leaving a small patch on the bed sheet.

We lied down, and I had a cigerette. It was already 4.15 am. She continued to play with tools. I was tired. Up to a stage, I could not stand it anymore, and wanted to mount her. But, I was so tired that after a few coming and going movements, I went into slumberland and slept suddenly :D .

Woke up and next morning and found that I have half an hour before the business meeting. I woke her up and I changed into my business suit. We came down separately.

I gave her the standard Shanghai ST rate (not overnight rate) and some small extras. Overall, I am extremely satisfied with her. although she was not the most beautiful amongst the ladies in the KTV room that night.

I might go back to her again. I would have to learn from Brother Maverick72 on how to do the gyrating movement of the lower part of the body. Bro Shanghaitan, heard that you are learning also, want to learn together.

As you all know, I am not a good writer of FR describing the above kind of incidents. I usually write sad encounters. Please do excuse me and share wiht me your comments so that I could write a better one next time.

With best regards. :D

22-01-2005, 11:54 AM
hi all,

Too bad I should not join the fun as by the time I check-in to the hotel, it was almost midnight and I had assumed that the party had been over.

Anyway, can any bro in Shanghai recommend a good hangout and pickup place for a overnight bonk? I planned to hit Puxi tomorrow night but have no idea to go - except someone told me that "Xin Tian Di" is the place to go.

Would appreciate any bro in Shanghai for recommendation for a lonely bro looking for a good bonk ? (also how much is the market price)

You can try the pubs along HengShan Lu. There is one called Zheng Qing (Real Love) on level 2 near the hotpot place that i heard is the hangout of some very lovely russian ladies, according to some of my taiwanese sources. All the bars I been to along HengShan I seen lots of single girls hanging out and obviously looking for "work".

22-01-2005, 12:22 PM
Dear All Brothers PuTonRen,WhamBam, Shanghaitan, Maverick , shengge etc (sorry if I have missed out any as I was not there)

Glad to hear and read that you guys enjoyed your dinner last Tuesday and the subsequent night out at the YanAnRoad KTV. I really missed going back to that place myself, especially the passionalte Mummy and chicks!

Bro PuTonRen actually extended the invitation to join him and the group as well for the session.

Bro Tsuyoyi,

It was a pity that you were not there. But, when doing business in China, high power contacts are more important. We would like to have you next time round. At the joint, before I went home, the mummy whom I have introduced to you called me and gave me a passionate hug. Luckily, the usual girl was in Xiamen. Anyway, Bro SGP agreed to help me to fend her off. That gave me a peaceful evening, at least in my mind.

I do hope that you had a fruitful night on Tuesday. I was thinking of you (Believe me!) Anyway, I shall be heading back there and Suzhou 15 days after CNY. I would let you know and we can meet up again, if not in group, will be between us. This time round, my trip was a bit sudden and lasted only two nights, and hence I missed the golden opportunity to meet you in Shanghai.

See you! and Shall be leaving for Euroland (not France)

22-01-2005, 01:50 PM
Dear Brothers,

She was real real hot. I wish I had a body as agile and as fit as that of Brother Moverick72.

I might go back to her again. I would have to learn from Brother Maverick72 on how to do the gyrating movement of the lower part of the body. Bro Shanghaitan, heard that you are learning also, want to learn together.

With best regards. :D

Dear Bro PTR,
Thank you for your compliments. I must say compared to a lot of professionals dancers, I am nothing. However, I have to caution you that these dance move is not for the faint hearted. After our party that night, I had a bit of aching pain on my back. I thought nothing of it until the following day. I could hardly stand up straight due to the aching pain. Imagine this, I had difficulties wearing my socks!!! So, that night, I had no choice but to go for a massage near my place. I have a regular girl there I use, from Chongqin, rather pretty...big headlamps...but that's another story...
When she started massaging my back, the agonizing pain was shiok and yet painful (shiok because that girl was massaging for me with baby oil). I was thinking to myself, how could this have happened to me? Than reality set in, I am getting old. Not what I was like 2-3 years ago. Or perhaps, it's because I didn't do any warmups. Either way, my service is offered FOC to all brothers here. Actually it's very simple, just move your hips in a wave like motion.
Any bros here interested in trying the acrobatics stunt fuck? Really wonder how it would be like. Bro Dusit, how would you rate the girls prettiness? Is it 'aunty' like?

Cheers :D

22-01-2005, 02:38 PM
Dear Bro PTR,
Thank you for your compliments. I must say compared to a lot of professionals dancers, I am nothing. However, I have to caution you that these dance move is not for the faint hearted. After our party that night, I had a bit of aching pain on my back. I thought nothing of it until the following day. I could hardly stand up straight due to the aching pain. Imagine this, I had difficulties wearing my socks!!! So, that night, I had no choice but to go for a massage near my place. I have a regular girl there I use, from Chongqin, rather pretty...big headlamps...but that's another story...
When she started massaging my back, the agonizing pain was shiok and yet painful (shiok because that girl was massaging for me with baby oil). I was thinking to myself, how could this have happened to me? Than reality set in, I am getting old. Not what I was like 2-3 years ago. Or perhaps, it's because I didn't do any warmups. Either way, my service is offered FOC to all brothers here. Actually it's very simple, just move your hips in a wave like motion.
Any bros here interested in trying the acrobatics stunt fuck? Really wonder how it would be like. Bro Dusit, how would you rate the girls prettiness? Is it 'aunty' like?

Cheers :D

YO Bro Maverick and all bros!!
Finally got a chance to log in and check mails....
First of all, would like to thanks all for the amazing gathering, I REALLY enjoy myself. Those ppl that nv attend, you will nv imagine how wild and crazy we spend our nite together with someone we meet for the 1st time. EVen the meimei that sat with me asked me whether we hv known each other for very long. When I told her, we knew each other for more than 10 years, she replied... "No wonder" hahaha
Bro SGP69 / WhamBam, Thanks for organising such an unforgettable gathering, hving steamboat in such a cold weather with so many bros is something that you cant even use money to buy it.
Bro PTR, thanks for all the advises and tips you share with us, the 1st thing i did when i reached sg - went directly to the supermarket and grab 1 dozen of eggs! hahaha Please let me know when you are back to sg again, shall show you the effect of your secret recipe.(Of cos not trying on you)

My nxt trip to shanghai, meeting up with bros in the forum will be a compulsory itinerary!!!

Best Regards from Sg,
Cheers! :cool:

22-01-2005, 02:53 PM
Dear Bro Maverick72,

Sorry to hear about your problem after trying very hard to lead and to entertain all of us. Your effort, as you know by now, did not go un-noticed. Talking about age, if I were to do that, if ever I could, I would probably be in a stretcher hardway through, either due to Cardiac arrest or muscle cramp.

I wish you speedy recovery, and am eagerly looking forward to meet all of you again. You have a regular massage girl, is her technique good, I mean, real massage, as I constantly have some problem with my left shoulder, and need relief everynow and then. Next time in Shanghai, I shall contact you for this purpose.

I am now preparing to go Euroland, sigh.... no action lah.... So expensive and alone. I have no problem on where to find PRC girls in Euroland, but I prefer to spend few hours with her singing or chatting before the real action. If you are back and so as the others, please let me know, we can meet again to drink Kopi.

With best regards from Singapore :o

22-01-2005, 10:02 PM
[QUOTE=PuTonRen]Dear Bro Maverick72,Sorry to hear about your problem after trying very hard to lead and

I will be in Shanghai tomorrow , any good recommendation ? Quite pity, I always travel alone, looking forward to join a group on Sunday afternoon or Sunday night.

24-01-2005, 10:21 AM
As you all know, I am not a good writer of FR describing the above kind of incidents. I usually write sad encounters. Please do excuse me and share wiht me your comments so that I could write a better one next time.

With best regards. :DBro PTR, you sure can write a good FR. I will definitely pale in comparision and that explains why i never post any FR to date. By the way, the gathering we had the other nite had inspired me to follow your footstep - to look for Chengdu gers. I was in Guangzhou for a biz trip, landed in a ktv, the thought of Chengdu MM came to my mind. However, they didn't have one from Chengdu, after a few rounds of parading, i opted for a Hubei ger. Enjoyed myself a fair bit by chatting with her, literally the entire session. At the end, asked her to go back to my hotel, she counter-offered to go to her place. My big head overruled the small one, rejected her offer. When i went back to my hotel, showered and was about to sleep, the phone rang and this ktv ger was on the line. She asked if i was curious how she got my number. Then she asked if she could come over to my hotel. The answer was obvious. The next thing i knew, she appeared at my hotel lobby.
After the shower, one thing led to another, as its the SOP fxxx, shall not bore
the bros here.

24-01-2005, 11:25 AM
Bro Junior Cannibal!
WOW!!! You have already began your quest to get a Chengdu girl.. WELL DONE!! Too bad you did not find one in your previous outing. Don't worry, many more chances... hehehehe....

Bro PuTonRen, see how you can affect us brothers here? I'm also thinking about the same thing but still have not gotten down to it. Hahahaha...

Anyway, will be CNY soon! Hope to meet up in Singapore! Coffee and makan also can..

Shanghaitan :cool:

24-01-2005, 12:48 PM
Bro junior_cannibal,

Apologies as I have not gotten the chance to meet you that night!
However, after eading this particular post of yours, I really liked your modus operandi of not accepting her offer immediately! In fact, it is really like "letting go a long line in order to catch the big fish" kinda feeling.
Well done! Anyway, I guess she must have treated you quite well. At least she (and the other gals) know that we do not always give in to them so easily!

Bro PTR, you sure can write a good FR. I will definitely pale in comparision and that explains why i never post any FR to date. By the way, the gathering we had the other nite had inspired me to follow your footstep - to look for Chengdu gers. I was in Guangzhou for a biz trip, landed in a ktv, the thought of Chengdu MM came to my mind. However, they didn't have one from Chengdu, after a few rounds of parading, i opted for a Hubei ger. Enjoyed myself a fair bit by chatting with her, literally the entire session. At the end, asked her to go back to my hotel, she counter-offered to go to her place. My big head overruled the small one, rejected her offer. When i went back to my hotel, showered and was about to sleep, the phone rang and this ktv ger was on the line. She asked if i was curious how she got my number. Then she asked if she could come over to my hotel. The answer was obvious. The next thing i knew, she appeared at my hotel lobby.
After the shower, one thing led to another, as its the SOP fxxx, shall not bore
the bros here.

24-01-2005, 02:52 PM
At the end, asked her to go back to my hotel, she counter-offered to go to her place. My big head overruled the small one, rejected her offer. When i went back to my hotel.

Dear Bro junior_cannibal,
You have done the right thing, to reject her offer. After all, you never know what would you expect at her place. Few guys waiting for you at her place? Or she got some special drink to offer...... Not to scare you off, sometime not just about the gal. A Taiwanese guy was killed at the gal place, by her ex-bf. I can see that you are smart guy. Lot of time, the small head overruled the big one.

Happy for you that it was a great outcome.

24-01-2005, 03:05 PM
Since I hope that more brother will read this posting, I would like to caution brothers who are making deals in China, especially those who are not stationed permanently in China.

Dear Bro tsuyoyi,
I totally agreed with what you have said.
I am sure that most of the bros also known about the incident happened to the restaurant-Crossroad. Sad that hear that the owner has lost quite big sum of investment.
I am sure you are one the smart guy around.


24-01-2005, 03:34 PM
Dear Bro Tsuyoyi,

Thanks for sharing your experience with us here. I thinks it applies to both permanent and non permanent residents. Lots have fallen for many many different variants of the scam, both experienced and newbies. Best we can do is be careful (kiasu is a better word) and watch out for sharks. Hopefully with Bros like you looking out for all of us, together we can avoid some sad stories.
Sorry for not being able to join all the bros in the gathering as I was having a company AD&D. Missed the fun and hope to have the chance to meet in the next gathering.


24-01-2005, 04:38 PM
Bro Junior Cannibal!
WOW!!! You have already began your quest to get a Chengdu girl.. WELL DONE!! Too bad you did not find one in your previous outing. Don't worry, many more chances... hehehehe....

Bro PuTonRen, see how you can affect us brothers here? I'm also thinking about the same thing but still have not gotten down to it. Hahahaha...

Anyway, will be CNY soon! Hope to meet up in Singapore! Coffee and makan also can..

Shanghaitan :cool:Life is short, so lets work hard and play hard. At the end of the day, its very much a personal preference in terms of the type of MM u want to unload ur sons and daughters. Ha ha

24-01-2005, 04:51 PM
Bro junior_cannibal,

Apologies as I have not gotten the chance to meet you that night!
However, after eading this particular post of yours, I really liked your modus operandi of not accepting her offer immediately! In fact, it is really like "letting go a long line in order to catch the big fish" kinda feeling.
Well done! Anyway, I guess she must have treated you quite well. At least she (and the other gals) know that we do not always give in to them so easily!

Cheers!no worry about not able to meet the other nite, there is always another one. was talking to bro sgpshanghai69, may want to do one for reunion dinner b4 most of us go back to sillipore, or just after we all return to shanghai. frankly, it was not easy to let the big head rule the small head, especially when a nice MM made that kinda offer. to me, i just can't imagine how nice her place could be vis-a-vis the hotel i stayed.

24-01-2005, 05:08 PM
Dear Bro junior_cannibal,
You have done the right thing, to reject her offer. After all, you never know what would you expect at her place. Few guys waiting for you at her place? Or she got some special drink to offer...... Not to scare you off, sometime not just about the gal. A Taiwanese guy was killed at the gal place, by her ex-bf. I can see that you are smart guy. Lot of time, the small head overruled the big one.

Happy for you that it was a great outcome.Bro Shengge, u r rite man! rather be wrong then to be sorry. i wont really consider it as a great outcome. to begin with, i didnt really have an expectation, hence, anything that came by, is a bonus

25-01-2005, 06:24 AM
Dear Bro Junior Cannibal,

You did the right thing for not following the girl back. I have heard enough encounters which ended up in serious consequence before.

Yes, those who know me would tell you that I like, in general girls from Sichuan and Chongqing, and have a special interest in Chengdu girls. They generally give good GFE feeling. My regular in Chengdu always turns up when I call her while in Chengdu. Of course, strange to say, but the girl that I really have feeling is the one from Ningbo. Ask Bro Tsuyoyi and he will confirm that as he is the one who introduces her to me.

Have fun and do be-careful. China is still not our 'home'. I could be in Shanghai and Suzhou immediately after the hoiday period in China is over. We can have another go again.

Regards from Paris at -2 Deg C


25-01-2005, 02:15 PM
Hello Brothers of Shanghai Cheonster...
I will be in Shanghai on 4~6 Feb '05...Anyone there to show me the rope?
Me newbie in Shanghai...

25-01-2005, 03:29 PM
Dear Bro Junior Cannibal,

You did the right thing for not following the girl back. I have heard enough encounters which ended up in serious consequence before.

Yes, those who know me would tell you that I like, in general girls from Sichuan and Chongqing, and have a special interest in Chengdu girls. They generally give good GFE feeling. My regular in Chengdu always turns up when I call her while in Chengdu. Of course, strange to say, but the girl that I really have feeling is the one from Ningbo. Ask Bro Tsuyoyi and he will confirm that as he is the one who introduces her to me.

Have fun and do be-careful. China is still not our 'home'. I could be in Shanghai and Suzhou immediately after the hoiday period in China is over. We can have another go again.

Regards from Paris at -2 Deg C

RegardsDear Bro PTR, thanks for the advice, will bear that in mind in order to survive all the BS in PRC. I should be back to SH by 20th Feb. Alternatively, we can catch up in Sillypore. U will be able to find my Sillypore HP on my namecard that I gave u earlier. Keep urself warm as it seemed to be equally cold in Paris and SH, if not colder

25-01-2005, 04:56 PM
Bro junior-Cannibal,

Well, as I am already back in Sillypore, preparing for my break for CNY. Sad that I will not be able to join you before you go bk to Sillypore.
It may sound good if we do one when we all get back there after CNY. I know Bro PTR has plans to rtn there in 3rd week Feb. I am also tentatively planning to be back there in the same period. So we can arrange then.

I totally agree with you on the MM. So damn difficult to resist the little head's control! I remember I used to be ruled by the little head in my early days. Luckily nothing happend to me. Whew!
Till now, I still do at times go back to my gals place. But these are only people I knew for a long time and whom I knew very very well. But still, I place a lot of caution when I go. Always have to be on the lookout for suspicious signs or a runaway route!

no worry about not able to meet the other nite, there is always another one. was talking to bro sgpshanghai69, may want to do one for reunion dinner b4 most of us go back to sillipore, or just after we all return to shanghai. frankly, it was not easy to let the big head rule the small head, especially when a nice MM made that kinda offer. to me, i just can't imagine how nice her place could be vis-a-vis the hotel i stayed.

25-01-2005, 05:21 PM
Bro PTR,

Chongqing! Chongqing! Chongqing!
I definitely agree with you that Chengdu and Chongqing is the best!
Of course personally, I like Chongqing gals more than Chnegdu. I am sure you know why after seeing my Chongqing gal, rite? You still remember her when we were in Chongqing?

Anyway, I will also be back in China in 3rd week of Feb. Hope to see you then!


Dear Bro Junior Cannibal,

You did the right thing for not following the girl back. I have heard enough encounters which ended up in serious consequence before.

Yes, those who know me would tell you that I like, in general girls from Sichuan and Chongqing, and have a special interest in Chengdu girls. They generally give good GFE feeling. My regular in Chengdu always turns up when I call her while in Chengdu. Of course, strange to say, but the girl that I really have feeling is the one from Ningbo. Ask Bro Tsuyoyi and he will confirm that as he is the one who introduces her to me.

Have fun and do be-careful. China is still not our 'home'. I could be in Shanghai and Suzhou immediately after the hoiday period in China is over. We can have another go again.

Regards from Paris at -2 Deg C


25-01-2005, 06:03 PM
Hi Bro maverick72,
I did not see all the girls in there but they are certainly not aunty but lady 308 is about 6 to 7 out of 10 only.

26-01-2005, 02:17 AM
Hi bro

After hearing so much of Tong Ren at this thread
In the end, i did not manage to go Tong Ren at Dong Zhu An Bang Lu.
what a waste.....

Should ask a few bro to go together the next when i'm back in shanghai(around March)

Take care everyone
Hope to meet up with everyone in shanghai
Happy chinese new year


26-01-2005, 03:39 AM
Bro PTR,

Chongqing! Chongqing! Chongqing!
I definitely agree with you that Chengdu and Chongqing is the best!
Of course personally, I like Chongqing gals more than Chnegdu. I am sure you know why after seeing my Chongqing gal, rite? You still remember her when we were in Chongqing?

Anyway, I will also be back in China in 3rd week of Feb. Hope to see you then!


Dear Bro Tsuyoyi,

Yes, I remember the Chongqing girl who was with you. I am surprised that you still want her? Remember when we were in TAM after we came back from China, her attitude? :confused:

We shall talk about my travel schedule in Feb 2005 as I just found out that I have a long chain of medical appointments and tests about that time. We can talk about that.

Rest well during CNY and prepare to go China again. Me still working hard in Euroland at -2 Deg C. Damn cold!!


26-01-2005, 03:41 AM
Dear Bro PTR, thanks for the advice, will bear that in mind in order to survive all the BS in PRC. I should be back to SH by 20th Feb. Alternatively, we can catch up in Sillypore. U will be able to find my Sillypore HP on my namecard that I gave u earlier. Keep urself warm as it seemed to be equally cold in Paris and SH, if not colder

Dear Bro junior_cannibal,

Thanks for the concern. Yes, it is getting colder and colder in Euroland. Today is at -2 Deg C and it is expected to go down further.

Of course, I shall try to contact all brothers of Shanghai whom I know to meet for coffee. I shall be in Singapore during the first 15 days of CNY. We can meet, and the pleasure will be mine.


26-01-2005, 11:29 AM
Dear Bro junior_cannibal,

Thanks for the concern. Yes, it is getting colder and colder in Euroland. Today is at -2 Deg C and it is expected to go down further.

Of course, I shall try to contact all brothers of Shanghai whom I know to meet for coffee. I shall be in Singapore during the first 15 days of CNY. We can meet, and the pleasure will be mine.


Dear PTR big bro,
So u r in Euroland now eh? Do take care since it's getting colder as u mentioned herein.

Shall look 4ward to seeing u & all other SHA bros in Singland when we r all back during this CNY for kopi gathering session.

Take care again & c u soon.
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Best regards.

26-01-2005, 12:31 PM
Dear PTR big bro,
So u r in Euroland now eh? Do take care since it's getting colder as u mentioned herein.

Shall look 4ward to seeing u & all other SHA bros in Singland when we r all back during this CNY for kopi gathering session.

Take care again & c u soon.
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Best regards.Bro, looks like u will take the lead to organise a kopi session in Sillipore huh. How about we all go to Bro PTR place to ask for angpo? Hee...

26-01-2005, 12:39 PM
Dear Bro junior_cannibal,

Thanks for the concern. Yes, it is getting colder and colder in Euroland. Today is at -2 Deg C and it is expected to go down further.

Of course, I shall try to contact all brothers of Shanghai whom I know to meet for coffee. I shall be in Singapore during the first 15 days of CNY. We can meet, and the pleasure will be mine.

Regards Bro, my pleasure as well. Take care n lets catch up in Sillypore first

26-01-2005, 12:43 PM
Dear Bros , It was good meeting all of you at the gathering. well It has finally pushed me to actually start writing instead of just being a silent observer.

I look forward to more such gatherings and just in case you guys are wondering who i am, think BIG.... and round ;).

Kudos to Sgp69 and Wambam for such a great party.. CHEERS and may the China babes succum to the Charms of All Sg Bros.

26-01-2005, 12:49 PM
Till now, I still do at times go back to my gals place. But these are only people I knew for a long time and whom I knew very very well. But still, I place a lot of caution when I go. Always have to be on the lookout for suspicious signs or a runaway route!

Cheers!When I first came to SH, I once went to a local MM's home. Now whenever I recall, its kinda dangerous. We just won't know what could happen for a venture like this.

Hope to catch up with u in Sillipore or SH soon. Take care.

26-01-2005, 02:30 PM
When I first came to SH, I once went to a local MM's home. Now whenever I recall, its kinda dangerous. We just won't know what could happen for a venture like this.

Hope to catch up with u in Sillipore or SH soon. Take care.

Dear Junior_Cannibal bro,
I presumed every bro did the same silly thing 1 way or the other.
I did the same stupid thingy on going 2 a gal place 1st time not knowing wat kind of danger I'll b facing as well when I was initially here in SHA.
But fortunately I was lucky enough 2 have a screw & left her place in 1 piece la!
Hope all new bros here won't do such thingy as the gals here r getting more scheming, more sly & more ruthless in treating us the overseas Chinese!
Cheerios 2 all bros.

26-01-2005, 03:04 PM
Dear Bro junior_cannibal,

Thanks for the concern. Yes, it is getting colder and colder in Euroland. Today is at -2 Deg C and it is expected to go down further.

Of course, I shall try to contact all brothers of Shanghai whom I know to meet for coffee. I shall be in Singapore during the first 15 days of CNY. We can meet, and the pleasure will be mine.


Bro PTR,
Please do not leave me out for any gathering when u guys are in spore. coffee, drinking session or makan also can.
Meanwhile Take care!


26-01-2005, 03:14 PM
Dear Junior_Cannibal bro,
I presumed every bro did the same silly thing 1 way or the other.
I did the same stupid thingy on going 2 a gal place 1st time not knowing wat kind of danger I'll b facing as well when I was initially here in SHA.
But fortunately I was lucky enough 2 have a screw & left her place in 1 piece la!
Hope all new bros here won't do such thingy as the gals here r getting more scheming, more sly & more ruthless in treating us the overseas Chinese!
Cheerios 2 all bros.

Bro SGP69,
Dun bluff! you sure you only did that once?
"Hit me die i also dun believe" hahahaha


26-01-2005, 03:25 PM
Dear Junior_Cannibal bro,
I presumed every bro did the same silly thing 1 way or the other.
I did the same stupid thingy on going 2 a gal place 1st time not knowing wat kind of danger I'll b facing as well when I was initially here in SHA.
But fortunately I was lucky enough 2 have a screw & left her place in 1 piece la!
Hope all new bros here won't do such thingy as the gals here r getting more scheming, more sly & more ruthless in treating us the overseas Chinese!
Cheerios 2 all bros.

Bro SGP69 & Bro Junior Cannibal!

It seems like most bros have had this experience before... so I guess I'll chip in my 'lil contirbution.

Did that once, as I recalled, in Beijing. We were supposed to go back to my hotel but she was stopped by the security guard. Had no choice but to seek some other alternatives. Initially wanted to find another hotel but being new to Beijing, I had no idea which hotel is so-called "girl-friendly". To cut the story short, ended up in her "room", in the basement of some housing estates. I did not fear that anything bad would happen to me (probably because I was not "experienced" enough) but what strikes me most at that time was the existence of such living quarters. Felt rather amazed and at the same time uncomfortable (compared to my hotel room). Nothing bad actually happened to me though we got down to do the "bad" things... hahahaha... :p

Will be more mindful in future thanks to our more experienced brothers here!

Bro PuTonRen, SGP69, Junior_Cannibal, Whambam, Maverick, Dunnolah and all, let's meet up in Sillypore for coffee and catching up!

To ALL BROTHERS (and SISTERS if any) in the forum....


Shanghaitan :cool:

26-01-2005, 04:40 PM
Bro PuTonRen, SGP69, Junior_Cannibal, Whambam, Maverick, Dunnolah and all, let's meet up in Sillypore for coffee and catching up!

To ALL BROTHERS (and SISTERS if any) in the forum....


Shanghaitan :cool:

Well well... I will try, but I think you do know that my time is fully taken up by my OC... Hehe....

26-01-2005, 04:52 PM
Well well... I will try, but I think you do know that my time is fully taken up by my OC... Hehe....

:confused: Bro Whambam! Don't tell me that your OC won't even let you out of her sight for a few hours??? Coffee and TCSS only... don't worry... nothing naughty! hahaha... The only naughty things that will happen would probably be the things we say... so if you can make it, please please DON'T bring OC or else PiCiah LoBang don't blame any of us.

Whatever the case, wish you have a wonderful 2005!

Shanghaitan :cool:

26-01-2005, 06:22 PM
Hi Bro

Count me in for the kopi session in Singapore


26-01-2005, 06:25 PM

Will be more mindful in future thanks to our more experienced brothers here!

Bro PuTonRen, SGP69, Junior_Cannibal, Whambam, Maverick, Dunnolah and all, let's meet up in Sillypore for coffee and catching up!

Dear Brothers of Shanghai,

I am in Euroland at -2 Deg C and the temperature is expected to go lower. Worst, no one to warm my bed. I look forwards to meet all of you, including Xiao Gan (Junior) without OC, hahaha......Dunolah, I would not forget you and your friends. I have only the Singapore mobile phone number of some of you only. How to contact you all? So, what you want? Kopi or Makan session followed or not by a KTV session?

Did not know that Shanghaitan was (or is) a cheongstar also after reading you experience. Wow.... It is nice to know. Honestly, going to girls' house is not an experience that I had. My First Principle since the very early nineties when start working in China, is not to go to Girl's House. I have heard enough about the "Yellow Leg Chicken" stories that I was and am still careful. For thise, I can learn from you all.

Hope to hear from you. Typing this while that guy is presenting something new that I do not understand.

Regards from Euroland at -1 Deg C now. :D

26-01-2005, 06:51 PM
Bro PuTonRen, SGP69, Junior_Cannibal, Whambam, Maverick, Dunnolah and all, let's meet up in Sillypore for coffee and catching up!

Dear Brothers of Shanghai,

I am in Euroland at -2 Deg C and the temperature is expected to go lower. Worst, no one to warm my bed. I look forwards to meet all of you, including Xiao Gan (Junior) without OC, hahaha......Dunolah, I would not forget you and your friends. I have only the Singapore mobile phone number of some of you only. How to contact you all? So, what you want? Kopi or Makan session followed or not by a KTV session?

Hope to hear from you. Typing this while that guy is presenting something new that I do not understand.

Regards from Euroland at -1 Deg C now. :D[/QUOTE]

Bro PTR,
I guess I did passed you my namecard, if not, i'll pm u my contact nos.
As for what type of session, I am game for any....... its the companion that counts.

Regards from Singapore office at 26 Deg C now :o

27-01-2005, 01:29 AM
Hi bro
After hearing so much of Tong Ren at this thread
In the end, i did not manage to go Tong Ren at Dong Zhu An Bang Lu.
what a waste.....

Dear All,
12:30am now, after spending my last one hour writing a FR, failed to get posted and the message disappeared, really made me a Japanese, 西北杜郎 and KNN.

Anyway, TRY is a smaller version of New Huai Hai, simple facilities and old. There is not big resting hall like all the other suana center, only small rooms and only a few massage room. Whenever serving a customer, loud disco music can be heard.

My customer got 69 (He'nan province) while I asked for 52. Don't think that there are many ladies around.

Worry about my performance, 52 ( B52 bomber hehe) said she could blow me off first and the second time is up to my capability, she could not guarantee. Well, for that I really admire her attitude towards her profession, those KTV gals should learn that.

Without my delay, she started with the BJ when my bomber got ready, she wanted to do it in the customary position. After a little while, it exploded. She then left the room to get another helmet for next round.

As usual started working on the anal with hot and ice water, body massage, followed by leg then toe sucking. Turning over she started to work on the from. Suddenly the bomber was on alert, ready for another round of bombing. After ensuring that the bomber was fully charged, the helmet was on. Bomber was shown into the usual passage, worried the incident earlier, she suggested to add some ice into the dark and hot passage. Bomber said doesn't matter, bombing very hard. A little while later, bomber flying over from the back, this time it was shown to a smaller passage. Bomber enter the passage with ease as it was already being lubricated. After charging all the way in for quite sometime. The enemy called for surrender, sighting that it was a trap, boming continue to last for a nos of rounds, so as to ensure that sufficient damaged was done.

Though the bomber was still getting strong, the mechanical system was slowing down. So she decided to shut down the bomber from the top. After cleaning the helmet, she rode very hard hoping to get the bomber down. The bomber counter attack and ended up emeny calling for help for a last fight, as the fuel (time) was also running low. Then come 10 soldiers, they took off the helmet and started fighting. Climbing over the 2 rocks, searching for a break through. The pilot put on a lot of resistance but neither soldiers retreat. They kept on squashing until.....

Though there were many sacrifices (so many Mary, Andy, Lucy, John, Tom Judy.....etc lost), it was a long and satisfied battle. :D

Sorry for the poor writing, the first version was longer than this. Got to stop, 1:30am already (Shit, another hour gone).........got to work in the morning, better sleep now!


27-01-2005, 04:43 AM
Bro Shengge,

Wow, what a FR. Cryptic but interesting and informative. I should have asked you to send me there the other night after the tea appreciation session. Never mind, next time.

Bro Dunolah, I have your card, no worry! I would not miss you as I like to hear you singing and your natural jokes.

Tomorrow, temperature will remain low in Euroland due to another wave of cold front. Sigh... How nice if there is a Sichuan girl next to me now... Sigh.....

Regards from Euroland.

27-01-2005, 10:03 AM
Bro Shengge,
Wow, what a FR. Cryptic but interesting and informative. I should have asked you to send me there the other night after the tea appreciation session. Never mind, next time.

Bro PTR,
You were pretty tired that day, don "ai wan" your time will come. Among the few places I have gone, I think Yu Ping Hotel is OK. New operation, fresh MM, so as the facilities and deco, prob more presentable for me to bring customer.

I tried to put up a better FR, sorry about my language limitation. "Pai Sei", I have not written any report or essay for more quite a nos of years already.

27-01-2005, 10:25 AM
Bro SGP69,
Dun bluff! you sure you only did that once?
"Hit me die i also dun believe" hahahaha


Dear Bro DunoLah,
Dun like dat la bro! Give the man, me the benefit of doubt la....I really did tat once only la! No doubt it's kinda scary thinking about aftermath of it yet it also kinda makes me feel damn 'garang' hehehehehe.....stupid feeling 'garang' yet quite a good scrw la bro! kekekeke....

P.S. - Bro DunoLah, u sure u only wan 2 meet up for kopi session with the rest of the bros in Homeland? I thought u should b asking for singing session again ma, u sang so well la so all bros here really wan 2 hear again know??? Dun 4get u have been awarded the 'Award of the Samster Gathering Night' la.....kekekekee.....catch u at homeland bro!


27-01-2005, 10:30 AM
Dear All,
12:30am now, after spending my last one hour writing a FR, failed to get posted and the message disappeared, really made me a Japanese, 西北杜郎 and KNN.

My customer got 69 (He'nan province) while I asked for 52. Don't think that there are many ladies around.

Worry about my performance, 52 ( B52 bomber hehe) said she could blow me off first and the second time is up to my capability, she could not guarantee. Well, for that I really admire her attitude towards her profession, those KTV gals should learn that.


Bro Shengge,
So u finally pluck up the courage & "seize" the opportunity to go Tong Ren Yuan to try No. 52? Good lad of u!
Well written FR u have here......clap clap!
Finally u did a FR here after much waiting by all bros here.....now u r finally 1 of us la!

27-01-2005, 11:36 AM
Bro Shengge,
Finally u did a FR here after much waiting by all bros here.....now u r finally 1 of us la!

Me not so good at FR so as the FJ.
Sad to see what you have written lah. Only those with FR can be considered as a group?...............anyway, you know my situation, difficult to be in the group like you guys, due to some limitations.
Personally, I prefer to write some comment and recommendation, here this is SHANGHAI Recommendation not FR, also sharing some limited information I have.
Thank you, bro!

27-01-2005, 12:46 PM
Dear Bro DunoLah,
Dun like dat la bro! Give the man, me the benefit of doubt la....I really did tat once only la! No doubt it's kinda scary thinking about aftermath of it yet it also kinda makes me feel damn 'garang' hehehehehe.....stupid feeling 'garang' yet quite a good scrw la bro! kekekeke....

P.S. - Bro DunoLah, u sure u only wan 2 meet up for kopi session with the rest of the bros in Homeland? I thought u should b asking for singing session again ma, u sang so well la so all bros here really wan 2 hear again know??? Dun 4get u have been awarded the 'Award of the Samster Gathering Night' la.....kekekekee.....catch u at homeland bro!


Bro SGP69,
As I said, I am game for anything, so far I only heard those bros mentioned abt kopi and tea session, so dare not say anything abt ktv or niteclub.
But anyway, as long you bros are there, go anywhere also fine for me.
Looking forward to see all bros in spore!!

Regards, ;)

27-01-2005, 01:40 PM
Dear Bro,

Not Ai Wan lah. Actually, after going back and started to pack, I was kind of horny again. I actually wanted to go there myself, but decided against it. I ended up calling the Mamasam at another joint that I know well, and ask her to send a girl whom I know in that joint to come and help me to pack my bag and.... :D

Thanks for the Tea Appreciation evening together, I hope you have gained some thing that evening.


From Euroland and still at -2 Deg C

27-01-2005, 02:04 PM
[QUOTE=PuTonRen]Dear Bro,
Not Ai Wan lah. Actually, after going back and started to pack, I was kind of horny again. I actually wanted to go there myself, but decided against it. I ended up calling the Mamasam at another joint that I know well, and ask her to send a girl whom I know in that joint to come and help me to pack my bag and.... :D Thanks for the Tea Appreciation evening together, I hope you have gained some thing that evening.

That's what I think as well, you have plenty of lobang around. Fully utilised your free time. If you are keen, can go to Kunshan next time.

Really enjoyed the tea very much. We can try some other tea house next time.

As for the weather, very misty here.

27-01-2005, 02:11 PM
[QUOTE=PuTonRen]Dear Bro,
Not Ai Wan lah. Actually, after going back and started to pack, I was kind of horny again. I actually wanted to go there myself, but decided against it. I ended up calling the Mamasam at another joint that I know well, and ask her to send a girl whom I know in that joint to come and help me to pack my bag and.... :D Thanks for the Tea Appreciation evening together, I hope you have gained some thing that evening.

That's what I think as well, you have plenty of lobang around. Fully utilised your free time. If you are keen, can go to Kunshan next time.

Really enjoyed the tea very much. We can try some other tea house next time.

As for the weather, very misty here.
Can someone call me the next time going for tea? Me sick of Alcohol already. Tea will be great. :D

27-01-2005, 02:31 PM
Can someone call me the next time going for tea? Me sick of Alcohol already. Tea will be great. :D

No Problem.
The only problem was tea cannnot make the ladies drunk like alcohol.


27-01-2005, 03:02 PM
No Problem.
The only problem was tea cannnot make the ladies drunk like alcohol.

:DBro Shengge, almost all guys can lay the gers when they are drunk. The real challenge is: how to lay a ger that is perfectly sober. The other danger to lay a drunken ger - she might phew all over the place when u were about to cum. Ha ha. So be careful. :D

27-01-2005, 04:53 PM
Bro Shengge, almost all guys can lay the gers when they are drunk. The real challenge is: how to lay a ger that is perfectly sober. The other danger to lay a drunken ger - she might phew all over the place when u were about to cum. Ha ha. So be careful. :D

I have not tried that before leh!
Not lah, I cum very fast one! :o

27-01-2005, 05:24 PM
I have not tried that before leh!
Not lah, I cum very fast one! :oBro, u r too humble, u might cum beri fast, but u recover beri fast oso mah. I might be able to cum slower, but take a good while to recover oso mah. :D

27-01-2005, 05:30 PM
No Problem.
The only problem was tea cannnot make the ladies drunk like alcohol.


Bro shengge,
ladies drunk or not... i guess doesnt really matter liao....
like our bro PTR, need someone to pack bag or warm bed, just a call... got delivery service. :D

27-01-2005, 06:06 PM
Can someone call me the next time going for tea? Me sick of Alcohol already. Tea will be great. :D

Dear Bro DumbAss,
Alamak bro...since when u r interested in Tea la!!!?? hehehehehe.....hhhmmmm...u turning in2 a new leaf eh instead of turning over a new leaf? kekekeke.....

Will sure 2 call u the next time there's such articulate "Tea Apreciation Session" organised by our Honorable Big Bro Putonren la,rest assured on that la.
Cheerios bro.

27-01-2005, 06:22 PM
Bro Shengge, almost all guys can lay the gers when they are drunk. The real challenge is: how to lay a ger that is perfectly sober. The other danger to lay a drunken ger - she might phew all over the place when u were about to cum. Ha ha. So be careful. :D

dear Bro Junior_Cannibal,
Well said bro but still u missed another very important pointer which I feel other bros should also take note of...that is should u scew a drunken gal here in PRC, do ensure when she's awake, she won't end up crying out "Rape" by u instead....as foreigners like us all here, being end up in such situation can b very very very bad u know!
Do take note bros......
Just my 0.1 cent worth of personal opinion on this tats all bros.
Cheerios to all bros here & a Gong Xi Fai Cai to all bros as well!

27-01-2005, 06:26 PM
Bro, u r too humble, u might cum beri fast, but u recover beri fast oso mah. I might be able to cum slower, but take a good while to recover oso mah. :D

Thanks for the compliment, me really cannot swim type. Lot of time, the ger will say, massage a little while b4 you go out. Also cannot 练小鸟, too costly.

28-01-2005, 01:50 AM
Dear Bro DumbAss,
Alamak bro...since when u r interested in Tea la!!!?? hehehehehe.....hhhmmmm...u turning in2 a new leaf eh instead of turning over a new leaf? kekekeke.....

Will sure 2 call u the next time there's such articulate "Tea Apreciation Session" organised by our Honorable Big Bro Putonren la,rest assured on that la.
Cheerios bro.

Wow, Dear Brothers,

Those people who sell alcohol in Shanghai would go after me man. Bro DumbAss, you are always in Hangzhou, how to call you unless you are willing to come all the way to Shanghai for Tea. Of course, if I am in your turf, I will call you to try out West Lake Dragon Well, but this tea is good only immediately after Qing Ming period, not now.

Bro Shengge, sure, I would like to go to Kunsun during my leisure trip to Shanghai that I told you about. I will be in Suzhou also to visit my regular before the parting day that both of us have fixed last year.

Oh yes, the girl I called over from another joint was someone I have known for sometimes already. Therefore, drunk or not does not really matter as she knows that I do not drink at all. It was a good evening with many soft tender words and touch, and violent action. The only problem was that I was accused for not calling her the day before, but called her only to help in the packing and the ...... But, Brothers come first mah! I prefer to meet you all without any girl friend, and also to find new friends (just like the Sichuan girl who went back with me).

Bro SGP is a good organiser, if he said he would invite you for the Tea Appreciation, he would do it. I would be more than happy to come along and share my humble knowledge. I will be in Shanghai most of the time before April 22 2005, except one ten day trip to Euroland.

Damn-it, this morning, at the outskirt of Euroland, the temperature was -4 Deg C. Both Senior and Junior PuTonRen shrank to keep themselves warm. :D

With best regards.

28-01-2005, 02:15 AM
My dear Bro PTR,
I will always go over for tea if you are having it. Don't worry about the tea leaves. I have ample stock.
I use to appreciate various tea with my cousin. We still have our collections of tea pots in Malaysia in the tea club house.
We have some a few type in office too. longjing, dongting and qiandaoyinzhen etc.
We can exchange some of our views on the various tea.
Bro DumbAss here is not just a beer man. Sometimes I can also be very cultured. :D

28-01-2005, 09:02 AM
The only problem was that I was accused for not calling her the day before, but called her only to help in the packing and the ...... But, Brothers come first mah! I prefer to meet you all without any girl friend, and also to find new friends (just like the Sichuan girl who went back with me)..

To have the Sichuan ger is really an 'ang gong' for you, otherwise you may have to 'zi mo' for the whole night..... :D

28-01-2005, 11:57 AM
Bro SGP69 & Bro Junior Cannibal!

Bro PuTonRen, SGP69, Junior_Cannibal, Whambam, Maverick, Dunnolah and all, let's meet up in Sillypore for coffee and catching up!

To ALL BROTHERS (and SISTERS if any) in the forum....


Shanghaitan :cool:

No prob...FYI..will be in KL first 4 days of CNY...

28-01-2005, 01:06 PM
To have the Sichuan ger is really an 'ang gong' for you, otherwise you may have to 'zi mo' for the whole night..... :D

Dear Bro Shengge,

Yes, the Sichuan girl was a bonus, if not at that time of the night, I will have to put my left hand on the wall, and right hand.........

My mistake was to tell her (the one who helped to pack) that I was there the night before and was in the KTV we went, instead of the one she was working in. Anyway, it could be just a show, and I played along, to apologise to her with soft touches, kisses and words, and hard actions. Hahaha..

Will you be back to SIngpaore during CNY? As Maverick72 will be in KL duing the first four days of CNY, we may arrange to meet after ht 5th day of CNY.


from Euroland at -3 Deg C.

28-01-2005, 01:13 PM
We can exchange some of our views on the various tea.
Bro DumbAss here is not just a beer man. Sometimes I can also be very cultured. :D


I know that you are very cultured. I am still impressed by your ability to recite poems and the list of all the Qing Emperors. I am sure I have a lot to learn from you as I have just started to learn how to appreciate Chinese Teas. I used to drink Diet Coke only, but have switched to Chinese Tea, first in Xiamen for Tea + Fun and then in Shanghai with Tea only.

Stuck in Euroland for almost a month. Damn bored, no KTV! I tried to visit a Chinese Tea House but found that for the same tea, it may cost 10 times more than in China. Looking forward for my meeting with Brothers in Singapore and thence in Shanghai again. No Project in Hangzhou leh!

I shall be making a round in China very soon, covering Lanzhou, Harbin, Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Chengdu and Xiamen.

With Regards.

Very Pu Tong in front of Ambassador in Hangzhou :D

28-01-2005, 01:18 PM
Dear Brothers of Shanghai,

I am looking forward to our proposed Kopi Drinking (and Singing) session in Singapore. If you are free and interested, and if you have not given me your number in Singapore, and if you feel comfortable, please pm me your contact number. Please also indicate you preference on the dates.

I shall try to do some arrangement.

Regards from Euroland

28-01-2005, 01:34 PM
Dear Brothers of Shanghai,

I am looking forward to our proposed Kopi Drinking (and Singing) session in Singapore. If you are free and interested, and if you have not given me your number in Singapore, and if you feel comfortable, please pm me your contact number. Please also indicate you preference on the dates.

I shall try to do some arrangement.

Regards from EurolandBro PTR, I am also looking forward to another gathering with you and the other good bros. As I will stay in Singapore till the 12th day of the lunar new year, I am alright to meet any time before that.

28-01-2005, 01:53 PM
Dear Bro Shengge,
if not at that time of the night, I will have to put my left hand on the wall, and right hand.........
Will you be back to SIngpaore during CNY? As Maverick72 will be in KL duing the first four days of CNY, we may arrange to meet after ht 5th day of CNY.

Bro PTR,
Next time just lie on the bed and try to shoot the lizard on the ceiling.
Sorry bro, will not be in SGP during CNY, prob after CNY.
Enjoy your Kopi.


31-01-2005, 10:25 AM
Next time just lie on the bed and try to shoot the lizard on the ceiling.
Sorry bro, will not be in SGP during CNY, prob after CNY.
Enjoy your Kopi.


Wow!! To all non-veteran brothers out there! Do note that in order to attain "veteran-ship", we must strive to shoot down lizards from off the ceiling like our dear Brother Shengge (aka B52 Bomber)! I pity those poor lizards in the bomber's home.. they must have been experiencing air raids for the longest of time... many lizard brothers must have sacrificed while attempting to take a sneak peak at the bomber in action... R.I.P to all wall-walkers with regenerative tails....

No mean feat and not to be attempted by the faint-hearted lest one suffers a storke or heart attack while trying. :o

It is unfortunate that Mr Bomber will not be back in SG during CNY, but then again, that's to be expected... it is not easy attaining Veteran status, especially one as high as Bro Shengge's (99% Chinese-hood, 1% Sillyporean). MY IDOL!!!

Cheerio! Heading back to SG soon for a short reprieve from the Chinese! Happy Chinese New Year to ALL!!

Shanghaitan :cool:

31-01-2005, 10:51 AM
:confused: Bro Whambam! Don't tell me that your OC won't even let you out of her sight for a few hours??? Coffee and TCSS only... don't worry... nothing naughty! hahaha... The only naughty things that will happen would probably be the things we say... so if you can make it, please please DON'T bring OC or else PiCiah LoBang don't blame any of us.

Whatever the case, wish you have a wonderful 2005!

Shanghaitan :cool:

Haha.... no promises, but I'll try.... Anyway, just let me know when you guys having kopi lor.... I'll be on my sg number hor....

31-01-2005, 11:30 AM
Dear Brothers of Shanghai,

I am looking forward to our proposed Kopi Drinking (and Singing) session in Singapore. If you are free and interested, and if you have not given me your number in Singapore, and if you feel comfortable, please pm me your contact number. Please also indicate you preference on the dates.

I shall try to do some arrangement.

Regards from Euroland

i will be back from 08/02 till 15/02 ... Bro Emperor Kangxi may join us too. I will PM you my sin no. later.

31-01-2005, 12:23 PM
[QUOTE=shanghaitan]Wow!! To all non-veteran brothers out there! Do note that in order to attain "veteran-ship", we must strive to shoot down lizards from off the ceiling like our dear Brother Shengge (aka B52 Bomber)! I pity those poor lizards in the bomber's home.. they must have been experiencing air raids for the longest of time... many lizard brothers must have sacrificed while attempting to take a sneak peak at the bomber in action... R.I.P to all wall-walkers with regenerative tails....
No mean feat and not to be attempted by the faint-hearted lest one suffers a storke or heart attack while trying.
Shanghaitan QUOTE]

Dear Bro, Shanghaitan,
I enjoy reading your post very much.
Don't you think it will be too tiring to ......... left hand on the wall, right hand...haha! Don think you need to do any of that at all.....right?
Me not a veteran lah, a v----illager! :p
Have been here for nos of years, only return to sgp one or twice a year. How I wish to me like most of you, one family in sgp, few 'houses' overseas.... right? Brother! :D

31-01-2005, 01:26 PM
Dear Bro, Shanghaitan,
I enjoy reading your post very much.
Don't you think it will be too tiring to ......... left hand on the wall, right hand...haha! Don think you need to do any of that at all.....right?
Me not a veteran lah, a v----illager!
Have been here for nos of years, only return to sgp one or twice a year. How I wish to me like most of you, one family in sgp, few 'houses' overseas.... right? Brother!

Hmm.... thanks for your kind words Brother Shengge. I am but a speck of insignificant dust in this entire universe... in short... NOTHING.. compared to the likes of yourself and other revered veterans...

Contrary to your belief, I have one family in Singapore and one in China, consisting of only brothers. These are the two family I need. The other "houses" that you mentioned I don't have, maybe you have but not me... I'm contented with just my family and my brothers.

You only termed yourself a "v--illager" because you choose to be one... but to me, a veteran is still a veteran by any other name..

I travel back to my homeland twice a year. While you may be considered to be travelling abroad when you visit Singapore as you may have already considered China as your "home"...

Looking forward to returning to a familiar ground where I feel sane again.. hahahaha.. well.. but I suppose all the sanity will be thrown out of the window when we brothers meet up.. :p


Shanghaitan :cool:

31-01-2005, 01:53 PM
Greetings from the South...

How is the weather up there? We could be planning a visit up there sometime in March.. was wondering if most of you guys who are permanently based there will be back to China by then...

Having an exhibiton sometime mid of March... So if any fellow expats who are also in the electronics line, do drop me a PM. I will post in this thread when the dates are closer to Mar.

Meanwhile 恭喜发财! And if anyone heading South sometime soon, do let us know maybe we could help out in some areas...

Good trip back home!


31-01-2005, 05:50 PM
I'm contented with just my family and my brothers.
You only termed yourself a "v--illager" because you choose to be one... but to me, a veteran is still a veteran by any other name..
I travel back to my homeland twice a year. While you may be considered to be travelling abroad when you visit Singapore as you may have already considered China as your "home"...
Looking forward to returning to a familiar ground where I feel sane again.. hahahaha.. well.. but I suppose all the sanity will be thrown out of the window when we brothers meet up

Bro Shanghaitan,
I cannot consider China as my home, rather Shanghai as my second home for the time being (the other home is where my parent live, not 金屋。。 ) or you want to say homeground. (as there are some soccer players here.... )
Look forward to meet up with you again.


31-01-2005, 11:36 PM
Dear Lao Da Simple Man,
I will stay put in Sillypore from 14 Feb till 28 Feb. Then I will be back in China after that. Are you going to be around this period? If so, we can round up the guys for a session, rite?

Dear shengge, shanghaitan, junior_cannibal, ultraman88, DumbAss and other esteemed bros,
Please do drop a note if you will be back in Sillypore during this period. We can all get together!

Cheers and hope to see you guys soon!
(Reporting from Taipei - not so cold at 10 degrees)

Dear Brothers of Shanghai,

I am looking forward to our proposed Kopi Drinking (and Singing) session in Singapore. If you are free and interested, and if you have not given me your number in Singapore, and if you feel comfortable, please pm me your contact number. Please also indicate you preference on the dates.

I shall try to do some arrangement.

Regards from Euroland

01-02-2005, 12:38 AM

I know that you are very cultured. I am still impressed by your ability to recite poems and the list of all the Qing Emperors. I am sure I have a lot to learn from you as I have just started to learn how to appreciate Chinese Teas. I used to drink Diet Coke only, but have switched to Chinese Tea, first in Xiamen for Tea + Fun and then in Shanghai with Tea only.

Stuck in Euroland for almost a month. Damn bored, no KTV! I tried to visit a Chinese Tea House but found that for the same tea, it may cost 10 times more than in China. Looking forward for my meeting with Brothers in Singapore and thence in Shanghai again. No Project in Hangzhou leh!

I shall be making a round in China very soon, covering Lanzhou, Harbin, Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Chengdu and Xiamen.

With Regards.

Very Pu Tong in front of Ambassador in Hangzhou :D
Bro! Don't use Ambassador leh! That one got me mailbox flooded the last time.
Next time you go around PRC, lets meet somewhere away from SHA and HGH.
I am now back in SIN. Waiting for the bros to gather. :D

Van Basten
01-02-2005, 01:26 AM
i will be back from 08/02 till 15/02 ... Bro Emperor Kangxi may join us too. I will PM you my sin no. later.

Wow even got a Bro Emperor Kangxi... I m back in the motherland already... hope to join u all for the Kopi session if possible. Really intrigues me to meet pple such as Bro SGPShanghai69 and Bro PTR etc etc....

02-02-2005, 01:35 PM
Greetings from the South...

How is the weather up there? We could be planning a visit up there sometime in March.. was wondering if most of you guys who are permanently based there will be back to China by then...

Having an exhibiton sometime mid of March... So if any fellow expats who are also in the electronics line, do drop me a PM. I will post in this thread when the dates are closer to Mar.

Meanwhile 恭喜发财! And if anyone heading South sometime soon, do let us know maybe we could help out in some areas...

Good trip back home!


Most bros who worked here in SHA will be back by end Feb this month.
PM any 1 of us then.

02-02-2005, 01:37 PM
Bro! Don't use Ambassador leh! That one got me mailbox flooded the last time.
Next time you go around PRC, lets meet somewhere away from SHA and HGH.
I am now back in SIN. Waiting for the bros to gather. :D

Dear Bro DumbAss,
Dun b modest on the title la...u deserved every bit of tat title!
It's a recognition tat u earned for sharing all info u accumulated in HZ with all bros here....salute u for tat bro!

GONG XI FAI CAI 2 u bro & family!

02-02-2005, 04:30 PM
Some humble contributions to all bros out there.

Just came back from SHA and found one quite good place. Dunno anyone tried before? Anyway, it a massage centre call "Di Zhong Hai". Wa lao, first time in my life of cheonging that I met such beauty that do nothing but just manicure and digging ears (wat a waste !!!). Heard from the massage gals that No 1 and 3 were actually shanghai models...Unlike other places, these gals (dressed in night gowns...can you imagine !!!) actually lies next to you while digging ears...so yr hands are free to ruba ruba them...shiok !

Next is the massage....quite SOP, but no FJ...only HJ. But managed to sian one who (after much stimulation) broke the "law" and actually stripe totally naked. Even agree to go back with me next time for a full session in my hotel...Pai seh, dunno about cost though, coz fully paid by agent. But dun think it's hard to find since it one of the better massage centre around (or probably the biggest).....highly recommended.

By the way, how's the rate for KTV gals nowadays in SHA ? Kind of lost track liao. But last Monday night went to "Jin Bi Hui Huang"...the gal actually ask for 2K but negoiable to 1.7K. Still I rejected and finally ended up in one joint (cannot remember the name liao...in one small hotel) that provides full service. Initially wanted to go Tong Ren Yuan as recommended by bros here, but friend tried and said the quality was not good...this place is better. Dunno...anyway heading to SHA again after CNY, so maybe will check out Ton Ren Yuan then.....

02-02-2005, 04:40 PM
Some humble contributions to all bros out there.

Just came back from SHA and found one quite good place. Dunno anyone tried before? Anyway, it a massage centre call "Di Zhong Hai". Wa lao, first time in my life of cheonging that I met such beauty that do nothing but just manicure and digging ears (wat a waste !!!). Heard from the massage gals that No 1 and 3 were actually shanghai models...Unlike other places, these gals (dressed in night gowns...can you imagine !!!) actually lies next to you while digging ears...so yr hands are free to ruba ruba them...shiok !

Bro, Can you furnish the address or name of road? Maybe we should go check it out.
Bro SGPShanghai69, I leave it to you on the Recce mission? :p

02-02-2005, 06:04 PM
Dear Brothers of Shanghai,

I am looking forward to our proposed Kopi Drinking (and Singing) session in Singapore. If you are free and interested, and if you have not given me your number in Singapore, and if you feel comfortable, please pm me your contact number. Please also indicate you preference on the dates.

I shall try to do some arrangement.

Regards from Euroland

Dear Lau-Da,
Looking forward to see you and hear all your story, pl give me a call once date is fixed, will get Bro Ascott, Bro ShagMan, Bro Jan 69 to come along...
See u.

02-02-2005, 06:16 PM
By the way, how's the rate for KTV gals nowadays in SHA ? Kind of lost track liao. But last Monday night went to "Jin Bi Hui Huang"...the gal actually ask for 2K but negoiable to 1.7K. Still I rejected and finally ended up in one joint (cannot remember the name liao...in one small hotel) that provides full service. Initially wanted to go Tong Ren Yuan as recommended by bros here, but friend tried and said the quality was not good...this place is better. Dunno...anyway heading to SHA again after CNY, so maybe will check out Ton Ren Yuan then.....Bro mars883, the rate for ktv gals starts around RMB300, though there are some joints you may be able to get away with RMB200. About ST, one should expect to fork out at least RMB800 (market rate), though there are some bros who can sian their way to bring the rate down dramatically.
Your friend may be right in terms of Tong Ren Yuan, this place's deco has nothing to shout about, but the gals' service are generally rather professional. If you should come to Shanghai, just pm us and we can arrange something together.

02-02-2005, 06:18 PM
Bro, Can you furnish the address or name of road? Maybe we should go check it out.
Bro SGPShanghai69, I leave it to you on the Recce mission? :p

Bro DumbAss,
I dun mind going for the recce mission though...but at least provide the point of recce la! Dunno where exactly 2 go 2 so how 2 go do recce la????

02-02-2005, 06:23 PM
Dear Lau-Da,
Looking forward to see you and hear all your story, pl give me a call once date is fixed, will get Bro Ascott, Bro ShagMan, Bro Jan 69 to come along...
See u.

Dear Bro Hayashi,
R u sure u wil able 2 make it? I have been back in homeland many atimes yet still u couldn't make it even for lunch or kopi!!??? So u kindly ensure that u will able 2 make it b4 u commit la bro...

02-02-2005, 06:52 PM
Dear Bro Hayashi,
R u sure u wil able 2 make it? I have been back in homeland many atimes yet still u couldn't make it even for lunch or kopi!!??? So u kindly ensure that u will able 2 make it b4 u commit la bro...

sure! die die must also attend...Organise by our Lau-Da, must give face ma....
I did try to meet up you but u was also kind of busy -- meeting, bring kid to school....so don't blame me lah....

02-02-2005, 08:09 PM
Bro DumbAss,
I dun mind going for the recce mission though...but at least provide the point of recce la! Dunno where exactly 2 go 2 so how 2 go do recce la????
Refer to Bro mars883 post.

02-02-2005, 10:49 PM
Dear Lau-Da,
Looking forward to see you and hear all your story, pl give me a call once date is fixed, will get Bro Ascott, Bro ShagMan, Bro Jan 69 to come along...
See u.

Dear Bro Hayashi,
Glad to hear from you.
I was not able to get a ticket to sgp from my place, it has been quite a long time since we last met.
Well, like to take this opportunity to wish you a big rewarding year of Chickens.... I think you would prefer Chicks then Chicken, Cash to Chicks.... anyway hope you can get all of them.
Do send my regards to fellow brothers that I've known and those that I have yet to know...各位大哥,新年发大财,美女滚滚来。

02-02-2005, 11:27 PM
Our Bro Hayashi MIA so long finally flood out of the water!
OK KOPI session ON. Make sure you really ON! :p

03-02-2005, 12:36 AM
Some humble contributions to all bros out there.

Just came back from SHA and found one quite good place. Dunno anyone tried before? Anyway, it a massage centre call "Di Zhong Hai". Wa lao, first time in my life of cheonging that I met such beauty that do nothing but just manicure and digging ears (wat a waste !!!). Heard from the massage gals that No 1 and 3 were actually shanghai models...Unlike other places, these gals (dressed in night gowns...can you imagine !!!) actually lies next to you while digging ears...so yr hands are free to ruba ruba them...shiok !

Next is the massage....quite SOP, but no FJ...only HJ. But managed to sian one who (after much stimulation) broke the "law" and actually stripe totally naked. Even agree to go back with me next time for a full session in my hotel...Pai seh, dunno about cost though, coz fully paid by agent. But dun think it's hard to find since it one of the better massage centre around (or probably the biggest).....highly recommended.


I did went to Di Zhong Hai b4 and posted this FR, though the gal was real pretty, service was not.


Never know abt the ear digging though. Any1 got recommendation on good service gal I will surely try next trip!
What name or # you got, and her rating?

03-02-2005, 04:12 AM
Most bros who worked here in SHA will be back by end Feb this month.
PM any 1 of us then.

Thanks for the invitation! Have a Prosperous New Year to one and all!!

PS... Tonite go back liao lor.... hehehehe..

03-02-2005, 10:01 AM
Bro Dumbass and bro SGP,

Pai seh, went back very late that night (0230am, and have to wake up at 6am to catch the flight back to SGP)....so sibei tired and forgot to take name card. But I think Bro vfv maybe can help.....

Bro vfv, can provide address ? thanks ! Guess maybe as competition heats up, they tends to try to improve the service. You are right though that the massage is kind of SOP...guess I just happen to get the right gal...hehe. Regarding to the ear-digging gal...look for No 1 (heard best looking), if not No 3...all too bad cannot screw them though (sigh).

Bro J cannibal, thanks for the invitation....will try next time. FYI, I have yet to meet up with bro tripping and bro sgp, even though I went SHA for some many times...pai seh !

03-02-2005, 10:45 AM
Some humble contributions to all bros out there.

Just came back from SHA and found one quite good place. Dunno anyone tried before? Anyway, it a massage centre call "Di Zhong Hai". Wa lao, first time in my life of cheonging that I met such beauty that do nothing but just manicure and digging ears (wat a waste !!!). Heard from the massage gals that No 1 and 3 were actually shanghai models...Unlike other places, these gals (dressed in night gowns...can you imagine !!!) actually lies next to you while digging ears...so yr hands are free to ruba ruba them...shiok !

Next is the massage....quite SOP, but no FJ...only HJ. But managed to sian one who (after much stimulation) broke the "law" and actually stripe totally naked. Even agree to go back with me next time for a full session in my hotel...Pai seh, dunno about cost though, coz fully paid by agent. But dun think it's hard to find since it one of the better massage centre around (or probably the biggest).....highly recommended.

Bro mars883,
I think the place you have mentioned is similar to HC like the HK City or Macau City. About 3 years ago, I went with my customer and supplier, 3 of us spent about RMB4K (with VIP card), with standard 2 sessions (total 90mins) massage + foot message + my customer ear digging. They only provide HJ, not so sure about it these days.
Considering the price and ROI, I think it is too expensive to go.

03-02-2005, 11:55 AM
Bro mars883,
I think the place you have mentioned is similar to HC like the HK City or Macau City. About 3 years ago, I went with my customer and supplier, 3 of us spent about RMB4K (with VIP card), with standard 2 sessions (total 90mins) massage + foot message + my customer ear digging. They only provide HJ, not so sure about it these days.
Considering the price and ROI, I think it is too expensive to go.

Yes, agreed that this is very expensive. I always visit HK City provided under company account.

03-02-2005, 01:09 PM
Bro shengge,

Think you are right...in fact, I did overheard them comparing Macau City and Di Zhong Hai...so I guess should be about the same standard, and probably the same kind of price as well. You are right, unless customer or ah #### paying for it, i would not want to waste this kind of money. If I am not wrong, I think ear-digging is already RMB100 (for less than half an hour).

03-02-2005, 07:02 PM
Our Bro Hayashi MIA so long finally flood out of the water!
OK KOPI session ON. Make sure you really ON! :p

Bro DumbAss,
Really miss all the fun in SH, these day I only taken care of SIN & Indonesia...
No chance to visit SH!
Lots of HC in Jakarta providing Russian & China chick at the price of Rp1,500,000 (abt SGD300) for 2hrs....dam expensive right?
I normally go to the shop (yes, a shop, not HC, only for u to pick up) to 'da-pao', the charges is Rp200,000 for 6 hrs or Rp250,000~300,000 for overnight.
Sometime if lucky, can manage to get office gal or U-student...but, after station in SH, tend to compare the qquality with the China and its hard to tune back.
Well, I am sure on for the coffee session...see u soon.

03-02-2005, 07:48 PM
wah lao...cannot tahan u guys paying so much for fuck!
go barber shop can get fuck for 150RMB...at nite only need to visit those small barber shop with pinkish light and sexy gals inside...if u want to fuck all nite...just ask them out to ur hotel...usuall 300-400RMB can fuck til u cock cannot stand

as for HC...normally more expensive...but abt 300-400RMB per shot...remember to choose...not happy change...

i think most expensive will be bonking in ktv...mamasang...boyboy...gals all ask for $$$...ask gal out need 800-1000rmb...damn expensive...

if good with mandarin...can go chat in sina.com.cn then look for those gals that use "tempting" names...just write them how much...they give u description...what they do...hp no. and address...if u feel good...then take a cab to their place...usually 300-400RMB per shot...overnite...800-1000RMB...

good luck...

03-02-2005, 08:55 PM
wah lao...cannot tahan u guys paying so much for fuck!
go barber shop can get fuck for 150RMB...at nite only need to visit those small barber shop with pinkish light and sexy gals inside...if u want to fuck all nite...just ask them out to ur hotel...usuall 300-400RMB can fuck til u cock cannot stand

Cannot compare. Everyone has his own preferences.
Some of our Bros here have FOCs all the time. At most they give some shopping money or nice gifts. Brings back those GF feelings. Others might find the KTVs have better packaging.
Of course some bros tends to have more than they could handle. Right Bro SGPShanghai69 and Bro Scuba? :D

04-02-2005, 12:42 AM
Hi all bro in shanghai,

i have follow all the threads here closely and would need your advise cause i am meeting a suzhou girl in shanghai coming 22nd Feb- 27th Feb. We might be going to Suzhou and Hangzhou. I happen to know her in QQ and some of the brothers here might think that i am mad to visit her at this weird time of the year where it is SO COLD over there.... maybe indeed :p

Anyway, i had purchase the tickets and i am wondering if any kind brothers can introduce any nice hotels/ service aparments @ < SIN $100/day for me both in Shanghai,Suzhou and Hangzhou.

I had browsed the Ascott website and the costing is definately not within my budget range.

I would also hope to meet up with bro SGPshanghai69, Ronaldo, PTR, Dumbass, Shengge and all others for a cup of tea if time permits. Really salute all of u for the comprehensive FR that all have compiled.

Not having much intention to chiong, but definately will try to squeeze out sometime for some action. So those recommended place by bros will be my first choice

Hope bros in Shanghai can give me some guidiance as a i going there alone, first time.

Thanks and HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all.

Bro TRick :)

04-02-2005, 12:47 AM
Hi all bro in shanghai,

i have follow all the threads here closely and would need your advise cause i am meeting a suzhou girl in shanghai coming 22nd Feb- 27th Feb. We might be going to Suzhou and Hangzhou. I happen to know her in QQ and some of the brothers here might think that i am mad to visit her at this weird time of the year where it is SO COLD over there.... maybe indeed :p

Anyway, i had purchase the tickets and i am wondering if any kind brothers can introduce any nice hotels/ service aparments @ < SIN $100/day for me both in Shanghai,Suzhou and Hangzhou.

If you confirm going HGH then you PM me. I will make the Hotel reservation for you.

04-02-2005, 09:05 AM
If you confirm going HGH then you PM me. I will make the Hotel reservation for you.

See Bro DumbAss,

You are forever for helpful. So please blame me for making your PM box jammed. okay!!

Dear Brother Trick, I vouch for Bro DumbAss. He is very helpful. He also likes to look after old man like me. If you are as old as me, he sure treats you better.

Regards from SIngpaore (Finally back from Euroland)

04-02-2005, 09:42 AM
See Bro DumbAss,

You are forever for helpful. So please blame me for making your PM box jammed. okay!!

Dear Brother Trick, I vouch for Bro DumbAss. He is very helpful. He also likes to look after old man like me. If you are as old as me, he sure treats you better.

Regards from SIngpaore (Finally back from Euroland)
Don't say that leh. Just helping our bro here have a good time in HGH with his new found romance.
Maybe I should help plan his itinerary?
So when you will be coming out for Kopi seesion? Bro Hayashi is waiting.

04-02-2005, 09:55 AM
Don't say that leh. Just helping our bro here have a good time in HGH with his new found romance.
Maybe I should help plan his itinerary?
So when you will be coming out for Kopi seesion? Bro Hayashi is waiting.

Just landed in Singapore two hours ago, and is now at home preparing for meetings this afternoon. Give me one or two days rest leh. I am very tired, jet-lag and must still go for meetings. Sigh.....Qre you able to contact Hayashi?

Regards from Singapore

04-02-2005, 10:12 AM
Just landed in Singapore two hours ago, and is now at home preparing for meetings this afternoon. Give me one or two days rest leh. I am very tired, jet-lag and must still go for meetings. Sigh.....Qre you able to contact Hayashi?

Regards from Singapore

please allow me to buy u a kopi-O kosong to help u recover..........


04-02-2005, 10:36 AM
Anyway, i had purchase the tickets and i am wondering if any kind brothers can introduce any nice hotels/ service aparments @ < SIN $100/day for me both in Shanghai,Suzhou and Hangzhou.

I had browsed the Ascott website and the costing is definately not within my budget range.

Difficult to get an apartment or hotel that is around RMB500 or less in Shanghai.If budget can increase a little, you can try Diamond Court ( service apartment), Ramada or even Holiday Inn but these are in Pudong and not Puxi. If u need help can PM me.

cheers and Gong Xi Fatt Chai :)

04-02-2005, 12:59 PM
See Bro DumbAss,

You are forever for helpful. So please blame me for making your PM box jammed. okay!!

Dear Brother Trick, I vouch for Bro DumbAss. He is very helpful. He also likes to look after old man like me. If you are as old as me, he sure treats you better.

Regards from SIngpaore (Finally back from Euroland)

hahaha.... welcome home, uncle L!!!
after u have enuff rest, pls call me & i'll arrange the CP gang for kopi session with u ok? i'll go & check whether they are back already or not, hahaha...

happy chicken year!!!


04-02-2005, 01:17 PM
hahaha.... welcome home, uncle L!!!
after u have enuff rest, pls call me & i'll arrange the CP gang for kopi session with u ok? i'll go & check whether they are back already or not, hahaha...

happy chicken year!!!


Gathering on the 7th night. All except 2 (me and stano) are already back in Sland. Please check with bro jans766 (arrowed-organiser) for meeting schedule.

CP Group attendees: Myself, Stano, Ronaldo, Hcmanic, Apsx, Sinoview, Frankieman, Thecock and Des( ??)

Please hor..no KTV!! thank u. hehe... see u on the 7th.

Bro Vaxvms - u better be there! u owe me many many kopis :D

04-02-2005, 03:45 PM
Hi all bro in shanghai,
Anyway, i had purchase the tickets and i am wondering if any kind brothers can introduce any nice hotels/ service aparments @ < SIN $100/day for me both in Shanghai,Suzhou and Hangzhou.
Bro TRick :)

Hi there,
If you are looking for a place to sleep only and that is nice and convenience, also clean. You may want to try these hotels that is located all around the town. Hope it help!

Happy Spring Festival!

04-02-2005, 11:28 PM
Thanks to Bro Shangge, Shanghian and DumbAss,

I shall seek your advise and will concude soon.


bro TRick

05-02-2005, 02:29 PM
Thanks to Bro Shangge, Shanghian and DumbAss,

I shall seek your advise and will concude soon.


bro TRick

Bro. Trick,
Try looking up at www.ctrip.com
The hotels listed are quite reasonable in price.

All other bros,
Don't forget me on the gathering on 7th!!


05-02-2005, 02:44 PM
Bro. Trick,
Try looking up at www.ctrip.com
The hotels listed are quite reasonable in price.

All other bros,
Don't forget me on the gathering on 7th!!

Gathering where? :D

05-02-2005, 02:53 PM
Bro SGP69,
Sorry! The favour you asked, cannot find.
Pai Sei.
Happy Spring Festival!

05-02-2005, 09:57 PM
hi all experienced bros,

After browsing the website, i have shortlisted a few accomodations.
1.New Harbour Service Apartments y648
2.Golden Trans-Ocean Apartments y468

I need a accomodation near the shopping area. pls advise or u have better recommendations.

Bro TRick ;)

05-02-2005, 10:28 PM
Hi all bros,

Apologies for my absence for the kopi session on 7th.
I will be in Malaysia for the CNY from 5 till 14 Feb. Therefore, will only be able to make it after 14 Feb.
Any bros still wanna meet after 14 Feb can PM me.
Cheers !
Have a propsperous NY!!

Gathering on the 7th night. All except 2 (me and stano) are already back in Sland. Please check with bro jans766 (arrowed-organiser) for meeting schedule.

CP Group attendees: Myself, Stano, Ronaldo, Hcmanic, Apsx, Sinoview, Frankieman, Thecock and Des( ??)

Please hor..no KTV!! thank u. hehe... see u on the 7th.

Bro Vaxvms - u better be there! u owe me many many kopis :D

06-02-2005, 03:43 AM
Hi Bro

Welcome back ............
where will the kopi session be held....
It will be nice to meet up with all the bro from shanghai.....


06-02-2005, 03:46 AM
Hi Tsuyoyi

let meet up after 14 Feb


Hi all bros,

Apologies for my absence for the kopi session on 7th.
I will be in Malaysia for the CNY from 5 till 14 Feb. Therefore, will only be able to make it after 14 Feb.
Any bros still wanna meet after 14 Feb can PM me.
Cheers !
Have a propsperous NY!!

06-02-2005, 11:10 AM
Hi Bros:

I'll be going to Hangzhou middle of March. The one and only purpose is cheonging. Would appreciate bros recommend places to stay, cheong, and pricing suggestion please.

Promise definitely write detailed field report.

Thanks so much

06-02-2005, 02:03 PM
hi all experienced bros,

After browsing the website, i have shortlisted a few accomodations.
1.New Harbour Service Apartments y648
2.Golden Trans-Ocean Apartments y468

I need a accomodation near the shopping area. pls advise or u have better recommendations.

Bro TRick ;)
Zhong Fu Service apartment/hotal RMB400-RMB500 very good shopping and subway access. Next to Singapore Raffles City and behind the Nanjing shopping district. Aslo have Airport bus services which could save you a couple of hundreds for shopping and cheonging.
When arrived in Shanghai, take bus number 2 into town and from there change a cab. Saves a lot.
When leaving arrange for airport bus services at front desk of Zhongfu Hotel cost RMB50/pax (details in lobby).
PM me if you need more info. :D

06-02-2005, 02:08 PM
Hi Bros:

I'll be going to Hangzhou middle of March. The one and only purpose is cheonging. Would appreciate bros recommend places to stay, cheong, and pricing suggestion please.

Promise definitely write detailed field report.

Thanks so much
I might be there mid March too!
Provide dates and duration for us to help. Why Cheong HGH alone? Get some Bros from SHA to join you. They are all ready to come down to HGH on weekends.
We can all paint the city blue one night like before.
SGP wanna have another ORGY? :D

06-02-2005, 04:32 PM
Bro. Trick,
Try looking up at www.ctrip.com
The hotels listed are quite reasonable in price.

All other bros,
Don't forget me on the gathering on 7th!!


7th ?? i coming back on the 8th ... missing another session !!! OMG !!!

06-02-2005, 05:48 PM
7th ?? i coming back on the 8th ... missing another session !!! OMG !!!

Hi Brother,

No worry! The Shanghai Brothers will be having one after CNY. Just keep in touch.

I shall be in Shanghai from 17 to 22 Feb 05, I hope that this time we shall not cross each other again.

Happy New Year

06-02-2005, 05:51 PM
Dear Brot DumbAss,

You are not Dumb, man! You are an Ambassador in Hangzhou, now it seems that you are slowly replacing our brother SGP to be an Ambassador in Shanghai. Hahahaha.... just kidding.

I will have to spend some long time in March 05. Let me know, and who knows I shall go to Hangzhou to pay respect to you, the Ambassador. Hahahaha.....

While trying to be nice, remember, brother, beware of free-loaders.

Happy New Year! :D

06-02-2005, 05:58 PM
Dear Brot DumbAss,

While trying to be nice, remember, brother, beware of free-loaders.

Happy New Year! :D
Ya! We all know. Had a few cases in the last few years. Maybe I will have to make it a point to have them pick up the tab on our first outing.
We are all gentlemen who pays our own share and sometimes pay for some fellow brothers we know well.
Came across one fellow who behaves as if I owe it to him to get him laid.
But, there are still a lot of good bros out there. So far the good ones comes along more often than the bad ones.
Where to on 7th? PM me! :D

06-02-2005, 07:00 PM
Came across one fellow who behaves as if I owe it to him to get him laid.
But, there are still a lot of good bros out there. So far the good ones comes along more often than the bad ones.
Where to on 7th? PM me! :D

Yes, Brother,

I met one who behaved very gentlemantly, but during one KTV session, he sneaked out with the girl while pretending to go for toilet. Sometimes, it is difficult to be nice to newbies.

You are right, we shall continue to share our humble experience with new brothers so that they would not be conned. This is because there are still many good ones around.

I do not know where to on 7th Feb, and am myself waiting for people to call me or pm me.


06-02-2005, 07:30 PM
Maybe I will have to make it a point to have them pick up the tab on our first outing.

Deaer Brother,

Actually, I have slightly different view. If during the first outing, we agree to bring them along to a joint, that means we will also derive some enjoyment from the outing. In this case, it is fair that we share in the cost of the evening while having fun with them.

If you do not feel like going, then just give the new comers the lead, on where to go, what to expect, the probable costs, etc. and ask them politely to go and have funs themselves. I think the new comers will be reasonable enough on not to expect us to bring them around ourselves, and share in the cost even if we do not like to go. No one can force us to go, the logic is very simple, if I go willingly with a new comer for a night fun, I will share the cost. I understand that many of us are quite tired of these joints after so many years in China. Many brothers here know that I go for Tea Appreciation now, and will go to those joints only when necessary (mostly on job related outings).

My 2 cent worth, as usual

07-02-2005, 08:55 AM
Hi Brother,

No worry! The Shanghai Brothers will be having one after CNY. Just keep in touch.

I shall be in Shanghai from 17 to 22 Feb 05, I hope that this time we shall not cross each other again.

Happy New Year

Bro PTR,

I will be back in SH by then. Definitely need to do something together.

The 10 bros: are we doing it again ?

everyone: gong hei fatt choi !!

07-02-2005, 09:30 AM
Deaer Brother,

Actually, I have slightly different view. If during the first outing, we agree to bring them along to a joint, that means we will also derive some enjoyment from the outing. In this case, it is fair that we share in the cost of the evening while having fun with them.

Agree. What I meant was they pick the tab and I pay my share. Instead of me picking the tab and let people act blur which happens most of the time and I am lousy asking people for money.

07-02-2005, 02:47 PM
Agree. What I meant was they pick the tab and I pay my share. Instead of me picking the tab and let people act blur which happens most of the time and I am lousy asking people for money.

Dear Brother,

See, you are not Dumb! You are smart after so many years in China. Actually, we think a like. I also find it difficult to take money back from people, that is why many people took advantage of me. But I have since intended to stop lending money or pay for people first.

I shall be in Shanghai soon, maybe we can meet then for Tea Appreciation, afterall you are a connoisseur.

Happy New Year!

07-02-2005, 04:20 PM
Dear Brother,
I shall be in Shanghai soon, maybe we can meet then for Tea Appreciation, afterall you are a connoisseur.
Happy New Year!
Me no connoisseur. Just a drinker.
Will be SHA, HGH and Wuxi after CNY. When do you want to start some SHA brotherhood I heard your were saying the last time?
How's your timing? Me should be up late Feb and till maybe 60 days later. :o

07-02-2005, 05:24 PM
Me no connoisseur. Just a drinker.
Will be SHA, HGH and Wuxi after CNY. When do you want to start some SHA brotherhood I heard your were saying the last time?
How's your timing? Me should be up late Feb and till maybe 60 days later. :o
No lah, I was not the one who wanted to start the Brotherhood in Shanghai.

Will call you when I am in Shanghai.


07-02-2005, 05:34 PM
Hi All,
Just to let you guys know that I am back in Sillypore. However, will be away from 8th-14 Feb in KL for CNY. Only can meet up after that.
Want to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone in this forum GONG XI FAI CAI and a PROSPEROUS YEAR IN THE YEAR OF THE 'CHICKEN' :D


07-02-2005, 05:43 PM
Hi All,
Just to let you guys know that I am back in Sillypore. However, will be away from 8th-14 Feb in KL for CNY. Only can meet up after that.
Want to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone in this forum GONG XI FAI CAI and a PROSPEROUS YEAR IN THE YEAR OF THE 'CHICKEN' :D


Dear Brother Maverick72,

In this case, maybe we shall meet again in Shanghai as I will be in Shanghai from 17 Feb 2005 for few days. I sort of like to see your fierce dancing again.

Best Regards

Happy New Year of "Chicken"

07-02-2005, 07:47 PM
Seems like no coffee gathering tonight as Bro.Jans is down with flu.
Maybe after the CNY?
Keep in touch!
BTW, I thought our Bro. SGP is in homeland? No words from him...?


07-02-2005, 10:28 PM
Seems like no coffee gathering tonight as Bro.Jans is down with flu.
Maybe after the CNY?
Keep in touch!
BTW, I thought our Bro. SGP is in homeland? No words from him...?

Me waited in office till 9 nobody call! After CNY then. Ascott, you start making calls? :D

07-02-2005, 11:15 PM
Me waited in office till 9 nobody call! After CNY then. Ascott, you start making calls? :D

Dear Brothers,

Me too, I waited until 7.30 pm until I decided to go New Year Shopping with family.

Happy New Year to all of you!

With best wishes

08-02-2005, 02:45 AM
To All Bro's in SH, TONG REN FR

After hearing much about Tong Ren, it was time to give it a try, And try I did. My mind was running an internal Debate as it was already 12:30 To go or not to go... and finally raw desire took over. ( yawn.. getting late)

Got there did the usual thing and went to the waiting area.(Tip: get friendly with the service boys casue they can make pretty good recommdations)

Starting talking about who gives good service and mentioned 52( thanks to this forum) straight away, he realised that I was not totally new(my first time) and recommended girl No. 01.. yes 1 .. so anyway he leads me to the room and as we enter, he calls NO. 1 out and tells her somthing(give good service... My friend.. blah blah)

got to the room and first thing i saw were the boobies... they were decent sized melons... ( Drool) She proceeded to undress me, and on seeing the hairy chest immediately said.. you are not Chinese are you... no was the reply. Where From?... Singapore..( Cut right to the Action)

she proceeded to strip and WOW those were some of the niceest roundest melons I've seen, Porn star standard( I assume they were C).

Turn Around she said play fullly..( she was a sweet girl from north East-- haerbin) proceeeded to cat bath me... (I though it was weak till she started sucking my balls... Whoa .. shoik)

Turn Around and Face up .. yes Mam.. cat bath part 2... ( Skip to the more exciting bit)....

now she started blowing me raw .. licking gently ... (shoik.. just the way i like) then she suggested that we try somthing different...( now it gets interesting) told me to stand on the edge of the bed and then laying on bed facing up, she proceeded to Blow me from between my legs... Giving me full access to her Boobies and exposing her yoni to me.. ( Shoik shoik)

after the blow, Went stright to the action... ( nothing to write home about)
she on top. standing missionary, standing doggie, Back to standing missionary.... etc...

Face: 7 /10 ( very cute Dong Bei ren)
Attitude : 8/10 ( friendly)
BBBJ: 8/10
AR: 10 / 10 - She was tossing salad like it was on sale
Cat bath: 4/10 ( she did try hard but not my cup of tea)
FJ: 7/ 10
RTF: probably
Damage : 580

Overall it was an interesing first time and I must say it was good. Thanks to the Bros who ventured first and showed us how affordable SHanghai can really Be. Happy New Year one and all!!

08-02-2005, 12:14 PM
Can you advise where is Tong Ren HC actual address ?

Will be in shanghai probably in the week of 22nd Feb - so hope to venture there then.

I do have an interesting experience going to the "barber shop" over at Pudong side in my last trip. After missing out the gathering arranged by ShangHaibro last month, I took a walk along the streets after hearing from a friend that the "barber shop" provide interesting services.

After walking a few street (can't remember the actual street name but it is opposite the big Yahan store ), come to a row of barber shop which is dimly lighted outside. As I walked passed, girls started to wave to me...gesturing for me to come over. After walking pass a few, my small head took control and went into one of the shop.

Once inside, I presumed the "mamasan" started to small talk with me while I scanned the room. There were two row of barber chair with a number of girls standing/sitting on the chair - all giving me their best smile. Although not model quality, some of them do look presentable. One of the girls caught my attention and immediately I ask the "mamasan" if I can bring her back to my hotel as I don't feel safe in the barber shop.

The mamasan said no problem and after quoting the price (RMB 500), I motioned to the girl to follow me back. We took a cab back to my hotel (which is pretty near) and went straight to action.

Overall, nothing to shout about - she did not BBBJ nor massage me after the bonk, but nevertheless, it was a satisfactory bonked.

The only frastrusting thing is that she told me that she will not be staying overnight and insisted that she need to go back. In the end, I paid her RMB 300 and sent her off.

So Bro, please ensure that you also checked with the girl on the arrangement and don't be like me, assumed that the mamasan will take care of it.

Hope to catch up with the Shanghai S'pore residents in my next trip.

08-02-2005, 04:51 PM
Bro DumbAss,

Confirmed will reach Hangzhou on 22nd feb 2005 and will be staying till 25th (3nites) before speanding the next 2 days in Shanghai. Reaching around lunch time. I would like to seek your advise on a recommended hotel in/near the town and westlake.

Apparently i have chosen Ramada Plaza Hangzhou Haihua Hotel.
Pls kindly advised.

thank in advance n a Happy chinese new year.

bro TRick

08-02-2005, 09:14 PM
Bro DumbAss,
Confirmed will reach Hangzhou on 22nd feb 2005 and will be staying till 25th (3nites) before speanding the next 2 days in Shanghai. Reaching around lunch time. I would like to seek your advise on a recommended hotel in/near the town and westlake.

Apparently i have chosen Ramada Plaza Hangzhou Haihua Hotel.
Pls kindly advised.

thank in advance n a Happy chinese new year.
bro TRick
Its your choice, if you want it I will book it. PM me your details including NRIC and DOB and your complete Chinese and English name as shown on passport.
I will get my connection to get you a corporate rate there.

09-02-2005, 12:32 AM
Its your choice, if you want it I will book it. PM me your details including NRIC and DOB and your complete Chinese and English name as shown on passport.
I will get my connection to get you a corporate rate there.

Hi Tai Kor and all bros of this thread ,

Xiao Di here wishes all a happy and prosperous New Year ahead, and may the Chicken bring utmost pleasure and riches to one and all... :D

09-02-2005, 01:09 AM
To All Bros out there,
Happy Chicken Year, hopefully more chickens for the year ahead. Also,
Happy Rooster Year, hopefully more cock 'up' through out the year but don't cock up.
See you guys in Shanghai soon.

09-02-2005, 01:30 AM
Hi Tai Kor and all bros of this thread ,

Xiao Di here wishes all a happy and prosperous New Year ahead, and may the Chicken bring utmost pleasure and riches to one and all... :D
Thought you were organizing something this coming week? Any info? Some bros here are in town. maybe they want to join in? :D

09-02-2005, 08:22 AM
Dear Brothers of the Forum,

May I seize this opportunity to wish you:

Happy and Prosperous New Year! and that this New Year will bring you good health and wealth!

With Warmest and Sincere Regards

Always a Simple Man

09-02-2005, 08:25 AM
To All the Bros waiting for my arrangement on the 7th.

I sincerely apologise, am down with the bug with high fever.

Will arrange again.

Please post and advise availibility.

Dear Brother Jans_69,

I heard from Bro Hayashi that you were down with bad flu. I wish you a speedy recovery. I was looking forward to meet You all, brothers from the South. However, I am sure we shall have the opportunity to meet. This will push me even harder to make a concerted effort to pay a visit to Dong Guan to meet them

Happy New Year!

10-02-2005, 04:29 PM
bro dumbass...i be in Shanghai on 27/02/05. hmm will u be there or maybe any brothers here going Shanghai, p/s let me noe so we can meet up. I'm going Shanghai for the first time and alone. anyone care to join me......

11-02-2005, 10:42 AM
If you want to try Shanghai Acrobatics, I RECOMMEND you to check this out. Not necessary to try 308 only but everyone perform that as a standard. Was told by locals some will even include massage but not all do. Good luck.

Damage: RMB 600 tipping not necessary as wallet not allowed inside like tong ren yuen.

Place: Bei Hai Yuen
157 Wu Yi Lu in Puxi.
T: 62128177.

Will be in Shanghai this Sunday for the week and if I have the time to try the above recommendation, I will provide an FR. It's quite far away at Changning District. Am not really a newbie in SHA as I have been there many times. In the meantime, any bros who like to meet up can PM me for my contact.

bro tsuyoyi / marcoman- if you see this post, thanks for the CNY greeting. I may be travelling more often to China this year as I have to bring client to view real estate projects all over. Hope to catch all with you guys soon. btw Happy CNY to both PTR and Looksee.

11-02-2005, 11:03 AM
Will be in Shanghai this Sunday for the week and if I have the time to try the above recommendation, I will provide an FR. It's quite far away at Changning District. Am not really a newbie in SHA as I have been there many times. In the meantime, any bros who like to meet up can PM me for my contact.

Bro Shangkuan,
Wuyi Road, I thinks the place is very near to Changning District. May be near to the the junction of Dingxi Road. Prob you have type wrongly, not quite far from Changning District.

Happy CNY.

11-02-2005, 11:07 AM
Bro Shangkuan,
Wuyi Road, I thinks the place is very near to Changning District. May be near to the the junction of Dingxi Road. Prob you have type wrongly, not quite far from Changning District.

Happy CNY.

Hello, Bro Shengge,

Still not in Singapore yet? It seems like we shall have to meet again in Shanghai! I have quite a lot of things to learn from you abot the matter I talked to you before. You have any new tea houses to recommend?

Happy New Year !


11-02-2005, 12:28 PM
bro dumbass...i be in Shanghai on 27/02/05. hmm will u be there or maybe any brothers here going Shanghai, p/s let me noe so we can meet up. I'm going Shanghai for the first time and alone. anyone care to join me......
Check with Bro SGPShanghai69 he is in SHA during that time. I am not confirmed yet.

11-02-2005, 01:30 PM
Check with Bro SGPShanghai69 he is in SHA during that time. I am not confirmed yet.

Brother DumbAss,

No Kopi Session for the Shanghai Brothers this time round, as many of them are busy with family during Chinese New Year Season. We shall meet in Shanghai later. Please read your PM.
