View Full Version : Penis Yeast Infection

24-12-2010, 07:03 AM
thought this might be useful:

When symptoms are present, the most common symptoms of a penile yeast infection are:

•irritation and soreness of the head of the penis
•severe itching on the head of the penis
•a white, clumpy discharge
•redness color on the head of the penis
•small blisters on the head of the penis.

Most of the time a penis yeast infection is found on the skin on the outside of a man's penis and affects uncircumcised men much more often than men that have been circumcised. Penile yeast infections for circumcised men are actually quite rare because the glans is always exposed to the air. This keeps it dry and at a cooler temperature. Yeast needs heat and moisture to survive on the skin.

Sometime the yeast infection can get into the urethra and cause problems. In these cases men get close to the same symptoms as women do when they have a vaginal yeast infection. There can be discharge from the penis and often it itches on the inside and is extremely uncomfortable. There have been cases of the yeast getting into the prostate gland but this is rare.

Men can get a penis yeast infection from sex with a woman that has a vaginal yeast infection. From oral sex from a person with thrush, or from anal sex with an infected individual.

Nonoxynol-9 is a common spermicide found in contraceptive products that has been found to rapidly increase the growth of naturally occurring yeast’s both in the vagina and on the skin.

Diabetes and of course antibiotics can play a role as well but with penile yeast infections this possible cause is not as common as intestinal yeast. However, intestinal yeast overgrowth can be a contributing factor of any skin yeast condition.

Once the yeast has infected the skin the infections can be very hard to get rid of. In time the skin will harden as the skin cells macrophage in defense of the infection. This hardened skin will crack when the male gets an erection and is extremely painful. At this point it can become almost impossible to resolve. It is much easier to get rid of a penis yeast infection in the early stages than the later stages.

Many men just think they have a penis yeast infection when they see little white bumps on the penis known as Fordyce disease. These spots are completely harmless and are actually sebaceous glands that secrete oils for the protection of the skin. Other men have a condition called Hirsuties papillaris genitalis, , also called pearly penile papules, which is also harmless but can be sensitive at times. These are actually sweat glands or sebaceous glands on the penis as well.

Genital warts are also misdiagnosed as yeast and if you use white vinegar for your penis yeast infection it turns them white. More information on white vinegar for treating a penis yeast infection can be found below.

Treating a Penis Yeast Infection

Many guys will make a trip to see their doctors for their penile yeast infection and get some Diflucan in the pill form or cream form. Others will pick up some Monistat 7 that women buy over the counter and use for vaginal yeast infections. These things do work, but they don't seem to work for everyone. Many times the infection gets better for a while and then comes back, just like it does for women.

What do you do if that happens?

The best thing to do is don't let it get to that point. That is the point where the yeast has become resistant to anti-fungals and much harder to get rid of. It is of course much easier to prevent these infections than it is to get rid of them but no one ever worries about that until after the fact.

Some natural anti-fungal products for penis yeast infections you can use are:

Gentian Violet is an older class anti-fungal that was used for years with great success before the invention of the azole drugs, which could be patented. It is natural and non-toxic and works well for yeast infections of the skin. It does have a habit of turning your clothes purple but people have reported that Zout takes out the stain.

Organic Coconut Oil is a medically proven anti-fungal and works by exploding the nucleus and plasma of the inside of the yeast cell, which of course kills it. It makes a great personal lubricant for sex and helps prevent recurrences and yeast infections in your significant other. You should also take a tablespoon or two by mouth everyday to treat the inside as well.

Silver Fuzion® has been found to kill penile yeast very quickly and is completely safe if you use a quality product. If you don't it will turn you and your skin blue.

Probiotics for yeast can be used by emptying the capsule directly onto the penis yeast infection and the active bacteria will go to work killing the yeast. This is the same principle that is involved with many people trying to cure this while using unsweetened and natural yogurt without the mess. Plus you get a much higher dose of more effective strains of good bacteria and it’s easier to take it everyday day by mouth for the inside.

Organic Mediterranean Oregano Oil diluted in olive or coconut oil so it does not burn the skin can be very effective for penile yeast infection. It has been used successfully to treat yeast infections of the scalp in people I personally know. Skin is skin guys so I have no doubt it will work on your penis but just make sure you dilute it.

However, I have worked with guys who applied it directly to late stage penile yeast that had hardened from macrophaging of the skin. They all said it burned like hell but it did eventually clear the infection.

Cinnamon Oil was found to be deadly against oral thrush when applied directly to the infection. It therefor can be used directly on penis yeast infections as well. You might have to dilute like you do with oregano oil.

Some guys swear by white vinegar and others say it does not work. In either case if you apply it straight it is going to burn like hell. So its best to add it to a bath and soak for a while or dilute it before soaking your penis yeast infection.

There is one more thing that I know for a fact will stop the growth of yeast instantly in anyone who uses it, men or women. But the problem is it is found in this ebook, and I don't think it would be right for me to come right out and tell you what it is. The idea is simply brilliant and I am amazed I have not seen it before or even heard of it. I will tell you that it starts with the letters p s, two words.

Because yeast grows best in a warm moist environment it is best to keep your penis as dry as possible. Tea Tree Oil Powder works very well for this and because of the Tea Tree Oil it sometimes clears up the infection on its own. It is also a very good idea to trim the hair as short as possible because hair also attracts moisture and increases the local body heat.

Restrict the sugar in your diet because sugar feeds yeast and the yeast will eat it right out of your blood stream.

The best thing to do is pick 3 or 4 of the above methods to treat your penis yeast infection and use all of them on a rotating basis. You should do this because yeast builds resistance to anti-fungals and they become ineffective with time if you stick with one thing. So if you use 3 or 4 of them you can use one for 4 or 5 days then stop and use the next for 4 or 5 days. This also allows you to find what works best for you and you can use that product for say 10 days, at the most, before switching to something different for 4 days so it does not adapt, then switch back after that 4 days. This method works very quickly to get yeast under control in most cases.

It is highly suggested that treatment be continued for 30 days after all symptoms have subsided to make sure you get it all. It is also advisable to treat your significant other so when the time comes they do not give it to you again.

You can use any of these methods above for penis yeast infection prevention every week or two. Probably the easiest thing to do is use coconut oil as a personal lubricant with your significant other, which of course takes care of the both of you at one time.

If your penis yeast infection does not respond you probably have herpes and what you are looking at is herpes sores, not yeast.

You cannot get rid of herpes but you can easily keep it under control. Herpes is a virus and like any other virus travels from cell to cell by secretion of an enzyme that digests a hole in the cell wall. Once inside the virus wines and dines and alters the genetic code of the cell. It then digests a way out and enters the cell next to the infected cell by the same process.

By taking things that strengthen the cell wall the virus will be able to enter the cell but it is much harder for it to do so. However, a strong cell will not let the virus get out and spread to the next cell. The immune system then has the time to target the bad cell and remove it from the body.

Cell walls are made out of 60% collagen, 35% fats, and 5% is various other common minerals. Collagen is primarily made out of vitamin c, l-lysine, and l-proline. So if you supplement with these things on a daily basis your herpes infection will not be become active. I suggest a pre-made formula called Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids, Querticin, Green Tea, L-lysine and L-Proline. I suggest 24 capsules a day in the beginning then 8 to 12 capsules a day for maintenance.

24-12-2010, 08:40 AM

Another blindly copy & paste from the Internet to this forum.

Best is still to consult a doctor and NOT self diagnose.

thought this might be useful:

When symptoms are present, the most common symptoms of a penile yeast infection are:

•irritation and soreness of the head of the penis
•severe itching on the head of the penis
•a white, clumpy discharge
•redness color on the head of the penis
•small blisters on the head of the penis.

Most of the time a penis yeast infection is found on the skin on the outside of a man's penis and affects uncircumcised men much more often than men that have been circumcised. Penile yeast infections for circumcised men are actually quite rare because the glans is always exposed to the air. This keeps it dry and at a cooler temperature. Yeast needs heat and moisture to survive on the skin.

Sometime the yeast infection can get into the urethra and cause problems. In these cases men get close to the same symptoms as women do when they have a vaginal yeast infection. There can be discharge from the penis and often it itches on the inside and is extremely uncomfortable. There have been cases of the yeast getting into the prostate gland but this is rare.

Men can get a penis yeast infection from sex with a woman that has a vaginal yeast infection. From oral sex from a person with thrush, or from anal sex with an infected individual.

Nonoxynol-9 is a common spermicide found in contraceptive products that has been found to rapidly increase the growth of naturally occurring yeast’s both in the vagina and on the skin.

Diabetes and of course antibiotics can play a role as well but with penile yeast infections this possible cause is not as common as intestinal yeast. However, intestinal yeast overgrowth can be a contributing factor of any skin yeast condition.

Once the yeast has infected the skin the infections can be very hard to get rid of. In time the skin will harden as the skin cells macrophage in defense of the infection. This hardened skin will crack when the male gets an erection and is extremely painful. At this point it can become almost impossible to resolve. It is much easier to get rid of a penis yeast infection in the early stages than the later stages.

Many men just think they have a penis yeast infection when they see little white bumps on the penis known as Fordyce disease. These spots are completely harmless and are actually sebaceous glands that secrete oils for the protection of the skin. Other men have a condition called Hirsuties papillaris genitalis, , also called pearly penile papules, which is also harmless but can be sensitive at times. These are actually sweat glands or sebaceous glands on the penis as well.

Genital warts are also misdiagnosed as yeast and if you use white vinegar for your penis yeast infection it turns them white. More information on white vinegar for treating a penis yeast infection can be found below.

Treating a Penis Yeast Infection

Many guys will make a trip to see their doctors for their penile yeast infection and get some Diflucan in the pill form or cream form. Others will pick up some Monistat 7 that women buy over the counter and use for vaginal yeast infections. These things do work, but they don't seem to work for everyone. Many times the infection gets better for a while and then comes back, just like it does for women.

What do you do if that happens?

The best thing to do is don't let it get to that point. That is the point where the yeast has become resistant to anti-fungals and much harder to get rid of. It is of course much easier to prevent these infections than it is to get rid of them but no one ever worries about that until after the fact.

Some natural anti-fungal products for penis yeast infections you can use are:

Gentian Violet is an older class anti-fungal that was used for years with great success before the invention of the azole drugs, which could be patented. It is natural and non-toxic and works well for yeast infections of the skin. It does have a habit of turning your clothes purple but people have reported that Zout takes out the stain.

Organic Coconut Oil is a medically proven anti-fungal and works by exploding the nucleus and plasma of the inside of the yeast cell, which of course kills it. It makes a great personal lubricant for sex and helps prevent recurrences and yeast infections in your significant other. You should also take a tablespoon or two by mouth everyday to treat the inside as well.

Silver Fuzion® has been found to kill penile yeast very quickly and is completely safe if you use a quality product. If you don't it will turn you and your skin blue.

Probiotics for yeast can be used by emptying the capsule directly onto the penis yeast infection and the active bacteria will go to work killing the yeast. This is the same principle that is involved with many people trying to cure this while using unsweetened and natural yogurt without the mess. Plus you get a much higher dose of more effective strains of good bacteria and it’s easier to take it everyday day by mouth for the inside.

Organic Mediterranean Oregano Oil diluted in olive or coconut oil so it does not burn the skin can be very effective for penile yeast infection. It has been used successfully to treat yeast infections of the scalp in people I personally know. Skin is skin guys so I have no doubt it will work on your penis but just make sure you dilute it.

However, I have worked with guys who applied it directly to late stage penile yeast that had hardened from macrophaging of the skin. They all said it burned like hell but it did eventually clear the infection.

Cinnamon Oil was found to be deadly against oral thrush when applied directly to the infection. It therefor can be used directly on penis yeast infections as well. You might have to dilute like you do with oregano oil.

Some guys swear by white vinegar and others say it does not work. In either case if you apply it straight it is going to burn like hell. So its best to add it to a bath and soak for a while or dilute it before soaking your penis yeast infection.

There is one more thing that I know for a fact will stop the growth of yeast instantly in anyone who uses it, men or women. But the problem is it is found in this ebook, and I don't think it would be right for me to come right out and tell you what it is. The idea is simply brilliant and I am amazed I have not seen it before or even heard of it. I will tell you that it starts with the letters p s, two words.

Because yeast grows best in a warm moist environment it is best to keep your penis as dry as possible. Tea Tree Oil Powder works very well for this and because of the Tea Tree Oil it sometimes clears up the infection on its own. It is also a very good idea to trim the hair as short as possible because hair also attracts moisture and increases the local body heat.

Restrict the sugar in your diet because sugar feeds yeast and the yeast will eat it right out of your blood stream.

The best thing to do is pick 3 or 4 of the above methods to treat your penis yeast infection and use all of them on a rotating basis. You should do this because yeast builds resistance to anti-fungals and they become ineffective with time if you stick with one thing. So if you use 3 or 4 of them you can use one for 4 or 5 days then stop and use the next for 4 or 5 days. This also allows you to find what works best for you and you can use that product for say 10 days, at the most, before switching to something different for 4 days so it does not adapt, then switch back after that 4 days. This method works very quickly to get yeast under control in most cases.

It is highly suggested that treatment be continued for 30 days after all symptoms have subsided to make sure you get it all. It is also advisable to treat your significant other so when the time comes they do not give it to you again.

You can use any of these methods above for penis yeast infection prevention every week or two. Probably the easiest thing to do is use coconut oil as a personal lubricant with your significant other, which of course takes care of the both of you at one time.

If your penis yeast infection does not respond you probably have herpes and what you are looking at is herpes sores, not yeast.

You cannot get rid of herpes but you can easily keep it under control. Herpes is a virus and like any other virus travels from cell to cell by secretion of an enzyme that digests a hole in the cell wall. Once inside the virus wines and dines and alters the genetic code of the cell. It then digests a way out and enters the cell next to the infected cell by the same process.

By taking things that strengthen the cell wall the virus will be able to enter the cell but it is much harder for it to do so. However, a strong cell will not let the virus get out and spread to the next cell. The immune system then has the time to target the bad cell and remove it from the body.

Cell walls are made out of 60% collagen, 35% fats, and 5% is various other common minerals. Collagen is primarily made out of vitamin c, l-lysine, and l-proline. So if you supplement with these things on a daily basis your herpes infection will not be become active. I suggest a pre-made formula called Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids, Querticin, Green Tea, L-lysine and L-Proline. I suggest 24 capsules a day in the beginning then 8 to 12 capsules a day for maintenance.

26-12-2010, 05:21 PM
Dettol works best. Wash thoroughly with mild Dettol regularly. It does the trick..

peace :D

26-12-2010, 06:30 PM
Is this from raw sex where the woman has a yeast infection?

27-12-2010, 09:09 AM
Is this from raw sex where the woman has a yeast infection?

No, it is where Monkey like you having wild sex with a tree trunk!

27-12-2010, 05:24 PM
Likely from you when you took it deep throat raw BBBJ.
You got serious herpes, remember?

Is this from raw sex where the woman has a yeast infection?

27-12-2010, 08:07 PM
No, it is where Monkey like you having wild sex with a tree trunk!

Raw as well

28-12-2010, 01:56 AM
Dettol works best. Wash thoroughly with mild Dettol regularly. It does the trick..

peace :D

Agree with u bro!!!! Have been doing the same thing for the last 2 years........;)

29-10-2011, 04:16 PM
Dettol works best. Wash thoroughly with mild Dettol regularly. It does the trick..

peace :D

yeah it is best..i use it to kill all bacteria / yeast.

31-10-2011, 11:32 AM
foreskin too long and inadequate cleaning also