View Full Version : Uncle's mistress

15-01-2011, 11:47 PM
After a few hours of window shopping at IMM, I was feeling hungry so i went to my favorite hainanese eating place on the ground floor of the shopping centre. Placed my order for a pork chop dinner set. Found a table at the back of the eating house then whipped out my handphone to check my emails while waiting for dinner to be served. Suddenly my attention was diverted to a couple placing their dinner order at the counter.

The guy was a 60+ old short and chubby uncle (towkay type). Well dressed with the typical bling bling rolex on his hand. The real reason why I was suddenly distracted - I was eyeing at the lady accompanying him. What a stunning beauty! A late 20 old chio bu with a hot sexy hourglass figure wearing a low cut white blouse and a black mini skirt. Instant nose bleed effect even when you see her from a distance. Even the male waiters and customers were happy looking at the sexy babe (a welcome change of scenery).

I was guessing whether the couple is related in some way .... Daughter, niece or perhaps his young wife .... Dun think so lah my hunch - she might be the uncle's kept woman as such thing is quite common.

There was a vacant table in front of my table. I was crossing my finger that they would choose that table. Bingo! My prayers answered, haha....
A much better and closer view of the chio bu hehehe.... I focused my slight on her cleavage then shifted to her big c + (.) (.) straining on the fabric of the white blouse .... I was so busy staring at her boobs then I failed to notice that she was looking in the direction of my table. Shit! She noticed that my roving eyes were locked on her twin peaks. I was pleasantly surprised when she just gave me a teasing sweet smile - acknowledging my appreciation of her busty figure.
Better not push my luck. Thk goodness - my pork chop set arrived to save the day.

About 15 mins later as I was about to finish my meal, the uncle suddenly stood up and gave the lady a heavy slap on her face. Whack! Everyone in the eating house was shocked. Leaving her to endure the humiliating stares by strangers, he walked to the counter, paid the bill then walked towards the exit of the shopping centre. What a mxxxxx fxxxxx! Man, i wanted to just go and grab the old fart and beat him to a bloody pulp.

The lady started to sob silently with her head bowed down slightly. Without thinking twice (somewhat out of character), I stood up and walked towards her. I took out a tissue and offered to her. She looked at me with her big teary eyes.

To be continued ....

15-01-2011, 11:58 PM
camping for the continuation... :)

16-01-2011, 12:11 AM
waiting for yur update..camping here.:)

16-01-2011, 12:12 AM
Camping...Real one or not?

16-01-2011, 12:19 AM
Myself: Why did he slap you? Are you ok?
Chiobu: I told him not to be stupid. Hainan Chicken Rice originated from Hainan and not Singapore. You stupid Singaporeans always like to claim the credit for other people's creations. China Chinese are the best and then he slapped me.
Myself: Don't be stupid. The chickens Singapore import from China are meant for sex, not for food. Singapore is such a small place, where got room to rear chickens. This chicken you are eating is from Johor.

I then slapped her again and walk away.

16-01-2011, 12:22 AM
wow.. camping ... get out my camp fire and mash mallow...bbq

16-01-2011, 12:26 AM
Camping here

16-01-2011, 12:36 AM
*sets up camp* :)

16-01-2011, 12:44 AM
hey TS, nice start, anymore??????:D

Rasta Marley
16-01-2011, 12:44 AM
He he he...good one Bro Xgenre :D

TS....please continue :cool:

Myself: Why did he slap you? Are you ok?
Chiobu: I told him not to be stupid. Hainan Chicken Rice originated from Hainan and not Singapore. You stupid Singaporeans always like to claim the credit for other people's creations. China Chinese are the best and then he slapped me.
Myself: Don't be stupid. The chickens Singapore import from China are meant for sex, not for food. Singapore is such a small place, where got room to rear chickens. This chicken you are eating is from Johor.

I then slapped her again and walk away.

16-01-2011, 12:50 AM
Brother, chicken rice is way too greasy. You eat that stuff? I stick to Western style chicken wraps.

Ask not what SG society can do for you but what you can do for SG society.

16-01-2011, 01:02 AM
Myself: Why did he slap you? Are you ok?
Chiobu: I told him not to be stupid. Hainan Chicken Rice originated from Hainan and not Singapore. You stupid Singaporeans always like to claim the credit for other people's creations. China Chinese are the best and then he slapped me.
Myself: Don't be stupid. The chickens Singapore import from China are meant for sex, not for food. Singapore is such a small place, where got room to rear chickens. This chicken you are eating is from Johor...I then slapped her again and walk away.

Then DirtyHairy, who was doing his roti delivery, went up to her...
DH: "hey, why did that Bro Xgenre slap you?
Mei Ni: "I told him his father was baoyang me and had given his December pay to me"
DH:"Then why did that old man slap you?"
Mei Ni: "After I told him I was going back to China with DirtyHairy"
DH: " I then slap here, and I walk away!:D

16-01-2011, 01:05 AM
Ooops...late lah...lao hua..so typed wrongly lah...the last line should be
DH: I then slap her and I walk away!:D

16-01-2011, 01:36 AM
Pls continue TS

16-01-2011, 01:47 AM
Myself: Why did he slap you? Are you ok?
Chiobu: I told him not to be stupid. Hainan Chicken Rice originated from Hainan and not Singapore. You stupid Singaporeans always like to claim the credit for other people's creations. China Chinese are the best and then he slapped me.
Myself: Don't be stupid. The chickens Singapore import from China are meant for sex, not for food. Singapore is such a small place, where got room to rear chickens. This chicken you are eating is from Johor.

I then slapped her again and walk away.

Bro xgenre, good add on hahaha :p .... I am so tempted to change the tread title to "the origin of chicken rice - the facts that you do not know"

16-01-2011, 03:27 AM
jz continue la ..... :cool:

16-01-2011, 03:31 AM
She shyly took the tissue to wipe her tears. As she is quite fair, there was a slight reddish imprint on her left cheek. From my vantage point, I had a clear view of her protruding snowy globes (hardly covered by the green bra she was wearing). Wow ... So big hahaha

Good sense prevailed ... This poor thing kana slapped hard just now, I better stop being so tiko by staring at her boobs.

Me: are u alright?
Girl: I am ok. So embarrassing lah.

She sighed faintly then gave me a weak smile.

Me: I think u better go home to rest.
Girl: he might have gone back to the house.
Me: oh you mean your father ... Err ..... just now ... Err ...
Girl: he is not my father. So paiseh, everyone is staring at us. Just want to leave this place now.

First time opportunity to act hero, I mustered my courage:
Me (macho voice): do you have any place you want to go ... just to relax. I can drive you there. Don't worry.
By the way, what is your name?

She gave me a surprised look .... Then nodded her head ...
Girl: michelle

Me (macho voice again): michelle, come, let's go.

16-01-2011, 04:09 AM
While we were walking to the carpark, I was on the lookout for the old guy who slapped michelle. Dun know whether he is a triad Lao da ... Later get into trouble for nothing haha.

I opened the passenger door for Michelle. Her firm butts wriggled in the tight black mini skirt as she got into the car. So tempting to just grab and slap both butt cheeks haha.

Me: michelle, so you have any place in mind to go?
Michelle: no idea, I am so lost now... No place to stay. I don't want my relatives or friends to know what happened....
Me: if u dun mind me asking, the old guy is your?
Michelle (embarrassed tone): he pays for everything. The place I am staying belongs to him.
Me: oic.... Never mind lah ... I bring you to somewhere to rest ... Dun think so much
Michelle: ok ... Tks..... Err
Me: Peter

At that point that time, I wanted to do everything to protect this girl from harm. Strangely, at same time, I was so attracted to her (not just her physical attributes).

16-01-2011, 07:27 AM
Nice start to a lazy Sunday, camping here for TS's story

16-01-2011, 08:07 AM
seems like the gal is saying : I need a hero 2nite !!!

16-01-2011, 03:04 PM
Woo....bro Lionrod32 saves the day & wins the maiden (i hope)... :)

*camping for more*

16-01-2011, 03:20 PM
I made up my mind to drive to my rental apartment (my agent still could not find a suitable tenant as yet). Michelle could stay there for the time being.
While driving to the apartment, I could detect her nervousness in a car with a complete stranger.

Me: we are going to my sister's apartment. She is working overseas at the moment. You can stay in the apartment until you find another place to stay.
(a white lie. Dun want to scare her).
Michelle: We hardly know each other. Peter, are you sure it is ok? Dun want to bother you so much.
Me: Aiyoh. Just give me a chance to save a damsel in distress.

She gave me a tender look in appreciation of my offer to help. Wah lao, melt my heart already. I occasionally looked at her to check her out. Long ash brown dyed hair and she has very nice facial features - puppy big eyes, a sharp nose and sultry lips. Did not put on much make up - already chio looking.

After becoming more comfortable in my presence, Michelle opened up and shared with me her personnel affairs. She worked a few years as a air stewardess. Due to her mum's mounting medical fees which she could not afford, she was forced to find a way to raise funds. The old uncle came in the picture: offering to cover her living expenses and pay the medical bills. She had no choice but to quit her stewardess job and be a kept woman. She stopped the conversation abruptly and just closed her eyes to rest during the remaining part of the car ride.

We reached the condo. I gently tapped on her shoulder to wake her up.
Catching me by surprise, Michelle suddenly leaned forward to hug me tightly. Her C+ firm neh neh pressed against my chest. My didi suddenly kena electrocuted and shot up to sing the national anthem. With our warm gazes interlocked, I gently stroked her left cheek. In return, she gave me a peck on my cheek.

Michelle: Peter, thank you. You are a really nice guy. How I wish I can find someone like you to care for me and protect me (her eyes tearing up).

In my mind, I was thinking: better than striking toto, today is going to be my lucky day!

16-01-2011, 03:26 PM
Camping here for more :D

16-01-2011, 03:36 PM
Camping here for more :D

Please update fast.. Thanks!

16-01-2011, 03:41 PM
Hope the bros are enjoying the story so far - do give some points if u like the story.


16-01-2011, 03:55 PM
The old uncle paid 4 her living expenses & her mum's medical bills, while another young man get 2 bonk his mistress ..... :cool:
nice ..... stori .....

16-01-2011, 05:24 PM
Finally, we reached my rental apartment. It was around 9pm.

Me: Michelle, just treat the place like your own home. Dun feel paiseh. Do u want to have a shower first. I will get a new towel for you.

She proceeded to the master bedroom bathroom to take a shower. I went to get the towel when I realized that my white lie about the apartment being my sister's place would come back to haunt me. "shit! No female clothing in this apartment. I dun think I want to approach my neighbors for female clothing and get a weird stare from them". Later they think I am a cross dresser or I am into some kinky sex romp hahaha. No choice. Just grab a tee shirt first. we just play by ear".

Michelle: peter, can you pass me have the towel?
( i saw the bathroom door slightly opened and her outstretched hand)

I passed her the towel so that she could wipe herself dry. Then I went to the kitchen to make some light snacks and opened a bottle of whiskey. After setting up a cosy ambience in the living room so that we could just tcss comfortably later, I went into another bathroom to shower.

After my shower, dressed in my pj, I walked to the living room.
Holy cow! Michelle was standing at the balcony with only a towel wrapped around her sexy 1.7m hourglass body. She was holding a glass of whiskey (starting to drown her sorrows) - her gaze skybound like she was communicating to the stars to seek for redemption and freedom. I was so sexually aroused by the sight of her posture showing a vulnerable state of mind.

I downed a glass of whiskey quickly in a gulp. "Enough of this BS! Screw the fact that i have no female clothings to pass to her and that I lied about the apartment belonging to my sister. I just want to make passionate love with her now". With her back facing me, I moved silently towards her like a snake approaching it's prey. I hugged her from behind (interlocking my hands just above her heaving bosom and my head resting on her lean shoulder. She quickly recovered from the initial shock and responded by stroking my hand lovingly.

Me (seductive soft tone): Michelle ...

She turned around and placed one finger on my lip.

I swooped Michelle off her feet and carried her to the master bedroom.

To be continued .......

16-01-2011, 05:27 PM
continue bro...nice story...

16-01-2011, 05:45 PM
Slow and steamy story..keep cumming Peter..:D

16-01-2011, 06:17 PM
waiting patiently for michelle to reach the master bedroom;)

James PCT
16-01-2011, 07:14 PM
carry on man i support you

16-01-2011, 07:40 PM
Nice and hot story:) CAmping here

16-01-2011, 10:40 PM
more!!! more!!! more!!! :D

16-01-2011, 11:17 PM
We frenched liked a pair of long lost gf/bf on route to the master bed room. we collapsed on the king size bed. I was on top of her. Our bodies pressed together in a tight embrace as we continued the passionate frenching. Our lips locked together with tongues lashing at each other. She was scratching my back with her fingernails. I could feel her heavy breathing, her boobs and nipples (still constrainted by the towel) rubbing my chest. I stroked and tickled her long slim legs Damn I just want to see her naked .....

Let's not waste anymore time. I removed the damn towel hiding her sexy body (her body now exposed in it's full glory). Hell man, she was not even wearing her pantie. Michelle looked at me with the cfm facial expression. Her eyes were sending out the message of "come and fxxx me .... Lover boy"

Now I could enjoy the visual sight of her impressive 36C+ boobs with pink nipples, her neatly trimmed love hole and firm arse. Hardly any ounce of fat at the tummy, thighs and ass area. With my share of many sex partners, i have to admit that Michelle ranked on top in terms of babe blessed with good looks with a sizzling model body. Man, what a find! My limp didi after the shower already waken from slumber now half erected (arousal from the visual treat).

Being a boob fanatic, my first target - her big melons. I grabbed and fondled her boobs - like a baker kneading the dough. At the same time, I licked her pink nipples (switching from one nipple to another). Then I focused on sucking on her pointed nipples. She moaned like a horny school girl which encouraged me to intensify the suction on her nipples. She responded by stroking my didi - mixing the pumping speed - Slow then fast, slow then fast. After 10 mins of playing with her natural twin peaks of pleasure, I knew that she must be wet down south. Not yet for full blown bonking, I need her sultry lips on my now fully erected didi ....

Me: Michelle ... Suck me ... Suck my cock ...

I sat at the edge of the bed with my man of steel standing at full attention. Michelle positioned herself in a kneeling position on the floor with her face now in line with my manhood.

Michelle (in a shocked tone): .....wow ..... so big!......
Based on her astonishment (which i found so cute) regarding the length and width of my cock, I guessed that she has been deprived of any REAL sex for many years (should be the case - remember about the old chubby uncle!). She started by teasing me by licking my cock head and my balls. Cannot tahan lah - I need the wet and wild treatment now.

To be continued .....

17-01-2011, 01:41 AM
Brother, chicken rice is way too greasy. You eat that stuff? I stick to Western style chicken wraps.

Ask not what SG society can do for you but what you can do for SG society.

You can go wrap your fucken lanjiao with the soiled sanitary pad of your supposed high class overweight maid and shaft it up your loose asshole then eat it while it's dripping wet with your own home-made brown sauce

17-01-2011, 02:23 AM
Myself: Why did he slap you? Are you ok?
Chiobu: I told him not to be stupid. Hainan Chicken Rice originated from Hainan and not Singapore. You stupid Singaporeans always like to claim the credit for other people's creations. China Chinese are the best and then he slapped me.
Myself: Don't be stupid. The chickens Singapore import from China are meant for sex, not for food. Singapore is such a small place, where got room to rear chickens. This chicken you are eating is from Johor.

I then slapped her again and walk away.

Bro, not funny. Very lame! Bro TS, nice story

17-01-2011, 06:16 AM
bro Lionrod32 , please continue ..... :)

big wood
17-01-2011, 11:30 AM
wow some guys has all the luck :D

17-01-2011, 01:32 PM
The chiobu, also don't know where Hainan Chicken Rice from. Hainan Chicken Rice, doesn't origin from Hainan. Fyi, Hainan Chicken Rice is created by Hainanese in Singapore.

17-01-2011, 02:07 PM
I then slapped her again and walk away.

Bro, you make me laugh so loud that my staffs thought I mad again... :D

17-01-2011, 04:35 PM
can't wait bro more and more, very hot.
btw your sister condo have keep condom???:D

17-01-2011, 10:04 PM
We frenched liked a pair of long lost gf/bf on route to the master bed room. we collapsed on the king size bed. I was on top of her. Our bodies pressed together in a tight embrace as we continued the passionate frenching. Our lips locked together with tongues lashing at each other. She was scratching my back with her fingernails. I could feel her heavy breathing, her boobs and nipples (still constrainted by the towel) rubbing my chest. I stroked and tickled her long slim legs Damn I just want to see her naked .....

Let's not waste anymore time. I removed the damn towel hiding her sexy body (her body now exposed in it's full glory). Hell man, she was not even wearing her pantie. Michelle looked at me with the cfm facial expression. Her eyes were sending out the message of "come and fxxx me .... Lover boy"

Now I could enjoy the visual sight of her impressive 36C+ boobs with pink nipples, her neatly trimmed love hole and firm arse. Hardly any ounce of fat at the tummy, thighs and ass area. With my share of many sex partners, i have to admit that Michelle ranked on top in terms of babe blessed with good looks with a sizzling model body. Man, what a find! My limp didi after the shower already waken from slumber now half erected (arousal from the visual treat).

Being a boob fanatic, my first target - her big melons. I grabbed and fondled her boobs - like a baker kneading the dough. At the same time, I licked her pink nipples (switching from one nipple to another). Then I focused on sucking on her pointed nipples. She moaned like a horny school girl which encouraged me to intensify the suction on her nipples. She responded by stroking my didi - mixing the pumping speed - Slow then fast, slow then fast. After 10 mins of playing with her natural twin peaks of pleasure, I knew that she must be wet down south. Not yet for full blown bonking, I need her sultry lips on my now fully erected didi ....

Me: Michelle ... Suck me ... Suck my cock ...

I sat at the edge of the bed with my man of steel standing at full attention. Michelle positioned herself in a kneeling position on the floor with her face now in line with my manhood.

Michelle (in a shocked tone): .....wow ..... so big!......
Based on her astonishment (which i found so cute) regarding the length and width of my cock, I guessed that she has been deprived of any REAL sex for many years (should be the case - remember about the old chubby uncle!). She started by teasing me by licking my cock head and my balls. Cannot tahan lah - I need the wet and wild treatment now.

To be continued .....

Excuse me arh sorry hor... please remember to practise safe sex hor....


17-01-2011, 10:51 PM
I downed a glass of whiskey quickly in a gulp. "Enough of this BS! Screw the fact that i have no female clothings to pass to her and that I lied about the apartment belonging to my sister. I just want to make passionate love with her now". With her back facing me, I moved silently towards her like a snake approaching it's prey. I hugged her from behind (interlocking my hands just above her heaving bosom and my head resting on her lean shoulder. She quickly recovered from the initial shock and responded by stroking my hand lovingly.

Thats kind of taking advantage of the situation. If I were her, I would consider that you showed a nice face only to screw me.

Whatever, its a nice story, good narration. Please continue :P

17-01-2011, 11:13 PM
Nice story.....continue please :D

18-01-2011, 12:03 AM
Looking forward to the continuation :D

19-01-2011, 12:57 AM
Enough of the cock teasing licking! After lubricating my cock with her saliva, she widened her mouth to adjust to the wide cock head. I placed both my hands on the back of her head to control how much cock meat she would suck. Her head bobbed in tandem with my thrusting motion. We had a common goal for her to engulf my entire manhood. Her furious tongue lashing on my shaft heightened my sexual satisfaction (my head tilted upwards with my mouth opened to regulate my breathing). Michelle was gagging as she took in the last 2 inches with her lips sealed tightly around my totem stick (clap clap clap .... We achieved the ultimate deep throat performance).

Me (moaning): oh ya ... Oh ya ... Oh ya .... Shit ..... Your mouth is so fxxxing tight
Do you love my big dick? do u like sucking this giant lollipop ....
Michelle (nodding her hand with my dick still in her mouth): mm ....mmm... ....mmm ... ...mmmm .... Mmmm .....mmmm

Michelle increased intensity of her oral attack. Cannot tahan any longer!
Silly girl.... Trying to make me cum into her vacuuming cleaning mouth. Fat chance my dear, I am saving my ammo for the main course hahaha.

I pulled out my didi for a well deserved break. Her face flushed due to the vigorous oral exercise. I kissed her on her forehead in appreciation for a job well done.

To be continued ....

19-01-2011, 11:40 AM
Camp Camp Campingggggggg :D

19-01-2011, 12:46 PM
Waiting here for more updates :)

19-01-2011, 01:23 PM
Nice update.

19-01-2011, 01:31 PM
bros, as we are reaching to the climax of this story, i am think of stories in the pipeline
(For u to choose which topic appeals to u the most).

1) super bitchy colleague (my run-in with the ice queen of the company)
2) hot mother daughter neighours combination
3) kawaii syt staff (all my instructions obeyed)

bros, your feedback please

19-01-2011, 04:21 PM
My vote would be for #1 - Super Bitchy Colleague.



19-01-2011, 04:32 PM
Enough of the cock teasing licking! After lubricating my cock with her saliva, she widened her mouth to adjust to the wide cock head. I placed both my hands on the back of her head to control how much cock meat she would suck. Her head bobbed in tandem with my thrusting motion. We had a common goal for her to engulf my entire manhood. Her furious tongue lashing on my shaft heightened my sexual satisfaction (my head tilted upwards with my mouth opened to regulate my breathing). Michelle was gagging as she took in the last 2 inches with her lips sealed tightly around my totem stick (clap clap clap .... We achieved the ultimate deep throat performance).

Me (moaning): oh ya ... Oh ya ... Oh ya .... Shit ..... Your mouth is so fxxxing tight
Do you love my big dick? do u like sucking this giant lollipop ....
Michelle (nodding her hand with my dick still in her mouth): mm ....mmm... ....mmm ... ...mmmm .... Mmmm .....mmmm

Michelle increased intensity of her oral attack. Cannot tahan any longer!
Silly girl.... Trying to make me cum into her vacuuming cleaning mouth. Fat chance my dear, I am saving my ammo for the main course hahaha.

I pulled out my didi for a well deserved break. Her face flushed due to the vigorous oral exercise. I kissed her on her forehead in appreciation for a job well done.

To be continued ....

You let her place saliva on your dick and also did not use a condom?

Ask not what SG society can do for you but what you can do for SG society.

19-01-2011, 06:31 PM
nice nice story, camping for mOre

Rasta Marley
19-01-2011, 07:12 PM
Hey, I choose number 2..hot mom and daughter combination....just luv threesomes :p
stories in the pipeline
(For u to choose which topic appeals to u the most).

1) super bitchy colleague (my run-in with the ice queen of the company)
2) hot mother daughter neighours combination
3) kawaii syt staff (all my instructions obeyed)

19-01-2011, 09:21 PM
bros, as we are reaching to the climax of this story, i am think of stories in the pipeline
(For u to choose which topic appeals to u the most).

1) super bitchy colleague (my run-in with the ice queen of the company)
2) hot mother daughter neighours combination
3) kawaii syt staff (all my instructions obeyed)

bros, your feedback please

number 1 pls? :p

btw, nice story you got here. help me to recall my most recent encounter. :o

19-01-2011, 10:00 PM
bros, as we are reaching to the climax of this story, i am think of stories in the pipeline
(For u to choose which topic appeals to u the most).

1) super bitchy colleague (my run-in with the ice queen of the company)
2) hot mother daughter neighours combination
3) kawaii syt staff (all my instructions obeyed)

bros, your feedback please

Missed out one more topic:
1) super bitchy colleague (my run-in with the ice queen of the company)
2) hot mother daughter neighours combination
3) kawaii syt staff (all my instructions obeyed)
4) property agent not being able to rent my apartment but good in other services

19-01-2011, 10:02 PM
nice story! will not vote but will go with the majority. :)

20-01-2011, 12:36 AM
number 1 pls? :p

btw, nice story you got here. help me to recall my most recent encounter. :o

Most be a damn shiok encounter ..... Hope it was as memorable for you .... It was definitely memorable for me hehehe :rolleyes:

20-01-2011, 01:50 AM
I tickled her left ear lobe then proceeded to stick my tongue in her ear. Michelle giggled as she enjoyed the wet prickling sensation.
I whispered softly in her ear "baby, I am going to make you so wet ....

With her legs slighted parted, I started to freely roam around her love triangle with my fingers. Man, she was already wet. Inserting two fingers into her pussy, I could feel her vaginal walls gripping my fingers like a clamp. At the same time, I inserted one finger into her tight arse hole. The virgin intrusion into her arse caused her to part her legs further - making it more accessible for me to thrust my fingers deeper into her private lobangs. She was getting so wet that her love juice started leaking - staining the bed sheet.

Michelle (moaning): ah .... Ah ... Ya ... Ya .... Dun stop .... Dun stop ... Deeper ... ... Faster ... Peter ... Ahhhhhhh .... I want you now ... Baby .... Fxxk me ... Fxxk me now ....

She grabbed my throbbing pole to guide it to the entrance of her well lubricated pussy. In a missionary position, i placed my hands on her legs to widen the penetration zone, I started thrusting forward eagerly (as if this is my first virgin mission). She responded by rocking her back and using her pelvis muscle to match my pounding tempo. I thrusted my entire cock shaft merciless into her tight pussy. Her eyes rolled back as if she was in a sexual nirvana.

Michelle (letting out a sharp scream): yesssssssssssss !!!!! ........ Fxxk me harder ....

Encouraged by her outburst of sexual desire, I increased the pounding tempo like an overworked locomotive engine. With her hands grabbing my arse cheeks to pull me in so that I could go deeper into her. We were sweating profusely as our bodies fused together in a love making marathon.

To be continued

20-01-2011, 09:26 AM
Bro Lionrod32... no CD?? u not scare?? :confused:
She grabbed my throbbing pole to guide it to the entrance of her well lubricated pussy. In a missionary position, i placed my hands on her legs to widen the penetration zone, I started thrusting forward eagerly (as if this is my first virgin mission). She responded by rocking her back and using her pelvis muscle to match my pounding tempo. I thrusted my entire cock shaft merciless into her tight pussy. Her eyes rolled back as if she was in a sexual nirvana.

20-01-2011, 01:14 PM
Bro Lionrod32... no CD?? u not scare?? :confused:

bro, good point. at the spur of the moment, small head overridden big head .. haha

bros, remember to play safe and caps on

20-01-2011, 02:06 PM
bro, good point. at the spur of the moment, small head overridden big head .. haha

bros, remember to play safe and caps on

hey Bro lionrod32...loves your story...recalling all my Ex encounters...all those lovely and wet memories...please continue..up you my humble point

20-01-2011, 03:30 PM
Wah Lau eh... can die. sibei funny!

Myself: Why did he slap you? Are you ok?
Chiobu: I told him not to be stupid. Hainan Chicken Rice originated from Hainan and not Singapore. You stupid Singaporeans always like to claim the credit for other people's creations. China Chinese are the best and then he slapped me.
Myself: Don't be stupid. The chickens Singapore import from China are meant for sex, not for food. Singapore is such a small place, where got room to rear chickens. This chicken you are eating is from Johor.

I then slapped her again and walk away.

20-01-2011, 11:01 PM
i was at harbourfront around lunchtime yesterday..and saw this gorgeous lady..in those mini stretchable skirt..and low cut top...walking and holding hands alongside this one older man...i was taking a glance at her boobs...and looking at her smooth legs...when i realised that she was looking at me and smiling....oops..hahaha...i din smile back..i pretended to b looking somewhere else and talked to my colleagues...i shy ah.. :P

she was about 20 plus...maybe early 30s..the man..was abt 50 plus near 60..damn!!

21-01-2011, 01:30 AM
I slowly pulled out my rod from her hole just to see how she would react. Michelle wriggled her arse in a circular motion - sending me a message to enter her again.
She embraced me tightly and whispered to me:

Michelle: I want you so badly .... I want you deep in me ...

I turned her body over then mounted her in the doggie position. She rocked her back to maximize my cock penetration. piak piak piak piak the sound of our bodies colliding filled the room.

Suddenly her handphone rang .... Who in their right mind would pick up a call at such time. Strangely, the ring tone motivated me to increase the force of my penetrating motion while slapping her are cheek with my open palm.

Michelle: Faster faster Ah .. Ah. ....... Cream in me, baby
Me: shit ... Here it comes ....

I shot my full load - emptying the milky fluid into her. We collapsed on the bed in exhaustion. Michelle gave me a playful grin as I withdrawn my love stick. An absolutely great fxxking session!

She went into the bathroom to clean up. I was curious who called Michelle. Being a kaypoh, I took her handphone to check out the missed call. There was a sms sent to her during our make out session. I proceeded to read the content. It was a message from her sugar daddy - ordering her to come back or else she will be kicked out without one cent from him.
A smirk appeared on my face: screw you, you silly old fart, Michelle will be staying here with her horny hero.

The end.

21-01-2011, 01:38 AM
Bros, tks for the support so far. Hope you enjoyed the story. :D

Below are stories in the pipeline: so which one will be your favorite topic hahaha... Feel free to feedback.

1) super bitchy colleague (my run-in with the ice queen of the company)
2) hot mother daughter neighours combination
3) kawaii syt staff (all my instructions obeyed)
4) property agent not being able to rent my apartment but good in other services

21-01-2011, 03:20 AM
But what happened to Michelle after that...? :confused:

21-01-2011, 03:28 AM
more ..... please .....

21-01-2011, 06:22 AM
But what happened to Michelle after that...? :confused:

This the end of part one of the story ...... Part two coming soon

21-01-2011, 08:53 AM
Some mistresses can be damn hiong.


22-01-2011, 01:14 PM
Part 2:
I woke up and realized that Michelle was not in the master bedroom. As I walked to the living room, I saw Michelle setting up the table for breakfast. She whipped up a hearty breakfast of bacon, eggs and Toast. "What a sweet girl!" she saw me approaching the dining area.

Michelle (with a grin on her face): had a good sleep, my dear?
Me: of course, last night used alot of energy .... ...... Haha

I hugged her tightly and we frenched passionately. She was just wearing a tee shirt - so sexy looking. We sat down and had breakfast.

After breakfast, I drove to the nearby shopping center to buy an assortment of lady clothes then returned back to my apartment.

Michelle: you really have a poor fashion taste. i must train you ....
Me: yeah, poor taste in everything ... But when it comes to choosing a lover, I got very good taste one ok ....

We laughed heartily. "tks goodness, Michelle is a very unpretentious and witty girl"
Some girls can go bonkers after the first fxxk. This was definitely not a typical one nite stand.

We went out for lunch at a nearby bistro. At a secluded corner of the bistro, we gazed at each other lovingly.
Me: do you feel comfortable if I asked you why the dude slapped you yesterday?
Michelle: it is ok. ... Actually I wanted out ,,, out of the relationship ... Just feel so ashamed and unhappy
I told him that I want to end it ... I will try my best to pay back the money to him.
Me: don't worry. I will support you.
Michelle: Peter, don't get me wrong. I do not want your money..... Last night I really felt a connection with you as a lover. You are someone special to me.

"How can any hot blooded make not get turned on by a girl confessing her love"

To be continued ...

Bros, remember to pick menext story. Tks

23-01-2011, 10:34 AM
Good story, please continue bro..

23-01-2011, 10:41 AM
whoa ..... only meet her 4 the 1st time the day b4 .....
tat same nite so fast she fell in luv, & the next day she confesses tat she had a lover connection .....

23-01-2011, 12:10 PM
whoa ..... only meet her 4 the 1st time the day b4 .....
tat same nite so fast she fell in luv, & the next day she confesses tat she had a lover connection .....

Bro joew2055, I am a fast worker in the love dept ... Jus joking lah ... Sometimes you juz have that feeling when u are around someone

23-01-2011, 12:58 PM
Bro joew2055, I am a fast worker in the love dept ... Jus joking lah ... Sometimes you juz have that feeling when u are around someone

ya ..... u r indeed a fast worker in alot of depts .....
anyway,nice STORI.

24-01-2011, 01:54 PM
Waiting here eagerly for more updates :)

24-01-2011, 02:32 PM
good story..

25-01-2011, 01:08 AM
Bros .... Been busy at work dealing with a major client and just came back from a session to let off some steam ....
Will continue ASAP

25-01-2011, 06:38 AM
please don't keep every1 waiting here ..... 4 yr next part !!

25-01-2011, 10:15 AM
Bro...love you story...brings back beautiful memories...hmmmmmm

25-01-2011, 08:09 PM
Honestly speaking......I smell fish in this whole story. :p

These gals are super good fishermen and they're very adapt in creating an atmosphere where men get trapped without even realising they've entered the nets. :p

Just be cautious with your money and stay alert to any slightest tell tale sign.

25-01-2011, 08:48 PM
Honestly speaking......I smell fish in this whole story. :p

These gals are super good fishermen and they're very adapt in creating an atmosphere where men get trapped without even realising they've entered the nets. :p

Just be cautious with your money and stay alert to any slightest tell tale sign.

My sentiments exactly... I kena this before and I was hurt big time. As a matter of fact, I'm still nursing my wounds. Like the saying goes, if it's too good to be true, it probably is...

TS, please be alert and PM us if you need any advice....

26-01-2011, 01:34 AM
After lunch at the bistro, we jalan jalan at the shopping mall near the apartment.
Michelle managed to get a bunch of clothes that suited her taste (remember that I bought an assortment of clothes that she found to be of poor taste, hehehe).

She spotted a red evening wear dress as we walked into another boutique. I waited outside the fitting room with eager anticipation of how "hot" she would look in the dress.

My jaws dropped as Michelle walked out of the fitting room. The dress fitted her like a glove - showing off her curvy body for all to see. Her magnificent snowy C+ globes were clearly spilling out from the plunging v low cut at the top of the dress. Her tight butt jiggling as she paraded in front of me. I stood there gawking at her from every angle - my eyes visually raping her. At the same time a couple walked into the boutique. Upon seeing sexy looking Michelle stepping out of the fitting room, the lady quickly turned around and dragged her man out of the boutique. Could not blame the lady for doing so, hahaha.

Me: You look fantastic wearing this dress.
Michelle: I like it too. But it is quite pricey. Forget about it.
Me (with a cheeky grin on my face): Get it for you lah. But you must promise me to wear it everyday for my viewing pleasure,

She gave me a hug and whispered in my ear:"you naughty, naughty boy. Love you so much. Will reward you with the best home cooked dinner tonite". Then she planted a gentle peck on my cheek.

We returned back to the apartment. Wearing a white low cut tee shirt and red mirco shorts, Michelle proceeded to prepare dinner in the kitchen. I was setting the table but stole a few quick glances of my beloved Michelle. "Her silky long legs and those tits .... Hold on a minute, oh my god .... She is not wearing a bra - her nipples protruded visibly against the soft fabric of the tee shirt. Dinner is going to be very interesting tonight."

As she chopped up the ingredients, my eyes locked onto her bouncy boobs and her quivering covered butt. Shit, I was trying my best to restraint myself as I was so tempted to just fxxk her in a standing position doggie style. My bird started to chirp chirp ..... Getting very horny yet again.... Hehe

To be continued ....

26-01-2011, 02:32 AM
ya ... jz do it !!

27-01-2011, 09:51 AM
lucky man, envy you bro:D

27-01-2011, 05:35 PM
camping here =)

30-01-2011, 02:22 PM
bro, no updates on this story?
too engross with the other one rght? :p

30-01-2011, 02:31 PM
bro, no updates on this story?
too engross with the other one rght? :p

You are right. Next time I should finish a story before starting another. Need better time management hahaha. Anyway, I will post something as soon as possible.

Happy cny and of course happy hunting

30-01-2011, 03:06 PM
pls share more TS...

30-01-2011, 05:50 PM
You are right. Next time I should finish a story before starting another. Need better time management hahaha. Anyway, I will post something as soon as possible.

Happy cny and of course happy hunting

just knew it.
waiting for both side for updates.
but seriously, i prefer the other story. :p:D

30-01-2011, 06:10 PM
just knew it.
waiting for both side for updates.
but seriously, i prefer the other story. :p:D

Dealing with a bitchy colleague will always be a more interesting topic (my personal favorite which brings back so many fond memories) hahaha.... Deeply appreciate your support so far ...

03-02-2011, 06:11 AM
nice.:Dpls continue

04-02-2011, 03:48 AM
camping :D

04-02-2011, 07:09 AM
nice story.. bookmarked. keep it going!

05-02-2011, 05:15 PM

Michelle moved on to the desert preparation and placed the strawberries on the chopping block. She took a small bite of one strawberry. "Mmmmmm so sweet" she said in a seductive tone and licked her lips. She turned her head and glanced at me with the "i cannot wait any longer and i want you to come here and fxxk me " look on her face. Then she completed her seductive routine by licking the half eaten strawberry with her tongue (I could visualize her replacing that particular strawberry with my already excited bird and licking it to full erection glory).

She proceeded to slice the strawberries (her back facing me). She was so engrossed with the fruit slicing that she did not notice that I sneaked behind her like a ninja moving in for the silent kill. Again, she was surprised by my surprise ninja attack as I suddenly inserted my hands into her white tee shirt's low cut opening and started to fondle her twin peaks (I have the silly habit of sneaking behind hot babes to grope their neh neh hehe). Wow wow wow .... So shiok ... Her tits so soft like two pillows... She has the perfect set of assets for a super groping session. Michelle placed the knife on the kitchen hardtop then locked both her hands on my hands within her white shirt to knead her braless tits in a fast circular motion. At the same time, I was rubbing my hardened cock against her red micro shorts. She could feel her covered butt checks being molested by my raging viper hehe. She jerked her arse backwards to maximize contact between her firm arse and my steel cock.

Michelle (in a moaning tone): you naughty naughty boy ..... cannot wait after dinner is it? So funny that You want to pay compliments to the chef before the dinner serving (with a cheeky grin her face).

Me (in a flirty tone): how to tahan when the chef is so damn sexy and licking the strawberry like a lollipop! I am so steamed until I really want you to blow me right here right now ....

Michelle pulled my hands out of her short then turned her body around. Her eyes were locked on the visible massive lump in my pant as she used both her hands to stroked my manhood. Up and down, up and down .... My face redden in sexual pleasure ....

Me (in a groaning tone): Baby, dun tease me anymore ..... Suck me ..... Suck my big cock....

Without any more delay, I unzipped my pants then pulled down both pants and underwear. My big steel cock sprang from it's cotton prison now waiting in attention for some oral relief. Michelle took off her white tee shirt to reveal her two mouth-watering C+ melons and big pointed nipples. She knelt on the cold kitchen floor - ready to provide some tender loving care to my neglected didi.

To be continued......

12-02-2011, 06:19 PM
Michelle stuck out her tongue to lick my balls then moved her licking to my big hard shaft. She covered every inch of my big hard cock. I eyeballed her hanging tits as she licked my didi. Could not just leave those boobs just hanging there. I started to caress her frontal assets. With my hands all over her creamy twin peaks and my thumbs rubbing her big nipples, a "i know you are obsessed with my tits" grin appeared on Michelle's face. She stopped the cock licking then opened her mouth to take in my cock into her oral hole. With her hands gripping my arse checks to pull me forward to her face, she was trying her best to take in as much of my meaty bird (with two inches left exposed). I stroked her hair as her head bobbed violently to and fro with my cock in her mouth. "Cannot tahan anymore. I just want my baby to suck my entire cock."

Me (in a groaning tone): Michelle, I want you to go deep ... Really deep with my fxxking entire cock in your hot tight mouth. I know you can do it!

Suddenly, Michelle grabbed the can of whipped cream from the kitchen hard top. She released my cock from the oral prison then sprayed whip cream on my cock.
"Wow, this girl is super kinky lah." I was thinking why she would spray whipped cream on my meat. Soon I would know the reason why hehe.

With whipped cream covering the entire length of my long didi, she continued where she left off. I knew that she wanted to take up my challenge as she used the whipped cream as a form of lubricant to ease every inch of my cock into her awesome cock pleasuring mouth. "wah lau eh, she has managed to deep throat my entire cock!" I placed my hand at the side of her head to pull her towards me thus maximizing the sensation of my whole cock sliding in and out of her mouth. Michelle looked at me with her horny eyes wide open with my dick in her mouth.
I was close to climax as she orally attacked my love rod with such gusto that I was worried that her mouth would be permanently deformed after this session.

Michelle (mumbling with my dick in her mouth): ... Mmmmnn. .... Mmmmnnnn ... So big .... Mmmmmmmm.... Love the taste ....... The taste ......... Of big cock ......

I pulled out my dick just in time to avoid cumming in her mouth. "it will be a waste to cum now hehe".

To be continued .......

13-02-2011, 02:46 PM
Now my didi looked so naked after the whipped cream was cleaned off from my meat by Michelle hehe. For me, it was the best deep throat blow job ever (first time with my dick covered with whipped cream).

Michelle pressed her C+ tits together forming a super deep valley - a perfect place to hold my long thick cock. She gave me a seductive wink as a signal of the next exciting sex stage.

Michelle (in a flirty tone): Big boy, do you want a titty fxxk? I just want to clamp your cock between my two big breasts to give your cock a good rub down (she pointed at her deep cleavage). It will be a perfect combination of big dick and big tits. I know you will love it!

"Don't need to ask me at all whether i want my cock to be cradled between a pair of big melons. Sign me up immediately as the first volunteer ok!"

Still kneeling on the kitchen floor, she proceeded to wrapped her melons around my cock. The swollen cock head stuck out from the deep tit valley. She gave a teasing lick on my cock head as she pressed her tits to form a tighter grip on my bird. So fxxking tight - my bird suffocating in the valley. I started to slide my cock up and down as she responded in moving her body in sync with my piston motion. I placed my hands on her tits then pinched her big pointed nipples. She released a loud scream as her sensitive nipples were pinched viciously. I pumped her boobs like a speeding locomotive for another 10 mins. On and off she would wrapped her moist mouth around the cock head as I pumped my cock between her breasts then into her oral fxxk hole. "Shit ..... cannot hold it back anymore .... Need to shoot out my load now!"

Michelle was caught by surprise as I released a continuous outburst of cum arty shots. I grunted like a charging bull as I shot out wads after wads of sperms.
Her face and breasts were covered with my white ammo goo. I passed her a tissue so that she could wipe off the mess from her fair face and melons.

Michelle (with a cute smile on her face): Next time please warn me before you cum so that I can be mentally prepared ok? Let's clean up for dinner.

Me (with a cheeky grin on my face): Baby, I am still not done as yet. My cock has just gone thru the warm up and now it is ready for the main event. I think you better stand up now and place your hands on the kitchen top for a good doggie ride.

To be continued .....

13-02-2011, 04:49 PM
....My cock has just gone thru the warm up and now it is ready for the main event. I think you better stand up now and place your hands on the kitchen top for a good doggie ride......

Wah Lan... No wonder you call yourself Lionrod man... After firing 2 rounds still can con't... 佩服 佩服... :p

13-02-2011, 04:50 PM
alamak ..... dinner would be delay la ..... hv 2 wait aft the doggie !!

13-02-2011, 06:47 PM
Exciting , please continue .:D

14-02-2011, 01:04 AM
Michelle looked quite stunned that I wanted a second round so quickly. She stood up then turned around with her back facing me. With two hands placed on the kitchen top, she wriggled her high arching butt in the red micro shorts (enticing me to quickly grab her firm arse and to ram my didi into her tight pussy). Her big heavy boobs dangling as she leaned towards the kitchen top.

"Wow what a sight! This beautiful topless hot babe now in a standing doggie position - ready for some serious fxxking from behind".

I unzipped and pulled down her red micro shorts and her lacy green pantie which freed her creamy firm arse. I gave each arse globe a nice spank. So excited by the sight of her butt flesh, I leaned forward to latch my mouth on her right arse cheek to take a bite. With my tooth prints clearly imprinted on her butt flesh, I proceeded to spank the swollen area.

Michelle (in utter shock): Are you crazy? Why you need to bite my arse? So fxxking painful, you know!

Me (in an innocent boy boy tone): I just wanted to leave a mark of our close relationship as a form of expression of my love to you. Like ...... Like ..... in the Cantonese martial arts tv series in which the female characters would bite their lovers' hand as an act of love (I could sense that she was clearly upset of me taking a bite on her butt flesh. Better come up with a damn good excuse hehe).

I hoped that Michelle would be naive enough to accept my .. Ehhhhhh .. excuse.

Michelle (touched by my explanation): I share the same feeling about you too. I want our relationship to go beyond that of just two persons having great sex.

"Close shave lah. Better dun push my luck any more. Let's do it now before she changes her mind (pray pray)".

I hand pumped my cock to restore full cock erection. I took out a condom from a kitchen drawer then capped my rock steady cock.

Michelle (in an amused tone): You keep condoms in a strange place lah. In a kitchen???????? Kekeke

With both my hands on her arse cheeks to spread the butt globes apart, I could see her wet tight pussy ready for my cock invasion. I pushed my cock head gently into the entrance of her love hole. I wanted to insert only a few inches of cock meat into her so as to prepare her for the full penetration that would come soon. After 5 mins of teasing her with partial cock penetration, she pushed her body backwards
aggressively which was a signal for me to go in to the end zone. Gripping her arse for support, my entire cock slided in and out of her tight pussy in such a deep and fast penetrating motion as if I was abusing her love hole like my worst enemy. My crotch was banging so violently against her butt that I guessed that my neighbours would have heard the loud "piak ..... piak ..... piak "sounds coming out from my kitchen.

Michelle (loud audio grunting): yeah ... Yeah ... Yeah ....Hoof .... Hoof ... Ah ah ah ..... You are so fxxking big ..... So deep in me......, ahhhhhhhhhhhh give me more, baby ........ I want more of your big hard cock!!!! .......

My hands shifted between gripping her arse and groping her wildly swinging tits. I pounded her with my entire cock shaft for another 15 mins until I was about cum.
In my mind, I thought that:" It will be a pity to just cum now. I really want to bang her arse hole badly too. I guess why not just do it now? Yeah, just do it (like the Nike slogan lah)."

Without any more hesitation, I withdrew my cock from her pussy then used my fingers to enlarge the arse hole opening. Michelle eyes widened in fear as she could sense that her virgin arse hole would be violated by my long bull dick.

Michelle (in a pleading tone): Peter ..... No! .... No! .... I have never taken a dick in my arse hole...... You are too big .... Dun do it.

It was a catch twenty two situation (to proceed to up her arse or just cum in her pussy). "What the fxxk! If I don't get to fxxk her virgin arse hole, I will definitely regret. Remember the Nike slogan - just so it!"

I grabbed the can of whipped cream then sprayed on the entire capped cock. With my cock well lubricated, I inserted my dick into her super tight virgin arse hole.
Michelle was wriggling furiously to get free but my grip on her arse was too strong for her to break free. The initial sensation of my cock penetration in her arse was too wonderful to describe. It was such a tight clamp on my dick that I knew that this arse ride was going to be a ride of a lifetime. I proceeded to arse fxxked her with the intention to give her the best arse fxxking she would ever experienced. As Michelle gradually got used to such a thick long dick in her shit hole, her initial protests of "no! no! no!" became "yes! Yes! Yes! 5 mins into the fxxking session, she was clearly enjoying the deep cock intrusion as she placed her hands on my arse to encourage me to push harder.

Me (grunting like a bull): ehhhh .... Ehhhh ... Ehhhh ... Ehhhh .... Yes .... Fxxk .... Yes ... So tight .... So fxxking tight ..... I am going to cum ..... I am going to cum in you right now!!!!!!!!!

Michelle (screaming to release her peaked sexual joy): ahhhhh ... Ahhhhhhhhhhhh ... Baby, I want you to cum right now ..... Give it to me, dammit!!!!

I exploded inside her with my cock still locked deeply in her arse. Both of us collapsed onto the kitchen top, completely exhausted by the most sextisfying fxxk romp. With my sweaty chest pressing against her back, I slowly withdrew my cock from her no longer virgin arse hole... "pop!"

After a short rest (leaning on the kitchen top), we locked ourselves in a tight embrace then kissed passionately.

Michelle (with one hand on her swollen arse): You are a real jerk by ramming your big cock up my arse. Next time you better ask before you pull such a stunt. ...... Dun surprise me anymore, ok? ........... Nevertheless, I really enjoyed my first arse fxxk and I am looking forward to the next session...... kekeke

Both of us started laughing .........."Dinner is ready."

Even after many unbelievable love making sessions (for three months), things did not work out for both of us. Soon I was posted overseas and we broke up due to the common understanding that a long distance relationship would not work for both of us.

Bros, I hope that you enjoyed the story.

The End

14-02-2011, 06:24 PM
alamak ..... tat's the end ???

14-02-2011, 07:59 PM
alamak ..... tat's the end ???

yeah bro .. the end of our short relationship together ... miss her so much ... well that is another story haha

14-02-2011, 09:05 PM
Nice story...thanks..continue please :)