View Full Version : ShangHai Recommendation!
27-04-2005, 06:40 PM
Not that I am sick of HGH. Just wanted a change of environment. Want to come out for coffee next week in SIN? PM me. :D
Actually just back from Chengdu on an advance recce party for a golf tour later on. Visited golf courses and left no time for other things. Would like to go back again but not in summer. The heat is warming up since last Sunday.
Don't forget to call me for coffee next week!!
See ya!
28-04-2005, 09:25 AM
hi brudder.
i will be in shanghai from the 3rd - 12th May, a mix between pleasure and biz :)
1st time there so, so i wanna meet up with fellow cheongster. also got a fellow buddy of mind local sger but stay in shanghai.
so bro? wanna meet up for tcss and info sharing :P
thanks in advance.
28-04-2005, 08:41 PM
Dear Bro luvgangsta,
Look like you are another real veteran around.
Hope to learn from your experience here...
How long have you been in Shanghai?
Enjoy your May Holidays!
Me not in shanghai long lah. But I have a lot of super old bird friends that bring me around with them. So I watched and learn. Anyway, I also old liao. cannot cheong like last time liao. I like a slow drink, some singing or listening to a live band. gers or no gers don't really matter anymore.
It sounds like you all a lot more old bird than me.
29-04-2005, 12:29 AM
[QUOTE=fatassrider]hi brudder.
i will be in shanghai from the 3rd - 12th May, a mix between pleasure and biz :)
Its me lah! I made a wrong posting yesterday nite on the IFR....kekeke :D
29-04-2005, 11:13 AM
I also old liao. cannot cheong like last time liao. I like a slow drink, some singing or listening to a live band. gers or no gers don't really matter anymore.
It sounds like you all a lot more old bird than me.
Dear Bro luvgangsta,
I don't think you are that old lah. May be you have few houses here.... :D
I am not old bird lah, just making some noise only.... and will get quiet soon.
See you around.
29-04-2005, 11:28 AM
Dear Bro luvgangsta,
I don't think you are that old lah. May be you have few houses here.... :D
I am not old bird lah, just making some noise only.... and will get quiet soon.
See you around.
Bro luvgangsta and shengge,
How can you say that you are old in front of this really old man here. You see my new nick UFO (Old, Fat and Ugly).. hahaha.
Nice to hear from you again Bro Shengge, I will be heading your way, and maybe also KS. This time, maybe a friend from Shenyang might be with me, kind of portable R&R. Therefore, cannot go TRY liao, and must really drink tea.
See you soon. In 9 days time.
PTR aka UFO :p
29-04-2005, 05:09 PM
How can you say that you are old in front of this really old man here. You see my new nick UFO (Old, Fat and Ugly)
Nice to hear from you again Bro Shengge, I will be heading your way, and maybe also KS. This time, maybe a friend from Shenyang might be with me, kind of portable R&R. Therefore, cannot go TRY liao, and must really drink tea.
Dear Bro PTR,
First of all, I don't think you are that old. Secondly, I have not met bro luvgangsta, so I assumed it is true. Afterall, you both are veterans around, must respect lah.
When you said friend, I would assume it to be a guy. Since it is R&R, TRY can be the place. On the other hand, how can you let your friend come all the way from Shenyang just to drink tea?
KS has always been like homeground to me, especially with the buddy there. Hopefully, I can make it.
See you around!
30-04-2005, 10:40 AM
[QUOTE=fatassrider]hi brudder.
i will be in shanghai from the 3rd - 12th May, a mix between pleasure and biz :)
Hey! Fatass... do you realise that you had a big "ZERO" response to your tread. I think nobody is interested, even those vet's are side stepping into other action besides their usual "shanghai recommendation". Likely they are too shag already after too much action all these years here.
To drive my point to your attention, i observed just how simple an issue like "old age" gets dragged into a topic at samboy's so-called "International Field Report". I really enjoy myself thoroughly watching these. Its a good diversion from the usual sex topic for a change, don't you think so, Fatass? lol
Oh! there's another thing, i accidentally posted my tread wrongly the other night and few were friendly in wanting to help but other ALEX were so arrogant and just blasted me flat ( ). Well, I know they are Lao Zhong here at Samboys forum but I think they just lack the brotherly attitude. Its a shame, really.
Well, maybe they have not heard this SH'nese phrase that I have to describe such people ..."hop pang". Guys, go and find out what it means.
Cheers to SammyBoy Sex Forum!!!!
30-04-2005, 12:10 PM
Have received from frens that Shanghai have 3 popular red light districts and is classified into High, medium and lower class based on its pricing. But it is in Chinese.
消費:台費300 做愛500-800 包夜1000-2000
屬於:盧灣,在上海的中部,周圍坐落大量5星賓館,高級涉外寫字樓。中流檔次。有大量的外國人,因此情調感 覺相當好。
消費:台費200 包夜800-1500
特點:小姐大多屬於上海或周圍地區,有不少尋求刺激的女孩少婦,一夜情的可能比較高(看你的相 貌談吐)
消費:台費100 做愛200 包夜500-800
特點:基本以外地女為主,相貌一般不怎麼樣,聽說有100元的口交服務,衛生不衛生就不知道了 ,呵呵
30-04-2005, 12:26 PM
Here is a compiled list of KTV in Shanghai with pricing and comments.
The contacts number had been 'blanked", just take this as a pricing guide.
1. 水城路、仙霞路、安龍路上KTV酒店,台灣日本人多,要價較高。
各減100,小弟小費多為50,媽咪要200, 公主要200,
2.仙霞路上的仙霞HOTEL 2 樓KTV 也有,很多台商都去那!
3. 芝華士、星光燦爛(仙霞路624-636號 aaaaaa13 aaaaaa47)、 多為上海本地小姐,
包房費 800-1000元左右,小費300(上不封頂)。小姐很少第一次就出台。
4. 寧苑俱樂部(威寧路363號威寧別墅8號樓)包房費500,小姐坐台小費200,
絕大部分小姐可出台 媽咪姓孟,電話:aaaaaa68061。 打電話後就說是阿濤介紹的。
5. 上海夢卡娛樂 :虹梅路26弄17號 TEL:aaaaaa18
老闆:孫震國(aaaaaa30369) 消費一樣, 找阿國搞定。
6. 金沙江路和棗陽路交叉路口,肯德基樓上有一間K房,價格不高,
8. 定西路上有一家"666"台灣人開的, 裡面都是80分以上的MM. 價錢要緊守800關卡。
9. 上海萬紫千紅俱樂部有限公司 地址:凱旋路1265號
電話:aaaaaa99 aaaaaa33 aaaaaa11有不下百間包房及5~600位小姐。
地址:上海市長寧路547號 電話:aaaaaa55
11. 上海金色年代 大堂一個人低消286 青島一瓶80。裡面的節目真的不錯
有小提琴,薩克斯風演奏 ,還有俄羅斯舞蹈, 真的很高級也很好看
唯一的缺點是因為客滿 所以小姐不服務大堂, 都在包房裡。
12. 富紳會,統帥,金色年代,這三家的系統幾乎同出一個師門,
也就是說其實都是金色年代以前的幹部出來開的埸子, 都很貴。
也有一堆恐龍,而且小姐出街絕對會砍你一刀, 1炮居然喊到2000,
13. 山城俱樂部 華山路728號 電話:aaaaaa37總經理袁偉翔,小姐質量不清楚。
14. 麗花皇宮 徐匯區廣圓西路315號5樓 TEL:021-aaaaaa27~8。
15. 徐家匯港匯六樓的"華爾街"雖還沒牌,但聽說後台硬,照樣營業。
MM據說有三百,不過消費不便宜。坐台三百,過夜要價1500 - 2000,
16. 國力KTV(漕寶路6號橋) 包廂150, (不可抵酒錢)啤酒一瓶15,
17. 另外也可考慮蓮花路那邊~~也有不少俱樂部ㄛ(酒店)那邊也有台商投資的俱樂部。
18. 雨龍娛樂廳 電話:aaaaaa03 地點:上中西路748號 領班:許(aaaaaa54670)
19. 肇家濱路金玉蘭廣場一樓的金玉蘭比較實惠。
20. 42街俱樂部 瑞金二路42號。(最近聽說改名了),
坐台:300-500,除了打炮,便你怎麼樣。 出台:1000-1500。
21. 陝西南路345號(aaaaaa78靠近肇家濱路,新加坡美術館對面)叫"湯姆生",
22. 淮海中路1325號百富廣場3 樓也有2 家
23. "宏安"、"德州"(浦東上南路、成山路)包房費150(不計時)
24. 浦東浦三路東方路口,火鳥娛樂廳,包房費100(不限時),小姐小費為100。
短 200,長400。22:00之後不安全。
25. 天上人間中包(5XX打X折後480元可扺消費) 四人加兩位小姐(坐台200元另計)
四瓶紅酒小菜水果 結果加DJ100、媽咪100、小費10後750元 ───
26. 北京西路的新金豪客國際商務聯誼會,包房最低消費500,
27. 海虹招待所 水電路 此為KTV,三星。
28. 美迪申大酒店三樓的維?#123;斯卡拉OK歌舞廳
29. 天目中路461號美鑫飯店(近烏鎮路和海寧路,對面是凱旋門保健品市場)3,4樓
30. 閘北區一娛樂中心,靠近閘北大潤發,絕對安全,
[email protected]。
31. 黃浦區一娛樂中心,在復興東路上,一位小姐包台費540元,
[email protected]。
32. 雲南路與泰山路附近的千首閣(三樓),在7,8,9月依舊可以『頂風做愛』,
有近百位靚女可玩(出街), 據稱,老闆付了公安五萬/月,後台硬。
靚妹 楊洋 aaaaaa46165 600 包夜,媽咪 青青 aaaaaa65226。
33. 台灣城KTV 四平路 333 號 出租車人人皆知。
34. 寶隆賓館 KTV 金魚者,能看不能摸;像類似MGM酒吧...
Web Translator:
30-04-2005, 12:31 PM
Night Clubs Guide in Shanghai
《01》水城路、仙霞路、安龍路上KTV酒店,臺灣日本人多,要價較高。找出檯的,最好事前告之,自有另一 批小姐招待。生客,桌面600啤酒暢飲,開一瓶約翰走路12年的,連包廂費要800,,小姐300;熟客, 各減100,小弟小費多為50,媽咪要200, 公主要200,星期五、六最好早早到(8:30開市),貨色齋。短鐘500,長800。
《02》仙霞路上的仙霞HOTEL 2 樓KTV 也有,很多台商都去那!
《03》芝華士、星光燦爛(仙霞路624-636號 32070213 32070147)、 多為上海本地小姐,包房費 800-1000元左右,小費300(上不封頂)。小姐很少第一次就出臺。若想出臺,挑選小姐前告訴媽媽桑。較安全 。
《04》甯苑俱樂部(威甯路363號威寧別墅8號樓)包房費500,小姐坐台小費200,出臺多少要靠自己 努力了(絕大部分小姐可出臺 媽咪姓孟,電話:13611668061。 打電話後就說是阿濤介紹的。
《05》上海夢卡娛樂 :虹梅路26弄17號 TEL:64235818 老闆:孫震國(13012830369) 消費一樣,找阿國搞定。
《06》金沙江路和棗陽路交叉路口,肯德基樓上有一間K房,價格不高,一瓶紅酒,含包房共300,小姐台費 100,沒試過可不可以出臺!!小姐沒有仙霞路好,房間不大,設備也不佳,老闆叫小雷。
《07》延安路上延安飯店KTV有許多上海本地MM,很正點,小費(含台費)600元/次,過夜1000元,雖然略貴些,但物有所值。我曾遇上一精品,1米68,身材一流,下面很緊,功夫也好。 媽咪姓陳,電話:13801740904,可直接找她發小姐出臺。此區是上海武警管轄的範圍, 故安全。
《08》定西路上有一家"666"台灣人開的, 裡面都是80分以上的MM. 價錢要緊守800關卡。
《09》上海萬紫千紅俱樂部有限公司 地址:凱旋路1265號電話:62815999 62817333 62817111有不下百間包房及5~600位小姐。
《10》上海羅馬假期 K T V( Shanghai Roma Holiday Club) 地址:上海市長寧路547號 電話:62105555
《11》上海金色年代 大堂一個人低消286 青島一瓶80。裡面的節目真的不錯 有小提琴,薩克斯風演奏 ,還有俄羅斯舞蹈, 真的很高級也很好看 唯一的缺點是因為客滿 所以小姐不服務大堂, 都在包房裡。
《12》富紳會,統帥,金色年代,這三家的系統幾乎同出一個師門, 也就是說其實都是金色年代以前的幹部出來開的埸子, 都很貴。也有一堆恐龍,而且小姐出街絕對會砍你一刀, 1炮居然喊到2000,
《13》山城俱樂部 華山路728號 電話:62523637總經理袁偉翔,小姐質量不清楚。
《14》麗花皇宮 徐匯區廣圓西路315號5樓 TEL:021-64287027~8。亮女超多,是近年來蠻有名氣的K房。小姐約有1、200人,叫價1500~1800 不等,本事好的可以砍到1000~1200。
《15》徐家匯港匯六樓的"華爾街"雖還沒牌,但聽說後台硬,照樣營業。MM據說有三百,不過消費不便宜。坐台三百,過夜要價15 00 - 2000,包房還要每個鐘算錢。
《16》國力ktv(漕寶路6號橋) 包廂150, (不可抵酒錢)啤酒一瓶15,小姐檯費100,不用媽咪檯費,可搭地鐵到漕寶路站轉公車92號,小姐素侃ι 鋅?有些蠻亮的,4-5人去喝大概也是300-400左右. 17.另外也可考慮蓮花路那邊~~也有不少俱樂部ㄛ(酒店)那邊也有台商投資的俱樂部。
《17》雨龍娛樂廳 電話:64537703 地點:上中西路748號 領班:許XX(13003154670)
《19》42街俱樂部 瑞金二路42號。(最近聽說改名了),小姐侃α亢芨擼幸恍?歉?W生。(聽領班講的)消費:500圓包 間,啤酒任飲。坐台:300-500,除了打炮,便你怎麼樣。 出臺:1000-1500。
《20》陝西南路345號(64375778靠近肇家濱路,新加坡美術館對面)叫"湯姆生",門口招牌不大,只有KTV霓虹燈。可找趙蕾媽咪,說台灣"糕"SIR介紹。媽媽桑:顏靜。店裡MM約百人,不乏亮女。柀Ρ保停投喑鎏?檀?00,過眠1000,台費2 00。包房600,可抵消費。
《21》淮海中路1325號百富廣場3 樓也有2 家
《22》"宏安"、"德州"(浦柀ι夏下貳?繕鉸罰┌摳M150(不計時) 小費100;過夜400~500;其他還有很多地方大多在"上南"附近。
《23》浦柀ζ秩?│方路口,火鳥娛樂廳,包房費100(不限時),小姐小費為100。流動性大,要有運 氣才能有好的。該娛樂廳不抽頭小費,小姐房間就在進去的第一間,19:30就有小姐來了,基本都出臺,出臺 不收台費。短 200,長400。22:00之後不安全。一個那裏mm的拷機,小董,52110*817340,拷台要問 機主姓氏的,要記住呀。肉肉的,波大,臀大,下面緊,毛少,有夠騷,相貌可以,江蘇人,感覺還 不錯。
《24》天上人間中包(5XX打X折後480元可扺消費) 四人加兩位小姐(坐台200元另計) 四瓶紅酒小菜水果 結果加DJ100、媽咪100、小費10後750元 ────
《25》北京西路的新金豪客國際商務聯誼會,包房最低消費500,小姐200,少爺公主各100,可出臺費 用大約800,小姐特多,漂亮,服務好,肯不肯出臺就看你本事了。可找媽咪談。
《26》海虹招待所 水電路 此為KTV,三星。
《27》美迪申大酒店三樓的維?#123;斯卡拉OK歌舞廳(上海市滬太路453弄65號,靠近新客站)。 一流打炮場所。小姐本地和外來的基本對半分,基本都在85分以上,個別3─5個可打90─95分。外地的小 姐通常更賣力,騷得很,一個上海妹叫"長腳萍萍",23歲,冰火九重天、獨龍鑽、三分鐘脫衣表演等,樣樣拿手,拿手絕技是口交,還有幾個上海小姐如小梅(太 平洋百貨售貨小姐)、小顧都不錯,另外還有一個“中福會”的老師會經常來客串,如果運氣好能碰上一定不要放 過。行情一般是外地400,本地500,另外還要給老闆100元台費,開房可請老闆代勞。
Web Translator:
30-04-2005, 12:34 PM
Hair Dressing Saloon Guide in Shanghai
《01》棲霞路(地鐵2 號線東昌站)街兩邊都是,小姐良莠不齊,大部分是打飛機,打泡自己找。
《03》浦電路,情況同上。坐581B,792 ,隧道四線都可以到。
《04》浦東大道,海運學院、民生路附近。基本上都可以打炮。價格在150 左右,可以口交。100左右。
《10》東蘭路,虹梅路,曹寶路附近(徐彙區閔行區交界,漕河涇過去,靠近平南新村古美小區) 。 台費+ 打飛機共40~~50,打炮好像沒有。 小姐不錯,有美女,會按摩也會打飛機,服務不錯。82.虹古路水城路明明髮廊,100HJ200BJ300 FUCK。裏面有一女姓呂?南京人氏容易勾搭。可以一試。
《12》金沙江路橋下,長風大酒店對過有一排髮廊,只有打泡,150到200搞定,MM選擇的餘地也很大, 不錯。
《13》三湘大廈附近(中山西路1234號)有幾家美容院,MM質量較高,價位僅400,全套 服務。
《14》定西路和凱旋路間有條小路,(可能叫安化路),路上有三四家美容院,裏面全部有花頭的,中間一家, 一間門面的,裏面小姐很好,放一槍台費加小費300,值得!!其他都是200, 有家美容院,二樓是娛樂中心(其實就是美容院的內堂),裏面一些小姐相貌和身材極佳,一般在裏面就吹蕭和飛 機,算上在美容院的費用 500就可以搞一晚,值得!!
《15》法華鎮路番禺路往交大法華鎮路校區走,這個地區的髮廊都可以做口活。一般的價位是30 0+50-60台費,裏面小姐都不錯。有一個叫慧子,格調很不錯,小姐說這裏常來日本人,可惜最近被警察沖了一次。不 過那邊的小姐口活都很不錯,長相也不錯,推薦啊!88.局門路(盧灣區) 台費+ 打飛機共50,打炮好像沒有。小姐醜的多,老的多,會按摩也會打飛機 。
《19》火車站(指緊靠火車站的地方) 台費+ 打飛機價格混亂,打炮價格混亂。小姐醜的多,多數不會按摩。
《21》在天目東路和海甯路之間的浙江北路和其他路一帶,髮廊也有不少。是上海買春勝地,街妹 很多,20-40歲的,美的醜的,都有,老雞比較多!
《23》大寧路近共和新路口有一家髮廊,對面有可的超市,髮廊邊有金色假期會務公司招牌,很好找,全是東北 小姐,全套服務:吹蕭, *** ,200(包台費),就說朋友介紹,很安全,小姐服務一流,去試試吧.
Web Translator:
30-04-2005, 12:43 PM
Shanghai Karaoke and Bars Guide
《01》可樂路靠近哈密路的地方有一間茶室,外牆是黃色的,提供包房打泡吹蕭服務,價位300 ~350。
《03》天山路天山電影院東面的天天咖啡廳老店新開,服務熱情,全套三百,絕對安全 。電話:62598177。
《04》延安高架旁 虹許路虹梅路間 艾x咖啡廳 臺費100, 小費100,打飛機 200,不帶套口交或外帶400。
《05》延安西路1590號富豪交友酒吧(船老大KTV旁邊),台費300,一瓶紅酒,啤酒暢飲,有許多小 姐陪聊可以出臺。相貌出?的很多。。(我去過一次,地方很小,小姐沒幾個,長得一般,還不出臺 。)
《06》番禺路延安路口有幾家咖啡館均有MM提供服務,400全套。57.定西路、延安西路口(位於定西路 上)竹園咖啡吧,電話:62101224,有十幾位小姐出臺,短400元,長600元,台費100元,有幾 個很不錯,但這幾天好象暫停營業。其中幾小姐電話:1.小慧,奶奇大無比,13801872911;2.小 新疆,口交一流,13621939283,3.陳麗,上海人,13002154346;直接找她們可省台費 ,但不要說是網友給的。就說以前到店裏來過.
《07》哈雷酒吧號稱是上海最大酒吧,很少外商去,在江蘇路與長寧路那邊, ,都是上海MM.通常第一次不出臺
《09》海港賓館4F,南京西路、茂名北路 台費128RMB,小費四百RMB全套。
《10》淮海中路陜西路MGM 酒吧(其他有虹橋,銀河)都是同類型的,能看不能摸。
《11》復興公園錢櫃KTV對面的蘭桂坊及Park 97 那裡的妹妹比較多.
《12》浩浩咖啡屋 浦柀Υ?澇瓷盥?08號。 在茶座中打炮:200,外加100台費。 出臺價格:300-400。(浦東有很多類似咖啡屋,價格差不多)
《13》金夢酒吧 位於邯鄲路,靠逸仙路口,蘭生大酒店正對面。
《15》冰緣酒吧 撫順路263號 消費:300RMB+80RMB台費。老闆娘叫陳冰,23歲
《18》張家橋工業區(轉金橋的右邊)有很多蘇北來的廠妹,下班後兼的(自稱)1Q=80在工業區內的小酒 吧
Web Translator:
01-05-2005, 10:19 PM
Dear bros,
sorry but need your help. Can somebody give me the infos in english, because dunn speak chinese. Will on biz trip 2 shanghai again in 3-4 weeks.
Many thanks in advance,
02-05-2005, 12:21 PM
Hi Guys..
Been hell of a week here in Shanghai, none stop digestion of ways things and people work here.. damn!! They are like cows, have to shove kick and push to move.
Holiday period now, still have to make occasion factory inspection rounds.
Been to a hair saloon for a hair cut.. hair wash ladies was pushing for a tuina UPSTAIRS.. cost 36 per session.. will try it soon and provide details of price and location soon.
02-05-2005, 04:24 PM
Hey! Fatass... do you realise that you had a big "ZERO" response to your tread. I think nobody is interested, even those vet's are side stepping into other action besides their usual "shanghai recommendation". Likely they are too shag already after too much action all these years here.
To drive my point to your attention, i observed just how simple an issue like "old age" gets dragged into a topic at samboy's so-called "International Field Report". I really enjoy myself thoroughly watching these. Its a good diversion from the usual sex topic for a change, don't you think so, Fatass? lol
Oh! there's another thing, i accidentally posted my tread wrongly the other night and few were friendly in wanting to help but other ALEX were so arrogant and just blasted me flat ( ). Well, I know they are Lao Zhong here at Samboys forum but I think they just lack the brotherly attitude. Its a shame, really.
Well, maybe they have not heard this SH'nese phrase that I have to describe such people ..."hop pang". Guys, go and find out what it means.
Cheers to SammyBoy Sex Forum!!!!
i got 1 pm :) will sms him or call when i am in china lah... i clueless where to go.. if kena chop.... than lan lan lor.. nno lj to teach the ropes ;p
02-05-2005, 08:21 PM
i got 1 pm :) will sms him or call when i am in china lah... i clueless where to go.. if kena chop.... than lan lan lor.. nno lj to teach the ropes ;p
Dear Brother,
I am glad that you have one PM, and I assume that he is going to help you.
What Z4Roadster had commented is a bit unfair to people who spent time in posting in Shanghai Recommendation Thread. I have only made very humble contribution as I, like many others have benefitted a lot from this thread. The help obtained was not recommendations made by the Brothers here after I have asked them, but from the postings that they have contributed and I read them myself. This forum is for this purpose. If whenever we need help, we just ask, and expect reply, then what is the forum and hence the postings are for. In addition, when someone asks a question, including me, he/she should not expect answer to be immediate or to be obligated. I cannot brand them as being arrogant just because they do not answer me. What right do I have?
I have read the thread that Bro Z4Roadster has started, I am afraid the claim that he had been blasted flat is not fair. It could be the threshold of everyone is different. I am what he mentioned those old age people.
Please continue to read the postings, I know it has gone past 200 pages, but they contain a lot of useful information.
Do enjoy, you can PM those people who always contributed here. Many of them are more responsive when approached under the PM mode.
My 2 cent worth.
PTR aka UFO (Ugly, Fat and OLD) :)
Van Basten
04-05-2005, 02:25 AM
Get prepaid mobile. No guarantors needed. China Mobile or China Unicom. Even within each providor there are several kinds of accounts. I have 2 myself.
looks like all cheongsters in china need 2 hp lines :D 1 for work n the another for girls to be disconnected if unnecessary trouble arises!
actually Shanghai is really congested n expensive compared to other parts of china, n the chinese really push n shove especially in the MRT, but it's all the same in china... but shanghai at least is quite similar to singapore, a modern city, probably 1 of the places along with beijing that singaporeans can survive in. i think if u stay 1 or 2 years, many sg men r reluctant to go back, from most examples i c for myself from pple in the forum here n some frens!
04-05-2005, 10:58 AM
Dear Brother,
I am glad that you have one PM, and I assume that he is going to help you.
What Z4Roadster had commented is a bit unfair to people who spent time in posting in Shanghai Recommendation Thread. I have only made very humble contribution as I, like many others have benefitted a lot from this thread. The help obtained was not recommendations made by the Brothers here after I have asked them, but from the postings that they have contributed and I read them myself. This forum is for this purpose. If whenever we need help, we just ask, and expect reply, then what is the forum and hence the postings are for. In addition, when someone asks a question, including me, he/she should not expect answer to be immediate or to be obligated. I cannot brand them as being arrogant just because they do not answer me. What right do I have?
I have read the thread that Bro Z4Roadster has started, I am afraid the claim that he had been blasted flat is not fair. It could be the threshold of everyone is different. I am what he mentioned those old age people.
Please continue to read the postings, I know it has gone past 200 pages, but they contain a lot of useful information.
Do enjoy, you can PM those people who always contributed here. Many of them are more responsive when approached under the PM mode.
My 2 cent worth.
PTR aka UFO (Ugly, Fat and OLD) :)
I fully agreed with you except you are too mild in responding to such "hoping to be spoon fed child".
Just by typing a sentence, these "newbies" expect one whole lot of replies. There are so many informations in this forum, the least they should to to go thru the appriopiate ones...then ask "intelligent" and specific questions. I'm sure many senior bros. would be willing to help.
Me like you...counting... in 4 days i'll be in SZ....Hee....hee....
04-05-2005, 01:36 PM
Me like you...counting... in 4 days i'll be in SZ....Hee....hee....
Dear Bro,
Thanks for agreeing with my humble observation. I am naturally mild, except when in specially "stress' conditions. Hahahaha.....
You are right, I will be in Shanghai in 4 days time. Hee hee hee.. I look forward to be in the under "stress" conditions.
Trying to go south to meet you and the bros in the south, but always tied down by trips to Euroland and other parts of China. Sorry, I will make it one of these days.
With best regards.
05-05-2005, 04:21 AM
A big "HI" first to everyone here and sorry for the long silence. Hope this contribution of mine proves a little of my worth to this forum. :p
I was on a business trip last week in Shanghai and was out exploring some pick-up bars on my own. Pity those days were weekdays and obviously they were not quite as happening as I thought they'd be.
Wednesday night: -
1. Julu Lu - Randomly checked out some bars there and they were very empty.
2. Hengshan Lu - Real Love, the so-called "meat market" Love was only half-filled and not much luck.
3. Fuxing Park - Park 97 was very empty. Came across a disco/club in the building of Fuxing Square (guangchang). Didn't go in as it looked expensive for anyone on solo. Does anyone know about this place?
Thursday night: -
1. Tongren Lu - Went to Manhattan, again half-filled though there were house dancers dancing on the bar top. Other pubs there were empty.
Monday night: - NOW....
Decided to give Manhattan another try. It was packed despite Malone's along the same street being closed on that evening. There were 60% blokes to 40% girls, but quality was sparse. Managed to chat up some hotties, but they wanted me to go with them to "their pub" (which I suspect are expensive night clubs to rip you off). Others wanted 2000yuan a night and did not take my alternative proposal of "10yuan per 30min and I'll make you scream all night".
It was quite late, around 3am, and I was having some fresh air outside Manhatten when I saw 3 girls loitering outside the pub. One was quite pretty and I just grabbed her and pulled her in to dance with me. She was also looking for money but only half of what the others wanted. We agreed on 800Y a night and she went back with me.
I'll not F and tell here, but some stats for the record.
Name: Alice
From: Inner Mongolia, she's half mongolian, half han Chinese
Face: 6.5/10
Body: 8/10
BJ: 9/10 deep throat, 69, she enjoys it but talked too much in the process I had to tell her to shut up and "get back to work". :D
FJ: 7/10 (8/10 for willingness and 6/10 for technique)
She's very friendly and talkative, a little too talkative at times. But the most important thing is that she enjoys sex, which differs here from "dead fishes".
Kind of GFE.
Interested? PM me for her contact and photo.
09-05-2005, 01:08 PM
Hey! Fatass... do you realise that you had a big "ZERO" response to your tread. I think nobody is interested, even those vet's are side stepping into other action besides their usual "shanghai recommendation". Likely they are too shag already after too much action all these years here.
To drive my point to your attention, i observed just how simple an issue like "old age" gets dragged into a topic at samboy's so-called "International Field Report". I really enjoy myself thoroughly watching these. Its a good diversion from the usual sex topic for a change, don't you think so, Fatass? lol
Oh! there's another thing, i accidentally posted my tread wrongly the other night and few were friendly in wanting to help but other ALEX were so arrogant and just blasted me flat ( ). Well, I know they are Lao Zhong here at Samboys forum but I think they just lack the brotherly attitude. Its a shame, really.
Well, maybe they have not heard this SH'nese phrase that I have to describe such people ..."hop pang". Guys, go and find out what it means.
Cheers to SammyBoy Sex Forum!!!!
Dear Bro Z4,
I feel that your comments are unwarranted. If only brothers visiting Shanghai will do their due diligence and go through the more recent postings, I am sure they will be able to find some valuable "information" for their trips.
The veterans like Bro PTR, Shengge, SGP69 and the likes are veterans because they are considered experienced having been in China and Shanghai for an extended period of time. I dare say that they have been "working" in the company called "China" for more years than most other brothers here have in their respective companies. I am sure you are a well educated person, from the way you phrased your message so I think you would know the meaning of showing some respect.
The Shanghai recommendation tread is not only for samsters to only wants to come to Shanghai for a cheap and good shag prior to returning to Sillypore for live out the rest of their lives. It is also for brothers who are or will be posted to China for perhaps an extended period of time. Kudos to the veterans who offer advice on the "living" part as well as the "cheonging" aspects.
Replies to "help postings" do not happen instantaneously. It takes time. It is the same everywhere. Patience is a virtue. ;)
I do not know you personally and so I would not know how well you "know" about China. If you are also an "employee of China", then shame on you for not seeing what the veterans are trying to do when posting "guidance info" in the tread. If you are also new to China, then please learn to be a little more humble when requesting for help.
In Sammyboy, no one is what you called a Lao Zhong. The Shanghai vets are a bunch of brothers that are always ready to advice and help wherever possible. This is something you will have to experience for yourself if you happen to be in one of the gatherings.
Well... just my 2 cents worth. Positive or negative, take it whichever way you like... I am also "new" to China and everyday is a learning experience. It just helps to know what pitfalls to avoid and take premptive measures accordingly....
Shanghaitan :cool:
10-05-2005, 03:58 AM
For once I thought my previous post had killed this thread.. :P It's been 5 days since anyone posted anything.
Bro Shanghaitan, well said. Hope everyone here in China has had a nice rest during the 5-1 holidays.
10-05-2005, 11:52 AM
For once I thought my previous post had killed this thread.. :P It's been 5 days since anyone posted anything.
Bro Shanghaitan, well said. Hope everyone here in China has had a nice rest during the 5-1 holidays.
Hi Bro Colourwolfy,
I suppose the thread has been rather quiet as a result of the May holidays. Don't worry... it's definitely not due to your posting... hahaha...
Have a wonderful stay in China!
Shanghaitan :cool:
10-05-2005, 01:50 PM
Hi Bro Colourwolfy,
I suppose the thread has been rather quiet as a result of the May holidays. Don't worry... it's definitely not due to your posting... hahaha...
Have a wonderful stay in China!
Shanghaitan :cool:Bro Shanghaitan, you are absolutely right about Bro Colourwolfy, its been a while since some other bros posted their FR in this thread. Hence, Bro Colourwolfy's is a refreshment to me. Its been a long time since I last visited the commercial scene in SH.
Although I still enjoy a great deal in admiring some of the Chinese beauties, its been restricted to just visual and not physical.
In life, there are many matters that have more permutation than just right or wrong. In my own observation and experience, is to remain objective and not being extreme. However, this does not prevent one from making one's thought vocal, though a little restrain in the choice of words will make this world a better place.
Disclaimer: the above comment is not targetting at anybody, certainly not Bro Shanghaitan. :cool:
10-05-2005, 02:50 PM
i think if u stay 1 or 2 years, many sg men r reluctant to go back, from most examples i c for myself from pple in the forum here n some frens!
You meant me? How is your workplace "project" coming along? Better not I hope.. You met Alvin there? I am still missing SHA and cant seem to find a job there... Guess I gonna be stucked in the South for sometime now..
10-05-2005, 02:52 PM
I fully agreed with you except you are too mild in responding to such "hoping to be spoon fed child".
Just by typing a sentence, these "newbies" expect one whole lot of replies. There are so many informations in this forum, the least they should to to go thru the appriopiate ones...then ask "intelligent" and specific questions. I'm sure many senior bros. would be willing to help.
Me like you...counting... in 4 days i'll be in SZ....Hee....hee....
Am I considered senior? I think I am underage.. Been tainted in China.. hehehe. Met friends like you whom my mum warned me about since young.. I took a sweet from a stranger and never looked back.. hehehe.. Just kidding.. Glad to know you are back? Queens?
10-05-2005, 04:14 PM
hi shanghai bros, there seems to be another samster in shanghai who posted his FR at "Adult Discussions". Thought it was quite well written, but suddenly realized that you bros based in the "whore of the east" would be a better judge on whether he's for real or not.
his thread can be found at
11-05-2005, 01:47 PM
hi shanghai bros, there seems to be another samster in shanghai who posted his FR at "Adult Discussions". Thought it was quite well written, but suddenly realized that you bros based in the "whore of the east" would be a better judge on whether he's for real or not.
his thread can be found at
His adventure is more with a SG woman not a SHA girl...
11-05-2005, 04:10 PM
Disclaimer: the above comment is not targetting at anybody, certainly not Bro Shanghaitan. :cool:
Hi Bro Junior_cannibal!
You sure you're not targeted at me?? Hmm.... but then again.. target or not, it does not matter... You know I speak my mind and should what I say invite flames, then so be it.. I cannot please everybody all of the time... right? :D
Anyway, glad to see you posting again.. keep it going bro!
11-05-2005, 07:04 PM
Hi Bro Junior_cannibal!
You sure you're not targeted at me?? Hmm.... but then again.. target or not, it does not matter... You know I speak my mind and should what I say invite flames, then so be it.. I cannot please everybody all of the time... right? :D
Anyway, glad to see you posting again.. keep it going bro!
ShanghaitanBro Shanghaitan, u know if I were to target u, I would have told u right in the face n not go one big round. He he. Anyway, its time the more experienced bros like u surface again. When big bro PTR and the rest 'surface', we should have another reunion dinner, a steamboat or other nice food to mark the 'happy family', follow by some nice Chinese tea, with or without the nice Chinese MM, though I wouldnt mind to admire some of bro PTR's collection, haha!
11-05-2005, 09:01 PM
All bros
I'll be staying in Ramada Pudong Airport Shanghai hotel next week. Any nearby area for cheong to recommend? Thanks alot in advance :D
11-05-2005, 10:57 PM
ok.. virgin contribution.. try er shan lu near to the junction with dong fang lu.. lots of MM barber shop.. cheap and good stuff.
11-05-2005, 11:53 PM
ramada is FFFAAAAARRRRR away from action.
All bros
I'll be staying in Ramada Pudong Airport Shanghai hotel next week. Any nearby area for cheong to recommend? Thanks alot in advance :D
piangz! dat's like so ulu ... maybe u need to order "room service" :p
12-05-2005, 12:00 AM
All bros
I'll be staying in Ramada Pudong Airport Shanghai hotel next week. Any nearby area for cheong to recommend? Thanks alot in advance :D
Dear Gigantor bro,
Where ur staying is just next to the Pudong Airport which doesn't have any places of fun for u to cheong....
I suggest u go to the airport Arrival Hall (Exit 7 or 8) & take Airport Bus No. 2 to downtown City Airport Terminal Bldg at JingAn District, on Nanjing Xi Rd. From there, u can hop on to more places of fun i.e Maoming Rd / Tongen Rd (Street of Bars/ Pubs).....The cost of taking the Airport Express Bus cost is RMB 19 nett (SGD$4) per pax, journey takes only 40mins approx to reach downtown.
Have fun bro...cheers.
12-05-2005, 09:03 AM
Woah Mama!! Bro SGP69 speaks! (Seemed like the good old days might still be found!)
Attention all New Shanghai-poreans... if you do not already know... Bro SGP69 is one of the treasure troves of information on Shanghai (cheonging or otherwise...)!
Bro SGP69! Glad to see you back in the forum.. semi-active or not.. you're still a big bro to me! Hope that all's well with you!
Shanghaitan :D
I3 - Inert, Inactive, Invisible.... :cool:
12-05-2005, 10:53 AM
Dear Bros of Shanghai,
It is nice to see this Thread of Shanghai coming alive again.
Thanks to Shanghaitan and some other brothers for the supporting words to my comments to Bro Z4. We are here to share without asking for any rewards (what is the meaning of Rewards??). Our sincere hope is that no brother would fall into the tricky situation like some of us. Although I have been in China for a certain length of time, I do learn, always, from brothers here.
Bro Shanghaitan, I always admire your command of English, thanks to your well written post with careful and accurate choice of words. Bro junior_cannibal, you still have not written any FR...arh...arh..... We know you are very very exprienced and well informed, I cannot wait to learn from you. I am extremely happy to see Bro SGP come alive again. For a moment, I was a bit worried about him. He is always helpful and forthcoming, and hence, when he was not in the forum, the absence tickles my worried mind. Other brother like WhamBam (aka Xiao Gang), his Arikgato friend, and many others. Bro WhamBam, just had a session again with that Sizhuan Meimei before coming to Nanjing, I tried again for you, but same comments. Is she really so filial to me?? Sorry, Failed mission.
I shall be in Shanghai again from 19 to 29 May 2005, and I sincerely hope that we can organise a small gathering to catch up. It is not necessary to have any PRC MeiMei, the meeting of you all would be more than making this Old Man happy.
I am now in Nanjing and will be going to Wuhan on Thursday before going to Shanghai. I sincerely look forward to meeting all of you, the caring brothers of Shanghai.
With best regards from the Hot and Humid Nanjing.
p.s Was in one joint in Nanjing yesterday night and sat with one yound, fresh and good-figure meimei. I was horny and tried to bring her back. Alas!! I failed... sigh.... I am really feeling old, as she called me Old Uncle.....Must make it up in Wuhan or Shanghai. :mad:
12-05-2005, 12:33 PM
Dear Bros of Shanghai,
It is nice to see this Thread of Shanghai coming alive again.
Bro Shanghaitan, I always admire your command of English, thanks to your well written post with careful and accurate choice of words. Bro junior_cannibal, you still have not written any FR...arh...arh..... We know you are very very exprienced and well informed, I cannot wait to learn from you. I am extremely happy to see Bro SGP come alive again. For a moment, I was a bit worried about him. He is always helpful and forthcoming, and hence, when he was not in the forum, the absence tickles my worried mind. Other brother like WhamBam (aka Xiao Gang), his Arikgato friend, and many others. Bro WhamBam, just had a session again with that Sizhuan Meimei before coming to Nanjing, I tried again for you, but same comments. Is she really so filial to me?? Sorry, Failed mission.
I shall be in Shanghai again from 19 to 29 May 2005, and I sincerely hope that we can organise a small gathering to catch up. It is not necessary to have any PRC MeiMei, the meeting of you all would be more than making this Old Man happy.
Dear PTR,
I've been quite busy with work lately and there has been far too many changes where I'm concerned... Anyway, looks like my time here is up as I'll be posted back to SG. I am looking at coming back here from time to time though. We definitely need to catch up when you're here in shanghai from 19th to 29th may.
By the way, don't bother trying to ask the sichuan MM anymore... I am already indebted to you for asking on my behalf. I've did a count, and haven't done much, but realised that I've hit my quota of one girl a month during my stay here... And mind you, I'm referring to the free hits, and not the commercial ones... Hahahaha....
We shall talk more during the gathering... It's been a while, and I seriously miss the company and the bond that this group of brothers have formed.
12-05-2005, 02:29 PM
Dear Brothers!
Glad to see that the thread has been revived. Sad to hear that bro Whambam will be leaving SH for good.... but at least he got what he set out to achieve over here! WELL DONE!! Except... WHERE ARE THE FRs! Hahaha.. One a month is better than none at all... Bro.. you better start writting soon...
Will be looking forward to the gathering! It's been a long while since I meet up with you guys!
Shanghaitan :cool:
12-05-2005, 05:03 PM
We shall talk more during the gathering... It's been a while, and I seriously miss the company and the bond that this group of brothers have formed.
Wah, Bro WhamBam,
One a month! You see, I feel even older now.. sigh......sob...sob... As I have achieved feebees only one in every two years. I am really an UFO....sob...sob.. Who will console me????? Oh Yes, must go and find the Sichuan Mei mei and tell her that you bullied me. We still talk about you, and ...hahahaha... after a session.
Yes, we shall meet again. Would a Saturday evening like 21 May be okay as I have an official dinner on 20 May 2005.
Sad to learn that you are leaving Shanghai. But, life must move on. All the best.
Bro Shanghaitan, this time we shall make sure that you are around, with or without Meimei. iIS 21 May 2005 okay. Going to a joint is not on the menu. I prefer TC must not necessary SS.
PTR and Really UFO
12-05-2005, 05:22 PM
Dear Bro PuTonRen,
Thank you for your kind words and thoughts! I really enjoy all the Worldly advice you offer. Pity some don't take them kindly, but definitely not me! I'm always learning from brothers and from "mistakes" made personally in the past.. hahaha.. too many to really keep count....
Anyway, what's the true meaning of UFO?.... hehehehe.... Unstoppable F**king Orgasmo? Sichuan meimeis watch out!! UFO INCOMING!! :D
I will note it down in my calendar. Mei mei.. I don't have.. hahaha... SS.. I don't mind.. with or without MM is fine... TC is a definite MUST!
Let me know the time and place. Call me when you swing by Shanghai again! Looking forward to the gathering!
Shanghaitan :cool:
13-05-2005, 11:32 AM
Dear Brothers!
Glad to see that the thread has been revived. Sad to hear that bro Whambam will be leaving SH for good.... but at least he got what he set out to achieve over here! WELL DONE!! Except... WHERE ARE THE FRs! Hahaha.. One a month is better than none at all... Bro.. you better start writting soon...
Will be looking forward to the gathering! It's been a long while since I meet up with you guys!
Shanghaitan :cool:
Hahaha... How about we share FRs during the upcoming TC session then, ok? :p
13-05-2005, 11:36 AM
Wah, Bro WhamBam,
One a month! You see, I feel even older now.. sigh......sob...sob... As I have achieved feebees only one in every two years. I am really an UFO....sob...sob.. Who will console me????? Oh Yes, must go and find the Sichuan Mei mei and tell her that you bullied me. We still talk about you, and ...hahahaha... after a session.
PTR and Really UFO
Hey, it's not necessarily on a month, but it all averages out.... Haha... but then again, my freebies are achieved through effort and time, and not picking them up from the street... I've yet to do that.... I shall share with you guys my modus operandi when we meet up... Hehe...
My goodness... Talking about me after a session... I shall take that as a compliment... Hahahaha.... You have to share with us how the session is like with this sichuan MM....
We shall meet on the 21st then.
13-05-2005, 01:06 PM
Hahaha... How about we share FRs during the upcoming TC session then, ok? :p
Dear Bro WhamBamTYM,
It is sad to hear that you are leaving.
It is not easy to achieve that monthly quota, you are the man. Probably, you can put up a summary of all those encounters, so that novice like me can learn some skills from you. :D ...cos not enough milk money.....haha!
By the way, what is the plan for 21st May?
13-05-2005, 01:27 PM
Dear Bros of Shanghai,
It is nice to see this Thread of Shanghai coming alive again.
Thanks to Shanghaitan and some other brothers for the supporting words to my comments to Bro Z4. We are here to share without asking for any rewards (what is the meaning of Rewards??). Our sincere hope is that no brother would fall into the tricky situation like some of us. Although I have been in China for a certain length of time, I do learn, always, from brothers here.
Bro Shanghaitan, I always admire your command of English, thanks to your well written post with careful and accurate choice of words. Bro junior_cannibal, you still have not written any FR...arh...arh..... We know you are very very exprienced and well informed, I cannot wait to learn from you. I am extremely happy to see Bro SGP come alive again. For a moment, I was a bit worried about him. He is always helpful and forthcoming, and hence, when he was not in the forum, the absence tickles my worried mind. Other brother like WhamBam (aka Xiao Gang), his Arikgato friend, and many others. Bro WhamBam, just had a session again with that Sizhuan Meimei before coming to Nanjing, I tried again for you, but same comments. Is she really so filial to me?? Sorry, Failed mission.
I shall be in Shanghai again from 19 to 29 May 2005, and I sincerely hope that we can organise a small gathering to catch up. It is not necessary to have any PRC MeiMei, the meeting of you all would be more than making this Old Man happy.
I am now in Nanjing and will be going to Wuhan on Thursday before going to Shanghai. I sincerely look forward to meeting all of you, the caring brothers of Shanghai.
With best regards from the Hot and Humid Nanjing.
p.s Was in one joint in Nanjing yesterday night and sat with one yound, fresh and good-figure meimei. I was horny and tried to bring her back. Alas!! I failed... sigh.... I am really feeling old, as she called me Old Uncle.....Must make it up in Wuhan or Shanghai. :mad:Big Bro PTR, glad to learn that u are in SH. Not trying to be a copycat, will do what Bro WBTYM, the FR shall be shared at our gathering on 21st. :cool:
13-05-2005, 03:10 PM
Dear PTR,
I've been quite busy with work lately and there has been far too many changes where I'm concerned... Anyway, looks like my time here is up as I'll be posted back to SG. I am looking at coming back here from time to time though. We definitely need to catch up when you're here in shanghai from 19th to 29th may.
By the way, don't bother trying to ask the sichuan MM anymore... I am already indebted to you for asking on my behalf. I've did a count, and haven't done much, but realised that I've hit my quota of one girl a month during my stay here... And mind you, I'm referring to the free hits, and not the commercial ones... Hahahaha....
We shall talk more during the gathering... It's been a while, and I seriously miss the company and the bond that this group of brothers have formed.
Dear Bros of Shanghai Recommendation:
Bro WhamBamTYM, sad to hear that you are leaving land of pussies...please come back to SHA when u have the time to visit us and the pussies...
Sorry I won't be back to SHA till early June and I have shit to do over here in Sillypore...
Bro SGP, where have you been? Don't see your posts lately man...what happen? Is it I have to break dance for you...heehee :D
Anybody here got idea where to rent reasonable housing in Pudong? Range about RMB1500-2000. Clean and decent will if it's beside pretty meimei's who perhaps work in KTV...heehee
13-05-2005, 04:55 PM
Big Bro PTR, glad to learn that u are in SH. Not trying to be a copycat, will do what Bro WBTYM, the FR shall be shared at our gathering on 21st. :cool:
Indeed a sad, sad news.
Sorry bros, too busy recently to catch up. was away to Sin during the May holis and will be in beijing on biz early next week. BUT !! will definitely try to get back on 21st for the event. I hope I wasn't forgotten.
Bro PTR, glad to have you back in SH again !!
13-05-2005, 06:12 PM
Let me know the time and place. Call me when you swing by Shanghai again! Looking forward to the gathering!
Shanghaitan :cool:
Dear Bro Shanghaitan and all Brothers in Shanghai,
Bro Shanghaitan, You make me feel bad in front of others. I do not think I merit all the compliments that you have accorded to me. I just believe in Sharing with brothers, like many others are doing in this forum. I like you new definition of UFO, I just cannot stop laughing and admiring how imaginative you could be. Hahahahaha.... Not Unstoppable, but Unquenchable Thirst ...
I think we canand should meet on 21 May 2005. Place and time to be confirmed. Could any one help to name a place and time? This time round, I must drag the Silent Veteran Shengge along. We had fun during the last two evenings in Nanjing, and we scored last night only. I had a Nanjing girl while, Shengge of higher class, scored with a Mamasan. I admire him. We shall force a FR out of him on 21 May 2005. Hahaha..For me, it was a good Bonk, but nothing to shout about.
I am glad to see the postings of Bros junior_cannibals, ultra88man (hey! where were you??), shengge, WhamBam, Shanghaitan, SGP etc.. I really miss the TC session with brothers, with or without Meimei. Though of bringing the Sichuan Meimei. but do not want to hurt WhamBam (hahahaha.. Joking lah! Brother). We should force FRs from junior_cannibals and get tips from WhamBam on how to get freebees (The UFO needs them... Low in RMB.....lah).
Going for the third consecutive cheonging night later. Need to leave you all now and go for a good and fresh shower.
With Best Regards from Nanjing
13-05-2005, 07:20 PM
Dear Bro Shanghaitan and all Brothers in Shanghai,
I am glad to see the postings of Bros junior_cannibals, ultra88man (hey! where were you??), shengge, WhamBam, Shanghaitan, SGP etc.. I really miss the TC session with brothers, with or without Meimei. PTR aka UFO
Pai seh lah ... really tied up. Since we last met, i have been flying in and out of SH ... been to Sin twice, BKK, Zurich... then back to Sin during the May holis ...
Looking forward to 21 May ....
14-05-2005, 02:54 PM
Dear All Bros,
Like to share an article, very well written by a Taiwanese few years back. It comes with 4 parts, however, it is in traditional chinese. As the article is a little bit long, please bear with me.
=========== ===Part1============ = = =
其實在寫這篇文章的時候心中是有著無比的掙扎。我熱愛我的工作和家庭,我對我的老婆一點不滿也沒有,但是為 什麼我們男人到了大陸就會想要亂來呢,基本上我認為這是人性。這也就是人和動物不一樣的東西,因為我們會思 考、會挑選,會動心。
試想,一個在台灣受正常教育而最後到這個業界上班的人,絕大多數都是處在一個兩性比例極其不平衡的生活圈子 裏。我高中的時候沒有女生,我大學的時候男女比超過7:1,我承認我從懂事以來就很花,所以我不認為到大陸 出差會企鬼混是出乎意料之外的。不過我希望我的朋友、同業們能夠在歡樂的夜上海全身而退,因為聽過太多沈船 的例子了。
其實在中國大陸的女孩子外在條件真的不錯,娛樂場所相對於台灣便宜也是事實,但是我不認為這是重點。重點是 她們的手腕真得很好,而且她們是有備而來的,親愛的朋友們,我不想你們成為待宰的羔羊,所以將要去,已經去 ,或是已經沈船的人,我都希望你們可以好好地看一下這篇文章。
我相信很多人在他人生的經驗中,一到了上海才知道原來自己是可以這麼受歡迎的;34c的胸部,24吋的腰, 精心打扮的外表,尤其大部份都有點小染髮。那種你在台灣街上看到會覺得很難把的女孩子在上海的KTV有一狗 票,最重要的是還只要一千五人民幣就可以帶回家,酷吧。
大陸的美女主要分成四個族群,上海/北京 的大都會小姐,四川的川妹,東北的女孩和蘇杭地區的女生,這些女孩子都各有特色,我想接下來我會以殺傷力的 強弱來為大家做個介紹。
其實上海和北京這種大都市的女孩子最沒有殺傷力,因為她們從小生活比較好,看的市面也多,這些女孩子的普遍 特色是穿著流行用的東西也好。她們的主要目的是為了錢,加上本身出生在大都市的優越感,其實你會發現她們比 一般的女孩子來得跩。她們對客人也比較心狠手辣,叫你買化粧品、買手錶、買衣服,一般的台灣人比較不會沈在 這些人手上,因為我們的收入都不是很高,在她們一要求的時候多少就會有了警覺心。一般這類小姐坑殺的都是日 本人、或是高階主管因為男人有個不良的嗜好,覺得越得不到就越好。這類的小姐通常也不隨便出場,同時她們清 楚地知道自己要什麼,如果你錢不夠,我想她們也不會真的對你好。這類的女孩子我遇到兩位,後來感覺都不是很 好,雖然嘴很甜、很會撒嬌,不過你可以清楚知道她們的目的所以我認為殺傷力是最低的。
對了,應該先說說這些娛樂場所的情況,因為有些人也所沒去過呢。上海的KTV酒店一般是台灣人失身的最佳場 所,不,應該是說到上海的男人。因為價格合理,各式各樣的女孩子都有,選擇奇多。我每次到上海都會覺得自己 越來越像個男人,你知道的,就是那種尊嚴突然跑出來的感覺。就像你以前都放在冰箱裏忘記帶出門的小雞雞突然 在身上然後變成大雞雞的感覺。K房裏面的小姐都是自願企的,沒有一個是不願意的,笑死人了,願意的都快擠不 下了哪還有時間去搞那些逼良為娼的事。當中有百分之四十的小姐是隨便人只要出得起錢就可以出檯的,百分之四 十是要看情況,也就是要選客人,另外百分之二十是打死都不出檯的。
你們一定會以為那百分之二十是最棒的是吧??錯,這百分之二十是最聰明也最笨的。以我的經驗,裏面沒有搞不 定的小姐,都是要看手腕,時間和錢花得夠多,嘴巴夠甜你自然有辦法搞定。不過那百分之四十願意出場的也不見 得不漂亮,也許她們只是缺錢而已,如果你只是想要找一個好對手晚上大戰個三百回合,我會建議你找那隨便都可 以出場的小姐,不過服務態度好不好也很重要,我想你可以問媽媽桑,比如說:嗯……媽媽桑,把妳們店裏最淫蕩 的那個小姐給我找來。
如果你想要有一點難度的,就找另外那百分之四十,然後你就花在包廂的兩、三個小時把她搞定。重點來囉,第一 、不要讓她喝太多酒。因為喝得太醉的女人有時候很不講理,有時候又很難看,最重要的是有時候就醉死在你的床 上也許你還要幫她清理。第二、約她隔天出去玩,不要一下子就暴露你的企圖,因為這樣的女孩子願意但是需要一 點感覺。你可以約她隔天到城隍廟或是什麼地方,你可以裝可愛說你沒來過上海要她帶你去逛。重點是約好明天的 約會,就算你今晚搞不定明天也行。人要有耐心,這是粉重要滴。
至於第三種,那龜毛的百分之二十,除非你真的很閒,也很想證明自己的實力,也很有耐心,最重要也受得起損失 ,那你就找吧。我目前的戰績是兩戰兩勝,可是我花了大概一萬人民幣才搞定一個,兩個加起來兩萬。除非你有和 別人打賭,搞定了可以拿獎金,不然我勸各位還是別的好。
一定有人想問,那上海還有別的地方可以混嗎??廢話,如果天堂只有一種地方可以去那還叫天堂嗎??你可以去 Pub,D廳,只要穿得夠酷,自然就可以找到美女。你認為KTV下班的女孩子會去哪邊??總不會回家睡覺了 吧??而且這個時候的她們是不用錢的,那就是一夜情囉。這時候有人就會問啦:是不是這麼簡單啊。不簡單,但 是也不太難,如果你會說流利的英文、身邊也有幾個比較帶種的朋友去會更容易。不過這種地方千萬不要一個人去 ,因為危險。大陸人的性愛觀念說實在的比台灣人開放得多,我認為這和她們原本生活的不安定性有關。因為生活 不安定,所以你不太會去想以後的事,即時行樂,所以很多女孩子在高中或大學的時候都已經不是第一次了。而性 這種事說實在的和從一個瓶子裏拿出醃黃瓜一樣,如果你把第一條拿出來了後面就容易得多。
我知道你們還想看,可是我打累了,而且我的中午休息時間快結束了,我想去睡個午覺。下次再來和各位介紹其它 三地美女的特色和使用手冊。
14-05-2005, 03:52 PM
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????????????????????????????? :p
Shit hope you guys could read the Chinese text!
14-05-2005, 06:28 PM
Well written in a way. But the main part of his article does not seem to be in sync with his introduction in which he urged readers to resist temptation...
Let's see what happens in Part 2-4.
Thanks for the post!
Dear All Bros,
Like to share an article, very well written by a Taiwanese few years back. It comes with 4 parts, however, it is in traditional chinese. As the article is a little bit long, please bear with me.
=========== ===Part1============ = = =
其實在寫這篇文章的時候心中是有著無比的掙扎。我熱愛我的工作和家庭,我對我的老婆一點不滿也沒有,... .
14-05-2005, 09:02 PM
Excellent article. Should be applicable to PRCs in Singapore too!!! :)
Up your rep!!! eagerly waiting for pt2,3,4
14-05-2005, 10:10 PM
Dear Bros,
This article already more than 3 years, the industry may be changed, the characters of the gers still very much the same.
Well, glad to see that there is no negative response, :o , otherwise, I will stop.
=========== ===Part2============ = = =
以戰鬥力來排名,我認為我們應該先來討論一下蘇杭美女。因為這邊來的女孩特色是胸部大,講話好聽。不過我不 知道為什麼,這邊的女孩子一般家庭正常,到了一定年紀也會結婚,可能是因為江南本來就是富裕的地方,至少吃 得飽穿得暖。所以來上海上班的女孩子到了二十五歲左右一般都可能會回家去結婚,我遇過兩個這樣的,從此失去 音訊。
江南的氣候和台灣有點像,所以女孩子的個性也比較溫和,她們給你的感覺比較不那麼做作,也看得開,因為她也 知道你是不可能娶她的。其實一般在江湖上行走的規距是要和對方說清楚、講明白,這樣子她們也知道怎麼來和你 相處。因為江南的女孩子看得開,所以殺傷力不大,她們不太會一直等你,一直纏你,最多只是在要回家嫁人的時 候在你的手機中留個訊息,從此之後不見蹤影。
再來一種是四川的女孩子。四川的女孩子有一個特色是皮膚非常得好,而且因為四川的生活條件並不是這麼好,所 以她們一般都會努力地把握住機會。川妹一般都非常團結,和東北的女孩子一樣,而且個性也算烈,所以她一旦真 的喜歡上你她就會不顧一切地想盡辦法讓你逃不出她的手掌心。因為皮膚好,所以在床上的感覺是十分有滿足感的 ,因為燈一關掉剩下的觸感會讓你覺得是在欣賞一個非常完美的藝術品。就像是Armani的西裝、BMW的線 條或是PP的手表一樣,那種感覺就是一種滿足感。對付川妹其實難度不高,因為她們的要求一般也不高。大部份 的川妹來到上海會做按摩、洗頭之類的工作,會到K房中的一般素質都要一定程度以上。大陸的K房主要被上海人 和東北女孩子佔住了,所以其它地區的女孩子生存空間比較小。也因此她們比較團結,又因為是外地人的關係,對 上海不熟,所以如果你要帶她出去逛街,我想她們都會粉樂意的。一般來說,各地的口音是對台灣人一種折磨,尤 其是她們從小並不是受很好的教育,有時候說話和生活習慣真的很差。我認為最適合和台灣人說話的還是北京人, 至少那種京片子聽起來舒服。舉個例子,她們會在幫你咬完的時候隨口就把它吐在飯店的地毯上,總之一些匪夷所 思的事偶爾會出現就是了。不過因為川妹在上海的勢力還不大,所以你不用太擔心,一般都可以逃得掉,畢竟要在 二千五百萬人的上海找到一個人不是那麼容易的。
最後的就是東北妹,我個人給她們的分數最高,因為從我的經驗看來,我的朋友多半都是死在東北妹的手上。東北 妹其實算是運氣好因為她們的身材和體型符合了現代的審美觀,高、輪廓深、腿長、胸部大,比較符合近代西方人 的體型。我個人是比較不喜歡這種的,不過我相信大部份的男人都喜歡。
由於東北天氣冷,加上生活並不這麼富裕,老實說我很少看到胖的東北女人。加上四季分明,所以她們的皮膚也不 錯;難道長得漂亮就殺傷力強嗎??不不不,女人打扮就可以漂亮,問題是東北的美眉真的有比較犀利,聽我慢慢 地說。
東北大漢大家的印象有吧,就是那種粗粗壯壯的,虎背熊腰的漢子是吧, 比較之下台灣男生的收入和溫柔體貼的程度都是好很多。再加上生活比較貧困所以企圖心比較強,只要一找到合適 的對象是一定不放過的。比如說她在和你巫山雲雨一夜之後,隔天早上你發現她把你的衣服洗好,準備好早餐時那 種感人的場面,可能是你一輩子都遇不到的。因為感動所以翻船,這是一般的故事,而且她們還會不吝嗇地哭得梨 花帶淚的跟你說,相信我,演技不錯。
我不知道為什麼,東北的女孩子在性愛上也比較開放,比較容易進入狀況,加上大半都會做家事,而且在獵物還沒 到手之前絕對是不會露出真面目。一般修行的台灣男性可能會受不了攻擊而陣亡。不過等你愛上她,開始生活在一 起了,過沒多久爸爸媽媽就來了,和你一起住。東北女孩的性子也是剛烈,所以她會非常在乎你,如果被發現你又 跑出去亂來,事情真的會一發不可收拾。所以我建議各位朋友,如果有機會到大陸的話,千萬要小心,記得一個原 則,這是我爸爸在我出社會的時候教我的:
14-05-2005, 10:26 PM
Excellent article. Should be applicable to PRCs in Singapore too!!! :)
Up your rep!!! eagerly waiting for pt2,3,4
Dear Bro Smeago,
Thanks for "UP" my pts, just hope that it is useful.
14-05-2005, 10:54 PM
How true ! How true ! :D
14-05-2005, 10:56 PM
Dear All Bros,
Like to share an article, very well written by a Taiwanese few years back. It comes with 4 parts, however, it is in traditional chinese.
Now awaiting your part 3 and part 4...
Very well written... ;)
14-05-2005, 11:37 PM
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Hope you guys don't mine me being too long winded.
Just my half cent worth! :p
14-05-2005, 11:50 PM
Omg.. posting on SB on a Sat nite in SHA? Haiz.. same here but in the Southern part of CHina... Sighz...
Have fun... Looking forward to landing a job that brings me to SHA more often.. hehehhee..
15-05-2005, 12:01 AM
Dear Bros,
This article already more than 3 years, the industry may be changed, the characters of the gers still very much the same.
Well, glad to see that there is no negative response, :o , otherwise, I will stop.
Bro Shengge,
Please continue to post. The response is very good. For those who cannot read, please find a way to do it or ask, after all there are so many brothers who could.
Please continue to post Parts 3 and 4. Many people are waiting.
Regards and Thank you.
15-05-2005, 12:29 AM
Please continue to post. The response is very good. For those who cannot read, please find a way to do it or ask, after all there are so many brothers who could.
Please continue to post Parts 3 and 4. Many people are waiting.
Dear Bro PTR,
This author may be "how lian" but i felt that he has some points there.
So how is your adventure in NJ?
With the guy you met at dinner, you should try some decent place, after all both of you got 内涵!I listen until "bueh jin chu"! HAHA!
Then you can increase your rate from 2 years to a month like bro WhamBamTYM.
See you around!
15-05-2005, 12:42 AM
Dear Bro PTR,
This author may be "how lian" but i felt that he has some points there.
So how is your adventure in NJ?
With the guy you met at dinner, you should try some decent place, after all both of you got 内涵!I listen until "bueh jin chu"! HAHA!
Then you can increase your rate from 2 years to a month like bro WhamBamTYM.
See you around!
Cannot be like Bro WhamBam, who is a Xiao Gang look alike. I am an UFO, no girl will take notice of me. How to increase the rate.
Sigh.... Moving to Wuhan tomorrow to work.
Regards from Nanjing alone in the hotel room
15-05-2005, 12:44 AM
Dear Bro PTR,
Thanks for your support!
Here is the Part 3.
=========== ===Part3============ = = =
有人回信說我介紹大陸的狀況,但是卻沒有教人家怎麼救生好像是有點不道德,基於同是台灣血性男兒,同是不得 已一定要去對岸討生活,不管是常駐、出差、輪調的半導體工作者,我決定再跟各位分享一下如何在叢林求生的技 巧。說實在的,看到一些為大陸女子搞到家庭失和,財產被掏空的例子,我也真的是心有不忍。有的人在那邊甚至 惹上麻煩而無法收尾,這更不是我們所希望的。
首先,談戀愛、把馬子、男女交往,我建議大家把它當做是一種比賽或是投資,所以有幾個原則是類 似的:
第一、 培養實力
第二、 培養觀察力
第三、 懂得停損
第四、 避險
第五、 懂得獲利了結
其實男女交往一定就是有輸有贏,當然也有可能是雙贏或雙輸。我之所以會這麼強調這些原則是大家要在大陸生存 所必備的原因很簡單,因為你們不可能不去接觸,去接觸了也不可能不動心,我說的不是聲色場所,而是包括你身 旁的大陸女性同事,其實她們的殺傷力也很大。畢竟台灣人到那邊是腳踏人家的土地,而不是土生土長的當地人, 所以要格外的小心和注意。
培養實力的意義在於讓自己擁有更高的戰鬥力和更好的技巧,原因無它,因為當自己並不是一個高手的時候,你很 難知道對手的實力到底在什麼地方。比方說,如果你很會打撞球,其實你在看一個朋友架竿的時候你就知道他打得 好不好了,又比方說,如果你很會打籃球的話,就算你和一個不認識的人一起打三對三,看他跑幾個位,投幾個球 你就知道他實力到哪裏了。再比方說,如果你很會打高爾夫,和一個不認識的人打球,看一下他上桿和送桿的動作 你大致上就知道他打得怎麼樣,至少你要有一定的程度才知道他打得好不好不是嗎??講了這三個例子,如果你還 聽不懂,那表示你沒有一個放蕩的少年時代也不是個陽光少年,最重要的,你連半導體從業人員要晉升管理階層的 必修課程----高爾夫都不懂,那我真的不知道該說什麼了。
培養實力很簡單,就是多打怪。一般來說,就是多和幾個對手交手你就會越來越強,因為每個怪都會給你經驗值, 都會教你一些東西讓你有一些新的啟發。有時候是很直接的,比方說在我少年時代,我第一次接觸異性的時候,我 才知道和女孩子接吻,女孩子的反應是什麼;我也是要慢慢、不斷地練習才知道要怎麼才能讓對方舒服。這部份的 技巧有興趣的可以再來信詢問,不過這部份我可能要考慮收費。這種學習是很直接的,你不會她也不會,不斷地摸 索,彼此就不斷地進步。有時候一些經驗給你的啟發是很震撼的,比如說有一次,當然還是我年少的時候,我和一 個女孩子發生了網路一夜情,那個時候的網路可是充滿學術氣息和人文藝術的,才不像現在那麼多精蟲衝腦的小伙 子上去只是想找個人幹一炮。我們聊了聊,見了面,浪漫地吃完燭光晚餐,莫明其妙地做了,當時的我不算高手, 不過至少知道怎麼打球,但是她卻在和我一番雲雨,不,是三番雲雨後裸體和我躺在床上的時候,突然說一句:寶 貝,你不要說話,我要打電話給我男朋友。不要問我為什麼可以在兩小時做三次,因為我也不知道,年輕的時候體 力好吧。
後面的三十分鐘,她若無其事地打給她的男人,一個在嘉義當預官的陸軍少尉,內容不外乎是一些我愛你啦,你有 沒有想我啦,你在幹嘛之類的,重點是當時我躺在她的懷裏,她還是正在撫摸著我的臉龐。等她打完電話,我當場 雙拳一抱,大喝一聲:我受教了……。她說:你神經啊。對了,我還想要耶。請注意,她是個一般的大學生,公務 員家庭,生活正常,各位朋友,我從那天就看開了,應了古人的一句話:人外有人、天外有天。我從此決心要成為 一個真正的高手。
看了那麼多,你們心中一定不免有個疑問,啊你不是要教我們怎麼求生嗎??我還不知道要打怪,就是怕還沒打死 怪就被打死了。我知道,我了,所以我現在就要教你們第二段了咩,媽的,不要太嘰嘰歪歪哦,我可是因為景氣不 好才有時間在這邊跟你們哈啦,啊不然我管你們是不是翻船,呵。
所以第兩點就顯得異常重要,要有敏銳的觀察力。當你開始懂得打球,就要開始尋找適合的對手。做什麼事都一樣 ,一定要先知道自己的實力,也知道對方的實力,才知道要怎麼應付。和比你自己強很多的對手打球不是不好,只 是怕會陣亡。我一般建議是找比你強一點的人練習,這樣就會不斷地進步,當然如果你只是要累積戰績就另當別論 了。我知道我這樣說很抽象,所以我決定用具體一些的例子來和各位討論,主體還是大陸的女人,這就是我為什麼 在前面把她們分級的原因。原則上,歡場女子的分類各位應該算是清楚了,我的建議是在一開始的時候就到這些地 方去練習,找個不是那麼強的對手,保持一個心態就是你是來消費的不管她們的家世再可憐,不管為什麼明明一胎 化她們都會有還在讀書的弟弟妹妹,也不管為什麼爸爸和媽媽一定生病沒辦法工作,你一定要在面露關懷,口說安 慰話語的時候,在心裏想著,媽的,關我屁事。
說實在的那真的不關你屁事,因為那不是你的錯,你的責任是花錢、享樂,還有記住一件事,在那個地方,你永遠 都可以找到更好的馬子,絕對、絕對不要只找一個就固定下來了,因為你會後悔。我道男人的想法都是有獨占慾的 ,不過沒有人會在便利商店到處開的地方為了喝牛奶自己養一頭牛。告訴各位一個現實,有一個上海妹告訴我一個 想法,我啟發也很大。她說:我們來這邊上班是要繳錢的,我們的目的也是要賺錢的,不然誰希望每天陪不一樣的 男人喝酒啊。這樣說好了,我一個禮拜睡一個,一年有五十二個禮拜,扣掉大姨媽來的一個月一次,我一年至少還 可以睡四十個,你也是算是個狠角色了只是你認為你一年可以睡四十個女人嗎??靠,我真的不行耶,幹,我又受 教了。
當然在歡場裏也是有比較單純的女生,我不是說沒有,不過你必須要清楚地體認自己的目的為何,為何而戰,為誰 而戰。我不否認可以在這些地方找到紅粉知己,重點是她必須要把你當成她的朋友而不是客人,這個就是功力問題 ,在你還沒有蛻變成高手之前,在你還沒有辦法辨別出對方是不是虛情假意時,請先不要有定下來的 想法。
判斷一個女孩子是不是高手,我給各位一個最簡單的方法,就是看她身上配件的總價。相信我,穿得越好,用得越 好的女人,絕對是功力越高,我不是否定有些女孩子天生就是高手,裝可愛,呆呆的結果一口就把你咬死,而是這 種無從判斷。我曾經看過一個大陸女人,她是我這輩子親眼看過最漂亮的女生,她全身的配件總值超過五十萬台幣 ,我根本連想都不敢想,只是握個手點個頭就算了。
噫,那判斷錯誤怎麼辦??後面的三個原則就是要讓各位全身而退的,不過下禮拜再說,因為吃飯時 間到了。
15-05-2005, 01:55 AM
1) 小弟纵横神州近十年,除了没有付过一千伍的过夜费外.
2) 就别指望别人对我们能另眼相看。咱们不能门缝里看人。
3) 在下好几个单身兄弟到神州还不是得当地美女垂青,现在婚姻美满。
4) 其中也不过是在下待人以诚,从未另有居心的蒙人上床。
5) 真不知他写这篇文章用意何在?真有自我标榜之嫌!
6) 善用手段虏获男人的难道就一定是狐狸精吗?
7) 以在下愚见,咱们狮城英雄到神州发展,找个当地的红颜知己是无关痛痒。重要的还是我们自己本身的自制力和意 志力。
8) 带着大智若愚的心态是可以避免许多不必要的麻烦!
Dear Big Bro DumbAss,
I see that you are the 老法师 here. Just to share my views,
1) In China nothing is consider expensive lah. After all, like the commerical contract..... buyer is willing to buy while seller is willing to sell at ...On the other hand most TW like to show off lah, that is why they give more. With the property price going up, I am sure that the price for gers (KTV) also goes up. Old bird like you certainly can get better deal.
2) You are absolutely right, but we always have to be careful. After all the more we expose ourself, the more danger it will be.
3) That is true. I have a friend has Vietnamese wife.
4) Not about cheating lah, it is about the ultimate goal/objective.
5) Certain comment from this author were harsh, probably he got the pain himself. But I think what he said is quite true especially in Part 4.
6) Our education system has made us accept thing by face value. Chinese are very good at interpersonal skills. When we are not able to differentiate, it is extremely dangerous.
7) You are absolutely right. However, most of the time, the small head call the shot and that is dangerous.
8) With my humble experience, I am not able to give much advice. Just be careful, this is not our home.
15-05-2005, 03:00 AM
Dear Bro Shanghaitan and all Brothers in Shanghai,
Bro Shanghaitan, You make me feel bad in front of others. I do not think I merit all the compliments that you have accorded to me. I just believe in Sharing with brothers, like many others are doing in this forum. I like you new definition of UFO, I just cannot stop laughing and admiring how imaginative you could be. Hahahahaha.... Not Unstoppable, but Unquenchable Thirst ...
I think we canand should meet on 21 May 2005. Place and time to be confirmed. Could any one help to name a place and time? This time round, I must drag the Silent Veteran Shengge along. We had fun during the last two evenings in Nanjing, and we scored last night only. I had a Nanjing girl while, Shengge of higher class, scored with a Mamasan. I admire him. We shall force a FR out of him on 21 May 2005. Hahaha..For me, it was a good Bonk, but nothing to shout about.
I am glad to see the postings of Bros junior_cannibals, ultra88man (hey! where were you??), shengge, WhamBam, Shanghaitan, SGP etc.. I really miss the TC session with brothers, with or without Meimei. Though of bringing the Sichuan Meimei. but do not want to hurt WhamBam (hahahaha.. Joking lah! Brother). We should force FRs from junior_cannibals and get tips from WhamBam on how to get freebees (The UFO needs them... Low in RMB.....lah).
Going for the third consecutive cheonging night later. Need to leave you all now and go for a good and fresh shower.
With Best Regards from Nanjing
Dear Brothers in Shanghai,
Would you mind if I join you wonderful brothers for the gathering on 21st/May.
Kindly let me know the time & place.
15-05-2005, 03:04 AM
Omg.. posting on SB on a Sat nite in SHA? Haiz.. same here but in the Southern part of CHina... Sighz...
Have fun... Looking forward to landing a job that brings me to SHA more often.. hehehhee..
Hey Ronaldo,
Have you found the job that you want (be it in HK, SH).
Wow heard that you guys are having lots of fun in the South.
TCSS, Eating, Chionging,etc
When are you coming to Shanghai?
Hey Ronaldo,
Have you found the job that you want (be it in HK, SH).
Wow heard that you guys are having lots of fun in the South.
TCSS, Eating, Chionging,etc
When are you coming to Shanghai?
OMG :eek: KCB posting in SBF on a sat night!?!?
15-05-2005, 03:34 AM
Dear Big Bro DumbAss,
I see that you are the ÀÏ·¨Ê¦ here. Just to share my views,
Frankly, I am not what you said.
Bro PTR can prove that.
I am just a normal guy from Singapore enjoying what PRC have to offer. I don't give advice just my half cents worth.
Wrote a shitty poem for our bros to decide.
Van Basten
15-05-2005, 04:26 AM
You meant me? How is your workplace "project" coming along? Better not I hope.. You met Alvin there? I am still missing SHA and cant seem to find a job there... Guess I gonna be stucked in the South for sometime now..
my "project" is difficult lah... i may get red carded back to singapore by my boss leh... but any other gd advice from any experience?
u really miss SHA so much? ya at least it's a city something more similar to singapore but it's damn congested leh... but SHA still a happening city to be in at least. guess i shld count myself fortunate to be based just next to SHA so that i been there quite frequently... hope u make it here to SHA! er actually i wish i could go to BJ or the south leh....
15-05-2005, 09:10 AM
Hi All,
Here is the last part of the story....
=========== ===Part4============ = = =
愛情和投資其實有相似之處,因為它們都有目的,有風險。有的人會說,真正的愛是一種無怨無悔的付出,這個我 同意,因為世界上就是有這麼情操高尚的人,可是我必須要說,你們真的都不是這種人啦,笨。世界上也有人是為 了投資而投資,他不是為了獲利,有的人就是為了買股票而買股票,從來不賣,就是笨笨的買,他也是會變成大富 翁啊,這種人我有兩個例子,一個是一直買可口可樂股票的老太太,一個是阿甘。那你覺得你是這種 人嗎??
所以我要教你的是求生法則,不是偉大的情操,我比較現實,比較合邏輯,因為我是生活在現實社會裏。首先,要 懂得停損。一個好的選手,不能只會打順手球,一個好的投資者,不能只在大家都賺得到錢的時候賺的比別人多, 更重要的,是要在大家都賠錢的時候,賠得比別人少,保留實力。看看歷史,絕大部份有輝煌成就的運動員或投資 者,沒有一個是一直贏的,他一定要經過高潮和低潮,他才會進步才會學習到不同的技巧。郭先生說:成功是最爛 的老師,因為它只教你膽識和自信。
唯有失敗才會讓你成長,同樣的,結束一項錯誤的投資比成功的投資還重要。太電集團、長億集團的財務問題就是 一個很好的例子。停損是一個很重要的學問,就像你在學柔道之前你要先學怎麼被摔而不受傷一樣。很少人是一進 賭場就輸個精光,傾家盪產的,所有的人都是一開始贏,後來越輸越多,越不甘心而潦下去的。
講了那麼多,就是告訴各位停損的重要,那在大陸求生的課題中停損要怎麼設呢??你必須要問自己,你輸得起的 底限在哪裏,是錢,還是家庭還是工作還是人??以前來說,我給常駐的人一個建議,一些錢匯到台灣,留一些在 大陸花就好了,一般來說,留個五千人民幣就夠用了,我是說零用錢。去出差的,帶足夠的美金去,花完就回家, 不管你要給幾個女人,還是都給一個女人隨便你,就是花完就算。當然每個人的收入和負擔得起的損失不一樣,所 以各自設定,總之不要像個無底洞一樣地丟就好了。
你要知道,沒有認識你之前,她也長得那麼大了,也長得很漂亮穿得也不錯,手機可能也拿得比你好。沒有道理她 認識你之後,你少給她個三、五千人民幣她就會餓死。你把該給的給她,比如說每次到大陸一個禮拜,給她個三千 人民幣,或是以次計算也可以,總之不要當個傻瓜。至於其它的東西,比如家庭、個人、工作,那就看個人的定義 了,也許有人根本不愛他老婆,早就想企包二奶也說不一定。
再來就是避險,也就是要多設定幾個不同的投資標的。一旦你的投資標的只有一個,你的心情將會完全受它的影響 。記住,沒有人應該在一個到處都有便利商店的地方,為了偶爾喝一下牛奶去養牛的。相信我,一定都有更辣手, 更漂亮的美眉躲在你還沒去過的店。當然如果你的目的是去尋找真愛的,我給你一個建議,真正好的投資標的必須 要長期觀察的,所以你可以花時間在她身上,觀察她的行為舉止一直到你確定她會是你未來的伴侶之後再結婚。多 半婚姻的問題是因為交往時間太短彼此根本不了解,如果你是單身,你也是適婚年齡,我並不排斥你娶大陸的老婆 ,真的。不過那是要花時間去經營的,我的建議是至少要同居個一年半載的。
最後就是停利,懂得獲利了結。如果你的目的是把她上了,只要你一達到目的,你就應該要獲利了結。如果你是目 的是把她上了,還要她愛上你,一達到目的,你就應該獲利了結。說實在的,如果你是在台灣已經有對象,甚至已 經結婚的弟兄們,你們的目的只是到那邊去尋找浪漫,浪漫找到了,就該醒來了。回到台灣,你還是個小小工程師 ,而不是大陸的高薪電子新貴,回到台灣,你老婆還是不會煮飯給你吃,回到台灣,你每天還是累得 跟狗一樣。
想想,你在那邊帶著小妞去吃大餐,在星級酒店搞完了連床都不用整理。那小姑娘也不用幫你洗衣服,不用幫你生 小孩,不用幫你媽媽洗碗,也不用在早上很早起來幫你媽媽拜拜。更不用在半夜起來幫你小孩泡奶,你跟小姑娘來 一下還付她一千人民幣,四千多塊台幣。那你算算你從你認識你老婆開始,總共跟她來了幾下,那可是一大筆錢呢 。以台灣男人的平均來看一年是七十次左右,所以你就要付大約三十萬台幣,再加上洗衣、打掃的費用一個月一萬 五,一年十四個月就是二十一萬,你知道嗎,你一年欠你老婆五十多萬耶。我每次這樣想,就會覺得自己不應該去 鬼混,就算去鬼混也應該覺得十分地後悔所以一過台灣海峽我就會忘記在那邊發生的一切。
中華兒女千千萬,不行我們就換。這是一個媽媽桑告訴我的,我一直把它記在心裏,希望各位在未來的日子裏,都 可以從戰場上平安歸來。最後,我必須要強調一點,我對大陸的女性同胞真的沒有眨低的意思,我只是自私地希望 我的朋友和我的朋友的朋友和我的朋友的朋友的朋友們可以安全地、快樂地在內地工作。畢竟太多家庭破碎,夫妻 失和的例子在我身邊發生,我認為我有責任來告訴各位這些事情,讓大家可以有浪漫、愉快的經驗而不會有後遺症 。
The End!
15-05-2005, 11:18 AM
Hey Ronaldo,
Have you found the job that you want (be it in HK, SH).
Wow heard that you guys are having lots of fun in the South.
TCSS, Eating, Chionging,etc
When are you coming to Shanghai?
Hey manz...
Trying my best now.. the answer will come next week...
Lots of fun in the south? If so fun, we wont come hijack this Shanghai thread liaoz... When I was back in Sg, this table next to me during dinner was talking about Shanghai.. haiz.. the names they mentioned.. brings me memories..hehehe Shanghai! wait for moi!!!
15-05-2005, 11:22 AM
my "project" is difficult lah... i may get red carded back to singapore by my boss leh... but any other gd advice from any experience?
u really miss SHA so much? ya at least it's a city something more similar to singapore but it's damn congested leh... but SHA still a happening city to be in at least. guess i shld count myself fortunate to be based just next to SHA so that i been there quite frequently... hope u make it here to SHA! er actually i wish i could go to BJ or the south leh....
Well the grass is always greener on the other side I guess.. But need to seek greener pasture... skali end up in Mongolia... Well I have enough of the culture here in Guangdong.. need some changes.. May even try Xiamen...
Anyway.. hope u have fun.. and good luck if u ever jump ship.. do it while we are still young.. old liao then better hang on to the ship..kekeke
15-05-2005, 11:28 AM
OMG :eek: KCB posting in SBF on a sat night!?!?
Sama sama lor... Had your fun? Ready for the 5 hours bus back to SwaTou?
15-05-2005, 12:32 PM
Well the grass is always greener on the other side I guess.. But need to seek greener pasture... skali end up in Mongolia... Well I have enough of the culture here in Guangdong.. need some changes.. May even try Xiamen...
Anyway.. hope u have fun.. and good luck if u ever jump ship.. do it while we are still young.. old liao then better hang on to the ship..kekeke
Since you like Shanghai so much, then quickly get a job here
and we can have some fun with Van Basten, others
15-05-2005, 12:36 PM
Sama sama lor... Had your fun? Ready for the 5 hours bus back to SwaTou?
I suppose you guys had real good fun last night?
Where r you all? (both of you reading the SBF about the same time----in the same hotel? heeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
Are both of you doing the "Are you a HAKKA trick?
15-05-2005, 09:58 PM
Thanks bro shengge for the posts.
Like I said before, there are alot of self-contradictory claims in the article, but I refused to jump into any comments too soon. Maybe the author was confused himself. I'm not totally impressed by it, but we probably shouldn't take it at face value. There are however, some points that are worth picking up as constant reminders for ourselves.
=========== ===Part4============ = = =
如果你是在台灣已經有對象,甚至已經結婚的弟兄們,你們的目的只是到那邊去尋找浪漫,浪漫找到了,就該醒來 了。
你知道嗎,你一年欠你老婆五十多萬耶。我每次這樣想,就會覺得自己不應該去鬼混,就算去鬼混也應該覺得十分 地後悔...
Bro DumbAss, I understand your frustration when a person becomes too big-headed and sounds like he's slagging off all women in China. "rulin waishi" is a good reflection of ourselves. I agree with you that, like us, most men are attached or married and yet paying to have a cheat. We really have no right to demand respect or complain when they try to squeeze more money out of us.
The many years of war, natural catastrophies and political torment has molded a complicated Chinese culture that is intertwined with love and hate, freedom and suppression. Only when we realise that survival has always been central of the folks' lives, can we better understand the reasons behind certain behaviours we otherwise deem unacceptable.
We are all responsible for ourselves. I prefer to keep an open mind, and avoid being judgemental. Let's hope all of us here can learn to "ride the waves, while in the waves". “身处惊涛骇浪之间,犹弄潮耳”--曹操
16-05-2005, 11:04 AM
Wow! Looks like the thread has been given a new lease of life! Well done bros! Will be looking forward to the gathering!
Shanghaitan :cool:
16-05-2005, 02:17 PM
my fellow Shanghai-poreans,
sorry for the disappearing act. have been fairly busy flying abouts in Beijing/HK/Shenzhen/Guangzhou for all of 2 weeks before the May 1 holidays.
kept low and rested during the holidays after much action in these cities.
but here's a recent FR to share:
not sure if you recall my virgin FR not too long. anyway, last week (Wed afternoon), i tried the new establishment Tong2 Qin4 Yuan4 owned by the same boss of TRY. very nice and clean environment (better than TRY) as it has only started less than half a year. my previous gal in TRY recommended #12 but i decided to give myself more choice. after shower, i went straight to the room. 3 girls came and i picked the more chio, quite petite with big boobs Sichuan meimei (Bro PTR, pls take note!). i think she is quite a rare gem. we chatted, then she went out, got her stuff came back and stripped us naked, immediately saying “Lao Gong, bao bao” (hubby, gimme a hug). Boobs are a good solid 35C but once I touched them, implants… ok lar, still quite a good handful feel and nice protruding nipples. By then, my brother was already full attention to which she complimented on my size (I think I’m only average but she stroke my ego a bit and make me feel good).
Next she made me lie face down and start licking my back with her tongue with hot water in her mouth followed by cold. Next was my legs and inner thigh, very shiok and very steam already. What was so damn good about TQY is the rooms are fixed with mirrors and you’re able to lift your head and had a full visual of what your gal is doing to you. VERY VERY sensual. I can see her body in full, her breasts caressing my back, her CFM look. And I told her I really enjoy just looking at her. After that, she took a couple of wet napkins and wipe my butt and started fire/ice AR treatment. My very first experience, totally enjoyed it and I think she made it nice and clean but I probably wouldn’t want her to do it again if I ever go back (think very degrading).
After that, she turned me around and did the same thing to every part of my body and paying attention to my very much erected member. I almost CIM (fire/ice BBBJ damn shiok) and she was very nice to slow it down, gave me a 5 sec breather before she capped me and rode me to neverland…
name: Bei Bei (#66)
from: Chengdu
looks: 7.5/10
breasts: 8/10 (nice nipples, 35C but implants)
body: 8/10 (slim, great curves)
AR/BBBJ: 8/10 (fantastic!)
FJ: 6/10 (came in 2 mins, only tried 1 position – she on top, next time must tahan longer)
Side note: Bei Bei used to work in KTVs in Shanghai for about a year. Quitted because she couldn’t hold alcohol that well. This is her first sauna job.
For fellow samsters who wish to explore TQY, here is the detail again:
Tong2 Qin4 Yuan4
Add: No. 2579 Wan4 Hang2 Du4 Lu4
near Chang2 Ning2 Lu4 Lou2 Shan1 Guan1 Lu4 Kou2
Tel: 52720016
P.S. all girls (20+ of them) will be there after 4pm. 1st shift starts from about 12:30pm - 1pm (3 or 4 girls), 2nd shift starts from 1:30pm - 2pm, final shift starts from 3:30pm - 4pm.
16-05-2005, 02:26 PM
dunno why i keep having problem posting the TQY address in chinese. lemme try again...
Tong2 Qin4 Yuan4 ???
Add: No. 2579 Wan4 Hang2 Du4 Lu4 ????2579?
near Chang2 Ning2 Lu4 Lou2 Shan1 Guan1 Lu4 Kou2 ??????????
Tel: 52720016
16-05-2005, 05:00 PM
Tong2 Qin4 Yuan4 owned by the same boss of TRY.
Dear Bro tomdh,
Thanks! Very good FR and informative.
There isn't many FR these days.
Very interesting and I am sure bro PTR is very keen to know the........girl than the place............hahaha! Bro PTR, need taxi?
Thanks again!
16-05-2005, 07:10 PM
Bro tomdh,
It was a very very good FR! Definitely stirred up my loins!
Waste that I could not make it to SHA this week otherwise, I would cheong to it IMMEDIATELY! Hope to meet up with you soon!
Bro shengge,
Guess you will be "taxi" with PTR to relax soon huh?
Apologies as I had to divert from my original plan to SHA. Now in Vietnam (HCMC) instead! Hope to have many many FRs as well by the time we meet next month!
Send my regards to the rest of the bros, esp PTR!
Bro PuTonRen,
Aiyah know you have good FRs lah! Your SMSes really made me went to our regular haunt to look for bonks! Luckliy, managed to find a 34C from Chengdu also! maybe can intro to you when we go back there again?
Meanwhile, enjoy your bonking! Send my regards to that huge titties Harbin gal! rest well and bonk well!
Dear Bro tomdh,
Thanks! Very good FR and informative.
There isn't many FR these days.
Very interesting and I am sure bro PTR is very keen to know the........girl than the place............hahaha! Bro PTR, need taxi?
Thanks again!
16-05-2005, 10:40 PM
Meanwhile, enjoy your bonking! Send my regards to that huge titties Harbin gal! rest well and bonk well!
Bro Tsuyoyi,
You surface again. I was hoping to see you in Shanghai. Did I give you a FR on Mobile Phone? From where? I would try the new joint with the Taxi Driver. Hahahaha.....
Which Harbin girl? You mean the Shenyang girl? I might not meet him. You know how they promise the moon and then say the moon is hidden by cloud. I do not attach too much hope. But if she turns up, it will be a bonus. Otherwise, I will go bonking somewhere. No problem.
Regards from Wuhan
17-05-2005, 06:28 AM
Hi all,
I am a newbie in posting but I have been following your posting for a long time. Wanted to say hi to all. Will be flying to Shanghai today and will try to find some time to enjoys the ladies in Shanghai.
17-05-2005, 11:01 AM
Bro shengge,
Guess you will be "taxi" with PTR to relax soon huh?
Apologies as I had to divert from my original plan to SHA. Now in Vietnam (HCMC) instead! Hope to have many many FRs as well by the time we meet next month!
Send my regards to the rest of the bros, esp PTR!
Dear Bro tsuyoyi,
What he needs is not Taxi lah! :D As his SY girl is coming.
I thought you will join Bro PTR to SHA, we had Kopi only no Guni at all. We are very guai one mah! Right bro PTR? :p
I already WLL for your Taiwan FR, now you talk about Vietnam; you should publish some FR before it pile up.
17-05-2005, 11:20 AM
hi guys, im new here so i dunno if im posting it right. anyway ive just came to shanghai for a few mths and im going to stay here for a long time. u guys seem to be really experienced here. i dunno if you all already know this, but there is actually a service here where you can call them and tell them your req, then they will send the gals to your room. just thought of sharing it with you guys.
17-05-2005, 11:36 AM
how come the msg i posted didnt come out? anyway i just wanted to share with you guys in shanghai that there is actually "room service" here. give them a call, tell them what u want and they will send the gals. Dont think the old birds here will need it, but for the benefit of the new blood in shanghai. WELCOME TO SHANGHAI!
17-05-2005, 08:22 PM
Dear Bro tsuyoyi,
What he needs is not Taxi lah! :D As his SY girl is coming.
I thought you will join Bro PTR to SHA, we had Kopi only no Guni at all. We are very guai one mah! Right bro PTR? :p
I already WLL for your Taiwan FR, now you talk about Vietnam; you should publish some FR before it pile up.
Dear Bro Shengge,
Yes, we all very "guai" one mah! Especially in Nanjing. In Wuhan, I am also very "guai" here, especially after the RMB 850 for a Double Fly here.
Hahahaha... The SY girl is arriving only in the evening of 21 May, so I have two days free here before her arrival. Hahahaha.
Regards from Wuhan
18-05-2005, 10:54 AM
Dear Bro Shengge,
Yes, we all very "guai" one mah! Especially in Nanjing. In Wuhan, I am also very "guai" here, especially after the RMB 850 for a Double Fly here.
Hahahaha... The SY girl is arriving only in the evening of 21 May, so I have two days free here before her arrival. Hahahaha.
Regards from Wuhan
Dear Bro PuTonRen,
I am SURE that you're very "guai"! We're all very GUAI over here... right? I'm sure all bros will agree.. hehehe.... Double Fly, Jimmy Super Fly, Dragon Fly, Common House Fly... so many Flies.....
If your SY girl is coming over on 21 May evening, what about our gathering format then? BYO? Or? Please let us know the necessary qualifying criteria for participants... hahaha....
Whatever the case, glad to know that you're having a good time and will be gracing Shanghai soon. Looking forward!
Shanghaitan :cool:
18-05-2005, 12:54 PM
Dear Bro PuTonRen,
I am SURE that you're very "guai"! We're all very GUAI over here... right? I'm sure all bros will agree.. hehehe.... Double Fly, Jimmy Super Fly, Dragon Fly, Common House Fly... so many Flies.....
If your SY girl is coming over on 21 May evening, what about our gathering format then? BYO? Or? Please let us know the necessary qualifying criteria for participants... hahaha....
Whatever the case, glad to know that you're having a good time and will be gracing Shanghai soon. Looking forward!
Shanghaitan :cool:
Yes, I agree there are a lot of flies here... and mossies too.... Aiks... I hate it....
We definitely have to confim on our gathering on the 21st... Could we have suggestions please? We only have three more days to go, and that will fly past very quickly considering the fact that we usually take quite a while to agree and confirm on our venue.
18-05-2005, 09:21 PM
Bro Tsuyoyi,
I would try the new joint with the Taxi Driver. Hahahaha.....
Dear Big Bro PTR,
I am new in town. Have been following all your posts, very educational,??????
As I am very new to the place, if you are free, I would like to invite you for a kopi or tea. Hope that learn more about this bright pearl of oriental.
Look forward to hear from you.
19-05-2005, 12:00 AM
Yes, I agree there are a lot of flies here... and mossies too.... Aiks... I hate it....
We definitely have to confim on our gathering on the 21st... Could we have suggestions please? We only have three more days to go, and that will fly past very quickly considering the fact that we usually take quite a while to agree and confirm on our venue.
Dear All,
The SY girl will arrive on 21 May 2005 at 2145 hours in Pudong, By the time she reaches Shanghai, it would be quite late alreadyl hahaha... Brothers first, char bor later ma. I prefer that it is not too far from where I stay (at Huai Hai Lu). How about Bonne Sante below the Somerset Grand Shanghai after makan at nearby Hongkong Tea Restaurant at Hongkong Plaza nearby?
PTR from Wuhan
Shanghai Papa
19-05-2005, 12:29 PM
Hi guys,
I've been following the threads since my arrival here in Shanghai last March. I must thank everyone here for the contributions as it had really helped me one way or another. As I was formerly registered using a different log-in name, I wasn't able to reply or post anything until I re-registered a new name, SHANGHAI PAPA! So I'll be doing my share and contributing my FRs soon. Meanwhile, take care and hope to meet up the regular brothers someday! Cheers to all! :)
Shanghai Papa
19-05-2005, 02:33 PM
Dear All,
The SY girl will arrive on 21 May 2005 at 2145 hours in Pudong, By the time she reaches Shanghai, it would be quite late alreadyl hahaha... Brothers first, char bor later ma. I prefer that it is not too far from where I stay (at Huai Hai Lu). How about Bonne Sante below the Somerset Grand Shanghai after makan at nearby Hongkong Tea Restaurant at Hongkong Plaza nearby?
PTR from Wuhan
I don't have a problem with that.... I agree, brothers first, char bor later... Hahaha... And I'm not saying that cause I don't haf a date... In fact, I just went out for dinner last night with a german lady. She would like to check out a party at 97 on saturday night, and I told her I'll reconfirm with her on the time as I'm already taken for a gathering on saturday night.
Thank you big bro for coming out with suggestions... That saves me a lot of trouble... Shall we just fix the venue as such then? May I suggest to have dinner at 7? What about the rest?
19-05-2005, 03:08 PM
I prefer that it is not too far from where I stay (at Huai Hai Lu). How about Bonne Sante below the Somerset Grand Shanghai
PTR from Wuhan
tat was where we went for a drink after we cheong KTV.......also the first time i met u..........gooshhhhhhhhh..........more than 3 years ago already?? :eek:
tat was where we went for a drink after we cheong KTV.......also the first time i met u..........gooshhhhhhhhh..........more than 3 years ago already??
Uncle proposal in Oct you interested bo :rolleyes:
20-05-2005, 11:47 AM
Dear All,
The SY girl will arrive on 21 May 2005 at 2145 hours in Pudong, By the time she reaches Shanghai, it would be quite late alreadyl hahaha... Brothers first, char bor later ma. I prefer that it is not too far from where I stay (at Huai Hai Lu). How about Bonne Sante below the Somerset Grand Shanghai after makan at nearby Hongkong Tea Restaurant at Hongkong Plaza nearby?
PTR from Wuhan
Hi there Big Bro PTR!
Thanks for call this morning. I'll be most delighted to be there 2moro's evening at 7pm to meet u & the rest of the gang.
Love the suggestion of yours going to your 'Den' to drink & TC instead of the usual KTV scenes.
Thanks again for the invitation & c u then at 7pm comes 2moro at Tien Fu Tea House.
20-05-2005, 11:57 AM
Bro shengge,
Dun say like that leh!
You know the bros here all write FRs so well. My FR sure look like novice!
Anyway, dun know where to put my Taiwan FR or in Taiwan thread? If put in Taiwan thread, scared noone read. If put here, sure kena flamed by the bros! let me know if you still interested, than I go post in Taiwan thread, ok? :P
Just only rtn from Vietnam today. The Vietnam FR, I will do it in the Vietnam thread for sure! Gimme a few days lah!
Enjoy your outing with the bros!
Please do send my regards to the rest of the bros! Will try to be back in SHA soon for kopi and "cha".....not "Char-bo"!
Dear Bro tsuyoyi,
What he needs is not Taxi lah! :D As his SY girl is coming.
I thought you will join Bro PTR to SHA, we had Kopi only no Guni at all. We are very guai one mah! Right bro PTR? :p
I already WLL for your Taiwan FR, now you talk about Vietnam; you should publish some FR before it pile up.
20-05-2005, 11:59 AM
You have so many bottles huh? The gals sure gone case one! You wanna anyhow play also can!
Remember the "meeting" appointment today!
Cheong ah!
tat was where we went for a drink after we cheong KTV.......also the first time i met u..........gooshhhhhhhhh..........more than 3 years ago already?? :eek:
Shanghai Papa
20-05-2005, 12:15 PM
Here's something I would like to share with all brothers...
1) Asia Friendfinder - Before and after my arrival, I managed to contact some ladies in Shanghai from Asia Friendfinder. I was a Silver member. I met up with a few ladies and some were rather disappointing. In the end, I had sex (no strings attached) with 3 of them. All were young, pretty and at least C cup! I had sex with 2 of them during our 2nd date with them and the other one on our first date! There were another one whom I got to get physical (but no sex) on our 1st date but I shook her off when she openly hinted about marriage. Right now, I still continue to "hunt" for willing preys at AFF and I must say it is not a bad source of free sex! By the way, you'll get better chances if you're young, tall, muscular and good-looking. If you're not that young, not that good-looking, and not that tall (just like me), then you need to be a smooth-talker (I'm one!). Beware of getting "trapped" though! :)
2) Windows (Jing'an Temple) - I've been there with my gal a couple of times and I observed that there are plenty of gals there "preying" for foreign (especially Caucasian) men. Some of them are pretty while others are so so. I didn't have any encounter with them. And I guess they're pretty much the same at other night spots (such as Hengshan Rd, South Maoming Rd, Tongle Rd, etc). Free sex is possible but you have to work on your charms.
3) Hair Salons (with pink lights) - I've tried some (all in Puxi) but not all offers sex. There's a row (of about 5) along Xianxia Rd (next to Weining Rd) that offers sex at the cubicle upstairs or in an apartment a few minutes walk away. The gals are quite pretty (subjective) and their attire is sexy! The damage is RMB250 - 300 for sex. Tried twice, normal service. There's another one I tried in Qingpu (recommended by a taxi driver). Cost RMB150 for a straight forward, no-frills sex. Nothing to boast about the service but the gal is young (19 years old), sweet-looking and buxy (B cup). I forgot the name of the street though.
4) Massage/Sauna - I've not tried TRY (as recommended) yet but I tried this joint in a hotel at Guangdong Rd (near People's Square, parallel to the Sichuan Rd food street). The full package cost RMB660. The gal (I didn't ask her number) I got (after rejecting the 1st one) was the youngest (19 years old, that's what she told me) and sweet-looking but A cup. Her service was average. They also provide the room with the acrobatic rope tricks where the gals will hang themselves upside down delivering the BJ.
5) That's Shanghai - There's this gal who advertised in the Personals. Her name is Samantha and she said she provides sensual body massage, BBBJ bu no sex at RMB450 at your place. She claims she's B cup and she sent me a (fully-clothed) photo. Sweet-looking and young. Never tried her service though.
That's all I have to contribute so far... :p
Van Basten
21-05-2005, 07:42 PM
bros in china.. i just wan to ask.. i dont seem to be able to access this HK website from here in china where they have this list of working girls
i m sure some of u all know this website... any of u have the same problem? the site kenna blocked by the chinese govt or wat?
thks in advance!
21-05-2005, 08:02 PM
bros in china.. i just wan to ask.. i dont seem to be able to access this HK website from here in china where they have this list of working girls
i m sure some of u all know this website... any of u have the same problem? the site kenna blocked by the chinese govt or wat?
thks in advance!
i think the china ISP block some of the "undesirable" websites...just like many taiwanese webbite we cant view also....
23-05-2005, 12:40 AM
i think the china ISP block some of the "undesirable" websites...just like many taiwanese webbite we cant view also....
Hi Bro,
I also cannot go into this web site.
You can try ( I tried already...can log in).
This is also in HK & simialr to 141.
Shanghai Papa
23-05-2005, 01:23 AM
Dear bros,
Wanna try this website?
China Female Escorts
Good luck!
Shanghai Papa
23-05-2005, 04:24 AM
Have been in Shanghai since 1999 but have been a little out of touch with cheonging activities. Just wondering if any of you guys can recommend some other reasonably priced bathing places (unless the girls damn solid) in Shanghai in which you can choose the girls.
I went to one near Hongqiao about a month back (will check the address if you guys are interested) - damage = 550 RMB per girl. Those that are more hiong can get 2 girls....the girls will suggest it anyway.
23-05-2005, 10:25 AM
Dear Bro PTR,
Thanks for the invitation to the gathering on last Saturday and was glad to meet up with Bro WhamBamThym, Bro Shanghaitan, Bro Ultra88 & friend, Bro Frankieman12 and Bro Singa. Well, 久闻大名,幸会!幸会! Sad that bro SGP69 and Bro junior_cannibals did not make it. Well wishes to both of you!
It is a very nice place you have, I think most bros felt that it is defnitely under utilised.......big enough to keep a herd.......haha! However, with the NTTL, what else to ask for....................can't really think about............. may be jiajia?
Once again, nice to meet up with you and THANKS
23-05-2005, 03:23 PM
I went to one near Hongqiao about a month back (will check the address if you guys are interested) - damage = 550 RMB per girl. Those that are more hiong can get 2 girls....the girls will suggest it anyway.
Have difficulty to address you. Shall I call you WT?
On what you have mentioned, can you elaborate?
Location, name, facilities and type of service.
Shanghai Papa
23-05-2005, 11:21 PM
Dear bros,
Wanna try this website?
China Female Escorts
Good luck!
Shanghai Papa
Dear Bros,
I emailed one of the contacts found on the webpage named Angela and below is her reply:
************************************************** ********
Hi there,
Firstly thanks for your interest in my service. My name is Angela. I provide an upscale and discreet escort service to decent gentlemen.
I am an English-spoken Chinese girl who is based in Shanghai, China. I'm in my early 20's. I'm 165cm (5'5'') in height and weight 50kg (110lbs). My
measurements are 35B-24-36. I am a sweet natural beauty with alluring eyes, black long hair, pretty face, silky smoothy skin and well proportioned built with soft curves. With a perfect balance of class, confidence and intelligence, I have a great sense of humor and I am extremely outgoing, passionate, affectionate and always fun to be around.
To see my photo gallery, pls visit: Http://
I offer a relaxing soothing erotically pleasing experience for refined gentleman with a pleasant demenor. I believe that a successful encounter is derived from mutual respect and understanding. I like a man with a slow hand and a soft easy touch. My services are offered in a clean, safe manner.
The rate for my companionship is:
1 hr RMB2500 (USD300)
2 hrs RMB3300 (USD400)
3 hrs RMB4200 (USD500)
4 hrs RMB5000 (USD600)
5 hrs RMB5800 (USD700)
6-8hrs RMB6600 (USD800)
9-12hrs RMB8300 (USD1000)
1day RMB13000 (USD1500)
For extension hour: 1hr RMB850 (USD100), 0.5h RMB450(USD50)
If this sounds like the type of arrangement that compliments your lifestyle, please do not hesitate to drop me a line.
************************************************** ********
I couldn't access her webpage at all. Anyway, don't you think her rates are crazy?!? But if there're brothers out there who can afford the premium price and keen to try this novelty, her email address is :
[email protected] and good luck to you!
Personally... I will not try! :D
24-05-2005, 09:49 AM
Dear Bro PTR,
Thanks for the invitation to the gathering on last Saturday and was glad to meet up with Bro WhamBamThym, Bro Shanghaitan, Bro Ultra88 & friend, Bro Frankieman12 and Bro Singa. Well, 久闻大名,幸会!幸会! Sad that bro SGP69 and Bro junior_cannibals did not make it. Well wishes to both of you!
It is a very nice place you have, I think most bros felt that it is defnitely under utilised.......big enough to keep a herd.......haha! However, with the NTTL, what else to ask for....................can't really think about............. may be jiajia?
Once again, nice to meet up with you and THANKS
Hahaha, Bro shengge,
It was nice and an honour for us to have met you in person. I am also happy to have the opportunity to receive all of you in my humble dwelling.
It has been four days and three nights that I have been with the SY or NTTL girl. The feeling and the associated sessions were great and to my entire satisfaction. How I wish I were 10 years younger. She is a tigress. Brother Shanghaitan and shengge jokingly called me Wu Xiong. (Old version).
Have been busy here, no time to write FR. In any case, there is nothing to write about, Normal love-making sessions, with higher intensity, that's all.
With best regards from somewhere in China :D
24-05-2005, 11:48 AM
Hahaha, Bro shengge,
It was nice and an honour for us to have met you in person. I am also happy to have the opportunity to receive all of you in my humble dwelling.
It has been four days and three nights that I have been with the SY or NTTL girl. The feeling and the associated sessions were great and to my entire satisfaction. How I wish I were 10 years younger. She is a tigress. Brother Shanghaitan and shengge jokingly called me Wu Xiong. (Old version).
Have been busy here, no time to write FR. In any case, there is nothing to write about, Normal love-making sessions, with higher intensity, that's all.
With best regards from somewhere in China :DDear Bro PTR, its a shame that I have to pass the last gathering. Now that I more or less recovered, my gf from BJ came to visit me. These few days, other than working, I have been with her. There are some recent experiences I wanted to share with u n some other good bros, may be we can meet later this week, what say you? Heard so much about your NTTL gf, wonder got chance to meet or not. Hehe
24-05-2005, 12:22 PM
where you get all these kang taos from man? hardworking! haha
poor thing, so many informative posts but no1 seems interested. I think most of the people here are sian of all these stuff already. but i am sure you are giving the newbies a big help. anyway keep up the good work!
24-05-2005, 02:32 PM
where you get all these kang taos from man? hardworking! haha
poor thing, so many informative posts but no1 seems interested. I think most of the people here are sian of all these stuff already. but i am sure you are giving the newbies a big help. anyway keep up the good work!
I think this forum is about Shanghai actual contribution. All thses social escort are all over the net.
Unless you have any solid contacts, I suggest you don't waste your time posting internet social escort services.
24-05-2005, 06:37 PM
I think this forum is about Shanghai actual contribution. All thses social escort are all over the net.
Unless you have any solid contacts, I suggest you don't waste your time posting internet social escort services.
Dear Bro DumbAss,
Dun deny the fact on what u said here that this thread is about Shanghai contribution but despite that, the bro who posted the info on the social escort is merely wanting to share info with other bros here who might find it all interesting.
My 1 cents worth of opinions. not flaming anyone at all. Pardon me if my words or sentences used here are not appropriate. Apologies bro!
24-05-2005, 06:40 PM
Dear Bro PTR,
Thanks for the invitation to the gathering on last Saturday and was glad to meet up with Bro WhamBamThym, Bro Shanghaitan, Bro Ultra88 & friend, Bro Frankieman12 and Bro Singa. Well, 久闻大名,幸会!幸会! Sad that bro SGP69 and Bro junior_cannibals did not make it. Well wishes to both of you!
It is a very nice place you have, I think most bros felt that it is defnitely under utilised.......big enough to keep a herd.......haha! However, with the NTTL, what else to ask for....................can't really think about............. may be jiajia?
Once again, nice to meet up with you and THANKS
Dear Bro Shengge,
Thanks for the well wishes! Indeed a pity I didn't make it for the gathering to meet all deepest apologies to u, Big Bro PTR & all bros who have attended.
Shall do my utmost best in attending the next gathering.
Best regards to all bros, cheers.
24-05-2005, 07:01 PM
I think this forum is about Shanghai actual contribution. All thses social escort are all over the net.
Unless you have any solid contacts, I suggest you don't waste your time posting internet social escort services.
dude, the guy is just trying to contribute. why so skeptical? don't be so hard on him...
24-05-2005, 11:05 PM
Hahaha, Bro shengge,
It was nice and an honour for us to have met you in person. I am also happy to have the opportunity to receive all of you in my humble dwelling.
It has been four days and three nights that I have been with the SY or NTTL girl. The feeling and the associated sessions were great and to my entire satisfaction. How I wish I were 10 years younger. She is a tigress. Brother Shanghaitan and shengge jokingly called me Wu Xiong. (Old version).
Have been busy here, no time to write FR. In any case, there is nothing to write about, Normal love-making sessions, with higher intensity, that's all.
With best regards from somewhere in China :D
Its good to hear that you had a good time with your SY girl.
Hi Fellow Shanghai Bros,
It feel good meeting you nice people who are willing to share / advise.
I like the TCSS with the topics of NTTL, PCC, BJ........
Thank you for your company.
Shanghai Papa
25-05-2005, 10:07 AM
where you get all these kang taos from man? hardworking! haha
poor thing, so many informative posts but no1 seems interested. I think most of the people here are sian of all these stuff already. but i am sure you are giving the newbies a big help. anyway keep up the good work!
Hi Brother Shanghai_Knight,
Which lobang do you mean? If it's about my lobangs about AFF, hair salons, MPs, those were my personal experience. As for the social escort lobang, it was passed to me by a friend of mine so I thought I wanna share it with you guys. Of course some would find it useful while some would find it dumb (just like its namesake) but nevertheless, my contributions were meant to be shared with and not to solicit any comments or rude remarks.
This is afterall a free to post website so everybody is free to post whatever information (be it relevant or not, it is subjective) they want to share with and similarly, everyone is free to choose to read whatever information they deemed useful or not. Come on, if whatever information I post here will be judged and criticised, then I might as well just keep my mouth shut and enjoy the fruits of my own labour...
Anyway Brother Shanghai_Knight, Angela has emailed me her photos since her webpage photo gallery is inaccessible. If you're keen to see it, I can email them to you. Just PM me your email address. Perhaps we can book her together and bargain her price down for a good discount? Hahaha! :D
Cheers :cool:
25-05-2005, 10:10 AM
Dear Bro Frankie,
Glad you had a good time! As Star Wars fever arrive, May The Scores Be With You!! Til we meet again!
Bro PuTonRen is indeed my idol! So much vitality & virility! With a large following for SYTs and NTTLs! Impressive... most impressive..... Maybe Master Yoda will say "Strong He Is With The Force, Much Strength He Has....Mmmm... Yess.... Yess... Much Force And Strength.... A True Jedi Worthy He is.... Yess... "
Hahaha... anyway, Champion's League finals tonight! Panda parade tomorrow... :p
Shanghaitan :cool:
... sigh.. so so busy with work.... sigh....
25-05-2005, 12:41 PM
Hi Brother Shanghai_Knight,
Anyway Brother Shanghai_Knight, Angela has emailed me her photos since her webpage photo gallery is inaccessible. If you're keen to see it, I can email them to you. Just PM me your email address. Perhaps we can book her together and bargain her price down for a good discount? Hahaha! :D
thanks for the offer bro! but her prices are way too steep dude.
Shanghai Papa
25-05-2005, 03:15 PM
Hi Brother Shanghai_Knight,
I have received your PM and emailed you Angela's photos and contact number. Please check your gmail.
Shanghai Papa :cool:
25-05-2005, 04:37 PM
Dear Bro Frankie,
Glad you had a good time! As Star Wars fever arrive, May The Scores Be With You!! Til we meet again!
Bro PuTonRen is indeed my idol! So much vitality & virility! With a large following for SYTs and NTTLs! Impressive... most impressive..... Maybe Master Yoda will say "Strong He Is With The Force, Much Strength He Has....Mmmm... Yess.... Yess... Much Force And Strength.... A True Jedi Worthy He is.... Yess... "
Hahaha... anyway, Champion's League finals tonight! Panda parade tomorrow... :p
Shanghaitan :cool:
... sigh.. so so busy with work.... sigh....
Dear Bro Shanghaitan,
Presumed u must be "Die Hard" Star Wars fan eh from the way u have used all the lingo here??? Me too like Star Wars Saga alot as well, maybe we can exchange on our favourites eh?
U r an idol to me as well, as u have always been the one that is watching out for bros here whom r down & out in morale, boosting us in kind words.....
Cheerios a million to u bro! Thanks for all the moral support u have given to me lately.
Keep up the good Samatarian work bro! U r indeed the kindest soul & bro one can find here....I believe there's another bro here who will share my same sentiments about what I've said about u bro......right Ah Boy?
Best regards to u & all bros here.....
25-05-2005, 09:43 PM
dear bro shanghai_papa,
i received the photos. looks like those make over, porn star type. wonder if she really looks this good in person. gian gian already. haha. anyway thanks for the photos dude!
26-05-2005, 09:16 AM
Dear Bro Shanghaitan,
Presumed u must be "Die Hard" Star Wars fan eh from the way u have used all the lingo here??? Me too like Star Wars Saga alot as well, maybe we can exchange on our favourites eh?
U r an idol to me as well, as u have always been the one that is watching out for bros here whom r down & out in morale, boosting us in kind words.....
Cheerios a million to u bro! Thanks for all the moral support u have given to me lately.
Keep up the good Samatarian work bro! U r indeed the kindest soul & bro one can find here....I believe there's another bro here who will share my same sentiments about what I've said about u bro......right Ah Boy?
Best regards to u & all bros here.....
Bro SGP69,
I'm just a normal boring guy working in China... nothing more nothing less.. not the kind of person to be idolised... but your kind words are nonetheless very much appreciated. You're being too modest and kind... I should be the one posting the "You're My Idol!" posts... not you... hehehe.. you don't "qualify"... only the green and inexperienced have that kind of priviledge... namely... ME! Hahahha
"Idol" status belongs to veteran Bros like yourself, PuTonRen, Shengge, rising star Junior_Cannibal, star-in-the-making WhambamTYM and the likes... definitely not me... hahahaha... I'm no where near there...
To all bros... please be clear who to show respect to (those mentioned above amongst others whom I've yet to meet)... the veterans in Shanghai and Greater China have much "war scars" and "medals" from years and years of experience... they know what they are saying when they offer advice...
As for being a "Star Wars" fan.. indeed I am... :D Hope to catch it on the big screen soon!
Okey dokey... gotta get back to work... sigh...
Shanghaitan :cool:
26-05-2005, 09:59 AM
Bro PuTonRen is indeed my idol! So much vitality & virility! With a large following for SYTs and NTTLs! Impressive... most impressive..... Maybe Master Yoda will say "Strong He Is With The Force, Much Strength He Has....Mmmm... Yess.... Yess... Much Force And Strength.... A True Jedi Worthy He is.... Yess... "
Shanghaitan :cool:
... sigh.. so so busy with work.... sigh....
Bro Shanghaitan,
I am really not and should not be an idol to anyone, I am just what my nick implies - A Commoner with an appropriately added adjective UFO. I just happened to have luck at times, to have some lady friends. As I had said, for every success story that I posted or you witnessed. there were four to five failures. Maybe it was my preserverence and my tenacity that help me to propel myself forwards.
The SY girl has left this morning, I am again a free man to scout for new venture, hahahahaha........
Dear all brothers, Bro junior_cannibal is proposing to have a gathering this Saturday, anyone interested please kindly pm me, or best still SMS me.
Regards from
26-05-2005, 11:59 AM
remember my list of FLs which i offered not too long ago? i decided to give one a call and went to her house. it is somewhere near Hongqiao area, place quite decent. there were 3 girls living in there. and 2 of them offered me a double fly for 700rmb (really a good bargain). fellow samsters who never try double fly may wish to PM me for contact. better still if you got something to exchange in return.
26-05-2005, 12:15 PM
"Idol" status belongs to veteran Bros like yourself, PuTonRen, Shengge, rising star Junior_Cannibal, star-in-the-making WhambamTYM and the likes... definitely not me... hahahaha... I'm no where near there...
As for being a "Star Wars" fan.. indeed I am... :D
Dear Master Shanghaitan,
Going through ll the names you mentioned here and comparing all the categories, I see that I am way behind the queue. My other idol is the dancing king Maverick72.
Talking about Star Wars.... you and the rest are all "master" to me.
See you!
Shanghai Papa
26-05-2005, 12:16 PM
dear bro shanghai_papa,
i received the photos. looks like those make over, porn star type. wonder if she really looks this good in person. gian gian already. haha. anyway thanks for the photos dude!
Dear Brother Shanghai_Knight,
I sent her an email asking if her rates are negotiable and her reply was she can only reduce it to RMB2,000/hour at most! Wow! Shi zi kai da kou (Tiger opens big mouth)!!! :eek:
My colleague seems rather keen to try... if she's exactly how the photos looked! Mmm... :rolleyes:
Shanghai Papa
26-05-2005, 12:37 PM
The SY girl has left this morning, I am again a free man to scout for new venture, hahahahaha........
Dear Master Jedi PTR,
Finally, the Jedi Sword has overcame the dark side from the North, after the stick from Wu Song facing some difficulties. However, I must say that we do not feel the joy with the retreat.
Seeking up new challenge, ensuring the peace of the unviverse has always been the codes of Jedi............haha.
See you!
26-05-2005, 12:54 PM
Dear Master Shanghaitan,
Going through ll the names you mentioned here and comparing all the categories, I see that I am way behind the queue. My other idol is the dancing king Maverick72.
Talking about Star Wars.... you and the rest are all "master" to me.
See you!
Master Shengge,
I am but a trainee.. a padawan (not too sure if I spelt correctly... ). Learning the jedi skills from the masters in the Jedi council... learning to fight the Dark Side... hahahaha....
Dancing king Maverick will join the Council in due course... he has also attained "idol" status in my books... a true master in the art of dancing indeed!
I shall keep a low profile from now on... as become a silent student, awaiting further instructions from my masters... and Dark Side invasion will be dealt with at speed and without remorse.. hahahaha
May the force be with all!
Shanghaitan :cool:
26-05-2005, 06:29 PM
I am but a trainee.. a padawan (not too sure if I spelt correctly... ). Learning the jedi skills from the masters in the Jedi council... learning to fight the Dark Side... hahahaha....
You are not a are the Master Obewan, while Bro PTR is the Master Yoda, though the size don't fix, :D the wisdom is in them.
May the force be with you.
26-05-2005, 07:52 PM
You are not a are the Master Obewan, while Bro PTR is the Master Yoda, though the size don't fix, :D the wisdom is in them.
May the force be with you.
Bro.. Obiwan died... Yoda lives forever... just getting wiser and wiser... hahaha... "Do or do not... there is no try... " hehehe... very much like Master PTR's style... hahahaha
Star Wars forever!!!
Shanghaitan :cool:
26-05-2005, 10:58 PM
remember my list of FLs which i offered not too long ago? i decided to give one a call and went to her house. it is somewhere near Hongqiao area, place quite decent. there were 3 girls living in there. and 2 of them offered me a double fly for 700rmb (really a good bargain). fellow samsters who never try double fly may wish to PM me for contact. better still if you got something to exchange in return.
Dear Bro tomdh,
You are my idol. You really eh sai!
Anyway, please be careful as you don know who else is inside the house. Next time could be 3 guys.
Take care!
27-05-2005, 11:17 AM
Bro.. Obiwan died... Yoda lives forever... just getting wiser and wiser... hahaha... "Do or do not... there is no try... " hehehe... very much like Master PTR's style... hahahaha
Star Wars forever!!!
Shanghaitan :cool:
With all the Star Wars names and all, I do not understand a single bit. I only recognise my nick. Seems like I would need to watch all the Star Wars show to understand.
PTR's Style..? What is it? Do I have one? Doggie? Missionary?.... These terms, I understand as they are not from Star Wars.... Hahahahaha.....
Regards from ......
27-05-2005, 02:51 PM
Dear Bro tomdh,
You are my idol. You really eh sai!
Anyway, please be careful as you don know who else is inside the house. Next time could be 3 guys.
Take care!
Bro tomdh,
I think u also really dare leh...
I would try too if I were you but also I would think about Bro shengge advice his advice to me on my trip to Wuhan...
I guess there is a risk involve and add to the excitement.. :D
U have provided me with the list which one was it?? :p
27-05-2005, 04:12 PM
Dear Bro tomdh,
You are my idol. You really eh sai!
Anyway, please be careful as you don know who else is inside the house. Next time could be 3 guys.
Take care!
Looks like everyone has caught the Star Wars bug ... hahaha ... i shall join in ...
worry not, bro shengge. is common like this set up in beijing. a name "seafood shop" we given it even.
this chicken head us a namecard give, seafood shop name, products: fresh live "seafood" on it wrote. Hence "seafood shop" it we call.
call we just to ask for fresh seafood any. risk if there is, more on them is... house/apt they may lose or jail term worse. gals there they live and work. no hastle of getting gals and hotel look for.
still risk there is. be careful just.
interested i am to this place try. join me who wanna ?
27-05-2005, 04:44 PM
Looks like everyone has caught the Star Wars bug ... hahaha ... i shall join in ...
worry not, bro shengge. is common like this set up in beijing. a name "seafood shop" we given it even.
this chicken head us a namecard give, seafood shop name, products: fresh live "seafood" on it wrote. Hence "seafood shop" it we call.
call we just to ask for fresh seafood any. risk if there is, more on them is... house/apt they may lose or jail term worse. gals there they live and work. no hastle of getting gals and hotel look for.
still risk there is. be careful just.
interested i am to this place try. join me who wanna ?
Oh my goodness! Bro Ultraman... what talking you??? hehehehe... CHEEM!! I think even Darth Vader will have difficulty deciphering your coded message...
Anyway, thanks for joining in the SW Fever!!
Shanghaitan :cool:
27-05-2005, 09:11 PM
interested i am to this place try. join me who wanna ?
Me! 1st in line! Always eager to try out new stuff. I'm sure bro shanghai_papa will join in too, right? haha
28-05-2005, 02:32 AM
call we just to ask for fresh seafood any. risk if there is, more on them is... house/apt they may lose or jail term worse. gals there they live and work. no hastle of getting gals and hotel look for.
still risk there is. be careful just.
Dear Master ultra88man,
First of all, it is an honour to meet up with some one like you.
I think you got to admit that there are not many people can be like you. wa ka li kong, I ever went to the Beijing squatter before. When we are young we always feel that we got nothing to loose, KNN who 怕 who? But if we put on a second thought, our culture, habit, tradition and mentality, are all differ from them. To be in same languange as you.
right you said, risk is there but let's not the new fella in we in the town thought that, stupid are all the chinese.
In fact, I always felt that why we are so gong.
May be with you the force.
28-05-2005, 12:20 PM
Dear All?
I was told from Veteran PTR, the gathering on 28 May has been cancelled.
28-05-2005, 04:40 PM
Bro tomdh,
I think u also really dare leh...
I would try too if I were you but also I would think about Bro shengge advice his advice to me on my trip to Wuhan...
I guess there is a risk involve and add to the excitement.. :D
U have provided me with the list which one was it?? :p
i don't know when i've installed metal balls to give these FLs a try but i definitely appreciate bro Shengge's word of caution, everything must be careful.
yes, it's the same list, found on the fourth paragraph. "Yinyin, Chongqing mei..." but i not sure that's her real name, i forgot to clarify with her. you call that number, 700rmb for double fly, and it's definitely safe.
Shanghai Papa
29-05-2005, 01:33 AM
Me! 1st in line! Always eager to try out new stuff. I'm sure bro shanghai_papa will join in too, right? haha
Yes, Shanghai_Knight! I'm a sucker for "seafood"! Thinking of all those clams make me wet... in my mouth lah! :D
Hey! You guys not talking about the seafood wholesale market at Tong Chuan Road, right?!? :confused:
30-05-2005, 01:36 PM
Bro tomdh,
I would try too if I were you but also I would think about Bro shengge advice his advice to me on my trip to Wuhan...
I guess there is a risk involve and add to the excitement.. :D
Dear Bro nongho,
Glad to see you again. In SGP or SHA?
So any FR? (I will get fellow bros to up your points with each FR) :D !
There is always risk involve, like bro ultra88man has said, just bring the exact amout of money with you, that is the most that they can 'ask' from you.
31-05-2005, 10:08 PM
Dear Bro nongho,
Glad to see you again. In SGP or SHA?
So any FR? (I will get fellow bros to up your points with each FR) :D !
There is always risk involve, like bro ultra88man has said, just bring the exact amout of money with you, that is the most that they can 'ask' from you.
Bro shengge,
Not so sure! They might ask someone to go back with you to take more money. At least this was what I heard when I was still working in Beijing.
01-06-2005, 12:37 AM
guys, me new to forum. am travelling to Shanghai alone next week for meeting. would like to get "into" some action. wondering any good up-to-date recommendations? info on massage joints or personal contacts would be great. pls let me know the est damage, 2-3k would be out of my budget. alternatively can also meet up and cheong if you guys dont mind, cos really 1 person go KTV a bit xiong.
will write a FR if i manage to get into some action. :D
01-06-2005, 03:16 PM
Dear Bro nongho,
Glad to see you again. In SGP or SHA?
So any FR? (I will get fellow bros to up your points with each FR) :D !
Dear Bro shengge,
Currently back to shanghai already. Was back at SGP during the holidays.
But manage to drop by Bangkok and visited the infamous Poseidon. Really worth it I must say, but did not post any FR.
Regretted that never get to try the wuhan hotel massage like i told you. Was pissed drunk for the last 2 nites. Sigh..what a waste!!
Now back to SHA, haven't got a chance to try any 'happenings' yet.
Hope to do so in the near future.
Maybe will give tomdh's list a try. heehee :p
Oh another thing would like to inform brothers out there. Was taking a stroll around my place. Notice that a new KTV i presume had just opened. Saw girls in Japanese school girls uniform standing at the entrance. Girls in checkered short skirts n sailor moon uniform tops and knee high white stockings. Heard that I think a change of management. The girls there all dress like that. No chance to try it out yet. The name is called Tao Se something, can't quite remember. Peach Blossom is the english. I guess they are trying to attract Japanese clients. The place is at the junction of An Fu Lu and Wu Kang Lu.
cheers and take care
Shanghai Papa
01-06-2005, 06:44 PM
So has anybody contacted James from Shanghai Daily yet?
01-06-2005, 10:46 PM
So has anybody contacted James from Shanghai Daily yet?
Bro SPP?
I don know who u are, so as the person u mentioned. I don think it is right to expose someone over here.
Hopefully the name you mentioned is not his real name.
02-06-2005, 12:57 AM
guys, me new to forum. am travelling to Shanghai alone next week for meeting. would like to get "into" some action. wondering any good up-to-date recommendations? info on massage joints or personal contacts would be great. pls let me know the est damage, 2-3k would be out of my budget. alternatively can also meet up and cheong if you guys dont mind, cos really 1 person go KTV a bit xiong.
will write a FR if i manage to get into some action. :D
Dear Bro ZhongGuoRen69,
Greetings to u.
Do read up here which u will find all the info u want to know as u mentioned.
Have fun.
02-06-2005, 03:02 AM
bro SGPshanghai69, greetings to you too.
seems like this thread has quieten down. have gone thru 20 over pages as suggested.....there are indeed many info. however, 1 particular place TRY seems to have gotten rave reviews, but i just cannot seems to find the address and its already 3am... any bro care to let me know the address and good mm recommendation, before i leave on sunday.
alternative, if any bro would like to meet up. do PM me. i'm 30 and will be staying crowne plaza hotel at pan yu road. i'll then be moving on to beijing for a few months after my SHA trip, so if any bro going BJ then, let me know if you feel like meeting up.
cheers! hope i havent bore any bros. :p
02-06-2005, 03:37 PM
guys, me new to forum. am travelling to Shanghai alone next week for meeting. would like to get "into" some action. wondering any good up-to-date recommendations? info on massage joints or personal contacts would be great. pls let me know the est damage, 2-3k would be out of my budget. alternatively can also meet up and cheong if you guys dont mind, cos really 1 person go KTV a bit xiong.
will write a FR if i manage to get into some action. :D
bro ZhongGuoRen69, which day are u flying next week to SHA? Are u on the MU flight? Me heading there next week too.. :p
02-06-2005, 10:42 PM
1 particular place TRY seems to have gotten rave reviews, but i just cannot seems to find the address and its already 3am... any bro care to let me know the address and good mm recommendation, before i leave on sunday.
Bro ZGR69,
Hope I can help.
The place you stay is not very far from TRY. TRY is located at ?????, in between the ??? and ???. Actually, I see that the actual address has been mentioned a few times.
There are some other places like TQY which is further away but not that far. They are all within the Changnin District.
Take care!
02-06-2005, 11:57 PM
bro maverick72, i'll be on sunday's SQ afternoon flight.. :rolleyes:
03-06-2005, 03:14 AM
Flown in from BJ yesterday afternoon. thought I should sleep early but KNN after 4 hours now wide awake.
I'm staying at the oldhouse inn, a quaint little house with 12 bedrooms around Hua Shan Lu. Walk out and I got accosted by a tout asking me if I want women, quoting around 300rmd for short time and 500rmb overnight.
I was walking along this stretch which got a few bars and really some ugly girls hostesses, so I pop into one of these joints, the staff thought I'm japanese but in a short while the ugly hostesses, bartender, owner and myself were chatting and it feels like a little get together of sorts.
They told me there is this disco or club called the mirror, said it's a very messy place, got drugs and fights as well (of course I will want to visit such a happening place)
If any bro got anymore to reccomend, pls let me know, I'll be in SHA until 7th June and if you want other happening places in BJ, we'll for me Sugar Baby is tops, but if you like an E party, go to Banana.
btw, the Settebello Italian Restaurant serves very good food too. The service staff don't behave like in typical restaurants, they can anticipate and have initiatives too.
03-06-2005, 08:15 AM
bro SGPshanghai69, greetings to you too.
seems like this thread has quieten down. have gone thru 20 over pages as suggested.....there are indeed many info. however, 1 particular place TRY seems to have gotten rave reviews, but i just cannot seems to find the address and its already 3am... any bro care to let me know the address and good mm recommendation, before i leave on sunday.
alternative, if any bro would like to meet up. do PM me. i'm 30 and will be staying crowne plaza hotel at pan yu road. i'll then be moving on to beijing for a few months after my SHA trip, so if any bro going BJ then, let me know if you feel like meeting up.
cheers! hope i havent bore any bros. :p
Dear Bro,
TRY HC is located on No. 78, Dong Zhu An BAng Road, near junction of Jiang Su Road. Prominent landmark is Metropole Service Apartments Bldg opposite
TRY HC, on Dong Zhu An Bang Road.
Hope u can find with the directions given above.
Have fun!
Shanghai Papa
03-06-2005, 10:31 AM
Bro SPP?
I don know who u are, so as the person u mentioned. I don think it is right to expose someone over here.
Hopefully the name you mentioned is not his real name.
Bro taxi_driver,
James is the name listed in the advertisement for massage services in the classifieds of Shanghai Daily. As such, I am not sabotaging him. Please refer to the thread Shanghai Daily for more information about James and his services. There's also a FR written by a fellow brother who has engaged one of his MM with a link to her photos.
Hope that has clarified your doubts and concerns.
Shanghai Papa
06-06-2005, 12:05 AM
Was in Shanghai in end May and decided to visit Tong Qin Yuan as suggested by bro on this forum. The traffic was bad and driver ended up getting lost. Finally called the number and got directions. Reached place safely. Outside looked non-descript. Tinted glass door.
Went in and directed to shower. Ugh. I don't like being naked in public toilet. So shy. Lucky no one know me there.
Went upstairs. Directed to dark room with red light inside. Young lady. Shy but pleasant. OK in looks 6.5/10. Body slim. Nice complexion - smooth and fair. She asked if she could service me. I say OK lah.
Strip. Wah.. she had C breasts. Didn't look so big with clothes on. Soft not firm but very nice shape. Lie down and cat wash with cold water in mouth. At first quite shoik but after a while, BORING lah. Don't quite understand why some find this erotic. Rather silly IMHO. Not sexciting at all. 30mins was way too long.
BBBJ. Nice but I quite scared kenna AIDS. Capped and fxxx. Came too quickly. Poor performance.
All in all, I found the whole act very detached. SOP all the way with no GFE. I think this is not my scene....
06-06-2005, 03:24 PM
BBBJ. Nice but I quite scared kenna AIDS. Capped and fxxx. Came too quickly. Poor performance.
All in all, I found the whole act very detached. SOP all the way with no GFE. I think this is not my scene....
Dear Bro,
Thanks for the brief FR. You have the right to ask for Capped BJ if you are afraid of AIDS. As regards to your last statement, well said - How to get GFE in this kind of joints for 45 min. I agree that this may not be your scene. Better luck next time.
06-06-2005, 04:27 PM
1) Tong Qin Yuan
The traffic was bad and driver ended up getting lost.
2)Ugh. I don't like being naked in public toilet. So shy. Lucky no one know me there.
3) At first quite shoik but after a while, BORING lah. Don't quite understand why some find this erotic. Rather silly IMHO. Not sexciting at all. 30mins was way too long.
4) BBBJ. Nice but I quite scared kenna AIDS. Capped and fxxx.
5) in all, I found the whole act very detached. SOP all the way with no GFE. I think this is not my scene....
Dear Bro PetePan8,
My apology if I am to harsh.
Like yourself I am new to this forum and place. Like to comment on your FR
1) TQY is easier to locate then TRY. Just along the main road.
2) Guess you are shy to strip in front of guys, when the girl asked you to strip you don feel shy meh?
3) There are plenty of visitors going there, since everyone find it Shiok; you got to ask yourself why you don feel the same.
4) They serve a lot of customers daily, only rest when their eldest aunty is in town.
5) I guess you are in TRY, TQY is a new place.
6)..........opps! No nos 6...............then conlusion is
You paid RMB580 to go this very run down place for a bonk, shy to be naked, scared to get AIDS. For the 45 mins you relaxed over there you still want to have GFE with the girl. Don know what else do you want? Also, Your money must be very BIG. These girls work hard for what they should get.............. just like Taxi Driver in Shanghai. Home would be a better place for you.
Once again sorry if I have offended you.
06-06-2005, 04:29 PM
Dear Bro,
Thanks for the brief FR. You have the right to ask for Capped BJ if you are afraid of AIDS. As regards to your last statement, well said - How to get GFE in this kind of joints for 45 min. I agree that this may not be your scene. Better luck next time.
RegardsBro PTR, agree with you. If GFE can be found within 45 min, the guy has to be really somebody like ... casanova. Anyway, when we venture to those commercial joints, deep down inside we wish to find someone nice enough to give us the GFE feeling. However, be careful bros, if you ever receive a real GFE, you might be so hooked to even forget all other matters, including your loved ones at home. When u meet someone in a foreign land, far away from your home, the availability of the freedom will suddenly put u in a position u may not be able to handle.
06-06-2005, 04:42 PM
You paid RMB580 to go this very run down place for a bonk, shy to be naked, scared to get AIDS. For the 45 mins you relaxed over there you still want to have GFE with the girl. Don know what else do you want? Also, Your money must be very BIG. These girls work hard for what they should get.............. just like Taxi Driver in Shanghai. Home would be a better place for you.
Once again sorry if I have offended you.Bro taxi_driver, dont be so harsh on Bro PeterPan8 lah, every guy has their own perspective. In life, there is no right or wrong in some matters. Just like some guys like it raw, while some like it capped and the rest want in between. Greed is one of the human's utmost sins, most of us always want it all while not even know the price they may have to pay.
Btw, heard from one bro that June is the traditional month for the vice squad to hit their quota - by raiding some joints, can anyone verify this?
06-06-2005, 04:51 PM
[QUOTE=taxi_driver]Dear Bro PetePan8,
My apology if I am to harsh.
Like yourself I am new to this forum and place. Like to comment on your FR
1) TQY is easier to locate then TRY. Just along the main road.
Hi bro, I've got the address of TRY and not have ventured there yet, so there is another joint called TQY? same location as TRY?
I'm not sure if I may not seemed to be trying hard, but giving the addresses taxi drivers is hell to me. Last night wanted to meet my friends at FACE and after giving the name and address the driver brought me to somewhere else and I have to call my friend to speak to the driver. This has happen a few times, so during the daytime I have the receptionist from the hotel to accompany me for errands and shopping,but at night when I want to be alone, it seems a bit difficult for me to travel alone.
06-06-2005, 04:58 PM
You paid RMB580 to go this very run down place for a bonk, shy to be naked, scared to get AIDS. For the 45 mins you relaxed over there you still want to have GFE with the girl. Don know what else do you want? Also, Your money must be very BIG. These girls work hard for what they should get.............. just like Taxi Driver in Shanghai. Home would be a better place for you.
Once again sorry if I have offended you.
Hello Bro taxi_driver,
Let's be fair to PeterPan ( any relation to the PeterPan in S'pore forum) as to each his own. At least he bothers to write a FR and IMHO that counts a lot(many of us a just too lazy or shy to write on included) No point in being sarcastic.This is after all a forum for all to post their comments and experiences. Overall it the sharing that counts.
06-06-2005, 05:03 PM
Just like some guys like it raw, while some like it capped and the rest want in between. Greed is one of the human's utmost sins, most of us always want it all while not even know the price they may have to pay.
Btw, heard from one bro that June is the traditional month for the vice squad to hit their quota - by raiding some joints, can anyone verify this?
Dear Bro j_c,
You are right to say that.
What else can we expect at the HC?
If is OK if you don like it but I think not so good to say others..
Abt your question, it normally between Jul, Aug and Sep. KTV is still fine to go lah, what else you can do in Shanghai KTV? For HC, those established one should be ok to go. I would suggest that you go there before 6pm. Also try those HC within hotel or big one. Like the New Huai Hai, I ever went there before at 10pm, waited for more than one hour. Too crowded! You could tell that the operator was very cautious in handling each customer.
The HK City has always been the most solid one, even during SARS time, they were in business. Not so sure abt it these days.
06-06-2005, 05:23 PM
Hi bro, I've got the address of TRY and not have ventured there yet, so there is another joint called TQY? same location as TRY?
I'm not sure if I may not seemed to be trying hard, but giving the addresses taxi drivers is hell to me.
Dear Bro Ramon,
TQY is belonged to the same boss of TRY, it is located at the junction of Wan Hang Du lu (万航渡路)and Chang Ning Lu (长宁路), just outside the inner ring road of Chang Ning Lu. Great Shanghai Ambassador, Bro SGP69 has mentioned a few times. It is a little bit far away.
Since you are staying around Hua Shan Road, TRY is nearest to you, straight down toward the North of the Jiangsu Road, you hit Dong Zhu An Bang Road turn right, about 50m you can see the Tang Gong Restaurant, diagonally opposite is the place..
If you are going to TQY, the place is still not too far from your place (Hua Shan Road). From Yan'an road, turn right toward Zhong Shan North Road direction, then turn left when you hit Chang Nin Road, second junction by the right of you. TQY is just at the corner.
I guess you are still not so familiar with the Taxi in Shanghai, choice of taxi
1) Dazhong (metalic light blue)
2) Qiangsheng (metalic orange)
3) Jingjiang (white)
4) Bashi (metalic green)
5) lanse lianmeng (blue)
6) purple red
(may have miss out one)
So avoid the one at the bottom of the list. In olden days, when taxi was still easily available, I only took the first 3, nos 6 is definitely out. Unless you are travelling at night, looking for a good bargain, during mid-nite price is negotiable from the bottom of the list.
That is all I know.
06-06-2005, 06:47 PM
This Taxi Driver is very harsh on people because he has a tough life. What he said, in essence is true, but he has chosen to put it in a way that he sees best. There is nothing about right or wrong, just the way he does it. It is just like one might say "This is stupid!" or in the other way "This is not clever at all". To each his own.
My 2 cent worth
07-06-2005, 02:11 AM
Also try those HC within hotel or big one. Like the New Huai Hai, I ever went there before at 10pm, waited for more than one hour. Too crowded! You could tell that the operator was very cautious in handling each customer.
Heard from a "pimp" that new huai hai is operated by the shanghai's mayor's mistress. dunno how true it is... just a little gossip. :)
Been there, kinda dodgy but it is quite alright if u just want a quick fuck n fuck off. Got serviced by a haerbin gal, quite pretty n tall, but like wind like that. Come in, do her stuff, then hurry off.
07-06-2005, 05:21 AM
Hi Bros here ,
Would be thankful if anyone of u can share any Shanghai FL who is ok with overnight..
Cheers and keep the spirit of sharing going.
07-06-2005, 09:07 AM
Dear Bro Taxi_Driver,
Although you are new to the Forum, you have been a great help to people and newbies like me on HC in Shanghai. You are the man for us. If I go Shanghai next time, I shall PM you for directions. Could I employ your service to drive me around. How do you charge for your service?
07-06-2005, 09:09 AM
This Taxi Driver is very harsh on people because he has a tough life. What he said, in essence is true, but he has chosen to put it in a way that he sees best. There is nothing about right or wrong, just the way he does it. It is just like one might say "This is stupid!" or in the other way "This is not clever at all". To each his own.
My 2 cent worth
Dear Bro PuTonRen,
I fully agree with what you say. Everyone has their own way of seeing things and putting it into words... or action for that matter... they say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions... and I believe that Bro Taxi Driver has only good intentions, otherwise he will not even bother to post. For those offended, please read between the lines...
There is a hokkien saying....
I'm sure eventually they can find it.... at Rmb580 a pop... well... invest enough... like say.... Rmb 580,000.... SURE GET!! 101%... and if still cannot get.. then... just have to blame their own arse luck for it!
I thought that this forum is for all sorts of postings... Locations... Suggestions.. Gatherings... Views.. Cheong spots and charges... FRs... etc etc.. but I think I may be very wrong.. It seemed like without FRs, anyone posting is NOT CONTRIBUTING!
If that's the case, I guess this will be my swan song posting... because FRs I don't have.. Cheong spots there are a lot more Cheong bros around... Locations I'm not familiar with.. only Views, Gatherings and Suggestions I have..
I'm confident that the new entrants will have a lot more to contribute to this thread.... since they are the up and coming GUNG-HO bunch... .THEY THINK THEY CAN, THEREFORE THEY CAN... Well.... GOOD LUCK TO ALL !!! May the thread be as colorful as your life in Shanghai will be...
I'll just hover in the background and be a "Ghost of Shanghai Tread Past"...
Cheerio & Adieu!
Shanghaitan :cool:
07-06-2005, 09:48 AM
Dear Bro Shanghaitan,
The thread will be shades of black and white without postings of your well-balanced views. The command of English demonstrated through your postings is commendable, from which I learn a great deal.
This is a place for people to write about their encounters (the accuracy and truthfulness will be immediately apparent from experienced people in the forum), views (good and balanced ones like those from you), and some criticism (to me, a contributing one is always welcome).
To make the thread colourful, FR's, views, suggestions, recommendations, candid comments are all necessary. My enthusiasm will be largely reduced by your absence in the thread. Do you know that after I have written a posting, I look forward always to your comments, believe me, in the name of _______.
Hope not to see your complete absence from the Thread
I shall be in Shanghai soon, and will call you out for Tea.
07-06-2005, 10:46 AM
Dear Bro Shanghaitan,
Well Said.
I think some of us have those kind of mentality that, we are better, smarter and "tua gi" than local; so much so that they thought that matters can be easily achieved or done in their own ways. (Sorry bro, my Angmoh not good) :D. Like Big Big Bro PTR said this is not our home.
We can always complain about the situation here but not to look down on them. The very obvious reason for us to be here is simple because we got the opportunity, if things is as what we would have expected, then we are not required.
I don't this site is all about FRs, its about exchanged of information. Certainly, comments from people like has a great help to the development of this site.
Each time I saw your post, I tried to add your points. Master like you should be in the council.
May the force be with you.
07-06-2005, 12:03 PM
Dear Bro j_c,
You are right to say that.
What else can we expect at the HC?
If is OK if you don like it but I think not so good to say others..
Abt your question, it normally between Jul, Aug and Sep. KTV is still fine to go lah, what else you can do in Shanghai KTV? For HC, those established one should be ok to go. I would suggest that you go there before 6pm. Also try those HC within hotel or big one. Like the New Huai Hai, I ever went there before at 10pm, waited for more than one hour. Too crowded! You could tell that the operator was very cautious in handling each customer.
The HK City has always been the most solid one, even during SARS time, they were in business. Not so sure abt it these days.Bro Taxi_driver, thanks for the informative advice. Anyway, bros who know me would know that I seldom go for commercial sex venture. Take it that I am a cheapo, LOL. Personally, I enjoy female companion very much, not necessary sex. Last night, on a bloody Monday night, was with another cheongster and his friend from US at Babyface, the place I really like. Great music. Was joined by one ktv mommy and her 'sis'. Subsequently, another few friends who are working in 金壁辉煌came as well. Plenty of drinks and fun. Btw, 金壁辉煌's bar area is closed for one month, due to renovation. I like the band that plays there, one of the lead singers actually joined us for supper last night. Sorry for the non-sequential description of what happened last nite, guessed the alcohol still flowing in my blood. :D
07-06-2005, 12:59 PM
Last night, on a bloody Monday night, was with another cheongster and his friend from US at Babyface, I like the band that plays there
Dear Bro j_c,
No wonder hardly see your post. Monday you already been busy.
Such a good lobang never chio chio me?
I like the MM and want to play there.......... :D
Please add some detail on MM portion leh, especially they are from 金碧辉煌!
07-06-2005, 01:33 PM
Bro J-C,
This newbie, Taxi_Driver really has a lot of kangtaos, he should have been in the thread earlier so that we can benefit from his experience. Bro Taxi_Driver, can I engage your service to Nanjing to explore the joints recommended by Bro shengge. You have been driving around so much, I am sure you can be of help. Just tell me the charges. I also reckon that you are familiar with HC in Shanghai, can bring me there or not?
Bro J-C, I really missed the final nite in Shanghai when you called me to jio me to cheong, I was waiting for another brother who agreed to go out with me. He did not turn up due to some urgent matters. By the time I know it, it was too late to call you. I called up the Sichuan girl, but could not find her. I ended up staring at the ceiling for lizard and spider. sigh... wasted a night in my favourable city - Shanghai.
I shall call you when I reach Shanghai sometimes at the end of the month.
07-06-2005, 02:34 PM
Dear Bro j_c,
No wonder hardly see your post. Monday you already been busy.
Such a good lobang never chio chio me?
I like the MM and want to play there.......... :D
Please add some detail on MM portion leh, especially they are from 金碧辉煌!
Cheers!Bro Shengge, never knew u to be a party guy. u always come across as someone serious. LOL. Anyway, the gers that came are not from 金碧辉煌, they are from 1068会所, also, not MM lah, its their mommies. The one I know is local Shanghai, sibei chio! :p
07-06-2005, 02:41 PM
they are from 1068会所, also, not MM lah, its their mommies. The one I know is local Shanghai, sibei chio! :p
Bro j_c,
Wah Lao, not jbhh, from 1068, where is this place?
MMS? Also can lah.............mai tu liao!
07-06-2005, 02:46 PM
Bro J-C,
Bro J-C, I really missed the final nite in Shanghai when you called me to jio me to cheong, I was waiting for another brother who agreed to go out with me. He did not turn up due to some urgent matters. By the time I know it, it was too late to call you. I called up the Sichuan girl, but could not find her. I ended up staring at the ceiling for lizard and spider. sigh... wasted a night in my favourable city - Shanghai.
I shall call you when I reach Shanghai sometimes at the end of the month.
RegardsBro PTR, no wonder the ceiling got hole, must be your power jet hose :eek: . Your should have still called me that night then I could arrange some housecall, like the one 'is mine tight or not?'. LOL.
Now the serious part, its a pity not able to meet you at last trip. Do let me know your next schedule (I will be travelling to a few cities but should be back by 26th June to Shanghai). See u then.
07-06-2005, 02:49 PM
Bro j_c,
Wah Lao, not jbhh, from 1068, where is this place?
MMS? Also can lah.............mai tu liao!新会路,西康路。If got chance will intro lah. I thought u r more of a HC guy?
07-06-2005, 03:18 PM
新会路,西康路。If got chance will intro lah. I thought u r more of a HC guy?
Bro J-C.
What HC guy, shengge is a HC expert.. Hahahaha.. just kidding
07-06-2005, 03:39 PM
新会路,西康路。If got chance will intro lah. I thought u r more of a HC guy?
Dear Bro j_c,
I am just a normal guy lah.
HC is for the biz purpose only and all thru the posting from the veterans here.
Look like you are the most happening guy around.
Share some interesting encounter leh! Keen to learn some tatics from you.
07-06-2005, 03:46 PM
Bro J-C.
What HC guy, shengge is a HC expert.. Hahahaha.. just kidding
RegardsBro PTR, u r rite! Bro Shengge, sorry for 'having eyes but dont know Tarzan'!
07-06-2005, 04:19 PM
Bro PTR, u r rite! Bro Shengge, sorry for 'having eyes but dont know Tarzan'!
Bro j_c,
Sad to say that I am not what you two have mentioned lah.
I am very guai one. I usual route is two dots one line (office and home).
Those places that you have mentioned over here, all new to me.
Having eyes to see NTTL not Tarzan lah!
07-06-2005, 04:21 PM
Dear Bro j_c,
I am just a normal guy lah.
HC is for the biz purpose only and all thru the posting from the veterans here.
Look like you are the most happening guy around.
Share some interesting encounter leh! Keen to learn some tatics from you.
Cheers!Bro Shengge, if u were to be normal guy, then the more I have to be even more understated. Hehe. Anyway, I where got interesting encounter, just occasional meetings with some nice mms. :cool: Recently, got some strange encounters. Let me narrate one of them. Was at 金壁辉煌's bar area last Saturday. As you may know, there are MMs behind the bar counter who will entertain you if you buy them drinks. Noticed this particular one that was quite friendly, the funny thing was, I was at the sofa area, its till I almost about to leave, I started talking to her. Subsequently, while I was having supper, she messaged me, I invited her to join me. She came with another female friend. After supper, she asked me to send her home which I declined. Then she asked me for cab fare, that was when I ignored her. Subsequently, she messaged me to tell me if not for the fact that she didn't have enough money with her, she would not have begged me. Felt kind of bad, its not about the money, thought she was trying to pull a fast one. For this round, I used my subjectivity to judge her.
07-06-2005, 04:24 PM
Bro j_c,
Sad to say that I am not what you two have mentioned lah.
I am very guai one. I usual route is two dots one line (office and home).
Those places that you have mentioned over here, all new to me.
Having eyes to see NTTL not Tarzan lah!
Cheers!Bro Shengge, two dots one line can also mean alot mah, like along this two dots one line, u can still have alot of other ECAs and ventures leh.
07-06-2005, 04:39 PM
Bro j_c,
Sad to say that I am not what you two have mentioned lah.
I am very guai one. I usual route is two dots one line (office and home).
Those places that you have mentioned over here, all new to me.
Having eyes to see NTTL not Tarzan lah!
Bro shengge,
You have fogotten that a line is made up of infinite number of dots. Sigh.. You have fogotten what have been taught to you. The many dots, can be HC, BBS, FL, KTV... etc.
If you are guai, then I am close to be like a religious man. Hahahaha..
Don't say I suan you, there are many people who disagree with you.
See you in two to three week time.
07-06-2005, 10:39 PM
You have fogotten that a line is made up of infinite number of dots. Sigh.. You have fogotten what have been taught to you. The many dots, can be HC, BBS, FL, KTV... etc.
See you in two to three week time.
Dear Bro PTR,
You are right. I am sure that you are aware of the 2 variables in this equation.
Time and Money. If you have both, there will definitely be more dots.
This time you got to agree with me right? :D
See you!
08-06-2005, 02:31 PM
Bro Shengge, if u were to be normal guy, then the more I have to be even more understated. Hehe. Anyway, I where got interesting encounter, just occasional meetings with some nice mms. :cool: Recently, got some strange encounters. Let me narrate one of them. Was at 金壁辉煌's bar area last Saturday. As you may know, there are MMs behind the bar counter who will entertain you if you buy them drinks. Noticed this particular one that was quite friendly, the funny thing was, I was at the sofa area, its till I almost about to leave, I started talking to her. Subsequently, while I was having supper, she messaged me, I invited her to join me. She came with another female friend. After supper, she asked me to send her home which I declined. Then she asked me for cab fare, that was when I ignored her. Subsequently, she messaged me to tell me if not for the fact that she didn't have enough money with her, she would not have begged me. Felt kind of bad, its not about the money, thought she was trying to pull a fast one. For this round, I used my subjectivity to judge her.
Dear Bro J_C,
Don't feel bad as what u did is only right eing defensive towards gals at such places. U invited her for supper which she brouht along a friend to tag along for free meals & afterwhich even asked u for cab fares??!! What the hell, u did well bro! Keep it up man....
No gals here deserve any pity nor consideration, it's all the same in China, all PRCs gals have the same mentality....scavengers that is they are!
Well done bro!
08-06-2005, 05:52 PM
Dear Bro J_C,
Don't feel bad as what u did is only right eing defensive towards gals at such places. U invited her for supper which she brouht along a friend to tag along for free meals & afterwhich even asked u for cab fares??!! What the hell, u did well bro! Keep it up man....
No gals here deserve any pity nor consideration, it's all the same in China, all PRCs gals have the same mentality....scavengers that is they are!
Well done bro!
Regards.Thanks for the advice. So, you finally come out of your cocoon? Just kidding, good to hear from you again. Whatever you are going through, remember one saying: 山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村
08-06-2005, 07:08 PM
Any old bird here can recommend Magix equivalent products in Shanghai?
08-06-2005, 07:23 PM
Dear Bro J_C,
No gals here deserve any pity nor consideration, it's all the same in China, all PRCs gals have the same mentality....scavengers that is they are!
Well done bro!
Hello Senior SGPshanghai69,
Just my humble opinion,hope not to get shot out of the water but let's not pass judgement on all PRC gals from our encounters with working MMs. Quite a sweeping shot if we "brand" all of them scavengers who deserve no pity nor consideration. We are considered the "lucky" lots earning expats terms in China and spending money to buy some services from the MMs who are scavenging for opportunity to get out of the vicious cycle of poverty in this country. Sometimes if we put ourselves in their shoes, it is difficult to imagine if we would have made a different choice in life at all. Pity perhaps?
I am no senior in Shanghai or China but I have had some good and some bad encounters so I just thought I should say something for those good encounters I have had and that they aren't all as bad as we have painted them out to be. Like Darth Vader....still hope for some to turn back from the Dark Side....
08-06-2005, 08:50 PM
Dear Bro J_C,
Don't feel bad as what u did is only right eing defensive towards gals at such places. U invited her for supper which she brouht along a friend to tag along for free meals & afterwhich even asked u for cab fares??!! What the hell, u did well bro! Keep it up man....
No gals here deserve any pity nor consideration, it's all the same in China, all PRCs gals have the same mentality....scavengers that is they are!
Well done bro!
Its being a while since the last time we talked.
I am not sure what happened. What ever it is, just hope that everythning is fine with you. Feel free to call for a TCSS / tea / cheong, etc.
You have being a good adviser all this while.
Take care,
09-06-2005, 01:42 PM
Feel free to call for a TCSS / tea / cheong, etc.
You have being a good adviser all this while.
Take care,
Hi to everyone on this Shanghai thread. This newbie is here in SHA till the end of the month and hope to meet up with all the vets and sifu's. Appreciate if you could include me for any TCSS/tea/cheong sessions. I can be reached at
[email protected].
Best regards
09-06-2005, 02:02 PM
Hi to everyone on this Shanghai thread. This newbie is here in SHA till the end of the month and hope to meet up with all the vets and sifu's. Appreciate if you could include me for any TCSS/tea/cheong sessions. I can be reached at
[email protected].
Best regards
Dear Shanghai Brothers,
Faidenk is an old friend of mine. He used to be very active in Beijing. He is now back to China but in Shanghai. If you are free, do tow the line for him.
Regards to all and see you all soon
10-06-2005, 11:36 AM
Dear Bros,
Wish all of you, happy 端午节。
10-06-2005, 02:48 PM
remember to eat bak zhang!!!!!!
10-06-2005, 08:50 PM
Bro shengge,
Happy duanyu jie to you too!
Hope you can make it back to base tomorrow!
Maybe we can get some bros together to celebrate?
To all other shanghai veterans and bros,
Have a happy duanwu festival!
Dear Bros,
Wish all of you, happy 端午节。
11-06-2005, 12:35 PM
Dear ???,
i've just came back from Shanghai. It was a great trip. Special thanks to bro shanghai papa for giving me much info and bro sgpshanghai69 and ultra88man for meeting up with me.
As i was there only for a short business trip this time round, i didnt expect much. The cheonging was not bad, but its the company and the hospitality i received from the shanghai bros that made the trip a thoroughly enjoyable one. But 1 word of advice, bring more bak kut teh, sambal chilli, and most importantly marlboro lights the next time any bros go to shanghai.... haha :D
looking forward to bro sgpshanghai69 and ultra88man when you come to beijing.... :D
til next time...cheers!!..
11-06-2005, 12:52 PM
and now for my contributions...
#31 Dan Dan
face: 6.5 cute cute type
body: 7 nice soft "zhong zhi"
FJ: 7
attitude: 8 keep on saying she want some more and ask for round 2. i worry need pay extra for 2nd time and so didnt try. :p
in summary, TRY is a very safe place, so bros no worry, just go and enjoy, they wont even ask for extra tip 580net (oh and no need to sign anything too..haha)
sin huai hai HC
#99 dunno whats her name but from yangzhou
face: 8 very pretty
body: 7.5 tall slim and nice but fake "zhong zhi"
bbbj: 6.5
FJ: 6 standard
attitude: 6.5
place quite run down, and under renovation, almost couldnt find it. job was SOP but girls are quite generally quite chio. total paid 568 including 20 tip for girl.
All bros have a great "duan wu jie", and remember to eat more delicious zhong zhi..
cheers! :D
11-06-2005, 01:03 PM
and now for my contributions...
#31 Dan Dan
face: 6.5 cute cute type
body: 7 nice soft "zhong zhi"
FJ: 7
attitude: 8 keep on saying she want some more and ask for round 2. i worry need pay extra for 2nd time and so didnt try. :p
in summary, TRY is a very safe place, so bros no worry, just go and enjoy, they wont even ask for extra tip 580net (oh and no need to sign anything too..haha)
sin huai hai HC
#99 dunno whats her name but from yangzhou
face: 8 very pretty
body: 7.5 tall slim and nice but fake "zhong zhi"
bbbj: 6.5
FJ: 6 standard
attitude: 6.5
place quite run down, and under renovation, almost couldnt find it. job was SOP but girls are quite generally quite chio. total paid 568 including 20 tip for girl.
All bros have a great "duan wu jie", and remember to eat more delicious zhong zhi..
cheers! :D
11-06-2005, 11:18 PM
Dear ???,
i've just came back from Shanghai. It was a great trip. Special thanks to bro shanghai papa for giving me much info and bro sgpshanghai69 and ultra88man for meeting up with me.
As i was there only for a short business trip this time round, i didnt expect much. The cheonging was not bad, but its the company and the hospitality i received from the shanghai bros that made the trip a thoroughly enjoyable one. But 1 word of advice, bring more bak kut teh, sambal chilli, and most importantly marlboro lights the next time any bros go to shanghai.... haha :D
looking forward to bro sgpshanghai69 and ultra88man when you come to beijing.... :D
til next time...cheers!!..
Dear Bro ZGR69,
Thanks for the compliments.
We did what we can for you bro to make your short trip a fruitful one if possible. Most fo all, we share whatever info we have here with u as it's merely encounters we accumulated nothing much to yell about!
Hope u really had a wonderful time here and shall look forward to your return comes month end, be in Shanghai here or Beijing!
Shall look forward to your Balachan chilli as trying to quit smoking so no ciggis la, thanks bro.
Hear from u soon, keep in touch. In the meantime, do take care there & see ya soon.
11-06-2005, 11:23 PM
Dear all Bros,
Happy DuanWu Festival from Shanghai here..........
12-06-2005, 12:11 PM
sorry i accidently double posted. :p
can anyone teach me how to remove it. thks!
13-06-2005, 03:28 PM
Shall look forward to your Balachan chilli as trying to quit smoking so no ciggis la, thanks bro.
Hear from u soon, keep in touch. In the meantime, do take care there & see ya soon.
ciggis for me mah !!! hahaha ...
13-06-2005, 03:33 PM
and now for my contributions...
#31 Dan Dan
face: 6.5 cute cute type
body: 7 nice soft "zhong zhi"
FJ: 7
attitude: 8 keep on saying she want some more and ask for round 2. i worry need pay extra for 2nd time and so didnt try. :p
Hi Bro,
Nice FR.
I don't think you need to pay twice if the girl ask you for second time right?..
Next time ask the girl jokingly need to pay for the 2nd one mah...
As I always ask to do it twice with my girl...hahahahaha
once during BBBJ and the second one during FJ....after that shacked out already...then relax at the TV room and have a bowl of dumplings before leaving the premise.
been sometimes since visiting TRY...sigh...
back to work
13-06-2005, 10:57 PM
Hi PTR, Shanghaitan, dumbass and nongho,
I thank you all for giving your valuable experiences information about living in SHA. I appreciate all your open arms in accepting a new comer to SHA. I will come back to you guys again for more guidance once I am more settle down in SHA. I am arriving on the 18 Mar.
Since I am traveling in and out of China frequently during my stay in SHA, I am taking nongho's advise of not registering with the local authority for temporary residence permit.
Best regards,
Hi PTR, Shanghaitan, dumbass and nongho,
Thanks for your previous advice. I just wanted to update you all regarding my stay. I moved to SHA in mid March and live in a poor man area called ZhaBei. Rental is cheap becoz it is their local "HDB" mah. It is like back in the 60's 70's housing we had in Singapore. I am definitely not used ot it.
It is very different when you VISIT a place as tourist and LIVING in a place. Living in SHA for this short period of time is an eye opener for me.
Since I moved there, I traveled out of China 3 times till now with each overseas trip lasting about 2 weeks. No problems with the imigration because I followed the instructions given by bros here. I am now back in SIN and comptemplating whether to go SHA again next week.
I have a SHA gf who live with me in zhabei. I must say it is a tough experience living together because of different up bringings and cultures. About 3 weeks ago, I had a big fight (not physical lah) with my gf. In a fit of anger, I moved out and temporary housed in one of her best gf empty appt in beijing xi lu. Her gf tries to mediate things for us and at last my gf said maybe it is better for us to live separately for awhile. I left for HKG on business 2 weeks ago and I just got back to SIN. Me and my gf still talks casually phone the phone but avoided sensitive subject of me moving back to her place.
On one hand, I am looking forward to go back to SHA next week but on the otherhand, I am afraid to live alone in her gf empty appt. Yes, afraid. Afraid of boredom and loneliness. I have got no friends in SHA except my gf and her gf only. My work does not requires me to live in China because my customers are non-china. Everyday after I done with my emails, there is nothing much I could do in SHA. I came to live in SHA is because of her.
I wanted to ask all the experience people here, is it difficult to live in SHA alone? ie no office, no gf, no friends and etc. I may give it a try next week when I am in SHA to live alone. Is there any bros here which I can meet up for chats or outings next week?
14-06-2005, 12:44 PM
On one hand, I am looking forward to go back to SHA next week but on the otherhand, I am afraid to live alone in her gf empty appt. Yes, afraid. Afraid of boredom and loneliness. I have got no friends in SHA except my gf and her gf only. My work does not requires me to live in China because my customers are non-china. Everyday after I done with my emails, there is nothing much I could do in SHA. I came to live in SHA is because of her.
Dear Bro cateyes1001,
U r a fortunate guy, u
1. don need to wake up 7m8m to go to office
2. don need to deal with tough customers
3. don need to face the difficult employees
4. got gf
5. free and easy
6. ......
What else do u need?
Zhabei may be a little bit worn down compare to other districts, however, fr the place u stayed, u have exposed to the local tradition & culture, most of us don get this chance. U should have benefitted a lot through the experienced and these should have made u a better person.
I do not have much advise to give, however,
if u don like Zhabei, u can always find another place to stay,
if u feel lonely, may be u can ask ur parents to come,
if ............
what else do u need? U tell me, how many bros here can help u on this matter? Afterall, don make life difficult for urself.
Shit! I better go to work, otherwise, cannot meet the daily quota to cover the car rental and petrol.......
14-06-2005, 01:19 PM
I have a SHA gf who live with me in zhabei. I must say it is a tough experience living together because of different up bringings and cultures. About 3 weeks ago, I had a big fight (not physical lah) with my gf. In a fit of anger, I moved out and temporary housed in one of her best gf empty appt in beijing xi lu. Her gf tries to mediate things for us and at last my gf said maybe it is better for us to live separately for awhile. I left for HKG on business 2 weeks ago and I just got back to SIN. Me and my gf still talks casually phone the phone but avoided sensitive subject of me moving back to her place.
On one hand, I am looking forward to go back to SHA next week but on the otherhand, I am afraid to live alone in her gf empty appt. Yes, afraid. Afraid of boredom and loneliness. I have got no friends in SHA except my gf and her gf only. My work does not requires me to live in China because my customers are non-china. Everyday after I done with my emails, there is nothing much I could do in SHA. I came to live in SHA is because of her.
I wanted to ask all the experience people here, is it difficult to live in SHA alone? ie no office, no gf, no friends and etc. I may give it a try next week when I am in SHA to live alone. Is there any bros here which I can meet up for chats or outings next week?
The paradox is - when we are alone, we want to have someone to snuggle up to, but being human, this inevitably brings conflicts, then we are pissed. This is true not only for your situation, but for a typical married life as well.
I don't know how many times I wished I had never married, but now that I am, I just couldn't bear the idea of being alone without the family.
Life itself is a paradox, for example, a couple meet, found each other attractive and ends up in bed. Underneath the surface, each of them has a different reason and motivation for staying together. The man gives her love in exchange for sex, while she gives sex in exchange for love. One action, different reason.
So my friend, whether it is this girl, or that, the problem exists and will not go away. If you think it's bad now, wait till she becomes your wife. Not to discourage, not your fault nor the female party, but I think it's just a sad fact of life.
14-06-2005, 01:21 PM
Hi TaxiDriver,
Thanks for your advice. Ya, I may seem a bit lucky in terms of my work freedom but I believe every jobs has its pros and cons. As for my job, I am being electronically chained 24/7 via mobile, emails and blackberry; even when I take my vacations, I had to lug around my laptop too.
You are right regarding Zhabei area. It is a eye operner for me.
Bringing my parents to SHA is out of the question lah. Medical care is so much better in SIN than in whole of china unless one is willing to pay exorbitant medical price for 1st class service.
I hope I can enlarge my circle of friends in SHA if I want to continue to stay in SHA. I am currently temporary housed in one of her gf empty appt. If I can overcome my fears of living alone in SHA (fear in terms of boredom and loniness), I may have to look for a nice appt to rent and stay.
I will be in SHA next week and I hope I can meet up with you one of these days.
14-06-2005, 01:26 PM
The paradox is - when we are alone, we want to have someone to snuggle up to, but being human, this inevitably brings conflicts, then we are pissed. This is true not only for your situation, but for a typical married life as well.
I don't know how many times I wished I had never married, but now that I am, I just couldn't bear the idea of being alone without the family.
Life itself is a paradox, for example, a couple meet, found each other attractive and ends up in bed. Underneath the surface, each of them has a different reason and motivation for staying together. The man gives her love in exchange for sex, while she gives sex in exchange for love. One action, different reason.
So my friend, whether it is this girl, or that, the problem exists and will not go away. If you think it's bad now, wait till she becomes your wife. Not to discourage, not your fault nor the female party, but I think it's just a sad fact of life.
Hi Faidenk,
Your paradox of life is well said and I totally agreed with you. I will be in SHA next week and I hope we can meet up for a drinks.
14-06-2005, 01:47 PM
On one hand, I am looking forward to go back to SHA next week but on the otherhand, I am afraid to live alone in her gf empty appt. Yes, afraid. Afraid of boredom and loneliness. I have got no friends in SHA except my gf and her gf only. My work does not requires me to live in China because my customers are non-china. Everyday after I done with my emails, there is nothing much I could do in SHA. I came to live in SHA is because of her.
Hi bro,
U sound to me like one love lost puppy. Different people got different backgrounds and cultures. U can't force her either can she force you. You just have to adapt to the surroundings and environments as well as accept the people and their cultures here.
Not many people gets to live in Shanghai and experience what you are experiencing. Take it as a nice experience. You just have to find yourself where you would fit in to the society here.
If you are really facing problem with your gf. Talk to her. Communication is an important aspect in a relationship. What do u guys want to achieve out of this relationship??...Try to solve the problem and not shy away from it.
Then think for yourself too.. is Shanghai really the place you want to stay? What is your future plans?...
U r staying alone and not paying rent...what more you want to ask??....This is Shanghai...there are many girls out there for you to choose from...staying alone means you can bring different girls to your place for an overnite party...hahahahaha....can even have different gfs every week too..hahaha..
If you r afraid of boredom and loneliness....go find yourself a hobby...Shanghai is so big for you to go around and explore. I'm sure there are plenty of girls out there waiting for you.
You just have to find a way to cure your own boredom and loneliness...none of the bros here can help you much i reckon.
Only advice I can give is solve your gf problem first then decide where you want yourself to be or where you think you would like to be....
ok ok i better stop...if i keep going on bro shengge will ask me how come I not doing work...hahahahaha..
14-06-2005, 01:56 PM
Afraid of boredom and loneliness. I have got no friends in SHA except my gf and her gf only.
I hope I can enlarge my circle of friends in SHA if I want to continue to stay in SHA. I am currently temporary housed in one of her gf empty appt. If I can overcome my fears of living alone in SHA (fear in terms of boredom and loniness), I may have to look for a nice appt to rent and stay.
Hi there,
Well, HSL and MTL!
Looking at your post, I am sure many bros admire you very much, especially to me in Shanghai and be the way you are.
You see, many bros have posted lots of infor, in both Shanghai recommendation and Shanghai in conversation. There are plenty of thing to look for.
Like TQY, TRY, NHH, TSRJ, JBHH sort of leisure places and nice makan places, it would have help you very much. On the other hand, with the empty room you had, forget abt the housefly, you can have double fly and .........
As many have said, Shanghai is a IN place, so ....
Hoh Sei Liao and Mai Tu Liao. :D
14-06-2005, 02:04 PM
If you are really facing problem with your gf. Talk to her. Communication is an important aspect in a relationship. What do u guys want to achieve out of this relationship??...Try to solve the problem and not shy away from it.
U r staying alone and not paying rent...what more you want to ask??....This is Shanghai...there are many girls out there for you to choose from...
ok ok i better stop...if i keep going on bro shengge will ask me how come I not doing work...hahahahaha..
Bro nongho,
Well said, teach me leh. You look like veteran to me, must been here very long.
You are right, I am paying very high $ for the place I am staying, anyway don't need your recommendation on that.......but what you mean by many girls to choose recommendation? :p
Last one was badly said and wronged, you don work for me.
14-06-2005, 02:34 PM
Bro nongho,
Well said, teach me leh. You look like veteran to me, must been here very long.
You are right, I am paying very high $ for the place I am staying, anyway don't need your recommendation on that.......but what you mean by many girls to choose recommendation? :p
Last one was badly said and wronged, you don work for me.
Bro shengge,
paiseh paiseh lah.....ya i dun work for you....just joking lah....dun angry lah..
Me no veteran in shanghai lah....been here less than 1 year in total....
As for a relationship, I guess everywhere is the same. All relationships will have problems....its just how you are able to solve takes 2 hands to clap.....
Shanghai is so big and the ratio of girls to guy is like 3:2......girls to choose from depends on where you are looking for them lor....Net friends? Friend's friend? Girls at pubs or discos? Salesgirl at shopping centre?? May even bump into one on the street??....
But me no energy to go and sian....go HC or barbershop settle can liao...hahaha
when can have kopi with you bro?
14-06-2005, 03:52 PM
Hi nongho,
Ya, I am kind of lost in SHA. Extremely newbie in the living environment in SHA. I guess you are right that I have to adapt to the living environment.
It is really an eye opener when I live in SHA. It is so difference when I just visit SHA as a tourist.
I have tried talking to my gf about the problems and I told her becoz of cultural differences, communication is important. However, many a time, she just refuses to open up and talk until matter blows out of proportion. Wat I am looking for in a relationship is a companionship cum wife in a long term. Up to now, I am still undecided whether to root myself in SHA or not and I know no one can help me in this area.
I am paying rent. Paying rent for my gf "HDB" appt and also paying rent to her gf so that she would keep that empty private appt for me and not rent it out to others. You are right, staying alone allows alot of flexibility in bringing different girls home every nite but that is not what I am actually looking for. This is becoz the more gf you have, the more headache it would be.
When I back in SHA next week, can I network with your group? At least this is where I can start to build a close circle of firends in SHA.
14-06-2005, 03:59 PM
Hi Shengge,
Nice nickname and seems like a "dai-lo" type of nick ... hehehe.
No need to admire or envy lah. Each job has a price to pay and it is always you see me good and I see you good.
I know there are many cheoging places in SHA (although I do not know the loactions) but cheoging alone is no fun leh.
I never had "double flies" in any room before ....
I hope I can meet up with your group next week when I am in SHA. Care to PM me your china mobile?
14-06-2005, 04:33 PM
Nice nickname and seems like a "dai-lo" type of nick ... hehehe.
I know there are many cheoging places in SHA (although I do not know the loactions) but cheoging alone is no fun leh.
I never had "double flies" in any room before ....
I hope I can meet up with your group next week when I am in SHA. Care to PM me your china mobile?
Thanks for the compliment. Unfortunately, I am not "dai-lo", there are many big bros around, I am just a "small fly" in town, cannot and never be one.
I hardly meet up with any bros in town, nor there is a group that hang out together that I know of. Sorry!
If you cannot change the environment to suit you, I think only thing you can is to change yourself.
Afterall, nobody can help to solve your family problem, cos I don even know how to resolve mine.
you know that..家家有本难念的经。
14-06-2005, 08:28 PM
Thanks for the compliment. Unfortunately, I am not "dai-lo", there are many big bros around, I am just a "small fly" in town, cannot and never be one.
I hardly meet up with any bros in town, nor there is a group that hang out together that I know of. Sorry!
Hi Dai-Lo Sheng,
How come you are so humble? You are the recognised Lao Da in Shanghai, you have helped me many times when I got lost in the streets of Shanghai. Hahaha....
Please kindly help newbies like us lah... we are submitting ourselves to your guiding light. Hahaha...
See you soon.
Ugly, Fat and Old PuTonRen
15-06-2005, 11:29 AM
Hi Dai-Lo Sheng,
you have helped me many times when I got lost in the streets of Shanghai.
See you soon.
Bro PTR,
You are right, I am dai-lo but in Chinese, (带路), haha, another word would be (跑腿).
When I can see your SC MM leh?
15-06-2005, 04:29 PM
hey guys, what a great read this thread is. only half way thru it but should be done by xmas :)
got a question...I came across a few pairs of working ladies in different establishments in shanghai who claimed they were sisters, yet look nothing like each other.
does "sister" also mean a "good friend" in china, like "bro" does in many other places?
15-06-2005, 11:05 PM
Bro PTR,
You are right, I am dai-lo but in Chinese, (带路), haha, another word would be (跑腿).
When I can see your SC MM leh?
Haha, Bro Shengge,
You Dai-lo? You are the de-facto chief and know-all of Shanghai.
You want to see my SC Meimei? Soon! be patient, your curiousity will be quenched.
16-06-2005, 03:48 PM
You Dai-lo? You are the de-facto chief and know-all of Shanghai.
Dear Bro PTR,
Don't suan me leh!
You know that, there is an ambassador here in Shanghai and all bros known very well. As for myself, being here long enough but don know the place better than you do lah.
16-06-2005, 04:11 PM
does "sister" also mean a "good friend" in china, like "bro" does in many other places?
Hi there,
"Sister" can also means their cousins or good friends. As China has only a 1 child policy. But I think currently Shanghai now is promoting 2 kids in a family and it only applies to Shanghai and not any other provinces.
van aken
17-06-2005, 01:07 AM
and now for my contributions...
#31 Dan Dan
face: 6.5 cute cute type
body: 7 nice soft "zhong zhi"
FJ: 7
attitude: 8 keep on saying she want some more and ask for round 2. i worry need pay extra for 2nd time and so didnt try.
in summary, TRY is a very safe place, so bros no worry, just go and enjoy, they wont even ask for extra tip 580net (oh and no need to sign anything too..haha)
sin huai hai HC
#99 dunno whats her name but from yangzhou
face: 8 very pretty
body: 7.5 tall slim and nice but fake "zhong zhi"
bbbj: 6.5
FJ: 6 standard
attitude: 6.5
place quite run down, and under renovation, almost couldnt find it. job was SOP but girls are quite generally quite chio. total paid 568 including 20 tip for girl.
All bros have a great "duan wu jie", and remember to eat more delicious zhong zhi..
Dear SH Gurus,
Have been in SH a few times on business, been to a few KTV with collegues then. But this time will be alone there for a training :( , care to give the address/directions/ tel num for the few better HCs / or Room service ?
Thanks in advance.
17-06-2005, 12:02 PM
Dear SH Gurus,
Have been in SH a few times on business, been to a few KTV with collegues then. But this time will be alone there for a training :( , care to give the address/directions/ tel num for the few better HCs / or Room service ?
Thanks in advance.
Tong Ren Yuan HC
Location: On No. 78, Dong Zhu An Bang Road, junction of Jiang Su Road. Diagonally opposite Metropole Service Apts to the right when back facing Metropole) By the main road of Dong Zhu An Bang road.
Rates: RMB 580.00 nett (all BBBJ, FJ included)
Biz hours : 0900hrs - 0200hrs
New Huai Hai HC (2nd Level)
Location: On Fuxing Zhong, junction of Shun Cang road.
Rates: RMB 550.00 nett (all BBBJ, FJ included)
Biz hours : same as above
Enjoy bro!
17-06-2005, 12:18 PM
Enjoy bro!
Dear Bro,
It is always a pleasure to see you appearing in this thread sharing information with others, despite of the fact that many information can in fact be gathered if they care to browse through the thread.
I sincerely hope that you are okay now with your new endeavour. I was unable to meet you last trip due to works. I might be in Shanghai soon, and would definitely call you up for a short chat.
Take care and keep up the Shanghai Brother Spirit, like always.
18-06-2005, 12:47 PM
Dear Bro,
It is always a pleasure to see you appearing in this thread sharing information with others, despite of the fact that many information can in fact be gathered if they care to browse through the thread.
I sincerely hope that you are okay now with your new endeavour. I was unable to meet you last trip due to works. I might be in Shanghai soon, and would definitely call you up for a short chat.
Take care and keep up the Shanghai Brother Spirit, like always.
Dear Big Bro PTR,
Thank you for the compliments u have for me herewith bro!
I'm merely repeating again the info here for bros whom find the thread simply too long, lengthy which indeed is quite a pretty tedious task to read thru all 200+ pages...especially when one is so eager & all 'horny' to go somewhere quick for some 'actions'...kekekeke......
Look forward to seeing u soon here big bro...tea appreciation on me the lnext time we meet up bro! Just a gesture of saying I'm sorry for unable to meet u the last time big bro...
See ya!
Best regards.
18-06-2005, 06:44 PM
Dear Big Bro PTR,
Thank you for the compliments u have for me herewith bro!
Best regards.
Dear Bro SGP69,
Good to hear from you again.
If you are feel, shall we go for a drink or TCCS, etc.
Dear Big Bro PTR,
When will you be coming to Shanghai again?
Shall we go to your favorite tea house for a drink?
18-06-2005, 11:44 PM
One Night in Shanghai
One Night in Shanghai
First time to Shanghai, thanks to all the brother for your generous contribution I was able to enjoy quite a bit during my stay. Let me share one of the memberable one...
I believe most of the brother who visited the place should know where it is. I would somehow like to reiterate that this place is not exactly the kind of grand HC we have in Singapore. The entrace looks like 80s Hong Kong restaurant with closed door and some valets (??) You may miss it if you are not able to read Chinese words. It’s at the corner of the ????? so look for bright lighting with the word ???.
One inside you just take the hand-band from the counter without asking any question. Proceed to the door at your left side. Next it’s something new to me (NABEH). The changing room comes without any towel, you are expected to take off everything and walk around naked. Although all males but felt funny.
The hotpool so shallow looks like you can only wash your feet so I skip that treatment. The water doesn’t look clean too. They have few open cubicles (like those Japanese bath places) for you to clean yourselves. Then the rest are pretty standard, dry yourselves up and proceed to the waiting area.
The waiting area is kind of small waiting rooms with 2 to 3 rest arm-sofas. Normally they do not ask you what you want. They assume you come here for the action. There is no option to just do the massage without actual business. If you somehow just want to relax in the waiting room they can provide foot massage, never have ask how much. Standard 588 pay at the counter when you finish your business. If no massage only pay 98 for the facilities (what a rip off with that so call facilities)
You can walk out of the room to tell the Ah Pek sitting at the small lobby which number you want and you will be duely rewarded (*oo*)
This trip I tried no 69. She’s from Hunan and 23 years old. I really don’t like to cut the story short and just give ratings because this is one hell of the experience I have since…. forgot when. Upon entering the room I noticed they only have dim red light and you can hardly see anything. You may request to switch on the light but don’t be gundu to do it yourselves because the switch is outside. The girl came in, quite a pretty girl to my standard. The face a bit square but the general feeling is good. She has a good shape and very passionate. Just hug me and start kissing even with the clothes still on. The skin is super smooth, and of course fair. She excused herself to get the tools and came back in a very short while. (That was the time I stupidly fiddling around trying to switch on the light)
We took off everything and I noticed she got a sag ass… (not to bad but it’s obvious) I was asked to lie down and relax, she started licking me from my toes up all the way to my back, with hot water in her mouth. I was amazed how she hold that tempreture because it’s really quite hot. The licking is good and with many different pressure styles. I was half way to the heaven even before it gets started. One thing I feel disgusted is that she drip the hot water down from my butt crack, and wet the towel on the bed, yucks…
She did the same licking for quite a while and it’s really very erotic. Follow by open leg (me lah, of course) and AR services. Hot an cold and hot and cold and hot and cold…. With all the twisting tongue actions, I have to hold my moan since ???????. She climbed on top of me and sit on my back with the bare ass, rubbing all over with the CB hair arousing all over me. The weight and friction escalate the service to another level. I was instructed to breast fuck her too, although the neh neh quite small (32B), she squeeze them well enough to create the tunnel, and keep asking me if they feel like fucking the pussy. Walan-eh, she even bend her head so low that lick my **** during the breast fuck.. Super service oriented girl.
When the front service come I was so excited that I lost the orientation. I have no idea what she did and just lie down there to enjoy. The hot/cold treatment keep pouring onto myself, lost count. She even capped me without me knowing (this is the first time I didn’t know and I should say I am not a new bird to the fuck scene). When she start fucking me I hold her back and asked her why she does not put on the condom. She asked me: ???????Of course lah, nabeh what do you expect!!!
She just ignore me and told me ?????Then fuck me like no tomorrow. Walan eh, I super high I know lah but how can fuck raw, later tio aids die no point ah. Under the phycological pressure I released quite fast. She then smile and take out the condom for me. KNNBCCB, if I know I hold the horse and fuck her brains out. She then lie down beside me (the bed is damn fucking small) and chit chat a little bit. Know that her service name is ??? The rest not so important, get up bath and go. Tip the ?? ten RMB, he happy like fuck.
FACE: 7/10
BOOB: 6/10
SKIN: 8/10
SERVICE: 10/10
SKILL(S): 10/10
CB: not so loose, ok lah.
KNN, write so long don’t know can post or not…
19-06-2005, 08:51 AM
One Night in Shanghai
First time to Shanghai, thanks to all the brother for your generous contribution I was able to enjoy quite a bit during my stay. Let me share one of the memberable one...
Dear Bro RoamingFOB,
Great FR and thanks for sharing, there are not many FR these days.
19-06-2005, 03:44 PM
Dear Bro RoamingFOB,
Great FR and thanks for sharing, there are not many FR these days.
It's ok, I must give once I take, brothers rulezzzzzz......
So funny I was not able to type Chinese words... all became ???? sign. Can't edit the post too :confused:
Anyway, the place is Tong Ren Yuan at Dong Zhu An Bang Lu (East Pearl Safe Country road).
19-06-2005, 06:10 PM
It's ok, I must give once I take, brothers rulezzzzzz......
So funny I was not able to type Chinese words... all became ???? sign. Can't edit the post too :confused:
Dear Bro RoamingFOB,
As long as you share, there will be nothing as give and take.
You can edit after your post, since you are new, your post did not come out immediately to enable you to edit. So.....keep on sharing then you will be able to do so. :D
I also encountered the ??? could be the english version of Window program, you can try to preview before your submission.
Well a very happy father's day to all the daddy out there.
van aken
19-06-2005, 11:58 PM
Tong Ren Yuan HC
Location: On No. 78, Dong Zhu An Bang Road, junction of Jiang Su Road. Diagonally opposite Metropole Service Apts to the right when back facing Metropole) By the main road of Dong Zhu An Bang road.
Rates: RMB 580.00 nett (all BBBJ, FJ included)
Biz hours : 0900hrs - 0200hrs
New Huai Hai HC (2nd Level)
Location: On Fuxing Zhong, junction of Shun Cang road.
Rates: RMB 550.00 nett (all BBBJ, FJ included)
Biz hours : same as above
Enjoy bro!
Thank you SIR !! :p Will try to locate the place.
20-06-2005, 07:41 PM
Bro. SGPshanghai69,
When can you bring me to TRY?
21-06-2005, 10:52 AM
Bro. SGPshanghai69,
When can you bring me to TRY?
Dear Big Bro Ascott,
U r back here?!! Long time no hear from u man....
Ask yourself when will u be here in Shanghai & I'll sure to bring u TRY HC to enjoy bro.....u r so used to GZ scenes now what makes u so interested in SHA scenes again bro?
Hear from u.
21-06-2005, 10:54 AM
Thank you SIR !! :p Will try to locate the place.
Dear Bro Van aken,
U r most welcome! It's a pretty easily located, just by the main road of Dong Zhu An Bang road....u'll sure to find it!
Enjoy bro...
21-06-2005, 04:01 PM
Hi all bros in shanghai,
I have been away from s'hai for a year now, however will be going up there again within a week. Have been catching up with this thread with interest. Especially reading about Cateyes1001 dilemma and bro Faidenk's help.
Then, i read something about TRY and TQY, the health centres in s'hai. Personally, I feel it totally unneccessary to go to such places. I think s'hai is a very easy place to pick up girls.
If anything I say is wrong or outdated, pls do not flame me, cos i've been away too long. Anyway, i remember that Hengshan Lu is an easy place to pick up chicks. I used to go to a place called Narcissus, where there are many gals there. Typically there r 2 types, working girls, and Working Girls. The first working gals i'm refering to r actually the office or executive people. These gals r usually quite friendly and if u buy them a drink it's easy to get their phone nos. Also, it's quite easy to get lucky with them.
The second category of Working Girls r those which r soliciting. They usually ask for 200-300rmb as tips and 800 for following u back. However, if the hour is late, u can usually get the price down to 500-800 for tips and the sextion after.
Hope u find this useful, I'll be in S'hai soon. Any bros there interested, we can meet up for some tcss n drinks sessions.
22-06-2005, 10:13 PM
:) Hi brothers out there in Shanghai,
I'm a newbie here n would like to join any brother for cheong..he he
pls pm me for any happening... will be here for 2 weeks... :p
Van Basten
23-06-2005, 07:52 AM
Hi all bros in shanghai,
If anything I say is wrong or outdated, pls do not flame me, cos i've been away too long. Anyway, i remember that Hengshan Lu is an easy place to pick up chicks. I used to go to a place called Narcissus, where there are many gals there. Typically there r 2 types, working girls, and Working Girls. The first working gals i'm refering to r actually the office or executive people. These gals r usually quite friendly and if u buy them a drink it's easy to get their phone nos. Also, it's quite easy to get lucky with them.
ya easy to pick up these executives girls, but only if u r a foreigner! :D
23-06-2005, 04:29 PM
Hi all bros in shanghai,
I have been away from s'hai for a year now, however will be going up there again within a week. Have been catching up with this thread with interest. Especially reading about Cateyes1001 dilemma and bro Faidenk's help.
Then, i read something about TRY and TQY, the health centres in s'hai. Personally, I feel it totally unneccessary to go to such places. I think s'hai is a very easy place to pick up girls.
If anything I say is wrong or outdated, pls do not flame me, cos i've been away too long. Anyway, i remember that Hengshan Lu is an easy place to pick up chicks. I used to go to a place called Narcissus, where there are many gals there. Typically there r 2 types, working girls, and Working Girls. The first working gals i'm refering to r actually the office or executive people. These gals r usually quite friendly and if u buy them a drink it's easy to get their phone nos. Also, it's quite easy to get lucky with them.
The second category of Working Girls r those which r soliciting. They usually ask for 200-300rmb as tips and 800 for following u back. However, if the hour is late, u can usually get the price down to 500-800 for tips and the sextion after.
Hope u find this useful, I'll be in S'hai soon. Any bros there interested, we can meet up for some tcss n drinks sessions.
ya...I am still in a dilemma. I am here in SHA all by myself now. I appreciate if I can be included in any of the activities or outings here. I need to enlarge my circle of friends in SHA and I appreciates those brotherly friends who had PM me offering me emotional assistance. Thanks.
23-06-2005, 08:18 PM
Ever heard of an adult health Expo for buyers and suppliers.... they having one in Shanghai !!!!
Wish I was in charge of quality control in that industry `Sorry boss.... I am right now testing the new products with 8 girls....... send you the report later.....' :)
a buyer `I take a sample of these..... I test these tonight with a few `test subjects' in my hotel and come back tomorrow with a order if they good' :)
Wenzhou supplies over half of the world supply in didos ..... imagine that .......
24-06-2005, 11:54 AM
I am here in SHA all by myself now. I appreciate if I can be included in any of the activities or outings here. I need to enlarge my circle of friends in SHA and I appreciates those brotherly friends who had PM me offering me emotional assistance. Thanks.
Same here... I have been working in SHA coming to 1 year.. Now, eng eng surfing SBF in office.. 'DAN' season in CN. Pls count me in for any TCSS session..
25-06-2005, 02:23 PM
Thank you SIR !! :p Will try to locate the place.
Dear Bro,
U rmost welcome bro. Hope u have a enjoyable time there at 1 of the above HCs!
Dun 4get to post your FR here for all bros to share after your trip......
25-06-2005, 02:37 PM
Hi all bros in shanghai,
If anything I say is wrong or outdated, pls do not flame me, cos i've been away too long. Anyway, i remember that Hengshan Lu is an easy place to pick up chicks. I used to go to a place called Narcissus, where there are many gals there. Typically there r 2 types, working girls, and Working Girls. The first working gals i'm refering to r actually the office or executive people. These gals r usually quite friendly and if u buy them a drink it's easy to get their phone nos. Also, it's quite easy to get lucky with them.
The second category of Working Girls r those which r soliciting. They usually ask for 200-300rmb as tips and 800 for following u back. However, if the hour is late, u can usually get the price down to 500-800 for tips and the sextion after.
Hope u find this useful, I'll be in S'hai soon. Any bros there interested, we can meet up for some tcss n drinks sessions.
Dear Bro Lobo1,
Dun think you would be 'flamed' or anything of that sort as u r merely sharing the old saying goes "one man's meat isanother man's poison" so I believed no one would 'flame' u!
Indeed it's true on what u mentioned is still the past & present scenes at Narcissuss, and in fact it's everywhere where there's bars, Park 97, GuanDi, Manhattan Bar, TongRen Road street of bars, etc.
What matters most is how much u r willing to spend to pick up a gal be it a normal white collar working-class gal or a 'working gal' as u mentioned here.
Picking up a normal working-class galss needs both time & money investment, as one might end up spending even more to pick up one like that in this class. Whereas, the other 'working gal' is a straight forward 'Battering Trade" deal which u pay for what u get & be done with it. Screw & forget....
For any bros who's here for a short trip be it Biz or Leisure, the latter option 'working gals' might be be a better option as u dun have much time to spend.
Above are my 1 cents worth of personal opinions, like I said earlier here at the begining of this reply, "one man's meat is another man's poison".....
End of the day, what matters most is all bros to have fun in each & every own way!
Cheers & best regards to all here.
25-06-2005, 02:40 PM
Same here... I have been working in SHA coming to 1 year.. Now, eng eng surfing SBF in office.. 'DAN' season in CN. Pls count me in for any TCSS session..
U r always welcome to join us. Do PM any one of us here & we'll catch up the next time round.
25-06-2005, 02:44 PM
ya...I am still in a dilemma. I am here in SHA all by myself now. I appreciate if I can be included in any of the activities or outings here. I need to enlarge my circle of friends in SHA and I appreciates those brotherly friends who had PM me offering me emotional assistance. Thanks.
Feel free to PM any one of us who's here & we'll be most delighted to invite u along on our next gathering.
Just set your mindset straight & be objective about your work stint here bro. Think about how it would be like if one is back in homeland facing all those bad economic scenes.....
Take care there.....wish u well bro!
Best regards,
26-06-2005, 01:45 AM
ya easy to pick up these executives girls, but only if u r a foreigner! :D
You are MIS...consider foreign inport also wat. :p
27-06-2005, 10:04 AM
Thank you SIR !! :p Will try to locate the place.
Hi there,
Don just thank like that lah, you should at least up bro sgp69 points for his effort to go through this again and again.... So as many bros out there.
27-06-2005, 10:07 AM
Hi Cateyes,
Good to know you. I understand what you're going through. I suppose in a way most of us have gone through that. I know I have, more than my fair share.
I think it would be good for you to go away for a while. It would be very depressing for you to remain there - too much to remind you. No point wallowing in it. If it's meant for you to be together, it will, whether you wallow or not.
And whatever, you need to get away from those leg-stomping Chinese apartments (haha, you know what I mean), they really depress. You need a bright & cheerful environment. Take a trip to Hainan, refresh yourself. You owe it to yourself to be cheerful.
Take care. Hope I don't seem to meddling, forgive if I am.
27-06-2005, 11:52 AM
Hi Cateyes,
Good to know you. I understand what you're going through. I suppose in a way most of us have gone through that. I know I have, more than my fair share.
I think it would be good for you to go away for a while. It would be very depressing for you to remain there - too much to remind you. No point wallowing in it. If it's meant for you to be together, it will, whether you wallow or not.
Dear Bro Faidenk,
If my life is that miserable, I would have told myself, hey what the @#$%@ I am doing here? I would rather balik kumpong.
Everyone has been talking about Shanghai, a great city to be in. To be bored and lonely, and need emotional help, probably a psychiatrist would be a better person to look for. I don't think bros here can help much nor this is a consiling site. The only way, is like you said, help yourself, we don't deserve to be in this situation.
I don think most bros, like myself, visiting this site and found out that someone is crying and need help while he is staying with a gf.
Please don get me wronged that. How are going to offer our help but in this aspect, if one really not prepare to help himself, it is really beyond us.
Let's make this site more interesting with more readers sharing their valuable encounters and experiences, that all of us can benefits. And getting valuable guidance from veteran like SGP69, PTR and etc.... This is the best way that we can growth ourselves to be better.
Vroom, no more posting from me.
27-06-2005, 02:37 PM
Hi there,
Don just thank like that lah, you should at least up bro sgp69 points for his effort to go through this again and again.... So as many bros out there.
Thanks for the compliments Bro Shengge! Whether to up my points or not is irrelevant just as long as the other bros here get the info they need & have fun!
Best regards to u Bro Shengge, and all bros.
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