View Full Version : How to find brothels in keong saik??

18-01-2011, 08:23 PM
How to find brothels in keong saik? ive been there 3 times and i cant find anything :(
email me plss [email protected]

19-01-2011, 05:08 AM
One one or two exist and they are only waiting for their lease to expire. Most landlords of them made so much money during the hay days and later when business driopped to a all time low they rented it out cheap to prospective operartors. However, without support from surrounding houses, the number of girls was just too little. Nowadays, even if you find the last of the the KSR operators, you will only find older ladies operating and service is way down the drain. Move to Geylang. you still can get $40 gils at Lor 20.

19-01-2011, 08:36 AM
You saw the coffeeshop? Buy a drink and ask the uncle or auntie who's serving you. They are the ambassadors of Keong Siak. They will help you.